Geof Lambert Your Turn Have you ever been sexually abused? Were you sexually abused as a child? I realize that those are fairly direct and personal questions. For me the answers to those questions are now, "yes," and "yes." If you would have asked me those questions not much more than a few years ago, I probably would have answered "no" and "no." Times change, people change. While my father and mother were alive, I told myself there is no need to publicly tell anybody about the abuse I suffered. My father was a friend of my abuser. They both belonged to the same Rotary Club, the Rotary Club of Chambersburg. They both shared an affinity for sailing, especially in the Caribbean. They were both active members of the same church, the Presbyterian Church of the Falling Spring, which was formed by the founder of Chambersburg, Benjamin Chambers. The abuser and my father were both active members of the Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce.