Anthony Kwan/Getty Images 2 Jun 2021 Chinese subjects harshly punished for violating the communist nation’s “One Child Policy” vented their anger and frustration Tuesday at Beijing’s desperate call for more children to stave off demographic collapse. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) implemented a draconian law in 1979 to keep the population down by allowing only one child per couple. The infamous “One Child Policy” was denounced by human rights groups around the world as it produced a wave of abortions and infanticides, especially from couples determined that their sole allotted child should be a boy. The One Child Policy ended in late 2015 with a new, but no less coercive, order by dictator Xi Jinping that families would now be allowed to have two children. This action was undertaken largely in response to disturbing demographic forecasts that showed China’s population aging rapidly, leaving far too many elderly dependents and not enough young workers to support them.