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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20151219

joining me now, gloria borger, david chalian and jeff zeleny, senior washington correspondent. so david chalian, this is the first poll taken since our republican debate, the last chance to perhaps change anything heading into the christmas holidays. if anything has changed, it s that trump has gone up and the rest of the field has faded. right. this is proof that donald trump emerged from our debate unscathed, right? so he now has got more than double the support of his closest competitor, ted cruz, and that is just a huge position for trump to be in as you go into this holiday pause. that s now the framework for the home stretch of the campaign leading up to the iowa caucuses. ted cruz, obviously, has gone way up, his commander-in-chief numbers have gotten better there but this story is still all donald trump right now. and the trend line for trump is actually increasing, too. he s up and keeps on going up. gloria borger, ted cruz, as david said, up a little bit. marco rubio actually down a little bit since november and jeb bush down from 5% to 3%. this debate was supposed to be the place that jeb turned things around. he had the energetic performance, going toe to toe with donald trump. so it s not working as well as they hoped. this is not a national poll. and in taking on donald trump, he s trying to come in third. so he s narrowing his focus to that one state. and what they ve done in the bush campaign is looked at the polling in new hampshire. they have to be in the top three. a person who appeals to the 25%, 26% of voters in new hampshire who don t like trump. they want the alternative to trump and so they want to be the serious candidate, they want to the presidential candidate and they can distinguish themselves, so they believe, from someone like a chris christie or a rubio or cruz, all of whom are ahead of them. it s interesting, because the shots at donald trump from jeb bush don t seem to be hurting donald trump according to this poll. they don t at all. that s because trump supporters are true believers. we ve seen them grow in their support and certainly he has not lost a single voter. if you like donald trump before, you may love him now. what we re seeing in these numbers is a pre-holiday freeze here. so i think what the debate is is it clarified the new structure of the field here. we still don t yet know who the nominee is going to be but we know what lanes specifically people are in and donald trumps and ted cruz are undeny kbli at the top of the heap. i m struck by the fact that ted cruz is not focusing all his attention on iowa and new hampshire. in fact, tonight he s in georgia. it s one of thee key march states. so ted cruz has a long-ball strategy here. he is looking ahead and donald trump is going to spend time in michigan, which is another march state as well as iowa and new hampshire over the holidays here. we are seeing the top two candidates. we ve got to watch when trump and cruz stop dancing around each other and start distinguishing themselves or perhaps they ll be fine running as one and two collectively in this point forward. david, do you sense any kind of strategy at this point for the republican front-runner from donald trump? because he spent today in this twitter flame war with jeb bush. just brutally attacking the former florida governor? it seems to me the strategy is stick with what s working, right? that s been donald trump s campaigning strategy all throughout some days you do television interviews, some days you take shots at your opponents over twitter. i don t think there s been a more successful branding exercise than donald trump s branding exercise over the summer and into the fall of labelling jeb bush s low energy and jeb bush s inability to hit back from that. now, doing in the late december, i m not sure jeb bush has enough time to actually undo the brand that trump gave him but he ll try and sees that as his path but donald trump s strategy here is to continue to dominate. dominate the conversation. you saw what he did with muslim policy for non-american muslims and not allowing them to enter the country. i m sure we re going to see wherever donald trump fades from the headlines we ll see another big controversial policy or statement rollout his supporters as jeb perfectly described them as die-hards, that they can rally around and keep him afloat. one more question on jeb bush, i talked to the governor last night and he was heavy on donald trump. do you get a sense from the bush people that they think this is working for him? well, i get a sense from the bush people that they think this is one of the only things that can work for him. i have been asking the question why not go after marco rubio? why not go after cruz? why not go after christie? and the answer is that this is the way that they believe he can distinguish himself in new hampshire and i think it s a very local strategy right now because in order to survive, let s face it, he knows he s not going to win iowa. in order to survive he has to do well in new hampshire so they ve got to focus on this state and they figure if they can go up a few rungs in new hampshire, they may live another day but it s clearly a last-ditch strategy. gloria borger, jeff zeleny, david chalian, thanks so much. as we said, the newly released poll shows ted cruz with a four post debate bump. he s in second place with 18% so far he s steered clear of attacking donald trump. he steered clear on tuesday. you can see ted cruz right now. he is campaigning in georgia. let s listen to what he s saying. we can enforce the laws, we can secure the borders. we can keep this country safe and welcome and celebrate legal immigrants who follow the rules, wait in line and come here pursuant to our laws. but particularly in the wake of paris and san bernardino, it s become more clear that border security is national security. we re not prepared to keep this border secure, you re not able to keep this country safe. because the front line with isis, it isn t just iraq or syria, it s also kennedy airport and the rio grande. reporter: [ inaudible question ] i don t want to say you misspoke look, the media is welcome to parse however you like. let me be explicit. i oppose amnesty, i oppose citizenship, i oppose legalization. period. the end. i m happy to use any formulation you like but there s a clear difference in this race. one of the things we ve seen following the debate, the debate was an important moment of clarification. it was the first time in five debates that senator rubio has been forced to admit not only that he supported president obama and chuck schumer s massive amnesty plan but that senator rubio still supports amnesty today. he hadn t said that in first four debates but on tuesday night that s what he said on the stage in las vegas. listening to ted cruz doing a news conference in georgia right now. you can see he s answering questions about immigration. he got into a battle with marco rubio that s lasted days over whether marco rubio supports amnesty and whether ted cruz at one point supported legalization for undocumented immigrants in the united states. you can bet this will be a key card of the discussion going forward. if you missed any part of this week s republican debate you can watch it tonight starting at 10:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. still ahead, as the president travels to san bernardino to meet with families of the victims from this month s shooting, we re learning more about the friend of one of the terrorists, including how he planned two other attacks. plus, new developments in the hunt for ethan couch. authorities are offering a reward if you can help track him down, the track so-called affluenza teenager. they believe he s on the run with his mother. tonight we look at this unique relationship the boy has had with his parents. santa has a magic snow globe for every family. .and whatever he puts in our snow globe, shows up at our house. and this year, look at what he put in our driveway. santa can do that? 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john, we expect him to arrive in two hours. it won t be an overly long visit as he stops on his way to hawaii. he s expected to meet privately, intimately with the loved ones of those killed in the attacks and then head on his way. in talking to some of these people who lost loved ones, they say they re looking forward to this. that they feel, well, a certain sense of sadness but they are glad for the fact he is grieving with them. another man saying that president obama means a lot in his family so this is definitely going to be something that we believe will touch all of them, john. the funerals are under way and there are still more to come. again, how long will he be on the ground and how many families will he meet with? we think that he will meet with representatives of all of the deceased. now, this is somewhat of a sticking point. in talking to a republican supervisor here in the county, curt hagman says he wants president obama to meet with the injured as well and first responders who he says did a heroic job. and when i pressed him, i said is it possible this is sort of gop loyalty? he said, no, for him as a supervisor of this county he felt that unlike after 9/11 when president bush went to the rubble at ground zero and said we can hear you he said we haven t had that moment and he said he wished that president obama had come out here to san bernardino before and earlier, john. paul vercammen, thanks so much. the president s announcement comes on the heels of two terror attacks that one of the san bernardino killers planned with a friend but never carried out. that friend, enrique marquez, bought two of the guns the husband and wife terror team used to kill 14 people. he s facing multiple charges, including conspiring to support terrorism. tonight we know more about how he got caught up in all of this. new documents detail the relationship between enrique marquez and syed farook. marquez had just moved here next door to the would be terrorist. it s a meeting that would change his life forever. farook introduced him to islam soon after they met. marquez visited this mosque in nearby corona, california, in late 2005, according to authority. in 2007, he became a muslim. and farook exposed him to jih jihadist ideology. this government affidavit paints the portrait of farook as the radical teacher, marquez the willing student. jihad against america is binding upon myself just as it is binding on every other able muslim. reporter: farook played him anti-american lectures from the american-born al qaeda operative anw anwar al wacky. he also read inspire magazine. 2011 was a pivotal year. it was then farook and marquez planned their acts of terrorism in the united states one plot to kill would happen here at riverside city college where both had been enrolled as students. the plan was to throw pipe bombs into the cafeteria to maximize casualties. a second plot would be here, a stretch of highway that had no exits for cars to escape. farook would detonate pipe bombs to stop rush hour traffic and move among the stopped vehicles, shooting his rifle into them and killing people. marquez, hiding in the hills, would fire his friefl a distance into stopped cars and when help arrived, according to authorities, his priority was to shoot law enforcement personnel. the arsenal for their planned plots was secured largely by marquez. he bought two ar-15 rifles from two separate stores. rifles that would later be used by farook and his wife to kill 14 in san bernardino. marquez also bought explosive powder to build the pipe bombs. it was used in the san bernardino attack although the ieds found at the scene failed to definite. the two eventually abandoned their plans because of arrests of terrorism suspects in a nearby town in late 2012. marquez claims he began to distance himself from farook but in late 2014 he married farook s sister-in-law. according to the government, it was a sham marriage so she could obtain legal status to remain in the united states. december 2 of this year, farook and his wife launched the terrorist attack at the inland regional center. hours later, marquez calls 911 and tells the operator my neighbor, he did the san bernardino shooting. he later says he use mid-gun in the shooting. marquez, seen in the back of a federal vehicle, has been charged with conspiring to commit acts of terrorism and the unlawful purchase of crowds. authorities say they have no evidence that shows marquez knew of the san bernardino attack ahead of time, they do say it s ongoing failure to warn authorities about farook s intent to commit mass murder had fatal consequences. lots to talk about. joining me now, lorenzo vidino, the program on extremism at george washington university. counterterrorism analyst philip mudd, a former official at the fbi and cia. lorenzo, you hear marquez s version of events and how he became radicalized by farook. is this a familiar story? is this a typical pathway to radicalization? there s no typical path of radicalization. if we see the profiles for people arrested related to isis activities, we see people converted to islam and two weeks later are ready to go to syria. what is relatively common is that there was a mentor, somebody that was a bit more charismatic than the other person and slowly radicalized what was a more vulnerable individual. but this situation is where you have two, three, four individuals together, radicalizing together. that s a very common dynamic. phil, the timeline here is perplexing because these guys, farook and enrique marquez, they met a long time ago. they were radicalized or enrique marquez was radicalize add few years after that. you say it doesn t make sense to you that marquez was the only person radicalized by farook. the timeline here is confusing to me, john. if you look at the cases i ve reviewed over the past 15 years, including the timeline for radicalization of the individuals who blew up the london subway in 2005, months, maybe a year, in this case off couple curious characteristics. the long relationship between marquez and farook that led to radicalization in 2011/2012. as you suggest, the gap between 2012 and 2015. here s my question, john. if farook was so inspired that he wanted to draw someone else into a plot five years ago, what happened between 2012 and 2015? he never thought that he should go find another individual to participate? maybe that was his wife, i don t know. but i find this case really curious. it does seem unusual, phil. have you ever heard of two guys planning a terrorist attack or two terrorist attacks and not going through with it and staying good buddies for the next five years? that doesn t make sense. we do have a missing piece here. i haven t heard the fbi talk about the electronic media for marquez. his phone, his laptop, was there a dropoff or elimination of communication? what i haven t heard in the past, though, is someone like farook who decides, gets over that emotional bar to say i want to kill innocents for a political purpose. one of the reasons i blame marquez is once you see somebody do that, once he saw his friend do that, the likelihood that farook would drop the plot to me is near zero. you get over that bar, you re going to do something eventually, john. lorenzo, there s other stuff right now. there have been recent arrests over the last week of americans conspireing with isis, most recently this 19-year-old kid from pennsylvania who had a tactical style go bag, 57 twitter accounts he was posting to. you say it s very, very difficult to track people like him. why? because of the presence of social media. when you have guys who are basically just online, they encrypt their communication, they play cat-and-mouse with dozens and dozens of different accounts. they don t really interact with like-minded individuals in the physical space. it takes a lot of manpower, a lot of electronic catchup to do for the fbi and you have to sort out the hundreds if not thousands of individuals in the u.s. who are just keyboard warriors, just expressing their views online and not really doing anything violent to those that will make the leap into violence. and how do you predict that? not easy. phil you say in terms of the three recent arrest, those guys had vulnerabilities, unlike the san bernardino attackers who were pretty isolated. that s right. if you look at an intelligence service, the services i was involved with, the bureau and the cia, you live off the mistake of somebody. they talk to the wrong person physically. that s a source. or they communicate with the wrong person on facebook or twitter. every time they move, whether they re traveling to turkey, for example, or whether they re trying to recruit somebody on facebook, that s an opportunity for security service to exploit. if you look at the contrast with san bernardino, they weren t traveling anywhere to a place like turkey to move into syria, they weren t communicating with people and they weren t talking to the wrong people except for marquez. if you look at the contrast in the cases over the past few weeks in california and the arrests we were talking about in the past day or two, the contrast is striking. they didn t have a footprint in california that was exploitable by security services. phil mud, lorenzo vidino, thanks, you guys. thank you. just ahead, what president obama said about isis and what it will take to keep the homeland safe. did he say enough to silence his critics and reassure worried americans? 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i think obama has a conception of american interests and security that says, look, we are very strong, we are very powerful, we are actually very secure. isis does not pose an existential threat to the united states the way the soviet union did with thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at us. it is a nasty, venomous, terrorist organization that every now and then is able to kill five americans here or a dozen or 14 here but he often points out that gun violence takes many, many more people. so i think part of what he s trying to do is to deliberately not hype the threat not scare people and point out he has it under control. he s been burned before on days when he said isis has been contained, later that day and week there s been a terror attack so now he but john, to push back, he doesn t think he s been burned. he thinks cable news goes nuts and massively exaggerates this phenomenon and doesn t keep in mind that since 9/11, 45 people have been killed by islamic terrorist organizations. in that same period, 150,000 people have been killed by guns. his argument was i don t like cable news. i don t like the way you peddle this stuff and exaggerate it. he s not just operating in this 24 hours news cable twitter environment, he s also operating within a presidential campaign. he s not running, his name is not on the ballot but his agenda is. and there s no denying that one of the reasons he seemed behind, he didn t share the urgency of the american people after paris and san bernardino is not only are people getting that from cable news but the republican candidates for president. that was trademark obama again. he s calm, nuanced, measured, he says we re taking back 40% of the land and doing more sorties. and he lays it out methodically. that sometimes has been a great political asset for him. sometimes it s a debt cement. obama gave you his plan. trump gives it in a few words i ll be the bleep out of them with more passion and emotion. in the republican primary right now, people are looking for the anti-obama. the president can seem almost too quiet sometimes. it s not just cable news, john. you poll the american people right now, terrorism is a leading issue. there are concerns and there have been events in the united states and arnold the world to cause concern. and i think part of the obama strategy as fareed noted, he doesn t want to be out there everyday three or four times explaining it because he doesn t want to overhype it himself. however he should be explaining it and trying to give that context to say this is horrible, we ll do something about it but think about the numbers. maybe not always give the gun control numbers, just give terrorism numbers. but that s the back and forth. this is a campaign environment, i think his preference is ignore the republican campaign, especially because it s critical of him and he finds much of it not based in fact, in this universe, but that s how the president of the united states would find it. he chooses to ignore it but he has to realize his political environment is every minute shaped by. it this week for the first time we saw what the president thinks that would cost in terms of live. he had this closed-door meeting with op-ed columnist ins and thinkers and said he thought a thousand u.s. troops would die a month and countless more injured in the battle. that was behind closed doors. he hasn t been saying that out loud, has he? no, he hasn t and it was a crime against journalism that he wasn t pressed by that, that they didn t get him to say publicly what if if these reports are to be believed, what he told in one of his regular off-the-record conversations. why didn t one of the reporters try to get the president to discuss that? this president said he d get us out of iraq and afghanistan, the last thing he wants to do is get us into syria. should he explain those numbers to the american people when they re listening to candidates? most of the candidates don t want to put ground troops in but a few do and a few have talked about doing it, you could send them in and we could do, this have the blustery language of trump. should explain the costs when he s being briefed at a cost at a time when you have other people i ll end on this. it s easier to run for president than be president. should she juhe jump into that ? he chooses not to. maybe people wouldn t listen to him because he s in the last year of his presidency. i misspoke. the president said 100 people lost a month. not a thousand. thank you so much. no doubt about it there are huge hurdles in the war against terror. up next, an urgent message from a former al qaeda recruiter, an american who says washington needs to make changes fast to compete with these often grisly isis propaganda videos that draw people to its ranks. the advice in a cnn exclusive ahead. it s the final countdown! the final countdown! if you re the band europe, you love a final countdown. it s what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. sup jj? 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look at the moving imagery, animation, fast movement. it s done with computer generated graphics. you can see the movement, the good graphic design skills. this is not done by amateurs. it s far superior to what is being done on the other side. reporter: he says isis knows its target audience it s the gaming generation so just like in games, isis uses a lot of symbols. the notion is that the entire world community, the united nations, the u.s. government, its primary leaders, even the soldiers on the ground are in one grand conspiracy. reporter: he says the u.s. campaign on the other hand is preachy. is this going to dissuade a young girl from joining? no, she d consider it government propaganda. again, it would prove counterif he can which you will. the help that story, that more toive the that the u.s. is at war with islam. reporter: another thing about the terrorist target audience he says is that they re lost souls like he used to be. early in life i came from a traumatized and very dysfunctional family. the online community was warm and welcoming. when i got engaged more and more i met people very kind and giving. i m abu muslim, your brother in islam here in syria. i. he s joined this movement, he can stand in front of black flag, pray with his brothers. it sends a sense of community. it s very powerful. it also looks like a brotherhood. it is a brotherhood, yeah. for them it is a brotherhood. reporter: this state department video portraying a former isis captive isn t nearly as emotional. the main character looks cartoonish and you never see him talk. he doesn t look real. they would believe that s an actor. reporter: alberto fernandez used to run the state department s campaign to fight isis propaganda. it was a small operation against a colossus of messaging from the islamic state. reporter: did you feel like the white house was committed to the mission? to what you were trying to do? it depends on what day you talk to them. reporter: what does that mean? it means they varied according to the circumstances. if there was criticism in the media, if john oliver made a joke about be t work of our operation it kind of caused is them to get flustered so it depended on the day, the event, on what happened. so one joke on a comedy show would make them anxious? yes. reporter: the state department says they beefed up their staff for anti-isis messaging. at a talk, state department undersecretary richard stengel says he knows his department has work to do. it s a big challenge, a difficult challenge for government because government doesn t always move rapidly and nimbly. reporter: abu hurriya says if we don t want more attacks like chattanooga, boston, san bernardino, the government must catch up to terrorists online. no more videos that look like this. if we juxtapose that against the propaganda of isis, we find it can t compete. elizabeth the state department has a tough job. people attracted to the isis won t trust the u.s. government. give than mistrust, how can the state department reach these people? the state department says they understand this and that s why they re reaching out to governments in the region and large groups to get them to share so they can do this social outreach. i was talking with other experts who said the state department and u.s. government should support individual intellectuals and scholars respect bid the muslim community. elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. thanks. up next, the feds now offering a reward for the capture of ethan couch, the so-called affluenza teaenager while driving drunk and avoiding prison. he s accused of probation violation, possibly with his mother on the run and tonight his relationship with his parents is far from typical. (elephant noise) (mic screech) there s a big difference between making noise. (mic tap) .and making sense. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates! enough talk. give us a plan. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what s up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. 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for my pain, i want my aleve. check your sunday paper for extra savings on aleve. the u.s. marshals releasing a wanted poster for the after influenza teenager. ethan couch accused of a probation violation his lawyers argued he was so rich, so spoiled he didn t know the difference between right and wrong when he was loaded on booze and drove into four people killing them. he got probation. then video surfaced on twitter showing couch at a drinking party. this got the attention of his probation officer who has a lot of questions but couch is m.i.a. an arrest warrant is out on him and he may be on the run with his mother. yes, his mother. in fact, the actions of both parents have shocked a lot of people. randi kaye reports. reporter: soon after then 16-year-old ethan couch got drunk, drove, killed four people, and injured several others, he and his parents testified in a civil suit brought by one of the victims. in these 2013 deposition tapes obtained by abc news, ethan couch talks openly about his drug use. taken valium hydrocodone, marijuana, cocaine, xanax, vivans. i ve tried ecstasy once. reporter: where did it all go wrong? early and often, it seems. with a defense witness and psychologist placing the blame squarely at the feet of ethan s parents. ethan learned you should be able to do what you want to do when you want to do it. i think that was the message generally. reporter: his father denying blame. did you teach ethan that, indeed, because your family was wealthy that the rules didn t apply to you? never. reporter: but that doesn t square with fred couch s own behavior during a dui stop in 1992. did you tell the arresting officer i make more than a day than you make in a year ? probably. reporter: more than 20 years later, cnn was unable to determine the outcome of that traffic stop. fred and tanya couch reportedly married in 1996. they divorced ten years later, remarried, but split again after the crash. ethan s mother worked briefly as a vocational nurse, according to d magazine. his dad owns a metal roofing company. he and his mother were close. ethan reportedly slept on a separate bed his mother moved into her room. ethan couch often found trouble and few consequences. at 15, he was caught drinking in a parked pickup with a naked passed out 14-year-old girl. he wasn t punished. his mother couldn t recall the last time she disciplined him. you understood, did you not that he was likely to continue the drinking and driving if there wasn t consequences. i should have known that. yes. i didn t think that would help again. reporter: the teen was allowed to drink at a young age. even drive himself to school at just 13. when the head of the school questioned that, his father threatened to buy the school. when he didn t buy the school, he pulled ethan out of the school? yes, he did. reporter: ethan couch s father found trouble, too, once posing as a police officer during a disturbance call. even displaying a fake badge. he was charged with false identification and is awaiting trial. now ethan s mother may be in hot water, too, on the run with her son. randi kaye, cnn, miami. a lot to discuss here. jeffrey toobin joins me now, a senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutors. jeff, it seems like you don t have to look much further than this kids parents to figure out why he might get the idea he s above the law. it s not just that there are some speeding tickets there. this is really an extensive criminal record for an upper middle-class family in america. and the through line, the thing that s so consistent about all of them is a sense of entitlement. and there s an irony here, right? we don t know why the judge made the decision she did. we know what the defense argued, affluenza, that the kid was spoiled, the parents somehow ruined the kid into thinking he could get away with anything. but why, then, would you put the kid on probation and really in the custody of the parents where the parents have to bear responsibility for his safety and upbringing? he s only got one set of parents and that s really the only choice they had. and, remember, it was not just the parents. he was given a very cushy rehab assignment that the parents paid for. then he was sent home. and he seems to have picked up the values of his parents as well as this horrible crime that he committed and now his parents have taken the step of entitlement even a step further, at least the mother has, by apparently spiriting him at least out of town if not the country. she is missing, too, right now. what kind of trouble is she go n? again, if this were a normal family and not a rich family she would be in enormous amount of trouble because, you know, this is something that the legal system takes very seriously. probation, which is what young ethan got, is a privilege as opposed to going to jail. so he was given this very sweet deal and he can t even manage to follow his probation requirements and now, on top of that, he s disappeared. jeffrey toobin, thanks so much. all righty. just ahead, it s kids usually who complain about home work, but this time parents are outraged. the backlash over this home work assignment on islam, forcing officials to shut down every school in the district. we ll talk about the controversy ahead. 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