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Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20150212 23:00:00

him with that crowd. david corn always a pleasure. thanks so much. that is the ed show. politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. \s . thank to you for tuning in. i m live tonight from the fake ga lap goss islands. happy darwin today. 206 years ago charles darwin was born. he would develop his theory of evolution from what he saw right here in galapagos islands, all the way back to 1835 when darwin discovered the animals that led to his famous theory. look there s the famous galapagos seals, but back in reality people all over the world are celebrating darwin s birthday today. there are over 100 parties across the globe. in ohio they re wearing darwin
beards and do 24-hour readings of the the origin of species. in north dakota, you can hang out with a life-sized cutout of the guy. in portugal you can even go speed dating with evolutionary biologists. but one guy who hasn t rsvp d to the parties, wisconsin governor scott walker who asked if he believed in evolution. are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? do you believe in it? do you accept it? for me i m going to punt on that as well. no. really? that s a question a politician shouldn t be involved in one way or the other. so the new gop star the guy rush limbaugh is gushing over can t answer a question on evolution? he tried to clarify it. quote both science and my faith dictate my belief that we
are created by god. i believe faith and science are compatible, and go hand in hand. but 98% of scientists believe that humans evolved over time. there s a growing problem with the gop and science. we all know about this image, the evolution of man, but there s the evolution of the gop, it looks like it hasn t evolved on policy issues. from health care to women s rights to economic fairness to immigration. the world is changing. it s about time the gop starts evolves, and a good way we could start answering simple questions on evolution. they shouldn t need this fake vest or be in the fake galapagos islands to do it. joining me now is congresswoman karen bass democrat of california and dana
milbank of the washington post. thank you both for being here. looking sharp, reverend. thank you. congresswoman, first of all, happy darwin day to you. thank you, same to you. how do you explain scott walker? i will say that scott walker was auditioning to run for president, and i think he failed on his first audition. there s no explanation for that and there s no excuse to dodge such a fundamental question as that. and there s no contradiction of having faith and science, but dana scott walker whab kind of the flavor of the week lately in the gop, but if you can t answer a question on how he feels about evolution, how can he survive a presidential primary? yeah i wonder about that reverend, what is it about every time a republican goes over to london, they wander down some blind alley and end up in the 19th century. just a week ago chris christie
was disparaging vaccination when he was over in britain, and now you have this on evolution. i would say at the rate that republicans are evolving right now, i think you ll see a blue hydrangea evolve into a bald eagle before you see this party evolve into a modern political party. congresswoman, talking about how the gop is evolving what would you like to see your republican colleagues evolve on? just i could go down a long list but we do have to acknowledge that they are consistent. because they also don t believe in global warming, because there s a lot of snow in boston. they haven t evolved when it comes to the question of women s health and some people believe that women have magical powers. so i think we see this consistently. then what they re doing here in congress, we voted for the 56th time to repeal obamacare, so we really could call this the cut-and-paste congress. we are literally doing the exact same thing we did last session
and just repeating it this session. it s a ritual that we have to do every few months. i guess that s the way they satisfy their base. dana another things that republicans haven t evolved on is funding the government. the department of homeland security could be headed for a shutdown because republicans keep passing bills that defund the president s executive action on immigration. and democrats won t vote for them. here s senator ted cruz on the situation to date. we are in a time of growing threats at home and abroad and for senate democrats in a partisan vote to filibuster funding for the department of homeland security is both reckless and irresponsible. the answer is for senate democrats not to be obstructionists. but the hill reports that one gop senator whispered to the hill reporter quote of
course republicans will get blamed for a shutdown. so if there s a shutdown at homeland security who will get the blame, dana? well of course the congress which is controlled by republicans will get the blame for this. right. you can hear people already complaining privately, republicans complaining privately that ted chris has done this to them again. look since taking over congress a month or so ago, they ve been slipping on one banana peel over another, whether it s been with abortion immigration, the keystone pipeline and now this homeland security thing that ted cruz served up. they just as he did to them in the fall of 2013 they seem to have no way out of this thing other than climbing down in humiliation, or forcing a shutdown that they re bound to lose. congresswoman, i heard you kind of making noise. you want to weigh in on that same question? i certainly do. think of the irony. you have the republicans who want to go to war. the president has asked for the
authorization of the use of force. he really wants to have it tailored and narrowed. the republicans want it to be more expanded but yet they re not going to fund the homeland? so we will be prepared to have a war, but yet tsa and the other things we they d to protect our own country here that s what they re holding up. you can t say that the democrats are responsible for shutdown if it happens. they control everything now. they control the senate they control the house. the whole enchilada is in their lap. you know, dana the republicans are criticizing the president s request authorizing military action against isil as you said. but listen to this from the crew over at fox. it seems that it comes with a ton of restrictions restricting the war-fighting distress of the president there, specific limits seem to be put in the language of this agreement here on ground troops. a limited time really saying
this is going to be done in three years. what does it say to the enemy? pretty much outlining all the things we won t do. tell us what we re going to do and not what we re not going to do. the president seems caught up in 2008. he s not george bush. or tell the enemy every day how long they need to wait us out sinchts how can they criticize that dana? think about the hi pockriesy here, every day you tune into fox & friends and they call the president a dictator who s seizing power. he s comes in with a narrow resolution that s asking congress to limit his powers saying we want to give him way more pow are than he wants to accept. basically whatever this president is proposing, they re opposed to it. exactly. congresswoman, some reps have gone even further than that. one member said he s not sure he should vote for the military authorization, because the president might help isis.
listen to this. we have a commander in chief who seems not only not really not unwilling, but really working collaboratively with what i would say is the enemy of freedom and of individual freedom and liberty and western civilization and modernity. in that context, how do you vote to give this commander in chief the authority and the power to take action? he actually might use it to further their cause in what seems to be his cause and just drag you as a complicitor in it. congresswoman, this is outrageous. the president working with an enemy? how can a sitting member of congress get away with it? that was so garbled i m not sure what they were saying. i will tell you they say he s overextended his power, he s coming to congress asking us to
give the authorization, so now there is a problem with that. so on a daily basis, you can see it doesn t matter what the president says they re going to be against it even if they were to have written the bill if he puts his name on it and says he supports it they will be against it. congresswoman karen bass and dana milbank, thanks for your time tonight and happy darwin day. same to you. thank you, rev. james comy speaks out in a very candid way. much more on that speech ahead. plus was it a hate crime? developing news tonight on the triple murder of three muslim americans. plus why are gop senators delaying loretta lynch s attorney general nomination vote? democrats are not holding back today. and president obama ace viral video that has everyone
talking today. um. mr. president? can i live? you do you.
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couldn t help thinking i wish they would have cleaned that mirror. robert said oh, boy, can t wait for the conservative back lack on this. doesn t he have anything bert to do? well, robert the wait is over. it s happening more on that with our panel ahead. but first, please keep the conversation going on our facebook page or tweet us @ us @politicsnation. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we ve made our passions our life s work. we strive for the moments where we can say, i did it! we are entrepreneurs who started it all. with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we re here to help start yours.
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ashton carter today. no drama, no delays. he should take over sometime next week. this moved fast and it highlice a clear difference in the republican handling of another obama nominee. loretta lynch for attorney general. republicans have been slow-walking her nomination and just pushed back on a key vote on lynch to the end of the month at the earliest. look at the numbers. it took ash carter 67 days to get from nomination to past the committee. look at loretta lynch. we re at 96 days and counting. since the president announced she was the one for the job, today senate democrats said it s not right. i think that loretta lynch is being held to a double standard,
and her nominategnomenomination is listed on the agenda. her nomination has been pending longer than any modern nominee. she s been treated differently, i guess because she s a woman. what i object to is she is singled out. vote no that s your right, but let s just vote. i don t believe there s any excuse to delay the confirmation of such an exceptional nominee. so what s the holdup to a vote on a woman praised by both parties as a great pick for the job? joining me now is sirius/xm radio host joe madison. joe, thank you for being here. thank you, reverend. joe, lynch has a lot of support for both sides. what do republicans have to gain by dragging their feet? i think two things. one, they get a chance to profile in front of their
constituents. they re bringing up the whole issue of immigration as a way of delaying it. number two, they seem to be confused. you know we all don t look alike, and we all don t think alike, and they somehow want to i think dig one last dig at eric holder. he s probably been mentioned more in these hearings than she has been mentioned, and i think that s really the reason. this seems to be an opportunity to take a last-minute dig at eric holder. now, you know when democrats raise concerns that we played earlier, republicans seemed caught off-guard today. listen. i m just a little surprised at the argument. i mean this is a case of faux outrage, if i ever saw one.
i think it s a bogus argument. what about this outrage do they think is fake, joe? i mean i don t know. i absolutely don t know. you have some of the most senior members of republican members of the committee that already are in support of her. and i don t know what this outrage is. now, you know i ll just say it outright. they could be it could be a double standard as you ahead, because she s a woman. there also could be a double standard because she s got two problems not a problem, but in their mind a problem, that she s a woman, and she s african-american. we might as well put that on the table also. but what is the outrage? the reality is as the senators said, look we know who s going to vote against her.
they ve already done the arithmetic. just take the darn vote because now we will be looking at march before a full vote is even taken in the senate and, you know absolutely but i want to press on this because today senator feinstein laid out how long it took to confirm the last five attorney generals. lynch hasn t been approved yet, and the process is by far the longest. that s right. why is she being treated differently, is the question? let s be straight up. maybe she has two strikes again her, one she s a woman, and two she s african-american. and they want to make sure she s not eric holder. take a look. she may turn out to be even better than eric holder. she s her own woman. that s one of the reasons that president obama nominated her,
and they need to move forward. thank you for your time tonight, joe. and thank you. breaking news as thousands gather to remember the three muslim students gunned down in north carolina. was it a hate crime? also a political announcement today that could have a big impact on hillary clinton s future. bus first, karl rove is dancing his way back into tonight s gotcha. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you re like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal. until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light.
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here is not a news flash. karl rove is criticizing president obama. in today s wall street journal, the right-wing pundit slammed the president on foreign policy, calling him blind to consequences and delusional. the newspaper gave it the
headline the dangers of make-believe foreign policy. wait a second if anyone knows about make-believe foreign policy is karl rove bush s brain in the white house that led us to a disastrous war in iraq and he s continued to defend that war long after. i do believe that the iraq war was the right thing to do and the world is a safer place to having hussein gone. i seem to recall he had a little trouble believing the math behind president obama s reelection victory. do you believe that ohio has been settled? no i don t. look, if we are calling this on the basis of 74% of the vote being in and when 77% is in secretary of state website, i have the director of the ohio campaign for romney on the other end of the line here s something else that s
settled. when it comes to foreign policy mr. rove should just keep quiet. until then, nice try. but you can t make this up, because we gotcha. there s nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill?
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we ll take care of it. vo: we put members first. join the nation. thank you. nationwide is on your side was it a hate crime? now that s what authorities are investigating in the murder of three muslim american students near the university of north carolina campus. tonight for a second straight day people are gathering at a vigil at north carolina state, just hours after the victims family, friends and supporters laid them to rest. more than 5500 people attended. tomorrow the families along with the coalition of muslim groups, are planning to deliver a letter to the department of justice, calling for a hate crime investigation. so far police say their
preliminary investigation shows the suspect, 46-year-old craig hicks, was motivated by a parking dispute, and that the shootings were not related to the victims faith. hicks wife has spoken out, saying she agrees with that. but today the father of two of the victims said his previous encounters with his daughter indicate the killings were motivated by hate. he came to their apartment with his gun two or three times before the murder on different occasions. my daughter claimed he hated them. i would call on the chapel hill police, unc, and president obama, churches mosques, synagogues, and the american nation, if this is not a hate crime, what is a hate crime? joining mess now at the ving
the in raleigh is s aliyah frumin. what s the mood in the community today? reporter: well, here at north carolina state university there are literally hundreds of people behind me, here to memorialize the three shot on tuesday. the feeling is most of all shot that such a tragedy could happen here. the youngest victim was a student here studying architecture, and many of them are here today to memorial lies that victim razan, just a feeling of anger, sadness, and a desire for justice. the family wants this to be investigated as a hate crime. what are people saying? reporter: right, well we have spoken to several people
here at the vigil who have also expressed that sentiment. earlier today there was a funeral in raleigh. the father of two of the victims, who you mentioned before, got up and stage said quote this has hate crime written all over it and he called on president obama, federal and state authorities to investigate this as a hate crime, and we re hearing some of the same sentiment here at the vigil as well. aliyah frumin thank you for your time tonight. now i want to bring in eugene o donnell, professor of law and police study at john jay college of criminal justice. thank you for being here eugene. thank you, rev. if you were on this case, what are you doing today trying to see if hate motivated this? well that s really what it is. clearly it s a criminal act, a horrific criminal act. the issue really is going to be could the prove beyond a
reasonable doubt it is hate motivated. so parsing these interactions some of the victims did wear distinctive clothing that identified them their religion. there were some facebook posts. i think this guy is a self-proclaimed atheist, so he s not unaware of religion he s made some elliptical references. is the attorney says they re not there, i believe the folks are still but the fbi is monitoring this. the world is watching so i hope they re giving it a full-court press. let me press you on this. the suspect posted facebook messages, as you referred to that referenced religion. one that read quote people are saying nothing can solve the middle east problem. not mediation, not arms not financial aid. i say there is something. atheism. and his wife spoke about his facebook page. listen. he often champions on his
facebook page for the rights of many individuals, um for same-sex marriages, um abortion, uh, race. i mean how important could the suspect s social media posts be in this case eugene? it could be very important. it s a high threshold, so you re not quite there yet, i think on what s publicly known, but he s not unmindful of religion he s interested in the middle east. these victims were distinctively clothed, which is one of the criteria the fbi uses but it would very much be a full-court press, i hoe search warrants will be executed they ll go to any kind of social media references, neighbors, to see if he s referenced this. obviously whether or not the case is ultimately brought, there is a deterrent effect to having federal agents watching this should anybody likeminded
out there be watching they should by aware that law enforcement will be brought to bear in these situations. a local prosecutor s office reluctant to bring about hate crime prosecutions? well here you ve got very serious charges, so you have you have capital or certainly first-degree murder charges, but the truth is it is a reality if i ve been around for these cases, the local people including in a city you go to new york in a neighborhood sometimes when you have an event, people try to downplay it. they try to say everybody gets along, there s no trouble here so i think it s important to have a separate set of eyes. it s good that the federal government is monitoring it. it doesn t mean they re ultimately going to jump in but at least they re monitoring so there won t be a temptation to just pave over the reality. you were an assistant district attorney. what s the standard for a hay crime? it s a pretty high standard. you have a crime and then you
look to see whether there was a motivation that had to do with one of the protected classes, but it really only allows you to get moore serious. the rub here is that the charges on their own, the state charges, the murder charges, this guy will never see the light of day on those grounds, but there is this deterrent issue. you have to be mindful of not only the impact on going after this guy, but anybody who would target people because of these protected classes, as the law as the law sets forth. well we are going to be watching this. this is a very important case. a lot of people have a lot of questions. a lot of legitimate concerns. eugene o donnell, thank you for your time tonight. sure. coming up extraordinary words from the fbi director. candidly speaking about racial bias in policing today. much more on that speech ahead. plus justice ruth bader
ginsburg speaks out on gay marriage. and president obama doing what everyone does but doesn t talk about. it s must see, and it s next. oh, thanks obama. thanks, obama. shopping for a used car is so intimidating. i mean, you feel like you have to be this expert negotiator to get a fair deal. i hate to haggle. when you go to a restaurant you don t haggle over the chicken parmesan. why can t car-buying be like that? as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. you can find a new frontier. there s
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time now for conversation nation. joining us tonight, senior editor at liz plank. legal analyst john burns, and democratic strategist tara dowdell. thank you for being here tonight. first up supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg thinks americans are ready for gay marriage. in a new bur view she says people are more accepting now than ever before. i think that as more and more people came out and said this is who i am and the rest of us recognize that they are one of us. i think it would not take a large adjustment. want to know what she s talking about? check out this video on facebook
that s gone viral of one alabama resident doing a tongue in cheek report of all the changes he s seen since gay marriage was legalized in his state. this pile of brush is still here and there are no homosexuals laying on top of it doing homosexual things. we re not going to be subjected to any kind of plagues of homosexuals falling from the sky. everything is pretty much still the same. you know tara a funny way to make a point. the sky is not falling. the issue has moved so quickly in our politics but is the justice right, what she says? the notorious rbg is absolutely correct. the notorious she is
absolutely correct, america is ready and has demonstrated we are ready for gay marriage getting fewer and farther in between these days. i totally agree with tara. i think it s time for the supreme court to come out and legalize gay marriage. because we have to guarantee rights for everyone for same-sex culture. liz? notorious rbg might be 81 years old. and hate-riots. you should copyright that. but she s so in touch. who is powering the future right now. absolutely. 71% of millennials are for gay marriage. we know love doesn t belong to one religion or one party. it belongs to everyone. so it s nice to see her.
and even some of the older people, even in alabama, where there s resistance have openly claimed to move toward a let people be people and have equal rights. absolutely. i think when we see more and more prominent people coming forward saying this is who i am i think that s also help to fuel it. i think the lbgt community also pushing legislatively pushing the issue in the various states i mean that made a difference. i m glad to see they did a state-by-state strategy. sometimes if you can t get it at the supreme court level immediately, state by state is a good way to do it. that was smart strategy. thanks on that. let me go tonight to tributesouble butte pouring in for bob simon. the legendary correspondent who died last night in a car accident here in new york city. bob is remembered for his humor, courage and grace. reporting some of the most
dangerous war zones in the world. this is israel s most advanced position on the southern front. and the steps are being wheeled up to a plane bearing the words the arab republic of egypt. will miracles never cease. his head was high and fist clenched. he walled out of a victor like a chief of state. four cbs newsmen disappeared. this is a story that could have ended another way, but it s had a happy ending. a lot of people are spending a lot of money in a hope to get a good look at a shark. this pygmy possum couldn t get enough bridge still honors the grand wizard of the kkk.
the irony is here s a man who reported literally from some of the most dangerous zones, dangerous stories in the world, and himself was in danger yet he died a few blocks from his house in a car accident. there was no one who seems to have liked him a lot. it s kind of ironic but i think he was such a pioneer in his field but he just told compelling stories of the human spirit. i think it s befitting that the last interview was ava dueverney. tara. what an icon.
he was even tortured. that s something we haven t heard much about, but he was tortured. himself. this is a journalist who showed courage. they don t make many journalists like this anymore. they didn t make many line that then. right. so losing him is a real loss to journalism. he was there for smmt most historic moments of our time around the world. he covered them honestly with candor, and with sensitivity. liz? as a young person in journalism, i looked up to him on a lot of things. i think what s great about his work is that it s out there for all of us to watch and see. i m hoping a lot of people will spend of time spend the weekend watching the incredible reporting. he left a high bar and a really great journalist. everyone stay with me. we ll be right back with the democrats choice for the 2016 convention. and obama video everyone is
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hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don t be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit next up there s going to be a lot of democrats eating cheesesteaks next year. philadelphia has been picked as the site of the democratic national convention the city of brotherly love home of the liberty bell independence hall
and of course cheesesteaks. the other finalists were columbus ohio and my hometown brooklyn, new york. tara, i have a biased opinion here but what do you think of the choice? i m shocked you have a biased opinion. i think philly was a great choice. both mayor nutter the mayor of philadelphia, as well as the governor of pennsylvania have been very key president obama supporters. remember, the governor campaigned with president obama when many other democrats were running from him. also, point two, pennsylvania is still considered somewhat of a swing state, and republicans still think that they can at some point get pennsylvania and win pennsylvania. liz, does it matter where the convention is? i think it matters where the best food is. i mean let s be honest. obviously it would have been awesome for it to be new york. brooklyn. be specific. true.
excuse me. i m not a true new yorker. i think it will be great. john everybody is asking me on social media, when i ran for president, did i eat cheesesteaks? right. let me show you how everybody did when they ran. okay. there s kerry. there s hillary clinton. there s president obama. yeah going to town on that. there s joe biden, who also ran for president. he s from scranton digging in there. as i said john kerry. the question is did i eat cheesesteak? i ate everything back then. me too. i mean there s going to be a lot of politicians not running for president, but holding office eating cheesesteak next year. philly is a perfect city
too, with all the restaurants, hotels transportation centrally located, so people can really convene and be that community, which is so important with conventions. let me go to the final story tonight. the video getting all the buzz online today. president obama s featured in a buzzfeed have i i don t called things everyone does but doesn t talk about, like taking selfies and talking in the mirror. deadline for signing up for health insurance is february-rue. not like any other we had-nes-day. feb-ru february 15th. thanks, obama. thank obama.
mm. mr. president? can i live? yolo, man. the young man in the video was the buzzfeed reporter but liz, some say this video demeans his office but isn t this an effective way to reach young people? it s a historic way of reaching young people. i ve never seen a president do something like that before. it doesn t even come off as contrived. he s just so relatable in that video. i just want to watch it over and over again. john? i completely agree. he s a human being. i m guilty of doing all those things, too. it s good to see him be a human being. why did you see to liz first? i m young, too. i m also young. all right. wow. no i think that the
president first of all health care reform is important. we want to get people to sign up. whatever we have to do to reach people, i think we do it. this video has millions of hits so clearly it s reaching people. so to my young panel tonight very young panel. thanks for your time tonight. we ll be right back with a history-making speech from the head of the fbi. sthoo monthly statements and online.for free. that s pretty cool of you guys. well we just want to help you stay on top of your credit and avoid surprises. good. i hate surprises. ahhhh ahhhh are you ok? nope. we treat you like you d treat you. we ve already given more than 175 million free fico® credit scores to our cardmembers. apply today at at kraft we start with
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[ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we re not just insuring our lives. we re helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. other honestly about all these hard truths. in the words of dr. king we must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools. that s the fbi director james comey earlier today in what s being called the most candid speech on race and policing ever given by the head of the fbi. remember the fbi wiretapped dr. martin luther king jr. and repeatedly and shamefully branded civil rights advocate viss as communist.
comey said he keeps a copy of the order to wiretap dr. king in his office to remind himself every today of the bureau s past mistakes. decades later, comey says we must recognize the long history of injustice in the country, and the problems that still exist today. there is a disconnect between police agencies and the citizens they serve, predominantly in communities of color. serious debates are taking place about how law enforcement personnel relate to the communities they serve, about the appropriate use of force. many people in our white majority culture have unconscious racial biases and react differently to a white face than a black fate. in fact we all, white and black, carry various biases around with us. that s true and recognizing and overcoming this bias is the challenge we all face. comey talked about his personal
experience growing up as a descendant of irish immigrants. i am descended from irish immigrants. a century ago the irish knew well how american society and law enforcement viewed them as drunks roughians and criminals. it lives on in the nickname we still use for the vehicles we use to transport groups of prisoners. it is, after all, called the paddy wagon. he says the justice system has brutally unfair to certainly communities, but he also said residents must appreciate that most police officers are good people putting their lives on the line to do the right thing. racial bias isn t epidemic in law enforcement any more than academia or the arts. in fact i believe law enforcement overwhelmingly attracts people who want to do
good for a living people who risk their lives, because they want to help other people and they do some of the hardest, most dangerous policing to protect communities of color. he s right, and it s important we point that out. the fbi director said we re at a cross roads in how we deal with race and policing and to move forward we have to be willing to talk about these hard truths. yes, i m sure that he will be attacked by some and many have had the courage to address this have been castigated and demonized. i often wonder why there s such a visceral reaction when we raise this issue and maybe the discomfort shows that we have not solved it. and that it is still something that someone will want to run away from. he s right. we have to deal with hard truths and make hard decisions to

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140821 10:00:00

and hamas warning international airlines not to fly israel starting today, suggesting more rocket fire after the cease-fire was broken. thank you so much for joining us today. we ll see you tomorrow on friday. fox & friends starts right now. bye. well, good morning, everyone. today is thursday, the 21st of august, 2014. i m in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we know this morning special forces tried and failed to rescue american journalist james foley. but why was that top-secret mission exposed? that s the question. meanwhile, while the family of james foley breaks down in tears, the president of the united states went golfing. after saying he was going to find action for others. what? this is a quote. we will act against isil, standing alongside others. what the hell does that mean? what does that mean? maybe this is what he meant by staying the course in iraq.
and this could change everything in ferguson. new details this morning show the officer who killed michael brown was beaten badly. the exclusive details in a live report straight ahead. fox & friends hour one starts right now. welcome aboard, folks. studio e live from new york city. it s kind of rainy on this thursday morning. muggy, rainy morning. we ve got venus williams on the show this morning. there s a big tennis court set up outside. venus is rising. it won t rain on our parade. are you going to play? i think we re all going to play. it s going to be embarrassing. stay tuned. in heels. brian and elisabeth are off. steve s the only one holding down the fort. it s great to have you, anna, and clayton with us as well because we start with a fox news alert. the white house hrevealed that there was a rescue raid in syria
for that man right there, james foley, who was beheaded on youtube. apparently according to the washington post, several dozen special operators were involved, blackhawks also known as the night stalkers, they used drones. but after landing, they discovered that mr. foley and the others had been moved, and so they got out of there. how do we know about this? yeah. the question really this morning is if they were able to get in and get out without anybody knowing, why would we share this information from a covert operation? it s something that many experts say should have been kept under wraps for decades. listen to what charles krauthammer and ambassador john bolton had to say. this is a political reaction to a horrific event. the administration is trying to say we re not just standing by and watching. so you can understand that politically, but it is the usual instinct of this administration to think first are the politics. i think this is a stunning breach of security for the
united states. obviously ordered by the white house. i cannot conceive of the pentagon releasing this on their own. this is exactly the sort of thing that should remain completely confidential for 50 years, number one, because it tells people what we tried to do. number two, it s an admission of failure. well, the united states tried again and couldn t do it. and number three, whoever it was we relied upon, whoever gave us the tip, is now in jeopardy from the islamic state and may well be dead already. this is just not something you do. right. it s something that maybe we re going to have a hard time intelligence gathering after the fact as well. if we re just going to share this information. what s the political calculus for telling me? it shows me that the president is saying we tried. we tried to do this. we tried to stop this ahead of time. we want the american people to know we re out in front of all of this. and we also are learning more this morning about what exactly this group wanted from the united states before this killing. in fact, they were asking for
ransom money. millions of dollars. the united states, though, i think the only country that didn t funnel money to the terror group. britain and others were funneling millions of dollars to this group. that s right. isis apparently demanded 100 million euros, which translates today into $132 million. the united states government said no. now, what s curious is the intel that led the special operators to that part of syria. the intel came from six british nationals who were actually negotiated out. now, one of the nationals also spoke to a british tabloid and revealed that they were held in the city of rocca in syria. and that s why the special operators targeted right there. one of the guys who was known as their guard, they all three had british accents. one of them, he was able to identify from the youtube video the executioner was a fella who
identified himself as john, which coincidentally is one of the names of the beatles, and they referred to all three of these guys as the beatles. from britain. they re from that part of the world. no wonder david cameron has cut his vacation short, come back after just one day of vacation, that these guys are british, radicalized, managed to fly into turkey and make it across the border and become part of this group. it s not like they re foot soldiers. they are showcasing john the executer as they re calling him, it s part of this radicalization. it s almost like they get accolades from making the switch from being part of western culture to becoming this way. and it s dangerous. think about what this could do for their homeland. they ve said they want to get as big as possible and expand. many experts say they are bigger and stronger than al qaeda was on 9/11.
and if these guys look like you and me, it makes you wonder. an ak-47 is promised if they join. as soon as they show up and join, they were handed grenades, a couple clips of ammo and an ak-47, and they are part of this group. john the executioner reportedly had sent other members of the group had sent e-mails to their family members letting them know that i m doing all of this in the name of allah. others who have then committed suicide wearing suicide vests saying i moved here because i wanted to become a martyr for allah. meanwhile, shortly after the video was released, apparently the wheels were put in motion that the united states would retaliate against isis. and there were 14 new air strikes near the mosul dam yesterday. okay. so we took action. and then the president, at 12:45, at a local school in martha s vineyard, said this. the united states of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people.
we will be vigilant, and we will be relentless. when people harm americans anywhere, we do what s necessary to see that justice is done, and we act against isil, standing alongside others. you know, what s so curious about him talking about isil or isis yesterday is this is the same group that back in january, he referred to as the jv squad. yeah, they really don t know what they re doing. yesterday he referred to them as a cancer that must be eliminated. the question now is, is this president willing to do what it takes to kill them? is it going to be a humanitarian effort? no. no. it shouldn t be. humanitarian effort, just contain these guys decimate them? right. is this the new face of terror that we re facing in this world, and what do we need to do. and he was a little wishy-washy on his statement yesterday. we re going to stand with others. but we saw what standing with
others has done. they ve invaded iraq, taken the mosul dam, taken baghdad. colonel oliver north about what that even means. they talked at length about the horrors being perpetrated by isis. and then he says at the end of this and this is a quote we will act against isil, standing alongside others. what the hell does that mean? there s no real clandestine service on the ground. so human intelligence is not existing. when they conducted the raid, they found out they weren t there, we now know where they are. they re in the hands of isis, isil, and they are going to be murdered. i mean, this is a horrible fact of life on the ground. and what the president is saying when he says we re going to act standing alongside others, it s hollow. it means nothing. there has to be a decision made, and this president can do it like that. he s got a pen. he s got a telephone. start attacking isis command, control and communications inside syria. you can t give terrorist organizations a safe haven.
we ve learned nothing since vietnam, a safe haven is a formula for disaster. ollie is right, the president has a pen, and he s got a phone, but he s also got a putter. extraordinarily yesterday, he immediately went from the school, the local school in martha s vineyard, directly to the golf course. and as you can see in the daily news, right there refers to it as obama s golf war. what s curious, though, is here you see president if you come back here, there you see the president of the united states right there. and there you see the grieving parents of james foley who were having a press conference at exactly the same time. it was very emotional, and the optics of this are bad. yeah. and if the president doesn t care about the optics which, you know he should. he should. i mean, put a tie on, go to the situation room, go back to washington, do something. try to console this poor family who lost their son, you know, after these terrorists were
trying to negotiate. do we negotiate with terrorists? it s not something that a lot of people say that we should do. he did it with bowe bergdahl. the french foreign minister said last week regarding the people who were dying in iraq, quote, i know in western countries, this is vacation period, but when people are dying, you must return from vacation. even europeans are coming back from vacation. the french lecturing us about vacation, and then david cameron coming back after one day. the british prime minister after one day of vacation. let us know your thoughts. meanwhile, we ve got some more headlines. i ll get right to those. they were near death a few weeks ago, but in just a few hours the two americans diagnosed with ebola will be released from the hospital. emory university making the announcement a short time ago. they got the virus while treating people in liberia. brantly expected to speak at a
press conference this morning at 11:00 a.m. the judge says she s old enough to stand trial on charges she started one of the most destructive wildfires of the year. prosecutors say she sparked the fire on purpose. the flames ripped through three dozen homes north of san diego, causing $12 million in damage. police not saying just yet how they linked her to the crime. and robin williams now at peace. we just learned that he was cremated the day after he took his own life. his ashes scattered in the san francisco bay near his home. williams wife revealed the 63-year-old had been diagnosed with parkinson s disease but was not ready to reveal it to the world. and those are your headlines. you can see we ve got a very busy news day. and there s a major bombshell out of ferguson, missouri, today. yeah, a source telling fox news exclusively that officer darren wilson was beaten badly by michael brown moments before he shot and killed brown. our reporter is live on the ground with the brand-new
details. good morning, garrett. reporter: good morning. this source who is close to the head of ferguson s police department says that officer darren wilson suffered an eye fracture and was beaten severely by michael brown moments before he fired and eventually killed michael brown. now, this comes after several other accounts we ve heard of this story. it matches up along with those. the account of this source says that when officer wilson pulled up to michael brown and his friend dorian johnson, that they the officer asked them to get out of the middle of the road, and they ignored him. and then the officer, he started to get out of his car to tell them to get out of the road again. and at that point, the source says they, quote, shoved him right back in. and that s when michael brown leans in and starts beating officer wilson in the head and the face. end quote. the source goes on to say that when brown started to walk away, that s when officer wilson drew his gun and ordered him to freeze at which point brown
said, what, are you going to shoot me? and then charged at wilson, prompting the officer to fire six shots at him. wilson suffered that fracture eye socket and was taken to the hospital after the shooting. and the source says he is now living in fear that the grand jury will try to make an example out of him by bringing those charges against him. last night there were several supporters of officer wilson that came out to the protests here. police quickly whisked them away, though, for their own protection when they were surrounded by other protesters. back to you. that s the side of the story that a lot of people have not yet heard, and that changes everything. garrett tenney, thank you very much. meanwhile, coming up, it s happened again. first white flags were flown from the brooklyn bridge. those were american flags that were bleached out. now this. a palestinian flag on the manhattan bridge. and then take a close look at this video. that s a man in a wheelchair stranded during a pounding rainstorm. we ll show you what a police officer did when he thought no one was watching. fact.
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isis soldiers in that youtube video. this morning we now know that an attempt was made by special operators to rescue foley, but it failed. yeah, releasing the details of that rescue mission, highly unusual. so what s the pentagon s motivation behind the release, and what message is the president sending to our enemies? joining us now is pete hegseth. good morning. why do we need this information right now? is this the administration saying we are engaged in this? we re not hands off in this? we tried? that s exactly what this is. politically they need that narrative introduced. we don t know who released it or how the reporters got it. there s plenty of blame to go around. was it the pentagon? was it the white house? we don t know. this is the kind of classified released. it wasn t a successful mission. i do give them credit, though. i m grateful, i m glad they did what they could with the intelligence they had, with stressful operators to try to go get those guys deep into syria, a dangerous spot.
you ve got to give our special operators credit. they did what they could. but there s a track record here, isn t there, from the administration leaking this information. we know from the bin laden raid that some members of the administration reportedly had leaked bits of this information to hollywood. for script-writing purposed. that s right. usually the leaking has been to sort of take a victory lap on something that s finally gone right for them. in this case, they ve got a beheaded journalist, and it looks like there s been inactivity. they feel like they needed to sort of tell their side of the story that this was done. i think a self-assured confident white house would be able to stand up and talk forcefully about what they re going to do to get the killers knowing they ve done this. one of the reasons you don t reveal an operation, particularly a covert operation like this, is you destroy the source. whoever inserts the information, yesterday you were on this program and you were talking a little bit about the president was probably going to make a statement yesterday. he did. and then he immediately went golfing. and this is the first thing you talked about when you came in here today. you re furious about it. it s maddening.
i watched the statement live. i was actually talking to some folks there saying hey, there s no way that he goes to the golf course after this. there s just no way. at first i said why is he not wearing a tie? can we just get a tie at one time to show the respect and the seriousness of this? he literally went straight from the podium to the 1st tee. i m not saying i need lbj poring over maps, of targets, but some engage tments would go a long w. presidents work hard. they all deserve a vacation and time on the golf course, but the timing is not successful. the british prime minister canceling his vacation to come back. the british canceling their vacation. so much at stake. pete, thanks a lot. here s what s coming up, outrage over this story. special needs kids made to sort through the trash at school. and get this, it s part of the school curriculum. what school is that? and it s white flags were
flown from the brooklyn bridge, now a palestinian flag pops up on the manhattan bridge. what s going on?
and welcome back now. time for some quick headlines. another flag mysteriously appearing on a new york bridge. this flag supporting palestinians hung from the manhattan bridge, was found shortly after 500 people led a pro-palestinian protest nearby. and just last month, two bleached white american flags were hung at the brooklyn bridge. police say they re closing in on a suspect in that case. in a new experiment you re looking at showed screening machines used by the tsa failed. big time. researchers say the machines failed to pick up guns and
explosives, covered in teflon, tape or molded plastic. anna? thanks so much. 24 minutes after the hour. you ve heard the expression you ve come a long way, baby. well, women don t celebrate just yet. listen to these sobering statistics. poverty among women is at a record high. some 55.3 million women have left the work force since the recession. more than 250,000 have dropped out since may. women age ed 55 to 64 will carr the bulk of obamacare premium hikes. the left wants to blame the gop for a so-called war on women. our next guest says we need to set the record straight. and joining us now is carly fiorina, former ceo of hewlett-packard and chairwoman of the unlocking potential project. good morning and thanks for joining us. good morning, anna. thanks for having me. so yes, we ve come a long way, baby, right?
but why is it that many democrats, many voters are still buying this phony war on women? well, first of all, we know that propaganda works. and the war on women is shameless, baseless propaganda. put another way, it s a bunch of lies. the problem is people don t know the facts such as you just described to your viewers, they may be afraid, they may be fearful of that propaganda. what we re trying to do is really galvanize women on the ground. we ve gotten outhustled on the ground too many elections, so we need to get women prepared to be persuasive with other women. and the reality is that liberal policies are hurting this nation, and they re hurting women. as i just mentioned, the bulk of the premium hikes for obamacare are going to fall on the shoulders of women, yet somehow if you give women free birth control, all of a sudden they re going to vote democrat, according to some. it s just silly. i want you to take a look at
this attack ad going on in colorado. let s watch this. my opponent, congressman gardner, led a crusade that would make birth control illegal and sponsored a bill to make abortion a felony. what do you make of this ad? well, first, think about all the headlines that you ve been talking about this morning. think about everything that s going on in the world and all the problems in our economy and here at home. and this is the ad that democrats are running? first of all, everything that is said in that ad is untrue. but specifically, women don t lack access to abortion or birth control. women lack access under this administration and under democratic policies to their doctor, to the procedures that their doctor might recommend, to their hospital under obamacare. they lack access to opportunity, as your statistics so painfully show. yeah. we need to talk about the issues, but this war, left unchecked, will be successful. we know that. and if you take a look at those statistics, if women were
to vote today, would you vote democrat or gop? for the gop candidate, rather, this is a fox news poll, 50% said they would vote democratic. 34% say they would vote republican. now, your group is aiming to really organize the gop, send a different message to women, focus on technology, but you re not just focusing on the upcoming election. what s your group doing? first also in that poll, we know that 13% of women are undecided. that means they re persuadable. and what we re really doing is focusing on what i would call republican-leaning women, women who mostly agree with us but occasional voters or independent women, women who are open to persuasion. for example, i m going to denver right after the show. we re going to have a training workshop with women as well as men if they want to join us in how to have those persuasive conversations. we know that ads are one thing, but people are most persuaded by other people they know. so here s how you talk about the issues.
here s how you expose the lies, and here s how you begin to persuade a woman you may know. get that conversation started and talk to your neighbors and coworkers. exactly. carly fiorina, the cha chairperson of the unlocking potential project. looking forward to what your group has to offer. thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. 6:29. coming up, the images of his execution are brutal. but our next guest says there s a reason every single american should look at them. judy miller up next on that. then the season opener for a florida football team in serious jeopardy this morning. the reason, a volcano? are you kidding? but first, happy birthday to kenny rogers, a friend of fox & friends. he s 76 today. know when to hold em know when to fold em know when to talk away know when to run you never count your money when you re sitting at the table [ kinda ] we are the saunders.
and we re new to the pacific northwest. the rain, the mud babam! it s there. the outside comes in. it s kinda nasty so you start the towel-mop shuffle. where are you sun?! [ doorbell rings ] oh, wow, it s a swiffer wetjet. this puts my towel mopping to shame. whoa! ewww. sunshine is overrated, now we can get messy. [ laughs ]
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a fox news alert. the brutal beheading of american journalist james foley, the military is stepping up air strikes on isis in iraq. the president now considering sending additional troops. this following the revelation that the united states sent a special operations team into syria to search for american hostages, but they got there and nobody was there. mission failed. and the hunt is on for the masked executioner. a british national known as john, one of the so-called beatles, because there were three people from great britain who were their captors. u.s. intel officials are combing the video for more clues. after the murder of james foley, some are calling for an isis media blackout, saying broadcasting images of james foley s death only helps to
further the terror group. but fox contributor judy miller says it s a video every american to see to know exactly what we are up against. judy knows a thing or two about journalism because she wound up going to jail to protect a source. good morning. morning. james foley s sister says nobody should watch this. you say everybody should watch it. i will. every adult who s interested in foreign affairs who wants to know why, what s going on in syria and iraq affects us as americans. that video makes us understand the nature of the enemy that we re fighting. doesn t it, though, elevate isis? as we heard from the president, they were junior varsity only six months ago. now we re not even talking about al qaeda. all eyes on isis. are they the new global threat of terror? and maybe this is elevating them. isn t this exactly what they want? well, they put out a video, a message to america. clearly they do want the publicity, and they want people to be frightened of them. and they want the people that they want to subject, they want
the people to think that they are the only game in town. but when ordinary people watch a video, i don t care what your religion or nationality is like this. the automatic instinct kicks in that these people are evil and barbaric. you don t have to sit there and dwell on it, but you have to be reminded that these people are exactly what the president called them, a cancer in the middle east, a disgrace to their religion, people who have nothing to do with islam, who are acting in the name of religion, that 99% of the people who follow that religion would reject. so yes, we must fight isis here, there, everywhere. steve mentioned james foley s sister said let s not look at this, let s not promote this. the ceo of twitter has come out and tweeted and basically said the same thing and that he s disbanding any accounts that are promoting this message. we saw the cover of a new york tabloid yesterday that took the
picture one step further than what we ve been showing on fox with the knife actually at the throat. i mean, where do you draw the line on that? i understand it s up to every news organization to decide what they want to know and what they don t. but i think you can t deny the reality. my concern right now is that americans are becoming so isolationist. they think that what s happening over there doesn t affect us. it may not affect us today, but it will tomorrow unless a group like this is fought and defeated. not just contained but defeated. what about, judy, the fact that it sounds like yesterday, the white house, after the video hit, they needed to say, well, we tried. we launched this raid, and it didn t work. well, steve, i ve been critical of the president and this administration, as you know. on this one, i have to say the news organizations found out about this. they began asking questions about it. you can t lie to the american people. that s right. and frankly, i m glad that they did something, tried to do something. what we shouldn t do is
ransom. that s what s really difficult for us. and we re the only country that hasn t sent millions. but $150 million already has been paid by others. that s right. judy miller, thank you very much. thank you very much. all right. heather childers joins us this half hour with a look at the news. we do have some other headlines to talk about right now. the season opener for a florida football team in jeopardy. the reason, a volcano at the game between the university of central florida and penn state is being played in ireland. and 900 miles away in iceland, a volcano is ready to blow. scientists say the ash could easily travel over to ireland, and that could ground flights going in and out of the country. outrage this morning over this story. special needs kids made to sort through the trash at school. it s part of the school curriculum. well, teachers told the children to sift through garbage for recyclables. it has been going on for years,
but just now has come to light. she felt humiliated. she felt stigmatized, and she didn t want to tell me about it. so i didn t find out about it until the story came out in the news. the school district now suspending that program, but special education teachers saying that this is good for the kids to teach them life skills. try to figure that out. some incredible news for hall of fame quarterback jim kelly. he is cancer free. doctors treating kelly for sinus cancer say that they have found no evidence of remaining cancer. amazing. kelly underwent several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation this spring. kelly telling his fans, i still need your prayers. and you have them. well, he thought that no one was watching, but this florida cop s act of kindness going viral after it was caught on dash cam. take a look. officer gill benitez on patrol when he spotted a man in a wheelchair stuck in the pouring
rain. benitez immediately got out of his car. he ran over to help. you can see him pull the wheelchair to get it free. he then pushes the man a block back to his house. he got him inside, dried him off, waited until his family came back home. what a great officer. they do do good things. back to you. thank you very much. it is feeling almost like, you know, it feels like fall. it does feel like fall here in the northeast. that pumpkin spiced latte. a chilly prediction for our winter. are we going to have a brutal winter like this past year? yeah, apparently our mild summer here in the northeast is a sign of what s to come coming up this winter. according to the old farmers almanac, they ve issued their winter outlook, and they re predicting a colder than average winter, not just here in the northeast but for the entire two-thirds of the country. and right along portions of the i-95 corridor including right here in new york city, we re talking possible above-average
snowfall. so get ready, bundle up. this is their prediction. other areas as well included are florida. they re predicting that their winter could be rainier than most years. and across california where they really need the rain, they re predicting that that drought will continue. most of the state right now under severe to extreme drought conditions out there. so that s something that we ll continue to watch. otherwise across portions of the northern plains today, we re looking at some heavy showers and storms rolling through parts of southern minnesota. we do have severe thunderstorm watches in effect. we could see some gusty wind, some large hail from some of these storms. it s going to be a rough morning commute for you if you re head out to work on the roadways out there. temperaturewise, not feeling below average across the plains or the southeast. temperatures are extreme. you re talking upper 90s in kansas city and dallas. you factor in that humidity, and this is what s the problem. is those heat indices, 104 in kansas city, 103 in dallas and 101 in tampa and new orleans. we have heat advisories in effect because of dangerous amounts of heat. back inside. all right, maria.
104 today in kansas city, and we re talking about a bad winter coming up. snow coming. one season at a time. talking about the pumpkin latte. coming up here, it s one of the biggest stories of the week. governor rick perry s indictment. i wholeheartedly and unequivocally stand behind my veto, and i ll continue to defend this lawful action. so how did the country react to how he handled the whole situation? we re going to look inside the pulse of the people coming up. and everyone s got to follow the rules unless you have friends in high places like nancy pelosi. details coming up. woman: jimmy, all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: tell your grandmother with the loyalty program, she ll earn free nights. so they re not the same, because they re different. woman: jimmy s not my grandson, captain obvious. woman: man: he s my lover. no.
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some quick headlines. california farmers forced to cut back on water to save endangered species, but nancy pelosi s home city of san francisco is exempt from the same restrictions? a lawsuit has now been filed against the project which supplies water to the bay area. the suit says the city shouldn t be exempt from severe cutbacks like area farmers have been. and remember when president obama appeared on saturday night live back in 2007? who is that under there? well, according to a new book about the show, producer lorne michaels says they had actually booked hillary clinton, but she backed out at the last minute. michaels said she was angered at clinton s sense of entitlement. steve, over to you. from the beheading of an american journalist by isis to the chaos in ferguson, missouri,
to texas governor rick perry s indictment, all eyes are on our leaders this week. so for answers to find out how americans are reacting, lee carter joins us. she gives us some results from some focus groups you guys have been conducting. good morning to you. good morning. yesterday in the noon hour, the president of the united states went on television to talk about james foley. watch this. jim foley s life stands in stark contrast to his killers. let s be clear about isil. they have rampaged across cities and villages, killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. all right, lee, so you had a focus group last night. what did americans tell you about the way the president presented that message? you know, i think what they said is that they responded really favorably to what he had to say. first he was respectful of the family. second, he showed that this was an intolerable act that was a terrible, terrible tragedy.
and third, he said he was going to act. so i think the american people gave him an a. but i think all eyes are going to be on what he s going to do today because people want a really strong strike and a really strong response from him now. meanwhile, some of the biggest headlines of the week have been out of ferguson, missouri, where there have been essentially riots at night. governor jay nixon made this statement. and we re going to play it and then get lee s reaction. listen to this. all of us were thunder struck by the pictures we saw. i mean, the overmilitarization, the mraps rolling in, the guns pointed at kids in the street. all of that, i think, instead of ratcheting down brought emotion up, and that s why i made the unique decision to bring in our highway patrol, to have a local leader, captain johnson, from that community in that community, which he has been. okay. so you ve got the dials there.
the democrats had a higher reaction. they were the blue line. the red line were people who were more conservative. what did your focus groups tell you? well, what people said is that ho-hum, he seems like an armchair quarterback. how the images made him seem totally out of touch from the governor s mansion, that he s not on the ground. the only thing they responded favorably to was that he had a local hero involved and the hero of that is captain johnson. and the grade you give him? i would only give him a c. all right. so he is a governor. he s a democrat. let s now go to a republican governor in the great state of texas. we re talking about rick perry. the news this week that he was indicted after he had threatened to veto $7 million worth of funding for a public integrity unit unless the district attorney resign. he felt she shouldn t be in charge of it because she had been convicted of drunk driving. she was super drunk at the time three times the legal limit.
nonetheless, after the indictment, he went on tv and defended the veto. i wholeheartedly and unequivocally stand behind my veto, and i ll continue to defend this lawful action. we don t settle political differences with indictments in this country. and that s probably true. no, absolutely. i mean, there s obviously a huge divide on party lines. democrats totally agree with what you know, the suit. republicans say it s a witch hunt. but the bottom line is she agreed on two things. number one, they agree that he is framing it in positive terms and defending his position, and he seems really strong about it. number two, they say he should just stop talking about the partisan divide and how this is an attack on him because that just makes him part of the problem. so what people are saying is that i think he s handling this in a really good way and that he s as well as he can be, and they like that he s strong on his position. all right. so what kind of a grade would you give? a b minus only because this
is such a tough position and it s really hard to come around. this has been a fair and balanced segment. we had an a, b and c. yeah. lee carter, thank you very much. thank you so much. coming up, he hunted bin laden from that guy, dr. mark siegle. hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan. a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you!
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welcome back. the governor of new hampshire declared a state of emergency after 44 reported overdoses linked to smoking or ingesting what s called smacked. this synthetic marijuana isn t hard to come by. it s actually legally sold in convenience stores as potpourri. what do parents need to know about it? dr. mark siegle joins us now. potpourri? what is this? you said it s legal. but here is the issue. the manchester police department closed down three convenience stores that had it. meaning that it s really not supposed to be in there, but people sneak it in there and then everybody uses it without knowing what they re getting. it s compounds which are a cousin of marijuana. very similar to marijuana, but you don t know what you re getting. it s more active. research shows it binds the receptors in the brain more tightly than pot does. so you get more pronounced effects. here are some of the symptoms. take us through some of those. this is different than
marijuana. maybe not much. anxiety, agitation might be added to the mix. what else? racing heartbeat, high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, seizures, suicidal ideas. if you have an underlying problem of a heart condition. 44 cases of overdoses in new hampshire this year. to give you an idea, poison centers are getting over 2,000 calls a year on this particular stuff. you could sprinkle it into marijuana. you can eat it. you can smoke it. you can smoke it as part of pot or you can have it separately. so people can get it and more of a high than getting from pot. if i go into a random little gift shop where they sell potpourri, they may actually have it in there, but may be unaware it s illegal and kids are coming in to smoke this stuff? if i had to wager on this, if they re selling it, they re probably less concerned than they ought to be.
that s the problem. i think probably a lot of convenience stores know what they re doing, but not policing it themselves. that s the biggest problem. you just said it, kids are getting this stuff. kids are getting this stuff. smoking pot is part of a culture. but this is even more dangerous cause it s more active, can cause more harm, have more pronounced effects, cause psychosis and problem with the heart. people are getting it younger and younger without knowing what they re getting. parents, pay attention to this out there. dr. mark siegle, fascinating. this is a big warning for parents out there. absolutely. coming up, bill o reilly cutting his vacation short, outraged over the michael brown media coverage. this carl taken has the gall to do that and nbc husband is paying him! my god! why is that acceptable? and that s not all. more from o reilley at the top of the hour. then her father diagnosed with a debilitating disease. but this bride didn t want him to miss the wedding, so she moved it to him.
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so you re saying it does more than my mac? well technically, you said it. good morning. today is thursday, the 21st of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. and a fox news alert, we now know special forces tried and failed to rescue american journalist james foley. but why would such a top secret report succeed? bill o reilly cutting his vacation short out of outrage over the michael brown media coverage. this charlatan has the gall to do that and nbc news is paying him! my god! why is that acceptable? more from o reilley moments away. and a student thrown out of class for saying bless you to a
classmate. she told me that we re not going to have godly speak not guilty her class. did her teacher cross the line? we re going to report and you are going to decide. thank you for joining us on this thursday morning. you re watching fox & friends . hey, everybody. thanks for being with us. there are so many worst things you could say than god bless you. right. that s a natural reaction. you re so good looking. welcome to fox & friends this morning. a fox news alert following the brutal murder of american journal james foley. the u.s. stepping up air strikes on isis militants in iraq. leeland vittert is live with that and we re just finding out that apparently the administration ok d a rescue mission, but that didn t work out. reporter: no. sadly not. the rescue mission didn t work
out. we re learning details in the past 12 or so hours of this story broke overnight. the special operations team spent a lot of time on the ground in the desert of eastern syria searching one compound, then went to a second location searching for a number of american hostages but left empty handed. they did kill a number of isis militants. they didn t find who they were looking for. they believe those hostages had been moved a few days before the raid went off. the focus now in terms of this investigation here into james foley s killing is also now focusing on his executioner, who exactly is this man here in the video, the guardian newspaper reports he s a british national who goes by the name of john from london and part of an ultraradical isis group that operates inside syria. he was reportedly the ring leader in a ransom swap for 11 hostages. the new york times reports isis offered to free foley for
$11 million and other demands, but the white house refused, saying the united states did not negotiate with terrorists. they claim out of expediency that they are at war with the united states or the west, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision. people like this ultimately fail. reporter: coins or not, president obama s statement in details occurred on the same day the pentagon discussed sending 300 more soldiers to iraq namely to provide security assistance in and around the u.s. embassy compound there inside baghdad. also comes as more air strikes against isis in iraq are being carried out. there are still other americans currently held by isis. whether or not there is going to be another rescue attempt is yet to be seen. we know the special force teams involved in the last rescue attempt all made it home safely with one minor injury. back to you in new york. thank you very much. the big question is why would
they be publicizing the fact that we had this rescue mission and it didn t work out? a lot of people saying it s politics. the president had to say look, i know he was killed, but i did something. and after the press conference that we saw from the president yesterday, wasn t much longer that he went right back to the golf course while on vacation. contrast that with david cameron who rushed back from vacation upon the news. bill o reilly came back from his vacation. he s outraged about a different story making headlines has been playing out. the michael brown story. take a listen to bill o reilly. i came back from vacation because i am furious, furious about how the shooting death of 18-year-old michael brown is being reported and how various people are react to reacting to. mr. brown is a victim. shot six times by ferguson police officer darren wilson, who up until august 9 had a very good record. now, some suspect wilson a murderer and a grand jury is hearing the case.
also attorney general eric holder went to ferguson, missouri today to meet with f.b.i. agents and state authorities who are conducting separate investigations. good! the feds should look into this case. and their investigation should be transparent. that is americans should get hard information as it comes out. which brings us to this video of mr. brown stealing from a convenience store and pushing the clerk around. agitators call the release of the video a smear against michael brown and his family. further inflaming the situation. but facts are not smears and this goes to mr. brown s state of mind on the day he was killed. americans have a right to know what happened leading up to the shooting. you don t suppress an important piece of information in a case like this when only one side of the story is being reported by the media, which is generally terrified of any racial situation. then there is the looting,
disgraceful. one guy even has gun of the shoots the lock off the door while his cohorts break in and steal the merchandise. it doesn t get any lower than this. the people rioting and looting in ferguson are dishonoring the memory of michael brown and his grieving family. they are insulting them. again, flat out disgraceful. the factor has been investigating those arrested. monday night, 78 people were taken into custody and we believe about 30 of them have criminal records. only four four out of the 78 are from ferguson. the others are trouble makers who streamed into town. but the liberal media will never report that. nor will they report the true picture of criminal justice in the usa. instead nbc news pays al sharpton to deliver garbage like
this. a young man, 18 years old, shot down in the streets unarmed and rather than you address it, you tried to sneak the young man rather than uphold the principles of justice and dignity! i want you to know these parents are not gonna cry alone! they re not gonna stand alone! they re not gonna fight alone! we have had enough! enough of what, al? enough of what? police efficiency? in 2012, the last stats available from the f.b.i., there were about 12 million arrests in the usa. that averages out to 34,000 arrests per day. in 99.9% of those cases, the
perpetrator was not killed by police. in fact, just over 400 fatal police shootings a year are recorded in this country, according to the f.b.i so let me restate, 12 million arrests a year. 400 fatal shootings, many of them justified. and al sharpton has the nerve to insult the american police community, men and women risking their lives to protect us. this charlatan has the gall to do that and nbc news is paying him. my god! why is that acceptable? also on msnbc, another agitator said this. there is a war on black boys in this country, in my opinion, there is a war on african-american men. it is an absolutely deplorable situation that the united states, which is supposed to be the greatest nation on earth,
allows black boys to be murdered. black boys being murdered in the context of ferguson. are you kidding me? the truth is that 91% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. 91%. yet that woman tries to mislead folks by accusing american law enforcement of shooting down young black men in the streets. it s beyond belief. what is going on in this story is beyond belief. yet these people get away with it and in certain places, respected. yet al sharpton is going to speak at the funeral of michael brown on monday morning. the slogan of racial agitators are using in ferguson is hands up, don t shoot. they apparently believe that michael brown was trying to surrender when officer wilson shot him dead. maybe that s true. we ll find out.
but msnbc put a person on the air who said mr. brown was shot in the back. that turns out to be false, according to an autopsy. we also hear today that officer wilson has an orbital blowout fracture of his eye socket. the factor has not been able to confirm that and we do not want to try this case on television. we re only reporting the alleged injury to demonstrate that there will be much more to come in this case. that is why there is an investigation and a grand jury and a trial process. but to the race hustlers, officer wilson is already guilty. they have convicted him. their slogan it no justice, no peace. i guess that s lynch mob justice because those people will never accept anything other than a conviction of murder in this case. they don t really care what happened. they want officer wilson punished.
and he should be punished if he murdered michael brown, if a jury finds wilson guilty, he should be put in prison for the rest of his life. but officer wilson is entitled to the presumption of innocence that we all have under our constitution, something al sharpton will never give him because sharpton only cares about his own self-agrand eyesment. and if he has to stoke racial hatred, he ll do in a. i know this man. his record defines him. yet he succeeded in bringing his racial grievance to the white house. when president obama announced his brother s keeper initiative, i was there, sharpton was there. finally, the president himself. he was completely correct to call for calm in missouri. that is his job to lead the nation. but now the president should step aside and allow his own
justice department headed by eric holder, certainly sympathetic to michael brown, to uncover the facts. as you saw with the o. j. simpson acquittal, our justice system can be very flawed, but it s all we have. it s the only thing separating us from the anarchy that al sharpton and others want to impose. what happened to michael brown should never happen to any american. what happened after his death should never happen in this country. but it is happening and only the truth will overcome the chaos. and that s a memo. you know what? that was the first time in history of this program we have ever played an entire bill o reilly talking points memo. but it was so powerful and he was so outraged, we wanted you to see the whole thing. yeah. justice for the situation. not just for michael brown, not just for officer wilson, justice for the whole thing. breaking right now, the two americans near death after contracting ebola now leaving the hospital. are they still contagious?
new details coming up. and he hunted for osama bin laden for his entire career. so what does michael shoyer think about the botched attempt to rescue jim foley. we promise you haven t heard this perspective before. captain obvious: i probably wouldn t stay here tonight. man: thanks, captain obvious. captain obvious: i d get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less.
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diagnosed with ebola will be released from the hospital. emory university making the announcement. two people contracted the disease while treating people in ebola. one is expected to speak at 11 eastern. we will cover it. good news. a rescue mission to save u.s. hostages, including the beheaded journalist jim foley was a bust. so does releasing top secret details about this mission endanger the united states? here to weigh in is the man who headed up the bin laden unit for ten years. good morning to you. good morning. how are you? what do you make of the fact that the white house released details yesterday after the video came out where he was beheaded? the white house essentially said hey, we tried. we had a raid, but it failed. i think it s rather silly attempt to i don t know what it s an attempt to do, but certainly you don t want to advertise a defeat, i think. and clearly we were defeated in
our attempt to get them. the second thing is, you don t want to put them on the alert that we know where they re holding their prisoners or we think they know where they re holding their prisoners. finally, by announcing it and giving the impression we re still looking, we may move up the execution of the last two americans that they have. it seems to me a juvenile thing to do, sir. all right. speaking of juvenile, it was in january that the president of the united states referred to isis as the j.v. team. and yesterday he said this about isis. governments and peoples across the middle east, there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer so that it does not spread. okay. so in january he called it jv. now it s cancer. what do you make of it? he is where he has been since he became president, sir. he s absolutely clueless about what this enemy is up to, what it s about and more importantly, i think, what we re seeing in
the growth of the islamist movement is the popularity of that movement across the middle east. you can t fight unless you have manpower and their manpower is increasing. their geographical reach is increasing, and thanks to the arab spring, they re better armed and have more veteran fighters than they ve ever had before. this is not a cancer. this is not a terrorist group. this is in essence a world wide insurgency which we have encoupled by refusing consistently to kill them. we have failed in the field in every opportunity we had to murder them. sure. and there are people who are calling for more boots on the ground over there. but what you suggest is this is a big problem. the most important thing we can do right now is close our borders. the only thing we could have done after 9-11 that would really improve u.s. security, steve, was to close the southern borrowedder and perhaps even spots on the northern border with canada. at least you secure the
continent in that way. right now we re exposed not only internationally, but we don t know who is in our country. the border is primarily remains mostly open. and it s an essential part of national defense in an age when you re not fighting an army that s going to march in and combat order. it s going to infiltrate. it seems to me to be just a simple conclusion of logic. close the border. protect america. but we don t have politicians who give a darn about protecting america. they are concerned with not being called anti-hispanic or antihuman rights. so americans will die because of their preening to the small liberal crowd on the left who believes that we re the homeland for everybody instead of the homeland for americans. and there are a number of people on the left who says the border is secure and we know that is not the truth. we thank you very much for joining us live from washington. pleasure, sir. thank you. alzheimer s disease was going to keep her father from
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time for news by the numbers. first, $1 billion. that s how much it s going to cost taxpayers to install these scanners in airports all across the country. just one problem, the scanners don t work. researchers bought some and were able to easily sneak guns and even explosives through them. that s not the idea. next, 400. that s how many workers will be out of a job when the factory where twinkies were invented shuts down. the hostess plant near chicago set to close in october. that s sad. and finally, 8%.
that s how much less the tooth fairy is leaving this year. children now get an average of 3.40 for every tooth lost. that s down from 3.70 last year. who leaves 3.40? what s up with the tooth fairy. the perfect we had something what every bride wishes for. one bride refused to let her father s illness keep him from walk her down the aisle. joining us is newly wed miriam davis. congratulations on your marriage. thanks for being with us. thank you. so you re from a family of faith. your father, bernard, was a police chaplain, pastor, served in the army during vietnam. how important was it for you to have your dad at your wedding, your hero, you say? it was very important. it was like the number one thing on my mind.
i just thought the event wouldn t mean much if my father wasn t there. it was important that he was at the ceremony. so you were planning to have the wedding in michigan where you re from. of course, your father is not in michigan. he s in ohio. he s been suffering from alzheimer s. he was diagnosed at age 55. so he s been living with alzheimer s disease now for about nine years. what prompted you to say, you know what, we know he can t come here. we need to pick up and bring the whole wedding to him. originally we were going to have it at a church, of course, but at first i thought i should ask the facility if i could have him come to my wedding at the church. but i didn t want to take him out of his element and make him nervous or scared. so my sister came up with the idea and brought it up that maybe we should try to have it at the foundation park where he
is. so we went forth in asking them could we have the wedding there. they were super excited and let us plan it out. they gave us no problems. they were very cooperative. so many people were crying in the audience there at your wedding trying to hold back emotions. what was it like to have your father walk you down the aisle? it was amazing. i was of course nervous because i didn t want him to be afraid or uncomfortable or not be able to walk me down, but as soon as like we hit the doors, he smiled and i just knew it was going to be okay. he stood there and he sat through the ceremony and it just made everything it meant everything to me. and i was crying, too. makes me cry now. okay. here is to your father s health and to a happy, healthy forever marriage for you. thank you so much for being with us today.
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good morning. fox news alert. following the brutal murder of american journalist james foley, the u.s. is stepping up air strikes on isis militants in
iraq. the president now considering sending an additional 300 troops. this coming as it s revealed the u.s. sent in a special operations team in syria to search for american hostages. they were able to kill several isis militants, but the american hostages were not found. now the hunt is on for the mass executioner, a british national known as john. he is believed to be part of an ultraradical group of isis operating inside syria. u.s. intelligence officials are combing the video for more clues, including analyzing the landscape. and there are still other americans being held hostage, including another journalist, steven sotloff, who appeared at the end of the horrific video. but it is unknown if there will be any more rescue attempts. we are also hearing this morning, there was a ransom demand of $100 million or euros, according to one story for foley that the united states refused to pay. then just last week before james foley was executed, isis sent an
e-mail to his boss at the global post, this web site. they received the e-mail from isis and he joins us on the phone now. good morning to you. good morning. tell us a little bit about the e-mail you got last wednesday. let me just correct one important thing. the e-mail came directly to the family, the foley family. it was wednesday night. they made no demands in this communication. no demands? no demands. it was filled with rage against the united states for the bombing and they said they were going to execute him as a result. you ve been working on this for quite a while now. almost two years. almost two years. what was happening in those two years that most americans had no idea was unfolding behind the scenes? you know, so much. i ve been a journalist for 46
years and it goes against our nature to withhold information and not write the stories that you have. but it was a long process unfolding to learn where jim was, who was holding him and try to determine how we could free him. along the way, of course, we learned that other americans were being held hostage. that fact was never known to the american people. my thoughts this morning are not only with jim s family and my colleagues, but with the families of the other three american hostages. during the two years, how closely was the white house involved in this? was there regular communication? the foleys, john and diane foley, jim s parents, did a remarkable job of reaching out to everyone in our government.
obviously the f.b.i. which supervises kidnappings, but state department and the white house. great concern was shown by everyone. it was never clear what could be done and the news of yesterday, which i assume the president revealed for the first time when he called the foleys at home, was never known to us. we never had any idea. about the rescue? yeah. we never had any idea about the rescue. we always talked about whether a special ops mission could take place. we knew the incredibly it would be dangerous. we knew where he was being held. not a fact that been much discussed. hold on just a second, phil. you knew where he was held. was that in raca, syria? yes. and that was revealed to you by the europeans who had a release negotiated?
yes. there were, as you know, quite a stream of western hostages who began to be released in the spring of this year. first spanish journalist and then french, italian, danish, german. none of those journalists talked publicly, but we interviewed all of them through our security firm. diane foley herself talked to quite a number of them in europe. they gave us a lot of information about jim s captivity, about the incredible strength that jim had and how he was really an inspiration to the other hostages. jim was singled out for the harshest treatment and he never broke and he never gave up hope that we would bring him back. cause he truly believed in his cause. philip, people who are familiar with the region, what s going on there have come forward and said it s almost like a black hole there for some journalists that go and they re never heard from
again. isis appears to be getting even more bold with their actions in recent weeks and months. is this the first correspondence from an e-mail, this rage letter that you talk about that you had direct contact with them? no. we had our first communication from the captors in november of last year and it was stating a demand, you said it in your inter. it was expressed in euros, 100 million euros. there were other demands made. of course, we shared all of that information with the government. you know, it s illegal to pay a ransom in the united states. it s not in europe. so there was never any consideration that the united states government would pay a ransom. the family would pay a ransom and we began negotiations with the kidnappers, but they ended the negotiations for no reason and never resumed them despite
our efforts. what a daunting task for a family to try to raise 100 million euros, which is $130 million. i m sure they did all they could. i know you there at your organization along with the foleys and even the federal government did spend millions of dollars trying to bring them back. and now the news about the rescue with those brave men dropping out of those helicopters to try to find them and he simply wasn t there. i don t understand that. obviously they re not going to share that classified information with us. obviously i would like to know how it was that we couldn t identify the location. maybe at some point in time we ll find that out. we know there are other journalists, still many, many more journalists being held hostage around the world. what would you like to see happen from the federal government
going forward? you know, i think that there needs to be a reassessment of how we handle situations like this, what sort of communication can take place among governments and i think there is a lot of postmortem to be done here to figure out how we can do better the next time. i can tell you we re devastated by jim s loss. i mean, we did everything humanly possible. jim, his example, i mean, the bravery he showed, if you watch that video, i hope you did not, but until the very last moments, until that knife went into his throat, he never waiverred. he showed no sign of fear. we hope that sotloff will be able to come home. we hear the heart break in your
voice. the images stunned us. but being so close he was your friend. he was. all right. we re sorry for your loss and please extend our condolences to the foley family as well. i will. thank you. joining us from global post. we got more news this morning. heather child dress standing by. a couple headlines. a fake cop in real trouble. a man under arrest this morning accused of impersonating a police officer. and get this, he s the dad of the affluence zoo teen-ager. he s the one who killed four people while driving drunk, and never learned right from wrong because he was so rich and privileged. well, north richland hills police say his dad showed up to a domestic disturbance call flashing a badge and it s not clear why he was pretending to be a cop in the first place, but he s in trouble. and it all started with a simple sneeze.
kendra turner, a high school senior was sitting in class when her friends sneeze. instinctively she said bless you. her teacher then demanded to know which student said it and then sent her to the principal s office. she told me that we re not going to have godly speaking in her class and i said, my pastor told me it s my constitutional right, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. turner received an in-school suspension, missing the rest of the class. but says she forgives her teacher and doesn t want any trouble for her because that, too, goes against her religion. and finally this, time for your fox & friends biology lesson. the food chain edition. check out this video. oh, my god! that is a massive grouper gobbling up a four-foot black tip shark in just one bite. the fisherman had the shark on the line off the coast of benita
springs, florida, and they were just starting to reel it in when the monster fish struck, taking off with their catch. that is one big shark. back to you. my grouper tastes like shark. thank you very much. straight ahead on this thursday, ever wonder what your kids are doing when they get behind the wheel of your car? now you can find out and we ll tell you. then police driving tanks and wearing body armor cracking down on protesters in ferguson. but are these weapons really a good idea or has law enforcement gone too far? john stossel weighs in on that next. spokesperson: get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. why are we so obsessed with turbo?
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hope you re doing well. quick headlines. police getting a head start on a burglary investigation thanks to this selfy. a woman found electronics stolen from her home and found a mysterious selfy uploaded to her cloud, but has no idea who these people are. police are looking for them now. do you recognize them? and a nanny cam for corvette owners? 2015 models will now be able to record what valets do behind the wheel after the owner hands over the keys. it shoots video and records audio all over the car. you could use that for your children, too, if you re going to give them your corvette. tear gas, tanks and police in body armor cracking down on protest increase ferguson. that imagery raising serious concerns with some over the militarization of american police forces. so is this law enforcement gone too far? john stossel is the host of stossel on the fox business network. good morning to you. so is this going too far?
yes. and government always grows and the police are no exception. they re giving them all this equipment and when you have it, you tend to use it. if you show up at a disturbance with all this equipment and shields, think about a shield. you re inviting someone to throw something at you. on the other hand, if there is a catastrophe, what if you don t have the equipment? right. if there is a hostage situation, one force used a garbage truck to protect their people. you need to have some. but there used to be one swat team raid in america every month. now there are 100 every week. many of these swat team interventions are for serving warrants, or showing up to houses to kick down doors. it s the drug war, where you could use a ruse, like hey, you got a ups package or won a contest. wake them up at 6:00 o clock in the morning. you got to figure that if you come into a situation, and it happens sometimes in little towns, sometimes in big towns. if there is a situation where somebody is completely clad in
body armor and they seem invincible, unless you ve got the tools to take them out, you re going to have a problem. some forces need the tools. but they are vastly overused, like government everything government does. here are some numbers. $449 million in military gear given to police in 2013. swat teams in small towns, over 80% of small towns have swat teams. 90% are in larger areas. 90,000 machine guns they were given. 73 grenade launchers. why do they need grenade launchers? i talked to members of the military who say they re so outraged about this. they say we train for years and then you get some guy who don t you get some hot headed guy who doesn t know how to use this material and it s outrageous to some members of the military. some of the national guard may not be all that well trained. young kids. and some cops may be very well trained. we shouldn tover generalize on that. sure. the larger point is there are so
many of these super weapons out there now, the question is where do you draw the line? obviously some swat teams are needed, but maybe not that many. is that what you re saying? ferguson, that they came out pointed guns at people. they had so much of this equipment. that s provocative in a town where there has been racial unrest for a long time. all right. john stossel, you can watch him. he s got a show on fox business. it is tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time on fox business. john, thank you very much. coming up on fox & friends, the question of ransom. who should pay to rescue americans? our government or the family or should no one pay? colonel hunt has an interesting point of view on that. first on this date back in 1980, magic by olivia newton john, number one song in america.
there are a lot of questions about ransoms being paid this morning. who should pay to rescue americans? our government or the family, or should nobody ever pay a terrorist? joining us is fox news military analyst, colonel david hunt. good morning to you. hi. we just had a guest who was james foley s boss at global post and he was talking about how it s against the law here in the united states for the federal government to negotiate with terrorists. however, they do do that in europe. what s your point of view? couple. i think that we should go after americans if we can find them. i think we have to do a lot more than the raids, there are intel
issues. there were imperfect operations always. u.s. government needs to get involved in negotiating with these. everything is switched. i m not going to use the word paradigm. everything changed since 9-11. what s the the spanish did this and the french did it. i think the governments need to be involved and yes, start negotiating with funding. we haven t done this for hundreds of years. pirates, we don t negotiate with pirates. we don t pay their ransoms. does this set a dangerous precedent, colonel, where they re emboldened, we re going to grab more americans? that s our life line for money? there were three beheadings during the iraq war. couple americans and a brit. then we had another journalist in pakistan. i think that that is a worst image than the image of u.s. government, joining in with the other governments and at least talking about this. 1 million euro is never going to get paid. that was a negotiating point
going back and forth. i want the u.s. government to care enough to try almost anything except trade for terrorists. i think american citizens lives have to be worth more. i did not appreciate, a lot of people don t leaking the information of this raid. it should never have been done. this administration has been blaming intel communities for isis, which it was not, and blaming it for the lack of information going after foley. those are imperfect operations. what s the danger of this, colonel hunt? we heard that the family was trying to negotiate. they were trying to pay. the terrorists all of a sudden decided to stop negotiating, appearing that they cared more about their message of propaganda than they cared about the money. is this just emboldening them? again, the spanish were successful in this, as were the french and some others. i think that it was unrealistic to think the foleys were gog
come up with $100 million. but again, i think if the u.s. government with its finances with government, you can expect war. you re never going to pay the immediate ransom. by the way, this was a two-year captivity, as it is with one of the other journalists. it s not like this happened overnight. i just think the u.s. government has got to change its policy, or face more of these pictures which we did during the war. sure. absolutely. and as isis is spreading, you say more air raids and more air strikes, but do not put boots on the ground. colonel david hunt reporting today from boston. thank you very much. thanks. you re welcome. it s 3 1/2 minutes before the top of the hour. breaking news, the two americans who were infected with ebola are leaving the hospital. the questions are, could they possibly still be contagious? and are you thinking about hiring somebody to fix your house? well, there is a lot you need to know.
bob massi on how not to get ripped off coming up.
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good morning. today is thursday, the 21st of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we now know special forces tried and failed to rescue american journalist james foley. but why was that top secret mission exposed? good question. meanwhile, while the family of james foley breaks down in tears, president of the united states after he made a statement went golfing after saying he will and we will take action with others. what? this is a quote. we will act against isil standing alongside others. what the hell does that mean? maybe this is what the president meant by staying the course in iraq. a golf course.
let s be honest, sometimes it s easier to hire someone to do those home improvements. you want to set your laminate securely. how can you ensure you don t get scammed by the contractors? what you need to know this hour. don t stick your forehead on plywood. fox & friends hour three starts right now. welcome to the tool time edition of fox & friends. that was a great show. do you know anyone that s gotten ripped off from contractors? all the time. pony up the money and they don t complete the project and then can t find them after you spend $10,000. oftentimes. last you see them is when they cash the check. we have got a very busy final hour today. we start with a fox news alert. yesterday we showed you the
images, some of the still frame images of james foley being held by his eventual executioner of isis from youtube. now we understand that apparently u.s. special operators tried to rescue him in syria this summer. this on the heels of apparently as early as last spring the federal government was told by six european hostages which were freed by the militants, isis, because hostage rather ransom money was paid, they said, by the way, james foley is in raca, syria. go get him if you want him. apparently we tried to go get him. those brave men who were part of this particular raid, which involved several dozen special operators, choppers, drones, it was blackhawks, the guys from the night stalker team as well, they went in, got there and he wasn t there. nobody was there. they apparently had been moved. there was some small arms fire.
one special operator got shot in the leg, i believe. he is fine. but they just turned around and came home. so why are we just learn being this now and who in the obama administration would have released this information because this came from the white house and the pentagon. judy miller on our show earlier and said they felt compelled to do this, get out in front of the story because media outlets were starting to ask questions and were going to report it. though charles krauthammer and john bolton think that something else is at play here. let s listen. this is a political reaction to a horrific event. the administration is trying to say we re not just standing by and watching. so you can understand that politically. but it is the usual instinct of this administration to think first of the politics. i think this is a stunning breach of security for the united states. obviously ordered by the white house. i cannot conceive of the pentagon releasing this on their own. this is exactly the sort of thing that should remain
completely confidential for 50 years. number one, because it tells people what we tried to do. number two, it s an admission of failure. well, the united states tried again and couldn t do it. and number three, whoever it was we relied upon, whoever gave us the tip is now in jeopardy from the islamic state and may be dead already. this is just not something you do. right. how dangerous is it to put all your cards out on the table and show everybody what you re working with? doesn t make sense. then as far as the intelligence gathering goes in the future, as john bolton mentioned, potentially that person is dead or will be unwilling to come forward. sure. plus you also have to wonder if apparently we knew in spring, according to philip from global post, the former hostages told people, yeah, go to that particular town, raka, syria, and then months later there wasn t a rescue effort until
summer. why was that? they obviously tried their best to go ahead and confirm the location, probably drones and stuff like that. still it sounds like months til they went in there. we also know there had been communication with the family, from isis. they had been sending e-mails to the family of james foley. since november of 2013. yeah. this wasn t just one off e-mail that occurred last week. they had been communicating with them. violence with rage-filled e-mails. they had been requesting money. ransom was requested. it s illegal in the united states to do so. the family and others were trying to figure out how they could raise the money, well over 100 million euro. and members well, europeans were able to pay isis, had been funneling millions of dollars to them. the united states is the only country to not do that. so a lot of questions this morning to whether or not we should have paid ransom. i was just going to say, just follow up on clayton s point, because the family wanted to pay and said we re going to do our
best to raise the money. it s $132 million, it s going to take a little while. we need time. that s when isis cut off the conversation. so they really didn t want the money. they wanted to make a point. they have tons of money. they ve been robbing banks, seized oil fields. is this saying our message is more important than the money? we want to behead americans. we want to show you who is boss. beat on our chest a little bit and show you we are growing and we re here to stay. we re trying to find out more about who exactly the guy is. john, the executer, the man that s what he goes by, the man responsible for the behead not guilty that horrible video. from england, shockingly. that s probable low why david cameron decided to call his vacation short, come back just after one day. he s apparently a member of the beatles, as they re being called, because other english speaking radicals who have been radicalized, saying they wanted to join the fight as martyrs
against allah and joining isis. yeah. and these six european hostages, who were freed by isis in the spring said yeah, we called those three guys who were our guards the beatles. this john character they re trying to figure out more about him. meanwhile, after the video came out, the big question is, how would the united states respond? we responded this way. more air strikes. there were 14 yesterday alone on isis targets. the big question is this, what will be the response going forward? the president has said he s outraged, but clearly only the united states of america can take on isis. michael shoyer who once upon a time headed up the bin laden unit was with us and he said the problem for this president is he simply does not understand the threat. he is where he has been since he became president. he s absolutely clueless about what this enemy is up to, what it s about, and more importantly i think, what we re seeing in the growth of the islamist
movement is the popularity of that movement across the middle east. this is not a cancer. this is terrorist group. this is in essence a world wide insurgency which we have encouraged by refusing consistently to kill them. startling reminder that they re recruiting westerners as well with john the executor. the president yesterday was at the podium without a tie on in massachusetts. 45 minutes after he gave that press conference, right to the putter. went to the golf course 45 minutes later. at the same time, david cameron was coming back from his vacation in england, cutting that vacation short. some people are outraged that when you think about the imagery, you ve got the president of the united states right there screen left. he s out, at the same time the parents of james foley were giving that emotional press conference. presidents deserve time off. they deserve to be on the golf course. but have some sensitivity.
not smart timing. it s 9 minutes after the top of the hour. and heather childers joins us for breaking news. big story we were talking about, an update for you. they were near death just a few weeks ago. but in just a few hours, the two americans diagnosed with ebola are actually going to be released from the hospital. emory university make the announcement a short time ago. dr. kent brantley and nancy writebol contracted the virus in liberia. brantley expected to speak at a news conference this morning. that will happen at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. the patients are no longer contagious, we re told. wow. she s just 13 years old, but a judge says that she is old enough to stand trial on charges that she started one of the most destructive wildfires of the year. prosecutors say that she sparked the fire on purpose. the flames ripped through three dozen homes north of san diego,
causing $12 million in damage. police say they re not saying yet how they linked her to the crime. robin williams at peace. we learned he was cremated the day after he took his own life. his ashes scattered in the san francisco bay near his home. williams wife revealed the 63-year-old had been diagnosed with parkinson s disease, but he was not yet ready to reveal that to the world. those are a look at your headlines. back to you. thank you very much. ten minutes after the hour. a major bombshell out of ferguson. a source telling fox news that officer darren wilson was badly beating at the hands of michael brown. this as new video is being released of wilson being honored by the police department six months before that deadly shooting. garrett teny is live with the new details. good morning, garrett. reporter: good morning. this source who is very close to the head of the ferguson police department says that officer wilson suffered major injuries,
including a fracture to his eye bone in his eye socket as a result of michael brown beating him in the incident shortly before he was shot and killed. this new information comes from a source that is very close to members of the ferguson police department and tells us to fox news exclusively, says after michael brown ignored orders to get out of the middle of the road, officer wilson started getting out of his vehicle when brown, quote, shoved him right back in and that s when michael brown leans in and starts beating officer wilson in the head and the face. wilson suffered a fractured eye socket and was then taken to the hospital, according to this source. and they say the 28-year-old officer is now scared for his life and terrified that a grand jury that has now begun viewing evidence in this case will try to make an example out of him. we re also seeing the first video images of officer wilson. this comes from a ferguson city council meeting just six months before the shooting and shows
the officer receiving a commendation for his extraordinary effort in the line of duty. supporters of darren wilson made a brief appearance at some of the protests last night. but they were quickly whisked away by police officers when other protesters began to surround them. police say that it was for their own safety and online donation campaign for officer wilson and his family has collected nearly $120,000 in just the last four days. all right. garrett teny reporting live from ferguson, missouri today. thank you very much. a lot of news. when you see that woman who is a supporter of officer wilson having to be whisked away for her own safety, it makes you realize these protesters aren t out there for freedom of speech. they re to push their side. setting up a voter registration booth? you think? it s believed to be some of the latest video ever taken of james foley. the story behind this footage from the friend who took it is
next. and it happened again. first white flags flown from the brooklyn bridge. now this. that s a palestinian flag on the manhattan bridge. what s going on?
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we re very proud of jim. he was a courageous, fearless journalist, very compassionate american. i mean, the best of america. and he always hoped that he would come home. that was his hope and he standed all the others who were with him really with that hope. those are james foley s parents. as we remember jim, we bring in a close friend of him, matthew van dyke. he s an award winning film maker and has the last video that anybody has seen of foley. some of the last moments captured on video. thanks for being with us. i m sorry for your loss. thank you. as we take a look back, tell us what you loved about james. he s one of the best people i ve known. he was honest. he was hard work. he had a real passion for what
he did. even after in libya when he was captured, he went right back to reporting the same conflict. then onto syria. i don t know anybody who ever said a bad thing about jim. he was loved by his colleagues and his friends. talk about how things changed once isis came into the picture, once we started hearing, we only became really familiar with it publicly really over the last few months. it s become a household name in this country. but what happened in that region when isis started to pour in? the whole revolution changed. isis arrived on the scene in spring 2013. and syria became a black hole for foreigners. journalists would go in and disappear, including numerous friends of mine, including steven sotloff who is in the video. you would be talking to somebody one day on facebook or e-mail and the next day you wouldn t hear from them again. it goes to show you how bloodies bloodies thisy isis is. how are they finding the
journalists? is it easy to track them down? what s the motivation? is it money from isis? is that what they want at the end of the day? it s partially money. it s partially bargaining chips. as we ve seen here to try to influence u.s. policy. a lot of times they either grab in ambushes or fixers, people hired by journalists to help them sell them out. from your standpoint, how should we be covering it? this is something new we haven t seen, these people. but that s another whole can of worms that we have to deal with. should we be showing this video? should we be showing the images? is that emboldening isis? i think it s important to show parts of the video and to show the images because it shows the barghoutiity of this barbarity of this group. have you watched it? i wasn t going to watch it, i was asked so many times, so i watched it. i don t advise people to see it because it might disturb some people.
in the abstract, you hear about what happened and it doesn t hit you the same way as if you actually see the level of cruelty that is involved with this group. matthew, what should the united states government be doing to isis? destroy isis as quickly as possible. because right now with this i wanted air strikes, is this the way to do it? absolutely not. you saw in syria the moderate opposition tried to take on isis. they did some damage, but they didn t eliminate isis and isis came back. you see in libya they tried to take on extremists and they did not eliminate them. extremists had a resurgence and they re there making games. you have to eliminate it completely. you re not the only one who feels that way. thank you for joining us. sorry about your loss. thank you for having me. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. up next, do we have another beau bergdahl on our hands? this marine now accused of being a deserter. think about hiring someone to fix up your house? there is a lot you need to know.
bob massi on how not to get ripped off by your contractor. that is up next. there s a gap out there. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. so let s do it. let s simplify healthcare. let s close the gap between people and care. hang that in your own tree. it s my tree, i m just trying to do something nice for the neighborhood birds. you don t care about the birds, you re just trying to get the droppings on my dart. i ve always supported birds, they re one of natures miracles. what s this even, this it s not even part of a tree. sure it is, it s to feed the birds. look where you put the birdhouse. i didn t even notice your car here, i literally didn t notice it.
it s coming down. it s not coming down. oh, it s coming down. i ll call the police. i hope you do. i d love to call the police then. i would love to see you think the police would side with you. on this!
welcome back. quick headlines now. brand-new video out of iraq. those are kurdish fighters patrolling the mosul dam. earlier this week, u.s. air strikes took out isis militants there, allowing the ground troops to take back the dam. and an accused deserter expected in court today. marine corporal appeared in iraq disappeared in iraq. he said he was kidnapped by insurgents, but some in the military doubted his story. once back in the u.s., he disappeared again and failed to return to camp lejeune.
first it was white flags put on the brooklyn bridge. now this. a palestinian flag was hung from the manhattan bridge. the flag found flying shortly after 500 people led a pro-palestinian protest nearby. anna? thanks. making improvements to your home can be fun and exciting. but it can also be dangerous on your wallet. it s important to protect yourself from the contractor and subcontractor payment scams. so what do you need to know to stay safe? here now to answer some of your questions is fox news legal analyst, bob massi. great to see you as always. good morning. thank you. one point is there are some subcontractor friendly states and some homeowner friendly states. why is that? well, bottom line is the fact when you hire a contractor to do home improvements, remember that subcontractor is out getting the contractor is getting subcontractors to do the work. let s say you re improving your kitchen or bathroom.
they have to have a plumber or an electrician. so you re dealing directly with the contractor who you pay and they pay the subcontractor. the problem is what happens if there is a dispute between the contractor and the subcontractor you ve paid, but there is an issue? you and i as the homeowner could talk today abouthat. something you could do as a homeowner to sort of mitigate your exposure in those type of things. our first viewer question is this: how can a dispute regarding payment between the contractor and the subcontractor impact the homeowner? well, first of all, understand that that you should do when doing home improve ams, issue joint checks. in other words, you have contractor a and subcontractor b. write a check to both. what that does is you know that you are paying the contractor and the subcontractor for the work done or materials delivered. by doing that, it requires two endorse ams on the check and it s a form of protection for the homeowner. in addition to that, sometimes
what you can do as a homeowner is sub it out yourself. you go full term it. say, i know enough how to do this bathroom, i m going to sub it out directly to the electrician, to the plumber, and pay directly. but those are some of the things you have to be careful of when you re doing home improvements cause all too often if it s not paid, they could put a lien against your house, and ultimately can enforce that lien against your house. okay. question number two from our viewers: are there ways to avoid the issue of nonpayment for material or labor in order to protect the homeowner? well, one of the things other than the joint checks is this, when you issue a joint check, and you re paying the contractor and the subcontractor, you should get a lien release. in other words, if i write a check to the contractor, the subcontractor, you want from that subcontractor that it s done work on your house. you want them to sign a lien release. what does that mean? that means for the materials and for the work that s been done, that contractor is saying we
will not put a lien against your property. we are releasing from you that because you have rightfully paid that debt. all too often what happens is homeowners get stuck with this lien and they re saying, wait a second. i paid the contractor. he should have paid them. when there is a dispute between the contractor and subcontractor, you and i as homeowners in the midst of this wonderful thing of improving your home, you get stuck with this lien against your property, which requires you to go to a lawyer, have to do certain things. make sure you get diligent explanation of how the relationship is from the contractor and the subcontractor. as if your home being in chaos wasn t chaos enough. thank you so much. if you would like to e-mail your questions, go to our web site and click on rebuilding dreams. bob massi there for us. 28 minutes after the hour. coming up on fox & friends, outrage this morning over this story. special needs children made to sort through the trash at school. it s actually part of the
curriculum. then the season opener for a florida football team in serious jeopardy this morning. the reason? a volcano in iceland? introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ everyday thousands of people choose nexium twenty-four hour for frequent heartburn. i d always wanted the protection of the purple pill® now, i have it. get nexium level protection ™ for a limited time save six dollars at
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we have got a fox news alert for you. the labor department just released brand-new weekly jobless numbers moments ago. 298,000 new jobless claims. that s actually down from last week and less than expected. so that s a little glimmer of good news.
this august we have so much bad news because we have another developing story. the u.s. is stepping up air strikes on isis in iraq. what should other countries be doing and what about muslim groups? we aren t hearing much from them this morning. joining us is middle east expert and fox news terror analyst, walid feras. why do you think it s important for muslims across the country and all over the globe to speak out against isis? it is crucial that muslim americans, international muslim majority countries, organizations will enter the fray of this battle simply because isis is recruiting in the first circle within muslim communities. then they take the action against minorities and then they take action against other communities. so in this sense, i would say the first institution should be the university, equivalent of the vatican in egypt. they could do a lot by delegit mazing the work of isis and the
islamic conference represents 57 muslim governments and some of these governments have criticized isis, but they need to do it at an international level. sure. just kind of touched on that at the end, there are no governments that actually support isis. and no groups outwardly support them. for instance, we were talking, what about the muslim brotherhood? why don t they come forward? if they re moderate, come on, let s hear you condemn isis? that could have been a strong argument when isis began and the muslim brotherhood were in charge, including in egypt with mr. morsi. when france took action against the sisters of isis in africa and mali, they said i don t want to do that business. he didn t want to fight those jihaddists and he actually supported other jihaddists. so yes, the muslim brotherhood they want to tell the world they re moderate, this is the opportunity to do it. go against isis and its ideology which is very important. you look at this map, here is sort of a new map of the middle
east. it seems like it s being reshaped as we stand here and speak this morning. with isis presence in those red areas on your screen, u.s. air strikes just small little air strikes in that northern portion of the screen there. does the united states need to step up its attacks on isis in all of those regions? i think at the end of the day, yes. the united states needs to increase its air campaign against isis. first in iraq. if they don t want to go to syria. but what they need to do in both iraq and syria is to work with those minorities that isis is targeting, both kurds and christians and yazidis and work within the controlled areas by isis with sunni tribesmen. we invested so much with those tribes. now is the time to go back to this eye liians. they will rise against isis. we need an architecture in washington to fight isis. not just a few air strikes from time to time. when we see how quickly
they re growing and just how powerful they are, what good is speaking out against them? i mean, they seem to be masterminds at brainwashing and radicalizing young children even. well, they have been doing this business for many, many years. the mistake here in washington was that we have not taken seriously the effects of this jihadi ideology, actually since 2009. the policy of the administration was to say this is not about an ideology. it s about everything else except that. now isis is the product of an ideology. we need to change policy in washington. then we can have a strategy against the jihaddists. let s see if anybody around the world comes out and denounces the beheadings, aside from people here on this side of the pond and a lot of our european allies. we thank you very much for joining us today. thank you. let s check in now with heather childers who is standing by with a look at other headlines. couple things to tell you
about. we begin with this from jeopardy contestant to under arrest. click on this channel you and might find yourself in the middle of shark week. what is the discovery channel? right. 400 in the same category. that is claire on jeopardy. that was back in 1998. but now she is on trial for attacking the wife of a virginia state law maker, david tuscano. she met the couple on a cruise and she allegedly became obsessed with them and then when they tried to distance themselves from her, police say she attacked the wife, hitting her in the head. she also competed on who wants to be a millionaire. death was certain, a rock climber fell 100 feet down a glacier. so what saved his life? a back tuck. this is true. 21-year-old dylan was climbing with his friends when he plunged
down saint mary s glacier, over in colorado. while in the air, he remembered his training as a gymnast. in midair, he did a flip and then he landed on his feet. he broke his ankles and his legs, but he s lucky to be alive. he says he will be back doing gymnastics as soon as possible. that s amazing. one more story for you. the season opener for florida football team that is in jeopardy apparently. the reason? a volcano. that s right. the game between the university of central florida and penn state is being played in ireland and 900 miles away is a volcano. it s ready to blow. scientists say the ash could easily travel over to ireland and that could ground flights going in and out of the country. finally, outrage this morning. special needs kids made to sort through the trash at school. kids told teachers told the children to sift through garbage
for recyclables. it s actually part of the school curriculum. she felt humiliated. she felt stigma advertised and she didn t even want to tell me about it. i didn t find out about it until the story came out on the news. yeah. the school district now suspending the program. but special education teachers say that this is standard practice. they claim it teaches the children the skills they will need later in life. so figure that one out. back to you. that was for each nickel, if the bottles were worth a nickel, there would be a financial thing. they say this is a skill they may need in they end up working in fast food. let s check in with maria molina who is standing by outside with a look at the forecast. good morning. i want to start out by showing you what the old farmers almanac is predicting for this upcoming winter because it s big news, especially for us here across the northeast. if it is true and it does happen coming up this winter, we re looking at potentially a super
cold winter for the eastern two-thirds of the country. not just cold. they re thinking super cold. the northeast could get a lot of snow. the exception across parts of the northeast is going to be section attention of new england. that s where they think that we could be looking at a little bit less snow. otherwise along parts of the west coast, in california, you could be looking at temperatures that are above average. however, out there, dry conditions could continue to be an issue and we do have dry conditions now. so they think that could continue. a rainier winter for cast for florida and potentially a slower hurricane season. this is a long-term prediction, so there are some uncertainties. last year they did predict a cold winter here across the northeast and they were right. otherwise across parts of the northern plains, we do have some storms right now moving through. some showers and storms, very heavy at times across sections of minnesota and also wisconsin. we do have a concern for severe weather. so there is a watch in effect. temperature wise, heat across parts of the plains and also the
southeast. you factor in the humidity and it s going to feel even hotter outside. let s head back inside. all right. maria molina, thank you very much. coming up here, the ferguson shooting now in the hands of a grand jury. that whole process is top secret. but why? what s really going on behind closed doors? we ll get some answers on that next. plus, we re getting a lesson in tennis from one of the best in the world. venus williams will be live on our court, check it out, coming up. we built a court? i know what you re thinking. you re thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldn t he be? beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. it has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr! [announcer]even accents of vitamin-rich veggies. [guy] so happy! you love it so much. yes you do! but it s good for you,too.
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fox news alert. the st. louis grand jury tasked with deciding whether or not officer darren wilson will face charges in the shooting death of michael brown facing protesters outside its doors. what s going on inside of the courtroom? joining us right now with
answers to your questions is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. good morning. viewers have written in last night and this morning with some interesting questions that a lot of people are asking that really haven t been answered before. all right. first one from don. he wrote to us on facebook. it says, how often does a grand jury bow to outside pressure? that s what a lot of people looking in are wondering. hopefully never. but they re human beings and we saw the video of the protests outside. there is one particularly compelling photo that was published today in the new york times showing the protesters outside with kind of inflammatory signs. if you re a grand juror walking into that facility in clayton, missouri, are you going to be affected by that? are you going to be frightened by that? is that going to affect your outcome? are you going to say, should i vote indictment to prevent a future riot? public pressure does matter in all venues. how does a grand jury work? probable cause is the true bill standard. nine to 12 jurors must agree and
we have reports of three of the grand jurors are african-american. there will be a lot of witnesses. officer wilson, dorian johnson, one of the witnesses, and perhaps accomplice of mr. brown, the medical examiner, detectives, eyewitnesses. hearsay is permissible and no judge and no defense counsel will be present. peter, so often we ve heard people say, if a prosecutor really wants an indictment, you could indict a ham sandwich. that s true. we got other questions as to what they want to know going forward. for instance, what happens next? what happens next, the grand jury will proceed. nine jurors must agree there is probable cause and they ll look at a range of charges from voluntary manslaughter, first degree, second degree murder, involuntary manslaughterrer or no true bill. meaning no indictment whatsoever. dan asked a question on twitter, if the prosecution is the only voice, how does ex
culpatory evidence get presented. that means evidence tending to acquit. tending not to prove probable cause with regard to an indictment. evidence that would help the officer with regard to the charges that could be brought. it s up to the prosecutor to provide a range of witnesses. for example, will the grand jury hear medical testimony about the alleged orbital fracture, the eye socket fracture allegedly suffered by officer wilson? will the jury see the video of mr. brown about ten minutes before engaged in that strong arm robbery of the convenience store for the cigars to show the intent, the motive, the state of mind of the decedent, of the man killed here? that s a very, very interesting question. it is a secret proceeding. so we will never know. i m sure thereafter, a lot of people will say i wasn t called as a witness in this proceeding.
one important point that no one has talked about, not only will this jury be deciding whether there is enough evidence to bring an indictment against the police officer, it will also judge the criminal conduct of the man who died. let me tell you why. they will make a determination whether mr. brown was a felon or a fleeing felon, or whether he assaulted a police officer, or whether he tried to take the hand gun from the police officer. if this grand jury believes that the decedent, the man who died, the man who was shot by officer wilson was in fact a felon, a fleeing felon, had engaged in a felony before or after and was trying to evade capture and engaged in felonious behavior or behavior that was threatening, intimidating or causing to take the life of the police officer, that will have an important determination in this grand
jury s deliberations and it will go to the issue of self-defense and justification, whether it was justifiable homicide or not. so they re going to be look at the conduct of both men to determine whether the police officer s conduct was appropriate under the circumstances. highly charged, highly emotional. great obligation in our society. we may not know the answer for several months based on the number of witnesses here. you had some answers to some questions that a lot of details right there. we didn t know about. peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. good to see you. coming up next, we re headed out to court. venus williams, good morning to you. she s live on the plaza. find out why coming up. first we check in with bill hemmer who is holding court at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. how are you doing? interesting segment with peter. very interesting. what we are learning this morning about the life and brutal death of james foley. there are others being held. we know that. how will the president react
now? also what happened in ferguson last night. what we re learning about the police officer accused of shooting and killing michael brown. karl rove is here on the president, john mccain on reaction, and bill o reilly is ticked off about missouri. see you then, top of the hour like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that s anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches, try one today.
well, she is a seven-time grand slam champion and she s hardiheading back to the court next week for the u.s. open. that s right. first we ve got her on our court here on our plaza. tennis star venus williams joins us live. good morning to you. hi. thanks for having me. round of applause, ladies and gentlemen! the open is just around the corner. yeah. starts on monday. so i m in new york now and this is actually kind of warming up with you guys.
you re going to warm up with us? yes. can you give us some tips? i played years ago, but i m terrible now. you look at a guy like me i used to be good. when you get out there on the court, do you play in heels or anything like that? once. but i didn t win the match. what are some tips on form, cause steve needs help. up with of the first tips is, i know it sounds simple, but look at the ball. if you keep your eye on the ball, it he wills almost all of your mistakes. really? and even the professionals, you see when the moments get tight, everybody starts looking to where they re hitting and that s the wrong thing. you want to see the racket hit the string and then you look up. what about serving? serving is one of those things that even if you re a master, you go it s all about rhythm. on the serve you always want to keep your left hand up. can you show us? if your right hand is down, you can see where the ball is going to go. so you keep it up high and finish through. could you hit like
no, no, no not like that! that s not what i said. not bad. what do you eat before a big match? before a big match i m always fueling my body with something healthy and something that is easy to get energy from. jamba juice. does anyone want any citrus? who wants a jamba juice? i do a lot of juicing as part of my diet. i think it helps a lot of people to just be able to do something healthy quickly. a lot of people are preferring to get their vegetables and fruits through juice. that s how we get our kids to eat their vegetables. cram them full of veggies. they re like, can we have a
smoothie? they don t realize what we shoved in there. and it s really good for everyone of all ages. i love jamba juice. i have some franchises, so i believe in the brand. they re doing a lot of wonderful things for people and actually now there is a lot of super foods like baby spinach and kale and those kind of things available in a lot of the stores. there is stuff you can grind up and it tastes great. so the open this week. good luck to you. thanks so much. you re looking good. thanks a lot.
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tomorrow our summer concert series continues with tyler far. in the after the show show, venus williams. you guys want me to come back tomorrow? bill: there is new information on the secret mission to save james foley that failed. we are learning new details on the special forces covert raid and what went wrong. patti ann: the president speaking about james foley yesterday while on vacation but taking considerable criticism for heading back to the golf course after his comments. bill: james goler is in martha s vineyard where the president is on vacation. but

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160323 10:00:00

my thought at the time was that s one, that s two, three s coming, maybe even four. and given what we know about what happened in paris i thought there s a good chance i m going to start hearing rifle fire. in among the debris on the ground what you were seeing were people. it s tragedy, the blood, the destruction, that stuff i wouldn t wish on anybody to see. good morning and welcome to morning joe. what is going to be a very, very big news morning today. we re following two big stories
this morning. in politics we got a big endorsement last night, jeb to ted. but first, the terror attacks in brussels. breaking overnight, police have identified three of the suspects involved in yesterday s terror attacks in belgium. two of the suicide bombers were brothers and a massive manhunt is under way for the third man. we go live to brussels for the latest on that. plus, joe, we have the results in the presidential race this morning, donald trump is the projected winner in the winner take all arizona primary but ted cruz is projected to easily win the utah caucus on his way to crossing the 50% mark that will make that a winner take all state as well. on the democrats side, hillary clinton is the projected winner arizona s primary but bernie sanders answered in projected wins in idaho and utah, the caucuses there, joe. mika, you look at the election results last night, it looks like ted cruz lives to fight another day politically, a huge endorsement coming up this
morning with jeb bush endorsing ted cruz, angering a lot of people in the marco rubio camp and then you look at all the politics that got mixed into the terror story yesterday and you couldn t help but look at the television set and think of the churchill quote that says americans will exhaust all other possibilities before finally deciding to do the right thing right now. if you look at a president strangely disconnected once again from terror attacks like he was with james foley in paris and now brussels, you look at ted cruz talking about orwellian presences in neighborhoods where muslims live. it s the exact opposite thing we re supposed to do. donald trump telling the washington post a few days ago we need to retreat from nato. it seems like united states leaders on both sides of the aisles have all the wrong instincts for what america needs right now. it s distressing. we re going to sort through that
and much more all morning. and we ll do that with former communications director for president george w. bush, nicolle wallace, veteran columnist in and msnbc contributor mike barnicle, managing editors of bloomberg politics, mark halperin and john heilemann and in washington columnist in and associate editor for the washington post, david ignatius is with us as well. thanks to you all. we ll begin with the breaking news overnight. developments in brussels where police have identified three of the suspects involved in yesterday s terror attacks, shown here in security video at the brussels airport wheeling luggage carts. nbc news has confirmed the two bombers in black were brothers identified as khalid and ibrahim el bakraroui. they are believed to have died when the bombs exploded. the brothers were known to police and had suspected links to the terrorist network responsible for the paris terror attacks last november. authorities believe the other man in the picture identified by police as 24-year-old ja jet
stream laachraoui fled the scene. he is now being hunted by police. laachraoui is also suspected of involvement in the paris terror attacks and well. and believed to be traveling with accused paris attacker salah abdeslam before his arrest last friday. laachraoui s dna was discovered at an address in brussels raided by police last week. police say he appeared to have been traveling with abdeslam on a fake belgian identity card. isis claimed responsibility for the bombings at both the airport and subway yesterday that left at least 31 people dead and another 260 wounded and u.s. counterterrorism officials said that claim appeared genuine. in the hours after the attack, investigators carried out raids across the country and counterterrorism sources described one site uncovered in the searches as a bomb-making factory. the belgian prosecutor s office also said one revealed an improvised explosive device
containing nails and chemicals as well as an isis flag. there is reinforced security threat but belgian media reports life will get back to normal quickly with schools reopening. let s go live to brussels with chris jansing. chris? i just arrived here but it s been fascinating to watch. you ll recall after the paris bombings this was a city in lockdown, virtually a ghost town for four days now coming in and riding several miles in a car through the streets of brussels. it s almost what seems life as usual. people walking and driving to work. the buses were running. a very few visible science, frankly, of any kind of security. that may have been the most surprising thing. only perhaps a mile from where we are here at the entrance to a subway. we did see an armed military and two people were standing at the
entrance and checking bags as people came in. as i went into my hotel, which is an american chain, they were checking people as well. we had to open our suitcases. but in terms of anything extraordinary, we certainly didn t see it. so while this is a city in mourning, it s also a city that is clearly defiant. now, the place, the entrance to the subway where the explosion happened yesterday is just down the street from where i m standing and you do see in this area as we walked around a few of those subway entrances that are blocked. but i have to tell you, the few people i ve had an opportunity to talk with in the hotel, our driver, they did not seem shocked by this. for the last four months they have been hearing about how this might happen, as you might imagine, mika, and then with the arrest of the one person who was at large, salah abdeslam, there were more warnings about the possibility of attacks here. so as tragic as it is, it s almost as people are accepting
this as a new reality. nbc s chris jansing in brussels, thank you very much. joe? david ignatius, let s bring you in. let s talk about i ve spoken about america s failures on the political front. let s talk about europe and their inability to do many things. one, their continued inability to integrate muslims into the fabric of european society, to make them believe they have a stake in whatever future they re in in europe. the open borders ins, in europe, the refugee tidal wave in the past year and law enforcement s inability when they re hold iina suspected terrorist for four days, their inability to get information from that terrorist. is europe woefully ill equipped for the challenge it faces? i think today looking at this terrible images of death and
suffering in brussels europeans would say and we would say with them that not enough was done. this is a 9/11 moment where people look at an attack that was so much larger than what they imagined and think why did we fail to connect the dots? the first real islamic state attack in brussels was nearly two years ago. since then, these networks have been growing and brussels law enforceme enforcement, belgian law enforcement has been unable to penetrate the muslim communities in which these people were hiding. we see a series of names who it turns out were known to belgian law enforcement. the two suicide bombers who detonated their bombs so terribly in the brussels airport have both come out of belgian prisons, these were people who should have been known to the authorities better than they were. it took the authorities more than four months to find the prime suspect in the paris
bombing, salah abdeslam, who was in effect hiding in plain sight. so as i talked to u.s. intelligence professional, there were basic thoughts they had. first, somehow europeans in general, the belgians in particular need to lift their game and need to share information more. the french have been more frustrated with the belgians, i m told, than anybody. second, the u.s. has to find a way to work with our european friends and allies so that our information, state-of-the-art, the best collection of information available for people can be used, amplified with our key allies to make europe less vulnerable. there are more plots under way. that s the final thing intelligence professionals stress. these are not isolated instances. more than 5,000 europeans went to syria and iraq as foreign fighters. they re now coming back. they re operating in cells that are very difficult to identify.
they use very good operational security so the traditional ways of collecting information are really not so present. so these are huge challenges and i think the consensus the u.s. and europe have to work better together. you talked about waves of foreign fighters coming into european countries, there s a very real possibility of them coming to the united states, not as great as europe. of course yesterday donald trump took an extreme position about torture. i m wondering, though, is this a debate that western countries going to have about the possibility of some enhanced interrogation techniques. is anybody in intel communities talking about the fact we had a prime snpt cuuspect in custody four days and all we could do is talk to his lawyer across the table? take waterboarding off the
table. let s talk about what western countries and american countries have been doing for decades. is anybody talking about the possibility of an interrogation program in europe or america because we don t have one right now. i think it s fair to say that intelligence professionals in the u.s. and europe were burned by the investigations that that followed abuses in the u.s. spies don t want to go to jail any more than any other people do and so i think they have been cautious trying to understand what the legal requirements are. there are ways, as we ve learned, to use interrogation clerly and picks what you learn in the interrogation not using waterboard i waterboarding but other techniques that match up with other things that you know. we are in a world of big data crunching where a lot of the intelligence professionals i
talked to say breakthroughs will come from using all the information we know so that machines are learning about these suspects and they can we can run the information at them and take is t interrogation to a new place. but the simple answer to your question, joe, is no, i do not hear people talking about torturing suspects in belgium. mike barnicle hold on, david. i m not talking about torturing suspects. i heard a lot of talk about torture yesterday when you talked about enhanced interrogation techniques. there are a lot of people that have sloppily blurred the line there is over the past six months or a year over those two techniques. many intel professionals would not consider sleep deprivation to be torture or isolation to be torture in means of gaining access. you can have enhanced interrogation short of torture,
can you not? there are technique, obviously, that enhance the role of the interrogator and make the suspect feel more vulnerable without a gross violation of suspects rights. the technical details of this i m not confident to get into. my only point was in the aftermath of the investigation, there s scars for intelligence professionals there as here. that s all. mike barnicle. let s bring in former assistant special agent in charge of the joint fbi/nypd terrific task force, don borrelli. mr. borrelli, off of what david ignatius and joe were just talking about, the intelligence we get that we pass on to our allies in europe, we re told at least at a reporting level that it s badly handled by different governments. some governments are better. germany, france, belgium, they handle it differently. how large an issue or problem is this in the fight against isis
within europe? well, it s a big issue because it really takes all of these countries working together to put the pieces of the puzzle and then figure out who these terrorists t-cells and where they are and how they re connected. in my experience, the united states is very good at sharing information with our partners. i mean, some of the highest classified information i ve seen shared across the border. now what happens with it when it gets into the hands of our counterparts in western europe is largely up to them. how they choose to use it or not use it so this is a problem. sharing is also two ways. when we give expect to get in the return and it s not always an equitable partnership. what is the way belgium has released in the last five or six years handled that high volume of classified information about people within their own communities and operates supposedly ongoing within their own country that they seem to
have an inability to take hold of. i can t speak exactly to the nuts and bolts of what they do with each piece of intelligence that s passed but if you look at the big picture, it s not been enough. you ve had salah abdeslam missing for four months as after the french raids and it s not like he was on some remote island. he was in the middle of the neighborhood where they expected him to be and where all his counterparts are so clearly there is a lack of a robust intelligence network there. it s not to say they don t have good professionals working on this but it doesn t appear there s enough resources being brought to bear on this situation. don borrelli, thank you very much. there s a lot of controversy to cover yet on the president s reaction to the tragedies as well as the candidates, the presidential candidates. we ll get to that in a moment. let s turn to last night s election results. yesterday saw another strong
voter turnout, really strong. that wasn t the cause of the tieup in phoenix where some waited five hours to cast ballots after county officials in a cost-saving move decided to open only 60 polling sites in a county with two million registered voters. by comparison, 200 were opened for the 2012 presidential primary. in arizona s winner take all race last night, donald trump is the projected victor. 47% to ted cruz s 25%. trump takes all 58 of the state s delegates and notice that marco rubio, who ended his campaign a week ago, is leading john kasich, a likely effect of early voting. but cruz answered back in utah s caucus where he is projected to easily clear the 50% threshold to claim all of its delegates rather than a proportional split. kasich in a distant second at 17%, trump at 14%. confidence emanated from cruz s
campaign manager jeff roe who called his not? a tweet we will get 50% plus in utah and all 40 delegates, #babe ruth. cruz has a big deficit to overcome. each picked up a delegate from american samoa and trump took away the most delegates on the night, trump stands at 744 delegates to cruz s 468. so ted cruz is feeling like he s in the game, joe, is he? yeah. it s hard to say it was a split decision last night. the only number that matters is 1237. mark halperin sort through this for us. how did last night s results fit in to the bigger question of whether there s going to be a contested convention or not. well, donald trump like hillary clinton is on an inexorable march to a majority of the delegates. people who want to stop trump or clinton can t keep splitting contests, they have to start beating them decisively.
trump wins arizona, cruz gets jeb bush s endorsement, does very well in utah but the showdown is wisconsin now. last flight only heightens the prospect of a trump/clinton general election unless they can be stop independent too two weeks in wisconsin. if they can t be stopped there, it s close to over. that s what i was going ask you. if somebody wakes up this morning looking at these results and wondering whether this makes an open convention more likely or not on the republican side what s your answer? less likely because another series of contests have passed with the front-runners on a path to majorities and every contest that goes by that they re not stopped they re a step closer. trump s loss in utah, you can explain in the a lot of ways. he finished third. but it doesn t matter if he keeps winning and neither cruz nor john kasich can argue at this point they have not just obviously to a majority but to stopping donald trump from the majority as he continues to
consolidate not just delegates but support within the party and the electorate. nicolle wallace, what was your take away last night? i think trump every week, every contest has a strong performance and last night was no exception. i think we spend the intervening six days talking about his future weaknesses or his past weaknesses. every time people vote he looks pretty darn strong and it think it renders slightly silly the number and volume of conversations about a brokered convention. that looks increasingly unlikely and i think the jeb endorsement of cruz today, the timing is strange to me. they their very public policy divides over intel, immigration, policing of the muslim community make it sit very much he did come out for someone but it feels almost like the sentiment that romney expressed when he came out and gave his stop trump
speech. no doubt about it. john heilemann, let s look at the overall week. what s happened between the split. you had donald trump speaking before aipac, delivering the first disciplined speech of his entire campaign looking more presidential, actually putting policy into that speech. it seems to be donald trump shifting into another gear. the question is is trump going to be able to get to the 1237 and what is john kasich s role in standing in way of that? how many more races does john kasich go through before deciding it might be time for him to endorse ted cruz. i think, joe, that john kasich has run his own campaign. he marches to the beat of his own drummer, sometimes that s a funky drummer. i don t have a sense that kasich has any plans to get out any time soon. mark mentioned wisconsin.
obviously that race will be important in a lot of ways but one way is in the context of kasich. if kasich can win wisconsin, if that vote splits three ways and kasich can either perform well there or win, that will be cause to go on. he looks down the calendar much like bernie sanders. he looks at those states, moderate states in the northeast, looks out west and says these are states that i might be able to win or at least accumulate a lot of dmaegs in a three way contest and so i think that last night will do nothing to change kasich s calculation. things could nap the course of april that could change his calculation but not for a few more weeks. still ahead on morning joe, two of america s leading authorities on national security, former nsa director michael hayden and four star admiral, former nato supreme allied commander james tavridis.
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it s standard law
enforcement. if you have a neighborhood plagued by gang activity, it s standard law enforcement to work with the community to stop the gang members. it s standard good policing to direct your resources to where the threat is coming from. we should do the exact same thing with radical islamic terrorism. political correctness costs lives. and it is standard law enforcement, it s good law enforcement to focus on where threats are emanating from and anywhere where there is a locus of radicalization, where there is an expanding presence of radical islamic terrorism we need law enforcement resources directed there, we need national security resources directed there, the object should be to keep americans safe, to keep everyone s safe. that was senator ted cruz calling for increased policing of muslim communities in the u.s., cruz also invoked the
volsy vol policies of new york city mayor michael bloomberg. and listen to this, this new york police department reacted reminding cruz that the force has nearly 1,000 muslim officers in uniform. i would remind the senator he lives in the united states of america and the statements he made today is why he s not going to become president of this country because we don t need a president that doesn t respect the values that form the foundation of this country. i have over 900 very dedicated officers in this department, many of whom do double duty. they serve as active duty members of the u.s. military in combat, something the senator has never seen. so before he starts denigrating any population group, take a close look at who he s denigrating. joe, what do you think? i feel like bratton didn t mince words and pretty much crystal sized the perfect reaction to cruz s comments. well, you know, i am the last person that s ever been accused
of being politically correct in this fight against terrorism. i believe we need enhanced interrogation techniques. i m not talking about waterboarding but we need far more aggressive. we don t want to make the same mistakes we made leading up to 9/11 and jerk too far in one direction. we re too far in the other direction now. so i am not politically correct. that said, what ted cruz said yesterday is the exact opposite of what we need to do. it makes us less safe. i won t even talk about american values. let s not talk about american values. let s talk about american safety. if we are going to win the war against islamic terrorism in the united states. if we re going to make sure we don t end up looking like europe, we do that by continuing to do what americans have done for over 200 years, accept immigrants into this country and integrate. muslim americans have successfully integrated into this country better than any
non-muslim country in the world. they re pursuing the american dream. 1% of americans are muslim. 10% of doctors in this country, i ve read, are muslim americans. muslim americans are entrepreneurs. they are leaders in this country. ted cruz could not have it more wrong. i m not talking about values. i m not talking about reaching out and touching someone. i m not talking about teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony. i m talking about beating isis. you beat isis by having muslim americans embrace the american dream. and i had one leader in this country, one muslim american text me earlier in this show saying in europe muslims look at themselves as muslims first and european seconds as far as identity go. in america they see themselves as americans who are muslims.
we have to keep it this way. and you listen to what ted cruz says and it s certainly surprising. the exact opposite at the worst possible time. you wonder why he s doing it because he s a fairly intelligent man. i can t believe he truly believes what he s saying. joining us in washington, former director of the cia and nsa, now a principal at the chertoff group, retired general michael hayden, always good to have you on the show, gentlemen. good morning. joe? general, i think i would put you in my category i hope not to insult you but we can probably agree on the need for enhanced interrogation techniques and both agree if belgium would have had it things may have been different yesterday. that aside, let s talk about ted cruz s statement. how important is it that the united states of america not follow ted cruz s advice? joe, i was watching your
commentary a few sends nag the studio and i didn t know whether to say amen or inshallah. it is spot on. i don t think the senator was calling for some of the things that bill bratton, my good friend, was saying. but that said, joe, we don t have radicalized communities in the united states. we have some radicalized individuals. we have it within our ability, however, to create radicalized communities and we ought to take every step not to do that. joe, i agree totally. our cultural bent towards assimilation is a strategic and operational advantage. put aside the question of american values. it makes us more safe than our european friends so comments like that and comments we ve been hearing from mr. trump actually create a clear and present danger. they don t make us more safe. talk about the failings of
european intel communities to track down terrorists who are literally living in their midst. there are a couple very good services in europe, joe, the french are there, the british are there, the germans aren t bad, but they have a serious overhang of history. a lot of the rest are underresourced and overregulated by their governments. you had david on earlier and he talks about the europeans turning to the american leviath leviathan, they want american products but they re upset with american collections. david ignatius has a question from washington. general hayden, you are famous for having said that in the intelligence business you want to have your cleats so close to the edge of the line there s chalk on them. in other words, take risks and
pursue targets. i m curious what you think an aggressive intelligence policy like that would look like for belgium and other european countries facing a huge threat right now. david, a lot of the conversation after an event like yesterday is getting a bigger stronger quicker goalie, if we use a soerk analogy. but to extend the soccer analogy, you know, a lot of this becomes penalty kicks and we know what happens. we need to move the ball upfield, so extending the soccer metaphor, the midfielders. all the things the europeans have been wringing their hands about for the last 18 to 24 months. there s a reason intelligence services collect data. frankly i think we need to be more aggressive about that. we need a redo of the conversation we ve had with
europeans over the past couple years based upon the distortions that have come out of the snowden revelations and then finally, david, we need to play offense, too. we need to be in the attacking zone. we need to be more taking this fight to this enemy in his lair threatening his safety rather than giving him time to threaten ours. so in places like raqqah, places like parts of iraq, that we lack human intelligence on the ground in terms of finding bomb makers or in raqqah in going after their capital. intelligence human intelligence against this kind of network is very hard and, frankly, human intelligence is a big ship with a small rudder. it takes a lot of time to turn. we ve been working against isis for three years so one should
expect we re making more progress against them. we ve had this grand debate back here in the united states about apple and encryption. mike, no matter what we do we are going to be losing the content of communications just based upon the march of technology so that makes human intelligence more important here. general hayden is going to stay with us. we ll get reaction to the terror attack from state department official mark toner who personally served the u.s. mission in brussels and later former u.s. ambassador to iraq zalmay khalilzad on the bloody grip of isis in europe and beyond. we ll be back with much more morning joe. you both have a perfect driving record
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unnext, an historic day at the ballpark as the tampa bay rays beat the cuban national team but should the president of the united states have given up his seat to go home as nato was under attack? former mayor rudy giuliani and james salve ree das join us next on morning joe.
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or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. against the backdrop of the violence in belgium, president obama stuck to his planned trip to cuba giving a speech on the
future of u.s.-cuba relations. he spoke about the attacks in brussels for a total of 51 seconds in a 34-minute speech. the president went on to meet with dissidents but also attended a baseball game between the tampa bay rays and the cuban national team. at one point even participating in the wave as the crowd celebrated. the president spoke about his decision to go to the ballpark with espn. given what happened today, was there any any consideration to not coming to the game today and it s clear that you re enjoying the game. it s always a challenge when you have a terrorist attack anywhere in the world, particularly in this age of 24/7 news coverage. you want to be respectful and understand the gravity of the situation but the whole premise of terrorism is to try to disrupt people s ordinary lives. i would suggest his life s not ordinary. correct. the president went on to cite
the fiery speech delivered are the diamond by red sox slugger david ortiz in the wake of the boston marathon bombings in 2013. when ortiz went out and said probably the only time that america didn t have a problem with somebody cursing on live tv was when he talked about boston and how strong it was and that it was not going to be intimidated. that s the kind of resilience and strength we have to continually show in the face of these terrorists. so i m going to get to our guests here. wow. i think i m going to be with you on this one, joe. wow. i just really think he probably could have shown up at the game, probably said a few words, probably taken off the shades and probably left early. you re probably not done the way with castro, you know, it s he continues to fail
miserably on sending the right message in our fight against is isis. he did it with james foley, went out golfing right after the news, the horrifying news. you look at what happened after paris, his listless response, his weak response made americans say why can t our president be as tough as france s president? that s something never said and has actually contributed to the rise of donald trump and then yesterday, nicolle, i want to ask you about the moment when george w. bush talked about iraq and then said now watch me hit that drive. i wonder what the difference is between that and barack obama basically saying now watch me do the wave with castro after talking for 51 seconds about
terror attacks and doing the wave while the body parts of our nato allies, citizens, were being scraped off of walls in airports and subway stations. i just i wonder why this president continues to not get it when it comes to the fight against isis. this java team, i don t understand his reaction any more than i understand ted cruz s reaction. and listen, to add another misstep on our part, george w. bush among many people never recovered from the optics of the morning of september 11 when he stayed in the classroom so i m not making a partisan statement when i say the optics of his day yesterday were catastrophic from a white house communications standpoint. there are still americans missing this americaning. he had no way of knowing when he went to the baseball game that all the american people who were
in brussels yesterday were alive or not and just that knowledge in and of itself, it s this unwillingness and inability to adapt and make changes. in the white house, george w. bush was often criticized for not being nimble enough so i understand how the rigidity of the office and the rigidity of the presidency is a real thing but his personal instincts and i think we ve got someone here known for how wonderful his instincts are, but obama s personal instincts are deeply troubling even to his base of support. and i think it helps embolden the extreme republicans who are running for president that that might be destructive. yes, it does. mika, that is a great point, donald trump i ve been saying this for six to nine months did not rise in a vacuum. donald trump is a reaction to barack obama s continued weakness in the face of isis, whether it was james foley,
whether it was paris, or whether it s now brussels, him doing the wave with castro while, again, americans are injured, missing and while our nato allies are under going another major terror attack. it s as baffling as ted cruz s reaction: joining us now, former mayor of new york rudy giuliani and former nato supreme allied commander, now the dean of the fletcher school of law and diplomacy at tufts university retired four star navy admiral james stavridis. and with us in washington, retired general michael hayden: barnicle, take it away. admiral stavridis, you were practically a resident of brussels. your impressions of what happened yesterday and of the way belgians handle intelligence that we give them. that you have given them. indeed. i d start by saying to anybody
rebel judge is a small country, 10 million in the population. so this on a population-adjusted basis is a 9/11 event for them. this is like 3,000 americans being killed in a day. so it s a moment of real shock to the system. in terms of their ability to handle intelligence, mike, they are not as good as the french, not as good as the britts. they are a small country. they need more help. general hayden as spoken about the way we need to cooperate more, that s key in the intel. but the bottom line is dealing with the symptoms won t get this done. we have to go to syria and raqqah. rudy giuliani, i saw you reacting to the president s i feel very bad about that. he s my president, too, and the reality is to analogize himself to david ortiz? david ortiz is a designated hitter. he s the president of the united states. i know. and he s comparing himself to a designated hitter? and the wonderful speech he
gave? this man s job is to be the leader of the free world which means the leader of nato. exactly. and here we have an attack which the prime minister of france is willing to call a war, and islamic terrorist war against us. he s willing to describe it that way. words that will never come out of the president s mouth. war against a nato ally is war against us. and this man is communicating. if he had to communicate at all he s communicating from a communist country. how absurd is that? what difference would it have made yesterday had he not gone to that ball game? the difference is it would have made people feel he s the leader. he s in charge. here s what i would have done, immediately left, gotten the national security staff together and say when i wake up tomorrow morning i want a complete plan on how we destroy isis, no b zblrks you don t think he has that? if he does it s failing. how many attacks have we had in
the last year? if he has a plan for defeating isis, let s get another plan to defeat isis because isis so far has conducted more attacks in the last seven or eight months, nine months, including in the united states. but they had over 20,000 orti ortiort sorties, bombing raids. maybe they re not working. maybe the strategy isn t working. if he can t figure out his strategy isn t working, we need somebody else to do that job [ laughter ] and there are different dynamics, joe, in europe that are making europe porous to isis attack. well, there certainly are, but, again, it goes back to what general hayden said. general hayden, you said we have to do more than just sit back and wait for the next attack, we have to strike them where they are. why don t you answer mike barnicle s question to mayor rooud roo giuliani. does it appear we have an effective plan of attack against isis right now?
joe, my standard about our current plan is that it s underresourced and overregulated. too many restrictions, not enough resources. mike just said 20,000 sorties. if you do the math, we re doing about 20 strikes a day. that s not a relentless campaign. and, joe, can i just offer a comment on the previous conversation about what the president did? i m going to say something that will sound harsh but i think it s true, that wasn t a mistake, that wasn t weakness, that was policy, that going to the ballpark and spending less than a minute commenting on the attack. i believe in his heart of hearts the president s policy is that is not that big a deal. there are other things that are more important and that was what he was messaging. he has, mayor giuliani, most americans do not understand it, he, the president of the united states, the commander-in-chief, has been underestimated isis reach from the very beginning,
calling them a jv team and saying they were a jv team with a kobe bryant jersey but still a jv team. then friday before the paris attacks saying they were pretty much finished and then before okay okay ci oklahoma city saying they couldn t reach us in the united states of america. it does seem to be a calculated approach by this white house to say isis is much ado about nothin nothing. in the long run, the prime minister of france is quite clear that the war against france, europe, and the rest of the world. so he acts like this is another criminal act committed in new york yesterday. if it were just another criminal act, i d go on with my job as
mayor. but when they attacked the world trade center i got out of the hotel and and f it turned out to be the wrong plan i changed it the next day. now he has the wrong plan and he has to change it. you don t send a picture of yourself laughing while people have just been blown up at a level that as the admiral pointed out is the equivalent of september 11 to one of our allies. imagine if there was a picture of the president of france laughing during september 11. how would we feel about that. rudy giuliani and james stavridis, thank you as well. coming up, we ll get a live update on the massive manhunt under way in the wake of yesterday s terror attack on belgium. plus, the journalist who first cracked open isis death cult ideology with his ground breaking reporting, the atlantic s glen wood joins the conversation. we ll be right back in just a
unfortunately it has become that we have to get used to this. we were living in a dream some ways that was interrupted and we have to deal with this more and more in the future. we have to be prepared for these things. that was a survivor of yesterday s attack speaking with
the atlantic s steve clemens in belgium on his way to the airport when the terror was struck. five train rides and two flights later steve is back in the u.s. and he joins with us his firsthand reporting. plus, tom brokaw joins the table and we ll have results from last night s so-called western primaries and how they will affect the race for the white house. it s all straight ahead. belong. and to help you accelerate, we ve created a new company. one totally focused on what s next for your business. accelerating innovation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. trolling for a gig with can t blame you. it s a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. no, i m actually over at the ge booth. we re creating the operating system for industry. it s called predix. it s gonna change the way the world works. ok, i m telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. look out!! ohhhhhhhhhh. you know what, i m just gonna email it to you.
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welcome back to morning joe on what is a very big news morning. we re following two big stories this morning. first, the terror attacks in brussels. breaking overnight, police have identified three of the suspects involved in yesterday s terror attacks in belgium.
two of the suicide bombers were brothers and a massive manhunt is under way for the third man. just in this morning, there are conflicting reports in belgian media of an arrest but nbc news has not confirmed that. we ll go live to brussels for the latest. but first, donald trump is the projected winner the winner take all arizona primary. ted cruz projected to easily win the utah caucus on his way to crossing the 50% mark that will make that a winner take all state as well. on the democrats side, hillary clinton is the projected winner arizona but bernie sanders answered back with projected wins in the idaho and utah caucuses. much more on that in a moment. joe, a lot going on this morning. i get a feeling we re going to flare presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle, reaction to the president s response to what happened in
brussels. a lot going on, not a lot to be cheerful about, whether you look at the president s continued disengagement from this battle against isis, disengaged in a way that americans didn t understand after james foley, didn t understand after paris and i suspect they will not understand him doing the wave with castro at this point. and then on the other side of the aisle you have ted cruz talking about using orwellian techniques for a problem that does not exist in american muslim communities. communities where muslims see themselves as americans first and also muslims completely different than europe and that s the other side that s depressing. europe just seems incapable culturally of integrated muslims into their society. into the fabric of their society. and it s causing real problems for those countries and real
problems for law enforcement who you can only say kindly do not seem up to the historic task that s facing them right now whether it s in brussels or across most of the rest from europe. still with us on set, we have former communications director for president george w. bush, nicolle waltz. managing editor of bloomberg politics, mark halperin and john heilemann. and joining the conversation, nbc news special correspondent tom brokaw. thank you all for being us with this hour. in brussels, police have identified three of the suspects involved in yesterday s terror attacks. shown here in a security video at the brussels airport wheeling luggage carts: nbc news has now confirmed that the two bombers in black were brothers identified as khalid and ibrahim el bakraoui. they are believed to have died when the bombs exploded. the brothers were reportedly known to police and had
suspected links to the terrorist network responsible for the paris terror attacks last november. authorities believe the other man in the picture, identified by police as 24-year-old that jim laachraoui, fled the scene. laachraoui also suspected of involvement in the paris terror attacks and was believed to be traveling with accused paris attacker salah abdeslam before his arrest last friday. joining us live from brussels, msnbc correspondent ayman mohyeldin. ayman, what can you tell us? this is very much an active investigation as we ve known for the past several hours. moving pieces to this, linking not only these three individuals to the paris attackers but also linking them to the fight in syria. we ll start with the development this is morning as you are reporting. conflicting reports out of belgium attributed to two different media outlets here saying th saying that jim laachraoui was
captured in a city about 20 minutes away from brussels. other media reports saying he was not arrested and you can understand there s been conflicting reports. he also traveled at one point with a different alias so that could be a source of the conflicting reports. we are expected to hear from the federal prosecutor here in brussels in an hour s time. he ll explain more about these developments but a big breakthrough came in the identification of these three individuals, the two brothers you mentioned, ibrahim and khalid el bakraoui. the two brothers believed to be involved in the attack in the brussels airport. their lunge to salah abdeslam came through the third suspect, that jet stre that jet stream laachraoui. we understand that there was a dna link linking him to the paris attacks. both of these brothers, khalid and ibrahim, were known to
belgian authorities. both had been sentenced for previous crimes included carjacking and armed robbery. so their identities were known to the authorities. their link to a wider terrorist network perhaps not as clear. one other key component, that jet stre najim laachraoui, he believe he was one of the individuals collected to salah abdeslam. his dna, salah abdeslam, his fingerprints, were found at an apartment that was rented by one of the brothers involved in the airport attack yesterday. ayman mohyeldin, thank you reporting from brussels. and, joe, you really see attacks from the past, present and future here. you really do. david ignatius, you write in the
washington post that europe is facing a security threat and yet i just the headline of your column is pretty blunt. brussels shows europe shockingly dysfunctional approach to security. joe, i think this is a 9/11 moment for europe where they have to look at the reasons for this terrible failure in brussels now following the failure to stop the november attacks in paris and look at what s wrong in their system of intelligence, law enforcement. they have stove pipes in europe i m told that in belgium the intelligence services, security services, police don t talk easily to each other that we saw with the fbi and cia before nib. and they need help in doing that from the country that has the only real global intelligence service and that s the united states. and that s one reason i share
your view that watch the president watching a baseball game on a day when a european ally is struggling to find a way to respond to this terrible crisis sends the wrong signal. i know how important it is for him to be in cuba but job one for him when he gets back, i think, needs to be to work with this alliance and make it real. for two years we ve been talking about an alliance to degrade and destroy the islamic state and guess what? it may have shrunk in iraq and syria but it s much bigger and much scarier in other places, especially as it threatens europe. the president of the united states needs to help europeans do that, deal with that. nicolle wallace? tom, yesterday the state department spokesman who s very well respected i think across the political divide said that isis is losing and i wonder my sense when i heard that is that may be true in a strategic sense in iraq and syria but it definitely doesn t feel that way on the day of a terror attack.
how do these statements manifest themselves in the american public s mind? well, what we saw yesterday was the clear definition of asymmetrical warfare. in the big picture we may say they re losing but they re still capable of causing this kind of havoc, this kind of damage. so much of politics and national security is a combination of symbolism and reality. the reality is that we did have that attack yesterday. it was unnerving to us. it was devastating in europe but at the same time the symbolism is that the president stayed a president baseball game all day long where you would have thought he would have said i have more business than i have to deal with, i wish you well, get on the phone, we have to put together some kind of a bulletproof syndicate to deal with this. there s an urgency about it and he has to convey no that not just to the american people now with the t world. i think it was mike hayden who said he is the leader of the free world and this is the time to be the leader.
this kind of attack can occur again and again and again. on the other hand, i m stunned brussels was so unprepared for it. here we had abdeslam who was at large for a long time. when they picked him up they knew he was planning other attacks. they didn t have anybody extra at the airport or at the strain stations and these guys could walk in and blow the place up. that s one of several problems across europe in terms of their, quite frankly, being open to isis spreading across europe. joe, take it away. jeffrey goldberg has said for quite some time now that one of the great lapses in security has to do with when you re standing in security lines or going in to get your tickets and yesterday jeffrey s concerns played out in the most horrifying of ways. mark halperin and john
heilemann, i want to toss it to you as our political experts that follow the campaign day in and day out. yesterday we saw, i believe, the worst instincts in american politics but it s baked into the cake where you have people playing to their bases. ted cruz taking an orwellian response that any security expert would say is a terrible mistake and on the democratic side you had hillary and i m not there s no moral relativity here, but hillary clinton, as david sanger rightly stated in his column about candidates responding to the terror attacks is running for president in a party that actually requires her to not put too much distance between herself and the president of the united states so hillary clinton s response was we have to fight isis online. even though i think we know hillary would be far more aggressive in this battle than barack obama. but still, mark halperin and
john heilemann, talk about the politics of terror and how it often plays out in the extremes. we re in our third post-9/11 president and john and i interviewed donald trump yesterday on the day that brussels is attacked, brussels the home of nato, donald trump made it clear that as president he would consider getting rid of nato, that nato tmight not have relevance. and on the other hand you have hillary clinton saying nato is fundamental. you have donald trump saying we need a president who s unpredictable, that president obama has been too predictable, hillary clinton saying no, we need a president who s got a steady hand and that people can count on. so there s a huge foreign policy debate going on, not just about security but about america s role in the world. right. and i think, joe, you re going to see there s no doubt there s been, for trump, the posture of being the strong man, of being after paris, after
san bernardino and now after this it s worked for him so far, a national security policy without nuance but is very clear, black and white, right and wrong. yesterday we asked him about ted cruz s comments about the police patrols in muslim neighborhoods and he said he was 100% for it and i raised the fact that we did an interview with ryan crocker who said it would be the worst thing you could do, it would be giving isil what they want and trump s response was i totally disagree. he wouldn t say why, he just that s completely wrong. we need to be tough, we need to sacrifice any nuance and we need to be as tough as possible. that s worked for trump so far and you see cruz chasing him into the strength primary and the lack of nuance primary. you know, hillary clinton s going to make the argument that nuance and experience is a better place to be than that kind of what she would say is pandering to the worst fears of american voters. it s a tough landscape for
her. joe? yeah, i was just going to say, tom brokaw, it does seem that ted cruz is chasing donald tru trump. talk about, if you will, when we re talking about how tough we treat muslims in america or muslims trying to get to the america, talk about the difference between the united states as you ve seen it over decades of reporting integrated immigrants, muslims into america and the problem that europe continues to have with integration of muslim s into their society and the problems it s causing from paris to brussels to across that entire region. well, so many of our islamic neighborhoods in this country represent two and three and four generations of people who have been living in those neighborhoods for a long, long time in the detroit area, for example. that s been a fixed part of that region that there are muslim neighborhoods but they are full-fledged american citizens and they ve they run schools and own businesses and what s
going on in europe is a recent phenomenon of the refugees coming out of the middle east as a result of the war in syria and spreading across europe and putting enormous pressure on leaders like angela merkel who will now get a lot more pressure. europe is in danger of coming apart as a result of these attacks. but the way not to deal with it is to create more people who are the enemies of america in this country. i don t think they ll come out of the islamic neighborhoods, but isis and other radical jihadist groups will use that as an example of america is not your friend and it will become a recruiting tool for jihadists around the world to say, look, they treat everybody one way and they treat us another way so i think it s a very dangerous proposition on its part. on the other hand, let me say quickly, joe, i am always disappointed when sla ee eed wh world, the saudis, qatar, uae,
when they don t respond with triej th rage to this attack. the saudi foreign minister was an important figure the saudi embassy, he knows america well, he knows the coalition, he ought to be out front today saying the keeper of the holy mosque condemn what is s been going on in europe and we stand with our friends in the west to do something about it and we re prepared to go to any meeting they call to try to arrange some kind of an ability to do that. yes, their reaction is significant. tom brokaw, thank you so much. still ahead on morning joe, nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely joins us live from brussels, plus the washington post s chris cillizza on what last night s primaries and caucuses tell us about the state of the presidential race. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back. know your financial plan
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joining us now from washington, editor of the fix at the washington post, chris cillizza. good to have you on board with us.
el ba we want to turn to last night s election results. in arizona s winner take all race last night, donald trump is the projected victor. trump takes all 58 of the state s delegates and notice that marco rubio, who ended his campaign a week ago, is currently leading john kasich. a likely effect of early voting. but cruz answered back in utah s caucus where he is projected to easily clear the 50% threshold to claim all of its delegates rather than a proportional split. kasich is in a distant second at 17%, trump at 14%. cruz has a big deficit to overcome. each picked up a delegate from american samoa and trump took away the most delegates of the night, trump stands at 744 delegates to cruz s 468. on the democrats side, hillary clinton is projected winner arizona s primary while bernie sanders is the projected winner with caucuses in idaho and utah.
despite sanders making a late push in arizona, hillary clinton brought in former president clinton to campaign. but sanders won big in idaho taking 78% to clinton s 21% and another strong performance in u.s. wrut he leads clinton 79% to 20%. he attracted 10,000 people at a rally in salt lake city on friday. sanders outspend clinton on the airwaves, with clinton spending nothing at all in idaho and utah. sanders is so far the delegate win over the night taking 61 to clinton s 54 but clinton is still far ahead on the road to philly, the site of this summer s convention so, joe, a couple things to look at. sanders is not necessarily going away easily but a big endorsement late last night that means what? talking about jeb bush. well, a big endorsement that
means that jeb may have done it about a month late. yon if it s all baked in the cake yet. chris cillizza, it does seem interesting he waited as long as he did and i you almost wonder whether he did it more as a knock to donald trump and marco rubio than in support of ted cruz who he doesn t support on so many fronts. so talk about that endorsement but also talk about last night. do last night s results make trump getting to 1237 more likely, less likely or it a push to wisconsin? let me take the second question first. it s basically a push. two out of the three biggest winner take all states, trump has now won florida and arizona. the thing to remember about utah is trump was never going to get the 40 delegates out of utah. he was never going to be that 50
plus one candidate. if he got anything it would have been one, two, three. so yes he could have gotten three to five more delegates maybe but this isn t a huge loss for him. he remains the only candidate who has a plausible path to get to 1237 before the second ballot of the republican national convention so i d say it s largely a push and that s good for donald trump give wherein he is. on jeb joe, you know this better than me but if you listed the 17 candidates or 16 candidates not named jeb bush running in this race at one point, the second to last candidate jeb bush would like to endorse would be ted cruz. [ laughter ] this is a lesser of two evils in jeb s mind. he views donald trump as dangerous to the presidency. i think he views ted cruz as significantly more conservative in policy and in tone than he is but views trump as fundamentally
dangerous and not a republican and therefore goes with cruz but this is by no means a jeb bush affirmation of ted cruz this is not not wanting donald trump. let s toss also to hal prib and heilemann. what about john kasich? jeb could have endorsed john kasich who s closer to him temperamentally, but he did not endorse kasich. is wisconsin kasich s waterloo. does he have to win there or become irrelevant to the rest of the process? we ve seen this a bunch of times, joe, where we ve seen governors it s been baffling, governors and former governors who you would have thought on the basis of policy and ideology would be more aligned with john kasich than ted cruz who now jumped on to cruz s side. in some ways mitt romney is the exemplar of that, voting for cruz in the utah race,
announcing that last week. ty think a lot of it is cold political calculation. people are looking at kasich, looking at his deficit in delegates and saying ted cruz is the one who has the best chance to win at this point. if there s anyone to stop trump it will be cruz. he clearly has a path. very difficult path to get to 1237 but he s way, way ahead of john kasich and so some people are just making hard-nosed and probably unpleasant political calculations here. if you look at romney, lindsey graham and now jeb bush going with cruz, they would clearly rather john kasich be the nominee. i suspect they think john kasich has a better chance of winning a general election. but i m not sure they all want ted cruz to be the nominee at this point. i think what they re looking for is someone who they think can beat donald trump in the upcoming contests and stop him from a majority and then throw it open at the convention. kasich, i don t think he needs to win wisconsin to stay alive, he needs to make it a three way. the numbers line up so it looks like he s in the game. then there are northeastern states where there is doubt that ted cruz for all the money being
bet on him to stop trump, can ted cruz stop donald trump in connecticut or new york or new jersey. ? rhode island? maryland. there s reason to doubt. oregon, washington. there s no doubt kasich has not proven to people like jeb bush that he can be the guy who slows trump down let alone stop him. mike? as we look at this through the prism of the eyes of experts like you guys, we forget, i think, what a brutal oau mill@ing business it is running for this office. you as the bush whisperer, please give us some insight into that aspect of jeb bush now endorsing ted cruz. on the heels, nicolle, of ted cruz making those inane comments in light of brussels. which i i can t imagine he we ve had an opportunity to replay george w. bush s comments in front of a mosque on right after september 11, i think it was september 14 does they stand
in such stark cob trast to where the assault and battery with party has gone so it s very much alive in this republican debate. let me tell you a couple things about ted cruz. george p. bush, jeb bush s son, ran statewide in texas and was unable to secure ted cruz s support or endorsement. george w. bush in a very rare sort of public revealing of his personal feelings about someone has made it clear that ted cruz was not someone who he thought embodied the best of the republican party, if i may say it that way. and ted cruz on policy is so far apart from jeb bush on the treatment of mexicans. no matter where you sort of divide on immigration policy, ted cruz s rhetoric on immigration is so hot compared to jeb bush s. his policy on the intelligence debate is totally as far apart from jeb bush s. it could be somebody in another political party. so i think this has the
potential to go one of two ways. one to be viewed as too little too late and holding your nose endorsement of ted cruz or such a dramatic rebuke of trumpism that it makes people stop and take notice that jeb bush viewed trump as such a danger to the party and the country that he endorsed cruz. with all due respect to your former boss, one of the things we learned over the course of this nomination fight is that like it or not, jeb bush does not have that much impact on this party. there was no appetite for him as a candidate, he doesn t mean that much to the contemporary republican party. i can t imagine this endorsement will matter very much. unless he asks super pac donors to write checks to cruz s super pac. i think it just shows how trump has just gutted the heart out of any possible very good republican candidate who has now left the race. because i don t think jeb bush could possibly mean what he says in this endorsement. chris cillizza, the developments in brussels i think will gin up
the republican candidates to say things like what ted cruz said. you ll hear hillary clinton talking. she might in some ways make a lot of sense. she s not necessarily very far left when it comes to foreign policy. but i don t think that s where people are going to go. i don t think that s where americans are going to go. i think they re going to head directly in trump s direction in light of what s happened. well, and mika, look they did after paris. i was just going to say, i remember after paris we were talking about remember, jeb bush after paris came out and said serious times demand serious leaders. his campaign sold this as a time in which the race would refocus on foreign policy, refocus on gravitas and seriousness and policy expertise. the exact opposite happened. trump said, you know, we need to think about banning muslims, he made a lot of strong predictions and strong responses and it all
worked. so i m not convinced that this will be a refocusing of the race and, look, if you need any evidence of that, as you just pointed out, ted cruz want as far if not further than donald trump with his comments yesterday regarding brussels and what the american response should be which tell i don t say that ted cruz knows what works in terms of a republican primary electorate. there s no doubt he was chasing donald trump in an area most foreign policy experts would want him to stay away and want donald trump to stay away. mark hall hperin, in every political campaign we look back, we find those defining moments. 1980 reagan in nashua saying i paid for this microphone, mr. green. 88, dukakis in the tank with the helmet on. 92, george h.w. bush looking at his watch. as we look back over the past six to nine months, paris was the defining moment, the president s lack of a strong
response to paris and i just want to underline what chris cillizza said. we were all sitting there saying now these are serious times, now will people turn to jeb bush and other policy experts? instead they opted for donald trump and strength, the candidate with the most perceived strength. does that happen again after brussels? last night, john heilemann, i talked to one of the leading political analyst ins america and asked that question and that person said yes, i think when there s moments of crisis the country turns to donald trump. that political analyst was donald trump. he said i don t want there to be bad things in the world but my sense of things is when there have been bad things i ve done well and he thinks that s not only helped him in the nomination fight but the question was in the context of running against hillary clinton. he thinks the clinton tied to obama in particular will help him if that s the general election matchup when there are crises. all right, chris cillizza, thank you so much. thank you. coming up, we re following
conflicting reports from belgian media of an arrest in yesterday s airport bombing. we ll go live to brussels where nbc s bill neely is standing by. morning joe is back in a moment. and can you explain why you recommend synthetic over cedar? super food? is that a real thing? it s a great school, but is it the right one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers, what s the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? .or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions. i think we should move you into our new fund. sure. ok. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we ve helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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joins us from brussels, belgium, nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely. bill, we ve been hearing
conflicting reports about an arrest of that thirpt airport bombing suspect. any word? good morning, mika. a few hours ago, police raided a house in a suburb of brussels not far from here and they arrested someone. now belgian media quoted judicial sources as saying it was najim laachraoui, the man in the cream jacket at brussels airport wheeling their suitcases containing bombs just minutes before they blew helmss up. najim laachraoui s bomb did not go off and he escaped along with the other passengers but we now understand the belgian media and judicial sources are withdrawing the claim that it was laachraoui. so someone s been arrested but it s not him. so it mean this is guy who is 25, from here in brussels, who s been evading capture by the
police for four months because we know he was involved in the paris massacres as well is still on the run. question kwha we do know is those two brothers, khalid and ibrahim bakraoui are both dead. they re the two men in the photograph dressed in black. we believe both are suicide bombers and both are dead. they were both known to the police. they both had criminal records so whatever this is, mika, this is an intelligence failure. police have been expecting an attack of some sort but nothing on this scale. hour, i gather this morning they have a man in custody they will be questioning. mika? more on that later, hopefully. nbc s bill neely, thank you very much. up next, isis has claimed responsibility for yesterday s attacks and we re going to bring in the reporter whose ground breaking cover story who report what is isis wants and how to
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i see the challenge as one where we are leading the world against these terrorist networks. whereas some of my opponents want to build walls and shut the world off. well, you tell me, how high does the wall have to be to keep the internet out? right? we need everybody on the front lines. everybody. particularly, i will add, american muslims because they re the ones who should be calling the fbi and law enforcement to say something suspicious is going on. i want them to feel like they are part of our defense, not that they re being insulted and isolated and left out which will be dangerous to us. that doesn t make sense, my friends. joining us now, fellow at the council on foreign relations and contributing editor at the atlantic, graham wood. he wrote what s been considered the quintessential piece on isis
entitled what isis really wants. also bianna golodryga and david ignatius is still with us as well. aren t they getting what i want this right now? i think a few days ago with the arrest of salah abdeslam they would have said they re on the back foot but this is their method. whenever they have a set back they try to grab the limelight with something else and they ve done that successfully in brussels. i was going to ask you, i asked tom brokaw about this in the show. the spokesperson for the state department said isis is losing. is isis losing? in syria and iraq, it s lost a lot of territory which is one more reason why they need to find overseas operations now to keep their brand up. so is it easier for them to succeed in western europe than
iraq? that s startling if that s the case. the number of people they ve killed in iraq is way, way higher than western europe but if they blow up in an airport in brussels then they capture headlines in. iraq the headlines have been against them for the last several months, really the last year. they ve lost territory in battle after battle after battle. david ignatius has a question, he s in washington. david? graham, one thing that made your atlantic piece so brilliant was the way in which you got inside the ideology, the religious belief of isis and they re passionate about building their caliphate. that caliphate is under attack in iraq and syria and i wonder if you think that basic element of u.s. strategy is right or whether you see a danger that i ll move even more aggressively into libya, into europe, into these operations that could make real trouble for european muslim communities. i think it s an unfortunate side effect of success in syria
and iraq that they will look elsewhere for, again, those kind of headline-grabbing attacks. it doesn t mean we shouldn t attack them in syria, doesn t mean we shouldn t deprive them of their territory but when you start dismantling an idealistic construction like a caliphate, this enyou ll have disappointed people and some of them will come home and take out their frustrations with suicide vests and so forth. so we should expect success to have as an unfortunate side effect attacks like this. bianna? how high of a priority is it for isis to strike within the u.s. as opposed to what we re seeing in europe. we re hearing from officials that our intelligence is better but you look at the soft targets when you walk up to the check in counters, you think that could happen here radziwilas well.
i think the threat is much less here. in europe there are unassimilated muslim communities many a way that the united states doesn t have. in the united states it s not that we don t have those soft targets, but by attacking us they ll sew fear but won t cause the kind of disaffection among muslim communities that they can in europe. graham, reporting tells us that within europe you have a large number of settled cells in various countries. established cells that are hard to track, hard to penetrate with human intelligence on the other hand, there are policy differences in washington. one school saying going after raqqah, cut the head off the snake.
what happens to the established cells in europe if we do go after raqqah? the bad news about brussels is not just the dead people but that four months of intense pressure on those established cells has not been successful in stopping them and rooting them out and stopping attacks like this. i think what we have to think about is even a multi-layered approach where we re attacking raqqah and trying to roll up those cells, it won t be adequate to completely stop the attacks. it s still, though, a necessary part of the strategy. unfortunately, these cells are so deeply ingrained in these communities that it s going to be tough and there s a long road ahead that includes not just the intel work but also a social work of integrating those communities. that will be tough and take years. joe, jump in. graeme, explain if you will to us about you know, you
talked about your article, we ve been talking about your article, the importance of it, talking about the religious fervor that does drive isis. and yet we find, again and again, you have disaffected muslims across europe who well, in the case of the lodge incompetents officer were ae rested four or five days ago, a guy that ran a bar a year or two years ago is. explain how those who are not devout muslims are able to rise in the ranks of isis. a lot of people who join isis have what looks like very secular non-pious backgrounds. and by joining isis, they try to erase that past so you see a lot of people who have backgrounds dealing drugs, acting as petty criminals and i think the attackers, as far as we understand them from brussels in this case, they fit a very
familiar mold in that regard. they have backgrounds that are not religious and they find god. unfortunately the version of god that they find is one that s murderous so it s there s nothing too surprising about what we ve learned about the background of people like salah abdeslam. graeme wood, thank you very much. if you haven t read graeme s atlantic piece on isis, be sure to check it out. still ahead this morning, the human toll of yesterday s attacks. plus, we expect to learn more about yesterday s terror attack in brussels when officials hold a news conference that s expected in just a few minutes. the latest information as soon as we have it. morning joe is back in a moment. vo: know you have a dedicated
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uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so. don t fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. we are learning more about some of the american victims in yesterday s attacks. the u.s. military has confirmed that an american service member was wounded along with four of his family members. sources tell nbc news none of their injuries were life threatening. a couple from kentucky, justin and stephanie schultz is missing this morning. a family member tells nbc news the couple lives in brussels. they were dropping stephanie s mom off at the airport when the attacks happened. the mother is fine but the family members says no one has heard from the couple. and three mormon missionaries from utah suffered shrapnel wounds and burns during the attacks yesterday. one of the missionaries elder
mason wells also happened to be a block away from the boston marathon bombings back in 2013. he was also in paris this past november when the french terrorists attacked. we knew when the paris attacked he was a few hours outside of paris. we weren t as concerned. we were more concerned about the missionaries there. not necessarily our son but the ones downtown but this time we were concerned because this was mason s area. this is where he walks every day. up next, we re going to go back live to brussels. we have brand-new reporting just in about what may have been in those bombs. plus, officials have identified two of the attackers in yesterday s attack, but who was the third suspect in this surveillance photo at the airport? was there another arrest made as well? officials are set to hold a news conference at the top of the hour. we re going to bring you the very latest information straight ahead. uh, i live right over thee actually. you ve been to my place. no, i wasn t.oh look, you dropped something. it s your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that s weird. you want to work for ge too.
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my thought at the time was that s one, that s two, three s coming, maybe even four. and given what we know about what happened in paris, there was a good chance i m going to start hearing rifle fire. laying among the debris on the ground what you were seeing were people lying and not moving. tragedy, the body, the blood, the destruction. that s not something i would want anybody to see. welcome back to morning joe. we ve been following these two huge stories all morning long. breaking overnight, police have identified three of the suspects involved in yesterday s terror attacks. two of the suicide bombers were brothers and a massive manhunt is underway now at this hour for the third man.
reports have been evolving all morning that he had been arrested. someone s been arrested, but at this moment it appears it is not him. we re awaiting a news conference with updates. we ll go to it live when it happens. plus, we have results in the presidential race this morning. donald trump is the projected winner in the winner take all arizona primary, but ted cruz is projected to easily win the utah caucus on his way to crossing the 50% mark that will make that a winner take allstate as well. on the democrat side, hillary clinton is the projected winner in the arizona primary, but bernie sanders answered with projected wins in the idaho and utah caucuses. so, joe, we have obviously politics in the headlines but this election just got ramped up with this latest terrible act of terrorism. i fear that some of the language that s going to be used especially on the republican side, is not going to be very
good for global security. i think it s going to get tougher obviously by the day. last night sorting through the election results as chris said the last hour, you have donald trump winning now two out of the three largest winner take all states with a huge win in arizona. ted cruz winning comfortably in utah, but it looks like it s a push to wisconsin. we ll see what happens there. we don t know how that race is going to turn out. we do though know from talking to our policy experts and talking to david ignatius who said that europe is terribly dysfunction aal in its approacho terrorism, and its answer to terrorism at a historic time, that on both sides of the atlantic we have governments who are either disengaged from this fight against isis on terror or ill equipped to handle the historic challenges that it s facing in the post war world and right now all we can do is hope
and pray and cross our fingers that we will be electing leaders that can face isis. how europe catches up, communications director for president george bush, nicole wass, mark halpern, and in washington, columnist and associate editor for the washington post david ignatius still with us. thank you for that, david. just in two sources are telling nbc news that tests show the brussels airport bombers used ammonium nitrate bombs. the bombs were estimated at 44 pounds each and police have identified three of the suspects involved in yesterday s terror attacks shown here in a security video at the brussels airport wheeling luggage carts. nbc news has now confirmed that the two bombers in black that you see there were brothers
identified as khalid and ibrahim. they were known to police and they were linked to the paris terrorist attacks last november. authorities believe the other plan in the picture is 24-year-old najim laachraoui. he is also involved in the paris terrorist attacks and is believed to be traveling with syed farook aleh abdeslam. a men, we ll start with you, what s the latest? we know there have been some conflicting reports as a result of this morning s searches? various parts of belgium.
those reports are being walked back. there s no confirmation. nbc news has not confirmed that he has been arrested but so much of the attention is focused on trying to capture this individual. he is a link. najim laachraoui traveled to syria back in 2013 and is also believed to have had a close connection to saleh abdeslam. all of this draws back to last tuesday when belgium police carried out a raid outside of brussels. there they found the fingerprints of saleh abdeslam. that apartment was rented under an alias belonging to one of the suicide bombers in yesterday s attack. you can see there is already an initial link between the paris
attackers, saleh abdeslam and the network of people involved in carrying out the brussels attack. we are waiting for them to speak and shed light on where the investigation is going. belgium investigators continue to piece together key components focused on the identity of those attackers, mika. ayman, thank you. christine, you re looking at security in the city. fairly high? reporter: we re hearing about it. we re not seeing a heavy police presence. not seeing what we might expect after something like this. certainly nowhere near what we saw after the paris bombings. this is a city being resilient. what choice do we have? restaurants are happening a block from where that detonation happened at the subway.
i think to pick up on what you were talking about on set, while people here feel as though they need to move forward and they re resilient, people say we re not going anywhere, we re going to continue to live here, we love this city, there is also this concern about whether or not this is a city that can handle the threat that is posed by it. when you look at it on paper, belgium has two intelligence agencies, a federal police, a local police here in brussels. they have a terror threat analysis center. having said that, just this year so far they have 244 active terror investigations and in the molenbeck area everyone knows now because that s where they centralized, there are 185 openings in the police department they haven t been able to fill. as you ve been talking about, they re talking about whether this is a place where all of europe is a place where they can deal with the threats they re
dealing with. so many of the people have been known to the authorities and that is a factor of ongoing concern. mika. nbc s chris jansing, thank you very much. joe? in your column you say what a great concern it is for you and other intel officials that the logistical planner for the paris attacks was hiding in plain sight for over 120 days just a few blocks from him home where they should have expected him to be. you add to the fact that the waive of jihadists is dizzying. talk about that threat and europe s inability to handle that. joe, i think about the
feeling that belgians must have worrying about their security. there are gunmen on the loose with a plot to set off suicide bombs in an airport to kill dozens of people is out there and there seems to be no evidence that person has been found yet. the belgian authorities have to step up their game. they have been trying to penetrate these networks now for months with very little success. they need help in that. they re going to need help with the french with whom they re very close. they need help from the united states. if there s one thing i would really hope for from president obama is that when he gets back from the ball game, he leads a real effort to build an international coalition that can deal with this problem. i mean, the ground game on the ground in iraq and syria si complicated, but the intelligence side, protecting
europeans, that s urgent. he should begin by figuring out what went wrong in brussels in this manhunt and what can the u.s. do to help the belg gans perform better in the attacks that are coming. there are almost 500 belgians who have gone to iraq and syria to fight in the jihad. many of whom are going to want to come back. that s going to provide a network dangerous for belgium, not just for weeks, but for months and years ahead. mike barnacle, david ignatius wrote that if europe were a stock, you would want to sell it this morning. and part of that has to do with the fact that the intelligence agencies aren t able to find one of the most important members of isis but think of the mind set, the difference between europe and this morning chris jansing
reporting the belgians going about their business understanding this may be a new way of life and compare that to boston after the april attacks of several years ago. boston was a city that was literally shut down until both attackers were captured or killed. seems to be a completely different mind set in europe right now, not only among the law enforcement agencies but also the people there. well, joe, to frame it up in understandable terms, what happened in boston, what happened in new york with the times square bomber, things like that, we are 48 contiguous states in this country operating as one. in europe you have several different sovereign nations reacting to these things and employing their own intelligence agencies. they re all different from germany and the u.k. is different from all of them in levels of expertise let me interrupt. we have the federal prosecutor in belgium at the podium.
let s listen in and see if there s anything here. with regard to the . translator: with regard to the attack at the airport, the first explosion took place on 22 22nd of march. very quickly at 7:38:57 the second explosion was started at level two. the photo showing the three suspects was disseminated. the author was identified as ibrahim el bakraoui. the second suicide bomber on the left is not yet identified. the third suspect with a light coat wearing a hat has fled. he deposited a big bag and
departed after the before the explosion. this contained the most the largest explosion. after the mine sweepers came in they were able to explode it. nobody was hurt because of the professionalism of those who intervened. the third person is being sought after the inquiry no more arms were found at the airport. a taxi chauffeur came to the police to declare that he had taken three people from the area. a raid took place and we discovered five kilos of explosives, 150 liters of acetone, 30 liters of oxide,
detonators, luggage full of nails and screws as well as material to manufacture bombs, plastic bags and ventilators. other two other subjects were left and these were negative. in a garbage bin we found the wilf ibrahim bakraoui in which he declares that he was in a bad situation and has been sought everywhere. he s no longer safe and that if he dies if he s sought he may end up in a prison cell. a fourth raid was done in schaerbeek in the evening. a person was arrested and is
being listened to. a fifth raid took place where somebody was arrested and then freed after an in depth hearing. with regard to the attack in the subway station in brussels, the maelbeek station, the explosion took place at the second track where the train was in the station. the suicide bomb was identified with fingerprint. he is khalid el bakraoui. the two terrorists who died had a background a criminal background not linked to terrorism. investigations of the technical and forensic work is being done on the different crime scenes, and this will continue for many hours, even for several days. in the interest of the
investigation, it is undesirable to give more information currently. the office understand the importance and we deplore 270 wounded and 31 deaths. this figure will be further evaluated in the next two hours or days. all our thoughts go to the victims and their families. the speaker continues in dutch. translator: in the brussels airport we are giving you the following information. airport in brussels was the first explosion on march 22 at
almost 8:00 in the departure hall. immediately after that there was a second explosion all right. you re watching the federal prosecutor in belgium giving a rundown of what they know at this hour in terms of the attacks that happened in the past 36 hours. there is a third bomber that s still on the run. they ve had five raids. it yielded one or two arrests. don t know much more about what exactly they might get out of those people. we re looking at 31 deaths but there are people missing and there are 270 people injured. so the death toll expected to rise. mike barnacle, just listening to what they have right now, it seems that those raids yielded mostly the makings of bombs and more bombs that could have been made, explosive devices or pieces of them. well, it gets back to what we were talking about before we went to the press conference,
and it is the lack of coordinated intelligence under one unit. sovereign nation, belgium, france, they don t want to see their sovereignty it appears in these attempts to get a handle on isis. they re going to need to come under one coordinated approach because we get information from the press conference about those who have been dead, those who have been killed of their own hand, the suicide bombers at the airport, but there is a bomb maker or bomb makers still out there, highly volatile conditions involved in making these bombs and the preparation of these bombs. very similar to what occurred in paris, the suicide bombing vests, and they re still searching for a bomb maker, which that s the most lethal element involved. david ignatius, is that what stood out to you? anything stand out to you? yeah, what stood out to me was the suicide note that seems to have been left by one of the bakraoui brothers before he went to the airport. what you can tell about that is he s feeling under pressure. he s feeling that time is running out, that he s got to
move. that s one of the things we ve been wondering about the timing of this bombing. what it tells you is that the belgian authorities are close to these people but not close enough. the other thing that strikes me about these two bombers the more we learn about them is they re oddly closer to a youth gang members than to a religious cult. one of them is a former armed robbery suspect who was imprisoned for that. the other is a former car jacker. these are guys that grew up in prison. they didn t grow up in the mosque and i think that s a part of the isis profile that we need to think about more. this is the, yes, it s a religious group, but it s got an awful lot of people who served time in prison for crimes that have nothing to do with religion. and belgian born youth gang. and they re local guys. they re belgian born, exactly. . that s what we re seeing. here s what i don t get about
europe, after paris, after this, the authorities go and raid a bunch of places and round up a bunch of people. i don t understand why they wait. you know, it happens every time. every time there s an incident in europe they know right where to go. that s the narratives about their level of ability in europe. i was surprised to hear that in belgium some of their laws even inhibit them from doing such raids. i don t know if it still exists. they re not able to raid people s homes after 9:00 p.m. at night. that s not allowing them to go into people s homes. they went in last night and look what they found, bomb materials, isis flags, a number of suspicious items. joining us now from the state department, deputy spokesman mark towner. mark, what kind of assistance is the u.s. giving in the investigation? well, both secretary kerry and obviously president obama spoke to their belgian counterparts yesterday. we offered assistance. we already have ongoing cooperation in intelligence and law enforcement matters with the
belgians, and that s going to continue. we re going to obviously enhance that going forward because as you guys just commented, this threat from whoever carried out this attack, isol or other terrorist groups, it knows no borders. we all have to step up our game. we all have to remain vigilant and do what we can to stop this kind of, as you said, david, this kind of home grown radicalization that s very hard to stop. it remains a challenge. look, we re defeating isol on the battle fields in syria, in iraq. they ve lost over 40% of their territory, but this kind of foreign fighter flow and this kind of self-radicalization remains a big challenge. nicole wallace. you talk about defeating them on the battlefield. your colleague john kirby said yesterday that they re losing. surely you can understand that the american people didn t wake up yesterday morning with the impression that they were losing and the people of belgium did not, you know, wake up this morning with any less trauma from what they endured yesterday. can you talk about how you bridge that divide in terms of sending out a message, i had a
similar job, i understand the challenges in it, but of how they re losing when they obviously prevailed in an extraordinary manner yesterday? well, you re right in the sense that while we re defeating them on the battlefield we continue to choke them off, put pressure on them in raqqah and elsewhere in iraq, in syria. we re making gains, but that ability, and they have declared their willingness to strike out to carry their quote, unquote, fight or struggle to really the heart of europe and elsewhere, in turkey as well. it remains a difficult challenge to confront because as the president said, as the secretary say the, as we all said, if you have a couple of individuals self-radicalized, recruited, whatever, willing to lay down their lives, carry out suicide attacks, it s very hard to stop that. you have to be right 100% of the time. they only have to be successful 1%. mark, you talked about
coordination between the united states, between our state department and intelligence agencies and european intelligence agencies. could you talk a bit briefly about the difficulty of coordinating everything that we provide to the various entities, france, brussels in terms of implementing the intelligence on the other side of the ocean, the difficulty involved in that? well, look, we have long-standing cooperation with the belgians, with the e.u., with france, with many european countries countries, you know, but that doesn t obviously preclude the fact that these are ongoing challenges. when you ve got these groups that isol is, as i said, able to recruit or radicalize these individuals and you were talking about the suspects in yesterday s attacks who didn t seem to come up in the particular environment that might lead to radicalization. looked like there are somewhat petty criminals. again, we have to let the investigation run its course, but we all need to lift our game, so to speak.
we all need to be more vigilant, both here in the united states but also in europe. we need to tighten up that cooperation. mark, is it worrisome that intelligence isn t picking up more chatter ahead of these attacks, not only in brussels, we ve seen them in turkey as well. these are tourist destinations for many american citizens and american tourists. we haven t seen any travel warnings issued prior to these attacks, so has chatter gone down? is that worrisome? well, we did put out a travel alert last night obviously in the wake of this most recent attack, and that reminded americans that they need to be vigilant wherever they were going. that s last night after the attack. no, i understand. in terms of what you re talking about, picking up chatter which speaks to intoll lintelligence, get into the details. that s a science but it s but it s also, you know, an art form as well. how we access or get into that chatter stream, how we identify these individuals, there are
experts who far outweigh my expertise obviously in this regard, but it s always a challenge to infiltrate these groups. david, i ll give you the last question but i ll throw one at you. it seems like there s so much catchup to do in terms of helping europe develop intelligence in a border free europe with pockets of areas that really are struggling to assimilate the muslim community. i mean, it seems like this is just like a bucket of gasoline, you know, waiting for a match because i m not even sure how they would be able to counter this effectively at this point. it is a it is a bucket of gasoline. what i want to ask mark, secretary kerry is going to russia this weekend to talk to president vladimir putin, in part about isis. mark, give us a sense of what secretary kerry might say in that conversation. thanks, david. yeah, he is going. he s frankly arriving in moscow this morning. he is going to meet with obviously foreign minister
lavrov but also with president putin. you know, look, we have a two-pronged strategy, if you will, with regard to syria. we ve got traction on the political front. we ve got negotiations or proximity talks ongoing. we have to solve that civil war and then we can all collectively increase our efforts to dismantle and destroy daesh. it s that simple an equation. we have to end the fighting on the civil war in order to go after daesh more effectively but, again, the problem beyond syria, beyond iraq, that remains a challenge. mark, go ahead. go ahead, david. do you do you do you see the united states and russia fighting together, alongside in this fight against isis? if if russia and say it this way. if russia wants to play a constructive role in carrying out attacks or strikes against isol, we would welcome that opportunity to work with them. we didn t see that thus far, but we ve got a nascent cessation of
hostilities on the ground. we ve seen the fighting significantly drop off. there s a lot of work to be done there, but we feel we re making progress. all right. the state department s mark toner. thank you very much. david ignatius, thank you very much. up next, ted cruz s solution to preventing terror in america. we ll have the presidential candidates comments next. the intelligent, all-new audi a4 is here. ain t got time to make no apologies.
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it is standard law enforcement, if you have a neighborhood that is plagued by gang activity, it is standard and good law enforcement to direct more resources to work with the community that is facing gang activity to stop the gang members. that is standard good policing, to direct your resources to where the threat is coming from. we should do the exact same thing with radical islamic terrorism.
political correctness costs lives, and it is standard law enforcement, it is good law enforcement to focus on where threats are emanating from. and anywhere where there is a locus of rad cicalradicalism, we is an expanding presence of radical terrorism, we need law enforcement resources directed there, we need national security directed there. the object should be to keep americans safe, to keep everyone safe. so what s that? trump s doing that to him? can t blame everything on trump, can you? he s dogs it to himself. doing it to himself? he knows as much about standard law enforcement as i do about jet propulsion. that was senator ted cruz calling for increased policing of muslim communities in the u.s. cruz also invoked the policies of former new york city mayor michael bloomberg and last night the new york police department reacted reminding cruz that the
force has nearly 1,000 muslim officers in uniform. i would remind the senator he lives in the united states of america. the statements he made today is why he s not going to become president of this country, because we don t need a president that doesn t respect the values that form the foundation of this country. i have over 900 very dedicated officers in this department, many of whom do double duty. they serve as active duty members of the u.s. military in combat, something the senator has never seen. so before he starts denigrating any population group, take a close look at who he s denigrating. could we just pause to applaud the police commissioner of new york city. thank you, bratton. he didn t mince words. i think he kind of pushed back just right. you bring up a good point, it s not just officers in uniform, veterans. soldiers. soldiers, american citizens. joining us now in washington, the washington editor at large
for the atlantic steve klemen. steve was in belgium on his way to the airport when the terrorists struck. also former d.o.d. official, dr. evelyn farmiquas. she is a nonresident fellow. good to have you both on board. steve, a little too close for comfort, i bet. yeah. very, very close. and i have to tell you that while many of us sit back and analyze, as i do, some of these terrorism issues, it s very different being very close to the action. i arrived just after the bombs went off and was part of those evacuated out and spent most of my day yesterday trying to scramble out of the country. but the real the real issue are the victims, the people that were close to this who saw this, who are living with this, and who realize that the needle has moved inside belgium and there needs to be greater vigilance all around. i spoke to a great many dozens of people yesterday who felt
this real shock. well, i want to i m wondering for both of you, actually, who delve deeply into these issues what your first thoughts were when you heard ted cruz s comments about how to combat these problems. well, i as a new yorker, i m very proud of what the police commissioner said and i m right there with him so i just don t think that s a constructive approach. what we learned at the wmd commission, mika, basically you have to focus on resilience, prevention and defeat. you ve touched upon that earlier in the program some of these issues. you re never going to catchall of the terrorists so you have to resilient. on the prevention side, that s where the community policing comes into play. that s where providing opportunities for muslims in europe. as the police commissioner pointed out very clearly in the earlier segment, we have a lot of opportunity for muslim americans in the united states so we don t have to focus on that much. clearly we have to deal with
disaffected people who might join the radical islamist movements. the other is what d.o.d. does to defeat isis. steve, let me ask you about the military and police response that you saw firsthand following the attacks yesterday. there s been a lot of talk, even our reporters there on the ground saying they don t see the level of security they would have expected following such an incident. w what did you see? was it orderly? was it chaotic? i saw two things. one, i have to give credit to the officials at the belgium airport that came in after. i talked to some american officials about that, and they said they had just done quite a number of exercises training for exactly this kind of thing. it was evident. i thought that both the public there and the officials did a good job. that said, when i was evacuated back to one of the primary train stations, brussels train stations, there was almost no security until we heard about bombings, and one of the interviews that i tweeted out
that i did with one of the passengers that was in the mix yesterday, they said, we react heavily for one day and then tomorrow we ll have no security. so he says we ve been living in a dream that we don t have to have a more vigilant present security presence throughout, and i guess i saw that. and just my mere presence of being in washington today raises question because i was at the airport. i was able to get out to brussels north train station. i got out before they closed down that station and closed down the borders to holland through a number of trains and anyone could have done what i did. right. i was not screened or reviewed anywhere. so that should raise red flags. that does. yeah. but, i mean, that s just the beginning. in europe i think what we ve been really looking at throughout the morning is the borders. it s a whole different story. think about the u.s., mayor giuliani eluded to this being their 9/11. remember how the u.s. reacted.
our airports were shut down. there was chaos but it was orderly chaos and people could not move around as easily as steve did. evelyn, when you talk about community policing and you talk about these efforts, i feel like i ve heard these words many times before. isn t that what s been done? what s not working? they re not doing enough. so these communities, and i m talking now about europe, but these communities, especially in brussels, the maelbeek society, they are not well integrated. what does that mean? they don t have the same opportunity for jobs. they are looked down upon because of religion. the whole mind set in europe needs to shift in order to give these people equal opportunity and also, frankly, respect. people feel like they re not these communities do not feel sufficiently respected and accepted within many of these european countries. i m not saying across the board.
there s still a long way to go in europe. even if you have trouble assimilating them, you have to give them equal opportunity to make a living and be a contributing part of society. a lot of these young men didn t have very many opportunities. steve, quick. ted cruz s comments infuriated me. it gives isis what isis wants which is to further alienate, exacerbate the tensions. thr heroes in these communities maelbeek, who are champions of inclusion, trying to reach out. it needs to go a lot farther like evelyn said. to basically try to divide those and segment those communities exacerbates the inferiority that they feel. let me make you more fewer furious comments here. i m with the police commissioner. me, too. steve clemons.
i can t believe the commissioner has to make zblents ted cruz did an interview with savannah guthrie. we re going to turn around those comments and show them to you next. up next, we ll show you the markets. terrorist attacks don t seem to have the effect they used to. morning joe back in a moment.
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president obama spoke to people all over cuba yesterday telling them the procession of democracy isn t always pretty, but he s taking heat over
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is happening now! get a $1,250 volkswagen reward card and 0% apr on new 2016 passat models. catching up here. former u.s. ambassador to iraq. also served as u.s. ambassador to afghanistan is out with a new book, the envoy, from kabul to the white house, my journey through a turbulent world, turbulent it is. you have connections with my brother, my father, stories. husband. we ll get there. family affair. what good timing for the book. first of all, your thoughts on brussels and where we go from here given that europe seems to be so at risk now of more attacks. since 9/11 we have taken a
lot of measures to harden ourselves against terror to go after the terrorists and in the broader middle east. europe has not done as much to harden itself in terms of measures that are required for intelligence, law enforcement, on local community integration and security measures because it is a set of population, islamic population who are extremists or vulnerable to becoming extremists and belgium unfortunately has been such a place for a long time. in fact, two days before 9/11 i remember getting a call from the head of the northern alliance
that was dr. abdela abdela to tell me that the legendary commander of afghanistan was killed by two people of moroccan origin but had belgian passports. this has been a problem in belgium for some time. it has. we re learning there s an intelligence failure here and perhaps a lot of maybe catchup that needs to be done in terms of developing an intelligence structure and maybe even some sort of plan in between countries. this is now the defining challenge. it requires much more enhanced effort because it s going to be with us, this problem, for some time because this is the product of circumstances but the crisis that may take that case to work it so far. what can the united states
do? we have to protect ourselves first and foremost. we ve done a lot since 9/11. continue to upgrade as required. we need to also cooperate with others in europe. appropriate with other powers, including russia. but at the same time we need to support moderate for the longer term in the middle east. we need muslims for intelligence because you have to penetrate these organizations. only muslims can and also other sport. i want to talk to you about a potential wild card in our activities going forward with coordinating intelligence in the fight against isis. it is our relationship with iran. we have been talking with iran for a much longer time than i think the general public knows. going forward, do you see iran playing any potentially valuable
role in our fight against isis? yes. first of all, as i describe in the book, i believe while we should be tough with iran or with anyone else that we have strategic issues with, but at the same time we should engage and talk with them. i have never understood why one wouldn t want to also engage while you pressure. yes, i think on the sunni terrorist extremist groups iran can be helpful, but there are places where iran is part of the problem unfortunately. i think engaging with iran to explore areas where we can cooperate is a good idea. you give our former boss a mixed report card. you have a pretty sharp critique in the book about the lack of preparation for iraq. can you talk through those two sides that you saw? sure.
i think the second issue, the iraq problem, there was something that went awry in the aftermath of the invasion. before the invasion the plan was not to govern iraq, not to dissolve the army, not to have radicalization but to reform the security institutions since they would be responsible for the local security. afterwards we did two contradictory things. we changed a plan very quickly without a lot of deliberations to occupation and then dissolving the army, hundreds of thousands of people knew how to use it who had livelihood, were people that were respected in the society, unemployed, angry, for a while they didn t get paid and when they were going to get paid they had to stand in line for hours and hours and hours.
disenfranchised. disenfranchised. i think that was a mistake and i believe that the leaders around the president did not serve him well by not deliberating on this issue of what the implications of a shift in plan would be. so i criticize that part of the president s idea. but on the islamic part it was, you know, wanted to make sure that all muslims are not alienated from the united states by treating them all as an enemy of the united states. the book is the envoy. thank you so much. nice to see you. great to see you. up next, european stocks go higher after the attacks in belgium. are investors done being scared into selloffs. we ll go live to the new york stock exchange for that. one totally focused on what s next for your business. accelerating innovation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise.
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what law enforcement does with gang violence is you target the neighborhoods where gang violence is prevalent and you root out the violence. that goes to my question. for example, you re saying gang violence. you look where is there gang violence. yes. look who controls those areas. yeah. when you look at controlling muslim neighborhoods, would you require some suspicion of muslim neighborhoods before you patrol. what i m talking about is focusing law enforcement and national security resources on areas, on locations where there is a higher incidence of radical islamic terrorism. one of the tragic reasons we saw this attack yesterday in brussels is that europe s failed
immigration laws have allowed vast numbers of radical islamic terrorists to come into europe. that was senator cruz speaking earlier with savannah guthrie on the today show likening his call to patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods to federal authority. there s so much there. let s go to cnbc s sara eisen. shaking off the terror attacks so far. good morning. we are seeing remarkable resilience in the face of this tragic attacks. limited decline and europe is trading higher this morning. one pocket of weakness where you are seeing some of the nervousness is in some of the travel-related stocks. of course, airlines and hotels where there is a direct business hit when there is fear of terrorism. we ve got a great chart from usa today showing historically in the days and the aftermath of terrorist attacks, we have lately seen more of a muted
reaction in stocks. exception here, of course, is back on 9/11 where stocks fell 5% on the day after. it continued to fall subsequent days but more recently, boston, the two attacks in paris last year, san bernardino, stocks have bounced back. the reason why the more muted response, why investors are more desensitized to these attacks has to do with the economic impact. they re just not seen as slowing down economies as much as, say, 9/11. that s really what it s all about when it comes to the stock market and the economic data and corporate earnings. cnbc s sara eisen, thank you so much. that does it for us this morning. our thanks to everyone here. mike, and nicole and everyone that joined us. erica hill picks up the coverage live in brussels after a quick break. you can t predict. the market. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your investments through good times and bad. for over 75 years, our clients have relied on us to bring our best thinking to their investments
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and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. that s huge for my bottom line. what s in your wallet? good morning from brussels. you re watching msnbc. i m erica hill. not far from the maelbeek substation. the heart of europe understandably hurting and trying to heal this morning as now for the second time in four months there is another all out manhunt underway. we want to show you part of the surveillance video that s been a major focus of the airport. this is from the airport on tuesday

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141121 11:00:00

head with a wayward skateboard while doing a story in a los angeles skate park. he is doing fine. fox & friends starts now. have a great day. good morning. it is friday, november 21. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. the president s power play. there are actions i have the legal authority to take as president, the same kinds of actions taken by democratic and republican presidents before me. millions of illegals allowed to stay in the united states. what it means to the new congress and you, the american people. meanwhile, while you were sleeping this happened in ferguson, missouri. we have the breaking details on new trouble in
the show me state. the company says it s all about gun safety, so why was this ad banned from facebook? it s an ad for gun safety. but wal-mart which sells more guns than anyone else can advertise all they want. oh, the irony. mornings are better with friends. fantastic. this is larry the cable guy. you re listening to my friends over at fox & friends. thanks, larry. today tucker carlson is going to get it done. elisabeth, great to see you. better that you re here on the couch. i ve got news for you. it is not always great when he s here. why are you breaking that to me now? last time tucker carlson was here it was about 10:30 in the morning and i pick up my device and i see hey steve, it s tucker. i m wearing your coat. he walked out with my suit
coat. i m going to guard all my things closely today. remember that? a lot to learn about you tucker. thanks for joining us this morning. we have a lot of fun here right now but a lot of important news to bring you. our fox news alert is first. president obama officially lays out his new sciewfd on immigration allowing millions of illegals it stay right here in the united states. we re live in d.c. to break down the plan for you. good morning, doug. elisabeth, good morning. the president says this is not amnesty but at the very least it s a major change in the way the nation enforces or in many instances no longer enforces its immigration laws. here s the president from last night. it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. all we re saying is we re not going to deport you.
not citizenship. but this still affects millions, perhaps five million illegal immigrants, the lie yn s share lion s share who have been in the country five years or longer illegally, parents of u.s. citizens or legal residents here. the other part is the legality of the president s orders? is he overstepping the bounds of his office? many republicans think so. here was the president s message about that. i have one answer: pass a bill. this has been the least productive congress in modern history. if they wanted to pass an immigration law, we could have done this. we could have done this. it s been sitting. we never had an up-or-down vote it is not clear what the republican response to this is going to be, whether there will be lawsuits brought against the president because of these executive actions. the president heading to las vegas today to spheek
at a high school to speak at a high school there to go further about his plans on immigration policies. doug said the president said last night it is not amnesty. according to the new york post, it is not amnesty. it is bam-nesty. bring me your tired, your poor, anybody. what is interesting last night when the president talked about how he is going to bypass congress, he said you know what? the border has never been so secure. in fact the number of people we ve been sending back is the highest it s been since 1970. remember this? we have more agents and technology deployed to secure our southern border than at any time in our history. and offense the past six years illegal border crossings have been cut by more than half. although this summer there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it s been in nearly two years. overall, the number of
people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970 s. those are the facts. well, the facts are as they choose them. in fact the administration has changed the way they gather the facts. they have in terms of they actually expedited the process. you have to see a judge before that would count as a formal deportation. but it is happening now at the border. that is why those numbers are exponentially decreased. charles krauthammer brought it down. the deportation numbers are completely distorted because up until obama the deportations that were counted were those from within the country. they changed the recording system, and anybody who today comes across and is returned immediately, who in the past was not counted, is now counted among the deported. so the numbers are inflated. and we all know why there was a decline in the river
of illegal immigration over the last several years. it was because of the recession. and we all know that as the economy recovers, we re going to have the crisis that we had this summer over and over again. this is a big deal. i mean, this is a vast number. to put it in some perspective, the president just added to the u.s. workforce legally about the same number of people as jobs that have been created during his presidency. every job created under obama could go to an illegal alien. the numbers match up exactly. by the way since the 70 s, the labor force participation rate, there are fewer americans working 5, 3% today looking for a job. now they have new competition. one of the things the president keep in mind he was trying to sell the american people this is a sound idea because the border is secure and i m sending all the criminals back. at one point the president did say we re going to
play one more sound bite where the president says the number of people being deported are way, way up. keep in mind they re fudging the numbers because now they re including some people in this particular number who decided to go home for one way or another on their own. nonetheless, it adds up to, according to this administration, 80%. here s the sound bite. over the past six years deportations of criminals are up 80%. and that s why we re going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. felons, not families. criminals, not children. gang members, not a mom who s working hard to provide for her kids. we ll prioritize, just like law enforcement does, every day. that sounds good. but included in that 80% now are people who decided to go home without being ordered. not really deported for one
reason or another. he mentioned kids. last night he said there s been a little spike in the number of kids this past year. like 58,000. it was 12,000 a couple of years ago. then 24,000 this year. close to 70,000. this is so silly. they don t want to deport anybody. the whole point is is the electorate. they re unhappy with the vote. this is about increasing the voter base. the president can put forward any numbers that he wishes but some of the numbers striking the american people are those that have been killed by illegals particularly driving under the influence in the united states. remember the i.c.e. attorney we spoke to filed a discrimination lawsuit and was told colleagues were told to go easy on criminals with d.u.i. convictions. we saw personally what that can do. we spoke to father whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant yesterday. don rosenberg.
this is not a story about my son. this is a story about 100,000 people that have been killed since the last amnesty and are getting killed at the rate of 5,000 a year. and ironically most of them, about 60% are being killed by people that are in the country illegally but have not committed any, what the administration called serious crimes. they re so concerned about separating families. what about our families? what about the millions of people whose families haven t just been separated permanently, but have been destroyed? last night the president threw down the gauntlet. he said because congress isn t going to do anything, i m going to do it. because that s in the constitution. if the congress doesn t take up the president s program and endorse it, he has a right it s article 3, i think. [sound of buzzer] he s making it up as he goes. we would like you to sound off and let you know what you thought about the president s plan. is it a good idea? is it going to cause
continued gridlock? or is this a real opportunity for the republican party to take the bull by the horns because let s face it illegal immigration is a terrible problem in this country. should the republicans come up with their own plan, a real border security plan or a guest worker program that does not lead to automatic citizenship? let us know. you could also facebook us or tweet us. we will share all those. we want to share breaking news going on overnight in ferguson. heather nauert joins us. another big story we re following this morning. police officers chase and tackle a suspect accused of robbery and that take down is all caught on camera. cops arresting at least three people in ferguson, missouri. in the meantime word overnight that officer darren wilson is in talks to resign from the police department. a decision on an indictment is expected any day now.
bizarre developments in that shooting at florida state university that left three people dead just hours before the gunman opened fire he contacted eight friends. the reason why? well, that is a mystery. the gunman, 31-year-old myron may, warned his friends a package is in the mail on the way to their homes. they re expected to arrive today, and no one knows what is inside those packages. police say he believes that the government was following him and that new documents reveal that he was hospitalized several weeks ago for a severe mental disorder. i stated three people died. three people were rather injured. he is the one who was shot dead by police. another arrest outside the white house. secret service agents spotted a 23-year-old woman with a holstered handgun on her hip. they nabbed her during demonstrations after president obama s immigration address last nate. the president was inside the white house at the time. of course this follows a series of embarrassing security lapses at the
white house. listen to this one. mommy and daddy did it. an n.h.l. star is blaming his parents for going bankrupt. 27-year-old jack johnson of the columbus blue jackets is in the hole for 50 million bucks. he turned over his outfit to his parents in 2011 after firing his financial advisor. mom and dad spent the money on cars and home upgrades. yes, his bankruptcy hearing will take mace in january. this guy had a $30 million contract. his parents managing his money. he knew they were managing his money but he didn t know they were buying homes and cars. they probably said that happened to me after my years on different strokes. i m serious. i remember that and it s great that you re out of the can. glad it all worked out for you tucker. this is the problem with having an open muslim mow is a bar in the an open mimosa bar in the studio.
al sharpton decides to protest around the country no matter what happens in ferguson, missouri. is he fueling the fire. nanny cam, someone else may be using them to spy on your little ones. the dangers you don t know about. we re going to tell you.
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looking at pictures from overnight. there was brand-new violence unfortunately breaking out in ferguson, missouri. this as reverend al sharpton promises to protest in at least two dozen cities regardless of what the grand jury decides. will this create more racial tension? we re going to ask bishop harry jackson who joins us from st. louis this morning. bishop jackson, we thank you for joining us here. it s a stressful time. i m sure the mood there is high anxiety. have you spoken with reverend al sharpton? i have not spoken with al sharpton. i do know him and have been many times a guest on his program. what do you think of his
plans to lead the way in potential protest here regardless of what the jury decides? i think, elisabeth, it is a knee jerk response. two things happening. there is a concrete case before us and then there is a long-term history of concern about racial issues in america. his tem straitions are not going his demonstrations are not going to address those underlying problems. the work that has been done here, the 28th annual urban summit that is why i m in st. louis is going to be more systematic. long term. the area is that folk in the community have to solve this problem, and there is a history, lynchings, racial profiling in the past. there is a current reality that has to be changed. the real message all of us
are trying to get out is black lives count and problems have to be addressed. but where these demonstrations around the nation fall short, in my opinion, is that there are no concrete steps of action in just a demonstration. and i think that s a problem. so local people have to come together. we have to understand each other. the event i m involved in here is dealing with racial reconciliation at the root, using christianity as a bridge to bring people together of different races, and then having ongoing policy watches, systematic ways that we can reform what s going on in this community where there are many aberrant behaviors. isn t violence an impediment? looting and violence, what do those things have to do with justice?
i think there has to be justice on both sides of the coin. justice for this police officer. he s got to go home at night after a conflict. and any policeman around the nation. and then justice must be done for those in the black community. and i think that s why we need intermediate and longer-term ways of addressing these issues. so, no, violence doesn t accomplish anything at this particular time. it feeds into some of the problems that we re already having. thanks, bishop. coming up, here we go again. five more gitmo prisoners set free. is the president trying to clear the place out before the new congress is seated? is that a good idea? are your kids taking test after test after test? up next, teachers who are fed up with it and they are refusing to give them tests. when i crave a smoke
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at 24 minutes at the top of the hour. we have quick headlines for you now. while americans were distracted with the president s new amnesty plan, the obama administration quietly releasing five more terrorists from gitmo. three were sent to the country georgia. the other two sent to slovakia. the white house claiming they are no longer dangerous. this is just disgusting. we spent tons of money and time to free him but turns out the american being held in north korea didn t want to leave. matthew miller revealing he intentionally destroyed his passport and tried to get arrested so he could get a real feel for north korea. great. thank you very much. we told you about a florida
kindergarten teacher who won the fight against administering a state exam to her students. i really hope that this opens up a conversation so that we can look at testing all across the country in all of the grades. i think that there s too much testing that s going on and too much instruction time lost. but that fight is still continuing all across the country. our next two guests are risking their jobs refusing to administer any more assessments to their students. why? joining us two first grade public school teachers, nikki jones and karen hendron. karen, explain why you ve drawn a line in the sand. you told your buses enough with the testing. they re little kids. explain. we have to give what we call a math test. it s a 55-question test computer-based that is not developmentally appropriate for our students whatsoever. why do you feel, nikki,
it s not developmentally appropriate for kids that age in first grade? it is an adaptive test. in early childhood they are in different phases of development. their brain is not capable of taking on all these feelings of failure. so the test is designed to where if they answer a question appropriately, it escalates to a higher question and so forth. eventually takes them out of their zone of development and causes that feeling of loss or unsuccess. we need to be empowering them at that age. they need to be backed up, not made to feel like a failure. sure. they ve got these questions. for instance, provide detailed checklist of people residing in your house. the number of computers in your house. do you have a tv in the bedroom, the languages spoken at your house. i don t ever remember anything even approaching that when i was in school back in the 1930 s.
but you say as well, ladies, that one of the problems is because you are teaching to the test essentially. you re wasting a lot of time teaching we re not teaching to the test. i m talking to general, the way your school district and other school districts around the country want to do is they want to make sure the kids do well on the tests to make it look like the school is doing well, make it look like the teachers are doing well. they higher the accountability to the test as a value added measure to the teachers evaluation. of course teachers are going to teach to the test. they re worried about how their evaluation is going to turn out. absolutely because that is money in the bank. when you look at the amount of time, students spend 25 hours completing their assignment. the teachers spend 288 hours administering tests, which averages out to about 72 days. let me ask you this.
your bosses, they can t be happy that you are saying, look, enough with the teftion. i m not going to enough with the testing. i m not going to do it anymore. you ve got orders, don t you? we do. what s happening? it s been pretty silent in our building. we got a lot of support from outside sources and the community but not much in our district. teachers all over the district supported us. it s just that administration support is lacking. i think they feel their hands are tied. i think they fear the system we re in now. we would love to hear from our teachers watching right now across the country about what you are doing in tulsa. is it a good idea, bad idea? is it a broken system? how do you fix it? karen and nikki, thank you for joining us early because we know you ve got to go to school right now and teach the kids. 29 minutes after the hour. coming up, the president pushes ahead on immigration using scare tactics.
congress certainly shouldn t shut down our government again just because we disagree on this. our experts say this is a political ploy meant just for republicans. the secret message he just sent with that statement coming up next. anything can happen on live tv. gasoline on the floor, set it on fire and went to buy a drink and came back. that guy just admitted to arson. how this ended for him. you can imagine not well. first happy birthday to former big league slugger ken griffey jr. he s 45 and he s still a junior. no mom in the history of moms has ever turned down a handmade ornament. this week at bass pro shops santa s wonderland kids can get their picture with santa, make a stuffed reindeer ornament,
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both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution, and the day i sign that bill into law the actions i take will no longer be necessary. meanwhile don t let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue. that s not how our democracy works, and congress certainly shouldn t shut down our government again just because we disagree on this. very clever. what is the president trying to do? is he trying to scare americans into thinking the republicans are going to shut down the country, going to go crazy and try to imreech him? is he trying to poison the well with the new congress before they start because he said look, okay, so i bypassed everybody in congress because they re not doing anything. i m taking over right here. but we should be able to do a lot more good stuff in the future. he s trying to confuse the public by saying one thing and doing exactly the opposite. i m so bipartisan that i m
ignoring the republican party by doing it union hat rale. thatthat is orwell. the midterm terms did happen, ignoring that. a former speech writer for president bush talked to megyn kelly and he explained what s going on. if the president of the united states believed a word of what he said he would not be doing this with executive action. think about it, he s not trying to help illegal immigrants. he s trying to provoke a fight with the republican party. and the money quote was, he said meanwhile don t let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue. that is not how our democracy works and congress certainly shouldn t shut down the government again because we disagree on this. that s exactly what he wants the republicans to do. he s trying to goad the g.o.p. into self- self-destructive behavior. he wants them to shut down
the government, he wants somebody to say something bad about immigrants because he wants to rally his base and make somebody go out there and blow themselves up. is he saying he is using five million people s lives for politics? he s trying to elicit response. he s thinking in generational terms. he s expanding the democratic party. that is the long-term goal. they ll say that if you ask them off the record. trying to goad the republican party. he must have written that line earlier in the week because mitch mcconnell has already said we re not going to shut down the government. there are a lot of republicans who would like to. i don t know what the right thing is. this is a big deal. this is a game changer not just for politics but for the country itself. i can see a lot of republicans really want to do everything they can to
stop this. if you ve got a leader like mcconnell stepping up and saying it s not going to happen. we ve had judge napolitano on the show saying what the president is doing does rise to the level of something you would normally get impeached for but that is not going to happen this time. it s just not going to happen. what was the president doing right there? sounded like he was trying to get the republicans to take the bait. but will they? not looking likely. stand by for that. we re going to toss our fishing line over to heather nauert. good morning everyone. hope you re off to a great day. it is a bold and shameless crime. a man in maryland accused of setting a house on fire but he comes clean about it live on television. me, i set it on fire. set it on fire and went to buy a drink and came back. that suspect tells a reporter he started that fire because conditions in the home, he says, were horrible and that cops didn t take his complaints seriously. cops are pretty serious about it right now. they arrested him and
charged him with arson in rockville, maryland. a video capturing the end of a wild police chase in missouri. there is a driver in a stolen s.u.v. who loses control, slams into a brick building while going 80 miles per hour. the impact is so strong that the building collapsed. look at that right there. a huge cloud of dust. the suspect walked away with some bruises and then was promptly arrested. look at that right there. crazy. listen to this one. a lot of folks have nanny cams. russians may be spying on you through them. there is a website called insta cam. it hacked into security cameras across the united states. a lot of folks film everything from sleeping babies to empty rooms to keep an eye on their house. the entire world is able to see this insecam says they
can. this is quite a story coming out of new york city. do not call them waitresses. the owner of a new york city restaurant slapped with a $5,000 fine after an employee took out an ad on craigslist for a waitress. the reason the owner was pea penal is the employer didn t use the word server. one man says it is an outrage and plans to fight what he describes as a scam. that is what happened before when somebody took out an ad for hostess and that they say is gender specific. kind of amazing. you can t make this stuff up. but they are waiters and waitresses? you have to thanks, heather.
it is 22 minutes before the top of the hour. it is a chilly day. maria molina outside because she s tough. good to see you. that s right, it is a chilly day across parts of the northeast. in new york city you re really going to need that scract. but it is nothing compared to what parts of buffalo dealing with. we picked up more than 60 inches of snow in many parts of south buffalo. look at this video. you can see snowplows cleaning up the streets. look at all that snow. the concern is as we head into this weekend and early next week we re going to see a significant warmup. all of that snow will be melting. there is rain in the forecast. now flood watches have been issued for the buffalo area because flooding is going to be a concern. otherwise across the rest of the country we have a storm system developing across the center of it and it could produce severe storms across portions of texas as we head into saturday. that will be something to watch. otherwise high temperatures today are going to be cold across the northeast and great lakes.
look at that. highs in the 20 s and 30 s for many americans. let s head back inside. maria, thank you very much. meanwhile, this is elisabeth s first full week back at work, and what a week it has been. it s been a fun one with you guys. i m so thankful to be back. but if you missed a second and you want to catch back, take a look. good to have you back. always great to be back. this is a family, extended family. all back together. i know. i can t believe it. glad to have both of my brothers by my side here. the sexiest man alive is hiding behind that people magazine logo. who is it? we ll have him take it off, the logo straight ahead. they could lose jobs. i think i m asking you to dance. there he is.
there s gruber. the six million-dollar man. we were gruber-ed. do you have video? because you know i m all about that baste jingle bellies. those bellies are only going to get bigger after thanksgiving. whoa! did he drop his pants? yes. give our best to peter doocy who is obviously the journalist in the family. i d like to thank my wife for putting my son s shirt in my closet. that would explain why the sleeves are so long. or are you just shrinking? give us a taste of one of your songs. i don t want the world to see me because i don t think that they d
understand call the p.c. police. they re here. that s a sound effect? no, they re coming for you. new york city christmas we have robert downey on here later. everybody get out. we shouldn t sing, should we? you ve got some pipes. we love it when robert comes to town. what a week and welcome back. it s been fun and meaningful to be back. i love this family here and i love all of you at home joining us in our party in the morning here at fox & friends. and tucker, good to have you. thank you, elisabeth. coming up the face of heroin no longer living on the streets. who are addicts in 2014? the answer will shock you.
dr. segal here to expose the real face of addiction. the company is all about gun safety so why was this ad banned from facebook? but wal-mart who sells more guns than anybody else can advertise all they want. i m over the hill. my body doesn t work the way it used to. past my prime? i m a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don t think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. once there was a girl who even in her laundry room. with downy unstopables for long-lasting scent. and infusions for softness. she created her own mix, match, magic. downy, wash in the wow.
a a a
the house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybody s everythings. the house thought she let the family down. they just didn t think it could happen. they told the house they would take better care of her. always. announcer: protect what matters. get flood insurance.
heroin used to be the drug primarily used by lower income inner city men but that has changed. over the past 50 years 90% of heroin users are white middle-class users from the suburbs. what do parents need to know? dr. marc siegel from the fox news medical a team is in the house. when i saw the statistics, it s startling. this is a new face of
heroin. what do we know? i think doctors are at the heart of the problem because we re prescribing too much prescription painkillers. 70% of the painkillers i prescribe are used by someone else than who they are intended to. that means kids are out there, teens are out there lookingment looking in the medicine cabinet. they find perkodan. they run out and say what do i do now? you start with heroin and then you have a habit going. when you see that, starting with prescription drugs, when it does move into heroin, what are the warning signs? what does a parent, friend, brother or sister need to know? what do they look for if they think someone is using heroin? the money starts disappearing. $150 to $200 a day for a habit. your jewelry may start disappearing. why are they want more
money. then you see a change in behavior. they get irritable, the kids get isolated. then you look and see they have pinpoint pupils, their faces look flushed and red. their mouths are dry. they get nauseous, vomiting, they don t feel well. are you talking about behavior changes, something that changes during the day or all of a sudden they are a different person? it is not all of a sudden. it s gradually. they become more isolated, angrier, lethargic, not doing their school work, not listening to you, not communicating. how do you help someone quit? really important. first of all, cut off the money train. stop giving them money. you have to stop giving them money, hide your jewelry. you look into drug rehab situations right away. there is a combination that works, intlerkts of medication. behavioral therapy is key here. you get them involved by
calling some agency. look at you ve got to get your kids involved. what does heroin do to the brain? it is a growing problem. here s how come heroin is addicting. the brain makes our own opiates. you make your own heroin like compounds in the brain. if you re getting it elsewhere you stop making it. then you crave it. endorphins make you feel good. it is a pleasure hormone. if you are not making it in your brain you re going to try to get it elsewhere. you re not making as much dopamine as you need. it is a very dangerous problem, close to a million people are chronic users and we ve got to get to them. a new face of the heroin user. upper middle class.
this company is all about gun safety so why were they banned from advertising when wal-mart advertising when wal-mart can advertise will that be all, sir?
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the first facebook banned ads for firearms, but now it s banning gun safety items, too. hyatt gun, the nation s largest firearm dealer, advertised its sale on gun vaults and safes, again, those are to protect people from guns and got this note back on facebook from someone called vanessa. quote, your ad was rejected because it violates the ad guidelines. they may not promote firearms, ammunition or weapons. this decision is final. please consider this the end of our correspondence about your
ad. in other words, shut up, she explained. but why would facebook ban an ad for gun safety? here is justin, thank you for joining us. thank you. i want to make sure i have this clear. you re trying to advertise gun safes, not guns. is that right? yeah, that s correct. we put out this ad for our veterans day safe sale. we wanted to promote people safely storing their firearms and apparently facebook doesn t agree with that. so you really have to be a hardened ideologue to hate the second amendment so much that you extend that hatred to banning ads for gun safes? isn t that counter productive? let s face it, it s whacky. i don t really care which side of the gun debate you re on, whether pro-gun, anti-gun or in the middle. i think we can all agree that keeping guns out of the hands of those who shouldn t have them is probably a good idea. ha do you think the rationale is behind this? i really think that what it
comes down to is guns are scary and i think that really they need to maybe grow a little bit more backbone on this. i don t really know honestly. it shocked me. i put this ad together. we spent quite a bit of time looking over their terms. this was really our first dip in the water to try to advertise with facebook and we did all our homework. we were honest and forthright with them and it seemed very odd that we knew we weren t in violation of their terms. they told us we were. so their view guns are so scary that the containers they re held in are scary, too. isn t this inconsistent, though? i think they accept ad, probably accept ads from wal-mart, which is probably the world s biggest gun seller, no? that s correct. they accept a lot of ads from big box stores and it makes you wonder whether there is some sort of small business bent here, whether they don t want
small business advertising with them. let s face it, facebook for us, we re a small business. we re a third generation family business here in charlotte and we need to be able to utilize things like social media to be able to compete with these big guys. they spend millions and millions of dollars on marketing. we just don t have the budget for that. maybe that s the key. this is so silly. i m sure facebook, once they come to their senses, will reverse it. we ll be on facebook responding to the questions. so send them in. thanks very much. that was interesting. thank you. coming up, one state paying pastors to preach global warming. guess who is paying for it. you, of course. stuart varney says the president s immigration power move will cost every single american household. he joins us in moments, top of the hour. stay tuned (holiday music is playing)
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good morning. it is friday, november 21. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. president obama going it alone on immigration. and for critics and congress, the president has a clear message. to those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where congress has failed, i have one answer. pass a bill. this hour, the president s press secretary, josh earnest, joins us live. and more violence out of ferguson, missouri, according to new reports of looting. this is robbery! guess who is coming to make it all better. al sharpton. great. she had he be leading
he ll be leading protests in 12 cities. remember the magician who changed a veteran s life forever are you one of those street musicians that makes a lot of money? lot of money? how did you know? that is awesome. that magician is back at it again. wait until you see what he does this time. thank you very much, folks. it s tgif. thank goodness it s fox and thank you for watching. hey there, this is kellie pickler. you re watching fox & friends. her voice will make you smile every time. absolutely. what a joy. his voice, too. good morning to you, tucker. melodious is the term. great to be here. we thank you for being with us in this hour. we ll get to the fox news alert. president obama officially
laying out his executive order on immigration during a prime time address. the new plan allowing millions of illegals to stay here in the united states. here are some of the highlights. background check and you re willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you ll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation. you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. i know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. well, it s not. amnesty is the immigration system we have today. millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time. the actions i m taking are not only lawful, they re the kinds of actions taken by every single republican president and every single democratic president for the past half century. for those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom
of me acting where congress has failed, i have one answer. pass a bill. well, today he makes it official by heading to nevada to sign that executive order. that s right. even though wasn t it a couple years ago the president said you shouldn t be going to las vegas? he s going to las vegas. on a private plane, by the way. just as he said you shouldn t do. he made the point again and again, this is constitutional. the constitution grants the president authority when the congress doesn t do exactly what he wants to make laws by himself. it just seems this is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people. but this feels more like of the president, by the president, for the president, on the backs of the american people. you heard what he said, they re not doing what he wants. so of course he has to make laws. sure. what s curious is he did invoke president george herbert walker bush, invoked ronald reagan. he said i m just doing what they did. he left out the part that they actually were doing things in response to a bill that was passed by the u.s. congress. it was. there was congressional
bipartisan support back in 1986 to do essentially legal status for millions of people who were in this country illegally and then they had to do some clean-up stuff. he didn t mention that. also in addition to mentioning george herbert walker bush, he mentioned george w. bush last night. i think it s the first time i ever heard him speak positively about something the former president said. right. but it was helpful to him politically last night. when you think about the work permits that will be dropped now, five states six states have two-thirds of the 5.2 million people who will be eligible for those temporary work permits and competing with many of american workers who are going to need those jobs moving forward. stuart varney actually joins us right now and i d like to broaden that, too. what does this mean financially? what are the implications here that the american people in those states across the map, what are we going to be facing? three points to makely. the cost of illegal immigration per year right now is put at around
$113 billion. if you say to a whole group of people where is that money spent. it s largely spent on education and medical services. if you say to a group of people, you can stay. but by the way, we re not really closing the door, you re encouraging another wave to come in at some point in the future, which adds to your cost down the road enormously. second point, if you say to people, you can stay and work if you pay your taxes, how many of those people who you are saying you can stay will in fact stop using fake names, stop getting paid in cash and then go on the books and pay those taxes? we don t know how many. it might not be very many at all. you re saying you re asking people who have been break the law to abide by the law? yes. the president says they re going to pay tax, but most of the families don t make enough to pay tax. i think the taxes he s referring to are social security
taxes, which you would in fact pay as soon as you go on the books. but you re right, the income of many of the people allowed to stay is so low that they don t meet the threshold for state or federal income taxes and probably get a check in the mail in january from the earned income credit. so we re sending more checks to more people? that will probably happen. plus as you mentioned earlier, you ve now got increased competition in the low wage sector, from an extra 4, 4 1/2 million work permits, which are now going to be issued. it s a very costly maneuver on the president s part. sure. for tax purposes if you. i told you we were a big old family here. are you a little jealous that you stood in line to become an american citizen and these people essentially don t.
it s on a temporary basis. someone like me says anything about immigration, you have to remember where i m coming from. i have been embraced by this very warm culture. and i ve been accepted and i m truly grateful for that. you have to say it, i m in a special position. i speak the language. i was educated on somebody else s dime. and i ve been accepted in american society and i m very, very grateful to this extremely generous society. so before i say anything on immigration, you got to remember where i m coming from. i am truly grateful. we re grateful to have you. i personally am grateful to have a lot of immigrants. my business partner is an immigrant. i just wonder why now at a time when 63% of americans are work. the lowest in 40 years. why would you bring in more low skilled labor when wages are stagnant and you have 90 million people unemployed? i don t really get that. it makes a great deal of political sense. i think the president wants to change the landscape of america
going forward. that will be his legacy. i m going to be per majortive, but i think the president is bringing in democrat voters who will vote democrat in the future. that s what is behind this. not economics. you said they would be contributing into the social security pot and not able to collect? oh, yes. they would get numbers. yes. they can collect if they re on the books, paying social security tax, you paid into the system, you take out of the system at the appropriate time. yes, you do. so if you read the pages of the wall street journal, they are behind immigration reform. they would like to see more lower paid immigrants coming to the country so that it s the whole cost of labor. so going forward, wouldn t it be behoove the republican party, the okay essentially is blackmailing them. this is the plan until you come up with a plan. why wouldn t they step forward and say, this is the perfect time to have a guest worker program, perhaps that does not lead to citizenship or secure
the border. that way it makes it look like the republicans are doing something and they actually are? i think most conservatives are on board with far more immigrant visas. come over here because we want to choose who we have coming to ourxpand the number of legitimate visa applications that are coming to america. i think conservatives are on board with that. case closed. why would middle class people be on board with that? i get why it definitely benefits me or upper income people for sure. but if you re making 40,000 a year and let s say you re unemployed, why is this good for you in any way? that s a good question. i think haven t figured that part out yet. may not be. it creates some economic growth because of expand of the labor force and that expands total demand in your society if it is legitimate. that s how the whole society is helped, by immigration. do you get more entrepreneurs coming in. people who start businesses, who climb the food chain because they re aggressive and want to do that.
i think that helps society overall. operationally, states are going to be facing increased costs in terms of giving the check, who has been here for the five years, making sure that all these tests are put forward. this is going to be costly. you can t do those checks. there are so many people, you can t do thorough checks. they ll white wash this. catch stuart varney over on fox business network. to find the channel go to foxbusiness.channelfinder. thank you. what s your beef, stu? all right. heather nauert has got the headlines and we start in ferguson, missouri. we ve got a fox news alert. ferguson police officers chase and tackle a suspect who is accused of robbery and the take-down is all caught on camera. you are under arrest!
you re under arrest for robbery! at least three protesters were arrested overnight. also a new report that officer darren wilson is in talks to resign from the police department. a decision on an indictment is expected any day now. we ll keep you posted. bizarre developments in the shooting at florida state university that injured three people earlier this week just hours before the gunman opened fire. he contacted eight of his friends with a mysterious warning. the gunman, 31-year-old minor may, told those friends that he put packages in the mail and sent them to their homes. they are expected to arrive today and no one knows what is inside. may believes the government was following him and we re learning also that he was hospitalized several weeks ago for severe mental disorder. he died in a shootout with police. another weapons arrest outside the white house. this time police arresting a 23-year-old woman who had a .9 millimeter hand gun holstered on her hip. that gun was not registered. the gun was spotted while she was demonstrating shortly after
the president s speech last night on immigration. do you remember the magician who change add homeless veteran s life forever? are you one of those street musicians, going to turn that into a lot of money? i actually is a wad of money. how did you know? well, after that magician ripped up that veteran s sign and turned it into money, rob anderson collected thousands of dollars for our veterans. he took some of that money and spent it on the vet, johnny hicks, he bought him a new car, appliances appliances and paid his rent for a year. he was struggling to support his family of six after losing his job. what a nice thing to do. those are your headlines. usually magicians make things disappear. he made a whole life appear. that s fantastic. thank you. coming up, anything can happen on live television. pour gasoline on the floor, set it on fire and went and
bought a drink and came back. just to be clear, that guy just admitted to arson on television. hear more about why he did it and what happened to him once he admitted it. i wonder what kind of drink it was. then one state paying pastors to preach about global warming and sustainability. and the money comes from you, the taxpayer. what s that about? find out live from new york city as we roll on on this friday. a
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preach green to save green. that s ha some churches in maryland are being forced to do so they can avoid getting soaked by the so-called rain tax in maryland. our next guest doesn t think this is a good idea r pastor mccoy of the hope christian church in prince george s county, maryland joins us live. good morning to you. good morning. great to be with you. we ve been talking about this so-called rain tax down there in maryland and what s curious is the state said you re going to have to pay a tax, particularly you and your church, because you ve got all that asphalt in the form of a parking lot unless you start preaching about green things, sustainability, global warming, stuff like that. when you heard that, what did you think? well, of course, the first
reaction is that this is an absolute first of all, wondering about the question about why are we being taxed as a church? we don t understand this whole idea of whether you call it a fee or taxed. that s the first fundamental thing, it s not right. then when you say, we re going to give you a credit if you do certain things such as preach on green issues or do certain things to your property, it sounds a little bit like they re trying to push an objective and trying to tell what you to do. i think the telling piece is the epa, when they say churches are untapped resources and we could really get to their people. pastor, when i go to church on sunday, i want to hear about how to live a good life and how to be a good person. i don t want to hear about recycling and i don t want to hear about sustainability. just saying. do the people in your church, are they interested in sustainability or are they more interested in a good life or
jobs or the economy? well, there is no question. they re definitely interested in jobs and the economy and taking care of their families. i think the other side that churches do, they do this cart blanch, is they do talk about just how we forget our environment or how to sustain where we live and be good stewards of where we live. that s scriptural content for them. when you get to the place of saying you got to do this in order to receive a tax or in order to receive a credit for a tax, that s where you re giving in to hey, this is a fundamental threat against our religious liberty, our freedom of speech. that s where we come into a big problem. i think many people in our churches really enjoy just coming and learning about how do we get better. exactly. the big question is, you face a big fine unless you do it. so are you going to do it or have a sermon on greenability? well, it s interesting. some of the folks that have already done it, they understood they were between a rock and a hard place.
i get taxed or i do this. so nobody necessarily liked the tax. let me be real clear about that. and some of those folks are just dealing with the point of what do i do, because i m faced with a tax. i have a church. i don t want to get feed and be taxed in terms of our property. we re in a place where we re trying to look at it, analyze it, and fortunately we ve governor-elect who is talking about even repealing this tax, which is going to be a great thing. maybe ultimately you could recycle a sermon. maybe that would save everything. pastor, thank you very much for joining us and good luck to you. thank you very much. appreciate being here. next up, thanks, mr. president. ice now preparing for a surge of illegals. brand-new details about what s ahead perhaps coming up. plus, does the third hunger games live up to the first two? kevin mccarthy next on whether it s worth your hard-earned cash to see katniss.
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fox nurse alert. chaos erupt not guilty the streets of mexico city overnight. watching brand-new video of clashes in the square that follows a massive riot in a case where 43 students are missing. they haven t been seen since they were attacked by police on september 26. thanks. the hunger games trilogy has taken the world by storm. take a look. four, three, two, one.
oh, man. today it hits theaters and founder of sat down with the stars. good morning to you, kevin. good morning. how are you doing today? great. thank you. what do you think of this one? this one is picking up exactly where the last one left an. katniss is in district 13, becoming the face of the rebellion against the capitol and trying to save tina s life. there is no hunger games in this one. this is a dark character-driven film, thought provoking. as i said in the past, i think these movies really transcend that young adult and teenage genre. the twilight movie never really left that young adult world. i feel these are for everybody. they re thought provoke. performance are amazing, character driven. jennifer lawrence is incredible as is philip seymore hoffman.
he transcends anything he s in. and julianne moore. four out of five y. think it s as good as the first hunger games movie. i think it s equally as good as catching fire. they should have ended the movie five minutes early. they re splitting this into two films. the second part comes out next november. they should have ended this five minutes early for a more jaw-dropping climax. i did think it was solid, four out of five. just figure out what the running time is, watch your clock, and just leave five minutes early. steve, you re a genius. thank you very much. i understand you were actually talking to the big star, katniss, jennifer lawrence. about what. i had seen liam hemsworth talking about how awkward the kissing scenes were in the film
because jennifer lawrence apparently made her breath bad on purpose. so i wanted to ask her and approach her about this. i want to know was this true. check it out. i saw you on fallon last night make a reference to how awkward the kissing scene was because they said you would chew onion or garlic before those. i wouldn t say that. i i just didn t think so much about the kissing. so i would kind of eat wh wante. she would tell me what she ate. i think the onions you re referring to was just i had a sandwich with mustard and raw onion. she d say, and i didn t brush my teeth. fair warning. don t they have the hard hitting questions. they did talk it out. there is another film where steve carell puts on a big fake rubber nose, called fox
catcher and apparently it s fantastic. mark my words, steve carell will be nominated and possibly win best actor next year at the academy awards. he is unbelievable in this role. completely transformation for him, as well as channing tatum. he plays the millionaire who basically brought out the schultz brothers to the fox catcher estate to train fort 1988 olympics in seoul. and it ended in devastation later on. i can t really get into the details. but it s a true story, if you know it, you know what happens. it s a phenomenal film from a performance standpoint. the story telling is lack. i never felt fully engaged in the idea of the story. but the performances are worth seeing. so for that, i give the performances a five out of five. the movie itself a three. 3 1/2 out of five total. definitely see it. it s in limited release this weekend and expand over the course of the oscar season. thank you for having me on. check out the limited release movies right now. it s an amazing story and totally real. it didn t end well, that s for
sure. i agree. kevin, always a pleasure. thank you very much for going to the movies. thanks a lot. have a great weekend. you too. now this, president obama using the bible to defend his power move. scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger. we were strangers once, too. well, the man that s calling that move audacious up next. and if only catching all criminals was this easy. i poured gasoline on the floor, set it on fire and went to buy and drink and came back. yep. he just said he poured gas on the floor, set it on fire, went to get something to drink. he was thirsty. that guy just admitted to arson on live tv. not good for him. see what happens next next on fox & friends. that guy is nuts.
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are we a nation that kicks out a striving, hopeful immigrant like astrid or a nation that finds a way to welcome her in? scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger. we were strangers once, too. so there the president of the united states invoking scriptures, which i believe had to do with feeding the poor and the hungry and nothing about visas. he s a bible scholar in chief lecturing us that it s not kicking them out and god is opposed to them and god is on president obama s side. this is a man who claims to have been in church a long time. did he just read that verse and decide to use it right now? charles krauthammer says i m
wondering about that. this is the audacity of nope. i find the president s audacity here rather remarkable. he tells us at the end in that little oration that we heard that i have to explain why i feel so strongly about this issue, so strongly, in fact, that he invokes scripture to support his executive order. if he felt so strongly about the issue, why did he delay announcing this until after he got past the election, because he knew if he had announced it earlier, and it s supposed to be so urgent, it would have damaged the democrats chances in the election. why did he not do this before the 2012 election? because he didn t want to jeopardize his own reelection. but most important, if he feels so strongly about this and scripture dictates that this ought to be done, why did he do nothing about this in 2009 and
2010 when he had control of the white house, the house and the senate and he could actually have done this constitutionally by passing legislation? and had they done it that way, gone through the actual congress, it would be law. but right now what he is suggesting and ha he s going to do is just temporary. you mean by seeking counsel of those who are elected to voice of the people? proves 11:14 showdown, where there is no guidance, the people fall, the abundance of counselor, there is victory. the way of fools seems right to them. but the wise listen to advice. that s proverbs 12:15. we can have a political debate. but for this guy specifically, the president who spent his career defending late term abortion, among other things, lecturing us on christian faith? that s too much. that is too much. we always hear the christian right, the reason right. this is the christian left at work and it s repugnant. how many times over the last six years eight years, have we heard this president, then
senator, bad mouth george w. bush? a million times. last night he actually quoted number a positive way, which i think was the first time. whatever it takes, i guess that s the point. pulling out all the stops. but not communicated with him as we heard from george w. bush. but to quote scripture? that s just out of bounds. i just quoted scripture back. a scripture off. it s different. for him to suggest that people who oppose this are oppressing, quote, oppressing immigrant attention. to guilt someone, a scholar wouldn t interpret it as its proper use. amen, amen, amen. and all the people said amen. heather nauert is here. good morning. i ve got more news about immigration. this town has a slogan of the slice of the good life. but now dilley, texas is bracing for a surge of illegal immigrants. 2400 beds are now being packed into a detention center there. immigrations and customs
enforcement officials say the new facility will insure timely and effective removal. next year more than 100,000 illegals are expected to flood over the u.s.-mexico border. police thought he did it and then he confirmed their suspicions. watch here as the suspect actually confesses to setting a home on fire live on television. me. me. i set it on fire. set it on fire and went and buy your drink and came back. so he got a drink. but he says he started the fire because conditions in the home, he claims were horrible. he said cops didn t take his complaints seriously. cops arrested him and then charged him with arson. mommy and daddy did it, says an nhl star. he s blaming his parents for going bankrupt. 27-year-old jack johnson of the columbus blue jackets is now in the hole for $15 million. here is what happened. he turned over his assets to his parents in 2011 after he fired his financial advisor. mom and dad, he says, spent his
money on cars and home upgrades and a house, too. now he s bankrupt. you can take raking leaves off your chore list. according to the national wildlife foundation, a lawn full of leaves is actually a good thing and that s because their minerals help to feed the animals in the winter, they say. if you tonight want them on your lawn, scientists say placing them alongside your flower bed and plants for the very same effect. that s what i told my parents, of course, when they went on vacation and said, you better have the lawn raked by the time we get home. and i asked them, under what condition would i not have to rake it? they said, if it rains. and so i sprayed down the entire lawn with a hose. and then all the leaves froze. wait. that s so deceptive. on your own parents? yeah. i m a trouble maker. your boys are taking notes, heather.
that s all i have to say. 22 before the top of the hour. coming up, president obama goes it alone on immigration. we ve been talking about it. we have all sorts of questions for the president s press we can, josh earnest. he will join us live from the white house right after chief white house correspondent ed henry joins us, too. it s twofer this half hour. goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a. good morning! new aleve pm for a better am.
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president obama placing the blame on the gop for his forcing of hand on immigration. had the house of representatives allowed that kind of bill a simple yes or no vote, it would have passed with support from both parties. today would be the law. but for a year and a half now, republican leaders in the house have refused to allow that simple vote. in 2009 and 2010, the
president had democratic control of both the house and the senate and didn t pass immigration back then. here to react, josh earnest. we know you ve had a busy night and morning here. we thank you for joining us. good morning. good morning to you. why now? look, you pointed it out. the president has been the country has been waiting for 500 days for house republicans to act on a compromise common sense bipartisan legislation to pass the united states senate that would have reformed our immigration system, brought accountability to the system that would be good for the economy, create job, make a historic investment in border security, and would finally bring out of the shadows the 11 million people who are in this country already. undoubtably those who have come to this nation, the legal way, this nation is better because we have immigrants who have come here legally, gone through an expensive and legal process. how is this better for them?
essentially they re saying today that the president is taking that executive pen and slapping it right across the face of the immigrants who worked hard and paid a lot of cash to get here the right way. what do you say to them, because they want their money back and it s offensive to them? i think those people are proud to be american and the fact of the matter is, the senate legislation that was passed with bipartisan fashion, would have actually made some progress in reforming our legal immigration system to make it a little easier and less ownerous for people coming to this country and set up a pass to citizenship for those people who are living in the shadows. it would have made those people pay taxes. it would have made them submit to a criminal background check. and also would have put them in the back of the line. so it would have been not just fair to those people who came to this country legally, it would make it easier for people who are trying to do the right thing and trying to follow the law to do exactly that. the people that we re talking about right now are people who work in the same building that we work in. these are the people ho send
their children to the same schools that our children attend. these are the people who worship in the same churches that we do. so the president believes that we need to restore some accountability to this system and the truth is, i know mirin friends on capitol hill like to talk about amnesty, the closest thing we have to amnesty is doing nothing and that s what house republicans are doing. why would the president not hear the american people, particularly after the mid terms and allow the newly elected officials to get together and put forward a plan and then moving forward with a new congress, why not at that point if nothing came forward and nothing could be agreed upon, then use executive action? it would actually seem more justified then. here it just seems like a political move. the speaker of the house wase days after the election. he was asked directly if he intended to bring up common sense bipartisan immigration reform in the next congress. and he wouldn t even commit to doing that. so the truth is, if he changes his mind and he decides he s ready to sit down and work with democrats and republicans and the administration on common
sense immigration reform proposal, the president would be happy to do that. we ll roll up our sleeves, we ll get to work. we can hammer out a common sense agreement. there s a loft common ground to be found here. it would be good for the economy, good for national security, good for strengthening border security. if we can pass that piece legislation, the president is ready to tear up the executive action he signed, sign that bill and make that bill become law. that s a promise that you re making right now because what it also is it seems to be an admittance this is a temporary fix. it is. tell me this, you re saying it s better for national security. we saw what happened last time at the border. you re promising this nation today that it s going to be safe, that we re not going to see the influx of illegals flushing into this nation and not see lower level jobs now being lost by those who have been here legally and for a long time and their family, the american worker is not threatened by this action? is that what you re also promising? well, what i m telling you is that we see that immigration is illegal immigration at the
southwest borrowed is lower than it s been since 1970s. that s because there has been a historic investment in border security under this president, both in terms of manpower and in terms of fence examining technology that s been deployed to the border. our border is more secure 2005 we know that the way the deportations were handled has shifted. so we understand that they don t have to see a judge, doesn t take the time. they re turned around right there. they can come back, click, count that number. so the american people know those numbers can be warp to do back up a point. i think what we re concerned about is this is a time when national security is ultimately really important. we re looking at isis right here attempts to get into this nation. may already be here. we re looking at a job pool that seems to be dwindling by the day when it comes to lower level jobs and the average american worker and the legal immigrant who are fighting for those jobs will now have 5 million people giving them stiff competition. that s true. you would admit that? elisabeth, what s true is that the 11 million people who are already here are actually
already competing o for those jobs and the fact that they are undocumented means there are unscrupulous workers out there who can undercut legal immigrants by paying illegal immigrants, capitalizing on them and paying them below minimum wage and not treating them right. if we bring them out of the shadow, we re going to hold unscrupulous employers accountable and level the playing field. that will be good for workers all across this country. how do you deal with the states? the states now are going to be facing the burden of trying to figure out who has been here for five years. you can promise we can figure out who has been here for how long and not at a great cost to this nation and states? well, elisabeth, what we can certainly do, and this would go a lot better if congress would cooperate and actually if house republicans would act on the bipartisan legislation pass in the senate. we could have an orderly process for dealing with this. you raised another issue that s important. you talked about raised the prospect of aisles. there have been some who suggested that isil has succeeded or is actively trying to encroach across our border on our southern border.
that s just not true. there is no intelligence to indicate that that s the case. but the fact of the matter is, we have more boots on the ground on our southern border than we ever have in our history under president obama. there is more fencing on our southern border than we ever had in our history under president obama. there is more technology in the form of drones and other fencing equipment that is deployed to our southern border under president obama. and the bipartisan senate bill that we talked a lot about backed by house republicans would double the boots on the ground in the southern border. that s something that the president wants to implement. but that s blocked by house republicans, too. that s a good indication, again, i said this before, but it s true, the closest thing we have to amnesty we have right now is doing nothing. that s exactly what house republicans are doing. well, the latino community and hispanic community has been wait ago long time. they were promised action legally through congress and it was by the president in 2009 this seems to be a quick fix. they re not feeling it right now. i appreciate the conversation. josh earnest, white house press secretary. hope to continue this as things move forward and i m going to
hold to you that promise. if a good plan comes forward, the president will tear this up. that s making news today. josh, thank you. it is making news. when he does that bill signing ceremony, i hope you come to the white house for it. if that s an invitation, i ll consider it. that sounds good. great talking to you. up next, chief white house correspondent ed henry standing by to react to what the press secretary just had to say. but first on this day in 1975, that s the way i like it by k.c. and the sunshine band with the number one song in the country. that s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh i like it that s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh i like it, uh-huh, uh-huh that s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh i like it here s some news you may find surprising.
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we just heard from white house proceeds secretary josh earnest defending president obama s use of executive action on immigration. it was some reaction and observation is senior white house correspondent, ed henry, who is in the bureau because tonight he s hosting special report. good morning to you. good to see you. what did you think? great interview, elisabeth. it was. thank you. my first impression was, i m a little concerned, what s going on here? are you trying to take my job when you re sitting there grilling josh earnest, hitting him with these hard questions. if you want to switch jobs for a day, i ll get on the curvy couch. you come into the briefing room wait. three guys on the couch? i don t know. you do a fantastic job day in and day out. so i need burns endurance for that. what i thought was interesting was when you were really pressing josh earnest on the, like, why are you poking republicans in the eye? why now? there is one exchange here. i want to play that and i ll explain what i think is interesting. listen to this. speaker of the house is asked a question two or three days after the election.
he was asked directly if he intended to bring up common sense bipartisan immigration reform in the next congress. and he wouldn t even commit to doing that. so the truth is, if he changes his mind and he decides he s ready to sit down and work with democrats and republicans and the administration on common sense immigration on a common sense immigration reform proposal, the president would be happy to do that. we ll roll up our sleeves and get to work. we can hammer out a common sense agreement. there is a lot of common ground to be found here. what i thought was there was a good follow-up from elisabeth there but best moment, worst moment. best moment for the president was sort of this call to action. you heard it from josh earnest there. we re going to hear a lot, i m told the president will be on the road not just in vegas, in the weeks ahead pushing congress. there is something there. look, the republicans now, come january will have the house and senate. if they think they now have the keys to the kingdom. you re going to hear that from the white house. that s something that republicans are going to have to deal with. worst moment for the president
is that after making that case, then says look, what i really want is a rational debate moving forward. but i m going to poke you in the eye. i m going to move forward anyway. how are you going to have a rational debate, quote, unquote, if you ve already kind of made a decision before the debates really gotten going, and rational when you re poking them in the eye? that s tough. have you seen a single poll even one sponsored by that shows the majority of people supporting this at all or close? look, i think there was a wall street journal, nbc news poll a few days before the speech. we ll see what it is after the speech. it suggested more people there was a majority that was saying they were very skeptical of this action. the president is going to go out and sell it. we ll see. ed henry hosting special report, thank you very much. we ll be watching there. take care. i ll be watching you, elisabeth. we re going to want to watch? geraldo rivera. he s in the hall right now and has a lot to say about the president s power move. i think this is going to be an
all-time great segment. look, he feels victorious!
good morning. it is friday, november 21. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. the president s power play. it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. all we re saying is we re not going to deport you. what it will mean for the new congress and you, the american people. geraldo reacts next. on the brink, brand-new violence erupting in ferguson, missouri overnight. you re under arrest for robbery! put your hands behind your back! should tv host and reverend
al sharpton really be leading protests in 12 different cities? a local business owner reacts this hour. and she shines bright on the big screen and on broadway. somewhere over the rainbow way up high there is something you don t know about kristen chenoweth. the actress here live. love her. hi, everybody. this is kristen chenowith. you re watching fox & friends. stick around. stick around. it s a fox news alert. last night the president of the united states made it very clear, he wants to do something about our broken immigration plan. geraldo rivera heard it and now is taking a victory lap. i am delighted. it s something i ve been campaigning for since i wrote the book in 2007. it s just. it is compassionate. it s about time.
these are generally speaking, law-abiding people other than the fact that they are here. their presence here is illegal. but it s temporary. it s temporary, but i d like to see the president who has the courage after three years of these people being legal to now declare them illegal again. i don t think the republicans can do that and survive as a national party. would it have been better is it enough? it would be better moving forward if this were done lawfully through congress, right, that we could actually did this in the arm of our government that is supposed to create a law and write it. would it not feel more permanent, more secure to those affected than this? i heard charles krauthammer last night, so smart and so thoughtful and talking about the why the president did this and why now. i m not concerned about that. i am concerned about the what the president did. these are people here in new york city. we have 500,000 undocumented immigrants. that s the population of atlanta or tucson or las vegas.
and you never hear about them. why is that? it s because they go about their daily lives. they take their children to school. they do their jobs. they mow our lawns. they care for our children. they wash the dishes. they start businesses. they sell purses on 48th street here. they serve noodles in the chinese restaurant. you never hear about them. they are just hard-work people generally speaking. and they fit in. they are seeking the american dream. this is exactly what this country is about. i totally buy that. i like immigrants. real republicans do. i think they are very hard working. they would agree with that, right? i think everyone does agree with that. it s just in the method. here is my question, so i get why they re happy about it and why affluent people are happy, because they get a lot of people to work for them. cheap wage. what do you say to the tens of millions of americans who are persistently out of work whose wages are undercut and nohs . that s a false premise. that s not a false premise.
you can t argue that immigration raises wages. it lowers them. you can put an empty bus on 125th street in the heart of harlem and say, get on board. we ll pay you minimum wage and go upstate to pick apples. are you going to fill that bus up with workers? you re absolutely not. it depend what is the wages are. minimum wage. and i ll tell i couldn t you won t fill it up. because we have in this country provided an entitlement cushion to our citizen americans that makes these jobs unappetizing. makes these jobs, why do i have to do that when i can i m sorry. not just welfare recipients out of work. that s an unfair thing to say. under 6% unemployment in this country. so many have given up. they re the most anti-immigration sentiment was in 2007. it is a what do you say to the unemployed? what do you say to the woman who makes your bed or takes care of your children? i say congratulations and ask
you about the other people in this country. when you can show me that you are really denying american citizens jobs, who is going to go to til the fields in southern california? who is going to do it, tucker? are you going to raise the people to do it? are you going to pluck the chicken and process the meat? that pertains to california, but whatever. you re missing the points. you are making a false narrative. it s not. that undocumented immigrants are stealing american jobs. the affluent it has nothing to too with affluence. i m (talking over each other). you have the congress of the united states, you have the speaker of the house who is powerless in his own party. he s been taken over by the steven kings of iowa and the mo brooks of alabama who want to line up 11 million undocumented people, put them on buses and send them anywhere but here.
that s ridiculous. geraldo excuse me, elisabeth. i m so sorry. i interviewed mo brooks three days ago and he said exactly that. you re implying that you re implying they re mighted and that s a conversation ender. some of the people opposed to this are those ho came here legally. there are people out there, this is fact this is an emotional issue. there are many people who came here as immigrants, legally the right way, paid a ton of money, thousands of dollars, and they are unhappy today because they feel as though someone else is getting in the cheap and easy way and they worked hard. so let s take a look. here are some tweets electric these actual people. iron fox tweeted us, my wife came here legally if obama amnesty happens, can we get a refund? another says, 5 million illegals get short cut visas, do i get a refund of the $50,000 i
spent over 14 years legally becoming a citizen? so how do you respond to them personally? the immigration system in the united states has been broken for generations. absolutely. in the old days before 9-11, the southern border was a very casual thing. i went to college at the university of arizona. hundreds of thousands would come to pick the crops and then they d go home after the season. they d come to work in the meat processing or poultry processing and then they d go home. they call them migrants. then because of this threat of terrorism, we closed the borders and the hammer of 9-11 fell heaviest on the southern border. even though there has never been a credible, verified penetration of our southern border by muslim extremist terrorists. never. there have been three at least in canada since 1997. it was the atlantic city subway bombers. there was the millennium bomber at lax.
and there was the train in 2013 coming from toronto to buffalo. three muslim extremist attacks from can did. you never hear what about the people who are standing in line? you never hear about the muslim extremist threat from the northern border where there have been verified penetrations. they get blamed for ebola. remember they were going to bring ebola into the country. it s not fair to people following the rules. if republicans believe in climate change, they would blame the immigrants for climate change. what is the heart of people ho came here legally. i stood in line. i ve been following the law. i got to the back of the line. now this? it is a good point and i understand the frustration of people who have done what they should do. but please understand that the immigration system has for generations been skewed. first it was designed to be anti-chinese. then it was designed to be anti-southern european. then it was never an ellis
island for latinos. you have to understand that they are trying to make up ground. there has been and everyone admits it and i hate to raise a flag that says racial preference or anything like that, but there is clear history that we wanted northern europeans. we didn t want southern europeans. we didn t want africans or chinese or south asians. we prioritized. and now there is a leveling of the field. the bigger question is do these people contribute to the united states of america and who we are as a nation or do they detract from who we are? are we stronger as a result of this immigration or are we weaker as a nation? i maintain that as a nation of immigrants, this process will sort itself out. some people have had the one leg up on the system. others have been disadvantaged historically. it will work itself out. right now 5 million, no criminal records, citizen born children, paid their taxes.
it s a leveling of the field. i m glad you said that. that kind of crystallizes it. i think we can all get along with the fact that the system currently is broken. something needs to be done of the the big question is, geraldo says it s a step in the right direction. i m delighted. i know you re delighted. wait until you hear the best news. you re going to be spending thanksgiving at tucker s house. absolutely. i m going to be at your house. a great debate. thank you. thank you, steve. thanksgiving came to him yesterday. meanwhile, let s go over to heather who has some headlines. good morning to you. we ve got fox bizarre develops taking place. shooting at florida state university that injured three people. just hours before the gunman opened fire, he contacted eight his friends with a mysterious warning. the gunman, 31-year-old myron may told friends he put packages
in the mail to them. they re expected to arrive today and no one knows what is inside. may believes the government was following him and we learn he was hospitalized several weeks ago for a mental disorder. he died in a shootout with police at florida state. chaos erupting in the streets of mexico city overnight. take a look. that is brand-new video of the clashes. it follows a massive rally that was against the government s handling of the case of 43 missing college students. those students are believed to have been taken by police on september 26 and turned over to gang members. thousands of protesters now demanding the students return home. however, some believe most of those students may be dead. another weapon arrest to tell you about outside the white house. this time police arresting a 23-year-old woman who had a .9 millimeter hand gun holstered on her hip. that gun was not registered.
the gun was spotted while she was demonstrating shortly after the president s speech last night. the president was at the white house at the time. don t call them waitresses and this is quite a story for you. the owner of a new york city restaurant slapped with a $5,000 fine. an employee of his took out an ad on craigslist looking for a waitress. the reason that the owner was penalized for this? the employee didn t use the word server in the ad and that is against the law. new york city has gender-specific ads. it says those ads actually violate the city s civil rights law. the owner says it s simply an outrage and he plans to fight what he describes as a scam. those are your headlines. you can t say hostess. you can t say waiter. you can say wait staff. correct? wait a minute. that makes a lot of sense, right? wait another men right now.
thank you. you are fast in the morning. it s the coffee. coming up, brand-new violence erupting in ferguson overnight. take a look at this. you re under arrest for robbery! put your hands behind your back! now a new report saying there are more guns on the streets than ever before. is this really a good idea? our next guest says yes. then we spent a ton of money and time to free him. it turns out the american being held in north korea didn t want to leave. the people s paradise. that story next.
fox news alert. brand-new violence erupting, unfortunately, overnight in ferguson, missouri. you re under arrest for robbery! you re under arrest for robbery! put your hands behind your back! now a new report finds the gun sales are skyrocketing in the region ahead of the grand jury decision which could come as early as today. our next guest is selling between 30 and 50 firearms every day, he says. joining me is steve king, the
owner of metro shooting splice. thank you for joining us. why do you think people are buying so many guns in your area? it s quite civil. they re afraid for what s going to happen or what the fear of the unknown is. they also seem convinced that lawsuit won t protect them. do you think that s a valid concern? i think depending on the type of protesting we get and the number of protesters and how violent it becomes, law enforcement certainly is going to have their hands full. so with this many residents living in this type of a community, i think it would be pretty safe to say that every single resident who would not be able to have a policeman sitting in their home protecting them. it would be a personal responsibility to defend themselves against any type of violent action. some critics have said citizens don t have a right to protect themselves. stand back. wait for someone else to protect you and that you are inciting overreaction by selling firearms to people. how do you respond to that? i have to tell them that it s
common knowledge that the people that are well-armed are going to defend themselves. i don t think we re talking about arming militias or people to go out and cause problems. we re talking about people that are going to be law-abiding citizens. they ve come in, they ve done the process that it takes. they ve had the criminal background check. these are people that are going to be at their home. they re going to be defending themselves against any type of activity. they re not going to be going out looking for problems. does it feel a little bewildering, like it s not really america? we re talking about violence in the streets? when did this become normal? does it feel that way to you? you know, it will never become normal. and i hope that the people of st. louis have calmer minds and that prevail. we have a very conservative value here in st. louis and i hope that they bring that to the forefront and we don t have a lot of problem. al sharpton is coming to town. do you expect he ll calm people down and help people understand one another and bring piece past to the region or no?
you know, it would be a great event if al sharpton president rest of the clergy could come out and talk to their constituents and preach peace and brotherhood and love and i don t think that s going to happen. as you hear from al sharpton president rest of the clergy, they re preaching racism and hatred. it s just not what they re job is supposed to be. i don t think he ll be helpful at all. this would be a great opportunity for him to come in and be a true leader instead of an incity garrett. he s not getting rich from brotherhood and love, that s for sure. thank you for joining us. appreciate it. thank you. have a wonderful day, you, too. coming up, do you have a nanny cam? a terrifying warning this morning. someone may be using it to spy on your child and on you. we ll tell you how that could happen. plus, she s been on the curvy couch eight times. we just discovered some new things about kristen chenowith we never heard before. we ll tell you what they are.

this is your 8:24 a.m. wake-up call and now some headlines. while you were sleeping, five nor gitmo prisoners set free. three were sent to the country of georgia. the other two sent to slovakia. the white house claiming they re no longer dangerous guys. 100 prisoners have been freed since president obama took office. he spent tons of money and in time to fee him. but turns out the american being held by north korea, remember him he didn t want to leavement matthew miller revealing he intentionally destroying his own passport and tried to get arrested so he could get a feel for the real north korea.
he got one. and he didn t want to leave. now this. somewhere over the rainbow way up high wow. that voice can give you goose bumps. she has come a long way from her oklahoma roots and conquered the stage, screen and television and the curvy couch. we re honored to be joined by kristen chenowith. thanks. you have such a remarkable voice. so huge. thank you. a lot of soul from that voice. where are you singing the song from wizard of oz. i m the one from kansas. i stole it from you. stop it! s what is that joke? something about weather. it is the weather.
i wanted to do a stopping that i ve been singing since i was a little girl is that oz is such a unique part of my life because i loved it growing up, and then wicked came into i in lifement i thought, why shouldn t i? i know judy owns the song. there is my bed. we recreated my bed. there is my church in the background. it s special. i m really proud of that. this is your new album, which is coming home. tell us about home. tell our audience more about you. you ve been on a million times. thank you. broken arrow is right outside tulsa. a lot of farm land. i grew up in a tiny town with sonic and golden hamburger and that s about it. at sonic, would they come out on the roller skates? of course. i didn t work there. i was teaching aerobics. tell bus your parents.
my mom and dad were engineers. they didn t sing or should they ever, ever sing. but my dad, i sing a song about my dad called fathers and daughters in the show. he s sitting in the front row and it s so hard to hear it because i get emotional. it s about me and my dad. the whole show represents all of me. anybody watching it or listening to it, it s so much more than just glenda from wicked and glee about. it s a woman and somebody who has been hurt and has hurt someone. as a friend, as a daughter, it s that. i can t imagine you hurting anybody. certainly not on purpose. but we do. we re human. but it kind when they said, where do you want to record it? i thought why wouldn t i do it at my own theater in oklahoma? going home. yes. the story to tell. you re so busy. you got more things coming up. you re work on this and another film in the works? yeah. it comes out january with jennifer lopez called the boy
next door. a thriller. then back on broadway with peter gallagher who is handsome and talented. i didn t know people thought that. coming home is something everybody should check out. we re always glad you come here. i have known you for a long time. yes, you have. i just love you. you look great and wherever you are, you bring a smile. aerobics class, i need footage of that. you ll get it. thank you. thanks for coming to fox & friends. always. elisabeth spoke to josh earnest. he says the president willing to tear up the executive order. chris wallace reacts to that next. plus, he may now disthe bride. the jilted husband getting the ultimate revenge.
will have
earlier tonight, president obama gave a prime time speech to announce his plan for immigration reform. people watching tv said the president came off as strong, powerful, and decisive. then they switched from scandal to see what obama had to say. he was good, too. he s all right. yeah, yeah. scandal is a good show. chris wallace joins us from our nation s capitol where they have had their share of scandals throughout the years. good morning to you. good morning. good morning. big day today for the nation after hearing the president speak. we actually had the chance to speak with white house press secretary josh earnest. love to let you listen to a bit
of it and then get your reaction. here it is. the president believes that we need to restore some accountability to this system. the truth is, i know my republican friends like to talk about amnesty. the closest thing we have to amnesty right now is doing nothing of the that s what house republicans are doing. the speaker of the house was asked a question two or three days after the election. he was asked directly if he intended to bring up common sense bipartisan immigration reform in the next congress. and he wouldn t even commit to doing that. the president is ready to tear up the executive action that he signed last night, sign that bill and make that bill become law. that s interesting at the end. it almost sounds like blackmail. i m going to tear it up if congress does something. yeah. i think that s one of the more ungenuine comments by the president and by his spokesman, josh earnest because first of all, i don t think congress is going to pass a comprehensive immigration reform. the fact is they did in the that the in 2013 and for a year and a half, the house couldn t find a way to do it.
in addition to which the president there is kind of a sub text. he s not saying, if congress passes any bill, i ll throw away my executive order. he s saying if they pass a bill that s to my satisfaction, then i ll do it. so it s not really very genuine on his part. chris, you would never know that there was just an election two weeks nag which democrats got creamed. what are republicans gog do? how are they going to respond to everything that s happened in the last two weeks in congress? it s a good question, tucker. the answer is right now they don t know because there is quite a division of the leaders. mitch mcconnell and john boehner are saying we want to respond. we want to respond forcefully, but not shoot ourselves in the foot by overreacting doing something like shutting down the government. the history of that politically, i don t have to tell you guys, is that forget the merits. when we did that when the republicans did that in 96 or 7
with newt gingrich when it was done in 2013, the republicans end up taking the political hit and the democratic president ends up benefitting politically from it. you ve got ted cruz will be an exclusive guest on our show talking about holding up all presidential nominations. also you can try to legislate against it, but it s pretty hard to legislate against not supporting people. it s going to be a hard thing to fashion legislation that will do it. i think one of the other questions is should this shut down all compromise on all other issues, i think that would probably be a mistake for republicans in congress. the thing about stopping the deportations, they re not really deporting anybody right now. one of the biggest states impacted is texas. governor-elect greg abbott, who won with a lot of hispanic support, actually plans to challenge the president in court. he says, quote, following tonight s pronouncement, i am prepared to immediately challenge president obama in court securing our state s
sovereignty and guaranteeing the rule of law as it was intended under the constitution. where do you think that s going to go? well, i know where it will go on sunday. governor-elect abbott will be an exclusive guest on fox news sunday. ted cruz and that guy, too? yeah. how is that? a it s almost as if you knew and created a it will be interesting to see. a lot of people say that the states have a better chance legally because they suffer more damage than a member of congress. can t say what s the direct damage? i know you can say well, he s infringed your honor powers. generally speaking, the courts have not taken a very attractive, receptive look at that. just so everybody know it s fair and balanced, we ll have javier becera, one of the leading hispanic congressmen who thinks the president was too late in doing this and applauds the measure. so cruz, becera, there he is.
too late, meaning this could have happened in 2009, 2010, 2011. we re working working with te psychic friends note work trying to figure out who you might have on sunday and make a bunch of graphics. i ll give you a number between one and ten. what is it? 7! you re right. you re right. your years at the carnival paid off. chris, have a great weekend. thank you. we ll see you sunday, chris. now we re going to turn to heather who has more to bring us this morning. still a lot going on. yep. a lot of stuff going on. police thought this guy did it and then he confirmed their suspicions. live on television, watch here as the suspect confesses to setting a house on fire. me, me. i set it on fire. set it on fire and went and buy a drink and came back. of course. why not? he said he started the fire because conditions in the home he claims were horrible. he says the cops didn t take his complaints seriously. now he s charged with arson.
that coming out of maryland. russian spying on you through your nanny cam. there is a web site called instarcam and it s hacking into thousands of cameras across the united states. what s even worse about this, they re streaming it all live for the entire world to see. the cameras are capturing families and children in their own living rooms and their bedrooms. you name it. experts say the cameras that are not password protected are the most vulnerable. you want to look out for that. and incredible video capturing a dramatic end to a wild police chase. look at this. a driver in a stolen suv loses control, slam noose a brick building while going 80 miles per hour. the impact is so severe that the building which was filled with antique cars collapsed in a huge cloud of dust. luckily no one inside was hurt. the driver walked away with some bruises and a rap sheet. that in kansas city. he has now dissed the bride. this is my favorite story of the day. kevin was devastated when his wife of 12 years just walked out on him.
she took everything he oned, except she left her wedding dress behind. what did kevin do with it? he turned it into everything from a dog toy to this hunting camouflage. that s perfect for hunting in the winter snow. he put all these pictures in a book and called 101 uses for my ex-wife s wedding dress. that guy is brilliant. wow. let s book him on the show. and creative. look at this. it s very dark. but hilarious. looks cute in that veil. as guys in beards do in wedding dress. apparently he had had an argument with her and she said he said, what do you want me to do with this and she said anything you want. he took her at her word. wearing her dress in the white snow. if you re in the white snow today, maria, but maybe it s around the corner or get warmer. what do you have to tell us? we have a big warm-up coming up this weekend. before that, i want to show you this amazing video out of south buffalo where they picked up
over five or even six feet of snow across that region. you can see the snowplow pushing that snow around across that area and take a look. incredible amount of snow. the big concern is going to be that we re going to see a lot of warm-up over the next several days. that s going to be melting a lot of that snow and that could come as well with some rainfall. so flooding is going toñi be a g concern out 2003 have flood watches already in effect for the buffalo area and that snow is winding down. so we are going to be seeing the clean-up efforts really in full effect throughout today. i want to take you to the maps because we are tracking a new storm system that will be developing this weekend. it s going to be backing the center of the country. parts of texas could potentially be seeing some severe storms with isolated tornadoes as we head into tomorrow. so that will be something to watch. freezing rain also possible across portions of the midwest with that moisture moving in. and take a look at the high temperatures today. still cold across the midwest and northeast. i mentioned a big warm-up. some areas could be look at highs in the 60s by monday
across the northeast. let s head back inside. but cold here right now. 28 degrees is the air temperature. it feels like 19. oh, yeah. thank you. the real feel. the real feel. thank you very much. this coming up, it s a story that your child should see. we are molding lives every day. the question is, are we molding them for the better or for the worse? get ready to be inspired. coming up, proof that you can be whatever you want no matter where you come from.
he alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime. it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay
here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. all we re saying is we re not going to deport you. okay. the president said last night the illegals won t have the same rights as citizens, but if they get social security numbers and cards, how is that going to work? let s talk to peter johnson, jr. easy answer. he s wrong. they will have the same rights over a matter of years. it s gonna happen. he also said that he s not enacting new law. this is a new law that the president has enacted in violation of the constitution. we need immigration reform in this country. we all agree that we need that. we may need a path to citizenship for some people. but this is not the way to do it. you don t tear the constitution apart. you don t say that as a vacuum of power, i will occupy it. i will occupy it. i will do what i want and then if you decide to get along and do something, then maybe i ll tear it up. didn t the president himself just make the exact point you re
making like 20 times over the past few years? i can t do this cause i m not king. 22 or 25 times, depending upon the count. he said no, i can t do that. you want me to enact this? i m not the congress. so he has now said on national television and will sign the executive order today that he s the congress. he is the court, he is the prosecutor. he has discretion. he has the power. well, long live the constitution. down with this power. we need to litigate this issue. we need to have immigration reform, but we can t have a president out of control. and this president on this issue in my view, is out of control. all right. peter johnson, jr., thank you virginia tech. happy weekend. coming up, these four people are proof that with hard work, you can be whatever you want to be. no matter where you come from. wait til you hear their remarkable stories. they ll inspire you and your children. first, hammer is hemmer
is upstairs. those are great americans by the way. indeed. you hosted the show. yes. really inspiring and they re well on their way. good morning to all three of you. now we await the republicans move. john boehner will show his hand in a matter of minutes. we ll have it live for you and dana perino will react to that. what s the best path forward for america? other news, how the department of justice targeted reporters. we now have the e-mails as proof. and how did the government inflate the numbers on obamacare? answers on that today. a roller coaster like you have never seen before until today. martha and i will see you at the top of the hour when i crave ae that s all i crave. that s where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that s why i only choose nicorette.
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many of you know, the ailes apprentice program was started by ou chairman and ceo, roger ailes to celebrate diversity and change the face of the television news industry. yesterday we shared some highlights from our tenth graduation and an event that included some powerhouse personalities, including the daughter of the late martin luther king, junior, dr. bernice king, who left us with this inspirational message. the question is, what are you willing to do to insure that your power of influence is making this world a better and not a more bitter place? we are molding lives every day. the question is, are we molding them for the better or for the worse? obviously we are called to do it for the better.
remarkably strong words that are worthy of this incredibly strong group for sure. joining us now is maria molina, a big supporter of the program and one who knows these guys and has been out in the field working with them throughout time here. tell us who we have here today. we are so honored to have you here. we have a great group with us. here now are shavon white, megyn growingen, phillippe and brianna. welcome. thank you. we keep hearing so many incredible things about this program. meghan, i m going to start with you. what about this program enabled you to do things that ordinarily you would have been outside the lines for you? so for me, i m so early in my career. i was kind of indecisive as to where i wanted to go. so i was able to do pretty much everything and use fox as a resource. so i was able to shadow show teams, producer, editor, writers, attend red carpet events and lucky enough to be handed the mic to interview the
stars and then along with the apprentice, we had a digital newsletter where i was able to do camera work and every opportunity has just beenñi amazing. opportunity is right. what an incredible way to frame this time up. how moving, i would think. brianna, what was your experience like? one of the most surprising parts about the year for me and honestly, most rewarding for all of us was the service aspect. when you think corporate america, you don t necessarily think volunteerism. it s really a pillar of the program. we were able to work with the special olympics. we were able to work in soup kitchens and i think it really allowed us to bond with each other outside of the office in a way that really made us closer. i think we were literally able to get our hands dirty. in one case when we rebuilt homes that were damaged by sandy. maria joined us and it was moving. it s nice to know that you re part of something bigger than yourself. of course. we loved hearing you speak, by the way. thank you. how remarkable.
shavon you all did such a great job on your graduation and your speeches. i know you all worked very closely with mentors. so i want to ask you, shavon, a little bit about your experience. before i began working here at fox, i used to work at avis rental car as full-time employee. one day the senior vice president of fox business, brian jones, who is actually one of my greatest mentors, he discovered me and he brought me here to this amazing company. and since that day, i understood the true meaning of having a mentor and having someone guide you and just to take you under their wings to show you throughout your career. and basically that s what the program is all about. someone that has faith in you and wants to move you along and help you. truly an incredible journey. phillippe, you have a very special story because your journey was not just incredible in terms of all that you did, but also you had an emotional journey. tell bus your story.
sure. so when i got into the program, i was super excited. sometimes the things that god wants for us is beyond our imagination, which is kind of what happened to me. in the middle of the program, i was found with cancer and i needed to be treated as soon as possible. so i went through all this battle and after all i realized that it s not about how hard we fall. it s about how strong we raise after literally being knocked down by life and having all the news family, my back looking out for me, supporting me, gave me a lot of strength. that s just priceless. thank you. so great to have all of you here this morning. amazing to hear your stories. how are you now? i m cancer free. yes! you re right about a family here. this is a family first here. yes. this family is honored to have all of you. yes. as our brothers and sisters. incredible work. we are so thankful for you.
we honestly can t thank you enough. all of you at home for joining us for this and our celebration of our family members here. we are expecting some big things from you guys. we re not letting you off easy. to learn more about this incredible program, visit us at you ll be inspired. more fox & friends around the corner. stay with us. fact. when you take advil you get relief right at the site of pain. wherever it is. advil stops pain right where it starts. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil.
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tomorrow more fallout from the president s immigration plan.
governor mike huckabee. one college offering a scholarships for illegal. if you re going away for the holiday, don t think about leaving the house without last minute travel tips. pack up. we ll see you. watch tucker. republicans set to respond after the president orders mass amnesty for five million illegal immigrants. that from john boehner and we ll have it live for you. welcome to america s newsroom. martha: good morning. i m martha maccallum. alabama senator jeff sessions saying what the president just did he believes was against the law. here he is. congress makes the laws. what the president did in this order is said, i am not enforcing the laws that you have passed. and indeed i m going further. i m going to give work permits,

Sky , Horizon , Atmosphere , Automotive-exterior , Cloud , Atmosphere-of-earth , Light , Phenomenon , Text , Mode-of-transport , Morning , Line

Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160511 23:00:00

until tomorrow, we re with you until right about now. coming up, hardball with chris matthews. donald trump presents. let s play hardball. good evening. i m chris matthews in washington. that s the big story. donald trump, the about to be republican nominee for president of the united states, is bringing his thrill show to the big tent stage of this summer s fight for the white house. you ll see entertainment, live entertainme entertainment. you ll see suspense. he promises to pick his vice president at the convention. you ll see reality tv bigger and
scarier than survival. you heard it right here last night. this is the ultimate reality show. it s the presidency of the united states. the presumptive republican nominee makes clear he has no plans to change anything he s been doing. he told the new york times, i have a mandate from the payroll. for trump this is the theater of war. you re going to change. people like the way i m doing. he also made this comparison. in a broadway theater, the absolute best sale is called word of mouth. people love a broadway show. it s better than if you write a good review. word of mouth is number up with thing. the word of mouth at my rallies is like you ve got to go see it. one person goes and they talk about it to 20 people. what is the trump shows and what is he selling right now.
in the past 24 hours he s reaffirmed his commitment to ban muslims. he s boasted that after attacking john mccain s war records, his poll numbers went up. paul manafort says trump will continue to go after clinton over her husband s past bad behavior. it s almost like don king. trump saying this will be the most exciting convention. he s talking about having music. he will pick a vp running mate right there. everything will be hype. i ll bet the broadcast networks will be giving this convention a lot more hours than they have done in recent years. he s going to make this
exciting. can he do it and will it matter? he s probably right. i thought the cable networks gave donald trump inordinate coverage. i think he got 20, 30 times the coverage than most his rivals got. i think that played into his sweet spot. i think there s something to what he says. when does he have to do that? when does he have to do that? some time before the second tuesday in november. this is a guy who, on the day he was going to win the indiana primary by 15 points and knock out all his rivals unnecessarily ted cruz father and said he s part of a plot to assassinate
jfk, that s erratic and bizarre. i m with you on that one. your newspaper is built on the idea of the television set and the boxes where you buy usa today looks like a tv set. what s happening right now? can he create a week of fantastic excitement starting with the convention where that just boosts up all his numbers. that s going to be part of it. any journalist who is worth their salt will be covering the real story which is this real unity around republican donald trump who s n trump. who s not there? the businesses that will be pulling out. any good journalist will be tracking down that story. there was this honky tonk.
everything was about big placards. he s saying this is what i m doing here. the most exciting point at the last convention is saying someone talk to a chair. i think we re going to advance beyond that. that wasn t advanced very well. nobody liked it. they said it was negative. you re right. you re going to have reporters digging behind the scenes. there s going to be a lot more people there than not. there s a lot more businesses involved in sponsoring than not. they ll want to be part of what will ultimately be a historic event. number one. number two, an important political event because coming out of that convention, i think you re going to fiebds there s more of a runway for donald
trump candidacy than anybody is giving him credit for now despite the noise. let s talk about gamesmanship. i think there s always a game aspect in the serious business. it s going to put her into a position of holding off her announcement until philadelphia. it might. it absolutely might. there s nothing wrong with that. that s one of the few things that was drama at the conventions. you remember in is the 56 when it was thrown to the delegates, that was the exciting part of
that convention. i wouldn t mind if hillary kept that under wraps until we get to philadelphia. listen to the kennedy versus key. we had never heard a kennedy. that made him that. some amazing people in that field. we know so much. donald trump said he doesn t think he will release his tax returns. here is manager we do want to get out of him. wonder why he s holding them until after november. there s nothing to learn from them, he says. mitt romney was quick to criticize him. he wrote it s disqualifying for a modern day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters.
we can only assume it s a bombshell but usual size. that doesn t sound like mitt romney talking. if the democrats are smart they ll say strategy. it could be something we already know of taking advantage of various tax breaks for people who are not rich. can i ask a question? who s going to care? i ll tell you how they care. i think you re wrong. how will the hillary people use this if he keeps the taxes a secret? i love michael, but you re dead wrong on that. my aunt was a rock rib republican. i remember coming home from college. she hated the governor of new
york. i said to her, it was his re-election year. i said you re going to get your wish. he s going down. she said i m voting for him. the other guy won t release his taxes. i paid 1,162. 46 and i m not paying for someone who won t tell me who they paid. i understand that then. that s not this electorate now. what s he hiding? that s what democrats will ask. he s probably hiding something. i don t know how far that s going to carry. here is my rule of politics. it s a simple rule. if it looks better than it is, they ll tell you. if it looks better than it is, they won t tell you. he showed he paid a decent rate of taxes and made a reasonably defensible history of giving.
do you think his tax returns will trip up his campaign? he thinks so. that s why he s not bringing them out. i m somebody who takes advantage of the tax code and the system as it is. marco rubio said he will support trump. let s watch what he said. this is funny. this is politics. my reservations about him have been stated and they remain unchanged. everything i said, i still believe. you have to make a choice. you don t have a choice between 17 people or five. to put it bluntly, do you want donald trump to win? do you hope in your heart of hearts that he wins and assumes the presidency? look, again, all the policy differences i have with him remain. all the reservations about his campaign remain. i don t want hillary clinton to win. donald trump is the only other choice on the ballot. i recognize that. i have a pledge to support the nominee on top of it. i intend to keep it.
well, as the old compared to her thing. here is what he said during the campaign that he still believes. let s watch. what we re deal with her, my friends, is a con artist. he s a con artist. this is a con job. we have a con artist as the front-runner in the republican party. what do you think a trump government would look like, senator? it would be chaos. know one knows. he s wholly unprepared to be president of the united states. this is the most important government job on the planet. we re about to turn over the conservative movement to a person who has no ideas of any substance on the important issues. the nuclear codes of the united states to an erratic individual. what is there con artist thing? isn t that what they were calling president obama. how does he come back from that? i support the grifter. i m with the grifter. if you re under the age of 60 you have to make your decision
based on self-interest. that s why you see lindsey graham saying i m not supporting him even though i signed the pledge. he s going to be in an uncomfortable position. those of us will ask him, so you agree there should be nukes in europe. is he auditioning for v.p.? is that what he s doing with this turn? i think he s hurting his long term political campaign. he said he would vote for somebody he described as too erratic to entrust the nuclear codes to. that s insane. you have to stick by your guns. bite your lip and say he s too erratic. i can t support him. i m not going to vote for hillary clinton. you re being very sound. rubio is not alone. rick perry, bobby jindal and rand paul have expressed support for their former poeopponent. let s watch this circus of changing of minds. let no one be mistaken,
donald trump s candidacy is cancer on conservativism and must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded. donald trump is not a serious candidate. he s a narcissist. he s an egomaniac. the only thing he believes in is himself. least a narcissist and an orange face wind bag. i believe he wants power and from my point of view that power corrupts. they re now supporting trump. they re all with him. maybe this is why people have the attitude they have about politicians. there you go. thank you. coming up, donald trump is calming hillary clinton trigger happy. in a newly unearth interview trump said clinton deserved a pass from that because what she
heard was based on lies. here is another group excited about the possibility of a hillary clinton presidency. they think the truth about extra t terrestials are out there. we talked about donald trump s problem with women voters. does hillary clinton have a problem with male voters? we have a focus group of north carolina men and find out what they think about hillary clinton. let me finish with that all american pass time of razzle-dazzle. this is hardball, the place for politics.
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although not in government service, i was totally against the war in iraq. very proudly. saying for many years it would destabilize the middle east. sadly, i was correct. domnald trump has long claimd
the opposition of the iraq war was his selling policy. here is trump this saturday. on foreign policy, hillary is trigger happy. she s got a bad temperament. iraq, libya. she voted iraq. i voted against it except i was a civilian so nobody cared. yesterday buzz feed unearthed a 2006 interview that trump said clip on the should get pass for her vote. he thinks hillary should be forgiven for her vote to authorize the war. it was based on lies given to her. she s smart and has major chance to be our next president of the united states. he ll support trump as the nominee for the republican party. there s no record of him
opposing the war before it was launched. here is what he told howard stern in september of 2002. are you for invading iraq? i guess so. i wish the first time it was done correctly. yeah, i guess so. i m joined by two msnbc political analysts. that s what they are. the people i really hold against it for the iraq war are those casual country club people who say what the heck. let s do it. don t think. don t discern. just follow along into war. how about some discernment? he s showing none. we call them the i guess so crowd. i think at this point and time we have to stop being surprised that anything that donald trump says at a moment might have been
contradicted by anything he said before. i pay attention to people who made that big discernment. i think this war is being sold by ideologs. they want this war. where is trump? here s where trump is. he s taking his weakness and trying to make it into a strength. this is what will cause him the election. this is barry goldwater revisited. he knows nothing about foreign policy. he s making this stuff as it goes along. his core con stistituency is noe same as an american constituency. most people vote on whether the candidate is erratic or not. trump is going to get a lot of votes because he s against the establishment. he loses because he s too scary. the quote, looks like he goes
along with the establishment. he doesn t know what he s talking about. he makes it as he goes along. i m the most militaristic person in this room. i m the most militaristic person. militaristic than bush. a, i don t think he knows what the word really means. he ll say anything at any given point in time. he s totally transactional. he s totally situational. is he an interventionist? he says he s not. he is.
he doesn t know what an interventionist is and he doesn t care. he makes up his decisions at the moment. tomorrow it could be a different situation. economy can survive somebody like that. this country can not survive a president that believes you can make your decision today and make a different one tomorrow and a third one the next day. they got to make decisions on two or three issues. it may be civil rights, the economy. it may be can you trust this guy to keep us safe. how do you make a decision on trump. is he a hawk or a dove? he s both. what does that mean? he talks out of both sides of his neck. is he likely to take us to war? i don t think we can predict anything with this guy. the voters he s attracting, i don t think they are making decisions policy wise. they are making it on the attitude they get from him.
whether he s hawkish or not interventionist, everybody else is wrong. wars start by miscalculati s miscalculations. wars start when you say something you don t mean. when you re too aggressive or not aggressive enough. he has no idea what he s doing. he has no idea what he s doing. he makes barry goldwater looks like a statesman. barry goldwater had an ideology. he had positions. his positions were dangerous. they may have been dangerous, but he knew what they were.
trump said wall street would react positively. what do you make of how wall street has been reacting to what our military guys have been doing? i think wall street is waiting to see what happens. before the fact they are taking it a little bit for granted. it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint. i think this is really nothing compared to what you ll see after the war is over. what do you mean? i think wall street will go up like a rocket. that s not what happened but that s just predictions. what he says at one moment has nothing to do at the next. he called hillary wonderful at one point and now she s crooked. the people like his anger, popping people on the nose. they are not being driven be i is he an interventionist or is he more hawkish. there s no details. it s an attitude toward the way things are. the trouble is the closer you
get to the election, the more people will try to think about their own safety and own families. you can not be safe with donald trump. hillary clinton gets elected, mistake. i think he s riskier. you want a safe president, hillary is probably your bet. i think she s more hawkish than i would but but then again i m dovish. thank you. up next, we got a real balanced group here. e.t. fans take note. if she becomes president, she ll release details about the secretary area 51. you ll care about this know who you are. machine plap gonna email it to y.
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blast in west, texas was caused by a criminal act. no arrests have been made. 93 people were left dead and 165 wounds in baghdad. brazilian researchers say they found evidence that the mosquito born zika virus is forming into a new one that can cause brain damage an birth defec defects. back to hardball. there s a new name. it s unexplained aerial phenomenon. i like ufo. i don t know why. i think we can use them interchangeably. i would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much
of that public as possible. if there s nothing there, let s tell people there s nothing there. what if there is something there? unless it s a threat to national security, i think we ought to share it with the public. that s hillary clinton saying if she were president, she would like to release information on area 51. mrs. clinton has vowed barring to any threats to national security she would open up them. her position as the latest ufo enthusist. i think it s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark.
question of government investigation and ufos. it s time to find out what the truth really is that s out there. we ought to do it because it s right. we ought to do it because the american people can handle the truth. we ought to do it because it s the law. is there any physical evidence that anyone has found of ufos? i d be the first to admit it but there s no evidence. no spaceships or e.t.s of think kind? it s never been discovered? absolutely not. take area 51. we know that s where the government tests experimental aircraft. if people have seen weird looking aircraft flying around, it seems perfectly reasonably.
all the evidence can be explained. have we in our efforts to try to offer up the chance to have some foreign intelligence respond to us ever gotten a response to those transmissions? we have not gotten any response. we have seen a signal that got everybody excited. so far everything has a perfectly, logical explanation. it doesn t mean we have stopped searching. people are actively looking because pure statistics says, sure, maybe life is out there. it seems reasonable. we see planets everywhere we look in the universe. there s not a shred of anything resembling scientific evidence that aliens exist anywhere. you can come across people
with strong believes about conspiracies. i meet a lot of them. they come up and have a unitary theory. what would you say about people who believe there s a situation where the government of the united states knows about e.t.s and knows about space creatures coming here. it s for whatever reason, why do they think they have covered it up? they think we can t handle the truth. people love that stuff. it would be one of the most inspiring discoveries in the history of man kind. i think people would be eager to share that evidence. the whole government conspiracy doesn t fly. first of all, it s not plausible that they could keep something a secret this well, for this long. something that huge. the motivation is just not there at all. you would definitely have a whistle blower, right? why do you think hillary
clinton wants to open the files? i have to say, i don t know. it could be pandering. i know politics. i can tell you that s what politics is. if nobody is going for a group of a million people yet, hillary would go for them like any other politician. she s the first one to grab for them. there must be some people who want to hear this and hear the files will be opened. they will vote on that one issue. i m sure there s a couple hundred thousands people like that. i m all for releasing the records. i think, let s put this mystery to bed. those few people who are still holding out because they think there s a conspiracy will see the records and realize there isn t. i m for releasing that data. i can t imagine there s going to be a huge political gain in that. thank you. i love your clear thinking and logic and scientific, well, method.
up next, we heard a lot of talk about women s concerns with donald trump. what about men? what they re saying about hillary clinton. this is the pro-man part of the show in terms of our analysis. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you re mastering life. from chase. so you can. financial guidance while you re mastering life. muddling through your morning is nothing new. .your nose is the only thing on your mind. .and to get relief, anything is fair game. introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. powerful relief from your most frustrating
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when she says on national tv, vote for a women because you re a woman, that s a woman card. wow, welcome back to hardball. that was a donald trump supporter. he believes that ril ri clhillan is playing up the woman card. he was part of a round table put together by msnbc. take a listen to their differing views on clinton and trump.
she did nothing about all the women in bill s life. do you think she s to blame? yes. if you got dog in you. you got dog in you. it ain t because your wife is not ever. donald trump is playing the man card. he s coming up, he s appealing to white males and he has no principle. joining me right now is msnbc national correspondent who interviewed those folks in raleigh, north carolina. how did you get them to speak out in a way we re not used to hearing them talk? they re in their hometown. they were completely comfortable. i went down there looking to get a reaction to donald trump s strategy to hillary clinton, bringing up the woman card, her 1990s.
her reaction to her husband s behavior back then. i found the man card. this idea there s a man card. it s fascinating and important for donald trump to pay attention to what came out of that meeting. if he wants to win north carolina, he s got to take the independent voters, bernie voters and bring them to his camp. that conversation suggests he may not get those democratic voters because they don t like his style. they don t like the machoness. they don t like the low energy comments. calling opponents little this or go home to mommy. that s a man card, and they don t want to be dealt in. the guys you interviewed do? the trump guys do. here is the bad news on the flip side for hillary clinton supporters. hillary clinton super pacs are spending a lot of money trying to remind voters what donald trump said. trump supporters said, we know that some of the things that
come out of his mouth aren t okay when talking about women, their bodies, personalities, however, it s entertainment. donald trump is able to connect with the voters on two levels. they give him pass and say deep down in his heart, we know he respects women. everybody does. of course you do. that s bad news for hillary clinton. i think they were trying to be politically correct to you. i think when they talk to the media they always clean up their act. no way. i agree with you, i guess. last night i pressed trump convention manager on his attack against hillary and bill. what is this thing about hillary clinton who is an abuser of women. how do you make that case? stay tuned. you have a case? stay tuned. have you heard his case? we have things that we ll talk about in this campaign where we will not be letting her get away with playing female
card. we ll have things to talk about. joining me is the hardball round table. what do you make of this in when i heard first guy talking, he doesn t like hillary clinton. it s not so much pro-male as he doesn t like the woman running for president. i think there s a lot more in this country than a lot of us thought or like to admit. there s a lot more racial animosity than we thought existed. how does hillary get hit on the rational frocial front. trump brought out a lot of latent racism.
he can exploit the gender gap. what about this hidden anti-hillary hating. i m looking at the numbers for bernie sanders. i m skeptical about how well he does in the general elections match up. they don t know who bernie is. he s not that well known. he s well known by people watching these programs. i wonder if anybody can tell the story of bernie sanders. i don t think it s so mump the woman card with bernie sanders. when i look at donald trump, if you think women have been given a boost up in life because they re women or because they re females, you re already voting for donald trump. if you look at hillary and say she s had a hard life as a
woman. when i look at donald trump saying are you going for more white working class males that are voting for you or trying to target women. hardly any woman will vote for anyone because they are being told the woman card has used the card to get ahead because they re women. when i look at the woman card, i say why aren t you say she s an out of touch woman or man. she s richer than you. she s tight with the bank. she s an established politician. that card sales with the people he need to win over. who are those people? moderate higher, more affluent republicans. i think he s crazy like a fox. he has a male gender gap advantage. the advantage is not outside of what bush had.
you re the expert here. what is the reason? i don t think it s just abortion rights. what is the essential reason why women tend to be democrats and men republican? i don t think it s one variable. when you look at the issue, the democratic party does line up more where women are. you have to look at what donald trump did play the male card in the primaries. he beat his poeopponents. he was a big strong guy. he de-maled most of his opponents. they can be de-maled? pretty much. you know what he means. part of their brand is the strong man, strong leader brand. he s encapsulates that. i love having you here. i can do an hour with you.
do men like, older than us, the leader comes into town, cleans up the town. he s the boss. that was ronald reagan on the horse. how are women different than that? he can ride in on a horse and clean up the town. i agree. they don t like the macho boss kind of guy. we re still dealing with stereo types of what a woman s role should be. hillary clinton in 2008 was trying to overcompensate. why are men out there? the negative view. why do men who are anti-hillary accuse her of enabling? why not say i m a guy, he s a woman and she s been a victim of that. why do they make her the cause of his bad behavior? why do they do that?
they re looking for whatever reason to oppose her. they will never be with her. that s all he s saying, enabler, enabler. that s better than saying i don t think a woman should be president. they know they can t say that. what is that about blaming her not him? what you said. i don t want a woman to be a president. is she really an enabler. it s sexism. the roundtable is staying with us. up next, these three will tell me something i don t know. i was traveling, i was enjoying life, i was working. it was too long since my last pap. when i was finally tested, we thought i might have cervical cancer. after worrying - no cancer. i was lucky. women. please get a pap test
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we are back. dana, tell me something big i don t know. well, chris this could be the last time we meet because tomorrow i m going to make good on my promise to eat an entire column i wrote saying trump could not win the nomination. can you eat an online column. the chef has actually asked me to sign a waviver. he has prepared a taco bowl. are you going to ingest these products. it s not digested by the body. i love a man that s honest to his word. see. clearly. he s playing the man card. no woman would eat newspaper.
there s talk about donald trump and whether he s going to be able to raise money in the silicon valley. peter teal is a delegate for him in california, but he s not going to be part of the finance committee at this point in time. people think he could raise more money. an all time problem with the rocka fellers could never raise money because why should i give a buck to them. is that trump s problem. peter is worth about 3 billion so he might be able to gather his friends around. there s a lot of democratic insiders who have held back the fire but they re beginning to grumble about the tactics of sanders. your the pollster, how is it hurting secretary clinton. she needs to be uniting the party and he needs to work to bring the people to her. i think there s going to be a challenge at that convention. thank you. when we return let me finish
with that all american past time of razle dazzle. .
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no pill relieves heartburn faster. hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you ve been to my place. no, i wasn t.oh look, you dropped something. it s your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that s weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we re always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don t you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don t hire people. i m a develor. i m gonna need monday off. again, not my call. man 1: i came as fast as i man 2: this isn t public yet. man 1: what isn t? man 2: we ve been attacked. man 1: the network? man 2: shhhh. man 1: when did this happen? man 2: over the last six months. man 1: how did we miss it? man 2: we caught it, just not in time. man 1: who? how? man 2: not sure, probably off-shore, foreign, pros. man 1: what did they get? man 2: what didn t they get. man 1: i need to call mike. man 2: don t use your phone. it s not just security, it s defense.
bae systems. let me finish tonight with that all american past time of
razzle dazzle. all the political rallies you ve ever been to and all the big campaign stops have included music, a warm up and an exciting walk on. the whole idea is to create the notion that s happening is worth your time, something important is happening here. so when donald trump and his new convention manager put out the word that this summer is going to be different, what they re talking about is they re going to hype this convention not to something different, but to a new level. since the 19th century campaigning in this country has been about speeches and balloons. why republicans are better about balloons is something i have never gotten my head around. the balloons come down when they re supposed to and for whatever reason the democrats don t get the balloon drop. when the signal goes out it s time for the drop the balloons get caught up in the rigging. this summer i place my bet on mr. trump. i predict he will be out there

Person , Facial-expression , Spokesperson , Text , News , Public-speaking , Font , Chin , Speech , Photo-caption , Businessperson , Business