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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180806 16:00:00

the russians in the other direction the airports of packed with people wanting to go home. and for the very latest now let s bring in john less critic of our gore who is joining us with the latest from jakarta and we just like to know what are the authorities saying about the situation especially in long books right now. well there they re definitely monitoring the casualties the death toll is ninety eight so far but the head of the disaster management agency has said there are certainly be more where there are twenty four hours out and there are twenty thousand people in temporary shelters which is a huge number and there are not yet any foreigners among the dead but as these as as authorities have said the numbers are still being processed so it s very much developing an active situation emergency for thousands of people and the first responders are very hard pressed and it s
a challenging situation for them right for those rescue teams for those relief agencies which you know many of them are trying to get in there all or are already there just walk us through what they re facing. hama went through another devastating earthquake of of six point zero magnitude just last week so this compound in the death toll from that and not only that this one has also affected bali where there were already two casualties registered and these are two of the biggest holiday hotspots in indonesia so not only are the attending to thousands of displaced indonesians and entire villages have been destroyed but also they re trying to evacuate tens of thousands of foreigners who are crowding out the bus the ports and airports desperately trying to get home so there s a two pronged evacuate tens of thousands of foreigners who are crowding out the bus the ports and airports i desperately trying to get home so there s a two pronged situation that s been very difficult to contain you mentioned that
earthquake a similar one that we know took place only a week ago has there been any word from the authorities are they expecting more shocks. yeah well there have been over one hundred aftershocks already in lombok and there would be a few more but none of the seismic activity is totally unexpected because indonesia is on the so-called ring of fire so there are always you know going off and active things like that that aftershocks are most likely not completely finished yet but the tsunami warning that was in effect briefly yesterday has been called off we saw in our piece of bit earlier you know those scenes from the airport people really crowding trying to get out long book and bali of course huge tourist it s the height of tourist season right now what advice are visitors being given. several countries home offices including the u.k. and u.a.e. have put it kabul or on potential travel to indonesia particularly these two
islands but the airports and flights are running as of now on schedule and as planned there s not too much damage there so tourists are being advised to stay on higher ground and not near the coastline however it s most likely that we ll see the big impact of these events over few weeks or months into the future especially on lombok which is a major tourist hot spot that has seen a significant you know seismic activity in a while journalists critique of our guard joining us from jakarta thank you so much for updating us. well now let s get a quick check of some other stories that have been making news around the world cambodia s leader on send has said that he would stake his life on the accuracy of recent election results his party won a landslide victory in the poll which independent observers have called neither free nor fair he s been in power for more than thirty years. police in italy say
that one person is dead and as many as seventy injured after a major explosion on a highway near the northern city. they say that the blast happened when a truck carrying flammable substances collided with another vehicle the explosion also caused a bridge to partially collapsed. and i m going to head over to ben facility who has the latest business news including more on our top story and that is of course the u.s. we imposing sanctions on iran thank you sir that s not going to happen so it s a market demand is still high in iran for imported industrial equipment for example the supply part of this is the question a growing number of german firms and other foreign companies or wary about doing business with tehran because of the new sanctions the european union says it will do what it can to help keep trade open. as the middle east director of german packaging machines maker multivac amir so today often works weekends too. he s
talks and very tentative plans on joint ventures so far new international investment has barely materialized european technology is in demand in iranian industry but chinese and russian firms are ready to fill any gaps in supply we spent has barely materialized european technology is in demand in iranian industry but chinese and russian firms are ready to fill any gaps in supply which for a multi back would mean a serious loss in business. businesses in iran how well positioned on the chinese and russians is as we heard there to fill any gap left by. well as far as i see chinese and russian companies already to fill in the gap. and it s really a pity because former times terming companies are very very well known and
everybody. was looking for made in germany. so at the moment a lot of space to china and to russia. are the germans really giving up that easily on iran i mean do they have to follow the u.s. or slate. i mean they don t really give up. they have to wind down as it is. president because you know a lot of touring companies have been in the u.s. and they started business in iran so if they can perfect two markets they have no other choice then to eat around but they don t need it for ever as they try to stay as far as they can to to build out their business of diverts again. the sanctions
were never totally moved to the business hadn t even picked up significantly how s it going to change now what s going to change now i mean what is going to change that. informant times it has been challenging to do business in iran but now it has got dangerous because no. company can dare to do that small. they can t ever even be sanctioned fence. it s no question if they have the choice i have to they have to leave. and come november when when the sanctions are tighten even for them. i mean. what i fear is. that business. and at all in the end. time i really know that on a political level there will be
a change and. yes politicians find a way to talk it s really my hope and it is really important to me i will tell doug from bornstein thank you very much for joining us here on. facebook has said its eyes on a new set of data the social network and u.s. banks to shed detail financial information about their customers that facebook has set its eyes on a new set of data the social network and u.s. banks to shed detail financial information about their customers the wall street journal reported the request is likely to be part of it s a fit to deepen user engagement and to offer new services requested financial information include card transactions and checking account balances facebook several financial service providers to discuss potential office he could host for bank customers. let s bring in conrad who is in our financial reporter in frankfurt
conrad is this a good idea. well if you look at the forums in the internet you know the commentary is there it s not most people they re outpolled out the idea to see their financial data their banking data shared with third party platform and internet platforms like facebook but to be fair wall street journal reports that facebook they did not want the data from the banks in order to market it for advertisement it wanted that data in order to offer the bank s better services for example communications via its facebook messenger service and if you look at it from this side from the industrial logic in both the tech and the financial sector it makes sense the banks for such a long time have been desperately trying to you know increase their customer base find new younger customers that are used to doing business on the internet and
facebook of course has shown that in the western world it s come to its limits to limits in terms of customer growth so it has to grow by offering other services investors at least seem to like the idea shares in facebook today here in frankfurt up four percent or abused first break thank you very much. and a diplomatic dispute that began on twitter has led to saudi arabia freezing a whole new trade with canada dramatic development came up to canada criticize the kingdom s human rights record late last week in a tweet the canadian version ministry wrote it s gravely concerned about the arrest of women s rights activists in saudi arabia including saudi american human rights campaigner adel week it also urges the saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peaceful human rights activists. on sunday saudi arabia shot back saying it will not accept any form of interference in its internal affairs
adding it considers the canadian comment and attack on the kingdom in addition to freezing trade saudi arabia also ordered the canadian ambassador to leave the country labeling him a position a non grata at cerro with more news. thank you so much to you ben now the government of bangladesh wants to impose the death penalty on motorists found guilty of deliberately causing a fatal traffic accident that would be one of the harshest punishments worldwide the proposal to quell mass protest over road safety in the capital. that would be one of the harshest punishments worldwide the proposal to quell mass protest overrode safety in the capital. that. the chance has been echoing through the streets of darker for more than a week now paralyzing the mega city of eight hundred million students are calling
on the government to take steps to improve road safety they also want justice for their classmates killed by a speeding bus on july twenty ninth. many dark of the residents sympathize with their anger. those drivers killed the students and now students are protesting the killing i think the drivers should get the hirsch s punishment. high that they love the way they killed people just standing beside the streets of course it s a crime and a punishable offense everyone s life has value the drivers must get punishments like the death penalty so people will be more careful with. the ongoing protests and outbreaks of violence of put the government on the defensive. and that. private bus companies are also feeling the pressure police have stepped up spot checks and started compounding vehicles. protesters have also set hundreds of vehicles on fire that s prompted some operators to keep their buses in the depots. that are going to
run we stopped our buses running because students attacked and damaged our vehicles we cannot go on the roads students hit our drivers and our things so no vehicles could move. protesters want the government to address issues that make the roads unsafe streets are overcrowded many drivers do not have licenses vehicles or old an unsafe bus drivers are paid by the number of passengers they carry motivating them to overfill their vehicles and drive fast it will take more than the death penalty to make roads safe for. the protests have forced many commuters to switch to the country s railroads trains leaving dhaka far more crowded than ever. since leaving dhaka far more crowded than ever.
and now to zimbabwe where tensions are still running high a week after the country s first election since the ousting of robert mugabe the victory of the long ruling is out of p.f. party is being disputed by the opposition m.d.c. as the country struggles to recover from post-election violence religious leaders have been praying for peace it s a difficult time especially for those who are burying their dead correspondents melanie core of the ball and adrienne creech sent us this report. well i was there friends and family paid their respects to suzy on the fourth and final journey the mother of two was killed in zimbabwe this post-election violence last week she was on her way home when she got caught in the crossfire hit in the back by soldiers bullets is the death of brother joshua my tumblr still can spring . she was
a big if. we just knew it when we would hit. up and. she says god on wednesday opposition m.d.c. supporters took to the streets and were met was brutal violence by zimbabwe s. what they can and tear gas rubber bullets and life ammunition to crackdown on opposition demonstrators. president elect emerson has promised consequences that was. if you didn t listen to me last night i m going to do it and indeed tended. to inquire into these fears of violence have been subsided the opposition is vowing to challenge the
election results nelson chamisa insists the presidency is his. fluke this oh this is just. to make sure that we. will split but so far has not provided any evidence to back up his claims and the tense situation life in harare is only slowly getting back to normal many people in the capital still scouts scattered speak out scats to. besides the government or the security forces after last week s violent clashes many fear that the time of mugabe who ruled the country for thirty seven years with an iron fist might be done but that his legacy of brutal repression still lives on the right. joshua my tomboy is among those afraid stupid fingers over his sister is this
the. way you know. not i would think. for the force of loved ones this little comfort in the fact that the deaths have sparked outrage and sadness across the country as they mourn they suspect the government is just hoping that the dust settles as quickly as possible. the japanese city of hiroshima is remembering the victims of the world s first atomic bomb attack seventy three years ago today people gathered in the hiroshima peace from oriel park to pray including prime minister shinzo. august sixth known as a bomb day or people gathered in the hiroshima peace from oriel park to pray including prime minister shinzo. august sixth known as a bomb day or hiroshima day is met globally with calls for peace and nuclear
disarmament on this day in one thousand nine hundred five an american warplane dropped a nuclear bomb in the port city instantly killing eighty thousand people it is sometimes called history s deadliest one. a legend has it that back in one nine hundred seventy three a group of motor sports fans met at a british pub and invented the lawnmower race and in durance test that is a low budget alternative to the famous twenty. for hour now nowadays event the event is a highlight and enduring test that is a low budget alternative to the famous twenty four hour of now nowadays event the event is a highlight of the british racing calendar forty three teams from around the world competed this year let s see who cut their rivals down to size.
sunset in england time to fire up the engines and extend them on of lawn mower was it s twelve hours instead of twenty four but the need for speed is just the same the salon more drivers have a long night ahead as state insurance goes up put to the ultimate test some extra motivated by that thought. is. known. each team consists of three drivers who rotate to avoid exhaustion but it s nighttime falls to teach starts to set in and visibility is poor. pit stops. and technical problems become more frequent read a bit of a bad start to get a blunder in the back that we had a good beginning and trying to get it off the grid is carried out in
a. matter of. four hundred thirty laps nadirah this team from the uk some work took home top honors at the first non british site to win the event. spanish soccer giant barcelona have confirmed the signing of former byron midfielder of total data for a fee of about twenty million euros are sloan officially presented the doll at the camp no today each to lay in one the bundesliga title in each of his three seasons of fire and he also played a key role in chile s back to back copa america titles in two thousand and fifteen and two thousand and sixteen he does says that his main goal of barcelona is to win his first champions league title. meantime in the world surf league home favorite courtney congo made it a comeback to to remember. when the us open event in california check this out
because she was only competing in her third of end of the season after returning from a foot injury she delighted the fans with a victory over stephanie gilmore on home shorts at huntington beach and despite losing in the final australian still more extended her lead in the overall standings she s chasing a seventh straight world title. and with that you re up to date now i m to be a news i m sarah kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching have a great day. to
doon of modern design in a close relationship saw both architecture into song in order to get in the mood for the art schools highly anticipated hundredth anniversary i want to find out more about his legacy here and. he takes a journey back in time into this place of revolutionary ideas. and take a shot. next. it looks like a blood. drive. but it s not. a robot. device helps keep. easy to handle and reliable. koku lending the robot can be tricky

One , Violence , Team , Special-report , Post , Security-forces , Us- , Kelly , Program , Move , Sanctions , Donald-trump

Transcripts For DW The Day 20190322 04:02:00

berlin gas we are leaving the e.u. says theresa may just not quite yet the e.u. confirms the shorts for exit extension and prime minister theresa may says u.k. lawmakers must now realize this is the quote moment of decision so will this stop the u.k. from crashing out of the e.u. get analysis from process. i m calm as men welcome to the program e.u. leaders have offered the u.k. two options for bret s a deadline extension delaying by several weeks but not eliminating the threat of a chaotic british bank that british prime minister to resign may said the delay offers a clear choice for british politicians and that this must now be the moment of decision following you talk so when late into the night european council president donald tusk explained the bratz of options now on offer to the u.k.
in the first so that there was zero agreement passed by the house of commons next week. greece still extension. over may. this if there was no agreement it s not approved by the house of commons next week. they would be able to also agrees to an extension until they re. going to for a full worth. while expected to indicate their way forward. what this means in practice is that date. all options remain open. british prime minister to resign may had to wait on the sidelines for several hours at the u. summit in brussels on thursday while the other european leaders debated whether and
how the offer of the u.k. abraxas delay speaking after that delay was confirmed may welcomed their decision even though it was shorter than what she asked for what the decision today underlines is the importance of the house of commons passing a brics it deal next week so that we can bring an end to the uncertainty i believe in a smooth and orderly manner. tomorrow morning i will be returning to the u.k. and working hard to build support for getting the deal through. i know when peace on all sides of the debate has passionate views and i respect those different positions last night i expressed my frustration and i know that m.p. s are frustrated they have to fickle jobs today. i hope we can all agree we are now at the moment of decision and i will make every effort to ensure that we are able to leave with a deal and move country forward u.k. prime minister there saying we are at the moment of decision that moment talk all
night and i m joined now by our brussels bureau chief max hoffman who is in brussels for us look max nothing is simple with price it right at this extension deal is no exception we have these two dates in fact in this deal april twelfth and may twenty second can you first just walk us through some of these complicated details here. nothing is ever simple but it all starts next week when presumably the house of commons will vote for a third time on the withdrawal agreement so that s the divorce deal that the e.u. and the u.k. negotiated for the last two years and the house of commons already has rejected twice to be fair but it seems to reason may the prime minister the u.k. is rather optimistic that if she really gets that third vote she might be able to push it through let s say just for the sake of it she does in that case there s an automatic extension until the twenty second of may that would be a technical extension because even if the house of commons approves they would need
some time to implement that decision into the into u.k. law so that that s probably the simplest of the options now the unfortunately it s not the most likely one the most likely one is that the house of commons will reject this deal as they have done twice before and then the extension gets shortened until the twelfth of april that doesn t mean that there will really be a briggs because. a president of the european council was asked exactly that question and he said everything is still on the table until that day so even a very long extension could be possible if and that s the big if the u.k. participates in the european elections in may also no great deal bragg s it would be possible at that moment so to sum it up karl they have kicked the can down the road two weeks. now max theresa may she came into brussels in
a tough position she was asking for an extension to june june thirtieth she didn t get that how satisfied do you think theresa may is with this outcome. well i asked her that question she felt about the fact that she again didn t get what she came for here in brussels and she basically brushed it off saying that this was part of the nature of something like that that there needed to be to be compromise which is obvious of course the european union is all about about compromise but the question really is how does this change anything for the recent may because. most likely outcome at this moment is that the deal that withdrawal agreement will be rejected for a third time in the house of commons next week even if it even is put up for another vote because the speaker of the house of commons rejected it for the third vote this week so there might be some kind of change for him to put it up next week so most likely outcome it gets rejected and then they have another two weeks basically
to sort things out and why should any kind of majority emerge during that time or anything substantial really change except maybe for the u.k. having a new prime minister to resign may steps down but those who know or say that s unlikely to happen because she has been. maybe not many things but one thing she has been and that was that s tough she s tough. and she s definite been tough there is these negotiations however. you were touching on this how much confidence do you think e.u. leaders have in may s ability to go home now and get those n.p.c. to accept the deal that she has already to go shaded in fact this extension deal has two possibilities maybe that s even implying that they don t have a whole lot of confidence in her. well i think i could add to that the very short way they have absolutely zero. confidence here that teresa mayes able to deliver on
with all agree with it why should it she s failed twice she s not speaking on behalf of anybody it seems. promise failed to materialize and. it s not you know rocket sides it s not hard analysis that brings us to this conclusion even the parliamentarians back home say exactly the same thing so that is why by the way the leaders took matters into their own hands building this two step system and did not follow the lead up to resubmit they d said we need to avoid a no deal bragg s it next week we need to make sure that we have at least a small extension maybe just to get ready for some of the basic things that they need to get ready for in the case of a no deal bragg s it and maybe even giving the chance for whoever follows theresa may if that ever happens in the near future is to say then to give him a chance maybe to ask for
a long extension to participate in european elections and maybe recall the second referendum or snap elections massive in about forty seconds left i think what a lot of people do want to know is is there any chance any path for the u.k. still to remain in the e.u. . you know all options are on the table if they apply for a long extension participate in the european elections who knows what will happen all right max often after a long night there in brussels thank you very much now let s take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. thousands of people in new zealand have traveled to christ church to attend and muslim call to prayer marking one week since a gunman killed fifty people in a terror attack against two mosques in the city the memorial comes a day after the government announced its benefits plan to ban semi-automatic and military style weapons by next month. u.s.
president donald trump as said that the golan heights should become a recognized part of israel after fifty two years it s time for the united states to fully recognize israel s sovereignty over the golan heights that s what trump tweeted israel s claim to the territory is not recognized by the international community. former brazilian president michel has been arrested in connection with a large scale corruption investigation prosecutors saves him there was arrested on charges related to alleged graft in the construction of a nuclear power plant ten of us presidents of brazil from twenty sixteen to twenty eighteen he has denied any wrongdoing. almost one hundred people have drowned after a ferry capsized on the tigris river close to the iraqi city of mosul most of the victims were women and children celebrating the kurdish new year and the arrival of spring the boat was crossing the river and heading towards an amusement park iraqi
prime minister adel declared three days of national mourning. the lucky survivors coming on shore. this father had feared he would never see his children again. many didn t make it out of the water a lawyer after the boat ferrying them across the tigris overturned. carried off by the currents they drowned as horrified bystanders looked on. some risk their own life to help. mosul is no stranger to disaster iraq s second largest city was ravaged by the war against the so-called islamic state liberated from the terror group after months of bitter fighting in two thousand and seventeen its inhabitants desperately crave a return to normality the amusement parks restaurants and cafes on this stretch of the river had offered an escape from the tough post-war reality. but it s here that
horror returned to mosul. thursday was world down syndrome day millions of people are born with the genetic condition and many struggle to integrate fully into society but there are some exceptions and that takes us to a cafe in the iranian capital tehran you can get a cup of coffee and a lesson in the benefits of giving people with down syndrome a chance to hold down a job. in the commissar fly this completely in his element serving couple chinos to the guests in this cafe the waiting tables this is first ever job and the forty year old is loving every second of it. you know i like the cafe it s big and it s nice. that s why i m so grateful to the mrs. every night when i go to bed i thank. you for all.
the others who work here have little chance of finding work elsewhere iran s job market discouragingly in such a bad state that over a third of college educated young iranians on employed for people with special needs it s become nearly impossible to find work. for most of those people there s nothing to do once they finish school they just stay at home but we re convinced it s good for them to show people that they have other abilities not just good for them it s also good for their families they re often sad because they can t do anything but here they can show just what they re capable of in. more than forty people living with down syndrome autism work here regularity everybody pitches in doing what they can brewing coffee waiting tables or entertaining the guests with music.
they all get paid for their work except for the cafe owner he she runs a deficit every month there are very few government programs to support social projects like this one in the islamic republic more as. we ve never received support from any kind of organization it s a completely independent project founded and financed privately we re totally self dependent. giving up is not an option because every day she sees just how much this work means to him ron and the others. i used to just be with my father. but father look at me. i finally made it. i m famous and go through life with my head raised high c.
with a positive attitude imran and his colleagues have created an atmosphere found nowhere else in the islamic republic. know of a cafe here in iran could get away with this level of. imran and the others are making the best of being a little bit different and have transformed. into a place that s bursting with positivity. you re watching news live from berlin more news at the top of the hour and don t forget all the latest headlines are available all around the clock on our web site that s dot com. thanks for watching.
britain s hurtling towards exit from the european union now a study shows what financial stress is disorderly would cause in the u.k. and outside also coming up during a denim styled iconic jeans brand levi strauss is back on the new york stock exchange we ll get the latest from our markets correspondent and no peter no problem how german micro distillers are trying to woo whisking aficionados. i m chris cuomo welcome to the program the likelihood of britain s departure from the e.u. in less than ten days without a deal still looms ominously and the costs of such a no deal brags about be high for both the u.k. and you members germany s bertelsmann foundation now that the math. a no deal breaks it would hit the heavily industrialized german state of north rhine-westphalia particularly hard the state s top three exports to the u.k. include cars chemical products and mechanical engineering services the tariff send
out a trade barriers will make products and services more expensive this ensures that prices rise and that people can buy less with their incomes the second factor is competition with a bricks it competition becomes weaker the battle for the best products and services is decreasing. of course and no deal breaks it would hit brits the hottest with each losing nine hundred euros per year on average they would also be significant losses for the germans and the french as well as other europeans. the bertelsmann study says china and the u.s. will be the main breaks at winners both would become more attractive trading partners for the u.k. but london is going to have its work cut out to secure deals as good as those it had with the e.u. . chinese president xi jinping has started a five day tour of europe which will take him to italy france and monaco mr she s
a plane touched down outside roll on thursday afternoon italy is seen as a promising partner for china s belt and wrote infrastructure initiative as its ports and motorways are for easy access to europe s markets and the deep water port of fiesta is seen as playing a significant role in this venture. from a distance tree s. newport area built on reclaimed land doesn t look like much yet in future this section of the harbor may be operated by china as a trance shipment point for markets in central and eastern europe the northeastern italian city is currently celebrating the port of tree s three hundredth birthday for local politicians and businesses china s planned investment is a huge opportunity so you think that we don t want to sell the port we just want to rent it out i see that as a huge economic opportunity for the entire regional cardio. it s not that china is offering us something to participate in the delta road we have something to offer
them a stake in the harbor that s how you have to see it we ve been developing this port for four years now. the harbor basin this eighteen meters deep meaning that even large container ships can unload their cargo here china has already purchased a majority stake in the greek port of paris in the mediterranean tree asked in the northern adriatic would be a further foothold in the region. the european union is investing around one hundred thirty five million euros in the port that sorely needed to modernize much of the infrastructure. i put cash strapped is really also welcomes financial backing from china there s only occasional criticism of its role as a strategic investor. but you know man i m sure they only. anyone is thinking about the role china is taking one of the world but if i just think about how they treat their workers then i don t know if they re the right partner for us and with
that can have a good future. but it will do the job. such concerns aside most interests see only positives in becoming a further gateway to europe for china s belt and road initiative. now there are some rules that the new york stock exchange has upheld to this day one of them no business attire no entry meaning if you re wearing jeans you re better off getting in line at the hot dog stands on broadway on thursday these rules were relaxed freighters showed up wearing denim pants and jackets the reason for the unusual dress code levi strauss one of the world s best known jeans brands made its way back onto the stock exchange after a thirty four years of absence. now levi s shares were up more than thirty percent in thursday s trading session i guess that s what a successful i.p.o. looks like and there could be more of this to come here is a wall street correspondent yes quarter with more. it s a promising start to
a year that could see new records when it comes to i.p.o. s overall some analysts on wall street estimate that with new companies coming to the stock exchange the wall street might raise about one hundred billion dollars that would be a new record and exceed the former record that still holds from the year two thousand we remember the time of the dr called bubble in the next couple of weeks and months we get some other heavyweights coming here to the stock exchange and of next week we will get lift a little later we will get other companies like we work a pin to rest. or or be my follow and now for levi s. could probably use the money and also it to attract more women that if we look at past year the overall five point six billion dollars in revenue for
four billion got made with men so female business is still far behind when it comes to levi s. porting from new york there is triangle on one of africa s leading oil producers so you d think the country would be awash with cheap fuel well that s not the case and no one seems to know why drivers in the capital are having to sit for ages in making queues just to fill up their tanks. making a living is not easy in luanda and for those who have to drive for a living the gosh shortage can be a real problem. since yesterday have hardly been able to rival work due to a lack of fuel and we know almost nothing about the shortage now while the gas stations and cars and are in the same situation. sabina s having no success either . i went to sixty without success and this is where i could find gas that s why i got in this huge queue i don t know what time of the serbs. previous
gasoline shortages were blamed on late payments to suppliers but the current problems remain mysterious and gold is the second largest oil producing country in sub-saharan africa the country produces one and a half million barrels of oil per day which comprises ninety percent of angola s exports and seventy percent of revenues leaving drivers there wondering where is all that gas gone to battle sales in zimbabwe are expected to dip this year as farmers grapple with the fallout of a recent drought it s a blow to the economy which is currently in the grips of a currency crisis after mining tobacco is the country s second biggest earner of foreign exchange the industry employs some one hundred seventy thousand people most of whom work on small scale farms over the past decade rising demand from china in particular has helped boost sales. german car giant force wagon says it plans to work with swedish cell start up more for volt and other companies from
seventy you member states to develop batteries for electric cars for swag said in a statement its so-called european battery union will handle the entire production chain from for batteries from raw materials cell technology all the way through recycling b.w. didn t want to name any of the other partners but that no other car makers were involved that s what the company stated the word whiskey make them juror images of scottish glens or the hills of tennessee an increasing number of people here in germany have also been developing a taste for the temple now micro distilleries are popping up all of the countries but are they ready to give the multinational distiller giants a run for their money. nestled in a small time in about an hour s drive from berlin is this distillery a place where workers pride themselves for having
a nose for quality. it was always something we really love because we used to work involves. lots of cocktails with with the right was ski and so we said ok that s going to be our focus the operation is just one example of a growing trend there are now more distillers in germany than in scotland that typically they produce tiny quantities compared to their scottish counterparts. but what they lack in scale they make up for with other advantages in contrast to scotland s export oriented whisky industry german distillers are primarily for the domestic market making them far more immune to two looming political threats an unruly practices and the possibility of u.s. tariffs depletions it what s the political situation we re currently facing such as breakfast with the present government in the united states they re not scare north
german distillers. up at the moment we re still mostly trading nationally but we re not setting any limits for the future. for now though german distillers are choosing to stay domestic enabling them to serve their whiskey with a hint of confidence. and finally after three years of planning and building it s time to raise the anchor the new cruise ship spectrum of the seas has left the ship the art of pop and birth here in germany nearly three hundred fifty meters long the luxury liner was steered out to the north sea on the river. and four thousand passengers will be in service for royal caribbean. nations in asia. and we say. that s a show. the
heart of a great chinese city stops beating. the last old neighborhood in the metropolis of. the slated to be demolished. was a residential holding out for as long as they can. last days i m sure box comes in from the fleet. african. president of rwanda. ten of the rwandan patriotic front to include tiny the rebel army and in the one nine hundred ninety four genocide present when all in the room was there wasn t room to ask of the un try to tell me to reinforce to them. i knew this but does that mean

Berlin , Prime-minister , Uk , Delay , May , Bank , Options , Decision , Offer , Donald-tusk , Politicians , Bratz

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190413 18:00:00

d.w. . this is d w news live from berlin sudan s new interim leader says the country will have a new civilian government interest nation saying a government will be in place within two years he also lifted a nighttime curfew which many pro-democracy demonstrators had defied and they claim another victory as the country s security chief steps down hours after the country s new military leader quits. also coming up our reporter speaks to the ecuadorian ambassador in the rooms occupied by julian and songe in the london embassy
a nearly seven years state that ended abruptly his arrest earlier this week. i m calling assman thanks for joining us the new head of sudan s military council says a civilian government will be formed after talks with the opposition in his first televised address earlier today lieutenant general abdel fatah bore han said the transition period would last for a maximum of two years the leader was also also said he was canceling a curfew ordered by his predecessor demonstrators have been keeping up the pressure demanding civilian rule activists say sixteen people including a soldier have been killed in the two days since the army ousted longtime president omar al bashir sudan s military chief stepped down just a day after he was sworn in as the country s new leader and the country s intelligence chief has now resigned as well. oh.
this is sudan s naval headquarters inside the military transition council is hold up outside largely peaceful protests but with a clear message the sudanese people do not want to be ruled by the military chiefs who ended the thirty year regime of the veteran president omar al bashir. but the army is still very much in charge by shares immediate successor i want him in over a general linked to the genocide in darfur lasted just one day in the top job before announcing his resignation he was replaced by another army commander on the plus side the new chief abdel-fattah han is not wanted for war crimes but protesters want a clean break with the old many of the demonstrators are young and they re actively organizing including setting up their own security they say more than a dozen people have been killed by security forces in recent days and they have
already intercepted one car with explosives. we also. call scum in the cold with. some scope like a modern call to three. civilian called we call comes through we call transports. so they see the tunnel so people. watch this no one not even the old is immune from being searched emotions are high but mixed. so this i feel like overwhelming. joy that. you feel like a friend yet. i feel like that the same time and believe me i know but i think. the protesters have to stay on the streets until a civilian not
a military transitional council is in place. joining me now in studio de w s not are also not i mean things are changing so fast on the ground we heard the latest news of don s interim leader announcing the formation of a limited civilian government within two years what do you make of that recent announcement and it s interesting because he kind of made some concessions towards the protests movement to the opposition leaders. in contradiction to his predecessor who stepped down yesterday so it s not really known what s going to happen next because basically he said it s going to take two years that s was his for it is for disaster said yesterday so i m not sure if the process will be happy with that that it s taking two years for them to have a transitional civilian government so we ll have to see how things develop in the next few weeks we ve seen of course a few other victories for these protesters the defense minister abruptly stepping
down that curfew has now been lifted. to get those protesters off the streets or do you expect them to keep protesting. yeah this is actually part of what they were demanding the actually what i hear from from all the people i ve talked to. would be given a news people actually the important thing is to have a civilian government as soon as possible now the. leaders of the protest. movement they ve met today with the military council and it seems that they re making some progress they re coming forward and they re trying to reach a deal what is very important for the protesters and their leaders is to have the civilian government and not to have to be under military rule and the next. few years maybe few months we heard that announcement of the military perhaps handing over some power to civilians how much trust is there though right now between the
civilians in the military this is the problem trust is a very. rare thing here because people they don t want this egyptian like scenario to repeat itself in sudan they saw that the military in egypt took over power and they ousted the democratically elected president and then they just stayed in power and now they have a kind of a massive crackdown on all kind of up. they don t want this to happen in sudan and that s why they are still protesting still demanding that really civilian government should. be in power as soon as possible not also to us from the desk thanks very much to another african country shaken by protests now algeria s magistrates have said they will boycott controversial presidential elections scheduled for july but straights play a key role in the electoral process lawyers and a group of a hundred judges staged protests in the capital algiers mass demonstrations were
also held on friday for the eighth time in a row and interim government announced the elections to replace the ousted former president adel beautifully on insecure as the old regime of trying to cling to power in a new gods. now let s take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world indonesia s presidential candidates have ended their campaigns with larger rallies ahead of wednesday s vote incumbent djoko we don t know appears to be in the lead with promises of increased growth his challenger retired general. has strong support though from conservative muslims and some polls show him getting an uptick in support. north korean leader kim jong un says he s open to a third summit with u.s. president donald trump but kim says washington will have to be more flexible and come to the table with the quote right attitude he said the end of the year as a deadline to salvage the nuclear disarmament talks. a man has been arrested in
london after driving his car at the police near the ukrainian embassy according to london s metropolitan police the man crashed his car into a parked vehicles he then charged at the police officers arriving at the scene causing one officer to fire his gun. after the arrest of wiki leaks founder julian assange on thursday reporter ana marie of grow up toward the ecuadorian embassy in london that s where a staunch spent nearly seven years and self-imposed exile she gained access to the rooms where a songe lived and spoke exclusively with ecuador s ambassador to the u.k. about his turbulent stay. in. the ecuadorian embassy in london this had been julian assange just home since august twenty. first. this is the main room in the embassy but it was use exclusively by mr sunshine.
this is where he worked with his electronic and computer equipment connecting to his followers he directed aggressive interference in the political interests of other countries he did this in the us elections in spain with the sensitive issue of catalonia. also meddled with ecuadorian domestic politics it was in this meeting when that time a march on ecuador s ambassador to the u.k. told a sound decision to revoke his diplomatic asylum i handed him the letter i was standing while he was sitting down. i said to him you have to leave immediately hurry up highest court you to the door. and he got up. surprised. he stood up. and ran out. there was a code for this door which only he knew so he locked himself inside this room.
you asuncion stop trying to hide when he realized the embassy police were waiting for him outside the door. the room is a sound used to have been cordoned off and now. the exchange took place here in front of the door the sun just departure from the building was coordinated with the british police according to ambassador marchand the ecuadorian diplomatic police led him to the store where the british police were already waiting for him outside a sandra s holdouts kicking and screaming these images of his sons resisting the arrest were widely circulated it was the first time the wiki leaks co-founder had set first outside this embassy in seven years of diplomatic asylum. the chinese artist ai wei wei as unveiled a new exhibition in mexico city this week it is titled reestablishing memories of
one million lego bricks show the portraits of the forty three mexican students who disappeared twenty fourteen a case and conflicting information from mexican authorities about their potential murder sparked months of protests and it became a rallying cry against widespread violence in mexico by way says every crime committed damages human society as a whole. for more i m joined by de w s nicole reese you ve been taking a closer look at that exhibition now nikolai way of course known for his controversial art pieces why is he now focusing on the disappearance of these students well this obviously is not just an exhibition about i don t know different take on pixel art this is pretty much his very unique way of showing that he demands justice for those who have to sit i mean if we look at these portraits these are the same faces that we saw on the post after this whole case happened of parents who printed these faces of their sons on the premises and they took to the streets they asked about the truth they ask what happened to my children so it s
a very personal thing as well having these pictures shown them that we see on the wall as well and he has also met with some of the family members and that pretty much emotionally overwhelmed him himself as a son at the press conference he said well he could not imagine losing his son like that and not knowing his whereabouts and that s also something else he said let s take a listen forget about the markers are among human beings and select few for you here s someone you heart you neighbor is. boy can never come back. and the government take four years cannot you go concretion what kind of our government is that you know what kind of society would be. so you can destroy says there are now walk us back to twenty fourteen and remind us about the significance of these particular students well these particular students have kind of become the
symbol for corruption and violence that has been haunting mexico for many many years and when they disappeared on the twenty sixth of september in two thousand and fourteen mexicans just had enough it was enough that forty three people at one point just disappeared and nobody really knew what happened so that s when they got angry and overwhelmed with the overall situation these guys were on the way to protest i wanted to protest against the discriminating hiring practices of teachers they themselves were on the path to becoming teachers and that s supposedly when they were stopped and attacked by the police then handed over to a local drug gang who then is set to have killed these people and burned them in a garbage dump you know if that s pretty much leaves off without a trace but there s another investigation by independent pendant experts that says we don t believe that it happened by reopen the case and that didn t happen back leaving everybody else pretty much in limbo not knowing what happened to these guys emotional case in an emotional exhibit there from highway i. think of
a much thank you. all right switching gears now ed in golf we re seeing a resurgence for tiger woods he s put himself within striking distance of his first major tournament when in over a decade woods looked like a young tiger going six under par at the halfway point of the u.s. masters at augusta and he s just one shot behind a group of five other leaders but it nearly always wrong to take a look at this he barely avoided being knocked over by a security guard who slipped on the wet grass there luckily for tiger he escaped and. now it s all good you know that happen. i ve had a gallery run already it s just. you know and when you play in front of a lot of people. things out that also made you know some distance pots nine fourteen fifteen. you know those were on that were not nice to make and you know if i keep it in a puzzle my line they ll start dropping you re watching the news from berlin we

Dw , Embassy , Songe , London , Arrest , Seven , Government , Military-council , Abdel-fatah , Sudan , Talks , Thanks

Transcripts for CNN Why Iran Hates America A Fareed Zakaria Special 20240604 14:07:00

Reporter. essentially got them leaked, right? that s what these documents are, right part three, covert and overt action. this is the coo. so eisenhower proves it 11 july 1953. prime minister of england approves it one july 1953 yeah, that s amazing. key to the plot was convincing. sharma mohammad reza pahlavi, the monarch who ruled iran, to personally take action to oust most sadeq. august 50 at midnight soldiers knock-on most adel store and deliver an letter to him dismissing him from the, role of the prime minister in the morning, he goes on the radio. he says there was a coup attempt against me. most of the uk refused to accept his dismissal from office and forth back and on his orders, troops occupied the shah s palaces, hands surrounded parliament the shaw, who was waiting to see what happens, fleas, you re on

Part , Mohammad-mossadegh-he , Documents , Action , Coo , Reporter , 11-july-1953 , 11 , 1953 , Three , Daisy-iran , Mohammad-reza-pahlavi

Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240604 05:51:00

That it looks ugly, all the people who didn t have the vision that this will change the mobility in the valley completely. the next day, and the grand opening attracts quite a crowd. all: drei, zwei, eins! applause. # madel, fahr mit mir schwebebahn. how was that for you? how are you feeling? oh, it was very emotional and i m really happy that it s now opened. yes, it s great. all of your hard work. yes. aww, i can feel the emotion! yes, i think people will come here and then, they will see what a history wuppertal has to tell and what a lovely town it is.

People , Mobility , Vision , Didn-t , Grand-opening , Valley , All , Crowd , Applause , Zwei , Andrei , Eins