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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200603 00:30:00

novartis thanks the heroic healthcare workers fighting covid-19. tonight, as we come on the air in the west, the tens of thousands in the streets. from new york city to washington, d.c., to los angeles, and in so many communities across this nation. here in new york city, thousands on the march. many believed to be headed to gracie mansion, the mayor s residence. it comes after the city imposed that new 8:00 p.m. curfew starting tonight, for the rest of the week. from chicago, to los angeles, where at this hour tens of thousands are in the streets there, part of multiple marches. ndrcr e ite house. no is believed, they are and again today, most of the protests have been peaceful. but authorities are prepared for what could come after nightfall. growing concern now on the eighth day of protests after widespread destruction in new york city overnight.
stores destroyed. the famed macy s, damage at rockefeller center. tonight, curfews in place across many major cities. hundreds of arrests. and this evening, authorities now investigating video in new york city showing a car slamming into a police officer. in the last 24 hours, at least five officers shot across the country, including one in las vegas in critical condition. also tonight, president trump and the backlash. protesters of all backgrounds lining the streets in washington as his motorcade passed by today. tonight, the outrage 24 hours after peaceful demonstrators were hit with flashbangs to clear the way for th president s walk from the white house to the historic st. john s church, holding a bible in a photo op. asked if the bible was his, he said it s a bible. tonight, church leaders expressing outrage. leaders in both parties outraged too. and what former president george w. bush said late today. the massive crowds gathering in houston tonight, george floyd s hometown. thousands gathering to honor him.
the mother of his 6-year-old daughter speaking out. and there is news tonight on the murder investigation. will other officers be charged? if so, when? what authorities are now saying. a tale of two images. the president, and the former vice president who wants to replace him. tonight, joe biden and his speech today. and his promise to americans amid so much pain. and the developing headline from atlanta as we come on. six officers now facing charges accused of excessive force on two students pulled from their car. good evening. it s great to have you with us on a tuesday night. as we come on the air tonight, another extraordinary scene unfolding in cities across the country. protests under way. this is the eighth night of protests. demonstrators demanding justice and change in the country after the death of george floyd. the protests peaceful today, but there is concern with nightfall apprch thousands in the streets in new
york city. several marches, one massive group, it s believed, headed to the mayor s residence. and the 8:00 p.m. curfew in place. it s quickly approaching after last night s 11:00 p.m. curfew was hardly effective. it s believed tens of thousands are on the march in los angeles. several different locations. in washington, d.c., it s believed thousands are headed towards the lincoln memorial. and a massive rally in houston, george floyd s hometown. and all of this comes as authorities brace for the night ahead. in new york city last night, the storefronts and landmarks destroyed. the famed macy s department store. the curfew, as i mentioned, moved up. six police officers shot last night. and tensions high in washington, d.c., after park police cleared the peaceful protesters with flashbangs. one striking a cameraman from
australian tv, the image fed live back to australia. broadcasters there stunned. minutes after that scene, the president walking through the park to st. john s church to hold up a bible. asked if it was his, he said it s a bible. tonight, the fallout from that moment. and the competing images. the peaceful protests across the country, and the concerns about what was seen after the sun went down. here s stephanie ramos. reporter: today, the images of protest from across the country just hours before new curfews go into effect. from san francisco, to orlando, to new york city, thousands marching in protest with a message of peace. we are not looking to agitate, or to loot, or destroy anything. we are trying to make the community unified and by doing that, it s not unifying the community, it s breaking it apart. reporter: the city now moving up its curfew to 8:00 p.m. tonight after a fourth night of looting. peaceful demonstration by day
replaced with a vicious cycle of violence overnight. windows smashed, stores ransacked, from the macy s flagship store to rockefeller center. the sun has gone down here in new york clearly different groups that are out here facing off with police, shattering windows on fifth avenue. the governor today blasting the mayor and police department. and the police in new york city were not effective at doing their job last night. period. reporter: hundreds of arrests, most after curfew. police investigating this video showing a car slamming into an officer in a hit and run in the bronx. that officer in serious condition. it appears to be quite purposeful. that is unacceptable. reporter: overnight, officers shot during violent protests. in las vegas, one in grave condition. another four officers were shot in st. louis. thank god they re alive, they re alive.
can we make some sense out of this? reporter: across the country police tactics under scrutiny. l.a. s police chief sparking outrage after suggesting looters were as responsible for george floyd s death as those fired police officers. we didn t have people mourning the death of this man, george floyd. we had people capitalizing. his death is on their hands as much as it is those officers. reporter: the chief later apologizing, calling his own words terribly offensive. today l.a. officers kneeling with protesters at a faith-based march. in new york, the police chief also taking a knee. let new york show the country how this is done. reporter: at times police torn between patrol and protest. this officer in d.c. seen trying to kneel only to be repeedly pulled to his feet by his fellow officers.
in detroit, 16-year-old organizer stefan perez has been he safe.s fellow demonstrators. they don t got rubber bullets. they don t got tear gas. they re not dead. reporter: the mayor calling to thank him. i saw your leadership. i have tears in my eyes. you are everything that is special about the city of detroit. we re going to fight this injustice because of people like you. that young protester telling others to go home. stephanie, we see the large crowd behind you. we also know the curfew goes into effect a short time from now, 8:00 p.m. but a lot of protesters said they re not concerned about that. reporter: that s absolutely right. thousands are marching across the streets of new york city. you can see them here. it will be very difficult to enforce the new curfew. this group, we ve been following them for several blocks. they just got started a little while ago. stephanie, thank you.
now to the fallout from the president s visit to st. john s episcopal church just after we were on the air last night. the police firing flashbangs, smoke canisters, pepper balls at peaceful demonstrators, apparently to clear the way for the president. we ve learned it was attorney general william barr who gave the order. tonight, church leaders are expressing outrage, as well as leaders in both parties. here s jonathan karl. reporter: as president trump rode through washington today, citizens, including families with homemade signs, jeered the presidential limousine. [ booing ] we were in the motorcade watching the people. their signs, withering. are you a moral monster? i can t breathe. today, outrage is growing over the forceful removal of peaceful protesters to clear the way for the president to hold a photo op at st. john s church. it all began shortly after 6:00 p.m., the hour before washington s curfew took effect. the protesters had gathered just
a block from the white house gate. as the president prepared to speak in the rose garden, our camera spotted attorney general bill barr surveying the scene. abc news has learned the attorney general then gave the order to remove the protesters using force. and so it began, continuing even as the president was saying these words. i am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters. reporter: you could hear the explosions from the rose garden. the police using flashbang, smoke canisters, and pepper balls to force the protesters away. among those roughed up, an australian tv crew. the photographer hit in the face. his colleague hit with a baton as she tried to flee. after he was done speaking, the president, accompanied by top advisers, walked to st. john church, crossing the street where the protesters had gathered less than an hour earlier.
in front of the church, the president held up a bible. is that your bible? it s a bible. reporter: he summoned his advisers to pose for a photo before heading back to the white house. among the first to express outrage, the bishop of washington. the spiritual leader of episcopalians in the nation s capital, including the parishioners at st. john s. he is not entitled to use the spiritual symbolism of our sacred spaces and our sacred texts to promote or to justify a completely entire an entirely different message. reporter: the condemnation stretched across the political spectrum, including prominent republicans. if your question is, should you use tear gas to clear a path so the president can go have a photo op, the answer is no. reporter: republican senator ben sasse said, quote, i m against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the word of god as a political prop. reporter: even pat robertson, prominent televangelist and an
ardent supporter of president trump, had harsh words for the president. it seems like now is the time to say, i understand your pain. i want to comfort you, i think it s time we love each other. but the president took a different course. reporter: robertson lambasted the president for threatening to move military troops into american cities unless the nation s governors control the violence. as a matter of fact he spoke of them as being jerks. you just don t do that, mr. president. it isn t cool. jon, i know you were in the motorcade witnessing the protesters and their signs. the president, though, unwavering on this tonight. and a former president now weighing in? reporter: former president george w. bush with a powerful statement that condemns the brutal suffocation of it says many doubt the justice of our country, and with good reason. he does not mention president trump by name, but he does
express support for the protesters. saying, those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of america, or how it becomes a better place. that s president george w. bush tonight. david? jon, thanks. there are massive gatherings tonight in houston as well. tens of thousands there. george floyd died in his adopted city of minneapolis, but he grew up in houston. among those gathering today, the mayor and chief of police. marcus moore is there tonight. reporter: in houston, a sea of humanity. a wave of emotion. i can t breathe! reporter: hope that the healing can begin. we want justice for floyd. and i m a black mother and i heard his cry and it hurt me to my heart. reporter: tens of thousands marching across the city in memory of george floyd. i just feel like there s something powerful going on right now.
something that should have been done a long time ago. the crowd has doubled in size at least, since i last talked to you. reporter: the march, supported by city officials and organized with help from local rappers bun b and trae tha truth. truth, a longtime friend of floyd. it s a beautiful moment. we re making george proud. this is george s family here, we re making them proud to show how many people love george. reporter: this scene coming a day after floyd s brother terrence visited the minneapolis intersection where george floyd took his last breath. i need you and pops to watch over me. reporter: floyd died may 25th. he d worked in minnesota as a security guard. but he was a child of houston s third ward, where a new mural now bears his image and reads, forever breathing in our hearts. he was a star tight end on the yates high school football team. and he was a father to 6-year-old gianna. i want justice for him because he was good. and this is the proof that he was a good man. reporter: there are services this week in minneapolis and north carolina.
floyd s funeral is set for tuesday here in houston. the family s attorney says vice president joe biden is expected to attend. david? marcus, thank you. joe biden, they re saying, expected to attend. no formal confirmation of that yet. but the former vice president speaking out today about president trump, the scene in front of st. john s church. and biden s own promise to americans in this time. here s mary bruce. reporter: tonight, the tale of two leaders. the president and the man who wants to replace him. president trump holding that bible. joe biden visiting a church. tonight, biden taking on the president. the country is crying out for leadership. leadership that can recognize pain and deep grief of communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time. reporter: biden calling on leaders to confront systemic racism. and blasting trump for that bible photo op. i just wish he opened it once in a while instead of brandishing it. if he opened it, he could have learned something.
reporter: biden speaking of his own loss, a parent losing a son. i know what it means to have that black hole in your chest where your grief is being sucked into it. reporter: tonight, biden is calling on congress to ban choke holds and vowing to establish a national police oversight commission. donald trump has turned this country into a battlefield driven by old resentments and fresh fears. he thinks division helps him. his narcissism has become more important than the nation s well-being that he leads. reporter: and biden s promise, less than six months from the election. i promise you this, i won t traffic in fear and division. i won t fan the flames of hate. i ll seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain. reporter: this was biden s first public address in months. but as the country opens up, we can expect to see more of biden
out on the trail. especially as he looks to draw the sharp contrast with president trump. his campaign is defending the decision to lay low the past few weeks. they say just look at the poll numbers, showing biden on the rise. mary, thank you. we re also following a developing headline out of atlanta tonight. six atlanta police officers have been charged for using excessive force against two college students. you will remember the video showing officers dragging them from their car and using tasers on them. the mayor in atlanta, outraged. here s steve osunsami. reporter: the six officers accused of using excessive force have until friday to turn themselves in. in the middle of the chaos that was tearing through downtown atlanta saturday night. okay, okay, okay! reporter: and in pictures now viewed across the world, the officers are seen shooting a stun gun at two coll and dragging them out of a car.
messiah young and taniah pilgrim were out after the new curfew, explaining that they were just getting something to eat when they got stuck in traffic during a protest. i actually thought both me and messiah were going to die, like, the way everything happened so fast, there was no telling what could happen in the next moment. this just needs to cease. reporter: young was initially charged with trying to elude police officers, charges that were dropped by the mayor. two officers have already been fired. david? steve, thank you. and as we continue to report on a country in pain, we re going to take a pause later tonight on abc to try to begin a conversation hopefully with your help at home. i hope you ll join robin roberts, byron pitts, and me for an abc news special, america in pain: what comes next? that s 9:00 p.m. eastern on abc. we re counting on your thoughts and ideas on how we move forward. when we come back, the
images coming in from all over the world. you ll want to see them. what is happening in other countries because of what they ve witnessed here. they ve witnessed here. life is full of make or break moments. that s why it s so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen. or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections,
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without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. finally tonight here, the power of listening in this time. they are the moments that provide some hope amid the pain. and tonight, the story behind two of them. in bellevue, washington, police chief steve mylett and a demonstrator embracing. tonight, the police chief explaining the power of that moment. the power of listening. i heard them, i felt them. i think they heard me, and i think they heard my voice and my heart. and the heart of everybody that stands behind me. it s dialogue like this that we learn from each other. reporter: and we showed you that line of law enforcement in
miami and the moment it all changed. highway patrol captain roger reyes, walking up to this woman, renita holmes, hugging her. she was grateful. i love you, man. i love you man. reporter: tonight, both the captain and renita know that that image has been seen by so many, and they re grateful for that too. it was a moment of her pain. we embraced and that was a connection there and it was special. and i saw that it wasn t just one-sided. that she was caring for us as well as the protesters out there. we had a wonderful opportunity to show that love wins. because if you look people in their eyes, you can see the hurt. reporter: seeing the hurt. and the hope that can come from a hug. powerful. i hope to see you just a short time from now, 9:00 p.m. eastern, with robin and byron and the team. where do w
from the sea to around the bay, thousands of people made their voices heard on this di of peaceful protests. also, they had no idea it would get this big. you ll hear from two young men who organized this huge protest in oakland. and demonstrations come to some of the smallst towns in the bay area. now from abc7, live breaking news. and good evening. thank you for joining us. i m dan ashley. and i m ama daetz. that breaking news is in fairfield where a helicopter with three people on board crashed and three cal fire firefighters were injured while responding. abc7 news reporter jr stone is getting the latest live near the scene tonight. jr, what are you hearing? well, dan and ama, we are still awaiting, trying to find out their condition this evening. i do want to zoom out a bit so you can see this is the command center. we are on lion road. this is technically unincorporated fairfield. it is close to the vacaville border. then you go off into the distance. you re looking on that hillside.

Novartis , Healthcare-workers-fighting-covid-19 , 19 , Mayor , City , New-york-city , Los-angeles , Streets-of-new-york-city , Air , Washington-dc , Residence , Communities

Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning Weekend 20240604 10:22:00

Issue there. and so that s what triggered the automatic hold. and because this way an instantaneous launch window, meaning that nasa astronauts butch wilmore and sunny williams had to launch it this exact time in order to sync up and rendezvous with the international space station that automatic hold is what triggered the scrub. and so now those two astronauts going back into quarantine and nasa saying that they are going to try again on june 5th followed by a backup date of june 6. so definitely a disappointment nasa, you ally, and boeing all saying that in a post scrub press conference, but very important to note that scrubs are so common in spaceflight, these things happen all the time, especially when you re dealing with something is risky as a first crewed test flight of a brand new vehicle victor, an ama all right, kristen, thanks. chad daybell has been sentenced to death. a judge followed the jury s recommendations after

Way , Issue , Hold , Yeah-nasa , Astronauts , Launch-window , Sunny-williams , The-automatic , Butch-wilmore , Scrub , Space-station , Quarantine

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240604 08:09:00

Was at the white house at a resolute desk, it s a disgrace. and we ve got a guy who literally can t walk but is smart enough to smile and snark can make comments. i didn t realize i was that powerful. you know, he probably doesn t, is tha laura.y does he probably doesn t because it s probably not him. the arstrationdefinitely and those puppets are coming from the biden administration and probablyprobab prior can t administrations, and they are out to get trump because be ht. n t mee and that s so if you looke poll at the crowds of people, if you look at the poll s, alan,ama are you saying that you believe former obama administratiotionnb officials are also somehow involved, at leastac in the background here? goes well, i find it a little bit odd that he never left washington. and then when he did, he goebeae i findsorce beaches as well. i find it odd that him and thest clintons are flying air force one with president biden. i also find it odd that we rhave a president that can t speak or walk. but here we are. this is this america. noanother oand we cannot survivr four years of it. well, eliana, michael cohera: ad

Guy , Doesn-t , Comments , White-house , Resolute-desk , Disgrace , Joe-biden , People , Trump , N-t-mee , Tha-laura-y , Administration

RONDA RICH: Getting to Know David - Part One

Over the bathroom tub hangs a small painting of a turn-of-the-20th-century high society woman, dressed in an orange, silk, off-the-shoulder dress. It matches the orange accents of the room.

Lorraine , Isa , Elephony , Ransports , Atering , Astronomy , Upper , Inute , Kill , An , Napkin

Wake Forest University students protect sidewalk vandalism

Leaders at Wake Forest University are responding to incidents of vandalism related to campus protests about the war between Israel and Hamas.

Israel , Palestinian , Kelly-kendall , Wake-forest-university , Forest-university , Anti-semitic , Chalk , Onflict , Givest , Ama , Srael , Ewish