That we saw over the last few years but now were seeing the almost everything bail out and this is the way when you find out whether the person where no shorts at the poker table or when the tide went out one magical had that in a metaphor if i ever heard one i think people will understand you will understand i i combine 2 of Warren Buffetts famous sayings but they imus says half the world has asked for a bailout remember 100 percent of the world cant get a bailout half of it has to pay for half of that have to be the suckers at the poker table so half the world as now asked for a bailout the i. M. F. Is saying that 100 countries have asked for some form of bailout from them about 10 percent has been given out to 10 countries anyway and they expect half the other countries to get some within the next few weeks the i. M. F. Is ready to use its full tool box and one trillion dollar fire power of lending you know i have a question for you so going back to 2008 and remember the i. M. F. Ca
That we saw over the last few years but now were seeing the almost everything bail out and this is the way when you find out whether the person where no shorts at the poker table or when the tide went out one man who had that in a metaphor if i ever heard one i think people understand you will understand i i combine 2 of Warren Buffetts famous sayings but they imus says half the world has asked for a bailout remember 100 percent of the world cant get a bailout half of it has to pay for half of that have to be the suckers at the poker table so half the world has now asked for a bailout the i. M. F. Is saying that 100 countries have asked for some form of bailout from them about 10 percent has been given out to 10 countries anyway and they expect half the other countries to get some within the next few weeks the i. M. F. Is ready to use its full tool box and one trillion dollar fire power of lending you know i have a question for you so going back to 2008 and remember the i. M. F. Came i
And there was a lot of speculation at the time that you know the i. M. F. Was kind of greasing the skids for yet another metaphor. To cause the greek meltdown remember there was a lot of shenanigans going on Goldman Sachs cooked the books for grace that they could get into the euro under the master trading they they obliterated all the rules and regulations they got them in then greece quickly went into the garbage dump became a flaming dumpster and the i. M. F. Suddenly had a role to play it something was relevant to the yen and now here we are in 2020 and the i. M. F. Is like bailing out half the world over there i made a good job themselves of it because theyve become somebody in this world you know the i. M. F. From from being almost completely marginalized and worthless well back about 100 years ago we had this notion of communism and socialism and the workers would gain all the power and the workers would gain all the wealth but now weve discovered that nobody actually has to wor
The i. M. F. Is like bailing out half the world over there i made a good job themselves of it because theyve become somebody in this world you know the i. M. F. From from being almost completely marginalized and worthless well back about 100 years ago we had this notion of communism and socialism and the workers would gain all the power and the workers would gain all the wealth but now weve discovered that nobody actually has to work theres no work anymore and we find out when everybodys quarantined because nothings being made right there is and still like the economy their stock markets are floating up higher and higher and everything seems ok right now but now everybody has discovered the magic of the Printing Press and this is the danger of here its like well they could just print out money like what was all that stuff about with greece why were they forcing austerity on them when apparently they have a trillion dollars like how does the i. M. F. Which cant produce wealth right they
Distribution on agricultural goods and facemasks and personal protection a quick man on lysol wipes and things like that has made me really think of the Monetary System and the problems with distribution in the Monetary System because as you know one of the Solutions Offered for the covert 1000 pandemic is that were going to print chileans and trillions and trillions of dollars even more trillions so weve printed for the 2008 crisis well here we have seen carstens hes the former head of the bank of International Settlements and we prince tweets about him Central Bank Interventions to quell the crisis need to reach the individuals and businesses who are all tamale affected the last mile of this channel is not yet in place and needs to be bridged urgently so hes talking about these trillions of dollars that are going to be handed to the same banks they got that in 2008 j. P. Morgans of the world Citibank Bank of america all that stuff but the problem is especially in the situation its no