Diversification’s downside: resilience has a price
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Benjamin Roth’s
The Great Depression: a diary isn’t the cheeriest of reads. Roth was a lawyer, practising in the 1930s in Youngstown, Ohio – an industrial town that was home to several steel companies.
Booming during the 1920s, it had been badly hit by the Great Depression that began with the financial crash of 1929. Roth’s diary, published in 2009 at the instigation of his son and grandson, meticulously recorded the period from June 1931 to December 1941.
Very much an amateur economist, Roth recorded many of the predictions that were variously made during those years – and fascinatingly, subsequently went back to them as the years passed, to record how they worked out. Reading it over the weekend, I spotted one such update dating from 1962, two decades after the diary closed.
somebody read your book, what do you hope that they take away from it? i hope they will take away from it a sense of what a special place arlington is, and the american story. and how it got that way. because we tend to come here today come and if you look at it, it looks finished, it looks complete. but it wasn t that way in the beginning. it evolves from one thing into another thing into another thing. so what i tried to do in my book was to say how did it get to be the place, the national shrine, we know it has today. what was it before? what was it before that? so i tried in my book, peel back the layers of what arlington was and how it became what it is today. over 4 million people visit arlington national cemetery each year. and nearly 100 graveside services are conducted each week. to learn more, visit arlington cemetery.org. good evening, and thank you for coming out this evening. 80 years ago, this month, the worst stock market crash in the united states hist