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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20141125 11:00:00

no probable cause exist to file any charge against officer wilson and return a no true bill on each of the five indictments. as soon as mr. mcculloch announced the victim the officer started to take rocks and batteries. i heard 150 shots fired. [ gunshot ] we are a nation built on the rule of law. we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury s to make. there are americans who agree with it and americans who are deeply disappointed even angry.
i join michael s parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully. [ gunshot ] our community has got to take some responsibility for what happened tonight. we talk about peaceful protests and that did not happen tonight. welcome to morning joe. tuesday november 25th, a lot to cover today with us on set. mike barnacle. information communications director for president george w. bush nicole wallace. and associate professor at columbia university school of international and public affairs dorian warren and associate editor of the washington post and msnbc political analyst eugene robinson. the headlines today very clear. no charges on the front page of usa today. the new york post streets of rage. from the daily news, americale
holds its breath. from the new york times, grand jury chooses not to indict officer. and wall street journal officer not charged in killing. there s so much to talk about. unfortunately, i think the first thing that we would, i would at least want to know is why the hell, why the hell did they release this information the way they did. why did they have this build up, this slow crescendo, this slow crescendo to say we ll be announcing at 9:00. most people knew how this was going to come down. just given sort of what local authorities have been suggesting before and all the calls for calm. and then to announce i want at 9:00 at night. the time lapse was mystifying. mind-boggling a community and state that so mishandled this
case from the very beginning continued to mishandle it at the very end. and the results, gene robinson, very predictable. they were horrible results. the washington post talking about at least two police cars and half a dozen buildings were set aflame. people looted liquor and convenience stores. the missouri authorities, president obama and brown s family had requested, while the president was making his request on a split screen while the riots were going on. people are responsible for their own actions and it was horrific the actions that were engaged in but i can t believe that the officials in missouri couldn t have done a better job after botching this case and let s face it, botching the way ferguson s police department was run for so many years. yeah. this was totally foreseeable. and, you know, look i hate conspiracy theories. i spent a lot of time telling people how dumb their conspiracy theories are.
but if you wanted to, you know, if you knew you were going to announce it and you wanted to shift attention to the reaction away from the decision itself, well i guess this would be a way to do it. this would certainly be a, you know, an awful way to do it. but why in the world do you announce this thing at 9:00 at night? i just don t i ll never understand that. especially when the decision apparently was ready at 2:00 p.m. or something like that. 2:00 in the afternoon. you have been doing the police officers a favor, the black owned small businesses that were torched last night. you would have done the family a favor. people who went out to protest peacefully and you would be doing them a favor. if you were going to go out and protest peacefully you would do it at 3:00 in the afternoon. you would not do it given thirst of hats been going on since august at 9:00 at night. willie geist why don t we get
everybody caught up in case they are just waking up right now to exactly what happened last night not just in ferguson but across america. this continued deep into the night. let s get right to it. unrest broke out moments after the county prosecutor announced grand jury verdict did not indict officer darren wilson. that s the police officer who shot and killed michael brown, an unarmed teenager in august. this is one of the results of the protests, at least a dozen businesses in ferguson going up in flames including a drugstore and a pizza restaurant. protesters also set fire to numerous vehicles including at least two police cars. other police vehicles damaged after being vandalized. some demonstrators smashed windows. there was some gunfire as you heard earlier and looting was reported at several stores in the area. president obama addressed the country last night urging demonstrators to show restrain but as joe just said it was a remarkable split screen. his speech came just as the violence began to unfold
creating some pretty surreal images on tv. let s look at this. do you think somebody at the white house might have figured this out. i ll ask nicole, do you think somebody at the white house might have figured this out that maybe the speech should have been before the announcement so you don t have that split screen right now going last night? the speech couldn t before the announcement because he had to react to the announcement and there s nothing the white house can do how the cable networks will handle it. they all used the split screen. it was horrendously since people knew seemed to know what was coming down. seemed like everybody was tipping their hand at 2:00 in the afternoon. i m curious if you wouldn t have a peremptory speech, nicole wallace. i thought he should have gone there. i think the most brilliant speech of his presidency was his speech on race. i think that the words he used last night were perfectly crafted. they were not written and handed to him by some speech writer. i think they came from his heart.
i think that the white house staring at a bunch of bad options. i m impressed they went ahead. they didn t cut him short. they were watching that too. they were watching this. they knew what was happening. it was important enough for them. i actually think the fact that he stood in the briefing room, he gave his remarks, he took questions because i had a moment where i thought, you know, he s going to rush out of there. he didn t. i actually think as the days go on it will endure as a powerful message that he delivered and i hope he keeps it up. i hope he does visit ferguson in the coming days. it was one of his better moments and he spoke clearly for the last ten minutes. that was the best part of the speech. it gets back to your original question that you pose, though. why they wait seven, eight hours for a crowd to gather on the streets, give the crowd eight hours to gather and to get ready when they had so many options. they could have delayed this
announcement until tomorrow afternoon, the eve of thanksgiving at about 4:00 in the afternoon. they could have done anything. the thing is they tipped their hat i had no where over the weekend. i still thought over the weekend the police officer would be indicted. when they started when officials started coming out early urging calm, urging calm, urging calm, you knew how this movie would end. we all knew. what also infuriated people watching the press conference from mcculloch. the 25 minutes of explanation as to why no indictment. he looked like a defense attorney in that moment and not a prosecutor. if there s that much to explain then why not take it to trial, right? so i think it was the long press conference that really infuriated people of the explanation, the detail, you know, talking about contradictory witness testimony all of that stuff infuriated people even more so. gene robinson you brought up a good point in way too early. you look at the evidence and the
evidence looks like there s not a jury, there s not a jury in missouri that probably would convict this police officer if you look at all the evidence. that said, you usually take care of that in trials where you are in grand juries you are actually you re the prosecutor. you are doing michael brown s bidding. not doing justice s bidding as far as with a blindfold. you re not the defense attorney and the prosecutor. you re looking if there s probable cause to possibly convict this police officer, that didn t happen from the very beginning. for whatever reason. you re there to represent the victim and society. you re the prosecutor. you re not there to represent the defendant. and the standard is, as you said, is probable cause. it s not reasonable doubt. low, low standard. very low standard. and do you not have probable cause when you have, you know,
an unarmed young man who is shot multiple times by a police officer, you saw the photos of officer wilson and despite those early reports about a broken eye subjective. he had a contusion. i read the medical report to go home and take aleve. that was the extent of his treatment that night. so, all that leads to probable cause. to believe a crime was committed. again, what i said at first looking at all this evidence, you re not going i just don t think you re going to find evidence to convict this officer. but that s not the stage we re at. we re at a much different stage and, willie, that obviously will cause some concerns i think with legal scholars moving forward. don t you know as an attorney
an indictment hearing you just give a loose sketch of the evidence that you have to get probable cause. it s unclear to me how it took months and months. clearly the prosecutor laid out every detail of the case. 25 hours of testimony. they heard 60 witnesses. but what i m curious about now there are two federal investigations, one into the case, and one into whether or not there was a pattern of civil rights abuses by the ferguson police department. but i feel like the signal is coming out of the doj and the stories read obviously from sources are that they don t look likely to find him culpable either. they are not going to. why? because the standard is so much higher. at this level again, we re talking about the standard, mike, and hell, you know this. all the years you were a reporter. this standard is so low when you re looking at a grand jury
situation. this is the lowest bar. this was the lowest bar. you start going to the federal, where a doj is bringing a federal case the bar is so much higher. without this those cases last week look at it independently. the standard is so much higher. bluntly if you look at the evidence, the evidence does seem to support the officer. that said i m talking about at the end of the day. that said though, mike that s not what these type of hearings are about. that s not hat grand juries are about. we think this is a bad guy. look at the evidence we have against this guy. look what he did to shareholders. i want to take him to trial. the grand jury goes okay that s basically it. last week i spoke to a prosecutor a friend of mine who has done hundreds of grand juries and we should point out that the grand jury is 12 jurors seated at a picnic table not a jury box. these are ferguson residents,
people of ferguson. you got 12 jurors selected. they have been sitting there for four, five months. this was a case referred to them. you got the prosecutor in the room and you got witnesses who come in and testify. the prosecutor does the questioning. the five counts that perhaps could have been leveled for an indictment against, against the police officer here, at a minimum, at a minimum the prosecutor that i spoke to said i would bet you a lot of money that they will end up with involuntary manslaughter. at least one. based on what they have. based on the evidence. a lot of people say why would do you that as i m saying the evidence we look at shows a jury will not be able to convict him because any lawyer will tell you you never know what happens when you walk through that door. there have been a lot of cases that i ve seen great lawyers handle that started, they said this looks like a losing case
and then you take a deposition, you get some evidence, you start pulling on a string and suddenly the entire new truth is revealed. maybe that wouldn t happen here. maybe it would. we re not going to find out. the range of options as mike said, first degree murder. required some premeditation. involuntary manslaughter some people thought would have come up. let s talk about this grand jury. seven men, fire women, three african-americans, nine whites on that grand jury. county prosecutor robert mcculloch said the vote will remain anonymous. he said reliable eyewitnesses testified that michael brown charged at officer wilson before he was shot. mcculloch says there were multiple witnesses who either changed their stories or gave conflicting accounts. he also said three autopsies contradicted witnesses who claimed they saw brown shot in the back. i m ever mindful this decision will not be accepted by
some and may cause disappointment for others. but all decisions in the criminal justice system must be determined by the physical and scientific evidence and the credible testimony corroborated by that evidence. not in response to public outcry or for political expediency. mcculloch didn t mention in his statement that brown was unarmed when he was shot however he did single out the media saying they contributed to unrest after the shooting initially. these are photos of officer wilson after his altercation with brown. wilson testified brown first hit him when he approached the teen about a robbery. the officer said he warned brown he would shoot if brown did not get back at which time brown grabbed at wilson s gun and twisted it around. wilson says brown looked like a demon during their altercation. this is all from the testimony to the grand jury and that he drew his gun out of fear, another punch would knock him out. officer wilson added when he
grabbed the teenager who is 6 4 he said quote i felt like a 5-year-old holding on to hulk hogan. after the grand jury announcement wilson s attorneys released a statement which read in part law enforcement personnel must frankly make split second and difficult dess. officer wilson followed his training and followed the law. michael brown s mother cried and screamed when she learned officer wilson would not be indicted. in a statement the brown family said in part we re profoundly disappointed that the killer of our child will not face the consequences of his actions. join with us in our campaign to ensure that every police officer working the streets in this country wear as body camera. we respectfully ask that you please keep your protests peaceful. answering violence with violence is not the appropriate reaction. the brown family conducting itself with incredible grease and their request was not met in ferguson last night. what sounds to me like a
perfectly reasonable request. and position to take. body cameras would have told us a lot more about what happened. we wouldn t have to have this duelling, conflicting testimony. we would have a record of this encounter. and, you know, i guess some officers at least in ferguson are now wearing cameras. i wish that were much more widespread. no doubt about it. that s hopefully that is one thing that can come out of this tragedy. i don t really understand why, mike, there wouldn t be body cameras on cops. i want helps the cops. it helps the good cops. it helps citizens as i ve said repeatedly only people that don t want that are bad cops. they do bad things. use their position of authority to push people around. at times to hurt them and at times to kill them.
and we need every cop in america to have a camera on them. commissioner bratton said that when he was here after the protest, nypd is the largest police department in the country that they are looking at it and it s a cost issue for a lot of police departments but you re absolutely right the only people who can oppose it are the ones who don t want everyone to see. every profession, gene, has bad actors. i think for the most part law enforcement officers do a great job and i commend them forgoing out and putting their lives on the line every night. i think it s in their best interest that the two, three, four, five percent of people in uniforms that act like punks from time to time have cameras. if they do that 5% will become 0% really quickly. it s in the interest of all good cops and not in the interest of the bad cops. so there ought to be cameras. one thing we ought to mention is that there were protests last night, peaceful protests in cities around the country.
including here in washington, in los angeles, in new york. there was a big protest. so, you know, this became a national issue and nationally there was, there was a big response, and for the most part in its vast majority and appropriate response to what frankly most people see as a miscarriage of justice and, you know, we ll have to go forward from here. it s a bad place to start from but we have to go forward from here and see what good can come out of this awful and i think unnecessary tragedy. all right. there you see pictures of a march in front of the white house. there were marches, of course, throughout new york city including right outside our newsroom on sixth avenue, in oakland, seattle, los angeles and chicago, across america. we ll have much more of this ahead on morning joe . events coming out of ferguson, missouri also ahead.
who says the obama administration can t create jobs. the story behind defense secretary position that s now open in his administration and the parallels between george w. bush and barack obama frightening. frightening. both of them firing the secretary of defense after a second term thumping. plus some nice moments from yesterday s medal of freedom ceremony including the president getting star struck. lebron james speaks out for the first time about the cleveland cavs very slow start this season. willie, i don t get it. they will pull it together. they will be in the finals. you know they will. we ll be back. [ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like you re underwater?
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time to take a look at the morning papers. willie why don t we start in des
moines. des moines register. the iowa man arrested outside of the white house last week with a rival, ammunition and a knife in his car has pleaded guilty to misdeamnor charges. he faces up to two years of prison when sentenced in january. he was ordered to be held without bond. democratic national committee announced three cities still in the running to host the party s 2016 convention. they are new york. good spot. philadelphia. really? one of the best conventions i ve ever been. everybody groaned in 2000. it was a blast. incredible city. and columbus, i got relatives there. that s good too. three for three. pennsylvania and ohio could be critical swing states in the next presidential election. republicans think that pennsylvania would be a critical swing state but it never is. it s fool s gold as i ve been saying for a couple of decades now. they will spend a lot of money in august, september and by
mid-october they will slouch out there and do the walk of shame. dnc may move its convention week up from august to mid-july. thank you for trying to ruin my july. i won t let you do it. he won t thereabout. new york post, new york governor andrew cuomo said weather forecasters are to blame as criticism mounts. governor cuomo said they were unaware it would snow that hard in a short amount of time. the governor seemed to take a page from mayor bill de blasio s book who blamed the city on failing to shut the school. every meteorologist will tell you this was predicted. bill karins. ignore bill karins. al roker, anybody will tell you they saw this coming. yeah, bill. only said five feet.
he said we only said five feet not seven. we ll let nicole i get to do one. leaving miami. i need that. we want you to read this. i can do it? is it snaen usa today before monday night s game against the orlando magic lebron james delivered a blunt assessment of his play so far this season. i stink he said. i m not doing my volleyball. i love him even more. the cavs were on a four game losing streak heading in to last night s week but james bounced back scoring 29 points and leading cleveland to their sixth win of the season. we all know they are going to end up like in the finals. yeah. there s 70 games left. turn on your tv memorial day and you ll get a good sense on whether the cavs we ll be talking about moving the republican convention up. the new york daily news,
meryl streep, stevie wonder and tom brokaw were among the recipients of the medal of honor. it s the highest civilian honor for those who give service to arts, science and politics. thle kennedy was also among the honores. the president professed his love for meryl streep. i love meryl streep. i love her. her husband knows i love her. michele knows i love her. there s nothing either can do about it. who doesn t love meryl streep. i love that. the presidents love these ceremonies. their own heroes and idols. tell us about george w. bush. mohamed ali. he talked about it for days and weeks. one of the high lights of his presidency. tom brokaw. incredible honor. fantastic.
all right. coming up what today s editorial writer pages are saying about what happened in ferguson last night. our must read opinion pages straight ahead. it s not about how many miles you can get out of the c-max hybrid. it s about how much life you can fit into it. the ford c-max hybrid. with an epa-estimated range of 540 miles on a tank of gas. and all the room you need to enjoy the trip. go stretch out. go further.
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time now for the most read op ed. this from the washington post, chuck hagel s departure, president obama is turning into george w. bush, something george w. bush nor barack obama would appreciate. president obama is morphing under into the president whose foreign policy he campaigned to overturn. as with bush the ouster comes as the war in the middle east is going badly. rumsfield outer led to the surge in iraq. hagel s departure marks an expanded role in iraq and syria. obama will lead a successor in ongoing war in the mid east quite possibly the sort of ground war that obama vowed to undo. you never really do, do you,
nicole, what s going to happen when you go into the white house is this i think what s clear from all the coverage of the hagel resignation or firing, what ever we re calling it this morning is that foreign policy is run out of the west wing of the white house. that hagel was never in the loop. that was not that s where the parallel ends. that have not the case, rumsfield was very powerful. and that he never really had the you would never guess. for better and for worse. believe me. but he was never very well liked. i remember being on a show when they were appointing him and he a disastrous confirmation party. i think gates was so good. gates was the sort of the anti-rumsfield. really a technocrat to have
command and control of the military and have the president s ear and make alliances within the cabinet. hagel was the polar opposite. mike, this got ugly pretty quickly with the white house leaking immediately that hagel wasn t up to the job and hagel s people leaking immediately that the white house was micromanaging too much. having nothing to do with clearly the fact that chuck hagel was never on message or in sync with the west wing of the white house. it s fascinating. neither he nor joint staff of chiefs are in sync. you have this public squabble which is bizarre. a public squabble to my smind horrific indictment of how truly sick washington, d.c. is and how truly filled with a lot of cowards this administration is with all of these unnamed sources, criticizing chuck hagel no matter what you think of his
job performance who served in vietnam, who served in the united states senate. who took this job that he really wasn t looking for. now they are sniping at him without names a senior administration source who didn t want to be named because of whatever, just outrageous. it is a dysfunctional, dysfunctional foreign policy team in the white house when you have, again, you have the chairman of the joint chiefs, the secretary of defense, others going out making statements that the president then shoots down in press conferences. and i remember talking to reporters saying no, no that press conference that wasn t aimed at the american people that was aimed at members of his own administration. bizarre. let s go to gene robinson. he writes this in the the washington post. chuck hagel s replacement must be cautious. surprise to see president obama fire somebody. but i have to worry that defense secretary chuck hagel s forced
departure may signal further expansion of u.s. military involvement in iraq and syria. hagel s public statements may have been all over the map, but he has a demonstrated aversion to deploying u.s. combat troops without a clear mission. it s hard to see how the united states avoid becoming mired not in iraq s seccian struggles but in syria s apocalyptic civil war. gene, in most cases if you have somebody working for you who believe war is hell, hire somebody who has fought in a war. there s one or two exceptions. but in most cases, that s what chuck hagel brought to the job a skepticism you should shoot first and ask questions later. in his public statements he was all over the map on isis. at times he went beyond where president obama was willing to
go. other times you saw that sort of inate caution come through, that caution born of his service in vietnam and his realization that sending u.s. troops into combat is not something to be done lightly. and so my question just looking at the resignation and coming switch what does this mean for our policy in iraq and syria for this new intervention that seems to be proceeding full steam ahead towards what, i don t quite understand. i don t quite know how this, how this develops and how this possibly ends when you get in the middle of syria s civil war. you approach this with all due caution because you don t see a lot of light at the end of this tunnel that we re going into. it s pretty remarkable when you think two years ago when hagel came in the president was thinking of unwinding two wars.
now we re sending 3,000 troops back in iraq. new york times reports over the weekend more troops going to afghanistan. these wars are ramping up, may not be the right term but we re not leaving. it s definitely radical departure from the stance that the president came into office with in terms of disengaging from wars and from conflicts. this is the opposite, right? as you put it we re ramping up. in fact the firing of hagel will not change that. it s not going signal a huge shift in foreign policy. the administration is still confused at best in trying to figure out what its next policy agenda is in terms of the rest of the world. they are going to have to get a lot more engaged. they just are. whether the president wants to or not. that s not coming from what i personally want to do. they have to get a lot more engaged. they are halfway in a battle with an organization that s fully, fully in, all in. one of the big stories, largely uncovered because it s
tough to cover in a certain sense is the lack of communication between the pentagon and the white house. yeah. remarkable. if you want if you want to find people who are truly cautious, truly conservative about any approach to the middle east go the pentagon. go the pentagon. no doubt. you would love to see the president actually get somebody in there that s strong. i mean maybe it sounds a lot of warning bells but a guy like david petraeus who has actually done this before and took the fight to the training and counter insurgency strategy. he wrote it. anwar province and actually made a difference. gene, we ll let you quickly respond with something more than your al gore like sigh. i m talking about somebody who is strong enough to come to the white house mr. president if you want to win this is how you win.
if you don t want to win then let s get them all out of here. this middle ground is going to do nothing but get some americans killed and further tarnish our reputation. i m in favor of getting out of the middle ground. i won t argue against that. yeah. in fact if somebody has a bright idea if somebody has got an idea of how you turn the iraqi army into a fighting machine that can defeat isis and how you find these elusive moderate rebels in syria who are going to defeat islamic state but can t be found, you know, if somebody can do that then great. let s hear a plan that makes some sense and then go do it. but do you see this working the way it s going now? no. i think this is an absolute disaster but it s because the president is inching his way in. he s leading from behind. there needs somebody there to go in and say if this is feasible and i m hearing more and more
foreign policy people telling me my idea is not crazy, arm the kurds to the teeth. do whatever it takes. figure out a strategy for the kurds to take over the northern part of iraq. that short area. you protect it. you nail it down. you got it. turkey is not helping us. syria is a nightmare. isis is running through the middle. so go ahead kurds take care of that and then have us go back to anbar province. he s done it once. have him do it again. if you do those two things alone, gene, you cut isis off at the neck. if you do those two things then they can still fight, let them fight assad in syria. they won t be able to move in iraq if you do those two things. but that takes a lot of courage. that takes staring down the turks, that takes staring down a
lot of other people. we have richard haas coming up. joe, just recall when david petraeus worked his magic the last time he had 100,000 or so u.s. troops backing him up. so it s quite a bit different there. you know what else he had too? he was able we can t have troops in. you know what else he? he could go to people in anwar province and say we re going to give you money. we re going to give you weapons bp more importantly you don t have to worry about crazy shia from baghdad coming out and killing you. they do have to bother that now. they do. you re exactly right. that s what they are going to have to figure out. if we have to partition iraq we ll have to partition. not us. but the iraqies international community. this is not work. coming up next we ll bring in richard haas to talk about this more and tell us all why i m so wrong straight ahead.
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iraqi. yirky. ira when i nominated you for this position you said you would always give me your honest advice and informed counsel. you have. when it s mattered most behind closed doors in the oval office you ve always given to it me straight and for that i m grateful. with us now we have richard haas and nbc news chief pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski. good days between the pentagon and the white house. just how irrelevant just how irrelevant, i m serious, how irrelevant to leaders at the pentagon feel lately under this administration? reporter: well, you know, it
was interesting that quite frankly, look, chuck hagel is a greet guy but from the very ginger never seemed to be the right fit but he s exactly what the white house wanted at the time. somebody who could oversee the final withdrawal of american troops from iraq and take care of the nuts and bolts budget, the nitty gritty domestic stuff that the pentagon often has to deal with. but nobody anticipated the chemical weapons standoff with syria, isis of course and even the white house is going to give the american troops left in iraq more leeway to actually continue the battle against the taliban. it s been the damnest thing. you got the chairman of the joint chiefs going on the hill constantly saying things a couple of steps ahead of where the president wants to be. i remember chuck hagel talking about isis being the greatest threat since 2001 and i was thinking i don t think the
president wants that being said. it seems everybody at the pentagon, a couple of steps ahead of the white house. is that because they feel the white house needs to get engaged in a more forceful way. i m not sure they need to get engaged in a horse forceful way but more realistic way to confront the challenges that many here in the military have seen for some time and richard haas will tell you that the military is all about planning well in advance so they are thinking in advance too. and i know i m taking a real risk here but i have to challenge mike barnacle on the idea that there s no communication between the pentagon and the white house. there is. but it s all one way. it s white house to the pentagon. and seriously when you get strong secretaries of defense like robert gates and leon panetta just over a week ago to both lambaste the micromanage
they impose on the pentagon something is amiss. i was wondering if you think hagel will join this chorus of panetta and gates and frankly from former president jimmy carter who have been harshly critical of this house. reporter: i would be surprised. you know one of the things about hey fwel that people talk about here is what a gentleman he is. as a matter of fact, after one news conference, that news conference here at the pentagon where hagel, in fact, said look this is like nothing we ve ever seen before. it was in response to my aggressive questioning to him and somebody came to me later and said, you know, jim, the secretary thinks you were a little rude. wow. reporter: so he was sort of an en impenigma. richard haas what does this decision by the white house tell you about the posture they are
taking now. if chuck hagel wasn t the right guy for the moment what kind of guy is and what does that mean? where are we going. it tells nothing. they will get somebody who they are comfortable with. that s the most important criteria. they will get a known entity. they don t want to get somebody who will go out afterwards and write a difficult book. that s so troubling. when rumsfield left, found ga t gates. there s some talented people out there. there s ash carter and others. the real challenge at the pentagon goes beyond what we re talking about. you have the sequester in place. a growing gap of resources available and the challenges. not just the middle east. you have a mini war going on in europe, in russia and ukraine. you have to strengthen nato. a pivot to asia. we have to increase air and naval presence out there.
you got massive retirement, massive health care costs after two wars and it s not adding up. you got this growing crisis and sequester kicks in, new set of cuts next october. that s what the joint chiefs is about. that s what the next secretary of defense is to be all about. stay with us. we want to ask you about our three step plan to blow iraq completely apart. jim thank you for being with us. coming up next how social media even the national media may have played in the ferguson grand jury verdict. that s straight ahead. ronald reagan: i ve spoken of the shining city all my
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the most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24 hour news cycle and its appetite for something, for anything to talk about. following closely behind with nonstop rumors on social media. i recognize, of course, that the lack of accurate detail surrounding the shooting frustrates the media and the general public and helps breeds suspicion among those already distrustful of the system. that was st. louis prosecutor robert mcculloch scolding the media while announcing the grand jury decision not to indict officer darren wilson. as demonstrators reacted to news coast to coast some peacefully,
some not, we have legal questions is your roupding the grand jury decision and the police chief for dekalb county, georgia also for his take on the protests. we ll be right back to figure out what exactly happened inside that grand jury room. opportunity. that s the real walmart. a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? sure! before xarelto®, mary took warfarin,
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as soon as more mcculloch announced the verdict the officers started to take rocks and batteries. i personally heard 150 shots fired. [ gunshot ] we are a nation built on the rule of law. we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury s to make. there are americans who agree with it. there are men s who are deeply disappointed and even angry. i join michael s parents in joining anyone who protests this decision does it peacefully. our community has to take responsibility for what happened tonight. we talked about peaceful protests and that didn t happen tonight. welcome back to morning joe. eugene robinson is still here. with us to join the conversation co-host of msnbc the cycle. let s go to the news and then talk about what exactly happened
inside that grand jury room and also what s been happening across the country overnight. let s talk about what s happening in ferguson right now. violence did erupt in parts of ferguson last night. the unrest breaking out moments after the county prosecutor announced a grand jury did not indict darren wilson. the white police officer who shot and killed michael brown, an unarmed black teen back in august. this is one of the results of the protests at least a dozen businesses going up in flames including a drugstore and a pizza place. protesters also set fire to numerous vehicles including at least two police cars. other police vehicles were damaged after being vandalized. some demonstrators smashed windows. there was gunfire and looting was reported at several stores in the area. president obama addressed the nation late last night urging demonstrators to show restraint. but as you can see there in that split screen his speech came as the violence began to unfold creating some pretty surreal
images across tv last night. police officers used smoke and tear gas to break up some of the protests. officials say at least 29 protesters were arrested while no lives were lost police say the unrest will have a long term impact on the city of ferguson. our community has got to take some responsibility for what happened tonight. for what happened tonight as far as tearing our community apart. this cannot happen. we talk about peaceful protests and that did not happen tonight. we definitely have done something here that is going to impact our community for a long time and impact our region. that is not how we create change. change is created through our voice and not through destruction of our community. yeah. gene robinson, obviously a lot of concern about what happened last night. the washington post talking about the looting of locally owned liquor stores, convenience stores, a lot of black businesses actually burned to
the ground. but at the same time we were talking an hour ago about officials and just the decisions that they made on when to release this information. really curious. you said you re not a conspiracy theorist but if you were if i was you can put together a pretty good conspiracy theory. right. you could say that the prosecutor knew there would be no indictment because he wanted this to be no indictment and wanted to shift attention from the fact that there would be no charges to the reaction to the decision. and, therefore, you announce it at 9:00 at night after a day long build up in which you essentially invite people to be anxious and to get worked up. and that s what happened. mike barnacle, you can almost say it was like a crescendo. i said over the weekend i still
thought the police officer without knowing any of the evidence, because i m not in the grand jury room, but i just assumed that he would be charged. yeah. but starting, mike, on yesterday morning when police officers started urging calm, one after another after another after another and close to the decision you could just see it was almost like a crescendo building up and at 9:00 at night boom they drop it. and it seemed like the officials had messed this up so often even at the end. certainly mystifying they arrived, the grand jury has concluded their verdict. 1:00 in the afternoon we find out, 2:00 in the afternoon the grand jury has rendered a verdict and then basically six or seven hours inviting a crowd to have gathered, grow, assemble. six or seven years. mystifying why that decision was
made last night and announced at 9:00 at night. let s talk more about the grand jury s decision not to indict darren wilson. the grand jury was made up of seven men five women, three african-americans and nine whites. this is a grand jury picked back in may before this incident took place, a sitting grand jury. the county prosecutor robert mcculloch said the vote will remain anonymous. he said reliable eyewitnesses testified brown charged at wilson before he was shot. multiple witnesses changed their stories or gave conflicting accounts. mcculloch said three autopsies contradicted witnesses who claim they saw brown shot in the back. i m ever mindful that this decision will not be accepted by some and may cause disappointment for others but all decisions in the criminal justice system must be determined by the physical and scientific evidence and the credible testimony corroborated by that evidence.
not in response to public outcry or for political expediency. mcculloch did not mention in his statement that michael brown was unarmed when he was shot. mcculloch did single out the media, those saying it contributed to the unrest after the shooting in august. now these are some of the photos released last night of officer wilson after his altercation with brown. wilson testified that brown hit him when he first approached the teen about a robbery. officer wilson says he warned brown he would shoot if he did not get back at which time brown grabbed at wilson s gun and twisted it around according to wilson s testimony. wilson said brown looked like a demon during their altercation and he drew his gun out of fear that another punch could knock him out. officer wilson added when he grabbed the 6 4 brown he said quote i felt like a 5-year-old holding on to hulk hogan. let s go to ari. based on what you know from the
evidence that s been released, did the grand jury come to the right decision? i don t know i m in a position to answer that question at this time. we ve definitely not had time review all the evidence that s been released, which is unusual. i ll tell you a couple of things, joe. number one it s not necessarily unusual to see the wide latitude under state law applied for police officers to make decisions about using deadly force. and so to some degree there s a question here about whether those laws strike the right balance and that s an important defwit be had. what s also unusual, though, as your guests and you have pointed out here is the timing of this decision. i will tell you both as a lawyer and now as a reporter who covers the law, i am hard pressed to think of any other grand jury announcement, indictment or no true bill or non-indictment that would be released in this way in the evening. let s take a step back. government business typically conducted during the day.
these kind of announcements typically made fairly close to the vote itself because that s considered proper. delaying too long is a heads up to family and local law enforcement, delaying too long is not seen as the normal proper course. delaying into that late at night as your guests said is highly unusual and we at msnbc in our coverage have talked to several former u.s. attorneys, several former prosecutors, we re talking here about people who like this prosecutor work hand in goff with the ply and prosecute a lot of cases. lot of folks tell us this is unusual in a suspicious way. i want to emphasize briefly that s a different point, those than whether these jurors ultimately reached the right decision. but that s a big question here looming today. let s go to the ground now. msnbc s craig melvin has been covering this case since august and he s now in ferguson for us. also with us from atlanta, dr.
alexander who served as the public safety director in dekalb county, georgia. craig, let s start with you. what s happening there in ferguson this morning. what does it took like on the ground? reporter: on the ground right now, willie, relatively calm compared to what we saw last night. 29 people arrested so far. at least 12 businesses were set on fire. parts of ferguson are still smoldering as i speak to you. in fact right behind me sam s meat market, is one of the many businesses in the stipulate that was looted then set on fire. dozens of businesses were looted. here s the thing. a lot of the businesses that were looted in ferguson, small businesses, mom and pop shops and that of course despite pleas from business owners in the days leading up to what we saw. at the worst of the violence last night the faa actually issued a travel ban or travel restrictions over the area,
flights could not fly over ferguson. also planes were not being allowed to fly into st. louis international airport. those planes were being diverted. i was in front of the ferguson police department last night. twla we saw tear gas, 20, 25 bottles hurled at officers who were in riot gear. we saw a number of police cars set on fire. cars toppled and set on fire, in fact. later this morning the parents of michael brown are expecting to hold a news conference at 11:00 a.m. where they will of course be responding to the decision from the grand jury yesterday but they are also expected to once again call for peace and calm in the city of ferguson. all right. craig melvin on the ground in ferguson for us. craig thanks so much. let s go to dr. alexander. i know you re not there watching this firsthand. what s your impression of the way things went down last night. the ferguson police department, the community took great pains to work with the community to
set up these protest sos that hopefully they could avoid what they saw last night. well last night was just absolutely unfortunate in the turn of events that appear to have started off as peaceful protests but as you saw in a very short period of time just really turned into a real chaotic and very unfortunate scene. you know, i think we re all sensitive to the fact that people in that community are angry, they are frustrated, there s a sense of disappointment, and there has been long standing separation between the police and local community. chief alexander, let me ask you as a professional law enforcement person what was your feeling about the huge time involved in between when we knew the grand jury had acted at 2:00 in the afternoon and the idea that the announcement was not made until 9:00 that night. as a law enforcement professional, how does that affect you? what did you think about that?
well, i mean as you ve heard so many, even you all this morning and other commentators have stated there s something very unusual about the way that they delivered that decision. and when you look at it in its entire context the fact that that is a community where people don t trust the d. a. soffice or they don t have much fate in the criminal justice. so when you have this announcement to be made the way that it was it continues to fuel that type of suspicion that something was awry. thank you. some other big news this morning, president obama will have to fine a new secretary of defense as chuck hagel announced his resignation. he announced the resignation
while being pushed off a cliff. the reporter from new york times said the president and hagel mutually agreed it was time to make a change. both men spoke to reporters yesterday. i ve known him, admired him and trusted him for nearly a decade since i was a green behind the ears freshman senator and we were both on the senate foreign relations committee. there s one thing i know about chuck is that he does not make this or any decision lightly. it s been the greatest privilege of my life. greatest privilege of my life to lead and most important to serve, to serve with the men and women of the defense department and support their families. i am immensely proud of what we ve accomplished during this time. while president obama and hagel are close on a personal level there are a number of reports that indicate a strained
relationship between the former nebraska senator and the white house. new york times quotes a senior administration official who said wut the next couple of years will demand a different type of focus. however a senior defense official was more blunt. nbc news saying hagel was forced to resign after the white house lost confidence in hagel. the official said hagel quote wasn t up to the job. other reports say hagel was fed up with micromanagement from the white house. hagel will remain in his current position until the president s new appointee can be confirmed. it happened sometime in early 2017. mike barnacle more with weasel back biting, sniping at a vietnam vet and a guy who was pursued by the white house. implying he s not up to the job. we get that. we get the lack of communication between chuck hagel and white house national security staff. put your name on it. if you re going say something about the guy, put your name on
it. he had a powerful defender in the vice president and his sort of pack of allies in the senate. john mccain, lindsey graham, john kerry. the fact he had those powerful friends and still did him no good in the white house is interesting. richard haas there s such a disconnect in the foreign policy apparatus between the white house and the pentagon as jim miklaszewski said there s communication between the white house and the preng, it s all one way. it s not just the white house and the pentagon. it s the white house and the state department and the white house. i think the national security process isn t working. why not? it s meant to coordinate. it s not meant to do the day-to-day carrying out of american foreign policy. this nsc is several times too big and too busy doing the jobs of other people around the u.s. government rather than doing its own job. it s interesting the most
successful nsc s in american history, they are about one tenth, one ninth the size of this job. they were not taking the places of the pentagon or defense department. there was a news story to that point. the president have the hagel dismissal left to go address the national security office, the members of the staff and the new story said he met with 400 people, 400 members of the national security. is that number accurate, do you think? if you include everybody, yes. probably between 300 and 400. includes homeland security types taking on other functions but it does represent a morphing of its role far from where it began. i think the next president ought to rethink this dramatically. we ve already figured out
iraq how we ll handle isis. we ll let the kurds take care of the north. petraeus put lots of people. let s talk about iran quickly. deadline passed, obviously israel extremely concerned. what do we expect to see in the coming days and weeks. restarting of talks. like football analogies. second overtime. extra time here. sec football. okay. seven months now. the goal is by march to come up with a general framework. is that going to happen? it s quite possible, joe, that come next june we ll be in a place very similar to this one. we re still having fundamental disagreements how much can iran have in the way of capability, what kind of inspeckses, when do you have sanctions. let me ask you, we had people from the administration saying that we ve really got the iranians to back off and we re in a safe holding pattern right now because the talks are going
on. do you buy that or not? there s some progress on putting a ceiling on what they are doing. highly enriched uranium is gone. how do we know that? there s a greater amount of inspections. the question is can this hold? i m not so sure. you got the israelis extremely worried. you got congress thinking about introducing new sanctions. should israel be extremely worried. sure. but this is on a long list of thing. should congress put in place tougher sanctions. i don t think at the moment it would be wise. these things break down. we want it by iran s doing. why do the iranians want to cooperate with us and why do we want to cooperate with the iranians. the iranians are feeling economic heat. with oil at $75, $80 a barrel this is not what they need. how bad is it for their economy? they estimate saudis are doing that.
namely america. we increased production by 4 million barrels a day over the last couple of years has had a tremendous impact plus world demand giving the slowing of the world economy. it s way down. a lot of democrats and republicans are privately saying to anyone who will listen are afraid obama will giveaway the farm and do a bad deal because he needs a foreign policy accomplishment desperately. how legitimate is that concern it s out there as a possibility. you could have a bad deal. do you think he s more likely to do a bad deal. the question is any deal you can negotiate how does that compare to no deal. you ll have an imperfect deal. you won get an iran with zero nuclear capability. you won t get 100% capability. you have to accept in any deal. you have to compare it against life without and do you want to go war against these guys or do you want to simply have a
situation where without a deal they are free to do things, sanctions begin to break down. we ll ultimately have to swallow hard and think about is the only deal we can negotiate better than no deal? that s a grown up decision. in a sense it wasn t made now come next june that s back on the table. richard thank you so much. richard haas. ari as well. still ahead best selling author james patterson will explain how he ll save the novel and the protest on the ferguson grand jury decision splitting the country including here in new york. we have congressman meeks here. a new computer virus spreading fast but not the only reason why computer companies are concerned. more ahead on morning joe. the holiday season is here, which means it s time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature,
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then you get those braids on the side of your head. i think i did that. still ahead the president s response to the ferguson grand jury decision and the split screen that symbolizes the response to events on the ground. much more morning joe straight ahead.
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first and foremost we are a nation built on the rule of law. and so we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury s to make. there are americans who agree with it. there are americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. it s an understandable reaction. but i join michael s parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully. president obama last night on grand jury s decision not to indict officer darren wilson for
the shooting death of michael brown. gregory meeks is here and on capitol hill former special assistant to president obama joshua dubois. congressman let me start with you. good to see you again. leapt me ask you, i m sure you ve thought about it an awful lot, new york, obviously, had a terrible incident that happened out on staten island. there were protests but peaceful protests. very charged but very peaceful. that s not happening in ferguson. what s the difference? what s the difference with ferguson right now and where new york and other communities are across the country? number one there s a lot of vent up frustration in ferguson. though no one, the president and that s particularly as mr. brown has indicated, no one wants violence. violence should not occur. a number of individuals that were out there last night, in fact, a number of protests that were nonviolent in ferguson. and across the country also.
that s correct. but i think that people are upset. this is a decision that folks do not understand. and there s questions in regards to this particular prosecutor. i m a former prosecutor do you have questions about the process? yeah. i have questions in whether or not this prosecutor really wanted an indictment. i think that s year. why do you say that? generally when you take a case to the grand jury at the conclusion of the case the prosecutor asks for an indictment. from everything that i ve gotten thus far from the transcripts this prosecutor never asked for an indictment. you re only talking about generally when you take a case to the grand jury, giving the grand jury the issues so that you can show there s probably cause to believe there s a crime committed. so it seems as if the prosecutor went into the grand jury wanting an outcome and that outcome being a no true bill. joshua we ve been talking about the range of options that the grand jury had as they made their decisions, as it came out
yesterday from first degree murder which is a tough one but even to involuntary manslaughter and again for the grand jury all they had to find was probably cause for something like that. are you surprised then by the outcome? i am surprised and just deeply not only disappointed but really disconcerting feeling waking up in a country and a lot of black folks are waking up this morning feeling like maybe your life does not matter as much as someone else s. and whether you believe that that s the case or not that s something that should affect all of us as americans. the prosecutor s tone last night was all wrong. it felt like michael brown was the suspect there and darren wilson was his defense client rather than the other way around. you also have a case where it was finally confirmed that brown s body was 130 feet away from darren wilson. a lot of black folks are thinking this morning even if he was turning towards him, the fact is he was unarmed. isn t there another way to handle that situation other than shooting this young man dead?
so it really it feels like we ve given license that when a person is intimidated by a black person in this country you can pull out your gun and shoot them and that s very disconcerting. gene robinson, off of what was just said, you have children, grown children now. talk about the inherent difficulty that white people in this country will just never get no matter how much we talk about it, about black parents raising children and having to tell them at a certain age to be aware of traffic stops, things like that. how many times have we talked about this, mike. you have to talk with your children, with your sons especially. you tell them, you know, be polite and keep your hands in sight and don t talk in an aggressive tone to police officers because it could be a matter of life and death and it s just frustrating to have to bring this up again and again
because these things keep happening, and as joshua said, you know, if you re a white person in this country and feel intimidated by a black person it seems that our system is saying, you know, shoot first and worry about consequences later. let me jump in here, though, and i m loathe to jump in here as a guy from the south who went to a southern state school, but i do have to jump in here and say that the evidence before the grand jury did have michael brown going into the police car and swinging and hitting, et cetera, et cetera. i wasn t in the grand jury room, i m not here defending not anything that s happened, i m just putting that out there that this wasn t trayvon martin where he s walking along a residential neighborhood with skittles in his post and some guy because
he s black he s going to confront him and trayvon martin ends up dead. you re right this is different from that. if at the same time conflicting testimony about what actually happened and there was conflicting testimony about what actually happened, if that is prima facia evidence there shouldn t be even charges, then and let a jury decide then we ll have to let a whole lot of people out of jail being right? it s conflicting testimony. if i could add. i said in the 6:00 hour along with gene there are a lot of questions to be asked about how this entire grand jury was set up. it didn t go the way a lot of grand juries go. if i can jump in for a second. the other factor to consider now we have the pictures of officer darren wilson and we ve gone from a situation where folks thought he was brutally assaulted to photos that show someone who looked like they came from a mild paint ballgame. this man, obviously, maybe he was in some sort of a tussle but the question is should that
tussle have resulted in him pulling out a gun at 130 feet and dumping 12 bullets into someone. a lot of folks is wondering about that. that s a question in most grand juries, if you didn t have the prosecutor playing defense attorney and prosecutor, congressman, that s something that would be heard in the court of law but we re not going there because, again, this grand jury wasn t set up like most grand juries which is to indict. that s why you have people upset all across this country because transparency didn t happen and it looks as though justice would not happen. and in what mr. dubois was talking about earlier, the recent case here in new york because it s happening all across the country where you have a young man shot in the stairwell and then you have the police commissioner say that was by accident when it was a kill shot that tells folks that if you are young and you happen to be african-american and male then your life is valueless. you were a prosecutor. yes.
have you ever seen a grand jury go down like this where you actually had a prosecutor go in and play it as down the middle as he played it instead of doing what prosecutors do. we all know prosecutors they are aggressive they want to indict and then they want to convict and if they can t convict they want to get the best sentence they can get. joe, i have never, ever, and what i did before coming on last night, figuring maybe i hadn t prosecuted a case in a long time i called a few of my friend who are prosecutors today and they said they have never ever seen a situation like this. no. all right. thank you so much. we appreciate it, congressman. always great to see you. josh, thank you so much. we really appreciate you being here. still ahead if republicans think they have a mandate after the sweeping mid-term victory they want to see a new poll that just came out. it s ugly for both sides. we ll be right back.
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visit today. seventh. welcome back everybody. listen to this. republicans are set to take over capitol hill but that doesn t necessarily mean that the party has mandate. in fact, a new bloomberg politics anselm poll in the granite state cautions republicans against overreach. 44% among general election voters say the gop shouldn t use its majority to carry out a new agenda come january. new hampshire voters are split on how president obama should respond. 46% want the president to give ground to republicans. 44% want him to stop them from going too far. now overall 44% are more optimistic about the future while 28% are less optimistic.
nicole, what do republicans need to do over the next two years. not to repeat the same mistakes in 194 and 2010. i was disheartened their response on the president s response to immigration. they don t care how you get things done they want you to find a way. i think republicans have to stop talking process, stop talk about shutdowns and executive orders and talk about governing, talk about the economy, talk about jobs, talk about immigration. they could call this president s bluff on immigration by taking up in the house the senate bill. if they pass comprehensive immigration reform out of the senate and house, you know then game on. that would be really exciting. but i don t see enough signs that they are going to, to embrace the policy challenges. the senate passed a bill bipartisan bill. why doesn t the house pass their version of the bill.
paul ryan suggested doing it piecemeal. the problem not doing it, they said republicans are against comprehensive immigration reform. they are not. they haven t figured out how to do it. process is a huge loser for the party. they have to talk about policy. they have to offer suing begs and have to govern. they need to pass something through the house. yes. if it doesn t have the majority of republican votes it doesn t have the majority of republican votes and everybody can go back to their districts and bitch and moan and say they ran over me, doggone it it will help them. then presidential candidates that don t lose the hispanic vote. i m not talking about amnesty or citizenship not the way that s faster than somebody getting here from india. comprehensive immigration bill. unless republicans are going to come out and say we are going to import 11.3 illegal immigrants. probably closer to 17 million if you add people on
overextended visa. it s a lie. it s a lie to suggest we re going to be tough and you can only deport 400,000 illegal immigrant as year when there s like you said maybe even closer to 17 million. they have to do something. it s a critical juncture for the republican party. the long term significance of their decision to complain and not pass any immigration reform legislation it could lock in latino voters for the opposition party. a shut down is a loser. just pass a bill. a flurry of lawsuits. the supreme court will the supreme court will take this up. the supreme court overturns the executive action americans are still going to look and say okay what s your plan. they need a plan. same thing with health care. shut down the government or come up with your own version. still ahead a number of small businesses were caught in the crossfire. how do businesses survive in
times of social unrest. a secure retirement.
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amazon, more than just a river. amazon. delivering by taxi. almost more attractive than the drone thing. see that taxi come flying through central park. joining us is the administrator of the u.s. small business administration along with cnbc s brian sullivan in the house as well. this is very exciting because small business saturday is coming up, right? and we ve got the dine out saturday dine small. shop small, dine small. okay. but you re doing like a date night thing, too. correct? well, that s right. you know. we have 28 small businesses around the country. and they really create the local culture in a community. this is where you can get your favorite local craft beer. this is where you can get your favorite gift in a super boutique that s really unusual versus going in the mall.
malls are nice. this is where you get unique gifts for your family. we have something coming up on friday, the day after thanksgiving. i m not going to say it. black friday. but you want to follow it. you guys have been doing this for a while. you want to follow it up on saturday with people going and supporting local small business owners. that s exactly right. small businesses are creating two out of three net new jobs in america. and they employ half of the private workforce. this is the group driving our economy, and there are 28 small businesses and they create local jobs. they treat their employees like family. they are turning the dollar more in a local community. why not shop small and dine small on november 29th? agree completely. let s go to what you said a little bit. they say small business is the yob creator of america. that s not true. new business is the job creator. by definition new businesses tend to start small. most small businesses don t grow
in size. how do we get more people to start their own business? thank you for that question. that was my leading question. that was a terrible question. zblf the sba has three programs that we do to help businesses start and grow. every business tells us they need counseling. they want to know how to grow their plan, make sure their marketing plan is targeting the right tarkt. and you know what, they re. then we have contracting opportunities. the u.s. government is the largest procurer in the world. the spa directs 23% of that spent to small business and finally they want access to capital. and so what they say is how do we get access to capital? the spa provides a government guarantee at their local bank to help them get to u.s. so what s the degree of difficulty in the last aspect of it?
given the restrictions, it s become increasingly difficult for people, small businesses to get loans. what s the story there? so what the sba does is provides us a guarantee. some people have a rich uncle and we have uncle sam who stands as a guarantor. and we zeroed out fees on loans under $150,000. some of it is costs. and then the other things the bank say is it s hard to navigate through the paperwork that the sba requires us to do. so we re now putting in smart system to deploy the al gmath - so what do you recommend for small businesses caught in the cross fire? obviously, northwest florida. i saw that come in for a lot of people who lost their homes in hurricanes. what about in cases like this? yeah, so i mentioned the three cs.
the counseling, the capital and the contracting opportunities. we also have a d , which is when we see there s a community adversely affected, we come in and make direct economic injury loans to small businesses. so the sba is watching. as soon as we get a call from the governor, we can act. we can deploy to help small businesses there. i think you re going to get a call today. thank you so much. we really appreciate you being here. i m going to go out shopping saturday afternoon. and dine small saturday night. take my family. we re going to have about 20 people in town. we may have to slit up, a couple restaurants. but we re going to do it. thank you very much. follow me on twitter. i ll do that. i cannot guarantee that i m going to eat small. i never do. brian, stay with us, if you will. coming up next. new details for the deadly shooting of 18-year-old michael brown as the grand jury documents a release to the public, and a violent and tragic reaction from those outraged by the grand jury s decision. not up to the job. that s what president obama
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no probable cause exists to file any charge against officer wilson and return to no true bill on each of the five indictments. as soon as he announced the verdict, the officers started taking rocks and batteries.
i can tell you i personally heard about 150 shots fired. we are a nation built on the rule of law. we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury s to make. there are americans who agree with it, and there are americans who are deeply disappointed and even angry. but i join michael s parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully. our community has got to take some responsibility for what happened tonight. we talk about peaceful protests and that did not happen tonight. welcome to morning joe. tuesday, november 25th. a lot to cover with this set. mike barnacle. cohost of the view, nicole wallace. and also msnbc contributor and associate professor after columbia university school of international and public affairs, dorian warren.
and associate professor of the post, eugene robinson. no charges on the front page of the usa today. the new york post, treats of rage. from the daily news, america holds its breath. from the new york times, grand jury chooses not to diet officer, and wall street journal officer not charged in many killing. there is so much to talk about. unfortunately, i think the first thing that i would at least want to know is why the hell. why the hell did they release this information the way they did? why did they have this buildup this slow crescendo to say we re going to be announcing it at 9:00. and i think most people knew. how this was going to come
down, just given what local authorities have been suggesting before, and then to announce that 9:00 at night. the time lapse was mystifying. it s mind boggling that a community and a state that had so mishandled this case from the very beginning continue to mishandle it at the very end. yeah. and the results, gene robinson, very predictable. they were horrible results. half a dozen buildings were set aflame. people looteded liquor and convenience stores. the missouri authorities, president obama and brown s family have requested, well, the president was making his request on a split screen while the riots were going on. it s you know, people are responsible for their own a,s, and it was horrific, the actions that were engaged in. but i can t believe that the officials in missourian dont have a done a better job.
bching the way ferguson s police department was run for so many years. . this was totally foreseeable. and look, i hate conspiracy theorys. i ve spent a lot of time telling people how dumb their conspiracies are. if you knew you were going to announce there was no indictment, and you wanted to shift attention to the reaction, away from the decision itself, well, i guess this would be a way to do it. and this would certainly be a, you know, an awful way to do it. but why in the world do you announce this thing at 9:00 at night? i don t i ll never understand that. especially when the decision was ready at 2:00 p.m. when you would have been doing the police officers a player. you would have been doing the black-owned small businesses that was torched last night a
favor. you would be doing the families a favor. and the people who went out to protest peacefully and, you know, you would be doing them a favor. if you were going to go out and protest peacefully, you would do it at 3:00 in the afternoon. you would not do it given the history of what s been going on since august at 9:00 at night. willie geist, why don t we get everybody caught up to what happened last night. not just in ferguson, but across america. yeah, this continued deep into the night. let s go it to it here. the the unrest broke out moments after the county prosecutor announced a grand jury verdict did not indict officer darren wilson. that s the police officer who shot and killed michael brown, an unarmed teenager in august. this is one of the results of the protest. at least a dozen businesses in ferguson going up in flames, including a drugstore and a pizza restaurant. protesters set fire to numerous vehicles, including two police cars. other police vehicles damaged after being vandalized.
some demonstrators smashed windows. there was gunfire. and looting was reported at several stores in the area. president obama addressed the country last night, urging demonstrators to show restraint, but as joe just said, it was a remarkable split screen. his speech come just as the violence began to unfold, creating some pretty surreal images on tv. yeah, let s look at this, mike barnacle. you think somebody in the white house might have figured this out? that maybe the speech should have been before the announcement so you don t have the split screen? well, the speech couldn t have been before the today nounsment, because he had to react to the announcement. there s nothing the white house can do about how the cable networks are going to and l it. they all used the split screen. it seemed like everybody was tipping their hand at 2:00 in the afternoon.
i m just curious if you wouldn t have the speech? i thought he should have gone there. i think the most brilliant speech as a president was the speech he gave on race. and i think that the words that he used last night were perfectly crafted they were not written and handed to him by a speech writer. i think they came from his heart. i think the white house was staring at bad options. ch they had to speak. they knew what would happen. i m very impressed they went ahead. they were watching that, too. the press office in the briefing room. they knew what was happening. it was important enough to them. and i think the fakts that he stood in the the briefing room. he gave his remarks. he took questions. i had a moment where i thought he was going to rush out of there. he didn t. i think as the days go on it will endure as a powerful message that he delivered. and i hope he keeps it up. i hope he does visit ferguson in the coming days. it was one of his better moments.
it gets back to the original question that you pose, though. they give them eight hours to ge ready when they have so many options. they could have delayed this until tomorrow afternoon. about 4:00 in the afternoon. and the thing is, they tip their hand. i had no idea over the weekend. i thought the police officer was going to be indicted. when officials started coming out early urging calm, urging calm, you knew how this movie was going to end. i think we all knew. what also infuriated people was watching the press conference from mccullough. the 25-minute explanation as to why no indictment. he looked like the defense attorney in that moment, not a prosecutor. and if there s that much to explain, why not take it to trial? i think it was the long press
conference that really infuriated people. the explanation. the detail. all of that stuff. gene robinson, you brought up a good point in way too early. you look at the evidence. the evidence looks like there s not a jury. there s not a jury in missouri that would convict this police officer if you look at the evidence. and that said, you usually take care of that in trials. exactly. when you are in grand juries, you are actually you re the the prosecutor. you are doing michael brown s bidding. you re not doing justice s bidding as far as with a blindfold. you re not the the defense attorney and the prosecutor. you re looking at if there s probable cause to possibly convict this police officer. that didn t happen from the very beginning. for whatever reasons. you re there to represent the
victim and society. you re the the prosecutor. you re not there to represent the defendant. and the standard, as you said, is probable cause. it s not that is a low, low standard. right. it s a very low standard. and do you you not have probable cause when you have, you know, an unarmed young man who is shot multiple times but a police officer. you saw the photos of officer wilson and despite the the early erroneous reports about a broken eye socket or whatever. in fact, he had a contusion. he had a bruise and was told at the the the hospital i read the medical report, to go home and take some aleve. that was the extent of his treatment that night. all that leads to probable cause. and we need to make sure everybody understands what we re saying here. what i said at first is looking at all this evidence, you re not going to i just don t think
you re going top find efd to convict this officer. but that s not the stage we re at. exactly. we re at a much different stage. and that will affable cause concerns with legal scholars moving forward. don t you know this as an attorney. at an indictment hearing, you give basically a loose sketch of the evidence you have to get probable cause. it s unclear to me how it took months and months and months. clearly the prosecutor laid out every detail of the case. yeah, 25 hours of testimony. 60 witnesses. but what i m curious about now, there are two federal investigations. one into the case. one into whether or not there was a pattern of civil rights abuses by the ferguson police department. but i feel like in all the stories i read from obviously sources are that they don t look likely to find him culpable
either. they re not going to. why? because the standard is so much higher at this level. and again, we re talking about the standard, mike. and hell, you know this. all the years you were a reporter. this standard is so low when you re looking at a grand jury situation. so this is the lowest bar. and then you go to federal, where they re bringing a federal case. the bar is so much higher. without this, those cases are is that i m not a lawyer. they ll look at it independently. the standard is so much higher. and if you look at the evidence, the evidence seems to support the officer. that said. i m talking about the end of the day. that said though, mike, that s not what these types of hearings are about. we think this is a bad guy. look at the evidence we have against this guy. look what he did to shareholder ls. we want to take him to trial. the grand jury goes, okay,
that s basically it. last week i spoke to a prosecutor, a friend of mine who has done hundreds of grand juries. the grand jury is 12 grand jurors seated like at a picnic table. it s not the jury box. and they re just sitting for a jury. these are ferguson residents. you have 12 jurors selected. they ve been sitting for four or fife months. you have the prosecutor in the room. and you have witnesses who come in and testify. the prosecutor does the questioning. the five counts that perhaps could have been levelled for an indictment against the police officer here. and the minimum at a minimum, the prosecutor that i spoke to said, i would bet you a lot of money that they will end up with involuntary manslaughter. at least one. at least one. based on what they have. based on the evidence. a lot of people might say why
would you do that, as i m saying the evidence that we look at shows that a jury is not going to be able to convict him. because any lawyer will tell you you never know what happens when you walk through that door. there have been a lot of cases that i have seen great lawyers handle that started. they said this looks like a losing case. and then you take a deposition. you get evidence. you start pulling on a string, and suddenly the entirely new truth is real. maybe that would not happen here. maybe it would. we re not going to find out. and the range of options, as mike said. first-degree murder. that would have requireded premeditation. but involuntary manslaughter, some people thought would have come up. let s talk about the the grand jury. seven men, five women. three african-americans. nine whites on that grand jury. county prosecutor robert mccullough said the result will remain anonymous. they testified he charged at
officer wilson before he was shot. multiple witnesses either changed their stories or gave conflicting accounts. he also said three autopsies contradicted witnesses who claim they saw brown shot in the back. i m ever mindful that this decision will not be accepted by some and may cause disappointment for others. all decisions in the criminal justice system must be determined by the physical and scientific evidence and the credible testimony corroborated by that evidence, not in response to public outcry or for political expediency. he did not mention that brown was unarmed when he shot. he did single out the media, saying they contributed to unrest officially. these are photos of officer wilson after his altercation with brown. wilson testified that brown hit him when he first approached the teen about a robbery. the officer said he warned brown he would shoot if he did not get
back. at which time he grabbed at wilson s gun and twisted it around. wilson said brown looked like a demon during the altercation. this is all from the testimony of the grand jury. then he drew his gun out of fear another punch would knock him out. he testified when te grabbed the teenager, who was 6 4 , he said, quote, i felt like a 5-year-old holding onto hulk hogan. after the grand jury s announcement, wilson s attorney released a statement that said law enforcement personnel must make split second decisions. officer wilson followed his training and followed the law. michael brown s mother cried and screamed when she heard officer wilson would not be indicted. they said we re profoundly disappointed the killer of our child will not face the consequences of his actions. join with us in our campaign to ensure every police officer working the streets of this country wears a body camera. we respectfully ask that you
please keep your protest peaceful. answering violence with violence is not the appropriate action. jean gene robinson, the brown family conducting itself with incredible grace, and unfortunately their request was not met in ferguson last night. right, and what sounds to me like a perfectly reasonable request and pgs to take. body cameras would have told us a lot more about what happened. we wouldn t need this dueling, conflicting testimony. we would have a world of this encounter. and i guess, some officers the at least in ferguson are now wearing cameras. i wish that were much more widespread. no doubt about it. hopefully that is one thing that can come out of this tragedy. i don t really understand why, mike, there wouldn t be body cameras. it helps the cops.
it helps the good cops. it helps scitizens. as i ve said repeatedly, the only people who don t want that are the bad cops who push their authority around and we need every cop in america to have a camera on them. commissioner bratton said that when he feels here after the protests. he said the nypd is the largest police department in the country that they re looking at it. and it s a cost issue for a lot of police departments. but you re absolutely right. the only people who could oppose it are the ones who didn t want everyone to see. every profession, gene, has bad actors. i think for the most part, law enforcement officers do a great job, and i commend them for going out and putting their lives on the line every night. i think it s in their best interest that the 2, 3, 4%, 5% of the the people in uniforms that act like punks from time to
time have cameras on there. if they do, the 5% will become 0% really quickly. yeah, it s in the interest of all good cops and not in the interest of the bad cops. and so there ought to be cameras. one thing we ought to mention is there were protests last night, peaceful protests in cities around the country, including here in washington, in los angeles, in new york. there was a big protest. so you know, this became a national issue and nationally there was a big response, and for the most part in the vast majority, an appropriate response to what frankly most people see as a miscarriage of justice. and we ll have to go forward from here. it s a bad place to start from. but we ll have to go forward from here and see what good can come out of this awful and i think unnecessary tragedy. still ahead on morning joe. james paterson is hoping to take
his fight to save bookstores all the way to the president. why that involves burning books. okay. i had a sunday schoolteacher like that. plus, watch out bill karins. governor cuomo is taking aim at the meteorologists for lack of preparation for the big snow. we ll see if we can t get him to personally blame you. but first, bill, go ahead. give your prebuttal and also the rest of the forecast. should mike barnacle leave now. how could he go blaming meteorologists? first thing, we re very thin skinned and we re all tech peek. we have all our records. this was the most well forecasteded lake-effect ever. on monday, three days before the event, i said forget the ruler. and the next day, i said up to five feet possible, historic but highly localized event just south of the buffalo area.
so the buffalo weather service did a fantastic job, too. i don t know. maybe he has reasons. maybe he doesn t like weather. let s talk about the upcoming storm coming your way. it s amazing we have winter storm watches for the region. and it s in the 50s. here s how the snow is going to come down. this is the snow totals by about 3:00 to 4:00 a.m. thursday. notice that we don t have a lot of heavy snow on i-95. mostly rain wednesday morning. if you re driving, you can go out wednesday morning, and you re just fine. new york city southward. the colder air works in. rain changes to snow. we ll pick up a couple of inches. new york city at most, maybe three or four big slushy inches. heavy, wet snow. interior sections will get nailed. all those areas with a chance of six plus. portland at 48. boston doesn t get quite as much. so the timing of that, again. is going to be starting wednesday afternoon. really intense wednesday night. be off the the roads in new england wednesday night.
you do not want to be traveling. we leave you with a shot of new york city. it s 50s and beautiful out right now. in 30 hours it will be snowing. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard.
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it s time to take a look at the morning papers. willie, why don t we start in des moines? we have some memories the there, don t we? the des moines register. iowa man arrested outside the
white house has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor kmacharges. he was ordered to remain held without bond. and the washington democratic national committee has announced three cities still in the running to post the party s 2016 convention. they are new york. good spot. good spot. philadelphia. really? one of the best conventions i ve ever been. everybody kind of ground in 2000. and columbus. i got relatives there. that s good, too. 3 for 3. and pennsylvania and ohio could be critical swing states, of course. the next presidential election, of course. republicans think that pennsylvania will be a critical swing state. but it never is. it s fool s gold, as i ve been saying for a couple l of decades now. they will slouch out there and do the walk of shame. the dnc may move its convention
week up from august to july. thank you for trying to ruin my july. i won t let you do it. he won t be there. new york governor andrew cuomo says weather forecasters are to blame as criticism mounts over the state s response to the winter storm that pummeled the buffalo area. governor cuomo said state officials were unaware it was going to snow that hard in such a short amount of time. a spokesman said the forecast was, quote, timely and accurate. the governor seemed to take a page from mayor bill de blasio s book who blamed the failure on shutting down schools on bad weather reports. every meteorologist will tell you this was predicted. the national weather service. whether it s bill karins. ignore bill karins. al roker, anybody will tell you they saw this coming and talked about it. yeah, bill! we only said five. they didn t say seven. we re going to let nicole. oh, that s my guy. leaving miami.
yeah, i need that. i need that. we want you to read about it. i can do it. is it mean? usa today. before monday night s game, lebron james delivered a blunt announcement. i stink, he said. i m not doing my job. the cavs were on a four-game losing streak, but james bounced back scoring 29 points and leading cleveland to their sixth win of the season. we all know they re going to end up like in the finals. there s 70 games left. turn on your tv memorial day and you ll get a good sense on whether the cavs or and we ll be talking about the republican convention. new york daily muse. meryl streep, stevie wonder and tom brokaw were among the medals
of freedom yesterday. they give extraordinary service in the arts, public service, and science. during the ceremony, the president also professed his love for meryl streep. i love meryl streep. i love her. her husband knows i love her. michelle knows i love her. there s nothing either of them can do about it. i love that. the presidents love these ceremonies. george w. bush. mohammed ali moved him the most. he awarded him the medal of freedom. and he talked about it for days and weeks. coming up, the ez dig nation of defense secretary chuck ha l hagel. we ll talk to the woman who broke the news to t the new yor time times . stay with us. i know what you re thinking.
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i have today submitted my resignation as secretary of defense. it s been the greatest privilege of my life, the greatest privilege of my life to lead and most important to serve, to serve with the men and women of
the defense department and support their families. i am immensely proud of what we accomplished during this time. translator: with us from washington, the new york times elaine cooper. she broke the story of chuck hagel s resignation as defense secretary yesterday and here onset with us, we have the host of the reid report, joy reid. thank you so much for being with us. what were the causes based on your reporting? well, i think it was a little bit at first glance, you would think this was surprising because in so many ways chuck hagel was exactly who president obama initially wanted. he wanted to take the temperature down at the pentagon after four years in which he was constantly at friction with his military, and he wanted somebody to carry out his orders quietly. who would bring troops home from afghanistan and see to the budget cuts.
in all those ways chuck hagel did exactly that. but the interesting thing is he durned tout to be a victim of that prescription in his own success. because he turned out to be almost too passive for president obama. he didn t speak up. you hear white house people saying he didn t talk as much, speak up, he was very quiet in meetings. he didn t present his views forcefully. and at the end of the day, after the midterms and you saw criticisms of the president s national security team and the white house decided they needed a shakeup, particularly in view of the bumbling strategy towards the islamic state in iraq and syria, they went for the low hanging fruit and chuck hagel was there. there was an expanded involvement coming with the united states role in afghanistan, based upon the the new afghan president being in place.
there is going to be increased involvement. which takes precedent in the mind of the president, do you think, according to your reporting and observation. the national security council, the joint chiefs of staff or the secretary of defense? which of those would take precedent. that is so easy. the national security council. he s such an insider s guy. he trusts the people who are around him. and his national security council is very much filled can dam pain loyalists and people with him in 2006 and 2007. you look at dennis mcdonough, the white house chief of staff. and these are the people he goes to when he needs any sort of
real advice. his cabinet on the other hand is much more removed from the process. even secretary of state john kerry is not viewed by the bhous as somebody they can really turn to and trust at all times. so you have this almost sort of insider inner circle l and cabinet officials on the outside who have trouble penetrating that. so what do you think would be the reaction among the people who you know in the secretary of defense office or in the joint chiefs who you know and you report on regularly when they hear the phrase that you just used campaign workers who are close to the president. rather than joint chiefs or the secretary of defense? you know, i think everybody i think the people on the joint chiefs and the people at the pentagon have played the washington game for a long time and know what to accept.
they know what to expect. at the same time, i think there s definitely been some alienation, particularly at the pentagon of this obama white house. and this goes back to the first term. when you had the military commanders constantly pushing president obama on more troops in afghanistan. on slowing the exit from iraq. so there s been some tension between the building and we call it the building. aye been a total pentagon reporter. between the pentagon and the white house. and it almost feels as if we re going back to what s normal there. what a pentagon insider you have become. my congratulations on a complete scoop. what was your reaction to not just the decision but the d.a. s
handling during the investigation and last night. zblf the the decision was not a surprise at all. this is what i expected to happen at all. it s rare for police officers to be indicted, let alone tried and convicted of killing people. i was reading about horrible instants out of seattle. where it s just hard to indict a cop. and even when the facts are egregio egregious. you go back to 1979. arthur mcduffy not long before christmas, beaten to death by a group of police officers who cracked his skull open. no conviction there. you can go through. patrick shot dead by a police officer who insisted he was a drug dealer, even though he was just a security guard killed in front of other people. and still no indictment there, and in fact, his jufl record thrown out to the public. the mayor at the time said he s
no choir boy if the security guard deserved to die. you go through the cases. rodney king is beaten with cameras rolling. and it took the feds to come in. go all the way through the litany of cases. particularly of young black men. i never heard of a police officer going to jail, particularly at the state level for doing that. i in no way expected that to happen. and then on top of that, bob mccullough and every lawyer i talked to on the show said he has telegraphed openly throughout this entire process, that the result we saw last night was exactly the result he was looking for. prosecutors get what they want when they go for it. he made it very clear. how did he do that? first of all, he didn t just make the decision. he had the power within his officer to indict or not indict. ft he didn t need the grand jury. he chose to go to the grand jury. then he did a document dump in front of them. gave them no narrative. walked them through nothing. he did state last night that he
didn t do the questioning himself. and then just talking back and forth with lisa bloom, the wonderful legal analyst here as she s going through the way he was questioned. that was a friendly conversation. there was not a tough questioning of the officer. so everything from the lack of a narrative to this prosecutor not talking to the family. i repeatedly have asked lawyers for michael brown s family, have hay that had any contact with the prosecutor? they ve had zero. he s done nothing to reach out to the family. typically they are advocates for the victims in the case. they try to talk to the family. they try to represent the the family. this guy did none of that. he s always signaled to the police. everything about him signals that to the police. so what i suz surprised about, though, was that the public policy action of waiting until 9:00 at night, eastern time for something you knew you were going to do. i m sure he knew at 9:00 that morning. i m sure he knew a month ago there would be no indictment. to wait and roll this out with a
crowd of people weeping in the street at 9:00 at night, when only the people who are the most angry are going to remain in the street and not go home. ch i think it was a recipe for exactly what you saw. completely predictable. and teringly managed. we agree all around the table. thank you so much. we appreciate it. you can watch the reid report at 2:00 p.m. on msnbc. still ahead, twit ircfo, the twitter cfo actually tweets out concern why it s creating a giant mystery on wall street. you don t want to do that. no. go! go! wow! go power.oats! go! made from oats cheerios! cheerios! go, go, go! go power oats!
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i need to open my eyes? yes. what am i missing? i spend my time on the phone with the internet and reaching out to my friends on facebook and getting word out. please don t say facebook to me again. he s having trouble describing what he really wants. and that s because the job that he wants doesn t actually exist. i get the feeling he wants to collect a six-figure salary without doing the work. have you worked the register since i ve been there? when i m in, i m all in. i agree. that s very different from what i ve seen from you. i don t think you ve been all in. marcus eyes are open. don t say facebook to him. don t say facebook. that was a scene from the new episode of the profit , which appears tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern and pacific times on cnbc. brian sullivan is back with business before the bell with a segment that doesn t suck apparentl
apparently. it does not suck. there s mika by the way. gdp finished up 3.9%, by the way. higher than the previous reed. good news across the board. and if you have not been paying attention, the u.s. stock market tide the longest 30-day upstreak since 1928. that would be very exciting but for the fact that it was 1928. what happened to 1929? flappers were hot. the rumble seat was a good place to go. yes. causation is not corallation. it does not mean that. we hope. we re in the middle of the greatest short term stocks in the history of america.
the rich keeps getting richer and the poor keeps getting poorer. do you have a question from twitter? oh, yeah, what s this thing? the cfo meant it to be private. it s confusing to a lot of people. and twitter has been 45rd to use for the average population. they re like what in the world is this? the cfo of twitter meant to dm somebody about buying a company. but sent it out as a tweet. a very well respected guy here. but if you re the cfo twitter and having trouble using twitter, it s like joe tori saying let s kick a field goal. how do we really know it was an accident? oops. the sec may be calling if it s not. although, he didn t name it. brian sullivan.
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snchts there s a book burning going on in america. you re invited, especially the kids. publishers are dying. american literature will be next
on the flame ls. enough. i m james patterson. please go to we can stop the book burning. yes, you can. that was a new ad from the campaign to save our books. here with us now, the man behind the initiative, james patterson, who is also out with two new books. his latest alex cross novel, hope to die and a children s book house of robots. very cool to have you here. two new books just in time for the the thol days. kids books with the adult books so people remember, oh, yeah, i have kids. and i think it relates to what s going on today or last night. because neglect, hopelessness, anger and i grew up in a tough town, newburg, new york. so i ve been through this forever, that kind of thing. and i just did a documentary in
florida which is another tough town. and people feel hopeless. and it s really about getting kids competent. i would like to make readers for life. if they re competent readers, they can get through high school. if they re not, they can t get through high school. # and talk about saving books. you know. we had these massive chains. now they have been killed by amazo amazon. partly by amazon. partly by themselves. when we go to our bookstores, they re packed. i i independents have an opportunity now to correct some things. one of the things with
independe independe independent, and you know, we give out a lot of money. but there s an opportunity with kids. kids have not made the switch to ebooks. you mentioned amazon. they are this giant of the industry. you know. you order online. how can amazon be helpful in growing? i think i would love it if the government protected books a little, and they don t. but amazon is the next great hope. amazon could help with reading in the country. i think they probably are. how is that? they could be promoting it all over on their site. they could get families more into ebooks. which families don t know how to do it. how many readers there are. they could do a lot. they have good reads.
mr. patterson, you said independent bookstores have an opportunity now. how do they survive in the world of amazon, who is just a dominant player in the industry? well, i think there are a lot of things. one, a lot of independents bring in a lot of authors to speak. that s really it s a pain in the the neck i think the pricing thing, sometimes they have to be morale about. just because it says $27.95, you know, got to question that. i mean, you have to be a little real. i can buy it for a lot less. you can still make money on it. and then kids. what we do, you must have a a kids section. and a couple of stores have taken the kids session and put it out front. magnetized to it. four kids. we love alex cross. let s talk about the kids book
zbr yeah, i know at this stage in my life, i don t need to make much. but i m just turned on by the notion of getting kids reading and how important it is. one is for kids that are already competent, broaden the base. i mean, stop with this knee-jerk thing. you know it s happening out in the st. louis area that s very complicated. and the more you read, the smarter you get. immigration is really complicated. so that s been bright. just read more, learn more. and the thing about reading, look, as individuals we can t do things about the health care crisis or whatever you think of global warming. but as individuals, we can t get the kids in our house reading. we can do that. it s incredible. james patterson. thank you so much for being with
us. go to jamespattersojamespatters. and stick around. request t the rundown is up next. we have a lot of news we ll be following throughout the day. thank you for being with us. we ll see you tomorrow. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you ll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you re thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options. and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals and what you re really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we ll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira. a man who doesn t stand still.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140821 10:00:00

that s going to wrap it up for way too early. morning joe starts right now. here s a political announcement. a political announcement. i saw already this was like two days ago. take a look at this. he s been called an elitist. he vacations on martha s vineyard. he has been accused of ignoring the crisis in missouri and overlooking the concerns of the african-american community. hell, i could do that. paid for by romney, 2016. good morning, everybody. it is thursday, august 21st. welcome to morning joe. a lot to get to this morning. boy, we do. on the front page of all the papers, we have got news that there was an attempt to rescue jim foley. we start there. the pentagon confirms that dozen of special operation troops unsuccessfully tried to rescue the journalist james foley and
other american hostages earlier this summer in syria. the captives were not at the targeted locations and foley was eventually murdered by islamic. people are very angry right now about not only about this murder. the new york times is reporting they angry this information was released. a lot of people feeling that the information was released so the president could look like he was really engaged. he, obviously, is getting hammered for going out golfing right after this horrifying news. the daily news has this on the front page. that actually cuts both ways. a lot of people talking about it. but can you imagine? i mean, both of you, if you re president of the united states and like the europeans pay out
these hostage ransoms all of the time but barack obama didn t and what a terrible choice to have to make. it is a terrible choice and other countries do it. president obama is vowing not to let up the campaign against the terrorists responsible for the bloodshed. here he is yesterday. jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world. no just god would stand what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. from governments across the middle east there has to be a common to extract this cancer and a clear rejection of this ideologies. we agree on that a group like
isil has no place. he was seen smiling on the golf course moments after, along with alonzo mourning, nba star. before this, you heard from foley s parents as well in a news conference so a lot of people are feeling this picture shows a president that is disengaged and a president who doesn t have a sense of tone in terms of the moment. there actually two ways to look at this. because, you know, your first instinct is to look at this. right? yeah. and to say, how are and it s the truth. there s another way to look at it too, which is, i mean, you know, george w. bush told us to go shopping, to go to malls after 9/11, show those terrorists. here, i think there s probably one or two terrorists in isis,
because this is how they make their money, right? al qaeda funded their operations by kidnapping europeans and getting ransom money, right? and so they are negotiating with spock with a pitching wedge here. he is spock. maureen dowd calls him spock. he is spock. i m sure there may even be one or two terrorists, with willie, over in vae right now looking at him going, wow, that is one cold bastard. like he goes golfing on martha s ven yard. people might be watching are you criticizing the president or not? i don t know what i m doing. i just know that this is how terrorists fund their organizations and if the president were in the white house reading his hands and weeping, no, he is out golfing. and it s horrible for the parents, but it does send a message to the terrorists.
i m sure barack obama would say, you know, if we can t go golfing at an exclusive golf course at martha s vineyard and the terrorists have already won. i don t think you can say that. i m not making light of any situation, i m merely pointing out these are horrible, horrible optics domestically but internationally, willie, for terrorists, it s basically like screw you, screw you. we are not going to live by your rules. yes. try to follow that one. do you know what i m saying? i follow what you re saying. we know this president, this white house has no time or patience what we call optics, theater. i m doing the job. if i play golf once in a while, so be it. in this case, i always hate the vacation and golf criticism that happens every summer with every president. because they should be working 24 hours a day. lets jaw say right here. presidents are always working even on a whether on a golf
course or behind a desk. yes. they are always working. yes. so that is the first part. the second part is but in this case, you had such a horrific act and people saw it and it was on the front page of newspapers and the family was crying. you d think out of respect, just for the family even, forget what the press thinks about it, for the family maybe take a step back an quietly go about your job. he is attacking isis relentlessly right now. air strikes again yesterday and air strikes this entire month and not like he is sitting back and doing nothing. i don t think to confuse anybody here, mika. i could not have do it. i could not have gone out and played golf. i just couldn t have done it. that says, maureen dowd always calls him spock inspect . he is kind of spock. in this case, as maddening it may seem i do wonder, though. when you look at these terrorists, what are they
thinking? like, they just traded in a war weary sleeping giant. right. for a pissed off country and the story always ends the same! let s see. no, it didn t. osama bin laden, no, he got a bullet through his eye. saddam hussein got no. we actually ripped off his head from his body after he was hung. dresden and nagasaki, they have placed a huge target on their backs by doing this and i m serious. when are the bad guys going to understand that it s just better to walk on the other side of the street. go ahead. pick on europeans. they will pay your ransom. they are on a vacation from history. again, i m not being facetious here. there is no jingoism here.
this is just stupid. nothing speaks the conscience of war weary americans and pictures we saw yesterday all over the front pages. horrifying and you can t just sit and let it go by. you cannot let this go by. they have exposed themselves. your father, your brother, your uncle. they have exposed themselves as the cancer they are. the president of the united states are now calling them a cancer has has to be cut off. everyone will agree. the attacks now will only accelerate and have as of yesterday. to washington now. bbc state correspondent is back from lebanon. kim, thank you for being with us. great to be here. what can you tell us what happened, looking at the commando raid, the attempt by special forces of the united states, to go after and rescue jim foley, a failed attempt because he had been moved by the time the special forces got there? first off, i d like to point out we are macking today the one year anniversary of the chemical
weapon attacks against syrians just outside damascudamascus. that provoked a brief moment of international outrage at the time which almost led to american and european military strikes against syria, which in the end did not happen. syria one year on is even in a worse president. we heard from the french president yesterday saying if the international community had shown a bit more resolve in pushing for a transition in syria, in other words, if the u.s. and its european allies had gone for strikes, perhaps isis were not to be where it is today. kim, can i ask you about that? because there is a debate, obviously, going on in the united states between two pretty powerful democrats. hillary clinton, you know better than anybody, and barack obama saying that it s, quote, fantasy. her position and the president of france position. what is the feeling throughout the international community,
throughout the european community will what would have happened? are they on the side of the president or hillary clinton as far as intervening in syria before this madness took over the entire country? well, my reading from talking to european officials and from being in the arab world the u.s. left a vacuum in the region. that is very much hillary clinton s view as well. it s debatable, of course, but look at the situation on the ground at the moment, that is very much the feeling that europeans have and i do believe that because of what is happening in iraq, because of what we saw happen to james foley and because of this attempt to rescue american hostages in syria, i think only a matter of time until the press will have to consider the possibility of strikes against islamic militants in syria. the conundrum there is, of
course, ininadvertently he may shore your president assad who says he is fighting islamic militants. joining us from erbil, iraq, nbc chief global responsibility bill neil li with the latest on the ground there. bill? reporter: yes, well, the u.s. air strikes have not stopped since the murder of jim foley. there were at least 14 yesterday bringing to 84 the on total of air strikes in the mosul dam since this campaign started. the big question where did this campaign end? what are its goals? initially stop genocide against a religious minority and to protect you u.s. facilities here in erbil. why is the u.s. continuing its campaign? president obama said yesterday that we will act, we will
confront isis, but for how much longer? and how deep is the involvement of the u.s. here in northern iraq going to be? it s easy to start a campaign, not so easy to end it. interestingly, this military operation, unlike so many others in the past that, desert storm, desert fox does not have a name. there is no brand on this operation and no end in sight. that is the question, what is the objective now? how far does the united states go? bill, thanks so much for your reporting on the ground in iraq. appreciate. officials hope the tide is turning if ferguson, missouri, following the second straight night of reduced demonstrations. it follows a visit by attorney general eric holder who met with captain ron johnson along with college students and community leaders. he says he understands why there is mistrust of police. recalling when he was stopped twice for speeding and had his car searched. attorney general holder rejected criticism of his trip to ferguson. i need to be here, you know?
i was a little disturbed to see people questioning why i was here. my answer to that would be why would i be any other place than right here, right now, to talk to the people in this area who are deserving of our attention and we want to help as best we can. prosecutors began presenting evidence to a grand jury which will determine if the officer who shot 18-year-old michael brown at least six times should be charged. joining us now from ferguson, nbc s craig melvin. the reports from the ground last night, craig, relative peace. is that what you saw? it was peaceful and calm for the second straight night. monday into tuesday, nearly 70 arrests. tuesday into wednesday, more than 50 arrests. last night here, as of 1:00 a.m., there were six arrests. by and large, the half dozen folks were arrested for failure to disperse, disturbing the
peace. captain johnson indicated that law enforcement felt like the tide might be beginning to turn here in ferguson. we should note that there were some pretty severe thunderstorms at one point last night, but even before that, we saw the smallest, quietest crowd of protesters we have seen so far on the ground here. of course, the highlight or the headline yesterday, i should say, attorney general eric holder on the ground for several hours meeting with community leaders and many with captain johnson as well and also some time with the congressional delegation and talked with missouri governor jay nixon, in addition to speaking from the heart about his own experiences as a young black man in america. he also we should remember here, this is the same attorney general just last week was somewhat critical of the response here in ferguson. at one point saying they should get these damn tanks out of here. but, again, based on what i saw yesterday, based on the folks i talked to last night, it
appears, it appears that, right now, peace and order are about to be restored to ferguson. we can hope. craig, thank you very much. i love that line that eric holder gave, which is, you know, people are criticizing him for being there. he said where else would i be? i don t always agree with this guy but he is right. where else would he be, right? it makes no sense. i want to show you a piece of video that came. it s from tuesday night. local police officer threatening what appeared to be a peaceful protester on the streets. oh, my gosh. gun raid. gun raid. my hands are up, bro. my hands are up. hands up. hands up. raid [ bleep ] [ bleep ] hands up. get back. get back. you re going to kill him. he is threatening to kill him. get back. what is your name, sir? [ bleep ]. your name is [ bleep ]
yourself go [ bleep ] yourself. hello, officer. officer, he is trying to kill me. what are you doing? i know you guys are watching. [ bleep ] he had to be told by another officer to pointing his gun at people for no reason. the st. louis county police department says the officer has been relieved of duty. what in the hell? i would say there has been a lot of discussion around the imbalance of the police officer in st. louis. it s a bad mix. that was horrendous. i m making no excuse for that guy. it shows they are tolgs tally unmatched to today s times. this guy is pointing a live weapon?
what is going on here? he being gotated, yes. you d think two weeks into this the learning curve you re not waving a semiautomatic weapon at a crowd with media all around. the media is everywhere and this guy in the middle of it pointing a gun. i just looked at the video early. i know there was, obviously, someone was rolling television video. this guy was clear knowledgeable that he was being videotaped. so at least you would think he would stop for fear of being seen doing that. so he says but he shouldn t be doing that. i m sorry, mika. he said he thought he saw somebody with a gun so he raised his weapon. he thought he was being confronted. turned out it was a bb gun. he saw something he thought was a gun. the police say they relieved him because of the way he treated the crowd and not the approach he used. i would agree with that. if a crowd is goating you, that
is incite them even more to tell them, what he said? it s incredible. incredible. but, listen. this is, again, this is bush league. there s so many amateurs that have been down there. i sure as hell wouldn t know what to do. my gosh, a terrible situation. but there are great police officers across america, disciplined forces that know exactly how to do this. and at some point isn t the national guard called in? yeah, they have been there, yes. no question it s a hard job. no. i can t even imagine being in that position. i m not trained to be in that position but there are a lot of great cops. a lot of good cops who are. still ahead on morning joe, 13-year-old pitching ace mo ne davis is making mat headlines for her pitching in the little league world series. bring you her story in a bit.
nick opperman brings us some bizarre shower thoughts. if hillary clinton wins in 2016, it will be the first time two presidents have had sex with each other. what? that never rossed my mind. thank you, nick. we really appreciate that. i m flaed he pglad he put th in my mind. that is, obviously, in hollyweird. a cat is put on a life saving diet. oh, snucts! i want that cat. the cat is on a diet. life saving diet! what is the cat eating? chihuahuas for breakfast? first, here is bill karins with a check on the forecast. kale chips for that cat! good morning, everyone.
two things to talk about. the heat wave that is gripping the country and then what is going to happen with this tropical disturbance and will it affect florida and the southeast coast. ? we are starting off with your morning commute, if you re in minnesota a lot of rain out and some severe storms. the heat wave is full fledged and it will be here at least a week. from texas all the way to florida and as far north as st. louis, kansas city. that is where we are watching the peak of this heat. easily 95 degrees for about all of next seven days in a row. the heat index will be worse. notice the temperatures in memphis. no signs of a cool down right through the beginning of next week. here is your thursday forecast. i got 95 plus in at least 13 states so that is one of the hottest temperature forecasts we have had so far this summer and it continues right into your friday. and as far as the tropics go the hurricane hunters will fly into this tropical wave out here today. this is projected.
yesterday we were thinking the caribbean and gulf and it shifted to the north and now thinking puerto rico and drub and tuesday near florida or the bahamas so all eyes will stay on that. it s too early to tell about intensity or anything like that because the land interaction down there in the mountainous terrain of the dominican republic. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back.
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nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. there s a reason it s called an all you can eat buffet. and not a have just a little buffet. because what we all really want is more.
that s why verizon is giving you even more. now, for a limited time, get more data! 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50% off all new smartphones. like the htc one m8 for windows or android. built to inspire envy. come get your more with verizon. time to do the morning papers. wall street journal target profits down 62% in the second quarter as the fallout continues over last year s massive data breach. this follows the company s decision to cut its earnings estimates citing a decline in customer spending. target says the credit breach
has cost them more than $111 million. oh, my gosh. usa today. aaa estimates 35 million americans will venture 50 miles from home labor day weekend with 9 to 10 traveling in cars. do you go were in labor day weekend? i m going to have a stay staycation. gas is down. snoosk, the cat, heading to rehab after weighing just four pounds away from the guinness world record for the world s heaviest kitty. they say the family brought the cat named snooks to be euthanized last week. he weighed 35 1/2 pounds and couldn t each walk. the they asked if snooks could
go to a foster family and he s on a diet as snooks gets down to 12 pounds he can go up to adoption. maybe he needs baricatric surgery to help him out. if you re four pounds away from the record, get the record and then come back down. it s like swimming across the english channel. seeing like normandy. get snooks to break the record then put him on a diet. a family was removed from a flight after requesting the airline ban nuts because the child is allergic. their child. the family was delayed for a day while they negotiated with the airline. united says while it does not serve bags of nuts, some foods may contain trace amounts in the ingredients. the airline told the family they are, quote, not a nut-free
airline for operational reasons. from our parade of papers. the orlando sentinel. seaworld will not appeal a ruling requiring trainers out of the water during killer whale shows. the decision was passed down from osha after a trainer was killed by an orca in 2010. the subject of last year s documentary blackfish. sea world voluntarily removed trainers following the incident and not allowed them back in since. the park also plans to expand the tank size for orcas. this documentary has hurt seaworld. they are struggling right now. from nbc a woman narrowly missing getting hit by lightning. a woman and her daughter were filming outside when lightning struck the ground one foot away. the mother and daughter are okay but lost their hearing for about
a minute after the incident. oh, my gosh. the desert sun, after two months, the man squatting in a palm springs, california, apartment, obtained on air b&b has finally left the building. the squatter made headlines in july after refusing to leave the condo. i was wondering where you were, joe. despite only paying for 30 days. since he was living in the condo over a month he was protected by california ten antilaws. the homeowner said he left after incident and the apartment is in good condition but she is not sure she will list the apartment on-site. that company was doing so well. they have had some problems in new york. what have you done? they rent the apartments for reasons other than sleeping. yeah. i didn t think you guys considered that a problem. lots and lots. still ahead can you imagine how much
lysol you have to buy to clean that up? look at this guy. this is the game of thrones act nicknamed the mountain and what he does in his spare time. look out. plus, live to richmond, virginia, where former governor took the stand yesterday in his own defense. wait until you hear what he said. up next the hottest most reads of the morning including wall street journal calling for another war in the middle east. all that and more when morning joe comes back. [ female announcer ] birdhouse plans. nacho pans.
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it is 6:30 on the east coast. time for the must read opinion. joining the table pulitzer prize winning journalist jon meacham. and kim gattis with us as well from world. six years into this presidency, we know barack obama can do empathy and know he can channel a family ae s grief for a murde son. we don t know if he can muster the will and fortitude to defeat and enemy that is growing in strength and danger on his watch. even if mr. obama absolves
himself and still blames george w. bush for his middle eastern troubles, that does him and the world no good now. isis is marching while he is commander in chief. mr. obama must get over his political fixation and mr. bush s war. mr. president, we share your disgust for james foley killers. we need to know if you re willing to do what it needs to be done to defeat these enemies of america and a civilized world. hasn t he done that to an extent? he took the first steps. and last week saying it s a humanitarian mission and he was just opening the door for a more aggressive approach. the president now calling isis a cancer. they are the taliban and don t want to live out their days in dusty villages in afghanistan.
they want to come to us and kill us. so far the approach has been targeted specific air strikes in response to specific actions from isis. there is one line in this wall street journal op-ed says mr. obama must get over his political mfixation. that is where isis is in iraq. i think to me the great question, and this is a hurry layman s point and what does that mean. the murder of james foley is an attack on our country area our values and the president was very articulate about that. one part of presidential leadership here is explaining the problem we face and the options that are commensurate and practical to undertake and with isis, remember a group that al qaeda thought was too radical. i ll say that again. al qaeda thought they were too
radical. this is a stubborn and incredibly difficult enemy so what do we do? explain what happened with the brutal murder of james foley. heri contacted him and said cut that out, that s too brutal. he said just shoot them in the head and be done with it because he understood the response this provoked. exactly. and i think what i would want to know, i think it s a fundamental operation of, again, of the presidency beginning with fdr who did it brilliantly, we can see what the problem is. right? right. we have an even more stubborn terrorist foe that is geographically in place but disbursed. wall street journal seems to be calling for ground forces. willie mentioned air strikes. what are the options?
by the way, the map, kim, has gotten so much more complex. as you said earlier, the man who barack obama, i believe rightly said must go, assad, is suddenly our ally in this battle. the iranians suddenly an ally in this battle insofar as they want to see isis stamped out as well. they do. although i don t think anybody in washington would describe the iranians and president assad as america s allies today. no, they wouldn t, but they certainly are the enemy of our enemy. they are. they are. but also president assad in syria was very much key in helping isis develop and form. he is the one who released dozens of islam militants from his prison in 2011 and some of those are now part of isis. when it comes to the strategy, how do you deal with a movement like this in the region, that is
potentially changing the nature of societies for the foreseeable fut if they are allowed to operate for a very long time, it does require some military action. i think the president is going about it the right way. it is steady, but surely going forward with more aid for the iraqis, more military aid for the per sh mare stmergas. kim, thank you for your perspective and appreciate you being here. thanks for having me. she is talking about we don t see enough fighting isis inside the arab world. these sort of tactics are going to cause that to happen. i talked about szarkari.
he blew up a wedding iraq and arabs said we want no part of. anbar province. this is annihilation. they have a lot of money. these are guys rolling in with tanks. you know, we have targets that the united states can strike. these are not guys hiding in caves. they have forces they are rolling through iraqi cities. coming up next on a much different note. pitching sensation mo ne davis, the 13-year-old fresh off the cover of sports illustrated back on the mound last night at the little league world series trying to pitch her squad into the championship game. we will see how she did. plus, alabama football fan and the guy who poisoned the tree, remember him? harvey updike? he is back. we will explain why this may be good news for auburn fans next. we will be right back with more morning joe.
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that s a live picture right now williamsport, pennsylvania. just a few hours ago, the sensation mo ne davis was on the bump. more than 30,000 people. it was like 35,000 actually turned out to see her. she is just off the cover of sports illustrated at 13 years old leading her philly team against a squad against las vegas. she struck out six batters in 2 1/3 innings and gave you three runs and left the game after 55 pitches on a pitch count. the short start means davis will be eligible to pitch in tonight s elimination game. they lost last night but they get another chance tonight. 8-1 vegas won last night.
vegas advances to the u.s. title game on saturday. if pennsylvania can win tonight against chicago and mo ne davis pitches tonight and they have a chance to play on saturday for the title. what an incredibly story. remember harvey updike. the alabama fan arrested for poisoning a tree. he pleaded guilty to the crime and spent time in jail. now updike make his amends with the auburn community after agreeing to attend a charity event in september where the fans can dunk i m in a dunk tank or throw pies at his face. the event was meant to raise money for the family of an alabama boy that died of cancer in july. i don t know if that is a good idea. we will see how that goes. let s go to big leagues. milwaukee brewers fans standing in the aisle with his hands full and gets his beer knocked over by another guy going after a foul ball.
when the broadcast booth caught wind of what happened, they sent him another round of beers in a fancy souvenir glass. he didn t get the ball but at least he gets a fresh beer and a souvenir glass. that s a huge win for him! that is a huge win! daddy is on tv. and it s no small beer. those things, when you have the girlfriend that the guy, like, dunks away and those are awful. never do that. always go for it and try to protect her. exactly. i always like the guys who are rolling their kids but catch the ball. that s a good one. coming up, bob mcdonnell denies any wrong doing while defending the role money in politics. his day in court is next. plus a bunch of kids re-enact our favorite emmy nominated television shows. what? morning joe continues after a short break. [ woman ] the cadillac summer collection is here.
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now house of cards. 49 past the hour. former governor bob mcdonnell
will be back on the witness stand today where he is expected to offer new details about his troubled marriage. the virginia republican testified yesterday in his own defense and he is accused of exchanging favors for tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and loans from a major donor. the washington post describes him as cool and unruffled under questioning. he described his rise to the top of virginia politics and the significance of sharing the same office as thomas jefferson. he also cited examples of how he has denied donors requests, insisting he never gave special access to the businessmen who offered loans and vacation and luxury items. mcdonnell testified about his wife saying she was tense from his very first days in office and instead of celebrating the governor, he said she was yelling at him over tension of becoming first lady. just moments later, he fielded a call from president obama, the pressures of his marriage were at the core of his defense.
he says he couldn t have conspired with his wife because their relationship was in such trouble. governor, was this difficult? we have heard a lot of things said about your wife and from you today. was this hard for you today? of course. i m talking about marriage and finances are hard. governor, if your father were here, what would he tell you? what would his be with you if he was here? he would say be honest. that is just heart breaking. heart wrenching. his attorney was saying as it continues today they are focusing on the marriage itself. i don t know. i m torn. it s hard to watch from the outside. obviously, he was one of the most promising politicians to become the governor of virginia, his campaign was pretty brilliant actually, given the tone at the times. he got what needed to be done to get elected and address the concerns of virginia residents.
it was legal what he took. i just don t understand how any governor could have taken all of those gifts. or not known about gwynagain, legal about it. you look at this testimony and as we say in northwest florida, his wife was a run-away beer truck. she was a mess from day one. chuck thoodd brought up this may be the way they are avoiding to attack this. what they want to do is avoid jail time. chuck todd can say that all he wants. he brought up an interesting no. there is one witness after another after another talking about her horrible behavior in the governor s mnansion and thee is reams of testimony that suggest that this just isn t a cute planned defense. it s raises that larger point about you know this
politicians who spend a lot of people with rich people which they now have to do because rich people have money and they need money to run campaigns. you lose that perspective and suddenly you see everyone around you that you spend your time with has a lot of stuff. yeah. so it s a natural kind of wait a minute, i want that stuff too. and they all love you, willie, to do things that will make them millions and millions of more dollars. yes. i know this. you re living in a shack and these guys yeah. zillionares. what a horrible thing to do to save your hide to expose the faults in your maermg to the world and put them out there but they put themselves in that spot. coming up at the top of the hour a new war in iraq? david rotors was once held captive by the taliban. he said new policy needs to be on paying ransoms. he was the reporter who escaped from the taliban and
quoted this morning in the new york times saying, hey, america and europe is not being straight about this. it s time to have this debate on out in the open and i think we are about to and it s great to have david here. fascinating to hear from him. he is joining the table. plus senator mark pryor goes with nonnot willing to do. explain the surprise campaign tactic he is using. first, our first frontal ice bucket where are we going? not only am i ready and willing to accept this challenge, i am, to my knowledge, the first to do it absolutely make it. hollyweird is coming up straight ahead. we will be right back. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what.? jesse don t go!!
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all right. joe. passport required. oh, god. only common sense allowed. i m accepting this segment. it s hard. begrudgingly. begrudgingly. under did your res. we are paying her. bill karins, does he put the weird in hollyweird or is it more skivvy? just kind of pervy. nobody is more dialed into hollywood than bill karins. you got ari. jerry weintraub. and meteorologist bill karins. black tie, red carpet, that s me, baby. and dirty underwear.
uncalled for. sneaking a peak. muscle on top of muscle and presidential first. let s get hollyweird. joe is admitting he had a thing like the rest of us for sofia before the two started dating. before the white house correspondents dinner in may he was taught taking a peek. i got busted! reporter: have you wondering what gregor does in his spare time? he is mika mad me scary! the 6 9 easily won europe s strongest competition and shredding his shirt for good nature. i am the future! yes! frightening you so much. a bloody fool if he didn t. he is freakish big and freakish strong. while some are continuing to turn out for the ice bucket
challenge videos, we prefer to keep you appraised of only the most hollyweird among them. being an amphibian it turns out getting drenched by freezing cold water could actually make me go totally dormant and my heart could stop, but no matter! oh! oh! california has been in a drought so i improvised. cook! reporter: finally, we give you parks and recreation star who is reading some of the most profound things you ever pon pondered in a shower. if your shirt isn t tucked into your pants, then your pants is tucked into your shirt. the person who would proofread hitler s speeches was a gram ya
gna grammar nazi. if hillary clinton wins in 2016, it will be the first time two presidents have had sex with each other. my favorite you didn t see there. i think joe would relate to this. if humans could fly, we would consider it exercise and never do it. you would never do it. thank you, bill. definitely not the weird he puts into it but it s something. next hour of morning joe starts right now. jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world. no just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. isil has no value of human beings. gr goverts and people across the middle east there has to be a common to extract this cancer so
it never spreads and a clear rejection of this. one thing we can all agree on that a group like isil has no place in the 21st century. welcome back to morning joe opinion joining us now on set senior editor of the news website the quarts gideon lidthd field and david rhoades who was held captive by the taliban for seven months before escaping. great news this hour especially the news we have to cover this hour. special operation troops were reported unsuccessfully to rescue james foley and other american hostages in syria this summer. the captives were not at the targeted location and foley was ultimately murdered by islamic militants. officials say one u.s. commando was injured in the mission and several militants were killed. the u.s. refuse to pay ransom
for its citizens held hostage. in a touching news conference, foley s parents spoke of their son and the other american whose life is being threatened. jim believed in our country. we re a great country. jim was a great american and he believed in the very best of our country, so i just i just pray that, as a country, we can come together and help there be peace on earth. just pray for that. and we pray that somehow steven and the others might be spared. it s such a heart breaking moment. it was, i mean, just an extraordinary painful experience. i was reading early this morning about the new york times recounting it and, you know, david, obviously, has his own story about being kidnapped and
being in the hands of the taliban. david, you said the times quoted you thorge as saying this. the payment of ransoms and abduction of foreigners must be emerge from the shadows and it must be publicly debated. american and european policymakers should be forced to answer for their actions. other countries do it. and i was stunned reading this article that this is al qaeda s primary source of funding now is capturing westerners and getting ransom. so you say we must be held to account for our actions. what actions are those? well, i think that what has happened is i think the best tribute to jim foley is to debate this. i talked to the foley family. they were told by jim s captors to not go public because the captors, the kidnappers thought an easier way to get a ransom. i can t at all about all of the cases going on and we need to
have this debate. there is a debate should the u.s. government pay or not. what you ve seen up close, closer than any american, first of all, should we keep it in the shadows? should we listen to the terrorists and keep it quiet? or do we need to know an american is held hostage? i think it refers to case-to-case and you should in the end refer to what the family wants to do. there were plaqueoublackouts an didn t work in our case. the demand for foley was a hundred million dollars and the problem is when the europeans are paying huge amounts of money, there has been 125 million you talked about that has gone to al qaeda, the record would france in 2013 paid $10 million each, 40 million total for four hostages. and should we pay that ransom? because the market is, obviously, going up. yes. i think it s wrong to have the government pay. i think it creates an incentive.
why isn t the united states having this debate with its european allies? why isn t there a joint international approach? that is my question. for jim foley s sake, let s have a strategy. how heart breaking as an american president to sit there, talk to the family and say your son may have to die. i can t pay them. which i thank god i was not in the position that president obama was had in when he had to make that choice but he made the choice. we are not going to pay these terrorists even if your son dies a terrible death. but you would say that the president did the right thing based on what is best for this country and what is best for other journalists in the long run? yes. it s a painful situation but the problem is the kidnappers. they create these situations. what they did to jim was absolutely despicable and cowardly. we are helping them by not talking about it, by having no agreement on how do we, you know, reduce kidnappings.
so are the french i opened this up. gideon, i don t know if you know. do we know? is the french government moving our way after paying 40 million last year or other governments moving our way or are the europeans paying the ransoms? the tendency is to increase ram coneso manies. i think david is right there needs to be a discussion in this strategy. it s very, very difficult to change that dynamic because it involves at least for a short term the likelihood people will be kidnapped and killed in horrendous ways and until the kidnappers understand that they are not going to get any more money this way, they will keep on doing it. wes, i wasn t really saying it sotongue in cheek. a lot of americans were horrified. where is the daily news here?
give it to me really quickly. the optics of this is horrible domestically and i wasn t even saying it tongue in cheek. i think there is probably an isis commander or two that sees this and goes, wow, he is a cold son of a bitch but, you know, the president has made it very clear, this president has made it very clear he s not going to play by their rules. i think even before that, i think isis has known, you know, the execution, the usage of drone strikes they have increased dramatically under president obama. can i ask you this? you fought over there. there is no way to attach logic to these actions. but why the hell would they do that? they have to know they are putting a target on their back. they have to know how it ended for osama bin laden, for saddam hussein. we are a war weary nangs they
have just forced to confront us and have the president call them a cancer. looking at the escalation happening rights now is the situation we are facing. the issue with targeted air strikes and targeted military strikes, period, is that there norm come two things along with those. one, you re dealing with a rational partner a back door and second you only have a force that can then go and fill in where the vacuum is created you will help to create. we don t have that in syria or iraq. you don t have that in either place. it s interesting how this relates back then to the idea of negotiations. these negotiations and ideas for prisoner swaps have been things that have been long debated within the united states. we recently just had issues where you have u.s. prisoners that were being returned back to the u.s. for prisoner swaps. we are now venturing into new territory is on the monetary piece and this is something i agree. international conversation. international coordination about the monetary piece because the other piece has been there.
let s go to iraq and we are talking to nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely. he were talking about this last hour. things seemed a little more simple in 2003. bad guy running irks, gee take him out of power and set up a stable government. now here in 2014, obviously, everything is shattered. the nation states of syria and iraq have been shattered and find ourselves in a bizarre position of the same thing in assad and iran. where do we go from here? reporter: well, i think that is absolutely the big question for the u.s. administration. it said at the beginning that it was launching these air strikes to help to avoid a genocide of their people at the hands of isis. isis has been driven away from erbil but we are continuing the air strikes.
there were another 14 yesterday. they are almost certainly continuing today. there is a sense perhaps of division, even of muddle in the strategy of the united states. for example, it was almost exactly this time last year that hundreds of syrian civilians damascus were almost gassed by the assad regime. president obama promised air strikes if something like that happened. no air strikes happened and he did a deal with assad s main ally. if that was okay why was it not okay on syrian civilians who were gassed in damascus? if president obama bombs isis in iraq, why does he not bomb isis in syria and that would put him in an incredibly uncomfortable alliance with president assad and that is probably policy wise what is stopping any u.s. air
strikes on the syrian side of the border. so this whole thing, as you say, going back to 2003, it s incredibly complex but the u.s. is dipping its toe in the water of the air strikes. the question is strategically it s easy to get involved and it s easy to start this. where do you stop? british prime minister david cameron cut his vacation short and has put out a statement about the murder of foley. investigators believe foley s murder was british, which bill, again, raises concerns about terrorists with western passports. what can you tell us about that? reporter: yeah. just going back to your previous conversation before i answer that, when you say europeans have paid money, the british government, for example, has a long record of never paying ransom money for hostages just like the u.s. government. on your point about western involvement in this, it is reckoned by british intelligence that there may be up to 500
britons who have gone to syria and iraq to fight on behalf of isis. by the way, u.s. intelligence reckons there may be up to a hundred americans. british intelligence, at the moment, are examining that video of the killing of james foley for any clues as to who his killer might be. from his action, he is quite clearly we lost our connection with bill. is he there? all right. we lost the satellite with bill. get him back. david, we do need to clarify, using donald rumsfeld terms from three. it s chocolate. great britain has not engaged in those negotiations and taken a very tough stand. there was a british hostage decapitated in 2009. german and swiss captors held with him were ransomed and freed. also israeli does prisoner
exchanges. they exchanged a thousand prisoners for one israeli soldier. which i always found shocking, gideon, that the israelis would trade one soldier for a thousand palestinian prisoners, some of whom committed the most horrific of acts. of course, in israeli, this is every time this happens, it s a huge national debate should they do this or should they not do this. right. right. but, again, it s one of the dynamics once the thing starts the expectation is generated and a culture in israeli you don t leave a soldier in the field. so part of the soldier knowing that being willing to go out and fight is the knowledge they are is that the argument? all politics is local so in all of these countries, the french public expects the government to act and the israeli public says don t leave anyone behind. when barack obama doesn t leave beau bergdahl dined it s a furor
here. that s is so hard getting an agreement because french politicians and german politicians have a different dynamic. they have to act in these cases. but i don t understand why. i m sorry. if it s a stupid question, but what would be the reason to pay large sums of money to a terrorist organization to help further feed i think a distinction between exchanging prisoners for a soldier and paying ransom money for people whether soldiers or civilians. i think there needs to be a separate debate about each of them. sure. the conditions and reasons for doing them is different. we would all agree when you pay money for a terrorist kidnapper and terrorist ransom all you re doing is strengthening the terror outfit and encouraging more. this is like what we were dealing with? sudan. a lot of evangelical groups would pay to get children out of slavery for 30 dollars and a year later they were paying $60
to get them out. then it was a hundred dollars to get them out of slavery. i think in the u.s. military there is an expression they say people first and then the military. we will take care of our people but never lose sight of the larger mission. if there comes a situation where any type of scenario will end up hurting the larger mission, we have to remember people first, mission always. that is what you go into battle, that is your mindset and if you re captured, you re not expecting the united states to sacrifice the mission for you. you know that when you put on the uniform, right? we understand that the united states is going to move heaven and earth to get us out as was indicated because we will not leave a soldier or sailor or airmen or marine behind but as always, it s mission always. and you know what you re signing up. david and gideon, thank you so much. it s really thank you for coming in.
we really appreciate it. thank you. still ahead on morning joe, are americans turning their children into narcissistic little monsters? yes. we don t have to do the next segment. have you been in a grocery store and seen kids yelling at their parents? i feel like going up, what are you doing? have you seen that? kids are screaming at parents. like i feel like going up to them, what are you doing? in charge. he is the wholefoods disciplinarian. no i am not. i will say your children are extremely polite. i can t even you know, knock on wood. i have teenagers. there s time. plus, overnight little league sensation and america s sweetheart. more on the great story of mo ne davis. she is amazing! we have heard from his wife and his sister and the key witness jonny williams but now
it s bob mcdonnell s turn. what the former governor of virginia had to say for himself. we go live to the courthouse in richard. speaking of our little monster. bill karins with the forecast. show the mirrors you have. mirrors or mirror? plural. we will do it later. what is the weather? one area of interest. florida or the southeast or the gulf you know the time of the year the storms can come at you. right now a tropical disturbance but could develop into a tropical storm or depression over the weekend so we need to pay attention to it and heading into the general vicinity of puerto rico and the dominican republic over the weekend. tuesday to wednesday, i circled this area where i believe the storm is located from near florida to off the coast safely. that is why this will be a close call. some of our computers developed it into a stronger storm and some barely have it a weak storm at all. a lot to watch there. the heat goes, extreme heat continues in the middle of the country. a lot of bad thunderstorms this morning.
if you re traveling in and around minneapolis and minnesota especially south of minneapolis and driving between minneapolis all the way to chicago, we have a lot of heavy rain heading your way and the roads are going to be treacherous and the airports too are going to have problems. that s the travel trouble spot today. the extended forecast in st. louis. summer has been here two months and now it arrives. probably what everyone wants it to go away. it s nearly a hundred all weekend long into next week in st. louis. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back. to be on your own with no direction home (son) oh no.
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and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. perhaps the only person who can save bob mcdonnell from jail is himself. the former virginia governor took the stand yesterday in his own defense accused of exchanging favors for tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and loans. nbc news national correspondent peter alexandra joins us live
from richmond with more on the trial there. peter? reporter: good morning to you. this is certainly the moment that richmond and a lot of this country has been waiting for and right out of the gates when he took the stand, bob mcdonnell began distancing himself from his wife. legal experts here say that what the 71st governor of this state says and, most importantly, whether the jurors believe him will go a long way in determining whether or not he and his wife end up in federal prison facing a crush of cameras bob mcdonnell is taking the stage. defending accusations trade the prestige of his office for personal game in the norm form of lavish gifts and vacations and right hand behind the wheel of a ferrari thanks to businessman jonny williams looking to up his supplements. their marriage was so badly broken, mcdonnell described running on adrenaline the day
elected governor but not his wife. she was yelling about something, he said. it clearly exhibited the stress what lay ahead of her for her new role as first lady. that fight interrupted by a congratulatory call from president obama. the most revealing window yet into the couple s relationship turning to the daughter. one she said was very sweet, very tender. the other very manipulative and very unpredictable and very deceptive. the governor s sister said maureen mcdonnell once texted her before she had to return to what she called that prison mansion. a close adviser to the governor saw the crush of maureen mcdonnell had on williams the businessman. they appeared to be fond of each other, she said. it was kind of flirty. it was very, very, very friendly. as uncomfortable as really asbestos unflattering this testimony is legal experts say
it may be helping the mcdonnell s case and may be difficult to convict either of them if they can convict jurors that maureen mcdonnell was acting without his husband s knowledge in accepting the gifts. she insists she is not a public official and can t be accused of accepting bribes and not expected to testify but her husband will be on the stand today and this should be some of the most dramatic testimony yesterday as bob mcdonnell talks about the frayed relationship with his own wife. here with us now to join this considering is mark halpern and thomas roberts is here as well. i m having a hard time believing this disconnection between this estranged couple, estranged or not, they are married and she lives in the governor s mansion with him. and i don t know how you can blame one person and the other says he doesn t know anything about it. you would think if you had such a problem with a spouse and you were running a state, you d be
even more tuned in and your staff that threatened to quit on her would be telling you about inappropriate activity and saying, sir, we are concerned. am i missing something? but that s how it would work anywhere. how could he be completely disconnected, mark halpern? he is going to be back on the stand today and talk more expectation he is going to talk more about the details of his marriage. the governor makes a good point in the sense that this was a businessman who was trying to create jobs so it helped virginia. so just because he was a contributor doesn t mean the guy can t get help. the question is the personal stuff that they got. there does seem to have been a certain amount of compartmentalization between the mcdonnells. there does. it s impossible. i m not sure it s impossible because a lot of the testimony he is wearing a rolex and sitting in the ferrari. he can t blame that on her. he knew there was some interaction but i m not sure he
knew and the staff but it was complicated, thomas, because you have mrs. mcdonnell thinking she is getting involved in a romantic relationship with this vitamin guy, you know? so, obviously, it wasn t that open, you know? well, i mean, is the governor okay with that is he thinking let maureen get romantically involved because he will give me a check for my daughter s wedding? he is okay with jonnie williams getting involved personally. explain the laws of virginia. joe and i had this conversation today and this is the big point. the virginia laws allow a lot of wiggle room, that allow for these type of donations to come in that then make it acceptable for this type of behavior then to go off the rail. peter, explain why, from a legal standpoint, that is why this defense has been so purposely
focused on the marital relationship of the mcdonnell s. somebody said in my ear. look at this picture. it was said in my ear by john tower, a lot of chiseled jaws on the screen right now. also this dispels the rumor we are not the same person. we get this a lot. so we are two separate people. two separate people. okay, that is good to know. brothers from a different mother. i m skeptical here, though. peter alexander? so i m clearly not a legal expert so i can t get into the nuance of this but the significance of the law in this state is exactly what goes at the base of governor mcdonnell s defense here which is what he insists is he did what he says any governor would do which is he was trying to help promote a virginia business. whether or not he was accepting gifts, he was doing what he says any government would do. that is the argument they are make pregnant. the biggest challenge that goes for the credibility of these two and governor mcdonnell who has won multiple elections out of the gates like a good boy scout
spoke directly to the prosecutor and the jurors trying to convince them of his argument and he even had one of his best friends from college at notre dame talking about what a good sort of boy scout he is. but the challenge for them is that he and his wife only a matter of months ago were hand in hand and were all smiles and their public persona for so long the way this state knew them, the way the country knew them. remember, he was considered to be a potential running mate alongside mitt romney was this real team. the idea they weren t talking is something the jurors will be suspect of. absolutely. he was an incredible politician for sure and probably still it. joe, break it down. a staff with a situation like that would usually notify the governor, we have a problem with your wife. let s brake it down. everybody can speculate all they want. the bottom line is this. the prosecution has to prove, because as thomas said, it s not illegal getting the gifts. they have got to prove intent in his mind that he did something for jonnie williams based on a
rolex watch. we can be offended by the rolex watch and the daughter s wedding and the ferferrari. it doesn t matter. fountain prosecution can connect any one of those gifts for him doing a favor for jonnie williams. maybe the prosecutor can do it. i can tell you as a lawyer, i would much rather have the defense attorney s be job than the prosecutor s job. that is a hell of a high bar to go over illegal. let s move on to arkansas and mark pryor. he is fighting for re-election in the red state of arkansas but not stopping him from touting a yea toyota. he did this for obamacare. he is featured with his father referring to the health care law without really mentioning it by name. when mark was diagnosed with cancer we thought we might lose him. my family and my faith helped me through the rough times.
but you know what? mark s insurance companies didn t want to pay for the treatment that ultimately saved his life. no one should be fighting an insurance company while you re fighting for your law. that s why i passed a law for prevent insurance company from cancelling your policy if you get sick. what do you make of this, joe? we were all talking. we were still all talking about the virginia trial. and husbands and wives and how they treat each other in these situations. let s move on, though. yes! i think we should! senator pryor talking about obamacare. arkansas, louisiana, populace states like that might not be a bad idea. mark pryor talking about voting for obamacare. not saying obamacare the affordable care act but talking about popular parts of the law and using his father.
his father is a smoother politician than he is which the ad shows. his father is beloved in the state and why it s significant is democrats are going on offense and if you go state-by-state, race-by-race, most of the democratic incumbents who are targeted are in much stronger position in august than republicans and we thought they would be. pryor is in this defense and going on offense saying thg a popular law in some ways. a lot of times things you just kind of get a gut feeling out there. talking to people, putting up anecdotal evidence. wes, i get a feeling as a guy who opposed obamacare, as a guy who would like to see obamacare replaced with something better, more market-driven, more sustainable, i still i get the sense the longer this law is in effect, the more acceptance it has with the american people. forget that. you ask americans do you support obamacare, no, i hate it but
they like parts of obamacare. they don t really understand it, but they like parts of it. say, no, i oppose it, but as far as repeal goes, i just am kind of getting the gutted feeling and wonder if you guys are feeling the same way too. the longer this law is in effect the more it becomes part of our social fabric. yes. the harder it is to paint something with horns that supports it like pryor in arkansas. that s right. also i think you hit the nail on the head earlier as well when you said i would like to see it replaced with something better. the problem this election has not been about this is obamacare or the alternative. that is the problem. it s obamacare or something better and no one knows what it is yet and that is the challenge. that is a great point. if they actually had something to replace it with and i ll go back to 94. we could say, we re against the president s health care plan. here are three republican health care plans. i like this republican health care plan but if you like
chafee s health care plan you can go that with and a moderate health care plan that maybe wouldn t be that bad. republicans have nothing. there is such a void out there. they can go, we can introduce it. no. the party hasn t come together. obamacare is mitt romney s plan from massachusetts. but mitt romney s plan from massachusetts is not but it s not that is not a traditionally mainstream republican plan. fine. congress doesn t like that. paul ryan has a plan but it involves making fundamental changes in medicare and medicaid for future beneficiaries and they don t want to talk about it. what i m saying, though, if they don t like romney care or obamacare, what is your plan? house republicans, you control the purse strings. so what is your plan? this is a debate. they can t whine and complain. i ve said this before after the
2012 election. bill kristol and a lot of other conservatives got together at national review. they had a big talk and said, guys, next two years, we have to stand for something. we have got to come up with an alternative on the health care. we have got to come up with an alternative on immigration. we have got to the warning signs were there right after 2012. the house republicans have done nothing. the leadership has done nothing to break through and they can blame the media all they want. get all republicans together in front of a camera and say, we stand for this and we will fight for this and that will break through. they haven t done it. and that is why you re right. there have been a lot of reasons why they haven t. they are focused on improving relationships they have with hispanic voters and that take hand most of their time. there is that. it s a very difficult issue, obviously, or it would have been done a long time ago. it s not that difficult. coming up the tragedy of ferguson and finding a way forward. what the death of michael brown has revealed about the united
states renowned writer david von draley joins us with new cover story for time. also how to deal with your narcissistic baby. all that and more when morning joe returns. [ woman ] the cadillac summer collection is here. [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summer s best event, lease this all-new 2014 cts for around $459 a month or purchase with 0% apr. hurry in this exceptional offer ends soon. or purchase with 0% apr. hey! i found a happy space somewhere to call our own a happy little place and it all starts with you
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39 past the hour. joining us now to reveal the new cover of time magazine times deputy managing editor michael duffy. good to have you back on the show. from kansas city, missouri editor at law for time magazine tom draley who wrote the cover ever this time magazine. the tragedy of ferguson. david, talk about the story. how did this happen in middle america? well, it happened, sadly, the same way it seems to have happened from time to time all across the country. with we discover too late that a community has completely lost the basic bonds of trust that hold a community together. the lines of communication that allow a police department or a mayor s office to talk to, you know, the people in the streets,
and a trigger event happens, in this case, the tragic killing of michael brown. and people feel like they have no way of expressing themselves, their outrage. they take to the streets. and once that happens, you know, there s no telling what is going to come next. the time to prevent a riot, to stop a riot is before it happens. michael duffy here. you have people holding their hands up. we just got some film from tuesday night. in st. louis. and really disturbing and run this clip equally quickly of an officer threatening civilians, including journalists. my hands are up, bro. my hands are up. [ bleep ] hands up. hands up. raid [ bleep ] [ bleep ] hands up. get back. get back. you re going to kill him. he is threatening to kill
him. get back. what is your name, sir? [ bleep ]. your name is [ bleep ] yourself go [ bleep ] yourself. hello, officer. officer, he is trying to kill me. what are you doing? i know you guys are watching. [ bleep ] he had to be told by another officer to pointing his gun at people right now for no reason. that cop was suspended indefinitely. was suspended indefinitely. the washington post has an interesting column where if you look at the polls, ferguson actually divides us a lot less than you think. most americans, white and black, horrified by what they are seeing on tv. you can t look at this story and not think it s an american tragedy that cuts across all lines. everyone loses in this tale. there are no winners for either the people in the community of ferguson, the family of michael brown, the cop, his life and career probably is, you know, coming to an end. the power structure of st. louis county. the governor. no one has come out of this
looking better. and the country saw the issues of race and criminal justice ripped open and it can only think after so many incidents, after so many occurrences, why can t we get this right? i think also, this isn t just a situation of white/black. the person who was just taking that video was not african-american. if you look at the crowds of people that are marching, it s not it s not purely african-american audience marching throughout the ferguson. this is a much bigger and broader issue about levels of distrust with law enforcement and how exactly law enforcement is being implemented and it s really hard and it s difficult to watch because all of us know that the vast majority of law enforcement officers are there doing an unbelievably difficult job and doing it under unbelievably difficult circumstances. i don t usually bring private conversations in my living room into broader setting, but i was sitting this summer with two other guys who have been friends
for 20 years. well to do. very white. never arrested. no scrapes with the law. and they had about a 20 or 30-minute discussion about police and how it seems like the quality of police officers nationwide is getting worse. they are too taken with their power. and they are like we are republican. we were having this before ferguson. like we were watching the bombing of gaza when we were having this discussion. there is a poll out talking about african-americans, but when rich white guys who have never had a scrape the with the law are talking about a problem with police being too taken with a little bit of power, there seems to be a tear in the social fabric here, michael. as david makes clear there are communities that know how to do this and integrate their police into the community day after day in real and one to one ways and communities that just don t do that. this is one of those.
throw into that the question of race and how there is no question that if you re a black male, you are treated by police differently than if you were a white male whether you did anything or not and you have an explosive situation in which we are still dealing with now. some communities know how to do this and there are people who are helping them do it. but not everyone what about this story will little narcissist? it s a different story. what are little narcissists? a book is written about nauc narcissism and why it s a problem for awful us. we are born crazy. we will all borne crazy selfish little monsters and we we have to learn not to be crazy monsters and selfish. in the generation, it just feeds into that, doesn t it? i m guessing it s going to be harder to make the break.
you re supposed to do it in about kindergarten. you re supposed to learn empathy and what i learned in kindergarten really matters? look at me, i want to look at me. what the book says essentially is most of us make the break, there are reasons that we don t. right. and we don t have self-control. most of us make the break. most of us make it. most of us. mika, do you know any narcissists in your life? i don t. she handed me a book on narcissists and said do you know about this? i said no. we had a conversation. that was all. it was just me and you talking about the issue of narcissism. we will be looking for the new issue of time . michael duffy and david von draley, thank you as well. she was the first little league player to make the cover of sports illustrated and she makes throwing like a girl a very good thing.
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she is taking the sports world by storm. was she able to strike out the boys and help move her team along? joining us live is katy tur with that story. all of a sudden very rainy williamssport, pennsylvania. although the dragons did not win mo ne pretty v valiantly especially considering she had the on her. last night all eyes were on a 13-year-old girl with a
history-making fastball. from the cover of sports illustrated to round-the-clock media coverage, this year s tournament has been all about mo ne. and if she was nervous before gametime, she didn t show it, warming up and signing autographs like a pro. go in calm and confident so that s how i m going to go into the game. reporter: but right off the bat, a run for las vegas and mo ne s confidence clearly shaken. take a breath. you can just feel the fight in mo ne davis. reporter: still, she fought through it. she said she came out here to strike boys out, and 34,000 people, including these guys right here, came out here to see her do just that. in two and a half innings, she struck out six. mo ne is just the 18th girl to play in the little league world
series. back in 1989, nbc featured the first girl to get a hit on this hallowed field, 12-year-old victoria brucker. wait for my pitch to come and i just swing. reporter: 25 years later, and mo ne is inspiring a whole new generation. girl power. reporter: and while the dragons may have lost, a lot of fans feel like they have already won. it doesn t matter that they lost, they still played as hard as they could. reporter: and not to worry, the dragons and mo ne davis have another chance to play tonight. they ll face off chicago at 7:30. the winner of that game goes on to play saturday where they ll have to beat las vegas twice because it s a double elimination and that team will move on to the world series on sunday. it s going to be an exciting one. i know you guys will be watching. i ll be here. a great story. we will. katy tur, thank you so much. you know, kate is starting to play softball now. yes, she is.
we were flipping around and they have they also have little league world series for softball. you can watch it. i didn t know that so we were watching it. a lot of fun. it s adorable to watch. still ahead, kid actors take on your favorite emmy-nominated tv roles. you re watching morning joe. who s playing you? okay. we ll be right back.
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i ll have your results in just a moment. mika is making me take a test on whether i m a narcissist or
not. coming up at the top of the hour, war in iraq. it was the issue that launched barack obama s presidential campaign and now as commander in chief, he may be responsible for sending more troops back to that country? plus rick perry, fresh off his fancy mug shot, will be making a big speech today. we ll have an exclusive first look at what he s saying. if i looked like that guy i d be a narcissist. this is not the cosmo quiz, by the way, this is in time magazine. i took a quiz in the washington post on whether you re a narcissist. you only have to answer one question, and i passed.
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i wish i had more time to see my family. the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of jim foley by the terrorist group isil. a just god would stand for what they did yesterday and a group like isil has no place in the 21st century. the u.s. is not stepping down. a now proposal to send up to 300 more u.s. troops there. the bigger step, he could take the fight to syria. president assad in syria, he s the one who released dozens of islamist militants from his prisons. when the west refused to arm syria s moderate rebels, they were outgunned by the militants whose success drew in recruits. it may be adding to the
conviction if isis isn t confronted, it may move closer to the yuds. look around you when you sit in comfort and ask yourself is this how you want to die. attorney general eric holder went to ferguson today. many here argue the prosecutor bob mccullouh should be we moved. the lack of trust is one of the reasons attorney general holder came to meet with his investigators. last night looked a little better, huh? residents still waiting on a grand jury, still eight weeks from a decision. there were no molotov cocktails tonight, no fires, no shootings. a hope that ferguson may have hit a turning point. are people eventually going to go home? yes, that will happen. does that mean that things are solved? no. good morning, everybody. it is thursday, august 21st. welcome to morning joe. a lot to get to this morning. boy, we do. we ve got on the front page of all the papers, news that there was an attempt to rescue
jim foley. we ll start there. the pentagon confirms that dozens of special operations troops unsuccessfully tried to rescue the journalist, james foley, and other american hostages earlier this summer in syria. the captives were not at the targeted location and foley was ultimately murdered by islamic militants. officials say one u.s. commando was injured in the mission and several militants were killed. so people are really angry right now. very. about not only not only about this murder. a lot of people inside the pentagon, snie the new york tim is reporting very angry this information was released. a lot feeling it was released so the president would look like he is engaged. he obviously is getting hammered for going out golfing right after this horrifying news. the daily news has this on the front page. that actually cuts both ways.
but can you imagine i mean both of you, if you re president of the united states and like the europeans pay these hostage ransoms all the time. they do. but barack obama didn t. and america usually doesn t. but what a terrible choice to have to make. it is a terrible choice, and other countries do it. president obama is vowing not to let up the campaign against the terrorists responsible for the bloodshed. here he is yesterday. jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world. no just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. isil has no ideology of any value to human beings. from governments and peoples across the middle east, there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer so that it does not spread. there has to be a clear rejection of these kind of
anilistic ideologies. one thing we can all agree on is that a group like isil has no place in the 21st century. so this is the picture that president obama is facing criticism for. after his speech, this is what he did just a short time after his speech. he was seen smiling on the golf course in martha s vineyard, along with former nba star alonzo mourning. the other part of the day yesterday was just heart-wrenching. before this you heard from foley s parents as well in a news conference. so a lot of people are feeling that this picture really shows a president who is disengaged and a president who really doesn t sort of have a sense of tone in terms of the moment. there are actually two ways to look at this. you know, your first instinct is to look at this, right? and to say how horrifying. and it s the truth. there s another way to look at it too, which is i mean, you
know, george w. bush told us to go shopping, to go to malls after 9/11. show those terrorists. here i think there are probably one or two terrorists in isis, because this is how they make their money, right? this is al qaeda funded their operations by kidnapping europeans and getting ransom money, right? and so they are negotiating with spock with a pitching wedge here. no, they really are. he is spock. maureen dowd calls him spock. he s spock. and i m sure there may be one or two terrorists, willie, over in syria looking at him going, wow, that s one cold bastard. like he goes golfing on martha s vineyard. and by the way, people might be watching going are you criticizing the president or not. i don t know what i m doing. i just know that this is how terrorists fund their organizations. and if the president were in the white house wringing his hands
and weeping, no, he s out golfing. and it s horrible for the parents, but it does send a message to the terrorists. i m sure barack obama would say, you know, if we can t go golfing at an exclusive golf course at martha s vineyard, then the terrorists have already won. all right, i don t think he d say that. i m not making light of any situation, i m merely pointing out these are horrible, horrible optics domestically, but internationally, willie, for terrorists, it s basically like screw you. screw you. we re not going to live by your rules. yes. try to follow that. you know what i m saying. yeah, no, i follow what you re saying. so we know that this president, this white house has no time or patience for what we call optics, theater. i m doing the job. if i play golf once in a while, so be it. in this case, though, and i always hate the vacation and golf criticism that happens
every summer with every president. we know the president can do his job wherever he is. by the way, let s just say right here, presidents are always working. right. even on a whether they re on the golf course or behind the desk, they re always working. yes. so that s the first part. and the second part is, but, in this case you had such a horrific act. people saw it and it was on the front page of newspapers and the family was crying. you d think out of respect just for the family even, forget what the press thinks about it, for the family maybe just take a step back and quietly go about your job. now, he is attacking isis relentlessly. air strikes again yesterday. air strikes this entire month. it s not like he s sitting back and doing nothing. and i want to say, i don t want to confuse anybody here, mika, i couldn t have done it. right. i could not have gone out and played golf. i just couldn t have done it. that said, you know maureen dowd always calls him spock. he s kind of spock.
and in this case, as maddening as that may seem, it may work. i do i do wonder, though, when you look at these terrorists, what are they thinking? like they just traded in a war-weary sleeping giant for a pissed-off country. the story always ends the same. wait, let s see. no, it didn t. osama bin laden no, wait a second, he got a bullet through his eye. oh, but saddam hussein got no. we actually ripped off his head from his body after he was hung. dresdan, hiroshima, nagasaki, i mean they have placed a huge target on their backs by doing this. and i m serious, when are the bad guys going to understand that it s just better to walk on the other side of the street.
go ahead, pick on europeans, they ll pay you ransom. they re on a vacation from history. and again, i m not being facetious here. no, you re not. this is just stupid. nothing piques the conscious of war-weary americans than pictures like we saw yesterday all over the front panlz. it s horrifying. it s horrifying and you can t just sit and let this go by. your sons, your brother, your father, your uncle. and, willie, they have exposed themself as the cancer that they are. the president of the united states is now calling them a cancer that has to be cut out. and everyone will agree. and the attacks now will only accelerate from the united states and they already have as of yesterday. let s go to washington now. bbc state department correspondent is just back from lebanon. kim, thanks for being with us. great to be here. what more can you tell us about what happened, looking at the commando raid, the attempted anyway by special forces of the united states to go after and rescue jim foley, a failed
attempt because he had been moved by the time the special forces got there? reporter: well, first of all, i d like to point out that we are marking today the one-year anniversary of the chemical weapon attacks against syrians just outside damascus. that provoked a brief moment of international outrage at the time, which almost led to american and european military strikes against syria, which in the end did not happen. and syria one year on is in an even worse place. we heard from the french president yesterday saying that if the international community had shown a bit more resolve in pushing for a transition in syria, in other words, if the u.s. and its european allies had gone for strikes, perhaps isis would not be where it is today. so, kim, can i ask you about that because there s a debate obviously going on in the united states between two pretty powerful democrats, hillary clinton saying that she called
for it earlier and barack obama saying that it s, quote, fantasy, her position and the president of france s position. what is the feeling throughout the international community, throughout the european community about what would have happened. are they on the other side of the president and intervening in syria before this madness took over the entire country? reporter: my reading from talking to european officials and from being in the arab world is that there is very much a sense that the u.s. left a vacuum in the region, which was filled by jihadis, by hezbollah, by iran, by russia. that s very much hillary clinton s view as well. it s debatable, of course. but looking at the situation on the ground at the moment, that is very much the feeling that europeans have. and i do believe that because of what s happening in iraq, because of what we saw happen to james foley and because of this attempt to rescue american hostages in syria, i do think
it s only a matter of time before the president will have to consider the possibility of strikes against islamic militants in syria. the conundrum there is inadvertently he may shoire up president assad. let s go to iraq now. joining us from erbil, nbc chief global correspondent bill neely with the latest on the ground there. bill? reporter: yes. well, the u.s. air strikes have not stopped since the murder of jim foley. there were at least 14 yesterday, bringing to 84 the total number of air strikes in the mosul dam area in particular since this campaign started. as you ve heard, the big question is where does this campaign end? what are its goals? initially it was to stop a genocide against the yazidis, the religious minority and also
to protect u.s. facilities here in erbil. the isis advance on erbil appears to have been stopped so why is the u.s. continuing its campaign? president obama said yesterday that we will act, we will confront isis, but for how much longer and how deep is the involvement of the u.s. here in northern iraq going to be? it s easy to start a campaign, not so easy to end it. interestingly, this military operation, unlike so many others in the past, desert storm, desert fox, does not have a name. there is no brand on this operation and no end in sight. that is the question, what is the objective now. how far does the united states go. nbc s bill neely on the ground in iraq. bill, thanks for your reporting. we appreciate it. in other news, officials are hopeful the tide is turning in ferguson, missouri, following the second straight night of reduced demonstration. it follows a visit by attorney general eric holder who met with captain ron johnson, along with college students and community
leaders. he said he understands why there s mistrust of police, recalling when he was stopped twice for speeding and had his car searched. attorney general holder rejected criticism of his trip to ferguson. i need to be here, you know. i m a little disturbed to see people questioning why i was here. my answer to that would be why would i be any other place other than right here right now to talk to the people in this area who are deserving of our attention and we want to help as best we can. meanwhile, prosecutors began presenting evidence to a grand jury which will determine whether the officer that shot michael brown at least six times should be charged. joining us now from ferguson, nbc s craig melvin. craig, the reports from the ground last night, relative peace. is that what you saw? reporter: willie geist, for the second straight night, peaceful, it was calm. just to give you some perspective here, monday into tuesday, nearly 70 arrests. tuesday into wednesday, more than 50 arrests.
last night here, as of 1:00 a.m. there were six arrests. by and large those half dozen folks were arrested for failure to disperse, disturbing the peace. captain johnson indicated that law enforcement felt like the tide might be beginning to turn here in ferguson. we should note that there were some pretty severe thunderstorms at one point last night, but even before that, we saw the smallest, quietest crowd of protesters that we ve seen so far on the ground here. of course the highlight or the headline yesterday, i should say, attorney general eric holder on the ground for several hours meeting with community leaders, meeting with captain johnson as well. also spent some time with the congressional delegation, talked to missouri governor jay nixon as well. and in addition to speaking from the heart about his own experiences as a young black man in america, he also we should remember here this is the same
attorney general who just last week was somewhat critical of the response here in ferguson. at one point saying they should get these damn tanks out of here. but again, based on what i saw yesterday, based on the folks i talked to last night, it appears, it appears that right now peace and order are about to be restored to ferguson. we can hope. craig, thank you very much. i love that line that eric holder gave, which is, you know, people are criticizing for being there. where else would i be? i don t always agree with this guy, but he s right. where else would he be, right? i want to show you a piece of video that came it s from tuesday night. local police officer threatening what appeared to be a peaceful protester on the streets. oh, my god. gun raised, gun raised, gun raised and pointed. my hands are up, bro. my hands are up.
get back, get back. you re going to kill him? he s trying to kill me? what s your name, sir? go [ bleep ] yourself, all right? hello, officer, go [ bleep ] yourself. office, go [ bleep ] yourself, he s trying to kill me. i hope you guys are watching this. he had to be told by another officer not to point the gun. what in the hell the st. louis county police department says the officer has been relieved of duty. what in the hell? so i would say that there s been a lot of discussion about the imbalance along the police forces there. i think this was st. louis. also just how poorly trained these guys are and the situation they re in. it s a bad mix. i m making no excuses for that guy. that was horrendous. but my god, it does show they are totally unmatched to today s times. totally, willie, unmatched.
and it s not like there s cameras clearly there. it s not like this hasn t been going on and this guy is pointing a live weapon in the what s going on here? he s being goaded, yes. you d think two weeks into this, the learning curve would be such that you re not waving a semiautomatic weapon at a crowd with media all around. you shouldn t do it anyway, but with cameras all over the place. there are just it is the media is there and this guy is in the middle of it pointing well, you know, i just saw i looked at the video earlier and obviously someone was raising camera video but then a television camera crossed and this guy was clearly knowledgeable that he was being videotaped, so at least you would think he would stop for fear of being seen doing that, that he shouldn t be doing that. he says he thought he saw somebody with a gun so he raised his weapon. he thought he was being confronted. turned out it was a bb gun.
so he saw something he thought was a gun and the police say they relieved him because of the way he treated the crowd and the language he used, not in the approach that he used. i would agree with that. i mean if a crowd is dpogoading you, that s going to incite you even more. it s incredible. still ahead, a trip to hollyweird where will offerman lists his comments and shower thoughts. plus arming cops and mill tarrizing our cities. dude, super armor, dude. he doesn t want anybody to see him in there. dude, you can t even see him. unless you live in downtown kab kabul, there is no practical need for anything like that in your town. how one comedian was able to torpedo an armored tank in a michigan town. but first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill. my best effort to torpedo the show, you re supposed to say, mika. chicago o hare airport one of the few with delays right now.
thunderstorms widespread. you can almost draw a line from minneapolis all the way down to chicago. so right now we re holding at about 45-minute delays with thunderstorms in the area. i think those delays will build as we go. on the radar you can see why. here is the chicago area, all the little white flashes on there, those are lightning strikes. this is our live lightning tracker on top of the radar imagery. there s a batch of pretty strong thunderstorms between dekalb and chicago. that s going right over o hare shortly. that s why we ll build those delays. we have thunderstorms to the north of the huge heat dome and the hot temperatures continue. yesterday was 100 degrees from texas, upper 90s all the way to florida. look at the forecast in memphis, tennessee. 97 to 98 five days in a row and it easily goes into next week and almost to labor day. so we re in a new weather pattern where it s hot in the southern half of the country in the southeast and cooler in the west. the one exception is the northeast. boston, new york city area, you re not going to get this intense heat like the rest of the southern half of the country is. you re watching morning joe.
washington, d.c., you re right in the middle. a little bit of heat, a little bit of humidity and a lot of thunderstorms the next few days. we ll be right back. what if there was a credit card where the reward was that new car smell and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that i m 16 and just got my first car feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you re not just shopping for goods. you re shopping for something great. learn more at
all right, let s take a look at the morning papers now, shall we? the atlanta journal constitution, nbc has learned a u.s. doctor who contracted the ebola virus in west africa will be released today. dr. kent brantly was part of a
christian aid organization working with affected patients when he became sick. he was transferred to emory university hospital earlier this month. brantly is expected to make a statement at a news conference at 11:00 a.m. eastern time this morning. emory officials will also give an update on nancy writebol. boy, that s great news. we certainly are thankful for that. yep. and usa today videos captured an amazing moment when a huge fish actually turned the tables and ate a shark in florida. here in the clip. fisherman is reeling in a four-foot long shark. all of a sudden a giant grouper sneaks up. oh, my goodness. look at that! that s something you don t see often, and devours the shark. a grouper actually eating a shark. i okay. so does this mean that next year we re going to have grouper week on animal planet?
i think, and groupnado. look at the size of that thing. the houston chronicle, police uncovered more than a million dollars of weed after busting two illegal fields outside of houston, texas. you can almost smell it from here. the marijuana plants were cut down and removed from the area via a helicopter. officials say the fields covered about five acres behind a prison. the suspected growers ran off into the woods and remain at large. a lot of sad stoners watching that weed carried by helicopter out of there. come on, move on. they re going to move it somewhere. this is like cute news you can t use. so this from the san diego union tribune. meet these two unlikely pals. a cheetah cub and a puppy named reyna. the cheetah was rejected by his mother, so when he was just a few weeks old, the san diego zoo safari park paired him up with a friend to help acclimate him to
life at the park and then released this video showcasing play time. that s not going to last forever. i saw born free. i know how it ends. first he was indicted, then he had his mug shot taken, then he had some ice cream and now he s delivering a major speech in washington. you go, rick perry. an exclusive first look at what governor rick perry will be saying today. plus, has target regained the trust of shoppers following last year s massive security breach? morning joe will be right back.
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oh, my god. do you remember that cartoon ziggy? i cut it out and put it up in my office. do you remember ziggy? everybody remember him? you don t, you re too young. he s lying on the coach and the psychiatrist said, no, ziggy, the whole world is not against you, over 4 billion people don t even know that you exist. so in time magazine, meacham, there s a little poll you can take. a poll? test. a test, to see if you re a
narcissist. mika had me take it and i passed. i had joe take it. how did i do? the top score or the average score, here we go. average score is a 4. now, okay, so the average score is a 4. what do you think i got on it, jon? 1.5. close. i got a 9. i was so close. which you know what that means, i m twice as great as everybody else. i thought that s what it meant. i think it s important to tell yourself that. i m kidding, i m kidding. t.j., they know i m kidding. the test is hysterical. i could have answered every question for you. i did get a 9, though. he is that s the first time i ve ever been ahead of the curve on like any test. it s fantastic. i remember one time, speaking of ratings, i went to a town hall meeting and i got a 50% from some i think it was
league of conservation voters, something like that. i got a 50%. and they were all there and gave me a standing ovation because for a republican i was seen as being very green. i stood after that and said thank you so much. this is the first time since eighth grade math that i actually was applauded for getting a 50. isn t that something? if the bar is set lower somehow there s a tie here. today governor rick perry is set to come out swinging in a speech, targeting president obama s policies. let s bring in chief white house correspondent for politico, mike allen. mike, you have an exclusive first look at his speech. what is he going to be saying? well, good morning, mika. i m starting to wonder if some other candidates should get indicted ever since governor perry was indicted. he has a spring in his step, the sass is back, he s sounding more confident. we saw the ice cream stop yesterday. so today he s going to be in d.c. he s going to stop by the
chinese ambassador, the japanese envoy ahead of his asia trip next week. and he s giving a speak at heritage where he s very tough on the president. and he basically predicts an attack on the u.s. by the islamic state. he says that president obama is going to be a victim of mission creep by isis. he says they re going to start to deliver on threats that they have made and maybe it s a hijacker with passports coming in, maybe it s someone who slips across the border. here s the money line, rick perry will say today what rational observer doubts that such an attack is part of the plan? he s also going to talk about borders and he s going to say that chaos is not a condition for fixing immigration. he said for someone who wants to talk about comprehensive immigration reform, i say to them, let s first talk about comprehensive immigration enforcement.
mike allen, thank you. to his point, rick perry wears an indictment well, i guess. he really does. enjoying every moment. he looks good, right? i m asking, a great-looking guy. you ve got competition right there. obviously this is a gift from the democrats to a person that is potentially running for president. i actually think it is. because of the swagger that he has come out with and the people cheering him on and saying this is ridiculous. and certain people that have come out on the left saying that this smells. like sarah palin s complaints, but real. the new york times editorial page coming out in favor of rick perry. that doesn t happen often. let s go to business before the bell. joining us now brian sullivan with the latest. brian, start with the fed. okay. so yesterday we had the fed minutes, that s basically their 20-page summation of the previous meeting. nobody cares except when they talk about raising interest rates. yesterday we got some clues that
more members of the fed, there are ten voting members, want to raise interest rates sooner than expected. really, why is that? well, the economy has gotten better, joe. we ve talked about this. i ve been more bullish on the economy for a number of years but now we re starting to see the jobs numbers get better. that s key. the fed really has two mandates, one of which, probably the biggest of them, is to maximize employment. so that s a positive. janet yellen speaks tomorrow, kind of a super bowl for us in business news. if she gives hints that interest rates could go up let me just say to you in business news, i m sorry. that s your super bowl, really? i think it s cool. thank you, mika. what s cool about it? janet yellen talking about what? she s awesome. i m going to be on that couch with ziggy if this keeps up. that s the way it works. so the economy heats up a little bit, they raise interest rates. doesn t that slow down the economy and is the market going to go down today because of it? no. that s the thing. that s the good news.
we re five points away from our all-time high on the s&p 500. i personally believe the economy can withstand some interest rate hikes. remember, we re still incredibly low. it s not like we re going back to the 80s where your parents probably paid 17% for a mortgage. mortgage rates are about 4% if you can get the credit. so the markets have done pretty well. even in the face of this, guys so mika has a question. i m sorry to cut you off but we re going to talk about a french store and mika wants to have the conversation. mika, your favorite french store. target. some big problems. they had some big problems, but there s good news here. remember the huge data breach last year at target? guess what, most of the shoppers have come back. they lost a bunch of shoppers. the ceo out saying many of the shoppers, most of them have indeed come back. perhaps a restoration of not restoration hardware, a restoration of trust at target. so mika, next time we can do the interview in french.
[ speaking french ] i m getting really uncomfortable. is his french as bad as your father s? oh, no, my dad is the worst and he thinks it s really good. oh, my god. brian sullivan, thank you so much. appreciate it, brian. get back on that couch. still ahead, this is the mine restraint resistant ambush proof vehicle which michigan had in their arsenal. yes. for saginaw. the reason why they re getting rid of it now? well, morning joe will tell you and it has to do with a comedian. oh, good god.
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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. if you re wondering what it feels like to have a mine-resistant vehicle on the streets of your town, i give you a youtube video of two dudes from saginaw, michigan. holy [ bleep ], dude. super armor, dude. he doesn t want anybody to
see him in there. dude, you can t even see him. that s crazy! saginaw colony sheriff, dude. that looks cool, dude. look how big these tires are. it s taller than dude. it s awesome! now, to be fair, to be fair, that is exactly how they reacted when chipotle first opened there. that was john oliver on sunday, mocking america s heightened militarizatiomilitar. the next day the next day, mika. the next day, that it s decided to give back that mine-resistant vehicle. the sheriff claims the decision was in the works for a while saying it was expensive to maintain and they didn t use it, so why keep it around. that s a good question. there were people that fought in iraq in 03 that said the cops in ferguson had better gear
than they had the first time. stop it. no, they did. the first time they went into iraq. that s exactly right. is it true? and people completely underestimate the costs that it takes to take these things on. when you have cities who are scrapping everything, you know, cutting, making every cut across the board. but we have mraps that are readily deployed in case something happens. hardware or pensions? one of the two. hardware that you don t use. okay. so joining us now from ferguson, missouri, washington post reporter radially balance could. he s the author of rise of the warrior cop now out in paperback. that seems timely. very timely. we ve talked about this before. just how expansive has this become in middle america? well, it s been everywhere, not just middle america. this pentagon program that s been giving this stuff away since the early 1980s, it s been
going to police departments all across the country. you ve got the department of homeland security that s been giving out grants to buy new military-grade equipment and so you ve got, you know, tiny towns across the country that are getting these mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles that were designed for use in war in iraq and afghanistan that are now being used on main street. so the question of the gear itself and whether that s appropriate for policing, but there s also the question of the mindset that you sort of instill in police officers when you dress them in camouflage and give them military-grade weapons and military-grade vehicles and whether that s appropriate in domestic policing. i argue that it isn t. and of course s.w.a.t. teams, he writes about s.w.a.t. teams. not for hostage raids, but for routine busts. well, it seems pretty intense. radley, i want to ask you, though, because we do live in a post-9/11 america and we can understand where homeland
security is coming in trying to shore up where maybe some of our more vulnerable spots are around the country and having these types of equipment places already strategically mapped out around the country. so what would you say to people that in certain towns would say it s okay, i just don t want to know about it, i don t want to see it, but it s okay if we have access to it when we do? sure. a couple of responses to that. first, when they have it, they want to use it. when you have this kind of gear, it can be sort of expensive to maintain. and so they what they end up doing is end up using it for more routine policing like serving drug warrants. when you make a drug arrest, there are federal grants attached to that. there s also asset forfeiture policy. so this equipment is expensive to maintain. when you use it for drug policing, for example, you can actually start generating revenue for your police department. so these strong incentives to use it once you have it. the other thing is that this
equipment is not going to necessarily sensitive targets, it s going to the police departments that are best at manipulating the system. so places like fargo, north dakota, and wisconsin, tuscaloosa, alabama, are getting this stuff. these aren t places that are likely to come to al qaeda or isis any time soon. wes. so what are the chances of actually have a much bigger, broader conversation about being able to properly identify where you have these resources and where you have a need? one thing we are going to see with this massive redeployment of soldiers overseas is that you will have a lot of machinery that something has to be done with it. is there a bigger, broader conversation about where that machinery can be placed most effectively? there is, and i think we need to have that conversation. but i don t think we should just assume that because it s bulletproof and because it shoots things that it s appropriate for domestic policing. you know, this stuff was designed for use on a battlefield. it was designed to annihilate a foreign enemy. a soldier s job is to kill
people and break things. it s to defeat the enemy. that s not what police do. the job of police officers is to protect our rights, to keep the peace, to protect and serve, the famous motto. these are two very, very different missions. we shouldn t assume that the equipment that s appropriate for one of those jobs is necessarily appropriate for the other. all right, radially balan ra thank you very, very much. up next, sofia vergara finds love in the form of a distant celeb admirer. and a game of thrones star who takes method acting to the next level. he looks very happy. we re going back to hollyweird. what would happen. if energy could come from anything? or if power could go anywhere?
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i ve got a question our producer s judgment. we re tossing to hollyweird and thomas is here. why would i do it. do that thing. i think i decided it didn t work for my brand. it gave you a migraine? it was a one-time thing. come on, do something funny. all right. i m a humble man. he s so naurs cystic he can t do it. here s bill karins with hollyweird. they re the definition of a celebrity power couple. now actor joe manganiello is admitting that he had a thing for sofia vergara between the
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strong chin. . listen to my voice and give me a lot of money, deal? deal! for a minute i thought a lady was speaking. okay. oh, my gosh. just in time for the primetime emmys coming up on monday. kids reenact. that s cute. i tell you what i learned today. jon meacham has been talking about writing this book about george h.w. bush. i did not know it was going to be a kitty kelly style. talking about having sex with ronald reagan? i dare you, jon meacham. george walker bush meaning to say we ve had setbacks and said we had sex. he said i actually didn t mean that. very good. that s good to know. what did you learn? mine is also jon meacham-related. he is interesting in co-authoring some with sofia vergara.
just curious. happy to take the meeting. you re not the only one. happy to take the meeting. wes? what did you learn? i learned that tonight we have one more shot of watching mo ne davis. we wish her the best. let s hope so. what did you learn, mika? i learned what you learned about reagan and sex and all that. so if it s way too early, what time is it? it s time for morning joe. i encourage you to take the narcissism quiz and see if you did as well as i did. stick around, though. right now it s time for the daily rundown. craig melvin. tonight was a very good night in ferguson. no justice, no peace. crowds were smaller, they were calm and honorable. last night through 2:00 a.m., the number of arrests were 47. tonight the number was six. who did

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Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20150108 23:00:00

with conventional satellite or should i say space equipment that the country s been using, for us to get to this planet 438-b. a saturn rocket would take over a million years. we need a new rocket system. matter anti-matter rockets. thank you, i don t think we ll make it in our lifetime. that s therks ed show. politicsnation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. we start with breaking news on the manhunt for two suspects in the paris terror attacks. french s.w.a.t. teams are going house to house in a town about 90 miles northeast of paris. helicopters are flying overhead trying to locate the suspects. over 24 hours after an attack on a magazine in paris left 12 people dead a third suspect
turned himself in. and also today, the first images from inside the magazine s offices, showing the gruesome carnage. and moments ago, the new york times reporting one of the brothers may have received months of training from al qaeda in yemen. including training in small arms combat and marksmanship. we should note last night nbc news reported that one suspect had been killed and two were in custody. today obviously we know that s not the case. it s a fast developing story with a lot of moving parts. we re committed to accuracy on this and we have all the angles covered tonight. our team coverage looking at the manhunt, the terror connection and the police investigation. we start tonight with nbc s ron
allen in paris. ron, what s the latest on the manhunt? well reverend al we ve not heard much from the authorities for the past few hours, since night has fallen here. we re getting very regular updates from our colleagues on the ground there. it s about 90 minutes away from here. but things seem to have gone quiet. you might expect that at night. there was a huge police semi- military-style operation going on up there, with dozens of officers, s.w.a.t. units going door to door. apparently following some pretty serious leads they had for these two suspects. but of late we ve not heard a lot about what s going on up there, and it s really unclear whether there was a solid lead solid information, or what. there have been tips reports of possible sightings of the suspects throughout the day. so at this point, it s really unclear exactly where they are in this manhunt. and there s a lot of territory to cover up there.
now, we re getting reports, were these two suspects already under surveillance? yes. the younger brother had been under surveillance. had been arrested and charged and convicted of crimes dating back to 2008 or so. so yes, they were known to authorities. the other brother was described as being on the fringes of his other brother s activities. so yes, they were under surveillance. i believe as many as a thousand or so young men who have ties to these jihadi groups who the french authorities have been trying to keep tabs on for in recent years. and since the attack of a day ago, they have several dozen they are trying to keep under close surveillance. in his comments the interior minister and others have said essentially that they don t have enough officers to do 24-hour surveillance on so many
individuals. and there s some indications that these two may have slipped through the cracks. they are also the two brothers on the united states no-fly list for sometime. so also known to u.s. authorities. what do we know about the 18-year-old suspect who turned himself in? not much. unclear. there have been reports that he maintains he had nothing to do with this and that he s presented an alibi supported by classmates, friends, others that he was not there when this happened. we do not think that he has been charged with a crime. we believe he s still in custody and being questioned. there s also the third suspect that was involved in the shooting of the policewoman this morning in the south of paris. so that s another suspect that they are definitely looking at as a possible murder suspect. so and that s in another part of the city. the point being, this is a wide-ranging operation. there are things going on all over town.
you can perhaps hear sirens in the background. some of that is normal but some of it is not. there s a heavy police and military presence in and around paris. that s going to be stepped up tomorrow. that s what the interior minister said in his remarks. so that s an indication perhaps that this may not be over. and no one knows exactly what might happen next. all right, nbc s ron allen, thank you for your reporting tonight. now let s bring in michael sheehan former deputy commissioner of counterterrorism for the nypd and jim cavanaugh, retired agent and msnbc law enforcement analyst. thank you both for being here. good evening. my pleasure. michael, what s your assessment of the manhunt up to this point? well they re having some difficulty finding these two guys but i think eventually they will find them. these guys made mistakes already. they left an i.d. card in a car which allowed the police to
identify them and plaster their pictures all over the country. and they got some leads to where they are physically but they re going to need help now from the local people to identify these people and get some tips. but i think eventually with this massive manhunt and the french are very, very competent police that eventually they ll find these two guys. jim, do you agree? give me your assessment of the hunt? and is there any chance these suspects could elude police for days to come? yes, they could elude the police for a while, reverend al. i agree with michael, look climbing the mountain in these cases is the identification of the actors. just like in this case that is the hardest task for law enforcement. it s not the apprehension if you know who they are. so they claim the mountain. they got to the tip of everest by knowing who they are. and now they re trying to squeeze the cord on down. they think maybe they re in the forest north of paris, on foot in a car. but these guys have the keys to
a car. they have kalashnikovs and maybe a rocket-propelled grenade. they re not going to win the gun battle with the french police. they ll lose that. but they could maybe put a rocket-propelled grenade into a police vehicle or engage the police with kalashnikovs so this could get pretty ugly. the thing is, are they still in that area, or have they carjacked someone else? are they in a home holding a family hostage, eating their food? there s a lot of things they can do at the moment and the police have to find out what that is. let me ask you, michael, i said earlier that we had a report that the younger brother had been trained by al qaeda. and what does that say to you? yeah that s correct, reverend al. we had early indications that he had linkage to al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, that s aqap. right now, al qaeda is separate
from isis in iraq and syria. the main operational arm of al qaeda has shifted to yemen, to aqap. so the fact that he has connections with the most operational arm of aq which is in yemen now is very significant. if he went there for training they re very highly qualified terrorists there that could have given him advanced training on weapons, explosives rocket launchers or any other type of weapon. this is an extremely dangerous character right now, but i agree with mr. cavanaugh, this guy eventually will if he confronts the french gendarmes, they will lose. they re highly competent. there are reports that the 18-year-old says he has an alibi. here s what the independent reports. classmates of an 18-year-old suspect have protested his innocence by saying that he was in class at the time of the incident in which 12 people were murdered. now, what s your take on this
jim? and is it possible there were actually only two attackers not three? right. it s possible there was only two attackers. we saw the video where they killed the french officer on the ground. and you only see two attackers. and one of the two attackers is driving the vehicle. you don t see a third man. that s only a snapshot of what occurred that day. there s other witnesses that reported three. then you have the shooting in the south of france that killed a policewoman and a man dressed all in black with a bullet-proof vest. so if there was a third actor, he could have escaped to the south of paris, he s on his own, he s in the streets. the police come up on him, what s the motive to kill this officer and a street sweeper? doesn t appear to be a robbery. why is the man wearing a bullet-proof vest dressed in black? could be separate. what does that say to you, a man in another part of paris but kills a police officer with a
bullet-proof vest? does that say anything to you, mike? absolutely. as jim said we re not sure who this character is but it increasingly looks like it s tied to this incident either by the third person as was mentioned, or a copycat, someone who was inspired by this attack and decided to take action on his own. either way, looks like he could be tied to this action but we don t know for sure right now. with regard to the 18-year-old, it s might sense right now, if i had to guess, that he was innocent. when he heard his name on television, he turned himself in. he may still be involved we don t know. or perhaps that guy s name is fairly common. perhaps that name is still out there. we don t know yet about the third individual. but my sense is an 18-year-old guy is probably not involved. let me ask you this jim, the new york times reports one witness who was inside the magazine s office says the attackers told her quote, you are a woman, but think about
what you re doing. it s not right. then he turned to his partner, who was still shooting and shouted, we don t shoot women, we don t shoot women, we don t shoot women! now, they did actually kill one woman, but what do you read from those statements? you know it s a typical criminal sociopathic behavior. they re trying to grab some noble nobility in their criminal actions, we don t do this we do this. the whole scenario we re avenging the insults to the prophet, trying to show how noble they are. we don t do this to women. then they kill a woman. they re cold-blooded killers. they don t care about the prophet either. they just want the legitimacy that islam can give to the terror groups. they want the power of that the power of the 1.6 billion muslims in the world who do not subscribe to this. they re trying to grab that
powers and we should never let them take it. we have to fight that at every turn. i think the world is ready to do that mentally and strategically, digitally, across the web, physically with arms police military. michael knows from his experiences in washington and with the nypd that s the way the war goes. it s on all fronts. ideologically as well. in the united states, we ve let that drop down. this 50-unit thing at the state department needs to be a lot big tore counter this ideology. michael, you have experience in this. assess it for us, where are we? as jim said they ve made good progress identifying who the two shooters are. that s a major step forward. they will find these guys. but it s very troubling because i m very afraid in france there s a lot of tension in france right now. every night there are individuals burning cars in the
suburbs of france. that s more of a social economic issue. but there s a lot of anger and i worry about copycats trying to duplicate what they ve been. but as far as progress, i m confident they have the guys names and now it s a matter of tracking them down and putting them in handcuffs. sore or if they resist, they will be killed. very important questions, we ll certainly be following and watching this. thank you both for your time. you re welcome. straight ahead, how did the alleged terror suspects become cold-blooded murderers? a 10-year-old video emerges, showing one suspect just before he was radicalized. plus is it domestic terrorism at home? the fbi is investigating a colorado building rocked by an
explosion. it s home to the naacp. all of a sudden i heard this big boom. i was in the military so it was pretty much equivalent to an ied. right here as he s headed up the street. whoever did it took off right away, though. plus president obama is touting the economy today. but you won t believe who is trying to take credit. big show ahead. please stay with us. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it s time to plan for your family s future we re here for you. we re legalzoom, and for over 10 years we ve helped families just like yours with wills, living trusts and more. visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm here we go, here we go here we go.
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breaking news new video of president obama leaving the french embassy moments ago, offering his condolences after the terror attack in paris. he signed a condolence book to honor the victims and to show solidarity with the people of france during this moment of national tragedy. we ll be right back.
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we re back with our breaking news. authorities are scouring parts of northern france looking for the two brothers suspected in the paris terror attack. these men were known to french intelligence. the one on the left was arrested on terrorism charges in 2005. at the time, he was preparing to go to iraq where he planned to fight with celtic militants. but before that he was reportedly not a devout muslim. smoking marijuana, drinking alcohol, and listening to rap music.
joining me now is christopher dickie foreign editor for the daily beast. and fred burton the vice president of intelligence for strat 4, a global intelligence and advisory firm. he s also a former counterterrorism agent with the united states state department. thank you both for being here. thank you. pleasure. christopher, these men are known to french intelligence. will that make it easier to find them, though? well in some ways it does. i think one thing that people haven t realized so much in the united states is that during all this manhunt of the last 24 36 hours, the french authorities have been arresting the relatives of these people. they ve put, i think, seven of them in prison or in jail detaining them and questioning
them for now several hours and probably will be for several days. they re arresting relatives of these two brothers? yeah. they re detaining them and questioning them. so they re holding them in jail while they search for these guys. because they believe that this is what they call a family cell. that s one reason it was hard for french intelligence to penetrate. when all the members of the cell are related to each other, it s not easy to run somebody in on them. as you would do with a more diffuse kind of cell. the kid you were talking about early, the 18-year-old who turned himself in he s actually related to the wife of the younger of these two brothers that have been named and whose pictures have been shown. so it s all in the family. and that s one of the things that the police are
concentrating on breaking into that family, getting people in that family to talk getting as much information as they can to go after them. interesting. fred, what would your take be on if this is a family cell. what problems does that raise and what advantages may that raise in terms of the manhunt and the pursuit of these guys? well i think christopher is spot on with that from an investigative perspective. in essence, you re going to have family members that are going to be somewhat reluctant to share what they may know. having said that i know from my dealings and working with the french in the past on various terrorism investigations, they are very good. they are very thorough. and i m reasonably confident that they ll probably get two or three of the family members to talk at some point. i think at the end of the day as christopher noted so wisely that when you start looking at this, when you lack the human
intelligence to penetrate the cell, that s where the french lose that window and eyesight into what might be a foot. now, christopher, the brother who served the time in jail for terrorism was featured in a 2005 french television program. i want to play a british translation of part of that. translator: a point of view, a reference point, that is what this young man, sher eve kouachi was looking for. we can see him in these pictures taken in the summer of 2004. at the time he had the same sort of dreams as many in the area where he lived. he was a fan of rap music, more inclined to hang out with pretty young girls than to attend the mosque. in a few months he was to become a committed follower. during his lessons this is what he is said to sl learned. he told me that scripture offered proof of the goodness of suicide attacks. it s written in scripture that
it s good to die a martyr. cherif was quickly won over. he also wanted to go and fight. his preparation involved jogging sessions in the park during which he made fleeting contact wia self-professed arms expert who explained to him how to use a kalashnikov. thanks to fareed s advice my doubts evaporated. i was afraid but i didn t say so. he clearly influenced my decision to leave, he provided a justification for my coming death. sher eve kouachi is today in prison and alive. he perhaps owes this to the police who arrested him. this is very interesting to me. ten years ago now this was, they knew of these guys. ten years ago. and how does someone who appears to be very normal how does he become that radicalized? i mean what happens?
well you re talking about guys who don t have much direction in their lives and they re looking for purpose. you might ask yourself how do guys in the projects of the united states decide they re going to join a gang? why do they do that? why do they post facebook pictures of themselves with guns saying that they re going to go fight the other bad guys across the road? why do people do that? they do it because they want to belong to an organization. they want to belong to something that gives their life purpose and that gives them as young men a sense of power, a sense of meaning something in their own society, to their peers, and frankly, in many cases, to women. so i think that s the kind of mentality that you start with and that s the kind of thing that these islamic recruiters like the one talked about in the film, that s the kind of thing they exploit. i ve seen it in places like gaza. i ve seen it in many places in the arab world, the muslim world, and in europe as well. if you have a recruiter who goes
to these young men when says you don t know what you re doing, you don t know where you re going, you re smoking hash and delivering pizzas you have no purpose in your life. you don t even know how to be a man. i m going to show you how to be a man. it s a very seductive line. you then say, you are going to go and protect oppressed people. our people the muslims around the world, they re oppressed, occupied, they re fighting occupation in iraq they re fighting occupation in palestine. you need to help them. and you can help them. you can devote your life to helping those people by waging violent jihad. again, it s a very seductive message for people who are lost, adrift, and wondering what to do with their lives. fred you know that s a very, very important point, isn t it? most certainly, it is reverend al. when you look at this in context, what s striking to me are the similarities to boston, where you have the younger brother, the older brother, the family nexus to this and at the
end of the day this is how these kinds of things develop, where you might have that influence and that family nexus to bring that person into the fold to go forward with this kind of plot. but let s be clear here this was a well orchestrated plot. these individuals conducted fairly effective preoperational surveillance to identify the french countersurveillance agents that were in place. they went into this operation with the intent to kill the cops first, so they could get to their target set. this is something that s right out of an al qaeda playbook that i ve seen historically. and that s the frightening part of this kind of attack. christopher dickey and fred burton, thank you both for your time tonight. thank you. thank you, reverend al. still ahead, concerns about a potential act of terror and hate right here in the u.s. what the fbi s looking for in that apparent bombing attempt
against the naacp. also the gop s new attack on obamacare in the house. mitch mcconnell s bizarre claim about the economy, and a big announcement from a democratic fire brand, barbara boxer. stay with us. with the incredible fuel efficiency of 38 miles-per-gallon highway you can feel like royalty in the nissan altima. what the fbi s looking for in 38 mpg highway nissan altima. nissan
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breaking news we re getting in video of president obama at the french embassy. just moments ago he signed a condolence look to honor the victims of the paris terror attacks, saying quote, on behalf of all americans, i extend our deepest sympathy and solidarity to the people of france. terror is no match for freedom and ideas we stand for, ideas that light the world, viva la france. we ll be right back.
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we re following a breaking story in colorado tonight. a potential act of domestic terror and hate. right here at home. the fbi is on the ground in colorado springs looking for a person of interest after a home-made bomb went off outside the local chapter of the naacp tuesday morning. the fbi tells news 5 an explosive device next to a gas can was detonated, but the can didn t explode. leaving singe marks against the building that houses mr. g s hair design studios and the local chapter of the naacp. federal agents are trying to figure out if this was a targeted attack. no one was hurt in the blast. but witnesses say the explosion rocked the neighborhood. first i heard the boom and felt the shake of my house. it was so hard i felt like it shook the whole wall. all of a sudden i heard this big boom. i was in the military.
it was pretty much the equivalent to ied. there was smoke everywhere. the building on the side was burned. the fbi doesn t say who was being targeted but a spokesperson said today it s certainly a possibility of being a hate crime or domestic terrorism. so who are they looking for? and how will they find them? joining me now, marq claxton, former new york police officer and director of the black law enforcement alliance. thank you for being here tonight. thank you rev. marq do you think this was a targeted attack? i think it s really too premature and too early in the investigation. i think there s a lot of work that needs to be done on the ground by federal authorities, investigators to really get a clear and concise picture. right now, they re in the stage of following the breadcrumbs, which is the available evidence before anything definitive can be indicated. the fbi is looking for a
person of interest. he s a balding white male about 40 years old. he was driving a white pickup truck from 2000 or older. the truck might have a missing license plate. marq how do they go about finding this person now? well they re going to do some very basic investigative r steps. of course the first thing they ll do is interview any potential witnesses and get an idea and lock in a time frame itself. then i m sure they re going to be canvassing the area to see if there s any video evidence et cetera. if those two things don t pan out and become definitive i m sure they ll be looking through the dmv databases and trying to isolate and lockdown a smaller group of possible suspects. the colorado springs gazette reports that the bomb went off behind the barber shop on the opposite side of the building from the naacp. does that tell you anything? well it just opens up a lot
of possibilities. that s why i say it s early in the investigation because you never know where the investigations will lead. the obligation of the people investigating it is to follow the evidence. you don t know what motive is. you don t know any specific and detailed information enough to be definitive about it. don t most people who do hate crimes with this wouldn t they have put a message somewhere? wouldn t it be for them to make a statement and we don t have anything like that yet. yes, that s commonly done and there s no concise statement about whether there was any message, indication, or anyone who wanted to take credit for it. and then there s also the possibility of the lone-wolf type of scenario someone with a personal grievance and is carrying out these type of terroristic acts. the barber who runs the shop was there when the explosive device went off. listen to how he describes it. i heard a tremendous
explosion. it came from the northeast side of the building. it was so loud it sounded like it almost sounded like it was in the building that s how loud it was. what other kind of information will they want from him or other witnesses? i m sure they re doing a basic investigation which will include interviewing all the witnesses, all people connected with both the barber shop and the naacp office. they re volunteers et cetera. and they ll ask them any potential discrepancies, any beefes, any arguments, and threats did you see anyone in the area? did you see anyone in the area? this person was seen in the area. is he commonly in the area? have other people seen him? there s so much information they have yet to release, i m sure they re business on the ground conducting this investigation. we ll certainly be watching. former nypd policeman marq claxton, thank you for your time this evening. thank you, rev.
coming up speaker boehner is hard at work trying to take the health care away from millions. we ll tell you why none of it matters. plus why is senator mcconnell taking credit for the economy today? and new video from cleveland police shooting of a 12-year-old. what it says about that case. the need for a conversation and why communities and police need to come together.
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president obama s out on the road touting the economic comeback. earlier today he was in phoenix, talking about housing. wednesday he was in detroit pushing for the auto industry and manufacturing. the economy is looking up. unemployment is down to 5.8% a six-year low. we ve seen 57 straight months of private sector job growth. and gas prices have dropped to $2.18 a gallon. all of this despite unprecedented obstruction from republicans in congress. that brings me to the funniest clip of mitch mcconnell you will ever see. check this out. after so many years of sluggish growth we re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope. the uptick appears to coincide
with the biggest political change of the obama administration s long tenure in washington. the expectation of a new republican congress. a new republican congress. oh i get it. he s saying the republicans saved the economy from the brink of collapse. [ laughter ] the democrats got a kick out of that too. the dnc released a statement saying, quote, ha-ha ha ha-ha ha-ha, that mitch mcconnell is one funny guy. oh yes, he is. he should try stand-up with that kind of material. joining me now is political strategist angela rye and
democratic strategist mark hannah. thank you both for being here tonight. thanks rev. mark i ve heard some funny jokes, but how funny is mitch mcconnell taking credit for the economic recovery? it s hilarious. i think the funniest thing is that he said that with a straight face. what s he going to do next? that s good commeedian work. it just shows how diluted the republicans are. and they re trying to delude americans. he s been actively opposing all the economic priorities of the obama administration now flipping it around trying to take credit for it. let s not forget he also painted a very distopian picture of the economy when he was running on the campaign trail, running against alison grimes. so he was all doom and gloom then, but now that he s got his majority in the senate things are looking up. i heard you laughing loudly
angela rye. it s a good laugh. i m laughing because i want you to read the quote again. he said ha-ha ha. anyway it s a laughing matter. it does not pass anyone s laugh test. i think the craziest thing is as you said at the outset we re talking almost five years of consistent job growth. we re talking 11 million jobs. we re talking the president doing this through almost solely executive action touring around talking to the private sector about how to partner to ensure there are jobs created. we re talking obamacare creating jobs and we re talking mitch mcconnell saying hell no we won t go the entire way. the funniest thing about this this guy was sworn in as majority leader yesterday. what could he have possibly done overnight? he definitely didn t get a bill to the desk of the president. this is ridiculous. and he s counting on people to not know the political process. he s counting on people to think that in november they were sworn in and they ve done three
months of a lot of work. give me a break. now to the new republican congress ringing in the new year with some obamacare bashing. yes, speaker boehner is back to work and the first big move is to throw people off their health care plans. they passed a bill that changes the definition of a full workweek. one and a half million people would lose their plans. but guess what? none of it matters, a new gallup poll shows the uninsured rate is falling. we have the lowest percentage of americans without insurance in the last five years. see that steep drop-off? it started around the time obamacare became law. it s more than 4% in just a year. they re not looking at facts. the fantasy land of obamacare, the fatal conceit of the central planning behind this law is that in reality it just doesn t work. central planning did not work
in the ussr doesn t work in cuba and i wish you d quit trying to place it in the united states. i know the harm that s being done by this act that is totally unaffordable and uncaring. angela mitch mcconnell has promised a vote but the president already said he ll veto it. why are they wasting time with this? i think they re using it as a messaging marker. there are pieces out today that talk about how they re trying to switch factually what this bill actually does. they re saying if we increase the full time workweek to 40 hours, then people will be or companies will be prevented from kicking people off health care plans. it does the exact opposite. the folks who were writing the obamacare law were smart, and they knew even at the time of writing the law, people were trying to cut people s hours down from 40 to 35 to 30 so they wouldn t have to provide health care coverage. that s what the 30-hour requirement does. so for them to go back and
reverse it is only protecting what rev? corporate interests. so they re trying to throw people off the health care plan? is that a political winner for them? because they don t have the votes to override a veto. no they don t. and i think it s a lot of political theater. there are some people who think that they ll try to catch it to some spending bill or some budget resolution and make it make the president have to sign it, but let s think of who will be hurt by this. people who have white collar jobs, who work 40 hours a week. they re not going to be cut down to 35 hours a week. the people that are going to be people working at walmart, large retail chains restaurants, fast-food workers, these people will be crippled by this law. the vulnerable people. and it s just outrageous, the amount of double-talking and the amount of people uninsured decreasing, i m surprised he s
not taking credit for that. stay with us, we ll be right back. t. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®.
we are back with our political panel, angela and mark. now to a surprise announcement today from a political power house. after more than throw decades in congress, senator barbara boxer announced she will not be running for re-election in 2016. but she did it in an unusual way. posting a video of herself being interviewed by her grandson.
um grandma, have you made a decision regarding the 2016 senate race? i have zach definitely. has your age played a role in your decision? finally the question the reporters love to ask. no, definitely not, zach. care to expand? here s the thing. some people are old at 40. and some people are young at 80. it depends on the person. as for me i feel as young as i did when i got elected. i was in my 50s when i got elected to the senate. i ve known senator boxer for a long time. she s a fighter for fairness and she will be missed. barbara boxer was trending on twitter all day long. angela she s been a powerful voice in the u.s. senate hasn t she? she absolutely has been a powerful voice. a great ally from when i worked on the hill for the cbc. so absolutely. mark her presence has certainly been felt and i mean
now you have barbara boxer there i mean you have elizabeth warren there, but for a long time, barbara boxer had to carry that alone. yeah she is a progressive giant. she s a diminutive giant at under five feet tall. but she has big shoes to fill. she expanded hate crime legislation to gays and lesbians. a lot of energy a lot of fight, i certainly have respected her work and i am going to anxiously wait and see, a lot of talent out there will be probably considering to run to take her seat. we ll talk about that at another point. angela and mark, thank you for your time tonight. thanks, rev. we ll be right back. fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good
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tamir rice was the 12-year-old boy, shot and killed by police in november while holding a pellet gun. we ve seen the surveillance video showing that police shoot him less than two seconds after arriving on the scene. it s already been reported that officers didn t try to help tamir, as he lay gravely injured on the ground. but now the extended video from after the shooting has been released. and it s raising even more questions. 90 seconds after the shooting tamir s 14-year-old sister comes running up and is taken down by an officer. she had heard the gun shots and had come to see what happened. she was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police cruiser just a few feet away from her brother lying on the ground. it s not until four minutes after the shooting until the
first aid is applied by an fbi agent who arrived on the scene. this is the first medical help the 12-year-old boy receives since he was shot. eight minutes after the shooting a paramedic arrives, while tamir rice is still alive on the ground. he didn t die from his wound until the next day. this is what his mother says happened when she arrived to the scene. i noticed my son laying down on the ground and i went charging and yelling and everything at the police because they wouldn t let me through, and then i seen my daughter in the back of the police car. the same car that the shooter got out of. as i was trying to get through to my son, the police told me to calm down or they will put me in the back of the police car. for many people what happened to tamir rice and his family, even after the shooting
reflects a larger problem, a problem of callousness, of insensitivity. in ferguson police left michael brown s body on the street for four hours. four hours. imagine what that was like for his family his friends, his neighbors. and here in new york many were shocked by the casual way eric garner was treated in the minutes after the chokehold that led to his death. we need to change this. we need a positive way forward, because both police and the communities they serve have so much at stake. think about the two new york police officers who went above and beyond the call of duty this week to investigate a robbery. their shift was over. they didn t have to respond. but they did. and were shot and wounded for their bravery. one officer was released from the hospital yesterday. the other is still hospitalized and will need extensive physical
therapy. police officers risk their lives every day and we must respect how they serve and protect the community. at the same time the people in those communities need to feel that they also have the respect from the police. their compassion, their humanity and that s the conversation we need to have. we can t just turn our backs on it. ultimately, police and citizens need to be open to find common ground. and we ll only get there by having the courage to have an honest conversation. and what everyone can do to help make this dream of police-community unity a reality. no name-calling. no blame-game. no finger-pointing. but an honest conversation where we really discuss the problems

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20150115 11:00:00

who is wearing a wig? we re talking about who is wearing a wig. who is wearing the rig. rig? rig. now my ears are going. let s get a check on the day ahead before we toss it over to morning joe. vice president joe biden announces new funding to help train americans for jobs in cyber security. oscar nominations come out this morning at 8:30 eastern. the 87th academy awards take place february 22nd. will the golden globes have been an determination for who gets nominated? what do you think, gang? maybe. oh, my gosh. the energy is here in palmable. can you feel i ll at home? morning joe starts right now.
good morning. it is thursday january 15th. welcome to morning joe, emp. ,, ,, everyone. with us onset is foreign affairs columnist and editor at large for time magazine ian bremer. and associate professor at columbia university school of international and public affairs, dorian warren. in washington, msnbc political analyst and former chairman of the republican national committee michael steel joins us. in san diego, editor of bloomberg politics, mark halperin halperin. it s surprisingly like willie geist at 3:00 in the morning. he is up early. lovely background. gorgeous. that is gorgeous. you know mika these ohio people are just crazy. like what s the matter with ohio? i m going to write a book called what s the matter with ohio . who do you mean? whom the gods would destroy,
they first make mad. the second thing they do is give them a national championship. they burn down the campus. burn a couch. you re thinking okay that s not bad. it happen right? we, of course don t do that in alabama because you kind of get bored by winning championships. big ten here. but then willie i see where this is going. but then but then they get a bartender who wants to poison the speaker of the house. the orange america s first orange speaker. and they hate him just because of the color of his skin. but they re going to kill him for that. right? what? then another ohio dude decides he s going to blow up the capitol. i think they re one in the same, but whatever. was it the same dude? no. it s not. it s a different dude. i m telling you, these buckeyes i think it s too early, joe. no this is serious point. i know. you can draw a straight line to urban meyer going to ohio
state and all of these terror plots. did you take your meds? am i the only one surprised? did you take your meds? hold on a second. dan dan, alex is this not happening? it s happening. it s a coincidence, they say. do we take over flyover states, do we do that? only only if i go there. and then it s the center of the world. then i come back to the coast and we just talk about the coast. and barack obama. yes, yes, yes. those poll numbers. i know. they re going high. they re getting up there. i m not surprised. that s good yes. you know what they say. what? whom the gods will destroy, they give a majority in congress. it s always a surprise how president s do so much better when the opposing party controls congress. yeah. the dynamic, yes. it always happens. americans start looking at that president who they didn t really
like when he had a monopoly and they go wait a second we need him there to balance out the republicans, or vice versa. we ll get to that as well as other political news in just a moment. but first, on a serious note there are that was very serious. yes it was. there are new concerns about homegrown terrorism after authorities say they thwarted a terror plot against one of the country s most iconic buildings. an ohio man now facing charges for allegedly plotting a military style attack on the capitol capitol. officials say he was inspired by islamic state militants and anwar al awlaki. the u.s. born spokesman for al qaeda. this is the man now in custody. 20-year-old christopher lee cornell. koert documents say he wanted to plant pipe bombs around the capitol and then shoot officials who tried running away. investigators say he came to their attention last august when he used an alias to post pro-isis messages on twitter.
court documents also say he discussed his plans with a man that he thought was sympathetic. the man was actually working undercover for the fbi. officials say cornell was arrested after he bought two semi automatic rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition at a gun range. the fbi says the public was never in danger. cornell s father says his son did recently convert to islam but can t believe what he s being accused of. people that really know chris, they know he s a good guy. i don t think like i said you know i was completely blind sided by this. this came as a complete surprise, you know? chris is i mean he never leaves the house. he s a mommy s boy. he never showed any any signs of any any kind of violence or anything. i mean quiet, shy, good kid. you feel bad, so bad for dad.
but, willie if he hasn t left the house in 20 something years, that s a good warning. he s not that good a kid, dad. i understand dad is not feeling great about what happened. the police say he s hardly a model terrorist, re-enforcing what the father said. you can t leave the go i untouched if he s talking to informants and blowing up the capitol you ve got to do something. great work by the fbi, unlgds cover, used their intelligence and took him down at a gun shop yesterday. now to france where police may be on the verge of a big break in their investigation into the paris terror attacks. police confirm that amedi coubali rented a small home and filled it with weapons the week before his siege at a kosher supermarket. a french newspaper reports a scooter was found that could identify a possible accomplice. there s also new security camera footage from inside the grocery store. the gunmen can be seen ordering a hostage to put his hands against the wall and in another image a worker is forced to
stand on a stool to disable a camera. meanwhile, since last week s attack france has arrested more than 50 people after prosecutors ordered a crack down on hate speech antisemitism and individual supporting terrorism. it comes as the first issue of charlie hebdo since the massacre sold out across france within hours. the paper is so sought after that companies are going for more than $1,000 some of them are going for $1,000 on ebay. french president francois hollande says the magazine has been reborn and, quote, you could murder men and women but you could never kill their ideas. ian obviously france is having to focus mainly on antisemitism right now. that seems to be where they re focused. this is such a big problem in france and across europe isn t it? it s doing to become much larger. i mean the fact is that the economic environment continues to be incredibly poor in these countries for large swaths of
the population. there s a very great division within these societies. treatment of jews. you look at surveys. one just came out recently from britain britain. some 45% of respondents promoted antisemitism in some direct way. over 50% of jews responded felt like they did not have a clear future in britain. you re an european expert. it is just absolutely fascinating to me and horrifying to me how antisemitism has played such a large role in the history of europe over the past thousand years. there s always a reason and always an excuse given to hate jews in europe. of course now it s the palestinian conflict. but you could go back you know you could go back to the days of martin luther. i mean the people that we revere martin luther was a raging antisemite. you could look at the magna carta, yes, freedom for
everybody but jews. you don t have to repay debt to jews. you don t have to treat jews equally. this strain of antisemitism reached the climb maxax when 6 million jews were murdered in europe while a lot of anticommunisms stood there and watched. i just wonder how this continent has after hitler and after the holocaust, how 50 60 years later they have collective amnesia. it s interesting. it s one of the reason, of course, you do see a backlash in many european countries against the motions of the kind of expansive free speech that we support in the united states. it s not because they don t care about individual liberties but because precisely they re concerned ability reopening these boxes that can lead to hate speech and hate crimes against any minorities. this has been the year where pecetti has been the man for europe. much less so in the united states.
he s not become the kind of celeb he has in europe and he has in france. the fact that the european economy is not rebounding the fact that they re not going up you don t see the productivity. energy prices are higher. people are not benefiting. if you re in these countryiescountries, you feel you re a peasant work for you, you go back to your lowest common denominator which is about the individual nations. that s the problem. can you explain for everyone watching quickly. it s telling we were talking about a couple of years ago, the french and german lecturing barack obama and his administration on economics. can you explain the difference between america s economy and don t worry, republicans, i m not giving barack obama the credit, i m giving america the credit and i always said we re going to rebound and be strong. can you explain the difference between america s economy, as imperfect as it is and the state of europe s economy? as far as attitudes go and vitality and.
tlb a lod ophere are a lot of factors here. the revolution, we are the world s largest producer of calories in terms of food. right. the demographics are great. yeah, yeah yeah. just tell us why we re winning. those are reasons why we re winning. you re supposed to say manifest destiny and we re great. we took lots of greatertory. that s certainly true. you also have enormous support for entrepreneurship in the united states. much easier to start your own company. and there s no question that the general attitudes of americans, you ve consistently had pugh research and the rest that 90% of americans polled believe they will end up in the top 10% or their kids will over the course of the next although that s clearly not true. it s not true in europe. right. that is the essence, mika of the american dream and that is the essence of this country s economic greatness that i can grow up in a small house and belief that i can either live in
a small house when i get older or i can work really hard and live in the biggest house on the hill and blah blah, blah. whatever. you have that feeling, but you talk to people from france aroundand you talk to business owners in france and they constantly talk about their frustration, that if they work hard and work around the clock and are entrepreneurs, they re actually looked upon with suspicion. and even though upward mobility has really collapsed in this country glad you just said that because i was there is still the belief here and i believe we re going to fix that that there s never been dorian, in great britain, that there s never been in france, this class structure that muslims feel trapped by a lot of middle class and lower middle class frenchmen and brits have felt that for centuries. for centuries. america was at one point especially in the mid to late 20th century the democracy of
equal opportunity. as we ve just mentioned, a lot of those ladders of opportunity have closed in the last 20 30 years. but i was reading an article this morning about french immigrants and outer rings of paris where unemployment rates are at 20% and for many french or immigrant youth are at 40%. so there s a sense that there is no economic opportunity at all in many of those communities. that gets us to a conversation about what are the underlying causes that drive people towards radical ideologies in certain place sdpls place. you can drive through those suburbs and you can see it immediately, just the difference. really quickly, one final thing on unemployment, 40%. i saw a stat last week that unemployment in america for people with bachelor s degree is like 2%. isn t that remarkable? well, and also just really quickly, we were going to get to
these polls and i think we ll have time. but according to a new poll americans, 27% of americans say the economy is excellent for good. up 11 points from a year ago. so attitudes are changing. the republican national committee has announced dates for 2016 convention. the event will be held in cleveland, in mid july about six weeks earlier than 2012 convention. party chairman ryan moved up the convention as part of a strategy in ohio. do they really want to go there? the nominee gained earlier access to the general election funds. he has sought to strengthen it by scaling back the number of debates as well. mark halperin, you re in san diego covering the republican s winter meeting. what do we expect to hear from that? announcement later today the first day of the convention will be devoted to capturing terrorists and murderers. he brings it. never been done before. going to be hard getting back to the buckeye state for me. i love that place. the delegates are going to
fan over ohio and capture people and bring them back to the convention. governor romney will be here tomorrow night but you will hear ben carson and scott walker speaking today, rick perry is speaking tomorrow. all the buzz here is about the 2016 race and a lot of surprise and question about what governor romney is doing and whether it s a little bit of a mirage that he might not even run or if he does run, collapse before he gets ahead of steam, or has he transformed the race? michael steel, it s been a remarkable ten days maybe two weeks in the party that you once led. chairman of the rnc with jeb bush effectively announcing he s getting into the race. for all intents and purposes and mitt romney being pressured by the pace of jeb s announcement to do the same. right. what do you make of the developments over the last two weeks? do you think mitt romney/jeb bush do run? are they standing on the stage of those late debates? i do.
i think that mitt romney has done a reassessment of the caliber and quality of the potential challengers and said because you recall he said, you know i m not going to run unless i see that there s someone or no one that can do this. i think he s looking at you know, his position on a number of issues whether it was on russia or the economy as being correct and he s got this new mojo. yeah, i think he s going to be there. he s going to be in play the same with jeb bush. i have to tell you, willie the exciting part for me is yet to come. that is the republican governors. when the republican governors begin to throw down on this thing and get in this race that s when i really think the dynamics change because you re talking about two former governors who have been out for 8 and 12 years respectively. you re talking about versus governors who served through the recession, who had to deal with barack obamacare, who had to deal with the changes in our economy and govern through that. so when they engage this this conversation, that s when it s
going to be a real test of wills within the gop, this whole establishment versus tea party. i think that kind of goes away. it s really going to be about who can govern this country and who has. mark halperin really unside baseball where politics and media collide. but i found it fascinating, you know you always hear the stories about how tabloids back in the 1800s would pick a party or bash this candidate and bash this. it s fascinating the little sort of back and forth when the washington post which has actually become mitt romney s newspaper and new york times which officially trashes mitt romney for the benefit of jeb bush. every day there s a anti-jeb story and a pro-mitt story in the washington post which is then followed by a pro-jeb story and an anti-mitt story in the new york times. it has played that way out for the past couple of weeks. it s fascinating. of course the wall street journal editorial page breaks the tie and votes against
romney. the jeb people and mitt people are behind the scenes. the candidates would be candidates, are doing a ton of stuff but very little in public. jeb bush is in california as well. he s not doing public events. the press right now is consumed as you suggested, not just those two papers but a lot of political media with this question of will we see a romney/bush face-off. what will that mean for christie and the current gov vers michael steele recoverferred to. what happens right now will determine the contours of the race even if there s two dozen candidates besides those two guys. one more big story. secret service is undergoing a massive changing of the guard at the top with six of eight top officers leaving. already julia pearson, the agency s first woman in charge, stepped down in october. now four of the agency s assistant directors are being forced out. two others retiring.
the washington post was the first to report that the departures follow a series of security lapses in november a security contractor with an arrest record rode an elevator with the president in tlant while carrying a gun, and in the same month an iraq war veteran with a knife was able to climb the fence at the white house, making it into the building before being subdued by an off-duty agent because a number of security precautions failed. so let s bring in washington post reporter kara who has been leading the coverage and breaking all the stories every step of the way. your reporting has been absolutely extraordinary. tell us what s happened here. and is there more. thanks joe. thanks mika. there is probably going to be more but at least yesterday we were learning early in the morning that four assistant directors, which is kind of like the core group of people that run the secret service and have for decades, these four people were told they were going to be
out of their jobs that fresh ideas and a fresh perspective was needed. they got this news from the acting director joe clancy who you all know is very very well trusted, detail leader of president obama and almost as importantly is particularly well liked and trusted by the first lady. these four people are out, as well as two additional assistant directors who announced last month in the wake of a sort of scathing report about the secret service s leadership, they announced they were retiring. that means six out of eight people are gone. the only people that are still in leadership positions, the most senior ones are the deputy director who remains and the acting director. go ahead. cleaning house. carol, they really are cleaning house. i wanted to ask you though the one person incident among all those we listed where the guy leaped the fence, made his way into the front door of the white house and ran around for a while
until he was taken down by an off-duty agent. obviously shocked all of us. it shocked the american public. how big a shock to the system of the secret service was that? well, it was absolutely humiliating. even the fairly defensive secret service leadership had to admit that this was the lowest they had ever fallen. i interviewed some former senior officials who said they literally couldn t turn on the television they were so demoralized about the place that they love and they didn t want to read or see any more news about this because it was so devastating. i mean as congressman cummings said and congressman betty thompson said, you know, this is basic police work that no sort of local albuquerque police department would have been expected to fail at doing. i recall a leonnig, washington post, appreciate
wbr id= wbr13202 /> it. come back. still ahead on morning joe, behind the veil of radical islam, foreign correspondent joins us with his interview of a militant religious leader accused of radicalizing young jihadists. plus, the lessons to be learned from wbr id= wbr13348 /> the events in paris. time magazine has them and we reveal the new issue. also this morning, the oscar nominations, they re being announced at 8:30 eastern time. we re going to bring them to you live with full analysis with the woman who oversees the hollywood reporter, janice mann. you re watching morning joe. discover card. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you re really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you re never held responsible. just to be clear you are saying frog protection right? yeah, fraud protection. /b>
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we have more bill cosby news. let s look at the morning papers. now we have somebody within the statute of little takeses. 2008. you ve got something within the statue of limitationing and you re going to take to it trial, take to it trial. i have problems with people who say, oh, this happened to me 48 years ago and now, bill cosby, don t prove it. if you re going to confront him and do it in the court of law, do it at the court of law. drukd at the playboy mansion in 2008 by bill cost write. san francisco chronicle, experts describe it a the most difficult free climb in the world. the almost completely vertical el capitan. two men found out what it feels like.
feels good. willie and i can tell you it feels good. we didn t tell the press we did it. we didn t want to because it s not about us. we did it for the kids. 19 days of their journey up the 3,000 foot granite base. tommy caldwell and kevin have jorkson reached the summit greeted by dozens of loved ones. they celebrated becoming the first people in history to scale the wall of el capitan using only their hands and feet to pull them up. the men started their journey we had it we had scaffolding and an elevator. okay maybe we don t. they started their journey on december 27th with no climbing equipment besides harnesses and ropes in case of falls. each night they ate and slept in hanging tents. what? thousands of feet above the valley floor. for a little perspective the half mile stretch of granite they climb is about as tall as two empire state buildings stacked on top of each other.
president obama offered his congratulations with this picture from instagram. crooked picture. it reads in part you remind us that anything is possible. okay. all right. the indianapolis star colts backup linebacker josh mcnarry has been charged with rape criminal confinement with bodily injury and battery. police mooef mcnary is spons responsible for an attack on a female accuser. he denies the charges. they play new england for the championship on sunday. taxi drivers across china are going on strike over low pay and competition from taxi apps such as uber. in china, the apps permit drivers without taxi licenses to pick up passengers with many of them offering cheaper prices than regular taxis. frustrated taxi drivers argue their prices are due to the high rent paid to the taxi companies and state tax sdples with willie, you re a city guy.
how is that uber thing? seems dangerous sometimes. it is sent from heaven. really? yuber is great. tell me about it. you put an app op your phone. right. you are sitting a the restaurant. check comes. you want to leave in five minutes. call up the app. you pop it. there s a car three minutes or four minutes or two minutes away. click on that car. sends you the driver s picture, the driver s name and phone number. he calls you, i will be out front in five minutes. what about quality. it s more expensive than the taxi is the downside and i know they ve had specific isolated incidents. has anybody tried to sexually assault you? stop. no but that that would be my concern, especially if i were especially if i were a woman. here s why joe is jealous. here s the deal. there s a quality control issue. and i m just wondering. i will tell you i would not want, let s say, my daughter if she were 17 18. and they have her cellphone
number. would that happen with a taxi cab? you get on an empty subway car. they have your cellphone numbers. haven t exchanged cellphone numbers. like he could find you later, you mean? yeah. i guess so. it s a problem uber has to deal with. they ve had a few of those incidents. oef all, it s an incredible convenience and popping up all over the world. even in china. the daily mail. royal family increased social media presence with brand new twitter and instagram. thank goodness. i ve been waiting for this for years. palace officials say it will feature posts from the duke and duchess of cambridge and prince harry. so far the posts have been pretty mundane. what you would expect from prince harry who has found himself in trouble with the photos. harry is great. i ve got no problem with harry. you know william is going to be my male pattern baldness. look what it s done over the past month or two, right? stop. postings will promote the
charitable foundation we re told. you re mean to prince william. are you going to follow them on twitter? i already am. i already am. we re exchanging hairlines. time magazine, in honor of saturday night live s 40-year anniversary vh1 will air an 19-day, 433-hour marathon of the series set to be the longest tv marathon in history. it s kind of cool. amazing. it will begin about like eight or nine seasons we will want to skip. fast forward through. it will begin with season 39 working its way back to the 1975 premier episode with guest host george carlon. it will not feature every single episode. the events runs january 28th through february 15th leading up to nbc s three-hour snl special that night. longest marathon was fsx with the simpsons last summer.
there were. there were some moments. late 80s, mid 80s, actually. good or bad? bad. there were some horrible. but way more good than bad. it s amazing how they always came back with eddie murphy and joe piscopo. they ve been left for dead so many times. will pharrell leaves the show we re done, and then all of these new people pop up. 100 largest political donors last year gave roughly the same amount as 5 million people. he calls that a tipping point for the country and he joins us next. what happened? where is the hat? they want the cowboy. can t say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy.
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joining us for the opinion pages chairman of take back our republic, the organization and former adviser, president of george w. bush mark mcken non, nice to see you. he still doesn t have a hat on. i want to talk to politics for a minute. jeb bush you ve been saying that you thought that jeb was going to jump in. jeb looks like he s going to jump in.
mitt though kind of surprising. that s the big surprise. you know, jeb has thrown down the gauntlet and is all in as has been running a pretty formidable campaign early on and surprised a lot of people. now the latest surprise is that mitt romney despite saying the opposite for months has now showing signs he may want to run. a lot of people in the republican establishment are sort of knocking mitt over the past 24 hours, but you are just saying some things off air that i agree with. mitt has some actually stronger traits in 2015 than he had in he s running a modern campaign. he s got sharpened candidate skills that deal with the 21st century media and day-to-day campaigns. he s gotten better over the years. you watch him from the early debates, became a great debater. he was the first republican i think, that won a debate with a knockout since ronald reagan in 1980. first republican that you walk away from the debate going, wow.
he s got the fire and the belly. you want this guy to be president. mark, you recently wrote about the tipping of tipping point of big spending in politics. so let s talk about that. what do you mean because i thought we don t we haven t we hit it many times at this point? yes, but in many ways worse because of recent laws in the oversight of political spending. ken vogel did great reporting recently looking at what s happening. we still don t know anything because there s so much dark money spent that s not disclosed so we don t know. here s an amazing fact. of the approximately $5 million that was spent in the last cycle on campaigns, 100 people spent more than the rest of the almost 5 million people. think about that. wow. 100 people. so when you think about where do candidates spend their time if 100 people are spending as much as the other 5 million? it s no wonder. i was so depressed when i saw mitt romney and others in the
republican party going to casino olders aidleson rather than being out with factory workers. they control more money. it s not just a republican thing. tom steyer of the 100, 52 were democrats. tom steyer spent $76 million. we re starting a conservative organization called take back our republic which is focused on conservative solutions. the first person to really preach on this issue was barry goldwater. the roots of our movement. let s go to mark halperin. he is fresh off of a walk on the beaches of san diego in his wing tips. mark? mark, let me take the counter argument and just ask you. so what? these are rich people who care about america and want to participate in the democracy. why does it matter if rich people who really in some cases don t need anything from government, what does it matter if they re contribute some of their money to increase
political dialogue? i don t fault them at all, mark. i think if you have money and you have issues you feel strongly about, you should make your voice known. what we believe we think we need to do is create a system where through small donor donations, through tax credit tax voucher, democracy vouchers that small dollar donors have as much say in the process so the candidates spend their time talking to small dollar donors as much as the sheldon aiddlesons of the world. didn t president obama do that? he did but it s changed a lot since then. what you see happening is rollbacks to the dodd frank banking bill get to the top of the line in the last cycle $100 million was spent from the banking industry on 700 lobbyists. so our point of view is simply i let s figure out small dollar donation schemes and there are plenty of them and many of them are republican market solutions, so that these candidates spend
more time with regular americans rather than the mega rich. what s your website? i m going to it now. sounds great. all right. thank you, gentlemen. up next behind the rise of isis. mikey kay traveled to lebanon to interview a radical cleric and what the cleric says about the strength of isis and the group s access to chemical weapons is chilling. [ male announcer ] you wouldn t ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you re not ignoring them in your body? even if you re treating your crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at
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you interviewed in lebanon. thanks, mika. the emergence of isis has taken syria and iraq by storm and the west by surprise. how isis became so powerful so quickly is a question many are struggling with. but what makes isis such a potent threat is easier to answer and has been a long time in the making. in october 2013 i traveled to tripoli, lebanon s second largest city four-hour drive north of the capital beirut. for decades this lawless city has been a hotbed for sectarian violence. with gunfire being a daily occurrence. one of tripoli s notorious residents is omar bakri, a well-known radical cleric who fled from the uk in 2005. he is despised by many in the west and infamous for describing the 9/11 bombers as the magnificent 19 and the london s 77 bombers as the fantastic four. osama bin laden, may god accept him as a martyr. he declared al qaeda, then al
qaeda decided like all the other islamic groups al qaeda s an islamic groups. but the islamic groups decided to have the state of islam and the truth but they in iraq? in iraq. reporter: a number of jihadists entering syria from the region and beyond is increasing at an alarming rate. reporter: the complete void of security in syria is troubling on many fronts. recent reports from fighting in the syrian border town of kobani suggests that isis militant may
have access to chemical weapons. reporter: according to bakri isis has recruited some 700 suicide bombers from all over the world, which are then added to a so-called list thattis lamb mick state leadership pulls from. they could come from europe? these people came from belgium, italy, france some were from us a staleaustraliaia. came even from afghanistan. omar bakri was or reed last may and faces charges of including encouraging terror acts preparing to create islamic and inciting hatred against the lebanese army. if convicted, could face the death penalty. what about the u.s. bombing runs? what impact is it having?
why is it not slowing isis downey more than it is? that s kind of the big question. it s kind of like putting a band-aid on a huge gaping wound without addressing what the root cause to the problem and that is sad. when i went there over a year ago the main protagonists if you like were the opposition, the free islamic army and the front and syrian regime and hezbollah, loggerheads. isis wasn t really prominent. only became prominent last year. speaking to omar bakri, speaking to him, they had been planning this for a long time. these officers that have been disbursed all over europe to recruit suicide bomber or self-sacrificing matters as they call them, they ve been in position for a couple of years. so they had been brewing this and this is something that obama admitted, the head of
intelligence completely underestimated. you and i were just discussing this piece on the front page of the wall street journal. militants in syria advance despite air strikes. three months of u.s. strikes inside syria and yet isis has gained ground. doing better in iraq although the leader of the iraqi parliament told us yesterday general john allen needs to do more. why syria, why is it so difficult, why do bombs in the air not have any impact on ice snis. two big points. one is in the iraq the united states has clear large number of folks on the ground to work with both among the kurds who are well trained and the iraqi government. in syria that s not remotely the case. as a consequence you re also not getting the level of international support. the u.s. is doing less bombing in syria than iraq. it s not enormous amount of air strikes but virtually nothing else happening from america s coalition alallies. in iraq it s significant. you ve got it from the ground and on the air. and counter intelligence the u.s. has a lot of information in
iraq on the ground we do have those boots. in syria, one thing i expect is going to start happening is the europeans are going to start coordinating or trying to coordinate at least a little bit with syria s assad to start getting some intel on the ground. assad will want to use that to do sanctions. that won t work but none the less right now it s frozen out from the united states and europe. as much as we hate assad, given what s happening on the ground there, it s not clear how long that is sustainable. muk i can, howikey, how did you get the interview? how dangerous was it? it s not as dangerous as it is now. i went for provocative, this new news digital agency a little bit like vice but for millennials. i went and spent 30 days in lebanon. i went up to the north to meet omar bakri. i went to the mountainous region just over the border. it s the big refugee hub which is breaking at the seams with
refugees. i met with free syrian army, the moderates, are actually working with nasra the affiliate with the al qaeda leader to fight against assad. to your point, the problem is we don t seem addressing is assad. there s a summit in russia coming up but the syrian opposition have said they re not interested in participating because of assad again. right. so we can keep talking about military air strikes, we can keep talking about the peshmerga. you think assad is just the he s the he is the common problem. it doesn t matter whether it was a year ago or whether it s now when you ve got the syrian ypg and person murg ga peshmerga and isis fighting. until that is addressed the mosque is broken down as a consequence. mikey kay, thank you so much. thank you. coming up a live report on that foiled bomb foiled plot to bomb the u.s. capitol.
nbc news justice correspondent pete williams has the latest details. plus, the israeli ambassador to the united states joins us with his view on the come bustive situation across europe, the middle east and beyond. we ll be right back. discover card. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you re really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you re never held responsible. just to be clear you are saying frog protection right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog.
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mark halperin, thank you forgettingfor getting up early for us on the west coast. what do you expect to see today. a lot of chatter about whether mitt romney is doing something real or it s just a vanity project that s going to go away. he s telling people he s going to decide in the next couple of weeks but a lot of people i ve talked to talked directly to him say he s already made up his mind, he s going to do it. what s your gut, mark? is he going to do it? i think he s going to do it unless things continue to go bad. the trend line has not been good. we ll see if he the turn things around both today privately and the big speech at the rnc late tomorrow night. you re going tva lot of people from teachm bush and the republican establishment connected to team bush continue to put out what they ve put out in the past 48 hours. they re going to try to push mitt out of the race. there are a lot of leaks. new york times story saying that everybody hates mitt. that s not the case. you and i know that. we go and we talk to a lot of
events and we re very very surprised by the and we have been for the past year and half the reaction that romney gets. president francois hollande says that antimus lymph acts like anti-semitism should not just be denounced but severely published. the israeli ambassador to the u.s. is our guest. plus new poll shows americans are growing more optimistic about the economy. a closer look at the numbers and who is getting the credit? the president is getting some credit. presidential historian doug brinkley joins us at the table.
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welcome back to morning joe. top of the hour. ian bremer and michael steele still with us. join the fabletable, history professor at rice university, douglas brinkley. he s the co-editor of the book the nixon tapes. how are you doing? wonderful. thanks for having me. what are you work og snn. i m doing a booing called rightful heritage on franklin d. roosevelt and the dust bowl that occurred and which the federal government did to arrest mainly planting of 2 billion trees with the conservation core in america and on the birth of the modern law he s just not doing anything. i m working hard on fdr.
you can t beat fdr. idle hands are what? exactly. i saw i have been sick for the last two weeks. oh, my god. i actually and i never fun of a tv. it s one of the great ironies except when i m on. i saw ken burns documentary on the rest voltoosevelts again. it is second time. it is remarkable what those two men did. nothing like them. i mean when you look at fra franklin talk about executive orders with barack obama, the numbers are so small. fdr did over 3,000 executive orders. i mean one after another. it was a different america. i mean, i ve been writing about a woman who suddenly wants to save a million acres of the california desert and february ag gets a meeting with fdr. okay, i ll do it. warning the train companies own some of that and mining claims. oh goes, oh, lawyers can fix
that. that s grandiosity of fdr and americanism. they represent the country. let s bring it to today where america s views on the economy are improving. and it appears president obama is getting a little bit of the credit here. according to a new pew poll 27% of americans say the economy is excellent or good. that s up 11 points from a year ago. and twice as many as last year are optimistic about its outlook. for the first time in five years americans say the president s policies have made the economy stronger rather than weaker. but a stark reality remains for many americans. more than half say they re falling behind in the cost of living. and as the president s state of the union approaches pew mapped the approval ratings compared the other presidents. he s nearly on par with reagan at this point and below clinton but above george w. bush. interesting. we ve been following obviously daily the president s approval ratings over the past six, seven years.
and certainly america s attitudes. things do seem to be we have noticed an upswing, haven t we over the past three or four months. yeah. we commented, i think it was that his floor was at 40%, which was pretty good considering how bad things felt like they were going for a while. now when you see economic progress it comes up. doug, it does raise the question, we feel better the unemployment number is better. but it s also been a lot of people dropped out of the workforce. wages have stagnated. presidents probably always get more credit than they deserve, more blame than they deserve for things that happen beyond their control. what about president obama? if we get, let s say, two years from now and he s out of the presidency, if things stay the way they are right now how will he begin to be viewed based on this economy? i think if they stay the way they are right now he will be seen as a very good president, not a great one. and i say that because the great recession had crashed the country out. if he could say unemployment stays at 5.5% and wall street is at an all-time high. even though the middle class is
still sure ingffering, even though historians will say he didn t do this right or that right, incredible argument he got it out of the ditch and got us up and running again. the problem with that is who knows what it s going to look like two years from now. conversely if this economy does badly obama s presidency will not get high marks. it s very hinged on the economic record, on the day he leaves office, those numbers will freeze and that s when he s going to live with. i understand that economics is what s driving perceptions of president obama on a day-to-day basis right now. if you think out in 5, 10 20 years time nnd obama s legacy do you think it s just as much a question of how the economy looks when he leaves or is there going to be much more of america s role in the world where i think a lot of people are asking more questions about almost annes exostential issue?
in most inaugurals he added a huge paragraph about the climate. you re looking at the keystone debate going on right now. he s very worried about climate being an issue 50 years from now. if he can t solve it he wants to be seen as we indicating the public for a new kind of energy grid. a group of historians meet with the president once in a while and one of his frustrations early on is if we needed a moon shot today he thought it would be a new energy grid. we don t have that new energy grid right now. and on foreign affairs, it s going to be a mixed record. the red line in the sand in syria was disastrous. the drone strikes where are not sure. he s going to be seen as drone president. but the middle east is always a. tinder box. there s always going to be dislocation and problems going on. it s going to be hard, i think, to blame him for everything going on in the middle east like some of the republicans want to do today. i don t know who can handle the situation going on in syria, for example. but he does have though he
is going to have foreign policy issues. we look back at presidents. you talk about how their legacies are locked in. you look at presidents who have left you know ronald reagan will be remembered for a couple of things but foreign policy in equal doses with domestic policy. jimmy carter of course was framed by foreign policy. challenged with the rise of iran. but barack obama, i think the verdict is still out. is he going to be seen as an economic president or is he going to be seen as somebody that misraidead putin and russia misread a misread. soldiers in iraq and afghanistan. all of that. especially with iraq though. especially with iraq.
and when you have and i m certainly not striking a case against him. i m saying this is going to be a fascinating debate. when you have in 2012 two or three things that his republican opponents specifically said he got wrong and then a year or two later on russia on isis in getting out of iraq he s proven to be wrong. it just takes something looic putin, it s unclear or the sanctions working? maybe they are. nobody seems to want to invest in russia right now. what may have seen to be weakness at the start in history might be seen as a bit of strength that the russian economy collapsed. the deal the president got with cuba was basically cuba saying, we don t want to deal with russia anymore. they re not going to be able to fund us anymore. nobody wants to put money into that country right now so the president may have had a measured response to putin. we may. we shall see. now to france where police may be on the verge of a big break in their investigation into the paris terror attacks.
police confirm that amedi coubali rented a small home and filled it with weapons the week before his siege at a kosher supermarket. french newspaper reports a scooter was found that could identify a possible accomplice. there s also new security camera footage from inside the grocery store. the gunman can be seen ordering a hostage to put his hands against a wall. and in another image, a worker is forced to stand on a stool to disable a camera. meanwhile, since last week s attack france has arrested more than 50 people after prosecutors ordered a crack down on hate speech antisemitism and individual supporting terrorism. here with us now from washington israeli ambassador to the united states ambassador ron dermer. mr. ambassador thank you for being with us. the president of france is taking some steps, pushing back against antisemitism that is really really infected that country for some time. is he doing enough?
well, he s trying but you re right, there s been a rising tide of antisemitism in france for some time. three years ago 1900 jews in france moved to israel. two years ago, 3500 jews moved. last year 7,000 jews. this year we re expecting 15,000 jews, french jews to move to israel. mr. ambassador, it s obviously we noticed what happened this past week across the globe, took great notice of the attacks against the cartoonists. not as much against the four jews who were slaughtered in a kosher supermarket. but there have been violent attacks against jews and murders against jews in france before that really hasn t gained the attention, has it? that s correct. two years ago you had an attack on a school in france where terrorists on a motorcycle came in and killed an adult and three children. he took an 8-year-old by the hair and shot her at point blank range. you didn t see a mass rally
against that. there were a lot of statements made at the time of everything that would be done to protect the jews of france. but unfortunately it didn t happen. we appreciate the comments made by the president of france prime minister of france. there have been european leaders taking a strong stand against antisechl tim like chancellor america until germ in. but europe is a place with a lot of old traditions and antisemitism is probably the oldest one. we were talking about that earlier. it s, again, there always seems to be an excuse in europe to be antisemitic. right now it s the palestinian conflict, which you can go back 500, 600 years, 700 years and there is always an excuse. immigration in europe in general has always been much more about cultural issues it has been political ideology. in france you can be a communist but you can still be french. in united states you that would be anti-american. it s a lot harder in a lot of
the countries in europe and i think that s a problem for the jews. ambassador, i wanted to ask you on this. there s been a lot of interesting stories around netanyahu s attendance in france, the fact that president hollande actually sort of was basically said you know it would be it s not a convenient time for you to come right now and then netanyahu himself actually talking about that jews are welcome in israel if not in france. it feels a little raw. i mean do you feel like the tension just got too high around this and it s time to back off of it or would these appropriate mess samgs from both the french and israelis at this point? look i think the prime minister of israel did exactly what a prime minister of israel has to do. first, we have to stand with france when they re fighting against terrorism. those reports about hollande not wanting him there, that s not true. sort of internalish recally store israeli story. we asked the world to stand with
israel in our battle against terrorism. we think we re fighting that same battle in our in israel at home against militant islam that france is fighting in europe. so it s important for the prime minister of israel to stand with france in its hour of need. another thing the prime minister of israel always believes in and always says all prime minister of israel since the founding of the state, is that every jew in the world should know they always have a home in israel. jews should be protected wherever they are, whether it s in france or whether it s in the united states, but jews around the world should know that they can always come to israel. in israel the jewish people do not ask others to defend them. this israel the jewish people defend themselves. stay with us. nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely joins us live from paris. bill i understand secretary john kerry arrives there tob ss there tonight. what s on his agenda? yes, he arrives tonight and will meet the french foreign
minister. of course john kerry speaks french but there s no word on whether he will utter the sorry, for the fact that no high rachking from the u.s. came to paris. the world leaders admitted that was a mistake. tomorrow he meets the french president francois hollande. mr. hollande s poll ratings skyrocketed. last month he was the most unpop unpopular president in recent history. he left eight points to 29% in the polls. he s still not that popular. but generally people feel he s done a pretty good job in handling this crisis. but there s an atmosphere here someone described its a utterly surreal. people still cueing to buy a magazine that hardly anyone bought in the past. charlie hebdo used to tell 50,000 copy on a good week now 5 million copies printed.
there s a debate about free speech and yet french authorities have not only arrested but charged a french comedian, a very well-known one for putting on his facebook page that he feels like that is defending and advocating terrorism. many people disagreeing with that arrest. you know everywhere you go in paris there is this music, as my producer described it the sound of sirens that are keeping people on edge here. on the investigation, not many leads today. people still dealing with the aftermath of this. and four funerals today for those who were killed in these attacks. bill what have you personally heard? what can you report back to us on the reaction to the french to the united states, first of all not being there, and then
apologizing? has it is it considered a slight that they re going to remember or do is it much ado about nothing? well, you know amid the national trauma here it was remarked that neither president obama nor vice president biden have come. but really they have too much else on their minds. i don t think, you know, it will be a great part of the conversation here. you know i think maybe it s in foreign policy circles and in washington, it s more of a conversation. i ve heard again that, you know is this the u.s. leading from behind again? you know the u.s. ambassador was in that crowd but so far into the crowd that you could hardly see her. so in a way, i think it s probably more of an issue in washington than it is here in paris. all right. bill thank you so much. we greatly appreciate it. and, mr. ambassador any final thoughts?
look, i think it s important to understand, joe, that what you saw happen in the few decades after the holocaust was the exception and not the rule. the rule in european history has been antisemitism and there was a brief period in the wake of the holocaust where it was politically incorrect to be antisemitic. that has changed over the last couple of decades. and in old hatred towards the jewish people has turned into a hatred for the jewish state. i hope the leaders will stand firmly in beating back the antisemitism and treat israel as they would treat any other country in the world. i think we would all be in a better place then. thank you. talked about the roosevelt documentary, it is striking how there was an understanding in 1945 that there had to be a jewish state created to make sure a holocaust never happened again and talking with the roosevelts, you know one of the fiercist champions of an israeli state was the jewish state was
eleanor roosevelt. this was not an ideologicalish shaw in 1945. this was a necessity so jews being persecuted killed slaughtered in europe and across the world, would have a place to go to be safe. that has been forgotten. there are new concerns this morning about homegrown terrorism after authorities say they thwarted a terror plo t. an ohio man is facing charges for allegedly planning a military style attack on the u.s. capitol. joining us now from washington with that nbc news justice correspondent pete williams. pete, how close was this suspect to carrying out the plot? well, investigators say this young man was 20 years old. he wanted to carry out his attack as a way of supporting the isis group. and they say he talked about his plans to somebody he thought was like-minded but who turned out to be working for the fbi. the plan federal prosecutors say was to set off pipe bombs at the u.s. capitol, then shoot people as they fled.
fbi investigators say christopher lee cornell, age 20 from suburban cincinnati first came to their attention last august when he began posting message on twitter calling himself raheel and expressing support for the isis terror group. he soon met someone in the cincinnati area he thought was sympathetic but who was actually an undercover operative for the fbi. on wednesday officials say cornell took a further step in his plot going to the shooting range and buying two assault type rifles like this along with 600 rounds of ammunition as the fbi and the manager watched closely. as soon as as the purchase was over and he left the door several agents came out and tackled him here in the parking lot and took him down. reporter: according to court documents cornell said he drew inspiration from former al qaeda figure al awlaki and videos from isis and the brothers over there, isis quote, gave a thumbs up for acts of violent jihad. new battleground in the terrorist war against us and
that s the social media being used to communicate with people who are willing to carry out desperate acts to kill americans. reporter: family members say they believe the fbi pushed him to do something he would not have done on his own. i think a lot of it was coercion. i think he got coerced. no way he had the money to carry out any kind of terrorist attack. there s been no comment from his public defender. federal officials say there was never any danger to the public because he was under close watch for months and to directly answer your question mika they said he had not even gotten to the point of buying components or building his bombs. okay. nbc s pete williams. thank you very much. thank you as well. thank you, douglas. thanks. we learned something about you. yes. thank you forfeiting us into your busy schedule. america should know doug brinkley in the 1970s followed z.z. top around. a huge zz top fan. and the marshall tucker band and charlie daniels. and you had the long hair.
and the beard. outlaw country. went around playing guitar? yes. coming up on morning joe, a man to believe to be in a vegetative state for years was forced to watch hour after hour of barney. do you know barney ? oh, my gosh. one of his reflections after waking up, quote, i can t even express to you how much i hate barney barney. i don t think he was in that vegetative a state. that story and more, and the morning paper.
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morning papers from the huffington post, there is a heartbreaking illustration of loss in pakistan where gunmen late last year killed nearly 150 people, most of them children during an attack on a school in peshawar. a student posted this before and after picture to social media. showing how his group of friends had been cut in half. two students missing from the top photo, among those killed in the taliban assault. afghan officials say they recently captured five suspects after getting intelligence from the pakistan government. heartbreaker. the washington post, president obama will announce a proposeal for seven days of paid sick leave each year for u.s.
workers. in an executive action the president will also grant six weeks of paid leave to federal employees following a birth or adoption adoption. valley jarrett writes on linked linkedin, quote, president obama will call on congress to pass the healthy families act which would allow millions of working americans to earn up to seven days a year of paid sick time and call on states and cities to pass similar laws. we know that today 43 million private sector workers in the u.s. are without any form of paid sick leave. only three states california new jersey and rhode island suffer paid family and medical leave. the truth is success and productivity of our workers are tied to their ability to care for their families and maintain a stable life at home. that s a long statement. we think valerie for being able to say all of that without taking a breath. i was talking about it yesterday. hold on. so. seven days paid sick leave? seven days. if we got that here you and i would be able to take off nine
days, eight, nine days a year? yes. exactly right. it s really beneficial to women who work because often when people are sick it s the women who take care of their parents or their kids or their husbands when they re sick. and men benefit, too, and families as well. this is one of the ideas that came out of the working fallies summit that we did last spring. and i think it s one of the ways we re going to really move forward as more and more women are stepping up and working. got to keep working on maternity leave, too. come on. the number of days and weeks. the few we have here compared to the rest of the world is insane. unpaid. uk south african man spent a decade trapped inside his own body without anyone knowing. okay. martin pistorius contracted a rare illness at the age of 12 that left him in a vegetative state. he was in a virtual coma with no mental capacity at all but pistorius was actually aware of everything. in his book he spent a period
spent at special care facility where he was left to watch reruns of barney all day as the driving force behind his push to make people aware of his consciousness consciousness. that just sent chills up my spine. the same. seriously? 12-year coma. that s torture. barney. it is. still ahead, the president of the center for american progress and britain s shad i do chancellor of the x-checker are teaming up to tackle with president obama has called the defining challenge of our time. they join us next to explain what that is and what s being done about it. double wings, extra ranch. we need
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welcome back to morning joe. here with us now from washington, britain s shadow chancellor of the x checker and president and ceo of the center for american progress. both of you, good to have you back. ed is the cochair of the commission on inclusive
prosperity which is out with a new report on ways to revive the middle class and reduce income inequality. doran, ian, michael steele all with us as well. ed, let s start there. you re holding it up. tell us about it. good to see you, mika. happy new year to everybody. good to be back on the show. it s i think a very important report which will have an impact here in the states but also in britain and australia and in europe because what it says is that even in countries like america and britain where after the financial crisis we re starting to see our economies growing again. that s not translating into rising living standards for most people in our country. so this is joe. what is the fix? this really is one of the great challenges of america, one of the great challenges of britain and the west. what are some soft thingof the things we can do to lessen the income disparity between the richest and poorest?
we say here a number of things which we can do which is common across our countries. how retranslate that in policy is different in different countries. make sure we have more good jobs, make work pay by raising the minimum wages and have tax credit which makes work pay, mike child care more affordable. more skills but the kind of skills that employers want to hire and we want to more apprenticeship for our young people, more signs of innovation to get ideas, long-term investment in our infrastructure making the private sector and companies work in a more long-term way. and also internationally we ve got to corporate to make sure the global tax system is fair global economy growing. stop financial crisis in the future but also to make sure that we keep the international economy open and that we don t turn our face against globalization and trade but we make it work in a way which doesn t only reward some people but makes it work for working people. unless we do that joe, i think you re right, what we re going to see is a growth in reaction
against trades, against mainstream politics. we see in europe populous parties rising. that s dangerous. this is a big agenda for all of our countries. dorian? good morning. this is dorian warren here. hi, dorian. i m wondering what you think and can you talk about the efforts to raise wages? given unemployment is now it keeps dropping which is a great thing for our economy. what specifically in the report do you think would help increase wages for american workers? so we look particularly at the u.s. as well. and you see just in the last jobs report you see that we have lower unemployment but still this drag on wages. wages actually went down the month before which really proves the point that ways in the united states are not keeping up with higher costs. so we have a multi-prime strategy in the report laid out for the u.s. obviously we need to increase minimum wage but we need to do more than that.
we need to actually look at ways that companies can share profits with workers, encouraging through tax policies, profit sharing because that s the challenge. companies are profitable but workers wages are still stagnant. that s the conundrum we have in the u.s. we have to make sure that they are thinking long term and encourage them to do so. more business investment which is also investment in their workers. so it s one final thing is we are really well behind everyone else in the developed world, benefits we offer for workers, including paid leave and other things. the president was talking about last night. but also in ensuring that we have a fair tax system. so those are all issues. you know it not one silver bullet to address wages but what s a really important part of the report is that it can be done. it can be done. there are things we can do. michael steele is with us from washington. he has question. michael? does the report go into the
fact that you ve got when you re talking about increasing wages for workers, which is important, and striking this balance with businesses globally, have you considered the trillions of dollars that are sitting on the shelves that are offshore, for example? what steps can be taken to encourage those businesses to re those funds so those dollars that are sitting on the shelf, in the banks that are not being put to good use can be put to good use? so just ed can jump in as well. but one quick point on that. one of the reasons why we talk about how we need to harmonize our tax systems is that one of the challenges is companies kind of leap frog country to country looking for the best tax deal for them. that doesn t serve any of us. that s a race to the bottom. so we actually have a better global system on taxes, where we re not raising taxes across the board but we re really just having a better system for our
companies. i think the report says no one country can do this on its own. you ve got to get america and britain and other developed countries saying we re going to make the global tax system work so that if profits are being made in couldn t country, that s where the tax rest paid. and you don t have companies you can avoid paying tax anywhere because part of the resentiment from people is saying i m working, i m paying my taxes. my wages are not going up. and other companies, some individuals are getting away from paying any tax. there s a proud question as well. we ve got to make sure that our companies are using those resources they ve got to invest for the long term. and in our country, look we ve got growth coming back and our prime minister says we ve got growth but our business investment is being very weak. wages are stagnating for people. and other thing is look unless we can say to you and to america, britain will stay in the european union we re going to stay part of the global economy, that i m afraid there will be very many businesses who
say, may maybe britain is not the place to invest and create jobs. thank you ed. always great to see you. ed, it s been a rough year. mers i can mercy said, it s been tough for liverpool. how is norwich doing? we are challenging to get back into the premiership. we got relegated. we re just sat with our manager a week ago. that might be our big turn around moment. this britain, everybody is very sad that steven girard one of your heroes is leaving liverpool but he s coming to los angeles to play for the galaxy. you will be able to see the stars here in u.s. football soccer, i should say. i suspect it will be much warmer than it was when i went to your hometown. oh, my god. in norwich in april and froze to death. with no coat by the way. your pronunciation, joe, has gotten a lot better as well. yeah.
now it s norwich. it s norwich. the greatest team in the world of the liverpool. other than liverpool. thank you so much. we reveal the new cover of time magazine next right here on morning joe. i ve had a lot of hondas. we went around the country talking to people who made the switch to ford. i loved the look of the fusion. we test drove it.i was like this is my car . all-wheel drive is amazing. i felt so secure. you can do it, emmie!
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we got the managing editor of time magazine with us with the first look at the latest issue. the cover story after paris, lessons from the attack. what are the lessons? well that scene that was very moving in paris and all the leaders together may have been poignant but i don t think it was pro thetic. the force pulling europe are stronger than the ones holding it together. we were just talking about the fact that the forces that were nationalist sentiment moving out of the eu the desire to do that and to stop massive
immigration, that was happening well before paris. it was. and now you get the vicious cycle where violence breeds fear, fear breeds prejudice, prejudice breeds resentment within the muslim minority that resentment can turn into another cycle of violence. i think the strategy of driving a wedge between a growing muslim population in europe and this also growing populous nationalist anti-immigration policies, you have 60% of non-muslim germans saying they think islam is incompatible with the western lifestyle, western front in france than any other french party. this is these forces i think, are the critical context for what we are seeing in this rising violence. ian, these forces are always framed in a negative light. but if you were born in france in 1945, let s say, or 48, post-war, or across europe, you you have seen radical changes in your country.
is there any legitimate argument for people saying hey, let s slow down on immigration in our country, let s slow down on turning everything over i only say this because i have yet to hear one person on american television or european television mainstream, say these people may have a point. there s a reason why 60% of europeans are ticked off with what s going on or whatever the number is in germany or france. the immigration debate in the united states has always been framed around jobs. it was the giant sucking sound. if we feel like our economy is going down that s when we have a problem with immigrants. when you go to europe you will talk to mainstream europeans, i ve had these conversations across the continue nent. they will say we will accept a lower standard of living if our country can feel more french or dan anybody or swedish. because the very nature of america, obviously, is a melting pot, dorian, where immigrants, we re all immigrants. but that s not the case in britain or france or spain, that s not the case with these
countries who, again, feel like they re losing their identity. i think ian gets to something important and that s the stronghold of a particular cultural identity national identity. we do have a strong national identity in the u.s. but the role of culture mixed with economics is much more toxic in europe than in the u.s. pop lymphulism was taking hold. people were so concerned that upcoming greek elections that you re going to have sures win. in spain the most popular party right now is one that didn t exist a year ago. the eu parliamentary elections six months ago overwhelming wins. big wins for everybody. not many people vote in those but, none the less the trend line was clear. this goes on top of it. the notion that not only are we going to have the economic problems but now we re going couple that with this anti-immigrant sentiment. it drives germany further apart. our guest next tuesday, mike
huckabee, never stop running for president. everyone in the pool right now. we ve been talking a lot in recent weeks about the fight for the establishment wing of the party with romney and jeb bush. huckabee is fighting for the social conservative wing. you will have rick santorum he has to deal with and bobby jindal. he never stopped running. he s been traveling to iowa and he has a book coming out. and so it s going to be fascinating to see how you have these respective mini civil wars before the big civil war for the republican nomination. little known fact. mike huckabee resident of my old district redneck riviera. i look forward to having him on. you have a young kid who just started up at time magazine. up and comer. this guy ian bremer self promoter. it s unbelievable. look at my story. but he talks about how cheap oil can boost the standing of china s leader. the idea of $40 a barrel oil
is incredible and has implications everywhere. what was so interesting to me is ian s point about what this means for china. but every single country and every single geopolitical issue is somehow tied to what is going to happen with oil prices and energy. nancy gibbs. thank you. she s packed. great issue. new issue of time magazine out now. up next it s not bad when your very first professional role is the lead role in a major broadway play. the costars of the curious incident of the dog and the nighttime. i ve heard this play is fantastic. gives us a backstage pass to the show. we ll be right back. great reviews. next. expected wait time: 55 minutes.
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to be a good astronaut you have to be intelligent, and i m intelligent. you also have to understand how machines work and i m good at understanding how machines work. you also have to be someone who would like being on their own in a tiny spacecraft thousands and thousands of miles from the surface of the earth, and not panic, or get claustrophobia or air sick or insane. that was a scene from the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, and here with us now. co-stars of the broadway show. you know what i really respect is i respect when everything s going wrong, you just keep soldiering on. like this play horrible reviews. calmed it the most in venom show on broadway. the associated press calls it
dazzling. extraordinary, time magazine. alex, this has to be rewarding to you. this will turn around. you have been working so hard for so many decades. you prepare for the life of a struggling young actor and, boom get the lucky break very early. yes, i m very lucky. pretty talented. it s pretty great, though? truly awesome. i m having the time of my life. it s like one of those rare opportunities. when you get a part as an actor, it s a dream you get a part you can put everything into and it s one of those parts. i m just enjoying that. francesca, it s a remarkable story about a gifted young, talented boy who s accused of killing a dog, and then he sets out to find out who really did. really did. and what he discovers is life-changing. tell us about that part of the story? the book if anyone knows, came out to great success by
mark canton and about 15 or so years ago, and yes. it s a mystery story, really. at its core. but it unfolds and opens up a great deeper intense mystery for the young boy who s in the middle, and i play his teacher and the narrator of sorts and does a whole sort of his support system through the story. and they have a great relationship of trust and and she was really made a character much more in the play than in the book. so when our buddy jordan roth was here he came and of course speaks in broadway speak. we just call it the curious incident. he shortened it down. because he s in the know but alex, for you, and this is a great way for kids out there that do have special needs to see somebody as the main character, who s highlighted in a fantastic way. are you hearing from kids that
have come to see you, or from parents that see you and tell us about your character. because of the character you portray son the spectrum. yeah, yeah. no. i hear from a lot of people and i think it s i mean it s a story that is a celebration of difference. it s just it s very positive in nature and it s you know, the hero is an unusual one. exactly. so i think a lot of people are drawn to it for that reason and i hear from people and families you know in the autistic community and all kinds of families really. it s very it means a lot to me. it s also that you can sort of be a part of like giving them a representation that s that feels good for them. broadway s such a tough landscape. it s tough for actors everywhere. were you all surprised at the unbelievable reviews you ve gotten? francesca? yeah. were you bracing yourself? of course you do every time and even if you love something you never know how it s going to be received and even if
briiently receivebriient ly brilliantly received in london, you still don t know. this is fabulous. we congratulate you. after two shows yesterday, one tonight, this is a lot to come in here. we appreciate this. at least three hours of sleep. yeah. go take a nap. now playing at new york city s baranmore theater. visit for more detail. still ahead, the latest developments in the foiled plot to attack the u.s. capitol. plus reaching the summit. the two men who completed what is known as the most difficult free climb in the world. and the oscar nominations will be announced at 8:30 eastern time this morning. we re going to bring them to you live. we re back in just a moment with with much more morning joe.
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welcome back to morning joe. it s 8:00 on the east coast, and 5:00 a.m. on the west coast which means mark halperin needs to wake up now. he s wide awake. look at him. he s as tan, really as nixon when you know he was in san clemente. so nice to see him on the beach today, like to in his wing tips walking up and down the beach saying hi to the kids. and nothing else. also with us ian premmer, dorian warren and michael steele. what s the matter with ohio? i m going to write a book called what s the matter with ohio? what do you mean?
so they win the whom the gods wom destroy they first make mad. the second thing they do they give them a national championship. willie win a national championship, burn down the campus, and you re thinking okay that s not bad. i mean it happens. right? we, of course, don t do that in alabama. kind of get bored by winning national championships. i m big ten here. but then, willie i can t wait to see where this is going, how this ends. but then they get a bartender who wants to poison speaker of the house. the orange the oh, that is america s first orange speaker, and they hate him, just because of the speaker of his skin, but they re going to kill him for that. right? what? then another ohio dude decides he s going to blow up the capitol. okay. hold on. i think they re one in the same. whatever. is it the same dude? no it s not. no it s not. it s a different dude. i m telling you, these buckeyes this is a serious
point. i know. you can draw a straight line to urban meyer going to ohio state and all of these like, terror plots. did you take your medicine? am i the only one surprised at everything i m not seeing the connection. hold on a second. dan, alice, am i defaming an entire state or is this not happening? oh, it s happening. it s a coincidence, they say. okay. it s a coincidence. can we talk about flyover states? can we do that? only if i go there, and then it s the center of the world. and then i come back to the coast, and we just talk about the coast. barack obama, man. yes yes, yes. those poll numbers. i know. oop! they re going high. getting up there. not surprised, but that s good. you know what they say? what? whom the gods will destroy, they give a majority in congress. it s always a surprise how presidents do so much better when the opposing party controls congress. yeah. the dynamic shifts.
always happens, and americans start looking at that president, who they didn t really like when he had a monopoly and they go wait a second. we need him there to balance out the republicans, or vice versa. it always happens that way. we ll get to that as well as other political news in just a moment, but first on a serious note, there are oh that was very serious. oh, yes, it was. there are new concerns about homegrown terrorism after authorities say they thwart add terror plot against one of the country s most iconic buildings. an ohio man. ding, ding ding, ding. there you go. facing charged for plotting a military-style attack on the capitol. inspired by islamic state militants in anwar al awlaki. this is the nan custody. court documents state he wanted to plant pipe bombs around the capitol and then shoot officials who tried running away.
investigators say he came to their attention last august when he used an alias to post pro-isis documents on twitter, court documents say he discussed his plans with a man he thought was sympathetic, actually working undercover for the phish fib. fbi. he was arrested after he bought more than 600 rounds of ammunition at gun range, but the fbi says the public was never in danger. cornell s father says his son did recently convert to islam but can t believe what he s being accused of. people that really know chris chris they know he s a good guy. i don t like i said you know, i was completely blindsided by this. this this came as a complete surprise. you know? chris is i mean he never leaves the house. he s a mommy s boy. he never showed any signs of any kind of violence or anything. i mean quiet, shy.
good kid. if you re bad, so bad for a dad, but willie if he hasn t left the house in 20-something years, that s a warning sign. he s not that good a kid. i understand dad s not feeling good about what happened. hardly a model terrorist, reinforcing what the father said. as the guy said, you can t leave the guy untouched, talking about, informants blowing up the capitol and looks like great work undercover. the guy from the fbi. used intelligence and took him down at a gun shop yesterday. and to france. a big break into the investigation of the paris terror attacks. police confirm a home was filled with weapons a beak before the siege. a scooter found that could identify an accomplice and new security footage from a camera inside the grocery store.
the gunman can be seen ordering a hostage to put his hands against the wall and in another image, a worker forced to stand on a stool to disable a camera. since last week s attack france arrested more than 50 people after prosecutors ordered a krk crackdown on hate speech and comes as the first issue since charlie hebdo sold out across france. the company so sought-after the company is going for, some for $1,000 on ebay. french president francois hollande says the magazine has been reborn and, you can murder men and women, but you can never kill their ideas. ian, obviously, france is having to focus mainly on anti-semitism right now. that seems to be where they re focused. this is such a big problem in france and across europe. isn t it? it s going to become much larger. the fact is that the economic
environment continues to be incredibly poor in these countries for large swaths of the population. there s a very great division great divisions within these societies. treatment of you look at surveys. one came out recently from britain in the last couple of days. some 45% of respondents promoted anti-semitism in some direct way, over 50% of jews that responded felt like they did not feel like they had a clear future in britain. and, ian, you re the european expert. it is absolutely fascinating to me and horrifying to me how anti-semitism has played such a large role in the history of europe over the past 1,000 years, and there s always a reason. and always an excuse given to hate jews in europe and, of course now it s a palestinian conflict, but you could go back you know you could go back to the days of martin luther. i mean the people that we revere martin luther was a raging anti-semite. you could look at even the mag
in a cartmagna carta. you don t have to treat jews equally. this strain of anti-semitism, of course reached its climax when 6 million jews were murdered in europe while a lot of european countries just stood there and watched. and i just wonder how this continent has has, after hitler and after the holocaust, how 50 60 years later, they have collective amnesia. that s interesting and one of the reasons, of course you see backlash in many european countries against the notions of the kind of expansive free speech that we support in the united states. it s not because they don t care about individual liberties, but because precisely, they re concerned about reopening these boxes that can lead to hate speech and hate crimes against any minorities. this has been the year where
pacetti has been really the man for europe much less so the united states. not so much as he has in europe and in france. the fact the european economy is not rebounding that you don t see the productivity, energy prices are higher. people aren t benefiting, and if you re in these countries, you feel that europe hasn t worked for you, you re going back to your lowest common denominator, about these individual nations. that s the problem. can you explain, everybody watching quickly. it s very telling. talking about a couple years when the french and the germans, and lecturing barack obama and his administration on economics. could you explain the difference between america s economy, and don t worry, praubarticular uben not giving barack obama the credit, i m giving americans the credit. rebound and be strong. can you explain the american economy and the state it is and the state of europe s economy? i mean as far as attitudes goes
and vitality and ate of factors here. the united states first of all, is fortunate, because we are the largest producers of energy as a consequence the revolution, we are the world s largest producer of calories in terms of food. right. the demographics are great. yeah yeah yeah. just tell us why we re winning. those are reasons why we re winning. you re supposed to say manifest destiny and, we re just great. took lots of great territory. that s certainly true. but, you also have enormous support for entrepreneurship in the united states, much easier to start your own company, and there s no question that the general attitudes of americans, you ve consistently had pew research and the rest 90% of americans polled believe they will end up in the top 10%, or their kids will, over the course of the next 20, 30 years, even though that s truly not true. that s not true in europe. that is the essence, mika of the american dream and that is the essence of this country s
economic greatness that i can grow up in a small house and believe that i can either live in a small house when i get older or work really hard and live in the biggest house on the hill and blah blah blah. whatever. you have that feeling. but you talked to people from france and you talk to business owners in france and they constantly talk about their frustration, that if they work hard and work around the clock, and are entrepreneurs, they re actually looked upon with suspicion. and even though upward mobility has really collapsed in this country. glad you said that, because i was there is still the belief here, and i believe we re going to fix that that there s never been dorian in great britain, that there s never been in france, this class structure that muslims feel trapped by. a lot of middle class and lower middle class frenchmen and brits
have felt that for centuries. for centuries. america was at one point especially the mid to late 20th century the democracy of equal opportunity. as we just mentioned a lot of those ladders of opportunity have closed in the last 20 30 years, but i was reading an article this morning about french immigrants and outer rings of paris, where unemployment rates are at 20% and for many french or immigrant youth, are at 40%. yeah. so there s a sense there is no economic opportunity at all. in many of those communities. and so that gives gets us to a conversation about what are the underlying causes that drive people towards radical ideology ideologies in certain places? can you drive through the suburbs and you really can you can see it immediately. just the difference. really quickly. one final thing on unemployment. 40%. i saw a stat last week that unemployment in america for people with bachelors degrees,
like 2%. isn t that remarkable? also, really quickly, we were going to get to these polls i don t think we ll have time. according to a new poll 27% of americans say the economic is excellent or good up 11 points from a year ago. attitudes are changing. the republican national committee announced dates for its 2016 convention. the event will be held in cleveland, in mid-july about six weeks earlier than the 2012 convention. party chairman rines priebus moved up the convention as part of a strategy in ohio? do they really want to go there. the nominee gave earlier access to the general election funds. priebus sought to strengthen the 2016 nominee by scaling back the number of debates as well. so mark halperin in san diego covering the republicans winter meeting. what do we expect to hear from that? announcement later today the first day of the convention devoted to captures terrorists and murderers. exactly. never done before. the delegates are going to
back to the buckeye state. i love that place, anyway go ahead. democrats fan all over ohio and bring them back. look governor romney will be here tomorrow night but you ll hear ben carson and scott walker speaking today. rick perry is also speaking tomorrow and all the buzz here is about the 2016 race. and a lot of surprise and question about what governor romney s doing and whether it s a little bit of a mirage and he might not even run, or if he does run, collapse before he gets a head of steam or has he transformed the race? a huge topic here. michael steele a remarkable call it ten days maybe two weeks and the party you once led as that chairman of the rnc with jeb bush effectively announcing he s getting into the race for all intents and purposes and mitt romney sort of being pressured, i guess, by the pace of jeb s announcement to the do the same. what do you make of the developments over the last two weeks? do you think mitt romney jeb bush actually do run and are
there standing on the stage at those late debates? i do. i think that mitt romney has done a re-assessment of the caliber and quality of the potential challengers, and said because you recall he said, you know, i m not going to run unless, you know i see there s someone or no someone who can do this and i think he s looking at his position on a number of issues. whether it was on russia or the economy, as being correct, and he s kind of got this new mojo. i think he ll be there, in play same with jeb bush but i have to tell you, willie the exciting part for me is yet to come, and that is the republican governors. when the republican governors begin to throw down on this thing and get in this race that s when i really think dynamics change. you re talking about two former governors out for 8 and 12 years respectively. talking about governors who served through the recession. who had to deal with obamacare, who had to deal with the changes
in our economy and govern through that. so when they engage in this conversation, that s when it s going to be a real test of wills within the gop. this whole establishment versus tea party. i think that kind of goes away and it s really going to be about who can govern this country and who has? mark halperin go to the say, inside baseball, politics and media collide. but i fund itound it fascinating. you hear stories tabloids in the 1800s, pick a party, bash this candidate and bash that it s fascinating the little sort of back and forth between thewp washington post, officially mitt romney s newspaper and the new york times, trashes mitt romney for the benefit of jeb bush. every tay an anti-jeb story and pro-mitt story and followed by a pro jeb and anti-mitt in the new york times. plaged out in the last couple of
weeks and fascinating. the editorial page breaks tight in votes against romney. the jeb and mitt people behind the scenes and the would-be candidates doing a ton of stuff, but very little in public. and we don t flare them often. jeb bush is in california as well but not doing public events and the press is consumed, as you suggested, not just those two big papers but a lot of the political media with the question, will we see a romney/bush face-off? what does that mean for christie and current governors michael steele referred to? this is not over-coverage, though. what s happening will determine the contours of the race even if there s two dozen candidates besides those two guys. still ahead on morning joe. the nominations for this year academy awards are just moments away, and you ll see them live right here. we ll be right back. you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs,
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more bill cosby news. let s look at the morning papers. no. they actually have somebody within the statute of limitations. 2008. you got something within the statute of limitations, you re going to take to trial, take it to trial. i have problems with people saying, this happened 40 years ago. now, bill cosby, go prove it. do it in the court of law. drugged at the playboy mansion in 2008 by bill cosby. okay. the san francisco chronicle, experts describe it as the most difficult free climb in the world. the almost completely vertical 3,000-foot waffle el capitan at yosemite national park. look at that. yesterday two men found out what it feels like feels good.
willie and i can tell you, it feels good. you did not. stop. we didn t want to because it s not about us. yep. we did it for the kids. the 3,000-foot granite base tommy caldwell and kevin jorgeson reached the summit. becoming the first people in history. second and third. to scale the wall of el capitan using only their hands and feet. to pull them up. oh. wow. we used at least an elevator. we had scaffolding and an elevator. so, okay maybe we don t all right, okay. completed edcompleted started december 27th, only harnesses in case of falls. each night ate and slept in hanging tents thousands above the valley floor, for perspective, the half mile stretch of granite they climbed is about as tall as two empire state buildings. come on y all. stacked on top of each other.
the indianapolis star. colts back up linebacker josh mcnairy charged with rape criminal confinement with body injury and battery. police believe he is responsible for a december 1st attack on a female accuser, an attorney for him denies those charges. the colts play flunked for the afc title on sunday. south china, morning post. taxi drivers across china going on strike over low pay and competition from taxi sevilles smartphone apps such as uber. in china, the apps permit drivers without taxi licenses to pick up passengers many offering cheaper prices. frustrated taxi drivers argue their fees are due to high taxes and city taxes. willie you re a city guy. how is that each thing? seems dangerous at times? it is sent from heaven. really? it s great? uber is great. put an app on your phone. sitting in a restaurant, check
comes, want to leave in five minutes. call up the app. pop it. shows a car three, four minutes away. click on the car. sends you the driver s picture, name, phone number. he calls you, says i ll be out front in five minutes. walk out, get in the car tell them where you want to go. it s more expensive than a taxi. the down side. they ve had specific isolated has anybody triped to sexually assault you? no. but that stop! that would be my concern. especially if i were especially if i were a woman. why joe is jealous. he cannot get a cab. nobody will stop. there s a quality control issue. i m wondering. i would not, let s say, my daughter, if she were 17 18 yeah. have her cell phone number that could happen in a taxicab. something could happen to you late at night on an empty subway car. have them exchange cell phone numbers? the guy calms you find you later you mean? yeah.
i don t know. i guess so. it s a problem uber has to deal with. had a few of those incidents. overall, an incredible convenience popping up all over the world. even china. the daily mail. the royal family increased its social media presence with brand new twitter and instagram. thank goodness. waiting for years. palace officials say it will feature posts from the duke and duchess as well as prince harry. so far the posts mundane. quite what you would expect from prince harry who found himself in trouble with photos. harry s great. got no problem with harry, but, you know william, it s going to be look my male pattern baldness, look what it s done over the past month or two? he s doing all right for himself. stop. postings also promote the royalty charitable foundation we re told. you re mean. coming up on morning joe, which films will be in the running for this year s best picture? we re going to bring you the oscar nomen ace nations live from
hollywood. and cosmo s joanna moles and janice minh join us with analysis. rooting for the other guy, willie. this is the year for the other guys. we ll be right back.
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you were a movie star. remember? who is this guy? he used to be birdman. what about you? how was your week? you know who do you hang out with? do you have a girlfriend? what have you been up to? i see your point. the name of my company is video production news a professional news gathering service. that s how it should be read and how it should be said i. want us to be together for as long as we ve got, if that s not very long then that s just how it is
it will have to do. you don t know what s coming. as long as i am able to exercise my constitutional right to vote i do not have command of my own life. those that have gone before us say, no more. everyone thinks enigma is unbreakable. good. let me try and we ll foe for sure. would you be surprised if i told you that the navy has credited you with over 160 kills? those were the scenes from some of the most memorable films of 2014 and we are just a few minutes away from this year s oh. you got the glasses on. oscar nominations. they re nice. put them back. okay. and joining us editor of cosmopolitan magazine, joanna coles is back and president of the entertainment group at guggenheim media group, janice min. good to have you both onboard. start with you, janice in terms
of movies that are perkicking up steam before the nominations. i feel this is a big breakout role for bradley cooper? yes. you know listen, american sniper has come on really strong. people are liking it. it s doing well at the box office. this is probably in a year of small independent films i ll guess a lot of your audience still hasn t seen or may never see. america sniper hollywood likes, big broad, has stars and clint eastwood. talking yesterday, this is the first movie clint has done since he talked to the chair at the national republican convention and lab ral hollywood doesn t care. they still love clint and think he s one of the greatest. joe, jump in. i wanted to ask janice. i m a big wes anderson fan and obviously great to see him win at the golden globes. any chance of repeating, the academy awards? okay. i m saying i think he ll probably get a best picture nomination for grand budapest.
probably a directing nominations. a kooky darling of hollywood. that golden globe was a huge surprise and also a conventional wisdom that the earlier your movie is released in the year the more likely academy voters will forget about it. this was released in march. it s a real testament to the staying power of the movie and how memorable it s been for people. thomas? joanna what do you like? because i think you have a distinction between the brits and us regular, old americans? i know that you ah ah ah. i do think my people are going to crush your people in the acting categories this year especially in the best actor category. we ve got benedict cumberbatch, eddie redmayne in the role of a life time at s stephen hawking in the theory of everything and david oyelowo as the great martin luther king and it s possible ralph fiennes might slip in for grand budapest
hotel. could be four out of the five. i hate that bradley cooper gets a nomination but i feel every role he gets nominated, and this isn t as feel-good a movie, because people don t feel at comfortable seeing movies about snipers. not really a family movie. oh, yeah. janice kwhshgs it comes to bradley cooper think about a breakout role. so many great films. why would this be a distinct break breakout role? i think it s wrong to call it that. past two, america hustle silver lining playbook e. thank you. mika to the rescue on that one. hello, everybody! oh my gosh. we re making her pop culture. it s happening. a great movie. i think we think of him as like the hangover guy. got-looking funny guy but he s actually done an incredible amount of great work in the last few years. joe scarborough, no longer the hangover guy.
actually always the wedding crasher guy to me. i love bradley. shows extraordinary range in this movie. extraordinary. janice fascinating story about angelina jolie. puts together a great movie, unbroken. as you say, for some reason this movie just never really took off with some critics and the buzz you say it dead? i would say the buzz died. i mean listen that would be a huge upset if she came back with any nomination for this movie. it came into the season why that janice? you know you look at when you look at the nominating process of how you get awards in other categories directors guild, screen actors guild it got shut out. behind the scenes people did not like the movie or didn t think it was awards worthy. we ve heard from different members of different voting bodies that the torture scenes were too much for people to take. there s definitely also a little
bit of snobbery in the direct are field, which is you know what? oh, hey, actress, you can t just come in and do what we do. you have to ternearn it. we ll talk more abouts they and the host is neil pack trit harris. expect him to be great. stay with us. the nominations will the live after this quick break. stay with us. your mom s got your back. your friends have your back. your dog s definitely got your back.
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for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. the announcements of seconds away. the big showdowns you think? boyhood, birdman, michael keaton best actor and eddie redmayne, best actor, and joanna thinks your makeup is perfect. seeing spray tans at the events? hoping for fewer than the golden globes. not a good moment. george clooney s face seemed to be multicolor.
leave clooney alone. gauss the cecil b. mill award. looking very very good. i ll let you duke that out. live now to the samuel goldwyn theater in beverly hills where actor chris pine and academy president cheryl boone isaacs are announcing the nominees for the 2015 academy awards. [ applause ] welcome. what an exciting morning. thank you alfonso and j.j. for kicking it all off. chris, let s continue. for performance by an actor in a supporting role the nominees are robert duvall in the judge. evening hawke in boyhood. edward norton in birdman or the unexpected virtue of ignorance. mark ruffalo in foxcatcher. and j.k. simmons in whiplash.
for parnens by an actress in a supporting role the nominees are patricia ar dmet boyhood. laura dern in wild. kyra nightly in the imitation game. emma stone in birdman or the unexpected virtue of ignorance and meryl streep in into the woods. for achievement in makeup and hair-styling, the nominees are bill corso and dennis lityard for foxcatcher. frances hannan and mark coolier for the grand budapest hotel and elizabeth and david for guardians of the galaxy. for achievement in costume design the nominees are
malena kamanaro and mark bridges. colleen gnatwood and anna b. shepherd and jaclyn duran. for achievement in cinematography, the nominees are emanuel labefky for oh birdman. robert yeoman for the grand boot peft hotel. loucash yall and rashard plan koski. dick pope for mr. turner. and roger deacons for unbroken. for adapted screenplay the nominees are jason hall for american sniper.
graham moore for the imitation game. paul thomas anderson anthony mccartan for the theory of everything and damien shazell for y whenlash. for original screenplay, the nominees are al la al haund dre, and alexander and armando for the birdman or unexpected virtue of ignorance. richard linklater for boyhood. e. max frye and dan fudderman for foxcatcher. wes anderson and hugo guinness for the grand budapest hotel. and dan gilroy for night crawler. for original score the nominees are alexander day spla for the
grand budapest hotel. alexander day spla for the imitation game. hans zimmer for interstellar gary for mr. turner and yohan johansson for the theory of everything. in the best foreign language film category, the nominees are from poland eda. from russia laviathan. in estonia, tangerines. from moratania, timbuktu and from argentina, wild tales. for achievement in directing, birdman, richard linklater, bennett miller, wes anderson and morton tilldon for
the imitation game. for performance by an actress in a leading role, the nominees are marion cotillard. felicity jones gilejulianne moore rosamund pike and reese witherspoon witherspoon. for performance by an actor in a leading role the nominees are steve carell in foxcatcher. bradley cooper in american sniper. benedict cumberbatch in the imitation game. michael keet keaton in birdman. and eddie redmayne in the theory of everything.
and finally, we are pleased to announce the films selected as the best picture nominees. they are american sniper. clint eastwood, robert lar birdman, alejandro and john lesher and james w. xpoch apoll producers. boyhood richard linklater and kathleen sutherland producers. the grand budapest hotel, wes anderson scott rudin, stephen rais and jeremy dawson, producers. the imitation game, norah grossman do ostrakoski. selma christina colson oprah
winfrey, dee dee gardner and jeremy kleiner, producers. the theory of everything. tim bevin, eric fellner, lisa bruce and anthony mccartan, producers. and whiplash. jason blum helen estabrook and david lancaster, producers. for the complete list of all the nominations, please visit and join us sunday night, february 22nd, to celebrate these incredibly the nominations are in and, joe, the nominations for best picture, let you wrap everything up we just saw here though that is a real fight. that s a real fight. i can t imagine even which one i d want to win. a real fight. a couple of things. robert duvall getting making history today as the oldest nominee in his category for best supporting actor at 84. just extraordinary actor forea long time. bradley cooper. once again. a nominee for best actor.
but american sniper, birdman and grand budapest hotel have broken through, i can tell you, the scarborough guys all wes anderson fans. if he was yesterday a quirky hollywood director that everybody loved but nobody you know not everybody got in hollywood that has finished the academy, officially embraced wes anderson and just about every major category a big, big day for wes. all right. janice min, you ve had a moment or two. i ve seen you taking notes. what are the shockers to you? okay. big snub jennifer aniston. she has run a masterful campaign putting herself in the awards race. she was nominated for a golden globe, nominated for a s.a.g. completely shut occupy. that s going to be a big surprise people will talk about here. and another big snub david oyelowo who plays martin luther king in selma. look at the field of nominated actors, if i m not mistaken all
white. a chance to nominate and extraordinary performance and also add some diversity to the mix of candidates this year nominees. so stephen carell who was nominated, seems to be in the place of david oyelowo. foxcatcher, a movie that had come and gone in the awards discussion. discussion of the movie, mark shultz, the wrestler attacking the movie on twitter, attacking the director bennett miller. the moment seemed to have passed but came back in this discussion. and the other snub clint eastwood did not get a nomination for american sniper. seemed a sure thing but he didn t get it this year. reaction around the studio. joanna coles, your take? what is exciting this is not going to be a rerun of the golden globes. we have american sniper back. interesting, no female directors in this. right. selma got a best movie nomination but not its director. angelina completely locked
out. wow yeah. and the photographer nomination for unbroken, nothing else. so sort of a mixed showing for women. but i m very excited about the actual races, because they re all really talented. this is a great year for movies. it really is. thomas, what did you think? very interesting, but with janice, i was interested more in seeing who was left out and certainly jennifer aniston i thought it was revealing to see her not there. because of the names that they did put out. marion cotillard, janice her role, the film she was in has that gotten a lot of buzz? no. none at all. that was a real that just shows the academy s love of marion cotillard. this movie is not it s not like la vie en rose or other movies she s done that s become a darling in america. a huge surprise. i would have even wagered most people didn t even see the screener that came. really. lewis? janice are you surprised birdman is in so many
categories? this is our theory at the hollywood theater why people love birdman. it plays to the classic hollywood fear and narrative of an out of work actor and what happens to you. it s the acting the actors are the biggest component of the voting body of the academy. and it s also beautifully directed by the director who were babble before and nominated for an oscar. it s the comeback story both in the plot but also in michael keaton. it has all the elements hollywood loves. like a fairy tale for actors. the big celebration. emma stone. yeah. this is a big morning for her. i m going to force you all to do something in the last seconds. best picture? boyhood. no way. american sniper. going with the imitation game. birdman. there you we go. completely split. i ll make janice do it next. thank you so much. joanna, stay with us. what we ve learned today, after a quick break.
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no way. welcome back to morning joe. tomorrow on morning joe in our 8:30 half hour a fascinating story from bloomberg business week. why the u.s. is the only industrialized nation in the world that doesn t guarantee paid maternity leave. the ramifications of that on
working women and families. that s tomorrow at 8:30. we always talk about what we learned today. i m afraid to ask you, because you just found a dog on the street. says we re adopting. i said no. oh it s so cute! i love it. i thought oh my goodness. look at your new dog. you got to keep that dog. thomas found a dog. so cute! that s a yes ! . that s a yes. who does this for thomas? i thought there was breaking news. i thought thomas had breaking nugz from across the wires. no. patrick does this all the tile. the answer is, no! 20,000 people killed in ath earthquake. 1,100 square foot apartment. the answer is no. it wasn t killed in ath earthquake. i thought that was the breaking news. so cute. look! the signs of those paws. yeah. what i learned was, the extraordinary range of peculiar names for benedict cumberbatch out there.
bendy back cuecumber pants. janice min, predictions? okay. best picture, boyhood. best director will be alejandro for the birdman director and julianne moore actress, still alice . so good. and michael keaton locked for best actor. okay. i m going with american sniper for picture. really? uh-huh. we shall see. we shall see. nine nominations for the grand budapest hotel. amazing. unbelievable. and wes anderson s day to come out. a guy that has been beloved by a lot of sort of you ve been talking about him for years. we ve always always. since bottle rocket a huge fan of his but he really went mainstream today. still disappointed david oyelowo didn t get one. selma got snubbed today. that s it for us. thomas and patrick got a new dog. no. what are you going to name it? rundown. after a brief break.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140505 10:00:00

during a race in belgium when the driver loses control. the car slipped several times, but both the driver and the passenger areç going to be just fine. thanks so much for watching. fox & friends starts right now. good morning. it s monday, may 5. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. horror at the circus. abg acrobats plunging 40 feet to the ground as stunned families watch. shocking. two parents in the audience who caught it all on camera are here live this lu) coming up. and the white house response to benghazi may finally be investigated. so how do democrats react? i think it s a colossal waste of time. i don t think it makes sense really for democrats to participate. really?
is it really a colossal waste of time to seek justice for those four dead americans? we re going to talk about that. so much for unity. students forbidden from wearing american citizens today because it is cinco de mayo. isn t this america? i ask you but you can t i can t hear you. hopefully you ll write me. phorpbgdz are better with friends. it s time for fox &ç friends. live from studio e. they spuld pulled out all the stops. i know. a lot to say about benghazi. the author of 24. it starts tonight. my daughter sent me a note. you see sharyl attkisson,
she is writing a book. she knows just about everything there is to know about benghazi. i saw the shows over the weekend. he llç be here to talk about what it is like being called dude. the dude of the hour. how many correspondents called him dude. jayce robinson, he is the oldest brother on that show. a new book out that deals with a, what s it called? wood chuck. we have a whole family of them. we let them live back there. they live in the backyard. we live in the house. what are you concerned about? going after your children? yeah. we ve got a busy monday. let s start with benghazi. it s interesting. it sounds like at the conclusion of business on friday, john boehner announced that there would be a house select committee to investigate benghazi, and it looks as if as early
as today they could actually name a chairman,ç somebody, the chief investigator essentially. right now at this point it looks like trey gowdy, the republican from south carolina, is the front-runner. other people that are supposed to be on that committee, pete sessions could possibly be there and ilana ross leihten. the question is who on the democratic side will be there? one of the most convincing democrats you could talk to is jane ossman. she seemed to be ground in reality which makesç her a valuable pant on valuable panelist on fox tphuz sunday. when we re talking about benghazi getting to the bottom of the truth, an e-mail that came out last
week from ben rhodes which indicated the talking points were formed around the fact fact that turned out to be false that this attack was the result of a reaction to this youtube video. those points were given to susan rice who went on these talk shows and told the american people that that was the reason that our americans were killed and attacked that day. brit hume is saying the democrats are sticking to the fact that this was not the case. there was no sort of conspiracy on the left or the white house or the administration to cover this up. he talked toç jane harmon who is typically levelheaded about all this stuff. he said this spin, it s not going to win. this was not intelligence failure but not a conspiracy. vince foster wasn t murdered and it is time to move on and focus on the real problems in libya and other if you re right there wasn t a conspiracy in the united states to mount the benghazi attack. that s not the question. the question was whether in the aftermath of the attack
when the administration sent its u.n. ambassador out to explain it to everybody, and she didç so falsely, there wasn t a conspiracy to create the false talking points that she used. i m not talking about the c.i.a. talking points. i m talking about the talking points used on the program that day which were monumentally misleading and have since been shown to be false and based on no intelligence of any consequence that we know of. my answer to that is no, there wasn t a conspiracy. how did it happen? i think that people made at the time their best guess at the facts. wait a minute. where did the idea that the video had anything to do with benghazi come from? where did it come from? yeah. i think it came from people who weren t sure about it. can you identify anybody? spoeups falsely inserted into the c.i.a. information. the video or the movie five times in this
memo. my view is having been around at the time, that this was not deliberately misleading. it turned out to be wrong but it was not deliberately misleading. the c.i.a. was never the one that brought that up. the c.i.a. sat down with the state department and thought how can we make you look good and they never came up from that. a republican from utah was on meet the press. he had a document he said was an internal state department document to cheryl mills, at the time hillary clinton s chief ofç staff. it was dated the day after, september 12. the state department in this document was telling the president, a bolivian congress that a terrorist organization did it. the state department of the united states giving this to libya, we know who did it. the big question is why did we tell the libyans the truth, and yet the administration told us a lie? there are some elements to this in that we don t know what happened with those weapons taken there.
what was the c.i.a. operation? what about those guns? were they supposed to go over to syria? so the rebels which now we find out some of which were made up of al qaeda members and if the c.i.a. identified that terrorist group as the one operating on the ground, how come two years later we don t have a single person killed or captured? if you re an american you wouédç want answers and the truth when it comes to why our own were killed and attacked that day and why the american people didn t get to the bottom of the truth or didn t get it from the administration right away. the select committee s intention is to get us there, but there are some like democrat adam schiff who says this is a waste of time. i think it is a colossal waste of time. we ve had four bipartisan investigations already. i don t think it makes sense really for democrats to participate. i think it is just a tremendous red herring and a waste of taxpayer resources. i hope the speaker will reconsider but it looks likeç he has bowed again to
those from the farthest right of his conference. that interview with bret baier afterwards, many people are saying when he saw that, when the speaker saw that, he goes that s it. if that is their explanation for what went on that day, we re going to finally do the select committee. tipping point. heather childers, we re going to tip our hat to you for standing in for heather nauert today. nice to see you. hope you all had a great weekend. investigators in rhode island, they re looking for clues this morning trying to determine how a circus extent went so horribly wrong. man, performers, they were hanging from their hair and they plummeted nearly 40 feet to the ground, all of it happening in front ofç a packed house. i screamed. i m like that s not right. sometimes you re surprised. it is part of the show but
this clearly wasn t. 11 people hospitalized. amazingly all the injuries serious but not life threatening. ringling brothers canceled the rest of the arena shows for the day and will conduct an investigation. in ten minutes we will talk live with parents who were in the audience when the accident happened and caught the whole thing on camera. an air show disaster to also tell you about. the pilot dead when his smallç vintage plane crashes and explodes into flames. getting closer and closer. oh! everybody standstill. do not move. we have had an incident. that incident lead did deadly. the 77-year-old stunt pilot was flying upside down at the time. he was performing a trick when his plane slammed into the tarmac at travis air
force base in california. thoughts and prayers go out to the family. he has been flying since he was 16 years old and has been performing in air shows for the past 25 years. well-respected pilot in the industry. the cause of the crash now under investigation. this morigg the oscar pistorius trial is underway after a two-week break. the defense picking up with the first person to arrive on the scene after reeva steenkamp was shot. who was that person? it was pistorius neighbor. he recalled the blade runner s phone call to him claiming pistorius said i shot reeva. i thought she was an intruder. come quick. then the neighbor said he came in to find the athlete praying and crying. i know you ve been waiting to hear the word. can we finally call her mrs. kim west. new reportsç this morning claiming kanye west and kim kardashian officially tied the knot. according to life and style
magazine the couple got their wedding license last week but kim s publicist responding saying, quote, there is no statement. until there is the show there is no after the show. if you look at the calendar, today is the fifth day of may. it is cinco de mayo. a couple of years ago in morgan hill, california, a high school forced four white students to remove their american flag shirts because they were afraid there was going to be fighting between the white students and latino students on cinco de mayo. the kids wouldn t change their shirts so they sent them home. since then the courts ruled the school had it in their power to do that to try toç keep the kids safe. the rule in february permitted to suppress the white students from free speech rights to default to the free speech of others. where did freedom of expression become freedom
to oppress the freedom of expression of another? if it s america and you have an american flag on, you wouldn t think you d get in trouble but that is what is happening. that is called the heckler s veto where some people feel as though the heckler will cause violence you make the heckler change their spots. is thisç playing patriotism even on cinco de mayo or any type of ethnic holiday, is that something that should be permit stph-d do you understand the school s point of view on this? a number of tea party organizations are going to rally outside that particular school later on today. they say it has nothing to do with cinco de mayo. it has to do with freedom of speech. there you go right there. there s some folks from that organization. it s just sad that the american flag offends some americans. there shouldn t be a place in this nation where the american flag offends anybody. what greater sight would you rather see than students getting together
to share their background in peace. i think they would be able to handle this better than adults involved. what did betsy ross do all that great work for if you can t even show your minutes after the hour. i think that is probably right. also it is one minute before 14 after the hour. coming up, we showed you that terrifying circus fall. up next, the two parents who caught it all on their smart phone. ben affleck banned from casinos in vegas. we ll tell you what he is accused of doing. aseball fans cheering]
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welcome back. a terrifying scene at a barnum and bailey circus where equipment snaps
plunging performers 40 feet to the ground. hard to watch. 11 people rushed to the hospital, and it all happened in front of a horrified audience, including our guests right now. they were in the crowd with their two young children. keith, you caught it all on video. good morning to you. we re thankful you re here to tell us exactly what you saw. good morning. you re sitting there with the kids. tellç us. yeah. we were sitting there with our children, and the gymnasts were doing an aerial stunt and they were hanging from their hair. before we knew it, the whole platform just fell right to the ground. this is where i grew up. i grew up in providence, rhode island, where i watched ringling brother barnum & bailey circus. i can see myself there. it is horrible to watch
this happen. did your kids get scared? did they think it was part of the show? i think everybody at first was initially really shocked and nobodyç knew what happened. and then pretty soon right after that everybody realized that something went wrong. a lot of younger children were confused by it. but a lot of adults were trying to keep them calm and let them know everybody was going to be okay and stuff. britney, how did your kids react? i m watching this footage now. it gives anyone who sees it a chill. every time i rewatch it. it s hard to watch. yeah, it is. my 16-month-old obviously is a little young to realize what s going on. my four-year-old kept saying mommy, i hope the pretty girls are okay. i hope the rest of the ceiling doesn t fall on them. the whole ride home, he didn t understand why we couldn t stay and the extent of how hurt they actually were. was he still worried about the girls? have you heard of any
update from theirç condition? i haven t heard any updates on the girls but he still is questioning and asking if they re okay. keith, i heard there were some people that didn t have the great concern your little ones did there, that they were more worried about getting refunds. is that true? yeah. shortly after the action happened, we were on our way out and i had to stop to use the bathroom and i overheard several gentlemen in there more concerned about getting a refund than worried about what happened to the people that, you know, basically almost died. and it kind of like sort of surprised me a littleç bit. sure. will you guys take the kids back? will you take them back again to the circus? we definitely will. it is one of my son s favorite things. he watches videos of it on youtube all the time. i do think it wbr id wbr11870 is going to be something he remembers. so i d like to get him back there sooner than later so he doesn t so he knows it s not going to happen all the time. i don t want him to sit there and expect that to /b
happen next time too. great instincts of parents. thank you for being with us from my home state, rhode island. we told you about the new terror connection to the missing plane. now investigators are changing their game plan. plus an exclusive interview with president bush you re not going to want to miss about the next bush who may make a run for the white house.ç he knows firsthand what it s like to run for president in that he s just seen his father and his brother run. who will discourage him or encourage him? more with george w. bush.
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we ve got quick monday morning headlines. new overnight, 17 people hurt after an earthquake hit tokyo. the 6.0 magnitude shaker was enough to rattle windows and knock things off shelves. so far there are no reports of major damage in the tokyo area. u.s. air teams parachuting in the pacific ocean to rescue chinese sailors after their fishing boat sank. two people are missing, two people are missing two people are dead. theç fourth annual warrior 100k bike ride wrapped up this week and president george w. bush and soldiers and vets rode 60 miles over three days.
dr. marc siegel was there and got an interview with the president. he joins us live now. are you a little sore? yes, i am. very tough actually. several different terrains. there s rocks, you go weaving in and out of trees. at one point there were trees the width of a bicycle and you have to figure out what speed to go through. it was like a military exercise, the whole thing. it wasç very exciting. i spoke to him after the ride about his feeling about the vets, the bad hand they have been dealt and how the military is necessary for reaction to the war on terror. lets watch. people get dealt a bad hand in life. in this case the men and women volunteered to serve our country, they got hurt, and rather than allowing their injuries to overwhelm them, they ve overcome. and they re riding mountain bikes and they re riding hard and they re setting a good example and they re living life to the fullest. it s important for people to realize that freedom is the way to peace. by honoring these vets
we re honoring people who understand that. you know, i hope freedom avenges. president bush, the key here is compassion he felt for theç vets. he wanted to know where they were any given moment. i spoke to him about the love he has for his family and his brother jeb and the question everyone has been asking he answered for me which is should jeb bush run for president. let s watch. i would hope he would run. he s a wonderful man. he s not telling me what his plans are. he ll make up his mind on his own timetable. i can t accelerate it. our mother can t accelerate it or decelerate it. we ll see what he does. he knowsç firsthand what it s like to run for president in that he s just seen his father and his brother run. if he were to choose to run, he s got no stronger
supporter than me. he was pushing jeb to run last time around even right after him. now you have to ask yourself how much progress 43 made. a year ago he couldn t even golf. now he s doing mountain biking. he looks sensational. i think he s in really good shape. he feels good. he made this effortlessly the whole 100 kilometer ride. he had issues with his heart and recovered well from that. he totally wants his brother to run. sure. a great cause. following it on instagram with such promise to the troops who have given so much to us. why not jeb,ç some say. exactly right. he can t get him on a mountain bike, though. he said only his cousin is a mountain biker of the family. only the former president can get you on a mountain bike. changed my life. president bush even though he can t run again
has 49% approval. he left office at 34%. because he means what he says. you should see him interact with the vets. he has a definite love, commitment, compassion for them. he gets it. the solution for the bets isn t just the v.a. tk$e talked to me about that. it is the private and nonprofit organizations he brought to the ride here. all right. coming up, tonight jack and chloe are back as 24 returns and chloe revealing something to us you won t hear anywhere else. an all-star baseball player and singer wife whose says their success is about their faith. first happy birthday to adele. she turns 26 years old today. and she can sing again. she can. i began losing my sight to an eye disease when i was 10.
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we had a live prom posal. i don t know what you re saying. she asked her boyfriend frank live on the show to go to prom. let me ask you a question about 24. why is it that jack and chloe, they never, you know? she might prom posal jack bauer. i asked him to the prom. so 24 live another day on your fox station. we know jack had something going with audrey raines. that s right. heather childers, you re here. for heather nauert. nice to be here. we begin with a fox news alert. scary moments for passengers on what they re calling the ride of doom. six people injured after severe turbulence rocked a u.s. airways plane.
the flight was from philadelphia to orlando. when it was over, delaware, that s when it happened. but the pilot immediatelyç turned around. one passenger tweeted this saying nice flight until we hit philly. the turbulence was so bad everyone clapped when we landed. another passenger said they saw one flight attendant actually fly into the air and hit her head on the side of the plane. she hit it so hard part of the plane cracked, the ceiling where she hit. after more than 50 days of multinational search efforts the flight path of malaysia flight 370 will get a second look. investigators will meet to plan the second phase. all the data will be reanalyzed to be sure crews have been looking in the right place. the next phase is expected to begin within four to six weeks focusing on an u(uq) search. to chaos inside las
vegas a stampede breaks out following floyd mayweather s big fight. a crowd thought they heard a gunshot and tried to push through crushing people against the wall shattering glass doors. none of the injuries were serious. floyd mayweather remains undefeated. oscar winningç director, writer actor and card game enthusiast ben affleck banned from playing blackjack at the hard rock las vegas. he is said to be, quote, too good at playing. transhraeugs, he may have been translation, he may have been counting cards. an advantaged player.
heather, thank you very much. let s go out to the streets of new york city where on this cinco de mayo, what kind of a weather day do we have? current temperature 52 degrees in new york city. you re going to stay on the cool side across the rest of the northeast, the great lakes and across parts of the pacific northwest. in the south central we reç looking at temperatures that feel like summer. 100 address 100 degrees forecast for midland. in oklahoma city your forecast will reach 97 degrees today. 96 on tuesday and into wednesday across parts of the southern plains. we have an he will sraoeuted we have an elevated fire danger across parts of new mexico. we ll keep tracking it. let s head backç inside.
he s a successful professional baseball player. she is a christian singer with two albums. how did they find time for their two kids and each other. we are joined by ben and julianna zobrist. good morning. what is the answer? you say it is god and faith. your schedules have to be wild. how do you bring it all together practically. lots of frequent flier miles and lots of organization. we go through our schedule every spring training and determine with our manager where my shows are going to be and oftentimes we ll schedule them in the same places where he ll be playing baseball and then book flights. this year was like 115. my goodness. you just can t shakeç her. i don t want to. the name of your book is double play. what is the double play for you? the double play is we ve
kind of been given different talents. she s the musician. i m the athlete. in baseball, you kind of have to, you have to work together to make a double play happen. that s what we re trying to do is use our two talents, both our faith and belief and trust in god to really complete something that isn t done a lot, difficult to do that. our kids are involved in that play as well. we really just wantç to glorify god with the talents and abilities he s given us. you say it s got you through difficult times. you were stuck in triple a and you were trying to get through one of the hardest industries period. how does that help you get through it? faith? it s everything, it s our stability. oftentimes you ll come to a moment in your life where you realize your husband is human and you realize you are human, your kids are and that situations are never perfect. god is the constant through that. i m going to turn to double play.
you mentioned faith and you guys got young kids. you re cool; right? right now millenials are turning up in surveys and research saying they re farther from faith than ever before. how do you get them back? i think for us, when we were growing up, we both grew upç as pastors kids. we grew up in the church. everybody reaches that point in their life where they have to realize or decide for themselves is this for me? is this something i m going to take in personally into my life. for us we both came to that point and decided that regardless of what happens in our life, we want to keep our faith and trust in christ because that s where our grace, that is where our love is found, regardless of how we re performing. we fail a lot. actually in baseball. but, you know, at the end of the day to know that our relationship with christç is intact, our relationship with each other is intact, that really gives us the grace to continue forward.
that s nice. that s really critical. i was in church yesterday and there are no people there are some very young people and very old people, a lot of people my age there. but the very young they aren t there, kids in their 20 s and 30 s, nobody is going to church. growing up in pastor s homes that is where we were all the time. it s been very different for us to step into kind of entertainment worlds where for pwaeufrb baseball where traveling eight months out of the year where we rarely are able to go to church. we now stepping back see the value and importance in being there. our community in nashville, our bibleç church has become such a rock and a stable force in our lives with just prayer and community and talking. it s very important to us. but we ve kind of had the extremes where we ve been in it all the way and then
we ve been kind of taken out of it somewhat. but it s very important for us. it is. it s great that you would share your new book with us. double play. good luck to you. coming up straight ahead. a story about a boy going to heaven and back.ç how do you feel about that? does that scare you? no. that s what the angels say to me. it may no longer be just the movies. one doctor claiming death is reversible and he joins us live. stuart varney is here. scott: appears buster s been busy.
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just about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. quick headlines for you. with the 2014 elections six months away, a new poll finds more americans are crossing party lines. 47% of the 1,500 polled said they would vote republican. that s up 3% from 2010. 43% said they d vote democrat, down 1%. most citing the down economy and obamacare problems for the change. one airline is putting serious comfort into those friendly skies. they are announcing plans for on board suites featuring aç bedroom and butler. the middle east airline offers perks like first class chefs and in-flight nannies. steve? fantastic. for how much? stand by for that. the e.p.a., the environmental protection agency, now accused of
reportedly shelling out almost $500,000 in unauthorized bonuses to its employees two weeks after it was revealed the i.r.s. gave bonuses to employees owing back taxes. joining us to weigh in is stuart varney. this is kind of crazy. who s authorizing these unauthorizing bonuses? 11 people got a total of almost a half million dollars over a period of years. these bonuses were not reviewed. in some cases they were unauthorized. they were paid automatically so it looks like which is not what youç find in private enterprise but what is increasngly common in government. i think i read these were retention bonuses. which the bosses were told i ve been offered a job elsewhere and they write a check. one person got 700,000 dollars, a retention bonus paid over several years. it is bureaucratic mess.
it is principle. you and i are paying more taxes than before. president obama hasç expanded the power and reach of these bureaucrats and they get better pay, better bonuses and they got a job for life. yet their organization is not run efficiently. they seem to get these bonuses without review and without performance. we look at what the i.r.s. did a couple of weeks ago. $2.5 million paid to over 2,000 people who have not paid their own taxes. 2.8 million. then you ve got the $900,000 paid to john beale. the guy from the c.i.a.? who pretended to be from the c.i.a. he didn t work often. he got $900,000. government isn t efficient but we ve got to pay for it. then you ve got cases like this. people are hopping mad. we talked about this before but there is a culture of corruption it
seems in some ofç these government agencies. yeah, but this president is all government all the time. that is his policy, which means a vast expansion of bureaucratic federal worker power and yet you ve got this kind of thing happening all the time. people are really angry about this. it goes to the point of if you work for government, you re playing by a different set of rules than if you work in private enterprise. private enterprise is stamped on. government is encouraged and we pay more and more for it all the time. there are a lot of people who work in government and they do a great job. they do a service that s needed. but unfortunately for people lookingç in, they go but the government is just getting bigger and bigger and bigger. the president is for big government. he s all government all the time and you get abuses like this surfacing within the bureaucracy. it makes people hopping mad. again. he s going to be hopping over to fox business at about 11:00 this morning. he s got a two-hour show. it s great. check him out.
straight head, a deadly mid air mistake in front of a crowded audience. witnesses watched as it all went haywire. what happened there? we re going to talk about that. and this. it may no longer be just the movies but one doctor claiming death is reversible. he will join us next. thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily.

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surgery. about the hospital? how do you feel about that? that scare you? no. that s where the injills sang to me. the angels sang to you? yes. when? during the operation when mom was in one room talking on the phone and you were in another room yelling at god. wow. thanks to modern technology, this may no longer be just a scene dreamed up in hollywood or a child trying to explain it to his father. our next guest says death can be reversible. here is dr. sam prania. welcome. thank you. what do you mean erasing death? it s important to realize that most of us, probably everyone watching this program, has a picture of our death. the reason is throughout history until recently, people were
definitely dead when their heart would stop. so that was a moment. your heart was beating and then stopped. then there was nothing you could do to get it back. now over the last 50 years, through resuscitation and cpr, we can bring people back. what s amazing is that particularly last ten years, we realize that it s o. j. simpson after a person died and become a corpse that the cells inside their body, including the brain, start to undergo their own process of death. they don t do immediately. muscle cells can be alive for a whole day. what we can do is we can manipulate those processes like by cooling so the chemical processes don t occur very fast and then go back and restart the heart and that s why we have people who have been dead for hours brought back to life and they can tell us their stories. the brain cells continue to move on. you also see the soul continue, the brain cells, but also the soul of a person continues to
live well after we would ordinarily call them dead. i think the key thing to realize is that i don t necessarily use the word soul. what we talk about is what is human consciousness? that s what makes us who we are. what we now realize is that just because somebody has died, it doesn t mean that their consciousness has also died. when a person reached a point of death, their brain cells haven t become anilated. you say the key is cooling the body when death is there. not freezing the body. you also brought up the fact that if you were able to treat those passengers from the titanic, that maybe you would have been able to bring them back. again, this is not me. this is resuscitation science. science evolved in the last 100 years. if you think about when the titanic sank, people were found ruiner one or two hours after they had died, which today we know it s feasible to bring
people back after four or five hours. on one hand science is allowing us to reverse death, at least in many cases. on the other hand, you have these incredible people who have gone beyond death and come back with their testimonies of what it was like. they describe feeling amazingly peaceful. they describe seeing a bright, warm, welcoming light which takes them towards it. they describe seeing relatives welcáájjt them. describe a beautiful area. this is all scientifically backed up. we thank you for being here. your book is erasing death. raising brows today. thank you. thank you. coming up straight ahead, how is this for an attention grabber? i m joany. i grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. when i get to washington, i m know how to cut pork. she s smiling. does this humor really work? frank luntz is breaking down the funniest political ads. and donald trump has been steamed up about something that
happened right history on fox & friends last monday. he s going to join us to set the record straight. the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie s list, i don t know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we ve helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at why do results matter so much? it s probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat.
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was trying to protect the president. so what does the scandal mean going into the mid terms and even 2016? donald trump on that in minutes. and jack is back. put your hands where i can see them!
jack, what are you doing? yeah, jack, what are you doing? closey said. 24 making its big return tonight. this morning the actress is here with a sneak peek. thank you for joining us on this monday morning because mornings are always better with friends. hi, you know as khloe from 24 . you re watching fox & friends. thanks. we re running out of time! we are. get the computer. or the high device. whatever it may be. you guys saw the great line - up that we have still left in the show, right? we did. i was just talking to gary sinise in the green room. he s going to be on, too, right? yeah. and donald trump in two minutes and he s hacked off! find out why in two minutes. first heather childers has the news. we ll talk more about the incidents that happened under the big top. investigators in rhode island are look for clues to determine
how this circus stunt went horribly wrong. wow. the performers were hanging from their hang, first of all, and they plummeted nearly 40 feet to the ground. it all happened in front of a packed house. earlier we spoke with a family who was in the arena when this happened. my four-year-old just kept saying issues mommy, i hope the pretty girls are okay. i hope the rest of the ceiling doesn t fall on them. the whole ride home he didn t understand why we couldn t stay in the the extent of how hurt they were. 11 people were hospitalized with serious but amazingly nonlife-threatening injuries. ringling brothers & barnum & bailey circus canceled the rest of the shows for the day and they will conduct an investigation internally to find out what happened. another disaster cause on camera at an air show. a pilot killed when the small vintage plane crashes and explodes into flames.
oh! everybody, stand still. do not move. we have had an incident. more than an incident. you can see the fire, the thick black smoke rising into the sky. the 77-year-old stunt pilot, you can see he was flying upside down. he was performing a trick when his plane slammed into the tarmac, happened in front of thousands at travis air force base in california. our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of mr. eddie andrede, flying since he was 16 years old and performing in air shows for the past 25 years. well respected veteran. the cause of the crash, that is well under investigation. the indiana man hospitalized with the first u.s. case of the mysterious and deadly mrs virus expected to speak later today. doctors say the man is in good
condition and he s getsing better, but he s not been identified. we do know that he was a health care worker traveling in saudi arabia. that is where officials think that he caught the virus. it will be interesting to hear from him. maverick, the dog, is a hero. the four-legged pooch rescued an eight-year-old autistic boy who went missing from his portland, oregon home. crews say he found the little boy standing in a creek after he managed to climb through a somewhat difficult terrain. without maverick, there would have been a really long delay probable will he in finding him. maverick is the real hero. he is. the little boy was a little cold, but otherwise they say he was okay. and for his heroic work, maverick was rewarded with a toy. that s the best thing you can give a did you go. yeah. good job. very nice. thank you very much. it was exactly one week ago today donald trump was on this program. we were talking to him about the
donald sterling situation. he referred to donald sterling s girlfriend, or whatever she is, a pal, as a girl from hell and also said donald sterling was disgusting. right after that appearance, donald trump went to twitter and he tweeted this out. quote, it is amazing that after lambasting donald sterling on fox & friends, some dishonest press only reported my girlfriend from hell statement. donald trump joins us listen this morning. are you shocked at how selective the press can be when they want to make somebody look bad. the press is very dishonest. yes, there are great ones, but so much of it is totally dishonest and that was an incredible example. i knocked the hell out of donald sterling for five minutes. said what ad about guy, what horrible things he said. and i said just in passing and by the way, as the girlfriend from hell, and everybody laughed, which is obviously true.
i mean, this girlfriend is taping him and with very bad intentions obviously. she s bad news. but what i really did was really knock him strongly and when the show immediately after i said it was all over thousandses and thousands of articles, all over the place. all over the world that i was defending him. nobody know, because i did it to you. but nobody was tougher on donald sterling than i was. but what they did is used the girlfriend statement like i was defending him by blaming the girlfriend, which was so dishonest. interestingly, about 20% of the press said wow, that s really dishonest reporting because we heard that and we checked the transcripts and he really went after donald sterling. nothing to do with the girlfriend. so reporters are really dishonest, especially political reporters. i ve never seen anything like this. i ve been in politics sort of all my life. but it s interesting as it came out that i was a conservative person. the way the press goes after you is disgusting. you were one of the first and one of the most harsh when it
came to comments on donald sterling. the facts are the facts. let s see how many people actually correct the record now today. maybe none. but these are really dishonest people. huffington post is pathetic. you have some guy highway never heard of, he goes on the air action trump is defending sterling. anybody that read it or saw it, you know how tough i was. probably tougher than anybody. but these are really dishonest people and they shouldn t be you know, we should reinstate libel laws so you can go after people when they make egregious statements. but the libel laws in this country are ridiculous. if you google our names, you ll see similar things. let s follow benghazi. really moved last weekend. now we understand a special committee will be seated and naming the people. this weekend the democrats were going out of their way, congressman schiff and former congresswoman, there is no there
there. they might sit out this election of the select committee. what s your sense on how they re handling it? the one thing i will say, benghazi seems to not have resonated other than on fox and a couple other groups. it hasn t resonated. in the last few days, it is starting to take a new life. , which is a great thing. because what happened was unbelievable. there is something that nobody talks about. they know who these killers were and they don t do anything about it. they don t go get them. i don t know how they don t go in and get them, but that s this country now adays, a weaker place, unfortunately. they know who many of the killers were and don t go in and get them. so benghazi has never resonatessed and it s starting to resonate. i have seen it over the last three or four days. maybe something is going to come out of it. you can run, but you can t hide from the truth. but there was truth that was not sought after, right? mr. trump, we re talking about a press here who was happy to go along with the story that it was
a video that inspired these killings of our own. i think americans just want the truth. what do you think this will mean moving forward? will this end up haunting hillary moving into 2016 if she decides to run? most of the press, and the liberal press in particular, most of the press does not want to talk about benghazi and they want to protect anybody involved with respect toç benghazi, and it s sort of incredible. they are their own agenda. nobody ever understood why, but they certainly do. most of the press does not want to discuss benghazi. they re protecting many people. hillary happens to be one of them. you know, it kind of goes back to what you were talking about with the first point where they selectively edited what you said about donald sterling to make you look back and at the same time, it s not like they re doing anything other than simply avoiding benghazi. that way if nobody is talking about it, it s all about stonewalling and everything else, hoping that it will just go away, donald. i just say for your viewers,
maybe this is the point that we should all make, it doesn t include you and maybe even you and in a certain way, who knows. all i can say is i have found the press to be among the most dishonest institution. i ve never seen anything like this where they can take a story, knowing the truth i ve had reporters tell me i know that, but nobody wants to hear that. in other words, they will knowingly write false stories. i have found it to be one of the truly dishonest institutions. now, with that being said, there are some great people in the press and some really talented people that are very honest. but there are tremendous numbers of very, very dishonest journalists. i hope your viewers, when they read things, will read them really thinking about that and with a grain of salt because the level of dishonesty is incredible. talk about honesty, you raised honest kids. ivanka was on with greta on friday and said this about what kind of president you might be.
as an american, i would love him to run for president. he is incredibly smart, incredibly knowledgeable. he s had tremendous experiences which would prepare him for the challenge. as a daughter, it s more complicated obviously. it s a very tough life and the political one is a challenge. but i think he would be an absolutely phenomenal president. he has very strong viewpoints, but he always listens. she just wants you to run for president, become president so she can run the company. you re probably right about that. i just happen to have a daughter that loves me. what can i say? she s a great person. we re starting work and she s in charge of it. on the old post office on pen pennsylvania office. we have a really exciting company. she is really very outstanding and that s very nice that she said that. are you going to run? does that affect your decision? what i m doing is time going to see what happens in november. we have a very important election coming up. you have a lot of things could
change. obamacare is a killer for the country. you got to get rid of it. it s got to happen at some point. it starts with the senate, frankly. you got to see what happens there. i think the republicans are going to do very well because of obamacare. then you have to get a republican president because if you don t have a republican president, you re not going to end obamacare. it s going to be catastrophic. what it s doing to the economy is catastrophic. you saw some of the numbers come up. gdp growth, 0.1%, the lowest that i ve ever seen. i ve never seen that. then you look at china, it s 8 and 9%. i mean, china is eating our lunch. but the work force, if you look at the dropout rates, they re the highest that they ve been in 38 years. so our country needs help. and somebody has to do it and that somebody has to be very special. if not, we re just not going to recover. donald trump joins us every monday at this time. thank you very much. we ll see you back here in a
week. thank you both. thank you. soon a new season of apprentice. coming up, how is this for an attention grabber? i m joany earnist. i grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. so when i get to washington, i ll know how to cut pork. okay. does that kind of humor really work? frank luntz breaking down the funniest prettial ads. an on line company for pay pal flies off the handle. what he said. wondering what that is?
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it s called truecar. and truecar users. save time and money. so when you re. ready to buy a car, make sure you. never overpay. visit today. grabbing attention is the name of the game with political ads. recent spots using humor to connect with voters.
but does it work? joining us, frank luntz, he reveals which hit and which miss. before that, what kind of risk is comedy whether it comes to political ads? it s a significant risk. the benefit is that it draws attention to the candidate. it helps you remember the candidate s name and it usually works at the beginning when you ve got someone who is unknown. but the danger, brian, is if it goes too far, if it s scene as frivolous and in this environments where people are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, they really don t wants to laugh at politics. here is somebody not many people knew about. so she took that risk. u.s. senator candidate joany earnist out of iowa. i m joany earnist. i grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. when i get to washington, i ll know how to cut pork. joany ernst, mother, soldier, conservative. my parents taught us to live within our means. it s time to force washington to do the same.
to cut wasteful spending, repeal obamacare, and balance the budgets. i m joany ernst and i approve this message because washington is full of big spenders. let s make them squeal. frank, do you approve of that message? no, first off, i m never going to headache her hand based on what she does. secondly, she looks too happy. she looks like it s almost like a joke to her. and for the voters of iowa, cutting waste for washington spending isn t a joke. it s serious. if she had smiled a little bit less, if the joke had seemed more ironic rather than forced, she would have done better. a lot of people say she increased her name value when people saw it running it. we ll see. significantly. so the democratic congressional committee put out this ad. it s called sick and broke. government shut down game come sick and broke. the game republicans play. it starts from the moment you re
born. roll the dice and see how you would do. go back two spaces. try again. if you re a lady, you re out of luck. double your premium. what? keep going. it has to get better. another $600. looks like no matter what you do, you lose when you play sick and broke. the game republicans play. it s about our life. what do you think? it works for democrats who like to make fun of republicans. it won t work for independents or republicans. once again, if it s not based on reality, it is not going to be successful in an environment that demands results, solutions, and demands answers. yeah. and by the way, go on line and you might have seen this. matt rosendale ad with the
drone. you ll really think about surveillance and is everybody watching you. you like that? i do. it s shocking and draws everyone s attention. i don t think he wins. i think that s the kind of message that puts him on the radar. we re doing this all over the country go to and you can dial the best ads of 2014. all right. you ll talk about it. thanks so much. thank you. coming up, police, beware. new study shows victims of bullying are bringing more and more weapons to school. and it s been 20 years since he played lieutenant dan taylor in forrest gump. now gary sinise is taking on a new role, helping our heros. he s live next with his latest version of helping out the troops. [ female announcer ] with weight watchers, you can eat this,
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24 after the top of the hour. time for news by the numbers. 200,000. that s how many kids who say they re victims of bullying. they bought guns, knives, or clubs to school in the past month, according to the centers for disease control. $92 million. that s how much the amazing spiderman 2 raked in at the box office in its debut weekend, making it the number one movie in america. finally, 46. that s how old molly ringwald s character in 16 candles would have been today because the movie premiered 30 years ago. seems like it was yesterday. well, it s been 20 years since actor gary sinise played
lieutenant dan taylor in forrest gump. now he s making it a mission in life to help real life wounded veterans and their families through the gary sinise foundation. he s here to tell us more about this cause. good morning to you. good morning. you re become more famous for what you do for the troops than even your acting. how do you feel about that? well, i ve been spending a lot of time at it. there is a lot of need out there in the military community. i ve met a lot of great people over the years. it s been a lot of time traveling the country and the world visiting our men and women serving and been involved for quite a long time. i know where the needs are. many in this nation and those veterans thank god you had that role in the film because you took it to the next level and do what you re doing now. your foundation ran a summit. what did you find out when you brought all the people together, how we can be impactful in helping veterans wounded? i started the foundation
about three years ago after many, many years of being involved with a lot of different military charities and getting involved with our wounded back when i played lieutenant dan through the disabled american veterans. and so we re ramping up every year. we re doing a lot more. we have a great partnership with usc school of social work and we partnered up with them on this summit to try to bring community leaders, wounded veterans, educators, military, all kinds of people that are working in nonprofit, bring them all together and try to proceed addict where the needs are going to be over the next several years. what you re trying to do is close the gap between what the government provides and what we can all provide. and anticipate. there is a lot of residual effects from 13 years of war. we re going to be feeling those effects for many, many years to come. so we want to try to, in the nonprofit world, figure out where we re going to be most effective. sure. we ve realized that community outreach is going to be very, very important in taking care of
our veterans. if every community around the country just decided to take care of their veterans, every neighborhood, every town, every city, every community made sure we knew where the needs were in the community and take care of them, we d have this solved. you have letters to the president saying hey, i got a you have pending claims as of february, close to 400,000 medical claims out there. one of the things you re to go is raising money through your foundation. what s coming up this weekend? yeah. this is a perfect example of communities taking charge to help their local veterans. we have a wounded veteran in lancaster, california, that i found out about. he s paralyzed. he s confined to a wheelchair missing his left arm of the he has limited use of his arm, traumatic brain injury. the local community, the kids at lancaster high school found out about him and wanted to help him. so they started raising money to
build him a house. he lives if this very cramped little trailer. one of those smart houses? yeah. well, they wanted to build him a house where he could function in it. so he lives in a cramped trailer. so they started raising money. they raised $182,000, just these high school kids. and i found out about it and they need a lot more money. so i m going to do a concert for them on may 10 in lancaster. we re going to bring him in. i m going to have my band there. anyone can go? anyone can go. go to to learn more. you can donate to help these wound soldiers all around the country. and juan dominguez is the name no, no, gerald hancock. you may have seen footage. juan dominguez, we built him a house and that s another great example of a community lending their support and taking care of their own. you built 27 separate smart
homes for wounded veterans. we have projects going for about 27 right now. several are in their homes. others are under construction. some are in the planning stages. wow. great work. thank you very much. have a great weekend. hope a lot of people show up. i hope so. great to see you. coming up straight ahead, she s been all over the benghazi cover-up from the beginning. so what does former cbs reporter sheryl atkisson think about the latest bombshell? we re going to ask her that and a few other things. a former executive for pay pal flies off the handle. what he said, he can t take back and now his co-workers are furious. maybe not pals. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen
to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at

i m on expert on softball. and tea parties. i ll have more awkward conversations than i m equipped for,
because i m raising two girls on my own. i ll worry about the economy more than a few times before they re grown. but it s for them, so i ve found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we re owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we ll help you get there. well, it s time for your shot of the morning. how is this for adorable? look at those ducklings. they re following that man thinking he s their mom. he rescued the duck egg when is their mom died. he put them in his incubator and they all hatched. they are following him there. they think he s their mama. they re flocking to papa. that s love.
we ll end with a duck story. he s got his own duck dynasty. 27 minutes before the top of the hour on this cinco de mayo, heather nauert is off today. but we ve got another heather, heather childers. i m filling in. nice to be here. we begin with a serious story. one person is dead as firefighters in oklahoma battle a massive wildfire. we can tell you that the blaze is now 75% contained. fire officials say that all of this started as a controlled burn yesterday. but the high winds and dry conditions fueled the flames overnight. a 56-year-old man was found dead in his home after refusing to leave during the evacuation. back to the drawing board after more than 50 days of multi-national search effort, the flight path of malaysia flight 370 likely to get a second look. officials will meet this week to try and plan out the next phase of the search. all of the data that has been
recovered over the past two months will be reanalyzed to make sure that crews have been looking in the right place to begin with. the next phase expected to begin four to six weeks focusing on an intensified underwater search using what we re told is the most advanced sonar equipment available. listen to this story. a bachelor party headed to the kentucky derby cut short when a rotting corpse was found in the group s rented rv. this actually happened. police confirmed it is the body of 22-year-old kevin casterly, a missing minnesota man. missing since november. the groom said the rv owner told them not to open the compartment where the body was found, claiming it was broken. but they smelled something and that peaked their curiousity. i opened it up and there was a guy staring me in the face. no word on a cause of death. police are not saying whether the rv owner has any connection
to the man s disappearance or his death. and finally, pay pal executive waking up without a job and some major twitter remorse. he was apparently enjoying himself at a jazz fest in new orleans when he started tweeting out profanity-laced insults aimed at just about everyone in his company. later on he tried to explain what happened, tweeting again this, last night i was using a new phone that i bought because i wanted to test experiences on android. those messages were meant for a colleague. not surprisingly, no one is buying that. pay pal tweeted out he s no longer with the company. treat everyone with respect, no excuse. pay pal has zero tolerance. so watch what you tweet. those are your headlines. thank you very much. kind of crisp outside even though it s may. maria molina has the latest on that for us. that s right. good morning.
hello. it s a little bit on the cool side here across parts of the northeast and that s the story as well across parts of the upper great lakes and also into the pacific northwest. i want to take you where it s not cool and crisp. this is the area that it feels like summer today. we could be setting record highs across parts of texas, oklahoma, and even into kansas. oklahoma city, your high temperature today could reach 97 degrees. it s going to stay hot out there as we head into tuesday and also wednesday. the fire danger is high across parts of the southern plains and also into the four corners region and by wednesday, we could be tracking our next storm system producing some areas of severe weather across the center of the country. let s head back inside. it s that time of year. thank you very much. new benghazi e-mail revealing just how far the white house went to tailor its message about the attack in libya. so why are democrats still trying to spin the story into a partisan attack? former cbs news reporter sheryl atkisson covered the story during her time at cbs and joins
us live. good morning to you. thank you for joining us. good morning. thanks for having me. i was on your facebook page and i saw that one of the interesting things bret baier had tommy vietor on to talk about the e-mail i was referencing. what s interesting is he revealed that he himself was involved in editing the talking points, which flies in the face of what the top guy at the c.i.a., mike morell, said in sworn testimony in fronts of congress. now, one of the two of them is not telling the truth. when you run across apparent inconsistencies like that, we don t exactly know what s behind it, but it certainly does raise a red flag covering the story as a journalist. as you said, mike morell, the former deputy directsor of the c.i.a., testified last month before congress and written testimony and his verbal testimony that the white house did not make any sub tantive changes nor request any changes and in fact, he echoed what jay
carney, the white house spokesman, said all along, which is the only change the white house made was changing consulate to diplomatic post. but if what tommy vietor said on fox thursday is correct, it s directly at odds with those proclamations from the other obama officials. right. it was the e-mail that blasted all this into a new realm here in terms of media awareness. david plouffe, who was on those e-mails, copied on there, he took on laura ingraham and she let him kind of have it here and i want to get your reaction to their he says it s just political. this has been politicized like we ve never seen before. i think what s happening, richard nixon talked about a silent majority in 1968. there is a very loud delusional minority that s driving our politics that s in control of the republican party. there is no conspiracy here at all. what we know now from the e-mail is that from the beginning, the administration saw benghazi as a political problem. you re on that e-mail.
you were the white house senior political advisor and this was a political problem. the politicizing was going on at the white house. that e-mail was clear evidence of it and the state department admitted in the new e-mail just released, sheryl atkisson had the report, that the secretary of state, assistants secretary of state, beth jones, said al-shariah responsible for this attack. why did in the rose garden why did he go to fund-raiser the day after? what is happening here and it s spoked by fox stoked by fox news. it s an amazing thing. you re masters at this. you say? well, the key words they use such as conspiracy and delusional are in my opinion, clearly designed to try to controversialize a store, a legitimate news story, to some degree, that s successful. but i think primarily among those that don t want to look at this as a story in the first place. but i see that as a
well-orchestrated strategy to controversialize a story they really don t wants to hear about. it s interesting in the past, when something pops up that there is an ongoing investigation about, you had george bush say, i m going to put a special prosecutor involved and he demanded everybody cooperate with the investigation. now you have someone who just puts up you have an administration who puts up blocking signs and goes after those asking the questions. we look at your background, you re hardly somebody who goes after conservative causes. you go after everybody. you went after the bush administration, you called it a bait and switch. you investigated the red cross in 2003. you re pursuing this story like everything elimination. how is the answer you re getting different from anything else? i basically am trying to keep my nose to the grind stone and if i were influenced by the left wing blogs and the people who are trying to steer public opinion a certain way, i would
be left covering nothing but the weather now. i m still continuing to do what i see as my job, but i can tell you that other investigative journalists have noticed the trend that you ve mentioned. i was at a conference about a week and a half ago and these are reporters, pulitzer prize winners from the new york times and other publications who are all raising red flags about what the obama administration has done in terms of restrictions to press freedoms and they were saying things like we have to speak truth to power and stand up and take action. interesting stuff. can you stick around? we have more questions for you. okay. great. more with sheryl atkisson coming up in about two minutes. coming up straight ahead, dozens of veterans died waiting for care at the v.a. hospital. now the whistle blower says the cover-up was all about money. he will join us live straight ahead. and she plays a powerful washington, d.c. insider on 24 . how kim raber joins us on fox
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some quick headlines for you. a warning for parents who own a baby gate. a new study finding nearly 2,000 kids are hospitalsized annually after falling through or climbing the gate. most injuries are due to improper use. experts advise the gates should be bolted on the stairs. not pressure mounted. and uncle s, and christine robertsson have finally their dream wedding come true. the duck dynasty stars have been married for 43 years. but never had a proper ceremony. the private events was held this weekend. coming up, we ll hear from one of the duck dynasty crew, jays robertsson. he joins us at 8:50 eastern time. the older brother. finally. how much influence did left leaning rock star group like media matters have when it comes to main stream media report o clock? sheryl atkisson, who left cbs, when she saw the libbial bias, rejoins us from washington.
when you see a place like media matters, when they kick into gear, what were they doing when you were working on a story that was favorable to their points of view as opposed to when it s not? they distribute a lot of research information, facts, press releases, complaints to the media. we listen to them just like anybody, a good idea can come from anywhere. and in general, i always considered media matters because of the direct coordination with the obama administration almost a defacto spokesman for the administration that could say things that sometimes the administration wanted put out there, but couldn t say directly because it might be seen a little bit as crossing the line. so in that instance, for that purpose, media matters could be helpful. sure. david brock was on the cnn media show a while back. he had this to say regarding you and other things. listen to this. we do work with reporters. we re a media watchdog up. you re saying you have a diverse number of donor, but
they all have the same interest, don t they? same liberal politics at heart? sure. i think their interest is in honest journalism and afire debate. i think we think and i think our donors believe that the vast majority of cases of people get accurate information rather than misinformation, that s going to serve the progressive cause, sure. and we re open about the fact that we are a liberal organization. that doesn t mean our facts are wrong. and he was on to answer some of your claims that they work with you at cbs and things like that. then he went on to say, you do shoddy work. he s just taking a shot at you. they re not a watchdog. they re an attack dog, sheryl. the only kind of interesting thing about that is some in the media treat them as if they re some sort of neutral journalism organization rather than a clearly partisan blog and there are counters parts on the right that do similar things. but the media doesn t take the
right wing questions, but they will embrace media matters position often and i would just say media matters doesn t bark at parked cars. i think the harder they come after me or other journalists, it s usually the more effective and often more well-awarded stories that i ve done. in other words, they ve been recognized by my peers as being legitimate stories, recognized for their excellence and those are the stories that media matters hits hardest. so i think you can kind of see where they come from. without a doubt they could learn a thing or two from you. you ve been even handed in your investigations and we thank you for being with us today. thank you. pursue the truth. indeed. 11 minutes before the top of the hour,. she plays a powerful washington, d.c. insider. she s on the hit show 24 . kim raver here next. first on this day in 1866, memorial day was first celebrated in the u.s. in new york. in 1891, the musical hall noun known as carnegie hall made its
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entire administration on getting this done. and he will. but not here. not now. then when and how? go home. take a beat. do damage control. we send supporters on a media campaign and then we back channel the mp s we need to convert. he won t go for it. he might, if it comes from you. yeah. the hit show on fox 24 wrapped up four years ago, but it s returning tonight s, promising to deliver just as much action
as the original, which was finished four years ago! and joining us now, you know her as audrey, kim raver is here. good morning. good morning. how exciting for tonight. it s really exciting. how does it come back? it was done four years ago. i know. that s what we sort of all thought. you move on from an incredible experience and you kind of have to put that character to rest and you say good-bye. and you get a call four years later and you re like okay. who is pranking me? like this is really good. of what your initial reaction when you heard? you kind of go yes! your first thing is yes, i m in, wherever, whenever. and then it s kind of an incredible experience to step back in. that first take, that first scene, it s sort of like we never left. have you seen it? i ve seen parts of it. you ve never seen the whole episode back? you mean of us what s on tonight? yes, i ve seen tonight so it s set in london. jack bower has gone rogue. we know khloe is work for an
edward snowden wait til you see her. can we talk about who the president of the united states is. my dad. your father! after the shootout, the guy selling gold on tv now. it s 24 . you never know what s going to happen, where, when. it s the new actors that we have, we re so lucky to have them. it s a really kind of extraordinary cast. awesome. going to be a big set of 24 hours for sure. a big day for you with the premiere coming in. now we have a big week, right? it s national women s health week. yeah, next week. i m really proud i m joining with colgate to support. we re all so busy, but have to ask how can i be healthier? and there is a few things that i m trying to do as a working mom. tell me. all of the things that we never do that the summer is coming up, it s like okay. make the doctor, dentist.
get those done. we want to look good for summer. i try to throw in my bag or at workç moisturizer that has spf, cause then you re getting both things. it s healthy, but you also want to look pretty. colgate, total advance whitessenning. the little strips? no, what you brush your teeth with. it s amazing because you re taking care of your body, but we all wants to be a little glamorous. who doesn t? double duty. yep. cause then you get it done and know you can do it. for me, it s like if it s a whole long thing, then i don t know whether i m going to take care of myself cause it takes too long and you got kids and work. but this, i like it when you know you can get it done and it will take care of it. you got to get it done because there are only 24 hours in a at this. we re gotting it done in 12. thank you so much for having me. straight ahead on this monday morning, guess who is being tapped for the big benghazi investigation. nancy pelosi and harry reid?
how fair would that be? bret baier reacts to that in two minutes. stick around, folks. our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what s next. (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce.
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ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it s covered by most health plans. good morning. today is monday, may 5. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. this just in, guess who is being tapped for the big benghazi investigation. nancy pelosi and harry reid. how is this going to work out? bret baier standing by in washington with that. guess harry reid will bring up the koch brothers every ten seconds. meanwhile, dozens of veterans die after waiting for care at a phoenix v.a. hospital. now the whistle blower says the cover-up was all about money. he will join us live. jayse robertson known to crack a joke or two from time to time. i have my own duck caller in my body. really? is that a duck? what s he like when the cameras aren t rolling? he joins us live this morning from their hometown to share a side of his life you haven t
heard before. thank you for joining us on this monday morning because mornings are always better with friends. it s fox & friends ! all right. one of our other friends is bret baier who joins us every monday morning at this time. good morning to you, bret. good morning. hey, our associate, catherine herridge, has got information that apparently a letter is going to go out later today where adam schiff, democrat, also nancy pelosi and harry reid will be asked to join the select committee to investigate benghazi. what else do we know about this letter? this is going to come from likely senators graham, ayotte and mccain and they have sent a lot of these letters about benghazi. this is not from speaker john boehner and his official list of who is going to be asked to be on this select committee. yet the point being that they d like to see ideally both sides
of the congress, on the republican side would like to see prominent democrats on this committee. the question is if you listen to adam schiff over the weekend, he s saying no democrat should join this committee and that puts people in an interesting spot. whether they say no to moving forward. we re expecting an announcement, official announcement from speaker boehner today likely and congressman trey gowdy could be the chair of that. when you say announcement just to have the guy who is going to head it all, trey gowdy, or everybody that he s nominating? no. i have think it would just be announcing the chair. remember, they have to have a vote on this to move it forward. but soon after the chair, i think you would get a list of who is being invited. sure. so after last week, we re going to take a little do. what was your reaction after speaking with tommy vietor?
the exchange that occurred really sparked in the public eye, the curiousity and really the demand for truth once again when it came to benghazi and what occurred where the president was. we re going to let everyone listen and let you relive it and give us your reaction. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. we re still talk being dude, it s the thing that everybody is talking about. we re talking about the process of editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do all day long. credit to you for get not guilty there. but what were you really feeling and thinking right there? what do you think about hearing it now? let me just start by this, i went to the white house correspondents dinner over the weekend and alt the events around it and 32 people started the conversation with me saying, dude. so that just gives you a sense of where that sound bite went. but listen, i think that beyond
tommy vietor and his reaction, there are clearly things to answer. remember that this thing is bigger than just that moment. there is a lot of what it was before the security. we talk about it. what was during the attack. not how fast did they get there, but was anything activated? three, the political, as republicans would charge, cover-up, the narrative before the election, and there is now a fourth act, which is there has been nobody who has been killed or captured as a result of this attack two years later. and where is that headed? bret, the other thing is a lot of people watching right now, doing a million things at the same time says what s going to be different about this select committee that is is going to be different from what we ve been looking at for the last two years? what will be the difference in the format? the format will change dramatically in that you won t have congressmen kind of giving speeches for four minutes out of
their five and asking a question that doesn t really get answered. it will be more coordinated, more pinpoint questioning, and you would likely see some of the witnesses that came up the last time come up again, but asked very different things in a different time format. so it enables that committee to kind of drill down on things that haven t been fully drilled down. one of the things i m sure they re going to drill down on is something that was brought up on your program with tommy vietor and sheryl atkisson was talking to us about it a couple minutes ago where tommy told you that he, tommy, had made at least one change in the talking points. and that is completely different than what former c.i.a. top guy mike morell said under oath in front of congress. one of the two of them isn t telling the truth. the white house said forever that they didn t change anything. they only changed one word, from consulate to diplomatic facility. tommy in that interview, unless he was tremendously mistaken, suggested that he changed a
couple of things and it was no big deal. listen, there is a focus on these talking points because this is this new e-mail from ben rhodes and we ve talked about the significance of prepping the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. for those five sunday talk shows and the white house says it wasn t about benghazi. that doesn t really pass the smell test with reporters in the white house and all over. the important thing is what comes out next, because it s going to be new information that drives this story. not the rehash. i think there may be other documents. there is a d.i.a. document that will come out, we re told, very soon that also paints a picture of what they knew in the first moments of that attack. it s important to point out, brian, that these other committees had subpoena power, but this one will have subpoena power, but be more focused on the questioning. a lot came out during your interview. we also found out the president of the united states was not in the situation room, which is
where we think when it hits the fan, that s the first place he goes. but the information came out this weekend that maybe he was too busy with debate prep to show up in the situation room. we don t know where the president was. we know he wasn t in the situation room, according to tommy vietor who was in there. and obviously a president can handle a crisis from other parts of the white house, but that was a fact that we didn t know two years ago. sure. great work, bret. thank you. see you next week, dude. heather childers has breaking news. headed to las vegas the next day for a fund-raiser. that s right. lots of questions still remain. we begin with this for you. breaking developments in the search for missing girl. we just learned british police are heading to portugal to start digging up three sites near that resort where she vanished nearly seven years ago. detectives say they plan to use radar equipment to search for new clues that portugese
authorities may have missed. sources say they are not acting on a specific tip. made s 11th birthday would have been next monday. the united states joining in the in search for nearly 300 school girls kidnapped by islamic militantses in nigeria. secretary of state john kerry teling nigerian officials that the u.s. will offer security, communication and intelligence. mass kidnappings, they happened last month. 53 girls have managed to escape and a social media campaign has been launched to raise awareness using the #bringbackourgirls. singer mary j. blige tweeting out, it s been two weeks since the kidnapping of 234 nigerian girls and they still are not home. significant story there. an air show disaster, a pilot killed when his small vintage plane crashes and explodes into flames.
look. oh! everybody stand still. do not move. we have had an incident. a lot of folks witnessing that. you can see the fire, the thick black smoke rising into the sky. the 77-year-old stunt pilot was flying upside down at the time. he was doing that on purpose performing a trick when the plane slammed into the tarmac in front of thousands at travis air force base in california. our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of mr. eddie andrade, flying since he was 16 years old and has been perform not guilty air shows for the past 25 years. very well respected. the cause of the crash is under investigation. and finally, this talking turkey, a truck carrying more than 700 turkeys crashes into a reservoir in utah. this morning peta demanding a memorial for the turkeys. peta requested the utah
department of transportation put up a road side memorial commemorating, quote, this: to the hundreds of terrified turkeys who died here in a truck crash. they got a prompt response saying, quote, this request does not meet the policy for road side memorial signs and udot will not make an exception to this policy. in this case, no memorial for turkeys. can you imagine taxpayers paying for that? that s what they wanted. true story. it is. can t make that up. gobble that up. thank you. well, they put their lives on the line for fighting for our country. for decades and decades. so why did dozens ever veterans die while waiting to see a doctor? was it for money? with the man who blew the whistle blower, we re going to be up next. big trouble for ben affleck. let s just say what happened in vegas didn t stay in vegas. sorry, benny. sfx: car unlock beep.
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because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. 14 minutes after the hour. more would you believes speaking out at the v.a., accused of leaving 14 veterans to die after they were put on the secret waiting list that delayed their doctors appointments for weeks, even months. what s worse, some of the evidence may have been destroyed. the employee asked me for my assistance on sunday night to secure the only paper copies that he had so that management would not have the abilities to go back in and alter the document in the computer. so a cover-up. that claim after dr. robert petsle under secretary said
there is no evidence. we found no evidence of a secret list and we have found no patients who have died because they have been on a wait list. all right. really? joining us with reaction to brought this scandal to light, dr. samuel foot. did you have a different view? absolutely. i have no idea what he was doing or where he got his information for his preliminary review. what he said was a slap in the face to all those families here in arizona who have lost loved ones during this crisis here in phoenix. and i would say to dr. petzle that he needs to go on the air with either cnn or fox network and explain what exactly he was trying to do and why he felt in the middle of a criminalized investigation he needed to announce the results of his, quote, preliminary findings and how did he get that information? did he call up sharon hellman and ask, how is it going in phoenix? i think the public really deserves to know.
but you got to look at the situation. these veterane waiting on that list, they served their country honorably. their families deserve the truth. not another washington v.a. cover-up orstraighted by dr. petzel. he needs to resign again and this time leave the v.a. as far as you re concerned, you believe he s not only is he making that statement prematurely, he s covering his tracks? he did it to try to divert attention away and to try to play down this story. if he didn t do it, let s have him come on the air and tell us why he did it. i don t think he ll do that. what is he up to? is it so overwhelming with these number, he thinks it s okay to allow people to die and get off the list? i think the problem is that the v.a. implemented this system and they did it to phoenix at a time when we were already 7,000 patients in the hole, meaning we didn t have providers for that. it s a plan that promises ferrari like performance with a similar price tag at a time when
our v.a. was struggling to provide basic chevy transportation. i protested vehemently that this was not going to work at the phoenix va because we were underfunded. we didn t have the resources or space. we didn t have the money and this placed an increased workload on the providers to do this job and follow this model. the v.a. for years has said every system is perfectly designed to get the results that it does. well, look at the mess in phoenix and ask yourself who designed that. that would be the washington v.a. micro managers. and what other questions and what other people would you like to see grilled in fronts of congress, forced to explain their actions? i think probably petzel and dr. lynch, who is the number three guy. i believe he s due here in phoenix and he s going to get a firsthand look. he was here last week. i don t know what all he did there. i think he just went to sort of a prearranged presentation of
carefully picked people that hellman put him up in fronts of. but we have a criminal investigation here. we have the director, the associate director and the chief of has on administrative leave. criminal i.g. is here. they confiscated a ton of computers. i know a lot of people have said they don t have faith in the i.g. and i admit my faith was a little shaken in it. but the way they ve approached it this time, they re definitely rebuilding my trust in them. i think the i.g. will get to the bottom of it and i think the v.a. is terrified of that because it will show that the model has been a failure. it s been a failure and a lot of people are doing things unsavory in order to get their bonuses. shows you there is a problem with the system. we know it s an early call for you today. thank you for joining us. we appreciate the message and the courage to come out. thank you very much for having me, brian. 18 minutes after the hour. we move ahead. liberal group talk political attacks taking taking political attacks to a
disgusting new level after saying a wheelchair bound republican has no spine. and the candidate supporters are outraged at this hour. then, this business goes beyond money. it s tradition, art and beer. meet a man who is creating the best beer in the world and he s doing it all to continue his family s legacy. it s the latest chapter in our series, my america. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables
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overnight, brand-new video of a massive wildfire burning in guthrie, oklahoma. firefighters there say it is now
75% contained. it started as a controlled burn, but was pushed out of control by the wind. six houses have been destroyed. one person dead. also underway right now, the oscar pistorius trial, a neighbor took the stand this morning recounting that the bladerunner said on the phone after shooting reeva steenkamp, he claimed pistorius words were, quotes, i shot reeva. i thought she was an intruder. please come quick. the neighbor told the court he came in to find the athlete begging god to keep his girlfriend alive. and that s the news. well, to visit the northeast corner of vermont is no easy task. locals refer to this remott part of the country as the northeast kingdom. george egan gave the region its name when trying to explain the independent nature of the people who lived there and that name stuck, 650 60 years later, he s come home to a farm that s been in his family for six
generations. he s drawing on it to make some of the best beer on the planet. this place has been natural my whole life. being able to feel at home in the world is an incredible thing. if people have that ability to feel at home wherever they are, i m jealous. i grew up in the house that i still live in, which is my grandfather s house and my great grandfather s house. almost all the beer was named after people that grew up in that house, you know. part philosopher, part perfectionist, sean hill is passionate about beer and leaving a legacy that will live long after he s gone. it s dawned upon me that i m here in this place because of good generations came before me. and it s because of their connection to this place. sort of like breathing life into their ghosts. when his grandfather died, he left the farm to sean and his brother, darren. after spending years learning
its craft and breweries in vermont and copenhagen, sean came home and with darren s help, he did the most logical thing to honor his family on these hallowed grounds. he built a brewery. one of my goals was i wanted to put a brewery here, but revive and bring this place back to the beauty that i thought it deserved. i m sitting in vermont and that beer was brewed down the road by a handful of people that really care about what they re doing. it s done a lot for the communities. done a lot for this area. people are incredibly proud of this beer. brewing beer isn t just a job for sean. it s personal and an extension of who he is. don t confuse this with art. what you re seeing is much more refined. unless it s dumb luck, then there is a lot of science involved. every barrel is its own environment. the target is something that is sensual, something that is refined, something that feels good in your mouth.
i love it. working for sean can be it s more than a full-time job. bob montgomery, who has been there from the beginning, does marketing and everything excepts making the actual beer. his commitment and passion to the product is really unwavering. it s really intrinsic to everything about his character that he makes the product the best. two years ago, the web site,, named them the best brewer rein the world. for a business only open a few years, it was validation. the goal was to always release something that you felt was an expression of perfection. once the word got out, boy, did the people come. some of the beers he makes, once in a lifetime, that s it. with all this demand, unlimited space most people might try to build this business up as fast as they could. if you don t set out to do something the best that you can possibly do it, then why are you doing it? there is an old buddhist saying which is the journey of 1,000
years begins with the first step. i don t want to go back to the first step again. i think you re going to be pack up for a road trip after seeing some of that. 70,000 gallons of beer brewed a year there compared with 6 million from some of the bigger breweries. he wants to keep a slow pace. in other words, can i get it in i order it? can i get it can we bring did to maybe the friday concert series or something? it s just better there, you know. it s just better there. you can maybe order on line at some point, but i have to give them credit for keeping true to the family. and the beer is named after all of his ancestors. almost every type of beer has history of his family. maybe good summer trip for you. next time, my america heads south for the interstate mullet toss. no, we re not talking bad here. you heard of people out west throwing cow chips. down on the gulf coast, they throw mullet fish and it s something you ve got to see to believe.
a really fun story on the next my america. unless you re the mullet fish, it s a fun story. sure. coming up straight ahead, horror at the circus. acrobats plunging 40 feet to the ground. not part of the act. coming up, we ll hear from two parents in the audience who caught it all on camera. and students, high school students forbidden from wearing american flag t-shirts today because it is cinco de mayo here in the united states. has political correctness gone too far? many of you feel it has. we ll tell you where that s happening straight ahead.
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time for your shots of the morning. it s the cinco de mayo tradition. the running of the chihuahua.
this dates back to the invention of the chihuahua in the early 1800s. over 100 pooches ran this 30-foot track in winter park, florida. the two-year-old chihuahua named hemmingway took the top spot. appropriate. very nice. put down the chalupa. today is the fifth day of may, cinco de mayo, celebrated all over the place. in california in 2010, a number of white students wore some t-shirts with american flags on them. and the administrators said you got to take those off because a number of the latino kids are upset and offended by the american flag. but it is america. it is america. but none the less, they said you got to take it off. they didn t. so they sent them home. extraordinarily, this past february, a judge, 9th sir 1999 court ruled the school was right. they felt they were trying to protect the students from there being a melee of some sort and
for them to ask them to remove the shirts was absolutely legal, they say. protesters are set to be there today as well as police in case because now it s official. you re not allowed to wear them. instead of taking them off, they re like, you better not come to school. just today. right. and we asked you what you thought ab donna in virginia had this to say. we don t suppress atheist speech at easter or christmas, even when it is quite distasteful. serenity tweeted out, are these kids as patriotic the other 364 days? nothing wrong with patriotism, but lots wrong with antagonism. interesting there. tweet from rick says this. the american flag and american patriotism should never be restricted in america. god bless america. 365. i m a genius. i would make a shirt and say i m going to give you an option of wearing the american flag and the mexican flag in a split situation. you re charged $9 for the shirt and that money goes to the students council. look at you solving problems.
does anybody else have a problem? i ll solve it. that would be great if it worked because it shows some unity. but keep in mind, we re in the united states of america. a lot of people died for that flag and for the courts to say no, you ve got freedom of speech and expression, except today, that s a tough one to take. again, something that probably could have been handled within the school itself. brian, to your points, make you can toss that out and see if they ll implement it. i like the way he priced it out at 9 bucks. 9.99. all the shirts around here are 25 bucks. exactly. that s why it makes it such a great offer. i like the way elisabeth says i should put it out there. i think i just did. you need to follow it up. specifically to the school in writing, or tweet format. okay, fine. she s patriotic always. she s heather childers. yeah. i would wear one of those shirts, brian. thank you. nine bucks, it could be yours. 9.95. at this hour, investigators in rhode island are looking for clues this morning to figure out
exactly how this circus stunt went so horribly wrong. you see what they were doing? the performers were actually hanging from their hair when they plummeted nearly 40 feet to the ground in front of a packed house. earlier on fox & friends, we spoke with one of those families who was in the audience when it all happened. just kept saying, mommy, i hope the pretty girls are okay. i hope the rest of the ceiling doesn t fall on them. the whole ride home he just didn t understand why we couldn t stay until the ex tent of how hurt they were. can you imagine explaining that to your children? six people remain hospitalized. two are in critical condition at ringling brothers & barnum & bailey circus, they canceled the rest of the shows for the day and they will conduct an internal investigation to figure out what happened. sergeant andrew, the u.s. marine jailed in mexico on weapons charges, now speaking
out from behind bars. mexican authorities found three guns inside his truck when he was mistakenly crossed into the border in tijuana. the sergeant is speak to go a newspaper reporter and says this: quote, i put my faith in god that he will take care of me. it was just a big mistake and i hope that the people there will realize that and the judge will realize that. california congressman huntser has written a letter to john kerry urging him to secure his release, but nothing has happened. he s being held without bail. to this group in maine under fire for just from just about everyone for this, an outrageous attack ad. it claimed republican representative dale craft had no spine and won t stand up to bullying. so what s the problem there? craft has been in a wheelchair for 26 years. the group, main peoples alliance, later said sorry.
he systemed the apology accepted the apology. finally, ben affleck banned from playing black jack at the hard rock lava goes because he s too good. translation, may have been counting cards. the hotel let the upcoming batman star and his wife play other games. they even provided them with a car service back to their hotel. in 2001, he won $800,000 at the black jack tables at the very same casino. was he counting cards or just really good at the game? don t they have like, what, four or six decks in there? the casino said he was an advantaged player. yes. he s banned to the slot machines. if you can keep track where they are after you ve had all those free drinks, god bless him. pretty smart. we re checking in with maria molina o to see what to see what it s like outside. it s a beautiful day out here. we have sunshine, temperatures
slowly climbing here. still in the 50s. a little on the crisp side here across parts of the northeast, including new york city. i want to take you across parts of the southern plains because out there it is not crisp. it feels a lot warmer. it feels like summer with temperatures forecast to make it into the triple digits across western texas. we could be setting some record highs across parts of oklahoma with oklahoma city expecting a high today at 97 degrees. it s going to stay hot out there as we head into tuesday and also into wednesday. keep an eye out for that. again, hot temperatures feeling like summer out there across the southern plains. thjut hot temperatures are producing concerns across parts of the four corners region and also parts of the southern plains because it s hot. it s dry and also we re seeing gusty winds out there. so red flag warnings and also fire weather watches are in effect. eventually a storm system arrives come wednesday across the center of the country and we could be seeing some severe weather break out anywhere from texas up in through parts of the midwest. we ll keep tracking that next storm system.
let s head back outside. back outside in tornado alley. thank you very much. next up, will the power of faith family and american luck win california chrome the triple crown? a true american story next. jase robertson, known to crack a joke from time to time. but what s he like when the duck dynasty cameras are not rolling? he joins us live to share a side of his life you have not heard before. and we ll ask him on camera. list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie s list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you ll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we re expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie s list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i ve found on angie s list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie s list. angie s list reviews you can trust.

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place. next phase of the search will involve using the most advanced sonar equipment underwater. steve? thanks, brian. ladies and gentlemen, it s the all american story that only hollywood could create. how a mare purchased back in the day for $8,000 would become the 140th winner of the kentucky derby. if you know all the circumstances involving this horse, it s like a dream coming true. people don t realize. they sent me this text and they said the road to the derby and i said wow. yeah. and i said the road to the derby? i said, do you realize what kind of road that is? and it was like a miracle. i said, you must know somebody upstairs to be that lucky. he won all four races and then he won the fifth, the kentucky derby. it s a remarkable story really. it really is remarkable about
the kentucky derby. peter johnson, jr. joins us live. so the horse, the mother of the horse is bought for $8,000 and people thought, no chance. and the father for $2,500. and now we have this multi million dollar horse, story of faith, family, and american pluffl. it go all the way to the triple crown? the first since 1978? these are regular folks that look like some of our relatives, that look like the people that we deal with every day in our lives. they took a bet on this horse. in fact, someone said when they were buying this particular horse, the mare, they said, that s a dumb ass move. so they named their company, the dumb ass partners. and so they ve gone all the way, blown out kentucky big society, california big sit, all these multi-millionaires. they barely got a seat at the kentucky derby and now they re on their way perhaps to a triple crown. let s look. perry martin, 58 years old,
lives in california. and owns martin testing laboratories where he works at 4:30 in the morning testing polymers and metals. then steve coburn, the heavy-stogie in the cowboy hat, he turned 61 the day of the derby. lives outside in nevada and works where they make magnetic strips for credit cards. so they were offered $6 million for 51% of the horse. he said by a middle eastern interest. they said we love this horse. we raised this horse. we re not giving him up. that is fantastic. it is like a hollywood movie. forget with sea biscuit. this really happened. this really happened. they re saying can we win the belmont stakes? yes. can we win the preakness? yes. did this horse have the breeding that others spent 4 or 5 or $600,000 for? no. we had a dream. we have some luck. we have art sherman, 77 years
old, the oldest trainer in american history to win the derby. and they said, if we took the $6 million or another $2 million for the mother of this horse, we d give up our interest in this incredible moment. and we love this horse and we want to be part of it and this is our unique american story. these are regular people who are making it big because of faith, they re big faithful people. these two couples together on this small investment relatively, and fortuitousness, luck. they say, we have american luck and we ve got pluck and we re taking it all the way and you millionaires, you re not going to take it away from us. we re winning. what a great story. even though millions and millions of dollars dangled out in fronts of them, they said no. that would be like selling part of the family. absolutely. they said, we used to make cookies and brought cookies to the kentucky derby for the horse and said, we feed them all the
time. he s part of our family. this is an incredible story. it is indeed. i m rooting for these folks. no kidding. who isn t after that? california chrome, go, baby, go. thank you very much. best way to begin the week. no kidding. we got another one for you. what s jase robertson like when the duck dynasty cameras aren t rolling? he s joining us to share a side of his life you have not seen before. there he is outs on the fronts porch. but first let s check in with martha mccallum who is on the front porch to her studio. good morning. we expect we could get an announcement of this benghazi select committee as early as today. the latest on who will head it, what we are now learning about that today. new information there. and also will democrats boycott that investigation? and another state now has v.a. problems. a frightening scene at the circus when an act goes horribly wrong. new information there as well when bill and i see you at the top of the hour awesome, amazing, that s epic, bro.
whatever happened to good? good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it. good is maxwell house. good to the last drop

he s a robertson family funny man known for his straight face and sense of humor. i have my own duck caller in my body. really? is that a duck? that s static in a radio. call your wife. it worked. i love that missy. guess what? he s not all jokes all the time. this morning jase robertson is giving us a behind the beard look at his life and his new book good call, reflections on faith and family. good morning. good morning. thanks for having me. this has been a tough day for you. tell us what s happening there
at your house, reed got on the bus and what is the significance of today? well, today is his last day of school. we actually didn t he didn t get in the bus. he got on his vehicle. i could tell missy, my wife, she was having to fight back the tears. it s a big day, your last day of school. we re proud of him. he s going on to college, right? yep. going off to college. is that a lot what this book is about? well, the book is about relationships and decisions, you know. life is full of choices and decisions. i made some good ones and some bad ones. i share all, but really i m hoping to inspire people to make good calls in life that help their relationships. in the book you talk a lot about parenting and learned a lot about the way. one being you thought at one point you were too hard on reed,
trying too parent him the way you were parent. is it ever too late to make that decision to change how you re to go things with the kids do you think? i got some of the greatest advice ever when a buddy of mine, i was talking to him about reed and i was like, i don t know what s wrong with this boy. i was trying to figure it out. and he was like, look, i love you, you know. we re friends, but i think you re being too hard on him. and i was like, what are you talking about? i m trying to help this boy out. and the more i got to thinking about it, i was like, you know, i think i am being too hard on him. and the day that i kind of backed off, all of a sudden he had a complete transformation. i think that s what s interesting about having kids. they all have different personalities and you try to figure out what s the best way to train them up so that they can be their best and in his case, it was more back off,
let sing him learn on his own and just being there when he needs me. that s what we did. it was a great decision. sure. we ve actually got a picture of you and your family back pre-beard, back in the day. oh, my goodness, look at that. there you are right there. it s interesting, faith figures largely in this particular book. but when you think about it, when you re out in a duck blind, you got a lot of time to do some thinking. you ve done a lot of thinking about god and family and faith. yeah. well, i think that s what i bring to the table is in a way i m thankful that i wasn t raised in a church setting because i just look at life as being real and the first time i went duck hunting, my dad had recently changed his life. he had gone through this incredible transformation. i m out looking at the beauty of
creation and i m here with a bunch of other guys and we re having meaningful talks about life. i realize i need to look into whoever created this planet and i just couldn t get past the design. it s really where i have my first thoughts about god and life and true fashion was in a duck blind. that s when everything was quiet. now you have quiet type of family fame and your show is through the roof. good luck with your book. i m sure it will be a best seller. jase robertson, thanks so much. bye. thanks for having me. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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if you need a job, tomorrow cheryl casone has got five companies hiring right now. you re going to want to see that. laura ingraham had a big brawl yesterday on national television on the network. we ll get the inside story here. that s right. country music s greatest foods. we ve got them. don t miss it. see you tomorrow. bill: good morning, everybody, a fox news alert. the white house under the microscope. we might learn this morning who will lead a special panel to investigate benghazi. the announcement on the committee could come early as today. as we await on that. democrats are balking, threatening to boycott all of this. whoa. good morning, i m bill hemmer. what happens if that takes place. how are you doing? martha: i m doing well. bill: have a good weekend? martha: very well. how about you? bill: solid. martha: sources are telling fox this morning, that the job leading that committee will go to none other than trey gowdy, the representative from south carolina a. frequent guest on america s newsroom. the democratic

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