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Transcripts For CNNW Cuomo Primetime 20180807 01:00:00

quick final note on what donald trump jr. told laura ingraham today. we mentioned it in our report on the administration shifting story on the trump tower meeting in 2016. you heard donald junior get caught off when asked about his contradictory stories. here s what he said when he called back. they started playing the recording and then it got cut off. it was a 20-minute meeting. tended up being about essentially nothing that was relevant to any of these things. and, you know, that s all it is. should have played that right after we aired the first part. the news continues. i want to hand it over to chris cuomo. cuomo prime time starts right now. happy to use our time to get the record straight, anderson. always good to see you. i m brushing my hair just like you. that s what you get for wearing my suit. i am chris cuomo. welcome to prime time. rosie o donnell has reportedly gathered hundreds at the white house for a musical protest. but this ain t smiles and show tunes. she is spoiling for a fight. her history with trump is as long as it is ugly, and she is
here to make her case to you. the president is not in the white house, but he may once again be watching prime time, and if so, the invitation stands. listen to rosie or not and come on to this show and make your case to this smart and concerned audience, sir. and it would be good for the president to explain his latest apparent admission by tweet. now trump says that trump tower meeting with a russian operative was about getting dirt on clinton. remember, that s not what he wrote about that meeting. what will it mean to investigators? and the white house says it is reimposing sanctions on iran. why now? what changed? what are the risks? we have all the factors laid out for you, and i have a new do. it s monday. let s get after it. did you know that there has
been a nightly protest at the white house every day since trump s meeting with vladimir putin in helsinki? well, there is, and you re going to hear about it now because longtime actress and longtime thorn in donald trump s side rosie o donnell joined the mix and brought all of these stars from broadway with her. why? let s find out. rosie o donnell, thank you for being on cuomo prime time. thanks for having me, chris. so you re down there in the nation s capital. it s being billed as a party with a purpose. what is the purpose? the purpose is to remind people of the truth that lives inside them so that when they re so confused and lied to by our president and this administration, they re able to find that thing about america that they love and that s true and that s real and remember that feeling and hold on to that feeling as we go through these next very tumultuous weeks, as we lead up to the election and the mueller report finally coming out, that it s going to
be very loud, and it s going to be very crazy. and we all have to remain focused and centered on the truth. is it just good vibes that you re spreading there, or do you have a message of what you want to happen with this president? well, i think most of america wants him to be out although you can t tell that from reading some of the you know, watching fox news or whatnot, which is just like state-run tv in russia at this point. so all we have to do is encourage people to show up, to protest, to use their voice to save democracy. we ve got just a couple months till november, and till then we have to fight with everything we got because if somehow they re able to rig the elections again, as i believe they did in 2016, then we re going to all be in trouble as democracy dies right here on our watch. well, one step at a time. the russian interference is a known fact. the impact on the election is not a known fact. you believe the actual outcome well was rigged or just that
there were efforts? yes. no, i do believe it was rigged. i don t believe it was efforts. and if you listen to all of our mainstream intelligence people, they believe it too. they don t believe votes were changed. well, i do believe that there were exact well, you know the facts, right? yes. you know the facts. what do i think? did they come in there and make trump win when every single exit poll and every person in america knew for sure that hillary clinton was going to win? do you think there was anything to do with russia or just a real big swirl for donald trump in these specific areas with the same exact amount of votes that were needed? i don t know. it looks very hinky to me. here s why i ask you about what this is about because let s say you win. let s say the democrats win. you get the house. probably not the senate, but you get the house. there s a call for impeachment among progressives like yourself. yes. two things happen. well, i don t think it s just progressives, chris. there will be a call for impeachment from all those not heard, who are the majority in america.
okay. i give you that fact. i ll stipulate to it for the point of this argument. okay. so everybody calls out. you don t have the votes. it doesn t happen. you galvanize support for the president, and we are torn more apart in this country. are you worried about that outcome? no, i am not. i am believing in the american people. i believe in this country. i believe in what it was founded on. i believe in the constitution. i think that on election day, we re going to show up in a huge way, in a way that we haven t ever seen before in the united states. and people have just really had enough. they ve had enough of a president who separates families and puts babies in cages. you know all of the catch phrases. every day he does something worse than the day before, and he tops it and tops it and tops it. i believe that trump is loathed in america, that people are embarrassed and ashamed of who he is, and that come election day, we re going to stand up at the polls and let him know. and unless he goes in and has the russians kind of fix it like he did last time in 2016, you know, we re going to see him
gone. and that s what i m waiting and hoping for and hoping that people across the country are inspired to use their own voice in whatever way to get people to know that this country is worth fighting for. amen on that. the more people get involved, the higher the voter percentage is, the more people will get what they want. it will reduce the effects of money on politics. it will make everything better, not perfect, but better. so i m all with you. the more people go out and vote their conscience, the better, whatever their conscience is. here s my other concern. yeah. there is reason to criticize the president. i am not going to fight you on that point. however, for the democrats to come into mainstream power, so that means that they have what the republicans have right now, the house, the senate, the white house, i think history suggests you have to be more than anti. you have to be pro things. you have to give people a reason to believe. you have to give them some type of sense that captures their imagination and gives them hope. what is that for democrats where they can say not just he s a
liar, he s a bad guy, but here s how we ll make the economy even better, which is hard given the numbers. that we ll be even safer than we are because that s what people will be looking to. well, when you report the economy, you report how it affects the top 1%, or you report how it affects everyone. the economy is doing good if you re a multi-billionaire. it s not doing good and the tax cuts didn t do good for the average american. so i don t believe that the economy is thriving with the metrics that you guys are using. but the fact of the matter is he s not only bad because he s a liar. he s bad because he doesn t know how to inspire people or invoke that emotion in them of truth d and what about his rallies? first of all, people are paid, chris. you know that. people were paid since he went down on the escalator. he pays people to show up at those rallies. that is a fact. but i don t know that that s why he gets tens of thousands at the rallies. i thunk he captures a lot of motion for people. when did he get tens of thousands at the last ral lay?
tell me when? at the tampa i think they only had 9,000 seats and there were people outside, but rosie, i ve seen him. he gets big groups of people who come out. he gives themes that resonate. whatever they re positive or not, that s up to people to decide. i don t have the facts that his crowds are bought off. but you can look at well, you can look at all the requests for extras to come and cheer with signs for him. you can find those tangible pieces of evidence. those are not real rallies. you know, when he went down on that escalator, he paid all those people there, calling rapists and mexicans rapists. this is not real what he s doing even though he keeps screaming that you guys are not real. i know he does that. i know he does that, rosie, but listen. look, i ve known you a long time. you ve known my family a long time. i know your mom. and mom would be the first one to say, let him say what he s going to say. you say what you know is true. you always keep your dignity. you always fight the good fight. so that s what we do. when he came down that
escalator, did i see the reporting that there were paid people there? yes, i did. did i believe it? yes, i did. have i seen it at all of these rallies? no, so i m not going to do what the president does. i m not going to say they re all bought off, they re all fake, because i think that s b.s. i don t think it s true, and i m not going to play to it just because i think it s satisfying. but you could do the evidence to find out. sure. we do it all the time. lead with that story before you play his rally. to play his rally to me is just falling into his hands. i don t play his rallies. i do truth check every night. i do magic walls. i find all these different devices because i want people to know what s real and then they can act on it. that s why i m talking to you because people need to know what you re doing, know where people s voices are, and then they can make their decisions about which side to join and hopefully there s common ground that gets here sooner rather than later. i hope there is common ground. people ask me all the time, your son s a marine. how can you have a son whose a marine when you re such a pass fist kind of a person?
i love and respect my son, and i can hold two opposing thoughts in my head at one time. one is i m terrified something is going to happen to him, and the other is i m so immensely proud of the commitment he has given to this country because he believes in this country the same way that i do. i believe in america and what it stands for in the constitution, and this president and administration has done everything they can to undermine it. and it s not okay. it s not all right in any way, and we have to use our voices and fight. you do exactly that. that s why good men and women like your son are fighting for our freedoms. and when somebody serves in a family, the whole family feels it. the whole family sacrifices. so thank you to your entire clan for the dedication to the country. thank you. and the service of your son. thank you, chris cuomo. peace. let s see. we ll be following what happens at the white house, and we ll see what the impact of this party with a purpose is all about tonight. now, back to another big story for you. they told us that the meeting in trump tower with the russian operative was about adoption. you remember that?
the whole statement that they wrote, the president had no role in. well, we know that s not true, and now we have the president apparently admitting something that s even more important. cuomo s court is in session, and you need to weigh in. there are the counselors, next. stadium pa : all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that s why we re providing half off family lines to all military. crisp leaves of lettuce. freshly made dressing. clean food that looks this good. delivered to your desk.
Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world.
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crown prosecutor friend or whoever these people were reaching out. they weren t soliciting, but they did go to the meeting. and the question is what happened afterwards? and there are some strange coincidences when you look at the indictment, the dates that are in there and other things that we know happened subsequent to that meeting. but i ll let my colleague make his case and then respond. he s smiling wide. but add this to the mix for yourself, professor. one step farther than asha wants to go. if it s illegal to solicit and you find out that someone has dirt for you and you know what kind of person it is, and you go there to get it, why isn t that soliciting? and then what do you make of this in context? well, first of all, it may very well be soliciting, and it may very well be a thing of value. the problem is it would be unconstitutional for a statute to prohibit a candidate from obtaining information from any source whatsoever. just like the new york times can t be prohibits from
obtaining information or chris cuomo can t be prohibited from obtaining information, even if the information you have was stolen, even if you know it was given to you by manning or snowden, or daniel ellsberg. the constitution requires an open marketplace of ideas. and you cannot construe a statute that was intended to prevent financial contributions largely to apply to information, to apply to facts, to apply to news. that would be unconstitutional. so you re hitting her with the pong papentagon papers defe. you re saying that opposition research, dirt on clinton, is information just like if it came to me, asha, and therefore it doesn t qualify under this statute. absolutely. this is a false analogy, chris. first of all, political campaigns are not news organizations, and here the key word in what professor dershowitz just said is the open marketplace of ideas. when you have something happening surreptitiously, under the table, secretly, that is not an open marketplace of ideas.
now, if the trump campaign went on tv and said, hey, the russian government just gave us all this stolen information and told the voters that, that would be one thing. i still think it would be a crime, but at least they re being transparent. when they are concealing the source of that, that is exactly what our open society is meant to prevent. we want people to evaluate information in context. and just to bring this back to the framers of the constitution, they were worried about two things, chris. they were worried about foreign influence and self-dealing. this is why we have a natural born citizen requirement. we want, you know, loyalty. we don t want influence from outside. this is the federalist papers 68 where hamilton warns of foreign governments trying to infiltrate our elections. so i completely disagree that this is permissible as some kiekind of first amendment right. professor. the statute itself clearly is intended to cover financial contributions. it s always been applied that way. it has never been construed or interpreted
then why didn t they say that? why didn t they say what? money. well, they did. they said something of value. right. but why didn t they say money? but you have to construe a let me be even more specific. even if they intended to cover this, they can t cover it because it could be unconstitutional. you cannot regulate ideas. the federal government simply doesn t have the power under the first amendment to prohibit a candidate remember, a candidate is also expressing first amendment views. he has exactly the same status as the new york times and as you do. he has the right or she has the right to use any information from any source, and it doesn t matter whether it s a foreign or domestic source, and that s why to construe an ambiguous statute that way would violate the first amendment. and the first rule of constitutional construction is if you have a statute that s capable of being construed in two different ways, you must always construe it constitutionally consistent with
the first amendment. i hear the arguments on either side, but there s something else going on here. lying, okay? there is lying going on here, professor. there was lying going on about what we were told about this meeting. the statement that was done about it. the president s role in it. and then even when that statement was written, it was deceptive about what actually happened in the meeting, and that seems to be clear on the face of this tweet, asha. so even if it isn t illegal, what does this mean to investigators in terms of looking at a pattern of behavior of how this then-candidate, now-president treated these types of issues? it means that they believe that they were doing something wrong, period. that is why people lie. i mean you know that from being a parent and watching your 5-year-old. you know, one thing, let s just assume arguendo as we would say in legalese, that these are crimes and that, you know, they did agree, and there is, say, a conspiracy. there s an affirmative defense
in conspiracy where if you renounce the conspiracy, you say actually, i don t want to do this anymore or i don t want to have anything to do with this, that can be your defense. and, chris, i think it s important for viewers to remember that in august of 2016, the fbi went and warned the trump campaign that russia was trying to infiltrate their campaigns and influence the elections. and at that point, that was the time for every single person who had these sketchy contacts to come forward and say, you know what, that s kind of funny because, you know, two random russians showed up in trump tower. that could have been a defense, and yet at every turn they have chosen to lie, conceal, deflect, and cover up every contact that they ve had, not just these three people in the meeting, but everyone else associated with the campaign. what you re doing final quick word, professor. what you re doing is what so many people do. you re conflating bad conduct with criminal conduct. this may be bad conduct. lying is not a good thing if there was lying here. but to turn this into a crime,
imagine if hillary clinton were elected president, and she were being investigated, and these were the charges. every civil libertarian would be up in arms talking about the first amendment, talking about the right of association, talking about all of these rights. but a double standard is being applied depending on which shoe the foot is on, and that s very inconsistent with the due process of law and we re dealing with the cards in front of us right now. as we all know that s right. lying is is a problem. it is a political problem. it is not a legal problem. maybe so, but it s a problem nonetheless. you cannot turn tweets it s a problem. i m not here to defend anybody s problem. it s a problem. not every problem has to be a crime in order to matter. that s the flip side of your argument. but i got to go, professor. that s what i ve been saying for two years. that not every problem is a crime. that s all i m saying. right. but it doesn t have to be a crime to be a problem. that s the flip. thank you as always. got to go. tough sanctions on iran are about to go into effect tonight
at midnight. that s how urgent it is. why? is your spidey sense going off here? why now? this seems a little strange. i agree with you. i feel you on this. why is it happening right now? i m going to tell you what the administration says. we re going to look at whether or not it s true that allies may be in with us on this. is that all true? facts, next.
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comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. all right. at midnight eastern tonight the trump administration is going to restore sanctions on iran that had been lifted under the 2015 nuclear accord. why now? okay? 2015 deal, may 8th is when the president stepped away from this. that s 90 days. 90 days. why now? that s how long he had to do this. co-have put these sanctions back in at any point. now, what they re telling us is that s because iran has been using the money that had got released when the sanctions were relaxed to sow chaos in the region. it doesn t smell right. you know why? they ve been doing that all along. in fact, that was a big point for trump in nixing the original deal. remember? it doesn t do anything with all the menacing that they re doing.
however, remember back in 2015, all the countries involved said the deal was just about nukes, not all the other bad stuff that iran was doing. just for context. all right. then they say, well, there s new violations of what they were supposed to do under the deal even though they walked away from the deal, which you would think would relieve iran of those types of considerations. but that s not true. international inspectors say that they are complying with the deal. what does that leave? i wonder if this tweet put this tweet back on the screen for people, the one the president put out there. i wonder if the tweet with the president admitting that he knew what that meeting about not that he knew, but that the meeting was about getting information on clinton. i wonder if the timing of that has anything to do with this abrupt turn to iran, especially when the real sanctions on iran aren t scheduled right now. they re in november. so why do it now? however, in fairness, the new sanctions are going to be
imposed, and we do have 90 to 100 days after he walked away as a transition period that the administration gave companies to wind down contracts with iran in order to avoid penalties. so we are within that window, so maybe that s why they re doing this now just to be fair. however, so now that trump has decided this is what s going to happen, the timing aside, what does it mean? all right. here are the pluses to the move. here s the first big plus. ready? money is power, right? a paucity of money, when you cut money, you cut it, that creates what? pressure, okay? that s what this is about, pressure. a big ugly word because i can t write because i m a lefty. and this is what the key is here. take away the money, you apply pressure. a u.s. official says that nearly 100 international firms have announced their intent to leave the iranian market. now, that s going to hurt. you combine that with more squeezing by the government, these renewed sanctions, there could be civil unrest.
in fact, national security adviser bolton pointed to riots on sunday as proof of desired pressure. what s the hope? that unrest equals a deal, okay? that s what you re hoping is that they ll come back to the table and say we want to make a better deal. here s the flip, though. rouhani, the iranian leader, says the opposite is true. you sanction us like that, we re less likely to deal. bolton suggested that our european allies are considering joining the u.s. move. here s the problem. there is no proof of that. here are the facts. the eu, russia, china, they re all sticking with the accord. they put out a statement on monday. what did they say? the eu, the uk, and france all said and germany we deeply regret that the u.s. is doing what they re doing right now. the eu announced it was going to take legal steps to protect eu companies doing legitimate business in iran that gives them back their money, okay? one more point for you. let s be very clear.
iran is not china. it is not even north korea. it s not russia. how? they re driven by religion. they are zealots there. religion, ethnic conflict. those are the driving forces, not just economics or mere land grabs. so if a tougher round of sanctions that is going to happen tonight is going to then give an extra step to what s supposed to happen in november with these even more biting sanctions, those are on iran s sale of crude oil and transactions with its central bank. those are big. what happens? the markets, the military, resulting mayhem are all potential negative outcomes from this kind of move. so it is a gamble. those are the factors here on the white board of everything at play with the somewhat random decision. what about this strategy or lack thereof? we have an expert. phil mudd is here. he knows the problems. he knows the potential solutions. where does this fit?
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twitter feed and the show s feed if you didn t get it. how about the strategy in play? for that, we ve got as good a guest as we can have. cnn counterterrorism analyst phil mudd. let s make three quick points. first of all you say don t get too deep in the weeds of strategy. look at the president first, why? i love these strategy conversations. can we look at the personality of the president? repeatedly he s told us how he thinks. he s told this, and he said this publicly, i m the only policymaker in public office. forget about state department. i m the man who makes policy. and he s told us repeatedly, i m a genius. what has he done in every circumstance? north korea, u-turn. russia, u-turn. g7, he goes to canada and embarrasses them. u-turn. nato, u-turn. they re not our friends. this he into ed to pay more. he comes in and says i m smarter than bush. i m smarter than obama. in every one of these circumstances, i m u-turning because my solution is a better solution. same thing with iran, u-turn. so the u-turn here would be
him actually, to me, it looks like stepping on the gas and saying, i m going to sanction them. the timing is a little curious, but let s take the tactic. i m going to sanction you to come to the table and say, i want a better deal, mr. trump because my people are rioting. i m squeezed. i m poor. good luck. if you re going to sanction someone that way, one of the lessons of history is you ve got to make sure they don t have too many pressure valves where they can turn off the pressure someplace else. let me give you three pressure valves that are going to help the iran rn yarns. number one, the europeans are coming out saying we re not with you on this one. number two, people who aren t side by side with the president so far on this time, that is longtime friends with iran for decades. that s the russians and the chinese potentially not only buying oil but defense contracts with the iranians who have got a lot of oil money. when we think we can squeeze the iranians unilaterally, they re saying i ve got the europeans,
the chinese and the russians. ain t going to work. in terms of getting that unrest going, getting the progressives such as they might exist inside the iranian government and larger society to work with the united states to create change there, you say a move like this doesn t necessarily help. well, careful. there s traditionally over the course of dakdss two camps in iran. you have the reformists. let s not call them moderates. people who want to move forward. and you have the conservatives. so the conservatives would have said be careful with this deal with the americans. be careful. in 2015. that s right. since the revolution in 1979, they ve been our enemy. they like the saudis. we hate the saudis. big american military presence in the persian gulf. we don t like them there. if you were a conservative wanting to attack the people who made the deal with the americans this time, you re going to step back and say, i told you. you signed the deal in 2015, and they screwed you again. you cannot trust the americans. this is nmore evidence of it.
fill mid, three solid points. appreciate it. so it is the eve of a big election night in america. why? tomorrow four states are holding key contests that could ultimately alter the balance of power in congress. one of the candidates in play is in kansas, and he s being hailed as the next big thing by progressives. introducing brent welder and big news of a very powerful new friend in his corner. who is it? what does it mean? next. ballpark.ore than just a day e stadium pa : all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that s why we re providing half off family lines to all military.
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so, boy, oh, boy, is this some mix of what you have going on in the primary there. i was just trying in the break to figure it out. i can t give you a sense of what we think is going to happen. what do you think happens tomorrow night, and more importantly, why? well, we are up in the polls right now both in the general election. we re beating congressman yoder by seven points, which is the largest lead of any democratic challenger in the country. we re also up in the primary polls for tomorrow quite a bit. now, obviously i am not taking anything for granted. we re working hard for every single last vote, and we re going to keep working hard until we beat congressman yoder in november because obviously this is an extremely important election. you know, i had rosie o donnell on earlier. tonight she s got people who are broadway performers down in front of the white house. i don t know if you had a chance. i know you re campaigning. but the conversation for her is trump s got to go. he s a bad guy. he does bad things. the democrats have to win. my point back is anti is not enough. when you look at big turns, whoever wins in midterms does it
because they are offering something for, not just against. and when i was looking at your site and looking at some of the messages, where do you think the democrats come out on that? how do you make the point that you re better for the economy with all those robust index numbers that we ve seen, that you re better for national security when we re in a relatively safe state? how do you make a better case? well, you know, i was one of the first staffers on barack obama s campaign. i was the national field director for the teamsters. i ve been around organizing for a long time. and what i ve seen unfortunately for so many years now is that the democrats keep losing and losing and losing. we ve lost the white house. we ve lost the house, the senate, state legislators, the governorship, and we ve deny doing generally the same way, trying to run candidates on a and it wasn t worked. i m a labor lawyer. i spent the last decade in teamster labor halls around the country. what i find is these people that voted for barack obama and then
donald trump will come back to the democratic party, but you have to tell them exactly what you re going to do for them. you have to talk to them about these bold, progressive economic ideas. that s how we re going to win them back. i think that s why i m beating congressman yoder by seven points right now, the largest lead in the country even though i m right here in kansas. these economic ideas are resonating so well with people in my district. the third district includes kansas city, am i right? yeah, that s where i live in fact, so i hope it does. so that s helping you in terms of a message that will go to a more diverse and a bigger population. when you say about winning trump voters back, a lot of them are voting for him on cultural dynamics. they re not the blue collar, pocketbook economics that i grew up with a father who was in the democratic party as a governor, and he talked to that a lot. that s not the dialogue anymore, and it seems to be that you have two layers of conflict and challenge to deal with. that one that they re talking
culture, not just commerce. and, two, that the left has a divide, which is guys like you and the criticism will be, mr. welder, you re free everything. you re free everything for everybody. free, free, free. can t have enough tax money injected into people s lives versus a more centrist approach. how do you deal with both of those burdens? you know, one thing you didn t mention that i think is actually extremely important to these working class folks that we need to win back is finally ending the corrupting influence of big money in politics. that s something that i ve been working for myself throughout my life. i actually, when i started running 14 months ago, pledged that i was never going to accept one penny of corporate pac money. i ve been involved in politics long enough to see how that affects things and how it causes these politicians like my opponent, kevin yoder, who has taken more money from the payday loan sharks than any member of the house or u.s. senate to side about giant banks and giant corporations instead of people. that is the thing i think is resonating most with people is they re ready to send someone to
congress who is not corrupted and who rejects this kind of corporate spending. you re still going to have to deal with the free, free, free. i interview bernie all the time. i saw hoe ocasio-cortez, that worked in her district. there we especially in the third district where you are, because you get outside that city, you get a different viewpoint. what is going on with ending spending? you have a conservative group. do you believe they re trying to help you by all the people have to go on. you have to google it for yourself. they put a ton of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars into this seat, and they re running ads that some of your opponents say are helpful to you. what is going on? why is a conservative pac doing ads that some say are helpful to you, and how do you see it? those are the strangest ads i ve ever seen in my entire life. i have no idea what their motivation is. what i do know is that i m beating kevin yoder by seven points. you do know that because you ve said that three times. why are they putting this money in the race? i m proud of it.
i m proud of it. it s the largest lead of any democratic challenger in the country, and it s right here in kansas. i think that pretty much kind of speaks for itself as far as the policies i m running on. i m fighting against the corruption. you know, kevin yoder votes with donald trump virtually ever single time, and people are sick of it, and that s why i feel really confident that we re going to be able to flip this seat in kansas. you know, 25,000 people have gone to brent to give small donations, 25,000. brent welder, it is an interesting race. i d never think that the biggest dollar amount of ads going into your campaign would go from ending spending, a group that gave a million dollars to donald trump. when we see the results please come back and make the case if you wind up on top. thank you so much. can t wait. donald trump s tactics as i
call them are well-known. if you criticize him he will attack you brutally. and what happens? his base generally a little bit about what he said about lebron james and don. d lemon is here with the reaction you ve been waiting for. looking good and smart next. crisp leaves of lettuce. freshly made dressing. clean food that looks this good. delivered to your desk. now delivering to home or office. panera. food as it should be. panera. a lot of paints say ordinthey can do the job,ver. but just one can behr through it all. behr premium plus, a top rated interior paint at a great price. family friendly, disaster proof. find it exclusively at the home depot.
come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! for a limited time, when you get fast, reliable internet, you can add voice for just $24.95 more per month. call or go online today. call or go on line today. don lemon is going to join me right now. as you know cnn tonight follows cuomo primetime and as you all know don and i are friends. but objectively d. lemon you have a following and fans for a ren. and it ain t because they think you re dumb. here s what the president tweeted. lebron james was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, don lemon. he made lebron look smart which isn t easy to do. i like mike.
who s the real dummy? a man who puts kids in classrooms or one who puts kids in cages. #be best, of course refers to first lady s campaign for better character. what was the point you want people to take from this? who s the real dummy? i want people to take the truth from this. who s the real dummy. lebron james is okay, chris, listen, you re sitting at home, watching the report he s not even at home in bedminster. he s watching a report on someone who happens to be black and they re doing something really great for their community and not only changing kids lives but their families as well, changing the trajectories of their future and you call me dumb and him dumb by default. if you can t say anything good don t say anything at all. why did he feel the need?
i was aiming to do exactly what i said there, who is the real dummy? somebody who sits down and sees this or someone who s putting kids in classrooms. you point out material misstatements and lies by the president and his administration and he hates it, so i ve prepared something for you. listen to what was written about the president lying and the damage. and i ll tell you who wrote it afterwards. if you and i fall into bad moral habits we could harm our families our employer and our friends. the president of the united states can incinerate the planet. seriously the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the chief executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. and then he went onto this, for those around the president our leaders must either act to restore the lust s and dignity of the institution of the presidency or we can be certain
that this is only the beginning of an even more difficult time for our land. for the nation to move on, the president must move out. you know who said that? vice president mike pence wrote it in the 90s about bill clinton. now he is apparently immune to hypocrisy. but what does that tell yo about what you re up against? that was then, this is now. we re up against tribalism. we re up against people who will lie, steal, and cheat, lie to their own mother, lie to themselves about what s right of this country, lie about truth and facts. lie about any terrible misdeed, any awful saying they will just ignore it for their own political purpose. they will ignore the bigotry and the pettiness and the childishness about what donald trump said about me and lebron james and others just because they want to gain some political clout or they want a few more dollars in tax money.
at what cost? i ll tell you as much as it would usually make me jealous and angry towards you to be maen mentioned in the same sentence with lebron james, it is warranted here because you both were bringing about the best in what that situation was supposed to be. here s what the president tweeted about us. the fake news hates me saying they re the enemy of the people only because they know it s true. i m providing a great service by explaining this to the american people. they purposely cause great division and distrust. they can also cause war. they are very dangerous and sick. now, this is an example of the lie. how? it s a material misstatement of the fact to deceive. we ve pushed back on propaganda before. and the president is the only person that can start a war, not the press. and it s exactly his vast power, that s why people like don lemon hold him to account. lies are dangerous. you know what projections

News , Cuomo-prime-time , Suit , Part , Record , Hair , Anderson , Chris-cuomo , Trump , Side-rosieo-donnell , Protest , History

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20180807 10:00:00

A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts casual and spontaneous.
america s credibility and erodes our relationship with nato and allies and sets back a path toward a more stable region and peaceful non-eye nucleanonnuclear future. another round as noted by out president will go into effect in november that will target the oil sector and central bank. this is just getting started. steve: it did at midnight. griff, thank you very much. so in may the president took us out of the iran nuke deal. now this morning the remaining parties to the iran deal, russia, china, the united kingdom, france, germany and the eu have all announced that they will continue to work to keep the financial channels with iran open. and they also hope to keep the exports and import of oil and gas. however, as brian pointed out a little while ago, eventually they are going to have to choose. you want to stand with the iranians? or do you want to stand with the united states of america? so, right now, with those people trying to make that choice are looking for, they
are looking for loopholes. ainsley: this is a different administration. the past administration was giving them money, billions of dollars. a lot of that money was used to you support terrorist organizations and mike huckabee talks about the difference in this administration and how dangerous the iranian leader is. they are a rogue regime. they have killed americans. they have kidnapped americans. they have sponsored terrorism around the world. and it s time for them to be accountable for that and pay the price. unless the regime is changed, the behavior won t change. but the proper avenue to see that change is not for the u.s. to go in and intervene and overthrow that government. it s for the people to do it. they almost did it in 2009. the green movement walls an uprising. they were looking for just a little bit of encouragement for the united states and president obama was absolutely stone-cold silent, didn t say a word as 20-year-old women were bleeding in the street from gunshot wounds to the head. that s why this regime is
embolden. brian: there s a couple of things, too. as griff mentioned in november it gets worse because we start going on their main source income. we go after their oil. the output is going to be put in half. why will make it up between russia, saudi arabia and us. we will keep the market flooded so the price of gas stays low. what s happening as late as over the weekend the uprisings are taking place not because of america or organization. these are farmers and shop keepers and taxi drivers are saying we hate the life that we have. and beginning to say that we are no longer blaming the u.s., the great satan. they are not buying it they are beginning to blame their own government. as they scrammibl scramble to bd on the market. last week they tried to take $350 million out of their bank in hamburg, germany and the central bank of germany said no, we are not allowing that. these are the type of things to squeeze a regime to hold
steve: because is he a conservative out in hollywood, he has been viciously attacked. he has lost a lot of work because he is a conservative. but, nonetheless, got to stand up for what he believes. and he says i m an immigrant but i think we need the president s wall. brian: one of the founding mothers of the anti-trump movement is rosie o donnell. she is one the first people that s not liked the president when he was just hosting the apprentice. she said he would never win and become president. now she has all these theories president s popularity is because of the russians. she actually went out and said one of the reasons he gets big crowds is because he pays them. look at the ads. he pays them like we do extras in movies. that s a lot of money. steve: rosy loaded up a bus and took 06 performers down to the white house. lafayette square across from the white house. essentially they wanted to raise their voices against the president of the united states he s depicted by
cartoon character there. here s the problem the president is about 250 miles away in bedminster, new jersey, so he missed the show. ainsley: is he closer to have the actual broadway performances in new york than there. steve: they were singing in protest but the songs were beautiful songs. they are broadway songs. listen. climb every mountain can you feel a brand new day can you feel a brand new day. brian: even if you life church the president, have you got to say. ainsley: i like that protest. brian: normally you have to pay $500 to protest. ainsley: stand in front of the white house and get the broadway production.
they sang le mis and sound of music. steve: the stongs were beautiful. nonetheless they were there to protest the president and rosie o donnell doesn t like him. should not be president. and i don t believe that he is a legitimate president. what he does is denigrate the most vulnerable. i think most of america wants him to be out. you believe the actual outcome was rigged or just that there were efforts? yes. yes. no, i do believe it was rigged. this man is like a joke. i believe that trump is loathed in america. that people are embarrassed and ashamed of who he is. that come election day, we are going to stand up at the polls and let him know. brian: go back to 2016 when she said there is no way he will ever win. okay. so she goes on to say that the reason why his popularity is going up, i guess she indicates are the russians. i gets russians are upping his popularity. people who voted for him are horrible people.
she can t get over it. steve: she kant because he is president. what do you think about their roadshow yesterday. let us know at tweet us or we are on facebook. ainsley: or sing us a little song. steve: can you feel a brand new day. ainsley: i love broadway. jillian, what did you think of that? jillian: i thought they were very talented. a lot more than me. get you caught up on the news we are following. starting with the search for mollie tibbets and her family is not losing hope for search for missing daughter. her daughter telling fox news new information where he thinks she could be. total speculation on my part. but i think that mollie is with someone that she knows, that is in over their head. the longer we go without finding mollie s body, the more hopeful we are that she is alive somewhere. jillian: the 20-year-old disappeared on july 18th after going for a jog. investigators haven t named any suspects. the reward for information leading to mollie is now
$277,000. 200 brave soldiers are set to join the fight against california s largest wildfire ever. the army de ploying active duty troops to battle 17 major blazes across the state. the mendacino complex fire is the largest in california history. 44,000 firefighters are battling fires across the state right now. army engineers are expected on the ground early next week. that s a look at your headlines. i will second it back to you. devastating out there. ainsley: work so hard to build your home and family and life and one swoop. steve: they need rain and cooler temperatures. jillian, thank you very much. new york state wants to give three months paid leave to workers mourning a loved one. if it s signed by the governor, his business will not survive. brian: ms-13 gang member, his nickname is the reaper. he is accused of ordering murders up and down the east coast. now he says life in jail is just too hard.
he wants a better life in jail. my heart goes out to him. two hearts one dream i wouldn t trade it for anything
employees in new york state three months paid bereavement to mourn a loved one. this existing paid family leave law has businesses concerned it would create unnecessary strain and possibly a staffing crisis. here to weigh in is butch, the owner of the dover group based here in new york city. good morning how are you. steve: do many people know this is sitting on the governor s desk. i don t know that anyone knows it looking through it yesterday it s unbelievable bill. steve: three months paid leave workers would collect 60 to 67% of average weekly wage. cover the spouse, domestic partner, child, in-law, or grandchild. so, how would this impact your business, butch? my business company for catering in restaurants in new york. we have a big summertime business. from memorial day to labor day a 13-week period if someone loses someone they
are pretty much off the entire summer or the entire period. steve: do you replace them? replace them for the summer and have to bring them back to have somebody else off? that s not fair to the worker you hired. steve: someone has has loved one who dies what do you give them. not one size fits all. three to four days if they need it. a little bit more if something really bothered. get their head back in the game and move on. steve: absolutely. have you worked your whole life to build this business and now you are looking at this. and it has the potential to de rail you, you say. yeah. it s going to de rail us. i always like to expand. i have grown from one single ice cream shop to a major company. it s scary now with all these new rules and regulations, what s next? are we going to pay people s rent? who knows what s going to happen? steve: where do you draw the line? yeah, where do you draw the line. steve: ultimately, should the government be in this
particular part of this particular issue? no. government should not get involved with this. this is not a simple situation. this is a very difficult thing. you have religion involved. you have people s mind set involved. there s a lot of different things that factor over here. the level of someone s employee is it a manager? is it a simple worker? you know, there are a lot of factors here. they are stepping in and saying you have to do this. that s not right. steve: if the governor signs it, you have got to give somebody three months off paid. do you know what s scary, too? steve: you go out of business? job if i will go out of business it will certainly hurt and cause me to cut back on some staff. it will cause me to probably raise prices so i can cover this bubble payroll. it s not right. steve: let s see what the governor does. thank you. thank you. steve: what do you think about that? email us at video unbelievable. the darr slam car slams into a w
truck sending a truck flying. did that in detroit and is he going national. he is going to show how it works coming up next. thanks to new tena intimates overnight
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. steve: it is 6:24 in new york city. quick headlines on this tuesday morning. the tsa is scrapping the idea of ending security screenings at hundreds of airports. according to a proposal last week was never under serious consideration. the idea outraging congress and security experts who argue the move would open the door for potential terror attack. and the pentagon bands personnel from using fitness trackers and smart phones with geo location tracking.
the ban coming after it was revealed that strava a fitness tracking app. revealed the location of security forces around the world. security forces will be making sure their location freerts turned off of their fit bits and other devices. all right. brian, ainsley. brian: 25 minutes after the hour. detroit is one of america s largest cities and has one of the highest crime rates to match. in the 2010 critical 2010 censua shows 20 peforts home in one neighborhood were vacant. residents say it s the same throughout the city. ainsley: now you a real estate developer is aiming to fix that problem with a nonprofit it is called blight authority. he started it in detroit and ready to take that concept nationwide. here to explain the concept is bill pulty and the blight authority project. we have reverend larry simmons the pastor of memorial church in detroit. thank you for being with us.
thank you for having us. ainsley: tell us about this program it will sounds beautiful. we are partnering and going to them and say hey, community we can bring big equipment and machines in and knock down these abandoned building, dilapidated dangerous buildings frankly where some kids get raped and dragged into. that s what s happening in these neighborhoods. we knock down the buildings and clear the land make it safe. stop the gunshots and stop the murders and make the area beautiful. brian: we understand you knocked out will will will will will will will will will you have to clear a way. i call it clear table syndrome. whether you have a table at home with a bunch of junk off of it. clear it off once it s cleared people don t put stuff there anymore because they see it s a clear table. we clear the area so that future developers will see the beauty, which is what you will find in bright more. this is the only area of detroit that have rolling
hills. irish hilsz of detroit in the neighborhood. but, that was evident. once this nonstructural blight wa was cleared out then you could see the beauty of this landscape. ainsley: how did you come up with this idea. i had been in the construction business. my father used to make things that were beautiful. i said driving down in the city of detroit knock down these building, baltimore, 500 stlureckets abandoned. philadelphia, chicago. right? we can take this model across the united states and because of our unique background i think we can go ahead and do that. brian: you are not really getting much government support but this is the private sector. you are doing this. so by knocking things out in detroit, you think things are going to get better. you want to move on. and they have gotten better. brian: you are talking about moving on in chicago. we are thinking about chicago. baltimore is another area. looking at philadelphia. frankly, i get most of the big city urban mayors calling me say pulte will you come and help us knock down these buildings? this is a big problem in the
united states that people don t know about. it causes other problems whether it be crime or prostitution or drug activity. we are knocking it out. ainsley: what have you seen in your neighborhoods as far as what s happening in these buildings? you mentioned rape and people being pulled into them? there were in the area that bill talked about, we call it the north 14, 14 square blocks about 500 parcels. there were two drug houses that were operating because the overgrowth was so tall they could hide. once this was cleared out of and became evident what was going on, drug house is gone. it s funny, i said the economics of drugs obviously customers don t want to be seen. once you could see them, they left. have you got to start building again, too. am i right? it s about time. you want to build but you don t wants to price people out of these neighborhoods. we say step one is getting rid of everything and making it clear. so step 2 and 3 can happen. scott adams and i launched a website blight authority.
asking people for urban ideas to put in their ideas. figure out what stem 2 and 3 are, brian. once we solve step one we will never get the inner cities back on their feet. ainsley: as far as funding this, when i was reading about your story. i thought who is paying for all of this? is it your family. mostly myself and my family. frankly opening it up to other families. the support we have gotten. this model is totally unique in the united states. we think we could take it across the nation u. ainsley: ben carson is working with you guys. is he very supportive of what we are doing. we have gotten tremendous support. we are nonpolitical. working together black, white, hispanic, asian. we are bringing everybody together. it s that partnership, the public, private partnership with communities. skillman foundation, fisher foundation, dte, our energy corporation all getting in line to make something happen. that s the future. that s where it s going to get change. government halls a part but it s the community that takes the lead. brian: right. any message to the administration? i would say look at what
we did. and copy it all over america. brian: got it bill pulte thanks so much. referenced larry simmons great job. thank you. thank you. brian: new blight authority s web site is up running as you just heard go to to find more. meanwhile. ainsley: what would do you if you ran into keith urban outside of a convenience store. have you got to hear the story of that photo right there. she thought he was homeless. brian: that s what these musicians are like. so much for brotherly love. candace owens. charlie kirk wanted to have breakfast. they get targeted by antifa in philadelphia. [shouting] brian: but they re not backing down. candace and charlie live in studio walking our direction i want to love somebody love somebody like you
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[screams] brian: conservatives under attack. candace owens you are watching there yesterday and charlie kirk ambushed because they were having breakfast in philadelphia. that s it. steve: candace owens communications director of turning point u.s.a. and charlie kirk tell what happened yesterday about this time in philly called green eggs cafe. you are there because you are going to have a meeting together to talk to your graphics team and whatnot. you live in philly. and then one of you realized hey, look over there. somebody is wearing antifa gear. that s exactly right. kind of progressed to
breakfast. having fun. just going through turning point u.s.a. related business tessments and we look out the window about 30 minutes later and a mob starts to form. steve: the people inside had alerted people outside they re in here? sent some sort of a bat signal said we have found the conservatives come and harass them and that s exactly what they did. they descended very quickly and mobilize. this is a well-funded effort. this is at 8:00 a.m. monday morning which means it s likely that this is their job. it was quite terrifying how quickly they were able to assemble that group. brian: they blew a whistle. blowing whistles bull horns this close to my face and my ear. it felt reminiscent of the civil rights era. the entire police force is black. only one white police officer. the entire antifa group was white. screaming at us and calling us race traitors telling the police officers they were racist all black and hispanic. i was a white supremacist
you are a race traitor. whose race are we betraying because we don t think like them and subscribe to the political orthodoxy? saints ains did you fear for your safety. we were shocked. i turned to candace, look, let s stand our ground for a couple minutes here and see what this is all about. and the police did an unbelievable job. what they go through and the harassment. here are these protesters and that s probably a generous word to describe them harassing them. the police nonstop. and we just kind of stood there next thing i know i m having water thrown at me. eggs thrown at me. we did not retaliate. we never. will that s not the right way to handle situations like this. we don t want to play the victim card. that s a very important thing. we want to warn the american people this is the new face of the democratic party. steve: candace, you were yelling, you love the police. i love the police. it was jarring to me to see this. the illustration of black men standing peacefully. these police officers were black standing peacefully as
they were being shouted at by white liberals. i felt like a necessity to defend them and say we love you guys. we love the police. thank you for protecting us. brian: they don t love the police. you know what? they might have been following orders a go sign was given loudly by maxine waters a few weeks ago. remember. this. if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. [cheers] you push back on them and you tell them they re not welcome. brian: they are doing what she said, am i right? they are following orders. look, they want us to apologize or back away from our support of the president. they are so frustrated at this president succeeding. they cannot reconcile with the fact that he is going to be the greatest in modern american history and the economy is booming and you see them losing their mind and resorting to mob, thuggish tactics.
steve: let me tell you something what would the news coverage be like today if a couple of people in trump hats, make america great again hats were hooting, yelling at people inside a restaurant and drove them out and then dumped water on them. black people imagine people in trump hats young black woman screepg at her because of her political affiliation. it would be wall-to-wall coverage and never enhear the end of it the argument we are hearing it s not illegal to discriminate not based off political. do you need a piece of legislation to tell you this is wrong, tell you harassing people based on who they support politically is wrong? that s who we have. considering rights for conservative thinkers. brian: look at kirstjen nielsen having dinner. look at sarah huckabee sanders having dinner. steven miller, they are outside protesting at his apartment this is getting
closer and closerrer to somebody getting hurt. steve scalise shot. rand paul was mauled by his neighbor. let s be victors and show up and shoot for and allow radicals regain control of congress. we are the democrats denouncing this. ainsley: how did they know you were in that restaurant. they had four people that were sitting tables down from us that had antifa decals on their bag. they recognized us. they recognize us no. big deal. we didn t think they would send out a signal to come harass us. it doesn t matter what they do. they harass us on the streets. this is not going to change the effect of this administration. i said it many times before on this couch. we saw the rasmussen poll last week. black support for donald trump has doubled since this time last year. the reason is because people are starting to recognize the left, the democrats they
are the party of hate. brian: there is something about you articulating your message as a young fraternal woman that really scares the left. i have been tremendously effective. i have been showing the truth and tell the truth and telling them about real black history and showing them it was never the republicans that were racist in this country. always the democrats. democrats were behind the terrorism and the kkk. the democrats are behind antifa. ainsley: it s a shame y all can t have breakfast in peace. you all stay safe. security now. something we are looking close at. sad day in america that two 20 somethings can t eat quietfully a cafe and harassed for conservative values. steve: can t have a plate of eggs and toast. that is a serious indictment of the political atmosphere right now. thank you for joining us and telling us your stories. thank you, guys. brian: right over charlie s left soldier is jillian poised to give us the news. we are following a story out of tennessee. go ahead and get you caught up on that. at least 20 people under
arrest after protesting ice outside of a private prison. the demonstrators unhappy that the facility near nashville has a contract with ice. some of the protesters blocking entrances to the prison so employees cannot get inside. they say they play a quote limited role in america s immigration system. take a look at thin sane video out of toronto. a tow truck s dash cam car slams into a broken down truck on the side of the high spewing debris everywhere. take a closer look see the driver of that broken down truck getting thrown into a guardrail. incredibly. no one was hurt. the driver of the white car wasn t paying attention. and ms-13 leader accused of or kerring horrific murders is complaining about life behind bars. diaz is reportedly asking a judge to improve his jail conditions saying he is locked in a cell 23 hours a day with limited phone access. is he also known as the
reaper is accused of directing gang operations in more than four states. he has pleaded not guilty. a woman just trying to be nice helps a man pay for his coffee at a convenience store but she has absolutely no idea that he is a country music mega star. watch this. there was this man answered didn t look like he had a lot of money to be honest. he said i m keith. i said that s how look like, keith you are badge. he said yes, i am keith urban and i argued that he wasn t. [laughter] jillian: didn t believe him until his body guard stepped in to reassure her. the shocked teacher took a photo before he left for his concert in new jersey. she says she treats a stranger by paying their bill at that store every week. isn t that great? brian: that s fantastic. ainsley: is he like no i m a gazillion narrow and let me buy your coffee. brian: i could buy australia. ainsley: thanks, jillian. brian: coming up straight ahead. ainsley: the media losing it
after president trump says the 2016 trump tower meeting was about getting dirt on hillary clinton. just further immeshes him into not collusion because conspiracy. to have this president of the united states as unindicted co-conspirator in this. brian: is she a pundit or a reporter? judge napolitano says this is no bombshell. is he walking our direction. i m so nervous. steve: ed t steve: todd piro is in michigan having breakfast with friends. catch up with some of the voters next. hey, todd. ainsley: hey, judge.
come away with me barnabas! but i am a simple farmer. my life is here. [telephone ring] ahoy-hoy. alexander graham bell here. no, no, my number is one, you must want two! two, i say!! like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. ahoy-hoy! as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
who would have guessed? an energy company helping cars emit less. making cars lighter, it s a good place to start, advanced oils for those hard-working parts. fuels that go further so drivers pump less. improving efficiency is what we do best. energy lives here. the president outright admitting the trump meeting with the russians dirt on hillary clinton. this further immeshs him not in collusion but conspiracy. have this president of the united states as an
unindicted co-conspirator in this. ainsley: the media attacking the president for saying the 2016 trump tower meeting was meant to get information on hillary clinton. brian: nothing new. last year the president said the same exact thing. steve: that s right. here with insight on why this is not a bombshell with senior judicial an list judge andrew napolitano. when he was meeting with president macron last year he said essentially the same thing. is it against the law if you are in politics to try to dig up dirt on your opponent. no. of course not. and everybody does it and to that extent the president is correct. but, there are federal statutes that prohibit receiving something of value from a foreign national, foreign entity or foreign government. so, was the purpose of this meeting to receive something of value? that s something bob mueller is going to have to look at. the president himself is clear of this. he didn t know about this. until the new york times revealed that a year after it happened and there is no testimony. not even out of the mouth of
michael cohen as far as we can tell to contradict the president. ainsley: is there crime here or conspiracy? i don t know the answer to that but, unfortunately, a lot of these statutes are written to make it easier for the government to convict. if there was an agreement to receive dirt on hillary from the russians, even if the dirt never came, if those who agreed, at least one of them, took some step in furtherance of the agreement, then there is the potential crime for conspiracy. but it doesn t appear that the president was among them. brian: how would they even know that? well, that s for mueller either to drop or to figure out from asking people that were involved. brian: he hasn t talked to don jr. does that tell you the level of interest? i don t know. don jr. has testified under oath before congress that is theoretically secret. my guess is bob mueller knows that so he know what is don jr. told the congress and we don t know what he told them. my guess is he has been consistent throughout that his father didn t know about this until the news was
broken by the new york times a year later. steve: speaking of bob mueller it, sounds like the trump team is getting closer to a decision. john roberts just broke some of that information within the last couple of hours. i am my hat is off to rudy giuliani s patience because it seems like every time there is an agreement, bob mueller wants to move, i will use a kilmeade met for. bob mueller wants to move the goal post. i would basically say mr. president, we re not going to let you anywhere near bob mueller. he knows a lot more about this case. he has interviewed a lot more witnesses. when the government wants to talk to you, mr. president, it s to help the government. it s not to help you. i think rudy has been giving that very sound advice to the president but the president, because he said publicly so many times i want to tell my story. this is not the forum for him to tell his story. he should just tell the american people i want to tell the story burr the lawyers have advised me steve: if there is a subpoena. if there is a subpoena
let the court call it the president may have a very good argument the can t force his testimony. brian: bill clinton testified he got impeached anyway. judge: brian the testimony bill clinton gave which he agreed to do not only under oath in front of a camera undermined him radically. i don t think trump is going to make that mistake and rudy giuliani, very, very smart and experienced when it comes to these things is going to let that happen. all the best guys. ainsley: you too. steve: straight ahead, hollywood wants to do permanent damage to president trump s star on the walk of fame. what they just did overnight that could remove it from that particular street. brian: 50 s the president i would remove it myself. ainsley: todd piro getting the pulse of the nation we will hear from him coming up next. r-o-c-k in the u.s.a.
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brian: voters in five states head to the polls today primary special elections that will send a lot of messages. ainsley: that s right. in michigan the battle for congress is heating up as two republicans john james and sandy pensler hope to unseat senator debbie stabenow she is now a democrat. steve: john james has been endorsed by kid rock and kid rock actually grew up in romeo, michigan. todd piro it is there at the romeo cafe with reaction from the voters. todd? todd: good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. obviously talking to the voters today about what they are looking for in a candidate. and as you might imagine. it all comes down to the green. i want to begin with mark. he works for a company that makes turbochargers for indy
cars. how cool is that? he says is he looking for candidates who can continue the economic momentum under president trump because that momentum is so vital for the state of michigan. why do you say that? well, we are winning. the economy is winning. we are bringing jobs back to michigan. we want to see that momentum continue in michigan. todd: talk to me about the auto industry and what have you seen since the president took office? well, we have seen the committee dump back there in 2009. and it s just the economy down here is growing. the manufacturing sector is growing. jobs are coming back here to michigan. and hold that to trump. is he doing his job. he is doing what he said he was going to do and bringing jobs back here to michigan. todd: mark, thank you for your time. now we are going to meet george. george is a farmer. george told me is looking for candidates who have had to make payroll. why do you say that george? you know payroll for my me for my employers i employ
about 25 people. i look at well, we have to really think hard and do stuff right to make it work. and like i say, i like candidates, you know, trump had to make payroll. we have paul mitchell there. he was a businessman had to make poir payroll in his life. these people they really know what it takes there to run a business because, you know, if that s all that you have done was something there someone else paid you to do it, hey, you know, they have no experience. todd: jorm, thank you for yougeorge thank you foryour tim. steve: roaroamromeo cafe in rom, michigan where the phone is ringing. ainsley: go pick it up, todd. steve: the sanctions against iran is the most biting sanctions and there is more to come. what does this mean for association with iran,
ambassador dennis ross breaks it down coming up. brian: he worked for obama and bush. ainsley: mollie tibbets father has a new theory about what happened to his daughter. he will join us live. crabfest is back at red lobster,
your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover s dream. but hurry in. cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. steve: the iranian sanctions have officially been cast. anyone doing business with iran will not be doing business with the united states of america. i am asking for world peace and nothing less. they have killed americans. they have kidnapped americans. they have sponsored terrorism around the world. and it s time for them to be accountable for that and pay the price. the longer we go without finding mollie s body, the more hopeful we are that she is alive somewhere. just imagine, no wall no wall in southern arizona. charlie kirk and candace owens brutally harassed by protesters having breakfast at philadelphia coffee shop.
we were just standing there i m having water thrown at me. you are a race traitor. whose race am i betraying? can you feel a brand new day. we ll have a house party we don t need nobody turn your tv off bring your boom box out. steve: a house party live from studio f. thank you very much. we are hiding the coffee behind the beautiful floral arrangement. brian: you gave me away. ainsley: we are having a house party today. steve: america runs on dunkin . ainsley: happy birthday elise earhardt. she is 45 years old today. brian: house party starts at 3:00 p.m. it s 5:00 somewhere, baby. let s start with news this morning. it s a fox news alert. president trump just tweeted this morning. he said the iran sanctions have officially been cast.
these are the most biting sanctions ever imposed and in november they ratchet up to yet another level. anyone doing business with iran will not be doing business with the united states. i am asking for world peace, nothing less. steve: all right. what does this all mean now griff jenkins joins us live in our nation s capital. griff it, all started seven hours ago. that s right, good morning, guys. president rouhani is feeling that bite this morning as president trump effectively ends the obama era iran deal but saying he is open to negotiations. here is how rouhani reacted. what s the meaning of negotiations when you impose sanctions at the same time? it s like someone pulling a knife or stab a rival or enemy in the arm while at the same time claiming we should be talking and negotiating. rouhani also says is he willing to meet with the president without preconditions as long as he gets an apology and compensation. now european leaders broadly oppose the move as the president urged all nations
to join his maximum pressure campaign intended to change regime behavior. senator lindsey graham says this is a good start. donald trump is telling the world business community and the europe peeps, you cannot do business with this murder rus regime and have access to u.s. markets. over time this will work stay tough, president trump, you are on the right track. across the aisle the reaction from house minority leader nancy pelosi blasting the move calling it a counter productive action only diminishing america s international credibility. eroding our relationships with our nato and eu allies and sets back the path toward a more stable region and peaceful nonnuclear future. these are the first sanctions. they target precious metals in the auto sector. another round will come targeting the oil sector and central bank. steve: those will get even tougher. by the way president rouhani says the united states is owes iran an apology for
pulling out of the deal. ainsley: and wants them to pay them back. brian: wants apologies for everything they claim we have done ever back to the 1950s. so i m sure the president is just jotting that down now putting it in a big card. steve: meanwhile, we know that come november one of the top issues on both sides going to be immigration. we re going to tell you about a democrat who is a governor candidate. his name is david garcia. he was at the net roots convention in new orleans. he said imagine no wall on the southern border of arizona. keep in mind, he is running for governor of arizona. brian: he wants to put that john lennon s imagine. i m not sure if that s going to resonate with the people of arizona. it does resonate with the netroots crowd. he wants to run for president.
that s the rhetoric you heard borders are down and ice is out. ainsley: listen to what he said to that group. i want to just take a second and imagine. let s just imagine. [applause] just imagine no wall. no wall in southern arizona. [applause] steve: it s not the first time that he has suggested an anti-border agenda. he did not want the national guard involved in the family separation on our southern border. he has called for the replacement of ice with something which he describes as actually works. and he does not like the arizona border strike force, which he says in arizona is a ploy to use immigration as political tool to continue fear. that particular strike force was started by governor doocy to stop the crime from entering into mexico into arizona. and so far it has worked. brian: what i don t get is that the polls show that you might debate the wall or the fence, but nobody 8 out of
10 americans wants border security. why politically does he think that that is advantageous position let alone what he thinks. ainsley: talk to the people who live near the border where these individuals, many of them criminals come across the border into their property and they are fearful. brian: meanwhile, earlier today, we brought on charlie kirk and candace owens. together they decided to do this radical thing, have breakfast in philadelphia. the birthplace of america where they actually rang true with the declaration of the independence. they were spotted by antifa people also having breakfast. a whistle goes off. bull horns are out. next thing you know they were being harassed. thank goodness the cops were there. ainsley: that s video of them walking out of restaurant. they saw antifa sitting at the table sitting next to them. they are antifa. they are going to mind their business we are going to mind our business. they called their friends.
their friends gather outside with bull horns and whistles. can you see right in their faces. steve: charlie was doused with a bottle of water. police were right on the scene and they stood there to protect them and candace owens was here and she told us that she was actually yelling we love the police. we love the police. what did the two of them make of what was going on? listen to this. here they are on the couch. they want us to apologize or pack away from our support of the president. they are so frustrated at this president succeeding and they cannot reconcile with the fact that he is going to be the greatest president in modern american history. they see the economy booming and it makes them lose their mind. this is not going to change the effect of this administration. people are starting to recognize the left, the democrats are the party of hate. steve: they both agreed that there is a double standard when it comes to berating at breakfast conservatives and they suggested can you imagine if trump supporter in a maga, make america great again hat did that to
somebody. it would be. ainsley: all over the headlines, every newspaper and every other network. brian: if you are running against president trump and put obamacare back i get it you say i want to raise taxes, i feel the corporate tax was too steep, okay, final. but, when you run on i want to be a socialist. i want to abolishize. i want to have open borders. tell me where you are going to get one independent vote with that rush limbaugh brought that up yesterday. the democrats are basing this blue wave on one thing, trump hatred, the resistance. they are not basing on people s desire for democrat policies. now, isn t that kind of flimsy? they think they live in a world where everybody now hates trump. that s what they tell themselves. they live in a world where everybody now realizes the mistake they made voting for trump. but it isn t based on policy, no. it s based on trump hatred.
meanwhile, over here, the country has experienced an economic rebirth with people who haven t been working in 20 years finding jobs. after the democrats and their president specifically said the jobs weren t coming back. steve: it will be interesting to see. you know, there has been a prediction that there is going to be a blue wave sweeping one party into control perhaps with the house of representatives. today is primary day in a number of states. michigan, missouri, kansas, and washington. of course you will see all the primary coverage and results tonight right here on fox. brian: ohio is going to be on what everyone is focused on. one district where republicans have handled. they have had it for like 30 years. now they are in a virtual dead heat. the president over the weekend showed up to try to bolster the ohio candidate balderson. and we will see if that indeed works. ainsley: they are neck in neck. 1 percentage point. brian: against danny boy o connor.
steve: it s 7:10 and jillian joins us with headlines. jillian: that s right. good morning. this story we have been following. one of the men found inside the filthy new mexico compound is expected in court today. he faces extradition to georgia as investigators try to locate his missing son. that man is one of five adults believed to be muslim extremists under arrest for child abuse. police busting them after receiving a tip about the missing little boy. they did not find that little boy but they did discover 11 starving children living at the compound. jeff sessions ripping the federal judge. he fully reinstated the daca program. in a statement the attorney general says the ruling comes after a quote number of decisions in which courts have improperly used judicial power to steer and join and modify and direct executive policy. sessions also says the trump administration will continue to aggressively defend their zero tolerance immigration policy. the white house plans to appeal the ruling.
president trump s star on the hollywood walk of fame could soon be a thing of the past. the west hollywood city council passing a resolution over night asking for its removal. the chamber of commerce will have the final say. the president s star has been vandalized several times, most recently by a man with a pick ax. he is now facing a felony charge. this woman s graduation fellows really bite. mackenzie nolan posing in graduation friend big tex alligator. she says tex is like a giant puppy, who often obeys commands for tweets. she even got him to stay still enough to balance her class ring on his snout. what do you think of that? brian: is that real? ainsley: she works with him on a daily basis. she feels comfortable. more power to her. steve: come on. brian: i want to try that
with rhinos look, if you can do it with that. ainsley: rhinos these are very dangerous. i think rhinos can be, too. but an alligator, really? brian: if you have a similar story, write us. steve: with a rhino? brian: 12 minutes after the hour. what do the new sanctions on iran mean for us relationship with the region. the next guest says this could force them back to the negotiating table. dennis ross worked for president obama and president bush will be with us live. ainsley: plus a boy in a wheelchair holds himself up for our national anthem. the inspiring video that you have to see yet wave o er the land of the free o say does that star spangled
is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that. it s like they say location, location, koi pond. we really pride ourselves on temaking it easy for youass, to get your windshield fixed. teacher: let s turn in your science papers. tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. student: i did mine on volcanoes. teacher: you did?! oh, i can t wait to read it. tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage. she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we d be there. teacher: you must be pascal. tech: yes ma am. tech vo: saving her time. [honk, honk] kids: bye! tech vo: .so she can save the science project. kids: whoa! kids vo: safelite repair, safelite replace let s do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. they taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at or just say badda book, badda boom.
book now at brian: iran s economy already feeling the first wave of sanctions today was reinstated by president trump overnight. since the sanctions were announced iran s currency has fallen significantly in its value. what does the future of iran s economy and what does their relationship with the u.s. going forward look like? here to weigh in is former american envoy to the middle east ambassador over democratic and republican administrations. ambassador, what does this mean for u.s.-irannian relations? look, i think in the near
term, you are going to see a higher level of tension. clearly on the one hand we are ratcheting up the pressure on them they will look for ways in the region to ratchet up the pressure on us, although indirectly. when they talk about threats to the strait of hormuz they will not play that card. for one thing if they try to shut down the strait of hormuz. it means they cannot sell any of their oil. they can t do that number one. they also know we will not react militarily. president obama was prepared to threaten the use of force. he knows if they are threaten the use of force over the close of the strait of hormuz you know trump will. they provide anti-will missiles to the houthis. and fired a missile at saudi oil tanker. the third most important area for the movement of energy worldwide. i think you will see steps
like that. brian: you have u.s. bank notes. banned with gold, with precious metals and urge the european union to do the same thing. in the end, ambassador, true or not you will have to make a choice do you want to deal with america or iran. do you really think it s that cut and dry. it s a little bit more complicated than that because businesses for sure will say if the choice is doing business with america or iran. there is no choice you do it with america. but the iranian but the european governments are determined to try to keep the iranians in the nuclear deal. they goal to great lengts. they have passed regulations designed to protect their companies from secondary sanctions by the u.s. still, the companies basically will make their own choices. the governments can t tell them what to do. brian: even though you are a part of the obama administration. you weren t there when this deal was cut. you are for pulling out of this deal. ambassador, where would you go from here? what would do you next? look, i think the key right now is for us to try to maintain the pressure but
continue to say we want to talk to iran. one of the ways to build pressure on the iranians is to create the reality that, look, the purpose of pressure is not an end in itself. we are not trying to changes the regime. we are trying to change those behaviors that the iranian people themselves are demonstrating against. think about the fact you have placards in these demonstrations that say no to syria, no to lebanon. no to palestine, yes to us. invest news. don t invest in hezbollah. don t invest in bashar assad. on the one hand maintain the pressure but at the same time keep the door open and say we are willing to talk. i think one key thing here is the administration needs to have a consistent voice. it can t be sending mixed messages. when it sends mixed messages, it s going toned up creating problems for itself and its policy. brian: these are organic protest and say america is the great satan. they are happening in the rural areas with taxi
drivers, bazaar owners, farmers, so they can t even legitimately blame us. ambassador, i hope the administration calls on you because i just don t know anybody more knowledgeable. thanks so much for joining us. my pleasure. brian: all right. coming up straight ahead. rosie o donnell talking to the media and the microphone to resist president trump. he should thought be president. i don t think he is a legitimate president. i think most of america wants him out. brian: this is crazy. is this how many on the left think like rosie o donnell? will this be the winning argument for november? let s sing about it at home. and these guys are going to need a bigger boat. a close encounter with a shark next. i hate sharks. you ll ask. what bad shoulder? what headache?
advil is relief that s fast strength that lasts you ll ask. what pain? with advil liqui-gels (burke) abstract accident. seen it. covered it.ce music) we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
star brian: time now for news by the numbers. get ready, it s the under the sea edition. first $6.4 million how many people visited sea world last quarter. attendance at the theme park up 5% from a year ago and sales from been down for years after that black fish documentary about killer what else and thwhales and captt wasn t going well. i will walk this way. how many fish a couple caught and have to pay up because they did. that only allow fish known real in three crappies per person is that the way you say it? finally, 12 feet, that is the size of that great watch shark. look at the size of that shah shark got a little bit too close for comfort.
oh, [bleep] right out of the water. brian: shark surprise ago researcher in massachusetts but he didn t seem scared. talk about somebody who is never scared of sharks, here is ainsley. ainsley: i love them. bring them on. bring on those cages. thank you, brian. rosie o donnell talking to the media and the microphone to resist donald trump. should not be president and i don t believe that he is a legitimate president. we are alive, awake and we are woke. people are embarrassed and ashamed of who he is and that come election day we are going to stand up at the polls and let him know can you feel a brand new day can you feel a brand new day day. ainsley: that s rosy with broadway singers down in washington protesting. is this how the left thinks they will win in november? here to debate is rnc spokesperson kayleigh mcenany and jessica tarlov a fox news contributor. thank you for being with us. jessica, i will start with you, i actually like the
peaceful protest with the broadway singers. yeah. ainsley: we saw what happened with candace and charlie when they were just having breakfast and see some antifa people and they walk that why can t people have differences? why is there so much hatred? why is that happening? i think people absolutely can have differences. as you pointed out the protest that rosie o donnell was partaking it in they call it the kremlin annex which has been going on for weeks now headed by the hillary clinton grassroots project has been completely peaceful. about the communication of ideas and about showing president trump that there are a number of americans out there who are not a fan of him or his policies and will be showing up at the polls in november and also today if you are in ohio, and that special election vote for danny o connor and again in 2020 to make sure there is a democrat back in the white house. what happened to candace owens and charlie kirk is terrible. antifa is a fringe movement that has nothing to do with
the democratic party whatsoever. and i m sorry that that happened to them but what s going on at the white house as you said it seems like a good time. ainsley: kayleigh, a lot of people are asking why. why are people so angry and mad just because people support president trump? rush limbaugh said it has nothing to do with policy. the blue wave has nothing to do with policy. instead, hatred. what are your thoughts? that s exactly right. we saw this going back to 2016 when president trump just wanted to have a simple rally in chicago. that had to be shut down because of violence. that stop that from happening. we have seen it go forward to today with maxine waters calling for violent protests against republican us and trump allies and sarah sanders not being able to eat at restaurant and charlie kirk. the examples are immeasurable. what this comes down to, ainsley, when we lost we came up with an argument tea party rose to power and peacefully put their ideas forward.
when democrats lost there were calls to violence. calls to de legit might the president. instead of accepting the election results they say unhinge dollars things like rosie o donnell has said. it s not going to win. it s not going to win in november. ainsley: jessica, rosie o donnell said the mainstream media gave trump the pls because they were too slow in coming around to call him a liar and she said the media treated hillary clinton and president trump equally when they were running against each other. do you agree with that? i agree with bits and pieces of that we do know that the russians targeted 21 states here there are were a lot of the people beyond rosie o donnell that do feel like they played a significant role in the election outcome. that s not some fringe attitude there. what she is saying about the media treatment of trump and hillary being equal, there are a lot of people who make a legitimate fact that the media harped on and on and on about hillary clinton s emails and let a lot of what was going on with president trump as we are seeing coming out now in the mueller probe for instance. we never saw tax returns that that was glossed over as we sat there with a camera anxiously awaiting
him to take the stage, hours and hours and hours of media coverage just waiting for him to come out and talk to people. hillary clinton certainly did not get that kind of treatment. i believe that he is a legitimate president. i also believe that if you look at his favorability ratings right now new gallup poll 58% approval with white people without a college degree but only 29% approval with the rest of america. and that s what rosie o donnell is talking about. this is not a president that s popular. this is not a man that represents all of us. and we have got to show up at the polls and take that back. she is talking about voting. that s a get out the vote message. ainsley: i know you said rossy is not the spokesperson for your party there are a lot of people already elected officials that have the same messages. you have alexandria ocasio-cortez, you have elizabeth warren. they are saying a lot of the same things. they are definitely saying get out to vote. ainsley: kayleigh, let me get kayleigh in. there is a lot of people. rosie o donnell screaming in fronts of the white house about the electionin election bg
rigged is not true. president obama said not a single vote was changed. won that landslide. even though not screaming in fronts of the white house they are making inceernt argument about collusion. we see it with adam schiff and the dnc lawsuit against russia. that was dismissed by a d.c. court. they are making unhinged arguments, maybe not in the same way as rossy but nevertheless saying the same thing. democrats de legitimize. we organize. can i add maxine waters never called for violence. she explicitly did not use the word violence. ainsley: let us know what you think. hear from the people write us and respond to that did she call for violence. thank you for being with us. thanks, ainsley. ainsley: now to a fox news alert. mollie tibbets father has a new theory about what happened to his daughter. he will join us live coming up next. carry on
lean on me mmm. lean on me. mmm. lean on me.
university student mollie tibbets. brian: the reward for her return now hitting over $270,000. steve: mollie s father rob says he believes she is still alive and could actually be with somebody she knows. her father, rob tibbets, joins us right now live from brooklyn, iowa. rob, good morning to you. good morning. good morning. steve: since the get-go you believe she was abducted. now you believe she was abducted by somebody n.i.e. she knows. explain that. i just think that because the situation in brooklyn that everyone knows everyone, i just don t think that anyone set out to harm mollie. and the longer we go without finding her, the more optimistic we are that she is with someone that doesn t want to harm her but doesn t know how to extricate themselves from this situation. steve: do you think that
perhaps somebody misunderstood her intention intentions? could be. i mean, all of this is so much speculation. i wouldn t have any real idea of why someone would do this. but, the longer this goes on. the more i believe and, again, just speculation on a father who has too much time to think that i think she is with someone that isn t going to harm her but doesn t know how to get out of this situation. and is in over their head. brian: have you told this to the police and have they worked on that angle of the investigation? they re going to work on what they work on independent of what any of us think or say. they are very, very professional and very diligent in what they are doing. i have told this to them. and they have acknowledged it but, what they re working
on is on a separate and parallel track to the other parts of this search team. ainsley: mr. tibbets, are you saying this because you found a note or some evidence that leads to you believe that this has happened and are you saying that maybe she ran away maybe with someone else or that someone abducted her. oh, no, no, no. not like that at all. i m sort of hesitant to even discuss. this again, this is just a hope more than a theory. but, the longer we go without finding mollie, the more i believe she is somewhere where we can get her back. steve: you would like that person to return her before they get further into trouble rob, what would you say if the person you feel abducted her, if that is the case, if that person were watching tv right now, what do you want that person to know? you have made a horrible
mistake. you obviously don t want to harm mollie, to just let her go. and then deal with the consequences of what have you done so far. don t escalate this any further. ainsley: all right. if you are watching and you have any information, even if it s small and you think it s insignificant, please call the sheriff s office. the number is 641-623-5679. or call 911 and they will connect you. thank you so much, mr. tibbets. we appreciate you hillary beinge and we re all saying prayers for your daughter. steve: the story has resonated with some people. they have a daughter, they have a sister. they have a girlfriend like mollie and their heart goes out to that family. where is she? ainsley: there is a big reward. if you have information that leads to her arrest. you can help the family and that money can go to your family as well.
brian: 23 minutes before the top of the hour. jillian have you been following that news. jillian: i don t know if you saw this video. let s go ahead and show you this insane video of a gas tanker exploding into flames. look at this. the incredible blast was all caught on camera in italy. watch this. can you imagine a giant fireball erupting on the highway when a tanker rear ended a stopped truck. at least three people are dead and as many as 70 are hurt. the blast collapsing part of the highway. and how about this video? insane brawl breaks out at nail salon all over an eyebrow wax. take a look. [shouting] jillian: that i salon worker hitting the customer with a broom. she was reportedly upset
with a botched wax and refused to pay. at least two people were arrested. yikes. former president barack obama back in the spotlight for snagging another peace prize. the robert f. kennedy human rights group giving the ripple of hope awashed harshes those who work towards a more just and peaceful world. critic also say he did the exact opposite in office citing drone strike policy. obama will be present with the award in december. obama was awarded of the nobel peace prize in 2000 89. stop what i are doing and look look at this. patriotic boy going viral for inspiring salute to our nation through the night that our flag was still there o say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o er the land of the free
jillian: wow. that young man rising out of his wheelchair and on to his feet for the national anthem in tennessee. isn t that incredible? i know i could just hear you, steve, saying that is amazing. steve: that was really something. so powerful. thank you for sharing it, jillian. ainsley: thanks, jillian. brian: talking about powerful. janice dean is powerful. janice: we have never arm wrestled before. brian: not yet. i m afraid. janice: take a look what s going on with this crowd 40th anniversary. congratulations. what is the secret? he does what i say. janice: nodding head is good. 40th birthday congratulations. thank you so much. janice: you going to get into trouble today? of course. janice: look at this, my friend. fox & friends in a t-shirt. so amazing. so you are the and in fox &
friends. how do you feel about that? good. you are the fox? that s right. very nice. all right. very well done, everybody. let s take a look at the map and wave to our friends at home. hurricane hector by the way, category 4 hurricane. this is the strongest hurricane we have seen around this neighborhood in quite some time. the good news is it s going to be south of the big island and the hawaiian islands but still watch it over the next couple days because we could still have impacts. it s so humid in the northeast. we could see some scattered thunderstorms across portions of the northeast and the great lakes and midwest. ready to say hi to everybody at home? does everybody know you are on television? hi. janice: very nice. don t we love we need to sell these t-shirts. they are fantastic. they are. janice: you guys win a prize for most original. ainsley: would you want to be the friend, the fox or the and? steve: you would always have to travel group like that though. friends and fox with. brian: with a foldout couch.
ainsley: i m glad they got the right order. thanks, janice. meanwhile, straight ahead. a retiring police officer surprised by his son on the final day being an official police officer. during two and a half years of service my father self otherwise police officer ledoux is retiring. he did come home. steve: did he come home. both the father and the son who came home is going to talk about the emotional day coming up in about five minutes. ainsley: what a great story. primary day in michigan. todd piro is catching up with voters before they head to the polls. todd: we are talking to the voters about the issues of the day. sometimes there are issues that transcend politics. you will meet an inspiring american couple when fox & friends returns after the break you can t go home who says you can t go back
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jillian: good morning and welcome back. time forehead lines. inmates could soon be headed to the ballot box. kicking off a campaign to register qualified inmates to vote. 50 inmates have signed up so far. legal aid plans to return to rikers three more times this month ahead of the september 6th deadline for absentee ballot applications. and troops overseas to cast their midterm ballots from their smart phones. west virginia launching a first of its kind voting app. it uses a person s photo id and facial recognition software to confirm their identity. brian? brian: all right. thanks, jillian. 14 minutes before the top of the hour. voters in five states are heading to the polls right now in primary and special election. ainsley: in michigan the fight for congress is heating up as two republicans john james and sandy pensler look to unseat
debbie stabenow a democrat. steve: that would happen in november. what do voters think in michigan in todd piro is live at the romeo diner in romeo, michigan. todd: good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. and when looking at the candidates and deciding who to vote for, angela and jeff really look at those who are best prepared to deal with military issues. jeff is in the army reserves. his son nick is in the navy. angela s son chris is a marine and angela s son philip was killed in iraq. obviously no words i can say on behalf of myself or on behalf of the nation will ever truly thank you for your sacrifice and for your son s sacrifice. as a gold star mother, you say respect for the military under president trump is at a high. why do you say that? we have noticed that more people are respectful of who we are as americans and what we are known for doing.
and that is taking care of people who need help and are unable to take care of themselves. todd: you had an interesting story about when you asked your son philip as to why he wanted to go into the army. what did he say? yes. he explained to me that it was very important to him that he was able to help people who could not help themselves. it was a touching moment and meant volumes to me when he was killed. todd: when you see what is going on in our country and you see what your son died fighting for. what goes through your mind? we recognize that personally i recognize that many people are unaware of truly what the military does and the purpose of what they do for us around the world. todd: angela, again, i can t help you enough for taking the time to talk with us. powerful is an understatement. we just thank you so very much for your time.
going to switch to jeff now. jeff, you have an interesting job you do ncis for the army which is kind of a neat thing. but you say you love the economy under this president. why do you say that? well, number one, my paycheck is bigger. and that s great. and more jobs. we have a military budget. it s a great thing. we re enjoying it. todd: when we were talking earlier, you had a very interesting story about socialism. you took a trip through your job through the army with the republic of georgia not the southern state but the former ussr. describe what you saw there. the people just had a long face. not a lot of smiles. good people but socialism just showed bright and shining that because there wasn t any sunshine it s just the doom and gloom and not knowing what s going to happen the next day.
you could see it in everyone s face. todd: understood. thank you for sharing your experience, obviously. thank you both of you for being with us today. again, i can t thank you all enough. send it back to new york. steve: powerful words to the all star family. thank you, todd. ainsley: retiring police officer surprised by his son on his final day on the force. 32 and a half years of service, my father, selfless police officer ledoux is retiring. he did come home. ainsley: he did come home. both father and son are going to join us live to talk about that emotional day coming up next. a man s good word ge and handshake are all you need that works at liquid speed. you ll ask. what pain?
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steve: after more than 30 years of service with the south bridge police department officer ledoux made his final radio call but it was who was on the other end of that call that made it so special and a surprise. my sincere pleasure to announce after 32 and a half years of service my father selfless police officer dwayne ledoux is retiring and has given his final coach ride. to set free a man who has sacrificed so much of his time for all of us. dad badge number, dad, you are officially code 5. love you. [laughter] he did come home. steve: did he come home. joining us is retired officer wayne ledoux from massachusetts and his son from seattle. good morning to both of you. good morning.
steve: duane, let s start with you. in watching the whole video, there is a delay between the time nate announces that he is on the phone call and you realize it. and when the look came on your face, it just tears a person up because you realize that s my son. yes. yes. i finally realized it took a few seconds but i was on the radio sometimes the first time you hear a voice you really don t recognize it. it was the first time i ever heard him use a police radio. i didn t recognize at that time first. but then i caught on. steve: what was so surprising nate or nathan as your father likes to call you was the fact that you were not supposed to be there, were you? no. i m supposed to be about six hour plane flight away in seattle. that s where i live right now. steve: the chief called you up and asked you if you would do it and you decided to do it. why? i just i knew this was going to be a big moment for
him. he has worked hard. i know he has a sense of adventure in him. and he has still got a lot to do. he sacrificed that time and i think it s, you know, now he can go enjoy what he has earned. steve: sure. duane, what does it mean to you to have your son give you that? oh, it was the best moment of my career. it came at the last moment of my career was the best moment. just having him there. hearing him on finally realizing it was him on the radio and just so much emotion. just it s border line indescribable but special. steve: nate, what would you like to say to your dad right now. i m just incredibly happy for him. i m proud of him. i m excited to see what he does now. i know he said in some instances that he is going to chase me.
but i think i hope he follows his true dream and chases big foot. i know that s what he is looking to do. steve: duane and nate, we thank you both. good luck on your retirement, sir. thank you. thank you very much. she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we d be there. teacher: you must be pascal. tech: yes ma am. tech vo: saving her time. [honk, honk] kids: bye! tech vo: .so she can save the science project. kids: whoa! kids vo: safelite repair, safelite replace . .
they were having breakfast. i m having water thrown at me. eggs thrown at me. rosie o donnell lead as musical process right outside of the white house. baby, why don t you just meet me in the middle, i m losing my mind just a little, so why don t you just meet me in the middle, in the middle ainsley: i m in the middle. come on over, meet me in the middle. brian: i have my mark. i got to stay on it, or i get in trouble. ainsley: is that message for republicans and everyone can hear everyone s voices and still get along. is that a possibility? is that a pipe-dream? that is actually a song. brian: bring in john bolton.
i want to say ambassador john bolton, fox news contributor, you hate when people move on. national security advisor. ambassador, welcome back. i m glad to be back. brian: this is a right up your alley. we were be talking about you if you were an expert. talking about the dissolving of the iranian deal president obama had in place. what sanctions on iran were not there yesterday. essentially all of the sanctions that existed before 2015, except those related to oil and various financial transactions this cuts deeply into the heart of iran s ability to import manufactured goods and that sort of thing. we think sanctions that went into effect at midnight began to have an effect back in may when the president pulled out of the wretched iran nuclear deal. many businesses around the world didn t want to risk losing business in the united states in
order to continue to do business with iran. the implications are already pretty profound. they will grow more profound in november when the oil-related sanctions go into effect. steve: sanctions went into effect midnight last night. in may, the president pulled us out of the iran nuke deal. what is the goal of the sanctions? is it to get iran to negotiate a new deal or squeeze the government and squeeze the people so there is regime change? we don t, the policy is not regime change but we definitely want to put maximum pressure on the government. not just to come back to discuss a deal that is basically not fixable, dealing with the nuclear weapons aspect. we want to see a much broader retreat by iran for their support for international terrorism, their belligerent military activity in the middle east and their ballistic missile nuclear-related programs. so there is a lot going on here
that iran needs to be held accountable for. ainsley: this could worsen our relations with european allies. will you comment, elaborate on that a little bit please? i don t think it is worsening our relations with our european allies. we ve been in constant communication in nearly four months i ve been here. i probably spent more time communicating with european allies on the iran issue than any other single subject. we all share the same objective making sure iran doesn t get deliverable nuclear weapons. the european governments are still holding to the nuclear deal but honestly their businesses are running from it as fast as they can. the effect of the american sanctions is really proceeding regardless of the views of the european government. brian: china, any sign of cooperating? india i heard is upset. they will not cooperate. what are your thoughts? no, i think the indian government is cooperating. we made it clear our objective
after the november sanctions kick in, no one should buying oil from iran. to do that you have to find substitute sources. we re working with all the governments involved for that purpose. governments all around the world and businesses should ask themselves regardless of the nuclear deal, why would you want to do business with the world s largest financier of international terrorism, the central bank of international terrorism? do your shareholders feel good you re doing business with a terrorist regime? that is the sort of thing everybody needs to ask. steve: ambassador, let s switch gears. last week there was show of force. you had all the intel chiefs there in the press room. you were there. department of homeland security secretary, talking about russia, up, even today apparently is still meddling in our election process. given that, it kind of looks like putin told our president a lie? well he has said on numerous
occasions the russian state is not involved in election meddling. the justice department handed down an indictment a few weeks ago naming a dozen gru officials, one of the russian intelligence agencies. i don t think there is any question that the russian state is involved and that s why the president wanted the four heads of some of the key agencies involved in dough tech and preventing for ren election meddling to go out and tell the american people exactly what they re doing. now they couldn t tell them everything because obviously you re not going to tell our adversaries what they are doing so they can evade it, certainly in general terms that the government is protecting the integrity of the election process. the president knew what they were going to say. he had been briefed on it a few days before at national security council meeting. he didn t just authorized it, he encouraged it. brian: you think if they try
something we will have retribution for china or russia, anybody else that tries something? is that the only thing that will get their attention? are we prepared to do this? i can t get into the specifics but let me say we re considering a variety of steps to take. obviously what would like to see in place are sufficient stucktures of deterrents that foreign adversaries don t even think about meddling in our election. steve: like what? given the situation we inherited we re not in that place yet, given what happened in 2016 but we re working on it and in general terms what that involves is making sure that russia and others know the cost they will bear if they try to meddle in our elections would be significantly greater than whatever cost they impose on us. we don t want deterrents in cyberspace. we want our elections left alone. ainsley: north korea is urging us to drop the sanctions, accusing the washington,
accusing the president acting opposite of the singapore pledge. are we closer to see north korea denuking? we saw images of them possibly building more missiles? the performance we need is from north korea. the united states lived up to the singapore deggdeclaration. north korea has not taken the steps we feel are necessary to denuclearization. the idea we re going to relax sanctions on north korea s say-so is something that just isn t under consideration. we ll continue to apply maximum pressure to north korea until they denuclearization just as we are to iran. the president feels very strongly about it. we have been in consultation with other countries about keeping up the sanctions. we re determined to do it. brian: ambassador, north korea is now being the recipient of russia, is now saying since the nuclear threat is over, president indicated that, they re starting to trade more overtly and the u.n. says we re
tired of sitting on the sideline, we ll flood the zone with humanitarian aid. is that okay with you? we made it very clear all of these sources are fungible for north korea. they have been able to manipulate the international system over the years to get what they need to keep their economy going even at a very low level and keep their ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs going. we think the maximum pressure campaign president trump put in place is what brought kim jong-un to the table in the first place. we ll not relent until we see progress on denuclearization. steve: it was great they did turn over the remains of americans from the korean war conflict but, ambassador, you know the story last week from the washington post, sounds like their missile program is still going full tilt. is it? look, what a nation that was truly committed to turning the page would do here is return the remains of paul the foreign soldiers, south korean soldiers,
australians, others in the u.n. coalition in the early 1950s obviously as well as american soldiers there. is no point in withholding remains from a conflict that long ago. if they really want peace on the peninsula as they say, they don t need any negotiations with us to do it. they can do it on their own. brian: do you have anything to announce about a second meeting? no but, as i have said, secretary of state mike pompeo is prepared to go back to north korea to meet with kim jong-un. we proposed that in our most recent letter from the president to kim jong-un. the president is prepared to meet at any point. what we need is not more rhetoric, we need performance from north korea on denuclearization. ainsley: thank you, mr. ambassador. glad to be with you. ainsley: glad to have you. ainsley: jillian has more headlines for us. jillian: we re continuing to follow the story in the search for mollie tibbetts. her family thinks she may be
with someone she knows. her father joined us earlier to say he thinks she is still alive. the longer we go without finding her the more optimistic we are that she s with someone that doesn t want to harm her but doesn t know how to extricate themselves from this situation. jillian: the 20-year-old disappeared on july 18th after going for a jog. the reward for information leading to mollie is more than $277,000. an ex-marine will spend the next 15 years behind bar for plotting a christmas day attack inspited by isis. he was just sentenced after pleading guilty to attempt to provide support to the terror group. the california man was busted after discussing a plot to attack a popular tourist spot with under cover agents. today star witness rick gates will be back on the stand in the paul manafort trial. his ex-business partner that the two conspired to commit bank and tax fraud.
gates admitted to embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from the former trump campaign chairman. the judge who has been clashing with prosecutors for days told them to find ways to expedite the case. this little boy thought he was playing a fun game at the cleveland indians game but he had no idea the prize would be this good. it is something little better than a dollar amount. if everybody could welcome tim lee from his year-long deployment. jillian: u.s. coast guard officer tim lee as you can see returning home to surprise his son at a ballgame. he was deployed to guantanamo bay for a year. never gets old. ainsley: they re amazing. brian: thank you, jillian. he 12 minutes after the hour. banking booms, bust and bailouts the untold story of the bank industry. our next guest says the story the swamp doesn t want told. james freeman, one.
superstars from the wall street journal joins us next. steve: this ms-13 gang leader is called the reaper for ordering murders. now he says prison life is too tough. him for college. in 24 hours, you ll send him off thinking you ve done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen s doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. aah! .i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts.
and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times once with a woman, once with a country, and finally. with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn t that what i m doing?
ainsley: his new book, borrowed time, our next guest revealed big banks disturbing history of instability and government support, a story he says the swamp does not want told. the author and fox news contributor, james freeman joins us now. james, congratulations on the great book. thank you, ainsley. ainsley: out today. why did you write it? that s right. for all those people who were just infuriated watching the financial crisis and bailouts of institutions in this city and wonder is the way it has to be. do taxpayers have to rescue big banks when they get in trouble? the inspiring story we found, no it doesn t have to be that way, for the first century of citibank s history, it was a private, non-government backed institution. it was strong and healthy for most of that period. it actually bailed out the
government a few times. ainsley: then the government got involved and bailed them out and is that when the prompts began? citi in 1890 was strongest, biggest bank, people globinged to it. then you have the creation of the federal reserve, early 1900s, all of the government support and attention. what happens? pretty soon the government is bailing out citi when it gets into trouble. a lot of loans to the bank in 1920 but not that we can learn about them because the fed won t cough up the documents. ainsley: why won t they release the information? this is a big problem. this goes to the swamp and aspect of it, we re not going to be able to avoid repeating these failures if we can t learn about them. we couldn t get records on lending in the 1920s. we just got a letter last year from the fed saying they were not going to provide information on citi s troubles in real estate loans from more than 25
years ago. they said it is confidential. why does that have to be confidential? this is history now. we need to learn it. ainsley: they don t want the story told? they have been working very hard to keep the documents unwraps. i hope congress says to the fed, stop destroying documents. ainsley: goes on sale today, borrowed time, you can buy it right now on amazon. good deal. congrat is last. thanks a lot. ainsley: we ve been telling you about the high school football coach fired after praying with his team. he has a big-time fan. legendary college coach, bobby bowden will join us live.
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two, one, zero, ignition. for first time spacex successfully launches a new communication satellite with a reused rocket booster. the new falcon 9 taking off from cape canaveral, florida, overnight. they can go back to space and back 100 times. the pentagon is banning personnel using fitness trackers and cell phones with geotracking. it was months after popular fitness tracking app revealed location of security forces around the move. good move. servicemembers are responsible for making sure the location features are turned off. here is steve and bobby bowden. steve: thank you very much. that s right, brian. legendary bobby bowden is standing by a high school football coach after he lost his job because he refused to stop praying after games.
in 2015 joe kennedy of bremerton high school in oregon it was fired for praying on the field. kendi is taking his fight to the u.s. supreme court. joining us right now is former head football coach at florida state university, bobby bowden, joining us from tallahassee. good morning to you. hey, good morning to you. steve: you have never met coach joe kennedy so why do you want to get involved in this case? because he is doing something i always did. i thought it was part of the program. it was for us. you know, and i m thinking, if we re going to fire every coach or every teacher in public has prayer with his team, who is going to raise our children? steve: you know, times have changed. i know when you were coaching, when you first started the season, you would tell the parents and your players, just giving you a head s up, i will take your kids to church?
yep. i always told the parents that, when i was recruiting them. i m going to take your son to church now, when he comes. we re going to have prayer together, you know it? if you don t want me to, i would always say this, if you don t want me to include your son, i will not. and i think after 50 something years, i think i had two families asked me not to include their son. it is funny, both are christians like i am. but i think they were afraid i was trying to get them to go to their church, which i wasn t. i would take my boys to a white church and they all had to attend. and then i would take them to a black church and they all had to attend. now the reason was that, to show them, once they got away from home, they were welcome to our churches whether they were white or black. steve: out in bremerton where coach kennedy coached and taught as well for seven years, after the games he would take a knee
and eventually the school board said you got to stop it, coach. he refused. so he was fired. and now you have added your name to this petition that is going in front of the supreme court. what do you want the supreme court to know about you and about in particular coach kennedy that we see right there taking a knee. just like i said at the first of the problem, by golly, if we re not going to raise our children, not give them good things, not have prayer with them, or for them, where are they going to get it? where are they going to get it? if we re going to fire everybody that has a prayer with a team, man, i wonder what will happen to our young people? it is surely everybody sees the problem going on in our schools today. people walking in off the street and killing 11 of them. killing 12 of them. killing two of them, things like that. you know it?
i mean, we need something stronger than us to seize this. i think we need to go to the man upstairs. steve: ultimately you would like to see coach kennedy get his job back or be able to coach somewhere else. bobby, you know how things are these days. we re in a very litigious society, when you introduce religion into things in the public square ultimately there is going to be somebody who may take offense to it. you talked about the two families who asked that you not take their sons to church. there is somebody that is going to object to fit. he gets his job back, but then he will get into trouble. can you do anything without somebody objecting to it? if you do it, someone is going to object. if you don t do it, some are going to object. i would rather be on the right side. to me that is on god s side.
steve: you say regardless of the supreme court decides, joe kennedy is a winner in your book? he most certainly is, man. hey, wouldn t you like to have him coaching your son? i mean, i would want him coaching my son, you know? these young men are in the hands of their coach. wouldn t it be awful to have a coach that was evil working with your son? i wouldn t want him there. i would love for my son to play for coach. steve: it is great to hear your point of view. bobby bowden coached the seminoles for many years. 57 years a coach. bobby, thank very much for joining us from florida with your point of view. thank you very much. steve: what do you think about that? fox & friends .com. video of a truck slamming into car on a highway. it sends debris flying. why until you hear what happened to the person standing at the
door right there. todd piro, with the people going to the polls in michigan this primary day. we re here in romeo michigan, talking to the voters about the issues that matter in all of the primaries here in michigan but also the big issues facing our country nationally. we will talk to these folks when fox & friends returns right after this. - anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. - dad s got all the answers. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. - she outsmarts me every single time. - checkmate! you wanna play again? - anncr: prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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on the beach. brian: that is not as hard as it looks. looks like she was falling and flipping for our staff, watching this over and over again. 14 times. on lookers cheering after she lands the last flip. it has been seen more than four million times online. steve: excellent camera work. brian: what do we know about her background? ainsley: i think she is a gymnast. brian: jo, google that. steve: she lives in california. she is a gymnast. steve: that s it. brian: okay, she is good in sand. ainsley: can y all do that? did you ever do that? brian: it is not hard. nobody can do it. that is why we showed it. ainsley: sabrina our producer, was a gymnast. we ll have sabrina doing that across the plaza. [buzzer] brian: they should go to the beach with uneven bars and put on a show. the beach can get boring. really. just sit there. steve: that is the whole idea.
you are going to enjoy nature, look at the ocean. brian: that is kind of boring. there are no words. do an awkward toss to todd about this? can you connect the dots? i will let you. ainsley: todd is talking to some voters. he is in romeo, michigan, because there is a big election today. todd, take it away. reporter: we polled voters here about brian s idea for uneven bars of the beach. four out of five people decided it was good idea. like the four out of five that recommended trident. not, not at all. we ll get to the issues. we begin with lucy. didn t know who she was voting for until a week ago. she made up her mind. why? i did, because president trump asked us to vote for john james. that is who we re voting for. reporter: your husband terry is voting for john james. you say it is about the hope that president trump brought to
this area. why do you say that? that s correct. he has given us hope, given the middle america, the opportunity, the belief we can now succeed. he is a president that believes what he says and does what he says and it has given us that opportunity. reporter: thank you very much. four out of five people at this table are going for mr. james. one individual is voting for sandy pensler, that is ed. he is retired from the fire department in new york. he is in roam wrote, michigan. the main issue gets you fired up is immigration, why? a lot of people getting handouts coming into the country and taking money and benefits away from veterans, homeless people. you know, it is out of control. think they have to get a handle on it. and put their foot down and change the ways. we have the worst immigration policies in the world as the president says. reporter: you support the president on immigration you re pretty fired up against who you
call replocrats. republicans that are more democrats than republicans. they re wolves in sheep s clothing. if we had 100% support for the president, a lot things would be different. like democrats they have 100% support, whatever trump says they all say no. reporter: understood. ed, thank you for helping keep our great city of new york city safe. dan is in sales. voting for james. your key issue is jobs. why? we were devastated inaway-2009. we lost a lot of jobs. trump brought back a lot of jobs. you see signs everywhere. if you can t get job in michigan, in the automotive industry, something is wrong with you. reporter: thank you. mike is in construction, voting for james as well. son is in the service. thank you, sir for your son s service.
you give 90% of credit for the jobs rebush here to president trump. why? absolutely. president trump created a jobs atmosphere in this country, companies want to come back to reinvest in the united states. they know the market great, i see great for many years. its purely to him because everyone has fought him from day one against him and he has pushed it through and helped make he is making our country great again. reporter: mike, thank you. thank you all for all of your time. frank wants to add eight years of trump, four years of pence and eight years of ivanka. wow, you heard it here. [cheers and applause] reporter: nothing more to add. ainsley: why only four of him? steve: thank you very much, todd. ainsley: prediction game. steve: 22 minutes before the top of hour. jillian joins with us the news. jillian: quite an interesting prediction there.
good morning. ms-13 leader accused of ordering horrific murders is complaining about life behind bars. midge gel angle diaz is asking a judge to improve his jail conditions. he is locked in a cell for 23 hours a day. also known as the reaper is accused of directing gang operations in more than four states. he pleaded not guilty. at least 20 people are under arrest after protesting i.c.e. outside after private prison. the demonstrators unhappy that the facility near nashville has a contract with i.c.e. some protesters blocking entrances to the prison so employees could not get inside. they play a limited role they shade in america s immigration system. former doj officer will become more and more important in the russia investigation. that is according to house intelligence committee chairman devin nunez who says bruce ohr has ties to the steele dossier. once they fired steele, which
at that point they should have not been meeting with him anymore, what they had, bruce ohr, whose wife nelly ohr was working for fusion gps was meeting and get information from christopher steele as they were trying to verify this unverified dossier. jillian: nunes says ohr acted as intermediary between british spy steele and fbi even after steele was fired. a tow truck dash-cam capturing the moment a car slams into a broken down truck on the side of the highway. look at the man. it sends him flying into the guardrail. take a closer look. see another man get off of the road and walk away. incredibly no one was seriously hurt. the driver of the white car they say was not paying attention. yikes! a look at your headlines. steve: unbelievable they were able to walk away from that.
thankfully. brian: wasn t too long ago janice dean was sitting in studio. she walked away from us, walked outside with her friend. i like to investigate the weather. i am the weather person. i have all my friends come visit me. my friends from north carolina and south carolina and florida. listen, come over here real quick. what are your kids names. this is christopher, george and peter. peter. are you going to have a nap in about an hour? yeah, that is what i m doing too. this is debut on fox & friends ? it is. fantastic. you look fabulous. look at his eyes. sleepy. i know how you feel. look at the map. across the u.s., it is hot. it feels like summertime. we ve got heat advisories across the northeast. be extra careful. make sure you re indoors. a lot of air-conditioning for the pets, kids elderly. lies across the west, very, very
warm. not getting moisture we need for firefighters out there. we re watching historic wildfires there. we could see the potential for showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. wave to everybody at home. thank you for coming to fox & friends. hi, sweet pea. i got a smile. steve: almost nap time for the little one. i can t wait. steve: the mom can t wait. ainsley: that is the way it is. brian: 19 minutes before the top of the hour. on a different note, much more serious note, violence in chicago, homelessness in seattle and needles. ainsley: needles. brian: needles all over the place in san francisco. what do they have all in common? each city is run by democratic leaders. our next guest says it is a time for a change at the top. ainsley: toys for tots derailed? amtrak stopping deliveries for them. the president of toys for tots tells us how they will get back on track, coming up.
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ready. no, we ll jump. oh! jillian: we re back with quick headlines. appears the sun is settings on the sundance kid. robert redford announcing to entertainment weekly he is retiring from acting. he has been doing it since he was 21 years old. he thought, quote, that is enough. his final movie comes out next month. seinfeld star jason alexander is the new colonel sanders at kfc. you re a wreck. you re sweating bullets. it is the kung pow. george likes his chicken spicy. jillian: he is promoting the fast-food chain, chicken
buckets. brian: this rotation of celebrities really thrown me. jillian: welcome to today. brian: change gears. a story making headlines, violence rattling through chicago. 70 people were shot this weekend, making total number of people who were shot in the city so far this year at 1700 but chicago is not the only city with major problems. seattle facing a homeless epidemic with 12,000 people without homes. making third largest homeless population in the nation. san francisco, what a mess. the streets are filled with drugs and other things and used needles. what do these cities all have in common currently? they re run by democratic mayors with democratic principles and have been for the last decade. here to weigh in, the sites chairman for center for urban renewal, mark little. what do you believe are the democratic principles that are leading to this chaos? well, first of all, good morning, brian, good to be with
you again. first let me say to you it was evident last week that one of the major problems we have, when leaders get together as faith leaders did with the president of the united states to talk about how to fix our communities they were lambasted all across the country. brian: yeah. you can t even have a conversation about how to fix the problem but it is clear that the principles simply focused on the wrong issues. they need to be focused on employment, housing and education. specifically, employment for felons. we know that the workforce participation rate is all-time high, approaching 63%. when you got folks that come out of prison with non-violent felonies, you can t get a job, that simply results in more crime. a job keeps people from going back to jail. that s number one. number two, we know in some our cities we have city leadership who has misapplied their housing funds. we call it section 8.
that contributes to homelessness. third and finally, we ve got an education problem in our city that these leaders simply aren t focusing on. we are leaders who are more intent on keeping our kids in failing schools. they have to embrace school choice and let a voucher take students where they can be educated. those are the issues. brian: maybe sanctuary city policies shouldn t be first and foremost on everyone s mind. they were under the impressions if you have a problem throw money at it. you say refocus the programs. they have to first stop throwing money at programs that have not worked, that is clear. when you look at what s happening in the cities that you mentioned. money not the problem, it s leadership. by the way leadership, not just of elected officials who want to stay in office but it s leadership also embraces the faith community that has solutions because they re dealing with these people on a
daily basis. they know where they are, they know what their needs are. employment, housing, education. brian: also the people could demand better results. look what happened to san francisco. who would ever vacation there or live there unless they had to? plus being so expensive. who would ever go to chicago in the certain areas? you have to be kidding me. a lot of these areas used to be fantastic places to visit. they have blown up. everybody should say, who are my leaders, i need to get new ones. they don t seem to say that. boggles my mind. marc little, thank you so much. thank you so much. brian: 11 minutes before the top of the hour. toys for tots derailed. amtrak stopping deliveries for the toys. the president of toys for tots tells us how they will try to get back on track. let s first check this with sandra smith to find out what she wants in her show over the next three hours. brian kilmeade, good morning to you. new reaction after economic
sanctions on iran were reimposed midnight last night. all eyes on the ohio special election today. is this a bellwether for things to come. the man who says it is time for rahm emanuel to go, and give him the job. gary mccarthy wants to be chicago s next mayor. he joins us following the deadly weekend in the windy city. our headliner a-team is on deck. tuesday morning in america s newsroom. join us in about ten minutes. thr like a beach trip, so let s promote our summer travel deal on like this. surfs up. earn a $50 gift card when you stay just twice this summer. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at
to some wanting children. joining us is the lieutenant-general, president and ceo of the marine toys for tots foundation. thank you for being here. good morning. i saw this tweet over the weekend that amtrak was no longer going to be participating and i was furious. furious about this. tell us what happened. well, we got the word from the individual that runs their charter service and he said based on some decisions that were made they were no longer going to be able to support the annual train rides that take place from albany up to the canadian border and then to the west. these train rides, essentially deliver about 25,000 toys each year to depressed towns along those rail lines and there are a number of small towns along the way that really need help. this is become an institutional thing this would be the 20th anniversary this year we ve been doing. brian: what is the reason? they, there has been some senior leadership changes. joe boardman was the former
chairman. he stepped down. they re restructuring this is one of the things that the director of the charter service thought was the thing to do. steve: now you need someone to step up? that s right. ainsley: i feel they re saking away the sleigh from santa. how can our viewers help? what is your plea? a lot of folks around the albany area are stepping up to say we ll make this work. face it, this is a marine program. we ll make it work. we will get toys to the children. could be another rail service. it could be trucking. we ll fine ways to get the toys to the kids. i want to point out amtrak did issue a tweet in response said toys for tots is a great program, amtrak continues proudly support it through the collection of toys at participating amtrak stations. collection is one thing but delivering them is another. that s correct. amtrak has been really wonderful. for the last six years they have been there but it is government funded.
they should be doing this. it will be worked out. steve: they made a business decision. ultimately it is about the toys. and those toys are so important to those kids up this. the toys will be there? they will be there. ultimately it is about the kids and the families, so we re going to do what it takes to do in order to make it work. brian: are amtrak employees proud of this effort in the past? how do you think they feel today? the support from amtrak employees in that part of new york is tremendous. brian: it is past tense now. we can help. fox & friends will help. you guys can help. i have faith. i have faith. brian: change their minds. steve: if somebody wants to step up, talk to the general about it. brian: has their own train. thank you, general, god bless you for what you re doing. more fox & friends coming up.
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Somewhere , Finding-mollie , Ellis , Hopeful , Body , Prosecutors , Lashing , President , Nothing , Protesters , Candace-owens , Charlie-kirk

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180807 09:00:00

A precursor to Fox News s morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day.
rob: the european union vowing to fight sanctions vowing to protect companies that continue to do business with iran. shannon: lindsey graham questioning our european allies for siding with the regime. if a european business, do you really want to lose the american market? can my european friends and allies, what is it about the ayatollah that you like? why do you stand with him and against the people he is oppressing? why do you want to give a man more money who has taken money you have already given him to build a war machine to discover the middle east? do you think he is kidding when he says death to israel? to the europeans, you need to get with the iranian people and get behind trump to break this regime s back. if you think this has been a good deal ask the iranian people how it has worked out for them. ask israel how well it worked out for them. ask everybody in the middle east whether iran, a good member of the family of nations.
jillian: the us is set to target iran s energy sector with a second round of sanctions in november. rob: coalition forces strike against isis, the terror take down is part of operation roundup which began in may to destroy isis in iraq and syria, defense officials say the latest round of strikes, several isis vehicles and the pirates and an explosives factory and command and control center. x marine, a christmas day attack inspired by isis. and pleading guilty to provide support for the terror group, california man discussing an attack at a popular tourist spot with undercover agents. the border between brazil and venezuela ordered to be closed. and to escape their own
in paul manafort s trial. x business partner testifying the two conspires to commit bank and tax fraud. gates admitting to embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars for the former trump campaign chairman. and prosecutor selling them to expedite the case against manafort for not making eye contact. voters heading to the polls for primaries. michigan, missouri and the state of washington. a special election in ohio where a race to an open congressional seat is heating up. kristin fisher has a preview. four votes here. reporter: troy balderson is running in a race that should be a cakewalk for a republican, last time a democrat won this district was in 1980 and donald trump won by double digits. i am thrilled to be back.
reporter: that is why donald trump came to support his supporters, a vote for balderson is a vote for his agenda. if you want to have a border, if you want to stop the radical pelosi and warner s agenda, there is only one choice in this election, vote for troy balderson. volunteer hours, your enthusiasm and most importantly i need your vote august 7th. reporter: not all republicans are convinced the president s support is a good thing including the state s own governor. the chaos that surrounds donald trump has unnerved a lot of people. the suburban women in particular are the ones that are really turned off. reporter: those suburban women who live outside columbus are who balderson s opponent danny o connor is trying to target, his mom s battle with breast cancer and her access. when i think of families moms
like my mom who don t have access, it picks me up. reporter: the county s reporter and if he wins he will be the youngest member of congress. it would be an epic upset heading into the midterms. and the end this will come down to turnout, which candidate can get voters to the polls in a special election in the middle of the summer, and do democrats have the enthusiasm advantage heading into the midterms? kristin fisher, fox news. jillian: successfully launching a new satellite using reusable rocket boosters for the first time overnight. 3, 2, one, 0. jillian: the new falcon 9 rocket taking off from cape canaveral air force station. rob: the upgraded boosters able to go to space and back 100 times. the satellite could provide communication services to indonesia and south asia. elon musk at it again. 10 minutes after the hour the
trump administration pushing new sanctions over leading state sponsors of terror with a crumbling economy forcing iran to fall in line. vice president of foreign-policy at the heritage foundation, why he says this could cause another iranian revolution. [shouting] jillian: the radical left attacking candace owens and charlie kirk, why the conservatives refused to back down. a long long time with liberty mutual new car replacement we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty
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administration reveals the sanctions are having an impact. i think the effect of the sanctions has already been felt in iran. the currency since the president announced withdrawal from the iran nuclear deal, the iranian currency has decreased by half. we see a continuation of demonstrations giving rise in towns and cities across iran. rob: for iran to fall in line and behave, joining us is vice president of foreign-policy at the heritage foundation, thanks for coming on this morning. this will hurt what we see over the next few months. reporter: this is the right strategy for an authoritarian regime. these regimes are strong, they can deal with internal repression and they can turn out words and push out against an enemy. what they have difficulty with is doing both at the same time. when faced with external pressure from the united states and internal opposition from
their own people they are stuck. we have seen this with the iranian regime in the decades since revolution, when they feel they are under pressure they tend to hunker down and get more conservative. jillian: let s look at target the sanctions including the automotive industry, precious metals, aluminum, steel and coal. do you think there is a chance this could get worse globally before it gets better? i think what the iranian s will do his knuckle down and hope trump doesn t get reelected. if they go on the offensive, people inside iran hate what they are doing in iraq and syria and other places. going on the offensive put them under more pressure. they restarted their nuclear program, europeans trying to save the deal would have to turn on the iranian s.
they are in a box here. rob: you heard what lindsey graham said, you made a lot of good points. this iran deal was never sent to congress because it never got approved. all the money that benefited this country was used as a sponsor of terror has not gotten to the people. why on earth are the europeans trying to defend this? it seems outrageous anyone would try to stay in this deal. it did deal walking. regardless what the government to do the companies are walking away from this and remember how we got here which is very important. this is not just fulfilling a campaign promise. the president came in, you want to keep the iran deal, i will do that if you can make it work, he invested months trying to negotiate with the europeans and they got close. to create a deal that would work and when that didn t happen the us since teams around the world briefing other countries on how to implement the sanctions so they had time to unwind business
practices and minimize risks. the administration has been very disciplined and structured in the way they approached this. jillian: the president is successful for setting up a long-term success? absolutely. he has done what he has done with china and russia and north korea saying i don t want to do regime change or nationbuilding, just want you to stop impeding our interests, stop trying to destabilize the region and set it on fire. if you do that we can talk. on the one hand puts pressure in place which protect our interests. on the other hand, he offers diplomacy. if you want to talk and stop doing what you are doing, you can negotiate a deal with the united states. it is a very mature strategy. rob: the people are mad. they do not like this regime. thanks for coming on.
jillian: a twist in the case. a father of missing college student mollie tibbetts offering a theory of what he thinks happened to his daughter. i think mollie tibbetts is with someone she knows that is in over their head and don t know how to get out from under this. jillian: his message to the person who may have his daughter. rob: hollywood wants to do permanent damage to donald trump s star on the walk of fame. what one part of los angeles, to get that star moved forever, stay tuned. -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use 0600. i d stay close. morning. get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, protected by alan and jamie.
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hollywood walk of fame could be a thing of the past, the what hollywood city council passing a resolution overnight they will ask the star s removal even though it is not in west hollywood, the chamber of commerce will have the final say. the president s star has been vandalized several times most regionally by a man with a pickax who is now facing a felony charge. antitrust media rosie o donnell leave the musical protest outside the white house. let the president know in no uncertain terms that we are alive, awake, we are not going away. rob: 60 broadway performers in song as part of a 3-week protest inspired by donald trump s meeting with vladimir putin. jillian: protesters harassing candace owens and charlie kirk while eating breakfast. [shouting]
jillian: you can see in that video a mob pouring the drink on kirk outside of philadelphia restaurant while berating 01. they joined us earlier describing the horrifying moments. started shouting at us calling us not thes. someone came up behind us and called us fascists. rob: calling her a white supremacist and the protesters are interestingly enough white, strike to stir up racial divisiveness you see growing in the democrat party. jillian: kirk said he could press charges but decided not to. violence against conservatives intensifying after call to action from maxine waters. independent women tammy bruce says democratic leadership doesn t step up and stop this it will only get worse.
maxine waters s argument of confront people was a message and permission slip to confront trump supporters, not just about the administration, few people have access to administration members but you have access to candace owens and charlie kirk and your neighbor. that is why when you have someone like maxine waters or any other representative leadership needs to step forward, democrat leadership has to step forward and say enough is enough. they can stop this by signaling that hillary can help stop it, jesse jackson can help stop it, paul ryan can, mitch mcconnell, across the board they can say enough is enough if they want to. jillian: candace owens and charlie kirk the latest to be attacked, let your congressman steve scalise was nearly killed in washington at baseball practice. rob: a patriotic boy going viral for his inspiring salute to our nation, the young man rising out of his wheelchair onto the scene
for the national anthem. put my hand on my heart, but last night i decided to stand because i like to stand for my country. jillian: the video taken at a fair in tennessee, incredible. rob: something else. jillian: 26 after the hour, free healthcare for all, a promise from at least a dozen democratic governors nationwide. universal healthcare and single-payer in california. healthcare should be a human right, not a privilege. rob: running on a promise they can t keep. a political panel discusses that next.
college student has faith they will bring her home. mollie tibbetts s father thinks she is still alive. totally speculation on my part, but i think mollie tibbetts is with someone she knows that is in over their head. the longer we go about finding a body the more hopeful we are that she is alive somewhere and going through something that she can survive. rob: the 20-year-old disappeared july 18th after going for a jog. investigators have not named any suspects. the reward leading to mollie tibbetts being found is $277,000. the gas tanker exploded into flames at the height of rush hour. the incredible blast caught on camera in italy. that looks like a movie.
a giant fireball erupting on the movie, i think career and a stopped truck. at least three people i did. as many as 70 hurt. the blast collapsing part of the highway. keeping our secrets a secret, the pentagon banning personnel from using fitness trackers and smart phones for geolocation tracking after it was revealed that a fitness tracking apps revealed the locations of security forces around the world. responsible for making sure location features are turned off. we will talk about the weather. boiling hot in the continental us and the hurricane near hawaii. one of the strongest hurricanes we have seen in years, category 4, we were concerned hector was going to come close for comfort across the hawaiian islands. it will remain south as of the latest track, we will see winds and potential of surge across the big island and rain.
we will watch hector. the other big story, the heat across the west, not only the heat but try conditions and the fuel causing big problems with wildfires, at least 88 wildfires across the west. not getting the moisture they really need over the next several days. it will be a tough battle for firefighters for another several days. heat advisories across the northeast. it will be another hot day, humid, we will make sure we are taking care of pets and kids and the elderly. well over 90 °, 100 through the afternoon and evening and potential for some daytime thunderstorms across the northeast, great lakes and midwest and the ohio valley and the southeast, daytime, summertime thunderstorms and break the heat a little across the northeast. jillian: can t say you didn t warn us.
taxed to the max, a dozen democratic governors races all over the country embracing a socialist agenda. there promise, to give free basic health insurance to everyone on taxpayers dime. an opportunity to stand up, reduce the cost of healthcare, provide healthcare for every michigan. no reason to wait around on universal healthcare and single-payer in california. healthcare should be a human right, not a privilege. when i m governor we will create a single-payer medicare for all system that covers everything. we have got to push for single-payer in our state. healthcare is a right of all people, not a privilege. jillian: is it affordable and can they deliver? joining me his political commentator wendy and gop strategist ryan.
thank you for joining us this morning. explain how this can happen. what democrats are trying to do is expand the national conversation and say outside of what we currently have as american citizens we do not have to have a 1-size-fits-all healthcare system. how they are going to try to do this is increase taxes in the long run. in the end game they will try to save people trillions of dollars and that is why consolidating administrative back offices, claims repayment and ability to implement social services, this is something that can be done but if you re looking at it on paper it might sound scary but we will save millions of dollars. jillian: i imagine a lot of people liking how the economy is operating right now will not want to see taxes increased.
universal healthcare is brennan surface politics, to win power, at the same time no plan to pay for it, to loosely quote margaret thatcher, socialism is great until you run out of other people s money but the costs are staggering. if you look at national medicare for all, 32, $6 trillion over ten years. look at california alone universal healthcare in california would be $400 billion annually, twice the annual budget of california. in new york, they would have to raise taxes 156%. the mistake is people are equating insurance with care. that does not make sense. universal healthcare, if you look at canada between 1993-2013 the wait time double to see a specialist to 18 weeks while the cost went up 40% and socialists want to go and say we want medicaid and medicare for all which are insolvent, corrupt
systems. if you get medicare, supposed to be insolvent by 2026 and if you look at medicaid and medicare in 2017 alone, $141 billion in improper payments and this is their solution to healthcare situation. some of those numbers are tough to understand and swallow for a lot of people because when you look at those numbers, it would cost an estimated 70% income tax for top earners at a national level, $32.6 trillion in ten years and in california alone it would cost 40 $400 billion a year. those are some gigantic numbers putting off a lot of people. don t you think if it were as simple as some democrats are making it sound that we would have already? i don t think it is simple by all stretch of the imagination. it is not going to be simple but what they are saying is this rhetoric they keep hearing is healthcare should not be a privilege afforded to some.
what they are saying is we have done things in the same manner and wants to ensure people, no matter your social class or where you come from our afforded quality healthcare. the next point about health insurance and what it means for people, it may increase finances that could go to billions of dollars but what we are trying to say is when people have health insurance not only are they able to work, go to school but able to be productive members of society and i but you finish. we actually have metrics that show that and indicate when people have health insurance they are more productive members of society. you got it backwards. when you see the economy going, go jobs, actual better insurance because when you have good jobs with good benefits you can t have a good job if you are sick. we want to see free-market solutions come we don t want
more government, we want less government, healthcare associations where people can come together and buy insurance across state lines, the health savings accounts. i used to have a low premium high deductible plan, very well before obamacare kicked in, the idea insurance people care i completely disagree with, to get people better insurance get more jobs, then better benefits. that is how we see better solutions for healthcare. jillian: i am sure this debate will continue, this will not be the last of it, thank you for your time. rob: 38 after the hour, the nobel prize, former president obama getting another award but for what exactly this time? stay tuned. jillian: a woman puts together a mob for her husband s big arrival at the airport but one problem, carly shimkus with reaction to the welcome home gone wrong.
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radical protesters confronting candace owens and charlie kirk at a philadelphia café during their breakfast. we love the police, we love america, we love the usa. shame on you! they joined us earlier on the show. what are people saying online? the situation picked up steam on social media and after candace owens, we just got attacked and protested by antifa for eating breakfast. all black and hispanic police force protecting us as they scream believe the racist
police. footage shows a 10 situation. the protesters dumped a cup of water over charlie s head. you guys had a great interview with them in the last hour. charlie said he believes the pole situation happened because maxine waters called on people to harass members of the trump administration. some folks on social media agree with that. just following maxine waters s advice, jane saying harassment is not peaceful protest. what kind of positive situation on this? it is unreal. he landed in hot water on it.
these pictures show him at the georgia aquarium with his family but his comment section is flooded with angry comments from animal-rights activists. the outrage online. one poster and instagram saying a wild animal kept in captivity promoted by one of the most famous blue blue and instagram. share this and boycott his movies until we see campaigning to release these animals from the tanks. people calling for folks to boycott him over this was another person says celebrities can t take their kids to this aquarium. the rock did what millions do daily. i enjoy a good trip to the zoo or aquarium when i can go. jillian: sometimes our plans don t go right. that happened to an alabama lindsay used would decided to set up a surprise for her
husband when he was at the airport to celebrate finally getting approved for an immigration visa. the dancers were set, the music was ready but john s flight was delayed and he never made it to the airport. he got to enjoy the flash mob performance on face time. they are in sync and coordination. he said this on facebook, i love you, so grateful you organized a brilliant spectacle. devastated that i am stuck in new york. he finally made it to atlanta. missed the flash mob performance. rob: john, welcome. jillian: silicon valley putting another conservative in their crosshairs. in cambodia under pol pot, being young and single meant embracing life.
jillian: facebook launching this ad from republican candidate for being offensive and she joins us live next to respond. rob: we will check in with what is coming up on fox and friends . todd pyro live in romeo s café in romeo, michigan, the big primary in michigan today. reporter: from the romeo of fox and friends first to romeo, michigan. see what i did there? obviously for the next couple tuesdays we will be saying it, today is the day, you have got to get out and vote in michigan. according to the detroit free press it is time to vote. we are in ohio sunday talking about the special election taking place today, romeo, michigan, a lot of primaries today, senate, house, governor, we are talking to voters about what they think or what issues are important to them as they
head into the voting booth. looking forward to a big morning in michigan. we send it back to new york city to romeo rob and juliet. rob: purple state of michigan, see you later. i ll never find a safe used car. start at the new show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new mother.nature! nothing smells greater than the great outdoors. especially when you re in accounts receivable.
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that honors those who, quote, work toward a more just and peaceful world, critics argue he did the opposite in office citing his aggressive drone strike policy. he will officially be presented with the award in december. rob: another conservative politician targeted by silicon valley, campaign ad a republican congressional candidate elizabeth hank depicting her history of living through communism in cambodia blocked from facebook and deemed offensive. in cambodia under pol pot, being young and single often meant a gruesome life and likely death. rob: that is part of the ad. the california congressional candidate joins me to react to what happened to this ad on facebook. thanks for coming gone. good morning to you.
good morning to you too, thank you for having me. rob: you have this added facebook said it is offensive but it is historic, this happened in history of the world, it shows genocide, people being killed but this happened. where to you think the line should be for a video on facebook? a big part of my ad and my message for the district is great themes can come from great adversity. my parents, my parents survived genocide in cambodia and came to the united states and legal refugees. facebook didn t like this message. they pooled my campaign ad. it rob: i want to ask you, they take this ad down. do you believe somebody of jewish dissent posted something about the holocaust, would that be taken down?
what if they were a democrat? what do you think? yes. we constantly see how liberal tech giants time and time again target conservative voices. they cannot deny their algorithms favor liberal messages and reward individuals such as chuck schumer, nancy pelosi and individuals such as my opponent, jim acosta. rob: i want to talk about this district near fresno, california, one of those purple areas of california and you did well in the primary, came within a few points of getting the job. what do you think your chances are come november? chances are great. i m excited about the momentum in this campaign and my candidacy. i have only been in this race five months and the support i m
getting locally, nationally has been very exciting. in this race i received a 47% of the total vote for this recent primary and in midterm elections this seat becomes highly vulnerable every time. the last midterm election we almost took 3000 votes and the time before that was 3000. i m going to work as hard as possible to give this valley a new voice and that is what we need. rob: a lot of change, struggling community. we can understand that and facebook has not responded to you at all and has not responded to us regarding censoring your ad. we will try to figure out. thanks for coming on this morning, appreciate it. thank you for having me, thank you. jillian: 6 minutes until the top of the hour. a coast guard officer giving his family the surprise of a lifetime.
[applause] jillian: a major league baseball team helped him pull off the entire thing. rob: the shocking moment a great white shark comes just inches from taking a bite out of a research, that is a big one. way too often. then you might have a common condition called dry mouth. which can be brought on by many things, like medication and medical conditions. biotène provides immediate, . .
rob: time for the good, the bad and the ugly. first, the good. the cleveland indians helping an american hero pull off a heart-warming surprise. it is something a little better than a dollar amount. if everybody could welcome sam lee from his year long deployment. officer tim lee returning home to stun his two boys at a ballgame after a year-long deployment to guantanamo bay. jillian: how cute. the a gray white shark jumping out of the water to surprise a researcher. watch this. right out of the water. jillian: yeah it, did. the shark getting a little too close ttooclose for comfort. rob: finally the ugly, the salon worker hitting her with a broom after botched wax job. new york city, the customer wouldn t pay for eyebrow wax because she didn t like it. and it s just pure mayhem in

Jillian , Todd , Us- , Thanks , Tuesday-morning , Enough , Marriage , Fox-and-friends-first , Fox-news-alert , Rouhani , Sanctions , Donald-trump

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20180807 16:00:00

hey, have a good rest of the day. outnumbered starts right now. let s begin with a fox news alert, the stakes are high today as voters are headed to the polls for primaries in several states. ohio s special election is getting some special attention. the house race for a seat the gop has held for decades is viewed as a big test for president trump s kingmaking abilities. or queenmaking. and may give us a preview of how the mid-term elections will shape up. you re watching outnumbered on a tuesday. i m harris faulkner, melissa francis, senior fellow for the independent women s voice, syndicated radio talk show host and fox news contributor and opinionist, leslie markel. joining us, fox & friends weekend co-host pete hegseth
with a military salute here on outnumbered . i like the matching socks and tie. did you catch that? shoelaces, too, coordinates with the socks it s a little too much. i like it. perfect for a summer tuesday. i like how you color coordinated his tie with my dress. i like the color wheel. he did on it his own. polls showing a dead heat in the e special election in columbus, ohio area. republicans have been pouring in resources and democrats pushing hard for the upset. the two candidates, danny o connor, republican toy balderson, casting their balance, president trump entorsing balderson, the president tweeted ohio vote for troy balderson for congress. his opponent controlled by nancy pelosi, weak on crime, the worder, military, your second amendment and will end your tax cuts. troy will be a great congressman. president trump with a pretty
good record on his endorsements of republican candidates. 20-1 to be exact. and while the president looms large over the ohio race, the special election is raising things for both parties headed into november. you do have a nay sayer that s pro touch, but you need moderate republicans, you need lot of moderate women to also, who have been leaning republican to break your way. why the district is so tight. it s a point for republican district, shouldn t be close. but it is closer than it should be based on the polling that we ve seen. but also remember, polling in a special election in a place like this, is notoriously difficult to predict. but, what we are looking at here, is sort of a referendum on donald trump and nancy pelosi, none si pelosi is a big issue in the district. let s talk about what charlie
and his new summertime haircut is talking about here. right, right. a good haircut. it is. he s talking about polling, but three decades of leadership by republicans, right? in that seat. it s even more complicated than just the polling. what is happening that republicans are this much on the precipice of losing a seat? you have a lot of energy on the democratic side, no doubt. the resist movement is real, democrats hate president trump, make no mistake about it, his name is on the ballot. all the way through november. whether that candidate wants interest or not. you have a democrat running as moderate, i went and looked at his website again, like connor lamb in pennsylvania. a few buzz words that speak to the democratic base. but he s not going to vote for nancy pelosi for speaker, he s saying i m going to work with all sides, looking like moderate, most democrats are nowhere near moderate, and who will energize the base enough.
that s why trump was there in a key county. if you have to look like a moderate how do you win like a socialist, this might be one place but that isn t going to win all over the country. like it s been said and i ve said, brooklyn, new york is not brooklyn, iowa. we have a party just like republicans have a party, where there are different factions to the party. the democratic party is very left or socialist. then the more moderate democrats like me and others and we are, but also in the race, what we re seeing is patterns. if you look at pennsylvania s 18th and georgia s sixth, the democrats put forth a nonpolitician, a 30-something year old whoa, whoa, but he had political moves, he tacked right on issues like abortion. he may be quote unquote a nonpolitician on paper, but but it s a politically calculated move. obviously, you want to win. when you have a republican putting out another 50-plus
white guy with lacking a political background. but, leslie and pete s point, you have similarities with connor lamb, a younger 38-something versus an older person in stated and local politics for a longer period of time. we ll see how it plays out in the district, more largely speaking for a republican, any house member should be deeply concerned and running this or 10 points behind. special elections are special for a reason, you don t want to glean too much. what you can take away is consistently democrats have outperformed in the special elections. if you re a republican, even if you re running in a red congressional district, you shurd be concerned and you should take your election very, very seriously. should you be calling the president, can you tweet, can you come in? well, look at delaware if i record of 20-1 on anything, i might have been an athlete. delaware county s night, where president trump showed up where they need republicans to turn out, look there and see
what happens in delaware county. talk to me about this resist movement. those numbers are hard the intensity on the left side is not to be missed. but the president his mojo is very strong here at 20-1. it s interest that normally in the mid-term election you have kind of a lack of enthusiasm because the president has been elected, they haven t done what they said they re going to do. on the other side a regrouping and everyone is disenfranchised and disenchanted. trump has been even more trumpy than he ever promised to be. anyone who thought he was going to, you know, soften around the edges has been completely wrong. those who love him are out in force and are more fired up than ever. and that s, you know, a huge support for those that he goes out and endorses. those who hate him are more fired up than ever before and can t believe how this has turned out even worse than they thought. this is a bizarre mid-term in
that everyone is more fired up than they re usually in my opinion. so, pete, when you and i and many of us on the couch are out talking with voters, how can you tell who has the most intensity? is it because what melissa laid out are great points. who goes to the polls? that matters the most, mid-term elections are base turnout elections for the most part, not like presidential elections. who has the bigger base. exactly. in this district republicans, more than 14%. fair enough. the clip we played, moderate, what about moderate republicans? moderate republicans have come to trump. if you re a never-trumper, you aren t going to like trump. i go to the county republican events, different conservative events, folks reluctant, see what he s done, and they ve moved in his direction. even if they don t love the bomb past. the republicans are there, the democrats are a resist and it s going to be a turnout. something i ve heard you say, lisa, that s playing a role in
all of this, people, as melissa pointed out, trying to get the president to be different, go this way or that way. you have said people just want some one who s genuine. that s one of the main reasons, even with his donations to democrats, going out there, i thought i could buy them. people appreciated that authenticity, where you had some one completely inauthentic. i worked in a couple of campaigns, i don t think we know if this is going to be a wave, but i remember melissa bean in illinois, we had no idea that joe walsh was going to win that seat when i was working at the nrcc. we don t know how it s going to play out. we ll know more after labor day and where things are swinging. republicans should be concerned. even just historically, one republican had both sides in congress and the white house. if i can say, president trump, we re in communications, so great at marketing.
A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man.
many businesses around the world didn t want to risk losing business in the united states in order to continue to do business with iran. the implications are already pretty profound. they ll grow more profound in november when the oil related sanctions kick in as well. how is nancy pelosi, saying in a statement, far from making us more safe the president s latest ill informed attempt to dismantle the successful joint comprehensive plan of action makes america and her allies less secure. this counter productive action only diminishes america s international credibility. erodes our relationship with our nato and eu allies and sets back the path to a more stable region and peaceful nonnuclear future. reimposing the sanctions may be having the intended effect. iran s president saying his country is open to negotiations with the u.s. if there is, quote, sincerity. pete, i ll ask you first, if you
say, you can do business with us or do business with them. europe wanted to do business with iran as a large untapped market, young people, going to buy iphones, drink coca-cola, be derock ratized. if look at it, there is rioting in the streets f you ask anyone in the eu, you want to do business with us or them, it s all about the fact there isn t a lot of business to do in iran. economic power still matters. and these leaders in the eu may say, we don t like this, we want to keep the deal, we think it could have worked. trunk ran on scrapping it, he scrapped it. indications are showing that america will side with america, they understand for their own economic benefit. makes more sense to go along passively, even if the rhetoric says america shouldn t have done this. they say they don t want regime change, they want the conversation.
iran. many more males than females, extremely high unemployment, very youthful population. when you have so many young men who are then angry financially, we re pro pressing the people not the leaders, they re living fine. if you notice what happens, the way iran does, unlike in our country, thankfully, what do they do? they arrest the violent people, people disappear, they torture people. then what is the solution. we need to help them rise up. a deal that s not going to happen. hillary clinton chose not to pay attention to that rise. it made it complicated. almost tacitly said to the government, so repacious in terms of how it treats its citizens, lock em up and kim kill em. we had an opportunity on get in there. you know, you re a veteran, a military we had the opportunity and did nothing. to do it with peace, but we sat on our hands while they were
how do we know? we ve never verified it, never inspected, there was never any inspections to have an inspection you had to have already evidence that there was something going on. how would you have that evidence if you ro not allowed a pathway in. you wouldn t. they got to collect the samples. it was a complete joke from start to finish, where am i wrong there. you aren t wrong at all, it was a pathway to a deal that enriched that regime. look at the gdp of iran, it spiked after that deal significantly, they used the money they had, used the viability they got in advance. that brings them to a weaker position. debate with them when they re weak. i want to ask you about what the word sincere means and whether president obama could tell us. maybe that was in a side deal. president trump s legal team prepping a response letter to special counsel robert mueller over a possible interview with the president, what they are asking for and whether mueller
will agree. another big day in the paul manafort fraud trial after bombshell testimony from his former business partner, rick gates, what he s saying today and how a possible conviction could affect the president. we ll discuss that ahead. alright, i brought in new max protein
special counsel robert mueller s star with it, rick fates, is back on the stand today in the rick gapts in the fraud trial of paul manafort. gates calmly described how he and manafort committed crimes together, concealing accounts from the irs and falsifying bank documents. he confused to embuzz ling hundreds of thousands of dollars from manafort filing false expense reports. gates is expected to face cross-examination by paul manafort s defense attorneys keen on damaging his credibility. all of this having, right now, so far, nothing to do with the president. paul manafort, a lot of information, by rick gates. the paul manafort avoidance trial, paid for my taxpayers, nothing to do with russian collusion. most people you go around that don t live in the media bubbles could absolutely care less. all about rolling manafort, all about rolling manafort to get to
the president. i ll take the other side of that. just a second, this ukrainian president, who is out and facing his own problems, was known to have aided some pro russian people within his government to allow attacks on his own people, technically. super corrupt. horible that. s where a lot of this money was from, for manafort. the minute he was out of power, manafort s finances started to dry up. does any of that matters? . we re learning how consultant the corrupt group is in washington, d.c. the money drys up domestically, they go to other regimes that will pay tons of money for a little bit of influence. it is the way d.c. elites, on the left and the right, what about tony podesta, he did it as well, same deal. you see how the case i laying out as you said, though he made an absolute fortune overseas from people connected to the
russians he tried not to pay tax on it, the money dried up. that s laid out. it s clear, seems like, it s hard to dispute that. what we are missing and what we need next is the link. was there some one who then tried to use him, because he s under financial distress, to infiltrate the trump campaign, on the part have the russians? there s no evidence so far, no one has even said that. but that s where this would matter. that s the link that we need and we haven t seen it. without the link you can still accomplish what she s talking about, though. you can pressure manafort and pressure those people who are under the microscope but they have to lie and say there were people they haven t done that already? there s plenty right. when president trump, or then-candidate trump hired manafort, manafort has extensive experience working with george w. bush, ronald reagan, one of the last ones that helped before, at the contested
convention. thought at the time there might be a contested convention for republican, which was in part the reason why president trump irrelevant hired him. he fired him once the ties to ukraine came out about paul manafort. you could argue, everyone knew he was a bad dude, he shouldn t have hired him. but you also look at it from a purely political standpoint, there was reason to bring him on, on the team. but, look, manafort is a bad dude, we know that now, but none of this has to do with president trump. unless there s a lirng. that s what we need to see. do we know enough about, i think we don t, how hard the fbi might have tried to let the trump campaign know they were looking at paul manafort for years and years and years? i mean, it s not like the authorities didn t already have this on the landscape, right? the authorities. it would come from them. well, we know that the president was briefed, before he became president, after the election. after the election. pete, i want to say something to your point.
won t bring up collusion and concentrate on this. this isn t manafort s only go, though, in court. right. mueller might be doing the right thing following illegality but he s not doing his job. we didn t send him this could have been done by the justice department without a special counsel. all of it. all of the indictments. you don t know where the facts go. two years later we don t have his playbook it s on the front page of the new york times f they had anything it would be a-1 for two weeks. you re basically all saying the same thing if you look at it. we see the connection between a and b&b and c. now we need to see that last binge. between a and c? no, between the criminal behavior that happened with regard to this tax evasion and the connection to russia. then how something in there caused the pressure pressure to get influenced in the campaign. if there s such a thing. we haven t seen that evidence yet, if it exists we d love to
see it. back, again, your preferably before noon. [laughing] president trump weighing in on a competitive primary, tips his hat to chris kobath and the tubetorial campaign. how s this going to work? the comedian turned activist rosie o donnell leading a group of broadway performers in a musical protest to president trump outside the white house. whether liberal celebrities have an impact or if their protests could backfire. we ll talk about it.
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president trump s influence. president trump bucking the establishment, endorsing fire brand secretary of state kris kobach in his race against the incumbent governor collier. kobach is known for a tough stance on immigration and i.d. laws. president trump tweeting yes republican leaders reportedly warned the president that kobach is unpopular with the general electorate in kansas, if he becomes governor it could energize democrats in the state s congressional races.
kobach pushing back today, watch. this is definitely an establishment insider incumbent versus conservative. but those same voices were the people saying president trump should never get the nomination, there s no way he can beat hillary clinton. he s too outspoken. the same argument he made against me. i don t think it ll wash. this one is different. the washington post sums it up this way. one of the first things election insiders say, endorsement of the candidate they don t want to win happens. trump has a lot more to prove in a way he hasn t before. i would say the endorsement came yesterday, the primary is tonight. we ll see how much time there is for that to make that much of an impact. he s running against the current governor, jeff koler in, tapped
when brownback was appointed to the ambassadorship. we ll see what happens. i m looking at kansas three biggest, socialist endorsed, and cortez f that person wins, then that seat may be a wash for democrats. can i ask you a quick followup. most people say if the president is going to get bee 450i7bd you, it doesn t matter what he does, he s behind you. but it is close to election night. what do you think of the timing? i think it could help them, but what was the delay? i don t know. but the concern for party leadership, the establishment, whatever, they re looking at this kansas race, the concern is that it may be competitive f you look at the governor s races across the country there are 36, republicans defending, i think, 26 of those races. republicans are on the defense when it comes to the cubetorial
races. there s a concern and lack of desire to have to spend additional resources on a race that maybe wouldn t be as xitive as these other ones. the same concerns from before, don t back marco rubio, don t back ted cruz, that the grassroots want. establishment republicans months ago, told the president don t endorse this guy. chris kobach was early shu porter of the president, the president says screw you guys, i m going with my guy. he ll probably win. trump won kansas by 21 points on election night in 2016. if chris kobach cannot win this race then he s a terrible candidate. go with the moderate, go with the moderate. no, stop it. there was frustration when the president didn t get out there and didn t go and support and didn t spend their time working hard for these other candidates given how much they
had on their plate. does it surprise that the president is putting so much into it? no. i was looking at the numbers, he s hearing from his party, he knows historically, this isn t your typical presidency. this is different. there is the possibility of a lot of seats and maybe one or both chambers being flipped he s out there. i have to tell you, don t faint, i want kobach to win, i want the president to have him win. he s controversial, makes it easier for the democrats in the general, there s three alleged white supremacists, what was up with the voter fraud commission that seemed to be fraudulent itself. i want him to win, i think it would be easier for the democrat in a red district. there is a loyalty aspect, kobach was an early supporter of president trump. i think president trump has demonstrated he s loyal to many of those people that were with him. he s remaking this party in
his image, he s been behind it, and i don t buy it. e feel like when republican grassroots are energized they come out and vote. this is a moderate governor, doesn t get the base out the way you need. alabama, roy moore. that s a whole other thing. no, no, no. the voter fraud controversy is something that has come up. that was generally gunked up by the legal challenge. what do you think voters make of all of that. they see the president s support and they see kobach, given a tough job to get at the swamp, and really corrupt voter laws regarding that show i.d. to vote and they don t purge voter laws for dead people, they say i want that guy but he was resisted by the establishment. we re awaiting a letter from the president s trel team on conditions for a possible silt down interview. what trump s team wants
offlimits and what it could mean for the russia probe. sometimes, bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. help take control by talking to your doctor. ask about vraylar. vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. high cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity;
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oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! (vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. fox news alert, awaiting president trump s legal team s responsible to robert mueller. we expect to get it in the form of a letter. it will set terms for the interview with the special counsel and likely reject any in-person questions about obstruction of justice. the president s legal team says they will consider some questions of obstruction in writing only. they also want questioning limited to events before the inauguration. former deputy attorney general under president george w. bush tom dupree says this. now we re negotiating terms and conditions. i think is a carefully calibrated dance, the sides are moving closer together. this is what lawyers do. they love to negotiate and they often, not always but often, reach agreement. put a fine point on. this you think this will happen
in some form? yes. i do. and i think it will be a combination of oral questioning and written questioning. tom is such a supreme legal mind, let s talk politics, we ll leave the legalities to him. thank you. this is great for the president. this back and forth reinforces his desire to sit down. but what he said before, you know, let the legal minds work it out then i ll do what they tell me. the desire is there. this proves it. they are really having a strong, real conversation, go back and forth. he said he wants, to he clearly does, he can exor rate himself better than anybody else. every lawyer says don t do it. but this is about politics. this is about politics, you answer a few questions about collusion, never happened, let the rest be written down and it s done. i totally disagree. i think the strong real conversation back and forth is total b.s. you think he won t do it or will. i think it s all for show, it s for the media.
i don t think they will have a conversation. it is about politics, but i don t believe it s a real sincere conversation about whether or not they re really sitting down. i think it s out there to look like there s a negotiation on the trump side. the president wants, to and his team doesn t think he should. i don t know if i believe that. i think the president wants to, like many people think when they sit down, with a counsel, a prosecutor, they think that they can outsmart them or they can convince them or they can show how they re wrong. or he can keep his promise. or they re innocent and want to prove that. i m not saying whether he s innocent or guilty, if i were advising him, if i were guiliani, i would not let him have this one-on-one. i don t think guiliani thinks it s a good idea. think he will open up a can of worms that aren t there for him, perhaps. you also look at something like michael flynn, who told congressional investigators that the fbi acts didn t think who he
lied, as soon as mueller takes over he pleads to one count of perjury. there s concern that maybe they try to find something, period, as judge ellis said in the manafort case that mueller is gunning for impreechlt or prosecution. there seems to be a focus on the obstruction of justice aspect of this, i think that s really the only level of vulnerability. marco rubio said on fox news on sunday, on sunday, makes sense that, basically if there s any evidence of collusion it would have surfaced by now. there s reports recently that mueller was potentially looking at the tweets, which seems they re grasping at straws to find something. moving on the house that play as role. we re inundated with how the ball is moving on social media. we don t know what he has. i think it seems like i can t think of anything i ve done and i don t want to sit down with the special prosecutor. that s all i can say. you and i rarely agree.
and, you know, the president s base, different from what we would do, we wouldn t take a poll to see if we ll set down, but his base respects the fact he offered to do it. he doesn t have to. the point i was making is he winning the battle just by having a discussion. melissa doesn t think it s earnest. i m also, i m so bored by this. enough already. if we knew it, it would be there. all right. they re trying to discredit him. trying to do it from the beginning. hollywood hitting at president trump on both coasts. first the move to remove his star from the hollywood back of fake, the actions the city is taking. rosie o donnell leads a demonstration outside the people s house. that s our house, y all. whether these protests are changing minds or helping the president. we ll debate it. let the president know in no uncertain terms we are alive,
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up on outnumbered overtime in a few moments. harris? harris: a lot going on. thank you, melissa. president trump is an impressive 20-1 in statewide endorsements. but his biggest challenge, his biggest gamble some say, may come in two of today five races. the president as kingmaker and what it could mean for the mid-term elections of the president s legal team is preparing a response to special counsel robert mueller on the sitdown interview. who better to join me than judge andrew napolitano. could mueller issue a subpoena to the president after all of the dealmaking? more on j.t. outnumbered overtime see you then. sounds like a good show. hollywood is not letting up in its ongoing attacks on president trump. the city council voting unanimously to ask the president s walk of fame star, which has been the target of
repeated vandalism, to be removed. the vote is largely symbolic but the city s mayor says the president isn t deserving of the honor, saying the west hollywood city council did not pass the resolution because donald trump is a conservative or a republican, earning a star on the hollywood walk of fame is an honor. when one ee littles and attacks minorities, muslims, people of disabilities or women the honor no longer exists. long-time trump nemesis rosie o donnell leading a group of performsers in a musical protest last night. cast members from hamilton, wicked, and les mis singing show tune favorites as part of the ongoing anti-trump demonstration, now in its 23rd day. take a listen. who will be strong and stand with me rosie took this jab at the president.
we re going to keep coming back until he s out. let the president know, in no uncertain terms, we are alive, awake, and we are woke. we are not going away. good silent people are the wind behind evil. i think it s safe to say rosie o donnell and donald trump have a history. but you told me that your response to this would surprise me. surprise me. all right, are you listening? rosie, my fellow democrat, we are woke. we march. we protest. we sing. and i m not going to do it today but i kid did consider it. you have to vote f you don t vote it doesn t matter. historically democrats don t show up in the mid terms. they want trump to be a one-term president, they want to vote them out, #votethemout. as great as we are at marching and protesting we aren t as great voting. we saw it happen in the general
election. 2016, hundreds of thousands of people in the country marched the day after the election. my man on the street of my radio show went out there and interviewed, who did you vote for. well, i didn t vote, i stayed home. i thought hillary had it in the bag. you can t do that. you have to get out and vote. i m moderately surprised. lovely and entertaining but not effective. you know a thing or two about this world, isn t it now, look, the most unoriginal idea in hollywood is to hate president trump. what do you make of this? true. i thought the sipping was lovely, their voices were amazing. and i thought that it was very rich to me when they talked about disrespecting women and bee thing women. bill cosby and harvey weinstein have stars. and i m wondering if they want to remove those as well. they said no. i don t know. there you go. always the good points. this backfired, we ve seen the rnc put together an ad using
maxine watters statement, calling for harassment of trump officials mark done a saying she wanted to blow up the white house, cassie griffin holding up the severed head. does this backfire and can republicans use it against democrats? i don t know if it backfires, it doesn t work, they try the celebrity motivation, it s not effective. and it boomerangs a little bit. republicans say are those your beliefs, are you going to let them ram them down your throat, does west hollywood represent you, manhattan represent you? no, get out and make sure your voice is heard. you talk about the democrats, not great at scheduling. the president wasn t in the white house while they held their sing-along. doubly not that effective. check the schedule. maybe. this is ongoing, i get it. he was watching it, though. you know that. he tweeted about it. like you re a great singer, but just sing. like sports. no, no. there s been so many protest
and everyone in hollywood hates president trump. almost like yawn, bore me, you aren t that woke. be more interesting more outnumbered in a moment.

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Transcripts For CNNW Cuomo Primetime 20180807 05:00:00

Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world.
it looks very hinky to me. here s why i ask you about what this is about because let s say you win. let s say the democrats win. you get the house. probably not the senate, but you get the house. there s a call for impeachment among progressives like yourself. yes. two things happen. well, i don t think it s just progressives, chris. there will be a call for impeachment from all those not heard, who are the majority in america. okay. i give you that fact. i ll stipulate to it for the point of this argument. okay. so everybody calls out. you don t have the votes. it doesn t happen. you galvanize support for the president, and we are torn more apart in this country. are you worried about that outcome? no, i am not. i am believing in the american people. i believe in this country. i believe in what it was founded on. i believe in the constitution. i think that on election day, we re going to show up in a huge way, in a way that we haven t ever seen before in the united states. and people have just really had enough.
they ve had enough of a president who separates families and puts babies in cages. you know all of the catch phrases. every day he does something worse than the day before, and he tops it and tops it and tops it. i believe that trump is loathed in america, that people are embarrassed and ashamed of who he is, and that come election day, we re going to stand up at the polls and let him know. and unless he goes in and has the russians kind of fix it like he did last time in 2016, you know, we re going to see him gone. and that s what i m waiting and hoping for and hoping that people across the country are inspired to use their own voice in whatever way to get people to know that this country is worth fighting for. amen on that. the more people get involved, the higher the voter percentage is, the more people will get what they want. it will reduce the effects of money on politics. it will make everything better, not perfect, but better. so i m all with you. the more people go out and vote their conscience, the better, whatever their conscience is. here s my other concern. yeah. there is reason to criticize the president. i am not going to fight you on that point.
that emotion in them of truth and what about his rallies? first of all, people are paid, chris. you know that. people were paid since he went down on the escalator. he pays people to show up at those rallies. that is a fact. but i don t know that that s why he gets tens of thousands at the rallies. i think he captures a lot of motion for people. when did he get tens of thousands at the last rally? tell me when.? at the tampa i think they only had 9,000 seats and there were people outside, but rosie, i ve seen him. he gets big groups of people who come out. he gives themes that resonate. whatever they re positive or not, that s up to people to decide. i don t have the facts that his crowds are bought off. but you can look at well, you can look at all the requests for extras to come and cheer with signs for him. you can find those tangible pieces of evidence. those are not real rallies. you know, when he went down on that escalator, he paid all those people there, calling rapists and mexicans rapists.
this is not real what he s doing even though he keeps screaming that you guys are not real. i know he does that. i know he does that, rosie, but listen. look, i ve known you a long time. you ve known my family a long time. i know your mom. and mom would be the first one to say, let him say what he s going to say. you say what you know is true. you always keep your dignity. you always fight the good fight. so that s what we do. when he came down that escalator, did i see the reporting that there were paid people there? yes, i did. did i believe it? yes, i did. have i seen it at all of these rallies? no, so i m not going to do what the president does. i m not going to say they re all bought off, they re all fake, because i think that s b.s. i don t think it s true, and i m not going to play to it just because i think it s satisfying. but you could do the evidence to find out. sure. we do it all the time. lead with that story before you play his rally. to play his rally to me is just falling into his hands. i don t play his rallies. i do truth check every night. i do magic walls. i find all these different devices because i want people to
know what s real and then they can act on it. that s why i m talking to you because people need to know what you re doing, know where people s voices are, and then they can make their decisions about which side to join and hopefully there s common ground that gets here sooner rather than later. i hope there is common ground. people ask me all the time, your son s a marine. how can you have a son whose a marine when you re such a pass fist kind of a person? i love and respect my son, and i can hold two opposing thoughts in my head at one time. one is i m terrified something is going to happen to him, and the other is i m so immensely proud of the commitment he has given to this country because he believes in this country the same way that i do. i believe in america and what it stands for in the constitution, and this president and administration has done everything they can to undermine it. and it s not okay. it s not all right in any way, and we have to use our voices and fight. you do exactly that. that s why good men and women like your son are fighting for our freedoms. and when somebody serves in a family, the whole family feels it. the whole family sacrifices.
so thank you to your entire clan for the dedication to the country. thank you. and the service of your son. thank you, chris cuomo. peace. let s see. we ll be following what happens at the white house, and we ll see what the impact of this party with a purpose is all about tonight. now, back to another big story for you. they told us that the meeting in trump tower with the russian operative was about adoption. you remember that? the whole statement that they wrote, the president had no role in. well, we know that s not true, and now we have the president apparently admitting something that s even more important. cuomo s court is in session, and you need to weigh in. there are the counselors, next. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely. with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast. .and brake too hard.
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up that trump tower that that trump tower meeting was about obtaining dirt on hillary clinton. the president says it is totally legal. is that a fact? no. let s bring in asha rangappa and professor alan dershowitz. now, the statute at play that people are going to hear discussed, i want to put it up on the screen for them so all the legalese doesn t go over everybody s head. this would be the concern. you keep hearing lawyers tell you all the time and experts and some not so experts saying, you can t get help from a foreign inimical power. here s the law. it shall be unlawful for a person to solicit, which means to try to get, accept, or receive a contribution or donation prescribed in these different places from a foreign national. asha rangappa, former fbi agent, law degree, make the case. is this tweet a problem? this tweet is a problem
because it s acknowledging that the purpose of that meeting was to obtain information that would benefit the campaign from foreign nationals. now, there are a few legal issues here. the first is whether what was being offered was a thing of value. this is something you ll hear lawyers arguing about. and a big clue here is in the recent indictment that robert mueller just filed against the gru officers, and in that indictment, the charges for hacking which he brings against those 12 gru officers alleges that the stolen e-mails were worth over $5,000, which makes them a thing of value. i think you could argue that they are valuable in many other ways, but he s essentially laying the groundwork that this was a thing of value. the question here is did they accept or receive it? i think that here you do have the other party, the russian crown, prosecutor, friend or whoever these people were
reaching out. they weren t soliciting, but they did go to the meeting. and the question is what happened afterwards? and there are some strange coincidences when you look at the indictment, the dates that are in there and other things that we know happened subsequent to that meeting. but i ll let my colleague make his case and then respond. he s smiling wide. but add this to the mix for yourself, professor. one step farther than asha wants to go. if it s illegal to solicit and you find out that someone has dirt for you and you know what kind of person it is, and you go there to get it, why isn t that soliciting? and then what do you make of this in context? well, first of all, it may very well be soliciting, and it may very well be a thing of value. the problem is it would be unconstitutional for a statute to prohibit a candidate from obtaining information from any source whatsoever. just like the new york times can t be prohibits from obtaining information or chris cuomo can t be prohibited from obtaining information, even if the information you have was
stolen, even if you know it was given to you by manning or snowden, or daniel ellsberg. the constitution requires an open marketplace of ideas. and you cannot construe a statute that was intended to prevent financial contributions largely to apply to information, to apply to facts, to apply to news. that would be unconstitutional. so you re hitting her with the pentagon papers defense. you re saying that opposition research, dirt on clinton, is information just like if it came to me, asha, and therefore it doesn t qualify under this statute. absolutely. this is a false analogy, chris. first of all, political campaigns are not news organizations, and here the key word in what professor dershowitz just said is the open marketplace of ideas. when you have something happening surreptitiously, under the table, secretly, that is not an open marketplace of ideas. now, if the trump campaign went on tv and said, hey, the russian
government just gave us all this stolen information and told the voters that, that would be one thing. i still think it would be a crime, but at least they re being transparent. when they are concealing the source of that, that is exactly what our open society is meant to prevent. we want people to evaluate information in context. and just to bring this back to the framers of the constitution, they were worried about two things, chris. they were worried about foreign influence and self-dealing. this is why we have a natural born citizen requirement. we want, you know, loyalty. we don t want influence from outside. this is the federalist papers 68 where hamilton warns of foreign governments trying to infiltrate our elections. so i completely disagree that this is permissible as some kind of first amendment right. professor. the statute itself clearly is intended to cover financial contributions. it s always been applied that way. it has never been construed or interpreted then why didn t they say that? why didn t they say what? money.
well, they did. they said something of value. right. but why didn t they say money? but you have to construe a let me be even more specific. even if they intended to cover this, they can t cover it because it could be unconstitutional. you cannot regulate ideas. the federal government simply doesn t have the power under the first amendment to prohibit a candidate remember, a candidate is also expressing first amendment views. he has exactly the same status as the new york times and as you do. he has the right or she has the right to use any information from any source, and it doesn t matter whether it s a foreign or domestic source, and that s why to construe an ambiguous statute that way would violate the first amendment. and the first rule of constitutional construction is if you have a statute that s capable of being construed in two different ways, you must always construe it constitutionally consistent with the first amendment. i hear the arguments on either side, but there s something else going on here.
lying, okay? there is lying going on here, professor. there was lying going on about what we were told about this meeting. the statement that was done about it. the president s role in it. and then even when that statement was written, it was deceptive about what actually happened in the meeting, and that seems to be clear on the face of this tweet, asha. so even if it isn t illegal, what does this mean to investigators in terms of looking at a pattern of behavior of how this then-candidate, now-president treated these types of issues? it means that they believe that they were doing something wrong, period. that is why people lie. i mean you know that from being a parent and watching your 5-year-old. you know, one thing, let s just assume arguendo as we would say in legalese, that these are crimes and that, you know, they did agree, and there is, say, a conspiracy. there s an affirmative defense in conspiracy where if you renounce the conspiracy, you say
actually, i don t want to do this anymore or i don t want to have anything to do with this, that can be your defense. and, chris, i think it s important for viewers to remember that in august of 2016, the fbi went and warned the trump campaign that russia was trying to infiltrate their campaigns and influence the elections. and at that point, that was the time for every single person who had these sketchy contacts to come forward and say, you know what, that s kind of funny because, you know, two random russians showed up in trump tower. that could have been a defense, and yet at every turn they have chosen to lie, conceal, deflect, and cover up every contact that they ve had, not just these three people in the meeting, but everyone else associated with the campaign. what you re doing final quick word, professor. what you re doing is what so many people do. you re conflating bad conduct with criminal conduct. this may be bad conduct. lying is not a good thing if there was lying here. but to turn this into a crime, imagine if hillary clinton were elected president, and she were
being investigated, and these were the charges. every civil libertarian would be up in arms talking about the first amendment, talking about the right of association, talking about all of these rights. but a double standard is being applied depending on which shoe the foot is on, and that s very inconsistent with the due process of law and we re dealing with the cards in front of us right now. as we all know that s right. lying is is a problem. it is a political problem. it is not a legal problem. maybe so, but it s a problem nonetheless. you cannot turn tweets it s a problem. i m not here to defend anybody s problem. it s a problem. not every problem has to be a crime in order to matter. that s the flip side of your argument. but i got to go, professor. that s what i ve been saying for two years. that not every problem is a crime. that s all i m saying. right. but it doesn t have to be a crime to be a problem. that s the flip. thank you as always. got to go. tough sanctions on iran are about to go into effect tonight at midnight. that s how urgent it is.
why? is your spidey sense going off here? why now? this seems a little strange. i agree with you. i feel you on this. why is it happening right now? i m going to tell you what the administration says. we re going to look at whether or not it s true that allies may be in with us on this. is that all true? facts, next. hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. we re the most isolated population on the planet. hawaii is the first state in the u.s. to have 100% renewable energy goal. we re a very small electric utility. but, if we don t make this move we re going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaii s economy. verizon provided us a solution using smart sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data
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for a limited time, when you get fast, reliable internet, you can add voice for just $24.95 more per month. call or go online today. call or go on line today. all right. at midnight eastern tonight the trump administration is going to restore sanctions on iran that had been lifted under the 2015 nuclear accord. why now? okay? 2015 deal, may 8th is when the president stepped away from this. that s 90 days. 90 days. why now? that s how long he had to do this. he could have put these sanctions back in at any point. now, what they re telling us is that s because iran has been using the money that had got released when the sanctions were relaxed to sow chaos in the region. it doesn t smell right. you know why? they ve been doing that all along. in fact, that was a big point for trump in nixing the original deal. remember? it doesn t do anything with all
the menacing that they re doing. however, remember back in 2015, all the countries involved said the deal was just about nukes, not all the other bad stuff that iran was doing. just for context. all right. then they say, well, there s new violations of what they were supposed to do under the deal even though they walked away from the deal, which you would think would relieve iran of those types of considerations. but that s not true. international inspectors say that they are complying with the deal. what does that leave? i wonder if this tweet put this tweet back on the screen for people, the one the president put out there. i wonder if the tweet with the president admitting that he knew what that meeting about not that he knew, but that the meeting was about getting information on clinton. i wonder if the timing of that has anything to do with this abrupt turn to iran, especially when the real sanctions on iran aren t scheduled right now. they re in november. so why do it now? however, in fairness, the new sanctions are going to be
imposed, and we do have 90 to 100 days after he walked away as a transition period that the administration gave companies to wind down contracts with iran in order to avoid penalties. so we are within that window, so maybe that s why they re doing this now just to be fair. however, so now that trump has decided this is what s going to happen, the timing aside, what does it mean? all right. here are the pluses to the move. here s the first big plus. ready? money is power, right? a paucity of money, when you cut money, you cut it, that creates what? pressure, okay? that s what this is about, pressure. a big ugly word because i can t write because i m a lefty. and this is what the key is here. take away the money, you apply pressure. a u.s. official says that nearly 100 international firms have announced their intent to leave the iranian market. now, that s going to hurt. you combine that with more squeezing by the government, these renewed sanctions, there could be civil unrest.
in fact, national security adviser bolton pointed to riots on sunday as proof of desired pressure. what s the hope? that unrest equals a deal, okay? that s what you re hoping is that they ll come back to the table and say we want to make a better deal. here s the flip, though. rouhani, the iranian leader, says the opposite is true. you sanction us like that, we re less likely to deal. bolton suggested that our european allies are considering joining the u.s. move. here s the problem. there is no proof of that. here are the facts. the eu, russia, china, they re all sticking with the accord. they put out a statement on monday. what did they say? the eu, the uk, and france all said and germany we deeply regret that the u.s. is doing what they re doing right now. the eu announced it was going to take legal steps to protect eu companies doing legitimate business in iran that gives them back their money, okay? one more point for you. let s be very clear.
iran is not china. it is not even north korea. it s not russia. how? they re driven by religion. they are zealots there. religion, ethnic conflict. those are the driving forces, not just economics or mere land grabs. so if a tougher round of sanctions that is going to happen tonight is going to then give an extra step to what s supposed to happen in november with these even more biting sanctions, those are on iran s sale of crude oil and transactions with its central bank. those are big. what happens? the markets, the military, resulting mayhem are all potential negative outcomes from this kind of move. so it is a gamble. those are the factors here on the white board of everything at play with the somewhat random decision. what about this strategy or lack thereof? we have an expert. phil mudd is here. he knows the problems. he knows the potential solutions. where does this fit?
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for you on the white board. we ll put it on online, on my twitter feed and the show s feed if you didn t get it. how about the strategy in play? for that, we ve got as good a guest as we can have. cnn counterterrorism analyst phil mudd. let s make three quick points. first of all you say don t get too deep in the weeds of strategy. look at the president first, why? i love these strategy conversations. can we look at the personality of the president? repeatedly he s told us how he thinks. he s told this, and he said this publicly, i m the only policy maker in public office. forget about state department. i m the man who makes policy. and he s told us repeatedly, i m a genius. what has he done in every circumstance? north korea, u-turn. russia, u-turn. g7, he goes to canada and embarrasses them. u-turn. nato, u-turn. they re not our friends. they need to pay more. he comes in and says, i m smarter than bush. i m smarter than obama. in every one of these circumstances, i m u-turning because my solution is a better solution.
same thing with iran, u-turn. so the u-turn here would be him actually, to me, it looks like stepping on the gas and saying, i m going to sanction them. the timing is a little curious, but let s take the tactic. i m going to sanction you to come to the table and say, i want a better deal, mr. trump because my people are rioting. i m squeezed. i m poor. good luck. if you re going to sanction someone that way, one of the lessons of history is you ve got to make sure they don t have too many pressure valves where they can turn off the pressure someplace else. let me give you three pressure valves that are going to help the iranians. number one, the europeans are coming out saying we re not with you on this one. number two, people who aren t side by side with the president so far this time that is longtime friends with iran for decades. that s the russians and the chinese potentially not only buying oil but defense contracts with the iranians who have got a lot of oil money. when we think we can squeeze the iranians unilaterally, they re
saying i ve got the europeans, the chinese and the russians. ain t going to work. in terms of getting that unrest going, getting the progressives such as they might exist inside the iranian government and larger society to work with the united states to create change there, you say a move like this doesn t necessarily help. well, careful. there s traditionally over the course of decades two camps in iran. you have the reformists. let s not call them moderates. you have the reformists, people who want to move forward. and you have the conservatives. so the conservatives would have said be careful with this deal with the americans. be careful. in 2015. that s right. since the revolution in 1979, they ve been our enemy. they like the saudis. we hate the saudis. big american military presence in the persian gulf. we don t like them there. if you were a conservative wanting to attack the people who made the deal with the americans this time, you re going to step back and say, i told you. you signed the deal in 2015, and they screwed you again.
you cannot trust the americans. this is more evidence of it. phil mudd, three solid points. appreciate it. so it is the eve of a big election night in america. why? tomorrow four states are holding key contests that could ultimately alter the balance of power in congress. one of the candidates in play is in kansas, and he s being hailed as the next big thing by progressives. introducing brent welder and big news of a very powerful new friend in his corner. who is it? what does it mean? next. i get it all the time. have you lost weight? of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. .and choose any car in the aisle. and i don t wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait.and keep it off. looking good, patrick.
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( ) (grunting) today is your day. crush it. angie s boom chicka pop whole grain popcorn. boom! all right. a key factor in how the midterms are going to go down may be what happens this week in kansas. this is a state that hasn t sent a democrat to congress in over a decade. but there is this crowded field in tomorrow s primary that features a choice between a more centrist approach and the more liberal policies, aggressively so, backed by people like bernie sanders and his acolyte and the big winner in new york, alexandria ocasio-cortez. they have both thrown their support behind my next guest,
congressional candidate brent welder. good to have you on, sir. hey, chris, great to be here. thank you so much. so, boy, oh, boy, is this some mix of what you have going on in the primary there. i was just trying in the break to figure it out. i can t give you a sense of what we think is going to happen. what do you think happens tomorrow night, and more importantly, why? well, we are up in the polls right now both in the general election. we re beating congressman yoder by seven points, which is the largest lead of any democratic challenger in the country. we re also up in the primary polls for tomorrow quite a bit. now, obviously i am not taking anything for granted. we re working hard for every single last vote, and we re going to keep working hard until we beat congressman yoder in november because obviously this is an extremely important election. you know, i had rosie o donnell on earlier. tonight she s got people who are broadway performers down in front of the white house. i don t know if you had a chance. i know you re campaigning. but the conversation for her is trump s got to go. he s a bad guy. he does bad things. the democrats have to win.
my point back is anti is not enough. when you look at big turns, whoever wins in midterms does it because they are offering something for, not just against. and when i was looking at your site and looking at some of the messages, where do you think the democrats come out on that? how do you make the point that you re better for the economy with all those robust index numbers that we ve seen, that you re better for national security when we re in a relatively safe state? how do you make a better case? well, you know, i was one of the first staffers on barack obama s campaign. i was the national field director for the teamsters. i ve been around organizing for a long time. and what i ve seen unfortunately for so many years now is that the democrats keep losing and losing and losing. we ve lost the white house. we ve lost the house, the senate, state legislators, the governorship, and we ve been doing it generally speaking the same way, trying to run candidates that are running on a corporatist message, on a center-right message, and it hasn t worked. i m a labor lawyer. i ve spent the last decade in teamster labor halls around the country.
and what i find is these people that voted for barack obama and then donald trump will come back to the democratic party, but you have to tell them exactly what you re going to do for them. you have to talk to them about these bold, progressive economic ideas. that s how we re going to win them back. i think that s why i m beating congressman yoder by seven points right now, the largest lead in the country even though i m right here in kansas. these economic ideas are resonating so well with people in my district. the third district includes kansas city, am i right? yeah, that s where i live in fact, so i hope it does. so that s helping you in terms of a message that will go to a more diverse and a bigger population. when you say about winning trump voters back, a lot of them are voting for him on cultural dynamics. they re not the blue collar, pocketbook economics that i grew up with a father who was in the democratic party as a governor, and he talked to that a lot. that s not the dialogue anymore,
and it seems to be that you have two layers of conflict and challenge to deal with. that one that they re talking culture, not just commerce. and, two, that the left has a divide, which is guys like you and the criticism will be, mr. welder, you re free everything. you re free everything for everybody. free, free, free. can t have enough tax money injected into people s lives versus a more centrist approach. how do you deal with both of those burdens? you know, one thing you didn t mention that i think is actually extremely important to these working class folks that we need to win back is finally ending the corrupting influence of big money in politics. that s something that i ve been working for myself throughout my life. i actually, when i started running 14 months ago, pledged that i was never going to accept one penny of corporate pac money. i ve been involved in politics long enough to see how that affects things and how it causes these politicians like my opponent, kevin yoder, who has taken more money from the payday loan sharks than any member of the house or u.s. senate to side about giant banks and giant
corporations instead of people. that is the thing i think is resonating most with people is they re ready to send someone to congress who is not corrupted and who rejects this kind of corporate spending. you re still going to have to deal with the free, free, free. i interview bernie all the time. i saw how ocasio-cortez, that specific people were open to needing more from government. worked in her district. especially in the third district where you are, because you get outside that city, you get a different viewpoint. what is going on with ending spending? you have a conservative group. do you believe they re trying to help you by all the people have to go on. you have to google it for yourself. they put a ton of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars into this seat, and they re running ads that some of your opponents say are helpful to you. what is going on? why is a conservative pac doing ads that some say are helpful to you, and how do you see it? those are the strangest ads i ve ever seen in my entire life. i have no idea what their motivation is. what i do know is that i m beating kevin yoder by seven points.
you do know that because you ve said that three times. why are they putting this money in the race? i m proud of it. i m proud of it. it s the largest lead of any democratic challenger in the country, and it s right here in kansas. i think that pretty much kind of speaks for itself as far as the policies i m running on. i m fighting against the corruption. you know, kevin yoder votes with donald trump virtually ever single time, and people are sick of it, and that s why i feel really confident that we re going to be able to flip this seat in kansas. you know, 25,000 people have gone to to give small dollar donations or volunteer on this campaign. 25,000. that s how we re building a people fuelled campaign. even though i m rejecting corporate pack money. the biggest dollar of adds would come from ending spendsing. a group that gave a million dollars to donald trump. we ll follow lt race carefully. please come back and make the case if you winds up on top. thank you so much.
can t wait. so, donald trump atactic. well known. if you criticize him he will attack you brutally. and what happens? his base generally what about what he said about lebron james? and don? don lemon and here with the reaction you have been waiting for. looking good, and smart. next. keep it comin love. if you keep on eating, we ll keep it comin . all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. come hok., babe. nasty nighttime heartburn? try new alka-seltzer pm gummies. the only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. oh, what a relief it is!
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tweeted. lebron james was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, don lemon. he made lebron look smart which isn t easy to do. i like mike. who s the real dummy? a man who puts kids in classrooms or one who puts kids in cages. #be best, of course refers to first lady s campaign for better character. what was the point you want people to take from this? who s the real dummy? i want people to take the truth from this. who s the real dummy. lebron james is okay, chris, listen, you re sitting at home, watching the report he s not even at home in bedminster. he s watching a report on someone who happens to be black and they re doing something really great for their community and not only changing kids lives but their families as well, changing the trajectories of
their future and you call me dumb and him dumb by default. if you can t say anything good don t say anything at all. why did he feel the need? i was aiming to do exactly what i said there, who is the real dummy? somebody who sits down and sees this or someone who s putting kids in classrooms. you point out material misstatements and lies by the president and his administration and he hates it, so i ve prepared something for you. listen to what was written about the president lying and the damage. and i ll tell you who wrote it afterwards. if you and i fall into bad moral habits we could harm our families our employer and our friends. the president of the united
states can incinerate the planet. seriously the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the chief executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. and then he went onto this, for those around the president our leaders must either act to restore the lust s and dignity of the institution of the presidency or we can be certain that this is only the beginning of an even more difficult time for our land. for the nation to move on, the president must move out. you know who said that? vice president mike pence wrote it in the 90s about bill clinton. now he is apparently immune to hypocrisy. but what does that tell yo about what you re up against? that was then, this is now. we re up against tribalism. we re up against people who will lie, steal, and cheat, lie to their own mother, lie to themselves about what s right of
this country, lie about truth and facts. lie about any terrible misdeed, any awful saying they will just ignore it for their own political purpose. they will ignore the bigotry and the pettiness and the childishness about what donald trump said about me and lebron james and others just because they want to gain some political clout or they want a few more dollars in tax money. at what cost? i ll tell you as much as it would usually make me jealous and angry towards you to be mentioned in the same sentence with lebron james, it is warranted here because you both were bringing about the best in what that situation was supposed to be. here s what the president tweeted about us. the fake news hates me saying they re the enemy of the people only because they know it s true. i m providing a great service by explaining this to the american people. they purposely cause great division and distrust. they can also cause war. they are very dangerous and sick. now, this is an example of the lie.
how? it s a material misstatement of the fact to deceive. we ve pushed back on propaganda before. and the president is the only person that can start a war, not the press. and it s exactly his vast power, that s why people like don lemon hold him to account. lies are dangerous. you know what projections are, and i say chris, you re projecting. you actually do say that. if you will listen to this president, what he says, what he tweets, what he writes, it s always projection. whatever he says about someone else is usually true about him. whatever he s trying to hide he usually puts that out. now, i don t know what that says about him. i m not a psychologist, but i know what projection is, and i think we all know what that is. and we know it s true because time and time again it s come to be true after the president says so. riddle me this smart guy,

Power-meeting , Russian , Democratic-party , Call , Impeachment , White-house , Us-senate , Fact , All , It , Things , Point