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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141009 10:00:00

into a runway while trying to land at a l.a. a louisiana airport. have a good one. bye. good morning. today is thursday, october 9. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. this morning airport workers are walking off the job after fears of catching ebola, this after another possible case surfaces in the south. a sherrifs deputy is sick and he never went overseas. a scandal surfaces at the white house overnight apparently kept secret for two years. it all goes back to this. was the president aware there were allegations like this? i don t think any of us were aware of it until we read the newspaper source. probably not true.
details on the story that everybody in washington is going to be talking about today when the sun comes up over 1600 pennsylvania. they love the over this. incredible pictures taken moments after a u.s. air force a-15 falls from the sky. the plane erupts in flames but the pilot walks away. you re looking at it. mornings are better with friends. this is dwayne johnson and you re watching fox & friends. the question is, is dwayne johnson watching fox & friends right now? we should give him a phone number. i like your idea. we know you re watching. we re thankful you are. we ll get right to a neart for you. the united states steps up screening in the face of ebola. workers at la guardia walked off the job. they say they don t have the right training or materials to deal with sick
travelers. joining us with brand-new details, doug lieu czar luzader is live outside washington. good morning guys. this is one of the airports targeted for additional screening. workers in la guardia have walked off the job on strike now because they re concerned about what they re going through cleaning some of these aircraft, that they may not have the kind of protective gear they need to do that. that is one other angle to this. sometimes we don t think about the fact that these airplanes have to be cleaned. as far as additional screening is concerned, dulles in virginia one of five airports targeted for enhanced screening. jfk and newark and atlanta
and chicago. those are the five airports they are concentrating on. they are looking for passengers arriving from sierra leone, guinea and liberia. passengers will have their temperatures taken and be asked specific questions about their health but the c.d.c. admits this is one additional layer of protection. right now the bottom line is protection for people coming into this country and for americans related to travel. we will continuously look at ways that we can increase the safety of americans, and we do that at many different levels. nothing foolproof here. and remember, you look at the guy in dallas who recently died from ebola. thomas eric duncan, this kind of screening process would probably not have protected him because he was not showing symptoms of
ebola when he arrived here in the united states. he also lied on that declaration form when he got on the plane. he went to the hospital, said i m sick, they said you re fine, go home. he wasn t. he s dead. it wasn t supposed to get here, no one was supposed to die from it. we re in a situation where this is absolutely tragic. and you know what? we don t have any of that serum either. they re making more, so we hope they hurry. as washington wakes up this is a full blown scale in a potential coverup involving the white house. it also involves a potentially obstruction of justice charge for many and it appears that the barack obama administration did indeed corrupt the inspector general process. they re supposed to be independent. not so. what does it have to do
with? remember in 2012 a couple of months before the election, there were couple of americans in chom i can t. there was a in colombia. there was a scandal on the first day, seemed like secret service guys brought hookers to the hotel. in the wake of that, secret service people, their lives were ruined. all along the white house denied nobody from the white house was involved; absolutely not. in fact, in april of 2012, jay carney came out to the podium and said this. was the president aware that there were allegations like this before the news report this morning? i don t think so. i doubt it. i don t know that any of us were aware of it until we read the newspaper reports. that is not true. new details from government documents in fact show that there are many actual interviews with senior white house aides and they were given the information at the time
suggesting that a prostitute was an overnight guest in the room of a presidential advanced team member. this is what it said, quote september of 2012, we did find a hotel registry that suggests two nonunited states service personnel might have had contact passengers. this was no investigation into these findings because they are not d.h.s. personnel. twice they interviewed and twice they said no misconduct was found as it related to this white house official. this guy, jonathan dock, is the one people are looking at now. he was 25 years old at the time. a yale law school guy. i didn t know a guy who is a volunteer would get a position like this, to be part of an advanced team that would coordinate drivers for the white house, something so important. you d think maybe he would help the guy hired to be the guy. this could have hurt the actual big guy in charge. what jonathan dock did is evidently there are reports that he had a
prostitute in his room and that brings us to the question of when they did the investigation, the inspector general, this guy, i believe charles edwards, did he come to the conclusion that this happened? and was he told by the white house not to include that in the report? interesting, the white house counsel, she said when they conducted thattent view with the advanced team member, that 25-year-old jonathan dock, said he did nothing wrong. she is now being considered to be the replacement for eric holder. as soon as it hit the papers that there was a secret service scandal, keep in mind the white house made it clear nobody here involved even though brian said this guy who is a law school student who still works for the administration and is the son of a big democratic donor and somebody who supported barack obama to get elected, on that first weekend the white house counsel called all the people in. they worked through the
weekend. this guy, did he have anything involved in they go no. they go okay, he s not involved. next thing you know the inspector general gets involved, homeland security and they start to look and then it became clear that there was a lot of evidence that this guy at the white house was involved. and yet this comes out and this is from the washington post, and this is from david nyland who was involved in the inspector general process at homeland security. he said we were directed at the time, before the election, to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election. so there, ladies and gentlemen, it does appear that the inspector general process, which they re supposed to be independent, it was corrupted by the white house. look, we don t want this coming out before the election, so whatever you do, keep it quiet. there was this struggle behind the scenes and they did their best to do t. now that everything has blown up at the secret service, now we know that apparently
the white house pressured this investigation, nothing s got to come out before the election. according to this because it would tarnish the image for the president. it would look bad for the white house. didn t have to do much digging. there are photos of the prostitute. they could tie that to the room that they entered in the hotel or where they were. this wasn t a deep investigation but it has many layers of cover. let s say this proves to be true,, you see the ramifications for the election. but if a 25-year-old volunteer screws up and gets a prostitute, barack obama doesn t lose the reelection because of that. to think they re going to have to be that buttoned up and that paranoid if this proves to be true they ve got the information. the washington post went down there and did an
investigation in cartagena, prostitution is legal this and it is on this guy s record. his attorney says he was not involved. but what it shows is that the coverup is always worse than the crime. barack obama probably would have been reelected any way, but it s the steps they went to look like everything is fine here. remember this was a little ahead of benghazi when we were told that, you know, al qaeda is on the run, none of that stuff is true. looks like big trouble for the white house. stand by for knouse on stand by for news on that throughout the day. what happened to ainsley after she did her show? i m here filling in for heather this morning. we miss her but i m glad to be here. other headlines this morning, breaking news right now, violent protests erupght in st. louis erupting in st. louis, missouri, after a police shot a teenager dead.
this all started when an officer saw three men in the street. the cop claims that one of the men was grabbing his waistband indicating that he was carrying a gun. the cop chased him and that s when that teenager turned around and fired at the officer. the cop fired back and killed him. this all happening the same day the protesters planned to take to the streets in nearby ferguson so mark two months since the death of michael brown. caught on camera, the stunning moment a u.s. air force plane crashes and bursts into flames. this happening during a combat training in england. the f-15 slammed into that field near an elementary school. the pilot did manage to eject safely. it s not clear what caused that crash. the surprising star of the senate debate in kansas, harry reid. but for all the wrong reasons. in one corner republican
senator pat roberts. in the other corner independent candidate greg orman, both traded blows over reid. take a listen. a vote for greg orman is a vote to hand over the future of kansas and the country to harry reid and barack obama. i believe obama and reid are part of the problem. the latest fox news poll has roberts with a five point lead getting 44% of the vote. talk about the ride of a lifetime. pope francis inviting those two children from the crowd outside of the vatican for a spin on the pope mobile. and look at their faces. they can handily contain their excitement. those boys are from italy and they were seen pumping their fists as they were driving around st. peter s square. how special. i remember the pope came to
my hometown and one of my friends who is catholic was on stage with him. pretty special. i know he s the pope but if you re the parent you can t just hand over your two five-year olds. yes, you can. i d say listen, i need to see some i.d. by the way, we forgot we left out one juicy little tidbit regarding the guy accused of hiring the hooker. the 25-year-old at the time. he now works he didn t get fired after the hooker scandal. he now works for the state department at the global women s issues department. he hired a woman hooker and now he s apparently he s an expert at this. global women s issues at the state department, that s where he s working. coming up a new antiterror handbook refers to jihad as a noble thing. and did we mention it s all government approved. she s on track to make
history in washington. the harvard grad who is rising through the g.o.p. ranks joining us next. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread. but here s what you don t always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. she could become the youngest woman he have elected to congress. i m talking about republican elise steponick.
president obama piled on more taxes, more regulations, more debt for future generations and higher health care costs hurting our mainstream economy. i decided to run for office because my generation can t just complain about these problems. we have to help solve them as well. who exactly is this fresh face in the g.o.p.? she is with me now in the studio. good morning to you. thank you so much. this is a big week. i want to point directly to the fact that president obama is saying to launch a fresh millenial image on friday heading across the country talking to young individuals like yourself but you re actually speaking their language. why is your voice resonating so much with voters? a poll has you up by 13% against your opponent. if you look at president obama s record in this country, if you look at
high employment rates particularly for young women, we re in double digits. if you look at health care costs they re rising faster under the obamacare act. women in particular are having to absorb these price hikes whether they re taking care of their elderly parents or single mothers taking care of their children. they make 80% of health dent obama may be this launching the millenial initiative but he s letting us down in terms of the debt he racked on for future generations. ultimately my generation is going to inherit this mess. one of the reasons i m running is stepping up to the plate and offering new solutions. i know you re a 2006 harvard grad. harvard students say america is the greatest threat in the world, greater than even isis. take a listen here. in many ways i have to think it is america because america is making decisions that are much more likely to affect the world. american imperialism and our protection of oil interests in the middle east are destabilizing.
we re to blame for a lot of problems we re creating now. i don t think anyone would argue we didn t create the problem of isis ourselves. in your mind, the problem? the challenges of being a new generation republican on our college campuses today, i think it is clear that isis is the most well funded terrorist group in recent history especially and the united states plays an important role in the world. and when i think about that clip you just plays, elisabeth, i think about the troops. my district is home to fort drum, the most deployed unit in the u.s. army. i believe that is a slap in the face to our troops who are fighting to defend our principles abroad and also standing up for women and standing up for children. elise stefanik, you speak to a broad generation out there. thank you for joining us. did the e.p.a. inform the i.r.s.? thousands of text messages
that were supposed to be handed over for investigation were accidentally deleted and can t be recovered. the navy has a plan to make the military stronger and bring back jobs to the and bring back jobs to the u.s.a. at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio,
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welcome back. we ve got an update for you. the f.b.i. is getting very close to i.d. ing this english-speaking terrorist we showed you yesterday. we re here in the 17th division military base just outside the city of raqqa. one day after asking for your help for information on this man the f.b.i. received hundreds of tips on their tip line. this controversial handbook that claims jihad is noble is banned in canada, but the obama administration just endorsed it. yes, the state department
tweeted a link on its twitter page promoting the manual. in chapter 1 of the united against terrorism the authors promote sharia law. can t make it up. brian, over to you. five minutes before the bottom of the hour. american company revolutionizing the way we make clothing and now the u.s. navy is testing its new process. proposal l.l.c. says let s get rid of the needle and thread and weld our fabrics together. if this works it could bring more jobs back here to the united states making u.s. uniforms. joining us to talk about this mission and what she accomplished, fabric welding is what the method is called and what it means for our military, claire, congratulations on doing this. tell me how welding and clothing mix. we re looking at taking needle and thread out which tends to be bulky and heavy and looking at ways of using different welds to
bond the fabrics together instead. let s do the neelgd needle and thread. this is a seam in this navy garment. it is bulky and stiff. that s typical. now the mission to any company, let s make this lighter and let s do it quicker. so this is what you came up with? yes. we did this in a research project for the navy and we ve come up with a seam that is much more flexible and much lighter weight. thinner and right now we re still researching how it will hold up in the field but it s showing really good promise. this is interesting that you might have that welding mask and welding clothes together. you don t need a welding mask. but it would be welded; correct? exactly. we have a little bit of that video. let s have an example of what this piece of clothing would be like without seams essentially. we ve still got seams because you ve got to shape
the garment around the body. for example, this zipper, there is no stitching in this area at all. this has been bonded and welded in. this tab has been created without stitching. and we ve got another pocket right in here. it s been assembled without stitching as well. how long would it take to do something like this? on the surface it seems welding might take longer than a needle and thread through a machine. this is a research and development project. right now i would say it s similar time stitching. this project lends itself to automation and semi automation. as we can develop it further we think it will lead to faster speeds in assembly. what the military has asked you to do is make it lighter; correct? they have asked us to look at how this can make the clothing better. we ve found we can significantly make clothing lighter. what s the response? positive. they are looking in funding further research so we re hoping that will progress
next year. the theory is you get the contract and we hope you do, can we keep those jobs here? make the clothing here? yes. by law all of our department of defense clothing have to be made in the united states. what this has the potential to do is add other jobs for other companies that want to make things that aren t just department of defense clothing. we ll keep jobs here and we could add jobs. if the men and women are fighting with lighter equipment that s better sealed, keeps them safer. that s better for everybody. congratulations on the innovation. hopefully you ll get the okay. let us know. coming up next, one vet told to make doctor s appointments every two weeks but it turns out no appointments are available for months. has anything changed at the v.a.? a conservative film maker who says he was targeted by the feds for criticizing the president now going in front of the camera. we ll get his story. happy birthday to scottie mccreary.
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may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. , a new survey found more than half of americans see president obama s time in office as a failure. while the rest said you saw him in his office? when? he s had an exhausting week this week. was it yesterday he went to the pentagon for the, only the second or third time inside the building during his administration. the rest of the week? fund-raisers. here on the east coast and now to the west coast he s headed. in greenwich, connecticut he was at a billionaire s house. and in downtown new york city as well, a townhouse there. seeing a lot of rich people, including ainsley.
ainsley was born into money; right? i ve never seen that much money in my life. thank you. let me tell you about the headlines. it looks like the government did not learn its lesson from lois lerner s misfortunes. a top official in the environmental protection agency claims the agency deleted thousands of text messages and they can t be recovered. this news in response to a request for messages by a conservative think tank t. claims they re using texts instead of e-mails to carry on off-the-record conversations. kevin trainer put his life on the hien for our country for 13 years serving as a combat rescue swimmer in the navy. now the injured hero is being forced to wait months just to get an appointment for an m.r.i. at the v.a. hospital. six months and waiting for shoulder repair, that s ridiculous. here s the worst part. trainer says he s also supposed to receive
counseling for ptsd every two weeks but the v.a. hospital in north carolina only offering it every four months. conservative anymore maker dinesh d souza is turning his probation sentence for illegal campaign contributions into a tv career. he has to complete eight months of community service and he ll record the whole thing as a reality show. he plans to teach english to immigrants. he was spared from jail time for giving illegal straw donations to college friends and new york senate candidate wendy long. call in the camel google going to the extreme to map an arabian desert. the tech giant strapping its street cameras on to a camel. a guy will lead that animal on a 62-mile journey taking 360-did he dpree views of the desert in the u.a.e. and google is saying it used the country s ancient mode of transportation for
authenticity. and those are your headlines. that is so cool. something we can google later. the google car with that thing on the top drove by me out in new jersey a couple of weeks ago. i waved. have you ever looked up your house on-line? of course. do you know there s snow on it. some people have done it and found a car in the driveway that maybe shouldn t be there. interesting. i never thought about that. meanwhile this hasn t happened before. hey maria. good morning. good to see you. let s switch gears to the weather because we have incredible video out of massachusetts. there was some damage caused by something called a micro birth. we have strong storms rolling through parts of the northeast yesterday. what that is is very strong straight line winds coming from a thunder storm. that downdraft hits the
ground and causes sometimes some of this damage. this video was shot by a drone, incredible aerial. that is in massachusetts, winds estimated to be over a hundred miles per hour from that storm. today we are expecting more storms. some of the areas included are arizona and parts of new mexico. you can already see rain moving through that region. a lot of tropical moisture from the eastern pacific ocean. far off towards the east across parts of kansas and into missouri we have a cold front moving through and that system is going to produce several inches of rain. we have the concern for flash flooding. there are watches already in effect out this. that rain will continue today into tomorrow. high pressure in that front will be in the 80 s and 90 s. friday and into saturday cooler air will continue to move south and parts of the texas pan handle are going to be seeing highs in the 60 s by saturday. a big cooldown coming up for a big chunk of the
country for the weekend. perfect football weather. maria, thank you. it is the dracula story you have not heard. sometimes the world no longer needs a hero. sometimes what it needs is a monster. right. my words exactly. the action-packed adventure dracula untold hits theaters tomorrow. let s look into the fox light with the vice president of marketing and the host of fox light, michael tammero. just what we need now, monsters. is it fantastic? it is a dracula movie so it is what it is. got a cape? no cape, a lot of biting. what universal is trying to do here, they re home to some of the great characters of all time. frank stein, the mummy and of course dracula. they are looking to create a shared cinematic monster
universe, the way marvel has done with the super heroes. they are starting with dracula. you meet prince lad, the prince of transylvania defending his homeland against the turks. he makes kind of a deal with the devil and the rest is history as they say. we sat down with two big stars and asked them about the training. there is a lot of physical scenes in this. he really put so much brought so much integrity to our love story, to the emotional side of the film even though he had to do so much work physically for it as well. there were moments we were onset where he was doing push-ups and crunches and i was watching him and saying good work. good work. do a few more, you know. i had to train for about two months before we started shooting this film. i was in new zealand.
i took the trainer with me there. we were packing on pounds and the muscle out there. it s all real; okay? he s starring in the final hobbit. why don t they have one of the batman suits for him to make you look like you re fit. he really owns the part. we have cable at our house and we have the starz channel. starz is on quite a roll. they have outlander, a huge success. last week they premiered a new show, a basketball phenom who survives growing up in the hood. it is signed by an nba atlanta franchise. he feels guilty about how he navigates fame and fortune. lebron james. lebron james is producing it. it has a lot of heavyweights behind it. we sat down with two of its
stars. the show is ripped right from the headlines. we discuss about what they thought about the nfl. the nfl taking too much heat? i don t think so, no. you reap what you sow. they skirted around these issues for years. too much under the carpet, it s going to get lumpy. right now it is a little lumpy. it is a lot lumpy. at the misfortune of others. at the same time it is kind of unbelievable, it is amazing to see us having filmed something months ago but it is so relevant to what is happening right now. you can catch survivors remorse saturday on starz. catch my celebrity interviews on follow me on twitter at
foxlightmichael. thank you. this coming up. a pilot doing something you never heard of before. he kicked every single passenger off the plane. wait until you hear why. more on the secret service bombshell. white house aides apparently knew about the prostitution scandal but kept it quiet until after the 2012 election. they forced others to do that as well. the judge says this is big trouble. trouble. are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can t wait til tomorrow. ccaaaaaaaaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds]
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we have headlines for you now. here is a travel tip. next time you re boarding a plane don t ask the pilot if he s drunk. a passenger on jetblue made a joke about the pilot being drunk and that forced security to perform a
mandatory test on him. so the pilot kicked everyone off the plane. the fan who used a laser pointer on the buffalo bills quarterback and holder during sunday s game in detroit busted, banned from lions games forever. more to come on that, i m sure. a bombshell. new report alleges the white house knew of one of its members involved in the 2012 secret service prostitution scandal and that the lead investigator claims he was told to delay his report until after the election. what does that mean if these allegations are true and could anybody go to jail for this? let s talk to the judge. judge, what do you think? good morning, guys. the government is allowed to lie to us. we re not allowed to lie to the government. but government officials lying to government officials can be a crime. so if an investigator in the i.g. s office, the
inspector general s office, was told to lie to investigators from the senate committee looking at this prostitution scandal, like deny that the president knew this and he does concoct and express is express express that lie, he can be prosecuted. when jay carney says nobody from the white house was involved even though according to washington post that was this that s between jay and god the father. he can lie. what about delaying the release of this information only if an investigator told another investigator we don t have it. if there is a subterfuge, it is a crime. holding back the truth, delaying it is a political issue. that is not crime. if one investigator misled another, one from the investigative branch misled an investigator from the
senate that is a crime. you may have answered this subtley, if i m coming forward and i say they told me to delay my conclusions until after the election and i did, am i guilty of something? no. no. unless you lied in order to justify if i let something out, i m not in trouble. in this specific case where do you see potential for absolute crime? you re looking for two things. you re looking for a conspiracy, an agreement amongst people in the white house to keep the truth from the senate investigators. that s number one. the washington post says that happened. the washington post says that happened, correct, steve. you re also looking for individuals in this conspiracy with a duty to tell the truth and did not carry out that duty. it seems like members from the secret service tried to keep the record straight and along the way they were told keep quiet. what about this
apparently the first weekend after it happened, white house counsel worked through the weekend, this kathryn ruemmler, and she asked the guy involved in this and he said i didn t do anything wrong, so supposedly she said we talked to the guy. nothing there even though secret service came forward and said we got receipts. we can prove there was a hooker. i don t know her but i know her reputation. she has a reputation as a very fine lawyer. she is also reportedly on the short list to replace eric holder. something tells me she is not on that list this morning. what about janet napolitano? she is not my cousin. homeland security secretary, do you think she plays a role in this? she prosecutable knew what was going on. she probably knew what was going on. do you think this was an effort to protect this guy who was 25 because his parents were donors? i think it was to keep this from voters before the 2012 election. why was this guy doing
advanced work for the white house? because his daddy was a big donor. next on our rundown, are you an at&t customer? take a closer look at your old phone bills because you may have money coming back to you. a mom gets pulled over because her child isn t in a booster seat but instead of giving her a ticket that officer bought her a car seat and they are both going to join us live next. this they are. good morning. you re next. the conference call.
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when a michigan public safety officer pulled a woman over for not having her five-year-old daughter in a carseat, the normal protocol would be to write her a ticket. instead he did something extraordinary. he told her, follow me. we re going to wal-mart and there he bought her a booster seat with money from his own pocket. since then the whole thing has gone viral and joining us now to tell us the story is public safety officer ben hall and the mother he helped, lexi. good morning to both of you. good morning. so officer, let s pick up the story. you heard on the radio there is some lady driving and she s got a kid in the back in no car seat, right? yep. that s correct. what did you do? the vehicle drove by me just
shortly after dispatch notified me of the call. and i pulled the vehicle over and made contact with lexi here, who was one of the passengers. her friend was driving and her young child was in the back seat. that s right. so lexi, the officer right there comes over and says, hey, where is the car seat? what do you tell him? basically told him why i didn t have one. i knew the importance of it. i know the importance of her being in a booster seat. i fell on hard times. i can t afford one right now. this is the lesser this is the only way i can see my kid. officer, normal protocol would be to write her a ticket. but you didn t. you said, let s go to wal-mart. why? after hearing her story and understanding what she s going through, i concluded it was just obvious that writing a ticket is not going to solve the problem and that i had to do something
else if i wanted to try to help this family and this child. that s an awful nice thing of you to do. and lexi, you went back and you were looking at them and the person who actually made the selection was your five-year-old daughter, right? she said, i like that one right there. yes, she did. officer hall looked at one and said, this is kind of boyish and put it back and grabbed another one. and my daughter looked and goes, oh, i like the black one on this one, too, and then hugged the box. that s awesome. these pictures that we re looking at are actually from a wal-mart clerk who took the pictures, so inspired by what you did, officer. there you are paying out of your own pocket 50 bucks. you weren t reimbursed. you took it out of your family ? i was in a position to help this family out and this child and if i m able to do something
like that and to change even just a little bit this family s life or lives, i felt that i was in that position to do it and i went ahead and did what i did. you did. but you know what? i ve read that people are giving you a hard time. you know what, you should have written her a ticket. no, not even close. i faced a little bit of criticism, but nothing what lexi is facing. but the overwhelming amount of support from everybody across the country and across the world has just been outstanding. absolutely. and lexi, i know you love the fact that he helped you out. you re going through a hard time. your car had been repossessed. but your daughter has a new car seat. what did you tell him when he did that for you? i told him i m grateful. i didn t really know what to say. i was at a loss for words. i had never heard of anything like this before. absolutely not. it s terrific. paying it forward. ben hall and lexi joining us from michigan today.
thank you very much for telling your story. thank you. thank you. that is great. meanwhile, this doctor fought cancer and won. but to make sure it never happened again, he transformed his body. dr. z joins us live campbell s® fiesta chicken lime tortilla. sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell s® 33 new soups sound good. imagine how they taste! m m m m good!®
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the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is your imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. good morning. today is thursday, october 79. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. this morning angry airline workers are walking off the job over fears of catching ebola virus. this as another possible case surfaces in the south. a sheriff s deputy is sick and he never went overseas. a brand-new scandal surfacing at the white house kept a secret for more than two years and it all goes back to this. was the president aware that there were allegations like this? i don t know that any of us were aware til we read newspaper accounts. right. the man that broke the original story, the one the white house denied will be here live. and wait until you see what
happens to this homeless vet asking for money on a street. the guy just told his sign to pizzas. the reason why will really blow your mind. mornings like this thursday one are better with friends. this is trace adkins. you re watching fox & friends . all right. we got a big scandal to tell you about at the white house. they denied involvement, but now it looks like the washington post has got the goods on him. right now a fox news alert. federal government is now stepping up the screening in the face of the ebola crisis with workers at la guardia just walking off the job. they say we don t have the right training or the materials to deal if somebody sick comes in. joining us with brand-new
details is doug luzader at dulles airport. doug? reporter: that s right. good morning. this is one of the airports where we will see that additional screening. we spent so much time talking about the potential for infected passengers, we don t think about infected planes as well. that s the concern of these workers at la guardia airport. some of them have gone on strike because they re concerned about cleaning aircraft without the kind of protection they say they need to protect them from viruses like ebola. so this is a whole kind of other angle to this story as the federal government has stepped up its screening of passengers. we talk about the five airports affected, dulles in virginia, but also jfk, newark, atlanta hearts field and chicago o hare airport. they re look specifically for passengers coming in from free countries in west africa, sierra leone, guinea and liberia. those people will have their temperature taken and have to answer basic questions about their health and depending on
how that screening g they could be quarantined. starting at jfk on saturday and at the four other airports that were mentioned in the following week, and that was dulles, newark, chicago and atlanta, these five airports represent 94, 95% of all of the 150 travelers per day who arrive from these three countries. reporter: now, what gets complicated, there aren t really direct flights coming in from these countries, so they have to keep track of the potential connections that people have made. the department of homeland security says they are up to this job of figuring out where these people originally came from to see if in fact they re coming up in international flights where they may have originated at one of those three countries. no guarantees. they re just hoping to come in contact with 95% of the passengers from those countries. the cdc will tell you, this is just another layer of security.
it s not a final fix to prevent ebola from coming into the united states. back to you. doug luzader, thanks so much. of course, craziness right here in queen, new york. this morning another bombshell. a new report alleges the white house knew that one of its own aides was involved in the 2012 prostitution scandal that led to the downfall of nearly two dozen secret service agents and that investigators were told to hold off on any embarrassing details until after the election. joining us right now is the author of the first family detail, ron kessler, who broke the story of what happened in colombia and the whole prostitution scandal himself. and now we have this new page. ron, welcome. what s your reaction to what the washington post has today? i think it s a very clear cut cover-up, even more clear cut than benghazi because we know exactly who made the decision and that is the white house
counsel, and you had this investigation by the secret service. the secret service, despite corner cutting on the projection side by management, is very good at investigating. it s just as good as the f.b.i their investigations lead to people going to jail. they found that yes, this white house aide was involved in hiring a prostitute and yet, the white house counsel ignored that, covered it up. on top of that, i think it sheds light on why president obama did not replace mark sullivan as secret service director even though he presided over the salahi party intrusion, and then over the prostitution scandal, because sullivan knew the white house was involved in the scandal. so why replace him? sure. and you mentioned the white house counsel. the weekend after this all hit the fan, she talked to this guy, this 26-year-old then volunteer by the name of jonathan dock, he, according to the washington post, is the one who hired the
hooker. the white house been saying no, nobody from the white house was involved. he was a volunteer at the time. but then she talked to him and he told her, i didn t do that. so then it s like we didn t have anything here. but then a bunch of investigations started and there she is right now, currently being considered for attorney general, at least she was until today. but then there were these other investigations and the closer they got to the truth and they had photocopies of the hook i.d. tied to his room. it sounds like the department of homeland security, the inspector general started the process. as the investigators got closer to it, they were told by the white house allegedly, back off until after the election. yeah. the inspector general of homeland security at the time just covered up everything for the secret service, ignored all their failings. i wouldn t expect anything more out of them. but it s really the white house that s the key here.
they perpetuated a double standard where secret service agents were fired for hiring prostitute, as they should have been. and yet their own aide was involved and they covered that up. right. this is a reminder for everyone that 2012 in april, when jay carney completely denied that they knew anything. undercuts the credibility of the white house yet again. here he is. the news report this morning? i don t think so. i doubt it. i don t know that any of us were aware of it til we read newspaper reports. he was waiting for the paper boy to come and then find out what happened. yeah, they had no idea. another way to make sure that president obama was reelected. the interesting thing about this, this guy who got caught in the hooker scandal apparently didn t get fired. now working at the global women s issues department at the state department. ron, according to judge napolitano, who was on with us
ten or 15 minutes ago, he looks at this as a potential for obstruction of justice, obviously. plus there is a possibility that people could go to jail over this. i don t see it as being that clear cut. what i do see is that the white house counsel, katherine reummler is not going to become the next attorney general. apparently she was on the list to replace eric holder. she can not do that now. this is ridiculous. very, very scandalous that the secret service would present this investigation. they had cleared another individual. they were very sure that this aide was involved, and yet the white house covered it up. sure. the fact that mr. nee kneeland and two others am put on leave for asking questions. we thank you for joining us. we have another layer now. ainsley earhart is poised to
give us the rest of the breaking news. yes, i am. we have breaking news for you. violent protests erupting in st. louis, missouri, after police shoots a teen-ager dead. look at this one officer trying to that one protester trying to pull the officer down. then there is another man caught recording cops with two cameras, while others start kicking their car. this all started when another officer saw three men in the street. the cops claim that one of the men grabbed at his waistband, indicating he was carrying a gun. so the cop chased him and that s when the teen-ager turned around and fired at the officer. the cop fired back and killed the teen-ager. this all happening the same day protesters planned to take to the streets in nearby ferguson to mark two months since michael brown s death. caught on camera, the stunning moment a u.s. air force plane crashes and bursts into flames. here is the picture. it happened during combat training in england.
the plane slammed into the field near an elementary school. thankfully the pilot did manage to eject safely. it s still unclear what caused that crash. at & t slapped with a massive fine this morning for unauthorized charges on your bill. the company agree to go pay $105 million after charging for things like horoscope texts and celebrity gossip from third party companies. the federal trade commission saying at & t was keeping the profits from at least a third of those bogus charges. if you are an at & t customer, you can look for your refund by heading to the ftc s web site. it s and you can make a claim on that site. a usc fighter s pride takes a beating after he tells a guy to google him and then he gets socked in the face. oh, dear. you know who i am line.
seconds later, ufc star cody gibson tackles the man to the ground before security breaks up that bar fight. it happened in vegas. and gibson admits he s embarrassed now and he tweeted this out. when it rains, it pours. if you are human, you make mistakes. the worth of a man is not whether or not he falls. it s if he gets up. those are your headlines. i thought what happened in vegas stays in vegas. not if you have an iphone. did he end up on top? did he beat the guy up, do we know? what did the video show? it showed him taken down with a two-legged take down, but we didn t see much else. he did get back up. in every way. thank you very much. you ve seen this, a routine traffic stop ends with shattered glass and with a stun gun. (scream). the family inside that vehicle says it s excessive force. police officers say it was
excesstive resistance. a fair and balanced debate coming up next. then a homeless vet asking for money on the street has his sign torn to pieces. but wait until you hear why. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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quarter after the top of the hour. how did a routine traffic stop end up like this? ma am, are you going to open the door? how can you say nobody is going to hurt you? people are getting shot by the police. (scream). oh, man. the guy in the passenger seat refused to comply with the police for 13 minutes before you just saw the window was shattered. now those two people are suing the cops. so do they have a case? joining us right now for a legal debate is a pg tv commentator and drummer for 20-pound sledge. also joining us is civil rights attorney, andel brown. good morning to both of you. good morning. alfonso, as you look at this video, you say that the people inside the vehicle did everything wrong. yes, yes. all you had to do was do what the cop said.
i don t think the cop was asking them for their kidney. he just asked them to get out of the car. get out of the car. for a long time. yes. she could have been on her way to the hospital and she was worried about seeing her mom before she died. she could have been well on her way. okay. andel, what do you see? when i look at this video, the question i ask myself is do they have a legal obligation to do what the cops are asking them to do? the truth is, they don t. it s a consentual encounter. when a consentual encounter is made, you do not have to identify yourself as a passenger in the vehicle and you do not have to get out of a vehicle. so if they say no, the encounter is over and there is nothing more to be done at that point. and the passenger is the one who refused to produce a document for apparently he was asked for his driver s license and he said, i don t have it. i had to give it up because i got a ticket and he was showing them a ticket.
right? yeah. he showed them a document with his name on them. according to the case out of nevada that was decided in the supreme court, once someone identifies themselves, it s over. this cell phone video was taken by one of the children in the back seat. listen to this. here you can hear the woman who is trying to get to the hospital say she s worried about her safety. what was the purpose of a gun? and now they re asking me to open my door so i can get out. i m scared. if you could pull out a gun in there is two kids in the back seat. there were two kids in the back seat. alfonso, the family now is going to sue the cops for probably a lot of money. this has become more complicated than it needs to be. even the person that she s on the phone with is telling her, do not make this worse on yourself. just get out of the car. you don t even have to see what s going on to know that they re doing everything wrong. the person on the other end of the phone is do don t make it
worse, get out of the car. don t worry about the kids safety. they got the windows rolled up and both smoking in the car. they re not worried about the kids safety. you say this was an instance of excessive resistance to what the police officers was asking them to do, which you say was reasonable. yes. and the restraint the passenger, he s reaching all over the place, he s reaching off into the back seat, let me get my backpack, let me do that. the restraint by these cops is amazing. they seriously deserve a doughnut after the job they did. andel, you say this was excessive force by the police. alfonso is definitely amusing and absolutely wrong. this is excessive force. there is no crime that they suspect jamal jones has committed, so there is no reason to detain him. under a consentual encounter, the force has to be reasonable to the threat. they re talking for a long time. if you watch the video, there is
a very calm exchange going on. there is no belief that he s reaching for anything. it s are you going to open the door or not? it s are you going to do what i m going to do or i m going to show you who is boss and that s what happened on the side of the road. i don t believe in getting into those kind of contests with an officer. but at the same time, we expect them to act in a professional and reasonable manner. using force, tasing someone, breaking the fellows in front of children the glass in front of children is not reasonable and that force was excessive. i m glad you mentioned that. the police officer said he was reaching into the back seat and they were worried it was a weapon. so that s why they broke the glass, according to the police. alfonso rachel and andel brown, great debate. thank you very much. thank you. you re welcome. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, incredible images, an airport goes up in flames. what led to this massive destruction? then this doctor had a life-threatening wake-up call, so he changed his life and his body. how did he do it?
dr. z is going to tell us when he joins us. by the way, he s got a new book. good morning, dr. z.
quick headlines now from around the world. the big update. the f.b.i. is getting very close to the english speaking terrorist. we re here in the 17th division military base just outside the city of aropka. that s just one day after asking for information on this man. the f.b.i. receiving hundreds of leads on their tip line. and the cease fire in ukraine was not able to save a major airport. new images show the destruction of the main terminal after a battle between pro-russian rebels and ukrainian forces.
china just overtook the u.s. as the world s largest economy. the international monetary fund basing the ranking on purchasing power, saying chinese domestic product is worth $17.6 trillion compared to 17.4 onfor the u.s. trillion for the u.s. after being diagnosed with cancer in 2006, this doctor was motivated to rebuild his life, but his entire body and also give others the tools to do the same thing. his own personal transformation is astounding, to say the least. he s currently working with former good morning america host joan lunden who was diagnosed with breast cancer this past june. joining us, we re happy to have him as the author of the book rebuild. thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. 2006, they find cancer. yes. non-hodgkin s lymphoma. you decide to build because you said i created this disease.
i m going to fix it and rebuild myself. you take major ownership for cancer, first off. the transformation is astounding. i can t wait to hear how you can do this, but why did you blame really your own actions and self? it s not that i blamed my own actions. i think people need to realize that what you do to yourself and how you create the internal environment for yourself will really push knew a place of disease. so when i say that i ve created my disease, i didn t take care of my stress. i didn t eat like i should. i wasn t exercising the way i normally would. and not taking care of all those things i normally do set up the stage for cancer in my body. to take ownership, i guess i do. admirable. as research says, only 5% of cancers are genetic. 95% are rooted in lifestyle. so you are what you eat. you ve been eating a lot of the wrong stuff. well, at the time i unfortunately was. you re not alone. a lot of people do. i think when people get
stressed, they go into a place that s kind of dark. at the time you were starting your business. you had a lot of pressure on you. you were being sued at the time. well, it wasn t sued. i just had somebody legal problem. yes. i was having someone in my office doing unfavorable things. you want to get your body into shape. you have before and after shots of people you worked with. yes. so here is mimi, for example. tell me about her. mimi is a phenomenal woman. she s breast cancer victor and she came to me through a business networking group and said, you need to help me rebuild. so we put her on the rebuild program, which is a specific food plan, supplement regiment and exercise program and you can see mimi s results. she was also set up for or had risks for cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, other inflammatory marks that would dictate maybe she would be heading back to cancer and all of those are gone. astounding. joan lunden, you ve been working with her. what are you able to tell us?
i can t give you too much information on it, but joan is a warrior and when she gets something in her head, she goes with it. the principles of rebuild really helped her get through her process. what are those principles? if you re at home right now, obviously reading your book is key. but what are some things we can take away today to say do these three things and it will be a difference maker? the three things are if you can just focus on eating all nutrient dense whole foods, getting rid of processed foods. if you can incorporate 20, 25 minutes of high intensity interval training into your schedule four or five times a week, and just taking basic nutrients like multi vitamin, vitamin c, d, you ll have a greatest impact on your help. what about sleep? sleep is a big one. oops. wrong host. i was going to say. when people are stressed like i was, you don t sleep well. how do you feel when you don t sleep? you kind of feel a little hungover. that s an inflammatory process.
all of those we sleep when we are in bed. just getting to the bed is the issue. thanks so much. i m glad you re okay. thank you. man, are you in great shape. i appreciate that. rebuild is the name of the book. go get it. thank you very much. up next, if you value your sleep, then you will want to live in this city. the best and worst places to catch some z s. speaking of. and a homeless vet asking for money in the streets had his sign torn to piece. just wait until you hear why. you make a great team.
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i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don t think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at
the guys have come up with frightening creations just for fright fest at six flags. we re getting the first taste. chef josh capone and tony luke, junior, joining us now and i smell bacon and syrup. what is this? a bacon franken funnel dog. are you trying o scare our heart or circulation? a combination of ordinary ingredients that come to lifement we partnered with pepto to create something extraordinary. a monster mash-up for fright fest. it is a franken bacon but butter
ball. what do you mean you teamed up with pepto-bismol? you re going to grab a dog and chances are you re going to overdo it. we tend to overdo it many times. even when i m work every day as an ordinary chef, i m tasting different foods all day. at six flags, the pepto chopper will be there to rescue you. does it come with kyle to bring you back to life at the end of the day? moderation. look at that. a little powdered sugar. bacon!
i actually ate part of the stick. it s delicious! there goes the pepto copter. we got to turn it on. this will be making many flights, i m sure. delicious. i have a feeling people are going to love this. pepto, i need you! bacon! josh and tony, check out the franken food at six flags. ainsley, this is calling your name when you re done. we ll save you one before they re all gone. i m going to tell you some of the news. the mother of globe customer tears the navy seal murdered in the benghazi terrorist attack opening up to greta van susteren. barbara dougherty talking about why it took more than a month after her son s death for the f.b.i. director robert muller to
reach out. he couldn t find my contact number. and i said, do you mean my phone number? i said you are the f.b.i he said, yes. so then i sort of was laughing to myself and i said, you re going to stick to this little story, aren t you? barbara filed a lawsuit against the obama administration now. this video is incredible. a newly restored world war ii era plane crashes nose first while trying to land in louisiana. the pilot had engine trouble earlier in the day, but it s not clear if that is what caused the crash. amazingly the pilot and his passenger were not injured. the german fighter was worth about $2 million. the city that never sleeps living up to its nickname. a new study found people who live in brooklyn, new york get the least amount of sleep in america.
on average, they get to bed past 11:40 at night. who gets the most amount of sleep? people who live in hawaii. no kidding. they hit the sack at 10:30 at night. this next story is going to blow your mind. a homeless veteran asking for money ask approached by a man on the street in vegas. but then watch. the guy rips the veteran s sign to pieces. just wait til you see why. roll the rest of this tape. i figured this would help, though. it seems kind of weird to do that. are you one of those street musicians that s going to make this into a wad of money. i actual israeli a wad of money for you. here is the best part, the magician has done that in the past. this army veteran made quite an impact on the entertainer.
he set up a go fund me page to get him back on his feet. so far they have raised $13,000. those are your headlines. i think i m tossing to maria now. no, i m not. you re not. we have the power. it s our magic trick. thank you for the toss. i got a feeling now we go to maria. you know everything. good morning. good to see you. temperatures are cooling off out here in new york city, but it s still the atlantic hurricane season. i want to point out this incredible stat that the capitol weather gang has put out. florida has gone more than 3270 days without a hurricane. nearly nine years. by far, the longest stretch on record. incredible. been a very quiet atlantic hurricane season. that s good news, but across the pacific ocean, we ve had very
tough weather in terms of hurricane activity. very active season. right now we actually have super typhoon heading towards japan and surrounding islands. out here we re looking at what would be a category 4 hurricane. so that s the equivalent out there. maximum sustained winds at 155 miles an hour. incredible storm system across the western pacific ocean. now, across the lower 48, we have areas of rain across parts of arizona and new mexico and areas of rain as well in parts of missouri and the plains. out there we do have the risk for flash flooding. let s head back inside. all right. going to feel like fall this weekend. thank you very much. can t wait to start rake. i love the sound of it you can do it right now. they re just holding out right now. are you serious? i ll bring some of mine. ours were coming down in august. coming up, who will replace eric holder as attorney general? we just learned the top two picks may now be immersed in a
prostitution scandal. peter johnson, jr. is going to sort it all out for you. and they re supposed to be some of the smartest students in the world. what is a bigger threat to world peace, america or isis? to world peace? oh, america. in many ways i think it s america. the man who caught those harvard students on camera with us next. first trivia question, born on this date in 1952, this tv host is the wife of the godfather of heavy metal. who is she? be the first to e-mail us. you ll be the winner. (male announcer) it s happening.
today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® is now available in flextouch® - the only prefilled insulin pen with no push-button extension. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that s 50% longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. today, i m asking about levemir® flextouch. (female announcer) levemir® is a long-acting insulin, used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use,
operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar levels. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. (male announcer) today s the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. time for some animal headlines. first, it is one of the worst
sounds, the sound of your car alarm. but in this case, the warning was a welcome one. just take a look. the alarm was set off by a pretty big mountain lion on top of a toyota camry. good luck. and how about waking up to the sound of your own car horn honking? in this case, it was a black bear leaning on the horn. look at that. it happened in colorado. the bear looking for a late night snack, but he got stuck in the car and could not get out. barely he did. thankfully not my car. an explosive new report alleges that the white house covered up a major story during the height of the president s reelection campaign and what s worse, we just learned that the top two picks may now be immersed in a prostitution scandal. peter johnson, jr. is here to sort it all out for us and focus in. it s a story in the washington post. they re detailing what appears to be denied by the white house,
denied by department of homeland security, two breaches in terms of protocol, in terms of investigation. an investigator with the department of homeland security i.g. s office says he was pressured by the i.g. s office to delay the report until the election had passed. the presidential election passed in 2012. there is also issues with regard with not only janet napolitano s involvement here, but also katherine reumner, who is speculated to be a cab at this time to replace eric holder as attorney general. she conducted a confidential and quick white house investigation into the scandal and determined that one jonathan dack, a 25-year-old basically intern day laborer as it were, political appointee who was there at the trip did nothing wrong. and so while two dozen secret service and military personnel were either fired or disciplined and took polygraph tests and
were thrown about the media as being in a terrible scandal, the white house quickly excuh pated its own employee. this is a huge story. involving prostitution here. i want to ask you about the two pictures we saw coming up. a big position here. explain to everyone. i think they have been rumored to be considered by the white house to take on eric holder s job as attorney general. so now based on the washington post story, there is huge questions about their stewardship with regard to miss reumner, did she properly investigate the scandal? did she honestly investigate the scandal, and whether miss napolitano denies it and the white house denies it, but with regard to miss napolitano, did she pressure her own inspector general to delete portions of a
report, to leave certain things out? the white house has responded to this. they ve responded in a strong way. they have denied wrongdoing up and down. they denied it previously to a senate committee which investigated to this. in fact, they said the senate committee discredited the whistle blower as it were here. they allege that he was not telling the truth with what went on. the white house said back then in 2012, jay carney said, we don t know anything about this. we learned about it when everybody else did reading the newspaper. you look at the clips of questions asked by ed henry and other people from fox and other news organizations and a big story in the a.p. as well around that time, it appears that the statements that they made, if you believe the accusations in the washington post, it appears that their statements weren t credible at the time. so obviously this is going to foster a new set of investigations. what did janet napolitano know? what did miss heumner know?
did they adequately perform investigations as head of dhs and white house counsel. that means that you re the to the president. should the president s lawyer have undertaken that investigation herself? and was there a whitewash? we don t know the answers. the washington post today says it was a whitewash. we will look and see what the answers are going forward. this is going to pop. it was an important year. we understand reelection year, and perhaps protecting this young man to have been mistake or crime? involved with a prostitute? negligence or intentional? we ll see. peter johnson, jr., we know you ll stay on it. they are supposed to be some of the smartest students in the world at harvard. as a western civilization, we re to blame for a lot of the problems we re facing now. i don t think anyone would argue that we didn t create the problem of isis ourselves. the man who caught them on camera saying just that. the ivy league is here with us
next. first on this day in history in 1936, the hoover dam began transmitting electricity to los angeles. in 1984, katherine sullivan became the first american woman to walk in space. in 1993, dream lover by mariah carey was the number one song in the united states.
the answer to the trivia question sharon osborne. the winner is from cypress, texas, he ll get a copy of my new book. who is a greater threat to america and to peace, i should say? america or isis? yesterday this video got a lot of you fired up.
to world peace. oh, america. american imperialism and our protection much oil interests in the middle east are destabilizing the region and allowing groups like isis to gain power. as a western civilization, we re to blame for a lot of the problems that we re facing now. i don t think anyone would argue we didn t create the problem of isis ourselves. right. this morning the man behind it joins us now. caleb bonham. the editor and chief of campus reform. first off, people are stunned because this is maybe one of the top three schools in the country, possibly the most famous in the world. you found this school of thought. how many people would you say you edited out to get tho those like minded people who blamed us, not isis? the initial question that i asked, two or three people said isis was a greater threat to world peace. but then i was shocked to see that student after student, as we continued our interviews
found ways to blame america. and i ve seen at the leadership campus reform is that this is sort of a fad that s sweeping the nation. it s been doing so for several years where the students think it s high brow to be able to somehow blame america for the world s ills. so what was the point of going there to bring this up? to prove what your theory was? the idea was to ask what people really thought of this. i know that among these institutions of higher learning, students are being taught in class that america is to blame. they re hearing our president on many cases talk about how america is to blame. they re hearing situation after situation where america is the root of all evil. i wanted to hear i really expected every student to look at me, roll their eyes and say, come on. isis is the problem here. but what i find funny about our video is that it s sad, my video proves students are listening to what they re
learning in class. that s concerning. what s been the reaction? your goal with campus reform is to expose what you say is liberal bias on campuses. but on this in particular when you did it at harvard and got the answer to that comparison, what s the reaction been over the last 24 hours? well, it s been fascinating. i think the majority of people are outraged that students are trying to draw the idea that isis poses a greater threat to world peace than america does. america historically has liberated the oppressed. we ve strengthened and supported the weak across the country, across the world in war after war. and so it sparked a lot of debate. some people are outraged. then you have a string of people that are trying to support these students in what they re saying that america is to blame. so that question came up on a composition question at harvard, that answer probably would have got them an a? unfortunately. they would have looked at it as
diversity of thought. and probably valued that more than somebody trying to support the good that america has done world wide. go to, right, and you can find out more caleb, thanks so much. disturbing but necessary. four minutes before the top of the hour. a fox news alert as we go to break, we re following this story, angry airline workers walking off the job this morning over fears of catching the ebola virus. we re live from the airport where it s all happening. incredible pictures taken moments after a u.s. air force f-15 falls from the sky. the plane erupts in flames. but the pilot walks away
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good morning. today is thursday, october 9. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. this morning airline workers are walking off the job over fears of catching the ebola virus. we are live with the impact on
travelers today. a brand-new bombshell at the white house. something kept secret for more than two years and it all goes back to this. was the president aware that there were allegations like this? i don t know that any of us were aware of that til we read newspaper reports. brand-new details on the hooker scandal that everybody in washington is going to be talking about today. that means you will be, too. what made these patriot cheerleaders put on their opponents jersey. it s great story and brought this defensive tackle to tears. devon here to explain what s going on with him and his family. mornings are better with friends. hello, my name is adam west. sometimes known as bruce wayne or batman, and you re watching fox & friends, as i do every morning. it was great to see adam west
yesterday. fantastic. lives out in idaho, watches fox & friends every day. really? and it was odd to see him without robin. i thought they still traveled together. only in our hearts. every year he knows what exactly he s going to be for halloween. not on wednesday. not on wednesday? that was on the after the show show. it s still posted today. it is indeed. it was at the end of yesterday s show. today we got big news. we start with a fox news alert. the united states steps up screening in the face of ebola, workers at la guardia airport here in new york city walked off the job. they said we don t have the right training, the material if somebody shows up with ebola. so we re not going to work until we get something. that is right. joining us live with the brand-new details on that and how it will impact travelers, doug luzader is live at dulles. good morning to you. good morning. it seems like every day there is a new aspect to this ebola story. we have been talking a lot about airline passengers and what they re going to have to go through. now we re talking about people behind the scenes that you never
even see sometimes. in case of la guardia, these are some of them cabin cleaners, people that actually clean the aircraft that say they re not properly equipped to deal with aircraft that could potentially be contaminated with the ebola virus. here is a union representative. they re given no equipment, no tools, no training that is appropriate for the kind of challenges we need for our airport to be safe for passengers and workers alike. reporter: they re concerned about the ebola virus. obviously the federal government is concerned as well. that s why they re looking at five airports around the country. five major airports to institute new screening protocols for some passengers. the airports we re talking about here at dulles international outside of washington, d.c., but also jfk and newark, as well as atlanta and chicago. those five airports looking for passengers that are coming from
three countries in particular in west africa, sierra leone, guinea and liberia. they will be screened, which means they will have their temperature taken. they will be asked specific questions about their health and depending on those answers, they could be quarantined. if any travelers are found to either have a fever or have history of contact with ebola, then the on-site centers for disease control and prevention public health officer will further interview that individual. reporter: now, a couple of potential complications here. first of all, we re not talking about necessarily direct flights from liberia to the united states because these people take connecting flights. so the department of homeland security will have to figure out where these people originated from, what connecting cities may have been involved before they assess whether someone needs additional screening. also the other aspect to this, the fact that there is an
incubation period. so it s certainly possible, likely, in fact, that someone may not be symptomatic when they get off the airplane and would not necessarily be caught in these additional screenings. steve, brian and elisabeth, back to you. good point. doug, we thank you. thank you. big scandal right now. let s go back to 2012. remember how nearly two dozen secret service members were asked to leave their positions because of a prostitution scandal that occurred in colombia. right. big summit, reelection year. also what we re finding out now, though, is that apparently there was, even though it was denied at the time, the white house knew that someone else was involved. the other person involved happened to be someone in the white house staff. that s right. student and volunteer jonathan dach, 25-year-old yale law student at the time. he repeatedly denied bringing prostitute to his hotel room. but the facts tell a different story.
so does the inspector general. jay carney was asked about this whole thing. these are allegations today in the washington post. jay carney back in 2012 was asked about did anybody at the white house know about this, that there was somebody from the white house involved? and he said this. was the president aware that there were allegations like this before the news report this morning? i don t think so. i doubt it. i don t know that any of us were aware of it til we read newspaper reports. okay. that as it turns out is absolutely a lie because according to the washington post today, senior aides knew after the scandal, the weekend after the scandal that there was apparently a white house assistant, a volunteer, per diem kid, the son of a big donor involved. the person who one of the key people, according to the washington post, who knew about it was the white house
counsel, katherine ruemmler. she had an investigation over the weekend. secret service went to her and gave her all the evidence, including receipts and photocopies of this guy s room down in cartagena. apparently the way they work is if you bring a hooker to your room, you got to register them. so the hooker gave the front desk her i.d. and they put it on his particular room charge. they re still looking for the prostitute, by the way. you heard that clip there, we just found out about it like everybody else, in the paper. when you understand that twice ruemmler said no, no offense occurred here in terms of the allegations of this 25-year-old man. then you have david nieland, lead investigator in the secret service prostitution scandal, he told senate staffers that he was directed to delay the release of the report until after the election because it might not bode so well for the president and the white house. this is the quote.
we were directed at the time to delay the report of the investigation til after the 2012 election. that is david nieland s quote. kessler says the timing was not coins dentsal. i think it s a very clear cut cover-up, even more clear cut than benghazi because we know exactly who made the decision and that it was the white house counsel. it s really the white house that s the key here and they perpetuated a double standard where secret service agents were fired for hiring pros suits as they should have been, yet their own aide was involved and they covered that up. it s another way to make sure that president obama was reelected. and how many times have we heard that in advance of the election, allah benghazi, nothing there to see, folks. judge napolitano was sitting this on the curvy couch about an hour and a half ago. who can get in big trouble? here is the judge. the government is allowed to
lie to us. we re not allowed to lie to the government. but government officials lying to government officials can be a crime. so if an investigator in the i.g. s office, the inspector general s office was told to lie to investigators from the senate committee looking at this prostitution scandal, like deny that the president knew this, and he does concoct and express that lie, he can be prosecuted. as for the young man, jonathan dach, the volunteer who according to the washington post, brought the hooker to his room because they ve seen all the documentation, did he get fired? well, right now he works for th. he is a policy advisor on global women s issues at the state department, which is ironic. here is the guy who hires hookers and a hooker and is allegedly on the global women s issues department at state. congressman jason chaffetz a
little later will talk about this and other things live in our studio. in 22 minutes. right now we re going to turn to ainsley who has breaking news for us. breaking overnight, violent protests erupt not guilty st. louis, missouri, after a police officer shoots a teen-ager dead. look at this one protester trying to pull the officer down. then another man is caught recording the cops with two cameras, while others start kicking their car. this all started when another officer saw three men on the street. the cop claims one of those men grabbed at his waistband, indicating he was carrying a gun. the cop chased him and that s when the teen-ager turned and fired at the officer. the cop fired back, killing him. this all happening the same day that protesters planned to take to the streets in nearby ferguson to mark two months since michael brown s death. caught on camera, the stunning moment a u.s. air force
plane crashes and bursts into flames. it happened during combat training in england. the f-15 slammed into the field right near an elementary school. the pilot did manage to eject safely. it s still not clear what caused that crash. the surprising star of the senate debate in kansas is harry reid. but for all the wrong reasons. in one corner you have reason senator pat roberts and the other, independent candidate greg orman. both traded blows over reid. take a listen. in fact, a vote for greg orman is a vote to hand over the future of the country to harry reid and barak obama. as i said, i believe obama and reid are part of the problem. the latest fox news poll shows roberts with a five-point lead, getting 44% of the vote. rocker sting already in the rock n roll hall of fame for his music with the police. roxanne you don t have to put on the
red light sure. i ll see what i can do about that. we need that louder for brian. there you go. thank you. now he himself is on the ballot. sting among 14 other nominees. they include greenday, lean on me singer bill withers and guitarist stevie ray vaughn. the voting is in december. they aired that later after the actual they do. i love it. you know how i love broadway. it s coming to sting is coming to broadway. and i love musicals. i m look for the dates. any musical, you can cap me. you re soliciting on world wide television for a date to go to broadway? ainsley asked me to bring her. no other woman allowed. me with brian. thank you. fine! you take him. wow. thanks for the fight, elisabeth.
appreciate it. sting is coming to broadway. this coming up next, a pilot does something that you probably never heard of before. he kicked every single passenger off the plane. just wait until you hear why. plus, the number of people on food stamps hitting an all-time high. the facts show welfare makes it harder for people to succeed. john stossel is ambling in to the studio with the evidence in his hand.
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welcome back. 46 minute million people have been put on food stamps over the past 35 months straight. that s an all-time record that nobody wants. so with one in five households getting handouts, john stossel took to the streets to find out how to solve the problem of poverty. what should america do about poverty? oh, my gosh. that is too big of a question. that s a hard one. here is one answer. just give people money. one country may do that. many people s minds tell them spread the wealth. i think we should be less greedy. i think we should share more. and especially increase minimum wage. is the minimum wage really
the answer? john stossel joins us, host of stossel to answer that question. it s not the answer. i mean, millions and millions of dollars over the course of the last months, this is not a solution, you say. and it s not millions or even billions. since the war on poverty began, you had a graphic up 15 trillion. it s adjusted for inflation, 22 trillion they spent. the poverty rate went down to 12%. but then it went back up again. we taught people to be dependent. instead of a way out, it s a trap. it does help people initially, but they don t get out of it. i m a sucker if i m not taking a handout. the outrageous part is before the war began, the line was going like this. americans were lifting themselves out of poverty on their own. if you bring that up as a politician, you re known as
heartless, you only care about the rich. you only want the people who support your campaign. they say that about paul ryan and republicans. let s listen. paul ryan doesn t want to invest. he just wants to cut down the size of government and trust the private sector to do everything. how much investment in the 1920s. how much investment do you want? the war on poverty has cost $22 trillion. we re already deep in debt. there aren t enough young people to pay for the debt now. you just want to keep spending more? it s all going to be happy good? great point. and it s not going to be happy good. certainly it feels good to give people money, have these programs. especially the ones who need it. there is no evidence that they work. the minimum wage that you mention, yeah, it s only fair. but it doesn t occur to people, that s the reason nobody is pumping your gas at a gas station. that s the reason that there is no apprentice i m not going to hire a kid if i have to pay
minimum wage and i might as well hire somebody experienced if i m paying that much. once upon a time there was a stigma, if you re on relief, you re getting food from the county or something like that, there was a stigma. now it seems like it s so easy to get whatever you need, people do it. it s still somewhat of a stigma, there is a concept in some neighborhoods, if you re not taking it, you re a sucker. have you thought about doing a whole show on this? we re doing a whole show. you mentioned something important. rich people get a lot of welfare, too. i got flood insurance, entitlements go to rich people. not just the poor. good point. tonight at 9:00 o clock. starring john stossel. thanks, john. up next, one vet told to make doctors appointments every two weeks. but they re not available for months. has anything really changed at the v.a.? we ll examine. then patriots cheerleaders put on their opponentses
jerseys, bringing the bengals offensive tackle to tears. the story behind it from devon himself. he joins us live. good morning
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they all lost their lives because of preventable medical errors, now the third leading cause of death. only heart disease and cancer take more lives. proposition 46 will save lives with drug and alcohol testing to make sure impaired doctors don t treat someone you love. safeguards against prescription drug abuse. and holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. i m barbara boxer. let s save lives. vote yes on 46. 23 minutes after the top of the hour on this thursday. we got some headlines for you. here is a travel tip. next time you re boarding an airplane, don t ask the pilot if he s been drinking. a passenger on jetblue made a joke about the pilot being drunk, forcing security to perform a mandatory test on the pilot. so the pilot kicked everybody off the airplane.
kyle forden freaking out about a laser pointer hitting him in the eyes during sunday s game in detroit. you can also see it here on holder as well. the culprit was just found. now he is banned from nfl games for the rest of his life. brian? what made these patriot cheerleaders put on their opponents jerseys during sunday night s games against the cincinnati bengals. it was a most inspiring tribute to number 75 devon still. his four-year-old daughter leah is battling pediatric cancer and their gesture brought a tear to his eye and it s just the latest show of support for still and his family this season. joining us now is that defensive tackle himself going through a tough time, but standing strong for us this morning, devon still. so sorry your daughter has to go through this. for a lot of people that are just get to go this story late,
what would make the patriots cheerleaders put on your jersey? it was actually a surprise to me. ever since i broke the news that my daughter had cancer, a lot of people have been stepping up to show support. i didn t really expect the patriots to do that in the middle of a game. so being able to see that video that they had up on the big screen, of them being able to look over and see the cheerleaders wearing my jersey, it was definitely a touching moment. how emotional this had to be for you. tell us about leah. i know she had surgery two weeks ago. how is she doing today? she had surgery two weeks ago to try to remove the cancerous tumor from out of her stomach, which was successful. this friday she starts her chemo. her last round of chemo to try to remove the cancer cells that are spread throughout her body. that s followed by a radiation stem cell transplant. i love that picture of her giving you a big kiss. this is what really got so many
people talking about it. it s the fire in your heart really reaching out to her and it went viral and after you see this, everyone will know why. i m going to ask you again, i m ready for today. you ready for today? you ready to get this cancer out of you? let s do it. that s amazing. there your daughter is getting fired up. she s got your toughness. every jersey of yours that s sold goes to the cincinnati children s hospital. correct? right. it goes to cancer research, pediatric cancer research, cincinnati children s hospital. the bengals are doing a great job stepping up to help me fight this cause against pediatric cancer. devon, you re so strong. i can only imagine what leah is teaching you. can you share a little bit of that with? i feel like i get my strength
in from my daughter. i feel like my family and close friends are getting their strength from my daughter. she s able to go through this process and be that same kid before we found out she had cancer. she s able to walk around with a smile and still have that energetic attitude, which we feed off of. she s teaching me a lot of things. she s put life into perspective for me and i know that i m basically just cherishing every moment i have with family and friends. and then you immediately said hey, i m not playing anymore and the bengals said no, we re going to put you on the practice squad to keep your insurance. then you decide to get back and play. as we see your picture in the middle of the game, the patriots played very well and beat you guys. your thoughts right there, because you play such a physical, demanding sport. at the same time, you look up. you see the jerseys and you see your daughter and the video of your daughter. what is going through your mind? it s a lot going through my mind. just that my daughter is a
fighter. the other kids in the video are fighters. just seeing the whole country come together like that and seeing the patriots organization come together like that, even though we re participating in a competition on the field, it s amazing to see the impact that we re having on pediatric cancer. $25,000 from robert craft. you found out in the post-game. i don t know what s going on with those boston fans, they re pushing for a cincinnati bengals player. tremendous class. every team is on your team, to say the least. you can count ours here at fox news as members of that team for you. go buy his jersey. the money goes to a great cause. devon, thanks so much and best of luck to you and your daughter. we ll be following you. thank you. big hug to leah. he s got practice a little later today. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. coming up, brand-new developments in the secret service bombshell. did the white house aides know
about the prostitution scandal and keep it quiet until after the 20 is it 2012 election? congressman jason chaffetz is o all over this. then a mom gets pulled over because her daughter is not in a booster seat. but instead of giving her a ticket, the officer bought her a car seat. your e-mails are pouring in on this story
fox news alert we ve been following this morning. did white house officials know the prostitution scandal did not involve just the secret service, but also involved a white house aide as well? then ordered investigators to keep quiet until after the 2012 election. at that time the white house totally denied even knowing about it. there are no, to my knowledge, and have been no credible or specific allegations of misconduct by any member of the white house advance team or
white house staff. but out of due diligence, this review was conducted and there is no indication of any misconduct. congressman jason chaffetz is heading up a new investigation to find the truth and he s joining us right now. good morning. thanks for being here. good morning. apparently that 2012 statement there not true. what do you have to say about it? no. there were very credible and very specific allegations that a white house staffer was intimately involved with a prostitute. there are evidently hotel records. there are investigators that went down and looked at this. the washington post has done a fabulous job investigating this. our committee and the oversight committee is diving deep into this issue. the white house needs to come clean. there is a white house staffer that was very involved in this. remember, there were nearly two dozen secret service and military personnel that were either fired or reprimanded. but the concern is that when it
came to the white house and the white house taking care of its own personnel, totally different standard. and perhaps a misdirection and some cover-up to make sure that story never saw the light of day before the 2012 election. sure. then it wound up apparently inspector general wound up looking into it and then somebody in his team said we were directed at the time to delay the report until after the election. congressman, i know that i believe it was last week you wrote to the white house chief of staff and you wanted to know about how the white house concluded that nobody at the white house was involved because apparently somebody was. and apparently josh earnest tweeted you back last night. is that right? he did. he tweeted out this is an old story. so i tweeted and that had been fully vetted. so i tweeted back to the press secretary and said, well en, this you re obviously not going to have any problem sharing all the information that you have. katherine ruemmler, right there
in the white house, the counsel that supposedly looked at this, they have done a report and came to the conclusion that there was no wrongdoing and nothing to believe that this white house staffer had hired and brought a prostitute, a foreign national, back to his office in advance of the president s his hotel room. yeah, to his hotel room. so bring all this information and share it with the united states congress. that s what i asked the chief of staff last week. congressman, my first thought when i looked at this this morning is, okay. they covered it up. they did it for the election. you have washington post is all over this thing. it was all out there. i m looking at this, why would they care the white house looked that bad with the 26-year-old volunteer advance man screwed up like this? to me it wouldn t seem as it would negatively affect the president enough to risk covering up a story like this. i don t know why they don t come clean on this. look, this person was paid by the united states government to go down there and given a per diem, hotel room. come clean on this. what happened to this person? remember, nearly two dozen
people were fired and reprimanded and secret service and military. what happened to this guy? he actually has been hired by the state department to work in the office of global women s issues. that s what he s doing now to represent the united states of america. so obviously we re going to look at this. come clean. share all the documents with us from the white house. they say it s an old story. well, then give us all the information and we ll come to let the american people see it. we should also point out that this fellow, the volunteer, jonathan dach, who allegedly, according to the washington post hired the hooker, took her back to the room. got the documentation. his father, a big donor for barak obama. but i m sure that s just a coincidence, congressman. i m sure, yeah. now he s working on global women s issue. the office of global women s issues at the state department. it really is offensive to the morale of the secret service, the men and women who served. they got reprimand.
they got fired. you had three people in the inspector general s office there in the department of homeland security who were put on administrative leave because they were asking questions and wondering why? why aren t we including this information about a white house staffer involved in this prostitution problem? a double standard, you say? yeah. that s the problem. if you want to solve the morale problem down there, why are we holding these people? why were these three people put on administrative leave? i find it more than coins dentsal that you had three people who were asking tough questions and believe that information should have been given to the public. that s what s so offensive. since it s old news, i m sure they re going to be bringing all the documents over before you know it. thank you for joining us. i can hear them knocking. thank you for joining us from salt lake city today. and the republicans are to keep the house, he probably would be taking over the oversight committee. he s got this story about right now trying to get some answers. we are going to turn to ainsley now who has some headlines. a lot going on this morning.
thank you. brand-new developments in the v.a. scandal. we just learned about kevin trainer. he served as a combat rescue swimmer in the navy for 13 years. now the injured hero is being forced to wait months just to get an appointment for an mri at the v.a. six months and waiting for shoulder repair. that s ridiculous. here is the worst part. trainer says he s also supposed to receive counseling for ptsd every other week. the v.a. hospital in north carolina is only offering a it to him every four months. did the government learn its lesson from the lois lerner scandal? claiming the agency deleted thousands of text messages and they can not be recovered from the epa. this news in response to a request for those messages by a conservative think tank. it claims that they re using text messaging instead of e-mails to have off the record
conversations. and your e-mails are pouring in on this story this morning. ben hall could have given alexis a ticket. a michigan police officer pulls over this mother because her five-year-old daughter wasn t riding in the booster seat in the back seat. but after learning that she couldn t afford that seat, he bought her a $50 booster seat with his own money. they joined us earlier on fox & friends . to change even just a little bit this family s life or lives, i felt that i was in that position to do it and i went ahead and did what i did. i m grateful. i didn t really know what to say. i was at a loss for words. so i m going to hand it over to you guys on the curvy couch to find out what the viewers are saying about that sweet story. thanks so much. angel tweeted this, now that is an officer who knows the meaning of protect and serve. good point. reporta wrote, glad you gave this good cop the acknowledgment
he deserves. and trisha e mailed, that was so sweet of him. i know a few people who need to learn from that officer. this is the best story of the week. it s a good one. meanwhile, we got some weather. it s getting cold here in new york city. maria molina put on a coat. yeah. i went upstairs and grabbed my jacket. it s a little chilly here early this morning. but one of the reasons why it s chilly is because we had a cold front move through the northeast and that system produced some damage across parts of massachusetts. take a look at this incredible video that s from a drone in massachusetts. we had a thunderstorm produce something called a micro burst. winds of over 100 miles per hour caused this damage. you can see that trees were brought down and that s across this region here in east hampton, massachusetts from that particular thunderstorm. today we are expecting more storms. that s specially true across parts of arizona and new mexico. there is a second region associated with another cold front across areas in illinois, missouri.
you are seeing those areas of rain early this morning. flooding is a concern across parts of missouri. that s where we do have several flash flood watches in effect. several inches of rain are forecast. temperatures today still on the warm side, though, across parts of oklahoma and texas. in the 80s and 90s. much cooler weather there. expect it coming up this weekend. let s head back inside. all right. thank you very much for the foxcast. thanks. while you were sleeping, airport workers walked off the job over fears of ebola. coming up, could a camera like this one right here ease their fears and yours? we re going to show you exactly what it can do and how it can help. then are you an at & t customer? take a closer look at your old phone bills because they might have socked you for something you didn t buy. oh, no. oh, no.
consumer headlines now. af and t slapped with a $105 million fine for an unauthorized char bills. they charged for stuff like celebrity gossip from third party companies and if you re looking for your refund, head to the to make a claim. and you may also have money coming to you if you bought a red bull in the past decade. the company agreeing to settle a class action lawsuit over false advertising. customers are owed $10 cash or $15 worth of red bull. this is crazy. and this is no mirage. google is using a camel to map a desert in the united arab emirates. they are strapped a street view camera on the animal s hump to take 360-degree images. take that, yahoo. we got a fox news alert for you. the brand-new weekly jobless numbers just in and nicole petallides is live on the floor
of the new york stock exchange and the numbers are? looking good, steve, elisabeth and brian. good morning. the numbers that came out in the latest week, 287,000 claims versus estimates of 294,000 claims. it s down 1,000 from last week. when you read into the numbers, ultimately it s good news. moves it to levels that we haven t seen basically the lowest levels in eight years. so that s good news. it means that employers are hanging on to their workers. we know that the economy has been improving. though slow. they ve been hanging on to the workers to try to meet demand. slow demand, but it s been there. we saw a great day on wall street yesterday. our best day of the year, 2014. the stock market, we saw the dow up 274 points. that was basically all because of the fed. the fed saying look, we re still worried. we re still cautious. we re not changing those rates that are near zero. you know that. they ve been near zero since
december of 2008. but they re worried about the global growth story and the strong u.s. dollar, guys. all right. nicole petallides down at wall street. it has been a lot like working at six flags. it s been a roller coaster this week. thank you very much. no doubt. thanks. by the way, don t miss nicole on our sister network. if you re not sure where to find fox business network, log on to foxbusiness or if you see neil cavuto on the street, tap him on the shoulder and ask him. i saw him yesterday in the hall. we had a great conversation. go find them. this while you were sleeping now, airport workers walk off the job over fears of ebola. coming up, could a camera just like this one ease their fears and yours? we re going to show you exactly what it can do. that s what maria looks like thermally. let s check in with martha for a preview of what happens on the channel in 12 minutes. that i hay there. good morning. we are going to hear heartbreaking words from the mother of one of the men killed
in benghazi. ebola fears rise as a second patient is now in isolation. what happens now at united states airports to prevent more of this? senator candidate tom cotton is here. as election day gets closer, we ll show you how the numbers are shaping up, when bill and i see you at the top of the hour
about 200 workers walking off the job this morning at la guardia airport over fears of ebola. they say they don t have the right training to keep them from getting sick. that s why they re out in this after the government announced five united states airports will add fever screening for travelers from west africa. is that the best tool? should every airport be doing this very thing?
joining us is the director of crisis in emergency management and the former commander manager of jfk and la guardia airport. he s also the father of one of our producers. right now we re seeing these workers get out. they feel as though they re not prepped to deal with this crisis here. we suffered the tragedy of the first death as regards to ebola yesterday. we re in trouble. how could technology like this thermally detect ebola and why aren t we using it yet, because it s been used elsewhere. this camera has been used since the 2003 with the sars and other airports. it looks and measures the it can look and decide what the temperature of someone is and differentiate that. so as we look here, you can see that these people are warm. you can look at their nose and see their nose is cool because air is coming through it.
i m going to come through your side. what we re seeing here is what you re seeing through the camera. this is real time. you are then marking is it the color that indicates temperature or you re getting the read here up on your screen? i m getting both. the darker color people are cooler. the white color, which is their eyelids and around their t ducts shows their body temperature. we have somebody who is about 97.3 degrees. okay. we re showing that. you can come through our security check here. if this is being used at the airport, how would you implement it here in la guardia, jfk? you can set these up at areas of port holes where people have to come through on an international flight. it then would monitor the people and then using an intelligent video attachment such you can have the flair camera alert a person from the cdc who is down range with not only the thermal picture and a temperature, but
also a regular photograph, high definition photograph that says okay. this person needs more questioning. so what we re seeing right now is what this camera the capabilities are. so if this indeed were an airport, this is what would happen. someone would come through the checkpoint, you re hot. you come through, we get the read, and then you d be able to actually perhaps detain someone or put them in a holding area for a little while to do further testing? exactly. they would then be questioned by people through the cdc or from u.s. public health who could then do additional testing. they could do a temperature testing. they could talk to them. this is not specific for ebola. any infection will cause the body temperature to go up. it could be something like just a skin infection. it could be they have a cold or the flu. when they did this testing back in 2003 in taiwan at the airport, they grabbed about 90 people in the first three months and none of them had h1n1, but
they did have malaria and other things. as we re seeing here, show us what these colors indicate. i notice that you said the tear ducts or the tear area will indicate the highest temperature typically? that s the closest to body core temperature. if you look at this person here, you can see their shirt is a darker color red. their nose is red because you have constantly got air going through it. so it s cooler than the rest of the body. if you look around their tear ducts, they re the highest because that s the closest to core body temperature. skin temperature is always a little less. can this, as an indicator with this technology, will it be a tool that you believe will be used here in the airports that we re seeing? absolutely. it s a good tool. it allows them to see a lot of people at a lot of time and do a lot of screening. not individual. what they re doing now is individual screening, one person at a time. it s going to cause delays and as the delays back up, it s going to be something that people are going to want to stop doing. this is something that can just
be on all the time. it s passive. it s not invasive. do you believe that this is something that the administration or homeland security are going to actually move forward with? i think they should. okay. thank you so much. my pleasure. pleasure to have you here and your daughter. she s an excellent producer. more fox & friends moments away i thought it d be bigger. (dad) there s nothing i can t reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it s what makes a subaru,a subaru.
ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves.
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the original batman, adam west, joined us in our after the show show yesterday to talk about his dvd and halloween. watch. someone could do any little kid out there who will be batman to really just drive it home. thank you, elisabeth. i think it s a way maybe they might say trick or treat. favorite candy on halloween? it would be maybe a snicker. favorite wine, out of curiousity? it would be probably a really good bordeaux. i don t want to sound
pretentious. how about a midnight express red? he was great and he watches fox & friends every morning. we should wave to him. see you tomorrow. bill: the ebola emergency in america. now a second person in isolation after showing signs of ebola. a sheriff s deputy being tested after just entering the apartment of that infected liberian national. he just went inside the apartment. we ll separate the fact from the fear. martha: if he tests positive the police officer will become the first person to contract ebola on american soil. this is coming hours after thomas eric duncan died of the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141106 11:00:00

right now. thanks so much for joining us. see you back here tomorrow. on friday! good morning everyone. today is thursday, the 6th of november, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. her abduction caught on camera but this morning that woman has been found alive. come get her. what did police know about her kidnapper? we re live at her home with the developing details straight ahead. what a story. this map shows a clear blow to the democrats. look at all of that red. but it s not so clear to our president. he says tuesday s voters are the minority. to everyone who voted, i want you to know i hear you. to the two thirds voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you too. is he in denial or just
being defiant? we re going to report and you decide. call it a new campaign record. one election barely over but rand paul seems ready to run against hillary. you think so? mornings i know this for sure are better with friends. welcome back aboard. live from studio e. brian, she s here and she s in good shape considering she ran the new york city marathon. yes. i slept with my medal under my pillow. we ll do the debrief 6:30 this morning. you raised $60,000. a big thank you to all. we get to see some of this along the way. yes. fantastic. we ll get your time too at some point? that s why she s got the
watch. a couple of years ago the president said he got shellacked by the midterms. people said he would have some words. he didn t have big describeer about the loss. he didn t seem to say there would be a shakeup. he said i hear you, america, what happened. but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. watch this. to everyone who voted, i want you to kn you. to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you too. is this just a problem with gridlock in washington and everybody s upset with the town of washington, d.c.? it s not your policies that the american ehecht rat is upset the american electorate is upset about? brit hume was on with megyn kelly last night. i think more than he think he was trying to call
attention to the fact that less than half the electorate participated and belittle the results as not all that meaningful or important. and to take it a step further, not all that related to him. at least that s how it struck me when i heard him say it. i thought it was almost comical sometimes. i thought the questions were probing and direct. the president, the way he went around the answer and maybe each and every time forget the question. when he said i thought the high point, or low point was when he said i m going to get some legislation i m not going to sign and do some things that s going to tick you off. either you re going to really like me or really, really like me. he s going to do his own thing. there was a sense of i understand the new landscape but i m not changing at all. is there another question? that was pretty much the tenor. one thing i thought was interesting, on the republican side there was a bit of pressure. a much different tact from mitch mcconnell. he seemed methodical, didn t seem eebility.
didn t seem he ebulli nt. the president said i just want to hear from republicans. republicans are picking a more proactive approach and laying out what they think they ll be doing. john boehner and the new prospective he s probably going to be the majority leader of the senate, mitch mcconnell, they ve got an op-ed in the wall street journal today. it says essentially the americans have entrusted republicans with control of both the house and the senate so here s how we re going to fix the economy. essentially he s saying they re saying let s go obama. here s what they d like to do. fiction the fix the complex tax code that drives jobs overseas. we ve talked about that a
lot. the highest rate in the world. they d like to repeal the unpop har tax on medical devices, part of the affordable care act. and install the keystone pipeline which would bring about tens of thousands of jobs. these are things he thinks he can get consensus on and do this thing call passing the budget. the president, all he did was talk about was immigration. what the republicans seem to be talking about is some type of tax reform. when the president says essentially i will give you i will give you the motivation to do some immigration reform by legitimately threatening you with my own immigration reform if you don t do immigration reform the way i want you to. do you understand? the game is rigged according to the president. because essentially what he was saying is you re going to have more of the same. he talked a lot about common ground, but he didn t talk anything about compromise. keep in mind for the last two years the house of representatives has passed
hundreds of bills, and then they take them in, they wheel them in to harry reid s office, they put them on his desk and they just sit here. and they die. and they die. the message of the mid tems was clear. washington is sitting there and america thinks you re broken. our question of the day is do you think the president got the mental of the midterms? got the message of the midterms? is he defiant? is he in denial? you can facebook us, tweet us as well. a lot of times when candidates are on the campaign trail people will say is he somebody you would like to have a beer with. president obama yesterday kind of addressed that. listen to this. you know actually i would enjoy having some kentucky bourbon with mitch mcconnell. i don t know what his preferred drink is, but my interactions with mitch mcconnell, you know, he has always been very
straightforward with me. the one time they met face-to-face, i m sure he was. in fact, a reporter during the press conference asked the president, he said how come you ve only met with him a couple of times? is it because you don t like a mint julep? a bourbon? that is the headlines in the daily news today. the president says i would like some kentucky bourbon with mitch. that is kind of a charming thing to say if only at the white house correspondents dinner about a year ago the president didn t say this about having a cocktail with mitch. why don t you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask. really? why don t you get a drink with mitch mcconnell. mitch mcconnell did have fun with it the next day. but let s see if they do little things where they know they can get a consensus like the x.l.
pipeline and maybe start doing real things. the first real thing would be financing the war and getting permission to fight the war or whatever we re doing right now against isis. that will be before november s out. meanwhile it s eight minutes after the top of the hour. and heather childers is joining us here in studio e where she has been dispatched to do the news. and we start with shocking news about somebody we listened to for many, many years. heather. shocking charges this morning, if you can believe it, of a acdc linked to murder. phil rod accused of hiring a hit man to kill two people in new zealand. he appeared in court. he looked disheveled. no details of the alleged plot are being revealed. we know he is being charged with possession of meth and marijuana. he is now free on bail. he will be back in court at the end of the month. breaking overnight, after going missing, the
body of a 20th century fox executive was just found. police say hikers found gavin smith in a desert near los angeles. his mercedes turned up hast year in a storage locker linked to james creek, a convicted drug dealer. smith was reportedly in a relationship with his wife. despite the reports that dozens of gitmo prisoners are returning to the battle field, the obama administration just released another one. this one is now back in his homeland of kuwait after nearly 13 years at gitmo. he is the first prisoner released since bowe bergdahl was exchanged for five taliban generals. sources say the administration is fast tracking transfers before the new republican-led senate can put a stop to it. al-odah was accused of being an associate of osama bin laden but the administration says he is no longer a threat. what do you think? country music s biggest night all about this star.
stuck in my head all morning long. miranda lambert taking home nuclear power c.m.a. taking home four c.m.a. awards, breaking records held by martina mcbride. and some taking shots at the president and taylor swift. i ll be the first one to say president obama does not care about postpartum taylor disorder. i m pretty sure that is why he lost the senate. how do you know the president doesn t care? i asked him. when did you ask the president? yesterday. i jumped the white house fence, ran across the lawn. the door was wide open. wow. getting a little political. a little rough there. brad later spilled the
beans on some huge baby news. he revealed that carrie who we know is pregnant is having a boy. those are a look at your headlines. getting a little dicey. hilarious. the chemistry between the two is so great. and i love miranda lambert with meaghan trainor with all about that bass. they get to talk. these guys sit down, they say a few words. people calm down. we ll go a little over. like the old days. like this show. we can go on and on. we can t now because we have a fox news alert. her abduction caught on camera but this morning that woman has been found alive. carlesha freeplanned gaither was kidnapped from her home. now she is reunited with her family.
now we have the details. what do police now about her kidnapper? police say he has a lengthy rap sheet and he has been caught doing pretty nasty things to with many. this morning here, carlesha s cousin stepped outside of the north philly home where her mother lives to speak to us. she says her cousin is still shaken up. we asked her if carlesha knows the man everybody has seen in the video that police have in custody, she said they are not sure. the entire country waited to see what would happen to the kidnapped nurse as she was snatched off the street and it was caught on camera. take a listen to what her cousin says this morning. she wants to tell everybody, the media, the public, our facebook, our instagram fans that she loves y all and she wants to thank you all so much for your support right now. that s all she kept saying was thank you, thank you, thank you. she didn t confirm
whether carlesha was at her parents house but her attacker will be in court sometime this morning. a crazy story with a happy ending. fortunately. 13 minutes after the hour. coming up on fox & friends, one election barely over but rand paul seems ready to run against hillary. one issue that sent voters to the poll, the economy. charles payne to weigh in on that. good morning to you, chuck.
what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let s review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you.
more americans have health insurance. manufacturing has grown. our deficits have shrunk. our dependence on foreign oil is down as are gas
prices. businesses aren t just creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990 s, our economy is outpacing most of the world. the president giving himself a great report card. pat on the back. his own back. the day after voters opted for republicans, the president told americans his economic policies worked over the past six years. our national debt is $ $17.9 trillion. plus $92.6 million left the workforce in september. and the poverty rate among black americans is 27.2%, up from 24.6% in 2008. so what can republicans do you to what can republicans do to turn things around? charles paip is here. all the things the president talked about, he hardly had anything to do with any of that stuff. the fracking miracle, which by the way, we know we are
the strongest economy among western countries because they re further ahead in the experiments he put us through in the last six years. the economy is doing better. there is no doubt about that. people get upset because it s where it should have been four years ago. it s grown at 3% instead 1.2. this is the worst post recession recovery in the history of america. our wages are where they were over a decade ago. they have not moved, yet the cost of living has gone up. people dropping out of the workforce, the poverty rate is up, those things are devastating. those are things that are part and parcel of trying to build this great giant social welfare utopia where no one makes too much and no one makes too little. we ll be happier if we adopt your plan. quickly. the republicans, focus. i like when mcconnell talked about ted cruz,
saying americans need to believe washington can work again. cut tax bills, low-hanging fruit. less taxes means more money in america. more money means we all do better. energy deals. you guys talked about keystone. we ve got draconian deals out this. even coal companies e.p.a. regulations. even coal companies want to have so-called clean coal but they can t do it overnight. the measures that have been put forth to them have been a death knell to them. let s start passing a budget. it s easy. let s have a budget so we can debate something. charles, thanks for coming in. don t miss charles because making money with charles is on the fox business network. (receptionist) gunderman group.
gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!)
thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread. :
update on the midterm elections. virginia senate race still too close to call. republican ed gillespie trailing mark warner by 17,000 votes. officials going through all the votes to certify them now. the race between republican dan sullivan and incumbent mark begich also up in the air. officials are weighing in 40,000 absentee and early ballots. sullivan was spotted removing his campaign science.
in north carolina, campaign drama. a campaign woman allegedly kicked a voter in the groin. no details on why this all went down or what kind of ice tea it was. we love our kids but that doesn t mean they aren t making us sick, and diseases that hit them may hit us as adults even harder. here with the five you should look out for is fox news medical a team dr. marc siegel. good morning. the first one is the virus known as the hand foot and mouth disease. it is called hand foot and mouth disease because you get blisters. when kids have that, they have headaches, sore throats. i worry about adults getting this because if they have h.i.v., diabetes, you can get a much worst case. also pregnant women. if you re around kids that have hand, foot and mouth
disease, you have to watch out for t. what are some of the symptoms? the main symptoms are the blisters, headaches, fevers and sore throats and feeling very fatigued. next up we have hepatitis a. we think of that mainly for developing countries. i make sure all of my patients that are traveling to developing countries in the middle east and asia get a hepatitis a vaccine. it takes a few months to be active. that really helps. but i worry about adults that get hepatitis a who already have underlying liver disease. if they have hepatitis b or hepatitis c. on top of that i give them this. or if they are very elderly it can be a big problem. next up is fipps disease. it is number five in frequency between chicken pox and mumps. it gives kids red cheeks.
it s from a virus. i worry about it in pregnant women and people with underlying anemia because it can give you decreasing blood count. adults get it, they get more of a problem than kids have with it. if you re a pregnant woman or someone who is anemic, you should try to stay away even more than the average american? be on the alert. absolutely. i think the most common one is chicken pox. as an adult it can be magnified. this is what everybody is asking: if you have had chicken pox, you can get shingles. if you have never had chicken pox as a kid and didn t get the vaccine, what you get a grown up who has chicken pox. if you get it as a grown-up you ve got to watch out for pneumonia, dehydration, brain swelling. this is a serious disease if you re an adult getting it. i tell everyone out this if you haven t had the chicken pox vaccine you can still
get it. puts you at risk for shingles but not chicken pox. 27 minutes after the hour. coming up, democrats using race to sway voters but fox news contributor stacy dash calling that garbage. that s the propaganda that s false. that makes it someone else s fault, your life, your destiny, anything you want is dependent on somebody else. that is not true. she ll be here live in a few minutes. one election is barely off but rand paul seems ready to fight against hillary? the tweets going out. last night s country music awards. [coughing]
dave, i m sorry to interrupt. i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don t take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [coughing] hey amanda, sorry to bother you, but i gotta take a sick day. moms don t take sick days, moms take dayquil. the non drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head, power through your day medicine. by 1914 the dodge brothers and set out on their own.pany they believed in more, than the assembly line. they believed driving was a holy endeavor. a hundred years later the dodge brothers spirit lives on.
last night republicans picked up a dozen seats in the house to give them their biggest majority since world war ii. or as they put it, time to party like it s 1939. by the time jimmy fallon was done dancing we re talking about 2016. we talked about it on the couch with governor christie yesterday and a few others, but rand paul during the night of the election could not help but take aim at hillary clinton. on his facebook he started a gallery with, as you can see down below there, the hash tag hillary losers. he goes on, he features a bunch of people.
you can see michelle nunn. you can see mr. udall. the list goes on and on. the biggest loser on tuesday was hillary clinton. even though the midterm just over, rand paul pretty much is running for president. it s pretty clear. you would have thought it would take at least until next summer. why wait? paul ryan came out and said she is not inevitable. then hillary barbour says blaming the election on hillary clinton is a bridge too far but she put in the time to endear herself to the party perhaps. i made 54 stops in 30 states. the problem is none of those candidates are in power right now. they were in hotly contested races and they all lost. so when it comes time for hillary to be making campaign stops there again, they re not going to be the heavy hitters they would have been when they re private citizens instead of holding public office. hillary since she is on
the outside, she can run against congress. my friend lost. i did my best. you know, that s what friends are for. what do you think? is there some strategy to this or is that just how it wound snup is it going to work to hillary s benefit instead are they hillary s losers or ultimately hillary s helpers? let us know. something people have opinions on, democrats or republicans, that is gitmo. he took the money and ran. a brand-new report says the united states paid a ransom for the release of sergeant bowe bergdahl. one problem? the afghan who mediated the deal took the cash and took off. this was before we swapped the alleged army deserter for five gitmo prisoners. the pentagon denying the report. the list of attorney general eric holder got shorter this morning.
we re hearing u.s. attorney loretta lynch is being eyed as the top candidate. a spokesman for lynch says she will not discuss her prospects. the harvard grad currently serves on a justice department review board. an extreme case of road rage caught on camera. take a look. this group of men seen fighting over a parking spot at the mall. one gets so angry, this happens. there goes his car too. two people had to jump out of the way just seconds before the driver cashed into their s.u.v. no word yet on whether that driver was caught, but we know that he is going to face some charges this. and have a messed up car.
did the guys catch him? we don t know yes. look for a wrecked vehicle. man oh man. she is out on the slick streets of new york city now. we have rain across noorks. there across new york city. we have a storm system as far as texas up to the northeast. it will be cold enough that some of that rain will be snow for some of you across portions of new england. we have winter storm warnings in effect across the state of maine. if you remember, about a week ago we picked up over a foot of snow and now the forecast calling for 8 to 12 inches of additional snow from this round as we head through friday and wind gusts up to 30 miles per hour will be possible. temperature wise, very cool across portions of the great lakes. highs only in the 40 s in places like chicago and also in minneapolis. let s head back inside. i cannot believe we re
talking about a foot of snow already in new england. maria, thank you very much. meanwhile the new york city marathon had more than 50,000 runners. do you know any of those people? anna kooiman ran this past sunday in just under four hours and all for a very special cause. is this true, anna? absolutely. you see us holding hands this? we re holding hands for a good cause to raise money for the folds of honor foundation which gives scholarship money to our nation s heroes. we re north of $50,000 now. we re headed to the starting line. anna kooiman from fox & friends and? major dan from folds of honor. we ll see you in a few hours hopefully. on your mark!
we did it! 26.2. i love you, 26.2! this was for all the men and women in uniform, everybody at fox, thanks for changi! thank you.
without you, these scholarships are not possible. anna kooiman, fantastic. thank you. folks to donate, you can still donate, go to or go to our website, to see some of the recipients say thank you for the pain we went through you saw the little boy? his dad actually died while serving. his education is going to be taken care of. and his mother is in school right now at the university of tennessee getting her education taken care of. major dan rooney has done some extraordinary things not only as a fighter pilot but since then. yeah. we finished in a good time. we did 3.54, beat our goal. you know what s amazing, at the end you looked the same way he did at the
beginning. fantastic. coming up straight ahead, you saw democrats use race to sway voters, but fox news contributor stacy dash calling that garbage. that s the propaganda that s false. then that makes it someone else s fault. your life, your destiny is dependent on somebody else. that is not true. that is what she told bill o reilly. she is here live next. the president not getting the message from the midterms and vowing to use the power of his pen to do whatever he wants. just how far can he go? judge napolitano knows how far that pen works. he s coming up. i m an idaho potato farmer
and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. [ giggling ]
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on tuesday, democrats used the race card to try to sway voters. it apparently did not work. and fox news contributor stacy dash, who grew up biracial, knows why. well-educated people saying to minority people, you know what, no matter what happens, it s not your fault. it s white privilege. that s the propaganda that s false. then that makes it someone else s fault. your life, your destiny, anything you want is dependent on somebody else. that s not true. that is not true. joining us is fox news contributor actor stacy dash, she s the first person up in los angeles this morning. good morning to you, stacy. good morning. it s good to have you. a lot of people we know you from the movies and television. people don t know your personal story. both your parents were addicts and you grew up in a biracial family.
you were a tough kid and didn t know the way and after high school kind of figured it out, didn t you? yes. i knew what i wanted to be which was an actress. i just worked hard and pursued it. that s what i did. that was my focus. it was your focus. and since then, you ve become active on social media and things like that. and there are a lot of people who have bad mouthed you over the last couple of years because you, you know, you re biracial and you re supporting republicans, famously mitt romney, and stuff like that. how does that make you feel? you know, it just fuels my fire. i feel like race has no place in politics or anything, for that matter, at this stage in our history. we re in 2014. our president is black. it s over. it s time to move on. absolutely. and yet the democrats in a number of races played the race card. this was that one down in, i believe, georgia sanctioned by the democrats
state committee down there where they said essentially if you don t vote for michelle nunn we re going to have another ferguson on our hands. do you think the race card backfired on the democrats this time? it absolutely backfired. their race card rhetoric no longer stands and it has been shut down completely. so i don t know what they re going to do now. you tweeted out after mia love s big win in utah, breaking those racist sexist, #republicans just elected mia love to congress. oh wait. what s your message there? the message is they were the most qualified. mia love and tim scott, they were the most qualified and that is why they won, period. that s it. absolutely. so to the democrats or the people on the left who said wait a minute, republicans would never vote for a
black person, you say what to them? i guess you re wrong. they won. let s victory. let s turn that on its head. bill burton, long-term confidante of this president and former white house gierks guy says this about how the democrats will have to change. it was a tough night. if you have to take any lesson from it it is democrats will never be able to win in midterms if we don t figure out how to talk to white voters. i honestly think that s it. i don t think the message we have has been able to translate to the coalition of voters that helped bring republicans into even more power. that s a head scratcher. i haven t heard that one yet. the democrats aren t going to win until they can figure out how to talk to white voters. baffling.
they re grasping at straws now. that s what they re doing, which is good. we have them on their heels which is where they should be. but they re making it about race again rathe than the issues. right. and we have to keep pushing past that. just push past it, you know. it s irrelevant. give it no relevance. there you go. stacy dash, fox news contributor, actress and what not out in los angeles. stacy thank you very much for joining us live today. thank you for having me. you bet. a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. most 18-year olds are headed off to college, but this one off to the house of delegates in west virginia. what? she s america s youngest politician. she joins us live coming up. the president not giving the message of the midterms and vowing to use the power of his pen to do whatever he wants. so how far does that pen go? judge napolitano has seen the ink.
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despite a major midterm loss, president obama shows no signs of backing down on his big push for executive action. i feel obliged to do everything i can lawfully with my executive authority to make sure that we don t keep on making the system worse, but that whatever executive actions that i take will be replaced and supplanted by action by congress. you send me a bill that i can sign and those executives go away. so if you send a bill exactly like i want it, i ll sign it. just how far can he go and what
can the gop do if he goes that far? we re going to ask that question to judge andrew napolitano. do we have a couple of hours? so far what is it within his power to give an executive order to do something as massive as revolutionizing immigration in this country? it is regrettably, it is within his power to do so. but we are still a government of laws. we are still a constitutional republic. he has taken an oath to uphold the law. if he tells the department of homeland security how to process people when they want to come in the country, he can do that. he runs the executive branch. but if he tells homeland security and border patrol look the other way when illegals come in, that is violating his oath because it s a failure to enforce the law and he took an oath to uphold the law. so if the practical effect of his executive order is the opposite of what the law requires, i hate to say this, republicans don t want to do this and i understand why, he s
a candidate for impeachment. what about the dream act when he said if you were brought here as a child, you can stay here and don t fear deportation? it s not the dream act. it s the dream executive order. he basically said there are 15 laws here. i m only going to enforce two. you can break the other 13 and i won t go after you. so if the president decides, oh, there are 12 million illegals here? i m going to stop deportation and send a signal to the people south of the border, come on in, we ll let you in and once you re here i won t deport you, he will be violating the law. he will be break his oath. he ll be putting a tremendous pressure on the social systems in the united states and there is nothing the congress can do about it during his presidency unless they want to kick him out. let s look at the number of executive orders. bush 41 had 166. bill clinton, 364. 43 had 291. this president, 184. sometimes executive orders are good, brian, because look, there is 3 million employees in executive department of the
government. if the president issues an executive order, he s basically saying to a class of them, here is how i want you to enforce the law. if that s consistent with the law, it s good. but if it s not consistent with the law f. it says, for example, to border patrol, look the other way, that s wrong. that s unlawful. it s then back into congress hands to do something about it. right now the president said yesterday, if you don t get me a bill, i m going to do this thing, you re saying republicans can do what? impeach him. i m not suggesting they should. i m aware of the political consequences of that. i recall what happened last time. but that is their only remedy under the constitution. now, they could deny him the funds with which could do what he wants, but they can t do it yet because the budget is a year ahead of time. so he already has those. look, just so people don t misunderstand this, he can t make them legal forever. he can only make them legal during his presidency. once he leaves, it s up to the new president to decide if they want to keep it there. judge andrew napolitano, we got to get some answers to this
because the president vowed to do this and certainly in the lame duck session. condoleeza rice fires back at contracts who use race in the mid terms. i have been black all my life. you don t have to tell me how to be black. the great thing about the united states of america is that you can be of any color, any ethnic group, any nationality, any religion and you can have dreams and aspirations. our exclusive interview with the former secretary of state and national security advisor, condoleeza rice, next hour.
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here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
hi, everyone. good morning, today is thursday, the 6th of november. i m anna kooiman. this woman violently abducted on surveillance cameras found alive. i always knew my daughter was coming home. not a doubt in my mind that she wasn t coming home. i just had to wait for the day. this morning there is breaking news on her kidnapper. meanwhile, this week voters across the country came out in force and painted america as you can see, mostly red. but the president says don t mind them. they re the minority. to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you, but the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. so he hears everybody. but it kind of sounds like he s in denial, or maybe he s just being defiant. your comments pouring in. we ll read some of them. big question is, if people don t say anything, can you hear them? you saw the ads telling black americans to vote democratic.
right? to avoid another ferguson. correct? this morning the former secretary of state condoleeza rice fires back. i have been black all my life. you don t have to tell me how to be black. the great thing about the united states of america is that you can be of any color, any ethnic group, any nationality, any religion and you can have dreams and aspirations. the former secretary of state is on fox & friends exclusively because she heard mornings are better with condy. mornings are better with anna as well. good morning to you. great to be here. you said you re not sore after running the marathon? my hamstrings were tight. but this is my fourth. the other three i was miserable close to a month. but maybe it s because we raised money for folds of honor and the good lord is blessing me.
we raised over $50,000 for families of soldier. people can still contribute, right? yes, our web site. the president on the heels of a landslide for the republican party. they now control the house and senate and a majority of state houses across the country. you would think that the president at his press conference yesterday would have a conciliatory message. but no, no, no. essentially he said, it s going to be my way or the highway. i m sure we ll get plenty done as long as i want to do it, but if they don t want to do what i don t want to do, we re going to have a problem. yeah. he doesn t appear to be changing any of his policies or the people around him. look at the former presidential leadership before him. president bush in 2006 fired some top officials. president clinton in 1994 moved closer to the center. but the president s basically digging in his heels and saying, this is what i m continuing to do even if you re not buying what i m selling. oh, maybe you are, you just
decided not to come out to the ballot boxes? doesn t make sense. friday he ll have a big meeting and meet with leadership. he has a lot to do in his lame duck session. the most interesting thing is he has no idea what the republicans want. he can t wait to hear. listen. to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you. to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. that makes perfect sense. the election didn t count because the majority of americans didn t vote. actually that s not how it works, mr. president. we have elections and whoever shows up to vote, that s what counts. brit hume thought it was kind of amazing as well. here he is with megyn kelly last night. i think more than anything he was trying to call attention to the fact that it was a less than half of the electorate participated and thereby to belittle these results is not all that meaningful or important and to take it a step further, not all that related to him. at least that s how it struck me when i heard him say it.
come on, you want to hear what republicans want? how about a few hundred examples that you have from the house, these bills that got through and never got up for a vote in the senate because of harry reid. he put them in the shredder. i think a lot of democrats are frustrated because as joe manchin said yesterday, i d like to come out and explain to my constituents how i voted. not why i didn t vote. they really have not done anything for years. so at least it s going to be back to business, back to debating, back to putting something on the president s desk and then seeing if a deal could be struck. here is what you re saying about the president s press conference yesterday. ty says i m wondering how long before he blames bush. well, he s been doing that for years. facebook says, this is a great start for moving in the right direction and although i believe he got the message, he will not admit it, nor will he change. michael on facebook writes, what i heard yesterday was him still saying i m going to do it my way. cue the frank sinatra music.
meanwhile, we know exactly how the republicans want to proceed because in the editorial pages of the wall street journal this morning, probably the incoming senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell, along with the current speaker of the house, john boehner, have got a road map where they think they have common ground with the president of the united states. yeah. they ll be taking on big government spending and obamacare using the power of the purse. here is what they have on their agenda. they ll fix the complex tax code that drives jobs overseas. yeah. this is something that democrats, at least 17 in the senate, repeal the unpopular medical device tax, which is part of raising money to make the affordable care act affordable. the keystone pipeline green lighted. they would like to do that. and end excessive regulations. we heard small businesses say look, it s a drag on us and please, we ve gone for years in the red. let s pass a budget and do
something about the debt. 16.2 trillion is where it was two years ago. this week 17.9 trillion. the good news is we are getting additional revenue in. but looking at the affordable care act, game on and look ago dodd-frank, those are some things mitch mcconnell went over and he ll talk to the president about it. they already spoke once on the phone. they re going to have a big meeting tomorrow. we ll see if we ll have anything if it s anything but photo ops. the last line of the op ed in the wall street journal by the speaker and the majority leader says the skeptics say nothing will be accomplished in the next two years as elected servants of the people, we will make it our job to prove the skeptics wrong. well, good luck. other stories make headline, we ll go down to heather childers. good morning. good morning. a fox news alert. philadelphia woman whose abduction was caught on camera found alive. overnight she was reunited with her family after sunday s
violent kidnapping. this happened three blocks from her home. her cousin, speaking moments ago, about her return. she wants to tell everybody, the media, the public, our facebook, our instargram fans that she loves y all and that y all so much for your support. that s all she says was thank you, thank you, thank you. so lucky. police say that her kidnapper, 37-year-old delvin barns, has a long criminal history, suspected in another abduction case last month involving a 16-year-old teen-ager. in 2005, he allegedly held his estranged wife captive inside their philly home. listen to this, shocking this mornings the drummer of ac/dc is linked to murder? accused of hiring a hitman to kill two people. no details about the alleged plot. we do know he s also charged with possession of meth and
possession of marijuana. the 60-year-old now free on bail. he will be back in court at the end of the month. does a gitmo detainee just released by the obama administration still have ties to senior al-qaeda leadership? he is now back in his home land of kuwait after nearly 13 years at gitmo. the administration says that he s no longer a threat, but fox news just obtained a tweet that linked him to al-qaeda in syria. here is the message. it was posted by a well-known islamist twitter user before it was announced, before it was announced he would be released. it says, 1,000 congratulations to the al oda family forages the issue of guantanamo bay from the beginning. investigators are asking how did terrorists know he would be released before it was announced? sources say the administration is fast tracking transfers before the new republican-led senate can put a stop to it. and finally, get ready to crash his party.
luke bryan wins the biggest honor at the cma awards. i love luke bryan. yeah. okay. i ve got to read something here. he was named the entertainer of the year. his trophy presented by to him by former winner, garth brooks. do you think he ll sign my baby? oh, yeah. great. hey. we could name him garth! what are you doing? did you catch it? we knew she was pregnant, but it s not a secret anymore. brad paisley spilling the beans. revealing carrie underwood is having a boy and those are a look at your headlines. i think she should name him luke. there you go. is this an homage to luke
bryan? exactly. thank you. let me tell you what s coming up straight ahead. you saw the ads telling black americans to vote democratic to avoid another ferguson. when we talk about that, the former secretary of state condoleeza rice, she fired back. i ve been black all my life. you don t have to tell me how to be black. it s an interview you ll only see here on fox & friends. what happens when news anchors think the cameras are turned off? that s what they do at channel 59. advil stops pain right where it starts. relief doesn t get any better than this. advil.
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all right. welcome back. former secretary of state condoleeza rice is one of the world s most influential women. as the country ace chief diplomat under george w. bush, she was at the center of the most critical decisions regarding our national security and status in the world. dr. rice stopped by our studios yesterday where i had a chance to talk to her on everything from the gop takeover to the possibility of her name being in the running for 2016. madam secretary, this is a long time coming, but it s great to have you at this historic time of the the six-year mark of a
second term president historically in america is always tough. the president by almost all accounts got a huge message in the house and he lost the senate now. do you believe by his remarks that you just heard that he seems to get the message that things have to change? well, i don t know what s in his mind. i have to say that i hope that when he plans to do is to take the message that the american people don t like the course that we re on and there has to be change. he s going to have to work with republicans, not just to do the things that the president wants to do, but to do the things in a bipartisan fashion that need to be done for the american people. president bush said we took a thumping. and president clinton. i hear your message. did you hear any of that? well, i didn t. but to be fair, let s just watch what happens now. the president did mention his remarks that i m ready to act with the executive action if i don t get legislation that i can sign from congress. what do you say to the possibility of executive action on immigration? we can t have a circumstance in which we are going after a
problem as meddlesome, as potentially divisive as immigration by executive action only. this has to go through the people s representatives. that s our system. that s the congress. i like to move back to the election on what it means because i know this strikes home for you. the race card was used in georgia by the democratic party. if you don t elect a democrat here, you can expect ferguson to happen. and trayvon martin as well. you can expect that in the streets if north carolina doesn t go a certain way. your reaction to that as a woman that grew up as a young girl in the south? the fact is, we re not race blind. of course we still have racial tensions in the country. but the united states of america has made enormous progress in race relations and it is the best place on earth to be a minority. the idea that you would play such a card and try fear mongering among minorities just because you disagree with republicans that they re somehow all racist? i find it appalling and
insulting and as a republican black woman from the south, i would say to them, really? is that really the argument that you re going to make in 2014? that s very interesting because senator tim scott said this. when i was a high school kid, i heard so often, you re just not black enough. i m not even sure what that was supposed to mean. but simply said, too many kids today are facing a choice of dumbing down in order to fit in. first of all, does it mean that you re not acting black if you speak well and you re interested in things? what are we doing to our kids when we tell them that their ethnic identity has to make them unsuccessful? that, to me, is really a racist thing to say. and i ve been asked many times myself. and i say i ve been black all my life. you don t have to tell me how to be black. to my mind, the great thing about the united states of america is that you can be of any color, any ethnic group, any
nationality, any religion and you can have dreams and aspirations that are your own and then you can pursue them. that s when this country is about. people say, it s historical electing the first african-american. what do you say to people who say hillary clinton is going to run. we all know that. health allowing. i m going to vote for her because it would be historic, i want to see the first woman. i always make my choices on people s policies, on what i think they ll do as president. that s the wisest course. and i just hope everyone will listen to the policy choices that candidates are putting before us. i couldn t help when i talked to president bush, it didn t take him long to bring his brother, jeb bush. what can you tell me about the jeb bush you know? i am very fond of jeb bush. i believe he s he s a friend. he was a terrific governor of florida. i worked with him on some immigration and education issues. it s going to be a good field, i think for the republicans. who excites you and intrigues you? i m in a mode to listen and let people debate and let s see
who emerges and comes forward. what about you? i am a professor at stanford. i m a happy professor at stanford. that s where i m staying. i got the chance to be secretary of state. i m an international relations specialist. it doesn t get better than that. i ll always find ways to serve my country, but these days, it s through work with boys and girls clubs and playing concerts for kids, and picking football teams. good to hear from her. we miss her. yeah. she s on the world scene and also, when she says picking football teams, she s on the committee that s going to pick the first college playoffs. she s going to be on the group that decides who the best teams are in the country. that with golfing and very involved in international relations. very nice of her to stop by. very political, that picking the four teams. it s harder than many things. speak of condoleeza rice, do you remember this fox & friends moment? she was a good sport. you know, condoleeza rice, i did
the whole thing, difference between the tale of two people, condy and delisa saying i know you took my ink pen and condy is employee of the month. cedric the entertainer is back and he joins us live shortly. and most 18-year-olds are headed off to college. but this one, off to the house of delegates in west virginia. their youngest politician joins us next. than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. one: verizon s the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. that s right america. with xlte in over 400 markets. two: and here s something for families to get excited about. our best pricing ever! get 2 lines with an incredible 10gb of data
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time for news by the numbers. first, 1855. that s how many firearms tsa agents found in carry on bags so far this year. many of them loaded. agents also found stun guns and grenades and a sword. next, 62. that s the age of the last retiring army hero drafted during the vietnam war era. ralph rigby be served continuously since getting drafted 42 years ago. ten cents. that s how much money will go to the troops this veterans day if you buy scoop of camo ice cream at baskin robbins. it looks delicious. yummy. remember this aspiring politician? i think it s time that our generation learns the importance of conservative principles and there is no better way than just to run. the only thing we ve gotten is lower jobs, more debt, and less opportunity. so i don t think a fresh
perspective will hurt anyone. six months after that interview right here on fox & friends, 18-year-old sarah blair s wish came true. sarah just made history, becoming america s youngest state law maker elected to office in her home state of west virginia. she is 18 years old. as you can see, she won by a large margin and she joins us live this morning from charleston, west virginia. good morning to you. for the folks who are not in west virginia, are unfamiliar with your platform, you won on this, tell us your platform that you ran with your campaign out of your dorm room there at the university. i ran a very conservative platform. i am pro-life. i m pro-second amendment and pro-constitution because those are my uncompromising principles. but most importantly, i wanted to bring jobs to the state of west virginia. i watched too many people my age get their high school and college education here in the state and then leave because they can t find a good paying job. and it s sad that they have to
leave their family and the wonderful state that they love. so it s most important for me to bring jobs here. also you re a fiscal conservative. you believe in the voter i.d. and opposed to same sex marriage. for many teen-agers, men or women who are your age, it may just study these issues for their debate class or political science class. what got you so interested in changing america and wanting to run? i ve always been really interested in the process. my father did serve as a state senator for several years and i chatted him. i had gone to the convenience, i worked as his campaign manager and had was always something i wanted to do, but never planned at such a young age n. my junior year of high school, i attended this program and it brought 300 high school students from around the state of west virginia to our capitol, charleston, and we wrote a bill and presented it on committees, voted for it. we really got to see the
parliamentary procedure. after seeing how capable the students were of creating effective legislation that would be so positive on our state, i decided that i didn t need to wait until i was 40, 50 or 60 to run. why not do it now? besides, you re very effective at 18 years old and giving this particular presentation of your platform. let me ask you this: most 18-year-olds, if you watch tv, you would think they are very to the political left, a lot of progressive kids your age. are you the exception to the rule or are there a lot of fiscal conservatives your age at your school? there are a lot of conservatives. i think the problem is, i think they re afraid to be open about their views because of the way that they re going to be taken for it, because our generation typically is looked at to tend to be liberals. i think as more conservatives saw that it was okay to stand up for your views and you re not
going to be beat up on social media for it, then i think they will come out. so i hope that being open that it s okay to have the same views as your grandparents, i m hoping that some more young people will stand up for their beliefs. great. sarah, we thought your story was so interesting, we had to put you on and our social media and our viewers have been pouring in with questions. this one comes from a viewer your age, scott. he says, have you had any issues or arguments with young liberals and how do you counter them? i do. a lot of my friends are and they don t really understand why i m running and they disagree with my views. but i do believe that everybody has their opinion and i won t try to shove mine down their throat. but at the same time, i use facts to prove to them. our state has had the same population since 1980. we just switched over to having republican rule.
but for 84 years, we had democratic rule. and so when west virginia is ranked 49th and 50th on every positive list, number one or two on every good one, then those are the facts and there is something wrong with the democratic rule we have in our state. when you put it that way, there is not really a lot of room left to argue. you make a great argument. she is headed to the statehouse in west virginia. she s going to defer her spring term so that she can be there at the 60-day session. sarah blair, good luck to you and congratulations. thank you very much. have a good day. all right. 29 minutes after the hour. a company found the perfect picture of a hairy man to use four its ad campaign. it s too bad he s the master mind of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. plus, do you remember this fox & friends moment? she was a good sport, you know, condoleeza rice, i did the whole thing, the difference between the two, the tale of two
people, condy and dally is a. condy is employee of the month and dally is a is the one saying, i know you took my ink pen. we remember that and he s back. cedric the entertainer is coming in the studio. they re next. introducing nexium 24hr
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commercial breaks are very long. we have to keep ourselves entertained. that s what happens when news anchors think the cameras are turned off. this anchor caught breaking it down, his co-anchor looks like she s not having it at all. joining us is the star of the soul man, cedric the entertainer. you were dancing along with that guy, too. yeah. he had the smutty dance going on. i like it. what happens, when you re with somebody, we think you re funny and clearly he thinks he s funny, but the person next to him doesn t. you got to keep going on. he s enjoying himself. it s about you! you have to ride that out. she look like the boring one. exactly! he s getting all the news coverage. she likes it. doing the ipad dance. she totally wants to let go right now. look at her. she s holding it in.
he got two ipads up right now and a notebook, like a big iphone 6. so he s got like all things. he s on tv, too. most people in your life think you re funny. would you keep a friend that didn t think you were funny? no. be gone! off with his head! somebody could be president in the past, was not funny or much of a good drink companion would be mitch mcconnell. although yesterday here is the president where he sounds like he wants to go and have some bourbon whiskey with him. listen. you know actually, i would enjoy having some kentucky bourbon with mitch mcconnell. i don t know what his preferred drink is, but my interactions with mitch mcconnell, he has always been very straightforward with me. why don t you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask?
really? why don t you get a drink with mitch mcconnell? maybe they will be having mint juleps together. i think so. that s not a bad move. maybe can bring jimmy russell who makes the wild turkey. i love those commercials. old jimmy russell. he s from chicago. i mean, kentucky, the bourbon, it all makes sense. it can be a bonding thing. you think it s a good start? it s always a good start when there is kentucky bourbon in the room. that s a good message for the kids watching. of course. a little bit of bourbon in with your juicy juice. your pro-bourbon. so you re here just to talk about bourbon today. is that true? no. i think the sound bite was
the correspondents dinner. the difference between condy and delisa. and that joke went over well. on the couch and our viewers. but sometimes jokes go over like a lead balloon and that appears to be what happened to chris rock on snl over the weekend. take a look at this. they should change the name from freedom tower to the never going in there tower. cause i m never going in there. you ve been training for a year! you finally get to the finish line and somebody screams, run! sometimes you have to laugh so you don t cry. what do you think? definitely. as a comedian, it s our job to kind of push the meter a little bit. you try to make things that are funny that could be you re talking about the world trade center and 3,000 people dying and rebuilding the freedom tower. but again, i think the whole
idea is to kind of look at it in the spirit of man, something really tragic happened there and i m just kind of relating it to me personally. so i think that he s just trying o have a good time with it and not necessarily, you know, talk bad or light of those who lost lives. sure. and he was tying the world trade center and then what happened in boston as well. but it s tricky when you re in your business because you got to figure out is it safe to talk about now or am i going to get in trouble? it s hard for you to talk about chris rock cause you got a dvd with him. i got a movie coming out with chris rock. it s always one of these things, it s running joke where comedians go, is it too soon? how do you tell? you can tell when people go, you re going to be on the news. so it s too soon for that. so the cd you have coming out is what? top five coming out in theaters in early december, very funny movie. chris rock wrote and directed.
i play a funny character in it by the name of jazzy. it s going to be great. i m sure it will be a big hit. so something serious, your dad has it. 29 million people suffer with it. it s diabetes. yeah. diabetes. november is american diabetes month. i m partnering with pfizer to make some awareness, to get people to step on up, to go and visit their doctor, you know, get checked out. not just diabetes, but it s the pain that goes with it, the tingling, the burning, shooting that goes in your hands that people don t associate with diabetes. and it s in our community, it s undiagnosed. people don t want to know the answer. so i m just encouraging people to get out, step on up, go to the web site and learn more about diabetes and your diabetes pain. the pain that goes with it. you re not just cedric the entertainer, you re cedric the nurse practitioner today. i am.
it hurts when i do that (thank you very much. if you want the web site g to our web site. and on facebook, we ll answer the question, does cedric put on the sweater first then the hat or wear the hat then the sweater? you know. you told me in the break. thank you, guys. here is heather. i love the hat and the shoes. sweet. we have some headlines to talk about for you. very quickly, he took the money and ran. a brand-new report says the united states paid a ransom for the release of sergeant beau bergdahl. one problem, the afghan media knew the deal, took the cash and took off. this was before we swapped the alleged army deserter for five gitmo prisoners. the pentagon is denying the report. this ad enough to make your hair stand on end. turkish cosmetics company actually using the mastermind of the 9-11 terrorist attacks as
the face of its hair removal spray. and here is the worst part. when asked why they would use him to sell the product, a spokesman for the company said they didn t know that he was a terrorist. they just thought he had a hairy body and that if he was a good fit for the ad. and last week, michael jordan calling out president obama s golf game. he s a hack. you really want to say that? i done said he wasn t a great politician. well, now the president firing back at mike. but there is no doubt that michael is a better golfer than i am. of course, if i was playing twice a day for the last 15 years, then that might not be the case. he might want to spend more time thinking about the bobcats or maybe the hornets. all right. jordan, part owner of the hornets who are 2-3 so far this
season. you know i m a big sports fan. i love my panthers and hornets. i ll just say they did beat miami last night. it was 96-89. last half hour, nothing but nba highlights with heather. it will be great. oh, good. you re doing it. bring in the charlotte hornets has been huge. you heard the president say he s ready to work with republicans and get things done. but haven t we heard that in the past? peter johnson, jr. up next with a look back. then john stossel says he s got a bone to pick with ann coulter. why? stick around. midterm beefs. goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm.
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commander in chief. but haven t we heard that before? i told john boehner and mitch mcconnell that i look forward to working with them. what i m committing to is making sure that i am open to working with them. i m eager to hear good ideas wherever they come from. i am very eager to hear republican ideas. we must find common ground anywhere where weak find common ground, i m eager to pursue it. so can americans really trust that this time the president and congress will get things done? they haven t in the past. let s talk to peter johnson, jr. it s time to trust and i guess we have to verify, too, as president reagan would say. he said all the right things yesterday. he said, do you need to recalibrate? no, but i need to reach out to them. it will be up to the republicans to make it work because he s not going to make it work. he s an ideologue. he s stuck to his first principles. he says i ve got another small
piece of my presidency to go. i m not going to back off anything. but the issue is who is the adult in the room? who is going to show the american people that they have the capacity to lead and could work together? the republican party doesn t have to step away from what they believe in. but i think they have a great opportunity to show that they are about reconciliation. they are about leadership. they are about bringing people together in a way that works for this country. so if the president will stick to what he said yesterday, that s a wonderful thing in this country because people are sick and tired of the division and the deadlock and they re sick and tired of the democrats blaming republicans for that division and deadlock. that showed in this election. so if he in truth wants to stickie what he said, that would be a great thing for all of us. if he doesn t, then we ll have that partisan deadlock. but the republicans, through mitch mcconnell and john
boehner can step up and be the smart people in washington and say, listen, you can push us, you can trash us, you can make fun of us, you can have your media outlets go after us, but we stand for first principles and the american people and we re going to make it work and we re going to show you that we can make it work in the next presidential, too. what the president said yesterday was he said wherever we can find common ground. he didn t say anything about compromising. see, when he ran for president, he said i m going to go to washington and i m going to change it and i m gonna compromise. you know what? he won t use that word. he s not going to use that word. and presidents have lost midterm elections in the past. reagan did. eisenhower did, roosevelt did. they went on to do things. hopefully the president will go on to do things with a republican congress. that s what americans want. they don t want division. they don t want deadlock. they want the president to step up. it appears that the republicans are willing to do that, who is the adult in the room? we want them all to be adults.
but sometimes it takes one to remind all the others. so we re looking for mitch mcconnell and john boehner to lead the president by the hand and say, hey, let s do reagan and at this point o neill all over again. thank you, sir. good to see you. next up, john stossel says he s got a bone to pick with ann coulter. why? you ll find out. first this day in history back in 1979, the eagles had the number one song in america heartache tonight. your mission? a homemade dinner in thirty minutes. go! your method? new campbell s® soups for easy cooking. helping you cook recipes like speedy sausage rigatoni in just thirty minutes! dinner accomplished. try new campbell s® soups for easy cooking.
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the ballots were cast and this week s shakeup in washington says a lot about what s going on in your mind. the exit polls like this one
reveal that only one in five voters think they can trust the federal government. so what else do the election results mean, especially in regards to our individual liberty? joining us now from the fox business network, john stossel. good morning. the exit polls are sort of good news. and the election is great news for libertarians because divided government means they spend less. when they re all together and compromising, grab your wallet. wait a minute. so you love gridlock? gridlock i prefer a limited government. but we can t seem to get that cause we all want to do more. but in gridlock, nothing happens. we need to make progress of some sort. well, yes, we do. but they don t in congress. so when nothing happens, that s generally better. when they do things that distort the economy and regulate us to the point where we re less free. if a move is deregulating, that s still taking action. and if it s tax reform, you might think that s good.
yes. but what are the chances that obama is going to sign any deregulation? and that all of their self-interest will create tax reform? we can hope. here is what ann coulter says you have a problem with. if you re considering voting for the libertarian detainee, please send me your name and address so i can track you down and drown you because nothing matters more to the country than republicans taking a majority in the senate. which they did. we thought about that and she said she won t drown me cause i live in new york, so my vote doesn t count. but in north carolina, it might have made a difference. in virginia, maybe it did make a difference. warner won by a very small percentage. not yet. he s not giving in yet. oh, really? okay. it s going to be tough. the libertarian got 60,000 votes. and that might have made a difference. except the exit polls show the libertarian took equally from liberals, moderates and conservatives. so won t blame us! you say libertarians are not
spoilers? well, they might be. but the exit polls show that we take from both parties. sure. so what is your message? what s your headline from the midterm election? my headline is this exit poll you cited, which sounds so good that americans don t trust government. great. except the numbers were about the same six years ago when people went along with obamacare and dodd-frank and alt crazy spending and regulation we ve gotten since then. i wish those numbers were higher. we don t like it, but we still can t change it, unfortunately. john stossel we will. we ll see. don t misss to the on the fox business don t miss stossel on fox business. thank you. coming up on this thursday, call it a new campaign record. one election barely over, but rand paul seems already to be
running against hillary clinton. then it was the sight seen around hollywood. this morning the true story behind this photograph. i (state your name), do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states
against all enemies foreign and domestic.
hi, everyone.
good morning. today is thursday, the 6th of november, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. her abduction caught on camera. but this morning that woman has been found alive. somebody come get her. told me she loves me and come get her. what do police now know about her kidnapper? we are live at her home with the developing details. when you take a look at that map right there, a blue and red states. it s a clear blow to the democrats because there is more red there. but it s not so clear to the president. he says that the people who voted on tuesday are the minority. to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you. to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate i in te process yesterday, i hear you, too. so he hears everybody. but it kind of sounds like he s in denial or being defiant. we re going to tell but it and you ll decide. then the marine just freed from a mexican jail now speaking out about the wrong turn that
landed him behind bars for eight months. they were very helpful and then it shifted. and then i knew this could be bad. wow. greta van susteren helped sergeant tahmoreesi home and is here live with with more of her exclusive interview because greta knows that mornings are better with friends. where you going? i left something over there. this just in, my notes. thank you. usually they re lost by this hour. thank you very much. anna, thank you for joining us on a rainy day here in new york city. dry inside and we ve got a lot of news going on today. president started mitch mcconnell started at 2:00 o clock eastern time. the president came out on time about 2:50 and spoke for over an hour, after a statement, taking questions. even talked to ed henry.
old friends. here is a little of how the president s tone and tenure after speaking out for the first time after losing an additional actually expanding the republican advantage in the house and then losing the senate. listen. to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you. to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. so what happened on tuesday, it was a landslide, mr. president, for the republicans. doesn t really matter because a third of the country voted and two-thirds of the country didn t. what? well, that s not how things work. brit hume knows that. megyn kelly heard that. listen. i think more than anything, he was trying to call attention to the fact that it was less than half of the electorate participated and thereby to belittle these results is not all that meaningful or important and to take it a step further, not all that related to him. at least that s how it struck me
when i heard him say it. it was crazy. yeah. and he s not really making any apologies. he s not making any staff changes that we know of at the moment. and it appears that the american people are no longer buying the democratic agenda and what the president is selling. but the president appears to be in denial about all of it. he says the things that you would think, as you re listening to the tone and his delivery, you think wow, he seems so reasonable. but if you listen to the words and actually read the transcript, he says things like, i m going to get things on my desk and i m not going to sign them. and i m going to sign things that are going to tick you off. how about that for compromise? if you put something on my desk that i like, great. you can meet me halfway on certain things, i m willing to give here, i heard none of that. the questions were great. the answers were nothing to do with the questions. the answers were typical, what we get with this president at these press conferences. yesterday we were expecting him to have a conciliatory tone.
they got whooped, the democrats did. the republican high school a really good night and they ve got two years on the clock now. essentially the president said it s either my way or the highway. remember, he got elected back in 2008 by saying, i m going to change the way washington works. right now it s dysfunctional because john boehner passed the stuff, gives it over to harry reid and harry reid sits on it. nothing goes to the president s desk. now because they control both houses, things will go to the president s desk. this is there is a light at the end of the tunnel. something might actually get done, until the president yesterday kind of poopooed it and said let s see what the republicans have in mind. it s also interesting that they re going to vote on things. we re going to have something more to report on. people like mike emmanuel will have to go there because there will be stuff to do. right now he goes there and everyone stares at each other. the question is, will mitch mcconnell reverse that nuclear option that harry reid put into place that said you no longer need 60 votes to get someone
nominated fulfilled or other issues. will he go, i think it should have been in place and harry reid shouldn t have done that or now that harry reid left it here, let s see how it feels? if you remember during this election cycle leading up to it, the president said my issues, my policies are on the ballot. my name might not be, but my policies are. yet somehow the voter turnout is meaning there is no referendum on all of your policies and the people that follow your marching orders. my name, my policies, my lanta. essentially i m sure he s upset about it, but he didn t let on to it. we asked you what you thought. did he get the message? larry on facebook wrote, it s not him getting the message. it s that he doesn t care about the message. bonnie says, he got the message, but has already said he has a pen and will use it for his own agenda. i nomar cuss seemed happy yesterday. there is a lot of things talk being with the budget. green lighting keystone pipeline. and other things that could be out there. i thought it was interesting
that mitch mcconnell and john boehner somehow found some time to write together and their editorial appeared in the wall street journal that revealed their agenda. the first thing they re going to get to is fix that complex tax code that drives jobs overseas. so many small businesses have been sitting on cash, worried about what s around the corner and nothing not making business decisions. democrats and republicans both know that medical device tax is unpopular in the affordable care act. so get rid of it, mr. president. let s go. and if you would just approve the keystone xl pipeline, there would be tens of thousands of jobs created. he says we re still studying it, but we re almost unstudying it. excess regulation, we re going to see if the epa puts things forward and if the environmental committees in the senate can stop it. also some investigations sure to happen. he also says this, something that you thought would be a natural, pass a budget and address the debt. keep in mind that whole tax reform thing, it s ready to go out of the house.
there is some promising things that democrats are saying about it. very curious to see what happens in the senate and if it ends up on the president s desk. people always say that christmas comes earlier every single year. it seems like elections come earlier every year, too. unbelievable, rand paul on the day after the election, he appears to already be looking ahead two years. they re off! take a look at his facebook page. he has bestowed the honor of a number of #hillarylosers to people that she traveled around the country and campaigned for, but simply lost. according to mr. paul, the senator, he says tuesday s biggest loser is hillary clinton. keep in mind, the clintons were the secret weapon for a number of senate candidates and as it turns out, those candidates flat out lost. one of the things, if hillary does run, which everybody she s running! when she goes to all these states and these hotly contested
races that her candidate lost, they re not going to be heavy hitters the way they would if they re in public office if they re a citizen like you and me. right. there she is with al franken, who actually did win. hillary clinton probably the best thing to to happen to her candidacy is have a republican senate and house. this way she could say this is the way i would do it different as opposed to, i m just like the president and he has 40% approval rating. meanwhile, heather childers is here with other things happening in the world. yeah. we have other headlines that we ve been following for you. rather shocking charges. the drummer of ac/dc linked to murder? phil rudd accused of hiring a hit man to kill two people in new zealand. he appeared in court looking not even wearing any shoes. no other details about the alleged plot are being revealed. but we do know he s also charged with possession of meth and marijuana. the 60-year-old is now free on bail. breaking news overnight, two years after going missing, the body of the 20th century fox
executive just found. police say that hikers found gavin smith in a desert near los angeles. his mercedes, that turned up last year in a storage locker linked to john creech, convicted drug dealer. he was reportedly in a relationship with creech s wife. and does a gitmo detainee released by the obama administration still have ties to senior al-qaeda leadership? al-odah is back in kuwait after nearly 13 years at gitmo. the administration saying that he is no longer a threat. but a tweet that links him to al-qaeda in syria may tell a very different story. the message posted by a well-known islamist twitter user before it was announced that he would be released. 1,000 congratulations to the family for raising the issue of guantanamo bay from the beginning. well, investigators now asking how terrorists knew that he would be released before it was
announced. sources say the administration is fast track those tran before the new republican-led senate can put a stop to it. and finally, country music s biggest night all about this star. miranda lambert taking home four cma awards, breaking records. reba mcen spire and martina mcbride and brad paisley and carrie underwood. there you see them. not pulling any punches. actually taking some shots at the president and taylor swift? why isn t our government doing something about this? i ll be the first one to say it, president obama does not care about postpar item taylor swift disorder. i m pretty sure that s why the democrats lost the senate. but how do you know the president doesn t care?
i know he doesn t care, cause i asked him. when did you ask the president? yesterday. i jumped the white house fence, ran across the lawn. door was wide open. pretty clever stuff. brad later spilled the beans on some baby news. he revealed carey, who is pregnant, is having a boy. and those are a look at your headlines. funny show and broke some news. thank you very much. you re welcome. fox news alert, her terrifying abduction caught on camera. but that woman has been found alive overnight. she was reunited with her family in philadelphia. wtxf reporter lauren johnson is live outside the victim s home with the developing details. good morning, lauren. reporter: good morning to you. the family all happy and smiles here inside this home in north philadelphia cause they have been reunited. police calling her alleged attacker a thug and say the man they have in custody is no stranger to trouble. her accused kidnapper, 37-year-old delvin barns, he has
a long criminal history. he s suspected in another abduction case last month involving a 16-year-old girl. then back in 2005, he allegedly held his estranged wife captive inside their philadelphia home. his latest victim, a young nurse walking the streets of philadelphia sunday night, snatched and stuffd into a car. 70 hours later, police bring her back home safely. she s still shaken up. it s a tough time. it s tough time for us and a tough time for her. she says thank god, at the end of the day, all we can do is leave it in god s hands. family members tell us that she is shaken up. they will be expected to speak later this afternoon and we ll have an update for you as soon as we get it. back to you guys. homecoming. thank you very much for the live report. the interview last night was amazing. coming up, democrats pulled out all the stops in colorado, but they couldn t stop corey gardner from stealing their seat in the senate. the senator-elect is here next
to explain how he pulled it off. and how other republicans might be able to do the same thing if they choose in 2016. and the marine locked up in mexico for some eight months now out of jail and our greta van susteren helped get sergeant andrew tahmoreesi home and is here live with more of her exclusive interview. first, more from last night s cma s here, lady antebellum. they re coming. what do i do? you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3.2.1. are you kidding me?
go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. hello. i m an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. feet.tiptoeing.
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with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. as republicans in colorado, we have gotten used to the saying, wait until the next election. well, i ve got news for you. that next election has finally happened. for the past ten years, democrats dominated top of the ticket races in colorado. but now one republican is defying the trend. his name is cory gardner. he has just won the seat in the u.s. senate. so he is senate-elect gardner, congratulations. a lot of people are wondering if success leaves clues and they want to study your success, what would they conclude? we put together an incredible ground game, field operation
that s never been done before in colorado and perhaps any campaign around the country for republicans. we went into communities, asian community, hispanic communities and made sure that our message was heard. we talked about how when our party is broken, we re going to say it and fix it. so it really was a message as i think you haven t heard before from a republican candidate. regarding that, where is the republican party broken? i think it s broken a number of areas. energy, we have to talk more about traditional energy, yes. keystone pipeline, yes, but also talk about renewable energy. free market way to move forward. when it comes to reaching out into communities, we can t simply be against immigration reform. we ve got to figure out a way to be for immigration reform. these are things that we can move forward on and that s how we won this election. we talked about shaking things up, new generation of leadership. that s what this country wants. okay. also i want to get your reaction to the president s press conference yesterday. many pundits have been saying the president doesn t appear to be hearing the american people, although all of his policies
essentially got the thumbs down. what do you think? i think there is two ways for the president. he could either agree and help work this country s greatest problems along with the house and the senate. we ll put a number of bills on his desk to do just that.ç if he doesn t, it s going to show the american people that he and his party are refusing to work with us. if he does, then it shows that we are willing to work with people across the aisle in 2016 and that will help us as well for our nominee, whoever he or she is. the fact is, we can make a difference in 2016 and i think there is two paths forward. either the president becomes a president of obstruction or seen as working with the republican party. why is it it wasn t too long ago when the democratic party had their convention in colorado and many thought it was curtains for the republicans. where did you go that other republicans didn t go and what was it about you that broke through? we really talked about an apt mystic message. we talked about lifting people s eyes up to the rocky mountn horizon that this is every
state. the fact for colorado is if you don t put together that vision, if you don t put together that positive idea of how we re going to have brighter day tomorrow, people don t want you there cause they can be angry or upset all day long. but they want somebody who is going to be presenting a positive image about what we can do for our country because this is a positive, optimistic state. that s the message we presented. and that s the kind of thing that republicans around the country need to do. put together a positive agenda that is about moving forward instead of just being about opposition. people liked your message in colorado. that s why you are the senator-elect. cory gardner going without a tie today. thank you very much. congratulations and good luck. thanks for having me. coming up straight ahead, condoleeza rice firing back at democrats who used race in the mid terms. i have been black all my life. you don t have to tell me how to be black. my exclusive interview with the former secretary of state straight ahead. first, you remember them, mortgage disaster s freddy and
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now some news. we start with road rage caught on camera. first what happens when watch what happens when one driver gets so angry during a fight over a parking spot in a structure. those two people lucky they didn t get crushed. they jumped out of the way seconds before the driver crashed into their suv. no word yet on whether the
driver got caught, either doing that or by the guys in the suv. a man in italy hacks away at his brand-new fiat with an ax after he couldn t get it started. he reportedly got so angry about being late to work, he demolished the entire car. it s the ultimate hack attack. instead of punching a wall, you take the whole thing down. it s like a scene right out of the movies. just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in. it happened in the godfather and now happening to homeowners. freddie mac and fannie mae are going after pourers to pay what they still owe on mortgages they defaulted on years ago. joining us to answer your questions is fox news legal analyst, bob massi. good morning. thanks for being with us. thank you. during the housing boom and bust, many americans lost their homes and they re just starting to rebuild their nest egg, their finances, their credit, everything. so why is this happening? well, they basically, fannie
and freddy, there was an announcement that they decided they re going to go back and look at those people who what we called strategically foreclosed. what that means, there are people during the crisis that had the money to make the payments on the house, but saw other people who basically were aligning their homes to go also and now fannie and freddiey and the lenders are going back and finding these people. how they re going to do it, i m not sure and go after them for the deficiencies, which is very, very crucial in america for those people who rebuilt their credit. some of our viewers are waking up going, wait a minute. i might be fitting into that category. how do they fit? they will look at unfortunately, when we sign all these paper and all remember, for our viewers to understand, fannie and freddie, they either own the loans or they guaranteed the loan that you have. so they have looked at it and sort of aging these accounts and they lost a lot of money. they paid a lot of money out.
they re going to go back and pull credit reports because we sign all these different things, believe it or not. we have give them access to a lot of our personal information. and they will go and figure this out over what period of time, i m not sure. and i m not really sure what the criteria is going to be. but i will say to you and the reason i want to bring this to the viewers attention, if they start getting notices from attorneys to collect money, or collection agencies, then this could be the issue that they re going after these people from years ago, which is very frustrating to those people who have started to rebuild their credit. so if you go to your mailbox today and you open it up and you pull out one of these notices, what s the next step for you? well, look, first of all, don t put your head in the ground. find a lawyer in that area that could look at this stuff. here is what my concern is, look, we know there is consumers years ago that should not have owned three or four homes. there was some consumer responsibility.
there are some consumers that did strategically defaulted and said the heck with everybody else, nobody is helping me, i m going to let my home go. my concern is that you could see an onslaught of bankruptcies again. you could see an onslaught of those people who have jobs, built their credit up, now all of a sudden they re going after them for this deficiency where they either getued or collection. so my concern is that respond to it. don t look away from it. don t let them pull you back in. be pro-active on it to try to resolve these issues before your credit does get bashed all over again. but it is a concern. it is a concern. very often you take our viewers e-mails and questions. folks, e-mail us. bob, thanks so much. thanks for having me. 28 minutes after the hour. coming up, it s a fox news exclusive. the marine locked in a mexican jail for eight months speaking out for the first time. they were very helpful and then it shifted and then i knew
this could be bad. greta van susteren helps sergeant andrew tahmoreesi get home. she joins us next. then she s never talked about this photograph until now. so what was sophia loren looking at. first, more from last night s country music awards. here is more. introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill,
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i was thinking hopefully these guys are going to be considerate and caring and
understanding, but i started feeling the things something shift there. they were very helpful and then it shifted. and then i knew this could be bad. sergeant andrew tahmoreesi recalling the moment he knew he was in trouble after accidentally crossing the mexican border. after nearly eight months in a mexican jail, greta van susteren helped sergeant tahmoreesi get home last friday and he s telling her his story exclusive. and she, greta van susteren, host of on the record joins us from our dc bureau. good morning. good morning. we need to point out, you more than anybody, really you devoted so much time to him and i read later that the judge, the mexican judge in the case actually watched your show at night to see what was up. yeah. sure tells us the power of the media and how lucky we are that we have this platform at fox news where we get we go around the world and we can put
spot lights on problems. it s a great thing about our jobs. he knew you were fighting for him. did he express that gratitude before the interview started? when i first met him, he said, could i hug you? so i said sure. so he gave me a big hug. this is a very troubled man. i m very worried about this one because he expressed to me that he s paranoid, that he s been paranoid in the past. throwing him in solitary confinement in a mexican prison was a really lousy idea. now he s out. he has had access to guns. i m putting up a big red warning sign to the v.a. help this man. there are thousands and thousands of young men and women who have come back from war. they have seen the unthinkable. they ve had buddies die in their arms. and they re young kids. some of them are 18, 19, 20 years old. but this man, he really needs help. two tours in vietnam an ied blew up his vehicle. i m warning everybody, help this man before there is further problems and help others.
yeah. that was the reason he was traveling there in the first place with all his possessions was to get this ptsd treatment. you can t imagine just how much worse it s even gotten. can i just correct myself? it s afghanistan. not vietnam. and iraq. and greta, you had the opportunity to talk to tahmoreesi about why he was being held. we want our viewers to see that clip. let s watch. i think they felt in their hearts that i wasn t guilty. but they decided to keep me there. why? why? you know, their reasons. they want to look a concern way. they don t want to do what s the right thing to do, i guess, because maybe they re afraid of something happening, you know, something that they don t want to happen happen. instead of doing the right thing, you know, it s something that politics, politics maybe. i don t know why. politics.
one of the frustrating things about this was when beau bergdahl was sprung, the president said we don t leave a man behind. yet to so many americans, it looked like this guy, sergeant tahmoreesi, abandoned by his own government. we re on cable shows talking about him and it didn t seem like the official federal government was trying to help him out. i deeply disappointed with the obama administration on this. the reason he was released is because he has ptsd. it didn t take 2u 14 days to figure that out. just listen to him. but the mexican government waited that long. the united states government waited that long. this is very it s the very reason he was released and you figured that out in 15 seconds listening to that video. so i do not understand why this took so long. mexico could have deported him. we deport people all the time. i m not suggesting it s a good idea to bring guns into mexico. it is not. it s against the law. but sometimes we got to be smart about this stuff. all right. greta van susteren, going to be watching you tonight at 7:00 o clock for more on that
interview. thank you for joining us. thank you. great job. other stories making headlines, heather childers has those. definitely be watching that. 7:00 p.m. eastern. other headlines, he took the money and ran. a brand-new report says the united states paid a ransom for the release of sergeant beau bergdahl. one problem? the afghan mediating the deal took the cash and took off. this was before we swapped him for five gitmo deserters. the pentagon denying the report. the list to replace attorney general eric holder a little bit shorter this morning. we re now hearing u.s. attorney loretta lynch is being eyed as the top candidate. europes began when the brooklyn attorney was eated next to him seated next to him. a spokesman for her says she will not discuss her prospects. she served on a justice department review board. and a shocking admission by the irs, or maybe not so much so. the agency revealing in court that it has not searched any of its computer systems for lois
lerner s missing e-mails. they say the reason is lawyers don t believe irs servers would hold any relevant information. what about the back up tapes? remember those? the irs claims there is no reason to believe that the tapes could help in recovering the e-mails. the agency claims thousands of her e-mails were lost in a hard drive crash. finally, 67 years after this, this iconic picture was snapped in hollywood, sophia loren finally explain requesting she gave jane mansfield that most legendary side eye ever. she admitted she was actually shocked at how low jane s dress was, saying, quote, in my face you can see the fear. i m so frightened that everything in her dress is just going to blow. boom. and then spill out all over the table. yeah. and those are a look at your headlines. i know. i know. we re going to check in with
maria who does not have that problem today, nor do i. a little cold throughout and rainy. a little chilly. i have my trench coat on because not only is it chilly burks we re dealing with areas of rain moving through parts of new york city and along portions of the northeast. let s look at that radar image. there is rain along portions of the gulf coast. across texas, louisiana. the storm system is pretty widespread. on the backside of it, you re going to notice some snow. we do have winter storm warnings currently in effect across the state of maine. as much as eight to 12 inches of snow are expected there. and gusts up to 30 miles per hour. temperature wise, you re going to be cool today across chicago and also minneapolis with highs only in the 40s. take a look at texas. 60s and 70s in dallas and san antonio. not bad. it s a warm one in parts of california. los angeles expected to get up into the 80s. let s head back inside. but it s winters in new england. all right. thank you very much. over here, it s 68 degrees. thanks to me. i have control of the thermostat today. thank you. straight ahead, condoleeza rice firing back at democrats
who used race in the midterm elections. i ve been black all my life. you don t have to tell me how to be black. our exclusive interview with the former secretary of state next here. and here is one way to get the kids to school on time. oh, gosh. it s faster than a plane. the guy who built this incredible bus will be here live to explain why he built it. you re going to want your kids to hear this one. think i ll take my bike today, mom. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and u ll see just how much it has to offer,
(coffee be ng poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. hi, good morning. some updates now on the mid terms. virginia senate race still too close to call. republican ed gillespie trailing mark warner by nearly 17,000 votes. officials are going through all the votes to certify them. sullivan and mark begich race is also up in the air.
officials are waiting on nearly 40,000 absentee and early ballots. sullivan was spotted removing his campaign signs. and election dadra ma in north carolina. vivian faulk, county democratic party chair woman, allegedly kicked a poll worker in the groin and hit him with a carton of ice tea. no details about why this all went down. good grief! sounds like not so sweet tea. no. why are your manners? all right. on a different note, former secretary of state condoleeza rice was at the center of president george w. bush s administration, most crucial decisions regarding our national security. so is she ready now for the white house herself? she stopped by our studios and talked to fox & friends yesterday. here is a little of that interview. this is a long time coming. but it s great to have you at this historic time. the six-year mark of a second term president historically in america is always tough. the president by almost all
accounts got a huge message in the house and he lost the senate now. do you believe by his remarks that you just heard that he seems to get the message that things have to change? i don t know what s in his mind. i have to say that i hope that what he plans to do is to take the message that the american people don t like the course that we re on and there has to be change. he s going to have to work with republicans, not just to do the things that the president wants to do, but to do the things in a bipartisan fashion that need to be done for the american people. president bush said we took a thumping and president clinton, i hear your message. did you hear any of that? well, i didn t. but to be fair, let s just watch what happens now. the president did mention in his remarks that i m ready to act with the executive action if i don t get legislation that i can sign from congress. what do you say to the possibility of executive action on immigration? we can t have a circumstance in which we are going after a problem as meddlesome, as potentially divisive as
immigration by executive action only. this has to go through the people s representatives. that s our system. that s the congress. i like to move back to the election on what it means because i know this strikes home for you. the race card was used in georgia by the democratic party. if you don t elect a democrat here, you can expect ferguson to happen. i m appalled. and trayvon martin as well. you can expect that in the streets if in north carolina doesn t go a certain way. your reaction to that as a woman that grew up as a young girl in the south? the fact is, we re not race till have racial tensions in the country. but the united states of america has made enormous progress in race relations and it is the best place on earth to be a minority. the idea that you would play such a card and try fear mongering among minorities just because you disagree with republicans that they re somehow all racist? i find it appalling. i find it insulting. and as a republican black woman from the south, i would say to
them, really? is that really the argument that you re going to make in 2014? that s very interesting because senator tim scott said this. when i was a high school kid, i heard so often, you re just not black enough. i m not even sure what that was supposed to mean. but simply said, too many kids today are facing a choice of dumbing down in order to fit in. first of all, does it mean that you re not acting black if you speak well and you re interested in what are we doing to our kids when we tell them that their ethnic identity has to make them unsuccessful? that, to me, is really a racist thing to say. and i ve been asked many times myself. and i say, look, i ve been black all my life. you don t have to tell me how to be black. to my mind, the great thing about the united states of thatf any color, any ethnic group, any nationality, any religion and you can have dreams and aspirations that are your own
and then you can pursue them. that s what this country is about. people say, it s historical electing the first african-american. what do you say to people watching us right now who say, hillary clinton is going to run. we all know that. health allowing. i m going to vote for her because it would be historic. i want to see the first woman. what would you say to that? i always make my choices as a voter on people s policies, on what i think they ll do as president. and that s the wisest course and i just hope everyone will listen to the policy choices that candidates are putting before us. i couldn t help when i talked to president bush, it didn t take him long to bring up his brother, jeb bush. what could you tell about the jeb bush you know and the chances of him running? i am very fond of jeb bush. i believe he s he s a friend. he was a terrific governor of florida. i work with him on some immigration and education issues. it s going to be a good field, i think for the republicans. who excites you? well, i m in a mode to listen and let people debate and let s see who emerges and comes forward. what about you?
i am a professor at stanford. i m a happy professor at stanford. that s where i m staying. i got the chance to be secretary of state. i m an international relations specialist. it doesn t get better than that. i ll always find ways to serve my country. but these days it s through work with boys and girls clubs and playing concerts for kids and pick football teams. she s part of the final four committee who will pick the first ever college football final four college football teams. a little later, you ll hear more from the interview, probably on monday on when he talks about international relations, the state of the world and what it is like now that we ve moved off center stage and how the rest of the world has responded. you can only imagine. she s classy. great interview. great job. it is about ten minutes before the top of the hour. straight ahead, your kids are never going to be late to school again. up next, the guy who built that bus and why. let s first check in with martha mccallum. she s going to tell us what is coming up on her show in 11
minutes. good morning. good to see you. so the wave election leaves mcconnell and boehner very fired up this morning. so how will the president react when the bills on the xl pipeline and health care start landing on his desk? we are going to ask the white house press secretary, josh earnest those questions. and colonel ralph peters is here on the increasing threat from isis. and darrell issa on the fast and furious documents that interestingly were let go on election day. we ll talk about that when bill and i see you at the top of the hour makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let s review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. shyou see this right? it s 80% confidence and 64% knee brace. that s more. shh. i know that s more than 100%. but that s what winners give. now bicycle kick your old 401(k) into an ira.
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gentlemen! 321 miles an hour. amazing yellow school bus is powered by a fighter jet engine and can go 367 miles per hour. but it s also driving home an important message for kids all across the country. adrenaline junky paul custom built the bus and joins us live from indiana. good morning to you, paul. good morning. all right. give us the stats on that thing. it is incredible. yeah. basically we started off with an f-16 phantom jet engine, 42,000 horsepower. 21,000 pounds of thrust. it could go straight up if it wanted to. and built a bus around. there is only 3 or 4% bus parts on it. the door opening mechanism, et cetera. but it s all more parts you find on aircraft than on a bus. but it was designed to go
basically 350 miles an hour. when you go 350 miles an hour, have you yet pulled out that stop sign to see if it slows you town? they look good. i see that. so we ve got video where your jet bus is going so fast, an airplane is chasing it and the bus is winning. yeah. that s what we do for our act. we do air shows all over the world. we re loading up our show in abu dhabi. i ve got a drag race down the runway. why do you do this, paul? we do it for a living, number one. and we also had to get the message out to kids, kids these days have a tendency to sit behind video games. i try to get to schools and get them out there and learn how to build things. go buy a lawn mower. learn how it weld. i grew up on a farm in wisconsin. and do stuff like that. get outside some and learn to do
things like that. and also get yourself away from bad influences like drugs. we ve got a neat slogan that jets are hot, drugs are not. and it only seats like two or three people. you can t get a whole classroom in there. but in addition to that, you did a jet powered dog house as well. yeah. jet powered dog house and outhouse. we re trying to we re looking hard at putting one for people. you are the man. sir, thank you and good luck to you. great message. thanks for having us. appreciate it. that s great. we ll be back in two minutes. stick armed.
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we re almost history in the after the show show. these two will talk cause brian and i are leaving. folds of honor, go donate. great job. 26.2. love the new york city bill: guys, thank you and good morning, everybody. after his party suffered an absolute political humiliation will president obama now change course, saying he has no problem going it alone. if he does not like what he sees from the new republican-led congress. how is that going to work out, huh? will make some interesting stories i think. martha: i think you re right about that, mr. hemmer. good morning to you. i m doing just great. good morning, everybody. the president spoke at a news conference yesterday. all eyes on this moment. he told reporters that he quote, he heard the voters in the election on tuesday and that he is ready to pass immigration reform, work on the tax code and quote, get some things done with republicans where he can. here he is. i m eaganner to work

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20141109 23:00:00

i m howard kurtz. thanks for joining us. like our facebook page where we post original content, answer your question, post videos you don t see on this program. we re back here next sunday 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern with the latest buzz. i m chris wallace. breaking today. two americans held captive in north korea return to the u.s. with this country s top spy. plus, with control of both houses of congress, are republicans headed for compromise with president obama or confrontation? we are heading to washington. and we are going to make them squeal! we have swept this nation with a compelling senate majority. tonight we shook up the senate. you shook up the senate. we ll talk with two members of the wave of new republican senators. shelley moore capito and cory
gardner of colorado. then after that white house lunch, did the power shift in washington end the partisan gridlock? we do have an obligation to work together on issues where we can agree. i think we have a duty to do that. i would enjoy having some kentucky bourbon with mitch mcconnell. we ll discuss the agenda for the lame duck session and next year, with two congressional leaders who were at the lunch. republican senator john barrasso and democratic congressman xavier becerra. plus, the president authorizes sending 1,500 more u.s. troops to iraq in the fight against isis. our sunday panel will tackle that. and our power player of the week, a man who goes undercover to rescue child sex slaves. we kind of broke roles and said, guys, this is the sound of liberation, the sound of emancipation. all right now on fox news sunday.
hello again from fox news in washington. we ll get to the new balance of power in washington in a moment. but first some breaking news. two americans held by north korea are back home, and u.s. air strikes in iraq may have taken out the leader of isis. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine has the latest on both stories. chris, senior administration officials insist there was no quid pro quo for release of two americans, but now that they re home on american soil, there are new questions about the timing and the motivation of north korea s secretive leader. saturday the blue and white government jet touched down in washington state. the release of kenneth bae and matthew todd miller came after a last-minute trip by the nation s most senior intelligence officer, tapped by the president to bring the americans home. miller was arrested in april, accused of hostile act and sentenced to six years in prison. bae was arrested in november 2012 and sentenced to 15 years
of hard labor for unspecified crimes. i just to want say thank you all for supporting me, and lifting me up and not forgetting me. at the same time, not forgetting the people of north korea. the director of national intelligence, james clapper, did meet with north korean officials but significantly not with the north korean leader, kim jong-un. administration officials say it was emphasized to pyongyang that they must denuclearize as a condition for further talks. in iraq, a defense official confirms a new series of air strikes near the iraqi town of mosul targeted the leadership of isis. with intelligence suggesting a meeting of senior operatives, possibly including islamic state leader, al baghdadi, a convoy of ten trucks were destroyed. damage assessments are ongoing and a defense official had no further information on the status of the isis leader. chris? catherine, thanks for that. a red wave swept the country this is week, giving republicans control of congress, including
their first senate majority since 2006. we want to introduce you to some of the new members of the senate as the gop sets its agenda. we ll talk with colorado s new senator, cory gardner, in a moment, but first congresswoman shelley moore capito, is west virginia s first female senator ever and first republican senator in half a century. senator-elect, congratulations. welcome to fox news sunday . thank you. glad to be on. good to have you. president obama called you on election night, one of the few newly elected republican senators he reached out to. did he give you any sense he s willing to compromise? he did say he congratulated me, which was very welcome. the call was wonderful, of course. but he did say that, i think we can find common ground to help the people of west virginia. as you know, in west virginia the president is very unpopular, so i appreciate that sentiment. i want to find that common ground. i look forward to that. but he didn t put much meat on the bones.
well, no, it was late. you know, i m going to take what i can get at this point. in his news conference the day after the election, the president was unwilling to say that he s going to change any of his policies or change the way he does business. and he also seemed to almost dismiss the message from the voters on tuesday night. take a look. to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you. to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. do you think the president gets it, gets how unhappy voters are with him and the democrats? you know, not really. those comments we saw right after the election, when he says he hears two-thirds of the people that are not voting, what kind of message could he possibly be getting? i think the dysfunction, the gridlock, the overreaching, certainly in my state the overreaching by certain
regulatory bodies is really, i think, eating away at the confidence in his ability to lead and an ability to get things done. and i don t believe that you know, i want to believe that we can do this. i do believe we can and we must. and i hope the president kind of gets on board a little more than he did in that first press conference. there s also a question for republicans, and that is whether they compromise with the president or whether they confront him. and there seemed to be a split in the days after the election within the republican party, various comments made by the new presumptive senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and republican tea party favorite ted cruz. let s take a look at what both of them had to say. i want to first look for areas that we can agree on. there probably are some. the era of obama lawlessness is over. so, are you with mcconnell, let s look for areas of
aagreement, or with cruz, who wants apparently to draw bright lines versus this president? well, let s look at one thing the president did do for the republican party on election night. he unified us. we have majorities, a larger majority in the house. we have the majority in the senate. many states my state hasn t elected a republican senator since 1956. and part of it was the dissatisfaction with the direction the president s going. i think what we would be smart to do, in my opinion, the way i want to move forward s score small victories. bipartisan with the president, showing and demonstrating to that disaffected majority of americans out there that we can begin to solve the problem. such as? such as keystone pipeline, such as some tax reform, transportation bill, a six-year transportation bill that do you think the president will back down on keystone pipeline? i think he would be smart to do it when he sees a margin in the senate of over 65 votes.
i would hope so. if we re looking at jobs, infrastructure. we have an energy growth in our country that we really need to capitalize on. let me talk about one of the big issues in your campaign, which was what you called the war on coal, which is obviously a big deal in coal-rich west virginia. how aggressive are you going to be in the senate in trying to roll back some of the epa regulations? extremely aggressive. that is my promise to west virginia. we have lost over the last two years 5,000 jobs. those are just coal jobs. we have several thousand other miners under a warn notice, meaning they re going to potentially be losing their job. that doesn t count the electrician jobs, tire distributor, all the other jobs that goes with coal mining. coal is our base-load fuel. the president s policy is disenfranchising part of the country, my part of the country. we ve been picked as a loser. i m not going to stand for it. rolling back the epa regulations is the way to do it.
finally, how do you feel about the president trying to get a lot of things done in this lame duck session of congress? for instance, just yesterday he nominated loretta lynch to be the new attorney general. how do you feel about his effort to try to get that her confirmed by the lame duck session as opposed to waiting for the new senate with members like you getting to vote on? i think you see the rapid change in both houses, particularly on the senate side. i think you ll see a lot pushed to the first of the year. i think that will give us time to have the debate and deliberation that the senate haz hasn t had over the last four years, that we need to have, whether it s nominee for attorney general do you think it would be a mistake to try to push jam her through in this session? i do. i think if we re going to have an era of good faith, we need to begin with the confirmation process for one of the most important jobs in the country, that s attorney general. senator-elect, thank you. thank you for coming in. please come back. i would love to. thank you. good. now let s meet another of the new gop senators in the battle
state ground of colorado. cory gardner ousted democratic incumbent mark udall. senator-elect gardner, congratulations to you and welcome to fox news sunday. nk. and thanks for having me on. i want to start with the question i asked senator-elect capito. do you think, from what you ve heard from the election, do you think the president gets what voters were saying on election night? time will tell. look, what i saw in colorado on election night wasn t so much about republicans or democrats, but it was about a rejection of the failed ways of washington. and the democrats happen to be in charge of the senate and the president. so, the fact is, if the president doesn t recognize that people are dissatisfied with the direction of washington, then he s going to have a challenge over the next couple of years. and what message, senator-elect, do you think voters were sending republicans? do you think it was a mandate or do you think in a sense it was kind of hold your nose and they dislike you less than they dislike the president and the democrats?
well, the mandate was this. people don t like dysfunction, they don t like gridlock, they don t like the way washington is working. so in two years from now, if republicans don t prove we can govern with maturity, we can govern with competence, we ll see the same kind of results two years from now, except it will be a wave going back a different direction. in your campaign, you reached out to hispanics who make up 14% of the voters in your state of colorado. and you did very well in a lot of the areas of colorado where they live. since the election, perhaps the biggest issue has been the president s statement, his determination that he is going to sign this executive order deferring the deportation of millions of people who are in this country illegally now. here is some of the debate over that issue. what i m not going to do is just wait. i think it s fair to say that i ve shown a lot of patience. i believe that the president
continues to act on his own. he is going to poison the well. when you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself. senator-elect, do you worry that republicans are going to once again be seen, when all of this is over, once again be seen as anti-hispanic and anti-immigration? i think what we have to do is make sure we work with the president, show a willingness in the house and senate to work together so that the president can ultimately do the right thing. the right thing for the president to do isn t going around congress but it s working with congress. so, i think that s the challenge that this new era of goodwill, so to speak, presents itself for us. we have to make sure that the president is willing to do the right thing. that means the congress and house, the house and senate, are willing to show an effort to work together. i think ultimately that s how we have immigration reform and we have to continue our outreach efforts in every community in our country, in every community in states like colorado, to make sure they have the confidence we re going to look out for them and be a strong voice for them, regardless of where they are from.
but what s going to happen when the president, and he says he s going to do it some time before the end of the year, signs this executive order, goes around congress? well, i hope the president between now and whenever that is will change his mind. will decide to do the right thing. and if he doesn t? that means mitch mcconnell, leader boehner again, we have to encourage him to do the right thing. i don t want to speculate about an executive order that may or may not exist. bottom line is this, we know we need immigration reform in this country because the system isn t working with what we have right now. but the president to encourage working together, to encourage a way to go forward, if he does this, then i m concerned he won t be doing the right thing. that would hurt our ability to move forward in the next two years. let s do the right thing, let s work together, let s find solutions. that s what the people of colorado are looking for. in large part, that s why we were able to achieve victory, because we presented that positive, optimistic vision for this country and that s what the president needs to do. let s talk about doing the right thing on immigration. the hispanic vote did not play a big role in the midterms, but
you know as well as i do, they re going to play a very big role because hispanics vote more in presidential elections, they re going to play a big role in 2016. how do republicans get on the right side of the immigration issue for what is the fastest growing voting bloc in the nation? when you look at the issues that the hispanic community cares about, in pueblo county, colorado, i basically tied senator udall. that s one of the largest hispanic populations in the state n one of the largest counties in the state. we did it because we talked to issues to every community, whether it s education, growing jobs and opportunity, making sure children aren t trapped in a failing school system but specifically on immigration, aren t republicans going to have to do something when it comes to legalization of the millions who are already here? i think when it comes to immigration, we ve talked about border security. let s start with border security, as so many people are asking for. but border security in and of
ichts is not complete unless you have a meaningful guest worker program to go along with it to create that legal avenue of labor. we have to make sure we fix the entry/exit system, e-verify systems. those are things republicans can and should do right now. that, i think, is something the house, the senate and the president can work together. let s do the right thing. let s take those steps where i think there is a broad agreement that we can get behind and make sure that we are doing the right thing. finally, and we have less than a minute left, for all the talk about the republican senate, you re going to find out very quickly, i know you already know it, but i suspect you re not fully up to how frustrating it s going to be, you re going to need a lot of democratic votes to hit that 60-vote super majority to get anything done. any thoughts about how to break the gridlock in the senate? i ve worked closely with gary peterson, senanate-elect from michigan, done a lot of energy efficiency work with ron wyden from oregon. it is about relationships, putting those things on the
president s desk that have broad, bipartisan support. let s start by putting those kind of solutions like the keystone pipeline, repeal of the medical device tax on the president s desk. show we can do it with republicans and democrats and prove to the american people washington learned its lessons. that will ultimately help republicans when it comes to our nomination for 2016. thank you for talking with us. please come visit us when you re in washington. will do it. thank you. next week we ll introduce you to another new member, congressman tom cotton of arkansas, who unseated democratic tom pryor. tom cotton on the next fox news sunday. coming up, a show of bipartisanship as president invites congressional leaders for lunch at the white house. but were there any signs of breaking the ice? we ll find out from two members of congress who were there. what do you think? will the shift of power in washington end the gridlock or only increase it? let me know on facebook or twitter @foxnewssunday and use #fns. twitter @foxnewssunday and
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president obama sat down with congressional leaders of both parties for lunch friday at the white house, over sea bass and pumpkin tart, they discussed the way forward with republicans soon to control congress. they disagreed sharply over the president s plan for executive action on immigration. joining us now, two of the leaders who were there. senator john barrasso, chairman of the senate republican policy. and congressman xavier becerra is head of the house democratic caucus. gentlemen, welcome back to fox news sunday. before we get to the white house lunch, i want to ask you about the president s decision on
friday to send 1,500 more u.s. troops to iraq, almost doubling our deployment there. senator barrasso, you re on the foreign relations committee. a couple questions. one, are you going to vote for the $5.6 billion in extra money the president wants? secondly, how do you feel about this slow motion, bit by bit escalation of our footprint in iraq? we re going to look at specifically how he wants the money spent, but it s right that the president does come to congress for an authorization for use of military force. i support that. i think congress ought to be involved in those discussions. you do get concerned about mission creep. i think they ve been doing a good job in terms of trying to degrade, but they have a long way to go in terms of destroying isis and trying to secure iraq. there are still big problems in syria, and we just discussed all of this with general austin on friday although the white house. the head of centcom. as well as the secretary. any concern this escalation
has the scent of vietnam about it? and do you think the president has a strategy, a strategy and a plan to beat isis? the way it was outlined at the lunch on friday, it seemed like a pretty coherent plan that was directed at the ultimate goal of dismantling isil. and my sense is this, after, as the senator said, we have an opportunity to look closely at all the details. i think most members will see this is just a build up of the original plan, which is to try to help the iraqis stand up and take care of business back home. where does it end? it was in the 200, now it s 2900. how many more troops? i think president has always said that the iraqis have to handle this. they ve asked for help. we re willing to help but it s their job to take care of their civil war. i don t think the president intends to have this become anything close to a vietnam. let s talk about the lunch, which you both attended on friday.
senator barrasso, how heated was the discussion about the president taking executive actions to defer depore tags of millions of people in this country illegally? and will that really, as some republican leaders are suggesting, hurt cooperation on every issue? well, i believe it will hurt cooperation on every issue, chris. what the president does over the next two months is really going to set the tone for the next two years in washington. you know, nobody ran for office and won a senate race based on the president having more executive authority to take executive actions on amnesty or on health care or any of the other issues. the american people want us to work together to find solutions. so, i think it would be like the president pulling the pin out of a hand grenade and throwing it in as we re trying to actually work together. i m hoping that cooler heads at the white house can prevail upon the president to say, look, if you want to have a good constructive final two years of your presidency, don t do this now. wait until the new congress is sworn in. let them come together and do
the sort of things senator-elect gardner was talking about in terms of working together to find some solutions on immigration. congressman, a couple questions for you. did the president really cut off vice president biden when he started talking about this, the idea of how long would it take republicans to come up with their own bill? and do you worry that it s going to be the grenade scenario and that this will poison the well on a bunch of issues, not just immigration? first, i don t recall anybody being cut off. there was a good conversation, back and forth. on the issue of immigration and where we ll go, i think the president s been very patient. he made it very clear, he s been waiting for six years to get a bill from congress. he s been waiting a year and a half for the house republicans to act on the bill that the senate passed on a bipartisan basis. and the president for months has been saying he s going to take action where he can to try to make the law work better, smarter than what it is right now. so, i don t think there s anything strange going on here, except for the fact that if house republicans continue to
insist that the president must wait to help fix what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system, the only thing that is harmed is our security, our economy and all those families that are waiting to see some results. so i think the president is right to move forward, to do what president reagan, president bush sr., president bush jr., president clinton, all presidents have used executive orders to make the law work better. he cannot change the law. he can only try make it work better and smarter. senator barrasso, you say the president still hasn t come to grips with this election. do you think he s in denial? i don t know that, but he is sure, i think, not fully grasping the the significant defeat for his party and his policies. as the president said, his policies were on the ballot each and every one of them. we have now elected i think we will end up with nine new republican senators. his policies have been rejected by the voters. not just because they re
unpopular, but because they don t work. that s why we went to the white house to say, mr. president, we want to work with you on issues of jobs, the economy, affordable energy and health care. and i was astonished that during that whole lunch, the president didn t ask us anything about that at all. he just was so focused on this executive amnesty issue that he ignored the idea of having a dialogue on ways we could actually change the direction of the country and move forward with regard to jobs and the economy. is that true? let me disagree with the senator. the president wasn t so focused on the issue of executive action until speaker boehner was the one that raised it saying, it s going to be tough to do anything together if you do executive action, and that s when the president respond back. so to put the blame on the president for the speaker is unfair. the president said, we ve got a lot to do together. we ve got to deal was there not a discussion back and forth about both both parties ideas about jobs? that was the president posed that as one of the issues
we should have conversation about. remember, we only had so much time to discuss a number of issues. we had a briefing by the military on the situation in syria and iraq. as the president said, he went through about four or five different issues and said, all these issues i hope we have an opportunity to work with on senator barrasso, you think there wasn t enough talk about the economy and jobs, which is, according to voters, the number one issue? whose fault that we didn t discuss the economy more? john boehner started off right away, executive action, it s going to be tough to do anything. and the president then spent an inordinate amount of time talking about his goals for executive action and pretty much ignored the next two years. that s why i say, what the president decides to do in the next two months, sets the tone for the next two years. there are dozens of bills that have passed the house in a bipartisan way, specifically related to jobs, the economy, trade, health care. we want to put and will start putting on the president s desk
none of that was discussed in january. none of that came up. it seems other than the briefing on isis and ebola, it seemed the president s goal was to take executive action when the president s policy and party were refutiated. he said republicans will no longer have to the tea party wing in the house and the senate, but especially the house. here s what he said. it means that negotiations end up, perhaps, being a little more real because, you know, they have larger majorities, for example, in the house. they may be able to get some things through their caucuses they couldn t before. congressmen, do democrats have to do anything differently? well, all of us have to do something differently. i m asking about democrats. yeah, democrats and republicans. what do democrats have to do differently?
i think democrats have to know now that senate and house are both in the hands of the republicans, that we have to see where we can work with those that drive the agenda in the house and the senate to see where we can come together and find common ground. it s no longer going to be a republican house working with a democratic senate. it s going to be one of those areas where we have to see if we can join with republicans as they propose legislation to send to the president. and hopefully the the republicans in both the house and the senate propose bills that the president has said he s willing to sign versus just send him legislation that he s said, this is going to be vetoed as soon as it gets to my desk. finally, senator barrasso, and i want to ask a question i asked senator-elect capito, how do you feel about the president trying to get the confirmation of loretta lynch as the new attorney general, to get her confirmed in this lame duck session as opposed to waiting for the new senate? how much will you resist it if he tries to get her confirmed in this session? the attorney general of the united states is a very consequential position.
we have not done an attorney general confirmation in a lame duck since 1906. that was in the same party. the last time we ve done one with a change of party was when james buchanan was leaving the white house and abraham lincoln was coming in. so, as i say, what the president does in two months is very consequential for the next two years. she s going to have to specifically come to the hill, talk about trying to get better relations between the departments and the hill and specifically answer questions about executive amnesty. is it legal? is it constitutional? senator barrasso, congressman becerra, thank you for joining us today. we can solve one of the mysteries about the lunch. let s show you a picture of the leaders of congress as they left the lunch. you can see they were carrying swag bags, white house swag bags from the lunch. we wondered what was in the swag bags. john barrasso has given me, and i m i don t know, i think i may drink it in the second half of the show, white house honey
ale. so, what did you get, a six-pack or yeah. six-pack of honey ale. have you tried it? no, not yet. you tried it? not yet. will, though. maybe we ll have a beer summit. there you go. thank you, gentlemen. always a pleasure. we ll be watching what happens on capitol hill. up next, republicans win a big victory election night. what happens now? our sunday group joins the conversation. what happens now? our sunday group joins the conversation. s charlie.
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baby laughs! as president i have a unique responsibility to try to make this town work. we ll see whether we can work with the president. i hope so. that s what he says. we ll find out. president obama and presumptive senate majority leader mitch mcconnell talking about cooperation after tuesday s republican wave. but will they find a way to do it? it s time now for our sunday group. brit hume, fox news senior political analyst. peter baker who covers the white house for the new york times. republican adviser carly fi firorina and charles lane. from the washington post. when democrats lost president obama came out the day after and called it a shellacking. but what struck a lot of people this time is he seemed unwilling to admit how badly republicans had lost or to talk about any changes in his policy or his way of doing business. and i guess the question is,
peter, behind the scenes at the white house, are they any more realistic about what happened on tuesday night? well, they know it was a bad night. they re not fooling themselves about that. but they look for all sorts of reasons why that happened. it was a bad electoral map, you know, obviously every six-year election in a two-term presidency tends to go badly and so on. he didn t want to come out and look chastened, so he didn t. he didn t want to give us a word like shellacking or thumping, like the last two, and he didn t. he wants to come out and be aggressive. we heard a lot from the white house today, the last few days, that he was champing at the bit to get out there and be aggressive but was held back by senate democrats. senate democrats have a different version. during the campaign. during the campaign. now he s more liberated and he can be more assertive if he wants to be, and certainly he was with the immigration discussion. brit, you and i have been through a bunch of midterms that have gone badly for presidents. oftentimes the presidents decide
to switch course as a result of the election results. bill clinton seems like perhaps the best example of that. do you think this president, this president has it in him to really change course and to work more cooperatively with republicans? perhaps on a few issues. but i think this president there s a character issue here. he seems to have this pathological inability to accept responsibility. the last midterm second-term midterm wipeout we saw was 2006. and george w. bush came out after that and said the results of the election were disappointing. he called it a thumping. he said, as head of the party, i share a large part of the responsibility for this. of course, it was in the aftermath of that he adjusted course in iraq, which was the issue that had dragged his party down to such a great extent in that election. so, he made a shift. bill clinton, as you pointed out, made a shift after he got he lost the congress in 1994, two years into his
presidency. i don t sense this president s prepared to do that. i think he it s almost as if he thinks that this election was somehow not legitimate because he wasn t on the there wasn t a presidential race and it wasn t a big turnout. and two-thirds of the people didn t vote. and two-thirds of the people didn t vote. and he has this among his other wondrous qualities he has this ability to hear what people diplomat say anything. apparently if there is going to be a confrontation, the first confrontation will be over immigration. as we ve been discussing today, the president seems determined to enact executive action, take executive action, before the end of the year to defer deportations for millions of people who are in this country illegally. now, carly, are renting making a mistake here, with all this talk this week, boy, you do that, it s going to poison the well on every issue. should they separate it out and say, we re very unhappy about this but we ll continue to do business, or, you know, are they right to say, this is going to poison the well?
well, i think, first, republicans should be reminding the american people that when barack obama was president, when he held both the house and the senate, after promising in his 2008 election campaign that he would take on immigration, he did nothing. i think republicans should be reminding the american people that it was democrats that killed comprehensive immigration reform under president george w. bush. this president has done nothing. he has not been waiting for six years wait a minute. there was a bill, a comprehensive bill passed with republican support in the senate. that s correct. and it was killed in the republican house. that s right. generally legislation goes the other way, although not always. that is, it starts in the house and moves to the senate and eventually gets to the president s desk. but my point is, i do not think this president wants comprehensive immigration reform. i think he wants a club to beat
republicans over the head with, therefore, you think, i think he will take executive action. i think republicans must be talking tough about the consequences of that republican action because, clearly that presidential action. clearly, republicans want the border secured, but they also know the current system doesn t work. however, personally, i would counsel republicans against, say, rushing off to impeach the president if he does this. and to continue in a workman like way to pass bills with bipartisan support and put them on his desk. your thoughts about immigration reform, who s responsible, what republicans should do. you ve got a lot to talk about. gee, i mean, we can go on forever, arguing about who struck down immigration reform, but i think to follow up on your question, there is a risk if the republicans sort of overdue it in saying, this will kill any hope of bipartisan. i think probably their safer position would be to say, boy this will really cause problems but we re going to soldier on and try to pass legislation anyway. the truth of the matter is that in the last congress, in spite of all the gridlock and so
forth, a lot of work was done quietly in committees on unsexy issues. things like postal reform, cyber security, housing finance, fannie mae and freddie mac. there were bipartisan projects that sort of got a little traction under them, and then just sort of died for all the reasons we re familiar with. and corporate tax reform being one of the big ones. so it s not inconceivable, even after all this, that something could get legislated. real quickly. we only have 30 seconds left in this segment. interesting to hear republicans talk about keystone pipeline. do you think there s any possible the president would bend on that? i do. i think there s room for compromise there. i can imagine a package where he agrees to authorize the pipeline in exchange for something that he wants on energy or environment, that the republicans might not be so interested in giving him, so the question is, can they come together on that. he would ar gushgs i think, as a tradeoff for whatever damage, if you can argue it, might be
created by keystone, we get this benefit, it may be worth it. but we ll see if that s possible. all right. that was a little hopeful. we have to take a break here. when we come back, president obama is now almost doubling the number of u.s. troops in iraq. does the escalation of forces signal a change in our mission there? plus, what would you like to ask the panel? just go to facebook or twitter @foxnewssunday. we may use your question on the air. that s a fine looking group of people there. @foxnewssunday. we may use your question on the air. that s a fine looking group of people there.
do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic.
they so, they ve reached a point where they need additional help and guidance.hed a why wasn t that done in september when it really could have helped? reall
to him, national security and war is just politics in another form.e hel that s what i hate so much abou the obama administration. p pentagon spokesman rear so h admiral john kirby and republican senator lindsey ear graham sharply disagreeing overn the president s decision to send more troops to help the iraqi army to fight isis. we re back now with the panel.o before we get to that, peter, a what are your sources telling i. you about this u.s. air strike against isis leaders in the rces mosul area of northern iraq in t the last 24 hours? and what about the possibility n that s being mentioned they actually hit the leader of isis, al baghdadi? yeah, no, very intriguing possibility, of course. very they had intelligence the leaders were going to be gathering and they took h advantage of it while they leag to we should be cautious in while suggesting that anybody specific has been knocked off at this point.cou esting we ve seen again in again in thh 13 years since 9/11 that reporti of the demise of this terrorist leader or that militant leader proved to be unfounded. 9 i think i remember during the
original iraq war, we killed a guy chemical ali, cousin of kie sa sdam saddam hussein , we killed him at least five or six times.s. ally we did finally it is encouraging they had this intelligence where some of the leaders of isis were going to be meeting. that s right. look, you know, it s not just going to be these troops that are being sent. it s also going to rely very heavily on people on the ground t s n who can help you know, it spotters, figure out which targets for these strikes to hit.t. that s what matters at this point. we asked you for questions for the panel and we got this of facebook from donna robb. questi talking about the escalation ofe troops, how is this different from when we trickled soldiers into indochino in the early s, w 1960s? remember well where that got usd brit, do you see any in similarities to vietnam here? oh, sure, because you have s. this seemingly gradual an escalation. and, of course, the early forces that were sent to vietnam were advisers.etnam
what strikes me about this is that the rationale for this seems to be that now the iraqi e forces are doing so well, that f weor need to send twice as manyc adviserses to help them as they had before. that seems to me not to make any sense. and it suggests to me that the truth is, they re not doing so s well and that s why we need to s send the forces, the opposite of what they re saying.eeforce and i think that was always the case in vietnam. in you know, we kept we kept escalating and it we kept not quite winning and that s what caused them to keep ramping up the troops. it s a slippery slope. keptp rai let s take a look at however long the slope is, let s take ae look at the escalation so far in iraq. back in june the president sent the first 275 soldiers there to help support iraqi forces. now with this new deployment, he we re going to have 2,900 troops to, quote, train and assist theh iraqi army. to the question, charles, is and whether that is going to be enough to defeat isis or whetheh
in a few months i mean, that s a ten-fold increase sinci june, whether in a few months we ll need even more troops. the honest answer, we have no idea. i do want to say it s a promising sign. that there s good enough intelligence, which was always going to be the defect swer, w perspectively in this air strike to hit what seems to have been a target-rich environment this ke morning. but the achilles heel of this th whole project is the iraqi army. we re talking about training it to be effective against isis. this is an army that collapsed o after $20 billion and years of t u.s. hetraining, collapsed afte isis showed up in mosul a few lion,s ago. so, that is at best a dicey proposition that we re actuallyl going to be able to stand somebody up. i mean, there s a little bit ofa a vietnam analogy and also a res world war ii analogy, i might say, in all of this that we re proposing to team up with one evil, namely the shia-dominated
iraqi militias and their iranian backers against what we deem to be a worse evil in isis. if you think the practical problems associated with that are tough,,w wait until we star hearing the moral side. wait until our side starts committing massacres and so forth. which is another thing it has iw common with vietnam, the until corruption and brutality of ouro allies. there is also the issue of timing. some people thought it was more than coincidental that the utalh pentagon and the white house uef announced this just three days . after the election. carly, what do you make of that? also, what do you make of the expansion of our deployment of u.s. forces? well, i think first let s put this in the context that we aken still don t have and haven t i heard a strategy. a strategy for how to get any of this done.trategy. the drone strikes are great. let s hope we took the fo leadership out.r but the president has never put forward his plan for defeating degrading and b defeating isis.
secondly, i actually think this is within the envelope of the total number of troops that he at one point suggested he would send.d.d think the issue is timing. it s always with this president, too y
what about this question of m timing andin coming right aftere thect election?efore president clinton and i he remember after his re-election comes to the briefing room and o he s going to keep troops in ps bosnia and president bush ended up sending in new troops, his id own caucus was mad at him. he always have the election f gets in the middle of a decision process and it will always create suspicion about creat motivations and timing. the i think it s such a small amount of troops here in the end that it s hard to imagine this realli would have had an affect on the election one way or the other before last use, but it s not surprising that people wonder. tothat s wha the big questio which is the means and the ends, the president has a big end go here, the destruction of isis, c but has he gotco the means, a wt strategy to accomplishha that? the eventual construction i
the idea of going after isis ink syria is in the back burner. what i think this president tends to do over and over again is to decide what means he wil use an then taylor the mission to the chosen means. ta alsoil decide what means he t not going to use.he and exactly. so what you have, you impose these limitations on himself which he repeatedly does, and then he conjures a mission thatt would fit or seem so far in this case, it seems td me, the smaller mission of trying to hold isis back in iraq has not been met for the means he s chosen for that and that it what i think 1,500 more troops going out there to advice means, it means it isn t working so ae
far, at least this piece of it t will fail. wo they re veryrr worried about the huge massacre in anbar of province of the sunni tribes te that were our allies in the first time around when al qaeda was defeated in iraq. and i have a feeling that feeln somehow, some of these troops are going to an bar to try and shore that up. anb but this is a little bit of an s effort to address that hemorrhaging that was going on . in the short-term.. this is not the last conversation about this subjectt thank you, panel, see you next sunday. up next, our power player of theply week, a manage on the front line in the battle against child sex slavery. a bibibibibibi so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it s just i m a little reluctant to try new things. what s wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah. i do. try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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he spent 12 he spent 12 years as a it s dangerous work conducting undercover stings. here s our power player of the week. it s. it s the worst kind of abuse, abuse you don t even want to talk about. he s talking about child sex trafficking and his efforts to stop it. he s the founder of operation under ground railroad, he and his colleagues call themselves abboll legsists.
people are being sold, human beings are being sold for the benefit of others and slavery is alive and well. he focuses on the 2 million child sex slaves throughout the world. traffickers convince parents in pe poor countries to turn their kids over, supposedly to become models, then the traffickers sell the children for the night or permanently. in haiti, we had terrificers sell children for $15,000. they re yours, we walked out with the kids, a 2-year-old and a 3-year-old. sex slaves? they dfidn t care what we di with them. last dpecember, he decided h could do more outside the government. last month he and a jump team from special forces got a tip from the columbian government about sex trafficking on an
island off cart 1-800-a. they said we have drugs, we have a girls, we said what kind of girls? they said as young as 10. it was like he was selling us a car. he started negotiatinging for a sex party. in columbia, it was about $300 a day for a child. they offered five very jichbs who were as young as 11 for $5,000. the traffickers brought 55 kids and ballard paid more than 26$,000. i looked at these kids as they were crying, it was a punch in the stomach, they think you re the monster. but ballard called in a colombia s.w.a.t. team who arrested the traffickers. ballard keeps his cover for the next operation. but this time the children found out they were the good guys. at one point, this little
girl went up to the screen of the window where we passed by and put her little hand up and i was able to reach out and touch her hand. we kind of broke role and said, guys, this is the sound of liberation, this is the sound of emancipation. reporter: just this year, operation under ground railroad has done a dozen stings, rescued 230 children and put two dozen traffickers in prison. ballard now is the group s public face, so he won t go under cover again, but i he ll still be part of the operation. to see a child being liberated and knowing we can do it again and again. and it s bittersweet, knowing how many more are still there. but the minute you start to celebrate, you stop yourself and you realize you got to get back to work. operation under ground railroad is a nonprofit totally funded by private donation,s.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140922 10:00:00

scott says publicly shaming for sure. don says used to be going to jail was public shaming. amy says i prefer neither. that s why i follow the law. very good, amy. fox & friends first is going to begin shortly fox & friends, you mean. thanks for watching. good morning. it is monday, september 22. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. police issue an arrest warrant for a person of interest in the case of missing university of virginia student hannah graham. i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. plus this morning her emotional parents speaking out for the very first time. meanwhile, another fox news alert. three afghan soldiers who were visiting a military training camp here in this country in massachusetts are missing this morning. where are they?
and what kind of a threat do they pose to anybody around there? plus this will make your monday. a look at what happens when dogs go under water. yeah. they keep their eyes open, one thing is clear. mornings are better with friends. watch this animation. welcome aboard, folks. it s official. say so long to sun screen and hello pumpkin spice latte. today is the first day of fall. you make it sound good with the latte. put it this way, if you were outside yesterday i think it s time to keep your muscle t-shirts out and your tight little shorts available because i believe that the weather is not giving up on the summer. you think there s still tanning potential? that s what i m saying. if you wear your liner in your jacket, i think you re going to be sweaty. where did you spend your
sunday? at hooters? just sayin . i m just sayin too. keep your tight little shorts? don t judge me. it is the autumnal equinox today, first day of fall and we start with a fox news alert. that person of interest in the case of missing student hannah graham now a wanted man. police in charlottesville, virginia, issued an arrest warrant for jesse matthew. ainsley earhardt joins us with the details. ainsley, didn t the police talk to him for a minute? yeah, they did. but now the virginia state police, they re on the hunt again for this guy. his name is jesse matthew. they have a warrant for his arrest charging him with reckless driving. police say over the weekend matthew, who is a person of interest in the disappearance of university of virginia student 18-year-old hannah graham, walked into a police station, spoke to a lawyer, then got into a car and
sped away. police looking for anybody that might have seen this car last friday or saturday. meantime police still know very little about matthew s interaction with graham the night she disappeared. i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. because it s been a week and we can t find her. but somebody knows where she is. graham went missing more than a week ago. she was last seen on surveillance video walking into a restaurant with a man believed to be matthew. hannah s parents making an emotional plea to the public. this is every parent s worst nightmare. i m certain that everybody in this room and those watching knows that what happened to hannah could happen to their child. more than 1,200 people spent their weekend searching for hannah. police say they will keep
searching until they find her. the miss chief, chief longo, says he doesn t want to get tunnel vision just focusing on one person, on matthew. the chief adds he believes someone knows where hannah graham is and hopefully they will find her. back to you. family holding out hope. this also developing yoaf night. a search underway at this hour for three afghan soldiers who disappeared while visiting the united states. peter doocy is live in washington. good morning to you, peter. what and how much of a threat does this pose at the time? elisabeth, nobody has seen these three afghan soldiers since saturday night when they were spotted about 20 miles from joint base cape cod at the cape cod mall in hyannis, a normal enough collection of stores that also has a movie theaters and chain restaurants. one of the missing soldiers is a major. the other two are captains.
they were in the united states for u.s. central command regional cooperation exercise, which is a big event that involves 200 people from five countries including 12 soldiers from afghanistan. this event has been going on since 2004 but right now the military is working with local police forces to figure out where these three are. each hour that goes by gets a little more concerning. finding out why you can t get in touch with them, why they haven t reached out to somebody, as time goes on it gets more concerning. the other thing is are they the victims of some t violent act. hopefully they extended their weekend and at some point will show up at the base tonight or be found by folks. so far we don t have any reason to believe these three missing afghan soldiers are dangerous. they arrived on september 11 in and a massachusetts national guards spokesman
is saying these are senior-ranked soldiers who had permission to come to the u.s. for this event. peter, there s always the possibility they simply don t want to go back to afghanistan; right? nobody knows. all that they know is they were at the mall. they could have been doing anything. they got stuff from abercrombie to chipotle there. they could have been going for dinner. nobody knows. i ll take cape cod over kabul any day. maybe they re realizing that. let me ask you this question. what do hillary clinton, former c.i.a. director, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and now former defense secretary leon panetta have in common? they all suggested president obama arm syrians back in 2012 to avoid the situation we are now in called isis. leon panetta spoke on 60 minutes about how he now is being vocal and why
president obama s foreign policy is not sitting well with him. the real key was how can we develop a leadership group among the opposition that would be able to take control. and my view was to have leverage to do that. we would have to provide the weapons and the training in order for them to really be willing to work with us in that effort. but with virtually his entire national security team unanimous on this, that s not the decision the president made. i think the president s concern and i understand it was that he had a fear that if we started providing weapons, we wouldn t know where those weapons would wind up. my view was you have to begin somewhere. i think in part we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. the free syrian army needed to be supplied. senator john mccain, lindsey graham said that. it turns out heend
behind the scenes his whole staff was saying that and the president decided not to do that after taking a walk with somebody. i think it might have been valerie jarrett. so leon panetta, as he sells a book i m interested in that book because he has been a voice of reason in two different situations in very important times. however, you wonder if things had been different if he found a way to do what colin powell did, leak his views through the press. leon panetta in the premier of 60 minutes said we should have armed the rebels back then. he also said he wishes we would have had a residual force there of 8,000. that would have turned the tide and prevent maliki, the guy running the country, headed in the right direction. he went off the rails and now we re all screwed up over there. meanwhile, king abdullah, here in new york city for the u.n. general assembly that starts this week, told
scott pelly as well that isis could have been stopped. listen. could the rise of isis have been prevented? they could have been prevented if the international community worked harder together to make sure that funding and support to the original groups in syria were not allowed to get to the extent that they were. the international community, the united states intervened too late? i think we could have done a better job in making sure that earlier on it was identified who the bad people were and action by the international community was taken not to allow that to happen. a haunting statement right there by king abdullah. when you hear leon panetta say this will take a long time, reiterating the fact that it will take years and years, perhaps longer, to get rid of isis, they re still funding, they re taxing, receiving donations. they have troops of 40,000
being aided by up to 100,000, according to kurdish intelligence collaborating with them. and that is why the time is now on the other side. here s the other thing. jordan almost doubled their population with the syrian refugees and they set up this village in the middle of the desert in between the two countries so it s directly affecting them. if king abdullah said that and i understand the president s view that he s afraid of arms getting in the wrong hands, clearly now it would have been a lot better to take that risk. let s see jordan take some troops. let s see egypt take troops. let them start fighting. saudi arabia has to do more than have a base area where the syrian army can train for a year. allowing the sunni force to take over; why aren t they doing more? you would expect them to. iran wants nothing to do
with the rise in sunnis but iran would like to see the goodbye, the isis exit as would hezbollah. complicated situation. yes indeed. about 11 minutes after the top of the hour on this the first day of fall. the equinox. and look who s here. the temperatures are matching it. hope you had a good weekend. we have a huge break to tell you about in the case of an accused cop killer on the run. an assault rifle was just found stashed in the woods in pennsylvania. it is believed to belong to eric frein. police believe he was planning to ambush for months, maybe years. it is believed he murdered one state trooper, and injured another. people in the poconos are being told to stay inside, lock your doors and wen dose. five extremely dangerous inmates who escaped from a california prison are back behind bars. a tip led to a 33-year-old
who escaped saturday night by breaking a wind. four other inmates followed him out of that window. they were captured an hour later. inmates on jail on charges including attempted murder and armed robbery. the man who breached the white house in court today. omar gonzalez hopped the front fences and bolted across the lawn friday evening. when secret service agents stopped him, they found that he was armed with a 3.5 inch knife. the iraq veteran s family claims that he sufs from ptsd suffers from ptsd and would never hurt anyone. gonzalez faces up to ten years in prison. what were you doing after the game? for this player of the seattle seahawks, he was asking his girlfriend to marry him. after the win against the broncos he changed out of his uniform into a dress shirt, kneeled down nid field, popped the question and he did say yes. he then posted off this
photo on instagram showing off the ring. congratulations to him and a double win for him. seattle won. congratulations. wouldn t it be great if we had that super bowl at metlife stadium. but what a game that was. did you see any of that? no. that was stunning. how did your daughter let you get away with that not watching the game. she wanted to watch indy. we keep that ear to the ground. 13 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, did you have crazy dreams hast night? you re not alone. the science behind why your mind sometimes just runs wild has now been revealed and we ll explain it all. the feds no longer prosecuting illegal immigrants crossing the border. why? we re going to ask a border agent that very question next.
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a major risk to public safety, the feds no longer prosecuting illegal immigrants who cross the border for the first time. get this, the president of the border patrol union for the human sector in arizona joins us now. when did this start
happening? it started about a month ago. why? nobody really knows why. it just came down as a directive that our the first time you cross the united states we re no longer going to prosecute you. what are you going to do with them? if you capture a man today if they re on that border, where do they go? if it s a mexican citizen, we ll return them right back to mexico. what if it s not? then he would be held if we have bed space for that person. if we don t have bed space to hold him until we can deport him or release him into the country to appear before a judge at a later time. when the word gets out you re doing that, you know the flood that s going to be going to the yuma section? that s right. we ve worked so hard to achieve operational control of our area and to just
give that back is pretty heartbreaking to the agents that worked so hard to do that. obviously they re not going to be showing up in court 99.9% of the time. number two, you say if a family goes across they re allowed to keep going section keep going, correct? depends. we try to get a facility that holds families but because of budget cuts it is hard so a lot get released into the country. in 2008 you guys get a fence and border control and things settle down. now the wheels are starting to come off at a time which more attention than ever has been given to the border and more outrage is widespread than ever i can remember it. how do you explain this change in policy? i can t explain the change in policy. all i know is that the program worked and it worked very effectively in yuma, arizona, where we were the focus sector for the border patrol in 2006,
2007, and now we re, we have operation control and we ve maintained that for the last eight years just to see that all thrown away. you re doing a good thing telling us about it. also it s good that senators mccain and flake wrote a letter to the attorney general to tell us what s going on here. hopefully we can change that policy. thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, isis terrorists making a hard push to recruit western women. get this, it is working. why they say dozens of girls join their fight every day. did you have crazy dreams last night? next time don t hit the snooze. we re going to go inside the brain to explain. next. next. [ hoof beats ]
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got quick international headlines for you on this monday morning. china and iran getting together for joint naval exercises in the persian gulf. the chinese visit to iran is an example of the growing ties between the countries. china s fleet commanders say the visit will deepen a mutual understanding. the first time chinese naval ships visited any. isis, it s apparently in need of women. the terror group using social media to recruit women to marry their fighters and have kids there. it was just last week that we learned of two austrian
teenage girls headed over to join the isis cause. social postings telling women they will have to, quote, have kids and cook. that s the news. elisabeth? did you have any crazy descreems dreams last night? there is a new study explaining why. joining is the director of sleep medicine at meridian health. good morning to you. this was a new study. what did your study find? researchers in the u.k. hooked up sleepers to sleep sensing monitors and found dreams actually have a specific pattern as we go through the night. they start out very ordinary. as the night progresses they get fantastical, the dreams we re used to describing. you start out practical. if you just read a book or saw a television show, does it relate to that?
ordinary event happening throughout your day. as the night goes on they get illogical, not related to reality and very have i i very vivid. when you re asleep the part of your brain that s active is the center of emotion. there s a lot of activity in the brain but we believe it helps us maintain emotional stability. to dream? this pattern to the dreaming. i myself was completely unaware of this pattern. this pattern is detected through c.a.t. scans and studies, 18 in this case. what about when someone says i didn t have a dream last night? does that mean they re not progressing mentally? we all dream but your ability to remember the dreams is not so good. you quickly lose the insight of that dream. if you awaken somebody immediately after the dream you can keep that data. now we re moving into a time where we re gathering data like we never did
before and actually see into dreams and it s giving us an understanding that you can even control dreams and physicians are using that to treat anxiety, nightmares and help learning. there is meaning there. what about snoozing or hearing the alarm clock? you come out of a dream and get back quickly. does that cycle start again? interrupting a dream cause damage? you have to consider dreaming is allowing the brain to reorganize, restructure. if it s helping with emotional stability imagine how that might be impairing your relationships during the day. we have to make sleep a priority and not hit the snooze button and get the right amount of sleep each night. thanks as we dream tonight. coming up, a huge exit at the department of homeland security. why high-level workers are quitting at a record pace.
one judge has had it with first time offenders disrespecting the court. now he s sending them to the corner of shame. good idea? we ll ask you next. ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread.
hello. you can go ahead and have a nice flight. re. music plays music plays traveling can feel like one big mystery. you re never quite sure what is coming your way.
but when you ve got an entire company who knows that the fewest cancellations and the most on-time flights are nothing if we can t get your things there, too. it s no wonder more people choose delta than any other airline. don t turn around. this has gone crazy. gone viral. last week we asked you to send us pictures of where you watch fox & friends and people all around the world watch us in all sorts of places. we thought it was fair
if you could see us we want to see you. the millers write we watch fox & friends from our motor home. big bird writes i watch every morning in my garage. if you watch that, you go out there. nelson from florida writes this is where i watch you guys every morning, here in my man cave. i m always seated and ready by the start of the show. you guys are great and there is no way i can get through my day without starting my day without all of you. i really like brian kilmeade best. i don t think it said that. i ad libbed a little. that guy sure has a lot of signs. i wonder if his area has any signs left. you can buy those. keep them calling. we love to see all of you in the morning. #betterwithsigns.
caught on camera. look at this. a mid air emergency. this happened over atlanta. it looks like the plane s engines are smoking. see that, the trails it. that s actually thousands of gallons of fuel being dumped from this delta flight. a pilot on the ground recorded the whole thing. fuel being dumped from the airplane. this is the first time i actually saw by that load actually dump fuel. the plane was going from atlanta to japan when one of its engines blew. the plane landed safely and no one was hurt. a stunning new report. top-level officials are leaving the department of homeland security at alarming rates and it may actually put your security at risk. over the past four years employees have left d.h.s. twice as fast as the rest of the government. employees are reportedly saying it s because of a
dysfunctional work environment, low morale and the lure of private contractors. a major tuberculosis scare at a texas hospital. more than 700 infants may have been exposed to the disease over the past year by a hospital employee. the worker in question worked in the nursery may also have exposed 40 other employees. the bacteria that causes t.b. can lay dormant for years which is why babies born at the hospital over the past 12 months are being asked to undergo screening. incredible video catches the moment a huge mountain lion jumps through the bushes as police chase it through a salt lake city neighborhood. the animal had been spotted several times throughout the day. police shot it with a tranquilizeer but that didn t do too much good. the mountain lion ran over a mile before being caught. never growled. never postured or aggressive posturing. it just wanted to run away. yet it s very capable of
going over six and eight foot fences. it covered a lot of ground. police found the animal hiding under a trailer before grabbing it. the mountain lion will be relocated. look at that. those are your headlines. now let s turn to maria molina on the first official day of fall. we welcome it. good to see you this morning. for the first day of fall we are going to be dealing with showers and thunderstorms. that s going to be across portions of the southeastern united states and especially across the state of florida. you re really going to need umbrellas later today. early this morning we re already seeing showers and storms across parts of new mexico, colorado and those will persist throughout the afternoon hours. those current temperatures across parts of the great lakes, the midwest and into the northeast really already feeling like fall. you re in the 50 s this morning. cleveland in the 40 s. in chicago and minneapolis. take a look at the afternoon high temperatures. this is coming up later today. in cleveland you re not
going to make it out of the 50 s today. in new york city, meanwhile 67 for the high. across portions of texas, in the 80 s and 90 s. the official start of fall is coming up tonight at 10:29 p.m. eastern time. that is when it is the autumnal equinox. all downhill from here. we re going to be seeing temperatures plunging and heading into winter eventually. but for now, fall. thank you very much. hometown boy from long island, new york, taking the world boxing, world by storm and preparing to enter the ring against welter weight champ manny pacquiao. here s chris algieri. congratulations on your success. thank you. this is your w.b.l.
belt? this is my baby. you take it everywhere you go? only for special events. everybody goes to work with a briefcase but that s how you go to work. how do you protect yourself? the biggest fight of your life coming up november 22 against pacquiao. it s on november 22, 9 p.m. how do you go into that mentally? what is your focus? training camp already has begun. i m going to las vegas to train and will be 100% prepared. does it matter who s in there with you? strategy always changing? absolutely. you have to approach it in a specific way. manny has a specific style. you only started fighting a few years ago. you were kick boxing prior to that. you have a college degree. you graduated from stony
brook. boxers don t usually have this kind of background. that s how i approach the sport. i approach it cerebrally. you ve got a degree in health care which means you can beat somebody up and then nurse them back to health. knock them out, throw them a card. you have a masters in nutrition? what is i don t go-to pre-fight, post-fight. i like oatmeal. oatmeal and eggs. this is what you eat at home where you still live with your family? yes, i live at home with my family in long island. aren t you thinking about leaving? my mom and dad aren t happy about it. your mom wants to cook for you. can you show me a signature move? we re going to pretend we re all righties. put that foot in front. hands up against our face.
hands up, stay pretty. we re going to learn a one, a two and a three. one is our left jab straight out in front. our two is our right hand, turn all the way through. we re going to throw a throw which is our left hook. one, two start with the left. one, two, three. excellent. again. one, two, three. you ve done this before. the thing is you re fighting pacquiao, he s a little smaller than you, little lighter than you, much more experienced than you. i ll be pacquiao. i ll help you out. you re going to switch your feet. did he tell you that? our hands are lined up a little differently. with manny, he s big on throwing this hand, so i m going to be constantly moving this way, going this
way, hitting him constantly. lots of movement. this is going to take more than just one lesson. congratulations. thank you. coming up, remember those fights between passengers on crammed airplanes? one airline is making skies more friendly to people and meet the judge who puts people on the corner of shame. t lame but this. takes my breath away
58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better. if you ve had to become your own investment expert, maybe it s time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager .and black swans are unpredictable.

right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. the all-new c-class. a a a a welcome back. consumer headlines for you now. new problems for the troubled obamacare law. those signing up for promised tax credits to help cut the cost of insurance, but now hundreds of thousands of people may have to pay back that money because the income they
listed on the applications did not match their tax returns. home depot offering free identity protection services and credit monitoring for a year to the 56 million customers affected by its data breach. the airbus is coming to the rescue. the plane maker announcing a new design that will shrink bathrooms to make space in the cabin more comfortable. how can they possibly shrink bathrooms? they are so small already. a missouri judge had it with lawbreakers disrespecting the court but instead of sending them to jail, he s sending repeat offenders to the corner of shame. joining us from st. louis is judge richard scobie. good morning, judge. people who simply would not show up in court would not pay their fines and, that really bugged you, didn t
it? well, con tem of court is my contempt of court is my power to force people to do and comply with my orders. when they didn t do that, my choice is either an additional fine which wasn t seeming to work, or incarceration which is pretty severe. so i came up with this tool, and the policy that if you don t come to court, you don t pay your fines and it s usually a combination of both you can have the option of instead of fines or jail, you can have the option of wearing the sign. we ve got an image of a guy who is actually wearing the sign there in missouri. and what it says is won t come to court, won t pay my fine so judge skouby ordered me to pay this fine. it rhymes. i didn t entend for it to come out exactly like that. this isn t a laughing matter. without judicial orders being followed the law is only words. it is my responsibility to make sure people not only
respect but follow court s orders and i take that very seriously. and it seemed to me like there was quite a few of them who weren t taking it seriously. i think i have their attention now. no kidding. now i would imagine when somebody gets an order you ve got to show up in judge skouby s courtroom, they show up, don t they? the information i m receiving from the police department and from the general consensus after court was nobody wants to wear the sign. certainly they prefer that over going to jail. and i don t want to make somebody who is a nonviolent offender lose their job, but i do want to remind them and it is my responsibility to remind them, you re not supposed to do this again. it is the law. you ve got to follow the law. what s the reaction been from your town? kind of mixed. i think a lot of people like it. some people strongly dislike it. but i m not running a public opinion poll. i have a job to do.
my job is to foster and reenforce respect for the judicial system and that s what i intend to do. so far just the one guy holding the sign has stood this on the shame corner. how many other people are potentially going to wind up holding that there in your town? like i said, if the promise of complying has greatly increased since the first gentleman had to wear the sign, it is a problem that potentially could affect right now on my docket maybe 25 people. and that number rotates. i mean, we do roughly 75 to 100 tickets a month. the number of people who don t pay their fines just keeps getting larger and that creates a big burden on our court clerk. it almost doubles her work. i m not here to save the taxpayers money. it s good when i can. but the lack of respect is what concerns me the most. we live in a country where we were all raised to
believe in this but it seems like it s kind of gotten lost in late times. you know what? you re exactly right, judge, and you re doing something to try to get people s attention. pay your fine, come to court. it s what you re supposed to do. that s why they call it the law. we d love to have folks weigh in on our facebook page. we re asking is this fine or over the line? judge, thank you very much. thanks for joining us from your town out in missouri. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, this war vet has seen all sorts of mayhem on the battle but his wife having a baby on the side of a highway, that s a whole new one. hear from him straight ahead. what do you get when you put a camera, a pool and 1,500 puppies together? a dangerous amount of cute photos. meet the guy behind the pics coming up.
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go ahead, elisabeth. say something else. you can tell by the millions of postings on social media that humans love taking pictures of their dogs. check out this angle by our next guest of dogs learning to swim. you can also help them find a loving home because everyone needs a loving home.
out with his new book, photographer seth joins us now. good morning to you. great work. why did you want to do this? 1500 puppies in the water? well, i thought i really wanted to bring awareness about the importance of water safety for our pets. all these little guys know how to swim. you put them in the water, they ll start doggy paddling, but don t know how to get out. it s so important for us to teach our pets how to get out. you want to get them adopted and nothing is cuter than a puppy. what about cuter than a puppy? underwater. how did you take them underwater? through the course of swimming lessons with the puppies, some of them came out and got lessons, they learned about how to be confident and how to get out. but some of them decided that they loved it. little olympic swimmers, dive not guilty and going under water.
these puppies here are all up for adoption right now. we want to find them great homes. we have charlie, who is a border collie terrier mix that you see here. i think this is a border collie mix right here. he s staying within his border, we appreciate this. leslie, the hound shepherd mix. they re not responding to anybody s name. is that correct? yeah. but they are having fun here. what a great purpose to be able to keep the dog safe, but get them great homes. you have a calm spirit, this guy right here. let s look at some more pictures, but keep in mind, what s the response been of these pictures? it s been overwhelmingly positive. as it turns out, people like puppies. puppies are my favorite creature on the face of the earth. they bring us joy. bring us through this shot. this is in florida. a little 11-week-old lab puppy.
he swam five feet down to the bottom of the pool. super slow mo. but at 11 weeks. it all started with swimming lessons. he decided wow, i love the water. i love playing this game of fetch. we re having fun. i didn t know there was instant replay in puppy water polo, but there is. what a challenge to undertake. i remember my lab jumping into the water. excuse me. i mi m sorry, elisabeth. i think by this ear here he is the guilty party. look at this video here. what was the biggest challenge doing this? the biggest challenge really was there wasn t really a challenge at all, to be honest with you. i m a swim teacher more than a photographer. that puppy looks like he just got out of the uterus. i love these little creatures more than anything. it s about being patient. so i guess it wasn t too much of a challenge. my only challenge was i was sad when i was done with the book. you are a sweet guy, seth.
look at this. you really spent so much time in the water with them. you see this with adults and children. but to do it with puppies, that s a big heart that you have. yeah. millions of people are thanking you for that. we got to keep these little guys safe. one thing you don t want to do is put three puppies in a small little cage. this is like summer slam 2016. i don t even hear the noises. listen, if you want to help and you want to adopt these puppies, contact the north shore animal league. thank you, seth. where do we go? any book store. support your local independent bookstores. the book is underwater puppies. thank you. now they calmed down, now that we re done. let me tell you what s coming up. the senate minority leader just one of the heavy hitters stopping by donald trump s office this week. why? he will fill us in exclusively
next. and only a third of americans can name the three branches of government. should we be forced to take a test before being allowed to vote? the test coming up next on fox & friends i m sorry, did you say identity distribution? no. protection. identity theft protection. you have selected identity distribution. your identity will now be shared with everyone. thank you. no, no, no [ click, dial tone ] [ female announcer ] not all credit report sites are equal. [ male voice ] we re good in here, howie. yeah, have a good night, brother. members get personalized help plus identity theft protection. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker.
good morning. it is monday, september 22. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. police issue an arrest warrant for a person of interest in the case of missing uva student hannah graham. i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. wow. statement there for sure. this morning her emotional parents speaking out for the first time. and another fox news alert. three afghan soldiers who were visiting military training camps on cape cod are missing this morning. where are they? and do they pose a threat? we ll tell you what we know. maybe you thought about doing this.
this reporter certainly did. as for this job, well, not that i have a choice, but [ bleep ]. wow. we edit the beep. wow. we never thought about doing it. mornings are better with friends. as i just said, i had no idea that was coming up. i was not expecting that. it appears she quits on camera. that s what i would say, as opposed to the resignation letter, which is too old-fashioned. so much for the two weeks. whatever happened to plain take this job and shove it? i don t know. i guess that s one of the good or bad things about live television. we ll tell you the story behind the story. plus donald trump, who joins us every monday morning, will be with us in 90 seconds after the headlines with heather. i want to know what donald
trump would do if he was faced with an plea like that. he fires a lot of people. manhunt is underway. we begin with this. right now for three afghan soldiers who vanished here in the united states. the major and two captains arrived at a massachusetts military base on september 11 for training. they went missing during a trip o a cape cod shopping mall saturday and the military is working with local police to try and figure out where the three went. each hour that goes by gets more concerning. finding out why you can t get in touch with them, why they haven t reached out to somebody, as time goes on, it gets more concerning. the other thing is were they victims of some type of violent act? so hopefully they ve extended their weekend and they come back tonight. here is the thing that you should know, the military insists the men were fully vetted before they arrived and they do not pose a threat to the
public. a huge break is being called in the case of an accused cop killer on the run. assault rifle was just found stashed in the woods in pennsylvania. and it is believed to belong to eric frien. police believe he was planning the ambush for months, maybe even years. it s believed he seriously injured one state trooper and murdered another. this morning people who live in the poconos are being told to stay inside, lock your doors and windows. virginia state police busy now on the hunt for jesse matthew, a warrant for his arrest has been arrest after he was named a person of interest in the disappearance of hannah graham. over the weekend, matthew walked into a police station, spoke with a lawyer, and then got into a car and sped away. graham, who has been missing over a month, was last seen on surveillance video with a man believed to be matthew. and a brave marine corps veteran says that he was absolutely terrified while
helping his wife give birth inside a car on the side of a busy california freeway. he was heading to visit his family with his wife and their three children when sandra suddenly goes into labor. he immediately pulled over and called 911 for help. i don t think anyone can ever top a story like this for her. she s going to be the one going to school, tell me something about yourself. i was born on the side of a freeway. little savannah weighing 11 pounds, 6 ounces. mom and baby are doing fine. for that marine veteran, his best mission yet. that s right. all right. thank you very much. every monday at this time, donald trump joins us from somewhere in the world and today he joins us from where are you, mr. trump? in new york. good place. i m sure you were watching 60 minutes. they premiered i believe their 47th season opener. they had leon panetta on, the
former secretary of defense. we re going to play a sound bite. he says everybody in the room, he, the secretary of defense, hillary clinton and secretary of state, c.i.a. director, the chairman of the joint chiefs all told barak obama to arm the syrian rebels. but the president, he was much smarter than them. now we re in trouble. listen to this. the real key was how can we develop a leadership group among the opposition that would be able to take control? and my view was to have leverage to do that. we would have to provide the weapons and the training in order for them to really be willing to work with us in that effort. but with virtually his entire national security team unanimous on this, that s not the decision the president made. i think the president s concern, and i understand it was that he had a fear that if we started providing weapons, we wouldn t know where those weapons would wind up.
my view was you have to begin somewhere. i think in part we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. what s your reaction to him saying that now? well, i m not that surprised because that s him. i will say that now we are arming people, but now we have no idea who they are. they re all splintered up and they will eventually probably join isis and they ll have awful our weapons. we ll give them hundreds of millions and billions of dollars worth of weapons and they ve taken them from the iraqi soldiers that we trained and they have our tanks and they have our guns and they have our missiles and they have everything else we gave them. they ll end up, isis, whoever, the bad group is at the time, will end up with whatever we give now. but it s sort of interesting, at that one point in time you really did have a strong rebel group and they were identify annual. now they re not identifiable and we re going to be doing it. he made a mistake. he makes lots of mistakes. i hear you mention millions and billions, mr. trump. the head of the kurdish
intelligence, we re going to play the clip for you in a minute, he explained how much money we re actually talking about, how much money, how much power isis has, where they re getting it exactly. i want you to listen to this and explain how concerned this makes you. generates equivalent to $6 million daily by the selling of oil, taking taxes from people, ransoms and still getting donations. you talked about donations. many people who believe in this extremist ideology previous that it s their duty to donate money to this organization. that s been coming from where? different countries actually. in the gulf states? some in the gulf states. $6 million a day, that will keep them going forever. if they re not stopped. a lot of money. i ve been talking about for years, elisabeth, for years the oil in iraq and they ve taken over a lot of that oil.
i said keep it because somebody else will take it over and they won t be our friends and you had no idea that this was going to be happening. but i did. i ve always said it. i said keep the oil. some people would say, what a terrible thing. this is a sovereign country, mr. trump. how can you say such a terrible thing? it s a sovereign country. give me a break. so i said keep the oil. i said it on your show every time you gave me a chance to say it. now they have the oil and that s the story. we made it possible for them because we are very, very stupid. we have very, very foolish or stupid or nigh each i don t know what the word would be, but it s one of those three leaders. maybe all three combined. but keep the oil. we went in there, to the victor belong the spoils. and keep the oil and i said it over and over again and now they re taking the oil and they re going to be nice and rich and they already are nice and rich. we know this, they re selling it on the black market, undercutting the market, so people are buying it illicitly, which will make it harder to
stop. now politics, big week last week for chris christie as a federal investigation revealed that he did not have anything to do with closing down the bridge in the george washington traffic problem when people were backed um and people that you knew were backed up, stuck on that bridge. he had nothing to do with it. they feasted on chris christie, everybody, especially a certain network two blocks away, for weeks, maybe even months. but they didn t really even bother covering his exoneration. first of all, it s a good step for chris. it s a big step. it s a very positive thing. but i saw it the other day. i was reading the paper like on a saturday and i saw this little article back on page 22 that this had happened and i said wow, what a difference. it was front page news all over the place and then when they find out what they found out, and i don t know that they ve actually announced it from the federal standpoint. but it seems to be out there and certainly it was not covered very big, which is not a very fair situation. they covered almost 90
minutes, an hour and a half there in the first few days. it was a very small story and a lot of people think that was unfair. they were just trying to destroy him so he would not be the guy who squares off against hillary clinton. now it looks like he s got the green light. a lot of people who would like help from donald trump have been coming to you over the last couple of weeks. tell us a little bit about who you re hosting over there. i do. i have a lot of people that want to run for office or are running for office. i ve had a great track record. i do a lot of robo calls. they don t even want money. they say, my robo is listened to more than anybody else s robo, meaning people don t just hang up the phone. sort of interesting. but a lot of people, mitch mcconnell is coming up today who i ve been supporting. i think it s very important because they have to take you have to take back the senate. you have to end obamacare. you have to just absolutely take
back the senate and you have to do it quickly. this is the one opportunity. i think the republicans are going to do very well. but the mitch mcconnell race is very important and if i were in kentucky, i can tell you, with all of mitch s tenure and all of the money he brings back to kentucky, i heard one person saying, oh, it s unfair to bring so much money back to kentucky of the well, i wish we had that in new york. i wish we had that elsewhere because frankly, if i m in kentucky, i love all the money coming back into kentucky. but he gets that because of his power and because of his tenure. it would be very, very foolish to give that up if you re from kentucky. i think he s going to do fine. senator scott brown a lot of people thought was a long shot. now is neck and neck in many poll. he wants support. scott brown is coming up to see me. a lot of people come up to see me. my record, as you know, is very unbleepished. mitt romney, he had six states that he was losing and i did some phone calls and i did some robo calls and all of those six
states he this was in the primary all of those six states he won. so a lot of people know that and they found out even turner when he ran for congress, if you remember the first time, when he ran for elliott, whatever. wiener. wiener. he ran against a democrat. he had no chance. he was down ten points. i did a robo and he ended up winning and he said a speech and he said i want to thank donald trump. he won in wiener s territory, which is impossible practically for a republican. so they come up to see me and if i can help and if i like the people and if i believe in the people, i will take the time and do what i have to do. of course, if the people out there would like to follow you on twitter, you got hundreds of thousands. he is at realdonaldtrump. that s right. thanks very much. thank you very much. see you next monday. coming up, breaking news from the case of that missing university of virginia student, hannah graham. how her case could be tied to the disappearances of other
women. that s coming up. and leonardo dicaprio wanted to get the word out to end climate change. just one little problem, he forgot about his yacht.
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[music] jackie s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
fox news alert. police in the commonwealth of virginia issued an arrest warrant for a person of interest in the disappearance of hannah graham. detectives say 32-year-old jesse matthew, a nursing assistant at a nearby hospital, may have invited hannah into his car the night she disappeared. i believe hannah graham left the restaurant with jess matthew. i believe that. in fact, i believe that jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. this arrest warrant is not connected to hannah s disappearance, per say. rather for speed egg way from the police station when police started asking questions. former l.a.p.d detective mark furman joins us now from sandy point, idaho. mark, so this guy is named as a person of interest. he goes into the police station
and says yeah, you re looking for me, right? i want to talk to a lawyer. they find him a lawyer. the lawyer talks to him for a little bit. next thing you know, he gets in the car and drives like a bat out of hell and that s why there has been an arrest warrant, because it was such a dangerous trip on the highway. the police decided we re not going to follow him. what does that say to you about the status of jesse l.j. matthew to me, it seems that there is frustration and anger and he sls inability to help himself. he gets an attorney. he s basically thrown a lawyer block in the detectives way. he s using that lawyer to not talk to the police, not cooperate with the police. it s a frustrating position for him because he probably knows exactly what happened after 1:00 o clock that morning with hannah graham and i believe he was the last person to see hannah. okay. so he doesn t want to talk to them right now. he s eventually going to have to
face the music and talk to them. not necessarily. he can invoke his privilege and they could go down the whole process. he could be indicted for any amount of charges, including murder and never talk to the police and never utter a word. but the police do want to interrogate him and if he has nothing to hide, he should do that. if it was an innocent contact with hannah graham, he should say that so they can move away from him. but i don t think they re able to. he is definitely the suspect in focus in this case. sure. also this particular area has a history of about a dozen women who have gone missing over the last five years or so. that s not to suggest there is a serial killer there, but something s going on. well, you don t necessarily have to suggest there is a serial killer. there is certainly a problem. if you have multiple suspects that are using a university or a place where young women frequent
and they re using that to find victims, you want to connect up how they contact the victims, just what kind of case you have. if you have cases where the victim has never been i ve got a feeling we re having a little problem with the satellite right there. mark fuhrman joining us from sandy point talking about the missing university of virginia student, hannah graham. coming up, first we told you about isis trying to recruit young women. now our boys using video games to turn them into terrorists? it s true. not just a game. we ll tell but it. a scary story for dog owners. thousands of pets getting sick with potentially deadly illnesses. what you need to watch out for coming up.
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if we can t offer faster speeds or save you money we ll give you $150. comcast business built for business. 24 minutes past the hour. quick headlines for you now. new video just in to fox & friends. more than 100,000 refugees fleeing isis and crossing into turkey. now turkey closing several crossings and using tear gas and water cannons to stop those kurdish refugees from going back despite isis. and the latest video from isis is actually for a video game. the terror group release ago grand theft auto-style game in an effort to recruit young members and train them to fight the west. isis is using an american video game here to show how bad the west is. brian? thanks. it s happening in cities all across the country. potentially deadly virus infecting dogs who play with
other dogs am and this could involve you and your pet. dozens are dead, countless others are sick. mark is the vice president and chief of medical staff at north shore animal league and is here to discuss it. welcome. thank you. we brought the same stunt puppies from earlier in the show here. playing the role of very frisky dogs. so these are fun dogs, but what happens if these dogs aren t vaccinated and what is happening to these other dogs? parvo is not a new virus. it s been around for 40-plus years. we treat it quite a bit at north shore animal league. the challenge is lately we ve seen more cases in the owned community. this is typically a problem of unvaccinated young puppies and we re seeing more older dogs getting the disease. they start vomiting and sick. you got to act quickly because they have it. once they have it, can you stop it? yes. with aggressive treatment, survival rates can be upwards of 90%. the problem is it takes a long period of time in the hospital
and it s a lot of money. how do they get it? honestly, it s shed in the stool of infected animals and others can get it by sniffing or licking the stool, or stepping in it and grooming themselves. and then can it go from dog to dog? it s very, very contagious. especially in a closed environment where they re dog. we asked to you give us points how to stop it. here we go. vaccination, 100% effective. get your dog down there. it s nearly 100% effective. the most important thing with vaccination is keeping up with the vaccine protocols which your vet recommends. right. you got to continue it and go all the way with the puppies, right? exactly. requires boosters every one to three years. and there you go. so here we have these things happening if your dog is getting sick, you got to act quickly and now you re seeing it more and more because people perhaps are look to cut costs and thinking, my dog is fine. do we really have to spend a few hundred dollars on vaccinations
that he probably doesn t need? that s a valid point. but it s a drop in the bucket compared to what the cost of treating the disease if your dog were to get it. just for the record, these puppies on twice, we have to double their fee. this is going to damage our budget. and i believe this one started it. there we go. now watch how calm they get. it worked. doctor, thanks so much. thanks. coming up, a major development in the search for a cop killer. the clue they just found that has police closing in fast. and get this, maybe you thought about doing this in your life. quitting your job. but how about doing it live on television? and for this job, well, not that i have a choice, but [ bleep ]. wow. we re playing that tape straight ahead. i don t know what her job search will be like, but i would wait for some of the hoopla to die
down a little bit.
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fox news alert now. a break in the search for an accused cop killer still on the run. now cops revealing they found a suspect s weapon stashed in the woods. wtxf reporter steve keely is live in pennsylvania with the developing details. good morning to you. what do we know at this point? reporter: well, we don t know anything new at this point.
we just know that it s day ten for the newest man and member of the f.b.i. s ten most wanted and it s been rainy, raw and real cold all night. rougher conditions for the first time for this slow and so far safe search as the hunt for the man who made this most wanted list is still out here in the woods for a tenth day. despite erroneous reports of a shootout friday night and police having pin add specific house, police said in their latest update, they have not had any contact with him. but she showed off these pictures of an assault rifle and ammo magazines that they believe he stashed for possible later use. since they all believe he had two high powered rifles with him, he likely has the other one with a sniper scope that he likely used to shoot the troopers ten days ago and one that they can likely fire from far away with deadly accuracy, making the search for him one where agents, troopers have to watch every step they re taking,
over 250 miles of mountains and thick woods here. we know that frien prepared and planned extensively for months and maybe years. he planned his attack and his retreat. however, we believe we are closing in on him. while they think he was watching that trooper barracks for many months before he fired those fatal shots that killed the one trooper and critically wounded the other. as far as life goes here back to normal, not quite. schools are still closed up here. they did lift the ban on telling everybody to shelter in place and stay in their houses. they re saying if you have to go out, go about your normal lives, but if you don t have to go out, stay in as much as you can. don t go out in the woods. bow hunting season started here today. they said try to put off your hunting plans today and stay inside. even if it s daylight like right now, keep your doors locked. all right. steve keely where they re looking for eric frein wanted in
connection with the murder of a trooper. specific warning to those in the area. now we ll turn to heather childers who has some headlines for us. yes. we begin with this. following two serious security incidents. the white house is beefing up security. this is the man who jumped the fence and got inside, has his day in court. omar gonzalez hopped the front fences, bolted right across the lawn friday evening. when secret service agents stopped him, they found that he was armed with a 3 1/2 inch knife. the iraq veteran s family claims that he suffers from ptsd and he would never hurt anyone. gonzalez faces up to ten years in prison. a stunning new development, a reporter to tell you about. top level officials are leaving the department of homeland security at alarming rates and it could be putting our security at risk. the report found that employees have left dhs twice as fast as the rest of the government in the past four years.
some of the reasons? they say dysfunctional work environment, low morale, private contractors are offering more money to work for them. here in new york city, hundreds of thousands of activists spent the weekend marching for climate change, including actor leonardo dicaprio. leo went from green to an angry red when reporters began to question him about his personal habits. fox news contributor michelle fields tweeting this photo after asking him about his personal jets and yacht. yes, that one. nearly 500 feet, $500 million, this is the yacht that leo took to this year s world cup and you can t exactly call that environmentally friendly. not really. and making an entrance, right, and then there is making an exit. one tv reporter in alaska showing us the difference when she quits on live television. and as for this job, well, not that i have a choice but [
bleep ], i quit. okay. former ktva reporter reporting on the local cannabis story when she revealed she s the club s owner. yes. it gets more bizarre. she will be dedicating all her time to legalizing pot in alaska i thought i had some rough talking. how do you as an anchor pick up after that? start advertising for a job. just go okay, there will be a weather position. thanks, heather. now, maria molina is welcoming the first day of fall which happens tonight after dark, doesn t it? yes, that s right, 10:29 is the first official time of fall and the official start of that hit series gotham, 8:00 p.m. eastern time on of course. i have a bunch of my friends with me. they re all dressed alike, the
characters, the penguin from batman. we re all here to kick off the premiere of gothham city coming up at 8:00 p.m. eastern time on fox. they all brought their umbrellas. we don t need them today in new york city, but we do have them here. hey, guys. good morning. let s go ahead and take a look at the weather conditions across the country because we are going to need those umbrellas through some parts of the country, especially across the southeastern united states and in parts of florida. that s what we re going to be looking at. showers and storms also possible across parts of new mexico, colorado, and also western texas. we re already seeing them early this morning. temperature wise, you re at 50 degrees in minneapolis. 46 in chicago. 52 in cleveland. it s already feeling like fall out there. take a look at those highs. well below average. you re ohm going to be in the 50s in cleveland and upper 60s in chicago.
texas, always on the hot side. 80s and 90s widespread there. and tonight kicks off the official start of fall at 10:29 p.m. eastern time. let s head back inside. i have my friends here, the penguin look alike. the whole gotham thing takes place in new york city. did we shoot it there? what town is that? manhattan? it surely looks like it. i don t know where it was shot. do any of you know where gotham was shot? it was shot in new york city. confirmation. there you go. authenticity right there. almost 100,000 twitter followers does gothham have. mark, could we look at that shot again? are they still standing up there with can you have ted pull out a little? see, when maria put up the t, it spelled gothham. but for a while the message was
go ham. not enough people are supporting ham. all right. go ham. lots of fans out there. i wonder if we gave them a few minutes how many different words they could come up with. umbrella scramble. coming up, an amazing show of courage from complete strangers. oh, my god! look at that! look at that! oh, my god! yes! one of the men who jumped in to save a life is here with us this morning. and can you name all three branches of government? well, should you have to be able to in order to vote? that s the debate that happens next, brian. first on this day it s time for our question of the day. born on this day in 1958, this popular italian opera singer lost his sight at the age of 12. who is he? be first with the correct answer. you ll get something really
important. in the meantime, go ham. my name s louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn t been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i talked to my doctor and i. i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it was important to me that chantix was a non-nicotine pill. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don t take chantix if you ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart
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group working to pass this rule in utah. thanks for being with us this morning here. whitney, should this citizenship test, should it be required to graduate high school? i think civics education is a huge important issue. but i think requiring a test to measure if we ve actually improved civic knowledge is a band-aid. it doesn t address the problem. we re in the middle of learning that standardized testing is limiting some children from achieving their full potential and we want to add another test as a measurement mechanism? i think we re missing the root of the problem here. engaging kids with civics and with government rather than giving them another arbitrary test. okay. so i ll let you respond to that. you came here, emigrated from chile in the 80s. what do you say? i think we need to do everything that we can to engage our new generation of students so they can be involved in
civics. i think it s human nature not to study, not to learn, if we can put it away. i think if you ask them to complete a test, it will create an incredible conversation among family members. i think it s a good step. what about if we took it one step further as i just mentioned into voting? should you have to answer i mean, the majority of these questions, if not by graduation of high school, but by the time you vote? whitney? i mean, i know a lot of people that probably could get a perfect score on their driving test, but put them hyped the wheel and behind the wheel and it doesn t mean they re a good driver. we need to go back and look at the basis of this problem. have we made civics education a priority in the classroom? have we equipped teach tore engage kids in the topic. i teach aide grade, they were debating the constitutionality about obamacare and that taught me so much more about what they could do and more from a pen and paper test. should it be required?
i think personally that anything that you can do to insure that our young people, our families are involved in civic learning, the history of our country is a positive. furthermore, how can you go into planning what the generation will do in the future if you re not prepared and understand where we have been? personally i ve taken my daughters to voting with me and i think it s critical. you can not be engaged without having the full knowledge and understanding of your nation. more meaningful measure when you vote perhaps. so some test examples here, who is in charge of the executive branch, when you look at the number of answers right, it s disheartening. the house of representatives has how many voting members? the answer is 435. who wrote the declaration of independence? thomas jefferson is the answer in case you re wondering at home. but when you look at how many people get those answers wrong,
how concerning is it to you that those very people are voting? well, personally, that s why i think it s so critical that we begin this conversation. i think this is the step one step in the right direction. that s why we re asking local government, local state to decide what they want to do with this. and obviously i wouldn t begin to understand how we could be engaged citizens and voting if we don t know the history, how our government works, and i think this is something very important for all of us as americans. we want to know what everyone thinks out there who is watching right now at fox & friends. we want to thank our guests for joining us today for this very civilized debate. thanks. thank you. shoot us an e-mail, facebook, twitter on what you think about
that, civics test required to vote. coming up, what really happens to your credit card after it gets stolen. curt the cyber guy knows. it will hurt and he s going to tell you why. first on this date in history in 1996, the macarena was the number one song in america and all of our hands were moving from our heads to our waist to our hips. [music] jackie s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. here i am. rock you like a hurricane. fiber one now makes cookies.
find them in the cookie aisle. know that chasing performance and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today.
time for answer to the trivia question. the answer andrea buccelli, 56. our winner is warren from
freeland, washington. you ll get a copy of george washington s secret six. i will sign it and send it. now time for your news by the numbers. 10,883. that s the average price of a used car making it a great time to buy one. but you won t get as much as you want for the trade-in. leases will be more expensive because of the resale value. good news, bad news, bad news story. next, 422 million miles in ten months. that s how long the journey was for nasa s mason spacecraft as it successfully reached mars orbit. over the next year, it will study the red planet s upper atmosphere. at least it said it would when we sent them. and finally, 20 years. that s how long it s been since friends first hit the air waves. here is a fun fact, joey and chandler s big white dog actually belonged to jennifer aniston. wow. a friend gave it to her as good luck gift. i feel like i m freelancing on this story. free association. that s all i got.
steve, sorry. i should have given that time to you. all right. 56 million credit card numbers now out in the open after hackers broke into the computer systems at home depot. they had unprecedented access for nearly six months to the numbers. was your card exposed? here is how to find out. we re joined by cyber guy curt nixon. good morning. good morning. we were amongst the first to report that this sort of credit card breach is not just reserved for home depot or target, as you recall, as 40 million people lost their credit card information there. this is a big event that s happening. federal government reporting that about 1,000 retailers at this point will eventually be coming forward saying this kind of intrusion is happening on the payment system of these retailers all over the place. what does it mean to you and me? the fact is, our numbers are now out there in the greatest amounts that they ever have
been. more cyber criminals will be going after our numbers. they ll be trying to get them from various methods. what i want to share with you is what in the heck they do with all this once they get our numbers. take a look at this. when they get our credit card numbers, whether they get them from the retailers or not, they add them to a collection of a bunch of numbers. they make more money when they can show that they have a lot of credit card numbers that work. that s why they ll go use them at on line stores to see a, if they work, and b, don t trio buy items easily refundable so they can use them for cash. that s part of using your credit card to find out if it works. they ll buy things, sell them right away, and then what they do to put a price tag on these cards is pretty incredible. they will go after they make sure that the card works, they will add a bunch of additional information to attach to the cards. so they ll try to find out that ddress or your wife s name, or where you
like to shop a lot. that information now raises the price in value of your own credit card that s out there. if they get a group of 1,000 of those, now they re really rolling in it. so here is what you want to do. here is what they re doing. they make sure that the cards work. they go after and see what else they can find out about you. then they look at your behavior on the card. and they ll try to find out, are you shopping the most in dayton, ohio? are you mostly in another city? when they can find that out, that card is worth a lot more money to them. now, what are stores supposed to be doing to protect you and me, right? well, there is not a lot they can do at this moment because their systems have been breached. but what they need to know is hey, has it been breached and they need to start securing access to their own payment system. they need to start sealing off the openings to them. employees have easy access to stores and corporate accounts of companies they work for.
they need to train their employees to spot suspicious e-mails, and then they need to practice these sort of fire drills when it comes to their security, as if a credit card disaster has happened inside of their company. that s how they could actually get it to work. but what you and i can do is incredible, which is we can stop using a card the moment we think it s been compromised. call the company and say you want a new one. there is a new app out that s totally free that will allow you to monitor your credit card transactions and what it will do, it s in testing phase right now you re traveling around with your phone and you re spending. when it notices you re away from your phone, it will alert you. it s called bill guard. you ll find it at i m going to download it. sign up for my newsletter that s there as well. i ll go on line and do that. thank you. straight ahead, a big development in the irs scandal. lois lerner just sat down for a
first interview since the scandal and what she is saying is going to tick you off. bret baier live from washington with the details ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread.
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good morning. it is monday, september 22. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. police issue an arrest warrant for a person of interest in the case of missing hannah graham. i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. this morning her emotional parents speak out for the very first time. she refused to testify to congress, but this morning, lois lerner is talking to the press. so what does she have to say about the irs targeting scandal? here is a hint. she s not sorry. details in 30 seconds. how far would you go to save the life of a complete stranger? oh, my god!
look at that! look at that! oh, my god! yes! one of the men who jumped in head first joins us live. because your mornings are better with friends. hi, everybody. welcome to fox & friends on the first day of fall. it will kick in tonight about 10:30 at night. bret baier joins us every monday in the 8:00 o clock hour and there he is from our nation s capitol. good morning to you. good morning. just within the last half hour, politico has posted on their web site an exclusive interview with lois lerner. first of all, it says she s not sorry for anything she did. she didn t do anything wrong. what s interesting, though, is she s saying that employers won t hire her. she d like to go to work to make money to pay for her gigantic
lawyer bill. why on earth, if she s not going to talk to congress, is she talking to politico? pretty interesting. the piece itself is very lengthy. it is detailed in a defense of her as a person. it s not really detailed as a defense of her actions or explaining exactly the e-mail trails back and forth. only to say that she and her legal team believe that the republicans have cherry picked some of these e-mails to release to the press. it s easy to cherry pick when you delete half of them. yeah. she says that that was not her exploding her computer and why would she only destroy some of them. it s a pretty amazing read in that it s a defense. i mean, down to she brought brownies and lottery tickets in for her office staff cause she was such a good person.
i think it s striking. it is. 43 days to go until the mid terms. a lot of people raising brow at that, from pleading the fifth to raising politico. she says, quote, i didn t do anything wrong. i m proud of my career and the job that i did for this country, regardless of what ever else happens, i know i did the best i could under the circumstances and i m not sorry for anything i did. wow. yeah. just remember the context here. this is the person who leaked the actual what was happening with the irs, this whole thing at a conference. she planted a question and then answered it, not telling congress before that and congress had asked multiple times for these specific answers. so this actually very lengthy article does not give us a lot more details on the substance. here is another excerpt from that article and i want to get you to comment.
why she believes she was the center of the scandal to begin with. she says, quote, i was the person who announced it. i assumed the other part of it is because i declined to talk. once i declined to talk, they could say anything they wanted. how dare they. that s my input. and they knew i couldn t say anything back. as if it s our fault she declined to talk! yeah. i ll also point out that republicans said when she went to congress, she had a lengthy defense before she took the fifth. they said that that really wasn t technically accurate for her not to answer questions after making that defense. she s making a defense here in broad swipes, but not really on the substance of all of the allegations. yeah. there were two juicy tidbits. one of them, it says after she took the fifth, she was called in to hr and she told, you re going to resign right now. and she said, i m not going to quit. and then she walked out.
then she retired. now she s making $100,000 a year and she would like to help her husband pay for her legal defense, which it s lengthy. that s one juicy tidbit. the other thing is, before she was a lawyer for the irs, she was a dental hygienist! who knew? who knew? these are the kind of details we re getting. i think the other interesting thing is that she feels pressured from all of these outside groups. she says she s been threatened and that she doesn t really have a life anymore. i think that this paints a picture of a sad character, but one in which has not really answered all of the questions put to her by congress. none of them. let s talk about another former president obama appointee that is writing a book and is very critical of some major decisions the president has made. his name is leon panetta. here is an excerpt as he talked about the opportunity we had to
arm the free syrian army that we chose not to. but if they listened to him, we would have. listen. the real key was how can we develop a started providing weapons, we wouldn t know where those weapons would wind up. my view was we have to begin somewhere. i think in part we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. bret?
yeah. that s significant for the former c.i.a. director, former defense secretary to say that. it tracks with what we saw in hillary clinton s book about the effort to push the president on training and arming the syrian rebels when we knew a lot more of the groups and the moderates. there you see the other leaders who have they ve spoken out, them, hillary clinton and leon panetta being most appointed. but david petraeus and general dempsey also saying things about the early days of funding and training those syrian rebel groups. those are heavy hitters there when you see dempsey, petraeus, clienten, panetta. then when you hear this, and we re going to play a clip now and i m sure you know it, king of jordan says this all could have been prevented, it will send chills through your spine. could the rise of isis have been prevented? they could have been prevented if the international
community worked harder together to make sure that funding the support to the original groups in syria were not allowed to get to the extent that they were. the international community, the united states intervened too late? i think we could have done a better job in making sure that earlier on it was identified who the bad people were and action by the international community was taken not to allow that to happen. bret, last night 60 minutes was highly critical of the way the president of the united states has done with isis. it was very critical. the way it s portrayed is his national security team really pushed him and he pushed back. now, there will be defense that says those syrian rebels weren t ready to receive those weapons. they weren t and they could have fallen into the wrong hands, et cetera, et cetera. there are republicans on capitol
hill who had similar reservations. but his national security team in that moment is saying you have to get in the game here to affect the outcome and the fact that you see the king saying the international community, i mean, clearly he means the u.s. right. he also just keep in mind, who isn t in that shot? vice president joe biden, and valerie jarrett. so i guess maybe those two had more weight than the other five, six, seven or eight. yeah. we don t know the discussions behind closed doors. but we do know that the president listens to them greatly, especially on foreign policy matters. sure does. bret baier will be on 6:00 p.m. eastern time with special report live from d.c thank you very much for taking a little bit of your day. have a good day. it s ten minutes after the top of the hour. heather inaugurate is off, but we got heather childers. i have the latest.
we have some breaking developments to tell you about. a manhunt underway right now for three afghan soldiers who vanished right here in the united states. a major and two captains arrived at a military base in massachusetts on september 11 for training program. we just found out that they went missing during a trip to a shopping mall in cape cod. each hour that goes by it gets a little more concerning. finding out why you can t get in touch with them, why they haven t reached out to somebody, as time goes on, it gets more concerning. the other thing is were they victims of some type of violent act? so hopefully they ve extended their weekend and they show up. the military insists that the men were fully vetted and do not pose a threat to the public. we will have a live report on all of this from cape cod. that s coming up in 30 minutes. closing in on a cop killer, a huge break in the search for suspect eric frien.
an assault rifle was just found stashed in the woods in pennsylvania and it is believed to belong to him. police say he was planning the ambush for months, maybe years. he seriously injured one state trooper and murdered another. people in the pocono, you re being told to stay inside and lock your doors. security at the white house beefed up this morning after two serious security incidents. did you hear about this? in one of them, the man actually got inside. omar gonzalez hopped the front fences and then bolted across the lawn. when secret service agents stopped him, they found he was armed with a knife. the iraq veteran s family claims he suffers from ptsd. he will face a judge today. and finally, can you see it in there? that is no house cat, brian. take a look. the video is a mountain lion running through a suburban
neighborhood in salt lake city. officers shot it with a tranquilizer. that didn t do too much good. it ran for more than a mile before being caught. never growled. never postured, aggressive posturing. it just wanted to run away. yes, it s very capable of going over six and eight-foot fences. it covered a lot of ground. he just wanted to run away. look at that. the lion found under a trailer, he will be relocated to a more rural area. that s probably a better thing. that s the way wild kingdom used to do it. knock them out and move them. i don t remember wild kingdom being in salt lake city. true. but they have to travel. marlin perkins would sit in the studio and let everybody do the hard work. brilliant. that followed disney. that was at 7:30 and disney special would be on right after, wouldn t it? it was syndicated, so it was on at different times throughout the country. my world is everybody else s
world. is that wrong? not exactly. coming up, a major break in the case of the missing university of virginia student, hannah graham. why the person of inte currently on the run from police. it s one of the worst crashes you will ever see. but how it ended is even more spectacular. oh, boy. you know what my business philosophy is, reynolds? no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that s why we use fedex one rate. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it s affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ]
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because they ve earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 fox news alert. we re following this this morning. a person of interest in the case of the missing student in virginia, hannah graham, now wanted man. police in charlottesville, virginia, issuing an arrest warrant for jesse matthew. ainsley earhart joins us now with the details. initially the police, he went into the police station and he talked to the police for a minute and then things got weird. yeah. then he found his lawyer and he was out of there. right now the virginia state police are on the hunt again for jesse matthew. they have a warrant now for his arrest charging him with
reckless driving. police say over the weekend, matthew, a person of interest in the disappearance of university of virginia student, 18-year-old hannah graham, walked into the police station, spoke to an attorney and then got into a car and sped away. police are also look for anyone who might have seen this car last friday or saturday. police still know very little about matthew s interaction with graham the night she disappeared. i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth cause it s been a week and we can t find her! somebody knows where she is. reporter: graham went missing more than a week ago. she was last seen on surveillance video walking into a restaurant with a man believed to be matthew. hannah s parents making an emotional plea to the public. this is every parent s worst nightmare. i m certain that everybody in this room and those watching
knows that what happened to hannah could happen to their child. more than 1200 people spent their weekend searching for hannah. police say that they will keep searching until they find her. the police chief says that she doesn t want to he doesn t want to get tunnel vision just focusing on one person on matthew. he believes that someone knows where hannah graham is and he hopes they will come forward. back to you guys. all right. thank you very much. so this guy, jesse matthew, he sees himself on the television and goes in and talks to the police and says okay, i d like a lawyer. lawyer comes, says okay. let s is a conversation. next thing you know, he gets in the car and drives off crazy. that s why there is an arrest warrant for him right now, because of his driving. we had on former lapd detective mark fuhrman on why mr. matthew initially went to the police station and then took off. to me, it seems that there is
frustration and anger and he s probably acting out his inability to help himself. he gets an attorney. he s basically throwing a lawyer block in the detectives way. he s using that lawyer to not talk to the police, not cooperate with the police. it s a frustrating position for him because he probably knows exactly what happened after 1:00 o clock that morning with hannah graham and i believe he was the last person to see hannah. mark fuhrman not the only one who feels that way. i thought suspicion would be enough without the reckless driving to pick him up. they already looked at his car and that s why they got a search warrant for his house. so there is some stuff they haven t revealed yet. they re also trying to connect the dots between the cases of missing women that have gone a dozen in the last five years out in that area of virginia. coming up, no need for jail. just stand on the corner of shame. yep. a judge causing quite a
controversy with his unique form of punishment. what do you think? let us know. how far would you go to save the life of a complete stranger? look at that! oh, my god, yes ! i m a doctor of internal medicine
with something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i m recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers. they re randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands.
breaking overnight. back to emergency landings at the dallas airport. two american airplanes packed with people had technical issues within moments of each other. one on the way to fresno, california. the other flying to buenos aires. problems with cabin pressure. they returned safely to dallas two minutes apart. in delaware a second person died when a tour bus flipped over. police say the driver was trying take a curve on a steep offramp. the bus was heading back to washington, d.c 48 people were hurt.
and five extremely dangerous inmates who escaped a california prison are back behind bars. police say they got out by breaking a window. those guys are resourceful. they were in jail on charges ranging from armed robbery to attempted murder. elisabeth? thanks, brian. a group of highway heros being applauded this morning, rightfully so, for saving the lives of three teen-agers after their suv plunged into a ravine. oh, my god! look at that! look at that! oh, my god! yes! remarkable what you re seeing right here. it happened last week in salt lake city. the first man to jump in and encourage those others to get in and help out is leo montoya who joins us now with his story. leo, good morning. i m saying it s good to see you. but i have a feeling everybody there was pretty happy to see you after what we looked at in that video. describe to us how you knew something was wrong. i know you were on your bike.
yes. i heard the explosion or the wreck and when i got to the bridge, everybody was looking into the water, but nobody was doing anything. and i knew that i i heard there was children in the vehicle. so i immediately jumped in and tried to get them out and realized that was a futile effort. just convinced everybody that was watching on the bridge to get in there immediately and flip this vehicle. that was the only way the kids were going to live. it s incredible the thinking and the action you took. when you realized it was futile, your first attempt, what did you find? why did you need everyone to start flipping the vehicle? because you dove underneath the water. what did you find? i thought i was on the driver s side and it didn t dawn on me until i had opened the door that there was no steering wheel. i couldn t feel nobody in the front. so the second time i went in, i
felt a person s head in the back seat and i came back out to get a knife because they had the belt strap on them. that s going to take a long time just to get a knife. so when looking up and seeing all the people on the bridge, i realized, hey, we got enough people here, we can flip this truck over and get them so they can start breathing or at least get help to them. so you in that split second, i mean, saved his life. did you think you d be a i believe to get enough people to actually do the work? that s a huge vehicle to get right side up again. i really did think that we could do it. i kind of went a little bit crazy and was screaming quite a bit. but there was enough team and i knew we could do it. you certainly took charge there. the teen that you got out, he made it okay? i hear that there was three people in the vehicle and all three of them came out okay and they re just fine right now. my goodness.
once that happened, so many people jumped in and did the right thing under your direction. you were a true corporal, we ll call you in this safety and rescue. what did you all say to each other, leo? it was just thank you. i was just thanking everybody for helping and right now i d like to say thank you for all the people that jumped in that water and made the difference. i want to say thank you to marcine stevens from the eye care for kids, stepped up and gave me some glasses. i m unemployed at this time. so that was a really big help for me. she replaced the glasses that i had lost when jumping in the water. wow. a big gift from her as you offered one to so many. you re a locksmith. correct? yes, ma am. okay. you know what? you unlocked a whole new set of days for the boys in that car. we always say better with friends here at fox & friends. i d say #betterwithleo. you re a hero and we wish you
well. we have a feeling you ll have a great job ahead of you. thank you so much. thanks. coming up, a developing story overnight, three afghan soldiers here in america for training vanished without a trace. do we need to be worried? those details coming up for you next. and it s one of the worst crashes you ll ever see, but how it ended, oh, my, is even more spectacular. [ male announcer ] west didn t end where columbus landed.
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a fox news alert for you. a search underway at this hour for three afghan soldiers who disappeared while training at a u.s. military base here in the united states. wfxtv reporter jessica reyes is here. what else do we know this morning? reporter: good morning. the search for those are in full force. we know they have been missing since saturday. but right now officials with the national guard are sort of down playing this, saying at this point, there is no indication that these three pose any threat to the public. but we do know that all three of them are members of the afghan national army and we re told that one of them is a major and two of them are captains. we know that they got here on september 11 for a training program hosted by the massachusetts national guard and the u.s. central command. 200 soldiers from six different countries are taking part in it, including the u.s.
the goal of this exercise is apparently to promote cooperation among the countries and prepare them for international events. the director of public affairs for joint base cape cod tells us that the visiting soldiers are not required to stay on base and he says they were last seen at the cape cod mall in hyannis, massachusetts. as of this morning, still no word on where they may be or what may have happened to them. but here is international law enforcement and security consultant dan, formerly of the boston police department, with his take on the situation. each hour that goes by it gets more concerning. finding out why you can t get in touch with them, why they haven t reached out to somebody. as time gets on, it gets more concerning. the other thing is were they victims of some type of violent act. so hopefully they extended their weekend and at some point will show up tonight or be found by folks. reporter: as you just heard, concern growing with every hour
that these three are missing. but ofcials are the base are saying that at this point, there is no indication that these three pose any threat to the public. even so, the search is on in full force this morning and includes law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal level, including the f.b.i that s the latest. jessica reyes, back to you. thank you very much. live report from cape cod. i bet they just don t want to go back to afghanistan. compare cape cod to afghanistan. the other thing is, i like to talk to some of the soldiers training them and find out, did they profile those people set to bug out and cause a ruckus? maybe people in the mall have more information about the last purchases. i just wouldn t think you would be allowed to. if you re training at a cape cod base, stay in cape cod. if not, you re going to be escorted. wouldn t you think? i think when you re posted somewhere, you get time off. you can t stay on base all the time.
they re look for them. so keep an eye out. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. heather has some headlines. from people wanting to stay here to some wanting to leave, isis in need of women. the terror group using social media to recruit females to marry their fighters and have children. we recently learned of two austerian teenage girls heading over and they re reportedly pregnant. the group s postings telling women they will, quote, have kids and cook. some isis fighters claiming ten to 20 women arrive daily. a stunning new report, top level officials are leaving the department of homeland security at alarming rates and it could be putting our security at risk. the report found employees have left dhs twice as fast as the rest of the government in the past four years. some of the reasons, a dysfunctional work environment and low morale. plus they say private contractors are offering them more money. a drag racer is lucky to be alive this morning after this
insane crash. look. oh, my god. yeah. the driver, by the way, thrown right through the windshield. you can see his legs sticking out of that windshield. but he was able to walk away, walk out of the car. really? yeah. that s him. lucky, lucky. one missouri judge is fed up with law breakers, disrespecting the court. instead of sending them to jail, he is sending repeat offenders to the corner of shame. here is how the judge explained it right here on fox & friends. this isn t a laughing matter. i mean, it s very serious. without judicial orders being followed, the law is only words. it s my responsibility to make sure that people not only respect, but follow court s orders. the judge has gotten mixed
reactions. the most seem more willing to wear the sign than go to jail. and we have some viewer response to that. is that true, we have viewer response? linda said this punishment looks too easy. i say make them do public work and not something menial. cause he s smile. german writes, shame and public humiliation is a powerful motivator. this may be more effective than jail. wow. so many people wouldn t show up for their court dates, they wouldn t pay the fine. he didn t want to put them in jail. so this seemed to him like a better solution. one woman who has never been punished cause she s never done anything wrong, maria molina who is outside. and she says it s fall. 10:00 o clock tonight, start raking. it will kick off at 10:29 p.m but because it s the start of fall, i have some fall trivia for you. are you ready? we have a nice trivia question coming up for you guys.
that question is: why do leaves change color in the fall? is it because a, it is colder. b, there is less light. c, there is less in, or d, because the trees are dying. which answer do you think is correct. what was the first one? because it s colder. let s poll the audience. cause there is less rain or because the trees are dying? what do you guys think is right? i m going with less light. sure. i m going to say because they re dying. the correct answer is b, because there is less light. i m sorry, brian. wow. i thought all the trees are dying. no. good to see you guys. that s so sad. thanks, maria. weather across the country, relatively country. showers and storms across the southeast and rockies and those temperatures already feeling like fall across parts of the great lakes in the midwest. early this morning in the 40s
and 50s out there. the highs in cleveland only going to make it into the 50s. look at texas, always feeling like summer out there. 90s and 80s widespread. let s head over to brian. thank you very much. you want to hear what happened in the games yesterday. monday morning means nfl highlights. in a rematch of last year s super bowl, the denver broncos trying to get revenge. tying it up before the end of regulation. they lose the toss. and then seattle would have a masterful 80-yard drive and win at home. the broncos do not get revenge. what do you do after a football game? shed of the seattle seahawks was asking his girlfriend to marry him after a win against the broncos. he changed out of his uniform, into a dress shirt cause she demanded it. he kneeled down mid field and
popped the question. wow. she said yes. he then posted the picture on instagram, got a lot of likes. good thing. victory there for the guy. and the girl. because i missed that first game. coming up straight ahead, somebody else read. i m exhausted. it s a new idea to jump start our economy. have the government start handing out free cash? we re serious. peter johnson, jr. is on that next. that s right. and his mission to protect and serve, that s exactly what he did to save this beloved mascot, a sleeping colleague, dog and master join us live. move over, number 7, right into a brick wall musical chairs. fun, right?
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15 minutes to the top of the hour. business news for you. home depot just announcing it will offer free identity protection services and credit monitoring for a year to the 56 million customers affected by its data breach. price of cars are falling. the average cost is under $11,000. and air bus announcing a new design to shrink restrooms to create more space in the cabin. i don t know how i d feel about that, steve. the bathrooms are small enough already. all right. thank you very much. talk about a windfall. there is an unusual new plan being proposed that could jump start our economy. asking the federal government to give american families cold, hard cash. joining us is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. good morning. this is incredible. i think we should all think about it. maybe it s a good idea. maybe not. i want to know what you think afterwards. in foreign affairs magazine, an article written by professor mark blithe of brown university
and eric lonergan say rather than trying to spur private sector spending, or interest rate changes, central banks such as the fed, federal reserve should hand consumers cash directly. the government could distribute cash equally to all households or even better, aim for the bottom. 80% of households in terms of income. so steve, he s saying cold, hard cash in the hands of 80% of americans today to jump start the economy. i get that. rather than give buy all those bonds on wall street, which we ve been doing for a number years to stimulate the economy. but haven t we been given cold hard cash to millions of americans anyway? let s look at that. entitlement spending in america in 2013, $266 billion for welfare. nearly $80 billion for food stamps. without even looking at obamacare with regard to aid to other countries in 2012. the u.s. gave $31.2 billion in
economic assistance. so this professor and this hedge fund manager is saying, we do all kinds of things in terms of monetary or fiscal policy. we add new dash to the american system. we play with interest rates. we do quantitative easing. he s saying give to the poorest 80% of americans, cold hard cash in order to stop deflation, in order to jump start the economy. we re hearing this morning that the people who were laid off in the last five years, 20% 20% of those people are still unemployed, even more underemployed. so huey long in the 30s had a proposal. john keens had a proposal. barry banknotes in coal mines. share the wealth. give away thousands of dollars to americans, even wrote a song about it and he sang it as well.
every man a king you can be you want to be a millionaire. let s talk about it. should america give cold hard cash rather than welfare to americans? new socialism or saving capitalism? let s find out. let s talk about it. interesting idea rather than bail out wall street, bail out main street. middle america. you need help. e-mail him with your suggestion on whether or not it s a good idea. coming up, his mission to protect and serve and that s exactly what he did to save his beloved mascot, a sleeping colleague. dog and master here next. first bill hemmer is going to be taking the field here in about 11 minutes. steve, good morning. it s busy monday. where is hannah graham? the police chief is live in a moment on that. leon panetta says the obama team made a big mistake not going after isis earlier. we will analyze his comments.
alarming security breach at the white house. what we re learning from the secret service on that this morning. and 43 days until elections. what you need to watch now. martha and i will see you in ten minutes on a monday morning and when i find it- i go for it. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that s why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so you re always connected, wherever you are. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. do you wannaa baby?like. like a bear? how about like you re on vacation. in this place! (dolphin) sleep like you haven t seen your bed in days. no, in weeks! sleep like the kids went to nana s house. for the whole weekend! sleep like you just took zzzquil.
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close call at this weekend s texas a & m game when a quick thinking cadet saved the university mascot from being trampled by a player from the opposing team. mascot corporal ryan kreider is the brave cadet who saved the aggies first lady reveille. both okay. if you can, ryan, bring me through the moment when an overthrown pass sent the receiver your direction.
yes, sir. like you said, overthrown pass and noticed the receiver going for it and kind of pushed out of bounds. so i saw him heading straight towards reveille and i and kind of football instincts took over, i lowered my shoulder and redirected him. you re a high school football player and it was a saturday. so you re used to playing on this day. there your collie is sitting on the ground and you let instinct take over. yes, sir. wow. i don t want to point fingers, should he have been sleeping during the game or should he have been resting during the game? was that the place for her to be? well, she s been mascot since 2008, so she s been to quite a few games and she s seen it several times. it wasn t too much of an interesting game, so i guess she decided she would get a nap in there. right after it happened, she kind of lift up, startled a little bit and went back to
napping. by the way, that was derek thompson who was pushed aside and then you knock him aside. what was his reaction when he got hit by you? he didn t really react too much. i m sure he was a little shocked. he just ran back on the field. i don t know next time that happened, he d kind of make sure he stopped before he got to him. i guess we re boring reveille a little bit. this time it s the dog who is bored. real quick, your command anti-was very happy you protected him. what s he doing for you? he s so proud of me, he is going to buy my senior boots, which they re worth $1,600. and it s a huge deal at texas a & m in the corps to make it through your four years and get those senior booms it s also really hard financially to pay for them. so i really appreciate it. that s kind of when i knew it was a big deal, when he decided
to pay for my boots. social media took over. 58-6 was the final, but everyone is talking about your save of reveille. thanks so much, ryan. best of luck. thank you. thanks for what do you and thanks for protecting the dog and i m glad you re getting your boots for free. thank you, brian. five minutes before we re done. stick around because we all have one story for the road and it s about a reporter that just won t quit. as for this job, well, not that i have a choice, but [ bleep ]. i quit you can eat that on weight watchers?
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earlier we were talking to donald trump on this monday morning as we always do about the results of an investigation into chris christie, governor of the great state of new jersey s connection to bridgegate. we had said he had been cleared by the feds, but actually he just hasn t been implicated.
so that s that. we have one for the road beginning with a fox news correspondent who hurled herself out of a plane over the weekend. take a look. we re jump not guilty with our warriors so she can understand what they re going through. wow. it features injured veterans to inspire other veterans to never give up. very nice. good job. anchorage in alaska reporter quitting live on the air. and as for this job, well, not that i have a choice ([ bleep ]), i quit. station issues an apology, said she s been terminated, but she had already quit. you make the call at home. apparently she was covering a story that she was actually involved in. right. meanwhile, tomorrow on the program, laura ingraham is going to be joining us, plus typical
tuesday. we re going to be following the news of the day. don t give away too much. well, okay. also, speak your dog s language, all coming up tomorrow. i ll probably do that one, too. we ll see you then.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20141028 23:00:00

rest of my life. i m more than half the size i was, but i m twice as sharp. more effective, because as i worked my body, i sharpened my mind. self-control is the key. discipline must be your goal. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. tonight, two title fights, christie versus obama. and hillary clinton versus elizabeth warren. let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington. pt barnum, the guy who created the greatest show on earth, knew how to fill the tent. if you want a crowd, start a fight. he put his money where his mouth was. he had has men start brawling on
street corners, when the crowd gathered, they d hand out flyers that the circus was coming to town. meet chris christie, who knows how to start a fight, telling the president he doesn t know how his business. itching to get into the center ripping, he s declared war on president obama. and the white house s don t panic approach to the handling the ebola crisis. the president meanwhile is taking his deliberate approach of logic, listening to the experts and all the doctors at the cdc and nih. christie is selling something different. he wants to put up a wall around west africa, and after two cases of ebola transmitted in the u.s., he wants to quarantine every single health worker coming back from there. what he have here is not a failure to communicate, but a street corner brawl. since christie ordered the quarantine, he s ratcheted up the macho. look how he barks at the press?
no, i don t, i have no reason to talk to you. can you explain the quarantine, how that will work? you re in your home and you re quarantined. [ laughter and applause ] i know at times i know at times i heard your question. i know at times that you all would like to make things a heck of a lot more complicated than they are. let me just none this. but the right side of public opinion? no, i m going to be on the right side of both, ultimately, matt. do you have any regrets at the way you handled the ebola situation in your state? no. today president obama addressed the country from the white house lawn. here he is. we got to make sure that those workers who are willing and able to dedicated to go over there in a really tough job,
that they re applauded, thanked and supported. that should be our priority. when we see a problem and we see a challenge, then we fix it. we don t just react based on our fears. we react based on facts and judgment. chairman of the rnc back before it was dedicated to black voter suppression. and the washington bureau chief with mother jones. both political analysts. that was the best introduction ever. it came from here. anyway, mike, i see an interesting thing. chris christie knows how to get in the senate ring. he knows he can bromance the president, whatever he does with obama, it creates a media situation. he s up with the big boys. he s running, saying to us, to hell with you guys. i think you re right. he s definitely on the big
stage, engaging on the subject. and why? it s because he s listening to folks closer to the ground in the communities who are concerned about this. about ebola? about ebola, yes. but not so much about ebola, but about the way the government has walked into this thing. where they ve left open a lot of questions. people walked away little bit more concerned about whether or not the cdc is drilling all the way down to local hospitals. whether or not the president has a plan, and this idea of sending health workers there without a plan to deal with their return home, is something that [ all speak at once ] wait a minute. but there s a difference between what obama is saying and what chris christie is responsible for as the governor of his state. that s where he s walking tell the world now watching what the president said. you have to take your temperature, it s a particular plan it s a plan based on science, not on fear. no, no, no, no, you had a chance to talk. right now there are seven americans who have contracted ebola.
none thankfully are dead and almost all on their way to recovery. only two americans have contracted it here by being in touch with the liberian fellow who died from this. so right now, there s not any scientific basis for what chris christie says. maybe there s an emotional basis, or fear-based basis, but if that s the way we re going to set policy, playing on people s fears, not on rational policy. you think this isn t a football, a political football? this is from the same crew who said we wouldn t have any cases of ebola in the united states. he said it would be unlikely. that s close enough for football. anyway, christie criticized dr. anthony fauci at the national institute of health. he said fauci criticized christie s quarantine order. let s watch him go after dr.
fauci? i think dr. fauci is responding unfortunately as are many people from the cdc, in a real hyperbolic way, because they ve been wrong before. and now they re incrementally taking steps towards the policy that we put in effect in new jersey, and six other states have put in effect and the joint chiefs of staff have put in effect. we re all wrong and they re right. we re trying to be careful here. this is common sense. and the members of the american public believe it s common sense. we re not moving an inch. our policy will not change. it did change. he first said that kaci hickox was ill when she wasn t. he then said it would be a 21-day quarantine. and after three days he let her go. why? because he doesn t care about people in maine. he backed off because of pressure. he s not being consistent. but one thing he s being consistent in is the brash way which he hasn t been able to pull off since bridgegate where that arrogance, his version of
charm, doesn t serve him well. is he back to [ all speak at once ] yeah, i think it s a little bit back to that. but at the end of the day, i can appreciate where christie s coming from. i want to say something. i m sorry, michael, finish your thought. having served in office i can appreciate where he s coming from. he s got a lot more to be concerned about than [ all speak at once ] today christie went after nurse kaci hickox who was quarantined in a tent for three days and is threatening to sue him. here s the governor. looks like you re going to have to defend this in court. whatever. get in line. get sued lots of time in court. get in line. i m happy to take it on. it s all kinds of malarkey about this. she was inside the hospital, in a controlled area, with access to her cell phone, access to the internet and take-out food from the best restaurants. she was doing just fine. the best restaurants in
newark. that s frpretty good. what is he thinking about when she talks about her access to the take-out restaurants in newark? that means he s connected with real people who are sitting around their table saying she had access to the best restaurants in newark. there s the credit card. you put your life on the line and you go to west africa to deal with these people, the most important thing we can do to contain the disease. contain it there. and what you get when you come back and brash treatment like that, and the best take-out in newark. i appreciate your sensitivity. but what is the plan to deal with folks when they come back? there say plan. what is it? there s a cdc plan. why did they have to take action on their own? you ve never heard of a government doing something for politics? that includes democrats and republican governors [ all speak at once ] picked a fight with doctors at the cdc.
this reminds me of groucho marx, fight any man in the house for a dollar. we want stricter things than what they have been willing to impose. and now they re incrementally moving towards our position. what s the difference between telling someone who s been a high-risk health care worker that they can t go into public places, public transportation, and we want them to work from them. what s the difference between that and quarantine? it s because they don t want to admit that they were wrong. i m sorry about that. let me suggest something. politics is about getting on the galloping horse when you get your chance. he sees this as a chance to be tough with the president because that s the only way he s going to win the nomination. i don t agree with all of that. i think he s looking at from the perspective of a governor. it s not just about conservatives with their hair up about this. americans have legitimate concerns about this. he s mouthing off with everybody. and since when has that been
a partisan thing with christie? when he mouths off, he mouthing off, reflecting how people feel about stuff. but he s wrong. he s not wrong. he said she was ill, put her in a tent, didn t consult with any policy experts, other than his own expertise? let s take a look at rush [ all speak at once ] rush limbaugh doesn t like what he s doing. he s found inside this macho behavior of the governor of new jersey, some sort of caving, as he sees it, to president obama. here s the under water walrus himself, rush-bo. we need to quarantine chris christie is what needs to happen here. second election in a row, one week prior to the election, the governor of new jersey ends up arm in arm, hand in hand, in bed
with, i don t know how to characterize it, but responding to obama s demands. already cuomo and christie have been forced to cave before obama s onslaught. so it s really clear that obama can act, and he can act fast when it s something that really matters to him. such as making sure that people who might have ebola aren t cooped up for 21 days. this is unbelievable to me. i think what he s mad at is that christie said the nurse had to be there for 21 days. after she showed no signs of the disease he lead her go to quarantine in maine. one thing that the white house has said, wrong or right, they don t have a lot of control over governors who take these policies. [ all speak at once ] you re just making my point, david. the fact that the way christie handled this, when she came back, he had to deal with,
verify whether she was symptom attic, once she was asymptomatic, you can go. but what about the 21-day quarantine? it s not like you re going to sit there for 21 days and no one s going to check on you. can we get away from the clinical and back to the political? here s my point. your party is so run by his hard right, rush baugh being the high priest. he s saying this guy isn t tough enough. [ all speak at once ] i don t really think that chris christie is really concerned with what rush limbaugh thinks about him. he s an elected official by the people of his state and he s doing what he thinks a responsible official should do. period. is he your candidate? i don t have a candidate yet. but he s a good guy and i loved working for him and helping him get elected. thank you, david. he s not your candidate. no. you supported obama, right?
we re getting to snapping here. thank you both. i m right about your party. ever since you left, it s been black voter suppression. coming up, another hard right tonight, this one for the heart and soul of the democratic party. what was hillary clinton arguing when she said corporations don t create jobs? i think she had a strong point there. she is poaching on elizabeth warren territory. the top two democrats in the country going a bit to war here over ideology. this is hardball, the place for politics. tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what s up with you? funny you ask. i m actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] a pet friendly hotel.
visit a tripadvisor pet friendly hotel. with millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better. for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. breaking news for you. a rocket bound for the international space station has exploded seconds after lift-off. the antares rocket was unmanned. nasa saying no one was hurt in this incident. it happened at the orbital sciences launch complex in virginia. the company said the damage appears to be limited to their launch facilities. the rocket was carrying some
5,000 pounds of gear for the six people living on board the space station. nasa contracted orbital sciences to stock the space station. now that the space shuttle has been retired. back to hardball right after this. there s trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it s no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires.
we got a big one for you. now back to hardball. is hillary clinton contending for the democratic left? the ground elizabeth warren has been stomping so hard. here she was stumping for alison lundergan grimes earlier this month. our democracy is supposed to work for everyone, not just the privileged few. but more and more you know this, you feel it, you live it. the scales are weighted against working families. well, last week, she praised senator al franken for pushing for tough regulation of big banks. friday campaigning for martha coakley up in boston, pushed for raising the minimum wage. no surprise there, but it was the comment she made about jobs that created attention.
listen. don t let anybody tell you that, um, you know, it s corporations and businesses that create jobs. you know, that old theory, trickle-down economics, that has been tried, that has failed. it has failed rather spectacularly. you know, one of the things my husband says when people say, what did you bring to washington? he said, i bought arithmetic. according to politico, later said the secretary of state meant to talk about tax breaks for corporations in that sentence. a sentiment she s long held. that was the quote from the staffer afterwards. yesterday, mrs. clinton herself sought to clarify the previous comment. she said she shorthanded the point, but meant to say she was against tax breaks for big
corporations. that outsourced their jobs or profits overseas. she seems to be embracing elizabeth warren. will it work? the founder of the progressive change campaign committee, is a columnist for the washington pos post . i don t want to dilly dally over nuance and everything. it seems to me secretary clinton was taking a tough shot at corporations there, saying they don t deserve tax breaks, where the president is pushing for lower corporate rates if he can plug the loopholes to pay for it. there s a difference between those two. i think hillary clinton is moving closer to your candidate, elizabeth warren. i m wondering why is she doing it now, ahead of the campaign? chris, there s a rising economic populace in america that elizabeth warren has been the personification of. hillary clinton is logging that. before an election, you want to say popular things. elizabeth warren is the most
popular and sought-after campaigner for democrats across the country for a reason. that s because her positions are popular and hillary clinton is smart to embrace them. my question, that s a good argument, but what about hillary clinton s goal here? if elizabeth warren doesn t run against her, she walks into the challenge. but can she get a strong mandate out of the election and not squeak in with a divided government? that s what i do. is it smart to go to the democratic left if you re trying to grab the center for the election? is that smart? it s not just smart. it would be brilliant if that was her strategy. we ll find out. we ve done the polling. red states, purple states, blue states. are you surprised that raising benefits wouldn t be popular? that s not a tricky question. that s like saying, do you want to lower taxes? of course you want benefits to go up. they re never enough.
there are some democrats around the country that are adopting the simpson bowls plan to cut social security and they are down in the polls that s obvious. that s why simpson bowles was tough to do. let me ask you, i think it s going to be a battle for the democratic left here. i think hillary clinton, i wouldn t go that direction. i would go to the center. but when you watch the statement he s made lately that she s contending for the votes on the hard left? i think what s clear is, if you listen to her on the not quite yet campaign trail, is that she s very aware of the left of the party, not of the threat from elizabeth warren, because i don t think elizabeth warren will run for president, but of the popularity with warren. but it s true at the same time, that this is not a flip flop. if you look at her speeches from 2007, she was talking about issues of income inequality
what about corporations, the language that corporations don t create jobs. that was a dumb thing to say. it was badly said. why did she say it? i think you get a little bit carried away when you re up there talking and you don t say things in the best way. i think she didn t say it in the best way. she s definitely not elizabeth warren. wea we ve seen this a million times before, chris. when you re running, as she is not quite yet. but when you re running, you re going to put your thumb on the rhetorical scale in one direction and you re going to attack back let s take a look at elizabeth warren. she was asked today about what she means when she says the political system is rigged. let s listen to senator warren. the government works for those who can afford to hire armies of lobbyists and make big
campaign contributions. it doesn t work so much for real families. what we have to do, we have to have real people take our government back and make it work for us. we know the political world. parties are identified with the people, with their strong eft hostilities, animosities. republicans hate labor unions. where they exist, they hate big government, they hate taxes. democrats don t like big corporations, the power of wall street, the koch brothers, it s smart politics to work that side of the street, to go after those people, right? holding big corporations and wall street accountable is more politics. as you re pointing out, not judjust in a primary, but it s a smart general election strategy. frankly, we could have rand paul or huckabee in the general election and if the party isn t embracing warren s position, fighting for the little guy against the big guy, we could lose. tell me how that works. i m fascinated by that.
how does the right-wing snake the democrats as the party of the people? i mean, basically by co-opting our message. the reason warren gets record crowds, people want someone to fight for the little guy. some republicans are pretty good at faking that game. while warren is the real deal. that s why i think hillary clinton might be recognizing this is a smart general election strategy to adopt warren s message. braley in iowa and begich in alaska are winning because they re campaigning warren s message. do you see secretary clinton as a political leader of the left? in this case, she s a follower of the left. the republican national chairman priebus, you know what we think of him. he said hillary s language said she s not ready for primetime.
this is priebus, the leader of the black suppression movement. she s trying too hard and she s not really good at this stuff. i think that she is bordering on becoming, you know, sort of a character catture of something on the outside looking in. if you look at what she s trying to emulate. she s trying to be elizabeth warren. i don t know if she was a little off script on that particular moment, but it clearly wasn t natural, and it was certainly awkward. that s in slow-mo. it was the thought, i guess. but he s attacking her brain? or her strategy? reince priebus isn t ready for day time, what do you think? so there s this critique from the right that hillary clinton has gone way left and is attacking corporations and hates business. and there s a critique from the left side that she s just
pretending to be on the left. they re both right. you are both so smart. let me ask you a question about life. i believe in this. and i think adam believes what he says. if you are who you are, you are who you are. if people can tell. mitt romney tried to prove he was a crazy right-wing barn burner, whatever the hell, just a business guy who likes making money and knows how to do it. he didn t want to say that. hillary clinton has to be a practical politician, she listens to people, she s friends with people like john mccain. she s not some crazy lefty. she s not a crazy lefty. but i think that the flip flopper label is going to turn out to be easier to apply to mitt romney, than to hillary clinton. she s not flip follow-upping he flip flopping here?
i think she s shown an ability to evolve smartly on some positions and hopefully he s evolving on the economic you put the shift in there. we ve all evolved on gay marriage, most of us anyway. great to have you on, with a great point of view. by the way, i just did a tweet thing for like an hour with people. almost half of them were pushing elizabeth warren. so it s real out there. i m sure you re good to hear that. thank you both. coming up, john stewart takes on chris christie. david and goliath. and david letterman has the remedy for bush fatigue. that s next in the side show. this is hardball, a place for politics.
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time for the side show. governor chris christie is taking heat for the harsh treatment of nurse kaci hickox after he issued a mandatory quarantine for those returning from west africa. here was john stewart s take on that last night. why does christie have to be such a [ bleep ] about everything? [ cheers and applause ] you know, he can t just quarantine. all right, you did the quarantine, but he can t just quarantine someone, he s like, you re a doctor without borders, not anymore, get in the [ bleep ] room! you self-sacrificing angel of mercy piece of [ bleep ]. i got your altruism right here! [ laughter ] anyway, a week to go before mid terms, mcconnell isn t taking any chances in his fight. last week he loaned his campaigned nearly 2 million bucks of his own money which is usually a very good sign of a
nastily close race. he s put that money to a positive campaign ad, i didn t know there was such a thing, trying to show off his lighter side. a lot of people try to tell me how to do my commercials. we see you between two trucks. that sounds dangerous. hey, mitch, what about using a talking baby? that s been done before. you and blood hounds. that s not going to work. maybe this isn t such a bad idea. i m mitch mcconnell and i approve this message. you saw that. that shot you saw of the senator straddling two trucks say parity of the volvo ad starting john claud vandam which was popular last year. and the blood hounds are a throwback to an ad from 1984 that showed a back of blood hounds chasing his then
opponent. i guess he thinks it will bring him the same luck from 30 years ago. will it be enough to put him over the top? we ll find that out a week from tonight. jeb bush is moving closer to a run in 2016. but the prospect of a third bush, some say too many. can we tolerate another bush being the president of the united states? i saw this response. take a look. are you up nights worried another member of the bush family will be voted into the white house? ask your doctor if you might night buescheran, the first drug designed specifically to help the symptoms of bush fatigue syndrome, which can lead to depression, severe headaches and loss of hope. living with the possibility of another bush for president is hard, buescheran can help.
we ll get to our roundtable tonight. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i m janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. it s a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults
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here s what s happening. an unmanned rocket headed to the international space station exploded after lift-off. the spacecraft was carrying 5,000 pounds of gear. there were no injuries. the department of homeland security is beefing up security at federal buildings nationwide. the move is following acts of violence in canada and elsewhere. now back to hardball. welcome back to hardball. and the hardball roundtable tonight, topics chris christie wants to make sure everyone knows there s no one more macho on ebola than he is, even if scientists say his prescriptions go overboard. plus, the battle of ideas
for the democratic primary. the question, should hillary clinton run? get to the left without going to the left herself? and this headline is create. every tv show right now is about hillary clinton. political shows are dominating television. reviewers and viewers alike compare the leading women in all these shows to hillary clinton. joining me now is tim daily, who stars in one of those programs, where he plays the husband of the secretary of state. auls the author of art of discovery. and also a columnist from the chicago tribune, author of culture warrior and he owns a pulitzer prize. if you have one flaunt it. i ll trade you for a tv show. let me start with chris christie, i think he s mr. ma o
macho. he s fighting with the press, the president, going after anthony fauci who has been a public servant for a thousand years. he s attacking everybody. i think it s a political football. your thoughts? well, first, this is his brand. a feisty chris christie. but secondly, he is thinking about running for president and the party, now the base, hates government, hates authority hates obama. of course, doesn t trust the cdc, et cetera. and after what happened with hurricane sandy where he was seen in public actual cooperating with obama, that will never do. so he has to wipe out that memory and replace it with one of doing battle with government. this is a new gesture on his part. new jersey can handle its own affairs. we don t need washington telling us what to do. he s got to quietly let this woman out of the quarantine that he s got her in, she after all, is not ill, as far as anybody
knows. but he just kind of overshot it i think that she said she had access to the best take-out in newark. i did some tweeting the other day and i discovered, which i should have long ago, that the excitement in the democratic party is on the hard left, people who are exciting about elizabeth warren. the clintons can t break their ties with wall street. they have been fund raising there for years. my question, there s a lot of interest in elizabeth warren and hillary is now trying to compete with it? i think what s interesting in hollywood land, the campaign never seemed to stop. people have been campaigning there since the last three years. so it s hillary s still campaigning? everybody s still campaigning. there s not a week that goes by that there s not some major fund-raiser in hollywood. since, i don t know, 2012. i mean, it just keeps on
rolling. the world series is going on. madison bumgarner, great name, ace pitcher .29 e.r.a. it s incredible, right? it s like saying he throws his first pitch. 98 mile an hour fastball on the outside of the plate. and everybody s going, is he going to throw that same pitch to every batter for the rest of the game? the answer is no. so of course hillary is playing a little bit to the left. she ll throw the slider, the curveball, the change-up, whatever pitch she can to whatever batter. because her goal is to get everybody out and win the game. i don t think it s a surprise she s drawing the batter s attention to the left, but she s going to throw a fastball down the middle later. or a change-up. that s not a bad analogy. [ laughter ] so in other words, i can throw a lot of stuff? yeah. look at this guy. new kid on the block. because hillary, she may be a
lot smarter than critics who say she fumbled the words. maybe like eisenhower, she said exactly what she wanted to say. for one thing, to carry the analogy on a little bit, that she s throwing the same curveball that she threw back in 2008 when she was trying to please the base of her party, while at the same time, playing to the middle. that kind of backfired on her because barack obama was already building a new base at the time. but if she s going to win, you know, if the republicans start hitting that curveball, she s going to throw a different i go back to religion. say what you believe, because in the end, if you fail, you can always say, i failed saying what i believe. there you go. if you fail saying what you don t believe, you got nothing. i don t want why she was a hawk going to the iraq war. i think it had to do with her own instincts. her husband was president. and also with the contributors, the land developers are all hawks. maybe there was part of that. maybe she thought it was a smart
move. like in the godfather. she also remember dukakis. she doesn t want to be out-done on the dove side. and it turned out that the war was getting uppopular at the same time that she was last question to the experts here, since you re really good at this. is hillary smart to go to the center as fast as she can, or smart to go to the left, appeal to the left, get them behind her, and then move back to the center? look, i m not smart enough to know what she should do or shouldn t do. i think she s going to have to adjust. should she win, she s going to be adjusting her game plan the whole way along, depending on polls and how her opponent is doing, and how the other people are doing. she s a politician. she s in the game. she wants to win and hopefully as you said, she believes in what she s saying along the way. it s 50 shades of politics. you guys are so cynical. i thought hollywood was filled with idealists, you got to say what you believe and trumpet it. that s what we re doing.
you re great, by the way, i love this, you re a guy, supportive of your wife, but i take on that drunken marine about a week ago. i think it s an ideal version of a leader. visionary, have very good values. two, they re very gutsy. and the key ingredient we need today, they know how to fix problems. that s why i love tealy i don t knowy as the secretary of state. she fixes things. i got an answer here, it s magical. one of the reasons people are so enamored of political shows is that on these fictional political lives, people actually get something done. there s an ending. and even if it s machiavellian, something happens. whereas in the real world, we re just stuck. sunday night i m watching the ideal hillary for an hour, which i love. and then i get the good wife. that comes on with the marriage that was wrecked. still in love with this other
guy. i m not saying this is hillary, but it s all complicated. every tv show is about and has aumz been about hillary clinton. madam secretary which stars our guest as the husband. let s watch that part. what happened to my ethics being so sexy to you? they are. this is a one-off. it s just a crazy situation that trumps that. the very nature of ethics, they can t be trumped. please don t make me argue that. so your work is more important than mine? of course not. so you re willing to risk my entire career. but a man is sgg to be killed. who is going to be killed? . josh broke up with me. what a noodle. he s a duf us anyway. your dad and i have something really important to talk about. more important than my shattered existence? no. okay, look, i ll be there in a
minute. can we talk about the guy getting killed? back to bed! now comes the more complicated version in the good wife. we get a look at the complexities of a political marriage. let s watch. if you don t show up to endorse me, if you go out to some governor s conference instead, your favorables will plummet through the floor. on the day that you want to be talking about pensions, every question will be about the state of your marriage. yes, i may need you, peter, but you sure as well need me too. that is raw stuff. that s politics. i love that. i don t know if that s the clinton family, but that looks like the real thing to me. what do you think? i have been a political lunk for so long. this is my fantasy baseball. [ laughter ] it s finally come to washington. washington s the most interesting city in the world. i love how the good wife takes place in chicago. and it s filmed in new york. at least it s not vancouver,
right? but we are bringing sexy back to politics. got to talk about this book. when we come back, we ll talk about the art, of why people like my son went into this business you re in and we ll be right back with the roundtable. this is hardball, the place for politics. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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hans opus. this is our opus. this is a beautiful book. take this book, show it off. i did ask him to wear it around his neck. how did you decide to take the road less traveled? my kids did it. most people coming out of school, they had to go to law school. bankers in my day, they take something pretty predictable successful. they don t take something risky, like acting. in my case, it may be congenital, with both of my parents actors. my son, sam is an actor, my niece, catherine brown is an actress. so it s in my family. it dook me a whitook me a while. i was not impressed by actors when i was a child. were you wrong or right? i was right. i had an overactive imagination and i want today be a lot of things.
a fireman, a policeman, an as o astrona astronaut, and i realized in order to do one of those things correctly, you have to devote to it totally. who were your heroes? my heroes were not actors. they were people like john glen and willie mays. those are the people that i aspired to be. and i got to play gjim lovell i a series. sq . i wrote a story in the book about being backstage with my father. that was very special to me. i was in the whole illusion that you re pulling off. when you watch ronald reagan, when you watch president obama, who i ve supported most of the time, do they act? are they acting? well, i always thought this is i m going to reveal myself here everyone though
craig of coalition is a non-profit, i always thought ronald reagan was a terrible actor. when he was president, was he acting president? sort of: i just never liked the kbie. i just felt he was writing a speech that was written for him. can you tell the w speeches were written by dick cheney? okay, you re going to get me in a lot of trouble now. no, i could not tell. congressman ben jensay. he was the actor in dukes of has saturday kwlgts. someone asked him, do you miss it? and he said i m acting up here every day. anyway , thank you for being here. it was made with renaissance hotels and jeff vespa and it s a labor of love and the arts and go buy it on amson. that s a sign.
i never thought i d have to say that again. when we return, let me finish with my thoughts about the battle of ideas. and it is that between hillary clinton and elizabeth warren. this is a hot one on the left. you re watching hardball the place for politics. twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3.2.1. are you kidding me?
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and prop 46 has too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk. time to vote no on prop 46. let me finish tonight with this battle of ideas. i should begin by confessing where i stand myself. i usually find myself with the
candidate who s furtest left. where does this put me in the war of ideology between clinton and warren? i ll get to that, just not tonight. i m ready to state my cases on the politics of 2016. i believe the best candidates are the people who are true to themselves. i believe the worst are the ones who betray themselves. i believe the best candidates who don t say things or pretend to be things in the run-up to the primaries that they have to deny when facing the general election in november. people like to blame ralph nader for taking ag way those 90,000 votes. i think the greater impact was when he pulled gore over in the middle of the campaign, in the center and to thoo easy-going appeal of george w. bush. i believe secretary krclinton s greatest appeal is as a professional. who knows how to get with the other side and get something done.

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