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Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240611

weeks. the israelis want a campaign. with lebanon even with yemen, we have seen the increased tensions. deploying troops and naval forces. none of that will stop until there is a cease-fire in gaza. s almost there is a line drawn, diplomacy on any of these friends continue. the biden administration s credit has been cleared. they don t want to see a war but it is not up to them as we have seen with the israelis on the hostage cease-fire deal as well. so i think the risk is extremely high. and lebanon is the war of another magnitude. thank you so much. . there is a lot going on tonight. the former president of the united states and presumptive republican nominee had a meeting with the probation officer today, which i guess is the sort of thing we just have to get use to seeing these days. we will talk about what may have come up during the meeting and how it could impact his sentencing coming up in a month. pennsylvania governor josh schapiro was going to join me to talk about one of the biggest political questions of the moment. how should joe biden and democrats be talking about trump s conviction and how much? we will start with the supreme court. in a mountain of ethics scandals that just got bigger, and just get bigger because of a woman named lauren winsor. in case you don t know who she is, she is a progressive activist known to approach her public and figures and pretend she is an ally, statements and then record her targets making candid comments. comments recorded by lauren winsor at the supreme court historical society s annual dinner earlier this month, the supreme court justice samuel alito offered his assessment of the political and ideological struggle in america. i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think that it is a matter of, like, winning. i think your probably right. on one side of the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. they really can t be compromised. so it s not like you can split the difference. one side or the other is going to win. now heard in a vacuum by someone, those comments may not seem particularly striking. but remember samuel alito is one of nine justices on the supreme court. the highest court in our country. it is supposed to conduct itself with utmost fairness and impartiality in interpreting our constitution and adjudicating the laws. and one of the justices, samuel alito, you just heard him, as telling a stranger at a crowded event, that he believes that one political side is going to win. that there is no place for compromised. and for anyone who has followed samuel alito s time on the court, there is no secret to what side the justice firm and thinks he is on. look at the past few weeks. he has refused to recuse himself from a generous six case in the trump immunity case sitting before the court currently. even after reports that his homes displayed flights with right wing political symbolism including an upside down american flag in the days after january 6th. samuel alito, who built a reputation over the course of years, has been tough on crime and generally unser but that it to criminal defendants and also has a newfound empathy for generally six defendants of all people and donald trump. during or go arguments in two cases. take for example, the case of a january 6th defendant. sim allele used costumes the justice department to question people in the capital attack. he suggested that if the court does not intervene, prosecutors could seek to use it against people involved in these will demonstrations like those that take place in a courtroom from time to time. but the protest is clearly not at all same as people are smashing windows and doors to invade the capital and causing members of congress and the republican vice president of the united states to flee for their lives. in the face of multiple ethics scandals, we have been talking about involving undisclosed gifts from her publican mega- donors to members of the supreme court, samuel alito has been unapologetic telling the wall street journal late last year that the quote no provision in the constitution gives congress the authority to regulate the supreme court period. look, fairness and impartiality in both appearance and action are the principles judges are supposed to follow. especially in the highest court of the land. and at least at some point, samuel alito knew that. take a listen to an answer from his confirmation hearing back in 2006. to believe there is any room for a judge s own value or personal beliefs when he or she interprets the constitution? judges have to be careful not to inject their own views into the interpretation of the constitution. and for that matter, into the interpretation of statutes. that is not the job we are given. that is not the authority we are given. that is not the authority we are given. it is not the job we are given. alito knows or at least knew then what his job entailed. and despite all the actions and statements, he also apparently can t stand those who claim he is not living up to those standards. as he told the wall street journal, everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions and to criticize our reasoning as they see fit. but saying or implying that the court is becoming an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity cross is an important line. see, justice alito wants to be revered as an impartial judge. just call balls and strikes as they are supposed to. but as this new tape and his time on the bench have shown, especially over the last several weeks and months, he is actually more of a player, actively engaged in one side s struggle to win. so is giving us every reason to expect this from him, given all the actions. it also doesn t mean it is something we should or need to accept. this is the former president of the naacp legal defense fund and joins me now. i always want to know what you are thinking. but as i listen to these tapes today, i wanted to know, what is share anable thinking. we talk to a becoming two things. how big of a deal is this? i think it s a big deal. i think it s a big deal in the cumulative sense and as you point out in your opening, this is not a colloquy that floats around in the air that is surrounded by plenty of context. we have seen all these statements from justice alito, not only in his decisions but when he went to rome after the dobbs decision. we heard him in very similar ways. what is it that is disturbing about this particular excerpt of the conversation? i think there are two things. one, i think is the way in which he was bantering back and forth with this woman who he did know was taping him in a way that suggested sympathy to her position. she was saying some pretty extreme things. probably the worst of it is when she said that we have to work to move this country back toward godliness. and he said, i agree with you. to me, that is just a very shocking statement. i don t think that is his charge as a supreme court justice to suggest that he believes the country needs to move toward godliness. she spoke often of what it was like in the past and that we need to return to some period in which things were more moral pick and he was agreeing with her. i don t know what period they were referring to. were they referring to a period in which there was much more religious talk in american life but there was also talk about keeping black people out of schools? what was the time period? i think the reason this is important is because the standard is a reasonable person standard. and justice alito refused to recuse himself from a variety of cases. said it is because a reasonable person, knowing all the facts of that is what he said about the flight controversy. but when we probe, we realize we don t know all the facts and the facts he has told us are not necessarily that accurate facts. we learned that from the flag flying issue when justice alito gave us a timeline that is not up. now, the reasonable person would reasonably believe perhaps that this justice was not impartial and that is the standard for recusal. but we will never get there unless parties actually file motions to recuse and that is i am hoping that this will show the united states, which is the party and the trump privilege case and others, that they have to have the courage to demand that these justices come forward in the context of recusal practice and explain themselves. we are not going to get it from sending letters to the justices we are not going to get it from having the justices just recuse themselves because they won t do it. we need to get really serious. and of course we need hearing from the senate judiciary committee so we can get to the bottom of this. it is quite serious. quite disturbing. quite alarming. and it is not a legitimate question the legitimacy of the court we have had this barrage of across the line conduct and misstatements and disclosures that would call into question the impartiality of any court. one of the things that was striking to me too is how he blames the erosion of trust in the court. what he blames it on. he blames it on all sorts of things. i was reminded of this today. he said this in 2023. and then talk to you about it on the other side. it is easy to blame the media. but i do blame them because they do nothing but criticize us. it is pretty rich, given his actions in his own words. it is not the first time he blame somebody else. his wife. everyone attacking him. what is that about? you were talking about accountability. people watching, what should they be doing if they are just outraged about this as well? i find this just really mortifying. and embarrassed for the court. we hear it with clarence thomas as well when he talks about the nastiness in washington d.c. and we hear it with alito. it is the media that eroded trust in the supreme court. no, it is the supreme court that eroded trust in the supreme court. in this kind of teenage refusal to take responsibility for their own actions is really incredibly alarming and disturbing and i put that at the feet of chief justice roberts. he is running the court. if i were running in institution and something extraordinary happens and like what happened in the dobbs case, which is something that never happened before in the history of the court, and a decision was leaked out to the public, i wouldn t just be trying to get to the bottom of who leaked it as vigorously as possible. i would want to understand what i created or what we created in our culture that encouraged such a breach of culture and protocol. all of these things should require the court to self reflect. to look at themselves. why do you have a justice on the court like clarence thomas who is not making the appropriate disclosures? we know they are appropriate because he is making them now that he has been found out. this has nothing to do with the media. the media is doing its job. in fact, the media has often been quite kind to the supreme court including around this flag issue which we had not heard about until three years late. it is not the media. these justices have to grow up and stop being stubborn teenagers and take responsibility for their own actions. this is where the leadership of the chief comes in here and when the chief allows a code of conduct, a voluntary code, as he allowed several months ago, a code so much more weak than the code that holds all other federal judges, he is essentially allowing and creating this culture of impunity in which they create rules that accommodate the actions they have already taken. so we have a real problem, ethical problem on the supreme court appeared to be honest with you, i blame us. i blame congress. we have failed. we have counted on the good behavior and the norms of the supreme court instead of putting in place real rules that they have to follow. and congress does have the power to be able to issue a code of ethics for the united states supreme court and they should do so. we cannot blame this just on the justices. we can t blame it on trump. we can t blame it on anything else but our believes that norms were enough. they are not enough as we are learning across the united states government and we have to get serious about what kinds of protections we need in place for the integrity of our nation s highest court. a lot of homework, including for chief justice roberts. thank you as always for joining me this evening. really appreciate it. coming up, governor josh shapiro joins me live to talk about donald trump s promises of revenge. first, the nominee had a meeting with his probation officer today. we will tell you what he was likely asked about and how it could affect his sentencing. christie greenberg is a former deputy chief of the criminal division in the southern district of new york and joins me in 60 seconds. seconds. let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. today, donald trump met with the probation officer had of his sentencing for his 34 felony convictions in new york city. and the biden campaign cochair reminded me yesterday that this is one of those times where we need to pause and reflect on the extraordinary moment we are in. can we just stop on that fact. i will talk about the debate and a second. a guy that wants to be president of the united states first test to go sit down with his probation officer. that is just an astounding statement that sometimes people walk by. i don t think most americans are going to walk by that. he is completely right. we cannot just breeze by this stuff. trump s probation interview today happened virtually from mar-a-lago which is not typical. these meetings typically happen in person. but he is not a typical person who was just convicted either. but the interview itself is standard procedure for anyone convicted of a felony in new york. and one standard question trump may have been asked is whether he associates with criminals. you know, other convicted felons like steve bannon and oliver stone and his other buddies. we should not forget how extraordinary this moment is. kristi greenberg is the former deputy chief of the criminal division in the southern district of new york and joins me now. thank you so much. you tweeted today. i will start there. that trump would try to convince the probation officer not to recommend a jail sentence. but you said probation should reject the argument. how does that conversation exactly go down during one of these meetings? i think what you probably saw this was just 30 minutes. a short interview. you probably saw todd blanche taking the lead to try to highlight positive aspects of donald trump s character that they think or mitigating circumstances and things that they think will show he is amenable to supervision. so they will say, look, this criminal conduct which he denies, there is no victim here. but they need to look closer. we are victims. the american people are victims, not getting information that he was paying off a pornography start to make sure she didn t share that could have affected the election outcome. other things i think he will focus on are, i was the former president of the united states. i performed a great public service and you should take that into account. but it is also aggravating in the circumstance because he committed some of this crime like signing the checks to reimburse michael cohen right in the oval office. you could argue that. and he will point to the fact that he is a first-time offender. you know who else is a first- time offender? michael cohen, and he got sentenced to jail for the same conduct. allen weisselberg is essentially the same old one year apart. a lot of the factors that i expect todd blanche tried to highlight today in his interview, really it is going to be on the prosecutors to make their case separately to the probation office in presenting the fact that the trial record shows all the gag order violations and to show he is not following the court orders and he certainly won t follow the orders of probation. a lot of things to argue. i wanted to ask you, i mentioned one of the standard lines of questioning during one of these probation meetings. whether or not the person convicted of a felony associates with criminals. trump has a number of people who happen to fall into that category. i presume he is going to say no. i don t know what he said but what happens if he does associate with convicted criminals? are there repercussions? there are. there if he were sentenced to probation, there would be conditions to that probation term. among them is he cannot associate with other convicted felons. and so, steve bannon for example, is somebody that was convicted for criminal contempt charge and it has a trial that will start in a few months before the judge on a separate fraud case. with someone like that, someone who he has not pardoned because he is pardoned a number of his other criminal associates, for someone he is not pardoned, i would think he would not be able to associate. these are people that like we are involved with his campaign and that he would want to associate with. so we figure he will try to do that through intermediaries if he is sentenced to probation. quite a time to be alive, kristi greenberg. thank you for explaining this to us. that is always helping us to understand. i appreciate it. donald trump is not going to be able to append democracy on his own. he will need help. and a lot of help is available. we will introduce you to someone who could be his chief of staff and who has chilling plans for a second term. later, governor josh shapiro joins me to talk about all the ways the rule of law will be on the ballot in 2024. we are back after a quick break. so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i m still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i m really, really happy with the results. it s still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow s feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at they say we should stop eating so much meat. as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. i bought the team! kevin.? 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every d.a. starting investigations right now? when donald trump gets elected, should he lock them up? no question. should there be a list of democrats that go to jail? 100%. it is a terrible path they are leading us to. and it is very possible that it is going to have to happen to them. in that description, as you just heard, it is all about karma. it is an eye for an eye. fighting fire with fire. that is the story they are telling over and over again. and it is one that far too many headliners are running with. as a near public had, in the media, the story tends to be framed as follows. will trump seek revenge for his legal travails or won t he? . it implies that he is bound to do to democrats what was done to him. you see, obviously, there is a big difference between what happens to trump and what he is promising to do to democrats or anybody who he is mad at. despite with the former president and his allies claim, trump was legitimately investigated, indicted, tried and convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers. 12 everyday americans. there was a legal basis and evidence for all of it. all presented during a six-week trial. not trying to hold people accountable for actual wrongdoing but reshape the american justice system and make it a political tool to go after democrats or anyone who has done trump wrong. political prosecutions were a major goal for the maga movement long before trump got indicted or convicted. i was reminded of this this week in. the washington post published an incredibly eye popping piece on the influential figure in trump s orbit that you might not be familiar with. for what it is worth, i had never heard of him either. the former director of the office of management and budget. and his name is russ vote. according to the piece, he is a potential chief of staff for a second trump term and could wield a lot of power. a self-proclaimed christian nationalist to crafted parts of the heritage foundation s project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch a trump presidency. then back in september of 2022, before trump got indicted or enter the presidential race, he wrote an essay saying that the left to drive america into a post- constitutional moment. saying it was time for the right to reinterpret the constitution and a radical new way. he encouraged conservatives to throw off precedents and legal paradigms that have wrongly developed over the last 200 years. and their place according to the post, he laid out plans for donald trump to deploy the military for civil unrest and use more control over the justice department and assert the power to hold congressional appropriations. that is just on trump s first day back in office. let s pause on that. is not calling for accountability through due process of the law to hold people accountable. he wants to reshape the system for the purpose of punishing trump s perceived enemies. last year, he told the heritage foundation crowd that the department of justice is not an independent agency. and if anyone brings up in a policy meeting in the white house, i want them out of the meeting. here s the larger picture. outside of the week to week news cycle and the latest republican reactions, the republican line of fight fire with fire that you hear over and over again is really just cover. framing a plan to overhaul the justice system and executive branch at large. and by the way, this plan completely predates trump s convictions and indictments and what he had in mind all along. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro is standing by and join say next. we are back after a quick break. join cken, cr ies all wrapped up these wrapare amaz people can hear my thoughts? 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there is a trial and a jury finds someone innocent or guilty? or do we prefer a country where he president uses the justice department as his personal law firm? are we okay with the current system where every american is accountable to the same set of laws? or do we prefer a country where the president can just prosecute whomever he chooses simply because he does not like them? the election will be about a lot of things no question. but that is definitely one of them. joining me now is pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. he was previously the state s attorney general. i m grateful you are here with me. i want to start with what i laid out in the earlier block. basically, this idea that donald trump and his allies are bowing what they are telling supporters. simply fighting fire with fire. you are doing something with our guy and we are going to go back to you. but to me, when you look at the specifics of the plan, it feels like it is not exactly the right description. it is not just revenge but a plan in my view to reshape the system and go after their enemies. and last week, you said something that really struck me. you said i m scared to death if he is in charge with the system. is a strong statement. i want to see what you anticipate or expect. what worries you about what could happen to the system? i m deeply concerned by the system. it is why we should not put the country at risk by putting donald trump back in charge of the justice system or back in charge of the military. donald trump came out of those 34 convictions doing what he always does when he gets in legal trouble. kind of a cut and paste job, if you will. and a room with us well from my time as attorney general. he complains. he bemoans the fact that he lost and he makes up excuses and tries to pipit away from personal responsibility. remember, i was attorney general in pennsylvania where he and his cronies and allies took us to court 43 different times to try to stop certain people from voting and stop the votes from being cast. by the way, he went 0-43. we went 43-0 unprotected the rule of law and the will of the people. and now donald trump wants to come back. as he said, exact revenge. the idea he would be put in charge of the justice system and have people surrounding him that that should scare all americans. it is another example of the kind of chaos he would inflict on the country if he was given the opportunity to lead this nation. we have always been a nation that respects the rule of law and respects the institutions. donald trump has tried to undermine our faith in one another and our faith in the institutions. we didn t let him get away with it in 2020 and i hope and pray we won t let him get away with it in 2024. i will be doing everything in my political power here in pennsylvania to ensure he is not successful and the institutions stand and hold. let me ask you about something you just alluded to which is the takeover of the justice system. i think people hear that and they think it is the reshuffling of the government and what does it actually mean? i talked about this influential figure apparently and trump residence world. and could end of being his chief of staff of for trump was reelected. who knows? this is a man who openly says he does not believe the department of justice is an independent agency. i just want to ask you, what is the danger of that quick sometimes i think it feels like just bureaucracy in washington but it is much more than that. it is a lot more than bureaucracy. dangerous if he controls a bureaucracy as well. think about the justice department. he would have the power to criminally prosecute people who didn t do anything wrong but are just his enemies. go after companies that he disagreed with the products they are selling or the manner in which they are conducting themselves and to use the justice department to strip away people s liberties, rights and freedoms and undermine the constitution. ignore the courts and essentially just have his way with good people of this nation. and it should scare the hell out of everybody. remember in 2016 ever donald trump won and then took office in 2017, he and most people around him did not know what the hell they were doing and there were still a few people around him that provided some guardrails for his chaotic conduct. now those people that might provide the guardrails are gone and a lot of the dangerous people around him know how the bureaucracy works. they know how the justice system works. they know how the military works. and if he is given the opportunity to lead this nation again with those people around him, who want to do danger and take away your fundamental freedoms, that should scare the hell out of everybody and that is not the kind of chaos we want in this country. it is such an important point. it is the people that know how to manipulate and it is also the plans being written. a lot of the more online. keeping with the legal discussion here, i want to ask about the supreme court. at the top of the hour, we talked about the supreme court and specifically, justice samuel alito. and this audio come he agreed there should be a fight to return our country to a place of godliness. this comes after the reporting of a flag outside of his house that has been a symbol associated with january 6th and serious ethical scandals around justice thomas and a lot of things. it feels like there is a credibility crisis for the supreme court. i just want to ask you, what is the solution here? remember, this is the court that donald trump packed in order to take away woman s right to choose. in order to make my daughter and other women out there have fewer rights today then they were born with. so this is purposeful on donald trump residence part, to pack the court with these people that want to restrict our freedom. people that have their own agendas. and justice alito, samuel alito, is showing his agenda by the way he flies his flags and apparently the way he runs his mouth as well. what the american people need to do is take that into consideration when they go vote this november. do you really want to give donald trump the ability to appoint more samuel alito as opposed to the court or more clarence thomas is to the court. you want to give him the ability to put more people on the court who will take away our fundamental freedoms? remember that justice thomas wrote that abortion is just the beginning. the very fundamental reasoning or foundation or reasoning they used to overturn roe v wade could be applied in other ways. it could be used to restrict your ability to marry who you love or undermine your ability to be able to go out and take the medications that you and your doctor want you to take. i really fear that this was just the beginning. and if donald trump is given the ability to lead this nation again and put more of those kinds of justices on the court, it will not only set us back for four years but it will set us back for 40 years. the stakes are so high in the selection. and while donald trump and joe biden s names are on the ballot, this is a binary choice. and don t let anybody tell you anything else. there a bunch of randoms on the ballot that have no chance of winning. this is a binary choice between donald trump and joe biden. it is not about those two. it is the kind of country want for ourselves. it is whether we value freedom and care about our institutions and whether we believe we have to move forward to brighter days or whether we will go back to a very dark time. this election is a referendum and a reflection on all of us. and we have a responsibility to turn out and to get others to turn out who will stand up against the kind of extremism we have seen on the supreme court and in the white house with donald trump and instead stand up for freedom and for fundamental values as americans and continue to move our country forward. before we let you go, i have to ask you about pennsylvania. you know the politics of your state. you know them extremely well. we have seen it. it has not been that long since the convictions. we have seen a little bit of impact in the polls. there are a lot of things that will be on the ballot and on voter mines. as you are talking to voters and knowing your state as you do, you think trump s conviction will be something that helps people to decide who are on the fence at this state? i don t know how that conviction will ultimately play out. i know the people of pennsylvania, they care a lot about four basic things. they want good schools. they want safe communities. they want economic opportunities. and they want their freedoms to be protected. i think they want to be led by someone who is honest and decent. someone who actually is on their side like joe biden. all they hear from donald trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country and i think donald trump has to quit whining. quit trying to divide us. we are producing more energy than anyone before the in this nation. we have the strongest economy in the world and we are beating china for the first time in decades. more people went to work this morning in america than any other time in our nation s history. i have a message to donald trump and all of his negativity and whining, stop shit talking america. this is the greatest country on earth and it is time we start acting like it. the good people of pennsylvania understand this is a great country. they understand we have a lot going for us. and we have time to continue this path of progress that joe biden has laid out and not go back to a negative time. and not listen to the whining of the former president and instead, focus on a positive future for all of us. quit your whining. it is a good message. thank you so much governor schapiro. i always enjoy talking to you. i appreciate it. we will be right back after a quick b break. ack it himmune fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. first, we did the impossible. then, you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now. they re backk! the footlong cookie is back at subway! organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. 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( ) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. we don t even know yet how any americans will be moved by donald trump s conviction when it is said and done. it is only a couple weeks old. but there early signs that the verdict may be swaying some former trump voters. here s what we heard from some trump voters in a focus group. if they violate the law, then they should be subject to exactly the same rules that all of us are expected to abide to. pay the penalty for the crime. we all know what is going to happen. they will negotiate and he is not going to serve any time. but he will get more time on television. just to underscore, those are a couple of two time trump voters that are essentially saying, lock him up. the publisher of the executive accountability project and conducted the focus group he just heard. dan pfeiffer is the former communications director for barack obama. they are both joining me now. we only played one clip of your great focus groups but that was the two time trump voters that want trump to be held accountable it sounds like. did you get this sense, because the big leap here is the one who to be held accountable, but are they just turned off by trump? or the whale will they just vote for biden instead? or do we know that by your conversations? in this particular group, five out of nine of them, trump voters, five of them were going to vote for biden. i think there are a lot of people that think, somebody that voted for donald trump twice, it seems like a long shot to get them to vote for biden. but i think it is important to understand that for a section of voters who kind of held their nose and voted for donald trump twice and then saw what happened on january 6th, saw donald trump s claims and lies about the election, they were already pretty that was sort of a red line for them. they were pretty far out. what the conviction does is it moves them from and i hear this a lot from a two time trump voters who were upset. saying, i m not going to leave it blank. it got them to a place where they said, this guy is totally unfit to be in the white house. i will vote for biden, not because i want to vote for biden and not because i want to vote for a democrat but because i will vote for anybody that will keep donald trump out of the white house because he is that dangerous. you are always in the selection, especially with the swing voters or the right. for them, you are not building it pro joe biden coalition but an anti-trump coalition. and as donald trump gets back into people s consciousness which is a lot of what is happening with the conviction, people are remembering, yeah, i don t like that guy. you are seeing a shift in voters were before, they were focused on negative things they thought about biden and now they are remembering the negative things they don t like about trump. it is so interesting to watch the focus groups and listen to you talk about them. you know well and i know well that they are big moments in campaigns. we have also seen the campaign sharpening rhetoric around the convictions. and there is a difference between what the campaign says and what michael tyler is saying and what the candidates say. when you look at the debate coming up, is a couple weeks from now, what should the president be saying? he is trying to appeal to the voters and to base voters. what is the right framing of language? the conviction is the elephant in the room. you have to talk about it. and you also don t get in a situation where you would just call him a convicted felon as many times as possible and try to win on points. the conviction is the critical data point in the story that a lot of the polling and focus group say we should be telling about trump which is that he is in this for himself. is running for office to protect himself from further legal jeopardy to help himself and his rich friends and to bring revenge to his enemies. it was that exact attitude, that me first attitude, that got him in this trouble to begin with. you have to take the conviction. this moment that actually caused people to brave out of their anti- politics bubble for a few minutes and pay attention to this race and then use that to tell the more broad story. you can do that in a debate over and over again and do it in a disciplined, calm falls way that is not allowed trump to drag you down into the mud. that makes a huge amount of sense to me. i wanted to ask you a similar version of the story. there are a couple of audiences biden has to appeal to. of these people you talk to and focus groups, is there anything president biden could say about the convictions that would turn them off? is there anything that is a trigger for them about it? when it comes to the swing voters, it is not just what he says but how he says it. for them, they want to see that joe biden can do this job. you have to get people over this hump that they think joe biden is too old. because this is where trump kind of wins often times. he has big lunatic energy that make him seem just more vivacious or more aggressive. and sometimes when he listened to voters, they get into kind of a strong framing where they are like, trump is bad but strong and biden is okay but weak. biden has to show strength. i agree with dan. you can t just say conviction over and over again. but he does have to go on offense. in fact, the whole campaign right now has to go on offense. we are in the moment to push. we have to stop talking about democracy being at stake and the campaign has to campaign like democracy is at stake. joe biden has to show that he is ready to go. i think it is not just the name- calling of convicted felons but being able to say, this man is unfit and i m good to go. and you have to show that and not just tell it. state of the union energy. it is about the vibes i m hearing. i wanted to ask you about you encouraging people not to be stressed. everyone should find it and subscribe to it. we will talk about it next time. thank you both for joining me. we will be right back after a quick break. don t go anywhere! dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there s leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. fastsigns. make your statement. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga when we say it ll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. the rachel maddow show starts right now. hi, rachel. hi, yen. thanks very much. much appreciated. thanks to you at home. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. particularly glad you re here for it. we re going to start a ways

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240611

we have a special report on a yazidi family suing an islamic state leader s widow for abuse and sex trafficking. welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in the uk and around the world. we begin in new york, where the united nations security council has voted in favour of an american resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire by israel and hamas in gaza. 1a countries voted in favour, with russia abstaining. speaking after the vote, the us ambassador to the un, linda thomas greenfield, said the fighting could end now if hamas accepted the three phase plan. our north america correspondent nada tawfik is monitoring events for us, and sent us this update. the united states, i think, it s no surprise that this resolution, the vote, coincided with antony blinken s trip to the region. and what we heard from the united states was that this was the best possible way to secure a durable end to the war, saying that it really is a deal that was israel s initiative, it outlined three phases that they said would eventually, you know, lead to the complete withdrawal of israeli forces, the release of all hostages, in exchange for palestinian prisoners, major reconstruction of gaza, eventually. but i think from different members, you heard different members, you heard different positions. you know, while the united states says this resolution passing means that the international community is united and that this will help put pressure on hamas to accept the deal, you know, algeria said they still had some reservations about the text, but supported it, because they felt it wanted to give diplomacy a chance, wanted to give a glimmer of hope to palestinians. but from russia and china a lot more scepticism. you know, russia said it didn t want to block this resolution because the arab group of nations supported it, but it questioned whether israel had really accepted the deal as the resolution states, and they pointed to a number of statements by israeli officials, including prime minister binyamin netanyahu, that they will continue the war until hamas is defeated. china as well questioned if, you know, parties will actually implement these three phases of presidentjoe biden s proposed deal, and china noting that the other security council resolutions that have been passed weren t implemented, including a permanent ceasefire, including getting more aid in at scale into gaza, questioning, you know, whether this will have a tangible impact on the ground. so i think it remains to be seen if this resolution will, in fact, be different than the other ones. the un vote took place hours after washington s top diplomat, antony blinken, held talks with the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, injerusalem. the us secretary of state emphasising the importance of a post conflict plan for gaza. earlier on monday, mr blinken met the egyptian president in cairo. abdel fattah al sisi said he d agreed to step up attempts to reach a ceasefire and the release of hostages. speaking to reporters, mr blinken said that egypt has been speaking with hamas in the previous hours. the only party that has not accepted, the only party that s not said yes, is hamas. that s who everyone is depending on waiting on. that s who the palestinians in gaza are waiting on. it s who the israelis are waiting on. it s who the hostages and the hostage families are waiting on. does hamas want to end this conflict? end this war that it started? or not? we ll find out. but it s clear that virtually the entire world has come together in support of the proposal, and the only open question is will hamas say yes? our state department correspondent tom bateman has been travelling with the secretary and has more from jerusalem. publicly, we re seeing the americans come here and try to press arab leaders to put pressure on hamas to accept this. but hamas is going to want and basically wants, you know, a far clearer guarantee that this would mean the end of the war and a full israeli withdrawal from gaza. the war and a full israeli withdrawalfrom gaza. clearly, they don t feel like they ve got that yet, because we re not seeing a formal response from them, or the resumption of these negotiations. but there is something else going on beneath the surface and this isn t part of the public presentation, but what mr blinken is trying to do is bind the israelis into this and the israeli leadership, because although mr netanyahu has said that his war cabinet has authorised the deal, we haven t heard unequivocal support from him and crucially, in his wider cabinet, that fractious cabinet, that fractious cabinet, including far right ministers, some of those have outright rejected this proposal already, and some of those who have said they would quit the coalition, precipitate its collapse, if this proposal were to go ahead. so that puts pressure on mr netanyahu potentially to pull back from it all. so i think the white house is trying to bounce the two sides into making progress. that is why mr blinken is here. there are also some strong motivations, really, for the israeli leadership to some extent the top echelons of hamas to play for a bit more time here, but among those who are trying to rush this through, the white house, president biden, desperately seeking an agreement before the us presidential election campaign gets under way proper later in this year. but so far, here from the region, few signs of any here from the region, few signs ofany imminent here from the region, few signs of any imminent breakthrough. in france, political parties are scrambling to get ready after president macron called surprise parliamentary elections across the country, several years before he needed to. he made the move after his ruling alliance was roundly defeated in sunday s european elections, with france s far right national rally securing an overwhelming victory for seats in the european parliament. president macron s decision to go to the polls after such a stinging result is being seen as a huge gamble by some, as he risks becoming a lame duck president if he loses. nick beake reports from the town of coulommiers, east of paris. emmanuel macron visited the site of one of the worst nazi massacres in france, perpetrated 80 years ago today. he s been drawing on the past to highlight what he claims is the current threat confronting the country from the far right. in the face of his opponents success this weekend, the president has taken an almighty gamble in calling a snap election. a0 miles outside paris, this is coulommiers, the land of cheesemaking, where support for macron has crumbled. the members of the monday club said they hadn t veered to the right. but then we met 31 year old mum of three noemi, a worker in an elderly care home, who says she s desperate for something new. translation: what frightens people could actually do them good, so we should try the national front because france is getting worse. i m scared to leave my house and the public transport is not safe. whatever the result of these snap parliamentary elections, emmanuel macron is set to stay on as president for another three years but a national rally victory could have a huge impact here and in many parts of france. it would also be hugely symbolic too because in just six weeks time, the country will host the olympic games and by then, france could have its first far right government since the second world war. this is the 28 year old who could be france s prime minister in a month. through his social media, jordan bardella has been winning young supporters in particular, focusing on the cost of living softening the image of a party once condemned as unelectable and working alongside marine le pen. she hopes to replace macron as president in 2027. so can national rally translate their victory at the european elections to the national vote? so they have some kind, say, of a political virginity people say, we do not know what they will do if they come to power but nevertheless, let s give them a try and if we are not happy, we will have election next time and we ll get rid of them. it s not clear what the president s thinking is but his legacy will be defined in the coming weeks. nick beake, bbc news, outside paris. in the uk, the prime minister has apologised again and asked for forgiveness after leaving d day commemorations early. during a campaign visit on monday, rishi sunak said it hadn t crossed his mind to resign. in an interview on monday evening, he said it has been a tough few years, but the election was about the future and the country had turned a corner. our political editor chris mason has more. one of the key things we want to do in this election is put your questions to those seeking your questions to those seeking your support. we re calling it your voice, your vote. you ve told us how much housing matters to you, so we put that directly to the prime minister tonight. having your own home has got harder under a conservative government, hasn t it? it has not government, hasn t it? it has got harden government, hasn t it? it has got harder. and government, hasn t it? it has got harder. and i government, hasn t it? it has got harder. and i want - government, hasn t it? it has got harder. and i want to - government, hasn t it? it has i got harder. and i want to make sure that it s easier and what we will do is notjust build homes in the right places, and do that in a way that is sensitive to local communities, but make sure that we support young people into greatjobs so they can save for that deposit. the brutal truth is that a party that s been in powerfor 14 years has a long track record to scrutinise, but how different things may have been or could be in the future under any government is worth pondering too. so, on housing, why would it be any better under labour? it why would it be any better under labour? under labour? it was a staggering under labour? it was a staggering admission l under labour? it was a - staggering admission from rishi sunak tonight that effectively so many young people are priced out of the housing market. the dream of home ownership is transformative for young tra nsformative for young people. it s transformative for young people. it s why we ve said we want to build morehouses, but reforming the planning rules which hold back house building. these half hour interviews with all the main party leaders offer the chance to explore plenty of topics, like the prime minister leaving the 0 day commemorations early. d day commemorations early. do you understand that for quite a lot of people watching, i think, they simply think that the basic duty of the prime minister, the duty, was for you to be in that photograph, and not david cameron? to be in that photograph, and not david cameron? well, that s wh i ve not david cameron? well, that s why i ve apologised why i ve apologised unreservedly for the mistake and i hope people can find it in their hearts to forgive me. my in their hearts to forgive me. my duty is also to make sure that this is a country which looks after our veterans, which is why i m proud that there is a veterans minister sitting around the cabinet table. find around the cabinet table. and what about around the cabinet table. and what about the around the cabinet table. and what about the reform uk leader nigel farage, who manages to haunt, bamboozle and excite conservatives in roughly equal measure? isn t your problem that many conservatives think he s more of a conservative than you are? well, at the end of the day, or onjuly 5, there is only going to be one person who s going to be prime minister, it s keir starmer. be prime minister, it s keir starmer. . . be prime minister, it s keir starmer. ., ., starmer. .. and i m asking about niel starmer. .. and i m asking about nigel farage? starmer. .. and i m asking about nigel farage? and starmer. .. and i m asking about nigel farage? and i m starmer. .. and i m asking about| nigel farage? and i m answering the question- nigel farage? and i m answering the question. the nigel farage? and i m answering the question. the choice - nigel farage? and i m answering the question. the choice is - nigel farage? and i m answering the question. the choice is for i the question. the choice is for keir starmer or myself. a vote for anyone who is not a conservative candidate is just making it more likely that keir starmer is that person. and making it more likely that keir starmer is that person. and so to the conservative starmer is that person. and so to the conservative manifesto, that published bundle of promises, coming in the morning. a tomorrow you ll promise more tax cuts? ~ ., ., tax cuts? we will have a manifesto tax cuts? we will have a manifesto tomorrow - tax cuts? we will have a | manifesto tomorrow that tax cuts? we will have a - manifesto tomorrow that builds on all the things that you ve just gone through, but we ve already announced in the campaign that, yes, does continue to cut people s taxes because i believe in a country where people s hard work is rewarded. he where people s hard work is rewarded- where people s hard work is rewarded. ., , ., , ., rewarded. he has to believe, to ho e, rewarded. he has to believe, to hepe. too. rewarded. he has to believe, to hepe. too. that rewarded. he has to believe, to hope, too, that something - rewarded. he has to believe, to hope, too, that something willl hope, too, that something will turn up for him politically, and quickly. the polls aren t budging for rishi sunak. his manifesto might be one of his last chances to shift the dial. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you re live with bbc news. we turn now to the korean peninsula where the us and south korea have been discussing how to deal with nuclear threats from pyongyang. the nuclear consultative group finalised its guidelines that spell out how to deter north korea from a nuclear attack, and how washington and seoul should respond to any strike. they ve agreed to test the strategy during joint drills this summer. it comes as a propaganda battle escalates on the border involving trash filled balloons and blaring loud speakers. for more, let s speak to sue thompson, associate professor at the national security college for the australian national university. thank you very much for your time here on newsday. well, south korea and the us working on that joint strategy south korea and the us working on thatjoint strategy what, in your opinion, have been the highlights for you so far from the meeting? highlights for you so far from the meeting? highlights? well, the meeting? highlights? well, the united states the meeting? highlights? well, the united states has the united states has reaffirmed its commitment to support south korea and support the integration of south korean defence with united states nuclear capability. what s also quite interesting is that the united states has come out and said, in any event of an attack, from the north korea against south korea, there will be, quote, united states department of defence says there ll be overwhelming and decisive response which is quite interesting as well and this, of course, as you said in your lead in, this, of course, as you said in yourlead in, is this, of course, as you said in your lead in, is coming at a time of increased propaganda tensions between the north and the south, so it s going to be an interesting summer ahead. yes. and if i could pick a little bit on the specifics, well, joint drills focused on nuclear installations is one aspect. there is talk of deploying some nuclear submarines. would you say there is a risk of possible pushback from pyongyang? how will they view the developments? i from pyongyang? how will they view the developments?- view the developments? i think pyongyang view the developments? i think pyongyang will view the developments? i think pyongyang will view view the developments? i think pyongyang will view these - pyongyang will view these developments as quite. you know, with concern. i think there is potential of pushback. whether it would ever go to any sort of escalation is. not sure about that because, of course, that would get to quite a serious point. the united states and south korea have beenin states and south korea have been in a mutual defence treaty since 1953, since the armistice in the korean war, so, you know, always been those military connections and the united states forces have been stationed in south korea, so how far pyongyang would go is unsure. a lot of people see kim jong un as, you know, not a very reliable character in terms of what his motivations might be. with this balloon incident, kimjong un s might be. with this balloon incident, kim jong un s sister just recently came out and expressed how it was a serious incident, and it could escalate, so, you know, tensions are heightening in this situation. tensions are heightening in this situation. you mentioned in our this situation. you mentioned in your first this situation. you mentioned in your first answer this situation. you mentioned in your first answer that - this situation. you mentioned in your first answer that this i in your first answer that this was also washington s way of affirming their commitment to south korea s defence. how solid do you see that commitment, given the fact that there are multiple fronts open for the us? you ve got the ukraine russia war. you ve got the conflict in the middle east. you ve got the south china sea. how do you see this progressing from a us point of view? i progressing from a us point of view? ~ ,, ., view? i think the us would really rather view? i think the us would really rather it view? i think the us would really rather it didn t - really rather it didn t progress. you know, there is that problem. there s the problem in the south china sea. the united states has problems with taiwan, although a lot of analysts don t believe that china has intentions towards any sort of military activity towards taiwan at the moment. but, as you say, there s a lot of these tensions going on globally and, of course, the united states is just about to embark on their own presidential election campaign and anything could happen as a result of those elections in november. result of those elections in november- result of those elections in november. ~ , , november. we ve seen this, you know, propaganda november. we ve seen this, you know, propaganda war november. we ve seen this, you know, propaganda war - - know, propaganda war currently balloons full of garbage. you ve got loudspeakers as well. explain to us what we re seeing and whether this is leading up to something more. so what s also behind this so there s been propaganda warfare has been going on between north and south korea, you know, for decades. and at this recent tensions, this recent tension is a concern because back in 2018, the two sides had a deal to reduce military tensions between them. and just last week, south korea decided to walk away from that 2018 deal, so that is something that is underlining in the back ground of awful this as well. and the rubbish. and north korea s response has been to recent spate of south korean balloons, south korean activists sending balloons over the border, with us drives of propaganda, k pop and k cinema with them, so this has been seen as a response. and now south korea is saying that they re going to start blaring, have loudspeakers blaring, have loudspeakers blaring again they ve done it in the past across the border so it is quite a serious escalation. so it is quite a serious escalation. . . ., , escalation. i m afraid that s all the time escalation. i m afraid that s all the time we escalation. i m afraid that s all the time we have. - escalation. i m afraid that s all the time we have. sue l all the time we have. sue thompson, thank you very much for your thoughts and your views on that developing story. let s take a look at some other stories in the headlines. a plane carrying malawi s vice president has gone missing. the aircraft left the capital, lilongwe on monday morning, but the malawi defence forces say it has gone off the radar. the vp, saulos chilima and nine others are believed to have been on board. the president has ordered a search and rescue operation. yemen s houthi rebels have accused 11 un staff and several aid workers of being part of an american israeli spy cell. the un staff all believed to be yemeni nationals were detained in the capital sanaa last week.the un has called for their unconditional release. fine particles in the air may have caused 135 million premature deaths over a ao year period according to new research. researchers at singapore s nanyang technological university believe more than half the premature deaths occurred in china and india. particle pollution is caused by vehicle emissions, industrial processes, wildfires and dust storms. it s nearly ten years since the so called islamic state created a caliphate across iraq and syria, and its reign of terror spread far and wide. thousands from the yazidi religious minority were killed and many more were kidnapped and enslaved. the pain has never gone away for famlies who ve continued in their search forjustice. now one yazidi family is attempting to sue um huthaifa, the widow of the is leader, who s accused of being involved in sex trafficking and abuse at her home. feras kilani reports from iraq on one family s search forjustice. yazidis fleeing for their lives across northern iraq in 2014. persecuted by the islamic state, thousands were killed. more were kidnapped and taken as sex slaves. suad was one of them. ten years on, we returned to the family home from where she was abducted by is fighters. translation: there is no one left from my family, only me and my brother survived. at the age of 1a, she was taken captive and suffered years of sexual abuse. suad s sister and her uncle hamid s daughter are still missing. now they are determined to fight for justice for what happened to her and the family. the girls were kept at the home of is leader abu bakr al baghdadi. it s believed they were then sold as sex slaves. al baghdadi s widow umm hudaifa is now being held in a prison in baghdad. suad is taking her to court for her alleged past and their ordeal. i spent two hours with umm hudaifa. she admits the two missing girls did stay at her home. translation: at the time, i felt ashamed. how is it that women could be degraded to such an extent? i was entirely against it, but i was a helpless woman. suad insists that umm hudaifa is not innocent and she must be confronted with her crimes. suad and hamid are accusing umm hudaifaof sex trafficking and abuse. he assaulted a worker. translation: it s| al-baghdadi s wife. she s a criminal like him. where is my family? i can t find them. isn t it because of both of al baghdadi and his wife? i won t forgive her. i will take my and other yazidis girls revenge. iasked umm hudaifa why she didn t help the girls escape. i myself couldn t leave. how was i supposed to help her? i don t deny that my husband was a criminal. i m very sorry about what they went through, but i wish they would know that i had absolutely nothing to do with this. abu bakr al baghdadi led is, an extremist jihadist group. this brutal organisation carried out crimes including murder, torture, kidnapping and enslavement. he was killed in a us raid in 2009. umm hudaifa says her husband was changed forever during detention at a us from prison in 200a. translation: i ve always l asked him about that change in his mental state. and he used to tell me that he was exposed to something i could not understand. i believe that he was subjected to sexual torture during his detention. the pentagon didn t reply to a request for a comment on her claims. al baghdadi s death didn t end the yazidis search for justice. for many, the trauma continues thousands are still missing. but this family may be heading towards justice and could have someone who may be held accountable. feras kilani, bbc news, baghdad. that s all for now. stay with bbc news. hello there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland. gusts of winds coming from the north and in excess of 30 mile an hour at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story further south and west. just look at anglesey, beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west. so west will be best through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers certainly are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature 1a or 15 degrees. but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius, not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling, ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it, there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start once again to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but hopefully the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers once again to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures generally similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high. but the wind direction will start to change as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part a little. a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. apple enters the race to bring generative al to consumers with a big partnership. we ll have all the details. and we ll take a close look at the chinese electric vehicle market which is set to be hit by tariffs from the european union. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. let s begin in california, where apple has made a splash with its announcements on artificial intelligence. the much anticipated worldwide developers conference kicked off on monday, and the company spelled out the new features for iphones, ipads, and macbooks. our north america business correspondent erin delmore has the latest. the hottest abbreviation in tech these days is easily ai. apple is taking shot at redefining artificial intelligence into apple intelligence. the company unveiled a series of micro when related announcements at its worldwide developers concerts on monday chief among them a partnership with the artificial intelligence juggernaut openai. that will allow apple to integrate start up s cutting edge chat bot chatgpt into its devices including a superpowered series. the voice assistant will be available with chatgpt features for free later this year. other new additions include ai generated images of a mode help with proofreading in tone adjustment. these announcement are the big stand

Region , Antony-blinken , Vote , Resolution , Way , End , Surprise , Trip , American , Family , Abuse , Widow

Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240611

oh like she s still got it. courtney cox, letting the world know. she s still has the moves that she showed off in bruce springsteen s video for dancing in the dark, the friends star joining a social media trend where kids ask their parents to show them how they danced in the 1980s, cox famously appeared in springsteen s 1984 and music video. jumping on stage to boogie with the boss molly ball has your daughter made you do this yet no could you better or worse than a by way waveshape, let s put courtney back first quarter me and her dancing. there yep, there she is. i mean, honestly that i think i could do that might be the limit of my abilities, but that i could do i mean i don t know because i wouldn t want to do it in public, but i m not do not checked doing matt either. all right thanks, guys. every much. appreciate your time today. thanks for all to all of you for joining us. i m casey had don t go anywhere santa new central starts right now all right. breaking overnight for american stabbed in china s the attack centered on social media. and we just learned seconds ago, a suspect has been arrested sit in this attack dangerous for our democracy. this must stop. attorney general merrick garland taking on republican lawmakers and taking them on head-on today as he warned because the attacks on his department are going to get someone hurt jury deliberations resumed today and hunter biden s federal gun trial, the president s son, waiting to hear his fate i m kate bolduan with on vermin cnn s sara sidner is out today. this is cnn news central breaking just seconds to go a suspect arrested in china, connected to the stabbing of four american educators there still questions about if and why these americans were targeted. new video appears to show the aftermath what was quickly centered on chinese social media blood is visible at the scene. the victims are from cornell college in iowa they are in northeast china as part of a partnership with a local university seed and steve john joins us now from beijing with the very latest on this arrest iv. what are you learning? yeah, john, that police of that you just mentioned came from jilin city in northeastern china. as you said, a suspect was caught by the police and now in custody, the police describing him as a 55-year-old local residents with a surname of twain. now, they also add a bit more details in terms of what happened, saying this suspect, according called collided with one of the americans in the park and then somehow decided to use a knife to attack that an american and three companions, as well as a local chinese citizen trying trying to stop this attack. now, the police statement added that none of the injuries were life-threatening and all of the injured people have received prompt m. proctor medical care. now, this is the local authorities breaking their silence more than 24 hours after this horrific incident earlier, we have heard we had heard from the chinese foreign ministry echoing a lot of whether police just said, but also they he used the word isolated incident to describe this case. that s obviously the key message from the government to the outside world. but it is worth pointing out that this kind of violence against foreigner is rare in this country because china s generally considered a safe place to visit with a heavy security police presence, not to mention there are massive surveillance and it s technologies being deployed nationwide. but because it s almost impossible to get hold of gun for most ordinary chinese people, stabbing incidents like this have happened in recent years targeting people ranging from doctors, to school schoolchildren. but again violence against foreigner is rare. that s why this case is receiving so much attention. nine not to mention the timing of this attack, couldn t have come at a worse time for the chinese government because they re leader xi jinping has been personally promoting the resumption and expansion of the so-called people-to-people exchanges between the two countries after the two governments finally, somewhat stabilized their fragile relationship. xi jinping, wow, in san francisco november personally said, china was ready to host 50,000 young americans in the coming five years for study and exchange programs. just last year, she i just last week actually, excuse me, xi jinping wrote a letter to a new jersey, new jersey college stressing the importance of this kind of exchanges. so if this incident somehow ends up dampening america two kinds interest and enthusiasm in coming back to china, i think that we consider, considered quite a major setback for the chinese leader john kth, china, china wants you as students there and us money there. and this is the video we re looking at right now. you can see the victims clearly are on the ground. this video again has been centered on chinese social media. one suspect now in custody, steve. thank you so much for that update. keep us posted on new developments. also, do this morning, a scathing public statement by attorney general merrick garland just published in the washington post to garland riding in an op-ed is warning against what he calls the unfounded attacks and department of justice that he says is putting his staff and democracy in danger. the attorney general saying this in part, using conspiracy theories, false hoods, violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal. the short-term political benefits of those tactics we ll, tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country. and even though he does not say republicans anywhere in this op-ed, it is clear who he is referring to, quite frankly, garland also saying this at one point, these attacks come in the form of threats to defund particular department investigations. most recently, the special council s prosecution of the former president, the attorney general s rare public rebuke comes right as house republicans are preparing to take the next step today and charging him with contempt of congress seen as lauren fox has more adding to the attention around this movement today is now this opinion piece from the attorney one general. what is going to happen in the house today? lauren yeah. okay. what you re going to see in just a couple of hours is the house rules committee will convene to consider these two resolutions to hold garland in contempt. now, what this does is it is the first step to get it to the house floor. we do expect that that action could to happen later this week. one of the question marks since these two resolution s passed in the judiciary and oversight committees, was whether or not house republican leadership had the votes to actually advance them on the floor. obviously, they re feeling very confident about that, or they wouldn t be moving this through the rules committee today. but again, how speaker for my johnson can only afford to lose two republicans and still get this across the finish line. what this would ultimately do is these resolutions would instruct the house speaker to refer garland for potential criminal charges from the attorney in washington, dc. again, it is very unlikely that that would happen, but this is not without some precedents. if you remember, house republicans actually held eric holder in contempt of congress democrats held william barr in contempt of congress. nothing ultimately came of that, but that just shows you that there is a record and there is a history of the opposing party holding the president s attorney general in contempt of congress. and we should just note this all stems over a dispute over whether or not the attorney general should release the special counsel s audio interview with president joe biden. those transcripts have been released, but house republicans say that they want the audio of the interview to continue their investigation into joe biden lauren. good to see you. thank you so much. let s see what happens today. also with us, also for us, this coming up for us right now, is that your teres day and one blinken is in jordan to discuss how to get think more critical humanitarian aid into gaza. and also with that, putting more pressure on hamas to accept a ceasefire deal. and it s already expensive enough to buy a home but a new report shows the cost of maintaining one are skyrocketing as well, and new details this morning about the payouts for passengers of that singapore airlines flight that hits such dangerous turbulence that one person died. we ll be back 19th cnn celebrates junzi, which special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson we still have a lot of work to do. june teeth and celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn, it s so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight, tell the people why you haven t done it? already. my moment, let s start off as a chip and grew to a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do 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higher. the president and the former president, one state to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max all, right happening now we are standing by for jury deliberations to resume in hunter biden s federal gun trial. the jury had the case for about an hour before breaking for the night. the president s son could arrived back in court shortly. he faces three felony gun charges i see it as marshall cohen is live outside the courthouse this morning. how will this work? marshall hey, john. good morning. well, as you mentioned, that jury got about one hour deliberations in the books yesterday, and they are expected to return here at 9:00 a.m. about two hours from now. now, the judge said that she s not going to call them all back into the courtroom just to win push them a good morning. there ll be allowed to go directly to the jury room and the once everyone is back in that room, vacant, pick up the deliberations on their own we won t necessarily see them this morning. now, while they re in that room doing their deliberations, they have to weigh three criminal charges that special counsel, david weiss this has brought against hunter biden. he s accused, as everyone knows by now, of lying on gun forms and illegally possessing a gun while addicted to drugs, but it s a little more complicated than that, john, because while those are the top line charges, each one of those offenses contains several elements of the offense that the jury needs to also debate discuss, and decide whether each one of those elements within each charge was also met so there s a lot under the hood here for the jury to hash out. now, i do want to point out obviously this has been a family affair for the bidens from the the very start, and they really beefed up the support yesterday in court. we saw obviously the first lady, jill biden president biden s sister, valerie, his brother, james and then hunter biden s sister, younger sister, ashley, was also in the pews in the gallery during the closing arguments during that final push. and they re present isn t caught the attention of the prosecution. one of the very first thing is that prosecutor leo wise told the jury in his closing arguments was basically telling them that there s a lot of famous people in the galleries. there are people you might recognize from the news, from the community. but respectfully, none of that matters. pay no attention come to that and only focus on the evidence in this case, which the prosecution claimed was overwhelming. john, in many ways right now the fate of the president s son it is in the jury s hands and there ll be back in just about two hours to hopefully reach a conclusion. a verdict could come at any time. marshall cohen, thanks so much for being there. needless to say, keep us posted so new eye popping data on the rising cost of home ownership, eye eye-popping wallet, busting. and then when you turn 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these what s going to be sobering numbers, what s going on here? well, a lot of people probably think that once they buy their first home, they re done, right? but in reality, they re just getting started because there s all of these hidden costs of homeownership and they can really add up bank rate found that on average americans are spending 18 thousand dollars a year to own and maintain their home. that is obviously a lot of money when you think about it, it s almost like the cost of buying a used car a year. this is 26% more than in 2020. and of course this is all on top of your mortgage payment, right? we re talking about the cost of energy, the cost of property taxes and the biggest drivers according to bankrate or the fact that it s gotten more expensive to maintain a home. and also the cost of home insurance that we ve seen premiums spike, right? for two reasons. one, it s the fact that there s the climate crisis has made it more likely that there s these disasters, right? we ve seen wildfire person hurricanes and flooding. then the cost of living, labor, materials that s all gone up. so it s more expensive to repair when this happens, i spoke to a woman in california yesterday who told me that her home insurance rate doubled with no notice because of concerns about wildfires on top of that, they have to spend $10,000 to repair the plumbing now, she s taking on extra hours to try to make ends meet and she s not alone, kate? absolutely. does it matter? does it change depending on where you live? it does. it does. not shockingly, some of them more expensive places to own and maintain a home or here in the northeast, we seat new jersey massachusetts, connecticut, of course, all of these states high cost of living also high property taxes. california and hawaii, two very expensive it s a place to live. it s costing almost $30,000 a year. now, we ve also seen a big surge in the cost of owning and maintaining a home in hawaii up by almost 40%, but also big increases since 2020 in idaho and utah as well. these are the three states with you price is going to expense is going up the most. now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, some states has actually become more affordable to own and maintain a home. arkansas, kentucky, mississippi, three of the more affordable places to live there. we ve seen expenses go up at a slower pace, but listen, i think at the end of the de, no matter where you live, the message here is that you ve got a budget for the unexpected, the burst pipe, the home insurance spike, because when it happens, it can be really painful. yeah. and you re also keeping tied to this. you re also keeping then keeping a close watch on an increase of underwater mortgages. that s right. so let me most americans are sitting on a nice cushion of equity because home prices have gone up but there is an increase in some people who are seriously underwater. that means that they owe 25% more than the home is worth. it s never a good sign. we ve seen this is a particular problem in louisiana, wyoming, kentucky, and mississippi, and oklahoma. and this reflects the fact that in some of these areas home prices have actually gone down since the peak and some people, they bought at the peak, they bought at the top. so now they owe more than what the home is actually worth. i think big picture nationally, this does not seem to be a major problem, only about 2.7% of all mortgages are seriously underwater. that s pretty low back in the great recession was around one in four homes that were underwater, but we do need to keep an eye on this. and i do think it s another reminder that whether you re talking about expenses or fluctuating home prices homeownership, it s not without risk. kate i mean, look, kentucky is a perfect example. kentucky is among the states that you said where homes were becoming more affordable and you re also seeing this is where people are for have being seriously underwater with their mortgages because they ve also seen home prices go down. so you talk about the kind of the complicated web of, it doesn t come without risks and it s all interconnected in a very strange way exactly. it s good to see you, man. thank you so much. so coming up for us, attorney general merrick garland is facing another contempt vote in congress today, and he is not facing it quietly. he s his blistering rebuke of the conspiracy theories that he says are endangering the department of justice, the people working there, and democracy and the white house is celebrating black history with an early juneteenth celebration this election season, stay with cnn with more reported here s on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn we just signed the lease on our third shop. my assistant went to get new uniforms with all the locations. he felt great products uploaded new art and had boxes sent to all the shops its domain makes it so 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home, who we be ready silent, earth would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in jordan for key meetings. now he just, just left israel where he says there is consensus among senior israeli leaders, including the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, to move forward on a ceasefire proposal now, backed by the united nations it is worth noting, however, that us and israeli leaders have often had different public interpretations of what that means everyone has said yes except for hamas and if hamas doesn t say yes then this is clearly on them all right, cnn s oren liebermann is in tel aviv this morning with the very latest on what are you hearing? john, secretary of state antony blinken held not only a number of meetings here, but also throughout the region to try to push forward this ceasefire deal and a hostage release. he had come from egypt. and then here he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the defense minister, the leader of the opposition, and benny gantz, who until just a couple of days ago, was a member of the war cabinet before he resigned from the israeli perspective. that s everybody you d have to meet with two potentially get israel to agree to a ceasefire proposal once it s at that stage, but blinken knows he s still has work to do and that s why he s now in jordan and then going to meet qatari officials who ve been a key mediator here. he s trying to move this forward even after the events of the weekend and a hostile a hostage rescue operation in israel that killed scores of palestinians, incidents like that have brought negotiations to a grinding halt in the past he is trying to push them forward. the proposal on the table right now, here is the rough outline phase one would see a cessation to hostilities temporarily that would allow for more negotiations. to take place. a hostage release, palestinians released from prisons as well, and hostages remains released. that then would lead to phase two. that s a withdrawal of israeli forces, a permanent end to hostilities. that conclusion of the hostage release and then phase three would be the rebuilding of gaza from the us perspective, and the biden administration s perspective, they believe they have israel in a position where they ll agree to this. the question for blinken, does hamas and specifically hamas s leader in gaza, yahya sinwar agree we await the answer from hamas, and that will speak volumes about what they want, what they re looking before, who they re looking after are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe, very i don t know ten storeys underground somewhere in gaza as a while the people that he purports to represent continue to suffer and across fire of his own making or will he do what s necessary? to actually move this to a better place to help him the suffering of people, to help bring real security to israelis and palestinians alike hamas has made some positive noises about a un security council resolution that passed in the last 24 hours or so, calling for a permanent end to hostilities. but there is still the details to be worked out and that john is where this has certainly fallen apart in the past. that s what blinken is trying to prevent right now and his whirlwind of meetings through region yeah. just about every time in the past it has fallen apart when it gets to those details are in lieberman. thanks so much. keep us posted on what you here. also new this morning conspiracy theories, falsehoods, and unfounded threats of violence must stop that s from the attorney general, merrick garland speaking out this morning in a new opinion piece to defend his agency and also call out really no uncertain terms the people and politicians attacking the department of justice. garland saying in part, quote in recent weeks, we have seen an escalation of attacks that go far beyond public scrutiny and criticism and legitimate necessary oversight of our work. there baseless, personal and dangerous also saying disagreements about politics are good for our democracy. their normal. but using conspiracy theory is false hoods violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal they are dangerous for our democracy. this must stop joining me right now. democratic congressman greg meeks from new york, he is the top democrat on the house foreign affairs committee. congressman, thank you for being here. this of course, is as republicans are moving forward with another step today toward potentially a full house vote on a contempt of congress charge against the attorney general. what impact will this have? nothing it s again another false allegations. and when the republicans have virtually done nothing in their majority, nothing for the american people. they keep coming up with plots in investigations and hearings that mean absolutely. and turns out to be nothing there s nothing burgers this is you know, i ve been in congress for over 26 years and this is like nothing ever before. we should be doing legislative work. there s a lot of things that we need to be doing should be doing in a collective manner, in a bipartisan manner for the american people, oftentimes, you ve seen hakeem jeffries and democrats step-up to do the kind of thing that the american people need. but these illness investigations and virtually every committee okay. just about every committee, mike committee on foreign affairs we ve had and had to debunk these false allegations from time to time and time again. so it s just something that is i think horrendous and needs to stop. and let s do work for the american people fact that they re moving into rules committee. do you think republicans could only lose two votes? do you think that suggests they have the votes to push this through luck? i don t know what they re dysfunctioning is an oftentimes to get certain things out of the rules that were important for the american people. it took democrats to get that done. so whether they have the votes to get it out of the rules, whether they just don t want we don t want to try to divert the american people s attention away from the a candidate who has been convicted as a felon whether they are trying to close their eyes to the fact or the damage they ve done to ukraine by holding the supplemental 46 months so it seems to me that they are trying to pull a bait and switch the try to keep the people s attention away from what is really taking place in the house of representatives, which is absolutely nothing to talk about what happened here in new york yesterday, un security council approving a hostage, throwing their support behind a hostage and ceasefire deal for israel and hamas the fact that they could agree on anything is a big deal considering how divided the council has been and divided the un has been over this war. and tony blinken said this morning that in meetings netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to that peace proposal do you do you we have not heard from netanyahu publicly endorsing a peace proposal. do you does it concern you that we have not? i think that the fact that you see secretary blinken there you see the cia director burns there brett mcgurk there, and talking to the various people in the region. i think that the israeli people we see them talking about, they want a deal. everyone wants a deal and that s why i think it s important to now and what should be focused or hamas. and have hamas to agree to a deal i m so happy we ve got those four hostages home. but there was prices to pay for that. and the way to prevent the price of death for innocent individuals and putting israeli soldiers in harm s way is to have a deal done. it is time to do a deal. and i think that president biden has shown the great leadership that he always does and pulling people together that we should be able to get a deal done saudi arabia, once a deal and this then begins to talk about what takes place after there s a deal which was what benny gantz was talking about, which is really important, which and still remains a huge question right now, the house has passed a sanctions bill against the international criminal court for moving to seek for a seek arrest warrants against including benjamin netanyahu for what the court had said was they saw crimes against humanity and war crimes 42 democrats joined republicans in the house to support the sanctions vote. the white house does not support it, but i want to play, i want to play for you. one of the democrats who voted with republicans jared moskowitz, listen to this the ic50, she s saying is outrageous. okay. they have no jurisdiction over israel. they had no jurisdiction over syria. in fact, the icc s specifically said, well, the reason why we didn t go after assad for war crimes we didn t issue a warrant at after he killed 300,000 civilians with chemical weapons, by the way, gassing them it s because, we, don t have jurisdiction. well, they don t have jurisdiction here with israel, but now we have a made-up rule, right? it s, it s magical. all of a sudden they gave themself jurisdiction when they don t have any so that s why it was critical that we pass this bill yesterday on a bipartisan basis you voted against this this very same bill. why are you write and moscowitz wrong on this one? first of all, it s premature. what we had is a prosecutor who applied for a subpoena for the arrest of mr. netanyahu and of sinwar from hamas that hasn t happened is premature. number one. number two, it undermined some because we celebrated that too long ago when the icc did appropriately, it was went to the judges and the judges decided that they would ask for the arrest of mr. putin. should he do? who something of that nature not clearly what is wrong is the prosecutor. and i think that the the bill that passed was so wide in sanctioning allies would, would have been sanctioned and other individuals who are friends that it was just too much. and what we need to focus on narrowly is that prosecutor, to try to equate israel to hamas? that is absolutely condemn able. and something that we are all upset about. and so there s a way that we could work together. and if it was a singularly focused that regard to think that we could have talked about it. but this bill was far too broad it had unintended consequences that would hurt our relationships with numbers around the world a lot on your plate right now, congressman, thanks for coming in. really appreciate your time. thank you. all right very shortly jury deliberations resume in hunter biden s federal gun case. the president s son has pleaded not guilty to three felony counts related to a 2018 gun purchase. with this now, former deputy assistant attorney general, tom dupree, counselor. great to see you this morning. the jury gets back shortly. they walk into the deliberation room. what do you thanks at the top of their minds well, it s a good question, john and i think today is the day we re finally going to get a verdict in this case. i think when the jury resumes its deliberations today, my guess is they re probably going to start marching through all the evidence. i thought the prosecutors and their closing argument did a good job and reminding the jury that regardless of the fame one of the defendant, his last name, he is the son of the president, the jury s task is to focus on the evidence, and i suspect that the jury will go about that task this morning. i suspect they re going to march through and discuss what they heard from all witnesses. the physical evidence, and then really begin focusing their attention on reaching a decision the prosecution overtly referred to the people in the gallery, hunter biden s family, really that has been coming to this trial. why do you think that is? because the defense hasn t exactly i mean, they ve been there and supportive hunter biden right? i think the prosecution here is addressing the elephant in the room. they are acknowledging implicitly, but acknowledging that this is the son of the president who has standing trial, and that the jury can look out and see the first lady, the united states, and other political celebrities. this is obviously a family that is very well known in delaware many of the jurors have had some sort of interaction or at least are pretty familiar with the biden family. and so i think it was the prosecutors way of basically saying, look, let s step back, let s focus on the task at hand and let s put aside any sympathy or any feelings that we may have for this famous defendant and his famous family as all defense lawyers try to do abbe lowell, you re actually seeing a sketch of him, right there has tried to give jurors than a narrow out of reasonable doubt in that is to paraphrase here roughly that hunter biden in his mind it was not addicted to drugs when he signed a form that said he wasn t addicted to drugs on that day in that day alone at the moment the pen hit the paper, hunter biden didn t think he was addicted to drugs. that s the defense argument. there is that something is that enough for jurors to grab onto board? i think that is a pretty narrow path. look, i think that s an argument that a lawyer, tim love. i m not sure. juror is going to love it. i suspect that the jury is going to say that the law doesn t require that hunter biden was using drugs the morning and he purchased the gun. are the hour before or after he purchased the gun? i think they are going to say did he buy this gun and fill out that form at a point in his life when he was abusing crack, when he was under the influence of controlled substances, when he was addicted to controlled substances. and my hunch is that they are not going to parse the law as finally, in his name he really is the defense lawyers are doing that said, i understand their strategy. i don t think they have a lot of cards to play, and i think they re just putting their best foot forward and hoping hoping they can kick up enough sand to create reasonable doubt in the minds of these jurors. all right. tom dupree, depressed diamond blue is great to see you this morning. thanks so much for being with us so donald trump s message to evangelical voters, the latest promise he s making on the campaign trail clashes overnight and a major us university with new arrests if you have graves disease and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease, or ted, which may need a different doctor find a ted is specialist at is-it it s so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. why don t you just get a fixed? all right. so what do we do now? i m scheduled an appointment as safe told them he is here at the beach schedule a free mobile service at safe that repair safe, like replace, we re in a bond on this project. i asked mark, you want here s an idea let s ask markham. that s good. now. now, launch a couple of 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says, all passengers will have their flight refunded it and people with minor injuries, we ll get $10,000 a piece. those was serious issues will get advance of 25,000 with possibly more to come new this morning, the fda is warning about the serious health risks associated with micro dosing mushroom and fused chocolate bars it says the diamond shruumz brand it has left several people sick in. some had to go to the hospital. he reported symptoms that include seizures, confusion, abnormal heart rates, and nausea. the company is still promoting. its products on social media, but does not mention the reported illnesses. cnn reached out to the company but has not received a response yet. so this morning, connecticut fans are still rejoicing for uconn coach dan hurley rejected a reported 70 $70,000,000 contract offer from the los angeles lakers in a statement to cnn, hurley says he is humbled by the experience, but at the end of the day, he is proud of the culture at uconn, which includes, i should note back-to-back titles. the deal would have placed hurley among the nba s highest paid coaches he would have had to go to the lake but then there s that but in honor of juneteenth, president biden is hosted a star-studded concert at the white house yesterday with performances from patty lewbel, gladys knight, and charlie wilson juneteenth celebrates the day when the enslaved people in galveston, texas learned of their emancipation. two years after president lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. and president biden signed a bipartisan bill, making june 19 and official federal holiday in 2021. and while the event was a collaboration of freedom, the president also took the opportunity to rail against what he called some political leaders working to take away the hard-won freedoms of black americans seen as arlette sciences at the white house, with much more on this. what was the president s message? well, kate, president biden, use this june teeth celebration event to stress that he remains committed to protecting and advancing the rights of black americans in this country. he, in his remarks argued that black history is american history three and he did not mention donald trump or any risks specific republican opponents by name. but the president was seeking to really draw an implicit contrast with republicans. he spoke out against book bans, attacks on diversity programs, as well as efforts to restrict voting. take a listen to what he had to say. we re all goes new garments trying to take his back well, there are taking it away. your freedom to make it harder. her black people to vote wow, or have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity, attacking the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion now the president s message comes as black voters are expected to be a key part heading into the november election, the biden campaign and administration in recent weeks have really been i m trying to tell some of their works to help the black community talking about things like wiping out student loan debt, copying the price of insulin as well as other economic advancements for the black community. but if you take a look at polling, former president donald trump has made gains a with black voters in this election. if you take a look at a recent poll from the new york times and sienna college. while biden wasn t head with about 63% of support from black voters. donald trump had 23%. that s a historic high for republicans uk crossing that 20% margin. now, if you take a look at 20:20 you ve seen a much wider gap in that contest. black voters really made up a key part of biden s constituency back in 2020. and campaign advisers acknowledged they have more work to do heading into this election, especially as we have seen, this narrowing of support. so as you saw the president s remarks, you saw in recent events, thinking back to his speech at morehouse college, speech at an n double acp events out in detroit. the biden campaign working to hold onto that and rebuild that support from black voters, which will once again be key if he s trying to win a second term to the white house arlette time. thank you so much. john new fall out this morning after donald trump vowed to walk side-by-side with a group of conservative political activists that opposes abortion in all cases and calls the procedure child sacrifice in a video message, trump touted his past accomplishments on the pro-life agenda and said that democrats are against their religion, cnn s alayna treene is here now with the very latest alaina while good morning, john. yes. donald trump addressed this suit group. it was part of their southern baptist convention and annual meeting that they have and he really honed in on saying luck democrats are against your religion as, as you mentioned, and tried to convince them to continue to support his campaign. what i find really interesting about this is because with donald trump, he has been kinda, he s waffled on abortion over the past year. it s really not an issue that he wants to discuss. however, when he is put in front of these groups, particularly ones that but are very much against abortion. he very much leans into what he has done for the evangelical community and also people and groups that are against abortion as well. take a listen to what he said last night. now is the time for us to all pull together and to stand up for our values and for our freedoms. and you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, i know that each of you is protecting those values every day and i hope we ll be defending them side-by-side for your next four years. these are gonna be your years now, john, as i mentioned before, i just want to make very clear what donald trump is trying to do here. he is trying to convince these groups that they have to vote for him. and then if they vote for republicans, that they ll try to continue to undo some of the work he did while in office, which of course touting his stacking of the court with three very conservative supreme court justices that helped overturn roe versus wade. but i will say, as we often hear from donald trump, he likes to tout that he was the most pro life president in history. he s also really angered a lot of abortion active anti-abortion activists by not really taking a position on a federal ban. he said that he wants to leave abortion up to the states. and so this is really angered a lot of these groups as well. and so this message is really him trying to ensure that these people come out for him in november john alayna treene in washington, atlanta. thanks so much. kate, joining us right now, a cnn senior political commentator, anna navarro and cnn political commentator and democratic strategists. maria cardona. maria, this pushes this would john and alina were just talking about this? pushes abortion once again into the spotlight donald trump did not include any specifics on abortion policy, what it support what he doesn t support, he doesn t even mention the word abortion at all in that tape or mark. that does what well, he thinks that it s going to help him screen him from being the one that actually was responsible for taking away roe v. wade for taking away women s freedoms and rights to make decisions over our own bodies. but he can t have it both ways, kate, it was very clean here. what he was trying to do in this video, it s very clear what he tries to do whenever he is in front of these christian groups. and in fact, when he is in front of these christian groups most of the time he can t help himself and he brags about being the one that was appointed the three conservative justices who are responsible for for. turning roe v. wade. and so the more that he talks about this even though he doesn t say the word abortion, the better it s going to be for democrats, the better it s going to be for president biden and for everyone frankly, running on this issue about how women should be the ones the only ones to be able to make decisions about our own bodies for themselves, their families, their communities. and that frankly and underscores that this election is about more than just that. it s about our rights, freedoms in general. and it was very rich that he stood there talking about values and freedoms when he is the one that is completely devoid, a value suzanne is the one who s trying to take away our rights and freedoms ana politico has a quote from one trump voter who it says was in the room for these tape remarks at this gathering saying this this from this is coming from a man named rick patrick. he sounded more like a politician who wanted to be elected i voted for him and i plan to vote for him again, but he was not like the other speakers who were here talking about religious things i read that thinking. does that just encapsulate what is president biden s problem though? this guy is not happy about what he heard from the, from the candidate that he says he voted for before for you will vote for again. but it s not like donald trump trying to have it both ways. donald trump but it s not both sides in it, but donald trump at one point saying that he was going to come up with a abortion policy that was going to make everybody happy he s not going to it s not going to stop him from voting for trump, even if he doesn t like what trump is saying about it you know, i think a lot of evangelicals cross that bridge already and they did so in 2016 after they voted for donald trump after they heard him boast about sexual assault on video and take the campaign, to me, it s just so weird, bizarre, right? how many times have we now her trump and history gets? compared him to jesus compare him to being martyred on the cross, crucified, taking all of this pain for us. it s all of these religious jesus like themes that are somehow weaved into donald trump s existence, which sounds as crazy as can be it s crazy for him to say that democrats are against religion at a time when we are led by joe biden, who in my lifetime is the most religious precedent i can recall, is not a christian conservative, is irish half church, boeing practicing catholic look, this hasn t worked for them, but i do think that there s then a come a time when the rubber s going to hit the road, when donald trump is going to be confronted and on a stage like a debate stage, say, a cnn debate stage, and asked, okay, be specific about your abortion the session because yes, on one hand, he takes credit for the dobbs decision. he takes credit for having appointed those judges he goes to groups like this and he makes wales ambiguous, but very specific remarks about abortion criticized this is joe biden on it, but then on in front of other audiences, he says, oh no, just leave it up to the state. well, at some point on some stage he s going to have to come clean an answer or is he not? not yet? very top. let s talk about talk about what is good to talk about in politics. what is good for politics and not, here s an interesting one, donald trump now wondering aloud about taylor swift is apparently coming from an excerpt from a forthcoming book about his work with with the producer of the apprentice. a conversation that took place as in november 2023, trump saying this about taylor swift. i think she s a liberal. she probably doesn t like trump, but she is liberal or is that just an act he asks, she she s legitimately liberal. it s not an act, it surprises me that a country star can be, can be successful, being liberal trump said before the author noted that s with crossover to pop music years ago, the crossover, she, she can, she can do whatever she wants. i would say is it good for politics to take on taylor swift i mean, this is this just goes into that bucket of weird and strange that we are seeing pop up almost every single day in this campaign. kate. but again, i think the more than donald trump

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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240611

deliberating a verdict could come this morning breaking this morning, a suspect arrested for stabbing for americans in china the video censored on chinese social media. new questions this morning about what happened and why health experts expressing concern that a bird flu outbreak in the united states could become a much bigger problem there are a assignor is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central happening now alive, look at the federal court in wilmington, delaware, where everyone is waiting for work when the jury now they will be resuming deliberations in hunter biden s federal gun trial. they met for only about one our yesterday. so maybe they have hours of work ahead, but word could come any moment really, the jury is weighing three felony gun charges against the president s son. that together here gray maximum penalty of 25 years if convicted, cnn s evan perez is outside the court, and then it was a big day of closing arguments yesterday. what s expected today? okay. we have the jurors reconvening this morning. as you pointed out, they they had about an hour of deliberations before the and at the de and the judge said they would just come straight back into the jury deliberation deliberation room and reconvene this morning and go through these three charges they they have a form that tells them the standards, the different elements that they have to unanimously agree on in order to reach a verdict. and those include of course the idea that 100 knowingly violated the law when he bought a firearm in october of 2018, that he knew he was addicted to drugs when he filled out that form and according to process to curators, when he lied in, be in order to be able to get through a background check those are the elements that are at the center of this. we saw the jurors yesterday after about an hour. they seem to have started forming a bond at a couple of them, walked out arm in arm as they exited, smiling. these are jurors who have been very, very attentive. they ve been taking notes during this trial over five days over really not a lot in dispute in this case. in the end, they re going to have to reach a verdict on someone who is very well known in this community. you saw the biden family come out in force for them yesterday, 33 rows of seats it s were taken up by members of the community, including an african american church that is doing a prayer service for him every morning, kate talk to me about some of the high points they came out during closing arguments and some of the final things really that the jury heard before they started deliberating yeah. look, it was a very, very tough battle really between this that the lawyers involved here, we had abbe lowell who is 100 attorney, who used a a series of presentations to list what he says. we re holes in the case on the part of the prosecution. he said these were all reasons for reasonable doubt. he also accused prosecutors of rehearsing with witnesses and he accused prosecutors also have been to nail bit noisy. naomi biden, who is a hunter biden s daughter, who testified here, one of the last witnesses and asking her whether she did rugs, something that really caused a lot of emotion from her and from her father that day. on the part of the prosecution, they said, look, hunter biden new, he was addicted to drugs. anyone who puts a crackpipe to their mouth every 15 minutes knows he s an advocate evan perez thank, you so much, kevin, as always, johnson, would this now cnn legal analyst, jennifer rodgers, counselor, we heard from evan there that the prosecution in their closing arguments may direct reference to people in the gallery which included at some points that first lady hunter biden s why biden family members in did so some people who are watching said pretty aggressively, what s your takeaway there? yeah, i was surprised at that. actually, i m not surprised that they address that he had so many supporters there, but i would have done it differently because the risk to the prosecution is that people really sympathize with hundred for biden. there s a narrow pathway for them to find him not guilty, but i think it does require them to really have sympathy for him to get there. and so i would have done it by saying you see, he has a lot of support. we all know addiction is a terrible thing. you might find yourself sympathizing with him, but your job as jurors is to follow the law you have taken an oath that requires you to put aside your sympathy and to look at the facts here. that s what i would have done instead of kinda point, they are not evidence. ignore them. i think that s handling it the wrong way because if they aren t, we don t know for sure, but if they are sympathetic to the biden family you re sort of guilty the jurors are your sort of yelling at them about that? yeah. it s not the right take. i mean, listen in order to acquit or even to hang at least some of them have to find this whole thing about did he knowingly make the false statement? and when you look at all the evidence around his use, not in those two weeks necessarily, but around that time. that s hard to do. so i do feel like the judges have the jury had to do a little bit of nullifying here in order to find him not guilty and guilting them into the sympathy is not the way to avoid that. the judge and the jury instructions seem to make pretty clear that the prosecution version of the law is the one to follow here, which is to say, we don t have to prove that hunter biden knew he was addicted the minute the pen hit the paper right there at that moment or that he was using drugs the minute the pen hit the paper at that moment that s right. and prosecutors always emphasized to use your common sense, right? someone comes out of rehab. they described themselves for years later is an addict. he knows he s an addict. use your common sense but you should find jurors walking hand in hand, eyelid courtroom. that s a little unusual. yeah, i haven t seen that before. they often do get close. they spend a lot of time together sometimes they are at odds, sometimes they re not. it s not uncommon for them to form friendships in the arm in arm, i really haven t heard before. maybe this is a particularly close group, but listen, they need to be closer at least in agreement in order to reach a unanimous verdict. so i suppose that s a good sign for prosecutors know i know people who write lifetime movies. i mean, this could be a good plot. his strange plot for the beginning of something kinda lifetime romance there. the jury is in delaware, which is a very democratic state in wilmington, which is a very biden city that binds have been there for decades it s in decades and decades yeah. how much will that play in the jury room? well, prosecutors are trying to avoid that. this is why they re saying things like, you know, ignore the famous people in the audience and the like, and the judge has told them the same, listen, you have to put aside your preconceived notions about who he is, who the families, and just focus on the law and the facts. but we of course, don t know what they really do in their own heads. and when they re discussing among themselves in the jury room. so we ll see they ve been in there for an hour plus minutes, six minutes, probably at this point, a long deliberation typically benefits the defense. i mean, the longer it goes, the more likely that it s hong it s a simple case, not very many witnesses, if they don t have a verdict today, it s bad news for the prosecutors will stand by. it could come at any moment. jennifer rodgers, thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. thanks happening now, you re sicker of state. antony blinken is in jordan putting new pressure on all parties to accept a ceasefire and hostage deal where the negotiation stand right now, this must stop what attorney general merrick garland says, republican lawmakers are doing. the he says, is dangerous for democracy d. and this why martha s vineyard is running out of pot altered james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies nuclear games. sunday at ten on cnn can the riva support your brain health? 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are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe, very i don t know ten storeys underground somewhere in gaza while the people that he purported it s represent continue to suffer and across fire of his own making or will he do what s necessary to actually move this to a better place? to help him, the suffering of people to help bring real security to israelis and palestinians alike that one guy that secretary blinken is referring to is hamas military leader yahya sinwar. and there is new reporting and the wall street journal about messages purportedly from sinwar to ceasefire negotiators. one message reading, we have the israelis, right where we want them joining us right now is retired lieutenant colonel jonathan cohen, rica. he was the spokesperson for the idf before and after the october 7 attack. can we say how him on many a time he s now a senior fellow with the foundation of defense of democracies. colonel, thank you so much for being here. i want to get to that reporting from the wall street journal with some additional contexts in just a second, but first on what we hear from secretary blinken meeting with netanyahu and he also not only said there was consensus, he said that netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment and support of this hostage and ceasefire deal, as it s laid out so far, do you think they are closer than ever before to an actual deal we ve seen steps forward and then how do you read this? i sadly don t. and i m not as positive towards the whole development. i would love to see our hostages home are 120 hostages home? and i would want to see israel defeat hamas and return safety to southern israel and improve the situation in gaza but i think that if you re sinwar is in his text messages, he he hits the nail on the head. sadly. and for months hamas has been manipulating global public opinion using international politics. the differences between washington and jerusalem, and they have basically been able to stay alive and stay out of jail using the hostages for about 345 months and that s something that i think is the core of hamas strategy to delay and delay as much as possible using the hostages and kind of try to derail israeli operations in gaza so that the war will end without israel defeating hamas. that s the zero-sum game. and i think that s sinwar doesn t really have a strong incentive they ve to go ahead and release hostages and basically end the war because that is his best tool to stay alive and to keep hamas empowering gaza. let me ask you about that. so the wall street journal reporting, cnn is not seeing the wall street journal message. the message is that the wall street journal s reporting cannot confirm the authenticity of them. still, i want to read some more of the reporting from the journal. we have the israelis right where we want them. we read. it was one message and these are messages to the negotiators of the sea, to the ceasefire negotiators is what and this is another one in one message two, hamas leaders in doha, sin more cited civilian losses and national liberation conflict thaksin places such as algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from france saying quote, these are necessary sacrifices here s the thing. if this is the case, if this is the zero sum game that you re talking about, if this is the strategy how does israel take on hamas take out hamas deal with sinwar without playing into his hands that s a good question, and i think that the israeli strategy has been so far to try to get to sinwar, get to the senior leadership of hamas so far not succeeding probably because he is hidden underground with lots of israeli hostages surrounding him as human shields and so far what israel said he hasn t been able to do is to advance fast enough and to get to sinwar and basically decide the battle it took israel many months of staging in order to finally get into rafah. there was tremendous outcry and there were protests that israel shouldn t and mustn t go into rafah. israel easing enough. and there s no humanitarian catastrophe and there s no mass casualty event which proves that is can and should do what it s doing. here is a humanitarian crisis throughout gaza now you ve definitely yes, but i m talking there s not a slaughter and not a catastrophe like people warned that there will you think some have thought hoped maybe conjectured that the rescue operation from the weekend could have changed the calculus. they re getting three men out, men that were not supposed to be in the first batch of any ceasefire negotiation can getting those hostages. do you think do you think that changes the calculations are discussing for hamas? do you think that could scare them to the table it s a very happy event, but eventually it only proves that i think it strengthens the case of getting hostages out via negotiations because i don t think that is what has the intelligence capacity or the otherwise military capacity to get more hostages out like this, because this was a top of the shelf special operations with weeks of preparation, intel tip of the spear israeli commando units i ve got in gaza job done, got the hostages out and i don t think that will sadly have the ability to do so over and over again. and i don t think that it changes the calculation and i think that iran hizballah or a much bigger threat, you know, we re focused on gaza and small details in gaza. the big deal and the big threat to regional stability is hizballah against this. well, and if you look at where alarms or sounding most in israel, it s in northern israel and its rockets and drones, et cetera. and sadly, when you re talking about where israel situated, all it s all big crisis. it s all big alarms that are sound from hamas in gaza to the neighbors around with funded and funded and supplied and supported by iran on in terms of the motivation and position of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, blinken says that he reaffirmed his support for today, but president biden told time magazine in a very recent interview, and here s how he put it. there is every reason for people to draw the conclusion that netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political gain what s your reaction to them? as an israeli, as a father two children who will soon be serving in the military. i really, really hope that isn t true. and i would like to see evidence that states the otherwise from my elected leadership. i think it s very important and what we lacked now in israel is unity and trust. we are as you rightly said, surrounded by so many enemies that are challenging or very existence. and what s the israeli public now is going through. this battle fatigue, eight months of fighting, relentless alarms and sirens and 100,000 people are evacuated from their homes. in northern israel. and the war goes on. we had four casualties reported just this morning. lots of pressure on israeli society and what s desperately needed is unity is leadership. and to take, carry israel forward in what i think will be the coming years, not months, the coming years will be very challenging you don t think president biden was so off off-base to say that? i don t know, but i really hope that israeli leadership gets its act together unifies, gets all of the parties in israeli politics that are zionist israeli, and want to live here safely and respectfully get themselves together and focus on the most important thing, which isn t political sustainability, but it is winning the war, defending israeli civilians, and making sure that israelis can go back to their homes as they lived before october the seventh jonathan can rica, so general. thank you so much for your time. thank you for having me thank you at least for us college professors are wounded after what s being described as a brutal stabbing attack in china, one person has now been arrested. what we are, we are learning this morning about that suspect, plus the new the big news from apple and you partnership with chatgpt gpt creator, openai, how the company plans to integrate ai into its products. we ll be back devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in far away lands and it s easy to think. it can t happen here if one hits home, we d be ready silent birth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn. here s to getting better with age here s the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don t. so here s two now let s get started no where s your mask? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president on stage are two very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn and streaming on max well i knew this morning attorney general merrick garland is warning against what he calls the unfounded attacks on the department of justice that he says are putting his staff and democracy in danger. and a scathing washington post op-ed, he writes, quote, they come in the form of false claims that an apartment is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election such claims are often made by those who are themselves attempting to politicize the department s work to influence the outcome of an election he has these attacks come in the form of threats to defund particular department investigations most recently, the special counsel s prosecution of the former president. this rare public rebuke comes as house republicans are preparing to take the next step today in charging the attorney general with contempt of congress. cnn s lauren fox is with us now from capitol hill or he doesn t mention republicans in this opposite, but it s pretty clear. are we talking about yeah, i think there is no mistake about who he is directing his frustration toward today house republicans are going to meet in the house rule host committee this afternoon to try and advance to proposals to move forward with this contempt of congress against garland. we expected the vote could come later this week. of course, speaker mike johnson can only afford to lose two republican members. that means of course that they are competent, that they have the support of their party moving ahead, but it is important to just point out what house republicans are asking for is the audio recording of span i shall counsel robert hur s interview with president joe biden. now the transcripts have been released, but this became a major topic of conversation last week when merrick garland and came before the committee, where many members brought up the fact that they want to check that transcript, that they want to hear the president in his own words. they want to see whether or not he had any pauses that was something that multiple house republicans brought up when merrick garland came before the house judiciary committee last week, we do expect back that if they can move ahead and pass this on the house floor, it would then put the power in speaker mike johnson to refer this to the attorney and washington, dc who would make a decision on whether or not to bring charges against merrick garland. we should just point out that this has been tried by several congresses in the past. nothing ever act actually came of it when it came to the attorney general, you had eric holder who was held in contempt of congress. william barr, who was held in contempt of congress but just some important contexts there as we move forward with this vote later this week, john important context to say the least, lauren fox, great to see you. thank you very much. learning new details about an attack on for americans and china. one of the victims has been identified as david zab nor p and three other instructors from iowa s cornell college were visiting a partner school when they were attacked video of the incident shows the victims on the ground after the attack. that s same video though, was quickly taken down in china right after it was posted, censored a chinese tourists was also injured in the attack and a suspect is now in custody. let s get over to mark stewart he s in the city where this attack happened. mark, what are you learning about this arrest now? right, kate? the arrest is made yesterday, but we only learn about adjust tonight. so obviously there was a gap. and the explanation from police as to what prompted the suspect the suspect simply said he somehow ran into this group of american educators and somehow this prompted this stabbings. so obviously there are a lot of gaps, a lot of holes, a lot of questions i want to show you the scene of the stabbing we were there just a few hours ago. it s about 15 you may hike from where we are right now when we arrived, any evidence of the violence had been literally washed away. there were some stains on the ground where perhaps that blood was a contrast from the images that we saw shortly after we saw these injured americans laying on the ground covered in blood. that s in addition to this, chinese tourists who stepped in to intervene to try, to try to help this park in the middle of the city is very much reminiscent of a large park you would see you in any american suburb, there are trails, there s a train that goes through it, there s a temple. we ve seen a lot of retirees. we ve seen a lot of families this appears to be a very safe place as investigators tried to fill in the gaps in all of this it also is important to look at the current environment, right now in china, for americans, there is this rise of nationalism. it s something that i ve heard in conversations with chinese folks. it s something that is on social media but yet at the same time, we are hearing these overtures for the chinese government from present fusion thing to increase these educational exchanges between universities and colleges in the united states, like that one in iowa with china. in fact, xi jinping set a goal of 50,000 american students that come study here. so this point will have to see what happened here today. the single incident of perhaps dampers that enthusiasm finally, kate, as you mentioned, a lot of these images have been scrubbed from social media. in fact, we just saw a group of people here tonight in this park, gap of it around a phone who were learning about what happened for the first time, about 24 hours after it happened, it s been away from the headlines, sensor from the headlines until very recently, case mark. thank you so much for your reporting especially given in light of that. thank you, john. right. what makes donald trump walk on eggshells or maybe who errantly is taylor swift the revealing and some say bizarre new interview. and why health officials are keeping a very close eye on the bird flu outbreak in the united states hey, mom, how many should i decorated? 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this is going to resonate with the biden campaign believes that tackling gun violence is an issue of importance to young voters, but also to voters in black and latino communities. and so part part of president biden s goal today is trying to promote was his administration has done to try to tackle gun violence, including touting the bipartisan gun safety bill that he signed into law just two years ago. biden, today s specifically will announce the justice department has charged more than 500 defendants with violating gun trafficking and illegal straw purchaser so it seemed provisions that were part of that gun safety legislation. he will be speaking to survivors of gun violence as well as volunteers and activists at everytown for gun safety is conference it s here in washington, dc. this is one of those groups that s really risen in prominence in the wake of mass shootings in this country. the president also is expected to tout the drop hop in violent crime. the fbi yesterday released some preliminary data that showed that violent crime in the first three months of the year is actually down 15%. if you take a look at the number of murders in the country those three months, that s down by 26%. president biden has praised this, saying it s good news for american families and also arguing that this isn t happening by accident, promoted voting a his own legislative and executive actions relating to this. he said, quote, my administration is putting more cops on the beat, holding violent criminals accountable, and getting illegal guns off the street. and we are doing it in partnership with communities. he added as a result, americans are safer today than when i took office. so part of what the biden can campaign, the white house are hoping the president can do today is really tried to lay out the steps that he has taken to try to address issues relating to crime and also gun violence. it tom s as he s not just looking to rally his own base on this, but you also have former president donald trump, who has sought to rally republicans around a gun initiatives. he has vowed to undo many of the efforts that biden has put into place while he is an office, while the biden campaign argues that trump would simply be beholden to the gun lobbies so both men, in their own ways really trying to use gun issues as a way to rally their basis heading into november s election. or let thank you. john so this morning, what makes donald trump nervous or who the answer might be? taylor swift? so asked about taylor swift for an upcoming book, trump says, quote, i think she s very beautiful, actually, unusually beautiful. that s according to a forthcoming book from variety coder and chief from institute with us now cnn political commentator, democratic strategist, public gala, and cnn political commentator and republican strategist. sure michael singleton and paul, there are people who look at that comment and note it s a little strange from a guy who is going to turn 78 later in the week that maybe those are the types of things that he shouldn t be observing right there. but another way of looking at it is for a guy who will say mean things about anybody. he seems to be really careful when it comes to taylor swift right? what both are true. it s an incredibly creepy, i m sorry, i know it s morning. i just threw up a little bit. my mouth. when you read those quotes today, it s just disgusting thing and mr. corruption mr. trump should pay himself hush money. you should just shut up about taylor swift and you can tell he is scared of her trump understand celebrity. he understands the power celebrity that s how he got where he is. ms swift is far more powerful as a celebrity than donald trump ever dreamed. a big and so he s clearly scared of her. and i find that wonderful and amusing, even though the comments about her appearance deeply creepy. sure. michael, i was trying to think if there was another figure who people have politicians have had to walk on eggshells around. you have to be really careful with no matter what you say or how they feel about you. and i was sick. maybe oprah when oprah went behind barak obama in 2007, 2008, everyone, hillary clinton s campaign and had to be really careful than john mccain s campaign had to be really careful. i can t really think of everyone else, anyone else that would make a politician so nervous. i mean, john, i can think of one other person and i think that would be bianna. and i have to say this because my girlfriend were kill me if i did not. one other the person that i think a lot of politicians out to be very, very careful with the lead. i think a lot of these celebrities and younger voters, attractiveness to them not only because of their music, but their lifestyles and also the way they live vicariously by the politics that they adopt is certainly a pervasive thing. if you re a politician right now, trying to win the left section, which we know will be very close and you want to galvanize young people you certainly don t want to anger them by attacking some of the individuals they look up to and i think this is the case. we re taylor swift who is an incredible songwriter. so here s someone who galvanized is not only young liberals, john, but she also galvanizes young conservatives be in a former country star who s now i want to pop music. so there s an interesting dichotomy here. but i think the former president is trying to thread the needle on. i know the biden campaign would love it to taylor swift came out in public and endorse the biden candidacy like she did in 2020. they are waiting for that to happen. i was looking at the calendar, paul, i still can t wrap my arms around the fact that there is a general election presidential debate in like two weeks and yes, it is right here on cnn. and i m not doing this to promote the debate which is, i should note right here on cnn but it just shatters everything i know about presidential campaigns in its drawings. i covered george bush in 2000 and he disappeared for days before the first debate for debate prep in it, we learn later that he d been preparing like a ton for months before should these candidates deep into debate prep for what could be the most important presidential debate any of us have ever seen oh yeah, debates do tend to freeze the campaign and our president has to go to europe for g7 meeting and if i were campaign strategies for him, i would be tearing the last three hairs out of my head. but you can use that time on air force one. so let s watch them manifest on air force one. if my old pal ron klain, president s former chief of staff is on that trip. i mean, they re doing to bake prep on the plane. no one i ve done all my adult life. no one is better at debate prep than the president s former chief of staff, ron klain. but they do need to do. and by the way, so does mr. trump and i know he doesn t like it i shouldn t say this because debates are about expectations joe biden is going to climb donald trump in that debate. incumbent presidents rarely, rarely when the first debate, because they re used to having their rings kissed, shall we say? but mr. trump has talent. he does, and he s great at these rallies but he s never won a national presidential general election debate. he had to three against hillary, two gets biden in the polling, one or two point race, he consistently loses those debates by nine to 12 points. so honest earnest, free advice to mr. trump you need to hunker down and prepare for this. mr. mr. trump and i promise you, joe biden is you just broke the major one rule of pre debate expectations, right there. you re gonna get a golf. i spoke the truth apartment. i try never to do that with you, but once in a while sure. michael, if you are the trump campaign, a. the likelihood that they follow paul s advice and donald trump goes into debate prep. if you are donald trump or if you are the trunk campaign, what kind of prep would you have him do i mean luck in 2016, he had chris christie helping them out. chris christie and entrepreneur longer friends, so i don t think you can call up chris and say, hey, come and help us but i agree with paul. presidents usually don t do well during the first debate. so this is a very unique opportunity for the former president. and i think donald trump is really effective. john, at being able to communicate very simply in a simple way rather on issues that people really care about. so if you can figure out a way to drive and hone in that skill and more focused way on actual issues. i think the former president could potentially surprise people, but you have to be disciplined in order to do so. so i was spent a couple of days, maybe a week or so practicing these things, maybe some of his best zynga s figuring out a way to be more surgical with them during that one hour debate. and let s see what happens. but this could be, and i ll say this quickly, john. i don t think trump should debate president for a second time because to pause zero point presidents don t do well during the first debate, but they usually come back and knock it out of the park during the second debate. so if i m trump, i would try to hammer this in with a victory and say, you know what, that s it. i m not interested in debating number two. paul, very quickly share michael said the issues one of the issues is crime usually is an issue every four years and these new numbers out from the fbi, violent crime, going down, murder rate dropping dramatically could be the biggest drop. on record in one year how should the buying campaign talk about this in a way that it will connect with people absolutely. and i think it all about mr. trump catering to the most extreme and joe biden, big part of the mainstream are, let s report is right. young people and people of color really support the biden gun safety genic. guess what? so do older white people in the suburbs where trump is very weak and it s a web issue. you always just talking about wedge issues. this is a web issue. it s stick stitches together the base where joe biden frankly needs a lot of help, and the suburban college-educated swing voters were biden is surprisingly strong. once a republican stronghold, biden is really strong with those suburban at college-educated voters. so it s a great issue for biden to be touting. and mr. trump by the way, who can no longer even own a gun because he s a felon. he went to the nra and he said, i will be your loyal friend and fearless champion. so that s, that s the way to posit trump is as he can own a get himself, but he is going to be owned by the nra public, alice or michel saying, great to see both you. thanks so much good to see you, jack so health experts increasingly concerned that the bird flu could turn into a much bigger problem and martha s vineyard martha s vineyard? all the vineyards off the coast of massachusetts, running out of marijuana chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcast check it out. six my work from anywhere cozy grab yourself a drink is this dog food in your fridge? 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or is it is it not, is it there s something else and what they think at this point is that it s doesn t necessarily appear to be more severe. it may be that they, the third person got infected in a different way. first two people may have touched the surface than touch their eyes, which is what often happens. this the third person who is a farm worker in michigan may have actually inhaled some of the virus. that s worth paying attention to what they have not seen. kate. and this is a big thing that they look out for. is there evidence then it spreads as a result of those respiratory symptoms to another human human, to human spread. and so far at this point, they have not seen that, but that s what they re looking for. in short of that, what are the other red flags that they re wanting four yeah. i think one thing is to see a look are there other mammals that are starting to get infected? there s lots of different mammals that have been infected so far. but are there other ones as well? because each time you get new mammals that are infected, especially ones that are closer and closer to humans you may, the virus may mutate into something that can more easily infect humans and they, and could potentially spread among humans. but one of the big ways to figure this out is tested sting. and kate, we talked about this a lot during the pandemic. are we doing enough testing? and the answer right now with h5n1 is that we re not, if you test a lot of people and you say, hey, there s a lot of people that are carrying the virus, but they re not getting sick that s an important message. it may mean that this is not as deadly or is making people sick as we thought testing is the key to sort of get an idea of just how widespread this is. i talked to rick bright, who s a virologist and immunologists about this specifically. and here s what he said. i really think that s a tip of the iceberg. we are not doing enough testing or the even the right kind of testing. to get a better answer to that question is really unusual that we would find just one or two cases with so much virus prevalent and so many places as such, close contact to the source, such as the infected cow or the milk supply every virologists that you ve talked to says we need to be doing more testing just like we said at the beginning of the covid pandemic. so that has to happen. and then again, looking for human to human transmission. that s where a lot of focuses it s good to see you, sanjay. thank you so much and a new episode of chasing life with sanjay gupta, the podcast available right now, jump. then there s this a dog ran for help after his owner crash to call our into a remote steep ravine and a national park in oregon. the man was traveling with his four dogs when he crashed. one of the dogs was able to get free and then walked slash, ran nearly four miles to the families camp site rescue crews, put up a pulley system to get the man who was airlifted to safety the three other dogs were found alive at the crash site. we are effort and comment kate, from them. he was waiting for that. i was like and where are we? it s really amazing how they pulled it off though in the dog. and you are giving the rescuers credit, the dog deserves all the grant dogs get credit to sorry about that, everyone. thank you so much for joining us today. this is theta do said darrell seeing a newsroom with you? the constant up next one, reading yeah, that s not good happen huge things happen happens with a3. learn more at from roger two, we there yet so many ways to save life ready, while it happy. that s 365 by whole foods market, they get it. they know how it works. and more importantly for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to work about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. if you re 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity two approve your lifestyle, or reverse mortgage loan eliminates your monthly mortgage payments, inputs, tax-free cash in your pocket, call 808, 417880 with the best thing i ve ever done. and yes, without a doubt, just like these folks, he can show you our reverse mortgage loan uses your built-up home equity to give you a tax-free cash it s a good thing. why don t you get the facts like these folks did call right now to receive your free no obligation the asian nfo kid call 808 417880, 800 808, 417880 nothing dems my light like a migraine with nortech ott. i found relief only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to nortech odi team allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time i am we all talk to a health care provider about no-tech ott from pfizer if is better with the credit god s on your side. rewards once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback or was it lives large? 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Suspect , Verdict , Stabbing , China , Americans , Social-media , Questions , Censored-on-chinese , Health-experts , Cnn-news-central , Kate-bolduan , Bird-flu-outbreak

Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240611

what is good to talk about in politics. what is good for politics and not, here s an interesting one, donald trump now wondering aloud about taylor swift is apparently coming from an excerpt from a forthcoming book about his work with with the producer of the apprentice. a conversation that took place as in november 2023, trump saying this about taylor swift. i think she s a liberal. she probably doesn t like trump, but she is liberal or is that just an act he asks, she she s legitimately liberal. it s not an act, it surprises me that a country star can be, can be successful, being liberal trump said before the author noted that s with crossover to pop music years ago, the crossover, she, she can, she can do whatever she wants. i would say is it good for politics to take on taylor swift i mean, this is this just goes into that bucket of weird and strange that we are seeing pop up almost every single day in this campaign. kate. but again, i think the more than donald trump focuses and n is obsessed with somebody like taylor swift, the better it is for democrats because i think we do know that she s liberal. we do know that she probably will not vote for donald trump and she may even come out in and endorsed joe biden and kamala harris and the democrats before the november election, which i think would be the republicans and donald trump s biggest nightmare. and that s probably why he s injecting this question mark into this election for whatever reason, he might think helps him. but again, this just goes into the weirdness of what this campaign is. and it gives us the opportunity to talk about the weirdness of donald trump. and again, that does nothing to take away from his base but we know that his base will probably never leave him no matter what. but it does go into that category of moderates and common sense republicans that are going to think, wow, this man to just there s something not right up there this man is not fit for office the biggest night for your nightmare for republicans and donald trump taylor swift, you heard it here. it s good to see you guys. thank you so much the next hours in a new central starts now a verdict could come this morning very shortly. the jury and the hunter biden s gun trial resumes deliberations. the murder rate in the us could be headed to its largest annual decline ever big drops in crime across the board. what the new data tells us, and the bombshells secret supreme court tapes chief justice john roberts samuel alito samuel alito s wife, the one with the flag s. she even talks about flags sara is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan in this this cnn new set standing by for another historic verdict, very soon to 12 men and women weighing hunter biden s fate will resume deliberations after meeting for just over an hour? yes. but i and any minute we could see the president s son for the first time. today walking into the courthouse that is where he s expected to have to wait or nearby as the jurors decide whether to convict get him on three felony charges related to a 2018 gun purchase. hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison if he is convicted on all three counts, it is however unlikely. we re told that he would serve that kind of jail time still standing by to standby to here exactly what this jury decides. cnn s marshall cohen outside the court four just once again, how is jury deliberations going to look this morning okay. good morning. it s 8:00 now. and the jury is expected back in one hour, 9:00 a.m. they got one hour of deliberations in the books yesterday before breaking through the night. and they will resume this morning. now, the judge who has been overseeing this case she doesn t feel the need to bring the jurors into the actual courtroom at nine and wish them a good morning. they can go straight to the jury box and once they are all here here today, they can resume those deliberations on the three felony charges that hunter biden is facing for allegedly purchasing and possessing a gun while addicted to it is illegal drugs. now, i should note that, yes, there are three top line charges here, but underneath each one of those counts are a series of elements of each crime that the jurors need to deliberate and degree on unanimously for each element of each crime that s in this indictment. look, you mentioned it he is convicted on all three charges he could face prison time up to 25 years. that seems highly unlikely though, given the fact that he is a first-time offender. but as we sit here, for and wait for the verdict, the fate of the president s son is in the hands of those 12 jurors from delaware six men and six women. there ll be back in about one hour to finish up marshall, we ve seen the first lady going into court. we know that a hunter biden s other members of hunter biden s family have also been in the courtroom as any family does. and can to show their support for him. but that became part of the prosecutor s closing argument. why? yeah. it is, of course, common for defendants to have the support of their family it s pretty rare for those family members to have their own secret service agents following their every move. but they really beefed up the presence yesterday for the closing arguments. obviously, there was the first lady, jill biden president biden s sister, valerie, was their president biden s brother, james hunters, younger sister, ashley, they were all there in the pews. and the prosecutors noticed one of the very first things okay that the special counsel, prosecutor leo wise, said in his closing arguments to the jury, was that they may recognize some faces in the gallery from the news. they america may recognize some of those vips from the community here in wilmington. but respectfully, none of that matters. that s what he s said. none of that matters. he wants them to focus on the evidence, which in the view of the prosecution is overwhelming. kate, jury begins liberation very soon. marcia, thank you. john wright with us now cnn senior data reporter, harry and harry were talking about the hunter biden trial what does the data show about what people think about this trial? well, in terms of how hunter biden has been treated. yeah. you know, there s this real thing. what hunter biden even be on trial if he wasn t the president s son, there are a lot of folks who are on hunter biden signed are and joe biden cited say they wouldn t even be brought. that s not necessarily the case. all right. according to the public legal systems treatment of hunter bye. now, this was after the criminal indictments of them, but before this most recent trial, look at is 66% set of americans say that the legal system, treatment of hunter biden has been fair. in fact according to the polling, if anything, they think it s been not harsh enough on him. just 27% of americans think that the legal system has been unfair. so the fact is, most americans have no problem with hunter biden being on trial. his favorite bility ratings are quite low and it s something thank when you look at the polling, why the white house i think is genuinely worried because he s definitely in their minds potentially a liability for me, at least outside of joe biden and think that, well, the important thing to remember is that it s hunter biden? correct. who is on trial here, not president joe biden, but there is some data in terms of what the public thinks about the president in how he views are is i guess connected to his son. yeah. you know, sort of my leading question here. all right. hunter biden s legal troubles and joe biden, hunter hunters troubles are related to joe 46% related to juror, correct? i m related to job. thank you. 46% say that is believable that they were unrelated to joe. that is the plurality believe it is unrelated to joe biden, just 37% of americans believe that is not believe well, that s a good number for joe biden. how about this joe biden is a good dad by supporting his son, the clear majority, 54% say that that is believable, and this is, i think the polling that joe biden sort of two, is listening to saying, you know, what first off, i don t necessarily care about the public, but secondly, i think the public thinks i d be a pretty good dad by supporting his son. yeah, he may not be looking at the polling all at all when it comes to his public statements about this trial or his son, he may just being a dead dead. what is the potential impact on the left? yeah. a very probably not much at all because the clear majority of folks believed that hunter biden s illegal troubles. they have no impact on their vote. yes, there s this 23% who say they re less likely to vote for joe biden. but you know who that is, 23% are there republicans who weren t going to vote for joe biden anyway? or 4%. therefore, who say it s more likely to vote for joe biden, but you can get for free percent of americans to basically say hard to see the logic there. all right, harriet and great to see you much some police in china have now arrested a man. they say stabbed for americans in broad daylight video appears to show the victims on the ground clearly bloodied and chinese tourist was also interviewed that video though not seen on social media in china as it was swiftly censored after being published. the four americans injured are instructors from cornell college in cornell college in iowa, who were in northeast china as part of an exchange program, officials say they are all in stable condition, but it s unclear what motivated this attack seen as marc stewart is in the city where this attack happened, joining us now, what are you learning about this arrest mark ross has been made. kate police confirmed it just a short time ago. this is a 55-year-old mad and according greene to police, he said he was walking when he bumped into this group of four americans. these for educators. and then somehow this stabbing took place that injured all four of them, as well as a chinese tourists who stepped into you re being. we just got back from the actual stabbing side. it s about 15 hike from where we are now and when we arrived, there was basically no evidence that anything ever happened. look like some of the blood on the ground had been washed away a contrast to what we saw yesterday when we sell these people on the ground, bloody, clearly, a need of help. i should point out that this park is very similar to a park you would see in any suburb in the united states. we ve been here for just a few hours. there are hiking trails. there is a train, there is a temple, there is no reason, but it s a feel safe here. so obviously, a lot part of holes in the story. the blanks needs to be filled in. let s also look at the backdrop in china right now, there is certainly arise in nationalism something that i hear in conversations with people that i have here in china. it s also apparent on social media, yet at the same time, we have chinese president xi jinping very anxious to welcome american students here as part of study abroad programs. in fact, when he was in the united states last fall, he mentioned bringing as many as 50,000 americans and just last week even made a personal reach out to an institution in the united states to have this kind of exchange. so it will be interesting to see if this incident has any kind of damper on things and finally, kate, you alluded to this at the beginning. no one here knew about what happened. for a good 48 hours as soon as this happened, social media posts were scrubbed. it wasn t until we heard from officials and iowa that this came to surface. in fact, just a few minutes ago, there were a group of people gathered around, someone cell phone trying to get the latest information that is the environment, the surveillance state ms fear often that we see here in china, kate marc stewart. thank you so much for your legs reporting work. john wright, new statements this morning and the prospects of a ceasefire and hostage deal in gaza is their new reason for hope it is forecast to be one of the worst hurricanes seasons in some time now he worries that the government cannot afford it in a brazen porch. theft caught on video to be clear, the porch was not stolen. that s relief. what was on it was you. 19th cnn celebrate juneteenth, which special performances by john legend hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn greeting seven 730. yeah that s not good. happened huge things happen happens. be there with three, learn more at minute 30 minutes. good one remember, i don t want surgery for my duper trends can traction to i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment good boy. and five. and if non-surgical treatment is an offer i ll get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t later. and flat visit, find a hand to get started. okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strike that energy ensure with 20 seven vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein with fas signs creates striking custom visuals, then inspire pride. district wide that s sides, make your statement. they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren t quitters impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat hey, you ve seen in this what is the main one you re telling me you can get directtv, got good stuff and you don t need a satellite dish i used to love doing on my business on those things. won-sik pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beaks. we just have different priorities satellite free, directv never thought i d see the de well, our lifespans are quite short. extreme directtv without a satellite dish. i m going to do this thing with my neck just for a bit from medium rare well done so many ways to save life, ready while it happy. but 365 by whole foods market unique style, cutting-edge innovation, and thoughtful details inspired by you. this is the all electric rz this is lexis election sure. five first, we did the impossible. then you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out. and now there the law cookies back-end subway at morgan stanley old school, hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you shopping unparalleled selection at joy i voted buttons, dragging my remote kid it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone. yeah chins puke rainbows, white taken this morning, secretary of state tony blinken is now in jordan for gathering of leaders focused on getting more humanitarian aid into gaza. earlier he was in israel where he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, blinken, telling reporters that there is a consensus among netanyahu and other leaders to move forward on a proposed ceasefire deal that was just approved by the un security council. cnn s oren liebermann is in tel aviv. how much consensus really is there that where do things stand okay. this appears to be more positive position than we ve seen in quite some time now, when it comes to the efforts to reach a ceasefire and a hostage release between israel and hamas. secretary if they d anthony blinken making a whirlwind trip through the region, first, he was in egypt at the start of the week than a series of meetings with israeli leaders, the prime minister, the defense minister, the opposition leader the member of the war cabinet, who just resigned. and now he s in jordan and then we ll be going to cut her. so a lot of the key players needed to get not only the israelis on board and the biden administration is clearly confident that they have the israelis agreeing to the ceasefire proposal. but now to try to push hamas to agree to the ceasefire proposal that s on the table. there have been some positive noises coming from hamas, both in reaction to the un security council resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire, end to the proposal on the table. the question of course, is in the details and that remains to be seen because the process has fallen apart repeatedly on the details in the past, sill, blinken knows who he has to convince here and that s the head of hamas s military in gaza, the most powerful person in the organization, right now, yahya sinwar, he was a blinken said a short time ago there are those who have influenced, but influences one thing actually getting a decision made is the another thing i don t think anyone other than the hamas leadership in gaza actually are the ones who can make make decisions that s what we re waiting now, the wall street journal was able to view messages written by yahya sinwar over the course of the negotiations and from the start of the war, and they give an interesting insight into his mindset and his person spective in one of these messages, the wall street journal viewed which cnn cannot verify sinwar says, we have the israelis, right where we want them. sinwar sit in a recent message two hamas officials i think the broker an agreement with qatari and egyptian officials on the big picture perspective on how many pills to palestinians have been killed here it is clear from these alleged messages that sinwar views this as something almost necessary to push forward the palestinian national cause. here s another quote from the wall street journal. in one message to hamas leaders in doha, sinwar cited civilian losses in national liberation conflicts in places such as algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from france, saying these are necessary sacrifices. it s that mindset that blinken is trying to work towards agreeing to a ceasefire here. it s a key question. again, kate, we appear to be closer than we ve been in quite some time now. and yet doesn t mean the process is over or complete at all. absolutely great reporting as always. thank you so much. john wright joining us now is aveyron my year the uncle of former hostage almog my ear, who was rescued over the weekend, sir. thank you so much for being with us while we have you. just give us an update that was elmo doing this morning at a mortgage generally. okay and these drawing to digest what happened with him in the last eight months. and specifically in the last three days you said when he was first released, what he wanted most was a hug and ayesha warmer. how many hugs and chihuahuas has he had now over the last four days? lots of hogs, one shawwa bma but later that day, that s a good ratio. i ll take that ratio any day. what have you learned? what has he told you about his captivity we haven t had the opportunity to talk quietly together. but generally, in the last six months is spent time with two other hostages in the same place. within re kozlov and shlomi ziv and at that time, they were like a team. they are very good friends. they have their own nicknames. they have their own terminology there were lots of time together and they really, really love one each other i heard no daylight kept in the dark for months. what can you tell us about that? i didn t understand. i question, please. one of the things i heard you say is that he was kept inside with no daylight more or less in the dark for four months yes. it s right there in the last six months, this is what i know. i don t know what happened in the first two months but in the last six months, the evan been allowed to leave the apartment. so they saw sound from the windows, but not the gimmick go out what gave him hope while he was in captivity, while he was being held prisoner, hostage what i can tell you is that they were together and the empowered one each other all the time. and its friends where where is back? and e were their back and they supported one each other i can tell you that in the 11th of may is so television in al jazeera? and he saw the forum, the family four room in tel aviv rally and he saw a picture of the game in that rally so we understood that is not forgotten and people are thinking about him. but more than that, it didn t know too much your nephew has now been rescued, but there are many others who are still being held hostage. what do you want to see from the israeli government? what do you want benjamin netanyahu to do? in our personal family the circle is closed and the log is here. and we are very happy. but there are still 120 families who is looking for their deer s and what we want newtoni all to do is to bring them by an agreement because we understand that operations like maga have been rescued, won t bring one other than 20 others so we want to press all the governments for the hamas and on the israeli government to sign this deal and to take out all the other hostages. back home. i have to tell you the joy of the people of israel when they saw four oxygens came back, it was incredible. the joy is enormous and if, if the people of israel will see wondering people of a 120 other hostages that will come back home. it will be a tikkun, will be fixing israel will do anything to do everything. right? it will be lots of energy for us if they re just come back around my air, please, to your nephew, were all mog more hogs and many many more sju armas. thank you so much. and we are so happy for you and your family. appreciate you being with us secret recordings of supreme court justices, even a secret recording of justice alito s wife, what happened and what alito s wife is? now saying about flying more flags at her home and there are signs of some growing support for robert kennedy jr. even in states where he s still struggling, even get on the ballot the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed well done have you got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your face aspen dental provides complete affordable care with dentists and labs in one place, plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance 20% off treatment plans for everyone quality care at a price worth celebrating its one more way aspen dental is in your corner its terms day off but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard hard like me, neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen. can the riva support your brain health? married janet, hey eddie know appraiser, franck. franck, bread. how are you fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge. he asked robert tracy and of course mark who delivers our sandwiches well, so my my care. you re said to get this merger done, i should ask mark. i said ask mark, ever wonder whether people with all the answers get all the answers. ask markham, accountants and advisers cities industry-leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food, to people in need together, city in the world, food programme and empower families across the globe i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, they re sky rozi. things are looking afghans him control i m like macron s means everything feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with skype where is he including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements skye rozi as the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in crohn s disease now s the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your chrome make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count what god job and god kid bagasse you up time is precious this morning, caught on tape always provocative war. it s even more so when it is a supreme court justice and his wife and she talked about flags on a secret according justice samuel alito appeared to endorse a call to return our country to a place of godliness. a liberal activist and filmmaker presented herself as a religious conservative and secretly recorded it secretly recorded the justice and his wife at a supreme court historical society dinner the recording comes in the wake of the controversial flags being flown at alito s properties. and this is what martha alito had to say about that i want sacred garden cheeses because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. who s like, oh, please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense i m putting it up and i m going to send them message every day now, cnn has not obtained the full form of these recordings. we have also reached out to the supreme court for comment. cnn s senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic, is with us martha alito talking about flags on tape yes. john, good to see you. and martha ends common certainly were provocative given the controversy over the flags that had flown at the alito home that appeared connected to the january 6, rioters and the stop the steal movement. but i want to focus on justice. alito and what he said at this event and also how much it echoes were justice alito has been on religion just as a leader who has acted as if religion is under siege, he s, he s said that in public comments before. he said that in his written opinions and john, let s take a listen now to what justice alito said this woman as she was surreptitiously recording him at the event last week one side or the other there can be a way of workout, way of living together, please it s different because there are differences. one fundamental things is it really can t. it s not like you re going to see what the difference yeah, john. so again, just a little context on justice alito. remember he was the one who authored the dobbs ruling two years ago that reversed all constitutional rights to abortion. he has been very outspoken. against, especially any kind of protection for lgbtq rights. he s been against gay marriage. he has been very strong on issues that have a lot of, as i said religious themes so that s the context here. and then after after he wrote the dobbs opinion, he even said in a speech at rome that religious liberty is under attack from people everywhere and especially people in power, which is somewhat ironic since he is in power, but he he did not respond to any of our requests for comment last night, but the supreme court historical society did. and let me just read what jim duff, who is head of the historical society, said. we condemn the surreptitious recording of justice s at the event, which is inconsistent with the entire spirit of the evening attendees are advised that discussion of current cases, cases decided by current sitting justices, or a justices jurisprudence is strictly prohibited and may result in forfeiture of membership in the society. but for us, john, for those of us who live in america under the rulings of the supreme court. what s important here is do know that this month the justices are about to issue rulings and so many important opinions. and we ll need to we want to see how justice alito s attitudes emerge in those rulings that will now set the law of the land. john. and interesting to hear his voice and really how different his voice was than that of chief justice john roberts, who was also recorded. what he reported the had to say also fascinating job is keep a great to see this morning. thank you very much thank the historic drop in crime across the board. the brand new statistics just out and new hope in the fight against all timers, disease as the fda is poised to approve a new drug the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn t be higher the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn. and streaming on max perfect de, for a family outing shingles. doesn t care, but she words protects only shingles has proven over 90% effective she fingers is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older, does not protect everyone that is not for those with severe 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gotten me. i saw them. that s what i got. gotten me juicy kernels and use holes. you don t role on rozi this election season, stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground round and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts follow. cnn so. new data from the fbi shows violent crime in the us is falling. the murder rate has dropped dramatically and could be headed for its largest annual decline ever seen as josh campbell is with us now and you know, josh crime is a lot like gas prices. we hear a lot about it it s going up and not nearly as much what it s going down. and it seems to be going down a lot right now yeah, it is. i mean, this trend that we re seeing now, very promising when we talk about violent crime, when we talk about murders, get you straight to the numbers here. you can see this is based on new preliminary data from the fbi they found in the first three three months of this year, murders are down 26% reported rapes decreased by nearly 26% aggravated assault is down. robberies or down, you look at property crimes, the same trend their burgers have dropped nearly 17%. motor vehicle thefts have decreased about 17%. so across the board and regions across the united how did it states they re seeing these drops based on this initial data i particularly want it focused in on murders. now, there s a caveat, obviously, this prelim preliminary, the year isn t up yet, but murder right now is down by 80% in places like boston, over 40% in cities like new orleans seattle, baltimore, and fill it dell fea, murder spiked about 30% during the pandemic, but then started to fall. i ve been talking with crime data analysts who say that if these numbers now hold, we could see a potential historic drop here throughout the rest of this year. so as we look at this trend some, obviously some promising data when you look at prime across the country, john, look this is the type of data that i imagine everyone, all of the evidence that we have so far is showing a basically a double decline relative to what it was last year at this point, last year, it was down about ten or 11%. now we re talking 19 or 20%. it s plausible that this will be by far the largest one-year decline in american history. so obviously one of the analysts, we were speaking with, and as you were saying they re john, i mean, we often focused on a lot of different facts and figures in life. nothing more personal than when we re talking about crime, whether it s crime that s impacting us, whether it s crime that is impacting members of our community. of course, we are hearing from people like the attorney general who are now speaking out touting these numbers the attorney general saying yesterday in a statement that this continued historic decline in homicides does not represent abstract statistics. it represents people whose lives were saved, people who are still here to see their children grow up to work toward fulfilling their dreams and to contribute to their communities unities. we also heard the president come out with similar statements. of course, this is a topic that can always be improved when we talk about crime. and so this is not certainly not something to celebrate when there was work to be done, but when you look at that trend, particularly after the pandemic, when we saw so much violence is certainly moving in the right direction. and this is the type of trend that we ve all been waiting for, you good to hear, good to see you. josh campbell. thank you very much for that democratic senator bob menendez will soon be returning to court where he is facing federal bribery charges. the prosecution s star witness will also then be back on the stand, which is new jersey businessman jose uribe. he delivered testimony yesterday about the senator, seen as jason carroll, following all of this, he s outside of the court. what s going to happen today? jason well, i think we re expected to hear more of what we heard yesterday, except the only difference is this time the defense gets its chance to question jose uribe yesterday. he provided a lot of detailed information about conversations he said he had with senator menendez directly related to bribery. now remember you rebate as someone who wanted these criminal investigations in new jersey to go away? because they could have implicated people who he was very close to. he knew nadine menendez, he knew she needed a brand new car. and so he says he gave her $15,000 to buy a brand new mercedes in exchange for the senator s influence. he talked about a dinner, for example, august 2019 where he says, i get to ask him, him, meaning senator menendez, for the first time? explain what is worrying me so much. i asked him if there s anything in his power that he can do to stop these investigations. he says menendez answered he would look into it then september of 2019 he says he was at nadine menendez home. he says he wrote down the names of the people in question relate get to that investigation. he says he put it on a piece of paper, senator menendez folded it up and put it in his pocket. then october 29, 2019, he says he got a call all from senator menendez, and basically he told jurors that he felt as though that the situation had been settled and he choked up when he s talked about this, when he testified because he felt like it was all over finally, then at a dinner, kate and 2020, he says menendez told him, i saved your twice not one but twice now senator menendez, for his part, has pleaded not guilty. he says there were no ghraieb that took place here. he says he was simply acting on behalf of his concern so his attorneys get a chance to cross-examine jose uribe later this morning good to see you, jason. thank you so much john alright. new evidence that independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. is enjoying significant support in one crucial state cnn s even makin reports from wisconsin on a 17 acre tree farm in sackville, wisconsin, dells stand braunton rides around the land with hope. the 2024 election will bring monumental change, shreve in 2020, i voted for trump, but now he says, the former president sounds like a broken record. it s all about the election was rigged and the court system is re this year, the wedding venue owner who plans to eventually transform his property into a wellness retreat is all in for independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. bobby s the first candidate who i ve actually felt good about. i think a lot of people are very frustrated with voting for the lesser of two evils. is that how you view the major party candidates? yeah, absolutely a self-described conservative, independent stan braunton shares kennedy s vaccine skepticism and learned of him through kennedy s work with the anti-vaccine group, children s health defense the 62-year-old typically votes for republicans, but he s attracted to kennedy s anti-establishment message, ending the form was the financial corrupt sure within our government agencies in the fact that we can t trust our government agencies to do their jobs because they ve been hijacked by corporate interests. you don t think are government agencies can be trusted know why? because they re bought and paid for. i found a video rfk hey, junior on youtube, recent college grad katie zimmerman voted for president joe biden in 2020. but now she spends her saturday mornings tabling at farmers markets like this one in wahba tomasa for the kennedy campaign he s coming to all voters and saying like, if you vote for me, like you ll be able to afford buy a house. first is i haven t necessarily heard if biden say things like that, that appeal to me. if ultimately trump gets reelected how would you feel about that? i would not feel really great about that if he was elected into office, but i i wouldn t necessarily feel any guilt because i was able to have a choice and who i wanted to vote for dog denticola is a long democrat who never thought he would find himself lobbying trump s supporters. to switched to kennedy. what do you think this has go to 24. go watch when he s going to do you haven t even given him a chance, because he doesn t ever what chance anyway, is it hard to convince trump s supporters to vote for kennedy? yeah, i actually just appreciate that he was willing to stop and talk to me, fed up with political polarization, denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump i person like bobby kennedy, who is really a message of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters in both sides back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes and find somebody who has played up solutions and somebody who we can trust who wants to bring us together we re going to be in a world of hurt and john kennedy s coalition of voters. they really span the political spectrum. polling data indicates the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate in 2020. so he s bringing new voters into the fold. a lot of his support also comes from so-called double-haters. those holding an unfavorable view of both biden and trump, john, or even again, for us, fresh back from a trip to wisconsin, eva great to see you. thank you. so female helps people in communities pick up the pieces after disaster strikes. but now the federal agency is facing a disaster of its own. the new warning that theme is disaster relief fund could run out of money by the end of summer. and a driver was trapped at the bottom of a ravine the length his own dog went to save him devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it s easy the to think it can t happen here if one hits home, will we be ready? silent, earth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn. it s so easy to get your windshields replaced using safe flight until the people i haven t done it already. my man had started off as a ship and grew into a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? i went ahead and schedule an appointment mean online at safe, told them he is here at the beach. let s get started rupert safely replace schedule free mobile service at safe safe night. we place at morgan stanley old old-school hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real first we did the impossible. you age so many of impossible that we completely ran out. and now they re but, luck cookie is back at subway kinda riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey, eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge from media kim rare well done so many ways to save life ready while it happened that s 365 by whole foods market. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals, orioles. what s missing? the andean condor know, walnut brain pigeons. they d rather de, but came after sox. be fair, we re not very athletic were trying to save the planet with nuggets because we need the planet and we also need nuggets impossible. we re saving the meat problem with more meat. thinker appointment and 30 minutes. you got one remember? i don t want surgery from i do patreons contraction two. i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment. good boy. and five. and if not non-surgical treatment is an offer i ve get a second opinion that s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat visit, find a hand to get started. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service made possible by t-mobile for business with t-mobile s reliable 5g business, internet for he s get the information they need instant. i can feel the wind the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s, once moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. and rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn so new this morning a panel of independent advisers to the fda gave their approval to eli lilly s experimental alzheimer s drug is still has to get full approval from the agency, but it has a lot of people excited. our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta is year. what are we talking about here? sanjay? good morning, john yeah, potentially a big deal here there are no drugs to cure or to prevent alzheimer. so what we re talking about here are medications that can slow the progression of symptoms once they start. and if this gets approved this would now be the second drug that could do that sort of thing. as you know, john, the fda advisory committee that s an independent committee. they make their recommendations. they recommended this be approved. the fda usually follows her guidance, not always, but this is certainly a good sign and that approval could come by the end of the year so for this particular study, they looked at 1,700 people, just over 1,700 people between the ages of 6085 and these were people who had mild cognitive impairment. so this was early part of their diagnosis, early part of their disease and they gave them this drug and what they found was that over time, over 76 weeks that about a 29% reduction in cognitive decline. so they got worse, more slowly. it s not that they reverse the disease. it s not that they stalled the disease. they got worse more slowly, about 29%. so that is the big number in terms of benefit. the committee was paying attention to. on the flip side of that, let me tell you quickly, john, is the risks there are risks of these drugs specifically something known as aria, which stands for amyloid related imaging abnormality. you don t need to remember that, but basically it s these bleeds that can occur in the brain in response to the drug and what they found was about 37% of the people who are getting the medication compared to placebo, 14% did have evidence of these, these changes in the brain related to the amyloid. three people did die as well in that trial. so that was something that committee looked at very, very closely and still determined that the benefits outweigh the risks. john sanjay two very important questions. number one, how do you say the drugs named? because i can t make it out. i can t make sense of that in number two, how exactly does this one work yeah so the nonna mab and mab, which you hear at the end of a lot of these drugs, stands for monoclonal antibody. the other drug that i was talking about, lecanemab also a monoclonal antibody and a lot of people know monoclonal antibodies. they learned about them during the pandemic. but you re essentially giving the antibodies as part of the drug let me show you this quick animation of how it works. you know, amyloid is this protein plaque that builds up in the brain. when you give these medications, it can basically disrupt some of the building blocks of those plaques not allowing them to form as well or clearing them after they ve already formed so that s that s basically how these monoclonal antibody drugs work. and again, this might be the second one. what i tell you one interesting thing about this, this trial the ilo liliya suggesting that they follow the amount of amyloid that people have in their brain. and if the amyloid clears they suggest that maybe just stopping the drug it s a monthly infusion. but they say if the amyloid has gone no need to continue taking the drug when you typically think of the drugs, you think of them as lifelong for the rest of your life. maybe not the case here we ll see how the fda weighs in on that the nonna map sounds like sesame street phenomena to me, which is how i ll remember from now on how many people are we talking about that this could benefit hard to remember yeah. so you got about in the country, got about 6 million people who have alzheimer disease carry the diagnosis, but about 1 million who fall into that early stage category. again, keep in mind someone goes in there now developing early symptoms, sometimes hard to diagnose but potentially 1 million people taking the medication, right now. that is the population. will see in the future if some of these medications get approved for people who are further along in their diagnosis while got moderate or severe now so many people take any any promising news when it comes to all timers. they wanted, they take it so seriously, dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. and this does then the official portrait of king charles has now been vandalized and there s video of it seen as max foster spring. i m in from london. max, what has happened? what is this? well, is a pressure group and they are against cruelty on farms so this is the very famous painting, of course it was famous because lots of people didn t like it, but lots of people did like it. is charles his first official portrait as king these, activists came along making the point that king charles is patron of the rspca, as it s called an animal welfare organization and they have a short farms scheme and the activists say, those farms still are cruel to animals. some of them, so they want to get rid of this assured scheme. so they re basically animal rights activists accusing the king of being hypocritical overseeing an organization which isn t protecting animal rights. so they created this cartoon characters all right, just saying this cruelty on farms. and they use the british characters cartoon characters, wallace and gromit for that. so it s making lots of headlines this is the picture kate you ll remember it. lots of people describing it as some sort of hellscape or him bathing in blood. but it s become a very famous photo. it s become a really big thing on social media. so they re getting lots of attention for it. also. i mean, it is a bit an official portion of the case. i mean, there are people in this group gonna get in trouble from it for this. i mean, let s i think so because from what we can tell, there isn t glass along the front of it either, but it does look as though no paint was used, there s certainly some glue that was used. i think it s certainly going to be seized as an act of vandalism we ve contacted the police, but it s only just happens. so i think that pretty early on in the investigation absolutely all right. max. thank you so much. i really appreciate it i knew our scene a new central starts now start the clock as all this minute. we believe the jury in the hunter biden trial is back deliberating a verdict could come this morning breaking this morning, a suspect arrested for stabbing for americans in china the video censored on chinese social media. new questions this morning about what happened and why health experts expressing concern that a bird flu outbreak in the united states could become a much bigger problem there are a assignor is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central happening now alive, look at the federal court in wilmington, delaware, where everyone is waiting for work when the jury now they will be resuming deliberations in hunter biden s federal gun trial. they met for only about one our yesterday. so maybe they have hours of work ahead, but word could come any moment

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