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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140812 10:00:00

life. that s why you treat a disease, you win, you lose. you treat a person. i guarantee you, you win. those are the things i miss the most. little idio sing crassies that i know about. that is what made my wife and she had the goods on me too. she knew all of my little peckadillos. people call these perfections. but they are not. that s the good stuff. you are here and life exists and an identity. the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. some of the powerful lines spoken by robin williams, an entertainment genius who commanded the spotlight from stand-up comedy clubs to oscar winning films. it s hard to think of anybody
as naturally funny as robin williams. he was wild. he was free-willing and better at improv than anybody and it left audience barrel over in laughter. while his performance broke barriers in the series of leading roles, he was a deeply funny and deeply complicated man. and deeply troubled as well. the comedian and movie star gave us characters full of warmth and life from mrs. doubtfire to the dead poet s society. a personal struggle and deep challenges he dealt with depression for years and reportedly checking in a clinic as recently as july and a publicist said he had been battling deep depression. he was found dead in his home in california yesterday. an parent suicide. he was 63 years old and apparently there is a news conference this morning with details on how this happened. good morning, everyone. it is tuesday, august 12th. bus on set we have morning joe
contributor mark halpern and the host of way too early thomas roberts and willie geist. from the time in 1978 that he burst on to the scene, it was amazing. mork and mindy went on the air and a couple of weeks later it was an instant hit. it was an instant hit because of him. it s hard to believe in these days that any television show would have 50 million, 60 million people watching every single week and they did and they did because of robin williams. because you almost were transfixed watching his comedic talent and they left a lot of room for him in the script just to ad-lib because he was that good. willie, he was a comedian like no other before him and he broke the mold. you look at jimi hendrix playing the guitar. there was nobody like jimi hendrix before jimi hendrix and never been anybody sense and the same with robin williams. nobody has been like him.
i missed mork and mindy. my first experience with robin williams was good morning vietnam. i remember that singular performance and knowing how much of that had been ad-libbed and to watch one man carry a movie that way and to go on these extended rifts where you re watching the other characters in the movie break up laughing for real what robin williams is doing. he had a lot more dramatic performances that had nothing to do with his comedy chops. dead poet s society and good will hunting. he could so so many things. i remember for the first time soon after he started doing movies i think his second movie was world according to garp. he was funny in it but also very complicated and very sad at times. i remember being shocked at his
range. there is a tremendous outpowering of grief and shock following word of williams death. his wife says i lost my husband and best friend while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. i m utterly heartbroken. actors and artists with whom he worked took to twitter. steve martin called him a generous soul. even sesame street chimed in. to what it means to be alive. even president obama reflekcted saying robin williams was a airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor and everything in between. williams body of work is staggering in its scope and breadth from his time raising money for the homeless on comic relief to the most provocative performances in cinema. robin williams was an
entertainer in the classic sense of the word. bad men distance dance the on field. reporter: a stand-up comedian and broadway performer and one of the most successful and tv and movie stars of any generation. he was a master of impressions. you remember john wayne going, well, is this a dagger i see before me? reporter: and delighted the impressionable. there is lots of things you can do with a stick. you can start off and be playing baseball in the world series or you can be gene shalit or pinocchio. reporter: his breakthrough came as mork. my name is mork. nanana. reporter: it drew 60 million viewers every week. and provided a national audience for his genius. i can t let you pass up a chance like me, honey. stop it! mork, will you help me? if you insist. mind if i cut in?
thank you. reporter: but it wasn t long before he turned his attention to more serious projects, waking up the world in good morning vietnam. in saigon today according to officials nothing actually happened. one thing that didn t happen is a bomb didn t explode 14 hours unofficially destroying jimmy s cafe. get him out of there! reporter: he mixed the phonetic and the funny. you do fossey, fossey, fossey and. reporter: with the deeply philosophical. the poet. the beauty. romance! love! these are what we stay alive for. reporter: he was a regular at the academy awards taking home an oscar in 1998, his only one for his role in good will hunting. you don t know about real loss because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. i doubt you ever dare to love
anybody that much. reporter: according to publicist, williams had been battling severe depression and going to rehab in 2006. i went to rehab in wine country. are you happy? were you unhappy before you went in? i was pretty much everything before i went in and now it s great just to have genuine emotions and being all right with that. reporter: his roles were as complex and as playful as the man himself exploring some of humanity s darkest chapters and along with our greatest triumphs and above all else, he made us laugh. a lot of voices we want to bring in this morning. mike hogan of vanity fair and brian steinberg. thank you both for being up e g early with us. i was struck by twitter reading the outpowering of support and not just fans but the hollywood community from comedy to drama and felt like he touched
everybody. absolutely. one of the things so amazing is right out of the gate at the beginning of his career, robin williams was kind of coming out of a world of underground comedy of improv and saying a lot of irrev representative things and acting pretty much totally crazy and people immediately embraced him. i think there was a sincerity underneath all of that manic energy that people grabbed on to right away and responded to and that is what you see. now with this outpouring of grief everybody from the academy to sesame street to the president of the united states feeling this loss in a way that is unusual. brian, another thing that struck me reading the reaction was how everyone had a different project. it wasn t like it was just one or two movies that jumped out. we had some people say my kids loved him as popeye or the voice of aladdin or the deeper roles where he was nominated for oscars. he just had a truly an incredible range to him. i think that is right. this is a guy that could really play a great despair or humor as
equal intensity and a rare find in hollywood to have somebody do those things both at the same time. speaking of ad-libbing. robin williams was known for ad-libbing in almost every role he s ever taken. in the animated film aladdin it was rumored 16 hours of recording from his recording sessions kind after nightmare but kind of what brilliance comes from. he improvised him so much the academy award turned down the film for best adapted screen play. look at this. you re going to grant me any three wishes i want, right? almost. a couple of quid pro quo. like? rule number one. i can t kill anybody, so don t ask. rule number two. i can t make anybody fall in love with anybody else. you little fun man! rule number three! i can t bring people back from the dead! it s not a pretty picture! and i don t like doing it!
other than that, you got it. provisos, you mean limitations, wishes? some unpowerful genie. can t even bring people back from the dead. i don t know, abu. he probably can t even get us out of this cave. looks like we are going to have to find a way out of here. excuse me? are you looking at me? did you rub my lamp? did you wake me up? did you bring me here? and, all of a sudden, you re walking out on me? i don t think so! not right now! you re getting your wish so sit down! amazing. his mind is so fast when he is ad-libbing. like nobody out there. to go from that you see that and there is a line what he did on mork and mindy. and to go from that something like garp or good will hunting and what dreams may come.
you can see he was most comfortable when he was ad-libbing and that is really when he was at his best. he also, we re hearing a lot of stories now about what a good guy and what a good friend he was. he had this long relationship with christopher reeves. he attended the premiere of good morning vietnam. that with would earn him an academy award nomination. after his accident that left him paralyzed in 1995 it was robin williams who helped nurse the actor s spirit. he showed up at the hospital dressed in scrubs head-to-toe and reeves recalled the interview from 1998. i was so struck by your obvious deep, deep friendship with robin williams at the creative coalition event. he was the first one to show up down in virginia when he was really in trouble. he came here one afternoon and
just thank god i wear a seat belt in this chair because i would have fallen out laughing. in the middle of a tragedy like this, in the middle of recuperation, you can still experience genuine joy and laughter and love and anybody says life is not worth living is totally wrong, totally wrong. this was as christopher reeves was going in for surgery doctors said he had a 50/50 chance coming out of it and he was on his bed and the door forces open. robin williams saying i m your proctologist and just a couple of things before your surgery. thomas, what is your memory of robin williams? i have to think back to mork and mindy. that is what my sister and i watched as kids. mork showed up on happy days. that was then a spin-off that he got. jonathan winters was his hero who showed up as his kid on
mork and mindy. and mork was the one that got pregnant after they got married! and egg showed up in the attic. the egg from ork and jonathan winters comes down and he s the baby. crazy. fantastic. but you were talking about the ad-libbing, willie. he was known for that. when we see the opening scenes of mrs. doubtfire is the voiceover artist and actor who gets fired from a job because he doesn t like the way the cartoon is going and the bird is smoking. pudgy, the bird, oh, no i ll get a cancer. no, pudgy is going to smoke but i don t want to send kids the message this kid is going to smoke. he gets canned from the job and ends up as his own kids nanny dressed in drag. there was talks he was going to make mrs. doubtfire 2. but he will live you forever.
these films for kids and adults he touched so many lives. mark, what about you? for me stand-up and appearances on late night talk shows and award shows. he was come in and explode any appearance he was on. you can watch lots of them on youtube as i did some last night and this morning where he just came on improv, interaction and a phenomenal genius. one other thing we haven t talked about much yet. he did kill himself. what struck me is no one is surprised. no one is surprised that he killed himself because he lived pretty openly about his addiction and his troubles. it s sad and a lot of talk about helping people around the world today who deal with the substance abuse and depression he had. that is a thing there was something about him when you saw him in mork and mindy. but if you see him in garp, if you see him in good will hunting. in so many of these roles, you
know, there was something very real, there was something very funny about the guy, but also something very sad. i read in the new york times this morning, i had no idea as a child, they talk about how he grew up in detroit a privileged son of a detroit auto executive that lived in a mansion and played by himself in a room with thousands of toy soldiers and there was just sort of this sadness that went along with the joy and, you re right, nobody was surprised. for all of us who have seen people and known people that have struggled with depression or struggled with bipolar disorder or any of these mental health challenges, we understand what a battle it is just to get through the day and he did so many like a lot of great artists, he used his suffering and he used his daily challenges and put it in i think it made
him a greater artist, a more sensitive artist, a more feeling artist, but it also, of course, led to a life of struggle. yeah. he was able to exude such extreme elation and pleasure and joy and humor and also the depth of pain in his work. everyone talks about his range and that obviously those extremes plagued his life as well. he talked about his own struggle using drugs and alcohol using it actually as material for his stand-up. this is whaty i had to give alcohol because you have to pay the next day. dear lord, please don t hurt me now. lying in bed and you feel like the scenes in the movie going, help me! help me! the entire room is spinning like a roulette wheel. place your bets! place your bets! the old toilet in the corner going, talk to me! here is a warning sign if you
have a cocaine problem. if you have only a couch in and your cat is going [ bleep ] me too. you can t fall asleep and doing cocaine in your sleep and can t fall asleep and you wake up and you re doing cocaine, bingo. number three if on your form it says $50,000 for snacks, mayday! mike hogan, he speaks, obviously, from experience and in a way that connects with the vulnerable. yeah. absolutely. and, you know, it s just, once again, you see that there is this manicness that is pushing and kind of playing those high notes to try and almost distract you and him from something else that is a little darker underneath. i think that is what a lot of people are responding to today. but it also made him such a talented versatile actor where when he did dial it back down, you really got these very soulful performance like the one he won the oscar for in good
will hunting. brian, is there something that sticks out to you that you think he can be most reminded for? i m reminded of an early 70s performance where he is talking about the comedy routine saying, oh, no, i m doing it wrong. amazing stuff and very inventive and fertile mind that will not be duplicated any time soon. mike hogan and brian steinberg, thank you. we will have much more on the life and genius of robin williams throughout the show. president obama hits pause on his vacation to grating tcon the new prime minister in iraq. there is a problem. what is that? the old prime minister refuses to go away and calling the move illegal.
later, mrs. say all options remain open in the fatal accident involving nascar driver tony stewart. could criminal charges be coming soon? first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. good morning on this tuesday. yesterday, we got soaked in detroit. it wasn t your normal soaking. they had over four inches of rain. the second most rain they had in their recorded history in one single day and their records go back to the 1800s. every highway in the city was flooded at one point. 4 1/2 inches of rain. it s drying out today but that slow moving soaker is now pushing east. we are going to see very heavy rain today. areas of new york, pennsylvania, and eventually shifting into the big cities on i-95. already the green on the map is light rain d.c. to baltimore and scranton area light rain. a closer view shows you right over the loop there around d.c. around 295 and 495. we do have a little bit of light rain but not the heavy stuff.
that will come later today and maybe thunderstorms. if you have travel plans at the airports or the roads expect delays especially late today and tonight. new york city we are expecting as much as 3 inches of rain later this evening in a very, very slow wednesday morning commute because of those downpours. that is going to be moving out into areas of central new england by the time we get through wednesday. everything else around the country looks okay today but that travel trouble spot is on a busy i-95 corridor later today into tonight. the new york times you re dry this morning and driving home in some rain. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back. (vo) ours is a world of passengers.
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welcome back to morning joe. more on the passing of robin williams in a moment. some other news as well. dueling conflicts are fueling questions about the future stability of iraq. the country s new president has picked the country s deputy
speaker to be the next prime minister. al maliki refused to leave the post. he accused iraq s president of violating the constitution and accusing the u.s. for not supporting him. president obama on his vacation visited the new prime minister. the president praises the announcement and promised to support iraq s incoming government which is facing some enormous challenges. there is no american military solution to the crisis in iraq. the only lasting is for iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government, one that represents the legitimate interests of all iraqis and one that can unify the country s fight against isis. the daily beast is reporting that president obama told
lawmakers in a private meeting it was, quote, horse bleep to say he could have done more to stop the rise of islamic militants in syria and now iraq. horse bleep. what exactly is horse bleep? i wonder. the u.s. is keeping up its assault on the militants launching strike on checkpoints and vehicles in northern iraq. american troops have now delivered more than 85,000 meals and 20,000 gallons of water to thousands of displaced desperate iraqis. a top member of the u.s. military is now warning the united states campaign will have a limited impact. we assess that u.s. air strikes in northern iraq have slowed isil s operation tempo and temporarily disrupted their advances toward the province of erbil. however, these strikes are unlikely to effect isil s overall capabilities off its
operations in other areas of iraq and syria. let s bring in the bbc s katty kay. a lot of horse bleep going on out there. i think it fit in well on morning joe. his foreign policy is defined as don t do stupid bleep and now on isis it s horse bleep that he could stop it. regardless of whatever it is, regardless of how we got here, looking forward is chaotic, not only for this president but this would be a challenge for like eisenhow eisenhower. there is chaos in the north and baghdad and everywhere. what is the next step? i think to push the iraqi government in baghdad which is why the president called the president designate in baghdad yesterday saying you have to find a political solution to that is going to satisfy the sunnis in this country. you have to deal with this. americans can strike the islamic state in the north with some success as they are doing but unless america is prepared to go into syria to really roll back long term probably by putting
boots on the ground as well and get this organization really crushed, which it s not prepared to do. washington doesn t want to do that, then this is going to have to be a regional solution and an iraqi solution. america can t fix this problem. where is europe? where is germany? where is france? why does this always turn back to us? why does standing up to putin always turn back to us? it seems to us, it seems to some of us that europe, especially germany, is still on this vacation from history. it s not 1945. it s not 1991. why is it always on our shoulders? germany is a slightly different case and complicated case. since the world war ii they have a confrontation that forbids them from around the world. american led the invasion of iraq. it s the pottery barn rule. you went in, you did take a
coalition of the sort of willing with you but only a sort of willing. no massive protests around europe against the invasion of iraq. europe has never been keen on a military they weren t in 2003. they are still not today. europeans are more in danger and closer to isis. whether you re talking about isis in iraq or whether you re talking about iran, this is a question they are watching these exact pictures that we are seeing at the moment of the helicopter aid drops. does europe thinking that this stays away from their doorstep? it is a virus, mark halpern, spreading across the middle east and i just wonder why the hell it s always black or white. it s the united states or it s nobody. if it goes well, well, then the united states, they did what they were supposed to do. if it goes badly, then we get, of course, criticized by germany and france and many others
across the world. i d say where is turkey and saudi arabia? united states is the indispensable nation. if the united states doesn t lead against jihadists, no one else will. i agree with you it s not ideal but that is the relate of the world. is it a sense in washington, d.c. the president has been shaken? personally shaken? no. out of some would consider his position that i m going to define my foreign policy by not being dick cheney? well, dick cheney is this going to be two or three weeks of military activity or do you think this president, are you hearing this president is determined to do everything he can to stamp out the spreading terror out there? well, he is turning everybody else or almost everybody else into dick cheney. hillary clinton is sounding like dick cheney because there is two ways to do this. there is pay any price to deal with jihadists and terror around the world, or think through like a law professor every situation, do a cost benefit analysis, and be incremental.
he is turning everyone else into dick cheney apart from the american public. and very important point, and we have heard again and again and again and again that the president also needs to be the, quote, explainer in chief. that fits here probably better than any of these other crises. let s ask the question of where is europe and this one as well to our next guest. joining us now from washington, the new york times reporter jeremy peters and also the former senior director at the national security council and now managing director at the washington institute, michael sing. we also have nbc news senior white house correspondent chris jansing live from martha s vineyard. chris, set it up for us. a busy day up there yesterday. what are we expecting today? reporter: there is no public schedule here and it s really interesting to watch what has been going on over the last, i don t know, 24 hours or so. when you saw the development of the push, the sort of final
push. we have known that for a while, this administration has been really in the middle of what has been going on with iraq, they have been saying to the new president and members of parliament deeply involved you got to get a new prime minister in here. but what a contrast, right? yesterday on iraqi television, you ve got nuri al maliki who essentially is setting up what looks like a potential coup. i can tell you that administration officials are very concerned about that. late yesterday, the president in what was supposed to be just a statement to the pool press and then they decided to do it on television the last minute. you saw the poor quality of it, you know, came out. doesn t mention nuri al maliki at all. and says this is good, we have a new person in place and this is how iraq is going to move forward, this is someone who can bring both sides together. so you have these incredibly competing visions one on iraqi television and one on american
television, joe. nbc chris jansing, thank you very much. we appreciate it. let s go to jeremy peters on capitol hill. we heard katty talking about how the american people didn t support this. maybe that is why there is a deafening silence coming from capitol hill. i understand they spread out all over the country but in times of crises you would send a statement out from your capitol hill office. dead silence. especially, i must say from my republican brothers and sisters, that have been so critical of this president not taking action. we reached out yesterday and i know you did too to rand paul to try to get a comment from rand paul on where he stood. this is probably the most important national security issue, isis, over the past four or five or six years, and they refused comment to us. other republicans who have been deeply critical of president obama refused comment as well. what are you hearing on capitol hill? i think rand paul s silence is stemming from this problem
that he is going to have if he runs for president in 2016. he will constantly be running against his father s legacy. he does not want to be portrayed as an isolationist. therefore, i think the less he says, the better on these type of things. would now be a great time for him to come out and say, i don t know, do something radical and actually support the president for going against a terrorist group that is spreading across the middle east like a virus? or is he just going wait until it goes badly like democrats did and then attack barack obama for doing what they would have done. what they would have done? i think part of what you said earlier about congress being in recess is actually very true. lawmakers think that they have a past now that they are out of washington and there aren t constantly cameras in their face asking them for comment. that is just going to be the fallback position a lot of these guys take. actually what i ve been more struck by is the silence from democrats because the last thing that democrats on capitol hill
want to have right now is another messy fight over a foreign entanglement. this is reminiscent. it happened a month ago where you saw democrats being very reluctant to commit to any sort of force in iraq. michael sing, the president has gone out of his way to say this air strike conducted in iraq was a limited one and just to preserve the humanitarian needs of a persecuted group stranded up on a mountain top there. what happens with the next group? is this just putting out one fire or more fires going to pop up that we have to take one by one, the united states and it will be forced to confront again? that is my concern about this is that, look. i m glad the president has decided to final get more involved in what is happening there in the middle east. but the question is can this operation achieve very much?
i m not sure that it will succeed and we heard the pentagon talking about this yesterday even in stopping the isis advance, much less rolling them back or dealing them a blow. it doesn t really address that broader threat that isis poses, not only to this region, remember, they have attacked syria, lebanon and jordan and saudi arabia but also the threat to the united states itself. you got chuck hagel right now and john kerry in australia talking about the threat that the foreign fighters who have gone to fight with isis posed to our own countries. michael singh, thank you so much. still ahead on morning joe, guess how much of u.s. postal service lost in three months of the second quarter. is it, a, 100 million? yeah, sounds right. they all seem high. b, 500 million or, c, 2 billion? we will have the correct answer next in papers. people close to tracy morgan say the actor is struggling
nearly two months after his car accident. we will have an update on his condition next. more on the life and genius of robin williams. we will remember the funniest moments from his legendary contrary. we will be right back with much more morning joe. what is this black liquid? this is coffee. what do you do with it? we have it with our breakfast. oh, allow me. oh, repulsive. i hate to admit this, but people here on earth get pretty hassled over anything they don t understand. why would anyone think i m weird? they must build a new race. swim, swim. coming on the radio i heard at 1-800-dentist, we re about one thing.
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according to the latest tally from the world health organization. a company that manufactures an experimental treatment drug z. map said it s all out of the treatment it sent to liberia. the government there said would be issued to two african doctors suffering from the virus. dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol being treated now in an atlanta hospital, received the experimental drug. from the st. louis poach dispatch. the fbi is investigating the fatal shooting of an unarmed army teenager in ferguson, missouri. for the second day in a row now antipolice demonstrators demonstrated in the streets to demand justice for 18-year-old michael brown. 15 were arrested as the demonstrations turned violent last night. the police using tear gas and rubber bullets. yesterday, demonstrators marched
to the police station. the police chief says he does not blame people for being skeptical about what happens but promises a full and independent review. wall street journal, the united states postal service is reporting a loss of nearly, did you guess it, joe? i was afraid of this. yeah. $2 billion. good lord! $2 billion in the third quarter. despite cost cutting efforts. this marks the 20th of the last 22 quarters the agency has wound up in the red. the loss comes a the postal service looks to end saturday deliveries a move could save up to $2 billion a year. revenue was up $379 million from last year. from the usa today. tracy morgan s lawyer says the actor is still struggling over two months since the accident that left him severely injured. a car he was riding in was struck by a walmart truck on the
new jersey turnpike. his lawyer says morgan is fighting hard to recover from his injuries. up next, we are sort through the must read opinion pages. plus, police say they are not ruling anything out in the nascar accident with tony stewart. latest from the their investing is coming up. the stars come out to say good-bye to actor robin williams. some of their touching reactions on social media coming up. in the river today saw a city can i give you a hand? oh, no, dear, i don t need a hand. i need a face. a face. are you sure? oh, definitely! a face. a face. oh, god! the water is boiling. hello!
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it s time now for the must read opinion pages. i picked one here. you don t have to bring it from the south of france. why do you keep saying that? the bill is getting high. willie, it s getting old. it s getting old. where is the telegraph? you can reverse the charges. how did you learn how to do that? i d like to send this collect. it s true. i ve been to the south of france once. i was kidnapped. it was not good. it s a great story. by a diplomat son! that happens to all of us, though, right? oh, a president s son. afs no pair bi was a no pair were no children. wife asking you on to go. it s a shell game. is that bad? leave the country. take care of him!
take care of him. thanks, mom and dad. a great summer. what movie did you guys go out to see? it was a porn movie. how is that? really scary. you called your dad and said come get me? no. i had this special code and if there was any problem, you say how is grandfather like that. his grandfather died? yeah. but my parents were out of town and my brother was having a party and he never answered the phone. when he finally did, he said, what are you, crazy? then he hung up. the parents got home three days later. it was three days later and they said, has mika called? yeah, she called asking how grandfather was. dr. brzezinski dials up and ed, i am getting my daughter now and if you do not have her at the airport in five minutes, i will kill you! i m sure he said something like that. the guy takes her out on a shopping spree and like none other, by the way. are you still in touch with him? or at least with his credit
card details. or his children. wait a minute there were no children. i was doing an internship at a tv station for the summer and it was a wonderful experience. there was a tv? yeah, there was a tv. the beginning of my tv career. mika has an attachment to the south of france. the oinnly attachment i have i was going to read you gene robinson and make you really mad. go ahead. no. we don t have enough time. we will do it with eugene coming up. that s a tease. i ll get angry and stare at the tv. the washington post paying for the crisis in iraq.
why is obama intervening with air strikes in iraq and not in syria where the carnage is much worse? my answer would be the u.s. has a special responsibility to protect innocent civilians in iraq because ultimately it was our nation s irresponsibility that put lives at risk. what is next? in a few minutes the host of inside the actor studio, james lipton will be here with his thoughts on the death of legendary actor and comedian robin williams. we will play the appearance of robin s on that show. saying it was the best he had ever given in his life. don t go away. we will be right back. let me get this straight. [ female voice ] yes?
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welcome back. tony stewart has pulled out of a race in indiana this saturday following the crash that led to the death of sprint car driver kevin ward jr. it remains unclear if stewart will compete in a nascar event the following day in michigan. officials are still investigating the incident at a dirt racetrack in upstate new york when ward got out of his car following a wreck and tried to confront stewart on the track before being struck by stewart s vehicle. at a news conference yesterday, the sheriff says no charges are pending right now against stewart. that s awful. as we speak at this time,
there are no facts that exist that support any criminal behavior or conduct, or any probable cause of a criminal act. this is an open investigation. what i have just said is not indicative that the investigation is over or conclusions have been made. no criminal charges have been placed against anyone and there are no facts at this point that would support probable cause of any criminal behavior. an autopsy for ward revealed he died of massive blunt force trauma to the head, although he was wearing a helmet. obviously, he was struck at a relatively high speed. now the questions are will there be criminal charges? it s a pretty heavy charge that some people are saying that tony stewart would accelerate on a racetrack to hit another driver
and there is no evidence that he did that. yesterday, derek was talking about when you do these type of cars, actually you ve got to, at times, accelerate to get the mud off the tires. derek s father still drives these things. yeah. that is just what you do when i guess the yellow flag is up and mud is collecting. if you slow down too much, it s even worse. why would you expect somebody to walk out in the middle of a track? muddy track. the guy is walking on the track in a black suit and a lot of things working against him. and strips. the vision is terrible. coming up in our 7:00 hour, president obama calls to congratulate the newly nominated prime minister in iraq thachlt. that is good news. the old one refuses to leave. one little issue there. that is not good news. how will that stand justify play out? two words we can t say on television for critics saying he
could have prevented the crisis. colleagues of robin williams speak out remembering their friends and we will be right back. h i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won t expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. hing your favorite players come on, get open. yeah. with nfl mobile on verizon. yes! get in there! go, go, go, go, yes! let s go, drew. the not-so-good more would be them always watching you. go for it, paul! get open!
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those are the things i missed the most. little idiosyncrasies that i only know about. that is what made my wife and she had the goods on me too. she knew all of my little peccadillos. people call these things imperfections but they are not not. that s the good stuff. you are here and life exists and an identity. the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. robin williams has been called an entertainment genius who commanded the spotlight from stand-up comedy clubs to oscar winning films. it s hard to think of anyone as naturally funny as robin williams. he was wild. he was free-willing and better
at improv than anybody and it and broke barriers in comedy. while his performance broke barriers in the series of leading roles, he was a deeply funny and deeply complicated man. a personal struggle and deep challenges he dealt with depression for years and reportedly checking in a clinic as recently as july and a publicist said he had been battling deep depression. he was found dead in his home in california yesterday of an apparent suicide. he was 63 years old and there will be a news conference later this morning with more on his passing. we did find out that he was with some major hollywood actors earlier in the day. actually, i think that was another story that we re looking into. but robin williams colleagues from around hollywood and beyond have been sending their thoughts and prayers. gary marshall who cast williams in the role of mork which started is all for williams said, i will never forget the day i met him and he stood on
his head in my office chair and pretended to drink a glass of water using his finger like a straw. the first season of mork and mindy, i knew immediately that a three camera format wouldn t be enough to catch robin and his genius talent so i hired a fourth camera operator and he just followed robin. only robin, looking back four cameras weren t enough. i should have had a fifth and i should have hired a fifth camera to follow him too. he also spoke back in 2012 on morning joe. they always say you could do saturday night live humor at 8:00. i said you can because i found robin williams and determined to do that kind of stuff. actor forrest whittaker who starred alongside him in good
morning vietnam. said the following. actor chevy chase saying we suffered from the known disease depression and never expected this ending to his life and to ours with him. sean levy the director, robin moved us to tears, sometimes from laughter and sometimes from humanity and sometimes both in the same moment. finally, this was tweeted out by the academy. genie, you re free. williams body of work is staggering from his time raising money for the homeless on comic relief to some of the most passionate and provocative performances in cinema. reporter: robin williams was an entertainer in the classic sense of the word. bad men distance dance the on field. reporter: a stand-up comedian and broadway performer and one of the most successful and tv and movie stars of any generation. he was a master of impressions. you can also imagine john
wayne going, well, is this a dagger i see before me? reporter: and delighted the impressionable. there is lots of things you can do with a stick. you can start off and be playing baseball in the world series or you can be gene shalit or pinocchio. i have two academy awards, elmo! reporter: his breakthrough role came as mork on the sitcom mork and mindy. my name is mork. nanana. reporter: it was said the producers would leave parts of the scripts blank to allow williams to ad-lib. it drew 60 million viewers every week. and provided a national audience for his genius. i can t let you pass up a chance like me, honey. stop it! mork, will you help me? if you insist. mind if i cut in? thank you. reporter: but it wasn t long before he turned his attention to more serious projects, waking up the world in good morning vietnam. in saigon today, according to officials, nothing actually
happened. one thing that didn t happen is a bomb didn t explode 14 hours unofficially destroying jimmy s cafe. get him out of there! reporter: his roles often pushed the envelope mixing the phonetic and the funny. you do fossey, fossey, fossey and graham, graham! reporter: with the deeply philosophical. the poetry. beauty! romance! love! these are what we stay alive for. reporter: he was a regular at the academy awards, taking home an oscar in 1998, his only one for his role in good will hunting. you don t know about real loss because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. i doubt you ever dare to love anybody that much. reporter: but according to a publicist, williams had been battling severe depression and going to rehab in 2006. i went to rehab in wine country. always a good choice. do detoxing in columbia. are you happy? were you unhappy before you went
in? i was pretty much everything before i went in and now it s great just to have genuine emotions and being all right with that. reporter: his roles were as complex and as playful as the man himself, exploring some of humanity s darkest chapters, and along with our greatest triumphs and, above all else, he made us laugh. with us on set the producer and writer and host, james lipton. james, we love seeing you but it s certainly a sad occasion as it was a few months ago with philip seymour hoffman. we have to stop doing this. we really do. in this case, though, some of his best work was never caught on film but his manager says the performance that he turned in with you on your show was one of the greatest of his careers. yes, it was. he walked out on the stage in our actor drama school and students went wild and then he
went wild. and finally after about six or seven minutes, i raised my hand. he said, what do you want? i said i want to ask my first question. let s see that. here is robin williams when he joined james on inside the actors studio. i came to bombay last year. you know i have directed 15 movies in bombay and very excited about my music al. is there a lovely musical called who s sorry now? i have written this magical thing and i do them and i have my other one that is binedy, binedy bow and teka, teka, tay.
i would like to welcome you to iran! help me! james, you asked robin williams that famous question that you ask all of the actors during your interview at the studio. let s take a look at that. if heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates? there is seating near the front. the concert begins at 5:00. it will be mozart, elvis and one of your choosing. or just laughter. that would be a great thing, just to hear god goes, two jews walk into a bar. james, your thoughts on this extraordinary man. we have lost a genius. genius is very hard to define.
genius do it naturally. it comes in their dna what we do with great effort and having to learn. robin was born to entertain us and he succeeded brilliantly. you mending steven spielberg a moment ago in the introduction. steelberg to spielberg told me when he was doing schindler s list. every night he would call robin in los angeles and say, make me laugh. that s a gift. it is a gift. he did it in such a way that when he first came on the scene in 1978 with a television show, two weeks, three weeks later, robin williams was a star. 60 million people would watch mork and mindy. but none of us could have seen the type of performances that he turned in in garp, which i
think was an extraordinary performance very early in his career, all the way through good morning vietnam, and a lot of these other shows. one of my favorite robin williams performance is in aladdin, the genie. when he prepares aladdin for what is to come, he plays would you like to guess how many characters he played in that two and a half or three minutes as the genie? 52. 52 entirely unique discrete characters switching like that and was all improvised in front of an empty studio in front of a microphone. that is unbelievable. robin ad-libbed his way through the role of genie in aladdin. let s take a look. in your corner now. every ammunition in your pant. you have a punch! shazam! all you got to do is rub that lamp. i ll say, mr. aladdin, sir, what will your pleasure be? let me take your other and jog it down.
you never been like me. james, obviously, to brilliant there in aladdin. we don t get to see the facial expressions of robin williams. that was in 1992 before mrs. doubtfire came out. i want to play the clip of you asking him inside the actor studio about heaven. you knew that sound bite was coming and you deflated a little bit. am i wrong? i m sorry? what? just a second ago when you knew that question was coming about if heaven exists and he was about to answer it, you seemed like you had a visceral reaction to know what his answer is going to be. is it hard to know someday there is a more poignant relevance when you re surrounded at a table like this and we are discussing the brilliance of an actor like robin williams that they give an answer like that? if you had asked me then to predict that robin would
predecease me, i would have laughed at you. no. there was no premonition in that. he was he was extraordinary. he walked out on the set and normally i wear my wings on the pilot airplane association and the symbol of it is wings and they sort of face down. he walked over to me and turned it upside down so that i would it would look right to him. i turned it back up. i said what are you doing? i said that is the way it goes. he said that is airplane association and he said the wings go down? that is like a parachute with most parachute. then he got up and he did five minutes on a drunken pilot. and the president of the airplane owners and pilots association called me a few days later and said, i d like to open every jen aviation pilots meeting with that clip and he did. oh, my gosh. ever after that.
wherever robin went, he left an indelible mark. he did. you asked robin about his personality and this was his response. no one is more famous than you for free flight exteroversion. is there an introverted robin williams? does he exist? oh, my god! what have i done? do not ask if he don t ask the introverted question. i m feeling better! oh, god! you don t ask that! just because you fly! i got to pin. i fly! you just don t want to see
the introverted robin williams. no, you don t. mika, james said something before that the genius is hard to define but that s genius. that is something you don t teach. no. that is something you re blessed with. this morning as i was getting up and reading a lot of different things and one of the things i saw that was fascinating to me there was a study of great musicians. they try to figure out if you were born with it or if it could be taught to you. and the conclusion was with identical twins was some people just have it in their genes. yeah. and identical twins are different. you can practice and you can become a better pianist. no, but this is different. but a genius. yeah. a genius gets to where they get with a lot of hard work but they start with something. again, i said earlier, jimi hendrix played guitar like nobody else in rock music and
nobody else will ever play anything like him. robin williams is the same way as a comedian. there never was a robin williams before and there never will be another robin williams again. no, there won t be. he was unique, of course. there was some who inspired him greatly and who should be acknowledged today and that was jonathan winters. i worked with several times with johnny winters several times on the bob hope show. he could do that. robin learned from him. he did learn that. but he had the genius that enabled him to use it and take it to even greater heights. that was an enormous influence on him and johnny should be a acknowledg acknowledged. you were talking about his background. i didn t realize this morning he was born the privileged son of an auto executive in detroit and
lived a lonely existence in a mansion. he would play with thousands of toy soldiers by himself in a cavernous room and i guess lived in this room that developed over the years. i never knew that. there was melancholy in this man from his start. i lived in detroit and grew up in detroit but not the same part of detroit he did. not at all. i was in the inner city. we talked about that. but in the end, in the end, robin is pallechi. the cliche of the clown was there every single minute of his life. what he did was he spared us the hard part and gave us the joy. what an extraordinary gift that was. through the hard part, he
found a way to make people laugh. he often would joke about his own struggle with drugs and alcohol and made it his material. he talked about that on my show. this is what i hwhy i have t give up alcohol. you have to pay the next day. dear lord, don t hurt me now. you lie in bed and the movie the flags going, help me! help me! the entire room is spoiinning le a roulette wheel. place your bets, place your bets. there is the toilet in the corner going, talk to me. here is warning sign if you have a cocaine problem. first of all, if you come home to your house and you have no furniture and your cat is going, i m out of here, [ bleep ] warning. number two. if you have this dream you re doing cocaine in your sleep and you can t fall asleep and doing cocaine and you can t fall asleep, and you wake up and you re doing cocaine, bingo.
on your tax form if it says 50,000 for snacks, mayday! i come here for you because i believe in you. it s good to be in the room with big beer having just gone on a rehab, that s a good choice. because i was violating my standards quicker than i could lower them. james, he talked about addiction when he was on the show as well with you. yes, he did. he said the following for me, the greatest drug of all is creation because you can create. you get the same kick because evolutionary wise, your brain gives you little endorphin buzz. why do you think einstein looked like that? this is some dynamite weed. if he had made the atomic bong, you drop the bong and smoke clears and everybody is dancing and hungry. it was great to have full senses
again once i cleaned up. james lipton, thank you so much for being on the show, sharing your memories and thoughts with us. we appreciate it so much. thank you. thank you. still ahead on morning joe, we are going live to iraq where things may be going from bad to worse. the country s prime minister is now thumbing his nose at the u.s. even as american jets bail out his government s military. later a look at the disease that may have ultimately claimed robin williams life. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back.
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there is no american military solution to the crisis in iraq. the only lasting solution is for iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government, one that represents the legitimate interests of all iraqis and one that can unify the country s fight against isil.
today, iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort. 23 past the hour. some of the other big headlines of the day. iraq new country has picked the country s deputy speaker to be the next prime minister but the current leader, nuri al maliki, is fufg refufg tsing to step as. the united states is vowing to step up financial and military aid if the country can come together. meanwhile, the daily beast is reporting that president obama told lawmakers in a private meeting it was, quote, horse bleep to say he could have done more to stop the rise of islamic militants in syria and now iraq. joining us now from erbil, iraq, nbc news correspondent keir simmons with the latest. reporter: good morning. a little known man outside this country has been nominated as prime minister. his name is haider al abadi.
the current prime minister nuri al maliki was little known outside iraq and was backed by the u.s. but he has now, it appears, been forced from power but he is still trying to cling on. that is the political battle that is unfolding in baghdad each as fighting rages around that capital city. it appears those battles between the isis jihadists and the iraqis and kurds that were taking place near here just a few days ago have shifted south again, back towards baghdad. those u.s. air strikes do app to be having an effect on isis. pushing them back in places, but the pentagon concedes it may not stop them in the long run and, meanwhile, of course, thousands of people are still homeless and caught in the middle of this ever increasingly divided country. the pictures coming in are absolute riveting and incredible and heart breaking. keir, thank you so much. we bring in pulitzer prize
winning columnist and associate editor. the washington post and msnbc political analyst eugene robinson and jim miklaszewski with the latest, the nbc news pentagon correspondent. jim, we made news yesterday. people were talking about the fact that your reporting brought out that generals say if you want to take care of things over there, this is a 15 to 20-year deal. it s not a couple of quick bombing runs. there aren t a lot of good options for the united states, are there, right now? not really. certainly not good military options. lieutenant general william mayville yesterday in a briefing here yesterday said, look, as far as the air strikes are concerned so far, we have stopped the advance of isis and turned it back somewhat against the kurds up there near erbil but he said there s no sense whatsoever we are making no claims that we have contained or broken isis and he, himself,
suggested they will just take the fight for somewhere else. nobody here even intel folks are not suggesting that the u.s. military is going to be directly involved in combat with isis or its ilk for the next 15 to 20 years, but this is a phenomenon that we have yet to see in terms of worldwide terrorism. this is a real army that has seized a huge swath of iraq and parts of syria. they have actually created their own terrorist nation. so this is not something that is going to be solved any time soon, particularly with military strikes. if you think back to just al qaeda core itself, which did, you know, launched a terrorist attack here, a terrorist attack there, their first one in 1993 against the world trade center and 20 years later we were still
dealing with osama bin laden and al qaeda. nobody here is optimistic that anything militarily can be done even in the medium to long term to halt the advance of these terrorists. mick, the pentagon is famous for writing up contingency plans. i know we are not talking about the prospect of ground troops but is there a plan the pentagon has a plan if the commander in chief said destroy isis. if there are plans to puts boots on the ground nobody talks about it here. they are planning for a possible contingency. even in the short term when the president was talking about creating some kind of safe corridor. people here said that is going to take ground troops. we can t possibly do that from the air alone. and so there were calls to the french, to the british, to the turks. anybody who might be able to
contribute, but on saturday, president obama, again, vowed to the american people there will be no u.s. military boots on the ground. katty kay? eugene robinson in washington, you write a piece in the washington post today. your column talks about the invasion of iraq and how this is america s responsibility, the pottery barn rule, america broke it, so they bear the responsibility for this. in a sense, don t we have to look forward now and think what is the best solution in terms of trying to limit isis ability to impact american national security and trust going forward, not looking back at the last ten years? i think we do need to look forward. i was, frankly just cheesed off at dick cheney going around saying this is obama s fault and actually, no, it s mostly your fault. but that aside, let s look forward. there is a short-term question, i think, which is baghdad. i mean, so they have been stopped from taking over erbil
and wiping out the kurds and is the iraqi are the iraqi armed forces strong enough to keep isis away from baghdad? think that is a short-term question they must be looking at at the pentagon. medium and long term. you heard what mick reported. i think it s going to be, first, isolation and containment of isis and then the question is do you allow this terrorist entity to exist and perhaps consolidate a strength there, or do you try to organize some sort of international, you know, effort to shut it down and that is a question that nobody is going to want to face and i certainly don t want to face, but there it is. joe, i wanted to ask you because there are political calculations that go into this that are completely different from what it meant to go into iraq under president bush. we are not going in to a sovereign country.
this is not saddam hussein. how does that change congressional calculations and white house calculations in trying to go back in to baghdad, a country that we said or go back into iraq, a country that we said that we have retreated from and that we are not going to be involved with any longer? it s extraordinary difficult for this president who won the democratic nomination because even as a guy running for state senate, he opposed the iraq war. we had yesterday a reporter from wall street journal saying that he went around the 2012 campaign talking about getting out of iraq. that was one of the biggest applause lines she reported, carol lee reported. that is one of his biggest applause lines in 2012. in 2014, the poll numbers aren t much better now. the problem is, of course, gene is right. 2003 to 2007 and 2008, the bush/cheney administration was responsibility for so much.
republicans now looking at what happened with the obama administration and trying to blame him there. i think both sides have going to have to realize that regardless of who is to blame, here we are and we re fighting something that is much messier than just going after saddam hussein in a sovereign nation. the world was a lot simpler in 1988 when, gene, we had a cold war and it was us against them which sounds pretty darn good right now. then we moved to a stage where it was u.s. against bad nation states, but this virus is, again, spreading like something we have never seen before. it s spreading, joe. there is already the question of, you know, real recruits coming in from across the arab world and really across the world to join isis, you know, as it s kind of a focal point. coming from america.
coming from europe. coming from america and coming from europe and then eventually going to go home. i mean, you called it a virus. you hit it and it makes it spread rather than contain it. so, you know, this is not this is not a one year or two-year campaign to eradicate it. maybe we should think of it as trying to eradicate a disease and that is always a long-term process that also requires, frankly, a big plan that is going to involve more than just the united states. it s also going to involve europe and other world powers as well if it s going to be contained. it is so difficult what has happened over the past six, seven, eight, nine, ten years. we need to go. but, mick, i remember when we were fighting against al qaeda in afghanistan and using the
measurements. how many have we killed and if we just kill, you know, all of the guys at the top, we re in great shape. we just had killed osama bin laden, all of this would have gone away. we killed osama bin laden and this has only gotten worse and more difficult people trained to be generals and admirals and work in the building you re in right now, to understand this new world that is changing at lightning speed by the minute. and, quite frankly, this has been building for several years. the u.s. military and intelligence and other civilian intelligence agencies have been watching this fester with a great deal of concern and they raise the possibility that all of this was going to explode someday and for some reason, there was no immediately response from u.s. leadership at any level, including this building, but before leon
panetta left, he asked the dia, take a hard look at this because he was concerned about the potential that these terrorists represented. but nobody, nobody envisioned the kind of advances and gains that isis has made in such a short period of time, joe. jim miklaszewski and eugene robinson, thank you very much. thanks, guys. coming up as an investigation gets under way, nascar star tony stewart makes a decision on an upcoming race after hitting and killing a competitor over the weekend. please close to tracy morgan say the actor is struggling nearly two montshs after his ca accident. we will have an update on his condition next. pressure pressing down on me pressing down on you
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39 past the hour. we want to take a look at the headlines making news this morning. tony stewart will not participate in a race in indiana on saturday. it remains unclear if he ll compete in a nascar event the next day in michigan. this comes after the crash led to the death of fellow racer kevin ward jr. you know, this is the right thing to do. yeah. absolutely. i think one of the worst mistakes they made right after this terrible tragedy was when
his team announced the morning that the morning after this young man had been killed that it was business as usual that they were going forward, they were going to race no matter what and made him look insensitive and it made him his team look clallus. we are talking about criminal charges. he something more severe to worry about but you have to wonder the sponsors as the investigation goes forward if the sponsors will stick with him. a autopsy said ward died of massive blunt trauma to the head even though he was wearing a helmet. ebola death count has gone past a thousand now according to the w.h.o. a experimental drug said it has run out of its supply. tracy morgan s lawyer say the actor is still struggling over two months since the
accident which left him severely injured. morgan suffered several broken ribs and a broken leg when the van in which he was rideing in was struck by a walmart truck on the new jersey turnpike. two others were injured and fellow comedian james mcnair was killed in that crash. morgan has filed a lawsuit against walmart. his lawyer says he is fighting hard to recover from his injuries. we saw the clip of him a couple of weeks ago where he was in the car and saying that he was feeling better. but this was a horrific crash. maybe this is a good day, but just knowing this has to be something that he is going to live with the rest of his life one way or another. we have this extraordinary close call in england. this is surveillance video from inside a london subway station where a man places a stroller with a baby in it against a wall. he then goes back up the stairs to help family members when apparently a big wind gust blows the stroller and it rolls on to
the tracks! moments later, a woman believed to be the child s mother jumps down on the tracks. she lifts the stroller back on to the platform. seconds before a train pulled in! police are still looking for the couple to make sure the child wasn t hurt. oh, my gosh! up next, finding meaning in rule, by the way, just parenting tip. this parenting tip 73, i can understand why i m not going to judge. i m not judging either. i m not either. i m just saying i read a manual. i got like 73 kids and parenting, one of the tips, i think maybe 78. don t leave your child in a stroller in the subway alone. what if it closed and went! i don t know about the video. i think it s a hoax. the think it s a hoax? the stroller made a big right turn. is that a baby? is that a dog? look at what happens. it s like the exorcist. look what happens.
it s like, uh. come on! very sad if it s a real baby and it s not a hoax. like a right turn on the stroller. remember devil baby ? i do. do you think that is what this is? he has his headphones on and this good guy is numb. he is a millennial! they do nothing! they had headphones there. he could have been in shock. he could be an extra hire. sound guy, right? exactly, in 3-2-1. here is the thing. we have gotten into judging territory. we are in judging. not parental. been a lot of technological advancements in htv. you still can t see wind in 2014. just the thing is against the wall. why is that guy just standing there? just saying. i want to know who he is. i d be looking for him. we will be examining this.
much more straight ahead. more on robin williams ahead. and nancy snidermyderman wil here as well. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad! then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we ll pay for a car that s a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light.
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and a free 30-tablet trial. you catch morning joe ? no. well, the captioner recorded it. mayoric brooks is on. you got to see this. thanks a lot for being with us. great to be here, joe. i ll start by asking you the obvious question. what is with the sheep? you mean elliott here? you got to admit, elliott is pretty damn cute. i got to be kidding me. i have to admit you ve inspired lots of people what did you in court. i think we should stop acting like elliott and question authority. i believe this button says it all. no sheep. i like it. so let me ask you. what next for you, your sheep, and your social refvolution? my supporter is supporting a rally. this guy can t stop himself. so let s go crash his party. that was joe and robin
williams. that was law and order svu a scene you did. what was that like? of course, i was nervous as i always am around greatness like you. that is why i m nervous every morning here. he was a sweet, sweet man. he was a quiet man. i think we have all known brilliant people in our lives. not on that scale, but there s, you know, there s a line from a bruce springsteen song candy s room. there is a sadness in a pretty face. a sadness that is all her own. i think when you re around somebody that is suffering like that, i think anybody it doesn t take a psychiatrist to read that. he was a sweet guy. he was a quiet guy. and, you know, when i first heard about this last night, i was just thinking about depression, and thinking about i just thought a couple of weeks ago, i ve known people that have suffered depression. i ve known people who have taken their lives because of depression. and just a couple of weeks ago, i was thinking, you know, my
heros, people s heros churchill for me and paul mccartney and all of these great figures through history. i say i just it was, like, the people i respect the most are the people who struggle with depression every day. a dear close friend once said to me, where every choice they make is difficult. the choice to get out of bed. the choice, my friend said he would stand in the shower for 15 minutes trying to figure out whether he was going to get out of the shower and start his day and live. and every step to work was a battle. there is no way shallow people like us can understand the pain that these people go through. and what it takes to be a robin williams and fight through it for 63 years and do extraordinary things in that time. often with genius comes with the ability to experience
extreme sides of emotion. joining us now to talk about this is president and editor in chief of hollywood bonnie full letter. with us also is nbc news nbc ch. nancy snyderman. some people who when they heard of his passing, it was actually not shocking, knowing him, because he did have these inner battles. he flew very close to the sun. that s it. his highs were very high and lows were very lows and his highs were what endeared him to people when he had this manic genius and the lows were what people didn t see. when the lows were low, i think joe really nailed it. the inability to put your clothes on. the inability to shave, the inability to want to get out of the shower. the desire to not see anybody that day. the gradual pull away. it s insurmountable for most of us who get a case of the blues
to understand overwhelming depression. it s like being in a big stainless steel pot and you can t get traction to get out. you can t see over the horizon. you can t see the purpose of it all. and constantly someone is pulling at your feet and pulling you down and down. and while it s easy to talk about medicating depression, what you hear from these great artists is when they take their medicines, it dulls the creative juices. and they don t like that. so, they re comfortable in the highs, but the lows are inevitably what take them from us. and how many of us have known people, bonnie, that have been depressed that take the medicine and i know. i ve heard this from several people. i ve heard this from friends who say i choose to be depressed instead of taking i won t say the drug that i hear everybody say the same thing about, being so flat that i never experience a single high. and experiencing those highs
was all about what he obviously loved to do. that was his work. and he was manic. he had that crazy man i can humor. on the other hand, was he self medicating when he had these bouts with first cocaine? he talked about it. he got addicted to cocaine in the 70s, early 80s. he was a great friend of john belushi and it was john belushi s death and the upcoming birth of his son that led him to rehab the first time. thomas, jump in. nancy, it takes the edge off their brilliance, what they re able to do. having said that, these medicines can save a life. they do save lives. you ll see the need to self medicate. people on binges, of taking coke, of taking alcohol because they don t like the feeling of not feeling good so it s easy to
reach for the things that can dull the sadness. the more affluent you are, the more connected you are to the good stuff. the more available it becomes. speed balling with john belushi. it is easy, especially in that sphere, to get really dangerous stuff really fast. when it comes to a medical diagnosis of depression, and for people that can suffer from it, from an early age and then you mix that with later in life a growing addiction with, say, alcohol or any other type of substance abuse, how does that then confuse with what s actually being treated? it s tough. remember, he had heart disease, too. so then you say, okay. did his heart become ill because he was depressed? and depression is linked, you know, to heart disease or did the heart disease make him more depressed and then he had the natural mania? jonathan winters was his absolute idol. you look at jonathan winters. classic case of someone who is
bipolar. great highs, great lows. we have to get past this point of this stigma of mental illness. we re about 30 years past where we were with breast cancer when betty ford put the words out here. we re old enough to remember we couldn t say the word breast on television. we have to talk about mental illness and say, stigma over. mental health, brain heart, heart health. these are all parts of the body. parts of life. it s interesting. because a lot of actors and other people in the public eye, they don t talk about depression. and while he was very open, he talked frequently about his battles with drugs and then with alcohol. he talked about how he fell back into alcoholism. he never mentioned depression then. and so for some reason he wasn t comfortable. and maybe because he was in hollywood. it is pretty accepted to drink and have these problems and be able to come back with your career. you can recover.
maybe he felt it wasn t as accepted to talk about depression and make a comeback. bonnie fuller, thank you. dr. nancy, thank you as well. more of the best comedic moments from robin williams. you re watching morning joe. it s never been easier to find a dentist.
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in a few moments, genius of
robin williams. more evidence that an american president is never really on vacation. we ll go live to martha s vineyard where the new commander in chief is running a new military mission in iraq while trying to get a break from business as usual in washington. congressman peter king, his reaction to the president s response or lack thereof, from key republicans. morning joe will be right back.
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you re the one who won t be able to handle leaving if you stay much longer. me? comedian robin williams was found dead in what the sheriff s department calls an apparent suicide. among the most beloved contemporary american entertainers. we ve lost a genius. robin was born to entertain us and he succeeded brilliantly. he was 63 years old. make your life spectacular. i know i did. the man had his hands up and said don t shoot me. why was he shot? in ferguson, missouri, today, more angry confrontations between protesters and police. after an unarmed teenager was shot in the street. stealing goods. causing extensive damage. it s like living in beirut. my house is under siege.
the u.s. flights over iraq are continuing around the clock. but no one in washington believes the battle for iraq will be one from the skies. in no way want to suggest we have some kind of breaking the momentum. the only lasting solution is for iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government. today, iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort. with those words, the president pointed toward the current prime minister, stubbornly clinging to power, nuri al maliki. there were fears of a coup. our hope is that mr. maliki will not stir those waters. across the globe and, of course, in iraq. all eyes on iraq, not only what s going on with isis and the dramatic scenes that we re seeing of people being evacuated, which is gripping, sad and heartbreaking.
to the south of there, you have the battle, actually, for baghdad, that could be unfolding right now. maliki, a guy that america backed for a long time, not wanting to leave power. we ll talk about that much more in the next hour. we ll start with the news. of course, the daily news talking about the death of robin williams and the new york post, and at the top usa deat. what a comic genius he was. it s tough to remain anyone purely more entertaining than robin williams. a force on the stage and on the big screen. wrote screen plays with the amazing ability to improvise. introduced audiences to a different range of his remarkable ability. he gave us characters full of warmth and life from mrs.
doubtfire to mr. keating in the dead poets society. publicist said he had been battling severe depression for some time. found dead at his home in california yesterday of an apparent suicide. he was 63 years old. and there was much more to the man than what we saw in front of the camera. he also spent considerable time raising money for the homeless and working with our nation s troops. all the while, bringing a lot of laughter to a lot of people. robin williams was an entertainer in the classic sense of the world. bad white men dancing on the field. a stand-up comedian, a broadway performer and one of the most successful tv and movie stars of any generation. he was a master of impressions. can also imagine maybe john wayne as macbeth going, well, is this a dagger i see before me? and delighted the impressionable. there s lots of things you can do with this stick. you could start off playing baseball in the world series or
you could be gene shallot or pin oaki nochio. i have two oscars, elmo. they would leave parts of the script blank, allowing williams to ad lib. it provided a national audience for his genius. i can t let you pass up a chance like me, honey. stop it. mork, would you help me? if you insist. mind if i cut in? thank you. but it wasn t long before he turned his attention to more serious projects. waking up the world in good morning vietnam. in saigon according to official sources, nothing actually happened. what officially didn t happen, a bomb didn t officially explode unofficially destroying jimmy s cafe. get him out of there! mixing the funny and funny. you do fosse, fosse, fose.
you do with the deeply philosophical. poetry, beauty, romance, love. these are what we stay alive for. he was a regular at the academy awards, taking home an oscar in 1998, his only one, for his role in goodwill hunting. you don t know real loss because it only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. i doubt you ever dared to love anybody that much. according to a publicist, williams had recently been battling severe depression and dealt with substance abuse throughout his career, going to rehab in 2006. i twoent rehab in wine country. it s like detoxing in colombia. were you unhappy before you went in? i was pretty much everything before i went in. now it s great to have genuine emotions and being all right with that. his roles were as complex and as playful as the man himself. exploring some of humanities
darkest chapters, along with our greatest triumphs. and above all else, he made us laugh. and joining us now, chief creative officer and co-president of the entertainment group at gugenheim media, janet minh. greatest mind in comedy without a script really. people have taken him for granted in the last few years. we re so use to having robin williams in our world. he is a comedy god, everyone from lauren michaels to every young comedian, jonah hill. all these people look to him as sort of the icon of comedy. to be able to sit there and fill empty space and make people laugh is one of the biggest talents you could have. you think about these writers in hollywood who are paid to sit
there and write lines for people to be funny. this is a guy who could do this out of nowhere, off the top of his head. he just let himself go. yes. you could see it s a brilliance and you could say an insanity, right, that someone could actually be that brilliant and just have these inner voices that let you do things that other performers can t do. we saw those clips. a guy from 1978 uttering the words nanoo-nanoo. hilarious stuff. yes. to that remarkable scene with matt damon when he s sitting there, talking about matt damon s character not knowing total loss. heartbreaking. because you only know total loss if you love somebody more than you love yourself. while he s doing that, you re looking at robin williams, the man. there s not an actor there, delivering those lines. there was a humanity in his acting that was made even more
remarkable from how he began his acting career. what s interesting, what he did with his career would be almost impossible to conceive of today where you had a guy that was in a big hit sitcom on abc, 60 million people watching, which is unthinkable today. you could never get that kind of number. then he became an academy award winner, did serious roles. you see comedians fail at this all the time. it reveals an inner depth that you really can t fabricate. i think you re the only one old enough to remember, because thomas is in his 20s. the rest of us on the set are older. you remember the world according to garth ? and i was thinking this was the guy that was on mork & mindy ? total revelation. of course, he went on.
never won a tony but won, obviously, an oscar, multiple emmys and grammy. incredible range in versatility. sometimes in one sense always the same robin williams but that versatility to be that great a comedian and dramatic actor is quite something. you talk about not getting a tony. he was recently on broadway the last couple of years. janice, his career choices so interesting. we did fall in love with him from comedy. the spinoff from happy days. he showed up on happy days. that s where mork was born. who would have thought having an alien on happy days ? was that before or after the fonz jumped over that was before. laverne and shirley was a spinoff. i don t remember fonzie and mork sitting there. potsy. potsy.
popeye and in the movie toys, or dead poets society. each and every one of us have a film or role that he played that impacts us. that s a very special thing that not all actors get to say. i thought it was interesting, looking at the reactions on twitter last night. miley cyrus who makes her own headlines, she said she can t stop sobing. she s never met the man. you think about this woman who is 22 years old and the impact these movies had on people. being 7 years old and going to see mrs. doubtfire and suddenly she felt okay that she was in this unconventional family. these roles that can connect with people young and old, it s really an amazing feat. and, you know, i think it reveals how we just never really see the inner life of these actors who seem so happy, that they have it all. a lot of creative impulse, there s also a lot of turmoil
for people. you could certainly see his ability to connect with the vulnerable in some of his serious roles especially. his ability to carry out those roles showed an incredible understanding of pain. right. you cannot fabricate that, no matter how many acting lessons you have. obviously, he was known for ad libing, which is what he did most of the time. every role he has ever taken. in the animated film, aladdin, there were 16 hours of material from his recording sessions. he improvised so much, the academy reportedly turned down the film for best adapted screenplay. here is a portion. you re going to grant me any three wishes i want, right? almost. there are a few improvisos. like? i can t kill anybody. don t ask. i can t make anybody fall in love with anybody else. rule number three, i can t bring
people back from the dead. it s not a pretty picture. and i don t like doing it! other than that, you got it. hmm. provisos, you mean limitations on wishes? some all-powerful genie. can t even bring people back from the dead. i don t know, abu. he probably can t even get us out of this cave. it looks like we re going to have to find a way out of here. excuse me? are you looking at me? did you rub my lamp? did you wake me up? did you bring me here? and all of a sudden you re walking out on me? i don t think so. not right now. you re getting your wishes! so, sit down. oh, my goodness. that s just incredible. really was an incredible actor. you have to think about what was going on in that voicing booth and the fact that the illustrators were able to match up the reactions on the face to the genie there. this is a great story, backstory
on robin williams, showing a really unique bond with the actor, christopher reeve. the two shared classes together, coming up together at juilliard acting school, attending the premiere of good morning vietnam, and after reeves catastrophic accident that left him paralyzed in 1995, robin williams helped to nurse the actor s spirits. he showed up at the hospital dressed head to toe in scrubs, speaking in a russian accent. reeve recalled the moment in an interview. i was so struck by your obvious, deep, deep friendship with robin williams at the creative coalition event. he was the first one to show up down in virginia when i was really in trouble. he came here one afternoon and just thank god i wear a seat belt in this chair because i
would have fallen out laughing. in the middle of a tragedy like this, in the middle when you can still experience genuine joy, laughter and love and anybody who says life is not worth living is totally wrong. totally wrong. and that squares up to what we were talking about earlier. when he was filming shindler s list, steven spielberg said he would call robin williams at the end of each day s work and just ask his friend, make me laugh. that s that s an amazing thing. i think what you see i think the response of everyone thanking him, thanking him for making them happy was so touching. and i can t remember how many stars would pass, the president issuing a statement, would get pictured on the white house instagram account. it reveals just the significance of this actor to america.
you know, i was flying from los angeles last night. it was fascinating to me, once the news broke, every single tv was turned to the news, watching this. and people were crying. and it really made you realize, you know, after a day of iraq and isis, you know, that the world stopped to pay attention to this. i know people disparage hollywood and actors. you really realize the way the actors in hollywood can contact people is also very powerful. absolutely. janice min, thank you so much. really appreciate your reflections. thank you. coming up on morning joe, what do we know about the man picked to take over iraq s government? we ll go inside the power struggle between the appointed prime minister. he may not actually take over the job. there s that, too. because the current leader is saying he s not going to leave. not going to leave. that s right. did you ever try that on your tv shows? we want to go to a new direction and say i m not leaving? nochlt when i was fired from
cbs, i left the building. and there is another job i said no, i m going to stay and do it. oh, you re talking about this job? ba, ba, ba no. did the u.s. government miss the urgency of the isis threat? the administration was warned about the militant group but underestimated its ability to move rapidly. what does the president call that? horse poop? maybe it is. first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? i m not leaving. i got my fridge down here, my cot down here. all set. good morning, everyone. rain is on the way. how about that rain in detroit yesterday? it wasn t like your average thunderstorm rain. it poured all day. lifelong detroit residents say they ve never seen anything like it. every highway around the city at one point was closed because of the flooding. epic rain.
4 1/2 total close to their daily record. that goes back to 1800s, all-time most rain in one day. that heavy rain event from central new york, all the way down to virginia, dc and baltimore area. there s no airport delays to speak of. that should change. we are going to see the rain really picking up by about 10:00 tonight, heavy rain over dc and baltimore and then the real problem is tomorrow morning at this time, i expect a very large area of thunderstorms, torrential rain from philly, right up through new york city, right during the peak of the morning rush. so if you can change your flight for tomorrow morning, try to do so now before everyone else tries tomorrow at this time. we ll talk more about that rain. the rest of the country is looking pretty good out there. coming up next on morni mornin joe we ll have more on the passing of robin williams. we ll be right back. good morning, vietnam!
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there is no american military solution to the crisis in iraq. the only lasting source is for iraqis to come together and inform an inclusive government,
one that represents the legitimate interests of all iraqis and one that can unify the country s fight against islam. today, iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort. 24 past the hour. joining us now from long island, member of the house homeland security committee, republican congressman peter king of new york. for the wall street journal, shaban goreman. and nbc correspondent chris jansing. we ll start with you, chris, the president s plans, if any, the white house has today to respond to criticism that is the white house threat was underestimated or anything else about the operations in iraq. reporter: you know, they ve been responding this, particularly to the hillary clinton article that was in the first revealed from the atlantic sunday. none of this is surprising them. they were expecting this kind of pushback, exactly what they got.
and what they ll say to you is, look, we have an absolute difference of opinion. these policy differences happen. and we do not expect to hear any more about that from the president today. when i wrote to some of the staff this morning, they feel like they ve already addressed these questions. we are expecting that there will be the usual briefings today. he has been getting briefed about three times a day, and that he will make some calls to foreign leaders. obviously, the key concern that they have here today is what s going on, on the ground in iraq, mika, and what s going to happen with the new prime minister and whether or not nuri al maliki will continue to try to cling to power, something that concerned them so greatly yesterday, when he was making moves that looked like he might actually be trying to instigate a coup, mika. oh, my gosh. thanks, chris. shaban, you write about the urgency of the islamic state threatening iraq. u.s. officials saw initial indications the group might seek to take mosul and urged iraqi
action, but to know no avail. on the day of the june 10th takeover, u.s. officials played down its significance, the inability of u.s. spy agencies to provide detail bts timing of islamic state offensives or their likelihood of success has touched off debate among u.s. national security officials about whether intelligence on the group has been adequate. the struggle to understand the capabilities of the group reflects the difficulty of collecting detailed intelligence on its internal planning. that is, facing intelligence officials and u.s. military as american warplanes launch waves of air strikes. the success of the strikes may depend, in part, on how well the u.s. is able to read the group. many of the president s critics are going back to a quote where they quote jv team, not organized, not a real threat. now we get reports pushing back
saying criticisms like those are, quote, horse bleep. he didn t say bleep, of course. your reporting, though, suggests otherwise. well, there is definitely a debate within u.s. national security circles about whether the intelligence was adequate and what is a reasonable expectation to have for intelligence. certainly, the u.s. intelligence agencies were tracking very carefully the isis developments and even plans that they had for expansion in iraq. at the same time even as they were following this so closely, they were caught off guard by the sort of success rate of the group. that has touched off a debate among national security officials, particularly those who are kind of consuming this intelligence on a daily basis saying, well, why didn t we have better information about what this success rate was going to be here? and intelligence officials say, well, you know, this was really more of an iraqi military
failure than an intelligence failure. how could we know that the iraqi military would be, you know, so quickly to fold and run away? and so that s the debate that s now taking place among these officials. how quickly the iraqi army did just dissolve. and part of that is because the country is a mess. the military situation is in crisis but there s an economic crisis and political crisis there. congressman, let me ask you. assuming that the american government gets its way and the iraqi system a body not very well known, educated in england, less sectarian perspective than maliki, handicap his chances if he does take over of successfully turning around the government, the economy and maybe the military situation. it s going to be very difficult. as far as we know, he is the best of the group, far superior to maliki. we have isis controlling an
essential land mass. back in february, fallujah fell to isis. this was a major area taken by isis. forget what is said privately. in public testimony said we could expect advances by isis. the fact is that one of the regions we don t have a better read on the iraqi army is because president obama pulled so much out of iraq. there is no military. we had troops embedded and we would have known the failures of the iraqi army. this is a result of him withdrawing too quickly. and anyone who knew anything about intelligence knew that iraqi was metastasizing. yes, core al qaeda had adjusted but you had these other groups, isis being one of them.
you look at the map of iraq and look at isis control. it s frightening how quickly they moved through that country. again bobby ghosh last week was saying they have a land mass. what would be your scenario? my main criticism has been if you re going to be a leader whether or not he wants to do it, don t tell the enemy that. come up with a conservative strategy with our allies in the region, with the courage, with the iraqi army and deciding what he s going to do. don t tell isis what we re going to do. make it clear it s not enough to save people on a mountain top in
kurdistan. but, peter, maybe he s not telling isis what he s going to do. the first thing the president said is, the humanitarian crisis, we re going to take care of that. he s using this as an excuse to crack open the door. let s hope he drops some bombs on isis. the next thing he did was drop bombs on isis. maybe the president is doing exactly what you want the president to do. that is not telegraph what our next move s i would hope the president would say, we re going over there, going to look at some real estate and then, boom, you surprise them. if it does become a larger effort, it would be harder to bring the american people behind them. no matter what he ends up doing, he has to have the american people behind them. that will make it much harder to
sustain any type of enlarged effort. it s important to be honest with the american people without telegraphing to the enemy. i asked you whether you thought there was a plan that would be successful in defeating isis, what would you have american military forces do that is different from what the president is doing? let s leave aside the telegraphing of the messages. do you envision a scenario that would be successful now for the u.s. in iraq? first of all, we can t acknowledge surrender to isis. much more sustained air attacks. find out where they re deployed. go after them. and not just using bombs from aircraft carriers, use bases in neighboring countries so you have more access, make greater use of the iraqi army. to wait until a government is settled in iraq, it could still take months before the iraqi government is functioning. using the iraqi army to the extent possible, iraqi military. using neighboring states,
sustain air offensive. that doesn t seem very different from what s actually happening at the moment. it is right now. we re focused on a very small part of the isis-controlled area. this is having minimal effect on isis. it s providing humanitarian relief, knocking out isis troops in the area of kurdistan. as far as the overall area, as large as the country of jordan, we re having no impact on isis and they re moving forward. it seems you want the american troops and president to make a much larger commitment inside iraq. the president, won two national elections saying we were, as a country, going to leave. the american people are behind the president, that we want to withdraw from iraq. so is there a contradiction between what you re saying and what the president is doing? if he s taking a conservative approach in reengaging iraq and doing exactly what the american people want? do not get us back in.
leadership is not actually doing what people want. if winston churchill had done that against the nazis, we would so the president should do what you want? no, he should do the right thing. which is what you want? joe and i have had this discussion you re elected by the american people. you serve the american people. you can t just go around being a dictatorship, like what these people are trying to fight against. that is incredibly absurd. i can t believe you re serious about it. you re saying that the president realizes that he has to change policy to save the lives of the american people and to protect american interests, he shouldn t do it? the first time we went into iraq was against a sovereign country. this time we re going in against terrorist organizations. these are two completely different calculations that you re asking the president to go to take into evaluation and under president bush and under dick cheney, it was completely different than what
you re asking the president to do this time around. of course it s different. it s a different situation. it s a terrorist organization. the first time we ve had a terrorist organization control such a large land mass. it s a threat to the middle east, to the united states. for to you say that somehow the president has to lock himself into what he said two or three years ago, if he was wrong there, circumstances have changed and he has to do it. you can t lock yourself into what you said. congressman, thank you. siobhan, how freekd out is the intelligence community? what s the worst case scenario of what might happen if isis continues to expand their control on the ground? the military has been clear that they don t expect the air strikes to really curb the ooh isis efforts all that much and the intelligence community is incredibly concerned that it could expand both in iraq and syria. could they take baghdad? the safe haven has shocked a
lot of those folk. do they think that they could take baghdad? it s certainly something that they re still looking at. and i think that, you know, from time to time, over the last few weeks, it s looked like it s it could possibly happen. it hasn t happened yet. i think that at this point, there is a sense that that would be a bit of a bridge too far. it s not clear if that would be isis calculation or because the iraqi military could really hold them off. congressman peter king, thank you. siobhan gorman, thank you as well. thank you, peter. driving business before the bell, next. [ aniston ] when people ask me what i m wearing, i tell them aveeno®. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes
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all right. joining us now for business before the bell, sara eisen, what have you got? shrugging off the international concerns. we re coming off our best two-day stretch of gains for stocks in about four months, looks set to make it number three today. small business optimism, index, forward-looking index of small business pointed to signs of strength, greater propensity to hire. kate spade out with results. that company is just on fire. 55% increase in north american sales, especially a standout, given the challenged retail environment. we ll be watching kate spade and
also tesla is one to watch, trading at a record high. consumer reports, which help launch the success, giving it a nearly perfect driving score a while back is now saying long-term reliability issues are surfacing, the 17-inch display screen stops functioning. slightly negative. we ll be watching tesla as well. sara eisen, thank you. can i just say really quickly, mark haperin gave me from page six, the markets, donny deutsch in the hamptons playboy theemd party last night. bold faced name. donny deutsch. if you want to know why there was a hiccup in the asian markets, this was it right here. that s it. can i just say, i m going to
be safe the hot tubs that were emptied out. james lipton with more on robin williams. and the moment the robin williams manager said was the best performance he had ever given. straight ahead.
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manager said was the best performance ever. we ve lost a genius. genius is very hard to define, isn t it? geniuses do naturally what comes in their dna what we do with great effort having to learn. robin was born to entertain us, and he succeeded brilliantly. you mentioned steven spielberg a moment ago in the introduction. spielberg told me when he was doing schindler s list on the site of the holocaust, every night he would call robin in los angeles and say, make me laugh. that s a gift. it is a gift. and he did it in such a way, so frenetically that when he came on the scene in 1978 with a
television show, two weeks, three weeks later, robin williams was a star. 60 million would watch mork & mindy but none of us could have seen the type of performances he turned in, in garth, an extraordinary performance early in his career. good morning vietnam. one of my favorite object robin williams performances is in aladdin, the genie. when he prepares aladdin for what is to come. would you like to come how many characters he played in that 2 1/2 or three minutes as the genie? 52. 52 entirely unique, discreet characters, switching like that. and it was all improvised in an empty studio in front of a microphone. that is unbelievable. robin, of course, ad libed his way through the role of genie in aladd aladdin. let s take a look.
got a punch only aul you ve got to do is rub that lamp hang on a second mr. aladdin sir what would your pleasure be let me take your order sxwlnchts jot it down you ain t never had a friend like me he was extraordinary. walked out on the set and normally i wear my wings of a pilot, lapel association. the symbol of it is wings are face down. he walked over to me and turned it upside down so that i would look right to him. i turned it back up. he said what are you doing? i said that s airplane pilot association and that s the way it goes. he said the wings go down? that s like a parachute with no parachute. then he got up and did five minutes of a drunken pilot. and the president of the airplane pilots association called me and said i would like
to open every meeting with that clip and he did ever after that. oh, my gosh. wherever robin went he left an indelible mark. james lipton s thoughts on robin williams earlier in the show. we ll be right back. our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don t know exactly. kid: what if you re not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn t work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving.
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tomorrow on morning joe, we ll be joined by iraq s ambassador with his thoughts on the future of the country. and on thursday guess what s coming up on
thursday. oh, yeah. the creator of mad men. yes. a genius. we re going to talk about the last season which i loved. did you actually have time to watch it? i had so much time in swrul. i ll have to binge watch between now and thursday. they re so great. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today? i m meteorologist bill karins. heavy rain that flooded areas of detroit yesterday is on the move. headed into the atlantic and tonight into the northeast. we will see rainfall aestimates around 3 to 4 in the highest locations. also in the southeast, widespread thunderstorms in the
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welcome back to morning joe. 1947. what did you learn? i learned it s emma and lyla s two-year anniversary. mark halperin, it doesn t seem anything more than a year and a half. never been the same. no, they haven t. of course, i m very patient. move on. those are children, joe. what did you learn? contrary to what donny has told me, when he s in hampton
beach, he s at the shakespeare i wanted to get my kid as way from wifi and computers this summer. i took them up the mountains, no cell phone reception. it was great. get your kids away from those gadgets. i love that. great idea. what did you learn? celebration of life, robin williams who we re going to sorely miss. i wanted to leave on a happy note. i did the als ice bucket challenge on the today show. i nominated three people, rachel ray, gavin nusol. all three of them did that. no way. look at this message. what s up, thomas? who are you doing? i heard your challenge and i m taking on the ice bucket challenge today for als. my three nominees are my all my boys from miami. alonso, a-rod and pitbull.
oh, look at that! how big is that, thomas? i m impressed. he said hi, thomas. dream come true. what? all right, kids. and the orioles beat the yankees last night. he got a little injured. it was not my fault. all your fault. not my fault. tight, hamstrings were tight because he was cold. i m donating 500 bucks to als. it is not going to buy the pennant that you just cost the orioles. mika, if it s way too early, what time is it? it s time for morning joe, but now it s time for the daily rundown with chris alissa in for chuck todd. iraq s prime minister desperately tries to hold on to power as president obama makes it clear it s time to move on without

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20141004 23:00:00

and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. i am jill bandaras. this is the fox report. the first man diagnosed with ebola now in critical center. the centers for disease control and prevention cvc work to stop the transmission. thomas duncan returned to the u.s. from liberia and sent home after the first hospital visit in dallas, potentially exposing relatives and others to the deadly virus including children. his family remains in quarentine after failing to comply. anyone who is had significant
contact with him is being monitored. so far no other cases were confirmed in the u.s. doctors rowelled out a case of ebola in a case of a person in washington d.c. % still, this is in texas. and a new case in new jersey. there is fear about the disease crossing across america. we expect to see more rumors or concerns or possibilities of cases until there is a positive laboratory test, that is what they are. rumors and concerns and in fact, we want to see more concern, but want it to be appropriate. and the concern for someone who has symptoms, fever and travelled to guiny, sierra leon or liberia in the last 21 days. brian has more. brian, a new one another one in
new jersey, what happened? two scares in dc that were cleared and this one in jersey, we are waiting for cjjt)ásation to the person s diagnosis. the 35-year-old male passenger and his daughter are in university hospital in newark. he was vomiting from brussel s, belgium and told other passengers he was from liberia. and the plane landed at 12:15 and put on look down as the cvc responded. they escorted the sick man and his daughter off of the plane. immigration custom agents were held on board. passengers were held two hours and were told not to worry. it is nothing. and we actually at any time know who the guy was.
it was four hours. okay, we were not told. and (inaudible) and this is the forum that he was talking b. tips for those possibly exposed to ebola. 250 on board and 14 crew members. no one has been infected with ebola in the united states. right now they are just scare. speaking of a scare in texas. we are hearing about thomas duncan s condition. it has worsened. right it has worsened. he was admitted to texas presbyterian and his four family members were taken out of the apartment that he stayed. he was moved to a private home in the gated community.
homes and apartments in dallas denied them. they didn t want to house them for fear of ebola spreading. his mattress and towels were all put in sealed be destroyed and they are monitoring 50 people who may have had contact with them and checking their temperatures and no one is showing symptoms of ebola. he was exposed to his daughter who has children. their children went to school. and that s right. that is part of the fear as well as those four people sent to the private residence. one with a 13-year-old and children are involved and they are of the nine critical cases. 46 are monitored and nine critical cases that are confirmed contacts with duncan. and now, what kind of contact did they have?
and reminder that it takes 21 days before you show symptoms. 8- 10 days at the peak. if you don t show symptoms after 21 days you are in the clear. if you are not showing symptoms you are not contagious. thank you, brian. and cvc and other agencies working to get ahead of the virus and prevent the spread to americans. peter, what is the white house doing to prevent an outbreak? reporter: the white house is treating it like a homeland security crisis and the president s top advisors think that reenforcing facilities that exist here in the states is the most important way to prevent an outbreak. i want to emphasize that the united states is equipped to
handle this crisis. every ebola utbreak over 40 years has been stopped. we know how to do this and we will do it again. confident that this epidemic will be stopped. p there may be as many as 400 u.s. troops in west africa building hospitals and handing out splois and beef up the anti- ebola infrastructure there. is there any talk about closing the border and prevent sick people from coming to this country? reporter: there is not talk about that. and the reason is, officials think that slow down the spread of ebola, american experts need pto be able to travel freely an about west africa they are relying on the cvc and world
health organization to make a call p!out that. and we heard from the cvc. we might wish to seal ourselves off from the world. americans have the righá of return and many other people who have the right to enter into áhe country and we ll not get to 0 risk, no matter what we do unless or until we control the outbreak in west africa and that s what we are working intensively to do. an nbc cameraman who tested positive for ebola on assignment in africa is expected to a ratify in nebraska medical for treatment on monday. and this just in from the new jersey department of health regarding the story we told you about here on fox report and the two people taken off of the daughter. according to university hospital in newark in coordination with
law officials there. they evaluated those two individuals taken off of the plane, they took them off and they arrived in new york liberty airport and after examination by physician, symptoms of one man was consistent with a minor treatable condition unrelated to ebola. we heard of a potential scare where two passengers were taken off of the plane. passengers were told to stay on board as they had to quarentine two passengers and now we are getting confirmation that the two individuals are going to be released with self monitoring and they do the not have ebola. and we ll follow the ebola crisis and bring you the latest. tune in tomorrow for fox news
sunday. chris wallace speaks to the doctor of allergy and infectious diseases dr. anthony fauci. what do you think the u.s. government should do to handle the ebola crisis from entering our country? travel restrictions? better screening and tweet your answers@juliebandaras. i want to hear what your ideas are on this growing crisis. and moving to thugs who call themselves isis out with a new warning to the united states, saying that a former army ranger taken prisoner in syria is next to be scouted. his name is peter ca suck. he converted to ilam and now he s next and he served a tour of duty in iraq and running a humanitarian mission when he was captured in lebanon next
year ka ssig s parents called him a man who deplores violence against anyone. his organization gave food and cooking supplies and medicine to those in need. he grew to love and admire the syrian people and imnor his captures to show mercy and let our son go. this after prime minister cameron reacts and calling his death unforgivable. and only reenforces why the world needs to destroy isis now. leland viter has the latest from washington. reporter: julie, it took the national security council to confirm peter ka ssig is in the hands of isis. they said essentially he s next. allen hening was kidnapped and
held by isis. hening made a statement minutes before his execution and on the tape what is the same masked executioner spokes with a strong british acent ka ssig would be next. he was a army ranger and was medically discharged in 2007. he went to the middle east as an aide worker and abducted in lebanon helping syrian refugee and turned over to isis. it was not publicly reported until now. and his parents took to youtube to issue a desperate plea. we are so proud of you and the work you have done to bring humanitarian aid to the syrian people. we implore those who are holding you to show mercy and use their power to let you go. in recent weeks isis executed
their videos. it is unclear how many hostages isis holds. the national security council said they would use every tool at their disposal including the u.s. military to bring peter home. texas republican congressman ralph hall is in stable condition in a hospital in plano, texas following a car accident. he is 91 years old and the holdest serving members of congress. his office releasing a statement he was a wake and joking with paramedics as he was flown to the hospital. he suffered a hip injury and minor cuts and bruises. hall lost a primary challenge this year and will leave office
this year after 17 terms. the homeland security secretary is promising to reform the agency as the secret service is blasted for a security breach including a former iraq war to hop the white house fence and make it all t$e way in the east room before being apprehended by an off duty çagent.
very plainly the secret service is an agency that merits review. it is an organization that needs the unqualified confidence of the president and congress and the public. homeland security jay johnson promising to transform and reform the secret service. the agency under fire following multiple security lapses
including a former iraq war veteran who hopped the white house fence and made it in the east room before being apprehended by an off duty agent. julia pierson resigned yesterday. molly has more from washington. molly? reporter: homeland security secretary johnson said he s focused on rebuil ing the country s trust and confidence in the secret service. and part of that promise he said is not only replacing julia pierson but opening up the secret service to external executiny. the secret service was never the subject of an outside independent review. and so we are going to look at security around the white house compound and i invited the panel. this follows security breaches including september 19th incident and
a fence jumper with a knife made it in the east room of the white house. three days before that an armed security guard rode on the elevator with president obama and a man posing as a democratic congressman made it back stage and he was turned away from the line to get a picture of the picture. this has caused president obama and the congress to lose faith in pierson. and clamsy a former special agent in charming was working in the private sector before the obama administration called. he s a good man and got character and served on the presidential detail. important thing everybody respects him and wants to follow him. and permanent secretary of state they will consider inside and outsidof the agency.
in washington, fox news. right now. authorities are trying to figure out who sent a threatening e-mail to a student in one of the nation s top universities where it may have originated and new information on the young girl whose family refused to give up hope after doctors said comp&ications from surgery. tonight, the video that her family said proves she is very much alive. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy.
but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america.
thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you re promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. and often even more. it s reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. new information on death threats and others affiliated with harvard university. the threat may have originated over seas and while the investigation is still going the
threat may not be credible. he had threatened to come to harvard and start shooting. they were apparently targeting asian students. it is discouraging. officials in southern california closed off three beaches this weekend after a shark attack sent a victim to it the hospital. it was a nonvattal byte to the knee. witnesses described it 10-12 feet long. and no life guards located by the vanden burg air force.
and those beach closings couldn t come at a worse time. they are starting to stay cool in a heatwave that has temperatures creeping to hundred degrees this weekend. this is current temperatures in southern california. 94 in lan and 102 in van mys and 91 in river side. the heat is hanging on. and high fire danger from pa)ts of southern california and that will be a problem and heat advisories for all of the areas shaded in yellow. for los angeles, very warm and we ll break off a little bit tuesday and wednesday in the 80s. we are not getting moisture in fire danger and drought that is hanging around for the last year or so. and hurricane simon. you would hope that the moisturq would get in southern
california. none of it would as it moves north and eastward. and this area is hit by several storms this season and this cou&d be a problem with a lot of rain and winds. and the other side of this, we saw now in the upper midwest and cold front and bringing in the coldest temperatures seen thus far this fall and rain as well. that is moving north and eastward. and look at the temperatures. a lot of 30s and 40s and some of these areas could set record lows. and this storm moves out and we ll watch another front move in and bringing more moisture and cooler temperatures. and southern california not getting any relief from the heat. and back to you. our coverage of the ebola outbreak continues and the first
patient diagnosed inside of the u.s. is now in critical condition. and it turns out fewer and fewer younger americans are army strong. why our militp)y is turning down more potential recruitáhp d catch a special huckabee. musician melissa ethridge has a new album out and will perform. i love her. who s going to do it? who s going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who s going to take the leap? who s going to write the code? who s going to do it? engineers. that s who. that s what i want to do. be an engineer. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america s future engineers. energy lives here.
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this is the fox report at the b. hour. texas man diagnosed with the ebola virus is in critical condition tonight. and the cvc monitoring anyone he came in contact with for signs of infekdz. thomas duncan was hospitalized despite telling staff he had recently returned from west africa with a connection in brussels. cvc urging hospitals to remain vigilant. there is increased condition to what health worker ares need to do to be alert meanwhile ruling out the ebola virus.
and just today. and isis terrorist making a new threat against the u.s. saying they will execute former army ranger peter ka ssig. he was captured in neighboring lebanon on a humanitarian mission there. it comes aftq) the beheading of a british aid worker there. and it sits just miles from the border. and isis is trying to cant are cabani for two weeks and u.s. led air strikes are working to drive them back. greg is in turkey not far from the border with syria greg? reporter: julie, the world reels from the latest horrors from the isij terrorist group, they are dealing with a bloody rampage of the militants. we watched in cabane was hit by isis. u.s. tanks seized by the
terrorist from the iraqi military. and with a massacre looming, local syrian and kurdish fighters did the best for them to hold them off. one shell hit not far inside turkey and wounding a policemen. and turkish policemen clashed with protestors and they are angry that turkey is not doing going to push isis back from cabani. the turbish miliáary is authorizeed to join in the fight and the government is reluctant to get involved in a complicated fight. and today is the start of the muslim holiday of ede. marked by many here including the 180000 refugees who fled from isis and syria in the past week or so. they are telling tales that are
all too familiar. slaughter of children and beheadings and rape and torture. it is believed that three americans are fighting alongside the defender ares of the town of cabani against isis and known that americans in the isis ranks. very eerooishgs e. julie. greg, thank you. turning to hong kong. people are defying communist china. the scene appeared calmer, and prodemocracy protestors staging a massive rally that they occupied. hong kong s leader urged protestors to leave. saying that hong kong must return to normal by monday. david has the latest. reporter: hi, julie. hong kong s chief executive is talking tough about clearing the
streets of protestors. he will take all actions necessary to insure government offices and schools reopen on monday. it is the strongest comments yet poi him and fears that the police might move against the activist. and tens of thousands joined an anti- violence after clashes overnight. and groups of business owners and/beijing supporters and the fighting erupted in various parts of the city and business owners and supporters attempted to dismantle the camps and the local media who run businesses in hong kong were involved. police arrested members. and they said police refused to intervene. and they deny this. in response protestors have
spurned talks with the the government. % they say the government is not giving them enough attention. and the chief executive strongly condemned the violence and warned it would continue until the protestors left the streets. activist surrounded a number of government businesses including the chief executive office and there are scuffles. they want full democracy and in return/beijing s vetting candidates. it is tense in hong kong with no end in sight. thank you. new information on the case two british tourist murdered in southeast aárp we ll have that as we go around the world in 80 seconds. thailand. two men from burma charged with the the deathj of two british
tourist. dna evident ties the suspects to the case. both reportedly confessed. they face the death penalty if convicted. india, mourners hold a candlelight vigil to remember the victims of a deadly stampede in a hindu festival. it may have been triggered by a fallen electrical wire. there are few safety measures. nsouth korea. leaders from north korea making a surprise visit in what is the
hundreds of dollars. that is a rap on the fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. the military is turning americans from being overweight and over qualified. reporter: 70 percent of the young dults are not qualified to join the army because they re overweight. it is a issue now of national security. it is it a real problem. one- third will be disqualified for reasons of not being fit. obsessitty rates and high school graduation rates are declining.
reporter: since the troop drawback started and the department of defense decided to cut the number of service members, recruiting is at a 10-year low and the army will be picky. if we are your last resort, you have to be highly qualified. we are not looking for just anybody. we want the best of the best. the army is cracking down on tattoos and adding restrictions. they can t be as visible and that comes with controversy. you are going to give an 18 or 21-year-old kid a gun to defend their freedom. why can t they show their art. reporter: army recruiters are turning away more young adults, and the one that make it look professional and are obviously in shape.
thank you so much. and by the way, speaking of being in shape and the best of the brightest, three women on the cusp of history after passing the marine corps grueling test and setting themselves up to be the first female graduates of infantry school. and they thrive under mental stress. one woman passed it in 2012 and later dropped out because ofap injury. and new details in the search for pennsylvania shooting subject eric freim. we are learning of a text message. he sent before gunning down two state troopers. and she is alive. that s the claim from the family of ja hi mcmath. the young girl declared brain dead after complications from surgery.
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eric friem messaged a friend saying all is good before he ambushed two state troopers, killing one of them. they have been looking for him in the mountains and said they recovered food and ammunition from an abandoned camp site. and they believe that starvation will force him out of hiding. a family of a girl declared brain dead is fighting to have the ruling reversed. and doctors said she was gone but her family refused to give up hope. and now the family have video proof that california made
a mistake. david stephenson has more. i talk to her and she responds. she can t be brain dead if she is responding. the girl suffered complications from sleep apnea sufrjry. her family fought to keep her on life support and moved her to new jersey. and eeg and eri test showed her brain has not liquidified under life support. her brain is there. and children s hospital callously said she was rooting and it would come out of her nose. they are declaring the teen
alive and in a statement the chief medical officer said we trust the california course courts and that is a lawful and just manner. her mother never gave up hope for her daughter. she moved her thumb. and that is heart breaking. david is reporting. a court hearing is scheduled by next thursday in oakland. a community in northwest washington, neighbors have identified the woman as soph ia seen here shortly before it happen. the camera also capturing this guy. a red t- shirt and pulling out two cases of beer and strolling
out of the store before soph ian and her nenow ran out. and the vehicle killed her and caused minor injuries to the nenow. it is terrible. for beer or cigarettes. whatever it is it is not worth it. and the pain you cause other people. it is just too bad. police are combing through. and female bandits on the loose and police following up on the leads. that s our top story as we go across america one woman distracted the restaurant owner about questions of hosting a party and two others served as look outs. a fourth stole the purse and
$20,000. and pennsylvania, a fire in the shanksville 9/11 memorial leaves three administrative buildings destroyed. no word the yet on other items stored there. and the cause of the fire is under investigation. and arizona, a man survived driving off of the cliff and spent a day trapped in his car. and it happen wednesday night. and by friday he took parties in his own hand and freeing himself and climbing up the road and walking two miles for help. a driver picked him up and called 9/11. he is expected to recover injuries. the area he had the wreck is known for dangerous turns. he s not the first or the last one to do it. and new mexico. part of iconic route 66 getting
a dose of patriotism. and the road now plays america the beautiful when someone drives on it. pretty g cool and also about safety. drivers had to play the speed limit. that is the fox watch in america. and former defense security leon panneta, critizing the obama mrgdz for handling of foreign policy and white house officials are not taking too kindly to the criticism. no. in the basement. why can t we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let s hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you re in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it s what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i m being quiet. you re breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do.
head for the cemetery!
former defense secretary leon panneta unloading. he said the u.s. could have
stopped the rise of isis. and members of the administration are responding. edhenry has more. reporter: well, president obama s advisor usually don t do book reviews. but former defense secretary panneta is withering. and said the administration is marked by hesitation and missteps. those criticism don t bear out the facts from the ground. reporter: even with vice-president joe bide ep pushing out on the claims that the president overruled panneta that makes it far worse. former administration officials write books that is inappropriate. no, i am serious, it is inappropriate. give a guy a chance to get out of office.
reporter: biden may be smarting from bob gates who claimed that the vice-president was wrong on every major foreign policy policy for years. panneta does give the president for fixing a broken economy and aggressive on terrorism. but back pedalling on syria on assad was a huge mistake and it was a blow to american credibility when the president draws a redline. it is kridiccal to act if the line is crossed the power of the united states rests on the word. by failing to respond it sent the wrong message to the world. but he said the president had more pressure to get a deal for maliki were backed up by ryan crocker. we could have gotten that
agreement if we were flexible and creative though the debate rages on. the iraqi government didn t want troops in iraq. it is a false narrative, i think they believe it. reporter: next week the president will do fund-raising and heads to pentagon for an update on isis before heading to california for three more days of fund-raising. music fans traveling from far and wide to try out the hottest licks on a big guitar. and jamming tonight on huckabee. oh, i love her voice. agreement winner melissa etherige next on fox.
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ok, really attached. and that s alright. because we ll text you when your package is on the way. we re even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is.was. and always will
it was a beautiful day for balloons in new mexico and pilots airing and firing things
up in the crack of dawn for the alburquerque international balloon festival. they are not ordinary. they come together with a tab let commuter and capable of mapping and a necessity. we have reports of massive rifts coming out of new jersey where the world s largest playable guitar is in the science second. it locks like a gibeson flying v and 16 feet wide and 40 feet long. and part of a traveling exhibit. and now for a quick check of the headlines. jean clawed is dead at the age of 63. and ruled the country 15 years in the 1970s or 80s until he was
sent in exile. and the hunt for malaysian 370. resuming tomorrow. officials hope to find the missing beauing. and catholic jerz. 90 years after a nun s death. she is credited with a miracle of saving a young childy eyesight. earlier here on fox report. what should the u.s. government do to handle the ebola crisis. in twitter. travel restriction now. a week ago. it is although authorities want to spread it here. they worry about nail clippers and shampoo. maybe they should take the temps. and travel restriction. people should be quarentined before entering in to the country. we can see they lie.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20141020 10:00:00

all-time leader in career touchdown passes breaking brett favre s record. good morning, welcome to morning joe. with us onset we have professor at columbia university of school of international public affairs dorian warren. good stuff there. last night. yeah. peyton manning broke the all time career touchdown record that was held by brett favre. he did it in the first half. he needed three. he did three in the first half just for good measure. you can make the case he s the greatest of all time. we re living in an era it could be him or tom brady. his teammates love him. he s one of the smartest players that ever played the game. now perhaps the greatest quarterback ever. unbelievable. well, that must be fun for you guys. i want made my weekend. i m sure you were in front of the weekend watching football seeing alabama to win. i did notice that they won like the biggest way ever. they woke up. the poor little team. they were terrible, obviously. did they even score a point. no. they wanted to. if that counts. i ll move on to news and politics. something nobody in america has ever said about texas a&m. the mid-terms are weeks away and democrats and republicans are jockeying for position but not just the congress at stake but the white house. hillary clinton leads all other names tested by more than 50 points and for the moment the primary would be hers to lose. mitt romney is the head of the republican party field by 10 points. he s winning with women and voters who identify themselves as very conservative. but without him the picture is muddier with jeb bush edging out rand paul and mike huckabee. and ben carson is right behind national figures like marco rubio and chris christie. nbc news wall street journal poll shows likely voters prefer a republican led congress by a five point spread. high-profile surrogates have fanned the country for both sides. bill clinton and senator elizabeth warren were in arkansas and iowa over the weekend for democrats. but throughout most of the cycle president obama has been noticeably absent. the washington post poll shows why his approval is upside down on everything from the economy to ebola. but he was back on the trail yesterday, campaigning in maryland and illinois for gubernatorial candidates. and in the case of the maryland defense reuters reports some of the crowd left early while the president was still speaking. the only thing they said yes to was another massive tax cut for millionaires. i know that s surprising but that s what happened. so you know who they are fighting for and it ain t you. it s not you. they are not. willie, a lot to talk about. first let s go back to the polls. no surprise. on the democratic side hillary clinton up 50 points. yeah. on the republican side, mitt romney ahead. comfortably leading the field if he decides to run. the romneys can say they are not interested in running but the more they hear that this guy is a prohibitive favorite without even trying i got to say the more likely they are going to jump to this thing. you have to stipulate every time we look at these things it s very early. we don t know what these polls mean except there s some indecision in the republican party about who the best guy would be. does jeb get in. does chris christie get back in. until we know those pieces that poll doesn t mean that much. dorian, we say polls, mid-term polls really just don t matter until you get down to the last few weeks. we re the last few weeks away nbc news wall street journal poll show republicans have a five moynihan lead on democrats. that s something to pay a lot of attention to. unless you re two weeks out and other polls showing this trend and then suddenly that s a big concern for democrats. all the polls that we have seen in the last few weeks and months show for a republican takeover of the senate, but there s some key races that could country out anyway in the next two weeks depending on what happens. we ve seen in several states in terms of alison lundergan grimes in kentucky and her position whether she voted for president obama, the president is trying to mobilize black voters in some key states, georgia, maryland, it will be interesting to watch what happens. generally the predicts from the polls show republicans holding on to the house and possibly taking over the senate. you mentioned elizabeth warren as she hits the campaign trail she brings an aggressive populist message. i think the game is rigged here. i think washington actually works really well for those who have lots of money, lots of lobbyists, lots of lawyers. i remember the day that i walked into my folks bedroom, and my mother had her best dress out and i was trying to figure what this meant. i was 12. she was trying. talking to herself. we will not lose this house. and finally she wiped her face, she pulled on that dress, put on her lipstick, stepped into her high heels and she walked to the sears roebuck where she got a minimum wage job in an america where a minimum wage job would support a family of three and that s how we survived. veteran iowa reporter jennifer jacob tweeted i think it s fair to say that the crowd ofway dems absolutely loved elizabeth warren s debut speech here of the 2016 presidential cycle. is she going to run, mika? i don t know. i really don t. because i think hillary clinton has this. but i would love to see her in the conversation, that s for sure. if hillary doesn t she s putting herself in a position where she can. do you think this idea of clearing the field, hillary clearing the field is bald for her and for democrats, the fact that you have someone like elizabeth warren who has a good message, a portion of the country really relates to, can t even be talked about in serious terms until hillary clinton decides why not talk about everybody equally. it s bad for the democratic party that they are placing the crown on somebody two years out saying you are going to be the heir apparent. what we ve seen with hillary what that makes her do is move more to the center, more to the center right, she gets cozier with wall street because she doesn t think anybody will challenge her on the left. she gets cozier with the foreign policy position that i ve been calling her a neo-con for years. she s one of the most militaristic democrats. very hawkish. also the biggest hawk in the room and i find it stunning that the democratic party will not even allow a challenge to this sort of warmed over conservatism that she presents. i agree, joe. i agree wholeheartedly. i think the republicans are in better shape because they will have a competitive primary season. we should prefer competitive elections. we were saying the same thing in 2006 and 2007. this is hillary s if she wants it and then somebody came out of almost, of the shadows so to speak and emerged at this new candidate. the same could happen this time. those battles week in and week out that we covered, president obama and senator clinton were scratching and clawing. everyone got better. they all got better. hillary went from being an absolutely miserable candidate on the field to being, i think, an extraordinarily effective tough compelling speaker. she will not be with this sort of rose garden strategy without the rose garden which is what she s going to do. she s going to play it at 30,000 feet and get in a general election and get blind sided. i ve seen it time and time again. this is very bad for the democratic party. you see this team around her that s making it very clear to others they need to keep their distance and i think sometimes having being challenged and bringing your opponents closer to you and letting people into the process makes for exactly what you just described. yeah. a process that makes everybody better and the best candidate emerges. i think it would being a great if elizabeth warren joined it. i really do. even for the conversation itself. and help define the party principles going into the next absolutely. politico is out with a new poll showing a pessimistic outlook for voters in swing states. 64% think things are out of control while 36% believe the country can meat its economic and national security challenges. look at that, willie. 64% we re completely out of control. america, a runaway beer truck. i ve never seen that question asked. do you think that we are a runaway beer truck careening through the appalachians about to go into a death spiral. are things completely out of control. we have to ask mike about that. 20% thought the country is on the right track. 50% say it s on the wrong track. let s bring in mike allen. what s with your questions, man. it s very grim out there. of course who does this hurt? does this hurt the democrats since the president is in power. does it hurt republicans since republicans are running the senate? who gains, who loses from this very dower mood. depends on who is driving the beer truck and in the case of the nation that s the president so in senate races this mostly benefits democrats. in states, the governor who trying the beer truck and a great example of where this could hurt a republican is in wisconsin, where governor scott walker is very dependent on the right track/wrong track feeling in his state. now, the real game change in this poll is that as we ve seen on morning joe throughout this cycle there s been this sort of low grade worry about the economy and jobs. but what we re seeing here, regardless of how you word the question is now a red hot worry on a number of fronts. and this includes as you delve into the polls and we have some of these specifics to show our viewers, people are worried, very worried about their health insurance and whether or not those prices are going to go up. there s mixed evidence about that. they are threat to the homeland that the islamic state could pose. this is the most interesting one. you mentioned this at the top, presidential management. believe it or not a tie between george w. bush and barack obama as to who is better off running the government. there you go in terms of managing the federal government. you see the numbers there. george w. bush seeming to be more effective, 38% to 35%. barack obama under george w. bush certainly something no one at the white house would have thought six years ago. no. four years ago. two years ago. two days ago. but there it is. it s one crisis after another the latest is the ebola crisis that s at the top of mine. another number that jumped out at me direction of the country only 20% think that the country is on the right track. 20%. all right. mike allen, thank you. we had a debate on the show last week about that and it got, you know, rough between steve rattner and nicole wallace over who is better at running the country. can we just say can we just say that both presidents have been very challenged in their leadership abilities for different reasons. yes. and i think that it s interesting to see the republicans respond to ron klain being chosen i guess not an official ebola czar but running the ebola fall out now in this country and they are lining up. we could play eight sound bites of people criticizing the decision at every turn. what do you think of that, though? look, it s obvious people are like why doesn t he have the medical experience. right now it s about trying to get the different organizations to work in sync with each other and in tandem. for me it wasn t that he didn t have the political background. i would have loved to see could lynn powell. emergency response. bring alan malawi. but with this, maybe ron will do a great job. i m sure he s a great guy, a greet leader but here again it s somebody that barack obama knows, that barack obama is comfortable with, that s inside the cocoon, that won t challenge anything. i think a lot of americans, if he wanted to make americans feel more comfortable he would have gotten somebody like a colin powell or somebody from industry like alan malawi that knew how to run things. i also think what we have said in this set is that a lot of it is the optics of what they are already doing being channelled appropriately. and perhaps that s one of his great strengths, strategizing and making the different deputies work together. i get it. it was interesting to see them line up. this is what we ve seen throughout this entire presidency, just pot shots right and left. i don t think it s a pot shot to say barack obama no, i don t think it s pot shot that barack obama has serious leadership challenges. look, you have the grimace face. i would like to take betts. historians will be writing and lumping together george w. bush and barack obama as two people that don t we just had this conversation. i don t know. on a range of issues. maybe if barack obama but as far as leadership knowing how to effectively run the white house, knowing effectively how to run washington, d.c., knowing effectively how to run the bureaucracies. we should have a surgeon general in place. i look forward to reading those historians that say this guy knows how to run washington effectively. i look forward to seeing that. i don t know who will write that. i ll be happy to call my friends in vegas and place that bet. still ahead on morning joe, actor danny aiello. he didn t start acting until he was 36 years old and he played over 90 different roles. he said he was glad he didn t get the academy award in do the right thing. he said if he did he would have lost all respect for the award. he said if i get it it s not worth a damn. but it s what he did before acting that could be for a movie. and runners in one marathon forced to wear facemasks to compete. and a man rescues another man from a burning building. those details next on morning joe . turn the trips you have to take, into one you ll never forget. earn points for every flight and every hotel. expedia plus rewards. it s monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what s next. time now to take a look at the morning papers. before we do. front page of the usa today. i see it. microsoft ceo and karma. we ll hear from him coming up, i think at 7:00, in our 7:00 hour, because he s staring at you and telling you to be patient and sit back and everything will work out right. changing his tune. i think he is. stop being so pushy with phil griffin. he ll take care of you. just relax. kind of frightening. yeah. he s done a 180. yeah. that s good. might have been an unfortunate comment. we ll start with the telegraph. the runners of the 2014 beijing international is this bad completed the race despite hazardous levels of smog. organizers refused to cancel the race despite warnings over the heavy pollution. come on now. runners opted to wear facemasks. that s more than a facemask. i don t even want to say what that looks like. that looks like world war i. they were told to clean their skin after it was exposed to the air. look at this poor runner here on the front of the financial times. she s texting her doctor. one of my lungs just dropped out. is that a bad thing. can i keep running. some of the athletes were unable to finish the race because of the conditions. that s why i don t run. are you going to train with me for one in a couple of weeks. no. a woman is facing charges in the first revenge porn case to be prosecuted in virginia. the 28-year-old has been charged with a misdeamnor for posting a nude picture of her ex-boyfriend s current girlfriend on facebook. officials say the woman admitted to stealing the woman off her ex-boyfriend s phone. the new law makes it illegal for people to post nude tos without permission. mika doesn t know what revenge porn is. everyone will call you that s what led to the dual between aaron burr and alexander hamilton. really? the sketches were very bad. it was awful. the st. louis post-dispatch, police officer darren wilson s account of the shooting that killed unarmed teenager michael brown has been made public for the first time. in-grand jury testimony wilson reportedly said he feared for his life when he shot brown. wilson claims during a struggle inside the police suv brown allegedly shoved and punched him and reached for the officer s gun. brown s blood was found on wilson s uniform, gun and inside the police car. wilson s testimony contradict testimony from eyewitnesss. the daily mail, new hampshire parents whose shot was killed offered the killer a home and a job after he s finished serves his sentence. it happened in 2011. he was drunk and high at the time. the victim s parents defended him saying it was an accidents and say they believe their son would want to help his best friend. a man was carried to safety following a dramatic rescue in fresno, california. it happened early saturday morning. you can see the man in the blue hat calmly walking up to the burning building. watch what happens less than a minute later. everybody is out? no, there s a man inside! oh. everybody out. oh, thank god! is everybody out? oh, thank god the guy just calmly walked in. the rescued man was treated for smoke na had a allocation. the house pretty much exploded into flames. did you see that guy walking in there just calmly. just incredible. coming up, great story, the weekly standard says there s a reason for you know it happened in newark with the mayor. be in there quickly. be hard to carry him out. he would carry out with one hand and tweeting with the other. weekly standard say there s one reason for americans to panic about the ebola outbreak. there are six. plus a look at what today s top columnist are writing about the must read opinion pages next on morning joe . you probably know xerox as the company that s all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today s xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you re ready for real business. there s confidence.ived. then there s trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it s no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. 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escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can t control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at welcome back to morning joe. bill kristol just said elizabeth warren was good over the weekend. he was talking about alabama and auburn. he said harvard is undefeated. what are they the lamb chops? the lamb chops. you call them the harvard mighty crimson or 2010 men of harvard. whatever. i would offer to sing the fight song but i think i won t. i almost fell off my chair. everybody talks about florida state, mississippi state, florida/notre dame game really. is that important compared to harvard s undefeated season. this weekend on espn 3. do people get espn 3. is that a real channel? it s a computer box. porno week. if i go to a sports bar they will be showing the harvard game on saturday afternoon? that s my plan. okay. bill kristol and the weekly standard has six reasons to panic over ebola. we ll get to that in a minute. before you panic, the washington post, a campaign with no answers. we re sort of talking about politics and a lot of campaigning happening over the weekend as we close in on election day. the closing days, this is ruth of a closely fought election rarely offer uplifting moments, but the 2014 season has been particularly dreary, nearly devoid of content and high on unedifying speck cal behavior that disrespects voters knows no partisan label. consider kentucky democrat alison lundergan grimes steadfast refusal to state whether she voted for president obama. this strikes me as the wrong calculation. the voters would be alienated by a straightforward answer and already lost to grimes but i can imagine wavering voters being turned off by her dodgeiness. we can talk about other democratic candidates did poorly. i go back to what you said after the republicans lost the 2012 election. if you re going to win stand for something. are republicans standing for anything specifically? some are. i don t agree this media line it s the worst election ever. in virginia where i live, ed gillispie has given two or three serious policy speeches. he laid out, had the courage to lay out a conservative alternative to obamacare. he s losing. he s gaining. i actually think if you go around and look at tom cotton or those from new hampshire they are running clear policy campaigns. it s not a mystery what the republican party says in opposition to obama. 2014 is more about checking and stopping president obama and rebuking him for what he s done. 2016 has to have a big positive agenda. off year elections are different from presidential elections. we have some results from early voting that show promising turn out early on. iowa, georgia. few other states. promising for whom. for both parties. just for the election broadly the turn out rates are much higher than they were in 2010. dana millbank writes the nasty politicization of ebola. there s budget cuts forcing them to shelf 14 ebola grants. the nih was forced to prioritize spending to react to the most pressing currents threats rather than potential ones and because there was little ebola activity at the time shifting money to ebola from say cancer or alzheimer research wasn t a viable possibility. with ebola vaccines entering clinical trials it s not much of a stretch to conclude that with those extra research dollars vaccines would now be on the market. all right. i can t let that go. that would be like me telling my mother, like when i was 14 years old and i kept forgetting to tie my shoes before i went out and played football and i kept tripping on the one yard line and fumbling, mom if you only spent more money on my shoes no it s that i can t stand up for falling down as abbott costello would say. we had a congresswoman who we liked very much on friday who said all of this is happening because of cuts to this budget. no. we re talking about basic incompetency. we re talking about agencies the world health organization and the cdc not knowing how to follow set up and have people follow basic guidelines. we can have this discussion about funding later. we can t have it right now. there s gross incompetence through not only the government but health care organizations. this crisis right now is not brought about by funding. this crisis has been brought about by gross government incompetence. the time for the government to ask more money is not while they exhibit gross incompetence but when they prove to us and all taxpayers they know what the hell they are talking about and doing. ebola has been an issue in africa for months and months and months. world health organization has ignored it. the cdc the white house has. the president could have look it s a legitimate policy debate about the budget levels for nih and cdc. and how they are spending the money they have. what they are spending the money is politically correct nonsense. the president of the united states could have gone to the appropriate committees in congress and said i need to reappropriate these studies going from second hand smoke from electronic cigarettes to ebola. he didn t. it s a legitimate debate. the president is the president. the democrats control congress. if they wanted to increase funding they could have. joe is right. it s a matter of government incompetence not funding. right now. as i said from the beginning of this debate don t put me in that right-wing republican box. i m alone in the republican box. i think we should spend more money on the nih like we should spend more money on jaex but not until we reform them first. and right now, nih needs reforming, the cdc needs reforming and before we give another dime to the w.h.o. we need to make sure through the united nations that they stop being this incompetent. this crisis is upon us today because of the horrible decisions they made last spring. because of cuts we have no vaccine. six reasons to panic for ebola. that s not true but i ll let you go ahead and put that jab in. one jab against 20. a constitutional congress that one jab was not. six reasons to panic over ebola is in the weekly standard and let s go through these bill kristol. number one, start with what we know and don t know about the virus. well, it can be transmitted, obviously, not as easily as some people think. general infection rates are terrifying. we re over 8,000 cases. it s growing. the rate of growing is increasing. people who sit here in the u.s. and say only three kay sos far, one person was let in foolishly, he s infected two people. we don t know what happens next. that s a dangerous the growth of it is what s dangerous. the growth this is what s dangerous. i want to go back to the first question. the thing what we know and don t know. what s angered me the most is having health care officials get on tv, willie, and saying we know this. if something goes wrong, you know, it s because of a nurse who took off her uniform the wrong way. right. or a doctor that took off the uniform. like my dad. my dad was scared of flying. every time a plane flipped upside down and crashed, pilot error. a bolt falls off the engine, pilot error. could have put the thrust. that s what they are doing here. they are not exactly sure how it transmits. i ve said this since david axelrod mocked me on meet the press three or four weeks ago. kent brantley who sat in africa preparing for ebola patients for a month, they set up special units to prepare, when they finally came in, kent dantley treated them and came home and he still doesn t know today how he got ebola. we re not exactly sure how this transmits because as this article presents, this isn t like the other four strains that infected human populations before. we don t know. if they would just say we re not exactly sure i would have a lot more confidence in them. every doctor you ve seen on television are pretty sure. this is the way it s transmitted. yesterday somebody said this is a very difficult disease to get and that s the message that s put out there. the truth is the only reason it s here in the united states one guy came in when he shouldn t because there was no screening and the hospital at dallas admitted it wasn t prepared. it wasn t because there wasn t good screening because they gave visas to people in liberia to be tourists in the u.s. that s ridiculous. that exposed americans to risk. two americans now contracted ebola. secondly why were they treated at that hospital in dallas which seems like a normal suburban non-expert hospital. the head of the cdc said as matter of principle this can be treated at any hospital in the u.s. it s not that urgent or dramatic. they put the burden on this hospital which clearly wasn t ready for this. they put the burden on the nurses. now they got two people and said all the protocols are in place. the protocol are 800 pages. the nurses did their best. that s a real governmental failure. we should have as much concern about american lives around the flu and other things. the flu killed more americans than war in iraq but it was legitimate for people who disagreed with me this war is going well. that s a bad argument. ebola is a current threat. there s legitimate policies to debate. i m waiting for anyone to explain why people are getting via sasse in liberia and sierra leone to visit the u.s. on a non-emergency basis. this entire argument, we re playing with a nuclear bomb right here, and people are saying, well, you know, more people are going to die from the flu this year than a nuclear bomb. yeah, if we hand tell nuclear material correctly. if we don t, guess what. it s going to get bad and get bad very quickly and i m not talking about you. i really am not. but i am sick and tired of people saying oh, you re just trying to panic people. axelrod i went back to david three weeks ago being conde sending and he was wrong on every single point. he said this will not affect elections and let s look back six months from now joe and see if nothing happens. i have four children. i hope six months from now we look back and go thank god that was just like monkey pox. axelrod s point was the government is handling it fine. of course. they just appointed someone. axelrod s point three weeks he was frustrated. and axelrod s point was how dare anybody question the federal government for doing this. called me dr. scarborough because i quoted the washington post directly on three points. i think we should be worried about the 100,000 west africans that might die. the 100,000 that s the estimates from several experts by the end of the year. we should care. i know we got to go but i have to ask bill kristol this. i ve been challenging liberals to stop being so smug. please let s not even ask any difficult questions because you re trying to panic the population. my challenge to conservatives is this, we re going to have to do what george w. bush did with aids in africa because it s not just about aids in africa, this is an international health crisis. we have to invest, we have to do two things at once and liberals don t think we can do twhoings at once. we can. we can aggressively go after ebola in africa like george w. bush went after aids in africa. we aggressively make sure we don t let it grow here. the other countries in west africa have taken responsible precautions. they shut off entrants from people from the infected areas. as did did you read thor to about the guy who was a business leader in one of the regions in sierra leone. you don t get in you don t get out. guess whatnot one ebola patient. bill kristol, thank you. they say president obama has a spending problem. said personal finance problem. i went up to a restaurant in new york when i was a member of the general assembly, and my credit card was rejected. [ laughter ] i guess i don t use it enough. they thought there was some fraud going on. fortunately michele had hers. i was trying to explain to waitresses i ve been paying my bills. even i m affected by it. thank you very much, everybody. the president s budget director is our next guest. we ll ask what the president needs to do not to have his credit card decline. are you coming back to the princeton game this sunday? the college games are played on saturday. i thought you played high school. wow! the only person i know that says that is.lisa? julie?! at discover, we treat you like you d treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment s right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. oats go! wow! go power oats! go! go power! yayyyy! hi, are we still on for tomorrow? 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exactly right. that s a key target. whether you call it we re back to fiscal normalcy but below average of the last four years is a key thing. the bad news. what will we do about it. the demographics over the next five, six, seven years this number will go back. what do we do to lessen that. you re exactly focused on the right thing which is in the long run we have more folks retiring than we may have in the workforce to support them. we need to make sure, first of all, we re bringing health care costs down and the good news there is health care costs are rising at the slowest rate in 50 years. that s the number one driver. medicare and medicaid, the cost of medicine is the number one driver. that s exactly right. one other good thing because costs are rising more slowly, if you look out to 2020 cbo says our costs will be lower by $188 billion just in that one year. so we are taking steps, the affordable care act is contributing to this slower growth. the recovery of the economy is an important piece of it. all of those things are key things, we need to keep pushing on those. immigration reform is another key thing we can do. that would save about a trillion dollars to 6r years if we could gelt immigration reform. you re beginning to see the effects of the president s policies and it appears to be good news on the economy, jobs front more people are working. the reason people are not feeling this good news wages are stagnant. they are not make ends meet. we do see americans perceiving the economy as getting better. lots of folks going back to work. the president gets letters all the time from people who have gotten a job these last few years. 1.3% drop in the unemployment rate in the last year. that s the fastest we ve seen in about 30 years. you re right. wages have been not just over the last few years but over a few decades one of the biggest challenges that we had. it s accelerated a bit. we got to take additional steps. raising the minimum wage. investing more in things like infrastructure. investing in people s skills so they can ge that better job when it comes open. there s a range of thing we need to do and the president is focused on doing those things. shaun donovan thank you so much. great to have you on the show. congratulations. at least for this week. pushing karma aside the ceo of microsoft continues his apology tour this morning. plus as united states fights isis from the air reports say the terror group has now gotten its hands on fighter jets. that troubling development ahead on morning joe . before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an underserved season . and before he quit his friend s leaf-raking business for not offering a 401k. larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that s why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that s the power of streamlined connections. that s merrill edge and bank of america. it s monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what s next. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? 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you ve seen them increasingly inside iraq. we did it all without a status of forces agreement. the administration said that was the reason we couldn t have iraqi forces stay in iraq and now more than 1,000 americans are there without the iraqi political system. shows there s more wiggle room than people thought. yeah. you ll see increasing numbers in iraq particularly working directly with kurds and sunni tribes and less likely but potentially in places inside syria. if we have zones where kurds begin to control certain territory not inconceivable you ll see american special forces there. dorian? i m curious about the nonmilitary strategy. what is it up to this point besides just the air strikes and potential ground troops. we know we need more than military option to defeat isis. what s the strategy? short term and long term. short term to reduce the philosophy recruits through places like turkey and reduce the flow of funding through places like qatar and saudi arabia. you re not seeing a diplomatic strategy to calm things down in syria. but at some point you could have low level talks with russia and iran. the long term is to do something that s so deeply flawed about the arab world. we can t fix the entire world. what if we just shake up the table right now and say, you know what? we ll double downtown kurds. the kurds are a tough fighting unit. if we can get them to take care of their region across the north, syria will not like it. turkey is not is going to like it. we really don t care. we need to bring order to this chaos. can they do it? certainly inside of iraq that s your major partner and letting go of the fiction that you have this intact country called iraq. i would let go of it. when this is all said and done you won t have something called syria and iraq any more. this border is meaningless. you ll have clusters. you ll have a kurdish area. sunni areas. shi ite areas. this idea of this hetehogenous middle east is over. joe biden s idea from 2003. more radical than that. we were talking about areas of autonomy. he s called the president s pick for ebola czar. the chairman who heard testimony on ebola joins the show. new polls are giving a revealing look at the direction of the country with less than 15 days way until the elections. serena williams blasting a high ranking tennis official who should have been fired. it s weird. racist, sexist, bullying comments and he still has a job. we ll tell you what he said next. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? 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jets? they didn t play did they? did the jets play? what. thursday. that s right. okay. moral victory but an actual loss. giants throats the cowboys who are a very good team as it turns out. really? the eagles and the cowboys. the tony romo still dating jessica simpson. i m going back to politics now. hillary clinton redskins won. i saw that on the front page of the the washington post. let s go the news. hillary clinton leads all other names tested by more than 50 points in these polls and for the moment primary would be hers to lose. mitt romney ahead of the republican field by at least ten points. he s winning with women and voters alike. let s stop right there. keep going. who identify themselves as very conservative. but without him, the picture is muddier with jeb bush edging out senator rand paul and mike huckabee and newcomer ben carson is right behind national figures like marco rubio and chris christie. let s go back to that first one that has mitt romney up ahead. he s about ten points ahead of everybody else. pretty crazy, richard haas, isn t it, that mitt romney by not running now puts himself in first and you have to go back to that foreign policy debate where time and time again mitt romnbaa mocked him for being concerned about vladimir putin, for being concerned about other things that have blown up in the past couple of years. i think that s why voters are going wait a second this guy called it right. other polls say the democratic advantage in handling foreign policy and national security is fading. that will help republicans. mitt romney represents a kind of he hasn t been around so that makes him slightly fresher and he represents a managerial republicanism. in the other poll jeb bush is leading. these are not ideological people. it s interesting, in the poll that has mitt romney ahead he leads with female voters, and conservative voters. you don t see those two things going together very often. and then, willie, there s nbc news wall street journal poll that came out that talked about how americans are really concerned one of the questions they asked the politico it s a politic sko poll. this is nbc news wall street journal poll republicans have a five-point lead. these things don t mean nothing until you get close to the election. we re two weeks away. i wonder if we re starting to see a slight trend towards a republican party that s concerning a lot of democrats. same thing whoever the president is, there s a reaction to that party. so they want to see some republican control. they already have control of the house. they want to see control of the senate as well. the question you were talking about with politico is the country completely out of control. i love it. this is what year it is. can we see the number here. because this question is the country completely out of control. this is not a question that pollsters usually ask voters. this is a question one parent usually asks another parent about their teenage boy. right. is he completely out of control. 64% of americans think things are completely out of control. we ll be serious here for one second. if democrats end up losing control of the senate and lose a lot of seats in the house, it s not going to be really hard to look back and look at the administration s handling of isis and the ebola crisis combined with everything else. what s wrong with their handling of isis. are we done? is the war over and we lost it? i m confused. you, obviously, are confused because if you look it s messaging issue. that s what they lost control of. the president s poll numbers have completely collapsed. it s not a messaging issue. you have the president of the united states who has made one miscalculation after another for a very long time. and you re seeing that in the polls. now we could all have the debate. i ve been here supportive of the president over the past month or so in many respects. i m just simply saying, though, americans see what s happening in the middle east and they see what s happening with the ebola crisis and it looks like the president has been out of control for the past two or three months. whether that s fair or not fair it s not. you may not think that so you wouldn t be one of the 20% that think america is going in the right direction. the overwhelming majority of the teaming masses that watch you as you jump off to the south of france disagree. the administration did itself no favor. it set itself up for defeat. they said isis was a jv team. then it turned out to be a bigger problem. then on ebola don t get worried. it s a case of a little bit of over promising and underdelivering. that s where the administration did itself no favors. family members of the liberian national that died you say are saying the same thing. willie, this hurts me. can you intervene, willie on my behalf. you two need to work this out. he s done. he s out of control. no more counselling. he can t at this point. all right. what s next family members of the liberian national who died in dallas from ebola are marking an important milestone this morning. three weeks of confinement are not over for thomas eric duncan s fiancee and other relatives who had close contact with him. family members are flonger considered at risk for the virus and a dallas health care worker who was being monitored on a cruise ship also tested negative for ebola. meanwhile the pentagon says it s preparing a 30 member quick strike team in case there are more ebola cases diagnosed in the u.s. it comes as a new york times reporter over the weekend that president obama is not pleased with how aids initially responded. you know how the white house leaked this out the president is angry with his staff members. sure. absolutely. leak that out. the president announced ron klain former chief of staff to vice president joe biden and former vice president al gore will oversee the federal response. so one thing we have noticed, you look at this family that s now, duncan s family that s freed up, it seems i think it s really telling that the people who treated duncan when he first went to the hospital, when he a fever, had ebola but not the later stages of ebola no one got infected in that time period, when no one was wearing hazmat suits or taking precautions, then he went home and came back in advance stages even with the hazmat suits, unbelievably contagious. like a lot of health care workers said, chances are good if you re flying with someone on an airplane even if they have ebola in the early stages you won pick it up. it s in those later stages when it becomes so contagious they still don t know what the proper protocols are now. joining us now tim murphy of pennsylvania who chairs the oversight and investigations subcommittee, and i guess, first of all, let s talk about the ebola czar. i take it you are critical of this choice. well, look. this is a very uncertain course we re going through here. there s a lot we don t know about ebola, and we don t know what we don t know. it goes that far. after the hearings it was clear that even the experts have a great deal of concerns with moving forward. i think at this time when america is very worried and very anxious about this we didn t need someone who was a political person who has worked on campaigns before. i didn t hear anybody at that hearing saying please put somebody in charge of us who works on campaigns. there s is a great deal that still needs to be done in this nation. my request to the president was travel restrictions on non-essential travel. making sure we re training more people. create more centers who can handle ebola. advance research at a faster speed. tell us what congress needs to do. have more transport mechanisms, et cetera and continue to put a great deal of work into africa. that s the things we need to be focusing on at this time to increase that whole defense perimeter for the united states. richard haas you suggested he put somebody like colin powell or mitt romney. i talked somebody like alan malawi, somebody that outside of the political sphere. it s awfully strange to me at least you put somebody in there who worked on political campaigns. just to be year this is not a shot at ron klain. it s not. this is nothing personal about him. look this is a disease which is insidious and pervasive. thousands have died. we don t need somebody who has to have a learning curve but somebody who understands what needs to be done when the physicians and other researchers and people involved with this make a request, someone who involved and knows his logistic, get him on board. this is dangerous. willie geist is here with a question. congressman to take a step back, does adding another layer of bureaucracy, somebody else to the problem actually help? will this make things better? will we see a rapid transformation in the way we respond to the crisis? you don t cure bureaucratic problems with more bureaucracy. right now one of the problems taking place in africa, we have 300 soldiers there and the president has committed several thousand more. the reason why this is a critical time, a number of my grant workers are leaving western africa and traveling throughout africa for other jobs. there s so many thing that need to be done. my concern is someone who just has worked on other things and nothing to do with this there s too much of a learning curve and more bureaucracy isn t helpful. an ebola czar is an hhs secretary or someone within that. the only reason more bureaucracy might be useful you got all sorts of people inside the u.s. government and between the u.s. government and outsiders who never worked together. this may be one of these cases where bureaucratically this makes sense. you re used to having private-sector, ngo, federal and so forth. one thing that will change this debate is the ability to detect ebola. rather than waiting for 21 days, within an hour. but several drug companies are very close. not a vaccine but a detection kit almost like a diabetes test within an hour. what a huge difference that will make. the whole debate over travel and screening fundamentally changes. fda is looking at several drugs. that can be transformative. congressman tim murphy, thank you very much. one more story here. tennis star serena williams is firing back at comments made by a member of the international olympic committee who referred to her as one of the quote williams brothers and also called her scary. williams called the comments made by shamil tarpischev quote, very insensitive, extremely sexist, racist and bullying. shamil tarpischev apologized after being fined $25,000 as head of the russian tennis federation and he s banned from tour involvement for a year. there was a meeting between bib hops and cardinals in pushing for a more inclusive church. the final version said homosexuals have gifts and qualities that should be welcomed by the church. it signaled an openness to divorced catholics by a vote of 118-62. bishops still approved this statement. nonetheless men and women with homosexual tendencies must be welcomed with respect and delicacy. the pope included the revised statement even though it fell short of a needed two-thirds majority. the final edited document shows there s deep divisions within the catholic church and conservative catholics won out. during sunday s mass pope francis said god is not afraid of new things. he also urged church leaders to accept ways that society has changed. mika don t you love that statement? i think it s a great statement. i think it s fantastic that they are having the debate. i think anybody that sits out there this morning and says oh, the catholic church is so backwards and so this and so that because they didn t accept the whole thing needs to remember, all right, the church this has been doctrine for over 2,000 years and the united states of america in 2004, republicans won elections by running anti-gay marriage campaigns, just because we changed as quickly as we ve changed in america in ten years doesn t and invatican is going to whip one way suddenly. they are having the discussion, though. and that s extraordinarily important. it s important for the church and it s important it s a discussion brilliantly being led by this pope. he s not forcing anything. he s not trying to sort of push it through unnaturally. he s really trying to make everybody question their own consciences and sense of perfection and judgment. even in the vote there s not condemnation, there s openness. as you said it s almost better that things don t get whipped through. when fundamental change happens there s a kay for gradualism. that s why that one sentence kind of, quite frankly undermines the critics. gradualism that s certainly a lot more acceptable to, to those in the church that may believe in same sex marriage. because you ve got somebody at the top that you feel like is actually sympathetic to your position and actually human. the most important thing when you walk through the church doors instead of feeling like at outcast you feel like they want you there, willie and you get that sense by looking at this. he s doing two things. yes he s speaking out for what believes is the right thing but it s strategic. he know for the church to survive you ll have a whole generation of people looking at the doctrine saying this has no relationship to how i see the world. it s not about gays and lesbians. poverty inequality. a range of crises in the world. this church is in a crisis of membership. this is a huge step forward that legitimatizes the debate and institution and allows people entry instead of exclusion. still ahead rear admiral john kirby joins us. plus facing skrut tiny over comments he made about equal pay for women in the workplace, satya nadella gives his first television interview as ceo of microsoft. we ll hear from him next. that s kind of a rough start. karma man. karma is going to 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[laughter] eh. now s the time to get in the loop. just look for our fall tv picks with xfinity on demand. quickly find the season s hottest shows, with a handpicked collection all in one place. only from xfinity. all right. time now take a look at the morning papers. we ll start with the stuntton news leader. police belief they may have found the body of hannah graham. human remains were found outside of charlottesville. no conclusive i.d. but the parents have been notified. remains were located in the some region where the body of a virginia tech student was discovered in 2009 and police have linked 32-year-old jesse matthew jr. s dna to both women. he s been charged in graham s disappearance. the usa today, the dea is being used for using a woman s identity to create a fakes facebook page as port of an ongoing investigation. the woman claimed the agency used photos from her phone after she was arrested. the dea said she consented by allowing information stored in her cell phone to be used in their investigation. in a letter to the agency facebook said the matter is a serious breach of its policies and asked for assurances it hadn t made other fake profiles. the los angeles times, police have arrest ad woman for trying to break into a california home through the chimney. around 6:00 in the morning police found the woman stuck. this is a photo look at that. her hands over her head. where is her santa hat. she s trapped inside. took two hours to bust her out using dish soap and dismantling part of the brick facade. that s a long way down. what s in that house that was worth that. you punch through the glass in the back door. willie that didn t work for you. look at your hand. usa today turns out more men were cutting back during the recession when it came to having kids. no male pregnancies between 2007 between 2007 and 2009 rates of vasectomies went up. about 5.8% of men got vasectomies in the worst years for the u.s. economy that number went up to 7.5%. i m confused. what are you confused about. nothing. what are your confused? they didn t want to have babies during the great recession. right let s move on. unless you guys want to talk about vasectomies. give me about 20 years. microsoft ceo is apologizing after making tone deaf comments about equal pay in the workplace. joining us now, cnbc john ford has an exclusive interview with satya nadella. how did he do? i think he did pretty well. you can be the judge along with viewers. satya nadella had gone to a conference called grace hopper conference, which was women in technology and he was asked what should women do when they want to ask for a raise but aren t sure how. basically said well don t ask, just trust that karma will take care of it. when he talked to me he said look it was a mistake. what i said is i gave the advice that i was given that worked for me. i became the ceo of microsoft. i didn t take into account how it would sound to people that feel they have been held back from opportunities in their jobs. he s working on changing the industry and how industry looks at this. he also said this about how microsoft is doing on these issues. take a listen. it turns out last year 99.7% of the men s salaries are what women make. it s different than what s felt across all industries. we re doing well. by the way, i m not celebrating any of it. all i said we pay equally if you re at the same level. the real issue is do we have enough people of different ethnicity and women in those levels. do we have them in our corporate vice president ranks, are we promoting people as rigorously. there s other secondary things we have to go after. to your points of course the expectation of anyone should be that a ceo like me should go to work on this and have some principles guided and the two principles that i really want to stay grounded on is equal pay for equal work and equal opportunity for equal work and we ll make progress on that. the interesting part there, guys, equal opportunity piece saying he s looking to make sure that women and other groups, minorities, have the opportunity to be at the same level to make those same amounts as others in the workplace. interesting conversation. he also is talking about microsoft s cloud initiatives, trying to push technology forward, guys. thank you so much. mika, you okay now? did he explain everything okay? actually, i was surprised. at what? because he basically said, you know, kind of pointed to culture again. he looked at the way he viewed his own experience. right. was narrow about it. what worked for him. designee has to take his apology a step forward. like what nancy did when she took over time magazine she looked at all the salaries of women and their male counterparts and raised the women to their male counterparts. he needs to take a look at microsoft s payroll and needs to bring every women up to the male counterpart. i can tell you they are not paid equally. he needs to make that public. for women to do the same job as men do. absolutely. since he s clearly admitting that he has a knowledge gap on the issue. i m curious he has to learn. he s sorry. you didn t like what he said. what he said is i was passing on advice that was given me. that seems pretty legit, right? right. when you re running a company you actually have to include other people besides people with your own culture, world view. what he s saying is he s close minded. that was his problem. can we go back to those chairs. get us back to these chairs. i m curious, because these chairs, can they really be comfortable to be sitting in, t.j.? i m uncomfortable. theysprockets. my answer to that one question which i interpreted super narrowly was wrong bus i answered through my experience through my career and when you work passionately you see rewards. he said that was a mistake i was looking through my lens. at a women s conference that was his advice. i think he has to do something. i don t think there s anything he can say any more. when we go to women s conferences do you know what mika tells women? don t act like joe. i do. she does. i say that. how do you think that makes me feel. maybe find your own authentic graceful way of navigating the negotiations. it breaks my heart in a million pieces. you do well for you, joe. and that s important. it makes me sad. you re very good at it. still ahead the long road of political come back. why some can t quit even after spending time in prison. and the pentagon has helped with a domestic response to the ebola outbreak, and many other items. morning joe will be right back. when we do come back i ll learn how to read the teleprompter. stick around. i ll be right here. okay. there s confidence. then there s trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it s no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? 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(sighs) i can t not know when i know that you know. the latest episodes of the top 100 shows are preloaded and ready to watch with xfinity on demand. here with us now pentagon press secretary, rear admiral john kirby. thank you very much for being on the show with us this morning, sir. first of all, describe this 30 person rapid response ebola medical support team. i guess better late than never and also how it will help prevent and protect in this country? well this team is going to be on what we called prepare to deploy. 20 nurses, five infectious disease experts and five trainers. they are going to get down to texas for some training this week. so that they have all the protocols in place and they know what to do and the preparations and put on this prepare to deploy order status where they can be ready in 72 hours. that period will last for 30 days. be on that ready status for 30 days to go assist civilian medical authorities anywhere in the country that might need them. admiral, it s willie geist. what about the source of ebola. most experts think if you want to stop the outbreak you have to go to west africa to do it. what exactly is their role there, what can the united states military do? in west africa in keeping with the requirements laid on us by the government of liberia and usaid and cdc we have 5450 troops. those troops are focused on four line of effort. mostly there s a lot of construction going on. we re trying to get these emergency treatment units stood up and built, a training site built. two emergency training units that we re working on are on track. first one will to be done by the end of this month. second one probably the first week of november. weather has been a factor. it s monsoon season down there, a lot of rain slowing us down. the infrastructure is not so good in some of these places where we re building these units there are no roads and where there are roads they are mud most of the time. slower than we would like it to go. that s what our troops are focused on. admiral, it s richard haas. can you explain how it s possible legally for u.s. armed forces to take on the sort of role you re describing within the united states given the so-called rules and what they are allowed to do within our territory. sure. we actually do have the legal authorities to do this. this isn t going to violate a law enforcement role. this is nothing more than potential support and i stress potential support to civilian medical authorities if and only if they ask for that. there s novi allocation. the northern command commander has the authorities he needs to get this team ready to go. admiral, i m curious what your response is to critics of the recently appointed ebola czar ron klain. do you think he doesn t have a public health or medical background but do you think he s equipped to deal with the crisis and coordinate among different agencies and the private-sector? our job is to support him and whatever he needs us to do. our job is to support the interagency and the government and that s what we re doing. admiral let s move on to isis. we hear isis may have gotten control of fighter jets. what can you tell us. we have no indication they have fighter jets in their capability or capability to fly them and we don t have any indication they have any air defense or anti-air capability at all. we re watching it very closely. any concerns about that. are you making preparations for it. right now do you just don t see that strategically as a limitation for what you want to do over there? we worry about everything here at the pentagon and we make it our business to be concerned about all those kinds of capabilities. we re watching it very, very closely. we don t see any indication they have that capability. we re watching it very, very closely. what s the situation in central baghdad right now, central iraq and baghdad. reports coming over the ap of another suicide bombing. 17 dead. 17 dead. appears to a lot of observers and i don t expect you to make any comment along these lines but people saying this iraqi government not much better than the last iraqi government. how do we up the ante in helping the kurds. what are we doing to help the kurds help themselves and help us in the process? there s a lot in there so let me break it down. one of these days i ll learn how to ask a simple question. how are you doing today, admiral. good, bad? how is your back stroke? let s start with the kurds. what are we doing to help the kurds. as you may have noticed last night we did an air drop of supplies to the kurdish forces inside kobani and trying to defend that city against isil. every indication we have the morning the bundles made to it the hand we want to make them to, at least the vast majority did. we re trying shore up their ability to defend that town. north of iraq, our partner nations, many coalition nations are resupplying kurdish forces there in the north. we have a joint operations center in erbil. they are holding their own. no question about that. let s go down baghdad. you talked about the ied attack. no surprise to anybody that isil wants to continue to threaten the capital city. this is a group that not only is a group of terrorists but they want to grab ground. they want infrastructure. they have these governs designs, this caliphate vision. it should come as no surprise they are threatening baghdad. that said we do not assess that baghdad is under imminent threat right now. there s no masses of formation of isil fighters around the capital and iraqi security fors are doing a good job stiffening their defenses. good to hear. last week a lot of people were talking about western baghdad being at risk. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it as always. we ll work on simplifying my questions. four goals by the way really quickly. richard, it is very important what he said, baghdad right now doesn t seem like it s under any threat. there was a concern because anbar province, everything west of baghdad seems to be going intoy isis hands. lot of concern this is going move towards baghdad right now. not imminent but still fundamental challenge about getting the sunni tribes to work with us rather than deferred to isis. there s real questions whether this iraqi government can organize and motivate iraqi government troops to fight for their country. that s an open question. okay. still ahead on morning joe, four goals in the final three minutes of the game. i almost a heart attack. did you? yes, i did. roger bennett has the stunning play. stop. you re terrible. but first two men who are hoping to win their elections next month and hoping that the voter don t mind a little thing like having, you know, having been to prison. yeah. ah-ha. we ll hear their story next. that one is good. you re going to like this. i m going to love this one. all around the world the dedicated people of united airlines are there to support you. that s got your back friendly. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. enagage with us. who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what s our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ? less than two weeks from tomorrow we talk about a lot of exciting elections. three involving guys you heard of. edwin edwards famed former governor of louisiana now running for congress. designee loves america. the long time mayor of providence spent some time in the federal lock up. running again. larry pressler after almost 20 years out of office is running for his seat in south dakota. has pressler been to jail no. why are we profiling him snoom s a political come back. i get that theme. this 87-year-old man is working the phones for votes. i m a politician that knows how to deliver on his promises. i m governor edwards. edwards as in edwin edwards, congressat candidate who spent 16 years as governor of louisiana. before spending 8 1/2 years in prison for racketeering. he s one of a crop of candidates seeking political redemption this fall. there s 76-year-old larry pressler out for a morning jog and stunning the political world as he runs neck and neck in a race to win back the south dakota senate seat he lost in 1996. i have my seniority. i can be a powerful senator for south dakota. one person is not so thrilled about the prospects of a come back. his wife. she s not excited about coming back to washington. there s the legendary former six term providence mayor buddy, looking to return to city hall after a prison stint of nearly five years for conspiracy to commit racketeering. i did my time. in this system you get found guilty you pay the price. i ve always proclaimed my innocence. released in 2007 from what he calls the federal gated community, the 73-year-old wants his old job back, holding court on this night at a drag bingo game. under the b for buddy, 6. why dive back in. we had over a decade of decline in the city. that s number one. i was looking to see who was running and none had the vision. he has his share of critics but what polls show providence just might give buddy another try. i got you out of a bad time in 1980. well i m glad you remember it. even over the phone, everyone knows exact leadership who edwin edwards is. governor, did that gentleman say you got him out of a bad time in 1980. that s what he said. do you recall? he was very grateful. edwards spent the evening this way, cold calling and then catching up with voters who feel like old friends. hi. edwards who many people in louisiana still call the governor and who now has a 1-year-old son was first elected to congress 50 years ago. you know, a lady asked me the other day, you re 87 years old, you re retired, why don t you do what you feel like doing. i said lady that s what i m doing. he s not worried about those 8 1/2 years behind bars. i did nothing wrong. i want to point something out i had nothing to do with my politics. nothing to do with my role as governor. the justice system disagreed. as we walked around baton rouge people were overwhelmingly happy to see him. i think he would be an excellent congressman. edwards provided american politics with some of its most famous quotes like this one from his 1983 gubernatorial race. that campaign provide another perhaps your most famous quote which is the only way i can lose this race is if i got caught in bed with a dead woman or live boy and, you know, there was no chance of that happening. edwin edwards, ladies and gentlemen. wow. so, willie, he s running for congress. why did he decide to run for congress instead of governor. good question. he said i rather run for governor but the law in the state of louisiana says you have to wait 15 years from the time you re released from prison to run. so he can do it when he s 99. that 87-year-old has a 1-year-old baby. he has a 1-year-old baby, yes. why did he meet his wife. she s a woman that visited him in prison. grew up while he was governor of her state. they got married and now they have a 1-year-old. how old is she. 35, 36. i love america. the deal on him it s a very red district. he s a democrat. people think he ll get in the runoff. he s still an underdog. buddy is leading in the polls. larry pressler is tight as well. he slowed them once. the only way he would no, no. they asked him if he was going to lose or not. this is his 1983 race. only way i could lose if i was found in bed with a dead woman or a live boy. there was a year, willie, where he was running for governor. he was running against david duke. that s my favorite. the klansman. his bumper sticker was vote for the crook. go ahead dean it. so they running against david duke the grand which standard of the klan. he was asked do you have anything in common. the only thing we have in common is we both whiz under the sheets. still ahead, madonna once gave danny aiello a key piece of advice. we ll find out what that is when he joins us. roger bennett is here with the football frenzy. i m relieved roger is here. we ll be right back. we got roger bennett here. he s the analyst for blazers. roger. hey, roger. i m telling you, man, so liverpool playing the worst team, qpr. the jacksonville jaguars. i m watching the game. they re ahead 1-0. i m thinking, we re going to get an ugly three points but i ll take it. what happened then? this was mario bartelle, their long-sufferering scorer. an own goal. so qpr scores a goal for liverpool. qpr did the unexpected, they righted a wrong by equalizing chaos in the lir poverpool defe. it looked like it was going to be 1-1. then a brief moment of wonder with one minute to go. liverpool look to have by the way, by the way cuntino, most important moment of the game for us. vargas again, chaos in the liverpool defense. the protestant work ethic is reaffirmed. liverpool bang the ball home. second own goal. i will say belotelli was in good position there. you think so? he did earlier in the game shoot over the bar. mario barotelli is kind like the manny ramirez of football. how many has he scored this season? none in the epl, one in the champions league. he missed one from about four feet yesterday. a huge disappointment. liverpool only have two weaknesses. one is they can t attack and the other is they can t defense. they struggled against queens park rangers. she s a big qpr fan. dear god, it s going to be very ugly. very bad news, sturridge out for another month. he actually looked at his leg and it broke in half again. it s just miserable. let s go on to chelsea. no doubt, most dominant team. five points clear at the top of the table. unbelievable, five points clear this early. the passing along the edge of the box. it s like hypnotizing, the ball movement. you hip ypnotize me, roger. i d like that to be my phone message. so up on man city. southampton. okay, here s the deal, for anybody that doesn t follow, southampton actually traded away their entire squad, their entire squad. they re the hottest team right now in english football. they won 8-0 this weekend. they are america s darlings. manchester united play this afternoon on nbc sports. take the afternoon off, america. nobody ser sugge ee eer ever southampton are america s darling but now that you ve said it, i m going to adopt that as well. how s your show going? tonight, 10:00, thank you, on nbc sports. the first week, mika, the first week ratings, actually higher than american idol in its first season. and the voice combined. up next, our friends at politico know how to ask a poll question, that is for sure. we ll tell you how many people think things are, quote, completely out of control. also ahead, is it a bad thing if you have to wear a gas mask while running a marathon? plus, a daring rescue of a man from a burning building. those details when morning joe returns. there was no question she was the one. she reminds you every day. but your erectile dysfunction-that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. ring ring! .progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables. shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no.soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. over 12,000 financial advisors. so, how are things? good, good. nearly $800 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? by not acting that way. ok, last quarter. it s how edward jones makes sense of investing. welcome back to morning joe. dorian warren is back at the table along with joe, willie and me. last night patton manning broke the all-time career touchdown record that was held by brett favre. yeah. he did it in the first half. he needed three and he threw three in the first half, just for good measure. he s going to make the case, he s the greatest of all time. it could be one of those two guys. and he s done it with huhumilit. he s carried himself well off the field. and now perhaps the greatest quarterback ever. unbelievable. wow. well, that must be fun for you guys. it made my weekend. i m sure you were in front of the tv watching football all weekend. seeing alabama win 59-0. i did notice they won in the biggest way ever. they woke up. the poor little team well, they were terrible obviously. did they even score a point? no, they didn t. they wanted to, if that counts. such a sports analyst. i m going to move on to news and politic, now. poor little team. okay. the midterms are now weeks away and they re jockeying for position with not just the congress at stake but the white house as well two years from now. hillary clinton leads all other names tested by more than 50 points, and for the moment, the primary would be hers to lose. mitt romney is ahead of the republican party field by at least five points. he s winning by women and voters who identify as very conservative. without him, the picture s muddier. newcomer ben carson is right behind national figures like marco rubio and chris christie. likely voters prefer a republican-led congress by a five-point spread. high-profile surrogates have fanned the country for both sides. former president bill clinton and senator elizabeth warren were in arkansas and iowa over the weekend for democrats. president obama has been noticeably absent. that same washington post poll shows why his approval is upside down on everything from the economy to ebola. but he was back on the trail yesterday. for gubernatorial candidates. in the case of the maryland event, reuters reports, some of the crowd left early, while the president was still speaking. the only thing they said yes to was another massive tax cut for millionaires. i know that s surprising, but that s what happened. so you know who they re fighting for. and it ain t you. it s not you. they re not. willie, a lot to talk about. let s first of all go back to the polls. the democratic side, hillary clinton up 50 points. on the republican side, though, mitt romney ahead. comfortably lapping the field. if he decides to run. now, the romneys can say they re not interested in running, but the more they hear this guy is a prohibitive favorite without even trying, i ve got to say, the more likely they re going to jump to this thing. every time we look at these, it s obviously very, very early. we don t know exactly what these polls mean except there does appear to be some indecision in the republican party. does jeb get in. does crihristie make his way in? they re already thinking about the last guy. we say that poll, midterm polls, really don t matter until you get to the last few weeks. we are the last few weeks away. nbc news/ wall street journal poll shows republicans have a five-point lead. that s something to pay a lot of attention to. unless you re two weeks out and other polls start showing this trend. suddenly, that is a big concern for democrats. all the polls that we have se in the last few weeks and months show if the republican can take over the sete, there s some key races that could turn out any way in the next two weeks, depending what happens. we ve seen already in several state, grimes in kentucky, in terms of her position. the president is trying to mobilize black voters in some key states. georgia, maryland. it will be interesting to watch what happens these last two weeks. the predictions from the polls show the republicans holding on to the house of course and possibly taking over the senate. i ve mentioned elizabeth warren. as she hits the campaign trail, she brings an aggressively populist message, especially on the american financial system. take a look. i think the game is rigged here. i think washington actually works really well for those who have lots of money, lots of lobbyists, lots of lawyers. i remember the day that i walked in to my folk s bedroom and my mother had her best dress out. trying to figure out what this meant. i was 12. she was crying, talking to herself, we will not lose this house. and finally, she wiped her face, she pulled on that dress, put on her lipstick, stepped into her high heels and she walked to the sears roebuck where she got a minimum wage job in an america where a minimum wage job would support a family of three. and that s why we survived. veteran iowa reporter jennifer jacobs tweeted, i think it s fair to say that the crowd of iowa dems absolutely loved elizabeth warren s debut speech here of the 2016 presidential cycle. is she going to run, mika? i don t know. i really don t know. because i think hillary clinton has this. i would love to see her in the conversation, that s for sure. she definitely is putting herself into a big position if she can. do you think hillary clearing the field is ultimately bad for her and democrats? the fact you have someone like elizabeth warren that has a good message. can t even be talked about in serious terms until hillary clinton decides? why not talk about everybody equally now? i think it s really bad for the democratic party that they are that they re placing a crown on somebody two years out, saying, you are going to be the heir apparent. what we ve seen with hillary, what that makes her do is move more to the center, more to the center right. she gets cozier with wall street because she doesn t think anybody s going to challenge her on the left. she gets cozier with a foreign policy position. again, i ve been calling her neocon for years. certainly one of the most militaristic democrats that ser held high office. she s always, always the biggest hawk in the room. and i find it stunning that the democratic party will not even allow a challenge to this sort of warmed-over conservativism she presents. i agree, joe. i agree wholeheartedly with you. the republicans are in better shape because they re going to have a competitive primary season. but remember, we were saying the same thing in 2006 and 2007. this is hillary s if she wants it. and then somebody came out of almost, you know, the shadows so to speak and emerge as this new candidate. i think the same could happen this time as well. the battles we covered, president obama and senator clinton were scratching, claws. er got better. hillary went from being an absolutely myself rabl candidate on the field to being i think an extraordinarily effective, tough, compelling speaker. she will not be with this sort of rose garden strategy without the rose garden, which is what she s going to do. she s going to fly at 30,000 feet, then she s going to get into a general election and she s going to get blindsided. i ve seen it time and time again. this is very bad for the democratic party. you see this team around her making it clear to others they need to keep their distance. i think sometimes having your being challenged and bringing your opponents closer to you and letting people into the process makes for exactly what you just described, a process that makes everybody better. and the best candidate emerges. i think it would be great if elizabeth warren joined it. i really do. even for the conversation itself. and to help define the party principles going into the next. absolutely. politico is out with a new battleground poll showing a pessimistic view. 64% think things are out of control. look at that, 64%. we are completely out of control. america, a runaway beer truck. i ve never seen that question asked. do you think that we are a runaway beer truck? careening through the appalachians about to go into a death spiral. the question, are things completely out of control? we ll have to ask mike about that. so let s bring in the chief white house correspondent for politico, mike allen. mike, first of all, what s with your questions, man? it s very grim out there. of course, who does this hurt? does this hurt the democrats since the president s in power? does it hurt republicans since the republicans are running the senate? wh who gains from this very dour mood? in the case of the nation, that s the president. so in senate races, this mostly benefits democrats. in states show, it s the governor who s driving the beer truck. a great example of where this could hurt a republican is in wisconsin. where governor scott walker s very dependent on the right track, wrong track feeling in his country. in his state. throughout this cycle, there s been this low-grade worry about the economy and jobs. what we re seeing here, regardless of how you word the question, is now a red hot worry on a number of fronts. this includes as you delve into the polls, and i think we have some of these specifics, to show our viewers. people are worried about their health insurance and whether or not those prices are going up. they re very worried about the threat to the homeland the islamic state could pose. this is the most interesting one. you mentioned this at the top. presidential management. believe it or not, a tie between george w. bush and barack obama. about who s better off running the government. wow. all right. well, there you go, in terms of managing the federal government, you see the numbers there. wow. george w. bush saying more effective. barack obama under george w. bush. certainly something that no one in the white house would have thought six years ago. four years ago. two years ago. but there it is. another jump number that jumped out at me, 20%, only 20% think the country is on the right track. mike allen, thank you. we had a debate on the show last week about that. it got kind of rough between steve rattner and nicole wallace over who s better at running the country. well, can we just say katrina versus ebola and there was not an argument here. can we just say that both presidents have been very challenged in their leadership abilities for different reasons? yes. i think it s interesting to see the republicans respond to ron klain being chosen as sort of the i guess it s not officially ebola czar but running the ebola fallout now in this country. they re lining up. we could play eight sound bites of people criticizing the decision at every turn. what did you think of that? look, i think it s obvious that people are like, why doesn t he have the medical experience? right now, it s about trying to get the different organizations to work in sync with each other. for me, it wasn t that he didn t have the medical background. i would have loved to seen somebody like colin powell. emergency response. military. somebody like alan mulaly in. with this, again, maybe ron will do a great job. but here again, you have somebody that barack obama knows, that barack obama s comfortable with, that s inside the cocoon, not going to challenge anything. i think a lot of americans, if you wanted to make americans feel more comfortable, he would have gotten somebody like a colin powell or somebody from industry that knew how to run things. i see it, although i also think what we said in the set is that a lot of it is the optics of what they re already doing that is being channeled appropriately. perhaps that s one of his great strength, strategizing and also trying to make the different departments work together. i get it. it was just interesting to see them line up. the criticism. this is what we ve seen throughout this entire presidency. just potshots right and let. i don t thing it s the potshots everything he does. no, i don t think it s potshots to say barack obama has serious leadership challenges that look, you have the grimmest face. i guarantee you, i will be glad to take bets. historians are going to be writing and they re going to be lumping together george w. bush and barack obama as two people that don t we just had this conversation oh, my god a range of issues, but maybe as far as leadership, knowing how to effectively run the white house, effectively run washington, d.c., effectively how to run we should have a surgeon general in place which i look forward, saying i look forward to reading that. i don t know who s going to write it. i d be happy to place that bet. still ahead on morning joe, oscar nominated actor danny aiello will join the table. why he s relieved he didn t win that academy award. politico has an interesting piece and the author will join us ahead. but first, bill karins with a check of the forecast. joe knew not to say anything during that last sentence. we re watching ana still leaving hawaii. it brought some rough surf but overall they were spared by this hurricane. some of the surf was pretty impressive out there. they enjoyed the high waves out there. it was on the south side of the islands. we picked up five inches of rain in honolulu. that doesn t happen very often. that s exiting as we go through today. they ll be no more effects in hawaii. very chilly, coldest morning of the year so far in the northeast. one spot on the jersey shore down to 30 degrees. in a few spots, we did end the growing season. other areas, it s considering. we had three items to watch. one is a lot of rain in the northwest. that s good. we need it in oregon. it looks like a nor easter. you say nor easter, people go snow, snow. no, it s a cold rainy nor easter. some of that will be on the back side too. this is a little bit interesting, down in florida. a lot of heavy rain projected down there in cuba. maybe miami and the keys. that s where we could be dealing with tropical moisture. as far as the temperatures go during that nor easter in boston, upper 50s to low 60s. not snow, just a cold drizzly rain that will take down a lot of those beautiful leaves at their peak in southern new england. the southeast is looking pretty good too. we leave you with a shot, the space needle in seattle. it s monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what s next. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at synchrony financial partners with over two hundred thousand businesses, from fashion retailers to healthcare providers, from jewelers to sporting good stores, to help their customers get what they want and need. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. it s a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson s blueprint for great schools. torlakson s blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson s plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. time to take a look at the morning papers. before we do, front page of usa today. microsoft, ceo and karma. changing his tune. stop being so pushy with phil griffin. he ll take care of you. just relax. really? that s good. might have been in the fortunate comments. the runners of the 2014 international marathon completed the race despite hazardous levels of smog. refusing to cancel the race amid warnings over the heavy pollution. come on, now. opted to wear face masks. that s more than a face mask. i don t even want to say what that looks like. it s like world war i. also given water soaked sponges and were told to clean their skin after it was exposed to the air. one of my lungs just dropped out, is that a bad thing, can i keep running? some of the athletes were unable to finish the race because of the conditions. that s why i don t run, willie. it might be smog. i ll get you one of those world war i gas masks. a woman is facing charges in the first revenge porn case to be prosecuted in virginia since a new law took effect in july. the 28-year-old has been charged with a misdemeanor for posting a nude picture of her ex-boy friend s current girlfriend on facebook. officials say the woman admitted to stealing the photo off her ex-boyfriend s phone. the new law makes it illegal for people to post nude photos without permission. mika doesn t know what revenge porn is. i ve never heard it called revenge porn. everybody will tell you that s what led to the duel between aaron burr and hamilton. the sketches were very bad. police officer darren wilson s account of the shooting that killed unarmed teenager michael brown has been made public for the first time. wilson reportedly said he feared for his life when he shot brown. wilson claims during a struggle inside the police suv, brown allegedly shoved and punched him and reached for the officer s gun. brown s blood was found on wilson s uniform, gun and inside the police car. wilson s testimony contradicts statements from eyewitnesses. the daily mail. new hampshire parents whose son was shot and killed by his best friend will offer their son s killer a room in their own home and a job when he s released from prison. christopher pleaded guilty to manslaughter after he killed his friend with a shotgun. it happened in high school, he was reportedly drunk and high at the time. the victim s parents have defended him saying it was an accident and they believe their son would want them to help his best friend. a man was carried to safety following a dramatic rescue in fresno, california. it happened early saturday morning. and you can see the man in the blue hat calmly walking up to the burning building. watch what happens less than a minute later. anybody else? no, there s a man inside. he s right here. get out, get out. all right, here. everybody out? oh, thank god. the guy just calmly walked in there. can you believe that? the rescued man was treated for smoke inhalation. it took firefighter s five minutes to arrive. apparently the house pretty much exploded into flames. you believe that guy you see that guy just walking in there, just calmly? just incredible. coming up, they helped elect him president but are female voters turning their backs on barack obama and the democratic party? politico argues that s one of the reasons democrats are in trouble in the midterms. we ll explain that ahead. plus, will this be the week stocks stabilize and wall street returns to its winning ways? and later, willie. the great danny aye ye yny a going to be here. you know what this guy did before he was an actor? he broke in safes. i mean, he was like a criminal. he worked in the subway, the train system, grand central. grand central. he s a real guy. said he did not deserve to win an academy award. i like this guy. i like this guy. next. sheila! you see this ball control? you see this right? it s 80% confidence and 64% knee brace. that s more. shh. i know that s more than 100%. but that s what winners give. now bicycle kick your old 401(k) into an ira. i know, i know. listen, just get td ameritrade s rollover consultants on the horn. they ll guide you through the whole process. it s simple. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what s up with you? funny you ask. i m actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. [ male announcer ] tomcat. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. hey, with us now, we ve got the founder of tina brown live media and the women of the world summit, tina brown. thank you for being with us, tina. and from washington, senior congressional reporter for politico, manu roju. he writes, obama s standing with women hurts senate democrats. reads, with two weeks until election it a, the president s diminished standing with women is quickly becoming one of the biggest liabilities facing democrats as they struggle to hang on to the senate majority. in battleground states across the country, obama is under water with female voters, especially women unaffiliated with the political party. and it s making it harder for democrats to take advantage of the gender gap according to public polling and democratic so this is really surprising for a lot of people, if you listen to the chattering classes on tv, if you read open edds, you hear about the republican s, quote, war on women. apparently everybody s paying attention to the democratic talking point except women. what s going on here? it s not that the republicans are winning women voters, it s that they re not losing women voters as badly as they have been in the past election cycles. a lot of that has to do with the president s standing in the polls with these women voters. but why is the president losing numbers, losing support from women? it s his general disapproval of the way he s handling the office. it s the malaise that the voters feel about the direction of the country. you add up all the factors that are contributing to why the president is sagging with voters across the board, and that includes women, particularly unaffiliated women. in states even like colorado, where he s carried twice and which he carried with the majority of women voters. now he is about 60% disapproval of rating among women voters in colorado. and that s hurting mark udall, who s only beating corey gardner by nine points among women voters but he s losing men by 17 points. in order to win on election day, mark udall really needs to drive up female voters. that s a problem when the president is is under water. look at this, in alaska, you actually have the democrat, beg gi beg begich, under water. very surprising here, look at that, in kentucky, allison grimes really in a dead heat with mitch mcconnell. what do you think is behind these numbers? especially withm manu saying they re losing women. i didn t know they had any. this year, far more disciplined. they have their rabbie shots. nobody s trying to redefine rape, that s a good move. they ve got themselves a little better disciplined. but, you know, the fact is that obama s down with everybody, let s face it, and i think that particularly for women, i don t think it makes them feel safe. i think they re feeling unsafe. they feel unsafe economically. they re feeling unsafe with regard to isis. what they feel unsafe about is the government response to different crisis. i think they re beginning to feel a bit that obama s like that guy in the corner office, you know, who s too cool for school, call, a meeting, says this has to change, doesn t put anything in place to make sure it does change, then it goes wrong and he s blaming everybody. at the same time, we ought to think about what republicans are doing for women. which is very little, you know. i mean, they were against well, this president they blocked the paycheck fairness act the fourth time since 2012. you know, they are really just not helping women at all. this gap in the economy is terrible. the fact that women are losing their jobs even more than men because of this whole kind of part-time issue and the economy s terrible. so, you know, it s not good. you know, though, thomas, voters vote in their self-interest. again, you can look at specific pieces of legislation where the president, as mika s said for some time, has have it right on issues women should care about. but overall, there still is a big question mark over the president and the democratic party and his policies. well, i think janet jackson said it best, what have you done for me lately. the first thing the president did was sign the lily ledbetter act. and create the council on women and girls. i think women are looking forward, not looking in reverse. i think allison lunder son grimes is the candidate to watch would won t even admit she voted for the president because she fears that would bag her when she goes out to the polls. she d rather have hillary come out and hold hands with her, which is amazing to think that s better for her as a candidate in kentucky than to have the president come out and be by his side. just a very robotic candidate. she doesn t know how to answer. she could have given a strong nonanswer and tell you i didn t vote for the guy. when it comes to women in line with women interests, this will be the first time kentucky sends a women senator to washington, d.c., interested in seeing what allison lunder son grimes could do. take mitch mcconnell out. someone who s been in washington for a very long time. although he brings home the bacon for kentucky, that s for sure. narrow definition we do have two more weeks. i want to follow up with the questions tina brought up. whether women feel secure. 37 approve, 53 disapprove. isis, 35 approve, 51% disapprove. ebola, upside down, only by a couple of points. how much of this is that security question that tina was talking about? not just domestic security but international security and the whole kit and ka bootle. if you really push on abortion issues like abortion rights, paycheck fairness act, when women voters are concerned about their economic security or just the national security issues are ebola or isis. those social issues may not resonate as well with some voters that they need to turn out to the polls on election day. so i think you re seeing some of the limits on that in some key states like kentucky which you just mentioned. tina, i thought it was very interesting, the denver post, certainly not a conservative newspaper, endorsed carrie gardner. said, we re not stupid and women are not stupid. all you re talking about is contraception as if you re talking about mark udall, as if your republican opponent wants to take away contraception. i wonder if democrats are just sort of playing by the old rule book? republicans hate women and voters are just a little more intelligence than that it s a more sophisticated public period. everyone understands these are wedge issues. the lack of jobs. these are the things women are caring about. i think everybody felt a slight sigh of relief when chuck hagel announced there s a military task force to get into when ebola happens. this is the only one we trust, the military, because we don t trust government anymore. this reflects on obama. he can t portray himself as a person frustrated with government when he is government. thank you so much. tina s going to san antonio, by the way. yes, yes, we re doing women in the world texas on wednesday. fantastic amount of good stuff happening there. i love it. manu, thank you so much. we hope to see you again. tina, come back. coming up, it s an annual tradition in new hampshire but this year s pumpkin festival was frightening for all the wrong reasons. we ll tell you why the event erupted into mayhem and destruction. seemed like a good idea. actor danny aiello join s us. why he says he only knows who he is when he s someone else. yeah. we ll be right back. so right now if you get the 15 gig plan, we ll double the data and make it 30 gigs for the same price. 30 gigs? 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[ sirens wailing ] inside of you. even if you re treating your crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. i love, you know, pumpkin, fall festivals, you just watch the trees and the leaves gently fall. like new hampshire is one of the best places for leaf peopling. i don t know why we re playing smashing pumpkins music in and out of this tease. confusing. state college in new hampshire i love keys. that s a great college. to take action against the students who took things way too far. what happened? the party is the annual tradition there. as nbc s ron mott reports, this year s event saw unprecedented mayhem and destruction. riot police fired pepper spray into unruly crowds of young people after violence erupted just off the key state college campus in new hampshire starting saturday afternoon and lingering well into predawn hours. they just started walking on street with, like, mace, tear gas. authorities say both students and nonstudents from around the region drove the disturbances, raucous house parties that spilled on to city streets, overshallowing the annual pumpkin festival taking place ne nearby. the past four years have never been like this, it s never, ever been this chaotic. fires were set, vehicles damaged, campus lights toppled, bottles thrown, what officials describe as alcohol-fueled unrest that left dozens with minor injuries. at least 14 arrested. started a bonfire, using the fence to fuel the fire. they were actually jumping off a pickup truck parked in front and body surfing. finally, the riot police came. wow. the president that s crazy, man. says officials will identify who was involved and some students may be expelled. there s that one guy, you see, he goes hey, you know, they came at us with pepper spray. dude, if you flip police cars, they re going to come at you with pepper spray. i mean, come on. let s go to business before the bell now. let s move on. with cnbc s brian sullivan. where do you want to start? a couple things here. the story that caught my eye this morning, good morning, by the way, according to numerous reports, fannie mae and freddie m mac, the companies that guarantee about 60% of all mortgages written, are working on rules that will ease lending requirements for banks. the criticisms is basically banks have gotten too strict in their lending. under new rules, again, they re not enforced, they re being discussed, it will reduce the amount needed for a downpayment back down to 3%. okay, so let me just ask, we re still bailing fannie and freddie out, not to be the cold-hearted s.o.b., but is this really what we want to talk about now? until we reform? i m sorry, this is what people were talking about back in 2004, 2005, 2006. barney frank called republicans racists because republicans on the banking committee said, well, we should probably make sure people could actually afford their mortgages before we give people mortgages. it is an interesting debate and discussion, joe. i think you re spot on, at least as far as debate points go. the criticism is banks and fannie and freddie were way too easy. now some say they re way too hard. this 3% thing i think catches eyes because many people agree, no matter what side of the aisle, you have to have a little skin in the game when you put money down on a house. just putting a downpayment down would make it more likely you re going to remain, make payments. it s out there. it s going to generate a lot debate. we re talking about it. on a different vein today, i know you re a big fan of apple. apple pay launches today. what does that mean? mobile payment service. use that little fingerprint button. and it s not in all stores. whole foods markets, mcdonald s. it s about 220,000 retailers now. mostly big chains. starting today, keep an eye out at store checkouts. see if anybody s paying with apple pay. i like it. thank you. up next, the great danny aiello joins us. i ve been looking forward to this. a pool hustler, a bus depot bag handler, a safe cracker. that s my favorite, the safe cracker, man. those were not acting roles. really? nice to meet you. this is going to be big. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you ll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you re thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options. and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals and what you re really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we ll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira. there s confidence. then there s trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it s no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? 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well, as a kid, i was very sickly kid, and i think that sort molded me throughout. i had eczema as a child. i sat in front of the class where the teacher would be and i would be ripping myself apart with eczema and other kids were looking at me and i thought i was disgusting. i would say things like let me sit in the back or i would start crying. i did that for a long period of time. i found out the only freedom i had in life was to be able to play sports. i just involved myself in sports. so good in sports that when you were in your first film with de niro, you looked at him and said, he can t really throw the ball. threw like this. you like doing that. i would say he threw like a woman but today that was back then. we worked with him quite a bit. he was a catcher. we taught him. also he threw very funny. i said, why don t we try it this way. when i finally saw it, he had his elbow attached and still threw like that. a couple fascinate things. you had a part great actor. annie hall. you write in the book that you didn t realize your scenes were cut until you were in the movie theater. we were told by the producer of the movie that harvey fierstein and i did a scene. he said was the best scene in the movie. naturally, i m invited to the premiere. i have family there, was sitting an hour and a half, not in the film. i didn t know how to tell anyone i m not in the film. woody, he never told me. these things it s a tough business. you know, danny, much of your work, we all love. we thing we know you so well. but you didn t start until you were 36 so you had this life before. you worked for greyhound and you can still recite all the stops? may i have your attention please. on platform number three for philadelphia chester, wilming n wilmington, salisbury, princess ann, hit the peak beach, little creek and norfolk. connects in jersey city from mt. claire, denver, strousburg, mt. pocono, scranton wilkes-barre. bingh binghamton, ithaca. waverly, elmira. xavier. mt. pomorris. and buffalo. all right, danny aiello. and they fired you. that s right. not because of that, i was elegant when i did that. i got fired for a strike. you re executing a role. i feel like, i don t know, is it the it s interesting you say that, and it s true. i just saw you lock into comfort. i locked into a comfort zone which is a distraction from all the nasty things that happen out in life. being an actor for me was a blessing. because it gave me an opportunity to play other parts. if i, you know, was distraught in this area where it was real life, i was able to play a character and escape into something else. how interesting, one of your most famous lines, michael corleone says hello. was ad-libbed. joe, i ll tell you, i was nervous as hell. i m working with francis. he gave me a part not as a result of an audition but simply interviewing me. we re going to shoot this scene. we re in rehearsal. michael played the character. i come behind him. i m supposed to choke him. there were no lines. now, i walk out. i said, let s rehearse. he said action. i come behind him. i thought there should be a line. so like a shmuck i said michael corleone says hello, and i started dragging him to the back. francis says, what, what did you say? now i think i m in trouble. he said, what did you just say? i said, well, ah, ah, i think i said michael corleone says hello. he said, good, keep it in. hey, baby. i only knew who i am when i m someone else. to this day, i don t know what i meant by saying that. well, listen, cut, print. this is a great book. danny, thank you. tropical storm ana drenched the hawaiian islands over the weekend. almost 5 inches of rain in honolulu. the rest of the islands had great surfing as the storm was just far enough away not to cause any damage. as far as the forecast for your travel on your monday, a few showers and storms in miami today. all of the other major airports and cities are looking very nice for the afternoon. slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i m watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit. to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. 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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20141007 10:00:00

wbr id= wbr0 /> we are doing our entire living room in stainless steel. very good. good morning, everybody. tuesday, october 7th. look at that times square. it s buzzing or still is. with us on set, we have associate professor from columbia school of university, along with willie, joe and me. /b>
wbr-id= wbr600 /> yeah. what s up? we need to talk about what we ll wear, before we wear it. this is like just get it out of the way. a holiday party. i ve got to change. it s still october. what s going on? halloween i don t like this. this is not going to work. this is not going to work. i m sorry. can you do i m going to change. hold on. i ll be right back. you read the news. i ll be right back. no, please don t change. i like that sweater. it doesn t look like it will walk away. it doesn t look dirty. i m going to get another garanimals going on. that s the first time he actually wore a different sweater. all right. well, okay. he s gone. let s do the news, shall we? willie, dorian? i can t believe it. i like the holiday look. i thought he looked good. you know? just trying to mix it up a little bit. okay. if you believe the latest polling, allison lunder gram
grimes has a real chance at unseating the top republican in the senate. according to a new kentucky bluegrass poll, grimes leads senator mitch mcconnell 46 to 44%. a month ago, mcconnell was up by eight points in the nbc news maris poll. that s not the only race by the way where democrats are showing strength. so we re seeing this in a couple of other key places. north carolina, kay hagen, has a four-point lead on tom tillis. still pretty close, but still leading him. the race in kansas already starting to look out of reach for incumbent pat roberts. he s down by 10% to independent greg orman. in colorado, mark udall has a three-point edge on cory gardiner. that s close to a tossup. gardiner was leading by as much
as eight points. and jeanne shaheen is now leading over scott brown by seven. and in iowa where joannie ernst was leading by six, she is tied with democratic bruce braley. i don t know. you think the president is such a hindrance as sort of the narrative has been, dorian. yet, we are seeing something, potentially happening here. if you believe these polls. right, you know, we haven t seen the clintons in action yet, by the way. well, we re going to talk about them. good point. so that ll make a difference. but this it s hard to disentangle is this an anti-incumbency wave or potential wave or is this something that the democrats are doing in terms of their campaign strategy that republicans aren t? grimes, that s particularly remarkable. it started to slip away and then you saw mcconnell get some distance.
so she s closed that gap now with a month left to go. as you say, that whole campaign for mitch mcconnell has been about pairing her with president obama. yeah. now, here she is tied. i find that to be extremely interesting to watch. in alaska, mark begich has been losing ground. and tom cotton has a slight edge. and louisiana senator mary landrieu is down by six points to republican bill cassidy. there we re seeing a fight there for senator landrieu s life. the comeback kid though, as you mentioned is looking to help democrats in his home state. former president bill clinton returned to arkansas to headline rallies for democratic senator mark pryor. and gubernatorial campaign mark ross his former driver. he urged them to reject the
republican efforts to make the elections about president obama. thank you. you cannot afford to do what their opponents want. they want you to make it a protest vote. all three of these races they re saying you may like these guys, but you know what you have to do. you have to vote against the president. i promise your last shot. it s a pretty good scam, isn t it? i may wander and groan, but i may never be far from home. you re in my heart and you ll always be arkansas, you run deep in me. vote your heart. don t vote for what they tell you you have to be against. vote for what you know you should be for. vote for mark pryor. vote for mike ross. vote for pat hayes. vote for the legacy and you ll be happy a month from now. thank you and god bless you. boy, he s something isn t he? willie geist yes you are. could he be any happier? getting to please don t do the face
scratching. don t do it. and how about mitch mcconnell, huh? he s down. yes. i mentioned that at the top of the show when you walked away. [ laughter ] that was great. we were chatting about that. i was excited about your reaction and you left. you just left. i m going to do that. let me try that. me too. why? i thought we looked good. because i didn t want to hear andy williams holiday song in my ear. we were talking before the show as we were coordinating our sweaters yeah. if you look what s happening with mcconnell and we were out asking what were the polls going to look like after the beheadings? after barack obama went out golfing. after the beheading. specifically. and now we re starting to see, like a big turn around in kentucky. you look in north carolina, big turn around, republicans were sure a month ago this is a wave election. it may still be a wave election. you just don t see the evidence of it out there. in fact, democrats are doing so
much better now than they should be doing. and republicans now are going to lose kansas? what do you make of kentucky though? i don t see it as sort of related to isis. do you? i mean, is that what s happening here? well, this is all democrats were hurt a month ago by barack obama s seeming obliviousness to what was going on with isis and the jv comments and the golfing after. but i think you re starting to see the races go back to sort of their set point. and the set point is, let s just say it, a lot of kentucky people can t relate to mitch mcconnell. they may not agree with grimes on a lot of issues. she and other candidates have run a smart campaign, distancing themselves from the president,
right? so as the president as the former president bill clinton said in arkansas yesterday this is not a vote for barack obama. this is a vote for mark pryor or lundergren grimes. this should have republicans worried for 2016, by the way. because they have a lot more seats to defend in 2016. on clinton s comments, they were interesting too. as dorian points out, he said this is two more years of president obama. don t worry, it s only two more years, but these guys are applying for six-year jobs. right. don t make this about president obama. maybe if you want to read a few things into that, there could be somebody else he s very, very good. if you talked to any republican strategist six months ago, a year ago, listen, a month before the election to an independent candidate. and there won t be a democrat in the race, you re losing north carolina, you re going to in some polls you re going to be losing louisiana. arkansas is going to be split
down the middle. i can tell you as a republican we re screwed. iowa is tied. iowa is tied. by the way, i m sorry, the democrat out in iowa is a clown. i mean, democrats say quietly that guy is a clown. he s ill-fit for candidacy. he goes to texas trial lawyers, hey, the last thing we want is somebody from iowa dumb farm base is what he s saying running committees. joannie ernst against the candidate? clearly, iowa voters are thinking something else now. i don t know. i think if you look at the trend, it s all decidedly against the republicans right now. there are exceptions but go to scott walker, a guy i like very much. who was, you know, the great hope for a lot of conservatives like myself, he may not even win this year. well, he s being investigated
for corruption scandal. go a state over to michigan, one tough nerd. you know, the governor of michigan. a year ago, everything looked great. now, he s on the run. this is and here s the thing. this is what republicans need to understand. i have been saying you have to stand for something. you just can t be against president obama and if the republicans can t win, and reince priebus will say this, if the republicans can t win in 2014 when everything is breaking their way, when they are fighting on in red states, then in 16 all the senate fights will be in blue states, plus the presidential race is going to be especially ugly. yeah. let me get one other headline in here. officials are confirming the first case of ebola to be contracted outside of west africa. a nurse in spain is in stable condition at a hospital this morning after testing positive
for the deadly virus. officials say she cared for two spanish priests who both died from ebola. meanwhile, the parents of freelance nbc cameraman ashoka mukpo said he s in good spirits after arriving in omaha for treatment. meanwhile, dr. nancy snyderman and her team arrived in the united states last night on a charter flight and were checked by a health official upon arrival. all are feeling well, in good health. they re deemed low risk, but will be staying home and monitoring their temperature for the remainder of the 21-day period recommended by health authorities. and in dallas, the man being treated for the ebola virus remains in critical condition. we have learned thomas eric duncan is being given an experimental drug that was approved by the fda. president obama says his administration is working on increased screening for ebola at airports here in the u.s. and overseas. it comes as a new pew research poll finds nearly 60% of americans have either a great or
fair amount of confidence the government could prevent an ebola outbreak in the united states. but there s a sharp divide among parties. 69% of democrats share that confidence. while 51% of republicans have little or no confidence in the u.s. government in terms of how it could stop an outbreak. i think screening is going to be difficult. i don t know how they ll do it, because it s not just about cutting off flights if they go a step further. flights coming in from all sorts of different countries and flights going back. willie, what do you make of the poll, the republicans they don t trust it looks like it s about president obama. it s just a blind referendum. it s kind of strange that that that became a political question. i think it s a lot of things. obamacare, irs. a lot of things that have kind of made us think i agree. i think democrats feel the same way about government. if you asked them how is george
w. bush handling the outbreak you d see that flip. this is political. it s strange. about ebola? and i guess at the local level versus the federal level especially since president obama s been in office. so that s not unusual. it s just the broad trends. but it is strange around ebola. it s not an explicitly political question. and the bigger question of whether people are losing faith in institutions we talked about for some time. anyway, we have a big show today. did you see chris matthews is dropping by to say hello? i can t wait. i can t wait. you two be nice now. all right. still ahead this hour, why you may look like a member of the courts militia if you stop at h&m if you shop at h&m. have you ever shopped there? i was there yesterday for the sweater. the kids love it. i can t believe you changed in the middle of the show. and plus an update, the bubble man. he is safe on land.
but what about the bubble? you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. what s wrong with that? it s ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it s our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i m watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you re pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that s alright. because we ll text you when your package is on the way. we re even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is.was. and always will
holy cow. like a cashew? okay. wow. first time i heard that expression. well, so we have we re reading stories from local no, time to look at the morning papers that you care about. the los angeles times, pope francis has called a meeting of 200 cardinals and bishops in rome to consider controversial issues for the church. including divorce, contraception and sexuality. no topic is off limits and the holy father has encouraged attendees to speak openly and freely. they ll discuss the survey of catholics worldwide which many feel that the church is out of touch with their needs. new york times t waldorf astoria hotel will be sold to a
chinese insurance company of course it will. for nearly $2 billion. one of the highest prices paid in a hotel sale. the landmark hotel which has hosted social gatherings will undergo a big renovation. the company plans to return the 47-story building to the original art deco style. h&m has come under fire for a khaki jumpsuit which many say resembles the uniforms worn by the female kurdish militia. i think it s fetching. what the heck is this story? so far reaction would you wear that? i kind of like that, mika. i don t think i could pull it off. but if you could, would you wear that? sure. the one on the right, with the gun and the hat. i could do that. the reaction has been mixed with some saying it celebrates the
females who are currently fighting the islamic state in syria, but others say it is insensitive. what? h&m spokesman i know the designer was not thinking kurdish militia. come on. move it on. i m not reading it, it s stupid. that s stupid. anyone who would argue with that has no life. and i read the delaware news journal every morning. then you already read this story. the police have arrested the mother of a 4-year-old after the kid showed up to her day care with a backpack full of heroin. what? not good. the little girl was caught handing oh, my gosh. handing out packages of drugs. no! to her classmates, thinking it was candy. the mother has been charged with endangering the health what? heroin? what do you send them to
school with? coke. diet coke. he loves it. he gets him buzzing around. mm-hmm. little jack. don t say that. not right. just joking. just joking. the telegraph stop it, willie. this is important. i don t know what that means. michael bloomberg was given an honorary knighthood by the queen of england. the british embassy said he was granted the honor due to his entrepreneurial and philanthropic endeavors. don t call him sir mike. bloomberg will not use the word sir because he s not a british citizen. thank you for clarifying that, mika. okay. go to new orleans. a collision between a train and a big rig has left two rail workers injured. thank think no one was injured. a truck was stuck on the track and here it comes. oh, no, not good.
the train cut the trailer in half. the driver of the truck escaped unharmed. i with wish we could show that in slow motion. the train s conductor and engineer suffered minor injuries. residents have been evacuated due to concerns over a gas spill. my goodness. incredible. all right. coming up next, voters are still hungry for gun laws despite it getting little to no interest on the campaign trail. and joe biden defended by the editorial board that s standing up for the vice president ahead. don t go away. we may have another outfit change. no, no fashion changes. nothing. we ll be right back. stop! [ hoof beats ]
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who is joe biden? i have no idea. do you want to take a guess? a man. who is joe biden? joe biden? wasn t he our governor? he s the governor or something? joe biden, i don t know. terrorist group terrorist. who is joe biden? no comment.
who is joe biden? who is joe biden? i have no idea. do you know who our vice president is? um, no. i don t. do you want to take a guess? condoleezza rice? you re right. first female black vice president. i don t know. the guy joe biden, he is a republican and he s going to be president soon? i m assuming. he s coming in to town today. he is. he s like an assistant president or something, i don t that s right. he s the assistant president. assistant president. [ cheers and applause ] i that s just not funny, actually. yeah. i watched the first two, funny. but when it kept going? that is just tremendous. whoa! scary. okay. so let s do the must reads.
we have a bunch to get to here. the wall street journal, joe biden s apology tour. and this is what the paper says. mocking joe biden is a national sport, but today we come to defend him. the vice president spent the weekend apologizing to middle eastern strongman for his comments about syria, but he s apologizing to the wrong people for the wrong reason. they did arm extremists in syria. if mr. biden is feeling contrite he ought to apologize to the syrian and the american people. for three years the obama administration sat on its hands in syria as the moderate army was marginalized on the battlefield, isis and others moved in. dorian, what s your take, is that true? this is the 111th apology tour he s gone on. that s his trademark, speaking honestly in a field that it s
hard to do that. sure. in terms of the actual apology, i don t think he needs to do that. but the editorial is interesting because there s an issue to be raising, what s our relationship with the previous ally in terms of the rebel forces in syria? and why? i understand he has to be diplomatic, but why apologize to turkey? turkey should be apologizing to us. turkey, if they continue to act this way should be kicked out of nato. turkey should be called out for what they are. well, when is the president in turkey going to apologize to the united states for having isis on his doorstep? and he s quite close to having to call nato 911 to rescue the turkish border. that s right. all right, let me get two more on this while we re on it. this is i ll go to the wall street journal again actually because senators john mccain and lindsey graham penned a piece.
remove assad. how can we arm and train 5,000 syrians and expect them to succeed against islamic state without protecting them and their families? from the assad s air strikes and bombs or expect moderate groups to take advantage of u.s. air strikes if we do not coordinate or communicate our operations with them? this is reportedly not happening. instead, mr. assad is exploiting u.s. air strikes to kill the very people we want as our partners. this is not just a recipe for failure. it is immoral. willie, okay, how do we do it? how do we invade syria and take out assad? how do we how do we do that? well, we have swung in a year from saying we wanted to get rid of assad to now kind of supporting people who are helping assad. we are fighting the people he s fighting inside the country. what void is created? i don t think people are talking about this, how is the
assad regime responding to what? we have gone into his air space and launched military strikes in here. what s his reaction, is there any coordination, what s going on between us and him? so we have this right now, it s right. he s like, go ahead. again, for lindsey and senator mccain, i would ask, we go in, let s say we take him out. what does syria look like in a decade? i d like them to answer the question. i m sure maybe one of them will. like to answer the question. would the middle east be safer today with saddam hussein in power or out of power? at what point do we start judging characters in the middle east by one very simple question. do they want to kill people in the united states of america or do they want to be left alone in their open countries? it s that simple. saddam hussein did not have
plans to blow up america. no. al qaeda did. isis does. saddam was never coming here. yeah, i know there s talk about a possible, you know, possible assassination attempt against 41. you can ask the same question though about as horrible of a human being as he is, does assad want to blow up buildings in washington and new york? i mean, and if he doesn t, who is going to replace him? possibili possibly these are questions that we don t answer before firing. i want to read part of the new york times editorial on ebola because it points to one of the reasons why it s so complicated to just sort of deny access and sort of siphon off an area of the world. they write in part this, top health officials are strongly opposed with good reason to take the more extreme step of banning
all travel to the united states from guinea, liberia and sierra leone where the epidemic is concentrated as several prominent republicans like louisiana s governor bobby jindal have recommended. that could actually hamper the battle to contain the epidemic abroad. the first line of defense against the disease in part by leaving americans who are risking their lives to contain the epidemic stranded in africa, with no way to return home. if volunteer workers can t return home, they may elect not to go in the first place. that s weakening the fight against the epidemic. that s a silly argument. i don t think it is. that s a silly argument. you do not want to it to explode there. that s silly. why? because you go, do you have an american passport? thank you. this is a false choice. to say, well, we can t ban people coming from west africa. that aren t aid workers here. i m not recommending we do it. i am saying we need to ask the question.
and that this is this is why there s not a real discussion on this, because dorian this is a false choice to say somehow we aren t advanced enough to see who has an american passport and we allow them to come back, versus somebody like the gentleman that came back to dallas? all right. but i m going to defend that editorial, joe, because the premise is that the there s an incentive. there s a signal that i would send to potential people that would go over. your plan sounds just fine to me. yes, maybe we could carve it out so that only american aid workers could get back in. but to a lot of people they just hear we re banning all people coming from west africa. that creates an incentive for people not to want to do good and go over and help. i think the aid workers, all the aid agencies, would be sending people over there, mike, would again, they would know if they were able to come back. but there s a larger issue
here and it gets into what we were talking about earlier. it gets into turkey and syria and saudi arabia and qatar. it s us. the world needs looks to us, to the united states for everything. where are the other countries? every country in the world can be affected by the ebola virus. that s true. you can carry it ships. you can it can leave by sea. it can leave by air. now, if you re in liberia and you have even a scintilla of evidence that you or a member of your family have the ebola virus, where are you going to go? you re not going to want to stay in liberia. you ll want to go to the united states. you ll want to come to the united states of america. so the larger universe depends on us for so many things that we should start using our influence and say to other countries, come on, come on. and the international response has been so slow and so yes. just the world health organization it has been absolutely scandalous. i just this op-ed you re talking about, in the new york
times i m not saying put a wall up and don t let anybody come over from west africa. i just want a better argument. that s not a strong argument at all. you can allow aid workers to go over and to come back. and i just i want to know what s the argument for having people from liberia and the other affected countries not coming to the united states. unless they pass a really rigorous screening process. because again working on new if i had a child that had ebola i would figure out how to get to the united states. i would lie on every form. uptick screening process. what are we going to have at airports? you can t have the tsa people like two or three tsa people instead of one tsa person. you need nurses and doctors at the airports. the real problem, you have to have them camp out for 21 days. right. so even the screening process seems to be a nonstarter in many
ways as well. up next, yesterday s ground breaking decision by the supreme court by not making a decision at all. plus, chris matthews will be with us at the top of the hour. more morning joe next. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional. or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today.
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fulfilling the promise of equality. that was virginia s attorney general praising yesterday s decision by the supreme court. the justices declined to rule on challenges to lower court decisions that overturn same-sex marriage bans in indiana, oklahoma, utah, virginia and wisconsin. marriage equality now exists in 24 states, plus the district of columbia. and the supreme court s decision will soon bring the marriage equality to 30. still, the supreme court did not settle the issue for the country as a whole. so joining us now, executive director of the national center for lesbian rights, kate kendall. good to have you on board with us this morning. great to be here. so kate, i take it you agree with the virginia attorney general that this was a great day for proponents of same-sex marriage? oh, it s a sweeping day. it s a ground breaking moment. i think it s a moment last year with the windsor decision and the striking down of the defense of marriage act, we hit an
undeniable tipping point. i think yesterday is the undeniable no going back point. it s really extraordinary. well, isn t there wouldn t it have been extraordinary if the supreme court actually decided to take the cases and rule on them? there s still ambiguity out there, right? we have to pick up the other 15 states, no doubt about that. i will say that the court s decision to deny review in all five cases and to now have the three circuit court rulings stand and to have marriage now immediately in another 11 states was not something any of us anticipated. but the momentum that that signals i think what the court is essentially indicating by declining review is that it is confirming that these circuit courts are getting it right. i think that s huge. but you said what you think, you re guessing which allows in another again, i m not knocking you.
obviously if i were in your position and i took your position, i would be excited about it. everybody is saying this is a glorious day, but even your morning, you re saying i think what the court is saying, but this still allows another what, 25 states to ban same-sex marriage, right? well, it has 15 there will be 15 states that will not be states that recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry or perform those marriages itself. but you have to agree that this is a sweeping momentum shift and we had momentum before and now it s momentum like turbo charged. and i can t imagine a situation i think this is a clear signal to the remaining circuit courts that the where the court is on the ultimate question. because they re not going to have a ruling like this that they know will be so sweeping and then take it away. they re in our corner, they re ready to rule then we that moment comes. but they re happy to let this
play out. joe, i want to show you the response from republican governors, but governor pence,ly always believe in the importance of traditional marriage and abide by the rule of law. under our system of government, people are free to disagree with the court decisions but not to disobey them. governor walker says for us, it s over in wisconsin. the federal courts have ruled that this that this decision by this court of appeals decision is the law of the land and we will be upholding it. well, again, it was again for proponents of same-sex marriage yesterday was a great day. but it s not a slam dunk, kate, obviously until the supreme court rules at least five justices on the united states supreme court rule that you are a a state is violating the equal protection clause if they ban gay marriage. well, no, that s a really important point.
and we are one country. it is an untenable situation that we will have couples who will be married in wisconsin and if they if their car rolls across the state line, their relationship will not be recognized. that is obscene. so that that has to change. let me ask you, why do you think what s your gut on why the justices were afraid and they were. the justices did not want to touch this case. what s your gut? just your politics aside and your beliefs aside, as a legal analyst, why did the court shy away from ruling on this case? well, i think there are a couple i mean, i can t read the tea leaves any better than anyone else, but i think there are two reasons. one, they decided two really important cases for the lgbt community just last term. the windsor ruling and the
ruling on prop 8. and the second thing, this is like really from my first year in law school, there s no split in the circuits. every circuit fourth, seventh, tenth, all ruled in favor of marriage equality. i think if you go back to the classic reasons why a court would take a case for review, they want to settle a question among which there is disagreement. you know, ginsburg signalled this in a law school speech she gave a few weeks ago. it was the first time she laid out this possible scenario. i have to say a lot of my law school professor friends pretty much said to me, kate, that s how it s going to be. i actually think in some ways this is brilliant because what it will signal, as more people live with the reality of same-sex couples getting married in their communities and their marriage is still fine, the community is fine and they re celebrating love and they re seeing the relationships strong and nurtured by the government, people love it. it s fine. kate, thank you.
next hour good to have you. next hour we ll speak to a former law clerk to justice scalia on this issue, ed whalen. we visit a place of unbridled joy born out of unspeakable tragedy. more morning joe in a moment. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. so why treat your half mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath.
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it began as an act of defiance, a way to turn a tragedy into a symbol of hope. 26 playgrounds have been built to honor the 26 victims of the sandy hook elementary school shooting. each one uniquely celebrates the children or teachers who lost their lives. brian williams brings us that story from the site of the 26th and final play ground. reporter: on a startlingly beautiful october day, happy children swarmed all over the brand new playground in connecticut, dedicated to the principal who died trying to protect her students at sandy hook elementary school two years ago now. after the ceremony and the flyover and the honor guard, there was raw emotion. a reading from a book that dawn loved to read to the children. it was led by one of her daughters.
the young children don t understand why this playground was built, but their faces remind us what it s meant for. it is amazing. she would be so, so happy. reporter: all 26 of the memorial sandy hook playgrounds are now happy places. they re all scattered around the new york area in towns that also suffered damage from hurricane sandy. and at each one, the family members pitched in. put my hands in the cement. reporter: what is your favorite job to watch and favorite job to do yourself? my favorite is probably the sidewalk. and my favorite job to watch is probably the panels that they put on the reporter: okay. for the other families who lost someone at sandy hook, this project has held so much meaning. we became a family with all the firefighters. our little daniel loved to go to the playground.
it s a beautiful tribute. today, the angels are looking down at us. wow, this is the final one. it s beautiful. reporter: the group behind this is a foundation called where angels play and they plan to keep doing this across the country in places where there s been tragedy. like boston, aurora, colorado, and moore, oklahoma. bill lavin is the founder of this whole concept. he s a retired new jersey firefighter who told me on the job site last week it doesn t get more personal for him. if you close your eyes can you see all 26, do they have a special meaning to you? every single one has a miracle that s happened. think of the moms and dads who have inspired this group here. who will work from dawn to dusk. then thank me for allowing them to do all of that. you know? they ll thank us. but quite frankly this is our blessing and privilege. what a beautiful idea. really is a beautiful, beautiful idea.
hard to believe, but this december it will be two years since sandy hook. and mike, tell you what, i just can t i can t, other than 911 i just can t think of a day that has shattered the peace of this country more than that day. and there s a lot of talk after about gun control. there are a lot of battles. nothing has been done on any front. the issue i talked about the most, the background checks. i went back and checked checked to see. because there are a lot of things like people talk about assault weapons bans and even mike bloomberg said that won t save lives down the ground. but the background checks, a new quinnipiac poll shows that i say new this year, still overwhelmingly support background checks. even gun owners. even gun owners.
even gun owners. yeah. support background checks. 92% to 6%. not gun control. background checks to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally deranged. out of the hands of terrorists. out of the hands of convicts. and congress does nothing. nothing, nothing. you mentioned september 11th. after september 11th, this country came out of that epic tragedy with a sense of purpose. with a sense of unity. now, it became misguided. we invaded iraq. after what happened in connecticut two years ago this december, it raises the question, who are we? i will forever be amazed that there was no sense of purpose, no specific sense of outrage
directed at our institutions, the congress, various state legislatures, ourselves as to why we can t do minimal steps to remove weaponry from the hands of the deranged. the cowards in congress ran and hid despite the fact that in some states 94, 95% of the people in their states supported background checks, expansive background checks, like ronald reagan supported background checks, like george w. bush supported background checks. like 92% of gun owners support background checks and they were afraid of the 4%. by the way, if forget gun control, forget ale the things that diane feinstein wants. if you take care of that, and you realize that the gun
violence is committed by the people who bought the gun, you take care of so much violence in this country. so much gang land violence. i m wondering who thinks it s conservative? right. to let gang members traffic guns? who thinks it s conservative for drug addicts and drug dealers to traffic guns? i don t know. where i come from, that s not conservative. that s radical, that s dangerous, that s stupid. a good question. we ll be right back. then there s trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it s no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires.
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a pair of newscasters up in boston came back from commercial and something was a little off. just watch. good morning, everybody. thanks for joining us this morning on the october 4th. look at that guy s coffee mug again. just hold it the only way you can save that, mugs are they safer held upside down? a new report finds the answer. oh, my goodness. that s so funny. see, if we did that, all of the vodka would fall out. you have to keep it upright, joe. welcome back to morning joe. joining us from washington, i ve got a copy of tip and the gipper. did you get yours? a paper back. the host of hardball , chris matthews.
his book. tip and the gipper, when politics worked. now out in paper back. more than ever before, we need this book. chris, we ll talk to you about this book in a little bit. we want to get through some news first. but we ll talk looking through the lens of a story we just talked about about background checks. 92% of the people supporting it, but congress we ll do that. let s go through the polls first. if you believe, chris, the latest polling, alison lundergan grimes has a chance of unseating the top republican in the senate. according to a new kentucky bluegrass poll, grimes leads senator mcconnell 46 to 44% that s within the four-point margin of error. a month ago, mcconnell was up by eight points in the nbc news/maris poll. what do you think is going on there? well, i think that s a robo poll. so i m not sure that s not an
outlier. we have to watch the pattern, i think it s an outlier. not the only race that democrats are showing strength. kay hagen was a four-point lead over tom tillis. the race in kansas is starting to look out of reach for incumbent pat roberts, he s done by ten to greg orman, an independent. we ll save this tape until wednesday after the elections. let s make our predictions a month out. in the republicans win the senate i think they have a good chance to do it. it will be the following route they ll take. they ll win south dakota, montana, west virginia for sure. the next states will be alaska, arkansas and louisiana. they ll then have to win iowa which i think they ll win because they have make up for the loss to the independent orman. again, south dakota, montana, west virginia, alaska, arkansas, louisiana, and iowa. if they want to pick up a little bit of a benefit or a premium, they ll win in north carolina. but i don t think they will. or in colorado or new hampshire or michigan.
chris just a minute, joe. just a minute. no no, it s my show. i m going to ask you a question. no. you always do this and you act like you never ask follow-up questions and you come on my show and you re shocked and stunned that somebody stopped you and asked you a question. to the follow-up question, what s happening in north carolina? i think she s going to win it. why? really? she s a really good candidate. why though? i m just curious. this is a state that obviously it s sort of a purple state right now. yes. she was supposed to be weak. look at the south, mary landrieu is keeping it close. arkansas is closer than it should be. north carolina is closer than it should be. it seems like the solid south for republicans isn t so solid anymore. yeah, well, i made my prediction for what i think going to happen. the net six pickup they ll squeak in. but it s a month out, of course. i think north carolina is interesting because tillis has to play defense as well as
offense. i know the state is moving to the right. certainly and i know that, i don t like it, but it s happening. but i think she s been running consistently well. this is going on for months now. a consistent performance ahead of tillis. i think she s capable of a winner again this time. i wonder if in north carolina you had republicans take over in 2010, they went further right than a lot of people in north carolina were ready for them to go. you have the state senator who s actually paying for that on the campaign trail now. yeah, well i have a sentimental thing, we re bringing the whole team down to follow around that race and i m getting i m bragging now. the north carolina hall of fame i m getting down there. so i love the place down there. of course you do. congratulations. you sound like my dad right now. i love it. let s go to some other races. well, you mentioned colorado, mark udall has a three-point edge over cory gardner. yeah.
i think he ll win. last month cory gardner was leading. jean shne shaheen was tied with scott brown and now is leading. and now joni ernst is now tied maike barnicle i want to ask you, remember we heard in new hampshire, the day after president obama went golfing, right after the isis beheading, you had people up there telling you they saw immediately a drop in polls? yeah. a month ago we had republicans coming on here saying oh, this is going to be a wave election. we re feeling good about it. we have those elections after the president seemed disengaged on isis. and now in all of the states not all, but most, it looks like we re back in the democrats favor from a tie a month ago in new hampshire to the seven point lead for jeanne shaheen.
i know chris said it s a robo call, but a lot of the twists around turns are going in the democrats direction. you re seeing one consistent pattern, both in north carolina and in new hampshire. shaheen and in north carolina, both have achieved some separation from barack obama. and they have had to. because on the ground in both new hampshire and north carol a carolina, i assume in north carolina it would be the same as new hampshire, they don t want him in there. both candidates do not want the president of the united states in there. jeanne shaheen is a different, unique case. she is of new hampshire. she s of new hampshire. let s really quickly, willie, where republicans are ahead in alaska. mark begich has been losing ground. sullivan has a slight edge over pryor in arkansas. you know, that race keeps i ll tell you, i thought tom cotton would be six points ahead. but this race is still close.
cbs news/ new york times poll, louisiana senator landrieu is down by six to republican bill cassidy. much different from a poll a couple of days ago. it is. you mentioned that arkansas race, president clinton was in the state yesterday. really feeling up in his home state. looking to help democrats get a win there. the former president returning there. headlining rallies for mark pryor and gubernatorial candidate mike ross who is the former driver by the way. that s great. he urged them to reject republican efforts to make the elections about president obama. you cannot afford to do what their opponents want. they want you to make it a protest vote. all three of these races, they re saying, you may like these guys but hey, you know what you ve got to do. you have to vote against the president. i promise you your last shot. it s a pretty good scam isn t it? i may wander, i may groan, but i ll never be far from home.
you re in my heart and you will always be. arkansas, you run deep in me. vote your heart. don t vote for what they tell you you have to be against. vote for what you know you should be for. vote for mark pryor. vote for mike ross. vote for pat hayes. vote for the legacy and you ll be happy a month from now. thank you and god bless you. it s like seeing elvis in vegas. it disn t matter it doesn t matter what happened before he got there and put the long scarf on, when he belts out like, you know, jailhouse rock. he s still elvis. that is a sight to behold. a man on his home turf. singing his favorite songs. i may go far chris matthews, were you moved? i hear 2016 calling already. it runs deep in you. it runs deep. 2016, yeah. hey, chris, let s say your
scenario plays out, that you laid out and republicans do squeak out the senate. okay, so they take the house. the senate. what are the last two years of president obama s second term looking like? well, it looks like go way back in history the republicans when they got the congress in 46 when truman was president, i see a lot of probes, investigations, a lot of that. you know, a lot of darrell isa stuff going on. mainly investigations and again going back to obamacare i don t think it will look good going into 2016. i think the no vote is what they re selling this time. but by 2016, people are looking for a yes candidate. somebody who offers something for the future. so they have to do a hell of a quick turn around from being the no party to the yes party.
i still think hillary has the yes, potentially over them. people want to say yes when they pick a new president. not no. i think. now, they do. and mika, things look very different for barack obama if republicans get in versus if the democrats hold. i will tell you this. for republicans it s the same. no matter what. whether they get in or not, if they don t have a forward looking, positive agenda they re doomed in 16. if getting in means stopping barack obama, they re going to lose in 16. the party just fold up the tent and go away. if winning the senate means they re moving forward with a positive, hopeful forward looking agenda, they have actually a shot at 16. when they re in the minority or the majority, it really doesn t matter for the 16 candidate if they re the party of no. as chris said, they are doomed in 16. i ll say it right now. they are doomed in 16 if they don t stop just playing. there s still time for
constructive ideas and candidat candidates who are exciting. let s get to the next story, same-sex couples in another five states are now able to be married. the supreme court declined to rule on challenges to lower court decisions that overturned same-sex marriage bans in utah and other states. and joining us now edward whalen, a former law clerk to antonin scalia and served on the senate judiciary committee. great to have you on. i m just wondering, does this go on the pantheon of conservative disappointments when republicans supposedly rule the supreme court? sandra day o connor, back in the famous missouri decision on abortion and now the roberts court deciding not to move on this issue? well, i think it s a
disappointment to all parties concerned, that is there are folks on both sides of the issue who thought it should be decided by the court and it s disappointing that they re letting the lower court ruling stand. that said, this seems to be a consequence of the court s opinion a couple years ago. especially in the united states versus windsor where the court ruled 5-4 that the federal defense of marriage act was unconstitutional. in reasoning that i think most people would find baffling. that act was passed by the overwhelming majorities by both houses of congress, including lots of strong supporters of gay rights. signed in to law by president clinton, but it could be explained only by an intent to injure. so i think with that sort of baffling reasoning, the conservatives on the court which a group that does not include justice kennedy, probably concluded that justice kennedy
was beyond persuasion on this. so governor walker said the fight is over when it comes to gay rights. do you agree? well, i think the question isn t one of gay rights broadly. the question is one of marriage and i misspoke. gay marriage. what marriage is and who decides what marriage is. obviously, in the state of wisconsin for now, there s been a judicial imposition of same-sex marriage and it s difficult to see what could possibly be done there. he s well, as a practical matter right now, it s difficult to see what can be done. now one could sketch a scenario in which it s not over. i won t claim to be an optimist on this. again, when one looks at where five supreme court justices appear to be there s little cause for short term optimism. ed, thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. again, none of the circuits disagree. if the circuits aren t disagreeing, they won t weigh in. chris matthews, tip and the
gipper when politics worked. 92% of gun owners support background support and yet the extremes control so much. the big money on both sides control so much. we get nothing done. yeah, the funny thing is that for years, joe, you and i know that the slogan of the nra was guns don t kill people, people do. find out who are the people buying the guns. it s not about the gun, but about the person. so let s make sure that the right people are getting guns if they have to have a gun. and the wrong people don t. i mean, that seems to me consistent with what they have always argued about training and safety and everything else. isn t one of the safety precautions for the gun making sure that crazy people and murderers don t get them? isn t that safety precaution? it is logical and consistent with the way they have always approached at least theoretically gun ownership. chris matthews, we ll be watching hard ball tonight.
i love it. it s the show i m watching as i m winding the day down. can i tell one story? sure. i was on the air take about ten minutes. one second. one second. i was trying to explain my book when i started this push for the paper back the other day. and somebody gets on the phone with me from one of the local stations and says, when did tipper gore and ronald reagan begin their relationship? [ laughter ] oh! oh. i had no idea, mika, where to go with that. wow. i gave the bill clinton answer from the debates. i acted as if she had said tip o neal and ignored what was that is so funny. don t you love book tours? sometimes you have to roll with it. like when pat buchanan had i had a doozie, remind me to tell you about it. thanks chris. after a rescue at sea, the bubble man is back.
he s back! and he wants his bubble back. what an idiot. then republicans can already claim victory in one key battleground area. that story is apparently on youtube. that s the area they ve won. we ll explain when we come back. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don t think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. oats go! wow! go power oats! go!
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we ll take a look at the morning papers. the wall street journal, the joe biden apologyç tour. it comes after making remarks critical about the allies in the middle east. he was right, other than confusing well, he shouldered the blame for the rise of isis and now the vice president is reaching out to officials in saudi arabia to clarify and apologize. he s spoken to leaders from turkey and the united arab emirates. shouldn t have done that. yesterday, the white house stood by the vice president. the vice president is somebody who has enough
character to admit when he s made a mistake. the vice president is somebody who continues to be a core member of the president s national security team. he is somebody who has decades of experience in dealing with leaders around the globe. and the president is pleased to be able to rely on his advice as we confront the variety of challenges that are so critical to american national security. and by the way, if you re keeping score at home, the no criticize joe zone still it applies here on the set of morning joe. yeah. we re not going to criticize joe biden here. from usa today, floyd mayweather said he s $1.4 million richer after bet on the indianapolis colts. hmm. the boxer took to instagram to share his ticket, showing he bet on week 3. he bet $373,000. negative 105 odds and the colt won it despite ending with 0-2 record. the miami herald, the
endurance athlete rescued in the inflatable bubble off the coast of florida, this story brought to you by my sister-in-law. may be safe but he s still stupid. but he wants the bubble back. reza baluchi was attempting to run the border of the bermuda triangle in a bubble, it s called a hydropod. his journey was cut short on saturday when he was rescued by the coast guard due to extreme fatigue. his bubble was left in the water and now he wants it back. it cost him 4,500 bucks to build and it still has his green card, passport, wallet and cell phone and shoes inside. there s something so ridiculous about this story. and the guy s dead serious. he wants his bubble back. and how much did the coast guard spend on that, rescuing that idiot? yeah. maybe they can balance out after he pays them for what they did
for him, he can get his bubble back. we go from that story to a serious one. how about some fighting kangaroos. this is posted to reddit, two kangaroos boxing on a residential street in australia. nbc can confirm this is in fact a residential street and that those are in fact kangaroos! that looks like you and me after the show. well, sometimes during the show. look at that. oh, my goodness. is that they re raging roos. a good lower third. can you believe that? look at that. yeah. oh, yeah, you deserve that. all right. i don t know how to do this transmission. i m mesmerized by that. can we see that again? okay. let s put it in the box in the lower left of our screen. as we take to mike allen, we can gaze at the kangaroos kick boxing. put it in the loop.
i m serious. keep this up. keep it up and we ll talk to mike. we have mike allen, here with the morning playbook. if you know don t like what mike is a saying, look to the left side of your screen. mike, according to politico the midterm race for the campaign viral videos isn t close. we are going to be showing you this viral video throughout this entire segment, but first, let s take a look at what republicans are doing online. i m matt rosen dale, this is how i look from the government drone. and this is what i think about it. sometimes when a politician has been in d.c. too long it goes to his head and he can t seem to get the job done. if you have a boehner lasting longer than 23 years seek immediate medical attention. i m joni ernst, when i get to washington i know how to cut pork. mom, this is my decision. i see a better future with rick scott. sometimes it s hard to let go of old styles, but it all worked out in the end because brittany
said yes to rick scott. uh. i m stuck on the first one. all right. now, the first one is pretty good. all right. so mike, why have i m sorry, i don t see the kangaroos fighting, there we go. why have the republicans fared so much better than the democrats when it comes to this season? well, politico analyzed traffic stats from youtube and facebook and said that the republicans have a much bigger lead in the viral videos. and that s such a change from 2012 when obama and the democrats were so dominant in creating digital comment. the republicans are much better and one of the reasons is they re taking the more gorilla approach. the outsiders trying to take the senate, taking on obama. many of the most clicked ads which were made by the koch network had to do with obamacare.
and democrats say now they re more putting their digital resources into fund-raising e-mails. is there any evidence that this actually has an impact on supporters? i m so glad you asked that because yes, this can change elections and could change the senate. joe, joni ernst had her stand out in a field of republicans. nobody knew who d win that primary and now ernst who is looking strong in iowa could be a bluish state that could go red. she could be the majority maker. so in this time when everybody s attention is fractured a viral video can change the senate. we re looking at one right now. mike allen, thank you so much. we appreciate it. it s kind of like those old kick boxing kangaroos.
like the old palmolive videos, you re soaking in it. remember madge? yeah. bill clinton comes to the defense of mark pryor. but first, relieved to be back in the united states, but the freelance nbc cameraman still has a long way to go for recovery. we ll have kate snow with a special report coming up. and many more kangaroos kick boxing.
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now the very latest on the ebola outbreak and the efforts to keep that virus from spreading. there s a nurse in spain that s the latest to be infected. the first diagnosis outside of west africa. meanwhile, the white house is rejecting calls for a travel ban but says it s working on increased screening at airports here in the u.s. and abroad. and we re learning new information about the nbc freelance photographer who arrived for treatment less than 24 hours ago. kate snow joins us live from home omaha. how is his treatment because they were deciding on what type of medicine to give him.
that s right, thomas. last night we learned that he will be given some kind of a experimental medication. his father telling us that his dad happens to be a doctor in his own right and he says they re really lucky that they caught the ebola virus pretty early. ashoka mukpo is waking up in isolation. he was able to walk off the plane from liberia. he gave a little wave earlier when he first came in. that was reassuring. he and his girlfriend lived together in liberia for two years. helen was due to join him in liberia this past weekend. i miss him i really miss him. i was meant to see him, you know, a couple of days ago. and i wish it was under different circumstances. his parents say he s scared by ready to fight. he said i ll get through this. it s a combination of emotions. we have been very afraid, on the
other hand we re very confident. the 85-year-old mother of ebola patient thomas eric duncan arrived in dallas monday. she drove 15 hours to be near him. hoping to find a way for him to hear her voice. he is taking an experimental drug. he was given the same dose on saturday, the same day that his condition took the turn for the worse. if duncan infected anyone else, they would likely have symptoms this week. so far, none of the 48 people being watched is sick. 100% seen yesterday. 100% of them had no signs of fever. had no signs of illness. 100% were doing well. still, authorities worry about the toll this ebola case is taking. the stress of this and the fear of this, you know, could be more damaging to this community than the virus itself. now, experts say we have the tools in this country to stop any kind of ebola outbreak.
the key tool is finding anyone who s been exposed to the ebola virus and making sure that we monitor those people. that s exactly by the way what s being done with dr. nancy snyderman and her team. the nbc news team returned late last night on a charter flight and we know that they were monitored by health officials when they got here, back to the u.s. we are told they re in good health, showing no symptoms. but just out of an abundance of caution they re quarantined and staying away at home for the next 21 days. explain the process that h e have that was and the decision process made to take mukpo to the hospital in omaha. yeah, it sounds random, but they have a bio containment unit here that has been set up for a number of years. they have been training extensively to handle any kind of infectious disease. by the way, they already treated one patient with ebola. remember, dr. rick sacre, he was treated here. so they have experience.
the doctors were pointing out to me yesterday this is not something that s been in the u.s. much before. so it s very new so they wanted to send him somewhere where they had the expertise. all right, kate snow, thanks. appreciate it. coming up next, bill clinton saying arkansas runs deep in him. yes, it does. when he s not in new york city. we ll hear more from the former president turned star in his home state as he fights as he fights it falling into republican hands. joe, what do you say to that? i want to see kangaroos.
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democrat mark pryor is still hanging on in arkansas, but he s been slipping in the latest polls. he s now down by four to tom cotton. time to bring out the big guns and there s no one bigger in arkansas than bill clinton.
casey hunt is on the trail. i love my native state. without you i never would have had a chance to do anything. and i didn t come back to the briar patch, i came back to the future. reporter: for bill clinton this is where it all began. bill clinton who announced today he wants to be a democratic presidential nominee. i m proud to say here in arkansas we have led the way. reporter: now clinton is trying to save what s left of his party in his home state. senator mark pryor, the son of clinton confidant david pryor in danger of losing to tom cotton. i didn t come here to talk about my opponent, but let me take this opportunity to do so. you know, he went to harvard. right? i know. he couldn t get into uca, what can i say? the president s unpopular in arkansas. they want you to make it a protest vote. all three of the races they re saying you may like the guys,
but hey, you know what you have to do. you have to vote against the president. it s a pretty good scam, isn t it? reporter: arkansas had just one republican in congress and now pryor is the last democrat left. people like my parents used to vote democratic. but now the obama democrats in washington no longer represent arkansas s conservative values. is this still the arkansas you governed? oh, i think so. i think we ve got a really good chance. i think he s run a great campaign, i think he i expect him to win. can he win this race for you? i have got to win this race on my own. reporter: if there s one thing they agree on it, might be bill clinton. i think a lot of arkansans look back on the clinton years like the obama years and view them favorably. president clinton, can i get a selfie? wow. with us is nobody draws them like bill clinton. certainly not in arkansas.
but this race has been up in the air. i said a couple of hours ago i thought tom cotton to be up by ten points now. but it s a lot closer. what keeps pryor close and what makes democrats think they can still win this race? reporter: it s a couple of factors, joe. this is a democratic state for decades. only recently it s finally started to slip away from the southern democrats and at this point, mark pryor still has a ton of goodwill from his father, david pryor, who is very close do former president bill clinton and bill clinton himself has been really engaged here. you know, he noted in his speech, hey, this isn t the only time i have been down here to arkansas. he s been back for three funerals, coming back for his high school reunion. he s still very connected to it. and if there s anybody that can make a difference for mark pryor it s bill clinton. that s what you re soing over seeing over the next few days.
what did you see down there? well, i travelled with tom cotton on saturday. i m upset with the pryor campaign, he s a wonderful man. i asked what events, and they wouldn t tell me. that s weird. but aside from that okay. you have vented. aside from that, pryor is a very decent, lovely man. cotton is, you know, is moving with the trends down there. i saw him on saturday talking to a gun rally and saying that the right to bear arms was not just a constitutional right, but a god-given right. oh, my. and well, you obviously, it s the 11th commandment. yeah. okay. or the 12th maybe. so it s a very conservative state, but arkansas still a little different than let s say alabama or mississippi or tennessee.
there s still sort of yeah. more of the yellow dogs still running around in the south. one thing i noticed when talking about north carolina a little while ago, i was there as well on my road trip and the thing that that s keeping the democrat afloat there is the fact that tillis legislature cut education funding. and in north carolina, there is a long, moderate tradition, 50 years since terry sanford of boosting education as a way to bring in industry. you know, i ll tell you what, for conservatives who are shocked when i say this, i mean, you ve got to look at the tea leaves this year. this is in many ways i think a an election where the warning flags if they haven t gone up for republicans already, they need to go up on issues education and tax cuts. you can cut education to pay for tax cuts, you need to talk to
sam brown back, it s not paying anymore for republican. this tax cuts at all costs mentality, if brownback goes down, this as the center plank for the republican party i agree with joe scarborough on this one. i think you see two states now, north carolina and kansas are education cuts are paying heavily in the democrats favor. what s interesting about a arkansas you have obamacare there and i m curious what casey can tell us about how that obviously, medicaid expansion has insured a lot of people. i think arkansas has the steepest drop in the uninsurance rate in the country. casey, did you pick up anything from this? yeah, president clinton actually offered a pretty row
best defense of the president s health care law. which was interesting to me. following senator pryor s campaign. it is something they have tried to kind of run on a little bit. they have the one ad sort of praising obamacare and then they backed away from it. i think it illustrates this broader problem that he has in dealing with president obama. president clinton alluded to it, noting that president obama was unpopular in arkansas. and i asked pryor about the ebola crisis yesterday and i think it illustrates the problem he has here in the ad talking cotton. this is what he had to say. do you think that the obama administration has done an appropriate job handling the ebola crisis? um, i would say that it s hard to know because i haven t heard the latest briefing on
that to know all i read the paper and all, but my impression is that we have people over there, both from cdc and other medical type people and even some engineers to try to build, you know, medical facilities. that s what they need over there. they need the medical infrastructure. have we been aggressive enough in helping these people? um, again, i have to see the latest numbers. wow. stop it. stop it. stop it! stop it! what? just stop. you re like throw in the towel, casey, what was going on there? nice, gentle question. i m not sure. i thought he would have a yes or no answer. but could i what was that, casey? she asked a gentle question. she was just being honest and the guy just collapsed. you were there, why were the questions so hard for the senator to answer? well, you know, like i said,
i was a little surprised that they were so difficult because he had aired this out on ebola late in august. accusing his opponent tom cotton of not doing enough to fight global pandemics. i you thought that was a softball? for that ad. news of the day question. joe klein? compare and contrast on saturday i asked cotton about ebola and he immediately said we have to shut down flights from that region because and this was the brilliant part, because the terrorists might send people infected with ebola over here. and, you know, when you think of boko haram, i think that deals to the sense of fear in the last three weeks that was an answer. a professional answer even if it was sam stein, you brought up the
ad that senator pryor had used before on ebola. yeah. trying to blame tom cotton for it. he was very critical and yet to have him stammer there with casey, pretty stunning. i mean, it s painful to watch. yeah. and the answer is pretty self-explanatory from mark pryor s perspective. go back to the facts of the ad. the budget for the centers for disease control has been cut by $600 million from 2010 to 2014. listen, the republican party and the austerity movement has cut cdc funding, but he stammered and couldn t come one the word, it was really awkward. i would say cotton referencing ebola patients and sending them across the border well, split screen with the kick boxing kangaroos no, no. let s watch this quickly. can you guys play it again? how do you say no mas in kangaroo? stunning.
do you think that the obama administration has done an appropriate job handling the ebola crisis? um, i would say that it s hard to know because i haven t heard the latest briefing on that to know all the i read the paper and all, but my impression is we have people over there, both from cdc and other medical type people and even some engineers to try to build, you know, medical facilities. that s what they need over there. they need the medical infrastructure. do you think we ve been aggressive enough in um, again, i have to see the latest numbers. oh, my god. casey hunt, you have done it again. what is wrong with you? she is so mean. you re cruel. she asks such simple questions. it s a trap.
you re cunning. casey, thank you so much. we ll put that side by side with australian kick boxing. sam, painful. joe klein, thank you. i m sorry you re upset. boy, they just up next, one high school cancels the entire football season. and prosecutors are now involved. we ll tell you the major reason why. willie has that story for us next on morning joe. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment s right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache.
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welcome back to morning joe. there s outrage in one new jersey town this morning after a high school canceled the rest of the high school football season amid a hazing investigation. seniors on the team intimidated and bullied freshmen, including some acts that could be considered sexual assault. this district, in this board of education is making unified stance to say no. no to bullying. last night school officials in sayerville, new jersey, announced they will cancel the remainder of the football season. from freshmen to versety squads. the drastic measure less than a week after widespread allegations of hazing by senior team members towards freshmen, including severe bullying and possible sexual assault. there were incidents of
harassment and bullying that took base on a pervasive level, a wide scale level, and at a level in which the players knew, tolerated and in general accepted. the cancellation comes as schools nationwide are cracking down against bullying. . i m not satisfied with the way we handled it from the get-go. meanwhile, in sayerville it s unfair for the kids that didn t have nothing to do with it. the community itself is like family. you re still proud of this community? absolutely. absolutely. it s just very devastating. it s very sad for the parents and the players. wow. no players have been suspended from school as the investigation goes on. there are questions about the role the coaches played. the superintendent said he asked the the assistant principal at the school to look at the sports
team and their protocols. they have a pretty good football program. so obviously for those of us i started playing football when i was 6. now play it your whole life. a lot of these kids, football has been their life for a decade. they get to senior year and because of the hazing, they re not going to have a senior year. this will impact them for years to come. why not just punish the people that were committing the mistakes, instead of the entire team. i sympathy in the context of everything going on in with the nfl and everything else, they want to make a big statement. it also includes the cheerleader and the band. all these people have their season completely wiped out. yeah, but to me it sounds like that s the leadership the nfl could use. they won three state titles in four years, then these seniors who were freshmen, this is behavior they ve seen
cultivated over a certain period of time. it would have to be widespread, i would think, mike. to cancel the entire season. that s a huge crisis. for people that understand these kids, over a decade, their entire life, and the parents and the family every friday night. yeah. yeah. and so i m just wondering and again, it does start at the top. those coaches should never coach again in jersey. if they knew. yeah, up next, a great poll showing a surjs of support for democrats across the country. is there any connection to president obama remaining off the campaign trail? plus, the most expensive hotel ever sold. who is buying the waldorf and what they plan to do with it and whatnot to send your kid today
care. what? sugar smack. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it s called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51.
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in most of these jurisdictions now, same-sex marriage will be de facto legal. now we re in a situation where 30 states have same-sex marriage. the momentum when you have that many people living in a world
where same-sex marriage is legal makes it inevitable, it seems, that the rest of the country will follow. inevitable that the rest of the country will follow. well, i guess that s it. i would like to thank my wife lorain for 25 good years. what can i say? we gave it a ghood shot, honey. i was just about going to get a photo of you. and i was going to announce my new governor appointed life partner, roger and i are registered at restoration hardware. we re doing the entire living room in hammered stainless steel. good morning, everybody. it s tuesday, october 7th. look at that times square. it s already buzzing. or still is. with us onset, we have msnbc contributor, associate professor at columbia university school of international and public affairs
along with willie, joe and me. yeah. what s up? we need to talk about what we re going to wear before we wear it. just get it out of the way here. it s ha holiday party. it s still october. what s going on? i don t know. i don t like this. this is just not going to work. i m sorry. i m going to change. i ll be right back. you read the news. i ll be right back. don t change. i like that sweater. it doesn t look like it s going to walk away. i m going to get another. read the news, mika. i m sure there s a lot to talk about. it s the first time he actually wore a different all right. okay. well, he s gone. let s do the news, shall we? i can t believe it. i like the holiday look. i thought it looked good, you know. just trying to make it up a little built. if you believe the latest polling, can you guys believe this? has a very real chance at
unseating the top republican in the senate. this didn t look like it could happen until now. according to a new kentucky bluegrass poll, grimes leads mcconnell 46 to 44%. that s within the four-point margin of error. a month ago mcconnell was up by eight points. it s not the only race, by the way, where the democrats are showing strength. we re seeing this in a couple of other key places. north carolina, kay hagan has a four-point lead. but she s leading. the race in kansas, already starting to look out of reach for incumbent pat roberts. he s down by 10% to independent greg orman. in colorado, mark udall has a three-point edge of corey garner. that s close to a toss-up. he was leading by eight points at one point.
last month jeanne shaheen. and in iowa where two weeks ago joni ernst was leading by six, she s now tied with democrat bruce braley. i don t know. you think that the president is such a hint rans as the narrative has been, dorian. and yet we re seeing something possiblily happening here if you believe the polls. and we haven t seen the clintons in action by the way. we re going to talk about that. that mr. make a difference. it s hard to figure out, is this an anti-incumbency wave, or is this something the democrats are doing in terms of campaign strategy that republicans are not? it remains to be scene. particularly remarkable. grimes looked like she was starting to slip away. she had done so well for several month ls. you saw mcconnell getting some distance. so she closed the gap now with a
month left to go. and as you say, that whole campaign has been about pairing her with president obama, and now here she is tied. i find that to be extremely interesting to watch. in alaska, mark begich has been losing ground to sullivan. tom cotton has a slight edge on pryor in arkansas. and the cbs news new york times poll has louisiana senator mary landrieu down by six points to really bill kasz di. so there we re seeing a fight for senator mary landrieu. the comeback kid, as you mentioned, is looking to help democrats in his hometown state. former president bill clinton returned to arkansas to headline rallies for mark pryor. clinton urged votered to reject republican efforts to make the elections about president obama. you cannot afford to do what
their opponents want. they want you to make this a protest vote. all three races. they re saying you may like these guys, but you got to vote against the president. it s your last shot. it s a good scam, isn t it? i may wander and roam, but i will never be far from home. you re in my heart, and you will always be, arkansas, you run deep in me. vote your heart. don t tell you for what they tell you you have to be against. vote for what you know you should be for. vote for mark pryor. vote for mike ross. vote for pat hayes. and you will be happy a mon from now. thank you and god bless you. boy, he s really something, isn t he? yes, you are. i love that guy. could he be any happier? please don t do this. just don t do it. stop. and what about mitch
mcconnell, huh? he s down. yes, i mentioned that at the top of the show when you walked away. i was excited about your reaction. but you just left. i m going to do that. i m going to try that. why? i thought we looked good. i didn t want to hear andy williams holiday song. we were coordinating our sweaters before the show, it s a showing. if you look what s happening with mitch mcconnell. we were all asking, what were the polls going to look like? the first wave of polls after the beheadings. after barack obama went out golfing after the beheading specifically. and now we re starting to see a big turnaround in kentucky. you look at north carolina. big turnaround. republicans were sure ap month ago this is going to be a wave election. it may still be. you just don t see any evidence
of it out there. democrats are doing so much better now than they should be doing. and republicans are now going to lose kansas. what do you make of kentucky? i don t see it as related to isis. do you? is that what is happening here? all democrats were hurt a month ago by barack obama s seeming obliviousness to what was going on with isis. and the jv comments and golfing after the beheading. but i think you re starting to see these races go back to their set point. and the set point is a lot of kentucky people can t relate to mitch mcconnell. they may not agree with grimes in a lot of issues, but they just can t relate to mitch mcconnell. and she and other candidates have run smart campaigns distancing themselves from the president.
as the former president bill clinton said in arkansas, this is not a vote for barack obama. this is a vote for mark pryor or london grimes or other particular candidates. this should have republicans worried for 2016. they have a lot more seats to defend in 2016. i m sorry. i was just going to say clinton s comments were interesting, too. he said this is just two more years of president obama. he s almost saying don t worry. it s only two more years. but these guys are aplaying for six-h year jobs. so don t make this about president obama. oh, my gosh. he s very, very good. if you talk to any republican strategist six months ago, a year ago and said a month before the election you re going to be losing kwst by ten. to an independent candidate. and you re going to be losing north carolina. in some polls you re going to be
losing louisiana. arkansas is going to be split down the middle. i can tell you as republicans we re screwed. iowa is tied right now. and the democrat out in iowa is a clown. i mean, democrats say quietly, that guy is a clown. he s ill fit for kansas. he goes to texas and say, the last thing we want is somebody from iowa, a dumb ass iowa farmer is basically what he s saying. well although i would say, joni ernst commercials the the castration candidates. i those were brilliant before. clearly iowa voters are thinking something else now. i don t know. i think if you look at the trend, it s all against the republicans right now. there are exceptions. scott walker, a guy i like very much. a great hope for a lot of conservatives like myself. he may not win this year. he s being investigated for
corruption scandal. go a state over to michigan. one tough nerd. the governor of michigan. a year ago everything looked great. now he s on the run. and here s the thing, this is what republicans need to understand. you got to stand for something. you can t just be against barack obama. and the problem is. if the republicans can t win. and priebus will say this. if the republicans can t win in 2014 when everything is breaking their way. when they were fighting in red states, then in 16 all the senate fights are going to be on blue states, plus the presidential race. r is going to be especially ugly. yeah. let me get one other headline in here. officials are now confirming the first case of ebola to be contracted outside of west africa. a nurse in spain is in stable condition at a hospital this morning after testing positive for the deadly virus.
officials say she cares for two spanish priests who boelt died from ebola. the parents of ashoka mukpo said he s in good spirits after arriving in omaha for treatment. dr. nancy sneiderman and her team arrived in the united states and were checked by a health pishl upon ail rival. all are feeling well, in good health. they re deemed low risk but will are be be staying home and monitoring their temperature for the remainder of the 21-day period. and in dallas, the man being treated for the ebola virus remains in critical condition. we ve learned thomas eric duncan is being given an experimental drug approved by the fda. president obama says his administration is working on increased screening for ebola. it comes as a new research poll finds nearly 60% of americans have a great or fair amount of
confidence the government could prooent an ebola outbreak in the u.s. but there s a sharp divide among parties. 69% of democrats share the confidence. 51% of republicans have little or no krz in the u.s. government in terms of how it could stop an outbreak. i think screening will be difficult. i don t know how they re going to do it. the it s not just about cutting off flights. willie, what do you make of the poll we just talked about? is this it looks like it s about president obama. it looks like just a blind referendum. it s strange that became a political question. i think it s a lot of things. obamacare, irs. a lot of things that made us think, do you guys do anything? i think democrats feel the same way. how is george w. bush handling the outbreak, yould see the numbers flip.
this becomes split call. zblf it s strange, isn t it? and the government at the local level versus the federal level. especially since president obama has been in office. that s not unusual, the broad trends. but it is strange around ebola. coming up on morning joe. as the white house plans new airline screening procedures to minimize the threat of ebola, we ll look at how one key american city is handling the the crisis. plus, michael bloomberg gets knighted by the queen. but don t call him sir just yet. speaking of sir, he always wants us to call him that. he always wants him to call us what is that? can we say it on the air? yeah, he loves that. it s better than what you could have gone with, i guess. good morning, everyone. including joe and mika. blood moon. have you heard the term? we re going to have one later tonight. all it means is we get these lunar eclipses with pretty much
the full moon. we get the refraction of the light off the earth. because of the dust and the dirt. it looks ret oud there during the eclipse. this is going to happen tomorrow morning very early. if you re on the east coast, a lot of clouds. but around 5:15 to 8:15. the best viewing will be the west coast around 3:30 to 4:30 in the morning. the next one will happen in april. we get four of these in two years. that doesn t usually happen. e back to weather. i mentioned the clouds blocking the view of the lunar eclipse in the east. a large amount of clouds and rain to the east. heaviest rains are in h northern new england. a a batch over north carolina. and pretty good amount of showers and thunderstorms between memphis and cape gerardo on the mississippi river. that could clip the memphis area shortly. and in nashville, we have rain for you. and new york city, southern new
england, and coastal jersey a line of strong storms will go there. gusty winds could bring down trees and maybe an isolated tornado. very weird scenario for you. if you re west of the mississippi, you re looking rather nice today. the exception being arizona. we leave you with a shot. can you believe this? the rink is back. they re making the ice. getting ready for the holiday season. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back.
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it did not say that. holy cow. like a cashew. first time i ve heard that expression. so we have we re reading no. stories from local time to take a look at the morning papers that you care about. the los angeles times. pope francis called a meeting of 200 cardinals and bishops in rome to consider controversial issues for the church. including divorce, contraception and homosexuality. and he has encouraged attendees to speak openly and freely. the group will discuss a survey of catholics worldwide, have found many feel the church is out of touch with their needs. the new york times historic warks aldorf-astoria hotel will
be sold to. it opened 83 years also. it will also undergo a big renovation. the wlean says they plan to return the building to the arjal art deco clothing style. h&m has come under fire for a khaki jumpsuit which many say resembles the uniforms worn by female members of the kurdish militia. i like khaki on women is this story? kbl would you wear that? i kind of like it. if you could, would you wear that? sure. oh, the one on the right, with the gun and the hat. well. reaction has been mixed with some saying it celebrates the
females fighting the islamic state in syria. others say it s insensitive. what? i just know the designer was not thinking kurdish militia. what s the next story? come on. moving on. that s stupid. anybody arguing that has no life. just about anything. i read the delaware news journal every morning. then you already have read this story. but i ll say it again. the delaware news journal. police have arrested the mother of a 4-year-old after the kid showed up to her day care with a backpack full of heroin. the little girl was caught handing out packets of the drugs to her classmates thinking they were candy. the mother has been charged with drug possession and endangering the welfare of her child. what in the world? it s heroin? i never ever send jack to school with heroin. with packets of heroin. what do you send him to
school with? coke. diet coke! he loves it. buzzing around you know. you. little jack. don t say that. okay. okay. gl the telegraph. no, stop it, willie. like a cashew. i don t know what that means. former new york city major michael bloomberg was give an an honorary knighthood by the queen of england. he was granted due to his entrepreneurial endeavors. but don t call him sir mike. bloomberg will not use the name sir because he s not a british citizen. thank you for clarifying that, mika. okay. and the new orleans times, a collision between a train and a big rig has left two rail workers injured. thankfully nobody killed. he began recording when he realized the truck hauling a crane was stuck on the tracks. moments later, here it comes.
oh. that s not good. the train comes through cutting the trailer in half. the driver escaped unharmed. i wish we could show that in slow motion. they suffered minor injuries. residents in the area have been evacuated due to concerns over a gas spill. my goodness. up next, the eyes of the nation continue to be on dallas where the first ebola patient to be diagnosed in the u.s. is in critical condition. the mayor of dallas. and we have a power house economic round table coming up this morning. yes, we do. powerful. money dudes, willie. wall street is riding high while middle america is struggling to find its footing. what s it like being an sbrerp neurotoday? much more morning joe straight ahead.
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28 past the hour. the terror threat of isis is now at the doorstep of a top american ally in the middle east. the front page of the wall street journal shows islamic state militants planting their flag near syria s border with turkey. it follows fierce battles between kurdish and isis
fighters. it now appears they re poised to take control. meanwhile, an american teenager has been arrested after trying to board a connecting flight to turkey with the intent of sneaking into syria and fighting with isis. the 19-year-old left a handwritten three-page letter to his parents begging them not to alert the authorities, while saying, quote, we are all witness that the western societies are getting more immoral day by day. syria, obviously, still under siege by isis, and now turkey who sat back and done nothing. now they are having isis knock at their o doorstep. this is going to be a real wakeup call to our alliance with turkey and our relationship with turkey. isis is now on the turkish border. turkey is a member of nato. if the president and the turks need help, they have to go
through nato to get help. we ll see what happens there. it s a disgrace. it s just a disgrace. yeah. they are not a strong ally. we don t have a lot of strong allies. in other news this morning, the first person diagnoseded with the ebola virus in the united states remains in critical condition. thomas eric duncan is being treated with an experimental drug in dallas. it comes as texas republican governor rick perry is forming a 17-person task force to focus on the current ebola outbreak, and how the state responds to other infectious diseases. and president obama says his administration is now working on increased screening for ebola at airports here in the u.s. and overseas, but he is resisting calls to impose any travel restrictions. joining us now from dallas, the city s mayor, mike rawlings.
good to have you on the show. great to be here. i watch you all the time, so it s fun for me. thank you. that s great. tell us, mr. mayor. you ve been talking about this quite some time about what happened. but tell us how the hospitals across dallas and across texas have changed since the mistake. well, i ll tell you, everybody was trained in august. we had this incident, which is a agreement hospital. my daughter was born there. i had a close friend that had a baby there this weekend. everybody has been retrained, doubled up, and they know everybody is overanalyzing the situation now. that s okay to make sure the hospitals don t miss anybody. and we ve got all individuals that had contact with the patient, we re checking them twice a day.
and hopefully we ll find any symptoms before they get there. let me tell you about the the fear factor in dallas and the country. there s la lot of information out there about isis. how is that impacting or affecting the citizens of dallas? i assume you re talking about ebola, not isis. ebola, yeah. isis is scary, too. yeah, i was thinking about turkey. that s all right. i think we re calm. we re sitting on pins and needles. but we had an all-time hoping of our state fair over the last week. and 92,000 people showed up to the cowboys game. i went to a big oktoberfest. people are out and about. this is a great time to be in dallas. the weather is good.
i don t see any pulling back on that. folks are going to school. but we re serious. this is a very tough issue. but i think it s only the mean people creating some of this some of this fear. let s talk about the incubation period. this is the critical week, as you pointed out, where people who came in contact with thomas eric duncan could show any type of symptom ls. no one was showing any signs. but we had ten people who had contact with duncan who are considered high risk. so explain exactly what the monitoring process is for those ten people. well, basically each we ve got a couple of dozen people tracking, around 48 people and we visit with them every day.
they look at the temperature. they ask how they re feeling. they look at them from a health standpoint and give them a little checkup. and so every morning i ll get a report. we have one today at noon. so it s turning over a big blackjack card when i get the report to make sure they re healthy. mayor mike rawlings, thank you for being on the show. thank you for watching. thank you, mr. mayor, we ll have to drop by in dallas next. please do. we re you re in new york, come on the show. i would love to. still ahead, barack obama says the economy is stronger than it ever has been during his presidency. we re going to fact check that with our powerhouse economic round table straight ahead. plus, why one of our panelists says crazy is a compliment. i m with him.
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(receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.. can get the real answers you need.
start building your confident retirement today. all right, here with us now for our business roundtable, cnbc s brian sullivan. it s good to see you. oh, stop being sarcastic. even if your enthusiasm is fake, it is appreciated. ceo and managing partner of q ball. i can t wait. least going to do my nails. apparently he s going to do a lot of nail ls. we re going to get that later. i m not one of those people. oh, it s bad. it s bad. who has time? the author of crazy is a compliment, the problem with zigging while everyone else zags. i love that. you just complimented joe.
any time people come with an idea and say it s crazy exactly, if they re not calling you crazy, you re not thinking big enough. i m reading the new google book. he said things move so quickly. if you re not being called crazy every week or month, tyou re going to be left behind. we can do nothing and hope our jobs are safe, or we can take risks. the riskier strategy is to do nothing. the reason i wrote crazy is a compliment is to bottle up my experience working with a thousand entrepreneurs to help people who have a dream but are feeling scared or stuck and create a road map for helping them go guard. so brian, we have, in the united states of america, a congress and a political structure that is just the
opposite of crazy in the good way. we re not doing anything to move this economy forward. no, we re not. and we ll have the pleasure of all kinds of great people, successful people. they have nothing in common, except for one thing. they all have this amazing ability to take risks and believe in yourself. congress is all about consensus. either it s red state or blue state. somebody is going to have to zag. and they re scared of their own shadow. yes, they are. that comes because we have a rough time in the economy. wanes haven t moved. jobs were very hard to come by. we re getting a little bit of a change in the overall economy. we got about a quarter million net jobs created. a lot of those didn t go where
we needed them. they didn t go to women. they didn t go to younger people. i think one of the things we re proud of. they have nearly 200 employees today. did you just use starbuck as a verb? he did, didn t he? you re starbucking a nail salon. trying to transform something mundane. the 65,000 nail salons in this country. $8 billion reported. it s probably closer to $14 billion. we need professional standards. right now it seems like a lot of people are intrigued. that s amongst the highest in the last decade. it s not going to things more mundane. the service economy. the service economy. the independent workers.
and what i think i love is it s not just technology where entrepreneurship is thriving. most people starting businesses are women and baby boomers over 55. we just don t hear their stories. and your point, entrepreneurship is not just entrepreneurs anymore. we haul need the skills of change making. and what you re talking about cannot be outsourced. you cannot amazon can i use that has a a verb? you cannot amazon nail care. you need people. and we hear from both parties. that s not true. new businesses are job creators. and so, yesterday i talked to a neighbor. and asked how is paul simon?ç but it s a guy that has a business. he s a small business owner.
mom and pop shop. runs it out of his house. and i ask him what i always ask with restaurants and businesses in the town. they all say the same thing? this month was good. last month was bad. the month before was so-so. the month before was terrible. the month before was agreement. i m hearing this from all small business owners. they can t make plans because it s um and down. we have a schizophrenic consumer. and your neighbor will continue to say that until we have real wage gains. if it goels down. this is the next election. one of the issues around there is we re so focused on the demand side and not supply side. and what we need to do is focus
on them. be focused with the authentic crazy person was self care. only then can you get the predictability of revenue. the problem is trying to focus on the profit and performance. you need to start with product. so linda, how do you describe the the schizophrenic economy? you have unemployment below 6%. and that s because people have given up looking for jobs. and chaos favors the entrepreneur. but entrepreneurs are not about the farm. we imagine them going all in. entrepreneurs are risk minimizeers. so three facts i point out in crazy is a compliment. number one, you don t have to go all in. 50 pk 50% of the fastest growing companies start with under $5,000. the best innovators keep their
day jobs while they re starting their ideas. the founder of nike did taxes for ten years. you need to balance between taking risks and doing risk. deal with chaos. people are scarred, right? they re scared, too. i m not going to leave my job where i feel secure after what just happened to start a company. that s why sho many are 20-year-olds. if they fail, they re okay. if you re 40 with a couple of kids and a mortgage, you re not starting a business. i ve known tony two years now. i can t imagine him being a nail man. thank you so much. tony, greatly appreciate it. thank you so much for coming in. and the book is crazy is a
compliment. much more morning joe ahead. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. the most amazing thing about the ford fusionhas a moment when tomorrow becomes real. isn t the way it looks. the most amazing thing? is the way it sees. with blind spot technology, a lane-keeping system and a standard rearview camera,
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it began as an act of defiance. a way to turn a tragedy into a symbol of hope. 26 playgrounds have been built to honor the 26 victims of the sandy hook elementary school shooting. each one uniquely celebrates the student or teacher who lost their lives. brian williams brings us that story from the site of 26th and final playground. reporter: on a startingly beautiful day, happy children swarmed all over the playground dedicated to the principal who died trying to protect her students at sandy hook elementary schooler inially two years ago now. after, there was raw emotion. a reading from a book that dawn loved to read to the children. it was led by one of her daughters. the young children don t understand why this playground
was built, but their faces remind us what it s meant for. it is amazing. all 26 of the memorial sandy hook playgrounds are now happy places. they re all scattered around the new york area in towns that also suffered damage from hurricane sandy. put my hands in. what is your favorite job to watch and favorite job to do yourself? my favorite job to do myself is probably the sidewalk. and my favorite job to watch is probably the panels they put on the playstand. reporter: and for the other families who lost someone at sandy hook, this project has held so much meaning. we became a family with all the firefighters.
our angels are looking down at us. looking wow. the final one. it s beautiful. the group blind this is a foundation called where angels play. they plan to coop doing this across the country in places where there s been tragedy. like boston, aurora, colorado, and moore, oklahoma. bill laven is the founder of the whole concept. he s a retired new jersey firefighter who told me on the job site last week it doesn t get more personal for him. if you close your eyes, can you see all 26? do they all have a special meaning to you? every single one has a miracle that has happened. they will work from dawn to dusk and then thank me for allowing them to do all that. but this is our blessing and privilege. this september will be two years since the sandy hook
shooting. two years since a disturbed individual was able to get his hands on three semiautomatic weapons. and nothing has been done in congress. and it s not done on the campaign trail with isis, ebola and stagnant wages in the headlines. it s easy for politicians to ignore it for some reason. polls show americans overwhelmingly support background checks on all gun sales. even gun owners support it by a wide margin. 89 to 9%. that s straight forward. you start talking about gun control and the numbers drop quickly. i m not sure why gun control, though. it s just a background check. i don t know. george w. bush supported background checks. i don t know. mike? we talked about this before.
endlessly. the institutional indifference and lack of courage. it s so depressing. you look at the numbers as we just ind kalted. when you walk a street and talk to ordinary human beings, it s depressing our political institutions don t react. having said that, bill laven, the firefighter who came up with that idea. what a great idea. what a hopeful, beautiful person to find a way to celebrate as well as remember these people. and that was a great piece. that was really nice. it s a wonderful thing to do. up next, what if anything did we learn today?
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you notice a few things. like the fact that you re pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that s alright. because we ll text you when your package is on the way. we re even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is.was. and always will dad: he s our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don t know exactly. kid: what if you re not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn t work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ]
[ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. welcome back to morning joe. what we learned today is there are ways to really, really spice up playbook, and this is one of them. this is on route to. somehow this wasn t as good. it s better with mike allen.
what? it s hot sf. oh, frazier is down. frazier is down. thomas, did you learn anything today? i will happily give up my time for this youtube video. mike, did you learn anything today? i learned unlike what i first thought they re notó[/mm as kangaroos. i was worried it wasn t real kangaroos. i learned crazy is a compliment. maybe there s hope for you. mike, what i also learned the founder of nike continued to work for a decade until while he was setting up his business. so what s on tap today in baseball? in disable you have two playoff games. the first game this afternoon. tryinging to old on as
cardinals. you think they may pull it off? i do. i think they ll win the series. the matchups favor them. and stick around right now. we have peter alexander with the daily rundown. a new ebola case. the first time a patient gets it outside of africa. his treatment continues for patients in omaha and dallas here in the u.s. and president obama considers more measures to screen travelers. plus a major milestone in the same-sex marriage debate. both the republican and democratic national committees with just four weeks left until election day. meantime on the midterm trail, bill clinton is heading home to arkansas. big debates for key races in

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140826 10:00:00

the park. one wrote i have no idea how a law could protect them. john says the world is no longer a safe place but i doubt a lot that prosecutes parents can be helpful. thanks for watching. fox & friends starts now. good morning. it is tuesday, august 26. they told us the irs targeting e-mails were gone. there has been a hard drive crash and some may have been lost. no e-mails could be retrieved. now the big bombshell, those e-mails do exist. it is just too much work for the government to find them. that explains it. that does. then this. a flight forced to be diverted mid air because of a battle over leg room. somebody tried to put their seat down and wouldn t go.
we are going to tell you about a new device that led to an epic mid air melt down and why you probably don t want to install it next time you go for a flight. last night s emmy s got pretty steamy. previous wins have been for seinfeld. more hot moments for one of hollywood s biggest nights straight ahead. because mornings are better are friends. hi. you are watching fox & friends and you should sit on the curvy couch. welcome to the curvy couch. live from new york city on this very busy tuesday. thanks for joining us. we are so glad that you are. good morning to you both. hot topic today u.s. military is preparing right now. fox news alert.
for surveillance flights. drones overseeria to gather intelligence on what is going on. the administration, we are going to take a look at all of the flip-flopping right now. because last thursday we actually heard this is more serious, that this was terror times two. we understood that this could effect the western world in a way that we haven t seen before. all of a sudden the president returns from vacation and yesterday we heard a very different story about isil. we were hoping the president would come out with a hard core plan for the way forward. he decides if we attack isis we have to start where the headquarters are in syria. to do that we have to get intelligence on the ground. a little disturbing we don t have any. so he is telling everybody we are going over with drones to take a look at where to hit. among the people upset by this
is the free syrian army. if they are saying you are just going to hit us once in a while and try to contain it you are tickling isis and doing more harm than good. you talk about the flip-flops with the administration. to your point it goes back last week when general dempsey was talking apocalyptic terms about how bad isis was. if we are going to get rid of them we have to go over there. then somebody must have gotten to general dempsy because he said it is really just kind of a regional threat. regional? really? the president of the united states has described it as a cancer which is funny because back in january when he was talking to the new yorker magazine he referred to that organization that wants to fly the black flag over the white house as the jv team. josh earnest, the president s spokesperson was asked about it
yesterday, that gaff the president made in january. he did his best to try to untangle the president. the president was not singling out isil. he was talking about the very different threat that is posed by a range of extremists around the globe. many of them do not have designs on attacking the west or the united states. that is what puts them in stark contrast to the goals and capability of the previously existing al qaeda network led by osama bin laden. that is such a load because david remnic asked the president specifically about isis. and he did and he talked about that. i remember when george bush said bring it on to what was left of the dead enders and he said i shouldn t have said that. that is wrong. the administration now to pretend as if they didn t call isis the jv while they flew the black flag is wrong. it is a relative insult to people who are paying attention,
which i imagine is you. the president of the united states has to look at this group, this group bringing in $2 million a day in oil revenue alone and in extortion in various points saying how do we contain them. in addition to that a state department official concluded 1,000 americans joined the forces such as isil. we had an american beheaded across the world globally on the web and witnessed what their intentions are. when you hear that reference back in january to these groups, isis, as j.v. it is insulting. right now colonel west said it is completely idiotic. when i listened to those comments made by josh earnest those were inane, incoherent,
incompetent. what josh earnest is doing and the obama administration is trying to relegate and define isis in a term or ideology that fits in their national security strategy so they don t have to take an action. we have found out in the after math in our operation in libya where we led from behind and had no plan afterwards egypt and the the uae have conducted air strikes in libya because extremists have taken over the airport. uae and egypt see this as a threat and conducted air strikes in the region and didn t even tell us. you know why they didn t tell us? they can t trust us. that s the problem. i get that. here is the thing. do you trust your government? because we have heard that louis
lerner who apologized at the irs they illegally targeted conservative groups and tea party groups. people tried to get her e-mail to make sure there wasn t coordination with the white house. it was revealed her e-mails were destroyed because there was a problem with the hard drive. people came out of the woodwork to explain away the problem. listen to this. the actual hard drive after it was determined it was dysfunctional and with experts no e-mails could be retrieved. was it physically destroyed? that is my understanding? because there was a computer crash? 67,000 e-mails provided to congress. 24,000 have come from this period during which her hard drive crashed and in which those e-mails were lost. in april determined that, in fact, there had been a hard drive crash and some e-mails may
have been lost our next step was to investigate how many e-mails did we have and could we find. so they are very clear there all of her e-mails gone. as it turns out judicial watch which has filed some freedom of information lawsuits against the irs were told by government attorneys on friday there is some backup system that keeps everything. it s in the end of days thing where if you need the continuity of government there is a copy of it somewhere. there is a copy. as the law dictates. it s just too hard to get so we are not going to try. what? everything we have been hearing about scratched hard drives and missing e-mails with lois lerner and other irs officials and other officials in the obama administration has been a pack of malarkey. they can get the records but they don t want to. they haven t told anyone about
it frankly until we were able to get it out of them on friday. just to be clear. there were backup tapes but too costly to retrieve and we are not sure if they are there. this is pretty much the same thing. who are we writing the checks to? if we can t retrieve it how much does it cost. is it in a vault? is it a trip? what did you know? when did kroun it? let s start from the beginning here and get to the truth on how this all started. the administration says there is no new backup system describes to judicial watch. do you believe that? did you see ansly this
morning? i was looking for her. money must be flowing in her account to do two shows in a row. glad to be here. thanks for welcoming me to the show this morning. an update to a missing person s story. 21-year-old luge s rovy has been missing for a week after he failed to show up at college at the university of montana. now a new clue might shed some light. this surveillance footage from a chevron station in garden valley, idaho appears to show his green subaru. he was working at a raft and kayak camp in idaho. his friend and supervisor will join us at 8:15. thousands gathering paying final respects to michael brown. family, friends, celebrities and even strangers among the crowd
there. the reverend al sharpton delivering a wild speech criticizing police and calling for justice. tomorrow the grand jury is set to resume hearing that evidence. as the fbi interviews witnesses as part of a justice department investigation. a united airlines flight heading from newark to denver forced to make a landing in chicago after a fight over leg room. a passenger used a banned knee defender device to stop the woman in front of him from reclining. the knee defender locked her seat into place. they got into a fight. the woman threw her water on the guy. both passengers were kicked off the plane. they were both sitting in economy plus which already allows for four inches of leg room. those are banned. don t buy one of those. let the person in front of you decline. the knee defender seems
defensive. hundreds of residents in napa, california may be without running water for days following the 6 magnitude earthquake. the destruction may take a week to tally and damages could top a billion dollars. we are joined live from napa. good morning to you, rick. what can you tell us about today? good morning, elizabeth. people still working on the cleanup process and also not only small business owners going through inventory but homeowners who saw devastating damage. we have seen images and i believe we have video of the fire that struck one of the mobile home parks during the earthquake or immediately thereafter. yesterday we were able to get footage and see exactly what the area looks like and talk with one of the owners who survived and barely got out in time before her home was engulfed in flames. take a look at what she had to say. there was a fire in the house
in the back of me was burning. and then there was a big explosion. and it was really, really burning. they told me half of your place is gone. so everybody there having to figure out what to do and get their life back on track now and how to sort through the pieces as well as the small business owners we will be talking with the folks here. we will bring more of that to you in a bit. absolutely heartbreaking. live in napa. coming up on this tuesday, the president slams the use of enhanced irrigation. as the isis threat gets worse is it time to use them again? the cia official who ran the program under george w. bush is here live next. and a proposal so big it is catching the attention of police. the couple behind the incredible
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before i came into office i was very clear that in the immediate after math of 9/11 we did some things that were wrong. we did a whole lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks. we did some things that were contrary to our values. that is the president s opinion that we tortured some folks. with enhanced interrogation techniques would it help us now. joining us now a man who defends the use of the techniques, the former head of the cia s clandestine service. your response to the president s characterization of what you did? i take tremendous exception to what the president said. it is very disturbing and it is not true.
as i have explained many times all of those techniques were approved by the president, authorized by the president, president bush at the time were certified as legal and were briefed to the congress. so when the president comes out and accuses cia officers of torture it creates tremendous problems for all of us. and we take tremendous exception. so would you say obviously you did everything right. you did what you were supposed to do and got tremendous intelligence out of it. now, with isis, this organization everyone says is as bad if not worse in al qaeda who beheaded a journalist from being a journalist, would you think some of these techniques would be effective in maximizing intelligence opportunities? yes, isis is a dangerous and evil organization that has no
problems beheading american citizens. mark my words, if we don t go after them, they will come after us here at home and try to kill us and terirorize us. we have to go after them. i don t think the enhanced interrogation program should be used against them. the reason why is because in the spring of 2009 president obama decided to release the legal justifications for the use of the techniques. he declassified it and released it to the world. and this document provided the details of the program and also the legal options available to us to undertake the program. so basically we have given away
the play book on this. our enemies have the play book. and i feel that they will be able to counter whatever we want. thank you so much for joining us. more fox & friends right after this. four wholesome grains.
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we have quick tuesday morning headlines. former fbi director louis frye seriously injured in a car accident in vermont. he required surgery for a broken leg. all eyes on primary races in arizona and florida. in house it is a three way republican race in arizona s second district. a win for retired air force
colonel martha mcsally would set up a rematch against former gabrielle giffords aid martha. the winner faces incumbent rick scott in florida. let s talk. good news for tired teens. the american academy of pediatrics urging schools to start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. they say teens need between 8.5 and 9.5 hours of sleep per night and they are not getting it. well rested you look. for teens i think it was from a parent i think that sleep is important but statistically you say could be vital. if teens are not getting enough sleep we know the consequences are real. this is actually a very
important study. 8.5 to 9 hours. the new logo is let them sleep. what they found was about 20% of our teenagers are getting that number of sleep. we have a lot of accidents the next day. they are not functioning well both physical and mentally. memories are not functioning well as a result of not enough sleep. most of them are going to bed around 11:00 distracted by computers, ipads, facebooks and twitter. next day they are taking a nap and not doing so well in school. this is a new finding. the demand on them is high and the pressure to get into college and many holding down a job, homework, accounts to activities to build a resume before a resume. one study found a 70% drop in car crashes involving teens
driving after. when they push the school date back they found kids are safer on the road. that is a huge number. 70%. that is a big number. it s a huge finding. that is why they are emphasizing this. also as a physician i will tell you that lack of sleep leads to obesity. your cortisone level is all out of sync. risk of heart attack and diabetes. overall this will help us in a big way. there are also behavioral changes. you don t want to workout right before sleep. you don t want to take a lot of caffeine and energy drinks before you go to bed. make sure you go to bed at the same time and wake up the next morning at the same time so you have a system down. make the bedroom comfortable it them. phones and things like that should go off? how early before bed? a half hour before you want to go to sleep? at least about an hour or so. interesting finding.
only 15% of schools right now start later than 8:30 so maybe that number will changed based on this. it s a good move. good to see you. is this a sign of the times? a new study shows the majority of americans want to make it illegal for children to go to the playground alone? should a walk to the park be a crime? she is not exactly a model citizen. a model accused of shop lifting chocolate. wait until you hear what someone told her.
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the dentist that i dated. she has won five emmy s and had 18 nominations. previous wins have been for seinfeld. he was on seinfeld. they smooched there. that wasn t the only hot moment. did you see it? the emmy s did not disappoint. you are stepping in. were there more kisses? good morning. it was definitely tv s big night last night. for all the talk about big movie stars being invited and the tv academy nominated streaming services like netflix, they really stuck to their own last night. the academy while they gave them invites to the big party didn t get mvp passes. jim parsons won.
a lot of people were shocked. matthew mcconaughey everybody thought he was a lock for last night. he was a big part of the program, a lot of jokes, a lot of comments headed his way. people were kind of surprised. what an amazing performance with breaking bad. billy crystal had a heart felt tribute. so amazing. one of the big more popular moments of the show and the highest rated moment of the show is in memorial. last year it was very depressing. this year they did it perfectly as each of the people came up of people we lost this year. at the end billy crystal did a tribute to his long time friend and colleague, robin williams. this is what he had to say. he made us laugh hard. it is very hard to talk about
him in the past because he was so present in all of our lives. miraculously because they float in the heavens so far away from us now the beautiful light will continue to shine in us forever and the glow will be so bright it will warm your heart, it will make your eyes glisten. and you will think to yourselves, robin williams, what a concept. well said. very moving. it all started last night on the red carpet. we were there live. the big question we asked everyone last night was some of the best story telling is happening right now on television. we asked some of the stars what they thought about that. i think television is kind of like a new film. a lot of people are telling us television is where it is at. drawing the best actors out there? that s what great material
does. it draws the best talent. the fact that networks put money behind big shows. i think boundaries are left because you can do any concept or idea and follow it to the darkest place. a great, great night out there. a little hot in the l.a. sun. that the where you are wearing a vest this morning? i figured why not? trying things different. we are bringing the vest back. it works, michael. thank you, sir. worked for chuck coners on the rifle men. he was not nominated. it is 25 minutes before the top of the hour. everyone loves you because you go from the emmy s to that. it is just so fun. it was a great show. it lightened my life in the
afternoons after school. here is what is happening in the news. a football player turns hero when he jumps into action to save his nephew s life. star defensive back for the university of california was at his cousin s house when his 7-year-old nephew started to drown in a swimming pool. shaw jumped off of the second story balcony on to the concrete and pulled that boy to safely. he did severely sprain both ankles and will be sidelined. despite risking his season and potentially his career shaw says he would do it all over again. murderers on the loose. u.s. immigration and customs enforcement releasing convicted killers. 169 immigrants have been released with homicide related convictions because of a supreme court ruling which prohibits from detaining people who cannot be deported.
ice said they cannot release identity and locations because of privacy concerns. it looks like a top model should get used to the perp walk and not the catwalk. this dutch beauty charged with shop lifting fish oil and chocolates from whole foods. appearing in a manhattan court the six foot stunner was told to stand up straight and unfold her arms. she declined a plea deal saying i m doing fashion week soon. a romantic mystery. police in london looking for a stolen car when their helicopter spotted this. will you marry me spelled out in lit candles. the thermal image picking up the man getting on one knee in a par. police left wondering who the couple was. thanks to twitter he they are. their back is to the camera. we know that she said yes. those are your headlines. brian, over to you.
a buzzworthy performance at the u.s. open. let s talk tennis. a be wreaking havoc on venus williams first round win. the two bugging out as attendants tried to swat away the pesky opponent which would not get off her racquet. williams refused to kill the bee and later would not comment. the bee could not be reached for comment. this may be the last time they watch the nationals. a little girl in front of the nationals pitcher stephen strasburg as he winds up for a warmup pitch. the girl was involved in the pregame show and just didn t leave. she ran between the pitcher s mound and home plate. kids do not belong at baseball games. make the kids stay home. talk about crafting a message for new recruits the university of tennessee photo shop rolling stone of him with beyonce.
it includes a section on why the pop star thinks tuttle belongs at tennessee. the big question is will it work. tuttle is still undecided. it is amazing what schools will do to get a top level recruit. in the world of polling a poll asking is it appropriate for young children to play at the park alone? 68% of you americans say that there should be a law that would require kids under 9 to be supervised. remember, this comes on the heels of a south carolina woman who was thrown in jail because she allowed her 9 year old to go to the playground unsupervised. 68% for a 9 year old. 43% feel the same way if a kid is 12. what do you think about that? obviously, it depends on the
circumstances. if you are in a bad section and have to worry about going outside your house it is an issue. in suburban america or cities without a high crime rate, just normal every day things i think it is a bad message. you scare the heck out of kids thinking you walk out and get kidnapped. i can t go in the park, parents paranoid. with everyone s head down into their device you don t necessarily feel that everyone has that neighborhood watch over the kids. when i grew up everyone was watching. elizabeth was doing this. people telling my mom what i did all day long. you were a bad kid for a while. the irony is all of us played in the park alone when we were in kindergarten. now we are all parents. there are so many helicopter parents who don t let the kids out of their sight and then scare them where they say you have to be careful. if you know your neighborhood. if your kid has a cell phone
when they are out and about they are going to be safe. what kid doesn t know about stranger danger? what teacher just get away from them. should be illegal. it criminalizes the kid and the parents, is that okay with you? there would be no satch, no mo. they went to the park alone. they were at the park alone. let us know what you think. e-mail us or facebook or twitter. northern california still reeling from a massive earthquake. our next guest says they actually dodged a bullet and the worst could be to come. and a top secret weapon that could hit any target in the world within hours. it is not a secret anymore after a mission failure is caught on camera. what is that?
a a
15 minutes to the top of the hour time for quick headlines. batteries in apple s iphone 5 turning rotten? apple recalling a small percentage of iphone 5s because batteries no longer hold charge. to see if your phone is eligible head to website and enter your serial number. and a photograph shows the moment a top secret weapon explodes. the hypersonic weapon was destroyed four seconds after launching. officials say there was a technical glitch. great. thank you very much. northern california is still picking up the pieces and reeling from a massive earthquake over the weekend.
our next guest says we dodged a bullet and the worst is still to come. here now is associate director at u.s. geological survey. we dodged a bullet i understand you told one of our producers. what are you talking about? a couple of different things. one is that this earthquake ruptured and began in the south and ruptured up to the north. so a lot of the energy was directed away from some of the most populated areas and particularly some of the soils, the california bay delta which is a major source of water for californians. a lot of levees are susceptible to liquid faction failure. the energy was directed up towards napa. of course, we saw what happened with the buildings there. you also saw a lot of sidewalks where there was rubble. this was in the middle of the night. we saw no fatalities. we are very grateful for that.
that is part of a factor. it was 3:00 in the morning. if it were a different time of the day we would have seen fatalities. it is interesting you talk about how thankfully the energy was directed to the north. had it been to the south that could have been much worse. automatically when people think about big california fault lines they think of the san andreas fault. this particular fault that had the earthquake the other day was the west napa fault. it kind of runs parallel to the big one, right sth. that s right. the san andreas is a system of faults. they are taking up movement all the time. about the speed the fingernails are growing. moves against north american plate. since we are talking about rocks even though plates may be moving slowly the rocks themselves get jammed up. pressure builds up and they fail. there is a whole sequence of
faults in the bay area that have the potential for building up strength and have the potential for a major damaging earthquake. and there is an image that shows 63%. put on your professor hat for just a second. what is a straight slip? there is essentially three ways that these plates can be interacting. one is that they are pressing against one another and you get for example subduction zones around the ring of fire in the pacific. where they are diving down against the other. you can get them pulling apart or have them moving side to side. that is what happens in the case of the san andreas system. it is what we call a strike-slip fault. it moves to the right or the left. it is accommodating that kind of a movement. very informative stuff. we thank you very much. i think people watching may have
got two hours of college credit. that was really good. folks, you know what a strike-slip is. thank you, david. burger king may be forced to leave the united states because they say their corporate taxes are too high. one democrat slamming the move. how about criticizing shouldn t our ridiculously high rates be the focus. for two years this 12 year old running a lemonade stand to help pay the bills. why is one neighbor trying to shut him down? that young entrepreneur here live next.
here i am. rock you like a hurricane fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. that s why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow.
the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn t i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business.
sweater, extra sweater oh and this is the xfinity tv go app. he can watch live tv from over 50 channels and xfinity on demand movies and shows wherever he wants. have fun, make some friends. alright? did i mention his neck pillow? (blowing)
he s 12 years old, but fort last two years, t.j. has been hard at work running a lemonade stand in his fellow there neighborhood. but while cops say it s completely legal, one neighbor has been pushing to shut him down. joining us is lemonade stanine, t.j., welcome. when did you get this idea for a lemonade stand with different flavors and the location? well, my friends, they did a lemonade stand in the summer before i did it. i figured that was a good idea, so i decided to try it. were you surprised that someone by the name of doug wilke decided to complain and doesn t think you should have this. he says it s an illegal business, causes traffic problem, too much noise and trash? yes, i was very surprised. so has he said anything to you directly?
no, not really. wow. they actually we know around, the police went around and said the neighbors were polled and no one around seems to have a problem but this gentleman. what would you tell him about this business and why it s so important to you? that this lemonade stand is a very good business and that everybody else is supporting the lemonade stand. so i think he should, too. right. it s totally legal right now. he s just made a few phone calls. how much is the lemonade and what kind of flavors do you offer? lemonade is one dollar and i have pink, strawberry and regular for one dollar. i said that. and 50 cents for cookies. you get cookies, too. so you expanded into food. yes. i heard you re 12 years old now. i heard you can t wait to be 14. why is that? because when i m 14, i can apply for a bagger job at
publix. right. what do you do with the money? i buy my mom and i dinners. i pay for cell phone bill. all different things. wow. that s tremendous. such an entrepreneur. it doesn t get you down that your neighbor is complaining and has hurt your business, cause he says it s very loud and some of the people that come there use profanity. it does kind of make me upset the fact that he is kind of lying, because nobody does that. but everybody else has supported me so much. so that just brings me right back up. we actually reached out to him to see if he would join us and provide a comment, but we haven t heard back yet. have you given him any remedy, maybe a free cup? i tried, but he won t really listen. he won t come to the stand. he won t answer the door. why do you think that is? i guess he s just not really
into the lemonade stand, so he doesn t want to join. right. i tell you, it looks like everything that s good about america. beautiful neighborhood, beautiful town. great drinks. what else can you ask for? a fantastic entrepreneur who can t wait to get his first official job. we are impressed, we have some cheers to you today with our own lemonade. it s not as good as yours, but it will have to do. thank you. thanks for hanging with us this morning and hope you have good sales. if we only can get him to deliver. four minutes before the top of the hour. it s the most popular week for beach goers. but this could change all that. a great white shark could be coming to your beach. where that shark is heading and does he have your name on his mind? and they show up for waffles and stay fort alcohol. the new york neighborhood getting up in arms over these
boozey brunchers in this video right here.
good morning. it is tuesday, august 26. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. they told us lois lerner irs targeting e-mails were gone forever. a hard drive crash and some e-mails may have been lost. hard drive crashed in which the e-mails were lost. no e-mails could be retrieved, was recycled and destroyed. this morning a huge bombshell. they were never really gone. it turns out it was just too much work for the government to find them. great. meanwhile, a flight diverted at 30,000 feet because two passengers came to blows over leg room. that little gizmo right there featured in the green circle led to an epic midair meltdown.
we ll tell you about it. a quiet day at the beach turns terrifying when this, yep, that, you know, this and that was spotted swimming just feet away from shore. that s a great white shark with the capability of coming on land. run for your lives, but team your tv on so we get the ratings cause mornings are better with friends. hear ye, hear ye, this is the town crier! you are watching fox & friends ! thank you, town cryer. brian, i think you re confusing the news of the day, which is big out of massachusetts, with sharknado. that wasn t real? it wasn t? wicked big news coming out of massachusetts. yeah. we got a reporter to tell us about that in a moment. but right now, ainsley earhart joins us on this tuesday with an update. hey. yes. let me tell you what s happening in the headlines. an update to a missing person story. we first told you about it yesterday. 21-year-old lucas roby has been
missing for a week after he failed to show up for college at the university of montana. now a new clue might be shedding some light on all this. this surveillance footage from garden valley, idaho, appears to show his green subaru last tuesday. search teams and volunteers are now scouring the mountains of the boise national forest for any signs of him or his car. kenneth long was the last person to see him. he will join us at 8:15 with the latest on this search. lois lerner s lost irs e-mails do exist. that according to government watchdog judicial watch. they say justice department attorneys are admitting now the e-mails are likely on back up computers, but they say they re just too difficult to retrieve. the agency accused of targeting conservative groups has repeatedly said that her lost e-mails cannot be recovered. just an amazing sequences of cover-up, delay, denial, even what now appears to be a false
statement from the new irs commissioner in which he said he moved heaven and earth to give us lois lerner s lost e-mails. he either lied under oath or he chose not to know a critical fact. judicial watch now plans to ask a federal judge to force the irs to hand over those e-mails. a united airlines flight forced to land in chicago because of a battle over leg room. a passenger using the band s knee defender device to stop the woman in front of him from reclining. the knee defender essentially locked her seat into place so that she couldn t move it back and she became angry. a flight attendant intervened asking the man to remove the gadget. he refused. the two passengers got into it. the furious female even throwing water on the guy. both passengers were kicked off the plane when it landed in chicago. get this, they were both seated in economy plus, which already has four inches of more leg
room. breaking bad broke good. the tv show dominating the emmy awards almost a year after going off the air. and the emmy goes to breaking bad . it took home six emmys, including best drama series. bryan cranston picked up lead actor. anna gun and aaron paul won for supporting roles. one of the best dressed, modern family star sofia vergara. with missing one thing, her new boyfriend. sofia vergara said that she didn t bring him because he s too hot for the red carpet. you be the judge. there he is. and speak of steamy, julia louis-dreyfus got quite a surprise from former seinfeld flame. you look so much like the actor in seinfeld who played the dentist that i dated. she won five emmys and had 18
nominations. previous wins have been for seinfeld he was on seinfeld, yeah. she took home her third emmy award in a row for best actress. those are your headlines. very thorough. thank you. meanwhile, we ve got a fox news alert. united states has overnight started flying surveillance drones over the country of syria. this move authorized by president obama over the weekend brings the u.s. one step closer to an all-out air assault in the region. could it happen and did we ask the government for permission? how do they feel about this? let s go live to peter doocy in washington. hey, peter. reporter: hey. the goal right now is to get a better look at what kind of fire power isis is working with in syria. that s why president obama signed off on surveillance flights over syria and depending
on what these man asked unmanned aircraft see, the next move could be air strikes. we ve been looking at syria from across the border with very high altitude observation for a long time. now he s given permission to fly drones over syria. this is a step props of increasing surveillance and reconnaissance over time, gather the information, find the targets and eventually i ll guarantee you, we re going to start bombing them. reporter: a syrian government official is warning the white house not to start air strikes unless their president, al assad, gives the okay. the obama administration says they may not ask permission. kind of like when they decided to go after bin laden in pakistan without giving anyone a heads up. i m not going to get ahead of decision making that the president hasn t made yet or rule any option on our off the table, but we re not going to be restricted by borders. we re actively considering
what s going to be necessary to deal with this threat. we re certainly working with a range of partners in the region as we coordinate those efforts. reporter: there is a debate about how much of a threat isis really is. the white house says they don t know of any active isis plots against the u.s. homeland, but the house intel committee chairman mike rogers concerned with all the westerners getting involved with militants said this weekend, isis fighters are one plane ticket away from u.s. shores. back to you in new york. all right. thank you very much. it seems like the debate as well is going on between the white house and the pentagon. last week the pentagon, you got the joint chiefs chair, general dempsey, he said that the only way to take out isis is to go over to syria. couple days later, he walks it back. he says, you know what? it s really just kind of a regional threat. what happened? why did he flip flop? ralph peters has an idea.
took hem out behind the wood shed and for an extended period. general dempsey committed the greatest sin you can commit in the obama administration last week. he told the truth. and that just doesn t go with them being a jv team or the administration s narrative. he and secretary hagel were right, president obama would have to do something. with a wave of the president s magic golf club, suddenly within back to, where, it s not an immediate threat. so the question is, what would he be doing? so if we do start bombing there, we are technically helping assad who is our enemy and has done nothing for the last 15 years in that region but make life miserable for us and indirectly responsible for the loss of american lives. among the people who are critical of us taking action if it s just willie nilly and without a plan is the free syrian army who have been let down. they say we have not done anything we said we were going to do and that by doing what we
said we re going to do now, it would be like tickling them. it seems confusing at the border. that the border seems so administration to the administration, but our own border here does not. right now this imminent threat, there is no denying it. an american was beheaded and it went across the web waves like wild with a message from isis and their intentions to drown us in blood. we actually spoke with the former head of the c.i.a. rodriguez, and he said that if we don t do something, isis will sure do it. they ll do it right here in our soil. isis is a dangerous and evil organization that has no problems beheading american citizens and mark my words, if we don t go after them, they will come after us here at home and try to kill us and terrorize us. so we have to go after them. he handed up the clandestine
service. he knows it. what s interesting is the fact with this break news that apparently the white house authorized the flying of drones over syria. we weren t doing it before. isis has been over there for a long time and the fact that just now we re finding out that we re going back because the president didn t want to cross that international border? that is crazy. right. he said there was no dissemination. it was a fallacy to think we could just arm a small section of the anti-assad forces. we put in a request for $580 million to arm them and now we re looking to blow up isis to empower them, so something doesn t gel here. yet what s staggering is we still don t have a comprehensive plan. most people are praying we don t see a double bogey when it comes to syria with this administration. we ve got another breaking news story. the iconic line from jaws, we re going to need a bigger boat, left on this shore line as beach goers are warned of a great white shark in
massachusetts. leah gabriel joins us with the latest details. good morning. beach goers in massachusetts clearing the water on a beautiful sunny day after an unexpected visitor shows up. this massive great white estimated to be 15 feet long. spotted just yards off the shore line. the state police called in to verify it was indeed a shark, while confused beach goers had no clue. we re in the water maybe three feet deep and we saw the helicopter start coming from the south end of the beach. the lifeguard came and told people to get out of the water and i went down and i just asked and they said there had been a shark sighting. reporter: lifeguards ordering everyone out of the water for two hours. then the shark slowly swam for deeper water. once the coast guard determined it was safe, people got back in the ocean. at least one person having a little fun with it, leaving this message on the shore line. you re going to need a bigger boat. the famous line from the movie jaws. and while the beach is now back
open, warnings is posted to swim at your own risk. there is stepped up police presence as we head into the holiday weekend. i don t know about you, but swimming with sharks not on my to do list. i wouldn t be the first one back in the water either. thank you very much. a little close to home, the movie jaws was filmed in massachusetts at martha s vineyard. yes. which has a big problem now. with the cops there, no shark wants to get a ticket on a holiday weekend. coming up, they show up for the waffles and stay for unlimited cocktails. now neighbors fighting back with this video of boozies brunchers. but is that legal? how many mimosas in that? right. i think you got to cut them off. burger king under fire for wanting to leave the united states over high taxes. but is burger king really to blame? stuart varney is from england.
they re buy ago canadian doughnut chain. here is what happened when they made the announcement in the city council up there in toronto, the burger king is buying a canadian doughnut shop. here is what happened. out of my way, lady! out of my way! i got to get to the doughnuts.
in a whopper of a move, burger king is in talks to buy a canadian company so they can move their operation, burger king, out of this country and into canada which some are calling unamerican. i think it is also about taxes. i think you re right because burger king is so visible, it puts the focus on the general behavior of corporate america and in a sense, the contempt that they feel for the average citizen of the united states. is this a bad move or a response to the high regulation and taxes in this country? here to discuss is the host of varney and company, stuart
varney. wait a minute, there is a new angle. which is? warren buffet, president obama s major corporate supporter. he is facilitating burger king s move. wow. he is financing part of the deal. he is helping burger king leave america, which is an astonishing thing because he s the principle corporate supporter of president obama. ironic there. but explain why businesses are opting to do this or why they feel this is only, if not best choice for their business? several reasons. number one, if you go overseas, you get a lower corporate tax rate. america s tax rate is the highest in the world, 35%. go oversea, get a lower tax rate. more profit for you and your shareholders. number two, this is a very antibusiness country at the moment. the obama administration regulates business, tries to stamp down on business. corporations are fleeing in droves to a less regulated environment. who would have thought 20 years ago, 25 years ago that american companies would jump ship, go to
canada of all places for lower taxes, less regulation, more growth? who would have thought? why is the reaction this is devastating for business, the fact that they have to jump ship. it s very strong from american business. lower the tax rate, reform the corporate tax structure and let us grow in america. that s what they want. 70 companies have left the country and gone overseas since the 1980s. how long until somebody in the administration calls warren buffet unamerican? unpatriotic, unamerican. that s what president obama called these companies which have jumped ship. corporate deserters, unpatriotic. the interesting thing is so many people say, the most brilliant investor, the most brilliant businessman in the world is warren buffet, and he sees the utility in leaving the united states. corporate wise to avoid the tax. it s astonishing. president obama got a lot of support from warren buffet when he was doing the tax story.
warren buffet objected to pay ago lower tax rate than his secretary. of course, he didn t pay himself very much. that s why he paid a lower rate. now we have the instance of he s supporting burger king, financing burger king jumping ship to canada. that s the closest thing we have to royalty in this country and it s leaving. i m sorry. i got it. i just got it. it s okay. we could say the same thing about larry king, but he s staying. we ll be watching you on fox business. thank you so much. coming up, his tickets sell tore over 100 bucks a pop. but gang members got to say david blane for free. we ll explain. did he disappear? and call dad s little helper around the house because it will launch your daughters to career success. mark meryl and just how real that impact is.

it s raining numbers. that means it s time for news by the numbers. first, 169 convicted killers. that s how many murderers the united states immigrations and customs enforcement have released over the last year. 169. due to privacy laws, they can t reveal their names or locations. terrific. next, $15,000. that s how much oprah spends on water tankers to keep her 40-acre california estate looking green. this as other lawns in the state suffer water restrictions amid a very long drought.
and finally, $10. that s how much arby s new sandwich is going to cost you. the super sized sandwich boasts eight different delicious kinds of meat and two different cheeses. look at that. what time does arby s open? that made me hungry. thanks. they say actions speak louder than words and it turns out this could be the case when it comes to fathers and daughters. a new study finding dads who help out more with household chores ended up having daughters who aspire to less traditional feminine jobs. could that be true? joining us is the president of family first and author of all pro dad, mark meryl. good morning. good morning. so the study is interesting. it basically said if a dad helps out, their daughters would most likely be astronauts, marine biologists, geologists, police officers, professional hock you re owe soccer players. if they don t help out, the daughters would tend toward more feminine jobs, being a nurse, fashion designer, librarian or
stay at home mom. what s your assessment of this? my assessment of this small university of british columbia study is i have five kids and i have three daughters. i have a corporate recruiter who is working out in the work field now. i have a nuclear engineer and then i have a musical theater major who is in college. i can tell you, the fact that i did a lot of laundry and dishes as my kids were growing up probably doesn t have too much to do with their career choice. now, i will have to say that there are fringe benefits to doing the chores. in fact, my wife, she loves it. i bet she does. let me ask you this, so how can we you re speaking from experience. five kids, three daughters who with well on their way to success. do you believe that there are things that you can do as a father specifically that impact their decisions, careers and self-esteem? and what are they? yeah. no question about. parental influence is one of the
biggest things that we can do as a parent to affect our kids career choice. the first one is be a student of your child. watch and take mental notes of your child s natural inclination s in their areas of giftedness. we always did that when our kids were little. one of my daughters, emily, i noticed she was really creative. she loved to sing. so we made sure that we directed her in that area and put her in courses and allowed her to perform, to really work that out. what do dads get wrong, do you think? well, i think sometimes dads get it wrong that they just really don t understand the incredible impact that they can have on their daughters and mom, too. and so it s very important to be a student of your child. it s also very important to validate your children s gifts. not only observe them, but also look at them and say to them, you know what? i ve noticed that you re really good with people. i think you should continue to
develop that because that s you re really, really good at that. that s something that we need to do as well. so not only be a student of your child, but also to validate them in their gifts. good advice there. dads across the nation right now are pretty psyched because they don t have to do extra chores, it won t make a difference in the career choice. but it s being there and what they can do with their kid that matters. thank you for that advice. thanks. tell tim no more chores. he s off the hook. he doesn t have to do anything else. i hope he didn t hear that. thanks, mark. thanks. coming up, they show up for the waffles and they stay for unlimited cocktails. new neighbors now are fighting back with this video of boozey brunchers. but is it legal? and the college football season kicks off in a matter of days. we are warming up in the middle of times square. brian loves soccer so much, we re going to see if he can kick a field goal.

all right. damage estimates following the 6 magnitude earthquake in napa, california on sunday could take weeks to tally. fixing the damages could top $1 billion. but experts say we dodged a bullet and the worst could still be to come. there is a whole sequence of faults in the bay area that have the potential for they re building up strength and have the potential for a major damaging earthquake. rick reichmuth is live in napa with how this quake could actually impact the wine
industry moving forward. a lot of people worried in the coming days here that the worst could be yet to come as we heard and the wine industry one of them. yeah. wine industry is a really difficult thing, especially small business owners. large wine companies, or wine makers, maybe not having as much of an impact, but it s really the small wine make that are will have some of the biggest impact. i m joined by karen, a wine owner. thank you for letting us be in your space. all of these barrels that we re looking at fell very quickly, you say. yes. it happened very fast. it was 3:20 in the morning. my husband and i live next to the winery. so obviously a loud boom came. we later realized the boom was the barrels coming down. and it happened instantly. and you look at all of this, so you still don t have a good sense on the economic loss for you guys? we re in the process of pulling the barrels out, finding out how much wine we actually lost and as you can see, we
still have a lot of work to do. kind of a dangerous process in trying to get this out as well. you have people in here doing this, but there is danger to the people as they re trying to pull these out. you re right. it s very dangerous and slow. we have to be very careful and it s not something people do all the time. so there is not a whole practice on how you pick up barrels that have toppled over like this. we have been hearing that earthquake insurance is prohibitive to get. it s so costly. so any loss here is directly to you. right. as a small business owner. my husband and i own the business ourselves. we just happen to sell wine. and each bottle, each barrel lost is all directly affecting us. i want to say, first of all, it is harvest season, so that s one of the reasons why this happening at this time is so difficult. you got grapes that you have to get off of the vines right now. they are, these bottles that were not damaged, but you can see the labels are damaged. you guys are selling these as collector s items now.
karen, thank you very much and best of luck to you guys. thank you. back to you. all right. rick, real quick, those big barrels behind you, if they re not broken and the wine is still in them, is it still drinkable? it s a great question. if the barrel is intact, the wine is completely fine. there will be no damage to the wine at all. quality stays the same. that s the most important part to this. certainly. it s just all shook up. and a great note to everyone out there, if they want to be able to help out, buy a bottle. why not. collector s item. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley earhart has headline duty today. yes. thank you. a new twist in the michael brown shooting case. a new audio recording claims to have captured the very moment that officer darren wilson opened fire on the 18-year-old. on the recording which has not
been verified, 11 shots are allegedly fired. an autopsy showed brown was hit six times. this as thousands gathered inside a st. louis church paying final respects to brown. family friends, celebrities and strangers among the crowd. the reverend al sharpton delivering a wild speech, criticizing police and calling for justice. and hopefully he didn t give tips how to escape. dare devil magician david blane performing tricks for dozens of new york city s most dangerous inmates. the hour long free show reportedly a reward for the high security inmates with good behavior. inmates included gang members from the rival bloods and crypts, guards are not happy. one saying, quote, how the am i allowed to say that on air? all right. how the hell does a killer get to watch a rabbit get pulled out of a hat? good question. they show up for breakfast and they stay for booze.
look at this video. boozey brunchers are popular in new york and in this one neighborhood, people are up in arms over the boozey brunchers there. and there is video to prove it. footage posted on youtube shows young patrons hunched over, stumbling, getting sick on the sidewalk, and even falling on the ground and it s all thanks to a bottomless brunch at a restaurant called prana. the management says they re beefing up security, watering down drinks and decreasing the number of reservations in an effort to keep their liquor license. those are your headlines. they re very popular. that s not the only restaurant in new york that has that. a lot of them have the bottomless mimosa cup. 45 bucks and you can get all you can eat and drink. they get pancaked is what i ll call that, thanks. brian kilmeade joins us from the crossroads of the world as the football season kicks off for college. yes. here we are on 44th street at times square. we haven t been here since the super bowl and it was minus 1 degree out.
college football starts in the summer. kirk said i ll come do a spot with you. one of the finest commentators in college football. a fine player in his day. why did you drag me all the way down here from this beautiful studio? look at this. what is going on here? brian put one right through the uprights. but i m here to hang out with you, of course. allstate s got an amazing thing going on. celebrator their ten-year anniversary to the good hands net. you see them in all the college football games. the thing that i think is most impressive is they have a sweepstakes called it s good sweepstakes. a chance to go to the sugar bowl for four people, the national championship for four people and win $100,000. right. that s it. that s cool. today you ve come to take a field goal, meet kirk, as well as have a chance to get these college football prizes. let s talk about this year. for the first time ever, the president has been calling for a football playoff. what s it going to look like? are we getting the voters out of
it. you ll have a 13-person panel. no more computers. it s a good step in the right direction. we have four teams. we used to have two. you have the allstate sugar bowl is a semifinal game, and the pasadena rose bowl. the winner of those two will play in the first ever national championship and that s in dallas. we have the top five by the a.p. flax fellow state to repeat, alabama still going to be in transition.
real quick, before i kick, al michaels came out and said i will not be talking about what s going on in the world during my day. bob costas talks about gun control. i work on two shows, college game day in the morning like you guys do. i ll ta,!é about that. but when i m calling a game, the way michaels would do and saturday night, i m going to talk about the game. i m going to talk about the game, the subject matter involving that night and that broadcast. i don t think that s the platform to do that. i agree with al. he s al, less bob. so today you re going to have a chance to come to 42nd street and hit field goals. 11 to 1. am i going to hit this? this is going to hit the t, the first t in allstate. oh! come on of the you got to do better than that. i didn t realize i got a field goal plus. lookedp1o good. i think that was it. hurry up. there you go.
very nice. brian kilmeade, you just broke a little toe. back to you guys. we ve got ice for that toe backf/4áq that is fun. right there times square. coming up, report claiming a special forces mission that tried to rescue james foley from isis was delayed because the president colonel tony shaver next with what he s hearing from inside the pentagon on that. and it s one of the most popular e-mail services out there. but gmail can be hacked almost 100% of the time. do you have a gmail account? you re going to want to stick around.
welcome back. quick headlines. gmail users may be at risk of getting hacked. researchers claim after getting gmail users to download an app, they could hack the account with a 92%atl success rate. also high at risk, chase bank and h & r block. this weakness found in android, windows and ios operating systems. yikes. and the government may soon be snooping on twitter. the feds are spending $1 million to create an on line database to track misinformation and hate speech. the database will also focus on political activity as well. over to you, steve. did president obama wait too long to launch a rescue mission for eç-including the journalists beheaded, james foal zoo according to the uk sunday times, quote, pentagon sources said foley and the others might well have been rescued, but
obama concerned about the ramifications of u.s. troops being killed or captured in syria took too long to authorize the mission. he took too long. lieutenant colonel tony schaefer says his sources confirm that report and he joins us live from d.c good morning to you. thanks for having me. we had phil balbonioç on, he was jim foley s boss. when a bunch of european hostages, they negotiated the release for them, they immediately spilled the beans and said we gave them the exact location in the spring where jim foley was. and to account for the missing time, by the time the information got out, we had to do our own verification, assessment. and then to put together a planning to in. steve, my understanding is that plan was ready to go in june, early june, like the first before the first week and then it took about 30 days for quote, unquote, the assessment of the white house, to go through it. i think that delay was a
material reason why the raid was successful, but the hostages were not there. okay. if the raid was successful but the hostages weren t there, that s not a successful raid because the idea is to pick up the hostages. exactly. their job. but you re saying that the reason it failed was because the president sat on it too long. yes. everything is going on here, steve, is seen through a political lens. let me be very clear for this, you ve got to assess our national security based on the intelligence available and instead of doing what s best based on the intelligence, everything is run through this multiple-pronged political optic of the white house. in this case, i think clearly there was a loft down sizing going on with the mission, but they went with the mission and then when the mission didn t pl, the hostages weren t captured, they threw special operations under the bus, well, it was their fault. it was the president s fault for
not approving when he should have. the national security council put out a statement that says this report that the president sat on it not accurate. what are they doing there? just spinning? well, i d like to hear the explanation then. okay. if it s not accurate, then with a is accurate? this is where they always play this political narrative game. they ve got to get out there and talk about it. they re the ones that put the information out about the raid. they didn t want to talk about the raid, they shouldn t have put it out there. sure. what has happened over the last week where on thursday you ve got hagel and dempsey and they re having a very somber press conference when they talk about how isis is bigger than anything they ve ever seen before and dempsey is very them, we re going to have to go over to syria and do it there. then a couple days later, you know, they re really just kind of a regional threat. what happened with the general? again, politicalization. it was very clear last week when secretary of defense hagel stated what he did with general dempsey, isis is a threat, a global threat.
they re coming for us. they re well funded and well organized. and then something happened over the weekend. it s like a mind trick. the president comes into town and these are not the terrorists you want to pursue. clearly, steve, there is a political narrative which always supersedes whatever the intelligence is at the moment. again, it s politicalization of things which should not be politicalized. and exit question, the news this morning is that apparently now the president has authorized drones to be flying over syria to look for the bad guys. bad guys until today. exactly. this should have been going on the last couple of years since syria has been an issue. steve, you don t conduct military operations without having a clear picture as best you can establish and clearly there is something wrong that we re only now doing it? they went from one sortie per month to 50 a day now, finally. they should have been doing it a long time ago. no kidding. tony, thank you for your
perspective.% thanks. do you like sports and beef? ip &c @&c@ other companies are hiring right next coming up. first on this date in history in 1986, higher love by steve winwood was the number one song in america.
the job market may be toughç but that doesn t mean there aren t plenty of jobs out there. from the fox business network, cheryl casone joins us with the top companies hiring right now. always great to see you. goodh;$w ing.
who who is hiring? cox communication, depends what part of the country that you live in whether or not you heard of them. cable television company. and they re in 18 states right now. they re based in phoenix, but they ve got, again, 18 states. 160 jobs were posted now. they need sales agents, people that can do customer service, technical specialists, managers. this is full time employment. this is benefits, 401(k), vision, all of those things, company cause you want to make sure you can get the health care because the government doesn t e$ayrbujhey re looking for a variety of people. and jamba juice. you can work for them now. they range from if you re going to work at the company, work in the stores, like 8 to 13 bucks an hour. they re looking for team members, but shift leaders and leaders to manage the region.
they re expanding. they re looking to open 80 to juicing, fasting thing. janb arrange juice is reallybd%ñ fad. and that means great news for those looking for jobs. tell me about sentimark. it s contracting, it s roofing, contracting. it s a fairly old company here in the united states. you may not have heard ofymñ it. but you might want to work there. they ve got about 100 jobs that are open right now. reps, people to do customer service and bmt!m laborers. i know some people think,#od go, i have to go work on a roof and that s dangerous or whatever. it could pay really well. benefits. there is 401(k), there is medical, dental, vision, things like that. andjkd b$mj÷o a very substanti, solid company that[jif( operat through9ffñ most of the u.s.2os and canada2rñ. see what here is another
company. we re talking food. nationwide, they re looking georgia, texas, illinois, new york. this is minimum wage jobs, and they ve got benefit, but it s all about food and burgers and all that good stuff. it s a fun place to go and eat. if you want to work there, why not? great news. cheryl casone, if you want the info, you know where to go. cheryl s blog, we want to thank you for joining us this morning. thanks. always. coming up, our military getting ready to fly drones into syria to learn more about isis. could air strikes be next? a live report from the white house at the top of the hour. and no one is talking about it. who won the emmys last night? but everyone is talking about who stole a kiss. we ve got all the juicy details. d
good morning. it is tuesday, august 26. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the united states has begun flying surveillance drones over syria to lay the ground work for a potential air strike. but just yesterday the administration said a strike there is not happening. so what in the world is going on? also they told us those lois lerner irs targeting e-mails gone forever. remember? a hard drive crash and some e-mails may have been lost. hard drive crashed in which the e-mails were lost. no e-mails could be retrieved, was recycled and destroyed. well, that sounds bad. but this morning a big bombshell. those e-mail never really gone. turns out to get them out of a big machine, it s going to be too much work for the government. we ll tell you everything you need to know. i m so confused. and remember this? (sound) the newest high school
class has no idea what else they don t know. you re going to see how much things have changed that will make you feel really, really old. at least you ve got us. mornings are better with friends. how you doing? this is andrew dice clay, you re watching fox & friends. oh! remember he was a fill-in host here? he did three hours. did a lot of the international relations segments. i don t remember. i know. he did a segment when he was very in touch with his emotions. i ll be darn. then he could probably identify that die-up sound. he probably could. remember those old days? that s coming up in a minute. right now, ainsley earhart joins us today. heather nauert has the day off. you re in her shoes. i am. let me start with this, an update to a missing person s story we first told you about yesterday. 21-year-old lucius roby has been missing for a week after he didn t show up to college at the university of montana.
now this surveillance footage from a chevron station in garden valley, idaho, appears to show his green subaru. you can see it there. it was last seen on tuesday. search teams and volunteers are now scouring the mountains of the boise national forest for any signs of him or signs of his car. kenneth long was the last person to see roby and he s going to join us live about 15 minutes with the latest on this search. a united airlines flight heading from newark to denver forced to land in chicago because of a battle over leg room. a passenger using a banned knee defender device, you can see it there, to stop the woman in front of him from reclining. the knee defender essentially locked her seat into place so she couldn t move back. that made her angry. flight attendant intervened, asked the man to remove the gadget, but he refused. that s when the passengers got into an argument. the furious female even threw her water on the guy. both passengers were kicked off the plane when it landed in chicago and they were both seated in economy plus, which
already gave them four extra inches of leg room. batteryies in the apple iphone 5 turning rotten. apple recalling the iphone 5 because the batteries no longer hold their charges. the company saying it is a very small percentage of those phones. brian apparently has one that will need their battery replaced. to see if your phone is eligible, head to apple s web site and enter in your serial number. i need something else to do. i ll do it for you. breaking bad broke good. the tv show dominating the emmy awards almost a year after going off the air. and the emmy goes to breaking bad . breaking bad took home six emmys, including best drama series. bryan cranston picked up the award for the lead actor. anna gun and aaron paul won for their supporting roles. modern family becoming the first sitcom since frazier to
win five emmys in a row. and a moving tribute by billy crystal to the late robin williams. as a genius as he was on stage, he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine for almost 40 years. he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy. robin williams, what a concept. and did you see this steamy moment? julia louis-dreyfus getting quite the surprise from a former seinfeld co-star. you look so much like the actor in seinfeld who played the dentist that i dated. she s won five emmys and had 18 nominations. he was on seinfeld. yeah. she took home the best actress emmy for veep. those are your headlines. in watching the emmys last
night, i was shocked how little network television we watch now. yeah. it s all about cable and streaming. what about our own bill o reilly was nominated for jfk, but he did not walk away with it. hanging out with rob lowe. thank you very much, ainsley. thanks. we got a fox news alert. the united states has started flying drones over syria. apparently until today we weren t. this move authorized by president obama over the weekend brings the u.s. one step closer to an all-out air assault in the region. and by the way, did we ask syria, should we ask syria? peter doocy at the white house. it s going to be a big day. reporter: brian, it s been a big week. the week here at the white house started with the obama administration trying to clarify that when president obama said isis falls into the jv category of terrorists, he just meant at the time that they had no designs on attacking the west.
but now president obama wants to have a look at the of fire power isis is working with, so he s order these surveillance flights over parts of syria that isis controlled and we have heard in the last few minutes those flights have begun. we ve been looking at syria from across the border with very high altitude observation for a long time. now he s given permission to fly drones over syria. this is a step process of increasing surveillance and reconnance over time, gather the information, and eventually i ll guarantee you, we re going to start bombing them. reporter: a syrian official, though, is warning the white house not to start with air strikes unless president al assad signs off. you remember, though, president obama said in no uncertain terms that assad must step down. so now the white house is having to explain that any potential air strike would be an american interest. not an assad interest.
the incident is no, we re not interested in trying to help the assad regime. in fact, we have been calling for a number of years now for the assad regime to step down. reporter: most of the president s day will be spent going to charlotte for an merge legion convention. but when he gets back, he has a meeting with the secretary of state, john kerry, on the schedule. back to you. all right. peter doocy, i m sure the president will get a warm reception at the american legion later today. you re being sarcastic, right? think about what he s done to the military. think about what s happened with the v.a. are you talking defunding, underestimating, undermining the cost that would be need to do defend against something like an isis that could pop up and surprise us? like i said, a warm reception. meanwhile, the white house had a lot of explaining to do. we ve been telling you about how general dempsey a couple of days ago said the ohm way to take out isis is to go into syria and do
something there. then he walked it back and he said essentially, you know, isis is just kind of regional. yesterday josh earnest was asked about the president who said in january to the new yorker magazine that isis was just a jv team. keep in mind, the president just last week referred to it as a cancer that needed to be dealt with. so we were going to play josh earnest trying to spin his way out of that and that will be followed by lieutenant colonel allen west who doesn t think that mr. earnest is honest. the president was not singling out isil. he was talking about the very different threat that is posed by a range of extremists around the globe. many of them do not have designs on attack the west or attacking the united states. and that is what puts them in stark contrast to the goals and capability of the previously existing al-qaeda core network that was led by osama bin laden.
when i listened to those comments made by josh earnest, those were inane, incoherent, incompetent, and absolutely idiotic. what josh earnest is doing and the obama administration is doing is trying to relegate and define isis in a term or an ideology that fits into their own national security strategy so they don t have to take an action. if the president was being candid and honest, he could say, hey, i totally underestimated what they can do and i was too slow off the mark and maybe in retrospect we shouldn t have pulled all our troops out. so as fallujah fell, we should have said that s a little bit of an issue. but al-qaeda was on the run, remember? right. that would have been trouble. but he had already won reelection and there is wrong with the president saying i misjudged and underestimated. you can say fdr misjudged japan. never thought they would bomb pearl harbor. oops. that happened. but in the big picture, i think the president has not come up with a plan yet to stop isis,
whether it s jv or varsity, and i think it s staggering to find out later that egypt and the united arab emirates had their own aerial campaign in libya without even telling us. these are allies of ours and we re pretty much in control of that region. that shows how little trust and little interest people have in checking with us 5 1/2 years after they were afraid of us. state department officials thursday estimate 12,000 fighters in 50 country, including up to 100 americans joined radicals fighting. we now know this is a big deal. why they re walking it back, we re not sure. why the president doesn t seem to have a handle on it verbally as a cancer. is this the worst thing we ve yet to come and see. why doesn t he want to get a grip on it, many are asking. meanwhile, let s talk about the scandal. remember it was lois lerner who apologized to tea party groups and conservatives that the irs illegally targeted them. then there were lawsuits where people tried to get the e-mail to make sure whether or not the
white house was coordinating with lois lerner. well, then we learned that all the e-mails were gone because she had a crashed hard drive, blah, blah, blah, the dog ate my homework. as it turns out, judicial watch, which has filed freedom of information act lawsuits to get to the bottom of it, they were told by irs attorneys on friday, according to the man who runs it, that lois lerner s e-mail and all government records are backed up in case of a government-wide catastrophe. so her e-mail do exist. but government attorneys say it s too complicated to get them out. here is tom now. everything we ve been hearing about scratched hard drives, about missing e-mails with lois lerner, other irs officials, other officials in the obama administration, it s all been a pack of malarky. they could get these records, but they don t want to and they haven t told anyone about it.
frankly until we were able to get it out of them on friday. see how much it costs to get the records. chairman issa is saying he wants a close door questioning again of koskinen. i m sure that will go well. coming up, a bombshell report claiming that special forces mission that tried to rescue james foley from isis was delayed because the president feared for his own image. karl rove on deck to weigh in on that. and it s a top secret weapon that could hit any target in the world within hours. it s not a secret anymore because it failed and we taped it.
breaking right now, a live look in texas where a house went up in flames overnight. you can see the smoke still smoldering. a charred mess indeed. fire crews still on the scene. at least one person was hospitalized and officials believe a gas explosion may be to blame. steve? in other news, the white house doesn t seem to be able to commit to a strategy to defeat isis. yesterday the press secretary even saying the president hasn t
figured out what to do about syria. in terms of giving an update on the status, i m not in a position to do that beyond saying the president has not made a decision to order military action in syria. really? here to discuss fox news contributor karl rove. what s he saying there? he s saying they haven t made a decision, they re still thinking. they ve been thinking about this for about six weeks, ever since isis exploded across the northern part of iraq. they have been befuddled and hyped the 8 ball and they continue to be. is it denial or procrastination? look, normally let s go back to last week. on tuesday the secretary of state comes out and says we must crush isis. they must be destroyed. on thursday we have this extraordinary press conference with hagel, secretary of defense, and martin dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs where they say we got to go after isis. they re a real threat. hagel says they re bigger than anything we faced before and dempsey says if we re going to get them, we have to get them in syria to destroy their command
and control nodes. normally you would take the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs as indicating more importantly, we had ben rhodes, the deputy national security director, completely political guy, he comes out and says they re dangerous. you would assume that the president was moving towards that. but then we had search dee walk search see walk it back yesterday. look. they re confused. the president has been disengaged as he has been on these big foreign policy questions. but they have to sort it out. the pressure from congress, the pressure from the international community is what does america intend to do? the military has been cut to the bones. the only thing the president has cut. now we re asking the aircraft carrier to move into the region, continue to fight in afghanistan. maybe take on an aerial campaign in, while putting advisors in syria and iraq. at what point does the military says you can t do this while giving pink slips?
the military will tell them that. you re right. the defense cuts have been deep. 19 40s level. yeah. in the process of getting there. and my hope is that this will cause the administration to rethink its priorities. one of the reasons the administration suddenly started thinking about isis and doing something about it is the beheading of jim foley that was youtubed and disseminated across the country. what s curious is there was a report in the sunday times of london that said special operators apparently gave the president a planning to and try to rescue them, but he sat on it so long, the information was stale and when they got there, he was gone. yeah. we do know we don t know the details about this. it will be interesting to see if this times report is accurate. you had tony on this morning who affirmed it. but we need to find out more about t. first of all, we know one of the most perishable things in intelligence is things like the whereabouts of high
valued targets and high value captives. so it s very perishable so you need to move quickly. the second thing we know is look, the administration, we lack assets in the region. i mean, i don t believe the administration was completely unaware of the threat of isis, but they were clearly surprised when it exploded through northwestern iraq and it s because we frankly have very few assets on the ground that can collect and evaluate the intelligence that s available. right. now we ve got some drones. karl rove, thank you. thanks for having me. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, for two years, this 12-year-old has been running a lemonade stand to help pay the bills. so why is one cranky neighbor trying to shut him down? you re going to hear from the young entrepreneur straight ahead. he s impressive. and this mom lost 80 pounds. check out her results. how did she do it? with a little help from her friends, of course. these women are starting a mommy movement and you can do it, too.
stay with us.
time for news by the numbers. first, 169 convicted killers. that s how many murderers the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement have released over the last year. that s comforting. and their names andyvj locatios cannot be released. four seconds. the hype sonic lasted that long before exploding. officials blame a technical glitch. no kidding. finally, four. that s how many states are holding primaries today. voters heading to the polls in vermont, oklahoma, arizona, and florida. now, it s news by the that s news by the numbers.
thanks. hey, moms out there know how difficult it can be to stay fit while raising a family. our next guest did it together. losing a combined total of 210 pounds through what s called the mommy movement. joining us are the winners of the mommy movement challenge, nina, vanessa and ashley and ryan. congratulations, first of all. thank you. tell us about the mommy movement and your winning. having a sense of community within our groups to encourage each other, motivate each other, stay inspired. hard sometimes to stay motivated and we did that together. you actually were together. you knew each other before hand? yes. we re all co-workers. the power of this group is actually what got you through. you lost was a total of 210 pounds in 12 weeks. exceptional. you get to come to new york city, watch shows, get a makeover. yes. for a mom, that s great. i want to show everyone your before and afterment this is
your before. you see that here. and you lost a total of 80 pounds? yes. you re 45 years old. proud of that, i know. smiling indeed. what about this made it easy for you? the support of everybody, encouragement, knowing i wasn t doing it alone. when you overeat, do you it by yourself. i wasn t lonely. i had a community of friends and co-workers. moms love moms. vanessa, you lost how much? 65 pounds. so let s look at your before and after here. look at that. i see your smile. you re 37 years old. yes. you love the group here. were there any setbacks? when you have a group like this, does that help you? definitely helps, especially if you re impatient. if you re at work with people doing it with you, you re not going to have a burger and fries at your desk. they re holding you accountable. that s the best part. so i want to ask you, because ashley, you lost 15 pounds.
you all look fantastic. thank you. are you the youngest of the group? i just turned 30, so yes. happy birthday. thank you. i want to ask you, ashley, your before and after, let s look at this. you look good there. this book i know helped you. but were you all working out as well? was this purely food based? working out as well. 45 minutes walking, running, something like that. together or on your own, just letting each other know where you were? on your own. ryan, take a look at your birthday before and after. look at this. how much weight did you lose? i actually lost a total of 56 pounds. feel great? i feel amazing. especially because i did it before in my 20s and it was really hard. so embracing my 30s and feeling good is always the best way to start a new era in your life. so radio mamas. you certainly found success
here. are you going to continue? yes, oh, yes. definitely. i have another 20 to get off. i think y all look fantastic. lean for life, this book, how does this help you implement this diet, this movement? the best part is being able to work it throughout our program. when we have questions or not sure about something, when we need a suggestion for something else that we can eat or where to go out to eat or something like that, it s been really, really i still refer to it even though i read it like ten times now. it s good to have it as a reference. that s a big volume there. congratulations to you all. thank you. mommy movement has inspired i m sure moms out there. thanks for our makeovers. oh, yes. we got makeovers and everything. new york and company definitely helped us with styling. actually during our trip. so it was really great having that, feeling beautiful, so wonderful. happy birthday. thank you. appreciate that. thank you for being with us.
mommy movement, the proof is right here in the pudding. or no pudding. right. love the support from the moms. thank you all. thank you. hey there, steve. hey, thank you very much. great segment. coming up, brand-new developments in the michael brown shooting case out in ferguson, missouri. police now look at a new piece of evidence possibly giving a clearer picture of what went down that day. that would help. and tony stewart still mia from the racetrack since the spring car crash that killed a fellow racer. ryan reed joins us live to weigh in on that and also racing with diabetes, all that and more. u98ñ ú1en%ú;
we have a had a very busy
day. we sure have. we have more to bring you right now. ainsley earhart joins us with the headlines. thank you. new audio recording claims to have captured the very moment that officer darren wilson opened fire on the 18-year-old. on that recording which has not been verified or widely released, 11 shots are allegedly fired. an autopsy shows brown was hit six times. this as thousands gathered inside a st. louis church paying final respects, family, friends, celebrities and strangers among the reverend al sharpton calling for justice in a wild speech criticizing police. this is about justice. this is about sadness. it s time to;dx deal with poli. justice is gonna come. justice is gonna come! a grand jury set to resume hearing evidence tomorrow to
determine if the officer will be charged. this as the f.b.i. interviews witnesses as part of a justice department investigation. a football player turns hero when he jumps into action, literally, to save his nephew s life. josh shaw, star defensive back for the university of southern california, was at his cousin s house when all of a sudden his 7-year-old nephew started drowning in the pool down below. shaw jumped off a second story balcony onto the concrete to finally pull that boy to safety. shaw sprained both of his ankles, forcing him to be sidelined. but despite the risk to his season, as well as his career, shaw says he would do it all over again. the iconic line from jaws you re going to need a bigger boat, written in the sand. this morning after a great white was spotted yards from the shore line at a massachusetts beach. it s believed to be 15 feet long. swimmers were kept out of the water for two hours. the beach is now back open with a warning, swim at your own
risk. a florida man sour on a boy s lemonade stand. he e-mailed city hall at least four times about this 12 yearly s business in an attempt to shut it all down. he claims the lemonade stand is illegal and brings lots of noise and trash. the little entrepreneur, t.j., joined us earlier and says that is not the case. it does kind of make me upset, the fact that he s kind of lying because nobody does that. but everybody else has supported me so much, so that just brings me right back up. t.j. says that he s been hard at work running that stand for two years now to help his mother pay her bills. remember using netscape to browse the internet? yep. well, kids started college this year, they do not remember that. the deloitte college put out a list to show how different life is for those kids born in 1996.
any time that they see wired rim glasses, they say they think of harry potter. not john lennon. and the pound button on the phone is now called the hashtag button. those are your headlines. time marches on. thank you very much. in other news, the search continues for a missing 21-year-old montana student. he was last seen a week ago today wrapping up his summer job as a guide at cascade raft and kayak in horseshoe bend, idaho. he was headed to his student orientation at the university of montana, but he never showed up. this morning new surveillance footage from a chevron gas station 20 minutes from where he was last seen is helping searchers narrow down the search area. kenneth long is the owner of kayak raft and cascade raft
and kayak where he was last seen and he joins us live this morning. good morning to you. good morning. i understand that lucius worked for you the last two summers at your family 4÷ busin. when he took off last tuesday, what did he say? you know, he said good-bye to everybody. he said that he was going to take a two-day drive up to montana for college and that he was excited to get up there and get going. so if he said he was going to take a couple of days to drive up there. and we ve got this image from the chevron gas station in garden valley, idaho,$ñ i know that folks were unsure which route he might have taken. the fact that he s seen near that gas station tells you what? it tells us that he took one of two;ñ&ñ possible routes to go montana. so it makes the search area
cuts it in half. it takes out the north route on highway 55 and allows us to look moore toward the garden valley, lowman area as opposed to wondering which direction that he went. all right. so they narrowed it down by half. so if he said as he was setting out, i m going to take two days to drive to college, does that mean he would have been planning on doing some hiking along the way or some camping? did he have the supplies did he have a tent or would he just have stayed there in his subaru legacy? no, he definitely should have had the supplies. he was camping all summer, most of the we have a camp ground that we provide for the guys. so they do camp most of the summer. so he would have broken down his camp and presumably had all of that stuff in his car. so he definitely would have had those supplies. i understand some of the staff there at your place is actually helping in the search,
right? that is correct. yeah. many of the staff who have not left for their college for the winter have been looking in some of the camp grounds in the vicinity and driving up and down some of the forest service roads where he could have potentially gone off and maybe done hiking or kayaking. let s hope they re able to locate him safely. and he just lost track of the time in high country. absolutely. kenneth long, the owner of cascade raft and kayak, thank you very much. by the way, if anybody watching has any information, we re going on the screen, if you could just back the teleprompter up. it was the boise county sheriff s office, the telephone number is 208-392-4411. brian and elisabeth, outside to
you. he has now missed his third race since the death of ken ward, junior. joining us right now is somebody special. ryan reed, we are so thankful that you re here. saw you on twitter yesterday and as brian just mentioned, a lot of talk about tony stewart aft%[ he went intod4 kevin ward, junir from potentially all angles to see what his intent was. what s your gut instinct there in terms of what happened? yeah. thoughts and prayers go out to both sides. that s an awful situation. i wasn t there. tape. but i wasn t there, so it s really hard to form an opinion. but thoughts and temporaries go out. do you think tony will be back racing? i hope so. he s a great racer. i have a lot of respect for him. but like i said, thoughts and prayers. people thought about chaining things, you re not going to be able to walk on the track. is that something you look forwardw5 to? i think it s probably a good rule.
i know that tempers flare and it s easy to hop out of the car and show your displeasure. i think all in all it s a good rule. you re 21-years-old, you ve been racing since you were five, maybe? four. four. gosh. that s incredible. you re doing this and you have an excessive responsibility. you had diabetes, diagnosed three years ago? at 17 years old. there is somebody on your pit crew who can do what for you? giti je an insulin injection during a pit stop if needed. that s incredible. what a group to have behind you at all times. does it make it more difficult for you or just sort of another bump in the road? there isnjfw definitely challenges. it s definitely been a transition. i raced before i was diagnosed and afterment it s been a transition, but i have a great sports team withç doctors and american diabetes association, they re all behind me. so i know that i can do it with all their help. it s been a lot of fun. you re 9th in the point
standings right now. you re going to be racing atlanta this weekend. yep. you look so young. even though you re 20, you look so young. do you ever have trouble getting on the track? no. luckily i have a hard card that says i m a driver. that makes it easier to get in and out of the track. being young. you have to earn your keep, i guess. some of the veterans give you a hard time? oh, yeah. is this the car you re racing? not this exact one, but it looks just like it. do you mind if and i take a trip in it? go for it. look at this. take a look inside this car. explain here, when you re sitting, you have the protection around your head. do you have anything in here for yourself in terms of diabetic rescue or is it just your pit crew? no. i have a monitor on the dash. i wireless monitor my blood sugar on the dash.
we wish you well. thanks for stopping by. congratulations. steve, tell me what you have planned for the last 25 minutes. we ve got a fox news alert. northern california just hit with another aftershock from the 6 earthquake. we are live with the latest on the ground from napa where that video was taken a couple of days ago. then they showed up forsesz wafs and then they got toasted with the unlimbed cocktails. now neighbors are fighting back by taking pictures of the boozey brunchers. sounds like i ve had a couple. is that legal?
fox news alert. out of napa, california, rick
reichmuth just felt an aftershock. i m looking at the national weather service. they say it s a 3.9o7b magnitude american canyon, california. exactly. the initial earthquake was about six kilometers from that area, napa valley fault line, which is exactly where this winery where we are is. so this aftershock right in the exact same area. 3.9. we moved out of this area with these barrels. you see the barrels that had toppled over during the initial quake. now if anything had resettled with this, we just came out here to be more safe. we talked before about an early warning system being in the works. do you have any updates on that? reporter: yeah. it s a really fascinating project that s out there. there is a way the speed at which a wave from an earthquake moves through the land that can actually get digitally signal out and warnings to people before that wave hits them. so during this earthquake that
just occurred two days ago, they got ten seconds notice of the system in a test. they believe that there is capacity that they could give people as much as 40 seconds advance notice of an earthquake coming, which could get people out of elevators, could get fire trucks to be able to open their doors so they could get out of their fire department, could allow people to get into safe spots in their houses. we talked yesterday to somebody from the usgs. take a listen to what he said about how this works. the early warning system uses sensors spread out all over the state and it detects earthquakes very, very rapidly, determines their size and their location and can actually send alert messages out faster than the seismic waves are moving. so you can get a warning before the seismic waves reach your location. reporter: yeah. this is super important, potentially really life saving. the problem is they need funding. they need congress to potentially get funds out there to get this system in place.
california obviously the threat of a big earthquake and it s something they hope they can maybe get funding out and get this in place just in time. guys? sounds like it would take at least $80 million, where does that come from? rick reichmuth live in napa where this just had a 3.9 aftershock. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. sign of the times, the majority of americans want to make it illegal for kids to go to the playground by themselves. should a walk in the park really be a crime for the parents? we asked you to send an e-mail. you ve done it. first let s check in with martha mccallum. she promised to tell us what s on her show. who grew up playing by myself in the park. we all did. good morning. big show coming up today. the u.s. has now begun drone and surveillance in the skies over syria. so what happens next? general jack keane will tell us. and the white house tries to back pedal the jv characterization of isis. and the real shark week gets
underway as a 15-foot great white is spotted off the coast, when we see you at the top of theño hour.
some quick headlines for you. a top model in court for stealing chocolate bars from whole foods. the dutch beauty was told by the judge to stand up straight and uncross her arms. since she s never left the store with the bars, she was given probation, then she told reporters to watch for her at fashion week. and one new york neighborhood is up in arms over the boozey patrons from an all you can eat brunch. footage posted on youtube shows patrons hunched over, falling on the ground and this is all before 3 p.m management says they are working
to fix the problem. it s not the all you can eat part that s the problem. it s all you can drink, cause it s a bottomless mimosa or floody mary. yes. the restaurants are trying to dilute the drink. or people can get familiar with their own limits. maybe. but when it s free, you know. of course you re talking about chris chulo. that s a message to you. recent magazine did a survey. remember it wasn t long ago a south carolina woman was thrown in jail because she let her nine-year-old go to the playground unsupervised. well, this new poll, about 70% of you support a law that would require kids under nine years old to be supervised and if they do go there alone, the parent would get in trouble. really? 70% of you? and for the 12s? 43% thought 12-year-olds should be supervised the entire
time. we asked you what you thought about that. here is what you said. heather wrote, didn t realize we were so incapable of raising our own kids now. looks like it. i get the sarcasm. donald white on facebook says, i have to say times are much different now. most parks are not safe for even adults. it s not the world i knew as a child. i think a lot of it s hype. mike says this on twitter, if unsupervised kids in the park was an unenforced crime in the 350s and 60s, my mom would still northbound jail. every case is different. remember the mom who said go out and do something. when the lights come off, come back. a college professor said i doubt there has ever been a human culture that ever understatements children than we do in our culture today. one for the road after this. we re look for you. oas÷
before we re history, tennessee pulling out all the stops to recruit a top football prospect. they sent him a photo shopped rolling stone magazine next to beyonce. she s not really next to him. but they re hoping that will help him decide to go there. right now he s undecided. still undecided. junk food sales marketing saying eating carrots is just as much fun as eating doritos. grocery stores creating new kid friendly snacking selections. tiger woods may be the best golfer ever, but he needs to get his game back together and he s fired his swing coach, sean foley. this after he won 13 times two years ago. the question is, will he go back and hire his first coach when he won eight majors but never paid him? good question. by the way, yesterday we had
jim courier on our program where we played for $100. jim had 100 bucks and the winner was going to get to keep it. we won. i left it in my pocket. i actually have jim courier s dough. party! fox news confirming u.s. spy planes are flieght skies over syria possibly preparing form s. airstrikes against isis in syria. eric: i m eric in for bill hemmer. syria asking the u.s. ask permission before launching any attacks. repte

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