This clinical trial assesses the efficacy and adverse events of adjunctive intravenous low-dose methylprednisolone to endovascular thrombectomy for patients wit
Exposure to blue light, like that from smartphones or tablets, may lead to early puberty in male rats, according to research presented at the 61st Annual European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Meeting in The Hague. This study is the first to investigate the association between blue light exposure and early puberty in male rats, and sheds light on how environmental factors, such as screen time, impact early puberty and testicular tissue, which could eventually lead to future prevention strategies for children.
Clusters of abnormally folded α-synuclein proteins, called seeds, trigger the formation of larger aggregates, leading to neurodegenerative disorders known as synucleinopathies. Researchers from Japan have developed a novel assay that can detect α-synuclein seeds in the blood. This new assay is highly sensitive, simple, quick, and can differentiate between synucleinopathies based on structural differences of the amplified seeds. This research was supported by the National Research Program for Neurological Disorders and Mental Health of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).