Live Breaking News & Updates on Easter crafts

Transcripts For DW World Stories 20190421 17:15:00

wbr id= wbr0 /> has been a very very colorful election campaign with candidates giving blood tests to test for drugs so the debates on friday in the country s biggest stadium so this is just part of that excitement tension that we ve been seeing of the past weeks. in a debate last week selenski said he would seek to break this system what exactly did he mean by that. so solecki is pitching himself as the face of a new generation someone to really do away with the corrupt status quo after all poroshenko and to machine code for prime minister who came in third place they ve all been told at school scene for twenty thirty years and he is someone who on the one hand is known to everyone as a star of t.v. and comedy so he had no problem getting people to recognize him but he quit some of his not associates with all that baggage and all the disappointments of ukraine s politics and ukraine s failure to live up to its huge potential of the past years so that is really his ticket not going to too much detail the policy his critics would say promising all things to all people in the hope of attracting a wide coalition of voters and seems to have come off earlier on in the political /b>
wbr id= wbr600 /> wbr id= wbr600 /> season a candidate who was very supportive of russia did wbr id= wbr640 /> not quite make it to the next round what links if any does the lenski have with russia. so having a bit of trouble hearing here but the thing about the let s get it really appeal to voters is a positivity campaign was not about the war but standing up to russia and it seemed like a look basically like a lot of more hard work ahead for ukrainians bring that in that livingstone that support the army and basically sit out this conflict with russia solecki came in with a new tone using social media or all of the conventional campaigning trying to tell people they have a chance of changing things in a hurry and improving their situation fast that something that appeals to should with younger voters but not only and it seems to really appealed across the country i m going to ask you know the question nick i hope you can hear me what does this mean now for poor shango he has lost to a political novice he s out of office what does this mean for his future. /b>
wbr id= wbr1200 /> wbr id= wbr1200 /> well definitely there s a lot of nervousness as well as wbr id= wbr1240 /> to what s next in store for him. potentially of see you there is always a possibility that the judiciary under a new president could look into his business dealings definitely there have been lots of accusations from the selenski camp about pushing those not him so much personally as his closest team and their involvement in disposability dubious government procurement contracts for defense having said that apart from an affair which the president who was overthrown by the modern revolution and who is now in russia all of ukraine s other post-independence presidents are in country and have more or less basically enjoyed immunity but it is difficult time for him now what his future will be we do have a parliament elections in the autumn so potentially pushing through much try and stay along and make sure his party stays in parliament but the extent of this defeat is really shocking this is something that how we haven t seen ukrainian /b>
wbr-id= wbr1800 /> politics before and this will be definitely a tense night for petro poroshenko and its allies nic let s try this again i know it s very difficult to hear me where you were lots of celebration. but if you can tell us what is the link that people believe zelinsky has with russia. there are different levels of this on the one hand he is someone who is a russian speaker of his native languages russian rather than ukrainian and has used russian in public appearances something that was a bit of a taboo in ukrainian public life but it seemingly something that goes down very well with many russian speaking regions of ukraine in terms of russia s top politicians he has kept a significant distance that there was another candidate who actually traveled simic the russian prime minister video and other top figures in the election campaign he only came in fourth place so actually in modern ukraine following crimea falling don t pass being seen as too friendly to russia is definitely a bit of
a political to boot but he is a new figure he maybe could bring some new energy into direct debates of the kremlin where basically pushing through and putin are at loggerheads and don t seem able willing to talk to each other direct or even in. formats including european powers so the hit there is that potential for a new start but he s not in every hurry to show himself as a friend of russia he there were there was some criticism of the fact that some of his films had been shown in russia and there was some financial relationship there but there is no suggestion here that he is a direct candidate of russia more a problem for him or his links to. a ukrainian all agog who s currently living out of the country who used to own the country s biggest bank and who is one of his biggest enemies speculation there that as a let s get presidency there could be preferential treatment for calm with his businesses so that really has been the main thing the main allegation he s been having to deal with in the past because now you are in the room of course at this
event when the actual election results came in can you tell us a little bit more about the reactions in the room and specifically if you might know the really the reaction that selenski himself that. i m sorry the line is a bit difficult again but this was an extraordinarily brief appearance here of a high. just as we start the show he was walking past the exit poll came out and just literally spent no more than two or three minutes thanking his team and his coaches there was no detail what his next steps would be no further. where he was going to take his first days with the transition period this is something that is the criticized by journalists in ukraine time time again this is someone who isn t open to difficult probing questioning from journalist someone who prefers to talk to people directors social media in an environment he can control without being questioned or put under pressure and seemingly this is the pattern is going to continue this was an extraordinarily free briefing and just as soon as he
basically had appeared on the stage he was gone again and i m not even sure we re going to see him again tonight here at this election. thank you very much nic connelly for keeping us up to day nic thank you. now to some of the other stories making news around the world more than seventy thousand people gathered in st peter s square to listen to the pope deliver his traditional easter address in his annual irby obree speech latin for to the city and to the world francis offered a pardon for sins in a reflection on the world s war ravaged region. tripoli s only working airport has reopened after being hit by her strifes airport had been shut down amid two weeks of fighting for the libyan capital forces loyal to strongman khalifa haftar have been unable to break into the city defended by libya s internationally recognized. egyptians are voting for a second day in
a referendum that could grant the country s all over tarion leader abdel fattah el-sisi another term in office the proposed changes to the constitution would also give the former army general more power over the judiciary a move heavily criticized by international human rights groups. several thousand people turned out for new anti-government protests in the serbian capital belgrade on saturday they demand more democracy and media freedom in the country the fresh protests come just a day after president alexander held a mass rally in an apparent bid to counter months of street demonstrations against him saturday after saturday tens of thousands have gathered in belgrade to demonstrate against president bush. critics accuse him of being corrupt authoritarian and gagging the media and the civil service there protesting under the motto one of five million a reference to
a claim that footage once made insisting he would not respond to these accusations even if five million people showed up to protest on friday future tell to rally for his serbian progressive party in the capital supporters came from all over serbia state media said that one hundred thousand joined the rally. but it s unclear how many of them made the journey voluntarily reports like that of nineveh to a vet are piling up the nurse said her superiors at work repeatedly pressured her to attend the provost has demonstration against her will. and it s not just in the house service of the public employees who are telling people to support food cheech and even some private sector firms with this a cool pressure on the workers. to keep people happy. both sides are competing to bring the most supporters out onto the streets many serbian
media outlets barely report on the issues focusing instead on the numbers of demonstrators the catalyst for the protests was a series of incidents last november which included the beating of an opposition leader. the opposition believes his party paid the attackers the christians around the world or attending church services and praying our next report comes from poland where one priest has found a novel way to encourage people to pray and the day of the year. at first glance woods looks just like any other place you paint up park your car it s fairly cheap and only charges seventy five cents an hour. and this is a private parking lot so you have to pay for it. the first start roche s up or i d teach. this is also a private parking lot but it s free with god s blessing you can leave your car in the parking lot of the parish of st mary of the perpetual help.
whenever i park here i never forget to pray the rosary is part of our daily life so you can easily to attend how mary used to you go home yesterday had no need to get what i got. the priest does not charge money he requires you to pray in order to park here but parking your car long term comes with the morning the price goes up. in minutes and i charge ten hail marys and for every additional fifteen minutes ten more hell marys. whether stealing your car or later in church motorists can pray where and when they want but no one wants to pray on camera even here in catholic poland. top should end up as a sacred truth that applies to everyone who parks here after all this parking lot belongs to us the church and the priest built it so everyone who parks here should
come inside the church and pray properly and very. much. if someone refuses i say to them don t you even want to pray for your own parents but no one checks sometimes people make jokes and ask where do i kneel then i say you don t have to kneel here. for a priest this parking lot attendant in some cities you have to pray just to find parking and you have to pray after you found a spot. to sudan where the country s ruling military council says it s committed to handing over power to civilian government the military leader general abdel fatah says he will respond within a week to demands for civilian control televised announcement came after further street demonstrations protest organizers have put forward a list of candidates including some military representatives the army has been in control since ousting sudan s longtime leader omar al bashir ten days ago. to the
buddhist leader now where dortmund have cut the gap to leaders by in munich back to a point they won four nil at freiburg with england winger jadon sanchez scoring one goal and superbly setting up another by an endorsement have just four games left in a thrilling end to the season. and a reminder of the top story we re following for you a wave of easter sunday bombings in sri lanka have killed at least two hundred and seven hundreds more were wounded the government has called the attacks a terrorist incident and blamed religious extremists several people have reportedly been arrested a nationwide curfew is in place. exit polls from ukraine s presidential election shows a landslide victory for volodymyr selenski the poll gives comedian and actor seventy three percent of the vote an incumbent petro poroshenko has twenty five percent.
don t forget you can always get news on the go just download our app from the google play word from the app store that ll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use to send us your photos and videos. you re watching live from berlin up next lifestyle your i ll be back at the top of the hour with more news thanks for tuning in to watch if you ve got.
the latest fashion in chocolate easter eggs part of a special easter collection created by construction or. concept this year in. modeled on designs. cakes twisted easter creation. moment. for a. reliable. news distance for sixty. little. automotive history.

Place , Prime-minister , Someone , People , Everyone , Ukraine , Problem , Associates , Hand , Oftv , Some , Comedy

Transcripts For DW World Stories 20190420 13:15:00

khan is looking for his biggest professional victory fifteen years after winning an olympic silver medal. you re watching news live from berlin up next is world stories the weekend reports remember you can always get all the latest news on our web site that s dot com and like look at thanks for tuning in. coach a video. sure link to school in africa. or link to exceptional stories and discussions. of easy to our website deputed com smash click join us on facebook. for. water such as people fight for survival. is
a dangerous. floods and droughts climate change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any kind of tricks not if you want them probably most of them to. the climate so this starts it thirty s. on t w. welcome to world stories. germany debates prenatal genetic tests. the philippines a muslim rebels take on the i.a.s. but first a columbia around the million people from neighboring venezuela have sought refuge there violence poverty and chaos. they face many problems not the least when it
comes to finding someone to live. in this three story building owned by a colombian family in southern bogota houses ten venezuelan migrants they eat breakfast together on a quiet sunday morning. these people are among the two hundred thousand migrants who have come to the city in recent years since the city council provides few shelters the migrants only choice is to rent shared rooms with two or three other people most of the holy month we sleep here in the living room and it s a little uncomfortable sometimes sense meaning privacy but other than that it s good her landlady nogueira lives in the houses upper floor the colombian national decided to rent her rooms to venezuelan migrants in part to earn some extra cash. as moved by their situation the quality of life they had in that moment they have no place to sleep as some people would not rent to them or me and not want us but
they re not as bad she tries to create a comfortable atmosphere with plenty of space to talk and laugh with her tenants and she even goes a step further. sometimes they call me their mom so i scold them when they do things wrong or when they don t go to work or pay the utilities i m looking out for them. despite strict rules for cleanliness and order there s also sympathy for the migrants tough financial situation especially when bills are due. sometimes we are late with payments so we simply tell her look mrs no such and such is happening i don t have the full amount give me a few days and i will pay you and she understands. andras montana is a boba times real estate association explains how landlords are making money housing venezuelan s and rundown buildings. where many property owners have made a business out of renting or receiving payments making people pay
a daily fee to spend a single night in a tenement. in. the so-called pug on the audio us or pain dailies only offer a bed tenants have no guarantees and risk getting kicked out it any moment nineteen year old luis works as a barber he barely earns enough each day to pay for his pocket the audio. to me this is like something for prisoners three bunk beds that means six people you don t have the privacy you want and you can never leave your valuables here. venezuelan migrants are at the mercy of fate if they don t encounter helpful colombians they risk being exploited and can only hope to someday be able to afford a place they can truly call home. germany has been debating whether to allow public sector health insurance to cover the costs of screening unborn children for genetic disorders such as down s syndrome is an emotional issue certain to provoke
a lot of response we have this report. sophia is a year and a half old. an estimated nine out of ten women in germany decide to have abortions when they find out their unborn child has down s syndrome. and to sing was seven months pregnant when she got the diagnosis. of. i was scared i was worried i was also feeling a bit desperate i didn t know what to do i was still in the last year of my studies . but i had a lot of support and courage and because she was so active in my belly sophia also showed me that she wanted to live and she should be allowed to live even. the weeks that followed were difficult for ana who was also working as a geriatric nurse she read all about down syndrome which is a genetic disorder in which children are almost always born with physical and
intellectual disability the doctor told her child would be born with a heart defect suddenly and a face the dilemma of whether to have an abortion. carolyn hennig a gynecologist counsels women who decide to have an abortion when they get a diagnosis of down syndrome she knows the pressure for all involved. as. there are so many factors to consider how old are my how stable is my relationship to my other children still need a lot of attention hennig says the blood test that detects down syndrome as early as ten weeks of pregnancy gives families time to make difficult decisions early on that s also important to ensure that mother and child are well looked after if the mother decides to have a baby. for an it isn t because she goes deeper. she says the blood test sends
a message that society does not accept children like severe. i ask myself why. and if you then don t have to pay for the test these children will simply not exist. even though they re perfectly happy children who radiate joy and have so much love to give. the blood tests for down syndrome are already a standard procedure in denmark and france in those countries few children like sophia are born. in the philippines the island of mindanao was long been the scene of a power struggle between the christian and muslim communities not a filipino army on muslim rebels but joining forces in the bottle like against us terrorists. we are on patrol with the largest muslim rabbit group in mindanao the moro islamic
liberation front or m.i.l.f. for decades they fought for independence tens of thousands were killed. but since the self-proclaimed islamic state burst onto the scene in two thousand and seventeen the muslim rebels have joined forces with the philippine army both sides feel threatened by us fight has now laying low. for the muslim minority strongly supports the m.i.l.f. only five percent of filipinos are muslims and almost all live in mindanao their areas are among the poorest in the philippines many here blame the christian majority government for their plight. we visit the military headquarters of the m.i.l.f. the government needs the rabbit support to secure a peace and to fight terror president roderigo to terror to has promised them a far reaching autonomy. the chief of staff isn t in
uniform a sign perhaps of the shift from an insurgency to politics or the m.i.l.f. as seen defectors joining i as we ask in what might happen if the autonomy project goes badly our credibility daughter people really become diminished. the ice history of. the station. all the followers of the. doorway in there and the time that it will become bigger. he tells us that they will disarm up to thirty thousand fighters but only with full muslim autonomy. they are not. the men we will not do commission our forces and we will not give up our firearms which we promised to the government. this is what both sides are trying to avoid another marathi
the largest muslim city of the philippines lies in ruins bombed out after a few hundred s. fighters had occupied mahratti for five months two years ago. more than one thousand people were killed. tens of thousands remain displaced. it was president to territory who ordered the bombing but he s also a strong supporter of muslim autonomy his former peace adviser tells us. it is a strong signal to the bad guys. around read this country i have been in the peace process under several presidents and we have. far as we have this time. but if the autonomy drive fails more disaffected muslims could join radical outfits in addition after the loss of their caliphate in syria and iraq more for n.i.s.
fighters might also decide that mindanao is the new front. the sun flee it s small and it hurts but burrows on the skin and mostly affects the feet the sun flee is common in africa and it s believed well over two million people in kenya suffer from the parasites known there as jitters we want to kisumu to find out more. to read our pets to love going to school the best part is being able to concentrate on her lessons but that wasn t always the case the twelve year old speed used to be full of diggers tiny sand fleas that bar into people s bath lash causing burning painful legions. i felt terrible i couldn t play i couldn t jump i stretch myself mostly at night for a long time no see. other children at this primary school county still suffer from the minute parasite constant itching and severe pain makes
it difficult for the infected students to walk and impossible for them to concentrate in class untreated figures can lead to deform claims gang green and fatal technics infections jagers are a wide spread of neglected health problem in africa official figures are hard to come by. in the schools here in consume almost a third of pupils on fact of what dick is it s not just the pain of the actual infection that s the problem but also the teasing and social exclusion by the other children the students here dipankar primary school have decided to do it differently instead they re helping each other across consumer students i know how scouts they actually changing the believe that having to give is a poor people s disease and to helping their school mates heal and instead of the traditional method of pulling out the fleas which is excruciating they re using a pain free technique where. we start with the ones who are severely affected and
we wash their feet we put them in a second basin with fresh water and they stay there with their feet inside for five minutes. then the scouts wipe the whole legs of medicine and we asked them to sit in the sun while the plane. let me introduce the tickets treatment if notice a definite change in the student s performance school generally improved and this caught high in the national exams and seeing them heal and starting to play with each other that has made me happy as a health teacher i mean. the good treatment has changed the students lives. and oh i love going to the river to fetch water i love to study and to play i feel better because i m healed and i can play i can walk properly i can jump us well. a little.
bit of the latest fashion in chocolate easter eggs. part of a special easter collection created by conception or by tom was called. to use his concept this year in order to control. modeled on designs by great means in fashion thanks kwikset easter creations. that seventy seven percent. are younger than six o clock. and you know what all the seventy seven percent talk about. this edition all about how to empower women with a special look at south africa where limby sunstroke on a trip her box her. in sixty minutes long t.w.

Khan , Survival , Mass-migration , Kind , Floods , Driver , Tricks , Droughts-climate-change , Climate , Thirtys-ontw-welcome-to-world-stories , Thirty , Germany

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190422 05:00:00

cereals to avoid content. producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food you buy but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases and home by plying the five keys to seafood use that you also have a role to play. sri lanka s president has called the meeting to review possible intelligence failures after a series of explosions during easter services sunday killed at least two hundred ninety people and injured five hundred more three explosions struck catholic churches in the capital colombo and two other towns separate blasts targeted luxury hotels police arrested several people and are investigating the incident as an attack by religious extremists although no group has claimed responsibility.
actor and political novice followed amir s alinsky has won ukraine s presidential election by a landslide defeating incumbent petro poroshenko to take the reins of a country at war selenski is only previous brush with politics has been to play the president in a t.v. series the actor campaigned against corruption but critics say much of his policy approach remains unclear. pope francis celebrated the traditional easter mass at st peter s square on sunday after the service of the vatican the pontiff delivered his annual easter message in which he addressed conflicts around the world and condemned the attacks and sri lanka.

Cereals , Incident , People , Police , Responsibility , Attack , Capital , Extremists , Group , Hotels , Towns , Blasts

Transcripts For DW Reporter 20190421 16:15:00

games left and a thrilling end to the season and a reminder of the top story we re following for you a wave of easter sunday bombings in sri lanka has killed at least two hundred and seven hundreds more wounded the government has called the attacks a terrorist incident and blamed religious extremists several people have reportedly been arrested a nationwide curfew is in place. you re watching live from berlin i ll be back at the top of the yeah with more news so that take care. of. her. birth place home to use of species. a home worth saving i m. going to give those are big changes and most start with small steps global warming tears tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. but news that
contributes to least drainage certain shots and deforestation. interactive content teaching the next generation of west environmental protection. using all channels available to inspire people to take action and we re determined to build something here for the next generation globally as the environment series of global three thousand on t.w. and online. i said to me yang is that gabby is only female paralympic athlete. her next goal is the twenty twenty paralympic games in tokyo. and her dream is to bring home a medal. i see two trains instead of close to the capitol van
jewel four times a week. basketball athletics and weightlifting. she s a single mother struggling to get by without state support. i. i i. was . i said to nine was born with an impairment to both legs all of her teammates have disabilities but she s the only woman many gambians object to this arrangement they feel men and women should train separately. it was i said to whom everyone calls ita takes a different view she sees the other players as her brothers. and as is common with
siblings things can get a bit rough. oh yeah. i know. the club is like a family to the approximately twenty basketball players. discrimination against people with disabilities is common in the gambia. as the club founder and coach well knows. that first i said to couldn t play basketball. she dropped the ball and she wouldn t pay attention so the ball would roll away what do you want to know that i don t know how to make my point that that what it did do or did what i use the south was the good thing i guess is the best for me at this thought that for many years it did get nineteen years but twenty years yeah i m done now you could see i m not up to me this is for sure here after thirty
years of my dough sure it s rooted out the belief that really. most to me there s an apartment in france you know it was one of the basketball players hopes that one day they will all be able to compete at the paralympic games together at the moment there aren t enough funds to send the whole team abroad the gambia gives no financial support to paralympic athletes meaning they rely on sponsors to fund their travels here and training. i. getting around isn t easy but i said to is used to making her own way. sometimes her son helps her. i want to push my wheelchair place.
fled of again. i can t do it. there s too much sand here. just stop looking around concentrate and push me so to conduct can be a challenge to people in wheelchairs few roads are paved while public buses are often packed and don t have ramps. even a trip to the local market can be difficult. i know. but what. i said to buy is fish and other groceries there are only a few supermarkets in town most of which are expensive.
for her son would like a new football. yeah but how much yeah. six hundred twenty one of oil. that s as much as a bag of rice. to people for a little. bit of well. maybe men would you sell it for three hundred a year but there will be three five hundred five hundred what s your final price. they get three fifty that s all i have on me thank you all for having. the groceries are heavy so i said who wants to take a taxi home and today she s lucky few taxi drivers are willing to take the time to help her pack a real chair. taxis are a luxury i said to him many people with disabilities can seldom afford. i.
will not if i wanted i m in. if. you want a whole lot of them about. them both of them of their local yellow. here at the universal gym i see two is we training. basketball isn t the only discipline i said to wants to compete in she s also a weight lifter. she can train here for free she comes several times a week. is
a friend of hers he also started training at the gym a while ago which helps her stay motivated lower than. my lead. i see two tries to walk on her own legs as often as possible although she can t cover long distances. she needs to train hard to qualify for the paralympics in tokyo. you go. wow. this is in london yeah. this is my fourth. athletics but this appears. i came out fifth yeah i was very happy that day because it s the force them representing. twenty six
i was not in the games because the one who used to sponsor me. i have the morning to be in my bills that s why i could not make it to games. at two pm it s time to pray. like most gambians i said to is a practicing muslim. do and i said to begin the journey home. she and her family live in one of set of hundreds poor neighborhood a sea. of relief where. that ten of us in the house move my boys my sister. my mom and father and my brother wife and my brother us we all sleep together. now that. i did.
the family likes to spend sundays together. i said to got married when she was eighteen and had her first child one year later and then a second. she got divorced eight years ago it was a difficult time and she still doesn t like talking about it. i know what i feel right for. her family supported her back then and today then able her to take the necessary time to train travel and compete internationally and on the menu today is a rice dish called been a sheen which the family shares with a few guests i said to is close to her parents i m grateful to god for giving her to me though it was difficult when she was a child i cried when they told me i had given birth to a disabled child they were going to let my boy. god gave her to me.
and i accept her and good faith of course. but don t include it and asked encourage me she told me to take good care of vida and that she would go far one day. and everything. i said to smother is sorting copies every day she sells fried vegetable balls on the roadside like i said to she doesn t have a fixed income i m. going. to do. it he got me here for this they will do what their low work for disabled people here all that all that all the a thing that we can do is to go outside and there because even if you have your application and drop it the moment they see you dating that you were there to look
for my little one or two people who come and give your money and go buy a new not. stand to listen to your explanation or whatever you want to do. to gambia does not provide welfare for disabled people. so every morning at six am i see two sits on the roadside asking passers by for money she does this for three hours every day. and the people in her neighborhood know about her athletic success so many hesitate to give her money as they think she must be rich. but i see two made no money competing and will only be able to go to the paralympic games if she finds a sponsor. when the stores open people asking for money and there are many have to leave. i said who has been contacted by the head of the gambia as
paralympic committee. i think it s safe. i said to lives on the breadline she gets by with the equivalent of around twenty euros per week far below the national average her family struggles to make a living. when defending. its for three of us i like on that. i said to is poor but she s holding on to her dream of competing at the paralympics . despite the many obstacles she faces she believes she can make it.
worth. a go to africa. and hopes to save the country s mangrove. forests. that are also being damaged by cattle heads. yes on camera. next. they re the latest fashion in chocolate easter eggs. part of a special easter collection created by a confectioner the time was called. a concept this year in order. modeled on designs by great names in fashion eggs cuisine easter creations.
sixteen. people who for information. the fenians want to express. on facebook and twitter are up to date to touch. the. hello and welcome to this edition of africa then vironment magazine cool produced by d.w. in germany channel s t.v. in nigeria and chris a here in south africa. and i m joined by michael present in

Games , People , News , Home , Changes , Species , Saving , World , Projects , Steps , Tears , Stories

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190429 00:00:00

make a difference. baking bread on the d.w. . the old order is history the world is real organizing itself and the previous role these keep shifting cowards the topic and focus at the global media forum twenty nineteen in the laboratory with the digital age. who are we following do we trust debate and shape the future at the doj ability global media for twenty eight the place made for muslims. and spain s general election socialist prime minister pedro sanchez has scored a victory for his party with almost thirty percent of the vote but will have to negotiate a line to stay in power the far right vox party has entered the parliament for the first time securing around a tenth of the votes. in mozambique severe flooding is
wreaking havoc in the wake of cycle and kenneth with torrential rainfall expected to continue for the coming days tens of thousands of people are affected by the tropical storm is the second cycle own in six weeks to devastate one of the poorest countries in the world. in sudan protest leaders and the country s military rulers have agreed to establish a joint civilian military council the body is tasked with leading a transition from thirty years of autocratic rule by former president omar al bashir of. sri lankan forces have raided the headquarters of an islamist group suspected of being behind the easter suicide bombings more than two hundred fifty people died in the attacks outside st anthony s shrine in colombo a candlelit vigil was held to mark one week since it was struck.

Party , Flooding , Vote , Votes , Line , Time , Parliament , Tenth , Power , Mozambique , Thirty , People