Cspan for being with us tonight so that her remarks can be covered by the entire country. Thank you, cspan, and as always. [applause] in the remarks that she made at her installation as president that is a 5dollar cambridge word for inauguration doctor faust said these investments have yields we cannot predict and measure. Universities are stewards of living tradition. This resonated with me with my colleagues at the National Archives in washington because we like to think the same of our institution. We are focused on educational issues at all levels and civic leadership issues at all levels as a key role in our mission to serve the public. A little word on her background, doctor fausts background. She serves before her current post as the founding dean of the Radcliffe Institute for advanced studies from 2001 to 2007. She has been held in a number of other academic posts. University of pennsylvania and others, radcliffe, and shes written six books while well received. Her other achie
According to Prashad, while “many of the assassins’ bullets have been fired by people who had their own parochial interests, petty rivalries and small-minded gains, more often than not, these have been ‘Washington’s bullets.’”Their main purpose, he says, was to “contain the tidal wave that swept from the October Revolution of 1917 and the many wave
VA History Office
NCA Monuments Dedicated on Memorial Day
Since Memorial Day was instituted in 1868 (initially as Decoration Day), this event at the end of May became an opportunity to dedicate new monuments in national cemeteries.
[i] The installation of figurative or symbolic memorial objects on hallowed ground fulfills a goal articulated the following year by Army Superintendent of National Cemeteries Brevet Major Edmund Whitman: burial grounds were selected with an eye toward “favorable conditions for ornamentation, so that surviving comrades, loving friends, and grateful states, might be encouraged to expend liberally of their means for such purposes.”[ii] The placement of monuments (not to be confused with individual grave markers) began to arrive in the 1870s.