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Transcripts For CNNW Fareed Zakaria GPS 20170604 14:00:00

of experts to explore this further. in london, a geopolitical analyst and author. he serves as the cofounder of economic partners. and in beirut today but actually based in london at the school of economics. an expert on terrorism and the co-author of isis: the state of terr terror. and peter bergen joins us from washington. he is a vice president at new america. peter, let me ask you, does this strike you as terrorists adapting yet again? because what is interesting about this to me is it s in many ways very low tech. a van going into crowds, people brandishing knives and using them as weapons. of course, guns are very hard to get in britain. maybe i m just trying to look for a silver lining here. all of that means they re
finding it hard to do big bombs at symbolic locations and that kind of thing, and what they are reduced to is driving vans and using knives, which is, of course, terrible and tragic, but you can only kill so many people, particularly if the police responds as quickly as they did in this case. sure. for that silver lining, we look to manchester where only two weeks ago a bomb detonated killed 22 people. so i think the problem, fareed, is britain has, you know, thousands of people who have been influenced by this idealogy. something like 850 brits have gone for training in syria and iraq. compare that to america where really you re talking about a few dozen who have successfully gone to iraq and syria with a country six times the population. we used to think this is a phenomenon, the number of attacks in belgium, britain seemed to be protected by the channel, protected by a strict
law enforcement community, but that was not sufficient. and i think theresa may, who after all faces this election in four days, you know, it can go both ways. she was the home secretary. she does have a lot of experience in counterterrorism. the conservatives are regarded as being tougher on their home territory. we saw who took a very strong position on the iraq war after a terrorist attack in madrid lost the election to someone who was much moran opponent to the iraq war. so late in the electoral cycle, it s quite unpredictable what the political consequences might be, fareed. i think the question most people must have is, in a sense, who are these people and why are they doing this? and i don t mean that in the general sense. we ve been living with this for decades. i mean specifically british terrorists. as people were saying, what is going on in britain? why are there so many and who
and injured. think of asia in the last few weeks. in baghdad, almost on a daily basis. here i am in beirut. basically people live under constant threat. what i m trying to say, this is an idealogy, it s a spreading idealogy. it s not a mass movement, it s a social movement, it s a powerful movement and some individuals respond to this idealogy for a variety of reasons. it s popular for utopia, you have people who believe that somehow some western countries and middle eastern countries are waging a war against their faith, and that s why in almost every case they tried to kill in the name off allah even though they are not to harm civilians. the fact is it s going to run its cycle in the next few years not just in europe, but throughout the world. jessica stern, you spent so
call the garrisons, the arena of war in the west to fight. they believe they re at war. they want to make it extremely uncomfortable, dangerous even, for muslims living in the west. that is the goal, i believe, of these attacks. what can we say about britain versus other countries? is there any particular reason this has happened three times in britain in the last three months? well, i think, fareed, one of the questions that people are asking now is that given that britain has actually had a better record both in terms of the integration of some of these communities from which some of these perpetrators emerge but also in terms of its intelligence capabilities, both offense siive and defensive, asl as its understanding from a day to day perspective, this was supposed to be a safe country,
certainly relative to some on the continent where there was a broader sense that they had less of a handle on the phenomenon itself. i think what we re going to look at now is despite what has been correctly pointed out, this is a worldwide phenomenon. the politics of this country, i think, will guide towards a more aggressive set of measures both abroad as well as domestically, that there is not a sense that this is simply something that is a global phenomena that has to be endured, but there are steps that can be taken where this activity and extremism is encouraged and bred, but also in terms of individuals and surveillance and also how companies and technology companies are going to be asked to do more to be better partners in the fight against this scourge. we ll be back in a moment. president trump has been tweeting, of course, about last night s terror attack in london. and some brits have been
responding angrily. we ll tell you about that when we come back. so there are no artificial colors. no artificial flavors. no artificial preservatives. and no artificial sweeteners. .in any of the food we sell. we believe that the food we eat connects us to the natural world and to each other. we believe in real food™. whole foods market. mi m evenarts win the kitchen. i need my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. tresiba® ready tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i need to shave my a1c. tresiba® ready tresiba® works like my body s insulin. releases slow and steady. providing powerful a1c reduction. i m always on call. an insulin that fits my schedule is key. tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day.
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albreakthrough withyou back. non-drowsy allegra® for fast 5-in-1 multi-symptom relief. breakthrough allergies with allegra®. let me draw your attention to a tweet from president trump today. he said, at least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of london says there is no reason to be alarmed. in fact, mr. president, here s what the mayor actually said. london will see increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. there is no reason to be alarmed. now, people have had widely varying reactions to trump s tweet. one in particular caught my eye, brendan cox, whose wife, a british mp, was murdered by a far right extremist, responded to the president s tweet by saying, you represent the worst
of your country. sadiq khan represents some of the best of ours. joining me again is my panel. peter, trump has tweeted several other things, all of which are suggesting we need to get tougher, meaning by that, the courts are standing in the way of the u.s. government from doing what it needs to. i wonder what your reaction is, because of course, european countries, generally the police has much more authority and they have had difficulty stopping this kind of terror attack. as you pointed out, by contrast the united states has a much less radicalized local population of muslims. also the travel ban is a solution to a problem that doesn t really exist, fareed. you know, almost all the terrorist all the lethal terrorist attacks in the united states, for instance, since 9/11 are being carried out by american citizens or american legal residents. similarly in britain, all the lethal terrorist attacks have almost without exception been carried boout by british citize,
whether it was the worst one in history in 2005 where brits, the manchester attack, the terrorists were actually born in manchester. the westminster attacker was also a british citizen. so travel bans, one of the seemingly common sense answers to a common sense problem which actually makes no sense at all, and also you can t ban the internet with a travel ban, and most of these people have been radicalized by the internet, so the travel ban is really a red herring. whnader, when you talked abo how companies are going to have to do more, explain exactly what you mean. it seems to me you can t really turn off the internet, can you? no, but i think what we re going to see, and this has been something more open in debate here, and the government has been more explicit about it in this country, fareed, is there is a sense about whether it is the persistent character of on-line extremist material on
various websites and social media platforms that the countries are aware of and can be do more to take down what has been put out or the widely encrypted communications which we know is complicated in law enforcement and other government authorities actually want to keep it. having said all that, i think it is important to understand that an event like this and a series of events like this will put more pressure on those companies whose ecosystem at the end of the day is allowing some of this communication, if not all of it, to take place, often without the ability of governments to access it. the political pressure, i think, will simply grow. you have also in theresa may a prime minister who as a home secretary was very focused on this issue, very determined to do more. as we look at policy responses to last night and going forward, i think that is one area we re going to see more activity in. jessica, is there anything that convinces these people to be deradicalized? is there any argument, any emotional reaction to death?
well, when we talk to people who have deradicalized themselves, some of them will admit that they were spiritually dispossessed and that their reasons for radicalizing actually were not really related to a particular idealogy. in fact, one of the people i ve talked to extensively has said that pretty much any idealogy would have extremist violent promoting idealogy would have worked for him. he was a convert who established the first on-line recruitment site for al qaeda. interveni intervening, it s partly clearly idealogical, because what happens, whatever the reason the person gets drawn in, they do begin to buy into the idealogy. it s partly idealogical and partly psychological and partly spiritu spiritual. i think just as there are many
different reasons why people get drawn into these movements, there are many different pathways to help them out. when the president went to the middle east, he said the problem of terrorism was all being fueled and supported by iran. but, of course, this is all sunni jihadist terror. yet again the idealogical roots actually draw on places like saudi arabia. is there anything to be done? how does one battle this idealogically? i think you asked me, and of course, fareed, there is no simple cure. there is no magical answer to this complex of traveling idealogy. if you ask me what you can do about it in western societies, they would say local, local, local. you need to work with local communities, muslim civil societies. let s remind our audience, too, between 2013 and 2016, the
british security forces have foiled 18 operations. since the attack in manchester in march, basically the security forces has foiled six attacks. so the reality is you need good intelligence, you need to be proactive, and you need to work as local communities. the worst thing you can do is to alienate local muslim communities like president trump in his rhetoric and his ban against muslims coming from the world to the united states. peter, talk about the politics of this going forward. nader pointed out this will put a lot of pressure on the british government, but what will that mean? at the end of the day, what can you do when you have somebody who decides to take a van and use it to find a place where people are having a good time? again, it strikes me that this is so low tech that it s not
going to be easy to figure out what it means to get tougher with this kind of terror. i totally agree, and i mean, picking up on the social media conversation, yes, the social media companies have isis twitter has closed down hundreds of thousands of facebook accounts. facebook has thousands of people looking for these kinds of messages. but the internet is very big and there are a lot of messages. and so the idea that somehow we re going to magically make all the social media companies produce content that doesn t incite this kind of thing is kind of false. there is a first amendment problematically in the united states, and also there is an issue that isis is using telegram, which is a berlin-based social media company encrypted platform and isn t subject to british laws or american laws. so the terrorism seems to be technologically ahead, and i think the social media companies are doing what they can, and the british government can demand whatever they want, but i think
if that s seen as sort of a magic bullet, i don t think it s going to work, either. this is a fascinating conversation and it s not going to go away, so we d like to have all of you come back to talk about it soon. next on gps, the other big story of the week, of course, president trump s decision to pull out of the paris climate agreement. does it signal the end of an era of american leadership in the world? i will give you my thoughts when we come back and then a discussion.
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it is in its conception and its execution the most radical departure from a bipartisan american foreign policy since 1945. in an op-ed for the wall street journal, national economic director gary cohn and national security adviser h.r. mcmaster explained that president trump has a clear-eyed outlook that the world is not a global community but an arena where nation s non-governmental actors and businesses engage and compete for advantage. they added, rather than deny this elemental international nature of affairs, we embrace it. that embracing has now led the u.s. to withdraw from the paris accord climate change signed by 93 other countries. the other aspect of international relations has of course existed for millennial and the united states has the largest military, troops are
based in dozens of countries around the world and international relations on several continents. this is not a nation politically unaware of political competition. but in 1945, the world did change. in the wake of two of the deadliest wars in human history with more than 60 million killed and much of europe and asia physically devastated, the united states tried to build a new international system. it created institutions, rules and norms that would encourage countries to solve their differences peacefully through negotiations rather than war. it created a system where trade and commerce would expand the world economy so that a rising tide could lift all boats. now, it didn t work perfectly. the soviet union and its allies rejected many of those ideas from the start. many developing countries adopted only some parts of the system. but western europe, canada and the united states did, in fact, become an amazing zone of peace and economic political and
military cooperation. the west that emerged is, in historical terms, a miracle. europe, which had torn itself apart for hundreds of years because of the elemental nature of international competition, was now competing not to annex countries and subjugate their populations but just to create better jobs and more growth. this grew over the years, first in countries like japan and south korea, then later a few countries in latin america. then in 1991, the soviet union collapsed and large parts of the world gravitated towards this open international order. and at the heart of the system was the united states. since 1945, every president of either party has recognized that america created something unique that was a break from centuries of elemental international conflict. but from the start of his political career, donald trump has seemed unaware of this
history and ignorant of these accomplishments. he has consistently been dismiss sie dismissive of america s allies. he speaks strongly of vladimir putin, xi jinping and duterte, but critically of almost every democratic leader of europe. the consequences of trump s stance and his actions are difficult to foresee. they might result in the erosion of this open liberal international order. they might mean the rise of a new not so liberal order championed by china and india, both of them recanted in nationalist countries. but they could also result in the long run in the strengthening of this order perhaps by the reemergence of europe. trump has brought the continent s countries together in a way that not even vladimir putin could. german chancellor angela merkel says that europe must look out for itself now, and as if to underscore that fact, the same week welcomed the prime minister
of india and the premiere of china. french president emmanuel macron lifted up face values to putin just the way an american president would have done in the past. so donald trump might not have caused the end of the western world, but he might end america s role at its center. for more go to and read my washington post column this week. next on gps, much more about the president s decision to withdraw from paris. a great panel will discuss it and what it means for america and the planet.
accord and france s president said simply, goodbye, america. even more punchy, earth to trump, f you. here to join us who helped negotiate the paris agreement as secretary of energy under president obama. cnn s global economics analyst and the ft s global business columnist. and richard haas, the president of the council on foreign relations and the author of a world in disarray. let me start by asking you, donald trump said it was highly likely that he would be able to negotiate a better deal. what are the prospects of the other 193 countries doing a new deal now that the united states has pulled out? well, i think the odds of that are vanishingly small. and what is, of course, particularly strange is if the president were concerned about the relative size of
commitments, the paris agreement has all the flexibility to, for example, reduce the targets. i wouldn t advocate that, of course, but that s a much more practical approach, certainly, than arguing that the whole deal could be redone. i might add it s particularly sad, in my view, in the sense that the agreement accomplished exactly what was called for over many years, getting the emerging economies to have commitments, to have flexibility, so obviously this action by the president is a major step backwards. richard, it seems as though secretary moniz is right. the paris accord is pretty flexible. you can do numerous things. the united states can build co-plans under it, for example. why withdraw? it seems to be part of a signalling game that donald trump is playing. if you look at the way he treated nato, who refused to
claim article 5, these are symbolic statements that seem to be all about nationalism and sovereignty over globalism. 100%. this is not about climate change per se. this might have been a form of multilateralism donald trump should embrace. this is the most functional form of multilateralism. it allows sovereignty countries to discuss what they re going to do. he should have said this was a model but he didn t, and your question has the answer in it. this is symbolic. this is about the politics, the appearances. he s playing to a domestic base. it s part of his larger world view, that when he looks at the last 70 years, i think unlike the two of us, rather than see a world that s been pretty good for the united states of america, it s been relatively peaceful, relatively prosperous, often more democratic than it ever was, donald trump looks at the world and says somehow it s costing us more than it s benefiting us. our allies and our trading partners, to use a technical
phrase, are screwing us, and what he wants to do is essentially disrupt. i can understand why vladimir putin lights up every day and wants to disrupt. i cannot for the life of me understand on the merits why any american president would want to disrupt the inheritance that he had, and this will be truly consequential. what s striking to me is for the last three months we ve been hearing from the president of the united states how the world order is unfair and how he wants to tear it down, and the president of china about how he wants to uphold free trade, rules of the road, world order and actually expand and enhance it. is this an opportunity for the chinese? absolutely. you already see the chinese and the europeans coming together and saying, we re going to have tighter alliances around climate issues, we re going to develop smart grids, we re going to look into new technologies. that s why you see so many business leaders in the u.s. so upset about trump pulling back from paris because they know, when you talk about jobs, and it s ironic he s making the
economic argument tore trafor t this agreement, the jobs are in smart tech, in green tech. that s one interesting point. but again, from a political standpoint, and i agree with richard, this is theater for trump. this is playing to his base. in a way it works internally amongst his advisers. he splits the difference between the steve bannon nationalist camp and the moderate gary cohn camp by saying, i m not going to deny the science, but i m going to stand up to these scientists who pander their salons and build up the global power plant. so it works for him at home. pittsburgh says i represent the people of pittsburgh, not paris. pittsburgh as as many clean air jobs as these countries. it all has a price in terms of the climate and the economy, right? absolutely. if i may, fareed, i would just
like to add a couple footnotes to what s just been said, one being that, as richard said, this is a pattern in many cases. together deeply shaking the confidence of our allies and friends in our reliability and on the jobs front, and this is part of the impact on the jobs front. i would like to inject in that in addition to the paris accord announcement that the president s administration has also sent a budget to congress that would undercut the innovation investments that are exactly the foundation for jobs of the future, exactly the investments that would position us to get a large market share of a future multi-trillion-dollar clean energy marketplace. so the effects there combining those would be immense. the good news, of course, is as has already been noted, the good news is our business leaders, they make long-term business plans, but look, when the
federal government is not rowing in the same direction, it s obviously going to make things more difficult, and it s going to make it much more costly and challenging for the united states in the future as we protect the environment but also compete in that global energy marketplace. all of you stay with us. when we come back, we re going to explore in some greater depth what does a world without america at the helm look like? how stable or how scarily unstable is it, when we come back.
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withdrawing from paris, withdrawing from the transpacific partnership, withdrawing from essentially the european version of dead, not informing nato. what does this mean? the united states has really been at the center of this order that we created since 1945. what s likely to happen? there s two futures. the optimist would say others would step in and they would step in in ways that would be benign. they would essentially no longer look to the united states and do it themselves and be a positive self-help society. the europe aans would do certai things, maybe the chinese. you would say, okay, the american part has ended but there is still a good order. the others don t have the capacities in many cases, they don t have the mindset, the kind of rules they would promulgate would not be the ones we would want. so rather than have a race to
the top you would get close to the bottom. this would be a world with much less influence. this would be a much more liberal world, and probably a world where global arrangements shrink and the gap between global challenges, from proliferation to terrorism to climate to cyber, the gap between those challenges and global arrangements grow simply because the united states, which is still what, 20, 25% of the world s economic output, we re still the most powerful country militarily? without our full contribution and participation, it s a much more difficult enterprise. and talk about china specifically, because china s own approach, even though it talks about free trade and global order, they re a pretty nationalist country. if you look at their one belt, one road initiative, it s essentially, let us go out and build your infrastructure for you, and in return we want special deals. absolutely. you can see that happening now, and i think china is already setting the agenda increasingly
in asia in big ways. climate change is actually an interesting example of the national strategy, because at the same time, yeah, china has a lot of dirty coal, it s also made clean tech an important sector and quite a protected sector. but i think you are going to see this kind of regionalism that richard was talking about. i think asia is kind of moving forward in the most strategically smart way with that. europe, it s interesting, post brexit you would think it would be a moment for germany to say we re going to commit to economic integration, but you don t see that. in the u.s., it s interesting in nafta and what s happening in nafta is a perfect example. it makes sense to have close ties, but i wonder how britain will feel working with us in the next couple years. when you look at all the
countries you negotiated with for the paris accords, richard, how do you think they will react? how will the indians and the chinese react? are they looking at this as an advantage for them? are they sad about it? what s your suspicion? first of all, the chinese and indian leaders have already come out and made very strong statements about trying to up their game in terms of leadership. but as richard said, it s very hard to replace american leadership. indeed, for paris, it was frankly the initiative taken by president obama to have the joint announcement with president xi that really changed the entire game on the pathway to paris. now, having said that, and i think this was just referred to as well, there is no doubt that the chinese in particular are going to see this as a fabulous opportunity, frankly, to strengthen their position in the economy in the decades ahead.
in fact, i mentioned earlier the president s budget proposal to congress, and today we have a substantially larger governmental investment in the early stage innovation than does china. the trajectories that we would have if congress supports the president s proposal would put us at a substantially lower position with regard to china. so you know what this will do? 20 years from now the president will be complaining about the chinese market share in clean energy technology. thank you, all. a fascinating, fascinating conversation. next on gps, a town on the move. no, actually a whole town that is being moved from one place to another. where in the world is this? we ll find out when we come back. june 11th, save $600 when you buy select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets.
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unrivalled anywhere in the english-speaking world. it brings four authors together who have read each other s books and the moderator brilliantly manages a fascinating conversation among them. listen to last week s conversation on india and you ll see why i m hooked. and don t forget to subscribe to my actual favorite podcast which is our gps podcast if you haven t already. that way you will never miss a show. go to where you will find a link. the answer to my gps challenge is c, sweden, the town of caluna is moving 200 miles to the east. last week the first of the historic buildings was hoisted off the ground and moved as courts reported. the impetus for the move isn t climate related but it is the result of a manmade problem. caluna was built on top of a

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Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20181030 02:02:00

bush obama blair cameron and sheer rock western presidents and prime ministers who came and went while a chancellor remains has been chancellor of germany for thirteen years she was once called the most powerful woman in the world or not any more tonight germany and europe s miracle demo the end of a political era or has officially begun i m broke off in berlin this is the day. he s a few at the un this. is my last is german chancellor of the budget and i don t want to start the next federal election twenty twenty one i will not run again in huntington to meet the next party congress in december and how i will not run for
reelection as a chat person up to see the union even though i have been chair of the c.d.u. in germany for over eighteen years now my party can now prepare itself for the time off to mean. anything that does and i see this is an opportunity in which the party can look within and reflects the fact it s a great development this is something we haven t had an eighteen year and this. also coming up tonight a dark warning from northern ireland over the consequences of a no deal. just back that up take. it away from us and then. every calorie. counts. we begin the day approaching the finish line of the miracle marathon it has been eighteen years since uncle americal became head of germany s conservative c.d.u.
party it has been thirteen years since she became germany s chancellor today merkel said it is time to rethink the calculus for governing the country the first step she says is to remove herself from the political equation americal is stepping down as head of her conservative c.d.u. party at the end of the year she plans to call it quits for good in twenty twenty one when her term as chancellor ends but after today s announcement after dismal regional election results and after the rise of the far right how much more miracle will the system allow how much longer can miracles current government attempt to govern and once merkel is gone who will replace or open questions tonight with no easy answers here s our first report. an earthquake a bombshell a day of destiny there s been no shortage of drastic descriptions. announcement.
yess. firstly at the coming c.d.u. party conference in december i have decided not to run again for c.d.u. party leader and secondly this fourth term is my last as chancellor of germany. at the election in twenty twenty one i won t run again a c.d.u. chancellor candidate nor will i run for a seat in parliament nor will i seek any other political office. and sleep. merkel has previously said that the two jobs chancellor and party leader should go together but after eighteen years heading the christian democrats the moment has come where she feels she can only do one of them. a disastrous result in the election in her search should be seen as an opportunity for the whole government to change merkel said above all the cooperation between christian democrats and social democrats needs to improve for their part merkel s s.p.d.
coalition partners are also licking their wounds after a terrible result in sunday s regional vote their leader andrea knowledges whose future in the job has also been questioned it was clear but lessons have to be learned at national level. you didn t write we are absolutely determined to ensure that we can continue our work in the coalition it needs more commitment and more determination to leave behind the problems of the past few months. in it for gun rights. opposition parties are already seizing their chance to capitalize on medicals weakness. america keeps america is giving up the wrong job this won t make government more stable it will merely slow the death of the coalition. for long. but the much diminished grand coalition will
limp along for now with a severely weakened chancellor at its head who will follow her a c.d.u. leader several candidates have already thrown their hats into the ring they could yet be a public battle for the soul of the c.d.u. for now merkel s tone remains thoughtful and sober as ever but as the chancellor spoke it was impossible not to feel that slowly she is giving up power yagni i m against it has always been my wish to carry out my state and party judy as we think messy and one day to leave them with dignity but i know that in politics this cannot always happen in a planned way i split the plan didn t come that is the measured magical way of saying i may not be chancellor for very much longer. and the clock is definitely taking joining me to talk about that is really going to
say he s a member of the german parliament and a member of miracles c.d.u. are to mr cruz it s good to have you on the day the message from the chancellor today was. i m part of the problem here in berlin my exit is also part of the solution do you agree. i think the message is that she wants to act and this was the opportunity because of the election and it has no that s not necessary to do it as step to take that step. why did she do it because this shows her free will she now is the power to say i am doing this to give my parties a chance to bring up someone else for the future we re still a deep dish you see that she had meeting that her power is being eroded. she always said that this will be her last. and. the party
itself we want to govern from and in the future because we have something to give for the land something to do for a stand and of cause. she s not there for eternity something years on the line it s a long time in politics. there s a k. . we have. to show up that there is a future with the christian democrats and this has to be developed by the party were you shocked today when the when she made then i was surprised because it was not necessary if she would have lost the election. or with green president of hessen then this would be a major crisis this way it was not a very nice even a. good go more or less business as usual if you didn t do this and one of. us to consider what the chancellor said twenty years ago back in the year one thousand
nine hundred eight she was interviewed in a book about power in politics when you take a look here s a photo of miracle from one thousand nine hundred eight this is before she took over the leadership of the c.d.u. and she was asked what dreams do you still have beyond politics in her answer was well someday i d like to find the right point in time to get out of politics now that s much harder than i ever could have imagined but i don t want to end up a half dead wreck when i leave. let me ask you mr cruz or the leaders of the other parties in this country they would say that she is leaving much of the country in a wreck. no suddenly not i mean look in the vault we do have. strange president in the us. we did have a long time of no president and fronts now we have one. italy is
crucial we have to brecht s it and germany standing good standing strong. and we only have first world problems the docs. this country is in a very very good situation but the people want to keep this high level of cause and therefore we have to say something. about the future and this is for you people to the former finance minister of all things show a bullet who is now president of the german parliament he was asked today about miracles but take a listen to what he said about her being wounded he s wanted to see strong bows together and therefore i would i would not be. so decided she has announced he would run again that is an important step to to announce it i think
there is a good turns and we believe it will be agreed in my party that we ve been known to be we do what we can to avoid brezhnev lame duck you know to avoid the situation of having a lame duck leader isn t she though after season else with a lame duck leader is she going to last until the next election in two thousand and twenty one she will last of the next election and will not be the christian democrats who decide whether we have the next version and twenty twenty one or any time this is up to the social democrats as you know so i mean you re saying you feel confident that she will remain in office as chancellor until the next election twenty twenty one if that will be the next election unfriended when they run yes what about the current government. the current government has a problem that. from my opinion the story of the social democrats
has ended in this is that our viewers know the social democrats are in this grand coalition with your party the christian democrats and it s having is having serious problems right now yes but these problems in the structure of this party it s a pity but they have to solve to solve these problems for themselves and if they might say ok. break time out in the opposition i wouldn t recommend it but it s possible and have a a minority government until twenty twenty one or would you go into a government with the greens. there was two times we had the chance to have a government as a greens the first time two thousand and thirteen and i was very in favor of it they decided that s too early for them and they wanted to go it was a to drink a little bit of tea and wait up
a wing will know that they re almost at parity with the with the c.d.u. . and wait and see and the second time the liberals say no to the possibility that people around the world looking at the situation are going to ask ok merkel is leaving who s going to replace it. the funny thing is that the come on. commonsense that did not leave anybody. to follow up now on the in this morning three people all respectable say they re considering to do it so this is quite a good sedation so the party can look at what to do and i believe that the most important thing is what do we want to say for the future. of our claim for the future and as i told you that we will know a good situation in germany but the questions people ask. is that sustainable
you know before we run out so much with the you have a very impressive record with the c.d.u. would you consider to be a change looking at that in twenty twenty one this is a very charming question and i will not. like the diplomat that you for harvest really get a member of the german parliament and a member of the medical c.d.u. party if you change your mind just prove you will lead as all right thank you very much thank you. well another election and another victory for a far right populous this time in latin america s biggest country brazil voters there have chosen a new president giving the former army captain or not owe their overwhelming support after one of the most divisive campaigns in recent history also not all brings a lot of baggage a track record of racism sexism homophobia and education of the country s former
military dictators tonight he s recasting himself as the man who can drain the brazilian swamp and the man who can unite the country. change has come to brazil after a decade and a half of leftist and centrist rule the far right has emerged triumphant. like it because it represents a shift in power we had the same group ruling the country for sixteen years and these results are making the people happy and if you ask me. i think it will be good for brazil we need a change i m sick of so much corruption there are many things we need to change. yet others see a darker side to the news as has any social. element these elections in reality have revealed the worst of mankind to have shown the soul of human beings this is how i feel about it i feel sad for the sad yes and shipping on a essentially. the division in brazilian society was clear to see after the results
came in sunday evening a crowd of both supporters gathered to celebrate outside the prison where former leftist candidate lula da silva is serving time was the election front runner until he was jailed on corruption charges. and in the city anger towards the winner with many protesters shouting not him. many fear the sudden rise of both an auto could mean a threat to their democracy he has praised dictators supported torture and just before the elections he promised to purge the country of leftists. to his victory speech also not to appear to dial back his extreme views. about their lives not the oh this is a country for us all brazilians by birth or heart. of diverse opinions colors and
orientations as a defender of freedom i will lead a government which defends and protects the rights of citizens who comply with their duties and respect the laws. in two months brazil will begin to see what kind of change it voted for both sonora will take office on january first. and tonight i m joined by one carlos a doggo he is a latin american policy analyst at the cato institute he joins us from our studios in washington d.c. good to have you on the program u.s. president truong was among the first to congratulate mr wilson are they kindred spirits. there are lots of points of common between those who are not on trump also not only is it very strongly support to israel i wouldn t be surprised if one of his first measure will be to move the brazilian embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem in that regard to he will find a lots of points in common with president trump i did also also not is very
skeptical of china he has claimed that china has a policy of importing nations that trade with beijing so in that regard again there is points of common with the troubles the restriction in this war against china what were brazilian voters what were they choosing between in this election and maybe some people have said that they were choosing between the lesser of two evils here what would you describe the choice as being. well certainly a lot of also not his supporters don t see him as a wrong don t see him as a listener evil they were enthusiastically supporting his candidacy there were three main concerns in in brazil right now one of them is crime and this remember also not zero percent to himself. somebody who is going to be extremely tough on criminals the other one is corruption also natural surfing congress in congress over for a quarter of
a century and for some reason he s never been tainted in corruption scandal so that certainly helping the other one is the. rejection of the of the workers party that were the party of. former president was if a lots of brazilians resent the party for his corruption lots of procedural resent the party for its ties with venezuela and they wanted something different from from what the workers party had to offer you say that the new president comes into office without any of the scandals that we re familiar with being in the brazilian politics how do you explain this is it because of his close ties to the military. now i mean he was in here when he was an obscure congressman he was well known but he was not a part of the establishment he didn t deal much power through all his legislative
career i think it was twenty seven years in the back benches of brazilian congress that s why that s probably one of the reasons he s part is pretty small he he actually switch parties and many times during his career. that s one of the reason for only he he wasn t tainted with corruption scandals because he never actually have much much power now he s going to enjoy the support of probably two thirds of congress many parties are supporting him many governors are supporting him is going to be one of the one president with the strongest mandates in brazilian democratic history with this strong mandate do you think he will further democracy in the country and i ask you that because he is compared to what with other authoritarian leaders not only the u.s. president but some have said today that he he makes donald trump would like a boy scale and that he s more kindred spirits with the leader of the philippines mr do charity. i think that the best comparison will be with detecting the philippines right now as it stands the executive branch s that week is
a branch of liberals in government that will put the judiciary first they like you say of a second and the executive third let s remember that scene s democracy came back to brazil to have presidents having beast so presidents tend to be weak in brazil however he s going to enjoy the support of two thirds of brazilian congress more days and that s certainly a lot of power to change laws to change the constitution let s hope he s going to be for the best i don t think that i don t think he will act on his misogynist and racial and and all they hate her speech we know that speech can have consequences by itself as we have witness here in the united states you know if that is indeed the case on carlos or doggo latin american policy analyst at the cato institute joining us tonight from washington one cause we appreciate you taking the time to be with us like thank you. or british one is mr philip hammond says that voters can look forward to the end of
fiscal austerity if the u.k. manages to strike a deal with the european union on brags that the british economy has already taken a hit since the twenty sixteen vote to leave the e.u. there s still no certainty that london can reach a deal with its european partners on breaks it but hammering it was upbeat in his speech to parliament today take a listen. to their body speaker we re at a pivotal moment in our negotiations and the stakes could not be higher get it right and we will not only protect britain s jobs businesses and prosperity but we will also harvest a double deal diffident a boost from the end of uncertainty and a boost from releasing some of the fiscal headroom that i am holding in reserve at the moment we are confident that we will security deal which delivers that dividend . by philip hammond there the message from him basically is that british voters can look forward to an increase in spending on public services only if to resubmit his
government can get that elusive deal with brussels and brags that well far from it was mr the mood in northern ireland is not so upbeat our correspondent here good months has visited the british province where the failure to reach a price of a deal could mean a hard water between it and the republic and the consequences of that she reports could be much more serious than the amount of cash in people s pockets. on some day the memories come flooding back. memories of the ear and then as the troubles in belfast. often mccrory experience tara in northern ireland firsthand he was there when a bomb exploded on the shankill road his neighborhood and a protestant area nine people died it was one of the worst bomb attacks by the irish republican army or ira in belfast. people and all over the papal summer day
and some are injured some are wondering do you see the twenty five years on the memory is still in people s remain the heart to shoulder and the loss of people who have lost loved ones or still are. the attack was a tanning point for alfie mccrory a protestant he has wanted peace ever since that day. the catholic enclave are going it s just a few blocks from shanghai wrote the boma thomas begley came from here he was a member of the ira. begley was killed by his own bomb and today u.s. venerated by radical irish catholics like the phenol for ari volunteers. who were martyred paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and also murdered others and i mean war the first they have republicans have traditionally saw that as long as we are going to use an immunologist pods and the such it s
a huge test for the peace process the question is whether any change in the status quo won t trigger a violent reaction on either side. at the memorial in belfast commemorating ira fighters killed during the conflict it becomes clear twenty years after the good friday peace agreement the catholic community fears the so-called hot border on the island to fall and it would be the external border of the e.u. looking for a great leader who needs to be honored to respect that that takes away the hard part of it out away from us and then things every calorie issue for all the years has been about the contract and not concomitant. he makes worry in his process and friends also feel an existential threat they want to remain a part of the u.k. and are against northern ireland being given special status as the e.u. s proposed creature may mean that s the amount that the u.k.
will be leaving. so we ve got as a reassuring should we re just as important to them in fact the english of scotch in the welsh betrayals the big word not practive bracks it means accent we re worried about betrayal. alfie mccrory hopes the atmosphere will remain relatively quiet despite the impending bricks it for the first time in two decades there is a sense that peace in northern ireland is decidedly fragile. a lot at stake there aren t the conversation continues online as always will find us on twitter in the news or. the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we ll see that everybody. has. the.
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