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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240614

plants and meatpacking plants. these aren t the most powerful people and where do they turn? you have a right-wing house of representatives and a very right-wing supreme court. exactly and i think this is why so many people feel powerless and ironically some are feeling so powerless that they turn to somebody who looks like a strong man. wright, with a golden toilet. who was actually at this moment giving big tax breaks and promising more tax breaks to the biggest corporations. people need to know that the most important thing to remember is the massive trump tax cut will expire next year. he is not for the regular person. robert reich, thank you so much. that is tonight s reidout . all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in a hero s welcome on capitol hill for the architect of the insurrection. we are 100% unified behind his candidacy. a lot of support. the best speech i ve ever heard. we are incredibly unified in working with president trump to get him elected. tonight, how congressional republicans became accomplices to the criminal ex-president. this is an outstanding group of people. i m with them 1000%. they are with me 1000%. as trump pressures the speaker of the house to overturn his felony conviction. then, new reporting on undisclosed luxury gifts to clarence thomas. and why today s supreme court ruling on abortion pills is just the beginning of the battle, when all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i am chris hayes. a lot has happened on capitol hill since the last time donald trump was there. there was the deadly insurrection he incited. there was the biden inauguration he skipped. there was the record-setting second impeachment he faced and there was a time in the immediate aftermath of all of that, late january, february, march, it seemed he may never be welcome back. but we know how that turned out. today the former president and his 34 felony convictions tracked to capitol hill at the invitation of house and senate republicans where he was received like a different dawn. a crime don. seeking not supporters but accomplices and co-conspirators. they are using us as a bad example of democracy and they are getting away with murder and we are not going to let it happen. you are all elected or you are going to be elected again and reelected. i m with everyone of you and i will be with you always. this is an outstanding group of people. i m with them 1000%. we agree just about everything and if there isn t we work it out. the term kiss the ring has been used so often with trumpet has virtually lost all meaning, but it really was on display in washington today. everything about this appearance was meant to convey the idea of republican party unity and they all performed it strenuously. that unity essentially remaking the party of lincoln into a mafia type operation with him at the top. a man convicted in a conspiracy to pay off former paramore is because he feared their stories would complicate his campaign. a man found liable for sexual assault of exactly the kind he brags about. a man who surrounds himself with lackeys who have been convicted or charged of serious crimes. steve bannon, michael flynn. trump has pardoned or commuted the sentences of many of those men. of course they never snitched. because trump envisions interactions with people in these sort of organized crime transaction terms. you do for me and if i am in a good mood and i am happy with your performance, you will get a cut. the republican party signed up to be part of this. that was on display today with discussions behind closed doors. as sources told reporter jake sherman, trump singled out house republicans who voted to impeach him saying that out of the 10 that impeached only one is left. sherman pointed out that was wrong, there are actually two left, but this was trump basically doing his impression of al capone in the untouchables, pointing out all the people in his gang that flipped on him. a sort of snitches get stitches, stay on my good side message to the foot soldiers. if you think that pressure does not work, look at the outgoing majority leader mitch mcconnell. remember what he said about trump in the aftermath of the insurrection? there is no question, none, the president trump is practically and morally responsible for promoting the events of the day. no question about it. this was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories orchestrated by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters decision or else torch our institutions on the way out. and yet here was mcconnell today. the old man, supplicant, submissive, bending over to kiss the ring. getting a breezy endorsement of trump s capitol hill pilgrimage. reporter: senator how was it seeing the former president? we had a good meeting. we shook hands a few times. he took questions from the audience and it was an entirely positive session. great work, mitch. despite all that plenty of those lawmakers were feckless enough to drip out details of trump s backroom talk to sherman and other reporters because you can never underestimate just how cowardly they are. for instance when trump told republicans today that milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city. another source told reporters trump was rambling to the crowd. said it was like, and i quote, talking to her drunk uncle at the family reunion. of course in public those sources will get in line and kiss the ring and give the don whatever he wants. maybe you think this is all being too literal. hyperbolic with the metaphors. crime bosses. surely he does not embrace actual criminal gangs and racketeering and violence as a campaign feature. but this is now part of his campaign. listen closely to this because i still can t get over this. it flew almost completely beneath the radar on the mainstream media. i will include us with this, with the exception of the associated press and a few others. but it was on display at his campaign rally last month in the bronx when he shared the stage with a few supportive guests. where is where is he? come on up, fellas. always going to whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures. trump will shout to the winds for all of us. make america great again. okay so trump is doing a rally in the bronx. to trump those rappers are powerful allies. they are also criminal defendants in a sweeping gang case where prosecutors say they gave material support to a gang during a violent street war with another gang. brooklyn district attorney gonzalez says gang members used more than 30 guns to threaten or eliminate their rivals. in total gonzalez says there was one murder, for attempted murders and 12 nonfatal shootings. what we allege and learned during the course of this investigation was that he used a lot of the money that he earned to help facilitate further gang activity. he encouraged gang members to participate in violent crimes. sheff g, who is the rapper on stage with donald trump that he invited up there. prosecutors allege that he threw a party to celebrate a drive-by shooting in october, 2020, in which one alleged gang member was killed and five others were injured. murder. again, alleged. innocent until proven guilty in our system, but did you hear all of that? imagine what the new york post would have done with this headline if those gentlemen had shown up at a rally for aoc or if president joe biden introduced to them introduced them on stage. but the fact of the matter is that conservatives have a criminal as their preferred nominee and he is embracing a criminal model for the enterprise that is now the republican party. michelle goldberg is an opinion columnist for the new york times. tara, let me start with that. those two individuals on that stage. again, i can t believe it happened and these are not, you know, there are all kinds of ways people have been accused of crime. the system can be unfair, but they are accused of being part of a gang that has killed and shocked and maimed people and they are on stage with donald trump and i don t think it is an accident because i think this is kind of the vibe of the campaign. yeah, i talked about this right after the rally, i think on this network, as a matter of fact. pointing out how despicable this was and how this is seemingly okay now in the law and order republican party. it is such an affront to so many things and it is an insult to the american people that we are supposed to sit here and think this is normal. donald trump is a convicted felon. republicans are welcoming him to capitol hill with a hero s welcome. back to the scene of the crime where mitch mcconnell calls him practically responsible for an insurrection. pal around with accused murderers. this is all normal. it s just fine. it s not. it s not. he gets very frustrating sometimes when there seems to be a moral equivalence made between trump and biden and the way the campaigns are covered. like donald trump did what he did today. he is having these rallies where he is going on random rants about sharks and boats and electrocution. he is palling around on stage with guys who are also alleged criminals. meanwhile president biden is overseas representing the united states with honor and dignity of the g-7 and just entered a security deal with ukraine trying to maintain democracy in europe. there is no moral equivalence. your point about how this slipped under the radar and seems par for the course for donald trump, unfortunately this is who he is. he thinks this is okay and by the way for any black folks who think donald trump is on your side, this is what he thinks of you. black people will like me because i hang around with criminals and they were flashy chains and gold sneakers. it is such an affront, honestly, but this is who donald trump is. michelle, one of the thing that happens and again i use the mafia metaphor, because the unity is so intense. of course behind-the-scenes you have like talking to your drunk uncle. he was rambling. everyone goes and tells reporters and there is this distance. the unbelievable applause and then everyone going to tell the reporter that he was really nuts behind closed doors. right, it kind of brings back memories of 2016 to 2020, where you constantly had republicans in these really degrading displays of fealty and then they would go and try to distance themselves from it when no one was looking. maybe because they think it is all a game and we see how far it goes over and over again. i think after the mafia element, it is not just these two rappers. the trim campaign is leaning hard into mafia metaphors. you have seen the godfather t- shirts and merchandise with godfather iconography. donald trump has compared himself favorably to al capone. recently breitbart ran an interview with peter navarro, former trump official and probably future trump official if trump is reelected. currently in prison in miami. he gave this jailhouse interview boasting about how he gets treated really well because the guards and the inmates love donald trump. sort of how a made demand would be treated if he goes to prison and is still able to slice the garlic really thin. i think what is important is it is not just hypocrisy. not just a defiance of law and order. it is a different model of governance that a lot of republicans have embraced. a hierarchy based on personal relationships that they see as an alternative to technocratic liberalism. yes, mafia state as an aspirational model. and then i never know what s worse, like the people who are pretending or the people who are true believers. i think i know which category marjorie taylor greene is, but let me just play her reaction to seeing donald trump today. i really found his speech to be one of my favorite speeches. he came in, talked to the conference. he was very honest. he was funny. he was joking around constantly with everyone. he was really sweet to me. he said to speaker johnson, okay, you ve got one more seat. you need to be tougher. i was sitting back a little ways. he saw me and he was like hello. he is always so sweet and recognizes me and said are you being nice? he was joking and said are you being nice to speaker johnson? he said okay, be nice to him and i nodded my head. the thing about this is, yes, there is always a duality here. he knows what he is doing and the transactional politics are real and they have all sort of bought into it. it is successful because they are willing to get on board for what it will mean for them. yes of course and to answer your question who is worse, the true believers or the enablers, it is the enablers 100%. the true believers, you can excuse it away that they are so far into it that it is not rational for them. the enablers are the ones who know better and are in a position to say no or to say stop, when no one else will. which is what conservatives were supposed to be doing according to bill buckley, the godfather of modern conservative history. they did not do that. they made a decision that this would be a transactional, politically expedient decision to suck up to donald trump who is a direct and immediate existential threat to our democracy. he wants a club talker see and they are okay with that as long as they get their piece of the pie, but no one is safe under donald trump. he will come for them, too. then we as a country and a democracy have to pay the price. that is why he has to be stopped. go ask mike pence who narrowly avoided correct. getting grabbed by a mob calling for him to be hanged. this is j.d. vance, speaking of people auditioning, to be the next person who may be facing that situation. no real republican with any credibility in the party is still blaming trump for january 6. i think it is a good thing. the republican party is in a good place. i think today was kind of like the button on the january 6 was bad era of the republican party. to whatever extent it was there, today was the definitive marking of the end. right and it has been coming for a while. this is obviously a candidate running extensively on january 6 rioters were heroes and warriors and i m going to pardon the mall. the party has embraced him and embraced that message. j.d. vance is right. there are not very many republicans, if any, who have credibility in their party who will say what mitch mcconnell said after january 6 and what i think most of them know in their hearts to be true. michelle goldberg, tara setmayer, thank you both. when you are the republican pic for president and you want to overturn your conviction for multiple felonies, who do you call? the plea he made to the speaker of the house, next. se, next. clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? just use. tide. yeah. no matter who s doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the 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the congress, nor should it be. also donald trump was convicted in the state of new york, not the federal system, but that s not stopping them. the morning after the verdict johnson was on trump news making an appeal to the conservatives on the supreme court. i do feel the supreme court should step in. this is unprecedented and dangerous to our system. i think the justices on the court, i know many of them personally. i think they are deeply concerned about that as we are, so i think they will set this straight. yesterday house republican leaders spent the day whipping a bill that would allow presidents charged at the state level to move cases to the federal court. she is a contributing writer at the atlantic where she wrote about trump s absolute disdain for democracy and joins me now. when i saw this i thought that is nutty and not the way any of this works, but that has not stopped things before. i thought that about the mifepristone suit and look how far that god. so it does seem like they are on board, the house republican caucus, on trying to come up with some way of bailing him out. the house republican caucus may be on board, but i don t think that means whatever they are planning will work. if this bill went through i think there would be serious challenges probably made on realism. congress can t just miss around with state courts however it likes and of course he has already been convicted. his options at this point are really appealing through the new york state court system and then the supreme court. there are a handful of legal arguments that he could make on the grounds of federal law, but that will take a very long time and it certainly won t be done before the election. the reporting around the sort of scotus hail mary and this is the daily beast saying that most request for emergency action go to the justice assigned to a particular circuit. in this case it is sotomayor, who has ruled against trump in a most every case before her. the rulebook says the petitioner may renew the application to any other justice of his or her choice and theoretically continue until the majority has denied the application, which means he could keep on the slot machine until the right justice pops up. i m with you again that that seems implausible even by the degree of standards of this supreme court, but that might be true now. all that stands between us and the unthinkable are are those people in power at the high levels going to do the right thing or do something transparently crazy? i do think this is a case for the courts. institutional equities are important to understand. it is also worth noting, the idea that he could ping-pong from justice to justice, that is not how the court tends to do things now. what they usually do is yes the emergency application will go to justice sotomayor and then instead of going to another justice it would go to the full court as a matter of practice and i think it is safe to say they would almost certainly turn it down. this is an extremely conservative court. it is a hard right court, but it is not really a maga court. there have been issues where trump s issues align with those of the conservative justices and uc benefits for him there, but it is really hard for me to see how he could even get to for justices who would be interested in taking on this case right off the bat. he really would be stretching. i totally agree and i think one of the things you see is mitch mcconnell had this sort of speech after january 6 that was basically like this is not the way you do this. basically he was saying you ve got to do the bush league or thing if you want to take an election away, not this january 6 nonsense. do it the bush versus gore way. that is a ludicrous argument and it has done what it needed to do almost certainly in terms of delaying. to call up mike johnson and yell at him to make a magical bill that i am no longer a convicted felon is not going to do the job. right and i think this is what things look like in a federal system. the congress, the president of trump is elected again, they do not have power over what the new york state courts do. alvin bragg, whose office prosecuted this case as district attorney, he was directly elected by the people of manhattan. to some extent i think what trump is really raging against is just the idea that there might be jurisdictions simply out of his control. that is exactly what has him so worked up. quinta jurecic, thank you. coming up, in case $4 million in gifts weren t enough, what s the, it looks like terrence kalama s forgot looks like clarence thomas forgot to disclose another set of gifts. that is ahead. ahead. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, there s skyrizi. things are looking up, i ve got symptom relief. control of my crohn s means everything to me. control is everything to me. feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with 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tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. president joe biden is in italy today meeting with the world leaders for the 50th g7 summit. this morning the group posed for the classic family photo. this version of that picture, edited by political scientist ian brehmer, reveals something important about the leaders of the world s biggest economies. they are all unpopular. those numbers are net disapproval ratings with joe biden coming in second, underwater by only 18.5 points. there is one reason why these leaders are also unpopular. all g7 nations and most of the world have faced levels of inflation not seen for decades. none of the leaders are directly responsible for that. as you can see job creation coincided with the end of the pandemic. it was the result of a surge of pent-up demand amidst a constrained supply. but voters totally understandably hate inflation. it has been three or four years of prices going up and they blame the incumbent party. in the u.s. the consumer price index hit a whopping 9% in 2022 and we have actually recovered since then, better than our g7 counterparts. the index dropped to 3.3% as of yesterday. that is the rate of increase. prices are going up at a slower rate. cumulatively prices are still way up here and everywhere, but the truth is that joe biden didn t have a lot to do with the fact this line went up or that it went down. that is mostly circumstances outside his control. the bed. i will say this. joe biden s administration has tried very hard to cut costs for americans wherever they can, taking steps to lower prescription drug costs. canceling student debt. getting rid of junk fees for airlines and banks, for example. but for the most part being real, the rise and fall in inflation was the result of external factors like the pandemic and decisions by the federal reserve outside president biden s control. voters might look and say well then, why does it matter who the next president is? it is calming down on its own. it matters because donald trump is running on the most explicit inflationary platform in modern history. i think we should have a ring around the collar, as they say. i think when companies come in and dump products in the united states they should pay automatically, let s say a 10% tax. i do like 10% for everybody. trump s proposal, a 10% tariff on all foreign goods would basically be a sales tax. it would raise prices for american consumers 10% on everything from avocados to iphones. if you think that is bad, today, behind closed doors outside of the view of cameras, donald trump proposed one of the most arranged policies i have ever heard. he told republican lawmakers behind closed doors that he wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it entirely with tariffs, effectively taking us back to the 19th century. this idea makes as much sense as ripping up the interstate highway system and replacing it with canals. economist paul krugman did some math and estimates the policy would require an average tariff of 133%. not 10%. that is a 133% tax psych on all imported goods that would be passed on to consumers. it would cost americans hundreds of millions of dollars. a policy advisor explained further. another way to put trump s latest incredibly unworkable idea, get this, it would raise taxes by $5000 for a typical family if you are a working person who buys stuff. it would cut taxes for the average family in the top 0.1% by $1.5 million. this proposal would jack up everything everywhere for normal people, crushing the average american s wallet, while giving the wealthiest folks who no longer have to pay income tax and don t buy that much relative to their income, and enormous windfall of millions of dollars. this is the man who has a 50-50 shot of taking the white house, in large part because of the conditions that produced high inflation and he is seriously and earnestly currently running on the most inflationary platform i ve ever seen. higher prices, higher taxes for everyone. it would make what we ve seen over the past few years look like nothing. othing. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let s be honest. all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn t have to. when you sign up at, you ll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. children are the greatest joy and our best hope for a better future. friends, they are the future. but 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more undisclosed private jet trips. tonight we are learning supreme court justice clarence thomas took at least three private jet trips paid for by his benefactor billionaire republican harlan crow, according to an ongoing investigation by democrats on the senate judiciary committee. propublica is reporting the newly revealed flights add to the picture of using the jets for personal travel. he owns a high-end jet that can cost over $10,000 per flight hour to charter according to charter company estimates and thomas has repeatedly flown to a destination and back again on the same day. in a statement thomas s lawyer said the trips fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be asked closed to be disclosed. the reporter who broke the story about many of the undisclosed gifts, he and his rest of his team won a pulitzer for the reporting last year and joins me now. congratulations, by the way. three more trips. what have we learned? the thing that is so striking is the scale of it. we are looking at a picture where harlan crow s private jet, a particularly nice private jet was at the disposal of justice thomas and there are multiple incidents where, for example, flying from washington, d.c. to san jose, california, staying for a few hours and turning around and going back on the same day. that s happened repeatedly. and going from where the jet is based in dallas to d.c. to pick up the justice. it adds to a long list and the picture is a billionaire political donor in a real way subsidizing the life of a justice. they don t make clear the purpose of the trips that included trip from st. louis to montana. location of glacier park international airport. he was scheduled to be in st. louis for a speech. in one instance he flew from the east coast to san jose and returned home later that day. another he took a round-trip flight from washington, d.c. to savannah, georgia. this is how taylor swift or elon musk, that is how they get around. right, the round-trip alone, seemingly for some kind of lunch, we don t know what it was for, still, that could easily cost $100,000 for the flight. probably double the median income that an american makes in a year. it is an extraordinary amount of money. a $100,000 flight. yeah and last week justin thomas amended some prior years disclosure forms to disclose other things harlan crow has paid for. hotels and lodging and vacations. a trip to california. that is the third time he s done that. to be clear, these three no one knew about and no one reported. these were totally new to us. you had no idea? i had no idea. this is it, right? this has to be it. i think we have an absolute, definitive account. look, some of the reporting we did took myself and coworkers months of reporting to piece together these trips that justice thomas and justice alito also got. we don t have subpoena power. the senate judiciary committee does. they said today there would be a full report coming out this summer, so i would not be surprised if there are more revelations. they subpoenaed leonard leo as well, who basically told them to go pound sand. pound sand, thank you for stopping me from saying what i was going to say. harlan crow, he is cooperating. they are getting this from harlan crow. right. they authorized a subpoena. didn t actually issue attended became leverage in negotiations with lawyers and they came up with this deal where he is giving information about the past seven years. potentially not just travel. we will find out when the full investigation comes out this summer. we have to update our bar chart. it is a tough one to read. let s see, which one is thomas? right, there he is on the left. we might need to raise up that bar after we price these ones in. maybe this summer we will get more. can i get your response since i have you here about something justice alito said about your reporting. this is something that he said recently. surreptitiously recorded. take a listen. there are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. that s what it is, you know. like who? propublica. propublica gets a lot of money and they have spent a fortune investigating clarence thomas for example. have you spent a fortune or are these ideological attacks? it was frankly disturbing to hear this because it was speculation based on no evidence. as one of the two or three reporters who did this work i tell you how it started, which was not a report on justice thomas and alito. we will report on how supreme court justices are spending their time when they are not at the court. it started with a stack of documents of travel records with no names and we pieced together that it is justice thomas taking private jets. we took a hard look at democratic appointed justices and simply found nothing equivalent. if we could put up that bar chart for a second, it is hard to find the signal for the noise in that chart. it takes a lot of energy to uncover that one on the left. right, if somebody out there knows about george soros funding trips, i would love to report it. you can find my contact information on all of our stories. thank you. coming up, as the supreme court rejects the attempt to ban the abortion pill, why the right wing is just getting started on reproductive rights. next. nuggets. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. when we say it ll be on time they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. my name is marie. i m 49 years old and i m a business owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i m still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i m really, really happy with the results. it s still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow s feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. they say we should stop eating so much meat. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. today the supreme court unanimously rejected an attempt to limit access to the abortion pill mifepristone and that, i should say, is definitely good. mifepristone is used in more than 60% of all abortions in this country, as well as the treatment of miscarriages. it should remain easily accessible, but this case should not have made its way to the supreme court in the first place. it is shocking that it did. the case is based on faulty legal logic and was first introduced by a conservative group in amarillo, texas. incorporated there so they could file the case and ensure it would land before a hard right activist appointed to the bench by donald trump. predictably the pan plan worked. issued a nationwide injunction. the decision was mostly upheld by the court of appeals. that court of appeals is arguably the most radically right wing pro trump court in the land. the supreme court threw it out today because plaintiffs lacked standing and the entire ruse was too ridiculous even for this court. make no mistake, republicans may have lost this battle, but they are still fighting the war. it is all but certain that they will bring a similar suit again and will absolutely do so given the opportunity. they don t want to stop there. today senate republicans blocked a bill enshrining protections for ivf only a day after the southern baptist convention, the largest protestant this domination days protestant denomination in the country voted to condemn the procedure. the republican party and grassroots of the party truly believe in this. they are not going to stop there crow seed against stop there crusade against reproductive rights. joining me now is nbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. i guess let s start with the decision today which was not surprising. they kicked it on what are called standing grounds. what does that mean? standing is the notion that you have to be a person who has been injured to maintain a lawsuit. it goes back to the concept that the courts can only hear cases or controversies, not imagined grievances. what the court is saying is that the alliance for defending freedom did not have standing to bring their suit and there are a couple of lines. in one place justice kavanaugh says an organization that has not suffered a concrete injury caused by a defendant s action cannot spend its way into s standing by spending money together information and advocate against the defendant, meaning the food and drug administration s action. that is the good part of this. but as you noted, there are little easter eggs sprinkled throughout this decision that are sort of gifts to the antiabortion right. in large part because of one side can t have standing, the other can t either. one of the things this says is that doctors should not presume that they will have standing to advocate for their patients. that usually means something very different for pro-abortion doctors than it does on the anti-choice side. that s a great point. i want to read the standing argument the plaintiffs presented, because it is one of my favorites. this is from the initial, i don t think of this is the scotus brief or district court. doctors lose the opportunity to provide professional services and care for the women and child through pregnancy which causes harms to providers who can no longer care for their patients and bring about the successful delivery of a new life. you deprive me of the joy of delivering your baby, which is a tangible harm to me, ergo i have standing. the standing analysis survived the district court and survived the fifth circuit court of appeals. it is kind of galling and there is a twist on that argument, too. you deprive me of the ability to care for more deserving patients, the women who want to deliver their children as opposed to women who present in the emergency room having had a complication. hypothetically, to be clear. that hypothetically might do so. when i am forced to divert my attention from deserving woman a, to take care of you, morally bankrupt woman b. you can do this through the courts or through the department of justice if you have the teeth to do it. here is justice samuel alito talking about, he does not say the name, interestingly. he just reads the u.s. section and the solicitor general of the united states does say the name. listen. shouldn t the fda at least have considered the application i think the comstock provisions don t fall within fda s lane. the comstock laws, those are passed in the victorian era to outlaw basically all tools for abortion and birth control. and really sending them between states. if you want to talk about zombie laws and we have talked about them a lot on your show and others. these are statutes prohibiting abortion or things that allow people to achieve abortion. it was a zombie law and it was understood for many decades that the comstock law had no effect. why? because row was in existence. the biden administration has made clear they don t believe the comstock act needs to be enforced unless the intent is to help somebody accomplish something that would be unlawful and given the mail order prescription of mifepristone is lawful, then the interpretation is there is nothing to be done. a different administration however, you can count on the same sorts of folks to press that heavily with the department of justice. and i want to be clear. there are criminal penalties attached to the comstock laws. the department of justice could conceivably on day one start having the fbi arrest people and prosecute people for mailing abortion drugs. they may not even have to go that far. i think the lesson is that you can terrorize people into not doing anything just by having a law and having the threat out there that somebody could be criminally prosecuted for doing something. the comstock act, this is not a hypothetical. there are lots of folks in right-wing circles writing about and talking about this. lisa rubin, thank you. thank you. that is all in on this thursday night. alex wagner starts now. good evening. there are women already terrified making choices about bodily economy. certainly. fear at all levels of american society. thank you, my friend. today donald trump made his first visit to capitol hill. the first time since his followers ransacked the capital on january 6. to unde

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240612

sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause ] greg: i expect nothing less. happy tuesday. historic day for the first time ever hunter biden did not to get off. found guilty of 3 felonies facing up to 25 years behind bars the good news if he goes to prison his family visits and conjugal visits could be done at the same time unlikely maximum sentence since his first conviction community services likely he shown a interest in working with unwed mothers not the kids. biden froze for 30 seconds at white house event calling it the longest he is gone without saying something stupid he then exchanged of fist bump his hand it should heal in 4-6 months. s&l talking with the biden campaign to reach voters biden s campaign raiders are asking s&l to write comedy. aoc and rachel maddow claimed if trump elected they will be locked up even more terrified is the view of going to fat camp. researchers using ai determine elephants call each other by names in their own language i thought we already knew that. trace gallagher shannon bream the canadian cancer society apologized for using cervix instead of the trends friendly front hold. not to be confused with the word ass hole. south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help in wynne especially if he needs help shooting bleep bleep and books mentioning butts and farts can t be banned in public libraries good news for my new book. you know it s coming. you know it s coming. so prior to a jury finding biden guilty and has gun trial as defense found an unlikely ally the second amendment the thing democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last-ditch effort hunter asked that as the questionnaire he said violated second amend meant rights of the argued the question asking if he was a drug addict was unconstitutional in the state had no right to infringe on his second amendment s rights just because he did a little dope and buy a little dope i don t mean george stephanopoulos i mean so much coco scarface would ve recommended rehab. is still the defense has a point so why is it unconstitutional well they argued historical intoxication statutes can t stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober a citizen based on past drug use and that i m sorry but make sense is a constitutional for the government to remove the secondment meant rights of a person based on an the conflict let s forget about hunter the same law would borrow wounded that who uses cannabis for pain from exercising his right to self defense imagine a person in recovery who now owns guns should he go to jail never mind the ruling people from going to treatment or seeking mental health help i need it. now did hunter break the law sure but it s an unjust law you can disagree with me you are disagreeing with the second amendment it shall not be infringed but if that sounds familiar to you then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpf rolled the flashback flashback dude. you can make the argument and said this is unconstitutional because the second amendment doesn t have an exception in for if you re addicted to something you can make the argument that is secondment meant rights are being violated which it would be funny to see joe biden asking the court to make that argument her next book now the rules say estate you should only applied for me during the monolog but her next book should be called how i tried to keep hunter out of jail but imagine that the sun of a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra part saying politics makes strange bella bedfellows but for the second amendment s state i daresay get hope hunter were a condom because i don t want that getting genital warts. so while the verdict maybe bad news for hunter it s also bad news for the second amendment he was found guilty of being in possession of a firearm as a drug user or addict but there is many americans who fall into that category. but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it but the democrats in a box if trump calls unconstitutional the democrats agree suddenly they are on the side of the second amendment but if they don t it forces them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sent i bet his dad would love that what if the commander dims commander and soiled briefs he said he wouldn t pardon him but the odds abide in remembering that are the same as michael loftus wearing underwear it s a headache for joe but that assumes he has feelings about the neckline hears him at an event last night. was that joe or a statue of joe. if he was any more frozen maas protesters would ve spray-painted on his face. at this point the best they could do for him is unplugging with 5 minutes and reboot before calling tech support you want to hear something worse years joe today had a gun summit gun-control summit talking about you gun owners. by the way they want to take on that if we get out of line mr talking about they need f-15s they don t need a rifle what did he just say i kind of know what he said but still still is not about what you need it s your right to have a rifle this is the guy you believe january 6th was an insurrection apparently we shouldn t worry because he has f-16s or after 15 sees aft up and so his approval ratings dropping faster than his boobs when his bra comes off. even liberal election forecasters suggesting the unthinkable that biden drop out just he did in 1988 democrats what was a marketable candidate michael dukakis he says in biden just hit an all-time low and approval 37% dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk democrats would ve been better served if you decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voters a say among the many popular democrats across the country the many popular democrats what i hope he doesn t fill out a gun application soon because apparently he is high as well who do they have this guy it looks like a tennis pro gave the entire country club committed chlamydia like this chuckle monster i ve seen whoopee cushions with more depth this guy s transportation secretary ellie transporter was illegal immigrants on midnight flights talk about a shallow bench they make fox and friends look like the supreme court what does joe think. no no luck nobody steps down i m not going anywhere. if you re going to beat me after run against me and nobody wants to do the right who do they have the california debt guy at the hearing the teeth really when he likes him is him get the vp lady good luck with that mayor gaye judge booty pete he can t beat me nobody respects him and it s not because he s gay either. it s because he s not a real judge let s welcome tonight s guests. she can use to handstands will she grandstands. [ cheers and applause ] he puts the half and half i m homeless michael loftus. her bumper sticker says food is for losers new york times best-selling author and contributor kat timpf and he doesn t wear hawaiian shirts he wears hawaii as a shirt new york times best selling author, comedian and former and debbie way world heavyweight champion tyrus. kat i would go to you first even though you re not a lawyer but i m interested what you thought of the verdict given your verdict feet of fillings on the secondment creek. you know how i feel because we talked about it this morning we also know i agree with everything in your monolog i think that what i read about is the way partisanship can do divide us and convince us to argue in favor of giving up her own rights this is a good example about that because everybody who wants to see the biden family go down i understand where that comes from i certainly think they been involved in corruption i don t think this is the thing to slammed him on because based on the data we do have on drug use in gun ownership tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and faced decades in prison over the exact thing what i argue he was a responsible gun owner i would not but there was no victim here in the law doesn t designate that somebody who uses marijuana who s a veteran or a wounded veteran for chronic pain could fall under this and what you need to do to avoid it having partisanship clad your thoughts is take the biden s out of ask yourself do you agree with and is a constitutional debbie or second amendment s rights which shall not be infringed nothing what so ever do you want that to be up to the subjective standard of what doesn t doesn t qualify as an addict and have the government be the ones allowed to make that determination and the answer if it s no as it is for me then yet to be against us and also even if you like the law if you think it s a great law you have to say he can t really argue it s constitutional there s a difference between a statutory law unconstitutional you can t argue it s constitutional regardless i you feel about it. emily in the greenroom you said you hope biden fries. rereading my thoughts? no. geographic at orgy think it s a different thing how do you look at it. is a great point let s have that is the foundation over which let s put historical statutory applications bottom-line in 1968 the gun control act was passed where congress said you can t possess a gun if you are under the influence of you re addicted to these controlled substances then the controlled substances act which defined what that meant to be omega go for a whole decade here they make gutfeld stop it. the reasons many americans are vulnerable and that hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been incarcerated is because of those lawes going all those decades back so currently over 157,000 people are incarcerated federally it s a federal prosecution 10% of them second-most is for firearms offences number 1 is drug offences so i also feel when the jury when they were pulled from the beginning they said over half of them direct family members they sought as being 1 more person just that being your last name you won t get away with it i saw them get incarcerated as well i cite taken away also so at the end of the day on the president released a statement saying we love her son were going to appeal and his family in court look so angry i feel it s welcome to the real world there are 157,000 american families going through the same thing right now he just went through today. can i just say some thing superfast i would love to see this actually get overturned on appeal and then it can strengthen second amendment rights for all of us. it would have to be the supreme court like for circuit courts and stuff. greg: you legal ladies pop pipe down i have to get the homeless guy in here. greg: whoa-mac he was she could go to prisons you could have a roof over your head? as a homeless lesbian i do and i realize now that i have developed a cardboard and shellfish allergy so no more sitting around eating clamps from a box. no more freak lamotta juice a want to talk about joe locking up you have to to keep them away from bright lights they are calling them home that s where he went he was just standing there going uncle bo z is that you did the un have an uncle bo z. you can t even clap at that point. as to the gun thing. [ snoring ] it s a good point in its true and is not what i want hunter to go to jail for what about the rest of the. [ bleeps ] laptop. it s like sweet jesus i m tired of the crimes where it s like yet to be careful about pulling that down like when trump as his attorney do something that s 34 felonies that you are slinging guns around high school dumpsters and doing drugs and that s just a 3. it makes zero cents the only thing good about this is a gives hunter a better story when he meets his fellow inmates right if he s like i opened up several shell companies and i was taking money from ukraine and putting that in the shell companies 10% would go to my father you might as well just suck a dude off their. greg: tyrus finish this out for us. he wouldn t to got that far. really disagree with you guys but if you like your examples are flawed like when you talk about the veteran. prescription lead is legal so he s not an addict the skylight about being an addict he s taking controlled substances yet to commit the crime to get it anyhow he is again there s a reason that simply as anybody who lives there it s a reason he was so he is lucky when he left the gun in the car it was someone in his family who got it he lifted there someday took it or there s a reason why we put these things in place of crack was legal he wouldn t be an addict unfortunately alcohol is legal because it was first it s 10 times worse than most drugs but you can drink all the beer you want and say i m not an alcoholic and you aren t lying. he asked if she was asked if he was an addict they check the box and 7000 people testified he lied so. [ bleeps ] send him to jail like the rest of us who commit crimes. crack is illegal. [ bleeps ] you you are going to jail. if you get arrested for a felony you can t vote you can t own again there s a reason for. greg: that was a spirited discussion alright. up next nancy pelosi admits fault in the january 6th assault. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles. what s missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they d rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we re not very athletic. 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( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services greg: nancy makes a clear will the national guard wasn t near here s footage from januare frozen face nancy pelosi taking response ability for not having the national guard and the capital that day watch. we have responsibility and there wasn t any accountability for what was going on there. we should have. it is ridiculous. they ve already breached should be called the capitol police i mean that the national guard i were they there to begin with. they don t know. they clearly didn t know with responsibility there because it s stupid in a situation like this they thought they had a wet thought they would act as civilized. even with the mask even with the mask she sounds hideous. emily what is going on here why is this out now. why is she taking responsibility for this there is something going on here. her daughter s making a documentary that s part of the file turned over after everybody found out about it the irony is that after the video was released the pelosi spokesperson said 3 years later house republicans are trying to whitewash january 6th it s shameful unpatriotic empathetic what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6th committee that returned it 10 p findings among them house democrats like speaker pelosi were concerned with optics after the summer of love it so want to the play the national guard being too afraid to have any form of law enforcement ready because they didn t want it to look bad when the streets are being burned down so that s her fault not trump s. didn t vindicate trump called for the national guard. it vindicates trump and that they should release all those january 6th people right now. and i am with you why are we seeing this now. nancy must have felt bad because both claws were going so sober as they had the ability to talk again crap the back of that dan gave terry we other responsibility i don t know how them going to buy stocks and do insider-trading now. it felt like a performance. low me get this straight she knew they were going in the building and did nothing about it locker up. 20 years is what you get. 20 years. what do you make of this iec conspiracy why are we seeing this now? and her daughter is filming this that s what i m struck by her daughter filmed she s making a documentary what s going on with this family like i would give anything a bravo reality show for nancy pelosi s family. greg: it s creepy the january 6th committee as that should be in there but the 2 republicans were. [ bleeps ] republicans. gold the great they saw something and it s going on getting worse we ve got him. they put people s lives at risk to get rid of trump they could have made the call they didn t because that s how we get them that s what it is. another hoax. up next as they declare trump making her scared. on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! ( ) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection go with simparica trio. a story in 5 words. we ll trump send rachel maddow camping. when asked if worried trump could target her she told the reliable sources newsletter worried about the country broadly if we put somebody empower openly of bowing to build camps to hold millions of people what convinces you these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants i m worried about me only as much as i m worried about all of us she should be worried about any kind of camp she would talk about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long and she would starve to death. the most of boring my goodness i would watch a show she goes to camp but no 1 is going to go to a camp because conservatives don t want to waste of money on rate you have to higher dti counselors and brainwashing people of all spectrums and gavin newsom can t buy a homeless tent for a guy under 500 k know she wants to an episode of naked and afraid i d watch where are my clothes i m rachel maddow i m naked. and afraid. greg:, i like how they think of trump wins their careers in jeopardy their careers explode if he is in power because he gives them so much material it reinvigorates their careers. remember the tax returns they were drawing it out the whole time and it was nothing i remember watching that this you not remember how much fun she had with that also i can t decide if she really believes things are not like it she actually is afraid or just saying that or just thinking about it because i don t know how you could really believe that i think there s a lot of ratcheting up the rhetoric that happens it s ernie been ratcheted up quite high they just had to keep going and then you re not even thinking about it like a lot of the people i talked about who support trump this is top of the list of why is there just like wow this is why i shouldn t. and it sighing objectively stupid. the self-importance is a turnoff to the average person where it s like you really think he s going to take same from you so dangerous he will put you in a cage shut up. greg: it s true it s an ego thing is he is within a hundred to entertainers it would come for me next. no be cares about any of these idiots don t people he watch them are their own echo chamber do you think they will waste time i disagree if you work the first time because people thought there might be true to the russia thing we put up with this bowl. [ bleeps ] for 8 years that s likely going to say now why would else do you have it s passed that they overplayed their hand in their worried about consequences everybody who try to get away with stuff and lied and push false narratives are now afraid they re going to get their comeuppance and they call revenge are gonna me a camp signal you shouldn t be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle lies narratives if anything once he wins where you going to do now because no matter what you do he s gonna finish his 4 years in the winds again absence like always going to lock me up at the celtics when the championship jayson tatum and jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat me up. greg: by the way how does she think he s going to lock her up like what could be the crime like she leaps from a he becomes president i go to jail she leaves at all the stuff in between i was like is it because she s a journalist like whatever she is i don t know because it s so preposterous and if it s being a journalist but year paolo barack obama if you want to see the high volume of journalists imprisoned it s like they are in a space capsule they haven t evolved so outdated like listening to robert de niro when he was ranting and raving recently the thing coming out of his mouth trump s not going to accept the results fascism and he s wearing a mask is like watching somebody from 2016 and you re like we are so past that i don t know who listens to her but it makes me as lame as it sounds there are camps with millions of people in them and they are in china if i would her i would steward or time and platform a little better because the trump delusion derangement syndrome is stupid and i wish she would use it for sighing actual. greg: well put. maybe they would go on tv and say she has to go oh, no,. greg: coming up a coach to a slam dunk a question which stunk. for my patients. it really works. with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. fastsigns. make your statement™. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve s stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don t take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won t go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? 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the journalist come on we need to stop using that term more watered-down than a racist in these days. when joe came and i thought he was too young didn t have experience but then he pulls a stunt like this you heard the race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow-up question they re trying to get him a gotcha moment glad to see a brother stand up and say it has nothing to do with my coaching ability or anything it s my work ethic and faith they got me where i was at and just ended it. forget the fact that we are up 2-0. i invaded his podcast dropped a bit and the full went for like it s a bin prank calling him a week but again it goes to the point where most of us just like the funny blackeye get field the skin is knowing to do with character and jokes. some glad her prominent black eyes because a lot of times psycho that school and he said enough of the seas done this before he did with the rowe family is like what was it like sing next to the prince he was like jesus is only king i serve so just murdered them all the time kat as a devout christian and sports however how do the comments make you feel great. like i could be a sportswriter. yahoo sports. i m serious because i could have known he would have answered this way there are a few things i follow lasted then basketball because you know what i did i googled him but to think you re going to go into an interview the same person when asked about meeting at the royal family answered like o chiese as mary and joseph this is a christian man gaia prioritizes his fave talks about his faith you could ve known he would answer this way if you bothered to google so sportswriters don t need to know sports or even pretend to google it if things don t work out here i ll just go to espn i guess. do they put basque ballgames on at the shelter? they do fro chicken wings from a distance to catch me where they actually from chicken? completely rowe seo and have to fight to kill the chicken with your single can of pork and beans the question was crazy is like for the first time since 1975 okay it was settled in 1965 are we seriously arguing about lack of diversity in the nba okay. let s out of the fight arrow lysed trans people having coached a single team in aussie let s get in there and fight for the ball and help me change my address. you are insane tonight mr loftus taking special outrageous bills last to you emily. only because of them. what you think. my point is do your research on the person you re covering but the promise we lived in an anti-christian anti- judeo-christian society is wei harrison becker i would say but to us and i know that s not right why he was vilified for speaking out for his faith at a catholic college in a filet no problem pray for them being a twitter handle when you tragically dropped on the field prayer is only okay when everyone else doesn t so i applaud this coach irrespective a sports team skin color or anything for being a bastion and beacon for being a christian man in the social environment. up next a texas court overrules banning books on butts in schools [ ] nobody is watching the news. [ ] gary: almost 11 on the east coast let s talk about butts and farts ruled houston area schools and libraries kennel longer banned books that mention but and farts like i broke my butt. and larry farley leprechaun. tyrus, are these books a gateway does shakespeare and chaucer? i think this is a gateway for your new tv shows where you have afternoon shows about farts and butts. gary: that s a great idea emily, as an adolescent boy in my past, i loved about farts and butts. if this is what gets a little boy to read, i love it. it is hysterical that there is this category but at the end of the day the ruling that you can t ban the book because you don t want to see the message but you can ban if it s unpopular so for those communities who do not want them to read about butts and farts. trace: my dream is to be number 1 on amazon in the category i don t know if there is a button fart category but i want to be the trailblazer. i m glad this ruling has been made those on staff picking up the slack and you been a way lobbying for this. gary: it was tough. being a homeless guy, you come in contact with smelly butts and terrible farts and that s how i know i m alive but it unites people rather than divides. farts are always funny and as long as they re not teaching little kids sex stuff and those are the books you want to have and here s who s riding these books because i wrote a book doing well at because you have to do the follow-up and it s don mcmillan is our whole thing she s written five books exclusively about butts. what s all that about and they all have the pseudo-porn titles that, hey, ladies slow down. we get it. greg: we need a second but. i glued my butt. greg: will talk about that will b e right back. s how do you find the perfect father s day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad s vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father s day. greg: thank you emily, michael and the audience. i love you and good night. [applause] trace: good evening. i m trace gallagher and it s 8:00 and los angeles and this is america s fox news at night. [ indiscernable crosstalk

Each-other , Names , Language , Elephants , Trace-gallagher , Shannon-bream , Visual-effect-lighting , Light , Laser , Magenta , Disco , Technology

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240612

if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he s next. have a great night. yes. yes. yeah. i expect nothing less. happy tuesday, everyone. so today was a historic day. for the first time ever, hunter evf to hunter get of was found guilty of three felonies in his gun trial and faces to 25 years behindyear bars. the good news, if he goes bes prison lawyers say his family visits and his conjugal visits could be done at the same time ,but it s unlikely he ll get the maximum since it s his first conviction. community services likelconvicte he s already shown an interest in working with unwed mothers, just not the kids. n president bideotn froze for nearly 30 seconds at a white house event. bifroze his white house press tm hailed it as the longest he s gone without saying something stupid. he finally did out of it and exchanged a slight fist bump. doctors say his hand should heal in 4 to 6 months. riders from snl have beenn meeting with the4-6 mo biden top them reach young voters. meanwhile, writers, the biden campaign have been meeting with snl to help them write comedy. this week aoc and rachel maddow both claimed if donald trump is reelected, he ll lock them up even more terrified members of the view who fear trump will send them to fat camp mor researchers using a i have determined that elephants call each other by names in their ownelephant language. but i thought we already knew that. apolog the canadian cancer society has apologized for using the word for instead of thehe te more trans friendlndy front hole . not to be confused with the word. . south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help him win. especially if someone needs to shoot a . and a texas court has ruled that books mentioning and cannot banned in schools and public libraries. it s great news for me and my new book, having 1,000% real. you know, it s you know, it s comin.g. you know it s coming. all right. so prior to, a jury finding bid hunter biden guilty in his gun gu, it unlikelyfound ally. the second amendment. you know, the thinany g that democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last effort, hunter asked that charges be dropped because the questionnaire he filled out violated his second amendment rights. hunter s legal team argued that the question asking if he was a druggieargued t was adc unconstitutional and the state had no right to infringe on hiscause second amendment rights just because he did a little dopehe t and buy a little dope. i don ti mean george stephanopoulos. o i mean so much coke even scarred, would have recommendede rehab. still, the defense has a point. so why it unconstitutional? well, they argued that intoxication statutes cannot stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober citizeten based exclusivelyug on past drug use. and that use. sorry, makes sense. is it constitutional, ment t the government, to remove the second amendment rights of a person baseo condmentd on n interpretation of a subjective standard? an addicrpretation of t is subj moreover, you don t losefirst am the first amendment right because you do drugs. so why wouldghts lose the secont it s a precondition. all right. a higher authority of lawws whe that displaces lower laws whenever they come into conflictne com. same so let s forget about hunter. the same law would bar a wounded velat who uses cannabs for pain from exercisingro his right to self-defense.e imagine a person in recoveryn re who now owns guns. ve should he go to jail? never mind that this ruling dissuades people fromind the frh to treatment or seeking mental health help. i neededea just reading that nok did you break the law. sure. but it s an unjust law. sow you can disagree with me,wh but you re really disagreeing with the second amendment. the shall not be infringed. period. but if that sounds familiat if t you. then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpenr veryf. ro the flashback. flashback, dude. you can make the argument instead that this isn t constitution at all becauseexce the second amendment doesn t have an exception in it. foptior if you re addictedyou to something real. yes. so you could makcan make the ae that his second amendment rights are being violated, whicriing violh it would be fune joe biden essentially asking the cour joet. to make that argument. yes, ma am. . ts next book the rules say you only applaud for me during the monologue. oud haha, but cat s next book should be called i try to keepat hunter out of jail. but imagine that the son ofpn a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra at. they say politics make strange bedfellows. well par, for the second amendmt sake, i hope hunter wore a . but i don t want the secondn amendment getting genital warts . so while the verdict might be bad news for hunter,d it s also bad news for the second amendment. he was found guilt fory of being in possession of a firearm as aa drug user or addict.t but there are many, many americans who fall into this amorphouns whos, but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it and put the democrats in a boxity to c.e if trump calls this unconstitutional and the dems agree, suddenly they re on the the side of the second amendment. but if they don t, that forcesee them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sguiltd i ll bet his dad would love that. so what of the commander in soiled briefs? no, he claimed he wouldn t. pardon hunter, but the odds of joe remembering he said that are slimmer. im the odds of michael loftus wearing underweathe oddsr. i td say it s just another ider it s just another headache for joe. but that assumes he hast feelings above the neck line. here s joe at a juneteenththsuma nighstt. i don t know if that was o that joe or a statue of joe. if it was any more frozen hamase protesters wouldrs spray painted intifada on his face. at this point, the best they can do for him is unplug him, wait 5 minutes, then reboot before calling tech support. you want hear some words?a gu here s joe today at a gunn summit. a gusurol summitn control summi. he s talking about you gun owners by the way if they want to think, to take on government, if we get outou of line, which they re talking about, well, guess what? they neetalkind f-150s. they don t need a rifle. what did he just say?i kind i kind of know what he said, l, it s not about what you need, dude. it s your right to have a rifld it so havee. and yet, this is the guy who believed january 6 was an insurrection. apparently we shouldn t worry because he has succeeds. or if 50 means he s effed upo . and so joe s h approvaisl ratins are dropping faster than jerry nadler s when his comes off. even liberal election forecaster nate silver is suggesting the unthinkable. biden drop out just like he did in 88 when dems went with a8 deo more marketable candidate, michael dukakis. silver says biden just hit an all time in approval, 37%. dropping out would be ak big risk, but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a biggercr risk. dems would have been better servedwould ve b. biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voterk s say. among the many popularg th democrats across the country. yeah, but many popular democrats. e what i hope nate doesn t fill out a gun application soon because apparently he s high too. who do they have? this guy we. he looks like. he looks like the tennis pro who gave the entire country club chlamydia this chuckle monster. i ve seen whoopee cushions more depth. this guy. as transportation secretary. the only thing he transportedgam illegal immigrants on midnight flights. talkmiht fl about shallow bench. they make fox and friends look like this. a prim court mak. so what s joe think? na na na na. like looking? ywhere no. nobody steps down. not going anywhere. that s not way you do it. you r if you re going to be me, you got to run againste t me. nobody wants to do it, right.t oh, they got the californiwha gy with the hair and the teeth. come on.the te etonly one who likes him is him and we got a vp lady laughing. t kathy, good luckha with that jud the mayor guy. judge . pete. he can t be medgpete. nobody respects him. and it s not because he s . because he s not a real judge. h but we ve goe t to guess she can do handstands. rosie grant stands co-host about number two on yo he puts down ha ha and ha ha i m homeless founder of the largest party dog on mike i love the bumper sticker says food is for losers york times best selling author and fox news contributor catch com. he doesn t wear hawaiian shirts . he wears hawaii as a shirt. new york times best selling author and comedian, former nwa world guy. so i ll go to you first,ut even though you re not a lawyer, but i m interested vei in what you thought of this verdict, givenctverdic your fees on the second amendment. well, you know how i feel. actually, we about it this mornin.w hoauseg. yes. yeah. and you also know that i agreet with everything in your monologue. i think that, you know, is something i write about a lot. my new book is the way that partisanship can divided us and actually convince us to argue in favor of giving up our owin fn rights. and i think this is a perfect example of that, because everybody who wantexampl becaus the biden family kind of go down. i understandfa and wherertainl that comes from, i certainly think that they ve been involvedey in i don t think that this is the thing to toammi slam them on because based on the data we do have o basedn drug use and on gun ownership, tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and be facing decades in prison over this exact thin andg wherei there was i mean, would i argue that he was a responsible wae or here? no, i wouldn t. but there was no victim here. also, the law doesn t designate based on sentences, wh obviously you of someone who uses marijuana, who is a veteran, who is a wounded veteran foo n ored r pain, could fall thi under this. and i think that what you need neo to avoid and i write havin about this back to to avoid having partisanship kind cloud tak your thought is just take him out of it. take the biden s out of it. your, is it dowith you agree with and is it constitutional to have your second amendment rights, which it simply says shall not be infringednot ? u no.wa t but do you want that to be uhap to the subjective standardha of what does and does not qualify as an addict and then have the government quas at beik that are somehow allowed to make that determination? and if the answendr is no, as ii is for me, is i m a strong supportefor of the first amendment, then you have to be against this. and alsoe agt , even if you like the law, if you love the law, you think it s a great law, you haveeau have to say that you can t really argue that it s constitutional. there s a difference between a statutorty law and a constitutional law. and you can t argue that this is constitutional regardless of how you feee itl about.el abo so, emily, in theut green room, you said you hope hunter biden, frye reading my thoughts. yeah. do would you agree with kat ort do you think that this is is this a different how do you look at itho youk? it s such a great point. and then let s let s have that is the foundatiot n over which let s put historical statutory application. so bottom line, in 1968, the gun control act was passed where congress you can t own, you can t possess a gun if y you re under the influence right, if you re addicted to these controlled substances. enter 1970, the controlled substances act substances act, which defined what thathe contt i m going to go through the whole decade here. oh, no, no. but i m making a good point.he d gutfeld stop it. so since then, you know,it the reason that tens of millions of americans are vulnerable and als. theo o thousands of our brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been i incarcerated is because of those laws going back all those decadeshoses. so currently right now, almosty 157,000 people are incarcerated federally. that s this is a federal prosecutore a and 10% of them. the second most is for firearmso offensesnd. es so number one is drug offenses. so i also feel that whenen jurym when they were polled in the beginning and they said over half of themd , that they have direct family members with drug use, problems with firearms, brushes with the law, etc., that theythey saw ths being one more person where just because of your last name, you re not going to get away with it. because i saw my family get incarcerated, too, and i saw thw my, you know, get the g, get taken away also. soay als the end of the day, whn the president released the statement, we love our son, you know, we re goinreleasayingl his family in court looks so angry. i feel famil welcome to the rear world because there eas 157,000 american families who are going through the same thing right now that hsthe just went through today. hmm. c. can i just, like, say something super fast? some thingyou to be?this a i would love i would love to see this actually get overturnedt overtuappeal on appd it can strengthen the second amendment rights for all oitf u. it would have to be the supreme court. yeah, they neede supreme d to circuit you l courts, you know, so all right. right. you two little legal ladies, pipe down. i got to get i got to getless g the guy in here. hey, do you wishuy you could t go to prison so you could have a roof over your head? i guessu coul i. do as a as a homeless. and i realized i realized noww t that i have a i ve developedd an a cardboard and shellfish allergy. s shellfiso no more sitting aroune beaten clams out of a box. i got a free tomato juice. i want to talk about joe locking up the day. you got to keep him away from bright light ls. t ligh yeah, it s like they re calling him home. that s where he wenty are. he was just standing there. uncle boosie. is that you. everybody in heaven on green threw. you can t even clap at that point as to the gun thing. it s, you know, it s a veryt good point. in iand true. and this isn t what i want hunter to go to jail. that s kinand isd how it feels . what about the rest of the laptop? yeaht th, right. sweet, i m tired. these crimes. where? well, in an excel spreadsheet, you got to be carefu likl about pulling that down. and how does that look when trump ha hiss his do something that s 34 felonies? yes, but you re slinging guns around high school dumpstersd and doing drugs like that s just three like that makes zero sense. the only thing good about this is it gively abouts hunter a ber story when he meets his fellowyn inmates. right? because if he s like, well, i opened up several shell companieif he severals and i wr money from the ukraine and then putting that in the shell thats and 10% would go to my father. you might as well just it, dude. right therea du. kyra s finish his finish his house. nailed it. yeah. he wouldn t have got that far. but it s all right. look, i really disagree with you and cat, but i just feel like your examples are flawedbut ife your. like when you talked about, oh, the veteran wait is legal prescription week is legal, so he s not an addict. he could say he can fill it. this guy lied about it being an addict. he s taking legal, illegal, controlled crack. okay. you have to commit the crime to get ie tt. and then he now he has a gun. and what do you how do you think that s going to go? there s a reason why that s in place. mplyanybods who lives in inner city, goes deal with drug dealers and that there s a reasonthso he was sohe dangerous. he s just lucky when he left the gun in then hen in it was se in his family who got it right. he left it there and someone tell it or he goes to pay. he doesn t have his money. there s a reason why when we put these things in place, if crack was legal, he wouldn t be an addict. alcohol he woul. unfor alcohol. unfortunately, alcohol is legal because it was firsttuly alcohs it s ten times worse than most drugs, 1,000%. but you can drink all the beerba you want and say, i m not an alcoholic and you re not lying. he went in thereen t lyihe aske are you an addict? said, i didn t check the box and then hadas h addict litera. 7000 people testify that he lied. so him sit in jail like the rest of ussend h who commit. crimes. you not smoke. crack is illegal. cr you go to jail. g we if you get arrested for a felony, you can t vote legal t . you get arrested for a felony, you can t vote. you can t own a gun is a reason for it ownn there a reason. all right. yeah, well, that was a spirited discussion spirited. all right, up next, pelosi admits some fault in the january 6 assault. if you ll be in the new york area and lake tickets to gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on link to join our studio audience for five star backyards. yellow wood brand pressure treated pine. treated pine. if it doesn ntists hed the kacts you don t want it. an brain, scientists have discovered the key factors righ and memory issues. i m trying to get a thought across and ii startere forge ca the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve gottenbrbreakt my fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more like i was like a little more forgetfuhrient, fog. introducing neuro cue the breakthroughne of the worl t multi action brain care by one of the world s leading brain 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breached the inaugural stuff. should call the capitol police. i mean, the national guard. ben why was the national guard there to begin with? they thought that they had sufficient. i question how far they haveow been. they don t know. they clearly know. and i take responsibility foron not havingsibili to prepare for because it s stupid to be in a situation that they thought they hadt they. they thought these people would act civilized. though athey thought these peope a . oh, wow. even with the mask. even with a mask, she sounds hideous. all right. emily, what is going on here? wh iy is this out now? what could be? why is she taking, like responsibility for this? there s something going on here. well ig , her daughter is making h a documentary. so this was part of all the fileer daughtey that s thatt after everyone found out about it. but the irondy y is that after we all saw this video, pelosi s spokesperson released statement saying that three years later, house republicans are still trying to whitewas ph january 6h . it s shameful, unpatriotic and pathetic. what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6 committee that returned ten key findings among the house democrats like speaker pelosi, were too concerned with optics after the summer of love. and so they didn t want to deploy the national guard. they were too afraid of having ready any form of lawf la enforcement because they didn t want it to look bad while the streets were being burneforn det down. so that it s all her fault, not trump s. yeah, she dis ar down sod it vi, vindicate trump who said that he called for ? e national guard yeah, i think it vindicateses trump and they should releas tr all of the joy sixersary right now. yeah. yeah. it s ridiculou6th people rightsr you it s like why are we seeingo thisw. now? ad becau nancy was must she must have really felt bad because both were going. yeah. like she was she was scared so sober that both hands had the ability to tald thk. i can grab that back of that t and talk to you. ,carrie, we hahat dad a responsibility. i don t know how i m going to buy stocks. do insider trading. if i hadnow., it felt likenc a performance. it s like she knew. like it i don t know. so let me get this straight. itew te knew they were going ine building. yeah. and she did nothing about it lr lock her up. 20 years. 20 years. u get.o yot yo. mm. o 20 years. cap. what do you make of. i see a conspiracy. i m wondering why this, why we saw this now and her. like you said, i m like her daughter filming this.trucky that s what i m struck by. her daughter film that she s making a documentary. what is going on in this family? yeah, yeah lik, yeah. i want to like the i would give anything. bravo reality show the pelosis . it s also creepy. it s so and by the way,g: it the jurys committee that why isn t that like eight it s likee that should be in there but it wasn t because the two republicans were republican. yeah what s that gold greg they saw something. they say if this keeps going on, it get gold ths we we got hm another hope. they put people lives at riskp y to get rid of trump. yeah, they could have made the call and they did it because thdn te this is how we m and that s what it is. yeah, it s anothet it is.rt s they re right. up next, rachel maddow declared trump makes her scared. our military has been infested by a woke revolution the military i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the division that is being into our military. it s about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming only on fox nation. if you re an active duty if you re an active duty military or military veteranon p now and get your first year free. i look back with great i look back with great satisfactionle d. i look back with great satisfactionle my 32 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stupid as i am the 1% club mondays on fox and any time on prime with over 75 million multitude of viewers, more people to be than visit old faithful every year which means to me is more than spewing boiling hot water all over the place several times a day. to me, it s more popular than old faithful. a story in five words i will. trump send maddow camping. so, michae l. d when asked if she worriedtr trump could target her, rachel maddocould w told the ree sources newsletter, quote, i m worried about the country broad about d. enly o if we put someone in powerf who is openly vowing to build camp ts, hold millions of peopl, what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? sog ar i m worried about me, but only as much as i m worried about all of us. so, mike, you live in these makeshift homeless camps. do you think she s. she has every right to be worried. she well, she should be worried about any kind of camp like rachel maddow. going camping is a show i would watch. yeah, because she would talkto d about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long. and then she d starvedeath. to death. she s most boring. my goodness. i m serious, though. i wouly god. a show rachel maddow goes to camps. but but but no one no one soo going to go to a camp becauseset like conservatives don t want to waste the money on it. iv te ofright you d have to hiry counselors and then brainwashing y people of all different colors and spectrums. and then like gavin newsom can t buy a tent for a homeless guy for under 500. k yeah. so like rachel maddow, now, if d she wants to do an episode of naked and afraid, i d watchws it, where are my clothes? ram rachel maddow. ch i m naked and afraid. kat i love how think that if trump wins, like their career is in jeopardyeopard, their cars will explode if he s in power becaus h e, he ll give them soit much material, it will reinvigorate their careers . do you remember the show? like the tax returns? and they were like drying it out fo wholenothinr that time and nothi and it was like nothing. i rememberg that watching. thi yeah, i don t remember how much fun she had with that. yeah. i also just i can t if shes really believes it or not, that s what i can t decide. i can t decidere not lit. she really actually is afraid. or if she s just saying that ori it s even thinking about it. cause i don t. i don t. i don t know how you could really believe that. hod i think there s a lotratche of ratcheting up of rhetoric that happens, and it s alreadyet been ratcheted up so high that there s you have to just keep going and theep goingn you re maybe not even really thinking about it like you have to be. well, i m scared about this, but i think a lot of therump people that i talked to who support trump, this is likeus at the top of the list of why? because they re just like, oh, this that. this is why i shouldn t. and it s this thing that s objectively ridiculous, that it s self-important, it s importance. it s the kind of self-importanta air that these people have. it s such a turnoff to the average person where it s like you reallygen wh tohink that he s going to take time, that you re so dangerous that he s going to put you i t fson a shut up. : it s true. it s an ego thing. you always i it ego thisto - with entertainers. they go like, oh, they re going to come for me next. no, nobody- enul about any of these idiots. no everyone, barely own nobody who watch them except their own echo chamber. do you thinkoamber do going to e time to give that? and here s the thing, they re not going to have this. i disagree. you it worked the first time because people thought there might be some trut the fbecaus up w this russia thing. we put up with it for eight years now. yeah. now, wheh this[ bleeps r 8 yearn she comes in not to be like, what are you going to say now? liar. what else you got? because did it is past that. they overplayed their hand. now they re worried consequences. everybody who bought and tried to get away with stuff and lied and pushed false narratives are now afraidfa now a going tot their come up beings and they call it revenge. you re going to stick me in a camp. e what is that? no, but you shouldn t be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle in lie aournalisen yous and narrative. so if anything, people, once he wins, you your whole thing,gn you ve got what are you going to do now? because no matter what you do, he s going to finish his four years and he wins. and they jus finisht can t have l so yeah, he s going to lock meoc up. you know, the celtics don t wipn the championship. jayson tatum, jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat mtaand e. by the way, what she how does she think he s going to lock lock her up like what could up i m like jeanette and she check out leaps from he becomes president i go to she leaves out all the stuff in between and that s what i was asking you guys like on what? like, is it because she is a journalist? is she er whatever is. kno i couldn t.e i didn t know because it is so preposterous. and if it is being a journalist, then look to your pal obama. h vo you want to see the high volumem of journalists that were in prisoprn. but to your point, too, it s like they re in a space capsulpsule and they haven t evolved. it is so outdated. it s like listening to robert de niro when he was rantingting and raving on the new york corner, the stuff that was coming rly the t out of his mou, you know, trump s not going to accept the results and the fascisesultsm and he s still wes a mask. and it was lik le watching someone from 2016 or even earlier and you re like, we re so past that. so i don t know who listens to her, but ittt know me sad to. i have to say this as maybe liam is this sounds that there i are camps with millions of people in them and they re in china. so i f i were her. tim i would steward her time and her platform a little better because the trum a lp derangement syndromeme is so old and i wish she wouldso use it for some actual good. well points. well put. maybe msnbc will bring in a bunch of republicans and they ll go on tv and say shy would go ae to go, yeah, oh coming up, a coach did a slam dunk, a question that stunk on your period. sutton gushes happen. thy goodbye gush beers thanks u to always ultrathin with rapidsn drive that absorbs two times faster. faster. hello clean and comfortable. always fear no gush. let s get the rest of these let s get the rest of these plants organic from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i ever had. good soil and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy? surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful beauty supreme created by french anti-aging specialist dr. zhang lewis. of all his youth, preserving formulas come from a genetically unique melon found only in the south of france with an astonishing youth 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head coaches. given the plight, sometimes of black coaches in the nba, do you think this is a significant moment that yok it s su pride i? how do you view this or do you not see it at all? i wonder how many of those are being christian coaches? i haven t heard an awkward ta silence like that since i showed up at larry kudlow ncs house and clothes and clothes. makes, what do you what was the what was the point that journalist was trying to make and what was the point? the athlett wapoine trying to ma well, the journalist that ske that come on that, you just stop using that term and it s yeah, that s more watered down . than racist. yeah. stop. what? what, joe? cam like i said, i used when joe came in, i thought he was too young. he didn t have experience as a lifelong celtic fan and then he pulls a stunt like this and you heard the proverbial race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow up question because they re all full. they were trying to get him br a gotcha moment to . and i m glad to see a brother s stand up and say, my skin has nothing to dayso with my coachig ability or anything like that. it was my work ethic and mit s y faith that got me where i was at. and so and it just ended it. forget the fact we re up to,. well, forget the fact that we re going to probably sweep forget the fact that will cain has to probably where i love tara s shirt for a whole week at tv for the bet. yeah, i invaded his i invaded his podcast and dropping the bet and the went for it.r li my kids have been prank calling him all week bin. but again, it just goeser back to the point, like most of us, where i m so of, hey, is is the funny black on my skin color light skin. d this has nothing to do with my character and my jokes. chd jokes. i m glad to see thate prominent black athletes are tied. a lot of times they takes the oh, i guess is cool and i m glad to find enough of this. and he puts he s done this before d t. he did it with the royal family. like, what was it like sitting next to prince? singe, was theres only because that s the only king i serve. so he just murdersg all the time. kat as a devout christian and sports lover, how do these comments how do these comments make you feel ho like i could be a sportswriter. yeah. yahoo! becau no, i m completely serious because i could have known he would have answered this way. and there are few things i follow less than basketball. okay?w because you know what i diwhatd i googled him. you know, to think that you rere goin goingg to go into an interw and not go, this is the same person when he was asked about you meeting with the royal family, he answered something along lines of, oh,, mary and joseph. right. this is a this is h thisa chrisr this is a man who prioritizes his faith, talks about his answhis faveuth. you could have known he would have answered this way if you bothered to google. so gle so sportswriters don t need to know sports. yeah, yeah. or even pretend or google it. so i m just saying like, you know, if i if things don t work out here on espn.go there you go. s. michael, do they do sy putting basketball game on at the shelter? no, they do not. no, don t do that. no. but they do throw chicken wings from a distance. they try to catch it very exciting. are they cooked or are they just not sure? from chicken brought to you, you re in a rural shelter where you actually had to fight to kill the chicken. you. yes. and you have to ride the rails out of town. yeah. with when you re in feathers, out of your teeth with your single can of pork, ca n be with all my belongings in a bandana segment i ve had. the question was crazy. likesports was like, for the first time since 1975. okay, so this was settled in 75. like, what are we are we lariously going to argue about lack of diversity in the nba? let ity inh, let s let s have tt fight. coralyzes ou trans people havent even coached one team yet. and that s what i want to see. i want to say let s get in there and fighet. like when you are single and help me change my dress. loe, you are insane. you are insane tonight. do off this you have taken special, outright outrageous pills. all right? laughs to you, emily, but goneye because them. what do you think? yeah, i love your point. do your research. do your research on the person that they are covering. but the problem is we live in an anti christian anti society so that s why harrison but but but thank you i always think about chris and i know that with right nowsi on why he was vilified for speaking up for his faith at aah catholic college. i had a note that the nfl had no problem having pray for tomorrow b their twitter handle all 32 teams when he tragicallyc droppeallyd on the field like oa prayer is only okay when everyone else does it. sone else i applaud thisoach coach irrespective of sports team skin colorsespectiv for bea bastion and a beacon forbe being a christian man in this social environment, right. wow. all right. up next, a texas court over rules banning 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the events the story martha maccallum breaks down every angle. here s w with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. absolutely free. that s been 82 215215. good value watching it s side by yeah nobody s watching guys it s almost 11 on the east coast apb you probably pass out on your mypillow so let ass talk about and . a texas district court hast let ruled that houston area. schools and libraries can no longer banned books that mentionhouston schoo and quote, i brokebu my and larry the leprechaun. tyrus is art. these books are a gateway to. shakespeare and chaucer know because i read shakespeare and chaucer. i didn t read these. thi i think this is a gateway for g your new tv show where you travel to librarieatews checking to make sure they have things about parts and . that is a great emily. come on.s a i as agrean adolescent boy, i kw in my past. not noinw. i love books about , but yeah, look i, i. if this is what gets i a little boy to read, then i love it. s i m all for it. i think it s funny that this whole article was filed under and is hysterical, that there s, like, columns of that. but at the end the day, the ruling said that you can t be on a book because you don t want people to see o the messagy ,but you can ban it ifout want t it s unpopular. so i feel like for thoselar so f communities that don t want their kids to read about and t then you can say, well, it s just unpopular. cat my dream is to be numberm one on amazon and the parazt category. i don t even know if there is a ine category, but i, i want to be the trailblazer. no, i m just i m really glad that this ruling has finallyse made because everyone on staff i know i speak for all of us. so we ve been really sick of pick it up your slack while you ve been away lobbying for that. it was tough. it was tough being a homeless guy. you come into a lot of contact with smelly and terrible. yeah. how? i know i m alive. yesterda contah smely is. but it really is a universal phenomenon that unites people rather than divides flat are always funny. are always funn are y and no r one wants as long as they re not teaching like little kids stuffteaching. right? those are. those are the only books you want out of the library. here ss seosare th i want to kns who s writing the these books. right? because like, when you write a book and you guys have written bote e a boh, i wre a book, neither stunning nor brave, doing well at you don t you don t tell people about your book because then you ve got to do the follow up. this don mcmillan, that s like her whole thing. it s dshe s written like five bs exclusively about . what sthing all that about? and they all have, like, these pseudo titles. i brokd theye my so noisy. i need a second. but oh, all my. it s like, hey, lady, slowy, down. we get it ladie. i need a second. but it s a good. i glued my . i glued my . yes. wow. all right. we ll talk about that after the show, michael. reg: wil back after i look for star backyardsd cavi yellow with brand pressure treated pine. ifti doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t want your best defense againstainst erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. vities.d prone animal active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defendit r against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. no works. backin. we talk about cash back it we about cash r back. we talking about cash back in. back in. we re not talking about brana g! no, we re talking about cashg back. we re talking about cash back. we talked cash back.t a game now, the game we ve been talking about practice for too long. word go practice. word go practice. we talk about cash back.k? you talking about cash back? i mean, not talking about a get cash back like a pro would chase. n scie 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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240611

correctly that it s the next big thing and they re making a very similar bet right now in the world of robotics. so as that begins to take off, they re gonna continue to be ahead of everybody. phidias value just tripled from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in under a year but video doesn t actually manufacture anything. they outsource that. they design still. this is now the second largest corporation on our planet with all our futures in its manicured hands toward holding this is the most complex, highest performance computer the world s ever made. that s why you have to care now, in the next few years, the competition is going to heat up in this marketplace for making the chips that train ai. but some analysts say that right now nvidia has maybe up to 95% share of that market. they ve got a huge head start on their main competitors in intel and amd. amd just launched a new chip in video says are going to launch new chip every year, that 3 trillion valuation and peaceful world column just said maybe that s an undervaluation. credible. all right. thank you very much. nick watt and thanks to all of you as always, ac30, 60 starts now tonight on 360 real warriors and people don t. trump is now calling warriors, namely the violent mob that storm the capitol, keeping them on it let s take the difference also tonight, hundred biden s fate now in the hands of a jury, how the defense and prosecution did and making their case. plus the latest in a string of cnn exclusives on deck kids of sexual abuse, the coast guard academy. tonight of coast guard official breaks are silenced and says she was part of what she now calls a cruel coverup. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep romanness with something the former president has been saying a lot lately. and what it says about him. sunday as president biden was visiting the american military cemetery outside paris and frehse, marking the 80th anniversary of d-day and at normandy, donald trump was saying this there s never been people treated more horrifically. then j6 hostages. but those j6 warriors, they were worries but they were really more than anything else. they are victims of what happened all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing and then the police he said, going go in, go in, go in water, set-up. that was that s the former president of the united states sunday in las vegas. and just to refresh your memory, these are the people he was honoring, specifically the ones in prison for crimes they committed on january 6 or jail awaiting trial. and it s certainly not the first time he s called these people hostage. ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the horribly at unfairly treated very six toss ditches it s now part of his routine that recording. he standing and saluting four features him saying the pledge but of allegiance while these inmates, whom he calls hostages sing the star spangled banner and calling them hostages in november after actual hostages were taken by hamas reading a daring military operation in gaza after almost eight months of mental and physical torment at the hands of hamas. and we ll have more on that tonight. but those are actual hostages. trump would have you believe the january 6 inmates are hostages and also warriors and victims? he said that two victims he also claims were invited in by police. so they re warriors and their hostages and their victims. and they re also according to him, lovers the love the love in the year i ve never seen anything like it. there was also a loved fast between the police, the capitol police, and the people that walked down to the capital so stir that in with all the rest. and here s the former president is reshaping the attack on the capitol. peaceful protesters full of love invited into the capitol by police who loved them and return, but who somehow tricked them and made them victims, who then turned into warriors who are now being held hostage. let me introduce you to one of these man who s presumably a warrior and trump s size daniel rodriguez, this is his photo was posted on social media by username deepstate dogs. rodriguez was part of the mob that attack police with metal poles and bateson stolen riot shields and chemical spray. and in his case has stun gun. he attacked officer michael fan-owned with it, who later suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury rodriguez pleaded guilty like so many others have and was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison. his is one he s one of the people, the former president is calling a hostage. and it shouldn t come as a surprise that trump is unfamiliar with what a warrior actually is. casey is watching, here s one from d-day technician fifth grade john jay pinto junior. he waited through machine gun and artillery fire carrying a vitally important radio assured omaha beach, which he did despite being wounded once then again, making several trips back through enemy fire to get more equipment ashore until he was wounded a third time and died technician pender was awarded the congressional medal of honor posthumously. president trump refused to visit the same cemetery that president biden. so many other presidents have over the years. and according to his former chief of staff, from being corps general john kelly, quote in the atlantic, he said, why should i go to that cemetery? it s filled with losers had he gone, he might have learned what being a awarded are truly means separately the former president now a convicted felon, met by video conference today for a pre-sentencing interview with the new york probation officer, joining us tonight, former republican congressman and house january 6, committee member adam kinzinger, also seen an chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, congressman. first of all, what is your as somebody who is actually serve? what is your reaction to the foreign president calling the riders warriors and hostages and victims? i mean, it s. it s thick and disgusting obviously i think we have to be careful to not allow this outrage to just numb us like this really should be. and thank you for putting this at the top of the show. there should be at the top of every new show anywhere in the country at how agreed jus and terrible, this as they re not for years. the ones that went into the capital, most of them, if not all of them, have been arrested and tried. and interestingly, anderson at the beginning when they started to get arrested, they were remorseful. and then this right-wing ecosphere put their arms around them singing the national anthem and stuff and in that process can vince them that they were victims and have made them martyrs and heroes. this is not something americans that aren t completely sold out to the cult should be, should accept and we should have this be a fresh outrage every day when he does stuff like this, it s also entering andrew. i mean, i know some actual warriors. they re not people who usually view themselves as victims or just sort of helpless victims. very often, how dangerous do you think it is for law enforcement and andrew and the public when you are the former president gaslighting his supporters because i mean back in 2022, there was a guy of set about federal authorities searching mar-a-lago for classified documents. he was killed after trying to shoot his way into an fbi field office in ohio. it feels like du the congressman s point the former president just says this stuff and people just kind of ignore it. but i mean it has repercussions potentially yeah. so let s get the facts out first on this warriors claim. so as of january 6, 2024, which is most recent numbers, i could find, we ve got 1,265 people have been charged in as a part of that january 6 case 718 of them on that by that de had already gone into court. raise your right hand, sworn to tell the truth, then said i did it. i m guilty to the weather. it s trespassing or obstruction of official procedure or assault on police officers and others. so the idea that these people are somehow being held against their will for political reasons is absolutely absurd. and donald trump knows that s absurd. he knows it because he spent four hours that day watching the video tapes from behind the cloister walls of the white house in the warm embrace of his secret service security team. so he knows exactly what happened that day. he knows those people were rioters and its direction us and many of them have to their credit stepped up and taken responsibility for that. the thing that i cannot get past anderson is how many people give him a pass for saying absurd and sickening only false things like this. and you re right, these false hoods that he, that he throws out in front of his rallies and supportive it is for political advantage, but it comes with the cost of driving up risk to people in the system, law enforcement prosecutors, and others. and you made the perfect example. ricky schifflin, who was outraged by what he undoubtedly heard the president say after the mar-a-lago raid decided to take it out violently on the fbi s cincinnati field office, that could happen any day anywhere around the country to any fbi agent or other federal officer by somebody similarly misguided. also, i m congressman. it s just i mean, it s kinda it s just i mean, it s sickening that the former president basically saw this so the october 7 hostages being held by hamas and islamic jihad and others as a branding opportunity and i think according the washington post in november s when he started using the term hostages for the for those who have been found guilty of crimes on on january sales x and re-brand braise, branding them january 6, hostages. i mean, it s it s really worked it is really warped in that was various student view to notice is that he never used hostages until there were real hostages. some of which are still being held, some have been killed that are being held against their will. i mean, look, i m probably started with marjorie taylor greene two she she came up with some of that, but i think the biggest thing to take off of what mccabe said is we re all the members of the house and senate, including the ones who after january 6 stood up, lindsey graham, i m done with this guy. we had a hell of a run, but i m done you think of like marco rubio, all these people that know better, that just keep their heads down and don t say a word. this is threatening the very fabric of domain microscopy because all we have to have for democracy to survive is a basic compact that your vote, you can vote, your vote will count and the person that wins wins. that s what donald trump was tearing apart that basic contact contract. that is the only requirement for democracy to survive. and he is turn these people that violated the rule of law into martyrs. and by the way, if we don t have rule and law in this country, democracy can t survive either and he is just an absolute il, fit mentally flawed is probably the nicest way i can say it. former president and candidate for future president in america has to reject him. john, i know you have new reporting on the former president s meeting today or interview with probation officials, which is a normal part of this procedure. what happened? so today donald trump with his lawyer, todd blanche, over a microsoft teams connection, had this virtual meeting to prepare to assist probation department in new york city with preparing the pre-sentencing report that goes to the judge it was an unusual meeting in that present there was the commissioner of the new york city department of probation wanted to homes her general counsel, bridget hamline, and the probation officer who would normally be there by himself or with another officer who would do the interview. the interview was led by commissioner homes and to the official who was briefed on the interview afterwards told me that at all times donald trump answered the questions which were things about what are your living situation, any health issues family history, where do you spend more time? new york or florida? a lot of things that donald trump, but thank every everybody already knows. but commissioner home said these are the normal questions. we re going to put you through these questions they said he was polite, he was respectful, and that at the end of the meeting, he wished them well and ended the call with be safe and we just got speaking in new york city mayor giuliani, former mayor giuliani s mug shot from arizona authorities. he s been he was hard to get a subpoena. subpoena to. he found they finally did. this is his his his mug shot that s not the mug shot. will try to get it he s pleaded not guilty there to charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election results what what happened to him well, this has been an amazing rise and fall from a kind of prosecutor built on the image of thomas dewey going after the mom i ve been crooked politicians to a mouthpiece for donald trump as president. and then the lead counsel by the way, this is the mug shot that was another mug shot of his, which clearly he s gotten a lesson from that prior mug shot because this one is smiling at least that s right there prior mug shot was from the georgia cases. so now he s on his second mug shot, but he has he has he has hitched himself to the donald trump wagon, but he s also been through multiple breakups and divorces. he s lost millions and millions of dollars. he s in bankruptcy see his apartment is up for sale and it was amazing to see someone who was the face and the voice of law and order in new york city for so long and then the mayor for two terms, a law and order meir, be someone who s going on his second mug shot and who has been disbarred and barred from the practice of law in multiple places. endrew in a series of interviews over the past week, the foreign president has talked about, been asked about this whole retribution seeking. he talked about running. i am your retribution. he had said months ago. i just want to play some of what he said well, revenge does take time. i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. i have to be honest, you know, sometimes it can look when this election is over based on what they ve done. i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden, but very terrible thing. it s a terrible precedent for our country does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question so in terms of if he is president using the levers of the justice department, the fbi, to go after political opponents in a second term. how would that how would he go about that? i mean, how how feasible is that? well, i think it s entirely feasible. i mean, it s it s interesting to me that across those interviews, interviews with people who are like dr. phil and others who are trying to get him to walk away from those claims. he soft pedals it a little bit, but then you get down farther in front of the rally crowds and really hits at home it s it is absolutely clear, said it many times in front of many different people. he intends to take the levers of power if he is reelected and use them for his own personal retribution goals, which in and of itself is so unbelievably offensive should be to any american than any american president would purport to do such a thing. can he do it? sure, he can do it if he follows through with the plan that he s already laid out, this 2025 plan that they ve talked about. you ll replace those folks insignificant positions. the department of justice and the fbi and other lawn federal law enforcement entities with flunky who will do whatever he says. the first steps in this process of trumping up charges against people baselessly and throwing them in jail could actually happen. i think it gets tougher when those cases start to make their way through the courts but that takes a long time. and so i think it s reasonable that people who think they might be on the former president s enemies list start thinking about what does that look like? what could that, how can that actually play out? in your lives? and i think people are having those conversations just trying to figure those things out as we speak. interim cave, adam kinzinger, john miller. thank you. can we up next closing arguments in the hunter biden s federal gun trial. and what jurors are now deliberating and later the rescue of those four israeli hostages from gaza. how it wind down who helped and more of your back bike riders, some people would rather cry slowdown there was a golden age. motorcycles and took my breath away i built this club, added is his. my family the club is changing what do you want me to do mark writers were your door only beaters june 20, you give and you give. now you get with straight talk wireless, you get unlimited data and you get to choose who gets on 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rows in court today have known the parameter you don t abandon your friends and family tough time in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned her father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any the evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand pay no attention to the other one. he accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form lowell attack, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018, he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told highly to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will be back here at court tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. to continue their deliberations. it s impossible to say how long it will take them to reach a decision on these three counts? but i was important earlier today, and then we re also attentive as the judge explain the instructions page by page, line-by-line. these are of course, the rules that they need he to follow as they undertake this historic decision. anderson all right. thanks so much more now and how prison biden s handling the weight for the verdict and the biden family presence throughout the trial, including the first lady who went back and forth during the french visit to be in court with her stepson. cnn s mj leaves the white house for us tonight. what are things like in the white house as they await the jury? well, you know, the trial of the president s son has been an extraordinarily sensitive issue for this white house the president, and it is not a coincidence that the president himself has barely commented on the ongoing trial. we heard him, of course, make a statement at the beginning king of the trial thing that he loves his son and that he is proud of him for showing resilience as he has fought addiction issues. and then the other rare exception, of course, was recent abc interview where the president was asked whether he would pardon his son whether he would rule that out actually, and his answer, a one word answer was simply yes. he would rule that out. the president anderson has been really clear that he is going to accept the outcome of the trial no matter what happens. and that he s just not going to comment on his son s case as the jury is deliberating that, of course, is in line with the president s sort of broader view that you just don t comment on a trial file or a legal proceeding when it is still making its way through the legal system and i should just note that that is an important area where the president had sought to draw a contrast between himself and the former president, whom he has accused of trying to put his thumb on the legal system on an influence in a political way other areas and other issues at the former president has dealt with this. of course, the president has made clear he sees as being wholly inappropriate mj lee. thanks. much at the white house tonight, joining us now cnn legal analyst norm eisen and jennifer rodgers, also former federal judge. sure. shen lin norm what do you make of closing arguments? do you think he s gonna get convicted? i thought both sides did an able job in closing arguments. the prosecution hammering the evidence that hunter biden was using or addicted to drugs before and after this key october 12 two 23rd period. they don t have actual evidence throughout the day, but they have yes. and the judge in directed that you don t have to prove the de you have to show that hunter biden was actually engaged in using or was an addict around that time and they have him checking into rehab before and after the various witnesses. but anderson abbe lowell is a very capable defense lawyer and he leaned into that critical gap. and the state of mind question this has to be knowing. that means it hunter biden had to say on purpose, not by mistake i m not an addict. i m not a user. and lowell argues well, he thought he was not an addict at that time, and there s no proof he was using prosecution ahead on points not impossible. you get a defense verdict or a hung jury what, do you think? yeah, i agree. i mean, i think they ll probably get a conviction here. there s a very narrow path for the defense to win this. they really do have to lean into this knowingly and they can t prove it on these days, but prosecutors always say follow your common sense, right? like the guy has been in rehab, people around that time, there s these text messages it s about dealing and the hallie biden testimony about paraphernalia in the car. and so use your common sense, was that argument does that make sense to you that well, i didn t think i was an addict on that day and therefore, i signed this document, say i m not an addict. i think it s the only argument that the defense has a question is, can the jury accepted and i think contrary my fellows here, i friends here. maybe maybe some jury juror or more jurors who are sympathetic to what he s gone through and may have experienced something like that sometime in their life i m going to cut him a little slack and say well, on that day, maybe you didn t use so that takes care of the use. and as far as being an attic well, maybe that day he thought he d come out of it and was no longer an attic because he was doing better even if felt if he fell off two days later so they might have a basis to draw that distinction if they want to, in your experience on the bench, i mean, is it tough for juries to see past this is the son of the president or someone to be famous very tough, very tough. and the family is a cut one way or the other. i mean, just think, well, i think it could cut in his favor the families there. it s a high-profile family. somebody might indeed think that he s going through this because of that. and again, as we all know, it only takes one to cause a hung jury. so i m not as confident as my colleagues that there s gonna be a conviction here, but i wouldn t put my money on a non conviction either. you know, the prosecution is aware of this risk because the first thing the prosecutor said in closing was all those people sitting behind the defendant are not evidenced that s pretty unusual in my experience. that i actually has a little aggressive veto i mean, here are these people there to support him. lots of people on the jurors, the jury have had addiction in their families. and here s his loving family there to support them and they re going to point out of and be like don t pay attention to those people. i thought it was a little overly aggressive action, if anything, it could hide why it could have been it can boomerang because they re going to look over it when he said that, look right over at those three rows think about parents and sisters and children and all the rest of it. they could just override this if they want to know and there s also some breaking news in trump s classified documents. kids, judge aileen cannon denied the defense s effort to dismiss the indictment, but she also struck a paragraph from jack smith s indictment anderson this was a motion that the defendants had brought attacking this indictment every which way from sunday. they lost almost everything. and the question we should ask is, why did judge cannon for these relatively easy unexceptional challenges takes so long dragging it out. she didn t give one gimme to the defense it s one paragraph, paragraph 36. it has to do with what happened at bedminster that conversation about of the iran documents it s there as to give notice that the prosecution is going to introduce prior bad acts, but striking it was virtually or enough, judge and judge. judge, what what s going on? in my mind, i was pleased that she got this done so fast from may 22 to june content for her is practically speedy, so i was impressed that she didn t sit on this. obvious motion for very long. i have to tell you that motion is made in every case and it s never granted duplicitous snus multiplicities never works but they make it to preserve the record. nobody expects to win those motions. you do it to preserve so it didn t take her all that long to get this one done. i mean, given the history of other things, she has been delaying on our us surprised by the length. this thing is dragging out of in general in all the motions. but this motion was relatively fast. that s a good sign. maybe she s hearing us talking about her and she s getting her work done. who knows, but this i thought was relatively fast. and as far as that foro for be the similar act it is very clear that she that she is saying, but at trial, there may be a basis to offer this evidence, justice, and belong in the indictment. get it doesn t relate directly to the charge. jennifer, does this impact the the chance of this thing moving forward faster? i mean, the problem is we have so many outstanding motions that are complicated, time-consuming problematic seep emotions, the classified information, protection actin, and so on. it s just we re not moving forward in a way that it s good for going to trial. there s just so much should have saved those pages and all those words to resolve the other leg motions that she has on her show, she s trying to get one offer per desk. that s good. gentlemen. thank you. jennifer rodgers, norm eisen, thanks so much. i ve next new video that dramatic rescue four israeli hostages over the 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searching for israeli hostages held by hamas a daring data i m rate that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7 and held captive ever since. it wasn t operation that took weeks to plan after receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held in apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza. on the way out from gaza. all four this is rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post, that is one of the hostages, noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the muscle helminths struck. then he quote immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health, some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing, eye eyewitnesses told cnn there were also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued, at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation, and hundreds injured. that s according to the gazan authorities who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under 100. i want to say thank you. thank god in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returning to me now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some theories at this rate, could be a setback it s a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we know exactly what it is that they re going to do. as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn t sure what hamas will do. i can put myself, none of us can put ourselves so the minds of hamas or its leaders. so we don t know what the answer will be. but wall in egypt, blinken also said that his egyptian counterpart had been in touch with hamas quite recently. i can t go into the details of our conversations today except to say that are different counterparts were in communication with hamas as early as recently as a few hours ago. now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today secretary of state antony blinken reiterated that the united states and other world leaders standby that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on on the table for hamas to accept. but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal, the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though key signed off on it before for it initially went to hamas. anderson probably i would thanks. coming up. cnn exclusive, a us coast guard academy official resigns and breaks her silence about sexual assault allegations. and a decades-long corrupt at the academy right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt uc and the dirt you don t your corporates aren t clean until there s stanley he steamer clean and the same your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pro enamel active shields because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works perfect de, for a family outing shingles doesn t care, but ingrid s ttx only shingles has proven over 90% effective shingle which is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older, ching-te mix does not protect everyone who is not for those with severe 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max ahead of what could be an intense congressional hearing tomorrow involving testimony from the command into the us coast guard academy official there has resigned and spoken exclusively with cnn about what she says was her unwitting role in a decade hades long cover-up of sexual assault allegations at the academy. one, so per say, persuade excuse me, pervasive. it prompted a detailed report that was eventually kept confidential, even from congress. tells cnn reported it s disturbing findings last year. this former official tells cnn she believes top officials used her to convince victims not not to tell their stories to members of congress. it says she has proof sunless are potty has the exclusive interview they put me in a terrible position. how dare they do this to me. but he had me standing up in front of cadets for 11 years talking about honor, respect, devotion to duty where is there where s the respect to any of us? i m disgusted. shannon norenberg spent more than a decade as the sexual assault response coordinator at the coast guard academy, it felt like an honor to be there and help them with this thing that is so hard and awful difficult and awkward and the coast guard did tell me they were taking it seriously. i felt like they meant it until she says she recently discovered leaders had used her to lie to victims, making her an unwitting accomplice to a massive cover up up decades of sexual assaults at the coast guard academy. i have no idea that what i was telling those victims was not true. it started several years ago when norenberg was asked to take part in informing victims about a sensitive investigation code named operation fouled anchor. coast guard leaders had discovered that dozens of cases of rape and abuse from the 1980s to the mid 2000s have been ignored and covered up the attackers usually left unpunished. i got a phone call from someone at headquarters saying, hey, we want you to help out. they told me at that time that all of those investigations had already been done and that at this point, we were going to call everybody up and offer them an in-person meeting so that we could say we regretful all the things that actually sounded amazing. i took these to every single meeting. the coast guard gave norenberg talking points to go over with the former cadet s who had been sexually assaulted. an apology tour where they were assured their cases were supposedly being handled properly after all these years, members of congress and staff and dhs have been briefed on the general outline of the investigation, what was found, and what disposition decisions were made. we assured them the hey we re handling this. we ve got this. we re taking this seriously. thanks for coming forward but it turns out actually the coast guard hadn t told congress, norenberg didn t know it, but the investigation was quietly closed. so the decades of assault were kept hidden from congress and the public until a cnn investigation revealed at all last summer, victims were never given any recourse. i trusted the coast guard implicitly and i assume that the talking point document they handed me was true i would never have considered that might be ally. the cnn reports about operation fouled anchor have led to multiple federal investigations congressional hearings in an apology from the head of the coast guard, we fail to provide the safe environment that every member of the coast guard deserves. norenberg says, after seeing cnn s report, she feared she had been used in the cover-up. she found the talking points in her files recently, which confirmed it and started to read it. and i was like, that s not actually that s not what happened. they lied to me they lied to us. they had me lie. oh, my god. they had me lie to them. and actually that s when i lost it because at first i was like, wow, that s crazy. the light and then i was like, wait they used me to. lie wow they planned it as far back as 2018, not to tell anyone about this. protect the precious institution. they be trade, the victims of fouled anchor over and over and over. this is my boot camp photo norenberg says she was raped by a supervisor when she was an army recruit in 1988 and says she knows how it feels to be told there s nothing that can be done she is resigning and going public about what happened. the public needs to know this is happening. people sign up to serve their country, and this is how they re treated like trash. it s not okay. in response to a cnn request for comment, the coast guard says the talking points were created months before the meetings with the cadets. and we re not updated and then another former a coast guard official who was present at the meeting said, no victim was informed that congressional notifications occurred. i want to tell the victims of fouled anchor how sorry, i am to be a part of this terrible scheme. but let me try to make it right now. and i m so sorry. i m so sorry sometimes diprotic joins us now, what can you tell us about this hearing tomorrow? yeah. anderson, the head of the coast guard admiral live. linda fagan, should we testifying before the senate intelligence committee tomorrow? so be talking about the change hinges that she promised to make in the wake of cnn s previous reporting. and she has repeatedly said that she wants to learn from the past. she wants to move forward, but shannon norenberg s account here certainly adds the whole string of controversies showing that this sexual misconduct remains pervasive across the coast garden and definitely under gore s, that this is far bigger issue than she has publicly acknowledged. and we certainly expect that she will get some questions about norenberg s accounting of all this tomorrow as well. for friday. thank you so much. next to independent presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy jr. are the latest on his effort to get on more state ballots. also, a fresh lucky kennedy supporters and who could be taking votes from the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. trump, there is nothing we cannot do. we will make america powerful again, the president and the former president, one state two very different visions for america burke, his future, the weight only cnn can bring it to you, moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, to night live on cnn and, and streaming on max cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries, and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together city in the world food programme empower families across the globe billy the kid. it s trying to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve appointed a new sheriff that garrett mean something to you sure not use the royal billy. now it s your job to 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wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? this source. but kaitlan collins next independent 2024 presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. is trying to get more state ballots and the scene and debate stage later this month. so far has officially qualified to be on ballots in six days. you see here, including michigan and california. he says he s on more, but that s not yet verified. what is known as kennedy has double-digit support and some national polling better than any third-party or independent candidate at this stage, since ross perot 1996 yesterday i seen on state of the union, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, co-chair the biden-harris campaign said kennedy has a lot of quote, wild ideas and noted he does not have the support of his own family, but she also said this certainly kennedy or any third party candidate gives me some concern and it s to be taken seriously. we re now from cnn s even weekend, who spoke with kennedy s supporters on a 17 acre tree farm in sackville wisconsin, dells stan braunton rides around the land with hope with the 2024 election will bring monumental change shape in 2020 i voted for trump, but now he says the former president s sounds like a broken record. it s all about the election was rigged and the court system is rigged. this year. the wedding venue owner who plans to eventually transform his property into a wellness retreat is all in for independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. bobby this is the first candidate who i actually felt good about. i think a lot of people are very frustrated with voting for the lesser of two evils. is that how you view the major party candidates? yeah, absolutely. a self-described conservative, independent stan braunton shares kennedy s vaccine skepticism and learned of him through kennedy s work with the anti-vaccine group, children s health defense the 62-year-old typically votes for republicans, but he s attracted to kennedys anti-establishment message, ending the form was the financial corrupt sure within government agencies and the fact that we can t trust our government agencies to do their jobs because they ve been hijacked by corporate interests. you don t think are government agencies can be trusted know why? because they re bought and paid for. i found a video rfk jr. on youtube. recent college grad katie zimmerman voted for president joe biden in 2020. but now she spends her saturday mornings tabling at farmers markets like this one in wahba, tulsa for the kennedy campaign he s coming to all voters and saying that if you vote for me, like you ll be able to afford to buy a house. first is i haven t necessarily heard biden say things like that, that appeal to me. if ultimately trump gets reelected how would you feel about that? i would feel really great about that if he was elected into office. but i i wouldn t necessarily feel any guilt because i was able to have a choice and who i wanted to vote for dog denticola is a long time democrat who never thought he would find himself lobbying trump s supporters. just switched to kennedy. what do you think this guy s go to 24. go watch reasoning you haven t even given him a chance because he doesn t ever which answer anyway, is it hard to convince trump s supporters to vote for kennedy? yeah, i actually just appreciate that he was willing to stop and talk to me, fed up with political polarization, denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump a person like bobby kennedy, who is really a message of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters from both sides back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes, if find somebody who has creative solutions and had somebody we can trust, who wants to bring us together? we re gonna be in a world of hurt if it does rfk junior seemed to be pulling more votes away from biden or trump based on who you spoke to anderson kennedy s coalition of voters, they ve really span the political spectrum polling data does indicate the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate i didn t 2020 a lot of his support comes from these so-called double-haters. those holding unfavorable views of both biden and trump, anderson even can thank so much. the news continues, the sorts we count. collins starts now, i ll see you tomorrow. straight on the source tonight. the president and the probation officers were brand new details from inside donald trump s pre-sentencing interview that could have huge impact on his punishment, including whether judge, were shawn since him to prison, were to giuliani s latest mug shot this time in

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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240611

athletes from naomi osaka to michael phelps, and on it goes caitlin clark has a confidence about her that is very much in keeping with someone born in 2000 to getting full blast title nine she is also so comfortable in insider skin, so composed. i met her for the first time on friday. interviewed are for the first time and i was even more impressed and i had been from watching from far. do you think there s any chances were running out of time that they reversed this decision. i i think we should predict i won t put words in your i think they re going to reverse this decision. well, they re announcing it tomorrow and i don t think they ll do it then she would be an alternate and there could be injuries. in fact, one of the guards is injured, right now and that could be tuition. to keep an eye on because you re right. there s such an outcry and i don t think usa basketball i know for a fact, having interviewed these people, they had no idea the national outrage that they were going to unleash. there s outrage, and that is i can tell. well, kristie, great reporting as always. thank you and thanks for putting up with me at this late hour. it gets a little psalter whereas the hours go on. thanks very much for watching. i ll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. i might be a little certainly than two right here on cnn, anderson cooper 360 as next, have a great tonight on 360, real warriors and people don t. trump is now calling warriors, namely the violent mob that storm the capital, keeping them honest on the difference. also tonight, hunter biden s fate now in the hands of the jury how the defense and prosecution did and making their case. plus the latest in a string of cnn exclusives on decades of sexual abuse. the coast guard academy tonight of coast guard official break silence and says she was part of what she now calls a cruel coverup good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep romanness was something the former president has been saying a lot lately. and what it says about him. sunday is president biden was visiting the american military cemetery outside paris and frehse from marking the 80th anniversary of d-day. and at normandy donald trump was saying this there s never been people treated. more horrifically. then j six hostages. but those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. they are victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing and then the police say go and go in, go in, go in, water is set-up that was that s the former president of the united states sunday in las vegas. and just to refresh your memory, these are the people he was honoring specifically the ones in prison for crimes they committed on january 6, or jail awaiting trial. and it s certainly not the first time he s called these people hostages ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the harb unfairly treated. january 6, tass ditches it s now part of his routine that recording he s standing in saluting four features him saying the pledge of allegiance while these inmates, whom he calls hostages sing the star spangled banner by the way, the former president began calling them hostages in november after actual hostages were taken by hamas, four of whom were freed in a daring military operation in gaza after almost eight months of mental and physical torment at the hands of hamas. and we ll have more on that tonight. but those are actual hostages. trump would have you believe the january 6 inmates are hostages and also warriors and victims? he said that to victims he also claims were invited in by police. so they re warriors and their hostages and their victims, and they re also according to him, lovers the love the 11 year i ve never seen anything like it. there was also a love fest between the police, the capitol police and the people that walked down to the capital so stir that in with all the rest. and here s the former president is reshaping the attack on the capitol. peaceful protesters full of love invited into the capitol by police who loved them and return. but who somehow tricked them and made them victims, who then turned into warriors who are now being held hostage. let me introduce you to one of these man who s presumably a warrior and trump size. daniel rodriguez. this is his photo was posted on social media by username deepstate dogs. rodriguez was part of the mob that attack police with metal poles and bateson stolen riot shields and chemical spray. and in his case has stun gun he attacked officer michael fan-owned with it, who later suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury rodriguez pleaded guilty like so many others have and was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison. his is one he s one of the people, the former president is calling a hostage and it shouldn t come as a surprise that trump is unfamiliar with what a warrior actually is. casey s watching, here s one from d-day technician fifth grade john jay pender junior he waited through machine gun and artillery fire carrying a vitally important radio assured omaha beach which he did despite being wounded once then again, making several trips back through enemy fire to get more equipment ashore until he was wounded a third time and died. technician pender was awarded the congressional medal of honor posthumously. president trump refused to visit the same cemetery that president biden. so many other presidents have over the years. and according to to his former chief of staff from being corps general kelly, quote, in the atlantic, he said, why should i go to that cemetery? it s filled with losers. had he gone, he might have learned what being a award are truly means separately, the former president now convicted felon, met by video conference de for a pre-sentencing interview with the new york probation officer, joining us tonight, former republican congressman and house, january 6, committee member adam kinzinger, also seen and chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, congressman. first of all, what is your as somebody who was actually what is your reaction to the foreign president calling the riders warriors and hostages and victims i mean, it s, it s thick and disgusting. obviously. i think we have to be careful to not allow this outrage to just numb us like this really should be. and thank you for putting this at the top of the show. there should be at the top of but every new show anywhere in the country at how agreed justs and terrible this as they, they re not warriors. the ones that went into the capital. most of them, if not all of them, have been arrested and tried. and interestingly, anderson, at the beginning when they started to get arrested, they were remorseful. and then this right-wing ecosphere put their arms around them singing the national anthem and stuff. and in that process, convinced them that they were victims and have made them martyrs and heroes. this is not something americans that aren t completely sold out to the cult should be, should accept and we should have this be a fresh outrage every day when he does stuff like this. it s also entering andrew. i mean, i know some actual warriors. they re not people who usually view themselves as victims or just sort of helpless victims. very often, how dangerous do you think it is for law enforcement and andrew and the public when you have the former president gaslighting his supporters because, i mean back in 2022, there was a guy upset about federal authorities searching mar-a-lago i ll go for classified documents. he was killed after trying to shoot his way into an fbi field office in ohio. it feels like du the congressman s point the former president just says this stuff and people just kind of ignore it. but i mean it has repercussions potentially yeah. so let s get the facts out first on this warriors claim. so as of january 6, 20 in 24, which is most recent numbers, i could find. we ve got 1,200 and 1,265 people have been charged in as a part of that january 6 case, 718 of them on that by that de had already gone into court. raise your right hand, sworn to tell the truth, and then said did it i m guilty to the whether it s trespassing or obstruction of official procedure or assault on police officers and others. so the idea that these people are somehow being held against their will for political reasons is absolutely absurd. and donald trump knows that s absurd. he knows it because he spent four hours that day watching the video tapes from behind the cloistered walls of the white house in the warm embrace of his secret service security team. so he knows exactly what happened that day. he knows those people were rioters and it s directionless and many of them have to their credit stepped up and taken responsibility for that. the thing that i cannot get past anderson is how many people give him a pass for saying absurd and secondly, false things like this. and you re right, these falsehoods that he, that he throws out in front of his rallies in support first, it is for political advantage, but it comes at the cost of driving up risk to people in the system. law enforcement prosecutors, and others. and you made the perfect example. ricky schifflin, who was outraged by what he undoubtedly heard the president say after the mar-a-lago rate decided to take it out violently on the fbi s cincinnati field office. that could happen any day anywhere around the country to any fbi agent or other federal officer by somebody similarly misguided. also, i m congressman. it s just i mean, it s kinda it s just i mean, it s sickening that the former president basically solve this so the october 7 hostages being held by hamas and islamic jihad and others as a branding opportunity and i think according to the washington post in november is when he started using the term hostages for the for those who have been found guilty of crimes on on january said x and re-brand braise, branding them january 6, hostages. i mean, it s it s really worked it is really warped in that was various student view to notice is that he never used hostages until there were real hostages. some of which are still being held, some have been killed that are being held against their will. i mean, look, i m probably started with marjorie taylor greene two she she came up with some of that, but i think the biggest thing to take off of what m kay six stood up, lindsey graham, i m done with this guy. we had a hell of a run, but i m done. you think of like marco rubio, all these people that know better, that just keep their heads down and don t say a word. this is threatening the very fabric of democracy because all we have to have for democracy to survive is a basic compact that your vote, you can vote, your vote will count and the person that wins wins. that s what donald trump was tearing apart that basic contact contract. that is the only requirement for democracy to survive. and he is turn these people that violated the rule of law into martyrs. and by the way, if we don t have rule and law in this country, democracy can t survive either. and he is just an absolute il, fit mentally flawed is probably the nicest way i can say it. former president and candidate for future president in america has to reject him. john i know you have new reporting on the former president s meeting today are interviewing with probation officials, which is a normal part of this procedure. what happened? so today, donald trump with his lawyer, todd blanche, over a microsoft teams connection, had this virtual meeting to prepare to assist probation department in new york city with preparing the pre-sentencing report that goes to the judge it was an unusual meeting in that present there was the commissioner of the new york city department of probation wanted to homes her general counsel, bridget hamline, and the probation officer who would normally be there by himself or with another officer who would do the interview. the interview was led by commissioner homes and a city official who was briefed on the interview afterwards told me that at all times donald trump answered the questions which were things about what are your living situation any health issues, family history, where do you spend more time? new york or florida? a lot of things that don t while trump, but thank everybody already knows. but commissioner home said these are the normal questions we re going to put you through these questions. they said he was polite, he was respectful and that at the end of the meeting he wished them well and ended the call with be safe and we just got speaking in new york city mayor giuliani, former mayor giuliani s mug shot from arizona authorities. he s been he was hard to get a subpoena a subpoena to fund. they finally did. this is his his his mug shot that s not the mug shot. will try to get it he s pleaded not guilty there to charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election results what what happened to him i mean, well, this has been an amazing rise and fall from a prosecutor built on the image of thomas dewey going after the mom i ve been crooked politicians to a mouthpiece for donald trump as president. and then the lead counsel. by the way, this is the mug shot that was another mug shot of his, which clearly he s gotten the lesson from that prior mug shot because this one is smiling at least that s right. the prior mug shot was from the georgia cases. so now he s on his second mug shot, but he has he has he has hitched himself to the donald trump wagon, but he s also been through multiple breakups and divorces. he s lost millions and millions of dollars. he s in bankruptcy, has apartment is up for sale and it was amazing to see someone who was the face and the voice of law and order in new york city for so long and then the mayor for two terms. a law and order meir, be someone who s going on his second mug shot and who has been disbarred and barred from the practice of law in multiple places endrew in a series of interviews over the past week, the foreign president has talked about, been asked about this whole retribution seeking. he talked about running. i am your retribution. he had said two months ago oh i just want to play some of what he said well, revenge does take time. i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. so i have to be honest, sometimes it can look when this election is over based on what they ve done. i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden but very terrible thing. it s a terrible precedent for our country does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question so in terms of if he is president using the levers of the justice department, the fbi, to go after political opponents in a second term, how would that how would he go about that? i mean, how how feasible is that? well, i think it s entirely feasible. i mean, it s it s interesting to me that across those interviews interviews with people who are like dr. phil and others who are trying to kind of get him to walk away from those claims. he soft petals it a little bit, but then you get down further in front of the rally crowds and really hits at home it is absolutely clear, said it many times in front of many different people. he intends to take the levers of power if he is reelected and use them for his own personal retribution, goals, which in and of itself is so unbelievably offensive should be to any american than any american president would purport to do such a thing. can he do it? sure, he can do it if he follows through with the plan that he s already laid out, this 2025 plan that they ve talked about. you ll replace those folks insignificant positions. the department of justice and the fbi and other lawn federal law enforcement entities with flunk who will do whatever he says so the first steps in this process of trumping up charges against people baselessly and throwing them in jail could actually happen. i think it gets tougher when those cases start to make their way through the courts but that takes a long time. and so i think it s reasonable that people who think they might be on the former president s enemies list start thinking about what does that look like? what could that, how can that actually play out? in your lives? and i think people are having those conversations just trying to figure those things out as we speak. interim cave, adam kinzinger, john miller. thank you. coming up next closing arguments in the hunter biden federal gun trial. and what jurors are now deliberating. and later the rescue of those four israeli hostages from gaza. how it went down, who helped? and more viroid that the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the back hello, your freedom is on the ballot. trump, there is nothing we cannot do. we will make america powerful again, the president and the former president. one day two very different visions for america s future. the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 2789, live on cnn and streaming on max. though bike riders some people would rather crash it s, slow down everyone wants to be part of something up this climb out on that apple mourned is find the my own family bike riders read it darn old mean theaters, june 21 at bus to credit, we know when you re a small business owner, business this is personal every challenge is a chance to grow. when the time comes, bus due credit helps you get funding to expand your business are easy he inconvenient process makes it simple to take the next step on your journey. when a business is ready to grow, this due credit makes it possible viz, to credit funding. what s next thank you. discovered our newest resorts, sandi vincent and the 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arguments prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned her father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any other but in some drugs. but why is reminded the jury, hunter s former girlfriend hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand, pay no attention to the other one. hey, accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attacks two of hunter s former girlfriends, who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018. he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will be back here in court tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. to continue their deliberations. it s impossible to say how long it it will take them to reach a decision on these three counts. but i was important earlier today, and then we re also attentive as the judge explain the instructions page by page line by line. these are of course, the rules that they need to follow as they undertake this historic decision anderson. all right. thanks so much more now. and how pros and biden mishandling the weight for the verdict and the biden family presence throughout the trial, including the first lady, who in back and forth during the french visit to be in court with her steps on cnn s mj leaves at the white house for us tonight. what are things like at the white house as they await the jury? well, you know, the trial of the president s son has been an extraordinarily sensitive issue for this white house. and the president. and it is not a coincidence that the president himself has barely commented on the ongoing trial. we heard him, of course, make a statement at the beginning of the trial thing that he loves his son and that he he is proud of him for showing resilience as he has fought addiction issues and then the other rare exception, of course, was in a recent abc interview where the president was asked asked whether he would pardon his son, whether he would rule that out actually, and his answer, a one word answer was simply yes. he would rule that out. the president anderson so it has been really clear that he is going to accept the outcome of the trial no matter what happens, and that he s just not going to comment on his son s case as three is deliberating that of course, is in line with the president sort of broader view that you just don t comment on a trial or a legal proceeding when it is still making its way through the legal system. and i should just note that that is an important area where the president had sought to draw a contrast between himself and the former president whom he has accused of trying to put his thumb on the legal system on an influence in a political way. other areas and other issues at the former president has dealt with this. of course, the president has made clear he sees as being wholly inappropriate. mj lee, thanks so much at the white house tonight joining us now cnn legal analyst norm eisen and jennifer rodgers, also former federal judge. sure. shannon lynne norm. what do you make of closing arguments? do you think he s going to get convicted? i thought both sides did an able job in closing arguments. the prosecution hammering the evidence that hunter biden and it was using or addicted to drugs before and after this key october 12th, two 23rd period. they don t have actual evidence about the de, but they have yes. and the judge instructed that you don t have to prove the de you have to show that hunter biden was actually engage aged in using or was an addict around that time and they have him checking into rehab before and after the various witnesses. but anderson, abbe lowell is a very capable defense lawyer and he leaned into that critical gap and the state of mind question this has to be knowing. that means it, hunter biden had to say on purpose, not by mistake i m not an addict. i m not a user. and low argues, well, he thought he was not an addict at that time. there s no proof he was using prosecution ahead on points, not impossible. you get a defense verdict or a hung jury what do you think yeah, i agree. i mean, i think they ll probably get a conviction here. there s a very narrow path for the defense to win this. they really do have to lean into this knowingly and they can t prove it on these days, but prosecutors always say, follow your common sense, right? like the guy has been in rehab, people around that time, there s these text messages about dealing and the hallie biden testimony about paraphernalia in the car. and so use your common sense. that argument does that make sense to you that well, i didn t think i was an addict on that day. and therefore, i signed this document, say i m not an addict. i think it s the only argument that the defense has. the question is, can the jury accepted? and i think contrary my fellows here, i friends here maybe maybe some jury juror or more jurors who are sympathetic to what he s gone through. and may have experienced something like that. sometime in their life i m going to cut him a little slack and say well, on that day, maybe you didn t use so that takes care of the use and as far as being an addict, well, maybe that day he thought he d come out of it and was no longer an attic because he was doing better even if felt if he fell off two days later so they might have a basis to draw that distinction if they want to, in your experience on the bench, i mean, is it tough for juries to see past this is the son of the president or someone to be famous, very tough, very tough. and the fans is a cut one way or the other. i mean, i think well, i think it could cut in his favor the families there. it s a high-profile family. somebody might indeed think that he s going through this because of that. and again, as we all know, it only takes one to cause a hung jury. so i m not as confident as my colleagues that there s going to be a conviction here, but i wouldn t put my money on a non conviction either. you the prosecution is aware of this risk because the first thing that prosecutors said in closing was all those people sitting behind the defendant are not evidence that s pretty unusual in my area is that that actually i thought a little aggressive i mean, here are these people there to support him? lots of people on the jurors, the jury have had addiction in their families. and here s his loving family there to support him and they re going to point out of and be like, don t pay attention to those people. i thought it was a little overly aggressive, if anything, it could have i liked it. it could have been it can boomerang because they re going to look over it when he said that, look right over at those three rows. think about parents and sisters and children and all the rest of it. they could just override this if they want to know and there s also some breaking news in trump s classified documents. kids, judge aileen cannon denied a defense s effort to dismiss the indictment, but she also struck a paragraph from jack smith s indictment anderson this was a motion that the defendants had brought attacking this indictment every which way from sunday they lost almost everything. and the question we should ask is, why did judge cannon for these relatively easy unexceptional challenges take so long dragging it out. she didn t give one gimme to the defense it s one paragraph, paragraph 36. it has to do with what happened at bedminster that conversation about iran documents. it s there as to give notice that the prosecution is going to introduce prior bad acts, but striking it was virtually or nothing, judge. judge. judge, what what s going on? well, in my mind, i was pleased that she got this done so fast from may 22 to june in tenth for her is practically speedy. so i was impressed that she didn t sit on this. obvious motion for very long. i have to tell you that motion is made in every case and it s never granted duplicitous snus multiplicities never works but they make it to preserve the record. nobody expects to win those motions. you do it to preserve so it didn t take her all that long to get this one done. i mean, given the history of other things, she has been delaying on, are you surprised by the length this thing is dragging out of in general in all the motion. but this motion was relatively fast. that s a good sign. maybe she s hearing us talking about her and she s getting her work done. who knows, but this thought was relatively fast. and as far as that foro for be the similar act is very clear that she had she is saying but at trial, there may be a basis to offer this evidence justice, and belong in the indictment. get it doesn t relate directly to the charge. jennifer, does this impact the chance to this thing moving forward faster i mean, the problem is we have so many outstanding motions that are complicated, time-consuming problematic seep emotions, the classified information, protection actin, and so on. it s just we re not moving forward in a way that it s good for going to trial. there s just so much should have saved those pages and all those words. to resolve the other leg gig motions that she has on her show, she s trying to get one off of her death. that s good. judge. edelman. thank you. jennifer rodgers, norm eisen. thanks so much. i ve next new video that dramatic rescue of four israeli hostages over the weekend plus their condition and the latest on attempts to secure a ceasefire 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israeli hostages held by hamas a daring daytime raid that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7. and held captive ever since it was an operation that took weeks to plan after receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held in apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza, on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post that is one of the hostage it is noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the moment struck then he quote, immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing. eyewitnesses told cnn we re also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation, and hundreds injured. that s according to the gazan the 30s who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under 100 i want to say thank you. thank god. in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returned to me. now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some fears at this rate could be a setback. it s a legitimate question. it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is is that they re going to do as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn t sure what hamas will do. i can put myself, none of us can put ourselves in the myosin of hamas for its leaders. so we don t know what the answer will be but wall in egypt blinken also said that his egyptian counterparts had been in touch with hamas quite recently. i can t go into the details of our conversations today. except to say that artists and counterparts were in communication with hamas as early as recently as a few hours ago. now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today secretary of state antony blinken can reiterated that the united states and other world leaders stand by that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on the table for hamas to accept. but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal, the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though keys signed off on it for it initially went to hamas anderson, probably i would thanks. coming up. cnn exclusive, a us coast guard academy official resigns and breaks her silence about sexual assault allegations. and a decades-long cover up at the academy aldrich james is cold calculating cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, they re skye rozi things are looking up. afghans in intimately control macron s means in feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with sky rosie, including unless abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements sky rozi is the first il-13 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining the jordi of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur tell you dr. if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may 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eventually kept confidential even from congress tells cnn reported it s disturbing findings last year this former official tells cnn she believes top officials used her to convince victims not to tell their stories to members of congress. it says she has proof. sunland safadi has the exclusive interview they put me in a terrible position. how dare they do this to me. they had me standing up in front of cadets for 11 years talking about honor, respect, devotion to duty, whereas there where s the respect to any of us? i m disgusted. shannon norenberg spent more than a decade as the sexual assault response coordinator at the coast guard academy, it felt like an honor to be there and help them with this thing that is so hard and awful and difficult and awkward and the coast guard did tell me they were taking it it s seriously. i felt like they meant it until she says she recently discovered leaders had used her to lie to victims, making her an unwitting accomplice to a massive coverup of decades of seconds sexual assaults at the coast guard academy. i had no idea that what i was telling those victims was not true. it started several years ago when norenberg was asked to take part in informing victims about a sensitive investigation, code named operation fouled anchor coast guard leaders had discovered that dozens of cases of rape and abuse from the 1980s to the mid 2000s have been ignored and covered up. the attackers usually left unpunished. i got a phone call from someone at headquarters for saying, hey, we want you to help out. they told me at that time that all of those investigations had already been done and that at this point, we were going to call everybody up an offer them an in-person meeting so that we could say we were regretful all the things that actually sounded amazing. i took these to every single meeting. the coast guard gave norenberg talking points to go over with the former cadet s who had been sexually assaulted. an apology tour where they were assured their cases were supposedly being handled properly after all these years, members of congress congrats and staff and dhs have been briefed on the general outline of the investigation, what was found, and what disposition decisions were made. we assured them the hey, we re handling this. we ve got this, we re taking this seriously. thanks for coming forward but it turns out actually the coast guard hadn t told congress. norenberg didn t know it, but the investigation was quietly closed. so the decades of assault were kept hidden from congress and the public until a cnn investigation revealed at all last summer, victims were never given any recourse. i trusted the coast guard implicitly and i assume that the talking point document they handed me was true i would never have considered that that might be ally. the cnn reports about operation fouled anchor have led to multiple federal investigations congressional hearings in an apology from the head of the coast guard, we fail to provide the safe environment that every member of the coast guard deserves. norenberg says, after seeing cnn s report, she feared she had been used in the cover-up. she found the talking points in our files recently, which confirmed it and start to read it. and i was like, that s not actually that s not what happened they lied to me. they lied to us they had me lie. oh, my god. they had me lie to them. and actually that s when i lost it because at first i was like, wow, that s crazy. the light and then i was like, wait they used me to. lie bow they planned it as far back as 2018, not to tell anyone about this. to protect the precious institution, they be trade the victims of fouled anchor over and over and over. this is my boot camp photo. norenberg says she was raped by a supervisor when she was an army recruit in 1988 and says she knows how it feels to be told there s nothing that can be done. she is resigning and going public about what happened. the public needs to know this is happening. people sign up to serve their country. this is how they re treated like trash. it s not okay in response to a cnn request for comment, the coast guard says the talking points were created months before the meetings with the cadets. and we re not updated then another former coast guard official who was present at the meeting said no victim was informed that congressional notifications occurred. i want to tell the victims of fouled anchor how sorry, i am to be a part of this terrible scheme. but let me try to make it right now. i m so sorry. i m so sorry something mr. product joins us now. what morning can you tell us about this hearing tomorrow? yeah. anderson, the head of the coast guard admiral live. linda fagan, should we testifying before the senate intelligence? committee tomorrow? so be talking about the changes that she promised to make in the wake of cnn s previous reporting. and she has repeatedly said that she wants to learn from the past. she wants to move forward, but shannon norenberg account here certainly adds the whole string of controversies showing that this sexual misconduct remains pervasive across the coast garden and definitely underscores that this is far bigger issue than she has publicly acknowledged. and we certainly expect that she will get some questions about normal bergs accounting of all this tomorrow as well. anderson, mr. friday. thank you so much. next to independent presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy jr. are the latest on his effort to get on more steep ballots. also, a fresh look he kennedy supporters and who he could be taking votes from three body serie a city client uses city financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving. some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward for the love of progress billy the kid, sderot to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve 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on ballots in six states. you see here, including michigan and california. he says he s on more, but that s not it verified. what is known as kennedy has double-digit support and some national polling better than any third-party or independent candidate at this stage, since ross perot 1996 yesterday, i ve seen on state of the union, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, co-chair the biden-harris campaign said kennedy has a lot of quote wild ideas and noted he does not have the support of his own family, but she also said this certainly kennedy or any third party candidate gives me some concern and it s to be taken seriously. we re now from cnn s even weekend, who spoke with kennedy s supporters on a 17 acre tree farm in suck ville wisconsin. dells stan braunton rides around the land with hope. the 2024 election will bring monumental change shape in 2020, i voted for trump, but now he says the former president s sounds like a broken record. it s all about the election was rigged and the court system is ray, this year, the wedding venue owner who plans to eventually transform his property into a wellness retreat is all in for independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. bobby s the first candidate who i ve i actually felt good about. i think a lot of people are very frustrated with voting for the lesser of two evils. is that how you view the major party candidates? yeah, absolutely a self-described conservative, independent stan braunton shares kennedy s vaccine skepticism, and learned of him through kennedy s work with the anti-vaccine group, children s health defense the 62-year-old typically votes for republicans, but he s attracted to kennedys anti-establishment message. ending the form was the financial corruption within our government agencies. and the fact that we can t trust our government agencies to do their jobs because they ve been hijacked by corporate interests. you don t think are government agencies can be trusted. know why? because they re bought and paid for. i found a video rfk jr. on youtube. recent college grad katie zimmerman voted for president joe biden in 2020 but now she spends her saturday mornings tabling at farmers markets like this one in wahba tulsa for the kennedy campaign he s coming to all voters and saying like, if you vote for me like you ll be able to afford to buy a house. first is i haven t necessarily heard biden safe things like that, that appeal to me if ultimately trump gets reelected how would you feel about that? i would not feel really great about that if he was elected into office, but i i wouldn t necessarily feel any guilt because i was able to have a choice and who i wanted to vote for dog denticola is a long democrat who never thought he would find himself lobbying trump s supporters. just switched to kennedy. what do you think this guy s go to 24. go watch when he s going to do you haven t even given him a chance because he doesn t i have a chance anyway, because it hard to convince trump s supporters to vote for kennedy. yeah, i actually just appreciate that he was willing to stop and talk to me, fed up with political polarization, denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump a person like bobby kennedy who is really a messenger of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters from both sides that s back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes and find somebody who has creative solutions and somebody we can trust who wants to bring us together? we re gonna be on a world of hurt even rfk junior seemed to be pulling more votes away from biden or trump based on who you spoke to anderson kennedy s coalition of voters, they ve really span the political spectrum polling data does indicate the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate in 2020. a lot of his support comes from the so-called double-haters. those holding unfavorable views

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