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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200530 00:30:00

kind of right up in their faces. she was arrested a few minutes ago and taken away in handcuffs. what you want to see is folks keeping their distance and standing, facing the police, that is great. you don t want to see anyone go up to them on purpose to provoke action. police have ben really stoic in not reacting to whatever things are being said at them. if things are being thrown and we ve seen some of that going onme onment. i don t know if we decided what that was, but it was basically to say keep away, a little poof something, protecting the perimeter or the no man s land between the police and the protesters. we haven t gotten confirmation on exactly what it is, but we can understand your tactic and philosophy and approach, which is to say, hey,
keep your distance, don t come any closer. we re good with you being there exercising your first amendment rights. you can say what you want, but don t throw things at us or come up to our faces and threaten us. even with this escalated tension in the last 30 minutes or so play out, you know, compared to what we ve seen around the country, we hope this will be able to take a turn towards tamping down tensions and knno hostility between the two. there was one person who had a scuffle with an officer and was arrested. dan noyes is in downtown san jose. dan, what have you been seeing and hearing? i m at the corner of seventh and santa clara streets. there s standoffs happening right now. police have come on the intercom
to say that they have declared this an unlawful assembly. there s a standoff here. the crowd, 150 people, are not bundle. they aren t going anyplace. now, the police officers fired a couple of rubber bullets, i believe, in response to some people throwing things at them. i heard the shot of what looked like a riot gun. they might have fired a rubber bullet. i m looking at it right now. i m not definite, but that s what i assume it was. they warned, they tested a low-frequency audio device, which is basically crowd control. if it gets too crazy, too tense, they ll actually fire off this audio device and it really does
incapacitate can you make out what people are saying, dan? as you re hearing now, they re ordering people to disperse. they re ordering people to disperse. as i was saying, that audio device will send out a signal that makes it just painful to stay in the area. they have tested that device and people are, of course, getting concerned. but overall, you know, this is by no way it is oh, i see what looks like a scuffle over there. looks like police a are responding to someone. there we go. there s tear gas going on. and some rubber bullets fired. i see the projectiles going into the crowd. i m turning away my eyes so i wouldn t be hit.
i mean, i ve done stories on those projectiles, and they can blind you if they hit you in the eye. they are plastic projectiles, but they re full of metal pellets, so they do hurt. the crowd is going back. there are some okay. there are some people who are staying. and they are standing up to the police. as the standoff goes on a woman just told me it was a peaceful protest until the police showed up. the police are trying to take some control. these protesters blocked this intersection, took it over. and there s a standoff right now. as i said, the police did fire projectiles into the crowd. they did fire off some tear gas. but this was quite windy out
here, so the tear gas quickly dispersed. i actually see someone who has the unless that s something else. anyway, the people are not backing down. some of the crowd is coming back towards the police officers. this is not a good scene. no. the police have shown their force. they told the protesters to leave. more police look like they re moving in. dan, keep us updated there and stay safe, obviously. this is what we re worried about as things escalated today, as tensions rise. most of the protesters have been peaceful, but some have seemed to agitate the police or at least try to provoke the police.
now police seem to be responding. dan, what are you seeing now? the police are giving another warning. they are repeating this is an unlawful assembly. you have to disperse. they re holding their signs, some are cursing back at the police officers. kind of an ebb and flow. the police will have their show of force, the protesters leave. the show of force stops it is protesters come back. so it is a very tense situation right now. dan, is there the sense that it s building towards something? because we saw a line of police on the move in usefulnenison. and then we saw a huge collection of police motorcycles suddenly arriving at the same scene. what do you think? is it building towards one area?
is it just what we re seeing here is where it s all happening in terms of this confrontation? oh. sorry. what is that? what happened here was that someone someone threw a bottle at the police officers. and they responded with those that riot gun, that gun that shots t shoots the projectiles. you always have some cover, so i m positioned behind a tree that i can look out, see what s happening, and then if there s something kicking off, i can take my cover. very smart. the police are moving now. they are pushing forward. the police are pushing forward. you have some officers on motorcycles. you have other officers in riot gear. they re doing their best to try to t thi intersection. looks like they re about to
clear that intersection, seventh and santa clara street. dan, where are they pushing people towards? can you tell? is there a direction? where are they heading? they are heading west on santa clara street. looks like they just they are firing into the crowd again and again. i can see the projectiles flying through the air and hitting the protesters. they are keeping the shots at base level. that s really important because, as i said, you can take out an eye easily with those projectiles. loks like what they wanted to do was to retake that intersection. they were not going to give up thatn. intersectio r now they are pushing the st. seventh street and sixth street. moving down the block.
dan, are you on the move again walking behind the police now? where are you exactly? well, i m right at the line with the police officers. okay. i am with the i am just to the side of the protesters. i m trying to keep my distance. we re right at horace mann elementary school right now. the officers saying again and again that this is an unlawful assembly and you have to disperse. they are pushing their way down santa clara street to get these people to disperse. but i tell you, dan, i m looking down the street and it looks like there are more people gathering. this is not dispersing. it s getting bigger. we re moving, but it s not dispersing. they re just pushing the group back and more people are gathering behind the police line, sounds like. exactly, exactly. dan, please do be careful.
we know you have a lot of experience covering these types of situations, but it looks awfully tense and tre s so many things that could go wrong. so please, please do be careful. i appreciate that, kristen. i have had a lot of experience doing this. on the way here, i got to say that the people, protesters i met and talked to there s another rubber bullet. i ll bring back a souvenir for you. but the protesters i talked to were all perfectly fine with me many knew i was with channel 7. i don t fear any tension or aggression from protesters. but of course i m doing my best to stay out of the action. sure. again, a rubber bullet just theextnterctn sixth streety police officers would you say are in that immediate area versus the protesters?
dan, did we lose you? all right, we may have lost dan noyes. dan literally is down there somewhere along that tree line right where the protesters and the police are meeting. police trying to push them down the street trying to get them to disperse, but as he has pointed out, they re really not dispersing. they re just being pushed farther down te street and more protesters are gathering, it seems to him, behind the police line. so police are effectively moving them, but not dispersing them. the point of confrontation is simply moving.but yohtthey re eo we seeerio thi as dan reported, pellet guns and tear gas. at the protesters. earlier, dan, it looked like they were sort of aiming in the empty spots away from people, but as this continues to escalate and officers are on the move, we have seen some pellet
guns being fired at people, you know, at the foot level, knee level. which is designed to sort of sting, scare, and intimate. you don t want to get hit in the face with that. but no injure anybody. here we have a little bit more. when you see running, you really start to worry that the situation is deteriorating rapidly. we saw at least one protester who they can t into a scuffle with an officer who was eventually taken down. i hope we don t see a lot more of that situation. but as you said, the protesters are not backing down. there s another man now. flex cuffs being put on him. dan noyes is back on. dan, update us. we re watching a man being arrested. sorry about that, dan. i had to quickly move away. the police just surged in a
pretty big way, firing rubber bullets and some tear gas as well. as i say, the tear gas disperses very quickly in the breeze that s out here. but they had a sudden burst where they charged the protesters. that seemed to work. it s definitely scattered them. the thing is, it s scattered them now to a wider area. people backed off the immediate face-off with the police officers, but then they have scattered to different streets along the way. i saw one young man who was hit with a rubber bullet in the leg. it hit him so hard that it took him down. he was in obvious pain. i asked him whether he was okay. i looked at the welt on his leg. that s exactly what i knew it to be. those rubber bullets, they call them projectiles of force, plastic covers with metal inside of them. they hurt. they sting, yeah.
would you mind if i okay. i was just handed a projectile from a bystander here. these are not as heavy as some of them i ve felt. can i have this? okay, thank you. so i m hearing there are both projectiles here. here s a new theme, dan. this is something that s happening right now. people are taking a knee. probably 40 people right now taking a knee right in front of the officers. we don t have that shot yet on sky7. yes, now we see it. we ve got it. we see it. so the protesters have decided that tactic that s best is to take a knee and not move. the officers have formed up their line. they are just watching. i m just a couple of feet away from that very front line where you see the protesters.
as you can hear probably, dan, they re shouting i can t breathe, i can t breathe. you have probably 30 people across the right in front of the officers. you have another 60 people also taking a knee shouting i can t breathe. which is, of course, a reference to george floyd, the man in minneapolis who died in police custody over the weekend. as you re hearing again, dan. the officers is sending out a warning again. this is an unlawful assembly. they are doing their best to take back this intersection. seems like they just want to keep on pushing the protesters further away to get them to disperse. and i got to say the protesters are resilient. there we go again. they re scattering, firing projectiles.
some of the protesters have run away. others are keeping their locations. hey, dan. i m just wondering if you can educate me on the strategy of trying to take over an intersection and to push the protesters back. i m wondering if there is no aggressive action toward the line of officers, why the need to kind of push them back and retake an intersection, intersection by intersection. kristen, in my experience, it would seem that the officers are doing their best to get the crowd in general to disperse. if they can keep on pushing them back, i think they re thinking hopefully they ll be able to tire them out. the problem is, these protesters are resilient. they do move back when there s something firing, when there s tear gas, when there s a projectile. they move but they reform. right now you have that other standoff.
but het goes. of just letting them be and stay there? oh. see, what happens is that someone will challenge the officers, get up into their face, and then the individual officer will respond, and the other officers will support him. that s exactly what happened here. there s a young man who i saw earlier who seemed to begh offe. forward to that young man. the other officers also joined in. and they ran just a little bit, chased the young man away. they didn t catch him, but they have now reformed again in that thick line of police with the
people kneeling in front of them. so this is very much a standoff right now. you re listening to the chants are going on [ inaudible ] but this wind is really picking up dan, you re a bit garbled at the moment. let s give you a moment, see if the signal improves from your cell phone. try again, dan. i was just going to say [ inaudible ] the wind is right in the face of the officers. okay. the wind is picking up, he said. it s right in the face of the officers, and that the tear gas that they have used in a couple of occasions out there not particularly effective because it s blowing in the wind as dan described. dan is there right on the scene. he s literally almost in the frame from sky7 that you re looking at just to the side in a safe location.
he describes he s done this a lot and he knows what to do. he s taking good care of himself but he s bringing us remarkable fir firsthand accounts from street level. his signal got garbled at the end. kristen, for two and a half hours plus roughly, we just saw very peaceful protests, inconvenient searched for people on 101 and streets on san jose who got held up in traffic. but for the last half hour it s turned with a smaller group of protesters. you see that incident where there was a scuffle on the left with police. one man was put to the ground and arrested. dan, i just want to mention that our senator, kamala harris, who, as you know, is mentioned as a potential vice presidential running mate for vice president
biden, she has tweeted out a video message saying black blood stains the sidewalks of america. folks are in pain and have been for a long time. floyd should not be dead. and it is seemingly in agreement with her message that s bringing these protesters out here to san jose, the streets of san jose this evening. as you said, a protest that involves starting at city hall, going over to highway 101 and shutting down the freeway. a blockade of traffic eventually resolved when they made their point there and marched off the freeway, but now after a fairly long standoff with police, we are seeing clashes. we are seeing both sides, protesters throwing things, police taking action on them, whether it s arresting someone
or here s on the left is video of the man throwing punching frantically with police and police wrestling him to the ground. moments later he was taken off in handcuffs. the picture on the right side of your screen is live. again, there s more direct confrontation with police. police have been trying to maintain kind of a neutral zone of 10 or 15 feet as much as possible, but that has continually broken down. now you see what looks like one protester pushing another back, maybe trying to talk them into, hey, be cool, stay back, you know. don t keep going toward police. obviously they re trying to keep this protester away, the guy in the light blue shirt who will have none of it. he s back in the face of an officer. , dan, you always hope that cooler heads will prevail because anytime you have a large
group of protests other any issue, you have a mix. most people just out there to make a statement and be heard and exercise their first amendment, you know, freedom of speech rights. a lot of people just regular citizens. and then you have a few that get mixed in there that are more inclined to make trouble and kind of distract and detract from the main message that the peaceful protesters are trying to make. so we hope that it is the peaceful protesters who will pr prevail here with their message of solidarity for george floyd. some do deliberately try to antagonize the police and then accuse the police of responding. it s difficult on both sides. here you see, again, more intense interaction with protesters trying to hold back a protester, it looks like. if you notice, kristen, the
police are slowly inching forward subtly here, just pushing them back slowly. even as this continues. try, as dan noyes who s on the ground there describes, trying to get them to disperse or at least take them out of certain interactions so they no longer control the interactions, the protesters, that is. but they re slowly pushing them, pushing them back inch by inch. but the protester are not, as dan pointed out on the scene, not backing down. when we get dan back, i d be curious to ask him what are some of the words that he had heard of that were hurled in both drerksz. directions. one of the things he talked about as the protesters took a knee a la colin kaepernick many years ago, they started shouting i can t breathe which is, of course, a direct reference to s
he couldn t breathe. larry beil is watching this as well. larry? yeah. i just wanted to note the symbolism involved here with the colin kaepernick protest of several years ago. protesting exactly what we just saw a few days ago in minneapolis. there was a lot of confusion at this time because he initially sat down and then after talking with some friends in the military, decided taking a knee was the more appropriate act. and this is exactly the kind of situation that kaepernick was trying to bring into focus. and put a spotlighted on. so there s a great deal of symbolism with protesters now doing what kaep did.
he p he s been very active on social media as well throughout the years but more so in the past few days trying to make the point once again that this is what i was protesting about. you can make the case that we have not made a lot of progress in the years that have passed. good point, larry. thank you. let s turn our attention now to mike lowe from the santa clara police department. mike, are you there? mike, can you hear us? yes, can you hear me? yes, mike. thanks for coming on. mike, as you watch what s transpiring, tell me what you re ragy is by san jose police as they trying to move these protesters around. actually, i m with the sheriff s office. my apologies.
no worries. we got a call from highway patrol when the protesters were gathering on highway 101. so we mobilized our resources and have dispatched our deputies out on patrol to assist the san jose police department and the california highway patrol. so our main focus right now is just making sure everyone stays say we understand people are frustrated. we do want people to exercise their first amendment rights, but to do so peacefully. and ultimately we want everyone to be safe. based on what you ve seen, sergeant lowe, are the protesters in that very front line in that direct standoff with officers doing what you consider safe actio? i am not in a position right now to be right therefrt line ho do know that it s a very fluid and rappid situation. we have our deputies deployed to numerous locations across
san jose permanent near t san jose, primarily near san jose. this is a difficult situation for police to keep order but at the same time allow people to express themselves and their anger and fruchgs ovstration ov happened in minneapolis. what is the challenge for the police officers on these lines to keep control and yet not escalate this situation? very difficult, is it not? very difficult, very challenging. and i think as law enforcement officers part of our job is to show that tremendous restraint who must these types of situations where things are very tense, very action packed right now with a lot of things going on. but we have to remain calm and do with a we can to just make sure everyone remains safe. we do have our crowd control unit mobilized
what is the special training for crowd control unit. what is that unit surprised of? that s interesting. the unit is comprised of deputies, sergeants and staff within the sheriff s office. they train specifically to handle large crowds, whether it s at a ball game or sporting event or any sort of large event like this. but any time you have something like this, we want to make sure people stay safe and remain peaceful. i have one question about the motorcycles that we see. is that a modern-day, you know, for a long time crowd control, police departmts ud officers on horseback, because it s intimidating and well above the crowd. is this a modern-day version of that? we do have motor have motor. i m not sure if our sheriff s office are on steed right now. they re much easier to get around if they need to access an area where a vehicle or standard patrol car couldn t get to.
our motorcycles are able to access a location much quicker. just a line right in front, behind the first line of police officers on foot. we re looking at a line of motorcycle officers right behind them. very interesting to see that tactic. sergeant low,e. i m wondering about your training. i m imagining it s similar to police on the front line. at what level do they respond. with rubber bullets. tell me about the actions and reactions that is deemed appropriate as you ve been taught? i think like any law enforcement agency, we have our use of force policies and use of force continuum. however, in times like this, i

Kind , Faces , Folks , Distance , Handcuffs , Police , Action , Things , Standing , Purpose , Anyone , Some

Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240612

hypersonic missiles it is when those modern russian navy ships that vladimir putin has in his navy and is at this moment bring havana harbor, one of four of these ships, including nuclear-powered submarine that is expected to arrive today in cuba, arrived in the next few hours into havana harbor. you see it just coming up behind that statue there as it makes its way into the port of havana. and there are russian ships, russian naval ships that come to cuba over the years. i don t remember what a convoy as large as this, a convoy that has the latest weaponry that vladimir putin to has at his disposal. so while it may not be a direct threat to the united states, it is very symbolic because vladimir putin has been talking recently about how if the us will deploy weaponry his borders. he could do the same to dus certainly. meaning countries like cuba or venezuela. the cuban armed forces that can government have said that they, these ships are not carrying any nuclear warheads that they re not a threat. this is a friendly visit, but we all know the history. of course, it s only 60 years ago that of course, we re rushing water heads up based in cuba. no one expects that to happen now, but certainly this is a message that behind me right now, this morning you have russian warships coming into havana harbor. some of the most modern, the vladimir putin has. you couldn t have expected, couldn t ask for a more quad profile visit in this limits taking place right behind right behind me as we speak yeah. it s wild to see it right over your shoulder, patrick, it s so great to have you there and it s great to see you as always. thank you so much. a new rmc and a new central starts now president biden on his way to approve, she ll overseas trip we are standing by at joint base andrews where for the first time it is possible he could speak on the criminal conviction of his son, hunter. confusion over the status of khan hostage and ceasefire talks in the middle east as a barrage of missiles is fired into israel, we are expecting to hear from secretary of state antony blinken shortly today, a vote that could change the future of the country s largest protestant denomination sarah signer is out, i m john berman with kate bolduan and this is cnn news central president biden. it will be making his way for italy where he will be attending the high stakes meetings of the g7 summit. biden heading up first from delaware, where he was spending time with his family hey, after his son hunter was convicted just yesterday on federal gun charges, that guilty verdict is one of many things you could expect is on the president s fine as he is heading off to meet with world leaders, which huge issues on their agenda the israel-hamas war, supporting let me a huge loan for ukraine and also the impact in future of ai for these major economies, among many other topics, another interesting fact, five of these eight liters that will be meeting in italy are all facing serious election challengers. joe biden included, cnn s priscilla alvarez, nic robertson, joining us with both on this. priscilla what is on the mind and the mission of president biden today okay. as you just mentioned elections in the united states and around the world could really change the geopolitics. and that is it s top of mind for president biden, just as it was last week. and this time around, donald trump s shadow will loom large over this g7 summit and some similar ways that it did when the president was commemorating d-day in france last week, the president is going to be arriving three years almost two the de, of when he attended the g7 summit in his first term. and at that time, us official said that the president was met with world leaders with relief and enthusiasm that he had won the election. and this is going to be part of what is part of the president s argument moving forward because the us is trying to strengthen its alliance and reaffirm its leaves your ship on the world stage and it becomes quite clear when we re talking about ukraine that has been top of mind for the president last week, including this week and that is something that it s going to be discussed among the leaders because there is, as the president says, the need to preserve democracies around the world. and that is clearest with ukraine. now, we know that the united states is pushing for a $50 $50,000,000,000 loan to ukraine using frozen russian assets. so the aid will be something again, top of mind as the president publicly apologize and a rare move last week to the ukrainian president because aid had been stalled, given what had occurred in congress. so all of this is expected to come up. the president and ukrainian president zelenskyy are going to participate in a news conference, but of course, this is not the only thing happening around the world. you have this situation in the middle east, climate change china combating their influence around around the world. and of course, ai. so all of that is on the agenda for the president to discuss with world leaders. pope francis also will be there to talk about ai. so the president meeting with all of them over the three-day visit to italy priscilla, thank you so much, nick. you re in italy take us into that agenda. those agenda items and what s at stake for all of these world leaders yeah, one of the big issues for the italian prime minister giorgia meloni, who s hosting this event is of course, the massive amount of migration immigrants that have arrived in italy over the last several years. and one of the ways that the g7 nations have typically try to address this in the past is looking at development projects and sub-saharan africa. so the first issue on the agenda will be africa, will be development as well as the climate because of course, the changing climate is a driver for people to leave their homes where the economies are becoming less stable and move. in many cases out of africa towards europe. so that will be a big issue. and of course, migration a familiar issue for president biden, but the context in europe is a little different. there will be on the second day, a specific agenda item of migration. the second item, ukraine, that funding of ukraine through a $50 $50,000,000,000 loan to be financed from frozen russian assets. there are technical details here about how do you do it. do you sort of push it all off on the eu to help underwrite it. they have collected budget about one point 2 $2 trillion there are about $300 billion of frozen assets. how do you really finance it? united states looks like it s going to shoulder some of that some of that burden along with the european union to underwrite it, if you will not, to put forward the money itself it s great to see your neck and so great to have you there for these meetings, priscilla. thank you so much. much more to come on this jaume. this morning. 200 missiles fired into israel how, how will that impact ceasefire and hostage talks? secretary of state anthony blinken will speak in any moment. quote. it throws a bit of sand in the gears of people suggesting the biden department of justice has been engineered to go after from what some republicans are now saying that the president s son has been convicted of federal gun charges and then three comedians and the pope walk into a bar. okay, it s not a bar and it s actually more than three comedian stephen colbert, chris rock will be goldberg and others, all with pope francis. why the. most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmet, winning a bond on this project. i asked mark, do you want here s an idea let s ask markham. that s good now. now, launch a couple ones were the people with all the answers get all the answers. ask markham, accountants and advisers. you ve 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response to the most recent proposal as a rejection, but a diplomatic source tells cnn that hamas is neither accepted nor rejected it. let s get right to cnn s oren liebermann live in tel aviv with the latest. so where do things stand as we re waiting on us secretary of state john, this will be an incredibly important statement from secretary of state antony blinken because it will give us the us perspective and whether blinken sees a path forward here, that is what we need to hear as well as from the countries. how do they view the boss response? president joe biden put forward a us back proposal 13 days ago hamas finally responded yesterday according to a source familiar with the talks, they offered some amendments to the proposal israel, according to an israeli official view that as a rejection of the proposal, but it s unclear how blinken the country s the egyptians, the crucial negotiators here view that and whether there s a path forward, that is what we hope to to learn, or whether once again, this entire effort has fallen apart when it comes down to the details as it has so many times before. meanwhile, in the midst of this blinken diplomatic flurry throughout the region, the un has issued a report of the first months of the war the most in-depth investigation carried out by the the un commission of inquiry to this point. and it concludes that both israel and palestinian militant groups, including hamas, have committed war crimes and violated national humanitarian law at the beginning of the war, the investigation looks at october 7 to december 31st, the end of last year. so the first two-and-a-half months and in it, the un concludes the both israel and palestinian militant groups carried out acts of torture committed sexual violence and intentionally attacks civilians. the findings are based on interviews with witnesses, victims media reports, as well as open in source material that they were able to verify. perhaps not surprisingly, the hamas portion of the investigation focused on october 7, and that is where the un found that hamas intentionally targeted civilians, carried out acts of murder and torture, outrageous upon personal dignity, dignity, and taking hostages, including children. now it has to be noted that the un found that israel has in systemic and widespread way targeted civilians in its campaign in gaza. and it s bombardment of gaza. israel did not cooperate with the report and dismissed it or rejected it earlier. today as anti-israel discrimination coming from the un. john in oren, it s been an intense several hours between israel and hezbollah inside lebanon over israel s northern border. what hundreds of missiles fired into thrill approximately 200 rockets at this point, this is some of the most intense fighting we have seen across that border. and sometimes it gets even close to this level, the fear of course, is even further escalation in a region that has already seen escalation question over the course of the past couple of weeks. so last night the idf says it carried out a strike in southern lebanon that took out a hamas hezbollah commander. abu tallied in response, we are seeing this barrage for some 200 rockets that have sparked fires in northern israel enforced evacuations. the fear here is a further escalation can open up another front in the war. and that s exactly what we re watching right now. and to see where this goes from here, john wright, oren liebermann for us in tel aviv, a lot going on this morning or i thank you very much for that new information about the man accused of hijacking a plus and killing a passenger while leading police, police on a chase in rush hour traffic and the reaction for right-wing media has been noticeably different to hunter biden s guilty verdict compared to a another recent try i voted buttons dragging my remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah chins, pew rainbows there 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727289, or visit my back join me a like it s hard besides this morning president biden s son, hunter biden, wakes up a convicted felon, and despite that, after the news broke yesterday, donald trump s staunch supporters for right media personalities still maintain justice was not served. donald trump junior even suggesting that the case was done in order to create the illusion of equal justice under the law, students a desk gold has much more on this hadassah. you re tracking all of the response from the halls of congress to the halls of right-wing media. what is going on here? we saw sort of two themes really emerged. one was this was a case finally of justice served a lot of praise for the judge who was a trump appointee. but then there was sort of more sinister conspiracy theory emerging that this was actually all sort of cover up for larger crimes. and that s what you saw, don junior are pointing to, but i want to start with that. this was a good trial, quite a different reaction from this right-wing media sphere to what we saw in reaction to the trump trial, which was also guilty verdicts also brought by a jury of their peers, but just take a listen here. this is fox news host janine, period. the difference between how she reacted to the trump trial to how she reacted to the verdict yesterday? this is a new error in america, and i think it goes against the elc of who we are as americans and our faith in the criminal justice system this will be very difficult to get a reverse alon. it was handled by judge noriega, who is an experienced judge who didn t play any games. she was as fair to the defense as she was to the prosecution so quite a different sort of tone there over the exact same verdict from a jury of their peers. but then you go into further into the right-wing media sphere and you get something else, you get what they say is essentially a larger conspiracy theory, even though this was a guilty verdict. here is right-wing talk show host early kirk in a tweet, he says, hunter biden, guilty. jan, the true crimes of the biden crime family remain untouched. this is a fake trial trying to make the justice system appear balanced, don t fall for it. this is also something that donald trump campaign tout. it s pushing the conspiracy theory that president biden has taken money from foreign governments and that this whole trial was just to try to cover up for it, tried to give something to take away from what they say is a larger, unfounded conspiracy theory in this sunday of that donald trump junior also spouting in a live conversation on x saying it s not even close to justice, saying it s trying to create the illusion of equal justice under the law. and this goes to show you how the far fringes of the protein trump media world. they have drifted into just sort of automatic conspiracy theories that the default is a conspiracy theory when the do s does not justify their point of view that image of hitting the automatic conspiracy theory button is stuck in my head right now hadassah it s good to see you. thank you so much, jaume. with me now, democratic strategists, former senior adviser to bernie sanders 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. chuck raja and former trump administration official, matt mauer in gentlemen, what s so interesting here, there was a piece and politico this morning in their playbook where you had both democrats and republicans saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to the hunter biden trial in mat, i want to go to you first with jason wrote like a republican strategist two does real republican campaign says, quote, it throws a bit of sand in the gears of people s suggesting the biden department of justice has been engineered to go after trump. we have this. i think we re going to graph pick it up one feature of the modern republican party is ignoring facts that don t support the argument in sometimes embracing the conspiracy theories that do what about that? although it can be, i know we just played the two clips from fox news, but i imagined if i wasn t watching msnbc last night because of course i was watching cnn. but if we had, i got to match them just noticeably more quiet than it would ve been two weeks ago after the conviction, new york. and so look, both sides are going to play the politics it s the way they feel they need to on this. clearly the trump campaign s going to try to highlight the inadequacy they felt in their case and downplay what happened yesterday, the same way you re hearing pretty much silence outside of a pretty basic statement out from the white house yesterday about hunter biden s conviction yesterday here s the truth of it. all this race between donald trump and joe biden right now. so static that both of these have had relatively little impact on the actual results of any poll right now, this election at the end of the de is gonna be decided by a very, very, very narrow set of swing voters. and those swing voters are likely going to say the talks and all their houses, they ve already disapproval, both candidates, this just adds to that fire are going to ultimately vote on what they believe is in the best interests for them and their families in november. and i think the first campaign to recognize that and grab onto that is likely going to be the candidate that wins in november i will say the reaction for most democrats has been respect the rule of law and to the trump verdict, it was respect the rule of law. and with republicans, the response to the trump verdict was outraged and the response to that hunter biden verdict is conspiracy. there is a vast difference here in those reactions. i do want to ask you, chuck joe crowley, if former congressman from new york, it as far as making a statement, democrats saying the quiet part out loud says, quote, it s the silver lining. they weren t looking for maybe suggesting in some ways this helps president biden in his reelection i think that it s distinguishable because the younger biden is not the president. and so what you get to see is joe biden be a caring father for a son who had a substance abuse program who was in one of those who i think gets sympathy, people always run to their corners on the right or the left and that tried a small group of folks would decide the outcome. but when you can personalize the president, whose demagogue on the right all the time because of his age or anything else they can find and he can become more human as a political consultant who runs campaigns every single day those are the little moments i m looking for when a president can be more human and not just this thing that we see on the news all day long or i want to get your reaction to something that paul i think we have the paul ryan sound all so do we have paul ryan talking on fox? we don t have paul ryan. well, paul ryan, the former speaker of the house, went on fox news, matt yesterday and said the types of things that paul ryan has really said, frankly, since 2020, he said that donald trump isn t fit to be president. and he said it right on fox news for many conservative viewers to hear this upset i should say, supporters of donald trump, including congressmen troy nehls, listen to what he said paul ryan, you re a piece of garbage. you re a piece of garbage. and we should kick you out of the party for paul ryan to say he s not vote for donald trump. that s the problem with some of our republicans. its guys like that. don t go spout in your mouth often, same euro conservative. your spit in the face of the leader of our party, donald trump. i m grow up a little bit doesn t really sound like big ten. they re mad no. i mean, look, if you you mentioned that this foot paul ryan been saying since 2020, that s been made, been saying it publicly since 2020, but it s essentially what he s been saying even privately since 2016. and there s been a literal books written on on that, so i don t think this really comes as much of a surprise to anyone. there are certainly going to be a sliver of the party which is going to say they re knocking support donald trump as the nominee. and what s going to be interesting by nicely looking at polling every single day what i m looking for is, which can t is going to be able to hold onto the larger share of their own party, going november, it s amazing, despite talks like this, despite discussions at division and the republican party, despite high profile republicans saying they want support doctrine, he still maintains actually much stronger course of work from registered republican voters than joe biden does from democratic voters. and that just gets the core of one, the bigger political challenges for the white house right now now is that it s upwards of over 20% of their core based right now, it s saying they may not support joe biden or donald trump is holding almost anywhere between 85 to 90% of his own party right now. so despite paul ryan basically saying ways been saying for almost a decade now, not much has changed that i ll trump s still as of today as a stronger fold on the republic welcome party than joe biden does on the democratic party. and that s why you re seeing in the head impulse right now? yeah. chuck, what about matt s point there? paul ryan saying what he says, who does that actually convince well i would push back on that just a little bit. we ve had elections last night in ohio and every tuesday we ve had an election and all these states were republican primary motors got to pick on who they wanted and about 80% have picked trump to his point but 20% of pick nikki haley, who ain t even running for president no more. so i wouldn t say he s got that consolidated. we got our own problems with democrats but our base is pretty secure with joe biden s one has been getting about 90 or 95% and what do you see for paul ryan represents a lot of common sense economic driven republicans in the suburb who were sick and tired. of donald trump. there was a primary internationally, a special election in ohio yesterday, ohio s sixth congressional district in a district any trump won by like 29 points where the heavily finance republican candidate, one. but by around ten points or even a little bit less, any source of concern there, matt no. i mean, look, yeah, you re seeing a bit of a juxtaposition compared to special elections almost ten years ago, republicans traditionally have had habitual voters on their side, older voters, voters with college degrees. lately, those are two groups have been shifting to democratic party while the republican party is doing much better with voters without college degrees and even younger voters who are much harder to turn out in a special election scenario like we saw in ohio yesterday. i think you re going to see likely a republican carry that district again by 20 plus points in the november general election. it is an interesting dichotomy though you go back just a few cycles ago. chuck and i probably on opposite pages about looking at these special election results. it is the scenario right now we re republicans are doing better in presidential elections because they re pulling out different voters who may not show up outside of the big, the big show every four years. now, there is really something happening interesting in the special luncheon with the high and low propensity voters there. thanks for pointing it out that mauer is great to see you chuck wrote that culture as always nice to see you as well right now, president biden is headed to italy ahead of the g7 summit. big issues on the agenda, of course, include the israel hamas war, the war in ukraine, the impact of ai on the world. that with all the political term let me, while we will talk about that gold one second, but let s go to doha right now. secretary blinken speaking there now as you heard him say, we were together just yesterday in jordan, had a conference to work to rally more international support to address the dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. qatar has already shown remarkable generosity and helping people in such urgent need providing 4,700 tons of food medicine and other life-saving aid at yesterday s conference in ounces $400 million more in additional support from the united states too. the palestinians that brings the total amount that we ve provided to $670 million in additional us assistance to the yeah. palestinians any eight months that this war has been going on we ve long been the leading provider of support to palestinians. and we we will continue to do everything we can to support them particularly in this time of need we re also continuing to work every single day on it pre-seen the flow of assistance into gaza and making sure that it gets to people who need it within gaza working to improve civilian protection working to secure the release of hostages now single, most effective and most immediate way to end the suffering of people in gaza to end the suffering of palestinians and israelis alike to tackle the humanitarian assistance crisis, to prevent the conflict from, further escalating and spreading to other places is to get ceasefire that allows us to get to work toward a more durable end to the conflict here again qatar has been tireless partner in the prime minister personally, a tireless partner in working to mediate a ceasefire and a hostage release something that the prime minister and i first discussed here on october 13th and many times since 12 days ago president biden s set out a ceasefire proposal rooted in core principles of releasing all the hostages surging assistance into gaza guaranteeing israel security providing a path to an enduring and to war. and starting the massive reconstruction for gaza the entire world almost without fail has been behind this proposal and we heard it again and again and again. individual countries pronouncing themselves in support in this region and beyond. important groups like the g7, the honorably palestinian authority israel and of course just two days ago, the united nations security council leaders in the region that i ve met with over the last couple of days they have reaffirmed that. again and again and again so we re waiting on one response and that was the response it s from hamas and as the prime minister said, last night, we received a response hamas has proposed numerous changes to the posel that was on the table. we discussed those changes last night with a different colleagues and today with the prime minister some of the changes are workable. some are not here in a nutshell is where we stand a deal was on the table that was virtually identical to proposal that hamas before on may the sixth a deal that the entire world is behind a deal israel is accepted hamas could have answered with a single word yes instead hamas weighted nearly two weeks and then propose more changes a number of which go beyond positions that had previously taken an accepted as a result, you heard the prime minister say this the war that hamas started on october 7. but this barbaric attack on israel and on israeli civilians we ll go on more people will suffer. palestinians will suffer more, israelis will suffer but in the days ahead we are going to continue to push on an urgent basis with our partners with qatar with egypt to try to close this deal. because we know it s in the interests of israelis, palestinians. the region indeed, the entire world and we all three that the deal has to be grounded in the principles at the ceasefire proposal that the entire international community supports there s something nelson s critical and the prime minister alluded to it it s also crucial that we get from the immediate ceasefire that we re working personally to achieve to an enduring end and in order to do that and to do that effectively we have to have plans for the day after the conflict ganzen, gaza, and we need to have them as soon as possible for months. we ve been working with partners throughout the region on such a plan and that was also key focus conversations i ve had over the last couple of days in the coming weeks, we will put forward proposals for key elements of the day after plan, including concrete ideas for how to manage governance security reconstruction that plan is key to turning a ceasefire into an enduring end to the conflict. but also turning an end of war into a just and durable peace. and using that he s using that piece as a foundation for building a more integrated more stable more prosperous region over the course of but what s now my eighth visit to the region since october 7 everyone that i ve engaged with has made clear that this is the path they want to pursue. now i can t speak for hamas or answer for hamas and ultimately, it may not be the path that hamas wants to pursue. but hamas cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future for this region that s people enough dialogue and majorly less. so i lower zero on had known have numbering connected jazeera what we ve just been listening to is secretary of state tony blinken can he in doha and these are his first remarks. first real response since they have received the response from hamas to the hostage and ceasefire proposal has now been on the table. the reaction from tony blinken important. he says that hamas in its response proposed numerous changes. some are workable, some are not. he says tony blinken, though, making very clear that this is on hamas at this point because he went into detail on how many nations, how many regions of the world have come together to agree and support this proposal? just this week, the un in security council giving its endorsement to this proposal, the g7, the arrow league, israel, all saying yes to this proposal. and tony blinken saying hamas could have ended this essentially and start to bring about to bring an end to the suffering with a simple yes but now more changes are being proposed and asked for requested and demanded by hamas for this to come to an end. we re going to continue to cover this, but this is an important development in what has now in what is now been this kind of waiting period to see what was going to come and how much hope to put behind this proposal that president biden laid out 12 days ago. jaume anti-bullying, very careful with words there, but suggesting that hamas is moving the goalposts. we do have brain picking economic news, new inflation data just out showing it came in cooler than analysts were expecting. how much good news is this for the economy? the sirens are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. it is the stuff of nightmares you could hear it and feel it. nick eyes and my throat were buried. i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it. along with earth, with leah whenever sunday at nine on cnn bombast makes absurdly comfortable underwear made to move with you. not on you. because your basic 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t have to. when you sign up at shining through cid, you ll find inspiration and real patients stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more see idp can be tough, but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up is shining through be heard, be hopeful the eu with fast sides, create factory great visual solutions it s perfect. your process cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 the greatest general in history his body and his tomb are missing expertise, you know? the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great s tomb. next wednesday, if nine and discovery and stream on max bragging moments ago, the latest read on inflation, just in inflation cooling off last month for health here with much more on this good news, i come bearing some better news this island rating for the caveats, but please exactly takeaways. so yeah. so cpi, the consumer price index, of course, a basket of goods and services. the government tracks the change in price. so this coming in, this index, coming in for may at 3.3% on an annual basis certainly better than the peak. but a reminder that this is the fed s goals. so this is where we re trying to get to. but 3.3% that is slightly better than we saw at the month prior. it is also better than expectations. so we like to see that when you look at cpi on a monthly basis, this is where the real good news cause this is where the gift is 0% remaining unchanged on a monthly basis, right? so the index pretty much remaining flat. the last it s how we saw this, you d have to go all the way back to july, i think of 2022. so you certainly like to see that. i want to talk really quickly about sectors on a monthly basis because this gives you a sense of where prices are still rising and where they re falling. so shelter which has been really stubborn shelter, you think the price to put a roof over your head, think about rent. you think about there s a component for mortgages. so that increased again on a monthly basis and food slightly increased. but as you can see on this graphic here, just so slightly on the other hand, we saw prices fall for gas in a pretty big way. we saw prices fall for apparel as well, and airline fares also came down. so the reason why this is really important in general, but certainly on a day like today when we re getting hit with a double whammy effect of economic event is it just gives us a sense, not just of where prices have been, but also where rates are going. and when we hear from jay powell, the federal reserve chairman, and about six hours from now, we don t expect this softer inflation report to necessarily change what we hear from him, then we re not expecting a rate cut. this meeting, but perhaps now that we re getting more welcoming inflation data, maybe that means a rate cut. maybe later this summer, maybe early this fall, which after the string of inflation reports that we have been getting, that we re actually hotter than expected that was even a big question. so for change, i come with some are better than expected news, inflation cooling for the month of may, we ll wait a few hours to hear what j power has to say about this. i m sure he will have something to say. and quite a day getting this report this morning, and then the announcement the fed policy this afternoon, it s great to see you. thank you. likewise that inflation, that a whole bunch of investors are looking at that going oh, really liking that this morning, 6 million people across southern florida are bracing for a new round of flooding. this after sarasota saw nearly a month s worth of rain last night, last night alone. and it comes as heat waves out west are bringing triple digit temperatures there. it is hot meteorologist elisa rafah with us this morning, very hot out there. lisa yes. an incredibly early in the season for it to be this hard. we ve had multiple consecutive days in las vegas and phoenix with those temperatures over 100 degrees, these places hit their earliest 110 degree temperatures on record about. a week or two ago. now that heat is going to start to slide east as we go into the weekend and going into next week, we re going to start to find extreme measures of heat risk as we go into monday. now this is a new map, a new product that we have that s with the national weather service and the cdc to convey his sickness and heat risk when you re looking at the symptoms of heat sickness, you re looking at maybe dizziness, headaches, some cool and pale skin. is that could be a sign of heat exhaustion. you want to watch out for that if it gets worse, you could even be working at unconsciousness and confusion for symptoms of heat stroke. so these are things that we need to watch out for. again we ve had this extreme pete pretty early in the season. so you ll want to make sure that you re looking at exercising either early or late to avoid that pq, you wanna wear lightweight, light-colored closed drink lots of water. remember to check on children, elderly and pads, and remember that these cards could get incredibly hot. it only takes minutes for these cars two get to a level that can be deadly. now, heat is the biggest killer in the us on average, me look at that, how it sticks out, not hurricanes, not tornadoes, flooding is right behind it, but heat is our biggest killer and that s important because as our climate continues to warm our extreme heat days are getting even hotter. this is becoming an even greater risk that doctors and medical agencies have come out calling climate change a public health crisis. you have 32 more risky heat days in phoenix since 1970. again, just exacerbating this problem. john. yeah, graphics like that, charts like that just so concerning lisa rafah. thanks so much for being with us. the southern baptist convention just kicked out a church in virginia for having female pastors. another vote, vote of the convention on the role of women and in the church is happening today health, this morning 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with female pastors are standing. is this is likely to pass the band seen ryan young joins us now with the latest ryan, what are you hearing? john this is likely to pass from what we re learning just last year, they had a preliminary vote and it seemed like the members went along with this, but i should tell you this is big news because you re talking about some 13 million members who are part of this church organization. and what we know, the 10,000 members will be having that discussion today. there will be a debate something that will be monitoring throughout day. but what we know is almost 47,000 churches are linked to this association. on top of that, women working in pastoral roles at about 100 churches. and this could affect black church across the country. but one of the things that people want to talk about is the fact that supporters believe this is biblically necessary. listened to to pastors talk about this breakdown and why this vote could go one way today women have had a prominent role within the ministry and pastoral positions within the leadership of first alexandria for over 44 years first alexandria stands before you today as a testament that we can maintain a fruitful partnership with churches. the take a different stance on women and ministry we find no joy in making this recommendation, but have formed the opinion that the churches egalitarian beliefs regarding the office of pastor do not closely identify what the conventions adopted statement of faith yeah. john, obviously i said we will still monitor this throughout the day last year that preliminary vote was cast and it looked like this will pass. sometimes they now again, like i said, this could affect 100, hundreds of churches. they ll have to make the decision how they want to move forward. but something we should also say, this is in their constitution, the doctrine actually states that only men can be pastors at one church. you had women pastors only doing their pasturing to women and children. so there s big discussions about how this breakdown will happen, how it will move forward, especially in this changing, changing landscape across the country when it comes to people going to church. but this debate will happen today. the vote should happen later on, and we ll bring it to you john alright, ryan young. thanks very much. kate joining us right now is referencing victoria rob powers. she s the first female senior pastor at the royal lane baptist church in texas. reverend, thanks for being here and just to bring everyone up to speed, your congregation is an autonomous baptist church, not affiliated with a southern baptist convention but your experience is so important here because this is not the first time a church has been ejected from the southern baptist convention over female pastors why do you think they are doubling down on this? yeah that s right. thanks for having me i think one of the reasons why they re doubling down on this is because they re trying to maintain power. i mean, studies show that to maintain power, you have to constantly exert power. i think they re doing this in an effort to exert power. the irony is the southern baptist convention is losing power because it s losing influence. a decision like this will inevitably lead to the disfellowship of hundreds of churches, which means the convention will significantly dwindle and size rafat, this feels very strange to ask, but i shall, which is have you ever witnessed any negative impacts? of having a female pastor in a church yeah. i actually grew up in the southern baptist convention, which is funny that you should ask that. and as i, as you mentioned earlier, royal lane is not part of the southern baptist convention, but we were in fact we left the convention in the early 90s because of their discrimination of women and ministry. so in many ways what we re seeing is not new. the convention has a long history of excluding women administrate, especially from leadership roles. i think the point i was trying to make have you ever seen having a female pastor leader church and a senior role that it s been a problem for a church in terms of actual spiritual faith and leading a congregation for separate from its connection to the, to the convention sure. thanks for that clarification. no. i haven t seen that. i mean, i think our church in particular has seen a lot of fruitful ministry from the result of having a female and a pulpit. it s also helpful to just expand the number of voices that we hear from. so to. choose to only reserve the office of pastor for men is to limit ministry and limit the possibilities of what god can do the reverend, we heard the reverend of the man who is leading the alexandria church. his name s robert stevens speaking there saying this is a sad moment for us. but we also recognize that god has a future for first baptist church. and i had read, used speaking to, i believe as a local community newspaper earlier this year and talking about women women in clergy and the impact and you say often i tell people, you can t be what you can t see what does this movement from egalitarian beliefs mean for young kids growing up in the southern baptist churches all over the country right now yeah. i can t help but think about all those young girls in these churches who will never know what s possible for them. because as you said, you can t be what you can t see. so it s disheartening to think about the ways in which we re limiting their imaginations but i actually remain hopeful because if my religious experience tells me anything it s that god is bigger than the walls we tried to put around god. so i m confident this won t be the last word for women in baptist life i wanted to ask you if you could speak with the clergy of the first baptist church in alexandria today, what would your message be? reverend yeah, i would tell them to keep going to be courageous in their prophetic witness and to remember that there are many examples of women and leadership throughout the bible of a southern baptist just convention likes to hold that the office of pastor is reserved for men alone. and at that somehow is qualified by scripture. but that s just not true. we see women in leadership roles across the bible as they serve as judges, prophets, apostles, the first witnesses to the resurrection were women. so we wouldn t even have a church today if it weren t for women. so i would tell them to press on to keep going and to remember that if the son of god can come from the womb of a woman, then surely the word of god can come from her mouth now that is a perfect note to end on a perfect message to end on here, reverend. thank you so much for coming on this morning. thank you. they knew are in a new central starts now all right cool is cool, breaking news, brand new inflation data just in better than better-than-expe cted, the market good love if futures way up right now, we have the latest moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken suggested that hamas is moving the goal posts on ceasefire and hostage hostage negotiations. so where do things stand now and just in italian media reporting, the pope tuesday, homophobic slur behind closed doors again, this is a second and consecutive months sara sidner is out. i m john berman with kate baldwin in this is cnn news central all right the breaking. news that type of in-flight inflation data that a lot of people were hoping for. let s get right to cnn s rahel solomon with the very latest on this. what are the numbers show real? yeah, john, it may be somewhere outside, but it is cooling off in the inflation report, at least this inflation report. so this is cpi, the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240611

y all, but i think we need ai week off.thk i m not here to tell you thank you for what you did, but a week i don t know if you ve been black before, but there are some stressful days. when you are black, i need a week. speed he ran through hit list accomplishment of winning over black voters. i don t think this helps. . forura: it is late that is it for us.foll follow us on social media and thank you for watching. it is my son 16th birthday today. that is what hy soe looked liken i saw him for the first time.r h and that is what he looks like now. a madelei carley: a fox and friends first exclusive, father of the missionary couple murdered by gangs in haiti are speaking out for the first time in an emotional interview you will only see here. todd: and nova music festival swarmed in new york city shooting off flairs and chanting this. todd: hometown congresswoman aoc being panned for saying this on the same day. false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by political activists. todd: more of her comments. carley: and andrew couomo wil be forced to testify hours from now. i m carley shimkus. todd: i m todd piro. house republicans releasing never before seen footage from january 6 appearing to show nancy pelosi making absolutely stunning admission on camera. carley: madeleine rivera is live in washington with newly released tapes and the white house response. madeleine: oversight committee has been working to obtain footage, this video was shot by former house speaker nancy pelosi s daughter. as the speaker was being rushed to a secure location, she had this exchange about how the evacuation was conducted. why weren t the national guard there to begin with? they thought they had sufficient resources. there s not a question, they did not know and i take responsibility for not having them prepare for more. madeleine: chairman of the subcommittee, is seizing on the new video saying that nancy pelosi s january 6 committee spent taxpayer money for investigation. her admission of responsibility directly contradicts her own narrative. a spokesperson called it cherrypicked and maintains she is not responsible for security for trying to white wash the deadly insurrection. here nancy pelosi herself. the president of the united states and his toteies do not want to face the facts and are trying to do revisionist history on january 6. madeleine: some clips have been shared and republicans slammed panel s work as partisan. carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. today s primary day in nevada and polls will open 7:00 a.m. pacific time, crowded republican senate primary has trump-backed sam brown, retired captain running for the pivotal seat. democrats hold slim 51-49 majority in the upper chamber. trump endorsed sam on sunday night saying brown will never let you know. jackie rosen is expected to easily win her primary to face the winner of today s republican contest. she describes brown as ultra-maga. we will hear from sam brown later this morning on fox and friends live. todd: a barn burner if brown wins, they look tied right now. president biden sparking concern, he appears to freeze at j juneteenth celebration yesterday on june tenth. the president stands there smiling as everyone around him is grooving to love theory. there he is. this comes as polling guru nate silvers biden s approval ratings are so low. silver posting this, biden hit an all all-time low. 5:38 and nate silver site. there is threshold where continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know, it is fair to ask. four not ms after the hour. jury deliberations continue in hunter biden s gun trial. carley: brooke singman has the latest. brooke: the jury will continue this morning after no verdict was reached yesterday. the first son did not testify in his own defense. he was joined by a dozen family members. before deliberations began, prosecution presented an alleged text in a potential blow to defense. text sent on october 11 says meet me at 7-11 at 3:00. it is unclear if hunter met that draw drug dualer. alan dershowitz says the message is clear. best thing that can happen to president trump is if hunter biden getting prove beyond any doubt it is where this trial is convicted. if you are trump tried in new york, automatic guilt. if you are biden and tried in delaware, very different. best thing that could happen to trump is acquittal for hunter biden. brooke: 345,000 dollars could cover jill biden s 1400 per hour to operate the first lady s government plane. jill biden has only missed one day of that trial. todd: glad i got up in the middle of the night to pay for jill biden to fly back and forth. carley: she flew from france and delaware and delaware to france on the same day president biden called called it an exist threat. fox cameras capturing illegals crossing into the country. here is what one told our crews. i love biden. why do you love him? biden help us. carley: telling comment there. how president biden s border is impacting communities coming up. todd: the woman who recorded thissige raing bull, an actual bull, break loose from the rodeo and land in the crowd is here to tell us about this chaotic scene she caught on camera, keep it right here on fox and friends fi first . about this chaotic scene caught on camera, keep it right here on fox and friends first . e she caught on camera, keep it right here on fox and friends first . i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some. and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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did you pay anyone to get here? no, i search internet and follow and got away and come here. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love him? biden help us. todd: of course he helps you, by letting you in. bring in sheriff panel, wayne ivy, leo dlut to the know of lewis and clark county and rkirn donnahuuechl biden administration is looking into more border action, what goes through your mind when you see this administration struggling to reinvent the wheel when everything they need is on the books and has been forever? political stunt. too little too late, they could have secured the border long ago. instead they handcuffed men and women of border patrol and now we re overrun with drugs flooding the border, overrun with illegals coming across the border. they account have protected our border, fought terrorism, they are doing a political stunt and clown show. todd: 8 million migrants since president biden took office. people have lost their lives to drug overdoses with 70,000 being primarily fentanyl. president trump said over the weekend, listen. crooked joe signed an executive order that is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-woman trafficking, pro-human trafficking and pro-drug dealers. it is a pro-drug dealer bill. it is weak and ineffective. millions of people will continue pouring in and coming right through the border like they have never come through before. they are changing the fabric of our country, destroying our country. todd: sheriff dlid you tell how would sheriffs like you partner with new trump administration to do away with what the cartels have done, put a stop to it. first thing we will do, go through the sheriff s association to talk about things and how we can partner, such as stopping the illegal flow. more importantly, cartels are overrunning and controlling the borders and been in power last three years. we need to address cartel, human trafficking and fentanyl overdoses. we re a border state, i tell you, every state in the united states is a border state. people are not staying there and have a lot of social impancts when they come to your community. they need help and they will run you dry quickly. not that we don t have compassion, that is not it, it is entering this country legally. todd: sheriff donahue, what happens if biden wins? will cartels grow more powerful than they are now if he gets a second term? without question, they will. we are overrun by illegal immigration, human smuggling, human trafficking and drugs. cartels are in every state in the united states and northern border is a threat, southern border is a threat and this is a national security issue, unfortunately, if he gets back in office, i fear for the united states as a whole. we cannot afford for him to do more damage than he s already done and this will pail in comparison if he gets another four years. the american people need to wake up. this is in your face right now with criminality, cartels and they will become more embolden and you will see far more criminality and violence in the united states. todd: thank you, keep up the fight. carley: fox and friends exclues i was, parents of the couple murdered by gangs during a mission trip to haiti join us for the first interview since this unthinkable tragedy, their story you will see only here, that is next. respiratory [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. 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(female vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo (male vo) ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr. carley: a young missionary couple killed in haiti have been laid to rests in their home state of. david and natalie lloyd, their tragic deaths impacting thousands. donald trump post ing god bless davy and ninetyatalie. they were honored last week. the life of davy and natalie shine as beacon of hope, a contrast of the age that tells a beautiful story of a christian abata-like example that defies the norm. lisa and i realize before for davy and hey hey and we had nothing to learn about. she accepted haiti and loved davy and haiti with everything she had and of course the lord first. a match made in heaven. carley: ben and naomi baker and the father of davy lloyd, d david join me. we are so sorry for the loss of your children, who lived incredible lives of service and were bonded by their shared faith. naomi, what would you like people to know about natalie? she was a devoted wife. she had no children of her own, little kelly over there was a s spiritual child of hers. she was sweet and loved those children. loved haiti. loved davy. an incredible human. carley: dave, what would you remember about your daughter? so many things. if you were to sum it up, their lives, it is about love and about commitment, their love for god and love for each other and commitment to the calling and the commitment to the people of haiti that they evenually gave their lives for. tell us about your son and who he was as a person? he was amazing, there wasn t anything he couldn t do or figure out. he would go and learn how to do anything and fix it. it was all about sharing love of christian abata with others and upon hadding those in need and they did that during their time there in haiti. carley: they did just that. ben, the situation in haiti has been going on for sometime now, almost completely out of the news in the united states and given what happened, it feels like it shouldn t be. what are conditions in haiti? it is awful over there and david could probably speak more to that than me being there so long and understand ing the people of haiti and knowing how to speak the language. it is like almost complete anarchy with very little government set up, it makes everything difficult for people there, especially. it is a dark place. i believe that the darkest places need light and davy and natalie were there. carley: david, pick up where ben left off. your son and daughter-in-law were working for a mission that you and your wife started. you have given of yourself and your family, too. tell us about the situation there and what needs to be done to help these people. yeah, it is terrible. we ve been there 26 years, started missions 24 years ago. the last four years have been complete anarchy, we have no current elected officials, they are by a ruling group trying to help haiti. gangs have stepped in, there is no rule of law, and have taken over. killing the president themselves, i don t know the details, i don t know if a gang or mrit cap opposition, but everybody expected international help would step in then and prime minister two years ago begged for international help saying the gangs had become too strong and were getting unlimited supply of ammo in the country and they said police were outmanned and needed help. a year later, it was approved for international force to come in, we are still waiting for them to get there. what we have experienced is great tragedy, haitian people have been experiencing this f forfour or five years. they are affected by gangs and their family members have been killed by it. carley: my goodness, naomi, your son and daughter were missionaries in the truest sense. they were bringing the word of god despite rest unfolding around them. they were in danger, they voluntarily put themselves in that situation for the greater good. i mean, the character your daughter showed at such a young age, how remarkable is that? it is beautiful. it is truly beautiful to see what they did there and how much they love the culture and the people. carley: ben, before i let you go, at the funeral, you spoke about the moment davy asked permission to marry your daughter. apparently, he was sweating, can you tell us about that? as dad of four daughters, it is next to salvation, most important decision you will make is choosing a spouse for life. it is a big deal, i want to make sure it is the right one and of course, davy was and its amazing how they fit together. carley: your son and daughter were more special than most and god secured a spot in heaven for them on the day they were born. dave and naomi, thank you for joining us and allowing us to remember your children with you. thank you. carley: you re welcome. todd: such absolute strength, those missionaries were doing the lord s work, may the lord watch over that family. carley: thousands attended the funeral. todd: now to this, president biden making an appeal to black voters on june tenth and sparking controversy when he said this. president biden: be clear, they are all ghosts in new g garments trying to take it back and making it harder for black people to vote, closing doors of opportunity, attacking values of diversity, equity and inclusion. todd: oh, boy, joining me now is larry elder. how do you view a false fearmongering statement like that? well, todd, i m old enough to know every republican candidate, republican president in my lifetime has been called a racist. i was 12 years old when barry g goldwater was elected and stifrn of fascismismful is in the air. fast forward to george herbert walker bush. he was called a racist and soros compared him to a propaganda minister of adolf hitler. donald trump has taken it to another level, it is on steroids. that is what democrats do, they have lost the white vote, the way they win elections, tell black people they are perpetual victims and that is what they do. carley: larry, at this j juneteenth ceremony, the president made a speech, cameras were on the president when he appeared to freeze during a performance for quite sometime. it is getting attention this morning. take a look at this. carley: you have the president standing in between the vice and george floyd s brother on the other side of him who wrapped his arm around him to help him out with some time the president being stationary. this video will not help with the age concerns, as well. come on, carley, that was joe biden s version of doing the robot. i believe those debates will not take place. donald trump issued a couple demands, one is joe biden take a drug test. as you know, he was confuse order iraq and ukraine. todd: none of that worked well yesterday to win black votes. shifting gears, surrounding exhibit, honoring victims of nova music festival. chanting long live intifada and at the same moment, this is happening, congresswoman aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez being panned for saying this. watch. at the same time, it is also true that accusations and false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad faith political actors and weaponizing antisemitism is used to divide us and create a false choice between fight for jewish safety and cause for palestinian self-d self-determination. c todd: are my eyes deceiving me? calling for elimination of israel, celebration at basically a museum that shows artifacts from the day. there is a port-a-potty where you see bullet holes where people did not make it out of those. i guess that is not antisemitism, larry. todd, your eyes do not deceive. anti-defamation league have conducted surveys on antisemitism and blacks that are antisemitism is higher than nonblack serious problem in the democratic party. you have hakeem jeffress jeffers and he wrote a paper in college defending and al sharpton, a democratic king maker with a long list of antisemitism comments. there was riot between blacks and jews in 1991, blacks were assaulting jews and he is on tape saying if the jews want to come to my house, let them do it. serious problem, not just aoc and ilhan omar, long series in the democratic party. todd: larry elder, we thank you. former new york governor an crew cust cuoma will testify before lawmakers in a few hours. carley: cheryl casone will preview his testimony coming up n next. ur skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond s age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it s 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space into a shaded retreat your family will love! when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio much more often. plus, get this $200 discount certificate that will bring you your sunsetter for as little as $799. but this is a limited time offer. call now! sunsetters are backed with up to a 10-year limited warranty! more than 1 million families in america own and love their sunsetter. now, you too can discover why “life is better under a sunsetter.” it s like putting an extension on your home. and talk about options: choose motorized or manual and for just a little extra, add led lighting for evening enjoyment. there are so many incredible styles to choose from in our free awning idea kit. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! call now to get the whole sunsetter story. you ll get this free awning idea kit. plus, a $200 discount certificate and there s no obligation. with sunsetter, you ll create the ultimate outdoor living space. perfect for entertaining friends. call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!”act now and save! 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the main reason we do this, give insight into what the building industry really is. and changen the narrative what e think about us as carpenters. this is a great occupation and kids coming up should not be afraid of it. why did you decide to become a welder, you have a big following. i m sure that comes with financial benefit and opportunities, as well. i started my welding career 15 years ago, i ve worked from nuclear power plant to hydro electric turbine units and i want to show that you are not limited by the way you look, you are not in a box everyone wants to put you in. there are no rules. work harvard, try hard and be good at what you do and people will respect you. carley: that is so cool. matt, engagement around your videos is huge. vocational focus community college is on the rise. trade industries are having a moment right now, why do you think that is? i think people are a little tired of going into det with student loans and figuring out how to support families without going through that. trade is great way to do that. carley: cost of college versus cost of trade school is drastic, if anybody, you want to inspire young women who could be interested in following your path. if anybody is listening and heard something you said, follows you on socialia, how should they go about doing it? i went two a two-year school and got a degree in applied science with focus on welding. that started foundation for people believing in me. you can t say i can t do it because i have this degree, i have certifications to prove i can. it speaks to the possibility of graduating with no student debt. i paid through college and graduated with zero student debt. carley: that is fantastic. wall street journal featured both of you saying you are making blue collar cool and we wanted to meet you and hear your story. thank you for joining us. have a great day. todd: don t sell yourself short, i ve seen you weld. carley: secret between me and todd. yeah. have you seen this video of a bull jumping over a fen ce into the rodeo? the woman who recorded it is here to tell you what it was like. todd: here is steve doocy with look at what is coming up top of the hour. you are getting an early birthday present. steve: i learned to weld in high school in the day when they had metal shop. carley: i did take wood shop and i have the key rack i made. todd: me, too. it works. steve: things we keep forever to show our children, look what i made in high school. carley: exactly right. steve: i made a gun rack. i know. fox and friends kicks off in eight minutes and two seconds. we have a busy program on fox and friends . power and senate on the line, stakes are high and nevada state voters head to the polls today for the state s primary election. republican candidate and retired army captain sam brown, sam will join us this morning. also new york city police depend is looking for two migrants that attacked and robbed a tourist and if that is not enough, they were staying in a taxpayer funded shelter. should not work that way. calls are growing to shut down migrant shelters, we ll talk to a democrat who is joinings them. this middle school principal is cracking down on vaping in school. remember smoking in the boys room, now they are vaping. he will tell us about unique punishment he has in store for rule breakers. busy three hours, kicks off seven minutes and 45 seconds from now on the channel you trust for morning news. todd and carley back in a couple, you are watch ing fox and friends first . dinner compreh dinner compreh , . have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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[bleep], [bleep] todd: oh my gosh. have you seen these videos yet? shows the moment a bull breaks loose at oregon rodeo jumps the fence and hurts five people in the process. danielle smithers was in the stands and caught it all in camera the shot you saw in the stands. danielle, set the scene for us as you are taking this video. what going through your mind. first of all, good morning, thank you for having me. the first initial thing that i thought was, wow, you can hear me state in the video i m completely in shock. a friend and mine had just been down there in the common area where that bull had jumped moments before returning do our seats. and we were actually standing at the gate to try to get a closer look at the bulls. and the sheriff s department was very diligent in doing their job they looked right at us and said you are either in or out. this is not a safe place for you to be and you need to return to your seats. so we went up and took our seats and i initially started shining my flashlight and swaying with the crowd and turned around and looked at my husband and said this is way too beautiful for me to be shining the light. i m going to stop and i m going to start recording this. and i just happened to catch him right as he was coming out of the gate. todd: unreal. were you scared for your family s safety when you saw this bull do this jump over the fence? my entire family was there. we even had a group of friends there. and i was not scared at all. at that point when that bull escaped i was in probably the safest place that i could have been high in those bleachers. my thoughts did go out to the people that i had initially seen moments before in the common area. todd: those people while injured are not life-threatening injuries. thank god. let s be real, if to the for the quick work of the rodeo crew, how much worse could this have been danielle? it could have been much worse. the rodeo crew i will say was absolutely amazing. they immediately they had been following that bull. they said he was out to get to safe place. they initiated protocol. and i haven t timed the video, but i would say that they had him in less than 30 seconds roped and contained. todd: wow. they were amazing. todd: we got to run. will you bring your family back to the rodeo ever again? 5 seconds to you you, danielle. most definitely. not only the sisters rodeo every year but every other rodeo that is close. we are definite rodeo fans. todd: danielle smithers thank you for that video. the bull was named party bus. more like the bachelor party at the end of the night at the beginning. carley: not a busy would want to be on. todd: fox & friends begins right now. carley: have a good day, everybody. the sitcom begins. brian: sounds liked i should be walking and the kitche

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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240611

from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in under a year. but video doesn t actually manufacture anything. they outsource that. they design still this is now the second largest corporation on our the planet with all our futures in its manicured hands toward holding this is the most complex highest performance computer the world s ever made. that that s why you have to care now, in the next few years, the competition is going to heat up in this marketplace for making the chips that train ai. but some analysts say that right now nvidia has maybe up to a 95% share of that market is they ve got a huge head-start on their main competitors intel and amd. amd just launched a new chip in video says are going to launch new chip every year that 3 trillion valuation peaceful world column. just said maybe that s an undervaluation medical. all right. thank you very much. nick watt. thanks for joining us. the situation room starts now property now, israeli police have just released video the moment hostages were rescued during a daring and deadly raid inside gaza. i get reaction from the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfiel d, chief standing by to join us lucidly, just minutes from now. and there s breaking news. the hunter biden case is now in the hands of a delaware jury the historic trial against the president since son potentially nearing an end as the panel waste three felony gun charges plus donald trump is taking the first step toward his sentencing. i m 34 felony convictions. the former president, holding a virtual meeting with a probation official this afternoon, and that interview could be a key factor as judge juan merchan decides on potential punishments for trump welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer, a urine the the situation room let s get straight to our top story tonight. the daring bloody israel kelly raid inside gaza, that operation successfully rescuing four hostages. but exacting a heavy toll on palestinian residents nearby the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfield, is standing by live will have a lot to discuss, but first, let s get all the latest developments from cnn s paula i hancocks in tel aviv new video from the israeli military shows the rescue of israeli hostages from central gaza. it says hundreds of personnel were involved in this rare daytime operation three hostages locked in an apartment in one multi-story residential building. another held in a flat 650 feet away in a densely populated neighborhood. models of the buildings were built weeks before to train in forces this is how israel s hostage rescue mission looked from the ground airstrikes explosions residents running to find safety. that doesn t have to exist in gaza hostages were flown by helicopter back to israel israel remains with family who had dreamed of this moment for eight months. families you only heard about the mission once their loved ones were safe. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returned to me, but the remaining hostages needed deal to get home safely there is a deal on the table we ask the israeli government to move forward with the deal the doctor who has treated the hostages since they arrived tells me, despite appearing in good condition, all for a malnourished or masses are extremely wasted. is damage to some other systems because of that, he says, they were moved frequently and beaten by their captors it was harsh, harsh experience with a lot of abuse almost every day, every hour both physical, mental, and other types and that is something that is beyond comprehension. dr. pessach also treated some of the hostages released in november and says the psychological damage of these four is significantly worse. all of them had faith but losing that faith. i think is where you get to the breaking point. and i m happy that this guy because i hear but there are others losing the faith in us. and human kinds residents in nuiseirat central gaza are in a state of shock, struggling to deal with the aftermath of saturday, which neighboring countries and the eu s top diplomat have called a massacre i m going to miss out this woman says, most of those trapped under the rubble of women and children. holmes s a filled with displaced people. israel committed a massacre the united nations security council passed a resolution votes this monday on a us proposal for a complete ceasefire in gaza. and the release of all remaining hostages. their work 14 votes in favor, zero against, and just one abstention from russia will follow. hancocks reporting from sylvia. thank you very much, sir. when i was in israel last november, i had a chance to meet with the family of almog meir, jan, one of the hostages just released by the idf i ll mugs a mother. all right. told me about the last time she spoke with their son as the hamas attack was underway. if you re me up and said to me, mom, they are rockets all over. and shooting. i don t know what happened. what is going? hey, non am i doing i ll call you every half an our mom, i love you i m so happy. of course, but i ll mug is home now with his loved one, sadly almost father yossi die just hours before his son s return to israel, authorities found yossi meir unconscious. and they went to notify him of all mugs rescue. he was later declared dead. i want to send my deepest condolences to the mayor family as they grieve yossi is passing and welcome almog home joining me mydata discuss all of this and more of the new united nations and to discuss the du, united nations resolution on a gaza ceasefire and all the other top stories from the region, the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas greenfield, ambassador. thank you so much for taking a few moments to join us. as you know, this is the first-time the un security council has officially endorsed they ceasefire plan. why now, after eight months of war we have been working on this for eight months for eight months. we have pushed for efforts to achieve a ceasefire. this resolution brings us the closest to getting that done. then we re ever been. and we thought it was important that the council s speak in a unified voice on that. and the boat today s show that if 14th or nothing with one abstention, that would be russia, president biden says this ceasefire plan is israel s, but prime minister netanyahu hasn t publicly accepted it, neither has hamas president biden has said it s time for this war to end. what will this resolution ambassador do to get both sides? to accept this deal? that s currently on the table i think the resolution is actually the opportunity to pressure hamas to accept the deal. israel has accepted the deal. the president has said that and now all we need is to have hamas, this deal, release hostages that they are required to do in phase one and move forward on an extended ceasefire this is an important effort that was made with the support of the qatari government and the egyptian government working with us on the ground as you said, you say, the israeli government has accepted this deal. that s currently on the table. but does the israeli leader, prime minister netanyahu, need to accept it himself he s avoided that but i can t speak for prime minister netanyahu. i can only speak what the president has conveyed and he has conveyed competence in the israeli acceptance of this. still, what we need dallas hamas to accept the deal, they welcomed the resolution immediately after it was passed. they need to take the next step and accept the deal and start to release hostages. as you know, ambassador this weekend s israeli operation freed four israeli hostages, but came with a steep to, of at least 274 palestinians killed. that according to gaza officials. are you comfortable with that trade-off luck? i can t get into the numbers for me. a singles civilian, innocent civilian killed is way too many. but what we cannot ignore the fact that hamas hides behind civilians they were holding hostages in civilian areas. they are firing at idf from civilian areas. so it is hamas that should be held accountable for any actions that are taken that lead to civilian deaths. they don t care about their palestinian billions. as long as they continue to use civilians as, as cover. but does this level of carnage ambassador risk? isolating israel even more so out there on the world stage. and is the us risky? it s international credibility by letting israel operate in gaza virtually unchecked well, if our international reputation is very strong and we have worked very closely with our israeli allies. they are not operating unchecked. we re engaging with them on a regular basis. du we agree 100%, not always but we re working very, very closely with them. israel has a right to defend itself from a terrorist group whose main purpose in life is to ensure that israel does not exist and all jews are killed. so we have continued to support israel s right to defend itself against these terrorists. ambassador, have there been any conversations inside the biden administration to try to negotiate what s being described as a unilateral deal with hamas to free the remaining american hostages who are still being held but we re trying to get all hostages released every single one we care very much about the american hostages who are being held. but all hostages should be released for hostages released who were actually brought home on saturday is just one small group. all of them could be brought home if this deal gets accepted by hamas ambassador linda thomas-greenfield, thanks so much for joining us and just ahead, there s more breaking news. we re following donald trump just finishing his meeting with a probation official in new york. what we we know about what the former president it was likely asked and how his answers will factor into his sentencing next month. plus a live update from delaware. the jury now deliberating in the federal case against hunter biden, stay with us during the situation henry james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secret in spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wanted to hear foolish game. he s gone, totally gone it s relief just got easier apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existence let s think parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and serious infections. new neoplasia is have been observed, do not use an dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for epa called chewable to it ms outdated, dmv has two forms of my id think of all the places that can expose your inference. lifelong monitors millions of data points for identity. if there s a problem, we fix 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vet help call 1807, 10000. do you have an invention idea, but don t know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called i ll now 800 100020 the following more breaking news, donald trump has just wrapped up in an interview with the new york probation official, a key step just ahead of his july 11 sentencing hearing our chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller, is here to break it all down for us. john we know, first of all, about this interview. well, this interview was conducted virtually via zoom meeting between the new york city department of probation which is run by a commissioner and has probation investigators their job in this meeting, which was attended by donald trump on the screen and his lawyer, todd blanche, was to gather personal information in background, which is interesting because there isn t an awful lot that is not known about donald trump his life and so on. but to gather the kind of background that they could put in their report that psr pre-sentencing report to the judge? so he can consider their findings about whether donald trump would be a better candidate to be sentenced to jail or prison, or whether he would be a better candidate for probation given his his crime. so they go into things like his personal life has financial background, education, family s situation ration, things like that. but it was a relatively short meetings. cnn s kristen holmes tells us that this meeting lasted not much longer than than half an hour and covered the basic information was uneventful. yeah, very interesting. only half an hour. interesting indeed, john miller, thank you very much. want to get some analysis? it s from our legal experts who are here with me in the situation room. at least adamson is with us former federal prosecutor, at least walk us through what you expect. actually happened during this half-hour meeting yeah. i think it s important to note that this was a psi that was conducted after a jury verdict. so when a defendant pleads guilty, i think you can expect these introduced to take longer because at that point, most defendants, but they ve already accepted responsibility. they re going to show some remorse. they re going to explain why their actions are bad. they re going to use that time as advocacy to tell the judge probation through the judge threw probation, why they should be giving a more lenient sentence. i think it s not unexpected that today s interview was very short because the former president wants to maintain his fifth amendment right. he s going to appeal. he is going to maintain his innocence so i think today it was just simple questions. he was not going to go into the conviction. todd blanche was there with him, so he was just going to talk about his education, his his characteristics, how long he had lived in the state of new york, probably as residency in florida and just very basic background because really that s all he could safely share it s interesting, tim, because todd blanche s attorney was there with them coaching and presumably about this probation interview that was going on, how do you think trump is handling it? what do you think he s trying to do? well, i mean, he s obviously he s not happy about the conviction itself. and so i think that todd is trying to keep him on task of let s just talk about the issues here at hand and is released. just said when i have a case like this where it is a verdict after trial you would tell the probation officer, hey, don t ask him any questions. he s going to invoke his fifth amendment rights. so just stick to the history of biograph biographical information. so i think that the idea of donald trump being interviewed by a probation officer about where did you grow up tell us tell us your parents names and things like that i m sure that he finds it somewhat direct, degrading, but it is the same thing that every criminal defendant in that courthouse go, sir yeah. that s an important point as well. judge. grass. so what do you make of the fact that this interview lasted what, a half an hour? well, i agree with what the other panelists said. we wouldn t really have expected donald trump to go on at length about a sense of accountability and the things he s learned from this type of a situation. i think it was pretty perfunctory i mean, if he wanted, he could have tried without it without admitting anything or accepting liability for the offenses that he s still going to appeal on. he could have tried to maybe couch and in terms of while i don t think i did anything wrong, maybe we could have done things better along the way. some sense of humility or something like that, because the bottom line is this probation officer, is going to be making a recommendation to the judge on sentencing. the probation officer could very well recommend jail or prison time in this case so theoretically, a defendant might try and appear contrite. i doubt that happen here just from what we ve seen being in court every day and the general persona of this defendant. so putting all of that in context a half-hour is not surprising at all at least i didn t think today s interview that trump had with his probation official will impact judge varchar decision on july 11 to announce sentencing. yeah, i don t think it ll have that great of an impact these sentencing recommendations are meant to be persuasive. so i think judge merchan will take it into consideration. but once again, since this wasn t a very fulsome interview, the defendant wasn t sharing a lot of information that the judge will take into account. and then i also understand from new york legal expert tim, that the psr is in new york state are not as robust as they they are in the federal system, in the federal system, the probation officer does their own investigation. they colored their own understanding of the facts, and they use that as the basis of the recommendation. it s my understanding that that s not the same here. so given the relatively short duration of the interview and the fact that judge merchan presided over the entire jury trial and is very aware of the facts and the defendant and its behavior. i think while it might be helpful, i don t think it s going to impact his ultimate decision-making to trump s team is scheduled to submit its sentencing recommendation. is this coming thursday? what do you think they re going to ask where there are clear then asked for some type of a probation in this case. i mean i think that what they would be smart to do is to focus on not just this case, but the history of what donald trump has done in new york city, they should be talking more about what he did for woman skating rink, what he did for revitalizing the area around grand central terminal, all of the things that he did for the decades before politic some of the positive thing exactly, exactly. they should talk about all the positive things that he s done for new york city and say, in light of all these wonderful things that he s literally changed the skyline the line of the city versus these false business records. this is not something that even accepting the facts as the prosecution claims them is something that he should get jail for, especially for class e felony with a cooperating witness who admitted to a class c felony during the trial, where somebody is no criminal history. so i think that they have a very good argument for some type of probation the difficulty is going to be of course, the prosecution is going to point out everything that he s done as far as violating the gag order the statement city made about the judge just minutes after the verdict. it s it s a very unique case. will know on july 11, what the judge decides everyone. thank you very much. just add a live report with hunter biden s fate doubt in the hands of a jury following a dramatic day of closing arguments in the federal trial of the president s hey, mom, how many 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taking up three rows in court today have known the parameters you don t abandon your friends and family in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any the evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand pay no attention to the other one. he accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attacks, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018. he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case. a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to court here in wilmington tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to resume their deliberations. but it s notable the prosecutors pointed to the first lady and other supporters who are there for hunter and reminded the jury that they don t matter, that suggests that perhaps the justice department is a little worried about that let s show of force for hunter and what it means for their case. but i was in court earlier today and watch the jury. they followed by line by line is the judge went through the instructions but they ll have to follow for this historic decision. wolf paula reid reported for us, paula. thank you very much. let s discuss what s going on with cnn, legal analysts. carrie cordero, and our senior political analyst, gloria borger carry lab. you start with you based on the closing arguments. what do you think are the best strongest points of each sayyed that they made? well, from the defense perspective, the biggest thing that they have going for them is that the prosecution, if it s going to prove its case, is doing so by info in other words, there does not seem to have been at the trial specific evidence of a witness or documents like a video, for example, in actual physical piece of evidence demonstrating that hunter biden was using drugs at the specific time. what there is is there s sort of tangential evidence of circumstances that would lead the jury to infer that he was using at the time. and so that s that s really what the what the defense will point to the prosecution on the other side is going to say, well, look at all these different circumstance dances. those all add up to a conclusion that he was using and therefore, he knowingly falsified the form. well, it was interesting, gloria, in reference to the biden family. yeah. the prosecution said during their closing arguments, they said this, i m quoting people sitting in the gallery are not evidence. you may recognize them from the news, but respect thankfully, none of that matters. what do you make of the optics of the first lady, jill biden and other family members showing up almost on a daily basis. well, i think that the prosecution might be a little concerned that the jury would have a lot of sympathy for somebody with that kind of family support. don t forget a lot of members of the jury have gone through issues in their own lives with drug abuse and you have the first lady flying back from france to come sit at this trial. you have his children, you have his pastor you have friends, family. they took up three rows, i guess and that s something that jerry pays attention to. and so it helps in the portrait of hunter biden as not an evil, a drug addict. it portrays him as somebody deserving of your sympathy and your empathy. and i think that helps him think you re probably right. did you think it was the right move for hunter biden not to testify? he could have testified if he wanted to. his lawyers presumably said don t do it. but what do you think? i think that s right. i m certainly any defendant has the right not to testify. and i think in this case, probably it would have opened the cross-examination would have open him up to delving into so many other areas that are potentially would have been counterproductive. so i think most defendants don t testify on around behalf, and i think in this case, it probably makes sense that he followed the advice of his defense counsel not to, you know, in an odd way though, you did hear from hunter biden because you heard from his book in which he audio books, his audio book. he wrote about this. he wrote about his drug addiction and that was used during the trial against him. but it was used. and so you don t voice you did here, right? and you did here? voice. so he didn t testify. but you did hear him talk about his addiction. you know, it s interesting. the president has vowed to accept the verdict, but is ruled out a pardon for his son very definitively, if he s convicted, though, how s this going to play out politically? you know, it s, it s really hard to say. i m not sure that it plays out that much at all. what congress is worried about. its financial and propriety that may have been committed between joe biden and his son, and they ve presented no evidence for that. if you notice, they ve been a little quiet during this trial. and if a hunter biden is convicted, i think that there will be some sympathy for for joe biden and for the family and all of this. but i m not sure that it plays out in a large political way other than the fact that it will affect joe biden himself. i think sure. it will gloria borger. thank you. carrie cordero. thanks to you as well. coming up. attorneys, preparing sentencing recommendations for donald trump after his meeting with a probation official earlier today, we re taking a closer look. at the options the former president is now facing the assignments are going on and the tornado here. i m thinking, i m going to die. and i thought that was it violin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at now i know on cnn nine out of ten people don t get enough fiber. bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it s plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy benefit here is your fiber, your way look in the to find your perfect somewhere. ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better. who specialized treatment go to know to learn more? for me. it was that trouble losing weight and keeping our same discover the power of week-old denom 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comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! 090121. now chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts or this just in to cnn, look at this. officials in arizona have just released rudy giuliani was mug shot. giuliani has pleaded not guilty to charges of allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in that state. prosecutors accused giuliani and other trump allies of scheming to use fake electors to subvert the election there s more breaking news with donald trump taking a key step towards his july 11 sentencing today, judge juan merchan now is just over a month to determine how he ll punish the former president for his 34 felony convictions. cnn s bryan todd is taking a closer look at all of this for us, brian, what factors is judge merchan weighing as he decides sentencing? he s weighing several factors. wolf, including what trump might have just said at that pre-sentencing interview tonight, we have new information on the many possible forms of punishment the judge more sean could impose on donald trump i just went through a rigged trial in new york now that donald trump has completed his pre-sentencing interview with a probation official, a report on the interview will be sent directly to judge juan merchan, who has a few options for sentencing. trump, the most serious one, prison time, the crimes for which trump s been convicted, falsifying business records could carry sentences of up to four years, each, with a maximum of 20 years. but realistically, it s unlikely that someone convicted of this type of felony in new york with no prior criminal history would see much if any, prison time trump s advanced age experts say would also be a factor in not sending him to prison he turns 78 this week. another sentencing option, probation analysts say, well, that might be a more realistic choice. it would come with a host of inconveniences and indignities for the former president have it be drug tested, having to check in with a probation officer, there could be random visits by probation officers to your home, not with a search warrant, but they can come knock on the door. you need to let them in. home confinement also might be part of a probation sentence for trump, or maybe a restriction on out-of-state travel. if he were going to fly off to another state wisconsin, arizona, he would have to get explicit permission from the probation agency. trump could simply be fine for his convictions or he could do community service where he has to pick up trash on the subways. experts say a conditional discharge could be a sentencing option is a condition of your discharger, your release and you have to abide by those conditions. the court will say, don t get arrested, going, don t get in trouble for the next year or during the pendency of your saenz or for stated period of time. and that s it. you re not checking in? no one s following up with you. there s no probation is no oversight all options, experts say reflective of the striking uniqueness of this situation for the probation department, this is uncharted waters. they have never interviewed someone of this statute before. they know that their work their recommendation is going to weigh heavily in the judgment and decision by judge merchan legal analysts say acceptance of responsibility is often a key factor when a judge considers a sentence. and the fact that donald trump has shown no remorse for the actions he s been convicted of, and has repeatedly publicly attack the judge and witness in this trial could bring him a stiffer sentence. wolf, july 11 is a big day. we ll see what happens on that day, brian. thank you very much coming up back to politics with donald trump out there and the virtual campaign trail today, speaking today to an anti-abortion group but what it s what he didn t say that is making some news you 19th, cnn celebrates junzi with special performances by john legend hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do g10, celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wednesday or foolish game. he s had gone totally gone. it s relief just got easier. apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and series infections, new neoplasia as have been observed, do not use in dogs less than 12 months old, ask your vet for apical chewable to it billy, the kid to try to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve appointed a new sheriff, pat garrett means something to you. sure does no use they re really with billy now it s your job to haunt them down the law doesn t take this an end 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former president address a group of christian political activists today we ve done things that nobody thought were possible to have gotten done. you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, you cannot vote for democrats or let s get some more analysis now from republican strategist. sure. michael singleton and democratic strategists, maria cardona, she s a cnn political commentator what do you think should michael he was speaking to a group that calls for abortion in their words to be eradicated entirely. direct quote eradicated entirely without ever saying the word abortion. yeah, i m familiar with the group. i understand why the former president s spoke before the group. this is obviously a very dicey and touchy topic for republic blinken s. on mature, maria will talk about, we have two years worth of electoral data that showcases, we just don t do well on the issue of reproductive rights with that said, in that clip, you showed a lot of evangelicals. we ll do believe the cultural behavior and customs of behavior in the country are changing particularly as it pertains to their religiosity and the religious views. and they sort of do want someone to be a protector or defender of those views, even if that person is the imperfect individual to do so, how do you think this is going to play with moderate voters out there? certainly that s a group that trump is trying to win over moderate voters, suburban women, for example, how s it going to play? not well at all. will fan this is where i think trump is trying to have it both ways. and while it s no question that christian groups, christian conservative groups, who are completely against abortion are going to support him because he is responsible for overturning roe v. wade and he brags about it every chance he gets, especially in front of these conservative groups. but then suburban women, moderate voters, and frankly, the vast majority of americans who believed that women should have the right to do what they feel is best for their own bodies and their families they don t support this. they think that roe v. wade should not have been overturned they believe that women should have this right. and they are going to continue to punish republicans and donald trump at the ballot box if they continue to push this massive goal of taking away women s rights and freedoms. and that s how the biden campaign s smartly is messaging this whole issue let s just get your thoughts, your mic alone. i have you vice president harris called out congress, republican congressman byron donalds for his controversial comments on jim crow. during an interview with politico. that s first watch what he said. listen to this during jim crow. go back family wants to get during black not just conservative, by who always a pink conservative library more black people voted conservatively vice president harris responded to that by saying this and i m quoting her now. it s sadly at another example of somebody out of florida trying to erase or rewrite our true history i went to florida last july to call out what they were trying to do to replace our history with lies. and apparently there s a never-ending flow of that coming out of that state. what are your thoughts on what he would this congressman were saying? congressman jim crow. the jim crow era. yeah, i ve watched several interviews wolf with the congress and i m going to take him at his word that his intent was not to romanticize the jim crow era. this is a black man i m really going to presume that he s very aware of our history. and in this country, i hope that isn t but, but i do think the point that there are some areas within our community that we as a collective group have to focus more on. i wouldn t disagree with with that should we do some things? a strengthened a family? absolutely. can you do that through the policy realm? i think so, but i do think as you talk about the past, you do have to be careful not to have the appearance that you re romanticized and something that was very horrible for the black community. i have grandparents that are still alive who went through segregation. my grandmother was the first to enter into her high school in new orleans and first-time desegregating the school. and so i think there are people that are still among us who have those very real and raw my experiences. and i would hope that republicans, whether they re black, white, or anyone else for that matter, would be sensitive to the experience of those individuals who are still among us that s interesting on another subject, trump is launching what he s calling a latino americans for trump campaign to reach out to hispanic voters. what do you think? noise when a wolf whole issue of wanting to launch a program called latino americans for trump a couple of days after he brings onstage in arizona sheriff joe are pio, who has the most racist, the most xenophobic v, most anti-immigrant current sheriff, i think ever at least in modern history. and for donald trump to bring him on stage and hug him, and kiss him is he hiring him to be the head of latino americans? for tropics? that s what it looks like. and it is just indicative of how empty and how wrong-headed and misguided donald trump s focuses when he talked it s about latinos in this country and that i think just gives the biden campaign more ammunition to make the contrast between a 34 times convicted felon who is the most racist and the most xenophobic president we ve had ever versus president biden, who has had record job creation in the latino community. record business growth in the latino community, and they have a record with which they can make that contrast and that at the end of the day is going to win joe biden, the latino vote oh, sorry, maria. sure. michael, to both. out of time. thank you very much coming up details on why a meeting at an italian restaurant in new jersey, is taking center stage today. and the federal bribery case against democratic senator bob menendez the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live i, cnn and streaming on max ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better, with specialized treatment. go to know to learn more life, is better. with the credit god s on your side. rewards once available to if you, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback rewards and lins large have heart failure with unresolved symptoms get maybe time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath andrew irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called att rcn are rare 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now, jason update our viewers. in another dramatic day of testimony yeah. more testimony coming from jose uribe. this is the man who s already pleaded guilty to bribery charges. now cooperating with the prosecution and today we ll he gave more details about specific conversations he has. he says he had with senator menendez directly related to bribery. he spoke about one in particular, a dinner in 2019 at il bellagio restaurant in new jersey. he says, i get to ask again for the first time and explain what is worrying me so much. i asked him if anything in his power to stop an investigation. i ll explain about that in a moment. menendez is answer he would look into it. of course, you rebate was worried about these criminal investigations going on in new jersey wolf that could have implicated people that he was close to. so he told jurors what he did was he paid nadine menendez $15,000 so she could buy a brand new mercedes in exchange for the the senators influence. he then talks about another meeting at nadine menendez, his home, where he says he wrote down the names of people who were possibly implicated in this designation, put it on a piece of paper. he said senator menendez folded up the piece of paper, put it in his pocket, then in october of 2019, he says he got a call from senator menendez. he told jurors that he felt as though this situation had been resolved and he choked up. juror he choked up wolf as he was speaking about what had happened saying that this situation had been over, and he felt he was at peace then there was this

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Transcripts For CNN Violent Earth 20240610

magic with nothing and even if they take everything, like for a month we re still going to find a way to put on a show to entertain the thing i ve found is people love drag if we have a chance to put on a show for you, you re going to fall in love legal battles over drag performances continue. so far, laws proposed in florida texas, tennessee, and montana had been blocked by federal judges on constitutional grounds. the states are appealing those decisions. thanks for watching the whole story. i ll see you next sunday [siren blaring] police officer: i need traffic stopped, southbound 10. steve pyne: fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. police officer: follow me! follow me! steve pyne: but we get a big shift when a species arrives who can start fire at will. police officer: go, go, go, go! go south! steve pyne: i think humans have been changing the earth for a long time. police officer: come down this way! come down this way! steve pyne: we ve lost the ability to understand how fire works and how it can be used to our advantage. police officer: [indistinct] the fire has jumped the road. this is bad. steve pyne: we ve mismanaged fire. now we get fires that are really off the scale, shouldn t be here, shouldn t be behaving in this way. and now we re left with these monsters. and it is remaking the world. police officer: (voice breaking) it s all bad up here, brother. it s all bad. oh, my god. [thunder crackling] welcome to violent earth. i m liev schreiber. scientists say wildfires are more frequent and burning bigger. in the past, a 50,000 or 60,000 acre fire was considered big. these days, firefighters are often dealing with fires well above 100,000 acres. according to government statistics, during the 1990s, an average of 3 million acres a year burned in the united states. since 2000, that number has more than doubled. in 2020 alone, over 10 million acres were consumed. the experts say 85% to 90% of wildfires are caused by human activity. tonight, violent earth takes a look at this roaring force of nature, starting with the mega fire that burned through paradise, california, in 2018. [police radio chatter] kory honea: the camp fire was the deadliest and most destructive fire in california s history. [shouting] john messina: it was almost 200 days since we had received any rainfall in that particular area. the wind was very dry and blowing in gusts of 70 miles an hour. kory honea: the town of paradise at the time of the camp fire was about 26,000 people. alexander maranghides: a town built in the forest. there was a lot of vegetation, topography, wind, drought. all these things contributed to make this event unfold very rapidly. police officer: go double lanes! go double lanes! and very catastrophically. kory honea: the fire was caused by a downed electrical transmission line. camp creek road was the nearest named road to the ignition. and that s why this is the camp fire. tamra fisher: oh, this is horrible. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. these poor people. i ve lived in paradise since 1979. i prepared for years for this exact moment. i knew fire was was bad. i ve always respected it. tamra is my little sister. she s raw, and she s funny. this, too, could be you. tamra was not as concerned about the wildfires as i was. and that morning, i got out of there pretty fast. tamra texted me and asked me what was happening. and i said, get out, t. get out. paradise is going to burn down. but possibly, the cell towers were starting to burn in that area. i don t believe she got my text. tamra fisher: can we please get out of here? larry laczko: tamra had her three dogs in the car with her. tamra fisher: it s 9 o clock in the morning. larry laczko: she was recording the events on her cell phone. tamra fisher: i m really scared. and i don t got that much gas! she was stressed that she was not making progress getting away from the fire. tamra fisher: come on! just go! i m so scared! [honking horn] todd abel: these fires, it s very, very intense heat. ignite a tree without flame touching it. all at once, the tree lights up sort of like a roman candle. paul hessburg: and when a wildfire is really moving fast, it can burn five to 10 football fields in a second. it s millions of hot embers that can find so many places to ignite a fire. sometimes the winds are so strong that they are tossed up to five miles. brad elder: the drier it is outside, the probability of that ember is going to stay lit and the fuel that it lands in is approaching 100%. [police radio chatter] paul hessburg: paradise, california, burned from an ember attack from a plume miles away from paradise. kory honea: this is, like, 9 o clock in the morning, and it s pitch black. given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing. ash and embers began to rain down. john messina: the fire was moving at a football field per second. and the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires. they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into a 100-acre, 200-acre spot fire. that was happening all through town. alexander maranghides: that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once. 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. police officer: go forward and turn around. turn around and go north. turn around and go north. [bleep] this is bad. larry laczko: a firefighter told tamra to follow him down pearson road. cindy christensen: tamra was behind them. but the traffic stopped. tamra fisher: no! [honking horn] larry laczko: everything around her was burning. tamra fisher: look at that. cars on the side burning. and nobody was moving. tamra fisher: go! it s so hot. todd abel: these fires, they can be well over 2,000 degrees. they melt metal. they melt cars. and you can hear her dogs panting in the back. [dogs whimpering] tamra fisher: ugh! and her despair. tamra fisher: what did i do? come on! paul hessburg: the increase in wildfires in the current 21st century is exponential. california is seeing its worst year ever for wildfires. canada in general right now for this fire season. 33.8 million acres have already burned. brad elder: and we generally think of fire as bad because most wildfires are dangerous. mark finney: but it s very important to try to understand really the essential role that fire has in our ecosystems and the beneficial role. steve pyne: fire is not some kind of alien visitation on the landscape. fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. we can go back 420 million years and find fossil charcoal. these landscapes have, in a sense, co-evolved with fire. kristen honig: fires are good for the planet. they have lots of roles in ecosystem health. brad elder: there s so many different plants and animals that respond positively to fires. paul hessburg: the varied habitats come from the byproducts of a wildfire. the forests of western north america, including the western united states, need fire. they evolved with fire. what is new is the frequency of very large fires is increasing. steve pyne: it kills people, threatens properties and towns. they re essentially uncontrollable at scale. paul hessburg: wildfires are burning at the rate of 7 to 10 million acres of the us every year. this is unprecedented. it s getting worse. paul hessburg: we expect double to triple the amount of area burned between now and 2050. well, how did that happen? [music playing] [siren blaring, police radio chatter] karen davis: i was a registered nurse at feather river hospital in paradise. we received a code black get patients out now. and the flames were unbelievable that came up the canyon. my best friend, nichole, was also a nurse at feather river hospital. we worked together. karen davis: ambulances were not able to get to us. patients had to be put in employee vehicles. dispatcher: 10-4, chief, go ahead. karen davis: after we got all the patients in vehicles, nichole and i left following each other. steve pyne: 1910 was really the founding year for the american way of firefighting. reporter: the big blowup. a wild surging firestorm started near elk city, idaho. paul hessburg: the 1910 big burn. it burned 3 million acres across three states, killed 87 people, mostly firefighters. and our awareness and our whole consciousness about fire pivoted in that moment. reporter: this is a picture of tragedy, a tragedy that happens year after year in our great american forest areas fire. fire became public enemy number one. and wildfires were to be put out at all cost. steve pyne: and at that point, we almost militarized firefighting. kyle dickman: we were really good at it. firefighters could put out 99% of fires before they grew bigger than an acre. paul hessburg: and from about 1935 to about 1985, you see not much fire burning. and it made our fire suppression look great. steve pyne: and that was a very poor judgment. well, they completely misjudged the character of the overall fire scene. paul hessburg: what s happened since the exclusion of fire is forests have gotten denser. the forests of today look nothing like they did in the 1930s. there are 10 times even more trees than that on the landscape of the historical condition. and they will burn bigger and they ll burn hotter than they burned historically. and what we didn t know in those days and we ve learned later through research is, fire is medicine on the landscape, and it s how we can live safely. and here s why that s so critical. it was the frequency of the small- and medium-sized fires that blocked the flow of very large fires. you might burn out a patch in a forest, but the bulk of the force is still standing there. mark finney: fires that just burn underneath the trees, maybe some grass, maybe some downed logs. paul hessburg: so there s power in the patchwork to regulate how big and how severe the fires got. so fires would be rarely very large. so after a century and a half without fire, fuels have built up over many large areas to powder keg conditions. but the worst part of it is, we re actually building homes in the middle of this mess. and so when we get a large fire, houses and forests literally go up in smoke. and as the climate continues to turn up the heat and dry out the landscape, what we see after 85 is that area burned increases exponentially. and it continues to increase today. fires like paradise, the camp fire. alexander maranghides: the town of paradise had not seen any fire history in the past 100-plus years. paul hessburg: they re setting new records for area burned and structures that are burned. and it s because the fires are literally uncontrollable. police officer: i copy that. [honking horn] tamra fisher: i m scared! cindy christensen: tamra was beating on her horn, screaming to go, go, go, go. tamra fisher: come on! cindy christensen: nothing was moving. larry laczko: tamra was driving a yellow volkswagen beetle. somebody shot a video from behind her showing her out of her volkswagen. that firestorm came roaring through. it was unreal. her car was on fire. she was screaming for help. tamra fisher: help! cindy christensen: tamra was on pearson road. alexander maranghides: pearson is one of the top five worst situations in all of camp fire. the fire overtakes evacuating, gridlocked traffic. everything is on fire all at once. vehicles start catching on fire. 40 abandoned vehicles in that 6/10 of a mile. and this created a very, very dangerous situation. nichole s car was trapped with me right on pearson road. nichole jolly: that tree could come down on me at any moment. this is ridiculous. and i m stuck. [bleep] tamra fisher: oh, my god. it s everywhere. in tamra s video, you could see my white truck, and you can see nichole s silver sedan. people just sitting there. nothing was moving. tamra fisher: this is a [bleep] nightmare. just come on! oh, my god. karen davis: all of a sudden, i could feel my truck drop, which meant my tires were burning. and right in the middle of that, i heard a knock on the window. nichole got out of her car because her car had caught on fire. she tried to open the door, but the handles were gone from the outside. they had melted away. so she ran off. i had no idea where she was. [music playing] craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. 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call them firenadoes, will happen as a consequence of these phenomenal surface wind speeds. woman: oh, my they move incredibly fast when they get up and go. and they re really quite horrific. mark finney: wildfires ignite from lots of different sources. steve pyne: before humans were around, this was almost always lightning. volcanic activity can start fires. that s a natural ignition, we often call it. steve pyne: humans probably account for 90% of the ignition in the united states and probably around the world. reporter: investigators say a wildfire near yosemite national park was started by an unattended campfire. reporter: power lines were blamed for starting 10 fires this year. violent and explosive wildfires in hawaii fueled by strong winds from a hurricane 800 miles away. reporter: maui locals have never seen anything like the firestorm that obliterated lahaina. winds of up to 80 miles an hour. erin burnett: tee dang was on vacation with her family. the flames so dangerously close that they were forced to jump into the ocean to save themselves. tee dang: it was just like a hot oven fire flaming, blowing at us. and then we started just huddling in and trying to keep our family tight so we won t get burned from the fire and then get washed away from the water. reporter: the lahaina fire is now the deadliest fire in the us in more than a century. reporter: this will rank as one of the worst disasters in american history. it s as bad as paradise, california, the deadliest fire from a few years back. larry laczko: that morning, when i turned on pearson road, i hit gridlock. we were just inching along when i came upon tamra and her burning vw beetle on the side of the road. she just opened her door. i heard tamra say, i need help putting out this fire. i told her, you need to get into my truck. but she seemed like she wanted to stay with the car. i know she had some treasured belongings. but she had to get away from that. tamra fisher: i m sorry, lucky. i m crying. karen davis: nichole got out of her car because her car was on fire. she knocked on my window. and she tried to open the door, but couldn t. so she ran off. i was dazed from the smoke. and i didn t know where she went. everybody was in a panic, just trying to survive. larry laczko: i did witness people running to a cal fire fire engine. we couldn t believe that they were outside. the temperature inside the engine at that point was probably around 150, 160 degrees. at some point, the outside of the engine probably took temperatures of 600 degrees. we started pulling people into the engine, as many as we could. but we just didn t have any more room. larry laczko: we were still trying to inch along. tamra fisher: [indistinct speech] [crying] and suddenly, out of the darkness came the headlights of a bulldozer driven by a cal fire hero, pushing burning vehicles off the side of the road beside us. john jessen: joe kennedy, he was able to get those cars out of our way and be able to open up that road and give us a means of escape. alexander maranghides: the dozer comes in, helps clear the area, and enables the first responders to escort the convoy out of harm s way. karen davis: that eventually saved our lives. i did wonder what happened to nichole. i remember it was so hot, my eyes and my throat were burning. i ran up the road. and i m closing my eyes because you can t see anything. and i touched the back of this fire engine. the firefighters looked at me, and they were like, oh my gosh. karen davis: and i later learned nichole was one of the people that ran into the fire engine. nichole jolly: the firefighters absolutely saved our lives. i waited all day for tamra. i didn t hear anything. i was so scared. if i wouldn t have had my dogs, i probably would have ran on foot. having larry open the truck door and tell me to get in and then said, bring the dogs, it was like a knight in shining armor. i got a text from somebody i didn t know, this gentleman, larry. i found out that he had saved tamra. i feel that i was in the wrong place at the right time. tamra fisher: oh, my god. karen davis: and when we finally did get through, it was like an apocalypse. tamra fisher: oh, my gosh. it s like you re seeing this destruction that you only see in, like, movies. it s gone. larry laczko: it s gone. tamra fisher: it s gone. look, that house is gone. larry laczko: yep. tamra fisher: and that house is gone. and to see that devastation, it was surreal. yeah, my sister s just right up here. it s all gone. cindy christensen: our neighborhood, our house, there was nothing left. nothing. it was decimated. we lost everything, except for the clothes on our backs. nichole holly: the flames engulfed the hospital, and the roof collapsed. kory honea: it consumed 18,000 structures. 15,000 of those structures were homes, places where people lived. karen davis: and i learned. the next road up from where we were trapped, that s where five people died trying to run from the flames. 85 people lost their lives. there s nowhere you can go in butte county where you don t run into somebody who was burned out of their home or knew somebody who perished in the fire. todd abel: all over the western united states, these fires are more intense. wildland firefighters are a big part of trying to mitigate these natural disasters. hotshots are sort of a breed of their own. kyle dickman: hotshot firefighters are crews of 20 people, men and women. desiree steed: they fight fire from the frontlines. kyle dickman: their job is to go anywhere in the country where there s a bad fire. and they ll spend as long as two weeks or three weeks on a single fire. i m a former granite mountain hotshot. it s really not a job. it s a lifestyle and career. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots were a hotshot crew. came from the city of prescott, arizona. eric marsh was the superintendent of the granite mountain hotshots. a very meticulous man, very intelligent. and then there was jesse steed. desiree steed: jesse was the captain. so he was second in command. prior to that, he was also in the marine corps. he was tough, 6 4 and 220 pounds. always put his family first, his kids first. brendan mcdonough: jesse was a mentor, and he was a dad that i so desperately wanted to be like. desiree steed: he could handle all kinds of excruciating, backbreaking labor and work and actually enjoyed it. [music playing] todd abel: in arizona, june is usually kind of that month where everybody s hair on the back of your neck stands up, and we start getting higher temperatures. the relative humidity drops. the fuel moistures drop. kyle dickman: it was just perfectly primed for extreme fire behavior. todd abel: we start getting monsoon buildups, which sometimes throw out the dry lightning, which starts fires. the morning of june 30, the hotshots on the crew were woken up by a phone call. we got to go. we got a fire in yarnell. a lightning strike from a couple of days ago started multiple fires. it was about 500 acres. the reason this fire was concerning was that it was on a ridgeline above a town. todd abel: there was peeples valley to the north. and then to the south-southeast was the town of yarnell. i remember getting out of the buggy, and jesse was like, hey, grab grab extra water today. it s going to be hot. todd abel: there s different strategies in wildland firefighting. we use fixed-wing airplanes and rotor-wing helicopters to help reduce the intensity of the fire. then we can get our men and women on there, our boots on the ground i call it, to actually finish putting it out. [chainsaw buzzing] john jessen: most effective, especially when fires are larger and stuff, is removing the fuels, creating control lines. kyle dickman: what they re doing is they re taking away what the fire eats so the fire can t burn it. once you get to the edge of the fire, that s when the work really starts. yeah! ow! it s not just the backbreaking work of digging. digging, digging, digging for days on end. kyle dickman: they use chainsaws a lot. brendan mcdonough: you re removing everything for miles on end. so if that tree is 60 feet tall, you re cutting that entire tree down. it s not for the faint of heart. sometimes we do use fire to fight fires. kristen honig: using drip torches to burn the fuel in a controlled fashion so that by the time the main flaming front got there, there would be no more fuel for it to burn. and that would stop the fire s advance. todd abel: a lot of times, we ll do a lot of those firing operations at night, where we have better control over what that looks like. kyle dickman: so june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. and the priority is to stop this fire on the northern edge. and we start hiking in. we were on the fire s edge. the flaming front was two to three miles long. probably had 20-, 30-foot flame lengths. kyle dickman: jesse steed asked brendan donut mcdonough to act as a lookout down in the valley below the ridgeline. brendan mcdonough: and i hiked into my lookout spot closer towards the active edge of the fire, and i m at a lower elevation. [music playing] i got the word from our fire behavior analyst that called and said, hey, we got some thunderstorm developments developing north of us. kyle dickman: thunderstorms are extremely dangerous to firefighters because they create erratic winds. and erratic winds create erratic fire behavior. todd abel: that s what changes our environment. and that s what causes our injuries and some of our fatalities. kyle dickman: it was a warning to the hotshots that by the afternoon of june 30, they could be dealing with a fire that was completely different than it was behaving in the morning. [music playing] kyle dickman: two things that firefighters pay the most attention to, fuels and weather. paul hessburg: weather is one of the ficklest parts of a wildfire. mark finney: aside from drought or dry conditions, the wind is probably responsible for the greatest variation. another aspect of the wind that makes wildfires dangerous is the shifting direction. the wind can be coming out of the west, for example, and suddenly shift to coming out of the north. todd abel: so thunderstorm developments, it ll push wind multiple directions. [lightning crackling] brad elder: we ve all been standing outside watching a front hit and suddenly get hit by this wall of wind. kyle dickman: what happens with these thunderstorms, they start to rain. brad elder: and that water is now falling, and it s pulling air with it. so we have this rush of air coming down, slamming into the ground and moving out in all directions. wherever that cell is, it could push winds from the north to the south, the south to the north. brad elder: if you don t know that s going to happen or know how it s going to shift, that s a real dangerous situation. [music playing] kyle dickman: june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. kyle dickman: and the hotshots were down on the southern edge, what s called the heel of the fire, which is essentially where it started. they were just supposed to start building line up around the fire to make sure that it didn t escape. and late in the afternoon thunderstorm hit probably around, i don t know, 4:15-ish. kyle dickman: all this cool air comes rushing down, and it races out across this desert. and it hits the fire. and suddenly, the fire pivots and turns direction. it had been running north. but it turned and ran south. brendan mcdonough: that s pretty uncommon to see a fire completely shift 180 degrees. kyle dickman: and it began running straight at brendan donut mcdonough, the lookout. brendan mcdonough: captain jesse reached out because he could see where i was from up top. and so he called over the radio and said, hey, donut, i think it s about time for you to get out of there, man. move fast. and i did that. got a ride down. and so now this fire has turned around. my brother is on the complete south end, and i am on the north end, opposite ends of this fire. so the granite mountain hotshots were in what s called the blacks. the best safety zone, where fire s already burnt. kyle dickman: all they were doing is watching the burn. they can just look down and see this ominous scene. there s these black smoke. it s dark. and it s just all the colors of hell sweeping down this valley toward this town. [music playing] it became very clear that the town of yarnell was imminently threatened by this fire. we started evacuating yarnell. man: we just pulled out. yarnell is blowing up. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots, they weren t doing a whole lot. they couldn t do a whole lot. so the hotshots decided to leave the safety of the black and move back toward the town of yarnell, where presumably they could do something to help the people that were soon to be threatened by the fire. and they re essentially climbing down these rocky cliffs into that canyon. and when they do, they know they re going to lose sight of the fire. they can t see the fire. and suddenly, the fire turns the corner of this ridge, pivoting and sweeping in front of them, fanning out into this flaming front. at exactly that moment, they realized that they are out of options. todd abel: it was moving so quick that there was no way that a human could outrun that fire. kyle dickman: suddenly, they come over the radio. and what he s saying is, we need help, and we need help right now. they re in trouble. brendan mcdonough: and i remember them trying to call in water. and that s when it became very frantic. kyle dickman: at that moment, nobody really knew where granite mountain was. todd abel: the last conversation i had with them was granite mountain was in the black and that they were in a good spot. no one knew that they had moved to the south end like that. they are forced to do the only thing they can do in that instance, to deploy their fire shelters. fire shelters are just these small, thin blankets that reflect heat. that s all they are. they are tents that you pitch up and you climb into. if you re deploying your fire shelter, it s a last-case scenario. that fire crew s in trouble. they re in trouble. a lot of things going through my brain at the same time of my heart being in my stomach. brendan mcdonough: the helicopter s trying to find them. and it s the smoke is just so thick. bravo 33: operations bravo 33. [music playing] kyle dickman: you have 19 firefighters standing in front of a flaming front. every firefighter on that fire, their jaws dropped and i m sure their hearts broke because they now knew that their brothers, their colleagues were in very real danger. todd abel: we launched some helicopters to try to find them. i absolutely had all kinds of hope that the crew was going to be fine. and i m just waiting on the radio and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. and i hear there s 19 confirmed. there were 19 dead bodies in the canyon. i can feel it in my heart right now and in my stomach right now talking about it. it was devastating. absolutely devastating. i remember just sobbing. every negative emotion that could be felt, i just felt in that moment. i remember walking in, and they re just everybody was crying. and we were told that they were all gone. kyle dickman: and this was the worst fire tragedy that had happened in a generation. todd abel: they were fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, the whole nine yards. they were good people. they enjoyed wildland firefighting. they had the passion for it. the fact that i can tell my children that their father died a hero has made a huge difference. they can be proud of him for everything that he did. kyle dickman: the nation was captivated by it for months. and they ended up making a hollywood movie no matter what you hear we ve got several aircraft coming to you. no matter what s going on we can t go back up there. stay together tell me when you hear the aircraft, ok? and look out for each other because you re a family. no one could be prouder of his boys than i am of you guys. and the fires that we fought when when we were young are nothing like the fires of today. they re really, really dangerous. and they re very, very threatening. todd abel: longer duration, definitely larger fires. how do you manage something like that? paul hessburg: in the western united states, the fire season is 40 to 80 days longer. in california, the fire season is nearly year-round today. steve pyne: the climate is is morphing in ways that enhance fire. it s acting as a performance enhancer. smoke has been carrying the fire problem to areas that otherwise are immune to it. reporter: smoke from those fires traveling more than 500 miles. it s philadelphia, boston, new york city, all the way to the nation s capital. paul hessburg: the air quality index just ballooned in many of these metropolitan areas. more people are being challenged by smoke-related injury to human health. reporter: wildfire smoke contains particulate matter, or pm 2.5. among the tiniest and most dangerous pollutants, it s able to infiltrate the lungs and enter the bloodstream and has been linked to conditions like asthma and heart disease. the need to do something is urgent. we have a lot of tools in the toolbox. one of them is using prescribed burning. prescribed burning is intentional burning to invite the right kind of wildfire back to the forest. there s a tremendous amount of science and skill that go into this prescribed burning. 99.8% of them stay within the line. it produces a tenth of the smoke. so the numbers are really good. steve pyne: some of these areas, we can go in, we can thin. not log, thin out. it s a kind of woody weeding. but it s the fire that matters most. if you do the thinning but don t do the fire, you re not really solving the problem. burning where you ve got residents or small communities embedded in the landscape around, very difficult. but almost certainly, they are going to burn. and if we don t do it in some way, then they re going to burn probably in the worst possible way. kyle dickman: it s like, you can pick your poison, right? like, you re either going to have prescribed fires, or you re going to have more big wildfires. [music playing] steve pyne: well, all this requires a political and social mechanism for us to come together and argue over differences in values, what we want public lands to be, how we want to do it. and we re facing the point where we simply cannot pretend that we can control all these fires as we would wish. [music playing] kyle dickman: we can only do so much to insulate ourselves from those tragedies. like, the way that the system works and the environment is changing, like, these are just they are realities. desiree steed: i want jesse to be remembered for his strength of character. he had a lot of integrity. he was a great dad, a great husband. brendan mcdonough: everyone s journey after the tragedy has been different. there s a lot to learn from it. for me, it s been giving back and, you know, paying it forward and trying to help people understand their sacrifice. karen davis, the nurse who survived the entrapment in the mega fire in paradise, california, says she lost everything in the inferno. battling the trauma from the flames, she decided to move to las vegas to be closer to her daughter and rebuild her shattered life. once there, karen continued her career in health care. she also decided to become a member of the henderson, nevada, community emergency response team, aiming to help others in future emergencies. a testament to her inner strength and resiliency. for more information on what you can do in a wildfire and how to combat the growing climate crisis, please go to i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching.

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