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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20170802 00:30:00

armed and agitated man pulling up plants in the garden of what investigators are calling a rastafarian church. two officers shot. reporter: the deputies hit one taking multiple bullets. what s your condition? shot in the leg. shot in the shoulder. copy. shot in the leg. shot in the shoulder. medical is en route. reporter: the suspect, taking off on foot, a massive search under way. roads closed, a tactical team on the ground and residents on high alert. david, both deputies were airlifted to the hospital for surgery and the department says they are in serious condition tonight. david? kenneth moton, our thanks to you tonight. and to baltimore this evening. major questions about police tampering. a newly released bodycam video. this appears to show a police officer planting evidence in a car. authorities say he did not realize, perhaps his bodycam was rolling. here s abc s steve osunsami. did anybody check this compartment here yet? reporter: this newly discovered video was uncovered by someone in baltimore s public defenders office, and it s so concerning tonight that
prosecutt the driver who was arrested here. take a look again what critics say these officers forgot is when they start recording on their bodycameras, the system has already saved the previous 30 seconds of video. this is when you see one of the officers appear to put something in the car. then they all step back, the audio starts, the recording officially begins and they find drugs. oh my god, i knew it. that s why they were freaking out. that s the weed smell right there. reporter: same thing happened here, that 30 second preview struck again, in video from another drug bust that led to the suspension of a police officer last month. prosecutors have dropped more than 30 cases connected to the officers in this case, and more than 120 cases are under review. we are dismissing those cases which rely exclusively on the credibility of these officers. reporter: baltimore s police commissioners are reminding their officers that they need to turn on their bodycameras at the beginning of a call and keep them on, david. steve osunsami with us tonight. thank you, steve.
of this island, landing in the water near the spot the air france plane had just flown. the crew of the plane had no idea they were in danger. because the missile was coming in from outer space. if it had broken up in the air prior, it could have been danger to a much broader area. reporter: major airlines say they constantly analyze potentially dangerous flyover zones, and air france says the flight was operated without incident, but the pentagon has said north korea s missile launches into busy air space and heavily traveled seas are done with no coordination. and martha raddatz joins us, and now the u.s. has their own missile test planned tonight in california, but unlike the north koreans, the defense department will put out an announcement to warn those in the region? reporter: that s right, david. we always put out those advisories and never launch near flight paths or sea lanes, david. martha raddatz in washington. martha, thank you. tonight, that new russia sanctions bill passed after bipartisan support in congress, sitting on the president s desk
waiting for a signature. vice president pence in the former soviet republic of georgia today where the u.s. is holding joint military exercises, saying the president will likely sign the new law this week. but then secretary of state rex tillerson also weighing in today saying he and the president are not happy about the sanctions saying they are an impediment to improving relations with moscow. next to an explosive new lawsuit against fox news alleging links between the white house and a false story about a murdered democratic staffer and leaked e-mails. did the president know the story was coming on fox? it outraged the family and was retracted by fox news. here s abc s chief national correspondent, tom llamas, tonight. reporter: tonight, a new lawsuit with a bombshell accusation, the white house worked with fox news to spread a false story about a democratic staffer who was murdered. seth rich worked for the democratic national committee. rich was killed in washington last year, his unsolved death sparking a right wing conspiracy
theory that it was rich who leaked tens of thousands of dnc e-mails to wikileaks. not the russians. and some claim he was murdered because of it. in may, fox reported they had proof the conspiracy theory about seth rich giving e-mails to wikileaks was real. if this is true, and seth rich gave wikileaks the dnc e-mails, this blows the whole russia collusion narrative completely out of the water. reporter: but it was not true, and seth rich s parents were outraged. amid mounting pressure, fox retracted the story. the fox news story was largely based on quotes from rod wheeler, a former homicide detective investigating the case. but now wheeler is suing fox claiming his quotes were fabricated. he says he got involved after being contacted by a well connected republican donor and trump supporter. the investigator says they went to the white house in april to discuss the seth rich story fox news was working on
with then press secretary sean spicer. he really listened. he didn t say a whole lot. he said if i wanted to, he could put me in touch with the white house general counsel. reporter: not long after, spicer denied any knowledge of the fox news seth rich story. i m not aware of generally, i don t get updates on dnc former dnc staffers. i m not aware of that. reporter: but today spicer admitted he did have that meeting at the white house with that investigator and donor, calling the donor a longtime supporter of the president s agenda and the investigator now claims there was more from the white house. two days before fox aired the story, the investigator claims the donor left him this voicemail saying the white house was on board with the story. i got a note that we have the full attention of the white house on this. and tomorrow, let s close this deal. reporter: then, this followup text about the fox news article before it was even published,
not to add any more pressure but the president just read the article. he wants the article out immediately. today, that donor, the man in the middle telling abc news he s never even spoken to the president before. i didn t speak to anybody at the white house. i was being sloppy with my words. reporter: and late today, the white house was pressed about that story that later outraged seth rich s own family. the president had no knowledge of the story and it s completely untrue that he or the white house had any involvement in this story. tom llamas with us live outside fox news in manhattan, and fox news is pushing back against the claims made by this investigator. reporter: yeah, david, and we should also note that this investigator is a fox news contributor. fox news telling us tonight that they see no evidence that they misquoted that investigator. as for the allegation that they first published that story to help detract from coverage of the russian collusion issue, they call that completely erroneous. david? more to come on this. tom llamas, our thanks to you as always. in the meantime, next
tonight to the new controversy over video tapes of princess diana, recorded by her voice coach, and about to be seen across the uk. diana never knew these tapes would become public, and tonight her family and friends are arguing they shouldn t be. here s abc s deborah roberts. reporter: they are deeply personal, explosive moments with a vulnerable princess. moments some of diana s friends say the public has no right to see. i knew that something profound was coming my way. reporter: recordings made in 1992 during sessions with diana s voice coach, peter settelen. if you feel strong about a point, make it. strongly. reporter: meant for her to practice public speaking, the clips seen in this new documentary comes from footage diana likely never thought would air publicly. revealing intimate details of her troubled marriage. we met 13 times and then we married. reporter: how the queen refused to help when she confided in her. even reliving this cringe inducing moment from her engagement announcement to prince charles. i m amazed that she s been brave enough to take me on.
and i suppose in love. of course. and whatever in love means. yes. reporter: calling it traumatizing, diana longing for love. i was brought up in a sense that when you got engaged to someone you loved them. reporter: after years of legal disputes with diana s family, settelen is now free to release the tapes. they re being aired just as princes william and harry try to remember their mother in a different way in a separate documentary released just last week. all i can hear is her laugh. it was that love that that even if she was on the other side of a room that you, as a son, you could feel it. and deborah roberts is here with us now. both prince william and prince harry were so candid in that documentary in recent days, but neither of them are talking about this new documentary about to come out? they made it clear that was the last time they would speak publicly about their mother s death. as for this new controversial documentary airing sunday in great britain, they are
defending it, calling it a historical, public source. should diana s private moments remain private or do they belong to the public? deborah, thank you. we turn to the economy and stock market. the dow setting an all-time high. getting 72 points to close at 21,963, just shy of 22,000 mark. that number, the 48th new record closed since the election. the 31st since the inauguration. at the white house, the president complaining that, quote, no one talks about it, promising even better results ahead. there is much more ahead on world news tonight this tuesday. the mystery on the beach. this woman found buried in the sand. her family on vacation at a popular beach on the american coastline. how long was she there, and did she simply fall into a hole that had been dug in the sand? we re tracking extreme weather tonight. record breaking heat on the way, and word of a lightning strike. at least three people hit tonight, we ll tell you where. and the desperate search tonight. the race against time at a famous national park, two young hikers missing now for five days. a lot more news ahead. stay tuned here.
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we turn now to the mystery death in ocean city, maryland. the woman on vacation with her family. her body found buried in the sand. here s abc s linzie janis. reporter: tonight, maryland authorities trying to figure out how 30-year-old ashley o connor died. her body found by beachgoers in ocean city just before dawn monday. my beach operator is telling me all they can see is an arm sticking out of the sand. they think they have a deceased body. reporter: forensic investigators waist deep in the hole where she was discovered, digging for clues. o connor who is from texas was vacationing with her parents who last heard from her around 2:30 a.m. monday. we have a policy about holes in the sand because of the danger of collapse. so a hole cannot be deeper than knee deep to the smallest person. reporter: accidents like this are rare. researchers say in the past ten years worldwide, there have been 31 incidents of people dying when recreational holes in the
sand collapse in on them. and just tonight, the medical examiner s office telling us o connor s death was accidental. the cause, asphyxiation and suffocation, david. just horrible. an important warning about digging holes in the sand on the beach. linzie, thank you. when we come back here tonight, the headline about how much sleep to actually lose weight. also the severe weather at this hour. we re following lightning strikes reported. at least three people hit. we ll be right back. ack. people hit. we ll be right back. ll swing. it s gonna work, i promise you, we can figure this out. babe. little help. -hold on, mom. no, wifi. wifi. it s not a question, it s a thing. take on summer right with ford, america s best-selling brand. now with summer s hottest offer. get zero percent for seventy-two months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade-in. during the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventy-two months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade-in. offer ends soon. we rbut we are not victims.ack.
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could be preventedrrent with the right steps. and take it from me, every step counts. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. p3 planters nuts, jerky and i like a variety in my protein. totally, that s why i have this uh trail mix. wow minty. p3 snacks. the more interesting way to get your protein. to the index and to dangerous weather tonight. three contract workers struck by lightning in indianapolis, recovering at the hospital. a police officer performing cpr on one victim until paramedics could arrive. flash flooding in miami beach. streets underwater tonight. afternoon thunderstorms dumping up to 6 inches of rain. and the extreme heat and fire threat in the west we re following. 48 major fires burning at this hour. our weather team telling us triple digit temperatures and record highs could be set in parts of pacific northwest tomorrow. the desperate search for a
young couple in california tonight. rachel nguyen and joseph orbeso disappeared friday while hiking in joshua tree national park. authorities are concerned about them trying to survive in triple digit heat. rescuers and volunteers battling hot temperatures and rugged terrain. authorities recovered the vehicle near a park entrance. the health headline about sleep and your weight tonight. a new study finding people who sleep six hours of sleep a night tend to be heavier than those sleeping nine hours. their waist size also more than an inch larger on average. the research also indicates shorter sleep is linked to high blood pressure. wouldn t we all like to get a little more sleep? when we come back tonight, america strong. here comes the bride and talk about wedding crashers. we have never seen this before.
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finally tonight here, america strong. the bride on her big day, determined to share it. reporter: marielle slager, reading to her class. she teaches a kindergarten first grade class at the butler lab school in indianapolis. so attached to her students, she couldn t imagine them not being there for her big day, so when marielle married her longtime love, mike keller, it seemed only natural to this devoted teacher to have her kids there. the whole class ready for the wedding too. you live with them every day. they re the kids that mean the most to me so i couldn t imagine having anyone else. reporter: there they are, peering into the chapel about to walk in before the bride. that image is just of them excitedly awaiting before they came down. reporter: then it was their turn, walking in down that
aisle. 20 little flower girls and the boys to, to carry ring. all walking to the feather song from the movie, forrest gump. there wasn t a dry eye in there. reporter: the children moving everyone. then the bride would too. and afterward, the smiles over the cupcakes. a hit with the boys and girls from her class. i think that s my favorite picture of all. so that picture is of them jumping up as soon as they saw me coming through the door right before we all ran to give each other hugs. they were just so sweet. and a couple of them were crying and the hug just kind of went on and on and on, which i loved. we loved it too. one devoted teacher and her extended wedding party. i m david muir. thanks for joining us. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. you right back here tomorrow. good night. people in parts of the bay area struggle to keep their cool
today. the cities that will continue to see triple digit temperatures and when relief will come. a lot of times neighbors can help each other. neighborhood connection. the power of being a good neighbor is being celebrated across the bay area. and a woman is now on a mission to track down thieves in the east bay who stole an item worthless to them but priceless to her. live, where you live. this is abc7 news. a teenager leapt off of a taxiing plane and sprinted across the runway. investigators are trying to figure out how it happened. good afternoon. i m dan ashley. and i m ama daetz. we begin with this developing news from sfo. a teenager is in custody after he opened an exit door and jumped on the runway. the plane he was on was flight 208, copa airlines. as it was still on the runway, the 17-year-old popped

Reporter , Deputies , Officers , Shot , Shoulder , Condition , Leg , Investigators , Man , Plants , Garden , Bullets

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170816 00:00:00

linked that same group to those who perpetrated the attack in charlottesville. i don t know i can t tell you i m sure senator mccain must know what he s talking about. but when you say the alt-right, definal right to me. you define it. define it for me, come on. define it. senator mccain defined them as the same group what about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say the alt-right, do they have any semblance of guilt? let me ask you this, what about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem? i think they do. as far as i m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day wait a minute, i m not finished. i m not finished, fake news. that was a horrible day. [ inaudible question ] i will tell you something, i watched this much more closely
nationalist rally in charlottesville, the facts were plain before, during and after the bloodshed. the fact that the president had ht his disposal saturday, a fact he had friday night when they marched. weeks ago it was known who would be attending the rally. a fact that his daughter recognized saturday when she urged him to call out these thugs by name. his jewish daughter who we have not heard from for days. the president today preferred to focus on the statues and displaying his grasp of american history. you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue, and the renaming of a park from robert e. lee to another name. george washington was a slave owner. was george washington a slave owner? so will george washington now lose his status? are we going to take down statues to george washington?
how about thomas jefferson, what do you think of thomas jefferson, you like him? he was a major slave owner. are we going to take down his statue? it s hard to know where to begin on that. jefferson and washington were both slave owners. one wrote the country s founding document, the other led an army to establish it. neither took up arms against it. yet they lived together on the same historical planes. the murder by vehicle of 3 -year-old heather heyer, the president never mentioned her today but he thanked her mother twice for praising him. when asked whether he will be speaking to her or visiting charlottesville, he talked about the winery bearing his name. i own a house in charlottesville. does anyone know i own a house in charlottesville. oh, boy. it s in charlottesville, you ll
see. it is the winery. [ inaudible question ] charlottesville is a great place that s been very badly hurt over the last couple of days. i own actually one of the largest wineries in the united states in charlottesville. he owns one of the largest wineries. the president s words, just like his words on saturday, are drawing fire from top republicans. paul ryan tweeting however, the president is drawing praise from at least one voice. thank you, president trump, for your honesty and courage to tell the truth about charlottesville. that tweet is from white supremacist david duke. jim, what was that today exactly? what was that supposed to be and how did it segue into this press conference unlike any i recall
ever seeing? reporter: anderson, that was a press conference from hell, no question about it. essentially what happened today, the white house came out to the reporters gathered in the lobby of trump tower and said to all of us, listen, the president is going to come down with a couple of cabinet secretaries and make some remarks and go back up the sell va f elevator. what happened after that, things went completely off the rails, because as the president wrapped up his remarks on infrastructure, he was peppered with questions about this lackluster response to the violence in charlottesville and these shifting explanations. and the president essentially reverted back to his initial response. and then sort of echoing some of the complaints from white nationalists that well, if you start taking down statues of robert e. lee, that statues and monuments to george washington and thomas jefferson will be next. i talked to somebody who is familiar with the thinking of steve bannon, the president s chief strategist.
you heard the president was asked about steve bannon earlier today. the president said he wasn t sure how things would shake out with steve bannon. steve bannon is very much plugged into the alt-right. he used to run breitbart online, a publication that espouses a lot of white nationalist views. and according to this source that is prevalent in bannon world, the president is torn inside this white house between two rival factions. one representing jared and ivanka and other moderate leaning people in the white house, and steve bannon, who really represents this base that, according to this source, trump does not want to offend. i think that s why you saw in this very strange, bizarre, surreal press conference, the president defending these views of the alt-right and was really damning the torpedos from anybody else. i can tell you, there do not appear to be many regrets inside
the white house about in this evening, anderson. in just the last few moments, i was told by a republican source that a messaging memo is going around to trump surrogates tonight telling them to emphasize that both sides, in the view of the white house, acted irresponsibly in charlottesville. anderson, that is a very clear indication that there are no regrets coming from the president s inner circle. he s beyond doubling and tripling down, but they are firmly cemented in this view that the president s initial response to all of this in charlottesville was the correct one. so what about his statement yesterday in which he did what many people wished he had done on saturday. i saw someone on twitter referring to that as a hostage vid video. was that someone else give him a script to read off the teleprompter and today he s expressing his real thoughts? was yesterday just a lie?
reporter: that s right. yesterday was forced. it was not heartfelt, anderson. i was in the room with the president and you could see that on his face. what you saw today at trump tower, you could see his chief of staff, john kelly, waiting off to the side with his arms folded, looking down at the floor. there were no atta-boys. there was no back slapping and high fives after this performance from the president inside trump tower. to give you an indication how republicans are feeling, i talked to a top republican congressional source who said tonight that the president s ability to effectively govern this country is dwindling by the hour. so clearly, anderson, the republican party is losing patience with the president tonight. but if they don t really do anything about it, anderson, this is really becoming the party of trump, not the party of lincoln. jim acosta, thanks. i want to bring in three people
now, van jones, david axelrod, and david gergen. david gergen, how do you view what the president said today, specifically reversing from what he said yesterday and going back to what he said on saturday? i must tell you, anderson, after watching presidents for a long time, i was shocked by today s performance. on two grounds. one is that on the issue itself of charlottesville, he so clearly is wrong. he so clearly sees the world differently than most of us do. and creating an equivalence between the neo nazis and people who came to protest what the neo nazis are saying. it s just so unacceptable to the masses of people in this country. i m shocked he went back there. but anderson, the bigger question for me, the harder question that is more worrisome
is what is going on inside donald trump? this is a man with such massive insecurities. we have not seen anybody in the white house with such massive insecurities since richard nixon. people are increasingly feeling that he s not just a danger to his party but the country. he s going to tear us apart. do you really think he poses a danger to the country? i mean, that s a strong statement. you really believe the president of the united states, donald trump, is posing a danger to the country? i believe when i worked for richard nixon he needed to leave office, just as most of my colleagues did. we thought he was posing a threat, given the violation of the laws. you simply couldn t do that. i don t think we re there yet with donald trump. but i do think there is an issue about his insecurities and where they may lead. we saw the real donald trump
today, the unapologetic, unmasked donald trump. yesterday was a fake donald trump. that s apparent now. and we see a man who lashes out, who can t control himself. he s only a short way away from the nuclear button. he s the man who tells them whether to go to war or not. so yes, there s some dangers to the country. david axelrod, we ve seen this president stepping on the white house s own message. today there was a lot of positive things the president could have been talking about. north korea seemed to have blinked on guam. the president wanted to talk about infrastructure, the stock market at a high. and yet he is this probably one of the worst days for this president? yeah, you know, it s hard to rate them. but you would have to say so. yeah, i would love to have been a fly on the wall in general kelly s after action meeting on the infrastructure event. i don t think it went very well.
but look, you know, michelle obama said if her convention speech last summer that the presidency doesn t change people, it reveals who they are. and as you said at the outset, this was this is who donald trump is. this is who he was throughout the 2016 campaign. there was this hope that somehow the presidency, with all its responsibility and all the majesty and gravity of it, would change him. he s not going to change. what we saw yesterday was a hostage video. he practically blinked out in morse code i don t believe a word of what i m saying. today, we saw his true character. we saw his true views. he gave aid and comfort to neo nazis, to these white nationalists. and they rewarded him with praises, as you point out. the question for the republican party is, not just whether they re going to put statements
out, condemning this particular incident. but are they going to go after the issue of this element within their own party, and how are they going to move forward, not just dealing with donald trump but dealing with the forces that have pro-telled donald trump, unlike richard nixon who david worked for, donald trump is not a creature of the republican party. i don t think he cares much what the establishment republicans think. that alt-right group is his base and he s catering to it. i just want to read what david duke tweeted after the president s remarks. thank you, president trump, for your honesty and truth about charlottesville. we don t know what the president s motive is, but his words have emboldened white supremacists. you know, this is a tough night, i think for normal people. you have a lot of people at home going through kleenex right now.
you have a lot of people at home who are keeping their kids away from the tv tonight because we re spiraling away from each other. we and you want the president to be the one that pulls us all together. instead, he s picking a fight even if he s right, which he s wrong, he s picking a side in a food fight. even by his own understanding, and he s actually cheer leading for one side and defending one side. he s not defending the humanity of the people who were run over. 19 people were run over. he s not telling their story. he s not defending their humanity. and you can t draw basic distinctions. he would flunk second grade. he can t distinguish between the founder of our country, who was a flawed individual but did great things. and the person who led a rebellion against this country, robert e. lee, should not be in
the same sentence as george washington. he can t distinguish between nazis and people who went there people died in the last century over. he can t distinguish between them and the people that went there to defend people from those thugs. he s surrounded by military people. h.r. mcmaster, who has had an incredible career in the u.s. arm army. the u.s. army fought the nazis in europe. what do these people think? ivanka trump? i mean, jared kushner, what do think think? i don t know, but i ll tell you what i m thinking. i m thinking about my god mother, who is jewish. i think about what she s gone through in her life sticking up for civil rights. the stories that she s told me about her family and the things that her family suffered in europe and the fact that she can t count on the president of
the united states to stand with her when a nazi ran over an american citizen, killed an american citizen with isis tactics in our country. and my godmother the father of a jewish daughter, i mean, this is not funny, it s not cute, it s not a sound bite war. at a certain point, you have a lot of people now just not not just the people you re embold emboldening, but the people who you re abandoning who don t know if they have a government that gives a damn about them. those are the people you have to worry about, too. because we re spiraling away from each other. we re spiraling away from each other. and i don t know what to say tonight. i usually have something clever, something smart. i m just hurt. i m sitting here hurt. and i think a lot of people are hurt tonight. you feel this personally? i do. i don t know if david does. all of us do. everybody is trying to hold it together tonight.
i m the son of a jewish refugee. so yes, i feel it strongly. but here s the thing. how many times are we going to sit here and say we re disappointed in the president of the united states? we re disappointed that we don t have a president that s going to stand up and provide the moral leadership that the country deserves. at some point we have to conclude it s not coming. it s not coming. he s throwing kerosene on the fire. he s exploiting our divisions. and it s up to the rest of us to pull together, to defy that, to say we re better than that. to rise above that. i m tired of saying that donald trump is disappointing us. donald trump is who he is. he s not going to change. this was definitive proof today. thank you all. there are many more aspects to explore, including the president s claim that he s all about having the facts before he speaks. the president s claims about violence on both sides and more. the panel joins us as we continue.
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and that s why every memorial we create is a true reflection of the individual. only a dignity memorial professional can celebrate a life like no other. find out how at talking about the president s off the cuff press conference today at trump tower and his insistence he did not speak out about the racists on saturday because he was waiting for the facts. here again is that moment. it was very important to me to get the facts out and correctly. i couldn t have made it sooner, because i didn t know all of the facts. it takes a little white to get the facts. i had to see the facts. i want to know the facts. i want the facts. i wanted to see the facts. before i make a statement, i need the facts. you don t make statements that
direct unless you know the facts. i want to make a statement with knowledge. i wanted to know the facts. president trump claiming he likes to know the facts. the press event began with a question about ceos leaving the manufacturing council. that number stands at six. i want to bring in now my panel. charles, where are you at tonight? umm, it s part of me is not responding the way other people are responding, because part of me wants to say to america, where have you been? what were you reading? what were you listening to? why does this take you by surprise? i ve been howling into the wind since before the election that this man is a bigot, that this man is a misogynist, that this man is a bully, and people like me and other people saying the
exact same thing that this thing you know, you have to ask yourself a very profound question, whether or not trump is an articulation of them or whether he is an articulation whether he s an articulation of them or they re an articulation of him, or whether there s a symbiotic relationship here. the republican party has to ask itself, i mean, america has to ask itself a question. these people exist. there s a lot of negative, racialized imagery, well short of vehicular homicide a. if you know full well that the war on drugs has a disproportionate impact on black people and you support it, where does that place you? if you know that mass incarceration is devastating black communities and you support it, where does that put
you? if you know that stripping the votes or voter suppression is having a negative impact on some people and therefore increasing the vote of other people and you support that, where does that put you? america has to ask itself some really profound questions about what white supremacy actually is. because it is not simply there were abolitionists who hated the idea of slavery, and yet had no concept or will to entertain the idea that black people were equal to them. there are people who today detest the violence in charlottesville and yet do not believe that black people are equal to them. that is what white supremacy is. so once you order people, once
you make a hierarchy of people, once you devalue some people and lift others, that allows you to do things. paris, as a supporter of the president, how is it that this president, you know, yes, yesterday he gave this teleprompter speech which he renounced the kkk and white supremacists. today he s saying that the people who were rallying around the robert e. lee statue on friday night, with tiki torches, chanting jews will not replace us, calling the counter protesters who were there, calling them faggots. how do you defend that? how do you defend the president for what he said today, those people he was saying that they were quietly protesting the statue. well, the interesting thing that i saw in the clip of the entire night, the clip that you showed from the entire night on friday was that there was people
on the other side chatting black lives matter. how dare they. let me finish my comment. my point is, there were other people there that night that were not saying there were a couple of dozen counter protesters who had surrounded the statue when the several hundred guys with tiki torches arrived and they basically were overwhelmed and the police came once they were chased off. the only point i m making is that everybody there friday night were not doing the things that you re saying that the majority of them were doing. look, there s hundreds of people with tiki torches it s very simple [ overlapping speakers ] let me start off by saying i m not equating black lives matter to anything of these neo nazis and fascists, with ybut there w
strong push in the media and a lot of people saying when you see the black lives matter people saying f the police, burning cars and doing this, the majority of the people were peaceful, quiet, and angry at the situation. so yes, in the clip you just showed, there were people chanting black lives matter and on the other side. so it is unfair to characterize everybody there as neo nazis. what you re saying makes no sense. i m not characterizing the black lives matter as neo nazis. it s the people with tiki torches that the president is talking about as just being quiet, good people there just to protest the people. they re freaking chanting jews will not replace us on the streets of america. the event said it was a pro white demonstration.
that s what they were there to do. why are you acting it s just a few random, bad apples. that s not what i m saying. yes, you are. you re saying because there was somebody there saying black lives matter these people were there organized to do a pro white demonstration with david duke and richard spencer. i mean, what where do you not condemn this? how do you say i m not condemning it? i department hear you condemn it. to km out and find a talking point spin no, hold on, this is what i believe. you got your shot. the part about this that bothers me about the conservatives that are trying to spin this and come out and even friends of mine who are trying to cast aside the fact that the president of the united states went on a victim blaming rant today where he
disgraced the off of the presidency, and potentially planted the seed for even more division in this country that we ve already seen today. and shame on you, paris, and everybody else that s coming out here today, shame on the staffers in the white house that are still standing behind the president that this was black lives matter people s fault. i have issues with black lives matter, i have matters with intifa. but they didn t kill anyone on saturday. they don t have the history that white supremacists do in this country. and for people to come out, and that s the position they take, when the president of the united states made it about him, made it about his grievances. he gave the alt-right and these white supremacists a platform to praise him, shame on you, shame on the president, and shame on anybody that continues to enable him in this respect. anderson, i ll tell you what i m hearing from republicans
tonight, and that is a very simple message for the president. mr. president, we want to be with you in policy. but you are making it impossible for us to be with you in spirit. moral clarity is required of the office of the president, because that is the spirit of being an american. knowing that the rest of the world looks to our country and our president to provide absolute, unequivocal memorial clarity. you cannot say that there are good people standing in this rally, because if a good person left their house and went to this event, and showed up and the person next to them was holding a nazi flag and they chose not to go home, by definition they checked their good person card at the gate. so the only people left at the rally were not the good people. and to try to say that there was a smattering of bad people mixed in with good people, absolutely vacates the moral clarity required of the office of the
president. we re not the party of robert e. lee. we re not the party of jefferson davis. we re the party of lincoln. we revere george washington. we re the party of dwight eisenhower, who defeated the nazis. so the message i hear from republicans tonight, mr. president, do not make it impossible for us to support you. you have an agenda. the republican party largely supports your policy agenda. don t render it imoperable. the problem here is that the problem there is that beginning in the late 60s and early 70s, they were the party of racial division. and these are not like things that you can t find. they were nixon s top aides were literally going to newspapers and magazines and giving on the record interviews. one top aide gave an interview to harper s bazaar who said our enemies are blacks and
hippies who are anti-war. now, we can t make laws to outlaw blacks and hippies, but we can associate in the mind of the public hippies with marijuana, and blacks with heroin, and we can punish those crimes to the point that we break those communities. that s a quote from harper s bazaar. two years later, another nixon aide gives an interview to the new york times, which he says we want more blacks to register as democrats, because the negro foes, that was his word, will flock to the republican party. that was the southern strategy. so i was born in 1970. that interview was given in 1970. the entire history of my life is surrounded by the idea of people accommodating these people and putting a better face on them. i just came back from
louisiana that s not the whole nothing is never the whole. i m sorry, but [ overlapping speakers ] i am going to finish. i am going to finish. i am going to finish. i just came back from louisiana. david duke is prominent in this story. david duke was elected to the louisiana house, and then he ran again for governor of the state and won most of the white vote in louisiana. and the platform that david duke ran on and the bills he proposed in the legislature are no different than the republican bills charles, come on. that is true. [ overlapping speakers ] you can t sit there and blame the republican party for all racism in america. i m quoting a magazine. you have some magazines you want to quote? how about the democrat s
platform in 1924 that wasn t [ overlapping speakers ] all right. paul? we ve come to this with a great deal of history. bill bradley, the senator from new jersey, said slavery was our original sin. we ve never gotten over it. but this is not richard nixon with dog whistles. this is donald trump with a bull horn. say what you will about the history of republicans on racism. this is different. ronald reagan disavowed the klu klux klan when they endorsed him. george h.w. bush disavowed david
duke. this is nazis versus americans. freedom verse farc itscism. and the willful, moral blindness the president showed but if that person gets nominated, what does that say? you can t divorce him from them. there is no way to do that. you can t say this is we can t both say, well, this is not a left-right issue. if the person you just described was a republican nominee and now is president of the united states and most white people in america voted for that person, what does that say? we ve got to take a break. coming up, trump blamed so-called both sides for violence, the white supremacists and those who protested against their hate. we ll hear from dr. cornell west who was there at the rally. we ll be right back. fety first.. i think i might burst.
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let me ask you this, what about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem? i think they do. as far as i m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day. wait a minute, i m not finished, fake news. that was a horrible day. [ inaudible question ] i will tell you something. i watched this very closely, much more closely than you people watched it. and you have you had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. and nobody wants to say that. but i ll say it right now. you had a group you had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit, and they were very, very violent. mitt romney just tweeted no, not the same. one side is racist, bigoted. joining me now is dr. cornell
west. thanks for being with us again tonight. you were there friday night, saturday. when you hear the president of the united states saying that the people who were marching with torches, saying jews will not replace us and saying blood and soil that there were good people in there that were just there because they were upset about the statue, what do you think? you know, brother anderson, i m not surprised though. donald trump, he s a neo fascist. he s a right wing gangster. therefore, i don t have expectations for him. those of us who were in that church were trying to keep alive prophetic witness. to accent love and justice. the sad thing is, we re dealing with the life and death of the american democratic experience. and what i mean by that is, the spiritual blackout, the eclipse
of honesty and integrity, moral meltdown where there s no prophetic space of love and justice. and it s not a matter of just the president. i had no expectations for donald trump. i ve been a black man in america for 64 years. i ve been dealing with white supremacists and so on. i can discern them. my concern is, neo fascism is a rule of big money, big military adventurism, escalating wealth and equality, the collapse of public life, and the scapegoating of the most vulnerable, of the immigrants and muslims and arabs and relative silence of those americans who ought to be part of an anti-fascist coalition.
we should have been thousands and thousands vowing witness against the neo- fascist. they were emboldened by donald trump. they know he has neo- fascist sensibilities. look at corporate america. they ve been relatively silent. where is the anti-racist orientation? where is the church? where are our fellow citizens who ought to occupy love and justice and put a smile on the face of martin luther king junior and others. all of those who said we must be honest and tell the truth about those who would use arbitrary power for wealth and equality and the military adventurism in various part of the world. the american empire can devour american democracy. only the people can do it. donald trump doesn t have
magical powers. he has too much power as a president, but he can be pushed out. by pushed out i mean impeachment, and the republican party can be rendered accountab accountable. the democratic party has to deal with things with regard to massive ib cars ration tied to wall street. that s the kind of revival moral and spiritual revival we need. that s my tradition. that s what the others are trying to talk about. do you see that happening? do you see an event like this and it s not just this event. it s what we have seen so far in from this president, and what we are likely to see in the future given the fact that he s 71 years old and unlikely to change. do you see that revival happening? i absolutely see it happening. sister heather was standing right next to the 20 of us who were almost crushed like the
cockroaches that the neo-nazi view us to be. she along with the anarchist and the anti-fascists were protecting us. she is a freedom fighter. the memory of her sacrifice, the 19 who are in jail, that can generate an awakening, but it has to be a moral and spiritual awakening. it s got to be talking about what is right, moral, just, and morally consistent. that means it s going to be a critique of the establishment of parties and the churches and mosques and synagogues and universities. all the comfortable middle class folk who don t want to intervene into this, and most importantly, our young people. they are thirsty and hungry for precisely this kind of awakening. i see it escalating, and in that sense, i see it as hope in motion. i m not in any way disempowered by the neo- fascist
sensibilities of donald trump. i ve been seeing it all my life in a variety of different places. i m more emboldened by the folk who are waking up and shattering the silence, shattering the complacen complacency. shattering the kind of distance and detachment from engagement and struggle around injustice. i don t care if you re muslim, buddhist, christian, we can come together. we can make a difference. this is the moment for them. i appreciate you being with us. thank you. much more ahead tonight. we ll have more reaction to what the president said today. what it means for the white house, the country, and in case you missed it, we ll hear from donald trump in his own words after a quick break.
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zplnchts t the president revealing who he is, what he is. he went before reporters and spoke off the cuff about the tragedy this weekend in shifl. unlike yesterday s prepared statement which called out the groups directly. today s collection of thoughts were so kind to this collection of haters, it left supporters dumb struck. first an extended sampling of what the president said today. you said the alt-right is behind the attacks and linked them to the groups who perpetrated the attack in charlottesville. i can t tell you. i m sure senator mccain must know what he s talking about, but when you say the alt-right, define it. you define it. i you define it.
what about the old left excuse me. what about the alt left that came charging at the alt-right? do they have any semblance of guilt? let me ask you this. what about the fact they came charging with clubs in their hands swinging clubs? do they have any problem? i think they do. as far as i m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day. wait a minute. i m not finished. i m not finished, fake news. that was a horrible day [ inaudible question ] i watched those closely, more than you watched it. and you have a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. and nobody wants to say that. but i ll say it right now. you had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent.

Alt-right-group , Alt-right , Visiting-charlottesville , It , Come-on , Senator-mccain , Attack , Definal , Group , Left , Alt , Senator

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20170816 05:00:00

that they know bad things about him. good reason to keep really really really good files. you never no who will end up being president of the large western country. adam davidson, reporter for the new yorker. now time for last word with lawrence o donnell. good evening. good evening, rachel. boy am i glad i ve never done business in russia. doesn t that all sound obvious when you hear it that of course it would work that way. well and the fact the thing i have learned from adam davidson s reporting at the new yorker is you don t have to be perfect but you do have to look to see if you are really obviously doing dirty business with people who everybody knows are dirty. and it doesn t matter if that s okay in their country. it is not okay in the united
states if you re an american company or american businessman doing that. just willful refusal to look and recognize dirt you are wallowing in, that s enough to get nailed in this country under our lawes. and it is absolutely not okay if you re a business point who will at some point run for president. there s that. yeah. thanks wsh rachel. thank you, lawrence. nbc news is reporting that the president stunned his staff by taking questions at what was supposed to be simply an announcement of another trump executive order. this one about building permits for intrastructure. not surprisingly there were no questions about infrastructure. the president knew exactly what questions would be about. in his defense of his comments about the murder of heather in charlottesville on saturday, by a white supremacist, donald trump relied entirely on a claim that everyone, including every
single trump supporter, knows, is not true. donald trump insisted that he is always scrupulously careful about checking facts before he makes any kind of statement. i wanted to make sure, unlike most politicians, that what i said was correct. not make a quick statement. i don t want to go quickly and just make a statement for the sake of making a political statement. i want to know the facts. when i make statement, i like to be correct. i need the facts. so i don t want to rush into a statement. was it terrorism that event? i want to make sure when i make a statement that statement is correct. i didn t know david duke was there. not all of those people were neonazis, believe me. not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. i want to make a statement with knowledge. i wanted to know the facts. what about the alt left as you say that came charging with the
alt-right. i m not finished, fake news. this is robert e. lee. stone jackton is wbr id= wbr1880 /> coming down. is it george washington next week and thomas jefferson the week after? nbc news is reporting that senior white house official says president trump wasn t supposed to answer any questions today. his staff went in through that event with the press with the understanding the president would discuss infrastructure evenly and take no questions. but once in front of the reporters the president quote went rogue, that s the trays the official used, the white house but when you see the video it certainly looked like premeditated decision by the /b>
president to publicly defend comments he made on saturday that were greeted with sharp criticism from democrats and more wbr-id= wbr2480 /> importantly from the president from republicans. the president just happened to have copy of his saturday statement in his pocket today. so i don t want to go quickly and just make a statement for the sake of making a political statement. i know the facts [ inaudible ] i brought it. i brought it. i brought it. remember this, saturday. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. it has no place in america. then i wept on from there. it seems to the the prewas reading from the written statement he was supposed to read on saturday. but on saturday, he read that but he inserted something about many sides in the hid el of that statement.
we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. on many sides. it s been going foreign are a long time in our country. not donald trump, not barack obama. this has been going foreign a long, long time.ign a long, long the president decided to take a stand to defend when a said on saturday but he refused as you just saw to quote what he said on saturday and today many sides eventually as he continued to talk became both sides. i think there s blame, yes. blame on both sides. you look at beth sides, i think there s blame on both sides. and i have no doubt about it. and you don t have any doubt about it, either. the the president believes
events can h inspired and led to charlottesville terrorist attack are 100% to blame for a number of reasons. they are adherence of an evil ideology which believes people are interior because of race or ethnicity. when an entire movement build on people different from you it justifies and ultimately leads to violence against them. these groups today use same symbols and same arguments of nazi and kkk groups responsible for some of worst crimes against humanity ever. mr. president, you can t allow white supremacists to share only part of blame. they support idea which cost nation and world so much pain. the white supremacy groups will see being assigned only 50% of blame as a win.
we cannot allow this old evil to be resurrected. marco rubio s state of florida was one of the founding members of the con fedry. the government to succeed from the union and fight a war again the united states of america to preserve white supremacy and slavery. what marco rubio said today is all true. all obvious. but it can cost him some votes in florida. some support the formally confederate state of florida marco rubio is right that white supremacist groups would appreciate what donald trump said today. and those who voted for donald trump came from former ku klux klan leader david duke who voted for donald trump. after the president spoke today, and assigned blame to both sides, david duke said thank you, president trump, for your
honesty and courage to tell the truth about charlottesville and condemn the leftest terrorists. one of the leaders of the white supremacist nazi demonstration richard spencer tweeted, i m proud of him for speaking the truth. the lead of glenn thrush and megan s art tell of on the front of tomorrow s times reads president trump buoyed the white nationalist movement on tuesday as no president has done in generations equating activists protesting racism with the neonazis. and rampaged in charlottesville, virginia over the weekend. never has he gone as far as defending their actions as he did during wild street corner shouting match of a news don frens in guilded lobby of trump tower angrily asserting that so-called alt left activists were just as responsible for the bloody confrontation as marchers, brandishing swastikas, confederate battle flags anti-semitic banners and trump/pence signs.
legitimacy to neonazis and the kkk and white supremacists of all stripes. and by calling them nice people. and saying they were just nice people out there just having a nice demonstration the night before. and it wasn t that at all. it was white supremacist holding a klan reminiscent torch-lit parade through the streets of charlottesville in which they were shouting various things including jew will not replace us. this is this is beyond appalling. and how does this man continue as president? we expect a president to have some moral authority and donald trump has none. none. zero. none. i want to listen to what president said today about the night before. about that friday night torch light demonstration which you just referred to, gene, in which
the president apparently saw nothing at all that bothered him. let s take a look that. there were people in that rally, and i looked the night before, if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of robert e. lee. i m sure in that group there were some bad ones. the following day it looked like they had rough bad people. neonazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. but there were a lot of people in that group that were there to inisn tly protest and very legally protest. we all heard in the video of the night before chanting jews will not replace us , blood and soil an old nazi chant. there is video of the night before where trump saw a peaceful people who have an affection for robert e. lee statues.
i mean, for me, what is remarkable is i just spent several hours talking to republicans who are just so upset. and i think that what is gok on here is you have a party trying to give donald trump the benefit of the doubt. i talked to someone today about the idea that this republican kind of as soon as donald trump came down from the escalator and started calling mexican rapists and criminals he said i couldn t be part of this any more. but i understood my party would still back him. and i don t fault p people who gave him the benefit of the doubt. that said, today is is really in that republicans words the day it make the decision. a more reckoning for the republican party. and for republicanes who watch the president basically say that neonazis are almost the same as people protesting them.
this is group of people that would testify that this is a rally o who are pro white, who are white nationalists. even if you are someone who wanted to go to the gathering because you were upset about the statue and into confederate history, the most you got to the rally and you heard people chanting about jews, chanting about african-americans and the kkk and neonazis are into, as soon as you saw that and you did not leave then have you become complicit and you are no longer the nice person. the nice person card leaves and it is out the window because you showed up and stayed and march with a torch with a group of people that were absolutely racist. and jean, the white house is taken by surprise by the president pulling out of his packet his statement from saturday which he obviously stepped up to that microphone today to defend. and i saw on last night s program after yesterday when he
said those things, that were seen to be written for a standard republican presidential statement about these events, that the nazis and white supremacists would still be very grateful to him as president for holding out as long as monday and not saying those things until monday. and thee would get a very clear signal from that kind of holding out that this was still their guy. and here we have the reviews to night after this performance today. from the white supremacist, david duke and others saying thank you mr. president. sure. they got the signal clearly on saturday. you re absolutely right, that their reaction yesterday, would have been well he managed to hold out for two days so he is still with us. and but then today, just make it clear, he took it back everything he said yesterday. and went back to his saturday views.
and colleagues in the new york times, white house reporters have a fascinating story in the paper that is posted now that basically says white house staff was shocked to hear the president express publicly views that he had previously expressed privately. so this is not it is an secret to them. and it shouldn t have been a surprise. maybe he was surprised that they actually said it. so really you will keep working there. really? this is what you signed up for are when you went to work for the white house? okay. you think that what eugene is talking about though. is this idea that the republican party is really backed donald trump through so many iterations and so and throughsome statements that people across the country were both terrified and offended with. for me as a reporter what i ve been talking to republicans about today is is this another access hollywood moment where everyone is up in arms and
senators releasing statement after statement about how this is terrible and that they couldn t back donald trump. when marco rubio and jeb bush were saying they couldn t back someone who would speak that way of women. are we in two weeks going to turn around and say that s another big moment for donald trump but he was able to move on from that and now we are on to talking about health care and infrastructure. if donald trump then it really very markable that his political career can with stand a moment like today. eugene, presumably to her question, when republican senators and members of congress come back it washington and the subject comes back to tax cuts, why wouldn t they get back on the trump train? my guess is they probably will. we will see. but i think they do know deep down inside, this is different. this is not his personal conduct. this is not him being just a crude person or not a politician or different or whatever.
this is him betraying the absolute lack of moral core. he doesn t know the difference between neonazis and protesters against neonazis. he doesn t know the difference between george washington and robert e. lee, a traitor to the united states. he doesn t care. he has no moral center whatsoever. and they will work with this guy as president of the united states. it s just appalling. eugene robinson, yamisha, stay tuneed. who is standing with donald trump? who is standing against him? last two republican candidates are standing against him tonight and we will have more on the difference between robert e. lee and george washington and thomas jefferson and there is a very big difference. and later, is donald trump afraid of steve bannon? is that what it comes down to now? with a source close to the white house telling reuters, that is
why steve bannon is still working in the white house. donald trump is afraid of him. that s coming up. delicious pasta marinara. but birds eye made it from zucchini. mmm! bird: mashed potatoes and rice. but made from cauliflower. looks like i need a fork! oh, no. (giggling) bird: new birds eye veggie made. so veggie good. bird: new birds eye veggie made. and life s beautiful moments.ns get between you flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill.
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monday. a hostage tape. texas republican congressman will herd said this about the president s remarks. if you are showing up to the rally you re probably a racist or bigot. and the images i saw were skin heads and neonazis beating up women and trying to poke people with flal poles. it is not okay and for those watching i think the outrage across the political spectrum about this is maybe the thing that ultimately unites us. ohio governor john kasich, last man standing in the republican presidential primary said let s get real. there is no moral equivalency to nazi sympathizers. there can be no room in america or the republican party for racism anti-semitism hate or
white nationalisism. period. and jerry moran said, white supremacy, bigotry and racism have absolutely no place in our society, and no one especially john mccain tweeted there s no moral equivalency between racists and americans standing up to defy hate and bigotry. the president of the united states should say so. and let s take a look at what the always petty president of the united states had to say today about john mccain when the subject of steve bannon came up at the press conference and the president was asked if he has confidence in steve bannon and john mccain was mentioned in that exchange. let s listen to that.
called on to you defend your national security adviser mcmaster against the task diit the last time. he called on you again. senator mccain? right. you mean the one who voted against obamacare? you mean senator mccain who voted against us getting good health care? senator mccain said that alt-right is behind these attacks and he linked that same group to those who perpetrated the attack in charlottesville. i don t know, i can t tell you. i m sure senator mccain must know what he is talking about. and david jolly we have a tweet from mitt romney tonight saying no, not the same one side is racist bigoted nazi, other opposes racism and bigotry. david, last two presidential nominees in your party now standing to night on this issue against donald trump. sure, but not hard enough. lawrence, nobody will accuse you of being generous to a republican.
but let me take it one step further in the criticism. it is not enough for republicans. marco rubio, mitt romney, john mccain, others to denounce bigotry tonight. they have to denounce donald trump. denouncing bigotry, denouncing white nationalism is a 99% issue. but if you don t name donald trump by name then you re falling short. we demanded that druch announce there are a lost angry americans tonight. there are angry americans like myself, not just at donald trump but gop ers, gop ers who looked the other way. denouncing immigrants. mexican judges. reporters with physical conditions as they look the other way it look out for their own reelections and interest. gop leaders across the country
are just as responsible for where we are tonight as donald trump is. time to stop trying to teach this president a 71-year-old e man who knows better and it is time to start denouncing him. jarvis, you have been covering this the to story that underlies all of this for quite a while. that s the issue of confederate monuments. some in new orleans and controversy surrounding them. whatever that decision is made it is time it take one down. oh, yeah. and it s been a big, big issue in new orleans and we ve been leading the movement across the united states. to make these statues and these monuments come down. to move them from their place of honor. i want to link the two stories by saying that a few months ago i got an e-mail from a reader who said, well, if i wanted to take down a stat you ve martin luther king, jr. i would be called a racist. so why isn t a racist that people want to take down the statues of the confederate?
by have the president of the united states actually saying it. and it is shocking. jarvis, given that we ve all been watching donald trump as a politician in effect for about six years, when he first started talking about president obama s birth certificate, i think this is a new donald trump. not the guy from the game show. someone trying to get into our politics. given that we ve had that six years before today, were you surprised by anything the president said today or did this fit everything that he s been doing up to now? i don t know anybody in america that should be
surprised. i think if you re professing to be surprised, you just have not been paying attention. so no, takes on barack obama s birth his place of birth was racist, season zino phobic, exciting the same type of people who showed up in charlottesville over the weekend. attacks on federal judges. mexican her kaj. heritage. no different. trs call for muslim ban. ban on all muslims coming into the country. no for muslim ban so no, i wasn t surprised. i would look skeptically an anyone who said they were surprised. flake from john mccain s arizona, said we cannot accept excuses for white supremacy and act of domestic terrorism we must condemn them, period. but and jeff flake is one who s
kind of now publicly coming out in an ongoing public dialogue about the mistake republicans made in embracing donald trump. but lawrence, why the third person? i have great respect for jeff speaking out but condemn the president by name. do something. there is a big question. what can republicans do? we know they going to be popping champagne on the south lawn next month when they pass some bill they declare victory on. there are are two things republicans can do. paul ryan and mitch mcconnell can offer a bold statement saying we won t work in congress any more. we will drop bills on his desk and he can take it or leave it answering to his own constituency. secondly, there is chatter of a primary movement. tonight is the night we move chatter into an organization. falling short of either of those two points is nothing more than accommodation by gop leadership to a president we now know, now know, accommodates white
nationalists and racist within his party. david, quick one-name answer. who would you be watching for a prime primary in republicans field coming up next time? lawrence, i once add republican say to me if i can t find someone to run against you, i will run against you myself. if i can t find someone to run against donald trump, i will run against him myself. could be john kasich, could be david jolly. thank you. thank you, lawrence. coming up, is donald trump afraid of steve bannon? is that why steve bannon still collects a government paycheck? that s next. this is joanne.
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today the president was asked if he had confidence in steve bannon. today the president said a bunch of words but does not answer the question, does he have confidence in steve bannon. can you tell us broadly, do you still have confidence? we ll see. look, look, i like mr. bannon. he is a friend of mine. but mr. bannon came on very late, you know that. i went through 17 senators, governors, and i won all the primaries. mr. bannon came on very much later than that and i like him. he is a good man. he is not a racist. i can tell you that. he is a good person. he actually gets a very unfair press in that regard. we will see what happenes with mr. bannon. but he is a good person and i think the press treats him frankly very unfairly. so it s mr. bannon now. that came after the times reported that trump has been
considering firing ban yn for months and rupert murdoch urges trump to fire bannon. one source close to the white house tells reuters the president is nervous and afraid of firing him. the source floated the possibility that bannon could be demoted instead of fired noting he might turn into a harsh critic of the administration if he is forced out of the inner circle. back with you, eugene robinson. gene, mr. bannon, mr. ban yn. i don t know. when you hear mr. trump talk about his friends, it always first name, always first name. yeah, mr. bannon. that add different ring. first of all, if i were mr. bannon i would be upset at having donald trump vouch that i m an racist, right? he has no credibility on that score. and second, maybe the president is a little leery of mr. bannon because of mr. bannon s history
with breitbart. maybe he has concern that if he were to fire steve bannon that the sort of breitbart megaphone would turn against him in a big way. tlaen that would undercut his standing with the shrinking base that has left.hat would undercut but it would be fox news and breitbart because if he is advocating firing steve bannon he will back that up with his network and newspaper. reading the new york post this week has been a very different weak of trump coverage. it has been negative. it has joined the chorus, not as strongly as other newspapers but it editorialized what president said. used words about the president that we ve never seen in the new york post before. and if rupert murdoch gets his way on steve bannon, you can expect full support of the new
york post and fox news versus breitbart which would really be something to watch. yeah. that is true. bring out the popcorn and he can watch that unfold. you know, i think that s, on the surface, that would seem like an easy choice. i think is a tougher call than you or i might think, for the president. because he thinks that breitbart captured his essence and his soul and his core supporters i think and touches them in way that maybe not even fox news does. but we ll see. fox news can be a little squishy and we have seen this week. for the hard core supporters. so it is a tough call for the president. gene robinson, thank you for joining us. great to be here. coming up, donald trump today showed he has no understanding of the historical and moral differences between george
washington and robert e. lee. a lesson for president trump next. this lovely lady has a typical airline credit card. so she only earns double miles on purchases she makes from that airline. what d you earn double miles on, please? ugh. that s unfortunate. there s a better option. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day.
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i ve condemned many different groups. but not all of those people were neonazis, believe me. not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of the statue, robert e. lee. so this week it s robert e. lee. i noticed that stone wall jackson is kaumg down. i wonder, is it george washington next week and thomas jefferson the week after? you do have to ask yourself, where does it stop? but they were there to protest, excuse me, you take a look the night before, they were there to protest the taking down of the stat you ve robert e. lee. so we now have a president what sees no moral or historical difference between george washington or robert e. lee or thomas jefferson. they were all slave owners but robbest e. lee was the only one to go to war and kill hundreds of thousands for his right to have slaves, to sell slaves, to
sell a mother to one buyer and the children to other buyers. there is no shadow of a legal doubt that lee was guilty of treason p. an editorial insisted that robert e. lee should be charged with treason. he levied war against the united states more than any other man in the land and thereby has been especially guilty of the crime of treason has defined in the constitution of the united states. the times wanted to say whether general lee should be hung or not is a minor question. three days later, robert e. lee was in fact indicted for treason. his opponent in the civil war fellow west point graduate ulysses s. grant interceded with johnson to drop the treason case against lee.
president johnson was very much in favor of prosecuting lee for treason but general grant who was much more popular with the public told the president that he would resign from the army and in a public protest after traeon prosecution of robert e. lee. so president john son backed down and got federal prosecutors to drop the case. robert e. lee had a close. he could have been the chander of the army in the civil war or commander of the confederate army. he made the wrong choice. 40% of virginia officers in the u.s. military remained in service to the united states army and fought in the civil war on the union side against their home state of virginia. 40% of them. members of robert e. lee s own family sited with the north over virginia and the south. his sister, chose the north. and her son, joined the union army. general lee did not just fight
for the confederacy. he fought for slavery. he believed in it. he believed slavery should be allowed in the new territory of the united states that slavery should be forbidden. he went to court to personally fight to keep slaves. who had been proomissed their freedom in his father-in-law s will. some people want it keep robert e. lee statue standing because they don t know these things about general lee and others want to keep those statues standing because they do know these things. about general lee. they do know the general lee owned slaves and fought for slavery even after a civil war general lee did everything he could to prevent black people from getting the right to vote because he believed in their inferiority and in his own superiority. robert e. lee believed in white supremacy. because robert e. lee made the wrong choice more soldiers died
in the civil bar on both sides. a less skilled commander of the confederate army would have lost the war sooner for the south. saving lives on both sides. donald trump knows none of this and never will. donald trump and his white house and his presidential campaign are under investigation tonight for among other things collusion with russia. if donald trump is proved to be guilty of collusion with russia to steal the presidency, there won t be any statutes of president trump in this country. but there might still be stat ice of robert e. lee who committed treason and then forced america into its bloodiest war. general lee s troops killed at least 360,000 union soldiers and general lee led about 260,000 confederate soldiers to their deaths.
and robert e. lee got away with all this. but he left a legacy that continues to kill americans today. where s gary? saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico. goin up the country. later, gary i have a motorcycle! wonderful. i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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you re changing history. you re changing culture. and you have people and i m not talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally. but crow had many people in that group other than neo-nazis and white nationalists okay, and the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. joining us now, a pulitzer prize winning historian. he s a professor of history at columbia university. professor, it just made me wonder today where would we be if robert e. lee had been convicted of treason. we don t have any stutes in this country to anyone who has been convicted of treason. one of the reasons grant did mott want him tried is it would have made him a martyr in the south, which in a sense he became any way. people in the north were not that interested in treason trials after the civil war. they were interested in what was going to happen to the 4 million emancipated slaves, including the slaves of robert e. lee.
and you this titan tick battle of reconstruction which ended up granting civil rights to the african-americans. robert e. lee opposed that vehemently. but i think, you know, treason trials were really not a major factor in the agenda of the post civil war period. it probably wouldn t have made a heck of a lot of difference. maybe you would have had fewer statues of robert e. lee. but there were hundreds of statues like him of confederate generals all over the south. and the history of those is more likecentury. wasn t it sort of a nostalgic looking back? these statues don t have much to do with the confederacy. but the confederacy is a symbol, an emblem of white supremacy.
the statue of robert e. lee was put up 70 years after the saifl war at a time of segregation, disenfranchisement and it s a statement of who is in charge. who has the power. these are emblems of power and that s why people oppose them. we re in a different society now and these statements of white pow rer no longer appropriate. as a historian, what is your reaction to seeing the southern white supremacists confederate flag symbolcy with nazi symbolcy at the same event? of course it s horrifying that there are still people, and many people in this country apparently who are willing to march around with nazi insignias and confederacy insignias. they re talking about racial supremacy and we know what the consequences of that were for humanity. this is a stran that s always been there in american history
but for the first time really i think it s represented in the white house. as you mentioned, bannon, of course and it s the first time maybe since woodrow wilson who had the film birth of a nation premier in the white house glorifying the klan. first time in 100 years that this has gotten the partial embrace of the president of the united states. we had picture of some of the men on saturday, at least one wearing a shirt with a specific quote from hitler on his back. very proudly wearing that shirt, fitting in with the confederate flags around him. this was inconceivable in this country just a short time ago. well, unfortunately the generation of world war ii is passing on because of time and perhaps in some cases the memory of what world war ii was all about is somewhat passing on. i agree with you.
but the rise of this kind of extreme right wing hatred and bigotry has been a frightening factor in the past few years. thank you for joining us. tonight s last word is next. get your ancestrydna kit. spit. mail it in. learn about you and the people and places that led to you. go explore your roots. take a walk through the past. meet new relatives and see how a place and its people are all a part of you. ancestrydna. save 30% through august 15th at chances are, the last time yoyou got, i know i got a loan 20 years ago, and i got robbed. that s why i started lendingtree the only place you can compare up to 5 real offers side by side, for free.
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and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum twitter history was made tonight that is going to be very disturbing for the president of the united states. we have a new most popular tweet
in history and it is not a donald trump tweet. donald trump has never ever come close to this level. this is a tweet from president obama that is now the most popular tweet in history. president obama tweeted no one is borng hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. people must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. for love comes for naturally to a human heart than its opposite. and that of course was a quote nelson mandela. and that earned president obama a 1.1 million retweets at least, more than 2.7 million likes and that is going up constantly. donald trump has never come close to anything like that. president obama now the most popular tweet in history.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20171020 08:00:00

work yesterday morning and brokenhearted at what i saw congress doing. a member of congress who listened in on a phone call from the president of the united states and in his way tried to express that opinion, he was a brave man, fallen hero, he knew what he was getting into because he enlisted. he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be, exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken, that was the message. kelly s own son robert was killed fighting for the us in afghanistan in 2010, donald trump s chief of staff describing the agonizing process of notifying a family member of a loved one s death and the pain those loved ones go through and live with. typically the only phone
calls a family receives are the most important phone calls from their buddies. in my case after my son was killed his friends were calling us from afghanistan telling us what a great guy he was. those are the only phone calls that really matter. kelly said he was upset by will finance committee had to collect his thoughts by walking through the graves at arlington national cemetery for more than an hour. heather: remarkable moment to see him standing there explaining to people the significance of the phone call from the president of the united states. and the significance of serving our country. we will talk more about this. this is what donald trump had to say blasting frederica wilson on twitter. commander-in-chief writing this. the fake news is going crazy with the congresswoman wilson
loved ones. as a commander i have had to write those letters. i have had to make those calls. there is nothing more difficult in the world to do. those men are out there doing what they love. the families have to suffer. they get weepy choices, don t come back in the come back missing arms and limbs, or not write mentally and not the same as how we left. nothing more sacred than the. heather: you have a lot to say about that. and tell us what you general kelly s speech. we will share your comments and look forward to that. a crucial step forward for donald trump s agenda republicans passing a $4 trillion budget proposal for donald trump tweeting great news on the 2018 budget, mitch
mcconnell first step toward delivering massive tax cuts for the american people. let s get to griff jenkins with developments all about the hashtag. right down party lines. the senate passed budget framework 51-49 paving the way for the tax reform plan donald trump promises would be the largest tax cut in history. we completed the first step toward replacing our broken tax code by passing comprehensive fiscally responsible budget that will put the government on path to balance. the budget gives us the tools we need to strengthen our economy after years of stagnation under the previous administration. when mcconnell mentions tools the senate can use a special process known as budget reconciliation to avoid a democratic filibuster and pass
tax reform with a simple majority of 51 votes. this would cut spending more than $5 trillion, for medicare, and $1 trillion for medicaid but senator rand paul was the only republican to vote against the bill joining democrats and opposing it. he said he couldn t in good conscience vote for budget that ignored spending caps as minority leader chuck schumer blasted any adding to the deficit. after eight years of debts and deficits under a democratic president republican deficit hawks seem to have flown the coop. one of the worst budgets congress has ever passed a. here is what happens, the house passed at the budget plan last week, house and senate, in the package coming next week. they want to get on the president s desk by christmas. that may be a bit hopeful but
calling a special cabinet meeting tomorrow, the most economically vital region to spain s government. the los angeles police department investigating harvey weinstein for rape, italian model accusing the disgraced hollywood mobile of sexual assault in 2013 at beverly hills hotel as we learn weinstein isn t taking sex rehab seriously according to a new shocking report in page 6, weinstein is being belligerent barking into his band phone and falling asleep during group therapy, remains in denial about the alleged attacks insisting each and every one was consensual. week 7 of the nfl kicking off last night with all players on the kansas city chiefs and oakland raiders standing for the national anthem but one player
known for protest making headlines. lynch ejected from the game after sprinting from the sideline and shoving a referee, watching the rest of the game from the stands while wearing street clothes. the los angeles dodgers are world series bound after a dominating win against the chicago cubs. it is cross and the ball game is over. they won the tenant. dodgers are added to the world series. first time in 29 years the 11-when victory gives the dodgers the first national league pennant since 1988. the american league game 6 between the new york yankees and houston astros kicks off tonight, the yankees just one win from the world series.
the time is 11 minutes after the top of the hour, free speech under fire, rowdy crowds, richard spencer putting the event short watching people discover their years. and emotional message about the sad state of politics from the left. i just got selfless devotion that brings man a woman dying in the battlefield, might be sacred. next guest is a us army veteran who understands the sacrifice and honor service men and women make. he joins us live up next and we will be talking to him. no uniform but there will be a frenzy over the new freaky cappuccino. find out what is in it next.
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white house chief of staff general john kelly giving an emotional defense of donald trump, the media continues to politicize a tragedy. should not fall in service members and their loved ones the spared political attacks. army veteran doctor darren porcher. we were just talking, and general standing yesterday. having to explain and defend the president and what happened to him. a unique position as relates to this, goldstar father, and chief of staff and a prior marine corps general.
if anyone understands it will be him and interesting, i felt terrible that he had to introduce this pattern in connection with goldstar family. it goes back to this no right way to do this. was to relive those moments, heart wrenching. it is a prior army officer. and on the other side of this to a goldstar family, and one thing donald trump mentioned, talking out of context, and the truth of the matter is i knew what i signed up for, initially and enlisted soldier but transferred to being an officer, this was in the back of my mind so talking
about training exercises, the element of danger present in those. the most controversial line brought out. what about the congresswoman, in terms of her and what she has done to bring this out and politicize with the family? she could handle this in a more professional manner. this was a discourse between the president and the goldstar family and should have stayed there. she should have stayed back. she is running for reelection soon, something she will tout moving forward, in diametric opposition to the trump administration and something came to the forefront more so and the sorrow of a goldstar family. call for his impeachment among other things in the past, going to families and their loved one has died. in a very unique position.
i was an officer, so we had people that passed away and never a good way to do this. traditionally when a family member or military member passes, someone referred to as the casualty officer knocks on someone s door and makes the notification as the person passed away but often times on the other end, the command staff make these phone calls to goldstar family members and it was never the same thing. it amazes me when i look at. a mortician in that line of work how they are able to do that. fortunately i only did it a few times. thank you for joining us, we appreciate your service. appreciate you keeping me on
fox. heather: the time is about 19 minutes after the top of the hour. no man left behind, search for a missing soldier in somalia is intensifying. the moment of contact, no one is left behind. what happened to these four men in these final moments, plus a modern-day goldrush, cities battling to become the site of amazon at newest headquarters. why it actually could ruin your city. these days families want to be connected 24/7.
protesters flooding the campus as ryan spencer took the stage to deliver a speech, the way nationalist to help organize the deadly rally in charlottesville virginia barely able to speak before the crowd shut him down. i am not going home. and add this speech. another high school catering to pc police in the name of being gender inclusive, ending a 50-year-old tradition of having the guys and girls again. now everyone will wear the same
color. the decision is about being respectful to select a gender or not select a gender. game on amazon in search for a new city to have the second headquarters in the competition heating up, it was actually yesterday but is it really worth? the cyber guy to explain pros and cons of having a billion-dollar retail company land in your city. thank you for joining us. talking about a goldrush, 39 cities across the us yesterday with the deadline. we think amazon knows who the winner is but haven t announced it yet. what we do know is it is pretty incredible. with regard to the amount of money that can come into your community. in seattle, amazon where they are currently headquartered has already speech is getting a
little feedback with mike. talking $38 billion from 2010 to 2016 that went into seattle. this could be coming into your community. if your city already has 1 million people in it, within 45 minutes of international airport and they want a friendly town, high-paying job coming into your town talking home values that will shoot up overnight, local economy boosted so the money will be converted to better schools hiring better teachers, hard-working this and that and $5 billion is what they will spend to fill this out and talking about a huge investment, adding the economy component and attracting new businesses. there is clarity so all these people hire local people and all the model shops going out of business because amazon is
shutting down by nature of the economy would be thriving again. this is like living in your house while you renovate. huge traffic jams, chaos during construction, and the existing identity of your town, you may know judy at the dry cleaner but that could change immediately when you have such an influx. cities in contention have to promise how large a facility, 8,000,000 ft. . you are right, 8 million square foot of the building they are going to build, 50,000 people to bring in, people spend $5 billion overnight building this, 39 cities and interesting things some mayors are doing,
kansas city mayor, once dollars of amazon boxes, please come to my city, pretty fun stuff. heather: the top five contenders. those are some ideas. my hometown charlotte in new york city. new york, chicago, but pittsburgh. heather: pros and cons to everything. it is half past the top of the hour almost. high praise for donald trump s chief of staff. there was a speech given by a general, chief of staff, goldstar father, an american. that is what people needed to hear. navy seal rob only of having the general on the back for speaking from the heart. what do you think of general kelly s emotional speech? we are share your comments. president obama helping fellow democrats with campaign speeches
but his message still the same. some of the politics we see, with we put them to bed.
welcome back to fox and friends first, emotional, rare patriotic moment from chief of staff general john kelly producing a riveting and stunning condemnation of frederica wilson s claims about donald trump s condolence call. s love of country shining. i was stunned when i came to work and brokenhearted at what i saw congress doing. a member of congress who listens in on a phone call from the president of the united states to a wife and his way tried to express that opinion, a brave
man, fallen hero. he knew what he was getting himself into because he listened. he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with people he wanted to be with. that was the message. kelly s own son robert, a marine lieutenant with killed fighting for the us in afghanistan in 2010. general kelly knows what happens when troops are killed. he watched it happen firsthand. rob o neill reminds us and america of the general s experiences and why it is so important to hear his speech. general kelly is the classiest guy in washington dc, that was a speech given by a general, chief of staff, goldstar father, an american. that is what people needed to hear because this is a goldstar
family, the most sacred thing we have, the bickering, the political politics, playing politics with families is unacceptable and i would like to see it end. people said stuff they hopefully regret and it ends, the president made a phone call that has got to be very uncomfortable, he asked general kelly what to said he said the best way he could. i know donald trump, he cares about the military, won t insults anybody, way general kelly said, it broke his heart. i watched it live and it was an excellent speech. praise is pouring in for general kelly online with some of your comments. a lot of praise for general kelly, i was crying before he was halfway done, moved beyond words and appalled by the reaction of some media.
jim on facebook, you are a great american, john kelly. even if he said the wrong thing or it was taken the wrong way it was meant to be kind, that is what hit general kelly so hard and got a little emotional. shirley on facebook, he was right on the mark, there is no draft like there was in vietnam, young men and women join because they want to. a great deck of the general made, they don t have to do this, they do it because they have the heart. thank you. everyone keep doing us your comments. another story, the pentagon putting the pieces together to find out what happens when four green berets were killed in a terrorist ambush. live from london more on that investigation. lots of questions about the
ambush and the handling of the ambush. us special forces soldiers were injured in that ambush, we know the body of the fourth soldier was recovered and what is less clear is why that david johnson or his body was left behind after that initial conduct and whether there was an appropriate search and rescue mission. the moment of contact no one left behind, the us, partner in nigerian forces or french forces on the ground actively searching. it is a battlefield, it is in the middle of nowhere so not as clear as the briefing room. information is foggy about details of the ambush. two of the outstanding issues, did the soldiers have the appropriate intelligence going
into a routine patrol just before this one. have they been appropriately briefed, second question was it appropriate because of soft skinned vehicles, did they have the right security posture? general kelly saying there is going to be an investigation but a lot of people in congress including senator mccain say that the white house has not been forthcoming with formation. they want more of it and if necessary will use a subpoena to get it. heather: bottom line whether it is the controversy over presidential phone calls and condolences or the investigation is green berets lost their lives. we need to remember that in all of this. donald trump meantime back home meeting with puerto rican governor at the white house and giving his administration a grade of 10 towards hurricane
relief efforts. we have done a really great job, we had tremendous cooperation from the governor and we are getting there. i m confident with your commitment and support we will be able in the long haul to give citizens of puerto rico adequate resources. giving the okay to provide additional funding to repair the ravaged islands, 80% of puerto rico remains without electricity. after months of vacation since leaving the oval office barack obama returning to the campaign trail. four more years! heather: promoting gubernatorial candidates in new jersey and virginia, president obama slamming the current administration without mentioning donald trump by name. the politics we see now, we thought we put that to bed.
looking 50 years back. it is the 21st century. not the 19th century. heather: obama breaking with presidential tradition in recent years by going out and campaigning for his party after leaving the white house. this is pretty exciting. hdtv s last season going out in style with two of favorite jewels announcing former first lady laura bush and minor league outfielder tim tebo will appear as special guests. the fifth and final season is on november 21st at 9:00 pm eastern. the time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour and controversy in the classroom after a teacher.tapes not one but ten elementary students mouths shut and the school is responding.
brand-new lawsuit taking on a diet soda industry, did it have a case? nfl players neil for the national anthem, one country music singer says i m going to stand. the musician going viral, joins us live. america ose words from a doctor: stage 2 breast cancer. i have three little kids, my baby s seven years old - i can t have cancer. we really wanted a cancer team, that would care about not only my cancer but you know, how is my husband doing through all of this? and what about your three kids? so we thought that we would travel to cancer treatment centers of america and see what they had to offer. i think the hope for us came in the form of knowing that these doctors were experts, and that they would help us decide the best course of action in
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bays and bring down a plane. a recent test shows lithium batteries in laptops can overheat from pressure and catch fire in less then a minute especially near certain products that contain aerosol. since 2006 pilot have been killed by in-flight fires that were caused or made worse by igniting batteries. general motors paying a big time for the ignition switch defect leading to 100 death. here with the latest on that. reporter: this comes three years after general motors recalled 5 million cars that contain that ignition switch defect that would not cause the airbag to deploy. it cost 120 death. they paid millions in
settlements, but general motors going to have to pay $120 million to 49 states and the district of columbia to resolve allegations that general motors didn t disclose the safety defect in a timely manner causing these deaths. the states say general motors new this in 2004 but we didn t hear about this. i heard this before the diet soda makes you fat but people are suing over that. these are several federal lawsuits this past monday, separate lawsuits against the largest sodamaker s, pepsi and dr pepper. the lawsuit said the marketing gets people to think they will lose weight when it is the opposite. we will see if there is a case.
heather: starbucks, do you remember the unicorn? back in the summer. heather: it didn t taste too good. but it was so popular. starbucks reporting on something called the zombie, they haven t announced the drink yet. it is going to be green apple, pink powder, don t know what flavor that is. and pink mocha drizzle, just in time for halloween, october 26th. i want to know how long it will take to break that. starbucks thank you, have a great
weekend. the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour. and 8 is called out for softball questions. so many people asking you to tell the story, you re talking about it now and you won t talk about it again. heather: what we learned about this bizarre interview. fired up for picking up a dollar, fired for picking up a dollar off the floor. this grandmother was let go from walmart. ah, dinner.
about the bizarre interview ellen degeneres scored with a las vegas security guard. at 8 has been called out for softball questions to jesus campos and the daily mail is reporting hotel executives pressured him to only appear on ellen to keep him from talking with the media. reporters who broke the story saying mgm is trying to keep the timeline from changing. we spoke to an insider who confirmed this with all mgm. they were concerned about the timeline it keeps changing and they would not keep it great if he was put on hard talk shows with pressure. heather: the report claims mgm is worried the disputed timeline could prompt victims families to sue if police were not called right away by the hotel. substitute teacher has been banned from teaching after placing duct tape over the mouth of ten, fifth-graders. students according to officials
in texas, the incident lasted several minutes before the teacher was removed from the classroom. no word why she did it. all the students were checked out by the school nurse and return to their classes. and 84-year-old grandmother demanding answers after she is fired from walmart. she was working at the door as a greeter for nearly a decade. she said she was told to turn in her vest and badge after picking up a dollar bill she found on the floor. a manager is telling her she was being let go because of her, quote, integrity. i thought how am i going to be able to push my walker and walk myself outside? i needed the job. heather: walmart not commenting on it firing so far.
unveiling the 2017 christmas book, lavish gifts did not disappoint the most outrageous gifts including his and hers rolls-royce cars for $449,000, first-class trip to france to make champagne, $150,000 individual and crusted brooch of the bunny dressed like a butler. who doesn t want? a message to the protesters refusing to stand for the national and, he will stand and now his hit is going viral. the country music star is with us live, stay tuned for that. a symbol of freedom whoooo.
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excited and they wanted to know what made you do this. a friend of mine said write a song about the nfl. that was on thursday. so i wrote the song. heather: we got to fix the like while you are talking. i started writing political songs, one of them was the monica lewinsky and one about sarah palin. last year, i wrote i am voting for donald for president. you are a donald trump and. are you a football fan? i certainly am. heather: they beat us but that
is okay. so what did you think, when you see these players not standing for the national anthem? they have a constitutional right and i have a solution for all of this, you wanted to know about the song. on thursday we wrote the song and friday we performed in pennsylvania and i didn t have a chance to rehearse with the band but i wanted to try it out in the evening so susie, my bandmates and cowriter holding the lyrics sheet concentrating on singing the song. so we got going. heather: the crowd loved it. they were shared.

President , Member , Phone-call , Great-american , Congress , Way , Man , Opinion , Fallen-hero , People , Tax-reform-plan-donald-trump , Chief-of-staff

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 20170925 14:00:00

here. and the real problem is donald trump is not the closer. he can t call these people up and say, hey, i ve done so much for you, you need to vote for this for me. this is not going to sway senate republicans. darlene, a lot of the opposition in the bill isn t something that the sweeteners will necessarily be able to fix. a lit more money here or there to alaska or maine. the critique is more fundamental from susan collins. so how does senator graham and cassidy get over the hurdle? that s a good question. you mentioned susan collins and rand paul who is always for repeal and his opposition to this bill now is based on the fact that it does not entirely repeal obamacare. so i don t know how you flip him on that basis. and can president trump close the deal? that remains to be seen. this is one of several headlines moving forward throughout the day here. what is happening on the health with health, happening on the
he s a spokesman for the league. and i asked him specifically if there has been any private dialogue between the white house and the nfl since the president first began pushing this story on friday. remember, during his remarks in alabama. lockhart said there has not been any dialogue. he said the president has chosen his platform with twitter. lockhart said if the president wants to engage in something positive and constructive, quote, he knows our number. well, the president clearly has chosen to communicate, not by phone, but by tweet. again, this morning, tweeting on this topic, let s show you some of the latest comments on this issue that certainly fueled this sort of uniting moment as the nfl views it across the league with players and owners in many cases locking arms, kneeling for the national anthem. at times, the pittsburgh steelers not coming onto the field. here s what the president wrote, the issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. it is about respect for our flag, country and national anthem.
the nfl must respect this. many people booed the players yesterday, a small percentage of the players, he noted. and he added this about nascar, so proud of nascar and its supporters and fans. they won t put up with disrespecting our country or our flag. they said it loud and clear. and then within the last hour or so, hallie, he tweeted a new hashtag, stand for our anthem. be clear, the president tried to tweak the conversation to focus on what he describes as the disrespect to our country by kneeling during those national anthems. the players, remember, this original nighted with a player, now no longer playing for a team, colin kaepernick, who kneeled down because he insisted he was protesting racial injustice. police brutality in this country. so the bottom line is, for the president to suggest this has nothing to do with race, ignores the fundamental basis for the protests in the first place. at this point, it s ultimately brought together all sorts of
athletes of all different stripes and what is as much a protest as it is a show of defiance to the president himself, hallie. peter alex ander on this story today. we ll watch for you later on nightly news and see you at the white house. the response from the nfl has been pretty overwhelming. 30 of 32 teams have released statements in response to the president s remarks. some of them naming the president directly. including new england patriots owner robert kraft who donated a million dollars to the president s inauguration. here s what kraft said, i am deeply disappointed by the tone of the comments made by the president on friday. our players are intelligent, thoughtful and care deeply about our community and i support their right to peacefully affect social change and raise awareness in a matter they feel is most impactful. now i m joined by joe watkins, former aide to george h.w. bush. gentlemen, thank you for being here. joe, let me start with you, because this is an interesting
and they have the right to protest. what makes this country great is the right of americans to protest. to say when they don t agree and things can be better than they are. this makes the country a great country. so the players are within their right to protest and say they don t agree. mike, are you surprised at all by the way the nfl has responded to the president s criticism? i think it shows just how over-the-top the president s criticism was. so to give you the context of who the nfl is and who the owners are, roger good el, the commissioner, the son of a republican senator, you mentioned that bob kraft gave a million to donald trump. so did the owner of the y jacksonville jaguars, him linking arms with his players. the nfl owners, most conservative or republican of the sports league, showed they gave over $8 million in the last election cycle to republicans and only $200,000 to democrats. so these are the owners, these
are the rich captains of industry, these are in some cases trump s friends. and even they are coming together saying, you know, it s not really about the flag or protests, it s about you as the president inserting yourself into our private business in a way that doesn t help us or the country at all. joe, the times had a write-up about the president not uniting the country but with situations like this instead broadening the divide essentially. you might have heard peter alexander a couple minutes ago say on this conference call in the last 40 minutes with the nfl, the suggestion from joe lockhart was, hey, the president has our number. he can give us a call. is the president going to pick up the phone and call anybody at the nfl in your view? i m not expecting that to happen. but i sure do wish that the president would take a page of abraham lincoln s book. and in that page, that is that the president s job in part is to call americans to be better
angels by nature. this is what we hope presidents do, bring us together, they help us to heal as a country. and that would be my home as well for this president, he would seem fit to bring us together to help us heal as a country. i haven t seen that yet, but that s the direction i would like to see this head. we have challenges in this country and have to face them and talk about them. we have to fix them. whatever is wrong, we have to fix. and these players who are speaking out in such a bold way are within their right to do it. and they want to see a better cone tri, lebron james and steph curry, i agree with them. and that is something we have not touched on yet. the presidential unessentially uninviting steph curry and the warriors to the white house. after curry said he wouldn t go anyway, and lebron giving backup to curry after the president tweeted. mike, one of my colleagues here at nbc news, jonathan allen, has a piece out that the trump neil attack gives his backing a
reason to stand. there are folks who don t necessarily want to see the football players taking a position, kneeling or standing or anything when it comes to politics. think about that? is that the way folks see football? i think there are a couple issues here. ment is it the question, this is what we don t want football players to do, take a knee, maybe. i have seen polling on them that shows the majority of the americans say to stand and respect the flag. i can totally understand that. but is the bigger issue that we don t want football players taking a knee or we don t want the president injecting himself into the first amendment rights of football players. so the president might want to change the conversation just like that in charlottesville where he changed it to, let s make it a referendum on taking down statues. but the whole idea of playing to his base, your base is the people who support you the most. the people who support him the
most are those that show it. but you want to talk about his base, when he says to the base, i m going to do the exact opposite of what i said, that was daca, that was the day he announced a deal with nancy pelosi was the day he lit into the woman on espn to be fired. so he s using the sports issued to distract from a failing political agenda. mike and joe, thank you for joining the conversation for what came up later in the afternoon. it popped up that there s a briefing at the white house at 2:00 this afternoon. i ll be there and so will some of these questions. thank you very much. in other news, the president wanted a stronger, tougher travel ban. and now it seems he might have one. his latest version of it indefinitely restricting travel
from more countries than before. what about the legalities of this thing? we ll talk about it after the break. hat? it s you! it s me? alright emma, i know it s not your favorite but it s time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] emma, emma bo-bemma banana-fana-fo-femma fee-fi-fo-femma em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine, cause i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident-free. and i don t share it with mom. right, mom? right. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. only from allstate. my business was going nowhere. so i built this kickin new website with godaddy. building a website in under an hour is easy! 68% of people.
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countries to the last. chad, north korea and venezuela. nbc s pete williams is joining us now with more. pete, take us through the specifics here and how the guidelines are different from what we have seen before. reporter: well, they are different because theyed a three new countries, that s one difference. second, the original travel ban that went into effect in march or in july after the supreme court ruling, basically said it was 90 days. this one is indefinite until those countries conform to what the u.s. says is a new baseline for the sort of information that the nation needs to assess the validity of visa information. the government says that these lists, this new restriction, is the result of canvassing every country in the world saying here s the new information we want, and then assessing how well the countries did on a grade. but basically, all visas are blocked from north korea and syria. now, that is not a big change for north korea. there was only 110 visas granted in all of last year from north
korea. for chad, libya, yemen, no business or tourist visas blocked. and the one in venezuela was not restricted for most people, but it is a restriction on travel by government fishes. tho officials. any government can get off if it ups its game and conforms to the new requirements that the government has for three things. the ability to assess the validity of the information. to say that a person from those countries is who they say they are. secondly, that the government in those countries gives the united states realtime information about terrorists. and thirdly, the overall terrorist situation in those countries. so they say it s not permanent, it s up to these countries to see if they want to get off the list. pete, how does this change or not change the sort of legal battle happening over the ban that you talked about
originally, the one under review by the supreme court? i think the answer to that is nobody knows. last night the justice department recommended to the supreme court that both sides in the supreme court showdown over the travel ban, which is now scheduled for oral argument in the court october 10th, should submit new briefs to the court saying what this means. this is still part of top original travel ban. the original travel ban executive order called for this assessment. so it s not that the travel ban is gone, it s that it s now in a new phase. but frankly, hallie, this does give the supreme court an off-ramp here to say, well, these are all new facts and we need to send this back to the lower courts to figure out what this means. that s potentially a very likely outcome here. pete williams, thank you very much. appreciate it. in the proclamation that the white house put out, it talked about the department of homeland security doing this in cooperation with other departments and agencieagencies. it was coordinated between state, homeland, et cetera.
compared to the last version of the travel ban we saw the announcement seems to have been laying the foundation a little more broadly than before. yeah, i think that s right. remember the chaos that happened with the first travel ban where they had not given a heads-up to the agencies involved in policing this that would normally be part of the surrogates that go to sell something like this. there were protests. this is something where we are in the 3.0 version. the trump administration is getting better with the coordination factor so important in washington. critics say, there are some who suggest this is still a muslim ban except with north korea and venezuela now thrown in. right. someone from the american civils liberty union said that last night. it s sort of adding north korea and venezuela to give the administration cover, which is not what the president called for last year campaigning. he called for complete and total shut down of muslims coming into
the country. so potentially this is doing little to set aside the criticism the president has been getting already. i was talking to josh gorstein and they expect to have the same legal challenges with this ban as the previous 2.0 ban as well. so there are going to be challenges for the months to come. anna, i m going to ask you to hang out for a minute with more related to politics later in the show. but first to the huge story happening in puerto rico with all eyes on this dam damaged by hurricane maria with flash flood warnings still in effect. you ve got nearly the entire island still without power. people are having a hard time finding food and gas. we have a live report from puerto rico after the break.
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the disgraced former new york congressman is set to be sentenced for sending inappropriate text messages to a 15-year-old girl. this is part of that sexting scandal. as part of his plea deal, wiener agreed not to appeal the prosecutor s recommendation of 21 to 27 months in prison. by the way, as soon as we find out about this sentence, we re going to dip in and bring it to you live when it happens, which could be in the next couple of minutes. we ll keep you posted. and on another huge story, imagine needing something to drink and getting it by using a piece of pipe to gather rainwater from a hill. imagine needing desperately to call your family to make sure they are okay, but having to huddle on the side of the highway just to get cell service. imagine being in port rico right now where one official told the a.p. this weekend, quote, the devastation has set us back nearly 20 to 30 years after hurricane maria devastated the island. but the puerto rican governor now asking for more help from washington. tammy leitner is live in san
juan for us. right now, the governor of new york says the government needs to do more, so what is the priority on the ground right now? reporter: hallie, they need everything at this point. but small baby steps are being made. trash pickup resumed today. this is the bus lane. we saw the first bus go by. limited transportation right now, but on the other hand, there are still enormous lines that stretch miles. people are waiting for hours. still very few grocery stores are open and they are making rescues across the island. part of the reason it is taking so long is roads are washed away. very limited communication. and people really don t have any of the basic that in cessties. necessities. we traveled to a town 90 minutes away where people jerry-rigged a pvc pipe to fill buckets for water. one than lived outside the area, let s go ahead and listen to what he had to say.
we lost our homes. actually, myself, we lost our roof. right now we are just putting this on so everyone can get their water. we know that everybody needs something. reporter: angel is the oldest of seven kids and says as the oldest he feels he needs to take care of his brothers and sisters. that s why he was there gathering his water. his father is a police officer and still out working. so hallie, people are doing what they can to survive. that s the state of things right now on the ground. tammy, there are places in puerto rico where people still haven t seen a lot of emergency officials because it is just so hard to get to. is there any progress in some of the more remote areas of the island yet? reporter: very, very slowly. i can tell you, we went to one area yesterday where rescuers had just gotten to that area. and there were 11 towns, about 2,000 families, that nobody had heard from. because the main road had collapsed. so they were going to try to fly in rescue crews to get there.
so there are a lot of towns that nobody has even heard of just at this point. tammy leitner on the ground in san juan. tammy, i know it has been a long stretch for you and for the crews there, please stay safe and thank you for bringing us this critical reporter. up next, we want to talk about new details on president trump s son-in-law using private e-mail to talk to white house colleagues.
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later on this week some familiar faces will be on capitol hill to talk about the russia investigation. long-time trump associate roger stone and former trump staff member boris epshteyn will be interviewed by the house intelligent side. then officials from twitter will be answering questions, too. but this morning it s another social media giant facebook making all the headlines after the washington post reported former president obama tried to give mark zuckerberg, the ceo, a wake-up call over fake news on facebook before the inauguration. i m joined now by one of the writers of the article, washington post national technology reporter craig timberg. and politico s anna palmer and darlene superville. take us inside the private meeting between president obama and mark zuckerberg. what happened? well, it s been clear for some time that facebook was caught off guard by what happened. and we learned that this
reinforces that. nine days after mark zuckerberg famously referred to the idea of fake news as a crazy idea, president obama pulled him aside at a conference in lima, peru, they both happened to be at and said, you need to understand, this is serious. we need you to take it seriously. and we re told that that was part of the growing awareness of facebook with a real problem on their hands. we re watching the other side of the skrecreen here, the facek live from mark accident occurring zuckerberg last week addressing fake news. where was mark in january and february after the discussion with president obama? we are told that facebook was looking into the issue of russia manipulation as far back as june 2016 and found troubling things including links to gucifer 2.0, the hacker spreading the wikileaks information about hillary clinton staff e-mails and such. but they didn t seem to find
their way into this issue of the russians buying the ads until recently. as recently as late july they were telling cnn. no, there s no russian ads. so it is clear it has been a process for them to get to where they have gotten. and anna, should the american people been let in on the process earlier than maybe they were? well, i m sure we wish we had known what was happening. and i m sure hillary clinton s campaign wishes she knew what was happening at that time. but this will be an issue, and it just keeps on going, the more people dig, the more reporters find out about this, the more facebook has problems. craig, i appreciate you being on the show and we ll get you back later in the week when we see twitter folks heading over to the hill, nice scoop this morning, appreciate it. i want to talk about something else related to all this as well, 2016, the fallout as well, which is a political report from your organization, anna, that trump senior advisor jared kushner, the president s son-in-law, used a private e-mail account to exchange information with other officials. kushner s lawyer confirmed the story to nbc news adding fewer
than 100 e-mails were involved and usually it was kushner forwarding news articles or political commentary or e-mails sent to him. now, darlene, let s talk context here. because this is not the same, there are differences to hillary clinton s use of private e-mail, but those of us who watch the campaign and the president rail again and again against the use of private e-mail, certainly took note of this headline. absolutely. you remember during the campaign, like you said, he talked a lot about hillary clinton s use of private e-mail when she was secretary of state. and as a government official, you re not supposed to use your personal e-mail to do government business. and so the context is quite interesting because of what the president talked about in the campaign and now here you have his son-in-law and senior advisor, senior white house advi advis adviser, essentially doing the same thing. but there are differences, anna. this is not a homegrown server. he s not under an fbi investigation right now for this. right. this is different.
i think the stunning thing to me really is, if this was not trump tweeting with the nfl, puerto rico, hurricanes, this would be the biggest story for a week. but because this is just an administration that is controversy after conversation, this will be a couple day story. should it be a big story for a week? it should definitely be a big story, how hard he went after hillary clinton on this very same issue, and the fact that, like i said a minute ago, you re not supposed to do government business on personal e-mail. and was it a question of judgment in wasn t that the point that president trump was trying to make? how does that play into jared kushner? this guy is doing middle east peace and enjoy in charge of ty to russia. the question is, what judgment was he using? and are we just going to say, oh, this is what his spokesman says, these are what the e-mails were about. who actually knows. we have seen some of the e-mails, but we have not seen all of them. the numbers seem to be changing
there. cheat sheet for me, ladies, what should sarah huck believe sa huckabee sanders be asked about this. why did he do it? what was the substance of them? don jr. released e-mails when he came under fire for his e-mails. why doesn t jared kushner, simply forwarding the different commentary. if the content was innocuous, let everyone see. we talked about the headlines happening, you have the devastation from hurricane maria and the jared kushner story. the continuing russian investigation and what is happening in alabama where it is basically mike pence versus steve bannon with just hours to go until steve bannon campaigns for his candidate. we ll have more after this.
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i m so happy. whatever they went through, they went through together. welcome guys. life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you. we have some breaking news now. earlier in the show we told you about anthony weiner waiting to get sentenced in that sexting case. the former new york congressman has been issued to 21 months for sending inappropriate text messages to an underaged girl. this is part of the sexting
scandal that was a huge issue in the 2016 presidential race. i want to bring in now our nbc legal analyst, danny sovalis. danny, this is just happening in the last couple minutes here, 21 month months for anthony weiner, what is your take-away? 21 months was on the stipulated low end of the guidelines, 21 to 27 months. to give you an idea how harsh the sentencing guidelines are for child pornography-like cases, in this case, anthony weiner s sentencing guidelines actually exseated the statutory maximum. which in this case would be 120 months. you do the math, that is ten years. but that gives you the idea, you rack up the points in the sentencing guidelines when it comes to using a computer, the age of the victim, all of those things. so in this case, even the government recognized that a range of 21 to 27 months was reasonable, anthony weiner ended up with the low end of that
range, which would likely be reasonable on appeal. so number one, what happens next? is he going to appeal? number two, where does he go? it is federal prison, right? he should get in most case, you would get remanded to custody. because he s a relatively light sentence in the world of federal sentencing, which usually measures in years, not months, you can file a motion to remain out pending an appeal, but he pleaded guilty. he took responsibility, he waged the indictment. he will serve that time. in the federal system it is month to month. for anthony weiner, the former husband of huma abedin, hillary clinton s right-hand woman. this played out in a political sense in 2016 as well. it sure did. that is in what is filed by
anthony weiner s attorneys. it factored in and it is part of the overall dialogue. and something that even the judge would take into consideration. i should add also that in the case of a plea agreement like this, it s only likely that he would appeal if the sentence was unreasonable. because he was within the stipulated guidelines, it s not likely that this appeals court would ever find the sentence unreasonable. danny sovalis, our msnbc legal analyst breaking down some of the breaking news. anthony weiner sentenced to 21 months in that sexting scandal. one count of sending inappropriate text messages to a teenager girl. we want to go now to other news of the day, specifically related to politics. specifically related to what is happening down south in alabama. that is where republicans are picking their candidate for the state s open senate seat tomorrow. but today the conservative big guns are coming in and heading to their respective corners. you have vice president pence trying to prop up incumbent
luther strange who is down in the polls, even with that endorsement from president trump. and then on the other side, you ve got roy moore. and steve bannon, the president s former chief strategist, along with these folks, the duck dynasty star phil robertson, nigel farage who helped out architect brexit. we ll talk about this. but first we want to get you back to new york for more developing news. this is the foreign minister of north korea. we have been waiting for this for about 50 minutes. he s speaking in front of his hotel in manhattan. we want to take you there now. we believe there is going to be an english translation. i want to listen in for just a moment here. translator: as you already know, over the last few days, the united nations has sincerely wished that the war of words between the ptrk and the united states does not turn into the real actions.
[ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ] translator: however, last we weekend, trump said our leadership wouldn t be around much longer. at last, he declared war on our country. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: given the fact that this comes from someone currently holding the seat of the united states presidency, this is clearly a declaration of war. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: all the member
states participating in the united nation and the whole world should clearly remember that it was the u.s. who first declared war on our country. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: the u.n. charter stipulates individual member states rights to self-defense. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: since the united states declared war on our country, we will have every right to make countermeasures, including the right to shoot down the united states strategy bombers, even when they re not
yet inside the air space border of our country. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: the question of who won t be around much longer will be answered then. so let me explain what you were just watching there. that was the north korean foreign minister along with an english translator next to him. it was a hastily called news conference in front of his hotel in new york city after, of course, last week s united nations general assembly. you saw that group of reporters and photographers there watching that impromptu news conference. that included nbc s ron allen, who is on the phone with us. it was difficult to clear. a few phrases stood out to me.
that was the declaration of war by the united states as north korea sees it. can you walk us through the headlines from your perspective? exactly. ha this was a parting shot by the foreign minister. he s heading home, presumably. he said president trump s statement that north korea won t be around much longer was a declaration of war by the united states against his country. and he said that the world should remember, looking forward, that it was first the united states, he says, that declared war against his country, and that his country, north korea, has the right to self-defense. he talked specifically about the u.s. bombers, the bombers from guam near north korea, into north korean air space, as a deterrent, he said the north koreans have the ability or have the right to shoot those down if, in fact, they come into north korean air space. that remains to be seen.
however, the bottom line is very, very defiant talk. this escalation of words between the north koreans and the united states just keeps getting more and more heated. the question is, what happens? does any of this rhetoric turn into reality? i can tell you from being in the region for a while, there s a lot of concern about misunderstanding, misstatements. a lot about this bravado and bluster going back and forth. remember, it only takes minutes for one of the missiles the north koreans have been launching to reach its destination. in the short period of time, the united states, south korea, japan, has to react and decide what they re going to do. there s a lot of concern that all this rides on peace, security, rides on slight margins, given the bravado from both sides, the united states and the north koreans. the foreign minister stepped back to the podium. let s see what he has to say. thanks, ron. i m going to see if we can pull that shot up with our control
room here. we don t have it at the moment. we re going to monitor it and bring anything to you that we hear. ron allen is hopefully going to stay with us. i want to bring in michael allen of beacon global strategies, someone who knows a lot of this. we watch the tape from a couple minutes ago of the north korean. [ speaking foreign language ] foreign minister. north korea threatening countermeasures, saying donald trump declared war. we have seen this become personal between pyongyang and washington. it is getting too hot. i know why trump did what he did, by calling out north korea. it is the madman theory of international relsations. you re referring to his speech at the united nations general assembly, where he called kim jong-un rocket man and said the u.s. may have to destroy north korea if needed. he tacalled them out. in part, to incentivize the chinese to take economic
measures against the north. the problem is, the temperature is getting too high now. we may have some misunderstanding and the rhetoric get out of control and some kind of skirmish. now, it is getting dangerous. what is happening right now inside the west wing, the state department, for the people who work on this region? when they look at what the foreign minister just said at the press conference in new york city, what s the reaction? what are they doing? some people in the national security council are urging caution on president trump, to not return the volley of incendiary words. i think they might be suggesting that perhaps it makes more sense that secretary mattis go out. the state department is certainly trying to message through whatever channels they have, hey, what did you mean by this? let s try and work things out. or at least turn the temperature down. while also going to china and saying, china, do something quick. anna and darlene, i ll bring you into the conversation. what i heard from administration officials, state department,
pentagon, is diplomatic solutions are still the priority. we want to resolve this, if we can, diplomatically. then you have discussions like this. i think what s happening behind the scenes, which is what this bravado is happening, kind of publicly, is really what we re all focused on here, right? we want to know, how are they going to try to take the temperature down a little bit, as you were saying, and also is there a way to resolve this without military action? i think everybody agrees that s not what people want. darlene, before i get to you, i want to get back to ron allen. ron, you said it looked as though the foreign minister of north korea was taking more questions from reporters. did he? he just made a statement. he came back to say that all options are on the table, given this declaration of war by the united states. what he means by that, of course, is perhaps military options. it is a clear threat. this is another big concern in the region. remember, we re talking about ballistic missile tests and nuclear tests, but beyond that, north korea has one of theb
biggest standing armies anywhere in the world. along the border with south korea, there are thousands of artillery pieces. they ve been there a long time. unclear how well they work, but they re a clear threat to south korea and japan, very close by. no one who has no reasonable person can see a military solution to this. if the united states initiated a first strike which, by the way, the south koreans said we should not do, the north koreans have the capacity to respond. not necessarily with a nuclear weapon or ballistic missile, but a conventional piece of artillery, mortar, artillery round. they could do a huge amount of damage in south korea. remember, we re talking about the korean peninsula, a very small space. from seoul to drive north through the border is about an hour and a half. from seoul south to the end of the peninsula is five, six hours. in the space, you have tens of millions of people within range of north korea. ron allen there in new york.
michael, final thoughts? what worries me is this may be a prelude to what the north koreans have been warning, which is that they may do an aboveground nuclear weapons test, which would certainly upset the apple cart. we ll have to see what they have in mind. sometimes their rhetoric preseepreced precedes something harsh. michael, darlene, anna, thank you for being with us on set. i want to thank ron allen, from the news conference with the north korean foreign minister. before we go, we want to go back to mexico, recovering from the devastating earthquake. the little girl with her hard hat, giving up free hugs. this mexican officer took her up on it. she s been offering the embraces to people all over the site, helping any way she knows how. on a monday morning, children like this little girl would normally be heading to school. not today. nearly 99% of schools in mexico city are still closed as

Protesters , Something , Lot , Problem , Donald-trump , Republicans , Opposition , Darlene-viewer-superville , Fix , Sweeteners , Bill-isn-t , Closer