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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181027 10:00:00

let s. go informant magazine. d.w. . this is d w news live from berlin a criminal record and a passion for you as president donald trump details emerge about the man suspected of sending a series of mail bombs to prominent democrats fingerprint evidence helped track down the florida man in question as investigators scrutinized more suspicious packages believed to be linked to this plot. also coming up as the fragile truce
falters in syria fresh talks aimed first steps towards a political solution to the country s seventy year civil war turkey hosts russia france and germany for a summit in istanbul. and another key vote for a german chancellor angela merkel a shaky coalition of germany s conservatives are bracing for another blow this time in the central state of pessah we have the latest on sunday s election. welcome to the program i m mary in evanston. u.s. authorities say the man arrested over a series of mail bombs sent a prominent democrats has a history of criminal history rather and is also a fervent supporter of president donald trump but officials are yet to disclose
a motive fifty six year old florida residents is our say york was tracked down with the help of fingerprint evidence investigators say they re looking into new suspicious packages thought to be connected to the case. u.s. or thirty s believe they ve got their man investigators allege fifty six year old sees as sayaka is responsible for the pipe bomb packages which have been sent to high profile democrats police also seized what they believe to be the suspects van emblazoned with far right paraphernalia and posters supporting u.s. president donald trump they hope the vehicle might contain crucial clues as to whether he was operating alone the director of the f.b.i. praised those working on the case i want to focus for a moment on the amazing work of our folks at the air. based on their initial analysis they uncovered a latent fingerprint from one of the involved containing an i.e.d.
that had been sent to congresswoman maxine waters but as the suspect was being taken into custody there were more surprises in california a suspicious package was found addressed to u.s. senator and democrats kemal a harris meanwhile kind of phony and billionaire and democrat donor tom style was also targeted more than a dozen bombs have now been identified some of the latest targets were u.s. senator cory booker and former director of national intelligence james clapper the rest prominent democratic leaders all supporters the clintons former president barack obama his vice president joe biden actor robert de niro to all of those targeted are outspoken critics of president donald trump trump address the issue at the white house calling the acts despicable and saying they had quote no place in our country later he said they defect to the republican campaign for the midterm elections republicans had the magic moment the moment of crisis happened where all
the people talked about was that and rightfully so it was a big thing rightly so but now we have got the moment when we get trump who so said his political opponents and the media were trying to score political points with a mail bomb scare. the w. s maya schrader has been following events in washington and she sent us this assessment. case cracked maybe police apprehended a fifty six year old florida man in connection with a string of pipe bombs that have been said to prominent democratic political operatives across the country we know that he is definitely a supporter of president trump based on both his social media post and on his van that was plastered in pro trump stickers and apprehended at the scene as well we also know that he has a criminal history stretching back about thirty years including one arrest that police made in two thousand and two after he made a bomb threat but there s still a lot that we don t know we don t have the official motive of these attacks from
the f.b.i. yet we don t know whether he worked alone or with someone or someones else and we still don t know how many pipe bombs might still be out there one thing is for sure this has thrown a monkey wrench into the midterm campaigning with the president himself lamenting that this has slowed the g.o.p. momentum with just a few days left until the elections. turkey says it will push for a concrete steps to resolve the syria conflict during a four nation summit it s hosting today in istanbul turkish president to one will be meeting with the leaders of germany france and russia they re due to discuss the situation on the ground in syria as well as a demilitarized buffer zone in the rebel held part of the province near turkey s border summit comes after at least seven civilians were killed and live on friday in the deadliest day of shelling in months. seven years of war in syria at least three hundred fifty thousand killed and
a country in ruins now the rebel stronghold faces a seach the next humanitarian crisis is imminent. the last part of syria under the control of president bashar al assad many of his opponents have fled here but it is only a question of time until his troops from his lies retake the region. in northern syria. turkey and europe fear that a majority of the three million people living here will try to flee initiating another refugee crisis preventing this will be the main goal of the political summit in istanbul. the syrian conflict is dominated by foreign powers mainly russia iran and turkey they have different interests at stake and support different sides in the conflict with weapons logistics and personnel russian president vladimir putin is president assad s closest ally russia has been taking an active part in the war since two thousand and fifteen putin wants to strengthen russia s
military presence in the region syria is its sole access point to the mediterranean sea president hassan rouhani of iran is the other major assad supporter from day one to iran has supported damascus with advisors weapons and troops syria in return provides iran with a crucial route to the hezbollah militia in lebanon. turkish president rich type one would like to topple assad has supported various radical rebel groups from the start and since january turkey has had troops of its own in syria one of at advance goals is to limit kurdish influence in the region. during advance recent visit to berlin german chancellor angela merkel agreed to this weekend summit russia iran and turkey have used the syrian conflict to reestablish their positions as regional powers in the middle east. but reconstruction will require western money perhaps giving leaders like merkel
additional clouts. well in the syrian city of rocca it s been more than a years this the so-called islamic state group was driven out by the u.s. led coalition and militia fighters our reporter jeff karim traveled to the city to ask people what it s like to live there and whether those who fled should return you know the only most would you tell refugees who are in europe or lebanon to come back you don t hear joe show instantly. know the few families with kids to come to our schools and hospitals there are no schools no hospitals but the solution should not be to leave the country. i don t understand why they re not coming back to our country it s safe no there are hospitals and everything is available. are you still here. yes mines it s not like we still had them two or three times a day now. what s
a little they should come back for you know yes now i wouldn t prize them to come back we have everything we need here to stay from there is work closely with. there s no work at sol that is the main problem people are sitting around doing nothing i m one of them much home with nothing to do. and on the move and seventy percent of records destroyed so where should they go there s no transport no electricity. all right let s turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world residents of afghanistan s kandahar province are voting in parliamentary elections amid tight security the ballot was delayed by a week after the taliban claimed killing of a powerful police chief the nationwide elections are the first since two thousand and ten they ve been hampered by frequent militant attacks and irregularities at polling stations. turkey has called on saudi arabia to extradite the eighteen
suspects in the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi said the government has said it would itself punish those involved in what it described as a rogue operation. was killed after entering the saudi consulate in istanbul on october second. many of the central american migrants traveling through southern mexico have rejected a proposal from that country s president that they apply for refugee status and obtain benefits their group of several thousand central americans valent to continue heading north to the u.s. border. thousands of people have gathered in taiwan for asia s largest gay pride parade it comes one month ahead of a major vote on l g b t rights taiwan s top court legalized gay marriage in twenty seventeen but has yet to implement it a referendum vote during november elections seeks to prohibit the change. well here in germany chancellor angela merkel s conservatives are bracing for yet more
punishment at the ballot box this weekend that s when voters in the state of hester choose new regional leaders and the state is home to germany s financial center frankfurt and what happens it has is expected to have consequences in berlin big losses are forecast for both miracles c.d.u. and the social democrats two weeks ago americans bavarian allies the c.s.u. slumped to their worst election result in decades. frankfurt germany financial hope an economic powerhouse and the biggest city in has the southwest and german state governed by anglo merkel s conservative c.d.u. and the green party after twenty years in power the conservatives are bracing for huge losses as has heads to the polls. but this time around the stacey election isn t only about local politics how hesse s four million voters cast their ballots
on sunday could have huge repercussions. not least of all the german chancellor. despite projecting an image of stability on the campaign trail and has a macro has every reason to be concerned the conservatives are at a record low the worst case scenario would be if a close ally and has a state premie a focus what pushed out of office months of squabbling and debates over migration impersonality federal level have overshadowed the has a state. it s built on sunday the vote is about has. then we ll talk about berlin. i think this is important because the has the state government and this is credited for a couple few showed how one can achieve great results without quarrels and. though this describes a given set theory. even in hesse s catholic conservative stronghold of fulda
disenchanted voters are leaving germany s traditional pick ten parties to find political pastures new both at local and national level germany s green party and the far right alternative for germany party or a f t a cashing in on forma c.d.u. voters. this reality of voting age fifty because they really present an alternative to the power obsessed politics of america who put saving the euro before the interests of ordinary germans do you turn then moment i m inclined at the moment to vote for the green side because they say what they want and what they don t want. i m a classic c.d.u. voter but i m rethinking that now. i m thinking about voting for the greens. has a state premier folk of goofy a is all too aware of the exodus from germany s traditional centrist parties on sunday that could cost him his job.
to be honest the parties that make up the grand coalition and this goes for the social democrats as well as the conservative c.d.u. they ve got a difficult job in this campaign fighting off this feeling of discontent which actually has nothing to do with us. but has this state election could indeed have everything to do with the future of germany s federal government the question then is how long it can last after yet another stress test. but regardless of sunday s result losses for the conservatives are inevitable which means yet more difficult days ahead for chancellor angela merkel. german soccer news now and abundantly a weekend kicked off friday with freiburg hosting high flying bird a seven. a converted penalty from each side in the first twenty minutes saw them go into the second half all square bon frybread came out stronger and took the lead
again in the fifty seven minutes through with. the business second goal of the season in the dying seconds of the match because proto capitalize on the stay by keeper to score the host third and seal a surprising everyone when. you re up to date now on d w news will be back again at the top of the hour in the meantime you can always get the latest news and information at our website just go to d.w. dot com thanks for watching. bursts. home to units of species. own words if you can. get most of those are big changes and most start with small steps reporting global interiors tell stories of creative just people and innovative projects around the world. to use that contributes to use trainers of insurance

Country , Civil-war-turkey , Germany , Vote , Summit , France , Istanbul , Seventy , Conservatives , Angela-merkel , State , Election

BBC News at Six

It s emerged the conservative party accepted a further £150,000 from the businessman, frank hester, days after he was accused of making racist and misogynist comments about labour s diane abbott. rishi sunak came under intense pressure from other parties to return mr hester s donations which included one of £5 million made injanuary when the row erupted in march. mr hester allegedly said that ms abbott should be shot and that she made him want to hate all black women . the conservatives said he had apologised and shown contrition so the matter was resolved. the green party has launched its plans for the nhs. it wants to deliver an extra £30 billion a yearfor the health service in england by 2030, as well as an extra £20 billion for social care. they say they will raise the money by asking the very richest to pay more tax and extending the windfall tax on oil and gas companies. we all value our nhs, - and the green party is the only party being honest in this election

Pressure , Frank-hester , Parties , Comments , Conservative-party , Labour , Rishi-sunak , Diane-abbott , 150000 , 50000 , Hester , Mr

Defense: Man accused of murdering 4 family members witnessed the murders but didn't shoot them

The second trial for the West Chester man accused of murdering his wife, in-laws and wife's aunt in 2019 got underway Monday.

Indiana , United-states , West-chester , Ohio , India , Butler-county , Keith-spaeth , Amarjit-kaur , Karin-johnson , Shalinderjit-kaur , Hakikat-singh-pannag , Jon-marshall

District attorney plans to appeal decision to overturn murder convictions of 'Chester Trio'

A Pennsylvania district attorney intends to appeal a judge’s decision last month to overturn the murder convictions of the so-called “Chester Trio” – three men who have spent nearly 25 years in prison for a crime they say they did not commit.

Pennsylvania , United-states , Delaware-county , Philadelphia , Morton-johnson , Jack-stollsteimer , Derrick-chappell , Vanessa-potkin , Samuel-grasty , Nilam-sanghvi , Mary-alice-brennan , Henrietta-nickens