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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Place For Politics 2016 20160927

she had that afternoon rally. she did make a quick reference to last night but really moving forward and head. reporter: that s right, kate. and, you know, for hillary clinton, this is going to be one of the first really full weeks on the campaign trail in quite some time. she, of course, had battled pneumonia and then spent a ton of time hunkered down in preparation for that debate. clearly, she and her team feel as though it paid off. and today she s in north carolina. and that is all about trying to play a little offense in a state where they think the demographics work in their favor. they re trying to appeal. you saw signs in the audience that said african-americans for hillary. they re trying to mobilize black voters there. they re also trying to mobilize particularly educated white voters in places like raleigh where she is. that s the research triangle. you think of all those universities, chapel hill, duke, and the communities around them. that s why they re hoping that north carolina is a place they might be able to do well. it s a little bit of a switch from the way democrats oriented themselves even as recently as 2012 when north carolina went for mitt romney and ohio went for president obama. the hillary clinton campaign is much more nervous about ohio at this point than they are about north carolina. and i think the battleground map is shaping up in all of the ways that we ve been talking about. so, she s going to be in north carolina. she s going to be in new hampshire, she s going to be in florida. she had vice president joe biden out on the trail, michelle obama will be in the philadelphia air tomorrow. we ll be with her. i think at this point it s all about trying to capitalize on what happened in that debate and making sure that they don t coast on this a little bit, you know, too much. we ve seen them kind of fall into that kind of habit of sitting back a little bit, feeling comfortable where they are. democrats i ve talked to said, okay, last night was great for us. but let s not make some of the same mistakes we ve made before. kasie, let me ask you about a moment today. donald trump talking about problems he had last night with his mike and then clinton responding. take a listen. i had a problem with a microphone that didn t work. i don t know if you saw that in the room. but my microphone was terrible. i wonder if it was set up that way on purpose. anybody that blames it on the microphone is not having a good night. so, she sounds confident. she s like, anybody who complains about the microphone means they didn t have a grit night. you said it before, they re feeling really good about last night. reporter: look, i think those two sound bites thaw play tell the entire story. if you look at the body language, you listen to the tone of voice. secretary clinton is not prone to those flip comments she just made there. you can sense the confidence in her approach. you know, there s an old axiom in politics f you re explaining, you re losing. right now we ve heard a series of splangs from donald trump about some of the various things that happened on stage last night. hillary clinton s team, on the other hand, has been all smiles. kasie hunt with the clinton campaign. thanks so much. meantime, donald trump has his own rally tonight in melbourne, florida. as he has for she has, rather, for more than a year, katy tur is covering the trump campaign for us. she s down in florida. it s the day after. have we heard him talk much about the debate last night at all? we just heard that one comment about the microphone. what do you expect tonight? we did hear him talk about the polls. he says he won all the polls following the debate, those online polls some news organizations do, except for cnn because, he implied, basically, nobody watches cnn. he also mentioned he won the cbs poll, but there was no such poll done at cbs. other than that, though, the campaign is definitely on the defensive today. and kasie is right, when you re on the defensive, when you re making excuses, it is usually because you are not winning. few people saw donald trump at least in the media circles and in democratic and republican analyst circles as winning that debate last night. he interrupted hillary clinton 29 times. she interrupted him 9 times. he got fact-checked a number of times. hillary clinton, i think about once or potentially twice. the campaign is now trying to spin it, saying she was overrehearsed, overpracticed, she was scripted, she was canned. and he was the atypical politician, the anti-politician, the change agent, because he didn t come in and studied in the same way typical politicians go into such debates. i will say this, though, kate, donald trump has complained, frankly, about the press and about the debates and things not being fair for this entire campaign season, for the full 16 months. but he was winning during the primaries and he is still neck and neck right now. it does seem like those hard and fast political truisms don t necessarily apply to this campaign. that s what we ve seen. we will find out for sure, though, once we get the polling out after this debate was done, see if that moved the needle in any way. donald trump needs to find a way to not just rally his base. his base of support is with him. they re not going to move. he needs to find women and he also needs to find moderate republicans, bring them to his side, make sure they don t vote for hillary clinton. otherwise, he just doesn t have enough people to win in november. unless there is some massive voter suppression on the democratic side and massive massive gap in enthusiasm. and speaking of the voters that he needs to appeal to, i want to ask you about one other thing getting attention. this is the story around the former miss universe. clinton last night strategically brought her up, brought up some comments that donald trump made about her in the past, calling her miss piggy and miss housekeeper. now the clinton team this morning had a new ad out on that topic. and trump was asked about it a little earlier. let s listen to that sound. she was the winner and, you know, she gained a massive amount of weight. and it was it was a real problem. we had a real problem. not only that, her attitude. we had a real problem with her, so hillary went back into the years and she found this girl. this was many years ago. and found a girl and talked about her like she was mother teresa. and it wasn t quite that way. but that s okay. hillary has to do what she has to do. you look at the body language there, even the hosts at fox look like they re a little uncomfortable as he s talking. are the people in the campaign or people you re talking to worried this is uncomfortable or not appealing to certain voters? reporter: as of now, they are not uncomfortable with this. they re not telling us they re uncomfortable with this. it s hard to figure out why they would not be uncomfortable. after l, whenever you talk about a woman s weight on television in the public sphere, especially when you re a politician, saying she gained this massive amount of weight. he also staged this media extravaganza, if you will, photo op showing her going to a gym and working out and trying to lose some of that weight. in 2016, that is not something that is generally accepted practice. it s not something people root for, a man calling out a woman s weight. we re going to find out if that takes away from his support for women. he already has a giant gender gap right now. he needed to do something to mitigate the losses there. i don t see how talking about a woman s weight and her not being skinny enough to be miss universe winner and represent the miss universe brand is going to bode well for him, but i can tell you, there are a lot of women standing in line right now in this crowd in melbourne. so, we all could be wrong. whenever we talk to those women, they say they like it when he tells it like it is and doesn t worry about political correctness. maybe that s appeal. katy tur, thank you. for more analysis i m joined by governor howard dean, former dnc chairman. governor, nice to see you again. thanks, kate. last night a lot of people were tweeting all about the same thing when they were watching the debate. it had nothing to do with donald trump and what he was saying, but it was what he was doing. i know you noticed this, too. he was sniffling. i want to play just from the first answer in last night s debate. here s how it went. she s in deep trouble. is that okay? good. i will if the agreement s better. bigger numbers than ever. so, following a bunch of sniffles, governor dean, you wrote on twitter, notice trump sniffing all the time. coke user? why did you go there? well, you can t make a diagnosis over the television, i would never do that, but he has some interesting that is actually a signature of people who use cocaine. i m not suggesting that trump does, but well, you are suggesting it, actually, in a tweet. no. i m suggesting we think about it. here s the interesting constellation. so, he sniffs during the presentation, which is something that users do. he also has grandiosity, which is something that accompanies that problem. he has delusions. i m not talking about being crazy, but, for example, when he told everybody it was very smart not to pay taxes and then denied he said it, after he said it in front of 100 million people. it s not that he s delusionary about it. it s that he thinks somehow he s going to not get caught. that is delusional. he has trouble with pressured speech. he interrupted hillary clinton 29 times. he couldn t keep himself together. so, look, do i think at 70 years old he has a cocaine habit? probably not. but, you know, it s something that i think it would be interesting to ask him and see if he ever had a problem with that. so, as a physician and as a medical person yourself, you re suggesting we ought to look at whether the republican candidate for president has a cocaine habit? , no i don t think he has a cocaine habit. again, i don t make any diagnosis over the television. i don t. i think that s wrong. i think doctors shouldn t do it. doctors have done it in the past and they shouldn t do it. but i was just struck by the sniffing and then by his behavior, which all sort of came together, these four symptoms. you know, do i think he has a cocaine habit? i think it s unlikely you could mount a presidential campaign at age 70 with a cocaine habit but it s striking. this reminds me of rudy giuliani raising certain questions about medical conditions and your hillary clinton to which your campaign said, this is inappropriate. we shouldn t be raising questions about hillary clinton s health without substance or proof. you don t see the peril. donald trump has not only made his tax returns public or medical records public in any meaningful way. hillary clinton has done that and asked any questions they want to raise. what if a trump supporter suggested hillary clinton was using drugs last night? i suspect she would have said, no, here s not and here s my medical report that shows so. so, you re saying donald trump should answer your question? no. what i m saying is i raised the question last night. i don t make diagnoses on the television. i think you can t do that. it was medically improper and i don t think you should. but i don t think this was a ridiculous idea. something funny was going on with trump last night. do i think it was cocaine? probably not. but, you know, again, the sniffling, the grandiosity, the delusions, the pressured speech. this guy has already proven himself to be unstable. the question is, why is he unstable? you re not going to delete the tweet? you don t regret it? you re not going to apologize for it, is that right? absolutely right. donald trump made this point several different times about your candidate, hillary clinton. take a listen. hillary, i just ask you this, you ve been doing this for 30 years. why are you just thinking about these solutions right now? for 30 years you ve been doing it and now you re just starting to think of solutions. well, i excuse me. i will bring back jobs. you can t bring back jobs. well, actually, i have thought about this quite a bit. yeah, for 30 years. not quite that long. i think my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s. and then donald trump reiterated that this morning, governor dean, writing hillary has been failing for 30 years and not getting the job done. it will not change. the point he s had time to make the change and she hasn t. your response? most of what he says is untrue, as much as what he says on the campaign trail. for example, some things he said that were untrue pep said a whole lot of jobs from mexico i mean, from ohio and michigan were going to mexico. there s been 75,000 new jobs added in ohio and 71,000 in michigan. now, those are republican governors. this is not a not a partisan thing. democrats don t get in trouble for those jobs but donald trump is not telling the truth. he repeatedly doesn t tell the truth and he has a real problem with telling the truth. i think that s probably not a quality you want to be in the presidency of the united states. looking back at 2008, hillary clinton did well in the debates against barack obama in the primaries but she ends up obviously losing that election. are you concerned that success last night might not translate into a win six weeks from now? look, there s no guarantees because you win a debate doesn t guarantee you re going to win the election in six weeks. i think that her team this time is incredibly solid. they stick to their game plan. they know what they re doing. they don t panic. they don t wring their hands. i think hillary clinton will be the next president of the united states and i think that s going to be very good for this country. if you look althout the onli conversation, the metrics we can use to see what people are talking about, trump on facebook took up about 62% of all the conversation going on and that s actually a different number there, but 62% of the sheriff of conversation about the debate was about donald trump on twitter it was 79%. does that scare you people are talking more about trump and less about your candidate? no. hillary is steady as she goes. she s thoughtful and professional. trump is exciting because he s like watching a ship wreck. you never know what s going to happen next. that s not what you want for the presidency but it makes great reality television. it s not surprising. that s he won the republican nomination, over 16 people, some a great deal more qualified to be president of the united states. howard dean, always nice to have you with us. appreciate your time. thank you. up next, true, false or something in between? we are vetting last night s debate and separating fact from fiction. my question was i didn t zooish w why is your judgment different than hillary clinton? i have better judgment than her. there s no question about that. i have a much better temperament than she has. she spent let me tell you. that was one of many memorable moments from last night s debate, although the audience wasn t supposed to reacted, some did get a little chuckle out of that exchange. we heard laughter in the room. i want to bring in sean spicer, communications director for republican national committee. good to see you. good to see you. were you able to hear governor howard dean a few minutes ago? part of it. we started that interview, i was asking him about a tweet he wrote last night. this is toward the beginning of the debate last night. people were noticing that donald trump was sniffling a bit, was sucking in air through his nose. governor howard dean, as you probably know, tweeted out about cocaine use. he tweeted, notice trump sniffing all the time. coke user, question mark. i asked him why he would do that and his response was that he stands by the tweet, he s not going to revoke it, he s not apologizing and he believes the question needs to be asked whether donald trump is a user of cocaine. your response? i have to wonder where dr. dean went to medical school to ask a question like that. i mean, that is for a person that is an actual medical doctor to ask a question like that, i sort of blows my mind that you would suggest not only drug use for no apparent reason. i think it s outrageous and i think i mean, i give you credit for asking the question. i think it s unbelievable that with the exception of a few other members of the media that has largely gone unnoticed because for someone who has been a governor, a presidential can dashgts most importantly, a medical doctor to make that prognosis with no fact is pretty pathetic and unreal. people as i mentioned before laughed when that moment happened we played a few minutes ago when he said his temperament is more suited for presidential office. is that a winning argument for donald trump, do you think, to say that he has the temperament? well, i think it s fair for both candidates to talk about the qualities they possess, why they would be a better commander in chief and presidential candidate. of course it s fair game. she went out and talked about how he was unfit and unready. we all have a right they both have a right to describe how they believe their attributes and qualities and experience suits them best for the office and intrau that contrast with their opponent. i think in the case of hnk clinton in particular, one thing that didn t come up, obviously, with the exception of an offhanded comments was there were no questions about her e-mails, no questions about the clinton foundation which go to her judgment and role as a pay-for-play politician and take national security. when it comes to temperament and judgment, of course he s on pretty high ground there. another topic, trump s tax returns. clinton gave a list of reasons why she thinks trump is not releasing the returns. i want to play one portion of the exchange that got some reaction from trump. take a listen. or maybe he doesn t want the american people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he s paid nothing in federal taxes because the only years anybody s ever seen were a couple years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license. and they showed he didn t pay any federal income tax. so that makes me smart. you had to listen there, but he says, that makes me smart. he s saying my taxes are low and that makes me smart because i know how to game the system and pay no taxes. how do you think the average voter sees that when they have to pay 15% to 25% of their salary to the irs? i think most american voters are sitting back saying, how do i pay lower taxes, too? i know i do. i sit around and haggle with my accountant every year trying to find additional deductions. we all pay taxes in the form of sales tax you think they admire trump for that? most people would sit back and say, i want to know who his accountant is. it s not like no one is getting away with paying no taxes. we pay a whole host of them, believe me. we know how many times we get taxed in this country. he talks about the type of ability he has a businessman, a successful individual, to work within the system and how as someone who has benefitted from it, he can understand the system and make it better. but i think the broader point that i thought was interesting there is she s talking about his taxes. he has them. he s going through an audit. he s following the rules. when it comes to how she handled a similar situation with her e-mails, she tried to delete them, hide them, cover them up. when you actually go through the thing, he s using the law to his benefit. she evaded the law. he signed a statement saying i m going to abide by certain government regulations. is he set up a private server. when she got caught, she deleted the e-mails. you may not like donald trump s answer to the question, but ee obeying it s not a law he can t release his taxes if he s under an audit. the irs said he can. but in terms of how he s handling the situation, is fully xlooiment complia compliant with the law. you look at what she did in a similar situation. she ended up going around the law, around the regulations, setting up a private server saying these are the rules i m going to live by myself. when she got caught, five of her aides took the fifth or took immunity the justice department found she didn t break the law, too. untrue, kate. i m sorry. they didn t find that. the fbi said they couldn t find a similar case that is a big difference from there. between she was that case did not move forward. that s not because they found that. you re right to make that point. they didn t find evidence to prosecute. miss universe, we were talking about this a few minutes ago. it s obviously being brought up by the clinton campaign. hillary clinton brought it up on the debate stage last night. this is a former contestant/winner of the miss universe pageant who they now within the last couple hours held a press phone call with this woman to talk with the press. i want to play a little sound of her talking about the end of her relationship with donald trump. i never saw him anymore. and i don t want and i don t want to see him anymore either. you know, that is for me, this campaign this elections are like a bad dream, you know what i mean? because i never thought and i never imagined that 20 years later i would sorry about that. i think we got cut off. her story is he called her names, that he insulted her because she gained some weight. he went on fox this morning and explained it as, well, she did a gain a whole bunch of weight. is this really one you want to be talking about right now as he s trying to appeal to female voters? no, it s not something we want to talk about. donald trump made it clear he wants to talk about jobs, education, national security. they re not talking about it. they are. they re dig up a 30 i don t have the numbers, 25, 30-year-old instance and bringing it back in the limelight. i don t know hillary clinton wants to talk about some of the things in her past. i think to go back 30 years shows 1996. frankly thank you, i m sorry. 20 years. but i don t know why we re going back 20 years. the problems in american s face is how they re going to get a job well no, no, you asked if they re bringing it up as a character issue, in the context of other comments he made. they re running ad. and i guess i wonder as the head of the rnc, are you concerned that that, as communication director for the rnc, are you concerned that drives female voters away? it makes those who are the fence say maybe not? look, from a purely political standpoint, have you someone in secretary clinton who on paper should be an all-star candidate. she served two terms in united states senate, u.s. secretary of state, and yet they re going back 20 years to make attacks. donald trump is getting out there every day on the stump talking about how to move america forward. we re not talking about it. we re talking about how to move america forward. it s team clinton that brings up two decades why doesn t he just apologize rather than say, she gained a whole bunch of weight? because, again, i don t he s trying to figure out how he can talk about america s future and how we can talk about the problems. he s not trying to relitigate comments from 20 years ago because to your question, does he want to be talking about this? no. he wants to talk about the future and what s going on in america and the problems and changing washington. that s what he wants to be talking about, is team clinton. the thing i sort of do find ironic is that for all the talk about what gets brought up, you have governor dean, as you mentioned at the beginning, making ridiculous, false medical claims. you have the clinton campaign drudging up comments from 20-something years ago. it s team clinton that s dredging up the past, going negative. you mentioned the ads. all of their ads are negative. they re hitting donald trump. it s donald trump s ads that are up on tv talking about the future and the movement that he has and the way to make america great again. the irony of what the reality is versus what the media wants to talk about is unbelievable in terms of the disconnect. so, i do find it interesting because what donald trump is talking about, what this campaign is talking about, what governor pence is talking about is making america great, moving forward, solutions to the problems our country faces. and what team clinton is talking about is digging up decade s old comments and trying to create further controversies instead of talking about the reported of their candidate and her accomplishments. you ve got to wonder that s because there s a lack of them. sean spicer with the rnc, thanks for being here. thanks, kate. the fact-checkers, very busy during last night s 90-minute debate to help us break down some of the claims. i want to bring in glenn kessler, a washington post fact-checker. we bring him in quite often after these debates. good to see. you good to see you. there were so many we could talk about but we isolated a few. i want to play a clip of clinton and trump talking about the tpp, the transpacific partnership trade deal. you called it the gold standard. well, i hope you called it the gold standard of trade deals. you said it s the finest deal you ve ever seen. no. and then you heard what i said about it and all of a sudden you were against it. well, donald, i know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. the facts are, i did say, i hoped it would be a good deal, but when it was negotiated not. which i was not responsible for, i concluded it wasn t. so, glenn, did hillary clinton actually call it the gold standard? yes, she did. when she was secretary of state and the administration was negotiating it, she called it the gold standard. she didn t change her position on it because of donald trump. she changed her position because of bernie sanders, who was attacking her from the left in a democratic primary. and she changed her position, frankly, for political reasons. the specific reasons she gave for bes dismayed with the final outcome, those provisions are actually tougher than when they were initially considered when she was secretary of state. so, it was certainly a political move and she certainly called it the gold standard. up next, i want to play a clip of donald trump talking about the ford motor company last night. ford is leaving. you see that. their small car division leaving. thousands of jobs leaving michigan, leaving ohio. they re all leaving. and we can t allow it to happen anymore. is that accurate, is ford taking all of its business and operating only building cars in mexico? no, no. it s completely wrong. i don t know what newspaper s donald trump has been reading but they are not they are shifting small car manufacturing to mexico, but all those jobs are staying in michigan and ohio, because those workers are going to be shifted to making large vehicles. it s more cost-efficient to make small vehicles in mexico but more cost-efficient to make large vehicles in united states, so those jobs are here to stay. not correct thousands of jobs leaving michigan and ohio, as he said? that s completely wrong. i want to play one more section. this is where clinton was pressing trump on previous statements about climate change. donald thinks climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the chinese. i think it s real. i did not. i did not. i do not say that. the viewer wonders, did he say it or not say it? he did say it. well, he tweeted it. he tweeted it quite a few times. i think it s like eight or nine times he made references to china being creating climate change as a hoax and climate change as a hoax. he would tweet about bad winter storms and say it was a hoax. he now claims that china comment was made in jest and sarcasm, but he certainly is quite firm in saying climate change is a hoax. he just hired a major climate denier as one of his transition advisers. glenn kessler with the washington post. appreciate it. coming up, a fascinating look at why donald trump may be running for president. a new documentary suggesting his campaign for the white house comes down to one word revenge. we ll talk to the filmmakers after the break red 97! set! red 97! did you say 97? 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yeah. i mean, i know the whole eyes on the road thing. but this was a super important text. maybe you have to know becky. texting? great. but it was only, like, 5 seconds, and i m a really, really fast texter, so it wasn t even a big deal. actually, has she texted me back yet? [squishing sound] wow, i get, like, no bars in this place. i wonder if they have wi-fi here. upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at but zzzquil is different have pain medicine because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that s not for pain, just for sleep. . so, the president ridiculing him, i think this was intolerable for donald trump. i think that s the nice he resolves to run for president. i think he is kind of motivated by it. maybe i ll just run. maybe i ll show them all. every critic, every detractor will have to bow down to president trump. it s everyone who s ever doubted donald, whoever disagreed, whoever challenged him. it is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe. that is a brief clip from a new frontline documentary called the choice 2016, it s a recurring series they ve done for decades now, a deep dive into the past of the candidates analyzing and cataloging the thousands of circumstances leading to this unique race for president. joining me now, one of the filmmakers, michael kirk is with us. nice to see you. thanks for being with us. you, too, kate. that clip there suggests this entire campaign from donald trump basically happened because of it 2011 and him getting made fun of by the president at the white house correspondents dinner and wanting revenge for that moment. is that what you re suggesting? that s what the people closest to him are suggesting to us. humiliation is a very important problem for somebody like donald trump and for any politician, really. but he s a beginner. he hasn t had his hide developed the way hillary clinton has over all of those years. he s a guy that feels it very strongly, and he s felt. -t in his personal life, as we show in the film, all along. every time the elites in new york rejected him for building the trump tower and other things. he s had big aspirations and almost always been pushed to the side by the people he really tried to appeal to. so, imagine being at that dinner, that night in washington, really here you are finally arriving, and the president of the united states fillets you in front of everyone. you even go back deeper into his past. you go back to his childhood. you talked to friends of the family, you paint a portrait of him, talk to the co-author of the art of the deal, the book everybody s heard of. what kind of portrait do they paint of trump as a younger man? when he was very young his father had a couple of theories. he liked theories. one of them is there are winners and losers. and donald was not supposed to ever be a loser. he was supposed to be a winner. a winner is a killer. his father had another theory, too, about race horses and said, a superior race horse marries another superior race horse and they give up a superior offspring. donald was that superior offspring as far as his father and his family were concerned. he carries that with him all the rest of his life. the expectation that he cannot lose and this is another moment where he s testing it as far as he possibly can because, like everybody else in the world, donald trump has lost many times, but he s fought his way back. this is another moment where we may see whether donald is truly a winner or a loser. let me play another clip, if i can, and this is about hillary clinton, because you look at her life as well. this is about her run in 2008 and how different it was from her husband s run back in 1992. you are not going to wave a magic wand and have the special interests disappear. something very different from what she was in 1992 when she and bill clinton were the new guard. they were the boomers. they were the voice of change. but to the american public who wants to elect a president, who exudes hope and aspiration, hillary started to sound like the old guard. the voice of caution, the establishment. so, you hear that. how did that primary, how did 2008, do you think, change what happened this year, what s happening right now that we re living now? i think she was totally shocked barack obama came along, shocked her. she thought she was going to inherent the presidency, at least the candidacy from the democratic party. obama promised change. he was young, vital, what she and bill were in 1992. and suddenly she was the establishment, that clip is her protecting where they ve come and not believing that obama, not believing bipartisanship could actually happen. but she s developed over her lifetime such scars and scales and protective covering just to stayed in game. and you saw a lot of that last night. i think she s more closed up, more protected, more ready, more prepared for whatever is going to happen to her because this really is the last chance. i feel over all these years we ve gotten to know her, and i ve made this film, basically the starting all the way back when she was a little girl and the best that she could expect from her sixth grade prophecy was, hillary clinton will marry a united states senator. to see that go from that to where america was then to her standing on that stage last night is a big journey for her and a journey that if your viewers watch this film, they ll understand a lot more about her and a lot more about him. yeah, well, people should try to tune in because it is really a remarkable look at the two candidates. film maker michael kirk, thank you for being with us. frontline the choice 2016 airs tonight 9:00 p.m. on pbs stations and online at happening in the last hour, the senate blocking a spending bill to keep the government open beyond a deadline this friday at midnight. someone came off the campaign trail to do this. we re joined from capitol hill to explain. what s gone down there? reporter: we saw senator tim kaine return to the senate, however briefly, to join his fellow democrats against moving forward on a procedural bill, kate, that will fund the government for about another ten weeks. what democrats are saying, and most all democrats did vote against going forward with this, what democrats are saying, this doesn t include funding for flint, for the water scandal there. now, this bill does include short-term funding for ten weeks, includes zika funding, in addition it includes money for louisiana. here s where we re at, kate. this is tuesday poging for a bill everyone seems to think will eventually get through by friday. you re not going to have a government shutdown. that seems to be the overriding theme i ve been picking up on through a morning of reporting on capitol hill. there s a couple of subplots. one, it seems the democrats are holding things up and not going guard with funding. they are putting up the procedural roadblocks. in the past it s been republicanses. what republicans are saying, their accusation, democrats are simply doing this to keep the senate in longer, to keep those vulnerable senators here in washington, having procedural conversations instead of being back in their states fighting for re-election. hans nichols with the up to the moment information from capitol hill. up next, we ll go to the battleground state of florida where polling there shows clinton and trump in a very tight race. our chris jansing is with a conservative action organization as they reach out to latino voters. you work at ge? yeah, i do. you guys are working on some pretty big stuff over there, right? like a new language for crazy-big, world-changing machines. well, not me specifically. i work on the industrial side. so i build the world-changing machines. i get it. you can t talk because it s super high-level. no, i actually do build the machines. blink if what you re doing involves encrypted data transfer. wait, what? wowwww. wow? what wow? there is no wow. what comes to mind when you think about healthcare? understanding your options? or, if you re getting the care you need? at, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. leaving you more time to think about more important things. like not having to think about healthcare at all. surround yourself with healthy advantages at glad forceflex. extra strong to avoid rips and tears. be happy, it s glad. .to cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. .add one a day men s 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. s so, today is national voter registration day. chris jansing is kissimmee, florida, florida could make a difference for hillary clinton or donald trump. this is the latest stop on the tour you re making of battleground states. tell us what you re hearing from florida voters. reporter: well, like the rest of america, an awful lot of them watched the debate. what s really interesting is it really solidified some people s views, who are already for trump or clinton. the other folks haven t necessarily been convinced. the people i m walking with are part of a group called the libra initiative. they re not with either candidate but they re with a conservative choice, they believe in smaller government, and they re in this puerto rican neighborhood, as they are often every single day, groups like this, two or three, going door to door and knocking, making sure people are registered. this is critical. there is no single group that is growing more quickly than puerto ricans who are fleeing economic uncertainty in their own country. as we watch to see if they get fortunate and have somebody home here, i want to tell you about javier alma, typical of people we ve been talking to today. he said in the beginning of the debated, he thought trump did well. then he started laughing. he thought he was so uninformed. but when i asked him who was he going to vote for, listen to what he said. i don t know for who i going to vote, but if i want to vote, if i decide that day, i go for trump. reporter: because why? because we need a change. more it s like she s already eight years in the white house and she was u.s. senate and she was secretary of state and really he s going to do a lot. reporter: is there anything you could hear that might change your mind in the next month or five weeks? for what? to vote? reporter: to vote for her. no, no. reporter: so, the question is, can the other side, can this the trump team, get people like him out to vote? here s why it s critical. obama won about 60% of the puerto rican vote last time around. hillary is 30%, and they want to bring that number up. on this other side, you have people like libra organization, these are paid staffers. they will knock on 500 doors a day, talk to as many as 1,000 people. how many miles do you put on? do you have any idea? a lot of miles. reporter: a lot of miles. and there s a reason they call this a battleground, kate. if you look at the average of the most recent polls, it s less than 1%. dividing these folks. one last thing i find really interesting, what they find going door-to-door is a lot of people who say they re going to vote for hillary clinton also say they re going to vote for marco rubio. kate? that is interesting. chris jansing, down in kissimmee, florida. thanks so much. up next, i ll be joined by new york times columnist maureen dowd who has been covering donald trump and hillary clinton for a long time. she is weighing in on this year s unprecedented race for the white house now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we re not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i ve always admired how you just say what s in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you re living proof that looks aren t everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what s that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce. i just saved thousands on in less than a minute, i found out how much home i can afford. i like how you shop for loans the same way you shop for flights online. i didn t realize that lendingtree you can save money on almost any sort of loan. i consolidated my credit card debt with a personal loan. i found a new credit card with 0% interest for 15 months. you just shop, compare, and save, and it s all free. go to lendingtree right now and start saving. this is todd hardy. a fitness buff, youth baseball coach-and lung cancer patient. the day i got the diagnosis, i was just shocked. the surgeon in dallas said i needed to have the top left lobe of my lung removed. i wanted to know what my other options were. and i found that at cancer treatment centers of america. at ctca, our experts examine a variety of therapies, treatments and technologies to identify a plan specifically for each patient. my doctor understood that who i am was just as important as what cancer i had. we talked about options. my doctor told me about a robotic surgery that was less invasive. we have excellent technology that allow us to perform very specialized procedures for patients who have lung disease. at ctca, it s all about what you can do. i feel fantastic now. exploring treatment options is at the heart of how we fight cancer. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more about our treatment options at appointments available now. for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we ll pay for a car that s a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. . last night donald trump interrupted hillary clinton 51 times during the first debate. she on the other hand interrupted him 17 times. that s one of the things we were looking at. maureen is author of the year of voting dangerously, the derangement of american politics. i love that you actually got the outfit right. hillary clinton is wearing the red power pant suit. we had to change it because originally they had her in a 2008 pant suit. let me ask you about last night. we mentioned the interruptions. it struck me that he kept jumping in there. how do you read everything you saw? okay. so i was dubious when i heard hillary was going to work with a team of psychologists. i didn t think that would work, but it worked beautifully. she started right out baiting him on something that he is really sensitive about. he likes to think he is a self-made businessman who got a little bit from his father, but not like to think of himself richie rich spoiled kid. she started right out with his father and you can gradually see he was getting more and more in his head. she was on the offensive and he was on the defensive and at the end he was channelling megyn kelly and she was repeating the insults to women. at that point he never lost it like a mutiny kind of thing, but he got more on edge. he was asked by lester holt about the comment he made about her look. let s take a listen to that moment. you have so many different things you have to be able to do and i don t believe hillary has the stamina. as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a ceasefire or even spends 11 hour testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina. they get into a debate about stamina and who has the stamina. who does that help? i was interviewing him a few months ago and before he did the crooked hillary thing, he was trying to do a nickname about stamina. i said i don t get it. why would you think that was a weakness? it was dove tailed with the criticism of her as unhealthy. i don t know why he tried to bring that up. i know they were sitting around his golf club preparing by eating cheeseburgers. he thinks of himself as the babe ruth not only of debates, but politics like a natural. that one just doesn t resonate for me at all. did you hear howard dean in the commercial a few minutes ago on the health issue. howard dean questioning whether donald trump was sniffling because he was using a substance. some hollywood celebrities were doing that and it was stupid. can you imagine donald trump on cocaine? it s crazy. he doesn t drink, he doesn t smoke and never tasted alcohol and doesn t drink coffee. i think it s better if donald trump is not on a stimulant and the democrats should not make stuff up. it s a great book. we have an out of control id with a super ego. the sing of winging it and the queen of 40e78 worhomework. he can excite crowds and falters on substance, but she has substance and falters on exciting crowds. who is the underdog in the race? i would say trump is the underdog. last night it s hard for him to control himself. he has the excitement, but he was trying to be more measured and vice-versa with her. i still think hillary is doing better in battle ground states. i don t think he did himself any favors with getting the republican suburban women because he doubled down on the miss universe this morning again and was talking about how massive she was. someone who was joking that they should change the bumper sticker to trump pence 2016, no fat chicks. always interesting. the year of voting dangerously. nice to see you. nice to see you. we ll be right back after this. you are watching msnbc, the place for politics. . that s going to wrap up a fast moving hour for me. up next, steve picks up the coverage. good afternoon, everyone. 42 days now and counting until election day. topping the agenda right now, the polls say it was a win for hillary clinton in last night

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