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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Kiribati - A Drowning Paradise In The South Pacific 20171111 07:15:00

the silver spoon in my mouth i had to find for success now came from. climate change gang waste van pollution. and isn t it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing our environment for the better it s up to us to make a difference and let s inspire others. to do it for god the environment magazine. long d.w. . it s all about the moments that. it s all about the stories in so. it s all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us and inspired by distinctive
instagram or years at g.w. stories new topics each week on instagram. along. its load it on town along the main atoll of the island nation of cyrene bus boy. and his three sons in just a few hours before the water returns. if there are no stones on the beach anymore and that s why we have to go far out we need to get coral because the sea is flooding our house that.
the home of tartar and his family of twelve is under threat ten years ago they started building a wall made of coral. that. were already have when the water comes all the way up to here and there s a strong wind that s when it s worst and the water bashes against our wall and sprays over our whole house we have to build a higher wall so the water doesn t flood our home. is a reality. that s you know that you know. and what do you that i work in the past our wall kept breaking because it was only this high now it s higher and more stable it protects us from the sea many walls collapse at high tide but we re lucky it was still standing or yeah you got to get . it at the back. in just thirty years tartars wall could cease to
but then i only got i mean that s. the one of the i mean the government you gotta go you have to plant the mangroves the hands with the part. of. the city has been organizing a growing number of such volunteer planting events. ok these are the seeds from the mangroves and we pick them up and then this other ones that we use to plant them and then they go again we think green case gets when we plant them the winds will come and maybe two will be flooded away at least one will stay and be and believe so that s why we take three all the time with you know the people of toronto have already planted more than fifty thousand mangroves on the beaches of the actual. i think. the young people here of grown up with climate change they re scared. to live in the dining room right now you know on. michigan rising is the area important during the back line effect
while i live here. and i just don t want to see my island get drunk i will see this in my village where i live goes on like this but by this you. know the future prospects for kerry bass is young people are dying but none of them want to leave their home. i m still proud to be a kid who just. basically distilled proud of the country which is what this is where we belong it s all culture oh identity that s why i think this is where our heart to belong to. the hope is that these mangroves on ambo beach will grow into a forest like the one that helps defy storm surges in the south of town no one.
protecting the coastline has become a national priority for the people of paribas but there s no coherent plan and the government lacks the funds for long term infrastructure missions. those who can afford concrete have built a wall in their own expense that s what it in women with has done the young entrepreneur from the village of tub or air. that i think climate change will only get worse in the future it one day will drown when other people think differently but i m scared by what s happening we have to protect ourselves that s why we re building the seawall that this i don t want to when they got there. the sea is calm today but it s only a matter of time before the next storm surge arrives. home
to around sixty thousand people more than half the country s entire population. livable land is becoming increasingly sparse says climate activist in a city. compared to ten years ago in our case like this people stayed in their homes but nowadays the people who migrate from there for a better future they came here for education where for everything. it ended up like this everyone be closely to each other. in addition to climate change overpopulation is one of the biggest problems on talent. he says is simply passed from one person to another and especially with the kids that go on mints ever limits resource it can t employ each and every one of them on average
a family here has five to six children almost every square metre of land on tara has now been built on the main thing that is strengthening as is the sea level rise we have plenty of ocean the sea is taking most of the land and people whatever they have to build seawalls but it doesn t help when the water now no one can stop the water it just comes and then take away all the lands again. in twenty fourteen the effects of global warming on kerry bass attracted international attention. made a bid to become the world s first climate change refugee when he applied for asylum in new zealand. so if the government of new zealand didn t recognise climate change as grounds for asylum they didn t think that the people of kerry bass with threatened by nature and forced to flee as a result. of his family were deported from new zealand a year later even though the situation. an in their home country has been getting
progressively worse it was a shock for the family. then and what scares me is that our land is now lying around it by the ceiling and it s being washed away all round us and them. below honor and his family have moved in with his sister but they don t see a future for themselves on carey boss yeah yeah. me my biggest worry is my children i want them to be safe we don t want to wait until the end while many people criticize me for trying to be a climate change refugee saying i m talking my country down but i want to leave again it doesn t matter where we live. it will survive with us. gary busey s first inhabitants settle here around three thousand years ago the
majority came from southeast asia and polynesia the locals are a proud people who are attached to their traditions. yeah. yeah you re. right you re right there yeah. around fifty kilometers to the north of tara is a different world it s a nice bossley populated.
the village of t. boone the narco has become a symbol of the impending dangers of climate change over the past twenty years rising sea levels have destroyed kabul and john s home. long time ago this is that land before and they used to have money area big house for like gathering people bodies acacias and all the b. will be avoid the levy and now they all moved to to die on the mainland. to bring in arco is still home to seventy families there was the second largest village on our buying rising salinity from daily flooding has made the soil infertile. before i don t care about climate said when i i had a bad climate at all it s nothing and now i see the division oh they re in beds and they strike warning me and i know i m thinking maybe i m gonna move my grade to one
hundred dollars radio news in another country course the serializing they always increase. i have two kids and then when i look for the kids then maybe i should move. but wants to stay it s not a question of courage he just feels connected to his home. from kitty best we are proud to be best we want to die here we don t want to go to overseas we want to stay here. when we move our college out will be disappeared. there are lots of people on our buying who don t have work or is here on behalf of the government his job is to show people how to make palm sugar.
i know. there. is looking for a worker named camber what are you. going to write and the. palm sugar is obtained from the sap known locally as toady of the palm blossom campbell has to climb to the top of the twenty meter coconut palms to collect it. i want to. know what i did where you got. to come by has three bottles of told you so far. i see that that s enough for now you know you ve. come by i learned how to make palm sugar in thailand the government. financed is training i think they re going to have a good idea where. the kerry bus government also
paid for the equipment here. this is the body of fresh water or it was. up until now locals have only used the fresh syrup for drinks now we re going to fresh water a fresh start so. we want to have. you know the water. in the dark these so that we can crystallized. become you know side by. the island of our buying is the perfect place for producing palm sugar there are thousands of coconut palms across the thirty seven kilometer island. to keep this we only have. you know cobra. source of income. so i work on men
try to find ways with people to win more money and this is one of the one of their income no income for the fall by god it takes seven liters of sap to produce one kilogram of palm sugar. for your good work this is how you have to do it when you ve reached this point the fire mustn t be too hot you have to stir it the whole time watch how i do it you have to push the toady up the side until it becomes hard and a powdery palm sugar from by on you said to be sold for five euros per kilo. and i m going to continue with this work we can earn money that way and we can use that money to feed our families oh my god the way.
the government has plans to export the palm sugar from around the world cup our secured important contacts at the world s fair in milan in twenty fifteen. when i want to. this is the sugar from your palm sap this is what it looks like. you know you want to try it. and i mean what do you think of the new show that it s not right now i mean going away you re going to have it. do you like it or are you were not in it taste like candy this sugar is really different much more delicious your yeah. traditional kerry bass recipes are increasingly fading from memory women s rights activist and nutritionist graffitti cross wants to fight that trained.
how to eat food and how to prepare for when you say never do it before and do you think their lives and their heads to the end their own country and they never usually because they don t know it doubles and you can use these palm leaves in many different ways not just to swat flies but i will wrap them around the fish . into two when you cook means nice a liquid comes out that s very good for the stomach i know but they any guy. like this and rock the fish am come out and put it out i lay my lucky. fish has been prepared like this on carry bass for generations. they usually did ride for before i do when they imported food comes and that s
where things has gone wrong because in god all i hear is that the hospitals four of people the sick people and would try to cut down the out the people to the sick you know and receive the red for short cut. off identity india and therefore they re not on the it can t be they can prevent. and if any of his if i may have been if not god but he nodded that you can eat every part of the squash the flour the stand the skin the seeds when you cut the squash make sure you don t cut the slices too thickly why do you want a lot of heads in our soup. all these heads have medicinal properties i ve been. yeah your body has taken these halves and you get healthier. you re not just making a meal you are also making medicine. in medical good i met every
thought that i had with my two thirds of curiosity s population consumes a staple diet of fish and imported rice a diet increasingly supplemented with high sugar foods leading to rising rates of obesity and diabetes. i thank tang graffitti case cooking class i know more about cooking now i have a young daughter at home. cooked with a lot of herds and vegetables now so that she grows up healthy as you know i. up until now we ve only use these herbes for our customers we didn t know you could cook them but. you can find everything she s showing us in the jungle it s great one. that i was. nutritionist tanga fifty crosses mission is far from over she wants to share her knowledge in every village on our buying.
traditional community centers on kerry bus called my new structures provide shade and protection against strong winds and rain are buying is home to one of the largest money bars in the region the environmental protection organization kiri camp has invited representatives from. several villages together there seeking ways to ensure possible water supplies. so it is so important that we know that what is fresh what s a screen and what is good for everyone so that we can all live longer as a care of this people. climate activist of our city is also working to combat the salinisation of drinking water. here you. know you never bought it back some time same water flows into my well and floods it all the dirt gets in we have no water to drink and we get it one dollar ten out of
money but not in our groundwater used to be fresh and clean we could drink it today it s salty and unpalatable. and if the wells near the sea are flooded quite regularly and become spoiled by the salt if we were to wash with that water it feel like washing and seawater and the money but. the salinity of water supplies isn t the only problem supplying clean drinking water is another challenge village representatives present their solutions. we opted for this pump to make it work we need equipment such as pipes to pump the well water to the houses. when. we get the one about we thought about what would be the best solution for everyone that s why we chose a desalination plant in the. but i guess we need a hand pump to supply ourselves with water in them but they don t. and i mean yes
you suggested a number of ideas it s important that the solution is cheap and will work for a long time. yeah i mean. we re going to lay out all of your criteria on the floor here. which solution will win the village delegates are asked to vote that s an important part of the process says kerry cans australian development aid worker robert kane we know that this process is going to lead us to a project it s really just getting people to think about the kinds of things the questions they should be asking very confronting with a new project or don t have bringing the community there s not much export that comes out of three of us so there s no foreign income coming in which is difficult because often need the material the money and i think you need some money to break the dependency cycle. founded the environmental protection organization kerry can her goal is to support the people kerry bus in their battle against climate
change in care about us most of the time the priority need for our people is water and that s why we got water into these communities the what is the priority with bread water tends to collect or to harvest the rain. over the next few months every extended family will be supplied with their own water tank and solar panels to generate electricity part of a program funded by international aid. people will be forced to leave if we do not step in right now today to help them feel like they re just fake that s what a definition is all about for people to remain in the whole new homes in their own country no with their life and be a culture. i wouldn t imagine my people leaving to another country that is not there is because we have a very big connection with our land but moving. away to somewhere where you do not belong to you you will always become my second class person in your heart you know
that you don t belong there. you. were back on the main atoll of tara while. the marine training center is a window of opportunity to a better life for many young kiri bars up to one hundred fifty students train here every year to become seafarers ship mechanics and cooks. for the right. only. have the right. to drill at the training centers strict as is the morning roll call.
ninety six. ninety seven today for. not back in during the break for my stop or that s a one hour it s. what the five if that s you know i long for one hour. the what it s meant to you in them to see just to scare you so if the chain is found if you re going to use long fingernails not wearing the chief or not the former said for improper shape that s to be punished the change has to be punished for one of. the trainees have to rehearse a docking maneuver on the deck of a training ship today among them is twenty five year old tom where are. so and be at this at this they re. a risk i ve been right so let s go through glass where let s go through first. seafarers from carrie in demand particularly on german vessels six shipping companies from hamburg have offices on
tara supervised by andrew hynes and he holds the locals in high esteem and finds jobs for them on ships from all around the world. has just had a firstly that people who grow up on these islands have a strong connection to water when they ve been fishing and spending time on the water since childhood that s strong in my experience it takes just one care a bus to do a job that needs to filipinos these fifteen months are a process they have to be on time be clean and well dressed because they ll be confronted with a completely different world and it s this year and a complex and lot of it that is. the trainees have to work hard for their dream all week long the demands a great. time aware only caesar s wife and one year old daughter of the weekends. he currently shares a dorm room with nineteen other sailors. this
is my bed and that s my mattress made of palm leaves in a bag and i get. it back again as i roll out the mattress every night. this is what it looks like. this is how i sleep. like this. for the negative m.t.c. you know sorry but i chose to train as a merchant marine because it gives me the chance to provide for my family it s my dream to continue my training after i finish this program and now we are now and i don t know. the training center has a good reputation on kerry bus but even this modern complex faces increasing bouts of flooding. as you can see the entrance to the basin has become blocked by sand and. built up here overnight because
a small section of the same has broken. homes on the net the water was a bit higher than usual and lacking or insufficient maintenance cost it to break out all adults would get out of all the current deposits at the sand here and have to hear. people mess about with everything just like they do in europe driving along this causeway you can see that the water exchange is restricted to just a small but you all the water from the lagoon has to squeeze through. human interference with nature with disastrous consequences not least because it s changed ocean currents the causeway is a costly never ending construction site. the
primary school in bonn ricky every morning begins with a prayer more than ninety percent of kerry buses population is christian. now. school is compulsory for children between the ages of six and fourteen. yes. ok let s hear from you what you would write. in. the world you. would. like to. do. this year. these are the choices.
so what does the future hold for kerry about his children it s a subject addressed in primary schools. and we want to alert the children to what s going on here and how they can deal with the problem most of the children a scad of climate change and of the what the. the children s fear is different from those of their teacher. but they re all very concrete. she s scared of the future too. and i know my enemy we can emigrate to another country or confront the problem and live with it i always tell my students that we have to find ways of preventing so a live version on the net and i got the way we have to build seawalls and plant mangroves we mustn t cut down on trees anymore on the way up on.
the you know the children have drawn pictures to illustrate what they think will happen as a result of global warming our beaches will be washed away this boy says when using two. much fuel. in this girl s picture the land is simple merged everyone she says is swimming in the water because the ocean is washed away the land if sea levels continue to rise she says we ll all die. these children are growing up with a palpable fear of the future. this girl tells us her home was flooded just last week it happened while she was sleeping her mother woke her up and carried her out of the house. you know this girl says she s very scared about climate change she believes many people are responsible for it as a child there s nothing she can do about it.
the village upon ricky has become increasingly susceptible to flooding after heavy rainfall often the high water lasts for days. trainee seafarer tom aware and his wife betty. have bought a small house here. you and i were the one we re going to live here in the future i mean i m currently living with my wife and my daughter with my parents but we ll move in soon once i ve completed my training at the marine center and i m earning money by working on a ship i want to start raising my children here and that s you money getting. more. you know about what i want to have
a garden here but i have to plow the soil first i want to build a fence and plant sweet potatoes and tapioca maybe lettuce to no one. as a crew member on a large container ship where i will be able to earn up to seven hundred u.s. dollars a month that will place in theory buses middle class. and i m very excited to be moving here i m so proud of him when he gets a job and starts earning money i will be able to build something and have a bigger family if he didn t have a job we d have a lot of problems we would be able to lead this life i m very happy that i am a sinner who knew you knew and. when night falls on tara the fisherman sometimes recall a centuries old fishing method. taillights and light a three metre torch made of palm leaves on the beach to michael the warm light of
the file those small tasty reef fish into the shallow water. that they re going to it s not like it used to be when there were fewer people here . population growth has fueled an increase in fishing because of rising demand for me and i remember many fishermen now use neon lights to attract fish. it s rather tired writer and not io catch any fish with their traditional fishing method these days. you. can go to one of the i ve only quarter to one row. now that the you know
it s hard to catch fish those days and i feel the current has changed. i got i think i don t have begun my to. the fisherman wonder whether climate change is to blame for that to. the fisheries ministry of kerry my ass marine biologist. has been investigating the health of the coral reefs around tarawa and the surrounding atoll so more than ten years using measuring tapes he and his team regularly monitor coral growth and health. what we re seeing is the more popular coral is now are the ones that are adapting and more resilient to change into an increase in temperature this hour buying more in the hot temperatures this spreading over which is ok in assisted cars and i m just reading there are
a lot of them. but it s only it s like survival of the fittest. the polyps that make up the stony corals are among the winners of climate change they seem to be particularly happy in the waters around carry us because they re so resilient to the change that s why they re in really improving their coral cover is massive even they could i mean so. you know storms and stuff like that. hope for kerry but only healthy coral reefs can grow with the rising sea levels their natural breakwaters and provide important protection for the islands during major storm surges. here in south and always an urban area as a lot of factors affecting the way of construction every structure. the main thing is that it is rubbish since there s a very high population years out that always causes rubbish yeah waste.
into the forest that s putting heavy pressure. as a result there are signs of degradation among we could coral species in many reefs around tara while. the population is set to double entendre over the next twenty years climate coordinator choi eating and the government of kerry bos face a huge challenge. unless we find a solution now to address this problem you know if we were to to top up the land yes and you know kind of reclaim it you know that may be an option. the government has even considered moving its people on to artificial floating islands futuristic visions and exorbitantly expensive designs by international architects. why is a period of cost and development and it s very hard to do with the lack of resources that we have science tells us the over time i. it s something that we re
very hard to accept right now it may be that in just fifty years jerry bass will no longer exist it could be the first country to be wiped off the map by climate change there s still hope very small window of hope i guess yeah pride is is something that will keep you going maybe the end not good for your best yeah so i. guess there will be to invest. my name is along that i love about her. and the mexican conductor. to. come with me and meet great musicians and friends from all over the world. musical
homecoming in mexico among the phones for forty thousand fans and with a good friend and famous singer natalee allow for to come. to. these great suggestion to make a great vintage not french wine but the british it s like coming saying. thanks to enthusiastic business and climate change. while france battles heat and drought britain is expanding its main young. elite.

Stories , Topics , Instagram , Gw , It , Town , Atoll , On-the-beach , Water-returns , Sons , Cyrene-bus-boy , Island-nation

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180116 05:00:00

people do once they get here and people who are more likely to succeed will get preference and those who are less likely to succeed divulge. what s wrong with that? took a very important points. the first is that the united states is not a company, it s not a school, it s a nation. second point, we want to make sure that we scrutinize every person coming here into the country, we want to make sure that they don t have any terrorist background, we want to make sure they don t have a violent criminal record. no one disputes that. let s get to this point, very important, the united nations ws created mainly in the declaration of independence because the king s restricted immigration, because the king of england said states, colonies, you can no longer bring people from other countries. what happened? american revolution, a beautiful idea of this nation came about. tucker: [laughs] the american revolution was spurred okay. [laughs]
okay. let s back up a little bit. you said that the two standards we need to apply our people aren t terrorists and they don t have a criminal record. would you apply those standards in your own life to anything? i will hire this person, let them into my school, married this person, just as long as this person doesn t have a terror background or a criminal record. shouldn t we aim a little bit higher than that a if we really care about the country? of course. we want to have standards but at the same time, what made this great nation is what we have seen in the statue of liberty, give me your poor, huddled masses. your ancestors came here when they were poor. many and stressors, the founding fathers came here when they were poor. you are successful fox news host. tucker: you are kind of missing it. we are not in the 18th century now and if you really care about the country, he would think deeply about what s going to make it better and safer and more prosperous, happier, more cohesive. you don t adopt a faith-based approach that says there is an
inscription at the bottom of the statute new york harbor and hope for the past. why wouldn t you say, for example i will throw a stat out here the science talent search s competition tries to identify kids who are good at science, a pretty good measure, it tested students in america. 14 of the top 40 had indian immigrant parents. so that was addressed, gee whiz, that and a lot of other markers suggested that indians do pretty well. why not encourage more indian immigration? why would that be bad? we want to make sure that we attract the best, obviously, but we want to attract people who have w a belief of what it means to be american, someone that believes will make him here, work hard, that is what makes this nation great. it doesn t mean about people, give me your scientists, engineers. if you work hard, you can be an american. tucker: okay. we can roll without them too. we are not going to measure success or intelligence or anything like that, just hard work.
so you wouldn t be against saying if you are here is an emigrant, you take no public benefit of any kind, you can t go to an emergency room for health care, you can t use emergency medicaid for u your health care, you can t take any kind of program at all because why would we bring people here and give them free stuff? would you before that? i am for no taxation without representation. tucker: what about the hard work part? they should be able to get protection, health care, if they are paying for their own doctor, paying for their own security. tucker: old. how about this? wouldn t be fair for the people who own this country, which is its voters, citizens, to say we will do a really simple cost-benefit analysis on every immigrant. are you paying more than you are taking out and services? about that? if you are not coming up to leave. what do you think about that? and 2016, undocumented immigrants contributed $2 trillion tucker: don t give me generalizations. how about an age specific case we say, if you are an immigrant
listen, for me, i want to make sure that i m here representing veterans, i am representing military families tucker: come on. let s have a rational conversation. you are capable let me ask you a simple question. if more immigration always makes the country richer, why does the state with the most immigration, which is california, keep getting poorer? it has more property than any state. 100 to five californians is poor. if immigration makes is richer, why is california getting poorer? i would say that california has a surplus of more than $10 billion, into the statebe economy. why? many factors. it s a welcoming state. tucker: wait a second. hold on. california has gotten poorer. one in five californians is poor, that was not the case when i grew up in california. it has the most immigration, so if immigration always makes us more prosperous, why is the
opposite happening in california? it s a very simple question. i think there is many factors. i don t think it has to do with immigration. i think it has to do with the fact that we need to manage budgets. i think republicans and democrats would agree on that. i think immigrants tucker: it has nothing to do with that. even if california is now poorer than mississippi, immigration, which is the main thing that separates california for mississippi, has no role in that because why? do you have data or you don t want to admit it, like everyone else? i don t think we have dated to blame immigrants for every problem of the world. tucker: we are giving them credit for every success, we are seeing this country is rich because of immigrants, here is a stage with the most immigrants, wise of the poorest state? am i being crazy? i think it is a fair question. california has a surplus right now, the economy is doing very well. i could also say that immigrants are doing great, there are many factors in the play. tucker: [laughs] at the end of the day one it s doing so well that it s a poorest state.
tucker: lost up with a magical thinking and get real. things are changing very quickly and we care about our country. the point is not to make other countries happy, it is to protect our people. i hope you will give us a pass. let s work together. tucker: caesar, things for joining us. enter clave and is a contributing editor and he just wrote a piece that has been pinging around the internet, responding to president trump s immigration remarks, and he joins us tonight. andrew cuomo thanks for coming on. thank you for having me. tucker: this is one of our pieces at probably 1 of 3 of our viewers got this weekend. the opening line, nothing scandalizes the left like the truth. what does that mean? the left makes simple facts seem rude, and unkind. if you say men and women are a different, have different desires, different career paths, that african-americans commitdi
disproportionate amount of violent crimes, if you see that muslims committed disproportionate amount of terrorism, suddenly the rear they call you a bigot, they say that you are racist, sexist, is homophobic, whatever, until the statement of simple data, something that is factually true, become f unexpressible, you are not allowed to say them. i don t think conservatives fully appreciate the power of that kind of mental slavery. conservatives are not very good with culture and we don t understand the way it wraps itself around your mind and keeps yourself from saying the things that you are thinking. tucker: shouldn t all american citizens, regardless of political party of philosophy, by virtue of being american, demand to live by the standard we always have lived by? truth as a defense. if it s true, i have the right to say it. shouldn t we stand by that? yes.o usually, it used to be that the first amendment and the fact that americans just tend to be kind of loudmouth sensei wood comes comes into their head, that used to protect us. but the left has been good at
making sure look, we learned that twitter is a shadow planning conservatives. we have seen how google fires a guy who states something that is politically incorrect. we have seen prager university videos band on youtube. we know that there is this massive and when conservatives go to universities, they are met by violence resistance, even if they are very intelligent people like ben shapiro or charles murray, they are met with violent resistance. the left is very intent on silencing right-wing opinion and it s very powerful. you look at what s happening in europe, where there immigration policy, since the war, have virtually destroyed their culture. people who come out there and say, you know maybe islam doesn t fit in england, maybe it doesn t fit in the scandinavian countries, are destroyed, they are made into pariahs. as a result, we saw how in england, at a conservative estimate, 1400 little girls were raped by muslims because the
police didn t want to come out and call them out and say that they were afraid of being called they allowed this atrocity to continue. one of the things that i seee when i look at donald trump, i m a very polite guy, and i m a guy who doesn t like to offend people, just like most of us, one of the things i see that works for donald trump is his rudeness, his bullishness, actually have shattered this prison of political correctnesse managed to construct. i think that is the reason that that comes out of his mouth and every tweet that he sends out is such a scandal. if you turn on cnn over theer weekend after his remarks about haiti in african countries, every one of their anchorman was crying. their trembling lips in the misty eyes because it was so intolerable to them that donald trump was not restrained by their definition of what is cruel and their definition of what is impolite. this i is a network for anderson cooperrd called ordinary right-wing americans, he called them tea beggars, and now when haiti is insulted, suddenly
anderson, his lip is trembling in his eyes are misty. it s ae form of bullying. it is simply a form of social bullying. i am grateful for donald trump for shattering that, even when he does it in ways that i find appalling. tucker: i agree completely. societies that hate themselves this much tend to collapse. i m glad you are fighting. andrew cuomo thanks a lot for that was a great piece. g my pleasure. tucker: driverless cars could be dominating roadways in your city sooner than you think. word of the implications, not just for driving, but for american workers? the people who immigrate here adding those jobs, there is ach connection between technology and immigration and we ll get to it next. stay tuned. (burke) at farmers, we ve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. even a swing set standoff.
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tucker: the driverless car tucker: the driverless car revolution could be here sooner than we think, in fact, a lot of revolutions could be here sooner than we think but in this case, general motors has requested partition dull my permission to test drive these cars are earlier as next year. it is self-driving without any human backup. if that test is approved, it will send a shock wave through the american economy and very few people are talking about this. it turns out that more than 5 million americans are not living by driving trucks and taxis and delivery vehicles. a lot of these jobs are the last remaining ones that provide a decent living without a college degree. instead of preparing for this coming wave of unemployment, american elites are in importing more drivers even as they make cars driverless. only 4% of new york cabdrivers
are born in the u.s. it s a real question. austan goolsbee is professor of economics at the university of chicago s booth school of business and he joins us tonight. i think it is a fair question and a real one but it s not just limited to driverless cars. i m sure you saw the mckinsey report recently that said by 2030, 73 million american jobs could disappear because of automation. let s say hysterical by double. let s say it s half that.s it raises questions about our immigration policy. why are we importing people for jobs that are disappearing? first, i think you should be thinking about the big issues and anybody who is going to criticize you for that, i think is wrong. we should be thinking about tha that. tucker: no one seems to be. in my opinion, you are mixing up the timing a little bit.
so the immigrants already came to the country and now they are failing for jobs that are there. nobody is saying, let s develop driverless cars and let s import foreignve drivers to drive cars- tucker: know, but we import over io we are continuing to import without any abatement at all because of the democratic party is demanding it, more than a million low skill workers every year.. one of the going to do when these drop go? is a simple question. simple question, for the last hundred years, as jobs have been replaced, we have created jobs in new sectors. so as automated assembly lines got more and more robotic sized, people moved into services. now some 75, 80% of the economy are service jobs. why do we have seen and immigration historically, if we are in. it s with growth, not many immigrants want to come to this country.
tucker:ea austan, which are leaving outcome as an economist, i think you would know this, in earlier periods, there s only been one, the social safety net was a fraction of what it is today. you couldn t realistically come to this country in 1913 and expect that your basic needs to be taken care of by the state. it s very different now. tucker: that s not true there has only ever been one automation or replacement of technology. that s been an ongoing problem for 140 years. tucker: hold on. this is actually happening. even if people are coming here and not finding work, they will still live better than they did and burkina faso. why wouldn t they continue to come? it very obvious and i don t understand why that is part of the calculation. we are not fighting about illegal immigration. tucker: we are talking about legal immigration. i m talking about legal immigration. and if we look at the immigration that comes tou this country, if we do not allow
immigration, the native-born population in the united states demographics look just like japan and china and western europe and we will not have money for social security or medicaid. tucker: oh, we won t. unfortunately, we don t have time to unpack this. i don t accept that stipulation. let me ask you this. knowing what we know about the evolution of the american economy becoming more tech focused, why are we importing people who have a higher likelihood of succeeding in that sector? we are not doing that. our immigration policy is based on lettuce picking. why would l we do that than a high-tech world. it s not only lettuce picking. it s as fair point to say we should have more skilled immigrants. the danger of that, of course, you would block say doris salt who came to this country with no education, she had a child who cared polio. tucker: spare me.
i am for immigration, lots of immigrants starts company stt companies, as you know. here s a list. number one country, canada, united kingdom, germany, france, armenia, none of these countries are in the top five for immigrants to the united states. no one is from haiti, el salvador, honduras, mexico. there is a massive difference between who where you are importing and who is succeeding. yes or no. you are singling out just mexico, central america, the know, singledyou out africa. it s completely not true. there are a large number of entrepreneurs coming here from africa, educated people. if you look at china and india, the republican party had explicitly tried to reduce thef amount tucker: wait a second. if that s true, then, why is google the most powerful company
in the world by its own numbers, only employing and its tech side, 1% black employees? 1%. i don t understand. either google is racist black employees are native born.. what are you saying? tucker: you are saying that a lot of the immigrants are going into high tech, then why isn t that reflected just look at the statistics tucker: then why are google s ex-employees, the most important tech employee in the world, why are they 1% black? with the answer? one, what are their share of immigrants, what are they doing. you are saying, what share of cool came from africa? that is what you are asking? we have very little immigration from africa. tucker: that s not true, actually. we have an awful lot of immigrants from africa. you maybe haven t been keeping current on this. i m not against african immigrants. i m just saying, why can t we bf
thoughtful in how we admit as i started, that is perfectly tucker: your party only cares about voters. tucker, i have no problem, let s have a rational discussion about that. with the president has proposed, as you know, is limiting immigration of all forms, dramatically reducing the number of high skilled visas tucker: you know who supports less immigration? it s the public who on this country! [laughs] whatever. tucker: austan goolsbee, thanks for joining me. thanks for having me, tucker. tucker: as the me to movementvi claims more victims, more women are warning that it is going too far. one woman joins us next. julie is living with metastatic breast cancer which is breast
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tucker: heather mcdonald is a fellow at the manhattan institute and another me too skeptic entry joins us tonight. ready think it iss going at this point? it s going toward the disappearing of men. we will see a wave of new gender quotas throughout the economy on the assumption that if we don t have proportional representation of men and women across workplaces and signs in computing and entertainment, it is because of gender patriarchy and harassment, which is simply not the case. with what we are saying, tucker, a sexual liberation having a nervous breakdown. before sexual liberation hit in the 1950s, you had a set of traditional norms that recognized this basic truth: men and women are different. it s not social construction. men and women have different biological drives.s. their libidos are different. and we had a set of norms that
restrained the male libido, norms of dental manliness and courtesy and chivalry, and we had a default for premarital for females that was know, and that gave females the power to say yes but they didn t have to negotiate with the male libido at every instance of some drunken coupling. sexual liberation through that all out and said men and women should go mono e mono on the sexual battlefield, they are equal in their desires, equal in their responses to casual sex and it turns out, when you set the default ideas for premarital sex, a lot of women have a hard time negotiating a no . instead of recognizing that we have screwed up the default setting, and are working against biology, women are blaming the patriarchy when the opposite is the case. tucker: whatever its effect has not made women happier the last 50 years. there has been a longitudinal study on this and american women
have not become happier. i wonder if you destroy men, complete the destruction of men, they are pretty close to being destroyed i would say, how does that help women? what would be the effect on women? i think you ll see a lot of regret. why aren t men accordingly? basically, civilization has been created by people with very powerful egos. it is of no relevance to me whether they were male or female s. i want that meritocracy, i want people with drive to succeed, and if you have a rule that says powerful man should be out of the picture, i think we are going to reach a novelization all stasis. tucker: yeah, i mean, this has profound consequences. i can smell it. it s a big deal. heather, thank you. thanks, tucker. tucker: there is all-out war in silicon valley. conservatives are accusing google and twitter of censorship because they are committing it, while facebook has been accused
of kowtowing to the chinese communist party because it is. mark steyn joins us to weigh in on the valley s many crises. stay tuned. next time, i want you on my bowling team.
-that s me. -jamie! -yeah. -you re back from italy. [ both smooch ] ciao bella. tucker: the long simmer tucker: the long simmering contact dominant conflict between conservatives and silicon valley is increasingly lurching into an all-out war. just last week, james demaree sued google for firing him over an internal w memo on diversity but was basically unremarkable by normal people standards. now, conservative journalist chuck johnson has sued twitter after it banned his account. milo yiannopoulos and roger stone threatens to do the same thing. new videos, meanwhile, from project veritas suggest that twitter deliberately shatter banned several users likely for politically motivated users. twitter did not deny it. author and columnist mark steyn joins us tonight to assess the wreckage of silicon valley. we learn that a lot of these companies suck up to the repressive, authoritarian government of china, and squelch
speech for the sake of increasing their profit margin. is there any moral authority left in silicon valley? i don t think so. china is the last big market to conquer. it doesn t really make a lot of difference in money terms but down the road, they see it as that. and if you look at had, in particular, the internet has, in the last ten years, i love the internet, i preferred to the internet ten, 15 years ago in the last decade, it is dwindled to a duopoly, basically facebook and google, who, between them, take 84% of the digital revenue on the entire planet excluding china. and that actually means that google andbo facebook account fr over a 30% all revenue on the planet. basically, beyond market pressures, and they have a highly ideological, politicized staff who, as we saw in these
leaks from twitter, basically are glorying, reveling in the power they have to do down there ideological foes. t tucker: i don t understand. aa simple question, since they live in washington, you have to grow companies, at least two, that are operating what is a textbook monopoly to the detriment of consumers in this country. they are really a threat to the u.s. government, and they are more powerful than the u.s. government and the u.s. congress, which is charged with overseeing this in preventing this from happening, throws up his hands and says, i don t see violation. i don t see how they can sit impotently in the face this threat. no, i thought senator lee was rather unimpressive on your show a couple of days ago. very disappointing. in a sense, we are not very potentially dangerous situations here because as you say, this is a de facto google-facebook monopoly. around the planet.
if you look at, for example, the european union, angela merkel actually wants facebook, she s caught on tape with mark zuckerberg, in effect asking him to control and enforce the restriction of sort of right-wing populist movements in germany. theresa may in britain looks on facebook and twitter for for ie same way, that she wants them te her enforcers. and i think the danger here is that in america and the european union and elsewhere, in essence, the natural political inclinations of facebook and google are incentivized by craven politicians. it s a kind of if you want to steer clear, they are beyond commercial pressure now. only antitrust pressure in washington or in brussels could restrain this entity.
but in a sense, they have found a political sweet spot that incentivizes the left-wing thought control they are engaging in. tucker: yet, republicans control almost all levers of power in the u.s. government and are doing nothing. maybe later in the week you can come back onma and tell me what the point of voting for them in the first place was. i would be interested to know. [laughs] that may be a very long and depressing program depressing program. tucker: [laughs] it might be. marx died, thank you as always. and a ratings bomb to boot. thanks a lot, tucker. tucker: thank you. we veys got new developments in the mystery of the mandalay bay shooting in las vegas. stranger then you may imagine. we ve got them. we ll be right back. it was really easy. easy. that d be nice. phone: for help with chairs, say chair. phone: for help with bookcases, say bookcase.
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tucker: this is a fox news alert. a ton of new information coming out in the las vegas shooting investigation. a month long one. charlie tucker: this is a fox news alert. there is a ton of new information coming out in the las vegas shooting investigation, the month long charlie man is a document. docy filmmaker. but we will start with dan bongino. what if you learned? there is two big outstanding questions. the first is obviously motive. why does a guy like this engage in one of the largest mass murders in american history? although the motive is still unclear, and i can t confirm everything, i believe there is a high probability you will see something that looks like some form f of radicalization. what that right i like isolation was, always associated with islamic terror, giving them a threat, that may not be at. it may be some kind of political motivation, as well. but motive is outstanding. one more quick point on this, tucker. i don t think the target selection here was random. the fact it was a country music
concert, the fact it waser las vegas, i don t think this was random. may in fact when it all comes out in the wash, be ait factor. one other quick thing, second point. was he alone? it s pretty obvious he was the gunman in this case, based on the evidence we have.bu but that is not what i m asking. was he alone or did he have some kind of support structure in place? lot ofi think when a this gets fleshed out and reseat the report start to become public, i have a really hard time believing that he will be the only person involved. there has to be some level of logistical support or operational support are similar in this. tucker: one indication of thosee are the email accounts that paddock maintained that we learned about a couple of days ago, from which he sent emails. vermont to the other, basically addressed to another person. that person is not named, but he is clearly writing to someone else. not just notes to himself. when you make about? this is very bizarre, tucker,
and spend bizarre since day one. my understanding was that he was emailing himself, which kind of adds to the whole mystery. of course, the new development of his girlfriend admitting to investigators that her prints were on the ammo. this is an instant replay to the pulse nightclub tragedy where the significant other on that case will be going to trial in orlando march 1st, very interesting to see what will happen with marilou danley, the girlfriend of mr. paddock. as we went to the two questions that dan asked him a key questions, i would add a third. did federal or state authorities have any knowledge at all of paddock? had they had contact with him in anyway? where they aware of him before the shooting? do we know anything about that? not to my knowledge, no. the fbi has said that they now know there was a lot of ammo and the residents of the shooter, which, to me, is not very
revealing and shocking news to anybody. tucker: especially not in this case. dan, do we have any i don t want you to speculate or get over your skis at all because it s too important and we don t want to muddywe it with things e don t know for certain but do you have any understanding of why it s taking so long to get basic information out of this investigation and any indications indication as to why it is being conducted and is haphazard, sloppy way? i do. i always appreciate you wanting to stickde with what we know. despite the government has been unnecessarily chris burnett, which has sponsored conspiracy theories. tucker, think about this, there is a very serious economic and financial incentive for a lot of potential secrets in this case to be kept quiet for a while, and to keep this off the front pages and tell news blows over. it s very obvious. it doesn t take a conspiracy theorist to figure out, one of
the major tourist attractions in the world, las vegas, a lot of outdoor activity on the strip, you don t want on the front page of every paper, from now to perpetuity, the fact that you could be subjected to sniper fire fromed a building in the las vegas strip. tucker: i know. big companies should not have influence in criminalfl investigations. that is just as 101. i m not justifying it. tucker: you are right. i don t want too think of that s true but that clearly is and it s distressing for you gentlemen, thank you both for that update. we ll be meanwhile, hawaii, the state, had 30 minutes of panic over the weekend as you sought after officials mistakenly reported in an incoming ballistic missile. that is bad. but what we do about it? what happened to the guy who made that mistake? we ve got an update coming up. it s ok that everyone ignores me while i drive. it s fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident free. and i don t share it with mom!
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suffered a brief, terrifying panic over the weekend with the islands emergency distress system mistakenly warn people that a ballistic missile, presumably from asia, was invalid, despite causing a major panic, officials have labeled the whole affair and unfortunate accident, some one pushed the wrong button. they tried to move on. should they move on? in national affairs columnist for the national review ? says someone should lose their job over this. i think it s a very fair point. has it always been the custom in the united states, that when you commit some massive scroll but work, everythings is fine? window that start? i think 2001 was the watershed after 9/11, 18 intelligence agenciesin failed o detect the terrorist attack. as far as i know, no one got fired, no 9 one got demoted, and no one resigned. tucker: what are the long-term consequences of this? no one is-t ever held accountabe for anything? your earlier show segments. a slow decline in civilization, if people want a personal
responsibility, if we don t want people to standards of behavioro down to hell. tucker: so if your job is to maintain or or operate an emergency alert system, and you tell people that they are going to die in a missile launch, what should happen to you? should you keep your job? right now the guy has been temporarily reassigned. i think more disciplinary action is necessary. the guys above have failed. the people who were in charge, they had a system in which there was no way too countermand the alarm. there was no way to send out a false alarm. that is why it took 38 minutes in which a million and a half people m were terrified in order to correct the mistake. that is unacceptable. we should have disciplined at the top and discipline at the bottom. sean: by the way, for the record, since we are on the subject, a lot of speculation as to what happen. we are buying the press the wrong button exclamation? apparently, the fellow
clicked the wrong button and then he was asked, do you really, really want to do this, and he said yes. that is apparently what happened, and he didn t know what he had done until the mobile phones of his fellow employees started going berserk. unacceptable behavior by him, even more unacceptable lack of safeguards of a point of his bosses. tucker: maybe this is why you are more likely to die in your job as a federal employee then to be fired. [laughs] i don tur know i am laughing. it s not funny. in hawaii, that s true. tucker: good to see you. sadly, our show is over. an hour slipped through our fingers like sand through an hourglass. tune in every night at 8:00 to their show that is a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and don t forget to dvr it if you can figure out how that works. if you can, good luck. again, we said at the beginning of the show, we are going to try to make the people who run this

People , First , Us- , Company , School , Points , Preference , Country , Person , Point , No-one , Nation

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180821 10:30:00

topics: The giants of Royal de Luxe; Kat Frankie s latest album; Eco cuisine at Volvo s canteen; Exploring the island of Elba
following him to napoleon s of footsteps on the island of elba. the dutch city of a was overrun by giants last weekend now they were part of a production by the french street theatre group royal de luxe the event was a three day interactive experience involving a pub a girl in search of her father or participants on the streets helped her in her search in a way of course were also on hand for the action and to see if the story had a happy ending. a little girl looking for half father. he s not really hard to miss standing and eleven meters tall and wearing a diving suit. still she wanders through the streets of new arden.
i think it s magic yes yes it s a great mystery and that s it show huge it s amazing how yeah they get the mold to sing out in syria i love to see if it makes me feel like a little child again i think it s really a fairy tale. why is she looking for her father. and what does that have to do with this. morning and the father was to the sleep with a busy day ahead. as one of europe s capitals of culture this year. invited to ride out in the street feels a treat to come and perform. the produce that she has to make sure everything goes off smoothly local volunteer stewards will help keep the public safe. crew in the costumes half of them of rosa luxemburg half of the local people who ve been staying over the last two weeks to learn how to make that movement and then up in
own patrick meyer is one of germany s leading wheelchair skaters but today he s struggling to reach the top of the half pipe. i can t get as high as i want to. wheelchair skating is a relatively new discipline it began at the start of the millennium in the us the thirty three year old has been a serious wheelchair skater for four years and is passionate about the sport skating skating is a very free thing you don t go by rules but my feeling is. it s true to life it s fun and liberating five. that some things young patrick particularly treasures at the age of nineteen he was involved in a serious car accident he spent months in a coma his right leg was amputated above the knee but he refused to give up watching videos of wheelchair skaters inspired him as he fought to rebuild his life
. does s. are you always does and when i saw the first video i was still in the hospital. i knew that walking and running wouldn t be possible anymore but us and then i thought this is a goal i can pursue i want to do this whether for. patrick meyer competes regularly in tournaments for wheelchair motocross known as w.c. m.x. . two years ago he came in sixth at the world championships in texas points are awarded for each track of according to the level of difficulty and the standard of performance. just like regular skateboarding wheelchair skating is not without its risks i want. to understand that sure it hurts a bit it always hurts when you fall but you know immediately what mistakes you made so you don t say annoyed for a long fight the best thing to do is get right back up and carry on which is what
i d better do now. you know that might get them to feel. once a month patrick meyer gives courses in wheelchair skating even those who don t want to enter competitive sport find the wheelchair training helps increase their independence. it s a form of self determination because it s what makes a real difference if you can get up onto a sidewalk yourself without help from others. that s something that skating does for you it gives you confidence. everybody needs to be able to move around movement is everything. in the lead up to a tournament you re in patrick meyer is out on the halfpipe every day he trains for up to six hours a day skating is clearly much more than a hobby for him. to skate me. but if i didn t have skating i wouldn t be able to get out of bed it inspires me to keep going. and that doesn t only apply to skating but also two other day to day problems i have to face i take the same approach
there as in skating i might not make it tomorrow but eventually i ll get there over the phone. and eventually he makes it to the top of the half pipe. the singer and songwriter can t frank is actually known for melancholy slow beach too but on your latest album called bad behavior she speeds up the tempo notch and has created music that fits more into the pop and dance of well frank is all strongly and but she relocated to berlin about fourteen years ago and our next report she tells us about the change she s made in her musical direction. frankie first made a name for herself with melancholy songs in the manner of folk music now she s reengineered herself. was. a response.
living here in germany you played some part in the cat frankie begin branding yourself. a stallion i come from sydney and australia is this life is good. people don t go out and demonstrate so well not often only sophie it was in berlin that i encountered protests i lived in quotes back to six year old in that neighborhood i felt there was a demo just about every weekend. i was. she came to berlin for a year abroad in two thousand and four rent was cheap when people were refreshingly different she got her first recording contract here when she went home to sydney she says she found a conservative and dowdy. this
is cat frankie version one sad way to clooney her music is rarely political but always has presence. kid did she feel she had to turn to pot to awaken her inner rebel. i really do wish i were a total rebel unfortunately i m not. i am a bit defiant and i have strong opinions. that i m not a rebel i know it s sad but i am trying. i was was a. can t frank you know works with loops songs and fragments of song she combines and layers them. it s six.
six six. six. like this with only her voice. she had times does sound like the ballad singers of your . email the end broaching dread but her bad behavior once more it s not an invitation to past seventy and resignation there s too much drama energy for that. there s all of us in this bit wanting it and we all know we re living in comic at a time like many people voice their opinions at very high volume on the internet there s lots of outrage perhaps we need to see a bit more action. acting on t.v. . talking about
action the energy proved infectious and you know the audience abandoned their seats and started to jump around. frankie has come a long way. when thinking about our carbon footprint you probably don t consider that the food you eat also contributes greatly to it in fact by some estimates food production including growing farming processing transporting cooking and so on accounts for at least one fifth of global carbon emissions so how can we reduce our so called food print one company cafeteria in sweden has an interesting idea.
from a hearty meal to deep fried foods to a healthy salad most campaigns offer a range of dishes but here in golf and or every meal comes with information on its carbon footprint head chef care law says it s more appetising than it might sound i mean we don t change so much but we try to when we were buying our meat to try to buy meat and food it makes motive for a minute like. beef and more fish more shrieking and more small these are. the production of food generates a considerable amount of c o two. dogs would bring those on advises campaigns in restaurants on how to make their menu more climate friendly. but it s that you should be able to find private information where you find food basically and to make a dent in the climate so a mission to cross your hopefully the one. just opting for more fruit and
vegetables and occasionally for going meat can help but does the extra information really change diners eating habits and usually take this favorite dish i think you can. be said to show you from a same time how can you. help me to shoot. for something basically. i tend to go for the vegetarian option anyway and knowing that it s better for the environment as well means it makes sense to choose that more off as i take my notes are you seeing this it will probably give me remind me one more time. it s about the numbers and sometimes he would effect. so these small reminders could help consumers lean towards a healthier and more climate friendly choice. and finally it s time to take a trip and today we re going to explore the italian island of elba thanks to a viewer request from guatemala daniel wrote in to us wanting to know more about
this part of the tuscan archipelago now it s no secret that italians are generally proud of their country but the people around this region love to talk about their traditions and heritage. summertime is high season for tourism on the island but that didn t stop us from packing our bags and exploring the sights. the ferry to alba takes an hour. time enough to look forward to the beautiful beaches and crystal clear water. when you stroll through capital port affair iow you will find plenty to remind you that the island s most famous resident was napoleon bonaparte. riparian lived in exile in the. ten months in eight hundred fourteen and eight hundred fifteen. a group of local history enthusiastic liked to dress up in the polling. for special occasions they re proud that the former french
temperatures this island for his exile. as ruler of the tiny principality napoleon had ten thousand subjects and an army of one thousand men. in the few months that he was here and managed to give the capital city porto for io an administrative structure night the island as his little empire. turned porter for io into a miniature. life here. in eight hundred fifteen napoleon return to france and try to reestablish himself that ended at waterloo. today most visitors to the island of vacationers elba has large beaches but also many small coves accessible only by boat or long hikes
the island has about two hundred beaches no two of them alike if you are lucky you might find one just feel selfish. if you arrive after a long hike you have the feeling of having truly accomplished something. like climbing a mountain peak but of course it s very nice in a canoe or on a ship. if you are looking for a comfortable but nevertheless thrilling way to reach the top of the elvis highest mountains take the cable car in mary qana in the northwest of the island in just twenty minutes it will take you to the peak of money take up on e one thousand nine hundred meters the highest point on alba. it has a view over the entire twenty seven kilometer long island. from here you can see the italian mainland to raney or coast with. the town closest to elba. where the ferry set off for puerto rico i continue on from here. from
there you can see corsica. marciano marina a perfume are in the harbor town has made it his goal to capture the sense of the islands with the perfect. several shops on al the senate as a souvenir. tourists like the idea that they re taking a bit of a sea fact home with them and not just because of its color. sense we use only plants from the mediterranean region like curry plant. also known as madonna or strawberry tree of rosemary lavender and many other indigenous plants but. when we want to watch the scent of the sea there was the doctor bill and seaweed and then of course the sea breeze that transports the salty scent.
the town of cap only very on the south of the island is great for an evening stroll . ciano cassini has operated his restaurants here for more than forty is. he specializes in fish and seafood. surprising on an island. there s a little bit of everything you find here is a traditional mine and you keeps its feet firmly on the ground but mostly i bake fish in the oven or barbecue it that s what people line. up to the heat of a summer day the cool evening hours are a pleasure on elba. and you can count on the sun shining again and again throughout the high season in july and august. and with that it is time to say goodbye but before we go i want to let you in on
this week s draw now since most of europe is experiencing some of the hottest temperatures on record we would like to know if you have any tips on how to survive the heat northern europe isn t really used to these summer days so maybe you have some tips for us from your part of the world which could help us just go to our website for all the details and by doing so you qualify to win a year old max watch all right well for me and the rest of the crew here at your max as always thanks for tuning in. the next time your remarks the fashion accessory could just keep scaring sandals of the star on and to greece remain in during the popular. should make reforms and this mr nelson ifans specializes in historical designs drawing inspiration from the moment a famous figure legendary some of sandals takes time on your remarks.
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the i m a mom to sixty eight and i m crying i go to the. while. young people are billed against their current generation the field if it wasn t on sleep tonight dusty full of stupidity implicitly. they demanded nothing less than a whole society full blown blind maelstrom of conflict reality collins plugged those who loved her remember them to stand for the first time i had a feeling of being a part of some butlers seeds of civil rights to the feast movement and limbs klux klan history. nine hundred sixty eight. the global revolt starts september first on the double.
play. play. play. play play play play such luck. play.

Everybody , Bjorn-kind , Speed , Group , Company , Minor , Wheelchair-stunt , Topics , Long-island , Footsteps , Elba , Napoleon-s

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180822 05:00:00

Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions.
finance violations. far worse crimes committed by others. earlier today, bret baier raises very, very important question. let s take a look. speak of campaign finance violation, because the way he phrased it, he was directed by the candidate to do that and submitted that money to be repaid by the trumpy organization, that is a direct liability. but i cany. already see the bate lines being drawn here illegally because i just got an email saying the fact that he pleads guilty to campaign violations does not mean that the payments were criminal violations. this did not go to trial and you could have people like former fec chairman bradley smith saying that payment is not a violation, which is what rudy giuliani was saying in his interview earlier. so that, you can arty begin to the trump lawyers potentially, and others, make my case that this would not be a violation. obviously the prosecutors. sayig it is and michael cohen is on the hook for it right now. sean: meanwhile, many of the other charges against michael cohen sur around, let s
see, russia to the family taxi medallion company. once again, these charges have russianto do with collusion. from russia collusion to taxicabs. hello? now president trump s attorney, rudy giuliani, released a s statement. n there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president and the government s charges against mr. cohen. it is clear that is the prosecutor noted,io mr. cohen s charges reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty. while michael cohen did say today, i would argue, knowing him all the years i ve known him,. forced by prosecutors, hes changed his storyhe about whethr or not trump knew about the payment to stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. back in march, he claimed, trump did not know that he paid clifford the $130,000. a month earlier, the new york times, mr. paper of record, said the same thing, he paid the money out of his own pocket, without trump s
knowledge. today we learned one more piece of breaking news about another mueller target, and that his former national security advisor, lieutenant general michael flynn. his sentencing has now been delayed for a fourth time. 2017, he pled guilty to lying to the fbi, even though james comey later testified that, in fact, the investigators did not believe that flynn had intentionally lied. again, with his guilty plea, nothing to do with russia. russia, tax returns, fraud, bank applications, taxi medallions, lying to. the fbi. nothing about russia. neither did the guilty plea from the trump campaign volunteer george papadopoulos, whose wife was n on last night. he pled guilty to lying to investigators. his wife, mrs. papadopoulos, now weighing in on his legal options and that he may withdraw directly. withoutth a doubt, let s be straight forward here. it is wrong. there are lessons to learn from today. don t ever knowingly lied to the
fbi, do not lie on a bank loan application ever or commit bank fraud, pay your taxes, but did we need robert mueller for all of those? think about this. how do you go from an investigation into russia collusion in the 2016 election and this is what we have? taxes from years and years ago, bank fraud, medallions, lying to the fbi? where is russia stuff? would any of these people that we are talking about tonightd have been investigated or charged if not for their connection to donald trump? is it also a listen, don t lie to the fbi, pay our taxes, don t be friends with donald trump? is this not now the witch hunt to the president has been saying, and attempt to turn the screws, as judge ellis says, about a manafort, two would-be
witnesses, to find dirt on one man. in other words, so they will sing or compose to either prosecute or impeach the president of the united states. and ifand so, how is that not a political selective persecution and not prosecution? now i don t care if you are liberal or conservative s, we better take a very close look at where this country is today. we did learn valuable lessons, pay your taxes, don t fly on a loan application, don t lie to the fbi. but this is it? robert mueller? are you proud of this? did we need you for 500 days for this? how did we go from russia collusion to this? now today, the president reacted to mueller s ongoing witch hunt. let s take a look at his reaction. i feel badly. i must tell you that paul manafort is a good man. he was with ronald reagan. he was with a lot of different people over the years, and i feel very sad about that.
it doesn t involve me but i still feel, you know, it s a very sad thing that happened. this has nothing to do with russian collusion. they started as russian collusion. this has absolutely nothing to do. this is a witch hunt and it s a disgrace but this has nothing to do with what they started out, lookingg for russians involved n our campaign. there were none. this is the way it ends up. and it was not the original mission, believe me. it was something very much different. so it had nothing to do with russian collusion! we continue the witch hunt. sean: hang on, i m looking for russians. oh. tonight, it s not funny because these are real people s lives. these are real families. this is way beyond what this mandate was. every american that cares about our constitutional republic, the rule of law, equal application of our laws, you better be concerned tonight. in west virginia, the president raised an important question,
where s the collusion? he raised it again let s watch. fake news and the rajan witch hunt. we have a whole big combination. where s the collusion? you know, they are still looking for collusion. where s the collusion? find some collusion! we want to find the collusion! sean: i hate to say it, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws is dead. i ll explain in a minute. cohen and manafort are literally prosecutor to the fullest extent of the law for bank and for tax fraud, et cetera. let s take a look at prominent liberals to an end, shall become a that committed similar crimes and t who did not face the same consequences. tim gardner? a name you haven t heard in a while, under paid his taxes tens of thousands of dollars over the course of multiple years before becoming obama s first treasury secretary. no indictment for him. remember al sharpton? he used to be a guest on the
show. works at conspiracy tb msnbc, he wants old millions of dollars in back taxes to the irs. also find $285,000 by the fec over an illicit political donation. of course, sharpton is enjoying his freedom because he s about michael cohen at msnbc. former new york congressman charlie ringgold, the picture of him laying on that beach chair, he failed to pay taxes on tens of thousands of dollars in real estate income. he was inserted in the house of representatives. he s enjoying his retirement. former democratic senator tom daschle. remember, rush used to talk about that? he failed to pay more than 128 grand and taxes. look at this! oh! even the obama campaign in 2008, they were hit with a near fine which come at the time was a lot, 375 grand, four campaign reporting violations over $2 million worth.
cohen is now getting prison time. somehow, team mueller missed all those crimes. i wait, because there was no connection to president trump. in today s two tier justice system, as a democrat, clearly, you can commit financial fraud and get away with it. by the way, that is just the tip of the iceberg. if you are a democrat, and you have subpoenaed information, well, first of all, you can mishandle and destroy classified information, which violates the espionage act clearly, you can have top intelligence, and then you can deletema subpoenaed emails. act i, not ten, 33,000 of them, and acid wash your hard drive with bleach bread and eliminate then have anand ada s match up your devices with hammers and get away with it. and then you can even have an exoneration written month before you were even investigated and by the way, the guy that is during the interview of you hates your opponent. loves you. if your name is donald trump or
you aredo associated with donald trump, your entire life, it will be scoured for potential crimes. while, your doors will be kicked down, late in the night, early in the morning, the screws are going to be turned, as judge ellis had, and they will ask you to sing or compose or you ll go to jail for crimes that other people have committed and don t go to jail for. asked paul manafort tonight. ask michael calling tonight. ask general flynn, boy, he served his country for 30 years, not even the guy that interviewed him at the fbi.b thought he lied. not even comey that he lied. not even peter strzok that he lied. asked george papadopoulos. i that he regrets volunteering for the trump campaign. just ask the white house counsel, donald mcgahn. the white house counsel for the president, interrogated by mueller s team for 30 full hours. trump thinks, you know, his lawyer s out, we ll cooperate, we ll turn over 1.4 million documents. we ll cooperate with mueller, it will go away because we didn t
missing. today, sadly, her body was recovered, and now the police have arrested an illegal immigrant they believe is responsible for her murder. watch this. the first-degree murder charge was filed today in connection with the disappearance of mollie tibbetts, who was last seen jogging in brooklyn, iowa, on july 18th, 2018. a complaint and affidavit names christian rivera, age 24, who resides in the rural county and he s been charged with murder in the first degree. wee have confirmed it with homeland security investigation that he is an illegal alien and we believe he has been in this area now for 47 years. what happened to these young woman, molly tibbets, a senseless, evil, horrific crime. now we believe the charges against an illegal immigrant. tonight, we extend our deepest condolences, first her familycoi and friends. we ll get to all of that in the.
said about the two tiered justice system because i don t think that you can justify how the same or similar cases have been handled on the two different categories of people. i m not as convinced that what we started with was russian collusion. i really think that what we started with was russia s interference in the election, and that still is sean: that s what they were calling it. no, they said they collusion was one thread of an investigation into russia s involvement in the election. i m pretty convinced that mueller is not pursuing anc collusion case sean: now it s an obstruction case. i thinking as an obstruction case and as far as manafort goes, i don t think that manafort i don t think mueller think manafort hasru anything with respect to the trump campaign, collusion with russia, that mueller couldn t already get from gates, who was manna manafort s partner, cooperating
robert mueller. and again, we go to taxi medallions, tax fraud, and another big question, a side note, answer both, would any of these people, flynn, papadopoulos, manafort, or cohen be in trouble tonight and anyway if it weren t for the issue of russia? it didn t come up in any case. sean, i think the last question is the easiest one to answer. these guys got on the government cross hairs because of their connections to the first candidate and now president trump. i don t think there is any question about that. but i do think that the cohen case ended up in the southern district because mueller didn t see him, cohen, as someone who is going to advance his russia investigation. the southern district had a different line of interest in cohen sean: let s focus he said the direction of the president, he previously did not, why do i think that had to be a big part of what they
wanted from cohen to get the deal they got? he was otherwise facing 65 year years. but sean, it s a straight up guilty plea. it s not a cooperation agreement. i don t t think they regard hims a witness. i think for precisely the reason you pointed out, he has made statements that are all over the map. they did elicit that from him today when he gave his allocution at his guilty plea but i think if they regarded him as a valuable witness or a cooperator, you d see a very different kind of plea agreement. sean: i do agree with that,ee too. david, you ve seen a lot of these cases over the years, and we talk about at length what, we have there are russian issues here. hillaryia paid for a phony with funneled money to a law firm to an op research group that hired a foreign national which i thought was bad for our elections, and he came up with russian lies that were disseminated to the
american people to impact, that were never verified, never corroborated, to impact our election. evan such information was also used as the bulk of information against fisa warrants on a trump campaign associate. russian lies were used and i believe fraud was committed before fisa court judges. none of these people, nor is hillary clinton, who i think is the most open and shut case on obstruction, none of them are indicted today. why? what should the american people take from that? the answer why is purely political one. i think the american people are entitled to hold the united states attorney to his word today when he said the message from the cohen cases of the rule of law is to be applied equally and evenly across the board. we haven t seen that yet. mr. mccarthy is exactly right, the mandate started out as a question of russian interference. i think the case today, manafort, perfectly illustrates how wrong they went in the
breadth of that mandate. it is so far beyond that, has nothing whatsoever to do with the president certainly come but the. charges to date, nothing whatsoever to do with russia, and of course, your original question, how did i get to the seven district, we know that a member of the tibbetts comes from the unit that prosecuted him, andrew goldstein, let s hold them to their board and get past these cases that have nothing to do the president andi get on with the business that you have reported day after day, ctthe misconduct before the fisa court is outrageous. a the american people cannot withstand that kind of treachery beforere that kind of secret cot and an ex parte proceeding. we have to have the answers and full disclosure. sean: doesn t it happen every day, andy mccarthy, that people that commit fraud on their t taxes and people that
commit campaign finance violations, obama, $2 million worth. michael cohen is about 300 gran grand. the only paid a $375,000 fine. i ve used the hillary case. i use the fraud before the fisa judges. i wouldn t andy, i wouldn t lie to any judge ever. it s dumb. ii wouldn t also if i had a subpoena by congress for my emails, i wouldn t delete them, i wouldn t acid wash my hard drivesiv and beat up or have somebody beat up my phones. i think america has to look tonight and ask itself, is this a witch hunt, as the president is saying, based on what we know are real crimes and some of them actually have to do with russia. sean, i don t think anybody objective could look at the way that the clinton email investigation was handled in the way the trump campaign hasru ben pursued and say that there is a single standard of justice.
i just don t t see how that coud be. at the same time, i don t want to see mueller pursuing the investigators or what happened in the hillary case. as i understand it, that is being looked at by the justice department, inspector general, and by the u.s. attorney from utah, who the attorney general assigned to this. i think we ought to let them do their work. i would rather see them do it then see mueller do it. i think muelleri should stay on what he s doing and bring it to an end. sean: andy mccarthy, david show on, thank you for being w with us. now earlier tonight, west virginia rally, president trump asked, where is the russian inclusion. here s what he said. apparently, we don t have th. we had it earlier. running in and out the latest on today s news is fox news chief national correspondent ed henry. ed? sean, you are right. before that rally, the president called the robert mueller i investigation again awh witch hunt. whatat is interesting is the
michael cohen case you much and could prove to be more damaging for the president because inn that case, he is directly implicated by cohen, a far cry from the paul manafort case, which had major developments today. that has nothing to do with the president, nothing to do with 2016, nothing to do with russia collusion. the former trump campaign chair was found guilty on five counts of filing false income tax returns, one count of failing to file a report of a foreign bank account, two charges of bank fraud. the jury could not reach a verdictou on ten other counts against manafort. they have until the end of mont. to decide on a possible retrial. also the possibility manafort will be pardoned by the president, who declared again that the mueller probe is a witch hunt. he said it was deeply the president, though, said nothing inbu the comments about the cohen case, leaving it to his attorney, rudy giuliani, to provide this written statement tonight. there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president
and the government s charges against mr. cohen. it is clear that as a prosecutor noted, mr. cohen s actions reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty over a significant period time. but remember, cohen s plea deal alleges he broke the law to influence the 2016 election on behalf of a candidate for that candidate, of course, being donald trump.. cohen will get present time, somewhere between 43 and 63 months, charges of tax fraud, bankha fraud, and campaign finae charges, including payments to two women who alleged affairs with the president, stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. remember rudy giuliani told you that no campaign finance law was broken. this plea deal contradicts that. it will raise questions about whether anyone else in the trump campaign could be implicated, sean. sean: ed henry without report. thank you for joining me now three option, author of the new york times best seller, the russian hoax: the illicit scheme to clear hillary clinton and frame donald trump, and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett jay, fox news contributor sara carter, covering a breaking a
lot of news that does not end up in indictments of anybody, which is the point here. look, i stand by what i say. pay your taxes, if you areif applying for a loan, don t lie, don t like the fbi, all lessons everybody should learn. nothing to do with russia.d but america should be asking a question tonight if we have a two. to your digestive oh, we totally do. sean: we don t have a constitutional republic. hillary clinton violated the federal campaign election act in a criminal way. there is no investigation of her for that. and here, you see the feds pressuring cohen to try to implicate president trump. there are two reasons why his payment in exchange for a nondisclosure agreement is not an illegal campaign contribution. the law says if there is a dual or secondary purpose, it is not here, president trump has personal and commercial reasons. second of all, the federal campaign election act is a specific intent crime, if you re going to criminalize it. and that means you have to prove, knowingly and willfully committed a violation of the campaign law. who is that steeped in campaign election laws to know that a nondisclosure agreement in exchange for money would be a violation? you can t even prove the case. sean: this isse an amazing thing, too. i also think they wanted outlined. at the behest. they pressured him for that. they didn t care about anything but that one line. sean: after all the other time he said just the opposite, he was pressured into it and basically, looking at 65 years or four or three, i m going to take the deal. most people would take the deal. sara, your investigative
reporting has shown us that we do have russian issues here, bought and paid for dossier, funneled money through a law firm to a fusion gps, which is in oppo research, to a t foreign national, type that was bad, apparently not if you are hillary clinton, on top of her obstruction case, then that money is used as the basis to lie to four fisa court judges, four separate occasions, four applications, it is all false russian information. we are talking about taxes. the only thing they have in common is they are friends with trump. sean: incredible violations. they did not disclose that. hillary clinton s campaign did not disclose that on their fec. they didn t disclose they were paying a foreign spy basically through a u.s. research firm for a dossier filled with lies from the russians. that was something that they kept very secret until the washington post actually broke that story. we ve reported over and over again, document after document, where there was actualet
collusion, collusion between the doj and the fbi.eo how many people at the fbi have been removed or demoted? over 255 people, sean, and still nothing. ii am going to say this. rod rosenstein and gave carte blanche over this special counsel to robert mueller and rod rosenstein himself signed off on the fourth fisa application on carter page, which means he would have known everything, or should have known everything that was contained in those patent applications, those previous fisa applications, this is really incredible. and he wrote the letter, remember, wrote the letter to president trump to fire comey. so if this is an obstruction case, isn t he a witness or a coconspirator? weisbrod rosenstein in charge of this?id wears attorney general jeff sessions? when is he going to stand up and do something about this? we don t even know what s happened with huber. as far as the
inspector general s report, that could come out next year. there needs to be a special counsel according to a number of sources that i ve spoken with, there needs to be special counsel in order for this not to be a two tiered justice system. sean: so well said. there s a reason weisbrod rosenstein has been obstruction congress and in my judgment obstructing justice because he s knee-deepp in all of this. he signed off on the renewal without sean: of the fourth buys fisa. that s right. speaker brad rosenstein is engaged in a row i think is a very deliberate cover-up. he s not on the covering of the wrongdoing at the fbi and department of justice, and by the way, taking no action against bruce ohr for what he did, he s also covering up his own role. sean: 25 people, top people, between the fbi and doj, that if either been fired, demoted, or resigned. top people. this is not rank and file. and ing was wondering, i think america should binder tonight, again, we go from russia
collusion, and we end up with, oh, tax issues, going back years ago, in both cases, and bank applications that have nothing to do with the campaign, nothing toum do with trump, nothing to o with russia, years ago, now we ve got into taxi medallion land, which is nothing to do with anything. and i think americans are saying, wait a minute, in this campaign of 2016, hillary did do these things. forget about you can even add to the list that she cheated bernie sanders out of the nomination. nobody seems to care about me. poor bernie. bernie doesn t even care. so then she does her bed with the email subpoenas, and then she does her bed to pay for the phony russian dossier, then they disseminated to influence the american people, and then it s used for the bulk of information for a fisa. it seems to me that the perspective is so far off here that the president s analogy of this witch hunt is accurate. absolutely. when james comey cleared
hillary clinton in the face of overwhelming evidence and guilt, hene simultaneously launched thd investigation of trump in direct violation, as i explained in the book, of fbi guidelines. then, the special counsel was also illegitimate. this has always been an investigation and search of a crime, but the federal regulations say there must be a stated crime. there was none. sean: sara, will give you the last word. they are trying to force people to compose, they are targeting everyone around president trump. this is pretty obvious what is i happening here. the only thing i can hope for is that actually john huber is doing his job. the attorney general will listen and that the special counsel will be appointed. sean: thank you both. i appreciate it. your book cuts to the whole part of it, right there. here we are today, taxi medallions. sad. when we come back, he is called
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sean: here with reaction to all debates breaking news, the host of the number one show sunday night, 10:00 eastern, life, liberty, levin on the fox news channel. host of crtv s levin tv. we call him the great one, mark levin. there are some lessons here. i agree, you shouldn t like to the fbi. everyone agrees with that. i also agree you should pay her taxes and i also agree you better not lie on a bank loan application. mark, how did we get from russia and this is it, after nearly, almost 500 days? all right, i want to address michael cohen. how did we get to that? i wantp to help the law professors, the constitutional experts, the criminal defense lawyers, the former prosecutorsc and of course the professors. i want to help them understand what the law is. the general counsel for the
clinton mob family, lanny davis, he had his client plead to two counts of criminality that don f exist. these campaign finance violations all over to you, they are saying, they implicate the united states president of united states directly. it is guilty plea. a criminal who just want to spend the rest of his life in prison. that is not president. that applies only to that specific case. no one cites plea bargains for precedetn. number two, just because he said he violated the campaign now doesn t mean it is so. he is not the judge or jury. we did not adjudicate anything. that is number two. a campaign expenditure under our federal campaign laws as a expenditure solely for campaign
activity. a candidate who spends his own money, or even corporate money, for an event that occurred not as a result of the campaign, it is not c a campaign expenditure. let me give you a few examples to help people understand this, especially the american people. let s say i wrote these down. let s say a candidate has said, we owe vendors a whole lot of money, we ve had disputes but i wantnt you to pay them, i am a candidate, i don t want this negative publicity, so he says to his private lawyer, you pay them, i ll reimburse you, get it done. is that illegal? is perfectly legal. yet according to the prosecution of the southern district ofriat new york, it is paid at the direction of the candidate to influence an election. yes, mr. prosecutor, how stupid is your n point? it s not a crime. more, let s say the candidate settles a lawsuit that was initiated before he becomes a candidate, and he says to his personal lawyer, he wants you to pay, settle that lawsuit, use my
corporate funds, private funds, whatever it is, that is perfectly legal, too. the prosecutor would say come up with that influence the election. so what? there are certain things that you do that influence an election that are illegal and certain ones that areel illegal. let s a candidate gets a nondisclosure agreement from a disgruntled employee, wants to quiet the disgruntled employee, as he goes into the election, pays the funds out of his pocket or through his corporation, perfectly legal, nothing here wasn t spent out of the campaign, nothing was done with a campaign or to the campaign. thisxa is exactly what the fedel law is, and mr. lanny davis had his client plead guilty to two offenses that aren t differences, that the prosecutor insisted were offenses. that is why he is no good. michael cohen against donald trump. donald trump is in the clear. let s a donald trump even directed michael cohen to make
payments and nondisclosure agreements. so what? is allowed to do that. now here s my question, has a the southern district of new york ever paid money in a nondisclosure agreement with any of its employees? any u.s. attorney s office in the united states? by the department of justice? how about any business? how about any union? the dnc?e. members of congress? it s done all the time. hush money. hush money. can t pay hush money. well, it is hush money, it s illegal, it s a contract, it s done all the time. now, what does mr. mueller have left? he s chasing the manhattan madam. who the hell is the man had to madam? i don t know. he s interviewing, dragging her in front of of the grand jury. who is next? he s got manafort where he wants them on banking charges, he set up a few guys like flynn, who s gotten in trouble, now they have cohen, what do they have? they have nothing. i ll tell you what they have.
mr. mueller is a federalmr prosecutor and is preparing his impeachment report, and unconstitutional activity, t mr. mueller is supposed to be nonpolitical, he s not supposed to be preparing impeachment reports. mr. mueller, i told youmr befor, you can t indict a sitting president. i told you that 15 months ago. now you figured it out. you and rosenstein figured it out. now you and rosenstein are trying to figure out what to do with a subpoena. you see, sean, giuliani was on your show the other day, or somebody s show company he said, why do they take two or three weeks. i will tell you why, because mr. mueller has to consult mr. rosenstein, his boss, to figure out what to do with the subpoena. i will tell you what happens when the issue that subpoena, the president of united states takes it all away to the supreme court and what is he do? department of justice memos. what else does he cite? constitution of the united states. so this is going to be an impeachment battle in the end. the president of the united states, if he doesn t get involved in the perjury trap think about that. they don t have a crime.
he needs this interview to create a crime! against the president of united states! this prosecutor! well, that s pretty outrageous. in any event, i want the news media to understand, you know what took place in the southern district of new york, and i think that matters. zippo. there was no violation of federal campaign laws. lanny davis blew it, lanny davis lanny davis, he put a tweet today. today, cohen stood up and testified under oathec that donald trump directed him to commit a crime. you are a dummy, lanny. when making payments to two women s for the principal purpose of influencing election. if that was a crime, then why wouldn t they be acquired for donald trump? they weren t a crime for michael cohen. they are fhimself, and not a crime for donald trump either. now move along and go back into your corner with hillary clinton. sean: obviously, he is a huge clinton sycophant. so there is 2016 campion, 77
days out, now becoming, as i have said for a long time, impeachment, keeping obamacare, wanting their problems back, eliminating i.c.e., openig borders, and stopping the investigation into what ii say s the biggest abuse of power. here s what i want to ask you. so we now have hillary rodham clinton obstructing, violating the espionage act, no indictment. we w have her paying for what turns out to be a foreign entity, a foreign agent, putting together russian lies that are disseminated to the american people to influence an election, lies, never verified, never corroborated, then put it as the bulk of information and four fisa warrants. comey, sally yates, rod rosenstein. theyll all signed off and they l said, they swore they put their good name and credibility behind it. i don t see comey indicted. i don t see any hillary clinton indictments. i don t see any crimes that are being pursued here.
barack obama had, what, $2 million in campaign finance violations? he just paid a fine braids to go i interrupt for a second? sean: go ahead, interrupt my own drop rates because the head of the fbi is not the head of an fbi anymore. the deputy fbi director was fired and is under criminal investigation. mr. peter strzok was the head counterintelligence investigator, fired, he is under investigation, i believe, or will become or should be, under investigation as well. that is a top tier of the federal bureau of investigation. i ve never heard of anything like this before. you have a mole in the deputy attorney general s office who is working with peter strzok who s been fired. his wife works for the fusion gps. pushing out the opposition researcher gives the president of the united states, getting in the front of the fisa or through the fbi, bruce ohr, bruce ohr, who served the deputy attorney general of united states, and there s tons more. you have fisa court judges that have never been held to account, an application that was filed
with a fisa court, they didn t say who paid for the opposition research that was used to violate their rules. yet, we need a special counsel now forr that. sean: some great, smart constitutional lawyer once wrote a book and in the book he said, this is a post-constitutional america. well, that was you. we are there. mark, thank you. life, liberty, levin, sunday nights, ten eastern, right here on fox. when we come back, a lab report from iowa, the latest, this horrific murder of this young, innocent iowa college student, molly tibbetts. murdered by an illegal immigrant. full reaction. geraldo, dr. gorka, next. this wi-fi is fast.
the legal alien coming in very sadly from mexico and you saw whatic happened to that incredible, beautiful youngea woman. should have neverul happened. legally in our country. we ve had a huge impact by the laws are so bad. the immigration laws are such a disgrace. we are getting them change, but we have to get more republicansr sean: that was the president earlier tonight at his west virginia rally lamenting what was the ultimate untimely death of molly tibbets. we feel so sorry for her family tonight. our thoughts and prayers as we said earlier go out to them. this is a tragedy that can be prevented. with reaction to those who horrific story, author of the book why we fight, dr. sebastian gorka.
and fox news correspondent at large, geraldo rivera. en kate steinle, i see this come a beautiful girl, brutally murdered again, an illegal immigrant in this country. we have to fix this problem. this should be the end of it for everybody. build the wall, keep the door, we ll call it the geraldo door. seriously, you haven t i have disagreed on some aspects of immigration. stop drugs, stop human trafficking, control who comes into this country, we love you, come from anywhere, we just need to vent you so you are part of our family. we don t care where you come from. n justha we need to know that you are safe and secure for the people that are here. you know, sean, i totally understand the anger that so many people are expressing and feeling over thisr horrible cas. my heart breaks for the tibbetts family. it does. this is terrific. i feel so sorry of them, as the father of five, it is so, so saddening to me.
it is saddening for what this family has suffered and it is sad because it will fuel the malignant, false notion that this terrible, savage crime is characteristic of this population. the 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country are not all ms-13. sean: know, that is absolutely true. you are right. but we got to be able to try and vet those that are peer because they love our country of course. there is no argument. there is no distance between us on that point. but what i fear is that this case will now become one of the rallying cry to deprive the dreamers of their sean: the president offered a deal, geraldo. to harshly crackdown on the have been hereho for years and care for our babies how about we just check everybody out? let s just make sure. i would love that.
i would hire we will tell people, we ll give you a yellow press, figure out who you are and what your status is. i just want everyone to know, my dad, i just want to quickly say, my dad, this guy come his name is rivera, you want how i feel about this? my dad when he was alive, we moved from brooklyn to long island, from the democratic heart of brooklyn to republican long island. all we wanted to do was fit in. every time there was a violent crime, my dad would pray it was a day let you know because the community was already beleaguered enough sean: anybody dr. gorka, we do have things we can do. we are not doing them. sean, kate steinle should never have died. now mollie s life has been ripped away from her by an
illegal alien. americans should never forget these were men, never forget these young girls, and we should never rest until the wall is built and every single criminal like this is removed from this country or puttr in prison. nobody, nobody has the right to come to america and to be an american. the sanctuary cities, the outrages catch and release policies of the obama administration are because of one reason and one reason alone, and it s not humanitarianism. it s because the democratic party wants illegal votes. that is the only reason. sean: i know you mean it, geraldo. more hannity next.

Tucker , Nothing , Paul-manafort , Russia-collusion , Michael-cohen , Charges , Campaign-finance-violations , Bank-fraud , Tax-fraud , Others , 18 , -8

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180823 18:00:00

issue that weighs on them is this something that they re thinking about you know they think about pensions they think about education they think about digitization in germany where behind on that they think. about the international situation with lydia putin and mr elder one and mr trump that s what varies them bricks it is very far from my constituents minds in the west of germany so in terms of a no deal brags that it will have no effect on germany feel it will have an effect on our businesses because britain is an important business partner it will have an effect on people students who attend british universities for example i ve come from a university town these are the ones who are going to be affected but by and large generally speaking the broader public in germany i feel will not you know feel a dramatic difference how do you see things evolve well i m an optimist by nature and so i believe and having spent a couple of years in the e.u. indeed i know that deals always reached at the very last minute and knowing this
had been the and now having heard mr hop in his speech today i think there are two people who may be able to hammer out a deal so that s remain optimistic do come back and talk to us once there is a deal thank you so much for taking out to speak to us mr alexander graff lamb star of leader deputy leader of the opposition free democrats the chairman thank you didn t. get you caught up now with some of the other stories making news around the world. over the australia is embroiled in a leadership crisis that could topple prime minister malcolm turnbull he has promised to quit if enough members of his liberal party vote for a fresh leadership challenge on friday turnbull has described the move against him as an internal insurgency to push his party further to the right. the democratic national committee in the us says an attempted hack into its voter database has been thwarted this comes two years after russian operatives hacked into democratic party computers during the presidential election facilitating their release of tens
southern germany. klaus highish had a comfortable life and bavaria he has a nice house and runs a successful small business but did not want to be complacent so he became a captain aboard a search and rescue ship in the mediterranean and that is now why he is facing legal proceedings in malta. of course this is an unpleasant situation but i go to court with my head held high i have to say we didn t do anything wrong on the contrary we saved people s lives and i gladly take responsibility for this. at the end of june and his crew aboard the ship lifeline rescued more than two hundred thirty refugees after that their own odyssey began the lifeline was not allowed to dock anywhere and instead had to sail aimlessly for days it ended up in malta where the ship was impounded it was taken in for questioning by police the
accusation the vessel s papers were not in order to school it s very strange that we re not talking about saving people s lives right now but instead about the boat s registration which is supposedly not valid this would mean we could not sail under the dutch flag even though it very clearly states that on the certificate flag dutch home port amsterdam. or port. at home in bavaria klaus peter uses his time between court appearances to keep in touch with his network of supporters. a lawyer you akim fella is providing legal advice. feller cannot comprehend that rescuers are being treated like criminals. this stuff that has a lawyer i thought well this case is very unusual a person who was rescued people at sea has been detained. for very dubious reasons in my view smith s. father shining. lives in an
affluent town in one of germany s wealthiest regions the refugee dramas of the mediterranean seem far away although. gets a lot of sympathy here for his work he sometimes has difficult conversations. this is what i experienced at an ice cream parlor a man made me ask him if he favored letting people drowned and then he said yes if he were the captain he would simply run over people in the sea you can t reason with someone like that. before his next court appearance. is working on a minibus that was donated for his team in malta the activists are now collecting donations for a new ship they do not want to wait until authorities release the lifeline together with captain weisz they want to head back to sea as soon as possible in order to
save more people from drowning. german chancellor angela merkel has kicked off a three day tour of the caucasus starting in the georgian capital tbilisi she was welcomed by the georgian prime minister he s pushing for his country to join the european union and nato as protection against potential russian aggression but the west is reluctant to antagonize moscow and today the american ject it any fast tracking membership. in the year run up to americans visit calls for a more liberal georgian society have been growing louder tbilisi s community is spearheading a push back against what it were guards as conservative values as you know we use only sure when reports from tbilisi. this is the soundtrack for social change in georgia. tech no clubs like he d.
into b.b.c. are part of a movement pushing for l.g.b. t.v. rights and to ease the country s unusually strict drug laws they re islands of freedom in a conservative post soviet society. club culture is growing to like very fast but. equally need the years to change the mentality of the people whole cloth to nine years that s. all people like us are enemies and we are there and they re strange we don t deserve to be part of this society so the mentality should change and i think we are trying to change that but dancing became political in may after armed georgian police raided two of to be lucy s most renowned clubs coffee gallery and siani looking for drug dealers in response to what many saw as the heavy handedness of authority as hundreds took to the streets to protest the government and to fight for progressive values by down saying.
ok. rights activist live on video i need to organize as a regular l g b t night at one of the clubs that was raided he says the community often faces abuse and violence in georgia and that s why they are a key group in the push for a more liberal society the community as well as other groups have enjoyed by c.n.n. yes a safe space as a space where they can enjoy still a very quality freedom. which is quite lacking outside of the in those club scenes it s very conservative outside and though the club rates for presenting this threat to the safe environment georgia appears to be at a crossroads between its past and its future but conservative forces including the georgian orthodox church are also very powerful in the country and in recent years
several nationalist groups of appeared on the georgian political scene. he is a musician and he s also the co-founder of the ultra nationalist movement georgian march which has rallied crowds against migrants and for what he calls traditional family values question really feels georgia is losing its national identity to western liberal values. pushing towards why are we rushing towards darkness when we can see anything. saying georgia is european country is absurd this is the caucasus country. at the start of. a candidate from georgia in march will be running in georgia s presidential elections in october but with different groups and generations pulling the country in different directions it will likely take much longer for georgia s future to
take shape. our next up where we have to iraq s kurdish region where. western style suits and ties are not common fashion garments for men but that could change thanks to a gentlemen s club started by a very well dressed young man who has returned to his homeland after years of living in germany but before starting a trend for sharp dressing he had to find a tailor who could make him a tie. to the club members always have their phone cameras ready as they walk through the streets of erbil later they post the pictures online. mr erbil now has forty members a lot more people would like to join but membership is closed for the time being. matt and his parents fled iraq when he was a teenager he lived in germany for fourteen years. there could be yours but when islamic state fighters advanced on her below in two thousand and fourteen ahmed made a life changing decision. that
can buy the i decided to come back to. the island and i was in germany and i had everything i needed. i was fine. but i felt bad that my family were still here and i says was nearby. and i couldn t keep on living life so i decided to come back and help my family and the thoughts of life. and then ahmed got the idea to create his club. they draw inspiration from this market in the old city. traditional kurdish clothing is sold here like these terms called yemen as. kurds who believe that they are part of a fighting for addition accuse the club members of being too western and betraying their ethnic and cultural heritage. when i was last here but the members of
mr beale say they re not betraying their roots at all they re just combining different styles and traditions. the tie that i m wearing today for example is made from kurdish material so you can go to school. through this that was used only for men s clothes so we used to try our collection of tonnage obvious boots feelings i mean good luck with your. it took them a year to finally find a tailor who could make ties for them most of the others had no idea. many had simply never made ties before since they are not an item of traditional kurdish clothing. the group members found a supplier of goat hair wool but it was a three hour drive from her b.-o. almost on the border with iran a local family there makes wool according to age old traditions. so our.
slayer tofik is said to be one hundred five years old she s lived here all her life making thread from goat hair it s hard work. you know. you ve got to comb it piece by piece. normal or not and then you keep turning it s wrong and telling it isn t even there until it becomes a thread. this painstaking work is definitely not cost effective but it still provides a much needed source of income for the family. the gentleman from our bureau maybe unusual clients but they re still very welcome here mr erb eels members hope to set up their own fashion line one day in fact they d like to sell their clothes worldwide but for the moment they ll concentrate on iraqi kurdistan selling overseas just isn t practical right now but they do post pictures online of the
club members meet about four times a year they take photos and exchange the latest news on. the members would like to have an official meeting place one day and who knows there might even be a similar club for women. there should be. ok now helena is here with a stark warning today from president trump about the u.s. economy ana that s right they are and of course coming at a time when legal chaos is essentially roiling the white house experts saying that donald trump s presidency could be under threat and as he faces tough questions about hush money paid to women he s alleged to have had affairs with his his response to questions about his political future i ll tell you what if i ever got a ph i think the market would crash i think everybody would be very poor. because without this thinking you would see it you would see numbers that you wouldn t believe in reverse. the u.s. president there well the u.s.
is going to head and slaps a twenty five percent tariff on sixteen billion dollars worth of imports from china this is a second round of tiresome response to what the shop administration calls beijing s unfair trade practices china reacted swiftly with this own high tariffs on over three hundred american products as the trade vicious circle continues its dangerous downward spiral. new negotiations couldn t prevent the latest turn of the screw so far the u.s. and china have each imposed import duties on goods worth around fifty billion u.s. dollars now american companies in china are getting an easy intimate issue that our companies think about is the uncertainty that the conflict brings uncertainty isn t good for business it limits your ability to invest in new developments in a country that impacts your ability to hire new staff u.s. president trump is not just attacking the trade deficit with china he s also fired
shots of beijing s industrial policies accusing the chinese government of paying high subsidies to companies in the tech sector like robotics sent out official intelligence to sectors hit by tariffs are starting to hurt on both sides like at this market in beijing many have stopped ordering agricultural products from the u.s. because they ve become too expensive the new duties also affect items like turbines and chemicals china s retaliation targets included raw materials like coal and gas the u.s. and china are two engines of the of the world economy if you for if this trade war leads to. slow down or shut down i mean that could be disaster to the world despite strong resistance from within his own country trump is already threatening new sanctions on chinese goods worth two hundred billion u.s. dollars taking effect as early as next month. saudi arabia says it s committed to selling shares in state oil giants around go off to media reports to the contrary
the planned i.p.o. was a cornerstone of crown prince mohammed bin sound man s pledge to diversify the economy by reducing its dependence on oil but they re all signs that the current sale may not be quite as lucrative as expected. it was said to be the world s biggest ever i.p.o. now there are doubts over whether iran co is to be floated all a report by the reuters news agency suggests that saudi arabia is pulling out of the stock offering amid fears that the sale could prove less lucrative than expected. the saudi government announced plans to sell five percent of the oil company back in twenty sixteen at the time it believed around co would be valued at two trillion dollars or more. but several experts have since called but asked most into question and the financial advisers working on the proposed listing have reportedly been relieved of their duties. so these energy minister and
incidentally also the chairman of saudi aramco tonight reports that the i.p.o. was off saying in a statement the government remains committed to the initial public offering of saudi aramco in accordance with the appropriate circumstances and appropriate time chosen by the government. but just what the appropriate circumstances are remains unclear around because plan to buy a stake in a major petrochemical company thus increasing its market value could be one reason the government hogs for buying time. following a twenty two hour session of talks low cost airline ryan has reached an agreement with the trade union representing irish pilots no further details of the deal and at this stage but europe s second largest airline has been negotiating with pilots and capping crew in several countries over working conditions and pay since last year the biggest one day strike two weeks ago caused travel chaos at many airports affecting fifty five thousand passengers in one day alone of the new deal in and
may be used as a model for agreements in other countries. or for low cost airlines to high end spacecraft with plated oh thank you so much oil is being hailed as a giant leap forward for weather forecasting after sixteen years of intensive planning testing and construction a new satellite was sent into orbit last night to monitor when systems around the globe. i begin tonight going to be the satellite was launched from the european space agency spaceport in french guyana it s been named io was after the keeper of the winds in greek mythology while scientists hope that the data collected will help more accurately predict extreme weather and climate change. you re watching the news we said have a long way to tell you about including. ugandan pop star turned lawmaker bobby weiner is charged with treason just minutes after weapons charges were dropped and
he had to use crutches to walk were alive in kampala. and crazy when she shows it is a rom com about what else love tradition and family that s taking the u.s. by storm we find out what s behind the film s downswings success. that story and a whole lot more coming up in just a few. most
of the. clergy the other doc didn t sell it into modern day slavery because the russians are being enslaved like fellow russians that s not happening anywhere else in europe could be. an ngo tracks down the victims. and attempts to free them now such as i was afraid they d kill me if i ran away. forced workers in russia in forty five minutes long t.w. . first day of school in the jungle.
or first calling most of them in doors grandma was arrives. to join your regular chain on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary tour of the no ranting returns home on t w don t come to tanks. they muse on this mistook she did not see a couple of months ago since new sallust told us a call to change heads up the jewish congress who voiced such bucketfuls. that people had put big dreams on the big story in. the movie magazine fundi dummy. we make up over a week watches over half of the undead budget cuts we are the civil service and.
they want to keep the continent s future. dumpster s as they share their stories their dreams and their challengers. to the seventy seven percent. platform for shark. great to have you back with us you re watching the daily news live from berlin on the way along heraclius are made headlines this hour. the u.k. government and brings it minister dominic dromgoole have begun preparing people for the worst possible outcome from the e.u. negotiations and crashing out with no deal the government has started releasing a series of papers giving advice to industry on how to prepare for what it stresses is and on the likely result plus the u.s. and china have slapped a second round of tariffs on each other both are targeting sixteen billion dollars
worth of goods. the ugandan pop star who s become a lawmaker bobby wine has been charged with treason just minutes after a military court dropped weapons charges against him guilty verdict could mean the death penalty wine is an influential critic of president yoweri museveni and the government has been facing mounting pressure at home and abroad to free him is that a vat is the picture of ribot so i ve travelled on you since i moved to the mud is a pop star turned politician believing he is a free man. a military court clears ruppert shangri-la nice and to move known as bumpy wine of possessing unlawful weapons but as the opposition m.p. leaves the building clearly in pain it becomes apparent this taste of freedom will be short lived. the chief minister s gorge and go to bed little forty yeah you
follow us we need you kindly give us with got in as his supporters in the ugandan capital kampala watch the scenes unfold on t.v. you realize that wine who claims he was badly beaten in prison is being rearrested this time the challenge is treason over his alleged role in stoning president missive a nice convoy this month would go for the one who worked in the green reactor which is the most group. so the pub for not your. company wine has made a name for himself as a musician with a huge following since turning to politics last year he s taken many of his supporters with him but he s also made enemies chief among them the ugandan president himself. over the last few days security
forces have already put down protests demanding winds release the. jesse leaves his second co-chairing of the day it s clear neither pulpy wine nor his approach is will go quietly. let s get you the latest on these unfolding developments are joining me now from the ugandan capital kampala is journalist julius. julius a very good evening were these new treason charges expected. i think in the first place will be winds it s in the ration care mother separates too many who are so that military would know and teach to the demands from the lawyers from civil rights parties and in may under member of these families and supports as that and if so what idea shuddered hopes that she would be charged in a civilian court what s. the collaborative more was his immediate risk but soon as
he was told by his artist he had to size by the new charges and they continue to show solidarity against what they call trumped up charges mange to will trace those pool reports to the government. julius above the wine says he was severely beaten in detention has he undergone a medical examination. and a court order to that will be way to get medication for himself but i cannot independently confirm if indeed decrease and if he says how complaints according to the low that they are required to execute the course directive but in an earlier statements. you ve done as prison jordan was seventy i dress you did reports that you had been out so early in gypsy. reports of severe injuries and that the military courts martial and in court will be one of your guts you could look woke
up without being supported doesn t appear to be in pain we should just try legations of such as claimed by his lawyers on family but well in court if looking men seem to be ill and government up here to help or to be a to have recognised that indeed it wasn t feeling well so we think it will give them a ticket looking at the footage that we just that we previously showed he did not look well an international group of musicians and artists have signed a petition calling for the release of bobby wine but how much support does he enjoy among the ugandan public. i believe one is it is indeed very popular trust doesn t musician i know as a politician and just doesn t open a society that the uganda nazi also kenyans are involved in based do you think both the one should be set free i m sure the support has been brewing is especially when you. went to he d previously some few days back including your study
so what the line is it did is indeed very popular and we think and i think the events that have recently happened of made him even much more popular so many people really recover mazing as a strong force to hear some reporting from the kampala thank you very much for the update. and helena is back to take a look at the state of free trade around the world because it seems to be in dire straits yeah absolutely so about timely of course this at a time when the u.s. is busy slapping tariffs on its trading partners around the world china retaliating of course well africa is trying to do away with those tariffs all together plans for an african free trade agreement date all the way back to nine hundred ninety one the goal then was to scrap tariffs and create a free trade zone and in march will forty four countries sign the african
continental free trade agreement members planning to abolish tariffs within the next decade that say that some stumbling blocks remain for one not everyone is on board including africa s biggest economy nigeria as well as eritrea and guinea bissau as well another hindrance to free trade is the continent s infrastructure and even without levies getting goods from a to b. isn t always easy despite that the u.n. economic commission for africa believes that the agreement will kick start a trade across africa and we can all speak to andrew andrew mold from the agency where he is the acting director for east africa hopefully we should be able to speak to him and there he is good to see you andrew now africa s biggest economy nigeria for one is not on board why does this country have such reservations. well i think in the case of nigeria they
haven t said they re not going to sign it simply that they needed a period of consultation with the private sector we are actually quite hopeful now that they are going to sign quite sure and that s a. that s a that s sort of a stark way to say to trade negotiators beginning we have to mystically going to come aboard for the issues of attention in nigeria on board shortly what about eritrea and guinea bissau where with their reservations. well there s a there s a number of countries actually i mean out of the fifty five countries in the continent forty nine signed up but these are militarily few economies that actually said that we were we were actually very happy that as many as forty four countries signed up in the meeting in march the african union i don t think people were expecting that maybe six months ago. so that s a very strong mandate for moving forward with the african continental free trade area and in actual fact we need twenty two ratifications by march for the process
to the to go forward implementation to start with the global economy navigating the let s just say uncertain times is that the sense that actually makes more sense to approach a greater into african trade and. indeed yes i mean it s one of the most dynamic. trading relations for most african countries the traffic and trade it s been rising generally speaking and it s dynamic and it s also diversified political which is very important for african countries developmental aspirations so you ll find that whereas with the rest of the world they still try to trade in principally primary commodities such as oil coffee or tea amongst themselves they try to much more what effect are good citizens so that s a very important that in mind briefly andrei i mean free trade sentiments been taking a hit in other parts of the wild is that the sense that africa is its new champion and can you put
a figure on advantages to come brief if you would what are they say that this isn t about creating a free trade area or only it s about creating a continental market it s far more ambitious than simply a free trade deal and the masons from the u.n. economic commission from africa from a few years ago the estimates we did was an increase of about fifty two percent in traffic and trained by the elimination of terrorists in those countries now that amount would double if it was so measures undertaken to reduce non-tariff barriers so we re talking about a very large potential boost in traffic contrite by this by this agreement absolutely a trade based doubling potentially that and remold acting direct to east africa at the united nations economic commission for africa thank you very much you re most welcome believe it. well it is the biggest event in the gaming calendar games common for the first time african develop as
a show in cologne have been given a dedicated space to show off that was all report to eddie naked jr went to find out what they have to offer and pay his own gaming skills to the test. game s calm is back in cologne once again and it seems like there has never been a better era in which to launch a game exhibitors from more than fifty countries invite game isn t professionals to try out what s new on the market ahead of the big event games called a developers conference called defcon takes place and this year for the first time it has an africa corner. worldwide the video game industry generates close to one hundred billion dollars africa represents huge potential in that market because five hundred million africans own a mobile phone. to africa corner allows african developers to share their games as well as to showcase african culture through their games. are making games for those who are interested in the league games as part of our own culture in africa i
mean i use video games to also educate people it s a pool for me it s also like in italy in kyoto every kind of goods of africa all settled so that the next generation can know more about it s always in its culture while being to be it s like educate yourself by having fun. with this thing one of my looking at your reaction the allow you to do you can see the heels of off a good so good this epic journey board spirit of south africa will discover africa in the coming years of off the corruption from office. at this year s games com the remastered third episode of two major is one of the most awaited games as well as red dead redemption to all the new assassin s creed. and he has got his eyes on the cult like and that s a name for fans who like to dress up in the costumes of their favorite characters in this case it s from the adventure dark side as three. racing games remain
popular like the new formula one as eddie found out when he took up a challenge with developer georgia herefrom kenya. i got there are. one thing is clear the days when gaming was a niche passion are long gone. before. what were. we are just twenty four hours away from the kickoff of the bundesliga season germany s the top division of soccer is still one of the best leagues in the world and the house it s of do to the sports is with me to talk all about it good to see you had lots of hype and excitement as surrounding this but it just hasn t been such a good summer for german football no absolutely not i mean german football fans probably want to forget this one quite quickly they crashed out of the world cup so early but that also means of had a lot of time to rest and
a lot of time to look forward to the bundesliga let s have a look at what we can expect. the new bundesliga citizen is upon us ready to treat fans to another glut of emotions. germany s shocking world cup campaign however is still fresh in focus as well as the poor performance of bundesliga clubs in europe paying competition last term internationally german football is going through a bleak period only but munich has stood out they made the semifinals of the champions league last season and of march to six consecutive bundesliga titles with little competition under new coach nico because that s the champions expect their writing to continue. and it s six months. by now six times champions in a row who want to make sure that we re champions again for a seventh time but we also know that the others will not make it easy. for them to
try everything to take the crown office gotten clients dominance is dangerous the title race can only be competitive if other clubs boost their spending but to the fifty plus one rule investors can t completely take over the bundesliga clubs massive transfer fees paid by sides in england spain or by french heavyweights paras such a man simply cannot be matched dog than to spend seventy three million euros on new players the most out of any bundesliga club after a turbulent twelve months there is hope of the revival is known as a top situation where a lot of questions have to be asked but i m a long way from saying that everything was bad. of course we know that we have to raise our performances so that we can once again treat our fans to proper football . but. the bonus leaguers becoming a development and selling league as they get runners up shelters sold central defender t.l.o. carer to p.s.g. for thirty seven million euro s but they still want to challenge buy in for the
championship. constant hi i m also haven t invested heavily but their coach is upbeat in his final season of the club so be it every team basically wants to be champion we re giving everything to have a successful season and then we ll see what comes at the end of the campaign a more exciting season that s what old german football fans are hoping for but there has been a supporter backlash as the bundesliga becomes increasingly commercialized yet without the increased cash flow the legal full further behind its rivals it s a balancing act that the bundesliga must achieve in the upcoming season. and seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place because it is the german league in danger of falling behind leagues like the ones in france england and spain because of this fifty plus one rule well just a really quick the fifty plus one rule means that no club can play in the bundesliga
commercial investors hold more than forty nine percent of the state so it. forbids foreign investors from doing exactly what you just said coming buying a a club you know paying tons of fees for star players and bringing them into the oneness and that also means that the bundesliga hasn t been a destination for top players that are looking to make a move you know if you look at the likes of neymar jr you know over naldo who just went into this area and it s only they want looking at clubs in the bundesliga so yes there is a danger that they re falling behind and they have to step up their game last season was really bad if we kind of take by and out of the equation for german clubs internationally so they will look at their performances this season after the season there might be some reevaluating talk about reevaluation one of germany s the richest club buyer in munich is considering selling their biggest stars here on my board tank yeah i mean there s eight days left in the transfer season and he still might actually make a move and surprising thing is apparently the clubs are already talking about transfer fees and buy in are willing to let him go for thirty to forty million
which really isn t a lot for a player like drew. he s won so many prizes and is such an important player if you look at the market value of other players and he still has a contract till twenty twenty one so we ll have to wait and see but it does look like he could be heading to paris to parachute ok with the deep pocket. let s look beyond bar and talk just about to dortmund s new coach new coach he s many fans are expecting a lot from him because he s been highly successful with the teams that he has managed in the past he s usually taking teams that aren t expected to go very far into european competitions like most recently at least in sounds and he s done very well but he s never managed to come quite as big as dortmund so it ll be exciting to see what he can do with players like marco royce like christian and whether he can bring them to the top again do well in european competitions and actually challenge by in munich for the title in the book and i am going to put you on the
spot read the tea leaves for us which seems you think are going to perform well well i genuinely don t think that by his going to give it up i think they re going to go for their seventh title in a row but then if things are going to get really interesting i predict that it s going to be quite similar like last season the spots behind by are going to be quite tight knit i think dartmouth are going to do quite well and keep buying on their toes until the end i also think they re going to make it into the top four right we were talking about that with you in the months to come i mean to do every sports thank you things like it s a lot. of. people are just great they re crazy they really should tell me but you know my parents were in my future that s pretty much more of a hard. this is for sure she does things or some like on her hind quite negative because if your fingers yellow on the outside of thing there for me the film called khorasan which asians are which is having a crazy great run at the box office in america on its opening weekend it s being
released in europe. right now and the rest of the world in the coming weeks and robin merrill from our culture this is here i m very excited to follow this through and really i think the rest of the people are also there s so much buzz surrounding this yeah. because it s the first hollywood movie in twenty five years to have an all asian cars the last one was the joy luck club back in one thousand nine hundred three it s long overdue it does prove that diversity works of the box office black panther was another good example of this year so a lot of press is very funny it is a straight out realm calm boy meets girl amount of time boy wants to take girl to meet his parents in singapore but he s left out a bit of vital information and is really so that all the fun starts there when she goes over meets the family meets the rather fight for osha s and disapproving mother disapproving of her because he does she doesn t want her son to marry
a middle class economics professor from america many people would but his why. writes i ve been dating for over a year now and i think it s about time people met my peaceful girlfriend. what about us taking an adventurous. queen singapore college what do you want to see my family i hardly know anything about them i was going to bring them up because you just. can t read this so your family s more comfortable that is exactly what is super rich person who says i m so sorry when rachel is thrust into the world of the hyper wealthy in singapore and being first in line for the country s most eligible bachelor she s put firmly in the spotlight especially when it comes to nick s disapproving mouth. with its opening weekend box office success crazy rich asians is enough it s also the first all asian cost for hollywood in a quarter of a century. that was. rejoicing like i would bring back something that s
been missing for so long to have something that s going to kill people with troy go to people that were it was something to look at for it s good for us or you know it s bigger than that it s not just for the record. crazy rich asians doesn t just step forward when it comes to diversity it s a relatable fish out of water tell about a working class girl punching for the man she loves. and it helps that the cast is easy on the eyes it s been resisting singapore or incidentally it s also said that moviegoers there weren t too crazy about it and it s true it s taken a bit of flack because it s about wealthy ethnic chinese and not about other ethnic communities in singapore also they don t get the humor of the asian americans or a british mark. of course having an asian cast in singapore is the norm there s
loads of films with asian culture it s a huge improvement has to be said from holly. from films like the great wall which is about the great wall of china which starred matt damon so it is an improvement that i don t expect big box office in asia but it s certainly for asian americans this is a very important film why well because i mean the main members of the cause the best way to explain that there are asian american asian british is an asian australian in that and all the press interviews that doing they do talk about the growing up as i saw it as where they were growing up and not the dominant face in the countries where they re growing up and constance wooed henry golding are kofi anan gemma cha old different ways of talking about this in in the press junkets and it s how it s affected their outlook on life and how asian americans are always british go to asia only to discover there that they consider outsiders to even
though they all the dominant face that it s used to great comic effect in the film but there is this sort of underlining serious under current really in the film of who i am where do i belong in society running through the film so it s good that way too and it s definitely touched a nerve in america for one so crazy which asians coming to a theater near you know if you re being released you know bit by bit around the world so if times around the well as you might imagine because the box office success they re already making the next one will be a franchise and i ll be talking to you soon about crazy richard three no talk at all r k i also thank you so very much a robin marilou should go see it together yeah. thanks a lot rob and now before i let you go want to remind you of our top stories that we re tracking for you at this hour. you can t go round and break that mr dominick
rob have begun preparing people for the worst possible outcome from the e.u. negotiations crashing out with no deal. government has started releasing a series of papers giving advice to industry on how to prepare for what is with the stress of this isn t on a likely result. the u.s. and china have slapped a second round of tariffs on each other posts are targeting sixteen billion dollars worth of goods. thank you so much for spending in this part of your day with us so i m laying the whole rock in berlin on behalf of the entire team thank you for being with us we hope to see you again in a couple minutes franco will take over. from the.
get starlight to get gamma ray bursts we get i think grace other august really weak compared to the sunshine. so in a practical sense the sun is the only choice for long term energy supply. well clearly more scientific discoveries and more engineering are required to enable the basic technologies to be cheap enough a lot of the electrical energy we produce is lost in the wire between the generator and the house so if we could make superconducting wires out that would be a wonderful way to transport energy from one place to another so let s make those investments now so that we all know things that we need to own and when the time comes. to make hundred sixty eight and i ll try and go around the world.
becomes the hands generation. give me those wasn t honestly and dusty fullest stupidity and. they demanded nothing less than a whole society the whole point maelstrom of concern let s. go to those who don t remember the. term for the first time i had a feeling of being something the. seeds of civil rights. peace movement. plan. nine hundred sixty eight. the global middle start september first on g.w. .

Captain , Ship , Migrants , Aid , Treason , German , Pop-star-turned-lawmaker-bobby-wine , Trial , Uganda , Two-hundred-thirty , President , Accusation