jerusalem back in the democratic platform. here is what happened just moments ago. a those delegates in favor say aye. aye. all those delegates opposed say no. no. in the opinion let me do that again. all of those delegates in favor say aye. aye. all of those delegates opposed say no. no. i guess then you got to let them do what they are going to do. do that one more time. all those delegates in favor say aye. aye. all those delegates opposed say no. no. in the opinion of the chair, two-thirds voted in the affirmative. the motion is adopted. and the platform has been amended as shown on the screen. bret: could have asked for roll call vote at that point. they didn t. the chair decided that was two-thirds. there were some boos as you heard there in the hall about that decision. now last night, here on special report, i asked senate majority whip dick durbin about the remuel of god and jerusalem removal of god and jerusalem from the p