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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20160819

clinton foundation. we another breaking news story about what hillary clinton about colin powell in her interview. and there s breaking news about the trump campaign chairman and could be ill lee work that he did in the united states on behalf of the vladimir putin suppo supporting. but first this is also breaking news, donald trump admits that he has regrets. what do you have to lose by trying something new. he wants to surround himself for his biggest fan boys. former he s a loud mouth. from the farthest reaches of the right wing media where everything donald trump says is fantastic. i feel like super model accept like times ten. we ll make sure that donald trump is comfortable being in his own skin. you ll see more conspiracy series. i m watching the conservative movement. i am glad that i make the powerful a little uncomfortable now and again, including some of the powerful people, frankly, in my own party. let trump be trump. and believe it or not, i regret it. this is the last word on campaign 2016. for 430 days donald trump has been campaigning for president and every one of those days he has had something to apologize for, but he never has apologized. then came today, with only 81 days left in the election donald trump now under the influence of his new campaign managers, finally cracked. sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. i have done that. [ applause ] and believe it or not, i regret it. [ trump trump trump trump ] and i do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues. but one thing i can promise you this, i will always tell you the truth. regret. he couldn t bring himself to apologize. donald trump is too small a person to ever find a way of saying the word sorry, but he took the baby step today of saying that he had regrets. he has regrets for some of the things he said, but he doesn t have the courage to say what those things are and then in the same breath he told his audience that he will always tell them the truth, which, of course, is his biggest lie. it is the unbrel lalie that covers the entire campaign. no presidential candidate in history has lied with the pathological frequency of donald trump. in his speech tonight, he demanded that hillary clinton apologize for the decision she made, policy decisions and the decision the way she ran her e-mail. but donald trump still has not yet apologized for the lies he started telling five years ago about president obama s birth. donald trump has never apologized for lying about seeing thousands of people celebrating on 9/11 in new jersey. he s the author of easily proven lies in any politician in history, and just for good measure right after his audience tonight that he will always tell them the truth, he immediately threw a lie in their faces and they fell for it. i am spending millions and millions and millions of dollars on my own campaign. i m funding my campaign. [ applause ] my only interest is the american people. i m funding my campaign, than as an out right lie. his audience should know that by now. he s desperately trying to raise money and doing a terrible job of it. his new campaign management was able to get him to admit regrets, especially now that he s losing in every poll, they have no intention of getting donald trump to stop lying while he was speaking and lying tonight, the associated press in a breaking news report said e-mails obtained by the associated press show donald trump s campaign chairman, paul manafort directly orchestrated a covert washington lobbying operation on behalf of ukraine s ruling political party attempting to sway american public opinion in favor of the country s prorussian government. paul manafort and his deputy never disclosed their work as foreign agents between 2012-to 14 as required under federal law. and, jeff, paul manafort and his associate both now working for the trump campaign and the what you have found are actual e-mails showing what they were doing. what more can you tell us about that? so this is earlier this week paul manafort issued a statement saying that they had never, never, never done anything involving, basically, lobbying on behalf of the russian government or the ukrainian government. and they swore this up and down, the lobbyist who were working that aligned the political lobbying operation, said the same thing and the e-mails we have, which between or from, i should say, rick gates who is from manafort s deputy, from his firm, to the nonprofit that s supposedly independent, clearly show that rick gates and the manafort firm are controlling this effort and are basically telling, sort of the lobbyist in d.c. what to do, who to contact. they re setting up meetings for ukrainian ministers and they re attempting to also get ukrainian viewpoints, i should say, the particular viewpoints, ukrainian s party of region in front of american audience through tv interviews and newspaper interviews. jeff. paul manafort and rick gates have never denied working in ukraine, that s public record, that they worked in ukraine for the president of ukraine, but what they have been denying is that they were doing any work back in the united states and there are things that lines that you can easily cross in work in the united states that require you to register as, basically, a foreign agent, that s not what they have not done and that could be the legal violation here. exactly. so there are the foreign agent, registration act is very clear. this was put in place 1938, basically, to try to detect and track propaganda by the germans and during world war ii. this law is very clear that anyone who is acting on behaef of the foreign government needs to dethe operations and detail it very clearly. they can do whatever they like as consultants thashs s okay and that s their business, but as soon as they bring that back overseas or that back home, at that point they need to disclose this and be transparent about their operations. what we found they weren t transparent to the government in disclosing, basically, that they were operating a lobbying business out here. and this is precisely the kind of thing that donald trump said that if he s president, he would not allow anyone who served in his administration to do anything like this for five years after serving in the administration, he said nothing about how much they could do right up until the day before serving. there s a bit of ironny here and that speech tonight i believe was about registered lobbyist, the problem here is that paul manafort s firm is doing unregistering lobbying. the same thing, just without actually declaring itself according to the u.s. government s law. yeah, this is yeah, these are the people who are seen here in this campaign and been advising him for months and months. thank you very much for joining us tonight with this breaking news. thank you. thanks for having me. we re joined now by terrence clays. also with his strategist, clarence page, it happened. you ve been waiting 4 hyundais for it. he povted to admitting a regret without ever telling us exactly what he regrets. yeah, i call that a half pivot, actually, lawrence. and the reason why it reminded me of frank sanatra song i had a few, but i did it my way that was the next line i was waiting from donald trump. the difference between regrekt and sorry. we can talk the rest of the night about that. the fact is you are right. this is a change of direction. notice the last couple of days he s been sedate compared to the f flamboyant trump until now. i think he s trying hard to tone it down. i m waiting to see how long this is going to last. the speech he gave today lack credibility. clearly the regret piece was the thing that they were going to be able to prove, look, the new bosses of the trump campaign look what they ve done. it s the 87th pivot this year. every time this happens you know it s a clock running. it s when does he get his phone back and start tweeting again. when does he start verbal spray out all of the world, again, by twitter or whatever inappropriate remarks he chooses to make that day. this is a guy who cannot be tamed or mastered or controlled by people. and it s amazing that the american media falls for this there s a whole bunch of gushing stories tonight of people who should know better, even the speech didn t contain, as you noted, any kind of apology or regret. he s unable to process. i m sorry if offended you. that s putting it on the person that s listening to him. it s astounding and typical trump and it s nothing we shouldn t expect at this point and, look, this is probably we ve probably got 20 or 30 pivots to go in the course of the election, wait until he gets his phone back tonight. it s always on the clock. it seems the first question for the next trump interviewer. he s not doing business with anyone else, the first question obviously is to on what do you regret. i m sure megan klly are wondering as well, but frankly shows something of a token effort towards showing that he recognize recognizes some mistakes look at the train of mistakes he s made so far. he has said, for example, when asked why are you still campaigning to the base, why don t you cross over and go for the swing voters and the dependents out there, he said i really talking to these rallies and having people cheer my name, et cetera. he likes that style of campaigning. but it s not practical so far as winning some votes in those battleground states. this is the head of the nypd said today in reaction to donald trump s trump talking about law and order. on the subject matter, what are the ideas. we re all about reducing fear. that will work, not exploiting fear and platitude, i m not familiar enough with what is behind the statement what is he proposi proposing, what s his experience, what are his ideas. i just don t know, our pile has yet to respond to bill on this. well, look, donald trump s speech, as we noted the other night, it was eight minutes of law and order it was laundried recycled stuff. largely, the speech has been forgotten already, the next the next few hours he hired ste steve, a man who has promoted antisintism, promoted antiracism. now there s a guy who is behind this. and who has never worked in a campaign. i love people who have never worked in campaign, oh, i can do that. good luck pal. that s the perfect queue for the next segment. coming up, we have breaking news about the clinton foundation, also breaking news about what hillary clinton said about colin powell said in her interview with the fbi. and how is donald trump s newly campaign team working. you just heard what rick had to say about the new ceo of the clinton of the trump campaign. we ll have more coming up. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should ve done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. we have breaking news that hillary clinton told the fbi that former secretary of state colin powell advised her to use private e-mail when she became secretary of state. also today the new trump campaign manager in disagreement with trump campaign spokesman. that s coming up. nrz you don t let anything keep you sidelined. that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. . the new management of the trump campaign may have donald trump to express regrets for unspecified things he has said in the past, but the lead spokesperson for any trump campaign continue her lying ways on television today, this time about hillary clinton s health. he had said that she doesn t have the strength or the stamina for a very long time, that part is nothing new. what s new are the other reports of the observations of hillary clinton s behavior and m mannerisms. tonight chris matthews asked the new trump campaign manager about what katrina pearson just said. i m not a doctor, you re not a doctor, your candidate is not a doctor, but your people are putting out the word there s have you seen this with michael you ve seen how politics, you put out the word there s something wropg with the guy or woman and the people start buzzing about it. is this a tactic that you appreciate and like? i don t like taking her on on the record. so kelly who is katrina pears pearson s new boss douesn t lik what was said, if she really is, she never has to, again, listen to katrina pearson saying something she doesn t like. she can fire katrina pearson right now. fire her for lying every time she has ever appeared on television talking about the trump campaign. con way isn t the only new addition to the trump campaign. mysterious figure who has the title of ceo, might be very happy with what katrina pearson said today since he has a long record of handling and news and on his radio show, an article in the vanity fair, about these comments from the bright mart web site that he runs, the anonymous defiant, i celebrated with some alcohol when zimmerman was found not guilty and i celebrate every time one of these mongoloids are shot by cops another racist comment said they know that white people are superior they wine about it all the time and want to kill us because of it. they know they ll never be equal to us, so they destroy everything we create. joining us now the author of the article. ken, thank you very much for joining us. i really appreciate it. i m struck by this moment today with katrina pearson who is saying just craziness about hillary clinton. con way says to matthews she doesn t like that. do you think steve bannon likes that? so, i think steve bannon is, you know, he s become a professional, that s why he s a good companion to trump. and i think he will spend his time helping getting trump to talk about the things that made him successful during the primaries, at least with one class of voters. and, you know, what trump does is what ban nnon does and they very good at that. it s been proved in trump s success so far and i expect we ll see it for the next three months. the first part of what katrina pearson said is stuff that donald trump says saying that hillary clinton doesn t have the strength and the stamina to do the job, there s absolutely no evidence of that, that s donald trump making stuff up. that is very much in the tradition of steve bannons bright web site. so let s bright bart and dan have been very successful over the last four years, sort of invented trump before trump. they created the al bright movement and they did it largely through creating tales. tales about the muslim conspiracy, the tales about the wild effects of black lives matter. they ve learned what really gets their audience up and going and will continue to see more of it. they re very good at that. let s listen to something that donald trump said today. i am glad that i make the powerful, and i mean very powerful, a little comfortable now and again, including some of the powerful people, frankly, in my own party. because it means that i m fighting for real change, real change. our campaign is about representing the great majority of americans. republicans, democrats, independents, conservatives and liberals who read the newspaper or turn on the television and don t hear anyone, anyone speaking for them. there s speculation, now, that bannon and trump after they lose on election day will ban together to create some kind of new media operation and when you hear that line about donald trump saying people turn on the television and don t hear anyone speaking for them, even though he gets a 100% sympathetic audience every time he goes on fox, people are looking at statements like that for the seeds of the possibility of this trump bannon partnership and meeting. so, let s what trump said there is sort of classic. it s the politics. it s the washington establishment, american corporations, the party of d who have forsaken the american worker in the interest of globalism and their own interest. you know, i ve seen the theory that afterwards trump and bannon will gang up. i think trump is a useful tool for bannon right now. bannon is very successful. bright bart is perhaps there are some statistics that show some of the political site and social media. it s 18 million users, trump is helpful in driving awareness of bright bart, it s gone its own velocity going right now. i don t know that they need to band more than they have. ken stern thank you very much for joining us tonight. up next, colin powell advised hillary clinton to use private e-mail as secretary of state. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. like their photo claims tool. it helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. esurance does insurance a smarter way, which saves money. like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces red tape, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that s home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. (lion it s peyton on sunday mornings. (peyton) you know with directv nfl sunday ticket you can watch your favorite team no matter where you live. like broncos or colts. (cashier) cool. (peyton) ah.18. the old number. ooh. i have got a coupon for that one. (vo) get nfl sunday ticket - only on directv. and watch live games anywhere. new york times is reporting tonight that hillary clinton told the fbi that former secretary of state colin powell had advised her to use a personal e-mail account. the times reports that the fbi notes of their sbe view with secretary clinton which were handed over to congress on tuesday revealed that she told the fbi about former secretary of state powell s notes. tales of a dinner party hosted by madelyn albright. colin powell was there, along with henry kissinger. in his book he told her to use her own e-mail as he had done exceor classified communications she had sent received via state department computer. the book says, this only confirmed the decision that secretary clinton had made months earlier to use personal e-mail. until this story broke tonight, the big clinton news of the day came earlier this evening when the clinton foundation announced it would no longer except foreign or corporate contributions if hillary clinton is elected president. joining us now by phone is new york times national political reporter amy who broke the story tonight about the fbi s interview with secretary clinton. amy, thank you very much for joining us with this breaking news, i really appreciate it. thanks for having me. when the word came that congress was getting the fbi notes this week the clock started clicking on when the first week would come. i m not going to ask you where it came from. but this is a of what ice in the fbi notes. but what more do we know about what hillary clinton said about her e-mail. well, i think we re going to be learning that, and obviously the clinton campaign is concerned about congressional campaigns or strategically leaking things that could damage her candidacy and has pushed to release everything. we ll see if that happens until then, you re right, it could be a drip drip of those of us hearing about different parts of the three-and-a-half conversation that happened over july fourth weekend. there are also democratic members who might have an incentive to drip some drips of it and this one seems to be ben ishl. it seems to be the is colin powell saying you should do it this way. yes. it s interesting, you know, hillary clinton have said from the get go that previous secretary of state have done this. they haven t made the link he told her to do it and i think that was something he had mixed emotions about it and passing blames on a popular, former diplomat. we had known other developments scandal that. there s some huge differences between colin powell s time and secretary clinton s powell s there, the systems had changed. when colin powell was there, their computers weren t connected to the internet, apparently you couldn t send e-mail outside of the state department, that wasn t the case by the time hillary clinton got there and she was operating under a new rule imposed by the obama administration that everyone was suppose to use the government e-mails. for one, i think technology and e-mail had evolved dramatically, the state department was behind when colin powell came. she didn t have a private e-mail, she had a private server set up by outside contractors in her house which has drawn intense scrutiny that was a major difference. you mention the new rules of the state department inspector general report that came out in the spring pointed out by the time secretary of clinton set up her personal server, significant security risks were posed by the practice it is quite different from colin powell s practice. thank you very much for joining us with this breaking news, really appreciate it. we re joined now for congress for the washington st i want to go to the oh big story, the clinton foundation announcing it would no longer take foreign or corporate contributions that comes as the same week that the boston globe has endorsed hillary clinton, will surely endorse her again in the general election, i don t think they ve endorsed a republican in my lifetime. but friend of the clinton campaign, boston globe editorial board said the clinton foundation should be shutdown, this form of being able to contribute to the family of an officer holder should be stopped. i think that, too. i have my own notion of this. i think what they should do is reconstitute it as i would call the eisenhower/kennedy foundation who great presidents of their youth, bring in people like david and suzanne eisenhower and essentially let the work of the foundation go on, the clinton says this foundation does a lot of work, there s evidence that it does. it does do good work around the world. to have any kind of entity like this while clinton is president, just invites more and more stories as john john would say, you can know what servitude of people could be looking for foundation stories throughout the clinton presidency. what they did today is a good step forward, i hope, it s an indication that they understand that over the long-run this just poses a problem for them that they don t need. well, and if the idea is we should not take foreign contributions or corporate contributions if hillary clinton is president, why would it have been a good idea when she was secretary of state. well, i think there was a statement issued to that effect, you know, i think that you have a situation here that is unprecedented. you have a former president of the united states and presidents do have these foundations. they do do a lot of good in the world, but you have not had a situation where a member of the family, in this case, the wife of the former president was both secretary of state and running for president. and i understand that they might say, we re being held to a different standard than others and there s some fairness to that, but it doesn t matter, you will be held to that standard, whether you like it whether you like it or not because you re in a situation that we ve never had to live with before and so i think they ll have the figure out more steps to take about this. and yeah, ej we ve been around long enough the standards always change, they evolve. there was a time when you can get away with any kind of extramarital behavior you the standards change all the time. i can understand how they would have innocently found themselves in this situation, as you say, totally unprecedented, everything about it is unprecedented. e.j. thank you very much. good to join you, thanks. up next, john mccain is the saddest senator on the campaign trail now where his biggest problem is donald trump. if you re lucky you live in one of the five big cities where an identical statute of donald trump went up today. it is donald trump as you have never seen him before and never wanted to see him, hey, that s what it does. it shows you things you ve never seen before. this is art with a message. only an authentic property would suffice for jordan s bachelor party. i don t need a sword, i m a firemaid. ding dong! i m going to give this place a killer review. i don t know, i just always thought maybe my bachelor party would be a little less g-rated. wench! ahhh! ahhh hahaha. oooh! party time! party boy! ok, ok. mm hm, party time. hmm, mmm, mmm. now you can t spell nutriam i right?t nut, i mean whose to say it s pronounced nu-triton, anyway? my mixes contain delicious nuts, specially blended for your optimal nut-rition. that s right, i just changed a word in the english dictionary, forever. planters. nutrition starts with nut. get between you and life s dobeautiful moments.llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. senator john mccain is running the saddest campaign. he spends his name desperately avoiding conflict with presidential candidate, who we know he hates. 30 years in the senate is not enough for him instead of retiring next year at age 80, he wants another six years, which means he has to run in the years of trump. senator mccain is locked in a tight race with democrat kilpatrick and he cannot afford to lose the single trump of the support. this is the way his day goes on campaign trail. what did i tell you. thank you very much. you have a question. do you have questions about veterans? do you have a question about veterans? this is a veterans event. later this morning a group of veterans is going to deliver a hundred thousand signatures asking you to announce mr. trump, what s your reaction to that? i m asking them to renounce health care who lied to the families relatives of the families who were killed in benghazi. i ve already answered that i ve already answered the question before. senator. [ inaudible question ] criticize hg donald trump saying he s unqualified for office saying that hillary clinton is much better qualified, how do you respond to that. i respond to the obvious fact that i m running my own campaign. i m running my campaign has nothing to do with my campaign. i m wondering what you ve heard in the course of the campaign from donald trump that convinces you he s the man. what has he done? i have said that i m running my own campaign. i said i m supporting the nominee of the party and i will continue to run my own campaign (vo) making the most out of every mile. that s why i got a subaru impreza. (avo) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chick salad. salad. around hgets the waffle.rd but for all the other birds who could use a few more minutes of sleep, we ve got you covered. enjoy free breakfast on the run and free wi-fi. book at for a guaranteed discount. . war has a new face tonight, a face that s been seen around the world in the last 24 hours. five-year-old, who survived an air strike that was conducted by russian pilots. it s a powerful photograph, so powerful that it helped move russia, today, to agree with a 48 hour cease fire where this air strike destroyed his home. here some use to argue for more bombing, but with american bombs dropped by american pilots in sere yachlt but bombs never know where the five-year-old boys are, bombs sometimes kill the people you want to kill, but just as often kill completely innocent men, women, and children. bombs don t know the difference between the people you want to kill and the people you want to save. it is impossible to argue for more bombs without being willing to accept more five-year-old boys being dragged out of the rubble dead or alive. doctors say the little boy and his family survived the attack with no permanent physical injury. but he is now the face of war, the face we can hope the world never forgets. fair and equal representati representation, this is what i promise to african-americans, hispanics, americans and of all types of all colors of 42%. that s a tie. the latest georgia poll shows donald trump 45%, 41% hillary clinton. with 81 days from the presidential campaign war room joining us tonight is howard dean, former chairman of gnc. howard dean, the minority vote and these states can t be decisive in this way unless it s close enough and those polls show that it s close enough. it is close enough. and donald trump has zero chance of having any significant in road into the minority vote. he has done himself so much damage. you remember, these communities have been taken advantage of by majority for a very, very, very long time. you don t switch on a dime and convince him with a speech like this, oh, yeah, now you re on their side after dog whistling for an entire year. whenever you hear when you hear an older white man this was some speech written for who knows who, the new campaign manager doesn t believe any of this given his record, i don t know where this is coming from. it s another confusing day on the donald trump reality show. is there a particular kind of approach that the clintons are going to have to bring that they don t have a lot of experience driving votes. it s very common for the democrat to give up on some of these states so they re not experienced with getting the vote there. well, hopefully, there s enough left of the 50-state strategy so that they are going to have experience. some of these races, arizona has been you know, bill clinton won in arizona in one of his presidential races. so it is possible to do this. it s also possible and transplant the same methodology you might use in pennsylvania to georgia or arizona. and what do you make have you heard anything from the new trump team, campaign management team that indicates anything is going to be different now? well, no. but it s early. they have no operation on the ground. now, the rnas some, but it s very hard to motivate ground operation without somebody to be excited about. you know, i do not expect this group this election to be a run away. i do expect trump to right the ship at some point. i also do expect hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states. i m waiting for trump to come back. i don t want the democrats to be over confident about this. we have to do the work and we have to do the turn outs and we need to win georgia and arizona in particular. as you talk about the trump campaign, there s no one who has any experience with it and kelly con way doesn t have any experience and the new guy knows nothing about that. there if there s going to be any ground game it has to be the rnc. the ground game has gotten better but it s knock like the obama ground game. the ground game and his two campaigns was the best that has ever been run in the united states and maybe ever will be for a long time and she has a lot of obama s people who know how to do this working for her. so i m reasonably optimistic, i think we re going to win because the republican government have made their own people so angry where their complete malfeasance over the last four years. and i do think we have a shot in arizona. i think john mccain is going to lose. it s looking really sad for him out there. thank you very much, really appreciate it. thanks lawrence. up next, public art broke out, identical statute of donald trump appeared here in new york city and four other cities, that s next. esurance does auto insurance a smarter way. like their photo claims tool. it helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. esurance does insurance a smarter way, which saves money. like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces red tape, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that s home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. what is very likely to be the most memorable art, if you re lucky enough to be in one of these five cities, new york, los angeles, san francisco, cleveland, you might have seen one of these five identical statutes up close if you wanted to. the statutes were created by do artist who calls himself ginger. he has titled them the emp error has no something else i can t say tv. he used a slang word for a part of the male anatomy, but i can t mention. and the statutes, indeed, are missing that part. wow. that s all i can say. that s just speechless. it s hilarious. girl, that s a micro i guess this is how you make america great again. i think it s pretty awesome. i m a ginger myself and i don t like what he s doing portraying us in a bad light. after the new york city department of parks and recreation removed the unauthorized statute from union square, the department which clearly has the best writers in american government issued this statement. nyc parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in in city parks no matter how small. and that new york city parks for the first time ever gets the last word. joy reid is up next. hey, joy. how are you doing, lawrence? it s important when you have a small problem sometimes you need a big solution and i think they did. you know what we just discovered from what just happened? it turns out you can say micro penis on tv because it was in the video. yes. but unless you re on a sports show, apparently,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20160830

love the tie. never seen one. loving it. you succeed. this is just happening now. a story unfolding, sources just this hour confirming to fox news that the fbi is preparing to release some of the materials contained in its report on hillary clinton s email practices while she was secretary of the state department. the release in the response, we understand, is the response to numerous requests under the freedom of information act. the timing, note, just as new signs that pay to play allegations are swirling around hillary clinton s state department. and that they may be taking a toll on her poll numbers. her once commanding lead in key poll over donald trump has been cut in half. according to the latest monmouth university poll clinton leads trump by just seven points, 46-39, look at it there, down from a 13 point lead she held just after the democratic convention. the drop mostly due to a 7-point decline in support from among members of her own party. the rnc is demanding the clinton foundation release all of it is formal communications with the state department when she was secretary. chairman reince priebus says, that is the only way the american people will ever know for sure if donors were given special treatment. watch. or watch us talk about it. well, no, the new york times even today came out and said she needs to separate herself from the foundation. everyone is piling on, the evidence has shown the optic is reality. her bounce from the dnc subsided, trump steadied the ship and the stuff from the foundation is starting to stick. emails, emails are, foia requests are coming due. huma abedin is not just number two, she was employed by the state department and the clinton foundation at the same time as she talks to doug band who works for bill clinton. it is all clear. comey should have prosecuted when he had the chance. the evidence that comes out shows how guilty they really are. harris: lisas as with he look at that, messaging coming out of rnc and republicans, donald trump campaign, have they hit this hard enough or is this one of the cases politicians say if you have a house on fire and have a bucket of water, keep it in your hands? look at some swing states are closing as well in pennsylvania and florida. keep hammering it home. for hillary clinton she obviously made the political cale class that not releasing these emails and trying to hide information is in her best interests instead of putting it out there. there is reason why she reportedly spent $140,000 out of her on pocket to maintain these servers. emails, deleting uses bleachbit and failing to disclose foreign donors in the first place regarding the clinton foundation. she made the political calculation it will hurt her less trying to hide the information instead of, out there. harris: dagen, a lot of people ask why we look at particular poll. this asks questions about the clinton foundation, the respondents in the survey were responding on point to what we re talking about, others out there, not always ones we look at first but we look for trends, according to real real clear politics, economists showing 3 plus lead. that is the not double digit quinnepiac had. it seems more of an ought liar with the double-digit lead for clinton. your thoughts? dagen mcdowell all the polls show the gap is closing. his numbers improved, she is weakening even if she has a lead. i always look at the how favorability ratings, also the negatives and there was a wall street journal poll that jerry seib was writing about, now more than six in 10 reported negative feelings donald trump. more than five in 10 had negative feelings towards her. what is going on goes right to that. the american people have learned to distrust her over the last 25 years and literally distrust everyone around her. everything that comes out right now, it goes straight to that that. she could run an ad of her in field of tulips having her faced licked by a dozen puppies it will not make people have warm feelings towards her. harris: no, but i would watch it people think, poor puppies. harris: meghan, as we look at this, you said 25 years of it, but what is counts what happened in the last 25 days because you re talking momentum and you have spent, being hillary clinton north of 40 million on negative ads in battleground states. she is are national polls. only one in double-digit. they have all kind of shrunk. your thoughts? meghan: yesterday we got in very heated discussion how people on the left trying to spin this. this is business as usual, politics as usual. the american people are very smart. they know the clintons do business in a very different way than the rest of politicians. this is business as usual. they re incredibly corrupt. i don t care what people say, they were bribed, you give clintons enough money you get access, what lunch with the president of the china. you can have access to anything you want. prince of bahrain can come in have dinner with whomever you want. the business is not as usual and spin on left is not working. for donald trump hammer this home. for people like me waiver on donald trump. you know what i hate more? all the stuff with the clintons. all this hypocrisy and all the corruption. does anyone find it hilarious, the democratic party try to attack associated press. somehow hillary clinton who i mentioned before deleted tens of thousands of emails, systematically lied to american people and we should trust her account of things and not the associated press. the associated press had to sue this get access to the information. that is the hideousness of the argument you hear from the liberal left. meghan: there is arrogance, ap, which is the wire, you can tell a media organizations doing their jobs, remove this from twitter, that is the arrogance of the clinton administration. i hate john edwards, i never liked him. he said clintons live by one rule of law and clintons by another. never truer statement. abuse of the american people. they abuse the american people. harris: to broaden that out quickly, pete, we talked about this many times. we saw some of this in the obama administration via ben rhodes, you know, we could put a narrative out there for certain members of the media and get a story out there with regard to the iran deal. of course the clintons can count on fact the media will not dig any deeper. what they report on is surface level of reporting of facts in near term and moving right on. we re moving on right now. we re weeks away from the first presidential debate of 2016. we re learning more about hillary clinton s strategy. fox news confirming that the democratic nominee is trying to find triggers to get under donald trump s skin. and provoke him into an outburst on live television. her team is getting advise from psychology experts to make sure they know what would work. her advisors are also talking to the ghost writer of the art of the deal that donald trump book, for insight into trump s deepest insecurities. meantime hillary clinton herself saying at a fund-raiser in the hamptons, quote, we have three debates. the first one? september. i do know which donald trump will show up. a source tells fox news clinton campaign that trump is well-prepared for accusations of bankruptcies and other matters he had to answer for but marco rubio s hands comment, apparently really took him off his game. meghan mccain, you have insight into debate prep before. yes. it works to her advantage. she won the senate race in 2000 because of rick lazio getting up in her space. that is what sealed it for her. she is trying to provoke the same thing from donald trump. meghan: donald trump has at that be careful not making her victim. i don t like her gender plays a role in this. too hard on bill s affairs. it will look bad. he already has a problem with women and minorities. that being said, she could be overpreparing right now. she has to have her pantsuit focus grouped by a group group of people to see how which one she will wear and how people react. he smoked debate. 16 people. did great job almost every single time. if he goes in talking like straight talker, average joe, can come out and win. when i think of the coming debates i think of rocky 4? remember vock at this training in the wilderness. ivan drago in the lab and rocky, swinging from the hip a little bit more and she is poll testing the pantsuit and testing with psychological experts. we ll see if it is gunslinger or the precise one. it is like rocky iv . harris: she had fewer opponents, up against barack obama it was not so easy. yep. harris: primary contests it was tough. he can seem like a real person. she viewing gels with that. harris: donald trump is a real person and will come real wit. the question though, will he lean on the news cycle he has just been handed with more of it coming out today? is he growing to lean on that? fine, if you want to take point own point, you answer the direct question but for every barb is then. let me turn to page 17 in the pay for play scandal and let me show you which country was given this and which benefit happening here and yes, or no, they had a leader. harris: to harris s point, according to the new york times article he didn t want to do mock debates. could that hurt him? i think it could because hillary clinton is policy wonk. he needs to be prepared on policy issues. as someone who worked with male candidates in debate training against a gee male opponent there is female opponent there is double-standard. it worked for her in the past. that is something he needs to be careful because he does punch hard. he needs to make sure he is punching in the right way and doesn t overstep there because, i guarranty she will sit there and oh, little old me. harris: pete, you re surrounded by a you few strong women right now. if we get into it with you, you re not letting anybody win a point. when will we get to the point where women want equality but want equality everywhere? do we mean it or not? not with hillary. not with hillary. that s the problem though. why women, millenial women are not endeared to her. you re exactly right. not just the victim card, but narrative she tries to create of him, bigoted and crazy. there you go, again, donald, off the rails, can we hand you the keys to the nuclear codes. there is incentive for her to be sounding thoughtful and him off his rocker. he will have to be in tune. by the way who the clinton campaign trying to pick as donald trump. mark cuban was one. james carville. also some celebrities, maybe alec baldwin? harris: you re a fan of james carville in this role. we talked about this. mark cuban is pretty harsh. mark cuban knows how to shoot some arrows. meghan: got to get somebody from the right though. you have to get some long-term republican. get jesse watters, pay him $15 million. i m sorry, they re liberals. they will not shoot with the same arrows a conservative will. donald trump has a lot of like really smart conservatives around him, prepping him right now. i just think she can prep and prep and prep. he will go quick. very, very unpredictable. you can t prepare for donald trump. you don t know what he will do. harris: would you take less than 15 million to since you offered that? pretty good gig. i tried to come up with outburst that would hurt donald trump and i couldn t come up with one. he already had them all. he is the republican nominee. meghan: i gave you money because i knew you could be bought. harris: wow. meghan: that is the line i want to hear. i have some good lines against hillary. i gave you money because i knew you could be bought. harris: we should go to commercial. we have to tease first. questions about hillary clinton s closest aid huma abedin is aliability to her campaign. her husband anthony weiner leaving because of his latest sexting scandal. colin kaepernick s refusal to stand the national anthem to protest what he says is police brutality against blacks. whether pressure will build on the nfl and the team to distance themselves from him. right after the show, catch more from this beautiful couch. you can join us on our live chat by clicking the overtime tab on outnumbered. find overtime live on facebook. tweet us your questions and comments. we will see you there. you don t let anything keep you sidelined. that s why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing. .what you love. ensure. always be you. hei don t want one that s haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don t plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at month after month. year after year. then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. yeah. surprise. your insurance company tells you to pay up again. why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it? 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the new york times is pointing out quote, mr. weiner s extramarital behavior also threatens to remind voters about the troubles in the clintons own marriage. his abedin s choice to separate from her husband evokes debates that erupted police clinton s handling of the lewinsky affair, a discussion her campaign left in the past, unquote. dagen? dagen: never in my entire professional life met a nastier person than anthony weiner. literally he was abusive to anyone, particularly people, just in a green room who he thought was beneath him. carpalma is a bitch, isn t it, anthony? i wanted to say that first and foremost. what is in focus in terms of the presidential election this is hillary clinton s second daughter. this is the woman who keeps hillary clinton s phone in her own purse. this woman is the linchpin in all the dealings with the state department and the clinton foundation and all the people who wanted access by giving money, whether it was through bill clinton s speeches. whether directly to the foundation. she was on the payroll of the clinton foundation. she was on hillary clinton s payroll and on the payroll of doug band s teneo consulting firm. if you want to focus on her judgment and what she knows and what she doesn t know, that is perfectly legitimate. harris: wow, okay. lisa. she also knows where the bodies lie. she knows all of hillary clinton s deep, dark secrets and intricately involved in all the things hillary clinton is trying to hide. i think it cast as shadow over the clinton campaign but i believe there are stark differences that i don t believe anthony weiner has ever been accused of rape. i also think the hypocrisy from hillary clinton comes from the sense and wall street journal had a great article on this a little while ago, about the sense she is trying to use, these womens issues as sword and also a shield. in the sense she is trying to sit there and make claims every rape victim, every domestic violence victim deserves to be heard and believed, something she removed from her website since juanita broderick resurfaced. harris: she was asked about it at an event and came down. she reportedly dragged women through the mud that have accused bill clinton. that is the where the hypocrisy charge. that s the difference. harris: lisa, here is the issue for hillary clinton, you said all of that because of what is happening with huma abedin. that s a good point. harris: bringing it up. i want to remind everybody during our show yesterday donald trump had tweeted about this very thing. or actually he was talking to the new york times. excuse me, he didn t tweet. he said it is just an example of hillary clinton s bad judgment. that our security could be greatly compromised by this pete? you could imagine different scenarios which he is vulnerable and makes her vulnerable. who knows how many potential hacks through associations with private servers and things going on. there are security violations when some other country knows things about you they shouldn t can use against you in contexts not advantageous to you or your country. if hillary clinton is president of the united states, huma abedin will be sitting next to her. we have already questionable international ties from her. that is all bad. if you re a campaign, you don t want the news cycle driven by your aide all day long. you re losing talking about huma abedin which is pretty much what we talked about so far today. harris: wow. meghan: huma abedin is public figure. she is in vogue magazine. she went to the met ball. she made herself a public figure and very strange and unusual for aides to presidential candidates. it is highly unusual. she considers herself some level after celebrity in some form, like vogue magazine. people are saying you should keep this off limits keep this off limits. if you re in vogue more than once. all that being said, this woman testified in front of the benghazi committee because there were questions what she knew regarding that night. these are real security issues. i think donald trump is actually raising a very, very important question and you can t help but think, oh, when huma abedin was hanging out with her husband did she talk about anything that happened during the day? what does he know? very obvious dagen: the bigger picture, i was sitting with a very strong southern woman, not my mother, who is undecided voter and she said the fact that hillary runs as an advocate for women makes me sick. she spent years letting people step on her, letting her husband step on her, only to then step up. that does not represent women. i think it does, what is going on here shines a light on that. harris: pete, i think you hit the nail on the head. we re not talking directly about hillary clinton and her road to the white house, if you will. we re talking about an aide who may or may not have had a tremendous amount of access to information. that could have been compromised. harris: she worked for the foundation and for hillary clinton. indeed. harris: very interesting. we ll cover the news as it happens on that. donald trump is getting ready for a big speech tomorrow in arizona on his immigration policy that speech, as you know was delayed earlier amid questions whether he is softening his stance. what he has to say to make his plan more clear. growing concerns about iran. the stunning numbers just how many dangerous confrontations our navy has had with the islamic republic over the past year. and what it all may say about that controversial nuclear deal. stay close. meghan: donald trump is a day away from his much anticipated speech on immigration. many are hoping the republican nominee will clarify his policy tomorrow in arizona. in the last few weeks trump suggested his position is softening changing his promise to deport all undocumented immigrants to a narrowed focus on illegal criminals. trump tweeting hours ago, quote, from day one i said i would build a great wall on the southern border and much more. stop illegal immigration. stop wednesday. lisa, i m going to you. seems like he has been softening a little bit, i want to know how he will be able to soften the stance on immigration but not angering the base of supporters? no matter what he does he will get hit. reality if he sticks with the original position on mass deportation, he will be labeled as inhumane by the left and mainstream media. if he changes his position to soften it on policy issues, not it is flip-flop. no matter what he does he will get a hit. there is ail lit about oversensationallism going on here with this. no matter what he says ultimately will be stronger than anything hillary clinton would put forth who is literally giving illegal immigrants a platform on the democratic national con committee convention platform and on the floor. secondly, if you look at issue hispanics care about in the country is jobs, education, comprehensive immigration reform, four is on issues they care about. that s right. you have to step back to look at the larger frame and the context he gives the speech. i will give lay out to details and they matter ultimately. the he will enforce laws, he will build a wall. he will make sure we have real sovereignty in our country, those still apply. he will have some level of a wall. deport some, some allowed to say, who knows. sanctuary cities are big deal among those who believe in the laws. he will lose a few hardcores but not ditch the wall. the question is can he pull in a few more. harris: from his surrogates in recent days, the theme we ve gotten through him or through them, he is going to stick with the core idea of just enforcing the laws as they are on the books. that is somewhat of a departure from deporting 11 plus million people. sure. harris: however if he stuck to the6,000 or so convicted criminals in the united states, he would be somewhat mimicking what president obama is doing right now. i would assume he would upgrade that and do it expeditiously. i do think the challenge right now isn t for donald trump, it is for hillary clinton. quite frankly, outside of her website and a few ancillary mentions we haven t heard a direct big speech like this from hillary clinton, the other candidate. i don t think we will. harris: this week she is going to be talking about huma abedin and other things as we ve seen. it is only tuesday. maybe she can shift gears. the he will give a big, important speech. can she toggle back to the issues on an issue that she hasn t given a big speech on yet? she will have to answer back with what, amnesty? she has it on her website but that is the not same. dagen: she will not answer on the issue of immigration. she can t discuss it. she is too concerned about winning latino vote. maybe trump can not do what george bush did, got 44% of the latino vote and fell off dramatically from the recent election. look at deportation numbers from president obama, he hit record number of deportations annually. he was actually deporting more illegal immigrants who weren t criminals, who were non-criminals. towards the end before they started backing off of it. i think to your point that as long as trump is coherent and he, all he is trying to say i m, we re not going from home to home and raiding people s homes and putting people on buses and driving them out of that is the perception, right? i don t absolutely. driving them out of the country. he is trying to appeal to people who might be on the fence about him, those republicans. harris: growing concerns now about iran as dangerous confrontations with our navy are happening more and more frequently than previously thought. the defense official said provocations from the iranian officials and u.s. navy have nearly doubled in 2016 compared to the same time last year. there were four incidents just in the last week. first iranian ships got too close to the uss nitze. they ignored repeated radio, whistle and flair warnings. and only slowed down when they were 300 yards away. similar incidents followed involving the uss squall which ended up firing warning shots. and with the uss tempest and with the uss stout. in just past hour we tell you centcom commander weighed in on the provocation. iran s actions here are in the arabian gulf are unlike anybody else. no one else does what they do. what we see with the iranians is not particularly responsive. it is provocative in some cases and it is unsafe. it can lead to situations where we may not be able to de-escalate. harris: i was in the way, way back of the room at the pentagon briefing because i was here on the set couldn t see my hand in the air, to the centcom commanding general, was there anything you know about in that iran deal would lead them to believe these kinds of provocations would be a, tolerated and be b, more frequent? i don t know if he would say, i don t know what he would say. maybe stay within the bounds of what he is supposed to say. you say icbms. harris: get on the record asking question. the people defending our people on the water. when what you say publicly might be very different. harris: fine. we need to ask the type of questions. meghan: let s not spin this. we gave $400 million in secret airplane something out after weird deal, signed iran deal, gave 1.5 billion to these people. they have leverage. they re jerking us around. this is crazy, feckless foreign policy of the obama administration. i said it he have, said it again, this is above all else my grandchildren will feel re percussions of. dagen: our policy is to alienate our allies and placate our enemies, our gravest enemies on the planet earth. the list goes on, meghan. it is not just the money. we didn t enforce the red line in syria. iran threatened to walk away from the nuclear deal negotiations. it is ballistic missile test. they re doing more than thumbing your nose at the american people and it is disgusting. and again, death to america chanted over and over again. harris: two things about the deal you mentioned. that ballistic missile testing, lisa, is actually in violation of that deal. we saw that with samantha power at the u.n. she wanted to push forward with some sort of sanctions. where is that conversation now? exactly, harris. it flies in the face of international law. it is largely comes down to common sense. if you rewarded people for acting badly they will continue acting badly. you have experience with your kids i m sure. harris: my parents are perfect, what you do mean? not your children we everyone aleses. look at we struck the deal, put our sailors on the ground, bend at their knees point a guns at their head and shot it for propaganda purposes. harris: what are they doing with that. hoping for new commander in chief to untie the hands. they don t fire warning shots for fun. we didn t do that in iraq or elsewhere, unless there was potential threat on the horizon. that is exactly what they were doing. dagen: once we re on our niece in front of them how does that change? harris: statue of our guys like that is in iran. dagen: ahmadinejad calling out president obama saying you have got $2 billion of iranian money. we want it back even though it is earmarked for the victims of iran s sponsored terrorism. they still want it back. harris: this idea of leverage, we were doing a huge deal with them. the world was watching this deal with iran. why did we need to give them $400 million with our people back? didn t they already respect the leverage we have. i thought we don t negotiate with terrorist and don t pay ransoms. if you want to get down with this, kayla mueller, arizona, killed by isis, we didn t pay ransom to get her back. she died. everything president obama done for seven 1/2 years, this by far makes my blood boil. it is hard not to get emotional about it. iran knows they can do whatever they want. we have a weak president who will not act, because he cares more about looking good, not getting into conflict and not doing anything. our enemies know they re weak. i pray to god whoever is next in leadership in the white house puts these people where they re supposed to be, right now, i mean, how vulnerable we are right now, it makes, actually makes me emotional. harris: pete, last word. there is unholy, russian, iranian access forming in the middle east in that region, totally emboldened by the barack obama and hillary clinton foreign policy that ran toward that iran deal and hit a reset button that only emboldened vladmir putin. if you want a change in foreign policy, you better not to in the direction of hillary clinton because you will receive more of the same. harris: he hired a top al qaeda recruiter. can t wait to get pete s take. he once praised the fort hood shooter. they say he is reformed and can now be trusted. we ll talk about it. better buckle up. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that s right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah, siriusxm is on for free right now. so tune in and let s ride! my eyelove is making allsomething unexpected.ays my eyelove is girls night out. my eyelove is the september issue. eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. but it s also having a chat with your eye doctor about dry eyes that interrupt the things you love. because if you re using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. go to and feel the love. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. dagen: george washington university reportedly hiring a former islamic extremist to work at the center on homeland security. jesse morton, who used to go by yunis mohamed is believed to be the first reformed extremist to work in the united states. officials at the school discussed the matter with the fbi, security leaders and the attorneys who once prosecuted morton before hiring him. they say he is now completely reformed. he was once a chief al qaeda recruiter and propogandist. he co-founded revolution muslim in 2008. that group praised nadal hassan for his attack at fort hood, texas, which killed 13 people. morton made threats against the creators of the tv show, south park, for depicting the prophet muhammad in a bear suit. he says his experience will help counterterrorism effort, saying quote, this is opportunity to make amends. to some degree i realize i was completely wrong with my perspectives. i suffer from tremendous amount of guilt. i have seen things that people have done. to know i once sympathized and supported that view, it sickens me. pete? well, listen, if he is being earnest at some level, of course this is good thing. people rejecting extremism. that is what we want. at another level, listen, i don t want a guy like that anywhere near a classroom on homeland security of the united states. they have tried a lot of this in western europe. so-called reformed former radicals. harris: how has it turned out? some have been reformed. others slightly modified the radicalism. they used to say jews are satan but now they just want to wipe israel off the map. one degree down is how moderate. i m not talking about this guy, if you look at moderates, specially in europe of islam are not all that moderate when you look at their positions. i hope this guy at george washington is totally sorry and will change and will give insight to the radical mind. hey, you never know. harris: here is what i do know, more and more we cover attacks particularly on american soil, you have the boston bombers. you had orlando, these are people in their 20s. these are people who are of that age. if there is somebody who can tell us about the, what makes a terrorist or a would-be terrorist salivate at ideology being taught, if we can learn from that person i think it s a good thing but there are two things might have to happen. i know i m going to get a whole lot of blowback on this, should we maybe pay more attention to this particular teacher on that campus than we might anybody else? do we breach his rights by wanting to know exactly what that curriculum will be on a day-by-day basis? that is common sense. harris: does he deserve a closer watch, and can he abide by that and live by that and not feel offended by that and profiled by that, to let those who learn from him get comfortable in that presence? i would be concerned with students just being in his presence or being around him, simply for the sense he was a recruiter. so his job was to identify people that potentially are weak, that are vulnerable, could be receptive to the message driving radicalization and i think that is the big problem. isis is targeting young people. they are targeting people who feel isolated and who are vulnerable. i don t want to take any page out of what europe is doing in regards to the way they dealt with muslim extremism, radical islamic extremism the way they dealt with terror. areas like molenbeek where some isis fighters. meghan: you guys are being really nice this is crazy. this is beyond come from he hen shun. i m sure people work at colleges get paid six figures. you can t find somebody else used to be part of al qaeda hanging out in washington d.c. at george washington university. when i went to columbia, there were controversial professors, but there were no al qaeda recruiters. this is pc crazy stuff. you guys are being much nicer than i would. harris: there is nothing to indicate he would be in classroom on day-by-day basis and doing this research. my comments were specifically what he would be doing and who he would have access to. that sort of thing. dagen: i look at it like this. at least we know about it because i can think of plenty of universities that would have swept this under the rug and tried to high the ties. harris: we could learn from him. if he is truly apologetic and truly reformed wants to help the west we can learn from him. if he will dabble in islamism light, that is real problem. meghan: how can i not worry about it. what is mean former recruiter to now harris: how are you going to know that? is it now he wants israel expunged off the map like, i mean it is just crazy. harris: we could go on about this. dagen: to teach us to fight extremism or teach people to be sim threatic to it. dangerous. growing backlash to nfl quarterback colin kaepernick s refusal to stand during the national anthem because of what he considers unpunished police brutality. cops calling for the nfl and 49ers to denounce him. when free speech may go too far? better buckle up. that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that s right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah, siriusxm is on for free right now. so tune in and let s ride! the search for relief often leads here.s, introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. new aleve direct therapy. harris: more outnumbered in just a moment. we re having food time but we ll have a good time in an hour with jenna lee. i hope so. thank you, harris. as you noted one of the big news developments today the fbi will turn over some notes into their investigation of hillary clinton s use of a private email server. the fbi decided against filing charges in that case. these notes may shed light on why. catherine herridge is with us at top of the hour with new information. also mike pence campaigning today in georgia as donald trump is fund-raising out west. we ll talk about the state of the race and drill down on mr. trump s immigration plans. we re tracking several big storms including two that can impact the u.s. mainland. one hurricane that will impact hawaii. the janice dean has the forecast coming up at top of the hour. harris: we re in the middle of that season. we ll be watching. thank you, jenna. more outnumbered. the backlash intensifying over 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick s refusal to stand for the national anthem as part after protest of alleged police brutality against blacks. the police officers s association firing off a angry letter urging the nfl and the 49ers to denounce kaepernick s foolish attacks on police. it shows, quote, regarding lack of knowledge of officer-involved shootings and shows naivete and objectivity towards police officers. former 49ers great jerry rice tweeting, quote, all lives matter. so much going on in this world today. can we all just get along? colin i respect your stance but don t disrespect the flag. the people looking for part two on harris faulkner s take on this after yesterday. harris: i felt pretty strongly about this still do. what do you think about it? police are pushing back. harris: i have questions in my mind how the place that he has made his fortune, made his dreams come true, the nfl, has treated other issues. for instance, when players wanted to recognize and respect the five officers who were gunned down in dallas, texas, that show in the nfl show was not going to be tolerated. that was not going to be allowed. yet they let a member of their coveted brotherhood, if you will, take a knee on the bench when it comes to our own american flag. the question i asked yesterday, i did not mean to intim mate that he doesn t care about women, i m saying if he is going to sit down on one issue, why can t he sit down on the issues that are prevalent in his own house, the nfl? the domestic violence charges against nfl players. i don t see those guys gathering at centerfield i will sit out the national anthem because women are being abused. i think that s a fare question. so i think kaepernick doesn t like women? i don t know. i never met the men. i don t know how he feels about #blm. he is sitting out national anthem and this is the reason. if we all sat down had a problem with the country harris: i would never get up off the couch. we all know it is imperfect. dagen, uniform code in nfl is nine-pages long. you can t change small things. they regulate the heck out of it. dagen: remember the dallas cowboys wanted decal honoring the slain police officers and nfl wouldn t let them wear it during the season. indeed. couldn t have it on the helmet. should nfl fine him? you could at least stand up for the anthem. dagen: absolutely. i looked at that, thought, there you go, he is exercising his constitutional right to be a hot steaming bag of garbage. he is. dagen: that is how i felt about it. remember the players who hands up, don t shoot, they were not, they were not reprimanded for that. harris: that was narrative turned out not to be true. dagen: it was complete lie and a falsehood and nothing happened. the idea there is somehow racial bias in police shooting has been dispelled as fiction. there is danger here for society, mainstream media, corporations to let this false narrative continue to be perpetuated because there police officers lives at risk. we ve seen it from people like him. seen it from people like beyonce and people allow it and society allows it. mainstream media allow it and corporations allow it. there is a big problem. there are police lives at stake. it needs to be dispelled as fiction. call it out for what it is which is fiction. is it there a double-standard in the nfl where these kind of protests are okay, but small stuff they re fined with tens of thousands of dollars. meghan: hang out with veterans who lost limbs fighting for freedom. i don t know people like this. i don t know people that don t respect the flag and america. i hope it ruins his life and career. i hope all the endorsements leave. you can say anything you want in this country but there are repercussion what is you say and do. harris: i will say this. there are pockets in this country, blacks, people of color don t feel safe when they are pulled over. that is just reality. there is violence there. but there are bad apples in every sigment of society, not just police departments. we need to find those no matter what their issues are and root them out. dagen: kaepernick doing this doesn t help get that message out. harris: we ll be right back. hi, i m dominique wilkins. when you have type 2 diabetes, like me, there s a moment of truth. and with victoza®, a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn t get me to my goal. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways in the stomach, the liver and the pancreas. and while it isn t for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. non-insulin victoza® comes in a pen and is taken once a day. 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Transcripts For MSNBCW With All Due Respect 20160919

meanwhile, islamic state is claiming responsibility for a knife attack inside a mall here in minnesota on saturday night, where nine people were stabbed by a 22-year-old man who was fatally shot by an off-duty police officer at the scene. fortunately, no lives were lost in any of these attacks. the political world has been quick to react this morning, after donald trump responded to the latest attacks by defending racial profiling on fox news, hillary clinton made the following remarks from an airplane hangar in white plains, new york. we also know from the former head of our counterterrorism center, matt olson, that the kinds of rhetoric and language that mr. trump has used is giving aid and comfort to our adversa adversaries. that s why i ve been very clear. we re going after the bad guys and we re going to get them. but we re not going to go after an entire religion. we choose resolve, not fear. we will not turn on each other or undermine our values. we ll stand together, because we are stronger together in the face of this threat and every other challenge. that aid and comfort comment has gotten the most notice today. those words echo verbatim the legal definition of treason. trump shot back with this in his rally in ft. myers, florida, this afternoon. hillary clinton talks tougher about my supporters than she does about islamic terrorists, right? she calls the patriotic americans, who support our campaign, many of them cops and soldiers, deplorable and irredeemable, and she means it. millions and millions of people. has she ever talked that way about radical islam? no. the prospect in the final weeks of this election might be dominated by a terrorist attack or more than one has been talked about for a long time now and today was a test case for how both candidates would deal with this kind of event. mark, my question to you is, how do you think they did? i think each has two things going for them. for hillary clinton, she s got a more traditional resume, national security, voters on some measures look at her as stronger there. and trump does things that are untraditional that the collin folks and hillary clinton can jump on. on trump s side, he has been a strength candidate. he talks about immigration, he talks about fighting terror in a way that base voters, republican base voters, at least, find appealing. and the other thing trump has going for him is the traditionally, republicans have done better when national security is at the forefront. not always, but traditionally and usually. and right now, i m not prepared to say who did better today, or who s going to win if this dominates, but they both showed their cards that they think are strong. it s always uncomfortable for us when we try to talk about the political implications of this, because there s serious things and there s jeopardy instead of talk about who s politically capitalizing the best, it s a little awkward, right? you know, she is because, as you say, her traditional resume, there s also this thing, the temperament contrast which she s the trying to do, which is to say, i m not only more experienced in a traditional way, but also more sober and i m going to be calming. and trump is doing things that do play to his strengths, but they re also he says things that are ridiculous. an idea if trump became president, terrorism would end. we would never have events like this in the future. i don t think anybody believes that anybody in the oval office can end terrorism. but the republican party right now, generically speaking, are held in higher regards than democrats are on this issue of keeping the country safe. and there are many democrats who say, if terror is front and center, it will help trump. so she worked very hard. her team worked very hard. it s clear neither side will give any quarter, change the subject. they both recognized, when this dominates the news, this is what they have to talk about. and this is the drain they have to fight on. president obama just happens to be in new york city today, because he s attending the opening of the u.n. general assembly. he did take some time out to speak to the country about the attacks just as reports that the bombing suspect in new york and n new jersey was starting to emerge. he stuck to his now patented and very notable calm and measured approach, which he usually exhibits in the aftermath of terror attacks. you know, at moments like this, i think it s important to remember what terrorists and violent extremists are trying to do. they are trying to hurt innocent people, but they also want to inspire fear in all of us. and disrupt the way we live. to undermine our values. and so even as we have to be vigilant and aggressive, both in preventing senseless acts of violence, but also making sure that we find those who carry out such acts and bring them to justice, we all have a role to play as citizens in making sure we don t succumb to that fear. we are going to have white house press secretary josh earnest on the show in a few minutes. but how do you think barack obama has handled the past few hours? this is the president s style and he s never going to change, just as donald trump s never going to change. and i think he did everything appropriately, but it is the case, again, as you said, we re talking about the politics here. no one has been killed and thank goodness for that, but it s a reality that we re in the midst of 50 days out. the reality of the presidential campaign. i think donald trump likes barack obama s tone on this, because it plays into this notion that he can lump hillary clinton and barack obama together, that they re insufficiently viscerally outraged by what s happened. the president is outraged, but this is his style and this is how he shows it. and he does care about balancing talking tough with trying to have a, again, an obama view of the right way to fight terror, short and long-term. here s the thing that, you know, one we have no idea what s going to happen in the next 50 days. but and i think we all pray that there s not another single terrorist incident for the next 50 days, for the next 500 days. but the possibility that there will be a ramping of of these kind of attempts, because a lot of foreign provocateurs want to stabilize our election, i think it s possible. and the kind of the potentially dangerous eventuality of that for democrats is, if things do ramp up and it seems to be happening more frequently, this calm and measured tone that barack obama has, which i think is the right way to govern, could be really politically problematic for democrats and could really play into trump s hands, even though, again, i say it s the right thing for him to do, is to try to keep people calm, rather than exacerbating people s fears. it could hurt the presidential candidates on his party, but also down ballot. the other thing i say, the coordination between federal, state, and local, seem to be exceptionally good. and that s to the president s credit. we re moving on. the trial over bridgegate started today, as two former associates of new jersey governor chris christie face charges related to closing of lanes on the george washington bridge, that traffic scandal, bridgegate. they re involved of doing that to try to punish a local official. chris christie knows nothing about the incident and has said that over and over and over again. but in the opening argument os. trial, federal prosecutors say that david wildstein, who pleaded guilty and is expected to testify in the trial, had bragged, and i put quotes around that word, bragged, to christie s about the closures while they were underway. christie is leaving trump s transition team and he could be in line for a big job in the trump administration. chief of staff, u.s. attorney general boebl a big future for chris christie. my question to you, mark, is, there was some very vivid language in what happened. and christie saying that he knew all about it in realtime, basically. how bad could this be for christie? it could be horrendous, but it s baffling to me that there s no talk of his being indicted, if the prosecution believes he knew in realtime, he clearly told them, not under oath, we re told, but nonetheless, he told federal investigators that he didn t know about it. they re saying he did. i guess maybe they re saying, they re giving the benefit of the doubt that he forgot, somehow. but the reality is that christie still denies it. and there seem as far as we know, they re basing it on the testimony just of wildstein. and they re going to say he s a questionable witness. but the prosecutors, obviously, don t think he s a questionable witness, because their case is built around him to some extent. if all the following things are true, i think it s correct to say you can t be charged with perjury unless you ve given testimony under oath. you can be charged with a violations of a false statements law, pretty much at any time, if you lied to a government official. there is the question of wildstein and his voracity or his credibility. i just think that the reality is, we go back to when we first when this whole scandal first unfolded, and we, knowing a fair amount about how chris christie s office ran at the time and still runs even now it, just always seem ee eed implaus that no one let him know what was going on and he might have had some role in it. i think every reporter was skeptical about that. and hearing these lawyers now asserting it in very vivid terms, it makes you kind of think, you know, i think there s something there. let the trial play out, but, man, seems weird. could be very bad for christie. the prosecutors say he did a bad thing. no attorney general, if true. we re going to take a break. when we come back, hillary clinton is struggling to reunite the obama coalition. we re going to talk about that and more, right after this. energy is a complex challenge. peop want power. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they re released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that s what we re working on right now. energy lives here. of being there for my son s winning shot that s why i m quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini s a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. in her quest for 270 electoral votes, hillary clinton is trying to put the obama coalition band back gether, as she attempts to gin up more support from the masses of young voters and minority voters that turned out in record numbers over the past two presidential cycles. but honest democrats will tell you that hillary clinton has gotten some enthusiasm ground to make up with those groups. today at temple university, in philadelphia, hillary clinton made a very direct appeal to one of the groups that have been lukewarm about her campaign, the millennials. i know that with washington paralyzed by big money and partisanship, the gap between the change we want and the progress that politics should deliver can look like a chasm. i also know that even if you are totally opposed to donald trump, you may still have some questions about me. i get that. register your friends. register everyone you know. this is going to be close. we need everyone off the sidelines. not voting is not an option. that just plays into trump s hands. it really does. another directed and impassioned appeal over the weekend from president obama. he was speaking to hesitant african-american voters at a congressional black caucus dinner saturday night in d.c. there s no such thing as a vote that doesn t matter. it all matters. and after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the african-american community, i will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. you want to give me a good sendoff? go vote! so that s hillary clinton s millennial problem. her african-american problem, and then there s her hispanic problem. recent polls show that clinton is underperforming president obama s 2012 numbers amongst latino numbers in important states such as florida, despite donald trump having his own problems with hispanic voters. jo john, why does hillary clinton still have a problem with these so-called coalition of the ascendant? you know, the place to start, obviously, why she s having a problem with the obama coalition is she s not barack obama. that is true in a lot of different ways. she s not cool, the way that obama was. a lot of them weren t interested in politics, they were interested in barack obama. for a millennial, she actually isn t cool. you can hear it in hillary clinton s voice there, when she s talking to millennials. she s not talking to them in a way that i m psyched about voting for that candidate. she s got you re cool enough, hillary. she s got different problems with hispanics and different problems with african-americans. but an interesting question will be, when this is all said and done, they decided not to do a lot of hispanic language advertising, the interesting question that they spent a lot of time this summer focusing on, trying to target moderate republicans who are uncomfortable with donald trump, rather than focused on their base and on the obama coalition, on election day, that is now looking to be maybe a dubious strategic choice. they do a lot of work behind the scenes with earned media, with all these groups. and they have more people working on it than ever, and super surrogates like bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and barack obama and others reaching out for them. with so much of this race, now that it s tightened up, she s got to earn it, do it. will she be as cool as barack obama, will she have as direct appeal to african-americans as barack obama? no, but she s going to have to figure out a way to talk it to them about issues they care about. i ll give you one example, climate change. i don t hear her talking about it very much. there are issues millennials care about. for instance, that i think she s got to prove to them that she earns their vote. but this is it is, i think, really importantly, this is partly a generational problem, where you see it most strongly is millennials, then millennial african-americans, and millennial hispanics. and this is a generational problem for her. she s not you know, she s a full generation older than barack obama, and finding a way to talk to all those groups, in a way that they find relatable, it s not obviously or easy for her. she could do it, but it s not obviously and easy. a democratic president for eight years skpaand a lot of th don t feel like they don t know much about the clinton legacy. up next, white house press secretary josh earnest stops by our new york studio after these words from our sponsors. 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it s not my job to make predictions, it s my job to win races. i ll i leave the predictions to others. i ll make sure we maximize our wins. congressman, i appreciate that. i wasn t asking you to make a prediction. i was asking you to give us a sense of how likely you think it is. even in general terms if you don t want to put specific odds on it. how good a chance do you think you have of retaking the house? we re in a volatile environment we re working in and trying to maximize the battlefield we ve established. i don t know that i can even describe it as a likely or unlikely environment. i know that we re on offense and we re going to be picking up seats, but donald trump is definitely giving us the environment that shows that there is a path forward. given, especially, over the last couple of years, that people have discounted it completely. so given the environment that we re in, racing up to the last 50 days to election day, plus, donald trump, it s a very positive environment for democrats across country. congressman, i know every race and every set of candidates is different, but make the argument that your party in general is stronger based on its record and policy positions on fighting the war against terrorism than the republican party is. well, right now, as we travel around the country, and especially given everything that happened over the last 48 hours, not only up in minnesota, but here in new york as well, first off, you know, everything that we can say to go out to the families that were impacted by this horrific event, really leads to where people are feeling that they are in america today. that things are unsafe. and i can say the difference between democrats and republicans is, the contrast that we re seeing even with donald trump is that republicans are more about talk, rather than tough and smart policies, the recklessness that we re seeing from donald trump. and here s what it comes down to, between house democrats and house republicans, is house republicans, time and again, have voted for budgets that reduce funding for more support to the fbi, to the law enforcement agencies and to the intelligence community that democrats have been asking for and republicans feel to overturn sequestration, which is further impairing our ability to be able to invest in this safe nature of keeping people in a better place in america. that couples with more talk from republicans about tough and safe policies is why democrats are in a stronger place given the environment we re in today, and especially when it comes to national security, both foreign and domestic. congressman, in looking at president obama s record on fighting terrorism, both homeland security and groups abroad, do you consider his record to be perfect or are there areas where you would have liked him to do better? under barack obama with secretary of state hillary clinton, osama bin laden is no longer. the president is working diligently with air strikes, going after isis infrastructure, isis fighters, and cutting off isis money. the president congressman, with all due congressman, with all due respect, i m asking if you think there are any areas where you think he hasn t done a job. i know there are lots of areas where you think he has. but are there areas where you think the president has fallen short in fighting terror? the president has made it very clear that his number one goal is to go after isis. and i think it s important that we continue to work with the president when it comes to working with silicon valley and providing the president to support that he is asking for when it comes to the fbi and his intelligence agencies to work with him. so on that with that being said, i ll continue to work with the president, with the directives that he s given to us keep the american people safe. just ask you one more time, are there any areas where he s fallen short, or has he been, in your view, perfect in fighting the war on terror? look, there are always places we can strengthen what we re doing in america, wbut when the president is not getting the tools he s needing for counterterrorism activity, we have to work with the teams that we have. and with that being said, the president is working diligently through the intelligence communities and the fbi to make sure that we re keeping people safe in america. but there s more that must be done when it comes to monitoring what s happening online, to be able to combat isis, wherever they may be. and especially as online tools are being used more and more, to reach out to bad people around the world. namely in america. and that s more we can do, as well. congressman, we were just talking about hillary clinton s effort to try to activate the obama coalition. i want to ask you about hispanic votes. there s some concern right now among a lot of democrats that although hillary clinton s doing well in terms of the percentage of his papanic votes that she h the support of, she s not generating a lot of enthusiasm. that s a pretty important voting bloc. give me a sense of how well you think she s doing with hispanic voters and what you think she could do better? i would say all across america, every voting bloc in the united states, we have to be working more and more diligently to earn and maintain the trust of voters. this includes the latino community. you know, as the first hispanic chairman of the democratic congressional campaign committee, it s something that is very important to me, personally. and we re make sugar that we re communicating to latinos in a more direct fashion. i think what we re seeing from the clinton campaign, in addition to what we re doing as house democrats is a very active program and communicating early, developing a strong ground game, that s comprised predominantly of latino field staff in those latino communities, but it s not just in communities where it s a 30% or 40% latino community. it s also in districts where the latino community makes up 3 or 4%. we re going after every voter across america, and especially in the hispanic community. congressman, do you think there s a do you perceive what a lot of democrats perceive right now, there s a worrying lack of criticism. or duke everything s just fine. we can always do better in every demographic, but in this case where the numbers are showing, but it s only after labor day. right after labor day is when the general elections kick off and more and more communications are taking place in the community. and i expect that we will do better, and especially the latino community as well. congressman, in the last few 50 days of this campaign, which two issues do you think will determine which way voters vote? above all the others? the two most important? i would say this is a security election, whether we re talking about the national security of the american people or economic security. and even though there s a strong foundation that we can build from, from an economic perspective, there s a lot of real anxieties that are out there, to make sure that we re able to help people get ahead and stay ahead. and also to make sure we re keeping people safe. that s our number one priority, and keeping people safe is both with national security issues as well as with economic security issues. those will be the two drivers come november and forward. all right. congressman ben ray lujan. thank you very much for coming on this show. we ll have you back when we get closer to election day. and how donald trump and hillary clinton are reacting to the acts of violence that took place this weekend. we ll be right back. i served in iraq in tikrit in 2009. when i took the ancestry dna test, i mean a few results came up that were really shocking. 11% of me comes from the part where i had served. we all come from such different backgrounds that you never know. my eyelove is making allsomething unexpected.ays my eyelove is girls night out. my eyelove is the september issue. eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. but it s also having a chat with your eye doctor about dry eyes that interrupt the things you love. because if you re using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. go to and feel the love. you re not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you re not taking those. woah, woah! you re not taking that. come with me. you re not taking that. you re not taking that. you re not taking that. mom, i m taking the subaru. don t be late. even when we re not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. my name is jamir dixon and i m a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new. it s an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don t hit them when you re digging. 811 is a free service. i m passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they re the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i ll drive it every day of the week. together, we re building a better california. welcome back. joining us now, two great political minds. ed rogers, a republican strategist, who is not currently supporting donald trump. he also writes a column for the washington post, and harold ford jr., a former senator from tennessee, and a big supporter of hillary clinton. harold, how concerned have democrats over the last few days as the battleground state polls have tightened? some have been, but some expected this. you cannot maintain those kind of leads. having said that, i think it will call for some strategic adjustments as we get along here. we ve got a week to go before on the big pivots in the campaign when the first debate takes place. there s a lot of strategizing and rehearsing for that. this is one of those moments where secretary clinton will have to distinguish herself as the big thinker and mature thinker. i think she will emerge as the winner. i think that s the approach that s being taken now. and to the extent trump doing well has caused the gap to narrow, what has he been doing well. well, actually, he s been doing less. and maybe that can translate into him doing well or better. his number sits there between 44 and 40. and hillary kind of comes up and down and so he really hasn t picked up so much support, as i think her numbers are moving around. that said, i don t think there s one person over at the clinton camp that didn t think she wouldn t have a double-digit lead against donald trump, six months ago. so, they got something that s not working. and maybe trump is going to segue into something that does work. i mean, this is a change election, and he is the change candidate. maybe too much. this is a change election, she is not a change candidate. if it s close and they go into these debates and she makes a mistake, the race could pivot to him. it could happen. harold, i want to ask you a question that mark and i just discussed earlier in the show. we ve now seen pretty compelling evidence that all of the important components of the obama coalition are not there with enough enthusiasm for hillary clinton as they were for barack obama in 2012 and 2008. millennials, african-american voters, hispanic voters. why is that, do you think? what s the core problem she has, and what can she do to fix it? well, i think part of first of all, it s a great question. and i m a strong believer that reassembling the coalition that the president built in 08 and 12 is a big effort. whatever the reasons are, if you re in a party and you ve won a few times and things are going, moving along the right way, you sometimes can get a little complacent. i think, two, the clinton campaign has got to reach out in a more effective, and a more sustained way. i know they believe that they are and they have been, but they ve got to be even more creative and reach out to the youth community, the black community, the hispanic community across the country, because those communities are a waiting to come around her. and finally, you know, every four years, things are different. and iscaaign, to ed s point, i think, i hope that everyone is listening, particularly on my side. there may need to be some changes, just small things as you get into the game here. the patriots have won a lot of super bowls over the last few years, but they need to make adjustments. secretary clinton is the dominant player in this game. and we may need to make a few adjustments as we go along. hillary clinton is uninspiring, that s a big problem. and even on a day like today, she took the she used the occasion, said a lot of the appropriate things, about the two terrorist attacks here in new york and in minneapolis, but she wants to talk about the insider meeting she s been in, in washington. she wants to show her exposure and poise in contrast to trump, when really what she needs to do is not so much worry about trump, but she has to sound the alarm. she has to make people understand that she has some visceral reaction to either the economy or a terrorist attack. she is uninspiring, she s flat. the dogs don t like the dog food. if she doesn t do something about it, trump can sneak up on her and we can have president trump. courtesy of hillary s sort of non ed, ed yeah? ed, let me follow up with you just on that. you just mentioned how hillary clinton reacted to the terrorist incidents today. how do you look at it as a trump skeptic, as someone who s not behind druonald trump by any means, how do you think he performed today? sloppy, rabid, calling into a morning news show and sort of craving some sort of acknowledgement that he was first. there was nothing poised about it. but trump has a visceral reaction. i think people want to know that the next president understands the terrorists are now here. the fight is here. san bernardino, orlando, now this. minnesota. the fight is here. people want there to be a visceral reaction. trump could have done a lot better. like i said, i think it was ragged and way off the bull s-eye. i think hillary was flat and steal, looked like business as usual. what s going to win that fight? i don t know. guys, may may nnot get a chao have you back before monday s debate, start talking about that with both of you. if hillary clinton said to you, harold, what s the biggest mistake, the biggest pitfall, the biggest danger for me in this debate. what would you tell her? don t fall into the pit with donald trump and the back and forth and the slinging of the mud. i think at each moment, she s going to disagree with him on a lot of things. let him make her point, come back to her are, and make the point, lester, i disagree with my opponent and here s what i would do. i think she s got to stay in the substantiative lane. you ve got to smother him with ideas and answer and vision. and to ed s point about being inspiring, i think all of that will just continue the inspiration that she s brought to this campaign. ed, what s the biggest danger for clinton and what s the biggest danger for trump in the debate? both candidates have got to try to steer clear of playing to their negative stereotype. trump has got to be poised, have a modicum of dignity, and be informed. he s sort of got to be that character that briefly appeared at the press conference with the president of new mexico a couple of weeks ago. hillary can t tell a lie. hillary, if she tells a lie, they ll be ads, the rnc will be running them before the debate s over with. if she plays to her negative stereotype, by saying something that is demonstrably false, it could be a real dagger for her. all right. ed rogers, harold ford jr., thank you both, guys, appreciate it. we ll look down the road next with some talk about down ballot races and the presidential campaign. a few top reporters. if you re watching us in washington, d.c., you can listen to us on the radio at bloomberg, 91.11 f.m., the nation s capital. we ll be right back. you don t just learn how to drive. or solve the world s problems. be a dad. or someing and we don t just make sandwich or something we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom. there s nothing or something about it. panera. food as it should be. whenhis busy family. .got a cracked winhield. .their dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. .and scheduled a reacement. .in just a few clicks. with safelite you don t haveo miss a thing. y all did wonderful! thank you. (girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. i m raph. my name is anne. i m one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don t let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we re here, we re here, and we ve got yourack. legalzoom. legal help is here. everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. everyone said it s so hard to be a musician, but i can t imagine doing anything else. now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. i m always hopping on the train, running all over portland. i have to go wherever the work is. trains with innovative siemens technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. i can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. i m booked solid for weeks. it takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. i m milissa rehberger with breaking news on the bombings in new york and new jersey. the suspect, ahmed rahami, has been charged with five counts of attempted murder of a law enforcement officer. this mug shot was just released. he was captured this morning after exchanging fire with police officers. two were hurt, neither seriously. back to our program. with us now, two of the nation s finest political reporters to talk about the battle, for the battleground states. joining us, eliana johnson, the washington editor of the national review, and phil rocker, national reporter for the washington post. phil, you and dan balz wrote a story over the weekend. one fact caught my eye. you said, the clinton campaign looks at ohio and iowa and sees real trouble. talk about that. that s right. so these are, two of the swing states where she is the most vulnerable, there s a large white population there, that seems to be pretty galvanizing and energized around donald trump s candidacy. the public numbers show trump with a growing lead, both in iowa and ohio, but the clinton campaign, they re worried about those two states. now, good thing for clinton, is she has an easy path to get to those 270 electoral votes without those two states. they re looking really good in north carolina, which is a very close race, but a state that the clinton people feel like could be a real, a real roadblock for trump and can block off his path there, with as well as in pennsylvania. a big state, a lot of electoral votes in p.a.. eliana, obviously, we all play with electoral college calculators all day. if you take ohio and iowa and give them to trump, how much easier does that make it for him, or is that not a huge step towards 270, the prospect of 270? you know, it s really interesting, it looks like we re on a path where donald trump could be the first republican in, i don t even know how many years, but to win in ohio and lose the presidential race, which would be fascinating. but the white whale for republicans, for many, many years now has been pennsylvania. and i just don t see a path for trump to get to 270 votes, even if he wins ohio and iowa, without taking pennsylvania. there are some far-fetched scenarios, i think, where he could the get there, but i find it tremendously difficult for him without taking pennsylvania. he continues to trail hillary clinton by between six and eight points there. so, eliana, you say you think that pennsylvania is a must-win state for donald trump, no matter what the other combinations are, but is there some way, there s some path for trump to get to 270 without pennsylvania? there s a path for him with north carolina, florida, maine s second congressional district, ohio, iowa, that he does have a path. it s not impossible, but i think it s a difficult path and a rather unlikely one for him. phil, i ran into you up in new hampshire just the other day. tell me about thinking about not some of the biggest battleground states. you mentioned iowa and new hampshire s another one. talk about the state of play in places like new hampshire. they re minor battleground states, where things to be tightening up all of a sudden. it s interesting. new hampshire is a sliver of a state. it s tiny. there are only four electoral votes. we were both there for tim kaine s election. new hampshire is one of these states that could really tip the scales one way or the other, if this electoral map looks really tight. another state like that is nevada. four electoral votes out there, too. these are close states, they re very competitive. new hampshire in particular has a tendency to make big swings, sort of late in the game year. it certainly seems to be an environment that favors hillary clinton. it s a place she has been leading by a lot. but it s tightened up a lot. the senate race in new hampshire also has tightened up a lot. kelly ayotte very much in the game there for her re-election. it s a place where trump was last week, as well, and it s a place that could be tight all the way to the end. okay. eliana johnson, phil rucker, thanks to you both. great to have you, as always. be right back with the press secretary of the white house, josh earnest, after this. experience the thrill of the lexus is f spor because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. 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well, i think there s no denying that the rhetoric that we ve heard from a lot of republicans, including the nominee, is contrary to our values and does undermine the argument that we are making against isil. the fact of the matter is, the president has organized an international coalition to go after isil. and we ve taken 14,000 air strikes in iraq and syria combined. we ve had some success in taking isil officials off the battlefield, including leading external police reports just in the last call of weeks, but we also know isil is trying to propagate a radical ideology, a bankrupt, false mythology, that they re establishing a caliphate, and trying to inspire vulnerable individuals into carrying out acts of violence. that s why we need to make sure we re not just taking the fight to isil on the ground, we re going to destroy this terrorist organization. but we also need to make sure we re doing this consistent with our values and consistent with a strategy that doesn t allow isil to successfully make the case that somehow they represent true islam in a war against the west. josh, you made a comment earlier today about how the battle between the west and isil is a battle of narrative. the trump campaign jumped all over that and said you re basically out to lunch and out of touch by framing the battle in those terms. what s your reaction to that charge? there s no disagreement that we have different viewe views o to take on this fight. but the rhetoric does undermine the case we re making against isil. first of all, our first and foremost priority is protecting the american people, and that includes using our military power, our intelligence, our law enforcement, to keep the american people safe. and the president has demonstrated a willingness and a success in making those orders, designing that strategy, and implementing it. but what we also need to be aware of is the fact that there is a battle that isil wants to wage of narratives. they want to drive the narrative, that they represent islam, and that they are representing islam in a war against the west. that is false! it is not true. the fact is, there are millions of patriotic muslims in the united states right now that are serving in our military, that are serving in our law enforcement, that are, you know, that are also our teachers and lawyers and doctors and nurses. these are individuals who are making an important contribution to our great country. and to deny that fact or obscure that fact to win political points is shameless, it s inconsistent with our values, and it undermines our effectiveness to degrade and ultimately destroy isil. and the rare exception to that are those people who have come here, become naturalized citizens, and have committed acts of terror in the united states. donald trump and others say that the system needs to be changed dramatically to keep that from happening. is that a fair charge? are there things that need to change for vetting of people who come in this country to try to keep those instances, rare as they are, from happening? the thing we first should acknowledge, and this is something our critics do not acknowledge, is the fact that refugees that come to the united states are subjected to more vetting than any other individual who enters the country. more vetting than somebody who enters on a tourist visa. they have to undergo a background check, biometric information is collected about them, and that s run by our military agencies, by international law enforcement agencies. they are thoroughly vetted. and what i will say, if there is more we can do to strengthen that even further, we re certainly open to that. but we shouldn t enter into a situation where we are doing something that sop republicans have suggested, which is essentially imposing a religious test on people who seek to enter the united states, a muslim ban. but josh, short of a religious test, are you saying the fact that this happens on occasion is just sort of the cost of doing business, or we shouldn t accept the fact that some people are welcomed into this country and then commit acts of terror and we should change the system to stop it. what i m suggesting is that the most effective way for us to deal with this is not to shut down the refugee process and try to erect walls and keep people out of our process. what we should do is seek to ensure that we ve got strict vetting of refugees for entering the united states. that s exactly what we ve done. we also need to implement an effective homeland security strategy, both in terms of law enforcement, but also in terms of making clear of people who are at risk of potentially being radicalized by isil that they have a home in the united states. the president spoke movingly about this last year. he went to a mosque outside of baltimore and delivered a direct message to young muslims all across the country. and made clear they do belong in the united states. that they are welcome as part of this american community, and making sure we re delivering that message, that s the most effective way for us to prevent isil from radicalizing vulnerable populations here in the united states. that, obviously, is paired with an effective military strategy that is going after isil, that is taking back territory and taking out their leaders, but we also can t lose sight of that important element of our strategy, as well, and the president s determined to make sure we don t lose sight of that. not only because it s an important part of our national security society, it s also consistent with our values as americans. josh, i want to take you back to a couple of events of a couple days ago and point out what seems to me to be two events in somewhat in contradiction to each other. the first is president obama on friday, when donald trump, in that kind of terse and tepid way that he did, withdrew himself from the posture of asserting that president obama may not have been born in the united states, the birther day. president obama came out and basically say, i don t want to talk about this, it s not important, we ve got more important things focus on. literally the next night, you had him in front of the congressional black caucus, as fired up as i ve ever seen him, saying that if don t vote for him or if they don t vote for hillary clinton, that he d consider it a personal insult. it seems to me he s pretty riled up about donald trump, yet on the birther thing, he tried to slough it off. what s the emotional state right now of the president? i think he s quite energized about this campaign and he understands the stakes in this campaign. and the stakes in this campaign are not about repudiatining dond trump. the stakes in this campaign are that we continue to build on the progress we made in the last eight years. let s build on the offeredable care act. let s make sure we build on the economic process that we ve made, by continuing to raise wablgs for low and middle income families. and making sure that we re also continuing to reduce the deficit. let s make sure that we re building on our progress in fighting the causes of climate change. let s make sure that we are more effectively josh in the same way that strengthens our economy. that s what s at stake in this election, and that s why the president s fired up and ready to go. i get all of that, josh, but i have to say, when the president starts using the phrase personal insult, if people don t vote for hillary clinton, it seems like there s sympathetic going on there that s more than a squattered opportunity if hillary clinton lost. he seems to be very personally invested in this? there s no denying that he s very personally invested in what we ve done over the last eight years. he s poured his heart and soul into the progress our country has made and is so proud of the progress we ve made. he spoke to a room full of supporters and saying, that my name is not on the ballot, but all the work we ve done over the last eight years is, so you need to get engaged and get just as fired up for hillary clinton as you are for me. josh earnest, we ll see you next time and we ll be right back. don t let dust and allergens get between you and life s beautiful moments. flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. i want my blood sugar i to stay in so i asked about tresiba®. tresiba® ready tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body s insulin. when my schedule changes. i wa something that delivers. tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. so if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as there s at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. tresiba® is used to contl high bloodugar in adults with diabetes. don t use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don t share needles or insulin pens. don t reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. tell your doctor about all medicines you takecur. and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn t be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you re tresiba® ready. tresiba® ready go to right now for coverage of the u.n. general assembly. until tomorrow, say nonara. coming up, hardball with chris matthews. the candidates debate terrorism. let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington. tonight, once again, the epicenter of the war on terrorism is new york city, the country s point of entry, its historic melting pot. and once again, we have another name added frighteningly to the vocabulary of violence. another episode to stir fear,

New-york , United-states , Nevada , New-hampshire , North-carolina , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Florida , Minnesota , California

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160816

sometimes he says he won t tell anyone what he ll do because he wants to keep his plan, quote, secret. let s get right to cnn s sara murray in youngstown, ohio, where donald trump laid out his isis plan today and here with me in new york is cnn s justice correspondent, pamela brown. good to have both of you on this evening. sara, you first. donald trump is trying to get his campaign back on track. today he gave what was billed as a major foreign policy speech outlining his plan to fight terror. what were the highlights? reporter: well, don, he did unveil a pretty big shift in terms of how the u.s. approaches foreign policy. saying it s time to put an end to nation building and saying we need to focus all our efforts essentially on fighting isis and become allies with whoever wants to fight isis alongside the united states if isis is their enemy, they should be an american ally in this battle against isis. one thing that s getting a lot of attention is what he brings up in terms of a new immigration plan. he suggested an ideological test for folks who wants to come to the united states and even he said it was an extreme test. take a listen to how he described it earlier today. should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people. in the cold war, we had an ideological screening test. the time is overdue to develop a new screening test. i call it extreme vetting. i call it extreme, extreme vetting. our country has enough problems. we don t need more and these are problems like we ve never had before. reporter: now when he s talking about extreme vetting, he explained the goal here is to weed out immigrants who might have radical beliefs whether those are anti-semitic, anti-gay, anti-christian. he didn t give a lot of specifics on how he would implement such a policy, don. anything in the the speech we hadn t heard before, sara? reporter: i think this was really the biggest new piece of information from donald trump. we, of course, heard him talk about the muslim ban in the past. that s not something he mentioned tonight. and we heard him mention wanting to block people coming from countries where he sees terrorism being bred and reiterated that call. this notion you re going to impose an ideological test on immigrants who want to come to the united states is what s real ary been the point of discussion for most of today, don. to our panel. hillary clinton was on the stump with vice president joe biden today. friendly territory. scranton, pennsylvania. give us some highlights. this is first time hillary clinton went on the campaign trail with vice president joe biden and it was in scranton, pennsylvania, where both have family roots. joe biden is from there. hillary clinton s father is from there. joe biden really came out of the gate today basically talking about why he thought hillary clinton was fit to be president and trump was unfit and went further than that basically saying that donald trump would be a danger to national security because he cannot be trusted. he talked about how there was someone in the back who had nuclear codes and basically said that, look, donald trump is someone who can t be trusted with those nuclear codes. he s too erratic. he cannot be trusted. his shame has no limits. he even said at one point, don, that he s someone who could be friends with the former leader of the soviet union which some may say, hey, he may have crossed the line there. clearly trying to evoke fear that donald trump is not fit for president. it was a blistering attack, pamela. let s listen to some of it. i have worked i ve worked with eight presidents of the united states. i have served with hundreds of senators. only 13 senators in history, i m embarrassed to say, have served as long as i have. dozens of secretaries of state and secretaries of defense of both parties. and i can say without hesitation my word as a biden, no major party nominee in the history of the united states of america has don t cheer. just listen. has known less or been less prepared to deal with our national security than donald trump. so this is a mantra that he s not fit to be president. he s making that case for saying donald trump is not fit to be president. he s appealing to voters that tell it like it is, joe biden voters who like joe. that s right. particularly these white working class voters, blue collar democrats in scranton, pennsylvania. this is the key voting block. this is a voting bloc that hillary clinton has had trouble with this campaign. donald trump has been actively courting them. he needs them in large numbers if he s going to win come november. you heard joe biden make the case why he thinks donald trump is a danger to national security and seize on his popularity among these voters. he s really garnered their support through his years in public office. he s trying to get their support on hillary clinton s side. pamela, sara. stay with me. i want to bring in cnn s john king. hello to you. donald trump has been slipping in the polls ever since the convention. of particular importance is the swing states. what s the latest on that is. without a doubt. what he s hoping is this isis speech today can get him back on track because hillary clinton has been gaining and gaining consistently. let s look here. these are six of your traditional battleground states. in close presidential election, camp out in these six, you tend to figure out who s going to win. at the moment hillary clinton leads in all of them. by average, plus three in florida, plus two ohio, plus four in north carolina, plus eight in new hampshire. double dints in virginia, double digits in colorado. donald trump has to turn blue states red from the obama/romney map to change it. this is a generous presentation for mr. trump, this averages out the five or six most recent polls so trump was closer back in the day. at the moment, don, when you look at these numbers and look at this map, there s not one blue state here from the obama/romney map i can circle and say donald trump is leading it. advantage clinton big-time. let s talk more about that. he has made a point of saying he can turn some traditional blue democratic states republican red. is he even close to that anywhere, john? the answer is no, again, which is why, again, 85 days to go, donald trump has defied logic and political gravity before. don t count him out. in michigan on average, clinton leads by six. pennsylvania on average, clinton leads by nine. wisconsin, it s nine. new york, it s 17. donald trump said he can win most if not all of the states. most people think he needs pennsylvania, don. somehow when you look at this map, somehow he s got to turn some of these blue red and, again, there are some red states here. clinton is leading at the moment in north carolina. romney won that. clinton s comparative in georgia. clinton s comparative out in georgia. some people think with the conservative challenger, she can be competitive in utah. nothing blue i can circle tonight and say advantage trump. there are red ones when you say can clinton is in play. long way to go. trump is in a polling ditch. let s get back to sara now. we heard that throughout the campaign. what is he trying to get at here? reporter: well, i think when he talks about these mental attacks about hillary clinton and isis, he laid out what he thought were president obama and hillary clinton s foreign policy failures to date. he s obviously talked a lot about benghazi. sort of feeling like she doesn t have the record on national security and trying to poke holes frankly in the fact she does have much more foreign policy experience. on the physical side it s a little more per flexing. hillary clinton is 68 years old. donald trump is 70 years old. it does seem like just another jab here he wanted to land against her tonight. hillary clinton cannot get out from under the e-mail scandal. what s happening with the release of the notes from her interview with the fbi? this continues to cast a shadow over her campaign. we re learning the fbi will soon be releasing notes from her interview with the bureau, the three hour plus interview over to congress and this was not done under oath. no transcript. it s unusual for the fbi to hand over notes like this to congress particularly in a case where the interview was voluntary and there were no charges such as this case and also the political sensitivity here. these are politically charged materials being handed over in the middle of the election year. james comey, director of the fbi, repeatedly said he wants to be as transparent as possible with this case and handing the notes over is one way to achieve that. no doubt this will once again bring her e-mail controversy back into center stage. thank you, pamela. thank you, sara. john king, stick with me. when we come back, top conservatives want the gop to cut trump loose. is it too late? energy is a complex challenge. people want power. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they re released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that s what we re working on right now. energy lives here. what makes wendy s baconator different? 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is that a winning strategy? yeah, i think he has to be very kaucareful. his attack should be on washington and status quo, not just hillary. when he does go to hillary, they have to be where they re not personal, they have to be where she s been there for 24 years, she had her chance, she was tested and failed to test. we need somebody who can move us in a different direction. we already know that. most people don t think america is going the right direction. so when he makes it personal, he loses. when he makes it about be bigger issue and makes it anti-washington, it s much, much more powerful. the question is can he do it? is that even in him to do that? john king, republicans are seemingly jumping ship. many of them by the day. some ready to cut trump loose all together. and today, extraordinary an extraordinary editorial from the wall street journal. it says if they can t get mr. trump to change his act by labor day the gop will have no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the senate and house and other down-ballot races. as for mr. trump, he needs to stop blaming everyone else and decide if he wants to behave like someone who wants to be president or turn the nomination over to mike pence. they re encouraging republicans to cut trump loose by labor day if he doesn t change his ways. do you see that happening? i see it as a possibility. let s be honest. republican establishment groups including the wall street journal editorial page didn t want trump to begin with. they re not fans of mr. trump. he took over their party and what some consider a hostile takeover. l this is a dangerous one, don. there are a lot of republicans saying if we get past labor day and he s still in the tank, if he s still down in all those swing states, pull all the money, redirect it to the house and senate campaign. john and kevin can tell you better than i can because they ve been involved in close campaigns. if the guy at the top of the ticket tanks, even if you re perfect down below, even if you make every right decision, it s hard to win sometimes. in a state like pennsylvania, where john s worked extensively, they have a republican incumbent senator who s in trouble. if trump tanks in pennsylvania, then there s fights with republicans, we re going to spend our money here, going to spend our money there, yank this money away from tv or yank this money away from the ground game, those fights even if you think you re breaking from a nominee you think is toxic, you think you re helping your candidate, often, at least often as not, you re hurting your candidate. john, you want to talk about that? well, john s absolutely right. take a state also right now like north carolina which nobody thought was probably even going to be in play. we see not only the presidential in play with trump failing a little bit, we see the other candidates in that race doing to. understand, though, that trump can turn this thing around but they have fundamental problems within the campaign. fundamental problems with the message. and frankly, i think what some of these poem aeople are saying wish trump was more like mike pence. i want you to weigh in on this. i was reading your twitter feed. for a second i was like, did i get ahold of taylor swift s twitter feed? you tweeted last night about this editorial. you said, you guys, he will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever change, ever. like, never getting back together, right? like ever. so, i mean, you know, they you ran out of characters. yes. so john says he may be able to get it together and stay on message and turn things around. what did you mean by that tweet? i think what you re dealing with right now is donald trump. and donald trump s not going to change. a lot of what people are talking about, maybe he ll be more disciplined, maybe they ll have more organization in the campaign. maybe they ll focus more on policy. donald trump doesn t care about any of that. what you need is essentially a different candidate. like john said, you need mike pence. somebody who cares about policy. are you conceding the election then? are you saying it s never going to happen? i think there is a very, very slim chance that donald trump has right now. i mean, it is the window has been closing. remember, we look at washington i m sorry, the wall street journal referred to labor day, a traditional starter pistol for the campaign. it s not the actual start of the campaign. the opinions of people, the impressions made on voters that are persuadable righting now have been taking place over the last three months and donald trump has had probably the worst last three months of any general election candidate ever. so it is just very, very narrow window that he can turn this around. hey, john king, can i ask you because i m wondering if the attack on the khans, the veiled threat against hillary clinton, you know, and the 2nd amendment, was that the turning point, you think, for donald trump because he had seemed bulletproof especially before the khans. i think the khans was part of it. look, we asked this question from the very beginning of the campaign when he questioned john mccain s patriotism, said he wasn t a real war hero because he was captured. he s done so many other things. we always said is this the last straw, is this the last straw? i think there s been a cumulative effect. a different stage of the campaign. a lot of early things we thought were disqualifying or reprehensible or way out of bounds happened during a republican primary contest. people are picking a president, not a nominee for their pearty. you can make the case if you talk to smart strategies like the two with you tonight, they will tell you over time, the issue is this, you have a two-term democratic president. the republican party as john said should be running, how s it going, let s change washington, let s have a new direction, the last eight years haven t been that great, let s do something different. she has managed to turn it into a referendum on donald trump. as long as she can make that the case, his lack of government credentials, sometimes things he says that people would consider different or out of bounds, in some cases wacky are more in play. a challenger can get by with a lower bar if the issue is the incumbents. right now the issue is the challenger. that s a point that john made. i want john to get in here. john, you re seeming to think he does have time to turn this around and those things aren t cumulative. two weeks ago, three weeks ago the race was pretty much even so the fluidity of it without even any debates, here s the thing that donald trump has to understand. two things. number one, people haven t been waiting their whole life to vote for donald trump. the people that are supporting him have been waiting a long time to send a message to washington. it s a big distinction. he has to understand that c context. that s a good point. second of all, he has to understand the general election is different than a primary. i think he is seeing now when he does make these mistakes his poll numbers do go down. he didn t see that in the primary. i think that s why he might change. go ahead, kevin. i was going to say to john king s point, too, at the same time the khan controversy was taking its toll on donald trump, hillary clinton was outspending hillary clinton campaign was outspending donald trump in some places 25-0 as far as advertising. places like north carolina, the clinton campaign is spending money on adds that trump campaign is not on the air. so only one part of the conversation is being had with voters. and that s the clichnton campai to swing voters and you re seeing places that used to be solid red states for republicans are now tilting back into the democratic column. that s a huge problem. i heard paul manafort talking about how much money they raised yesterday on state of the union. what are going to do with all that? you said hillary clinton had ads everywhere. what s going to happen with all that money now, john? well, people have been waiting people have been waiting and urging them to get on the air especially in these key battleground states to make the argument john is talking about. change washington. create jobs. then republicans are happy with the crooked hillary. they want it to come out change washington and create jobs. donald trump is still not on the air in swing states. the problem is there aren t many ads that will have a huge impact after labor day. that s the point. the ads right now are a lot more important than when you u do come to september and october because there s a megaphone out there where they re hearing from everybody. i think it s a big mistake they re not on the air if, indeed, they raised this type of money. john, john, kevin, appreciate it. good to be with you as always. coming up, donald trump tries to stay on message, he s also upping his attacks on the media. is that a winning strategy? we re going to talk about it next. with 8 grams of protein, and 8 other nutrients. 9 out of 10 u.s. olympians grew up drinking milk. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. 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well, i think what he is doing is kind of repeating what you see about hillary clinton and a word cloud where people challenge her trustworthiness, her focus on issues that are important to them. the stamina to stand with it. look at what happened in benghazi where they debated. for a period of time how they w were going to talk about this. if you watch the film 13 hours you see what those individuals were living through and, you know, don, i got to tell you when i m out and about and talking to people in my district and i am talking to americans who are tremendously concerned about this country, they will talk to you about national security. being one of the top issues. about their fear of the terrorist cells that exist in this country. their concern over that. concern for the safety of their families. so that s why. i want to get the governor in on that. sure. do you think that she lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on isis? why do you think he s saying that is. you know, it was a dog whistle to me because what i hear when he says mental and physical stamina is not a discussion about policy. i hear i hear something that i think a lot of women hear, and this is just me. i hear it as being somehow she s weaker, she can t deal with foreign policy. that s what i hear. i don t know that that s what he meant, but his arguments should be on the policy, and by the way, don, i mean, talk about somebody who lacks the i don t want to say mental ability, but, i mean, he certainly has been all over the match on t map on the policy he talked about today. in 2002, he said he was in favor of going into iraq. today he say he was against. in 2007 he says we should get out of iraq. when he talks about moammar gadha gadhafi. 2011, there s a taped interview saying moammar gadhafi should be out. today he says not so much, we maybe should have left him there. same thing with mubarak in egypt. is he in favor of a big military and having a very aggressive presence in iraq today? or is he in favor of withdrawing and not having a big presence. one second. jennifer. just one more. give her a answer chance to response. the question about nato, a week ago he say s nato is lousy and should not be defending our allies. today he said we should be going after isis with nato. which donald trump is it? he was a hot mess today. it s expressed throughout the course of his campaign. congresswoman, i want you to respond. i want to move on to a different topic. quickly, how do you respond? listening to jennifer, one of the things withdrew ha s you ha is the middle east and what is happening around the world is not a static situation. is is a dynamic situation. and, indeed, this is something if you visit with our troops and talk with our commanders in the field, they will tell you how dynamic and how fluid the situation is and how some of the missteps that have been made with the way we came down in iraq, the way we have proceeded at some points in afghanistan, the way that has changed the situation. okay. listen. i think it s important, i want to discuss this because we ve been talking a lot about media coverage, you know, he s been saying that the media is corrupt and is not treating him fairly and also talking about honesty when coming on to programs. and also being at campaign events and telling the truth rather than telling voters nontruth. conservative wisconsin radio host charlie sykes said conservative media he said we basically eliminated any of the referees, gatekeepers, we created this monster. look, i m a conservative talk show host. all conservative hosts have basically established their brand as being contrasted to the mainstream media. we spent 20 years demonizing the liberal mainstream media. by the way, a lot of it has been justified. there is real bias. at a certain point, you wake up to realize you have destroyed the credibility of any credible media outlet out there and then he says, he goes on to say, that i get called a turncoat, i m paraphrasing here, what have you, simply because he won t repeat things that are not true on his conservative he won t buy into conspiracy theories or say things that are not true on the air. so how do you respond to that, congresswoman? is he i know he s a never-trumper. person. what s your reaction to this? there s a lot of truth in what he says. you can go in and look at what people believe about the evening news. most people don t believe what they re hearing on the evening news and think much of what they re hearing on tv is biased and that is why people are gravitating to building their own networks between websites. facebook. youtube. things of that nature. congresswoman, what he s saying is exactly the opposite. he s saying it is a change. he s sayi ining conserve ti radio, conservative hosts have built up this thing that mainstream news or media which is even if you re fact checked, that is not telling the truth then some crazy website that you re supposed to believe something on a crazy website rather than people who have studied their whole lives, who are looking at the facts. right. yes. i understand that, but what i m saying, don, is yes, those alternative sources are where people are gathering their news now. what charlie is saying about how they have spoken out against the media many times. that is true. but the media has in part done this to themselves. that s not news. because they bring editorializing. they bring editorializing into what should be the reporting. now, what people want, i have people every day that tell me, you know, i watch c-span because i want to hear it come out of people s mouths. i want to hear it for myself. and whoever would have thought we would have people in the country that would be watching c-span. i want the governor to get in. don, people want the truth. they want to know the facts and they don t want any gimmicks. they just want to have the facts. so, governor, even if you hear some people, many people hear it on c-span, they hear it coming from hillary clinton s mouth or donald trump s mouth. or if you fact check someone in real time on a program like this one, it is still not believed even though it is the fact. he s saying that we conservatives have created this monster meaning him and other conservatives. i, you know, it s hard to lay the blame at any one individual, but i do think as a strategy for donald trump to go after the media is not a really smart idea. really what he ought to be going after what any candidate ought to be going after are the things hurting citizens out there and many citizens really do appreciate, for example, their local media. they love their local paper. they appreciate their local anchors. they know them. they see them in the community. and they may even like the anchors on cnn, they even like they watch you. your viewers like you. they watch you. so to attack broadly the media in the same way you don t attack somebody who buys ink by the barrel, you shouldn t be attacking the people who are bringing the citizens your policies, your words. it s just not a great strategy. thank you, governor. thank you, representative. i appreciate it. sure. see you guys soon. when we come right back, donald trump s plan to protect us from is whereis, what would n for refugees trying to escape oppression? 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it s not clear on the deta details. extreme vetting to me is being a 30 something in new york on a first date. i don t know what he means by extreme vetting. there already is a vetting process if place for refugees. the question about how many refugees one would let in is something both the cam rapaignse going to litigate. the strongest part of the speech is framing it as an issue akin to the cold war, fight against islamic radicalism has been to be fought of in a global scope, be taken with that sort of seriousness. there s a lot of places where there s agreement with allies and counterterrorism programs going forward. between the two campaigns. much of this is baked in just on this speech? that was specifically in this speech. he was saying this is sort of the new cold war. i would say this when people talk about trump s tough talk on isis and say it s all sort of bluster, i think there s a general perception whether it s a reality or not we can t know unless this actually happens. if there were a major terrorist attack on u.s. soil between now and election, it would benefit donald trump. that s because people have a belief or many people have a belief he takes this issue with more seriousness and has a better understanding of who the enemy is and how i m going to get my other panelists in. andre, you now. he says it isn t just about muslims, would apply to other countries. i mean, how is it the problem that refugees are often fleeing the oppression in countries like those who are the freedom of the united states? andre? donald trump had a good day today. he stayed on message today. he delivered a powerful speech. he s been well received by multitude of different media outlets. and he gave a vision. he talked about things that real americans are concerned with. he talked about being a tolerant society but they d have to embrace our way of life. a new screening system. a vetting system. he talked about finding common ground with russia. much like the current administration s done with cuba. you know, do we want them to continually to be our enemy? i d rather have them as at least someone we try to work with on certain issues. doesn t mean we have to always trust them. if they can help us fight isis, great, we need everybody we can. i thought he had a great vision today. ideologically, he talked about condemning hatred, oppression, violence, of radical islam. i thought he was on message. i was real happy that he stayed on message. didn t veer off and delivered a good speech. bakari, why are you laughing at that? i mean, i think andre s comparison of cuba and russia is vastly off but feeds into this kind of ignorant view that donald trump has of the world. but to get to your point, to answer your question, when you talk about the christians that are being brutalized in syria and how they re fleeing that brutal oppression, they would not even be allowed in the united states of america under donald trump s plan. i think one of the most amazing things about his plan, about this whole new litmus test was he said we will find out more about this plan after i take the oath of office. that is not a plan. that is leaving all the details and all the nuances up in the air. i thought donald trump today was very, very dangerous. i mean, i think if we take a step back and say that tleat le he framed it as the cold war, framed it with some type of world view that may be one step forward. the fact he wants to go at it alone, the fact he wants america to retreat, what it reminded me of was one of the darkest we sacrificed and suspended the constitution which is what donald trump wants us to do. he said you can t come in the country unless you agree with our values and agree with our principles. so a few things. one is there are people in this country right now who don t agree with some values and principles. he talked about, you know, muslim countries that are anti-lgbt. we have states that are just like that. his vice presidential candidate is just like that. has, you know, instituted laws in indiana just like that. and so i just wonder about the hypocrisy there. he also called out somalian hang on. he didn t issue laws for in some of those people they re anti-lgbt. i m saying where on the spectrum is it okay? it s okay to discriminate against lgbt folks as long as you don t kill them. none of that is okay. at some point you have to be responsible for your action. he talked about soma lirlians i minnesota. those types of things are the very basis, foundation for profiling in this country. he has to be responsible for his rhetoric. bakari s point, he said he once again saw dangerous donald trump today. donald trump was reckless. he talked about hillary clinton s physical stamina. you also saw sexist donald trump show up today. even though he was reading from a prompter, his message isn t one that resonates with me. stay with me. everyone, when we come right back, more headaches on hillary clinton with e-mails where the latest news hurt her with voters. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. 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i won this 55 inch tv for less than $30 on visit for great deals. and start bidding today! buck sexton, angela rye, bakari sellers. bakari, rudy giuliani opened if donald trump and said something that has a lot of new yorkers doing a double take. a lot of americans. listen. under those eight years, before obama came along, we didn t have any successful radical islamic terrorist attack in the united states. they all started when clinton and obama got into office. well, except for 9/11 the trump campaign clarified saying giuliani was referring to the time of 9/11 and before obama had been sworn into office and giuliani just talked about 9/11 right before that statement. what s your take on that, bakari? rudy giuliani also thought he was in ohio as well at the beginning of that speech. i don t want to necessarily hone in on rj religiudy giuliani and comments as much as i want to talk about the fact-free environment druonald trump and r surrogates. which makes your job and host jobs so difficult because you have to fact check instantaneously and you interview and talk to these people. what you saw today was donald trump in his speech and rj religi rudy giuliani, they tried to rewrite history. the fact donald trump and rudy giuliani can t stare the american public in the face and give a natural progression of history is very, very problematic. the fact-free america we re living in is very dangerous. it s trump s new america. the fbi is going to hand over their interview notes from their meeting with hillary clinton over her e-mail use. they don t have a full script. just notes. i know bakari, you think there s nothing in these e-mails. as long as this story continues to dribble out, doesn t it hurt hillary clinton? it s the only arrow the republican party has. i think what you re starting to see is reince priebus, the house oversight committee, many of these house committees. keep her under the cloud of investigation throughout the campaign. that s the only hope they have to save down-ballot races. this is nothing more than a political ploy. if this is going to be leaked as we know it is, i hope they don t leak them part and parcel. i think it s a dangerous precedent. since we re here, let s at least let the american public see them all. is this the only you think fault that they can point to, buck, for hillary clinton? no, i think they can point to many things donald trump actually mentioned today in his speech as foreign policy failures. specifically libya which she was a big advocate for. libya has turned out very poorly. if you look at a map of the middle east and pick out a country and look at it today versus what it looked like in, say, 2008, it s invariably worse than it was and that s a legacy of the obama administration and hillary clinton as secretary of state. this notion that somehow the e-mail is a democrat odge or din or this is just for politics, anybody with a security clearance, i would challenge anyone who has had one to come on the program and say that if you had sent 100 classified e-mails, you don t think your career would be over, wouldn t be stripped or your sent 100 classified e-mail. excuse me, there were 100 instances of the fbi director has said this. three. okay. let them answer to your thing. go ahead, bakari first then angela. bakari, hurry up. you ve been filibustering. go ahead. i know. that s not true. there were three e-mails and partially marked and not marked correctly. you can t say there was 100 e-mails. let angela get in. this is nonsense. anybody with google can check this. there were over 100 instances of classified information sent. this is what the fbi director said. buck, let them respond. go ahead. can t contend over this. buck, now you see the problem where you think something is true and know it to be true but the people on the thing, you don t think they believe you. that s not true. what you re saying is not true. it s actually more specific than that. i mean i m giving a lecture on classification which i know there s more nuance to it. i m very familiar. listen. here s the challenge. there were e-mails that became classified later. as you know, having a security clearance, we have something called overclassification in ki this country where things are overly classified and shouldn t be. there are things that become classified material later on. those are the e-mails you re referencing. the three not properly marked, yes, director comey said she should have known extremely careless. extremely careless. okay, buck. you can yell over me the whole time if you want to but that does not make it right. so all i m telling you is maybe they are not properly marked. that is what has been said. both by elijah cummings ranking on government reform and the n benghazi special committee. does that know she should have known? no. my point to you is this is a pointless it s not pointless. what she did is reckless. what she did is you going to continue to scream over me? i m sitting here being filibustered on an issue you re not. the only person filibustering is you. you re the only person on the panel that would be a first. you have. you ve spoken more than anybody else on the panel. my only thing is at some point we have to be responsible with taxpayer dollars. you all are normally the party of fiscal conservatism and continue to waste money on this because you re losing an election so abysmally. look at battleground poll after battleground poll and now you have this. the fbi director said what she did was extremely careless. they were considering criminal charges up to possibly felony charges for what she did. this is not up for debate or discussion. bill clinton saying the fbi i e coming up with this out of nowhere is nonsense. i still haven t had an answer to this question, if they did what hillary clinton did, they would definitely be fired, definitely have their clearance stripped and worried about being criminally prosecuted and this woman who was secretary of state did all this and we shouldn t care, we should trust her with the nuclear codes, she knows what she s doing. isn t the you can t suspend rally. said the e-mail system is used on foreign soil and open to any kind of hacking. how many times she wasn t prosecuted. don, if i may. different than saying what she did is nobody said it was okay, but they ve already they reprimanded her. so i don t know what else you want to happen. sit on the runway and meet with the attorney general. hang on. stand by. stand by. stand by. andre, go ahead. andre has spoken the least. go ahead, andre. i said who else gets to have their husband days before sit on the runway and talk to the attorney general? i mean, they have an air of corruption, so many contacts within the government and this is why the people are frustrated. look. don t think hillary clinton is not scared. she cringes every time we talk about e-mails about like she cringes to hear what bill clinton was doing last weekend probably in las vegas. they know this is a smoking gun. they know there s a big problem there. that s why they continue to run from it because it is deception at the highest level and you re right. anyone else would be going to jail for the same thing. and you re running from one thing. one word for you tonight, andre, and buck, russia. deal with that. can we hey, if you want to talk russia, hillary clinton s taken more from russia than probably anyhistory. you know what, trump and pence put out a press release today quoting the new york times six times and you guys you say not be feisty we re going to talk about russia and everything else in the next hour. i am so over right now. all right. thank you, guys. we ll be right back. this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision. because no one knows & like at&t. real milk vs. almond milk protein show down milk wins. 8 times the protein, less bathroom breaks. so it most certainly doesn t end.t end at the horizon. at gate c-47. with travelocity, get help through social media 24/7. travelocity® wander wisely™ the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20160819

he wants to surround himself for his biggest fan boys. former he s a loud mouth. from the farthest reaches of the right wing media where everything donald trump says is fantastic. i feel like super model accept like times ten. we ll make sure that donald trump is comfortable being in his own skin. you ll see more conspiracy series. i m watching the conservative movement. i am glad that i make the powerful a little uncomfortable now and again, including some of the powerful people, frankly, in my own party. let trump be trump. and believe it or not, i regret it. this is the last word on campaign 2016. for 430 days donald trump has been campaigning for president and every one of those days he has had something to apologize for, but he never has apologized. then came today, with only 81 days left in the election donald trump now under the influence of his new campaign managers, finally cracked. sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. i have done that. [ applause ] and believe it or not, i regret it. [ trump trump trump trump ] and i do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues. but one thing i can promise you this, i will always tell you the truth. regret. he couldn t bring himself to apologize. donald trump is too small a person to ever find a way of saying the word sorry, but he took the baby step today of saying that he had regrets. he has regrets for some of the things he said, but he doesn t have the courage to say what those things are and then in the same breath he told his audience that he will always tell them the truth, which, of course, is his biggest lie. it is the unbrel lalie that covers the entire campaign. no presidential candidate in history has lied with the pathological frequency of donald trump. in his speech tonight, he demanded that hillary clinton apologize for the decision she made, policy decisions and the decision the way she ran her e-mail. but donald trump still has not yet apologized for the lies he started telling five years ago about president obama s birth. donald trump has never apologized for lying about seeing thousands of people celebrating on 9/11 in new jersey. he s the author of easily proven lies in any politician in history, and just for good measure right after his audience tonight that he will always tell them the truth, he immediately threw a lie in their faces and they fell for it. i am spending millions and millions and millions of dollars on my own campaign. i m funding my campaign. [ applause ] my only interest is the american people. i m funding my campaign, than as an out right lie. his audience should know that by now. he s desperately trying to raise money and doing a terrible job of it. his new campaign management was able to get him to admit regrets, especially now that he s losing in every poll, they have no intention of getting donald trump to stop lying while he was speaking and lying tonight, the associated press in a breaking news report said e-mails obtained by the associated press show donald trump s campaign chairman, paul manafort directly orchestrated a covert washington lobbying operation on behalf of ukraine s ruling political party attempting to sway american public opinion in favor of the country s prorussian government. paul manafort and his deputy never disclosed their work as foreign agents between 2012-to 14 as required under federal law. and, jeff, paul manafort and his associate both now working for the trump campaign and the what you have found are actual e-mails showing what they were doing. what more can you tell us about that? so this is earlier this week paul manafort issued a statement saying that they had never, never, never done anything involving, basically, lobbying on behalf of the russian government or the ukrainian government. and they swore this up and down, the lobbyist who were working that aligned the political lobbying operation, said the same thing and the e-mails we have, which are between or from, i should say, rick gates who is from manafort s deputy, from his firm, to the nonprofit that s supposedly independent, clearly show that rick gates and the manafort firm are controlling this effort and are basically telling, sort of the lobbyist in d.c. what to do, who to contact. they re setting up meetings for ukrainian ministers and they re attempting to also get ukrainian viewpoints, i should say, the particular viewpoints, ukrainian s party of region in front of american audience through tv interviews and newspaper interviews. jeff. paul manafort and rick gates have never denied working in ukraine, that s public record, that they worked in ukraine for the president of ukraine, but what they have been denying is that they were doing any work back in the united states and there are things that lines that you can easily cross in work in the united states that require you to register as, basically, a foreign agent, that s not what they have not done and that could be the legal violation here. exactly. so there are the foreign agent, registration act is very clear. this was put in place 1938, basically, to try to detect and track propaganda by the germans and during world war ii. this law is very clear that anyone who is acting on behaef of the foreign government needs to dethe operations and detail it very clearly. they can do whatever they like as consultants thashs s okay and that s their business, but as soon as they bring that back overseas or that back home, at that point they need to disclose this and be transparent about their operations. what we found they weren t transparent to the government in disclosing, basically, that they were operating a lobbying business out here. and this is precisely the kind of thing that donald trump said that if he s president, he would not allow anyone who served in his administration to do anything like this for five years after serving in the administration, he said nothing about how much they could do right up until the day before serving. there s a bit of ironny here and that speech tonight i believe was about registered lobbyist, the problem here is that paul manafort s firm is doing unregistering lobbying. the same thing, just without actually declaring itself according to the u.s. government s law. yeah, this is yeah, these are the people who are seen here in this campaign and been advising him for months and months. thank you very much for joining us tonight with this breaking news. thank you. thanks for having me. we re joined now by terrence clays. also with his strategist, clarence page, it happened. you ve been waiting 4 hyundais for it. he povted to admitting a regret without ever telling us exactly what he regrets. yeah, i call that a half pivot, actually, lawrence. and the reason why it reminded me of frank sanatra song i had a few, but i did it my way that was the next line i was waiting from donald trump. the difference between regrekt and sorry. we can talk the rest of the night about that. the fact is you are right. this is a change of direction. notice the last couple of days he s been sedate compared to the flamboyant trump until now. i think he s trying hard to tone it down. i m waiting to see how long this is going to last. the speech he gave today lack credibility. clearly the regret piece was the thing that they were going to be able to prove, look, the new bosses of the trump campaign look what they ve done. it s the 87th pivot this year. every time this happens you know it s a clock running. it s when does he get his phone back and start tweeting again. when does he start verbal spray out all of the world, again, by twitter or whatever inappropriate remarks he chooses to make that day. this is a guy who cannot be tamed or mastered or controlled by people. and it s amazing that the american media falls for this there s a whole bunch of gushing stories tonight of people who should know better, even the speech didn t contain, as you noted, any kind of apology or regret. he s unable to process. i m sorry if offended you. that s putting it on the person that s listening to him. it s astounding and typical trump and it s nothing we shouldn t expect at this point and, look, this is probably we ve probably got 20 or 30 pivots to go in the course of the election, wait until he gets his phone back tonight. it s always on the clock. it seems the first question for the next trump interviewer. he s not doing business with anyone else, the first question obviously is to on what do you regret. i m sure megan klly are wondering as well, but frankly shows something of a token effort towards showing that he recognizes some mistakes look at the train of mistakes he s made so far. he has said, for example, when asked why are you still campaigning to the base, why don t you cross over and go for the swing voters and the dependents out there, he said i really talking to these rallies and having people cheer my name, et cetera. he likes that style of campaigning. but it s not practical so far as winning some votes in those battleground states. this is the head of the nypd said today in reaction to donald trump s trump talking about law and order. on the subject matter, what are the ideas. we re all about reducing fear. that will work, not exploiting fear and platitude, i m not familiar enough with what is behind the statement what is he proposing, what s his experience, what are his ideas. i just don t know, our pile has yet to respond to bill on this. well, look, donald trump s speech, as we noted the other night, it was eight minutes of law and order it was laundried recycled stuff. largely, the speech has been forgotten already, the next the next few hours he hired steve, a man who has promoted antisintism, promoted antiracism. now there s a guy who is behind this. and who has never worked in a campaign. i love people who have never worked in campaign, oh, i can do that. good luck pal. that s the perfect queue for the next segment. coming up, we have breaking news about the clinton foundation, also breaking news about what hillary clinton said about colin powell said in her interview with the fbi. and how is donald trump s newly campaign team working. you just heard what rick had to say about the new ceo of the clinton of the trump campaign. we ll have more coming up. allend allergens get between you and life s beautiful moments. flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. we have breaking news that hillary clinton told the fbi that former secretary of state colin powell advised her to use private e-mail when she became secretary of state. also today the new trump campaign manager in disagreemenb with trump campaign spokesman. that s coming up. my lenses have a sunset mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside to inside mode. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light. outdoors, indoors and in the car. try duo fusion!ing antacids? new, two in one heartburn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds. and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. from the makers of zantac. the new management of the trump campaign may have donald trump to express regrets for unspecified things he has said in the past, but the lead spokesperson for any trump campaign continue her lying ways on television today, this time about hillary clinton s health. he had said that she doesn t have the strgth or the stamina for a very long time, that part is nothing new. what s new are the other reports of the observations of hillary clinton s behavior and mannerisms. tonight chris matthews asked the new trump campaign manager about what katrina pearson just said. i m not a doctor, you re not a doctor, your candidate is not a doctor, but your people are putting out the word there s have you seen this with michael you ve seen how politics, you put out the word there s something wropg with the guy or woman and the people start buzzing about it. is this a tactic that you appreciate and like? i don t like taking her on on the record. so kelly who is katrina pearson s new boss doesn t like what was said, if she really is, she never has to, again, listen to katrina pearson saying something she doesn t like. she can fire katrina pearson right now. fire her for lying every time she has ever appeared on television talking about the trump campaign. con way isn t the only new addition to the trump campaign. mysterious figure who has the title of ceo, might be very happy with what katrina pearson said today since he has a long record of handling and news and on his radio show, an article in the vanity fair, about these comments from the bright mart web site that he runs, the anonymous defiant, i celebrated with some alcohol when zimmerman was found not guilty and i celebrate every time one of these mongoloids are shot by cops another racist comment said they know that white people are superior they wine about it all the time and want to kill us because of it. they know they ll never be equal to us, so they destroy everything we create. joining us now the author of the article. ken, thank you very much for joining us. i really appreciate it. i m struck by this moment today with katrina pearson who is saying just craziness about hillary clinton. con way says to matthews she doesn t like that. do you think steve bannon likes that? so, i think steve bannon is, you know, he s become a professional, that s why he s a good companion to trump. and i think he will spend his time helping getting trump to talk about the things that made him successful during the primaries, at least with one class of voters. and, you know, what trump does is what bannon does and they re very good at that. it s been proved in trump s success so far and i expect we ll see it for the next three months. the first part of what katrina pearson said is stuff that donald trump says saying that hillary clinton doesn t have the strength and the stamina to do the job, there s absolutely no evidence of that, that s donald trump making stuff up. that is very much in the tradition of steve bannons bright web site. so let s bright bart and dan have been very successful over the last four years, sort of invented trump before trump. they created the al bright movement and they did it largely through creating tales. tales about the muslim conspiracy, the tales about the wild effects of black lives matter. they ve learned what really gets their audience up and going and will continue to see more of it. they re very good at that. let s listen to something that donald trump said today. i am glad that i make the powerful, and i mean very powerful, a little comfortable now and again, including some of the powerful people, frankly, in my own party. because it means that i m fighting for real change, real change. our campaign is about representing the great majority of americans. republicans, democrats, independents, conservatives and liberals who read the newspaper or turn on the television and don t hear anyone, anyone speaking for them. there s speculation, now, that bannon and trump after they lose on election day will ban together to create some kind of new media operation and when you hear that line about donald trump saying people turn on the television and don t hear anyone speaking for them, even though he gets a 100% sympathetic audience every time he goes on fox, people are looking at statements like that for the seeds of the possibility of this trump bannon partnership and meeting. so, let s what trump said there is sort of classic. it s the politics. it s the washington establishment, american corporations, the party of d who have forsaken the american worker in the interest of globalism and their own interest. you know, i ve seen the theory that afterwards trump and bannon will gang up. i think trump is a useful tool for bannon right now. bannon is very successful. bright bart is perhaps there are some statistics that show some of the political site and social media. it s 18 million users, trump is helpful in driving awareness of bright bart, it s gone its own velocity going right now. i don t know that they need to band more than they have. ken stern thank you very much for joining us tonight. up next, colin powell advised hillary clinton to use private e-mail as secretary of state. property would suffice for jordan s bachelor party. i don t need a sword, i m a firemaid. ding dong! i m going to give this place a killer review. i don t know, i just always thought maybe my bachelor party would be a little less g-rated. wench! ahhh! ahhh hahaha. oooh! party time! party boy! ok, ok. mm hm, party time. hmm, mmm, mmm. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. new york times is reporting tonight that hillary clinton told the fbi that former secretary of state colin powell had advised her to use a personal e-mail account. the times reports that the fbi notes of their sbe view with secretary clinton which were handed over to congress on tuesday revealed that she told the fbi about former secretary of state powell s notes. tales of a dinner party hosted by madelyn albright. colin powell was there, along with henry kissinger. in his book he told her to use her own e-mail as he had done except for classified communications she had sent received via state department computer. the book says, this only confirmed the decision that secretary clinton had made months earlier to use personal e-mail. until this story broke tonight, the big clinton news of the day came earlier this evening when the clinton foundation announced it would no longer except foreign or corporate contributions if hillary clinton is elected president. joining us now by phone is new york times national political reporter amy who broke the story tonight about the fbi s interview with secretary clinton. amy, thank you very much for joining us with this breaking news, i really appreciate it. thanks for having me. when the word came that congress was getting the fbi notes this week the clock started clicking on when the first week would come. i m not going to ask you where it came from. but this is a of what ice in the fbi notes. but what more do we know about what hillary clinton said about her e-mail. well, i think we re going to be learning that, and obviously the clinton campaign is concerned about congressional campaigns or strategically leaking things that could damage her candidacy and has pushed to release everything. we ll see if that happens until then, you re right, it could be a drip drip of those of us hearing about different parts of the three-and-a-half conversation that happened over july fourth weekend. there are also democratic members who might have an incentive to drip some drips of it and this one seems to be ben ishl. it seems to be there is colin powell saying you should do it this way. yes. it s interesting, you know, hillary clinton have said from the get go that previous secretary of state have done this. they haven t made the link he told her to do it and i think that was something he had mixed emotions about it and passing blames on a popular, former diplomat. we had known other developments scandal that. there s some huge differences between colin powell s time and secretary clinton s powell s there, the systems had changed. when colin powell was there, their computers weren t connected to the internet, apparently you couldn t send e-mail outside of the state department, that wasn t the case by the time hillary clinton got there and she was operating under a new rule imposed by the obama administration that everyone was suppose to use the government e-mails. for one, i think technology and e-mail had evolved dramatically, the state department was behind when colin powell came. she didn t have a private e-mail, she had a private server set up by outside contractors in her house which has drawn intense scrutiny that was a major difference. you mention the new rules of the state department inspector general report that came out in the spring pointed out by the time secretary of clinton set up her personal server, significant security risks were posed by the practice it is quite different from colin powell s practice. thank you very much for joining us with this breaking news, really appreciate it. we re joined now for congress for the washington post. i want to go to the oh big story, the clinton foundation announcing it would no longer take foreign or corporate contributions that comes as the same week that the boston globe has endorsed hillary clinton, will surely endorse her again in the general election, i don t think they ve endorsed a republican in my lifetime. but friend of the clinton campaign, boston globe editorial board said the clinton foundation should be shutdown, this form of being able to contribute to the family of an officer holder should be stopped. i think that, too. i have my own notion of this. i think what they should do is reconstitute it as i would call the eisenhower/kennedy foundation who great presidents of their youth, bring in people like david and suzanne eisenhower and essentially let the work of the foundation go on, the clinton says this foundation does a lot of work, there s evidence that it does. it does do good work around the world. to have any kind of entity like this while clinton is president, just invites more and more stories as john john would say, you can know what servitude of people could be looking for foundation stories throughout the clinton presidency. what they did today is a good step forward, i hope, it s an indication that they understand that over the long-run this just poses a problem for them that they don t need. well, and if the idea is we should not take foreign contributions or corporate contributions if hillary clinton is president, why would it have been a good idea when she was secretary of state. well, i think there was a statement issued to that effect, you know, i think that you have a situation here that is unprecedented. you have a former president of the united states and presidents do have these foundations. they do do a lot of good in the world, but you have not had a situation where a member of the family, in this case, the wife of the former president was both secretary of state and running for president. and i understand that they might say, we re being held to a different standard than others and there s some fairness to that, but it doesn t matter, you will be held to that standard, whether you like it whether you like it or not because you re in a situation that we ve never had to live with before and so i think they ll have the figure out more steps to take about this. and yeah, ej we ve been around long enough the standards always change, they evolve. there was a time wn you can get away with any kind of extramarital behavior you the standards change all the time. i can understand how they would have innocently found themselves in this situation, as you say, totally unprecedented, everything about it is unprecedented. e.j. thank you very much. good to join you, thanks. up next, john mccain is the saddest senator on the campaign trail now where his biggest problem is donald trump. if you re lucky you live in one of the five big cities where an identical statute of donald trump went up today. it is donald trump as you have never seen him before and never wanted to see him, hey, that s what it does. it shows you things you ve never seen before. this is art with a message. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there s only one place where real and amazing live. book 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to run in the years of trump. senator mccain is locked in a tight race with democrat kilpatrick and he cannot afford to lose the single trump of the support. this is the way his day goes on campaign trail. what did i tell you. thank you very much. you have a question. do you have questions about veterans? do you have a question about veterans? this is a veterans event. later this morning a group of veterans is going to deliver a hundred thousand signatures asking you to announce mr. trump, what s your reaction to that? i m asking them to renounce health care who lied to the families relatives of the families who were killed in benghazi. i ve already answered that question. i ve already answered the question before. senator. [ inaudible question ] criticize hg donald trump saying he s unqualified for office saying that hillary clinton is much better qualified, how do you respond to that. i respond to the obvious fact that i m running my own campaign. i m running my campaign has nothing to do with my campaign. i m wondering what you ve heard in the course of the campaign from donald trump that convinces you he s the man. what has he done? i have said that i m running my own campaign. i said i m supporting the nominee of the party and i will continue to run my own campaign this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision. because no one knows & like at&t. it sanyone ever haveady! occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? 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well, no. but it s early. they have no operation on the ground. now, the rnc has some, but it s very hard to motivate ground operation without somebody to be excited about. you know, i do not expect this group this election to be a run away. i do expect trump to right the ship at some point. i also do expect hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states. i m waiting for trump to come back. i don t want the democrats to be over confident about this. we have to do the work and we have to do the turn outs and we need to win georgia and arizona in particular. as you talk about the trump campaign, there s no one who has any experience with it and kelly con way doesn t have any experience and the new guy knows nothing about that. there if there s going to be any ground game it has to be the rnc. the ground game has gotten better but it s knock like the obama ground game. the ground game and his two campaigns was the best that has ever been run in the united states and maybe ever will be for a long time and she has a lot of obama s people who know how to do this working for her. so i m reasonably optimistic, i think we re going to win because the republican government have made their own people so angry where their complete malfeasance over the last four years. and i do think we have a shot in arizona. i think john mccain is going to lose. it s looking really sad for him out there. thank you very much, really appreciate it. thanks lawrence. up next, public art broke out, identical statute of donald trump appeared here in new york city and four other cities, that s next. don t let dust and allergens get between you and life s beautiful moments. by choosing flonase, you re choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. takbbq trophies:hese best cracked pepper sauce. most ribs eaten while calf roping. yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? whoomp there it is uh, yeah. well, uh, well there s this one. best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. well i ll be. does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. what is very likely to be the most memorable art, if you re lucky enough to be in one of these five cities, new york, los angeles, san francisco, cleveland, you might have seen one of these five identical statutes up close if you wanted to. the statutes were created by do artist who calls himself ginger. he has titled them the emp error has no something else i can t say on tv. he used a slang word for a part of the male anatomy, but i can t mention. and the statutes, indeed, are missing that part. wow. that s all i can say. that s just speechless. it s hilarious. girl, that s a micro i guess this is how you make america great agn. i think it s pretty awesome. i m a ginger myself and i don t like what he s doing portraying us in a bad light. after the new york city department of parks and recreation removed the unauthorized statute from union square, the department which clearly has the best writers in american government issued this statement. nyc parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in in city parks no matter how small. and that new york city parks for the first time ever gets the last word. good evening. i m chris matthews in washington. donald trump s cavalry is taking to the field against hillary clinton. it s boots and saddles with the bugle calling charge. the only question is which direction. will trump head back to his winning message of standing up for the country, the nationalist and populist excitement that won him all the primaries? can he focus his attention on hillary clinton? can somebody keep trump, trump? the phenomenal figure who did defeat every rival to win the republican nomination? tonight, we have as our lead guest, the somebody trump picked himself to do just that. his brand new campaign manager, kellyanne conway. thanks for joining us. here s the question. you probably have a lot on your mind but the question i have tonight is how do you do it? you have so many weeks between now right to the finish, you got to turn this baby around, you got to remind everybody why they like trump, get him back to 50-50 where he was pretty much

New-york , United-states , Arizona , Georgia , New-jersey , Germany , Washington , Boston , Massachusetts , Pennsylvania , Russia , Jordan