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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20141128 23:00:00

in, so if you have your leftovers from thanksgiving, you can join me at10:00, we also have an nfl player weighing in on ferguson. and don t forget to set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of the five. black friday shoppers take a big bite. this is special report. good evening, the traditional predawn black friday madness was a lot les crazy in many place this is year, with more and more stores opening on thanksgiving, the crush of shoppers, hunting for never seen before in the universe sale prices, we have fox team coverage, william is in long beach, california with how some union members tried to make shopping at one retailer a lot more difficult. but we begin with peter doozy in
spring field, missouri. news from target, they sold 1,800 tvs a minute and 2,000 video games a minute for the first hours they were open last night. in a few places, though, it was more like black and blue friday. and fistfights arose and rides in some police cruisers. but the fact that retailers opened while the turkey was still warm had some feeling doubts. i know we re looking for a tv and headphones, i know more of the bigger stores, they probably told out pretty quick if you didn t get there at 12:00. the president of customer growth partners craig johnson said the net effect of earlier opening hollowed out the hopping this morning. stores were dead this morning at
7:00 a.m. but officials here at the one-month hold center in springfield, missouri, retailers say the money isn t the race. we re here for the long haul, we re not just here for 20 minutes of deals, we re here for great value throughout the day, and the customers are here with a multitude of choices, not just one store. increased online activity today shows that some black friday shoppers stayed home, but this weekend, sales are expected to top 2013 with a projected $36.7 billion in all. shannon? it s more comfy at home on the couch in your p.j.s. there were skaurl reports of scuffles and arrests. two women were taken into custody after a fight at a kohl
ease. stores had already been open since thursday. there was an extra black friday participation at the nation s largest retailer. wall marlt shoppers were joined and in some cases harassed by workers protesting for higher wages. hello, william. reporter: shannon, what do shoppers care more about, low prices or the sometimes low wages of the sales staff inside? well, union members protested across the united states using walmart as their backdrop, to argue for number one, income equality, and the campaign for a living wage. if we don t get it we want the public to understand how bad the low prices, what these low prices do to the economy so that they ll either shop somewhere else or at least pay attention to what they re spending. reporter: shoppers on the busiest day of the year didn t
seem to listen. walmart says 22 million visited their stores on friday morning. they were protesting outside, but it didn t really affect any of the business. but demonstrators hope black friday would drive home their point. they are a number one retailer and they have al of power in running that industry and they need to start setting an example just like other companies. reporter: from washington, d.c. to the west, the united food and commercial workers union busted hundreds of their mechanicals to complain about walmart wages. they keep their employees in poverty, so other companies follow them, target, kmart, the grocery marketers, they follow suit. if walmart can get away with it, so can we? we have a house, a car, great benefits, i m really happy. reporter: walmart would not and the issue, but some 300,000
employees have been with the company ten years or more. i can tell you, walmart has been good to me. i came here about a year ago, and i started off as a customer service cashier, then i went to a sales associate in electronics and i became a manager within six months. reporter: in most cities, protesters are prohibited by court order from entering the store. in atlanta, some protesters violated that and were removed by police. reporter: that was a political rally, they collected skig sures here for a ballot initiative for a minimum wage of $15 an hour. the crowd here was mostly union members and did not represent the feelings of their 1.3 million employees. today stocks were mixed, the dow gained a half point, the nasdaq gained four.
for the short week, the dow was up about a fifth. many people who spent all or part of thanksgiving in the dark. weather related power outages struck hundreds of thousands in the dark. the number one down to 127,000 earlier today. about 31 ,000 remain without electricity in maine, 8,000 in new york state and 2,000 in new jersey. speaking of power, president obama is threatening to use his to veto a bill extending many tax breaks for businesses and individuals. but what s unusual about this is that the senate s top democrat is on the other side of this argument. here reporter: president obama is threatening to veto a number of tax cuts. the heritage foundation s steven
moore feels it certainly contributed. there s no question that the bad blood right now between the republicans in congress and the white house are adding to this butting of the heads on this tax bill. reporter: the bill would make permanent tax breaks that congress has been passing year to year, including an investment fore a tax break for nascar racetrack owners and tax breaks for charitable giving, but it does not extend the child tax kre credit for the working poor and josh ernest suggested that s where it falls short. the president believes our economy is stronger when it is growing from the middle out. and significant unpaid for tax breaks for corporations without giving a tax break to middle class families is not consistent with that nil los fi at all. reporter: john boehner said that i believe that the president continues to act on his own, he is going to poison the well.
reporter: but the scree toe threat actually snubs senate majority leader harry reid who agreed to the deal and is already said to be frustrated with the white house over the midterm election losses. republican mitch mcconnell who will take over for reid next year, said, quote, this negative infighting is having consequences on american households bottom lines. congressional republicans have tried to forge a tax deal before but could. agree on what to do with the money. steven moore feels the currently impasse means they need to stop trying. the whole dispute underlies the reason why we need to just blow up the tax system and start over. the veto threat by president obama not since james monroe has a two-term president actually issued fewer vetoes. wendell goler ely at the
white house. a bizarre story about the unintended economic consequences of two highly controversial obama administration actions. chief congressional. congressing the immigrants are elvisible for work permits but they are not expected to qualify for obama care, that means companies that hire them won t have to pay an annual fine of $3,000 per worker if they don t offer insurance. we have 3 million americans who are unemployed looking for work. it does not do any good to have to compete with 5 million elimgrant workers. reporter: president obama insists that some worry immigration will change the very fabric of who we are, or take our jobs, or stick
to it middle class families at a time when they already feel like they ve gotten the raw deal for over a decade. i share those concerns. but that s not what these steps would do. this is clearly a bad deal for the american worker who is compete with these immigrants. particularly for employers where $3,000 would make a major difference. say a landscaper, a small restaurant, that sort of thing, this can be a very valuable loophole because it gets them out of the requirement to offer health insurance which is something they probably weren t doing before obama care. reporter: others speak with les certainty saying that president obama could potentially write another memo making this loophole go away. critics say the best way to fix the problem would be to force companies to offer insurance.
this is another reason why it s imploding and why republicans would be smart to stop the imployer mandate. this is part of the problem with the president tackling complicated issues himself, there are unintended consequences with what he describes as government erping on the fly. there is uncertainty tonight what the night will bring in the streets of ferguson, missouri. there were no visible protests thursday night and no arrests were reported. people started to clean upd and repair efforts to areas struck by writing following a grand jury s not indicting ao ray rice is once against eligible to play. rice won his appeal today against an indefinite suspension by the nfl. up next, president obama has not forgotten his promise to
close guantanamo bay, we re going to tell you what s on the horizon. first here s what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 7 in all the tin, texas where a gunman with shot and killed. the system attempted to set the mexican consulate ablaze and fired more than 100 rounds at police headquarters, a federal courthouse and other locations. no one else was injured. fox 9 in the twin cities with the lighting of one of the most elaborate holiday displays in the region. an 82-year-old has been working since september to put together everything by himself, all 70,000 lights. he s been doing it for nearly two decades. a pair of retired mans working as santa s elves. last year the earth helped 18,000 kids in pinellas county.
that is a look outside the belt way from special report. we will be right back. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m m. ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell s healthy request. m m! m m! good.®
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medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. president obama is getting ready to move for prisoners out of guantanamo bay prison camp. reporter: congressional sources have confirmed to fox news that the obama administration is preparing several transfers of inmates from the detention facility at guantanamo bay bay cuba. created much of the tension between hagel and the white house that culminated in the announcement of hagel s resignation this week. the white house wants to move slower on this because of the potential to go back into the fight, not just fighting, but providing a leadership role in
the fight because that s what these people are. reporter: since his first day on the job, president obama has been working to close gitmo, but congress has blocked him, krilting the dangers of repatriating the remaining terror suspects from american soil and the expense in making gitmo a state of the art facility. now the president seeks to make it a mute point by closing the cell. one of the ways he s doing that is by not taking anymore prisoners. we are not detaining terrorists abroad for negotiations, so we have these huge blingd spots in terms of intelligence, in terms of what the islamic state is doing. congressional sources say the obama administration has been providing the armed services committee with the required 30 days notice of intended transfers, notifications that are themselves crassified. earlier this month, a suspected al qaeda recruiter whose residency at gitmo since 2002 has led him to be dubbed the
forever detainee was shipped off to the custody of kuwait, while foreign nationals were recently released to overall you know what the president s position and policy is on closing guantanamo, the department of defense supports that, i support that. but not at any cost. not at any cost. it s believed just over 140 inmates are still being held at gitmo down from a peak of roughly 800 detainees during the post-9/11 era. the u.s. intelligence agency places the resid investment rate at 30%. mope francis is in turkey tonight denouncing violence in god s name. the pope is singling out islamic state extremists.
the pope ises are reaching out to turkey s tiny christian community which is less than 1% of the population. taliban insurgents killed six afghan soldiers today in an assault that lasted 14 hours on what used to be a british army base. an afghan official says 30 militants swarmed the camp in southernal held mangd province. > a story that will make you laugh and cry. wounded wariers that are helping their children recover from devastating injuries. in love. and saving so much money on their car insurance by switching to geico. well, just look at this setting. do you have the ring? oh, helzberg diamonds. another beautiful setting. i m not crying. i ve just got a bit of sand in my eyes, that s all.
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hold, sometimes permanently to care for their sons and daughters, forever scarred by war. national security correspondent jennifer griffin. all i can remember is him saying, mom, i need you. and that was i was helpful, she was 8,000 mile ails way. they call themselves the mighty moms of walter reed, they pick up the pieces when their children return from war. we share the good things, the bad thing, we clap when they take their first steps and get sad when they get sent back to the icu. there is s hundreds of mighty moms out there. stationy fiddler s son mark stepped on a mine while wearing a belt of grenades in afghanistan. he and his mom have been at
walter reed stings october of 2011. it s hard to see your child that way, eventually you start living in a hospital room, it s your home, you end up moving in, sleeping there, eating there, everything with your kids. julie keys and her son adam are the longest residents at walter reed. adam was the sole survivor of that blast. when he got back to walter reed, he got an inge effectation thin that went through his bloodstream. he s a fighter and he s my personal miracle. the mother moms helped her through. i ve now been there four years and four months. we have sat out front and had the best times laughing and carrying oochkd then some nights we re out there and we re all crying. my son was injure d septembe
23 of 2010, my son s roommate shot him. a they removed the left side of his skull at 6:05 in the morning. at the same time they told me that he may never walk or talk again. he s walking and talking. he can drive and he can his and i have a grand son that anniversary thought i was going to have. reporter: there s a common theme to the mighty moms, personal sack fire. eventually i did lose my job in the end. it s been hard, now i have a 10-year-old daughter at home and five other children. for me, i had to give my job up and get to walter reed to
nurture my son because his wife left. they finally got it that he wasn t going to come back. specialist derick mcconnell who lost both his legs in afghanistan in 2011, made a video for his mom before he tragically died from medical complications from his treatment after being released from walter reed. i m ecstatic, i want wait to walk for the first time. he posted the first steps he took on his new prosthetic legs in a youtube video. i have given so much and she s lost her job. now i see the more i can give back to her, it helps my heart. he was preparing to marry his fiance christina. they won a contest to have their wedding paid for by a new jersey jeweler. the past 17 months have been all about me, i know it s our wedding, but it s time for our nec chapter where she s the
focus. but derick died suddenly on march 8, 2013 before he could get married. he kept us laughing. i m sorry. i miss him every day. my mother hasn t scene the video yet. so i m going the get a sneak peek, i still love her so much and i m still thankful for everything she done. jennifer griffin, fox news. we ll be right back.
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and a free 30-tablet trial. and now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. raw writes, a new law is a built vague, granting the time for people to take part in unspecified religious holidays. one city council official says people could theoretically could take time to celebrate a fictional holiday introduced on the seinfeld tv show and now celebrated by some people in real life. boston area school s an yul trip to see the nut tracker is back on tonight. a local tv station reports the butler elementary school pta
cancelled the trip because the religious content might be offensive, specifically the christmas tree on stage. other parents allege they tried to keep the cancellation a secret. the folk who brought you legalized recreational marijuana, have a holiday warning, keep those magic cookies and juices away from your kids. this is the bill board going up in denver and seattle about what it calls adult snacks. washington state and colorado have both made recreational pot illegal. time for another regulation nation report tonight. the epa now stands for excessive, we may finding out very soon. the environmental protection agency has an ambitious 2015
agenda one that s getting added scrutiny a day after the epa announced what some are calling the most expensive regulations in history. by increasing the cost of energy, increasing the cost of doing anything in this country. there is also an ongoing battle over the epa s efforts to expand it s power to regulate water. critics say a new regulation could grant the epa authority to seasonal puddles that crop up on your pushing the regulation forward has been a quote, communications challenge, adding we ll be able to get this rule over the finish line. the house with the help of 35 democrats passed a measure blocking the water regulation. the white house has pledged to veto the bill. the most contentious battle
remains coal fired power plants. saying they could eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs and almost certainly drive up the cost of electricity. mccarthy says the epa is trying to work with those leaders. we have specifically looked at the coal states, at where they r and we have made a goal for them, set a standard for them that we think is reasonable and achievable for them? but the contribute tix don t have a seat at the noeshlging table. just last week, the house passed a measure aimed at making the epa more accountable and transparent when crafting new regulations, the bill sponsor, arizona republican david schweitzer says, quote, for far too long the epa regular rations have placed a crippling
the justices will hear a case challenging the epa s power in the spring. specifically whether the agency must take costs into account when crafting broad new regulations. meanwhile the white house christmas tree has been delivered. first lady michelle obama welcomed the douglas fur from pennsylvania. it will be on display in the blue room. holiday shopping, tags and the overall picture, we will talk about it all with the panel when we come back. and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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we are here, demanding at least $15 an hour. we are here to demand that it s not part-time work, but it s full-time work. retailers said they were expecting a good black friday, but unions were out in force today. let s talk about with our panel. steve hayes, senior writer for the weekly standard. and syndicated column nis charles krauthammer. they re saying don t shop here, there s too much increase in econviction. they want to make it a big deal because americans spend a ton of money on black friday every single year and they think this contrast helps them make a pr case. i will stay that that protester that we saw there, doesn t make a terribly compelling case, we
demand $15, we demand when that kind of screaming, yelling and basically threatening i think isn t likely to change a lot of minds. william watching us was reporting out in california on these protests, and he interviewed some walmart workers, of course they re working as they re being ber viewed. but the woman said in less than a year, going from a customer service position and now she s a mag for her the walmart experience was a blogood one, f some that s been true for companies throughout history. i don t remember the last time i saw any kind of protest that proceeded with sort of a quiet discourse on economics. i think that was a standard protest language. the uscw who s been pushing it, they have been at this for quite
some time at walmart. there s nothing really new. they have been going on this campaign for months and i think it s just standard to take a day when everybody at the walmart to try and make their case. we saw a number of cities around the country, a lot of people took it as a chance to talk about ferguson as well. there s a question as to what the connection was there, but they thought maybe that reaching out to some of these stores would give them a voice on that issue. there s no connection whatsoever, it shows some of the emptiness of the protest. you latch on to anything that comes your way you create a connection that something the there. this thing is going to peter out as it should, as it will. and when you have to reach into walmart to make a case about a shooting that occurred in st. louis a few months before, you re really showing that it s over. but i think on the issue of the
minimum wage, or at least the living wage, that s really a sign of desperation on the part of such a bad losing streak, the fact that michigan, the birth place of the uaw has become a right to work state. they know they are being squeeze and into oblivion on the private sector, all they have is the government sector. even the public sector is not safe for them anymore. so they re really it s sort of an act of desperation, i think that accounts for the angry tone. i want to talk about tax policy as well. obviously it has a big impact on our economy, there s been a bipartisan deal with the president, the white house saying he s going to veto it. there s so many things in play, but let s listen to josh everyoernest, white house spokesman about what he had to say about this. if we re going to have a conversation about lightening
the tax load, we need to have a conversation on how that will expangd opportunities for middle class families. and, chuck, we have heard this conversation before, these talking points, if we re going to talk about tax policy, the republicans only hear about helping corporations and high dollar folks, they don t care about helping middle class folks, but harry reid, the majority democrat over there is on board with this deal. there s so much going on here, harry reid sand bagging the white house, the white house playing populous pop tilitics, i find the only thing congress and the white house can get together is a $400 billion worth of tax breaks that is not paid for, that would add $400 billion plus to the deficit. this is a bit of an accounting the fact is if
this were to pass, it would make the deficit hole that much larger and the minute would have to come from somewhere else. and i do think the white house has to point that it wouldn t be right if that came from other families, like eic tax breaks for the poor. but oempbtd, they re trying to pretend that these tax breaks were not already contributing to the deficit. they were scored as temporary and this would score them as perm neblt. this is a break here between democrats on this, josh stewart, mitch mcconnell, hiss deputy chief of staff is saying the negative infighting is having an impact on what we need in this jobless recovery is a president who will work with congress on bipart san solution instead of threatening tax relief. the republicans wasting no time saying it s democrats in time.
as we said on election night, this was inevitable, when you have these kind of offices, you re going to ski this kind of infighting. the republicans would be smart to take up josh ernest on this challenge, you want middle class tax relief, we ll provide middle class tax relieve. i these they would be wise to put in legislation and pass early in the new congress and say to the president, you ve been calling for this now for years. here it is, veto it if you want to. you re actually giving the president some credit, which imtd like to note would pud it on the calendars, but he s actually doing some things right because some of the it s not so much that he s right, it s that i would object to a veto because these tax extenders is such a mess, if you toss them out, you might have some incentive, as steven moore said earlier in the show to have
real tax reform. i agree with chuck on the substance, though i m rather amused at the fact is that he finds all this maneuvering so exciting. chuck i think you need to get out more. hockey for example. you might fight that a even more exciting. there s stuff these tax enders, they are a heap of corporate welfare crony capitalism, it s got all kinds of breaks for solar and wingd, and it s got all kinds of credits for low if you toss it all out, i would ngtd mind at all and it would save us over half a trillion over ten years. stick around, panel, next up, the friday lightning round. i m j-a-n-e and i have copd. i m d-a-v-e and i have copd.
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comcast business. built for business. we he have specifically looked at the coal states, at where they are. and we have made a goal for them or set a standard for them that we think is reasonable and achievable for them. what does that mean? that means a cost born by american citizens, by american consumers by increasing the cost of energy. increasing the cost of doing anything in this country and limiting our ability to grow and expand and create jobs. all right, back with our panel. you know, friday lightning round, regulation nation won. this week the e.p.a. dropped what is being called the most expensive regulation in the history of regulations. that s saying something. they got even more in store what they are going to do next year on carbon. everybody understands it s meant and will destroy coal. and, you know, it s being
challenged in the courts. i think it s a huge overreach, a use of regulation in a way that was never intended. do i think what the congress ought to do when it s in the hands of republicans next year is to cut the cord and not wait another year or two for the courts to rule to. pass a single one line piece of legislation that says that the clean air act of 1970 was never intended and will not apply to atmospheric carbon dioxide. once do you that then you can t interpret the law to use it the way the e.p.a. is essentially take over the energy economy in the name of global warming. i think it can be done. i think the republicans ought to give it a shot. then it will go to the president s desk, steve, where what will happen to it? to that it will be vetoed. then we have a national argument. democrats defend that. wield have accountability. the president hasn t been it s very interesting. of course, if these measures were popular the president wouldn t have sort of passed 3400 regulations or signed
34400 regulations dead of night and passed them on to congress. he would have had a white house ceremony and announced this and zatted it. the white house has never been been afraid to talk about costs. remember, the president of the united states, when he was a candidate said that energy prices would necessarily skyrocket because of this cap and trade policy. this is in the same basket. i want to sheriff s department now to new word that there are more releases from guantanamo bay in the works. here is what our own general jack keane had to say about that. the pentagon wants to move slower on this. they want to make certain that these are the most dangerous detainees we have, that we do not put them in the hands of people where they are going to facilitate them returning to the fight against us and against our allies. but, chuck repeatedly we have seen from the agencies a recidivism rate estimated to be 30% from everyone released from gitmo. this is not unrelated to the firing/refusing
resignation of chuck hagel. the pentagon has been very reluctant to sign off on some of these releases. you have about 140 odd beam still in guantanamo, about 60 odd are considered too dangerous to release or already facing military commissions. there is one guy who has actually been convicted. there is another 70 or so, who have been approved for transfer back to their home countries. but a majority of them are from yemen which is in turmoil right now. it s very difficult to be sure enough that if they went back to yemen they wouldn t join al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. the yemeni government is incapable of guaranteeing us sufficiently that that would be okay. and that s the number of number of the nub of the problem. it s go be to be it the next secretary of defense. chuck is taking himself
out of the running. yes i m unavailable to work on that problem. we want to talk about all of your winners and losers this week. with guantanamo bay up for discussion you should start us off. i could change my lose tore chuck who apparently forgot we were in the lightning round. my winner is al qaeda for precisely some of the reasons that chuck was mentioning. i mean, when you look at it, there are 70 who have been approved forever transfer. but they have been approved for transfer. overruling still has is 100 the of the remaining detainees who are really bad guys, high risk of characters. when they are transferred, al qaeda will benefit. my loser is the u.n. committee on torture with such members as china, cuba, libya, and syria. passing judgment on the united states and its handling of prisoners. okay. in a lightning round mention. you have got to admit those are all experts on torture, steve. my winner this week is natalie, the proprietor of
natalie s cakes and more in ferguson, missouri who has weather a terrible storm of vandalism at her shop and with the support of the community she is back in business maybe even stronger than ever. my loser is i think pretty obvious the former secretary of defense chuck hagel it was a a tough confirmation and didn t get any better over the next couple of years and now he is out. charles? with these guys gawbling over low caciousness i m practically over time. the governor of missouri the awful way he handled riots. set up a sound stage and invited them. my winners mac and cheese the two turkeys pardoned by the president. one of the few actions that he has performeed that i agree on. and i even liked the line he used at the ceremony some will call this amnesty. charles, that s fitting. stay tuned, panel. but, you know what?
if you ever wondered what happened to those turkeys after they get pardoned by the president? stick around because that s next. my name s louis,
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20141112 23:00:00

death. he was also suffering from lewy body dementia in addition to early stage parkinson s. the second most common form of dementia after algz himer s with 1.3 million americans suffering from it. i hope we bring awareness. that s it for us. special report is up next. this is a fox news alert. i m bret baier in washington. tonight fox news has obtained brand new documents from a government agency containing detailed proposals for presidential action that could lead to legalization for millions of undocumented immigrants. executive action that sources say could come as soon as next week. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live on capitol hill with breaking details on what promises to turn into an em pick showdown on immigration reform. bret, no question about that. sources say president obama was briefed on this proposal before leaving on his trip to asia and is expected to announce his
executive action on immigration as soon as next week. in this draft proposal from a government agency, up to 4.5 million illegal immigrants living with american-born children would be allowed to stay in the u.s., an expansion of defefrd action, also expanding children for daca who came to this country with their parents following president obama s action of june 2012. also included is a pay raise for i.c.e. officers in order to increase morale. it also allows family members who enroll in the delayed entry program another avenue for citizenship. a source tells fox that category is likely to be exploited because people will join to get american citizenship and not show up for boot camp. on congress s first day back from the lame duck session, lawmakers sent two very different messages to the president. i think president obama has the duty to help build the trust
we all need to move forward together, not the double down on old ways of doing business. that s why i think moving forward with the unilateral action on immigration he s planned would be a big mistake. i join with my colleagues in urging the president to take action. what the president needs to do is give immediate and significant relief to those families that are being wrenched apart and living in fear. several other elements on this ten-point plan are, there are plans to promote the new naturalization process by giving a 50% discount on the first 10,000 applicants who come forward. tech jobs through a state department immigrant visa program would offer another half million immigrants a path to citizenship and increase border security. democrats are urging the president to go big and bold. republicans up here on capitol hill are warning this kind of executive action could blow up
this lame duck session. bret? very detailed. mike emanuel live on the hill. more on this with the panel. tonight republican opponents of obamacare have another opportunity to say i told you so. a third video has now surfaced of one of the plan s architects insulting the americans who supported his work, comments he called a mistake and off the cuff this week. all this comes as a new republican majority in the next year s congress prepares its efforts to repeal the controversial law. correspondent doug mcelway has the story of yet another video causing obamacare supporters heart brurn. the incendiary remarks by professor jonathan gruber have gone viral with hundreds of thousands of views. he claims obamacare was intentionally written in a tortured way to hide the taxes that would have killed the bill. lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever, but
basically that was really critical to getting to it pass. gruber tried to walk back the remarks yesterday on msnbc. the comment in the video were made at an academic conference. i was speaking off the cuff and basically spoke inappropriately. i regret having made those comments. reporter: gruber has repeatedly argued attacks on insurance policies would be political suicide. you can t get through. it s politically impossible. it s hard to make political case for this. reporter: in other clips, gruber said it was then senator john kerry who proposed the idea of hiding taxes on insurance plans. senator john kerry had a clever idea, he said let s call it instead attacks on insurance companies and not attacks on insurance plans. a clever basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the american voter. the american voter is too stupid to understand reporter: many say shear repetition mean he was not speaking off the up the. nancy pelosi said first you have to pass it before you get
to find out what s in it. we knew it was written in a way that was deliberately written to deceive the american people and now people are paying the price. it was put together by a bunch of elitists who don t understand the american people. reporter: a recent poll supports dean s point. they found 55% of americans believe the administration misrepresented the law to get it passed. in a 2012 pbs interview, gruber said president obama s support for the tortured wording was worthy of a profile in courage. they were all about times politicians didn t listen to the public and did what was right. this was a profile in courage. reporter: the supreme court will hear a challenge to obamacare next year that could invalidate federally operated exchanges in 30 states. as fox news reported in july, gruber may have unintentionally made a case for the plaintiffs. what s important to remember politically about this, if you re a state and you don t set up an exchange, that means your citizens don t get their tax credits. but your citizens still pay the taxes that support this bill.
even if the plaintiffs lose that suit in the supreme court, the new republican majority indicated its intention to chip away at the law and the next congress and starve it of the funding that it is its lifeblood. doug, thank you. what do you think? do you think republicans will send an obamacare repeal to the president s desk. let me know on facebook or twitter. you can use #specialreport. we may use some of your comments later in the show. the republican takeover of the senate appears a little more decisive tonight. alaska republican dan sullivan is celebrated as the associated press reports absentee ballots insured a victory over democrat mark begich. so far begich has not conceded. the sullivan win puts the gain at eight seats. there is still one more race to go. louisiana will hold a runoff next month on december 6. tomorrow the two candidates
involved are expected to offer competing bills calling for a vote on the much delayed keystone xl pipeline project. marry len net will work to keep her seat. republican bill cassidy has offered a measure to be voted on in the house. president obama is in burma tonight where in a few hours he will try to address yet another element of his foreign policy that has failed to live up to expectations. before he left china, the president struck a deal over climate change. chief white house correspondent ed henry who is traveling with the president looks at what all sides are saying about the deal. good, bad or essentially no deal at all. reporter: eager for a victory on the world stage barely one week after the midterm election drumming back home, president obama plunged into another executive action. this is a major milestone in the u.s.-china relationship. reporter: this time cutting a deal with chinese president xi jinping on climate change that, like many aspects of the state
visit to beijing, may or may not end up being quite as good as it first appears. i was particularly distressed by the deal apparently he s reached with the chinese on his current trip. reporter: the president did get china, the world s largest polluter to agree for the first time to caps on carbon emissions, though the deadline is basically in 2030, and it s an open question whether the chinese will actually follow up. meanwhile, the president promised the u.s. will emit 20 to 26% less carbon than in 2005. though that goal which has to be met nearly a decade after the president leaves office will hit a dose of reality from the incoming republican congress. the presumptive senate majority leader mitch mcconnell clearly declared this deal will expand what he calls the president s war on coal, the vastly different assessment of the climate deal is symbolic of the broader contradictions during this visit. the u.s. and chisting of dramatic new economic and
military cooperation, even as the chinese continue launching cyber attacks to steal trade secrets and just so happen to show off their new stealth fighters in a dramatic display of military muscle. then there was a joint news conference where xi lashed out at the protesters in hong kong as an illegal movement and tried to claim enormous progress on human rights inside china. in fact, the communist host tried to control every last second of this visit. yet that changed at the news conference when mr. obama called on mark land her of the new york times. xi never takes questions from western reporters. after being pressed on whether he ll grant visas to journalist at that time times and elsewhere, there was a stir when an aide initially said the president will not respond. president xi will take a question from a member of the chinese press. he went on to say they have a right to express themselves and ensure journalist whose are
kicked out of the country have themselves to blame. translator: media outlets need to obey china s laws and regulations. reporter: here in burma the president wants to highlight efforts to help move this government from a military dictatorship to early stages of democracy. his critics say the president lost leverage by moving too quickly to reward reforms. ed henry traveling with the president in burma, thank you. up next, jennifer griffin at the pentagon with why russia is talking about flying its bombers closer to the u.s. first here is some of our fox affiliates across the country. fox 4 in dallas with a settlement between the family of a lie baron man who died of ebola and the president whihosp turned him away. we ll have an update on u.s. military efforts to fight ebola. fox 5, two window washers rescued from a broken scaffold 69 floors up. crews ended up closing through
the office building s glass walls. the workers are okay but treated for hypothermia. the scaffolding is secure on the building s roof. this is a live look at los angeles from fox 11, the big story there tonight a geyser in griffith park created by a fire hydrant mishap. construction crews somehow sheared off part of that hydrant. the incident created traffic headaches adding to the already robust l.a. congestion. that is tonight s look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. if you re suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on.
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the pentagon has its plate full tonight. there are new concerns about increased military activity from russian bomber jets. isis terrorists have staged new attacks in iraq, and congress is looking at a request for billions of dollars to fight ebola in west africa.
national security xnd jennifer griffin has it all from the pentagon tonight. reporter: the pentagon has already deployed nearly 2200 u.s. troops to liberia to combat ebola. major general gary velez ski, the top u.s. general in liberia say it is pentagon revised the number of troops the military thinks it will need from 4,000 to 3,000. there s a lot of capacity here that we didn t know about before. and so that enabled us to reduce the forces that we thought we had to bring. reporter: over the weekend u.s. troops completed work on a 100-bed treatment center in northwestern liberia and opened a critical 25-bed hospital in monrovia designed to treat health workers who may contract the virus. some of the treatment centers were partially built in the united states before being sent to west africa. in all, the u.s. military plans to build 17 treatment centers in the region. on capitol hill today the administration made the case for
its $6.2 billion request to fund the ebola mission, more than the administration is requesting to train the iraqi military. democrats are pushing to get it approved. so we have done this before when we have been faced with an emergency related to infectious disease. i would hope that we would follow the models that we have used in the past. reporter: republicans are concerned about where the money would come from. given the size of the request, the slow progress in detailing plans for how the money will be spent and some of the missteps made so far, i think it deserves our careful oversight and scrutiny. liberia says it hasn t seen a drop in new cases from a daily peak of more than 500 many september to around 50 a day right now. health officials say cases are skyrocketing next door in western sierra leone, bret. it now seems the russians are testing the u.s. again with these bombers. what can you tell us about that?
russia s defense minister announced russian strategic bear bombers would deploy to the caribbean. the threat was down played saying the russians have patrolled in the gulf of mexico in the past and we ve seen the russian navy operate in the gulf of mexico. these are international waters, they said. one obstacle for rusch yeah is refueling, that s why they re in talks with cuba and venezuela. there have been 40 incidents involving the russian military since the invasion of cry crimea. some tense moments today for three u.s. navy sailors visiting istanbul, turkey. they were from u.s.s. ross, harassed by about 20 turkish youths. one had a bag placed over his head. there was name calling, some jostling, but the americans escaped without any serious injuries. isis is being blamed for a series of attacks in and around bagdad. 17 people were killed including
11 soldiers and policemen. about 40 others were injured in three separate strikes which included two suicide bombings. ten years ago this week, the u.s. was embroiled in a bloody battle for fall luge gentleman. it was the seminal conflict of the second iraq war. tonight some of those on the ground then remember the fight. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg pal kof looks back. reporter: the invasion of fall luge gentleman the deadliest battle of the iraq war waged ten years ago this week. the goal achieved and honored at a recent ceremony. the colonel in charge of the lead marine battalion. when you look back over it, it was a tremendous victory. the marines set a standard for urban warfare. reporter: ten years later islamist militants are back in charge of fall luge yeah and
elsewhere. reporter: now spread out across america. but via skype we heard focused comments. it s probably one of the most frustrating experiences to sit and watch on the news the unraveling of iraq after so much blood and treasure was spent to get it back together. reporter: shane bergwald reenlisted to get back in the action. he s gung-ho, too. this is not a beer summit. it s the business end of a rifle with a well-trained american behind it. reporter: clay south was badly injured. he, himself, wants to go back in. people want to go back, but they want to make sure the job will get done this time and we won t have to go back. reporter: what did their company commander from ten years ago say? let bit for a little bit. just let it be. reporter: this captain once single handedly killed more than 20 insurgents. make the decision not to do anything.
it s not called being indecisive. let s just let this one sit for a couple minutes. reporter: dave say it is current anti-isis strategy is okay and notes what troops really think. we did our job, did what we were told to do. we weren t necessarily fighting for anyone else besides ourselves and the guy next to us to the right and the left. reporter: he went on to say not once has he felt the invasion of fall luge yeah was a waste. that was pretty much echoed by everyone. some did note they d feel a lot better with the terrorists were gone. bret? greg, thank you. an incredible achievement in space and it was not by the u.s. first, big labor gets a second chance at a big opportunity.
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the dow and the s&p ending their winning streaks. the dow lost three. the s&p 500 fell 1.5. the nasdaq gained 15. it appears the american auto workers may rebound from what was supposed to be a resounding defeat earlier in tennessee. correspondent jonathan seerry tells us about the second chance to get a piece of german engineering. reporter: volkswagen s new policy opens the door to labor organizations at its non-union chattanooga plant, although the guidelines don t allow collective bargaining, they do give unions a voice at the table. volkswagen knows how it wants to do business. reporter: professor thomas smith of emory university s business school says the new policy potentially helps the united auto workers whose attempt to unionize the plant
was defeat bad vote of 712 to 626. i don t know if it brings them that much closer to unionizing that plant. i think it gives them a position in the south that they currently don t have. vw will allow labor groups representing more than 15% of its chattanooga employees to hold meetings on company property, post announcements at the plant and meet with varying tiers of management according to size. a local none union group representing both blue and white collar workers say it too expects a seat at the table under vw s new policy. i definitely think it s a move to get more conversation, to get more dialogue back and forth. i do not see this at all as a move to ultimately recognize uaw as the sole voice of the employees. reporter: this afternoon the uaw release add statement saying we have questions about the policy that we ll work through in discussions with management. this is a step forward in
building stronger relationships between management and employees. while not responding directly, a vw official says we are putting this policy in place so a constructive dialogue a possible and available for everyone. with no provision for collective bargaining, it doesn t ring alarm bells but they offer organized labor a new role modeled more from the works councils of germany than the union shops of detroit. senior adviser to the president valerie jarrett says she s not bothered by recent criticism blaming her to disruption in the white house. we told you about those reports yesterday. tonight her response. when you break glass ceilings, you re going to get scraped by a shard or two of the glass. what i really focus on is the hard work very have in these last two years. some columnist and pundits
criticized the media reports about jarrett as sexist. school administrators canceling christmas, sort of, and hollywood donors say singer clay aiken s failedcongressiona much showbiz. grapevine is next. better t, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m m. ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell s healthy request. m m! m m! good.® now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. school administrators in maryland are canceling christmas, sort of. montgomery county, which borders
washington, d.c. was asked by local muslim leaders to include the holy day of d el adha on the calendar. the board went in a drastically different direction, removing all religious holidays on the calendar. just not for christmas, yom kippur other others. one muslim leader saying, quote, by stripping the names christmas, easter, rosh hashana and yom kippur, they have alienated other community ansd we are no closer to equality. they did it without any public notification. vice president biden struggles with number when he said 161,people died when it was 161. he was at it again on veterans day. i asked my staff early in the morning to contact the
department of defense to get a detailed report on the number of troops deployed, the number wounded, and the number killed. not a general number, the exact number. u.s. troops died in iraq and afghanistan, 6,703. troops wounded in 5,168. he focused on that speech and how much focus he gives those exact numbers. unfortunately i think that last number was off by 47,000. it should have been 52,168. finally one campaign loser had a strong backup plan and donors are not happy about it. singer clay aiken lost by 18 points in his bid to become a north carolina congressman, but the democrat bounced back quickly with the announcement of a tv reality show focusing on
his campaign. that left some hollywood heavy hitters wondering what they had actually contributed to. from actor/producer steve tyler who organized an aiken fund-raiser, apparently you had yourself covered with a reality tv show deal the whole time just in case you didn t win. we feel duped, taken advantage of and lied to. aiken said neither he or anyone in his campaign had any stake in the documentary. history made in space today. an unmanned probe landed on a comment traveling 34,000 miles an hour. it was not america, not nasa pressing the button this is time. correspondent phil keating has the story. reporter: the european space agency erupted with excitement as the lander touched down on a comet 300 million miles away.
some described the moment as monumental as landing on the moon. and philae is talking to us. we are on the comet. reporter: this historic accomplishment was not without unexpected drama. philae lander sent back this image at the rosetta mother ship followed by rosetta s picture of philae with landing gear deployed. then the thruster to keep it from ricocheting off into space failed to work. upon landing, philae s harpoons intended to hook the lander and comet together failed to deploy. migs managers says the lander appears to have bounced once before touching down a second time and finally screwing itself into the icy rock. comets are believed to be the building blocks of the universe and posly the source of our water on planet earth. across europe today, great pride. it looks very easy but it isn t easy.
it s in my point of view a miracle. nasa sent europe its congratulations on the day the orion spacecraft rolled out. its first major mission, putting our astronauts onto a comet sometime in the 2020s. bret? phil, thank you. we now know some of what the president may do on immigration, new don ts obtained by foxx news. we ll talk about them with the panel when we come back.
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i m going to don t what i can do through executive action. it s not going to be everything that needs to get done. and it will take time to put that in place. and in the interim, the minute they pass a bill that addresses the problems with immigration reform, i will sign it. i think president obama has the duty to help build the trust we all need to move forward
together, not to double down on old ways of doing business. that s why i think moving forward with the unilateral action on immigration he s planned would be a big mistake. sources tell fox news that that executive action could come as soon as next week. we have obtained documents from a government agency with very detailed proposals for that executive order. they include in this draft proposal up to 4.5 illegal immigrants living with american born children would be allowed to stay in the u.s., expansion of deferred action. also expand deferred action for children known as daca who came with their parents. a ten-point plan for a pay raise for i.c.e. officers to increase morale. it talks about 500,000 technology job offered through the visa program and increase border security generally is a bullet point in these draft
documents. very detailed documents, though. let s bring in our panel, jason riley, editorial board member of the washington street journal. juan williams with the hill and indicated columnist the president has threatened he ll move forward. the administration has talked about it. congress has said don t do it. it seems like it is moving. it s hard to see how the results last week were some sort of mandate for the president to act unilaterally on immigration. who can interpret it, last week s results that way? if anything, it was the opposite. the public was sending a republican senate. they want the two to o work together. it looks like he ll ram this through. lit set the tone for the next two years, and it will be a bad tone where i think it will hamper his ability to get things done on other issues he wants such as trade and so forth and maybe even some corporate tax reform. i think it hurts all those
efforts. what you ll see immediately, republicans passing legislation to block this effort. i m sure senator sessions and senator grassley will be moving legislation to try to stop it. i don t think this is the way to go or the tone to set for the new congress. juan, what about that? the tone. in this lame duck the white house administration would like to see a lot of things happen including nominations of ambassadors and things taken care of. if this goes forward as soon as next week, it will be like a nuclear bomb on capitol hill. i don t know if that s fair to say. i think it will, as jason said, create a rank rouse tone and i think the base of the republican party which has long opposed immigration reform going back to president bush s efforts in 06 will raise their voices and there will be a lot of squealing about it. the fact is the president has waited since the immigration reform package passed the senate back in 13 for the house to
take some action. remember the house said they would do it piecemeal, would do it gratd gradually. isn t this goading them to taking them on in the budgetary way, in the efforts gore green cards and other things? no. i think they can try to do that, but they do it at a great political risk in terms of the future of the republican party and hispanic vote. the second thing to say is, remember, it s not as if we ve had smooth sailing between the parties here in washington from the white house perspective, the republican party has sought to obstruct and stop them at every turn, and from the perspective of the hispanic, the latino community in this country, the president has been the deporter-in-chief. charles 1234. the reason obama has waited is because, according to his own words which he has said repeatedly for six years, he is not allowed under the constitution to do what he s now proposing to do. he has said this over and over
again. he s said i d like to do all these things, but under the constitution, i do not write the laws. if any of this is true, this is a wholesale canceling of a law passed by congress. if it is to be canceled, if it is to be reformed, it has to be done. this is a constitutionally owed yous proposal. he knows it and he admitted it himself. as a matter of policy, i think it s a terrible idea. i m not against legalization, but i am against legalization before you ve done anything serious about controlling the border. otherwise this is an advertisement to the whole world, particularly latin america where it s easy to get across the border, that you come into america illegally. it s up to you, we do not control our borders. if you wait long enough and you make strong enough case and there s enough pressure, we will legalize you. i don t know what law you re canceling. the immigration laws. this is something used by presidents i think 11 times
in the last six years, presidents have executive authority to limit and make choices about who gets deported. at this scope, juan? this is a different scope. this is really stretching it to the point where it s basically overturning the law. the problem on policy grounds is that it s bad policy. this is 1986 all over again. you simply legalize the population already here. but you don t fix the legal system. so 20 years from now because there are no expanded ways for people to come here legally, we re going to end up with a bunch of illegal immigrants. the president says, okay, i m going to do this because they re not acting on capitol hill. once you act, it will erase the executive order. that s a threat. that s a threat that he said. he said if the house takes up the senate bill that passed last year this year, if they take it up and pass it, then i won t do that. that s a threat. what he does know is that the republican leadership in both the house and the senate has every incentive to cooperate on this going into the 2016
elections. he knows republicans want to get this behind him. he knows he wants to do something more permanent and durable, not simply temporary measures that kick the ball down the road. bret baier just said, you don t even have to act the senate package. if you pass something, get something going, that would do exactly what you re doing. that what the president said. i referenced the president. i didn t mean to hurt your reputation with the right wing. he wants this issue politically to slam republicans. wait a minute. that s the only reason. didn t he wait? hasn t he waited? he s waited because it s illegal. if there were a republican who is in the white house and says i waited and waited, i demanded abolition of the capital gains tax and the congress wouldn t do it, so i m ordering the irs no collection of capital gains, if congress wants to pass a law to override that, i invite that.
you would be up here as everybody would and say this is unconstitutional, it is an impeachable offense. that s what he s doing. he himself has admitted that year after year up till now, two years left, all the elections behind him. he doesn t care. let me bring this up. gallup poll just came up with the republicans leading. gallup, 42% republican, 36% democrat. if this moves forward, does this prevent anything from getting done in the short term? i think it does. i think it poisons the well. that s the term that s been used. there s a trust factor here. i don t see the republicans having any incentive to work with the president on anything else if he s going to do an end run around on this big issue. all the talk about finding common ground, that goes out the window, doesn t it?
no. i think republicans still have interest. they want to get a lot of stuff off the table before we get to january and they take control of the senate. republicans shouldn t al louf it to control their agenda. they should say they will abolish if they take the whougs 2017. the congress should defund it. but not allow it to run away with their agenda and no impeachment. next up, an obamacare architect calling you and your fellow americans stupid, at least twice.
test test test. test test test. test test test. test test. test test test. test test test.
of paragraph health insurance, you are going to tax my health insurance? and you just can t get through. it s politically impossible. to basically it s the same thing. we just tax the insurance companies. they pass on higher prices that offsets the tax we get and ends up being the same
thing. it s a very clever, basically exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the american voter. okay. and basically the cadillac tax is put in and basically that s going to help control healthcare cost and end subsidy to the most expensive health insurance plans and over time apply to more and more health insurance plans. that was third piece of tape. third clip from mit economic s professor jonathan gruber talking about obamacare. he said this week that he was sorry for those remarks the first ones on tape. he said they were off the cuff he regretted making those comments so there is a a pattern here. cadillac tax. cost $23,000 a year will have a tax on it. now, you and i know the economists know passed on the price of insurance. offset the tax break you get. have the same effect and economists will like it. lack of transparency a
huge political advantage. basically call the stupidity of the american voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. well, you have chillicothe weighing capitol hill weighing in and dean weighing in. i appreciate his honesty. the president s signature piece of legislation is based on deceit and lies. and i thank him for his honesty. a lot of us on the political right now a this all along. but it s nice to hear it coming from gruber and company. fox poll about obamacare, first about whether it s good for the country, bad for the country. split 52% bad for the country. good for the country 40%. and did the obama administration misrepresent effects of healthcare law to get it passed. 55% of registered voters said yes.
this seems like a bit of an herb ahead of a round of obamacare. a big issue here is it creates anxiety, uncertainty about the law. i think puts a bad varnish on it as jason said it s a gift to the critic tigs of obama care. it s all sausage making. this is very unpleasant. the fact is everything gets marketed from soap to, you know, ball games. we all market there is a lot of spin in washington when it comes to legislation. people can look back at how much, you know, is it the case that the iraqi oil reserves are going to pay for the cost of war or look back to the prescription drug i think it is spin. i will say this, i can t believe that he has talked about the stupidity of the american voter. i think that s inexclusive that s rude. that s what s very representative of the left s mind set. their moral superiority. not only morally superior and more intelligent.
they need to explain things to us yocals out there in flyover country. we can t think for ourselves and choose our healthcare for ourselves and can t choose our doctors for ourselves. we need elites telling us how to too these things. that s a different point to be made. i think it s a different point to be made which is some people actually think it s lowered the number of people that don t have who lack insurance in this country which is. overall? we should point out that we first reported on professor grew enter in the context of the howbig case loss in federal court. now heading to the u.s. supreme court in which, charles, he said it s important to remember if you are a a state and don t set up an exchange that means your citizens don t get tax credits and that s how this was set up. but your citizens still pay taxes to support the bill. well, that s how this whole lawsuit has hinged is that it was set up that way. that is exactly the case of the plaintiffs. if it is upheld, it will mean the collapse of obamacare. gruber has now admitted that
the critics reading of the law, the plain meaning of the law and the intent of the law is the same. you only get a subsidy if you are on a state exchange not on the federal exchange extremely damaging. juan, this isn t a gift to the critics. this is a vinny del vindicatione critics. this isn t spin. this is open and admitted deception these were lies that were told and he explains every one of the lies that were told. the central lie was. this it was obama saying to the country we are doing this to help the needy, that s a nice sweet thing, but anybody who is not in need will be be left unmolested. you will not have to pay more. you are not going to have a plan cancelled. what gruber is telling us, they knew in advance it was a huge transfer of wealth from those already who have health insurance to those who didn t. and this was concealed because as he said if it was known, the law never would
have passed. we should point out that the administration lifted up gruber before all of this came out. that s it for the panel. stay tuned for proof that it s always about how you tell the jokes. well, did you know genies can be really literal? no. what is your wish? no.ok.a million bucks! oh no. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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kids do say the darned es things one late night show says they can also make pretty good comedians. what did arnold schwarzenegger say to the burger king employee? get the whopper. did you hear chris christie got ebola? he did? yeah. he got a bowl of chili, a bowl of clam chow der. [ laughter ] this is a knock, knock joke secret service at the white house. knock knock. come on in. [ laughter ] there you go. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. no online show tonight.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140904 23:00:00

we shall see. thanks for inviting us into your home. that is it for this report. fair, balanced, and unafraid. don t forget, tomorrow, 10:00 p.m. eastern time, the full hour about benghazi. 13 hours. meantime, greta goes on the record right now. in is a fox news alert this is a fox news alert. she made us laugh. the woman who made the world laugh and who loved every second while doing it, joan rivers has died at age 81. tonight, fans, friends, and colleagues remembering the comedy legend. some people tend to take themselves too seriously. it s a silly, fluffy business, and we should never forget that. the sharp-tongued but good-hearted comedienne died at a new york city hospital one week after being into cardiac arrest during a routine medical procedure. joan rivers daughter, melissa, says her mother was surrounded by family and close friends, and over the next hour, you will
hear from some of those friends and colleagues who knew joan rivers best. we ll also give you another look at joan s best work, the funniest moments. first, tmz s mike walters joins us. good evening, mike. good evening. the reaction in hollywood i imagine is enormous. well, absolutely. it s funny because a lot of people have joan rivers stories. i have my own. joan always called in to tmz, every time his a story on jonesboro riveron auto on joan rivers, she wanted to talk to me specifically. she always wanted to get on the phone and yell at me. that happened a lot. everyone reacting in hollywood, all of it is great photos with joan because she always took photos. great jokes, and great, great stories about hanging out with her. that is the way i am seeing it here in social media and with people from hollywood. what happened? i mean, we hear there s a routine medical procedure, and the next thing we know she s rushed to the hospital. a week later we re doing this
show. i can tell you, here s what i know. i know that joan of about to go on tour was about to go on tour, so she was in for a routine procedure on her vocal cords. basically, they were going to go clear up i believe polyps and straighten out the voice so that she could go on tour and be clear. remember, she was 81 years old and had had stuff like this done before. we re not ready to give out the doctor s name yet, but i can tell you that the doctor works with all kinds of celebrities and stars. broadway singers, people you know, that have these issue. so very routine, very simple serge. what we re told went wrong here is that in the middle of the surgery she just stopped breathing. now, this is the question that we re going to answer over the next few days that is whether or not the anesthesia was right, whether or not they had the proper, you know, things in the office to make sure that this didn t happen and, if it did, make sure they could properly
assess the situation and handle it. so what instruments were there, whether they were used properly. we ll figure that out. i am told that the family wants answers. they want to know how in the world this could happen. joan rivers was one of the most healthy 81-year-olds you ve ever come across. so for it to end this way is so tragic, and they want answers. mike, thank you. of course, tmz will have all the latest as this event unfolds. thank you, mike. thank you. from standup comedy clubs to late night tv to the red carpet, joan rivers career spans at least five decades. the 2010 documentary aptly titled joan rivers: piece of work, gives an up-close look at joan s life both professional and personal. here are clips from the documentary. we ve also added some of our favorite and most memorable joan rivers moments. welcome [ applause ] this is my career. how depressing is this?
[ laughter ] 40 years in the [ bleep ] business, and this is where you end up. you live where your mother is a mother. just a mother. how do they look upon this, what it is you do? these are all my jokes. these are jokes over the last 30 years. these are just every time i write a joke, i try to remember to get it on a card. i bought gifts for the staff. yoon didn t buy you a gift, mark. i was looking. i wanted to get something hip. so because he is hip, and i wanted something with fur. i went in this store, i said [ laughter ] what have you got with fur on it, they said, look at your upper lip. why should a woman cook some so her husband can say, my wife makes a delicious cake to some hooker. you wonder why i m still working at this age.
if we didn t laugh, where the hell would we all be? think about that. [ applause ] where the hell would we all be? happy enough there is one outlet, he s on dialysis. there s one outlet in all of afghanistan, find a plug and follow the cord. [ laughter ] everywhere you look, there are jokes. jokes to be filed, jokes to be written. jokes that i thought of something. my life is just jokes. i hate everybody. i hate old people! i hate ugly children! i hate sad people! i hated china! i hated whiners. i hate dead people. i tell you, if i invested wisely, i wouldn t be doing
this. while i was growing up, my mother used to say [ laughter ] looks don t count! now, get out of my sight, you big lump! don t you think men like intelligence more when it comes down to it? ah, please. we re going back to that? are you kidding? sure. the brain, caring no man has ever put his hand up a woman s dress looking for a library card. i was there whether she gave bierth ick. to see the birth ugh, ick. my day having a child was better. they knocked you out with the first pain. they woke you up when the hairdresser slowed. you knew nothing. it was so much better. miss rivers, you had a girl. good. good, good. [ laughter ] is she normal?
yeah. good. [ applause ] is she white? yeah. good. [ laughter ] the marriage continues. can i ask you something, please? anything. be honest are you a republican? yes. why? because i work very hard for my money, and i don t care if you ve got 19 children, use condoms. i ll pay for your first four children, that s it. you don t like obama? let me clarify we re fiscally conservative, socially liberal, which is called either a california republican or a country club republican. wait a minute. california republican? that s me. [ applause ] hello, hello, hello. we are here to celebrate the career of a groundbreaking comedienne and legendary [ bleep ]. how much worse would your real face look than that clown
mask you ve had welded on your face? look at her, she s a cougar. i say you re lucky to have a joke made about you because exactly. if america doesn t know who you are, they re not going to get the joke. i only put down people that are very, very famous. christie brinkley s a living testament a what? [ laughter ] you never can look at may and do these, can you? she s a tell me about her a little bit. [ laughter ] she s a living testament living testament to that that what? christie brinkley s a living testament that [ laughter ] peroxide causes brain damage. bill cosby, who was a good friend of mine, was on the tonight show. the comic on with bill bombed. bill, god bless him, went to the director and said, listen, why don t you use joan rivers? she can t be any worse than he
was tonight. they put me on the next night. it was one of those nights do you know like when everything goes right? the stars are in alignment and the audience we just connected. and carson, at the end of the act, after nine years of work ing bungalow colonies and strip giants and greenwich village where you pass the hat and the hat wouldn t come back, carson said on the air, you re going to be a star. you finished the routine, you were devastating. the audience was falling apart. you sad down, and i said, you re going to be a big star. that s something you don t say because i looked behind me. i couldn t believe you were talking to me. yeah. i ll show you fear. that s fear. if my book ever looked like this, it would mean that nobody wants me and everything i tried to do in life didn t work. nobody cared. i ve been totally forgotten.
i love rihanna, i think she can do no wrong. but why the green lips? it looks like she [ bleep ] the grinch. talk about christmas [ bleep ] early. i love the golden globes! it is the most fun awards show the entire season. it s like a big party. everyone s laughing, talking and drinking. the only place you will see more drunk celebrities is at the betty ford clinic. i think we are so politically correct these days that it s ruining everything. i mean, i can t say indian anymore. i don t know if i m talking dot or feather. i don t know what you re supposed to say. i am 75 years old, and i tell you, i haven t peaked. that is why i am going to go out that door and the door after this and the door after that and the door after that and the door after that, and i invite all of you come with me! [ applause ] thank you. it was one week ago today
news broke joan rivers rushed from a new york city doctor s office to a nearby hospital after going into cardiac arrest. today, the news that everyone feared wnyw news reporting from mt. sinai hospital with the latest. sharon, what s going on at the hospital? reporter: greta, fans are really still stunned by this news, as you mentioned. just a week ago, she was having a routine procedure in yorkville, not far from where i am on the upper east side. she was rushed to mt. sinai hospital, nuts a medically indusd hospital, put in a medically induced comb amp she was on life support and died at 1:17 eastern time, surrounded by her daughter, melissa rivers, and her grandson, cooper, and friends and family. now, we ve been talking with fans who heard the news this afternoon and literally rushed over here to mt. sinai to express condolence and memories. one of the things that struck me is that as you know one of joan
rivers many jobs was as host of the fashion police on the e network. there were so many young people here as long as their mother, their grandmothers here weighing in on joan rivers and how much joy she brought to their lives. and their fond memories of her and how many times she made them laugh. and maybe just think about the fact that a whole new generation of young people learn good joan rivers, had no idea what a long career she had before they were even born. don t you think, greta? if t s absolutely extraordinary. five decades. sharon, thank you. our next guest was a friend of joan rivers. standup comedian jess ross even roasted joan. and jeff joins us. good evening, jeff. and i read that you said she was a hero of yours. why do you describe her that way? because joan rivers you know, she shined a light on the darkest corners of the world. i think that s what comedians are supposed to do. i loved her for doing that. she defined the line.
people say she crossed the line. joan defined it. she was a great comedian and loved comedy. what was it that she lasted five decades, such a competitive and tough business. it s amazing. it s one thing to be sort of a flash in the pan, but five decades? that s what fascinated me most. she found a way to stay relevant even in to her 80s. comedians normly seem antiquated or old-fashioned. she always had fresh stuff. that s what s so tragic about the way she went, greta. that she was doing something very noble. she was taking care of her instrument. she was fixing her voice so that her fan would continue to hear her. it s devastating. she shfs our comedy mother. jeff, she was so brassy and said the most incredible things.
she made jokes that we laughed at and probably thought we shouldn t laugh at. you know, we didn t want to admit we laughed at. but you know, when you knew her on a social, personal level, was she sweet, or was she brassy like that? was she like as a friend? if you got her off stage, she was very endearing and very curious. you know, she wanted to know who you were dating, if you were happy. i remember at the party for her documentary, a piece of work, which i m honored to be a part of in a small way, i was in there, she had a party. and there were celebrities and socialites in new york, and all she wanted to do was grab amy schumer and i and take us in the corner and talk to us. she liked to be around other comedians. i think that that was her religion. that was in her blood just to be around other funny people who thought and talked in punchlines
the way she did. how did she take being roasted and being roasted by you? [ laughter ] you know, it was one of the greatest hugs of my life. when she hugged me at the end of that roast, she made me so happy. i could tell she took it as a big honor. she dished it out, but she could take it. joan rivers roasted. i love that she kept all her all her jokes. did you see the filing system she had? that was something i think she learned from milton berle who had that famous filing cabinet. joan was a real organized and professional we roasted howard stern at his 60th birthday bash together. joan and i actually did the first dueling roast. and i remember how prepared she was and how she really showed me that day how much work it is to be great. to kill.
i remember she had all this material, more material than she needed. we had similar joke. she dropped hers so i could do mine. she was very generous. she didn t try to mentor me in that moment. she let me be her partner that day. to me that was a career highlight. i m going to police this lady a lot. miss this lady a lot. did she write her own jokes? i don t have the sense that she had a staff write them. didn t have joke writers like some comedians might have. did she write her own? i believe that she wrote most of her own material as comedians at her level do. every ti or a news story, people expect to hear joan rivers take on it. so yeah, she was loved comedians, being around, and occasionally she would hire them. it s amazing. we all knew she was sick a week ago and seriously sick. i think we were all still nonetheless surprised that joan rivers died.
this is a tough one for the comedy world. it s up to us now to remember her and keep laughing through the pain. i don t think she d want tears. i think she d want us laughing for some reason. thank you for joining us. thanks for talking about her today. we appreciate it. thank you. our next guest has known joan rivers for years. she says joan is the reason she does standup comedy. comedienne rhonda shearer joining us. nice to have you with us. we ll try to keep this laffey because for some reason i think joan rivers doesn t want people crying. it doesn t look like her personality. much too caustic. am i right? hi, greta. you re 100% right. i thought she would go on stage because that s how she wanted to i do, on stage. as jeff said she care good people. when i was starting comedy, she cared, she said, go for it. every other male, men in the business, i m not putting down male comics, but they weren t as
encouraging. she said, go for it. i met her at a cosmetic surgeon s office in 1984. i went to get my nose done because i was told it was big to be on camera, that i wouldn t be lit well. she was there with her beloved dog, spike, on her lap. she d, you re a beautiful girl, why are you sneer i said, my nose. she turned my head and looked at my profile and said, you could do better. i was self-deprecating because one if you put yourself down, you can make fun of others. if you take the joke first. she wasn t just a comic. she was a woman doing comedy in the 50s, 60s when no one was doing it. she led the way for female comics. there was filler diller before her phyllis diller before her who came out and dressed funny to be funny. joan rivers came out and said, i
can be pretty and brilliant. the comedic genius and timing. believe she, she would look in the audience and know what everyone was thinking and knew the eyes of her audience. there s no one like her. we re all weeping. a living legend she would be. i tell you what one of her quotes in her book was, i don t want some rabbi rambling on, at her funeral. i want meryl streep crying in five different accents. she would want humor, she would. comics do hate things like she said, i hate this, i don t like this. she s right. all of us have. that but she only spoke what we all think or would be too afraid to speak. she lit the way for me in another career now, i ran into her at the shopping channel, a shopping channel in canada. she said, how you doing, kid? i said, great. it was all about competition for herself. win, winning. that s what stage meant to her. it was getting the laugh.
getting the sales. and and that we all do, we laugh and cry tonight. thank you. thank you very much for celebrating her life. thank you. thank you. our coverage of the life and death of joan rivers continues. one of her most recent interviews was here on fox news. and a military veteran, marine, and calk show host, montel williams joining the battle to free sergeant andrew tomeriesy from a mexican tahmooressi from a mexican prison. going straight to mexico s president and getting a response. montel williams is here to tell you about it coming up. and our special coverage, remembering joan rivers, will continue. stay with us. a girl, you re 30 years old, not married, you re an old maid. a man, he s 90 years old, not married, he s a catch. it s a whole different thing. isn t that so? yes. yes! latte or au lait?
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an urgent warning about isis saying a contain. strategy is not going to cut it. senator joins use good evening, sir ma am. i m sorry. good evening, good to be with you. containment, making reference to the fact that the president said early on in containment, what is it that the president should be doing? here s the problem. we have gotten inconsistent and mixed messages. yesterday the vice president s in new hampshire. he says, we re going to follow isis to the gates of hell. the same day the president is saying we re going to shrink isis to a manageable problem. the message is going to
terrorists, we need aistrate sdwree defeat i-cicero. and we need to hear that from the president, we need to have that type of leadership, to hear him say when you combined the prior statement that we don t have a strategy along with the inconsistent statement, it makes the terrorists think we don t have the resolve, we don t know what to do, and it s time for him to step up. obviously we re going to have to bring the strategy beyond containment. it s going to be expanded air strikes. we re going to have to continue to really give the courage, the support they need on the ground that they ve asked for. in addition to that, continue to lead a coalition. we ve got to lead a coalition. but people are looking for leadership from the united states of america, and we have these inconsistent messages coming from this administration. did can we beat isis without, one, going into syria, two, without boots on the ground? tough words from prime minister cameron. the prime minister of australia said extreme force is justified, but no boots on the ground from
australia. they ll send support. everyone s willing to do it from 35,000 feet. is that realistic to do that that way? well, greta, i think that that should be the foremost tactic that is not being employed right now. we ve seen the effectiveness of some of the air strikes. they need to be expanded. we do have to address their safe haven in syria. so you can t ignore the syria issue if you re going to get at isis. so i think looking at air strikes in syria, but we need a plan from the president as to what s going to be effective. in terms of ground troops, i mean, we know that the kurds are partners that we can work with, particularly we ve seen some of that with the work we did on the mosul dam. but this has to be expanded. we do have to get other nations involved in this and ask them to step up with what they re saying to match what needs to be done to defeat isis. no one s going to do any of this without american leadership. and with the inconsistency coming out of this administration, we re not going
to be able to bring people together, and we need the president to step up now. senator, thank you. thanks, greta. ahead, world-famous talk show host and military veteran, montel williams be taking the fate to free sergeant tahmooressi straight to mexico s president. and much more on the death of joan rivers as we look back at her extraordinary career. one of her last interviews was here on fox news. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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i love to shop so when christmas is over, i am going now because i m a shopaholic. you got it figure out what you are. i m going to the betty ford center for shopaholic. oh oh, very rough regime there. what they do, they take you in a room, and they sit you down, and they show you picture of queen elizabeth all dressed up. ah! [ laughter ] you ll never shop again. joan rivers never stopped working, and she never stopped making people laugh. the 81-year-old doing standup comedy in television up until the very end. rivers died today in a new york city hospital. her daughter, melissa, releasing a statement saying in part, my mother s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh. although that is difficult to do right now. i know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon. one of joan rivers most recent interviews office fox. in the fox light and president of fox news marketing spoke to
joan in july. why is comedy important? somebody said it wasn t me i think it was winston churchill. every time you make someone laugh, you give them a little vacation. true. it just changes your life. makes a terrible moment happy. you ve been in both sides of the business. you go into business meetings, and everyone s so rrr i ll do a joke, everyone will relax, then we ll say, okay, guys, what do we want to do here? it just changes everything. after all this time, what keeps you going? do you ever get tired? do you ever want to kick up your feet and say, enough? i love the business. yeah. i love the business. i mean, i always wanted to be in it. all i ever wanted to be. and i can t get enough. i can do writing, i can perform, they have shows, i m producing. it s it s fabulous. yeah. yeah. live concerts. you absolutely connect with 5,000 people. after all this time is, that still your favorite part of it? i love live performing
because you can say anything, and they they it become economic on a stage now, i really mean it. it s so not what i i always say, i m so glad to see you because i am so glad to see them. yeah. yeah. so glad to see you. so let s talk, you know. then we go interest do you still get stage fright i? heard, read something that you still nervous. people will go, oh, please. i ll come before the show no, do not come before the show, i m a nervous wreck. come after the show. will they like me, will they get the jokes? oh, yeah, i m crazed. crazed. i stand in the wings listening. yeah, terrible. does it getter harder to do? easier it does? i think it s i m having such a good time. and i m doing thing now that i wouldn t have done maybe ten years ago in the act. much more edgy. much more edgy. yeah.
yeah. and michael joins us. nice to see you. and i m jealous. i didn t get to do an interview like that. what was she like? well, first of all, when we started the fox list two years ago, people i needed, wanted to sit down with was joan rivers. took two years, courting, prodding, but we finally did it this summer. you know, if she was here right now, you could hear the joke. good job, kid, you got in under the wire with that voice. you know, she was just fantastic. smart, so quick. so sharp. her her intellect and the energy, she was quite something to be around. it was probably you know, we it s because she was for five decades, she was, you know, everyone was watching her. you know, i never was in a room with her, you know, when she wasn t. i just watched her on tv. or on that s all. in person, was she like what you see on tv? very funny all the time. and very personable as your guest before said. jeff ross. she was very curious. we told a little it was before the 4th of july weekend.
she wanted to know how i was going to be spending the holiday with my mom. she was offering up all sorts of shows on broadway that we could see. she was a dream. you know, we initially asked for ten minutes, and then her publicist, judy katz, a first class act, and my heart goes tout her tonight because she was very close with joan for most of her cheer, said, no, kid, you re going to have 30 minutes. 30 minutes went almost to an hour. it was that back and forth. she was great to talk to. and you know, you think about her legacy tonight. what is it going to be. and as you mentioned, it s hard in this business to be relevant for 50 seconds, lets alone for over 50 years. you know, she was the queen and the master of reinvention, whether it was late night talk show host, daytime talk show host, emmy winner, tony nominee. 12 best-selling books. you know, anyone who wants to get into this business, i recommend going out and watching that documentary, piece of work. it is a case study on how one can succeed in this business. i m going to watch it. thank you.
thank you. and joan rivers was known for saying what she thinks, no matter how controversial. who could forget this back in july, rivers telling the world what she really think about the israel/hamas crisis. we know joan would want you to take another look at this. celebrity reactions to what s going on with the palestinians and israelis now. let me just tell you if new jersey were firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out. i am so bored we heard they were digging tunnels from new jersey to new york, we would get rid of jersey. so i don t want to hear anymore, oh, we ll do a partial truce with palestinians, you can not throw rockets and expect people not to defend themselves. what about the civilian casualty don t put your [ bleep ] things in private homes. i m sorry, don t don t you dare put weapons stashes in in private homes and then we say get out of course we re going
to do it. the response normally is where are the civilians supposed to go. i don t care! they started it! it is they re all insane! they started it! what are you all saying? they started it! the israelis did not throw their for months this has been going on. what are you supposed to do how do you i have been over there. that s how i know. and i wish the world would know. abc should be ashamed of themselves, cnn should be ashamed of themselves, and everybody stop it already. what about selena gomez tweeted a pro oh, selena gomez. oh. yeah, that college grad. [ laughter ] all right, joan. thank you. thank you very much. oh, selena said that. tell her let s see if she can spell palestinian. i ll ask her right now. thanks. as we said, joan rivers spoke
her mind about everything. even her own funeral. in one of her books she wrote, i want my funeral to be a huge showbiz affair with lights, camera, action. joan also joked that she wants meryl streep crying in five different accents. and we have more on joan rivers ahead. next, karl rove, he says president obama is disconnected. we ll find out what he means by that. karl rove is here next. and from the entertainment world to the fashion world, tributes pouring in for joan rivers. our look at the comedy pioneer. n your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that s their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it s time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you ll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one s taking your seat away. what s in your wallet? from now on, no one s taking your seat away. when i had my first migraine,
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of good reasons to feel good about the direction in the economy. and yet, that s not where the american people are. 22% say they are satisfied with the direction of the country in a new wall street journal /nbc poll. 71% say they re not. 35% think the economy s in a good place. 64% don t think it s in a good place. and then the president followed up this thursday performance with a couple of speeches over the weekend friday and saturday to democratic fundraisers. the first was in purchase, new york. and the other one in rhode island. and there without a script, a speech in front of them and no teleprompter. he made extraordinary statements. for example, if you watch the nightly news you feel like the world is falling apart. so get that it s the media s fault. it s not that the news is bad. it s that the news is not is not accurate. the world is not falling apart. in fact, he went on to say in that speech that the world has always been a messy place and the world is less dangerous than it was 15 or 20 years ago.
so the nation was in a more dangerous place in the late 1990 s before 9/11. i mean, this is just disconnected from where the american people are and what their reality is of what we face. why do you think do you think he genuinely believes that the world is is safer? do you think he genuinely believes this stuff, or is he trying to do crowd control, make some american people think we shouldn t be alarmist? i mean, why does he say that? i ve seen two americans beheaded in the last eight days. well, i don t really understand it. i haved toa mitt, i m a little per politics good it. i think some of it, frankly, is that every president tries to put a positive spin on events. but i think the other part of it is is that in these unscripted moment, when he doesn t have a teleprompter, when he doesn t have a speech in front of him, we see the real barack obama. we see what the president really believes. we saw it in the news conference at the night meeting, in his
prepared remarks. he said the goal of the united states is to is to destroy i-cicero. then in the isis. then in the unscripted comments, q&a, back and forth, he says, well, it s to degrade it and ultimately have it be a manageable problem. i mean, i think the real obama emerges. the real president obama emerges when he s off script and when he s talking candidly. and i think this is how he views the world. i mean, you mentioned the beheadings, he referred to that in one of the speeches. he said, you know, he blames social media, said he gives it a vividness, brings it with vividness into our lives. look, it wasn t twitter. you can t blame social media for making the american people believe something is wrong with what s going on in iraq. you can t instagram for the russian invasion of ukraine unsettling the american. i mean, sure there are means of communications we didn t have 15 or 20 years ago, but it doesn t take watching the beheing to feel that something is
fundamentally wrong even if you just learn or read about. you ve got to feel something is fundamentally wrong when people are doing that kind of thing and getting away with it. karl, thank you. nice to see you. nice to see you, greta. and tv s montel williams fighting to free sergeant andrew tahmooressi from a mexican prison and going straight to mexico s president to do it. montel is here to tell us what he did and the response he got.
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you may know him as a world-famous talk show host, but did you know montel williams is a naval academy graduate and active duty in navy and marines for 20 years? it s no surprise he s joining the fight to free a u.s. marine from a mexican prison. montel williams contacting mexico s president. he joins us. thank you very much. i think what everybody needs to understand, that video that you
did is really one of the most poignant reasons why every american should stop, look at fox and see the video. you should play it over and over again to show people how easily any one of us could make a simple mistake and wind up in the same place that sergeant tahmooressi is in. most of us don t suffer from ptsd. we ve got a soldier who accepts one of our fallen being held inappropriately in a foreign prison because we re not looking at the detail around it. your video showed so much that anybody else looking at it could clearly say, i get, it let s get there young man out. what provoked you wrote a letter directly to the president and you actually got a response back from the mexican government. i certainly did. and you know, why? jill tahmooressi, andrew s mom, has reached out to me for the last 2.5 months, three months. we ve been corresponding through my office, going back and forth. she sends a prayer out every
single night on behalf of my daughter who right now is suffering from lymphoma. jill s got a son in a prison in mexico and is worried about my daughter? i i really am committed now to say whatever i can do to help her. i ve got a kiechild who s suffering, she has a child who s suffering. let s stop the suffering. anything i can do, i m going to do it. this is not unusual for me. everybody watching knows, i have been beating the drum about what we need to do for our wounded veterans. those guys who have done the most for us. sergeant tahmooressi is one of those guys who did two deployments. he s been diagnosed with ptsd. i m not trying to say this in a negative way, but my man is suffering from a mental illness right now. now, is it appropriate and compassionate to keep this man in jail because he made a mistake? and part of this is all because of politics. we ve got too many faints this way, too many jobs this way, too many people distracted by the issue of a sick american soldier
is being held in prison, and though he may have done something that right now appears to be something that may have broken the law, it was not intentional, n any way, shape, or form. i think that s been proven and has been discussed, the physician provided to the mexican government. it s been provided to our government. we re getting help through the state department, and the ambassador of the united states is involved, but this is a soldier who right now could use the help of secretary kerry. he could use the help of eric holder. reaching out to the attorney general in mexico to say, let s look, we re not trying to tell you to change your law, we understand what took place. but your laws itself state unequivocally that there had to be intent. he had to want to do this willfully intend to take weapons into there country. it s clear that this was done by mistake. come on. this young man s been in jail, in a prison since april 1st! i get. there s a lot of stuff going on in the world now.
we have issues that we re dealing with all over the planet. we have to worry about the next set of soldiers that we send into syria or iraq. i get it. if we have one we could save right now, why not save him? montel, love to have you on. love your passion. love that you re doing this. and of course, i do want to thank you for your service, as well. 22 years, you know, and thank you as well in uniform. montel, thank you very much for joining us let me say this the uniform may be off, but i m wearing this uniform every day. oh, it s plain. i got that. i know that. montel, thank you, and i hope you come back. thank you. coming up, i m going to talk to off the record as we remember joan rivers, a true pioneer for women. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional. or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes
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bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. let s go off the record for a minute. i m blunt, i don t beat around the bush. talk about being blunt and not
beating around the bush. nothing i say or do could compare to joan rivers. joan rivers was the champ of telling you exactly what she thought. some say she was too blunt, but whether you found her brash or insanely funny or both, joan rivers dominated the world of standup comedy in the 50s, becoming her first woman to host the late night talk show in 86. in honor of her, i m going to let her do this off the record. if you re not married, if you re a girl and over 21, you re better off dead. it s that simple, you know? anybody that came to my house was it. oh, joan, there s a most attractive young man here with a mask and a gun. anything i m not even attractive in russia. [ laughter ] russian women yeah. erf, erf, erf, erf. i said a couple of thing about the queen. i said, she sits like this. and no one has the guts to say, your highness i am so sick of it.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140912 10:00:00

other parents and go to the next school board meeting. thanks to everyone who responded. we appreciate it and hope you have a great weekend. #keeptalking right after the show. fox & friends up next. good morning. today is friday, the 12th of september, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. and a fox news alert. a day after being found not guilty of promeditated murder, another verdict in for olympic blade runner oscar pistorious. was he let off the hook again? we are live at the courthouse in south africa with the breaking details. i m clayton in for steve this morning. fresh off the president s war speech, secretary of state john kerry says who said anything about war? i think that s the wrong terminology. what we are doing is engaging in a very significant counterterrorism operation. do words matter? we will discuss. brian? do you have the need for
speed? i feel the need for speed. those were the days. maverick might be making a comeback. life s god. life s good. mornings are better with friends. i m l.l. cool j. you re watching fox & friends. it is kind of one of those where you go let me do that again. a little awkward and then you feel let down about it. we can t redo the high five team. tom cruise is getting desperate. he s got to remake sylvester stallone style a good movie. i was thinking of other films he might have to remake. jerry mcgwire 2. we re going to start
with the fox news alert. oscar pistorious convicted of culpable homicide, also known as manslaughter, in a south african court. reporter: we were just in the courtroom when we heard the news from the judge that in fact oscar pistorious, as you noted, the blade runner, double amputee star of olympics and par olympics has been found guilty of what they call here culpable homicide, what they call in the united states manslaughter but found not guilty of the much more serious crime premeditated murder, this in the killing on valentine s day morning of last year of his girlfriend reba steenkamp. on count one, 51-1 of the criminal law amendment f, 105 of 1997, the accused
is found not guilty. instead he s found guilty of culpable homicide. i was in the courtroom about ten feet away from pistorius when he heard those words. he was pretty stoic but fairly competent about that. when there was a break about five, ten minutes later, his family came up to him, hugged him, they formed a circle for prayer. the reba steenkamp family also there as well. they were, as you can imagine, unhappy with the not guilty verdict on the more serious charge of premeditated murder. as we speak, oscar pistorious remains in this courthouse. they re discussing whether to extend his bail. he s been out on bail for the last year and a half. it is expected that is going to be granted. in anywhere from two to four weeks there will be another hearing. that is the important one. the sentencing hearing. he could get up to 15 years
in jail for this charge. or he could walk and just be allowed to be out on parole under custodial care as they say. there is a lot of talk here, guys, that perhaps the prosecutor will appeal this decision. a lot of people think the judge there is no jury in the legal system here in south africa the judge made a wrong decision at least not convicting him of premeditated murder of reba steenkamp but after firing four shots into a toilet cubicle door in his barth room where reba steenkamp that he at least should have gotten the second-degree murder charge, that he must have thought he was going to kill somebody when he did that. this afternoon he should be breathing a little easier. he is guilty of culpable homicide and we ll know shortly what kind of sentence he has. let s go over to heather nauert now. good morning, guys. i ve got a fox news alert
to bring you right now. breaking news overnight. a notorious school shooter escapes from prison. you may remember this guy. he smiled when he was convicted of murdering three of his classmates in ohio. the good news, though, he s back behind bars this morning. this are questions about how he managed to escape from prison. this guy, 19-year-old t.j. lane, during his trial for shooting up his school near cleveland, he wore a t-shirt with the word killer on it. you may recall that story from last year. he and two other inmates escaped from prison in ohio by scaling a 100-foot fence. obviously i m not happy that it happened. no warden in my position would like something like this to happen. but the facts are i m happy to announce that we have mr. lane back in our custody. the two inmates who escaped with lane are also back in custody. that prison is not maximum security. he called it, quote,
just a kill. a jihadist in america admitting that he murdered an american teenager in new jersey as vengeance for u.s. military involvement in the middle east. you may not have heard of this story but this is now getting a whole lot of attention. ali mohammed brown accused of gunning down a 19-year-old in june of this year while he was stopped at an intersection in his car. brown, a devout muslim, telling police this, quote, all of these lives are taken every single day by america, by this government. so a life for a life. brown was also charged with the murder of three other men in seattle. expect to hear more about that story. this is what happens when you hop the white house fence on 9/11. stop right now! causing quite a scene right there. secret service agents guns drown taking down a man
wearing a pokemon hat. later on he was arrested and taken off the lawn. no word on why he did it but we will bring it to you when we get it. do you have the need for speed? i feel the need for speed. tom cruise is banking on that one. you may soon see him back on the big screen. writers in negotiations to pen a sequel to top gun. tom cruise expected to be in it. the sequel will focus on how pilots are still relevant in the age of drones. those are your headlines. you know how actors come back in the second version and they re a lot of older, he might be a flight instructor this time. rocky came back and fought at 60. okay. gordon gek cocame back after he was locked up for many years. i don t know if you re past your prime when it
comes to investing. the president made a big speech on thursday. he said i m going to have to get this coalition together. good news, general allen seems to be in charge of that coalition. the problem is no one is signing up to be in that coalition from britain, to jordan, to turkey. everybody is like can you get somebody else. maybe the problem is we don t know what to call our operation. significant airstrike or significant campaign against terrorism? secretary of state john kerry says don t call it war. we are not at war. here s what he says. is the united states at war with isis? it sounds from the president s speech that we are. i think that is the wrong terminology. what we are doing is engaging in a very significant counterterrorism operation, and it s going to go on for some period of time. if somebody wants to think about it as being at war with isil, they can do so but the fact is it is a
major counterterrorism operation that will have many different moving parts. yes. a major counterterrorism operation is what they re deciding to call this instead of war. it doesn t seem like an accident on cbs. he said it on cnn. it is the same type of terminology that we re really hearing from the state department, refusing to call it a war. the same with rear admiral john kirby from the pentagon. it seems like this is a message from the top. what s going on here, though? let s roll down some of these names from what they have called in the past, the obama administration. not calling it a war but a war on isis, counterterrorism operation. they re calling it overseas contingency operation. back in war. it was kinetic military operation. fort hood was workplace violence. what s going on here? i m reminded of what clinton once drew with kosovo. not calling it war and then
congress rebuking him. remember the house voted against him using intervention. he goes we re still going to do it any way. does the president not want to have to go through congress and get slapped down publicly? congress is poised to give him the okay if he asks for it. number two is the good news is they declared war on us, so they started it. so we don t have to declare war on them and look like the bad guys if that is the concern. charles krauthammer says it may sound small but words matter. when an organization slits the throat of two americans on international television, deliberately, provocatively as a way to humiliate the united states, they have declared war on us. clearly what the president was doing yesterday was to declare war on them. they want to play with words, okay. the problem is if you want
to commit the nation to a serious military exertion, it s going to be a serious one, a costly one and it will be a long one. you can t play around with language and pretend it is something else. if you just call it something else, does the administration think that will morph it into something else? what will go down in history with that? i can t imagine it won t be a war. nfl commissioner roger goodell in more hot water. he is. the commissioner evidently sat down on monday with cbs. you saw the interview. he said it was ambiguous what ray rice did in that elevator. we didn t know until we saw the tape. now it turns out the tape was delivered to the offices in april. i m not saying roger goodell saw the tape. now something else came up. four other people said ray rice was candid in june with his wife and said i hit her, i punched her, i
knocked her down. now it looks like the commissioner s story of not knowing ahead of time has some problems. what stands out, i think maybe this is the biggest issue, he had access to that municipal court document, roger goodell did, back in february. in that document from the local police department, forgetting what happened on the video, it was he committed assault by attempting to cause bodily injury specifically by striking her at the revel casino. that is the document roger goodell had in his hand. other reports say he had covered for his then-fiancee. they didn t want to further embarrass her by bringing this up more. he gave a $500,000 fine and two-game suspension. then he said i blew it. you should be banned for life. meanwhile the ravens played thursday night football. they hosted the steelers
and a lot of people showed up with ray rice jerseys. in support. fans throwing up their support behind him, which is shocking. also, cbs decided to drop some of the pregame music. they were going to have rihanna as part of the pregame music promotion and don cheadle but they dropped it. her link to domestic abuse. one of the quotes i think tells the story. sandra maddox, a fan wearing the jersey says i have a problem with this. they knew what the facts were when they made the initial punishment. i m disappointed with the nfl. a long-term ticket holder says so many people are quick to judge rice. saying one action doesn t define you but boy is it a big act. 13 minutes after the hour. they don t look like terrorists in training but police say these girls answered the call to jihad. we want to know why are
teenagers like this willing to kill in the name of jihad. they wanted to honor two friends who died. they did it by putting crosses on their helmetscr but some complained and now thosebe crosses are coming thosebe crosses are coming off. fiber one streusel. available at walmart.
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at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. teenage terror is on the rise but this time it s young girls joang the fight alongside islamic
extremists. many believe they re being inspired by two young girls who serve as a recruitment tool on social media. this problem not limited to european countries. just last week a 19-year-old from colorado pleaded guilty to charges claiming she tried to join isis. what do kids see in these violent jihadists? mike baker, former california covert operator. good morning. thanks for being with us. this sounds unbelievable when we see these videos that we saw where they look like, they re slaughtering innocent people. anybody who doesn t agree with them religiously. what on earth would make a teenager want to join this group? what on earth makes teenagers do half the things they do? i would be here all day long trying to explain that. i ve got a daughter who
made it through the teenage years and luckily never found attraction in terrorism. this is a bizarre story. what it does is it highlights in a very unusual and very strange way the overall recruitment effort of the islamic state and really of al qaeda that s been going on for years and years using chat rooms, using blogs. what are they doing? they re reaching out. they re trying to influence westerners in any way possible. you re talking about disaffected, easily influenced, impressionable individuals. is the u.s., is the intel community, are would he worried about teenagers necessarily of this sort? not so much, as much as you re talking about the theoretical picture of what the islamic state is trying to accomplish. it s planting the seed. it s planting the seed but what we re most worried about, it has been a successful effort whether you re talking about
germany or africa, to reap out among the large muslim communities that exist. there is a new c.i.a. report out saying the numbers have reached 30,000, that isis is 30,000 strong now and that some 2,000 of those are westerners. that s quite mind-boggling as well. what do we do to combat this? they seem to be social media master minds. what can our social community do to stop it? they have been successful. you re talking about upwards of 1,000 citizens, 300 or 400 germans, mieb 500 british, several dozen here in the u.s. it is a very complex problem. we can be proactive in our effort to identify, track, monitor those individuals here in the states and our allies who have either become involved or have traveled. that s great but it doesn t solve the bigger picture. to do that, we need a
comprehensive effort, which has never happened by the muslim community to counter this message, to do their own outreach program. mike baker, thank you so much. we ll have to leave it there. there. back in two minutes.reathing de] [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything.
here are the stores you care about. for the first time in 20 years the catholic league will not march in new york city s st. patrick s day parade. the parade is allowing a gay group to march for the first time. does this cross look offensive to you? football players at arkansas state university put them on their helmets to honor two friends who lost their lives but an atheist complained and now the crosses have to be
removed. clayton, to you. shocking e-mail, a professor from brandeis university revealed deep antisemitic. the e-mail suggests israel committed, quote, war crimes and ethnic cleansing and referred to fox news as a poisonous network. are these messages an isolated incident at the iewft or an indication of a at the university or an indication of a larger problem at our universities. nice to see you this morning, joshua. how did you get access to these e-mails? what was your initial response? there were a number of academics troubled by this. they passed it ton a number of students who forwarded it to me. it is incredibly important these e-mails got out. it is incredibly important people see what s going on in the minds of some of the academics teaching our children in the classroom.
let s give specific examples. these are a few of the posts. quote, an atmosphere of his steer i histeria being provoked in israel. another one, plant a tree, bury a palestinian. in that way we combine great trees with our holocaustic ethnic cleansing. what do you make of those? this stuff is outrageous, deeply offensive. i ve been to israel well over a dozen times. i have family living in israel. i have family members who served in the israel defense force. any suggestion that israel is responsible for provoking this last conflict is outrageous and it s just factually inaccurate. it was provoked because a group of terrorists, namely hamas, abducted and killed in cold blood three innocent israeli civilians.
this type of sentiment is outrageous and it ought to be denounced. but it is not exclusive to brandeis. it is a larger issue? absolutely. it is emblematic of a larger culture. they say it is an isolated incident, brandeis university. some remarks by an extremely small cohort of brandeis faculty members. they are saying it s isolated. my time at brandeis i didn t have the privilege of being a student of any of these wonderful academics. but i will tell you this is a troubling direction. the idea that we have folks with these types of deranged minds teaching students in our classrooms ought to be troubling to us all. something troubling is one of the quotes. fox is often poisoning the atmosphere in public
places, one of the new campaigns to weaken the power of fox. others involving writing on-line to companies who advertise on fox, asking for people to write this person, mary baine there, i forget her last name. what do you make of that? i believe the last name is campbell. she referred to the women s rights activists as someone who claims to have had a difficult childhood. meanwhile, this is a woman who sacrifices her life on a daily basis to go ahead and expose the plight of muslim women in societies. again, reprehensible and ought to be condemned. well said. thank you for joining us this morning. coming up on the show, it s been two years since four americans were murdered in benghazi on 9/11. but if you didn t watch fox, you wouldn t even know about the anniversary. what the mainstream media chose to cover on the anniversary instead. a democratic congressman telling people you can get out the vote by
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or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. congress sent a letter to nfl commissioner roger goodell wednesday demanding the highest level of transparency concerning the league s handling of the ray rice domestic violence incident. that s right, congress sent him a letter. they would have sent a video but they wanted goodell to see it. joy joe theismann joins us in 35 minutes to weigh in. yesterday the anniversary of 9/11, also
the anniversary unfolded in benghazi when four americans were killed there, the consolate there in benghazi. though you wouldn t have known about it had you not watched fox news yesterday. we did 22 minutes and 12 seconds on it from 6 to 12:00 noon. let s see what everybody else did. i m just curious. wait a second. nothing on abc, nothing on cbs, nothing on nbc. but they had important stuff to get to. that s why they only did zero minute. it is september 11. you d think they would be doing the reading of the names the entire time the way we did that, 2,083 minute americans who died. what about the four americans who died on 9/11/12. what did the other stations do instead? good morning america, stay fit and fabulous. also the bear on the flagpole taking a golf course by storm, taking almost two minutes. what about the families of these four americans? which i understand it s not a political statement.
it is not what happened in benghazi, who s responsible? if you don t want to do that, that s fine. but if you at least say that this happened two years ago in benghazi and we still only have one man in custody after we promised swift justice. we only have one man in custody. ahmed abu katallah. because we re trying him in a court of law as opposed to a court criminal, on the war field, it looks like we re going to have serious issues trying to try him because some of the secretive information, some of the top secret information that could be used in a court of law to put this guy away forever, it might never see the light of day, might never make it into the courtroom because we don t have access to it right now. it might expose some sources and also might expose some types of methodologies used to get the information. what a shocker. there is a thing called
rendition, some thing called enhanced interrogation we used in the previous administration and everyone thought it was abhorrent, better stop but we got actual intelligence. now we re catching people and we can t use any of the evidence because we re technically in a war with these people and if we expose the methods and practices to convict abu katallah, what about the next guy and the guy after that who will say i ve got to remember not to do that. could this guy go free? they might not have enough evidence, might not have enough witnesses on the ground there. that is why the obama administration is arguing we need more time to go to libya and gather up evidence against this guy. one congressman signals this is trouble that the case might be leaked. there is more than one guy responsible. meanwhile heather nauert has the other news. sort of a related story. this is about the american
journalist, james foley, beheaded by islamic militants. the brother of that reporter is speaking out exclusively on fox. he says he was threatened not just by the terrorists, but also our own government. listen to this. we re appalled by the situation. it went past not doing everything they could. theygot in our way. that is what bothers me to the core, you know. we were i was specifically threatened by the department of state about raising funds towards, you know, ransom demand for my brother. michael added having some european nations pay ransom while the united states does not sends an inconsistent message. the american aid worker infected with ebola is getting unusual help now. the blood of another ebola survivor.
dr. rick sacra at a hospital in nebraska is getting better thanks in part to blood he got from dr. kent brantly. this therapy, convalescent transfusion plasma was taken from a donor who recovered. this is so interesting. dr. brantly flew to nebraska to give dr. sacra his blood. the it would say they are close friends and worked at the same hospital overseas when they got sick. they just can t get along. that is the idea behind a new reality show that puts a republican and a democratic senator to the test. new mexico democrat martin heinrich and justin blake, the goal is to get past their differences by surviving. it is called rival survival and it airs on october 29.
what a concept this. there are a whole lot of ways to get out the vote. congressman james clyburn has a pretty unusual way. speaking to a caller on c-span the south carolina democrat mentioned all the ways one can get out the word on election day. listen to this. you can text, what do you call it, sexting, let s do voter organizing over the internet. it turns out he just confused texting with sexting. anyone with an older parent can relate to that. how many times has an older parent sexted you? is that what you re talking about? no. but they always confuse those terms. mr. techno wizard
probably can t relate to that. you never sext instead of text? no, not to my mom. maria molina. good morning. good to see you this morning. we want to talk about the weather conditions, specifically what happened in the plains over the last few days because we had a strong storm system roll through. this storm produced some pretty significant snow in some of these areas picking up over a half a foot of snow. we are approaching fall and many people bypassing that upcoming season and feeling like winter. this is south dakota and some of the towns have picked up more snow than in the past 20 years. mount rushmore picked up seven inches of snow. that is again in mount rushmore. we have cold temperatures behind the storm system, many areas waking up to temperatures in the 30 s. in the city of denver you re at 33. rapid city just 32.
over in minneapolis also on the chill i don t see side at 45 degrees on the chilly side at 45 degrees. 50 in parts of the texas panhandle and the northern rockies. we have areas of heavy rain across the center of the country. let s head back inside. thank you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. thursday night football pittsburgh steelers visiting baltimore to take on the ravens of course without ray rice. in honor of the 9/11 attacks the flag sitting at half mass at fort mchenry. third quarter, ravens leading 10-6. the one-yard touchdown. the second touchdown pass with flacco. ravens played very well. university of maryland football team making a statement when they hit the field this weekend. the players will sport brand-new uniforms featuring a design honoring the 200th anniversary of
the star-spangled banner. the word triumph will be displayed on the back of the jerseys instead of their names. the ncaa usually bans slogans on uniforms but the school was given a onetime exemption for tomorrow s game. a quick look at what s happening in the world of sports. thank you. coming up, he s one of the men who planned the bombing in the world trade center. a virus sickening kids across the country leaving them gasping for air. dr. marc siegel is here to answer all your questions. e-mail us at rting) great. this is the last thing i need. seriously? let s take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good ol midas touch. hey you know what? i ll drive!
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good morning. quick headlines now. is facebook s new messager app tracking your every move? new documents show why yahoo turned over customer data to the n.s.a. the agency threatened yahoo with a $250,000 a day fine. a respiratory virus hospitalized hundreds of children in at least 12 states across the country. entero virus starts like a common cold but within an hour leaves kids gasping for air. dr. segal, are you disturbed by this? no. it is spreading beyond just the midwest. this is the time of yore would he tend to this is
the time of year we tend to see these viruses. we have questions from viewers that wrote in on facebook. their concerns here, april writes this: what can parent to help boost their immune systems and their children s immune systems? that is a great question but i m not a fan of supplements or these pills you can take. i think you ve got to sleep at night, get your kids to exercise, decrease stress and eat right. fruit, berries are great to take. a well-balanced diet and plenty of sleep. our kids do not sleep enough. plenty of water. misty on facebook wants to know this. dr. segal, is it suggested that if we suspect our children are getting a cold we should immediately take them to the e.r.? that is the second virus which is fear and panic. if your kid is getting a cold it s probably a cold. what i want you parents to watch out for is if you re in one of these states, if
your kid is having troubling breathing or have underlying asthma, you might want to be quicker to bring them to the emergency room or to the doctor. most of the time this entero virus 6 is mild. it is only when they have a tendency to have breathing problems. do not clog the e.r. s with the common cold. then we can t take care of people with heart attacks. facebook, does this virus mainly affect children or can seniors be affected? great question. mostly children. seniors are prone to any respiratory viruses going around. mainly children but elderly can be affected as well. dr. marc siegel with updates on this they think. no panic? no panic. this is going to decrease. keep an eye on it. it is spreading but it is going to decrease. eat your berries. kids don t be afraid to sleep in today.
dr. marc siegel says you can sleep in today. coming up, he s one of the men who helped man the 1993 bombing at the world trade center. you d call him a terrorist but one of our next guests call him dad. his incredible story and how he broke free is next. what do you think should happen to roger goodell? nfl legend joe theismann is here with what he thinks. [ male announcer ] behind every centrum multivitamin are over one million hours of research. inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
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the men and women who died on september 11 not the only one, recognized yesterday in ceremonies near ground zero and they read the names of the six people died in the 1993 world trade center bombing. one of the men who helped plan that attack, you might call him a terrorist, but our next guest calls him dad. he has been trying to understand why his father chose terrorism and al-qaeda over his family. he explores it in his book, the terrorist son, a story of choice. can you believe that it s after the 9-11, here we are at 9-12, that your dad was at the foundation of this evil form of islam? it s been something that i ve been dealing with for a long time. certainly i can believe it. so last time you were like living with your dad, you were seven. your dad was jailed in 1990
after the killing of kahani. right. he was initially arrested for the murder of that. he denied did he it? yeah. he denied his innocence for years, which is why we stayed in contact with him for so long of the it wasn t until his implication in the 93 bombing of the world trade center that it became apparent that he had really become radicalized. so somehow, then we started hearing about bin laden and al-qaeda and their goals of declaring war on the u.s. looking back now, what do you think put your dad over the edge? what was the attraction to this form of islam? i think he probably had a sense of powerlessness and he began interacting with these men that would ultimately be responsible for the world trade center bombing in 1993. that s not to excuse anything. i think he was aware of the choices he was making and that the potential impact it would have on his family and on the innocent people that were
attacked. so you understand, as you come out and you start saying that s not what i m about, you decide to convert to another religion? i didn t convert to another religion. i just left the religion of islam. you left islam. yeah. your dad reached out and you saw him one more time? we visited him for years in prison when he maintained his innocence. once of the reasons i wrote this book is because i wanted to show people what it was like growing up in this ideology. and although i was exposed to it, i was able to shed that philosophy. if i could do it, then what does that say about the vast majority of muslims in the world who are never exposed to this level of extremism. because that s what s happening right now. we re seeing 200 westerners running to isis and saying, that s for me. and i can t understand it, but you can. i m not a terrorism analyst. i understand that in order to radicalize someone, you have to isolate them and you have to create a bubble and convince
them that anything outside of that bubble is potentially dangerous. so that s why i think it s important radical views and ideologies exist on the fringes of society. that s why i think it s so important that we try and be as open a society as possible so we re welcoming people that could potentially be persuaded by extremists. exactly. you shouldn t be bigoted against somebody because you don t approve of their religion. special orientation. last time you saw your dad in 1998, what was that like? you know, for a long time i ve had surreal experiences visiting him. we used to spend weekends inside the penalty inside a small house pretending we were a small family for a period of time. it got to the point where we would have these conversations and he would ask me the same questions over and over, about how i was doing in my daily
life. after he went to prison, things were really, really terrible for our family. i thought to myself, if he really cared about how your family was doing, then he wouldn t have chosen these terrible acts over being able to stay with them. congratulations on overcoming so much. you have so many excuses to go the wrong way. you obviously have gone the right way and you deserve better. thank you for telling your story and helping people understand what it s like in the terrorist mind and how you can step away. thanks so much. thank you. coming up straight ahead, how is this for a school lesson plan? kids, please compare and contrast george w. bush to hitler. it really happened. then what does victory look like? don t ask the white house press secretary? what does victory look like here? you ve talked about destroying isil. what does it mean? i didn t bring my webster s dictionary with me up here. all that and so much more top of the hour. this is fox & friends .
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hi. good morning. today is friday, the 12th of september, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. fox news alert, a day after being found not guilty of premeditated murder, another verdict just in for oscar pistorius. was he let off the hook again? we are live at the courthouse in south africa with the break o clock detail. fresh off the president s war speech, secretary of state john kerry says who said anything about war? i think that s the wrong terminology. what we were doing is engaging in a very significant counterterrorism operation. you wonder why we re having trouble getting allies when you can t name what we re doing? that s proving to be a problem.
it s not war. it s a bar brawl. compare two men who abuse their power. hitler and george w. bush. guess what? the teacher still has a job with that assignment. fox & friends hour two starts right now. this is chef and you re watching fox & friends. thank you, robin. somewhere in las vegas, he s either still up or just getting up. you think he eats caviar for breakfast? yes. he s able to. welcome. we ve got a big final two hours of the week coming your way. joe theisman in 12 minutes. first this. fox news alert, that blade runner, oscar pistorius, just convicted of this: culpable homicide. it s also known as manslaughter. that s in a south african court. they name things differently down there. let s get to greg palkot outside the courthouse where we ve gotten an update this morning. what do you know?
reporter: we were in the courtroom all this morning, ten feet away from oscar pistorius. good news and bad news. good news that he was cleared of a more serious charge of premeditated murder, but bad news that he was convicted, found guilty of manslaughter, called here culpable homicide for the killing last year on valentine s day morning of his model girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. here is how it sounded when the judge hand down the verdict. take a listen. on count one, section 511 of the criminal law amendment s, 105 of 1997, the accused is found not guilty and is discharged. instead he s found guilty of culpable homicide. reporter: when he got word of
that, he took it stoically. when there was a break five minutes laterrers his family walked up to him, hugged him. they formed a circle and prayed. the family of reeva steenkamp, however, sobbed, cried, put their heads down. they obviously wanted a little bit more justice. breaking news that we ve just gotten, the last 30 seconds, is the proceedings still going on in the courtroom, the judge has decided that bail will be extended for oscar pistorius, that he will remain free to be staying at his uncle s home while the proceedings continue because it is not over. i am told two to four weeks time, there will be a sentencing hearing and that will be very critical because this manslaughter charge carries with it a maximum sentence of 15 years. he was also found guilty today of another minor weapons charge that carries with it five years.
they ll be deciding whether he ll be going to jail because he could free on parole or custodial care and then the decision will come whether the decision will be appealed by the prosecution. there is a good chance, i am told, that will happen. i had a chance to speak for just a couple of words with oscar pistorius today. i asked him how are you doing? he said, very well, sir. at least partly he hadn to be confident at that time. back to you guys. wow. free and they re going to appeal. amazing. not quite free. he could end up with 15 in prison. we ll see. greg palkot. four minutes after the hour. heather nauert, you have other break news. quite a bit of news. this out of ohio. a notorious school shooter escapes from prison. you may remember this young man seen here. he smiled when he was convicted of murdering three of his classmates in an ohio school. there is good news, though.
he is now back behind bars this morning. but there are some serious questions about how he managed to escape from prison. this is 19-year-old t.j. lane. during his trial for shooting up his school near cleveland, he wore a t-shirt you can see it slightly. it says killer on it. he and two other inmates escaped by prison in ohio by scaling a 100-foot fence. listen to this. obviously i m not happy that it s handy. no warden in my position would like something like this to happen, but the facts are i m happy to announce that we have mr. lane back in our custody. the two other inmates who escaped with lane are also in custody. that prison is not maximum security prison. he called it just a kill. a jihaddist in america admitting that he murdered an american teen-ager as pay back for u.s. military involvement in the middle east. he is accused there he is he is accused of gunning down
19-year-old brandon tevlin in new jersey in an intersection while brendan was driving a car. he told police, quote, all of these lives are taken every single day by america by this government, so a life for a life. we ll hear more about that story. this is what happens when you hop the white house fence on 9-11. take a look. get down! drop it right now! causing a major commotion yesterday. secret service agents taking down a man who was actually wearing a pokemon hat. this morning no word on who he is or why he did it. meet brittany, the last surviving rescue dog who helped search for survivors after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. brittany and her owner returned to the site for the first time this week ahead of the 13th anniversary of that tragedy. brittany is now 15 years old and she works with children in
elementary schools. she s a finalist for the american humane association s annual hero dog award. you can cast your vote at those are your headlines. remember those dog, they work so hard to try to recover people and also their remains. they were often injured. their paws really hurt as they were doing that. yep. thanks a lot. it was all refreshed in our mind yesterday. 7 minutes after the top of the hour. we re talking about going to a third iraq war. however, we re not calling it war. maybe part of the reason why we re having trouble getting coalition partners, because this morning we get up with the foreign minister saying, we re not in. germany saying don t counts on us. turkey saying, who said i m going to be involved? i m not going to do it. maybe saudi arabia. possibly the problem, guys, is that we have not labeled with this operation what this operation is. john kerry did. listen to this. the united states at war with isis? it sure sounds from the
president s speech we are. i think that s the wrong terminology. what we are doing is engaging in very significant counterterrorism operation and it s going to go on for some period of time. if somebody wants to think about it as being a war with isil, they can do so. but the fact is, it s a major counters terrorism operation that will have many different moving parts. he said this on cnn. he said it on cbs. we ve heard the same things from jen psaki. we heard the same thing here when it was asked here, war, one of those words. and she said, are we at war with isis? and he said, they ve certainly declared war on us. does that make a difference? take a look at what they ve been saying over the past few years. what is this right now? they re calling it as john kerry said, counterterrorism operation. what is the war on terror? also they called it an overseas contingency. they don t want to say war on isis or terror.
when it comes what we were doing leading from behind in libya, it wasn t called a libyan intervention. kinetic military operation makes me scramble for my dictionary. no fort hood, clearly a terrorist attack. no. we label it as workplace violence. yeah. it wasn t too long ago where the president of the united states says, by the way, i m going to repeal that whole mandate we got to have war in iraq. we re not using it in anymore. we lost fallujah, mosul and other places. the president was saying, let s lift that whole mandate. so the authorization to use force after september 11 and many democrats have argued the president doesn t need to go to congress because it falls under that umbrella right now. the war with isis would fall under that umbrella. if you want to repeal it, you have to ask congress? what are they going to ask for this time? we want to go to war? we want to get military
intervention? press secretary was asked about this yesterday and he struggled to answer it and he struggled with the question, what is basically the end game? what is your victory? is it containment? decreasing the threat? is it obliterating isis? listen to how he responds. what does victory look like here? you ve talked about destroying isil. i think i know what that means. what does it mean? i didn t bring my webster s dictionary with me up here. do they train the press secretaries or just throw them out here? do these smug remarks to consequential questions are unbelievable. you should not lead and go in front of the press unless you can ask the president or whoever need be and say listen, they re going to ask what victory looks like and what i m calling this operation, i got to answer quickly and crisply. especially on 9-11. and he has no answer. i didn t bring my dictionary out with me? especially two weeks ago when the president said we didn t have a strategy for what we were going to do. then we saw this big televised speech. you assume over those past two weeks the president realized
what a mistake he made. met with his national security team, said we need to come up with a strategy. a prime time television address and you send your press secretary out there to make jokes about having a dictionary. something else that could outrage you and i imagine will, if you re an american. a middle school teacher thought he had a great assignment. mckinley middle school over in washington, d.c hey, everybody, compare and contrast george w. bush and hitler as part of a war and peace assignment. right. we want to talk about because hitler abused his power and, well, we dug through history and thought, george w. bush also abuse his power. so take this assignment home and think about it and compare and contrast one of the most evil human beings that the world has ever seen in adolph hitler and former u.s. president george w. bush. basically put the differences on the side and similarities in the middle. here is what it said. now that we have read about two men of power who abused their
power in various ways, we will compare and contrast them in their actions. the assignment reads. we will use this in class tomorrow for an activity. work sheet included a diagram which you can check out below. you can see the two surgeries overlapping of the it s outrageous. can you imagine how you would react as a parent? the teacher said i m sorry. they re not fired. not fired. we got to be clear. you just got to wonder, the speech writer for president bush in the same story was asked about it and said look, if this teacher has that judgment to give that homework, why could he possibly think they are capable and responsible enough to teach students? as outrageous as that assignment is, everyone makes mistakes, but when you look at hitler and bush and think it s okay to compare the 43rd president of the united states with a man that wiped out 6 million jews and caused a world war fascist?
comment on our facebook page. coming up on the program, a royal scare for harry. the prince involved in a high speed crash. what caused the head on collision. and what do you think should happen to nfl commissioner roger goodell? the owners are firmly behind him. we ll find out what joe theisman thinks next. fiber one streusel. available at walmart. every style s a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico s leggings. we re famous for our legs. at chico s and
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call comfort keepers now to learn more. brand-new reports suggests nfl commissioner roger goodell knew about the ray rice video months ago and covered it up to show respect for rice s wife. to clarify, evidently in the meeting that he had with ray rice, ray rice evidently, according to five different sources was candid and said, hey, i hit her and it was wrong and i apologize. joining us now is outstanding quarterback turnedout standing broadcaster, joe theisman. it seems like a lot of focus is now on the commissioner, the way he handled it. do you believe this focus is undue? no, i don t. i think that because the commissioner is the judge, jury and executioner when it comes to making decisions regarding disciplines in the national football league, he s the one that has to stand up and be
responsible. but there are listening to the five people talk about this is what went on in the meeting, there are only three people i understand maybe, or maybe an attorney or representative that know what went on in the meeting. until we actually completely understand who said what, who is doing what, i think it s very hard for us to make any kind of a judgment or decision on roger s position or anybody s position. it was said ray rice was honest and said i screwed up. i hit her. we knew at least that was out there. i think overall when you look at this incident, it seems like all the focus is on the commissioner because it doesn t really bode up to the way he s handled other incidents in the past. if anything, he s been known as the enforcer because he comes down, according to some, too hard, right? he has. this is the thing that i m somewhat confused about. if he knew this entire incident, if he knew the entire incident,
what happened in the elevator, what happened when we saw the first tapes we saw and only gave him a two-game suspension, that would be ineptitude at the highest level. i ve known roger a long, long time. he wouldn t do that. because of his history, because of the way he came down on the bullying, the way he s come down on jim ersa and the way he s come down on the bounties. when you look at the history of the fines and the punishments that have been dealt out, this doesn t fit into anything that roger has done. listen, joe, you know the way the nfl run social security a fine corporation. people think it s fun and games. it s not. it s a business that makes billions annually. if a tape came in to that organization from a law enforcement official and a woman picked up the phone and said yeah, i got it, i saw it s terrible. if feasible in your mind, that the commissioner of football never got that tape? i believe it is feasible because again, i think about the punishment that was dealt out of two games. he couldn t have possibly seen it. not with the reaction that we
see after this has come public. and we re going to find out who that anonymous law enforcement individual is going to be. robert mueller will do the investigation. and a lot of names are going to start to be associated with what actually happened. then we ll have some facts to be able to make a decision on. people are calling for roger s head. i think it s all premature. i want to say from my experience, i think he s one of the best commissioners in sports that i ve seen and the players are resentful because he s too tough because he cares too much about the game. it s unbelievable he s being accused of the other side. we ll see how this develops. joe thighsman, thank you for joining us. i wish we could talk about football, but we re talking about the ugly part of sports. some day we ll do that. thanks. straight ahead, did this robbery go too far? soccer players show up for a game with one opponent s mug shot on their shirts. hear from that player s dad. and do you believe in guardian angels? our next guest says she can speak to them. the star of angels among us
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good morning. breaking news to tell you about. we just learned two f 18 hornets crashed into the pacific oceans. taking off from the uss carl vincent. one pilot was found quickly and brought back to the aircraft carrier. a search is underway for the second pilot. no word on what caused the crash. we will keep you posted on this break stove as we get more information. let s change gears. do you believe in angels? what about speaking to those
angels? a new show on tlc follows a woman who claims she delivers messages from the guardian angels themselves. fire. lots of it. outside, north side. south side, north side. he s telling me the north side. south side. what is this about? 9-11! 9-11. yep. you were involved in 9-11? uh-huh. you were saved. uh-huh. it s like she saved you. she s your guardian angel. joining us right now is the star of that new show, rosy shapiro. nice to see you. good morning. so set that scene right there. you were called in or you found him? he actually found me and he came to my house in upstate new york and that was amazing reading. only because it touched my heart and everyone else s heart that was in the room. the guardian angel actually
brought me to that moment and it was overwhelming. we heard about guardian angels. it sounds like it s fictional, this idea of them. but now it seems like there is mounting research about this idea that maybe perhaps a previous family member, alive before you were alive is guiding your new children that you brought into your life. what exactly is a guardian angel? it s a messenger, they re messengers and they re assigned to us at birth and then as we grow up, they follow us through our whole life, journey. and then someone that passes away, a mother, father, sister, brother, they can actually become our guardian angels. sometimes complete strangers are there to help us. there has been people at place where is they shouldn t be and all of a sudden they re saved because they hear someone say, move, move. it s their guardian angel telling them to move. or if there is a car crash and there is no one there to help them to take them out of the car, complete stranger comes and just takes them out of the car. these are guardian angels. they re here to help us, to protect us, guide us.
how do you see this? when did this come to you in your life? was it something you knew as a little girl? i was three years old. i was in my crib and just talking and speaking and laughing and my mom is the same way and her mom was the same way. so she taught me what they were but be very careful, because in the 60s it wasn t that popular. my mom used to say, we go shopping, don t talk too much. people are going to think you re nuts. it s a 12-part series that started on sunday. very often authors or song writers or even christians will have some sort of a block in their faith or the way that they re writing. do you ever walk into a room on the show or in your own life where you can t figure out what s going on? well, you mean like the skeptics? no. writer s block. just go in there and somehow you thought you were going to be able to speak to the guardian angel i see what you re saying. what it is is the guardian angel comes through if there is a
message. it s not like where right now i say right there is your guardian angel. we all have them, but if they don t have a message, if doesn t come through. do you feel anything right now? i mean other than pressure on television? i feel bad for the guardian angels because they have to live our lives, too, after they lived their lives. brian is so clumsy. your guardian angel must be telling him to constantly watch out. i think might angel wants a transfer. the show just premiered september 7. it s on tlc called angels among us. the 12-part series that follows rosy. thank you so much. thank you for having me this morning. good to see you. 28 minutes after the hour. prince harry involved in a high speed crash. he s okay, but barely. we ll have the late breaking details on that crash next. box office headed under the sea. is dolphin tale 2 worth your
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it s your shot of the morning. a panda. the panda has done more shot of the morning than any other animal. he tries to get a leg up on his keeper. this panda cub cling to go a worker s leg. he apparently did not want to stay in his cage. like a little toddler hanging on to daddy s leg. please don t go to work. both of my kids hang on to my
feet and i walk like i have boots on. it s going to work great in the winter. they are teen-agers now, clay. i think it s time to make a decision. let s get it over to heather nauert who has the headline. speaking of winter, i ve got a story about some weather and really nasty weather through parts of our country. wicked weather ripping through memphis, tennessee, and this video is incredible. a storm dumping several inches of rain within five hours. it caused a shopping mall roof to cave in, pouring in gallons of water inside. luckily no one was hurt. that mall was temporarily closed while crews checked out the rest of the roof. prince harry caught up in a high-speed crash when one of his police escorts lost control of his motorbike and collided head on with a taxi in london. this is eerie to see given what happened to his mother. the royal driver immediately thought it was a terrorist attack and he sped through the wreckage before harry told him to stop and help the other
driver. the taxi driver and the officer who was thrown 40 yards down the road, are expected to be okay. but frightening. back here at home, a school rivalry go a little too far? fans showing up at a high school soccer game wearing this t-shirt right here with this kid s face on it. police had arrested the young man in the photo, arrested him for pot possession last year. after the arrest he transferred from that school to a rival school. his dad says this is a new kind of bullying. this has been going on, i didn t know it was going to go to this level. i was shocked first and then i thought, how did they get this picture? school administrators say they did everything they can to prevent fans from wearing that shirt, but the teen s parents say that they want someone held responsible for it. talk about a craving for corn, this 69-year-old man is arrested for breaking into a
massachusetts house and what did he do while in the house? he cooked corn on the cob. the hungry home intruder was drunk, clearly drunk, say cops. he banged around pots and pans trying to make a meal. the owner of the home heard the noise and then called the cops. and those are your headlines. how about that, if you re breaking into a house, you might steal a pop tart and cookies. not boil water for corn. takes too long. everyone has their own way. watched pot never boils. he was a healthy criminal. let s check in with maria molina who is outside with the forecast. it feels like fall. it s a little crisp out here in new york city. currently 52 degrees. feels beautiful. we have sunshine out there today. you ll need the light sweater as we head out early in the morning. i want to take you farther west because some of these areas are going to need their parkas as they head out. rapid city, we ve seen those temperatures get a little cool within just the past hour. dip down below freezing and currently 30 degrees out there.
31 in missoula. temperatures for so many americans will be well below average, from parts of the texas panhandle to parts of the great lakes and northern plains. widespread highs in the 50s. heavy rain now through portions of iowa. also eastern portion of nebraska and also down into parts of western texas. we do have the risk for flash flooding and by the way, in the atlantic, we have our next named storm, edward. tropical storm and forecast to stay over open waters in the atlantic. let s head back inside. thank you so much. 36 minutes after the hour. this weekend in a twist of fate, james gandolfini returns to the criminal underworld in his final big screen performance. i m not guy that wasted his entire life waiting for it to start. i did that? uh-huh. at least i had something once. i was respected. i was feared. when i walked into a place, people sat up.
they sat up straight. they noticed. that meant something! he looks so good in that. joining us is kevin mccarthy. good morning, kevin. i m glad you mentioned bain prosecute from batman because he s amazing. it s worth mentioning how incredible of a past that character created for all the television shows we re seeing today. that whole antihero character. we wouldn t have walter white and dexter and mad men without what he did. he s turning to this type of character. you re dealing with an underground bars. this is cousin marv s, which is ran by gandolfini in the film. it gets robbed and essentially it s a domino effect of how that robbery affects everybody in the film. tom hardy plays the bartender. this is a slow burning crime drama. incredible performances. gandolfini is brilliant. hardy is brilliant. one of the great things about
this film is it s written by a guy who wrote mystic river and great books and shutter island. you ll get that vibe to it as well. my only problem with the film is it didn t pack a punch at the ends. i really wanted a big ending. it didn t blow me away. you are satisfied when you leave, but overall, i gave it 3 1/2 out of five. so go see it. now, dolphin tale 2 . after 1, 2 is a natural. what do you think? the first one i thought was really, really cheesy. this story line was fantastic. the story line was great. you re dealing with this dolphin named winter who lost its tail and the idea of building a prosthetic tail to put on, it s family movie. this time you re dealing with a sequel and they bring in a new dolphin named hope who is supposed to be a female companion to winter and be in the same tank together and live together because you need they need to be together in the movie. for me, this is a family movie
about friendship, it s about change. a lot of great messages, a lot of great family mentions as well. harry connick, junior was great. my problem is i feel like it was a paycheck for morgan freeman. i loved him in the first one. in this one, i feel everything he did was cheesy and reaction shots. i didn t care for him in this movie. the cinemato go graphy was great. i think it s a wonderful family film, but has cheesy hollywood moments. down there in clearwater, florida, where this all unfolded. they have a whole museum to the dolphin. right. it s a true story. winter and hope were actually in the aquarium as we speak. it s a wonderful, wonderful story. stay til the end credits so you can see the actual video of what they really did. these are not acting dolphins. these are the real dolphin. no good deed. this is a movie that i should be reviewing now. but unfortunately, i m not going to be talk being it today because they canceled the
screenings on the day of the screening. what? i know. the reason they gave this is unbelievable they didn t want to reveal a big plot twist because it would affect the way the viewers experience the movie. that is just a load of garbage, in my opinion. there has been so many movies throughout our career that have had big plot twists, like usual suspects and others that were screen to do critics and they re not screening this. to me, it s little fishy. what s the conspiracy theory behind it? it s probably not a good movie. generally when they don t do that, the movie is bad. generally. i can t assume. i wish they would ban me from that screening of the boxing movie. i really wish that ban came down early. i m with you. that movie was absolutely terrible. i m so with you on that. coming up, john kerry says we re not at war with isis. really? colonel ollie north begs to differ and he is here next.
and they just wanted to honor two friends who passed away by putting crosses on their helmets. someone complained and now the crosses are coming off. first the trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1967, this comedian is famous son of an economist and a software engineer. be the first with the correct answer and i ll give you my book. these have gotten harder. not for anna. here i am. rock you like a hurricane. fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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welcome back. the stories making headlines now, first time in 20 years, the catholic league will not march in new york city s st. patrick s day parade. the reason? event organizers reneged on a deal to allow anti-abortion marchers in the parade.
and does this cross look offensive to you? a football players in arkansas state university put them on their helmets to honor two friends who lost their lives. an atheist complained and now the crosses have to be removed. brian and anna? fresh off the president s war speech on thursday night, secretary of state john kerry says who said anything about war? the united states at war with isis? it sure sounds from the president s speech that we are. i think that s the wrong terminology. what we are doing is engaging in a very significant counterterrorism operation and it s going to go on for some period of time. if somebody wants to think about it as being war with isil, they can do so. but the fact is, it s a major counterterrorism operation that will have many different moving parts. and the place is the size of maryland and has 30,000 fighters, but we re not at war. if we re not fighting a war
what, are we doing? lieutenant colonel oliver north is a military analyst and historian. does it bother you we re not calling it a war? news flash for john kerry, isis is at war with us. of course, the rest of the west and christianity in general, and of course, anybody who opposes them. so him not saying so is one of the reasons why the support that ought to be there isn t there. i got an idea for him, because this is going to be a, quote, new counterterrorism operation, it needs a name. i have one for it, pick one of these two: operation enduring confusion, or operation many moving parts. it s kind of where we re headed right now. be careful or it will get named on its own. president obama is still saying that isil is not islamic and that isis is not a state. take a listen to this. isil is not islamic. no religion condones the killing of innocents. a vast majority of isil s victim
s has been muslims and isil is certainly not a state. you would think at that their argument may be that if you say you re at war with them, that s how legit mazing them. do you buy that argument at all? not at all. the fact is this is a war. it s long been a war. i think it was wrong way back when president bush said islam is a religion of peace. it s continued to this administration overtly. and all they ve done is brag about the fact that bin laden is dead. bin laden is dead. but radical islam is alive and growing and isis is just the biggest, most vicious well-funded part of it. you ve seen a lot of coalitions come together or not come together. i think president bush had 32 and 26,000 troops and some money. bush 41 had the whole war paid for by others. now britain has the audacity not to even provide jets, germany is out. turkey says tonight even ask me. don t even ask me.
how is this acceptable and where do we go from here? it s a hard question to answer and i m not sure they know in this administration. look, the way they re talking is obama has more faith in air power than billy mitchell. and we re not going to get a lot of help from our, quote, allies in this broad coalition. i m grateful that albania has signed on with us. but when you ve already eliminated great britain, our closest ally, the nato force called turkey, you ve got a very serious challenge because air power alone can decapitate leaders. it can disrupt plans and debraid short-term capabilities. but it won t destroy isis or quite frankly, any other enemy. that s going to take somebody s troops on the ground and i seriously doubt, brian, that you re going to be able to vet, arm, train and field the so-called moderate operation, the original syrian free army that could have and should have been helped three years ago and do that in a matter of weeks or months. it will take years.
american boots on the ground has been been you would some sort of red line. thank you so much. always good to be with you. thanks. thanks, determine. up next, housing prices are up nearly 8%. not everywhere. you can get this house for under $300,000. we have more just like that. but first on this date in 1983, arnold schwarzenegger became a u.s. citizen. in that outfit. in 1984, michael jordan signs with the chicago bulls. and in 1970, war was the number one song in america. what s it good for? nothing, brian.
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trivia time. the answer to today s trivia question, born on this day in 1967, this comedian is the famous son out of an economist and software engineer: our winner will get a copy of brian s book george washington s secret six. bad news for potential home buyers, according to a new report, the average asking price on homes is up by 7.8%. michael corbett found cities where there are some exceptions to that rule. he s a real estate expert. he s author of the book find it, fix it, flip it. welcome back. so homes for less than $300,000? yeah, that s true. there are certain cities right now where we actually have seen instead of the price increases, price drop. not necessarily always for bad reasons. for example, our first city that we ve got is fayetteville, north
carolina. has seen a 4% decrease in prices because home builders are actually building there again. which isn t a bad thing. it s driving prices down a little bit. so that s our first house. down 4%, according to trulia s trends report. so let s look at this first one which is a beautiful home. four bedrooms, four baths, around 2800 square feet. it s got coffered ceilings with a beautiful fireplace, great colonial feel to it. a gourmet kitchen with granite counter tops, slate floors. it also has stainless steel appliances, a breakfast bar. it s got a wonderful breakfast room off the kitchen. a formal dining room, or as you ll see, maybe it could be used as a piano room as well. it s got also a big outdoor back covered patio and this whole thing is going to cost you, with 20% down, taxes and insurance,
around $1,400 a month. not bad. this increase in inventory now because home is that what s happening in tallahassee, florida? that s where prices have been relatively stable. so it hasn t seen a big increase, hasn t seen a big decrease. so there is nothing tragic going on here. it s down about 3.6%, according to trulia trends. so this house in tallahassee is a three bedroom, two-bath house. this is really a nice starter home for our millenials as we call it. those people jumping from renting into buying. this is a great opportunity. this one will actually cost around $1,200 a month, including taxes and insurance and your mortgage. this has big open space, wonderful den. great starter home. at a really terrific price. let s jump over to governor huckabee s home city, little rock, arkansas. what is happening in little rock? little rock is actually
another city state relatively stable. a great house. at a wonderful price of 299. it s four bedrooms, three baths. 2800 square feet. it s a beautiful home. very stately, colonial. formal dining room, fireplace. a separate den, granite kitchen, wonderful, beautiful cabinetry. and it s also got a great breakfast room and in the back, lots of room, entertaining, big landscape. this is a beautiful home at a great price under 300,000. wow, nice homes. michael, great to see you as always. good news in the housing market. thanks. coming up here on the show, brand-new shocking report about the v.a. scandal. details about more lies and more cover-ups. what s going on? then secretary kerry says we re not at war. geraldo rivera says we all need to get overt silly name games and he is here. i m here.
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good morning. today is friday, the 12th of september, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. break right now, two f a-18 navy hour yets crashed into the pacific ocean. one pilot rescued and the search is on for the other. the latest on this developing story straight ahead. the president just laid out his four-point strategy for something. just don t call it a war. i think that s the wrong terminology. what we are doing is engaging in a very significant counterterrorism operation. geraldo rivera is here. he s mock your cold open. will you just replace him, please. get out. geraldo will be up in moments.
brian? me? i m on? then, you know the difference between texting and sexting? geraldo, stay out of this. apparently someone forgot to tell congressman james cliburn. we re going to roll that videotape. mornings are better with friends, i hope. this is buddy, and you re watching fox & friends, the news boys. geraldo said he would put it on his place. it s iphone order day. i ve gotten so many questions from people. cause you re the man. i m going back and forth. i was reading some tweets at that moment. available on the 19th of september, but you can preorder. you can preorder right now. so many people asking what size. go to ask me on twitter. how about going to our facebook page and when you re back there, answer questions after? yeah. after the show, we ll put up a thread there and i ll answer any of your questions.
i ve been volleying questions at you as well. we have some breaking news. heather nauert is poised to give it to us. good morning. breaking news coming out of the pacific ocean right now. the latest coming in, we just have learned that two f-18 hornets crashed into the pacific ocean. the planes taking off from the uss carl vinson. one pilot was found quickly and he was brought back to the aircraft carrier to get medical care. the search for the second pilot is still going on at this hour. no word yet on what caused the crash, but we will keep you posted on this breaking story as we get more information. the local stations reporting that the two jets actually collided. we are working on trying to confirm that. we will bring you the latest as we get it. let s go overseas where overnight a notorious school shooter escapes from prison. rather this happening in ohio. you may remember this guy. he was on trial, 19 year old t.j. lane. he shot up his school near
cleveland. he had the shirt the word killer written on his shirt. he was convicted of murdering three of his classmates. good news, he is back behind bars this morning. there are some serious questions about how this guy got out. he, along with two other inmates, escaped prison in ohio by scaling a 100-foot fence. listen to this. obviously i m not happy that it s happened. no warden in my position would like something like this to happen. the facts are i m happy to announce that we have mr. lane back in our custody. the two inmates who escaped with him are also back in custody. that prison is not a maximum security prison. also developing this morning, oscar pistorius free on bail after just being convicted of what s called culpable homicide. also known as manslaughter. this in the death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the judge ruling he did not intend to kill her, but that he was negligent in her death. his next court date is october 13 and that s when he finds out if he will go to
prison. sentence could range from a fine to 15 years behind bars. the president and first lady michelle obama making a surprise appearance at a school in washington, d.c one student not too impressed with it when they walked through the door. when i first heard that somebody was coming, i really wanted to be beyonce. i understand. malia and sasha would feel the same way. i guess we ll take you after all. those are your headlines. that is fantastic. who did you get today? beyonce? no, the president. most people want to meet geraldo rivera. i would prefer beyonce. good morning. nice to see you. you, too. what s up? we re in this name game and whether or not we have actually declared war on isis, where we stand. do we need the president to ask congress for permission? if you listen to secretary of state john kerry yesterday, he says, no, no, we don t want to
jump to conclusion. we re not at war. listen to what he said and we want you to respond. we re engaged in a major counterterrorism operation. it s going to be a long-term counterterrorism operation. i think war is the wrong terminology and analogy. i don t think people need to get into war fever in this. why not? a war by any other name would be as brutal, as long as they are raining death and destruction on isis from above, i don t care what they call it, as long as there is a major military operation to punish them on the scale of shock and awe. i want it pulverized. i want the base outside of mosul and northern iraq pulverized. shock and awe. i want the drones unleashed on their leadership. i want the f-18s and the f-16s to rain death from above. i want isis crushed. if you want to call it a play game or a you talk about bases. a lot of bases. is this just the president protecting his own base, his own
liberal base and not calling cat war? after all, he s the antiwar president. it sounds so, i think to think their motives are so petty. but it could very well be that they feel that they can hide behind a semantic veil of the to me, and to the g.i.s out there now, it is only semantics. they know what they are facing and they know what they must mete out to the enemies of our country. you would think that the administration, when asking the entire nation really to commit to this, something so serious and so costly that they would call it what it is. but you say that semantics veil. it s something we have seen from this administration. how about this word play here? war on isis. we heard from john kerry. counterterrorism operation. war on terror. overseas contingency operation. war in libya, kinetic military operation. and fort hood, the shooting there. workplace violence. these kinds of rhetorical
word play are disheartening, but i don t think they re terribly substantive. we know what it is. we know what it is we must do. i, as you know, i said on this couch, would prefer to constitutional congressional declaration of war against this quasi defacto state. the president saw to down play their status as a state. he said no, they re not a state, they re not even islamic. they re a terrorist organization. the fact of the matter is, the president, i believe, is incorrect. they control geographic area the size of connecticut. they have a massive, massive presence there. i think that we have to treat them as if it were a state and that this were a war. let s talk about the operation. we re sending drones and scouting runs. we have at least nine coalition partners, or do we? turkey says i m not sure i m in. saudi arabia says i ll train 450. germany and turkey say don t count on me. what does this mission look
like? we don t need anybody, is the short answer to that, with the exception of the brits, the others that i ve seen, the coalition forces, with all due respect, a lot of them are terrifically motivated, but they get in the way. give me the checkbook. why, when we know where the enemy is? let us do it. you really want them in the air where you have to coordinate with of course. i don t think you need that. what i would like to do, and people say we need turkey because we need those air bases. why don t we right now commit to reoccupying camp victory in baghdad. let the united states retake over that base right by the airport in baghdad. so you take over that base. you don t need anybody else. now you re not relying solely on your aircraft carriers in the gulf. now you have the main air base back. you are secure that, even with the measly number of troops we have committed there, you can secure that base. you put the most trustworthy iraqi armed force around the
perimeter. the base becomes the united states property f. there we can hammer them. we can hammer them. you can have a flight every five minutes. here comes another one, another one. you can have the drones and everything else. retake the area outside of tikrit, that big air base that was very secure. we can, by securing those air bases, rain death and destruction on this enemy, punish them for their act of war against us by beheading our citizens. it s outrageous that all these countries that are affected by isis, whose citizens are fighting for isis, won t put jets in the air out of embarrassment. why are you shocked? these are noodle backboned people. not the brit. let s say the c.i.a. is right. let s say this 30,000 that s what they re saying today. that s like a division and a half. 30,000, they have to have fixed
bases. the air power of the united states, the air force, the army and the navy, the marines, we have enough air power. we can pulverize and punish we will degrade and we will destroy. let s move on to the nfl this morning. okay. another war of another sort. yeah. football is war by another means. roger goodell, nfl commissioner, is in hot water this morning for what did he know, when did he know it? did he see that tape? new reports out this morning say that he didn t act out. he did see this tape and he didn t act out out of respect for janay, the then fiance, now wife of ray rice. by the way, he never saw the tape. the tape looks as though, according to one report, was in his building and one person, according to one voice mail, might have seen it. but according to their one on one meeting what s the differences? i m outlining it for people just wake up. ray rice was honest with the commissioner and said, i hit
her. that according to four sources. if you see the tape of a man dragging an unconscious woman out of an elevator in a way that is the most demeaning you have ever seen, do you really need the preceding tape to know what happened? exactly. if she s knocked out and he s dragging her across the floor like she s a sack of potato, you have an idea. if she s unconscious and you love her, do you try to get help or pull her out by her hair? putting the focus on goodell, and you know how these guys operate with the owners. this is all about politics and money. when they bring ray rice in with janay, the wife, there is the ravens owners there represented. there are the union reps there. it is a business meeting. it is a negotiation. it s not seeking justice for the barted woman. it s seek justice for the nfl. goodell has been exposed as
being just a mouth piece for the owners. his track record is he s the enforcer, he can come down even too hard even, they say. but when you take a matter this serious, this is what i think. if you take a felony assault on a woman where she was clearly battered in a manner that if it were anyone other than ray rice, the husband right now would be sitting in prison. i think you have gone beyond protecting the league. you have subverted the criminal justice system. shame on him. he may have been impeccable up until now. but at his moment of crisis, and that s where courage is determined in that one moment of crisis, he chickened out. he went to protect the backs of the nfl owners and as a result, he has done a grave injustice and set back the whole cause against domestic violence in a meaningful way. i think when mueller gets in there and he finds out who knew
what, it s going to be extremely humiliating for goodell. and his regard may have been impeccable, i think his future is in doubt. the smoking gun we ve seen is the video. that s ray rice and not roger goodell. right. and goodell is not rice and goodell never hit his wife. so i understand that. but he is the mouthpiece for the nfl. he is the face of the nfl. at a moment of crisis, he chickened out. thanks. have a great weekend. coming up straight ahead. talk about a rough first day on the job, jay carney getting shut down by john kerry on live television. new fallout from the heated interview. and a brand-new shocking report about the v.a. scandal. details with more lies and cover-up. what s going on here? peter johnson, jr. up next with the answer.
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welcome back. the watchdog responsible for investigating the v.a. scandal says 42 locations were involved in plots to delay patient care. they found 28 instances of clinically significant delays in care and at 13 administrators lied to investigators who were trygon cover the ex tempt of the problem. fox news brought the v.a. scandal to light months ago and
has followed all of its developments from veterans dying to veterans being left without benefits. peter johnson, jr. has been at the forefront of this effort to get to the bottom of it and joins us now. i looked carefully this, 133-page report. in my view, the report is a white wash and a scam. bluntly spoken. i think congress is looking very, very hard at this. they find delays. they find deaths, but they don t put the two together. and this is the controversial line from the i.g. s report that has everybody speaking in this country. while the case reviews in this report document poor quality of care, we are unable to conclusively assert that the absence of timely quality care caused the deaths of these veteran. are they mincing words here? they re more than mincing words. they re going out on a limb to save reputation, to save indictments, and save dollars for the federal government because they re saying if we make a determination that a delay in providing care caused
death or personal injury, then they re setting the federal government up for lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit all over the country. they have found some important things. they found a national conspiracy in terms of v.a. administrators. they found significant delays in phoenix, although they trashed one of the whistle blowers in the process. let s look at what was said before congress on this issue of the standard of care. i want to give the v.a. a pass on this and i believe that that s what this line does, it exonerates the v.a. of any responsibility and past manipulation of these wait times. i just have to disagree. i described 45 cases, 28 of which were negatively impacted because of delays. the only argument is i can t say that those that died died because of a delay. well, medical examiners and forensic experts across the country, including this forensic
expert, are saying that that s absolutely not the standard. they re saying that the v.a. inspector general had to conclusively find that these deaths were caused as a result of the delay. we know people don t die because of government bureaucracy. they die of heart disease, cancer. the government bureaucracy is not providing the care that they re supposed to, then they died as a contributing factor with regard to that government bureaucracy delay. the report, in my view, is not honest. congress is coming back on it. representative jeff miller is holding hearings. let s get out the truth for our veterans cause i don t believe this is an honest report. peter johnson, jr., great job following this from beginning to now and hopefully beyond this. thanks. great seeing you. coming up, the brother of beheaded american james foley says he was threatened not just by the terrorists, but by our own government. he ll explain in his own words. and whether or you re more o get struck by lightning than finding a love match.
but our next guest beat the odds via facebook. their amazing story that will inspire you this morning. stick around. woooo. i know what you re thinking. you re thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldn t he be? beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. it has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr! [announcer]even accents of vitamin-rich veggies. [guy] so happy! you love it so much. yes you do! but it s good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina.
quick headlines now. american aid worker infected with ebola is getting unusual help. the blood of another ebola survivor. yep. dr. rick sakra is getting better thanks in farther to the blood gotten from a doctor named dr. brantley. he has antibodies in his blood that will help the other doctor fight the virus. that virus that hospitalized hundreds of children is growing. it s now in at least 12 states across the country. alabama could be number 13.
they re just sending a sample to the cdc for confirmation. thank you so much. 24 minutes after the hour. you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to find a match. our next guest beat the odds. cancer survivor finds her bone marrow boner with a little help from facebook and just last weekend, that anonymous donor came face-to-face with the woman whose life he saved. joining us, anna kaiser and her donor, matthew. i guess you re probably friends forever now. yes. absolutely. tell me about when you were diagnosed with leukemia in 2012. i was diagnosed with leukemia and i had to have chemotherapy immediately. i did three rounds of chemotherapy and then i was finally in remission. but at that point in order to continue living, i had to have a bone marrow transplant.
so i contacted my friends and family and asked if they had anybody they could refer me to. and dr. patrick s name came up and his group, the bone marrow transplant group at loyola university medical center in maywood, illinois. so i went to visit him and that s where he says to me, well, you have to have the bone marrow transplant. if you don t, you have about a 10 to 15% chance of survival. wow. it can be a pretty lengthy process to be able to actually find a match and go through with the procedure. you found out you needed that in june and it wasn t until september that it happened. correct. matthew, i want to hear your side of the story. you re in your dorm room in kentucky and what happened? well, i saw the ad on the side of facebook and clicked it just to read a little bit more about this and when i did, i read up and went for the swab
kit. did a swab test. not painful. not at all. sent it off and forgot about it for a little over a year. i got a phone call, an e-mail and everything and they told me that i was a potential match. i went off for further testing and from then on, next thing i knew i was donating. to actually go through with it, what was that like for both of you? well, i had the easy part that time. i got injected through an i.v. it was like getting a blood transfusion. that s all it was. it was exactly the same, no pain, no anything. for me, i was in washington, d.c. and they went through the pelvic harvest version. about 25% of donors go through. just involves a needle going into the back of the hip and extracting the marrow. they took out about 25 ounces, a
little over. within 24 hours, was in the patient. to go through with this and become a hero to someone is amazing. such a neat bond that the two of you have. anna and matthew, thank you so much for your time and hopefully this story inspires more people. absolutely. that is really that s kind of the shiny thing here for us. i know i wouldn t be here today if it wasn t for matt. what a neat thing. thank you so much for coming in. thank you. 28 minutes after the hour this friday morning. coming up, do you know the difference between texting and sexting? apparently someone forgot to tell congressman james cliburn. we ll roll the tape for you. then talk about a rough first day on the job, jay carney getting shut down by senator john mccain on live television. the new fallout from this heated debate coming up next. [ male announcer ] behind every centrum multivitamin are over one million hours of research.
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your glamour shot of the morning. a new high school student petitioning his school to allow this as his senior class picture. he took the photo with his cat and you know his cat is mr. biglesworth. and added laser beams to the background. just like dr. evil. rodriguez said i m not trying to make any statement other than my photo is ridiculous. and this is how i am. ridiculous. love it. that looked like john roberts high school yearbook picture. he s fill not guilty for chris wallace this week. there is no way that he had a mr. biglesworth in his life. you don t know. hey, john roberts.
good morning to you all. what phase of my life are you referring to? that s true. we re going to do a whole expose at some point. you re fill not guilty for chris wallace. you have a lot on your plate this weekend. we talked yesterday on the radio a little bit. the secretary of state has got the job of getting our coalition together. how is that going? not very well. he s getting some moral support, but not getting a whole lot else. i think the major commitment that he s got is from saudi arabia to open up some bases to host syrian rebels to train them up to go after isis. but other than that, you ve been pointing out turkey is not in, germany, u.k. doesn t quite know what it s going to do. so it looks again like the united states is going to be mostly going it alone and when you look at the iraqi security forces, the president wants to send in national guard units. are they going to be the same units that cut and ran earlier this year? when it comes to syria, how do you know who to trust? who do you give weapons to and
be confident that sometime in the future they re not going to turn the weapons back on you? the very fact that he s playing these semantic games, there is 31,000 fighters out there. i don t know any terrorist organizations that have 31,000 fighters. if you don t treat this as a war, a lot of military analysts will tell you, you re probably not destined for success. what do you make of general allen being tapped to lead this coalition when he opposed the troop withdrawal and has said as recently as last year that we would northbound a very different place had we left a residual force there? this whole idea of a residual force is partly will he root of what s going on. if there were american forces on the ground in iraq, it s not likely that isis would have been able to make the gains that it did. that whole status of forces agreement, i think you ll play something of the fight between john mccain and jay carney the other night on television. it s a very complicated matter.
it s not as cut and dry to some people. but the bigger problem is allowing isis to get a foothold in syria from which they spread across the border into iraq. if we had been helping out the rebels years ago, if not months ago, could this have turned out quite differently? the administration has argued the iraqis just don t want us there, status armed forces agreement. we couldn t get that. they don t want us there. we got out cause they asked us to. that was the argument that jay carney was senator john mccain on cnn on wednesday night. it was explosive. watch this. we ll play it for you. facts are stubborn things, mr. carney. that is his entire national security team, including the secretary of state said we want to arm and train and equip these people and he made the unilateral decision to turn them down. the fact that they didn t leave a residual force in iraq overruling all of his military advisors is 9 reason why we re facing isis today.
again senator, we re gog have to agree to disagree and i think that the question of the residual force, there was another player in that, which was the iraqi government. it was the full filtment of the previous administration s withdrawal plan. c, and also fulfillment of the president s promise to withdraw from iraq. mr. carney, you are again saying facts that are patently false. because lindsey graham and i and joe lieberman were in baghdad, they wanted a residual force. you in your role as spokesperson bragged about the fact that the last american combat troop had left iraq. if we had left a residual force, the situation would not be what it is today. he just wiped the floor with him and he was no longer in the protective zone of the press conference, john. and i think that he just got his point across and a lot of people are thinking, maybe we wouldn t be going back if we stayed there with a force that kept a looking glass on what was happening. as i said, i think if we had
left a residual force there, isis would not have made the gains in iraq that it did. when you look at that argument, the facts do come down on both sides of the equation. but both of them have elements of truth to them. the preponderance of evidence comes down on john mccain s side because this president, while he did try to obtain a status of forces agreement with iraq, didn t really try as hard as a lot of people thought that he would and most of his military advisors did believe that there should be a residual force there. it started off in the 20,000 range, then cut down to 10,000 range. eventually about the 3,000 range and iraqi officials said you know what? it s not worth the trouble. let s forget about this. they also didn t want to give that immunity agreement, which i think every military advisor to the president agreed was absolutely crucial to get. but could the president have tried harder? was he more focused on getting the forces out than making sure iraq remains stable? i think you could make that argument. you got a big show this weekend. general michael hayden on isis,
plus senator lindsey graham, whom john mccain was just talking about. and senator jack reed of rhode island. a busy weekend ahead. always great to see you. and good to see you. general hayden, by the way, who said the president s plan had all the attraction of casual sex, that offered gratification but not a lot of commitment. powerful language from the general. put that in the prompter. yeah. thanks, john. that s very interesting. plus jack reed, a veteran as well as lindsey graham, a veteran. heather inaugurate, what else do you have? good morning. i ve got a story about a young man who was brutally murdered in new jersey. it hasn t gotten a lot of attention thus far, but it s starting to right now. the person who killed him called it a just kill. a jihaddist admitting he murdered an american teen-ager as pay back for u.s. military involvement in the middle east. he is accused of gunning down 19-year-old brendan tevlin in new jersey. brown, a devout muslim, telling police, quote, all of these
lives are taken every single day by america by this government, so a life for a life. the young man who was murdered was a member of the national honor society, eucharistic minister and finished college. the brother of reporter james foley says that he was threatened not just by the terrorists, but by our own government? listen to this. we re appalled by the situation. it we want past not doing everything they could, they got in our way. and that s what really bothers me to the core, you know. i was specifically threatened by the department of state about raising funds towards ransom demands for my brother. he added having european nations pay ransoms while the united states does not sends an
inconsistent message to the terrorists. back here at home, there are a whole lot of ways to get out the vote and congressman james cliburn has a pretty unusual way to suggest doing it. he was speak to go a caller on c-span in a south carolina democrat, mentioned all the ways that one can get out the word to vote on election day. listen to this. we can text, what we call it? sexting, let s do some voting organizing over the internet. aw. it turns out he just confused texting with sexting. those are your headlines. that s something that kilmeade does all the time. yeah. i do? that s true. your ratings are through the roof. thank you very much. everyone has their own methods. coming up, new del tails in details in the nsa
scandals. how they threatened a big web site to turn over confidential information. you heard mitt romney say this on fox news sunday. look, there is no question in my mind that i think i d have been a better president than barak obama has been. what do voters think? the surprising results are next. democrats don t agree work with equity experts who work with regional experts that s when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. can this decadent, fruit-top pastry with indulgent streusel crumbles be from. fiber one? fiber one streusel. available at walmart.
welcome back. quick headlines now. is facebook s new messenger app tracking your every move? security experts say the iphone version logs every tap and screen swipe and has more spyware than surveillance equipment does. new documents show why yahoo turned over customer data to the nsa. the agency threatened yahoo with a $250,000 a day fine. that will do it. brian? thanks. 15 minutes before we re done.
mitt romney and roger goodell making headlines. what do voters think about their comments? lee carter joins us right now to break it down for us through the magic of the dials. hey, lee? hi. let s go to the first sound bite. watch the dials and get your analysis. here is mitt romney talking on fox news sunday. look, there is no question in my mind that i think i d have been a better president than barak obama has been. no question in my mind about that. and there are other good people who i m sure will be able to lead the country in the future. i wish it were me. let me tell you, it was a great experience running for president. i loved that. but my time has come and gone. what do you read in there? look, obviously the democrats don t agree with him at all. the republicans, 100% agree with him. at the end of the day, what we saw, by the end of this is both agree that his time has come and gone. so not to run again? not to run again. it started going up when he said my time has come. exactly. let s talk about the other
big story this week. original goodell and how he handled or didn t handle the ray rice situation. here he is talking about what it was like and coming up with his decision. let s look. because when we make a decision, we want to have all the information that s available. obviously that when we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happened. but what was ambiguous about her laying unconscious on the floor being dragged out by her feet? there was nothing ambiguous about that. that was a result. so he gets an f for that. he gets an absolute f. this was for risk. he came across as a liar. no one believed anything that he was saying. it wasn t credible. he didn t seem authentic. even though he said he was taking accountability for what he did, people didn t buy it. all right. let s move on to the other controversial part about the commissioner this week, he talked about what was on the tape and did he actually get the tape of what was inside, what
happened inside the elevator. we certainly didn t know what was on the tape, but we have been very open and honest and i have also, from two weeks ago when i acknowledged that we didn t get this right. that s my responsibility and i m accountable for that. when he takes responsibility, it goes up. but overall the grade is? overall i give him a d because the problem is people aren t buying what he s putting down there. if he had just said, i m going to take responsibility and accountability and we re going to move on and this is what we re going to do going forward, people might have responded because it went right up. but when he says we didn t know. we didn t have that information, people don t believe him. more and more is coming out and they ll have good reason not to believe him. we had read the republicans and democrats were really on the same page on that. absolutely. so those are the big stories. we got your dials. we know roughly how people feel. thanks so much. great job. thank you. 13 minutes before the top of the hour. up next, they re serving our country and make sweet country music at the same time.
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good morning, everybody. they are serving their country and playing country music at the same time. marine officer matt smith and john serving at the marine barracks in washington, d.c. two years later we love our country. with lady antebellum? how does that happen? now they re still active and getting ready for their biggest show yet. ours. joining us is matt and john. welcome to both you guys. thanks so much for your service. thank you for having us on. we re so excited to be here. you re in a break here. seven years, you ve been in six years.
multiple deployments. how did this all come together? it was all by chance. showed up at the barracks as a second duty station. matt and i found out we were from adjacent states and discovered we both played instruments. we started playing music in his backyard at a barbecue. his wife was making good food. transition from that to applying for this acm application through dod and got to go out and play with lady antebellum. you have a unique sound. we love it. first the name of the song is the mom looks good on you . i have a good story behind this. i m always look for stuff to pick to write a song. that line catches. so marcie had just given birth to our daughter and we were sitting around the dinner table and the conversation, hey, you still look at me the same and all that? and i told her, marcie, mom looks good on you. in my head, i m thinking, this might make a good song. i wrote this song in 15 minutes.
wow. you got about three to play it. thank you. one, two, three. yes, sir hear is my stuff the milk on the floor is just in a sipe cup those yoga pants might have a few stains but they show your curves off in all the right way the mom looks good on you i don t know how you do what you do you re getting hotter i love your singing through the baby monitor that mama is crazy looking hot in that rocking chair rocking a baby yeah steady you know it true yeah the mom looking good on you
that sure ain t a cadillac but you don t have time to care about that there is a million things left to do but you re sipping and smiling baby you re in a groove the moms looking good on you i don t know how you do what you do you re hot you re getting hotter i love your singing through the baby monitor that mommy driving me crazy looking hot in that rocking chair rock the baby steady, you know it true, yeah the mom s looking good on you you look now someone s got a skinned up knee
but a band-aid mama s kiss is all that he needs it s a mama s looking good on you i don t know how you do what you do you re hot and getting hotter i love your singing through the baby monitor that mama driving me crazy looking hot in that rocking chair rocking a baby let s get to working on number two yeah mom s look good on you mama s looking good on you i don t know how do you what you do you re hot getting hotter i love you re singing through the baby monitor and that mama girl s driving
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we re going to leave you with one for the road. meet brittany, the last surviving rescue dog who helped search for survivors after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. brittany and her owner returned to the site for the very first time this week at the 13th anniversary of the tragedy. she s now 15 years old and works with children in elementary school and a finalist for the american humane association s annual hero dog awards. you can cast your vote at top gun. maverick might be headed back to the big screen. negotiations underway for a top gun cell starring tom cruise. a players will be sporting those uniforms featuring a design honoring the 200
anniversary of the star spangled banner. thank you, francis scott key. the word triumph will be displayed on the back instead of the name. meet the two marines and learn more about them who sang for you moments ago in the after the show show. isis exploding in strength and size, according to the cia. they say the terror group has grown in size three times in just the past month. eric: look at the numbers released by the cia. the terror group has tripled in size, boasting 2,000 foreign fighters with western passports. this comes as the president implement his

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150114 23:00:00

further. i care about what you think but not what you think about me. i am the opposite. i don t care what you think. what do you think about me? special report is next. i m bret baier in washington. breaking late this afternoon the fbi revealed a plot by a suspected isis terrorist on the u.s. capitol. that is the latest in a number of high profile terrorism stories we are covering for you tonight. i will speak with the french ambassador to the u.s. about paris and his country s war against radical islam in a moment. first chief intelligence correspondent is live with the latest. seven page criminal complaint accuses a cincinnati, ohio man of pledging his support for isis online and actively plotting to wage in the fall of 2014 the
fbi says christopher cornell revealed revealed he is accused of viewing propaganda videos as well as researching his target in the construction of pipe bombs. he was charged with a quote at u.s. officer and the possession of a fire arm in furtherance of an attempted crime of violence. the court documents say he was inspired by the american cleric who was in charge of al qaeda in yemen s plot against the west. according to court documents stated i believe we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything. we already got a thumbs up from the brothers over there. an 11-minute video was released today. the state department told
reporters there is no reason to doubt the state s authen tisity adding the style is consistent with the terror group. when pressed on the paris massacre where the kouachi brothers said they were sent by al qaeda in yemen the adding it is not decimated or on the run as president obama husband consistently emphasized. clearly remains a threat as we have talked about. isis is a different kind of threat as we have also talked about which is why we are going after them in iraq and syria. an official emphasized that the ohio suspect was never in a position to execute his plot on the capitol. france meantime is making moves against islamic extremists. francois hollande is sending an aircraft carrier to the middle
east. the french government ordered a crack down on hate speech already rounding up several dozen people on related charges. charlie hebdo s first issue since the attack sold out before dawn. another print run of 2 million more copies is planned. let s bring in the french ambassador to the u.s. thank you so much. good evening. let s start with the latest on this investigation. there is apparently a new suspect who has been identified an accomplice. it is obvious that the two killers were supported by a network. we have to dismantle the network. we have first identify one member of the network and secondly we know now from where the weapons are coming. apparently in the neighborhood where there is a lot of
trafficking. now weapons are you have a lot which are that you can buy. the video we saw today was al qaeda and the arabian peninsula taking credit for this attack. we know that both of the brothers the kouachi brothers travelled out of the country to yemen and there was some kind of coordination according to intelligence officials. what do you know about the tie to al qaeda? that is one of the big questions that we have to answer because there are two main possibilities. one is that al qaeda is the sponsor. do and kill these guys. the other one would be that al qaeda is the operational commander of the operation. it makes a lot of difference. if we discover that al qaeda can organize such an attack of
course it will be very serious. it may be the case because the attack was very professional. it was not the way we were expecting. they behave as a military command. it is worrying so the investigation is conducted precisely. we have another person being named here. there are other people being looked for. of course. tied to this cell. yeah. it s a network. now we have to look for the people. some names are floating around. we know the wife of the killer of the shop decided to go to syria the day before the attack and she was with somebody that we have identified and which is linked also.
the world has obviously reacted to these attacks. i want you to take a listen to the turkish president and his comments and how he reacted. translator: the hypocrisy of the west is obvious. as muslims we never stood up for terrorism or massacres. racism hatred lies beneath the. your reaction to that? i don t i m only an ambassador. i don t react to a president. what i want to say is as the prime minister said we are at war with radical islam. it means that right now that islam and in a sense muslims but islam is breeding [ inaudible ] which is quite dangerous for everybody.
i think in the coming weeks or coming months we have to define the global strategy. the part of the strategy is to work with the muslim countries, to do that part of the job. are you surprised by the reluctance of the obama administration to use the word radical islam? everybody has its own sensitivity. really that is the political life in the u.s. it s not the same thing as the political life in france. the fact is in france we have know an attack which was really an attack by islamists. it was not only an attack by islamists but an attack by western venues. that led our government to define the war and say now it s clear what we have. on one side islamists and on the other side democracy. i have heard you and other french officials deal with the unity march and the lack of a high profile official.
i want to ask you about the challenges uniquely to france with some 6 million muslims and this question about assimilation and what is happening in your country and the challenge that that involves. well, again first in a sense it is not only a french challenge. why the french in a sense are on the forefront because we are the first community out of the u.s. and first muslim community. that is the reason in a sense why we are the first. i think it was yesterday or a few days ago the head said an attack against london is i quote highly likely. we are all of us we have the same problem. it s not because you are in a society that you become a
killer. the fact is that there is the fact of radical islam. that is not the same. one may be the breeding ground for the other. we appreciate your time today. thank you very much. the reach and strength of islamic militants and terrorists grows by the day. even though one powerful force in terror hasn t grabbed headlines lately it grabbed a lot of ground. jennifer griffin reminds us of the grave threat by boko haram. reporter: the head of boko haram tried to retake the spot light praising the attack in france in a new video. the terrorists kidnapped 200 christian school girls last april prompting a twitter campaign for their release. it has been on the move capturing 12 tons. they control more territory than isis. president obama has been able to draw forces into the iraq and syrian region to be able to
confront isis. boko haram and its spread in northern nigeria across the northern part of the continent of africa is equally a threat. reporter: slaughtered up to 2,000 people last week after capturing a base causing some to ask why after i am charlie the world is not saying i am baga. we essentially are in boko haram s backyard. we have a lot of americans who live there and teach there and have the families there. and so you cannot just leave us stranded like that. reporter: competing for attention with isis and al qaeda, boko haram recently sent a 10-year-old female suicide bomber into a market place killing 16 people. we haven t seen boko haram s focus beyond the region. it starts regional and like a
cancer it spreads. reporter: the nigerian government cancelled a u.s. terrorism training program last month and senior u.s. officials confirmed it has not asked for u.s. drones to take off in search for the girls in some time. up next republicans make the case against president obama s immigration plan while national security hangs in the balance. k fox 14 in el paso covering a deadly crash in west texas. eight inmates died after a bus carrying state prisoners lost control in icy conditions and collided with a freight train. two climbers closing in on the top of the peak in yosemite national park. the pair started the climb two days after christmas and have been climbing without the use of harnesses and ropes.
this is a live look at phoenix from our affiliates. the big story there tonight the secret testimony of jodi ariousas. she was convicted last year for the 2008 death of travis alander. a new jury is deciding on life in prison or the death penalty. that is tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. ying ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. [ m m. ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell s healthy request. m m! m m! good.® nexium® 24hr. it s the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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republicans today cleared the first and easiest hurdle in stopping president obama s executive moves on immigration. lawmakers are heavily divided on whether or not president obama should veto the bill if it reaches his desk. everyone seems to think their opponent s position would jeopardize american safety. chief congressional
correspondent with that story on capitol hill tonight. the yeas are 236 and the nays are 191. reporter: defiant house lawmakers passed a $39.7 billion homeland security funding package loaded with amendments designed to stop president obama s executive action on immigration. we are dealing with a president who has ignored the people ignored the constitution and even his own past statements. reporter: boehner rattled off nearly two dozen examples of the president s words saying he had the authority. republican argued this is not partisan. this is a fight over whether this branch of government will ever find the courage to stand up for itself. reporter: a new poll reveals voters are more than twice as likely to think the republican congress will win most often than the president. democrats who pushed the president to act last year warned republicans will pay a heavy price.
the fruits of your action today will cause only anger and outrage and mobilization of an immigrant community throughout this nation. reporter: the house measure would halt the administration s efforts to stop deportations of millions of illegal immigrants. democrat claimed the amendments were inconsistent with american values. young people, we have dreams for you. we dream of the great things you are going to do helping to make america a greater country. reporter: 26 republicans voted against the proposal to end mr. obama s deferred action for childhood arrivals program protecting so-called dreamers. says it is a magnet drawing children here and defended her amendments. is it radical to support the rule of law? is it radical to fight for american workers who are going to lose their jobs to illegal
aliens? reporter: with some democrats arguing taking on the fight is dangerous some say the commander in chief shouldn t veto. he will have a choice whether his unlawful executive amnesty is more important than keeping americans safe. i think that would be a grave mistake. first gop leaders must figure out what can get through the senate. republicans are the majority party but they need 60 to pass the bill. thanks. stocks fell across the board today. the dow slumped 187. the s&p 500 was off 12. the nasdaq finished 22 behind. change is afoot at the embattled secret service. fox news confirms four high ranking executives in the agency have been reassigned. this is the biggest shakeup since former director julia pearson was forced to resign last year after a fence jumper with a knife got into the white house. breaking news on 2016. who is in and who is out?
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regulation seems to be the order of the day. we will look at how the president is dealing with the internet in just a moment. first here is chief white house correspondent ed henry on the administration s moves on methane. reporter: after pledging to cooperate with republican leaders president obama picked another battle revealing plans at new regulations. i only have two years in office left i m kind of in a
rush. reporter: such a rush that top industry officials charge the move to cut emissions of methane by up to 45% by 2025 is unrealistic and will hammer a recovering economy. it has a chilling effect on our ability to produce the oil and natural gas that we need in this country. what they have done today is said we are not interested in cleaning the air. we are interested in regulation for the sake of regulation. reporter: officials at the environmental defense fund released this video to show that methane has a huge impact on the environment because its 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide. addressing the issue of climate change but this also represents waste. the fact of the matt aer is the industry today emits enough gas to heat 6 million homes a year. taking action to reduce these leaks will help save energy for the american economy. reporter: industry officials note that voluntary standards
they had already adopted were bringing carbon emissions down by 17% without the president s intervention. another kind of one size fits all regulation that is going to have an impact on one of the most innovative industries int country. reporter: the new regulations to be fleshed out will be hitting an oil industry dealing with the fact that while plummeting gasoline prices are welcome news for the public. the consumer will have more income in the pocket. retail spending may be on oughtautos or eating out. it is a net positive for the u.s. reporter: folks are talking about shutting down rigs and possibly cutting jobs. we have been running four rigs most of 2014. we have already dropped one down to three and we will be in the process in late february early march and will go two. environmental defense fund told me a lot of the emission reduction from industry came
because of previous regulations. he hopes the new rounds of regulations will spark more emission cuts and making the industries more efficient. thank you. what if any, control should the u.s. government have over the internet? depending who you ask net neutrality is a way to protect folks from companies or a slew of unnecessary regulations that hurt competition and ultimately consumers. correspondent doug mcelway breaks it all down. reporter: greeted by protesters one with a sign that said no more executive actions the president came to cedar falls utilities to tout his latest. this utility is one of a handful to provide high speed internet free of tiered pricing and blocked content. it is a model for the president s national plan. in too many places across america some big companies are doing everything they can to keep out competitors. today in 19 states we have laws
on the books that stamp out competition and make it really difficult for communities to provide their own broad band. reporter: federal communications commissioner supports net nutrality despite one cost estimate of $15 billion in new state and federal taxes a year. he writes the internet must not advantage some to the detriment of others. it is argued that net nutrality is orwell yn. it is anything but neutral. first thing the government wants to do is regulate the cost of the internet by allocating the costs to servers rather than having the free market allocate the cost. it is a form of price regulation. history shows that price regulationtypically results either in higher prices or lower quality service. reporter: labor may have shrunk but so did prices. the reagan administration
deregulated phone companies resulting in lower prices and more choice. proponents fear a growing monopoly by folks like google. if broad band companies become too large we have general laws to take that into account. reporter: the s.e.c. is set to vote on a final law by late february. that may spur the republican controlled congress into action. needs to get out of the way and let innovation take place. reporter: the biggest resistance may come from the american people who have learned the hard way that promises of sweeping new regulations don t always mean lower costs, better choice and better service. thank you. up next, the justice department treats a small business trying to get by like hucksteres trying to steal your money.
they say they knew the feds were trouble from the very start.
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harming legitimate businesses. investigators of potential fraudsteres are being investigated.
reporter: mike owns the tiny hawkins gun store in northern wisconsin. he banked through his local credit union. i received a call from the local credit union and i was told to close my business account. reporter: he went in and recorded the bank manager. firearms ammunition, auctioner auctioners. his business was placed on a high risk list created by a department of justice program. banks and payment processors are told if they keep accounts with businesses on the list they will be subject to heightened scrutiny and increased audits. we located several business owners from pay day lenders to pawnshops who say their accounts
were closed because of operation choke point. says the operation was created to combat fraud but evolved into morality police with bureaucrats subjectively targeting businesses. they think if they can cut off legal businesses ability to bank they can put the businesses they don t like out of business. reporter: the department of justice told fox news we do not target businesses operating within the bounds of the law and have no interest in pursuing or discouraging lawful conduct. that is a bold faced lie. we have memos that shows they were targeting legal businesses. reporter: one memo provided to us seems to show an indifference. consumer protection branch director writes in reference to pay day lenders although we recognize the possibility that banks may have decided to stop doing business with legitimate lenders who do not believe that such decisions should alter our investigative plans.
the u.s. consumer coalition says choke point has intimidated banks into closing thousands of accounts. this is one of the greatest abuses of power that the country has never heard of. most of the businesses we contacted have been able to find alternative banks. he may be able to return to his local credit union however he found another bank to avoid going out of bz. congressman duffy thinks the auvl bank accounts will only last until investigators krut scrutinize those institutions as well. in chicago, thank you. attorney general eric holder announced new revisions to justice department guidelines including the use of subpoenas. holder says the new protocol struck a balance between protecting the american people and allowing the free flow of information. you may remember holder said late last year that his biggest
regret in office was his approval in a national security leak investigation of a secret search warrant application that branded chief washington correspondent rosen a criminal and a flight risk. speaking of our chief washington correspondent james rosen, james takes us through the 2016 tug of war between the establishment candidates and the up and comers. reporter: murphy s diner in manchester offers the first of five new hampshire stops for republican senator of rand paul of kentucky with the game club prompting the prospect to switch out his suit jacket for one with greater appeal to gun owners. democrats jumped on these comments about individuals who paul accused of gaining the system. over half the people on disability or either anxious or their back hurts.
join the club. i m not saying there aren t legitimate people who are disabled. if you have able bodied people taking the money there is not enough money left for people who are truly disabled. rand paul has yet again proven he is not a new type of republican. he is a leader who wants to help get a fair shot. after a common core event helped to contrast with jeb bush, paul called mitt romney the 2012 nominee a good person and good businessman but suggested republicans also look for somebody new. the same old same old has been tried. if we try the same thing again we might get the same result. reporter: chris christie with strong ties to wall street is reportedly forming a leadership pack, a step towards a presidential run. bush s early action has spurred
about everyone in the crowded field to speed up deliberation. do you have a timeline? we need to do it soon enough so we can mount a credible campaign. we are getting close. reporter: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren the economic populous who many have called on to challenge hillary clinton if the former secretary of state seeks the democratic nomination telling fortune magazine no when asked if she will run for president. thank you. up next, the threat of terror with plots at home in europe, the mid east and africa. fox all stars weigh in after the break.
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dangerous affiliate with aq core and that they perpetrated these kinds of attacks. for al qaeda is a shell of its former self. we decimated the al qaeda leadership that attacked us on 9/11. it continues to be clear that core al qaeda has been decimated. the state department saying al qaeda is very active and that al qaeda in the arabian peninsula may be behind this french attack that they are seeing and the cell they are looking for. the plot that we told you at the beginning of the show thwarted by the fbi is described as an isis sympathizer. we will start with fox polls. just new out tonight the threat from islamic extremists is 64% of you say increasing. and is president obama prepared to do whatever it takes to
defeat islamic extremists and there you see he is ticking down on that front. now, let s bring in our panel. senior writer for the weekly standard. opinion writer for the washington post and syndicated columnist. thoughts? this parsing of the groups that are getting stronger and not getting stronger, the administration just is always focused on what are called core al qaeda as if you can ignore all of the other elements, all of the other scattered islamist groups around the world. that doesn t wash anymore. it doesn t make any difference. you can call it core al qaeda, but there are core al qaeda operatives in yemen. it is an appendage of core al qaeda. it was by the paris attacks. it is obviously a significant one.
what you have is a competition between isis on one hand and on the other hand al qaeda with its core and affiliates and the fact that we focus on one or the other is beside the point. what is new is the geography of this terrorism. each of these now is developing its own sovereign territory. as we know in iraq and syria. al qaeda is generally in yemen where it is autonomous and boko haram just spilled in out of nigeria. it is also sovereign in the area and they have the small elements in the small no go zones in europe especially in france. that is the new territory of islamism. it is not on the run. it is not hiding. it is out in the open. officials say they are not no-go zones but areas where there is high crime and happen
to be all muslim but they refuse the no-go characterization. since 2006 where all of the suburbs were flame, the french police do not venture here and people know that it is ruled by either gangsteres or by clerics. the administration chuck, is very careful to parse which group is doing what and doing this dividing. they are also careful not to say radical islam. we have been now four days with white house questions about that phrase. you heard the french ambassador say each has to choose as they are saying we are at a war with radical islam. why should these last four days be different from the last five or six years in which there has been a concerted effort to characterize the enemy as violent extremism? there is really nothing new there. i would have thought maybe in
the heat of the moment where it is so obvious that these particular perpetrators were islamists and striking back against somebody they thought insulted the prophet. i think we have to give some credit to the administration for one point on this which is the story about yemen. it s not as if they are not doing anything about yemen. yemen is being regularly hammered in these aqap groups by drone strikes. the administration did launch air strikes against isis in syria and so forth and perhaps part of the problem that we are now facing is that those strikes themselves are breeding a kind of back lash that they are using to recruit terrorists against the west. you are not suggesting as the president did that yemen and somalia are success stories. to the extent he was portraying that as a success. it was a mistake to do so. you can t say no effort is being
made. if we are making effort anywhere that is where it is. it is evident to a lot of people that this is al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. they are taking credit for it in a new video but al qaeda core in yemen seems to have this umbrella operation that continues to be spreading around europe and all over. this is largely a false distinction and has been for quite some time. the president and his administration like to talk about al qaeda core because they don t want to have to address the threats. they have ended the war on terror. if there is a network of al qaeda and al qaeda affiliates dedicated to killing civilians world wide then a war on that network is not only appropriate but it s the only responsible thing to do. the war is over. the president is not prosecuting that war. if, on the other hand, we are seeing a series of lone wolves and having intelligence officials backgrounding
reporters today saying what happened in paris were lone wolves. which is what the ambszder said is not true. by definition if there are two they are not lone wolves. beyond that we have an abundance of evidence that al qaeda in yemen was at least involved. whether they helped sponsor them or had command and control we may not know but eric holder on sunday distanced the administration from any intelligence so we have no evidence suggesting al qaeda in the arabian peninsula was behind the attacks. it reminded me of the president three days after it was admitted to the fbi that he had been sent by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula the president said he was an isolated extremist. he wasn t. the administration can sort of maintain the false narrative that this isn t a war and doesn t need to be a war. but it does need to be a war. right now it is a war that we
are losing. we will continue this discussion on the other side of the break. stouffer s mac and cheese with real aged cheddar now in a convenient cup. new stouffer s mac cups. made for you to love. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44. whoooo! forty-four, that s me! get . test test. test test. test test. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that s me! whoo.gonna get some cold cuts today!
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the mission that is starting is also an answer to terrorism. we are at war with them, so we must put military means that are more adapted in the face of the threats. i m describing to you the reasons why we have not chosen to use that label because it doesn t seem to accurately described what had happened. we also don t want to be in a situation where we are legitimizing what we consider to be a completely illegitimate justification for this violence. continuing our discussion about terrorism, what the administration is doing on
it, about it, there is number five is the fox poll obama on terrorism. president obama on terrorism, what the new fox poll shows is that he stands at 39% approval. 53% disapproval. and there you can see the record low and the record high of those two. we re back with the panel. steve? i think the problem when you have day after day have you administration officials dancing around using this term radical islam or islamist is it suggests both to people here and to people fighting alongside of us or who would be fighting alongside of us if we were fighting more of a war that he we don t really know who we are fighting and that we re not that dedicated to actually winning the battle. i think it s dangerous because not only sends the message to the people who are on our side but more importantly, it sends that message to the people on the other side. and the administration makes these distinctions sometimes they are distinctions without a difference. as in the statements from nasa are a al nasary made
the statements peninsula. no question is he a member of al qaeda core. so you have, again, the administration making this distinction when al qaeda itself doesn t make the same distinction. what about the french here. french president out on the aircraft carrier charles deploying that aircraft carrier to the middle east to step up air strikes against isis saying it s a war against radical islam and kind of leading the way here. yeah, it s kind of ironic reversal in a way. he is paving a little bit like george w. bush after september 11th, 2001. there is obvious reason for that is that france just got hit and they just got hit very hard. they got hit in a way that talents to divide their whole society and they have gotten a wakeup call. they do have of all the european country probably probably the largest capability to project force like that, i think he would be under terrible political pressure if he didn t react this way. i want to say something about this word game that the administration is
playing. you can say that it muddles the picture of who we are fighting and so forth but you have to acknowledge at some level this is a tough circle to square. we need the support of muslim countries in this war on terrorism. there has to be some effort made to distinguish between the so to speak friendly forces in the muslim world and those who we are opposed to. george w. bush did the same thing. he may not have, you know gone to the length of denying that this is islamist terrorism all together, but he went to great lengths to distinguish. he used the phrase radical islam. i m just saying that that s what that is the legitimate intention behind what they are doing. you conceive concede it is verbal gymnastics? it s a silly intention. the entire world knows there is a difference between islam and radical islam and particularly the moderate muslims. that s not erdwan says.
the uae uses the word radical islam. egypt, you would admit is a majority muslim country industry, 90% muslim. its president stood up and gave a speech on january the 1st to an audience of clerics in which he said we have to reform islam. this is coming out of islam. it is a joke what the administration is doing because everybody understands that you use a phrase radical islam you are not indicting all of islam. you know ba la persist this absurd word game. if everybody know what is it is what s the advantage of actually saying it, if everybody knows it s radical islam what difference does it make if he says it. everybody understands that we distinguish between a radical islam ministry islam and islam but if you as because you are afraid that there will be people who don t understand that you don t say radical islam. you say we are fi violent extremism, what does
that mean? it means nothing. we will continue this discussion in the online show. that s it for the panel. but speaking of which, stay tuned to find out what happens when the panel stop being polite but the cameras are still rolling. .that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it s not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could ve been brenda.
if you haven t been there before, here is what you have missed recently. let me take advantage of special report online. yes please. don t drop an f bomb or something. no, no, no. you can spare a couple minutes for you. for you and others, of course. outnourished. [ laughter ] you are one lucky guy. i have got to tell you something, you are right on this. again, 7 says what ms did juan start taking? did charles prescribe them?

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