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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150108 23:00:00

the promo left out the it goes to one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. nbc, you screwed up. never miss an episode. france expands the search for the terrorists still at large. this is special report. good evening. i m bret baier. as the manhunt continues for the person trags of the terrorists in france they confront a new reality where terrorism comes in smaller and harder to prevent waves. and administration critics are raising concerns tonight that the obama administration may not be up to the new challenge. we have fox team challenge howard kurtz and ed at the white
house. we begin with senior foreign affairs greg palkot in paris. hi, greg. reporter: they re in the hopes of capturing the terrorists who vicious act is creating a national trauma. just one day after the brutal attack which left 12 people dead and four critically injured, paris grieves and the authorities search a massive manhunt intensified today for the main suspects in the killing. brothers 32-year-old cherif and 34-year-old said kouachi both with reported terror links supposedly operated under police radar. no more. their pictures have been distributed nationwide. that has prompted false alarms and false reports but possible results as well. two people resembling the men were spotted at a gas station
thursday morning and then flee from their car some 40 miles east of paris. that has triggered a big influx of police vehicles, helicopters manpower, and a major door-to-door search. another suspect turned himself in overnight claiming he was innocent. it s believed he could have driven the getaway car, this as paris remains on edge. a policewoman dealing with a traffic accident was shot and kimmed by a gunman this morning. authorities now reportedly say they don t think there s a link. some 850 soldiers and police officers are being put into the mix to help protect religious sites, media offices and police buildings. there is fear there could be another strike. translator: we salute that the french people gathered and were united yesterday. and there s this will to fight
liberty and tolerance. reporter: a national day of mourning was declared. all activity ceased decisions for the moment forgotten, the notre dame cathedral, a scene of contemplation and emotion. the scene of the attack was also filled with people. the charlie hebdo newspaper office down the street. flowers and candles and newspapers grow as there is concern by the attacks from all sides. i m really concerned, all the fact that they re using that. there s no word to describe what s happened. reporter: emotions also felt by those around the world including americans living here. it s horrific. it s not just an attack on freedom of speech. it s an attack on human beinging beingings, and we re all human beings. reporter: one more note. the newspaper charlie hebdo said they would come out with
their usual paper next week. this week the usual is 60,000. next week they ll come out with a million. the terrorism policy and his desire to close down the detention facility at guantanamo bay and even the language he used are coming under attack in the wake of the attack. we re joined live with breaking news. hi, ed. reporter: that s right. in the last couple of moments, the president took a motorcade here to washington to pay his respecting on a day in which he tried to keep his focus instead of the state of the union address. the day after the paris terror attack, president obama did not mention it as he tried to stay on message about the housing rebound in arizona where top visor valerie jarrett tweeted a photo of the president posing with the state s former congresswoman gabby giffordsed on the anniversary of the shooting that changed her own
life. he joked how his brother i m still around. i ve got work to do. reporter: a reference to his economic work that he s going to be doing. the republicans today charged the president also needs to get to work on making american homeland safer in the wake of the paris attack. senator lindsey gra hasn t said they re trying to bring paris-style attacks to america and policies of releasing terrorists from guantanamo gets them closer to their plan. his campaign promises are getting a lot of people killed. reporter: white house aides were eager to counter that by noting the president going aboard. he called to review mesh s security posture on top of what he said in the oval office
shortly after what he said in the oval office. to hunt down and bring the perpetrators of this specific act to justice. reporter: they also want to know why the president s motorcade literally drove past the veteran s hospital after the scandal last year. aides noted other top officials had already visited and the administration has taken dozens of steps to turn the problem around. is he not going to visit the v.a. hospital in phoenix that was the source of so much controversy and death? i haven t seen the president s full schedule yet but i don t believe at this point that that s something he plans to do. reporter: he said the commander in chief should have stopped in because the system is still broken. and we call on the president to offer a long-term vision for reforming the systemic problems at the v.a. we ve yet to see it. now, on the terror front the president is sending eric holder there this weekend to meet with his counterparts and stay on top
of the threat. ed henry on the north lawn. thank you. it cement a chill across the collective media. howard kurtz tonight on how the media cover the slaughter of some of their own. reporter: the office of the satirical newspaper had already been firebombed when they talked about defined threats from extremists. it might sound a bit pompous to say so but i d rather die standing than live on my nighs. sharcharbonnier was among 12 people killed yesterday for mocking islam. while the president denounced an attack on free speech, a debate on how the killers should be described. there s a long history of this white house being very very reluctant to talk about terrorism, to call something terrorism, but they pretty quickly called it terrorism because it was so obviously terrorism. what they haven t done is called
it islamic terrorism. i stopped calling them muslim terrorists. they re about as muslim as i am. they have no respect for life. that s not what the koran said. these tiftactivists found their targets. activists? terrorists jihadists or murderers seem more appropriate. the other debate is where the noose organizations in a gesture of solidarity should run the cartoons that many found offensive. at the moment, fox news, nbc, cnn and o news outlets are not doing so. their longstanding poll iscyicy is to refrain from deliberately provocative images. it s become a surefire way for islamic terrorists to generate global publicity as isis demonstrated when it reported
videos of the beheading of james foley and steve sotloff. one thing is clear. that attack was an attack on all of journalism. brett? howard, thanks. up next the new republican congress makes its first move against obamacare. fox c.t. in hartford, connecticut, where the supreme court rules a 17-year-old who wants to stop getting chemotherapy must continue getting treatments. the girl known as cassandra c. was diagnosed with hodgkin s limbymphoma in september. it s not snakes on a plane but it s snakes in a toilet. a boa constrictor was found in a toilet at a downtown marketing firm. the building manager said it apparently belongs to a tenant
in a in the building. yikes. a delay in what is built as the first smart budweiser vending machine. a team spokesman said there are additional logistics to be worked out so patrons will just have to get their beer the old-fashion way. that s a live look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. i have the worst cold with this runny nose. i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn t treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is.
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and the american heart association s go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you ll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all printers are on sale. plus great deals on hp ink and toner. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. . the house has approved its first direct challenge to obamacare of the new congressional session, but that bill and a few others can probably be considered dead on arrival if they make it to the white house. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is on the hill tonight.
it would go from 30 to 40 hours a week. supporters of the measure say they re trying to fix a fundamental law in obamacare. this rule is costing people jobs. this rule is knocking people out of full-time work. reporter: democrats seemed reluctant to tweak the president s signature law. this bill will allow you to work ten more hours without health care. isn t that wonderful. in phoenix the president didn t mention his veto threat to the keystone pipeline but did mention this bill. speaker john boehner expressed his frustration that president obama started the 114th congress with veto threats. we have a president, you know, at a minimum he could have wait add few hours, maybe could have waited a few days. we were taking our vote of office when he was issuing veto threats.
come on. reporter: how democratic leader nancy pelosi said they could sustain the vetoes but the party is the problem. they said right from the start that to prevent the president from being a success was the most important thing they could do very a red state democrat trying to build support for the key stone pipeline and the senate sounded furious with the president s negativity. never gave it a chance. that s not the way you do legislation, it s not the way democracy work. reporter: when harry read wasid was the majority leader he didn t have to worry about i. mitch mcconnell says this is a new era. it s going be run differently and to stop the president keystone was passed by the senate committee and the house is expected to approve the bill tomorrow. that sets the stage for an early showdown between this congress and the president. brett? mike emanuel live on the hill.
thanks. south korea s defense ministry says north cree yeah may now have the ability to strike the u.s. mainland with missiles. the declaration comes as recent satellite imagery appears to show a submarine being equipped to fire the weapons. the south said the north is advancing efforts to miniaturize nuclear warheads. the pents gone revealed the details today. the u.s. would remove troops from about 15 bases and prepare the first pertinent european base in britain for the new f 35 fighter. prisoners have been released. this comes amid president obama s dramatic foreign policy shift toward direct relations with cuba and there s speculation tonight that the nation s top diplomat was cut out of the loop regarding the change.
chief correspondent rosen looks into it. from the moment the president said he s go over it. they ve buzzed about speculation about how much the state department really knew about the initiative. the way the whole thing was negotiated was not exactly out of a textbook. the way i understand it a lot of it was secret in the state department until a week before the deal. the white house has confirmed the secret talks were led not by secretary john kerry noreau berta jacobson but rather by two staffers on the white house national security council. this was not negotiated at a diplomatic level. it was negotiated at a secret level under the see correct control of the white house as a political move. you sent unqualified people to negotiate with hard brutal spies and representatives of tyrants.
reporter: secretary kerry denied he was cut out of the loop. there are negotiations the secretary leads. there are negotiations that sometimes the nfc has more of a role of. senator menendez said the obama administration s use leaves him concerned about transparency and accountability. it s going to create a doubt in my mind when state department witnesses come before the committee, are they either telling us the entire truth or are they just shunned out of the process by the white house? but either way it s going to create some real concerns about the veracity of what we re hearing in testimony as we move forward. the state department has finalized the dates as the first round of the talks between the u.s. and cuba to be held in cuba
and to be led by statesman jacobson. don t forget to join me for a facebook q and a following the show tonight. wow, i m really smiley in that picture. you can go there to join the conversation. still ahead, our profiles and possible presidential contenders continue. tonight texas governor rick perry. first, one of the senate s staunchest liberals is waving a white flag after the republican takeover.
california democratic senator barbara boxer said she will not seek releekz next year. that s opened up a seat that has
been boxers for more than 20 years. and we re going to be working with a new and dynamic president bill clinton. after her five terms in the house california first elected barbara boxer to the senate in 1992. today the 74-year-old said she will not run again. i want to come home. i want to come home to the state that i love so much california. democratic house leader nancy pelosi was surprised having missed a call from the senator. i thought she wanted to maybe have dinner tonight or something. reporter: born in brooklyn boxer first gained notoriety in a crusade against clarence thomas and later packwood, both accused of sexual harass management. but later the words came back to haunt her over words about bill clinton. we cannot and will not and must not give up because it s our job. reporter: she s stromgngly
pro-choice and anti-war. it s been boxer behind the scenes who i think has made a tremendous difference in defining who democrats have been over the last 30 years. often abrupt and direct boxer made headlines when she embarrassed a witness in 2009. ma am at the you know, do me a favor? can you say senator instead of ma am? it s just a thing. i worked so hard to get that title. former san francisco mayor and lieutenant governor gave innewsome and the current attorney general. there is carly fiorina who lost to boxer in 2010 and wealthy congressman darrell issa. brett? thank you. stocks today surnl surjedged on wall street. the dow finished up 323, s&p 500
went up 36. we have a look at the texas governor rick perry. these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i m a bit skeptical of sure things. why s that? look what daddy s got. ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an clear inside mode. transitions ® signature ™ adaptive lenses .are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit ® . upgrade your lenses to transitions ® signature ™ .
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a manchester new hampshire tv station reports that texas governor rick perry has
scheduled a trip to the state next month. it s another indication perry may run for president again. tonight we continue our series of reports profiling perspective 2016 candidates with a look at rick perry 2.0. that s mexico. that is mexico. that s how close it is. and this is a pretty wide spot in the river. you can see the challenges you ve got all through here, the massive amount of population on both sides. aboard a border patrol boat on the rio grande river outgoing texas governor rick perry is in his element. this is where they occur. yes, sir. 55%. 55% of all the apprehensions are in this rio grande region. he knows immigration issues along the border better than most. in july he deployed the texas
national guard to beef up security during an influx of illegal immigrants. i will not stand idly by while our citizens are under assault and little children from central america are detained in squaller. he urged president obama to visit the border and to step up the federal border presence. well, if texas wasn t doing anything, there would be a freeway through here, i mean literally. i also flew over the rio grande valley with the governor. when you hear the president saying the border is secure i have no idea what he s talking about. i don t know. i can t get in his head because i see what i see and i know what i know. he must have a totally different understanding about what a secure border is than what i i do. i know the border s not secure. i mean i look at the numbers. in republican circles they tout perry s leadership on border security and during the recent ebola scare in his state. one of our goals in assembling this task force is to
reach out beyond texas. and with a still booming texas economy texas has add 1.1 million jobs in the last three years alone. one-third of all the net private sector jobs created in this country in the last 14 years have been in texas. but when anyone mentions a possible second presidential run for perry, most people will at some point in the discussion end up back here a moment that helped end his third run. the third agency of government i would do away with education, the commerce and let s see. oh my. i can t the third one i can t. sorry. oops. you say you learned a lot from the last run. is it frustrating to you that the focus is that one moment? is it? no. listen. it wasn t just that one moment. i don t think i was prepared. i don t think i was physically and mentally ready, obviously had that back surgery and
thought in six weeks i could be over with that and the fact is you can t. it takes a long time to get over a major back surgery. a md thenand then just the preparations. people don t understand the great amount of preparation that s required. you kind of joke about that moment. you might as well. it s happened to all of us at some point in time. i happened to do it in front of 4 million people so it was you know, it was a moment that happened. i don t think i m going to be defined by it. in the past several months perry has tapped experts from top think tanks for lack of a better phrase policy training. i ve spent a lot of time at hoover institute, brookings institute, studied people like henry kissinger and george schultz. i think that s the type of preparation if you re going to be a serious candidate that you have to have. i think there are principles you have to work everywhere.
if you don t overwork or overtax and you have a skilled work force, that will even work in california. in california at the reagan library perry recently focused on foreign policy. the nearest threat we face is not foreign in nature. it s our own complacency. it s the view that if it s thousands of miles away are not our business. when an american president says there s a red line that s drawn, our allies know that we re going to be there for them, and those that cross that red line in opposition of the united states need to know that there will be a real penalty for crossing that red line. that s what i mean by we have to project out america s influence, our values, and we haven t done that in the last six years. our all lies know that. but even more importantly our enemies know that. many say he has a big hill to
climb in the run. we ve had plenty of people to flop and come back for a second or third act. it s silly to rule him out. he s got some cam paper skill, but he d have to get over the immediate reaction that he did poorly last time. this indictment is fundamentally a political act. then there s perry s recent indictment on two felony counts of abusive power that could lead to court. from the left to the right you have david irshow it was to ken star that are basically calling this app assault on the constitution. hopefully we can get through it and it gets thrown out. nothing to it. nothing to it. this is a district attorney i lost faith in, the vast majority of the state lost faith in because of the drunk driving, the clear abuse of her power when it came to those videos of how she treated the law
enforcement, and i did what i said i would do and i would do it again faced with the same information, the same evidence. does it hold you back at all? hasn t so far. perry openly talks about his faith. he said he s for traditional marriage and is pro-life and says states should deal with those issues. you tout education progress in the state. where are you on common core? we re not far. i don t think the federal government needs to be deciding what the curriculum needs to be. the education business needs to be left to the state. and when it comes to his final decision about running how much is your wife pushing you do run for president? my wife is a patriot and i will suggest to you that she wants to see leadership in this country that can get america back on track, optimistic vision for the country and certainly my wife would love to see a president of the united states that has that those
characteristics of positive vision for this country to articulate what s really on the heart of americans. i ll read through the lines there. you may. next up on the presidential contenders 2016 i ll sit down with ohio governor john kasich. new trouble tonight for another possible contender. the wall street report reports the prosecutors have s&ped governor chris christie s new jersey campaign. he canceled government meetings after the mayor declined to endorse christie s candidacy in 2013. christie s office refuses to comment. former fox news contributor and possible presidential candidate dr. ben carson is apologizing for not reciting all his sources for his 2012 book america the beautiful. carson says his omissions were inadvertent and his publisher
said they will be updated. boston will be the mesh contender to host the 2024 olympic games. i beat out washington, and san francisco. other contenders include germany and cass aablancacasablanca, morocco. the manhunt continues. we ll talk about all of it with the panel when we come back. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup.
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solidarity to the people of france following the terrible terrorist attack in paris. as allies across the centuries we stand by to make sure justice is done and our way of life is defended. we go forward knowing that terror is no match for freedom. viva la france. just as we get more information the manhunt continues and it s thought they re tied to one particular group. the fact is there s about 5,000 jihadists in france right now and it s difficult to monitor that volume, that number of people you re concerned about, and it s very unfortunate. this to me seems like a very different style attack, a little more sophisticated, if you will, with direct ties to a cell that assisted aqi, al qaeda and iraq. arabian peninsula, it s
believe this group is tied to. let s bring in our panel. george your thoughts. france has a very different kind of immigration problem than we have because they have different kinds of immigrants. first of all they have a large number from islamic nations. second, they come there and they re isolated. there s no assimilation of tradition, no assimilation of desire on the parts of many of these people. they live what europeans have come to call dish cities. they re defined by satellite dishes brings ining in the culture that they left and don t want to leave behind. therefore they have these no-go zones where really portions of france have been taken over and semiseceded from france. so as the congressman just said, the idea that the security services have to keep tracks of thousands of potential
terrorists is a dauntsing thing. we have a problem but nothing like this. yep. obviously amy, up on capitol hill you heard more and more concerns about are we ready. right. is this administration leading the way and the right way in this new threat. late this afternoon we got word that these two brothers were actually on the no-fly list, that they were in the terror database. theoretically they couldn t get from there to here. it also feels a little bit different from what we were talking about when the issue was isis or ebola. those things to americas felt a lot closer to home. to george s point, there s a lot of this that is unique to europe. there s a lot that we understand could be transported here to this country but i think for a lot of folks, beheading americans by isis was something that they were going to attach themselves to much more strongly than this issue.
the legal issues are so much more. it s not a western-like society that is decidedly un-american. there is no death penalty. there s no life imprisonment. most of the police don t have guns. a human being, a cop trying to carry a gun, impossible in france. what these creeps did yesterday was the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel. they knew there would be no firepower whatsoever to shoot back at them. now, should they have been surveilled? yes, they should have been surveilled. one of them provided a term for assistance. the term was three years. he only served 12 months.
in america he would have served 20 years. he would have served 17 1/2 and if somebody died as a result of his terror assistance, it would have been a life temprm. so it s radical, radical difference in laws and punishment in terms of freedom. take a listen to lindsey graham in talking about the administration s efforts. president obama s poor policy choices. he s criminalized the war. in the last year we ve captured several targets, we ve read them their miranda rights and put them in federal courts we no longer hold enemy combat amounts and hold them at gitmo. we re losing human intelligence. we re losing our technical ability to detect an attack. we should also understand we re in a new phase on terror. this new phase are these smaller groups that are home grown essentially and radicalized from afar. and militarized. that was a small unit combat action they did on the streets of paris. if all that s true and what senator graham said and mitch mcconnell said on the network last night they need to get
information. that s what you want more than anything else. that s it. we could be reaching now a kind of tipping point starting with the attack on the jewish museum in brussels in may, the killing of 124 children in pakistan. against that we re now seeing against that when the head of egypt, the most important nation in the world for the islamic world goes to a coptic christian mass and gives an extraordinary speech saying this is a disgrace what s being done and there must be a reformation in islam, it s just possible we ve reach add critical mass of horror and things are going to change. are they? well, i would hope so. what was interesting to me and i think it would be interesting to a lot of americans, i was in london last year. i was talking to a group of basically high school aged students. many of them were muslim had come from or their parents had come from parts of north africa
or middle eastern countries. they were all british citizens. but the feelings that they had about america quite shocking, at least to me. they see the u.s. as occupiers, they think we re an anti-muslim country. there wasn t this support for the u.s. that i think a lot of people assume we have oversees for our friends and allies. there s a very, very different view of the u.s. when you look at the young many of them are male, they re british but have a middle eastern descent. they think the u.s. is not only not being helpful but they re antagonists. they attacked cartoonists, a culture. this is an attack that would never happen here because if a human being had been convicted of a crime here a crime involved terrorism as one of these guys was, he would never be free or if he was free the police or the intelligence
services here would know everywhere he was going. we re going to talk more about that, that balance between civil liberties and protecting us. next up, the politics of terror and the obama terroristic policies. we continue this discussion after the break.
in the process of trying to close guantanamo which is the perfect place for foreign terrorists who are captured overseas. he wants to mainstream them, frequently, into a u.s. article 3 court, which means they are going to get a lawyer and shut up. i mean, what you want the most from a foreign terrorist trying to kill us is what else do they know? and the president s policy is basically two fold, one
to kill them, which may be entirely aappropriate on a lot of instances but you are not going to learn anything after you kill them, or put them in a u.s. court, these are foreigners not entitled to the protections of the constitution. put them in a u.s. court where they are told to shut up. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell talking about the obama policy on getting a detainee and what to do about it intelligence wise. we re back with the panel. judge, you have been for closing guantanamo bay. yes. what about this argument? i respect senator mcconnell. i understand his motivations and candidly, i am very happy that he, and not harry reid, is the majority leader in the senate. however, he is incorrect to say that the constitution only applies to americans. it applies to everybody that s in american custody anywhere. that s not me. that s the supreme court. and the five times the people in guantanamo challenged their incarceration before the supreme court of the united states all five times the
supreme court ruled in some favor of due process. that s not going to be a jury trial in lower manhattan, has to be a form of do you process. the has not captured a terrorist on the battle field closed quote since 2008. i really don t know the people of whom senator mcconnell is speaking. that s because judge they are killing them. correct. they are dropping bombs on them. the intelligence value. correct. that he was the reason we have not had another 9/11 here because the cia and the american military have disseminated the leadership of these groups overseas. okay. amy? which part? [ laughter ] listen, here is part of the difficulty here in terms of walking this line for the president and also any other politician which is if the argument is keeping guantanamo open is helping to radicalize and foment this anger at the u.s., closing it isn t necessarily going to make that
dissipate. right? there is still going to be a frustration there apparently these brothers what got them radicalized was the iraq war was abu ghraib. that s not going away. that s still part of the reality. do i think if we are just looking at this from a pure political standpoint, i think probably more people would argue that american public would argue that having guantanamo open isn t it more, george, about this whole radical islamic extremist movement that is beyond any one thing like gitmo or anything the u.s. is doing they will still come after us. the world trade center was attacked not once but twice before gitmo became a camp for these people. the u.s.s. cole was attacked before gitmo. the whole point is they are radical islamist, they were before and they were after
and we have a choice of capturing and killing them and deterring them. we can t however, say looking forward to when we get hit again. that our anti-policy is a failure. we don t say the policing of a city is a father if there are still murders and burglaries and assaults. there is only so much you can do in a free society with reasonably porous borders to prevent any eruption of this. just well, what happens if we talk about homegrown terrorism, are we going to put those folks at guantanamo? i mean that would not that would be almost impossible under domestic law. it would be such serious violation of the constitution the presidential oath and federal law. we will continue to have these conversations about civil liberties and effecting our country, i m sure, the judges specially. that s it for the panel. stay tuned to see what happens when you combine college football and puppies.
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finally tonight, it s always good to end with animal kicker, the ohio state buckeyes and oregon duck also face off in the college football championship next monday. while sports analysts are already making picks for the big game, one late night tv host insisted he had the best predictors. there you go. come on, guys. this is a big game here this weekend. [ laughter ] what are you doing back there? gary, get out of the corner. gary? he is urinating in the bowl what does that mean? i don t know. i think i think we got we have two puppies that means we have a winner oregon will win. just so you know these puppies picked the ravens to beat the niners in super bowl xlvii. don t count out the puppies. i would still watch the game. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for this special report, fair, balanced and

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140822 23:00:00

that is it for this special report. fair, balanced and unafraid. don t forget, chris wallace with what promises to be a big show this weekend. take a look at that. greta goes on the record right now. golf. yep. that s a golf ball. and tonight even the new york times is talking about golf because it seems even that liberal newspaper that twice endorsed president obama in 2008, and 2012, just can t take it anymore. the criticism right on page 1. above the fold. yes, the president teeing off. not so much on isis but on the golf course. and the most vicious, well-funded well formed group sets its sights on america. president obama hit the link for another round of golf. the contrasting images spark criticism of president obama from the left and the right. washington examiner betsy woodruff. washington examiner susan
ferrechio. even the new york times is hammering about this. that s the tipping point. at this point if i were to guess what s happening behind closed doors is, that obama s circle is telling him it s time to look like you are doing some work. i is coming back to washington on sunday. as planned. not early. and he came back for a couple meetings this week. which we still can t find out what he was doing. he also went to a wedding party when he was back here this week as we talked about earlier. so, i think, you know, they are getting the message. he needs the golf is just a symptom of a problem. the golf is not the problem. the president s golf. the look of detachment and just position of his actions when it seems like the middle east is falling apart and american brutally killed. what is the president doing? it looks like he is he just recreating and not really taking his job seriously. part of a larger pattern of disengagement. that s a bigger proper. any democrats disserved by this? we haven t seen any
democratic lawmakers out there. there have been across the board some frustration with what has been a trend, exactly of detachment. we have seen him sort of step in to situations and not give his forceful comments as he previously did. there was frustration over how he handled ferguson from some democrats. to the extent to which, you know, we see a repeated lack of enthusiasm, that s a problem for the president. do they do any polling on this? as susan said, probably discussion behind closed doors. i m not sure where there could be any doubt because of the gravity of what s going on in the world. what do you think is going on in the white house about this. i have no idea. cherry on the top g.o.p. john kerry spotted on vacation at home in nantucket. everyone is out to lunch. let me defend john kerry because, you know, he has at least been on the road around the clock and, you know, we don t see him out golfing. fair point. and he also doesn t leave just before talking to the
family of a beheaded journalist. that is certainly on his side. the point is that the optics here are just abysmal. i think it was 10 years ago that last month that then candidate obama gave a speech at the dnc pushing for candidate kerry to be president that made him a national political figure. the reason that speech was so effective because it was so emotionally resonate. it s amazing the change just in terms of emotional intelligence or at least emotional intuitiveness that we have seen in the last 10 years. really astonishing. how does the white house spin this as a good time. they talk about it as the president needing to first of all, that he is on the job all the time. that his work comes with him. not like is he in nantucket not working. he has his advisors with him in vineyard. mistaking the two vacations. is he working while he is on vacation the idea that the president s job is so stressful the idea of having to deal with the families of someone who just had been murdered and all the violence that he needs to blow off some steam on the
golf course. that s also very stressful for the american people. it s very stressful for the family. he wanted the job. he fought very hard for the job not like we feel sorry for him oh he works so hard. he is not showing that is he cow tailing to terrorists. going on with business as planned and fun as planned. that s a way to show strength on the national stage when he really is facing a crisis. that s an argument that you can make. at the end of the day i m not sure it sells especially since he lost the new york times. that argument totally makes sense but when the new york times above the fold says you are messing up 00 the optics. jeez, didn t look very good picture of him in the golf carted after getting off the phone. i think they got the message to that. i don t think we will see that again. prime minister cammeron coming off his holiday. i m surprise weed didn t hear from the president today went hiking with his wife. at least is he is not on the golf course. there is that anyway, panel, thank you.
and it s not just here at home. what kind of message is president obama sending to the rest of the world as he plays golf? british prime minister as we just noted david cammeron cutting his vacation short to deal with isis. former u.n. john bolton joins us. good evening, sir, what kind of message does it send the world and does it matter if the world sees the new york times and people here in america troubled that the president is out playing golf as isis beheads an american? i don t think they are worried that he is playing golf. people talk about playing optics. i would leave optics to the on opticians. the issue here is substance. the president for five and a half years has not cared about measure national security. he treats it when he is supposed forced to. even when he is forced to he walks away from it the message it sends to leaders around the world it s the same barack obama who hasn t paid attention adequately during his entire presidency. doesn t that say something that someone you look to for sort of leadership in the world, like the united states, and
then, i mean, i imagine that angela merkel, chancellor of germany, she wants to look to the united states as sort of being a leader on these things and so does the british prime minister. and they pick up the newspaper and it s ladi da. there he goes again. a weak inattentive president. address this question that you can lead the free world from march that s vineyard. the fact is unless you are in washington surrounded by all the aides on the bridge. you can t take advantage of all the resources of the presidency. tag what he should be doing requires a lot of hard work, hour after hour after hour. including communicating most importantly, what is our objective here with isis? what does he want to achieve? i think our objective should be the destruction of isis because it can t be contained or deterred. what s barack obama s objective? has he told us? he doesn t know yet. he referred he said contained on monday, which is shocking, you know, that he just wants to contain it
i want to destroy it too. if you go back to january, he says it s jv. but then isis is jv and then today he has got the spokesman over at the pentagon saying well, a lot has happened since we are now in august. but back in january, when he was calling it jv, they had taken fallujah, which, in 2004, was our biggest battle in iraq. we lost 9 a. they had already taken fallujah by the time he made the jv comment. because the president the is wedded to the ideological obsession that there is no war on terror. al qaeda is on the road to defeat. usama bin laden is dead. that was their argument. and it fits into the ideological argument that we don t need a war on terror. it s a law enforcement matter. and so the entire weight of the united states is the justice department is now consists of an fbi investigation of what happened to james foley. that s their idea of how to deal with it, within the criminal law. it s fundamentally wrong. and i don t think it is sellable politically in this
country for what it s worth which is the only thing the president seems to care about. what s the big difference between having a law enforcement and having an ideology or military except for the resources use to try to ferret it it out and get rid of it? you are an n. an entirely different legal paradigm. among other things. operating under the war. entitled to do case of war. as a criminal defense attorney you know that s not something you can do to the people who beheaded him if you are going to read the miranda rights, give them due process, insist on a chain of custody for the evidence and the rest of it there this is a real divide between obama, the justice department, and his click. i think the entire rest of the american people see this as war. i see problem is you pibleg up the culprit who did it but then you turn your back on the other ones running to replace him in a war you take everybody out who is going to it try to do this. it also misses the key fact that the real application of military power is intended to deter the crime. not to worry about prosecuting somebody after
it occurs. and that s why i think the objective here has to be the destruction of isis. so, rather than talking about tactics or there are going to be boots on the ground. are we going to use drones. first, you have to decide what your objective is this is the basis of strategy. then, once do you that assemble an international coalition and go and do it. do you not think, in my wildest dreams, i can t imagine he doesn t think we should get rid of isis, they are beheading people. i tell you, like secretary kerry said years ago, we are never going to get victory over the terrorists. we just want to reduce it to a low grade threat. i fundamentally reject that i think most americans do, too. now we should have a debate over it. ambassador, thank you, sir. thank you. more grave disappointment with the obama administration. tonight we are hearing from the brother beheaded american journalist james foley, he says the obama administration did not do enough to bring his brother home alive. including paying a ransom. the united states could have done more on behalf of
the western and american hostages over there and still dealt with the broader worldwide issues and other nations have done that that s a source of frustration from me. the new york times above the fold reads a terrorist horror and then golf. the president hitting the links during a time of crisis. joining us senator john mccain. good evening, senator. i know that this is not about optics, it s far more serious the president during the white house correspondence dinner was ordering the takedown of usama bin laden. however, the american people are scared. they have seen the beheading, they know about the terrorism is is the president showing the concern he should for the american people? i hope that he is and i hope it s just an optics problem. i hope what the president would do is review the series of grave errors that he has made which has led up to the situation that we were in, not leaving
residual force behind in iraq which he could have done and bragged about the fact that we didn t during the 2012 campaign overrecalling his security team including hillary clinton when they recommended stepping up and giving aid and assistance to the free syrian army ba shad assad crossed a red line. destroyed american credibility in the region there is a series of mistakes that i hope that the president realize which has led us to his secretary of defense, recognizing this is a direct threat to the united states of america. i know this is not a game. this is not a big i told you so. in 2008, when you said that we would need to leave troops in iraq for a very long time, you got mocked by
president obama candidate obama and by hillary clinton. you are the one that wanted to take care of the free syrian army and to arm them and, again, that was dismissed. tell me what is your strategy today in light of where we are are? first of all if the president will develop a strategy we will support it so far there is no strategy. four things we need to do immediately. one is to have a reconciliation between sunni and she a in baghdad with the new government. give give military aid to the kurds using old russian equipment. they will fight and fight well but they need the equipment to do it it massively increase our assistance to the free syrian army and air strikes that go to syria because there is no boundary between syria and iraq today hard
and often and incrementally is not the way it do it. isis has carried out a threat against james foley which many of us have seen on a video or seen the pictures of and is beyond words. do you think that they re here in the united states and i don t want to be an alarmist but i have seen what they have done. could i mention that i have now been named by isis as number one enemy and crusader and i m extremely proud of that in their online propaganda. there is no doubt in my mind with the number of europeans and about is hundred americans are the estimates. and people have all over the world. who have been radicalized are now fighting in syria. are gonna come back to the countries that they came from the case of europe, they don t need a visa to come to the united states. as you know there was a young american that thought
in syria, radicalized came back to the united states and came back to syria and blew himself up as suicide bomber. that is probably one of the factors that has cause for this dramatic turn around by ourselves and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff for years i have been arguing with the chairman of the chairman of joint chiefs of staff we ought to take the position or strategy did you think secretary hagel s statement was stronger than the president s about this? did you get that sense? i think it was much stronger the president s statement on the tragedy plaintiff foley, they are very strong statements.
but where is the strategy? in other words, it s incredible because they are now warning us about how horrible the enemy is and how dangerous it is is they have articulated no strategy that i know of. and obviously part of that is going to have to be a number of additional american forces in iraq, not for combat purposes, but to help the iraqis in this conflict if they are going to take back this territory, they are going to have to have a lot of american help. second of all, greta, it s not a matter of stopping isis. we have to defeat isis and we have it to take them out with whatever means possible. the fact that the administration made public that there had been a rescue attempt will harm further rescue attempts because good journalists will be finding out additional details, which then gives methods and capabilities over to the enemy and isis in
particular, so, further rescue attempts will be complicated and more difficult because this administration, for whatever reason, whatever motive, made it known that they had made an attempt to rescue these people and it is not a valid excuse to say that news organizations were on the story. we could have denied it. you know, it s funny. i had a different reaction to that and it s no secret i don t have a military background. i have never been in any leadership in the military. but i actually thought that it sends a message to isis know what? we are going to get you where you are and coming for you. i had a different thought. i actually was happy to hear about that and i think that i would hope that maybe it would scare some of them because we are coming for them. the best way to sandy message to isis is through ordinance dropped on their heads and blowing them to smither reasons, blowing them straight to hell where they belong. of course, there is also the fact that our
intelligence was so bad is that we showed up when nobody was there which is beyond me, that the intelligence gathering that that could happen. anyway, i m taking the last word on that. senator, nice to see you. thank you for joining us. thank you, greta. and you can see the rest of our interview with senator john mccain. go to and straight ahead, brace yourself, a warning, representative peter king warning isis is stronger and richer than al qaeda was right before 9/11. representative king goes on the record next. plus: coming up, ted and i take you inside a gun range with the type of weapon officer wilson used in the michaely s brown shooting. with guaranteed low prices on sharpies. you ll flip out! now go tell your friends. staples, make more happen for less.
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this is terrifying. king saying that isis is stronger and wealthier than al qaeda was before the september 11th attack. good evening, sir. good evening, greta. in addition to the fact that they are so rich and so strong, and so vicious, the first question has to be are they is there any likelihood they are here in the united states or that they have got their eyes on doing something here in the united states? greta we have to assume that they re. guy back three years. their predecessor, al qaeda in iraq, which is the genesis of isis, they had two of their terrorists were captured it in kentucky plotting an attack on fort knox. they want to attack the west and the united states. unlike al qaeda, which, again, it cost them $200,000 for all of 9/11, $2 billion. more important than any of that is that al qaeda, one
of the problems they had leading up to 9/11 was getting people in the united states. they had was not that easy for them. they were able to do it ultimately but it was a problem. isis has thousands of people that they can send to the u.s. all those europeans, including about 500 brits who are right now fighting in syria alongside isis. they as john mccain said before, they have european passports. they can go into the u.s. without getting a visa. there is over 100 americans fighting in syria a long side the al qaeda affiliates,including isis. they can come back on their american passports. obviously we are trying to monitor them. as senator mccain pointed out, there was a person who carried out othe suicide bombing attack. he had traveled back and forth. and the u.s. was not aware of him. it s very difficult to monitor that type of travel. they have intent and acquiring talent from other affiliates, including scientists and demolition
and bomb experts. we only have about 30 seconds left. i m curious, what you sees a our american strategy tonight to deal with it? right now, i think there is no clear strategy that the president has. what we have to do is we have to let the people know there is going to be a long twilight struggle, massive aair attacks, arming the kurds right await a minute getting the iraqi army back into it it obviously syria, we would have to carry bombing attacks in syria as well. we have to have americans embedded with the iraqi troops as far as providing intelligence and direction. are we doing that? we re not doing enough. no, we are not attacking in syria. the president, when he talks about taking back a mountain and taking back a dam, that is a 1% of what isis controls. their land mass is larger than the entire country of great britain. congressman, thank you, sir. thank you, greta. and while the president is still on martha s vineyard, is his pentagon back here backing him into a corner over isis? our next guest says yes. general bob scales is here next. on the record investigates
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addressing that part of their organization which resides in syria, the answer is. no. and now listen to what pentagon press secretary admiral john kirby said today. i m not going to get ahead of planning that hasn t been done or decisions that haven t been made. we don t tell telegraph our punches. major bob scales joins us. who is on first. which is it? isn t that the funniest thing? i have known general dempsey for 10 years. what he was trying to do, in my opinion, is send a signal to his fellow soldiers and to the american people that air strikes are not enough. that this war is going to last a long time. that the center of gravity of this whole campaign isn t iraq, it s syria and that it is going to require something more, as he said, than air strikes to win. this and it s going to take a long time. then this afternoon ghirm kirby just throttles it all back. what does he say well we don t telegraph our punches?
excuse me? what did we do earlier in the week with the failed rescue attempt james foley, we telegraphed our punches. you telegraph punches at the tactical level. you set strategy and you build a campaign plan in public so we want isis to know that we have a strategy and we have a campaign plan. that s not telegraphing your punches, that s convincing the rest of the world that we are serious about taking them oon. we may have an incredibly smart, good strategy, but if the whole point is to telegraph to your enemy that we have we re not doing a good job of telegraphing. we are looking like we are flailing, we want to contain, we don t want to eliminate. we don t want you know, we go after people that aren t there to rescue them. right. we look, you know, in terms of leadership, we look keystone coppish. i love our military. they work hard. our soldiers and sailors and airmen they work hard. but the leadership right now or the president doesn t give me a sense that we have
a strategy. what a friend of mine said to me today frustrated from the pentagon he said general, he says we can t negotiate our way out of this. we can t have sanctions. we can t have diplomacy. we have to kill them. we have to have a strategy for killing them. any isis lip standing is going to be a threat to us. and so is the ambassador said earlier in your show, we have got to stand up and tell the rest of the world that we are serious about, look, this isn t about so much a written document called a strategy. it s about leadership. because if we don t lead, nobody is going to follow. and leadership has to come from the united states. and isis only understands military force and power. and the final thing i will say on this is that war is not a test of bombs and airplanes. war is a test of will. and right now, sadly, isis is showing the will to fight. and we re not. and they are so brutal and so horrible and so vicious. anyway, general, thank you, sir. thank you, greta.
let s all go off-the-record for a minute. remember this? we are choosing hope over fear why are choosing unity over division and sending a powerful message that change is coming to america. well, he got that right hope. we hope that he is working on isis and 24/7. is he entitled to a vacation, i agree. but not when the house is burning down. he should do his job first. he wanted to be president. the pictures are horrible. grinning ear to ear at a golf course on martha s vineyard with former nba star alonzo morning and that was just minutes after news conference on beheading of james foley. here is where the hope comes. in back on april 300th, 2011, a saturday night. president obama was entertaining a room of 2,000 plus journalists at the white house correspondence dinner. all seemed fine, lots of
jokes. but the joke was on the unsuspecting journalists. the president had just given the go sign to get usama bin laden. not one journalist picked up on it. so my hope now is that we are all being fooled again and that while he marches beeline to the golf course with big grin that he is doing something big and big about isis. if not forget that hope business. we need the other part of his campaign promise change. and 2016 can t come fast enough for that that s my off-the-record comment tonight. and stunning new information about the key eyewitness to the police shooting of mike wall brown. that s next. plus on the record investigates take you to shooting range for up close look for the type of gun used to kill mike michael brown. what that means for the investigation coming up. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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key eyewitness in the police shooting of michael brown. dorian wilson was walking with brown when he was shot by a police officer. turns outs there is an arrest warrant for stealing.
not all. johnson accused of lying to police. and jefferson city police doug schumaker joins us. good evening, sir. good evening. thanks for having me. nice to have you. so tell me what happened. what did he get arrested for dorian johnson, the eyewitness? in june of 20111, our agency was dispatched to a call of a stealing charge on the south side of town. there was an eyewitness that had witnessed mr. johnson allegedly take something from an apartment, the outside of an apartment from a residence there. the police officers arrived, followed him to an area, athletic complex and were able to interview him at that location. when they arrived there and talked with him, he was, i would say, less than cooperative with us in terms of his identity. but there was enough probable cause based upon the witness statement and other evidence that was taken to effect a probable cause arrest on mr. johnson. now, at the time, mr. johnson identified himself as derek johnson and gave a false date of birth.
did there ever come a time that he was arrested and prosecuted or was this simply an arrest record? he was arrested, at that time, and he was taken to the kohl county jail where we do all of our processing of every prisoner. during that arrest process, he maintained that he was still derek johnson and refused to give any other identifying information, including addresses that were correct. date of birth, social security, basic information that any peace officer needs to complete an arrest report. the officer that made the arrest, advised mr. jonchz several times that he needed him to be truthful about his i.d., mr. johnson refused to do so and still maintained that his name was derek johnson. weighs was issued a summons as derek johnson even though the officer had found a lincoln i.d. card on mr. johnson person identifying him dorian johnson. did he show up in court with that summons or not? he did not.
there is currently an active warrant for him. during that investigation, however, i will say that a day later, the officer had contacted the lincoln university police and had done some further checking and h in fact, confirmed that he was dorian johnson. he was then arrested, also, for filing a false police report where he later pled guilty to that in 2012. was he sentenced to that or is that was that put into some sort of program where if you behave yourself for a certain period of time it goes away so it s not a real conviction? under the missouri case netted, which is an open record, i believe it says it s a suspended execution of sentence. and i think that he had time served for that. so, there was nothing any further on that at all. but there is still an outstanding warrant on him. and in may of this year, we were notified by the police department, a suburb of st. louis, that they had come across him in a law enforcement contact and they contacted us about the
outstanding warrant with him. what was the conviction for? was that the false statements or not? right, the conviction, pled guilty, according to accoro the missouri case net which again is open record to filing a false police report. he has yet to appear in court on the stealing charge. i got it. he still has that court date. captain, thank you, sir. thank you very much. and joining us from ferguson dorian johnson s lawyers bosley and williams. good evening to both of you. mr. bosley, thank you very much for coming back. your client was an eyewitness to the shooting. he said that the decedent was shot in the back. that turned out to be false was he attempting to be deceitful or eyewitness testimony. if you check into the facts it really wasn t false, was it? the autopsy report basically said that he had been shot, mike brown had been shot six
times. further discussion on it revealed that he was shot in the arm where he could have been shot from the back. my client said that he thought mike was shot in the back and so that s not inconsistent with what he saw. i have a statement here and you may quibble with it, maybe mr. williams you quibble with me. it says and i m looking, watching the officer as he pursuing my friend, now that he fired another shot, it struck my friend in the back and i assume he means the back. then my friend stopped running, his hands immediately went into the air. he turned around towards the officer face to face. he started to tell the officer he is unarmed and that you should stop shooting me. do you agree or not agree. i disagree with his characterization. i disagree with any attempt to try to say that dorian johnson was inaccurate or mistaken about this. the eyewitness testimony or eyewitness statements, not just of dorian johnson but of lots of eyewitnesses is undisputed that these young
men were running away from the police officer he is shooting at them as they run down the street. as former mayor bossily said that there was a shot that entered into dorian johnson s arm that could have very well been from behind is consistent with that undisputed that the officer was firing at them. undisputed that they were unarmed. undisputed that they were running down the street. so the semantics of was it in the back, it was from the back i think distracts and takes away from the real issue. that this credibility of dorian johnson. let me just say one thing. it does make a difference. if someone gets shot in the back, that certainly conveys a different thing than if someone is not in the front. it does make it different. eyewitness testimony is. greta, i have to disagree with you that if someone is shot in the back, and someone is shot in the back of the arm, we are really splitting hairs. the point here is, and no one is disputing this is
that these guys were running away when they were being shot at. here s the problem is eyewitness testimony is notoriously feeble in the sense that people often make mistakes. i don t know if your client is or is not. but it s very suspect. then you have got the situation with your client who comes in with a rather spotty background. i don t know if it s going to come in, mr. bosley, the fact that he has filed a false police report. that may reflect on his credibility. maybe someone is dismissive of it or not. i don t know. these are all the types of things that have to be weighed and looked at when the grand jury considers the evidence. do you disagree with that? well, no, we don t disagree with that and we are glad that you brought it up. because, at the end of the day, the jury will consider a whole bunch of things, not only grand jury but more importantly the jury that will be sitting to hear this case. it will be up to 12 people sitting in a jury box to look at my client, look at his demeanor, look at his appearance, judge his character, and make a decision whether or not he that he is credible.
they are going to take all of these things into consideration. and we re looking forward to it a day in court. that s what we are looking forward here. do you know what i m looking for? i want to see if the clothes have gunpowder residue on them or not. that s not the end all in this case but that would certainly be instructive to me is whether there is gunpowder residue or not on the clothes of the decedent. i think there is a whole lot of evidence that still has to be examined. i think that this has been so unfortunate because people are taking sides and, you know, there is so much more evidence we need to look at. we will get to that point. we will get to the evidence. and hopefully we will find out what happened exactly. anyway, thank you, sir. thank you both, gentlemen. really appreciate your time. thank you, now. and behind closed doors a grand jury is now looking and weighing the evidence in the michael brown case. meanwhile a lot of questions about the shooting is unanswered. on the record is investigating. ted williams and griff jenkins went to the gun range for a closer look at
the type of gun used to shoot mr. brown. first, what kind of gun is it? this is a 229 semiautomatic weapon. now, what is significant about this is the magazine. the magazine holds 12 rounds, and with a 13th round in the chamber. and that s what officer wilson had? yes. this is the kind of weapon that officer wilson would have happened. you said it s semiautomatic just for some of our viewers who may not be gun owners, what does that mean? it simply means that you have to continue to pull this trigger for this to operate. so, officer wilson would have had to continue to pull this trigger foreit to operate. let me demonstrate. up in front of us here we have a target. [gunfire]
law enforcement officers have taught to shoot center mass. and they are taught to shoot until the target itself or whoever it they are shooting at is down. and in this case we know that michael brown was a large guy, 3300 pounds or so. and you believe that officer wilson probably had that training to shoot center mass to stop to shoot until he was down. griff, every law enforcement officer is taught the same identical thing so officer wilson would have been shooting for that part of officer brown. the center mass part. that does not necessarily mean that he is going to hit center mass. he may hit, as we know, in the shoulder area here. there is a head shot. now, that head shot could have been as michael brown is actually going down, officer wilson is still pulling the trigger. and you could see more
from former homicide detective ted williams investigation into the gun used in the michael brown shooting. watch his full demonstration. it s on and as the reverend al sharpton the newest member of the obama administration? that s what everyone is asking. you will see why we ask. that s next.
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things better. your thoughts, sir? well, i think ten years ago, even five years ago, that might have been the case. but i think the reverend al sharpton today, to be honest with you, i think we are very fortunate to have him had. i think that he is doing an effective job in this particular situation. my problem though, with the situation is the president s attention to this, the disproportionate attention to, this yes. the situation in ferguson is very bad. and it needs the attention of the nation. the justice department, but when the president himself personally get involved or his aid personally gets involved while we have a marine in prison in mexico or while we have a journalist being beheaded in iraq, it is disconcerting to me that the president could spend so much attention on this issue and not enough on the other issues. here s the problem with reverend sharpton. you know, look, you hear the name reverend sharpton and everyone thinks he is going
out there to get people all upset. whether it s fair or not, i mean, there has been a long history with him doing that that s his history. if you sent out senator cory booker and senator tim scott. a republican and a democrat, two african-american leaders to sit down with the community and talk to them out there, i think it would be far more effective and i think people would feel a lot better. people see reverend sharpton come out there and, look, it does create a whole another dimension to this. there are a lot of really good african-american leaders out there who would be incredible role models, instead, he goes out there and he stirs trouble up. greta, you are exactly right. i m not saying that he is stirring trouble up. but i m saying his past follows him. and that s the unfortunate reality of all of us. our body of work speaks to everything that we have done. and reverend sharpton, although he has done a lot of good, there were some questionable things that continue to drag him down and, you know, but this is a street situation. and in a a street situation, you need somebody who is
street-smart. al sharpton, reverend al sharpton is street smart, yes. i work on the street. i represented african-americans for 12 years and who had very tough situations. they are getting the short end of the stick on some things there a lot of people who understand a lot of african-americans who really understand it. and the problem is we need people out there who are like can heal and are not going to stir things up. you may not think he is stirring things up, but frankly every time i see reverend sharpton out there, i think he is taking sadz. i think he has made up his mind. we don t have all the evidence in this case, we have no idea. it may turn out the police officer was 100% wrong. i don t know, we should at least wait for the evidence and not stir everybody up. reverend sharpton is a galvanizer. is he a lightning rod he is the person that comes to the table when you don t think you have any other out. a lot of attention in s. drawn by the media because
can galvanize that situation. i have got to go. we are going to go to black. the computer is going to cut us off: we ll be right back. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad! then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we ll pay for a car that s a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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police releasing horrifying information in the kidnapping of two amish girls. northern new york couple lured a dog lure family s stand. she shackled them and planned to turn them to slaves. news reports scared the couple. we hope our on the record report [inaudible]. israel 4-year-old israeli boy killed in mortar attack near gaza border. executing 18 people suspected of spying for israel. the executions come a day after israeli air strikes killed three top hamas commanders. [inaudible] nigeria. new case is not medical workers. spouses of medical workers who had direct contact with the ebola victim patrick schneider who flew to nigeria last month.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140725 10:00:00

the relative who was supposed to be watching the boy fell asleep. surveillance video shows a criminal smashing into a door. that wraps it up. twisted sister live here next. good morning. it is friday, july 25, 2014. a camp ground filled with people trampled by a killer storm. something crazy s going on outside! look at the tree! fell on that guy s camper! where this violent twister sent people scrambling for their lives and devastating cleanup this morning. look at that, dramatic issues. russia s military apparently firing rockets into ukraine from russia. taking the tensions to a whole new level.
but hillary clinton says that reset button really worked. right. it wasn t even spelled right. atheists, mart christians, not so smart? dare i say dumb? that is the answer at one popular university. wait until you hear about this. mornings are better with friends. it s time for fox & friends. if you want to rock, come to 48th and 6th avenue because on that there stage very shortly we re going to start things up.
just a little before 9:00 eastern time twisted sister will be performing some of their anthem iconic songs. and of course famous dave s is here. twisted sister has all five original members and they seem to be getting bigger since they scaled back and retired. they re going to sing we re not going to take it anymore. thanks for joining us. ainsley earhardt is also here with us this morning. filling in for heather this morning. we ve got serious news we re going to start with this morning. a killer twister sending hundreds of families on a cavern ground camp ground in virginia running for their lives. something crazy s going on outside. look at the tree! it fell on that guy s
camper! that tornado packing 120 miles-per-hour winds, heavy rain and hail the size of softballs. there is a new jersey couple, they were killed when a huge tree crushed their tent. dozens of other campers were injured as well. take a look at the aerial view of that damage. huge campers and trucks flipped upside down and trailers left flattened. breaking overnight, new information about the air algiers plane, the french president saying one black box has been recovered from that wreckage. soldiers guarding that site in a village in mali that is controlled by al qaeda. officials still not ruling out terrorism but they do believe the plane with 116 people on board went down during a bad thunderstorm. terror group isis continuing its destruction of iraq.
the target this time, jonah s tomb, the shrine devoted to the prophet swallowed by the whale. isis didn t seem to care as they were blowing up that shrine. it was bight in the 8th century b.c. it might be one of the most epic photo bombs ever. check out the queen making a cameo in selfies of those athletes in the commonwealth games in scotland. the 88-year-old smiling in the background. how hilarious is that. royal photo bomb there. the commonwealth games is one of the great opportunities for the u.k. to get gold medals. they really just play against each other. like intra murals for that region. five minutes after the top of the hour. developing overnight, the obama administration confirming they have
evidence that russian military by russia is attacking ukrainian military forces, this as a fox news poll is asking voters about the situation in ukraine and who has the upper hand. 75% say vladimir putin while just 14% say president obama. the question remains will the united states draw a harder line? so far not so much. elizabeth prann joins us from d.c. reporter: good morning. the u.s. says they are calling military escalation between russia and ukraine. they say russia firing shots at ukrainian military sites. it is claimed moscow is adding military shipments to prorussian separatists. we have new evidence that the russians intend to deliver heavier and more powerful multiple rocket launchers to the separateests in ukraine and evidence that russia is firing artillery from within russia. take a look at this
video from july 16. it shows russia launching rockets over the border. we can t confirm the authenticity but it is the same region where russian troops are and according to ukrainian intelligence, russia fired at at least eight ukrainians positions in the past few days, this coming on the heels of the downing of two fighter jets and the commercial airliner. remember when secretary of state hillary clinton set the reset button with russia. this week she said it worked. she said during an interview that it brought russia around to understanding of important international issues. the reset worked. it was an effort to try to obtain russian cooperation on some key objectives while medvedev was president. of course putin still pulled the strings but he
gave medvedev a certain amount of independence to negotiate. critics are saying the reset button didn t work. back to you guys. elizabeth prann in the d.c. bureau, thank you. yesterday we had central american nations, some of the leaders came to washington because they suddenly realized we have a bit of an immigration issue and a lot of these kids are coming from harrowing circumstances to our borders. so they decided to come to washington because they re missing 45,000 kids at least because they have streamed through our borders without parents. what did they do to address the problem? first they pointed fingers. you re going to hear honduran president juan orlando hernandez on why this is america s fault. among other things, there is a lack of clarity in the migratory policy in the united states. the language is ambiguous. that is why the kye i don t
coyotes have taken advantage of the situation. they havethey have made parents think it would make reunification possible. isn t that crazy. he s saying blame the united states because my country is violent. i m the president of that country and my country stinks, so please take the kids. that s a little embarrassing. it is ambiguous, unclear. what is clear is it is one of the top rated violent areas to actually ban. now we have discussions where the u.s. as of yesterday is considering this pilot program giving reef gee status to young refugee status to young people from honduras to determine whether they would qualify. get this. their way of addressing the problem is not to look at the honduran children who are here but to go there and start screening them to come here as refugees. thanks. that is a great addressing of the problem.
if they re not blaming us for the violence in their country, they re blaming us evidently because there s a market for drugs in our country. that s why they re forced to have drug cartels and sell them. the interesting thing why don t you open up a lemonade stand. they re going to redefine what a refugee is. when you look at refugee status, it has nothing to do with fleeing violence in your country. they re going to essentially have to change the law apparently. but the way this would work is if they do this, all somebody has to do is get to the consolate. we re going to fly them to the united states. if you can simply drive or walk to the u.s. consolate and say i ve got a problem, and if you wouldn t qualify under refugee status, they also have something else called humanitarian protocol, people are going to get in. and if it first works in honduras, they re going to expand it to el salvador
and quawt mall l.a. nothing against central and south american children but if you like the children in charlotte and orlando and atlanta better than those kids? do you have an obligation to our people before we start bringing in the world s people because they re having a tough time? it seems as though the president was surprised by all this. but yesterday i mean shocking, we find out that the secretary, the secretary of d.h.s., jeh johnson, confirmed that the obama administration as far back as january anticipated this surge of at least 60,000 illegal immigrants coming across the border. they planned for it. they had the resources for the influx to be ramped up. when you see the $7 million they re asking to take care of this issue right now as it s stalling right now with our lawmakers, they have a week before they go on vacation to deal with this right now, you can understand why some republicans are concerned that knowing this was going to happen doesn t really
match up with the fact that all of a sudden we need $7 billion to deal with the crisis. the bottom line is the crisis didn t sneak up on anyone. the president had jeh johnson visit a brownsville, texas, place where they were holding these kids. they predicted the exact numbers. he knew about it. they just didn t expect the story would get out of their control. they knew in january there was going to be a flood. meanwhile the president who has wrapped up his fund-raising tour of the west coast, as the world is aflame you look at what s going on in gaza and you look at what s going on in russia and you look at what s going on on our southern border with the invasion, you president is blaming for the world s troubles right now and how things aren t getting done? guess. listen. what s really going on is that republicans in congress are directly blocking policies that would help millions of americans. they are promoting policies that harm millions of
americans. wait a minute. maybe one congresswoman says you shouldn t blame republicans. try the other side. the reality is that harry reid has now on his desk over 340 bills that we have already passed in the house. he refuses to take them on. so i understand that people would love to blame us. the reality is we keep doing our job. we keep passing these bills. harry reid is off in searchlight, nevada. some of those bills were written and they had no prayer of being passed, but a lot of them are legitimate and should be debated and possibly go into conference, but they re not. also the biggest bill right now is on what to do to finance these illegals that cross our border. the president is asking for $4 billion. i think the house is going to give him $750 million. there is a little bit of a gap there. harry reid, though, to go back, remember he said the border is secure. nancy pelosi said this is
an opportunity. you think the border is secure? if the border is secure, he wouldn t have to pass one of those pesky republican bilz. bilz. bills. according to most clocks, we have a lot of show left. here s what s straight ahead. will justice be served? step back to gitmo for the trial of 9/11 plotters. what this time? jackpot. a psychic is literally a fortune teller, the incredible prediction that made this woman, i believe a police officer, a whole lot richer and a whole lot happier. woooo.
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here s something new. a major corruption scandal involving new york s governor. a bombshell report in the new york times, of all newspapers, finds that a commission set up by governor cuomo to investigate corruption in new york was then shut down by governor cuomo. here to react is the new york gubernatorial candidate on the republican side. good morning. it was awhile back that governor cuomo established this moraling commission that was going to look for corruption. shortly thereafter he said you can look for corruption anywhere except in the
governor s office. that s right. this was supposed to be an nfd commission. it was enjoined with the attorney general of new york. all the members were deputized. they had subpoena power. they were supposed to go wherever the corruption led. once it started leading close to the governor or his staff or pay to play pals, he shut it down. and this is a watergate in the making. you re talking about serious crimes that could have been committed here. federal prosecutors are looking into this. i think also we need new york state investigation into this to see what state laws may have been broken if it comes to the would i want where federal laws may not have been broken although i do believe they are. we re hoping that the u.s. attorneys office gets they re on the case? they re on the case. i think it s important that they expedite this because voters in new york need to know whether their governor is a crook. absolutely. by the way, we have invoigted the governor on the program. he s had a standing
invitation if he would like to come on. we still haven t heard from him regarding this. we called him yesterday. haven t heard from him surprisingly. for him to have said look at my administration, everything is clean. instead look at the republicans in the state congress instead. that is a little bit like the i.r.s. in washington and those kinds of things where he s extorting the legislators. he made that pretty clear. he said if i don t get what i want in the budget process we re going to sick these guys on you. he had them looking at the legislature, anywhere except the democratic party in the state, except the governor s office. when it got too close they ordered the investigation to go in a different way. this is some serious stuff here. absolutely. this is probably good for your campaign since you would like to take his chair up in albany. i understand you ve got a number of top republican governors on your side who are going to campaign for you. it is certainly a game changer. we ve gotten a lot of
people in the last 24 hours the republican all-star governors. people should go to my website, you can kick in some bucks but also volunteer. this is a winnable race. we are worst in the nation in economic recovery, outlook, business climate, highest taxes, most corruption. we had 400,000 new yorkers leave our state in three and a half years. it is bad in new york but it can get better beginning in january with a new governor. it got bad yesterday for governor cuomo because the new york times tried to expose this scandal and last night jon stewart let him have it and said it is corrupt. rob astorino, thank you very much. do you post your vacations on social media and think thieves won t make you a target? if they know you re out of town, why wouldn t they go to your house? this video proves you re wrong.
pop quiz. who is smarter, christians or atheists? ohio state university says atheists. really? the test question turning heads coming up. vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we ll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them.
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got quick friday morning headlines. d.n.a. may now lead the new york city police department to the suspects who climbed up the brooklyn bridge, both towers and replaced the american flags with bleached out flags. the vandals forgot to wear gloves and left d.n.a. evidence behind on some of the zip lines. another delay in the 9/11 trial at gitmo. a judge ruled ramsey ben al
shib should be removed. he was considered a key figure in the plot working as a liaison between the hijackers and core al qaeda leadership but it needs to be determined if he is mentally fit to stand trial. another fundamental difference between convince and atheists? their i.q. points at least according to an ohio university on-line quiz. it says theo has an i.q. of 100 and has an i.q. of 125. which of the following statements do you expect to be true? the answer is ains is an atheist while theo is a christian. the director of the was what this a required piece of work? this was a required class that all students at ohio
university have to take, general psychology course and it s asking if theoo has an i.q. of 100, ian has an i.q. of 125, what can you get from this information? ian is an intelligent atheist and theo is a po dunk christian. it had a student whistle-blower very concerned when she saw that question on the quiz. she felt as though she would have to put aside her faith to get this answer right? yes, she s going to have to admit that she was a believer when she anonomously sent this tip to the institute of leadership campus reform. she still is a believer. she would have had to say for me to get this point on this question, i m going to have to admit that atheists inherently have a higher i.q. than christians do. and it s something we ve seen is simply not true. last week the examiner published a study or a
report that showed of the ten highest i.q. s on earth, on the planet, eight of them are theists, those that believe in a deity. of those eight, six of them are christians. so it is not even true. is this a one question one time or do you see a trend? we re seeing a trend all across the country where christianity for some reason, universities feel they re able to attack it. this question is this just one question? this was just one question. i would say, too, caleb, we did reach out to ohio state university, have not heard back. but would another faith swapped in there ever have passed this okay test by the university? if you swapped in jewish, if you swapped in muslim for christian to say they were less intelligent than the atheists or any other faith-based organization swapped in there system? i doubt that it would be
left to be okay by the university. we re still waiting to hear from them. caleb, thank you for joining us. imagine sitting on a plane and seeing this. the light show one woman caught flying across the country. want a freshly dried clean shirt like brian s in minutes? first we want to wish happy first we want to wish happy birthday to matt le blanc. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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here i am waiting for it. it s not a washing machine. it s not an iron. it s kind of both. last week we told you about
this new machine. look at how clean and neat and pressed that shirt is. we told you about the swash, the machine that presses and refreshes your favorite shirt, tie or suit or anything in ten minutes. and my shirt looked absolutely brand-new by the end of the ten minutes. joining us from procter & gamble to show us the swash is lauren. thank you. thank you for having me. we saw the price tag, 500 bucks. we wondered with the swash is this replacing dry cleaning? no. it s for those occasions in between when you wash or dry clean your clothes, we rewear our clothes. you want to look our best end. this allows you to dewrinkle, refresh. you saw my take my shirt off and put it on this hanger. the key to refreshing is this little pod, this is a tide pod. like a coffee machine, you
put it in there and close that up. and when you open up the swash ten minutes later, your clothes smell brand-new. they are warm, smell great and ready to go. my wife and i saw this at the airport last week. delta. they have got some of these in one of their lounges. who is this perfect for? we find it appeals to men and women, actually equally which is exciting. it is for anybody who wants to care for their clothes in between washing and dry cleaning. we found it really appeals to people over 20 up to 65. very, very nice. it is not a dry cleaner. it is just a refresher and presses your clothes. it neutralized odor. it is interesting. if people are interested? get it on bloomingdale s. in the fall it will be available at best buy and bed, bath and beyond. there you go. something for mom and dad
or for ainsley earhardt for her birthday. i ll have to get one of those. happening this morning, we re expecting an announcement on the possible cease-fire between israel and hamas. in the next few minutes. we ll keep you updated. this as the fighting intensifies. right now the israeli cabinet meeting to discuss the cease-fire offer from secretary of state john kerry, hamas insists any hope for stoppage in the fighting rests on the demand that israel and egypt lift a blockade to gaza. israel and hamas are expected to answer today. gunfire inside a pennsylvania hospital could have been a lot worse if it weren t for the heroic acts of a wounded doctor. police say 49-year-old richard plotz opened fire during a meeting with a caseworker and psychiatrists. the caseworker was killed. a doctor was grazed in the temple and then pulled out his own firearm and shot
plotz three times. he has a history of violence. neighbors say his final words were telling. the last thing he said, geg in the van, he getting in the van, he hollered and said you haven t heard the end of me yet. a warning for everyone who uses social media. you could be the target for thieves. an orlando family learning the hard way that their house was burglarized after the family posted on facebook about their vacation. home surveillance cameras capturing the man scoping the place out at night. then he returns the next day, finds the spare key and lets himself into their home. he stole $400 in cash before taking off. police are now warning everyone never to post when you re going to be away from your house on any social media site. fortune tellers and psychics, they might get a bad rap. does he know someone by the name of hannah?
consuelo? linda? maria? sometimes their predictions are right on the money. retired new york police officer edna agayo won $1,000 every day for the rest of her life. sheefts told she was told by a psychic she would win the lottery one day. she told her what to play and it has paid off for the rest of her life. although she probably thought if you re going to win it, why don t you win it in the first year or first two years? why wait 16 years? maria molina joins us now with a look tep weather. hey maria. good morning. before i get to the weather conditions, i want to show you this incredible picture. ishes posted by somebody on twitter. this is posted by somebody on twitter. she was traveling from newark, new jersey from the
airport to denver. take a look at what she captured. there were thunderstorms in the area. with her cell phone she was able to take a picture of lightning touching down. that picture in colorado just outside the denver airport. i want to look at high temperatures forecast today. today is going to be another relatively cool day across portions of the great lakes and northeast. highs in the 70 s, low 80 s out there. parts of the plains with highs climbing well into the 90 s. going to stay toasty in the plains not only today but saturday and also for the second half of your weekend on sunday. there is a chance for severe thunderstorms, heads up, across parts of the midwest for your saturday. and then later today some showers and storms across parts of the southeast and heavy rain rolling through portions of minnesota and iowa right now. let s head over to brian. let me tell you what s happening in football.
how many games will ray rice miss for a fight that left his then fiancee unconscience? i m talking about the ravens running back. he s getting two games. the nfl suspended him for the beginning of the season. he was charged with third degree assault for knocking his fiancee unconscience. he is the fifth raven to be arrested this year. here s what happens if you re not paying attention at the tour de france. you ve got to be careful even when you re leading the race. you never know. you ve got to be careful when you cut corners like that. tour de france leader slamming into a woman chatting on her cell phone. he powered through unfazed. he went on to win the stage and is on pace to win the race. this may be the best you ll ever see.
in golf. i guess he won the british open. totally improvised shot starts on top of a boulder. from there it rolls into the water, goes through there. it will probably never be replicated. you can only imagine his elation and what he s going to be doing with all the money he s now acquired. on the radio between nine and noon, adam housely and elisabeth hasselbeck. is that how you say the last name? and daniel halpern who wrote that tbrait book about the clintons. up next, a staggering number of americans are suffering from lyme disease and they may not even know it. the symptoms may not be what you think. next up, how you can be sure you re getting the right diagnosis. did you see this video?
three thieves stealing burgers, and they re naked. we ve got an update on these fellows as you roll on live from new york city. hold the buns the banner don t miss a step. nothing s missed with tenatwist don t miss a beat. nothing s missed with tenatwist oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. nothing s missed with tenatwist fancy feast broths. they re irresistabowl. completely unbelievabowl. totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she s been waiting for.
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quick headlines now. a solar flare nearly cooked us all to death two years ago. we managed to avoid the event through lucky timing as the sun s aim narrowly turned towards the earth. had it occurred a week earlier when it was pointing at us the result could have been frighteningly different. police still trying to find three naked burglars who stole burgers from a restaurant over in florida. they are asking people to check social media. they think they may be college-age kids, possibly athletes who may have been drinking. waitresses now saying they
want to know they want to work the night shift in case they strike again. approximately 300,000 americans are affected with lyme disease each year but only about 30,000 of those are reported. that leaves a staggering number of people suffering in silence because they are often misdiagnosed. we interviewed darcy conn whose life was changed by a single unnoticed tick bite. migraines, radiating pain. i d have pain in one part of my body. it would shut off, it would duplicate itself on the other side of my body. toes turned purple. they thought i had m.s. they thought i had lupus. i had white matter on brain m.r.i. s, the gamut. floaters, you name it. never saw a tick, had rashes all my life so they
don t know how long i ve had it. bizarre things that would come up. they thought i had meningitis at one point in my life. i was told i was crazy. we re joined by the author of why can t i get better, dr. robert horowitz. we saw darcy and her daughter peyton with her. the numbers of those diagnosed with lyme are 30,000 but the number of those that they say actually have it are 300,000 a year. why is that? why don t people know that they have lyme disease? lyme is the great imitator so the blood tests are not reliable. when people are diagnosed with chronic fatigue symptom or m.s., they think that is the disease they have. doctors don t always think about lyme. ticks are very small so you don t always see a tick bite and many people think they need the bull s eye
rash. if you didn t have that, it couldn t be lyme. you say half the people don t have that bull s eye rash but do have lyme. that is correct. half those people it doesn t even look like a bull s eye. they think they get a spider bite or red rash. many people are misdiagnosed. lyme is called the great imitator, commonly mistaken for things like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, meningitis. if you re getting one of those diagnosis and not lyme, are you going to get better if you don t get the lyme diagnosis? you can get better but the problem is it can be cured in the first 30 days. the people who have seen me, i ve seen over 12,000 chronically ill people. when they come to see me it is like having 16 nails in their foot. they don t just have lyme. they have many other bacteria, parasites, they may have toxins in their body. many reasons why they stay
sick. if the first 30 days are so critical, why isn t the testing accurate? you go to your doctor, you re not feeling well. you may not have a bull s eye rash. what is wrong with the testing in those 30 days and you not get an answer? it takes awhile for these antibodies to be formed, the blood test the doctors are relying on. they re looking at new testing now to figure out whether we can find the organism early on because it s crucial. we re talking about the number one spreading epidemic worldwide as far as a bacterial infection. we know the number of tick bites is high in the summertime. if you re in an area known to have lyme disease prevalence, you re not feeling well, you don t have answer, what advice do you have? it is a clinical diagnosis. if you re having good and bad days and joint pain, muscle pain and nerve pain, tingling, it is moving around in your body, headaches, light sensitivity, sound
sensitivity, memory problems, depression, anxiety, you can t sleep, if you have a multisystemmic disorders, many symptoms, and it i coming and going, you re better with antibiotics or worse. that is classic of lyme. the doctors shouldn t just do the first test but a western block. there are hundreds types of lyme in the united states and that is why this one test doesn t pick it up. if you ask for the western blot test for lyme because you suspect you could be one of these patients, 270,000 people are walking around every we are with lyme disease and don t know it, will they give you the western blot test? the problem is the insurance companies only want you to do the eliza and don t want to you do the western blot and the western blot picks up one of these types of lyme, not the other 99. thank you for being with us, doctor. why can t i get better is
your book. you offer solutions on how someone can. 270,000 people a year walking around with lyme and don t know it. thank you for being with us. did you see this memorable dunk that happened right over my head? if you missed it, don t worry. the best of fox & friends is coming up next. three plane crashes, fighting in gaza, and the president is fund-raising. where is the mainstream where is the mainstream media on all of this? four wholesome grains.
sugar. only six? six grams of sugar? that s really good. excellent, delicious. and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy!
these wifi hotspots we get with our xfinity internet service are all over the place. hey you can stop looking. i found one. see? what do you think a wifi hotspot smells like? i m thinking roast beef.
want to get lunch? get the fastest wifi hotspots and more coverage on the go than any other provider. xfinity, the future of awesome. well, get ready to hit the rewind button and flashback to this week s greatest hits on fox & friends. watch. good morning, friends. welcome to studio e. we should well cop you to studio e. you ve been gone for how long? one day. i took one day off. oh. steve for the woosification of america. i love the fact that arthur aidala, even though he doesn t have a breath of air in his lungs because he ran ten blocks to be here, he s sandbagging dr. ablow.
it s tbt, #throwbackthursday. the assignment, sports pictures of us back in the day. this is where my hoop dreams began. he jumped over my head. you are a tall drink of water. and i had heels on. ladies, do you like your man to have a deep voice? i think it points out how toughs to to be a man. you have to straddle the line. you got to go rake the leaves. you got to fix the creek cree door. can you say it in a different tone? it goes to show how hard. . something that i ve never i ve seen them with a gavel a million times. i ve never seen this happen.
watched it sail over the balance connie. it very well may be my last actual conventional album. that does not mean that i m retiring. no, no, no. not so weird. he s tacky. according to his latest album. elisabeth, i got your nose. brian, you take it now. i think we re scary. continue to pick out paint colors. i got good colors for you. i ll send them your way. i m learning how to control this. just goes to show, you miss a little, you miss a lot. we have a lot going on in this program. yeah, the drone.
we got the drone above our heads. still miss ago piece of that prop. yeah. john stossel didn t know how to work it, that was the problem. flew off course. 60 bucks down the drain. actually stuck in the lights. i think it got stuck in my tote. thank you for joining us this past week. you re helping us, in our 25th year of being number one in cable morning news thanks to you. coming up, it sounds like something out of a horror movie. porcelain dolls left on neighbors door steps. even creepier, they look like the girls who live there. plus, rock n roll legend twisted sister is here live. they get ready to take the stage for our all american summer concert series. they re the stars. good morning, america.
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are you down with crestor!? ask your doctor if crestor could help you. if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning. it is friday, july 25, 2014. people packed at a camp ground sent running for their lives. there is something crazy going on outside. look at the tree! oh, my god! oh, my god! a killer storm leaving two dead this morning. the devastating clean-up. dramatic images, russia s military firing rockets into the ukraine, taking the tensions to a whole new level. will the president finally act? and it s the part of the brooklyn bridge flag switch you haven t heard about and it s going to make you proud to be an
american. that s coming up because tgif, thank goodness it s fox. thanks for watching us. hey, america. this is famous dave and you are watching fox & friends . we re not gonna take it anymore the party is already starting for our summer concert series here at fox & friends. twisted sister set to give the concert of the summer right here with us all morning. we ve got ribs roasting on the grill, it s fired up and so are
the fans outside. thank you for joining us. a very early arriving crowd. twisted sister has a loyal fan base. still writing song, still getting together and here is something else about those guys. they all have great personalities. they do. we ll get a chance to hear some of that outside. so come on down to 48th and 6th. there is a sign out there to point you in the right direction. follow your nose. we ve got famous dave s out there. coming up in the 8:00 o clock hour, they re going to start singing and you can watch it on line as they sing their big anthem we re not going to take it anymore. why do we always hear that at the staff meetings at fox & friends ? you re right. they ll be end playing their instruments, right, ainsley? that s right. i m listening to you and it s interesting how we re celebrating friday, but not so much for some of our neighbors down south in virginia. really tough morning. a twister sent families at a
catch ground running for their lives. something crazy going on outside! i m scared. look at the tree! oh, my god, his camper! oh, my god! a tornado packing 120 mile-per-hour winds, hail the size of softballs. this couple from new jersey was killed when a huge tree crushed their tent. dozens of other campers were injured as well. take a look at the aerial view of all of that damage. huge campers and trucks actually flipped upside down and trailers just left completely flattened. also breaking overnight, new information about the air algiers plane crash. the french president saying one of the black box was recovered from the wreckage. soldiers guarding that site in a village in mali that s controlled by al-qaeda. officials still not ruling out terrorism, but they do believe the plane with 116 people on board went down during a bad thunderstorm. plus, a fallen marine s
tribute flag comes home. marine lance corporal fred maciel was killed in a helicopter crash in iraq nine years ago. his mother was given a box of all of his belongings, but she didn t know that something was missing from that box. it was the flag. the flag with heartfelt messages from surviving members of his unit. another marine family found it at a flea market and then reached out to his mother on social media. my son is coming back to me and i love them for that. i can t wait to see what they wrote. fred s mother will get that flag and will meet the people who found it tomorrow. a very bizarre case of a southern california case solved now and it has a much happier ending than many expected. police know who left all of these porcelain dolls on the door steps of at least 11 houses where a ten-year-old girls live. what was giving people the creeps is that all of those
dolls, or each one left on the doorstep looked like the little girl who lived there. good news is, it turns out a woman in the neighborhood decided to clean out her doll collection and she thought that some young girls from her church might want them. so it was all a surprise. so it s just a coincidence that they looked like the kids and not some weird plot for a movie? i think she was doing it on purpose, but as good gesture. but a lot of people see those dolls, they think creepy. thanks, ainsley. lycopene you, i was surprised to see the state department say not only is russia involved in supporting the rebels in ukraine, in the country of ukraine, which they have no business in, they re actually supplying and firing you re looking at the video right now. this has not been confirmed, but it s believed to be russian weaponry firing into ukraine. so they are directly involved. this less than a week or one week to the day in which a
russian antimissile battery took
fact they ve done absolute low nothing for this. the world has not responded t. vladimir putin has been emboldened. reportedly due when we re about to send military advisors into ukraine. i d love to see that. we re studying the possibility of sending advisors while the russians are sending in hardware. all of this sounds more like conventional war, has many americans wondering will the president act? what will america do? when asked on who has the upper hand in ukraine, americans say this. putin has the upper hand right
now over barak obama, president obama, at only 14% thinking that president obama has the upper hand. sure. i thought the sanctions were working. they were beginning to affect the actions of the russians. they ve been emboldened since the world condemned him verbally and done nothing simply. it looks like the european union realized, okay, we get all our gas from there, but we re going to do something. they re talking about today doing something. don t hold your breath. also don t hold your breath to see the president of the united states do anything because he s concluded his three-day hollywood fund-raisers in california and the west coast. he told his hollywood pals and people with deep pockets that the turmoil in the world, yeah, it s one thing. but if you really need to assess the blame, blame those darn republicans. here is one of the quotes. he said, quote, obviously people are concerned about some of the
turmoil that s taking place around the world and they look at the middle east and they see a transition from an old order to a new order and they re not sure how that s going to happen. the terrible violence that occurs as a result of the conflict that probably makes people most discouraged is the conflict they see in washington. most people think no, americans actually do care what s going on in the world. it s not just a transition in the middle east. it s downright murder and killings and opportunity for terror to take over. is the president in a state of denial? charles krauthammer says those comments that the president just made are be obscene. there is something that is obscene. within a week of the shootdown of a civilian airline with 300 people dead, for the president to say that what really serves americans is not what s happening abroad, but too much congressional time spent on the
irs scandal. i mean, when a president actually says that, you wonder, can he believe it? if he does, is this really something that anyone can give any respect to? if the president used his time yesterday, for example, to say, i want to take a pause from campaigning, this is what s going on overseas. this is why you should care with his sleeves rolled up and folksy style. if he started using those communicationability to talk about the need to pay attention over there, then things would change. the president might be in his office looking at photos going it turns out america doesn t care about foreign policy but it does. this is why it matters. if he explains that rather than continuing to vilify republican, i think the whole country would change. the president says in hollywood, people are discouraged by the conflict they see in washington. remember back in 2008, that s one of the president s selling points, then senator. he said i m going to change the tone in washington, d.c fast forward today, it looks as if to many people he s actually
made it worse. one of the problems is you don t see a lot of criticism regarding the president because so many members of the mainstream media helped get him elected. you don t see much criticism on the evening news. in fact, when you take look these facts were compiled by the media research center take a look. since july 8, there have been 79 stories, or 169 minutes regarding the fighting in gaza. only 45 seconds, 45 seconds of criticism about the administration. since july 17, three evening newscasts have aired 96 stories, or 209 minutes about the jet shootdown. you know what? how much criticism of the administration? ten seconds. for their lack of response. not only is the administration not doing anything, they re talking, evidently the president talks about vladimir putin all the time. nothing happens. in fact, things get worse. but there is no plan going forward. you would think you can t
complete a story without saying what s america doing now. as michael hayden told megyn last night, the first time in his lifetime he s ever seen america take the back seat in so many places. if you are not involved, if you are not there, someone else will step in. two things can t occupy the same place at the same time. where good steps out, evil will step in. maybe if they built a really nice golf course in ukraine or had a big fund-raiser, maybe he would go and talk about it. perhaps. maybe. a dozen minutes after the top of the hour. what happens when a republican woman gets in the way of democrats? our next guest has been called sick and stalkerlike. who has really got the war on women working? what kind of salary would make you feel successful? 1 money thousand a year? 500,000. why those six figures aren t all they re cracked up to be next.
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what happens when a woman gets in the way of the clintons? our next guest might be the perfect example. in a recent politico article, a former advisor to president clinton referred to her as sick and stalkerlike with a quote, obsession over former president bill clinton. he s talking about virginia state delegate barbara comstock
who is now running for congress. good morning. good morning. great to be with you. what is your relationship with the clintons and why would some of their former aides and staffers come out with strong words against you? i worked for congressman frank walsh, who represents a district outside here in northern virginia and it s a district that i m now running in. when i was a senior aide to congressman wolf, he had tasked me with investigating the wrongful firing of seven travel office employees who were in the course of our investigation, fully exonerated and even democrats apologized to them. so these folks are focused on the 20th century. i ve been now a state legislator for five years after being a senior justice department official and a senior partner in a law firm. as a legislator, i have been in leadership position. chairman of the science and technology committee, working on jobs, the 21st century. so our campaign is focused on the 21st century, putting
people back to work, making sure we thank our military because we have a strong defense industry in our district and a lot of things they ve been talk being this morning, my constituents are very concerned about. of course. i want to ask you how concerned you are, though. right now as a congressional candidate it was who had a target on your back from the clintons who many see as quite powerful in politics. do you think they re going to hold back these efforts to perhaps deny you the opportunity to take the seat? well, this seat has been held for 34 years by my former boss, congressman wolf, who is working closely with us. i don t worry about those kind of attacks and assaults. what i really worry about are the assaults on our economy by this administration, attitude about foreign affairs you were just discussing with the president, and really being able to go in and get to work on solving the problems of getting our economy going again. earlier this month terry mcauliffe, our democrat governor in virginia, he signed
my research and development tax credit bill praising it, saying this is the kind of bill that would help us put people back to work, innovation. there are things i m focused on that bring people together. not the divisive politics of the past. so you ve got a democrat there supporting you, supporting your research and what you re putting forward. but then why, from so long ago, are the clintons set on calling you a stalker? they re calling you someone who is obsessed with bill clinton. why would someone who used to work for them still attack you now? why is this relevant today? you would have to ask them. this is their way of making a living these days. but people are really concerned about their job and their future, not these kind of issues. it s this kind of neglect of these issues that you re seeing with this administration and the democrats, they have nothing else they can run on. they certainly can t run on this economy. if you move forward here
i run on my record as a state legislator because i ve been very successful, been the go-to person on technology bills. we hear you there. let me ask you this, in 2016, if we re seeing hillary clinton in the white house and you in congress, how is that going to work? i ve learned a long time ago not to predict the future on elections. i m running in this election. and running on the issues that my constituents care about and the things that i hear every day as i go out to county fairs and to our fourth of july events and they care about their job, not the things in the past and they care about how they re being assaulted by this economy. obamacare, putting people out of work. barbara, we want to thank you for joining us today as you look to the future. not the past. that s exactly it. that s what it s all about and that s what our children need. you got it. thousands of illegals now pouring into our country. the reason why? the president is ordering border agents to slack off.
those bombshell accusations from an insider next. plus, he s big and strong in the new film hercules, but the rock showing off his softermore side. we re going to show you with kevin mccarthy coming up prices, it s definitely the dads. staples. make more happen for less. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah. (boy) i m here! i m here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you re killing me. you know what, dad? i m good.
(dad) it may be quite a while before he s ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it s not just a sedan. it s a subaru. honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh there s good more. honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i m like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points. .and there s not-so-good more. you re a big guy. oh no. get the good more with verizon smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. now get 50% off all new smartphones. that s $75,000 or more.
that s how much annual salary it takes for people to feel content and happy. the career builder also finding people feel successful around $70,000 per year. next, 6 1/2. that s how many hours of sleep the average american gets during the week. that according to the sleep foundation. about seven hours and 22 minutes. finally, where does the fox sleep? apparently on a bus in canada? this creature sneaking on an
ottawa public transportation bus while it was getting maintenance. what would the fox say about that? what would the fox say? it s time to check out what s hitting the box office this weekend. founder of kevin mccarthy joins us live to talk hercules. good morning to you. i missed you last week. it s great to be back on. always great to see you. you were on suspension, right? i was. i was. there is no good movies out, so don t book kevin. what about hercules ? this is the eighth film since 1958. it s the second movie this year, by the way, there was an earlier one that bombed miserably at the box office. now the rock is a huge name. he s the second highest paid actor in hollywood. he s been trying to get his movie made for 15 years. it s a passion project. he essentially it starts off, the character lost his family. he s now a sword for hire, he
takes on the idea of taking on the task of saving the king and his people. the movie itself, it s 98 minutes long, but the action really is what sells it. the story and script are terrible. but you have the rock perfectly physical for the role. he works with the movie and he s fine. the movie itself, there is some fun action, but overall, they built these gigantic sets and that s what makes it feel so much fun to watch. 98 minutes. turn your brain off. have some fun. i gave it three out of five. i will say it was not shot in 3d or imax. save yourself $6. do not waste your money in fake 3d and fake imax. i want to know how many stars you re going to give the rock s fanny pack. this picture is the best picture ever. this went viral last week and it s him from the 90s wearing a fanny pack. i walked in the room and brought the picture up to him. i m like, hey, rock, listen to me. if this version of the rock from the 90s were to get into a
battle with hercules, how could he beat hercules. here is what he had to say. fanny pack rock would take out the kryptonite. hot pockets. really? hot pepperoni. lean pocket or real? lean. get out of the room. it s real hot pockets. come on. the good news, kevin, is back when he was wearing that, he never lost his keys. right, exactly. there were hot pockets in there. amazing. okay. what about the movie lucy. it s interesting because it s directed by the guy who directed the professional. the character is a drug mule who is exposed to a certain amount of drugs that allow her to be certain human and use more than 10% of her brain.
it s a great concept, but the action, all the best scenes are in the trailer. every action scene that s in the movie is in the trailer. stay home and watch the professional or the element . my favorite movie of the year is called boyhood filmed over 12 years with the same two leading actors. best movie i ve seen in years. why didn t you start with that? i know, i know. trust me. just go see it. it was filmed over 12 years with the same four leading actors. it s amazing. kevin mccarthy joining us live, go see boyhood. thanks. coming up, three-year-old took it for a joy ride and it wasn t his first time behind the wheel, if you can believe it. twisted sister, word is they are getting ready to take the stage, our stage. wait til you hear about the first time they met, 1976.
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veterans to their community through physical and social activities. i m on their advisory board. they make veterans connect to everybody around them in their neighborhoods through yoga, running, hiking, whatever it is. when needed, they step in and put the flags back to where they belong. as they ran across, they saw one of the officers on duty who gave them a big nod. that s great. rwb taking the red, white and blue back to the brooklyn bridge. because those weren t just white flag, those were bleached american. they were bleached american flags and you mess with old glory and team red, white and blue will step in. they re packed with veterans that served this nation with pride and honor and they actually brought tears to my eyes. when i first saw that picture, i put it on instagram. i thanked them for stepping in, for our great nation. i m sure they ll be on the show again this year. they come on just about every year. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley is poised to tell you what s happening. thank you, brian. here is what s happening in the
news this morning. is president obama suffering donor fatigue? at the tail amendment of a west coast money grab, news of discounted dinner offers. california donors said tickets were offered for a deep discount after one person balked at the $25,000 donation price. the per plate cost then became just $5,000. even liberals are getting frustrated. here is ariana huffington. i don t criticize the president going to martha s vineyard. i m sick of the amount of time politicians spend fundraising. he destroyed our democracy. today the president will meet with central american presidents to discuss the immigration crisis. and scandal hitting one of the nation s most popular marching bands.
ohio state university band director is now out, fired over allegations that he knew about and ignored a sexualized culture inside the band. jonathan waters has been the band leader for the past two years and is known for these incredible formations. they are incredible. but as an investigation reveals, band members were marching in their underwear, conducting skits that were considered harassment. officials say waters knew about it all and failed to put an end to it. a three-year-old going on a joy ride and crashing a jeep into his neighbor s house. a passer-by witnessed the crash and saw the driver was a toddler. officers found him inside the house watching cartoons as if nothing happened. this isn t the first time that three-year-old was curious about the jeep. an officer found him in the vehicle just hours before the crash and police gave the relative who was supposed to be watching the child a citation.
man s best friend is a lot like man. they can get pretty jealous. researchers found dogs can be just like humans as they, too, can become jealous when a loved one shows affection to someone else. the study had the owners playing with lifelike stuffed dogs while the puppies were watching. then the puppy started whining, barking and even pushed their way between their owners and the toys. those are your headlines. they just want attention. that s all. that s right. that s understandable. mashing their territory there. marking her territory is maria molina. she s outside. how is she marking it? that s right. a weather reader. hello, everybody. i m out here with a lot of people that are here to see twisted sister and i also have my baseball cap on because this weekend at yankee stadium at 1:00 p.m. on saturday and sunday is fox fan weekend. so that s coming up. that s very exciting.
and i also found some fans here and there is some special people. i gave you hats. you call yourself the twisted sisters. yes, we are the twisted sisters. the original. 1950. i m twister sister. okay? that s fine. you can join us. i know we have somebody that is the first time in the united states and you re from spain? i m from spain. i m from spain. it s just amazing. i can realize in america you can have a concert at 7:00 o clock in the morning. only happens here. only in new york and then we also have another friend i found. today is one year to the 2015 special olympics world games in l.a we re very excited about it. #oneyearaway. so it s going to be great. awesome. making some friends out here. we re going to toss it to brian who is on stage with twisted sister. thanks a lot, maria.
you guys know dee snyder, two of the stars of twisted sister. you familiar with these guys? been together since 76. brief hiatus, back together in 2003. how does it feel to be back together after all those years together? it feels great. i mean, the original five guys that everybody out here knows, animal, eddie, and j.j. and myself, and you know, we had a brief 15 year hiatus, but we re friends again. is he better than ever, j.j.? are you still carrying the band? you know, first of all, let me tell you as long as there is ibuprofen, i can rock. the fact that the band took time off is one of the reasons the
band performs at the level they do. do you remember the moment when clearly you made it? you thought, wow, we re not going to have to struggle anymore. we re the headliner? for me, it was when we came home from europe. i went to the store to get some milk. i turn on the radio, we re not going to take it is playing. two other stations are playing it. i said, we have arrived. wow. for me, i knew we made it because we got on blackwell s worst dressed women s list. i just want to say this, for me t starts every day. dee snyder was the first celebrity i ever met at my brother s graduation. your brother was graduating. and there you are with your heels and your hair. and look at you. all these years, you re all legit. you guys are more than rock n roll super stars. you re about giving back. you have your bike ride across america and you have something else that hit your family.
my daughter has a disease, it doesn t roll off the tongue, it s essentially in the eye. we re doing a benefit for the uvi foundation. we have the doctor who bring out in a second who is the specialist, really the world s preeminent specialist in this disease. if it wasn t for him, my daughter would president-elect obama be blind today. this disease is not treatable. it affects young kids mostly. we re trying to bring awareness to this disease. this is going to be the biggest round of applause dr. foster ever got. dr. foster, come out here! foster! doctor, it s not curable, but it s treatable. actually some cases are curable. it may take a long time and several years of therapy, but
some cases are in remission for many, many years after off therapy. the only thing we can do is get your eyes checked, right? and train more young doctors to come into the field. my daughter was diagnosed at age six before there was permanent damage. if that had not happened, i don t know what would have happened in the intervening years. we were trying what we re trying to get out today, if you have a child, especially a girl, have the eyes checked early because early detection will prevent this disease from getting worse. dr. foster, will be playing the drums. dee, what will you be playing when we see you again? everybody s favorite. we re celebrating the 30th anniversary of the state hungry record. it s an upbeat crowd. guy, back inside. twisted sister is ready. they re up and so are their people. very, very nice. i think this is going to be the biggest crowd of the year. i think it may be. the doctor and twisted sister
getting lively responsed. doctor! doctor! this, the president ordering border agents to slack off. the bombshell accusations from an insider next. and bullets behind the bench, judges now packing heat. we re going to explain as we roll on live from a very busy 48th and 6th avenue within the heart of midtown manhattan. he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he s here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow. mental sharpness support. fla-pow. physical energy support. .together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! [ cat meows ] da-da-da-da-da, bum-da, bum-da bum-da, bum-da the animals went in two by two the sheep and the frog and the kangaroo and they all went marching, marching in two by two [ male announcer ] the nissan pathfinder, with intuitive four-wheel drive. an adventure worth sharing. nissan. innovation that excites.
an adventure worth sharing. making sure you pay the right price for a new car just got a whole lot easier. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that s based on what others recently for the same car and kelley blue book s trusted pricing expertise. it all adds up to the confidence that you ll get a great deal. that s just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. quick headlines now. bring back the firing squads? that s what a federal appeals court judge is about to say about capital punishment. you got the judge claiming firing squads are, quote, full proof way to quickly execute an inmate and avoid complications. his comments come days after an inmate in phoenix took nearly
two hours to die from lethal injection. and judges in oklahoma learning how to shoot? yep. it s all part of a brand-new project in tulsa. the sheriff wants to make sure those who want to defend themselves in the courtroom have training. steve? thanks, brian. tens of thousands of illegals are storming past our southern border. ice agents say they re being left on desk duty. nothing for them to do, per say. those orders, seems like they came from the top. the former national deputy chief of the u.s. border patrol is here. he s got 30 years experience in border enforcement. good morning to you. thank you, good morning. okay. so the border patrol essentially down along our southern border, for the most part they re just baby-sitting right now. seven out of ten we heard are just taking care of these kids and whatnot. but it s the ice agents who for the most part are they re on
ice. explain what s going on. part of the core mission of ice is the handoff from the border patrol once a person has been arrested, illegal alien entering the united states. quite frankly, in this situation we re experiencing now in the southwest u.s. and certainly in south texas, is the partner agency known as ice with the department of homeland security, is missing in action. awol. they re just not there. if one travels to the border and checks out the areas where the numbers of unaccompanied juveniles andhrvzñ+ families arg processed and held by the border patrol, being screened for health issues by the united states public health service and hhs and have volunteers from fema helping to sort and care for, it s a heavy burden and it s practically overwhelming. yet, you look around, no ice agents. no enforcement removal operations people. it makes one wonder, that s their core mission.
where are they? okay. you know where they re at. in some cases they re just sitting at their desks, they re looking at their brand-new government computers. they re sitting in their cars. they re not going anywhere, right? in all due respect to men and women in ice with enforcement removal operations and homeland security investigations, like any police officer, cop, border patrol agent, they want to be appreciated for the good work they do, the training they ve taken and willing tons risk their lives. yet the anecdotals i m hearing from those troops, to call them that, the agents that would be in the field if they were sent, they re spending extra long hours on duty at the local gym. they re televisionling their thumbs. they re playing video games on their computers. they re not being tasked to support the emergency situation on the border. okay. and so why is it? if they re not get they re the removers and if they re just sitting at their desk because
they don t have the orders, it looks like the implicit message from the administration is, we don t want to send anybody back! i agree. i think this is in a sense, this is a subtle way of undermining the actual enforcement piece in the deterrent piece of what is most important is until now, we had established, we, the border patrol, ice, dhs, department of justice, the beginning of a sense that you can not cross here or you will get caught. they are getting caught. they re getting caught by the border patrol. they re frankly turning themselves in to the border patrol because they re being released subsequently by ice. right. before you go, we heard some democrats say that our southern border is secure. yes or no? is it secure? no. and you will not find a single leader in the law enforcement community that would call it secure. we are all worried about the
current situation and who already may be in the united states. absolutely. former national deputy chief of the u.s. border patrol, he s speaking out because the agents on the line right now are fearful if they do, they will lose their job. ronald, thank you very much for joining us today from phoenix. thank you for inviting me. what a story. straight ahead, we re switching gears trying to find your dream house? michael corbett says it s simple. he s got a secret to find yours next. first op this date in 1946, dean martin and jerry lewis staged their first comedy show in new jersey. in 1965, bob dylan shocked fans by playing electric at the newport folk festival. and in 1982, eye of the tiger by survivor, number one song in the world. (vo) get ready!
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most people think of spring is the best time to buy a house. not anymore. summer might be even better. with more choices and less competition. michael corbett came up with the facts and wrote find it, fix it, flip it. today we re going to focus on how to find that dream home that s beat up, like a diamond in the rough. for example, if we want to find that, where do we go? well, what s going on is that in june, sales peak. but inventory keeps building in july and august. so according to trulia trends data, what that means is more houses, less competition. so if you find a house that actually has a battered market history, you look for homes that have been on the market 60 days or more. what that means is that there are houses that came on in the spring, didn t sell in the big rush, and now the sellers are
going to be anxious about getting those off their plate. i look at that as saying there must be something wrong. but you have to say find something right. several price reductions shows to you a seller that needs to get out? yes. absolutely. a seller that has been dropping, they re looking for their bottom line price. they may have priced it too high during the big rush in june and now realize, wow, if i want to sell this, i got to drop it down in price. great time to be grabbing great deals. and where do you find out if a price has been reduced? you can go on line. your real estate agent will know that. but there are a lot of data on line that you can actually see the price reductions going on and look for those houses that have had them. those sellers are ready to go. also you talk about previous offers falling through, obviously. summer is diamonds in the rough. we went over that. how about this, house hunt when others are not doing that. when would that be? come on, you know, when the weather heats up and it s
miserable out there, that s the time to be house shopping because you have less competition from other buyers out there, plus your agent isn t as busy. you get his full attention. you re out there look at all the houses when no one else is. you can grab a great deal. it s really the perfect time to be out there looking for that dream home for the summer. and also you just said have your financials together, correct? yes. especially in summer. if you want to close by the end of the year, you need to be preapproval letter. you need to have all your documents ready because just as everybody else is on vacation, so will a lot of the people that put those closings together. you need to make sure you don t have any delays. get it done quick. and could be tough if you have a house to sell as well. but that s part of the magic of buying a home. michael corbett, thanks so much. have a great weekend. coming up after three days of fundraising, the president finally back in washington and ready to talk border crisis.
geraldo rivera has got a few things to say about that. plus, get ready to rock. twisted sister hits the stage. the crowd is already huge. [ male announcer ] if you can t stand the heat, get off the test track.
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good morning. it is friday, july 25, 2014. a carp ground filled with people trampled by a killer storm. something crazy is going on outside! this twister september people scrambling for their lives and the devastating clean-up this morning. the president talking border crisis today with three central american presidents. one of them says the problem is the americans fault. how do we fix this? geraldo rivera here. it s going to get noisy. geraldo doesn t like to talk about immigration. why couldn t this pregnant w crt
to the hospital? can you say thanks, mr. president? i was there. really? geraldo is commenting on my cold opens. mornings are better with friends.
i m exhausted just watching. ladies and gentlemen, twisted sister, our featured performers today. our summer concert series, going to play all morning. visit our web site to watch these guys. it s the biggest crowd of the year and they are fantastic. they are partying like a friday night on friday morning. yeah. bret michael was huge. this guys have the potential to be just as big. i will say this, maria will be hosting the concert until we bring it back on the air, right? kind of on line. you can watch the entire thing on line. such a mellow way to wake up. dee snyder is quite an inspiration. to see him going like that. geraldo rivera, who still is going himself. i m still rocking. i was shocked, i shouldn t
say stunned, but i would say somewhat surprised. shocked, stunned and surprised. this is quite a build-up. central american leaders come here instead of saying sorry about my people sneaking across your border. sometimes without parents, 45,000, up to 60,000 strong. but i blame you guys because you like drugs and because you haven t gotten your immigration policy straight. let me say put aside the surface outrage for a second. you have to admit and you have said right on the couch, brian, that there is definitely ambiguity when it comes to america s immigration policy, vis-a-vis, children of a certain age. the president with the dreamer. the president did indeed say children of a certain age would not be deported. they would be put in the back of the line in terms of deportation. the message went out. maybe it was misconstrued. maybe we weren t clear enough in enunciating that, that it was pretty clear that there were
people in central america of good intention who felt that if ohm the children could reach our border, then they could stay. so you have to fault the president somewhat. and regarding the 2008 law regarding kids who have been victims of sex trafficking that get here, they re entitled to stay, according to the law. but you listen to the president of honduras yesterday and he says, okay. the americans, you re all screwed up. you got no laws. forget about the fact that our countries are really dangerous. but it s america s fault. here is juan orlando hernandez. one thing is lack of clarity in the migratory policy of the united states. it s ambiguous. that s why the coyotes take advantage of the situation. they have made parents here think that according to new legislation in immigration reform, that you would make this reunification possible where they can just enter the united
sit here this morning, we have to recognize that there is a refugee crisis, steve. you mentioned
we have to change the law. you mentioned the 2008 law that allows these children, once they reach here, to have a hearing. i think they should have a hearing. i understand that the system is overburdened, but we re a compassionate country, a country built on immigrant vigor. i think that now is you know what i would like? we have 90,000 unaccompanied minors coming in the last year. i would like 90,000 american families privately to say, you know, we can shelter, my family will take one. i think that s way that we can do it in i want to you adopt me. what about our kids? what about the fact that the culpability. it s hard to adopt the idea of what s going on. steve, you spoke with a former border patrol council head. we re going to let everybody hear it one more time and i want to you give us some idea of what kind of accountability should come from the white house when this is happening. the partner agency known as ice within the department of homeland security is missing in
action. awol. they re just not there. they re spending extra long hours on duty at the local gym. they re twiddling their thumbs, playing video games on their computers. they re not being tasked to support the situation on the border. in a sense, this is a subtle way of undermining the actual enforcement piece in the deterrent piece. sure, because if they don t have a border. i don t know about ice agents at the bar. but i do know that sending 1,000 untrained texas national guardsmen to the border is a fool s earned. i remember when the 82nd airborne was sent to the border, they stand around. most of their logistical strength is giving the soldiers water, taking care of the soldiers. it is a it s an optic of there is 1,000 guys on the border. like the drug guys. first of all, there wouldn t
be 1,000 guys. they have to have they re only on eight hours. off for the other 16 hours. it s preposterous. you have one guy every two miles? so immigration, bad idea. here is the thing, i really want everyone to picture this. here is maria, she s eight years old. she came from guatemala. she walked 1400 miles to the border. her sisters have been forced into prostitution. her brother is dead from gang violence. one parent is already dead. the other one is awol. are we going to tell maria, get out of here? she would qualify under the law. we have to have a compassionate activist approach to this problem. both houses of congress and the president of the united states must reach common ground. we have temperrized we re going to have to ask ourselves, do we care more about the kids in guatemala than in chicago and charlotte, because there is kids here that need help and there is a process to get them here.
i absolutely agree with that. but i heard yesterday someone saying, american children are starving. american children, unless they have abusive parents are not starving. this is a country of vast capacity. 330 million people in this country, the wealthiest nation on earth. please, brian, we have a relationship that is an intimate relationship with central america and with mexico that has existed historically. we can t take everybody. we can certainly feed 90,000 children that come unaccompanied. you agree it s irresponsible to send them and these coyotes are making money and profits off of their bodies and transport. that s the issue. i don t disagree with you. they re not being clear and responsible. i don t disagree whatsoever. i think you re absolutely right. the president bears some of this responsibility because of his ambiguity, but he has been ambiguous about it. it s the way i see him operating
too often. he s too cool for school. too cool for school in the ukraine. too cool for school in gaza. i was just in l.a., you got the story of the pregnant lady who couldn t get across the street. why is he doing all this laid back stuff at a time of great urgency? i told you ten minutes ago, it would be spirited. we invite geraldo on for his point of view i match elizabeth s stress. we talked. love your passion. thank you. ainsley joins us today. she s got news duty. some people who need our help, some of our legal neighbors. a killer twister sending hundreds of families in a camp ground in virginia running for their lives. there is something crazy going on outside! i m scared! look at the tree! it s on that guy s camper!
oh, my god! the tornado packing 120 mile-per-hour winds, heavy rain and hail the size of softballs. this couple from new jersey was killed when a huge tree crushed their tent. their 13-year-old son in the tent right next to them was critically injured. dozens of other campers were injured as well. take a look at this aerial view of all that damage. huge campers and trucks actually flipped upside down, and trailers left flattened. also breaking overnight, new information about the algiers plane crash. the french president saying one of the black boxes was recovered. soldiers are guarding that black box. they re not ruling out terrorism, but think the plane carrying 116 people went down because of a bad thunderstorm. isis continues its destruction of iraq.
the target this time? jonah s tomb. the prophet who was swallowed up by the whale. isis doesn t seem to care as they re blowing up that shrine, blowing it to pieces. it was built in the 8th century bc. a california woman is a proud new mom this morning, but getting to the hospital, not so easy. she was blocked by president obama s motorcade. police would not let her cross the street to get to the e.r. until the motorcade was finished. you can see her sitting on the bench. the president was on his way to a fund-raiser. the mom to be waited for 30 minutes before being able to make it inside the hospital. thankfully, the mom and the baby are doing just fine this morning. those are your headlines. what is wrong with these people? who? they can t see pregnant woman? they can t call an audible o on their secret service plan? as it turns out, the people from the hospital actually went across the street to help her. she did deliver inside the
hospital. still that s crazy. coming up, have a moral dilemma on your mind? ever ask yourselves what should i do? peter johnson, jr. is here with help next. and an incredible story, a nine-year-old struck by lightning, his clothes and shoes burned off and he s okay. his story straight ahead. surviving a lightning strike.
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today was the first edition of our brand-new segment, what should i do? have a serious dilet me ma? peter johnson, jr. has the life and legal experience to take it on. he s outside with elisabeth in the middle of the crowd. hey, guys. we are with the twisted sister crowd out here with some twisted situations. peter johnson, jr. going to shed some light on them. here are the questions. let s go to the first question. you ve been assigned to a sales team to service one of your company s biggest clients. every time you show up at the client, he s drunk, abusive and he won t control his doberman and german shepherd. you complain and your boss suggests that you should chill out and maybe even have a drink with the guy. what do you do? we got some fans out here.
kathy frazier, keith, their son jake are here. so kathy, what would you do? i would quit. i would leave. there is no way. life is too short to put up with stuff like that. keith? the boss says have a beer with him, have a beer with him. jake, i m assuming you might have an opinion on this or go with what your dad said? here is p.j. s answers this morning. skip the drink. take a stand because you re not gonna take it anymore. i think this crowd the law is, you can t be compelled to work in an unsafe environment. question number two, you re work at a doughnut shop, there is a homeless woman with children who goes in and asks for doughnuts and milk for the kids. there is a policy against giving away free food. so give up the doughnuts or tell the mom and the hungry mouths to get lost?
if you give the food away, no, have you also given away your job? what do you say? this is james and dorial. i think i d have to just stick to the policy. you would stick to the policy? i d give up my job. you would give up your job and give a doughnut. i d give them a doughnut or buy them a doughnut. absolutely, great cross section. that s my response, too. buy the doughnut and keep the job because you violate a policy, even doing a good thing, hard hearted company can throw you out on your keister. so spend the $3, do the right thing. keep your job. make everybody happy and everybody is happy to see twisted sister here today! right on the plaza. send us your dilemmas here. peter johnson, jr. and our crowd on the plaza will solve them.
back inside to you, steve. very nice. all right. thank you. coming up, pop quiz. who is smarter, christians or atheists? ohio state university says atheists. the test question turning heads coming up next. first more from twisted sister. vo: this is the summer.
the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours.
here is some news caught on camera. remember nfl player ray rice on surveillance video dragging his girlfriend off an elevator? there is some outrage this morning after his punishment was revealed he will miss just two games. rice was charged with third degree assault but will have that dropped after completing an intervention program and, by the way, on another note, check this out. there is you go to be careful even when you re leaving the race there, you never know. you got to be careful. tour defrance leader
slamming into a woman chatting on her cell phone. unphased, he goes on to win the race. we couldn t get to the woman. the trouble with schools, let s take you to ohio state university where essentially the message is atheists smart, christians dumb, according to an on line take home quiz where when some people in particular one kid who whistle blew this to campus reform, he had a particular message. this is what the quiz asked. theo has an iq of 100 and another has 25. which of the following statements do you expect to be true? the correct answer was that an atheist, while theo is a christian. suggesting that the christian was not as smart as the all knowing atheist. that was the answer to the question. if the student wanted to choose, in her mind, thinking the christian was indeed smarter,
having a higher i.q., he would have gotten it wrong. the editor in chief of campus explaining her dilemma. she would have had to say, for me to get this point on this question, i m going to have to admit that atheists inherently have a higher i.q. than christians do. it s something we ve seen that s not true. of the ten highest i.q.s on earth, on the planet, eight of them are theists, those with believe in a deity and of those eight, six are christian. we re seeing a trend all across the country where christianity for some reason, universities feel they re able to attack it. mike adams, according to the campus reform article, the doctor and an outspoken conservative christian professor at the university of north carolina, said, quote, every group is protected from offensive speech on campus except for conservative
christians. he also added applying this principle to other type of groups would be taboo on college campuses. you know what? he s right. ohio state, we called them. they have not called back. coming up, we have 35 minutes to show and a lot of music coming your way. despite these images, reportedly of russia s military firing rockets into the ukraine, believe it or not, hillary clinton says the reset button that she mistranslated actually worked. chris wallace live from washington next. and it s a new way to capture that special moment. will you marry me? yes! are you kidding me? okay. lot of people are going to want one of these. it s called the ring cam. we re going to show you how to works. first, more from twisted sister.
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this is crazy. a new poll found that most americans have a higher opinion of darth vader than of any potential 2016 presidential candidate. than any candidate. in fact, things are looking so good for vader that he s actually decided to run for president. i was actually at the tonight show yesterday at a taping across the street. really? it was fantastic. meanwhile, we re in a live program. look at that guy, chris wallace joins us live. good morning to you, chris. good morning to you. we have been highlighting the struggle between the pro-russian rebels in the country of ukraine versus the country of ukraine. it s been going on inside the country. they ve gotten a bunch of arms from russia. we thought they were just fighting against themselves. but now there is information, we got some pictures unconfirmed but apparently russia itself is shooting at ukraine. that is really kind of changing
everything, doesn t it? well, yeah. it certainly does escalate the situation and it s more than just those unconfirmed pictures. we had top u.s. officials from the podium at the state department and the pentagon making that allegation that russia is now firing artillery across the border from russia to pro ukrainian positions inside the country of ukraine. they re not just pulling the strings. they re actually firing some of the weapons. what do you think is behind the state department coming out making those statements yesterday and do you believe it s true that we re starting to move advisors into the country of ukraine or still considering it? i haven t heard we were i mean, i m sure we have some advisors there in a technical sense. whether or not we have them on the ground with the troops, i certainly haven t heard that. that would be a big escalation if it were to happen of our involvement and president obama has certainly indicated that he doesn t want to get us more involved, boots on the ground. frankly the polls indicate most
americans don t want us to get involved with boots on the ground in ukraine. why it was announced yesterday? the only thing i can figure is that finally the u.s. decided they had enough evidence and proof of it and maybe that video was part of it. speaking of advisors, who is advising hillary clinton in saying that the russian reset is still working yesterday? take a listen. the reset worked. it was an effort to try to obtain russian cooperation on medvedev was president and putin pulled the strings, but he gave medvedev a certain amount of independence to negotiate. sounds like he s trying put a happy face on something that didn t go well when she was in charge. well, for a while it did work, in fairness to her, in the initial stages, there was an improvement relations. we did negotiate an arms deal. this is when medvedev, kind of a puppet as she indicated, of
putin was in charge. once putin came back, things went downhill. so maybe it worked for a while, but it certainly isn t working now. it s a little bit like hillary clinton, if you remember when she ran in 2008 on iraq, she kept defending her vote in favor of iraq when a lot of democrats had turned against it and she was kind of slow and wouldn t admit, well, it turns out it was a mistake. sometimes that s the best thing to do in a point when russia bears either direct or indirect responsibility for the shootdown of the malaysian airliner, i m not sure is the right time to be talking about how good it was that we had a photo op with the russian foreign minister with a button that didn t say reset as we thought it did. but in fact said overcharge. oopsy daisy. good point. while all this is going on and we hear from the pentagon and state department yesterday and we see the president still continuing to fund raise despite the border crisis, despite everything going on with gaza, fighting there, israel, hamas. this is the president here
saying that americans really are just focused on republicans not getting anything done. that s what s bugging him the most. one republican who is not having that at all. what s really going on is that republicans in congress are directly blocking policies that would help millions of americans. they are promoting policies that harm millions of americans. reality is that harry reid has now on his desk over 340 bills that we have already passed in the house. he refuses to take them on. the reality is we keep doing our job, we keep passing these bills. harry reid is you got to watch the whole show to hear greta s suggestion. the president is blaming the republicans, the republicans are blaming harry reid. is that valid?
well, it s valid but it s kind of beside the point. the world is in flames. you ve got the u.n. shelter getting hit in gaza yesterday. we re not sure whether it was hit by the israelis or the palestinians. but the carnage continues in that part of the world. on both sides. you ve got the shootdown of this plane, 298 people killed and it looks like putin will get away with it. he s not going to suffer any tes. iran getting closer to the bomb. isis spreading. and you ve got them in the same tired political arguments. it s interesting, on the one hand i understand the president raising money. he s very focused on the midterm election. he s got a lot at stake if the republicans take over control of the senate and the house, then he s absolutely got to deal with them and he can t say well, the democrats and the senate, anything like that cause he wouldn t have control of either house. on the other hand, vary interesting statistic, since 1946, if a president s approval rating is below 50%, they
lose his party in the second midterm loses about three times as many seats as they do if his approval rating is over 50%. it s now at about 42% and i think an awful lot of americans are looking at the president out fundraising while all of these problems are happening and his approval rating has really gone down. i m not sure it makes the best political sense to be fund raising at this particular time. make great decisions as a president, that will help your party the most. that s what i believe. fox news sunday will hash it out. who have you lined up? the very latest on the shootdown of the malaysian airliner, the very latest from gaza with israeli and palestinian officials. that fellow right there, when eric cantor was defeated, there was an absence, a vacuum in the leadership. don t keep moving that. you have a lot of guests. we have to work them all in. anyway, he s the number three republican in the house.
he s a member of the tea party, the first tea party member to be a member of the top house leadership. we ll talk to him about immigration, a bunch of other issues. and we ll also have those other guys on. it s a great show. how is that for a graceful very nice! you are a pro. thank you. a panel, all kinds of stuff. why not? sure. thank you, chris. bye. ainsley stands by now. you ve got the latest in headlines for us. i do. thanks, elisabeth. scandal is hitting one of the most popular marching bands of the nation. ohio state university s band director is out. he was fired over allegations that he knew about and ignored a sexualized culture inside the band. jonathan waters has been the band leader for the past two years and is known for those
incredible formations. but a two-month investigation reveals band members were marching in their underwear and conducting skits that were considered harassment. officials say he knew all about it and he failed to put an end to it. a nine-year-old boy was struck by lightning and doesn t remember a thing. of course, he s lucky to be alive. i woke up in the hospital. that s it. seems to be doing just fine. kyle was playing with his sister on a football field in charlotte when lightning hit. all of his clothes and shoes were burned off. kyle stopped breathing for 15 minutes and his mom says his fast recovery is nothing short of a miracle. well, wish you could watch your wedding proposal over and over again? well, now you can with a ring cam. will you marry me? yes! are you kidding me?
the small camera hides inside of that ring box. the box acts just like a usb drive, you can upload the video to your computer. a group of students at hope college in michigan came up with that idea as their senior engineering project and you can rent this ring cam for $100. what a great idea. that s one of those why didn t we think of that. great idea. we could sell a million of those things. i always thought you got married too soon, ainsley. you could have just waited. wasn t up to me. it s up to us. we re going out to maria molina with the big crowd, twisted sister starts in a minute. but right now the weather. that s right. everybody is getting ready here for twisted sister. they re about to start playing. before that, the weather conditions across the country and your high temperatures for today are going to remain rather cool across portions of the great lakes and parts of the northeast. we are going to be seeing them climbing into the 70s and also
into the low 80s out there. that s something to watch. otherwise tomorrow, severe weather will be possible across portions of the midwest. that s something else to watch as well. and this is actually not the right graphic. something changed out there. again, tomorrow we do expect some severe weather to fire up across portions of the midwest and hot temperatures continuing in place across portions of the plains today, tomorrow and also into your sunday. everybody ready for twisted sister? yeah? let s hear it. yeah! thank you very much. that is a huge crowd out there and they re fired up and they know the words as well as dee snyder. meanwhile, up next, jackpot. a psychic literally a fortune teller. the prediction that made this woman a lot richer. first, twisted sister with we can t stop rock n roll on our plaza.
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psychic 16 years ago one day she would win the lottery. it was 16 years later, she did win. it might be one of the most epic photo bombs ever. check out the queen making a cameo in some selfyies as the family in scotland. the 88-year-old smiling beyond the fence. that s the news. a hospital on lockdown. a gunman opens fire until one doctor jumped into action. it happened in philadelphia. and that s where we find wtxs reporter. what s the latest? reporter: right now that gunman is in critical condition. police say a doctor helped save the lives of countless other people that he may have gunned down. yesterday afternoon the suspect, 49-year-old richard, was meeting with a case worker and a psychiatrist. police say he suddenly opened fire, killing the 53-year-old
case worker. a bullet grazed the doctor s head, but he managed to go for his gun and fire back. he is expected to be okay. but again, that gunman in critical condition. meantime, it turns out the suspect has an extensive criminal history, including illegal drugs, possession of firearms, and assault as well. so all of that going to be coming out in this investigation. back to you guys. all right. good job. we ll be up to date. on a different note straight ahead. coming up next, twisted sister s big performance you don t want to miss it. first we re going to check in with martha mccallum. what s coming up at the top of the hour? good morning. the white house calls in former clinton staffers to get some advice on the president s messaging. as charles krauthammer says the president has, quote, withdrawn. but the world keeps spinning out of control. the latest on the bombings, israeli ambassador joins us live today. a plan to pick up cupped in honduras and bring them directly
here. kay granger has her reaction to that when bill and i see you right here on america s newsroom at the top of the hour vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. [ children laughing ] .is the smell of salt in the air.
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today we re going to do something new. i got my iphone. during our performance, you will actually see the output and many selfies. i m not goi3[hjç to take it anymore. fantastic. anybody know the words? twisted sister because we re not gonna take it anymore right here on our plaza. summer concert series. take it away! this is a song!
we re not gonna take it no we ain t gonna take it we re not gonna take it anymore we re not gonna take it anymore

we re not gonna take it anymore we re not gonna take it no we ain t gonna take it we re not gonna take it
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140801 10:00:00

trace adkins live concert series. if you live in new york, come down. we d love to see you. good morning. it is friday, august 1, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. ebola is coming to the united states. two american victims being flown here for treatment, sparking fears. are we ready to handle an american outbreak? vacation delayed. no one goes home in the house until an immigration bill is passed. will the will the it s hammer time. but with lawmakers crying foul, can they get the votes? we ll know at 9:00 this morning. did bill clinton drop the ball on bin laden? listen to this shocking new recording that was released on september 10, 2001.
i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i should have got him, i should have killed him. wow. why didn t he take him out? you ll be interested in his explanation. mornings are better with friends. this is trace adkins and you re watching fox & friends. good morning everybody. happy friday. that means it s our all-american summer concert series day to kick off.
and we have trace adkins singing on our plaza at 48th and 6th. today is the first day of august. as you can see, it smells like summer. we ve got famous dave s doing the ribs. we started setting up the stage for trace adkins actually in july. we had him in yesterday. as you can see, started yesterday in the morning, went through the noon hour, went through the afternoon. the stage is modular so it s relatively quick to put up. there it is live on our plaza. you heard the girls, 48th and 6th avenue. come for free breakfast and a trace adkins kicks off at 11:00. it gets quicker every single year. credit to that great team who put that up. hats off to adrian. he s the guy who pulls it
together. trace adkins and i always get along together so it should be fascinating to see how we do now. let s talk about what happened in the house. michael mccall, chairman of homeland security, was one of our last guests yesterday. he said we re going to vote for a house in the bill, about $650 million. the president wants $4 billion but we re going to look at the 2008 bill and reform it and the 2012 bill and reform it. that is the last time things went according to format. maybe it was because of ted cruz lobbying house members or because there is such a divide among the republican caucus they could not agree on a bill and had to cut it off. whether to wipe daca off the books completely or throw more money there was not a complete consensus. it sounds like they got up to 214 votes.
they needed 218 votes. are they going to get it? we ll know today at 9:00 in the morning because that s when they re going to meet once again in the capitol to figure out what to do going forward. representative steve king made it very clear. republicans want to fix what s going on on our southern border. here he is. most republicans stayed because we want a shiewtion. we went into that we want a solution. we went into that room and hammered out something that got close. i wanted to fix the o.t.m. language, the asylum language, fix the loophole on expanding daca. the president is waving his ink pen at america saying i m going to violate the constitution and the law and legalize five million to six million people. that s what the dream act is. experts say they talked to a lot of these kids and parents. they believe in 2012 when the president decided on his own to tell those kids who came here, they were young children with their
parents, and he told those kids there is no fear of deportation. the message got to central and south america that america will tell the children if you arrive here, you can stay here. they want to amend that and stop the president from doing these executive orders especially when it comes to immigration. that looms because the president has basically all but said that s what straight ahead in september. any extension on daca would be a very courteous invite for more illegals to cross over, so they have concern over that. you d think the united states would be more united when it comes to our border being particularly invaded here in the south, but president obama seems to want to divide, mocking the lawsuit that republicans have put forward saying he is just outside of the loss in the constitution. you could say it is a harmless political stunt except it wastes america s time. you guys are all paying for it as taxpayers. it s not very productive.
but it s not going to stop me from doing what i think needs to be done in order to help families all across this country. we re doing our job, trying to find ways in which we can help working families. think about how much further along we d be if congress would do its job. you know, so that s got some people ranked, a little upset. because if you want to work with somebody, you don t call them names. you know, while he says he wants to work with the other side, there really is little evidence of that. and that s why he s got a phone and he s got a pen and he s got a putter when he s not doing executive actions, he s out on the golf course. the executive actions and what he s talking about, charles krauthammer says this is not what our framers had in mind. the constitution could not be more clear. the president s version to faithfully execute the laws, he s not allowed to make the laws, not allowed
to change the laws, he isn t allowed to unilaterally suspend the laws which is exactly what they re saying he s going to do. this would be a gross violation of the constitution. today at 9:00 the republicans are going to get together, the whole house is going to be called together. will they be able to bring something to the floor? will they be able to pass it? don t know. however we know for sure the democratic-led senate yesterday could not come up with 60 votes and so harry reid could not pass the president s own bill in his own party. that s a problem for them politically. this is all symbolism because the president is not going to do anything with what the house passes. the house just wanted to pass it. they re 10 votes short, 20 republicans defected from this bill. i don t know who is going to reverse it. i don t know why they waited until the last day. it s going to be a busy breakfast to say the least, for them. heather nauert is here as well. a fox news alert regarding ebola which has america in sort of a startled state.
it has killed about 700 people overseas and that deadly ebola virus is coming to u.s. soil. two infected men s who are aid workers helping people in africa who have this illness right now, these aid workers will be brought to the united states. one of them will be treated at emory hospital in atlanta. that patient is expected to arrive there sometime within the next few days. a medevac jet left yesterday afternoon to pick up the patient and in the plane there is some sort of isolation unit on it. take a look at this picture. these were built and designed by the department of defense and also the c.d.c. they apparently were told to ensure flight crew will remain safe from that disease. we ll keep watching the hours after the start of the cease-fire between israel and hamas, it is already falling apart. there is new violence to tell you about this morning. it broke out just moments ago. both sides are accusing each other of violating the truce. israel says rockets have
been fired at them and hamas says israeli troops fired on palestinians leaving many of them dead. the israeli ambassador spoke out last night, and he said don t rush to judgment. we had a case two days ago, three days ago where we had two attacks, one on a hospital in gaza and one on a refugee camp where a number of children were killed. obviously everyone is moved by pictures of children being killed. but there was a rush to judgment on israel. an nbc reporter said this was an israeli drone strike. turns out that those people were killed, both of those attacks came from rockets that were fired by islamic jihad in gaza. at least four humanitarian cease-fires have been announced since that conflict started. while you were sleeping house majority leader eric cantor says he will leave congress early on august 18. originally he said he would serve out his entire term. he lost against a tea party challenger. last night california congressman kevin mccarthy taking over as majority
leader. the c.i.a. saying i m sorry for snooping on members of the u.s. senate. director john brennan confirms the c.i.a. employees improperly searched computers that were used by senators who were investigating the agency s interrogation program. that s a total about-face for brennan who said in march do you remember this? he said the accusations of spying couldn t be further from the truth. this all coming out in a c.i.a. audi. that is big news out of washington this morning. we kind of knew what was going on. and now, ladies and gentlemen, exhibit a. bill clinton was president of the united states up until january of 2001. george bush takes over in august. everyone talks about that memorandum he got that said bin laden determined to attack in our homeland. people were all over george bush saying why didn t you react more specifically and succinctly to that. he did have plans on hitting bin laden. remember the story.
he s going to have a big hit on bin laden, tackle al qaeda. however, he didn t get the chance because on 9/11, 2001, 3,000 people lost their lives because they had their successful attack. the 9/11 report did indicate the testimonies that thought there were many opportunities that clinton had to get bin laden and didn t. also indicating that al qaeda was not taken seriously. but for the very first time we are hearing his voice from an australian businessman who released this audio just hours before the 9/11 attack of president bill clinton saying he almost had bin laden. he s a very smart guy. i spent a lot of time thinking about him, and i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i should have got him i could have killed him but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children and then i would have been
no better than him. and so i wouldn t do it. kandahar, by the way, a town of 400,000. it s not just a little town. but just the fact that bill clinton says on tape have we heard him say this since? i could have killed him. there are families of 3,000 americans who when they hear this are going you know what, mr. president? you should have done it. it sends chills down the spine of anyone who heard it. that was the day before september 11. september 10? australia, bill clinton reveals he could have killed him but he didn t it. ahead, a new basketball court, weight room and five tv s. i m not talking about steve s house. i m talking about the hotel rooms that a lot of illegal aliens are getting once they cross the border. we ll tell you about that new facility. caught red faced, this guy clearly guilty, caught on camera stealing stuff from somebody s porch. but he says that wasn t me. really?
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antiimmigration protesters out in full force against massachusetts governor patrick s plan to temporarily house immigrants in the state and suggest i ll take 1,000. it is not just republicans. joining us is democratic massachusetts state senator richard moran. good morning to you, sir. good morning. it is frustrating because while the president has not stopped the flow of people across our southern border because he refuses to change the law that s been on the books for a number of years, you re frustrated because there are people in this country already who need help and yet we re taking more that we really don t have the money for. that s true. they re in our communities. they are able to, because of federal law, says a hospital has to take anyone who shows up at the emergency department. they are adding some burden to our health care system, to our school system, to our law enforcement. taking in others who will at some point be released into the community, one of
the concerns that i have heard from immigration officials is that these young people that are coming over the border in texas seem to already have they look for a border patrol agent. they look for law enforcement to be pecked up because they already have contact information of someone who is already here. so it s a bit more organized than, at least in some aspects than it seems. the federal government, even if they pay, it is still taxpayers paying, for the new kids coming in. we ve got a burden from those who have been coming here for the last 20 years. absolutely. one of the things that impacts people at the local level and the state level is deval patrick said we ll take a thousand of these illegal kids. i think you ve had close to a thousand already. the government has revealed that are already scattered across your state. i don t know how much it costs per pupil in the state of massachusetts but where i live in new jersey we spend over $20,000 a kid. now who s going to pay for
those at least 2,000 illegal kids in your state to go to school in the coming month or two? the taxpayers, the people who own property in the state of massachusetts. right. and the state as well because school aid is based on enrollment numbers. state aid is paid on that. state tax as well as the property tax. would he pay an average of about 55% to 60% of the local education costs are picked up by the states. it s a joint burden that we have here and across the country where these folks are allowed to come in because the federal government hasn t been able to secure the borders. there is a story out that apparently they have put together a fantastic facility for the illegals down in texas. 532 beds that s going to cost american taxpayers $140 per illegal per day. they re not going to call them detainees. they re going to call them
residents. the guards are called resident advisors. the rooms are essentially suites, cable tv, libraries, internet access and an all-you-can-eat buffet. that is the sweet life? i know the reaction that i hear from constituents is, you know, we can t take care of our own kids and give them that kind of facility, or we do it certainly at a sacrifice. so two cities really being built here, one for folks that are coming in on their own or are being encouraged. and those that are already here, including our own children, our own citizens. richard moore, a democrat from the great state of massachusetts. sir, thank you very much for joining us live. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. still ahead, joan rivers sounds off to defend israel. new jersey was firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out.
so what do the american people think about women talking politics? we have the dials next.
making headlines, congress gets something accomplished did congress get something accomplished last night in they approved a veterans administration reform bill. it s $17 billion, a package that will help vets avoid long wait times for medical care by hiring more doctors and nurses. it lets vets get care outside of the v.a. in a few hour one of the suspects in the murder of brian terry will be arraigned. he was extradited from mexico. terry died in a shootout in
2010 in the botched gun operation, fast and furious. whether shooting straight from the hips or moving their hips, female leaders are under extra scrutiny for being too bold or too timid. this morning we re going to check the pulse of the people to see how their words were perceived. yoing us is leigh carter to evaluate. we ll start with a couple of clips. the first is hillary clinton and her remarks relating to putin. well, he s very tough. he s a very arrogant person to deal with, which i think is a combination of this vision of russia and some fundamental insecurity. because when you are dealing with him, he often act as though he could care less. in your estimation, what does that mean when you see those numbers change? she s having a steady climb but not hitting it out of the park. i think hillary has a tough
road ahead of her but recently she s telling stories, demonstrating she s got experience. this is working. it is not hitting it out of the park, not making people run for votes but giving it some context that maybe she is okay and experienced enough to be president. what is the yoaf all grade? not perfect but not bad either. not bad. joan rivers not mincing words when it comes to the mideast. if new jersey were firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out. i am we heard they were digging tunnels from new jersey to new york, we would get rid of jersey. strong statement from her. what do you think? it s joan rivers being joan rivers. she was claire where she stood she was clear where she stood but overly passionate so people wrote it off as crazy. a lot of times people
women getting emotional and that is what happened with this statement. the delivery was too strong. overall grade? i d give her a c. we ll move on to madeleine albright and hear what she has to say about vladimir putin. i think putin is living in his own world. he has made up an awful lot of lies in terms of who is responsible for the fact that the soviet union disintegrated. he actually called that the greatest disaster of the 20th century. hard to believe when there was two world wars that killed millions of people, among them russians. so that s the first lie. looks like a steady climb. a very steady climb and she kept getting higher and higher. what she did is demonstrated female leadership. she was calm, cool, collected. she was informed and she was informative. what we all took away from that is these little crumbs had a we could follow along and then at the end of the day we were like i m going to follow her where she s going. that is what leadership is about. overall grade for her?
i d give her an a. i ll give you an a. lee carter, thank you for being with us. your evaluation is essential. the picture is horrifying. a teacher forces a child to sit on the floor in school is more than a month. the reason why is absurd and the punishment for the teacher even more so. jesse ventura may have won wbr id wbr17090 his lawsuit against chris kyle and his wife but this morning a victory for that wife. thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you re a current or former military member or their family, /b
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atlanta. anna kooiman knows all about it. she is here live with the details. good morning. good morning to everyone at home. emory university hospital in atlanta, georgia, has confirmed its gearing up to treat an infected american within the next several days. they built a special isolation unit with help from the c.d.c. and say it should protect staff and other patients from the deadly virus. we re quite confident that u.s. hospitals are well prepared to appropriately handle an infected person. the prepared unit is physically separate from other patient areas and officials say it provides an extraordinarily high level of clinical isolation. the two americans headed here contracted the disease in liberia. a medevac plane is rushing them there. it s going to be bringing them to the united states. these special isolation pods are going to be used to transport them back here one by one. they were designed and built by the united states defense department and the c.d.c. they will ensure the flight
crew stays safe from the disease. there is no cure and no vaccination for ebola but despite that some doctors say there is no reason for panic. the risk of you getting the ebola virus is pretty much insignificant, pretty much down to zero. the ebola virus spedz through close contact spreads through close contact like blood. the risk of dying once you get it is 90%. while the virus is coming here, the united states issued a rare travel warning urging americans to avoid guinea, sierra leone and liberia. quite a story. they had one vial of the serum and the doctor could have taken it but said give it to the woman. the woman got the serum. what they have done with the doctor is they re essentially doing a blood transfusion from a little boy who had ebola whose
life he saved. so that s what they re hoping, the antibodies in the little boy s blood will help the doctor. nonetheless, what an act to give the one dose of serum. so glad you pointed that out, such kindness beneath the scare. what is truly going on, this deadly virus but such kindheartedness beneath it. it is 34 after the hour. heather joins us with jesse ventura. possibly good news for the estate of his family. jesse ventura may have won that defamation case against chris kyle but there is a win here for the navy seal s wife. in the wake of a highly publicly publicized trial, kyle s autobiography is flying off the book shelves thanks to so many of you. a school girl forced to sit on the floor for months
because she drew on the floor with a pencil. the mom is horrified by this. she said, daddy, i don t have a desk. he said what do you mean? she said i don t have a desk. i sit on the floor with a clip board. the teacher said, she didn t realize it had been a month and she was just so happy down there. that was the teacher s punishment. the mother says she wants to transfer her daughter to another school but says the school district won t let her enroll in the school of her choice. the district releasing this statement saying we ve offered self-opportunities to the family and will continue to accommodate them. as for the teacher, the school said they reprimanded her. talk about caught in the act, h this guy arrested in indianapolis for stealing a $300 pair of earrings from someone s front porch. he looks directly into the security camera but denied he committed the crime. it wasn t until cops showed
him the images that he then exercised his right to remain silent. watch the terrifying moment a hiker loses her footing and falls 40 feet down a cliff. oh no! yeah, that s a real ouch. this happened on a pretty dangerous trail in california. amazingly she was stopped by that tree that ended up saving her life. she was later rescued and that trail is now closed to the public. and those are your headlines. every past her is skinned and she s lucky to be alive. thank you, heather. we ve got a fox news alert. asian stock markets dipping this morning following our financial markets going into a tailspin yesterday. an entire year of gains erased in hours. we re back to where we started at the beginning of the year. how does that make sense, the dow down more than 300 points, the worse
drop since february? what does it mean about the economy and your finances? thankfully stewart varney joins us. that one day s tumble wiped out six months worth of gains for the average 401(k). this second quarter and this great jobs report. that is the problem. we got good economic news which means the economy is expanding and we are earning more money. that implies that janet yellen will no longer be printing trillions and trillions of dollars. that is what made the market go up in the first place. so she quits, prints a lot less money. that implies that the market is going to go down, and it did go down. good economic news at this point in time means the stock market comes down. that s what happened. it came down yesterday with a thud. there were a lot of people feeling rich, looked at their 401(k)s, i m doing
great. don t look today. in your head, you book it at the price. since march, when the dow hit a low of 6,500, you re up $70,000 on your 401(k) on average. this year because of yesterday s selloff you re back to where you were in january. but in your head, you think i m worth that much money. when the market comes down, you think i just lost a fortune. many people not comfortable with our printing money any way. is this taking the training wheels off necessary pain to stand up on our own? yes. at some point the freive had to stop the federal reserve had to stop printing money. now you ve got good economic news and so it s definitely going to stop. watch out. at 8:30 eastern this morning we get a jobs report. if you get a strong job performance, for example the creation of 300,000 jobs in one month, it would be very good for the
economy, for everybody. but for the market it would imply another selloff. is that what is being told. some are indicating there could be a 50% drop in stocks. henry blodgett said he would not be surprised at a 50% drop in coming years. he s seeing a one-day selloff and extrapolating out. he s got a good headline. i m not going to say one way or the other what s going to happen. but watch out at 8:30 because that is the big moment. we ll have that number live from the new york stock exchange. stuart, we re going to be watching you live at 1 p.m. over on fox business. we say goodbye to our interns this week and maria molina is outside with kelsey who today is her last day. you know what that means, maria. that s right. she s been working hard all summer and now it s her
time to shine. she s going to be giving us the weather report. tell america what the weather conditions are for today. here s the mic. topical storm bertha formed in the atlanta ocean and currently has winds of 45 miles per hour. forecast to move through the bahamas sunday into monday and the storm is expected to remain away from the u.s. coast. temperatures remain below average across north carolina and in the 80 s across the plains. areas of rain are possible today in the mid-atlantic, central gulf coast and the rockies. peskt job. way to go pervet job. way to go, kelsey. you re going to be missed. let s head back inside. kelsey goes to syracuse, going to be studying abroad this year. good for her. she did an extraordinary job there. thanks, maria. by the way, we don t call them interns anymore. what do we call them? summer associates. we do?
meanwhile, 20 minutes before the top of the hour. a day of fun taking an unexpected turn. students sent flying after a water slide collapses right out from underneath them. that is not supposed to go down this. sweeping changes coming to college football s concussion policies. it s all thanks to our next guest, former college football player adrian arrington joins us live. vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to.
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of the children. 15 people were on it at the time of the accident. that was probably too many. three people are hurt when a speeding s.u.v. slams into a building. it happened just outside of baltimore. co curb, went airborne, then crashed through a wall. left a huge hole in this baltimore county building. one person was taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay. the driver was charged for causing the crash. adrian arrington played football all his life but after a series of concussions in hospital that left him with constant migraines and frequent seizures, he had to quit playing. in 2011 he filed a lawsuit alleging they didn t do enough to protect players from brain injuries. this week the ncaa agrees to a $75 million settlement and sweeping changes to its
concussion policy. joining us now is adrian arrington and his attorney. guys, congratulations on this win. i think what is important to point out adrian is you don t get $75 million. this goes to changing the game; correct? yes, sir. tell me why this is important to you. it is important to me because if these rules were in place when i was younger maybe i wouldn t be going through what i m going through now. how do you feel now? i still have seizures most of the time. i m still having migraine headaches on a daily and i m just being allowed to try to go back to work the last two weeks and be alone with my kids on my own so i m real happy about that. joseph, what changes with your victory? all this money i understand goes into the ncaa coffers to start setting up baseline tests and being able to have certain procedures before a player takes the field in a football uniform or other
sports. that s right. there are two main components to the settlement. the first is the for the first time ever the implementation of return to play guidelines for concussions that are mandatory. all member schools will have them. they will be the same everywhere. that s really the predicate for our case. we ve been saying for decades the ncaa screwed up by not doing that. finally for the first time in history as a result of this case the game will change. sports will never be the same and concussions will be managed in a whole different way. the second key part of the settlement is the medical monitoring. that s what the $75 million is for, $5 million for research and $70 million is to create this program that allows students to get screened and to be identified as at risk for having serious injuries, concussions, possible brain damage. the reason why that is incredibly important is because the real risk of long-term brain damage from concussions comes from concussion number two. if you get a second concussion before the first
one is healed that is where the real risk of brain damage occurs. we want to nip that in the bud. is this just for football or everything? it is for all college sports. oftentimes when we have this conversation it tends to be about football only because football is the sport that i think the issue is most severe. and it s where the conversation is taking place. but our settlement includes all sports of all periods of time, going as far back as the ncaa exists. and it s unlimited. adrian, how does it feel for you? you re suffering through this but you re actually, you re getting the next generation of players healthier than ever. and also tell us what it was like when you left the game wooz yahoo and left the game woozy and your coach put you back in the game. for the most part i can t remember what went on for that part of the concussion but there was a lot of talk about my teammates and how my dad
came to the sidelines and said please do not put my son back in the game. he s had too many concussions already and i m going to take the step to take my son out the game myself. you never played again but changed it for everybody else. finally, ray rice, outstanding player for the baltimore ravens got a two game suspension for slapping then his fiancee, now his wife, he apologized yesterday. diddid he do the right thing with his apology? in terms of his apology, i feel he could only do what he could because it was a really bad situation. in terms of the nfl i feel there has to be a balance between their punishment with their athletes. i don t know if the punishment was harsh enough or what they will do later. i hope ray rice will learn what he needed to learn and hope he becomes a better man from it. it is a tough situation. there are no winners. i tell you what, you guys are certainly winners and so are college athletes.
thanks to your lawsuit. adrian arrington, thank you for doing it. congratulations. straight ahead, she was pulled over and given a ticket for speeding. instead of getting ticked off, she sent the cop a thank you note. in case you missed it this week, we have the best of fox & friends next. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach.
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or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. good morning. it is friday, august 1, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the deadly ebola virus headed to the united states. two american victims are being flown here for treatment. so should we be worried? all right. a brand-new basketball court, weight room and flat screen tvs. nope, it s not a four star hotel or five star hotel. it s the newest home for illegals. ann coulter is here. she ll explain and give her opinion for a change. you don t call them illegals or detainees. you call them residents. meanwhile, president clinton drop the ball on osama bin laden? a shocking new recording from the day before the september 11 attacks in 2001. i nearly got him once.
i nearly got him. and i could have killed him. really? why didn t you? we re going to talk about that with somebody who knows the inside story coming up this half hour because fridays are always better with friends, like you. hey, america. this is famous dave and you are watching fox & friends . how cool is that time lapsed photography? we started putting up the stage
back in july, which was yesterday cause today is august 1. and on the stage today, our buddy, trace adkins, is going to be there with his band and we hope you stick around for as well. got a busy day and famous dave s grilling up the ribs. finger licking good. love the ribs going on on a friday, grill fired up. the fans are going to be, too, and we are thrilled that you can join us. and that we have wetnaps if you join us. i will say this, does trace know the tradition? the tradition of every act after they re done on stage right after the after the show show, it s up to them to take the stage. absolutely. does he know that? he used to work on an oil rig. elisabeth, over your shoulder, we ve got a line of people around the block and down the street waiting for the famous dave s and the concert, which officially kicks off one hour from right now. they re lining up just to stare at our picture. actually that is our picture.
that s where ann coulter was. she was running late. she s going to be there you go. that s a good shot of the line. free concert, free food. ann coulter will be with us in just a moment. we ll talk about what is going on regarding the immigration bill in the u.s. house and the u.s. senate as well coming up in about 90 seconds. that s right. heather nauert joins us with some headlines. good morning to you. good morning. x news alert, two hours after the start of a cease fire between israel and hamas, new violence is breaking out once again. moments ago the israeli army saying they had feared that one of their own had been captured. and then hamas is saying that israeli tanks fired on palestinians, leaving as many as 27 dead. the israeli ambassador speaking out and he said don t rush to judgment. we had a case two days ago, three days ago where we had two attacks. one on a hospital in gaza and one on a refugee camp where a number of children were killed
and obviously everyone is moved by pictures of children being killed. but there was a rush to judgment on israel and nbc reporter said this was an israeli drone strike. turns out those people were killed, both of those attacks came from rockets fired by islamic jihad in gaza. four cease fires have been announced since the conflict started. new audio from president clinton just a at this before the terrorist attacks on 9-11. during a speech in australia on september 10, 2001, he recalled a missed opportunity to kill osama bin laden. listen to this. he s a very smart guy. i spent a lot of time thinking about this and i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. i could have killed him, but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and killed innocent women and children and then i
would have been no better than him. so i didn t do it. boy, the timing of that is erie. according to the 9-11 official report, they avoided an attack on him, but intelligence revealed he had left the area. here at home, departing house majority leader eric cantor said he will leave august 18. he originally said he would serve out his entire term. he lost in a primary upset against tea party challenger earlier this year and then overnight, kevin mccarthy taking over as majority leader. steve scalise takes over as house majority whip. instead of get angry with cops, she sent a thank you note. police ticketed a grandmother for speeding. she says that cop was so nice to her grandchildren in the back of the car, that she was thankful for it. the trooper says getting stopped is scary enough and he didn t want to frighten the kids.
just talked to the kids. they re scared when the guy with the big hat walks up. sometimes they re a little nervous. that trooper gave the kids stickers and toy sheriff badges. the granny s gift? she got that $150 ticket. those are your headlines. but the kids were happy. there you go. if anyone know, traveling with kids for a long time, you got to keep them happy. stickers work every time. now it s time for a very special guest. she s written a book called never trust a liberal, over three, especially a republican. ann coulter joins us every friday in the summer when we have brisket. how are you? fine. how are you? what do you make of what s going on in washington? harry reid s democrat controlled senate could not pass the president s bill yesterday. it looks like two hours from now, john boehner will try again to do something.
we want nothing passed. why? this is on the border. this alleged emergency. it s a fake emergency. what is happening is obama is violating the law as written. none of these kids should be getting in. the law that was written by diane feinstein, who is not stupid, and knows about illegal immigration, she s from california, says combat sex trafficking. you get in and you get a hearing and get tovñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ tell us whr not you ve been sex trafficked. you hear this so many times, people can t understand what i m trying to say. there are two huge exceptions. one is no mexicans. second one is no one who has any family or guardian living in the united states. i assume, it seems obvious, the idea is the vast majority of illegal aliens are mexican. if you have family in the united states, it looks like you re not being sex trafficked, you re coming to join your family.
so it s to exclude illegal aliens in case someone is being brought in to be sex trafficked, that s the only way you get a hearing. according to the white house and as reported in the new york times, 90% of the kids who showed up at the border have been transferred to family in the united states. well, that s just obama violating the law. so what do we do about it? well, that s good question. legally, constitutionally, it is technically impeachment, but he s not going to be impeached. the media love obama and we don t have the united states senate and do not believe that s fundraising on both sides talk being impeachment. i like john boehner s lawsuit. he s doing it for the president refusing to enforce obamacare. i don t know if that s one option. the only other option is what ted cruz is doing is withdraw money. the real option is vote republican in november. the house the house is
going to reform the 08 and 2012 dream act. and then the 760 million, i think, it was going to be towards getting these illegals who are set up in these huge dorms or five star hotels. we are totally against that. please pass no laws on immigration because what happens is even if the house were to pass a bill that does nothing other than say build a fence, which by the way, the vast majority of americans are in favor of. why can t we have a fence? you say we need a netanyahu. yes! you think we are being invaded. explain. yes! so much of the news these days is on israel s border and i keep thinking, wait, what about our border? the big news this week and the last ten days were all of the tunnels they found. well, we have had more than 100 tunnels from mexico into the u.s. with drug smugglers. not just drug smugglers bringing guns and gang members. in fact, the head of the d.e.a. said a few years ago that he
thinks a lot of the violence in chicago is mexican drug cartels. we are being invaded. people are being raped, murdered, vast wild ones burned down. and what s happening? please, bring more. that s part of the frustration. wait until people get a look at this. we understand that there is a 29-acre facility that is being opened up in carn city, texas, 20 miles south of austin. will have 532 beds, cost $140 per person per day. the detainees are going to be called residents. the guards are going to be called resident advisors. they re going to have essentially have suites with cable tv, flat screen tv, recreational fields, library, internet access and a cafeteria that serves three all you can eat meals every day. that s going people are going to be frustrated. wait a minute. we ve got people in this country who don t eat and yet these illegals are doing okay.
that s right. first of all, i want to go there to keep writing my next book, which is what i m working on now. that sounds great. but no, that is the one question that never gets asked when it comes to immigration. is this good for americans? the answer is? never gets asked. it s always oh, is it good for these people? what about george will coming out and saying, we re a big country. we can take 20 per county. it s not a big deal. it s not going to be in his county. schools and hospitals are going bankrupt, especially throughout southern california. it s always i used to notice this when i worked for the senate judiciary committee. this was a decade ago and it s always senators, although floor fewer states like this, senators from states that have 1% of all immigration getting up and telling us about their relatives arriving at ellis island. meanwhile, our phones are melting down from people from southern california because they re being overrun. hospitals are going bankrupt.
border agents the tuberculosis case recently in southern california. it s always described as california. no. it s not california man. it s mexican man. diagnosed in california. right. they had a clinic at the hospitals out there. it s very secret. that s leprosy. you re right. i read about that as well. so we ll find out. will the republicans be able to pass something? we ll find out. please don t pass anything. she doesn t want it. if they pass a bill, it goes to conference. if it goes to conference, it could come out amnesty. that s why we want nothing until this congress is finished. we ll know more at 9:00 o clock this morning. ann coulter, thanks for joining us live. the barbecue is right through that door. thank you. that s why i m here. straight ahead, a fox news alert. ebola virus is coming to u.s. soil. two american victims being flown here for treatment. are we ready to handle an american outbreak? a live report minutes away.
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we ve got a fox news alert. the deadly ebola virus that so many of you are talking about is coming to american soil. two infected americans who are aid workers in africa will be transported to the united states and one is expected to receive treatment at emory university hospital in atlanta, georgia. greg palkot is live in london with the latest details as we know them. reporter: as the situation regarding the ebola disease worsens in western africa, there is that important new word about help for the two americans infected with the disease. dr. kent brantley and nancy rightbold. they re set to be in serious but stable condition. they were working with ebola patients with the samaritan s purse charity in liberia and yes, the emory hospital in atlanta says it is readying a special isolation unit separate from other wards for at least one of those affected. it will be the first time anyone
ill with that disease has been treated in the united states. fox news also confirms a medevac plane with a biological containment system, an on board medical pod built in cooperation with centers for disease control. that has left from georgia for liberia last night. there are reports of both individuals will be brought back in the coming days. meanwhile, in the affected region itself, authorities are struggling to deal with this epidemic. it has no known cure and a very high mortality right. a state of emergency has been declared throughout that region. the death toll is said to be 729. over 1300 cases. airports across the continent, including big onces in places like south africa are using thermal devices to spot individuals with fevers. that s one of the symptoms of the disease. one more american evacuation note, 340 peace corps volunteers are being brought back to the states from the region. they are not showing any symptoms, but at least two of
them had contact with an individual infected with ebola. steve, the center for disease control again yesterday reminded everybody that ebola poses little risk to the u.s. population right now. but a lot of care needs to be contain. back to you guys. a lot of people are talking about. thank you very much. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. still ahead, remember this? white flags replacing the american flags at the brooklyn bridge? this morning we re learning it may have been a joint operation. we ll explain. key word there, joint. plus, no more drama for allison sweeney. how she s traded in salacious soap opera stardom for family time. time to hug elisabeth and there it is right there. good morning.
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time for news by the numbers. first, $1 million. that s how much senators spent on flights last year and you paid for it. the biggest spenders, senator chuck schumer and jill brand. next, four, that s how many lost dr. seuss stories from the 1950s are being published. it will come out in september. the tales feature horton. athletes heading to training camp in japan. that s the first time i ve seen them with shirts on. that s a good thing. there is no more drama for allison sweeney. she traded in her soap opera job and stardom on the show for family time and she s loving it
right now. that s right. joining us now from days of our lives and the biggest loser allison sweeney is here. i m holding a people magazine. there you are. looking fantastic. thank you very much. really making a great statement. my family comes first. i love this. big trade here that you re making. what was behind the decision, cause i know it s a big one. yeah. it is a big one. i have been doing two jobs, days of our lives and biggest loser for seven years. there came a point at which i sort of thought about it and talked to my husband about it and realized, i don t know that i can keep continuing to make that same decision because it took me away from my family a lot. and i think it was more my stress level. you had to memorize at night, too. yeah, there was a lot of homework. when you see this picture, this is what s making the decision pretty easy. of course. it looks like you all have fallen off a table. it looks like something terrible has happened. no. we re playing. oh, okay.
how old are ben and meghan? ben is nine and meghan is five. your husband, a regular guy. he s a cop. yeah. he s a police officer. that s terrific. and so you ve decided even though i ve got these high-powered jobs, more important to take care of my family. yeah. the kids are only small for a while. exactly. and enjoying it and i m finding other jobs, other things. it s not that i m giving up on my pursuits or dreams. i m directing and i m finding other projects that i want to be part of that maybe have less time commitments attached to them. you re directing another soap opera and written a book? yes. i got to direct an episode of general hospital had will air in august. i m writing another book. my third novel, which is definitely something i love doing at home, even with the kids running around. and they sit and write books next to me. it s really cute. what is scared scriptless like? it s a behind the scenes story of a script supervisor and i absolutely love the idea of turning the tables on the people in the crew cause they hate being in the spotlight and
focusing on that side of the story. maybe she needed to learn something. but i can also poke a little fun. there is some true stories in the book that like one time i was so frustrated because an actor i know was four hours late for work. which actor? that i won t tell you. four hours late for work. everybody waiting for the actor? yeah! we have a job. the actors have to be there. there is really no, like, someone can come in and do that job for you. we don t have to be on time. when i was pregnant, i was standing on the side of the set with a bucket just in case i need to do get sick. like you do your job no matter what. this person was four hours late for work. i was so angry about it that in my book, while i was writing it, i wrote this whole three-page thing about the script supervisor, pet peeve, hating people when they were late for work. i was like, maybe that s a little overkill.
let s dial it back a little. one thing we don t get much of that we re always interested in talking to people who do get enough and that s sleep. yes. sleep i.q. technology. i am the same way, though. i spend all these years doing both shows and i know especially working with the biggest loser it s about health and wellness and taking care of your body. so you can take care of the kids. exactly. to be a better mom and be a good role model. it s nutrition. it s fitness and the other part of that equation is absolutely getting enough sleep. you regenerate your body. you need to sleep to you re ready you need the right bed. you get a sleep number. what s your number? what s your husband s number? my number is 35. your husband s? and dave is even more. he likes his stronger. he s a tough cop! but it s interesting because you can, like, test it. the sleep i.q. technology, you don t have to attach yourself to anything. it measures your sleep and how well you sleep. you look at your smart phone
and figure out how much you slept? that s right. you can look at triggers. like if i had coffee too late in the afternoon. so you can really figure out what you need to do, how to set yourself up for the best sleep. i want one of those beds. you need one. i might give that technology a try. i have a hammock between two therese. what number was that? i think a nine. it s weird, cause it s in my backyard. i sleep over. allison sweeney, good luck to you. putting that in my next book. good luck on the biggest loser, the show. we re not talk about one of those actors who doesn t show up. we re going to find out and tweet it out. coming up on this friday, a disturbing story, a woman saw a kid in a hot car, called the cops. but then that child s mother ran her over. so does she have any regrets? she will join us live next. plus i m getting word that trace adkins of country music fame is now on our stage visually intimidating the
audience. there he is. we re going to talk to trace adkins who does so much for those who fight and he ll sing for us as well.
we have got a fox news alert. all eyes on the overseas stock markets right now after the dow took a major nose dive yesterday, tumbled 317 points, erasing all of this year s gains in just one day. it was the worst stock market drop since february. in just one hour from now, we will get the new unemployment rate. it s expected to stay at 6.1%. we will bring you those numbers live with instant analysis. how many people filed for jobless claims was yesterday. today is the unemployment rate at the end of the month.
thanks, brian. she saw something, so she said something. but this woman who tipped off police to a child trapped in a hot car is paying a terrible price for doing the right thing. shannon dominguez is confined to a wheelchair now after the mother she reported ran over her with the car. joining me now is that woman, shannon. thanks for being with us. you re welcome. it s awful to hear that in trying to save a life and do the right thing, you are now in this situation, in a wheelchair. can you describe for us what happened? sitting in the parking lot and a lady pulled up in front of us, got out of the her car, walked inside the car. when i looked back, i realized there was a little boy in the front seat. just out of instinct, i called 911. she came out and heard me on the phone with 911 and then there
was a verbal altercation in which she was saying some pretty horrific things to me. then she told me she was going to kick my butt. at that point alan got out of the car and stood between us and said, you re not going to touch her. nobody is going to touch anybody. you re not touching her. so she slapped him so hard that it left a hand print mark on his face. then she jumped in her car. she backed up as fast as she could and hit the gas and it was like her tires were squealing. next thing i know, i was ran over. i can still see her running over my foot and going up my leg. then she hit alan and he went up and over her hood and she drug him for 20 feet. i m sure that go ahead. the next thing i remember is hearing a bunch of people
screaming, call 911! call 911! i don t know ou old she was, i turned my car off, locked my car doors and brought me my purse and sat with me holding my hand and my:ññ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ shoulder unt to me. i don t know her name to thank her. i thank her with all of my heart. she was sure there for you as you were trying to be there for this child. you saw this woman who drove that car and put you in this situation. you saw her in court. what happened? she laughed at me. her first court appearance, she was an hour and a half late. then she turned around and looked at me and laughed. next court date, she waived her rights to a preliminary hearing and she was just all smiles and bouncy like it was no big deal. like she hadn t done anything but ran over somebody s toe.
shannon, you did a heroic thing and you re paying a terrible price for that. but we just want you to hear you have our support and so many parents thank you for taking action that you did and we wish you well. thank you. thanks for being with us this morning and sharing that story. thank you very much. you got it. tough story there. heather is here now. she joins us with more. what a hero that lady is. she really is. she saved that child s life, many would argue. the baltimore ravens ray rice apologizing to his wife publicly for the first time five months after he was charged with assault. he was seen dragging her out of an elevator at a casino in atlantic city. one thing that i want to do today was, you know, apologize to my wife. i just replay over and over in my head, that s not me. it s inexcusable. the nfl suspended rice for two games, but some say that is
not enough. former eastern illinois football player adrian arrington weighed in earlier on fox & friends. then in terms of nfl, i feel there got to be a balance between their punishment within the athletes. so i don t know if the punishment was harsh enough or what they will do later. but i just hope ray rice learns what he need to do learn and hopefully become a better man from it. rice says he plans to speak out against domestic violence with his wife when the time is right. jesse ventura may have won that defamation suit against the estate of chris kyle, but there is a win here for the navy seal s wife. in the wake of the trial, kyle s autobiography american sniper is now flying off book shelves. it is currently number 5 on amazon s best seller list thanks to you. an update for you on the american flag on top of new york city s brooklyn bridge switched out for a white one last week. police are questioning nine persons of interest who are believed to have all met on social media.
police are also looking into whether or not a 49-year-old pot activist, bud green, is his name, okay, whether or not he orchestrated the entire thing. green claims to be the leader of an antigovernment group telling the new york post that it was his idea and he wanted to, quote, shake people up. police haven t commented just yet. i love this story. to serve, protect and to dance. a toronto police officer has all of the right moves. nice. that officer dancing at a jazz festival. he was moving like no one was watching. but now he s going viral with tens of thousands of views on facebook. you know who else likes to dance to reggae music? the mayor of toronto, rob ford. they have fun up there in that country. let s go outside to steve, brian and trace adkins. you guys will be dancing later.
thank you very much, heather. yes, ladies and gentlemen, round of applause for reggae artist, trace adkins! [ cheers and applause ] that s right. this is your home away from home, isn t it? how comfortable are you on this fox & friends stage? i ve been here enough times. new york city, i ve been here. a couple times being on the apprentice, staying here for years to do that show, it seemed like. yeah. i know this town. i always enjoy coming here. absolutely. we enjoy having you. you ve been here a number of times and given brian stuff, but that s okay. probably earned a little bit of it. somebody got to do it. listen, i don t know if people know, but you ve had a really rough year so far. you lost your time i lost my dad. you ve gone through a lot. sorry about that. it s been a tough year.
put things in per pecktive. i perspective. i probably had tougher at some point. tough times don t last. tough people do. [ cheering ] a lot of times, a lot of country music songs come from tough times. you probably lived through a few songs this past year. i ve written a lot of stuff, yeah. yeah. i ve got some new songs on the next album coming out that have been written over the course of the last year. yeah. good for something. if you re having any trouble rhyming, brian and i are good at rhyming and we ve got that program on our iphone. yeah. absolutely. you have a program? it s a rhymer. how good a shape is this guy in? look at this guy. is he going to be on the cowboys or giants? no, no. trust me, i ll fall to pieces. you are such a liar. by the way, so many us see you on tv with great regulate.
you re one of the biggest supporters of the wounded warrior project to this day. any time i get asked about that, i m very quick to respond that it s a privilege for me to be a part of that organization, get to hang out with those guys and rub shoulders with heros. any time you get a chance to do that, you should do it. you re going to be singing for us. ladies love country boys. is that correct? that s correct, they do. tomorrow you can watch it at yankee-boston red sox game. watch jeter play. yeah. just a chance to see a first battle hall of famer play. i ll be at fenway singing the national anthem. but you are here today. 20 minutes from now he ll start his concert. you can watch it live on line. trace, thank you very much. thanks. trace adkins!
elisabeth, back in to you. tough times don t last, but people do. like that line. the question asking, did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i could have gotten him, i could have killed him. our next guest, the head of the bin laden unit at the time, says clinton is lying [music] jackie s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we ll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours.
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authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because that is not a plan! raccoons in space? finally. joining us now is fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy, how are you? good morning. thank you for having me on. that clip you just saw, one of the funniest scenes in the film. guardians of the galaxy. one of the biggest gamble for marvel. this takes place in the same universe as the avengers. this is the same world as ironman and captain america and thor. you basically have these five unlikely heros who assemble in prison and become the guardians of the galaxy. and the director found a brilliant balance. the action feels like it s a massive star wars movie, but then it s one of the funniest movies i ve seen this year and also dramatic as well. all three of those combined into a great, fun, incredible action movie to see in theaters. the acting is amazing. chris pratt is great.
dave batista is amazing. but the key here is the voice acting. that raccoon you just saw on screen, that s bradley cooper. of course. sounds nothing like him at all. but they did all those scenes separately from the main cast. it sounds so natural. also vin diesel plays groot. he has three words he says the entire movie throughout. i gave it 4 1/2 out of five. it s the best sound track i ve heard since pull be fiction. imax 3d, absolutely worth it. the imax expands and there is an extra scene at the end of the credit. i wish you would have talked to the crew and the cast about the movie. steve, that s really good transition. i did talk to the cast and crew. one of the things i mentioned to them was i love these five guardians and i want to see them taken down every villain in the history of movies. what other movies will they have the most fun in? shear what they had to say. probably put them in the most recent rambo so we can go into
myanmar. the wild bunch? there you go. i would love guardians to show up in star wars . j.j. turned me down. what part did you audition for? any part. the expendables. who would they fight? all of the old farts. yeah, i know. arnold, if you re watching, i apologize for that. yeah, the move we is 4 1/2 out of five. you got to see it. let s transition to get on up, james brown story. yeah. this movie is incredibly great because of chad mcbozeman. he played jackie robinson in 342 . he elevates this mediocre script. you never see him on screen, you always see james brown. it takes place over the decades of his life. it s phenomenal.
four out of five. i am so jealous that trace adkins is in studio. can you tell him that he rocks it and i love him. i think his music is fantastic. you know what? you just told him. so he heard it live. we ll give him your five stars. i love you, trace. you re awesome, man. wow. we finally got a real love story. kevin, thank you. straight ahead on this friday. serious stuff now. did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? i nearly got him once. i nearly got him and i could have gotten him, i could have killed him. wow. our next guest head of the bin laden unit at the same time talking about the very incident bill clinton was talking about and he says bill clinton is lying. that coming up. first this day in history in 1966, wild thing, by the
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i voted for culture. .with a k. how are you? i voted for plausible deniability.
i didn t kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people s hotlist to see this summer s top 100 shows and movies. i voted! it s hard to keep track of all of the washington, d.c. scandals, but yesterday it really hit the fan because over the last number of months, there have been fingers pointing up on capitol hill where the c.i.a. has been accused of spying on the u.s. senate. in fact, the c.i.a. director himself said in march, john brennan, he said there is absolutely zero chance, no chance we spied on congress. yesterday mr. brennan had egg all over his face.
in fact, not just egg, he had a whole omlette. we re supposed to have checks and balances, but not quite like this. checking on from the executive branch to the legislative branch, completely out of bounds as we find here. and the apology then follows. get this, the c.i.a. in an effort, it seems, to find out what the senate knew about the enhanced interrogation process managed to hack into senate computers. look at their personal e-mail under a pseudo name and look at their personal things to find out what they had. they originally denied it. then they admitted to it when they had an internal investigation and it revealed it. john brennan apologized. but according to senator udall, he lost confidence in brennan and thinks he should resign. that s big because he is a democrat. in the meantime, the c.i.a. says okay, we spied on the senate, but do you know what the senate did? the senate staff actually stole documents that they weren t supposed to steal from us.
so apparently it s gone to the department of justice where the accusations from the senate, they re spying on us, and from the c.i.a., they re stealing our documents. apparently no criminal charges will be presented. however, the c.i.a. is spying on congress. that s scarey. shocking the d. o.j. would go forward to it. i think the doj would have very little problem going after the c.i.a. because it would be something that happened during the bush years. coming up, we still have a big show for you. for example, geraldo rivera in the middle of this huge crowd. trace adkins, could beat up geraldo in a fight but you won t. it would be good for sweeps. don t miss a step.
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good morning. it s friday, august 1, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, the deadly ebola virus headed to the united states. two american victims are being flown here for treatment. so just how worried should we be? meanwhile, vacation delayed, at least one day. nobody going home until they try one more time to pass an immigration bill. but with lawmakers on both sides in both chambers crying foul, will anything get accomplished? we re going to tell you what we know. brian. did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? i nearly got him once. i nearly got him, and i could have gotten i could have killed him. wow. is that true? the head of the bin laden unit says clinton is lying about an important element of that story. he will join us live in a matter
of moments. mornings on friday are better with friends. i think he wanted to show the gun show. he s ripped. that s the crowd. a big show today. one of our biggest of the year as trace adkins performs ladies
love country boys. you can watch the whole hour at you can join us at 48th and 6th right there on our plaza for that show. startling sound coming out indicating that osama bin laden could have been killed before the deadly 9-11 attack. listen to this. president clinton can be heard telling australian business leaders the day before september 11, 2001, that clinton had the chance to kill bin laden, but didn t do it. if i he s a very smart guy, i spent a lot of time thinking about him. i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i could have gotten him. i could have killed him, but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and killed 300 innocent women and children. and then i would have been no better than him. so i didn t do it.
so is that the thing, was that the choice? 300 dead innocent people for bin laden? our next guest was head of the bin laden unit from 1995 to 99. michael joins us with his reaction. was that the choice bill clinton had, as you remember it is this. no, sir, it was not. he s talking about an occasion in december of 1998, i believe. the sunday before christmas, osama bin laden had gone from his residence in south of kandahar to kandahar city to talk to mullah omar and the rest of the taliban. he had stayed too late, did not want to go back to his compound, and the taliban gave him a suite of rooms in one of the wings of the governor s palace. we had an asset who put him in that room, escorted him there, and reported to us where he was. the attack would have occurred in the middle of the night and it would have killed no one but taliban people and osama bin
laden and his crew. it is an extraordinarily what really disgusted me about it is not only is he a liar, in what papers do you think sandy burger stole out of the archive, but he was laughing about t. he thought it was very amusing. let s be clear. you re calling bill clinton a liar. he told that story the day before september 11, 2001, and he is lying, flat outlying? if you looked up the picture of the word lie, his face would be right next to it. what he s saying, sir, is that everybody else is more important than protecting americans. if you had killed osama bin laden in 1998, you would not have had 9-11. you probably would not have had iraq. but he is a monumental liar, sir. i told chris wallace that several years ago and as a result, i got fired from cbs because they didn t like me talking badly about their hero. they fired you because you were telling them candidly about
bill clinton and what you knew? after i was on with mr. wallace and i told him that, they had me on the next morning and i told them he was a felonious liar and that was kind of the end of my contract with cbs. i want to move back just a moment. where were you that day? i was with once we had the information, we were sure where osama bin laden was, i drove in the car with the director of central intelligence, george tenet and his deputy, gordon. he s very good guy. we went to the white house. tenet went by himself into the room where they were going to have the discussion about shooting. general gordon and i remained in the operation center, kind of pacing back and forth and watching the football game. we came when he came out, tenet didn t say a word. but when we got back in the car, he told us that they had decided not to shoot because they were afraid some of the shrapnel from the cruise missiles would have hit a mosque nearby and that
muslim world would rise up and attack americans. well, it was 3:00 o clock in the morning. there would be no casualties, no one in the mosque, and if you think that would cause a billion muslims to rise up and attack you, then you are a racist of the deepest hue. when bill clinton said the day before 9-11 back in 2001 to those australian business leaders, he said, i could have gotten him, but i would have blown up this town of kandahar, that is first of all, it s town of 400,000 people, so he really couldn t have blow it up. but that s not true because the technology, even back then, was to the point where you couldkñ?ñ really limit collateral damage. you could. and the question is, who was he elected to protect? kandahar people or americans? we lost an enormous amount of people because he ignored ten chances, not one chance, sir. we ve had several other chances where there would have been no collateral damage at all. in your opinion, why did he not take action? because he s a coward, morally and because he s also
more concerned, like obama, with what the world thinks about him. if it s hard for a president to the united states to decide to act to defend americans, he ought not to be president. right. i also understand he had a shot at him right before he left and he decided not to take that shot in december. well, he certainly had an opportunity to respond, sir, after they almost sunk our naval vessel in yemen and he chose not to do that. he s a disgrace, sir. michael, i want to dial in somebody who, after 9-11, wound up in tora bora. geraldo rivera, you got a question for michael? i think my main beef with what michael is saying is that he is mixing and conflating intelligence and what he witnessed with his own ideological spin. so what you have here with this gentleman, who was dismissed from cbs by his own admission is number one, an analysis on the military action. and then number two, he is spinning it to his own purpose here.
michael, is that what you re doing? bill clinton is a horrible man, a coward and all the rest of it. that s why, in my view listen, geraldo is one other thing. one at a time. michael, you first. i know the intelligence. i know the people who risked their lives to get the information. and i know that geraldo knows nothing except what he thinks. he doesn t know the facts at all. the fact is osama bin laden i was in sudan when bill clinton tried to take out osama bin laden and bombed his house. i stood on osama bin laden s property in khartoum in sudan. so to you you are being disrespectful and you are conflating your role as an analyst with experience with the ideological spinner. that is not your role. osama bin laden was in
afghanistan. all right. i have an opinion about is dead americans. have you ever been to kandahar? i think we re drifting away from what we started to talk to. michael, who headed up the bin laden unit there for a number of years, we thank you very much for joining us live. thank you. look, the new sound coming out stirs a lot of emotion from anyone who has any opinion or information on 9-11 and the attacks that as we re hearing now, seemed to have many opportunities to be prevented. there is no doubt, that the trauma we suffered on 9-11-2001, damaged and took so many american lives that it generates amazing and deep and profound emotions. no doubt about that. but the president, it s so easy in hindsight, it was such an incredible event that we are still traumatized by it.
we look back and say, what could we have done to prevent it? i think in this particular case, finding the contemporaneous tape and bill clinton saying that he could have and chose not to, that is lamentable in so many different ways. we could have saved so many lives. but to monday morning quarterback is disrespectful. he s different than monday morning quarterbacks. he put the asset behind, he was head he put the asset in the house and he knew he had a shot at it and it just drives michael crazy, i imagine it drives us all crazy. let me finish. to see the president spin his way out of it when he said the guy was in the house. you could have just killed the people in that house. not 300 people. it was not a small town. it s a town of 400,000 people. so for a guy that spent ten-year his life hunting bin laden, to hear the president mischaracterize that incident. look at gaza now and how the collateral damage is horrifying everyone, babies and women, et
cetera. that is the nightmare constantly that affects the decision makers when it comes to pulling the trigger in a military operation. so when you make the call, my goodness, do i do this at the risk of taking these collateral damages? the speaker says it was 3:00 o clock in the morning and therefore, casualties would have been limited. maybe that is so. i don t know. but it is so easy from the perspective of 14 years to look back and say, well, if i was in charge, i would have done it differently. he was pointing out that bill clinton was not being accurate in 2001 about what happened in 1995 because he found 1998 and he was frustrated the president didn t take the shot. i grant you that. but don t you worry that the speaker has become a political activist, that he has a bone to pick here. this is not a military official who can give us a dispassionate approach. he s a politician, ex
intelligence officer. when you listen to his comments, these are the comments of an ideologue, not the comments of an intelligence analyst. in my view. maybe he is correct. that is your view. it is my view. geraldo, never dull. thank you very much. i saw trace adkins outside. he s going to be with us in a little bit. heather nauert is with us with the latest on the cease fire. good morning. we ve got a fox news alert. it s supposed to be a three-day cease fire. it lasted just two hours. new violence now breaking out this morning. an israeli army is now saying that one of their own is feared captured. also hamas claiming an israeli tank fired on palestinians leaving as many as 27 dead. four cease fires have been announced since that conflict started. the deadly ebola virus is now coming to u.s. soil. two infected americans were aid workers in africa will be brought to the united states and one of them will be treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. a medevac jet left yesterday to
pick up the patients and look at this plane right here. it has these isolation pods on it. they were designed and built by the department of defense and also the cdc. they re supposed to ensure that the flight crew will remain safe from that disease. also political news. while you were sleeping, departing house majority leader eric cantor says he ll be leaving congress early, on august 18. he originally said he would serve out his entire term. he lost in a primary upset against tea party challenger. caught on camera, watch the terrifying moment that a hiker loses her footing and falls 40 feet down a cliff. that poor woman. this happened on a pretty dangerous trail in california. that woman, though, was later rescued. thank goodness for that tree. we got a busy news morning. back over to you. thank you very much. it s now 12 minutes after the
top of the hour. coming up straight ahead, imagine this, six federal agents show up at your house to take your car. the reason? it violates the epa regulations. are you kidding? it happened. that story is next. then have you seen this video? i love he is little. she doesn t ever want him to grow up. that little girl, her brother, and the rest of the family join us live, smile. you re coming up on fox & friends ! rfect. so s his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here s $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings.
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but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. welcome back. quick headlines for you. the c.i.a. saying i m sorry for snooping on members of the senate. director john brennan confirms cia employees improperly snooped on senate. he proofly said the accusations of spying, quote, couldn t be further from the truth. oops. then congress is hoping to get something accomplished today after last night they didn t. they approved a veterans affairs reform bill. the package will now help vets avoid long wait times for medical care by hiring more doctors and nurses.
it also let s veterans get care outside of the v.a. so mission accomplished there. good. up on capitol hill, summer vacation on hold. cue the blue birds. the house will be in order! wow. congress sticking around one more day to battle over the border bill. this as the president mocks the gop over suing the executive suing over executive overreach. molly henneberg is live outside the white house. we understand at 9:00 o clock this morning, the republicans are going to get together again and see if they can do a vote. reporter: good morning, steve, brian, and elisabeth. yes, that s right. in about 45 minutes, some house republican also meet to figure out if there is a way forward on a border bill to get enough votes to pass after gop leadership canceled a vote yesterday on a $659 million border bill. some republican lawmakers are concerned that if they can t get a bill, the president may act
alone on immigration. the president is saying i m going to violate the constitution and the law and legalize five to 6 million people, probably as soon as the house or as congress leaves town. we ve got to send a message that we re not going to go silent on the president s unconstitutional actions. reporter: the president is said to be considering granting work permits to illegal immigrants, although the white house has not confirmed that. at this point the president s secretary says a team is reviewing the president s options. the president can t do as much as congress could do in terms of addressing some of these problems. but we re going to figure out what exactly the law will allow the president to do and we re going to do as much as possible within the confines of the law to address a problem whose solution republicans and congress continue to actively block. reporter: the house voted earlier this week to sue the president over his use of executive action, saying they can not, quote, turn a blind eye
to the lawlessness of this president. president obama responded, saying the lawsuit wastes americans time, cost taxpayers and, quote, is not very productive. back to you all in new york. never a dull moment. thank you very much. coming up straight ahead. coming up, a day of fun taking a horrifying turn when a water slide collapses right into the drink. the breaking details next. and have you seen this video? he s so cute. i love your little smile! oh, my god! he is little. little five-year-old sadie and her brother and the rest of the family live here to explain what s going on. that s right. 12 million people saw that video. first, more trace adkins. here is songs about me on our plaza. that s not about you.
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24 after the top of the hour. a developing story now. a day of fun taking a horrifying turn. students sent flying after a water slide collapsed right underneath them. happened in fleming island, florida. 13 teen-agers were hurt. and three people were hurt when a speeding suv slammed into a building. cops say the driver hit a curb outside baltimore, went airborne, crashed through the wall. what wall? that up with. it left a huge hole in the building. one person inside was taken to the hospital, but is expected to be okay.
that s the news. this little girl has one wish for her baby brother. i don t want him to grow up. you are so cute! i love you, cute little smile! poor sadie. that girl is right there right now. the video going viral. over 10 million hits on youtube right now. ryan and lindsey miller, with five-year-old sadie, three-year-old brookly and three-month-old carson join us live. welcome. sadie, 12 million people, do you know how many that is? no. a lot of people have seen you. they have a lot of questions. i have a question. why are you sad to see carson
grow up and get older? because i m worried that he s going to die, too. because why? when you get older, that s what happens? when you turn 100. long time, though, right? yeah. do you have fun with him? yeah. you love him so much? brooklyn, do you have a lot of fun with carson? uh-huh. are you okay with him getting older? uh-huh. you know who really has fun with carson, the little one, is dad, because he s shaking his leg. he s shaking the whole couch. how do you know has this happened before? is that why you fired up the camera? yeah. i saw the drama queen coming out and i thought this is funny. we got to show her what she was like in ten years. she s been so in love with her little brother. i could see that it was turning into something that might be kind of cute. so i decided to grab the little phone and capture the moment so that in ten years she can see
what a drama queen she was. and fighting in the back of the car, you can show her the tape. remember when you liked each other? it was posted on the internet somewhere. but a family member, ryan, decided they were going to help you and put subtitles and stuff. yeah. my brother did that for us. my mom thought that was a good idea cause sometimes it s hard to understand what she s being so dramatic about. it worked out good. are you astounded at the number of people i mean, we ran the video a couple of times on the program because it s just so adorable. because as parents, we ve all seen kids do that. i thought it was cute and i posted it on facebook for my friends to see and overnight i can t believe it. it was blowing up! yeah, it was. sadie, what do you love most about your brother and your sister? do you like his little outfit? yeah. you re going to have so much fun with him, right? i like his swimming suit. great swimming suits.
carson does not want to talk today. but he s going to come back when he gets a little bit older and say nice things about you. i think you have a big heart. very nice. brooklyn, you like that microphone? i think she wants her own. i hope you enjoy new york city while you re here living it up. thank you very much for flying in. do you mind leaving carson with elisabeth? no, we don t mind. thank you. we love the miller family. all of you. thanks. i could see why. look at that. you just showed his belly on television. i m so sorry. you re next, brian. i could see why you don t want him to grow up. he s so yummy right here. straight ahead on our friday show, a fox news alert. all eyes on wall street right now after the dow took a major dive yesterday, erasing all of the gains of the year in just a minute, we ll get the new unemployment number. it s pivotal.
nicole petallides as you can see, down on wall street to analyze. then there is nothing more ridiculous than this. six federal agents show up at a home to seize the family car. the reason? it might pollute the planet. the owner of that land rover here next. first, more from trace adkins. the song you re gonna miss me.
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it s a fox business news alert. joining us from the new york stock exchange, fox business network s nicole petallides. all right. we got some bad news on employment. we got kind of good news on the number of jobs created. right. so let s see what we re talking about here. what you want to see is lots of jobs added. that s what americans want. we want jobs for our americans who are looking for jobs. i know you had stuart varney on this morning and i know you put the correlation between the jobs numbers and the fed. i m going to give you the number first. 198,000 jobs added. that was less than the analysts forecast of 227. i mean, we would have loved to see 300,000 jobs added. this is a monthly number. so important when it comes in. sort of like the unemployment rate. 6.2%. that s up from the prior month of 6.1%. the unemployment rate goes up, jobs were added, not as much as anticipated. with that, we re seeing the markets jumping a little bit.
coming up off the lows. why is that? stuart varney and you guys were talking about this. because if you have a great economy booming, janet yellen and the feds, well, this is what happens. it s now that you had a weaker jobs number, it means that maybe, just maybe they won t raise those interest rates as quickly as people were thinking they might. we got a great gdp number in recently. people started to think maybe the fed would be more aggressive on raising those rates. when you start to see the labor market is still not as strong as anticipated, then that takes a breather. hey, we re going to see what happens with these markets after yesterday s 317-point drop. sometimes bad news could be good news. and the market opens one hour from right now. thank you very much with the news, the unemployment rate has risen to 6.2%. heather is going to bring headline. news about the baltimore ravens, ray rice. he s now apologizing to his wife publicly for the first time, five months after he was charged
with assault. he was seen dragging her out of an elevator in a casino in atlantic city. one thing that i wanted to do today was apologize to my wife. i just replay that night over and over in my head. that s not me. my actions are inexcusable. okay. the nfl suspended rice for two games. but some are saying that s not enough. former eastern illinois football player adrian arrington weighed in earlier on fox & friends. listen to this. in terms of nfl, i feel there s got to be a balance with the punishment and the athlete. i don t know if the punishment was harsh enough. but i hope ray rice will learn what he need to learn and heap he becomes a better man. rice says he plans to speak out against domestic violence with his wife when the time is right. she saw something so she said something. shannon dominguez tipped off police to a child that she saw who was trapped in a hot car and now she s confined to a heel
chair. wheelchair. the mother she reported turned up in the parking lot and ran her over with her car. shannon joined us earlier on fox & friends. i can still see her running over my foot and going up my leg. she laughed at me. her first court appearance, she was an hour and a half late. then she turned around and looked at me and laughed. that 27-year-old is now facing charges for hit and run, assault, and child abuse. talk about getting caught in the act, indiana guy tries to deny stealing a $300 pair of earrings off of someone s front porch and cops showed him the videotape. he looks directly into the security camera. how do you deny that? that s when he asked to exercise his right to remain silent. oh, boy. and one man learns the horrid way not everybody likes to take selfyies.
look at that swan there at the kansas zoo. it bites him as he tries o take a selfy with it. that s the picture before he was bitten. despite the attack, they got that picture. those are your headlines. those swans could be mean. right. stay away from animals. this story sounds like a piece of fiction. six federal agents storm a woman s home to take her suv. the reason? it might pollute the earth? joining us right now is that woman, jennifer brinkly, who had the audacity to buy a land rover. jennifer, set the scene for us because i want people out there to understand that i m telling a true story. i know. it s sad. i have a land rover defender. it s a 1985. it was parked in our carport and six law enforcement agencies vehicles and homeland security
pulled up and asked me if i had a land rover and seized it. they took it from your house. what reason did they give you? they weren t sure, because the case was sealed at that point. but they told me they thought it might be over the clean air act. really? did it pass inspection? oh, yes. it passed inspection. i had a title for it. insurance. no, i shouldn t say passed inspection because old cars don t have to be inspected. but i had done enough work to take it up to the level where it would have passed an inspection. but just to show you how out of date their information was, i understand that they had the previous owner s name on the warrant because that car had to be seized. oh, we re going back four owners. so they went back four owners and finally caught up with the car four owners later! correct. where is the car today? your guess is as good as
mine. they won t tell you? no. what are you going to do? i think it s been moved three times. we re fighting it. we re trying to get the cars back. there were 40 seized that day all over the united states. the people that showed up, they were dhs? yes. yes: and local law enforcement. what is your reaction to this, jennifer? you sound almost indisbelief as you explain it to me. my reaction is i m sad because i own the car and it s just an iconic car. i don t know. i m in disbelief because it s gone and i m surprised that somebody can come in and take your property. surprised. it s outrageous and you were quoted as saying that you always felt so proud to be in this country. your dad is a veteran. what is your reaction now? what would he say?
oh, my father, he would tell me to fight it and try to get my car back, that he fought in a war to protect our property so we could live in a free country. i think that was the saddest thing for me because i realized that everything my father fought for didn t exist anymore. it s scary. it s scary when it happens to you on a personal level. jennifer brinkly, thanks so much. and by the way, how ironic it s a land rover. nothing stops a lands rover. so some day that car is going to come right back to you. they re indestructible. yeah. it s true. jennifer, thanks so much. sorry this happened. we ll track it and hopefully you have a good ending to this. i hope so. thank you so much. 20 minutes before we re done. straight ahead, have you ever gotten a call like this, just as you were sitting down to dinner? if you refuse to answer the door to me, i guarantees you, i will wake up every neighbor in your entire [ bleep ] building!
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welcome back. we are on our plaza, trace adkins is behind us. and right now, peter johnson, jr. is with me. good morning. this is part two of how to reconcile your debt. this is on the debt beat today. 35% of americans face debt of about $5,000. do we have debt out here? i do. do you? you bet. unfortunately we do. let s fight back in a few ways.
we re going to go through some questions here. can i compromise or negotiate a debt? absolutely. the answer is yes. don t be afraid to compromise or settle the debt. some tips for successful settlement. number one, get everything in writing. get a credit counselor or even a lawyer to help you out. make sure you cross the t s and dot the i s. number two, time is money. know that they want to get the debt settled quickly and that they ll do better getting a lump sum. so if you can settle for a lump sum early, do that. number three, beware of settlement scams. don t pay 30 to 60% of a debt as a premium, as a fee to someone before they do something for you. it s really important not to get scammed yourself on the debt. and pay what you owe. always. what about this, do i contact the credit bureaus to explain my problem? absolutely essential. contact the three credit bureaus and let them know what s going on and we re going to show you the e-mails and the web sites
and the phone numbers to call. do not be afraid to do that. you must do that to make sure that your credit score does not get slammed. important note there. can you improve your credit score? yes. you can absolutely improve your credit score. there are some important tips to do that. don t spend on several cards. consolidate to one or two cards. don t leave small balances on the cards. number two, old debt can be good. if you got a long-standing debt that you ve been paying off well, that will actually help your credit rating. number three, leave accounts open, especially those with balances. so don t start closing accounts down. they sound kind of paradoxcal, but throws important tips. another question is can i sue the debt collector? you absolutely can sue the debt collector. they call you at work or at home when they re not supposed to, you can sue them. you can get statutory damages in the state court and compensatory damages for any harm they cause. you can go to small claims court and do it even quicker. so you don t have to be a victim
of people doing bad things that are violating the federal law. if you owe the money, you want to pay it. you want to pay it on your own terms the best you can. but not killed in the process. you re saying you do have rights, even though you have debt, it doesn t mean you forfeit your rights. this segment will be up on the fox & friends web site all day and all weekend. you can take a look at it again. we re so happy to be with trace adkins because there is a girl in texas. peter johnson, jr., we thank you for that. we re going to have more from trace adkins with this fun crowd in just a moment. first we re going to check in with bill hemmer and martha mccallum. looking forward to that. everything is popping this morning. what will republicans do about immigration? we re watching that. what will the president do on executive action? in the middle east, will a cease fire hold or is it all just talk right now? stocks fell through the floor. what will happen this morning there? there is a lot of news on the ebola outbreak. ten minutes away here on a friday edition of america s newsroom vo: this is the summer.
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for the second week, i got the steve cam here. what is that? that s my iphone and i got a fish eye filter on it. which means you can write it off. i hadn t thought about that. but during the show, with trace adkins, we re going to actually take some close-ups and selfies. we are. i say why not? trace adkins is going to do there is a girl in texas. have a story that goes with this ? you decide. there is a girl in texas and she s right here. ladies and gentlemen, trace adkins!
celebrating 20 years of this song. i wrote this right after i moved to nashville. this song was written in 94. it s 20 years old. when i rode out of dallas i was chasing down a dream i thought i knew what i was looking but the neon nights have blinded me til i m lost in tennessee
not sure i know who i am anymore but there is a girl in texas there is a girl in texas there s a girl in texas that does you re a truly lovely lady and you sure light up the night i m a lonely man but i m leaving here alone i won t try to lie to you about this heart of mine
that i can t give, that i don t really own there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas she still does if this dream that i ve been chasing if it ever sets me free and i wake up to find it don t need me there s a girl in texas there s a girl there is a girl in texas pretty little girl in texas she still loves me
there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas there s a girl in texas that does yes there s a girl in texas i still love take me back to texas
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energy for making new ocean friends. all right. what s coming up this weekend? we are on this weekend. fox & friends this weekend. what s coming up this weekend? we re going to tell you what cell phone providers might be putting into your bill that you don t know about. it s all the hidden stuff. plus you want to unplug for your last summer vacation? put those gadgets down, close the computer? we re going to teach you how to unplug for the rest of the summer. oh, boy. if we could do, we will give it a try for sure. looking forward to seeing you both this weekend. what do you got in the after the show show? i m unplugging. when they say unplugged, i m done, man. you did a great show today. you know how you can say thank you today? go download a trace adkins song
right now! that is correct. i ll stay plugged. thank you very much for joining us. my pleasure. ladies and gentlemen, round of applause, trace adkins! bill: here we go on a friday. what a day this will be. fox news alert. 9:00 a.m. on the hill where house lawmakers are still at. republicans ready to try again to tackle this bothered crisis. that is just one of many headlines today. welcome here. i m bill hemmer live in america s newsroom. welcome, heather. nice to be here. i m heather childers in for martha maccallum. they tried yesterday to get a trimmed down bill with outcries from both parties. doing something is better than nothing. the crisis on the border will continue until the president act the. he is clearly not going to act. that means congress has to act. that is prett

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140502 10:00:00

the entire school. i don t believe there should be any real jail time. and they should be allowed to graduate. adam says vandalism is a crime no matter why you do it. if nothing else it s about respecting things that belong to others. thank tomb who responded. have a great weekend. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning, it s friday, may 2nd, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. this guy was inside the situation room while terrorists were killing americans in benghazi. but just don t ask him for any of those details. maybe, i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this is like two years ago. dude, you really the spokesperson? that interview will have you falling off your couch this morning. hold on to your latte. luckily we re velcroed to this couch. when jay carney can t answer questions on benghazi he goes to the old stand by. blame fox.
we don t know. we re investigating it. do you have a copy of the cia read them all you want. much to your disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. ed henry with more on what happened behind-the-scenes at the white house. wow. did you park your car in the street last night? imagine waking up to this. it is real life. brand new video terrifying moments the earth opened up. ladies and gentlemen, it is friday, and mornings are better with friends. it s time for fox & friends. tgif thank goodness it s fox and tgib, thank goodness elisabeth is back. it s great to be back.
she was out at the big cable show on the west coast. we were in clipper town. we were in los angeles. right after the decision was made there were jerseys every where. great to be back with you guys. had a great time. the thing is if you turned away from the tv you miss ad lot. i can t believe the explosive details we re finding out about benghazi. the networks are now understanding there s a lot of there there. i was stunned to see vitter pop up and sit down. he was the national security spokesman for the white house. he was also the guy who was in the situation room the night of the benghazi attack. and, you know, over the last 20 months we ve wanted to know you know the famous susan rice talking points, who changed those. we heard from mike morell, cia didn t say anything about the video, that was apparently pushed it looks by all intents
and purposes by the white house. as it turns out bret baier had tommy vietor in the chair last night. he wanted to know who changed the talking points. who soft pedalled the language to make the president look better. you know what? turns out tommy vitor may have been the man. did you also change the text to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t snsh dude, this is like two years ago. dude, it s the thing that everybody is talking about. we re talking about processing editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do all day long. he actually does understand that when you change talking points after an ambassador is killed, three other people are dead in a major military operation led by the united states then that s huge and by the way this is a communications expert. this is a man that is supposed to understand the story more than the guy or woman
interviewing them and for him to come back and dismissively use the word dude in a sentence. that s the most disturbing sound and i think because if you examine the tone by which vietor, tommy vietor responded and credit to bret baier for putting him in his place where he understands the significance why these questions are being asked. four americans savagely taken. they were killed including our ambassador. those questions should have answers. 20 months is a long time for those families to go without answers and a lifetime to go without their loved ones. this is why it matters. i feel after listening to that interview what difference does it make, or dude, it s been two years get over it. right, paraphrase is a tone that s unacceptable. this is how this white house operated. this is the tone they had when people ask the hard questions they try to they use word
salad or try to get you on something else. or blame fox. first they blamed bush then fox. tommy vietor revealed he was in the situation room the night of the benghazi attacks but the president never showed up to the situation room. remember back during the 2008 campaign it was all about, there s trouble in the world, who will pick up the phone. as it turns out the president of the united states was not in the situation room to pick up the phone that night. tommy vietor said he was somewhere in the white house. very unspecific. how you do not remember the president of the united states become with you during a time of crisis or not. how do you let that slip from your mind when you know you ll be asked about it. on top of that. three steps back. why did it take a court order to get these, to get this memo out? why when you were asked over and over again and required to make this public did you not?
now, jay carney goes no big deal it was barely about benghazi which you can t be serious and expect us to digest that. this guy comes out yeah if we can do it again we all wanted this memo out earlier. jay carney didn t get that memo. the memo was changed as this document reveals from an attack to a demonstration inspired some sort of activity going on. so the language definitely changed. tommy vietor can t recall. when you see his tweet. when he knew he was going to be on this show did he prepare to forget. look. guessing bret baier invited me to come on special report to talk benghazi as a tbt thing since it happened in 2012 but tune in. did you just hash tag he wants to talk about four americans being killed and still no answer 20 months. it s less than two years.
they are trying to say that it s so long ago that something only fox covers and the republicans up on the hill. we have all moved on. remember it was hillary clinton who the statute of whatever had run out after four months. four months after benghazi where she said what difference does it make. tommy vietor said it s a throw back thursday 20 months later. jay carney yesterday was a human pinata for day two and, brian, you re right. good the mainstream media are picking up on it. they asked a lot of questions. interestingly enough, as it turns out last night, we had good coverage here on fox. last night nbc and cbs not a word. last night on abc they had 46 seconds even though there was such compelling testimony there was a guy, air force brigadier general robert lovell the deputy director at africom, he was on the hot seat up on capitol hill
yesterday and he made it very clear, we didn t even try to rescue those guys. watch. do you feel like the united states was doing everything it could do to protect the people and its facilities abroad? no, sir. four individuals died. sir, obviously, we did not respond in time to get there. could we have? we may have been able to but we ll never know. we didn t try. that was very compelling. congressman was on with us. i read his pre-interview. this will be explosive. he came out and did every military person we had a chance to talk to said you never leave a man behind, you do everything you can, even if that man is dead in battle, you do everything to get that body out. how does it make sense to have a fight to go on for eight hours and not even try. but many elm were shocked when the general said he s an
unreliable witness and criticized his assertions that troops didn t respond to that attack. martin dempsey said something similar. but logic tells you that you would think that there would be some type of mission to get people out. however, he said he was waiting for an order from the state department. since when does the state department order aircraft. that s what key they had to wait. so there was no order that gave them the go ahead to get in there and do what they could do whatever they could do. we didn t move. the frustration is nothing happened. a lot is happening in the news. for that we turn to heather who is now in her place with headlines. a lot of news going on this morning. let s midwest. he wanted to kill as many people as possible. this morning we re learning more about a teenager who is accused of plotting to kill his entire family and blow up his school just like the killers in columbine but police in.
minnesota stopped 17-year-old john ladue in his tracks thanks to a neighbor who saw them near a storage unit he was renting and thought it was suspicious. he shut the door. it doesn t take ten minutes to open up a storage shed. so i called it in. thank goodness she called police. inside police found three bombs, guns and ammunition and then they went to his house and found journals that showed he looked up to the columbine shooters. we ll keep you posted. in the meantime three executives of the veterans hospital in phoenix are on leave this morning after 40 patients allegedly died when they should have lived. the suspensions include hospital director, associate director and a third person who has not been named. the hospital is accused of keeping a secret list of patients who had been waiting for care in order to hide delays in treatment and then purgingei
1.5 million unfinished orders. donald sterling is battling pros state cancer. his racist remarks may have been released by a friend of his girlfriend. the head of the chapter of the naacp just resigned. leon jenkins is his name and he came under fire for the decision to give sterling a lifetime achievement award for promoting civil rights. i ll be back here in just a little bit. looking beautiful. grab your hat. big weekend. get your big hat and throw on your sun best it s the race for the roses, the 140th annual kentucky derby. ainsley earhardt joins us live from the churchill downs. did the race start? reporter: the race has not
begun. the big derby race is tomorrow. today it s all about the females. today is the philly race. it s the 140th year. everyone wears pink in honor of breast cancer awareness. the fillies run today. from thanks to handkerchiefs, everybody dressed in pink. at 1:30 is the fashion show. then after that the breast cancer survivors are allowed to walk the track and then at 5:45 the big filly race. the first prize is a million dollars. going to the race tomorrow, 10:30 the races begin and at 6:24 is the big race the kentucky derby. the number one horse is california chrome. the number two horse just dropped out of the race. we got word of that this morning. the number three race is number
two and his name is wicked strong. we ll be here tomorrow morning covering that live and coming up in about an hour and a half we ll show you the official drink today which is the lily. we ll learn how to make that and show you the favorite foods. back to you. hold off on the. mint juleps until noon. they will sneaking up on you. then there s these bourbon balls people eat. i ll bring you back some. thank you. thanks to samuel hats for all the derby hats. absolutely. great cause. 13 minutes after the top of the hour. a decorated u.s. marine made a wrong turn in mix with a legal gun. now he s chained up in a jail. his mom brings her fight to free him to fox & friends and joins us live next. brand new video of moments when the earth opened up. [ screaming ]
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welcome back. another one of our nation s heroes jailed in mexico. andrew is a decorated u.s. marine who did two tours of combat. he was driving in san diego where he s being treated for ptsd when he made a wrong turn and accidentally crossed into the border in mexico. he s been thrown into jail and been fighting for his freedom. his mom joins us right now. jill, thank you for being with fox & friends. when you got a call on april 1st, from your son andrew, what did he say? he said, mom, i got lost. i made a wrong turn. i need you to know i m at the mexican border and the mexican officials have surrounded by truck. i need you to know in case anything happens to me.
did he sound desperate and what was your reaction? at that point it was matter of fact. i got lost in the dark, 10:00 at night. i m within a mile of the border. i made a wrong turn. i think both of us thought that they would just let him turn around and go back to america. yes, i was concerned. he s lost. now in mexico. what is his status right now? what s his emotional and physical state? i would describe him as being crippled physically, mentally. he s been, for the past he called me on sunday. i got a call on sunday and advised me then he had been chained and in restraints for 25 days. i can only imagine that would feel like to a decorated
sergeant on the battlefield. he s chained, strapped to a cot for 25 days now. uncertain of his future and actually feeling hopeless because of the uncertainty. right. we re in debt to him for his service. did you think as a mom, i mean your son comes home after serving and now is facing this. he tried to escape. that s what he s trained to do. he doesn t feel safe. did you ever think you would be living through this horror when he came home? never. i know the marine corps trained him well and i know that when he was put in that extremely violent situation in his first couple of hours in the la mesa penitentiary his life was threatened and by the grace of god and courage he was able to escape that area and got into a safer part of the jail. when he called me the next day and said mom i escaped. i said what. he said i was able to get into a safer part of the jail and i
feel safer. they were able to put him in a private cell at that point which gave me some peace. and hope too. what s your hope? we re coming upon mother s day. what s your hope for your son? that s my hope. my hope is i know the mexican judicial system is bogled down with cases. however it s been more than 30 days now. the evidence stands for itself that andrew did not intend to go into mexico. i would love to have him home by mother s day. of course. he s your son. he s our nation s son. keep us updated on all of this. thank you. thank you. you got it. up next, no english no problem you can move to the head of the line for disability benefits and president bush has a message for our veterans. [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy.
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we got some quick friday morning headlines. illegals can qualify for in-state tuition rates for college in florida. that s one quarter of what is paid by out of state students. the bill just passed florida state senate. no english, no problem. you probably get fast tracked for disability benefits. the reason a just revealed social security policy considers a person s ability to learn english when deciding if someone is disabled. alabama republican senator jeff session says that makes it a lot easier for non-english speakers to qualify. that s the news.
fourth annual warrior 100 k mountain bike ride kicked off yesterday. president george w. bush 43rd president of the united states and 49 veterans rode 12 miles. our own dr. mark segal was there and got an interview with president bush. he joins us now live from the great state of texas. good morning, doctor. good morning, steve, good morning guys. yesterday was day one. today is day two of the ride. 30 miles today. today really separates the metal from the road. i don t think brian can handle it. today is a real tough day. i spoke yesterday to president bush in an interview and he actually told me some things he hasn t spoken about before. he said the veterans administration is a big bureaucracy and private solutions are needed to help the vets in snifts like this one. he spoke to me about his great relationship with his vets.
they told me it s about his leadership capabilities and his compassion. i talked about the military services initiative that the bush institute initiated right now which is focusing on post-traumatic stress and getting rid of the word disorder. we re helping redefine ptsd to pts. pts post-traumatic stress is an injury it s not a disorder. meaning it can be treated. why that s important because one we want to eliminate stigma, two we want to encourage employers when hiring a vet not to be put off with somebody with pts. it s called a disorder they don t want to hire somebody with a disorder. many say they get inspiration from you. very decisive. when they leave here how do they
take that with them? selfishly i hope they are saying former president bush cares and respects our veterans. you know, we can t have every vet that rides mountain bikes here but we can have enough vets here to say to other vets, you know, there s a better way than, you know, feeling sorry for yourself. every vet here has overcome difficult circumstances and are now riding pretty difficult bike trails. the symbol is that, you know, you can succeed. today for the first time on this ride there s actually someone riding who has no legs and is riding with a cycle that s a hand cycle and as i said there s a focus on post-traumatic stress. it s a very, very exciting day today, magical quality that bush has with his vets. by the way i ll ask him today about his brother running for president. i ll fill you in on that tomorrow. excellent. very good. mark segal joining us live down suit but surely very shortly
he ll be wearing something extremely tight, bike pants and whatnot. stay tuned. great job, great cause and the president looks fitter than he did ten, 15 years ago. how meaningful to have the president there. really too such connection between the troops and president bush. by the way, we should point out second year in a row dr. segal has been there. very nice. meanwhile coming up straight ahead on this show, when jay carney can t answer questions on benghazi he goes to the old stand by not blaming bush, blames fox. hey we just don t know. we re investigating it. do you want a copy of the cia talking points. much to your disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. well, there s more where that came from. ed henry discussed it last night with bill o reilly. they were talking back and forth
about why he feels as though there may be so much pressure on not to ask the question when it comes to benghazi. that s right. coming up. plus coming up they were by each other s sides. this veteran and his dog just reunited. but first happy birthday, david beckham he s 39 years old today. he s really let himself go.
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and a free 30-tablet trial. saudi arabia has launched a website that will accept complaints against the government and send them directly to the king. you can even submit a second complaint if you want using your remaining hand. [ laughter ] the royal family. one handed texting very tough. we have a very special guest talking about the latest on benghazi. it s unfolding like we have not seen it since the day of the attacks. let s go to heather who will tell us what s breaking. we had all that nasty weather all this week. things happening in baltimore, maryland. look at this video we got in from this massive sinkhole in baltimore. look at this. [ screaming ]
oh, my gosh all those cars go right over like it s a cliff right there. a building inspector is now making people leave their homes, actually in that entire area. it s simply not safe. believe they will be out of their homes for 40 days before people are allowed to go back inside. that sinkhole opening up after 24 hours of rain in maryland. what a mess. then a dramatic sight in the gulf of mexico. a coast guard rescue swimmer dives from a helicopter to save two navy pilots. the airman had to tread water for half an hour after their plane plunged into the water. both pilots are hospitalized and are in stable condition. they served together in iraq, hunting for roadside bombs together. but when army sergeant jason boss retired two years ago he had to leave his military dog behind but now the two are back
together. [ applause ] you see him jumping into his arms at chicago airport. nobody could work with this dog. i don t understand why she listens to me. maybe it s my personality. because he s her guy. they are heading back home to the sergeant s home in michigan. those are your headlines. let s go to elisabeth and brian. hi, guys. a little football. we rolled out the turf and ready to go. are you ready for some football in may? it s training day on fox & friends. brian is about to be put to the test by an nfl linebacker. joining me is carolina panthers alum is here to show us how it s done. at 23 years old he s the best
in the league. every day you have to go out and prove you re there. offseason is coming around and great time for us to work on some things. you and the panthers this year, you re not happy the way the year ended but a lot of hope in carolina for another playoff appearance. absolutely. we lost some guys to free agency. we got some new guys. we re excited about the year. everybody is talking about the draft now. yeah. you re obviously doing something right because you got it figured out. brian will put those skills to the test. can you give him some major tips. as you know it s all about tackling. now, i m a soccer player. a lot of kids watching outside. the 16-year-old has to tack tell right way. no head or neck injuries. if you want to tackle me, do it just for now. how do you make impact. basically we re coming at an angle. you stay right here. a lot of it is getting your head
across and up. a lot of guys come down and in. if you can come in and get your eyes up they teach you on the rise. they come in low, hit it and get your arms up and rise up. trying to pick somebody up. we ll come in. you want to get the hand down. oh, gees. hit them low. a little bit faster. hand me the ball. right? here we go. come in. now you carry the ball. your turn now. okay. hike. there it is. all right. you guys forgot to hug. here s the big thing. you can tackle the dummy, tackle me, hang out with elisabeth. can you survive the boston college quiz. cue the music loop. i m nervous.
we ll find out what you know. all right first question goes something like this. what is the name of the school mascot? you know what it is bald eagle. first one which b.c. quarterback threw the famous miracle miami game. a matt hasselbeck, tim hasselbe hasselbeck, doug fluty. doug fluty. boston college campus is known by what nickname? the heights. it s probably one of the most famous water holes for b.c. students, what is it? cambridge s mary ann s.
mary ann s. what is it 3-2? 3-1. just in case you need intimidation i have my game face. that will scare you away. you have a game face. right here. this is me getting ready for today. she has the helmet and everything. this is probably maybe 1998. that s old school. you re scared. we wish you well. we thank you for being with us. real quickly what do you want to get across. old spice. they launched now product line in january. quick way for guys to wake up in the morning, get something in the air and go until the afternoon. it s a good deal. good game plan. designee smells nice. there you go. he smells like a man that wants to tackle. you know because he tackled
you. what s happening inside. thank you very much. that was good to know. i didn t know mary ann s was a bar. my daughter said it was a library. coming up when jay carney can t answer questions on benghazi goes to the old stand by, blame fox. why is it not we just don t know. do you have a copy of the cia talking points. touch disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. wait until you hear what happens behind-the-scenes at the white house, ed henry has that coming up next. we all laughed at videos like this. boom where he runs into something. our next guest a navy s.e.a.l. says this is no laughing matter. how to get your head off your texting machine can be the difference between life and death.
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still only from progressive. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger.
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luckily officials learned of the scheme before anyone ate any of them. as you look at that that s more of what you re not aware. thanks for bringing that to us. were you watching fox news channel yesterday? we had a lot of coverage of what has been going on with the benghazi case. we told you yesterday about how jay carney doubled down, where he said yeah that benghazi talking point memo it wasn t really about benghazi and that s why we didn t include it in that request from congress which is laughable by the way. absolutely. yesterday we laughed at it. yesterday ed henry was able to ask him about why did they, the white house, withhold that from congress for a year. and, you know what? jay carney found that the perfect opportunity to turn it around and blame fox.
why turn it over in a benghazi you have to ask the state department about their process for responding to foia requests then decide for yourself as many people have now said and written. this is a conspiracy in theory on 9-12 you were asked about benghazi whether it was premeditated. you said it s too early for us to make that judgment. it s being investigated. on 9-14 ben rhodes is writing an e-mail that this was inspired by a video. why is it not we don t know we re investigating it. the only thing in that e-mail that refers to benghazi is a cut and paste from the talking points which much to your disappointment and your boss s disappointment turned out to be produced by the cia. your boss s disappointment. so dismiss, distract and blame, again.
the benghazi memo there was the emails weren t having anything to do with benghazi even though they requested all benghazi documents, they put forth this one. it said benghazi on it. it s not about benghazi so we re going to shift again and, instead of bringing more truth forward we re going to bring more blame. bill o reilly started talking about the mood. we started asking these questions that it s just a fox story and what about your colleagues. this is what ed said. other reporters will, you know, tease me about the idea that this is a fox story and, you know, what about benghazi, that we re going to shout this at the president randomly and do they really believe that it s a fox story? there are many people in the press corps who believe it is a fox story. really? yes. it s not important that the u.s. military didn t mobilize to save a u.s. ambassador, it s not important that the obama administration misled the world and they still haven t said we
made a mistake? people have to defend their own questions or lack of questions in the briefing room but i would note the last two days, john karl, major garrett of cbs news, jim acosta of cnn asking similar questions of the once you just played and jay carney went after me and fox and said you and your bosses haven t been able to prove a conspiracy theory as if i m personally pushing this which i take offense at which i m not. he s not. he s simply asking the questions. as ed pointed out a number of the other mainstream reporters in the press corps are asking the questions. unfortunately, their bosses are not putting those stories on the air. yesterday whole bunch of them asked questions. last night nbc, cbs nothing about benghazi despite the incredible testimony from the air force general yesterday. abc gave it 46 seconds. and as you look at the morning paper this morning, if you still get a paper, see if there s
anything about benghazi on the front page, second page. is it in the paper at all. this is america s story. it is america s story. by a quick note and most of you watching, ask dana perino if ed henry has an agenda. he tries to get the story and to his credit knowing he s getting attacked rather than getting answers he keeps his composure. unfortunately, a lot of members at the white house press corps you look at the stuff, they feel bad now because they helped the president get re-elected by not asking the critical questions in the last five years. meanwhile from the smoke gun, benghazi e-mail to our secretary of state s outrageous comments about one of our biggest allies, they were some of the biggest stories of the week. how did mainstream media cover them? barely. but why? then we all laugh at videos like this. our next guest a navy s.e.a.l.
says this is no laughing matter. how getting your head out of the phone can make a difference between your life and death.
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us live. good morning. good morning guys. awesome to be here. give people a couple of tips. a lot of people overlook the basics. some people think there s a ninja move they need to learn. you need to get your head out of your phone. lifting your head up. experience your environment to allow you to see things before they happen and pick up on those threats before they come in to your life and hit you head on or worse. right. exactly. it s not just like the videos we re showing where somebody walks into a pool.
you could be walking into a situation where there s some bad guys or bad gals that can take advantage of you. you need to understand when you walk out of your house, you re increased risk of running into criminal activity just went up. why put yourself into a situation where you re not picking up on these things ahead of time. i tell people if you have to use that phone or text you absolutely have to get, find a wall, put your back up against the wall, make sure you re checking your immediate surroundings. these things become common and these attacks come common at your time when you re by yourself. practicing those things help out a lot. you say be aware when approaching your car. why? first thing awareness is key. that comes into play when you are pulling out your phone. you increase that situational awareness. walking to your vehicle or just in general if you don t see it coming you can t do anything about it. by lifting your head up, a lot
of people walk to their car with their head in their phone. now you can scan your car and yointd. there s a simple thing i do, i walk past my vehicle. how many people naturally hit the doubleclick the button to unlock all the doors. if there s somebody waiting on the other try five seconds by going on the other side of the vehicle. those tip are so simple. yet they can make a difference on whether or not you stay safe. don, who is one of the commentsators, thank you very much. all right, sir. couple minutes before the top of the hour. when our blood boils every time we hear hillary clinton s comments about this. the fact is, we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided to kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? we know a lot of you are bothered by that.
wait until you hear what nancy pelosi just said about four dead americans. and we ve been celebrating this moments for decades and now we re ready to take the next giant leap to mars. go long, look lean, in this season s most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and
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avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it s the nexium you know, now delivered. good morning. today is friday, may 2. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. this guy was inside the situation room while terrorists were killing americans in benghazi, but just don t ask him for any details. maybe, i don t remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. dude, he was the spokesperson and that is just the beginning. get ready. he said dude, right? dude. speak of benghazi, who could forget this? the fact is, we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest of because of guys out for a walk one night who decide they d go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make?
and if you thought that was bad, just wait until you hear what nancy pelosi said about the same incident. in other news, it s one of the most memorable songs from the 1960s. how does it feel there was something bob dylan left out of the song about the rolling stone. we re going to reveal that and so much more because friday mornings, always better with friends.
wow. cheery start to our day. cheerleading squad on our plaza and they are flipping out over being here. fantastic. over the last week or so, we ve been talking here on fox & friends about how new york state very nice will he done, ladies. how new york state was trying to figure out whether or not cheerleading is a sport. it turns out it is. to show you how athletic it is, we re calling in rocky points, new york high school, where our current executive pubah producer, lauren patterson, once upon a time was head cheerleader. she was? now she s ours. wasn t she starring in field hockey, too? i d like to see footage. i would say they come here for our show. we have to call them in late to school individually. so we re going to be on the phone when not on television. so what are those kids talk
being in high school? they re talking about maybe the big interview bret baier had on special report with the former he broke in with senator obama. he used to drive the van. then little by little, he worked his way up to one of the key communication spots in the administration, only to break off and go into his own business. he came back, was kind of a welcome home thing and he went right to bret baier to explain what happened on 9-11-2012 when it came to the talking points, susan rice s briefing. turns out he played a key role. watch. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. we re still talking about dude, it s the thing everybody is talk about. we re talking about talk points. dude? first of all, dependent your math right is what many are saying. it s 20 months ago. and then way too long for those
family to be too long without those killed that at day. sort of a dismisssive tone which has a lot of people up in arms about not getting answers. watching these hearings, this is what we ve been talking about. this is what the country has been zero not guilty on. this is what s happening during the day. this is why michael morell says televise my testimony live and . because this week and the reason tommy was there was to talk about this memo that suddenly popped up after judicial watch sued the administration. keep in mind, the u.s. congress was told here is a complete set of all the e-mail from the white house pertaining to benghazi. it wasn t in there. people wanted to know why wasn t it in will. it looks to some in congress as if that s the memo right there why didn t congress gets that? it looks to some as if the white house was, in addition to conspiring to change the story
from it was terrorism to it s all about the video, to a conspiracy. let s keep this away from congress. what s interesting, though, with tommy vitor who appeared with bret, we got some answers that we hadn t heard before. where was the president? exactly right. so many people have said where was the president that night? was he in the situation room? finally tommy does answer that and the answer is troubleing. i don t know. but let s talk about what actually happened with the attack is there was sort of one phase of the attack, a long period of calm, followed by another. let me give you a sense of what we were thinking that day. we didn t notice that the ambassador was dead until late that evening. but he was missing. absolutely. we were unbelievably nervous about his safety as well as others at that facility. we had witnessed a series of protests throughout the world, where millions of people
literally were taking to the streets, overrunning our embassy in cairo because of this video. there were individuals quoted on the scene that night saying that was the wrong sound bite cued up. interesting. right. it was interesting and bret went for 15 or 16 minutes with him talk being it. but that was where he was talking about just the atmospherics at the time of 9-11 where there were all these demonstrations going on around the world and so when people are talking about, this thing right here, it s all about benghazi. he says no, it wasn t benghazi. it was cut and pasted from something from the c.i.a. where was the president? his answer, in the white house. he wasn t in the situation room, bret said? no. at when point in the evening he was constantly. any point in the evening? it is well-known when the attack was first briefed him, he was in the oval office, he was updated
constantly. we have this photo from the white house in the oval office. so we knew that happened here. there is the chief of staff. exactly. the situation room is where major connections, decisions can be made. so everyone is wondering why the president wasn t there. a way to expedite movement if there needs to be an action taken. not there. he can t recall where he is and he, according to his twitter, he seemed as though he knew he was going to be going to see bret. when you look at tommy s tweet, it says, guessing bret baier inviting me to come on special report to talk benghazi as a #throwbackthursday, saying since it happened in 2012. but down in. did you just hashtag the death of four americans, one of which happens to be our american ambassador there? why would you hashtag that casually? does that bother you out there? let us know. so you have the national security counsel spokesperson in the situation room, but the
president of the united states is not in the situation room. remember that very famous iconic photograph of the night the bin laden raid went down, may 1 three years ago yesterday? i believe that was in the situation room. we all think a when things are hitting the fan, they re all in the situation room. tommy vitor revealed the president of the united states, on the night our u.s. ambassador was killed, the president didn t even show up in the situation room. that s unusual. he talks to hillary clinton about 10:00 o clock to ask the question. where is he? and tommy answers, i don t know. i don t have a tracking device on him in his residence. but you were in the situation room and he wasn t there? he said yes, he was in the white house. and the president was not in the situation room? not in the room i was in. so what what the president did the night of 9-11-2012, he
spoke for an hour with the israeli president and talked to hillary clinton and shortly after the president talked to hillary clinton, i believe around 10:00 o clock that night, she issued the the state department issued a statement that essentially blamed what had happened on the video. right. so it started right there. and they continued to push the video story, even though the federal government knew almost immediately it was terrorism. keep in mind, seven weeks away from a reelection campaign and that s the way it all wound up. you got to wonder if you re better off making decisions in a place that you can instantly have those decisions honored and knowing they could have maybe gotten military assets there in eight hours. why politics has taken such a fronts row instead of protection of troops and the safety and lives of those there. reelection. that s right. heather in and out has the other news.
thank you very much. good morning. police say in minnesota, he wanted to kill as many people as possible. we re learning more about a teen-ager who is accused of plotting to kill his entire family and blow up his school just like the killers in columbine. police stopped him, 17-year-old john lad you are e in his tracks, thanks to a neighbor who saw him near storage units he was renting and seemed suspicious. he shut the door and he thought looked funny cause normally we see people come, it doesn t take ten minutes. it s a good thing she called it in because inside that storage units, people found three bombs, guns, ammunition. at his house they found journal that showed he looked up to the columbine shooters. in arizona, three executives of the veterans hospital in phoenix are on leave after 40
patients died when they very likely should have lived. the suspensions include the hospital director, the associate director, and a third person who hasn t been named yet. that hospital is accused of keeping a secret list of patients waiting for care in order to hide delays in the v.a. s treatment of those patients and also purge a million and a half unfinished medical orders. we ll keep watching this story. incredible new video of that massive sinkhole in baltimore that forced a neighborhood evacuation. take a look. no! (screaming). can you imagine that, that ground just giving way as those people stood by and watched? a building inspector now has to make sure the homes in the area are safe before people are allowed to go back in. it could take a while now. that sinkhole opened up after 4 hours of rain in maryland. we all know this song, it is an iconic sound of the 1960s,
bob dylan s like a rolling stone. how does it feel how does it feel to be on your own this is the kind of interesting one because it turns out bob dylan had other lyrics in mind that didn t make the final cut for the song. you can see them here. they re scribbled in pencil there. little example of that. how does it feel, it feels real. how does it feel. shut up and deal. how does it feel? raw deal. the original lyrics are up for auction in june and they could get up to $2 million. how could that? that is good. if i could give bob dylan some suggestions, lined paper. he seems to write he s an artist! i don t like lined paper.
i like a blank. i m still trying to figure out your program that you gave me. i m not going to show you anything. it s top secret program. thank you very much. coming up, did you hear about john kerry s comments on israel and some outrageously racist remarks by democratic politician or two this past week? not if you watched the mainstream media television. why did they ignore the week s biggest stories? we ve got some answers straight ahead. that s right. and note to self, if you re going to rob a store, you want to make sure that the clerk isn t an army special forces soldier.
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according to some it s been a wild week had if comes to media bias. from the rambles of two democratic congressmen and outrageous comments from john kerry. for example apartheid state? how did the major networks cover secretary kerry and other big stories like that? joining us to weigh in is boston herald columnist. apartheid state. that is major news. how is it covered? i cannot believe the major media networks have not covered that and given it more attention. secretary of state kerry s remarks were deeply owe financessive and inflammatory, if not outrageous and israelis
and the jewish comment are really upset about it. clearly it s going to impact negatively the israeli-palestinian peace negotiations. we covered it. cbs covered 30 seconds. nbc and abc avoided it. not a big deal. you look overseas in the israeli newspapers throughout the middle east, it was a huge deal. now let s move on and talk about another major story that took place. everyone is talking about donald sterling and we all reacted to that. what about benny thompson, a congressman, as well as congressman charlie rangel. listen to their comments and i ll give you the reaction. clarence thomas, this man
doesn t even like black people. i have never seen so many confederate flags that represent groups that are proud of the fact that they call themselves the tea party. so some outrageous statements. first, do you think these are big deals? they are big deals. the media should have covered it. it s just so wrong for these men to make these inflammatory racial statements. we can t have two sets of rulings here where if you re in the private sector and you re the owner of the clippers and you make inflammatory, hurtful statements you get persecuted and crucified. you get fined millions of dollars, get your team taken away, but yet you re an elected member of congress, you get away with it. that s not right. you got no coverage on rangel, zero. zero coverage on benny thompson. by the way, he doubled down with cnn yesterday and said he is an uncle tom, what do you want me
to say? 165 minutes and 22 seconds on the owner of the clippers. now, on the benghazi e-mails, by any standard, this is huge news. a court case reveals memos when we were told everything has been exposed. the benghazi coverage. let s look. 6 minutes on the benghazi coverage and three seconds on abc, cbn and nbc. your reaction? it s outrageous. clearly there is a left wing media bias. if you need proof, look at the way they haven t covered benghazi. benghazi is a huge story. the united states ambassador was brutally murdered, two navy seals and another man. and there has been a massive cover-up. now the smoking gun e-mail has surfaced, which ties the white house to the lie of the video. this is huge news. every media outlet should be covering it. what s interesting is i think the press corps understands that. look at chuck todd, jonathon karl and others, they re asking the tough questions and we find out they re not getting on the
air. good luck with your shore and the herald. thank you for joining us. thank you. coming up straight ahead, can the government take your house to build a road? for what s been hers for nearly 70 years. back in a moment at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.

it s time for friday news by the numbers. first, $20 million. that s how much it would cost new york city to put the iconic horse carriages out of business and send the retired horses to horse sanctuaries. $20 million. 50%, that s the percentage of couples who can t agree on money. men and women have different levels of risk tolerance with the majority of women being more conservative than guys. fine low, $5. that s how much this bacon shell
taco at el ray in washington, d.c. will cost you. makes its one day debut on cinco de mayo. that looks delicious. truck carrying plutonium has been hijacked. police chase is in progress. got you! spiderman is bravely crawling back into theaters this weekend full of special effects, spectacle and a whole lot of web spinning here. that looked like an animated batman. while it s filled with action, it also pays homage to great classics. here with his review, kevin mccarthy, fox news contributor and founder of all right. you saw it. you like it? i did. i saw it twice. i paid for it the second time to review the imax version t. pays
homage to great classic actors like buster keaton. there is a really great charlie chaplain moment. my favorite moment is fred astaire moment. there s a great movie from 1951 called royal wedding a masterpiece. they pay homage to that. i talked to the leading aren t about that. but before that, i had to ask andrew garfield the most important question of my career. if there is life on other planets, do they have football? that s the really big question i need to know. okay. so sorry. thank you very much. we re out of time. just kidding. go to the sound bite. i love the fred astaire moment in the film. oh, yeah. how did they shoot that?
it could have been done so many ways. can you explain that? did they build a set? spiderman, every surface is a floor. so i wanted to go up the wall and be on the ceiling. i want to land back in bed and they were like how do we do that? they built a rotating room. it was like a spiderman ride. it was so much fun. like traipsing around that room over and over begun. we did it 18 times. how do pieces of the room not move? they stapled down the bed, everything is really secure, like bolted to each surface. so there is no flapping of paper or anything. that s brilliant the way they did it. you gave 3 1/2 out of five stars. you liked it a lot. i did. the movie has really good action and really good emotional moments as well. the mark webb directsor directed five days of summer where he blended a relationship and blended into a movie. and peter park is dealing with the struggle of being a normal
person and also spiderman. there is two major villains in the film. the action is amazing. it s great do see it in 3d. but skip the imax. they did not shoot it in imax. don t waste your money. they have black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. as i mention every week, when a marvel movie comes out, there is always an extra scene at thend of the film and the credits. the one in this move yes is absolutely terrible. so when the movie ends, just leave. just leave. i gave it 3 1/2 out of five. it s better than the first spiderman, but not near as good as spiderman 2. it s a little too long and cheesy at times. but worth seeing if you re a spiderman fan. by the way, friended to death is opening today. i m interviewing the director next week. and i ll have it on my web site next week.
all right. thank you. our blood boils when we hear hillary clinton say what difference does it make, about the benghazi attacks. but don t even bring it up to nancy pelosi. she s way over it. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren t we talk being something else? oh, nancy. i hope you re watching because oh, yeah. we re going to tell you why coming up next. plus, it s long been debated, should cheerleading be considered a sport? the cheerleaders ready to take on their critics after they got a major victory this week. give me an f! give me an o! give me an x! it s fox! [ male announcer ] a long weekend is just an excuse.
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to many, outrageous to even more. from that to dude, that was like two years ago, who cares? ancient history. those two things tick add bunch of people off. but it s getting worse. listen to nancy pelosi when she was asked about benghazi. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren t we talking about something else? yeah. she met with the press yesterday. she s dismisssive of it, has no interest in investigating it or sitting on a panel and getting to the bottom of it. sure. could we listen to maybe i caught something. can we listen to her say that again? maybe. can we? benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. why aren t we talking about something else? you know what that kind of reminds me of and luckily thanks to our video editing, i ve got this sound bite right here. kind of reminds me of this. marsha, marsha, marsha!
that was brilliant. but the fact had this is so easily dismissed, as you alluded to, and just brushed off. what difference does it make? dude, that was about two years ago, who cares? now this, benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. we ll show you what difference it makes. this is sean smith, one of the victims moms, pat smith. this is why it matters. i could picture his face as he was about to die and why didn t our government, our military go in to help him and all the others that were there? nobody cared enough. they were covering their butts for something. i said please, i ve got to know what happened. they said they promised that it was a video and if they found out any different, they would get back to me and let me know. they did not get back to me. they just disacknowledged my existence. they lied to her face. they said it was all about the video. general hamm could answer that. why he has not testified yet, i d love to know.
a general yesterday said we should have tried. we did nothing. that s right. while nancy pelosi might say benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. the current speaker of the house, john boehner, yesterday said our investigation into the events of that september night is going to continue until this white house owns up to the truth and until these terrorists are brought to justice. right. you can run, but can t hide from the truth. i don t even know what s going on with that investigation. there was one question, i don t know what s going on, and next question. who did it? who perpetrated it. the new york times said the guy having a mimosa next week talk being it. why was the memo changed into a cover-up and why do we not have answers? we re going to stay on this. we re going to turn now to heather nauert. hi. good morning. other news to bring you. 36 minutes after the hour. i guess this guy just couldn t wait. a prisoner in oregon climbed a fence and escapes from prison six days before he was set to be
released and it turns out he s not good at hiding. police found this convicted sex offender at a nearby jack in the box restaurant and he was not going back without a fight. refusing to drop to the ground, eventually this guy surrendered. he s now facing escape charges. if you are going to rob a store, make sure the clerk isn t a former army special forces soldier. watch as a suspect sucker punches the clerk after he tells him to get lost, burr the would be thief is quickly taken down as the fight spills out into the parking lot. one punch, the former soldier has the man hit the pave. to them it s the location. but to this woman, it is her entire life. the city of westfield, indiana, now wants to take away sandra s home to build one of those round about roads. the city is claiming eminent domain, but it s been in the family for 70 years. she says the city s offer to buy
her out simply wasn t good enough. wouldn t sell this for a million dollars. i would have died here. i would have never left this property. the city says they are offering a fair market value for the property. the two sides will meet in court for the first time on monday. we ll keep watching that story for you. nasa unveiling a new prototype that looks right out of a movie tron. remember that one? a movie that brian probable will he liked, the original one. this new suit has been designed for astronauts who will one day colonize mars and it was voted on by the public, one of the coolest features, these glowing lights that can change color so they can tell each other apart. the final version of the suit will be ready for testing in november. those are your headlines. let s go outside to brian and elisabeth. from the side lines of the
center stage to the debate over whether cheerlead something a sport, back flipped its way into the spotlight after new york deemed it a sport earlier this week. but should it be, these are members of the 2014 ucla champions, rocky points eagles cheerleading. congratulations. thank you so much. were you excited when you heard it was officially sport? yeah. it deserved to be a sport. tell me your routine. how long and how hard do you ladies work? we work really hard. we train all season just for a two minute and 30 second routine so we run, we condition on the offseason. then we have practices every day and we train like really, really hard to get this routine solid. what s it like to be national champs? the best feeling. what do you think separates you? i think our ability. we train really hard with something and we want to be perfect with it. is there any way we could see you in action? we would love to see some of
this. how many people are cheer nog in college? about six out here. ready? you ready to spring into action? yes. pun intended. cue the music. will you go to prom with me? no pressure. wow. frank, send us an e-mail, a tweet, something. are you on facebook? let her know, quick. look away. [cheering]
we are rocky point! come on blue! rocky points! fight! rocky point! blue and white! let s go, blue and white! blue and white! we are rocky point! blue and white!
all right! wow. that was unbelievable. that was fantastic! congratulations. how do you feel now? feels great. yeah, awesome. the best feeling in the world. amazing. what trust to be able to catch one of them. give yourselves a round of applause. good job. let them hear you out back. thank you. congratulations. best of luck to you seniors next year. thank you. we ll stand by on the prom invite. we ll follow up on that. meanwhile, steve, tell us what s coming up next. thank you very much. it is a sport and they re good sports. straight ahead, a decorated u.s. marine made a wrong turn into mexico with his legal gun. now he s chained up in a jail in
mexico. his mother now desperately trying to free her son. hear from her next. then it s what made pippa middleton a world wide name. but is her famous feature a fake? plus, the aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1972, this wwe star played football at the university of miami. you know the answer to this. be the first.
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we re hearing from the mother of the marine. we hard from her this morning with the very latest. here is what s going on. in early april is when all this went down. 25-year-old marine reservist andrew got lost while heading to san diego and accidentsally crossed into mexico. mexican border guards searched his truck finding three guns he legally bought here in the united states. he says he thought they would just let him turn around and go back to the united states, but mexican police arrested him and threw him in jail. things got more tense when an inmate threatened to kill him. his mother says the death threat forced him to take matters into his own hands. she was life on fox & friends earlier this morning. when he called me the next day and told me, mom, i escaped, i said what? and he said, but i was able to get into a safer part of the jail and i feel safer now. they were able to put him into a private cell at that point. now he s chained by all fours, strapped to a cot for 25 days
now, uncertain of his future and actually feeling hopeless because of the uncertainty. his situation is similar to another florida marine veteran named jon hammer. he was held for four months in a mexican border prison in 2012 before pressure from media and lawmakers got him released. meanwhile, the family in florida is fighting for his release. the u.s. consulate says it s doing all it can to insure his safety. we re really think being that family this morning. no kidding. thank you very much. 11 minutes before the 207 of the hour. miss frank sinatra, this guy s voice will remind you of the rat pack. be a lady tonight luck be a lady that guy performs for us next. i hope he wears that hat. luck be a lady tonight
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okay. how do i look? thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. we had a little audio problem with that video. we hope to have it for you a little later on. in the meantime, look who is back. hello. i feel like i ve been away for a long time. you were doing the apprentice. i was on a major network program that raises money for children. i raised a lot of money, thanks to your help and your help and my fox news colleagues were so superb. i feel a sense of brotherhood and this family. you re the most popular person in the building. i don t know about that. but really. people don t really get a sense i worked at every
network. people don t get sense of the camaraderie and the collegial love really. the 12 years i ve been sitting here or coming from a remote location every friday, and the way you came through for this charity, the generosity, brian, steve. roger ailes, bill o reilly, sean hannity, people came up and gave money to this charity in a way that was so wonderfully life affirming. and the charity is to help the developmentally disabled and the severely autistic and just the way i wish that everybody in this country had a relationship with their colleagues and their employer that i have with fox. and it will become abundantly clear in a couple of months what geraldo rivera is talking about on another network. but you did put out the word, brian and i showed up on a saturday on our days off and then we showed up maybe on a weekday night, a school night because you needed help. i needed help.
it was really amazing. again, the memos will emerge later and we ll find out exactly what happened. we ll talk about a memo that emerged this week causing unbelievable amounts of interest, maybe from other networks for the first time. i want to get your take on tommy vitor s interview with bret baier and what he had to say. this is just a portion of it. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. we re still talking about dude, it is the thing that everybody is talking about. we re talking about the process of editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do. dudes. dudes. yesterday was the third anniversary of the announcement of the death of osama bin laden. it should have been the day we were celebrating. this was the most i was fortunate, god blessed me that i was on the air live when the announcement came down that we had finally gotten the terror
mastermind that killed so many of our friends and neighbors here in new york and washington and in that field in pennsylvania. the narrative from that day on, from the day three years ago that we got the terror mastermind, the president s narrative was, osama bin laden is dead. general motors is alive. it was a triumphant narrative that he intended to carry to the reelection campaign in 2012. so what happened? a year and a half after this great victory, bin laden being killed, we had a terrorist attack in libya that was contrary to the president s triumphant narrative. it flew in the face of his strongest argument for reelection, that he has been strong on terror. there was and this fellow, the sleazy and gratuitously fellow and his colleagues spun the events, they twisted the events that happened in benghazi to fit
the narrative. they could not admit it was a successful terrorist attack that took down the ambassador and his three colleagues because that flew in the face of the president s triumphant narrative and his march to reelection. so they spun it. here in my opinion, is where we faltered. we should have concentrated on two things. why did we have such a light footprints in such a volatile country to begin with? where was the security? i almost got killed in benghazi. we watched it on the air. and i know these militia. they turn on their mother in a heart bet. these are people with no character, no morals, that today their motivation is islam. tomorrow it s money, weapons, whatever it is. we should have had a much stronger footprints there. the second thing that we should have concentratessed on we re going to get to the second thing. why didn t we have appropriate security there? these are all good points. we re going to continue the
conversation with geraldo rivera on this may 2 here on fox & friends in about two minutes. lot more to go. jeff. hey, scott! this is no time for lollygaggin , lad. the chickweed and the dandelions are wreakin mad havoc! now s the time to send in the scotts turf builder weed & feed, man! it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. feed your lawn. feed it! we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it s evolved to infrastructure. .finance. and military missions. we re constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber bate,
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today. liberty mutual insurance responsibility. what s your policy? good morning. it s friday, may 2, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. he was the guy inside the situation room while terrorists were killing americans in benghazi. but just don t ask him for any of those details. maybe, i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. dude, it does matter. i can t believe you were really a spokesperson. did you park your car in the street last night? imagine if you woke up to this. oh, my god! dude, where is my car? brand-new video of the terrifying moments the earth seemed to open up. thanks, ashton. and it made pippa middleton a
world wide name. but is her famous backside a fake? a fake? you heard me! but i repeats it anyway. mornings on friday, final hour are better with friends. the following takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 9 a.m events occur in real time. that s right. 24 is back. he s going to be in london. coming up later this hour, khloe, crean left will be with be live. in the meantime, geraldo rivera joins us live. we got a couple of bonus minutes with you. i was going to investigate that issue you posed in the tease with pippa, if you want know probe what s the matter with you? he s been off for a couple of months.
inappropriate verb. i trust to you get to the bottom of that. whoa! don t make him the butt of your jokes. on a different note, you left us off with the one thing that we should have focused on and you want to give us the second thing we should focus on when it comes to benghazi. the spinning. there is three phases. pre, during and post. the preand post are where we as a news organization should have focused like a laser after the second. but i ll get to that. lack of security. why did we have such a light footprint and risking an ambassador and his life? the fact that he was killed and his colleagues killed, evidence go to the spinning. what happened after? clearly this memo and others like it corroborate the fact that this white house intent on maintaining the triumphant narrative that the president successfully killed osama bin
laden and quashed al-qaeda, he was marching to reelection. he spun this. this was a failure in terms of security. he covered it up in many ways and spun this narrative that he had succeeded. if you play lieutenant colonel ralph peters sound from last night on bill o reilly, that will set up where i believe we fell short. all right. then let s run it. i can tell from you personal experience, bill, that at state there is a hard core lefty cadre who looks at our military as a bunch of blue collar but even if that s true come on, bill. give me 15 seconds. in a case like this, the military would have wanted to go. the white house would have said stand down. that will still come up because look. that would be huge. the rule is this, even if you do not think there is one chance
in hell you can rescue those americans, you try. you try. you go after it. you have to try. that s when the air force colonel said general said yesterday. admiral mike mullen appointed by president bush, says there was no military assets available. i have investigated this from the air force assets to the special forces in tripoli and in italy and in other places. whatever was available in our fleet resources, there was no u.s. forces that could have intervened. there was no gunship available as the myth suggested. there was no stand down order given by concentrating on the the military is not the swat team. they re not the fire department. they could have buzzed them with a drone. doesn t it go back to the first paints that they should have paid attention i don t know. all i know is that when you, for instance, look at how we rescue the guy from the mirsk boston
marathon or how we go into the camps in somalia, these are precisely planned, daylight operations largely. they involve three days of intense comprehensive we have never, as far as i know, never mounted a rescue operation in the time parameters we had here. so you don t think we should be focusing on this? i think it weakens our real argument that the president is a spinner and a hypocrite and that the president and the state department under hillary clinton failed to adequately secure the facility. that s my frustration. we have an issue that is vital, important issue and by putting, for example, the families of the four who fell and make it about why didn t the military try to save my child, we divert and dilute the real argument. there is a strong argument. the only thing i will say it the military is not built on scripts. they re built on reacting to reality. that s what every war is that you ve witnessed more than anybody else. they have an air base in italy donald rumsfeld has said. admiral mullen, if you read
gates book, president bush and gates had a huge problem with him going off and saying things that they didn t feel were true. he s leading this investigation. you have a brig dear general saying i could have helped. i should have tried. these guys get dead bodies out of battlefields. they go back later. i have been with so many fallen and wounded g.i.s from afghanistan 12 times, iraq 12 times, somalia, i have a lot of african experience. if the jets had scrambled, they would have had to jetison their tanks at night, go to a situation that they could have been taken down. that mission was a suicide mission, it could not have happened. the president spun to win an election. he did. hillary clinton did not have adequate security. but to maintain the myth that we could have saved those live, i think we dilute our argument. your argument about the spinning is absolutely points on
and i m so happy to be back. so glad. now heather with the headlines. a real crisis was averted in minnesota. this kid wanted to kill as many people as possible, according to police. this morning we re learning more about the teen-ager who is accused of plotting to kill his entire family and blow up his school just like the killers in columbine. police in minnesota song the 17-year-old in his tracks thanks to a neighbor who saw him near a storage units that he was renting and thought he seemed suspicious. he shut the door and i thought it looked funny cause normally we see people come here and didn t take ten months to open up the storage shed. that s why i called it in. she called police. good thing because inside that storage unit, cops found three bombs, guns and also ammunition. they witness to his house and also found journals that showed
how he had looked up to the columbine shooters. incredible video coming out of that massive sinkhole in baltimore that forced an entire neighborhood to evacuate. look at this. oh, my god! can you imagine how frightening that would be, not knowing if you were going to be next to go down that little cliff there? a building inspector now has to take a look at the area nearby to make sure the homes are actually safe before people are allowed back in. the sinkhole opened up after 24 hours of rain in maryland. here is a story for the guys. it might be that teacher that made pippa middleton a household name, her famous backside. but is it a fake? there is a french royal expert who is claiming that kate middleton s little sister wore a fake butt to the wedding. she served as maid of honor.
you saw her backside a whole lot right there. this lady is saying that it was an optical illusion because pippa knew the entire world would be watching her, because they have those pad butt things. where do you buy throws? all kinds of stores. there is like fake butt stores? i just bring my own backside. heather, thank you. see you later. we have a clue which is coming up next. it s time to place your bets. the 140th annual kentucky derby. the derby is more than just fast horses and big hats and strong cocktails. it s also about great southern cooking and somebody who knows a lot about that, she was raised on it, ainsley earhart. that s right. good to be back in the south with my peeps this morning. hello to everyone at home. here with two chefs, you probably recognize this face from top chef, edward lee. and then we re here with david danielson, the executive chef of churchill downs. lots of pressure this weekend on you. we got a lot of people coming
through here. but it s a fabulous weekend, the weather is beautiful. tell us what folks can buy when they re inside of the concession stands? some great new items. in our grand stand, we ve got a little sweet tea marinaded chicken with a kentucky glaze. then this fabulous pork kabobs, bourbon peach barbecue. our version of a a salad for millionaire s row. our take on cornbread. bread pudding. i go to a lot of sporting events, nothing is this good. it s like hot dogs and hamburgers and pretzels. it s a great day. our expectations are high. edward, you re preparing some of the food for the vips. for the highly vips. we re not welcome there. he was telling me earlier. what are some of the meals? these are things you can find at my restaurant. i m also giving a sample or two
to some of the guests. lamb, braised lamb with grits. our specialties foie gra. salad with corn relish and breakfast tacos for the early risers. that s great. if you live in the area, go visit one of his restaurants in louisville. real quickly, guys in the studio, this is the drink that s popular today called the lily. it was invented for us. cranberry, triple sec. it s pink because we re honoring all the survivors of breast cancer. that s why i have pink. tomorrow is the derby. you know what that drink is. mint julep! very good. ainsley earhart. we ll be drinking a lot of those tomorrow. indeed. thank you very much. looks delicious. it s the story we ve been telling you about. our veterans left to die because of a secret waiting list.
now we re learning more, this could be just the tip of the iceberg. peter johnson, jr. with that coming up next. then the joke is on them. dozens of students take their senior prank way too far. and go to jail. chico s effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and
(vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses.

the secretary of veterans affairs finally taking action putting three officials at the phoenix v.a., including its director, on administrative leave until further notice over allegations of keeping vets on a secret waiting list. and perhaps 40 died waiting. but there may be more trouble ahead for the v.a.
a new report revealing more than a million and a half vet appointments vanished since last may with no way of knowing if the patients actually got any treatment. where is the accountability? peter johnson, jr. joins us with it. peter, 1.5 million cases vanished. in this culture of death and disability that the federal government and the white house and the v.a. seems to tolerate with regard to veterans, now they ve lost or destroyed 1.5 million consult records. so they said, we had a back log, we re going to figure it out. they figured out about 350,000 of them. they said, but we can t find another million plus. the rest of them, they now we re finding outs there was a policy they would cancel so-called unfulfilled consults. on continue of that, the general accounting office of the government has come up with disturbing figures.
as an example, let s look at this. some consults with your stomach, you re trying to find colon cancer, at one facility, 30% of the vets had an average weight of 140 to 200 days. 140 to 200 days. with regard to physical therapy consults, which are so important for disabled veterans, 40% of the vets had an average wait of 108 to 152 days. you re supposed to get the physical therapy right away. absolutely. at this point, there are 319,000, almost 320,000 pending claims for disability compensation and benefits pending over 125 days. it sounds like if this 1.5 million of these medical record things just disappeared, it sounds like what the government is trying to do is just cook the books, make it look like hey, look at our efficiency rate, it s so much better. obviously the inspector
general is looking at it. i ve said the u.s. attorney should be looking at it. there is an issue with destruction of federal records. where, when, how, why? we know there were two lists in phoenix, the treated and untreated. we know people died as a result. the issue becomes, is this a culture where death, disabilities and pain and suffering are tolerated by the white house and the federal government? so you look at benghazi and then look at the veterans and you say, do we really care about those who are serving and those who are dying without treatment? they re book ends really in a story of tragedy, of untold proportion. this is going forward. we re going to learn more and more and unfortunately, we re going to uncover more and more deaths across the country. where is the leadership? peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. have a good weekend. you, too. very troubling. coming up, after two years apart, a vet and his dog are about to be reunited.
but after so much time, will the dog actually recognize his master? stay tuned and find out. then he s being called the modern modern day frank sinatra. luck be a lady tonight that guy joins us live next.

quick headlines now. all about the trouble with schools. senior prank goes way too far. new jersey, more than 60 students arrested after cops say they broke into their own school, their high school, and trashed the place. here is some of the damage.
vaseline on door knobs. taped hot dogs to lockers and from pranks to pot. students in iowa were under arrest for trying to make marijuana-laced cookies in home ec class. they mixed it into the dough for the next day. officials learned of the scheme before anyone ate any of them. talk about doing your work ahead of time. lady tonight luck be a lady tonight his voice is going to remind you of the rat pack, singer matt goss has dazzled las vegas audiences and now moving beyond caesar s palace and releasing his first cd life you imagined. we re ready to bring you his new song strong .
i love to the highs to the tears in my eyes you amaze me yeah to the joy, to the love to the never giving up that s what made me yeah i felt pain and greatness the deepest pride and even shame and i ve been lost and found i fell apart it feels good to be strong like a rolling, rolling on that s me it feels good to be strong oh, lord and i will never walk alone it feels to be strong
oh, yeah the unknown of every day you amaze me yeah to the hurt, to the lies to the journey, to the prize that s what made me yeah and i felt pain and greatness the deepest pride and even shame and i ve been lost and found i fell apart it feels good to be strong oh, yeah like i m rolling rolling on as only a fool knows
everything it needs to be now cause kindness is king that is the power it feels good to be strong like a river rolling rolling on yeah it feels good to be strong oh, lord and i will never walk alone it feels to be strong strong
wow. very nice. there he is right there. matt goss. coming up straight ahead, he was inside the situation room in the white house during the benghazi attack. but don t ask him for details, dude. chris wallace on that next. and in case you missed it, one of the cheerleaders we just had on asked her boyfriend to prom. check it out. frank, will you go to prom with me? no pressure, frank. that promposal. will he say yes? frank, he s joining us next.
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oh, really? so you asked on tv. you asked frank to the prom. joining us on the phone right now is frank shula. good morning to you. when you saw ashley, your girlfriend since eighth grade, ask about the promposal, what did you think? i was shocked and i was really happy. really? so we need an answer. yes, i ll go to prom with her. all right! that s something to cheer about. it definitely is. i m so happy. i was so nervous trying to find a we to ask him because last year he asked me in a really cute way. so i wanted to top it. what was the cute way last year. he put prom, like with a question mark in christmas lights on the floor and then like bought me up to the roof and had his cousin turn them on. that s all right. this is so much better. anyone can do that. yeah. definitely tops it. they ll be home by 1:00 o clock.
1:00 o clock? on the bus, right? yeah. have a fun night, frank and ashley. congratulations. thank you. while we re at it, girls, anybody else need a prom date while we re at it? we ll work on that. all right. very nice. chris wallis joins us right now from his post in washington, d.c did you go to the prom back in the day? i was just thinking about it. i went to an all boys high school. answer the question. not much of an option. okay. lot of pressure now. a lot of the old boys high school in this area, they ask the all girls schools nearby for dates. you know, that would have been a good idea. i should have thought of that. but it wasn t your responsibilities. but it was your responsibility yesterday, trying to keep up
with the testimony on capitol hill, as well as an interview in your very building as bret baier sat down with tommy vietor on special report. i want to you hear this sound bite and get your candid response. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember? dude, this was like two years ago. we re still talking about dude, it is the thing that everybody is talking about. we re talking about the process of editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do all day long. have you ever heard that type of casual response? what is your response to his response dude? honestly, i laughed. i thought it was kind of a real moment. i don t think he was trying to be disrespectsful. i think he was reacting the way he did. but look, the significance of the talking points, without getting into did you change this word to that word or whatever, the significance of the talking points is that when susan rice came out and told me and all the other sunday talk show hosts her line that this was all in
response to a video and then it turned out that wasn t true, the white house absolutely, firmly maintained for the last year and a half that they had nothing to do with sending out these talking points that, this all came from the c.i.a., so it was nonpolitical. now we know as a result of this freedom of information lawsuit that they were forced to put this information out, that there was a set of talking points, a separate set of talking tonight s that came from a top white house advisor, there it is. ben rhodes, the deputy security advisor. this was on the friday above before she appeared and it was filled with talking points. but to say it was the result of an internet video, not the result of a broader failure of policy that, is a direct talking point and in the height of the presidential campaign to say that it was the video, it wasn t, because of problems with the administration policy and it wasn t because of al-qaeda was
regenerating inside libya. that obviously would have been a very explosive revelation in the heart and the heat of the presidential campaign. overall, the tone here, when you hear dude, it happened over two years ago, mixed it with, what difference does it make, mix it with nancy pelosi s recent comments of benghazi, benghazi, benghazi, this sort of cavalier approach and callousness is the message that s being sent. so we can talk all we want about the message in the talking points memo switched around, but ultimately do you think the message is they just don t care? four people died. i don t think it s that they don t care. i think it s a political problem and they re trying to manage a political problem. look, they certainly care, although having said that, the fact that people who killed these four americans have never been brought to justice, but despite the protestations of president obama and then secretary of state clinton is deeply troubling and given the fact that one of the people that was said to be a ringleader was
doing interviewsviews with media groups in benghazi, but somehow we couldn t find them, i find that troubling. no kidding. also very troubling is and people have been trying to get an answer for this for 20 months. where was the president the night of the attacks? last night with bret baier, tommy vietor revealed that while he, tommy, the pr guy, he was in the situation room, the president was not. listen. was the president in the situation room? no. where was the president? in the white house. he wants in the situation room? at what points in the evening? any point in the evening. it s well-known when the attack was first briefed to him, he was in the oval office and he was updated constantly. then when hillary clinton talks to him by phone at 10:00 p.m., he s where? i don t know. i don t have the tracking device on him in the residence. but you were in the situation room and he wasn t there. yes. so the pr guy was in the situation room.
the president of the united states was not. i think it s one of those things americans think when it s hitting the fan and there is an attack somewhere in the united states, they always rush to the situation room, but in this case, he never showed up. yeah. it s troubling. i remember some months ago asking one of the president s senior advisors and he couldn t account for where the president was. again, it doesn t really matter. look, if he s in the oval office, he s just as keyed in as he is if he s in the situation room, if he s in the residence it doesn t matter, tellurous it was. let me finish. but the question is, how deeply involved was he? we still have not gotten a full accounting of that. what makes it so interesting is that when there is a success, when it was the bin laden raid, we have pictures. we had minute by minute ticktocks of where the president was. but when it s a terrible failure like this, suddenly the president is we don t know where he is. it s a mystery and they don t really want to pin down how involved he was.
more importantly than where he was is the fact that the secretary of defense, leon panetta, said he never spoke to the president after 4:00 o clock in the afternoon. that i find very disturbing. especially what could he possibly be telling hillary clinton at 10:00 o clock that night if he wants talking to his defense secretary before? and then we heart brigadierrñ?ññ general. it here the general. what s on your show? we re talking with kelly ayotte, the republican senator from new hampshire, who has been one of the people calling for a select committee, and adam shift of the house intelligence committee. it will be very interesting to hear what they have to say. and we re going to see they re going to talk about the economy because we got first quarter gdp and it was nonexistents. the growth, 1%. former head of ubs with 32 advisors. very good.
we thank you very much. we re going to be watching you on sunday. thank you, guys. sorry about that prom. he s happily married now. it all worked out. there is a lot of pressure now. i don t think he s over it. we ll discuss it in the break. hey, heather. did a girl ever say no to you to the prom? apparently so. a lot of controversy. all right. i ll move on. got some news. a decorated u.s. marine who served two combat tours in afghanistan is now chained up in a mexican prison. last month marine reservist andrew got lost while he was driving in san diego and he actually crossed the border into mexico. what they found in his truck, three legal guns. a mexican official arrested him. his mom joined us earlier to talk about this. she says his military training has saved him. i know that the marine corps trained him well and i know that when he was put in that extreme
levi extremely violent situation, his life was threatened and by the grace of god he was able to escape and get into a safer part of the jail. the u.s. consulate says it s doing all it can to ensure his safety. new report out this morning, donald sterling is now battling prostate cancer. this as we ve learned that his racist recording may have been leaked to tmz by a friend of his ex-girlfriend. also in the wake of this scandal, the head of the l.a. chapter of the naacp resigned. he came under fire for that decision to give sterling a lifetime achievement award for promoting civil rights. here is a nice story. they served together in iraq, hunting for road side bombs. but when jason beaus retired two years ago, he had to leave his military dog behind and this is the nice part. now the two are back together.
okay that. is sela jumping into his arms at the airport in chicago. how sweet is that? listen to this. no one could work with this dog, but me. i don t understand why she wants to be with me. maybe it s my inflection or personalities. how sweet is that? they re now headed back to the army sergeant s home in michigan. congratulations. those are your headlines. they never forget. they just never forgets. they don t. coming up, the monthly jobs report just released. nicole petallides live in the new york stock exchange to analyze. that s her live. plus, she s a world class hacker who has taken down terrorists on the hit show 24 . the show is coming back and khloe is here with a preview. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses.
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we are back with a fox news alert. the labor department released its monthly jobs report. nicole petallides joining us live from the new york stock exchange with those numbers. good morning. good morning. so we got our numbers in here for april. they re look good. you have 288,000 jobs added. the unemployment rate dropped to 6.3%. there is so much that goes into this report. so the number of jobs added beat the street. that ultimately is good news. when you see the unemployment rate drop to 6.3%, that seems like good news. however, the labor force participation rate, this number
represents people who are looking for work or are employed and what happened was that now it s 62.8%. that is the lowest level since 1978. what does it tell you? it tells you americans are frustrated. they are discouraged. they stopped looking for work. where did you see the strength in the numbers? we did see construction. that has some growth. manufacturing had some growth. some of the traders are worried that maybe the number is slightly inflated because the government was bureau of labor statistics was guessing some people just became entrepreneurs. i m going to have to look into that part of it. but the futures market looking a little higher for the market. you have pfizer, that s a big news story. linkedin. and the ukraine, that crisis there continues to intensify. that s something the traders keep a close eye on. all right.
linkedin and open table, something a lot of people use. we ll watch the street today. thank you very much. thank you. angela merkel is saying, my corporations like adidas and others o clock they want me to stop with the russian sanctions. i wonder if when angela merkel is in the united states, if she uses open table. i m not really sure. i don t know either. i knee she s on linkedin. coming up. she s world class hacker who has taken down terrorists and saved the world on the hit show 24 . but can khloe hack brian s computer. there is time. hold on! thank goodness. sweating it. khloe is in the house! what happened to tully? first, we are going too check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up at the top of the hour. that was written into the show, wasn t it? yes, absolutely. cause we re running out of time! happy friday. great show this morning. breaking news in all places. benghazi right now. there has been an attack in that
city. details shortly. speaker boehner wants john kerry to testify about those benghazi e-mails. what happens there. who has a role in obamacare and paid? new numbers on that today. three years since bin laden was killed. why is al-qaeda growing at a rapid rate? we ll see you in ten minutes on a friday and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need.

some kind of multi channel override system. ten modules. you were right, jack. the system can commande, r up to ten u.s. drone. the show wrapped up fewer years ago with jack bower as now
a fugitive from justice. but the show is ready for a comeback. that s right. the 9ist season promising to deliver just as much action as the original. and mary lynn rasco joins us now. what was your reaction when you herod it was coming back? i was completely shocked. i had moved on with life. it was a good long i spent the first two years after we wrapped thinking the movie was going to happen because everyone was talking about it. that never happened. i moved on. i started doing stand-up comedy and they announced 24 . i said okay, we ll put that away and let s get serious again. during your comedy routine, mething on 24 ? of course. how could you not? i have to. did you do 23? because people love the show. i m totally stealing that one. in the upcoming episodes on
fox, it s set in london because it s interesting because jack bower, now an outsider, last time we saw, he was going down the train tracks and orants government, too. yes. they started in a really interesting place. jack bower is very questionable right now. has he gone to the dark side? he may or may not be plotting to kill the president. tune in to find out. my character works for a organization similar to wikileaks giving out government secrets and i ve become very disillusioned with the government and i ve suffered a personal tragedy. so i m very tattooed and pierced and lots of black eye radio inner. really? what happened to you? yeah. 12 hours, we re going to see it first. 12 episodes. yes. how can you have 12? i know. let s all take a breath. right. try not to think about it. it still feels the same in terms
of the timing, counting down the clock. it s 24 hours, but we re fudging the time a little bit. don t we all? don t we all? so the way it works now, you re still shooting the episodes, even though it s about to start on fox, you don t know how it ends, right? i don t. i still don t know, is my character going to live or not? i have no idea. should be interesting. yeah. because people love when you they see you in an airport or come up during your comedy routine, what do they say? they call me khloe. they think they re jack bower. i have to break it to them gently, i m really bad at computers. i like kittens and dogs. you solved brian s issue at our break. you know, i can use aggression when i need to. wait a minute. you re khloe from 24 . you re supposed to be great at it. you re bad at computers? i m really bad at computers. my line that i say all the time
which is absolutely true, when all the crap is hitting the fan, really what i m doing is typing affirmations on the computer. like it was really pretty today. really good job acting. that s fantastic. so the new season starts very shortly on fox, right? yes. may 5? yes. thank you. everyone will be there watching. mary lynn, stick around, will you? sure. we want you to work on our computer. let me get involved. she s going to type, she is pretty, 300 times.
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trip. join us. and we ve got the latest from the rocky point cheerleading squad. ladies, give yourselves a round of applause! congratulations. stick around for the after the show show. and the cheerleaders, can they mix? there has been another deadly attack in benghazi. armed militants opening fire in a libyan security headquarters killing at least six. that violence comes as to republicans call for john kerry to testify on the attack that left four americans dead. martha: there is a new fire store today o anew firestorme house reaction to military commanders in what a

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