right now. first, my personal apology on behalf of myself and everyone at southwest for all of this. second, a pledge to do everything we can and to work day and night to repair our relationship with you and offer some new resources that we have to get you the fastest information and fastest service possible. it is the top of the hour, 8:00eem eastern. we re glad you re with us. it is december 29th. welcome to cnn this morning. i think everyone wants an apology. i m confused because he said at one point that if you still haven t gotten your bad you could get it at no cost to you, which is you could get back at what you own. so we re talking about this apology this morning from southwest airlines. this time from the chief commercial officer brian green. this comes at 2300 more southwest flights today have been canceled and they announced new ways they are planning to help stranded customers. listen to this. you could submit a full refund request for any canceled
pieces of equipment, city, county, state, equipment from municipalities in the region across the state, and even as far as new jersey. this was a historic storm. bufrl was ground zero for the storm. the impacts and in the city of buffalo were greater than anyplace else in the region. mayor, i do want to end with something amazing we ve been seeing this week and that is the response from many of the people in buffalo. yesterday on this program, we high lyled the work of two amazing women, shakira autry, who saved the life of a man named joey white, she joined us and here is what she shed about rescuing him from a snow bank. listen. we we just immediately brought him in like family. i would do it 100 more times no