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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180514

twenty fourteen israel gaza conflict also a wave of deadly bombings have left indonesia reeling entire families including children carry out suicide attacks the latest targets police headquarters in indonesia second largest city it comes a day after another family attacked churches there also coming up but are they in germany or are they turkish two members of germany s national football squad met to turkey s president earlier want to ask during a round old world where their loyalties lie. in the mosque. i am. on let her out thanks for your company everyone. the u.s. has officially opened its new embassy in jerusalem the move celebrated by israelis and condemned by palestinians protests on the gaza border have turned deadly according to the latest official count fifty two people have been killed by israeli troops there president trumps a decision last year to recognize the city as israel s capital broke with decades of u.s. neutrality on the issue and put it at odds with most of the international community donald trump didn t come to the opening ceremony himself instead he sent his daughter ivanka and her husband jared kushner both advisors to the president who decided to move the embassy and recognize jerusalem as israel s capital. trump sent a video message to the gathering israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital prime minister binyamin netanyahu called this a historic day and said the move didn t stand in the way of peace talks with the palestinians made the opening of this embassy and this is spread the truth far and wide and may the truth advance a lasting peace between israel and all our neighbors god bless the united states of america and god bless jerusalem the eternal devoted couple of this. list any and protests erupted against the relocation of the embassy in the border area between the gaza strip and israel dozens of people were killed. witnesses say protesters once again tried to break through the border fence. the israeli army responded with tear gas and five ammunition. the confrontations also took place in bethlehem in the west bank massive protests have been announced for tuesday when the palestinians commemorate their defeat in the israeli palestinian war seventy years ago. well it s a day full of symbolism but also violence as we just saw we will get analysis from gaza in just a moment first want to take you outside the newly inaugurated u.s. embassy in jerusalem where. my shrader is standing by my eye when the u.s. so make that controversial decision to move the embassy it famously never defined jerusalem as the to use the prime minister s words the internal undivided capital of israel so going by what the prime minister netanyahu or just said as we heard in that report is this a done deal. if you look at it from the israeli side leila it definitely is it and deal and speaking with israelis here on the street of course there are a lot of mixed feelings about this move but many people are saying simply look at this is the reality of jerusalem is functionally our capital our congress is here our prime minister lives here this is our seat of government and this is one of the lies the netanyahu has touted over and over again throughout being prime minister is that jerusalem is israel s capital and it will never be divided and it will be the eternal capital of the jewish people and now with this move this acknowledgement by the us that this the support of the us that that is true it basically means that in his mind there is no disputing this fact even in future peace negotiations that may or may not happen and we have to remember that jerusalem was supposed to be a quote final status issue that means that it was supposed to be the last thing on the list of things to be negotiated in peace between the israelis and the palestinians and not the very first thing that was perhaps taken off the list now i m i am not so far away from where this a festive opening ceremony took place with all the dignitaries assembled there have been deadly protests in gaza the death toll is rising officials saying no there to nearly a fifty people have been killed today has that been felt where you are. it s an incredibly sad situation in gaza with several dozen killed and perhaps in the hundreds injured and it really is striking to see that you really can t feel it here we re in western roessler right on the border or in fact i m in fact standing on the border of where use roussillon is theoretically starts and it could be a completely normal day for many israelis there could be violence and riots and really people getting shot and killed near miles from where they are and you wouldn t even know it major disconnect that you portray their prime minister netanyahu showered president donald trump with praise not surprisingly for keeping his promise for for making what is widely perceived as this a controversial move and now if we put all the rhetoric aside there is growing fear that israel and iran are inching towards war how bold and is the israeli leadership by the trump administration s unequivocal support. this week has been a big win for netanyahu not only has the u.s. embassy moved to jerusalem officially but the u.s. also announced that they are pulling out of the iran deal and this is something that netanyahu had been campaigning for for really years now really even the end of the obama administration he was saying this is a bad deal and that the u.s. should pull out of it and now they have we ve also seen israel strike as they say several iranian targets in syria so it does look like this escalation is perhaps coming to the fear is of many people who are watching this situation and if you re not to now you are seeing these moves by donald trump and there is no doubt in your mind that the u.s. is now one hundred percent on your side no matter what you choose to do going forward all right maya shrader reporting from outside the newly inaugurated u.s. embassy in jerusalem thank you my if we you continue coverage. and earlier i spoke to political analyst. in gaza house jim how palestinians have been responding to the move. to be honest with you the problem for years under sergeant to start their forces. to do the seventy eight out of your state of the fellas in your mark bar and also on the u.s. decision to relocate their bases for him to love you to joseph grass why we have a very big push to still be in now tomorrow everyone s going to be. over national mourning are the results of your hard number the promise then you re. now we re going to be there would be your dream supporters tomorrow would between the palestinian mothers nonviolent resistance army is where you are to me it would be fear but i think. it s too weird to save. just we re going to start school right i mean those who are in charge of the marshall reappear sternberg s up with this or there were two in jordan syria which is the first one under various any of the occupation. and of course thank god and you chose to live by israel and now syria you ve heard probably a prime minister benjamin netanyahu netanyahu concluding his speech at the opening of the u.s. embassy by calling jerusalem the eternal undivided capital of israel now palestinians if they ever get their own state have always said that east jerusalem will be their capital how much of a said back is this for the aspirations of the palestinians self-determination. one to put it to you or an average short where you think information of where you are. there are chemical overs where you don t appear to have you are simply people kind of used to kill somebody some of them are part of the problem is that palestinians have goals for many years back you re still going to be that capital caught off guard and vida guerra going to work for them but i think every kind of there is where there s a very stark fear for the palestinians have buttressed me also. that you are situation of goodwill going to be very confined never been you know that you were going to your paragraph divided capital is where is your conclusion with international. go. you are security council resolutions have. you can argue with your eyes an ocular that your pride predatory it ll go with them for others those are going to go if you think they ve been without you know laughter and afshan viber you are and there s very rightly. so today is that that has not happened so their brings me to my last question who can you a community who can the palestinians turn to now is there anybody left. that is a very good question arlit me say that the palestinians will all sing that for you us will play on almost a vocal in the mideast peace process between the palestinians and israelis and unfortunately the us had decided to do to support israel and not to be honest to poke out and another thing that is interesting the palestinians is that the other force is also divided between those who are. having with contacts with his word and the others a lot of basically still have very bad relationship which is where it is now let me say that the telephone of us can hoping for international intervention they are hoping for the international community to intervene and put pressure on israel to stop its occupation arms length can cause correction of some of the near sort of story and maybe other countries are going to intervene like little then your union russia or china will quickly have a very important role in the mideast peace process in the future i must say though political analyst in gaza thank you sir for speaking to us it s my pleasure to be with you thank you. we want to tell you now about some of the other stories making news around the world. and italy parties negotiating a new government have asked the president for more time to come to an agreement as the head of the n.t. establishment five star movement and we should do my own said he needed a few more days to clinch a coalition deal with the league another populist party residence and nero why killer way of volcano are being warned that more fissures could open near their homes as it continues to spew lava a total of nineteen fissures have appeared in the earth around the volcano buccaneer volcano experts say the summit of killer way out may be about to explode . iran s foreign minister mohammad serif has met with his russian counterpart sergei lavrov as part of a diplomatic tour aimed at salvaging the country s nuclear pact serif received assurances that russia will respect the agreement despite the u.s. says last week. and iran wants know how your plans to respond to the latest u.s. economic sanctions lot hanging in the balance from salute to essentially the ultimatum is are you in or are you out that is what iran wants to know is given your sixty days to confirm the state is over the nuclear treaty and the iranian parliament website says the e.u. must pledge the treaty will remain in force even off of the u.s. withdraws iran also wants here opinion to hold all economic agreements but that could prove difficult the u.s. has also promised sanctions against companies doing business with iran. and that will certainly be a topic up for discussions at talks tomorrow with the wrongs foreign minister and his e.u. counterparts in brussels and legally european business is not bound by american foreign policy but ignoring sanctions could affect their business interests in the united states. use resistance to the new u.s. sanctions on iran could hit european companies where it hurts. and that s because most large european enterprises have some sort of business with the united states and are likely to be punished if they continue to cooperate with iran what european policymakers say they won t permit washington to dictate e.u. trade policy. that it was just yeah i think there is a true realisation a realization among all european states. that we cannot keep going in the direction that we are headed in today. she direction where we submit we submit to american decisions. we want to submit or do we prefer to become independent in sovereign israel. the question is how to go about protecting european interests suggested instigating so-called blocking regulations that use most powerful but untested political tool currently at its disposal. measure would permit european companies trading with the run to ignore the u.s. sanctions decisions by u.s. courts would also not be upheld in europe. so far the e.u. has not signaled what measures they could adopt. the foreign ministers of germany france and the u.k. as well as you foreign policy chief for very committed to reading our schedule to meet iranian representatives in brussels on tuesday they are expected to affirm their commitment to be original nuclear deal. so we asked allison wood from the consultancy control risks whether anyone stood to benefit from you sentients. i think that in terms of who will benefit with these sanctions i think we will continue to see russia and china do business with iran perhaps even more business with iran regardless of these sanctions in place and i think part of that is because they re less exposed to u.s. financial institutions and markets and are able to do more business in different currencies and so i think they will be the ones that are particularly well placed in the coming months to continue to do business with iran. no business these latest first step if it too late is taking a closer look at what is a devastating a shocking day in indonesia a very very shocking day indeed helen a wave of suicide attacks have left indonesia reeling a second family including children launch suicide attacks in indonesia second largest city the bombers ruder motorbikes to a police station in surabaya then blew themselves up comes a day after another family staged coordinated suicide attacks on three churches willing twelve people so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility both attacks included young children. surveillance cameras captured the moment of the blast. an eight year old girl who was with the attackers at police headquarters reportedly survived it s the fourth suicide bombing in syria by a since sunday authorities say all attacks were carried out by families including four children who were killed. this act of terrorism is really barbaric and beyond the limits of humanity it has inflicted casualties on people on police offices and on innocent children including the perpetrators and their children who acted as suicide bombers. sunday s coordinated church bombings left several people dead and injured scores places of worship violently attacked. the perpetrator was riding a motorcycle to try and get through the gate of the church by security stopped them because it s not a parking area so much so the security asked them to move but suddenly the bomb exploded. the rise of the so-called islamic state in the middle east has fueled local militant networks in the country it s estimated that more than one thousand engine eason s have returned from fighting with i.i.s. in syria police are investigating links between the families involved in the attacks. well not just in the nation but around the world authorities are grappling with ways to prevent such attacks from happening in france the government has come up with a strategy which involves isolating radicalized prison inmates critics have raised concerns over its effectiveness our reporter lisa louise had exclusive access to one of these isolation wings in northern france and filed this report. this freshly refurbished prison wing in the town of v.a. will host francis potential terrorists at least until authorities have assessed how dangerous they are. to question the inmates with the demon educators officers and psychologists who did you get to put them in solitary confinement if they re extremely dangerous and radicalized or they ll be sent to wing that has its own special team that s for those who don t seem on the brink of committing an attack but could incite others to do so. the inmates will then be sent to dedicated prison sections these will be completely sealed off from other prison blocks and have their own dedicated guards and. it s really important to completely isolate radicalised inmates. and ports and make sure that they don t spread their radical salafist ideas. or especially to vulnerable people or to those who are a bit lost. through. the prison sections are part of the government s new deal radicalization strategy it involves a sixty point plan to help detect radicalize people and companies the administration all sports clubs. a click is a place to show how to resist radical preaching but critics say the strategy is hardly getting down to the root of the problem. the government s responsibility to defend the country protect its people and oversee their education but the new strategy is almost exclusively about defense and protecting people there s almost nothing on education. and yet that would be the most effective weapon in the fight against radicalization cities yes your. study says french politicians too often stigmatize muslims in a bid to win votes. we muslims often have to justify ourselves and disassociate ourselves from barbaric acts that are not of our making. but we are part of this nation and muslims are the main victims of terror attacks. plus by blinding us the politicians are playing into the hands of radical islamists they can then tell marginalize young people that france doesn t like its muslims any why. but the prison administration just like the government points to the french principle of. separation of church and state. in the fight against radicalization there s the belgian approach they cooperated closely with religious representatives there to try and teach their inmates a peaceful islamic. we have a different approach. toward we don t want to change people s religious ideas we just want to prevent them from proceeding to action. by. the government says the strategy is working and that last year alone twenty terror attacks were prevented across france at least one of them was planned from inside a prison. in other news with more than half the votes counted in iraq s parliamentary elections nationalists firebrand shiite cleric knocked out all solder could be said to make a political comeback supporters cheered the news in baghdad where the cleric and his communist allies took the highest number of votes a victory would put all sort of in a very strong position to pick the next prime minister but he ll have to overcome opposition from iran which has vowed to prevent his blog from taking power the current prime minister hydrilla body is lagging behind in third place. well earlier we spoke to do you have used your part of the team who is just back from covering the elections in iraq we asked him what looked rather southers appeal with voters is he wants to have a united. and united iraq independent if you re a sectarian. confession. it s enough to say you re sunni you re she your coup or your cetera because that s what s really it s the main reason of bloodshed when you talk to people in iraq and that s one thing the second thing what he did he distance himself from iran and that was something new because usually connected to iran and iraq so that s what s he did and it s a different point of view and he had he met a year ago he made the crown prince of saudi arabia so it s kind of new because again this is connected to sectarianism which is when you say you re shia so you re connected to two to iran when you say you re sunni you might connect to saudi arabia and he is now in kind of a middle position people on the ground are fed up also from interference of foreign policy from do you ask from iran from saudi arabia and he might be the person who might change it but only might because it s campaigning because all over in iraq you have big posters and everyone is saying i m the right one who is doing it and he presents himself the person who is very close to the poor people and very attached to the normal average people in iraq. we ve got some new developments after months of speculation german coach thomas tickell has signed up for french club but he says to go has been out of work for a year since leaving dortmund at the end of last season he had two successful campaigns at the club lifting the german car at the end of his tenure to has signed a two year contract with the french champions. all right joining me now on the set is the emily arose shorts for our sports desk and she s here to talk to us about the latest news on the german national football team cause there is a whole lot to talk about a whole brouhaha there that erupted talk to us about that so on sunday two of germany s star players. met with the turkish president aragon in a hotel in london they handed over signed shirts and going to gone even wrote with respect for my president now obviously at a gun is a very controversial president and in germany this didn t go down well and while the german football association generally trust to stay away from political statements this time there president tweeted some very harsh words he said basically that our gun doesn t respect the same values as the german football federation and that this was a good image for german football but at the same time i mean they re not politicians they re not running for office they re soccer players and they just exchanged they re just exchanged t. shirts what does this mean for the national team now going on forward i mean some people on twitter of called for them to be taken off the national debt and that s just a ridiculous thought realistically won t have a lot of effect on the squad or the preparations because well on monday everyone speaking about this on tuesday the eyes will be on your was going to announce a preliminary squad for the world cup ok well let s look now at the sporting side of things let s leave all of these arguing things behind it what are you expecting from this league team announcement a line up i mean the big focus the center of attention for the past weeks has been on manuel neuer whether or not he ll be fit from his injury he s been in recovery since september that was the last time he played and the question is whether he s going to be fit enough to play at the world cup and you can learn likely will just put him in this preliminary squad and have a look at the training camp how he is and then observe his form there other than that it s quite difficult to tell there probably won t be huge surprises like in recent tournaments but over the past few years you often move has called up on for more than forty different players around so it s quite hard to tell. which ones he s going to narrowing down to me and he has plenty of choice plenty of choice for our i create stuff and we rush that s a good position to be present with this courtesy that not everybody has that has that luxury thank you so much for coming in greatly to talk appreciate it all right and you re watching the t.v. news we have still a lot more to tell you about including israel marks its seventieth the birthday we ll take a look at the state that was born out of those war and the chances of peace ever coming to the middle east. in the meantime don t forget you can always get it over news on the go just download our out from google play for from the apple store they ll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use a d.w.i. app to send us your photos and videos hit us up. push back after this very short break. we re going. to. jerusalem. sponsons temple just coming out. but also one hundred jews noisiness i m christian. looking to read. didn t experience a bonus and territorial claims and hopes of reconciliation and speaks to one students in a dispute over the place of vienna. thirty five minutes on. climate change. waste. pollution. isn t it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing our lives are meant for the better it s up to us to make a difference let s explain each other. we go an environment magazine. long d.w. . come the germans chained together in one nation from shanghai minute to chancellor all telephone bismarck. the history of the germans has been shaped by great rulers. i swell always to bring my royal politics that s who protects christendom and spreads divine truth. all lead to fill the ticket of the enemy. steered by courageous decisions tell your master that we have received the crown of the realm from god. we must forge peace. playing the germans every week on t.w. . great to have you back with us you re watching your we news on these our main headlines right now. the united nations united states has opened its controversial new embassy in jerusalem adult sons and daughter ivanka in her home. when jury questionnaire represented the u.s. president the ceremony took place amid intense protests in gaza at least fifty protesters were killed by israeli fire. in. the opening comes as israel today marks so many years of independence its foundation let s take a look at some of the key events that led to the state of israel s creation now this man that you see right here is theodore hertz although he is considered the father of modern day zionism you increased recognition of the need for a jewish state and promoted jewish immigration to palestine back in nineteen seventeen the british foreign secretary arthur a ball for made a declaration of support for the creation of a jewish home in the middle east the first world war saw the defeat of the ottoman empire and its partition between european powers in one thousand nine hundred two the league of nations granted britain a mandate over palestine and trans jordan from nineteen thirty three when the nazis came to power in germany more and more jews from europe migrated to palestine in the aftermath of the holocaust many survivors followed them on november twenty ninth one thousand nine hundred forty seven the united nations proposed the partition of palestine into separate jewish and palestinian states in one hundred forty eight david ben-gurion declared israel s independence to palestinians the following day is known as the nakba the day of the catastrophe which symbolizes the deploy displacement of hundreds of thousands of their people and you talk a little bit more about what happened today i m joined in a studio by a baker who is a political analyst born in the u.s. has intermittently lived as well in the west bank a very warm welcome mr baker as a palestinian american this must have been a very. comfortable day well absolutely was unfortunately was very foreseeable. the west alto to donald trump and to the israeli white wing for the past twenty years of not longer and this is been a it s a natural conclusion to the failed policies of the united states and europe and this is what you get unfortunately the massacre that is still ongoing today as a result of that and the united states donald trump personally and also the european union and the german government bear a portion of the responsibility in the blame for the massacres that are that are happening right now of course always very jarring about the unfolding of today s events is that you had these two juxtaposed things that were happening not far from each other you had the celebration of the opening of the embassy the toasting of the opening of the new a u.s. embassy well at the same time. live ammo was being used against palestinian protesters was life like in gaza well it s the juxtapose of these pictures as well the the americans were celebrating. the dimiss and the failure of the palestinian people and the nakba they were being killed with american bullets and american guns in gaza at the same time we need to remember that all of the weapons supplied in gaza. by the to the israelis and gaza are american weapons and german weapons as we know and gaza right now is a living hell it is a prison when they call it the border this is not a border fence this is a prison fence this is war what is happening right now there is no state of gaza gaza is a living hell and the problem is when you push people to this extent when there is nothing left to lose that is when people become dangerous and i think that this is the absolutism. really policy because there are no consequences we continue to supply them with weapons with economic help with political aide today we heard chancellor merkel say israel has the right to defend itself from children with stones against tanks it s disgusting but this brings me to my next question i mean if you know that if you are going to try and breach this fans that you will stand a chance to be killed why do it most palestinians today i was on the phone with my contacts from gaza they said of the tens of thousands of people there very very few people maybe there was like one attempt of somebody to breach this fence but they shot over one thousand five hundred people today with live ammunition and killed over fifty imagine turn the tables and if there were palestinian security forces shooting from the palestinian side into israel at peaceful protesters and shot dead fifty of them and killed and wounded over and thousands today what would the reaction be like from the world what everybody be calling from restraint on all sides what how are the palestinians supposed to be restrained we are talking about peaceful protests these were not armed militants they were not not in any way let s talk about the what effectively is a diplomatic vacuum that has that it that we re in right now what how dangerous is it currently that there are there is no pathway no road to a peaceful negotiation of some sort well i mean i believe this is the absolute one of the last of death nels of the so-called peace process israel has always wanted process without the peace and this is and they re not even getting that right now there is no peace process and there is no way forward right now i believe the only way forward is to hit israel to end. it s evil occupation of palestine through its wallet and that is through b.d.s. by boycott divestment and sanctions it is by living up to our own laws and not supplying governments which commit grave human rights violations with this kind of support and until there is a movement from the german people the american people the british people to change this we are not going to have any change because we see the politicians have no spine to stand up for their own policies or own laws mr baker you served as an advisor to the palestinian authorities the leading up to the madrid peace talks back in the one nine hundred ninety s. with the us now you know siding with israel effectively. who can the palestinians turn to only themselves unfortunately they can turn to no one that s the problem they are they have been pushed and pushed and pushed to the point where they have no one to turn to therefore they hamas is corrupt the palestinian authority is corrupt the arab world leaders are corrupt therefore they can only rely on themselves and if we get this kind of movement going. throughout europe and the western world i believe there will be change which will mean salvation for israel and also not just for palestinians the only way israel can ever be free is if it ends this occupation it will destroy itself they may be killing us today but in the hands of the occupation is fascist and it will destroy them. baker political analyst thank you so much for joining us thank you. in other news in bangladesh overhead here refugees who fled persecution of medium are now facing a new danger the looming monsoon around seven hundred thousand refugees are housed in temporary shelters in areas that are prone to flooding and violent storms aid agencies have been carrying out work in the council had of the rains but are warning of an approaching catastrophe. for no it is only a gentle wind the talks a d.c. ten simcox bizarre but soon the time of blue skies and light breeze will be over bangladesh monsoon season is approaching and ranger refugees fear what it will bring. about a snap of the night had any days a calming there s a big hill behind our house due to the rain there can be a landslide and mud might slide from the hill onto our house that s why we re rebuilding the house before the rain comes that. well will i feed my children if there is heavy rain i will not be able to light a fire the wells will flood and i won t be able to get water what will happen to us then i m very much worried. most of the seven hundred thousand ranger who fled me and mar in two thousand and seventeen right here turning the area around cox is bizarre into the world s largest refugee settlement. to chop down trees for firewood leaving the soil lose authorities now fear the drain could turn the steep slopes into a mess of landslides and the rain just improvise chelton is anything but storm proof. if there is a cycle there really is not much more. people will be blown away houses will be gone that s that s the risk everybody in the camps is facing right now. with only a couple of weeks left before the storm season begins international aid organizations are reeling to prevent a catastrophe slopes are being stabilized in new drainage systems dug. there s also engineering work going on where we are preparing and for refugees who are currently located in high risk areas which are high risk of flooding. through those areas on the western side of the camp where the land is more secure. the promise of safety is a small hope to cling to for these refugees but they know when it comes to bangladesh s unpredictable monsoon any guarantees are fleeting. now facebook is testing ways to make itself more true spirit to new feature has been leaked where users can access information about a facebook page they previously couldn t like when the page was created if it s ever changed its name and where the people who manage it are based and it s uncovering some surprises for the governor is here to explain what did you find. it looks like facebook users will soon be able to learn more about the people who actually run the facebook pages that they follow or like and that s through a new feature called page history facebook is still actually still developing it but accidentally last week they went live with distilled for just just briefly and in that short time feed who later broke the story were able to test the tool and what they did they were able to uncover for example that some. pages actually are run by people outside the u.s. let me show you some examples here for instance we have the people s voice that s a page with some eight hundred thousand followers it s run by a web site that is known for posting fake stories and we can see here that one of its managers is for example in qatar another example here conservative fighters it says together for america in its banner and its most administrators are based in macedonian germany so that s also quite far from the u.s. and it s not just approach from pages we ve seen for instance here this is a small black lives matter page with about three thousand followers and it s being run partially from the philippines. i mean one thing i should point out though about this whole location issue is that it s not necessarily suspicious all the time there might be legitimate reasons. why some of these managers page managers are abroad maybe they are freelance nationals working there or dare on a longer trip so it s not old or shady and you know in a way it s also generally whether it s a temporary or permanent and it seems like sharing this information about the location of the managers is a step forward towards making pages more transparent or transfer because i mean the internet is global so it s going to make that very difficult what does this all mean for you. well if you look at the u.s. for example you know political propaganda targeting americans clearly is being forged by people overseas and that s many cases in many cases without americans knowing and this has been a problem for facebook for quite a long time and facebook has also come under fire for not doing enough to tackle fake news so with these new tools now users will be able to see some information as you mentioned earlier when. the page was actually created the number of page managers where these managers are located and whether the page has changed its name in the past and this information is to help users to decide for themselves. you can see here for to decide for themselves you know one of pages about what s their history what s the motivation and maybe what s the agenda behind a facebook question of course is as a user going to put that much effort to. find it useful it was there in reaction from facebook well as i mentioned earlier facebook wasn t quite ready to roll out the tool it was an accident one of the vice presidents alex hima has taken to twitter to sort of explain what happened there and he says we announced earlier this year that we would make pages more transparent we mistakenly launched an early test to people in canada and ireland where. so working on the product we will be launching it in the coming weeks and we will share more when we have it and of course we re here doubly we ll also be following closely what happened is a really very strategic leak if this is. true that it provides or thank you so very much greatly appreciate it thank you. well if you opted out of facebook in the wake of a data breach is e-mail any safer however has more. all right thank you very much later because perhaps not because here in germany researches say they have identified major flaws in the encryption methods used in e-mail and applications like microsoft outlook apple mail as well and encryption methods they use to keep your data private but experts say the vulnerabilities could pose quote an immediate risk the finding is likely to be another worry for german law makers who already scrambling to deal with online threats. when cyber crime has hit german institutions hard in recent years from an attack on the government s id system to hacking directed to telecommunications companies criminals of fraud have managed to infiltrate systems thought to be secure. some lawmakers are calling for more action to be taken to tackle the problem head on since he believes you won t is to us i know raising awareness is one thing but as well as that we need to further develop our forms of protection here at the office for the protection of the constitution we re ready placing a bigger focus on defense but we also need to be able to go on the offensive to. own one measure some companies and officials are calling for is permission to hark back in other words to attack the computer is attacking them at present the practice isn t legal in germany. we need computer capabilities that enable us to retrieve stolen data. to delete the data the thieves have access to sometimes access their servers or in the most serious cases to shut off servers. as the threat of online attacks grows the debate about the possibility of harking back is likely to intensify. the french president a man who went back home might be revered across the continent as a great european but he is facing a tough crowd at home israel reform for one thing is facing stiff opposition from the sectors work force in the conflict is proving an important test of mekele strength. anyone currently planning to take a train in front only to keep a cool head stations like this one in paris a full to bursting most of the trains will come sold because almost three quarters of the drivers are on strike this is the fifth week of strikes the passengers are exercising solidarity. with them so they have a right to strike that s the way it is. it affects us a lot but we just have to wait until it ends still two months to go of course all the more visible so you get with that i think the government needs to reach out somehow because we feel like we ve been forgotten. just they need to listen to the little people and not just the big wigs at the vehicle but. the unions staged this walkout in protest to the government s reforms president mccrone has defended his plan to rebuild the state trail way saying it will make it cheaper to operate and provide a safer more reliable service. to the u.s. supreme court has overturned a ban on sports betting up until now it had been illegal everywhere in the united states except for nevada it is now up to each state to decide on the issue the ruling paves the way for a business worth tens of billions of dollars annually it comes off the major sports leagues have sued the state of new jersey first attempt to legalize sports betting horse race tracks and casino owners. and film star salma hayek has called for male actors to take a pay cut as a way to reduce the gender gap now she made the call during an interview at the cannes film festival it comes a day after dozens of female movie makers staged a protest on the red carpet calling for equal pay and opportunities. but can film festival is currently under way on the french riviera and we reach the halfway point after a busy weekend of film premieres and protests so no shortage of action and caring help start from d.w. culture is here to talk about it what do you should be on the course it oh no. and wondering whether i would wear my heels exactly so tell us about the tenure of this year s festival carol as you heard lots of lots of statements being made it s turning out to be intensely political a love with. sort of a couple of the statements we just heard from for instance but one of them being made by germany s own then those who is the director of such classics as paris texas or one of his to social club so he has returned to his documentary genre and . premiered a film about the pope last night and it s called pope francis a man of his word and it s an intimate encounter with the eighty one year old pontiff venters feels pretty much. a revolutionary a man determined to radically transform an advice to wealthy catholic church into a poor church for the poor so that s obviously a very daunting task in venice was given belongs with his filming an unprecedented access and you don t really have to be religious to be moved by this honest portrayal of faith and render says that he was absolutely amazed by the depth of the pope s understanding of issues like climate change his warning that the global craze for growth was threatening humankind. so he s basically portraying him as a fearless reformer who doesn t shy from airing his views on sort of our money and power driven society so it s kind of ironic that this kind of a film about strong humble man is premiering and glitzy can but here s what vendors has to say. so mohan this into good he has a moral integrity and that s something you can rarely say anymore these days ago it seems as though everything is going down the tubes because the leaders of this world are moral door i mean we have a global situation in which people are in power who are not competent to lead people or be role models in any way. to like run for bits of sun and now there s finally someone with a different credibility home you can trust low police kite. so it s been a fair bit of criticism obviously that this film is not critical enough a bit too fond of the pope but venders has definitely hit a nerve he s an admirable man absolutely i haven t reached the top of access yet of all you ve got to tell us about this some other time so politics at the forefront but also protests yes absolutely which was also inherently political that was led by president cate blanchett so this is the first can film festival post need to and let s not forget that the festival itself. hadn t until now taken a clear position on this issue and that many of the incidents that someone like harvey weinstein was accused of actually took place at this festival so it was really sort of lacking i think that this protest we re talking about we heard it mentioned that one of the most effective me two statements that we ve seen to date so cate blanchett led a group of women very solemnly down the red carpet to stand on the stairs of the film palace venue in solidarity with women everywhere across all industries they said and together with the legendary french director and yes the wealthy her next to her there she delivered a powerful speech demanding change in the industry for women and their working conditions. eighty two the numbers are symbolic as the number who actually climbed those stairs and over the years in the entire history of the festival thank you forty six compared to one thousand six hundred and eighty eight men so it s a strong statement to a festival that you know was really kind of dragging its heels in terms of the embracing this seismic change that we re seeing happening all over the industry and the reaction to that protest today was actually the signing of that initiative that they ve called fifty fifty for twenty twenty so whereby can has apparently pledged now to basically work on diversity issues and get things more transparent definitely in the selection process by that now this this all took place on the cusp of the premier of feed you so lay the girls of the sun that s a film but if i was one of only three female directors in competition that film tells the story of an all female kurdish combat unit that s actually fighting to reclaim territory that s been claimed by so let s have a quick look at the tough stuff. to hug him and i could a month or six in my life he chooses not to see cut to the good the dank usually the bit the talk and a lot of us are up to one being he will now walk up to one higher. herself because it. was. what he said number us just enough good. to meet up in that lucia. a route checking back a little she took a yes sir coach and just said coach and. kid a bit on the moon. someone paid come by that time space thirteen. was just going. talk about fierce and this is a story also been criticized what s a film festival for the criticism but it s very typical of a definite shift that we re seeing all across the film market right now in a. move toward more female driven narratives and stories so a strong performance there by the lead actress. who s iranian regionally and hasn t been able to perform or or work in her own country since two thousand and nine eleven or so a lot yet it s all very much based on european absolutely so iran very big in the headlines obviously in the last few days and in recent years iranian directors have been very much courted by the festivals but sometimes make more of a splash almost by their absence then by their presence and a he is a case in point of this director who works in continual defiance of a two decade filmmaking ban that was of imposed on him by the iranian government as such unable to travel to trying to for the premiere of his latest film which is called the faces now that sort of an introspective sort of road trip a bumpy women in which kind of heat is playing himself and i guess this film a bit more. obviously a prize for this would send a very powerful political message movies are always the worst war out exactly all right what happens are more counties where i hope link you so much for spending as part of your day with. jerusalem. sponsors temple discount. but also well known for jews muslims and christians we re talking to residents experiences borderless and territorial claims and hopes of reconciliation speaks who owns jerusalem the dispute over the place of jani. close up this is. the total. of the fast pace of life in the digital. shift as the lowdown on the web that it shows with new developments useful information and anything else worth noting. presents the latest finds. and looks over the shoulders of makers and users. the food establishments. it s all happening. coming. your link to news from africa the world your links to exceptional stories and discussions can you and will come see the comforting programming from foreign to me from the easy to our i would say do demos of smash africa join us on facebook and g.w. africa. all we can be the generation that ends it good malaria. so millions can live. this is. from berlin the deadliest day for palestinians in four years at least fifty two killed in gaza by fire from israeli troops they were among thousands protesting against the opening of the new us embassy in jerusalem the white house is blaming hamas for intentionally provoking the israeli response to the dedication of the u.s. embassy went ahead despite the protests yvonne and her husband jared kushner led the u.s. delegation israel s prime minister called it.

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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190426

army protesters pour into hard to flooding sudan s capital to rally in support of a civilian government there answering the call for a million strong march outside army headquarters to demand the ruling military council seat power. well all right thank you so much for your company everyone we start off in mozambique this south east african nation is bearing the brunt of an intense tropical cyclone this once called kenneth it first made landfall in the kemar us islands before hitting the mainland was and because still reeling from the aftermath of psycho need a last month and it s the first time in recorded history that two cyclers have struck mozambique in one season over the next ten days this cycle own is expected to dump twice as much rainfall as the previous one. holidaymaker dares to confront nature at its most extreme. case a resort in northern mozambique as the eye of the cycle on passes through kenya barreling into a country still reeling from a deadly storm just weeks ago. he waged war on the comrades islands remnants of a night of for russia s winds and pounding rain drivers and cyclists navigate the leftovers. several are dead here but authorities say the fill picture is yet to emerge. that it is difficult to get access because many trees fell many electrical and telephone poles fell so for the moment we are clearing the roads so we can make an initial assessment. as kenneth cut its path of destruction residents found refuge in a marriage and shelters like this one. and a place to sleep but no rest bite from the reality of what awaits them at home. it s a huge disaster that we not used to seeing thank god to escape the worst but we really need her one of those and it that said. the problem was that there was a strong wind that demolished the houses but of rescuers found us shelters while we slept low nobody was injured and we didn t so thank god. for now many here grateful to be come join the cost in terms of chaos rather than casualties. well we re joined now by so butters assistant country director of care in mozambique a good day sir what s the situation on the ground right now as a result of this source specially for the people of mozambique. we re still. collecting information and trying to understand the specific impacts of this storm . but your of course the sense it s no longer to understand the initial impact we have teams on the. ground will start conducting assessments and what i know from the team is there is the study of heavy rainfall which is likely to continue for the next few days the satellite imagery of forecasting suggests that as much as a year s rainfall is going to fall in in areas in a period of around two or three days so we re certainly concerned about the potential of flopping. in a similar way to what we saw in the. right because mozambique of course as you reference is still recovering from one of the deadliest storms on record cycle on a day that hit just its shores just weeks ago and now this tropical storm how prepared is this beleaguered nation for what is shaping to be a humanitarian catastrophe. what is always a very well prepared we have we have international teams of experts from around the world already located in mozambique operating on a very similar disaster so we have in country capacity at the moment which is a very helpful and i think that s been reflected in the successful evacuation process that s been can carried out by the government and the red cross there. however only the other side of that is we have massive investments in times of people and money trying to cope with the initial recovery and the emergency response so it s like only a guy. and this is really going to stretch our capacities in the humanitarian sector and the government and in terms of how much money is available to respond to this of the living now the timing of this storm a course that s putting the country at a severe disadvantage what are the most urgent priorities right now for authorities and relief organizations like yours. the most urgent need is to understand exactly the dynamics of what we re facing john understand where people have been affected and how they ve been affected of what we can do to support these people typically you look for evacuation and actually to get people in to save. them provide shelter and search and rescue in the in the first days so the first as we identify people who are suffering and see what we can do in terms of bringing materials to help them through the. sabater is from my care in mozambique thank you sir for taking out the time to speak to us. i d like to bring up to speed now with some of the other stories making news around the world. emergency responders in eastern ukraine say at least four people have been killed in a main methane blast at a coal mine explosion occurred in the region which is under control of russia backed separatists in my clothes because of hostilities in twenty fourteen and reopened only last year at least ten workers are reported missing. thousands of indigenous brazilians are protesting against a government assault on their rights and territories organizers of a three day annual event in the country s capital say the events known as the free land encampment taken on new significance this far right present also naro took office in january. detectives investigating the murder of a journalist or mckee in northern ireland last week have asked the public to help them identify the main suspect police say the man shot indiscriminately into a crowd and fired the bullet that killed mckee officers say people in the community who recognized the gun. of the military says soldiers have exchanged gunfire with suspects as they attempted to raid a building in the east of the country it s part of the investigation into the easter sunday suicide bombing attacks on churches and hotels it was heightened security and subdued attendance at mosques for friday prayers the authorities have warned that there could be more attacks coming police are looking for about one hundred forty people believed to have links with the so-called islamic state in there are have been some revenge attacks on muslims and there are fears that a wider backlash could develop against anyone seen as not due to abuse while met some of them in colombo and filed this report. natasha fled to sri lanka from bach to stand for you as a girl. she left her home country with three young children and her husband because they were persecuted for being christian. her husband bears burn marks to prove it . but i m a gamble where she ended up she could practice her feet freely last sunday she applied hem out on her hands and feet to get ready for easter then the blasts hit. mob descended on her neighborhood of pakistani refugees attacking homes and threatening reprisals even going on how many years the landlord told us not to return don t even return to your not safe here save yourselves and leave we can t offer you any protection but we re also a christian we re also grief stricken because our brothers and sisters were killed in this blast but we can t do anything muttered her lark we re now natasha and over one hundred other refugees are hiding out in the parking garage of this police station women men children christians and muslims of dance and box. the all male one similarity they are not tree long can. give out to him as a little one you cannot imagine how they behaved after the blasts sixty six hours of people came into my house and attacked us. our landlady said i cannot protect you it will be better if you leave. according to refugees rights activists all over twelve hundred people have been displaced from their homes and the attacks. they have taken shelter in mosques and police stations refugees in the course to the city of nick gamble include minority hymn of the muslims and christians fleeing persecution in pakistan and of guns fleeing insecurity in their own country now however they are all being threatened and displeased because locals view all foreigners with suspicion activists have begged georgia s armed civilians for help but to norway that already life as a deaf u.g.g. long car is extremely challenging and they cannot work so they undergo a lot of the patient do good deeds because the children and children for many years do not get to school. and people cannot work build it and to be for professional people jobs and we don t working you know going on the work of precious by latasha mrs pakistan she s also grateful for her life entry lanka but for now home is this parking garage. and she doesn t know when that will end. for testers is sudan have vowed to escalate their action if the country s military council insists on maintaining sovereign power until elections are held demonstrators in the capital hard to kept up their protest a day after the so-called million strong march for civilian rule they ve been massing outside army headquarters ever since the ousting of president omar al bashir just over two weeks ago. all right and with me here is our very own jafar advocating who has just returned from sudan great to have you here with us again extraordinary images coming out of a heart to thousands of people surrounding the army h.q. demanding they see the power you just returned from higher to what s the atmosphere like the that we just saw is where you see every day on the streets of course to people are angry people are frustrated people say we will protect our revolution with our blood too i even heard this phrase because people say you know it s either no or never we have to protect our revolution the military council should hand over the power to a civilian council that s what we want and the thing as we will not accept ok now how much stress is there that the military will make good on its promise to hold elections and allow for civilian consistence is the thing going on according what i see and when i talk to the people i don t think they trust the military because they just look to their neighbors in egypt and they know what happened there so they have the feeling the military is saying no it s only a part it s only a small amount of time where we are in power but they are afraid that the military will take over the power for a longer time and that s that s why they are very persistent on saying no we don t want to have a ministry in power ok so we know what the protesters don t want us gone with the army yes what do they want when do they agree on you know the protesters are here through a genius group from people who are different parties you have this is the news as a profession is as. and you have the youth of the revolution you have everyone today in sudan says on the river person i m a protester you know there s no one unity among democrats and that s you should understand it i mean thirty years of dictatorship and now suddenly you cannot imagine that they are united because i even heard you know people saying the dictator is gone but the dictatorship is not done and when you talk to the people they never had this opportunity to express their opinion to say what they think there s no political structures organization it s all now happening people are it s a discovering of politics is discovery of being part is the discovery of having a voice so they are not united to have the audience of freedom and change they are down the anti government and. military but among them they are also not united and they don t unite all protesters and this is important to say because when we look from here from they say from berlin to to to sudan with thing it s all organized and you have. parties and all of that but it s not the case everyone in the street feels like i have a voice no i want to talk i want to protest because there was no civil society so you re brushing grass roots movements exact forming a civil society in real time what i wonder you ve been there too far yes why is the army taking a wait and see approach because they could just go into squashes protests what are they afraid of they are too smart to do this they are giving the people the feeling we are for you we support you we love you we re protected you from the very bad guy person alba she the president a dictator and we are the one who made the last step in order to letting him step down and now they are observing you know it s kind of observing even when you look at the sit in area where the protesters are it s at the headquarters you see everyone observing they know everything going on and they will not give the people of the feeling that we are against you they would do it that the right time record . what i see and what i observed that they would do it at the right time when there is no unity and then they say here we are again we are the ones we can unite to we are the ones who can protect you because protection and security is also what. part of the people s thinking the whole time because you know over the wars that happen in sudan people are sick somehow afraid and they say they could protect us but we want the cabinet and the power to be by civilians so it s going to be really interesting to see what s going to happen will it end like egypt or will the protestors they know will not accept it so the next day is the next week s would be saying it more and more are a very very crucial there for advocating thank you so very well currently appreciate it thank you. next up spain is gearing up for its third general election in just four years this weekend prime minister petro sanchez is leading the polls but neither his socialist nor the conservative people s party are expected to get an outright majority well that means they will need help in forming a coalition from smaller parties which are enjoying a surge in support for our correspondent lisa louise visited some rural communities near the spanish city of tara well where many feel forgotten by mainstream politicians the two big traditional parties are scrambling to regain their trust. and a kill claimant has decided to speak out for anti spain she grew up in this village with three hundred inhabitants one bar and a bakery only open for an hour a day now she s running for parliament in the province of parallel for the conservative people s party. nothing in representing ten well would make me really happy. if every piece of good news is being celebrated by everybody here. and even if it doesn t concern all of us directly we are like a big family if you look at even up the media she takes us to a nearby village with one hundred thirty inhabitants the local people around government recently convinced someone to run the villages only shop and bar by not charging up in any rent the village hadn t had a grocery shop for three years but that hasn t convinced everybody here to bring people that are not in the good. order of. the provinces completely isolated we don t have proper infrastructure our trains are falling apart and are really slow the traditional parties have promised action and pledged millions of euros but they just haven t delivered from it your options are now that. we want to implement an action plan for the countryside and take special measures intended well. we ve been fighting for people here for a long time. i just don t trust the political class anymore. they all talk about grand ideas but afterwards there are parts of spain that are just forgotten. or. desperate and disappointed people are putting their hopes in smaller more radical parties in the provincial capital we need model b.s. from the far left party who need us put there most she s promising voters a breath of fresh air and a fresh start. and another the traditional parties have governed spain for forty years and are responsible for the emptying of the countryside people should have the courage to vote for our innovative policies they will bring people back. we will build new roads and train lines and create more job opportunities for women . like the smaller parties raquel s says the p.p. also has a massive plan to bring us back to the countryside she s promising better infrastructure and more support for farmers and better internet access it is that it that people should trust us to make the most out of their vote not vote for the smaller parties the fewer seats our party has the less it will be able to do for the countryside. but the elections are expected to show that spaniards not just in a drawer lariats but across the country are losing faith in the traditional parties and winning that back will take more than just promises. the last week of april is world immunization week and this year the health officials have been sounding the alarm over falling back summation rates worldwide as well as new disease outbreaks measles. cases have skyrocketed over three hundred percent in the first three months of this year and health officials say anti vaccination campaigns here in germany are making the problem even worse. than the five year old memory has not been vaccinated her mother is against it she s afraid vaccines will damage her daughter or compromised her health. that stands for no obvious anger flung me as when i was hiking and i started looking at every illness someone how do you get them the course of each disease the worst case scenarios and how effective vaccines are and what negative side effects the vaccines have. and how much for me and then i weighed the risks and benefits. and i m just not that afraid of many illnesses for fear. she s also not afraid of measles one of the most dangerous childhood illnesses in germany it kills one in a thousand patients studies find that complications arising from the vaccine are much rarer but many parents mistrust the science they are more afraid of the vaccine than the disease something pediatrician you re going to claim us says he has experienced. oh. yes how. many people don t know about these diseases anymore. and especially with the measles vaccine which is very controversial right now like. this there s a lot of misinformation on the internet. the german federal center for health education says not just too few children but also too few adults are being vaccinated that can be dangerous newborns for instance are too young to be vaccinated they rely on what s called herd immunity that is when at least ninety five percent of the population is that zenaida viruses cannot spread. germany has yet to reach that level of immunity that s why some politicians and doctors are now calling for mandatory vaccinations for preschool children twelve other e.u. countries have already introduced compulsory vaccination measures. the global. believe that criminal law would apply followings could be imposed people could also be prohibited from visiting community facilities. that would mean that unvaccinated children would not be allowed to go to preschool jennifer says that wouldn t persuade her. expression of this i wouldn t like that and i certainly would not like to be forced to do anything by the state and i would want to do it of my own accord having received so much information that i d say. yes that s a great idea of the day. jennifer says if she must she would go to court over it her daughter will not be vaccinated any time soon. is this is this is a very topical issue here in germany or across the world let s talk more with dr siddhartha he is the program manager of the vaccine preventable diseases and immunization program at the world health organization s europe office a very good evening sir there are outbreaks of measles in areas around the world how concerned are you that the disease could spread to other hot spots and how contagious is it thank you so much you know lucy is one of the most contagious infectious disease that you know human history has ever known and from doug lute european feet in regards dreamily concern about the high rise of weaves of that we have seen in two in two thousand and eighteen which is actually followed in two thousand and two what basically this theory is that there are pockets of unvaccinated children and vaccinated population and the measles virus being so infectious and it will find those on backs in to children and vaccinated people so we have to ensure every member state every country or every community need to make sure that you do have protection from those is measles and get the coverage offered on ninety five percent to ensure that the measles these users don t happen or even any of them use a virus comes in it dies its course so we are. you know console in front of me to the point greta ok now let s tackle this issue a head on a can you for the record state conclusively whether or not there is for instance an autism vaccine link what is a scientific communities position on this claim made by some anti vaccine. you know let s just put it they re really strict but they re there so see asian which has been told to between to me though these are the measles vaccine and autism kind of has been has been has been debunked far many years so that is known as the situation between the audi s them and their measles vaccine so why does but why does it persist why do a third of citizens across the e.u. according to the e.u. commission believe that vaccinations cause the very illnesses they are supposed to protect against hasta w h o failed in its communication with the public ok i think we have to see this entire thing in the context of the vaccination colonies in the vase to majority of the patten do vaccinate that you and i think that is what we need to understand the coverage of meet those in the in the region is that on ninety to ninety two percent that means voc majority of our patents do back off course concerns about vaccinations that s understandable and because everyone you want the best for the chinese i think big did they approach should be that we will should be able to answer the questions and the concerns my patents have got when they come for a vaccination any questions they have water for me to use whatever contacts these we should be able to give them credible and reliable information but why is that and i think you know why don t they believe you because there s a growing number of parents who are refusing to vaccinate their children and endangering other people in the process. but i think it s not it s not that they are not believing that there are several information rich on every level in the internet these days and i think this is the responsibility of every few zeeshan every pediatrician every health care worker to use and providing those facts and reliable information to the parents at the time when they do have those questions i think they have to be made in a more comprehensible way in which that is more understandable by my parents went dark ok christian and i m right across mississippi that s a program manager of the vaccine preventable diseases enemy has ation for graham for the world bank sir thank you so much for spending time with us thank you and the news asia is up next and i ll see you get at the top of the hour. it s going to. be our find is one to strong families to become farmers or engineers everyone a vast aplomb of the initial are you sure. thing is just that the children who have already been the boy. and those that will follow are part of a new process. they could be the future. granting opportunities for global news that matters d. w. minds what s the connection between powell and the european union so he knows. correspondent alan baker can stretch this picket line with the rules set by the deep. cuts. slumping recipes for success strategy that make a difference. baking bread on d.w. . people here love life. they love their country but not the current conditions. to run a journey through a land full of contradictions flow joy and sadness. confidence and doubt. our documentary depicts the contrasts of everyday life. and help people cope with the flow of. iran bittersweet loaf starts may second d.w. . this is due to other news asia coming up on the program full of ups and underpaid chinese office workers pushed back against a culture of working twelve hours a day for china s richest man gold s working nine am to nine pm six days a week of blessing is a time for change plus a dangerous cocktail forest fires and fumes combined to create dangerous breathing conditions in small the thailand correspondent reports from truck driver. and high.

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