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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190528 16:30:00

the trouble is you know you re a mac series. i love the. game certainly looks like swiss like me. 50 nations 50 stories. and 50 very personal tips on berlin s very best. every week t.w. . thing. this is the day after news asia coming up on the programme. into submission rights groups accusing the indian security forces. to intimidate the local population in the disputed kashmir region it s not the 1st report on the matter when it make a difference plus. most serious about punishing crimes against its minorities
so i ll just convicted of murdering 10 spent prison while the one covered the story spent 16 months. with just 2 days on to the top of the cricket world we meet and. who dreams of playing for his country. welcome to news asia it s good to have you with us i imagine for a moment having to undergo any of the following your nails plucked out being hung upside down electrocuted in your private parts stripped naked these are just some of the 31 types of torture human rights groups allege are being employed by indian security forces in the disputed region. located in the north of india the
entire state is claimed by both pakistan and india long running resentment against india rule led to a full blown insurgency in the late ninety s that brought with it a heavy presence of indian troops now a report by 2 n.g.o.s the association of parents of disappeared persons and the general case made coalition of civil society says the government has been using torture up against the local population indiscriminately since 900 $47.00 and that for the most part the abuses are going unpunished a professor at neil s meltzer is the un special rapporteur on torture and he joins me now from geneva professor meltzer glad you could join us now these allegations ont new these allegations of torture have been made against the indian government before does this report changed anything. well i think the allegation is that sooner or snooki an obviously are very very serious and
suggest that there might be. very grave violation of the permission of torture now i m not in the position to a search the accuracy of all these allegations but i unfortunately was not that into visit india myself despite several requests to conduct is what is it that the indian government says every time your bring up this request that you want to visit india and my understanding is that no un special rapporteur on torture has ever been able to visit india to verify in the south claims. unfortunately despite several requests to the official request submitted to the indian government i have not received any response so far india is also signatory to the united nations convention against torture but it hasn t yet been ratified is that a way for the international community to pressure india direct to find this convention so that india can be held accountable under this convention
floor ratification of the international legal instrument readers into sovereign decision of concern state so the state can be forced to ratify a treaty however the prohibition of torture is not dependent on the ratification of the treaty because it is considered to be the fundamental customer is human right which is even true means you cannot even be. sure change to a separate treaty so that is one of the strongest customary human rights those recognized universally one of the strongest customer to human rights as your portrait yet we keep getting report after report which accuses the indian government of using torture in job one how can change be brought about. oh because that is not the only context they receive unfortunately regular
allegations of torture a little treatment the the experience shows that however that real change is all this brought about from within the country through public opinion true of public pressure through reform it institutions in the policies of the state it is also important to understand that torture is an effective tool of providing security or a finding to truth in criminal investigations it really is a tool to break people to intimidate people and that destroys not only directed but also the perpetrators and in the end dehumanizing even the society itself and tolerate such abuse so in a sense thought is counterproductive but states do not seem to understand that and yet persist but that practice unfortunately takes a long time for the consciousness and the understanding to come through of how
destructive torture really is again i cannot assert to what exactly the facts are in india because i have not and it will true to investigate myself i have received our crews myself as well may have smells of a un special rapporteur on top i thank you very much for speaking to do double news asia thank you very much. now these 2 faces have become a symbol of press freedom in asia and around the world they are of wallonia and just to reuters journalists who were imprisoned in myanmar for their reporting on the crisis in northern iraq find states in particular the 2 journalists exposed a massacre of 10 rohingya men and boys by government forces and their arrests were widely seen as an attempt to hide the crimes committed by the army after more than 500 days behind the journalists are now free again wallowing in jurors who were released this month as part of
a blanket presidential pardon the new spot celebrations around the world and one me in government praise but the story at the heart of this isn t over because it has just been revealed that granted an early release to 7 soldiers who d been jailed for the very massacre the journalists had exposed. it means that the perpetrators of the crime spent less time in prison than the men who exposed it to talk more about this i m joined by journalist dave in yangon dave good to see you now about a yacht ago the commander in chief of men must military spoke about the conviction of these soldiers what did he say then and does it seem consistent with this week s news about their release. yes so you don t want to a year ago the senior general men on the commander in chief of the army or he said that these soldiers they were sentenced to 10 years in prison and he said that we will not forgive anyone if they commit a crime those were his words well this certainly does not seem consistent with that
at all when you consider that they as you said they served less than a year in prison and the reuters reporters who exposed what happened there serving almost a year and a half in jail there was a press conference called yesterday after this news broke about the release of the soldiers and spokesman for the ministry of defense and the ministry of home affairs said they could not account for why these soldiers had been released so it just you know it seems like we re getting we continue to get facts coming out by great investigative work by the reuters bureau and then we seem to have uncertainty coming out at least publicly and certainly coming out from the military and all this i m curious what is the reaction been inside me to news about the soldiers raise. so if you look at social media it s been overwhelmingly in support of the release of the soldiers you have to look at the narrative in this country most of the people they did not see the evidence that came out in the course they did not
really read all this detail descriptions of what came out so they re not seeing that these supposed at state secrets of the world as reporters had were really not secrets of this information already been released publicly they are not necessarily saying that this police captain testified that the police were ordered to plant documents on those reporters and ordered to entrap the minarets them so they re getting this false narrative and so much of the public really believes that these workers journalists are traitors many of them believe that they still believe in jail so it s really just that they believe an alternative reality here in this country but these are the sport of boxing about they re doing a crisis and the extrajudicial killing. and what does what do these victims developments say about the myanmar government s attitude toward sort of. yeah you know i mean human rights activists in the new investigators have said not only is the military never been serious about holding any soldiers accountable for committing any crimes up there but they continue to say they say this just supports
that leaders are behind a brutal campaign to push so many were injured out of the country we ve seen more than 700000 me since august 2017 i mean i was recently in those refugee camps in southern bangladesh and i spoke to so many were hidden who told me that they do want to come back to yemen but they want to come back when conditions are conducive where they will be able to live and be a part of a community not live apart from the community when they will have equal access to education and health care and freedom of movement and equal access to jobs for livelihoods this is not going to encourage any of them to want to come back they re going to have to leave it there for the time being. gone thank you very much. excitement is building ahead of the cricket world cup which gets under way this thursday england and wales the host of the 2 on a monday but half the teams from asia where cricket enjoys huge popularity one can tend to as a potential dark horses of god is when suzi hasn t for the sport has been growing
they take on one of the favorites australia in their 1st match on saturday we meet one fan will be following that match a young afghan who is hoping to represent his country one day pressing on his helmet strapping up his gloves it s all part of the ritual for apatow i mean the 14 year old lives and breathes cricket practicing regularly said that one day he can follow in the footsteps of his idols. it s one of my dreams to become a cricket player i want my countrymen my family and my relatives to watch me on t.v. i want to become a champion and win trophies for afghanistan. i had a man show all his help bridge divides in war torn afghanistan the sport was once banned by the taliban but attitudes have now changed afghanistan has emerged as
a hotbed of cricket talent but poor facilities and a lack of affordability still hampered progress. vons out that it was a lot of afghan players have financial problems because the financial situation of most afghan families is not good. also we don t have good cricket pitches or the family doesn t have much money i come here so i have to go yes that s the saw the more you know how. those goals are undoubtedly driven by the success of the afghan team on the international stage a team whose future rests in the hands of players like capital. good luck to the afghan team in the world cup that s a thought i ll be sure to check out other stories on did. on facebook and twitter as well. with images from.
they destroyed the. next time. some time in the 26. point move the world. around half a century. your world would be a round trip to greece moment. inevitably the sea levels rise by at least
one century. we re going to have some climate impacts we turn we see all the odd. books. on her body. why are people more concerned. the 1st. chapter of a chinese business. in the us is the trade war taking its toll. to the top of the world. everest mountney is ringing the alarm bells. also coming up left
behind china s success in pulling millions of people out of poverty has also 5 percent. and european stock markets open italy s flouting of the financial rules. i m in for school and i do business after a record breaking debut in new york in 2014 wants to work its magic again with the 2nd listing but the chinese e-commerce leda is reportedly looking to hong kong instead so far shares of valley bob are only listed on wall street their launch their raised $25000000000.00 m. was the world s largest initial public offering the move comes with china in the united states locked in an escalating trade battle beijing is trying to get its tech titans to list closer to home. reportedly the community covers china and chinese companies is this all about hedging bets which any company would do or is

Minorities , World , Country , Cricket , Story , Prison , Playing , Top , 2 , 16 , One , 10

Transcripts For DW Drive It 20190818 11:30:00

what secrets lie behind these more. find out 1st of experience and explore fascinating world cultural heritage sites. w world heritage 360 get. carlo and welcome to drive with the d w motor magazine coming up the return of a legend toyota g r supra. jaguars all electric s.u.v. vi pace. and the new skoda superb. though was either today or schaefer is testing the new sco disapprove it hasn t
changed much on the outside and the reason for that is fairly simple this go to has been very successful in recent years while other car makers were downsizing heavily skoda was having trouble filling all the orders placed but enough of the older versions let s see what the new model has got to watch for annoy them even. for its new generation skoda his face lifted the sedan and station wagon lines they now come with new assist systems and l.e.d. headlights as well as a modernized infotainment and connectivity system emanuel is taking a sedan with the sport line trim out for right. personally he admits he s not much of a fan of all the sport line trim options out there as they often only offer a sporty or to sign without really improving performance but that s not the case why. disappeared at least not when it has an enhanced engine like the one we re
testing today that we give you here test. the 2 leader turbo gas engine packs of punch of $200.00 kilowatts all wheel drive gets you from 0 to $100.00 and less than 6 seconds and max s out of 250 kilometers an hour. and by that another reason a minor well since he prefer the short line trim is the black d.t. of a gives the current exquisite feel i ll turn it to mean there s also a chrome option with a bigger bling effect doesn t like the flashy details either but those who do can choose the chrome option only if they opt to buy a sport line ball plank hole for germany the sport line with a 1.5 liter engine and 110 kilowatts starts in just over 38000 euros. any money well knows a little fun fact over 80 percent of the supreme sold our fleet vehicles one not
even 20 percent are sold to private customers but the distribution of sedan and station wagons is about even 54 percent of the units sold are wakens while $46.00 are sedans but in germany the station wagon capital the difference is more pronounced here 90 percent of the superb sold are wagons. and speaking a wagons one that skoda is especially proud of is the new superb scout the off roader is raised by 50 millimeters and comes with all wheel drive as standard a specially designed under right guard for the front and back under the line since off road design just like it s because in the uk t.v. a scout the supreme scout is only available as a station wagon but for now back to our sedan. disapproves headlights have become flatter and all the lights now come a standard. the front grill has twin rib structures and is
a little bigger than before the flat silhouette and sharp lines and hands of the supreme sporty features. at the rear of the scooter will go was replaced with lettering the tail lights are also fully quit. music stuff on top what the manual is pleased that the supreme comes with the keyless entry system kesey just like any top model should it let you automatically unlock your car and open the door but now they ve expanded the much wall to include all car doors the question is when would you really need that he imagines how helpful the feature would be if he had kids if for instance he s carrying a sleeping child to his car seat in the back he d have to settle down to dig through his bag for the keys if it weren t for this add on. but
thanks to the k.c. function that s all a thing in the past. sure he got through i hold him. inside there s the optional virtual cockpit and a choice of 3 different infotainment systems featuring touch screen spam to 9.2 inches in size. in our model the sport seats are standard. the trunk can hold up to $1760.00 leaders there s a power in monaco says the superb has always been an ideal show for sedan even in his 1st generation the spacious amount of leg room and the back alone attest to that it makes sitting in the back incredibly comfortable and then there s all the clever little solutions you can fight for for. example has holder that works for
smartphones as well as larger devices such as tablets it s easy to clip your phone or tablet in and use it however you like. it s even great for watching a movie defense but if i m in love with him. aside from the various gas and diesel engines the school disapprove i.v. has also announced a plug in hybrid version it s expected to hit the market in 2020 making this a per school his very 1st series production hybrid model. was i was in holland all me man no one thinks skoda has done a good job with a superb facelift but his favorite thing is the headlights sleeker form gives the car a more aggressive look and more importantly the technology comes in standard which makes driving at night much safer and at the end of the day safety on the road is the most important aspect to driving that s
a let me fix that. toyota sports car history began in 1967 with a 2000 g.t. it wasn t dubbed the super yet but it already had all the important features a straight 6 engine and front which put out $110.00 kilowatts and rear wheel drive today only an estimated $200.00 are left a few years back $12000.00 c.t. model sold for roughly $1400000.00 in the us. from 1978 onwards the supra bore the name celica after 4 generations that tradition ended in 2002 and the supra sank into oblivion for nearly 2 decades.
but this year japan has brought the legend back to life the last model and this latest model are 17 years apart but see what s changed my. mind. previously the last super generation came onto the market in july 1903. m. came for model series was offered in coupe a ford target variants each with a front engine and rear wheel drive the engines were from toyota s 2 chains c. model range and are still popular today. the super is 5th generation was a coproduction with b.m.w. its underlying build is practically the same as the z.
force both have a compact body with an elongated hood 2 seats inside a short wheelbase with large wheels and a wide track with. overall the toyota charms with its self-confidence sportiness. be interior is reminiscent of a b.m.w. especially the way the buttons are arranged on the dash all materials used are high quality and pleasing to the touch. we especially like the sports seats there s stitched with red and white seams and now on to the fun part driving. me out the 1st thing louis notices is the super s incredible roadholding that s mainly thing. and the $5050.00 weight distribution between the front and rear axle
in corners rule is minimal and that makes the whole experience that much more fun the super is automatic transmission skillfully masters the difficult task of shifting through gears quickly go for purists there are also paddle shift gears high performance brakes ensure the 2 seater comes to a halt safely. the boat still misses most impressed by how exciting the rear wheel drive and front engine make driving it today we re testing a v 8 engine with 500 meters of torque that makes charging along highways and country roads a real joy. b.m.w. s lively 3 liter turbo charged engine generates 250 kilowatts that let this sports car shoot from 0 to 100 in just 100 kilometers an hour with a full throated but not exaggerated route top speed is 250 kilometers an hour although they shared similar engines unlike this before the supra comes almost
fully equipped for a base price of $62900.00 euros. and it was all not as lewis points out what makes his supra so special is the active differential on the rear axis it ensures all the $500.00 newton metres of tort are translated to the road no matter the conditions. its design performs particularly well in athletic driving situations and tie corners when you need to brake sharply and accelerate quickly. i thought so all in all lewis says the toyota supra is a whole lot of fun to drive it has a sporty handling and might even give its predecessor from the fast and furious movies a run for its money. out he continues to hold on to his diesel models and is bringing the new as for avant to market with a v 6 d. . engine the $3.00 t.d.i.
engine puts out $255.00 kilowatts of power and delivers up to 700 meters of torque to the crankshaft vs 14 e.i. avant as a starting price of just over 64000 euros in germany. first sadie s e.m.c. is presenting a new compact super car the a 45 s 4 matic plus it features a newly developed 2 leader engine the 4 cylinder turbo has an impressive and put a 310 kilowatts this new top version of the a classic also features a drift mode though to use it you have to deactivate p.s.p. and switch the transmission to manual. if you have a hard testiness patriots just bought a cheesecake but 1st she s going to test this car. it s the i paste from jaguar the brands 1st of all electric vehicle and
a completely independent model. that have you know says the eyepiece has won 3 world car awards in 2001000 car of the year world green car and car design of the year and the interior there are 2 high resolution touch screen displays with multifunction dynamic diodes for adjusting the seeds and the climate control system. to electric motors deliver a combined system output of $294.00 kilowatts that s a lot of power we start off with a battery that s charged to 88 percent that should give us a range of 326 kilometers. right from the get go the eyepiece delivers a whopping 696 new meters of torque the vehicle can go from 0 to 100 kilometers an hour in 4.8 seconds with no torque interrupt when you put the pedal to the middle.
says it s unbelievable how the car accelerates and doesn t matter whether you re just starting off or already going 120 kilometers an hour the power goes directly into all 4 wheels and the acceleration is simply overwhelming. as is usual with electric cars the top speed is electronically limited to increase the vehicles range but this selector jaguar can still spring up to 200 kilometers an hour and germany the i pace has a starting price of just under 80000 euros though our test car with the h.s.c. trim level will set you back over 93000 euros. so an emmy nominee says the car s handling is impressive simply in the normal driving note but it gets even better when you switch to dynamic mode here the battery gives you all it s got when you excel or 8 this is spent in is also tighter and the steering more direct
has compares the feel to that i was sports car accident the long haul. truck that. you wouldn t expect that kind of sportiness from his 2.2 ton vehicle at 1st glance to strike the right balance between cooling the battery and aerodynamic performance active aims in the front grill only open when the battery really means cooling. the coop a like sloping roof line and the eye catching rear end are prime examples of the eyepiece and so electrifying design. the panorama glass roof and light colors give the car s interior an airy feel buyers can choose between fine grain windsor leather seats or a premium textile alternative. you want to.
be. on the scene assess the 1st thing you have to get used to is the jaguar so-called one pedal driving through speed up she naturally steps on the right pedal but as soon as she releases it there regenerative braking kicks in she says the system takes a bit of getting used to for instance rolling to a red light and coming to a stop way too soon but once you ve gotten the hang of it it s a lot of fun to break and accelerate with the same pedal with the spot that far but i m going to ask the amount of that i pull that from. the 90 kilowatt lithium ion batteries fitted into the floor of the vehicle between the axles. the eyepiece can be charge from 0 to 80 percent inches 40 minutes at any $100.00
kilowatt d.c. fashion charging station the various charging cables can be stored under the trunk floor. or in the additional cargo space at the front of the vehicle when fully charged the display shows that the vehicle has a range of some 400 kilometers but jaguar says the eyepiece can go $470.00 according to w.l. t.p. standards. as it is says it can get a little confusing even in a vehicle like this which has such a huge range she catches herself checking to see how full the battery is how much rain she s got left but on the bright side she s driven roughly 70 kilometers and the system really has subtracted 70 kilometers from the remaining range it predicts so it was fairly reliable in this case but in other cases the calculation index more kilometers from your range and what you ve actually driven it s not always consistent. that s because many factors come into play one
determining the range they include the outside temperature the driving mode selected each driver his personal driving style as well as which of the myriad of extra features are drawing power but even with the battery that. still has a range that well exceeds the distance most people travel in a day. speaking of battery power. remembers her cheesecake. she explains how the battery is the heart of every electric car is the sum of it s a battery it s made up of many valuable raw materials like cobalt nickel graphite manganese and of course with the m. p s raw materials are often obtained at a heavy cost to environmental protection and sustainability in south america
billions of leaders of water have been evaporated to extract lithium from underground reservoirs of salty water this lowers the groundwater level and often cost people their livelihoods electric cars which are thought of as key to tackling climate change or actually destroying functioning ecosystems in parts of the world be uncomfortable truth is other people are paying the price for our green conscience that s something we prefer not to think about or simply choose to ignore . what about environmental protection and sustainability to begin with people only take as much as they really need but we humans are creatures of habit so we want our electric cars to have the same range as the internal combustion models we re used to and the industry has delivered the result huge batteries and huge vehicles but do electric s.u.v.s really make that much sense when. most of us are traveling
alone or in our cars most of the time anyway. it s different if the large batteries are powering buses carrying lots of passengers. or as penis puts it. bend them off one needs to have a whole cheesecake all to themselves when one slice would do. the beatles sold over 21 and a half 1000000 units during its record breaking 65 year history the very last speech pulled off the production line and b.w. splat in pueblo mexico in 2003 indisputably this is the cool car from germany.
outlets and a 1st prototypes appeared in 1935 explains our car man clothes stuff but this 2nd world war cut short plans for mass production that finally got underway in 1905 the starting year of an amazing success story was a book that came from pretty much what a table got to thinking that it wouldn t help it of course. but this spiegel was no mass production model it was one of just 10 built by hand not in wall spork or mexico but in switzerland this extremely rare species of beetle goes by the name volkswagen beutler pick up it came to life in 1950. 5 christo says after the war german industry was at rock bottom people had to improvise and work with whatever they had what they had was the beetle so someone got the idea of using the dependable as the basis for a van. what every transporter needs is
a cargo bed mounting this rather bulky component on the rounded rear of the beetle and a halfway elegant manner required an artistic touch swish builder beutler was up to the task. there wasn t a 1st or says beutler have its roots in the construction of fancy sports who pays in convertibles it was a design house right back tony to charo impugning fair enough i m so when it was asked to build a commercial vehicle it added a touch of evidence this split rear window was replaced by a single rectangle but look how it has cargo platform nestles on the shapely rear and then there s still a canvas sunroof it says luxury is as a pickup can get. though it was born in this was town of 2 and there s no denying this beatles heritage the bed of its distinctive rear end they can haul up to 380 kilograms of cargo thanks to their good connections brothers
abstinence beutler received the basic body shells direct from v.w. german factory. the delicate 2 spokes steering wheel and all kinds of chrome embellish mitts show these beetles were really the more expensive export version. one to him and here in the back is the legendary v.w. boxer engine with 1 point one leader displacement in 1000 killed once of power and he really like to show it but that s not easy because you have to unhook the cover here and squeeze it s a good fit i think he wonders how another 380 kilograms would affect the vehicle was so much weight on the rear axle already with the front wheel stay on the road.
he could hardly have wished for a better commercial vehicle ensured worldwide the air cooled an unpretentious v.w. boxer enjoyed a reputation of absolute reliability you ll probably never see a boiler pick up on public roads the german swiss project came to an end after only a few were built. efforts on cristo says the volkswagen beutler pickup soon got some tough competition from within its own ranks and 1952 a flatbed version of the v.w. bus went on the market it could haul 900 kilos and cost less than the handbill beetle pick up so it s no wonder that just under a dozen of these were produced and beutler itself used the 1st $5.00 vs the 1st so to sum up what has the stock to most top. the reason was simple the price of $8000.00 swiss francs was out of reach of most small businesses in $1015.00 even whole was a commercial flop the concept of the v.w.
beutler pickup was groundbreaking. to outfox irish so says the host wagon beutler pick up it s an impressive example of the v.w. beetles versatility who d have thought that a swiss coachbuilder could transform this little car into a bonafide work course it also set a shining example for later small delivery vans from v.w. such as the free to lean which hauled mail bags ensure money for decades it s clear the most wagon point where pick up is a mile stone and automotive history eligible people. because it s so rare the v.w. beutler pickup is much more expensive today then in the early 1950 s. these days early and exotic beetles have a big following. and
next time we test mini s face lifted john cooper works club. and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ford capri. the been. going to.
think. it s a dream. you always have your home right with your. mom rather than a nightmare. but sure they re big polluters. get tea tree beds. in 15 minutes e.w. . s.o.s.
you re up the your pants is a crisis. if it s to have a future you call me champions young champions. place to play for activists country players play chancellor to train the teacher a player do they stand a chance to play can they save think european idea thanks to. the need to stand up for european values and contribute to something important coming up see if. the future of europe starts september 2nd on d w. houser view of the wall. where i come from the
door that to get to cisco it s just like this chinese for it doesn t matter where i am it s always reminds me of home after decades of living in germany china s food is one of the things i miss the most but that taking a step back i see something new to different terminology pinafore it s a process of negotiation that exists to add up part of the wall haven t been at the mention of it in china you chinese people wondering if they re going to take it but if you have the right to learn all that is there just a job just that or to how i see it and that s why my job because i try to do it exactly maybe an hour a day by the name of the newsroom and i work at it up here. this

Carmakers , Trouble , Orders , Model , Skoda , Sedan , Station-wagon , Face , Versions , Headlights , Assist-systems , Sport-line-trim

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Signed 20240607-480

That is the position you are in. it s serious stuff. we ve become a lau~ahin it s serious stuff. we ve become a laughing stop it s serious stuff. we ve become a laughing stop internationally - laughing stop internationally because of your party. keir starmer changed the labour party. we are very clear on our number one priority, very clear on our number one priority. . very clear on our number one riori ,. , priority, let me bring in some more parties priority, let me bring in some more parties on priority, let me bring in some more parties on this priority, let me bring in some more parties on this question. i priority, let me bring in some| more parties on this question. my more parties on this question. ij i: brother more parties on this question. m: brother served in more parties on this question. m; brother served in iraq, i won t be lectured on whether or not i am absolutely committed to the security force like the question, the question was how will the parties ensure our army is ready and our country is safe from another conflict. . . , , ., country is safe from another conflict. ., ., , , ., ., conflict. carla denyer, how would the green party conflict. carla denyer, how would the green party ensure conflict. carla denyer, how would the green party ensure that? - conflict. carla denyer, how would| the green party ensure that? first of all i the green party ensure that? first of all i want the green party ensure that? first of all i want to the green party ensure that? first of all i want to say the green party ensure that? first of all i want to say we the green party ensure that? first of all i want to say we all- the green party ensure that? first of all i want to say we all owe a huge of all i want to say we all owe a huge debt of all i want to say we all owe a huge debt to our veterans, from d-day huge debt to our veterans, from d-day and huge debt to our veterans, from d day and conflict since and it s a tragedy d day and conflict since and it s a tragedy that so many veteran struggle in life, their high rates of homelessness and that is something that s a high priority for ntyself something that s a high priority for myself and the greens to tackle. in terms myself and the greens to tackle. in terms of myself and the greens to tackle. in terms of defence more broadly, this election terms of defence more broadly, this election is terms of defence more broadly, this election is about choosing what kind of country election is about choosing what kind of country we want to be, and of course of country we want to be, and of course part of country we want to be, and of course part of that is security. we

Labour-party , Parties , Priority , It-doesn-t-matter , Party , Question , Position , Stop , Stuff , Keir-starmer , Number-one-riori , Lau

Business Today

Paid for the commodities, the oil commodities, exporting to china. unless that issue is resolved, we will see a very different picture in the economy by the end of this year. economy by the end of this ear. , economy by the end of this ear, , , ., ., economy by the end of this ear, , .,, economy by the end of this ear. m .,, ., economy by the end of this| year- yes, year. as soon as that? yes, because year. as soon as that? yes, because we year. as soon as that? yes, because we are year. as soon as that? yes, because we are already i year. as soon as that? yes, i because we are already hearing of banks in asia and the middle east, turkey, and others, refusing to transact with russian counterparties because of fear of secondary sanctions from the us in particular, so you can set whatever price you like, but if you are not getting paid or cannot get the money back to pay for goods, then clearly problems are going to emerge. it is expected that the workaround will be found, but it is right now a cause of concern. but it is right now a cause of concern- concern. obviously at this event in concern. obviously at this event in saint concern. obviously at this event in saint petersburg| event in saint petersburg taking place at the moment, you assume the narrative will be pretty positive about russia and its outlook, but outside of those corridors, what is the

Economy , Mainland-china , Ear , Picture , Yes , End , Commodities , Oil-commodities , The-end , Issue , M , Us

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Five 20240604 04:25:00

And trump was catered for falsifying business records. jesse: the reason he was saying that is because he is running for president, had to make his case. greg: and also, m. with you to respond to this, biden doesn t have to talk about it, he is the president and you visited one of the chief witnesses and then he goes bike riding with hunter knowing that is basically telling everybody in delaware you know, i m here. judge jeanine: we are all one big family. you know what it is wonderful that we can actually watch the trial and know what the charges are right from the get-go. but i think that dana is right, the prosecutors didn t come to play, they have a full-court press. they wanted to find out whether or not they can cross-examine hunter on the front being thrown out of the military for the use of his cocaine, examine him on the lack of child support for linda roberts.

Joe-biden-in-november , Jesse-watters , Greg , Trump , It , Case , Biden-doesn-t , Reason , Business-records , M , Judge , One