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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20200301

rubio joining me as well on china s handling of the coronavirus and intel ranking member congressman devin nunes. breaking news on pending lawsuit against the washington post and react to the president s peace deal with the taliban, all of that right here on sunday morning futures. maria: all that ahead but first the united states has put new travel restrictions in place as the first coronavirus death here is confirmed. a new case is also confirmed in chicago and the white house is planning for possible shortages of some key drugs and medical components. vice president mike pence tapped by president trump to lead the response tells me the risk to most americans still remains low. let me ask you about the news, the important news this weekend and, of course, you have lifted travel restrictions from parts of italy, parts of south korea, iran. right. maria: how are you going to enforce this? we use section 212f with china to suspend all travel back to the united states by noncitizens or legal residents and the president is using that authority with regard to iran. we are banning all travel into the united states. even foreign nationals that have visited iran in the last 14 days will be stopped at our border, will not be allowed to come into the united states, but for italy and south korea that are seeing a rising number of coronavirus cases, the president wanted to use the authority to issue a travel advisory. it s called level 4, to tell the american people do not travel to those affected areas in italy and in south korea, but we are also making that connected to a screening process that we ve already initiated discussions with both countries. maria: i understand that the fda sent testing kits to the 50 states and then called them back and said, wait a minute, there are 3 parts to this test but one of those parts is actually defective, so don t do the testing, wait on the testing. is that just incompetence on the part of the fda? well, what i can tell you in my conversations with governors and i ve spoken to all governors that have been handling people coming in back into our country as americans have returned from china and particular is that we believe we are in the process of resolving the issues about testing kits. in fact, as the director of the fda announced yesterday, we have now approved a new arrangement so that states can conduct the tests on their own, but as we speak, literally more than 15,000 kits are going out to the relevant areas and will soon be sending another 50,000 that are going to be made commercially available out to states. maria: i mean, was the president upset that we couldn t do accurate testing initially? you know, south korea has testing from your car and china says you can test from home. we haven t done the testing. we have done a fair amount of testing. maria: 500 tests? we have screened 47,000 people coming through designated airports in the country and done testing at airports, but the new challenges that we have is we want to make testing kits available to local healthcare providers so that if someone presents with a respiratory illness they ll not only be tested for the flu but the coronavirus. maria: we will likely hear of thousands of cases in the united states? i don t want to put numbers on them. they ll be more cases. i want to assure your viewers and people across this country that we are ready, and the reality is that that the united states is more prepared than any other nation in the world. maria: so in the coming days and weeks if we see thousands of new cases, should we be not concerned? well, we know that there will be many more cases, but we continue to remain hopeful that because of vigilance of our local health officials and our efforts of state leaders and cdc and hhs, that we will be able to mitigate the spread of that, and that s the reason why the president directed immediate increase in the production of of masks. we have a stockpile of some 43 million but we are making arrangement with several american companies to begin to produce almost that amount on a monthly basis. maria: the fda has developed a list of 150 prescription drug that that is we soon will not be able to provide because all of the active ingredients are made in china. what will america do about protecting americans given the fact that so many drugs are produced overseas? when we came to office half of trade deficit was with china and the president has taken a strong chance to change that, and we will be meeting with heads of pharmaceutical companies across the country and i ve spoken to members of congress who have expressed the very same concern. maria: i will get back to that, the supply issue is real important. you just said the risk is low. it doesn t seem like bill gates thinks that, bill gates wrote in the new england journal of medicine. this is starting to look like, quote, once in a century pathogen, that s why he s donated $100 million to treatment and testing. his assessment doesn t agree with our health experts and i m grateful for his generosity, i am. we are all in this together and i frankly am grateful for the spirit that i have heard from public officials at every level, republicans and democrats, who have said this is a time to set aside recriminations or blame and and really work the problem. that s what the president has tasked us to do. maria: yet the critics of the president have ramped up the politics once again. bernie sanders is on the campaign trail saying, you don t have the qualifications to be running this task force. alexandria ocasio-cortez says you don t understand science. i will tell you, the job the president has given me to bring this team together to drive forward to his objective, to bring a whole of government response, government to bear on the coronavirus in this country is going to be my singular focus. maria: mr. vice president, let me ask you about verges with xi jinping because the president said he s spoken a few times, has the president asked why they have played this down from the get-go and perhaps made this worse? let me say the president has a strong relationship with president xi and our hearts go out to the families that have lost loved ones in china and to those that are struggling with the coronavirus. it originated there and china has been been working to address the issue. there was some encouraging news that there were actually fewer new cases in china than in the balance of the rest of the world. maria: and we believe them? well, we have cdc officials that were just in china a few short weeks ago and they informed me that they were able to look at the raw data and from their initial look, it did line up with much of the data that we were receiving so we will continue to to ask the hard questions. we will continue to call on china to even be more transparent that they ve been, but i think the president s decision to suspend all travel out of china and to establish a quarantine for americans who are returning here should tell you everything you need to know about our our overall concern about ensure that what s been happening in china which we have continued and will continue to offer american support and assistance for. maria: mr. vice president, it s about vaccine, promising antiviral or vaccine is developed, let s say willing to pass government muster, are you willing to clear the pathways, regulatory pathways of the fda to get needed antivirals to get to the american people? there s a democratic process to go through the fda? already doing it. dr. fauci made us aware of because of expedited process fda approved we would be able to go to clinical trials on 6 weeks on vaccine for the coronavirus. as dr. fauci, from the the natil institute of health, totally unprecedented. i want your viewers to know that the vaccine will go through the process and will likely not be available for this season, but we are working very earnestly with multiple researchers to develop a vaccine, if the coronavirus, we will deal with it in this season from prevention, mitigation, treatment, but as the next season comes on, if coronavirus persists, then we are going to continue to work, we are clearing the red tape out of the way. the fda is providing great leadership on this front to have a vaccine for the american people by next year. maria: mr. vice president, thank you. and we have a lot more to come with vice president mike pence, join me tomorrow on mornings with maria on fox business for part 2 of my special interview with vice president mike pence. that s tomorrow 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox business. meanwhile joe biden with primary win and with super tuesday ahead can he keep it going. senator tim scott and senator marco rubio ahead. back in a minute. good lookin pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that s pretty sweet. - that s cool. oooohh! that s awesome. where d the trailer go? 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(sensei) beautiful. but support the leg! when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. but now i practice a different philosophy. quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. and now i m back on top. with koala kai. hey! more mercy. (vo) save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. the easy way to a happier business. maria: welcome back, big night for joe biden last night. former vp was, quote, desperate for a win but he may have topped even his own expectations with nearly 30 points victory in the state s democratic presidential primary thanks to strong support from black voters and late-deciders. now he needs to carry momentum into super tuesday now i want to bring tim scott, thank you so much for being here. absolutely, good to be back, maria, thank you. maria: were you expecting this. tell me what is behind joe biden s win from your standpoint? you know, 3 weeks ago he was up by 30, he had terrible debate performances. he went down in the polls that narrowed quickly and then two things happened, number 1, he had the best debate performance of his life number 1. number 2 jim clyburn the next morning endorsed him and also coalesced the african-american leadership. about 61% of african americans say they voted for joe biden and that jim clyburnes endorsement was important to them and number 2, 60% of church goers also voted for joe biden. so if you re looking for a formula for alabama, for georgia, for arkansas, for north carolina, texas, he s going to have to have a jim clyburn in all those states, african americans at high level, high intensity and church goers to create the type of secret sauce he ll need to be successful. that s going to be challenging to do in 14 states, about 6 of the 14 are in is southeast. it s going to be challenging for him to have the money and the infrastructure to replicate that performance, but no doubt about it, the biden bounce will give him more opportunities to raise money to then deploy those dollars in african-american congressional delinquent that delegates and now looking at congressional districts to pick up delegates so that he s alive at the end of tuesday. maria: well, look, at the end of tuesday how much would michael bloomberg have spent? he may be running out about a billion dollars. maria: exactly. he has all the money he needs to keep on going. what about that, tell me about that narrative. well, i think if you think about the bloomberg effect, bloomberg takes votes from biden. no one is really challenging bernie and bernie s lane. the question is did the elizabeth warren bombing of bloomberg end his super tuesday hopes? certainly he spent a billion dollars. he s running out here 3-minute ads during prime time tonight on different stations trying to get traction throughout the 14 states. i think it s going to be a little too late. the warren effect, most important narratives not covered and they have to have you on the air and the breakdowns of the races. the one thing that trump did that other billionaires did not do, he appealed to the voters. he did not try to buy his way to the white house. he actually appealed to the voters. bloomberg did not do that. he s trying to buy the election on super tuesday. bernie s train has already left the station. maria: wow. you look at his numbers in california, in virginia, in texas, he is up, up, up. maria: maybe elizabeth warren wants to be bernie s running mate, i mean, she doesn t you know i thought maria: she might want the vp title for bernie. i tell you what if there s a dream come true it s bernie sanders and elizabeth warren on the ticket for republicans, for conservatives and frankly for the sake of america. it creates the greatest contrast with trump economy and trump endearment of the democratic process that we have. someone who creates a cast system. remember socialism is a cast system. if you re at the bottom, you never move up because when they start redistributing the wealth, you always get to the bottom last and they never come up. maria: this is a really good point. that s what i want to talk to you about because the african-american community has been seeing poverty rates go up. i m sorry poverty rates go down. go down. maria: people being lifted out of poverty is what i meant, but the economy has been a real factor in terms of the support there for president trump. tell me about south carolina and tell me about the african-american support for donald trump right now. well, one of the things that you have to see through all the polls when you look at donald trump s numbers, the president s numbers in the polling of african-american communities, we have seen it as high as 34%. i am confident that president trump will move from 8% of the african-american vote to at least 12% on election day, and the reasons are clear. give me a contrast. think about this, don t think about it from our perspective. i used to be a little kid in a single-parent household, mired in poverty feeling hopeless. what has president trump done? president trump has come in at the state of the union and said education is important to every single american and to an 11-year-old girl in the audience he helped provide an opportunity scholarship so that little girl can have the best, brightest future. he said to a 14-year-old kid whose great grandfather was an airman, you ll be looking down at us. maria: you were with the president at the rally this weekend and you were talking just about this. great to see you this morning, sir, senator tim scott. have a great day. maria: stark warning that america could she shortage of prescription drugs and china would have a lot to do with it. florida senator marco rubio discusses that next. stay with us. tax-smart withdrawals. that you can start, stop or adjust at any time with no penalties. and you pay no advisory fee. schwab intelligent income. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. lobster fan like wild caught lobster, butter poached, creamy and roasted. or try lobster sautéed with crab, shrimp and more. so hurry in and let s lobsterfest. or get it to go at red lobster dot com unlike ordinary memory wsupplements-neuriva?fest. has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. [ fast-paced drumming ] maria: first coronavirus death confirmed in washington state florida senator marco rubio wants to hold china accountable. he s called china over treatment of ughyrs. beginning with the actual virus, you share the virus because researchers around the world can start working on the basis of that and developing treatment and vaccines. they didn t do that. you also share best practices, you share infection numbers, you share statistics and the reason why you that is researchers again all over the world and other governments can take steps and measure to adjust to that. they didn t do that. maria: the president, of course, first thing he did stop flights in and out going to china and yet they have people locked up in their home. the communist party of china is more interested in protecting global image than they are in containing this and that s really the fundamental change here. they intimidated the world health organization which went over there and came out with this review of the way they responded to it and now they are out of the country, the world health organization are criticizing china again for not sharing numbers on how many healthcare workers have been infected. it s really complicated, the response here in u.s. and other countries. maria: we continue to see company after company talk about disruptions in their supply chain, that s going to impact earnings, but when it comes to healthcare supply chains, this is where it really gets dicey and very dangerous for americans because america relies so much on china in particular for our prescription drugs. 80% of the active ingredients in prescription drugs are coming from either china or india, how is it possible that america is so reliant on this when it comes to such an important issue as our prescription drugs? not only is it 80% coming from outside of country and significant of active ingredients are from china but they actually come a lot of frit the province, wuhan province that was the origin of this crisis, and so the result of it now is that there s going to be supply chain issues and disruptions. we already saw last night that there was disclosure that we ve had our first declared drug shortage, they haven t yet as of this moment told us which drug it is. maria: unbelievable. are you expecting that we will see a shortage in things like antibiotics, penicillin? i don t want to speculate on how bad it is. i asked this question a few years ago in a hearing we had with hhs secretary, but bottom line is i do think we are going to have some shortages and i hope we are in a position to manage it here in terms of knowing what they are, but long-term, the question is should we rely as a nation as something as important as medicine. should we rely so heavily on a single foreign country particularly one who is adversary and one appears to be prone to outbreaks that are disruptive. maria: you also talked about investing in chinese companies and why there s so much obsession with making sure that these global indexes include all of the chinese companies. i want to get your take on what this proposal that s on the table for the thrift fund which is the 401(k) money for military past and present and this proposal to put 10% of that 500 billion-dollar thrift fund into the msci index. that index holds a lot of chinese companies, some of which are sanctioned already, others are creating the technology that are tracking the ughyrs in china. do we really want our military to be funding these chinese companies? well, i don t think we want that and that s the first point, and that is from an industrial standpoint. we should not be using money of american federal employees like military personnel, retirees to fund the industrial policy of a country that seeks to overtake us in critical industries. but the second is vulnerability of it. you are seeing it now. you want to invest 10%, 10% of the retirement funds of military personnel and other federal employees into companies in a country that s not transparent. these are not transparent companies. they do not meet the same standards as companies traded on wall street. we don t know what their true numbers are. we don t know what their operations are internally and think of the leverage that that gives them if at some point in a future they decide that they will undervalue those shares for purposes of striking back at american retirees 20 years from now, 10 years from now particularly once those who served in government. it would create societal pressure and it s one more example of the mistakes that have been made over the last 20 years in viewing the true nature of the chinese communist party and practices and that s something that needs to be reversed and i get it, money managers, they want the returns they are getting, it makes them look but the vulnerability is unacceptable. maria: we just did a phase 1 china deal but also recognizing that china has been a bad actor on so many levels. how do we deal with that? we need to because 21st century will be defined by the relationship between the united states and china. maria: right. in every one of our interactions with them we are always going to act in the best interest of the united states of america. that means that if something that if some action on their part or ours runs counter to national interest and/or national security, we don t do it. that s the bottom line. these are not punitive measures. this is not punishing china but protecting the united states. the critical mistakes in last 20 years that capitalism would change china when in fact, it s china that has changed capitalism. maria: senator, do you think china is concocting plans? in 21st century conflict is not going to be military against military, it s going to operate in the informational realm and the cyber realm and and electrical warfare and all sorts of and diplomatic pressure that we see even now, the leverage that they hold over the world, the health organization and others, those are the new battlefields of the 21st century and most certainly employ the asymmetric capabilities if potential for conflict arises. maria: senator, thank you very much for your time, we certainly appreciate it. thank you. maria: senator marco rubio, we will be right back to help more employees achieve their dreams. t-mobile has the first and only, nationwide 5g network. and with it, you can shape the future. we ve invested 30 billion dollars and built our new 5g network for businesses like yours. while some 5g signals only go a few blocks, t-mobile 5g goes for miles. no other 5g signal goes farther or is more reliable in business. tomorrow is in your hands. partner with t-mobile for business today. maria: welcome back, worries over the coronavirus have caused stock market selloff with dow industrials and the s&p 500 down about 12% just in the last 5 trading sessions. that s $2 trillion in lost market value. former white house chief strategist steve bannon called that weeks ago on this program. he expected to see a slower economy and a market disruption. he joins me right now steve bannon is the host of the wildly successful war room pandemic. you had the pandemic series on before anybody was talking about this. 8 weeks ago. maria: you saw that coming and talked about it on the program. first, your reaction from what you heard of vice president mike pence and senator marco rubio about china? i think he had breaking news about china. number 1, cdc has gone, hopefully they went to wuhan, they have gone to china, who team, they looked at raw data. in addition, and i think this is powerful because i fall more into the super hawk category with senator rubio. the president is continuing the push president xi for more data and more transparency and that needs to be done here. remember one of the most powerful things president trump has done in addition to the bold action early on is to say nothing is inevitable. he s reached back to fdr, what we have to fear is fear itself, okay, we need to get all of the information out there and take bold action. remember, he shut down travel back in late january and joe biden said this is nativist, typical kind of identity politics attack when president trump bought us time and inflow of other people that. yeah. start to get local authorities up to speed with the task force he has and i think this is all about bold action. remember, nancy pelosi attacked that trump doesn t know. president trump says we have to stop partisan nonsense. this is a national challenge. this is why the united states is the indispensable nation. we have the economy, we have the expertise and we have the will and president trump is showing that and i think in pence s interview you saw rubio, hey, everything the ccp is a lie, they spin everything, they suppress. lost 2 months. they probably lost all of december, most of january. maria: we talked about this weeks ago when i said, look, they sent the largest delegation ever to davos in january. they went to sign the phase 1 trade deal, shaking everybody s hand, they knew coronavirus was happening. what about the impact of the economy? president trump has to show real leadership, he has. he was courageous saying no more flights to china as he got criticized. what is he going to do now as we see businesses pulling back. 3 banks last week said, look, we will not have any earnings growth at all in 2020, and look the market $2 trillion in market value lost. let s bifurcate this for a second. we have a pandemic of a virus. that has disruption in the economy, travel. maria: components, shortages. that s the deeper things, not just making china manufacturer of the world. that s the deeper issue. that s where president trump has been ahead of this. he is whole campaign has been moving supply chain back. people forget the central part of nafta us to make north america and méxico geo strategic alternative. this is what we have in front of us. you have the media problems, pharmaceuticals, generics, api s, you have masks an consumers of medical. you the deeper thing. china is trying to get up foxconn trying to force people back up to the countries. maria: he s sending people back to work even though they are still dying. you saw the numbers and that would take leadership of president trump and the united states, you saw the numbers coming out of china on friday were horrific. they were 36%, i think, for their manufacturing and that s probably a promoted number. if you look at the actual logistics, rail stock going around and coal, you have seen the atmosphere cleared up. literally nothing going on in manufacturing. president trump is dealing with that. that s where the market selloff is. remember, his entire thesis to bring the supply chain back to industrial democracies. that s the entire thesis of trade from day one. he s continue today take bold action and that s what leadership is about. maria: i tell you, the president has changed the conversation around china. now you re looking at companies wondering if they could trust china anymore. what does this mean for china and their plans for 2030 and their plans to take over the u.s. in terms of being number 1? we know while ships were supposed to be coming to america to distribute gloves and masks, the chinese government told those ships turn around, we need them. we will not keep the contract that is we had with american companies. this is the central part of economic s thesis. the china price comes at a huge cost, right? you had the globalization project. always looked at slave labor in china making the absolute lowers cost of production and ship throughout the world. one belt, one road. you ve had made in china 2025. you ve had hauwei, the whole hauwei situation. president trump said, hey, the industrial democracies have to bring the supply chain back and all the wall street cheerleaders. you didn t see them cheering last week because now we understand not just national security but health security is linked with having this logistic chain in the middle of china and that s what people will start looking at right now. that s why i think quite frankly on the healthcare side with pence, i think it s terrific. you the vice president in charge of this, secretary azar, with fauci. do i think you need to bifurcate that and economic task force. these issues not just short-term or supply chain and medical, peter navarro, the deeper issues about supply chain coming back. i think an economic task force that would be looked at, what are we doing here on supply chain, how are we going to bring it back to industrial democracies particularly north america. maria: especially since you have senator cotton saying we don t know how this originated. the only level 4 super lab in china is in wuhan, he s questioning how it originated. for maria: real quick. for senator cotton saying that you re conspiracy theorist. the mainstream media and far left, oh, conspiracy theorist. all he s saying and this gets back to what pence said, it s incumbent upon the communist party and president xi to give all the information. maria: they are not. this is what cotton is saying. it s incumbent upon them to get all the information out. i think you re seeing in the sub text of what pence was saying that conversations trump is having with xi is to force more transparency. maria: this is changing geopolitics. let me get your take on the 2020 field. you saw what happened in south carolina. super tuesday 2 days away. what s your assessments. i think bernie versus the antibernie movement. last night biden had a big night. one of the most important things the african-american vote which is critical to democrat party is not buying what bernie is selling. they are not buying the socialism. they are not buying the radicalism and not buying the revolution. these are practical pragmatic people. you will see on super tuesday how it plays out. bloomberg s capital will back one of the establishment alternatives whether that s biden or hillary clinton or somebody else, okay against bernie. they will try to steal the nomination from bernie again and that s why i think many bernie supporters will come to president trump at the end of the day. there s nobody on that stage, nobody on the ballot in south carolina, there s nobody in the ballot on super tuesday that is going to defeat donald trump. maria: you still think hillary clinton might make an appearance in the election? i think that the democratic party will look for any alternative to biden. obviously bloomberg doesn t have the charisma or presence. if they can t get biden to do it, they will look somewhere else. hillary is out there pushing herself. maria: what about michelle obama who you mentioned, bernie 7 or 8 points behind, the obamas and the clintons will look for any alternative to defeat president trump. their number one octoberive is to defeat president trump. that s why they ve had they accuse suppression of information. dr. fauci stood up there and said i haven t been suppressed. what we are trying to do is get accurate information out and that s what you need right now. the democrats will do anything to destroy donald trump and that s why i think that they will come around any candidate they think can do it. so this thing is still wide open. but here is a point, this is trump s churchill moment. he s got to bring the country together which he is doing. confront not just the virus but the economic contagion that s coming out of china that rubio talked about. if he does that, we don t need to worry about 2020. maria: we will see you soon. gop congressman devin nunes to sue one of president trump s least liked newspapers. devin nunes is next. and years before that. all these awards are real proof that we built a network that really works for you. the network more people rely on. now experience america s most-awarded network on the phone you love, the amazing iphone. plus, up to $650 off the latest iphone when you switch. with apple music included. since you re heading off to dad. i just got a zerowater. but we ve always used brita. it s two stage-filter. doesn t compare to zerowater s 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 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(sensei) beautiful. but support the leg! when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. but now i practice a different philosophy. quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. and now i m back on top. with koala kai. hey! more mercy. (vo) save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. the easy way to a happier business. maria: welcome back, california congressman devin nunes to file lawsuit to washington post after misinformation of collusion with president trump. congressman nunes joins me right now. congressman, good to see you this morning. thank you very much for joining me. when did you file suit against the washington post? will likely file tomorrow afternoon in federal court. this is just ongoing nonsense. we are on russiagate 9.0 and a lot of people forget because the narrative was the new russia hoax that started about 10 days ago, 2 weeks ago fell victim to new narrative about coronavirus and then blaming trump, but the mainstream media continues to go about their normal pace of creating narratives and then going out and selling them to the american people and they hope that we forget. but, you know, unfortunately for me and the american people these fake news stories live on and what the washington post, you know, did to me once again is there s no explanation for it. i i never talked to president trump about admiral mcguire, i didn t go to the white house. none of it was true. it was all invented by someone. so look, i don t know if the washington post was conspiring with the democrats to make up the fake news story but they ll have a chance next week to meet me in federal court and once again i will make this prediction. washington post nowhere to be found. any time you try to hold these fake news companies accountable they do everything but meet you in federal court. they will stall or delay but ultimately we will hold them accountable. maria: what happens to your suit to cnn, they are going to say free speech? that s still ongoing. that s a good example. just a few months ago after impeachment hoax blow up in house of representatives, what did they do? they said i was doing nefarious things in viena, austria when, in fact, i had proof that i was not in viena austria when they said i was there. this is a very similar case in that they said that i spoke to the president, went to the white house and spoke to the president about admiral mcguire. look, i was in tulsa, oklahoma on the days in question. all the washington post had to do, maria, real simple, all they had to do is go to social media. there s hundreds an hundreds of witnesses in tulsa, oklahoma. i wasn t talking to the president of the united states. maria: the intel committee must have been part of this with cnn and the washington post because you have john brennan over there on, you know, cnn and msnbc for 3 years saying the president committed treason. adam schiff all over tv also making the charges. what is your take on john ratcliffe who is a regular on this program, a friend of sunday morning futures, congratulations to you, congressman ratcliffe for being nominated by the president for the new dni, director of national intelligence. is this going to help with the agencies that are obviously getting caught up with the media s narrative? well, if you look at the most important issue today that we have within the intelligence agencies and because on many fronts the 17 agencies are doing a great job, right, we took out soleimani and taking outer risks in yemen. they are doing a really good job. where do we have a problem? the american people are losing trust in the department and the fbi. so the most important issue at the highest level is building back that trust and who better than john ratcliffe who actually was one of our lead investigators, who go to the bottom of russiagate hoax. he s the one that really knows the issue and makes a lot of sense to put john ratcliffe in there. the senate should quickly approve him because he s a man that really knows what he s doing and get to the bottom of a very serious problem which is, you know, how are we going to continue to go after terrorists and others if the american people don t trust the department of justice and the fbi? maria: and if the agencies are using the tools we use against terrorists against donald trump which is what happened in 2016. stay with us, congressman. i want to get your take on the president s efforts for peace in afghanistan. stay with us. wow! that s ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it s a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i m tryin ! keep it up. you ll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. maria: well the u.s. and the taliban signing a deal hope to go end the longest war that began in 2001. i m back with house intel ranking member devin nunes and you just made news about your lawsuit against the washington post that will be tomorrow. i want to also get your take on this, congressman. well, thank you, maria, it s great to as always people are just sick of the washington post and the fake news media and i m tired of being attacked and, you know, that s why i created this site, we have to stop millions of americans being poisoned by the fake news. i think what you re seeing in afghanistan is real quickly is, i don t have a lot of confidence that the taliban is going to perform at all, but what president trump is doing is he s giving a runway for the taliban to to land on. i just think it s impossible for them and but ultimately we will see where this goes if you look at probably what the future is, they ll probably spoil their chance once again and ultimately what we will be left with is powerful force to take outer risks and all the international money will dry up. i think the american people and nato allies are tired of spending money on on these failed governments and we are just not in a position to try to rebuild afghanistan anymore, so it will end up being small force and left with mountains and goats and travel warfare. maria: well, they have preconditions in the deal. that alone tells you that i don t know if the administration even believes they will be truthful. preconditions that have to be met. these are extremists and the problem here is that the administration is giving them a landing spot, but the taliban for a long time has been connected to al-qaeda, the hakani network. for years they have blood on their hands of american soldiers. we hope for the expect but likely scenario here is that they will fail again and it s sad. millions of afghans will suffer but we as american people we have to stop spending money on this failed this failed rebuilding effort in afghanistan. maria: all right, we will leave it there. congressman, good to see you, thank you so much. thank you, maria. maria: congressman devin nunes that will do it for sunday morning futures. don t forget to join me this upcoming week on mornings with maria on fox business, we have part 2 of my interview with mike pence. plus all week we will be covering the market activity because the stock market loss lost $2 trillion in market value in the last 5 days. you will get the best analysis on mornings with maria. stay with us on fox . bernard pu, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that s saving me cash with drivewise. who s the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he s a baby! eric: two days to go before the big day, super tuesday. democratic candidates are crisscrossing the country trying to drum up as much support in advance of that day as possible. and one stop today includes alabama. you see mayor michael bloomberg there walking with the other congregants. they are in selma, alabama, marking 55 years since the infamous bloody sunday civil rights march there. hello, everyone, and welcome to a brand new hour of america s news headquarters, i m eric shawn. arthel: and i m arthel neville. the democratic rivals commemorating the day in 1965 when luntz of

Arkansas , United-states , Alabama , Afghanistan , Alexandria , Al-iskandariyah , Egypt , Texas , Iran , Washington , Florida , China

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20200315

decades of medical research and efforts to find cures philanthropist michaelmilken will weigh in and also we re zeroing in on where this all began, congressman devon nunes on his investigation into china s behavior on the world stage that and a lot more as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. the coronavirus pandemic spreading across the country further disrupting daily live nearly 3,000 cases now reported in 49 states and washington d.c. a total of 57 deaths with the majority in halved hit washington state as the house passed bipartisan emergency legislation to fight this pandemic after getting president trump s backing it goes now to the senate. my first guest says we can t overcome this , house minority leader kevin mccarthy, thanks for joining us. thanks for having me back, maria. maria: tell me about the bill that went so late on friday night, what it has in it and why is it important? well we went late because the original bill that speaker pelosi put was just not workable and as i said on thursday, we should take a deep breath, not leave congress take the next 24 and 48 hours and fix it and actually come together, take the part that divide us and let s unite for the american public. what it does is three main thins and makes sure everybody has the ability to get a test if they need it. it allows for sick leave if you are sick or if you are caring for a loved one. it makes sure the department of defense and the va has the resources needed to care for those veterans. i had a real concern what it did to small business that was real changes inside the bill and that s why it came late. i wanted flexibility for those small businesses especially under 50. we have to make sure if you re going to mandate small business provide this leave how can they have the resources, the speaker had the social security doing it , would harm social security and they couldn t get it up and running and the second of treasury will now advance the money to small business for that quarter, to pay for that sick leave going forward for this short time period making sure that we have a timetable on this , that there was a sunset, and also democrats had put una number of provisions that were just philosophically wrong with anything to do here they wanted to change the law and have taxpayer pay for abortion we made sure we took that out as well. maria: well i don t understand you had abortion in a bill about coronavirus? yeah, the things you have to watch, especially when it doesn t go through committee and there s a crisis. people will take their philosophical beliefs and try to run that through, we have the amendment that we have voted on for decades i wanted to make sure that provision was in and i wanted to also make sure there s flexibility especially for those small businesses, 50 or under, if this is a hardship that they have the option to get out and that was one of the last provisions we got into the bill. i want to make sure people have jobs to come back to. maria: let me ask you about this article on the federal list , the title is why the pelosi wuhan virus deal is a near total gop surrender, for blue collar entrepreneurs and they are zeroing in on what you re talking about in terms of small and mid-sized businesses, and they re saying that we re going to see layoffs once this is over from small and mid- sized businesses. they need anything they can cling to to stay afloat and delay further layoffs there s nothing for them in this apparent deal, nothing for the blue collar businessman this country s middle class was founded on even the $50 billion that the president previously announced for small business are not only good for big businesses , who can guarantee it , but bad for smaller businesses. you are getting some pushback on this idea that small and mid- size businesses are having to put out this big cost. well, if they read the final version of the bill they would see the flexibility that the secretary had. the secretary treasury will actually advance the money ahead of time so the small business will be able to have the resources if they have somebody on sick leave. remember there s a sunset time period and also, remember what we re dealing with here. just as they say we ve got to get through that peak, that peak can overtake the medical system. the watch what the world health organization recently said that europe is the epicenter. we want to thank this president for the action he took early stopping the flights from china also stopping those flights from europe. it is making america safer so how do we manage all this going forward? if somebody is sick we want to make sure they have testing. we want to make sure they aren t at work providing and making contamination to other individuals so we ve got to have that sick leave. we know businesses being hurt. there s no basketball going on, no march madness, there s no hockey going on, people are quarantining themselves which is what we need to do so we need action and that s why we gave that flexibility and the advancement of money. remember, america working together, can get through anything that we need and we showed just that last friday night that we can, what divides us can come together for the american public and you watch the action that this president took. extraordinary and he s looking further ahead from the oil industry, filling the spur because it s lower oil price, helping the energy at the same time, helping america making sure no interest rates on those who have student loans, we re taking every possible action that this is a moment in time that we need to come together and that s why sunsetting it giving small business the resources they need and help during this time, we will get through this together and we will actually be stronger in the end. maria: yeah, you make a good point. this is a moment in time that all hands are on deck. this is a moment in time that everyone is worried about this pandemic now the world health organization is calling it so why did it take so long to get this done? why were you at work at 1:00 a.m. on friday night? i mean, why did nancy pelosi have so much delay if this is such urgency? well there s a number of reasons, but the reason why it was late into the night, i did not want to see a bill jam because it did not go through committee. i wanted more eyes on it. i wanted the ability to walk through every version. it s going to go to the senate, i was working with senator mcconnell the leader over in the senate on numerous things i would see that it could enhance even further, working with this president, this president has taken decisive action early to help us in this cause of where we re walking through, this bill adds to that at the same time. you want to have testing and i think what the president has done with that public private partnership, every community either has a cvs, a walgreens, a target or a walmart, to be able to open up their parking lot to have this testing and have the new version of testing going through, we have innovative companies here going to help us. you look at what gilliad is going through with the therapy treatment and johnson & johnson and other companies to get us a vaccine. we want to work through this together. i remember the story about president kennedy when he challenged this country to go to the moon. a year later he s walking through nasa, he s meeting those who work there and runs into an individual whose a janitor and asks them what s your job and he says my job is to put a man on the moon. at this moment in time republicans, democrats and all americans need to come together and our job is to make sure we get through this virus attack that did not come from here, and make sure we re safe and we re going to take actions we haven t taken before, and we will come out stronger just as we have before. maria: so when we were on the phone this weekend talking about this interview, you talked about this virus being sort of like it s going to get worse before it gets better and then maybe it dies down but do you expect it comes back in the fall well i m not sure. we learn something more every day about this coronavirus but influenza normally in the summertime dips down and can come back in the fall. what we need to have happen here is as many nih will tell you you don t want to have something to over run a big peak. you want to level it out, as the grass would show. italy right now is not, did not have that happen, because their leadership did not take the actions that president trump took. that s why the next four weeks are so critical. that s why this determination of the actions that we are making are smart in the long run. we do not want our health care system that s why elective surgeries are being pushed aside that s why we re preparing and doing the public private partnership, more testing, the v a. this is more vulnerable for those who are older all of the information that we have, the washing of the hands and others, everybody needs to be working together and i think congress showed friday night. maria: let me ask you congressman before you go, we re going to talk about the economic impact of peter navarro and a lot of people are expecting recession, i love what the president said the other day about oil and buying new oil, we re going to talk about that with peter navarro as well but from your standpoint in terms of getting to a vaccine in terms of pharmaceutical companies are you willing to make sure that the rules and regulations around the fda in terms of getting a drug through approval process are dealt with some getting a fast-track approval? yeah, so the president has already taken actions on that as well. what s unique to hear is we have had some changes within the fda in this trump adminitration, to streamline, to make sure nothing from the bureaucratic incidence is holding it up and we ve got a lot of smart companies out there already working together. remember when ebola hit it was an american company that got the vaccine. we were able to use nih to make sure that containment happened. unfortunately when this crisis hit china hid from it, in november it came forward, president trump asked to send our scientists and our doctors our very best researchers there they were not allowed to and now it is a spread across the world but the actions that president trump has taken has actually made us safer, but unfortunately , now europe is the epicenter and that s why the action that he took on the flights coming through, that s why americans need to work together but it has to be a public private partnership and i will tell you, we have overcome things that are bigger but the next four weeks where we need to be smart, act together, and find a way that we will get through that we will not have that peak but measure this out and at the end of the day you and i will talk again on this show and we ll talk about the ingenuit y of our companies that got a vaccine for it and how we were prepared ahead of time just like we did by increasing funding to the nih and cdc for the last four years. maria: do you think you re going to need to the president will need to mobilize the military to create hospital beds? i know we ve got a lot of shortages including hospital beds as these numbers spike. are you going to need is the president going to need to mobilize the military for this? well the one thing that we could do, there is a bill by dr. burgess that you bring in the reserve medical into help in that instance. you want to make sure you protect and the other element inside this bill i did not talk about you want to make sure that we have more maps especially for all of those in the medical, so they are protected. but this bill allowed them to actually produce millions more than industrial level version that can help those in the medical industry and now they can sell them to them, so there s many different elements of this bill that protects us even further. and these are the plannings that we are taking. unfortunately we try to get that supplement all but democrats said no earlier. maria: congressman good to have you on the program thanks very much for your efforts. thank you, maria. move we ll see you soon, minority leader kevin mccarthy. stay with us we re examining how the u.s. spends billions on pharmaceutical imports from china, why are our most important ingredients for the drugs that we need produced in china? why it could be time to start investing more back at home. white house advisor peter navarro is here live to respond, back in a moment. things you ca: you can earn more when you invest your cash. you can get a satisfaction guarantee. you can also wonder why our competitors don t offer that. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. stays at and earn a free night. because when your business is making the most of it, our business is you. book direct at for people with heart failure taking entresto, it may lead to a world of possibilities. entresto is a heart failure medicine prescribed by most cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart s ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there s no telling where life may take you. don t take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don t take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you ve had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. maria: welcome back in the midst of the coronavirus crisis there is a sharp focus on how dependent the united states is on china, and other countries for some of the most important materials, we need. when it comes to pharmaceuticals and equipment with the u.s. bringing in $130 billion in imported supplies, some 70% of the active ingredients in our pharmaceuticals come from china. let s bring in peter navarro, he is the assistant to the president for trading manufacturing policy, and he joins us today from the white house. peter it s good to see you this morning thanks for joining us. good morning, maria we have the full power of the federal government right behind me, and we re working day and night on this issue. maria: i know you are and you ve been working on this for a while let s talk about it what you can do and how fast you can do it. i m going to hold my criticism for another day, in terms of why for four administrations this has happened, so many of our important critical items are produced in china, tell us what you can do in terms of switching the supply chain back to america yeah, let s state where the puck has to be which is to have our resources on domestic soil, we have an executive order , where we re racing to the finish line, we cosign it as early as the end of this week. it s a three-prong strategy consistent with what president trump has done from the get go in terms of onshoring jobs it s buy american, it s deregulate and innovate technology. the buy american issue, maria, is we have hhs, the va, and dod, as large consumers of pharmaceuticals. we got to get them to buy american over the long term, so we have a stable source of demand so that that will attract investment. the same time we have to get the fda and the epa to make sure that we cite and operate facilities on u.s. soil, it goes smooth and fast. that s not what s happening now, and in terms of innovation this is the good news to keep drug prices down, we need to leap frog into what s called advanced manufacturing, there s techniques such as continuous manufacturing, 3d printing, we re hoping to throw a switch in as much as 30-45 days on a new facility right here in virginia, and using the funds that we got in the emergency supplemental, and if we do all of those things in trump time which is to say as soon as possible we re going to put in motion a long term trend to bring our pharmaceuticals, our medical equipment, our medical supplies home, on domestic soil, and we won t have to worry every time we have a crisis whether that supply chain is going to break down. maria: and you say that you have the president is going to sign an executive order about this possibly within the next week? yes, we re racing to the finish line on it. its gone through most of the process, we have to run the legal traps on it, and get the final approval, but this is the president s high priority and he said repeatedly he wants to get it donald signed it will make a difference in both the short and the long run and in the meantime, on the supply chain issues, maria, we re tackling and looking at each of the possible bottlenecks and as we speak we re working to make sure we have everything we need as soon as we need it. maria: i m going to get to the three-pronged strategy that the administration has, in terms of the big fiscal stimulus, the targeted relief that we heard about last night and what you re doing with specific industries but let me ask you this because we ll take a break before that. the reason we have all of this production of such important critical materials in china, is it as simple as it s cheap labor? what s the reason that we have so many important producing of these important critical items like antibiotics produced in china? sure, let s be clear. it s china, it s india for the raw materials and api, but then it s also europe for the finished goods, germany, switzerland. why? simply because the sweat shop labor, lax environmental regulations and with china in particular they target, they target our pharmaceutical and biotech industries with their massive sub say diplomats using the same kind of economic aggressive techniques that they ve done to take out things like electronics and machine tools, so we got to fight back on that but i want to stress here, that it s more than a china problem. india, for example, we got a lot from them but interestingly india is dependent on china so we have that. maria: right so it s direct and indirect. yeah, and so the obama administration had a wakeup call on this three different times over eight years, went back to sleep. not going to happen with president trump. we re going to get this done, and it s going to be a long term strategy where buy american is going to set the floor in terms of demand, we re going to innovate, deregulate and we re going to protect the american people. maria: stay with us, i want to take a break and when we come back i want to ask you about recession and what this is doing to our economy and will the president s fiscal stimulus like a payroll tax cut stop an impending recession we have more with white house trade manufacturing advisor peter navarro when we come right back as we look ahead on sunday morning futures stay with us. introducing a single sports destination, where you can find games, news and highlights. all in one place, right on your tv. the new xfinity sports zone. use your voice to search every stat and score. follow the teams you love. and get notifications when the game s about to start, with the xfinity sports zone, everybody wins. now that s simple, easy, awesome. say xfinity sports zone into your voice remote today. maria: welcome back i m back with white house trade advisor peter navarro talking about the impact of coronavirus and the solutions coming out of the white house, and peter you ve got an op-ed this morning out on and you say faced with coronavirus pandemic congress should pass trump s $800 billion payroll tax cut. why is this the best stimulus right now? we need a fiscal stimulus there s going to be big headwind s because of the structural adjustments we re making now, and the beauty of the payroll tax cut until the end of the year, the payroll tax is 15%, if you basically cut that to zero, it s like a 7.5% raise, for workers it s like one extra paycheck every three months at the same time it helps our businesses particularly our small and medium-size businesses manage their cash flow over these times where we have risk and uncertainty. what the house and congress are doing now, is basically important but it s a relief package. it s not primarily a stimulus. we got to do the stimulus along with some assistance, we got to hit three points of that compass , relief, fiscal stimulus , and industry assistance, and of the three, the most important for the next six months is going to be that payroll tax cut, and i would ask everybody up on the hill to look at this and understand the headwinds we re facing now. maria: well, the headquartereds are clear markets have been reacting to that as you know we hit another thousand points here , thousand points there decline in the dow industrials this week because economic activity is coming to a stand still, one point in front of me is a contraction of .8 of a percent is in the economy in the second quarter do you expect a recession, peter? what i thought was on friday , i was never prouder of my president than on friday in the rose garden. i think what he offered there was a clear plan, and also, light at the end of the tunnel, a path essentially to victory, both in terms of public health and on the economy. i think the decisions we make over the next week or two will determine whether we have a significant down turn or not, i think congress needs to come back in session, come back where the cherry blossoms are already out but come back and do the fiscal stimulus. steny hoyer it himself, standing next to nancy pelosi, it was only a first step they can t go away for two weeks and decide to come back and take another two weeks to act on this. that s not the way this works in trump time. they need to be here, they need to give the american people a payroll tax cut, the middle class blue collar tax cut, and it s the best way to fight these headquartereds and if they don t like it come up with a better idea and i can tell you it s the best idea. maria: let me ask you this because the president also made a real impact on the oil industry on friday. we know that oil prices have gotten crushed, not just because of this expectation of lower global demand, but also because of this fight between saudi arabia and russia. listen to the president said on friday about the strategic oil reserve, let s roll tape. president trump: i ve also instructed the secretary of energy to purchase at a very good price, large quantities of crowd oil for storage in the u.s. , strategic reserve, we re going to fill it right up to the top, saving the american taxpayer billions and billions of dollars, helping our oil industry and making us even further. maria: and with that oil prices surged in the aftermarket, peter i suspect tomorrow will be a big day on the upside for oil. let me ask you whether it s the oil industry, the airline industry, the cruise line industry you say this is a three -prong approach so you ve got your targeted relief which we talked about with mccarthy, your fiscal stimulus and then heavily-impacted industries what are you going to say to those people who say that s a bailout, you can t bailout industries, peter. [laughter] look, this is something we ve never encountered before, and we need to deal with the full power of the federal government. on the relief issue, the most important part of that relief in terms of mitigating this virus is that paid leave for workers, as this is compassionate but it is also you can t have the choice of going to work sick or staying home and going broke , and so we do that on the relief, we have the fiscal stimulus with the payroll tax cut and then we help our industries like that we re going to buy low, fill high on the strategic petroleum reserve and i was on that call with dan brulet, secretary of energy and it s going to be buy american oil, as he fills that reserve we ve got to protect our people, at this time, so i don t want to hear any of that. maria we got to put all this aside in terms of this , we ve got to get together as the people not as a party, and we ve got to solve these problems and do it in trump time , which is to say this week, we need to act on all of these things. maria: understood, peter real quick on that sick leave compensation, this is not just listen let s help our people, this is we don t want to spread it. keep your people home and if you re sick, stay home. we cannot spread it. that s the bottom line correct? yeah, it s two birds with one stone. we want to help our people, we can t let them go broke at home, but at the same time if they can stay home if they re sick, or stay home if they need to take care of their family, they will be able to do that. we will stop this virus, flatten that curve that s the mission that the president gave us in the rose garden, america is going to fulfill our mission. maria: peter thank you, good to talk with you sir. yes ma am. maria: peter navarro at the white house, what corporate america needs to do to get on board fighting this coronavirus, michael milken has been studying life threatening diseases for decades we ll talk with him live as we look ahead on sunday morning futures he s next. tomorrow. it s a day filled with promise and new beginnings, challenges and opportunities. at ameriprise financial we can t predict what tomorrow will bring. but our comprehensive approach to financial planning can help make sure you re prepared for what s expected and even what s not. and that kind of financial confidence can help you sleep better at night. with the right financial advisor life can be brilliant. we re all committed to making sure we re keeping our stores open we re ramping up our manufacturing capacity to ensure the right collection devices and testing equipment are ready to address this issue. we ll stay involved and do everything we can from a supply chain point of view to be of assistance. we re working every second of every day to increase the number of tests we can run. maria: that was a group of leading corporate executives on friday discussing their efforts to fight coronavirus how to handle the impact, philanthropist michael milken has been studying life threatening diseases for decades and emphasizing faster cures through his milken institute and foundation joining me right now to talk about where we are in the face of this new pandemic, michael good to see you thanks so much for being here. good morning, maria. maria: you just heard all of those ceo s you and i talked about this over the phone on the weekend and you said the same thing, now is one of those moments in time, similar to after pearl harbor, when the country pulled together there s a new shift in priorit ies. tell me about it. well i think we all realize, we are all on this same team. we are all pulling together, and we will solve this challenge as we have in the past. my own efforts and those of our various foundations, we have directed all of their efforts here, particularly those in public public health et cetera to mitigating the responses and we ve been focused in six particular areas. maria: let s go through those , mike, because you talk about education, prevention, treatment , cure, and financial. walk us through what s most important, how we can all get on the same page, and what we need to know in the face of this increasing threat? well we need to make sure focused on education on what we can do to mitigate the cases, reduce the speaking that people are talking about, but also, understand the technology. computers are a million times faster today and as we know in cancer, there are more than 15 million americans living normal lives today, and more than 73 different cancers are linked by similar mutation. this data is available to us, and we have experiences in taiwan, singapore and other countries around the world that gives us a roadmap of what our citizens can do. as it relates to prevention, we have a lot of discussions and you ve had them this morning on washing your hands, reducing social interaction, but there s other things we know today, because we have sequenced what has caused your microbiomes, the bacteria in your body. more than 90% of the bacteria in your body is not human. there s good bacteria which can prevent you from getting disease , focused on diet, what you eat, how you live your life, et cetera, so it isn t just the external things but the internal things that can prevent you. what we do know in numerous situations when there is a challenge, that the number of cases of the flu goes down, the number of other diseases as people are more focused on prevention and it not only prevents other diseases, but it might reduce the impact of this one. maria: you just mentioned diet and i know that at one point you were given a death sentence. you were told you have prostate cancer you re going to die you have a certain amount of months left. you changed your diet, you rallied up the most important and sort of innovative technique tell me what happened real quick on that before we get to the next item which is want to go through treatment with you. well what we do know for numerous cancers, and other diseases, your diet can change how your genes are expressed and reduce the growth of diseases like cancer, and in some cases, maybe prevent you from getting. we need people s immune system and yes, there s things like sleep and others that can energize your immune system and last year, jim allison won a nobel prize for this concept that energizing your immune system quite possibly and turning it on can put your cancer into remission and in this case, melanoma, which took my father s life in the 1970s and has changed my life and focus forever. maria: wow incredible. mike, let me ask you want to talk about treatment now. this is another category. what should we be doing, at the same time we re about to see the number of cases in the u.s. spike. two weeks ago i came on this program and i told the audience brace yourself, the number is about to go up and that is exactly what s happening there are worries that there is going to be a major strain on our healthcare system, mike, that we don t have enough beds. we don t have enough ventilators et cetera. what are we going to do with that as you also look at treatment and what s most important for the public to understand? well these six areas of education that we talked about, prevention, testing. testing is going to change dramatically. in nebraska they ve announced they have the test down to two hours and i m sure it will become faster. we can t talk about all the mistakes or what went wrong in past. we need to focus on how to ramp up testing and the videos that you show from the president s press conference on friday show you just like pearl harbor, private industry and public partnerships are mobilizing today to deal with the testing problem. that will be behind us. treatment, what is working? we know the gilead anti-viral treatment has already gone into patients. there are more than 30 antiviral treatments that we are testing today. it was not that long ago when the leading talk show host, oprah, went on television and to americans that as much as one out of five americans might die in the next three years, it did not happen. we do not have a vaccine for hiv and aids but antiviral has brought it under control for the vast majority of people in the world today and so the treatment of with antivirals , the treatment with antibodies and the things that can energize your immune system and put good bacteria in your body are already occurring in cancer and crohn s disease, and have been very effective, so everyone is concerned how long it s going to take for a virus. there s a high probability that we will control this disease with antiviral and other treatment long before we have a vaccine. maria: i see because they re talking about a year with a cure , a year for a vaccine, based on what you know and it s studied in terms of medical research you think just the antivirals, the therapeutics could actually be quite significant even if we don t have a vaccine for a year? and putting good bacteria into patient s bodies. maria: i see. there are numerous americans that have had good outcomes. this virus has very little effect on us. we could take their good bacteria and put it into other individuals. maria: mike let me ask you about financial because obviously, sports has shut down, concerts are shut down, people are not spending money you re not allowed to be in big crowds. what is the answer here? you heard some of the stimulus that we ve talked about this morning, congressman mccarthy, peter navarro talking about a fiscal stimulus, what to do about the u.s. economy slowing down as much as it is and possibly going into recession mid-year? well that is the sixth area that we re focused on, once again, education, prevention, treatment, cure, how we re caring for people and cure, and then financial. the majority of americans, the vast majority of americans live paycheck to paycheck. we have to keep this feeling of economic freedom for them and their families, and likewise, more than 50% of all of the employees in our country work for small and medium businesses. those small entrepreneurs that have reached out and created a business and so i think there s a number of things we can do and we are extremely focused on this area, as to how we can bring freedom. there are new companies in america today, digital companies , that loan money to people to cover paycheck to paycheck, charging no interest. they ve interacted with tens of millions of americans and have the ability to distribute money to them, so these creative solutions, we need to let americans, particularly the vast majority who have lived paycheck to paycheck know that we are not going to for sakes them and let them deal with this issue. maria: mike it s good to have you. we ll leave it there. i d like to say one more thing, maria. maria: sure. this has emphasized before, we have solved these problems with polio, with aids, and hiv, and we have made enormous progress in concert cancer, and cancer drugs that we have might be the solution here, but we have to stop, starting and building a health care system and then dismantling. we have to keep this in place, so that every time, this isn t an emergency. maria: absolutely, mike it s great to have you this morning by the way congratulations on a well-deserved pardon we appreciate you joining us this morning. thank you. maria: we ll see you soon. mike milken joining us we ll take a break and when we come back, devon nunes dives into the china investigation once again we ve talked about over the last several years with the congressman, back in a minute with him. 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there s no shortage of food in this country. people don t need to go to the store and fight over a bottle of water or toilet paper. i come from the bread basket of the world in the san joaquin valley and we want people to go out and buy food but there s no shortage of food. the main thing that people need to focus on is just a couple issues. number one, if you re sick, at all, be smart. stay away from people. number two, if you know someone that is senior, or if you have an underlying health condition especially with your lungs, you are at high risk, so we need to focus all of our energy, on our senior population with underlying health concerns, and there is no reason, maria for the american people to be running to the grocery store, to buy 27 banks of toilet paper. okay? maria: [laughter] there s no shortage of toilet paper, no shortage of food coming from someone who we want you to buy food. maria: right, i understand. and i ll say this too. i ll just say this too. you were just talking about the economy, and where there s a lot of concerns with the economy here because p.m. are scared to go out but i will just say if you re healthy, you and your family it s a great time to just go out and go to a local restaurant, likely you can get in easily. let s not hurt the working people in this country, that are relying on wages and tips to keep their small business going. don t run to the grocery store and buy, you know, $4,000 of food. maria: they are cleaning off the shelves. we want to be very sympathetic to what s going on particularly because it started in wuhan, china but why is it that so many of these diseases, these sicknesses originate in china? what is the issue there? well as you know, we ve been looking at china for a very long time, the republicans on the house intelligence committee and we re actually building legislation now that s based off of our investigation that we ve been conducting for a while, so look, the chinese, they are a communist dictatorship, and i would just say it s probably as easy as this to understand. they are in efficient, okay? they can, they have people that are under authoritarian control. think about it the doctor that actually was the whistleblower on this ended up dead, okay? and if you look back to what the chinese did, back they probably had this in the late fall, especially early winter, they didn t, you know instead of like calling people in and learning how to help and develop that maria: they downplayed it. they downplayed it. maria: hold on one second congressman quick break and we ll come right back stay with us. my psoriatic arthritis pain? i had enough! it s not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness. .much better. my psoriasis, clearer. cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are feeling real relief with cosentyx. cosentyx is a different kind of targeted biologic. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis to help you look and feel better. it even helps stop further joint damage. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability. .to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. .or if you ve had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i just look and feel better. i got real relief with cosentyx. watch me! feel real relief. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. maria: welcome back i m back with house intel ranking member devon nunes, and congressman, before we went to the break we were talking about china and how we downplayed it and we ll continue talking about that and that s a major issue and it actually accelerated things on the downside for the rest of the world but i ve got to get your take before you go unifies a on what you were able to accomplish this past week because you were able to get things into the fisa rework that are very important and that weren t there before, can you walk us through the two things that were most important in terms of the fisa reforms? well, i think what the american people need to understand clearly, is that fisa doesn t go away. it s in permanent law. it s only the issues that we passed after the patriot act that target terrorism directly that go away next week, so title i of tice a which was used to target the trump campaign and carter page, we were able to come to an agreement to open up that to take care of the things that happened to carter page so as of right now there s no way to get fisa to go away. the democrats are not going to vote to abolish the fisa court system. so we got as much as we possibly could, in terms of ensuring that the people if they do this again they will be held accountable, and i think most importantly, we as members of congress on the intel committee, we would have access to these fisa transcripts, and all of the underlying documents and why is that important maria because as you know, i had to come on your show, month after month after month for years saying that doj won t give up these documents. maria: i remember. well now it s clear in this law, that they will have to give these documents up to congress, so if there s a leak we be able to quickly go and do an inspection, unlike what we ve had to deal with over the last three and a half years. maria: this is really important so you have the access that congress has access to the documents you need and the other thing you did was put a compliance office in there. that s right so if you re going to and i look at it this way because there s a lot of americans who want to abolish the system but right now the democrats control the congress so they aren t going to allow us to abolish the fisa court system and build something back. maria: real quick. in the meantime this is a significant change that we are able to get into this new bill. maria: a new compliance office. that will oversee? a compliance office that will keep the records and then access for congress to actually go and inspect those records. maria: i see. which was the problem we had over the last three years dealing with this. maria: i remember. you would come on here and demand documents to see what was going on, and you weren t getting them. congressman thanks for all your leadership great to see you this morning sir thank you. devon nunes, have a great sunday everybody thanks for joining me i ll see you tomorrow on fox business mornings with maria 6:00-9:00. . tell us how much you have, and how long you need it to last. we ll estimate how much you could spend. then you can decide how you ll spend it. schwab manages the complexity with automated, tax-smart withdrawals. that you can start, stop or adjust at any time with no penalties. and you pay no advisory fee. schwab intelligent income. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. howie: on the buzzfeed this sunday as we are watching stories from school shutdowns to market plunges. president trump declares national emergency after speech that was widely panned by the press. no nation is more prepared for more resilient than the united states. the president s ten minutes was a complete contradiction of everything the president had said publicly prior to his ten minutes tonight. sort of strange, he doesn t have an easy time reading from tale teleprompter. i think we should all listen to

Germany , United-states , India , Nebraska , Washington , Singapore , Italy , China , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Togo , Wuhan

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Bill Hemmer Reports 20200319

solved if every single person in every single community takes responsibility to ensure they are following the presidential guidelines that were put out several days ago for the two weeks of stopping this virus. we will stay in close communication with all of you from fema. we are very excited about the whole activation of fema that we are able to provide a dialogue both up and down so we could stay in closer communication so we can ensure that we have prioritized all stockpile elements based on the needs and the case structure that has been reported. reporting becomes critical. if we can t see ed, we don t know how to unlock the stockpile. so this, those tests negative and positive will be absolutely essential as well as hospital admission and ccu beds so that we understand exactly what is required from the federal government. thank you, mr. president. president trump: thank you very much. mike, go ahead. thank you, mr. president. just two brief points on subscript testing. we have the u.s. public health service has built a model come so many of the states have begun drive-through testing and are doing work in that space. here is how we will be supportive of going forward end where we are rolling that out. the last point that the president asked me to emphasize, we want to encourage everyone on this call to take inventory of your medical supply needs and we urge you to remind them that they need to look to their supply chains first and we will prioritize accordingly. any states that are in the middle of critical response, know that we will work with you to get you what we need to. other states, you need to talk to your health care leaders and providers and make sure that they are going to the supply chain and w we will encourage yu to pull together the data to emphasize that point. president trump: thank you very much, mike. i want to get back to the governors. i do want to say, the fda has approved the compassionate use for a significant number of patients. we have a drug called chloroquine, and a derivation would be hydroxychloroquine. it s a common malaria drug and it s been available, so therefore the safety level we understand very well. it has been relatively safe. it s showing very encouraging early results. the fda which would have taken normally much longer to do and our great and secretary has been steven hahn. got approval very quickly, i won t tell you how quickly but let s put it this way, it s approved. we have ordered a lot of it and you can, too. it s a very powerful drug for malaria and also for various forms of very serious arthritis. we think it has a very good impact on what we are talking about with respect to the virus. i think to me it s a game changer. it will be a while before we can test and, we are making tremendous progress it s a therapy produced by gilead and it s called remdesivir. it shows great promise and it s a company that is also working very hard on a drug and it s also doing very well. we ve come up with a very successful solution to ebola. the ones that i mentioned are very good. that will be an absolute total game changer. with that, i think we will go back to visits by prescription but states can issue it. i think that s something that will be very interesting, just so you know, very quickly. but it we ve had some very good test sent it s been successful. i think that s probably the most important thing. they got it done almost immediately. who is the next governor? dana: i m bill hemmer here in new york and you ve been watching along with us, the vice president and fema in a conference with governors across the country. there s a lot to come in the coming hour. right now at about 3:00 here on the east coast, let s bring you up-to-date as to where we stand in the moment. hospitals and clinics across the country sounding the alarm saying they don t have enough masks and ventilators and other critical medical gear to deal with the pandemic. meanwhile the virus pandemic reached a milestone in america. the number of cases here at home searching past 10,000 overnight, more than 150 people listed as dead as a result. those numbers will change by the hour as well. every angle as we move through the hour, we will talk with a member of the white house coronavirus task force in a moment. bret baier is standing by with what s happening on the hill but first dr. hashish jeron has been answering her questions. good afternoon to you. why don t we pick up on what the president was talking about, these new medications like chloroquine which has been used to treat me malaria all around the world. do you see promise in that? thanks for having me. known about chloroquine is a potential drug for covid-19 and the other drug you mentioned, remdesivir is also another one where we had some preliminary data. there isn t any major news tod today. they are still very preliminary. we don t have great evidence that they are available, and we should be using them under scientific. so the good news you say is the logjam is breaking on the front. the testing front is a different story. and i m feeling a bit more optimistic, the logjam is starting to break as well. that s 150,000, and yesterday we think we tested probably 20 or 25,000. we are making progress. bill: i did that, if we give it four weeks, we will have a pretty good idea as to where we are. do you think that s an accurate date to keep an eye on or is it before or after that? we are still kind of in the exponential phase. we are at about 11,000 infections. i m hopeful that in the next two weeks we will have a much better sense of where we are as a country, we will do enough testing, and identify enough people that are infected and we can actually see with confidence how much the virus is in our community, in our town and we can then make a plan. bill: is at two weeks? i m hopeful we can get there in two weeks. bill: thanks for watching today. on the hill today congress of the moment pushing for phase three of the stimulus package. if they get it and when they get it they will pump an additional trillion dollars into our economy. is it enough? the president was asking about that today. do you think a trillion dollar stimulus is enough? president trump: we will know about that later on. so much depends on what s going on then this room and sort of depends on the medical. if you can stop it in its tracks, the virus, that s plen plenty. bill: so the president signing phase two which includes pretesting, paid second family leave which is critical now for the job front. and good day to you. what are you hearing? we are working from phase one early in the week, and everything on capitol hill suggests that s moving very fa fast. there will be some kind of cash sending out if possible, and there s all kinds of numbers of where it s 99,000 or less, and i think they will put some caps on that. that s a lot of businesses that are really taking it on the ch chin. he gave you a global perspective and i think a lot of you, it s wrinkly when you want to hear about. there are services going in and out of china right now that seem to be pretty close to normal. so if that s the forecast, what do we take away from his observations as he pilots this thing literally memphis, tennessee? bill: frederick smith, ceo of fedex is saying basically china is on the back end of what he seen businesswise on the ground. if that s the case, the market impact here will be like a v. and then the question is when that starts. there s a light at the end of the tunnel, and there are still some dark days ahead. see you at 6:00, thank you. in a moment, we got a lot to get to. there are a press conference is scheduled from new york through texas to california, and we will be joined by seema verma, on the white house coronavirus task force. the outbreak coming for spring break and the least when florida s beaches may finally close. there s an update on that as of last hour. uhhh. yes. huh. what happens in this one? seagulls. oh, i like it. how are you doing? (seagulls sounds) only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. you spend less and get way more., so you can bring your vision to lif. for small prices, you can build big dreams. spend less. get way more. shop everything home at wayfair toda. that s ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it s a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i m tryin ! keep it up. you ll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. i opened a sofi money account and it was the first time that i realized i could be earning interest back on my money. i just discovered sofi, and i m an investor with a diversified portfolio. who am i?! i refinanced with sofi and i was able to cut my interest rate by forty percent. thank you sofi. bill: a fox news alert, keeping an eye and an ear on what s happening with the president. he s meeting at fema and talking with numerous governors across the country. there s a lot of good new information about what the states need and how they are reaching out to the federal government to try to get that. keeping an eye on this, and in the meantime new york city is becoming the epicenter here in the u.s. the mayor of bill de blasio will speak in about 15 minutes and we can bring that to you. the governor andrew cuomo spoke today and announced new cases in new york, jumped overnight to more than 4,000. that s a total number of the most of any states. that s a lot of more testing throughout the boroughs. david lee miller live in bryant park, and that place would be felt packed. in a typical day, bryant park would be packed with workers having lunch, and this is an oasis of green surrounded by canyons of steel. as you can see from for yourself only a handful of people are here. the number of coronavirus cases cases have spiked to 3600 at least 22 people we are told have died. in an effort to try to slow the speed of the virus, they are ordering all businesses to have no more than 25% of nonessential workers allowed on site. the remainder, the 75%, can work from home. and the new york is sheltering in place. they said there is no quarantine plan for new york city and he also said he would have to approve any such plan. it s similar to what is happening in san francisco. mayor de blasio will hold a news conference in a few moments time. he may elaborate further. the governor emphasizes the importance of staying calm. we now have misinformation, fear and panic which is more contagious or as contagious as the virus. new restrictions take effect this evening. the governors of all four states are working together to come up with original uniform plan to combat the spread of the virus. often the distance over my shoulder, that s the new york city public library. the backside of the building and at the front of it has lost two very famous statues of lions. they are named patience and fortitude. and now more than ever, we need them. bill: think you you, david lee miller. meanwhile about 10 million people in northern california are told to shelter in place which means going outside for essential activities such as the grocery store, the gas station or the pharmacy. that order is in effect for nine counties in the bay area. health officials are trying to stop the virus and spread of california. meanwhile, cleveland, ohio, is releasing some of the inmates. at new york s governor is saying he can consider that after an inmate and a corrections officer tested positive. one lawmaker suggesting a lot of people are scared about finding something to eat. thousands of blood drives canceled across the country. we are live in the food bank and a blood center where you can find out in a moment as to how americans on a day-to-day basis are keeping pace. it s the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you re always so late. i do not speed. and that s saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that s the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son s favorite color, you should try it. 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(announcer) you may pay as little as $25 per prescription. ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. avoid sick people. and touching your face. there are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. visit brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station. bill: at breaking news, reuters just crossing the wire that u.s. port authorities are seeking six and a half billion dollars in grants. it s crossing the wires, we read it now, congress is moving a giant stimulus package and we will see how all this lines up in time. from the blood banks to the food banks we are working to feed those who need it. one organization aiming to feed about 5,000 people per day in new york city alone. sam bloch is one of them, director of field operations for wild central kitchen in the bronx. how are you doing? i m doing well. bill: what are you hearing from new yorkers, salmon? first off, we started with 5,002 days ago and we and 10,000 yesterday and today. we had 25,000 people here and we are going to be growing that every day. not only in new york but across the country. bill: so here s the issue. a lot of folks right now need some help. what can you do? we will continue to doing that. we had that community come together in new york in times of crisis but really the country is come together. we ve had responses from restaurants across the country and community leaders that are coming together to help their neighbors out. here in the bronx and the public housing we ve had a lot of people coming together and a lot of people saying, my family needs food but i ve got my neighbor a few doors down and she is too elderly to leave, can i take her some food? so really everybody keeping up what they are doing and not just the bronx, we got an operation in little rock. the community continues really coming together and helping each other out. speak bill: that is amazin amazing. what are your concerns for you and your workers and volunteers when you interact with people and they interact with you? how does that change the way you work? we been working with corona since starting, we started with the cruise ship in japan and dealt with other issues like this with cholera in mozambique. we are taking precautions, which is the big thing of teaching the community that are assisting us, and there are some people moving around but this is still a small fraction compared to how it normally is. bill: how can people help, sam? without a great response. richard smith not only financially but has helped a lot of other people do so. whether that s checking on elderly neighbors, or restaurant stepping up to join our growing a network of restaurants. across the board it s keeping that calm camaraderie. xp want to keep up the great work. we have a great network. best vibes to you throughout new york. i mention the blood banks a short time ago, the right crossing america faces a severe shortage. the blood banks are reporting big drop in donations. brian lamann bryan llenas is one story. the outbreak has led to the closure of workplace, college campuses and schools which the big problem because 80% or more of the blood supplied or donated comes from our blood centers. according to america s blood centers, and that s the american red cross. the nation now faces a severe blood shortage. donations are essential for patients for chronic diseases, burn victims and cancer patients. they have doubled their appointment slots they can honor the social distancing roles and america s bill: tell me about the safety of donating blood right now, how do you reassure people? the government says that it is safe to donate blood. they have made that point today over and over again. the fda says there have been no reported or suspected cases of transfusion, transmitted coronavirus. covid-19 poses no known risk to patients receiving blood transfusions and today, the u.s. surgeon general set blood centers are taking extra precautions to protect donors from covid-19. they are disinfecting surfaces in asking people to use hand sanitizers and they are, like i said it, staggering people. one last thing, this is not just for people who have chronic illnesses. doctors who are taking care of sick patients with covid-19 still need that donate blood. bill: thank you. the governor in connecticut has delayed their primary until the 2nd of june which is not very surprising. the new york mayor will brief in a few moments and we will get a sense from him of what new york is facing overnight. meanwhile in florida, spring break crackdown. the governor says the party is over on the beaches in the sunshine state and the president says the fda is looking at a common drug that could help treat virus patients. we will talk to a member of the white house task force on that coming up live, after this. and they just dropped to the lowest in newday s history. refinance now. there s no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. one call can save you $2,000 a year. refi now. billions of problems. dry mouth? 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one of the things that we are hearing about and this is the data that is coming from italy, in italy it was just the older population that was hospitalized, 12% were younger people in italy, 30 and 40-year-olds and they had significant complications and needed respirators. i think some of the emerging data has said some of our millennial population could be impacted by this as well. again, that s why we go back to those precautions. we had some concerns with millennials not heeding the warnings saying, i am invincible. if i get this, it will be flu-like symptoms. and they have the ability to be a carrier. bill: i was speaking with a doctor from harvard and his sense was we are about two weeks of knowing about the social distancing. what do you think about the two week production? number one we will see an increase in testing. as we see an increase in testing we are already seeing the number of cases go up. we will understand what we will see over the next few days and we will see an increase in testing, but that s not necessarily because of the rate of infection going up, it s because there s a backlog of tasks. we will have a bit of a hump on her curve and i think after that when we get caught up in the testing we will have a better sense of how the social distancing and we will have a better sense of an impact that it s going to have. bill: it s four weeks away. is that a more fair representation to of a timeline? one of the things we want to be careful about is not misleading people. the reality is this is a brand-new virus and it s hard to tell what s going to happen. that being said if we look at the experience in china, if we look at the experience and south korea, they took some note corrective actions around social distancing, keeping people isolated and they are actually having a decrease in new cases. we are making these recommendations for each and every american so they can play a part in trying to reduce the spread. the announcement around tele- medicine was so critical, what we essentially dead in the medicare program was allow them to use telehealth more broadly. this way they can talk to their doctor over the phone and that visit is completely paid for with no co-pays. this is really important for health care workers. it protects them and helps preserve supplies, personal protective equipment that we are hearing people have concerns about, and it actually frees up more of those supplies. bill: what about the testing kits? my sense is we are doing better but not where we need to be. that s right. we have seen the number go up and over the next few days you will see a lot more testing happening and because of that we will actually see an increase in the number of cases. the american government is prepared for that but as we get through that backlog we are going to see more cases. i think the testing situation is getting better and better every day. we are still not where we want to be what we are definitely seeing improvements and more testing going out. they are also getting processed faster. bill: i thank you for your time, i know you have to run. the beaches in florida are shutting down after video showed a large parting for spring break. phil keating is on that story, and you are on the beach, clearwater beach in florida. this speech in particular receiving a lot of criticism this week. national finger wagging and shaking at spring breakers and their families who have been on this beach essentially ignoring the distancing urgings of the cdc. but today, there s a lot of people out here, another beautiful day on the beach. but look at everybody and everyone seems to be maintaining the distance from group to group that they are supposed to be. statewide, most of the beaches do remain open, 800 miles of beaches in the state. more and more are closing every day. but everybody who does go is supposed to be spaced out. groups no larger than ten and 6 feet apart from anyone else. his white clearwater beach looks like earlier this week despite the pandemic threat. at an emergency meeting called last night clearwater s council reacted to all the criticism ruling that all the beaches in the city will be closed starting on monday. across the state in cocoa beach, more spring break crowds packed to the beach wednesday with little concern about a virus that many young people think only seriously affects the older generation. family vacation. everybody is freaking out over the coronavirus. it s a cold, wash her hands. plain and simple. my wife is a nurse, so it doesn t really affect us as long as we maintain what we are supposed to do. but you won t see people on this beach after this weekend because monday it is closed. closing the beaches or not remains a local decision and the governor has not issued an executive order himself. so tourists need to pay attention. florida s very first beach town to enact beach bands were miami beach and fort lauderdale which on sunday shut the very popular spring break hot spot down as well as the entertainment district. the challenge of the youth is the big challenge for us. we have a lot of young people coming here. it s hard to convince a kid to think they have a sense of mortality. that s so true. also starting today there will be no more beach part to make parking in brevard county, all to curtail numbers on the sand. miami-dade county is now closed all beaches in the entire county. for millennials who think they are invincible, the cdc is now advising that anybody between the ages of 20 and 44 who contract covid-19, 20% will end up in the hospital. bill: thank you phil come up phil keating on the beach in florida. meanwhile the state department moments ago, a new travel warning to citizens. they request that citizen should arrange for immediate return to the u.s. unless they choose to remain abroad for an indefinite period. if you choose to travel overseas, you may be forced to remain outside of the u.s. for an indefinite time frame. also congress considering a plan to put more money in your pocket if you qualify. we will tell you about that, coming up next. one call to newday can save you $2000 a year. with newday s va streamline refi there s no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. it s the quickest and easiest refi they ve ever offered. call newday now. tb=g i need all the breaks as athat i can get.or, at liberty butchemel. cut. liberty mu. line? 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bill, it s always good to be with you. many dollar amount could be a benefit to people. it could be imperative for people out there to understand the need to be and conserve mode. we need to start cu cutting outl unnecessary spending and zero in on the things that are necessary. i talk about that as th the for walls. housing, utilities, food, transportation and clothing. they need to be smart because these checks will not continue to come so we have to make sure we have a plan for ourselves and our families. bill: so unemployment claims are going to jump. there was an estimate already that 70,000 is the jump just from the past week alone. how high could that number go? bill, i have no idea. and the height of that number is unknown. i wouldn t try to mislead people and try to guess i think it will get worse before it gets better. bill: we got different phases and capitol hill, i know you ve been following that. now we move to phase three that you we were just addressing there. what should washington do? welcome i think the most important thing for our government to do is keep us safe. i think getting its arms around the situation and understanding how to contain this virus, providing ways for us to be able to test for it and be able to treat the people that are most needed, i think that s the most important thing. on the economic side, obviously the thing that will heal this economy is to be able to contain the virus, and for people to have confidence. you and i both know the stock market is a living, breathing thing. i m encouraging people to control the things they can control, your attitude, your outlook interaction. bill: the governor said that earlier in new york, the fear is worse than the virus and you talk about that a lot. i really do. when you deal with fear, we are dealing with an unknown disease. we don t know where it came from or how to identify or contain it. so when left to our own devices we can automatically go to heights of the unknown. i want to encourage people not to waste emotional energy. it s okay to be at informed, don t become obsessed. bill: we will treat. thank you chris. keep your smile on. it has hit the prison system, or he ll release and dozens of prisoners and other states might do the same. who is getting out, and where are they going? 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bundle and save with allstate. click or call for a quote today. bill: was still getting worried now, more prisons around the country considering releasing inmates. new york s governor saying he s considering it for rikers island in new york city. that story now. bill, new york city is in the process of identifying appropriate inmates to release under the circumstances with special considerations for pre-existing health conditions that people with a low risk of reoffending. massachusetts today announced they will be doing the same over concerns that the facilities pose a fertile breeding ground for the virus. this month, freed 85,000 inmates as the country controlled the spread. new york calls for quicker action after civilian investigator with the city department of corrections tested positive for covid-19 and died. and 2 at rikers island were also infected. the head doctor at rikers is about to be alarmed tweeting that a coronavirus storm is coming at donald road, we cannot change the fundamental dozens of elderly men think of a cruise ship it s one of the largest correctional facilities in the world. in a given day. employing about corrections officer asked for bill: nothing like this at the federal level so far. is that correct? not yet. today they asked the prisoner to consider allowing folks with a low risk of reoffending to be released. and the aclu also implored the president to commute sentences that would have ended in two years or less. we are beginning to see this happening in settings and towns. one county in colorado announced inmates who meet early release requirements and served more than 50% of their sentence will be released. bill: we mention this a moment ago, the new york city state department with a new travel warning to americans amid the pandemic. level 4 growth advisory has been issued. which basically says don t travel. avoid all international travel at all costs. that from the state department a moment ago. sports teams getting hit on us. the nba facing backlash after numbers of teams allowed players to take a test of whether or not they had the symptoms. that spike comes after the utah jazz center routing au pair tested positive. the commissioner saying that the leak was finding sacramento kings golden state warriors say that they only test players who show symptoms. we will watch that for you and keep everybody safe along the way. we are here monday through friday 3:00 east coast time. set your dvr and never miss a report. there has been a lot of information already today. it has literally changed by the hour. you will see a lot of numbers and a lot of different places. we will do our best to keep you up to speed on what we believe at the moment is the most relevant to you and your family and your neighbors at home. so thank you for being here. thank you for trusting us as well. we will see you again tomorrow. stocks a bit of a neutral ground so far today. here is maria. maria: stocks are up on wall street as the president tries to free up more drugs to combat the coronavirus all this as he meets a video with governors as they try to beef up the country s response to this pandemic. welcome everyone. i m in this afternoon for neil cavuto. this is your world. we are tracking all of it this afternoon. the secretary treasury stephen ocean our leaders are leading and the president of the new york stock exchange on floor traders who soon will not be trading on the floor, at least not in person. first to j

Miami , Florida , United-states , New-york , Japan , Clearwater-beach , Washington , Cleveland , Ohio , Congo , China , Brevard-county

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20200319

coronavirus prescription jugs. good afternoon to you. the president of the way back after a teleconference with the nation s governors as the state department issues a new travel advisory for people who are either overseas or plan to go overseas. all about u.s. citizens that live in added states should arrange for immediate return to the u.s. unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period back. if you choose to travel internationally, your travel plans may be severely disrupted and you may be forced to remain outside the united states for an indefinite. lack of time. on capitol hill today, the treasury secretary meeting with lawmakers about the phas phase 3 financial stimulus. one of the big components, checks to taxpayers. $1200 per adult up to $75,000 in yearly income paired the smaller amount for those who make up to $99,000.500 per child. the daily coronavirus briefing this morning the president optimistic that some treatments may be available soon. one of them from gilead pharmaceuticals. another existing antimalarial drug called chloroquine. they could really change the whole computation here. listen. president trump: if chloroquine works or any of the other things that they are looking at that are not quite as far out, if they work, your numbers are going to come down pretty rapidly. we will see what happens but there s a real chance that they might work. yesterday that president signing the defense production act that would allow him to guide companies into wrapping up quickly inventories needed medical supplies. the president holding off on that for now despite calls from a democratic leadership that he needs to put an end to action right now. i asked the president about that this morning. listen. speak to have you enabled i guess, i guess that s the best way to put it. president trump: we hope that we will not need that. that governors are supposed to be doing a lot of this work and they are doing a lot of this work. the federal government is not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and we are not a shipping clerk. we keep picking down on the speaker needs guideline to slow the spread of the coronavirus. the indications from the surgeon general jerome adams today that 15 days may not be enough. what does that president think? this in here. president trump: i hope very soon. we will see. this is uncharted territory as you know. and we think that we have ideas. it doesn t help to say what the ideas are. i would hope very soon we pulled together as a nation. people are for the most part doing what they are supposed to be doing. the social distancing is very interesting. a whole new term. it s become somewhat of a hot term. people are listening and really doing a great job. at the end of the 15 days, the president s guidelines have to be renewed for another 15 days? no one really knows. the president said i will tell you that when we get today 14. maria. maria: well, it s incredible because this was a real market mover, john. markets were down early on today but then they picked up as the president talked about this fast tracking of some drugs, fox business susan li is keeping track of that. small recovery from the 3-year lows that we saw in the stock market. his big hope for the economic stimulus plan packets. the federal reserve injecting money overnight and other central banks in europe as well. we had big tech today leading the way. facebook, amazon, netflix. sizable gains and big bids today. amazon reporting a first warehouse worker testing positive for covid-19. the coronavirus depressing stock markets, but it s really a 1-2 combo of a collapse in oil prices combined with a spread and pandemic of coronavirus. today, take a look at this. we saw the biggest one-day job in oil prices history. this is after president trump said the u.s. might be intervening in saudi arabia cutting oil prices. oil is down 60% on the year. any time hear president trump saying he will make chloroquine a malaria drug available for covid-19, drugmakers rallied on the back of this news. gilead sciences will produce results. it s possible leaders seeing gains for gilead sciences. they are predicting a sharp decline in the u.s. economy. jpmorgan says it will shrink 14%. bank of america is looking for a 12% contraction appeared job loss of 1 million a month. they say in fact, maria, that the recession is already here. maria: yeah, and these numbers are so stark. 14% contraction. you ve got all hands on deck trying to reverse this trend that we are hearing so much about, susan. thank you so much. it is not some potential new drugs. secretary mnuchin putting all hands on that including stimulus. he spoke with me this morning. he said they are working hard to get hundreds of billions of dollars into the hands of the american people who have been hit hard by this crisis. he is looking for that in a matter of weeks. the second component i refer to this as checks in the mail. it is really money direct deposited. most people, we have all of their information. and that plan is $500 billion. the first one would be $1,000 per person, $500 per child. so for a family of four, that s a $3,000 payment. as soon ask congress passes this, we get this out in three weeks. and six weeks later if the president still has a national emergency, we will deliver another $3,000. so that s a lot of money to hardworking americans who are at home, no fault of theirs. maria: a lot of money, but will it be enough to get americans back on their feet? florida republican senator rick scott who is self isolating right now because of this virus. he joins me right now my telephone. how are you doing? are you showing any symptoms? no. maria, i am self quarantines because i was around somebody come out the president brazil tested positive. to stay safe with everyone i m coming in contact with. i take my temperature all the time. it s the first indication, and i have not had a temperature of the whole time. what i have been doing since and is talking to mayors and state officials and police chiefs and sheriffs and hospitals and doing everything i can to move this process along. i think you talked a little bit. the biggest thing we do we ve got to figure this out. keep people safe, give them a vaccine. that is why we have to get these test insights up now. we have to help quarantine and slow this down. we ve got to do everything we can to rebuild this economy. maria: yeah, you re right. thank you for your leadership to be doing all that you are doing at home while you also self isolate. we are seeing really an incredible effort by government officials. i know that the nation thanks you and all the leaders were doing that. what do you make of the president s plan here? secretary mnuchin talking with me early this morning and we ran that sound bite talking about the money that will go to people directly. he s talking three weeks. there is some debate about needing that money in three weeks or should small business get that money now? here s what i believe. focus on the people that have been impacted. the hourly workers, the workers that right now have gotten impacted. how do we help them? how do we help our small businesses? the first thing we can do is give them a moratorium on their rent, their mortgage, their taxes, that will keep money in their pocket rather than what they have to spend right now. to do it for our small businesses are people making less than $75,000. focus on our existing on employment systems that all of our companies have paid. florida has $4 million in the bank. how do we use that existing system to help all of these people? maybe we have to change the rules a little bit. if your wages got cut some. what we want as our businesses all of our businesses that we can to stay in business as long as possible. maria: but you said yesterday that the federal government cannot solve every problem. and this is a sentiment that not many people agree with you on, because you really need to see the american people not rely so much on government. for example, larry kudlow had an idea that if government is going to be using this money for bailouts to be sending out then maybe the government should be taking stakes and certain companies. what do you say to that? first off, if the government is going to do a bailout, the out to get a return on it. the reality is exactly what you just said. we ve got to help each other. each family member has to help other family members. all of our community our local community, we ve got to step up and say, who is hurting? how do we help them? the federal government can pay for things, but that s not the key to this. the key is helping each other. maria: it is good to see you. thanks for joining us this afternoon. thank you. we will talk with you soon. it is certainly quiet on the streets of new york today and all week. quite so on the floor of the new york stock exchange. come monday it will be a ghost town down on wall street. the nyc shutting down the floor operations on covid-19. what does that mean for your money? the president of the new york stock exchange is here next. big game platters here. and date night essentials here. order now to get all your favorites from outback delivered to you. outback steakhouse. our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence. .we can spend a bit now, knowing we re prepared for the future. surprise! we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. i m good at my condo. well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? 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only eggland s best. which organic eggs have more vitamins and less saturated fat? only eggland s best. better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. avoid sick people. and touching your face. there are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. visit brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station. maria: welcome back. world war ii, 9/11, and now covid-19. major events forcing the new york stock exchange to close its floor trading pit that is where we find ourselves today. that s the deal beginning monday. about the exchange will be open for electronic trading. how is it going to impact every day investors? we talk with the president of the new york stock exchange, stacey cunningham. thank you for joining me once again. this is a big deal, closing the trading floor for a period of time paired what are your expectations? it is a big deal maria. we haven t chos closed the tradg doors. what is different about this time is that electronic trading will continue. so that is part of it. we run multiple markets, five equity exchanges, many of them dreadfully electronically. the new york stock exchange introduces that human judgment element on top of stock trading. that leads to dampening volatility during times of stress. as we have seen lately that markets have been pretty volatile. we are hanging on to try to give that extra added protection into the market. but i got to a point where we were just concerned. we cannot guarantee that people are going to be able to be protected. while we are seeing how the virus unfolds and steps that we can continue to take, we are temporarily shifting until we get more clarity around that situation. maria: so what are your expectations in terms of how long this last? stacy, when we spoke earlier this week on fox business on up about mornings with maria, we need human interaction, we need that extra buying or selling to balance out a trade, we have it here on the floor of the nyc. are you worried that you will not have that component now with electronic training only? last friday when the president announced that he was going to fill the oil reserves, it was just a few minutes before the closing auction. we saw massive buying orders coming into the market. the traders here on the floor were able to solicit offsetting sell orders so they could dampen that volatility. that is an important function that they are able to deliver. when we go fully electronic, you don t see that same effect. yes, i think it s going to add to a little bit of additional volatility in an already volatile. back on time. as concerning from an operations perspective. stocks will still open and close. traders will still be able to send their interest in. and things will trade normally. i just expect you are going to see additional volatility around the edges. that is unfortunate given how the markets are already dealing with so many things. maria: let me move away from the operations of this because we clearly understand why you re closing the trading floor for a temporary. knockout time. you ve got what? ona couple hundred people on the floor? this is a pretty patriotic group. they looking to come back as soon as possible. they want to do their part. they understand the value they provide to investors. maria: as we all do. and of course. but that aside for a moment. i want to ask you about sentiment because you have been on the floor for years before you had this role of president, you are there any changes on the floor of the exchange. what is your take on sentiment particularly today as the president started talking about vaccines, talking more about cures and about therapies to treat coronavirus? we saw the market change direction. we saw the market actually trade up and finish up 188 points on the dow jones industrial average. about 1%. to feel a change in sentiment on the floor? because we have lost $7 trillion in market value. i m wondering where the sentiment goes now, stacey. yes, markets react to uncertainty as you know well. what we ve been trying to understand is, how is this virus pandemic going to continue to unfold? what is the long-term impact going to be on americans and their everyday lives? i think what we re seeing is the government rising to the occasion to answer some of these questions. these are the things they are going to do. i ve had the opportunity over the past couple of weeks to talk to these federal administration, to the treasury department, to the house financial services committee to our regulators, to local city and state government. and all of them are very focused on helping those in need. i think that you will see through the stimulus package an announcement that president continues to make, there s a lot of interest in addressing the short term pain the economy. and so that is where i think you are see market reaction. it s a changing moment and very fluid. every single day we get new news. people are reacting to that in real time. maria: yeah, real quick, stacey. do you want to see in other changes in terms of regulations over financial services over the new york stock exchange? the president is doing fast track at the fda. is there any creating a more effective trading situation from wall street that you would like to see from a trading standpoint real quick? one thing i will highlight because it has been rumored that there is talk of shedding the market down to stop the market decline. i have not had that conversation with any of those groups i talked about. if they are considering it. at the treasury at congress, any of those areas. i think that understanding that that is not the case would be actually helpful to investor sentiment. if people here that the market might be close, they may be more inclined to sell. i think hearing a clear statement which we have heard from secretary mnuchin. they have no plans to close the market. you re hearing it from me. the markets are staying open pit we are not talking about closing the markets. we are not talking about shortening the trading day. repeating that message i think is really important for everyone to hear. maria: stacey, thank you. we will see you soon. now to the scramble thank you, stacey. to the scramble to contain his contagion. a massive undertaking. how is that president s task force doing? coming up come out the joint task force during hurricane katrina is next. give me your hand! i can save you. lots of money with liberty mutual! we customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. breathe freely fast, with vicks sinex. my congestion s gone. i can breathe again! ahhhh! i can breathe again! ughh! vicks sinex. breathe on. 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[ laugh ] that s a lot of storage! perfect. you re welcome! i love it. how did you do all this? wayfair! speaking of dinner, what re we eating, guys? president trump: anything like this in history. there has never been and no one has ever seen anything like this. but we are doing right thing. our big war is not a financial war. it s a medical war. we have to win this war. it s very important. maria: president trump earlier today on the medical war we are facing against covid-19. let s get the read right now in the white house response from the man who was at the center of the response to hurricane katrina. joining us right now, retired lieutenant general. he could to see you this afternoon. thank you very much for being here. thank you. maria: you have seen a lot in the way of responses. how would you create the response so far? it feels that you are seeing a real coordinated effort around several institutions throughout the country. what do you say? yeah, i think we are starting to get a handle on how this thing to do work. at the white house should be about policy and tactics. but the real solution of this is going to be logistics. i think it was president ho president eisenhower we ve got to get the logistics down. and today, the president in power, the governors to use that money that has been put in fema so they can draw on that money to buy what they need, to buy the sector has a lot of capacity to help solve some of these issues. at the same time, fema has some rules that they need to employ to make sure that that money is used wisely. a week ago you could buy and m95 for about $14. i could see on the internet, some of them are going for 95 or $100. there is some state out there ordering 1 million mass at $80 million apiece. we have to spend that money wisely. we will waste the money. that should be a concern of congress. i think the president is empowering the governors to do the right thing at 25% payback should give them an incentive. if they do it right, the government may not collect that back. i think the president has empowered the right people, the governors to order what they need. now we have a mechanism. last week we did not have a mechanism. that will put the money in the right place where every governor knew how to do with the female to order what they need or order from the private sector with immediate reimbursement from fema. and i could be ordered later. i think we re headed in the right direction. we have a need for speed and unleash the power of the private sector to help solve these problems. you see the military getting involved as well as makeshift hospitals. if you want to see more military involvement? as we see these monies spike, there is a real worry about the strain on our health care syst system. not enough beds for example. can the military help out in that regard? yeah, we can put up tents. you know, a tent i lived in them for 37 years. they are very temporary. they are better with all the empty hospitals we ve got. what i tell the government and the folks in the governors, my advice to them, tell the military want you want, not how to do it. we have great planners and great logistics. we supply stuff all around the world pit one thing the government might do is lean a little bit more on that military logistics capacity that we have for planning and distribution of supplies. that is what we do 24/7 around the world. we have a great capacity and we might need to ask the united states northern command to put one of those joint planning cells in half there, one with the white house and one with fema to help them do the joint planning and logistics planning that they need. we ve got capacity in the military that can help with this. we just need to use it the right way. maria: and as part of this medical war, the president is trying to get all hands on deck. do you think that the money will go to the places that are most in need? he s trying to fast-track potential covid-19 drugs. we will be talking about that. in terms of business, is that money being used properly as you see it right now? as of this time, because the money has been directed from the hot house. i reminded the colleagues last night that was complaining about something that the white house don t run operations. they make decisions. it s up to the agencies that work for them to execute this. the president said that you governor scott that appear to the white house is not a distribution center. he reminded his own staff of that. that s what needed to happen. as far as disaster capitalism, everyone has to be watching that we don t go into price gouging. maria: as he said, sure. we have to make sure that these big companies don t exceed the price. maria: general, it is great to get your insights. thank you for your service to our great country. as part of this medical war, the president is pressing the fda to fast-track potential covid-19 drugs. let s talk about what that means for the battle against the virus. joining us right now on the telephone is the former commissioner, it s good to see you. thank you for weighing in here. what is your take on this fast-track movement? fda has always had i was involved in aid good when i started there was one drug. i did not work very well. you have the fast-track mechanism by that time we left, there was more than a dozen. fda has always had this fast-track mechanism certainly for the last several decades. at the question is, we need the clinical data. that is the key. we need data from clinical trials that show that a drug works. mechanisms are they are we need the data. maria: gave me the downside risk then, commissioner. because obviously these regulations were in place for a reason. when you blow off these regulations, you get the drug in the fast-track. there where he is perhaps there could be safety issues. is that a concern? i don t think you have to worry about fda shortcutting the process. no doubt that fast-track means that you are going to approve a drug based on less data. there is always risk. but the real key here is having the data. you know there really two types of fast track. most of the time a company comes in and says, here is the data. here is the clinical data, the fda reviews it and the fda puts it through fast-track process. what we really need is have the agency i know they are trying to do this. take a proactive proactively go out and get the data. and work with companies to get the data, and then, review it. without the data, we are not going to be able to make decisions. maria: okay, so we need the clinical data. we will be watching that. that s a very important point that you make, commissioner. we will see you soon and we will certainly be watching that clinical data and this fast-track approach. for those packages being delivered to your door be a virus at your doorstep? why one case of covid-19 at an amazon facility is raising new concerns right here next. woman: what s our safelite story? we were on a camping trip. .when our windshield got a chip. man: we drove to safelite autoglass for a same-day repair. woman: and with our insurance, it was no cost. really? man: safelite has service we can trust. singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. maria: a breaking news right now. the mayor is speaking. less than n. what we need from our federal government and how crucial this is in the equation. the city of new york is working constantly to protect our people. i know the state of new york is doing the same thing. we are coordinated and shared goals and strategies. but we all are waiting for federal help. that still is not arriving. or that is the central challenge. we have to talk bluntly about that and i will today. but to everyone who is dealing with this confusion in these challenges, i feel it, my family feels it just like you. we are all trying to make sense of a new reality. what i m going to try and do every time i give you an update is tell you the plot truth. i m trying very hard to make sure i tell you what we exactly know. and when we are not sure about something, we need to be clear about that too. it would be a mistake to tell you something certain if we are not certain. it would be a mistake to hold back things that we need to know. it would certainly be a mistake to sugarcoat this very, very painful reality. i think new yorkers want real talk. i think new yorkers like it straight. and we are to do that. so i will be talking about several things today that are really painful and troubling. and i want everyone to understand that. i am not here to give you false reassurance. i have a lot of things i will say that should cause you to be confident about what we can do in the city. and in particular you and the fact that we have the finest health care institutions, the finest of doctors and nurses, and all the people that work in our health care facilities, the lab techs emma everyone that works in our facilities. there is literally no place on earth with a stronger and better health care sector then new york city. no where earth. and we are going to ask of our colleagues and health care so much in these coming weeks. they are already heroes. but they are going to have to work in battlefield conditions. their strength, their courage, their resilience are all going to be needed. we are all going to be depending on them just like we depend every day not only on their work but on our first responders and so many of our public servants. everyone is going to be needed. everyone needs to answer the call. everyone needs to step up for the good of everyone else. but despite my tremendous confidence in our people and our ability to serve them, i also have to be very clear about the extent of this crisis. it is unlike anything we have seen outside of war time with the possible exception of the great depression itself. we can make obvious and powerful painful parallels even to things like 9/11, the days, and weeks after that. but this crisis is even more unknown in many ways, because we don t understand the exact trajectory we are on. and we know it will reach very deep into our communities. that is not a reason to be hopeless by any stretch, because remember, every single piece of evidence we have continues to tell us that this is a disease that for 80% of those infected will have very little impact. so i want people to think about this. i will tell you a lot of things that are tough and sobering, but i want you also to remember this out of the equations. there will be many new yorkers who never get this disease. there will be many new yorkers that get this, that will fuel very little and experience very little. but those 20% to experience a much tougher time with this disease, the people in particular who are older that means particularly faults over 50 and especially over 70, and a means of course those with serious pre-existing conditions that we talk about so often, lung disease, heart disease, heart disease, cancer, for those people, particularly over 50, we are worried. we need them to take extraordinary measures. we need you to take a short name measures. if you are in that category of people we need you to live differently. we need your family is as well. you re going to hear from a doctor in a few minutes. she is going to talk to you as the city s doctor and give advice to new yorkers in an an ever-growing crisis. but i heard from a friend in brooklyn from the community yesterday appeared he said something that i thought really captured it. the very top net extended family. over decades and decades it would have been unimaginable to keep his older parents are away from their grandchildren. now we understand because of the coronavirus. his older parents who have vulnerabilities of their own, they have to understand this is not the time to visit with their grandchildren, because we just can t run that risk. it s time for getting on the phones with your loved ones. it s time for getting on face time. but it s time to make adjustments that would not have been imaginable in other situations because we have never dealt withituation before. this is literally unlike anything we have seen in our memory. it will not be the same as the 1918 flu epidemic, because for one thing, the health care capacity of this city and this nation are tremendously better. the information flow it is night and day compared to 100 years ago. in terms of the extent, that is the only other parallel we can make in terms of recent health care history. it is going to be an epidemic pandemic that reaches deep into our communities. we ve got to be honest about that. we have to make more changes in the way we live. and we ve got to do things we wouldn t normally do. i also want to emphasize, this is a crisis that has an end point. as i said, it will play out in unpredictable ways and play out for a period of time. that is what makes it different from other things we have been through. it will go on for months. but it will not go on forever. at some point in the coming months, this crisis will start to update. and we will be able to start the work of getting our lives back to normal and getting our city back to all of the things about it that we love so much. but it will be months. so it will be a long battle. i don t think it serves anyone to be told, get ready for something easy. i think it is much better to tell people to get ready for something difficult and will go on for a long time but also have confidence that we can get through it. and that is what i truly believe. the numbers i will go over with you today are nothing short of staggering, but they are not just numbers. i will tell you statistics that i have trouble even conceiving of myself. but i don t want you to think of them as statistics. i want you to think of them as your fellow new yorkers. every number means another person has been affected by this disease, and other family. and that is what i feel. we are watching a crisis that is really, really affecting the lives of people and putting a lot of people in danger. so i will tell you the honest truth, and i will go out of my way in the weeks ahead to always level with you. but i will also tell you what we can do, and that is a lot. and i will be very honest about what we need our federal government to do, because i have to be clear with you. we alone even if we are the greatest city in the world, and we are, we alone cannot solve this crisis. and i need people to hear that. not to create fear, but to level with people. and the next few weeks with the extraordinary resources of new york city, we will fight this battle no matter what. and as we get into april, the farther we get into april, the more we will need the help of the federal government. it must arrive in time, and there is time for that help to arrive. the federal government does not do all in its power immediately, it is as simple as this. there will be a lot more people who get sick who didn t need to get sick. there will people who die that don t need to die. it s as simple as that. so we need to act now. and i know our federal government has the capacity. we have the finest military in the world. the largest by far. extraordinary resources unlike the city or the state. i always say it very bluntly. the federal government literally prints money. they can create any credit line they want to save the lives of americans. but we are not seeing that. not even close at this point. so i will go into some very specific information now. and then you will hear from the doctor and we will open up the questions from the media. we ll be doing all of this remotely. as the first time we are doing it. i want to say to all of my colleagues in the media, we will try to get it right. it may be difficult the first time but please bear with us. this is what we will be doing for quite a while to keep everyone safe. i have given you a framework. and i will be updating you regularly. again it will not be all bad news. it often will be tough information to hear, but not all of it is bad, because in the middle of this fight, we have the extraordinary heart and soul and spirit of new yorkers. and here is an example for you. just on tuesday, i put out a call to retired health care workers and those who work in private health care offices to come forward and join up to serve in the fight against the coronavirus. i asked people who already have given so much of their lives to others to step forward and come out of retirement. and i asked people who are earning a living and are not obligated to join public service. i asked them to join nonetheless in the name of all new yorkers. that was tuesday. today, thursday, as of today, 1,746 health care professionals have stepped forward to augment the ranks of those already serving up the front line in our hospitals and clinics. that is something all new yorkers should be very, very proud of. i m sure those numbers will gr grow. this is going to be one of the most difficult moments in new york city history. i ask everyone who has health care training and who can help us to please step forward now. and anyone who is willing to volunteer, please go to i want to express my gratitude to all of you who have come forward and are ready to serve to protect all of us. and what you are seeing from those retired health care workers and those private sector health care workers, you are seeing in many other ways. extraordinary efforts of our colleagues and public hospitals and clinics and all of those at the voluntary hospitals that are already doing so much. our first responders the envy of the nation. all that they are doing to protect us. our social service workers that are helping people through all of the challenges they are confronting now. our sanitation workers that are doing absolutely crucial work to keep this city clean while we encounter a health care crisis. on monday, i talked about a very valiant noble group of workers maria: somewhat of a sobering press conference from new york city mayor bill de blasio. we will monitor this conference and bring you the news as it develops. that s bring in fox news contributor dr. safire. you are hearing what i m hearing from de blasio. it certainly feels that we are about to hear some significant numbers in terms of the spikes, the number of cases developed in new york right now. your reaction to what we have heard just now? you know, i agree. it sounds like something pretty dramatic is coming. and it is true. we are expecting this. we ve really ramped up our testing which is exactly what we needed to do. now the reality has set in. we ll see how many people are infected. we will also hear what they have told us is taking on health care workers. there is some tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel right now. two of the first people i kept it positive in new york, it looks like one has completely recovered and one is near 100% recovered. although we are still in the midst of this and continue to see those numbers arise, it s also good to remember there are people recovering. maria: it s a great point. i m glad that you brought us to an upper, optimistic point. training after the close after the president talk about upcoming therapeutics and upcoming potential vaccines. using certain drugs that are on the market now for covid-19. what is your expectation in terms of some of those efforts? i think it is great that we already have some fda approved medications like antimalarial medications are utilized for other things that have proved safe to use in people. they are showing some efficacy against covid-19. it is much easier to bring something that has gone through fda approval as opposed to a brand-new medication. i have been a couple of studies that really gives some hope right now. i expect that this is going to continue on. if the more that we use this through the fda and just through compassionate use, i think we are going to start being able to help those recovering and the deaths may be decreasing. maria: let me ask you about the amazon delivery packaging story. we talk about this earlier on mornings with maria with fox business. everyone is concerned on how long this virus lives in the air and surfaces. give us your take in terms of mail, money, getting a package. you said that you open your packages outside of your house. that s right. i mean, it s funny because after i said that this morning with you, my mother already texted me. are you really doing that? yes, i am. i should have had someone take a picture. i open a package today and that s exactly what i do. one of the delivery facilities in long island reported their first positive case and a staff member. they shut down the facilities s and everyone home with full pay to sanitize. this study came back showing that there are particles on cardboard up to 24 hours. that is to say, it is very few particles, but there still particles up to 24 hours. the important thing is the way i keep saying to everyone, to myself, to my family, let s pretend everything right now has a virus on it. we have the virus. you have the letters. most thing you touch at the virus. if you have that mentality, you re probably going to do some pretty good choices on how not to get infected and how to keep your family safe. so i ve been opening up my packages outside. i ve actually been leaving the mail for a day in the mailbox, and i do open things outside. and then i throw things away outside and outdoor trash can i come right in and clean my hands and wipe everything down. maria: very smart. dr. safire, we will check back as we continue our coverage he here. wuhan, china it was once the epicenter. they are claiming to have no new cases of the virus. can we trust this information? joining us now to break down the very latest numbers from wuhan, fox news bill hemmer. bill: wuhan reported zero cases today. as of 4:15 east coast time, we are about 238,000 cases. total deaths, 9800. total recovered 85,000. look at this graphic right here. countries outside of china over the past two months, the rate of increase is not going in the direction we want this yellow line, maria, to start moving to the right. we watch that. i will show you another map right here. a lot of it viewers with questions on email, twitter. they want to know about the death rate. china has 1.2 billion people. italy has 60 million. or is what we did earlier today to crunch the numbers and give you a sense. this is a grim statistic. it is a death rate in italy among those who have contracted the virus. the death rate is greater than 8%. in iran, is 6%. in china, it s 4%. china is leveling off as we reported over the past couple of days. in the u.s. right now we are at 1.4% and south korea is below us at 1%. they say we want to be around south korea. why is that? what they did in south korea was very effective. i will show you this right here to give you a different graph so you can understand that this is china. this is italy. south korea is the blue line. the u.s. is green below that. we want to be the blue line in this big battle, maria. we will see over time if we can retain that. back to you. maria: it is really moving fast. bill, thank you, bill hemmer. how can lawmakers be positive they can pass what is needed? when some of them are testing positive. we will take a look at that when we come back. which egg tastes more farm-fresh and delicious? only eggland s best. with more vitamins d and e and 25% less saturated fat? only eggland s best. better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. that gives me cash back onesome new aeverything.akuten that s ebates. i get cash back on electronics, travel, clothes. you re talking about ebates. i can t stop talking about rakuten. pretty good deal - peter sfx [blender] ebates is now rakuten, sign up today. (whistling) maria: welcome back, we ve got fast-moving information today with two lawmakers now testing positive for covid-19. is that a concern as they try to put together a relief package? my next guest, a member of congress and not doctor himself, always good to see you, thanks very much for joining us, how concerned are you that this actually has hit congress right now with your colleagues testing positive? of course it was inevitable, i certainly feel badly for the people that have been affected. two are under quarantine which means they re not ill but they have voluntarily taken themselves out of circulation which i think is the responsible thing to do. obviously we do have two members who showed symptoms and a tested positive after they went to the physician with those symptoms. that is, you know, no different from the rest of the population. i know there s a lot of discussion about whether or not we need to be present to vote, i think we do, i think that sends a terrible message to the country if we say we are going to vote on one of the biggest spending bills ever conceived and were going to phone it in, but we will see what people decide about that, i know those are ongoing discussions right now. maria: i know we have only a couple of minutes and i appreciate you joining us, an abbreviated interview, i want to get your take on this stimulus, a couple of your colleagues on the republican side who voted no on the class, when will you see the stimulus materializing? my understanding is the senate is supposed to vote on it today or tomorrow, this is the third bill, the second bill already passed and down to the white house for signature, the third bill is supposed to pass the senate today and probably mid-week next week is when it will be available for the house to vote, it will probably be a prolonged vote, not a 15 minute boat, we need to be there. maria: we sure do, congressman, thank you. we will be right back. it all starts with an invitation. to feel connected. the invitation to lexus sales event now through march 31st. lease the 2020 es350 for $379 a month for 36 months and we ll make your first months payment. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. from anyone else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms which most pills don t. get all-in-one allergy relief for 24 hours, with flonase. maria: welcome back. new reports on a death that may shake the travel industry even more, tmc reporting a 34-year-old man has died from covid-19 two weeks after visiting walt disney world in universal studios in florida. we will be watching that as well as the markets, join me tomorrow, 65-9:00 a.m. eastern. have a good day, everybody. dana: hello everyone, i am dana perino along with jesse watters, juan williams, greg got fell, and dagen mcdowell. this is the five. right, we are going to catch you up from of the federal government and states are ramping up responses to the coronavirus outbreak, cases in the united states hitting a milestone with an increase in testing, over 10,000 americans are infected and more than 150 have died. and this just in, the state department advising all americans to avoid international

New-york , United-states , Iran , China , Florida , Italy , Saudi-arabia , Togo , Wuhan , Hubei , South-korea , Americans

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20200405

as some economists said is shutting down an entire economy and killing livelihoods will really save lives? coming up fda commissioner dr. steven hahn is here on the race for a coronavirus vaccine and the treatment along the way and why the fda continues to allow our most critical drug to be manufactured in china, and also ahead, he was dubbed america s mayor for his leadership after 9/11, former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is here, under the big apple is ready for the peak of the virus, this week. we will also hear from the man who predicted back in january, former white house chief strategist steve bannon is back with me and why the u.s. only has 30 days to defeat coronavirus and how to do it plus, georgia congressman doug collins is here addressing the latest fisa scandal and a status check in georgia all that and more as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. maria: and right now, as we speak, scientists across the country are racing against the clock to develop a coronavirus vaccine and therapeutics to treat it but can they roll it out quickly to make an impact? joining me is dr. steven hahn, the member of the white house coronavirus task force joining us live. dr. hahn great to see you this morning thanks very much for joining us. hi, maria thank you for having me it s great to be here. maria: so its been about two weeks now since the president called on the fda to cut red tape. we know we are entering a very dangerous stretch, the next two week period which the president has called horrific. give us a status check. how do you see things today? so first of all, i just want to reiterate what the president and the task force members said yesterday that mitigation appears to be working, we re beginning to see signs of that. it s really important for everyone to continue to follow that and i think the american people have done a great job. so, with respect to the issue of red tape, this is always a balance but what we re doing is trying to remove as much unnecessary regulation as possible to speed medical products to the american people. at the same time, the american people depend upon us, to actually ensure that medical products are safe and effective. so we re doing both. it s an all-hands-on deck approach to it and we re working very close with the private sector to make sure that that happens. maria: yeah, and it s interesting, because i know that on friday, the fda said that it would allow the imports of n-95 masks from china. they were not fda approved, so what does that mean in terms of the approval process and what the fda is approving, for example, coming from foreign actors like china? so what we do is we assess each medical product as it comes before us. we want to make sure that it s appropriate for its intended use so some products may be labeled as one thing but we know that they could be used for something else. so let me give you an example. about a month ago, we gave permission for what s called nay ash masks which is typical used in the industry. we said that could be used in the medical setting, as long as it wasn t used in certain conditions where it wasn t necessarily protective. this was following a cdc guidance. previously, we hadn t permitted that. this is just an example of how we allow that to occur. with respect to foreign products we re at every day to look at specific foreign products. we look at their specifications, and then we match that to the appropriate condition for american providers and american patients. maria: steve scalise it all just about the fact that we can do so much work overseas in china at so much cheaper levels? is it all about money? the fact that we ve been import ing so many important items like the active ingredient in our prescription drugs from china, you ve got to explain this to me and i recognize this as three administrations that we have been taking so much , importing so much of our critical products whether it be the ingredients in prescription drugs or other things why are we still so reliant on china and how are you going to change this maria this is a really terrific question, and i just want to sort of layout the ground for this. first of all, fda doesn t have the authority to determine where things are manufactured. we can encourage manufactures to stay at home, or to be in certain areas, but our job once the manufacturer tells us they are going to go some place and actually manufacture in another country is to ensure the qualita associated with that manufacturing so we do inspections, we look at records, et cetera; however, this is an area that we identified many months ago as a critical risk factor for the country and the point that you re making is excellent in that, we really need redundancy in the medical product supply chain, as it s incredibly important in prescription drugs, with ventilators, it s incredibly important with masks. we cannot be dependent upon any single country, and we need what s called redundancy in our manufacturing. the other point i d like to make is theres a whole concept of advanced manufacturing bringing digital and modern approaches to manufacturing particularly for drugs in our most recent legislative information we gave to congress, there was a lot of interest on the hill and on the administration on this , and we got additional funds to be able to increase our technical assistance to manufactures because we believe that domestic and advanced manufacturing is one way to provide that redundancy and reduce our dependency on other countries. maria: i just think that look, it s pretty clear at this point that china is a competitor of the united states, and china wants to win and be number one in everything, in all of the important industries we are, so right now the chinese probably will be in a position later this summer to release a vaccine, this fall. so the question is, is there going to release all the patient data, they have probably begun to inject people, they don t care, they don t have any more all code they will just in correct people and see if a vaccine works. do we use this vaccine from china if it s released so the question is if the chinese were to create a vaccine in six months or less and they release it at scale to the u.s. , is the fda ready to quickly review that data to make this vaccine available to the united states? we are prepared to look at any data around any medical product, and in particular, vaccine because that s obviously the answer for the next season, at any time those data become available. what i can assure the american people is that we will look at all the data and science, and it s our job to make sure that that data and science show us that a vaccine, in this particular case, is safe and effective. let me just point something else out, maria and that is we have been working with vaccine manufactures for weeks now. as you know, a candidate vaccine was put into clinical trial several weeks ago, and that is the beginning of the process. this is record speed for the development of a vaccine , but we ll look at data from any source but we will ensure this is our job, the safety and effectiveness of any medical products including vaccines. maria: this is so important what you are just saying here, dr. hahn i want to drill down on this , the prophylaxis because a lot of people are talking about prophylaxis right now, a drug, a shot that you can get to give you temporary immunity and then just get back to work. how close are you in terms of finding the proper prophylaxis right now so we can get a shot and get immunity for 60-90 days to eventually open up the economy again? even if it s temporary? so maria this is again, and i have to tell you, we absolutely need to get back to work. we do need to do that. we need to balance that as you said in your opening with the public health issues. so one of the things that we ve been working on now for the last two months is something called con have less enter plasma and what that means is we take plasma from a patient who has recovered from covid-19, it has all of the immunity in there, and then we can give it to someone whose sick, and once we determine that that s safe, and effective, we then move to something called hyperimmune glo bulin, and this is not one followed by the next, all of these are happening in parallel and you re speaking about the hyperimmune globulin where we can plasma, manufacture it and scale it up and give it as a shot and it can work as a therapeutic as a treatment and we have to study but doing this quickly but also as a prophylactic and that acts as a bridge to get us to a vaccine so we re pushing hard on that end and one other component of this is there are manufactures, great companies in the u.s. that have a lot of experience in developing what we call monoclonal antibodies so that s actually genetically engineered antibodies different from taking it from a patient but against the coronavirus, and we have been working with them for several weeks also, to try to scale that up. again as a bridge to get to a vaccine. maria: i see , and then in the meantime, you ve got china threatening that they re not going to send us the prescription drugs that we need. just a month ago there was a story in that said well if the u.s. keeps fighting with us over tariffs maybe beijing and the communist country will not send the prescription drugs that they need, so i ask you, commissioner, what are we in short supply of right now? are we, are you worried, as commissioner of the fda, that we re not going to get the active drugs that we need for our prescriptions, for our penicillin, et cetera, what are we in short supply of right now? so we have on our website a list of drugs that are in short supply, and that s been ongoing for some time, and it s very complicated situation. right now, we don t have any evidence that there s a drug in short supply because of anyone blocking the active pharmaceutical agreement ingredients coming to us but what i can tell you is that we re monitoring that very closely. i can tell the american people that critical medications are available but there are spot shortages because of increased demand, so we are working very closely with domestic and international suppliers to increase the supply of those and this is an ongoing issue. i mean, every day we re looking at this , demand changes every day. we are just helping the manufactures ramp up to get the supply in, so so far so good but we re keeping a close eye on this , and there s a great deal of pressure on the supply chain as you point out, and then my last point, maria is i want to go back to what i said before which is that this is a long term solution, but we absolutely must address the issue of redundancy in our manufacturing, and we must absolutely make an effort to have domestic manufacturing as well. maria: i m really glad you said that. we re going to be counting on you, certainly this is something that america has figured out at this point and we need leadership on it. final question, commissioner and this is about data. i know you re doing a lot on data right now in terms of min ing the data but are we going to have a data crisis? are we ready in terms of the infrastructures at the fda to handle what we need to know about? who was inoculated, who had it, who didn t have it and someone mentioned to me an immunity passport whereas you will have to have perfect proof that you ve been inoculated, it ll be on your phone. any thoughts on that in terms of getting ready for all of the data that s coming at us after all of the testing? i m confident that the fda has the systems in place to handle the data but this is going to happen in partnership with the private sector. make no mistake about it, it s the only way that this works with respect to data capture. we re already working with the private sector on these issues to try to collect what we call real-world evidence around the use of drugs and prescriptions, and we re just going to see more of that and maria, that s a really good thing that s going to come out of this that we re going to be able to expand our capacity to collect data and analyze it. maria: yeah, a lot of lessons learned, real quick. why are we still at go when it comes to testing, commissioner? i still hear people say look, we re not doing enough testing, south korea has been more successful than we have been. we ve, as of yesterday, performed 1.55 million tests in this country and obviously, more are going to be done today, so on a per capita basis we re doing really well but you re absolutely right and i m hearing from my friends and colleagues around the country the same thing that in certain areas, there s a lot of demand there and this is again complicated. i think admiral gerard and his group have done a great job but it s about supplies, it s about reagents, and also in our country, we have a number of different platforms, so in some countries it s just one platform and you can scale up with that one platform. the hospitals have different platforms, that means the machines that run the tests. so that s why its been so important for us to have all these approvals that we ve had to get those tests approved. maria: all right, commissioner, thank you so much. great to talk with you this morning. maria: welcome back. my next guest led new york city through its darkest days following 9/11 earning him the nick name america s mayor, 18 years later the big apple has become the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic with thousands of new cases every day is the city prepared for the virus to peak in next two week, joining me right now is former new york mayor rudy giuliani. and mr. mayor, it s always a pleasure to see you thank you for being here. pleasure to be with you, maria you re doing a great job of covering this terrible crisis maria: thank you, so much. i know that you were in new york this week, you toured new york city, brooklyn, other areas, what was your assessment? well, i spent about three or four hours in the car yesterday i drove all through manhattan and then went all the way out to coney island and took some pictures, tried to see , you know, are people complying? the answer is by and large yes, but there are some people that are not either not wearing masks or too close together yes, but it s a minimum. it definitely is a minimum so if you ask me is the city prepared? i would say the people of the city are emotionally prepared. i think the president, the governor, and now even the mayor, they ve all done a good job of getting the people ready for what is going to be, they say, a terrible now about a week and a half. it coinsides interestingly with the passover, with good friday, and easter, all very very solemn religious holidays. passover is about the angel of death passing over you praying for it. i think people are sitting at home praying for that, so i think we re prepared. are we prepared with supplies, with the number of supplies, who knows? i mean, remember, before we get too hard on anybody, nobody ever knew this existed four months ago, right? this is novel coronavirus. novel means new. it s a totally different strain. it acts differently. but i think we ve made a lot of progress medically with it. we have medicines now that can at least deal with the symptoms and some of them have become politicized which is a shame. it s really just a shame. maria: i just spoke with dr. stephen hahn the commissioner of the fda and he talked about the vaccine, talked about working with hydro chloroquine. you think that we should be using hydrochloroquine? i think we should let doctors decide whether we should use hydrochloroquine, not the national bureaucracy. this disease can kill you, and if hydrochloroquine has side effects, none of which are death by the way, then those side effects i may want to endure because of the risk of death and it may be different if i m 25 or if i m 75. those choices should be given to doctors, not to the bureaucrats in washington, who want to go through three blind tests. when we finish the three blind tests, you know, most of america could be gone and they sit there in an ivory tower, whereas the guy sitting at mount sinai hospital with a person walking in whose 65 years old with 104 temperature, and i sent one there just the other day, first thing they did before they even talk to them is give them hydrochloroquine and it s banned in new york by the governor. why is the governor banning it? everything shows that it works. everything shows that its side effects don t bother you until you take it for a month or two, for chronic illness like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, so far no side effects and the statistics in france where they allowed it were exceptional ly good. maria: yeah. there s a dispute of whether it aggravates symptoms or cures the disease but it works. maria: i want to talk more about this. that s right and i m glad you brought up the governor because i want to ask you about governor cuomo and where his leadership is going to take him. we ll take a look at that as well as more inmates getting released, because the coronavirus is ripping through the prison system. we re back, with former new york city mayor rudy giuliani on that , next. hustling through the hurt. asking for science not sorrys. our time for more time - has come. living longer is possible and proven in women taking kisqali plus fulvestrant or a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor. kisqali is the only treatment in its class with proven overall survival results in 2 clinical trials. helping women live longer with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali was also significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious liver problems and low white 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you like, stream it now on pandora with xfinity. and don t forget to catch trolls world tour . let s party people! one more time maria: welcome back and i m back with former new york city mayor rudy giuliani the president s personal attorney, and rudy, i want to ask you more about new york and why we weren t ready. i mean, new york is really getting hit the hardest here in the whole country. i know we can t believe china s numbers i get that but what we re looking at now if you were to believe china s number is new york city is worst than wuhan. why is new york city so hard hit well, i think it s a very simple way the crossroads of the world. we love to advertise that and we re kind of proud of that. i can t tell you how often i d point out to people this is the center of the universe. there s no place in the world that gets more people for more different places just the u.n. alone assures that as well as business, finance, so if there s going to be a virus that s going to spread like this , this is the perfect place for it. so i don t see it as unusual that we be , the center of it, and i think maria: people, you know, people are leaving new york in drones. people were leaving before because of taxes and high crime, and people being released from prison, crime having gone up this year. this is a whole different thing now you ve got to confront the fact that new york city looks like a place that s a target for terrorists, and it looks like it s a place that s a target for contagious disease just given the nature of the density of the population. these are things that we re going to have to overcome but i should tell you, maria maria: we have this bail reform law. terrible. terrible. that s why i think it s the most wacky thing i ve ever heard. just think about it. the prisons are overwhelmed with covid-19. we tell people, stay home, because there may be covid-19 in your home and you don t want to bring it outside and we re letting the prisoners out so they can bring the covid-19 that s rampant in the prison, they can bring it to us. maria: yeah. well look, i was talking about before the other day. i was talking with a source the other day from the manhattan d. a. office and this person told me they are looking at requests every day to let prisoners and inmates out because the covid-19 is ripping through the prison system. so, you know, look at these stat s that we have on crime in new york. you wonder if this is actually making things even worse now, and this is partly because of the bail reform law that was totally botched up by mayor deblasio and governor cuomo where there was no bail so the prisoners were just let out on the street, no wonder all those numbers are up in terms of break-ins, et cetera. crime is up in new york. the idea that most of the people in prison are there for some minor offense and some judge put them away for 100 years for a minor offense is absurd. i mean there s an exception here and there. the vast majority of people in prison are in prison because they committed crimes. when you say a non-violent crime they include major drug dealing, along with non-violent crimes. major drug dealers all carry gun s and shoot people. maybe they got caught for the drug dealing but if you re a major drug dealer, i guarantee you ve done a couple of shootings and you re ready to do it again, so we re doing two things. at a time when we re really fragile with everything locked up and stores locked up, we re letting a whole bunch of criminals out on the streets and number two, we re letting sick people out on the street. they should be housed,riker s island is very big and i know it i ve been more often than anybody that hasn t been in prison i guess. there are a lot of buildings there. you can divide them into buildings and it would actually be an intelligent way to do it. put the people infected in one place, on the far end, do a lot of studying of how to deal with it, and if you administered the right medicines you ve cured most of the people and most are not over 70 years old or over 60 years old. most of them are a different portion. maria: mayor deblasio is being called the worst mayor ever. now, governor cuomo has gotten high marks for his leadership. what s your take on governor cuomo s leadership here, and do you think in november, he s going to be on the ticket and he will be running against president trump? i do not think that andrew will be on the ticket running. i m virtually certain of that. i think that deblasio has had a very very poor record as mayor and as far as i can tell in my lifetime he s the worst mayor we ve ever had. i do think in the last two to three weeks we re talking about a low bar but he s acted a lot better and a lot more responsible. governor cuomo mainly has been very good. he s given valid information. he s reacted properly. he s reacted with the right amount of fear and worry for people, as well as trying to encourage them. i think the situation, however, on hydroxychloroquine is a terrible terrible mistake. it deprives one person of the medicine and that person dies it s a mistake and number two the whole situation with prisoners is looney time, crazy time, it makes no sense even from the point of view of covid-19. you are spreading, suppose my building i m right outside my co -op. suppose my building was overwhelmed with covid-19, everybody come out and go to another building? maria: right. well i will say this , governor cuomo joined me on this program three weeks ago, and three weeks ago he said to me, maria i m going to make a decision on the bail reform law by april 1, so i m going to be calling him when i get off, when i go on air here governor cuomo expect my call i m going to call you to find out what is happening with the bail reform law in the face of all of this. mr. mayor it s great to see you this morning. good to see you maria. and god bless you for the coverage. its been about the best that i ve seen. thank you. maria: thank you so much. i ll see you soon. rudy giuliani, coming up he was one of the first to warn about the covid-19 threats impact on the economy now former chief white house strategist steve bannon is back because we have another looming disaster related to this pandemic, what he says the u.s. needs to do in the next 30 days as we look ahead on on the next sunday morning futures. all her life that i should fix it. and now it reminds me of her. i m just glad i never fixed it. listen, you don t need to go anywhere dad. meet christine, she s going to help you around the house. the best home to be in is your own. from personal care and memory care, to help around the house, home instead offers personalized in-home services for your loved ones. home instead senior care. to us, it s personal. maria: welcome back. in just three short months what started as a local health crisis in china has exploded into a global pandemic, infecting more than 1.2 million people, in 179 countries. my next guest was among the first to warn about the coronavirus threat and its impact. telling sunday morning futures back on february 2, that the country was at war and president trump had just become a war-time president. here is what steve bannon and the president had to say yesterday. president trump: we don t want to be doing this for months and months and months, we re going to open our country again. this country wasn t meant for this , few were, few were, but we have to open our country again. maria: joining me right now is former white house chief strategist steve bannon and steve it is good to see you this morning when you joined me about a month ago you basically said look the president has to shut down the country, take a pause for 30 days, we haven t done that, its been rolling closing. what s your take on the response to the coronavirus, steve? well first i want to say maria, one of the reasons everybody knows about this , when you within in davos i believe in mid-january you had an infectious disease person on your show at that time in mid- january, so people were becoming aware of this in mid- january and the lying of the ccp. now president trump laid out yesterday he s going to have one of the hardest decisions any president of this country has ever had in our history coming in the next couple of weeks, and i think what we have to do is number one is that to inform that decision and start to look at outcomes, the first thing i think that we have to do is that dr. birx and dr. fauci and whoever the scientists are we keep talking about the scientists we ve got to get into very precise language. i m afraid we ve got a lot of im precision and i believe what dr. birx and dr. fauci is put forward what is the government and what s the cdc, the task force, dr. birx, we have to see their model and their set of metrics. you remember from jack welch if you can t measure it, we had this trick models from columbia and stanford and things we ve been using on our show but those are outsiders doing terrific work but we need to see what the government s position is on exactly where these rolling waves are and these peaks. in addition i think dr. birx keeps referring to this concept of full mitigation and we need to know what she means by full mitigation because the assumption they keep talking about this in this model to flatten the curve goes along this full mitigation. the president basically shut down the country for 30 days and they will discuss what happens in early may. to me if you got to shut it down and i m going to continue to harp on this is let s shut it down. we ve put this plan on to support the president called 30 days to basically save america or to crash this bug, and that requires no more air traffic of people into the united states. cargo can come, but no more people flying into the united states. no domestic air travel. it s virtually shut down but let s shut it all down. even stop vehicular travel except for inter interstate commerce in logistics and medical emergency and also put all 50 states under one uniform, lockdown policy and make it as tough as possible because we re already taking 30 days off in addition, i think certain areas like new york city and new orleans and detroit have to be quasi-quarantined if people just can t, i love new york city, i do a show there, i live there and love it but we can t have people from new york flying to puerto rico and south florida. we have to quasi-quarantine that and in addition this is what gives the president the tools to unlock the country. we have to the hydroxy, we know from talking to doctors all day long it s working for their patients they have to and the president opened up the supply chain yesterday. they have to be allowed to put that through their patients, if they think that it s prophylaxis when they first come into the hospital. it s clearly working for some doctor/patient relationships. maria: that s the hydro chloroquine, yeah. hydrochloroquine needs to be on a doctors basis and also from around the world and france it s working for those doctor-patient relationships. let them take charge of it and let them do it. if it s working for them let them do it. number two the mass testing has to be testing, tracking, and then quarantining of people that have it in the last and this was on judge jeanine last night which was very powerful is that this antibodies test. the way we open a country back up is we ve got to get mass distribution of the antibodies test because that tells us basically who has immunity and give us the people that can start to unlock the country. if we do all of this and do it in a tough, hard way, the president is going to have some metrics and be able to make more informed decisions by better outcomes, what we re really doing to flatten the curve, when it comes to late april, early may when he has to make these decisions he s absolutely correct. the united states of america cannot be shut down for months and months and months. we have to see the ridge on the other side of the casm. maria: you want a report card. a report card but also i think it s very important, look i ve got a lot of confidence in dr. birx and dr. fauci but i think they have to come forward and we have to see the metrics she s talked about, we ve built a model from the ground up. i can go online and to the university of washington and see all of the ones and these guys, the professors have done a great job. we need to see what the metrics are that she s looking at and that she thinks is success. that way we can make different decisions, policy decisions to basically flatten this curve or what i saw crash the curve, crash this virus, by the end of april, early may. maria: yeah, no i understand and then at some point, we have to discuss china, and there must be accountability. we ve got this china deception timeline here i want to go through because you ve been so good on this and your pandemic special, your podcast, but i also have been calling this out now for months, the fact that, you know, one of the earliest known coronavirus patients fell ill in wuhan in december. they sent the delegation of 50 people to the white house, the next month, ship everybody to do the phase i china deal and sent the largest delegation ever to davos 350 people, and then they downplay it. now we understand, there s some speculation here, that china was actually cornering the market, back in december, for protective gear, for things like masks, gloves, you heard my conversation with dr. stephen hahn at the fda how reliant on china we are so here is whatever got in front of me from january 24 to february 29 the national customs inspected and released 2.46 billion pieces of epidemic prevention and control materials worth value, among them 2.4 billion pieces of protective equipment, the chinese bought 2 billion masks, and 25.38 million pieces of protective clothing in january. china, the capacity to make mask s in china, they make half of the world s supply already of masks in china. why are they buying 2 billion masks in january, before they even told the world about this crisis? look, this is not about the chinese people. this is not the chinese virus. it s not the wuhan virus. it s not the covid-19. maria: that s right it s the chinese communist government this is the ccp virus. the good and decent people and the chinese people are among the most good and decent people on earth. it s the people in wuhan that bore the brunt of this and were basically destroyed. the chinese communist party we know knew about this from at least late december in all probability from early december, and they knew it wasn t about the market okay? they knew it and i m not saying we should have a full investigation, that it came from the p 4 lab or the cdc, and the p 2 lab in wuhan. that is all to be adjudicated later under an investigation but we know for a fact there was a patient that this came from and most importantly, because the taiwanese have told us this , they knew there was human -to-human transmission. on january 14, the world health organization put out a tweet that said after consultation, with the senior health ministers of the chinese communist party they had told them there was no human-to-human transmission. maria: that s exactly right. the who is protecting china, and the chinese communist party that s right. steve bannon it s great to talk with you. i know you mentioned cuomo on your war room special you thought it was weird that the governor brought up his brother. i wonder if chris cuom ox took the hydrochloroquine? we ll see. thank you, steve bannon. we ll see you soon, back in a minute. i m your mother in law. and i like to question your every move. like this left turn. it s the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you re always so late. i do not speed. and that s saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. 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you know if there was a possibility, i keep my hair short in congress, maria, not pull it out because every time we turn around speaker pelosi, adam schiff, all they want to do is take any environment they can and turn it to attack the president. the president is doing a good job, the president is working hard, he s on tv every day, talking to the american people every day, he s got his vice president leading the task force , all these leaders leading and what do we hear from speaker pelosi and now adam schiff is they want to have these commissions or these 9/11 commissions to investigate the president. all they ve ever done is sort of amazing i heard a quote yesterday from speaker pelosi i think she said wherever there s money there s miss chef. that s pretty rich coming from the speaker whose the pied piper who tried to put everything into this bill and worried about where it s going now. why don t we focus on helping the american people, do like the president has asked let s get the m in to where it needs to go and help our healthcare officials and help our hospitals and help businesses get back to work just like you ve been talking about on the show this morning this is something we ve got to get through and then recover from, and just to simply do this not to attack and basically say we re going to follow this president is just randomly what we ve seen the last year and a half. it s frankly just painful. maria: so i want to ask you about the $2.2 trillion relief package. do you think it s going to work? do you think we need a fourth stimulus but let s do it on the other side of this break, congressman doug collins will go through the response stay with us, doug collins we ll be right back on sunday morning futures . boston light, america s oldest lighthouse, has stood strong through every dark hour and bright dawn our country has endured. it has seen the break in the clouds before anyone else. for the past 168 years, we ve also stood by you, helping you weather storms like this one, to protect your loved ones. and we ll do it for 168 more. maria: welcome back. i m back with georgia congressman doug collins and congressman the money apparently went to the banks on friday, as part of that $2.2 trillion relief package. is this going to work? are the banks getting the money that they need in order to increase lending at this point, because i ve heard that its been spotty, and not successful in many areas, what do you say? well i think it s too early to judge success. i think it s getting started and there was of course for a program this large to get started basically within a week, we were having some issues with the applications those were changed and now we re getting banks who were trying to make sure they could do the proper loans that they are getting. i think after starting out on friday a little rocky at times it is getting better and by the first of the week you ll see that ll help. these are loans that are going to help our business keep people employed and hopefully keep them off unemployment so it will work it s a little bit too early to say everything is a success yet. maria: do you think we need a fourth package? do you think we need more stimulus after this? let s see how this first package works. we ve not started distributing these amounts yet. maria: okay. let me move on to fisa, and something that you know so well. obviously, the fisa re authorization is in jeopardy. the department of justice reporting that the fbi had so many flaws when it comes to fisa warrants. it was even beyond what took place with the russia probe, and the unlawful surveillance of carter page. where do you stand on that? well, look, the fisa authorization needs to be on hold. the bill that was sent back over from the senate was just an extension and we need to actually work on this. think about this , if we weren t in the middle of covid-19 this virus, this be the lead on every network at every moment because the fisa court was abused by the corrupt kabul that we saw and you and i talked about for months, jim jordan, devon nunes, john ratcliffe, this is a problem we ve seen. i m tired of the mainstream media blowing this off and tired of them saying this was sloppiness or errors. when you have a process that s supposed to work for a secret court for americans like carter page and the applications have as many as 20 errors in them or you have four cases of which they don t even have a file for they don t even have the documentation for it, this would not be tolerated at any other time and should not be tolerated now we ll keep talking about this but this has to be fixed. maria: congressman, real quick before you go, you are leading in your georgia state-wide election poll, 36%, your competitor, of course being investigated now. yeah, there s a lot but we re taking our message straight to the people just saying look, you know us, you know what we ve done, we ve proven we re the strong conservative leader in georgia and we ll keep doing that. after this virus gets over we re looking for it. maria: congressman good to see you this morning thanks very much for being with us it s always a pleasure to talk with you, congressman doug collins that ll do it for us have a very good sunday everybody thanks so much for joining me join me tomorrow morning on fox business where the conversation continues what i love most about being a scientist at 3m is that i m part of a community of problem solvers. we make ideas grow. from an everyday solution. to one that can take on a bigger challenge. from packaging tape. to tape that can bond materials to buildings. and planes. one idea can unlock a breadth of solutions. at 3m, we are solving problems that improve lives. howard: this is a fox news alert, i m howard kurtz in washington. we re standing by for the daily news conference by new york governor andrew cuomo. meanwhile, president trump adopted a far more serious tone this week, saying a that each if everything goes right in the battle against the coronavirus, 100,000-240,000 americans could die, a marked contrast to what he was telling reporters a month ago when he said treat it like the flu. i want every american to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. we re going to go through a very tough two weeks. it s the not the flu. it s vicious. howard: joining us to analyze

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