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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140513 10:00:00

chaplain for? talk to the counselors. thanks to everyone who responded. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it s tuesday, may 13. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the white house told him to lie. that s the claim in timothy geithner s new memoir but now the former treasury secretary doesn t believe his own book. we re going to dissect the web of lies straight ahead. and he was the iconic voice of the america s top 40, but this morning. casey kasem isç nowhere to be found. the frantic search for the ailing radio star intensifies on this tuesday. where is casey? and no love in this elevator. beyonce s sister kicking and throw hay makers at rapper jay-z.
what caused her to flip out on the hip-hop mogul. i don t know, but i d like to. mornings are better with friends. watch this. hi. this is brookland decker and you are watching fox & friends. she went on from that voiceover to marry andy roddick and lived happily ever after. i wonder if theç connection from toba the audio guy who picks those is the video of beyonce s sister trying it deck her. deck him. we ve got to find out what happens. there is an explosive story caught on tape shows you there s cameras absolutely everywhere. we re on camera right now. good morning. let s talk about timothy geithner s book, the latest former obama acolyte says i m out, don t call me anymore because i m writing a book.
he recalls that the white house wanted him to lie, mislead the public before he went on the that sound familiar? to discuss actually social security. so look at this. he s talking about dan pfeiffer s urging him to present the issue that it wasn t the reason for the deficit. he says, quote, i remember during one roosevelt room press session before i appeared on the sunday shows, i objected when dan pfeiffer wanted me to say social security didn t contribute to the deficit. it wasn t a main driver of our future deficits but it did contribute. pfeiffer says the law was a dog whistle to the left, a phrase i never heard before. he had to explain that phrase was code for the democratic base signaling that we intended to protect social security. oh man, this is big. a member of the administration admitting in their memoir that comes out today thatç the white house told them to go out and lie. as soon as this headline hit the fan, a close source to timothy geithner says timothy does not believe he
was encouraged to go out and mislead the public. really? so you re not supposed to believe the things that he wrote in his book. and quoted. look, he wrote the book. he remembered it so well, he threw in the stuff about the dog whip. anyone who has written the book understands there are many rounds of edits. you look at that a few times before it hits the press. weç watched timothy geithner through the most harrowing times in modern economic history trying to explain himself, his moves and some of the things he had nothing to do with and some of his exact policies. you have to wonder, he s one guy you could always look at and i think to myself someone has him scared to death, even when we were over the crisis, he gives that demeanor of someone who is scary. he s not a politician. right but he always looked like something terrible is about to happen. when it was said i need you
to show emotion, he was not comfortable. here is what he quoted in his book. she handed me the text and i skimmed the outrage i was expected to express. i m not very convincing as an angry populist. i m not doingç this i said. instead i sat uncomfortably next to the president while he expressed outrage. what was he talking about? expressing outrage that a lot of officers were getting bonuses in a time of crisis. he said america was furious about the overpaid bankers. stephanie cutter wanted us to show we were on the backside of the backlash but they had no legal authority to confiscate the bonuses paid during the boom. knowing the truth, yet pausing and saying i can t deliver this sort of upset. do you it, buddy. let us review what weç have learned today. tim geithner has written a book. what he has revealed is the white house told him to tell a lie when he went out
on the sunday morning chat shows. that sounds exactly what we learned about two and a half weeks ago that susan rice was told to go out there and spread that lie. the administration knew it wasn t a there and say it was a video even though we knew it was an act of terror. charles krauthammer, a doctor, says this administration has a problem. they lie too much. this white house has an arm s length relationship with the truth. you could argue that all administrations do. but here you get the idea that it s less than arm s length. it is actually a clearly manipulative relationship¿ with the truth that it is to be used or abused or inverted in order to, quote, send a message, to send a dog signal. everybody knows that social security is in deficit. the treasury makes it up. and, therefore, it contributes to the deficit. geithner knows that, and, therefore, he wasn t prepared to say an outright
lie, an obvious arithmetic lie. timothy geithner comes out and writes his book and now before the book is out 24 hours he is denying what s in it. we haven t gotten to theç point where glenn hubbard, a key romney economic advisor, told him he planned on raising taxes once he got into offices. he said of course i m going to raise taxes. glenn hubbard came back and says i never said that. again, these are quotes. he didn t say i talked to him and then he gave us a paraphrase. he s quoting himself exactly. americans deserve the truth. and ultimately we were promised transparency from the president. this is 2008. i have a track record of transparency. i ll make our government open and transparent. we ll do it in a transparent way. i want transparency. i want accountability. so that the american people can be involved in their own government. let me say it as simply as i can.
transparency and the rule of law will be theç touchstones of this presidency. this is the most transparent administration in history. really? that s great to hear him say. unfortunately the facts don t seem to support that, mr. president. let s just take a look at a number of this administration s officials who have misled the public. we start with, of course, susan rice. she appeared on those sunday shows where she said that it was a video even though the administration knew that it was terrorism. hillary clinton as secretary of state referenced the video as the cause behind the benghazi attack. and we know that she spoke to the president at 10:00 that night. james clapper claimed there was noç program to collect information on american citizens; again something that we found out differently there. then the attorney general right here, we have this surveillance, the claim by the republicans. he said he knew nothing about it. the potential prosecution of the press. he didn t know. eric holder. then of course we have the president of the united states saying if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
then later said i probably shouldn t have said that. it s hard to know what s going on. instead of a dog whistle just say things. say i want to tell the democratic base we are not going to touch social security. you don t need a dog whistle. just say that is what we re going to do. experts say of all the entitlements social security is the easiest to fix. we don t fix anything. we don t take care of entitlements and we certainly don t take care of social security. perhaps theyç have a different definition of transparency. you look at all this stuff, i think to this administration the truth is not important. getting reelected was. however, going forward, if i was like bob schieffer or chris wallace and ran a sunday morning talk show, i think i would want to have a lie detector on everybody who sat on the show from this administration. you should be personally offended if someone lies to you? as americans, we expect the truth from our government; right? shocking. if someone told you they remember told to lie and denies they wrote in the
book, i don t know where to start with that. that s why i m turning over to heatherç nauert. she tells the truth. good morning, guys. serious news out of west virginia. it happened overnight. we start with a fox news alert. right now rescue teams are searching for two trapped miners after an underground coal mine collapses in west virginia. it is not clear what caused that collapse but we know the last safety review in twitter of in 2013 of the boone county mines had reports concerning the miners safety and health. families are at the mine at this hour awaiting more information. another fox news alert. brand-new evidence of another scandal at yet another v.a. hospital. this time in durham, north carolina. two workers there were just placed on leave for improperly manipulatinh the scheduling data. that s what they re calling it right now. this comes amid troubling allegations that a v.a. hospital in phoenix where 40 veterans died while they
remember waiting for similar treatments. another incident was reported last week in wyoming. this is not a game. this is life and death. this is dead real. and this is what we make a commitment to the people that defend us every day. there have been a lot of calls to the veterans administration secretary eric shinseki to step down but the white house continuing to stand by him. caught on camera, aç massive explosion blows the front off a house in new hampshire. this blast coming moments after a police officer was shot and killed while he responded to a domestic disturbance call at that house yesterday. police believe that the suspected gunman, 47-year-old michael nolan, may have been killed in that blast. nolan lived in that duplex with his father who was 86 years old. it is not known if he was home at that time. one other person was taken to the hospital with injuries. a bizarre story out of california. the radio legend casey
kasem is missing say his children. a judge is ordering an investigation into his disappearance and now appointing the 82-year-old daughter as his temporaryö conservator. my dad was snapped out of the facility. this is a part of a long running court battle between his children and their step mother. they re fighting over access to their father who suffers from advanced parkinson s and can apparently no longer speak. it is believed he might be at an indian reservation in washington state. those are your headlines. you read the tabloids, that is a story you read about a lot, the family problems there. that was heather nauert. let me tell you what s coming up straight ahead withç us. a mom taking care of her disabled son being forced to unionize, but she s fighting back. up next, the supreme court
decision that could change big labor as we know it. thousands of convicted criminals in this country illegally; now the obama administration is setting them free. why not? [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it s dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there s tons of info on our website. that s why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you re all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america s largest, most reliable 4glte network.
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so start your day off good with a coffee that s good cup after cup. maxwell house. good to the last drop a case before the u.s. supreme court could have an impact on every employee s union in the nation. pam harrison, illinois mother who cares for her disabled son at home, is fighting to stop the seiu union from squeezing money from her son s social security check. the supreme court must now decide whether forcing families like this one to unionize is legal. fox news contributor mallory factor, the new york times best-selling author and he s got a book out called shadow
about government employee union, joins us to weigh in on this. good morning to you. good morning. this is a troubling case because it is about two moms who were forced these are mothers not in unions but their children had disabilities and to take care of them and get federal money these mothers had to unionize. they said that is a load of crap and they sued the government. one of the moms i met, susie watts, she takes care of her daughter who is a quadriplegic. she s had over $5,000 automatically taken out of her medicaid payments by the unions. automatically taken out, and she s been told if she wants to get medicaid payments to help take care of her quadriplegic daughter, she has to pay the seiu, the old union that president obamaç was an organizer for. sure. why is this one of the biggest labor decisions in a long time? if the supreme court rules for the workers and tells the workers that they
don t have to pay a union to keep getting government payments, all of a sudden the unions are going to have to work to get people to join them. they re not going to be able to take the money out ought mat khreufplt one of the automatically. one of the things about this particular case where these home health care employees, essentially the mom, is an employee of the government, even though she child, is that it s not the union that dictates exactly how things happen. it s the disabled person. so that makes it different than the regular union situation. what they ve done is they ve come up with this fictional kind of company which pays the person, and it s a government company. and this is how they re able to unionize all these home health care workers. what the unions want to do, what the shadow bosses really want to do is they want to be able to unionize the 21 million health care workers that you re going
to have under obamacare, and that will be billions of dollars to the unions, a private organization. sure. the way you ve depicted it, it sounds like it was a dumb rule to start with, but it isúhhnging in the balance by one vote and extraordinarily the one vote is a conservative who normally you would think would not be for this. it appears. we don t know what goes on inside the supreme court, but justice scalia appears to be torn on this one because the fact is that he believes strongly in states rights and he wants to give the states the rights to make these decisions as opposed to have a broad decision. in this case a conservative justice may be the union s best friend. let s see what they do over there on capitol hill at the u.s. supremeç court. mallory factor, always a pleasure to be with you. thank you, sir. thanks for coming up from charles top. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, the devil tried making it to harvard but
got the boot instead. a big update on that satanic mass that was supposed to happen last night. it didn t. a football coach s life lessons captures the hearts of america in an oscar-winning movie. you think football builds character. it does not. football reveals character. not only did bill courtney build a team from nothing; he did the same with his business and now it s worth $45 million. he s going to share the secrets you need to know straightç ahead, live from new york city. [ female announcer ] with weight watchers, you can eat this,
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son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. fueling the american spirit. can you hear it? no matter when, no matter where, marathon will take you there.
welcome back. time for quick headlines for you. the sudden death of a north carolina democratic candidate rocking the community there. keith crisco, a congressional candidate died after a fall inside his home. the 71-year-old had been locked up in a too close to call primary battle with former american idol star clay aiken. this is the biggest discovery since 1492. one exploreer he found christopher columbus s long lost ship the santa maria. the ship wrecked more than 500 years ago off the coast of haiti. brian was just talking about that. you re a prophet. meanwhile, leading a team to success on and off the football field is about more thanç x s and o s. you re down 20-0. you come back from that, now you re talking about something. 1:03 to go. you think football builds character. it does not.
he s going to throw it. he holds it. football reveals character. joining us is the man behind that oscar winning documentary undefeated author of the book called against the grain: a coach s wisdom on character, faith, family and love, bill courtney. how have you taken what you ve done on the footbpl field to a different school and how did it help you build your business? the 30,000 foot view is this. we can be inclusive and forward-thinking and open minded without abandoning the core principles that got us here in the first place, and those core principles that built that football team are the same principles that built my family and built my business. and you ve had success all around. let s break it down as best we can and people get the book and find out more. what do you think of hard work? i think we have developed this entitlement mentality in a lot of different places and not just in the entitlement
among those disadvantaged among us, but there s an entitlement among the wealthy, an entitlement among the affluent. this entitlement that these kids learn strips them ofç the dignity they get from a hard day s labor. if you don t have money, it s somebody s fault. if you have a lot of money, i don t need to do that? i think they re equally disturbing because of the lesson it teaches our kids and because it takes away the dignity you get from looking in the mirror at the end of the day and saying i earned that. we ve got to get back to teaching the importance of that dignity in our lives. take pride in what you do. search for civility. it s easy to have civility when you re up 20-0 or about to win a championship. when you reç down, how does that confer? how we treat those we opposed says more about us than even our own opinions do. we have to search for a civil attitude so that we can find commonality and
come together. frankly, business, sports, society, family but that may be the best for the folks in d.c. you also that s absolutely true, the nation s capital. you say grace appears in a forgiving heart. what do you mean by that? i mean that so much of what keeps us back can be our own anger, our own desire to get back at someone that wronged us. there s difference in a pardon and forgiveness. everybody has to answer for what they ve done. but forgiveness is bestç for the forgiveer because you re allowed to get rid of all that angry feeling you have toward another person. we have to get back to being civil and being forgiving so we can move on and find commonality. because if you hold that grudge, you re wasting your time. you re wasting your energy. it s hurting you worse than the person you re not forgiving. we just scratched the
surface of some of the wisdom that led you to a very lucrative career. thanks so much for coming in today. great to see you. thanks. good to see you. straight ahead on this show, no loveç in this elevator. what caused beyonce s sister to flip out on the hip-hop mogul? we got that story. the i.r.s. says they need more money for taxpayers. maybe it s because they just spent $100 million on new furniture. stuart varney fuming about this one. sure he has $100 million in his office but he s doing varney. first happy birthday to darius rucker. he used to have blow fish with him. now he turns 48 all alone. what does that first spoonful taste like?
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welcome back. it s your shot of the morning. haagen-dazs is setting up shop on our plaza in honor of free cone day. my favorite day of the year. and of course with an inside scoop, maria molina. good morning, steve, elisabeth and brian. happy tuesday here. it is free cone today. joining me this morning is rob shell, you are director of franchise for haagen-dazs. thanks so much for joining us this morning. why is today free cone day? we do free cone day as kind of a give back to our customers. we do it every year on the second tuesday in may.
you are debuting two new flavors? two new gelato flavors at haagen-dazs shops. theç carmelized banana chip and tiaramasu. i can give a preview of what it tastes like. this is tiaramusu. very, very good. the other flavor? carmelized banana chip. this is what it looks like, everybody. very good. what times can people go to the stores? today from 4:00 p.m.ç to 8:00 p.m. at over 170 participating stories in 27 different states. lastly, 200,000 cones were given away and you re trying to break that record. this year we re
determined to break it. come on by any haagen-dazs shop. find your nearest location at our hag again dozen facebook page. search under the locator or let s look at the weather conditions across the country because if you live across the southeastern united states you will want to get a scoop of ice cream. we do have very warm temperatures ahead of a cold front. right now it is producing areas of rain anywhere from texas up into the state of illinois. there even is a flooding concern especially acroác parts of texas where many areas could be seeing over six inches of rain. we have a number of flood watches in effect across parts of the southern plains. tomorrow severe weather possible from mississippi up into parts of ohio. large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes possible. take a look at the highs today. we mentioned it is going to be warm across the southeast united states. in raleigh, north carolina, your high today 93 degrees. it is going to be a toasty
one. get some ice cream. behind that front on the cool side. maria on the streets. maria, we ll take threeç tiramasu to go. if i leave you any. from the scoops out on the streets of new york city to the scoop of the news. good morning. we re talking about the phers mers virus. hundreds of people in the united states could be at risk after a second case of the deadly mers virus is discovered here. a man in florida is being treated for the deadly illness. this case and one coming out of indiana are believed to be connected to saudi arabia. doctors say neither case is severe but they are warning an estimated 500 people who were on flights with two of those patients to be on the lookout for them.ç murderers, sex
offenders set free while waiting to be deported. the center for immigration studies looked at this and say the convicts were released last year and it slams the obama administration for freeing thousands of convicted criminals, some who were waiting the outcome of their cases. the immigration group says more than 36,000 convicted criminal aliens were turned loose in 2013. yesterday we told but this story and here s an update for you. good wins over evil on the campus of harvard university. a student group planned satanic mass was canceled followingç outrage from religious and educational leaders. members from the cultural studies club claimed they wanted to move the mass but couldn t find a new location. christian students say they re glad it was called off and still can t believe the college would allow this in the first place. listen. i m just ashamed that in an environment that s otherwise committed to intellectual freedom but also to civility would be
allowing such a hateful event to happen. the group claims that the mass was a historic reenactment and that it was meant to be educational. okay. beyonce and jay z all smiles sitting court side tenets game last night at the nets game last night hours after video wasç released showing solange attacking jay z in an he elevator. you can see her as she punches and kicks jay z as a bodyguard tries to hold her back from him. at the end of the clip beyonce pulls her away. this went on for three and a half minutes. the celebrities haven t spoken out yet but the standard hotel where this happened blasted the person who released this video saying they re shocked and disappointed. it is a clear breach of our security system. there were a lot of fists flying in that elevator. somebody very upset about something. stuart, can you tell us what happened with thatç
video? no, i cannot. fine. thanks for coming by. let s talk about this. there is another nightmare at the i.r.s. a new report shows the aiming is i spent nearly $100 million on office furniture over the last five years. the i.r.s. is asking for even more of your money for its budget next year. stuart varney, what do you think about that and how is that possible they can be asking for more money by throwing it out on furniture. $100 million for office furniture since 2010 does sound a little obsessive. everybody s already got chairs. maybe taxpayers are a little hard on the furniture when they go to the eurps i.r.s. office but it is more thanç was spent on furniture during the entire eight years of the bush administration. this is another black eye for the i.r.s. this is an agency which gave $2.8 million in bonuses to people who have not paid their own taxes. this is the agency where
lois lerner is in contempt of congress. this is an agency that wants another $1 billion to police obamacare. this is the agency which brought in an extra $132 billion, the latest seven months of this year, $1.2 become is what they want extra. theç lack of funding has made it difficult to provide the service taxpayers deserve, a quote. government is not efficient. government does not work efficiently. bureaucrats create bureaucracies which work very inefficiently and spend money. they have a voracious appetite for money and spend it on things like $100 million for office furniture. jack lew said they need $100 million to crack down on conservatives. he didn t say that. i m adding.
right now the federal government hats seen so much money come in, they ve got more money than they know what to do with. actually they ll spend it. nobody is talking about that. in the lastç seven months the i.r.s. brought in an extra $132 billion compared to last year. the taxpayer clearly doing their part to get that deficit down. the i.r.s. spending it on stuff like $100 million worth of furniture. there is a link between the two. that is not responsible. certainly why in that harvard poll you saw young people saying they lost faith in government agencies. stuart varney we will be watching you at 11 a.m. probably more on this? i shall check on that. thanks for being with us. still ahead a texas gun dealer under fire for this sign, but he s got a messagehfor his critics and that s coming up next. our military considering the first chaplain who doesn t believe in religion or god. do we really need someone to represent atheists? judge napolitano surely is
on deck with that.
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we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. we have got some quick tuesday morning headlines for you right now. caught on camera, a thief in california steals a veterans u.s. army flag from the front of his house. douglas dahl served net vietnam war and desert storm. he says he s hurt and wants the flag back. texas gun dualer under fire dealer under fire for this sign that says i like myç guns like obama
likes his voters undocumented. he then said it was a joke. he put the sign up supporting the texas gun policy that does not require firearm registration. elisabeth, over to you. an atheist group is demanding an atheist chaplain in the military. they claim as more atheists ep list they enlist they need somewhere to go for support. is the d.o.d. being politically correct? fox news judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano on that. this isn t the first time this has come down. i think it qç 3.6% of those in the military identify themselves as being atheist. how will this play out? i m not surprised that people are asking for this, but it is surprising that the mr. dodd: is that the
department of defense is considering this. they have more things to do than to figure out how to provide a chaplain for an atheist. a chaplain is provided for major and minor religions for people who believe in god and who need religious services because their heart and morality tells them so or the religion to which they belong requires it. atheism isç not a religion. it doesn t fit within any of the definitions for federal statutes or for circumstances under which the federal government has to provide this. this is political correctness gone crazy. this is about the 14th amendment then. how does that play in? the atheist group argued a clause in the amendment called the equal protection clause which says the government has to treat similar people in a similar way somehow forces the defense department to provide chaplains for atheists. the 14th amendment regulates states, not the federal government.
and the part of the constitution that talks about rights the federal government has to recognize has exceptions in there for the military. understanding, as the framers did, that when you join the military, youç give up certain rights. we ve seen those reins loosened. is this a trend? we ve seen the reins loosened. there are circumstances under which you can have beards. there are circumstances under which you can have long hair. there are circumstances under which you can have tattoos. but the concept of a chaplain for an atheist, if someone needs counsels, it s there. if someone needs a support group, it s there. i don t know what this chaplain would preach since atheists don t believe in god. is this an attempt to remove a chaplain of a religious group that is larger? i think it isç an attempt to make the military seem more soft and cushy. i think in ten years we ll be laughing at this.
right now it is just under 4% of those that identify as such. if that grows indeed, will they be forced in a way to have a chaplain? no. the congress would have to change the laws in order for the atheists in the military to force the military to provide them with chaplains. this meeting today is not going to put forth this meeting today is really an effort by the brass of the military, the civilian brass of the military, secretary hagel and his people, to keep the lid on complaints. i don t think theç complaints are loud and i don t think they re going to come long and i don t even think they re serious but i think he wants to nip them in the bud by talking to these people. it doesn t hurt to talk but it would be absurd to have the federal government spend money to have people preach about atheism. interesting perspective. coming up, meet the mayor, brian says.
who says this? take your godless ceremony elsewhere. forget everything you ve heard about fatty foods.ç they re actually good for you. the delicious details going to change your life forever coming your way.
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forget everything you heard about fatty foods. can butter, cheese and heavy meats actually be good for you? our next guest says yes and that s why she s here. that s right. she spent near low decades studying the positive effects of
fatty foods and details it in the big fat surprise. she joins us now with such great news. so please explain, this is great. we have some comparisons here. why is that good for you? we keep hearing it s not. we ve been living for 50 years with the low fat diet and the problem is that when you reduce fat, you increase carbohydrates. we eat 25% more than we did in the early 1970s. your body needs fat to be healthy. and the main thing we ve been told is that saturated fats are bad for you, that saturated fats and meat and butter and cheese are bad for you. but that all goes back to one scientist in the 1950s who thought fats caused heart disease one scientist? it was one scientist. in the face of the nation s fear of heart disease, he came up with the idea that it was saturated fats that caused heart disease. he got that idea implanted into
the american heart association and the rest is history. let s fast forward to today. as people think about what they should eat, should they have the bagel or bacon and eggs? according to the conventional wisdom, you don t want all the cholesterol and fat in the eggs and bacon. right. so this idea became so ingrained that we just feel like it s common sense. how could that possibly be good for you? and the reality is that that contains saturated fat, yes. but the evidence against saturated fat has really dissipated, disappeared, and it is no longer so we choose the egg? you choose the egg. and the bacon? over the bagel? over the bagel, which is empty carbohydrates. brian will kick the bagel out. here you go. you can give it away. what about at lunchtime? if you had the choice between a green salad or egg salad, conventional wisdom says go with the green salad. but you should go with the egg salad even though it s high in cholesterol, the cholesterol in egg does not translate into cholesterol in your blood.
that has been known since the 1970s. so it s good for you without the bad effects that everybody thinks it has? it s good for you. eggs also contain a loft nutrients lot of nutrients. so eggs are really nutrient dense and really good food. a lot of people eat the egg white. all the nutrients are in the yoke. they re missing it. the questions are getting hard. carrots, pita versus heavy meats and cheese. this is the most counter enduretive. everyone would choose hummus. bread is high in carbs and carrots and pita. carbohydrates in your blood become glucose, which triggers insulin, which is the king of all hormones in storing fat. zero in that up with. will and also a lot of nutrients. right.
down here at this end we ve got butter and steak and sausage spatties versus the low fat yogurt. you say steak wins by a mile. steak and butter. steak is really rich in nutrients. it has good fats, the same is true of butter. what happens with low fat products is when you take the fat out, you have to put something in to replace all the texture they put sugar in. they re putting carbohydratessed based, almost always sugars. a serving of this is like having a snicker s bar worth of sugar. wow. is there a limit to the amount of fats? i m thinking what are the guideline when is having this type of fatty food? leave the butter. take the yogurt. is there a limit in a day? could you have all of this? you could have all of this in a day. the best, most rigorous scientific trials over the last decade show that a higher fat diet is healthier than a low fat diet in terms of your diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, hands down.
definitively that s been shown. should you be worried about cholesterol if you re not doing the low fat and suddenly you re eat ago lot of cholesterol? again, the cholesterol in food does not translate into cholesterol in your bloodstream. i like that. good news for everybody out there. so fatten up, america. we showed you how. we re getting a bunch of thank you tweets and e-mails. that s the good news. it s just that you don t have to feel guilty about eating those foods. thank you very much. real pleasure. thank you. coming up straight ahead. another day and another veteran affairs hospital called out for delaying health care to our nation s heros. where is the president on this one? didn t he promise to fix that problem? then just call this a royal hoax. who is this guy? we had a bunch of different dairies. one was an actor. one was an athlete and the other one was prince harry.
look at that. the single ladies all vying for prince harry s heart. but that s not really prince harry. who is he? that s straight ahead. we re feeding him a steak o clock. first timothy geithner s book and now this. et.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you re trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz is an ra medicine that can enter cells and disrupt jak pathways, thought to play a role in the inflammation that comes with ra. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections andancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz.
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our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority. amazing! .is you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that s how you ll increase market share. any questions? can i get an a , steve? yes! three a s!
amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! good morning. it s tuesday, may 13. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. a race against the clock. at this hour, rescue crews are trying to reach coal miners trapped underground in west virginia. those breaking details straight ahead. and it s the iconic voice we all know. thank you and hello again, everybody. welcome to america s top ten. but this morning casey kasem is nowhere to be found. the latest in the search for the ailing radio star. and ladies, do you want to marry prince harry? who is this guy? we had a bunch of different theories. one was an actor, one was an
athlete. and the obvious one was that he s prince harry. it s a new dating show and that guy looks like prince harry. but it s not him. these single ladies are in for a royal surprise. oh, boy. that s going to be great because tuesday mornings, always better with friends. this is darius runninger and you re watching fox & friends. elisabeth, when you were playing football, darius rucker co-hosted the show. you remember that? i do remember. he wanted us to join the blowfish and go on the road with him and i said no, we re going to stay here. it was a good move for us to stick around. i think so. he also was a welcome voice on my first day. i love that. he welcomed you to the show. yes. listen, today as we welcome you to the 7:00 o clock eastern time hour of the fox & friends program, we got troubling news to tell you. it sounds like the white house, every chance they get, if they
need to, they lie to us. that guy right there, former secretary of the treasurer, tim geithner. says in a new memoir that comes out today that he essentially was told by the white house to go out there on tv on the sunday chat shows sounds familiar and lie. here is a quote, it says i remember one prep session before i appeared on the sunday shows. i objected when dan pheiffer, communications director, wanted me to say social security didn t contribute to the deficit. it wasn t a main driver of our future deficits. but it did contribute. pheiffer said the line was a dog whistle to the left. phrase i had never heard before. he had to explain what the phrase was. it was code to the democratic base signaling that we intended to protect social security. so there you got dan pheiffer saying okay, tim, go out there and lie on tv. right. a source close to geithner actually said he doesn t believe that he was encouraged to go out and mislead the public, even though he s writing about it in this book on multiple occasions.
going to 2009 that he indicates that stephanie cutter, a democratic strategist and in charge of communications messaging, he tells a story there of how she handed me the text and i skimmed the outrage i was supposed to express. i m not very convincing as an angry populous and i thought it would look ridiculous. i m not doing this, i said, and i sat uncomfortably next to the president while he expressed the outrage. there he s referring to americans being furious over the fact that bailouts were that was the president doing the fake outrage. the president said how outraged he was when ce oh,s were getting bonuses after the bailout. everybody is it s unbelievable, he wrote the book and is walking back the quotes in the book that one time he
accused mitt romney of saying we re going to raise taxes if elected and he said i never said that. the book has been out a day and everything that s interesting in it, he denies is in it, even though he wrote it. how unbelievable is that? steven hayes weighed in. every administration from every political party engages in spin, but the entire point of spin to a certain extent is to avoid saying something that is outright false. but we ve seen the administration say this, whether it s you can keep your plan, when the white house had studies show people wouldn t be able to keep your plan, whether it was the benghazi talking points saying the white house didn t have any substantive rule, or the obama administration political team didn t have any sub santel role. we know those things were not true and if geithner is right in the way he recall this is in his book, this would be add to do that list. absolutely. when tim geithner writes, i believe that he remembers it that way, the fact that a source close to geithner now is
spinning it and they re trying to parce the words, it reminds me of, well, that depends on what your definition of is is. i m surprised that jay carney yesterday, came out and said we didn t tell him to lie. i m surprised he didn t say dude, that s so six years ago. you remember everything because there is quotes around it. what difference does it make anyway? this is not the first book that s come out indicating there is a lack of transparency in this administration. bob gates book indicated the same thing with i believe wording when it came to an opaque administration, their control over messaging. he said in all the administrations he worked in, prior to nixon, he says it s the most controlled centralized messaging that he s administration he s ever been a part of. the editor of the new york times says the same thing. so when we see the geithner information on top of the ben rhodes e-mail that they tried to get susan rice and she willingly
went along and lied on sunday chat shows, it s disappointing. meanwhile, are they lying about what s going on at the v.a.? there is more trouble at the v.a., disarray at the v.a. two employees in durham, north carolina, have been placed on administrative leave because apparently they, too, falsified records between the years of 2009 and 2012. they re now audited. phantom appointments that didn t exist, possibly for the same thing, to get incentives, to act as if they re efficient when they re not and the actual veterans are paying the price by not getting care. and trying to look good at the front office here, they re making them wait months and months, possibly leading to the deaths of many. anything over 14 days is required to be put in writing. we re seeing all these falsified records there. when you see jay carney, though, really indicating that the president still has such confidence in general shinseki, who is at the head of the ship
here, it makes everyone sort of raise a brow. the president remains confident that secretary shinseki is focused on this matter and he s confident in secretary shinseki s ability to lead the department and take appropriate action based on the findings. okay. so we re going to have to wait til the i.g. comes out. it s a mess right now. we know that. they had two sets of books and it was just to make them all look good. i was looking in the arizona republic newspaper this morning. there is an item that says that in phoenix, i want to say he s 87 years old. 87-year-old vet who is alive to this day, he was waiting for the v.a. to call him back for his hospital appointment, so he called 911. the only reason he s alive is because the locals came and picked him up. the republican congressman from the great state of illinois, he s in the national guard. he was an iraq war vet. he is horrified by the way that the v.a. is treating our american heros.
this is not a game. this is life and death. this is dead real and this is what we make a commitment to the people that defend us every day. look, not only do people need to be suspended, not only do they need to be fired, we need to talk about who needs to end up in jail over this. that s real outrage there. that should be coming from the white house, should be coming from jay carney when our veteran s who risk their lives come back, only to die in some secret waiting list. no faux rage from convincinger there. we hope to see real solutions moving forward. we need whistle blowers to come forward and talk about what s really going on or else everyone seems to be covering their butts and hope their name doesn t get called. meanwhile, heather nauert, tell us what else is happening. good morning. big news out of west virginia. a lot of folks want to hear about it. fox news alert, right now there are rescue teams searching for at least two trapped miners after an underground coal mine
collapses in boon county, west virginia. at this hour, families gathered at the gate of the mining complex as they await information on the miners who work at the brody mine. it s not clear what caused the collapse just yet. the last safety review which took place in 2013 discovered about 250 violations concerning miners health and safety. this happening overnight about 10:30 p.m. eastern time. we ll keep you posted as we get new information in this morning. in the meantime, a rutgers university quarterback arrested and now facing up to 20 years in jail in connection to a brutal bar fight in minnesota. philip nelson has been charged with first degree assault for beaing a 20 yearly in critical condition. surveillance video shows kolstad hitting the quarterback in the back on certified. no word on saturday night. no word on what prommed that. his voice heard on the air for decades. thank you and hello again,
everybody. welcome to america s top ten. this morning, casey kasem s children say he s missing. a judge ordering an investigation into the radio legend s disappearance. he also appointed the 82-year-old s daughter as his temporary conservator. jean kasem moved my father to hide him from his family and friends. she referred to jean. that is the stepmother. there is a long-running court battle between his children and their stepmom. they re now fighting for access to their father who suffers from advanced parkinson s disease and can no longer speak. the children believe he may be at an indian reservation in washington state. this story is for us. you ever get tired of all the rants and tweets on twitter? there is a new feature that may fix that problem. there is a nitwitter mute button and allows users to silence their friends and others without unfollowing them. the people you know won t know
they re silenced. their tweets will vanish from your time line. you can unmute them at any time. those are your headlines. a great feature to have. especially if you do a morning show and people out there in tv land write something appropriate or inappropriate. inappropriate, you can get rid of. yeah. tweet us now if you think you deserve to be muted. did you just mute me? yes, i did. you kept it under 140 lip movements. it was you. here is what s coming up straight ahead. unmute steve. meet the democrat mayor from new jersey who told feds, take your godless ceremony elsewhere. why he refuses to remove prayer from a citizenship ceremony. he joins us live, coming up next. plus, bittersweet news for all of your chocolate and wine lovers out there. truth about the health benefits may be a little sugar coated. back to beer. something to whine about.
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citizenship shoney becoming a battle ground over religious freedom. the democratic mayor of new jersey pulling the plug on the federal naturalization function when the government told the city they couldn t allow an opening prayer at the event, even though it s been a town tradition since it was founded. that s right. the mayor joining us this morning. so this is actually a strong stand that you took here when you were asked six months ago. what happened? about six months ago, the federal government, immigration
naturalization services asked if we would host a swearing in ceremony and we were thrilled. this is a densely populated community, but a melting pot. we have a lot of new immigrants, always have. we thought it would be a nice opportunity to really host this swearing in and highlight the diversity in the town. sure. and things were going along great until? things were going fantastic. we had exchanged the agenda and the program. all of a sudden this past tuesday, we get a call and e-mail from immigration. they said you have to remove prayer and the moment of silence from the agenda. they said it cannot be part of any federal program. did you think we were joking? yeah, there was some communication back and forth. i said this doesn t make sense, especially in light of the recent supreme court ruling. we shot back, no, it s going to be part of it. they said it cannot be on the agenda and part of the program. i said take your ceremony somewhere else. and they did? and they did. carteret is a very diverse community. lots of brick and mortar
religions. we ve always respected one another and respected everyone s faith. and in the town square, you got a christmas tree. we do. there is a public menorah. we do a menorah lighting in front of city hall and a christmas tree lighting at our main park. you open ceremonies with a prayer. we certainly do. from our veterans day services, memorial day services, any public event, even our council meetings open up with a moment of silent prayer. so this is important to you. it s important to carteret. why? it s certainly important to our community because it s faith based community. it s infringement upon our first amendment rights to have a prayer. did you have any interaction with the immigrants, new immigrants? we did not. i m told from the feds there would have been a few from carteret. what was the general reaction? the reaction from the feds was that they would simply move the meeting if we wouldn t allow it to be hosted. the residents overwhelmingly support the idea of letting them go somewhere else. this is a god fearing community. so they moved it to the
federal building in newark, 20 miles or so away. wasn t int. it s clear what they missed. they didn t start with the prayer as you would have liked. why do you think they do this? we raised that and they took the position that even in light of the supreme court decision, that it doesn t apply to federal agencies. they said they don t want to offend anybody. i don t understand. if you didn t want to participate in the prayer, you can sit there quietly or stand quietly. i don t get that. the house of representatives opens with a chaplain reading a prayer. ironically, the oath that they take to become a citizen acknowledges god and they recite the pledge of allegiance. what about critics who say you lost out on an opportunity here? what do you say? that s find. we re happy to have them go somewhere else. thanks so much for joining us. thank you. good for you. 18 minutes after the hour. up next on this show, a marine back from afghanistan for two weeks to escort his little sister to the prom. the school says no way.
we ll tell you why. what? then he looks like prince harry, doesn t he? talks like prince harry. who is this guy? woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger.
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time for news by the numbers. first, $58 billion. that s how much democratic governors have increased taxes since 2011. 58 billion. republican governors have signed over $36 billion worth of tax cuts during the same time.
next, zero. that s the number of years that will be added to your life by eating chocolate and drinking wine. researchers failed to find any evidence that there was an ingredient found in the skin of red grapes and in chocolate is linked to a longer life. and finally, $35 million. that s how much you re going to need to buy the house made famous by al pacino in the movie scar face . 10,000 square foot mansion sits on ten acres in california. not in florida as was where scar face lived. you could call it a royal hoax. oh, my god. is that who i think it is? we re thinking, who is this guy? we had a bunch of theories. one was an actor. up with was an athlete. and the obvious one was that
he s prince harry. well, obviously it s fox use they reality show i want to marry harry . the prince is just a look alike. how do we know? he s here and he looks like him. joining us right now. matt hicks. not harry. good morning to you. thanks for having me. how long have people told you, you know, you kind of look like prince harry? mainly the last five or six years. all right. not very long. that s how you got the job on fox? they found you, right? yeah. i had some pictures on a look alike web site and i ve done a few tiny jobs. here. turn this way because here, look at that. i never seen him with a beard. doesn t seem like you need a makeover. you went through training to learn the personal behavior and also other things. not so much personal behavior, but i had to learn his military career, scandals, ex girlfriends, his schooling, his
hobbies. when i was dating these girls, i had something to talk about. he s had an interesting life to look up. yeah. he managed to live like a normal person and royalty. right. and the information was pretty public so you had to get it right. i think i might have slipped a few times. so the girls didn t know. were they told okay. it s prince harry? they were brought over and they were told it was anglin bachelor. we have the meeting where your face was revealed, but they never said, ladies and gentlemen, here is prince harry. they just said this. we ll have to save that for another time. we ll find out more later. hopefully if you stick around for a while. so in the beginning, you were wearing the mask and then you revealed your face. you never came out and said, i m prince harry. the producers never said i m prince harry. the girls kind of put it
together, right? yeah. they were left to come to their own assumptions. you never own up to it? i never confirm who i am. sure. at the end of this, what does the girl get? you? there you go. fake harry, every week another girl is knocked out of the cast, right? yes. at the end, it s you and this and the final lady. and then is there aside from you, is there cash? i believe there was a prize at the end for the lady. normally a relationship built on a stack of lies would would not be off on the right foot. hi, i m choosing you, now let me tell you who i really am. yeah. and let s go from there. start with an i m sorry. got to be really sorry. is there somebody in there for you that you saw already? is there potential? there is potential. there were some cool girls on the show. i want to watch.
tune in today. thank you very much. he talks in riddles. in real life, you work for an environmental company? a little different. the last episode they fracked the whole time. i can t wait to see it. environmental joke. coming up straight ahead. check this out. road rage caught on camera. this is two women. what sparked this fight? it went absolutely out of control. is that jay-z and beyonce s sister. he s the world s most recognizable super hero. we re talking about superman this morningful the son of christopher reeve is here with a big announcement. vo: once upon a time there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place
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if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. dr. dre got $3 billion from apple. he s actually the first doctor to make any money since obamacare passed. unrelated. that s funny stuff. thanks very much for joining us on this tuesday. we turn now to heather nauert who has the headlines. good morning to you. we re watching a story coming out of new hampshire. this is quite an explosion to show you. a massive explosion blows the
front off a home in new hampshire. look at that right there. that blast happening moments after a police officer was shot and killed after he responded to a domestic disturbance call at that house which is part of a duplex yesterday. police believe that the suspected gunman was 47-year-old michael nolan and they believe he was killed in that blast. nolan lived at home with his 86-year-old father who was taken to the hospital to be checked out. one other person was hurt. we ll keep you posted on any new developments as we get them. a fight over fouls in miami sent one guy to jail and another to the hospital. if began when 55-year-old quentin putnam was asked by a neighbor not to feed the ducks roaming around their neighborhood. the neighbor, david lawn, claims it s not the first time he s made this request after minutes of arguing, putnam started throwing punches. he s on top of me and he s pounding me with the heel of his
hand. my back, my neck, my head. putnam is now facing a felony event and ordered to stay away 50 feet from the other guy. he put his own life on the line to save his fellow soldiers during an ambush in afghanistan in 2007. just a few hours from now, u.s. army sergeant kyle white will be given the nation s highest military honor, the medal of honor. the 27-year-old was on fox & friends on sunday. take a listen to this. you don t think about what you re doing, especially in that moment with that much fire coming in. your adrenaline is pumping. all you know is you have a fallen comrade out there who needs your help. six american heros died that day. a marine is back from afghanistan for two weeks to escort his little sister to prom. but the school ends up turning him away? i would not be going inside the prom. i was just going to be escorting
my little sister on the senior walk and they said i could not do that because i was also not a student at the school. oh, come on. robert addison says there are no hard feelings for the high school, which he attended as well. school officials blame the incident on an unfortunate miscommunication. such a shame. those are your headlines. let s head over to maria for a check of the weather. good to see you. i want to take a look at a cold front that s moving eastward today across the country and it is bringing areas of rain, from texas up into parts of indiana and also illinois. with this system, we are going to be seeing some areas of heavy rain and the potential for flash flooding across western parts of the gulf of mexico, with some areas potentially seeing more than six inches of rainfall in a very short amount of time over the next several days, so that is a concern for flash flooding. the risk for severe storms also in place, from mississippi into southern parts of the state of ohio. if you live in cincinnati, nashville, hem fix heads up.
memphis, heads up. temperature wise, it s below average in terms of high temperatures. look at denver. your high today, just 51. in the 50s in rapid city, minneapolis. ahead of the system, very warm. making it into the 90s this afternoon in parts of north carolina. now let s head over to elisabeth. he is the world s first and most recognizable super hero. just a bit later today, superman hall of heros will be honoring the everyday heros in the name of superman. joining us now david burke, paraolympic gold medalist and matthew reeve who will accept it on behalf of his father, christopher reeve. we are so honored to have you here today. this has to mean so much to each
and every one of you. ten inductees at 11:00 o clock, exceptional, just backgrounds that you have, strength and diligence. i want to start with you accepting on behalf of your father. surely the ultimate superman. what would it mean to him? what does it mean to you to be accepting on behalf of your dad today? he d be particularly given the caliber of the other inductees. he d be greatly honored. it s astonishing that 35 years later after that his performance still resonates with people. more so for the courage and bravery he showed after his accident. absolutely. decades deep the loyalty goes for their ultimate superman there and super hero. i would like to see centuries as we move forward, congratulations thank you. when i think about your accomplishments, unbelievable. summer and winter olympics you
medalled there for paraolympics. when you reach this moment today to be honored in this way, it has to almost mean as much as the gold. it s up there. i ve had a loft pinch me moments in life. when i got the invitation for the superman hall of heros, it s that moment you just is this my life? and i m in such good company. we had a little cocktail dinner last night and i got to meet the other inductees and so honored and privileged to be part of this. oh, my gosh. they are overjoyed to have you. david, your work in the kitchen is incredible. the cheffery, everyone enjoy what is you do. but what you do outside of the kitchen is pretty great. you ve been helping communities for a long time and kids who are hungry. what you did after hurricane sandy in terms of getting help out there was wildly noted i think among the communities there. what does it mean to you? first of all, it s a great honor to be inducted into this
and especially the inaugural one. we got to meet each other last night, very inspirational. it s great to be recognized for doing something that helps other people. i m fortunate, i cook and i have food and i have access to food and trucks and things like that. so to be able to help out in hurricane sandy, which is where i grew up, was a natural. i think helping i get a lot a joy out of being able to help as i do feeding someone in a fine dining restaurant. i think helping people that can t necessarily get food on their own table is a real pleasure for me. it certainly did help a lot of people. i love the idea that this is about inspiring others through what you do in your community and really working to help others. i know your foundation has worked to help those overcome adversity. you have overcome adversity. you ve helped during times of adversity and people can nominate, correct, through father s day.
is that right? right. it s an on line gift giving portal where people can nominate someone who they admire for bravery, generosity, what have you, and say thank you to their own personal heros. they create a submission and it s a way to say thank you and appreciation. sure. thank you to all of you and the inductees today later on at 11:00 a.m., we ll get to see the real heros. don t forget to nominate yours. and our hearts are with your family always. love what you ve done. thank you. coming up, same drug, same company. now a dying boy being denied the drug that could save his life. peter johnson, jr. here with the details on that latest fight. lurks no love in this elevator. what caused beyonce s sister to flip out on hip-hop mogul jay-z. no hero award there.
first, time for today s trivia question. born on this date in 1950, this musician was signed by motown record label where when he was just 11 years old. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer [male announcer] ortho crime files. disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. say helto home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®.
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(announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. some of your headlines. it s called the caught on camera edition. this shocking freeway crash now being investigated as possible road rage between two gals. california s highway patrol is using dash cam video to determine if the black pick up truck intentionally swerved into the other car or lost control
while lashing out at the other driver. and the video everyone is talking about. beyonce s sister punching and kicking brother-in-law jay-z in an elevator as a body guard holds her back. the celebrities have not responded. the standard hotel in new york city blasted whoever leaked that video, saying, quote, shocked and disappointed that there was a clear breach of our security system. timoney geithner denied that quote. steve? all right. same drug, same company, now a different dying boy being denied the compassionate use that could save his life. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. has this story. i think all americans need to hear this this morning. 21 month old boy with leukemia at john hopkins center is the latest child begging for a life saving drug from the same company which refused to provide it in the past. you may remember the drug company from the case of josh hearty covered here on fox which repeatedly refused to provide
that dying boy with a drug and that s been shown to treat the virus which can be deadly. the company received $70 million in federal money to develop the drug. they finally relented and gave josh the drug under a new pilot program. josh is out of the hospital today and his mother says he s growing stronger every day. the company s stock rose after the controversy, and said a compassionate use company to help people who can benefit from the drug was too expensive. now they initially refused to provide again compassionate use or a spot in the national trial to baby judson of lockwood, new york, who is suffering from the virus and is currently on a ventilator at johns hopkins. tammy shepherd s grandmother spoke to me from the icu last night and told me the baby has been battling leukemia since he was six months old. he said he s touch and go.
this drug is his only hope and said a team of doctors and nurses were rushing to his bedside as we spoke. judson s family originally told he could not receive treatment at johns hopkins because it was not part of the trial. now after our calls to the company, they may be changing their mind. about an hour ago, i just received this statement from the company. there are currently ten clinical sites partnering in the trial across the u.s. all of which have agreed to accept pediatric and adult patients transferred to these locations. from our ongoing communications with this young patient s physicians and administrators at johns hopkins over the last several days, we believe he may be eligible to participate in the trial. we submitted an additional list of questions last night which the company has so far refused to answer. that s quite a story. so for folks watching, we had this other case, josh hardy, a while back and you helped him
get the drugs that saved his life through that company. same company and same drug. and the same circumstances. compassionate use. so now suddenly after you called, they go, oh, maybe we could it seems to me that there ought to be a better system other than the threat of dragging a company on to television to these people the drugs they need. i think that s why we re talk being it. this is an inherently unfair process. one at the drug company level. two at the f.d.a. people should not be having to call me at 8:00 o clock at night to say, my grandson is dying and this drug company will not act. and they ve done this same routine in the very, very past. there is an inherent instability, a confusion, a lack of reliability in terms of getting the drugs that we need. this one particular company, they decided, we don t want to spend money on a compassionate use program. and after days of discussion
here on fox and on social media, they said oh, we re going to set up a pilot program. but they would not let this boy and they still have not let this boy, judson, from lockwood, new york, 21 months old, dying of leukemia and this virus into this program. they say we may let him into this program after we called last night. people should not have to be put to those kind of steps to call up legal correspondents on television to get their children the medications that are available and should be available under compassionate use. it s crazy that they would this boy is adorable. he is. it s crazy that the company would say, we don t have the money for those programs. they have $70 million worth of federal dollars, right? they got $70 million. do they have a corporate obligation? no. do they have a moral obligation as an american company? yes. if you re interested in this issue, you can go to, the family asked we put up a petition asking the company to
provide the life saving drug for this little boy, judson. this is an incredible story. we re going to talk more about the f.d.a. and companies like this and how and why you should get the drugs that you and your family need. i m glad you brought this to our attention. peter johnson, jr., america s lawyer. thank you. straight ahead, are you a recent college graduate or about to get your degree? good news, more than half the employers want to hire you. cheryl casone with the companies you need to apply to. she s already got a job, by the way. but first on this date in 1607, jamestown, virginia verge was settled as colony of england. in 1999, rickey martin had this song that we were all living to. la vida loca. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah.
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time for the answer to today s trivia question. it is stevie wonder and our winner is cindy from fulton, missouri. you ll get a copy of brian s book. george washington s secret six. a great read there. speaking of that fantastic guy, we have some stories coming up before we see him. driving is not safe for pregnant women. a new study showing women in their second trimester are more likely to get into a car crash while they are pregnant than in the years before. researchers attribute this to fatigue, nausea and anxiety. wi-fi in your car. for $5 a day, owners can access it through on star. at & t will handle this connection. it s big gamble for gm, especially since most of us connect while riding in vehicles any
anyway. hey, class of 2014, we have good news for you. a career builder study found that 57% of employers plan to hire new college graduates this year. up 53% from last year. here with the details on those companies, cheryl casone. before you take your graduation robe off, let s pick up the phone and make a call to enterprise? i mentioned this company. they own enterprise and alamo and own national. they have a really good managementogram. you re probably thinking, i have a business degree. why do i want to work at enterprise? because this is a company that will train you, give you great skills, promote from within. you get paid while you learn management skills. it s actually a really good company. they re looking for interns, 1500. but 8500 college grads. that first trip out of college, a company like enterprise is a smart move. especially if their training programs are respected by other
companies. price water house? one of the big four. accounting. accounting companies are great for recent grads, especially if you have a tax degree, accounting degree, a degree in business or finance. really good company. pricewaterhouse. 4900 full-time jobs, 4100 interns for 2014. two of my friends had that job out of college, have never let go of it. it s a great company. at & t, i believe it s phone company. yes. you probably heard. second largest provider. telephone, mobile phones in the country. 1200 student grads they re looking to hire. technical jobs, business sales jobs, retail managers. if you have a technology degree, engineering degree, a business degree, computer science, data science, engineering, any of that, great stuff. we re talking about working for the company, development, things like that. if you graduate without a good gpa and they ask you, just change the subject. golden corral. 500 restaurants, 41 states.
they need managers. i have know what you re thinking. but if you have a hospitality degree, this is a great move for you. again, management experience. you can make 44 grand right out of the gate if you re right out of college. you got those student loans. you got to pay them off. don t live in the basement. they need managers. 500 jobs. get more grilled chicken and hurry up. accentuer. this is management consulting, technology. you re thinking, consultant, what can i consult when i m right out of college? actually they like to train, promote from within. they need people to have technology degrees. they re looking for about 1,000 people now. this is all entry level, but it s a great company, especially if you have digital experience, text, things like that on your resume as well. these are all good companies today. even if i don t get out quick, you ll have morning anchor, there is an opening if i don t get out right away. thanks so much. i appreciate it. coming up, the white house
told him to lie. that s the claim in timothy geithner s new memoir which he now denies. doesn t he believe his own book? laura ingraham is here. she read the book without her lips moving. xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. wheyou know what he brings?les rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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good morning. it s tuesday, may 13. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. breaking at this hour, a mine collapse in west virginia turning deadly. we have the developing details on that straight ahead. then the white house told him to go out and lie on tv. that s a claim in timothy geithner s new memoir. now the former treasury secretary says he doesn t even believe his own book. great. laura ingraham is going to help us dissect the web of lies. that could hurt sales. he s got one of the most famous voices in america. thank you and hello again, everybody. welcome to america s top ten. this morning casey kasem is nowhere to be found. the latest in the search for the ailing radio star.
according to most reports, tuesdays and every day are better with friends. this is tommy lasorda. you are watching fox & friends. wow. what a show. thanks, tommy. long time friend of the program. doing a little voiceover work for us. right. he gets paid well for that. handsomely. he insists on it. it s the dirty little secret. every time we have someone famous, we say before you go, would you mind saying it? and we have a million of those. you both are recognizing them off the bat than i am. the part where he said, i m tommy lasorda that should have clued me right in. right. you will have to jerome bettis. no, i m not. i just saw him in the green room and governor pence. laura ingraham in just a second. but not quiet.
you know what s crazy about jerome the last time we met, cause my husband gets to spend some time with him at work. we met at the super bowl with the steelers. oh, yeah. he was actually playing? yeah. at the time, i was a serious seahawk fan, so it didn t go well. because your brother-in-law was on the other team. two minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert has breaking news. yeah. we ve been following this story through the night and into the morning. we have an update. moments ago, i got off the phone with the state police and they have confirmed to fox news that two coal miners died after an underground mine collapse in boon county, west virginia. that s in western part of the state. this collapse happening about 10:30 p.m. last night. it s not clear what caused that collapse. the latest safety review in 2013 discovered 250 violations concerning miners safety and
health. we can confirm two dead. we ll bring you the latest as we get it. his iconic voice heard on the air for decades and decades. thank you and hello again, everybody. welcome to america s top ten. but this morning, casey kasem s children say he s now missing. a judge now ordering an investigation into the radio legend s disappearance. he also appointed kasem s daughter as his temporary conservator. my dad was snatched out of the facility he was staying at. jean is their stepmother and this is the part of a long-running battle between his children and their stepmom. they re fighting over access to their father who suffers from advanced parkinson s disease and we re told can no longer speak. it s believed he might be at an indian reservation in washington state. we ll keep watching that story. hundreds of people could now be at risk after a second case of the deadly mers virus is discovered in the united states. a man visiting florida is now
being treated for the respiratory illness. this case and the first one which was identified recently in indiana are connected to saudi arabia. that s where the virus originated. doctors say neither case is considered severe, but they re warning an estimated 500 people who are on flights with these two patients to get checked out. and then there is an atheist group that s demanding an atheist chaplain in the military. the military association of atheists claims more atheists are enlisting in the military, so they need somewhere to go for support. now the department of defense is considering a change. is this political correctness gone too far? judge andrew napolitano weighed in earlier today. atheism is not a religion. it doesn t sit within any of the definitions of federal statutes of circumstances under which the federal government has to provide this. this is political correctness gone crazy. the military association of atheists, there is such a
group is meeting with the defense department to talk about appointing a president for that position. and those are your headlines. one story we re following is that west virginia mine collapse, we ll keep you posted as we learn more. thanks for doing the work on the phone. meanwhile, your e-mail and tweets have been pouring in. this is what you have to say about that atheist chaplain. timothy writes chaplains in the military are officers and required to possess a theology. what degree would an atheist chaplain be required to have? bill says any member of the military can meet with any chaplain at pretty much any time. the judge is right. this is more time wasting insanity. go back to your seat and don t say a hail mary. and wr jones tweet, what s next? a car dealer who sells bus tickets? thanks for all of your responses. we appreciate it.
laura ingraham joins us. you will not have to weigh in on the atheist story. unless you will to. guys, look, it doesn t surprise me at all. christians, faithful christians found themselves in the crosshairs in our military, in our culture. we saw what transpired last night at harvard. at the last minute, of course, power to the faithful, the thing was moved. the heretical was moved off campus. that s the last group that you can attack, demean, denigrate, discriminate against with impunity. i think christians and people of faith are starting to stand up and say no, you won t. we have rights, too. i m glad about that. friends of mine were at the protest last night at harvard. they were sending me photos of the mass that took place in protest to venerate the host and communion. it was 2,000 people. so i think it has a boomerang effect. the faithful come out and say,
no, we will stand up for our religious rights. i think people across the country, whether you re jewish or christian or even muslim, you want to stand up for your religious rights, do so. we still have a country that s supposed to respect religious freedom and we need to all remember that and stand up for our rights. amen to that. so listen, laura ingraham, when you write your biography, make sure when you do your book tour you deny most of the quotes in it. that s the kind of stuff that treasury secretary is off to. listen to what he s quoted as saying in his own book. it is authorize the biography. he says, i remember during one prep session before i appeared on the sunday shows, i objected when dan pheiffer wanted me to say social security did not contribute to the deficit, it wasn t a main driver of our future deficit, but it did contribute. pheiffer said the line was a dog whistle to the left, a phrase i had never heard before. he had to explain to me what it hadn t, signaling that we intended to protect social security. a couple of things there, guys. number one, we now know that the
left considers its base a bunch of unruly canines, dog whistle blower. they look down at their base, number one. in these biographies, do you recognize a trend here? the author, or the subject of the biography always comes off in the best possible light. tim geithner, well, i objected to this and i thought this was bad. well, if this was actually going on in the white house, i don t deny it was, i think it probably was given what else they said about obamacare and the recovery and so forth. but didn t tim geithner as a public servant have a duty to actually resign at that point or go to the american people and say, you know something? i m being asked to say things that are actually untrue and i m not going to do it because i actually believe in ultimate truths and the truth is social security is a driver of our debt and we re in real trouble when it comes to funding social security. but instead what he does is he
stays in office, stays in the cabinet. then he allows this book to be written and he comes out with this book and we re supposed to say oh, tim guy geithner, you re really a stand up guy. i think these people whose salaries we pay have a duty to the people, not to dan pheiffer or the president of the united states. their duty is to the taxpayers who pay their salaries and tim geithner on this issue should have actually come forward and said something at the time. sure. you know what? by that statement, susan rice, who was told just exactly the same way. she was told go out there and say it was the video. he was told go out there and lie on tv. they were both told to lie on tv. by that measure, susan rice should say, laura ingraham has got a good point. would you do it? if someone said to me, i want you to go out there this isn t really true, but we want to tamp down this benghazi deal. yeah, it s going to look bad for us and our base. they re going to get pavlovian
on us. i would say you better find someone else to do this dirty work. we have a conscience, right? right. you have to have a conscience to be able to do that. right. this is why americans in both parties have ultimate cynicism when it comes to washington. they don t believe republicans. they don t believe democrats. there are so few people who seem to have honor in our government, on capitol hill, and in the executive branch that it s a rarity when we have someone say i m not going to do this. i don t agree with everything they re saying, but they re actually telling me to say something that is untrue and i can t do that. i think i would stand up and applaud if any individual did that today. while we have you fired up, i want to ask you about immigration and customs enforcement releasing 36,000 convicted criminals awaiting deportation convictions, drunk driving, be a straighted sexual assault, homicide here, your thoughts? the president is set to
announce a policy that will relax deportation and clarify deportation rules in the united states. we have people who committed dui and then went on to rape children. you have to google it and you ll see all these examples of why illegal immigration is not a, quote, victimless crime. we hear about the dreamers. dreamers are all valedictorians, okay, fine. what about the people who are 27-year-olds raping three-year-olds after being convicted of a dui? i think republicans and democrats should stand up for the people of this country who are often victims of these crimes. it shows what a great risk it is for the president to do this because if that does happen, we hope it doesn t, you know exactly where all fingers will point. you ll talk about that on your radio show in about 50 minutes from right now all across the country. thank you very much. thanks, guys. coming up, another day, another veteran affairs hospital called out for delaying health care to our nation s heros. where exactly is the president
on this? didn t he promise to fix that problem? then if you oppose common core, you re probably a far right extremist trying to destroy public schools. huh? that s what was said by one group. indiana governor mike pence just got rid of the curriculum and joins us live to weigh in. answer the governor, who is your governor. i like that. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it s dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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right. well, they re wrong. the state of indiana was the first state to drop the common core and joining us right now is the man who made that happen. the governor of the great state of indiana, mike pence, good morning to you. good morning. what do you think about that criticism? it s just unfortunate. the reality is throughout my public career, like i think most americans, i ve always believed that education is a state and local function and the federal department of education was created by president jimmy carter. while 45 states just a few years back adopted the national standards known as the common core, we ve got millions of americans that have been rising up and being heard, including in indiana and saying look, we want to right our standards and write our curriculum and choose our textbooks in our own state. i m proud of the fact that indiana was the first state in the union to legally withdraw from common core and go through the process of writing our own standards. what is it about common core you don t like?
well, at the core of it, if you will, is my objection to the notion that the standards that are written for hoosier kids and hoosier schools were crafted somewhere other than indiana. look, part of the genius of the american experiment is that the states throughout our nation s history have been laboratories of innovation and been able to style policies like we have in indiana that deal with the unique populations and unique challenges. there are some things obviously, kids in first grade need to know certain levels of math and we have a gateway exam for kids to be able to learn to read before they can go on. so there are some things that are, in fact, a minimum standard. but i wanted standards in indiana to be written by hoosiers for hoosiers and to be uncommonly high and we went through the process and accomplished that on our own.
good for you. you re the first state to do it. as governor, i want to get your reaction to this, since 2011, governors of states who are democrats have enacted over $58 billion worth of tax increases. meanwhile, as you can see screen right, $36 billion of cuts to taxes by republicans. i think we ve heard that before. it sounds like one party wants to raise your taxes and the other party wants to lower them. it explains why in 29 states led by republican governors, you re seeing the kind of growth that we re seeing. i m proud that indiana has the lowest unemployment rate in the midwest. we ve been able to pass balanced budgets, have strong reserves, invest increased funding in roads and schools and education innovation. but since i was elected governor, we ve also passed some $650 million in annual tax relief. and all of that creates an environment where we re seeing
real growth in indiana. we got one of the fastest growing labor forces in the country, unemployment is on the downward trend and more hoosiers are going back to work. i think the american people can see a real contrast here between republican-led states and states led by democrat governors that are more inclined than ever it seems to raise taxes and grow government. that s one of the reasons you re in new york city. you re talking to different businesses with relocating to your state, which would be great for your state. when i m in new york, we love to tell new yorkers, if you can make it here, you can make a lot more in indiana. i like that. that s catchy. what about your future? i know you were elected governor in 2013? 2012. took office in 2013. that s exactly right. so what s next for mike pence? are you thinking of another run for governor? are you thinking maybe something in washington, d.c. over on pennsylvania? steve, i have to tell you,
having been elected governor of the state that i love is the greatest honor of my life. it s consumed all of our attention and while i ve read recently some people have talked about me and other things, i m going to stay completely focused on the future of the people of indiana because this is an extraordinary time in the life of our state. i just have to tell you. look at indiana where we have balanced budgets, we re a right to work state, we re lowering taxes even while we re investing in infrastructure and education innovation. it s one of the reasons we had the lowest unemployment rate in the midwest, fastest growing work force. that s why he s the governor! he knows the story. indiana is on the move. i ll stay focused on the future of the state of indiana. let my future take care of itself. thank you very much. thank you, steve. good luck to you. it s now 20 minutes after the top of the hour. switching gears, coming up, no tackle football here. 7th graders forced to play flag football over safety concerns. is this just the woosification
of america? jerome bettis here live. take him out. no, i m kidding what needs to be done. ! do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor.
now time for headlines on this tuesday morning. clay aiken is now the democratic congressional candidate for north carolina in his district because his opponent, dead. 71-year-old keith krisco died after a fall inside his house. before his death, the primary battle with aiken was too close to call. and forget the moon. nasa now ready to land people on an asteroid. like that movie. astronauts started training, but the mission won t take place until after the year 2020.
let s go outside to the bus stop. as you know, elisabeth, jerome bettis is one of our great friends. he s going to talk about asthma and allergies. first things first. in football, the draft is over. let s talk about the future of the game. talk about head injuries and health. in 7th graders in texas, east texas, the whole school district says this is too rough. i don t want kids getting hurt. no more tackle. they re playing flag. in texas. the state that covets football. you have to understand the concern is that real. i understand that. i grew up playing flag football. i didn t play tackle football until high school. ninth grade. so i understand that you can still have a successful nfl career playing flag football. but more importantly than that, it s the concern i think with parents about their children.
children have long-term issues dealing with concussions. the demand for the sport is still there. you have over 100 million people watching the super bowl. something you re familiar with. even though it pained me at the time, i love you and so happy for the steelers now. but you have people wanting to watch the sport and parents who love the sport and kids want to play the sport. but we want to keep them safe. shouldn t we be working on ways to keep them safe, better means of tackling, better methods, so they don t get concussions? lieutenantly. i think that s what s happening now. you see the big push, especially with the nfl, in terms of educating the coaches. teaching the coaches the proper way to show kids how to tackle and teach kids how to tackle and play the game. i think that s the natural progression of how this is going to work. now you have to go back to education because that s the key in this process. educate the parents, the coaches on what they need to do and i think that s how it starts. there is something else you want to educate everyone on and that has to do with saving
lives. we re talking about concussions and long-term, but also allergies. you have an allergy. i have a shell fish allergy. it s life-threatening. a lot of people don t understand what anaphylaxis is. it s an allergic reaction. if you have an allergic reaction that is so much that it could be life-threatening. so that s why there is a new device that s available. hold it up. it s an auto injector that has audio and visual cues. when you pull it out of the sleeve, it talks to you. it does. i actually we witnessed our friends using this on one of their kids, saved their life. it s automatic. it tells you what to do. true life saver. it is. you can get more information on their web site. we ve got a new program that is called what s your hey q. trying to educate, get people
educated about anaphylaxis. the thing is, in certain passing situations, they pull you out. i want to make it known on our team, you re always in the game. as we talk to steve, could i send you into motion or could elisabeth send knew motion send you into motion? absolutely. jerome bettis will break tackles all the way through broadway. do not try to tackle him. he does not go down easily. brian and elisabeth and jerome, thank you very much. coming up next on our show on this tuesday, no love in this elevator. beyonce s sister attacks her brother-in-law, jay-z. how did that video get out? who took the picture of the picture? now the hotel is responding. smack down. and is on line flirting
considered cheating? a judge says yes. it s grounds for divorce. is this legal insanity? arthur aidala, dr. keith ablow take on brian
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some political news. during his visit to the white house today, the president of uruguay lectured president obama about the dangers of smoking. then when obama said oh, i quit, hillary clinton ran past him into the oval office. that easy. funny stuff. what s that guy s name? seth myers on late night. they all look alike. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. still a lot of show left. that s right. someone who doesn t look like anybody else, heather nauert. thanks. good morning. got news to bring you. we talked about this story out of harvard university the past few days. good defeating evil on the campus of harvard. a student group satanic black mass that was to be planned for last night was canceled after locals became outraged by it. members of the cultural studies
club said they wanted to move the mass, but couldn t find a new location. christian students say they were relieved it was called off, but still can t believe the college would allow this in the first place. listen here. as members of the university, i m just ashamed that in an environment that s otherwise committed to intellectual free tom, but also to civility would be allowing such a hateful event to happen. the group claim the mass was a historic satanic reenactment and that it was meant to be educational. beyonce and jay-z all smiles sitting court side at the game last night hours after this explosive video surfaced that is getting a whole lot of attention this morning. take a look at this. it shows beyonce s sister attacking her brother-in-law in an elevator. the video lasts 3 1/2 minutes. take a look at this. kicks and punches and all kinds of stuff. this happened at a party last week in new york city. you can see as her sister punches and kicks jay-z while a
body guard tries to hold her back. at the end of the clip, beyonce actually pulls them away from one another. they haven t spoken out about this yet. but the standard hotel where this happened blasted the person who leaked the video saying it s, quote, shocked and disappointed that there was a clear breach of our security system. and listen to this, is it the biggest discovery since 1492? one explorer is now saying that he has found christopher columbus long lost ship, the santa maria. that ship apparently wrecked in a storm off the coast of haiti more than 500 years ago. researchers say they are confident that a full excavation will prove that it is the explorer s actual ship. pretty neat. and just call her a future obstetrician in training. an eight-year-old girl helps deliver her own baby brother. are you having contractions?
yes, very bad. i want you to place the palm of your hand it s coming out. the baby is out. oh, my. crystal snyder went into labor two weeks early. it happens. her daughter heard her screams and called 911. the dispatcher gave the instructions and six minutes later, a healthy baby boy was born. jasmine received a certificate from the hospital nurses for her bravery. how cute is that? look at that little girl. those are your headlines. an eight-year-old. well done. no kidding. see you later. i love that. 24 minutes before the top of the hour on this awfully busy tuesday. we ve dispatched maria molina to the streets of new york city where it was a little breezy earlier. it s a little breezy out here. it s making it feel chillier. we re in the 60s. but you really need that jacket as you head out the door, at least throughout the morning hours due to the wind here across parts of the northeast. i want to take you farther west where we do have a storm system that s moving eastward and early this morning, it s producing areas of rain, from parts of
texas, up into illinois and there is a concern for some flash flooding. especially across eastern parts of texas and up into parts of arkansas due to the very heavy rain that s coming down. it s going to continue to come down with several inches of rain expected out there. not only today, but tomorrow. tomorrow, you have the risk for severe weather from parts of mississippi, up into ohio, cincinnati, nashville, memphis, jackson. heads up, you could be seeing that severe weather tomorrow, especially during the afternoon and evening hours. temperature wise, above average across the southeast. then 90s in parts of north carolina. cool hyped that storm system. only 50s for you in parts of colorado and new mexico. now let s head over to brian. thank you very much. infidelity, a french judge ruled using on line dating web sites while matter isn t only cheating, it s grounds for divorce? the case involves a couple married for 18 years. the wife caught flirting on the internet with a man she never met. but the judge granted the
breakup saying it was the sole fault of the wife who shared intimate photos of herself with a number of men. is this ruling fair or legal insanity? joining us now, dr. keith ablow and arthur aidala, a legal analyst. again, he says he went to school. we ll go on their judgment. i got diplomas. first off, do you agree with the french on this one? it s even easier in the united states of america. you don t even have to go that far. if one of the persons says it s irreconcilable differences that have been going on, the general rule of thumb is more than six months, that s grounds for divorce. it used to be you had to prove you haven t had sex in over a year, adultery, abuse. now it s just like nope, we haven t gotten along in over six months. if you re flirting on line, are you cheating? absolutely not. who raised you, young man! when did marriage become about only the romance? that s not a
monogamy? taking care of kids, being financial partner, best friends. what 18-year married couple is sending naked photos of themselves to each other? hence, none. hence, it can t be part of the marriage. so how can it be grounds for divorce? how about we start the trend that the 15 year wedding anniversary you start sending naked photos to each other? i think that would be helpful. that s your friend, my trend. it s a good trend! there is flirting and then there is flirting. this judge said they were naked pictures. arthur, with your legal background, are naked pictures back and forth, maybe you re proud of your body. okay. it depends. if you re entering a body building contest, then she s proud of it what this judge looked at it, he didn t look at it from a fidelity point of view. a slippery slope. the bottom line is, look, we re not going to seed reality to technology that quickly in dr. ablow s office.
and couples if there is to be fault divorce, i think it should be no fault, this is not the fault. okay. thank you. we proved as a society is there is no fault. if you leave your spouse over cheating, you never loved the person. whoa! wow! hold on. don t let that go. if you leave your spouse over cheating it means you never loved them? i wasn t going to let it go. i was going to enhance the conversation. i was not going to leave it there. i can t let it go. this is all i got. one third of divorce litigation is caused by on line affairs. so you re saying that one third of those relationships are based on nothing? in my office, if couples come in and say, i m leaving because she cheated, i say well, good. go. because you never loved her anyhow because if that physical breach is going to make you forget that she gets sick, you re not going to take her to the hospital because you never loved her
listen to this, 46% of men consider their relationships to be infidelity. if you have a female client, you re more apt to have somebody who wants out. correct. my mother wanted to know, does dr. keith know about your situation? we have video. what he said is correct. a lot of divorce lawyers ask you before you get divorced, would you give your wife a kidney now if she needed it? you either say i d give her the kidney or i m getting divorced. bottom line is, i ve been married lots of years. infidelity would not crush my marriage because my relationship is made up of more than the physical. do both parties feel that way
all right. dr. keith listen, just you two promise never to agree. we hardly ever do. coming up before i get yelled at, another day, another veteran affairs hospital called out for delaying health care to our national heros. where is the president on this? didn t he promise to fix that problem? your e-mails and tweets are pouring in. then she sings the songs we all know and love. country star kellie pickler. she not only is a great singer, a great personality and she just waved to me. it s to me, right?
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nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! welcome back. here is what s happening today. three college friends of boston
bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev are in court attempting to get their trials moved out of massachusetts. they are accused of removing incriminating laptop and fireworks from dzhokhar tsarnaev s dorm room following last year s bombing. president obama awarding the medal of honor to army sergeant kyle white. the 27-year-old risked his life to save fellow soldiers during a deadly ambush in afghanistan in 2007. arlington national cemetery will be marking the 150th anniversary of its first burial. descendants of the first soldier buried there will attend a special wreath laying. steve? that is in arlington, virginia. here is a story out of durham, north carolina regarding the v.a. hospital there. we ve been telling you over the last couple of weeks about the scandal that started in phoenix where they had a secret second list because any time you go in to a v.a. hospital, you ve got to get care within 14 days, otherwise there is a problem.
well, another thing down there in durham, two employees have been placed on administrative leave because they, too, did this illegal selling thing. only two we know of obviously this thing is getting bigger and bigger. and the big question is, do they need a change at the top or do they need more aggressive management micromanaging down below? a lot of you are weighing in how to fix this and whose head should roll. diane said those responsible for mistreating our vets should be jailed. this behavior is disgraceful. terry on facebook writes, our government releases illegal immigrants accused of crimes ranging from d.u.i to murder, while imprisoning our veterans in a dysfunctional system. good point. famously, the v.a. hospital, people have talked for years about well, there is a lot of red tape and they got some of them lousy customer service. but outright corruption like this? that s shocking. yeah.
disheartening to think about our nation s heros going and risking their lives to come home and die waiting on a list? this is the good place. this is supposed to be where we re taking care of them. where is the promise? where is the outrage and where is the accountable and where is the president on this? where is the commander in chief? no kidding. standing behind general shinseki. we ll see what happens. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, our final guest of the day. she is fantastic. one of country music s finest and this morning she is here live. superstar kellie pickler coming up and there, getting a touch up. martha mccallum has been in the chair and is ready to go. all touched up and ready to go. good morning. thanks so much. coming up this morning, a bizarre story out of north carolina where the runoff with clay aiken is over because his primary opponent died. we re going to tell that you story. disturbing news about the dangers of releasing some illegal immigrants. and a scuffle in the elevator
that s getting everybody talking about beyonce s sister this morning. what is an atheist chaplain? wrap your head around that. we ll see you at the top of the hour (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses.
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well, her southern charm and big voice captivated the american idol audience eight years ago. oh, baby got to get out just got to get right out of here . what a flashback. since then kellie pickler s big win led to a strange of country music hits. but the music competition show still guarantees success for its breakout stars. here to weigh in is kellie pickler herself. hello. that was a couple hairdos
ago. i m sitting here like whoa, wow. a lot has changed since then. weird to look like that. i feel like an antique idol. never. you were up and coming. we said it s eight years ago. you confirmed it. you came in sixth place. at that point, you had 20 to 30 million people watching. yeah. your life would never be the same. now it s down to about 7 million. how much is left. which is still a lot of people. it s a lot. but how much do you think is left in the franchise with idol, the voice and everything like that? there is a lot of reality singing competition shows out there. so i think you just have to find ways to reinvent the show and make it interesting and different than the season before it. it sounds like american idol is going to be cutting back the number of hours that they broadcast. are they? yeah, they are. for one day. they re going to cut it back to 37 hours next year. how does that affect the voting? that s a good question. as you look in and watch idol, is there something you think maybe they should do this and it
would pep up the ratings? i don t know. or do you think it s just perfect the way it is? i think like i said, there is always room to kind of reinvent. but keep it like it was. of course, i miss sigh simon. what s this? so crazy. i remember watching that and loving you then. that definitely takes me back for sure. this is a chance of a lifetime. it was. i ve been so blessed. people ask me, what s it like to be on the show like that? for me, i can t complain. it was really the rocket that launched my career. and it enabled me to do what i love, which is be a part of country music. and us be a part of special things and do what i love. i love how you re so humble throughout all your success and so thankful for all that and the people who loved you dearly.
i know you have an important message today. your grandma died from lung cancer. she did. she was young. she was 66 years old. she was diagnosed with lung cancer in january of 2002 and she died the very next day. so it was very sudden. there she is. that s actually the last picture that we took together before she died. now you re getting that message out? yes. i was really shocked by that. i think there was 1% of women in america are even aware that lung cancer is the number one cancer killer for women. i had no idea. i was blown away. it s estimated that more than 72,000 women in the u.s. will die from lung cancer this year. terrible statistic. what do you want people to do? we need to get everyone rallied up for lung force at, find out how to
get involved and raise awareness. we need to be more educated on how we can prevent this and treat this. it s that simple? your grandma would be really proud. i know she s looking down, smiling. amazing to be part of something like this. obviously near and dear to my heart. so i think it s important. i love to sing, i love the music. but when i m able to be part of something like this that really matters and helps save people s lives a lot of people are listening and a lot of people are going on line right now. thank you. kellie pickler, ladies and gentlemen. fame has not changed you at all. a few tattoos, that s it. that s it. we ll be right back. whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in.
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kellie pickler hanging with us now. tomorrow a former u.s. marshall revealing secrets about the marshall service. you ll be shocked. listen to army rangers. and normal or nuts. she ll be in the after the show show. log on right now. be yourself. bill: good morning, everybody. we have been watching this story throughout the night. a tragedy in west virginia. at least two people confirmed dead after a mine collapse. two minessers are trapped beneath the rubble. i m bill hemmer. welcome to america s newsroom. martha: the word is the roof fell in. families rushed in get news of

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140729 10:00:00

mcdonnell and his wife. the jury is made up of four women and eight men. the senate is expected to vote on the nomination of robert mcdonald to be the next secretary of on the next secret veteran affairs. to fix the troubled agency. later, the rnc will hold their fire harry reid rally on capitol hill and aimed at getting voters to elect republicans to the senate in the upcoming mid terms. that is going to do it. a tuesday edition of way too early. morning joe starts right now. flares have turned night into borrowed daylight in the skies over the gaza strip. today was supposed to be a cease-fire it didn t work. intense fighting prevented investigators reaching the crash site of mh-17 for the second day running. much more substantial
sanctions will come into place across broad sectors of the russian economy. two americans are fighting a for their lives. the spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer somebody else s progress. now three-month examination by the new york times clams that governor cuomo s office deeply compromised the panel s work. if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been independence. you named it interference. donald sterling lost again today. go clippers! a victorious shelly sterling emerged from the courtroom and she can now move ahead with her plans to sell the los angeles clippers. stephen a. smith addressing the fire storm he triggered with his choice of words. to say what i said was accomplish is an understatement. you hit somebody, they hit you back. don t be surprised!
oh, we will get to that. that is a big debate here. good morning, everyone. it s tuesday, july 29th. welcome to morning joe. with us on set senior political editor and white house correspondent for the huffington post is sam stein, sitting next to willie. hi, willie. managing editor for the news website bobby ghosh and pulitzer prize winning editor and with the the washington post, eugene robinson. you know what i m talking about whoopi goldberg and stephen a. smith controversy. they were fighting about this yesterday because of comments made. have you been following that? i heard about it. i didn t get to see it but i look forward to it. we will lay it all out but it s definitely one of the old debates renewed in a very different way. we begin this morning in the middle east where the crisis between israeli and hamas is now in its fourth week and the hopes for a resolution appear to be dwindling. last night air strikes lit up the sky in the center of gaza
city as israeli hit key hamas locations. the targets including a tv station and the home of one of the group s top leaders. the strikes came as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivered a national tv address. he warned of an extended conflict and said, quote, there is no war more just than this. israeli and hamas are trading blame for an attack that left nine palestinian children dead and dozens injured. palestinian officials say israeli air strikes hit a park as children were playing on swings. israeli, however, says militants in gaza fired the rockets which failed to reach the intended targets and that brings the death toll to more than 1,100 palestinians, according to officials there. 53 israeli soldiers have been killed, including four yesterday, as well as three civilians in israeli. joining us no from you gaza nbc news foreign correspondent ayman
mohyeldin. reporter: last night was a marked difference in terms of where we are here in gaza city. it s a scene we have seen throughout other parts of gaza but yesterday the fighting arrived in gaza city and 35,000 people live here. late flares were dropped early in the evening 3:00 p.m. local time and paved the way for a series of intense shelling that targeted, among other things, the gaza port, the house of hamas leader here in gaza, and others. there are also this morning, disturbing news about the humanitarian situation here according to the spokesperson who is in charge of the gaza electrical power tank, two fuel tanks belonging to that tank were hit and caught on fire and still burning well into the hours of this afternoon. as a result of that now, they say the representatives at the power plant a humanitarian disaster is going to unfold
here. 1.8 million who depend on all types of electricity for water, sanitation, and other subinfrastructure needs are now wa without power and no place to store the fuel burning for the last couple of hours. a sense to what the palestinians are waking up to this morning. the death toll continues to find. along the front lines, there is still fighting taking place. hamas militants were able to, yesterday, fire at israeli soldiers and infiltrate across the border into israeli with some of these tunnels, so it shows you that the situation here is still very tense to say the least. mika? ayman, it s willie. good to see you this morning. is there any changing pressure over the last four weeks inside among palestinians about what they should be doing here in terms of stepping back? as these civilian casualties mount, as they see women and children being carried into hospital and many of them dead
and some of them wounded. have they thought twice now and said maybe we should step back from this or are they only emboldened by the ongoing attacks from israeli? reporter: here it s important to make the distinction between hamas and palestinian factions and ordinary palestinian people who are bearing the brunt of this. when you speak to ordinary palestinians they feel they are reaching a point of desperation. they feel the situation is very much out of their hands. the political factions and the military wings of these political factions still remain very defiant and emboldened and they say their backs up against the war and they have nothing to lose and living a life under siege the past seven years and for them this is now about fighting until the end and that end is a struggle for them and they want to continue the struggle to get the international community for once and for all live the siege and that is how they are portraying it and how a lot of the palestinian factions and representatives we are speaking
to are saying that is what this struggle is about. ayman, thank you. on capitol hill, kirsten gillibrand and ted cruz came together and announced a resolution criticizing using civilians. the israeli press is pushing a cease-fire that the reports claim would be more beneficial to hamas. secretary kerry is standing by his actions. make no mistake, when the people of israeli are rushing to bomb shelters, when innocent israeli and palestinian teenagers are abducted and murdered, when hundreds of innocent civilians have lost their lives, i will, and we will make no apologies for our actions. in a column that you entitled kerry s gaza blunder.
in part you write this. secretary of state john kerry has made a significant mistake how he is pursuing a gaza cease-fire and not surprising he has upset both the israelis and some moderate palestinians. kerry s error has been to put so much emphasis on achieving a quick halt to the bloodshed that he has solidified the role of hamas, the unpopular islamist group that leads gaza, along with the two hard line nations that and in the process he has undercut not only the israelis but the egyptians and the fatah movement that runs the palestinian authority all of which want to see an end to hamas rule in gaza. david ignatius, i see what you re saying and i m wondering how it s possible to blunder something that has been devolving for decades. the gaza mess is not john kerry s fault but it s a tragedy that has been going on as you say for so many years. i think the mistake kerry made
in seeking a cease-fire quickly in this intractable conflict without thinking about a pathway for the future so that the situation in gaza wouldn t simply revert to the status quo which we see means another war and another round of misery two years, three years ahead. kerry s first effort was with egypt when he got to the middle east, he tried to use egyptian mediation to broker a cease-fire and that didn t work. so he then turned away from the egyptians who were right next to gaza who are angry at hamas, almost as angry as israeli itself is, and turn to the hamas friends in turkey and in qatar and try to use them as the mediamea meadmea mediators for the cease-fire. he then upset palestinians and moderate palestinians and others in the region who thought he was enfranchising the region who
were obstacles to peace. if one thing i hope secretary kerry can do is get back on the track of finding a more stable and permanent transition to a future where hamas is not the only dominant force in gaza. we are bringing this back to you. but, bobby, jump in and take it to david. when you listen to leaders on all sides of this conflict, it doesn t sound like there is a lot of room for negotiation. first of all, i m not sure what you would hold off any call for a cease-fire for because they are not stopping and they are not pulling back. rhetoric especially on the side, i m sorry, of benjamin netanyahu seems to get tougher and tougher every day. having said that, what do you think is possible at this point? nothing until the shooting stops. until the shooting stops, nothing is possible. i think that explains kerry s sort of sense of urgency. it s not like this was his first attempt as david pointed out. he did try to work through the egyptians. that did not work. the egyptians no longer under general, no longer have the
flun influence in gaza they used to. the position is now so small it might as well not exist. so it s unlikely that you re going to get a immediate if egypt is a mediator. i can see the sense in trying to work through them. obviously, there was something inarticulate in the way kerry presented his proposal, but the response from egypt has been beyond caustic and so counterproductive. this is a guy trying to solve a problem. there is a global uproar. president obama called netanyahu two days ago and called for immediate cease-fire, basically, the same thing kerry is saying. stop the shooting now. instead the israeli officials speaking many of them speaking off the record or speaking without attribution are mounting pile on top of john kerry who wants to just be ahead. it s difficult for americans
to accept something is beyond their reach, betweut isn t it possible this is a conflict, america despite its great power cannot exert its influence without two parties who want to come to the table and speak to each other? if history proves this is not a conflict that american can just solve. my view is and this is a view that has evolved over the years it s just better to be involved than not involved. just saying you guys are crazy, call us when you re ready to talk seriously, both of you. you know, that s a tempting position but, in fact, that doesn t work. that tends to make things worse. i think we need to be involved. my question for david ignatius, turkey is a nato member, a major country. so why not work through turkey to try to resolve this, especially given, as bobby pointed out, the lack of
influence that egypt has right now? of course, it used to under the muslim brotherhood but it certainly doesn t now. so why not go to a government like that of turkey to try to work something out with hamas? well, it s a reasonable question. obviously, one that secretary kerry thought. if turkey could create working with the u.s., a stable situation in gaza, if turkey could deliver negotiators among the gazan within hamas or any other faction that could negotiate the kind of cease-fire and longer term arrangements for gaza that would lead to stability, i would have no quarrel with it but there is no evidence that is possible. what is unfortunate here is that in april, secretary kerry recognized that in the agreement between fatah, the more moderate palestinian faction, and hamas,
for fatah and the palestinian authority to take control in gaza, which they agreed to do, was the opportunity to negotiate something longer lasting. i think my biggest regret, gene, is secretary kerry turned away from that sensible longer term program that would actually get at what is wrong and went for the very short term 24-hour cease-fire which, as we have seen, is falling apart because there isn t a structure yet that can create stability. okay. we are going to get to the other crisis, foreign policy crisis, the downing of malaysia airlines flight 17 and russia now pushing back against sanctions and saying it will only embolden in a moment. i want to get to domestic politic as well. a follow-up to a story we talked about yesterday. new york governor andrew cuomo is pushing back hard against allegations his office interfered with a political ethics commission one he put in
place and stems from a front page article last week in the new york times which alleges cuomo s office squashed certain subpoenas that would have looked into the governor s own dealings. the governor emphatically denies this and saying no proof. one to a media firm connected to new york s democratic party. now one of the firm s three co-chairs at the center of the times story fitzpatrick is claiming that the panel was, indeed independent. he says, quote, the bottom line is that nobody interfered with me or my co-chairs. governor cuomo quick to praise the press conference yesterday in a news conference in buffalo. when you look at the facts, this moreland commission performed exactly the function they were supposed to perform. we passed a law that happen brought historic reform to the state. it was an overwhelming success and the commissioners have not gotten the credit that they
deserve. independent. they were talking to people from the second floor. of course, they were. of course they were and they were talking to people from the senate and the assembly and the good government groups. it s not independence is will never talk to anyone, it s that they exercised their independent judgment. but despite yesterday s denials, e-mails obtained by the times showed, quote, mr. fitzpatrick had privatelily expressed frustration with meddling by the governor s office and cuomo needs to understand this is an independent commission and needs to be treated as such. yesterday, the governor disputed the times characterization of the remarks. read it again. the second floor needs to understand this is an independent commission and needs to be treated as such. okay. so what he is saying, at some
point in time, is larry is having a conversation with him and larry is advocating a point. that is true. follow the movie to the conclusion. and what does chairman fitzpatrick say? no. resoundingly, no. what does the chairman s actions show? no. resoundingly, no! because he rejected the request! the rejection is ioion is ipso statement of independence because he said no. and he could, and he did. if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been independence. you named it inference.
all right. so, sam, i special to governor cuomo. most of it was off the record last night about this because he saw our very heated conversation here on the show. also, we were sort of having a hard time getting through the quote, his very defensive quote about the commission that he created. but he says while the times is making a conclusion, that doesn t necessarily say it s true and that they have gone too far in their conclusion. while it may look like you can make a connection, you actually can t. and even the members of the panel say that the commission was independent. anybody? i mean, the question, i guess, is how much influence can you exert without the panel actually responding to your influence and does that matter? cuomo is saying the panel was ultimately independent because they said no to the request but the request was still made and influencing meddling in its own
right. why can t a request be made? it depends how you want to do you want the commission to be completely independent from the other parts of the government? and i think when you establish, most people when they establish an ethics commission, yeah, you don t want anybody meddling in their influences and you want them to investigate and not have any contact with the outside world. boom. but cuomo is saying there is a gray area and that they do need to talk to other elements of government and they need to talk to other officials to do their work. i think part of the problem is cuomo has he is a secretive governor the entire time and now he is speaking out, people have a tough time sort of reconciling i will say my own personal, i would like i would love for him to come on. it s one thing to do a press conference really far away. i understand. we talked about the different reasons why he doesn t really want to do a lot of interviews right now. but i m wondering if he should. you know? and it would help a lot because it seems incredibly defensive.
sort of pushing back saying, don t you understand what this looks like? this is someone who has tried to control the narrative around him from day one. and i think doing an interview in this form sort of counterintuitive everything he has done as governor and it shows. this is someone who did interfere in the broadest sense of the world in the ethics commission and that is someone who likes to have a control of the environs around him. governor cuomo came into the office i m going to clean up albany and new york and said it over and over and over again and that was the whole impetus for his campaign. now if he can clean up albany unless it pertains to him is what the problem is. gene, you read through the new york times piece this morning. his office says to the times a patient staffed by the executive cannot investigate the executive. so then the new york times asked governor cuomo about that apparent contradiction there. he said i never said it couldn t
investigate me. see, facts matter, even for the new york times. it appears his own office can t quite get the story straight. yeah. it s very confusing. and one wondering about, you know, that the question you were jug talking about, why is governor cuomo, why is his style so secretive and why is everything so behind closed doors? especially the workings of a commission that is supposed to clean up all of the corruption and problems in albany. you would think that at least he would be more forthcoming and sort of open about about how this is working, what he is trying to accomplish and how he is doing it, and i think that just generates more suspicion and makes people wonder what this is really about. you know, the secretiveness, i think, comes off what appears to be a reticence to be tv interviews because potentially he might not want to get involved in the presidential politics conversation.
2016 might be waiting or ready for hillary, depending on where he has been. you know what? i think he should do an interview on this. i told him that. i really do. i think that this is taking a life of its own. still ahead on morning joe, everything you wanted to know about richard nixon, not pertaining to watergate. historian douglas brinkley is here with thousands of hours of audio from the 37th president. a decisive ruling in donald sterling s bid to block the sale of the l.a. clippers but is it finally enough to stop the defiant owner? and espn stephen a. smith and his apology for his controversial comments on domestic violence which sent the ladies of the view especially whoopi goldberg into a very provocative and heated discussion. first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? mika, did you see the pictures from outside of boston yesterday? a tornado? oh, my gosh. yeah. we had a tornado in connecticut two days ago and then yesterday up there outside of boston. this is very rare.
this was actually near the coast. only about 10 to 15 miles north of downtown boston. there was 120-mile-per-hour winds and ef-2 tornado went right through this highly populated industrial area and fortunately no injuries. can you imagine that? look at the huge trees that came down. a picturesque picture in los angeles. you can see a tornado twisting there but it stayed harmlessly over the open fields. yesterday in new england wind damage and a lot of cleanup and trees down. storm system that produced a tornado is gone. so the lower humidity has moved it. cooler temperatures. it s going to be an absolutely gorgeous day today and you can feel it outside. probably didn t need your air-conditioning last night. many areas top out to the low 70s to the 80s for a high. this picture just out from yosemite national park. a small fire formed last night
and now, all of a sudden, it s starting to spread and look at that active fire in yosemite national park. we will watch that today. again, it s a small fire now. but potential there is to grow. of course, the california drought, everyone knows how dry it is. the low humidity is not just in the northeast. appreciate it this morning. little rock, memphis, all the way through atlanta, a gorgeous day and it s like early fall throughout much of the country and that includes new york city. what a gorgeous day! lunch outside! light jacket, maybe even for some heading out the door this morning in july! you re watching morning joe. we will be right back. after nine days i let the horse run free because the desert had turned to sea but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country,
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now, that s progressive. time now to take a look at the morning papers. we will start with the l.a. times. the $2 billion sale of the los angeles clippers to former microsoft ceo steve ballmer will go through after a judge ruled against team owner donald sterling yesterday.
the court sided with shelly sterling saying she had negotiated a good deal for the clippers and had the authority to take away her husband s control of the family trust. doing so after doctors determined he was mentally unfit to manage his affairs. under the ruling, donald sterling can t delay the sale from going forward as he appeals the case. poor donald sterling. only gets $2 billion. it s almost over. the washington post police in washington, d.c. are scrambling to deal with a new ruling that lifted the ban on carrying legally registered handguns in the nation s capital and comes after a federal judge ruled the district ban on firearms possession in public is unconstitutional. they are wanting to appeal to let new gun carry regulations. gene robinson, how is this playing in d.c.? not well at all. you know, i haven t seen anybody walking around, you know, strapped the last day or so. but, you know, the crazy thing
is that people in the district of columbia overwhelmingly want gun control and they support gun control. they don t want people, you know, owning handguns, much less carrying them around in the street, however, congress and the courts are essentially saying, no, go ahead, shoot it out. let s go to the richard times dispatch. the fourth circuit appeals court struck down virginia s ban on same sexy marria-sex marriage. as other states are in the fourth circuit. it does not have a direct impact on gay marriage in other states the attorney general in north carolina says it means the ban will eventually be struck down. a new studied finds that a third of americans delinquent in debt and on the ground $5,200. that includes credit card bills and medical bills and child
support. southern states have the largest number of people who are late on their bills. that includes alabama, florida, texas, and out west in nevada. the san francisco chronicle two men are accused of squating in a palm springs california condo they found on a website. the bothers had been living in the condo for over a month and refused to leave, despite only paying for 30 days. since the brothers had been living in the condo for more than 30 days, they are protected by california s tenant laws but that is not the only problem they are having on the web. the called air b&b squatters raised $40,000 on kick-starter for a video game that appears to have been abandoned. angry owners were redirected to another game s kick-starter play looking to raise another $25,000. what does that mean? these guys are taking advantage of every internet function out there. they are living for free and they are raising known a game
that apparently doesn t exist. kind of brilliant. the california the tenant law? it serves a purpose but not that purpose. so they can t leave. i don t know what the hell is going on in california but that is histoysterical. this is a movie by the people who made pineapple express. coming up following a headline grabbing, whoopi goldberg jumps to stephen a. smith s defense. we will also explain what this has to do with baseball. oh, my! sports is next. i think that is sports.
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i might have to close my eyes because i think i m going to glinflinch if i see the ball coming. does that look like a good spot? yeah, sure. ah! are you all right? oh! i could hear that one whipping by me. what an off day. yes!
terrible! that is the best picture in baseball right there. clayton kershaw of the l.a. dodgers are jimmy kimmel playing a little game last night. the nfl thought it had moved on from ray rice domestic violence arrest when he was suspended for two games for his alleged striking of his then fiancee in a casino early this year. mitchell beedle making these comments after saying this. we also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about elements of provocation. not there is real provocation but the elements of provocation. you got to make sure you address it because what we got to do is do what we can to try to prevent
the situation from happening in in any way. so yesterday, stephen a. smith offered an apology. my words came across that it is somehow it is a woman s fault. this was not my intent and not what i was trying to say. yet the failure to clearly articulate something different lies squarely on my shoulders. to say what i actually said was foolish is an understatement. to say i was wrong is obvious. to apologize, to say i m sorry doesn t do the matter its problem justice, to be quite honestly but i do sincerely apologize. all of this got the ladies of the view talking leading to this passionate exchange between whoopi goldberg and her co-host. i want to say for a man hitting a woman, unless his life is in jeopardy. i m sorry. he knocked her out. he knocked her out cold. i m sorry. if you hit somebody, you cannot be sure you are not going to get hit back. you have to teach women, do not
live with this idea that men have the chivalry thing still with them. don t assume that that is still in place. right. so don t be surprised if you hit a man and he hits you back! you don t hit use it. listen. you hit somebody, they hit you back. don t be surprised. wow. you know, i think it could devolve no a really bad conversation that could get incredibly bad reaction because, obviously, what stephen a. smith said got an incredibly huge, terrible reaction which led to his apology, which i will just say i think it completely outweighs exactly what he said. he was trying to to have a constructive conversation but the bottom line is, unfortunately, there is an unequivocal truth. men may not hit women in any circumstance. it is hard to have an honest
conversation in saying that. but i think what whoopi said had value too. i do. i think you just don t hit a woman, period. you stop. that s a given. you think stephen smith didn t know that? i just think, you know, he got his comments underscored a to be curious and have a conversation. but if it s a steadfast rule. he shouldn t have used, in my view, the word provocation was a poor choice of words. does anybody want to try to have this conversation? maybe what he was trying to say everybody stop hitting everybody else or something else. but provocation is a provocation. but to have this conversation beyond a man should not hit a woman is impossible to have without a backlash. because there is no situation in which you can say a woman has put this man in a place where he need to strike back. no such situation exists, short of maybe the woman threatening the man s life. of course. i think if that is the basis
of the conversation, then there is really not much to talk about, to be honest with you. it s not just men hitting women. i got into a fair number of scraps when i was a kid. my father and teachers always said afterwards, you don t hit anybody. you walk away. men don t hit women and women don t hit men. you don t hit anybody. you leave it there. i would say it s one thing to defend yourself if a man or woman is coming at you. if you re ray rice and you can bench press 400 pounds and you can suppress the woman and you don t need to knock her out. the big problem here is the two-game suspension for ray rice which seems so lenient compared to anybody else. you suspend him for far more games than other people were suspended for their so. all right. let s go to japan on a slightly different note. an actress with a background in
martial arts breaks boxes with her head before throwing out the ceremonial pitch. what is that? wow. how about that? that s crazy! awesome. rifles ovals one of our favo first pitches of all time. this that is a rhythmic gymnast. which way do you go? i think i take the rhythmic gymnast. it s crazy. break the bricks one more time so we can render a decision here. i m going with the bricks. we haven t seen the pitch is the only thing. finish the job! i think that was it. you got to finish the job. still ahead, how iowa has turned from a small caucus state into a year-long tourist destination and mark leibovich is here with his columnist. the latest in the ups and towns of the toronto mayor rob ford.
oh, no! don t do it! oh, no! we will be right back with more morning joe.
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lease this 2014 ats for around $299 a month and make this the summer of style. 45 past the hour. joining us is chief national correspondent for the new york times leibovich. your piece in the upcoming issue takes a look at the politics of iowa and how one state turned its adorable little caucus into a year-round tourist destination and you write in part this. iowa may be a flat landlocked state with six electoral votes but it has become the premier tourist destination for political brown-nosers. if there is one thing every republican presidential candidate can agree upon, it is that branstad represents the
peak of american leadership, if not the pinnacle of all human achievement. homage must be paid. we want iowa to be the envy of the whole nation he told me in the parking lot. not just because we have the first in the nation caucuses, no, of course, not. certainly natural for the governor of new jersey to check out the cows here in the middle of july. iowa is going in the right direction branstad continued and the rest of the country is going in the wrong direction. while he is milking this political little sort of first stop thing that iowa has going, mark? yes, he is. the thing that i wanted to look at was the anthropology of the early state. we have had iowa and hamp as the early primary states for a long time but in case of terry branstad the long time governor has been running the state on and off since the 80s it is a study of incredible exhulltation
how wonderful of a person he is and people falling all over themselves how great terry branstad is. who are the worst defenders? well, everyone. everyone? it s one oof another. i spent a day with chris christie there last week in iowa and he chris christie, it was actually the day of the ground invasion of gaza. it was also the day, i think the day after the plane went down in ukraine. and mr. tell it like it is, tough talking new jersey governor, you were expecting he was going to weigh in on the subject but, no, no. he was very concerned, mostly about talking about how great terry branstad is and how much of a legend he is and also how inspired he has been by the governor of iowa. you point out, mark, christie, perry and jindal have all passed through iowa this year. is there any indication or any evidence that all this butt kissing helps? helps a would-be presidential
candidate? does it work to go in a couple of years out and kind of make your way across the state? i think, obviously, you need to pay attention to iowa if you want to do well in iowa or new hampshire. i think what is interesting and new now it s starting two, three, years out. yeah. it used to be there was an off-season. it s like so much in american life now. you see christmas decorations on sale in the spring. you see people lobbying for the oscars the week after the academy awards ended the year before. there is really no off-season and that certainly has proven true in presidential politics also. gene? mark, is there any indication or did you see any that people in iowa are getting sick of all of this? do they really accept that chris christie is actually there for the cows? you mean he is not? i think they would get fed up with all of this stuff. i think on the contrary, i think they love it.
i think from a strictly economic standpoint it s probably great for the state. a lot of national media comes through. it s fun for them. i don t think there is any major downside, although i think it s important we tell it like it is, which is that, look. i mean, this is not necessarily a natural, you know, recitation of the rhythm of american life, yet this is part of the excess that has taken hold in so many areas. but, i mean, it s not full-proof obviously, because mike huckabee won in 2008 and rick santorum run in 2012 and neither ended up as president, at least as far as i can tell. you re wrong, sam. oh. in iowa, there are actually pictures of mike huckabee and rick santorum as our president. it can cut both ways like anything. barack obama would not be president today if it weren t for iowa so you don t know what impact it will have.
it is really bizarre. mark is right. why we have a system because we all go to iowa. you can write this state. let s have a rotation of states. you should. just do one for every state. can you do one for every single state capitol? you could have a handbook. mark, thank you. we will be reading your column at dr. nancy snyderman will be here to explain how much risk to the u.s. with the ebola outbreak. first, toronto politics at its finest and another classic from rob ford. yes, that is rob ford. he is going to break it. news you can t use is next. let me get this straight. [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won t cause me discomfort.
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the mayor managed to get a little bit of exercise in over the weekend. on sunday, he and his brother doug went to the opening of a dinosaur themed playground where they took the opportunity to break in the brand-new see-saw. woo! oh, okay. wee! i got you. no.
look at him. gracefully. watching rob ford work a see-saw makes me fear for mrs. ford s life. that is rob ford after the two-month stint in rehab and comes out campaigning for re-election. he and his brother good ole doug get after it on the see-saw. look at the kids looking at them. does he have staph? that is the first question. is there an advance here? who is the guy saying, mayor ford, this is a brilliant picture. get on that see-saw with your brother. i think the fun continued. please stop. i think the fun continued. he tried to go up the rope climb. what the heck? what is he doing? the greatest. we are so glad he is back in our lives. i would take my children home. do the right thing.
do it for us, please. mika, you ll love this one. baby ilee and pit bull puppy clyde. bouncy seat. look at clyde gets up there. isley s mom has been instagraming photos of the two together. come on. how cute is this? oh, my god! baby and puppy. oh, my goodness. i love that baby! posted last week has 2 million views. he s a pit bull, too. people say bad things about bpi bulls. they can be great. last week this photo bomb by queen elizabeth smiling at two australian hockey players sneaking in there and not to be outdone. prince harry gave a grin of the commonwealth games last night. one of the men made this his facebook profile pick and you would do the same.
a little crazy there. coming up at the top of the hour, a path to victory. how democrat mitchell nunn planned to win a u.s. senate seat and how that plan could backfire. benjamin netanyahu is facing a lot of questions. new sanctions against vladimir putin and russian officials reportedly entering a third phase and we will explain what that means when andrea mitchell joins us. we will be right back with more morning joe. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad! then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance.
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flares have turned night into broad daylight in the skies over the gaza strip. today was supposed to be a cease-fire. it didn t work. an explosion on a busy street where children were playing. israeli says it was a stray hamas rocket. hamas doesn t accept that. and used the attack on the children as a reason to go on the offensive. intense fighting prevented investigators reaching the crash site of mh-17 for the second day running. much more substantial sanctions will come into place across broad sectors of the russian economy. two americans are fighting for their lives.
infected with the deadly ebola virus. the spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer somebody else s progress. last july, andrew cuomo pointed a special commission to tackle public corruption. now three-month examination by the new york times claims that governor cuomo s office deeply compromised the panel s work. if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been independence. you named it interference. we will get to that story in a moment. welcome back to morning joe. joining us now from washington, nbc chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of andrea mitchell reports andrea mitchell. senior editor at the the new republic julia yanfey. good to have you both with us. the west increasing pressure on vladimir putin. president obama and leaders of several european countries agreed to a sweeping new set of
sanctions. they will target defense, energy, and financial industries in russia. moscow, however, remains defiant. the country s foreign minister downplayed the impact of the sanctions and warned they will would only make russia stronger and more independent. in another sign of stepped-up tensions, moscow is now accused of violating a 1987 nuclear missile treaty by testing cruise missiles as early as 2008. u.s. officials say president obama addressed the issue in a letter to putin, calling it a, quote, very serious matter. meanwhile, ukrainian investigators say flight 17 s black box has revealed a massive explosive decompression brought down the jet and the shrapnel destroyed the plane. u.s. forces are making their way toward the crash site after another fighting with russian rebels. kiev says they gained controlled of two towns in eastern ukraine and more battles under way. the clashes are being blamed for
50 deaths between the two sides and 800 civilians have been killed there since mid april. the newest human rights chief is calling for a full investigation who shot down flight 17, adding that it may be considered a war crime. andrea, i want to start with you here. set the scene for us, first, in terms of russia s response, at least in their words, to the sanctions. well, russia will be tough rhetorically and doesn t mean the sanctions won t hurt. i want to look at the details of these sanctions when they are finally explained to all of us later today, because up until now, they have been giving france a pass, a waiver for arm sales that were already agreed to. any time you grandfather arm sales to russia, that is a big loophole in these sanctions. in any case, it is described to me as the toughest set of sanctions yet and it s clearly getting russia s attention. the fact is that europe is pretty organized now by the
president and in sync with the united states because russia has been firing live artillery across the border. there is plenty of evidence of that. plus marbling its forces along the border to move more sophisticated efforts into the milit militia. that is being more aggressive. julie, conventional wisdom the last week or so that european countries were hesitant to go along with tougher sanctions because of the impact the sanctions might have on their own economies. it looks like europe, at least for now, has moved past that? that s right. the fact of the matter is that, you know, it s a two-way street and, you know, as much as europe is dependent on russia for certain things, like energy, russia is dependent upon europe. it gets 40% of its food and medicine from europe. so it goes both ways. so if one party shuts off
basically, the consensus is also the russian economy would crumble a lot faster and much more devastating fashion than the european economy would. where is this going to go? what is the strongest measure that can be taken on the part of europe to unequivocally depend what is happening. it is a big issue and i think what europe is scared of is the kind of the wildcard that is putin s behavior. he has shown time and again that he can do really unpredictable things. things that, you know, will hurt his opponent but also hurt him, but he decides it s worth the pain. so i think what europe is scared of is that russia will turn off the energy tap, which, you know, for some european countries, they get as little as 10% of their energy from russia. some eu countries get as much as 100 of their energy from russia
so that would really hurt. the netherlands which is most severely affected by the tragedy of the malaysian airliner and the horrible impact on the dutch. the netherlands their pension funds are all tied up in shell and other major corporations so they are going to take a huge hit from this from whatever sanctions do take place. it s also finance. it s the banking in the uk. the brits have been tough about this but when putin was first flexing his muscles toward crimea everybody was caving in because they are integrated they are with russia economically. bobby, the other sort of level of thinking in this is a point you just brought up and that is if russia gives more sophisticated weapons to the rebels, do we do the same for the ukrainian military and start jumping in that way? if russia has gone to the point where it s shelling across the border in support of the rebels, then what how can we make sure the ukrainian military doesn t get completely pounded
on this? andrea, has there been any discussion on that in d.c.? more of the risks. yeah. there is real concern about the risks because there have been principally republicans on the hill, the usual hard-line conservative arms committee folks like mccain and graham who have been saying why aren t we arming the ukrainians. oerds is the fear at the pentagon and elsewhere. once you give the sophisticated weapons to the ukraine government, you ll have the same possible tragic result that you had the separatists. they are not really ready to run these things that you re thenes situation. the best thing help with the ukrainians on the intelligence and see where the weapons are on the opposition side. the analysis is that russia has escalated so dramatically in the last couple of weeks because the kiev government was making progress against the separatists in eastern ukraine and gaining
territory and that is why the fighting. the fighting was even as keir simmons was showing us yesterday, they were fighting right around the crash site. julie, there is a level of sanctions the west and the world community could do to take putin to pause and step back. up until now the sanctions have only emboldened him and allowed to say to his own people it s us against the world. i don t think it s in a certain sense, it has stopped him from doing certain things. you know, there are people in moscow who say that for a period of about four days in april, russian troops were poised to go across the border into ukraine and that it was because of sanctions that he didn t give them the order to go across the border. publicly, though, the problem with sanctions also is the more you sanction vladimir putin, the less he can actually give you what you want. because of all the image that he has portrayed in russia for the
last, you know, what, 14 years he is standing up to the west. the more the west pressures him to do something, the less likely he is to do it. so unless there is kind of something happening behind the scenes where they are offering putin an off ramp where he can, you know, tout something at home as a win, as something that he was able to bring home, and to get out of it, you know, on his terms and to save face, i don t think we are going to see much movement on the russian side. julie ioffe, thank you very much. we turn to the middle east. the crisis between israeli and hamas in its fourth week. hopes for a resolution app to be dwindling. israeli hit key hamas locations overnight. the targets including hamas tv station and the home of one of the group s top leaders. the strikes came as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivered a national tv address.
he warned of an extended conflict and said, quote, there is no war more just than this. israeli and hamas are trading blame for an attack that left nine palestinian children dead and dozens injured. palestinian officials say israeli air strikes hit a park as children were playing on swings. israeli, however, says militants in gaza fired the rockets which failed to reach the intended targets and that brings the death toll to more than 1,100 palestinians, according to officials there. 53 israeli soldiers have been killed, including four yesterday, as well as three civilians in israeli. secretary of state john kerry is facing criticism now in the israeli press for pushing a cease-fire that reports claim would be more beneficial to hamas. secretary kerry is standing by its actions. make no mistake, when the people of israeli are rushing to bomb shelters, when innocent israeli and palestinian teenagers are abducted and murdered, when hundreds of innocent civilians have lost
their lives, i will, and we will make no apologies for our engagement. andrea, we had had a discussion with david ignatius who has a pretty blistering piece on john kerry. he did. yeah. there is sort of the concept that he put on the table about sort of this giving hamas kind of more of a platform. but i have to say i m not sure what anyone can do at this point. that would be productive when you hear what all three leaders on all sides of this are saying. well, what kerry was trying to do with the support and sort of alliance of ban ki-moon and the u.n. and many other people in the world is get a cease-fire to stop the killing and that was viewed in israeli as a way of, you know, tying their hands because they felt they had to deal with the tunnels, they had to deal with the long-range rockets. and so i have never frankly seen
such blistering personal criticism on the left and the right in the israeli press. the israeli people, 87% according to channel 10 s polling yesterday, the prime time top station, the top channel in israeli, 87% popularity what the government is doing and pushing it now to be even tougher. so kerry is just being blistered in israeli and it will inevitably hurt his effectiveness in the short term. he was already being blamed for the long term peace negotiations for nine months that, you know, collapsed. i think that, you know, susan rice came our show yesterday and defended him and the white house is trying to rally around. reports he is still trying to resurrect some sort of cease-fire but the focus now i m told is on a short-term cease-fire, not on the long-term relationships. of course, ignatius criticism is that in some way, he has empowered hamas by going to
qatar and hamas sponsors and trying to engage them. i want to bring in some washington nbc news chief white house correspondent and host of the daily rundown, chuck todd. we will get to a couple of political stories with you but sam first has a question. we have gone through a list of horribles in the world basically from ukraine to the middle east. we haven t even touched on the ebola virus. when i talk to white house officials they have a calm about it they are on top of these things, but it seems pretty clear that a narrative is developing of a world that is basically out of control. from your conversations with the administration officials, how are they prioritizing these issues and grasping with the sheer number of them all? funny you say that. i had the very similar conversation it sounds like that you had and it s my understanding that president himself is trying to project more calm and some on his staff are eyes wide open saying when the global chaos going to stop
and the president sort of trying to say, hey, this is about a globally connected world. we see more of the problem, more of them are at our doorsteps because there s not many and because the united states is the only super power. he is trying to project calm with his own staff to sort of keep everybody at bay. i think as for the prioritization they see it right now as two priorities and that is you see where john kerry is. there is a reason they sent kerry to the middle east. a, what is going on with russia and the decision they made. they got the europeans on board and we will find out in about a month. i think you have to realistically give the sanctions about a month and we will find out in about a month if what the u.s. has been calling for some time which is serious sanctions from europe, will it actually change putin s behavior in ukraine? chuck, on the question of israeli. obviously, now the israeli press and some members of the government there have been
openly critical of john kerry, openly critical of the obama administration. what is happening privately between the united states, the white house specifically, and israeli to try to mend that fence a little bit? well, look. you already have the ambassador here who is the israeli ambassador of the united states. he is very close to netanyahu. he has been trying to ratchet the rhetoric back here look. there has been distrust between the obama administration and netanyahu s administration basically from the beginning since president obama came in and it s never really the rifts have never really healed and there is time they scab over, but the wounds never go away and it s very easy to start up. and remember who the missing player is. the last time there was a hot war between israeli and gaza, you had a member of the muslim brotherhood in charge of egypt, mohammed morsi. regardless of everybody s criticisms of morsi as a leader inside egypt and these other
issues, on this particular issue he was somebody that helped broker the last major truce between gaza and israeli and right now egypt is not a legitimate player in the eyes of hamas. chuck, we want to get you in on some domestic politics here. michelle nunn s campaign brushing off the leaks of her victory plan in the state of georgia that calls for the candidate to spend 80% of her time raising money. conservative national review released a atrophy of her strategy memos giving a rare glimpse in inside a campaign. her campaign highlighted what they saw as her biggest vulnerabilities including running the points of life when irs filing show may have provided money to an organization accused of having loose ties to hamas. also a memo highlighting what the campaign saw as an opportunity in the jewish community saying, quote, michelle s position on israeli were largely determined the level support there adding that her message was tbd, nunn is
locked in a tight race with david perdue. her campaign doesn t dispute the authenticity of the document writing in a statement, quote. chuck, these plans exist on every campaign. of course. is we have got one in the spotlight this morning. absolutely. look. this is why you hire political consultants and you can them in some way do due diligence on yourself. that is what this was. this sort of, you know, what are her vulnerabilities and what should be working on and focus on and how are the republicans going to attack her. in many ways exactly what you pay a political consultant to come up with is to, you know, look through her background and all of this stuff. here it is. it s the equivalent in football terms of the new england patriots getting a copy of the
new york jets playbook although i guess you could argue the jets playbook they could have and it wouldn t matter because it s the jets. the point is it s seeing the other team s playbook. the republicans are pouncing saying she is all image conscience and she is trying to portray she is new to politics and another image want that beel this stuff. it s an uphill battle to run as a democrat in georgia and she is trying to be authentic. in this day and age when authenticity matters this makes it look like oh, my god, it s esche everybody s worst stereotype what politicians look like. the seen in simpsons. gene, 80% of i guess it
sounds crazy, but welcome to reality. might she be the only one that does that? it s how it works these day. dialing for dollars 24/7 basically. it looks kind of crazy and artificial when it s all written down like this but i think chuck is absolutely right. this is what candidates do and what political consultants do and this is what it s like to run for office these days. especially for a senate seat. the major embarrassment might not be for michelle nunn. it s how money driven the political process is. everybody, actually. andrea mitchell, thank you. we will be watching andrea mitchell reports at noon on msnbc. chuck todd, see you after morning joe. the cuban missile crisis retold. one of the definitive moments in u.s. history. up next, the quest for
10,000 steps. how running just five minutes a day can literally save your life. dr. nancy snyderman is standing by with that. you re watching morning joe.
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president obama has been briefed on the deadly outbreak of the ebola virus in west africa has that left nearly 700 people dead. a hospital in nigeria has been shut down and quarantined after an infection there. joining us now on the set is nbc news chief medical, dr. nancy snyderman. we are trying to put into perspective the risk of its spreading and what is happening
there because it is a resurgence. he let s talk about ebola. it s a brilliant spectacular virus in that it kills magnificently and shockingly people get sick very quickly and nausea and high fever and 104 and is 105 and have kidney fail and die. it s like a big wildfire but it s not a smart virus like hiv and doesn t now how to get to one person to another and keep itself live. we normally see these ebola outbreaks has are isolated and go kaboom. now we have seen an ebola outbreak jump a border and last week a man who had a fever got on an airplane and ended up in another country and died several days later. so, for the first time, the world health organization, the centers for disease control is speaking to foreign countries to
sort of talk about border control, screening passengers before getting on airplanes. no doubt this is very little risk to the united states. however, it does mean that if you are an aide worker and traveled to western africa and you talk to your doctor, where you ve been in the world now has to be part of your basic history and physical. it can no longer be, well, i just had a sore throat and fever for a few days without saying, have you been out of the country? oh, my gosh. and also the person with the fever what came and then died. right. you were talking about screening? right. as you and i in maknow screenin to get on an airplane is minimal at best if any screening at all. health care workers saying maybe let s take your temperature. you just don t get on that plane. if a patient were to arrive in
the united states and look like that, that person would be immediately isolated and hospitalized. the only way to really shut this down is treat it like a wildfire. if there are brush fires popping here and there, you have to make sure they are all out. the challenge is, especially for this person who got on the airplane and maybe came into contact with at least we know 65 people, follow that chain link fence everywhere, find out all of those people he may have been in contact with and you have to make sure you do reasonable surveillance. how does the virus spread human-to-human? it s very much direct contact. saliva, vomit, diarrhea, maybe semen, we are not sure. but because aide workers when you see them in the field are in these hazmat suits. right. what concerns us is one of the american women who is infected and now being treated, her job was just to take off the hazmat suits and help bleach down the guys getting out. she was not even in direct contact. so the death rate from ebola is
as high as 90% in. in this current outbreak it s hovering around 68%. the idea is jump in early because if you can stop the kidneys from going into failure. we will get to this new study. gene has a quick question. my question was just that, nancy. first world medical treatment, do we think that death rate would be lower than the 90% or even the 60%? probably, gene. so what we are running into right now is people, particularly in guinea and sierra leone haven t seen this before because this is a new illness in these countries. at the same time, they are seeing ebola kill neighbors and friends and family, the red cross is coming in and catholic charities is coming in. some villagers are seeing western medicine come in at the same time family members are dying and stoke the fear that outsiders have brought the illness. so that need for western
medicine and sort of old beliefs and i m going to say, you know, like the voodoo kind of home medicine that you see in many villages, it s all colliding. so aide workers have talked about 17-year-olds with machetes stopping their cars, cutting down trees, and putting up road blocks to keep aide workers out. so they really want aide workers to work with local elders who are respected to try to demystify this. it s horrific. and i should say in this part of the world, ritual bathing of the dead is part of the custom but if you touch someone who is dead you re going to get the virus. let s now turn to this new study from the journal of the american college of cardiology on running. fascinating study. you know, we have been told before to run to work out an hour a day and you re going to live longer. impossible for most people. right. this study looked at over 55,000 people and showed that
for runners, the reduction of heart disease and stroke is 30% or so. but even for the average person, if you run five minutes a day, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by almost 50%. so that use it or lose it, a little bit is better than nothing is significant. five minutes at like a dead sprint? no, just five minutes a day. sam wants to know how. how bad can i run? mika, i m not a runner. never loved it and never got that endorphin high and never figured out what is so great to it. mika love to get out there and run. i would like to wave them on. but i am very conscious of how much i walk a day. if you re not a runner, at least get in 10,000 steps. on the weekend, 25,000 steps. i would think that is doable for a lot of folks and it s really nice and probably has the same benefit. about three years ago, yes. 25,000 steps seems like a lot. on a weekend, absolutely
doable. i think edition to bars. make sure you re drinking the dark alcohol because that stuff is good for your heart. all i drink. nancy, it s basically 30 to 60 minutes a week. let s say you took the low end 30 minutes a week. you could run twice a week, 15 minutes? that is doable for everybody. i do something every day. there was a study about three or four years ago looking at very fit men with no risk factors for heart disease and stroke. their jobs, however, were desk jobs. and they found that sitting at a desk was an independent risk factor for having heart attack. why you need a treadmill desk. have you seen those? al roker has one. he walks all day long. we should get them here. show it on the air. everyone else is on their treadmills watching. everyone says i watch you from my treadmill every morning. i feel jealous! trip on them. i like that. nancy, thank you so much. great to see you. ahead outrage in new york city as residents in a luckry
apartment building want a separate door for the so-called affordable units. really? we will break down the city s so-called poor door policies. keep it right here on morning joe. somewhere out on that horizon out beyond the neon lights i know there must be somebody vo: this is the summer.
the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours.
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i voted for culture. .with a k. how are you? i voted for plausible deniability. i didn t kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people s hotlist to see this summer s top 100 shows and movies. i voted!
35 past of the hour. hi, thomas. hi, mika. you re here. okay. two of our favorite senators here on morning joe is pushing legislation to close down a branch of the commerce department that they say is obsolete and they say it s also a waste of taxpayer claire mccaskill and tomcoal burn. the office doesn t make any money doing it. they have actually lost money. 9 out of 10 years. in fact, the reporters of all those government reports offered online can be found on other sites and almost always free of charge. that s why they named their bill the, quote, let me fooling that for you act.
mccaskill saying a government agency for paying for things after realizing they could get it for free elsewhere. good foy. she noted a tiny banner at the top of the branch s website informing consumers of that fact seems awfully difficult to read. yep, you could get rid of that. anybody disagree? i know nothing about this agency. so i m going to reserve judgment but it seems like if you did google something. let me google that for you. up next, the stakes have never been higher than back channel. a piece of historical future set during the cuban missile crisis that takes us to the brink of world war iii. keep it here on morning joe. that is coming up.
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i call upon chairman to halt
and eliminate this clan dah stein and stable relations between our two nations. i call upon him further to abandon this course of world domination and to join in a historic effort to end the perilist arms race and transform the history of man. our goal is not the victory of mig might, but the vindication of right. both peace and freedom. here in this hemisphere and we hope around the world, god willing, that goal will be achieved. that was october of 1962. the cuban missile crisis put the u.s. and soviet union and a military face-off. what went on behind the scenes to avoid a full-out war. with us is the new york times best selling author, steven l. carter who is out with his
latest novel back channel. great to have you back on the show. thank you. congratulations on this. we will also talk about the poor door controversy here in new york city coming up which i think is fascinating. you reimagined, speaking of fascinating, the cuban missile crisis and you bring in a couple of different aspects to this. the game of chess and young woman by the name of margo jensen. here, there s two historical facts that i worked with. one is that president kennedy really did have an affair with a 19-year-old college student that did actually overlap the cuban missile crisis. second, behind the official negotiations, there was an unofficial negotiation, a secret negotiation only a few people knew about in the white house. my fictional premise supposed the affair with the college student didn t really happen but a cover for the secret negotiations. okay.
take it from there. that affair did happen with kennedy, correct? i really did have an affair with a 19-year-old but my fictional 19-year-old he does not have an affair with but she is asked to pretend to have an affair with the president using his reputation as it were as the cover so that she can ferry messages between him and an official of the soviet embassy. when we look back on the history of what that time meant for the world internationally it was a big chess game and trying to figure it out and a lot of it went with the national thought leaders who could think like the luck of trying to figure out the situation. why does chess play to prominently for you in your books? you say you re an amateur at chess, which i doubt. no, i m an absolute amateur. but what chess involves is figuring out what your opponent is going to do and not letting your opponent know what you are going to do.
when you look at foreign policy crises today and there are a lot of them and a lot of people criticizing the president or supporting him and a lot of the criticism i think is undeserved. foreign policy is hard. but the one piece of advice that i would give, if ever asked, wanting to learn from this crisis what kennedy did, he kept guessing. whether kennedy was willing to push the button or not. we still don t know. keeping his opponent off balance that way and keeping his cards so close to his vest and his close advisers didn t know i think was the successful completion of the crisis. discussion of the difficulties of writing and melding the two together. i think written seven or eight works of nonfiction and it is my sixth novel. you re right. to me writing novels is harder and writing historical novels is
particularly difficult. it appeals to me as a scholar. i get to do the research and i try in this novel to bring washington, d.c. to 1962 to life and it all takes place in europe and so on but i try to bring the city to life as it really would have been. i have a a lot of real historical characters in the novels, not only the kennedy brothers and national security adviser but people like bobby fisher, the chess champion and others. to me half the fun of it is trying to make sure i have to the extent possible my facts right and that takes a lot of time. why not go full nonfiction and retell the story of what happened from a purely historical end? but i like to tell stories. people like to read the stories. you have a story to tell. i do. i want to bring you to real life for a second. as you have written in bloomberg view about the corridor controversy here in new york city and you write in part this. everyone is mad about the poor door. this is the name critics bestowed upon the separate entrance for the affordable housing units on the western
side of manhattan. it is a little outrageous but some of it may be optical. the separate entrance for the cheaper units which is hardly heard of in manhattan real estate is part of a consequence of the very policies that new york is trying to enforce. so the title of this is the poor door concept is nothing new in u.s. cities. i don t think that makes it okay. it s not okay. it s not okay. no, it s not okay. it s a terrible thing, but new york is one of the most economically segregated cities in the united states. well studied. already in new york city, there is an enormous separation between where the with to do live and where the poor live. right but to have the poor people who live in the affordable part of that building bringing in a separate door is bringing us to a past time. i m agreeing. the way to resolve this, is number one, the economic
segregation in new york we have the sections of the city that are rich and sections that are poor and tend to not overlap with each other is number one. second the way to solve the problem of affordable housing is not only to reduce some of the regulations that make it expensive to build housing but to get people with actual money they can go out and find a place to live that meets their standards rather than some standard that was designed by the city itself. stephen, in talking about this specific building on the upper west side and also to the divide in the city, a lot of people being priced out of living in manhattan directly. if i understand about the building, the residents in one section say the higher cost apartments are not going to share the same amenities and same floors. it s like two separate buildings built in one structural space so that these builders are getting the big tax exemptions and kick-backs from the city? i agree. what i would do i would stomp giving the builders those benefits. what the builders do with these
benefits and not only build separate spaces and extra benefits to sell off for millions of dollars. what the city is doing for this program is subsidizing the construction from luxury housing where builders make billions of dollars. you have a lot of buildings in manhattan have the separate entrances we both object to and the only way we are going to stop that is stop giving them the subsidy which they are happy to get. why put the affordable housing units in the building? more housing can be built you may have someone else put in good to have you back on the show. a pleasure. up next, will voters hurt the democrats this november? we are going to explore in the mojo polling place. plus the nixon tapes you never heard.
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25-year-old junior bishop dressed as spider-man took a photo with two people, and when the couple attempted to give the man $1, bishop says he only takes 5s, 10s, and 20s. a police officer overheard the conversation and stepped in and told the couple they could donate whatever they wanted. the police officer asked for bishop s i.d. and he said he didn t have an i.d.. his real name s peter parker. i guess the real question everybody has in this situation is, did batman think that the police were justified? somebody get choked, just like that, you know what mine? he can get choked for that. you know what i mean? bruce, bruce we can see your face, bruce! oh, my gosh.
that is too much. all right, to politics now. there are some circles, which is just as funny, sometimes, there are some circles of the republican party that would like to see mitt romney make another run for the presidency in two years. and as morning joe polling analyst derek kips reports, there s a whole group of voters who wish the former governor were in the white house right now. it appears some americans may be having buyer s remorse about their decision to re-elect president barack obama to a second term. despite the fact that president obama beat mitt romney in 2012, 51-47 in the popular vote, a recent cnn poll shows if the election were held today, mitt romney would be the people s choice, topping the president, 53-44. and according to gallup s recent survey, the president s approval rating has flatlined at 43%. it s a number of that has the gop hoping to capitalize come november. the cnn poll further reveals that 45% of americans believe that president obama has expanded his presidential power too much, with only 3 in 10 saying the president s actions have been about right.
however, despite the president s low approval rating, the president doesn t seem to buy the gop s legislative agenda of lawsuits and impeachment either. by a 57-41 margin, americans say house republicans should not file the lawsuit challenging the president s health plan. with even fewer supporting the gop s growing calls for impeachment. if the gop truly hopes to capitalize on the president s weak approval numbers in the midterms, lawsuits and impeachment may not be the best option to do so. guys, back to you. okay, gene, just chime in on the buyer s remorse. is it fair? well, look, this is that phase of a presidency where people have seen him for six years and things are not going well in the world and, but they don t like the republicans either. i think, just not at a great move. so that s where i think we are. we re not in a good place. up next, andrew cuomo defends the ethics commission that he commissioned, as a new report suggests that his office isn t completely free of guilt.
we ll talk about that. plus, a senate candidate s strategy for a victory is leaked, revealing an inside look at the game of politics and the role of money. and then as the crisis in the middle east taking a toll on the relationship between the u.s. and israel? nbc s kate snowe joins with us a live report from tel aviv. all of that and much more when morning joe returns. as long as i ve lived in iowa, there s always been wind. (strauss blue danube playing)
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flares have turned night into broad daylight in the skies over the gaza strip. today was supposed to be a cease-fire. it didn t work. an explosion on a busy street where children were playing. israel says it was a stray hamas rocket. hamas doesn t accept that, and uses the attack on the children as a reason to go on the offensive. intense fighting prevented investigators reaching the crash site of mh-17 for the second day running. much more substantial sanctions will come into place across broad sectors of the russian economy. two americans are fighting for their lives, infected with the deadly ebola virus. the spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer someone else s problem. last july, governor andrew cuomo created a special commission to tackle public corruption. and now, a three-month
examination by the new york times claims that governor cuomo s office deeply compromised the panel s work. if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been independence. you named it interference. welcome back to morning joe. sam stein, eugene robinson still with us. joining us now, columnist for bloomberg view, al hunt, in new york. i m confused. first time on the set here in new york. is it really? it s usually a d.c. thing with al. my dream has been to be with mika in new york and finally that s one way to put it. and with steve. what about me, al. don t leave sam out. former mccain campaign strategist and msnbc political analyst, steve schmidt is here as well. nice to have you on board. thank you, mika. let s start with breaking news, as the crisis between israel and hamas enters its fourth week, nbc news has confirmed moments ago that two
u.n. staff members were killed in gaza today. the new barrage of strikes came as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivered a national tv address, warning of an extended conflict there. joining us now from tel aviv, nbc news correspondent, kate snowe with the latest. kate? reporter: good morning, mika. secretary of state john kerry is still pushing all the parties for an end to the bloodshed here, but i have to tell you, he faces an uphill battle in israel, because look at what the public and the press are saying about john kerry. here s the headline in this morning s paper, it says obama and kerry are playing with fire. overnight, more explosions in gaza. this morning, the main power plant took a hit, columns of smoke are still rising. israel confirmed ten soldiers died yesterday, pushing the number of military deaths over 50, the highest casualty count since a war in the north in 2006. that s only increasing israel s
resolve to keep going, and it helps explain why it s been so tough for john kerry to negotiate a peace deal. i just want to say a very few words, quickly about the events in gaza. kerry s been soundly criticized in the israeli media for the way he pushed for a cease-fire. a columnist for the liberal newspaper says senior government officials in jerusalem described carri kerry s cease-fire proposal as a strategic attack. it s not just that kerry and the obama administration is taking the side of the palestinians, but in the arab world in general over israel. and the feeling is that this america led by this president won t actually be there when it matters for israel s security needs. one paper called kerry a nudnnik. somebody coming again and again and again and doesn t do much. reporter: the coffee crowd in tel aviv thinks kerry is out of his league. he thinks he can make some agreement, he can write some nice words, some nice statements. come on. get real. reporter: the obama
administration spent monday bending over backwards to defend kerry. the reality is that john kerry, on behalf of the united states, has been working every step of the way with israel in support of our shared interests. reporter: so here s the situation. a lot of analysts are worried that kerry, with all this kerry bashing going on, is going to lose some of his power to even negotiate some kind of cease-fire, let alone a lasting peace over here. and meantime, while all the diplomats are talking, more than 70 palestinians were killed in that fighting overnight. sam stein? kate, i had a question for you. the israel ambassador to the united states yesterday spoke out in defense, actually, of john kerry, and tried to minimize the distance between the netanyahu government and the secretary of state. do you pick up any sense that the israeli government thinks that the talk has been
overblown, or what is the imperative for them in having the ambassador come out and saying something like that? reporter: publicly, they still want to talk about their alliance with the u.s. they need america as an ally. behind the scenes, it s harder to say. the sense from here, when you talk to the people, at least, is that israelis, they re not giving up. they don t want a cease-fire. they re not going to stop this offensive, because they strongly believe that those tunnels still exist and that they haven t yet demilitaryized hamas. that s the mood on the street that benjamin netanyahu is dealing with here. and of course, he has to balance that with the diplomacy. nbc s kate snowe in tel aviv, thanks so much. al, you heard netanyahu in the past 24 hours pulling this just war. kerry, obviously, the secretary of state in the crosshairs of criticism. and you know, at what point, really, is he to blame for continued fighting, when all sides of this are so at each other s throats, literally, and show no sign of backing down. it s almost like the criticism
of kerry is an excuse to keep fighting, instead of to listen and to stop. it s kind of hard to blame john kerry for for trying. for fighting in the middle east. he may have made a tactical mistake. i don t know enough about what s on the ground there. but to say that john kerry is not a friend of israel. to say that john kerry is somehow trying to help hamas is just utter and complete nonsense. it s ludicrous. and i think for the israeli those israelis who perpetuate that are going to find it self-defeating. they re not only perpetuating it, this time it s being stirred up as an excuse not to consider a cease-fire, which, i mean, at this point, we re looking at day after day after day of video of civilians and children, getting caught in these massacre. i think the key quote from yesterday was when netanyahu talked about continuing this operation until they closed all of the tunnels from gaza into israel. that could be a serious and long-term operation in terms of the war hostilities. and it suggests that israeli is
in this mind-set where they want to, you know, figuratively, mow the lawn, chop down hamas s military capabilities for now, for a couple of years, and they ll have to end up coming back. and my question for everyone who talks about this is what is the long-term strategic objective of israel here? i m having trouble figuring out what they re trying to do in the long run. what replaces hamas as the military outfit of the palestinians? and does it spread to the west bank? steve? look, the reason there is fighting now, today, is 100% entirely the fault of hamas. this is a terrorist organization. the lobbing of missiles into israel, the attacks on the civilian populations in israel have precipitated this crisis. and the strategic goal of the israeli nation, of the israeli army is to demilitaryize, to disarm, to defang hamas. and they have sustained casualties, great sacrifice on the part of the israeli people. and it should be the job of the
government of the united states in this situation, to communicate with absolute moral clarity that we will stand side-by-side with israel. that we will not give cover to those who draw false equivalence with the two sides. the images on television are tragic, because all war is tragic. but the israeli people don t live in the fantastical world of washington, d.c. the threats that they face are real, they are lethal, and the people that you just saw being interviewed in cafes have a visceral understanding of that in a way that our policy makers can t seem to at an intellectual level. and i don t want to start a because every conversation usually results in an emotional back and forth, and i don t want to get there. i think, in theory, that s fine. but you can t just ignore the severe humanitarian crisis that s going on in gaza, as well as the civilian casualties. we can t have a foreign policy
in a vacuum. yes, it makes sense to stand with israel. yes, israel has vulnerability from hamas. but at the same time, there are clearly issues in elements of the palestinian cause that resonate with the american public, and certainly with the european public and the world public that can t just be wiped away. who is that you re negotiating with? that s the great question. when the people that you are trying to do a deal with do not recognize at any level your legitimacy nothing, exactly. the hamas chief said that s true! gene, jump in? the question, to me, steve, is, okay, who are you negotiating with? well, if you don t want to negotiate with hamas, because that s the opposite party, under any circumstances, and the only way to get at hamas is essentially through the people, the civilians who live in gaza, there s a problem there. and we can t ignore that problem, that if the only way you can get at hamas is, you
know, killing thousands, potentially, before this is over, of civilians in gaza, there s a real question there, that we can t just look past. and you know, there s a question of proportionality here and i think it s, you know, i can understand, you know, i know what israelis feel, i know how under attack they feel, with good reason. but there is a question of proportionality. and in the end, can you bomb hamas into oblivion? can you totally get rid of hamas? and if so, isn t it replaced by something very much like hamas? or worse. or worse. well, look, at the end of the day, you have a densely packed civilian population. hamas operates within that civilian population. they use that civilian population to hide weapons
systems, to hide rocket systems. the israeli army does everything it can conceivably do to avoid civilian casualties in its operation. this is a moral country. this is a moral fighting force. what is happening in any war, where there are civilian casualties, where there is collateral damage, it is very tragic. but now that this has begun, it must be finished. sure. and the israeli army must be supported by this country in its quest to do as much damage to disarm hamas and to demilitaryize them, to degrade them, and to weaken them as much as possible or these losses will have been in vain. and the secretary of state should not be drawing false equivalence between the two sides. i don t think he did draw he did not draw a false equivalence, steve. that s just not right. he tried to get a cease-fire. you can argue that was a mistake. but to what to end violence. but the strategic goal here should be the degrading of
hamas, not the the strategic goal is not the achievement of a cease-fi cease-fire. a cease-fire achieved without a degraded hamas means we will likely see more military con fli flikt in the future. now that this has begun, there is only one way for it to end, and that is for hamas to be defanged to the largest stent as possible. we re saying, what happens? what are the ramifications of a defanged hamas? as eugene possible, i don t think any of us know this, but is it a possibility that what replaces hamas in gaza could end up being worse. it could be a series of terrorist groups or terror cells that we have no control over, that provide no social services to the people of gaza. those are the questions we re not grappling with. we have a very short-term mind-set about this conflict when we should be thinking about the long-term. it s entirely possible that it could be worse. and if it is worse, then the israeli army will need to continue into and here we are. this is why these conversations i want to get two political stories in this block, before we go to break. first this one, u.s. senate
hopeful michelle nun s campaign is brushing off the leak in georgia. it calls for the candidate to spend 80% of her time raising money. the conservative national review released a trove of nunn s international campaign strategies. it highlighted her biggest vulnerabilitie vulnerabilities, including her work, an organization that may have loose ties to hamas. and there s a memo highlighting what the campaign saw as an opportunity in the jewish community. saying, quote, michelle s position on israel will largely determine the level of support, adding that her message was tbd. nunn is currently locked in a tight race with georgia businessman, david perdue. her campaign doesn t dispute the authenticity of the document. writing in a statement, quote, this was a draft of a document
that was written eight months ago. like all good plans, they change. but what hasn t changed is all the more clear today, that michelle s components are going to mischaracterization, to mischaracterize her work and her positions, and part of what we ve always done is prepare for the false things that are going to be said. i m not sure if that s in response to what happened or not, but that s their response. al, are you surprised by anything in the memo when you know the inner workings of politics? no, i m really not. i m not. it hurts, but i m i can t stand that 80% of her time has to be you wish you didn t have campaigns, where you spend 80% of your time. but you do. points of light, as i recall, was a george bush foundation, a george bush initiative. look, it s embarrassing and it doesn t help. michelle nunn is a very strong accompanied. is the best single opportunity to win a republican seat. her father is still revered in the state of georgia. he s running with jimmy carter s grandson. and they ve got a shot in a red state, in a year that s not going to be you must have written tons of
these memos. has anyone what stands out? i have a couple of reactions. first off, she s only spending 80% of her time raising money? only?! good god! i m serious about this. my line to candidates has always been, you re going to submit about 90% of your time raising money. in that this is a revelation to anybody is just shocking to me. look, this is what american politics is like. candidates spend more than 80% of their time, spend much more like 90% of their time raising must be. and that s how broken the system is. and then the second part of it is, and i ve been for a long time now, in a campaign. i just don t hand out paper around the table. everything gets put on the dry erase board. the notion that you re going to put this into long strategic memos and pass out 100 copies is beyond crazy. well, this one was accidentally posted online, which is even crazier. oh, come on! that s how they got it. who would post that online? the former campaign aides. look, when i was running the
arnold schwarzenegger campaign, we got a call from the l.a. times one day, saying they had hours of taped conversations, we had no idea how they got them. we eventually figured out, with arnold schwarzenegger talking, you know, in, you know, you know, off the cuff. and i love him to death, but let me assure you that s good stuff. he s a colorful character. and i always thought hours of arnold schwarzenegger tapes with nothing particularly damaging in the media was the equivalent of a 747 doing an emergency landing in lower manhattan and doing no damage and hurting no one. so you can survive this thing. you can. sam in 2008, the obama campaign accidentally sent us their district by district plan from february through june. went through every district. and when i called him up and said, it s terrific, they said, you can t print that, and i said, i can, and they said, we have lots of plans, and i said,
send us every one and we ll print every one. and they survived. i got a memo about how to court a high-profile donor and what it was going to entail and how they were going to talk to the guy. it was what would you expect they wanted to do to a high-profile donor, but it was hugely embarrassing to have something like that revealed in public. i don t know what happened to the donor. i assume he department donate. probably ambassador of lu luxembou luxembourg. i remember infamously the in 2008, the giuliani campaign memo about how he was going to run for president was leaked and obviously that didn t turn out well for giuliani. we re also following a story with andrew cuomo. you seen this? new york governor andrew cuomo pushing back hard against allegations that his office interfered with a political ethics commission, a commission he himself put in place. it stems from a front-page article last week in the new york times which alleges cuomo s office squashed certain subpoenas is that would have looked into the governor s own
dealings. including one to a media firm connected to new york s democratic party. but now, one of the firm s three co-chairs at the center of the times story, william j. fitzpatri fitzpatrick, is claiming that the panel was, indeed independent. he says, quote, the bottom line is that no one interfered with me or my co-chairs. but disappoint yesterday s denials, e-mails obtained by the times show that fitzpatrick had expressed frustration with meddling with the governor s office. at one point, e-mailing that mr. cuomo s office needs to understand that this is an independent commission and needs to be treated as such. yesterday, the governor disputed the times characterization of the remarks. read it again. the second floor, larry, needs to understand that an independent commission needs to be treated as such. okay, so what he s saying is that at some point in time, larry is having a conversation with him and larry is advocating a point. that s what that is saying.
that is true. follow the movie to the conclusion. and what does chairman fitzpatrick say? no, resoundingly, no. what does the chairman s actions show. no. resoundingly no. because he rejected the request. the rejection is ipso facto a statement of independence because he said no. and he could and he did. if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been independence. you named it interference. okay. so, i want to get steve s take on this. the governor is has also said i spoke to him on the phone yesterday, most of it off
the record, but denying vehemently that he didn t they did not squash subpoenas. so the times is making a connection that everyone is running with. and the question is, in terms of looking at his response here and looking at the story as it was laid out, the actual facts making no connections, just the facts, is he in trouble in any way? no. and by the way, what i think is, and what he said, i find very compelling. and i think he is correct. and my advice to him would be to speak no more of this matter ever again forever. if the chairman of the commission says that i was not interfered with, and as the governor just went through, and the e-mail to me is dispositive of the fact that he asserted his independence, did not yield to political pressure in a conversation with a political aide who was trying to make a point, and there s no actual evidence, just supposition that
there was a quashing of subpoenas, i don t know what the story is here. he didn t squash a subpoena? i think the answer is no, there is no evidence that subpoenas were squashed politically. so in the context of the story, you understand why he seems a little bit emotional, what his reaction is on that. but i don t know what the basis of the story and the allegation is, given the other facts that we just laid out here. i think you re i m not quite so benign on this. he may not have squashed subpoenas, i don t know. i m not familiar with this story. but what is clear, albany is a cesspool of corruption, they tried to clear it up, they tried to interfere, someone from his office, maybe they didn t succeed. i think andrew cuomo does not look good here. and here s a governor, ipso facto, he is in trouble. that s a different issue. i just wanted to get ipso facto in there. people have been trying to clean up albany since the 1920s.
it s always been a sacesspool. the fact that albany is a cesspool has no bearing on this story. unless you said you came to albany to clean it up. but bring that up in the re-election. is there any evidence that the governor was involved in squashing subpoenas? there s no apparent evidence to me of that. if the chairman of the commission says that he did shut down the commission. there was no political interference. that s a problem in its own right. it s a problem, i suppose, if people want to make a political argument that he ought not to have closed down the commission. but the notion that, you know, that the story that ran, i think, is absent facts, alleging what he did. the question is what is interference, right? guys, so we have chris christie on one side of this thing and tri-state area. the tri-state governors are
being looked at, and in both the cases, the optics are very bad. but to the governor s point, there are no facts right now that prove that he quashed subpoenas, right? does anybody have any? okay, we don t. but it doesn t look good. i think that s fair to say. closing down the the optics are bad. shutting down a commission that you created and it looks like there may be some timing that would indicate that it might be effective, but you ve got no proof. you created it because you were a great corruption fighter. and then you shut it down. but, again, there s no actual fact that chose that. and you could also say that the new jersey governor, you know, tried that as well, saying there are no facts that show i was connected to the lane but that did not stop the press from talking about it is and saying these could be connections that could be made. it s an interesting trifecta. all right. we ll revisit this. we ll be following this. and maybe we ll hold a news conference closer to new york city. that would be nice. because that s another optic issue. buffalo s not good enough? buffalo is hard to get to.
i m like, are you kidding me, buffalo? now it seems like you re trying to make it far away tim russert is looking down on you somewhere, be careful, mika. i love buffalo, i m just saying, but if you want to address the story, come to the reporters who are covering it. eugene robinson, thank you, steve schmidt, thank you as well. al hunt, stay with us. 40 years ago after his resignation as president, we ll take a look at some new uncensored tapes from the nixon administration. they re fascinating. and later, the impact of two opposing forces on the modern family dynamic. we ll explain what those forces are with a fascinating new study ahead and the impact of women working and making money and how that potentially affects marriage. but, first, here s bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? morning to you, mika. a lot of activity lately. we had those tornadoes in boston yesterday, one in virginia last week. and then we had that lightning strike on the beach that killed that person in california, three rare events. what s not so rare is summertime
fires in the west. and they continue to spread and we ve been having a very active period. these are coming from near yosemite national park, and we re going to watch this area closely today, because they do have the chance to spread with warm temperatures and some breezy conditions out there. in all, we now have 27 large fires burning in the west. it actually died down just a little bit. we had about 36 last week. so some rainfall has been beneficial. this picture came to us overnight. this is from yosemite national park, and you can actually see on here, how active the fire is, right through the middle of the night. a pretty eerie looking picture there. so across the country, we had that storm in new england yesterday, gone. now we re looking at beautiful conditions. no problems with the mid-atlantic, ohio valley. dry air all the way to the south. one area that s needed the rain, new mexico. and you re getting drenched. we ve seen too much, too fast, and we have some flash flood warnings. colorado and new mexico, flash flooding. your tuesday forecast, flash flood threat continues for
colorado, new mexico, some afternoon storms in florida. and as we head towards the end of the week, the predominant weather story will be what happens with this tropical disturbance. it looks like it could become tropical storm bertha by the end of the week. somewhere near puerto rico by the time we get to sunday. and it could go somewhere just off the east coast it looks like, next week at this time. so that s good news with that. shouldn t be much of a problem for the lower 48. but our friends in puerto rico, we ll keep a close eye on it. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. for the first time american kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. it s a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy, affordable, kid-inspired, chef-crafted food.
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machines will be sprayed to be made. and making something stronger. will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud. one day. is today.
one of the first recordings made after president richard nixon installed a private taping system, and an eerie warning from his chief of staff. joining us now, professor of history at rice university, douglas brinkley, who is the father of cassidy, it s cassidy, right, sweetie? yeah, i m good.
also the co-editor of a new book, the nixon tapes: richard nixon unfiltered, uncensored, and in his own words. is your dad nice? yeah. a good writer, right? and cassidy says she s best behaved in the household. i ll let you go figure that out between your brother and sister, because we re going to be talking about inappropriate behavior among pandas, apparently. so cute. so good. we ve got a lot of fascinating things to talk about pertaining to your books and these tapes. here s a conversation between president nixon and henry kissinger when they wanted to produce criticism against soviet jews, worried it could harm their secret talks with the soviet union.
what do you think of this conversation? henry kissinger, being jewish, is constantly worried he s going to be taken out of being a negotiator in the middle east, anything to do with israel or foreign policy in general, but nixon told halderman, i don t want any jews regarded with foreign policy. so kissinger always trying to overcompensate and being macho. in this case, he says, i don t care about the human right s jes and soviet unions. it s none of our business. we don t ask russia to tell us about african-americans, we
don t care what happens to them. at one point, he says, i don t care basically if they go in gas chambers, it s none of our business. they re in russia, it s not america. he s a realist, kissinger, and this is his real politic vision. al, have you been listening to these tapes at all? i ve listened to some. it s fascinating. i can t wait to read doug s book. everything about nixon is fascinating. the contradictions, this incredibly smart man who was so insecure, had good policies and did them in the worst possible way. but kissinger also was pandering to him. absolutely. and nobody spoke up to the boss. and you have to give kissinger to you know, he didn t know he was being tape recorded. nixon had everything voice activated. it wasn t like johnson or kennedy, where they were doing limited taping. this was everything. they even bugged camp david. so you can imagine kissinger, years later, when these come out, you have to be you get mortified. but nobody, except halderman, and maybe once or twice, really stands up to the boss. they re afraid of him. and kissinger in his defense, pandered to him rhetorically,
but it didn t affect policy. often would just do the opposite or at least try to work other channels. in fact, we owe kissinger a little bit of credit in october of 1973 with the yom kippur war, nixon was drinking all the time, completely dissolving, because of the pressure of watergate, and it was kissinger and scowcroft who kept our foreign policy going. so had it been today, there could be cameras everywhere. it would be like the kardashians. one of the more humorous exchanges in the book, nixon s conversation with a washington reporter about chinese pandas heading to the national zoo. nixon was apparently amazed at how they mated.
pandas are voyeurs. what in the world?! what in the world? well, nixon s sort of an odd man. yes. but, of course, his best moment in history is the 1972 breakthrough to china and the pandas coming to america were a big deal. and on one of the tapes, nixon was talking about the problem of what zoo, san diego, st. louis? and he decided on the national zoo, because he thought the climate was right for pandas. so he started reading a lot about pandas, so far that he was getting into their mating habits with a reporter. a real aficionado. so 72, you talk about, that s when the breakthrough he had with china. but when we look at his most powerful years, really is just prior to that. because watergate, you know, 73, as you say, he was drinking
a little more than he should have been. but 71/ 72? yeah, he was a big deal. he won in 68, improbable as it was. 72, the biggest landslide in american history against george mcgovern. on one of the tapes, he s so victorious, he says, why isn t somebody writing a book about 1972. all that i ve accomplished. his sense of grandiosity is extreme. and of course, we know, by 73, watergate just starts ripping him down. and you get a whole new batch of tapes that a man name stanley cutler had put into a book called abuse of power, a great scholar from wisconsin, and now john deans also adding to that record. did you like putting this together? it was unbelievable, because my friend, luke nicktor, we had transcripts so high, he s been working on it for a decade. and we went through and edited it down to try to be fair. ones that are historically significant, some lighter moments, and some moments of
dark nixon. before we go to break, we re going to bump out with him talking about women who swear, which we ran earlier. it is something to listen to. the book is the nixon tapes. and you can read an excerpt on our site, douglas brinkley, thank you so much. thank you, cassidy! your daughter s adorable! always bring her. al hunt, thank you as well. i know you ve got to run. tomorrow on morning joe, we ll continue our look at president nixon. john dean will be our guest for his book, the nixon defense, what he knew and when he knew it. coming up this morning, the revolution at home. how men and women are learning to coexist in a new era of equality, or no coexist. morning joe will be right back.
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the dynamics of the american working family are constantly evolving. affected in large part by the economic gains and losses made by women in the family. it creates what the director of the research council, research at the council on contemporary families call the new instability in a piece for the new york times . she wrote in part this, over the past 40 years, the geography of family life has been destabilized by two powerful forces, pulling in opposite directions. and occasionally scraping against each other. much like tectonic plates. one is the striking progress toward equality between men and women. the other is the equally striking growth of socioeconomic inequality and insecurity. and here with us now to weigh in on these two trends, editor in chief of glamour, cindy levy, and chairman of myers, jet myers, the author of the upcoming book, the future of
men and the age of dominant males. we ve got to talk. i don t know who s losing more in that. but let s talk about this study. so cindy and jack, and thomas, show us some of the numbers here we re talking about. because there are some real shifts taking place. there are definitely shifts. let s talk about gains for women and redefining the ideal family arrangement. the question was asked, how have these two trends impacted the notion of an ideal family relationship based on these numbers. and look at this, we have the ideal family arrangement, 1977, two-thirds believed the husband should work, and the wife should be at home. now, 2012, we ve got one third believe that the husband should work and the wife should be at home. so, obviously, there is huge gains in terms of how families are looking at who s going outside the home to work. and add one more outcome to that, looking at divorce, which is so interesting as well. so marriage 101, we look at the 1980s.
if the wife was better educated, divorce was more likely. in the 1990s, if the wife is better educated, there is no e added divorce risk. let s stop there with this new instability. what s happening? cindy and then jack? what s happening is work is a reality of women s lives. and it is basically holding up the american economy. and most americans are pretty fine with that. i mean, the statistics that you just showed, showing how people s views towards women bringing home the bacon have changed are remarkable. you know, there used to be this idea that that was a men s world. and now, particularly, young men and women think, you know what, as long as there s bacon coming into the home, i m good. it doesn t matter who s brought it. it s not just a push for equality anymore, it s a necessity. i look at the next generation as girls are going to work. it s not about having it all as some sort of greedy or selfish choice. it s about, this is what the economy and everybody s family is but it is impacting the family, jack? there are clear economic and marriages. it s impacting across all society, culture, business,
education, politics. but the reality is that in 2015, for the first time, women will surpass men in the workforce, in managerial and professional jobs, in 1970, men represented over 75%. today, they represent only 45% of managerial and professional jobs. and while women s income has been increasing since 1970, about 25%, men s income has been flat. so while we have more women in the workforce, there s still overall family income, even with more two-family homes is declining. and that s the real challenge. that we can t raise total income, even as more women are entering the workforce. interesting results from this, also, in terms of who does the housework. who bears the brunt of the family responsibilities. well, there was this study last year, that got a lot of attention, that hinted that couples in which men do more of the housework or at least their fair share, actually have less
sex. and that turns out not to be true. i m pretty sure it was a rumor started by a guy who did not want to unload the dishwasher. it s a good one! but i think that speaks to something that jack just raised. as women gain in education, they are not actually raising their risk of divorce. that has been a long-standing fear among a lot of women. and it was based on the fact that it used to be true, up until about the 1990s. but one of the things that the times piece points out, is that for the last couple of years, couples where women have equivalent or greater education than their husband, have more stable marriages than those where women are lagging behind. and that s reassuring. and even where there s a working husband and a working wife, the working wife still does on average 25% more housework than child care. and in working homes where there s a working wife and a working husband, the husband still has 40 minutes more per day of leisure time. so women are there s definitely not a balance it s almost matching up.
but in your new book and talking about the age of men and male dominance lacking, is that, and these numbers may contribute to that. the fact that when couples are getting together, men and women, they re deciding that their personal and professional lives don t need to be mutually exclusive. and they can achieve these dreams together, communicate about it, talk about it, and achieve it together. it seems like that s the big difference we re seeing in modern relationships. it is a balance. and a good man today is not defined by his conquests. he s just hard to find. that s the opening line of my book. very good! okay. very good. it is so interesting, because i think we re kind of in the middle of all of this, these challenges, watching, and reading this article, it was sort of like, i don t know where this is going. i think part of what it means is that the definition of being a great man and a great provider has changed. it doesn t necessarily mean that you are doing the providing as a man. you might also need to support your wife if she needs to go back to school to increase her earning power. move across the country to take
another job. all the things that wives have traditionally done for their husbands, it s a two-way street. thank you both for being on the show. come back when your book comes out. still ahead, new earnings from wall street, including new concerns from bp over russian sanctions. business before the bell is next.
welcome back, everybody. business before the bell now with cnbc s sarah eisen. bp warned about further sanctions if the eu and the u.s., as they re discussing, but economic sanctions on russia. it could have, according to bp, a material adverse affect on their operations in russia. remember, bp has about 20% stake in rosnef, which is a major russian energy giant, controlled by the state. so obviously these countries that do business there are
starting to worry about more sanctions as discussed. also i want to mention some moral outrage today. okay cupid, the offline dating site, apparently has been lying to its users, doing all sorts of social experiments, taking away pictures, taking away content on professional. and get this, telling people that they were 90% matched when, really, they were only a 30% match, which, guys, they found actually worked in terms of the number of correspondences. people are pretty upset about that. but okcupid says, this is what websites do. doesn t that mean that people will just keep shopping on okcupid? or it doesn t matter. good point, sarah eisen, you re the best. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today? [ male announcer ] the average kid texts 20 words per minute.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140806 10:00:00

officers after attacking a california woman outside a pizza parlor. the monkey will be kept in quarantine for six months to make sure it doesn t have rabies. no word on why a mon key was hanging out at a pizza parlor. thank you for joining us. fox & friends starts now. hello everyone. good morning. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. a wife and mother missing for two weeks found dead. this morning the latest details from the investigation. meanwhile, remember when our president declared the war in afghanistan over? the bottom line is it s time to turn the page after a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. really? now it looks like the terrorists heard him loud and clearly and attacked the victim, a u.s. army general. what this says about president obama s foreign
policy. straight ahead. in a few hours a man accused of deserting the military will face questions about what happened. but there is a good chance bowe bergdahl may say nothing at all. good morning. mornings are better with friends. happy to have you here. you re watching fox & friends, that s a great way to begin your day. thank you, don king. welcome to the big telecast live from new york city. brian and elisabeth off and in their place once again, just like yesterday, anna and peter. good morning. we re going to be starting our day off with the fittest people on the planet from cross fit. these people are celebrities in their own right. they are going to be racing across our plaza on their hands in a handstand. they are trying to get us in on the action. cross fit not so fit. also we re going to hear prosecute sean hannity in the program hear from sean hannity. he s been in israel. is the cease-fire holding?
the results coming in from primaries in four states. one of them my home state of kansas where the incumbent pat roberts fended off a tea party challenger. joining us from d.c. with the details is peter doocy. the two most prominent republicans in kansas who were in danger of losing their jobs in last night s primaries aren t going anywhere for now. the governor sam brownback easily defeated challenger jennifer winn and three-term incumbent senator pat roberts easily beat the tea party backed dr. milton wolf by more than 19,000 votes, 48% to 41%. roberts is now saying different parts of the party are going to have to come together if the g.o.p. wants to take over the senate. unit i don t see must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama
agenda and send harry reid packing. the roberts victory last night means that this cycle, senate incumbents have now won in kansas, mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas. but with the michigan results in, another house republican has fallen. the tea party backed carry bentivolio lost outnumbering two to one in michigan s 11th house district. pentivolio joins eric cantor. john dingell who is retiring saw his wife debby win the michigan primary for his seat. that is the seat dingell won in a 1955 special election when his father who served that district for two decades died.
i guess they don t have term limits this. peter doocy, live in washington, thank you very much. four minutes after the top of the hour. this morning a u.s. army general murdered, killed in an insider attack in afghanistan. somebody dressed as an afghan soldier opened fire at a group of people at a military academy near kabul killing major general harold greene and wounding 15 others. greene is the highest ranking american killed in combat since vietnam, something like that. this morning the president s abandonment of afghanistan coming under fire. pete hegseth is the c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america, also a veteran of the iraq and afghanistan wars. he joins us live. what do you think? when you lose someone of that stature, of that rank, it affects everybody. you feel like a general is invincible. the training mission is dangerous. it s an insider attack, a
very concerted tactic the taliban has used. when i was in afghanistan from 2011 to 12 there was a big surge in insider attacks. it does two things. it erodes the trust. it creates the headlines you see in the new york times today, is this mission worth it? should we stay? the taliban knows this. we underestimate our enemy time and time again. they want to get at the heart of our will and heart of our commitment. an attack like this does that. does this make the taliban seem like they are chasing us out of afghanistan. pef announced our we ve announced their withdrawal. is this them trying to say it is because of us? sure. this is to create a perception that they are the wave of the future. the americans on the way out. that is what they do at with these members of the afghan military who are targeted to say americans are on the way out. we have the time, the
americans have the wawps. they re they have the watches. you better side with us or your families at risk. you were talking about the demoralization of our troops. now we have a general murdered by the taliban forces. the president didn t speak about that yesterday. what does that say to the troops? reenforces how detached he is from this conflict. the war in afghanistan, the one he called the good war, the one he was going to focus on as opposed to the iraq war, the troops have felt the fact it has been about withdrawal more than success from the beginning. that is what you re seeing in athe taliban is exploiting that perception to make it look like americans are on the way out and they are the future. the president of the united states did make comments yesterday, just not about this. he was talking about the africa summit. the white house apparently has briefed the president and now there is going to be an investigation or something like that.
but here is the president just a couple of months ago in may essentially washing his hands of the whole war thing. the bottom line is it s time to turn the page on more than a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. this is a big touchdown for the enemy. that s right. turn the page. we don t get to turn the page if the enemy doesn t. the taliban hasn t turned the page. al qaeda, isis are not turning the page. they are redoubling their efforts because they have identified we are retreating, we don t care, we re not invested in the outcome. you ve got islamists on the march, the taliban really controlling the countryside. what folks don t understand is if we leave afghanistan we re going to create another environment where the afghan army or afghan government. doesn t mean we stale together but following through on an investment you made is an important thing for the legacy of our troops, the commitment and security of our country. this is a blow to the
advisor-adviseee relationship we ve got going on. pete hegseth from concerned veterans for america, thank you. it looks as if later today there is a good possibility that bowe bergdahl, the guy who went missing while serving back in 2009 over in afghanistan, we know he walked off post, we know his platoon mates say he was a deserter. and nonetheless, that s an image that was released by his attorney yesterday. his attorney says mr. bowe bergdahl is mentally ready to answer questions. it looks like life is pretty good for bowe bergdahl. from this image here to seeing the image of him preemg for preparing for the hearing with his attorney. it looks like he gained weight. they say he s mentally ready. what if he does not speak at all? what if he takes the fifth? is that in his best interest? under the code of military justice there is a greater right to attack the
fifth. they get a better so-called miranda right than civilians do in america. yesterday on the five it was indicated he might do that. let s listen in. i don t see any incentive for sergeant bergdahl to cooperate, participate. i expect we re going to see more kind of a lois lerner take the fifth not give the information because he is the worst witness against himself. if he doesn t say anything, he remains on active duty, in good standing, able to get a pension and continue to serve if he s not convicted. i don t particularly agree with kimberly. she is a great lawyer but on this issue i think there are attorneys taking the position that somehow and he hasn t indicated but engt best tactic but i think the bestactic is he was somehow confused and mentally ill. i think taking kind of a strong approach he said it in print, how do you put someone in jail after he has been jailed for five
years by the taliban? instead of taking this equitable approach that somehow his client is the victim here, so i think that there will be a robust defense and that he will cooperate the best that he possibly can in telling his story, even if it doesn t jibe with the facts that have been exposed back in the early army investigations. you would, peter, expect bowe bergdahl will go ahead and explain it all and they ll discount it to the fog war or something like that? but for his attorney to say, you know, he was being held for five years. that should count as something, that s his sentence. what about that guy is, to many americans, a deserter, a traitor. people died looking for him. these are all true. in speaking about the tactics, i do not believe there will be a fifth amendment defense here. he will not stand on his rights. they will come up with a version of what occurred that is in his best interest and skewed in terms of his own mental
condition at the time it took place and thereafter. this will be an interesting passion play in that sense. this will be a dramatic story that will be heard today. we won t hear it for awhile but they will come up with an interesting story to grab the attention of the army and eventually the white house, because that s the audience. the white house is going to dictate what happens to bowe bergdahl going forward. let s not forget he was held in a cage for some period of time but there were rots of fraternizing with them there were reports of fraternizing with them. other stories making headlines developing overnight, heather nauert joins us for those. i ve got another story about a scare in the air. terrifying moments on a united airlines flight packed with 200 passengers. a fire breaks out on that plane and look at this picture taken by a passenger. there was a fire fighter inside the plane. we don t see these kinds of
pictures often. this flight was headed to brussels from newark, new jersey, when the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. no one was hurt and no word on what caused that fire. a tragic update on a story we have followed extensively here at fox. the oregon mother who mysteriously vanished while she was running errands two weeks ago has been found as dead. authorities discovered jennifer huston s body near her s.u.v. in a wooded area about 25 miles from her house. we do not suspect foul play at this time and there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarmed. just before the 38-year-old disappeared she withdrew money prt bank, she money prt bank, bought snacks and sleeping pills and filled up her gas tank. she leaves behind her husband and two young sons. today closing arguments begin in the so-called porch shooting trial. before that case goes to a
jury, theodore wafer spent two days on the stand and tried to convince a detroit jury that he shot an unarmed teenager in self-defense when she showed up on his front porch. listen to this. i didn t want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came up to the side of my house so fast, i raised the gun and shot this poor girl. some are comparing the case to the case of trayvon martin. that was the teenager shot and killed in florida in 2012 by george zimmerman, that happening in detroit. a beautiful home meets an ugly ending. the moment a powerful mudslide destroyed this house is all caught on camera. look at this.
the family heard a noise right before the home was shoved off its foundation. thank goodness for that, because they heard that they were able to escape that house. this happened in the up scale neighborhood in north salt lake, utah. it was a massive 400-foot wide hole now left in that hillside. experts fear more mudslides are on the way and that ground is unstable. those are your headlines. that happening in salt lake. a lot of folks nervous after that. a fox news alert now. trouble at the airports as ebola fears spread around the world. this morning one airline already canceling flights. british airways will no longer fly to the affected african area. dr. marc siegel live at jfk international airport. good morning. good morning. i m here at john f. kennedy international airport terminal 4 where international arrivals and
departures including flights to and from west africa. the centers for disease control prevention has 20 quarantine stations around the country including one here in this terminal. i spoke to dr. steve monroe, who is the deputy director of c.d.c. for emerging infectious diseases and he says the first line of defense is to try to control the outbreak in the country where it started. one of the things we are doing is sending some of our staff to the countries that are affected to help them with their exit screening procedures to try to identify sick people before they get on an airplane and to also identify people by questionnaire who may have had one of these high-risk expoa shiewrs, that is a known exposure to a patient or to their body fluid. the next line of defense is at this airport where the c.d.c. can get a call from a plane and meet the
plane on landing, bring an ambulance and take the patient right to a hospital or they can use these quarantine stations to detain patients. peter, they have a legal right to detain patients if they have a contagious disease that could be deadly like ebola. then c.d.c. will sometimes bring them right into the quarantine station. let s watch dr. steve monroe talk about the initial screen. as a part of that initial screen, they might try to assess where the person came from, what they might have potentially been exposed to and how sick they are. how symptomatic they are when they get off the plane. there are a small number of diseases for which c.d.c. does have authority to order somebody into isolation and prevent them from entering the country. dr. monroe says, by the way, that they can make a risk assessment either by phone or in person and decide that the person didn t come into contact with a disease like ebola. then they let them go and they don t detain them.
guys? dr. segal, the main line of defense is the people at the airport where they take off from or here look at somebody and if they have a fever, then they start to ask some questions. but if they don t have a fever, keep in mind the incubation period can be three weeks, there is a real good possibility somebody with ebola could walk right in and not develop it for another two weeks and then wind up in an e.r. somewhere. that is a very good point and they re doing surveillance in the countries where they re leaving from. they re actually in west africa now trying to figure out who has this problem. it is after you leave the airport you find you have symptoms, then you call the c.d.c., they bring you right back to the quarantine station here. we got e-mails from viewer. kimberly asks is there a way to screen people for the virus before they get on a plane? first of all, you re not going to get it on a plane. you re not going to get it by touching somebody or if
they re sweaty. you re not going to get it that way. but if they have a fever or flu-like symptoms, that is when they are contagious and that is when the c.d.c. has to be notified. 150 times last year the c.d.c. was notified by an airplane while in the air. dr. segal, steve answered this but this viewer linda is asking what is incubation period exactly? how many are coming to the u.s. sick but showing no symptoms yet? the incubation period is 7 to 21 days. this is a very smart period. this could be a problem. i want to emphasize with only 1,500 cases approximately in west africa if you re sick with flu-like symptoms it is extremely unlikely you have ebola unless you were in contact with a patient who had it. great point. dr. marc siegel live out of jfk where they have got a quarantine area, one of 20 airports in the united states. sir, thank you very much. we re going to be in a quarantine area later today, steve.
doubling down, jesse ventura says all the bad press for suing a navy seal and winning is the widow s fault. maria molina getting hollywood-style treatment. look at this. okay, maria molina, this is your first time on the red carpet. it suits you, i think. i thought it was going to be red. good point, maria. why maria molina is walking the red carpet and her forecast for the new movie. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves.
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good morning everybody. thanks for spending your wednesday with us. on to international headlines. concerns this morning. a new senate report on the c.i.a. s use of interrogation techniques will put agents around the world at risk. as a result, the state department is increasing security at some american embassies around the globe. a russian crime ring pulling one of the largest security breaches, stealing more than one billion user names and passwords from 420,000 websites. 500 million e-mail addresses also compromised. some of the victims include the auto industry, car
rental businesses and hotels. meanwhile, time to step into the fox light for a new movie that almost seems ripped from the headlines, a town ravaged by twisters and the people who all pull together to make it out alive. take a look. live the life you have imagined. [siren] inside in an orderly fashion. here we go! oh my goodness, the new movie is called into the storm and michael tammero was first in line at the premiere in new york city. this story follows people from all walks of life from teachers to storm chasers trying to survive an onslaught of twisters threatening their hometown. the if you think the effects are totally cool, becaum are real and these actors had to toughen up to play
the part. [screams] it s like staring at fire. i think there is a human instinct captivated by courses of nature. it kinds of pummels you to see what mother nature can throw at you. i play a school teacher who has to go on a journey to find one of his boys in the course of the storm. everything except the twisters themselves were actually occurring. it is a miracle one of us didn t get hurt. you are really blocking things out because you don t want to get hit. it was an experience. it s a lot of real wind, real rain, real debris flying at us. we were wait 90% it doesn t feel like they are intense but they are intense. we had 100 and 140-miles-per-hour wind
machines, we had rain, debris. we felt like we were really in a tornado. every time i got dry, had to go back in there. the water coming down on you, the wind. bring it on. i love it. i m reading scripts differently. i now figure out how many pages i m wet and cold for. at some points the makeup artists would say keep it up kid. you learn something about tornadoes you didn t know going into it? i don t want to be in one. we are the comic relief for the film. would he play one of the storm chasers. when you re in the middle of a tornado you need comic row lef. and you need beer. and whiskey and you need to be dumb as hell. who s harry? who s lloyd? that s a good question. i don t even know. i tell you what i m wearing. who are you wearing?
hugo moss. honey fubu. okay, maria molina, your first time on the red carpet. it suits you, i think. i thought it was going to be red. fabulous. i didn t know how to tie a tie. maria had to help me with that. we were just storm chasing a week ago too. the special effects look amazing. you can tell they ve watched a lot of tornado videos on-line. if you were to face a tornado, you had to pick one person to be by your side steve, brian, or elisabeth who would it be? definitely elisabeth. for the record, i said steve. he has the kansas credibility. all three of you. the video of you storm chasing and the video from
the movie almost synonymous. they did their homework to try to make the movie as real as possible with the special effects, funnels. they used technical terms such as hook echo. i was impressed with that. it is a movie and so there were some scenes that were a little out there. the last movie like this was 1996 twister and the technology has come a long, long way. this movie, by the way, opens up on friday. michael, maria, eminem, thank you. you looked great. cute feathers. thank you, guys. a major update in the search for a missing girl in washington state. why investigators are keeping a close eye on a family member. folks, have you seen this video? a car with a woman trapped inside being swept away but the complete strangers who saved the day are used to
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parents, do you need to quiet your crying baby? you know, as a father of three and peter, you can identify with this. anna, i m sure you ve seen many screaming kids. apparently all we needed all along was to turn on katy perry music. watch. [baby crying] i love it. it s your shot of the morning. this little girl goes from tears to pure happiness,
listening to katy perry dark horse. katy perry tweeted available for baby sitting at $10 an hour and oreos. let s just watch the second she realizes. like clockwork. great video. 26 minutes before the top of the hour. we have a fox news alert right now. jirl israeli tanks maintain defense positions as the cease-fire in the gaza enters its second day. sean hannity on the ground surveying the damage. this is where it hit. it wept through a lot of went through a lot of layers of cement. i picked up this and this is some shrapnel from the bomb that went off. here s the interesting part, though, and help me
through this. as you go into this area, shrapnel here penetrating what is a washer and dryer. shrapnel, this wasn t here until this morning. obviously maximum impact. you can see the broken damage. it is not just this one. if you walk into this area here, these are not small holes. these are big holes. just imagine that s your backyard. and with negotiations set to continue today in cairo, will the 72-hour trows truce hold? sean hannity joins us from jerusalem. sean, what s the latest? reporter: we re at the temple mound and the western wall is over my right shoulder. what we showed you yesterday, that was an attack, we spent most of yesterday at the israeli gaza border. that was one location. that attack, six mortars
that landed in that community literally hit roit where a right where a housing unit was. this is a life they live everyday. we went fo a town and while we were there kids can t play outside. they have to play in an inside playground, four to five bunkers surrounding the whole thing. we saw rockets covered at the police station. we went to the center of the mayor of cyrot and spent a lot of time seeing what life is like on a daily basis. in the last ten years, to give people context of what goes on in those border towns, 10,000 rockets in ten years. i think that is the untold story of life in israel for the average person. one thing that i did learn today, in fact, we know that negotiations are going on in egypt at this very hour to extend the cease-fire possibly even longer than it is expected to go on. that s good news. i understand you also at one point you were talking
about how life goes on. you were near a playground. imagine if you re a parent and you want to send your kids outside to play but you don t know if a rocket is going to go off in the playground, what do you do? inside the playground you have young kids, older kids, some as old as 16. they ve got a soccer field, basketball courts, air hockey and ping-pong tables. i spent some time playing with a lot of the kids. they can play outdoors. and i would ask the parents, because i m thinking 10,000 rockets in ten years, not a life i would want to live myself. i asked them why do you stay? the answer was we are not going to be forced out of our home out of terror. i m not sure i would make the same decision but that was the universal answer i got from every parent. interestingly, some of the money that came to build that facility came to estee lauder who heard about the town and the fact that the
kids didn t have a place to play and so made a significant donation for that playground. thank you, sean hannity, live from jerusalem where he is reporting live. the cease-fire is holding. steve, one last thing: where we are at the temple, you re talking about the center of mono theistic religion. you have the arrest you have the armenian quarter, christian quarter. tonight we will bring you through the wall of the gates, the holy selpucher, the place where it is believed jesus was buried rising from the dead, if you re a christian. and a lot of, all these significant religious sites are where we are which brings into context a lot of battle that goes on and
for the heart of jerusalem and whether jerusalem should be the capital of israel. we ll have experts on tonight to talk about it. great point. sean hannity from the holy land. sean, thank you. other stories making headlines. we ve got news at home and police in the pacific northwest need your help to search for a missing-year-old missing 16-year-old girl in washington girl. this as police keep a close eye on her father who was once charged with molesting his stepdaughter. both parents have taken lie detector tests. results have not been made public at this time. two of their other children have been taken from them. jenise was last seen saturday night. fresh off his lawsuit from a dead navy seal, jesse ventura going after chris kyle s widow.
chris kyle once wrote in his book that jesse ventura made negative comments about the navy seals. jesse ventura saying he is the victim and going after his wife. i ve been beaten up. the lawsuit didn t come to her. she made a choice to come into it. i think it was done as a tactic for court. this video is simply incredible. a car with a woman trapped ip inside is no match for mother nature. mother nature is no match for some airmen, good samaritans. take a look at this. this happening about 30 miles north of las vegas. members of the u.s. air force whopped to who happened to be nearby ran
into the car to pull an 80-year-old woman out. seconds later the car was carried off. a big congratulations to them. terrific. great heroism and courage. incredible. coming up, a fox news alert. a wife and mother missing for two weeks found dead this morning. the latest details from the investigation. and the red line on syria outraged a singer so much, he put his words into a song.
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[singing] john haber is the song writer. good morning to you. that first line was essentially you put yourself in the shoes of the people over there and they hear obama say you can t cross that red line and what does that mean to them. exactly. i tried to put myself in the situation of a person living there, a regular guy who want to live his life and he s been through a year and a half of devastation with a civil war that pretty much the world is ignoring what s going on and the one sign of hope that is going to have the situation better is taken away after nothing was followed up with the red lines. the song sounds great and the message is important. and what you re doing is you re going to donate some of the proceeds where, from the down loads? all the profits from the
down loads of the song i m going to give to help the kids that are being helped by israeli hospitals. a lot of people don t know that israel has taken in some of the kids that are enemies. i m going to give the money to the hospitals. john, there are so many things you could write songs about. why about the red line in syria? we have an album of 12 songs. are you a real political guy? i m into politics, news, like to read, try to be hip to what s going on in the world. this song, it was such a crazy, to relive the situation there, what was happening. we re going in, we re not going in. it was kind of a train wreck. from the humanitarian they think, how does someone there feel. thank you. if you want to download it look for red line by deck three. a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. we showed you how kids react to finding guns in
their play area yesterday. but is this happening when you send them to a friend s house? how to have that crucial conversation with your neighbors coming up. this pair officially the fittest men and women on earth. next they re sharing their cross fit secrets and putting fox & friends, steve and anna, to the test.
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good morning, everybody. coming up, we have the fittest man and woman in the world. good morning. good morning. congratulations. thank you very much. what is cross fit? oh, man. that s the hardest question ever answered. it s a mix of everything. a mix of running, gymnastics, weightlifting. it works out every part of your body? correct. it s grown from 5,000
affiliate gyms last year to 10,000 this year. it s not just a cult following, it s exploding. you guys are going to demonstrate a couple exercises. what do you have, about 100 pounds on there? i have no idea. this probably weighs from 65 to 75 pounds. all right. let s go. we re going to leave a mark. can i try? do you normally do it on granite like this? show me the best way to do this. spread your feet wide and you want to go sit back and keep your arms bent. there you go. great job. anna, hold on a second. you re doing really well. come on!
very nice. it s cross fit is cross fit okay for somebody over 50? yeah. actually they have a master s level. aid guy from my gym that i own who is 60 plus. got 12th in the world. then i could do anything. one of the wildest things is watching them, they can walk on their hands. can we do like a competition, men versus women? sure. excellent. let s see. you want to go this way? this is the finish line. she s a a gymnast. ready, set, action! yeah, i don t think i m doing that. four years in a row you ve
won this. literally our celebrity a celebrity in your own right. you re switching gear, tell me about how you adopted a baby. me and my wife adopted a baby girl, born july 7. next charm of my life. retired from the individual competition, but still going to compete on the team. you re going to go from the sledge pole to the diaper pole. that s right. congratulations to both of you. thank you very much. thank you. peter, do i look like i m in better shape now? you look fantastic. i m exhausted. thanks so much. coming up, drive-through service guaranteed in 60 seconds or less or your meal is free. which fast food giant is making that promise? a former president defending a mass and jimmy carter is not alone. how can someone defend hamas. charles krauthammer will tell us at the top of the hour. let s see hand stand.
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try one today. good morning. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, a wife and mother missing for weeks found dead. so what happened? this morning the latest details from the investigation. and a former president is defending hamas and jimmy carter is not alone. so how could some americans side with terrorists? charles krauthammer will explain that to us. we showed you how kids react to finding guns where they re playing, like this. but is this happening when you send them over to a friend s house? how to have that crucial conversation with your neighbors and your children and we ll tell you how this morning, because mornings are always better with
friends like you. it s time for fox & friends. friends like you, peter johnson, jr. anna, awesome job walking on your hands. i m shaking a little. i could only do one step. exhausted me. cross fit, ladies and gentlemen. we have got a starting right now with election results. while you were sleeping, primaries in four states. one, kansas, incumbent, senator pat roberts fend odd a tea party challenger. now the late breaking details with peter doocy. good morning. reporter: good morning. establishment republicans rolled to easy victories in the first primaries of august. kansas, tea party support failed to give dr. milton wolf the boost that he needed in a challenge to senator pat roberts. he managed to pull in 41% of the gop vote, though.
so now roberts is saying voters need to rally behind one republican to increase their odds of taking over the senate. unity must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama agenda and send harry reid packing! kansas republican governor sam brownback beat his challenger, jennifer nguyen, 63% to 37%. the roberts results in kansas is the latest victory for senate incumbents this cycle where senators in mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas have also all held on. another house republican lost last night, though. tea party favorite beaten by a businessman who wants to be a congressman. he joins eric cantor and hall as
the only incumbents to lose this cycle. in michigan, the longest serving congressman ever, john dingell, saw the race won by his wife, debbie dingell. she moves on to november with a chance to keep michigan s 12th district seat in the family. back to you in new york. all right. peter doocy live with the postgame show from last night s election results. thanks. other stories making headlines, heather nauert joins us for those. good morning. a real tragedy for the united states and our u.s. military. our country is mourning the loss of a two-star major general, general harold green was murdered in afghanistan. he served 34 years. what a career in the u.s. army. he was killed in an insider attack in afghanistan. he is the highest ranking american officer killed in combat overseas since the vietnam war. someone dressed as an afghan soldier opened fire at the officer training facility, wounding 15 other military
personnel, including eight americans. major green was 55 years old. he leaves behind a wife and two children. sergeant beau bergdahl hours away from facing army investigators. his lawyer says he s mentally ready to answer questions and will be as cooperative as possible. a new picture released by his attorney shows him right here. looks pretty healthy as he prepares to sit down with an army general looking at the circumstances of his 2009 disappearance in afghanistan. fellow soldiers accused him of deserting his post. this questioning comes three months after he was traded for five taliban prisoners. deadly ebola virus is now spreading as new cases are now reported in nigeria. airports are become the first line of defense by stepping up screening. health screenings at that. a flight at new york jfk airport was held after a passenger fell ill. cdc officials quickly ruling out
ebola, thank goodness. other airlines say they are playing it safe. british airways suspending all flights to liberia and sierra leone for one month. here in the united states, a second infected patient is undergoing experimental treatment in atlanta. the two patients are said to be improving. terrifying moments on a united airlines flight that was packed with 200 passengers on board when a fire breaks out. take a look at this picture. it was taken by a passenger. you see firefighter inside that plane. that flight was headed from brussels from newark, new jersey. the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. no one was hurt and no word on what caused that fire just yet. cameras everywhere. you don t often see a fireman on an airplane. but thank goodness everybody is okay. thank you very much. former president jimmy carter has a long-standing reputation as the most
ineffective foreign policy of any modern presidency until now for many, but we re not going to get into the until now business. jimmy carter and former president of ireland, a woman named mary robinson, have written an op ed in foreign policy magazine and what they re doing is they want the united states to recognize hamas, which is a terrorist organization, to the exclusion of israel, which has been our ally for decades. so jimmy carter says we ve got to recognize the terrorists. yeah. let s read an excerpt for our viewers from this. it says, the united states and e.u. should recognize hamas is not just a military, but also a political force. hamas cannot be wished away nor will it cooperate in its own demise. only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor, one that represents a substantial portion of the palestinian people can the west begin to provide the right incentive for hamas to lay down
its weapons. so peter, legit mazing hamas, the terrorist organization, is this going to embolden them and our other adversaryies? absolutely. yes. you make a good point in asking that question. the legitimacy of a terrorist organization is always in question. so for a former president to say it needs to be legit mazed as a political actor in the world, along with other states, that s a huge, huge issue, especially when we heard sean hannity talking earlier today about 10,000 missiles being hurled into israel over this ten-year period in this area that he was in and now a president saying oh, no, let s recognize hamas. recognized by the u.s. as a terrorist organization. charles krauthammer was on the channel last night trying o explain why some clueless americans feel that way about
hamas. here he is with bill o reilly. i would draw a sharp distinction between the european sympathizers and the american ones. when it comes to europe, i think the overwhelming factor is raw native, deep seated anti-semitism. this is 2,000-year-old anti-semitism. in the united states, it is very different. anti-semitism is not a major factor here. of all the countries that the jews have lived in in 2,000 years, this is the most tolerant, friendly, loving country that the jews have ever known. what i think is the most important factor here is shear, raw, ignorance. they have no idea what hamas is. all that you said, they have no idea, for example, that there is no occupation in gaza. you ll hear them talk about gaza being occupied. the israelis left in 2005. they tore out their settlements. there is not a settler. there is not a soldier, there is
not a jew left in gaza. do any of these people know it? no. are they aware of the fact that hamas charter calls not just for the destruction of israel, but for the killing of jews everywhere in the world? this is an openly genocidal organization. and how can you negotiate with them when they play by their own rules? remember the cease fire we just had last week and the israelis were going into the markets and they re stocking up on supplies, thinking the coast is clear because of the cease fire, and all of a sudden, boom. they re not playing by the rules. sean hannity is on the ground in israel at this hour. he s been talking with residents there and seeing what they re dealing with, exploring an indoor playground/bomb shelter in israel. look at this. in the last ten years, just to give people some context of what goes on in those border towns with gaza, 10,000 rockets in ten years. i think that s the untold story of life in israel for the average person. we do know that negotiations are
going on in egypt at this very hour to extend the cease fire possibly even longer than it s expected to go on. here the architect wanted to have a big merry go round, like the one you see in disney world and big parks because it s nice. but then by the way, i think the merry go round was the very first thing the architect put on paper. but then the ideas came and the ideas had to approve everything and they saw the plans and said sorry, you can not have a merry go round and we said why? this is the nicest thing for a kid with the lights and horses and music. they said there is only one problem. it takes 25 seconds to stop a merry go round. they only have 15 seconds to run for coverment end of story. when the air raid sirens go off, they only have 15 seconds and that s why they have to build indoor playgrounds for the kids. to imagine a child s activity is limited by the time it takes to get to a bomb shelter, that s
staggering and we see anti-semitism is rising around the world. so that s why it s surprising to hear president carter speaking out so forcefully on behalf of hamas being recognized as a legitimate political actor. which he has supported in the past as well. incredible. it s currentsly 7:11 here in new york city. we ve got a fox news alert for you. a wife and mother missing for weeks, that woman, found dead. authorities discovered the body yesterday near her suv in a remote wooded area 25 miles from her house. what happened to jennifer huston? ainsley earhart is here with the latest details on the investigation. thank you. the cause of the death isn t released yet. detectives are still processing the scene, but police say it does not look like there was a crash or anyone else involved. there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarm
ed. the person who owns that land spotted jennifer s suv on his private property about an eighth of a mile from his house. then he told his wife about seeing a lexus on their land. i said, what color is it? he said green. i said, dark green? and i knew right then. police found the 38-year-old s body 50 feet away from that green suv. she was wearing the same clothes that she had on when she vanished on july 24. the mother of two disappeared that day while she was running errands. she took out 100 bucks from the bank, she filled up her car, bought some snacks and then some sleeping pills at a local drugstore. minutes later, her cell phone was turned off and the battery was not dead, according to police. her father and her husband joined us on fox & friends on monday speaking out about their desperate search and they were clearly exhausted. we re just graping at straws. any time we hear about a sighting or something, we re all
over it. once or twice we ve jumped in the car and ran somewhere we thought a vehicle was seen at. the family has now asked for privacy in order to grieve and to process their loss. jennifer leaves behind her husband and her two boys, ages six and two. back to you, anna. all right. thank you so much. a tragic end to that story. 13 minutes after the hour. in a few hours, closing arguments are set to begin in the so-called porch shooting trial. before the case goes to the jury. theodore waiver tried to convince a jury he shot an unarmed teen-ager in self-defense when she showed up in her porch last year. i didn t want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way, as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came out from the side of my house so fast, i raised the gun and shot.
this poor girl. this case raising controversy. some drawing parallels between her and trayvon martin. is that a fair comparison? let s ask our legal experts. good morning. thanks for being with us. good morning. i ll start with you, what are the differences between these two cases? the difference is this defendant was in his home. okay. he wasn t outside or walking around a housing complex. two, this was a teen-ager and it was a woman who was knocking on his door, who was look for help as she had been in a car accident. also what is different in this case is we don t know a this is ha high crime neighborhood. he testified about an incident where there was a car that was hit with a paint ball after the tigers lost a game. that to me is not indicative nor is it consistent with a high crime neighborhood and he was
not a victim of prior break-ins. eric, what we do know is she was screaming, she was drunk. is there a reasonable fear this man may have had for his life because in order to take a life, you have to have fear for your own life? we re not sure he had a reasonable fear. however, the facts are still that it was 4 a.m he stated that he was asleep and he was startled, which any one of us if someone is banging on your door at 4:00 a.m., you would automatically be alarmed if you weren t expecting anyone. so if he conveyed that to the jury that he had a reasonable fear that there were break-ins in the area and a high crime area, he may get a not guilty verdict. was there a 911 call before bullets were fired? there was no call. he didn t pick up a cell phone. he picked up a gun. he knew enough that there was an african-american woman banging on his door at 4:30 in the morning and he shot. he shot and he killed her. how he can convince this jury that he had a reasonable fear that his life was in danger is
beyond me. this is similar to the trayvon martin case to the extent that it s biracial. but this is a man who should not be allowed to pick up a gun and shoot and that s what makes this very different. is this a case, eric, of somebody protecting themselves or someone being trigger happy? well t could be a case of both because this goes to what he believed. there was evidence that there was climbing on the air conditioner and the police did not process the evidence. and he stated and testified that he heard banging on the side, banging on the front door, banging on the side, banging on the front door, which instilled his possible fear, which i can reasonably understand. so you want to speak out individually. we ll have to leave it there cause i want to jump topics to jody arias. on monday it was said she s going to be able to represent herself in the penalty phase of her trial. is this going to be something advantageous for her to be able to speak to the jurors one by
one? based on her prior experience, i don t think this is advantageous for her at all. look, she has a ged, that is not a ged. you need to have lawyering experience to voir dire to question jurors. she doesn t have that experience. i don t know that she ll be able to do this successfully. why put something that fix something that isn t broken? her attorney last time was able to successfully save her life in the last penalty phase. so i would have stuck with my attorney because obviously the jury liked her and as we saw during the murder trial, we weren t necessarily sure whether the jury liked jody arias and found her to be somebody who was worth saving. eric, is she going to just say hey, this was self-defense, as she has before, or is she going to start going cocoa bananas doing head stands like we saw in the video to try to make it seem like she s off her rocker? the guilt phase is over. this is about saving her life at
this point. what she wants to do is connect with the jury. she wants to talk to them and probably try to charm them, which could backfire on her because they will know that she s conniving. they will know that she was found guilty of this and it could backfire. i agree. i think that i m not sure this was ever a death penalty case. but what we know about death penalty cases is that there are appeals after appeals after appeals. for this trial judge to let jody arias represent herself in the penalty phase is inviting an appeal, which means another trial, which means taxpayer dollars paying for this woman s third trial. it s bad decision and if she s convicted for the death penalty, i suspect this will be the reason it s overturned. all right. thanks for your time today. thank you. 18 minutes after the hour. coming up, brand-new information about that double decker bus crash in the heart of times square. we just learned police arrested one of the drivers.
the reason? drugs. and did you know there are 50 new drugs out there to treat cancer in adults? but there is just one, one for children. up next, a mother who is changing that. it hasn t been easy. hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan. a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you!
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you can see right there, time for news by the numbers. first, two. that s how many people were attacked by sharks in florida in the last three days. both incidents happening in brief regard county. a 45-year-old woman and nine-year-old boy were attacked but are expected to be okay. next, ten pounds. that s how much weight nba superstar lebron james has shed this season. ten pounds. james taking instagram to show off his skinnier frame. the star saying he s cut out carbs. no bread for him. and 60 seconds. that s how long mcdonald s is promising to take to deliver your drive-through order or it s free. the 60-second promotion is only good at participating south florida mcdonald s. terrific. peter, over to you. thanks. in the past 20 years, the
f.d.a. has approved only one drug, only one for any childhood cancer and the national cancer institute uses 96% of their budget for adult cancer research. so why are children with cancers and diseases being left behind, sometimes and too often to die? joining us now is the mother who tragically lost her own son, jacob, to a rare brain tumor. nancy goodman, who is the founder and executive director of kids versus cancer. thanks for being with us this morning. thank you for having me, peter. you helped change american history and provide an incentive for american companies to develop pediatric cancer drugs and other drugs that will save children. when they do so, they basically get a reward or a voucher from the federal government that they can actually sell thereafter and you provide this incentive. tell us about the act that you helped create and why you did it. thank you, peter. it s called the creating hope
act. i created it because when my son jacob was diagnosed with a pediatric brain cancer, i was shocked and amazed to find out that the drugs he was receiving were 40 years old. and they didn t work. so that s the purpose of the creating hope act, to give companies a reason to develop drugs for kids. so what s happened, nancy, in terms of millions of dollar transaction that came about as a result of one of these pediatric cancer drugs? so last week the first voucher was sold, peter. it was sold for $67.5 million, which is great. it means the program works and the company that sold it, their market cap increased by half a billion dollars and another up with of the two companies that purchased it, their market cap increased by $20 billion upon announcement of the sale. so that means the program works and if companies develop drugs
for kids with cancer and other serious illnesses, they ll be there will be financial gain for those companies. congratulations. let s talk about compassionate use. we focused on josh hardy and his ability finally to get the drug that he needed that could help save his life. you had a hard time getting compassionate use for your own child. what advice would you give to mothers and fathers and family members as they try and save their children that may have a pediatric cancer for which there is no approved drug? it s a terrible problem, peter. i think what we really need to do as a society, one is fix the compassionate use program. there is some structural problems in it. and second, we have to find ways to encourage or acquire companies to offer pediatric trials of new drugs earlier. well, as a pediatric cancer survivor, nancy, i thank you for what you ve done. you ve really created history and provide an incentive for drug manufacturers to help our
youngest and most vulnerable population. nancy goodman, thanks so much for doing what you ve done. thank you, peter. coming up, three huge storms, including two hurricanes threatening beach goers across the country. maria molina with what you need to know. and then we showed you how kids react to finding guns in their play area. is this happening when you send them o a friend s house? do you even know if the parents own a gun? how to approach that crucial and maybe life-saving conversation, coming up on fox & friends. your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle.
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are you hungry? are you thirsty? it s your shot of the morning. today we are celebrating national root beer float day. maria molina is on the plaza with more. good morning. hi. good morning. that s right. it s national root beer float day. a and w restaurants are here on the plaza handing out free root beer floats to anyone that is passing by. you can stop at select stores to pick up your free root beer float. and by the way, they re also going to be raising awareness and donations for the wounded warrior project. so they re also big supporters of our nation s heros. they have been doing this, this is the second year they ve been doing this. last year they raised up to $100,000 in donations for the wound warrior project. so that is just a wonderful thing they re doing and by the way, a and w started in 1919 just as a little stand outside. they were making some floats and it became a huge success eventually and during the return
of the world war 1 when veterans came back, they actually had this as well because they were participating in the parade then with the root beer float. a lot of history with a and w. come on by if you are in manhattan, 48th and 6th, for your free float and stop by your local stores. let s head back inside. that s right. thank you very much. there was root beer first or ice cream first? i think the ice cream first. a lot of first kisses probably. i remember we used to go to the a and w root beer and it was always a happy day when my dad would bring the great big one gallon jug of a and w root beer home. what did you say? that there was probably a lot of fir kisses over root beer. you re probably right. that would result in a lot of root beer float mustaches. go get a free root beer today. meanwhile, brand-new video into fox & friends right now. listen to the moment two double
decker buses crash in the heart of times square two blocks from right here. you can see people running and the traffic light toppling onto the crowd. police have just arrested one of the drivers. channel 5 here in new york s reporter is in times square. what do we know about the driver who has been arrested? reporter: good morning to you guys and good morning, everyone. the driver s name is william delambar, a 50-year-old marne from new jersey, a long-time driver with gray line buses. little is known about his criminal past, if there even is one. police tell us this is a guy who should not have been behind the wheel. he was charged with driving while ability impaired. they tell me he had drugs in his system. not narcotics, but some type of prescription or over the counter medication.
a guy who should have taken the day off and not taken that shift because we know what happened next. you ve probably seen the video by now. you just saw some new video. let s check out the earth cam video of it. two double decker buses crashing into each other at 47th and 7th and taking down a light pole with it. you see on this earth cam video, people start to scurry. the light pole comes down. debris shatters like shrapnel is what people told us when we arrived on scene yesterday. a number of injuries. 14 people injured. three people seriously, including one of the tour bus operators on another bus. apparently she got her head stuck underneath the dashboard. chaotic scene here. certainly there were a lot of tours in the area. anybody who has been to times square in the afternoon knows how busy it can be. a lot of people panicked. and we can also tell you guys we are hearing from police that this was an unusual event in and of itself. but earlier in the day, this area was shut down prior because
there was a bomb scare that occurred in this area. so especially a lot of patrons of the restaurants, people would work around here weren t quite sure what exactly was going on. they had the bomb scare and then they had this bus crash. so it made for a very uneasy tuesday for people who work in this area and people who just want to take in times square. that s the latest from times square, i ll send things back to you in the studio. live there and today is matinee day where they have the matinees on times square and broadway. is driving under the influence of prescription drugs is that on par with a dui? it can turn into a dui. anyone who drives in manhattan knows that the peril is sometimes posed by these bus, they re kind of a pain in the neck. you wonder sometimes who is actually training some of these folks. there is a bunch of different lines out there. a lot of lawsuits, big investigation i predict. big regulation moving ahead against these types of bus lines
to prevent exactly these type of accidents. the double decker buss are so huge, so long, they block entire sections. i rode my bike home yesterday and i couldn t get through. cabs were laying on their horn. great service and great fun, but they can be hazardous sometimes. it s 23 minutes before the top of the hour. and heather nauert joins us with some news. good morning. an update for you on a story that we told you about. a woman in pennsylvania charges not dismissed against the mother who carried her registered gun across state lines. a judge now ruling that she will have to go to trial for being found in possession of this gun during a traffic violation in the state of new jersey. here is what happened. she presented her concealed carry permit for pennsylvania, but that isn t recognized across state lines in new listen. i hope that i didn t know about it. it could happen to anybody. she can now face at least 3 1/2 years in prison.
you got to know the gun laws. the search for a missing six-year-old girl in washington state intensifying by the hour. this as we just learned that police are keeping a close eye on the little girl s father. james wright was once charged with molesting his eight-year-old stepdaughter. that charge was later dropped. police aren t calling him a suspect, but both parents have taken lie detector tests. those results have not been made public at this time. two of their other children have been taken from them. she was last seen on saturday night. she s just six years old. san antonio spurs making history by hiring becky hammond as an assistant coach. she s the second woman to work on an nba coaching staff. but the first full-time employee growing up i remember asking my dad, you know, hey, dad, will i ever play in the nba? oh, sweety, no. you ll never be able to play in the nba. but if you re really, really good, maybe you can get a college scholarship. so i m gog have to call him up
and say dad, you never said coaching. she exceeded his dreams. she played in the wnba for 16 years. one man certainly knows how to keep his ducks in a row. oh, my god! they follow him. you can see the guy is able to get his flock into the barn without ruffling any feathers. that happened in russia. that is going viral. trainable. why couldn t we have taught our kids to do that? all right. here. how about this? you can have this. now we get the two straws.
maria molina outside where just a moment ago, root beer float day and now she s got science trivia. i heard you guys talk being whether it was ice cream or the float, how do you make the float? it s ice cream first and then you pour it in. i was right. now time for science trivia. we re looking at today s question related to tornadoes. kind of because of the storm coming out on friday. so the question is, the largest tornado outbreak included how many tornadoes? is it a, 111, b, 155. c 211 or c, 355? this was over a couple of days and the largest tornado outbreak in history. the biggest number, 355 of course. i m going to say the lowest number. i m saying ice cream first. i hear peter saying 355. and you are correct. 355 tornadoes. that s the largest tornado outbreak on record. happened in 2011.
pretty recently in late april. way to go, peter. we want to switch gears now and talk about the weather because we have a lot of activity across the tropics. starting across the eastern pacific ocean, we have two hurricanes and both of these storms are set to continue moving westward and impact hawaii over the next several days. the good news out here is that they are forecast to weaken over the next few days. forecast to impact hawaii, iselle on thursday as a tropical storm and then you have the following storm, hurricane julio, also set to impact hawaii over the weekend. bertha also producing issues along parts of the east coast with rip currents concerns. we do have a number of advisories along coastal areas. right now, maximum sustained winds at 50 miles an hour and moving away from the coast. now back inside. thank you very much. 18 minutes before the top of the hour on this wednesday. we showed you how children react when they find a gun in their
play area. the question is, does this happen when you send your child over to their friend s house? how to have a crucial conversation with your neighbors about their guns this hour. and hackers have a new way of breaking into your computer using your mouse and you ll never even notice. curt the cyber guy is here with steve next to explain what this is all about as we drink our root beers
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the ready for you alert, only at! computer hackers now have a new way to get into your computer. you won t know it at the time and you can t fix it and it s tied to something you probably use each and every day. here to explain, curt the cyber guy. good morning to you. good morning. this is a terrifying story because i have done exactly what you re saying people should not do. everybody has. that s the big problem. even if you ve never used one of these little things called a usb thumb drive, which i have right here, you still need to be worried about this cause plenty of people are using these devices that have control of your data. and what has happened is two researchers from sr labs has come out, both of them have come out with an idea that usbs in particular, thumb drives or accessories that you plug into a computer, are now able to be
controlled by, say, a malicious attack from a hacker. so let me give you an idea of what that means. for example, right now this device plugs into a number of computers and inside of this device is instructional language called firmware. it says i m a usb drive, i hold this much information and you can talk to me this way. inside that instruction, which is inside the device and not something you can control, you now or someone could put instruction that says, copy all the information off this computer and send it to this other computer. see, that s the bad part. here is the thing, a lot of companies give these out as promotional things. people i can t tell you how many people have given me one of these little gizmos like this and i actually have used one until this morning. we thought that this was actually a safer way to transfer information. of course. you will say, i won t e-mail it, i ll copy it on this and
hand it to you and here you go. the problem is anyone at any time can now put this on this device and you don t know who put what where and you can t detect it. so the problem is now we ve got to look at usbs in a whole new way. and it s a big wake-up call to say stop using freebie handout ones. only use ones which are inside of the packaging that you get from the store. a broader way of thinking of this is think about a usb drive as you would your wallet. you don t loan it to somebody else and if you do loan one of these things to somebody, you simply don t expect it back because all it takes is one transfer and now that could infect your computer that you now plug that into the next time. it s so innocent looking. but i seem to remember it was a little device like this that some spies used to blow up the iranian computers with this virus. it is that and there is cotton mouth is a widely
discussed protocol from the nsa that came out from edward snowden s leak which this would use the same technology to get there. so bottom line here is big wake-up call and in the months and perhaps even years to come, it will take a long time to implement a new way to secure this kind of technology. so no longer safe. no longer the sure bet. don t take a free one. just go to staples and buy a new one. exactly. thank you very much. great advice. that was easy. coming up on fox & friends, this choke hold is the latest tragedy after a suspect resisted arrest. is that a growing trend? are the cops not respected anymore? our next guests say yes and know why. and on this day in 1955, rock around the clock was the number one song.
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activists around the country are lashing out at the new york city police department. they claim police are too brutal, citing the choke hold death of a staten island man. critics say the streets are much
less safe under this new mayor here in new york city, bill de blasio. he s got these plans of course to stop or at least scale back stop and frisk. joining us right now is long-time new york city police department detective, mr. bo deedle. good morning. good morning. you were on the street for a very long time. you talk to cops all the time. from what we ve heard and what we ve seen under this mayor where he says the cops have been too rough, we re going to stop the stop and frisk business, it seems like the guys on the street are demoralized. i talk to cops every day. the cops are so disgusted with what s going on, they don t want to get involved. they don t want to do anything. what we saw on the videotape of what happened and the incident at staten island, dozens of times i use the same kind of head lock to bring someone down. you got a man who is 6 3, 350 pounds, you got cops 5 7, 5 8, you bring them down in a head lock. it s not meaning that you re trying to choke him.
on the other side of the coin is when they use the word homicide, homicide is used by the hands of another. you commit a homicide even when you give a lethal injection. that s homicide that s on the medical record. people now are getting this thing that i want to see an autopsy report where there is a crushed wind pipe. i want to see that because the head lock that s used, i ve used dozens of times and it s used all the time to bring someone down. and if you watch that video, it wasn t a consistent compression on the guy s neck. and this is kind of gets me upset that these cops are being singled out. then when you get a mayor that has a great police commissioner like bratten sit there and take the abuse of al sharpton, i am disgusted. every cop is disgusted. i m going to hire an independent medical examiner to look at that autopsy report. someone s got to step up with this and protect this commissioner and these cops that are out there who are servicing this city. bad enough they took the stop and frisk away, which is ridiculous, which we can use it
in a courteous manner and i ve talked to them before and i vo e police department, including my ex-partner there, ben tucker, about ways of utilizing stop and frisk. listen, something has to be done. things seem to be going out of control. i m a little angry, i m sorry. you re not the only one. coming up, our gun series continues. do you know whether or not your kids are safe when they go to a neighbor s house regarding the neighbor s guns?wh that conversation coming up next creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america.
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hey, everybody. hope you re doing well. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. remember when the president declared the war in afghanistan over? the bottom line is it s time to turn the page on more than a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. it s not over. the terrorists heard him and attacked again. this time killing a top general. what does this say about our president s foreign policy? mean while, an incredible show of team work as a group of strangers pulled together to help a guy stuck between a train and the platform. look at that! how did it turn out?
stick around. our gun series continues. do you know if your kids are going to a house with a gun? do the parents keep it locked up? how to have that conversation this hour, conversation well had because mornings are better with friends. you re watching fox & friends. that s a great way to begin your day. thank you very much. can you imagine you re down on a subway platform and somebody says let s push over the train a little bit. how many people would sign up for that? their adrenaline must have been pumping. you ll find out more about that. but we have breaking news. while you were sleeping, the results came in from practice i marries in four states. one of the states, kansas, where the incumbent, senator pat roberts, fended off a tea party challenger. joining us from washington with all the late-breaking details is peter doocy. peter? reporter: the tea party tried to replace three-term republican senator pat roberts in kansas, but their candidate, dr. milton wolf, came up short.
the split was close enough, 48 to 41, that roberts used his victory speech to plead with the party to come together so they have a better chance to win in november. unity must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama agenda and send harry reid packing! reporter: sun flower state governor sam brownback won as well with 63% of the vote to primary challenger jennifer nguyen 37%. the senator roberts victory is the latest successes. his colleagues in mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas have also all held on as well. a different story for republicans in the house, though. first it was eric cantor who fell, then ralph hall. now tea party-backed carey
bentafolio defeated by a michigan businessman. elsewhere in michigan, a race to replace john dingell, retiring after the longest congressional career ever has been won by his wife, debbie. now in november, she ll have a chance to take the seat her husband had for 50 years. peter doocy live with the results from washington, d.c i heard on special report last night, the republican running against senator roberts is a first or second cousin of barak obama. amazing. meantime, three minutes after the top of the hour, we turn to heather nauert who has got some terrifying news. yeah. for some passengers on board, but we ve got good news as well. terrifying moments for united airlines flight packed with 200 passengers. a fire breaks out on board the flight. look at this picture here, taken by a passenger. once it finally reached the
ground, inside the plane, you see the firefighters on board that plane. this flight was headed from newark, new jersey to brussels when the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. fortunately, no one was hurt. no word yet what caused that fire on the jet. luckily everyone is okay. today closing arguments begin in the porch shooting trial. it goes before the jury later today. theodore waver spent two days on the stand trying to convince a jury he shot an unarmed teen-ager in self-defense when she showed up on his front porch drunk and screaming. i didn t want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came up from the side of my house so fast. i raised the gun and shot this poor girl. some are comparing the case to the trayvon martin case.
remember that one? it was a teen-ager who was shot and killed in florida back in 2012 by george zimmerman. fearing the threat of ebola, british airways now suspending all flights to liberia and sierra leone for one month. airports are becoming the first line of defense against the ebola virus by setting up medical screenings. here in the united states, the second infected american is now undergoing an experimental treatment in atlanta. both nurse nancy writebol and dr. brantley are said to be improving. then you got to look at this video. it s incredible. a car with a woman and her husband trapped inside it, no match for mother nature. but rest easy because mother nature is no match for some good samaritans who also happen to be u.s. airmen. take a look at this. this all unfolding about
30 miles north of las vegas. members of the air force who happened to be nearby ran into the water to pull the 80-year-old woman out of her car. her husband was just rescued moments before. one of those airmen was then nearly swept away himself and he had to be rescued. seconds later, their car was carried off. a lot of flash flood not guilty that area recently. a lot of rain. so a big problem. but everybody is okay. if it was just the car, people might let it go. but if there is somebody inside two people inside, two elderly inside. thank you very much. we had terrible news yesterday. a two-star general, harold green, was murdered at the u.s. military rather the military academy for afghanistan training afghannies to take over their own security. the taliban has already claimed responsibility for the attack, which prompted ed henry yesterday to ask white house press secretary josh earnest, okay, it s the taliban.
they re claiming they killed this guy. how can we say we re making progress over there? here is what josh earnest and ed henry had to say. how can you say progress when an american general was killed today? the progress that i cited is the progress that was made. hard won progress that was made by our men and women in uniform who have been serving for more than 12 years. and there is no doubt that what previously was a base of operations for core al-qaeda no longer exists. this is a huge touchdown for the taliban. yeah. and this insider attack is something that we saw a surge in in 2011 and 2012. pete hegseth from concerned veterans for americans was there at that time and is familiar with this area and he says that this is not spontaneous timing, that this possibly is part of a sleeper cell of the taliban. this is their propaganda of trying to say yes, you may be
announcing a withdrawal and winding down the war, but we are chasing you out. pete hegseth also says that if we say the war is over, that doesn t mean the war is over for our enemy, still think it s raging. listen. the troops have felt the fact that it has been about withdrawal more than success from the very beginning. that s what you re seeing in afghanistan right now. the taliban is exploiting that perception to make it look like the americans are on the way out and they re the future. taliban hasn t turned the page. al-qaeda, isis, are not turning the page. they re redoubling their efforts because they ve identified that we re retreating, that we don t care. we re not invested in the outcome. so you ve got islamists on the march, the taliban really controlling the country side. and the taliban redoubles its efforts in afghanistan, resulting in the death of general green who is last in the long line of those who serve in the military service back to the civil war. a new poll is showing that the president is sinking deeper than ever before. the question that was asked was
in general, do you approve or disapprove or not sure of the job barak obama is doing as president? and 54% of the american people disapprove. 40% approve. and 6% are not sure. that s a new low for the president. then this is the one that s really going to catch your eye in this wall street journal poll. do you think things in this nation are generally headed in the right direction or the wrong track? 71% of you say we are headed on the wrong track. only 22%, one in five, think we are headed in the right direction. and this terrible tragedy yesterday. let us know what you think. also this morning, this is happening, sergeant beau bergdahl, the guy who was swapped for five terrorists, he s formally going to be questioned on desertion charges. his lawyer saying he will be as cooperative as possible. this is a new image of him preparing for his questioning. he appears to look pretty good.
he s gained some weight there. yeah. remember right now he s got a desk job down in san antonio. the big question is, keep in mind, we ve had his platoon mates on this program. they all say he was a deserter. he clearly he left a note. he said, i ve had it. here, i m leaving. so what s going to happen to him? fox news legal analyst kimberly guilfoyle was on with bill o reilly last night and she sees this scenario playing out. i don t see any incentive for sergeant bergdahl to cooperate, participate. i expect we re going to see more of kind of the lois lerner, take the fifth, not give the information because he is the worst witness against himself. if he doesn t say anything, he remains on active duty in good standing, able to get a pension and continue to serve in if he s not convicted. if he s not convicted. i have a different viewpoint on this. you ve got a lawyer who i believe is going to attempt to cop a plea today and tomorrow,
asserting that bowe bergdahl was somewhere between confused and mentally ill when he stepped off that base. his lawyer was someone who has spoken up in the past on behalf of enemy combatants at guantanamo bay. so he s going to get a defense and i believe they will come up with a story to ex cull pate him. his lawyer has always said, he s been in jail with the taliban already for five years and that s an amazing counterpoint that we re talk being this story today on the day that we are mourning the death of general green, perhaps killed at the hands of the taliban, the same leaders that we released to qatar some months ago. that is such an excellent point. peter, the white house, because they did do this controversial swap and released all these bad guy, the white house would love to see this go away, sweep it under the carpet. so could they pressure the pentagon or these attorneys or
whoever decides let s just get rid of this? you re not going to see formal e-mails to that effect. but i believe that the president s beliefs on this particular issue will inform the outcome as to what happens going forward. remember, there was already a determination that he had walked off that base without permission, that he was awol. now they ll be looking at deserter status or not and whether to bring charges. no charges have been brought yet. yeah, you can imagine the president worried about his legacy on this one if one of those five returns and does something terrible and kills innocent americans again as some of them have vowed to do. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. we showed you hidden camera footage of how kids react when they find a firearm. how do you know when they re in the presence of one? do you even know if your neighbor or your child s play date has one? well, do you keep them locked up and do they keep them locked up? this is the latest in our series on children and guns and heather nauert is here with more. good morning. we re looking at this all week
and it s a major, major topic. it s our constitutional right to own a gun, but with that comes a major responsibility, especially when there are children in the home. but what do you do when your child goes o another family s home? do you ever even think o ask them if they own a gun? it s obviously a tough question to ask. but i recently met a mom who regrets not posing that question. this is something that every parent should see. said to me, i don t know how to tell you this and i said what? and he said, nicholas was shot. and i said, what are you talking about? how? when? where? december 22, 2010, 12-year-old nicholas, a 7th grader, who had a flair for art and performing was accidentally shot while spending the night at a friend s house. we were told that they went downstairs to the basement where
nicholas friend showed him old 40-year-old bullets and his friend asked him if he s ever seen a real gun before. he went to his parents bedroom and got the gun out of like a sock drawer, thinking that the gun was unloaded, he pointed at nicholas and pulled the trigger. this is the last heartbeat you re going to hear your child. did you know that the parents were gun owners? i never thought of it. you never thought about that before? had you known, would you have felt differently about having your son play at his house? absolutely. how do you ask that family if they own a weapon and if it s properly secured? you just ask.
so that s it. just as she said, you just ask. and though it can be an awkward conversation, it s one that s practical and necessary. for 75 to 80% of families with guns in the home, first and second graders know where that gun is kept. so it really is unrealistic to think that the kids don t know what s going on. because of that awareness, experts say lay the groundwork with your kids early and often. you need to start the conversation early, from kindergarten on and it needs to be the rules. when approaching parents keeping it conversational works best. there needs to be no emotion about it. it s just one of the questions, do you have allergies? do you have a pet? do you have a swimming pool? do you have a gun? if a family takes offense, offer to move the play date. studies have shown people with guns aren t offended by asking the question. in fact, it s almost offered a lot of times. it s a matter of you feeling safe. the reality is it could take just once for something to happen to your child. you need to make that decision that s going to keep your child
safe. such a bright light. it is really, really important to know if the people where you re sending your child for a play date are gun owners and how they re stored. we re not trying to take, you know, the guns away from gun owners. there is nothing wrong with asking so you could make an educated choice. nicholas was such a beautiful little boy. the couple are now working to pass what s called nicholas bill in new york state. it would require the safe storage of guns with a locking device to prevent children from getting their hands on them and using them. the bill is now before the new york senate. there is that other angle to consider, something that gun rights advocates talk about a lot, trigger locks, and whether or not they threaten homeowners security and that is an angle that we re going to look at tomorrow because a lot of people
express concern that if you have a trigger lock on your gun or if you have it stored in a safe, that it would take too long to respond to a home intruder. we ll look at just how long that might take tomorrow. great advice that it should be one of those questions, do you have allergies? do you have a pet? do you have a pool? do you have a gun? put it out there, just conversationally. it s something that i m a parent of two young children. we often send our kids on play dates. have you ever asked that? i have never asked. but it s such a good question because you want your kids to be safe and we know how curious kids are. sure. most gun owners are absolutely responsible and my friends who have guns in their homes, they have the gun safes. they ve got the vaults. it s all locked up. it doesn t hurt to ask. we re not saying don t own guns, but you have to be responsible about it and then ask questions. i know it s a thoughtful, thoughtful report that you ve done. my own experience in my own family, a lot of police officers and that was always the concern that my uncles had when people were coming over for a party. i remember this as an older teen-ager, they were so vigilant to make sure their off-duty
weapons were put away where nobody could get them. it s important. thanks for doing this. thanks for mentioning that. meanwhile, straight ahead, it s happened again. billions of internet passwords stolen. only this time it s worse. there is a chance that you are a victim and we ve got the details straight ahead. then this is amazing. a navy veteran loses his hand in a horrific accident but gets his grip back for 20 bucks at the home depot. you ll meet him and see his breakthrough invention when we come back. he invented that? he did it. searching with devotion for a snack that isn t lame but this.
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22 minutes after the top of the hour. brand-new video into fox & friends. listen to the moment that two double decker tour buses crashed right here in the heart of times square.
you can see right there, people running and the traffic light toppled onto the crowd action screen left. and police just arrested one of the bus drivers. wnyw reporter is in times square with the very latest. we understand that the guy who was driving this bus shouldn t have been driving at all. reporter: that s exactly what police told me this morning. good morning, steve and everyone. they say this guy should have taken the day off. he should have not been behind the wheel of the car. new york police charged him with driving while ability impaired. they say he had some type of drug in his system. they tell me it s not narcotics. but perhaps a prescription medication or some type of over-the-counter medication. is it a sleep aid? is it something else that could have really impaired his ability? we don t know. we do know from talking to some of the people who work for grayline bus that he was working the night shift coming in at noon and expected to work through the night. if you come here to times square today, you ll see that there is little remnants of the accident that occurred at 3:30 yesterday
afternoon. it happened on the corner of 47th and 7th. the light pole is back up, but boy, it came down with a vengeance yesterday. look at this earth cam video. you can see as those buses collide, people start to run. they hear the explosion of the buses hitting and then they start to scatter as they see the light pole come down, spraying debris. there were a ton of tourists. 14 people were hurt. three seriously, including apparently one tour operator that was on one of the other buses. her head got wedged underneath the dashboard. steve, we re waiting to hear more from nypd about this man. if there is any sort of criminal past and also when he ll be in court today. that s the latest from times square this morning. i ll send things back to you in the studio. live in times square, thank you very much. anna, over to you and peter. amazing story. navy veteran involved in a horrific accident that cost him the use of his hand, he sawed
off four of his fingers, three had to be amputated. only one was able to be saved. this morning not only does howard have a smile on his face, he s got a solid grip to boot. that s because he created his own prosthetic hand after a trip to home depot. good morning, howard. good morning. you say you ve gotten your self-esteem back because of this $20 that you spent at the home depot. how does it work? well, when i cut my fingers off, i had to go to home depot and i met a friend named casey barrett and he s the one that designed these my hand for me and we just needed to get a glove and some string, some fishing line, some glue and that s how we put our firsthand together. what can you do with the hand, howard? show us that hand and what can
you do with that incredible hand that you made on a 3d machine? wow. that is tremendous. i can pick up some water bottles now, which i couldn t do before without my fingers. i can even play some cards with my friends now cause i can hold the cards. i can see the magic hyped your eyes. you seem really happy with all this. obviously you re able to keep costs down at 20 bucks, making these prosthetic potentially accessible to a lot more people. are you working to get this thing on the market? no, we re not working to get it on the market. what we want to do is the wreck f foundation has joined me and we want to give it away. we want to give it away to veterans who have lost their hands and their fingers and
anybody else that needs help cause prosthetics are very expensive. this is an incredible thing. one of the things that you can rebuild your own hand, what a feeling of power. you should be so proud of yourself. it gives hope to a lot of other americans. we re so happy to have you on this morning. thank you. and it wasn t me that built it. like i said, a friend of mine came to me after i chopped my fingers off and he s the engineer of our group and he s the one that printed all these fingers for me. you guys certainly make a good team with the help of a 3d printer. thanks for your service, too. thank you. thank you very much. 27 minutes after the hour. coming up, it s the most incredible video you will see all day. hundreds of people, complete strangers, pull together to help save a man stuck in the tracks. details next. then she s used to flying f
16s for a living. so what happens when our own leah gabriel flies cross-country with our own jon scott? next, we ll show you your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that s really good. excellent, delicious. and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy!
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time for your shot of the morning. the most incredible video you re going to see all day. a transit rider in australia gets stuck when his leg slips between the train and the platform. watch the gap, they tell you. he didn t apparently. hundreds of people, complete strangers, all pulled together to help. they all pushed on the word. everybody got off the train and
pushing to shift the weight off onto the one side. it was enough to free the guy s leg. the man seemingly dazed but unhurt, was able to walk away. ladies and gentlemen, that is team work from perth, australia. it s a wonder that doesn t happen more often. that gap is about this big and people are on their cell phone. it does happen. major subways in the united states, they have air bags that emergency service brings and they inflate it and it will separate the car from the platform. usually the outcome is a lot worse, amputations, death and like that. so that s wonderful, people jump in to help. a wife and mother missing for weeks found dead. authorities discovered her body yesterday near her suv in a remote wooded area 25 miles from her home. so what happened to jennifer houston? ainsley earhart is here with details. incredibly sad story. we ve been following this for
weeks. it is sad this morning to report that she is no longer with us. but the cause of death still not released yet. detectives are still processing on the scene. police say it does not look like there was a crash or anyone else involved. we do not suspect foul play at this time. there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarmed. the person who owns the land spotted jennifer houston s suv on his private property about an eighth of a mile from his house and told his wife about seeing that lexus on their land. i said, what color is it? he said green. i said, dark green? and i knew right then. police found the 38-year-old s body 50 feet away from that suv there. she was wearing the same clothes that she had on when she vanished on july 24. the mother of two disappeared that day while she was running errands. she took out $100 from the bank. she filled up her car with gasoline and bought some snacks and then bought some sleeping
pills at a local drugstore. minutes later, her cell phone was turned off and police say the battery was not dead. her father and her husband joined us on fox & friends on monday speaking out about that desperate search and they were clearly exhausted. we re just grasping at straws. any time we hear about a sighting or something, we re all over it. once or twice we ve jumped in the car and ran somewhere we thought a vehicle was seen at. the family has asked for privacy in order to grieve and to process their loss. jennifer leaves behind her husband and their two little boys, age six and two. back to you guys. tragic end to that story. thanks for the update. what a terrible story. i wond for they found a note. don t know. awful. we turn now to heather nauert who has got the search for somebody else. yeah. police in the pacific northwest need your help searching for a missing six-year-old girl. this as we just learned that
police are also keeping a close eye on her father, james wright. he was once charged with molesting his eight-year-old stepdaughter. that charge was later dropped. police aren t calling him a suspect at this time. the girl was last seen saturday night, six years old. they came to this country illegally multiple times and now they re charged with shooting a u.s. border patrol agent dead. the two men had both been arrested and deported from our country multiple times. that u.s. border patrol agent was shot and killed in front of his wife and his family while he was fishing. this father was shot, but is expected to survive. the two suspects who confessed to that shooting were trying to rob the family when he fought back. it is one of the largest security breaches ever. a russian crime ring stole more than 1 billion user names and passwords from 420,000 different
web sites. 500 million e-mail addresses have also been compromised. some of the victims include the auto industry, car rental businesses and also hotels. keep a close eye on your personal information. if you need to quiet your baby as a loft us moms do, try the power of katy perry. look at this. she s quite a dancer, too. it worked! that little girl goes from tears to pure happiness. this after seeing the katy perry video, katy perry actually tweeted about it. available for baby-sitting at $10 an hour and poor oreos. nice sense of humor. those are your headlines. gosh, i wish i knew that. thank you very much. a new dance. she can do the mouth, too.
that is adorable. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. time for some weather and get this, maria molina, it sounds like a lot of people who are going to hawaii right now for their vacation picked a bad week to go. yeah. i can t really feel i still feel jealous. i would still like to be in hawaii, even if there are storms headed that way. i do have some good news and that is that the storms are forecast to weaken. they are hurricanes, headed westward. and one of them could potentially move north of the islands. so that would be good news. we would be spared from some of the impact from these storms. we do have two storm systems. over the next several days, they are going to continue to move westward and iselle will be the first storm to potentially impact the hawaiian islands. that s coming up as we head into thursday and then you have julio. this one has maximum sustained winds iselle at 90 miles an hour. julio has been a little weaker,
but forecast to continue to intensify and then eventually weaken before hitting the island, that s coming up over the weekend. we also have bertha, that storm moving away from parts of the east coast. rip current concerns are continuing along coastal areas of the northeast. of course, that s a big issue for anyone that s headed out towards the beaches there. there you have tropical storm bertha, max winds at 50 miles an hour. let s head back inside. thank you very much. meanwhile, do you recognize her? we rely on her reporting skills and military analysis as well. but leah gabriel hasn t stopped flying since her days as a pilot of an f-18 in the u.s. navy. but when she came to new york city and joined us here at fox, she left her plane in california and i guess, were you running up a bill at the airport? you had to move it? i wanted it here so i could fly it and i set out on this journey after july 4th weekend. so i decided to call my trip freedom tour. and i knew i would offer some
incredible views that you don t normally get to see and i wanted to share those. take a look at some of the sights that you don t get to see when you fly across country in an airliner at 40,000 feet. this is what i used to fly for the u.s. navy. f-18, two engines, top speed, 1200 miles per hour at a price tag of about $30 million. now that i m no longer landing on aircraft carriers and the navy is no longer buying my fuel, this is what i fly. a cessna 172. one engine, four seats, top speed, about 120 miles per hour. cost? about what most americans spend o a new car. put it somewhere where you can have access to it. reporter: a fellow veteran began fixing up my plane when i left san diego to join fox news. now it s time to fly her to my new home in new york, a coast to coast adventure.
to me, flying is the ultimate freedom, to go where i want, when i want, one of the greatest gifts of our land of the free. my copilot is photo journalist for the trip, fox news anchor jon scott. how does it feel to be crossing this air space at 110 knots? i feel like i m in a helicopter. i did a lot of flying here. especially flight training. this is bomb ranges where i dropped practice bombs. we have a little diversion. we have a little bit of a diversion. thunderstorms offer their own kind of beauty. awesome power, enough to take down even an f-18. so we give them plenty of room. our first stop, an airport on the edge of one of america s greatest natural wonders, the grand canyon. we re treated to a bird s eye
view. getting ready to take off, day two of this adventure. just a few minutes after takeoff, we re flying over the surface of mars. at least that s how the painted desert appears from 2,000 feet above it. the chart here, the storm over there to the right. with more thunderstorms ahead, we decide to land earlier than intended. gallop, new mexico, to fill our tank and check the weather. we re back on the road, we re following interstate 40. this will take us into albuquerque, new mexico. to my left are the sandia mountsens. once we clear this mountain range, we can start heading northeast to new york city. as you can see, the train changed quite a bit. like this flat land. that is to amarillo. sunset not guilty the next ten minutes.
it s a little hazy. we won t see the gorgeous texas sunset. we ll be up bright and early tomorrow morning and see the sun rise here in texas. one of the greatest parts of the trip were some of the wonderful people that we met along the way, including some people who watch fox news every day. tomorrow you ll get to meet some of them and also get to see what it looks like to fly right into new york city, right over the statue of liberty at night and at eye level from the sky scrapers. you had a pretty good camera guy. i had a great camera guy/copilot, jon scott. hopefully we ll be able to get him in here tomorrow morning so he can talk a little bit about the experience. breath taking stuff. great stuff. thank you very much. knocking our socks off. coming up, hysteria about ebola. is it warranted? are americans in danger because we re treating victims? dr. mark siegle is here live from jfk to answer viewer questions (vo) get ready!
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this is a fox news alert. that s video of the moment hamas fires rockets near a hotel in a gaza residential district and now we re nearly 20 hours into a 72-hour cease fire in gaza.
john huddy is live in jerusalem with the very latest. john? reporter: yeah, when i was in gaza, we saw a couple of, not a couple, we saw a lot of rocket launches and also missile strikes very close to our location, by the way. as you mentioned, the cease fire continues. over 20 hours into it now and the cease fire is holding at this point. the question is what s going to happen after the 72-hour mark is up? that said, take a look. supplies started arriving, various countries donating these supplies, arriving into tel aviv yesterday and today as well as they re now flowing into gaza. much needed supplies that have been in short supply and have run out over the course of the now more than four weeks or the four weeks of fighting. we re talking about food, water, various items like that, and people were lining up pretty much all day trying to get those items, trying to get those basic essentials.
that said, troops are returning home as well as we saw yesterday. on the border after being pulled out of gaza, started going back to their families, girlfriends, wives. this as we re waiting for more information about the cease fire, the egyptian-brokered cease fire agreement that s been going on. israeli delegation there is, palestinian, hamas, islamist jihad as well. so again, the cease fire is holding, but we re waiting to see what happens after that 72-hour mark. john huddy live in israel, thank you. meanwhile, coming up on this wednesday, is the hysteria about ebola warranted? are americans in danger because we are treating victims here in the u.s.? dr. mark siegle is here live from jfk airport where they ve got a quarantine area to answer viewer questions. first we re going to check in with bill hemmer for a look at what s coming up at the top of the hour. polling numbers show the danger many americans see about their own future. numbers are stunning. herman cain analyzes the
election results from last night. what they tell us about november, especially on the senate side. jimmy carter argues america must make peace with hamas. rudy guiliani reacts on that. water skiing on your hands. got to hurt. we ve got the video. see you in ten minutes . captain obvious: tell your grandmother with the loyalty program, she ll earn free nights. so they re not the same, because they re different. woman: jimmy s not my grandson, captain obvious. woman: man: he s my lover. no. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn t there and the next second. boom! you ve had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim.
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good morning. a fox news alet. major airline british airways canceling flights to africa because of ebola. in is raise new concerns. joining us live from jfk airport where they have a quarantine area to answer viewer questions, fox news medical a team, dr. mark siegle. good morning to you again. let s go to the first one. roxanne is asking this, why are they allowing anyone to fly or travel into or out of those countries right now where that is raging? peter, that s very good question. i spoke to a passenger coming from one of those countries who was very frightened. i think that the answer to that is that the numbers are so low that the chances of somebody coming in with ebola with only 1500 odd cases in west africa, extremely low. but really there is a lot of fear and they put out any advisory saying anyone with flu-like symptoms, how to
isolate them in the hospital. it s a mixed message. great britain is looking at it differently. and we have another tweet from one of many patriots saying this: for those with flu-like symptoms, how would they know if they had come in contact with ebola? look, the chances are really, really, really slim. i mean, ebola is not floating around west africa. if you have to be literally taking care of a patient, it s not an airborne virus. you would have to be in touch with the secretions of this virus. so i think the fear is really getting rampant here where people thinking i m in west africa, i got the flu. but you know what? the chances are extremely low. to answer the question directly, though, unfortunately, ebola initially just has regular fatigue, fever, and muscle aches. so it can look like any other flu over the first few days. all right. great advice. dr. siegle, thank you very much and thank you for joining us this morning from jfk airport. thanks. it s tense here. i would imagine. tense all over the place.
people are worried about it. we re going to continue live from new york city in about two) minutes you re that grumpy cat. well i know! how about some honey nut cheerios? humans love them. moms, dads, kids-well, all of em. not even a smile? huh. maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast. for almost everyone! even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain.
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peter johnson, jr. a delight. thank you. join us for the after the show show. we ll see you tomorrow. so long, everybody. bill: the report saying 300 people are being held are now free. back here in the u.s., people here are feeling anxious and pessimistic. those are two of the words being used to describe how americans feel about our country s

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20140520 09:00:00

weapons for any price because that was his self defense. he needed those firearms for his own sense of security. he never for any price would he have sold those guns. he doesn t have the profiler of someone who needs to sell their weapons. his first court date is next wednesday. they have shown a commitment to veterans. but new reports show the president knew about the problems years ago and did nothing. peter doocy is live in washington with what the white house is saying now. now the white house is saying president obama learned about the spefkt stories of the schedules at va hospital. at the same time many americans did when they started popping up on the news. still, though e-the press secretary jay carney says the president has worked toward improving care for veterans for years. candidate obama, then senator
obama identified problems within the va and committed himself to be elected to making sure we enhance the budgets that we provided to the veterans affairs department so we could better serve our veterans. and what you are seeing since he took office is just that. one whistleblower in west virginia says they hodelayed appointments for veterans. some waiting killed themselves. they are putting some of the blame on the side of the veteran s affairs department. the veterans system is so large you have a layer of workers, doctors, nurses, technicians caring for people and you have this bureaucracy, administrative people. it is big. so the doctors are not only trying to work, but you have to manipulate through this maze, this behemoth bure rock ski.
see chlt / /- bureaucracy. they will continue to provide documents on a need only basis. thank you, peter. that brings us to our look at who is talking. it is time for the president to step up and hold them accountable. it is a huge problem. don t try to blame it on bush or republicans in congress. she is the ceo of the country. they report to him. he ought to have the same kind of interest in this than he did the obamacare web site and obamacare law in general. shake these people up. now what does he say through his chief of staff? i am madder than hell about this as if he just stumbled upon this problem the way he stumbles upon
everything in the administration from the i rk s scandal to the disastrous launch of the obamacare web site. it the spotlight on a few b race i s s. the governor leads the polls for a tight race. if nobody gets the majority there it will take a run off to decide who will face democrat michelle nun the father of sam nun in the fall. mitch mcconnell leads the polls against newcomer bev vens. he gave a speech at a cock fighting rally. oregon and idaho also posting primaries today. abu hamza alma iii convicted of all 11 terrorism charges
against him. he shows no reaction in court as the verdict was read. the jury in new york city found him guilty of recruiting for al qaeda, helping kidnappers during a 1998 hostage taking in yemen and setting up a terrorist attack in 1999. new for you overnight we have these tensions mounting in china over unprecedenteunprecedented. china summoning the u.s. ambassador to complain. five chinese military officials are accused of stealing information like product designs and confidential legal strategies to give chinese companies the advantage costing jobs in the u.s. the victims six pittsburgh based companies. the charges they are made up. experts say the chances of a trial are almost. they used it for the search
of a missing jet. they want the images released. they want the entire world to join in on the search for the plane. officials have not said when data. passengers on board an allegiant air flight forced to evacuate after the pilot reported smelling spoke in the cabin. th the passengers noticed commotion. the airline service, the pilot says abort, abort, and the doors opened up. emergency flags were deployed and passengers slid down the tarmac. the smell came from the plane s electrical system. now to an extreme weather alert. take a look back at some incredible time lapse video.
storm chairses right in front of them. this happened near claritin wyoming. it is the longest lasting thunderstorm. that brings us to maria molina in the weather center. it looks like a spaceship. this is what can happen when the thunderstorms start to form and rotate. there s a chance to see more of that activity. it is a slight chance but as far west as parts of colorado and western parts of kansas and the grass with a slight chance for large hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. tomorrow the risk continues across parts of the ohio valley, indiana, illinois and also yet again across portions of the plains states. have a way to get the warnings especially this afternoon and this evening. we have the plans in place.
out here we have elevated fire danger in place. red flag warnings in effect. those temperatures right now very warm across the center of the country. take a look at the 70s kansas city down to dallas. those highs will reach the 80s in chicago and minneapolis. let s head over to you. sn the that interesting, chicago thhad hoech cold weathe and now in the 80s. thanks maria. new outrage brewing over the new 9-11 museum s gift shop. family members of victims have souvenir sales. they honor the heros and remember the victims from the september 11th terror attacks with deeply moving exhibits. a few feet away the gift shop sells hats, coffee mugs, hood des and t-shirts. 8 percent of the items were made in the u.s. they have to make money to make the museum run but this has
gone a little boifrt board it is tacky and it s an international disgrace. proceed from the shop goes from developing and sustaining the museum. california krohn running in the belmont stakes. the horse arrives in new york for the run for the preet ste ps steeg gus triple crown. they ruled the strips are a okay. if he wins the belmont he would be the first horse to sweep all three races since 1978. donald sterling one step closer to losing the los angeles clippers. the nba has begun the process of terminating his ownership. he has been encuaccused of enga in con kt at thduct that damage continues to damage the team.
the hearing is set for june 3rdrd. led zeppelin s stairway to heaven. it is one of the biggest rock songs in history. now a band who once toured with zeppelin is accusing the legendary group is accusing them from stealing the opening rift from them. here is the beginning of spirit song called tour. now listen to stairway to heaven. spl require plans sue as they come up with a new version. star being questioned by police after his wife is shot to
death in their home. the new information breaking overnight tonight. children confessing their sin. parents now shaming their kids with pictures like this. ñ
welcome back. where is the beef. you may want to throw it out. they are
mom with a new baby. a tiny breast-feeding infant i hoped would be a exception to the rule. the trade said there is no exceptions. a florida high school decides to sell premium seats to the ceremony and they don t stop there. kelly wright is here now with controversy. this whole thing is stup tid p stupid. here s a reason they are upset. every senior is required to pay
$20 to participate in the graduation ceremony. now the school is charging $200 for premium seating for family members. that price will get you an entire bench near the end zone of the school s stadium. the site of the ceremony all rows have been sold out. others have to settle for first come first serve seating. some say the school s fee is discriminatory and unfair. discriminatory economically, socioeconom socioeconomically. $200 is a lot of money. is my child more important than yours? what is the real deal? it is ridiculous. it is sad you wouldn t be able to bring all of your family members with you. they sent a letter explaining why the student fee was imposed the one for $20. the cost of the event rises each
year and with current budget restraints we are not longer able to cover all of the expenses of the program. that may be the case parents in the past have been able to get to the stadium on time and find any seat on a first come first serve basis. it will be interesting to see what people have to say about this one. time now to brew on this. it is the new time-out and it is called kid shaming. parents getting revenge on rebellious kids by posting pictures on-line of their children holding up signs confessing bad behavior. like look think oat this one. i like to sleek thriek the loud during the quietest parts of church. i ve been stealing mom s
energy drinks. we will post them on we will share them later in the show. flooding is one of the deadliest disasters in the world. how can you survive being swept away if it happens to you? maria molina will show us how to get out alive. are you sick of lathering up? now you can drink up. the sunscreen being served up for you to swallow. oueserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. if frustration and paperwork decrease. if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. the gap begins to close. so let s simplify things. let s close the gap between people and care.
flooding is one of the most dead list disasters in the world. getting swept away only takes a few second. there are specially trained teams to keep you from getting swept away. good morning heather and
ainsley. good to see you in person. with water rescues any time there s a potential for flooding they are standing by ready to jump in. i found out how. it is one of the most frustrating feelings being swept away by a flood. it can happen to any one anywhere. you don t have to be in a river just 6 inches of water is all it takes to be carried away. flooding and water and flood rescue is in the united states people are swept away in vehicles or flash flood because they didn t see the warnings. the maryland fire department led by rescue 3 instructor mike berna is what gets people out alive. there is concern for flooding. here on the news we are
preparing. it is all predictable for us. with water rescue teams our experts in everything from towing someone to shore with a rope to swimming after a victim. we performed the rescue because the person was too cold or hypothermic to accept a bag. using helicopters. doesn t matter how they rescue somebody dealing with moving water is never easy. for rescuers it always goes back to the basics. lay on your back and go. if i am being pushed into an obstruction i can use my feet to push or. you want to go to the right you are going to have the back of your head that way on a 45 degree angle in line with your body. if you want to come to the left
keep back stroking. for victims following these tips could be deadly. you are being swept away the human brain says i want it all to stop. they put their feet down when you do that you become entr entrapped. in theory grabbing on to a nearby tree or rock seems like a good idea but in reality it is dangerous. many victims will grab and o. because the water is so powerful and relentless she will only be able to hang on for a little bit before she is swept away again. the first priority is to get to shore. the first thing you want to do is get out of that environment in i means you have of swimming get out. make sure to always see the warnings when they issued for information go to k fox and friends first. turn around don t drown.
the time is 26 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up big storms like sandy could soon cost communities millions of dollars. it has nothing to do with damage. the reason the insurance companies could be taking your home town to court. this day back in 1873 levi strouss and jacob davis received the patent for blue jeans. in 2007 the simpson s 400th episode aired. captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here s a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins.
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it is tuesday may 20th. a naked man on the attack. watch as he leaps right through a woman s son roof. that terrified woman now speaking out. that will get your attention. they trade on miss teen usa. thousands of other people around the world are targeted by the same hackers. what you can do to protect yourself. forget lathering up when you head to the beach. the unscreen you can swallow to protect your skin from the sun. fox & friends first begins right now. here she comes she is a man
eater. little hall and oats waking you up this morning with the american flag. right here on 6th avenue. welcome back to fox and friends first . i am ainsley earhardt. i am heather childers. appreciate it as always. half past the top of the hour. we begin with va scandal. they have shown a commitment to veterans. new reports show the president has problems with the va years ago and did nothing. this as the va starts turning over the paperwork. what s the latest in this case. there may be some va foot dragging on this. they say they are going to have a congressional subpoena for documents pertaining to the delegation of mismanagement. the documents come close to some of the things they heard with va whistleblowers the administration is in real trouble especially if you look at the things that the former va
doctors have said ladies and gentlemening some vess trans died because of mismanagement. the veteran system is so large that you have a layer of nurses technicians caring for people and you have bureaucracy administrative people. it is big. the doctors are not only trying to work you have to manipulate through this maze, this bow heem et bureaucracy. the white house says president obama is very angry about all of this. despite this revelation from the washington times and the fact that the obama transition team was warned before they took office the patient data was suspect they say he just learned about this allegation. you say there is bureaucracy give me the specific allegations
out of phoenix. i will double check if that is not the case. statement we are learning more about the scope of this problem. they have a map showing all of the incidents of the alleged mismanagement on the part of the va. it is extensive. doug luzader live in washington. what a liar. that s what one family member of the 40 veterans who died waiting for treatment ask the phoenix va is calling president obama. a 71-year-old navy serviceman thomas green died battling bladder cancer. sean hannity asked them what they had to say to the president. if he called me tonight i would say you are a liar i don t trust you. if it was up to me i would fire
him. i believe he is a part of it as well. he gave us nothing, nothing, all he wants to do is go on the mission and still continue to let the veterans die including my pop, and i don t like you very much mr. president. they re anger they echo what many families of veterans across the country are feeling. calls for the white house and president obama to help free the american marine in a mexican prison. sergeant andrew tomeresi who served two tours in afghanistan has been locked up over an apparent mistake. he made a wrong turn and the accident drove him to mexico with tree u.s. registered firearms. his mother got into the prison to see her son face to face. fox news was there when she came out of the prison and she had this message for the president. i told him about the white petition because that s the only hope i have that the white house with acknowledge
that andrew is in prison. his commander-in-chief is president obama. so i p haven t heard from president obama, but america, if you could please sign the white house d petition i will get a response from the white house about andrew s fight for freedom. the petition has 23,000 signatures. that brings us to the look who s talking. it is clear he is suffering. secretary of state john kerry needs to take action. it is time this administration gets this you think i don t man back on some kind of treatment. the sergeant may be the only person the obama administration has ever kept from entering the united states from mexico if the state department is telling the truth and he is heading to mexico on wednesday he has already screwed up a foreign policy in iran, egypt, syria and
ukraine. this is his chance to get it right. here s the instructions, john, bring the boy home. the marine s first court case in mexico is next wednesday. breaking overnight switching gears michael jake the star of the tv sheer res the shield is detained by police following the shooting death of his wife. he called police himself saying he shot his wife. he is being questioned by authorities but has not yet been arrested. police say the couple s children were inside the house at the time of the shooting. this is a bizarre story. the state police is out of texas a naked man through a sun roof and attempted kidnapping. it is all caught on camera. he jumped into these people s car. could you hear the terrified victim? she was screaming as the naked
man punches and coax her. she crashed into a utility poll the police were able to arrest that man. the women now traumatized. it is like a nightmare every time i close my eyes. the suspect nicholas dial has not yet been charged. he s getting medical treatment. they are in the country illegally so should illegal immigrants be allowed to serve in the military? the pentagon looking at expanding application tools by letting some illegals enlist. urban leading the charge for illegals who have taken advantage of the president s nondeportation order. only open to citizens legal citizen residents or current green card holders. oo maria molina is out of the flood waters and back in the
studio. what can people expect? we have a storm system moving eastward. a little area further west across parts of colorado and nebraska. there s a small chance we could see storms forming this afternoon and during the evening hours. by wednesday that is more expansive across parts of western virginia, the state of west virginia and yet again across parts of the plains. a way to get the warnings today and tomorrow. there is a fire danger across parts of the southwest and warnings in effect. the temperatures right now are very mild. in the 70s in the city of dallas. what we are expecting this afternoon in minneapolis upper 707s and millddle 80s in chicag
and upper 80s and also in the city of dallas. want to switch gears a little bit and show you this photograph which looks like an upside down smile and upside down rainbow. this is called a scircumvented ark. that s the technical name for it. this bounces off ice crystals. typically this occurred and we wouldn t be able to see it because it is so high up in the atmosphere because it would be blocked by the clouds. there is a photo of it upside down smile for you. a rain bow drops from the sky. you would hope so. looks so pretty this morning. that is amazing. get ready for climate change or get sued. a major insurance company suing municipal government in the chicago area saying they knew the risk poseed by climate change. should have been better prepared for massive flooding in
april 2013. the damage was in the millions. it is the first of its kind suit. it could indicate a strategy by insurers for the pa iout. could the days of slathering on the sunscreen every few hours be over? they have the world s first drinkable sunscreen. carbonized h20 claims their drinkable sun block can provide protection up to spg 30. it has water molecules on your skin which cancels out 90 percent of the uva rays. they have not evaluated the claims yet. one three ounce bottle of the lick withed sunscreen sells for 30 bucks. what does it taste like? look at that a florida man walking along the sand when he
spotted a rare sight. that is an african elephant. they started shooting videos. it was all for a lavish beach park nearby. they issued a permit to allow the elephant at the party. quite a sight an made for one great selfie right there. look at that. mcdonalds customers not loving the new changeover. calling all wannabe pol lit cos looking for you to take on frank under wood in a very timely role. you ready? i m j-a-n-e and i have copd.
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say it with me everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind. what s in your wallet?
the fbi taking down a cyber criminal organization which allowed hackers to steel private information from nearly half of a million computers worldwide. lori rothman is here with what you need to know. good morning, lori. good morning to you. 90 people from 19 different companies are in custody this morning for hacking into the computers of 700,000 people around the world including ms. teen usa. they announce sweeping arrests to explain hackers use cheap mal wear to hijack computers. in the case of miss teen usa take control of her web cam to take nude pictures and try to ex
tort her. simple tips to protect yourself from criminals. make sure your anti virus software is high quality and up to date. avoid pass words and go with pass phrases instead they are easier to remember, too. invest in a removable hard drive and back up your files once a week. saves you a lot of cash. oo you can get tacos and burritos. just don t bring your gun. asked customers not to go to a restaurant. they took a gun into a dallas chipotle. caused a lot of anxiety for customers. mcdonald introducing a new mascot for happy meals. some people not too happy about it. the fast food chain calling this guy happy. the it is a healthy balanced meal for the kids.
after posting this picture on twitter people responded to things like this. wants to go back to the drawing board. i think i am going to have nightmares. it is the meal that eats juice. burger king is dropping the habit. it is a tropical paradise, but you are not alone. miss america really knows how to showcase her smile. it turns out it could be money in the bank. what you could learn from the beauty queen about getting ahead at work. but first let s check in with brian kilmeade to see what s coming up on fox & friends. how is it going ladies. you wear a crown at work you will be treated more special
than the others. we will take that into account. i will think about it for tomorrow s wardrobe. let me show you what s on our show. laura ingram isser hasn t. dr. van carson is here he joins us on the kirby couch. he may or may not run for the president s seat he never wanted to but might have to. more than 10,000 toddlers on adhd drugs. is this safe for kids? and did any one ask them. a warning for parents. a california mayor tells bullying victims to grow a pair. he joins us. plus the commencement speaker with the inspirational message you have to hear. all coming up on fox & friends. please kr[ñwatch. life with crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis
is a daily game of what if s . what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can t hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you re not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition.
nine minutes till the top of the hour. we go to thailand there.
army there declaring martial law, the streets now filled with armed soldiers. the army claiming the move to preserve law and order following six months of political unrest. they insist that a cue is not under that a coup is not underway. the move one day after type land s acting prime minister insisted he will not resign. nuclear waste apparently is leaking into the ground in new mexico posing a, quote, substantial threat to public health. the cause of the leak? organic kitty litter. officials say a waste was caused by a chemical reaction between kitty liter used to soak up waste and radioactive debris, contaminating 22 workers. data, pirates of the caribbean. if you ve ever been to the bahamas, the n.s.a. could have recorded your phone
calls and stored them for a month and the bahamian government didn t know about it. according to edward snowden it is part of program to locate international terrorists and drug smugglers. students from harvard launching proton mails which has requirements similar to e-mail platforms used by edward snowden. it hides your information when an e-mail is being sent from one in box to another. do you have what it takes to tangle with a man like house of cards frank underwood? for those of us climbing to the top of the food chain there can be no mercy. there is but one move. hunt or be hunted. if so, there is an open casting call for the show s upcoming third season. one of the top roles? director of the n.s.a. the baltimore-based casting agency looking for men and
women aged 45 to 55. he s no angel. one baseball fan going to extremes to catch a foul ball. and parents sharing their baby s bad behavior on the web. is it all in good fun or just plain mean? just plain mean? your comments up next. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what s our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ?
have your next burger with a side of awesome. the one-of-a-kind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy. miracle whip and proud of it.
two minutes till the top of the hour. before you leave the house here s what s happening today. nearly two million pounds of meat recall. beef that is.
after 11 people in four states get sick with e. coli. the meat was sent to restaurants in ohio, michigan, missouri and massachusetts. it s primary tuesday in six states. voters heading to the polls in georgia, pennsylvania, arkansas, and oregon. a california man arriving in new york today to prepare for his triple crown. time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. up first the good. small tweets of your smile can help you land a big promotion according to a body language expert from oxford and keeping your eyebrows level while smiling make you look powerful while lowering your head a bit makes you seductive. a yacht capsizes as it is being delivered to its owner. the ugly, a woman crushed by an angels fan trying to
catch a foul ball. she catches her shoulder in pain while the fan high five s those around him. kid shaming, the latest trend hitting the internet. parents getting revenge on their kids by having them hold up a sign for their rebellious behavior. parents think it is cute but way over the top. ashley say as long as they are fun and innocent, they are hilarious. dean says too far. i learned in the military, praise in public, reprimand in private. thanks to everyone who responded. we appreciate, as always. we will see you tomorrow. we will. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it s tuesday, may 20. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. happening now, he played a cop on the hit show the shield, but this morning he is the one in cuffs. the show s star arrested
after his wife was found shot dead. this developing story and details straight ahead. veterans across the country left to die while waiting for care they were promised but how did the president of the united states, commander in chief, find out about the scandal? i believe that we learned about this through the reports. i will double check if that s not the case. but that s when we learned about them. oh, he saw it on tv? if it wasn t for the press, what would he know is going on in his

Person , News , People , Phenomenon , Tree , Mode-of-transport , Field , Grass-family , Photo-caption , Grass , Soil , Plant

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140729 10:00:00

site? definitely. on facebook darrell says not at all. they must alert the customers. thanks to everyone who responded. thank you for watching. we ll be here at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning bright and early. fox & friends starts now. good morning. it is tuesday, july 29. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. residents across the nation are waking up to devastation this morning. [screaming] tornadoes wreaking havoc from coast to coast. wow. it s not the kind of ad you would expect to see from a democrat. where do they think their electricity comes from? i ll make sure president obama gets the message. you can do that? why the president s own
party now apparently campaigning against him. the president has played 81 rounds of golf since 2012, but does it look like those rounds are helping his game, so to speak? here s what one guy just found in the woods. oh cool. mornings are better with friends. you re watching fox & friends. that s a great way to begin your day. that s an actual signature by john hancock. here in the studio right now, we ve got a rare 1860 letter written by mr. abraham lincoln who once upon a time was president of the united states. it s a guy it s a lincoln you probably have not seen before in that he writes as if he just burst on to the scene. he gives a major spoach at cooper union major
speech at cooper union and talks about his newfound fame. everyone, after they hear his speech they want that abraham guy, this congressman to speak on his behalf. and you know what happened right there. you know what? you can buy it. there is a fixed price on it. it is not going to be an auction. $40,000. we ll tell you about that and more. we ve got history in the studio. now let s turn over to heather nauert. a wild night with tornadoes. usually when we talk about tornadoes it s kansas or the midwest but not so on this occasion. we re talking about the state of massachusetts and we begin with that extreme weather this morning. a rare tornado barreling through a massachusetts suburb five miles outside of boston. look at this. look at the trees! they broke! that twister packing 120 miles per hour winds ripping a path of destruction nearly two miles long. take a look at this car, totally flipped offense on the sidewalk there. from above you can see the
roofs torn off the building. the national weather service says this is the first twister to hit that area since they started keeping records back in 1950. but that s not it. the destruction also out west, at least three tornadoes touching down in the denver area, one of them caught on camera near the airport. no reports of any major damage. we ll keep watching that. overseas, overnight israeli missiles striking nearly 70 targets in gaza, including a home of a hamas leader. prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel, of course, telling israelis to prepare for the long haul as the three-week campaign seems far from over. the death toll now stands at more than 1,000. in the meantime secretary of state john kerry facing harsh criticism by the israelis this morning over his attempts to negotiate a cease-fire. many say his deal favored hamas and ignore israel s key demands. the deadlocked jury in the jesse ventura
defamation trial is ordered to try again. deliberations set to resume today. it will be day six. ventura is suing former navy seal chris kyl for $15 million over a story he wrote about in his best selling memoir american sniper. kyl writes about punching jesse ventura out in 2006 after ventura said that the navy deserves to lose a few. though kyl never specifically mentioned ventura s name in his book it was only in subsequent interviews the name came out. kyl was killed at a shooting range last year. his wife testified at his trial in his place. the president, you know he likes to play golf. he s played golf 81 times since 2012 but are all those rounds helping him out? a golfer at a congressional country club in maryland claims to have found the ball the president used himself and he found it in the woods. he posted this picture of the ball on instagram with comment, the president played at congressional yesterday and i just found this in the woods off hole
number one. it looks like he s off-line once again. who knew that the president had a potus, president of the united states, on his own ball. the question is how far off the track is it? if you watch any golf, even the best golfers sometimes shank it into the next hole. let s talk about what the president is doing when he is not golfing and that is executive orders. it s not a big mystery. when he felt as though a couple of weeks ago nothing is going to get done he s right on immigration reform, he said i m going to take matters on my own hands. rumor has it once congress goes away he s going to do that and grant amnesty to parents, illegal parents of kids born here if you re born here, you can become a citizen that could add up to 3.8 million getting amnesty. upwards of five million that will get work permits that will be issued via executive action. this is astounding to many. the emphasis on amnesty as
well as work permits is shocking the nation. there is some saying this is complete lawlessness. why are we a nation of laws if we don t follow them? can we remain a nation of laws? senator jeff sessions was on the floor and says we have time to do something right now. we are not abiding by the law. he s specifically talking about the president. if president obama is not stopped in this action and he exceeds his power by attempting to execute such a massive amnesty contrary to law, the moral authority for any immigration enforcement henceforth will be eviscerated. it is absolutely not too late for us to restore a lawful system that treats applicants that come to america fairly and serves the national interest. this can be done. well, apparently what could be done yesterday was he and ted cruz, the senator from texas, were able to stir up enough support to get people, they said if you re going to do anything, do it right now.
call your senator, call your congressman in washington, d.c. for the most part they melted the phone lines yesterday. also yesterday there were a couple of protests outside the white house. but right across the street from it and also at lafayette square. what s curious about this, though, is according to reports, many of the people in attendance were illegal aliens. these are people who are not supposed to be in the country, according to news reports, and yet there they were protesting. and what s curious is apparently they didn t feel like, okay, if i m arrested i m going to get in trouble because for the most part the i.c.e. agents told one of our reporters that unless somebody has a serious criminal past, they re not going to get deported even though they re in the country illegally. so they had nothing to worry about, so there they were. they re going to protest again after that as well. meanwhile, as congress is going to work this week and then going to take five weeks off, it doesn t mean the catastrophe at the border is going to attack any time off. in fact, it s 24 hours a
day. you ve got 1,000 men who are not there yet in texas. for the most part these border patrol are underfinanced, undermanned and overwhelmed. as congress takes off without providing any funds or reenforcement for the border possibly, the national border patrol counsel sean moran says we re going to work through the summer. we will be on doubt. we don t take five weeks off. we will be here doing our jobs. that includes rescuing people, especially kids who probably don t know survival skills. they re going to be working. no recess for them, not to mention the fact that jobs right now are a major achilles heel in our nation and sessions also mentioned, to jump back, he asked would this effectively granting amnesty and work permits, be good for the american worker? five million people and their parents being able to work when americans here are not able to find jobs.
is it good for the african-american community? he said the c.b.o. report didn t indicate such. while they re hoping to get something done by thursday, border patrol agents working hard. the u.s. chamber of commerce is examining it, whether or not this is a good idea. i bet they re going to come back and say yes because they do like cheap labor. meanwhile, right there in washington, d.c., the big newspaper, the washington, d.c. post, clearly leans to the left it is a progressive newspaper. what is curious, though, is they re talking about the president of the united states and suddenly they re talking about whether or not he is competent. remember back in 2008 he was the guy who said, i m going to restore competence to the white house. has he done that? no. on an editorial written by chris scalese, he said obama is faltering badly on the competence question and in doing so badly imperilling not only his ability to enact any sort of second term agenda but also democrats chances this fall, serious events
from the v.a. scandal to the ongoing border crisis have badly undermined the idea that obama can effectively manage the government. even the washington post is saying that the president of the united states competence is putting his party in peril. they did a poll, cnn did, and only 42% said he s governing competently, 57% saying he is not. considering it was around 80% when he took office in 2008, it is pretty significant. on top of that, i always said if the president wants to make major gains, he doesn t have to go on the campaign trail. all he has to do is make quick, decisive, well thought out decisions on the myriad of crises happening in the world now. then people will say maybe i didn t vote for him, man, he is in charge. if he does go on the campaign trail, he might actually have an adverse effect on those that are running in the democrat party. many are stepping aside.
we showed you that ad, a west virginia candidate who is going to join us later in the program, she runs an ad right now really shutting the lights off in the white house, actually taking a stance against the president as she moves into election season. she s going to join us. i think that is an example of somebody in a red state who knows if i run as a democrat and support the president, i have no prayer and no chance at all. the same with senator joe manchin. he s the closest thing to a moderate democratment senate. if he was a liberal democrat, he would not have that job. and the president is as anti-coal as anybody in the country. he s got his pen and he s got his phone and they re talking about changing the rules so states can change down coal plants and open up solar things. the question is we hear chris cillizza writing in the washington post talking about there is no competence here. you ve got somebody running for the senate in a state
curptly where there is a democrat who has a u.s. senate job and they re taking a shot at the president. the big question is would you want president obama to campaign for you if you ran for office. according to a brand-new fox news poll, a majority, actually by a landslide say no, stay home. go ahead, hit some golf balls into the woods. no photo op there. nearly six in ten that would say no. please don t take a photo with me when i m running for your party. democrats, four years ago fully 82% wanted president obama to campaign on their behalf. that is down to 69%. they have a drop there, 13 points within his own party. please be as far away from me as possible. send money. just don t come. george bush had the same situation in his final mid term before his second term was up. meanwhile, straight ahead. many calling for a special prosecutor to investigate the i.r.s. but our next guest says that s a bad idea. really? he will explain why next. have you heard about
this? a man digging on the beach, buried alive. it is scary and it is not the only hidden summertime danger we re going to show you today. what you need to know and watch out for. makes you not want a vacation. oh, i want a vacation. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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i.r.s., but our next guest says that is a bad idea. here to explain is former federal prosecutor and author of this book doing extremely well, andrea mccarthy. i m surprised to see you say that. why don t you think a special prosecutor would do a more thorough job than the justice department or the oversight committee? when people hear special counsel they think independent prosecutor. there is no independence from the executive branch when you re talking about prosecution which is an executive power. any independent counsel or special counsel they would appoint would have to answer to president obama and eric holder. we remember ken starr got to the bottom of it much to the chagrin of the clinton administration. we remember during the valerie plane investigation things didn t go swemgly for scooter swimmingly for scooter libby. why do you think we ll get the truth out of a special prosecutor now? you have very different
administrations and different attorneys general who actually let the system work. but you have a justice department who has a track record of abusing authority. the thought that holder and obama will pick somebody is farcical. we have a justice department that doesn t seem to be looking into the i.r.s. we see the oversight committee making progress but the nation seems not as interested as you would think. why do you think so many in congress are calling for this if the reality is as you say it? i like to think they probably hope the system would work and they re being naive about it. what we know about this scandal we know because of congress s investigation and because of some freedom of information act law sought going on with private litigants. if you kick this to a special prosecutor who gets kicked by holder, they re going to say grand jury secrecy, we can t talk about this anymore. the witnesses are going to
say we can t cooperate. there is now a serious criminal investigation. and then it will lapse into a black hole until president obama pardons everyone at the end. what options do they have? let s keep doing what we re doing now. it s painful, it s not as smooth as you d like, but congress can get to the bottom of it. what i would do is expand the jurisdiction of the special committee that s already looking at benghazi and give it the i.r.s. scandal. because a special committee, unlike the subject matter committees in congress, can look at something reasonably like a grand jury and get to the bottom of what happened. a special committee would be the the other thing that would be interesting is if the senate flips, then we ll be coming at it with two bodies. andrew mccarthy thank you for showing up. 19 minutes after the hour. straight ahead, atheists fought to remove the 9/11 cross at grond ground
zero. now the case is over. what a judge said next? lightning strikes once again at the breach. dr. samadi is here to talk about why we should never go to the beach ever again. vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we ll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours.
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we ve got news for you. would he start with breaking news from overnight. the cousin of out going president of afghanistan hammed car karzai was
killed this morning. a new york city court ruling the cross at ground zero can remain at the 9/11 museum. a group of atheists filed a lawsuit arguing the cross violated their first amendment rights, but a three-panel judge disagreed saying the beams are a genuine historical artifact, not a symbol of christianity. the cross stays. and that s the news. the summer beach day turns deadly when light neng strikes more than a when lightning strikes more than a dozen people. here with health hazards at the beach, dr. david samadi. we heard that news and talked about it here. death by lightning seems unfortunate to the 19th degree. how common is this? number one, i want to make sure people don t avoid the beach. it s fairly safe and we
want people to enjoy. but obviously if there s a thunderstorm out there and lightning, you want to make sure you get out of the beach. water a conductor. you can get massive shock if it hits you. that shock can hit your heart and all the chambers of the heart can go out of sync and you can have a cardiac arrest. it is the biggest shock you can get. get out of the water. not even wet sand; correct? exactly right because water is a great conductor. it can affect you. if you have a car, getting getting get into your car because that is connected to the land and can get rid of a lot of the lightning threat you have. go out there but use common sense. that s one of the reasons as a urologist i m covering the beach and water stuff. people think run under a tree. that could be one of the worst places you could be.
there was a story about a guy who was in a sand tunnel and it collapsed. ten feet of sand on top of him. he suffocated. this is unfortunate. don t make it so deep. obviously these sand tunnels can really collapse. what they did was they rushed to bring him out and be able to clear his airway but they were not able to save him. it is a sad story. the bottom line is if you have children around, make sure these tunnels are shallow. people think it s sand, it s z. you can get out quickly but if you re under ten feet of it, it s like concrete. about 30 cases between 1997 and 2007 that were experienced. the spring-eating amoeba. how would you get this brain eating amoeba.
how do you know if your child has been swimming and has this. how common is this? don t be scared, elisabeth. can you sense the fear? i can hear it. it is extremely rare. when you go to lakes that are untreated water, extremely warm temperature, you re going to see some of this amoeba. don t dive right through it because amoeba can get through your nose. if you drink it nothing happens. but if it goes through your knows it can go to the brain area. it can cause enself enselfencephylatis. it can cause neurological damage and coma and death. those are rare cases. you have to be in places full of these parasites and you have to basically get into your nose. if you put a plug and keep your head above water if you happen to be in those lakes, you re safe.
these are rare incidents, unfortunate where we see some of these amoebas getting to us. something a lot of people do at the beach, they step on something, it s a sea you urchin. i ve done it myself but occasionally they can kill us. those are poisonous ones. if you see skin allergies, you want to detect it. you know pretty much immediately when you ve stepped on it. exactly. go to your doctor because they can give you injection to calm the allergies and save you. if you see allergic reaction on your skin, see your doctor immediately. don t take the chance. exactly. these are rare cases. i want you to go out, have a good time. we had such a long winter in new york city. i know but this is great to be aware. absolutely right. thank you, dr. samadi. straight ahead action it was supposed to be a three-hour tour but turned into a nightmare.
a whale watching boat stranded at sea off the coast of boston. dating website okay cupid admits to experimenting on its customers without them even knowing it. you have got to hear this story. first we want to wish happy birthday to boys to men singer and friend of our show juan wanya morris. show juan wanya morris. he s 41 today. nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren t experienced from the sidelines. now there s nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™.
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it s amazing. it s your historical shot of the morning. today is the unveiling of a newly discovered letter from president lincoln that you ll only see here on fox & friends thanks to
this guy, nathan rabb, president of the rabb collection named after himself. nathan, good job. besides lincoln, which we ll get to in a second, you brought other historical letters. you can get these letters, one price it s not an auction. we ll tell you how. first, what have we got here? that is a letter of thomas jefferson written while he s president. not a copy? the real thing. entirely in his hand. these are all original. he is attempting to establish a u.s. presence in the louisiana area. before we bought it? right. basically trying to say we re here, woaf a claim. that is to benjamin franklin s doctor. what have we here? a letter of albert einstein where he s warning against the possibility of nuclear annihilation and it would threaten the weak as well as the strong. jefferson how much? 36 thousand. einstein how much? 13 thousand. what do we have here?
that s a letter of george washington to the people of philadelphia. philadelphia had been occupied by the british and he s congratulating them they re now a free people. that s 120 thousand. how does a letter like that get away from the washington collection? in many cases they re written to private individuals. if somebody writes you a letter, you own it. right here? a document of john hancock signed around june-july 1776. it looks exactly like his sigma tour on the declaration of independence. it is a foundation document of the navy. he s appointing somebody who would be one of the first naval officers. he s got great penmanship. right here is the letter we re discussing. lincoln gives his cooper union address. it changes everything for him. he becomes a national figure. this letter is indicative of what? this captures a moment in lincoln s life where he went from being a regional politician to being a national figure. it shows him struggling with that emergence.
he wasn t from the east coast. he comes out to the east coast and all of a sudden he s inundated by requests to speak. people want his time, his attention. he misses his family, his sons are sick, he wants to return home. and he feels nervous. you don t think of abraham lincoln feeling nervous but in this he confesses i m nervous, i feel unfit to fulfill my obligations. this is 40 thousand dollars? that s right. where do we go to bid. not to bid to buy, how do you decide who gets it? whoever calls and buys it. first-come, first served. our customers are private and public. public institutions buy these things. private institutions like universities buy them. sometimes private collectors buy them. awesome. nathan rabb, thanks so much for bringing these here. great to be a part of history. hopefully somebody out there will be buying these today. heather, what else going on?
news to bring you now. police are hoping some new surveillance video will lead them to a possible break through in the case of a missing oregon mother of it would young children. jennifer huston disappeared last thursday while she was running errands. the tape which hasn t been made public yet shows her withdrawing cash from a local bank before she heads to a gas station. her cell phone was then turned off shortly thereafter. i was getting through the financial institutions cell phone video, that type of stuff. we contacted several businesses not to mention other cameras that we know of based on our routine days of patrol. hus top s family is offering a reward for her safe return. fury in northern california after a guy flew a drone over a raging wildfire to try to get video of it and he nearly blocked the plane s relief efforts to put out that fire. officials not issuing him a ticket but they did issue a
no-fly zone to civilians to avoid endangering any more fire fighting planes. this is a fire east of sacramento. it is now 75% contained, just under six square miles have burned so far. dating the traditional way can sometimes be tough. everybody knows that. hello? yes. i m with him right now. no, not very attractive. doesn t make much money. it appears that on-line dating cannot be trusted at all either. one of the most popular dating sites called okay cupid has been conducting this crazy psychological experiment on users without them knowing about it. the website s cofounder says users photos and bios were changed and removed in the name of science they say. the site even told people they were a good match for one another when in reality they were terrible for one another. and those are your
headlines. i think that is not okay, cupid. who are you calling cupid? thanks, heather. meanwhile, 23 minutes before the top of the hour. destruction in the suburbs of boston, massachusetts, after a rare and powerful twister touched down. more than 100 homes were damaged. look at this. we re talking about massachusetts. maria molina joins us live with details. maria, they haven t seen something like this there since 1950. incredible images coming out of that region. that is in massachusetts just outside the city of boston. that twister was confirmed as an ef-2 with winds of up to 120 miles per hour. that was early yesterday morning making it even more unusual because it s not only a little unusual for this time of the year, typically this happens during the springtime when you start to talk about tornadoes and that type of severe weather, but it s a little unusual in july and also it happened between 9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
so very early in the morning for that type of weather. behind that storm system we do have much cooler air that s moved in. we have very chilly temperatures early this morning with them currently in the 50 s in places like pittsburgh and buffalo. 70 s in places like new york city and cleveland. very cool for the month of july. farther west we have a number of flood advisories in effect, flood watches expected from the central plains to parts of nevada. that is due to heavy rain that is in the forecast. let s head back inside. maria molina with the latest, thank you. our hearts go out to families there in massachusetts. it s a whale of a tale. nearly 160 tourists forced to stay in a boat overnight after getting stranded by about 60 miles from the boston harbor. more on what happened yesterday. jessica, good morning to you. reporter: good morning. we just got word in the past hour that that boat
was successful in getting untangled from the line it got stuck on this morning. 157 people on board are on their way back to boston and are scheduled to get in here about 7:30 this morning. the boat left here around 1:30 yesterday afternoon wand was supposed to get back here after about three hours. of course we know that did not end up happening. it got stuck 14 miles off the coast of salem, massachusetts, with 157 people on bored. the boat they are on is called the satacia, a whale watching boat. divers yesterday made an attempt to untangle the boat with hand cutting tools but were unsuccessful. a commercial dive team went out this morning and they able to get the boat freed from the line that it got stuck on. again, we know that boat is free. those people, 157 passengers on board, they re going to be getting back to boston in about an hour from now. we know they re safe and secure and we ll be hearing
from them in a little bit. for now, back to you, brian. thanks so much. now you know the rest of the story. now let s talk about sports. donald sterling is out. steve balmer is in. a los angeles court is ruling against sterling s attempt to block the sale. after the ruling his wife says she expects him to drop suits against her and the league. the deal is expected to be finalized by august 15 meaning players and coaches don t have to be affected. a dad catches a foul ball and his son is overcome with joy, goes in for the big hug. a souvenir to take home, one we will not forget. we taped it and provide a copy to the entire family. as you see, they bought up the entire section. big crowd. what a shot. that the cool thing
about being out of it. these fans are in a league of their own. the team s so bad they have to put robots in the stands. how great is that. that is a little kooky. the new york times pushing pot calling it safer than alcohol. our next guest claims explains why this claim is seriously outdayed. the new york city times published an editorial to legal marijuana. they don t care about weed. it is the only way they can keep selling paper. you don t have to read it.
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researchers find the search engine can spot crashes before they happen. analysts looked at business searches between 2004 and 2012 and found spikes right before drops in the stock market. so there. the south korean baseball team so bad they used robots to fill empty seats. fans can project their face on to a robot from the comfort of their own home even using it to hold up signs to cheer. the hanwha eagles lost 400 games in the last five years so they need fans even if they are virtual. elisabeth, over to you. i m a fan of yours, steve. drugs are safer than alcohol? that s according to the new york times. the newspaper s editorial board pushing to legalize pot. our next guest calls this belief seriously outdated and claims legalizing pot will cause a health catastrophe worse than we can imagine. joining us is david murray. he worked in the national
drug control policy office under president george w. bush. thanks for being with us. how irresponsible is it for the new york times editorial board to put forward the theory that pot is no more dangerous than alcohol. you have to wonder what were they thinking? don t they read their own newspaper? the information is stunningly careless of them. it is negligent. it s scientifically unsound what they have said. they re taking a risk here with a serious substance and they seem to be caught in some sort of time warp of the culture. cheech and chong and hilarious hippies. they even invoke reefer madness. that was 80 years ago. today s more potent t.h.c. pot that is affecting kids in america is a serious risk. it is much more potent, much more consequential and it is industrial pot. if you look at where this is actually happening since january in colorado where they legalized recreational marijuana it is a debacle. they re having serious problems with their youth.
this is industrial dope being put out at hypoten is i and it s having hypotency and is having negative affects. this morning i passed by the open door shelter and haven for women. the clean and sober people who are trying to keep themselves in treatment away from dope, away from the narcotics and their effects, they are profoundly affected when dope becomes widely accessible, widely available, normalatively accepted. most importantly it is the new generation. young children 12, 13 years of age have developing brains, t.h.c. in marijuana is a neurotoxin. it costs them eight i.q. points if they smoke heavily through their lives. it puts them at risk of psychological trauma of depression, hallucination. it is a serious drug with
serious consequences. if you missed the last ten years of biomedical reporting and neuroimaging on what this drug does to the developing brain then you might come out where the new york times has come out. they must have been asleep at the switch for the last ten years because they ve taken a seriously irresponsible posture. david, that is a strong position. we want to thank you for being with us. i m just trying to figure out why high fructose corn syrup is so bad and pot is okay according to this article. david, thank you for joining us. appreciate your insight. coming up, she left her kids in a hot car to go on a job interview. all charges were dropped but now she s trying to get her kids back. does she deserve a second chance? that mom here with us live next. then president obama is ignoring congress again, this time to change his signature achievement obamacare we re talking about and it will cost taxpayers millions. judge napolitano is here with that next.
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this is not a rerun. president obama is once again ignoring congress and this time he s going to expand obamacare. the administration proposing to give thousands of temporary federal workers access to obamacare even though obamacare explicitly prohibited them from getting it. lawmakers are already suing the president for his improper implementation of the affordable care act, so is this just the latest offense to add to the list? he s shaking his head. judicial analyst judge
napolitano joins us live. we should reveal that in a commercial break before the camera came on, i looked at you and said, here we go again. you did. it s like a couple times a week these things happen. the congress was crystal clear. in order to get the number of votes they needed for this to pass, it was agreed, temporary, seasonal, part-time workers don t apply. yesterday the obama administration announced that today it s going to issue an administrative regulation that says, if you are a temporary or seasonal or part-time worker, and you think you might some day become full time, obamacare applies for you. this is for federal employees. guess who picks up the tab? you do. put the tab up. the taxpayer does. we ve got the tab. we re talking about maybe a little north of 2 million federal employees, cost 8400 a year per person. so it looks like it could be up to $350 million. where is that money coming from?
from the taxpayer. of course we re broke, so they print more, which complicates this year. this is yet another violation of the constitution. why? because the constitution is very clear. no money may be spent by the federal government except that which is appropriated by the congress. not by the president. by the congress! we have the president yet again changing the rules, changing the meaning of the rules, changing the right of way and spending money that was never authorized by the congress. you know what it looks like? it looks like they re just making it up as they go because and you were talk being this during the commercial the president essentially has given up. it does appear part of my job here is to watch this stuff. and analyze it. it comes in in droves. it appears as though he has given up his constitutional role as president and has now taken on the role of ideologue in chief to change whatever laws he
can by whatever means he can in the two years he has remaining, the constitution be damned. he may have some interesting ideas, but the congress writes the law and the congress spends the money. not the president. all right. judge napolitano now i m going to go have some espresso. where is chris? thank you, judge. coming up, it s one of the most beloved children s programs on television. look at that right there. who doesn t love thomas the tank engine. apparently he and his friends are racist! what? yeah. wait til we go off the rails with that. even without words, your body language can say a whole lot more. hi. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. don t do that. how is your handshake. what not to do if you want a job, coming up.
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good morning. today is tuesday, july 29. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. people across the country are waking up to devastation this morning. they all broke! massive tornadoes wreaking havoc from coast to coast. then president obama using that pen again perhaps, ready to announce amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants ahead of the midterm elections. lawmakers are not buying it. why they say this is sending the wrong message to the rest of the world and they re not going to take it anymore. and does this children s television show look racist to you? it s thomas.
hello, thomas. hello, everybody. why one blogger says thomas the tank engine is making your toddler racist. not kidding. stay tuned. you re watching fox & friends. that s a great way to begin your day. i never got into thomas the tank. but i never saw the potential backlash in the cartoon. there is passion behind thomas. all my kids grew up on it. how did they come out? they ve come out okay so far. right. i haven t concluded things yet. based on that, one could recommend thomas the train. if you re a fan of thomas the tank engine, wait until you hear what somebody sees in that innocent little tv show. we re going to get that to you in just a minute. time to go back to maybe
speed racer? electric company, mickey mouse. two minutes after the top of the hour. right to a fox news alert. israeli missiles strike nearly 70 targets, including gaza s only power plant. john huddy is watching it all from the israeli-gaza border. john, so very big night last night for the israelis in terms of hitting targets. absolutely, it was, brian. good morning to you. we ve been hearing artillery fire throughout the day from our location and seeing strikes in the distance behind me in gaza which has seen a lot of activity over the past 22 days. as you mentioned, there was a watt of activity overnight. there was an artillery strike on the gaza strip s largest power plant, a shell hit one of the fuel tanks that powers that power plant, erupting into an inferno. we re not sure how many people
are without power at this point. but you can expect probably a significant amount at this point. this as you mentioned, as the fighting raged on. israel s main objective throughout the 22 days has been to take out, destroy hamas military infrastructure, in particular the cross border network of tunnels. yesterday we saw several israeli troops killed after hamas militants ambushed them, bringing the total number of israeli soldiers that have been killed up to 53. ten have been killed overnight, including several yesterday by mortar fire along the border as well. and also on the other side in gaza, about 40 people were killed since midnight, bringing that total up to more than 1100 and more than at this point, probably close to 6300 wound. although that number continues to change by the day, even by the hour. there is movement in terms of possible cease fire talks. we hear palestinian and even
hamas representatives may be going or on the ground in cairo trying to work out an egyptian-brokered agreement, something israel has been willing to accept with the stipulation it continues the objective of destroying hamas military infrastructure. so that said, despite the uncertainty, perhaps something is in the works. this as you can see in the dance perhaps, the smoke continues to rise in gaza. brian, elisabeth, steve, back to you. thank you very much. last night benjamin netanyahu addressed the israeli people saying get ready for a long war. the two days ago, the big story was secretary of state john kerry digging in saying i got a great idea of how to get a cease fire. the israelis say you got to be kidding me. even a liberal newspaper in israel said john kerry is really no help here. there is nonstop criticism of kerry s attempts to bring in particularly turkey, who has been seen as defenders of hamas before. kerry was also accused by
israeli news of abandoning some of israel s key demands during negotiations, and one went as far as saying the plan kerry put out was a, quote, strategic terrorist. yeah. he is the first secretary of state in 20 years to fail at brokering a cease fire. it is embarrassing. none the less, the obama administration has got to prop up and spin this some way, so they re all out defending mr. kerry. watch this. our view is it s simply not the way that partners and allies treat each other. the reality is that john kerry, on behalf of the united states, has been working every step of the way with israel in support of our shared interest. israel has no better friend, no stronger defender. he has been tireless in his efforts and i think that israel
and many countries and friends around the world recognize exactly that. john kerry s error was he put so much emphasis on a quick halt, he solidified the role of hamas to the exclusion where he undercut the egyptians and israelis and the fatah movement which is trying to end hamas rule in gaza. this was a big mistake. dave ignatius wrote about that in the washington post and his connections to the middle east are without pier. brit hume went off on bill o reilly s show. i think obama shares instinctively the sentiment and academic left, which favors israel s palestinian neighbors i guess where his instincts are. but the reason you don t see big public dustups between israeli leaders and any american president is it s terrible politics on both sides. israel depends heavily on its alliance with america for its security and its safety and israel is very popular in the u.s. congress and in the country
as a whole. surely. that s pretty much where you stand right now. that s why israel says we have got to finish the job in there and if you re going to leave the terror tunnels out, and leave them armed, we re going to be back in the same place. on a different note, one of the things you care about, immigration. as this week the clock is ticking as congress sets to take recessment the president set to take his p pen and announcing that executive amnesty may come into play. meaning amnesty for those crossing into the border, those have come on expired visas or illegally, as well as work permits for millions that have entered this nation, rattling the hearts and minds of the work force of americans coming forward and certainly those in congress who think this is quite unlawful. sure. so essentially with this would be is it would be executive amnesty and there are different versions of what the president and his men and women are proposing. it could be amnesty for the
parents of legal u.s. citizens. it could also be amnesty for the parents of the dreamers. so it could total 5 million or both. we don t know at this point. they ve got a bunch of trial balloons out there and see which ones work and which ones blow up on them. look for something to happen shortly. cause the senate passed an immigration reform bill. the house did not. they do not believe the president is going to reinforce the border, so they see no point in coming up with a plan because that ultimately is an executive decision. so now the president is going to do this, almost baiting congress, believe it or not, to try to impeach him. the democratic mantra is look, the president is going to get impeached. taking an oath to abide by the law and uphold the law of this nation while at the same time violating it if he does take executive action. brian, to your point about impeachment, only democrats are talking about it. republicans, conservative, not
talking about it. only democrats. it s to gin up the base before november. time for some weather and we start with heather. boston? tornado? totally crazy. tornadoes in boston. we begin with this. a rare tornado barreling through a massachusetts suburb, just five miles outside of boston. take a look. look at the trees! that twister packing winds of up to 120 miles an hour, ripping a path of destruction. nearly two miles long. take a look at this car. totally flipped over on the sidewalk there. and then you can see the roof torn off buildings from above. the national weather service says this is the first twister to hit this area since they started keeping records back in 1950. but then also crazy weather out west. at least three tornadoes touching down in the denver area. one of them caught on camera near the airport. no reports of any major damage there.
in this ultimate story of survival, overnight rescue crews finding a 13-year-old boy. he is alive in a central california national park this morning. king s canyon national park. austin shed went missing on sunday. he was hiking with his dad and a family friend. he disappeared when they stopped for lunch after an eight-hour walk. austin will be air lifted out of the park later this morning. exact details on his condition have not been released just yet. it is just a plane ride away. health dishes are scrambling to try to track people overseas who may have come in contact with that deadly ebola virus. an infected man boarded a plane in liberia last week and traveled across west africa. he died from that virus on friday. ebola is spread by close contact. it has an incubation period of up to 21 days. those infected may not notice symptoms for weeks. it s possible, this is a
plane ride away. we don t know when people come in what they have. any virus could be ebola. there are international airports in some of those countries where it has spread. two american health workers treating ebola have become infected. being a country music star pays off pretty darn well. forbes ranking kenny chesney as the third highest paid country crooner. he earned $44 million last year. number two is taylor swift with $64 million. and the highest paid country singer is this guy. he s just made in america that is toby keith raking in $65 million annually. thanks to his albums, restaurants, and also his endorsement deals. he has a big chain of popular restaurants. sure, toby keith is watching right now, we would salute you with our red solo cup.
right. which we did in this studio. we sang along to it. from red solo cups to thomas the tank engine, the blue tank engine, it turns out there is a blogger in great britain, tracy van slike writes in the guardian, the thomas the tank engine is racist, it s sexist. it s classless. i ve been saying this for years. this is a quote, if you look through the steam rising up from the coal-powered train stack, you realize that the pretty puffs of smoke are containing twisted messages. when the good engines pump out white smoke and the bad engines are pumping out black smoke. he goes on to say that the train is for little white boys, sparking out demands like a controlling auto crat. how many kids looked at that and said that s a controlling autocrat. it has a global audience. they try to create characters people can relate to.
across the world, kids are watching this. i don t recall this being raised before as an issue. what do you guys think? were you scared, miffed? if anything, there is an obesity problem with him. but does she call him out? no. rosy is one of the trains there. i have a daughter, she never never complained? i met her, she didn t seem to have any problems adjusting. we have the whole article on we wanted you to respond on our facebook page and you can read the article and get some background. are you one of the many outraged? troubled by thomas. coming up, the democrat and republican who agree on at least one thing. we should not have traded terrorists for bowe bergdahl. the two lawmakers with the message for the president, they re standing by live in dc next. and meet the happy seniors
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an explosion. what can you tell us? reporter: well, just probably about a minute and a half ago, there was either a rocket or mortar launch that came right over our heads and landed in let me get out of the way. you can see the smoke. landed right there, right across the street from a road and also a neighborhood, large neighborhood. you could hear this thing. coming right over us. it came in and landed, hit hard. people are now you see some cars there, they re getting saw some people running out of there. this is how close we are to the border. we re obviously on the israeli side burks in the distance, we ve been showing you gaza that as i mentioned earlier, has been taking a lot of artillery strikes and even just moments ago before i went live there, we heard a series of artillery fire. this, again, was very close to us. it reminds me of when i was in gaza and the missile strikes that were coming right over our heads as well on presumably
hamas locations. but now this one was definitely targeting civilian locations. this gives you a pretty good example of what israelis have to deal with and throughout the course of the last 22 days of operation protective edge, how this impacts people in the area and also how it s hit a number of locations. pretty close. very close to us. we re all getting down on the ground almost. i see you have your helmet on. just to be clear, this came from the hamas side into the israeli side. you mentioned 70 targets the israelis hit. but hamas is shooting back. reporter: yeah, absolutely. i don t have the exact number so far of rocket launches. let me put it this way. we ve seen throughout the morning rockets being fired from gaza. in fact, this morning in a city north of this strip where we re staying, we were woken up by the sound of the code red signal
warning about an impending rocket coming over. this amp right before we left as well there was a rocket that was intercepted by israel s iron dome defense system. so this one, whether it was a rocket it sounded like to me a rocket, could have been a mortar as well. it landed very, very close to our location. all right. john huddy, thanks so much. we ll check in again throughout the three-hour show. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, she left her kids in a hot car to go to a job interview. all charges were dropped. now she s trying to get her kids back. does she deserve a second chance? that mom here live. and say it ain t so. red lobster getting fancy. no more discount deals? what about bibs? vo: this is the summer.
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brian, over to you. congress set to adjourn for a five-week recess without an immigration deal. but one democrat and republican can agree on at least one thing. we should not have tried traded terrorists for bowe bergdahl a couple months ago. those congressmen join us now, john barrow, a democrat from georgia, and scott rijola republican from virginia. what brought you guys together. what bothered you about this deal? brian, the facts are not in dispute. the president broke the law when he transferred the five senior taliban commanders to the government of qatar. to prevent that from becoming precedent that either he or future administrations could rely upon, we thought it was important to put this legal marker in the ground and to repudiate, condemn clearly what the president did. congressman what, bothers you about the deal, that it was such a bad deal, lop sided for the taliban, or that it we want down
without your permission? both. both. it s not good for national security. mohammed fasul is the deputy minister of defense for the taliban. i m confident and it troubles me to share this, that probably in a year or so, he ll be back on the battlefield when we ll still in all likelihood have american forces in afghanistan. so this is not that s not wise. and then this balance of powers situation here where the president is consistently going outside of his constitutional lane and ignoring the law. congressman bare barrow, they re supposed to tell you 30 days ahead of the deal. how does the law real? scott and i were concerned and objected to the whole violation of our long-standing policy, not to negotiate with terrorists. we were concerned about that from the get-go. but the thing that concerns us, the specific subject of this resolution is the failure to
comply with the law that the congress and president agreed to that before there would be any release of detainees from guantanamo bay, there would be a consultation with congress beforehand. checks and balances are important. it s important so both branches can get the best advice from the other when it has shared responsibility and both branches in this case agree on the process to be followed. prior consultation. this is more than a window dressing. there is a whole bunch of at gitmo, they could be out tomorrow without us knowing about it. the president and president bush actually released about 500 detainees from guantanamo bay and did so legally. but in this case, when the secretary of defense came before the house armed services committee on june 11, he really had no answer as to why the administration had like 80 or 90 members of the administration that were aware of this, but not one member of congress. senator feinstein hammered this and it s more than some check off the box.
there is a series of things that the administration has to give to congress to assure american security is not going in the wrong direction. and that s exactly what happened here. this is a serious matter. i appreciate mr. barrow standing with me in this. it s bipartisan effort. it s not personal to the president. but we ve got to stop what the president is doing. when i go to virginia, people are saying, scott, what are you doing about this t? this is a practical step in responding to the president. guy, thanks so much for coming together, at least on this issue. hard to imagine in gates was in power this would have happened. just my opinion. thanks for your time. thank you. coming up straight ahead, she left her kids in a hot car to go on a job interview. charges were dropped. now she s trying to get her children back. does she deserve a second chance? that mom here live. and frenzy friendy prinze freddy prinze junior
said why keifer sutherland made him want to quit acting for good. [music] jackie s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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happy place. am i right? has anyone been there? as long as it s your image, that s all that matters. that reinforces it. it s like the happy move. it s hard, when you hear that song, i think a is one of the best songs of the last couple of years. we were playing it and heather nauert was over there smiling. i want to retire. what s your criteria? you like the beat, but you can t say the lyrics move you. they penetrate your being. no. it s the happy song. but the beat. the words. when you talk about happy, that makes you happy. it s too simple. that s the beauty of the song. as my kindergartener s graduation song. you should see the little five-year-olds walking down. they liked it. did you tape that? yes, i did. we d like to see that. maybe it s not as shared as the 1.2 million views for
happy. you re happy, heather. because she s newsy. all right. i have some news to bring you that will make iraqi christians happy. this is terrific news for them. france is now offering a asylum to iraqi christians who we ve been telling you about have been under serious fire from this isis terrorist there. that terror group has been forcing christians to convert to islam, pay a massive fine that few can afford, or die. most christians forced to leave mosul, iraq s second largest city, with just the clothes on their back. france is saying they will do everything they can to protect those refugees. glad to hear that this morning. the deadlocked jury in the jesse ventura trial is ordered to try again, deliberations are set to resume this morning. it s day six. ventura is suing the estate of the deceased navy seal chris kyle for $15 million. it s all over a story in kyle s best-selling memoir american sniper. he writes about punching out ventura in 2006 after ventura
allegedly said that navy seals deserve to lose a few. ventura was never mentioned by name in that book. but his identity was revealed in later interviews. kyle was killed in a shooting range last year. his wife testified at the trial. a fox news alert to bring you now. that stranded whale watching boat that we told you about earlier today off the coast of boston is now headed back. it was supposed to be a three-hour tour, but it turned into a bit of a nightmare when the boat got stuck in a lobster trap. about 60 miles from the boston harbor. nearly 160 tourists were forced to stay on that boat overnight. you know the actor freddy prinze, junior? he s bashing his 24 co-star, keifer sutherland. thanks for doing this. prinze saying he hated every moment he worked on the hit fox show. he calls sutherland, quote, the most unprofessional dude in the
world. okay. a rep for sutherland release ago statement saying keifer worked with freddy prinze junior more than five years ago and this is the first time he heard of the grievances. we love keifer sutherland here and his show. maybe he s got something to it. keifer madness. i loved his dad in chico and the man. i don t know if that applies here. thanks, heather. moving on, thousands of people picking up the pieces after a rare tornado ripped through the town of revere, massachusetts. maria molina, they haven t seen a tornado around there since the 1950s. that tornado was confirmed as an ef-2, happened yesterday morning between 9:30 in the morning hours and had winds of up to 120 miles per hour. stayed on the ground for two miles. a little unusual there across parts of massachusetts. thankfully no injuries. there were a lot of reports of damage out there. i want to show you now your
current temperatures across portions of the great lakes and northeast. behind that storm system we do have much cooler air that moved in. we re seeing the temperatures in the 50s and 60s across the entire region, feel ago little bit more like fall. not summer. your high temperatures are going to remain below average, into the low 70s at cleveland. 70s in new york. but across the southern plains, still a hot day. 90s and triple digits. 109 for your high temperature in phoenix. out west, across portions of new mexico, colorado, and into nevada, we have flood watches in effect. heavy rain expected today. let s head back inside to elisabeth. thank you. this homeless mom in arizona was arrested for leaving her kids in a hot car so that she could go on a job interview. she claims she couldn t find a baby-sitter. prosecutors recently dropped criminal charges. she s grateful for the second chance. but should she have been given one? here to tell her story is the woman and her attorney. thank you both for being with us
this morning. we hear your story, read it all over the place. can you bring us back to that day in your mindset and heart of why your two little kids at six months and two years, you felt their best option was to stay in the car while you went inside? what happened that day? well, what happened that day was i had scheduled for a sitter to be available for the boys. that sitter was not available at the last moment, based on the time that i had, as well as the gas money that i had available, i didn t have the resources to go to the next nearest baby-sitter, which was about 30 minutes the opposite direction of where i needed to be. so it was just a lack of resources that day. when you look at the statistics, 120 children since 2011 that have died as a result of being in a hot car. in 2014, i think we have 17 kids that have died thus far. your two little babies, some
would say, could have been added to that statistic. you were just given a second chance with criminal charges not being on your record now. means you can get your kids back in your custody. looking back on that day, do you believe that you still did the right thing in the moment? i believe that i made a choice in a desperate situation. i had to choose between either providing for them or caring for them at that moment. and i made the best choice out of a bad set of options. would you do it again? i asked myself that 1,000 times and i keep coming back to the choice, on being able to provide or to care for them. that s a choice that many people are facing today. there are too many people trying to figure out how to keep quality childcare, as well as support the family and maintain all of their all the things they need to do as a family. so it s something that people face every day, unfortunately. the criminal charges were
dropped. benjamin, where does it go legally from here to getting the kids back? basically a couple weeks ago we were able to get the criminal charges dropped. now the next step is to focus on getting the kids back. we have a court date coming up in late august. we re going to go in front of the judge and the court and discuss with the state of arizona and child protective services the fastest way that we can unite miss taylor with her kids permanently. you have a nine-year-old daughter, i know this has to be extraordinarily challenging for her. what was the last thing you told her? the last thing i told her was i explained the situation. mommy made a bad choice and i had to pay the consequences for that. but at the same time, she knows me as a mother. she knows the efforts that i make to take care of the things that she needs. so she s not upset with me. she s just worried about the situation more than anything
else. worried that it will keep her and i separated for an extend amount of time. do you believe you ll get your children back? what do you say to those who say you should not? i believe i ll get them back because i m doing everything and anything possible to get them back. to those that say that i don t deserve them back, i simply ask for that chance to prove myself. we re thankful your boys are okay. our best to your daughter. we want to thank you both for being with us today. a complex situation. thanks. thank you. thank you for having us. coming up, the government issuing a dire warning on the state of religious freedom around the world. but is warning enough? peter johnson, jr. with what the white house is not doing next. and your body language could be telling a different story than your words. so hey, what s you doing? hand check what, not to do if you want to land a job ahead.
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peter johnson, jr. hope it gets good gas mileage. thank you very much. the state department is just issued a grim report on the state of religion and its world wide demise. the report says that in 2013, the quotation goes, the world witnessed the largest displacement of religious communities in recent memory. so what are the reports recommendations and how can we improve on the situation? it didn t really say. here with what the administration is not doing to improve faith abroad, fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. good morning. so what the state department did was issue a failing report card without any prescription for improving the grade. let s talk about some of the things that they focused on. syria. once had a christian population of 160,000. now down to 1,000 people. 160,000 to 1,000. then in nigeria, they focused on boko haram, killing more than 1,000 people and over 10,000
people have fled. we know what happened to those young girls and those students in nigeria because of boko haram. so then they focused on the european union. this is really interesting. a survey among jewish people in the eight-member states found as many as 48%, almost half have considered emigrating because of anti-semitism. finally, among the findings, in egypt, attacks on christians, in one week alone in august of last year totaled at least 42 churches, in addition to schools, orphanages and other christian facilities. so they ve done this wide array of problems around the world in terms of persecution and discrimination. and then they ve come up with their prescription to combat this. it s really staggering. i say that in a sarcastic way. they say, speak truth to power. use this report to defend religious freedom. perhaps you ball it up. then utilize programs, speeches
and statements and say, there is some moral persuasion. peter, 75% of the people across the globe live in countries that do not respect religion. and that s what they come up with? that s what they come up with and focused on certain countries. we touched on a few of them. there is something called the u.s. commission on international religious freedom, steve. they said in the past year that egypt, iraq, nigeria, pakistan, syria, and vietnam should be listed as countries of particular concern. we have nine. we pick out nine. just nine in the world to say these are countries that we have a problem with. they include burma, china, iran, saudi arabia, amongst others. but egypt, iraq, nigeria, pakistan, syria, vietnam, and we talked about a few of those, what s happening in syria, what s happening in nigeria, what s happening in egypt.
no, they haven t been listed. john kerry pointed to the problem in his own report. he says, i want to emphasize this effort is not about naming countries to list in order to make us feel somehow we ve spoken the truth. i want our countries of particular concern designation to be plans to help change the reality on the ground and help people. the problem is they haven t named many of the countries that should be on that list! with regard to the countries that are on that list, this report really points to nothing tangible, concrete, substantive and effective to stem the tide of discrimination in the world against religions. especially judaism and christianity. the report is pitiful. waste of time. waste of time. peter johnson, jr. bringing that to our attention. thank you very much. coming up, even without words, your body language can say a whole lot more.
so hey, what you doing? isn t he handy? cheryl casone is here with what not to do if you want to land a job. a no-no. first on this date in 1983, the police had the number one song in america. you know the words. every smile you fake i ll be watching you every move you make every step you take i ll be watching you
i voted for culture. .with a k. how are you? i voted for plausible deniability. i didn t kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people s hotlist to see this summer s top 100 shows and movies. i voted! your negative thoughts can leave a bad impression on your boss and sometimes your co-workers. that s why our co-worker, cheryl casone, is here. she has the secret ways you
could be sabotaging your own success. tell us more. have you ever had a co-worker that was just a little too handsy? brian! no, i haven t. okay. me neither. here is an example. so hey, rachel, what you doing? not everybody is comfortable being touched in the office. you got to be careful about touching your co-workers. he could have come across a little inappropriate. he could have come across a little too hands. she s like hr. a little too close in everything. some people like to hug you and you re like, oh, that s not good. the other thing is, a lot of times i do want you to look me in the eye. take a look at this. brian, how do you think the show has been going? i think it s been going really well for elisabeth and steve. are you happy with how you re doing? they re all right, i guess. i like what i do.
please tell me you were acting. i m much more professional than keifer sutherland. sometimes it s better to make before the accident eye contact with your co- co-workers. if you weren t looking me in the eye, i m wondering what s going on. the handshake is very important. sometimes it s a good time to get a grip. hi, cheryl casone. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. maybe they don t like germs. we call that the dead fish handshake. women are really actually the worst when it comes to a weak handshake at work. ladies, just go in, give the strong handshake. what about a fist bump? a fist bump, that kind of comes across as you re a bit of a bully. really? never mind. you don t want to have a too strong of a handshake.
i m not supposed to do that. take a look. okay, so rachel, i need you to go to the production meeting for me today and i need you to take really careful notes. are you getting all of this? that was subtle. what was the message there? either she wasn t listening to what i was saying or she didn t understand a word i was saying. i m not really sure. you may not realize you re giving the impression you think when you re tilting your head that you re actually listening, engaging the person. you re not. you re giving a bad impression to that person. good note. great tips on the body language. hug it out, everybody. fox news alert, it was supposed to be a three-hour tour, but it turned into a nightmare. a whale watching boat stranded at sea has just returned to the docks. live from boston we go. remember this girl? the football sensation who dominated the boys. sam gordon is heading back to
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good morning. today is tuesday, july 29. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. it is tuesday july 29th. i m elizabeth hasselbeck. fox news alert, breaking news on the boat for ended at c overnight. 100 towards on board just made it back to the dock. president obama ready to pick up the pen. the plan, and instantly grant amnesty for millions of illegals ahead of the midterm elections. one candidate for congress and the message to the white house that can t be ignored. where did they think electricity comes from? i will make sure president obama gets the message.
great commercial. did we mention she is a democrat? this morning we re bragging a little bit. she is joining us live because according to wall statistics, mornings are better with friends. i am freddie prince jr. 24, you are watching fox and friends. thank you. the news in the entertainment world, freddie prince jr. says kiefer sutherland who he worked with five years ago on 24 just the worst actor he ever worked with. and professional do. game delay on the comment. 24 is now back. we have to follow that story because it looks like there s a rift he will have trouble feeling. he is not on the show anymore. didn t 24 come back? they are now in london. only five years ago.
i am still in first season. right by the side with a lot going on. they have their season finale so it is over. i was watching seinfeld. some news to bring you, we talked about this earlier this morning. the stranded whale watching boat has now returned back home. it was supposed to be a three hours tour but it turned into a nightmare. 15 hours long. the boat s prop got stuck in a lobster trap 60 miles from boston s harbor. 160 tourists were forced to stay on the boat overnight. the company is apologizing saying they will refund passengers for the trip. on the west coast police hope new surveillance video will lead them to a break in the case of a missing or again mom. jennifer disappeared last thursday when she was out
running errands. this new tape which hasn t been made public yet apparently shows her with trying cash from a local bank before heading to a gas station. herself and was turned off shortly thereafter. family is now offering a reward for her safe return. she has two young children. an alert now, a tornado barrows throw massachusetts suburbs five miles outside of boston. all broke. that twister packing winds of 120 miles per hour ripping a path of destruction two miles long. we rarely hear about this on the east coast so some pretty big news. look at this car, totally flipped over on the sidewalk and from above ec these roofs torn off the buildings. the national weather service saying this is the first wister to hit that area since they started keeping records in 1950. crazy weather out west, three
tornadoes touching down in the denver area. one of them caught on camera near the airport, no reports of any major damages. he has played golf 81 times since 2012 but all those rounds may not be helping his game. a golfer playing the congressional country club in maryland on sunday claims to have found his ball in the woods somewhere. he posted the picture, the president played the congressional yesterday and found this in the woods. full number 1. looks like he is off line again. that is the problem with gulf. no correlation between a lot of practice and being good. back there, very good. good at what? we know that the president has a phone and japan and the putter. apparently he will use his pen to essentially come up with executive amnesty.
according to a number of papers white house is going to use through executive amnesty action oil. they would issue work permitss to millions of illegals in the country with no threat of deportation. could be to the parents of legal u.s. citizens, the parents of a dreamer kids, nonetheless it could be five, six, seven, 8 million illegals could be impacted before the midterm is. the border crisis and this turning into a constitutional crisis as lawmakers on the hills stand up and say jeff sessions, one of the talk a lot yesterday about what is going on here. how is this protecting americans when we have a president working against the law. our laws say this is not possible. are we protecting american workers including legal immigrants? he pointed out again working people all over america would not be helped. african-americans would not be helped by this executive order for amnesty and work permits.
the cbo office says this is a mass amnesties that would cause america wages, wages fall for a decade. if we are worried about it being misinterpreted this new amnesty thing, remember the dream backed the president to get this if you are here and you are brought here as a kid you are now don t have to fear deportation. that message is essential and south america next thing you know thousands of kids coming to our borders thinking all i have to do is show up in darkens a year. the parents of kids that were born here now say i am here illegally but maybe the president will let me in. that will be misinterpreted too in the south to only exacerbate things but it might be a good thing to do before the midterm elections if you want to maximize the hispanic vote for some. see if he actually decides to do that. meanwhile there was a protest at the white house. turns out most people, the protesters were illegals who want their voice heard when it
comes to immigration reform so they had no fear coming out in front of 1600 pennsylvania avenue and will come back again. that is extraordinary to have that many people without keep in mind around the white house that bubble is one of the most secure areas in the world yet you have all these people without any sort of documentation who are protesting and to your point you are right, eyes agents told fox news absolutely no fear of deportation. for instance if somebody got arrested they look at their background but unless they have got some really hideous serious criminal record they would let from go. there should be no compromise when it comes to the law, just followed. national board patrol is still working, those in charge of the law putting it forward are about to set vacation as of the end of this week. heard from national border patrol council, who said we are not going on break. congress may be but we have work
to do. this is a big crisis. border patrol agents we will be on duty, we don t wake five weeks off, we will doing our jobs and that includes rescuing people especially kids who don t know survival skills. what we heard is he is talking about border patrol agents before the 7-10 border patrol agents not guarding the border because they are babysitting. last week we talked to the border patrol at the border and ice agents in charge of returning the. we had one agent on last week who said he essentially they are not being given any assignment. so they go ahead and stop some people but because they are not being given the assignment of returning from that is the message, they can stay, as long as you one. the big picture people looking at the present and the midterm elections, 98 days away. wondering how the president is doing in his confidence which was so strong in 2008 according
to the polls, so much smarter and more astute and more grounded now has reversed. obama is faltering badly on the confidence question and in doing so in periling his ability not only to a and actor second term agenda but democrats chances this fall. a series of events in the ongoing border crisis and the situation in ukraine, the nsa spying program badly undermined the idea that obama can effectively manage the government. two said of independents saying obama is not an effective manager. considering the washington post is a lefty newspaper and one of the columnists saying barack obama is box office poison for his party and we were telling you about the columnist who said the president essentially has this was for the daily collar and the
telegraph, the president has already checked out of the job, phoning it in, sleepwalking through his second term and is ready for an early departure. maybe that is his opinion but keep in mind he is running the country. how does that impact all of us. that is not good. not a positive thing. the president might be checked out but does not want to lose the senate so look to push the idea the republicans want to in peach him. wherever you go leadership, democratic leadership, there are e-mails saying republicans are trying to impeach me, look out to try to rally his base. when it comes to romneycare, the pending executive order as released amnesty and work papers, now we will maybe perhaps in more of a crisis when it comes to employment. millions more are granted the right to work. the president wants to do well in the midterm elections or his party does the immigration at least be in charge, the israeli gaza situation, there s a end in sight.
solve the situation in iraq, make a decision. all these issues would restore the president s confidence ratings. i don t know. it could be a little weight on some of that stuff. kind of baked into the cake. is he out of time? we are out of time for this segment. for mother who left her kids and a hot car once a second chance, does she deserve it. hear her case. one candidate for congress and in a message to the white house they cannot ignore. where did they think their electricity comes from? i will make sure president obama gets the message. did we mention she is a democrat? she is joining us live in our studio next. keep her away from our light switch. staples for back to school.
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ir is perfect. so s his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here s $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. this is not exactly the kind of ad you would expect to see from a democrat. where do they think their electricity comes from? you and i know it s our hard working west virginia coal miners that power america. i fought to protect our coal jobs right alongside joe manchin
and i ll stand up to leaders of oath parties who threaten our way of life. i ll make sure president obama gets the message. where is that light switch? natalie tenant wants to be the next senator from west virginia. she s currently secretary of state. welcome. what s behind the ad? thank you for having me here. thank you for having me here. virginia coal miners. it s sending a message. this isn t about you re talking about democrat. but this isn t a democrat or republican. this is about west virginia and whether the president wants to recognize it or not, coal still produces 40% of the electricity for this country. it fuels west virginia. and senator manchin on here before. i reference him, too. that we work together for our west virginia coal miners to make sure that we have jobs, cause when we talk about west virginia coal miners, it is
families, it is mortgages that they re trying to pay. we re getting ready to go back to school and they re trying to send their children back to school. we see the lights go out in the white house. so what is president obama getting wrong? how would his actions affect west virginia? these regulations are attacking our coal jobs and what we re asking and what i m asking is don t attack our coal jobs with regulations that are unrealistic and unattainable. work with us because if you invest in west virginia, we will deliver for you, advance coal technologies that yes, can cut emissions and save jobs at the use that investment. but you know, there are a lot of people who go, we got to get rid of the dirty coal or all the coal. those people don t realize that when they plug in their electric car in the garage, they re they plug in their electric car in the garage they re planning into a coal plant. you see that here. where do you think your where do you think your so people look at you, you re in a pretty much red state. people with you, you are a
red state. i dispute that. we have a 2-1 registration advantage for democrats. ten of our 13 statewide elected officials are democrats, house and senate are democrats. joe mansion is close to a moderate democrat in the senate. judging by his track record and what he has been like here do you think it is to your advantage to appear with senator warren of massachusetts who is known as the liberals s liberal? when i look at senator warren and together we know we don t agree on everything and don t agree on everything and don t we agree on making sure our students have the ability to middle-class, we agree on making sure our students have the ability to have an affordable college education and that they be indented with student loans. we also agree on taking care of coal miners. introduced with senator rockefeller that i will continue the bankruptcy fairness law where many retirees coal miners ended up on the wrong side of
bankruptcy. redistribution of wealth is something also. with is all about opportunity and the middle-class. this is equal pay for equal work. work. of course, right now your new ad, you re standing up to the white house. don t pull the plug on coal. but your opponent, shelly moore capito, sent this picture saying this is proof that you re a flip flopper because there you are back in 2008 and you are campaigning for the now president of the united states. are you a flip flopper? first of all, west virginiaians know me. they know i stand up for west virginia. example, when officials in 2010 tried to steal an election, i led the investigation that put them behind federal prison. that shows that i stand up for west virginia first regardless of party, regardless of position. would you hold that sign again today? when we talk about this you look at it, yes, i did campaign for the president in 2008. i am disappointed and i m hurt
with the way he is reacting to west virginia and the perfect example is today, the epa is having a hearing about these regulations. and on tuesday, they re in d.c today they re in pittsburgh. we asked mccarthy to come to west virginia, hear from people who are going to be impacted, their livelihood. do you know where they re going thursday? pittsburgh. 20 miles away from west virginia. would you hold that sign today? i didn t hold the sign. would you be there right now? i m not sure. he s not on the ballot. that s what is about this election. you re not sure if you would vote for president obama. this is about me and capito cause i don t answer to the president. thank you for dropping by. we ll have your opponent on this thank you for dropping by. we will add your opponent on this program tomorrow. keep your lights on. 20 minutes after the hour. coming up, does this look racists to you?
it is thomas. hello, thomas. find out why one lugger says thomas the tank engine make your toddler racist. dominating the boys and garden and the gridiron. join us live just ahead. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach.
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time for quick international headlines. fox news alert. four israeli soldiers are dead. hamas militants firing at a tank they were riding in through gaza. this comes after a night of missile attacks from israel hitting the house of a hamas leader and gaza s only power hitting the house of a hamas hitting the house of a hamas 24-hour cease fire, saying hamas agreed to the temporary peace. the politically powerful cousin of afghan president karzai was killed by a suicide bomber on tuesday. the attacker, who hid the explosives in his head gear, has
allowed into his house as a guest. the attack is a major blow to the country s ruling family. elisabeth? thanks. who could forget this little girl? yes, i said girl. two years ago nine-year-old sam gordon became an internet sensation barreling through all the boys in her tackle league, and barely breaking a sweat. more than 2 million people watched our highlight reel and some said she was a shoe in for the nfl. then she said she put down the pig skin and focused on soccer instead. many thought it was a mistake. but this morning it appears sam might be having a change of heart. i m going to football camp at the university of michigan. they divides us up into our position groups and i chose runningback. they taught us how to hold the ball right and did drills. i wanted to impress the coach. so i ran my hardest. today we ran the 40-yard dash. the rumor going around camp is that i ran it in 4.9 seconds.
i m not that fast. i think you re pretty fast. football sensation sam gordon joins me now. good morning. hi. well done. i love watching those highlight reels. so you re back to football. what was camp like? it was really fun. i loved going. oh, my gosh. you look pretty fast. you don t think you ran that fast, 4.9? no, i don t think i can run that fast. maybe almost. you played a lot of football there. you ran some drills and you mentioned devon garden. we want to let everyone watch this. i thought it was really cool when i got to meet quarterback devon gardner. he even asked to join our game. he made a perfect pass to me when i was all alone and i dropped it. i definitely need to spend more time with the receivers. so what did you feel when that happened? tell us. i felt like really embarrassed cause i just
dropped a perfect pass made by devon gardner. i bet he was impressed with your skills overall. i d take that pressure off yourself. no more soccer? all football? what s your plan? my coach said my soccer coach said that i can miss a few practices to go to football. she says that football made me see the field really well. so it s a good thing i m doing it. so you believe then, too, that football is good for soccer? yes. now, brian kilmeade and i can finally get along that you said that. i want you to realize. it is impressive. what s your advice to kids out there who just want to give it a try in a sport where it might not seem possible? it s really fun for football. i don t know. i have to think about that. you know what? my husband, tim, he played a lot of football, completely impressed with your film there and your skills. you re quick.
have fun. let us know your next steps okay? all right. i think you ran a 4.9. thanks. we ll see you soon. coming up, the mom who left her kids in a hot car during a job interview wants a second chance. does she deserve it? hear her case so you can decide. and can you tell the difference? one ring is real. the other is fake and they re sold at major department stores. did you get duped, too? shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie s list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today.
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shot of the morning. prince harry trying to up the queen with his royal photo bomb. sorry, queeny. giving two thumbs up behind those men at the commonwealth games in scotland. that s when britain plays scotland and they try to go for gold medals. you may remember the grandmother s photo bomb went viral. she s also known as the queen. you just called her queeny? is that wrong? we just called her a grandmother, too. she s royally offended. should we stay overseas across the lake? across the pond? yes, why not? let s talk thomas the tank. the train is getting accused of being racist. british blogger posted an editorial and said that this is racist, sexist. she says if you look through the steam rising up from the coal powered train stack, you realize that the pretty puffs of smoke are containing twisted messages
when the good engines pump out white smoke and the bad engines pump out black smoke and all pumping out smoke, it s not hard to make the leap into the race territory. but of course. so thomas the tank engine is in this blogger s and a mother s estimation, is a racist sexist, classless kind of show. we asked for your comments. we got a tweet from matt who said, seriously? get a grip, lady. thomas is a great and helped expand my son s vocabulary. another said, are you kidding? my kids grew up watching this and they re far from racist. another man says it s antiracist. the story line that steam engines and diesels are different and yet they can be friends. a lot of people don t think diesel and steam can be friends. working together appears over and over. a lot of people think the white smoke symbolizes the white man giving orders to others. right. that s what the blogger says. you see the white smoke. what about when they elect a new pope?
so they burn the ballots, first there is black smoke and then white smoke. is that a racist thing? right. and as chris chulo pointed out an f-troop, they had white smoke and one time it came out black smoke and it was because they had a hole in the blanket. but there was no complaints then. nothing deeper than that. larry storch didn t become pope then, did he? no, stuck with being a corporal. and as a sergeant, made all the decisions. another woman thought otherwise, but we love hearing your responses. keep them coming. let s toss it over to that woman there in white, heather nauert, who starts with the news on that stranded boat. this is quite a story. a fox news alert, moments ago that stranded whale watching boat off the coast of boston has returned back home. it was supposed to be out for just a three-hour tour, but it turned into a bit of a nightmare. 15 hours for passengers there. the boat s propeller was stuck in a lobster trap 60 miles off
the coast of boston s harbor. nearly 160 tourists were forced to stay on the boat overnight. those things happen. accidents happen and things like that. the reaction was very slow. seemed like ages. what a story they get to bring back home. that tour company is now apologizing, saying it will refund all the passengers for the cost of their trip. a homeless mother in arizona arrested for leaving her children in a hot car during a job interview is now defending her decision this morning right here on fox & friends. listen to this. i believe that i made a choice in a desperate situation. i had to choose between either providing for them or caring fo. and i made the best choice out of a bad set of options. does she deserve a second chance? you ve been writing us all morning. dia says if there was ever a time for a judge to use someone
as an example, this would be the case and now would be the time. another says of course she deserves a second chance. we all deserve a second chance. carl says it was a bad choice to leave the kids in the car. but it would be punishing her kids even more by putting her in jail instead of teaching her how to make better choices. she had three children in the car. three young children. dating the traditional way can sometimes be pretty tough. hello? yes. i m with him right now. no, not very attractive. no, doesn t make much money. a bit fat. ouch. gosh. how awful. it looks like on line dating can t be trusted either. it s called okay cupid and it s been conducting this crazy psychological experiment on users without the users even knowing about it. the web site s co-founder says users photos and bios have been changed and also removed the name of people in this
experiment. the site told people they were a good match when in reality they were awful for one another. so a lot of people getting upset about this. this on the heels of facebook doing something somewhat similar recently. major department stores, including macy s and j.c. penney busted after an investigation found that they re actually selling customer s gems that are filled with cheap glass and referring to them as real rubies. you can see the difference after putting them in jewelry cleaner. look how it crackles on the left. the lead glass stone on the left appears to be cracked. the real one on the right sparkles. both stores say they mark the products as lead glass rubies. macy s says they re going to retrain their salespeople now. j.c. penney says they will refund dissatisfied buyers. those are your headlines. not a good idea to buy your wife for an anniversary. it looks like a mood ruby. it changes with my mood.
unlike the ruby slippers. do you know what the ruby slippers were made out of? sequins sewn on. i ve seen it at the smithsonian. just stitched onto a pair of shoes. when my daughter asked if they were real, i said yes. they were bedazzled. if you had not seen that story, there was a spoiler alert. it would have been nice if you said that. maria molina joins us. we were talking about the wizard of oz that involves a tornado. there was some tornadoes making news yesterday. that s right. yesterday and there was one specifically just outside of the city of boston. a confirmed ef-2 tornado, winds of 120 miles per hour. a lot of damage out there. thankfully no injuries. that was in eastern parts of massachusetts. hyped that storm system behind that storm system that produced all kinds of severe weather on thursday and monday, we do have cooler air that s moving in. that s a very strong cold front that moved eastward.
and now look at the temperatures. a little chilly for some of you. like in detroit, you re looking at a current temperature of 55. 58 in buffalo. you re at 54 degrees in pittsburgh. your highs are going to remain below average out there across portions of the midwest and into the northeast. still hot across parts of texas and even farther west like in phoenix, 109 for your high temperature out there. we do have a disturbance that s swinging through portions of the west and even into the plains. it is going to be producing areas of heavy rain, flood watches are in effect. let s head back inside. thank you very much. a fox news alert talks of a new cease fire. happening now in gaza. is israel being treated as the bad guy. former israeli ambassador to the u.s., michael, joins us live ahead. before he was deployed to fight for this nation, his home looked like this. now it looks like this. all because of a code violation. that soldier joins us live next.
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welcome back. quick headlines for you. google can predict the stock market? researchers found the search engine can spot crashes before they happen. analysts looked at business searches between 2004 and 2012 and found spikes right before drops in the stock market. a golden retriever so excited when her favorite soldier returns home.
her owner was deployed for nine months. look at that reunion. heart warming. hey there, steve. they never forget. thank you. he served on the front lines in iraq and afghanistan, but while sergeant jimenez was away on active duty, a whole different kind of war was being waged over his property, his house in miami, florida. the city claimed james had several code violations and they demolished his house while he was at war. last week sergeant jimenez scored a big win against big government and he joins us live right now from el paso, texas, where he serves at fort bliss. good morning to you, sergeant. good morning. thank you for having me. good to have you. what a story. so a number of years ago, the county said that you needed to fix up your house or what was going to happen? from the beginning, it was excessive use of force from them. they said you need to bring your house up to code, current code,
even though it was built in 1947. something that wasn t doable. and so why were they telling you to do that while they weren t telling the other people on your block to do it? that s exactly where the confusion was, i tried to ask them why me? if die it, then that means i m submitting the rest of the neighborhood to the same process. absolutely. so you started the process. you started to fix things and they kept coming back and kept saying, while you re at it, fix this and this. eventually you hired an engineer to help you, right? that is correct. what did he do? they proved that there was no structural issues with the house and everything that they wanted could be done and we had plans drawn and engineer report and once the architect went to ask for the permit, the same guy that was making the building official, he denied the permit for building. so you were on it.
you were trying to comply. then out of nowhere, they demolish your house. did you have notice that they were about to do that? negative. there was no court order for us to vacate or anything. how did they get away with that? the building department, they re their own entity. they have the power to do basically whatever they want. because this was a personal issue. they did exactly that. okay. so last week a judge ruled in favor of you, saying the county should have delayed the building code violation proceedings against you while you were on active duty overseas. so they smacked down the county. now that you have won, what do you want? i just want this to be over. it s been hard for our family. some people might think the money will make up for it.
there is nothing that makes up for a lost home and all the memories that came with it. okay. so i understand from your attorney you want the city to drop all the liens, including the demolition costs and suspend all code enforcement and pay $395,000 as well. is that correct? that is accurate. okay. and in the meantime, you moved on. you re in texas, right? yes. and you just want it to be behind you. what a terrible story. we hope you wind up with some justice, sergeant. thank you very much for joining us today from texas and telling us your story. thank you. good luck to you. that is just a little crazy. it is now 12 minutes before the top of the hour. a fox news alert. talks of a new cease fire agreement happening as we speak in gaza. but is the united states treating israel as the bad guy? former israeli ambassador to the united states, that man right there, michael orr, joins brian next. first let s check in with
martha mccallum for a preview of what happens on the channel in a little bit. good morning to you. john kerry is fighting back today as criticism mounts in his handling of israel and hamas. russia grows more bold, testing a missile that violates a treaty that we have with them. we re going to talk about that. how about this, is the irs now starting to take on churches? bill and i will see you right here on america s newsroom at the top of the hour. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix.
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fox news alert. four israeli soldiers dead this morning as new explosions rock the city of gaza. this after israeli missiles take out a power plant and the home of another hamas leader. now the palestinian authority is calling for 24 hour cease fire, saying hamas has agreed to a
temporary peace. but our next guest says the only way to end this crisis in the middle east is to crush hamas. the former ambassador to the united states is with us. how long will it take to crush hamas? very few in the west would be sad if they were to disappear. how long would that take? good morning to you. it may take a while. what israel needs is time and space. we ve been through this round, this cycle again and again where the terrorists shoot rockets at us. we fire back. the world imposes a cease fire. the terrorists use that cease fire to build up their rocket arsenals, then fire again with even longer range rockets and bigger rockets. the whole thing starts we got to break this cycle right now. to do that, you got to deliver something close to a death blow to hamas. you got to get them into a situation where they re not going to use those rockets. they re in charge of gaza. they merged with the palestinian authority. you have to get rid of every single one of them to ask them
to leave or killed? we re talking about demille tearizing the dealership. they can stay there. they don t have rockets, what goes on from gaza is their business. as long as they re not firing at israeli citizens, as long as they re not digging tunnels under our cities, our farms to come up and kill our civilians, that s their business. ambassador, the long run, if you destroy every tunnel, they know how to make them. they ll make them again. how do you stop that? do you look for a long-term israeli presence in gaza after the violence stops? i think the idea is to get out of gaza as soon as possible once the work is done. but you have to develop a type of underground iron dome defense system, iron dome is the revolutionary israeli antiballistic system that has taken down hundreds of rockets over our city, including this city, tel aviv. we need an underground version of that. the united states faces very similar challenges with tunnels under its southern border. we haven t come up with a
yet. but we came up with a technological answer for missiles, we ll come up with one for the tunnels. you know about the world of diplomacy and witnessing this fires. josh earnest is calling on israel to do better. listen. israel and their political leaders often talk about the high standards that they put in place for their military operations to ensure the safety and well-being of civilians on the palestinian side of the border. based on published reports, it s apparent that there is more that they should do to live up to those standards that they have set. ambassador. more you could do? i came to my job as ambassador not as a diplomat, but as a military historian. i ll tell you right off that there has been no army in the history of warfare that has done more to minimize civilian casualties, whether it s dropping thousands of leaflets, sending text message, making phone calls to palestinian
civilians, telling them to leave areas where combat is about to take place. having said that, are you insulted by the charge? i wonder what published reports they re basing them on. are they basing them on al gentleman sneer a reports? are they basing them on reports from the united nations is this which is scarcely which is scarcely an objective source about israel. a few years ago we had the report that had israel guilty of war crimes and then found it was false and they had to apologize for them. i personally take strong objection to the fact that we re not doing enough. we re doing a super human job to avoiding casualties. straight ahead, atheists vowed to remove the cross from the 9-11 memorial. the decision is in. we ll share it pain from your day can haunt you at night, don t let it.
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before we go, we have one for the road. a win for state of new york city where a court ruled the ground zero cross can remain at the september 11 museum. atheists filed a lawsuit to remove the steel beams found in that shape among the wreckage. they claim the site of the cross made them physically sick. the court says too bad. excellent. 14-year-old kayla leans over and grabs a foul ball. look at this grab. it was beautiful. it was a wonderful grab. but the problem is it might have been interference. there was some protest, but in the end, the girl gets the ball and an autograph from todd frazier for the wonderful catch. and before we go, we want you to look good. you know spanx, they re coming out with jeans. two different styles with slimming fits and strategic stomach control panels which
brian and i have been talking about. why don t they have those for guys? sounds like the spanx will be about 150 bucks. you chose spanx as your one for the road. we spanx you for it. thanks, everybody. christmas gifts not too early, is really war planes hitting targets in gaza overnight, watch this. those flares turning the sky orange. hamas government complex hit, fuel tanks they look like they re exploding into flames. another strike hitting in gaza city where fox news staff is saying this

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