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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20161215 09:00:00

tonight, and he is coming off a summit with some of the people who were his strongest detractors during the campaign. senior national correspondent john roberts is outside trump tower again tonight. good evening, john. bret, good evening to you. it was the highest profile summit yet at trump tower, which is directly behind this bus behind me, and also the highest dollars. donald trump played host to high-tech billionaires, most of whom actively campaigned against him in the election. well, i just want to thank everybody. reporter: it was a crowd that just weeks ago had been openly hostile to donald trump. amazon founder jeff bezos who during the campaign claimed trump was eroding the democratic process. apple ceo tim cook who raised millions for hillary clinton. facebook coo sheryl sandberg also backed hillary clinton, as did tesla and spacex founder, elon musk. today trump urged them all to put political differences aside and focus on growing the economy, point out tech stocks have been doing pretty well
to say no. also in the running is south dakota republican congresswoman christey noe. while she said she d prefer to stay in congress, she might have a kdifficult time declining. trump has promised to revamp the structure and culture of the va. that will require a unique candidate. despite the delay, trump remains well ahead of most of his recent predecessors in naming his cabinet. on the latest stop in his thank you tour in wisconsin last night, donald trump publicly buried the hatchet with house speaker paul ryan. the two finally appearing on stage together. and when trump supporters booed ryan. the president-elect leapt to his defense, albeit with a caveat. you know, honestly, he s like a fine wine. every day goes by, i get to appreciate his genius more and more. now, if he ever goes against me, i m not going to say that, okay.
all have ties to oil producing states. scott pruitt has even questioned climate change itself. i think the president s view is that policy making should be guided by science and that the policy makers should be listening to scientists, both inside the government and outside the government. reporter: adding to the white house s concerns, reports pie the president-elect s team for the names of the energy department staff and contractors who worked on the obama administration s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, a survey since disavowed by the trump transition team. there should be real apprehension across the country that clean energy revolution, our efficiency revolution, our fight for clean airan water are going to be under assault from the minute he takes the oath of office. reporter: by the way, bret, the person that sent out that survey has since been properly counselled. it s also important to point out that they re expected to take a very fresh look at a number of obama administration policies as far as the energy environment is
federal funds rate is appropriate in light of the solid progress we have seen toward our goals of maximum employment and 2% inflation. we continue to expect that the evolution of the economy will warrant only gradual increases in the federal funds rate over time. stocks declined on the news that the fed may make three more rate hikes next year. the dow dropped 119, the s&p 500 was off 18, the nasdaq fell 27. now joining us from our sister network, fox business network s melissa francis. so why did the rate hike or the talk of more rate hikes spook the market today? yeah, it was really about that idea of janet yellen saying that we might be raising rates three more times in the year. investors had expected the federal reserve to say that maybe it would be two more times, but, you know, i would caution investors out there, they promised a number of rate hikes within a year in the past and they haven t followed
deposit or spend currency that is about to become worthless. embattled president nicholas maduro said he was taking the most commonly used bill out of circulation. venezuela is in a long economic crisis. we ve reported on it before. struggling with the world s highest inflation. people have been lining up outside banks since tuesday morning. we ll continue to follow the situation there. there is considerable confusion tonight about whether the on again, off again truce in aleppo, syria, is on again. late this afternoon syrian rebels said it was, but cease-fires like this have come and gone before without much success. tonight correspondent rich edison is at the white house looking at where we are right now in the war in syria. a warning here, though, some of the images in this report may be disturbing. reporter: this is what cease-fire agreements look like this aleppo, syria.
translator: look how they killed my child. why, my brother, why. reporter: these buses were to evacuate civilians and rebels. instead they re empty. they had agreed to allow them to evacuate aleppo, returning control of the city to ba shaush bashar al assad. syrian forces have returned bombing aleppo as they capture more of the city. symbolically it means a study they have struggled to besiege and encircle and take for years is finally theirs. reporter: the united nations says pro-government forces have killed dozens of civilians. there are dozens of suicides. in more than five years of fighting, hundreds of thousands of syrians are dead, killed as several nations, rebel groups and terrorist organizations converged on this country. in 2011, it began with hope. syria joined the arab spring. citizens mobilizing to overthrow
their oppressive governments. assad responded with a violent crackdown. the country fell into civil war with terrorist groups joining the fight to secure syrian territory of its own. that summer the obama administration declared assad must step aside. a year later, this threat. a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. reporter: another year later, assad s forces killed 1400 using sarin gas. obama decided to walk back from his threat and pursue diplomacy with assad s ally, russia. that diplomacy has turned to disgust. the idea that you would target a playground and bomb kids, hoping that you would then convince people to give up because you had killed their kids? what kind of a sick mind comes up with a strategy like that? and what kind of civilized country is going to support those tactics? but that s what russia has done. reporter: and now questions of whether the administration should have engaged further in
syria, beyond air strikes against isis. there has never been a recognition that civilian population protection is at the heart, at the heart of avoiding and fighting extremism. our failure to protect the syrian population is i think the biggest policy failure we did. reporter: syria will be a question for the trump administration, as it will now decide whether and how to engage russia and continued u.s. involvement in syria. rich, thank you. the marine corps is grounding its fleet of mv-22 osprey aircraft in japan following a crash off the coast of japan earlier this week. it happened while the tilt rotor plane was conducting a nighttime midair refueling operation. the five crew members aboard the plane were all rescued. it is the eighth crash incident involving marine aircraft this year. a new theory tonight on how russian hackers allegedly got into the hillary clinton campaign e-mail system.
the daily mail reports a typo in an e-mail from one of clinton s top aides may have been responsible for opening a digital door. meantime the house intelligence committee abruptly circled thursday s briefing on the alleged russian election hacks. fox news is told that the intel agencies, the cia, fbi, nsa, odni all refused to provide briefers, which is unusual given that this is the most senior committee with jurisdiction. the russian scandal has put the spotlight on our country s aging i.t. infrastructure and not just the equipment. you might be shocked to learn just how many of the men and women charged with keeping our government s computers safe and effective are among the country s oldest workers. peter doocy tells us more tonight. reporter: during the presidential campaign season, there was a lot of talk about who should have his or her finger on the button that controls the nation s nuclear arsenal. it turns out that nuclear arsenal is partly coordinated
using an 8-inch floppy disk. where do you buy a floppy disk? i can t imagine what the price is now. and so that s the big threat is this slow, grinding, lower quality, higher cost set of services. reporter: the cost of caring for such ancient equipment is now so high the feds don t have much money left over for anything else. among the biggest spenders on i.t., hhs at $13 billion a year, dhs at more than $6 billion a year and the va at nearly $4.5 billion a year. the federal government spends almost $90 billion a year on information technology and almost 80% of that is spent on operations and maintenance, servicing systems that may be over 50 years old. reporter: the workforce is aging too. there are more federal i.t. employees over 60 than there are under 30. at hud, 23% of i.t. workers are
over 60. at the national science foundation 18%, and at labor, 17%, which could become a problem whenever they decide to leave. there are a lot of folks that are retirement eligible that will be leaving in the near term. the real question is are we going to be able to attract the best talent to come in to fill those places and bluntly to do things differently than we ve been doing in the past. cost isn t the only concern as the government tries to get top talent to work for them. the nation s cyber infrastructure remains exposed to hackers. we need about 30,000 to thwart the worst kind of attack on this country. we ve only got about a thousand. reporter: experts are waiting to see how the next president addresses the aging i.t. infrastructure, but private sector companies don t have to wait for anything, like ibm action whose ceo says the company is trying to adjust to changes in tech by hiring thousands of what she calls new collar workers who don t necessarily even need college degrees.
peter, thank you. up next, why some people are worried a president donald trump has interesting communication plans. first, here s what some of our fox news affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox carolina in greenville as lawyers for the man accused of killing nine black parishioners at a south carolina church rest their case without calling any witnesses. earlier a judge ruled they could not present evidence about dylann roof s mental health. closing arguments are planned for tomorrow. fox 8 in high point, north carolina, with the firing of a wake forest university football announcer accused of giving sensitive information to the team s opponents. tommy el rod is a former player for the school and was also a coach for 11 seasons. he was not retained when the current coach took over. this is a live look from our affiliate in san francisco, fox 2. one of the big stories there tonight, uber puts some of their self-driving cars into service there. it s an expansion of the pilot
program that started in pittsburgh in september. an uber employee is still behind the wheel to take over in case there s a problem here. customers can opt out if they prefer a human driver. would you? that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. generosity is its own form of power.
i m in all the way. is that understood? i don t know what she s up to, but it s not good. can t the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don t start a war you know you re going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. tonight we continue our series on the first 100 days of the donald trump presidency. with one of his signature campaign rallying points. early and often the republican nominee took aim at president obama s legacy nuclear deal with iran. but trump also hinted he would not just tear up that deal, so now the question is what will the new president do about the nuclear deal and is there room for a detente with iran beyond
the deal? chief washington correspondent james rosen reports. reporter: born in iran, an accomplished lecturer and the author of three books in he sees some prospects under the next president for improved relations between washington and his ancestral persian homeland. if nothing else, mr. trump, he does represent american pragmatism. he will cut deals. he will sit down with friend and foe and try to come up with the best deals. reporter: in the years since the iranian regime the united states along with five other nations implemented a deal, including huge infusions of cash. at the same time iran s military has harassed the u.s. military.
ramped up ballistic missile testing, intervened to prop up the assad regime in syria, continued funding hamas and hezbollah and reaffirmed undying hostility to the nation it calls the great satan. most analysts believe in his first 100 days in office the next president will make swift demonstration to his changing the relationship. the nuclear chord at the heart, never having been ratified by congress, is at once the easiest thing to change and the most far reaching. as a candidate, donald trump criticized it bitterly. this is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history. the deal with iran will lead to nuclear problems. all they have to do is sit back ten years and they don t have to do much and they re going to get nuclear. reporter: but he has also signalled he doesn t intend to walk away from the deal. to ri deal. i ve taken over some bad contracts. i would police that contract so
tough that they don t have a chance, as bad as the contract is, i will be so tough on that contract. reporter: the secretary of state who negotiated the iran deal hinting ehintinged to repo brussels that president obama in attempting to persuade his successor not to scrap the deal thought there was some headway. there were aspects of it that were constructive and positive and worthwhile and maybe should be held onto. reporter: iranes president has warned tehran will not allow mr. trump to weaken or abandon the deal. the state department acknowledged iran has no such power. they cannot prevent any party from walking away. the counter argument is why would anyone walk away because it s effective. reporter: outside of the nuclear deal, it is the raging civil war and humanitarian catastrophe in syria that may offer the new president
coordination with iran. the president-elect has vowed to work with the kremlin to resolve that conflict. alan parsa for one says mr. trump may recognize a bit of himself in his adversaries in iran. iranians have shown themselves to be rather pragmatic in many, many areaare and as mr. trump has said they re good deal makers too. reporter: even if he intends to quiet things down between the u.s. and iran, mr. trump will soon find his hand forced by events. members of congress have proposed close to three dozen sanctions bills and the new president will have to issue new waivers for the nuclear deal to continue, if of course mr. trump is of a mind to keep it. james, thank you. our 15-part series looking ahead to the first 100 days of the trump presidency continues tomorrow with the president-elect s plans for tax cuts and simplification of the tax code. if you miss any of the reports,
you can check them all out on president trump s critics have something new to worry about tonight. it involves the decades-old effort to spread democracy to other nations through the media. howard kurtz is here tonight with some big changes for agency lgs su agencies such as the voice of america. reporter: politico says that trump will take over an office that could turn into an unfetterred propaganda arm, a kind of trump tv that could only peddle trump approved content. trump could name the editor of breitbart news or another alt-right propagandaist to control how the u.s. is represented to the rest of the world. we re talking about naming a single chief executive to oversee the voa, radio-free europe on the other agencies that are currently battling such forces as isis propaganda and
russian cyber hacking. haven t they been around for decades? yes, but a new law is eliminating the broadcasting board of governors, it s been widely criticized add ineffective and replace it with a single ceo. that change was supported by president obama s administration, president s chairman at the board of governors, the top democrat on the house foreign affairs committee among others. the senate, by the way, could approve or reject that anybody trump nominated. i spoke to the committee chairman, ed royce, and i asked him about the furor. i think that s hysteria. as a matter of fact, there s very clear laws in place here in this legislation that put in a firewall in terms of journalistic independence. so in fact what s driving this is opposition from the bureaucracy itself. meanwhile, bret, hillary clinton herself as secretary of state testified that the broadcasting board of governors was practically defunct in terms
of being able to sell a message to the world. congressman royce introduced this legislation last year, virtually no news coverage. only since trump s election have news organizations seized on it, suggesting, possibly, a double standard. howie, thank you. the election of donald trump has many in the united nations worried about big changes in the u.s. attitude toward that organization. president-elect trump has made no secret of his disdain for the u.n. and the global group has just sworn in a new secretary general who is promising what he calls management reform. senior correspondent eric shawn looks at that situation tonight. the united nations is not a friend of democracy. it s not a friend to freedom. it s not a friend even to the united states of america. reporter: donald trump clearly no fan of the united nations. the president-elect s views are at odds with the world body on a variety of pressing issues, from its support of the iran nuclear
deal, climate change initiatives and resettling refugees. the overwhelming feeling among most members was that barack obama was their kind of u.s. president, so i think it will be a different reception. but i think the whole point of the idea of making america great again is to reassert ourselves, especially in bodies like the united nations. reporter: former u.n. ambassador john bolden who has talked to mr. trump about joining the administration predicts the president-elect will take a hard stance at the u.n. he says the almost $3 billion american taxpayers paid this year alone, the most of any nation, could be cut. i think a good, hard look at the u.n. budget is long overdue. i wouldn t be at all surprised if a president trump once in office does pay particular attention to it. it s total insanity. reporter: that was the undiplomatic opinion of mr. trump a decade ago when we sat down to discuss the multi
billion dollar renovation. he testified about it to congress and accused the u.n. of overspending. it is either the most corrupt thing going on in the world, which is saying something, or it s one of the most incompetent things i ve ever seen. reporter: mr. trump has tapped republican south carolina governor nikki haley as his choice for juu.n. ambassador. i think there s a lot of day-to-day issues that she doesn t know about. the problem that nikki haley is going to face is that many of the other countries delegates are people that have been there for a very long time, like her counterpart from russia has been there for ten years. reporter: a possible preview of what governor haley could face came in a september speech by the u.n. commissioner for human rights. he compared the rhetoric from mr. trump and others that he called populist, demagogues and clever cheats to the propaganda of isis. some breaking news now. the house intelligence committee chairman is not happy at all that the intelligence agencies
have refused to provide anybody for that committee hearing on alleged russian hacking. devon nunez replacing a statement. it is unacceptable that the intelligence community directors would not fulfill the house intelligence committee s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign. the legislative branch is constitutionally vested with oversight responsibility of executive branch s agencies which are obligated to comply with our requests. the committee is deeply concerned that intrance jents in sharing intelligence with congress can enable the manipulation for political purposes. we will talk about more of this with the panel in just a moment. many of you are hopeful and optimistic, some of you are scared. we will talk about all of the fox news polls as well, since donald trump won the election, and that breaking news about the intelligence agencies giving the stiff arm to the house intelligence committee when the panel joins me after a break.
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did we have our hair on fire that hacking took place? no. i mean that s what happens. if he can discredit the integrity of what we do here in the voting process and electing folks, he is winning. we have the president-elect of the united states publicly condemning the intelligence services on which he will have to rely as president. if i m running that covert action, i m putting it in the win column. it s quite possible that the republican party has been exploited and donald trump himself might have been exploited over the years by russian intelligence. so a lot of talk about the alleged hacking and what it meant for the election, as the breaking news we just brought to you, that the intel agencies are not providing any briefers to the house intelligence committee and the chairman, devon nunez,
being very upset about that. this is new fox news polls coming out on this issue. russia s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election helped donald trump and there you see all voters 32%, hillary clinton 1%, no effect 59%. of course clinton voters a much different take on all of that. donald trump s dealings with china and russia. here you see the breakdown in the fox poll. too accommodating to russia, 50%. too confrontational with china, 43%. interesting findings there. finally overall, the opinion of donald trump as it stands now, according to our latest polls, favorable, unfavorable, 47-51. you can see a big jump as far as where it stood at the beginning of november at election time. let s bring in our panel. steve hayes, senior writer for the weekly had is it. maura elison of national public radio and guy benson, political editor at, charles
hurt, political columnist for the washington times. steve, first of all, congratulations. you have a new title. i do have a new title. and said title is? editor in chief of the weekly standard. thank you very much, we will put that up. congratulations. the thoughts about the nunez development and the fact that the intel agencies are not providing briefings to what he wanted a hearing on this russian hacking. pretty extraordinary that they would deny briefings. from what i understand it was a denial of the requested briefings rather than just not being responsive. they have said no, they re not going to provide the briefing. you know, the statement that you read from devon nunez, he s not someone who is prone to anger. that was steaming anger coming from him, especially the suggestion that this could be the politiciization of intelligence. i think the context that you ve seen in the minds of many republicans, including on the oversight committees.
over the years, particularly at the cia throughout the obama administration. if you look back at the kind of intelligence products that the cia was providing to the president, it was consistent with what the president wanted to be true, particularly with respect to al qaeda, isis, the war on terror. so they were providing intelligence product that was fit to match what the president s ideological conclusions. the concern is that that s what s taking place again here. i think if the cia or people at the cia are going to be leaking these kinds of accusations, they have an obligation to go before the congressional oversight committees and explain themselves. now, having said all of that, these are very serious claims. i think there are some people who are defending the trump administration or conservatives who aren t being serious enough about the potential russian intervention in the u.s. election. okay, maura, so here you have this story, the washington post does it first, that the cia believes that the russians
hacked in order to help donald trump. you have clearly some intel agencies that are not on the same page when it comes to this. right. now, nunez is trying to figure this out and he calls this committee hearing and gets the heisman award from the intel agencies, we re not going. now, how are the electors who are asking for intel briefings to feel confident about that to me is inexplicable. put aside the dissention about the motive. there is one thing that is almost unanimous, which is that russia accounted hacked. russia wanted to sow doubts among americans about their own electoral process. that s a real cyber attack and it s really serious. that s something that donald trump, so far the only prominent american that we know of, who has completely rejected that finding that russia hacked. as a matter of fact, he said it could have been a 400-pound guy
sitting somewhere. lindsey graham said it might have been a 400-pound guy but it was a 400-pound russian guy. i don t know why they didn t brief. there are going to be hearings on this. they briefed them in october. they briefed congress in october. they briefed november 17th. here is the director of national intelligence, clapper. as far as the wikileaks connection, the evidence there is not as strong and we don t have good insight into the sequencing of the releases or when the data may have been provided. is he off script there, guy? what s going on? who knows. anyone s guess is as good as mine. i think that there has to be an answer here from the intelligence community. when you re brought forward and congress asks to hear from you and the relevant oversight committee wants to hear, there s a lot of noise out there, there s a lot of allegations flying back and forth, the
motives are unclear, differences in opinion among various agencies, when congress asks you to show up and explain yourself on some level and you say no, the american people have to ask the question, i don t care if you re a republican or democrat, why on earth can they say that. not just why are they saying it, why can they say that. at some point they need to show up and answer questions. meanwhile the white house, josh earnest from the podium is getting a little more aggressive when it comes to this topic. a whole lot more. i think that s a very important thing to remember. obviously the accusations are very serious. if russia attempted or succeeded in any way to sort of interfere with our american elections, that s a very serious issue and we need to get to the bottom of it without fear of favor of any politician. but on the other hand, you do have a sitting president right now who should be overseeing all of this and he s not doing much to help add clarity to all of it. i can t help but get the feeling
that he himself has contributed to the politicization of intelligence. how will history judge donald trump s presidency. you see the breakdown, one of the greatest, 11%, above average, one of the worst 31%. describe the election outcome feelings. 59% say hopeful, 50% said relieved. i think a lot of people covering the election. maura, what do you finding striking about these poll numbers? i m not sure what i make about the outcome, maybe it just means that it s over. that s subject to interpretation. but what i find striking is just the basic favorable/unfavorable. donald trump s favorable is now about his ballot. it should be higher. when you compare him to past presidents at this time, usually you get a bounce after you win. you usually don t have as much negative coverage either.
that s true, but usually you don t win in such a stunning way. this was a real upset. and you d think that he d get a bounce from that. but he didn t. so that s one thing that i think is really interesting. but it has been trending up, so we ll see if that trend continues. i think he did bounce. the only thing is he bounced those people are above their ballots. there was never going to be a big honeymoon period for the next president, regardless of who won, because these were unpopular people. the number bret, you mentioned, 59% of americans saying they re hopeful moving forward after the election. to me that s an opportunity for donald trump. this has been a very nasty cycle with a lot of strong feelings on all sides, acrimony, bitterness, and yet hopeful is the number one answer from the american people. if he can capture some of that and move forward, he can maybe gain some more political capital, to your point. and the other one, 68% of americans believe donald trump will repeal obamacare, that has to be a priority. jobs, jobs, jobs, he said in
the speech in wisconsin, steve, and today he met at trump tower with the tech community, a summit in which he said we ll do anything that you need, give me a call or give somebody in my administration a call if you have any issues. yeah, he said there wasn t a strict chain of command. call in and we ll take care of you. look, he s made very clear that he wants jobs to be a priority. one of the things that we ve seen him do early in his pre-presidential period is the pr of jobs. and whether you re talking about carrier, whether you re talking about meetings like this, this is showing america, americans are going to go home and see it on their news, watch shows like this and say donald trump is doing something about jobs. you know, part of the reason he won was because of the things that he said about the economy. showing that he s making progress, that he s actually checked in, tuned in to what people s priorities and concerns are, as guy says he could take advantage of that hopefulness. next up, the obama
administration takes one final shot at global warming skeptics.
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science. we have seen a lot of the science absolutely start running amuck. the interior secretary for the obama administration sally jewel. did you all know who the interior secretary was? be honest. that s why when you talk about all these choices in months from now we will all be asking those questions about the trump administration. she was asking a final push to imploring scientists to confront so-called climate change deniers. this after the trump transition team asked the energy department s e.p.a. staff to see who was working on the efforts to reduce carbon emissions. we re back with our panel. charlie, about this push. it s not a shocking argument to say that a lot of this climate change stuff has become something of a religion on the left. and it s a religion within the e.p.a. and the energy department. and i think that, you know, obviously, the cabinet are
doing their best to kind of frighten voters about this request for the names and the work of some of these people. but, you know, when trump said i think this is a scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. in the meantime china is eating our lunch. he said that before the election. and he won the election. and people knew exactly where he stood on this people should give the donald trump some room to make good on his promises. in the environment community though, mara, the trump nomination so far, the scott pruitt for e.p.a. administrator and rick perry for energy secretary they frankly scare people. they do. the environmental community takes him at his word. he doesn t believe co 2 emissions have anything to do with global warning emissions at all.
and scott pruitt seems to aagree with him. i don t know about rick perry on that particular question it sounds like if that s the case, even though donald trump has also sent conflicting signals he says he has an open mind. i think at some point you have to either decide to accept the 99% consensus of scientists that man contributes to it or not and the paris climate accord and what he wants to do. i think you can still be for all the above energy policy and also want to do something about global warming. is there a nuances position in between that you want to do something but you don t want it to kill american businesses? yeah. and that s a policy disagreement. i think everyone should be in favor of political noninterference when it comes to science. but the problem that i have is that this often is attacked as a phenomenon that only occurs in one direction. it s those right wing denialist who are minting thingmintmanipulating things. when the left does it do it
pretty frequently when it fits their agenda whether on pipelines or things like that. i would commend to our viewers a really good wall street journal op-ed earlier this month by a scientist by the university of colorado it was entitled my unhappy life as a climate haiherheretic. he believes in the carbon tax and supports that remedy for the problem that he sees. his one heresy was he doesn t believe that climate change contributes to an increase in severe weather events. and for that sin, that thought crime based on evidence that he saw, he has been shunned and shamed and, in fact, called out by the obama white house. so this does happen on both ends. and let s not pretend otherwise. right. let s be clear, steve, that the left for all the talk about being open and transparent and free-thinking and lots of thoughts out there, this is strict. if you are not this way
100 percent, you are out in the cold, pardon the pun. that s exactly right. what it does is have the effect of foreclosing debate. if it s the case that the science is so clear and that anybody who denied or even raises questions would be immediately exposed as an idiot, they should welcome the debate. too often what they do is they use these names, the denialist to foreclose the debate. that s exactly the wrong thing to do. you see it from the left quite a bit. that said, the trump administration, i think, shouldn t have sent this questionnaire. they were smart to disavow it because it looks there like they are trying to foreclose debate. his talk about this. the president-elect has evolved from candidate to president-elect. take a listen. i think it s a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. in the meantime, china is eating our lunch because they don t partake in all of the rules and regulations that we do. where are you on the environment? i m still open-minded.
nobody really knows. so people jumped on him after he said the open-minded thing. but then he turned around and invited al gore and leo decaprio into trump tower to talk to him and everything and then picked rick perry. that doesn t mean he isn t pt pruitt. bill gates has people pulling their hair out that he said. this. in the same way that president kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that, i think that whether it s education or stopping epidemics, there can be a very upbeat message that his administration is going to organize things, get rid of regular go tore barriers and have american leadership through innovation. reference jfk there. he has a big fund on this. he is starting big, big investments into energy innovation. that is it for the panel.
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instead i texted hey ryan i m afraid. are you near your phone they replied okay text me when you are. replied to my dad odk i said i don t know then why are you use tsmght my phone auto corrected god. god says we are 42 minutes away. my dad texted my sister once saying football playing spider. sorry i thought you were google. i didn t get that one. g.p.s. to god. thanks for inviting us into your home. fair, balanced and unafraid. i can hear the doors. so that means tucker carlson tonight is getting ready for his show. starts right now next door. it is thursday december 15th rt. this is a fox news alertd. tensions boiling over as the cia refuses to brief congress on evidence of russian hacking for the 2016 election.
this violates all protocols and it s almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinfo campaign against the president of the united states. the president doesn t need a hearing, it is already blaming donald trump. the muslim teen says she was attacked by trump supporters who tried to snatch her hijab lied about the whole thing. 1 billion yahoo accounts attacked. the information at risk and what you need to do to stay safe. fox & friends first starts right now. it s 5:00.

People , Campaign , Some , Trump-tower , John-roberts , Summit , Bret-baier , Detractors , Senior-national-correspondent , Donald-trump , Election , Most

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20141212 03:00:00

this compromise bill. so as you mention the politics are fascinating. you have the president and vice president calling rank and file democrats asking them to vote in favor of the package. you had nancy pelosi and elizabeth warren on the other side saying stand up and fight. bottom line it got through. there were conservative defections because some of them wanted to vote to fight the immigration executive order. it now appears that that will happen in february when funding for homeland security is due to expire, sean. mike, thank you. joining us mow from the white house is fox s own ed henry. i guess we ve got a new world order in washington tonight, ed. we do. and why would john boehner not wait for the new congressional majority and just do a short-term cr? well, that s a good question. and i think john boehner s going to be facing that come january. everyone s going to run out of town now if in fact this gets through the senate. that s still a hurdle that has to be met. you ve got democrats like senator elizabeth warren saying she may hold all this up and do
this. again, he keeps the government open. and that was a short-term priority. but medium and long-term the president gets his health care and immigration priorities moving forward. that s not what rank and file conservatives want. there are republican leaders tonight saying, look, what we did was set the stage for big battles ahead next year. we ll see. we ve heard that before. we re going to repeal obamacare. we re going to do this and then republican leaders don t follow through. we ll see whether their base is upset tonight or not, sean. ed, the speaker would have had more leverage with the majority of congress coming in in january here. as you pointed out health care is funded, obamacare s funded through october now of next year. immigration will come up, what, some time in february. february. there s no telling what they re going to do there either. the question is if every republican ran on the idea of repealing health care and replacing it, that s off the table now pretty much for the rest of the year, right? exactly. and, look, in fairness to john boehner, maybe he made the calculation tonight and we ll
see the reporting in the hours and days ahead that as you re suggesting, look, he ll have a stronger majority in january and february and big deal he ll have mitch mcconnell majority leader, harry reid will be out as leader. so maybe john boehner is calculating we ll win the battles ahead on immigration and health care. but you can bet the president is calculating every time he wins one of these battles and gets funding for his health care law, funding for executive action on immigration, the president lives another day to keep moving the ball forward and delaying stoppages. so john boehner may be calculating he ll win down the road, the president is happy he didn t lose tonight. joining me from capitol hill our texas congressman louie gohmert. i want to start with this alliance because as they voted on the rule earlier today, there
was a point they were down three votes. then you had a shift of a couple people in the final moments. but you had the president, jou had john boehner, rather, needing joe biden, needing the president, needing steny hoyer, throughout the day at any point were you consulted, were you brought in to the discussions? were you encouraged to vote for this? no. there was no encouragement to conservatives. the speaker and majority leader, these folks knew there s money for abortion, money for the epa to hurt states like texas, arizona. there s just all kinds of money in there for things we don t support. and, sean, you and i know some of us have gone to our leadership and said, look, we can do this very easily. let s do it together with conservatives. that s the bulk of our conference.
don t make them take a wrong vote. let s fund everything for two months. let us have a vote on defunding obama s amnesty. and we ll even agree that the senate can take it out if they take the hard vote to do that and let it go from there to the president. we were willing to work with them to compromise. and not one word, as you know, the calls went to the white house when in a time that the speaker needed votes he turned to somebody that he really identifies with, the president and liberal democrats and got them to help him pass this vote. congressman, let me bring you in. the whip said tonight, we have set the stage for battle with the president of the united states. didn t they just give up a lot of leverage that they would have had with the new majority? do you agree with that statement? do you see any way now with the funding of obamacare through the fiscal year that there s any way it could be defunded at this
point? not unless we put out a new spending bill. and i don t see that happening. also back to the question you asked louie, i went to leadership told them there is a bicameral, house is send it to the senate and stop folding before we even show our hand. i said if we would send it to the senate and then let it then work there will, we may be surprised. there may be a lot of democrats feeling pain and heat from the election that they ll do the right thing. but you never know. you never know if you always punt the ball. sometimes you ve got to run, sometimes you ve got to pass. but my frustration is i led the charge with the letter about a month and a half ago with 69 people saying we wanted to defund this. and we both voted against the
rule. we did not switch our vote at the last minute. we believe the right thing to do was let the members have a vote on this amendment. but they didn t want it coming to the floor because they knew it would pass. if you would have passed a short-term resolution to fund the government, that you would have had the opportunity to maybe do some new bold and dynamic things. for example maybe deal with the issue of the budget deficit which wasn t addressed here, not fund obamacare. there s a new poll out today, 58% of the american people want it repealed that you could have addressed that issue. and john boehner, the speaker, you know, work with the president, vice president, harry reid to get this thing done. so one has to ask the question, did john boehner mean what he said when he talked about that they were going to defund obamacare, repeal and replace it? why is john boehner cutting deals with the president? he said he was going to fight it tooth and nail. and fighting it tooth and nail would have been to put our amendment on the floor.
in three weeks we re going to all raise our right hand and swear to defend the constitution well, sean, what we did was only fund dhs for two months. so it appears the thing we want to take hostage is the department of homeland security. the border patrol. so the rule in taking hostages is never take a hostage the other side wants you to shoot. we go to the president, this is the way it plays out. this is the hand we re left with. we go to the president in two months and say, okay, either you stop your amnesty altogether, or we re not going to put border patrol on the border. last question. i m running out of time. do you think either one of you in any way, shape, matter or form that this impacts john boehner s running for re-election as speaker? is this going to come up in play now? i think he ought to be able to pick up some democratic votes for speaker this time.
for capitol hill chad per gragr. you are in charge of updating all of us on comings and goings and you have been so detailed all day long. inside but very important to all of us here at fox. thank you for your great work. thank you. you started early this morning by talking about the rule vote and how the republicans almost didn t get that passed and a lot of drama. walk us through what happened. well, in the house of representatives on almost every piece of legislation that comes to the floor you first have to approve what s called the rule. this is just a procedural matter here. if you don t have a rule which governs the debate, you can t get to the actual bill. you have to do that first. this was very high drama in the house of representatives. at one point the democrats were actually beating this back by about three or four votes. then you had two members that came down into the well of the chamber, a republican who switched his vote from indiana,
200-213, that s a tie by rule and then a freshman who lost his primary, republican from michigan, he switched his vote and they passed it 214-212. that was really tough. and i talked to bentivolio later in the day and he said, look, there was this flash of political savvy that came about him and he was trying to be a little facetious, but he thought i thought maybe we could get a better deal if i voted to move this to advance that package there. so that was pretty high drama. otherwise this would have been dead in the water, toast, and they couldn t have gotten to this vote just about an hour ago in the house. interesting the speaker had to rely on the president and all the democrats. in this bill you ve got amnesty being funded to the tune of $2.5 billion, chad, when you break it all down in the varying departments. marsha blackburn says it funds king obama s amnesty.
and then health care funded through the fiscal year october 1, correct? that s the interesting thing in this is all the fighting and all the skirmish over obamacare over the last five years on capitol hill, no new funding for obamacare. no new funding. so there was not really a fight over obamacare in this bill. that was the interesting thing. isn t that the leverage they gave up? that was the fight last fall. yeah. that s what some people think. and that was if you talked to conservatives like michele bachmann and steve king, they were very disappointed the night before last where this was not made an order their amendment to sort of shackle the department of homeland security, shackle the spending in some way the dhs would handle immigration services. and that amendment was not made an order. the problem of course then a democratic senate and harry reid probably wopt have thought too kindly of that and president obama would have veto that had and that would have invited a government shutdown.
so this was the fine line that the republican leadership and specifically house speaker john boehner had to walk. to fight this next year on immigration. they certainly could have gone with a short-term cr otherwise the democrats would have been responsible for shutting down the government. chad, great job. obviously you helped all of us here at fox. joining us now fox news political analyst juan williams and from the weekly standard fox news contributor steve hayes. there s a reason in my mind, steve, that john boehner would need the president, the vice president, harry reid and steny hoyer in all of this. and i think it s pretty simple. i think the reason that obama would support him and biden and reid would support him is because they knew that the speaker would have more power and leverage if they did a cr into february. so the question is, why did john boehner do this? i understand why the president did, because i think this was a great deal for the president. yeah. there s no question, i was just talking to republican members of congress including conservatives who supported the deal.
and they say in effect, look, that wouldn t have helped us much. we wouldn t have the kind of leverage that many people outside think we would have had. in any case what this shows is that democrats are divided or more divided than republicans. we ve seen this kind of infighting between republicans in the past. what we haven t seen is this open defiance of president obama from leaders of the left of the democratic party. i guess we could argue that the president s a lame duck and ed henry rightly so was making that argument all day, this would be a test of the president s power. the president did get enough votes to get what he wanted. he wanted this bill passed. and, juan williams, i ve got to believe this probably makes you happy because this is the best case scenario, the president gets $2.5 billion for illegal immigrants, he gets obamacare funded through october. you know, the whole different narrative going on here, sean, which is that you have the liberals up in arms over there because of the changes that are in this bill that allow, of
course, more money to be spent in terms of blind money coming to campaign finance, but most of all rolls back some of the dodd frank financial stuff. so they re the ones that are angry at president obama. and i hear from, you know, steve king and you saying, oh, we re upset that boehner played along. let me tell you, it s the left here and the split with president obama that i think is the big story. but the president hang on, but president still got the votes he needed to want. he did. he wanted this bill passed. i understand all the people you re referring to, i read the adjustments to the dodd frank provision, but in the end the president got what he wanted. and i think he was astute enough. and, steve, i go back to my point he was astute enough to understand this was going to be the better deal because with the new majority in january, boehner would have had more power. and they constitutionally have the power of the purse. and i suspect the president feared that come february,
right? well, that is precisely the argument david axelrod said on twitter. he basically said in 140 characters exactly what you just said. oh, great. i m done. you just ruined me, steve. you just ruined my life. what are you doing? i was telling the truth, sean. i report. you decide. you report, i decide, i m dead. look at how juan williams is smiling. he s giddy. i could go crazy but this is where we are in the politics of the moment. it s crazy. the senate just voted to say we re going to continue this for two more days so there won t be a shut down. and they re going to have a fight because elizabeth warren and left wing politics so angry at wall street is going to be on full display in terms of saying
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confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source. this a fox news alert. a government shutdown has been avoided. a short time ago the house passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill that was reported by both speaker boehner, president obama, harry reid and vice
president biden. and as you can imagine this measure did not sit well with a number of conservatives including me and including congressman jim bridenstein. he put out this tweet explaining why. i think it quotes it very well. he says, here are just the five of the main reasons i will be voting now on the omnibus bill that fully funds obamacare, over 1600 pages long, actually 1774, and spends $1.1 trillion filled with political favors. here with reaction minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann and iowa congressman steve king. i know you tried to persuade the speaker and leadership all day to go for a short-term cr. what is the possible explanation why they would not do something that was so smart that would have given them more leverage and power come the new year? well, i think the reason why they did it is because the political establishment made a decision months ago this they
were going to get amnesty. and they were going to pay for amnesty. the executive amnesty is what they didn t like. president obama doing it alone. but they wanted amnesty. let s not mince words. both republican and democrats, the leadership, the establishment, wanted to have amnesty hold on. are you saying, congresswoman, that this deal was struck, we think back in september when they decided remember when they decided to move this deal to december i forget the exact month. but you re saying that you think john boehner sat in a room with barack obama and said we want to, a wink and a nod, and this is how we ll do it? you believe that happened? the political establishment wants full-on amnesty. they were going to get it one way or another. they wanted it all done before the new senate was sworn in. i think the main thing we need to know is this vote never, ever, ever, in any parallel universe would have happened the week before the election. it wouldn t have happened.
people? did john boehner cut a back room deal on this? and is that why he did not accept the power of the new majority when he would have had more authority? do you believe that some type of back room deal was made, congresswoman? a deal was made. there s no question. a deal was made. they wanted to have amnesty. they were completely fine with amnesty they don t want to de-fund obamacare? they don t want to de-fund it and replace it? all i know is this afternoon the speaker gave a private meeting to steve king and i. we offered a positive alternative that would unify the gop and get this deal done. john boehner told us he was going to do the cromnibus did john boehner make a deal with president obama? yes. i think no good ideas outside of that deal were going to be considered unless we could have succeeded on taking the rule down. and at that point we would have had a new ball game. and i think we had a chance.
but we failed by a vote to take the rule down. we were close. that s when we lost. all right, guys. thank you both. it s a sad day that john boehner doesn t realize there was an election, the people have spoken. and you re right, congresswoman, if this vote took place a week before the election, this never would have happened. never would have happened. that speaks volumes about politics in washington and how john boehner has disrespected the people that voted for all those republicans tonight. that s my take on it. thank you both. coming up, the architect, karl rove, he s here to weigh in on the cia s enhanced interrogation report. that and another live update as breaking news continues on capitol hill. we ll check in with rich lowry and scotty hue straight ahead. i don t care whether you have a ph.d. or an mba. everyone has questions about money. you know, i think about money kind of a lot. -money s freedom. -money s always on my mind. credit cards. -mortgage. -debt. it s complicated. it s not easy. i m not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i m a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. so there s questions about the world that all of us have,
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now, among the many issues and concerns discussed brennan explained that there were times when cia officers exceeded policy. but despite much debate the techniques did in fact produce useful and valuable intelligence. in many respects the program was uncharted territory for the cia and we were not prepared. we had little experience housing detainees and precious few other officers were trained interrogators. but the president authorized the effort six days after 9/11 and it was our job to carry it out. there was useful intelligence, very useful valuable intelligence that was obtained from individuals who had been at some point subjected to eits. whether that could have been obtained without the use of those eits is something that again is unknowable. here with reaction fox news military analyst lieutenant general thomas mcinerney.
general mcamericinerney, i apol to me this is outrageous because it s going to put people s lives in danger. but dianne feinstein write a report about enhanced interrogation and not a word about a drone program by obama killing thousands of innocence. do you see the irony. i do. dianne feinstein has normally been a very balanced senator running that committee. in this case it was a very partisan report. the points that you re making of the dichotomy of what i would call enhanced torture and the killing of enhanced torture or interrogation? excuse me. enhanced interrogation versus the drones killings, it is a sharp contrast. and the fact is this report is
the most dangerous report, i believe, that has ever come out of the congress to our national security. yeah. it is very, very harmful to the people that it has presidential approval, it had d.o.j. approval, the leadership of the cia was watching it very closely as john brennan just talked about. and so what is going to happen in the future to our people today in the drone wars that they re going to say six years from now they re going to come and say i committed a murder by shooting insurgents and radical islamists? it is very, very dangerous. and i believe the blood will be on her hands for this report. very strong words. and i agree with those words. if something happens, blood will be on her hands. mike baker, i like to use this analogy. imagine any parent that s watching this program. two kidnappers take your kids out of their house, out of your house, you run after them. you tackle one of the captors. you have that captor.
the other guy gets away with your kids. where will you stop in terms of getting information to identify where your kids have been taken? i can speak for myself. i will stop at nothing to get that information. is that a similar analogy after 3,000 americans died? well, i mean, it is. and a lot of people agree with you, feel the same way. we know because we ve spent years and years debating the interrogation rendition program. we know there are some folks you re never going to shift from their position. either talking to a detainee or everything else is torture. as director brennan pointed out as well as previous directors and managers, they did play a role. the problem is this report, and i run a company that does complex investigations all around the world. if anybody came to me and brought me a report based on investigation and i say who did you talk to, we didn t talk to anybody.
and more so we had a finding and wrote a report around it rather than let the evidence guide you than deciding your findings, i would suspend those people and give the client their money back. that s kind of what we re dealing with here. very disappointing use of $40 million. i think it s important to have these conversations. of course it is. talk about policies and procedures. but you would like to think that, you know, we would come far enough in this whole discussion that this thing would have been objective, unbiased and they would have taken the time and done the hard work to find everybody involved from the administration, the agency, sit down. they didn t do it. and that s well said. 6,000 pages they never spoke to any of the key people involved in the interrogation program including cia directors tenant, michael hayden or jose rodriguez who was in the cia and oversaw this. general mcinerney, mike baker, appreciate it. meanwhile dick cheney blasted the cia the vice
president also set the record straight about then-president george bush s knowledge of the cia s interrogation techniques. take a look. i think that he knew everything he needed to know and wanted to know about the program. did he know the details? i think he knew certainly the techniques. we did discuss the techniques. there was no effort on our part to keep him from that. he was just with the tariff surveillance program. he had to personally sign off on that every 30 to 45 days. so the notion that the committee s trying to peddle somehow the agency was operating on a rogue basis and we weren t being told or the president wasn t being told is just a flat out lie. here with reaction former senior adviser to president george w. bush, fox news contributor karl rove. we had jose rodriguez on the program the over night. heover saw the water boarding of khalid sheikh mohammed and other instances.
he says without that technique we wouldn t have found the courier which led us to bin laden. if he was there and he saw and had the information and they don t interview him for this report, how do they possibly come to the conclusion that they did that this did not help find some of these terrorist sns. well, look, it clearly did. and there s plenty of evidence on the record, including president bush s own book in which he talks about on pages i believe it is 168 through 170 where he talks about the origination of this program. it begins with zubedah initially coughed up information and then he shut up. and he became uncooperative. the cia, there was a high level of chatter about follow-up attacks on the united states. the cia comes to the president and says we need to have additional authority to undertake some additional interrogation techniques, the enhances interrogation techniques. here are 13 of them. bush has them reviewed by the lawyers and approved.
and he determines he s uncomfortable with two of them and authorizes use of the other 11. he gets broken. after waterboarded he literally says you have to do this for all the brothers. we ve been told not to talk. this frees me from my responsibility. you must save my other brothers by doing this. he coughed up information the recruiter for osama bin laden. this guy is the logistics master mind for 9/11 and the post-9/11 plotter. he s the guy in charge of figuring out what to do in follow on attacks. we get him. he initially is problematic. he s subjected to these techniques. he begins to cough up information. and the information from zubedah and lead us to khalid sheikh mohammed. remember he said i ll see you in new york with my lawyers. we remember how he sort of taunted america. once he broke though he led us
to the efforts in southeast asia and gave up his brother in charge of the effort to attack the west coast of the united states. and we swept up 17 members of his cell. and they were in training probably to use aircraft to attack places on the west coast. the idea that somehow or another these techniques did not i mean, we knew about canary war, we knew about attacks on hethrow. karl, very well said. why do you think dianne feinstein did this then? look, i think she s being driven she reminds me of the red queen in alice in wonderland. conclude first and allegation second. left wing staffers spent $40 million and six years in a vendetta against george w. bush in order to attack the fundamentals of the cia, in
order to attack the record of the previous administration and achieve a partisan political goal. i m sorry to see her do this. i think your previous guest was right. she s forever going to bear this as a stain on her record. last question about a top story tonight. why do you think john boehner went for an omnibus bill to fund the government for the entire year rather than a continuing resolution where they would have more power in the purse with the new majority both the increase majority in the house and obviously the majority in the senate? why would he do it that way? well, they ve got two tracks. they wanted to get most of the government funded through the balance of the fiscal year. it is stupid for us to be funding a $3.5, $3.7 trillion enterprise called the federal government. he wants to return to regular order and use the leverage of funding through the end of the year to get significant concessions from the democrats. they kept a short leash on homeland security so that we can have a battle next year from the position of strength with
majorities in the house and a majority in the senate to help us but it fully funds obamacare. well, look, you think the united states senate is going to go along with an effort to de-fund obamacare? we can t get 60 votes in it next year now coming up, we re going to have more on tonight s breaking news out of washington. when we come backse, i m going explain why i think john boehner needs replaced as speaker and our question of the day.
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i believe the president continues to act on his own. when you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself. and he s going to burn himself if he continues to get on this path the american people made it clear election day. they want to get things done. and they don t want the president acting on a unilateral basis. john boehner talking tough on the issue of amnesty but unfortunately that is all it was. conservatives feel they have been burned with aligning them self was the president to pass a spending bill just a short time ago. joining us now, scotty hughes.
john boehner bloomberg conservatives tonight and by that, i mean, conservative base in particular, and michelle bachman hit the nail on the head he never would have done this before the election. he has no inspiring vision and to me, he s a democratic party light. he doesn t have those bold difference that s reagan talked about. he should not be the speaker and should be replaced reaction? if on twitter now, the majority of the american as agree with you, sean. we ve got issues with boehner all along. over two years sh he should go. he was with pelosi with insider trading and visa bill. he s had issues all along. this is a great opportunity, i think. john boehner is full of it. what do you think? no one else wants the job so
he s not going anywhere. one theme we ve heard is that congress shouldn t pass enormous bills without knowing what is in the bill. out of 1603 pages they added more pages nobody has read. and what bothers me about this, it funds $2.5 billion for illegal imgrants, funded then, we ve got obamacare funded through the year. he s not doing his job representing an alternative vision for the country. it seems he s cowardly and has a fear of being blamed for a shut down, no vision to inspire the country that he has an idea that is going to solve problems we face which are great at this
moment in history. it s amazing how democrats are praising elizabeth warren in the senate. listen. go elizabeth. she called people that wanted to shut down the government. let me go back to the tweet. because this is how he summed it up. it funds obamacare. and is filled with political favorites. they could have defunded obamacare and offered an alternative. they could have taken the president on with his un-constitutional, unlawful action. and shown they re tough. has the party been desperate to push something through if
they re going to gain power? they re afraid of the shut down and gave into appropriators that crafted these bills and wanted to be done with it. they could have had a vote you re getting senate democrats on record, for pushing back against the president s amnesty. now, you ve created this huge skepticism. i expect it s john boehner trying to sabotage the republican party and boehner now, i think he s a wolf in sheep s clothing. when we come back, our question of the day. straight ahead.
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you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this. eliminate odors you ve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy. time for the question of the day. did speaker boehner make a mistake by teeming up with reid? you know he never would have done this before the election. that is all you need to know. he sadly, i ve got to say that he represents everything that is wrong with washington.

President , Vice-president , Liberal-democrats , File , Package , Nancy-pelosi , Favor , Compromise-bill , Bottom-line , Politics , Elizabeth-warren-on-the-other-side , Sean

Transcripts For CNNW Americas Choice 2016 20161108 06:00:00

price in serving our country. we can answer that question tomorrow resoundingly yes, absolutely! think about how generations of americans throughout our history have come together to meet the tests of their time, our parents, our grandparents, our great grandparents defended democracy. they built the great american middle class. they marched for civil rights and voting rights for workers rights and women s rights. for lgbt rights an the rights of people with disabilities. and tomorrow we face the test of our time. so remember, it s not just my name or donald trump s name on the ballot, it s the kind of
in you believe we need to reform our criminal justice system so everyone is treated fairly, then you have to vote. and if you believe if you believe we should never write discrimination in to our laws [ cheers and applause ] well then, you know, you know, north carolina, you have to vote to get rid of hp-2. now, this is so energizing, we could keep going with a long
i want to thank gaga because she s always stood for that fundamental principle of respecting everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i want you to know and spread the word, i do want to be president for all americans, not just some, not just the people who support me and vote for me. i want to be president for everyone because we all have a role to play in building that better future for our country and for each of you. so if you haven t voted yet, go to you will get all the info you need an you can still sign up to volunteer, right? go to hillary or
text join jo-o-i-n and we will welcome you to help make sure everyone gets out to vote tomorrow. because none of us want to wake up wednesday morning and wish we had done more, right? years from today when your kifds and grand kids ask what you did in 2016 when everything was on the line, you ll be able to say you voted for a stronger, fairer, better america. an america where we build
bridges, not walls. and where we prove conclusively that yes love trumps hate. thank you. thank you so much, north carolina. god bless you. thank you all. [ cheers and applause ] there you have it, folks. if you can believe it this may be the last time that you hear from candidate trump and candidate clinton before one of them is president elect. welcome to our cnn special live coverage of this historic election. this is it, the big finale to the most brutal campaign in recent memory. i want to welcome our viewers here at home and around the world. i m poppy harlow in new york. it is just past 1:00 in the morning and for hillary clinton and donald trump it is a late-night fight for every
single last vote. both candidates wrapping up duelling rallies. trump in michigan and north carolina. we have our reporters across the country and around the world for you as only cnn can do. as we count down the final hours until you go to the polls. start with phil mattingly in raleigh, north carolina. the final words, phil, love trump hate. here we are, the final words. it is interesting. that s a message that hillary clinton has had for a while. she shifted her message today, deliberately shifted her message today. take a listen to this. basically the point here is that hillary clinton for the last
couple of weeks has been trying to tear down donald trump and his candidacy. that stopped today. today it is about the future and looking forward in to an optimistic candidacy and how to most importantly govern should she win tonight. it s a big moment for the clinton campaign to make that shift, to transition away from the constant trump attack. it s one her advisers tell me is a deliberate choice. that s how good they feel about where they are in the race but also the recognition about how damaging the race has been and the healing process it s going to take over the next couple of weeks. poppy? phil, tell us about the crowd. obviously it is big, as is donald trump s crowd tonight. i saw a lot of young people. she talked a lot about college and making it tuition free. who was she trying to target tonight, trying to get undecided voters in a state that is so critical for her and in a state where the early data on the early voting there doesn t look
particularly strong for her. this is her second time in raleigh in five days and there s two good reasons for that. she is son the campus of nc state. the crowd is packed with college kids. we walked in and it was to capacity and there was a line 20 blocks around the campus. that s what the campaign wants to see. you nailed why. this is the purest of pure tossup states. you talk to clinton adviser and field staff. they have no idea how this will go. they feel okay about things. they felt they recovered in the early vote but this is a pure tossup that s why the message was dedicated to millennial voters today. these are the people clinton knows she needs to get out if the wants to win the state tomorrow. you heard the president pleading with the people of north carolina saying if you come out for clinton you will be what decides this election. that s right. you have seen surrogates all over the place make that point.
in florida, nevada, a number of different states, in michigan most recently. it s been here where you nailed it talking about the early vote. those numbers were not where they wanted them to be. there s a number of reasons you could say that, particularly in the african-american vote and it s worth noting. there s been a recovery in the african-american vote over the last couple of days in early voting but a lot of ground to make up. mitt romney won the state in 2012. democrats need to flip this state and need millennial and hispanic and black voters to do just that. it did go for president obama in 2008. as you said anything can happen h. phil mattingly live in raleigh. thank you so much. we want you to listen to part of donald trump. he just wrapped up perhaps his last campaign speech tonight in michigan. let s listen. michigan now stands at the cross roads of history. when you step in to that voting booth today it s now today,
there s one core question for you to consider do you want america to be ruled by the corrupt political class or do you want america to be ruled by you, the people? donald trump in michigan, a state that he thinks he can take out of democrats hands. we ll see if he can do that and crack in to the blue wall. we will see tomorrow when you go to the polls. in the meantime, the first in-prn election ballots cast in the town of dixville notch. who won? it is a tradition that dates back to 1960 when voters went for kennedy so, who won? well, poppy, the ballots were cast. the votes were tallied. clinton getting four votes.
trump getting two. johnson getting one and one of the dixville notch residents wrote in mitt romney. so there you have it here in dixville notch, clinton is beating trump but you know, poppy, i have to point out, dixville notch is not the only town that participates in the midnight voting tradition. there is millsfield and there is a quirky law in new hampshire that says if a town has less than 100 people they can close the polls once the registered voters have voted. poppy, i ll point out that collectively in these three towns that participate in midnight voting here in new hampshire trump is beating hillary clinton. trump getting 32 votes and hillary clinton having 25. team clinton, rachel, paying attention to tiny dixville notch tonight, one of the advisers tweeting they like the outcome.
yes, tweeting out they were happy about it. i m sorry. writing clinton campaign feeling very good about election day results thus far. they have a few more votes that need to be cast, though. that s right. he sent the tweet before those votes were tallied in harts location and millsfield. it is a coveted spot to wind, dixville notch s vote here. they are right in being proud of it but as i pointed out, trump is beating hillary right now in the polls that have been tallied on election day 2016 in new hampshire right now. new hampshire is again a really important state for both of them this time around. it could go either way. rachel, thank you very much. it s been leading up to this. it is officially election day in america. can you believe it? we will have every race and every result. stay with cnn until the last vote is cast. all-day live coverage today. election day in america right
here on cnn. coming up, trump s campaign manager said he has six paths to victory. we will take you to the states that could prove critical. our nick valencia live tonight in florida. florida is perhaps the most critical of them all with 29 electoral votes in the balance. coming up after the break, we will break down the historic turnout in the state of florida. you are watching cnn s special election night coverage. as they swim out of the path and the seagulls they ll be smilin and the rocks on the sand. it s so peaceful up here. yeah. [ eagle screech ] introducing the new turbocharged volkswagen alltrack with 4motion® all-wheel drive. soon to be everywhere.
you found the perfect car foi m a robot! yeti rawr jingle bells tents up guys. and used to find a place to service it at a fair price, too. signal, signal hey guys, how s it going? that s not even music. now when you re ready, you can sell your old car and find your new one all on you know us for shopping, and now we re there for every turn.
our progressive direct rate. we let you compare great deals for reals! .and our competitors rates side-by-side, so you know you re getting a great deal. saving the moolah. [ chuckles ] as you can see, sometimes progressive isn t the lowest. not always the lowest! jamie. what are you doing? -i m being your hype man. not right now. you said i was gonna be the hype man. no, we said we wouldn t do it. i m sorry, we were talking about savings. i liked his way. cha-ching! talking about getting that moneeeey! talking about getting that moneeeey! savings worth the hype. now that s progressive. whmy doctor.houldn t hamy dentist.veryday? definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water.
want a great way to help our children thrive? then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn t raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it s time to vote yes on proposition 55.
40% democratic and 38% of republicans. there was a huge surge in early voting but it also appears tore historic surge for hispanic voters, doesn t it? this is huge news, poppy, for the latino community. we have long expected the sleeping giant to make a difference. historic vote you are turnout not just in florida but across the country. here in florida specifically they could prove to be the most crucial the most critical swing state in the country. the break down here, you have older cubans who are more establishment republicans at odds with the younger cubans who could vote republican, adding to the complexities, you have thousands of newly arrived puerto ricans to the middle of the state. the i-4 corridor which is the most purple part of the state. you mentioned it has eclipsed
the number tw in 2000. putting in to context in the last 16 years, you have 3 million newly arrived residents. that has to do with historic voter turnout. they know the significance of the state and have spent a lot of time here in florida rally. hillary clinton here with joe biden and attacking this character of donald trump. both expect to went this critical state. they both expect and want it and need those 29 electoral votes. nick, thank you so much. let s go to pennsylvania. they are getting a lot of love in the keystone state in the final day of the 2016 election. both hillary clinton and donald trump stumping there on election eve in full get out the vote mode. there s no early voting in pennsylvania. so locking in the 20 electoral votes there comes down to today. that s why they were both there
today hillary clinton bringing with her president obama, first lady, former president clinton, her husband to the stage. and bon jovi and the boss. thunder road thunder road sara sidner is with us in philadelphia. where do i begin with those big name surrogates? who do you think made the most impact on the stage stumping for clinton? it s hard to say but every time michelle obama speaks she
gets this loudest cheers although her husband did as well. what you are hearing her is introducing herself to the crowd, as if they needed it and then sounds like she is trying to hand the baton over to hillary clinton hoping that hillary clinton will walk in her husband s footsteps. so i m honored to be here on the stage on the eve of this historic moment. i m also emotional because in many ways speaking here tonight is perhaps the last and most important thing that i can do for my country as first lady. let me take a moment to thank you, to thank the people of this country for giving our family the extraordinary honor of serving as your first family. huge cheers from the crowd but of course the clinton
campaign bringing out all of the guns, trying to make sure that people get to the polls, but trump not far behind them. he was in scranton and he s been going and burning this midnight oil to try to make sure his message gets out, even as we get in to the last few hours before the election. you are right five states for trump today alone and three for clinton. she is back on the plain to new york. trump heading back there, as well. tomorrow it is in the voters hands. sar sara sidner in philadelphia. thank you for being here. let me begin with you. good morning. five states, trump s final
blitz. florida, north carolina, new hampshire, pennsylvania, many eume michigan, not ohio. he could be there right now. i think he ran out of daylight. he pushed it about as hard as he could. i am shocked by the schedule they both kept. i think i m in good shape and i m not sure i could have kept the schedule they have kept the last year. sally, hillary clinton did a radio interview and here s what she said whether or not she plans to speak to trump tonight. listen. i will certainly expect to speak with him. i hope that he will, if i am successful, play a constructive role in doing just what i said,
coming together, bringing people who supported him to the table sally you want clinton to win. regardless of who wins tonight, to be a fly on the wall, to listen to that conversation, what do you hope it is like? i have to tell you, i spent the last couple of days around philadelphia with my family and my daughter. we did some door knocking to get her involved in democracy and teach her what is at stake. she is a way bigger hillary clinton supporter than i ever was and it was a tremendous, wonderful experience for the most part. i have to tell you the last day we were there, we were in a purple area of the philadelphia suburbs and, you know, not because we were just going about knocking on the doors we were told to knock but we had about five or six trump supporters approach us, approach our group with eight kids, six adults and,
you know, yell at us. yell at us about how can we support pro-abortion candidate. she s a sinner. how can we support this crook. she s crooked. in front of our kids. i have to tell you having done this before in previous elections, i ve never seen that level of animosity, hostility, anger, vitriol. you hope the candidates won t be like that. i hope that if trump loses, by the way, if not i m popping xanax. if it comes to that, if he is conceding i hope he is doing it in a gracious way that says, look some of the anger, hostility, i contributed to, i m going to now heal. i m going to take an actual leadership responsibility for once in this election and i m going to put an end to that kind of anger.
let s listen to the president. we heard from the first lady. let s listen to president obama in philadelphia. i m betting that men across this country will have no problem voting for the more qualified candidate who happens to be a woman. i m betting that african-americans will vote in big numbers because this journey we have been on was never about the color of the president but the content of his or her character. i m betting that america will reject politics and resentment, the politics of blame and choose the politics that says we are stronger together. taking from martin luther king jr. 56% approval right now for him. michelle obama very well liked. how much do you think, if she wins, if clinton wins the obamas in this final push have moved the needle? very important.
obviously the final days as the polls have gotten narrower in many of the battleground states has turned to the issue of turnout. hillary clinton has had trouble with younger voters and african-american voters. whereas i think president obama brings a kind of fire power. 17 times he has campaigned for her. that is unheard of for a sitting president. closest was reagan and bush in 88 but even that was more tepid. usually incumbent presidents are saddled with either some scandal baggage or unpopular like president bush was in 2008. so they are away from the campaign trail. that s not been the case. almost as if he is running. aside from stumping until 1:00 in the morning, the candidates are making their message heard in the final hours. clinton and trump released these ads two minutes long but very different. here s a clip of both of them.
look, we all know. we have come through some hard economic times and seen some big changes, but i believe in our people. i love this country. i m convinced our best days are still ahead of us if we reach for them together. the political establishment as brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to mexico, china and other countries all around the world. the only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. so overall clinton had a more positive tone. donald trump saw a little at though end there but more positive and focused on progress. what do you make of the strategies in the final hour. clinton has had so many negative ads. most using trump s own words against him. by releasing this two-minute, much more positive ad tonight, a couple of hours ago, clinton trying to create a more positive
energy and a reck sill toir energy, as well. donald trump said his last ad is positive. it s a bleak message about the political establishment, the global power structure. he s promising to take pow per back on behalf of the american people. he is taking his own speech and running it in these commercials. listening to your panel talk about the experience, the fear around this election, though, this is exposed some uncomfortable truths about america. donald trump and hillary clinton did not create this hyper polarization we live in. they can choose to make it worse or better later today. people want more time. they will get more time. i have to get a break in here. coming up for us, the entire world waiting for the outcome of america s election. many people, especially in mexico. that is wherelav
l . we are here at the angel of independence square. this is where historically mexicans have come to gather and witness the most significant moments in the country s history and there s talk of many people flooding the streets tomorrow night if hillary clinton wins. we will have more on this coming up after the break. i got the discounts dothat you need l safe driver accident-free everybody put your flaps in the air for me go paperless, don t stress, girl i got the discounts that you need safe driver accident-free everybody put your flaps in the air for me i can t lip-synch in these conditions.
savings oh, yeah whmy doctor.houldn t hamy dentist.veryday? definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water. pcountries thatk mewe traveled,t what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna
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no puppet. that wall is getting taller with every interview. getting taller, taller. it s getting up there, i ll tell you what. with me live tonight in mexico city ed is ed. in mexico you have to look no further than the currency, the peso to see how anxious people are about the election. from rich to poor this this country people are paying attention for that reason. there s been a great deal of fluctuation with the value of the mexico peso compared to the u.s. dollar. that has been very much connected in many ways to the fate of donald trump and this election. back on sunday, when the announcement by the fbi that it
would not pursue charges against hillary clinton and the case was closed the value of the peso jumped up 2% in the aftermath of all of that. despite all of that, the economic concerns of what it means when you talk to people on the streets of the city over and over, to a person, everyone says they have been severely insulted by what they view as racist and xenophobic speech coming from donald trump. in many ways they view he catapulted himself to the top of the republican field by maligning and insulting mexican immigrants an the mexican country. a lot of anger toward donald trump. walk i through the sentiment of the russian people on the eve of this election. especially given the tension in in the past few weeks, really increasing between the white house and the kremlin.
the white house pointing the finger at the kremlin and putin saying you have meddled in this election. extraordinary the extent to which russia has become a campaign issue in this presidential race over hacking and various issues, as well, the links with donald trump and russia allegedly. the kremlin officially, position is they don t have any skin in the game. for the the american people to decide. if you watch state media controlled by the kremlin you get a message that there is one candidate they prefer over the other and it is quite clearly donald trump and they see him as somebody who shairs a russian world view on various issues, nato for instance, syria and support for assad there. and the kremlin-controlled media has taken a one-sided approach to covering this u.s. election. of course that is ordinary people, as well.
their favorite candidate, as a result of that, is donald trump. we will watch the reaction there, as well after the votes are tallied here. matthew chance, live in moscow, thank you so much. u.s. security teams are watching for signs that russia or any other foreign actor or hackers may try to interfere with election day through cyberattacks. sources say right now there are no known cyberthreats that would likely effect voting or the vote count. thank you for joining me. good to be with you. you told my colleague jake tapper this week that russia is capable of doing damage in this election. in the last 24 hours, have you heard of any credible cybcybe cyber threats, voter registration, location news, anything that could affect the outcome of this election?
you know, i haven t heard anything in the last 24 hours, but we the reality we have seen russian meddling in the election for months now. it takes no leap of faith they can continue and likely will continue to interfere. it may not be on election day, although they have potential to cause mischief on election day but i think we can expect whoever wins the election they will continue to hack and dump information if they think they can weaken the u.s. president. unless we establish a strong deterrent we are likely to see more of this from russia. we appear to have dodged a bullet. that s one of the things that concerned me up to this point is that russia was going to start to do what they have been doing in europe and that is not only hacking and dumping documents but massively forging information. that would have been difficult to prove a forgery in the last few days of the campaign. we may have dodged that bullet,
but i think we are likely to see continued there is a rigged system, folks. totally rigged. absolutely rigged a crooked system. issue of voter fraud. do you believe that russia and putin have already scored a victory in this election before a seingle vote has been counted some early votes in but by making americans less confident in the system as a whole? i think they have in part achieved that objective by giving americans less confidence in the result by sowing dischord. so yes they have accomplished some of their objectives.
i think it is important for me american people to realize part of the reason they have been able to do this is because they have had a willing party in donald trump. if we had a typical election where the republican standard bearer shared the views about concern of the nature of the russian government, and spoke out against russian hacking rather than inviting further hacking it would be more difficult for the russians if you didn t have someone saying the election is rigged and all of this thing. that has so played in to russian hands. it is has amplified the mischief the russians wanted to create. as you know the way that pump puts it in response to what you are arguing he said wouldn t it be a good thing if the united states got along with russia. if there was a stronger relationship between the white house and the kremlin. he said that would be more productive than what he points to as a failed russian reset on
the part of hillary clinton when she was secretary of state. your response to that? my response is would it be nice, sure it would be nice but that is fantasy land. this is someone who invaded his neighbor, seized crimea. he does expect if he says something nice to putin he will leave ukraine, 0 or stop bombing civilians in aleppo, yi don t think that will happen. stop bombing nato aircraft, i don t think that will happen. so we have tried to establish a productive relationship with russia. they are not interested. part of what putin believes is in order to drive up his popularity domestically he needs a bad guy to be against and the united states is that bad guy. frankly, i think trump is naive to think that a few kind words on his part will change that. i don t think that any commander in chief of the united states should be prepared to, as trump
suggested, recognize russia s illegal annexation of crimea. as you point out, russia and putin have plenty of problems domestically, especially when it comes to russia s economy and what it means for their citizens. before i let you go, the white house has vowed the u.s. will respond to russian hacks but haven t made clear of how or when. you said unless russia pays a high price they will continue to meddle in u.s. affairs. i wonder from your perspective and where you sit, on the intelligence review, what should that retaliation look like, sanctions, counter hack, what would be most effective? what would putin listen to? i think what would get the kremlin s attention is if we work with countries in europe that have been the subject of similar meddling by russia and we impose additional sanctions on russia. their economy is their weakest point. a discussion of sanctions sets
putin off. so plainly they are sensitive to additional economic pain and i would couple that with a cyberresponse so putin understands and it doesn t have to be something made public but putin understands he is vulnerable, too. this is no free lunch for the kremlin and if they are going to meddle this way they could be exposed in ways that could be bad for putin. i think in a overt and covert way we should respond. thank you for being with me tonight. pleasure. thank you. it s election day. 1:40 in the morning on election day. you are excited. you can t sleep. we re not sleeping. why bother trying to sleep? stay right here. coming up in our live special election coverage next. i m going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. there s only one of us on
this stage that has shipped jobs to mexico because that s donald. jobs, health care, your money, your vote, the economy, issue number one among voters saying economist ben stein staying up late with us. he joins us. at planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. do you like nuts?
whmy doctor.houldn t hamy dentist.veryday? definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water. we can t go back to the years of devastating cuts to public education. so vote yes on prop 55. prop 55 prevents $4 billion in new education cuts, without raising taxes on anyone, and with strict accountability. budget forecasts show
if we don t pass prop 55 big cuts that hurt our kids are coming, and california will suffer budget deficits all over again. so vote yes on 55. because it helps our children thrive. it s the economy, stumd. seriously, it is the economy
this election. the phrase made famous during bill clinton s run for the white house still holds true today. from jobs, wages stock market speaking to the stock market, the dow scored 371 points, the biggest gain after james comey cleared hillary clinton in the e-mail investigation. the markets read that as fafrlible for clinton s run. stocks jumped on the news, why? no, the markets aren t in love withic hillary clinton but they hate uncertainty. and trump is more of an unknown and comes with unpredictable on big issues like trade. meanwhile, the s&p 500 could fall 3 to 500 if trump wins. and deutsche bank stocks could also fall if trump wins. joining us, ben stein, lonnie chan, a republican who is not supporting trump.
ben, are these predictions too dire? i mean, the u.s. economy has been through a lot. dare i say the fundamentals of the economy are strong? can i say that, harkening back to john mccain? but are these predictions too dire? way too dire. if the economy is extremely strong. and by the way, citi group doesn t have a crystal ball of predicting the future of stocks, neither dois deutsche bank. mr. trump s claim he is going to be the greatest creator of jobs god has ever created is non-sense. there is nothing in his proposal he has set forth that would lead anybody to believe that. nobody believes that, but god bless him any way: but the main thing is the economy is rather strong. people have dropped out of the
labor force, and neither of the candidates has a good idea on how to get people back into the ligament force. there are good numbers out there. but ben makes the exact important point that those numbers don t for the people most this need, those are people who have been out of work so long they have given up looked. they are not even counted. when you look at the reality of this situation how helpful is a report like this for clinton? only to the extent it s been covered in a way to suggest that the economy and labor markets in particular are doing well. i think obviously the bigger concern sufficient got people as you have note who had dropped out of the labor force. you have got people in part-time work but want full-time work. so the measure of how the labor market is doing jenlely is not as rosie. big issue going forward is two candidates, both who put out
policies that could be problematic. on the trump end you have got policies that would restrict immigration and restrict trade. on the clinton side it s unclear whether she would address the debt and the debt load going forward causes problems as well. when you look at the tax plans, they say ben stein that hillary clinton s plan, when it comes to taxes would reduce the national debt by $5.4 trillion in 20 years. trumps would add $20 trillion over 20 years. look, your concern is do you like anything about trump s tax plan more than clinton s even if you are not a fan of the candidate? yes, i do. i like the idea of reducing the corporate tax. there shouldn t be corporate tax at you will. it should be taxed to the owner of the corporation not taxed a
the corporate level. and i like repealing the estate tax because i d like my son and graun daughter to get as much as possible. but i don t think there is anything going on in trump s tax plan that s going to lead to a growth in jobs. i i m sure he want a big growth in jobs. there is nothing going on that s going to lead to that. and nothing in mrs. clinton s tax plan that is going to lead to a growth in jobs. we have a fall in freight movement. that s a worrisome sign. corporate profits have been falling steadily for the last several quarters. i would like to have somebody address what we are going to do if there is a recession. it is a important point. this has been a bull run for the markets. over seven years. if history is a indicator, then ben stein may be right that we are on the cusp of another recession? yeah, and i don t think either candidate really has come
out to address that particular issue. i mean it keeps clear that hillary clinton would pursue fiscal stimulus similar to what he we saw in the first year of president obama s term. donald trump, it s unclear exactly what he would do because a lot of his policy has been fuzzy. but obviously, the economy, i think, is while it has done better over these last several quarters i think it s still in a fragile state going forward. this is something unquestionably the next president is going to have to deal with. ben stein, do you believe that this election, regardless who wins is the death knell for the big global trade greechlts, trump says he would rip up nafta, hillary clinton liked tpp until it wasn t the gold standard until she was pushed a lot by the left. she said it was when she read the final draft, is the the end of the global agreements now in

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20161103 02:00:00

but let me tell you about something. i m against jews or anybody else who puts the interests of some other place over our own country. not opposed to all jews. something said, actually said in a senate debate stage in the year 2016. today s louisiana senate debate took place in an empty auditorium at a historically black college called dillard university in new orleans. students at dillard protested. there aren t arrests. some people were reportedly pepper sprayed by university police as they tried to protest outside the debate hall. but inside david duke assured us all he is not against all jews. happy 2016. that does it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow. now it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. good evening, lawrence. rachel, the debate was even worse than you presented. we re going to present i was going to use the word highlights. we re going to present excerpts of this debate, this david duke debate coming up. and he attached himself to
donald trump as if donald trump was his running mate. donald trump really was his running mate in that room tonight. that s to whom he credits his success in the senate race this far. absolutely. thank you, rachel. we will bring you those excerpts from the ugliest debate of the year. this makes the donald trump performances look elegant compared to david duke. but first, how republicans in the battleground states can stop donald trump. we have six days. six days. time enough to tell your family you love them and make your peace with god. we re going to pretend we re down. we re down. pretend, right? it s gotten more competitive. but hillary clinton is still over 270. she shouldn t be allowed to run. imagine it is donald trump standing in front of our capital and taking the oath of office. he says he ll be his own foreign policy adviser because he has a good brain.
this is one sick puppy. if you vote for hillary, you re a grown-up. stupid people, stupid people. if you vote for trump, you re a sucker. right. that s so nice. he is very cavalier about using nuclear weapons. his rhetoric is off the wall on this topic. it s not actually. i think right here you re being delusional. no, i m not. i m not being delusional. it s strange how over time what is crazy gets normalized. anybody want to go swimming? let s go. what are we thinking of doing here? six days away. no side tracks, donald. nice and easy. this is the last word on campaign 2016. tonight in many battleground states across the country, the voters who are standing between donald trump and the presidency are republican never trump voters. the never trump movement was left for dead by the political
republican early voters in florida are voting for hillary clinton. that is the only tracking survey with actual early voting results in florida. the only one. that same survey combined with likely voter election day polling predicts that hillary clinton will win 48% of the vote in florida to donald trump s 40%. that winning margin would obviously contain a very large republican vote against donald trump. hillary clinton is campaigning in arizona tonight where at this point, four years ago, president obama didn t have a chance against mitt romney, who won arizona with a 9-point margin over president obama. a new cnn poll shows donald trump only five points ahead of hillary clinton in arizona, with donald trump at 49. hillary clinton at 44. that same poll shows john mccain 13 points ahead of his
democratic challenger ann kirkpatrick. with john mccain at 54 and ann kirkpatrick at 41. so about 5% of the people who are voting for john mccain for senate are also voting for hillary clinton for president. the clinton campaign announced today it s almost doubling their television ad buy in arizona, spending over a million dollars in just the last week. the clinton campaign has 33 field offices in arizona that will be working to get out the vote. the trump campaign is not making a similar effort in arizona. arizona republic reporter dano wiki told the washington post trump doesn t have much of a ground operation. and it seems like trump isn t interested in investing money here. trump mostly is relying on personal appearances and earned media there is a similar polling problem for donald trump in wisconsin. in wisconsin, a new marquette poll out today shows hillary
katie, it s hard to think about where this campaign would be tonight without a never trump movement among republicans. well, one of the reasons so many of us oppose trump in the primary, lawrence, is we really thought donald trump would be the weakest republican candidate in a general election. and i think we re seeing that play out. we re seeing hillary clinton having, you know, a horrible closing week on this campaign and still donald trump isn t able to close the deal because he is viewed by so many independent and soft republican voters, and even some really hard republican voters who view him as appalling and unacceptable. and i think if any of the other candidates had prevailed, they would be winning this thing in a landslide. let s listen to donald trump in florida today where in the middle of his speech, he starts talking to himself. and then, of course, says hillary clinton is unhinged. let s watch this.
republicans well, all republicans. i don t know anybody that is undecided really at this point that is not a republican. but have i talked to people who were kind of on the fence. and this whole thing with clinton has kind of reinforced, you know, 20 years of hatred that has built up against hillary clinton. and there are people that are feeling like, well, i m going to hold my nose. i don t like donald trump. but i m going to hold my nose because hillary clinton is just so corrupt. the problem for trump is that he was only at about 79% of republican voters two weeks ago. and he needs to be at like 94 or 95% of republican voters if he is going to be competitive. mitt romney had 93% of republican voters and still lost the election. i don t think donald trump can close that gap. particularly among republican women. we ve seen in poll after poll after poll where he is underperforming with republicans. it s largely among republican women. and it may just be that
he is terrible. he is everything you say about him. but at least he is not hillary clinton. and katie is right. the fact that he cannot close the deal at this point is really a sign of his disadvantages. because you can certainly imagine that any other republican given the events of last week, given the obamacare, the e-mails, the anti-clinton sensibility out there that any other republican would be closing and sealing the deal. i don t think he is going to be able to do it. let s listen to hillary clinton tonight talking about donald trump. the thing that is so shocking to me is no matter who you are, what your background is, if you don t fit into a very narrow category of people that he can relate to, then somehow you don t have a part in trump s america. that really bothers me. katie, that s her message in nevada tonight.
yeah. and i think that as charlie mentioned, there are a lot of groups that feel that one of the reasons that i think women have pulled away from trump from early on is this sense that if you don t look like a victoria s secret super model, you don t have any value as a woman. if you aren t sort of a wealthy white american like donald trump, then you re a loser. you re a failure. and you don t fit in trump s america. i sort of agree with that sentiment. and i don t think that s a democrat sentiment. i think it s a sentiment that a lot of people are feeling when they hear the rhetoric from donald trump s mouth and they hear what many of his supporters are saying. and i think it s troubling. all right. we re going to have to leave there it. take a break. charlie sykes, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we really appreciate it. katie, we re going to need you for another discussion coming up. next we have breaking news from louisiana. the senate debate there is a debate unlike anything you have ever seen on a political stage. white supremacist david duke was
on that stage. i can t repeat the things he said on that stage. we ll be right back with some excerpts from that debate. we re getting outnumber and outvoted in our own nation. unless we stand up now, our children have no future. infinite scalability. the microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. wherever there s a phone, you ve got a bank, and we could never do that before. the cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. it helps us communicate better. we use the microsoft cloud s advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. this cloud helps transform business. this is the microsoft cloud.
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former klu klux klan leader david duke is running for senate in louisiana with donald trump as his running mate. the only man the media hate morse than donald trump is me. they hate trump and me because they oppose the massive immigration that will destroy america. we ve got to protect american jobs and industry. we defend our heritage. trump even says we should say merry christmas instead of the pc garbage. the media says he sounds like me. but you know what? we both simply sound like you. vote for trump for president. david duke pour the u.s. senate, and let s take america back. david duke was on stage for united states senate debate tonight. at dillard university, a historically black university. david duke reached the 5% polling threshold for being included in the debate by getting 5.1% in the polls. debate organizers did not allow students the general public, or journalists anyone into that
auditorium for the debate. but protests gathered outside to protest david duke s presence. here is what happened when the moderator tried to get david duke to respond to a question about taxes. would you not interrupt me and give me my time look, you re not one of the debaters here. i m sorry, mr. snell. gave me a chance and you re interrupting me. i ll let you rebut, sir. federal prosecutors said see, you re not a moderator. you re a typical media we re going to move on. mr. flemming, go ahead. your time. you re going to silence me? you re going to prevent me from answering this question? i d like you to answer the question. that s the problem in this country. the media is deciding who our candidates are no, sir, no, sir. you re a hypocrite. mr. flemming you have the floor. i was going to answer the question if you gave me the chance. you didn t give me the chance. mr. flemming has the floor. the truth is anybody who stands up in this country tells the truth what is happening to
our country, we re losing our country. anybody who does that is going to be a target of the media just like donald trump. all right. we have to move on. watch what is happening to donald trump. joining us now, david corn, the washington bureau chief from mother jones and jonathan capehart, an opinion writer for the washington post and an msnbc contributor. he is also host of a new podcast called cape up. well, jonathan, it strikes me as no surprise that david duke is basically declaring that his running mate is donald trump. right. not at all a surprise. i mean, what donald trump has done is taken the david duke message, blown it out of uisiana and put it not only on the national stage for people to talk about and consider, but turned it into the nomination, the republican nomination for president. and so david because david duke had someone out there spouting his beliefs with a national mega phone, he decided
hey, let me come out of retirement and run for senate. if you think the benghazi committees might have been a little bit out of control, listen to david duke tonight talking about hillary clinton. look at trump and the neo cons. we have a cabal in this government that literally controls our foreign policy. syria is a country with 3 million christians. syria is a secular government, nonjihadist. it was just admitted by clinton that our government has been supporting saudi arabia which she admits was supporting isis. the lady should be getting the electric chair being charged for treason. david corn, i can t even think of a question. well, you know, what donald trump has done is normalize a little kinder, gentler version of david dukism. trumpism is very much like dukism. look at what he has done. he gave a speech recently in
which he railed against the conspiracy of international bankers. that used to be code word for jewish people. donald trump said we should keep muslims out of this country. this arch bigotry in which david duke and the kkk supremacists are all for. paul ryan, the number one republican, elected republican in the land said that donald trump was making racist comments when he called a federal judge a mexican because his parents came from mexico. so you have racism, bigotry, and hints of anti-semitism, all in things that donald trump has said during this campaign. so it s no wonder that david duke said huh, i see an opportunity here. donald trump s lock her up, she should be in jail to david duke translates to she shoul be getting the electric chair. well, don t forget that some of trump s key supporters have called for hillary clinton to be killed and barack obama too.
let s listen to david duke talking about jewish people. i m not opposed to all jews. i think there is a lot of great there are a lot of jew is honor. let me tell you something, i m against jews or anybody else that puts the interest of some other place and some other country over our own country that is controlling and dominating the media which is teaching black people and inspiring black people to hate white people and inciting them to violence like the black lives matter. your time has expired. that s my issue. jonathan capehart, that has been his issue for a long time. yes. it s like the golden oldies with david duke. back to his original play list. i mean, look, the idea that he got 5.1% in a poll that allowed him to be on that stage, and to spout so much rage, so much venom says a lot about where the country hopefully isn t going,
where the republican party seems to be, where its nominee has made it possible for someone like david duke, who we all thought had gone off, slithered off and taken his hate with him elsewher figured that it was fine to pop back up. i watched parts of the debate, not the entire debate. because there is only so much rage and hate i can deal with in any one day. but the idea that this man has a platform and he is standing on the stage with other people who very well might be infinitely more capable to be a senator from the great state of louisiana, the fact that he is sharing the stage with them is really i mean, it s lawrence, i m almost at a loss for words here what this means for the country. and the trump campaign has had some real screaming anti-semites in its audience and at its rallies. let s look at this guy at a
trump event yesterday in miami. a trump supporter yelling at protesters yesterday and the press, yelling at the media yesterday. let s listen to this. you re an embarrassment to your profession. you re an embarrassment. you sell out for a few shekels. for a few shekel, you sell out. david corn, you sell out for a few shekels. that s a trump supporter. and there was a trump supporter shouting jew su at the media event a couple days back. what we see with david duke here, though, there is an extremism within the republican base itself. some polls show a majority view of republicans believed in the birther conspiracy which i would call a racist notion, believed in the muslim ban, which i would call an act of bigotry. and also believed that obama is not a christian. he is a muslim. partly because he is black.
there is the republican party has played footsie. donald trump is exploiting it if not encouraging it. duke, while he sat 5%, the fact that these other notions are majority position within the republican party. and that donald trump is close to perhaps being elected president shows that there is a lot of racism, hatred and big industry out there that the republican party is using as fuel. david corp. and jonathan capehart, thank you both for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. thanks, lawrence. the trump campaign is hoping that melania trump can help with their campaign to win women voters. she is going to give her first campaign speech tomorrow. that s next. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement
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switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn t pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. to me it s really exciting to have the first mother in the white house. that s what i think. it s not about the first woman. it s about the first mom. what it is about a mom? because a mother, she s got it. a mother just does it. she s got your she feeds you and teaches you. she protects you. she takes care [ bleep ]. a great father can give a kid 40% of his needs, top. 40%. tops out at 40%. yes, yes. but that s optimistic. yeah. that s optimistic. any mother [ bleep ] just a not even trying mother, 200%. she can t speaking of mothers, melania
trump will go to pennsylvania tomorrow and deliver her first speech of the campaign. she did deliver a speech at the republican convention, but that wasn t hers. that one was plagiarized from michelle obama apparently by melania trump s speech writer. 12 whole weeks ago, donald trump promised that melania trump would have a press conference about two weeks from then, which would have been ten weeks ago. a press conference where she would prove that she has always observed the immigration laws of this country. but the trump campaign decided not to do that. the trump campaign continues to refuse to release any of the documents that could actually prove melania trump s legal immigration history. in the final days of this campaign, both the clinton campaign and the trump campaign want voters to think about who donald trump really is. here is the trump campaign s picture of donald trump.
the american moment is here. two wbr id= wbr19829 /> choices. two americas. decided by you. donald trump will bring the change we re waiting for. america, better, stronger, more prosperous for everyone. a plan for tomorrow. a future brighter than our past. the choice is yours. and here is the clinton campaign s picture of donald trum putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner is not ready, i go through the roof. grab wbr id= wbr20129 /> them by the [ bleep ]. and when you re a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. i d look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who is flat chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? i can t say that either. all right. very good. /b>
joining us now, careen jean-pierre, for and a former deputy campaign manager for martin o malley s 2016 campaign and back with us strategist katie packer. karene, they used donald trump s words and kellyanne conway say that is a very, very unfair ad. the best ads that hillary clinton has had is when she uses donald trump s words o. because there is nothing there is nothing better than the facts, right? the actual words that donald trump has used. look, here is the thing. women are not stupid. they know exactly who donald trump. he is the guy because of his candidacy, we have to spend the last 18 months listening to him call us pig, call us fat, call us sluts and also demean our
bodies, saying disgusting things about our body. and the most important and dangerous and scariest thing is the sexual assault, right, the history of sexual assault and him bragging on it, about it on tape. so we know exactly who he is. and, you know, the video that they played for him saying oh, introducing who the real donald trump is. no. that is not that is not who he has shown himself to be. when we look at the tapes, when we hear the howard stern radio tapings, and also we have to remember the producers of the the apprentice have said themselves have, been on record there is actually worse things that he has said that mgm has not released. katie, the trump ad say apparently their ad reaching out to women. and their definition that of is there is nothing in the content of it. it just shows a woman voting for donald trump. you know, they have been very, very tone deaf about what it is that women are concerned about in this election. and have really missed the point
that women by and large have sort of made up their mind about trump about who he is. when i hear those words out of donald trump s mouth, i imagine my 17-year-old niece hearing that. my 11-year-old niece hearing that. my 20 and 21-year-old nieces hearing that. and the way that it forms how they view themselves when they hear somebody like that that is so influential, that is so demeaning and degrading to women. and we see him being elevated by the republican party. it s not just an affront to women of america, but it s an affront to many, many republican women like myself who look, on either side of us at republican voters and say how did this haen? how did we get here that we re elevating a man of such low character to be our representative and our nominee for the highest office in the land? and how did it come to it that the current president of the united states finds himself
having to talk about this on the campaign trail. let s listen to president obama out there today. do you want somebody to be your voice who on tape brags about how being famous allows him to get away with sexual assault? no! who calls women pigs or dogs or slobs. and grades them on a scale of 1 to 10. 23 you disrespect women before you are elected president, you will disrespect women when you re in office. can we just pause for a minute, karine? that s the president of the united states actually quoting a nominated candidate for president. yeah, it goes to what katie was saying. how did we get here? and we got here because, you know, he managed to really tap into something the last 18 months and get rid of his last
16 opponents. it s really, really scary. i think people have been talking about hillary clinton like basically closing argument, how she is trying to talk about the character and how donald trump is unfit. i think she needs to do that. as voters are voting right now, not on november 8th. a lot of voters will vote on november 8th. but people are voting right now. she needs to remind people who donald trump is that he is unfit, unqualified to be president. karine jean-pierre and katie packer, thank you both for joining us tonight. i really appreciate it. thank you. coming up, new polls and early voting information from a key swing state where most of the votes will be cast before election day. that s in tonight s war room. and later, russia isn t the only country where the trump family has complicated business interests unlike anything any president has ever had. that s coming up. i have asthma.
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president obama won nevada in both of the last two presidential elections, and we have new numbers tonight about the early vote in nevada and a new poll there. but first, here is how it looked today on the campaign trail. this, my friends, is not a normal election. the system is rigged. remember that. in not so subtle ways, donald trump is doing everything he can to intimidate people and tell them not to come out and vote. don t let trump and his friends intimidate you. hillary clinton is the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. and if she were to be elected, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. nothing will change if he is elected. because we know who he is. get up at 3:30 in the morning and tweet vitriol about a woman s body, about her weight? this is one sick puppy. she has become totally
unhinged. what she is saying and what she is doing, actually it s unbelievable. he is saying you got to vote for me because i hate all the same people you do. that s about it, isn t it? can you imagine, they gave the questions to donald trump before a debate. you know, it would be the electric chair. they would reinstitute the electric chair. he says he ll be his own foreign policy adviser. he says he can do that because he as a good brain. now that is contestable. trump neither understands nor do i think gives a damn. the american people are getting tired of the fast and loose ethics of the clintons. and it sounds like the department of justice is starting to feel that way too. she shouldn t be allowed to run. f. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon.
than lightning strikes and plane crashes. and if you are texting while driving, your risk of crash increases 23 times. now, i may be an unlucky guy, but i don t have to be part of that statistic, and neither do you. drive responsibly. hillary clinton has spent her whole life standing up to bullies like donald trump. she has been on the receiving end of one attack after another for 25 years now. and i ll tell you, she ain t backing down.
she doesn t she doesn t whimper. she doesn t whine. she doesn t go to twitter at 3:00 in the morning to call people fat or loser. no, no. no, hillary just remembers that was massachusetts senator elizabeth warren moments ago campaigning for hillary clinton in reno, nevada. nevada is tonight s campaign war room. the clinton campaign is hoping early voting will mean a win in nevada. early voting has beenup way there for 11 days. nearly half of the state s voters have already cast their ballots. and 2/3 are expected to vote in nevada before election day. with five days left for the presidential campaign war room joining us tonight on the last war, jon ralston, host of ralston live in pbs nevada and a contributor to msnbc. how does it look in nevada tonight? well, the democrats are doing
very well here in early voting and absentee ballots so far, lawrence. they have about a 50,000 ballot lead. that s going in today in clark county, which is a big democratic county. that s las vegas. they re building towards what will probably be a 65 or 70,000 vote lead if the pattern holds. it s mirroring 2012 very closely. in 2012, barack obama ended up winning the state by seven points. wbr id= wbr29050 /> i don t think hillary clinton is being to quite get there. but if these numbers hold, and there aren t some really strange anomalies in the last three days, she s probably got a pretty solid lead here, lawrence. speaking of strange, there is a cnn poll out that shows they believe clark county is going or the trump by one point. they have it at 546-45. and the state of nevada by six points. but the clark county thing doesn t make sense based on what you said about the early voting. well, if that s true, then /b>
an hannity is going to win a peabody award too, lawrence there is just no chance that donald trump is ahead by one point in a county that has 142,000 more democrats than republicans. and i ll tell you, if by some chance that is true and it goes against every piece of data, private data i ve been privy to, we better start calling him president trump now because something strange is going on. let s listen to elizabeth warren tonight talking about joe hex and donald trump. joe hex is a republican candidate for senate out there. and elizabeth warren is appearing for hillary clinton and for catherine korto masto. have i had it. i have had it with the donald trumps and joe hexes of the world. donald trump is now the leader of the republican party. they got to own that one, baby.
there is none of them, i m with him, i m not, i m with him, i m not. no. they got to own this. how does the senate race look? this is a real toss-up race, lawrence. it has been for a long time. that cnn poll that you mentioned showed heck up by a couple of points. it s within the margin of error, i think both campaigns agree. what i understand is in the early voting with the democrats having a fairly sizable lead in clark county, i don t think heck is getting much separation from trump. his separation is around las vegas. so they expect him to do better there. he has done all kinds of incredible contortions about trump in the last few weeks, including just yesterday, weeks after he said he wanted nothing to do with trump, he wanted him to step down from the ticket, he said yesterday in an interview first he wasn t sure who was he was going to vote for and then had to put out a clarifying statement that clarified
nothing. how much does that hurt him? the base s campaign says marginally. but it doesn t have to hurt him that much in that race for him to lose. i think that race is going to be very, very close. but if the democrats do well in early voting in the last three days, lawrence, use pointed out, most of the votes are going to be cast before election day. i think it means joe heck is going to have to have a very big november 8 to wbr-id= wbr30850 /> pull that out. what about voter turnout operations on election day? which party has the advantage there? well, you know, it s interesting. because the democrats always do well in early voting for all the obvious reasons, especially here with the culinary union being able to bus workers. and they have a lot more on the ground during early voting. they expect to lose election day. the question is by how much. the trump organization here, trump organization is an oxymoron. there is nothing here. they don t have anything on the ground. the rnc has brought in a bunch of people. and there is some stuff that has grown up organically out of some local republican groups. but compared to the machine that
harry reid has built here since 2004, there is no comparison, lawrence. so the democrats actually surprised themselves and won election day in 2012. if they do that this year, it s big trouble up and down the ticket for the republicans. jon ralston, thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. absolutely. coming up, wall street journal reporting that the trump family has business dealings in more foreign countries than just russia. countries that are in very difficult some of them have difficult relationships with the united states. o love your laxative. .when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases, and softens to unblock naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax.
donald trump has received 1 to $5 million from a company in turkey with ties to prime minister erdogan. 2 to $10 million from a company in indonesia with ties to former dictator suharto. and 1 to $5 million from a company in india founded by a politician. and donald trump has received $2.5 million from a company in azerbaijan linked to the transportation minister. joining us now is alexander burzon. alexander, what would you say are some of the more peculiar aspects of the possible conflicts of interest? i was particularly struck by your report on the complexities the trump family and donald trump might have in dealing with turkey. yeah, turkey is one place where you have a company group
which has a lot of complicated relationships with the current government, is a major media company in turkey. and you also have just a lot of potential future relationships that these children of trump who are going to run the business are pursuing all over the world, as they have been for quite a while now. and that presents a potential for conflict of interest of just or conflicts in general that really is unprecedented for a president, according to many of the experts that i spoke to for this story. and in the case of turkey, the current regime believes that there is a cleric currently living in the united states who they would like sent back to turkey, extradited, although he is not charged with any crime here that they could do. but that s the kind of thing where it s hard to imagine donald trump in the oval office hearing this request from turkey about send us this man and dealing with it when he has business interests there. yeah.
i mean, i think the issue is he is going to be taking revenue according to his filings, and there is no reason to believe the business will necessarily change, he is taking revenue from people all over the world, oftentimes they re branding arrangements and also hotel management deals. and it s millions of dollars that are coming from people all over the world who have their own political interests in their own countries that are also overlapped with u.s. interests and issues in many cases potentially. the trump it s important to say that i spoke with trump s an attorney for trump who says oh, it s going to be very much a separation. but when he has his children running the companies that is something that we haven t seen before generally presidents do put their interests in a blind trust, which in this case he has used the words blind trust, but a blind trust would not include under a federal definition for it would not

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white house s counsel. he s a legal adviser to donald trump. he s the former chairman at fcc and the thing that you need to know is he s someone that s getting money out of politics and he s someone with limited national experience. one of the important things about serving in that role and you are called that that s going to be the real challenge for mr. mcgahn going forward. of course, there is been a lot of question of potential conflict of interest for the president-elect trump because of his vast business entanglement. the white house counsel is going to neat to spend a lot of time digesting the president-elect
need to do when he gets into the white house, it is a rule that s going to be very important going for him. donald trump is coming into the white house with unprecedented business ties. there is going to be questions about the conflict of interest and don mcgahn will be the person will be giving donald trump of the advise of what he can and cannot do and how he should separate himself from the businesses and how much. he s going to be responsible for a whole lot of legal advice. donald trump watches a lot of fox news. she s getting praised by connecticut senator and the independence who won democrats. she s somebody that s going to be well received by portions of the republican party. she s somebody that has quite a
history of republican politics. she was a member of the nixon/ford/reagan adviser. a speech writer and to wine berger and defense. she s been highly critical of president obama, basically saying that if he did acknowledge the severity of radical islam or the threat of it. interestingly as well 2006, she ran the gop primary to run up against hillary clinton. she lost that pretty badly over allegations over inflating her resu resume. so these are people that are well-known in republican circles and folks that are well not the most traditional picks that are not completely non traditional. don mcgahn does have some experience but not a whole lot. this is a job that s
extraordinary important in the white house more so than other. crucial in the point you bring up about his history don mcgahn with the trump organization and trump s family going back years. that s the real question, how is he going to separate and not only the president-elect trump but also the white house counse counsels, those ties he may have had throughout the years as he may represent the white house. this is an enormous challenge that donald trump is going to have to face. he s not shown a tremendous amount of willingness to go the extra mile to make sure the american people could believe his decisions he makes while in office as president and are in some way to further his business interest. he has a sprawling wed of business interest around the world. in those conversaons, reports of attempts to smooth out the project. yes, the white house counsel is
going to have an enormous task on his hands. in terms of deputy national security adviser, we know that along of what katy said, she s been critical of clinton and criticized tenure of secretary of state as creating problems with the united states of china and russia and iran and she s been favorable with donald trump. that s another trend we are seeing and a number of these people appointed so far has been favor of him in the start or in the case of nikki haley, someone who may supported one of his rivals. it is been newly of criticisms of him. if he does go a little beyond that, that circle of people that either are his loyalists or people who were not against him or picking someone like mitt romney, that s speculations that s out there. kellyanne conway tweeted an
article of current trump supporter. and newt gingrich trying to steer away from mitt romney worrying that he s not going to be loyal. this is a test to see how far trump is going to go in choosing people who may have different opinions and challenge him and up at the table, saying you are wrong mr. president. what we are seeing and kt mcfarland and nikki haley and who he s parading out in bed now kt mcfarland is coming forward. we ll look at the names that was brought up there. looks like we may have lost the hill for a second there. we heard the beep. when we hear that, we know what it means. that yesterday he was bringing up before he got disconnected. and mitt romney and kellyanne conway coming out tweeting something seeing questionable of who he is. kellyanne conway came out
with a couple of tweets linking to a political article that says loyalists were telling donald trump that mitt romney was no t t not a good pick. mike huckabee says you want to choose somebody that ll take a bullet for you. she he s got a lot of evidence behind him to say that, mitt romney came after all went after donald trump and probably most critically of anybody out there and most vocally of anybody out there of a sustained campaign to keep donald trump from getting the gop nomination. he went after him for his wealth and that he was not wealthy and went after him for his character and calling him dishonest and saying he s very, very not smart. he also went after him for business and mocking trump s states and airlines and all
these businesses that went under. mitt romney will have to explain himself. why does he think donald trump is a good leader and why does he want to be apart of the administration or sell donald trump s foreign policies over seas and be trump s top diplat. yeah, we remembered that where he came and said i am not for it at all. thank you katy tur and we ran out and we owe you one there. thank you both. coming up. using black friday as a way to let the world know about what some sees as excessive use of force by police. plus, a celebrity sends out a warning of the proposed muslim ban which trump floated during the campaign.
fun times, retailer retailers retailers e retailers holiday sales expected for an increase. scooping up stuff and people out there. jo ling kent in jersey city and how is it looking there, jo? reporter: well, it is actually doing very well and more retail analysts are expecting of 137 million americans are expected to shop this holiday weekend. thanks for joining us live on msnbc. as you just told me you are going to be doing all the shopping online this year, why are you here? well, we did not come here with a plan of doing our shopping online, we came here to do some shopping and we saw the
lines and we are like no, no. reporter: well, you know, do you think you can get the same discounts here today verses online if you do it shopping later. for the most part, our kids are gone so we don t have a lot of toys and stuff like that. i mean it is mostly clothes. reporter: how are you feeling about the retail? and the economy, confident or not so confident? hopefully, optimistic. nicole, thank you for joining us. this is what we feel here. this energy here at the malibu looking ahead, we do expect to see foot traffic overall down malls loo i can thike this. more people like nicole is going to be shopping online. 70% of that data online shopping is mobile traffic. it is great the see all those families out there. thank you very much jo, appreciate that report. i want to take you down to
chicago where protests are happening there. they did the same thing last year, you may remember they had an enormous turn out that time. blake mccoy is out there listening and talking to them. what are they telling you, blake? reporter: well, richard, about 200 protesters have came out here on michigan avenue on black friday to make shetheir voices heard. outside the nike store here and police forming a counter change and locking arm and arm to make sure protesters don t go to the store and remaining peaceful out here. more accountability from this area. why black friday and why such a disruptive time coming out here. this was one of the biggest shopping days in chicago and probably across the nation and it is one of the best opportunities for us to get our message across. in the last year since you had
this huge protest last time, there is a new police chief and state s attorney. the only person left is mayor robert emmanuel. what do you hope to get changed out here? this goes beyond individual elected officials. it is about holding people in office accountable to citizens in chicago. it does not matter if it is robert emmanuel, we ll hold the next state s attorney accountable. this is about civilians are residence really having a say of how their communities are going. reporter: tanya, thank you very much. the protests are continuing here for several more hours, richard. certainly a systematic challenge and seeing those unfortunate numbers grow when it comes to deaths and black american chicago. up next, donald trump s proposal of muslim ban bringing memories
of a painful path. george deka is joining us next talking about that issue. [ dinosaur growls ] and his dad earned 2% back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs. yeah! even before they earned 3% back on gas. danny s parents used their bankamericard cash rewards credit card to give him the best day ever. that s the joy of rewarding connections. learn more at
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for some in the united states, donald trump s proposal muslim ban prompts memories of the american history. to leave their homes and put them in internment camps across the country. japanese americans became prisoners in their own country much because they looked like those who bombed pearl harbor and nothing more. last week, trump s supporter repeated what trump mentioned during the election. he called it a precedent for the muslim ban. it shocked the agent american the community and george takei
who was an intern himself. they interned my family, don t let them do it. george takei is joining us live. thank you for being here. you were shocked then about the election, how do you feel now? i am still shocked right now and particularly hear carl talking about using the japanese internment as a precedent. we told the stories of the internment on broadway, we want to raise awareness and particularly we want to raise awareness to as many people as possible. we feel a performance of allegiance and we arranged with over 600 theaters in the united states and canada because the same thing happens to japanese canadian. we are screening that film on
december 13th. at the same time extending an invitation to elected officials because they are the policyma r policymakers and they are the one that need to know. when donald trump made that statement, we extended an invitation which he did not take up. we extended invitations to everyone who was an elected official and so we have been invited to join us as our guest to see allegiance on december 13th. george, the allegiance play which i did see and it was an a amazing production. it is an american store, it is set in a difficult time that was difficult for japanese americans. tell us about this new movie and how it is about who we are as a country. well, right after pearl harbor, young japanese americans
like all young americans rushed the their recruitment center to volunteer and serve in the military and probably die for this country and yet, that active patriotism was a slap in the face. they would deny military service and categorized and imprison in this prison camp. a year in to internment, the government raeltzealized there wartime and the amazing things that thousands of young americans went behind those bash fences to fight for those countries and fought fearlessly for this country homewoeroicall. a record which still stands to this date. we tell that story in our alee ye jens, it is something that all
americans should know. we hope you catch it on december 13th, be aware of this dark history and never repeat it again with muslim americans. because, it is certainly one of the stories you want to think about and one of the parallels. what was said that you look at our past and things like this have happened before and we can look at 1882 of the time of exclusion act. it was said in the only act that said to one group from one country it says that poor chinese are seen as endangered and the order of localities. how is these sorts of ideas affect generations of americans. then if they don t know about it and americans don t know about that story, then it is used as precedent to do some something like that again. as you said, muslim americans have fought for this country and died for this country and all
you have to do is go to arlington national cemetery and look at the head stones and there are the symbols of each of the people that s buried there. i have seen many, not many but a number of muslim krcrescents on that. we need to rethink our american history. we have a diverse history to which all of us have contributed and to use any kind of racist activity in our history as precedent for us to repeat again and use the word national security for the denial of fundamentals constitutional rights of protection is un-american. george takei, thank you very much, agllegiance of the movie n december 13th, a film version of the broadway show listen launched. thank you very much, george. what we know about the role
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male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that s why we re hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i m very proud of him. male vo: comcast. . right now on msnbc, new announcement from the trump s transition team. two washington insiders will take spots inside the new white house. kt mcfarland as department national security adviser and we have don mcgahn as white house s counsel. those two announcements coming in the last couple of hours. also, black friday, and many of you already spending at least $1.15 milli $1.15 million individually. doing it together online and on thanksgiving day. almost half a billion dollars
spent on mobile devices alone. five men has been arrested. more on all of those coming up. lets get back to black friday for a minute. shoppers are busy hunting for those deals both online and in stores. thanksgiving day of sales of electronics have exceeded. our retail analyst, author of black market billions joining us now. it looks like it is really good here. what will it look like come january 1st. what will your crystal ball say? if i had a crystal ball, i will be a billionaire right now. based on what we have seen, more people are shopping online which is what people have been saying all year. according to pay personnel
setting, people have been shopping september 30th for the holiday. this is going to add into the whole idea of black friday. that s starting earlier and it is been starting earlier and earlier each year. i think because of that, you are going to see those reivenues moving up more online verses offline. retail, we have to be clear, clicks, it is going to be more clicks this year. absolutely, what s happening now, people don t want to go out and i was actually out since last night, i think i came home around 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning. what i did not see in the past year is store traffic started to peeked at 9:00 in the evening. in years past, people were going all the way through 1:00 in the morning. what that told me, yes, those black friday deals started
earlier, however, the deal started, you know, it started earlier, people started coming in earlier and went home and they may be shopping more online. it is all work and no play in your family because you are out here this evening. another interesting thing that has happened and you made a note of is charitable giving along with folks buying more. right, papal came out with a study about charitable giving. the average person is going to donate around $259 to charities this holiday season. part of the reason why they feel that given the political climate or the climate of the world in general, they are surely is going to give gifts to people and donate for their favorite chariti charities. especially giving tuesday is coming up. and overall, people feeling better about the economy so when they start feeling better about
the economy, they re buying more and giving out more. people always donated over the past but in this year, in particular, people are going to be giving out and distributing out more charitable goods. and give with your feet and hands, too. you can go to food bank and kitchen and a lot of folks that did not have one. donating yo you are time. it is a big thing. a lot of things are happening. it is always great to have experts here. thanks for having me. see you next time. well, you may want to wait tomorrow to tackle that holiday gift list to shop on small business on saturday. more than 95 million shoppers took part last year. our host of msnbc, your business. talk about small business when you look at some of these, the numbers that you know so well but i will say to other folks who may not. small businesses representing 99.7% of all u.s. employers.
when we shop there, we are helping our next door neighbor. that s the orton piimportanto remember. when you shop more, a much larger percentage of that dollar actually stays in your community. so when you shop more of 45% of what you spent, stay in your community, three times higher if you go shop at a big box store or higher if you go shop at a big online giant. trying to bring attention to this. the number of small business saturday shoppers are getting better. it was up over 8% last year and what do you think it is going to be like this year and how is it if you will, the small business community doing things differently now. as you heard, we are talking about bricks verses clicks. we had black friday and sociobiology r monday. it gives free advertising to all these companies.
small business saturday gets all the words out about shopping small so skurms can take a moment and think hey, it makes a difference if i go to the store down a block from me. it is meaningful. it is kind of nice and i will go to small toy shops in my neighborhood and you get to know them and they re working to pay their employees and trying to do something. when you sit down and speak with small business owners and operators, what are they telling you? i will tell you one thing that i think about when i go to my local toy store, i may not need it today but next saturday when my kids have a birthday party that they have to be there in an hour, that toy store needs to be there which is why i need to shop there. they are doing all they can to bring people in and they can provide customers service that you cannot get at some of the big stores, they can provide the specialized service and they
know you and they know what kind of things you like. when you come in, it is an experience, hey, richard, i remember last time you bought this, how about billing this this time? it is always a good time during the shopping season to go through the small business. jj thank you very much, host of msnbc, of your business, talking about the importance of small business, that s coming up. you can catch jj show, that s 7:30 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. you got it. thank you, richard. thank you, see you soon. breaking news from the trump s transition team to tell you about. two insiders named for position of the white house. what it will mean, we ll look at that. small business saturday is our day to get out and shop small. a day to support our community and show some love for the people we love. and the places we love. the stuff we can t get anywhere else
and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here can help keep our town growing. tomorrow is small business saturday. let s shop small for our neighborhood, our town, our home. get up, (all) get together and shop small. (announcer vo) there s a moment of truth.etes, and now with victoza® a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn t get me to my goal. lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. the one i used to take. and better than that diabetes pill i used to take. (jeff) victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways
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stories this around including trump s appointments. those are two tops that we are looking a. lets discuss this with our panels. noel, we ll start with you of the two names that came out, kt mcfarland and deputy national security adviser also, we have wilbur ross, that s not the new naming. that s something that you also know being looked at for commerce secretary. kt mcfarland, a good choice and a known choice given her experience in washington, d.c. kt mcfarland, i know her, she s wonderful. she s solid. that lady knows her business. she knows what s going on over in the middle east. she knows her area. she s an expert. i am thrilled about this. i did not hear anything about she was being considered for anything like this. i love the fact that she would be considered for this and this would be such a great asset to
not only the administration but for everybody in america. what is she like? what is her style? man, let me tell you something, every time i have been on with her and in the green room, she s preparing for her topic and really spends a lot of time giving thoughtful research and you know what, she really enjoys what she does. she really enjoys it. you are getting someone who s passion is not just a job to her. she really, really takes time and studies her topics and subjects and really does have experience. this is somebody tt does actually has experience in the area. kt mcfarland maybe one of the safer choices at least those who have been named so far. somebody that will give calm bases on other choices and don mcgahn, potentially offering
some questions in terms of if his deep if you will experiencing with the trump family and businesses and that s also the criticism that has been made of the president-elect trump himself. how could he separate the two? how do you think that ll come out of the white house counsel being don mcgahn. back on kt for a brief second, i think you hit the nail on the head. we got to look at kt nomination as part of an overall, you know of different actors who are going to be taking very, very different opinions on national security and creating a situation that puts america in danger frankly because what we are actually looking at is a bunch of people who are sending mix signals who have different opinions on how we move forward and it is creating a call, a little bit of uncertainty in terms of how our national security is going to play out. you hit the nail on the head. we are talking about trump s
pick, commerce. how are we going to be able to enten entangled the option of the trump organization. if you look at who he s bringing in for white house counsel and his pick at commerce. you have to be looking at this as donald trump using the american government as another entity to make money for his family and for his family s business. you mentioned commerce along with mcgahn and as well as mcfarland. noel, a billionaire, one of the few very early on that came out and said i support donald trump, i do support him and i am a republican. he led his finance committee and one of the very few in the fortune 500 that was supporting donald trump in the election. the interesting thing here and i want to get your thought on this.
he maybe prochina. wilbur ross got his own idea on the commerce party is going be run. i really think if you look at wilbur ross, he s a thoughtful and compassion person when it comes to finance. both he and his wife. you broupght the fact that he ad his wife is a billionaire, they are well nar amillionaire and t done a lot to help people. if you look at the side kick nomination to go along with wilbur roz wilbur ross is todd rickets. they are charitable as well. their family founded a well-known organization. both of these people are good.
they don t need the job. they don t need the appointment, they are made and established. they are doing this out of passion and sincerity to try to do what they can to help the united states. wn i spoke with wilbur ross, he seems pragmatic at that point and in terms of the pluses and the minuses and noel is bringing up the issue that he s a billionaire. you got another billionaire that s close to the president-elect trump. what maybe some of the concerns of having a wilbur ross? are we talking about the bankruptcy king here? we are really looking at when we are looking at the folks he s brought in and devos rather, where they were floating the idea of bringing in mcgahn in. that s true. donald trump has said to the american people that he is trying to change the way
washington has done and instead he s bringing a bunch of billionaires into run the government. this is what the american people were talking about when they were looking about change. this is exactly the sort of thing that donald trump said he was going to change about washington. i mean what s going on here? seems like the president-elect trump is though filling in his bench and he s got those two announcements today. kt mcfarland and as well as don mcgahn and i thank you you both forgiving us your perspectives and your context. have a great friday and get out there and go shopping or whatever you want to do today. thank you. coming up, terror plot allegedly foiled in france. what we have been told that was being planned and how it was forwarded. the sad news from the world of entertain, beloved actress florence henderson has died. she was best known as the mother of the brady bunches of many of
you know. she was 82-year-old. this holiday, the real gift isn t what s inside the box. it s what s inside the person who opens it. give your loved ones ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can tell them where they came from -by revealing their ethnic mix. you ll save 30%-and they ll have a new story to tell. order now at offer ends monday.
they are the natural borns enemy of the way things are. yes, ideas are scary, and messy and fragile. but under the proper care, they become something beautiful.
welcome back, more on the alle alle alleged terrorist in france. they were being directed remotely by an isis operative in iraq or syria according to prosecutors. matt bradley has more from london for us. how big of a plan was this? well, richard, it looks like the speck to of jihadist terrorism is spooking france. paris prosecutors announced this arrest earlier today rueluctant to go into too many details. four of the suspects are french. four of the men were arrested in strasburg. we do know that two of the
suspects had traveled to the turkish border back in march of 2016 and at least two of them had long records with the police. police are hunting with the so far unidentified puppet master that you mentioned behind this operation. prosecutors did not provide so many details. the paris prosecutor made an announcement that all five of these men received detailed identical instruction over encrypted texted app. now, the coordinator even went so far as offering gps co coordinates the suspects would know where to pick up. the four french men were arrested on sunday. handwritten documents pledging
allegiance to isis and baghdad d. now these allegations are true, it would mark only isis of its latest efforts to terrorize france. the country has been on edge since the huge attack of 2015 in paris paris and killed 213 people. there were more fears this week after police found a discared explosive belt presumably to be used in an attack. this is in the suburbs of the persian streets. european authorities have always said that the next terror attack is a question of when rather than if. it looks like a crisis owning up to it. it is good they caught that and you were noting there a year from the paris attack which many lived in paris and france still remember.
matt, thank you very much for the update on that coming out of france. nbc s matt bradley. the tale of two planes when president-elect trump takes the oval office, will he wants to take the one on the right or the left or both?
and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. if you re still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. you may call this next story the tale of two planes. president-elect trump making a decision whether to use air force one or rather than his own plane. how he flies the friendly skies is up to him. nbc has more. they re the two most famous planes in the sky. air force one, the most secured airplane in the world and trump s airplane. one represents the strength of the united states and it has its own
[ inaudible ] the other, the strength of the trump s brand as seen in this video. you notice the seat belt and as well as every thing is is 24 carat gold seats. lets do this numbers. air force one is a suited up boeing 747, coming in at 231 feet long and can seats more than 100 and reached top speeds of over 700 miles per hour. trump s plane is much smaller at 757 and only 155 feet long and seats only 43 and reaches speeds of 660 miles per hour. bhen ywhen you get on air fo one, you are struck by the sheer of enormous size and all of the white house, defense department and some other department crammed into one airplane. trump s plane is no ly no legit
airline. on board home theaters and a special vip lounge. a trump flare that could be brought to air force one. the president can put anything on air force one. would air force one lack amenities? it makes up for what s most important is security. it has safety shields that blocked electro magnetic posts and capabilities including 87 different telephones so the president is always in touch. air force one s security is priority number one. would trump be allowed to apply on his plane once president? the secret service would tell him it cannot be done. and the interesting thing about air force one, he created a brand new one while he was president. president-elect trump, stefanie
ruhle is reporting on that one. one of biggest rivalries of college football. yes, the university of michigan, ohio state game in columbus ohio. scientists are going to convert the size. clearly the wolverines will be causing most of noise there. the biggest is during the ohio state nebraska game. we have to talk about this. chanel, you are a big ten grad. went to northwestern. wildcats. you are going to be screaming and adding to the size of rav 4. of course, michigan. you just said it and i said michigan. she s great. i am done and i will see you next hour. chanel jones picking up here. hi, i am chanel jones. donald trump has appointed kt mcfarland to be deputy national and don mcgahn as white house

Donald-trump , Richard , Thing , Counsel , White-house , Adviser , Fcc , One , Someone , Things , Politics , Experience