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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140429 23:00:00

never know. thanks for watching special report. i m shannon bream. good night from washington. on the record is up next. big news they may have found missing flight 370. i m greta van susteren, this is on the record. nearly a month ago, satellites spotting potential plane records it is nowhere near the search area. so why are we just finding out now? a basketball bombshell. i am banning mr. sterling for life. if you want to broadcast it that you are associating with black people. can mr. sterling keep his team? i will give him some free legal advice. plus. electability is going to be a big factor in 2016. james carville on the record. then, monkey business for a news reporter. [ laughter ]
why would this hit close to home for me? first, breaking right now australian company claiming it has found wreckage from a commercial airliner there is a twist it adds to the mystery. the scofer is thousands of miles from the area where searchers have been hunting for flight 370. for the latest grn reporter roger maynard is live. tell me about this new discovery. greta, this is a fascinating claim but is it true in the australian company insists they found material consistent with the wreckage of a commercial airliner in the bay of bangor. which is thousands of miles to the northwest of the present search area. now, according to multi-spectral images taken from the air two days after flight mh 370 went missing, significant amounts of titanium, comer, steel allies and jet fuel residue were detected about 100 miles south of
bangladesh. geo scientists compared these images with march the 5th and march the 10th before and after the plane s disappearance and found a specific area where the data varied between the two dates, suggesting the minerals weren t there earlier solve it s an interesting claim, discovery, we are still not quite sure whether it s actually true. any particular plane but it certainly is, certainly is something that they have located there, right? is that fair? any plane? anything that sort of shares these chemicals, aloom yum titanium copper steal allies and jet rest lieu fuel, right? you are quite right. geo residence, its normal work is finding minerals on the earth or on the sea bed which might lead the way to some kind of mineral exploration, so they are very good at finding or detecting this sort of material. but whether it s actually related to the plane is another matter all together. certainly the australian authorities here are taking this claim with a big pinch of salt, the joint agency
called nation center is dismissing the report, pointing out that the location specified by geo residence is not within the search area indicated by satellite and other data. and that they are satisfied the final resting place mh 370 is still in the ocean. roger, two things, one is apparently they notified them on march 28th, well within the black box pinging area and at the same time while everyone is sort of dismissing this as being irrelevant, maybe it is, the fact is they have not found it any other place. and at least they could have done the least to try to go out and verify it it unless crackpot company. is this a crackpot company? no. i wouldn t say that it s a highly credible company. it s got a long history in this sort of area of detecting this sort of mineral residue. so you can t dismiss their claims. but, i have to say even they are saying it s not definitely the wreckage of mh 370. but they feel that nevertheless this data should be investigated. roger, thank you.
thank you very much, greta. so, of course, the question is could it really be the wreckage of flight 370? could searchers in the southern indian ocean been that far off? former fbi aviation investigator christopher voss joins us. nice to see you. genk, nice to be here. no one jumping on this. well within the black box ping time when the battery presumably has died. should they have gone and checked it out? you can t ignore anything. they have you had have sent someone out regardless even if they had lots of reasons for not going out there and checking on it. they should have found a way to get out there and confirm whether or not there was anything substantive to the report. roger says it s a very credible company and they claim to have found a number of these chemicals that would make up sort of the part of boeing 777. and if they are very credit bled and seem to have found t. it and no other leads, you would think they would have at least checked it out. the only other possible reason would be is if they in fact had some sort of
classified information in not revealing where they knew what plane it was and knew it was a different plane. that s entirely possible. saying it s consistent with a plane and u.s. military went to the southern part of the indian ocean fairly quickly in this search. you know, we don t know what s not being said. except they did go to the southern indian ocean pretty quickly but they still haven t found anything. that s right. it s like if they found it, i would say yeah, that was a good idea. but they haven t found it. they haven t found malaysian air flight 370. and i said unless they thought for sure that they had had identified as another airplane. there might have been other airplanes that went down, illegal shipments it could have been a lot of things. you dent no know for sure who is flying through this airspace and what reason. they might know what plane that is. do you think some intelligence agency of some country truly does know where this plane is but for classified reasons not wanting to relay their type of technology to expose to to others copying it, that they have kept silent? yeah, i think it s extremely unlikely that
there isn t more specific classified information. it hasn t been revealed just because they have hung on to it because it wouldn t save anybody s life. they had an idea where the plane went down and they know that it went down. except that it may not of course it s not going to save lives that the plane went down. i think it went down at this point. it took two or three crashes before they realized it was a rudder problem. they had to recreate the accident. maybe this 777 has a design defect and it sure would be nice to find it and investigate it because why all get on 777s. unlikely but at least we ought to look into it. i agree. i think that s why they are searching where they are searching. they have good reason believing that s where it went down. just because they haven t been able to find the plane yet, doesn t mean that s not where they believe it went down. christopher, thank you. always nice to he sigh. now to significant developments in the benghazi investigation. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herrige joins us. catherine, we got news today. what is it? we have some emails that were released as a result of a federal lawsuit. they lead directly into the
white house. and what you see with one of the emails on september 14th, three days after the attack is that there were, in effect, at least two tracks. there was this p.r. and communications track that said when susan rice goes on the sunday talk shows, she needs to emphasize that the protests in the region, which also lumped in benghazi, which related to a video and not a broader policy failure. and then a second track which is the intelligence, which is completely divorce from this, which showed that there was no protest or has strong indicators there was no protest. all right. so the intelligence says no protest, no video. the p.r. strategy as you call it, i would call it deceitful, because it simply didn t reflect what we knew, right? i mean you call it a p.r. strategy. i m going to leave that up to the viewers. a p.r. or communication strategy. but whatever you want to say, it s not nsync with what the intelligence is saying. the intelligence also released in these emails
shows in realtime that it was an attack there was no reference to a video. there was no reference to demonstrations. all right. what s particularly disturbing though, that is on the day before that email that was just disclosed today is part of a lawsuit. that was on the day before susan rice made her five appearances. two days. two days before she appeared. september 18th, president obama on the letterman show in new york. september 25th on the view. both those, that s a week later, he is still doing the video. and you tell me that the intelligence says no video but as you call it, the p.r. strategy says there is a video. well, we know that by september 18th, september 19th, the u.s. personnel on the ground had been interviewed and they just described an attack. they did not describe the protest or anything related to the video. and then off othe surveillance camera footage showed the same thing. so why the president stayed with that video explanation, i think, in part, is explained by these emails that were released today. these emails show the p.r.
strategy to explain benghazi, and that it came from the inner circle at the white house. all right. well you are very kind to call it a p.r. strategy. i call it deceitful because that s not what the intelligence was and they continued to carry that theme. catherine and, remember, four people were dead and the thrust of that email is to protect the president. catherine, nice to see you. and joining us are political panel the weekly standard s john mccormick the the washington post karen at the david, what do you make of this the p.r. strategy. no video. the question is did it go any higher than the emails released today? this is ben rhodes. what s title. deputy national security advisor to the president. he is the one that sent the email that said, i will quote it. to underscore these protests are rooted in rooted in the intt video and not a broader failure in policy. pretty high up the chain. did it get up even higher
that s really the question. wouldn t you think at some point it would get high enough to the president going on national tv david letterman on the 18th and the view on the 25th. still running the video story. wouldn t you think someone would have headed him off at the pass and said don t go with that one? sure. who was the first person that mentioned the video. did anyone in intelligence ever say. cia says no. and, see, that is sort of who is the first one to mention it? is it ben rhodes or someone even higher? karen? i do think the most damaging phrase in that email is to underscore it is not a failure in policy. you would assume at that moment they would be trying to determine whether it was a failure in policy. so, i think ben rhodes. i would actually be less concerned about failure in policy than the fact that the dead bodies weren t even buried at that time of americans. i mean, they are more worried about p.r. strategy and i would think for god s sake find out who did this. the reason failure in policy is important is because you want to make sure that you don t have other embassies, other
places around the world that are similarly exposed. so i think that, you know, ben rhodes is probably going to be facing a lot of questions and potentially on the hill going forward. why, if the intelligence committee says or intelligence community cia says no video, and you have got ben rhodes who is saying that it s a p.r. strategy, not a policy failure and you go with the video at the same time, why is the president still like a week later, 10 days later still going with the video? he hasn t answered that the white house has said repeatedly that all these edits came from the cia. we know that deputy director mueller said just the oother week from congressional testimony that the cia analysts had never suggested that the video was the cause of the benghazi attacks. so, there is a lot for the administration to answer. again, if you go back to the first emails, 100 pages or so released last year. there is really very little mention at all of the video. first email by rhodes that was held back that really extensively pushes this as the defense for it s not
a policy failure. it s just this video. all right, panel. thank you. and trouble for the obama administration tonight. three republican senators demanding to know if the white house was behind the controversial benghazi talking points. senators john mccain, lindsey graham and kelly ayotte demanding the obama administration who briefed former u.n. ambassador susan rice before she appeared on five sunday shows. senator ayotte joins us. nice to see you. great to see you, greta. the letter was sent last night. it was sent also before we got these emails. now these emails. tell me now what you you are thinking. here is what i am thinking, unfortunately what we suspected from the beginning. you have look at the talking points, number one. the talking points that were issued never mentioned a video. the word video is nowhere in those talking points. emanated from where, the cia? that came from the cia. the ones that were flawed because they omitted the reference to al qaeda so they were flawed in and of themselves but there is no reference to a video and we always said where did the video reference come from? now we know it came from the white house. ben rhodes, the email that
went to top president obama advisors, david plouffe, jay carney, and wassoused to prep susan rice. do you know that they all saw that david plouffe, jay carney they all got this email from ben rhodes? it was sent to them. you have to aassume they received it this was obviously a pretty hot topic with four brave americans killed. they are two months out to an election. so this is the dynamic where the president in the election is obviously claiming that he been a good foreign policy president. that he had had al qaeda on the run. the other thing in this set of email here that s very troubling is this reference to make sure you mention that al qaeda has been destroyed. then you saw ambassador rice on every single sunday show saying al qaeda has been disseminated that was nowhere in the talking points and actually is contradicted by what we know happened on that day. let me rewind you a bit. go back to september 6th which was the democratic convention in charlotte, north carolina, where the
president spoke. he said al qaeda, i m quoting from it. al qaeda is on the path to defeat. right. that s what it said. goes on talks about it later. that was the theme at the convention. one of many. one of many. unfortunately as we know al qaeda affiliates, the evidence is that they were involved in the attacks in benghazi. so the references that were taken out of the talking points that would have led people to to understand right from the beginning this is a terrorist attack, that was incredibly troubling. now we know the video s was really pushed from the white house as opposed to the intel community. let s not forget also the cia stations chief that was actually in libya sent. in tripoli though, not benghazi but tripoli. at least in libya on the ground much more than the people in washington sent that email to acting director morell that day which said listen, this is not an escalation of protests. that was ignored as well. i guess one question i would
have was that ignored because it didn t fit the white house talking points? this t. would be good to know answers from that. for the life of me, i don t understand why president obama, on september 18th, which is after september 11th on the letterman show and on september 25th, which is even later than that on the view is still going with that video thing which is that narrative that was coming out of the white house. i don t understand why they didn t i didn t correct him or why he didn t correct himself. i will never understand that either. i think that they clung to this narrative because it was a narrative leading up to the election that they had been pushing in terms of al qaeda on the run, al qaeda toward defeat. they clung to the video because the actual narrative, let s not forget, the head of the defense department, and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said they knew right away it was a terrorist attack, yet he clung to that explanation that defies the evidence. of course, i always bring up the fact that we are pushing on it at fox here and we were excluded from the state department briefing call. they said it was an
accident. we accepted it as an accident we were accidently left off and exclued from the cia briefing two weeks later that was pretty deliberate. i always thought we were being punished for pursuing it. who knows. anyway, senator nice to see you. great to see you, greta. new problems tonight for president obama, his problems may bleed into other problems for democrats. find out who is running away from president obama. james carville is here to talk about that next. plus the nba slamming clippers owner donald sterling. hear directly from the nba and off-the-record. i will give some free legal advice to mr. sterling. he might want to listen. also we are following breaking news at this hour. millions of americans needing to take cover. they are on the path of violent storms. the latest on this wicked weather is coming up. [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop! humans. one day we re coming up with the theory of relativity,
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more trouble tonight for president obama. it s not just the republicans this time. now it s the millennials, the young measures who helped send the president to the white house. they are now turning on him 51 percent said they trusted president obama early on in this presidency. now that number plummeting to 32 percent. james carville joins us. nice to he so you, james. good to see you. good to see you. james, we always expect the numbers to sort of plunge at this time. do you make anything how about this plunge though. is this a big plunge? the numbers have plunged gone down since the election. not surprise. secondly he is not running for re-election generally sects seventh eighth year of the president s term are rough going. yeah, i m not surprised that his numbers have dropped. i m not surprised that his
numbers on young people have dropped. dropped across the board. if you look at across the polls, that s what it is. that s the situation that s the reality of the situation. does that impact i would guests, you are the strad gist. voting in the mid terms. how much inthiewsm. if you have less enthusiasm and young person harder to get you you out to the poll come november. i think that s a very valid point. i think democrats are appropriately worried that the youth vote is going to drop precipitously from 2012 to 2014. i think that s a valid concern. and i think it s a valid talking point for people who don t witch the democrats well. did you, you know, there is a lot of things that happen between now and election and if you look at their attitudes towards republicans, absolutely horrific among young people. the boast hope that the republican party has that they stay at home. and the best hope that the democrats have is that somehow or another they can reinvigorate him between now and election day. it s going to be difficult
to do but going to try. are millennials big voters? are we paying too much attention to them? they are a significant voting block that they could have an impact on an election? much less like 18% or so in 2000 12. don t hold me exact to the number. they dropped precipitously in an off year. the big thing is they keep coming. advertiser would much prefer to have a 25-year-old than a 65-year-old. i think a political party would, too. because there is a lot of evidence and political scientists once someone votes for political party twice it s a behavior they maintain in later life. yeah, but there are more volatile in terms of turnout than older voters. less predictable and a party that whose base consists of a lot of young people that happens. however, i would rather be in a political party that was more attractive and had more of a base among young people than elderly people.
registered voters, 53% to 39% they would rather see republicans in control of congress to counter balance president obama. 53% to 39%. tell me about that poll. i saw that poll. my day started out about as good as donald s sterling. that was one way to ask a question. the poll was not good. i m not one of these people that say trash the poll. the poll was not good on a variety of fronts if i saw abc washington poll i would say is it generally a pretty highly respected poll. sometimes they can be a little bit off. i hope this is it. i will wait to find the next one before i get my straight raiser out. it was not a great poll for the democrats at all. two thirds saying the country on the wrong track. that s the same poll. look. we are in the six year term. we have a high wrong track
number. i think things are going to get the healthcare law are getting better and the economy is starting to pick up. i m hopeful and slightly optimistic that will help us going into november of this year. but right now, i will be the first to concede we are in somewhat of a difficult position. james, thanks and i note the saints helmet behind you over your shoulder. the lsu people are telling me i have to put a lsu helmet back there. thank you, greta. i always love being on your show. thank you, james. you bet. this going to knock you out of your chair. if you thought the unemployment news could not get any worse. brace yourselves for this one. first, severe storms and tornadoes threatening a large chunk of the country. tracking the dangerous weather. the latest on the storm s path is next. huh, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more
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this is a fox news alert. right now millions of americans at risk in the path of very dangerous storms that are slamming the
country. that suspected twister was in north carolina. tornadoes also threatening some of the same areas where they have already killed dozens. rick reichmuth is tracking this violent weather. rick? greta, i will tell what you. we have four days of severe weather. we have one more together-to-go tomorrow. tonight our big concern has been this area all the storms yesterday. this a look at last night s storms from just to the west of jackson, stretching up to much of alabama and tennessee. moderate risk of severe weather today. a lot of areas that saw that severe weather yesterday. people cleaning up don t have any kind of cover for their homes and everything are now getting more storms going to through. that s big the big concern. we have three watch boxes in effect now. one for parts of north carolina, the coastal areas. and then two right here across parts of the south. this is all going to diminish by the time we get into the overnight hours. last night we had the overnight hour long track
tornadoes. we are not looking at that tonight. i think the energy in the atmosphere is not nearly as strong and right now across parts of southern mississippi we only have some severe thunderstorm warnings. we could be seeing a few tornadoes pot pop up here that threat will diminish as we go overnight certainly great news. also parts of the carolinas where one picture of the funnel cloud just was. continue to see some rotation at times and that threat for severe weather. we could be seeing some very strong winds, some hail as far north as parts of michigan throughout the evening hours. tomorrow, all this threat moves off towards the east. again, less of a threat for tornadoes but we could still see a few of those pop up. take a look at all the areas, greta, that have flooding concerns from this same system. we re going to see widespread 3 to 5 inches of rain, some isolated spots probably 8 inches all the way up across parts of upstate, new york, greta, that means significant flash flooding that we will deal with for the next two days. rick, thank you. you bet. of course, stay with fox news channel for the latest on this dangerous weather. now to news that will absolutely stun you.
are you ready? in 20% of american families, not one member of the family is working. not a single one. that 2013 data just released by the bureau of labor statistics. what does it call us about the so-called recovery? our political panel is back. john mccormick, karen and david from u.s. news and world report. karen, 20% of american families no one works. well, you have to realize though that this would include, for instance, families where both of the primary earners are retired even in 199 a when the economy was cooking along pretty well it was 18.8%. out of work because they were because the economy had been cooking or because they were out of work. in general, i mean, but, again, it would include families where you are retired or, for some other reason. if you cut those, only 10% i think that s bad. it has remained the same for about the last two years. and it is down a couple of
tenths of a percent since 2011. so, i think the bigger problem and it s the problem that you hear, for instance, janet yellen, the new chairman of the fed talking about is the fact that there are some long-term unemployed in this country and a lot of people who are finding jobs are finding jobs that aren t as good as the jobs they lost. john? i agree exactly with what karen said. if you look at this number, it does include people where both people in a marriage would be retired. so i don t know if we should really be looking at this. there really still are terrible numbers out there in terms of, you know, there is a report this week that said, you know, many people who are getting jobs have been fast food jobs. the good paying jobs we have lost millions of those and many of the ones that are replaced are very low end of the scale they can drive down the unemployment because they finally have a job. taken a job one third the value of their old job. the data has shown the average family s take home pay when adjusted for inflation has dropped almost 10% from 2007 to 2012.
so, people still hurting very badly the long-term unemployment rate as karen said pretty bad right now. tomorrow starts the fight over the minimum wage. right. the senate is going to bring a minimum wage hike to the floor. democrats know this is not going to pass. they even said they made it they skeletalled it for a closer to the midterm elections because they want to make this a midterm election issue and say, you republicans, you voted against the 10 hour minimum wage and get those constituent groups you are talking to james carville about not amped up about voting young people to get to the polls. hey, you know, democrats are for 10 bucks an hour. these republicans won t give me anything. on the other on the argument of unemployment, there is there are also unemployment statistics that show that it s improving, right in the national unemployment rate is 6.7%. you go into the states. yes, if you take into account that they re getting junky jobs than what they had before. people dropped out of the workforce. then what do you pay junky jobs in are you willing to pay more minimum wage? that s the democrats argument. profoundly disappointing
to anyone who has a good job and all of the sudden finds himself or herself out of work and then goes out and gets a job that pays minimum wage and now is counted unemployment. just trying to struggle to make it go right. although i think both parties are kind of missing this anxiety in this election. because, you know, so much of the advertising and the rhetoric, the food fight and, you know, are you going to repeal obamacare or just replace it or what? when, in fact, i think most americans who are very anxious are going to know what are you actually going to do to bring the jobs back? i agree with you, i don t think people realize how much pain americans are in. we get caught up in the food fight i don t think i think it is so hard on so many american families that i think they forget it i m going to take the last word on that. panel, thank you. and now it s time to show you what we are watching. puts together the most riveting videos out there tonight. take a look. carjacking suspect caught on
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the latest on donald sterling s punishment. plus, i m going to go off the record. i m going to give sterling some free legal advice. that s next. also today marking prince william and kate s ed wedding anniversary. also news today of a royal split. the news rocking both sides of the atlantic coming up. ile an tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it s not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning.
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you can can do whatever you want. you can sleep with them. you can bring them in. you can do whatever you want. the little i ask you is not to promote it on that and not to bring them to my games. i m just saying, and you are allowed to [bleep] instagram. you don t have to have yourself with walking with black people. yikes, that tape is so awful. banned for life. that is the punishment for donald sterling caught on tape in a racist rant. effective immediately, i am banning mr. sterling for life from any association with the clippers organization or the nba.
mr. sterling may not attend any nba games or practices. he may not be present at any clippers facility and he may not participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. i am also finding mr. sterling $2.5 million, the maximum amount allowed under the nba constitution. as for mr. sterling s ownership interest in the clippers i will urge the board of governors to exercise its authority to force a sale of the team and will do everything in my power to ensure that that happens. well, the nba dishing out clippers owner donald sterling s punishment hours before the clippers to play their next playoff game. joining us our panel expert. sports director scott smith. espn s kevin black stone and
the washington post jason reid. jason, first to you. what do you think? i think adam did what he had to do. internal pressure from the players outraged. sponsors fleeing. not just that they were fleeing the clippers. the nba is a revenue sharing league. you have 30 teams. they put the money into the pot and they get the money back out documented sterling in this situation was costing thinks fellow owners money. had do do what he had to do. i was surprised when i heard banned for life. i thought i would hear suspended indefinitely and off season find a way to get him out of the league. you know what? kudos to the players for finding some way to bring closure to this deal. of course, there is still the process that they have to go through to get him out of the league i m proud of the players understanding that they have strength in a
collective body and being able to bring some change to the league. what do you think steger is thinking tonight? you know what? from what we have heard of that tape and the way he has behaved in recent years, whatever he is thinking, i don t think can i get inside his mind. scott? what shocked me when he was asked that during the press conference can. had you a conversation with him. had you a chance to talk to him before laying down the discipline. he didn t shy away from anything that he had said previously from the recordings. he didn t back down from that at all. if there is after platform to say i m sorry. i didn t mean to say that, that s not me. there is your opportunity before the new commissioner. and he didn t do that. i commend the new commissioner. here is a guy that s been on the job several months and laying down discipline on an owner that s been there several decades. and he didn t back down to any pressure that he could have felt as well. so i commend him. i wonder how many people trying to hide under the dable tonight who knew that he was like that. because that-o-i don t know about you, but i don t think that sterling just became
this way over the weekend. or whenever this tape was made. i don t know, this one is so deep seeded i bet a lot of people knew about this and looked the other way. there is one thing to know that someone has racist views, there is another thing being able to act against them in a situation where is he an owner in a leesmght the nba has the constitution and has bylaws. you know, the fact that someone holds these types of views that doesn t necessarily mean it s actionable. and when you had a situation that existed in this league where he was fined by the justice department. he settled a similar case. he has said things previously. there have always been whispers. but, again, it s not quite as simple as saying the guy has horrible views we are going to get him out of the league. evan can, i think everybody knew about it it everybody looked the other way maybe fans didn t know about it. i didn t know about it it? the only thing that disturbed me about today s press conference is that adam silver made a point when he was asked about it to say that this rule was based on what the tape
what was the on the tape what he said and wasn t based on the previous lawsuits which made donald sterling the largest discriminator in u.s. housing history. and, to me, that s a critical disconnect that needs to be connected because it proves how pernicious racism can be. when you have someone who has this type of ideology, and applies it in their business patrol car tises. who knows how many scores of families were damaged because of his viewpoint. at least this is obvious, right? it wreaks of the nba not having to make a move unless they absolutely had to. in this situation the proof was out there. it was in your face. you could not run from it no matter how much sterling i suspect everybody had been running from it? you are right. the previous commissioner rewarded this man with chris paul in the big trade just a couple years ago. gave him the all star game. gentlemen, thank you.
it s dull. thank you, gentlemen. so off the record. i had some free legal advice. won t cost him a dime. it s for clipper s team owner donald sterling. here it is mr. sterling, give a rest. it s over, jig suspect. get out, pay the fine. sell the clippers as soon as you can. that is the a smart thing to do. that s the advice. now, sterling has already exposed himself for being a racist but now we will find out if on top of that he is a fool because only a fool drowns himself in endless litigation. is he 80 years old. he has gobs of money. he doesn t need another dime. he should just take his medicine. not fight the nba, the clippers, the players, his wife or even stevano. for the rest of us spare us all. one piece of legal advice. keep it simple. put on a statement fast tomorrow that reads: team for sale, i m sorry and then piewf, he vanishes.
that s my off-the-record comment tonight. if you have an issue you think i should take off-the-record go to gretawire and tell us about it they are back. the self-proclaimed royal couple accused of living the high life off taxpayer money. see what they re up to now. that is next.

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a self proclaimed royal couple trading yacht and mansion for matching jail cells. earlier this month we told you about andrea and collin chisum. they were two lavish estate. another attempt to get out of jail. lawyer tom joins us. good evening, tom. good evening. why aren t your clients out of jail in they haven t had their trial yet. they are presumed innocent. why aren t they out of jail? well, the bail is set at quite a high amount. $300,000 for each of them. and they are incapable of making those making that kind of a payment. all right. now i suppose 300,000 because the judge believes that they re flight risk and so the bail is set. when they first heart of the charges did they try to take off or did they try to come home to minneapolis? what s your argument on that? chisms both aware of the investigations going back a
year in the county and we were under the understanding that we would be informed when county attorney was prepared to issue a complaint in this case i had stayed in rather regular contact with the county attorney s office. several months went by and they had a business opportunity in the bahamas that they left for. the state construed that as an attempt to flee we dispute that we deny that they fled the state to avoid prosecution. all right. was there actually an indictment first and then they went after the color clients in the bahamas? no. in minute society charges were originated by a complaint signed by the county attorney. and that complaint was signed after the chisms had left for the bahamas. all right.
so, i mean, you couldn t make the argument i guess you were on the court was not persuaded that your clients would have turned themselves in and come home that they were fleeing? i guess that s the problem, right? i think that was a problem that the court felt that they didn t return quickly enough and that they may have tried to avoid detection in the bahamas. all right. well, if they did that, that would be sort of a clincher. that would do it for them on this. all right. tom. thank you, good luck. thank you. here is what is being hard out right now. disney tweeting the star wars team is thrilled to announce the cast of star warsz 7. harrison ford, mark hammel and kerry fisher will be back. lots of new stars joining the force. new star wars will hit movie screens in get ready for this december 15. and today marking prince william and kate s wedding
anniversary. news of a royal split. not prince william it s his younger brother. sky news reporting prince harry had splits with after the two years of the couple prince harry calling it quits. it was tough keeping the romance going after so much public pressure. the two reportedly still very good friends. do you want to know what it is like to cuddle with a seal? check out this video right now. divers getting up close and personal with a seal. go pro. how adorable is that? now it s your turn to hash it out with us. use #greta on all your tweets and posts. a scene right out of rambeau. this is how witness described the terrifying work place attack. the latest from the scene. next. and you re talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork.
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with ammunition draped across his chest. six people wounded before the shooter killed himself. the gunman had explodes but did he not use them. no word on a motive. new information about the connecticut teen accused of murdering his la classmate apparently because she turned him down when he asked her to prom. the 16-year-old suspect is now charged as an adult. according to court records the suspect told police, quote: i did it just arrest me. and now to a new and outrageous case of government waste, this time the usda making 6.2 billion, that s with a b improper payments just last year. accord tght latest inspector general report a chunk of that waste could have been avoided if the usda had met his reduction targets mandated by the payment reduction act. the they failed to comply with that law for a third straight year. that s tonight s speed read. go to and answer this. do you agree with my legal advice to donald sterling that he should just sell the
l.a. clippers and give it a rest and leave us whatever or not? go to and vote in our poll. good night from washington, d.c. tomorrow night. 7 p.m., go to gretawire. the o reilly factor is on. tonight: effective immediately, i am banning mr. sterling for life from any association with the clippers organization or the nba. was justice done in the donald sterling case? or was his punishment today by the nba revenge? we will take a hard look at what s happening. i don t think i have to remind you there have been a lot of unflattering portraits of your foreign policy right now. there are actually complimentary pieces foreign policy but i m not sure you ran them. once again president obama is trying to imply that fox news is hurting him.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140503 23:00:00

this is the fox report. tonight former secretary of state condeleeza rice deciding not to dhifr a commencement address to thousands of college grads and the white house playing defense. a year and half after the terror attack that left four americans dead house speaker john boehner appointing a special committee to uncover the truth about what happened that night and how the white house responded and an american war veteran sitting in a mexican jail for a terrible mistake and now concerns for his
safety. mom, i will not make it through the night. don t come and ask questions, because you are not safe either. tonight, what the u.s. is doing to get the u.s. marine home. america s former top diplomat decloined a commencement invite because protestors don t want her right. she will not be spoking in a major university. amid benghazi terror attack front and center in washington as house law makers try to get to the bottom of how the white house responded to the terrorist attack that took the hives of four americans in september 11th, 2012. and another panel, issuing a subpoena for secretary of state john kerry to answer questions about the white house s response not only in the initial days after the attack but the months that follow.
many republican law makers believe that the president misled the people. they told fox news earlier today that the administration is playing games with their investigation. all of this could have been resolved a yearing on, they are slowly releasing documents and with holding documents we are fighting the battle. get it resolved and move on. meanwhile democrats in congress said the moves to investigate benghazi is a political stunt. senate majority leader harry reid calling the investigation a waste of money and time. but right now the hunt for answers will go on. reporter: former national security admitted he made
talking po that conflicts with the the white house. did you change a tax to the talking points. nmaybe, i don t remember. i don t remember. dowd, it is like two years ago. dude, it is what we are talking about. we are talking about editing talking points that s what bureaucrats. it is scripted. and that and the four year release of the ben rh odes e-mail. it shoes a line of thinking that was protecting the president and state department. you have to remember that the president is involved in this. he is talking about a video in the united nations and so this is a smoking gun that is locked and loaded. harry reid blasted the decision, saying for the republicans to waste the time
and money instead of focusing on the middle-class is a bad decision. secretary of state john kerry spokesman lambasted the entire focus. i am confident that what the republicans allege that there was a attempt by the administration to cover up or spin what happened is 100 percent false. we are still not getting documents as we requested. and we asked them to turn over the documents we requested. when will we get all of the documents? a recent fox nows poll skoin- 21 percent believe that the wheat whites trying to cover up what happened in benghazi rather than being open and transparent. fox news doper. benghazi, white house cover- up
revealed by blet bear. secretary of state john kerry urging russia to withdraw the insurgents. speaking to the russian counterpart by phone while traveling to the congo today. russia denies allegations of unrest. prorussia insurgents releasing international observer ares held hostage in the city. the militant s leader ordered their release because of bleed street battles that are breaking out. here s more from ukraine. molly, the only bit of good nows was the release of the international observers. they were in good spirits. reporter: it comes as the ukranian military is stepping up the effort against the pro russian mill at this timeiants
it was a fight against the insurgies and now this country is on the verge of civil war. ukranian army personnel carriers moved in the town and overtaking checkpoints and a government building that was occupied. they were not able to push their way in the main strong hold where separatist and mill littias are dug in. violence is spreading to the key port city of oshg desza. 30 plus people died and many injured in running street battles between riot police and pro russian separatist. and pro russians ended up in a building and the building was in flames. the ukranians blame russian military officers for sparking the violence. and the russia calls the crack down and said it is a crime and
said ethic russians are besieging the kremlin begging for help and protection. the fear is it would come in the form of 40,000 troops invading this part of the country. molly back to you. leland vittert thank you. and the nba appointing a ceo to super vise the la clipper s operation amid new pressure for donald sterling to sell the time. donald sterling said he should have paid off his alleged mistress who recorded him making racial remarks and now she is speaking out for the first time, disputing that sterling is a racist. dom nick is in the west coast newsroom. how is the nba explaining the move to appoint a ceo. reporter: it is coming in
the past hour or so. the nba excutive vice-president of communication putting out this statement. let me read it to you. the best way to insure the stability of the team in a difficult situation is to quickly to install a ceo to over so the clipper s operation. the process of identifying that individual is underway. it is a active separation and wrestling the operational control out of the hands of donald sterling and in the hands of somebody else and dramatic and unexpected. what is she saying in the new interview. reporter: she tried to avoid the press and decided to a pore with barbara walters on the 20- 20 program. she believes he is not a racist but out of touch with the world.
he is from a different generation than i am and brought up to believe that. segregation and whites and blacks and. and a partnerly it was not the first time they had conversations like this. she has hours of other recordings and she would have these conversations in an attempt to help him realize he was prejudice. i wanted to get him to so what he was doing to me and to himself. a lot of the times, i would overemphasize and be cynical because he just didn t get it. he couldn t understand my view or the views of those around us. reporter: she said he should apologize and doesn t know whether he will. one magazine managed to speak to him. all he would say, i should have
paid to shut her up. andom nick thanks. the la clippers face the golden state warriors in game seven of the nba series. the first leg of the triple crown is in the books. we have a winner in the kentucky derby. from the back of the pack and coming up. taking second and california shines bright in the kentucky derby. congratulations to california chrome. the horse was a favorite to win the derby in the fifth consective victory and next up. one 39th. and she is america s former top diplomat. rice will decloin the invitation to give the commencement address following a voke will protest by a small group of students and a va hospital under fire for
keeping a secret list of patients many of whom died waiting for basic health care. new details as they look for answers. ayer aspirin. i m not having a heart attack, it s my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah, thanks for the tip! nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta.
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common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. our nation s former top diplomat said she will not goift commencement address in rutgers, new jersey. former secretary of state condoleezza rice declining an invitation from the group a small group led a sit in demonstration saying she was partially responsible for the iraq war. rice was set to receive an honorary degreechlt rice said they would not uninvite secretary rice but she backed out so the students could enjoy their graduation distraction free. it is a distraction for the
university committee. as a professor in stanford university and a academic office i embrace the purpose of the commencement ceremony and unwilling to detract from it in any way. in the meantime former secretary of state hillary clinton is receiving the state of illinois s highest honor tonight. governor pat quinis presenting secretary clinton with the award. she grew up outside ofzh chicag governor quinsaid she deserved for her service. s basketball coach is also being honored. a scandal in a va hospital. the facility at phoenix under fire. they are under investigation for trying to hide records of people
under their care. the whistle blower said she had to do it because the evidence was being destroyed. elizabeth prann has news from washington. reporter: hi, molly, three officials including the head of the face fist in phoenix veterans affair are temporarily out of a job as investigators work to see if 40 former servicemen died waiting for care. the department of veteran a fares released a statement that the employees were placed on leave. accusations are at least 1600 sick veterans waited month it is to see a physician. dr. sam fot said the hospital is understaffed and underfunded. that is similar to that of dr. kathryn mitchell.
she described an environment of intim edition against anyone who challenged hospital leadership. she provided a list with records showing that the hospital used a secret list to hide the long wait times. cross the country, physician after physician tried to speak up for patient safety care issues and gotten retaliated against by having proficiencies dropped and removed. law makers threatened a subpeona for the records if they don t comply. phoenix facility officials say they invite the inspector general to investigate. molly, back to you. thank you. general motors announcing another recall. pulling tens of thousands of vehicles off of the road and still trying to recover from the last big recall. former president george bush
facing questions about 2016. and his thoughts about a possible white house run with his brother jeb. ything i have into this place. that s why i got a new windows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i d pay. and i don t need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it s fun, too with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss s signature for this. i m the boss. honestly i wanna see you be brave [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn t fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today.and tomorrow. so let s see what we can do about that.
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switches. a mediator is meeting with representative of the family of the victims and others. more than 50 died in crashes. more than 300 others were injured. the mediator is looking at all of the options. dollar amounts have yet to be touched. more than 30,000 people gathering in nebraska for the berk shire ha thaway it is the counsel down of the closing bell, and they talked about it today. they join us from oma ha, nebraska. joishgs it is it a share holder of all share holder. it is jam-packed all the way up to the ra fters.
warren buffet taking questions and speaking about the economy and his businesses. j5
hour we had an opportunity to ask him if janet yellin is helping america come back? i think yellin is doing the right thing. generally speaking she is doing the right thing just as bernanke did the right thing before. there will be second guessing and this country it done well in the recent years because the fed is up and doing the right thing war ep buffet said he feels that the the economy having come back slowly but surely from an awful financial crieses is taking the right steps at the moment but he understands that the job numbers are not coming quickly as people want them to. monday we have more to talk to him about on fox business network. tune in and i have warren buffet and his vice chair full of
nuggets of wisdom and bill gates director of the company and founder of microsoft altogether. and we talked about issues. i asked them about ukraine and things people want to know about. the way they think is interesting as it pertakens to america business. we hope you town in. hash tag ask liz. we ll pick some of your questions for warren buffet coming up and we ll see you monday at nine time time 30. and people own stocks. and back to you. and always in the heart of the business world. thank you. in the business world, apple awarded $120 million in the latest intellectual property battle. a california jury decided that rival samsung infringed on apple
patents. samsung said apple infringed on its patents. the jury ordered samsung to pay apple for using its technology. samsung is appealing that order. a deadly and mysterious virus that sickened hundreds in the middle east is now turned up in the united states and the american chained to a cot in a mexico prison. he made a wrong turn at the border. the efforts to free the veteran. marge: you know, there s a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they re delicious, and an excellent source of fiber
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be a sound sleeper, or.l you a mouth breather? well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. this is a fixture report. it is the bottom of the hour. if you are just joining us, house speaker john boehner will set up a select committee to feepd out how the white house responded to the benghazi terrorist a sdpak secretary of state john kerry is subpoena to testified. cvc first case of mers in
america. he got sick in saudi arabia where he was a health care worker. and international observer released from captivity in ukraine and arriving in germane. violence is escalating in eastern ukraine. rescue crews searching for victims after a deadly mudslide in afghanistan. it happen in the northern province. numberous homes covered with 30 foot of mud. the people were killed instantly. 2100 people are missing but other leaders say the figure may be too high. the u.s. military said they are ready to help if called on. the mud slide hit after several days of heavy rain. snks a decorated u.s. marine serving two tours in afghanistan, sits in a mexican jail today.
andrew was arrested back on april 1st after making a wrong turn and accidentally entered mexico. he is now chained to a cot in mexico and his mother called it a nightmare. the reporter is from fox affiliate wsbn in miami has the story. she said her son u.s. marine sergeant feels like there is no end in sight. when he was in afghanistan, he was a brave committed warrior to the american cause and he was highest level of achievement and promoted to sergeant on the field. now he is defeated and demoralized and hopeless. the decorated marine serving two combat tours in afghanistan now a prisoner in mexico. they would not allow him to turn around.
i made a wrong turn and got lost can you let me turn around? that was not an option. he was soaking treatment in san diego when he got lost and made a wrong turn. he comes out of a bloipd curve and there he is in a mexican custom s lane. the western native and grauft cypress bay hospital may feel hopeless, his mom is trying to set up a petition hoping to get 100,000 signatures to get a response from the white house. i am doing everything possible and the state department is doing everything possible and reaching out to our legislators and they are doing everything possible. they need to release him back to the state so andrew can get the care he deserves as a decorated veteran under the contract of the marine corps.
that was a reporter. florida senator bill nelson reached out to the mexican government sosee if he could get his own cell. we hear about the feds monitor cell phone data. and some is closer to home and concerns about your privacy and the government s concern trying to keep you safe. it is not only the nsa but local police department that is raising concern about big brother. 2500 use stingray that swallows up cell phone data. they are using license plates readers that record every plate on a four lane highway at speeds of 50 miles per hour. the technology is a remarkable crime fighting tool. it is homicides and all kinds
of robberies. and it is an asset to us. wired mag zone reported that the maker of the stingray and license plates readers hold the buyers to vows of secrecy. and this prohibition is intended to prevent users from cooperating with a media outlet. we want police agencies to be transparent as possible. there shouldn t be going to hide here and they are using technologies that are supported widely because of the proven ability to reduce crime. the wired article was outdated and they needed to discuss before checking with the media. it is a common practice in the area of law enforcement technology since criminals mimic and avoid detection and capture. they raised broader questions about unreasonable searches.
last year virginia attorney general issued an opinion that said data cannot be collected unless related to a criminal case. the opinion was not binding and many retained the data for years. and the last legislation was passed in 1986 before the technology existed. and some defendant to arrive at and turning faster than the wheels of justice. in washington, doug mcdht kelway, fox news. space astronauts are soaring to great heights. two astronauts inducted in the astronaut hall of fame. shannon is the only american who served on pord of the russian space station. and jerry rice who was the 50 to fly seven shuttle migs and joined by fellow astronauts in the nasa kennedy space center
this afternoon. and man meets nature. and this man is propelling off of a building and getting closer to tiny birds. volunteers are hoping that disabled will lead better lives in their homes one renovation at a time. [ female announcer ] it s simple physics.
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such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don t take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion.
president obama declaring a major disaster in alabama. four counts will receive aid to help with the weather. powerful storms spawned tornados and major flooding that left five people dead. the president planning to tour tornado damage next week. 15 people were killed and hundreds of homes were destroyed. a disaster was declared there. and jay johnson will visit that area tomorrow. one person killed when
trained smashes in a van. our top story as crow go across america. indiana, the collision happen in a railroad crossing. a man drove it around the gates in the path of the speeding train and he died at the scene. california. thieves use an electric stun gun and chase an armored guard. the guard suffered minor injuries. thieves may have targeted other armorred guards. there is a risk but they are trained and unfortunately it happens time to time. the officers found the cash bag but the suspects are on the run. in new york. a concrete wall collapses and crushed three parked cars. no one was hurt. the cause of the collapse is
being investigated. california, here is something you don t see every day. a university researcher putting id bands on fourical conchicks high atop san jose city hall. the city is now having a naming contest for the little birds. people with disabilities often face a struggle getting around their own home. volunteers are hoping to change that and brake down barriers with those living with physical challenges and making a dramatic difference in their lives. molly, the nonprofit knows the widening of a doorway and home renovation says go a long way to give them independent they deserve. he s happy and he wants to do things like a five and half-year-old boy. he wants to run in puddles and
that means driving a power chair. and he was born with spinal muscle a trophy. ray has defoyed the odds. as he grew he wanted independence and we got him a power wheelchair and he grew to the point where he was hard to live and carry up and down the stairs. they were introduced to home fro home, a group of volunteer architects that design homes to be more accessibility and allowing those with disabilities to live freely at home. people stay trapped in their homes just because there are three steps in the front of their house. but not ray. over the course of six months, a 600 square foot extension of the add. a whole chair accessible bath rom and his room.
what rom is this. my bathroom and what do you love about it my bed. there is a therapy room where he conneblths to the kindergarten class and he and older brother can be boys. it has enhanced our quality of life not only for ray. nray is a fighter and the family said the renovation will help him to live to the fullest. i love the story. of course, molly. fox nows is america s election head quarters and 2014 midterms just months away. turn out is everything and for democrats, they are counting on big support from the base in an effort to keep control of the swaent and one key group younger voters may not be showing up to
the polls this fall. peter dossy explains. many of the young people who packed auditoriums to cheer on democratic candidates in the last election cycle might sit out the midterms. new numbers reveal that only 23 percent of the millienals will vote and the most enthusiastic in the 18- 29 age group is people who picked rom no. 44 percent of them man to vote compared to 35 of young obama voters. experts say the enthusiasm gap comes as young americans blame the president for the bad economy. he s been in office six years than older voters who might say we are recovering from president bush s economy. low youth participation is good nows for the gop. and those trends incrose the
odds of the republicans in the senate. there is a wide spread effort on campus and on line. millennials areqkrs crucial the success in 2014. it is important to get excited about our candidates ahead of 2016. if voters started at age 30 governor romney would be ndemocrats think young americans will lone up behind the candidates. equal rights for everybody and how women are treated and paid, democrats have an advantage and that s when the younger democrats get excited. politics of privacy are important to young americans as well. and the director of harvard institute. said millennials love to share things on facebook but don t like big government collecting information about them secretly.
in washington, fox news. peter, thank you. president george w. bush leads the fourth annual bribing ride for veterans. he was asked about his brother jeb running for the white house. and world war ii air men honored for the heroism. the whole story in case you missed it. we need it right away! we cannot let the fans down. don t worry!
the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority. amazing! .is you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. female announcer: sleep train s interest free ends sunday. it s your last chance to get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort; even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train s 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train s interest free for 3 event, ends sunday.
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who is considering a white house run of his own? well, i hope he runs. he is a wonderful man. hey not telling me his plans. and you know, he will make up his mind on his own time table, and i can t accelerate it and our mother can t accelerate or decelerate it and we ll so what he does. he knows firsthand what it is like to run for president and he saw his mother and brother run and if he were to choose to run he would have no stronger supporter than me. jeb bush is considering a 2016 run but will not make a final decision until the end of the year. in case you missed it some of our war heroes are finally being honored after waiting more than 70 years. the air men were shot down and
captured fighting the hitler forces but denied pow status because they crash landed in sweatser land. here is more about the veterans. the world war ii bomb ares were shot down and landed them in internment camps in switzerland. the defense department refused to honor them with prisoner of war medals. there were rumors that they were deserters trying to avoid combat. at the time only one in four u.s. bombers in missions over germany came home safely. mayhem was a bomb dore who escaped from the prison camp run by naziicism thosing prison guards. they slipped on lois infested straws and sowage in the area and solitary confinement and
starvation and mental terror. a historic injustice was reversed. the eight remaining survivors out of the pow s imprisonned in switzerland were honored by the air force. it is the kind of courage we read about in books. their stories would not have been known without dwight ma er whose grandfather was imprisonned in the prison camp. to have it denied and irrespectivee? ñ of the treatm did not so many right. congress revised a 1985 law on pow medals and requiring prisoners to be held in enemy territory. lieutenant was moved. his son patrick accompanied him to the ceremony.
every day for the rest of his life was a gift. he was never in a bad mood. that attitude and the grandsons pursuit of justice is the reason they finally received the recognition they were denied more than cent years. in the pentagon, jennifer griffin fox news. jennifer griffin, thank you. and why is this woman juching out of an airplane and on a high school football fold? her reason and the message to the students, next. [ woman ] i ve always tried to see things from the best angle i could. it s how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on something better? my doctor told me about eliquis for three important reasons.
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and selling her car wouldn t fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today.and tomorrow. so let s see what we can do about that. remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. then you ll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene for people who suffer from dry mouth. for $175 dollars a month? so our business can be on at&t s network yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there s unlimited talk and text.
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students watching the dangerous dive from below and 17 percent of the population in the school are junior rotc. she confesses she is glad it is over. i was scary to dead and i had the society right there on the edge. i was embarrassed and i had a lot of second thoughts but there is no coming back except out of the dor. the superintendant said her mission was serious to inspire kids to think big and be bold and be prepared. before we go. quick look at top stories, law makers vowing a full and complete investigation in the benghazi terrorist attack. house spoker john boehner will form i select committee and s subpeona on john kerry. condoleezza rice will not give
a commencement address in rutgers university. and california chrome wins the 140 kentucky derby, the odds on favorite to win and led from the againing to the end. up next the triple crown, the preakness in two weeks. before we go a quick remainer and tune in for original reporting tonight on the benghazi scandal. judge ja nine will focus on the news and the committee formed by republicans and immediately after, don t miss fox nows reporting, benghazi, white house cover up revealed, anchored by bret baier. that is how the fox reports this saturday may 3rd. i am molly lion, thanks for watching, huckabee starts now.
tonight on huckabee, denoil. the documents released are explicitly about the broader areas separate from the attack on benghazi. dismissal. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi, why aren t we talking about something else. conspiracy theorys by the republicans and this one turned out to be bogus. where is the truth? we knew it was a hostile action. the house begins a new investigation in the benghazi attacks. as clipper s owner donald sterling fi

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140504 23:00:00

we ll see you next funds dsh fox news. i m harris faulkner. it was supposed to be a fun day of family entertainment under the big top. instead, we now know hundreds of spectators, many of them children witnessed an amazing and frightening scene in rhode island. in just a moment we ll share some images and they may be tough to look at. this is just a warning. we know 11 people have been hospitalized. many of them the acrobats. one of them listed in critical condition. now here s that video. it happened quickly, tragedy caught on camera. the acrobats performing as high as 40 feet above the ground,
plummeting, when an aerial platform gave way. one dancer on the ground seriously injured. brian has more from our new york city newsroom. nothing of this scale involving this number of performers has ever happened. 11 people were sent to area hospitals, nine with serious injuries. oneperson is in critical condition. it all happened at 11:45 a.m. in providence, rhode island. the curtain drops, the performers all women tumble 40
feet below. it s called the human shan did he leer, where the women are attached to a contraception with their hair. in this performance, the metal frame appears to come free, causing this terrifying fall. the lights in the arena going dark. ringling brothers says this act began in january and is performed 12 to 14 times a week. witnesses report seeing some 35 emergency service personnel being lifted on to gurn nis. at at least one had blood on his face, and another waved to the audience being carried out. the cause of the accident is still officially unknown and an investigation is under way. since we were young, many of us have seen these shows over and over and you know they have safety measures so talk about
what those measures were in place for this particular act. you are right. when we re used to looking at these acts in circuses, you would think in some cases there s a safety net, but in this particular act, the apparatus itself in which the women had their hair looped into that metal frame apparatus, they were being held on by hair and nothing else. that apparatus was there safety net so in this case the only safety net they had failed them. the circus said peel on the ground that are there to spot. the circus said they inspect the equipment for every show. and they will be reinspecting everything in the coming days. all of their thoughts and prayers on those performers, remember the circus is a tight knit family, live, work, and travel together. so that s it. that s an excellent point to make. thank you very much. now we ll move on to
benghazi libya. it appears there may not be a bipartisan effort after all to fully discover the facts surrounding that terror attack that left four americans dead at our u.s. consulate in libya. that s according to congressman adam schiff who is urging his fellow political party members to boycott a select committee on the matter. just hours ago he says it would be aco last sal waste of time. and the7ve back on forth on th sunday got pretty heated. new york congressman peter king said if democrats were to boycott that committee it would be a big mistake. if the democrats boycott this committee and refuse to take part, the american people are going to conclude that they have something to hide, that they cannot defend the administration. many republicans, including
the house speaker said the obama administration misled american people on the days after the attack. they point to botched talking points claiming the killings were as a result of an anti muslim video. an email released last week indicated the white house helped shape those talking points, whichóác we know are not true. steve, what are republicans hoping to learn from the committee? they say the white house was playing politics in the after math of benghazi and they want to find out who was behind as what they see as a deception followed by a coverup. that attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi killed four americans, including the ambassador. the white house portrayed what was a terrorist attack as a
demonstration that got out of hand. they were trying to create an impression to the american people that wasn t a broad irforeign policy failure and it was totally disconnected with reality on the ground. they saw benghazi, i think, bob, as a threat to his re-election. they created a political smoke screen. and senator kelly ayotte said the truth didn t fit the white house narrative at the time. democrats calling this aco last sal waste of time. what are others saying? john boehner said this select committee would be bipartisan. democrats say it would make no sense for them to participate. democrats say there s already been enough hearings including the one where former secretary
of state hillary clinton testified. i think it s a tremendous red herring and a waste of taxpayer resources, i hope the speaker will reconsider, but it looks like he has bowed again from the farthest right of his conference. no matter what happens, of course, benghazi is bound to be a hot political topic in the upcoming mid term elections. thank you very much. fox news digs in deeper. tune in tonight, benghazi, white house coverup revealed. that s tonight only at 9:00 p.m. prime minister of ukraine says russia is waging a real war against his country. pro russian supporters have stormed a building and set free pro russian activists.
apparently, there s focus on a threat russia made last week to cut off gas supplies to ukraine. reporter: the unrest in odessa continued late into the night and it s importance to understand just how quickly the pro russian separatist movement has moved, 500 smiles south miles south and west from where it began. today, the separatists stormed the local police station demanding the release of their comrades who have been arrested in that violation and to show you how much power they have, those separatists were released. we heard in the evening that pro ukrainian groups had gathered, possibly, for another showdown on the streets of odessa. the ukrainian government of course blames russia for
beginning this violence, instigating this entire movement. they have tried to take on these pro russian separatists. yesterday they drove personnel carriers into one of their strongholds. today those carriers retreated. ukrainian army really p seems to be outgunned and out manned in this battle in the ten days since they began their operations, the ukrainian military has taken back precisely three buildings from the separatists. meantime, the separatists have gone ahead and gain another to buildings under their control. it is just as bleak when it come to the numbers for the ukrainians. the russian military has some 40,000 troops on the ukrainian border simply waiting the order to invade from president vladimir putin. if push came to shove, military analysts would be only six to ten thousand ukrainian troops
who are combat ready. not a good odds. a special honor for former president george bush. president bush could not be there to accept the award in person but his granddaughter lauren was there on his behalf and said people in washington today should learn a lesson from his policies. compromise is a dirt word in washington today because we live in an age of the perpetual campaign. but once we get back to realizing the importance of actual governance, i suspect this too will pass. the aim to create the largest the award is named for president kennedy s 1957 book profiles in courage which tells the stories of eight u.s. senators who took unpopular stands on issues. right now, new video
obtained by fox news. a crash at an air show at an air force basement people base. people standed as they watched disaster before their eyes. an american war veteran chained to a cot in a mexican jail. advertise his mother says it s all a terrible mistake and there s terrible danger. what s being done to bring this marine home? t! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain.
.and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for. .all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] roll sound! action! [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn t fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today.and tomorrow.
so let s see what we can do about that. remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. make a my financial priorities appointment today. they re the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive,
dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what s next. an air show in california was the scene of a plane crash earlier today. this is travis air force base. it s near the town of fairfield. a small biplane was attempting to do an inverted roll. it burst into flames on the runway. the crash happened quite a ways from the grandstand so no
spectators were hurt from this. it was immediately canceled. a wrong turn near the mexican border led an american marine veteran into trouble. he s in a mexican jail locked up since april 1st. when he got lost driving in zaig and ended up accidentally in tijuana. don, tell us more about what these congressional efforts at this point. well, you know how it s going to take some governmental level effort in a situation like this because these cases are often very sensitive given the relationship with united states and mexico when it comes to situations surrounding guns here, that s why you are seeing congressional members offering support for andrew perisi.
the mvems are taking mexico mexicans are taking this very seriously. they have written to kerry kploeg him to help. it is absolutely critical that andrew s release is achieved as soon as possible. he seved his country faithly as a u.s. marine and he is own the same commit by the u.s. government in return. john kerry is now touring in africa. it s unclear when he may be able to tackle this. there s certainly a sense of urgency because of the state that andrew is currently in at the moment. what about the conditions that he s being kept in? because i m reading there some real concerns about his health at this point. yeah. he injured himself trying to escape from one part of the prison into another because he was under mortal threat from some of the gang members who are inside there. he cut his neck on razor wire.
he s being treated for that at the moment. it s not a good situation and they want to get him to quickly health care better as possible. he s chained to his bed. what happens in terms of a legal process in try get him out. and he s actually in limbo8ga÷ there. it s 60 days out from the actual event and that s just a mere statement from the border guard, so there is no not any definitive court day, trial, there isn t any indication that there s a process that s timely and in place for to secure a release in the near future. so all of that goes into it. of course, we ve actually seen this before, back in 2012, the end of 2012, there was a case of the former marine john hammer
who was tethered to his bed in mexico for taking a gun in. for a whole four months before he actually got home. who knows in this case now. i remember that. it was a long time, but he came home and he was safe. we hope the same for this swaying as well. docking a cruise ship apparently can t be easy, right. the things are huge. at the hudson river, look at that. a ship weighing thousands of tons stuck in the middle of the busiest rivers in america. a family torn apart by super storm sandy, after all this time, finally reunited with one. there he is. walks on four legs. ology. ology. get the flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now.
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a cruise ship managed to get stuck in the middle of busy hudson river in new york city today. the cruise line vessel developed a problem with its steering system. tug boats had to guide it to the dock. that means people on the ship couldn t get off as scheduled. they were delayed for hours. vice president joe biden possibly hitting at looming change of the obama s administration policy on illegal immigration. this weekend, as he was delivering a commencement address, he was interrupted by a student demanding the government stop deportation. what did the vice president say? harris, when someone heckled the vice president in florida this week, he shouted back at a
hint of steps that the administration may take to. if the immigration system. the immigrant community represents something that we never talk about. we ll do that too, kid, but let me finish my speech. the vice president gave kbrimgs form a broaden dorsment saturday. also telling the crowd there are 11 million illegal i am grants living in the shadow of the united states. but republicans are troubled by allowing all those illegal immigrants all of a sudden to live here legally. you got to fix immigration. the answer is not to ignore the law. you got to implement the law and execute the law. that s the role of the ex-cutetive branch. it s not optional. the speaker thinks the house
has a hurdle because he says the american people don t trust president obama to enforce whatever law congress passes. it has been a very long road back for many victims for super storm sandy. some like the james family still living in situations far from normal. their loveable dog disappeared after the storm in 2012 and they thought he was gone for good until they found him a few days ago at a animal shelter. he ran to the first bed and couch and he hasn t moved. i love that. it s been a very happy reunion so far as you could see. the family was visiting the ken necessarily to actually find a new dog for their oldest daughter but sometimes life leaves you reckless. tragedy today under the big top. a spectacular circus performance
comes to a terrifying end when a group of acrobats hit the floor from 40 feet in the air. we ll give you an update zblx house speaker john boehner is selecting a committee to investigate benghazi. our political insiders are coming into home base now. weapon to hear from you, your comments and thoughts. it s been nearly two years since those four americans were killed at that consulate. one democratic lawmaker as i mentioned earlier in the hour called it a kol loss sal waste of time. is it or do you want to know the facts? harris falker at twitter. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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this is the fox report. s it s the bottom of the hour. if you are just joining us, a circus stunt left 11 people badly hurt in rhode island. an aerial platform holding eight acrobats fell on top of a dancer below. one person is in critical condition this hour. we re told the safety equipment somehow malfunctioned. reaction from capitol hill john boehner has a select committee set up to investigate benghazi. democrats say democrats should boycott that select committee. others are saying americans need to know the truth.
here s a sample of what we ve been hearing and seeing. we have to rebuild their trust. it s a big part of what why i want to be here. we need to say to them we should have done more, and we owe it to the memory of those four people that are fallen and to those that were hurt and wounded. what i will say is, again, diversion, subterfuge. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi, why around we talking about something else? what i know is what i ve read in the press about the those emails were very consistent with what what was put out there before. i don t think there s anything new there. did you also change attackssg point? maybe, i don t remember. you don t remember. dude, this was like two years ago, we re still talking about a mun day process. we re talking about the process of editing talking points. that s what bureaucrats do all day long. i think it s a collossal
waste of time. the republican conference is to fractured. there s only two things they have agreed on.ak6d obamacare and benghazi. it would be terribly arrogant and show they are not taking this issue seriously and most at this they are going to show they are afraid to confront the issues when the public is watching. our political insiders are here and you can join the conversation. pat kadel, doug schoen, ed roll ins is in the house, all of our fox news contributors. it is sunday, you know it is. do we need a select committee?
i think we probably do to get at the facts and i think that s the key issue. how do we get at the facts? i think this committee with subpoena power is probably a step in the right direction. i say regretly because i think all americans would like to move on. we can t till we learn the facts. ed, tell me about this select committee and what happens if in fact it s not bipartisan? is that important? i wish the democrats would participate and i would think they would want to participate but at the end of the day, there s been four or five hearings on the hill as the speaker said. the problem is nobody knows what came out of each one of those hearings. it s important for one story to be told and bring those people together, get a document together and we owe it to the ambassador and three other americans who were murder. why would democrats like adam schiff tell their members to boycott a committee that is
investigating the night our u.s. embassy was attacked in a foreign country? i am for a committee. i look at adam schiff and i remember it s hard to remember watergate. that s how bad our politics have come. the truth is we know we were not told the truth. we don t know what the president was doing that night except he he was not in the situation room. the talking points were a fantasy imposed. my frustration with the press we ll get into this a moment. the republicans have a real challenge. they need to run this. particularly the democrats don t participate, they need to run this and even if they lddo, nos a political show, which is what they normally do, but as a
fact-finding, uncover the facts, 1, 2, 3 and build the case of what we were not told and what really happened that night and what happened afterwards. if they do that, then the democrats don t participate, then the democrats will be hurt. if they don t and republicans put on a political show, people will say there you go. that s what we expect. it behooves them all to act like american leaders instead of a bunch of hacks. secretary kerry has now been subpoenaed by the house oversight committee. the question now is he wasn t on duty at the time, so what can we tell? i don t know. i think he owes it to the american people, certainly to the committee to what? to tell everything he does know and everything that s state department might well have that has not yet been disclosed as pat and ed were suggesting. but i tend to agree with the kprems premise of your question, harris which is the bulk of the fact finding will come from the
select committee that has a lot of work to do. the bottom line here is if this email had been subpoenaed, all the documents were supposedly subpoenaed had been put forth months ago, we wouldn t be having this discussion. but clearly they hid this document. they decided this do you mean was a political document, and so we want to know what else was out there. in the fog of war sometimes, this was in the fog of a campaign, what didn t get told to the american people and i think secretary kerry owes it to his foreign service, again his ambassador who was killed, we have an obligation to find out the facts and not let this april again. you hear some of the democrats coming forward and we know all that we know on this, you are not going to know anything else, this is a collossal waste of time. what kind of impact will this have on the mid term and really the presidential elections?
because hillary clinton instead of kerry was actually on the job that night. and was promoting the story about the video. this was the biggest coverup in washington since watergate and sadly some of the things that have not happened, bob woodward and the rest of the national press have taken a walk on this to protect the obama administration, only fox has pursued this and a few other outlets seriously. it will never go away. this argument, there s nothing new. that document was covered up on purpose. it was covered up the president was going to a fund-raiser. i say this about the press, ben rhodes did not work in a vacuum. he worked for tom donlin. he was running the national
security council and i said that s over and over. that s where you are going to do. he was the person designing and running this and anyone who knows him and knows the players just like if you knew the nixon white house and the players you would know and that s the truth we need to get at. part of that kind of sound bite timeline that we put together moments ago that we all got to watch, a former white house staffer tommy vietor all bureaucrats do all day long is edit talking points and we ve got asz on twitter, if that s what bureaucrats are doing all day long, we have blank too many of them. we may have too many of them. that s another discussion for another night. but here s what we do know and pat and ed will certainly weigh in. we ve all been in the white house. we ve all worked at a high level for democratic and republican presidents and we have all been involved in editing talking points, and when you are involved in a big matter like this, let me assure you remember
what you do, you remember the words you pick, and you remember the process. i don t think i m interper lating too much to say tommy vietor is not necessarily telling what i believe to be the full truth. they made a deliberate decision not to release that document. there are two paragraphs that are basically all politics. the national security council is not supposed to be about politics, it s supposed to be about governing and national security. we spend billions of dollars on intelligence. why didn t we have more intelligence? that s another thing you can get to the bottom of that. peter king who was on your show would be a perfect member to have on this committee. i don t know who the members are going to be. you need someone who knows about intelligence is and why we are not getting your monies worth. we at fox have taken some ribbing. now the wider media are starting to ask questions, well you know, fox well maybe they were right
to ask on behalf of the american people and to actually do our job. katie hugh says on twitter dude what planet are you from? a long time, my experience in washington was part of the nixon administration, richard nixon didn t conduct the burglary, but he certainly was involved and created a tone and was involved in a cover up. my sense is i m not blaming the president. but political people in this white house and there s way too many of them basically are always thinking about campaigns and that clear is what they were doing here. and this was in the middle of a campaign after all. this was a month, month a half before the election and i think pat is right, the national security advisers, certainly his deputy twoontd insulate the president from blame. they chose that approach rather than being more candid. i know it s interesting and i know our viewers know this. when they hear you, doug, say
that, does this make you pessimistic where we are with our washington leaders in general and you sound like you are not too happy with your own party? well, i m not. i speak more and foremost as an american rather than as a partisan. i think that s very important. when you look at the tragedy unfolding slowly but i dare say in eastern ukraine and the problems around the world i think most right-thinking americans worry that our country is suffering, not improving our position in the world. something has come up on twitter and i want to share this with people, at top libertarian writes could the political insiders please do on a portion of show lobbying and campaign financing. no one gets it. i want to shift with a couple of minutes that we have to talk about where we are with that issue because it comes from the audience. where are we? well, we have spoken a great deal about it. pat will weigh in a second. i think it s very clear that the role of big contributors, the
role of lobbyists is so disproportionate the average american is disenfranchised the system has become rigged and corrupt. the truth of the matter is we have way too much money for campaigns today. reagan had $40 million as well as monday dale. the president and romney spent over a billion dollars on each side to run an eight-state campaign. congressional races are gigantic. it s all paid for by lobbyists and the fact we no longer have financial constraints on campaigns. the viewer is asking a lot is being made about financing. what do we need to know? go back to the first question. we have in washington an atmosphere of both parties in which everyone and irm a poll on
this, americans believe that lying government and people in washington lie about everything all the time, big or small and it s endangering our democracy and that s true. so are the lobbyists. 90% of americans believe the rules in this process is rigged against them and it is the point is what we see in the benghazi thing is illustrative of this. no sense of duty to the country and to the truth. i have said since day one this thing will never go away until you get to the bottom of it. four people died and the truth is the american people are being disserved by a political class of both parties who put politics and political ambition ahead of the united states and its safety and the future. that is the bottom line and it s all about money and about power. doug. oh, pat, is absolutely right. with unregulated super packs, donations bundled by lobbyists and big donor, the ordinary
voter does not have the say or influence that he or she had. it s just a fact. ed, i m curious, everybody has to raise money to run. it s not for free. so i hear democrats pushing against sometimes republicans, like they are the only wawns ones who are doing this. the president is the first one to say i m not going to taking the finance money. he raised an enormous amount of money. he opened the gates. the court said there are no limits anymore. in a federal campaign, you are allowed $2,600. someone gives $10 million or, they want more than that. they want some access to something. and they want some specific line in that bill. nobody plays at that level without wanting something in return. you know what? it s getting worse, not better. you don t see this as necessarily a partisan thing. no, it isn t. i think the american people are the loser. the political class, democrat
and republicans alike are the winners. during the commercial, we have a lot of tweets to go through. we re going to give the american people maybe a say in all this. we ll be right back. shifting opinions, should the u.s. stay out and disengage somewhat in some crises around the world. stay close. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn t fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today.and tomorrow. so let s see what we can do about that. remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen.

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problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. this is very timely given what s happening between russia and ukraine and russia saying ukraine saying it looks like russia is about to go to war with them today. the obama administration has faced sharp criticism recently for what some people are saying is a lesser role on the world stage but new research shows more americans out there feel the u.s. should disengage from certain affairs of other countries. our political insiders are back. i want to get a quick tweet in
please. magnus campos says the u.s. needs to worry more about the u.s. and solve our own health care before we start worrying about other country s problems. an interesting perspective. i ll pop some numbers. your response? a large percentage of the american people do feel as that tweet from magnus suggested. there is a but though and the but there has not been an assertion of america s role in the world, our values and the enduring importance of our leadership to animate public opinion. well, i believe this has been going on for some time in part, when you is a see the way the way bush administration mishandled the war in iraq and then with the ongoing ten-year conflict in afghanistan. americans are naturally tired of this. yet at the same time the foreign policy are very complex and i can t
simply put them in that one question. that same poll showed that 55% of american believe we should assert our values, i believe, rather than the question of negotiating all the time with everyone. americans are concerned to the extent as doug said that someone makes a case. the republican party desserted american policy. this is the first time we ve seen a pleurality on this. 47% of americans feel we should become less active. ed roll ins, i m curious, i m hearing pointing out the bush administration, what we re looking at red lines that weren t carried out by the current administration. a lot of people are criticizing where the obama administration has maybe not shown us fully what its foreign policy is.
historically there s always been a consistency and there isn t one now. we now have a military that basically is almost dispatched from the american society. it s a great military but it s all voluntary. our military is strained and broken. i think basically we re handicapped by our finances. we have a very big shatter fall in our almost trillion dollars a year. we can t be the police everywhere. we can preach and advocate dems accuracy but can t impose it. if america had a stronger stand right now with regard to russia, would people feel differently? differently? stay close.

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fox news political insiders are back. if americans were looking at different leadership like different crisis, would that poll which says they would like to see america disengage more be different? i m certain it would. the american people want results. so far they have not seen results in satisfactory, in ukraine, when they don t get results, they say back off. when we had a leader like ronald reagan, he asserted american values and produced results. that s what we need on the internationalen stage. it s what we lack sadly. said, . no one is afraid of us anymore. european should be doing these things. not us taking the lead on them. we don t have the allies. why not? germans are undercutting this. we spied on them.
that s problematic. we don t want tougher sanctions. putin knows what s going on and basically he s won this battle for the short run. interesting because they were talking today about gas and they were having that economic conversation. when america doesn t lead, i m sorry, the europeans will never lead anything. we couldn t get out of a wet paper bag together. if we don t lead, then nothing will happen. in the european allies will all splinter. everyone looks at us, as doug said, both doug and ed said being weak. when you are weak, don t want to follow you. they don t take you seriously and the problem is that makes things more dangerous. look what s happened in libya, which we don t talk about, turn over from gaddafi and is apparently going to become an al qaeda state on top of that in
benghazi. what a disaster. this leading from behind doesn t work. neither does massive intervention everywhere under george bush s policy work either. you have to be strong and discerning with what you do but you cannot be like this administration is and the truth of that is found in the polls which show the washington post showed less than a third of americans give a positive rating to obama on handling ukraine. gentlemen, you speak your minds and we read this tweets here. we re glad people played along with our discussion tonight. thank you very much. by the way, you can continue the conversation with the political insiders on twitter at fnc insiders. they tweet for a while. you never go to bed. by the way, our website every monday morning has them 10:30 a.m., eastern at live@fox that is going to do it for us on sunday night, may 4th, 2014.
i ll see you back here at noon eastern for out numbered yeah, the ladies and one #one lucky guy. huckabee starts now.

denial. the documents released are explicitly about the broader areas separate from the attack on benghazi. dismissal. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi, why around we talking with something else. spins. like so many of the conspiracy theories this one turned out to be bogus. we did know early on this was a hostile action. now the house begins a new investigation into the attacks. the fall out on benghazi tonight. plus as

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140508 10:00:00

wall s ice cream to give drivers a tasty treat. instead of a ticket. up next, the bad. thieves stealing ussain bolt s cleats out of a museum in bolt. the sneakers are worth $30,000. finally the ugly. an all-out brawl happening on a live jordanian tv show as guests demolished the set. oh my gosh. fox & friends starts now. good morning. it sç thursday, may 8, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. they are vicious criminals accused of killing off an entire village and kidnapping hundreds of little girls. nearly every government agency calls them terrorists, but hillary clinton s state department says don t use the t word. and the latest insult to our veterans. they wait longer than anybody else when they re
sick and desperately need care. and the fallout? if they become cynical about that, we re not going to have people show up and volunteer for the kind of rigor we put them through, theç service in uniform. he s right. a shocking report coming up ahead. shark attack. yes, music aside, the moment a great white mistakes a boat for a chew toy. another reason to stay on land. mornings, according to everybody we talk to, are better with friends. it s sean hannity here. you re watching my good friends, elisabeth, steve and what s his name? brian. sean just left the building about five minutes ago. sometimes i stay up super late and i later on we re going to
discuss the craziness that happened at the conclusion of brian sç birthday. it s been written on the blogs. this fine young lady went crazy yesterday. it was a birthday celebration no one will ever forget and we ll tell you all about it. i have two things to show, something the crew gave me and something you gave me, which we have to review. the look in your eye at the end of your show is something i still can t get over. i called keith ablow. i said try to make sense of this keith. wait until you hear about it. this is really something. we ve with been telling you about this terrorist group called boko haram out in afrhsa, how they killed an entire village. in the last couple of weeks they have kidnapped 300 young girls. they re going to sell them into slavery. they burned a bunch of boys. they burned down a village. it s all bad. and now word is because we did not place them on the terror list of officially
known terrorist groups, it is going to be harder to go after them. and who exactly made sure that they were not placed on the terror list? hillary clinton. she has enough going on. this can t be added to the list. question as well, can she cover this on twitter? she tweeted this week with the hash tag bring our girls back. that brought a lot of attention to this. everyone is lauding her saying isn tpá great. and the rights of women and young girls, those are pillars of what she wanted to accomplish in her time at the state department. but right here what she didn t actually tweet, and perhaps because it was over 140 characters, was the fact that her own state department did not place boko haram on the list of terrorist organizations which would have forbidden authority to increase security to them, increase assistance to nigerian security forces in nigeria and perhaps could have
saved these girls earlier. here s the statement. it says there was a concern. and the reason why the state department did not do it, there was a concern thatç putting boko haram on the foreign terrorist list would be in fact, raise its profile, give it greater publicity, help with its recruitment and drive more assistance in its direction. there s all types of theories about how to deal with islamic extremists, which this group is, and they are listed as an al qaeda affiliate. so i don t think giving them additional publicity and credibility might be the number h-p one priority on the surface, especially the f.b.i. called me, the c.i.a. is on my voice mail, all these people are doing it. if you do it and you re in the state department, i feel pretty good i have good backing in washington. she did not take that advice. mr. carson s explanation on how it would raise their profile notç only with all of us but the bad guys as
well, that is crazy. it is audacious for hillary clinton keep in mind, and there are some of the people from that boko haram organization. for hillary clinton now to over the last couple of days to talk about how bad they are, given the fact that she could have done something a couple of years ago and did not and the fact that her big initiative last week was to help women and girls, there is a little hypocrisy going on. what is the theory if you continue to say it does not exist it won t be there? this once again proves that is not the case. ç we re sending people over there now. it is going to be a lot harder. even china has responded. we re sending 20 people over and it sounds like without guns. if anyone can, we can. but this is, again, something that was a spark early become full flames now. she s got a lot of on
her plate. yesterday she was here in new york city and sat down with robin roberts of abc news, and she was at the ford foundation, and she was asked about that pesky benghazi thing. you know those darned republicans, they keep bringing it up. here s what she had to say about answering all the questions regarding benghazi. listen. of course there are a lot ofç reasons why despite all of the hearings, all of the information that s been provided, some choose not to be satisfied and choose to continue to move forward. that s their choice. and i do not believe there is any reason for it to continue in this way, but they get to call the shots in the congress. darned republicans. so as lindsey graham says if she doesn t want to come and answer the questions, then she shouldn t run for president because there s going to be a lot of people asking the same questions in small towns in new hampshire and
big towns in florida. whenç asked why, and provide the explanation for the deaths of, vicious murders of four americans there in benghazi, she didn t want to be there. susan rice was sent with talking points, with a narrativ. that s where you get that quote of saying if she can t handle that, if she can t handle looking at the american people and telling the truth, how dare she consider herself qualified? trey gowdy is going to head up the benghazi select committee. he says he is going to call her. he has been receiving death threats as well. he said as long as they re not for my wife, i can handle them, as a former prosecutor. we want to know regarding benghazi, when will you be satisfied? what is it you want to get out of it? is it just for it to be over? is it to finally know about the security lapses or the connection with the whiteç house and it looks like a conspiracy coverup? e-mail us. facebook us. tweet us. or is it just that you
want these guys killed or captured. the families lost their loved ones that day, at least for them the truth shouldn t be so hard to get. heather nauert will be delivering the news. i ve got a horrible fire to tell you about that police believe was intentionally set. there are new developments on this story. was someone trying to kill a famous tennis player? investigators trying to figure out who set the fire to james blake s house in tampa that left four people dead? and did theyç know that he was not home at the time? that he was renting out his mansion? dramatic 911 calls were released. listen. i was walking my dog and the house exploded. oh my god! calm down and take a deep breath. it is just so horrible. police say there were four victims in the house, two parents and their two teenage children. they were brutalized before the fire was set.
this home is in an exclusive area known for its heavy security in the tampa area. we ll keep you posted. new overnight, the country of uruguay is offering to take six gitmo prisoners, but there is a bit of a catch here. the country s president says he will take these terror suspects only ifç washington agrees to let them live free. no response from the white house just yet. the president of uruguay is set to meet with president obama on monday. will lois lerner face prosecution? that s the big question this morning after the former head of the i.r.s. was held in contempt. the vote in the house was 231-187, all republicans voted in favor as well as several democrats. lerner is being held in contempt for refusing to answer questions about the i.r.s. targeting of conservative groups oefrp their proposed tax-exempt status. oklahoma city thunder sç russell westbrook and m.v.p. kevin durant plan to
wipe out basketball. those were not the only lights going off. just before half time the arena lights went out. 2002 teams playing the final 27 seconds of the half in the dark. finally about halfway through the third quarter the lights went back on. oklahoma wins 112-101. those are your headlines. didn t look like people were too nervous about either. that s called panic. it was half the stadium. they had to use hand signals instead of electronics to get the plays in. they all came out with coal miner hats. a little distracting. ten minutes after the hour. let s change gears and talk about something you re quiteç passionate about. that s the state of the v.a. right now. it turns out that if you look at the average that has to get medical care,
about 26 minutes if we walked into the e.r. it s two times longer than that if you are a veteran of service and waiting in a v.a. hospital. right. startling information, an accusation that 40 veterans died as a result of waiting in the hospitals. the v.a. department didn t get to them. and those lists thatç were destroyed providing the path to death when it comes to those that have given their life so bravely for this nation. so why is this the case? really it s about a promise that s made. 23 veterans throughout the country they say at least have lost their lives waiting for medical care. the government is not being forthcoming with statistics on this so the washington times took a look. they reviewed eight veterans affairs inspector general reports. it shows the average wait at v.a. e.r. s can be ten hours. ten hours for the vets to
wait. jim nickolson who used to run veterans affairs says this is awful. the real serious term is young americans who we depend on to enlist, men and women who come into our armed services, we have a compact with them that we re going to take care of them if they re hurt while serving urbgs and that s the serving us and that s the v.a. s job, if they become cynical about that they are not going to show up for the rigor we put them through to show up in uniform. by the way, the guy who runs it, shinseki, even though the american legion is calling for him to go, also a number of republicans are saying he s got to resign, he says i m not goingç anywhere. and the white house says we re standing behind him. he s doing a great job. jeff miller, who chairs the committee on house affairs says this proves
the department needs an entire overhaul. so do it. straight ahead? a chaotic crime scene gets crazier when this happens. [screaming] wait until you hear who was behind the wheel of that car. it sure sounds fishy, the government spending $15 million to keep fish safe. were fish in danger? the government thought so, so they re blowing a lot of dough on that.
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it happened in 2011. we show it all the time. it s a prime example of wasteful spending. the group citizens against government waste highlights all kinds of outlandish federal spending inç its annual congressional pig book which is now out. here to take us through this year s porkers is the president of citizens against government waste. we finally for the first time after years of efforts have yielded the booking of a mascot called pig foot. pig foot, wave to your audience. all right. or not. whatever you choose. there you go. tom, let s get to it. pork pick number one, and play along, pig foot, $90 million to upgrade the a1a1 tank. the problem? the army wants to wait three years. 2,000 of those tanks sitting in the desert in california unused, and they are susceptible to i.e.d. s, however we re
still usingç them. they need to modernize the whole tank system, the whole fleet. so they don t want to do anything right now. the congress, where these are being built, wants to keep the money going. so who wins? congress? well, the members that think the defense department is there just to create jobs feel good about it, but it s not doing anything to improve national security. get ready for this pig foot because we have to throw out $2.6 million all part of the denali commission that even obama identified as something that could be cut. there are agencies that deep indicate theç work of the denali commission. $2.6 million this year, almost $300 million in earmarks. that stayed. pig foot only threw out
about three bucks. symbolism. the last one is the pacific coast recovery salmon fund. it seems to recover salmon is admirable. what s the problem? this is money added on by senator patty murray, a member of the appropriations committee. the grouper in florida, lobsters in pha eup, maine, they probably deserve help too. but we don t want them to create new programs to helpç them. just another example of pork. we found more than 109 projects worth $2.7 billion in this year s appropriations bill. you have this book out. over the years of having done this, do you see it making a dent on the consciences of those in washington spending the money. we have found items, the congress says there are not any. this is way down from the record, $29 billion in earmarks in 2006. the year before we found
14,000 individual earmarks. we re down to just over 100 earmarks worth less than $3ç billion. we re concerned people will keep doing it again. harry reid said the other day let s start earmarking again. we ve got to watch them. pig foot, i ve heard a lot about you but to see you in person is almost a thrill. thank you. tom shatz, good job. go get his book. let me tell you what s straight ahead. speaking of your money, congress can live without a pay raise but there is one thing they cannot live without. having their cars paid for by you. we ll explain. does your mom always tell you not to sit too close to the tv. is that really a health issue? we ll separate mom advice from fact advice with dr. marc siegel. withç mother s day a few days away, he s a brave man.
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we ve got headlines for you. colorado lawmakers just approved the first official banking system for pot shots. until now shops could not anksusiness with bigç because marijuana is illegal under federal law. remember? and remember last week when members of congress bragged about blocking their latest pay raise? turns out there was a catch. they removed the amendment that would have blocked their monthly allowance for car payments. bet you didn t know about that. because i said so, that s why. did your mom always say that? in honor of mother s day this weekend, we are finding out the truth. this is such a dangerous segment. about all the health advice
you remember her doling out while growing up. here with mommy myths, dr. marc siegel from our medical a team. good morning to you. i know brian s mom and i m going to speak directly to her. the thing about brian s mom right now, she is probably sitting close to the television to watchç brian. when we were growing up, we were told by moms and grandmas don t sit too close to the television. it will screw up your eyes. maybe the original tv s from skwrefplt general electric caused too much eyestrain. now no. kids that are sitting close to the tv may be showing they need glasses. right. that was me. pay attention. but the tv is not causing it. what about the iphone when i see kids looking like this? it is not causing a problem. it can cause eyestrain temporarily. goes away ifç you rest your eyes. this one brian wants to be true.
does gum stay in your stomach for seven years if you swallow it? that s another myth. it actually gets digested. it s the part that doesn t get absorbed. it s like vegetables. it goes through. it doesn t get absorbed. like celery. it doesn t attach to the stomach walls. you pass it out. what about about the gum when you bite on it, it squirts into your mouth? soda will settle your stomach? snacking will ruin your dinner. sugar willç make you hyper. is that a fact? soda is bad for your stomach. my mom used to say have a coke, you ll feel better. no. it s acidic. it will aggravate your stomach. sugar bloats you. what about the other
one? he read them too fast. snacking will ruin your dinner. that s true. no, it s not true. if you actually have in between like some seeds or some nuts, something to regulate seeds? something to regulate your glucose, a little cereal. something in between. you want to snack on crackers, you want to snack on nuts. fruit isç great to have. fruit is great in between. just don t load up on candy bars. sugar makes you hyper? i m calling that a fact. science says i am wrong but i m positive that s true. there was a study from yale that if you take kids in the morning and give them a lot of sugar it will interfere with their attention span. science, i want you to catch up with mom on this one. then you re wrong about the snacking fills you up because it does. i m not wrong about
that. time-out. the only one that is a fact is that last one. sugar makes you hyper. what just happened? i don t even know. you read themç all at once. don t get over the fact that you just dissed your own study. i m trying to say that mom is sometimes right. if i don t give her one fact here, they re all going to write in. dr. marc siegel, thank you very much. straight ahead, a chaotic crime scene gets even crazier when this happens. [screaming] wait until you hear who is behind the wheel of that car. the government needs to tax you more to repair the country s highways. whatç happened to the stimulus? stuart varney says the money is all gone. good morning. all rise. happy birthday not to
stuart but to enrique iglasias. he is 39 years old. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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always love my mama has to do with this picture. it is mother s day weekend. they said bring in throw back thursday pictures. this isç the first selfie i did with my son peter. back in the old days when you did a selfie you had to wait to get the pictures back from the drug store to find out if it turned out. you get double. look at him drooling on my sunglasses. oh, that is precious. who s that? heather nauert. mother s day of course is this sunday. i sent in a picture to honor my mother. very nice. there s maria, i believe, at graduation. looks like it could be. do we have clarification on that? any way, because it is throw back thursday, hash tag tbt, we would love to see your throw back pictures.
we have inç the past given you assignments. send to us whatever you want to. e-mail us at are you saying you gave assignments and they let you down? no. we asked for prom pictures, baby pictures. we don t want to coach you. later we re going to find out the story behind maria s picture. steve: i want to nope who who i want to know who those individuals are. i m guessing it was his graduation. i ve got news to bring you. it is sad news coming out of houston. there was a real chaotic; @fc @ scene that erupted yesterday at a murder scene in texas. there was a suspected killer s father who plowed his car through a crowd of people. take a look at this. [screaming] you can hear the
witnesses, the onlookers and even the journalists screaming as they run for their lives. there were about a hundred people gathered out there as cops were investigating that crime scene. cops arresting that driver after he tried to jump from his moving car. neighbors say he simply snapped after he was taunted by a member of the victim s family. the pilot who crashed into a house in colorado walked away. we told you about that story earlier. he actually used to live in thatç house that he crashed into. how bizarre that? 52-year-old brian beach was towing a banner in the sky when the plane lost power and then crashed into that home. the homeowners were not there at the time. certainly a good thing. beach says it wasn t until he ran around to the front of the house that he looked at it and realized he used to live there. it is going to cost you more to ship things with fedex. there will be new prices that will be based on size and not weight. here s the idea. to hit customers who ship all those bulky packages,
shipping a 32 pack of toilet paper will goç from $10 to $31. mailing shoes will go from $8 to $9. you know those ecommerce sites you lose, they may take a big hit but will pass that cost on to you. they will probably need a much bigger boat to deal with this one. that was actually a great white shark going after a tiny inflatable raft kind of like a chew toy. filmmakers happened to be on that raft shooting near south africa. everyone on board that boat made it back to land safely. it kind of reminds you of jaws. it comes right up. yesç but that is fakey. that is real. every time i think it s real. they took it out.
in the universal they took it out. the shark finally got one guy. i can t even play sharks in the room. welcome back to confessional thursday. heather, thank you very much. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. extreme weather making its way across the country in central kansas. a severe thunderstorm brought powerful winds that were so strong, they threw train cars right off the track. that s inç mcpherson, kansas. two people were on board at the time. nobody was hurt. maria molina is out on the streets of new york city where currently it is a little drizzly but p s not the kind of rain we had last night. it was pouring last night across parts of the northeast. here in new york city we re going to be dealing with on and off showers not only today but also over the next few days. we have a little bit of a stretch here across the northeast of unsettled weather but across the
plains, that s where we can see possible severe weather. take a look at current temperatures. this is one of the signs that we could be seeing strong to severe storms. in kansas city, you re currently in the 70 s. it s very early in the morning. you re in the 60 s in chicago. later this afternoon those temperatures are going to continue to warm and we could be seeing severe weather anywhere from texas up intoç minnesota. that area shaded in red across iowa and southern minnesota, that s where the storm predictions think we could see possible long track tornadoes. that is a big concern. if you live in des moines, southern part of minnesota, make sure you have a way to get the warnings today. let s head back inside. maria thank you very much. did you know that every time you fill up your gas tank, part of what you pay goes to the government. that s right, 18 cents per gallon is sent to the highway trust fund which is supposed to help build and keep our nation s roads safe and up to date. i thought our infrastructureç is falling
apart. we have no financing. except is now the obama administration says these funds are set to run out in august. how can that be? what happened to the money we gave during the stimulus? stuart varney has the answers. spent it. borrowed more, spent it. we re now out of money by august. we have no more money left to rebuild the nation s infrastructure and highways. where did the money go? it obviously didn t go to the highways. we don t have a full accounting of whether we got our money s worth. we run out of money come august to rebuild the highways so guess what? what do you think we re going to do?ç borrowing more is an option. just raise taxes. thank you, steve. here s the option. you raise the federal gasoline tax from 18 cents a gallon, you add on 10 to
15 cents per gallon. that s a short-term fix that s what the c.b.o. says you need to give us $18 billion a year for the next ten years. raise taxes. that s interesting because that taxes everybody. everybody who buys a gallon of gas, you pay that tax. this is not tax the rich. this is tax everybody who drives. it s people at the lower end of the food chain who hurt the most. you ve citedç this in the past, the day that george bush left the white house, i think the price of gasoline a gallon was $1.85. that is correct. now it is $3.50 a gallon? no. the average price now is $3.65 to $3.70. long term there is the option of bringing back tolls on interstate highways. bring back those tolls. we haven t seen that in like 40, 50 years.
bring them back to raise money. or tax drivers for every mile they drive. not every gallon of gas they buy but every mile they drive. sending this back to the american people over a mistake. ç absolutely. people react. are you going to do that? going to drive less? that mean vacation stops are going to be less. people are going to need less tires, less maintenance. everything is link to link to link. they don t see down the road. cats and dogs will be living together. the end of the world is nigh. you are minimizing my point. this is the first time you ve quoted ghost busters. stu varney check him out on fox business today, 11:00. coming up, do you want your 14-year-old daughter read[ng porn in school? this dad, he sure doesn t.
what are you charging me with? disorderly conduct. that dad looking out for his daughter was arrested. he joins us next. speaking of porn, we have no time to finish that. an e.p.a. worker not fired but rewarded.
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a father shows up to his school board meeting to express concerns about a risque novel that his daughter who is 14 years old was required to read. watch what happens there. what are you charging me with? disorderly conduct. disorderly conduct.
[inaudible] my arm is messed up. my arm is messed up. disorderly conduct. joining us now to share his story is that father there in cuffs, williamç bair. good morning. what was your reason for being at that meeting in the first place? very simply, the school basically dropped the book on us monday last week, and wednesday we saw some passages in there that were very troubling and they really wouldn t address it. the principal, i wanted to meet with him immediately, and for whatever reason, maybe a scheduling problem, we didn t meet. at that point i realized this was a much more significant issue than just my daughter. i knew at some point we could just not read the book. it s not like they were going to force us technically to read the book, but it was required reading for ninth grade. the story got out and it was all over the papers. and basically what happened
then is i met with the principal monday, this pastç monday, and i asked him about somebody reading the passage so we all know what we re talking about at the school board meeting that was scheduled for this past monday evening. and he didn t want to read it. he said it had to be put in context and all the nuances have to be communicated. i said put it in context, talk about the themes and then read it. finally he, the president at gill ford high school told me in private, he said i don t feel comfortable reading it. my retort was if you don t feel comfortable reading it, why are you requiring my 14-year-old daughter to read it. it is pageç 313 of the book 19 minutes. from my perspective it should not be in the hands of a 14-year-old. if other parents want them to read it, i don t have a problem with this. at the same time i don t need this to be thrust upon my family.
i feel like they violated my family and it continues. your daughter is 14 years old. the egg was already out of the shell. it is not as though there was a permission slip that went home. i would have read the material. most parents have a right to do that. i actually couldn t sit here on this program and read it verbatim because it is so explicit, definitely not fit for children, uncomfortable and graphic to say the very least. elisabeth, i was going to say that the editor ofç the local paper basically said and he s also the mayor of the town, ed engle said in quotation in the lincolnia sun, pretty much no paper in the country could print something like this. the idea that this is not fit to print in a daily paper, but the school board thinks it is appropriate to have this required reading.
even if it were required reading, if that is what the community determined, that s okay. but give us notice. real notice, realç consent. the school, the principal admitted that, he said there was notice in the past and now i find out there was no notice in the past. they said there was notice in 2007 when it was issued and i would like to see that notice because it was probably kind of no-notice notice. we hear so much about the need for fathers to step in and what happens when they don t. bill o reilly has been greatly vocal about the effects of when a dad is not in the picture, how it can lead to devastating results, particularly young women. you as a father step in, you want to say my kid should have the right about reading this. do you feel your first amendment rights were null and void there, completely erase stph-d i totally think there is a first amendment isqu and my legal team will be
looking into this. i m an attorney as well. i was licensed in new jersey for 20 years. there are serious issues here. there is no question this was the quintessential public forum, a school board. and they every indication is that two-minute rule was implemented just they don t answer any questions. they refuse to answer questions. there is no accountability. if you meet withç somebody, it is in private. no cameras, no people, no accountability. there s no question there is a first amendment violation here. they compounded it by arresting me for pointing out that it was a first amendment violation. now i m being prosecuted by the state. i mean, there s violation after violation. rape.
this violation by the state, as far as i m concerned i did read that, sir. we re going to stay on this. please let us know what s to come. we wish your daughter well. she s 14. stay with us here. thanks. thank you very much. i do a lot oresearch on angie s list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie s list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie s list. angie s list reviews you can trust.
president obama is sending a small team of u.s. military and law enforcement to nigeria to help recover almost 300 kidnapped school girls. the president says it s an opportunity for the world to bring down a terror organization. but judge napolitano says what about that? he joins us live right now. do you thi k it s a good idea we get involved there? i don t think it s good idea that we get involved in nigeria. i don t think it s in our national security interest.
i think it establishes a terrible precedents. i say this with my heart bleeding, figuratively, over what s happened to these young women. now, i don t know if the government of nigeria is behind this, is afraid of these people, or is protecting them. but if we enter nigeria absent an invitation from the government, it s the legal equivalent of an invasion, whether we send the nypd, special ops. the president knows that. i honestly think, one of the rare times i m going to say, this the president s heart is in the right place, but he has to think twice before he uses american power to solve what is basically a domestic police issue in that country. i saw on television yesterday, there are a number of democrat congressmen who are calling for the president to go and doñi whatever it takes, drones, whatever. where does that come from? i think it comes from their heart s aching over this situation where these young
women, god only knows what s happened to them, absolutely no equity, no benefit, no argument on the side of the bad guys and alt equity, all the sympathy is on the side of the women. but you have to think of the legal and geopolitical consequences of entering another country without a treaty justifying it, without the law justifying it and against the wishes of the authorities there. it s going to have unintended consequences we don t want to live with. it was big news yesterday. lois lerner was found in contempt of congress. we want to talk to you a little bit about the ramification of that. can you stick around? of course. more with judge napolitano coming up. also straight ahead, we re going to be talking about that and you saw brian s big birthday bash on the show yesterday. there it is right there. so what happened after the show and that cake? oh, my goodness. okay. that s not the crazy part. the crazy part comes later. stick around
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good morning. today is thursday, may 8. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. they are vicious criminals accused of killing off entire villages and the white house wanted them designated as terrorists. but hillary clinton said don t use the t word. now the fallout of that decision ahead. and remember when president obama said this about the irs. no mass corruption? not even mass corruption. not even a smidgen of corruption. tell that to congress, the house. now charging lois lerner with contempt. is jail the next stop for her? and if you think things got heated on our set, wait until you see this. that s why we don t have a desk. what led to the table flipping fight seen around the world on
that tv show. this tv show has a motto and the motto is mornings are better with friends. this is bob eubanks from the newlywed game. you re watching fox friends. whoopie. it s my favorite word. that is a good word. whoopie. you know what? i don t think lois lerner was saying whoopie yesterday. it was bad news for the administration. bipartisan households her in contempt of congress and they have, in a separate resolution, urged the department of justice to appoint a special prosecutor. republicans are hoping this would be a way for her to finally answer their questions about the targeting of conservatives. there were a number of democrats who voted against their own party. so this was bipartisan. one of the biggest things to happen is the judge is refusing tother sit-in. the judge here to help us with the legal agele and whether
she ll turn up in jail. what also is significant is some democrats say i have a probable with her taking the fifth and not transparent with the irs. politically it s significant that the democrats did this. so it doesn t look like it s one party ganging up on her because in reality, what she is accused of doing, accused of doing is abusing authority and tampering with the first amendment. that cuts both ways. nobody can favor that, republican or democrat. it s very complicated where she is legally right now. the house cannot prosecute her. the house can only ask the united states attorney for the district of columbia, a federal appointee, an obama appointee who works for attorney general holder, to prosecute her. the irony is that holder is quite familiar with being held in contempt. he was held in contempt by the house for the earn ma in which he subpoenaeded to subpoenas over fast and furious. this same u.s. attorney said i m not going to prosecute my boss, not cause he s my boss, but because he has a claim of executive privilege.
he discussed these documents with the president. lois lerner does not have that claim. if she makes it, if she says i discussed that with the president, whole new ball game because you saw what he told bill o reilly. not a smidge or smidgen. i m not sure what he used of corruption. you re saying it would imply there was coordination between the irs and the president of the united states. her only defense is her statement, i didn t break the law. i followed irs regulation, is not a waiver, a giving up of her right to remain silent. candidly, case law goes both ways. some case law says you invoke your right to remain silence, you can t say anything else. if you say anything else, you ve given up the right to remain silence. in other cases, a general denial is a general denial. if she didn t break the law, republicans say, she should have testified in fronts of them. what s extraordinary is it all started with an apology. out of nowhere she planted a
question and said i m sorry about this. it s an effort to make herself look good. remember the movies where the mobsters used to read a statement, i m not going to testify cause my lawyer told me i have a right to remain silent? that s what you have to do. you have to be sigh lentz persistently. if you say anything above that, you get yourself in trouble, like she did. i don t know where it s going to go, but my guess is that the u.s. attorney who refused to prosecute his boss will refuse to prosecute her. you know with a? darrell issa, who heads up the oversight committee on the house, a republican from california, he tweeted this out yesterday: unless president asserts executive privilege, there is no precedent for the u.s. attorney for dc to do anything but pursue this criminal case. #irstargetsing. that s a correct statement of the law. but we re dealing with a very, very, very political department of justice that will find some way to protect its own.
if they prosecute this lady, the statement that the president made to bill o reilly will be germane to that prosecution. this is something that she does, cross party lines. everybody should be concerned about get to get bottom of the truth and admitting, at least giving some information out there. and nancy pelosi missed the boat. she was at a fund-raiser, but there were six democrats who voted for this, voted to hold lois lerner in contempt. you have a lot of purple and you have a lot of red states. keeping with the colors there. blue dog democrats there basically moderate, centrist democrats who have difficult reelections and don t wants to be perceived as sticking with the party line come november. i don t blame them. part of this is congress fault. they give the irs a little bit too much leeway to invade
people s lives and scrutinize what they say. between benghazi and now the irs, it looks like the white house is on defense. i think so. and i don t know that the president can stick with that statement he made to bill. all right. judge napolitano, thank you very much. pleasure. if not, we ll call bill back in and change it. what i meant. pleasure. look who is over there with the headlines today. hello, mrs. nauert. hi, mr. judge. great to see you. i have some news to bring you. some disturbing news. coming out of the state of florida this morning, here is the question that investigatessors are asking: why would someone want to kill a mother, a father and two teenage children in their rented mansion in a ritzy part of tampa, florida? the home was owned by former tennis star james blake, but he wasn t there at the time. he had been renting it out. investigators say there was a fire that was intentionally set and that some sort of accelerant, possibly fireworks, were used. this is the 911 call that s been
released. take a listen. i was walking my dog and there was a house exploded. oh, my god! take a deep breath. okay? it s horrible! the four victims tentatively identified as 49-year-old darren campbell, his wife, kim, and their two teenage children, collin and meghan. they were in high school together. police say the victims were brutalized before that fire was set and that home in an exclusive area known for heavy security. we ll keep you posted on developments. the islamic terror group that has been terrorizing nigeria kills once again and this time possibly as many as 300 people in a nigerian village. this as we learn former secretary of state hillary clinton fought to keep the al-qaeda-linked terror group off the state department list of official terror organizations. under clinton, the state department repeatedly refused to go after the group now responsible for kidnapping hundreds of girls.
we ve been telling you a lot about that story. that refusal was despite the urging from the f.b.i., c.i.a., and more than a dozen senators and congressmen. new overnight, the country of uruguay is offering to take some prisoners at gitmo. he says he will take them if washington agrees to let them live free. no response from the white house on this yet. the president of that country is set to meet with our president on monday. what do you think of that? no, this is not an episode of jerry springer. it s just an average day in the life of jordannian television. take a look at this. yeah. that fight was over freedom of the press. the guests traded insults and then started tearing apart that table. the host then had to end the
program. keep it going. those are your headlines. felt like that. that s unbelievable. you know what? actually there was some tension on the set yesterday. it was on the veranda. it was in the after the show show. we had guy fieri on from diners, drive-ins and dives and he was presenting brian with a birthday cake. i don t know if you heard about it. out of nowhere, elisabeth decided in the after the show show, you were going to take that cake and destroy it i don t recall any of that. i don t know who was in her ear or what took over her body. steve doocy. but this woman called in her survivor training and went after me like there was no tomorrow. my aim was a little off. then as weird as that got with her running down 48th street with this cake, out of nowhere came a stranger and it just got weirder. watch. it does have a scent of
licorice. it has a i can t believe it! look out, people! there s a crazy lady in high heels! look out! who is hiding brian? oh, my gosh! what happened? rock n roll! so what happened? so elisabeth is running by and that guy just grabs the cake out of her hands and smashes it into his face. it wasn t his birthday. no, it wasn t. and then he gave you a high five, which could have broken your wrist. it was behind the bush. i didn t know what else to do but hi five. when in doubt, give a high five. cake everywhere. i went over to the guy afterwards and i said, why did
you do that? he said nobody else had. as it turns out, this guy is a prankster from the opie and anthony show. that is an image off of their instagram where he went on in the studio to describe how he screwed up your birthday. right. he took your cake. right. i didn t even know what was happening. i m on radio and i see this thing pop up on tv news and all of a sudden chaos broke loose. but the look in your eye, i don t know if someone said if you don t throw this cake at him you re going to be fired. so the speed you have is incredible. you gave a push and a jab there and a duck. you got out of it. elisabeth is unbelievablably creative. she made me this for my p birthday. the whole family. what s behind? this is, because of your 50th birthday, we took page 50 from your book and put the
secret 6 in many places to form a 6. kilmeade goes, why a 6? because the book is number one. it should have been a one. yesterday during the show, i get a card from the crew. look at this. this is from the crew who i never met in person. brian, in honor of your birthday, i want to show you a side you don t often see. of the crew. they showed me the back of their heads. our generous side. this will be great. i get to hang out with the crew. good job. thanks a lot. i appreciate it. that was creative. what a crazy party you had yesterday. right. as usual the party gets better when i leave. i tried to find you. steve made me do it. i did not make you do it. she did look crazy. team work here. coming up straight ahead. this french economist getting rock star status for preaching about income inequality.
but charlie gasparino says don t listen to them and he s walking down the hall with a saunter and a stare i have not quite seen before. and terrorism isn t the only job on his resume. the hook-handed preacher used to run a strip club. hard to pick up dollar bills with that. rea brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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to hear more of michael s story, visit a new book on income inequality is sending shock waves around the world. french economist, capital in the 21st century, is being embraced by the left and liberal media is off and oning over his theories. saying the most important of the 21st century. the new yorker saying, you can t afford to ignore it. and the new york times calling it, not just important.
it s beautiful. fox business senior correspondent, charles gas free know took a look at it. he says what about this book? it ain t beautiful. the last thing you want to say about this book is that it s beautiful. it s 700 pages. it s probable low the most 700 legubruius pages i ever read. karl marx in every other line. basically the world is rigged against the little guy. that income inequality is against the little guy and the only solution is socialist policy. i don t know who will be the irs here or collect the taxes. maybe the u.n. but he wants a global tax on anybody that makes more than $500,000 a year. you get taxed at 80%. with that global tax on people making more than half a million dollars, the juicy part
is that he would have the united nations running things. they would be the world cop. who would be the irs? it would have to be the united nations. so america, would have to give up its sovereignty to the united nations under this plan. government should adopt a global tax on wealth, progressive global tax on capital around 2%, punitive 80% on incomes above half a million dollars. also what s interesting is his call for that 80% tax rate is not to generate tax revenue. it s to level the playing field. are successful are closer, beat down to people at the othernd of the food chain. what his general thesis is there is no way for the poor and working class to move up because the rich have the game rigged. all they have to do is not invest in companies. they have to just invest in the
stock market and sort of make money out of the games of the stock market rather than investing in businesses to help grow, because market returns will always outpace the returns of gdp, thus the game is rigged against the people that have to live on the gains and gdp. all we have to do is look in our rearview mirror during the eisenhower years and jfk s administration. taxes were around, what, 85, 90% back then. it was jfk himself who said this is crazy. i got to cut them. right. and did he a little bit. reagan did a much bigger job. i m not for income inequality. but let s be honest here, what he forgets and misses is that people go out and earn their money. bill gates, i don t like his politics, but he created microsoft. warren buffet created berkshire hathaway. the author makes it sound like these rich guys just happened to land millions of dollars happened outland in their laps. he s a french economist in
france. what is it, 60% of the people of france work for the federal government. socialist government. i have family in italy. they re alt all on the government dole. if you want that economy, america, read this. the new york times calls this beautiful, read the first ten pages and tell me how beautiful this is. you can t get it in new york. look at that. i tried to get it! capitalism. thanks. coming up, it s the first in the world, lawmakers in this country approve the first bank for the weed industry. so looks like the country is going to pot. plus, you know her from the hit tv show gray s anatomy. but there is a not you don t know about sarah drew, like she s a devout christian. she s coming up next. good morning to you, sarah. good job!
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time for news by the numbers. first, 150 bucks. that s how much the supposedly cash-strapped defense department is spending her gallon, $150 per gallon of special green jet fuel made from algae. that s 64 times more expensive than regular. doesn t that gum things up? next, $47 million. that s how much the department of energy is shelling out on a chinese-backed wind mill project in new jersey. chinese backed? in new jersey. it s already been rejected by the state twice. and finally, $120,000. that s how much the epa ploy took home after spending two to six hours a day watching porn at
work. nobody got fired. he did get, however, an award for stellar performance. congratulations. wow. you know her from love life on grey s anatomy. now sarah drew is taking on the stresses and joyce of motherhood in a new movie moms night out. take a look. this is me trying not to have a panic attack. i should be happy that they re making me breakfast. instead, all i see is salmonella. everywhere. on the floor, on the counters, on my children. i m a salmonella phobe. wait, that s my house! that s me! all of a sudden it looks like john madden sarah drew is here. you re watching the movie and laughing at the same time. yes. i relate. i relate. how did you get into the mind and heart of every single mom? that s exactly what we see. that s you! i e. know.
that is me. i read the script when my son was ten months old. i had just become a mom. i don t think i could have played this role had i not been a new mom because it is such a crazy, chaotic, beautiful, terrifying experience all at the same time. i wouldn t have been able to understand it had i not been there myself. the movie looks hilarious. we had your co-star, sean astin on here yesterday. this move yes is never going to make it because first of all, it s not dirty. it s loan. it s got a pro-christian message. how dare you? how dare we. i know. we re so offensive. so set the scene. you guys are frazzled. as a mom, you feel like you re being shut in, so your husband says, go out. have a good time. we ll handle things here. your husbands. yes, yes. so we go out for a night on the town and the husbands stay with the kids. and everything goes wrong. it is one disaster after another. there is a car chase, a biker gang gets involved, people get tased. we wind up in jail.
typical night for mom. i know, yeah. after waiting and waiting for a night out. this is the one that you get. this is our weekend plan. i cannot wait to do this. what s exciting is it just relates, there s a strong call to see it because of that. so many moms see it with the salmonella drawing. there was an article in glamour, i believe you talked about relationship. you say sometimes correct me if i am wrong feeling hopeless doesn t mean your situation is hopeless. you talk about a relationship hiccup that you had. yeah. my husband and i had a really dark time in our marriage and we realized that we really needed help. and it was the moment that we realized wed intoed help was a moments when i called my dad and i was like, i feel completely hopeless. your father is a pastor? my dad is a pastor. i always turn o him when i m feeling at my wit has end and i
need some wisdom and guidance. he s like, honey, i m so sorry. my heart is breaking for you. but just because you feel hopeless doesn t mean the situation is hopeless. i believe that there is a way out of this and after several months of therapy, it s just so great! it s like the healing happened and then we came out on the other side so much more in love and so much better friends. such an incredible gift. talking can do a lot. yeah. did you meet your husband before you had all this success? yes. i am so thankful that i met my husband when i did. i was so young. i was 18 and it was before anything had happened in my career and he has been my rock. my rock and the person who brings my feet back down to the ground whether i get all caught up in the crazy hollywoodness of everything. so i m so grateful for him. he loves me for who i am at my core. not for anything that i ve done out in the world.
you ve done so much, though, in addition to this movie that opens tomorrow with the pro-family message, you re in grey s anatomy, got the big finale coming up. what s interesting is you were telling us during the commercial that when your husband, because you ve got a solid relationship now when your husband really wants to make an important point to you, he writes you a letter. he does. he does. my husband pursued me through handwritten letters. we met at a camp together. in the beginning. in the beginning when we were young. it was like in a letter, he asked for my e-mail address. in an e-mail, he asked for my phone number. on a phone call, he asked to come visit me. he was very careful and very gracious and respectful of me the whole way through. he s a keeper. he s a keeper. he has his own christian mingle. mingle of one. thanks for sharing that story with us. yeah. good luck with the movie. it s going to be a big hit. thank you.
it is moms night out. yeah. coming up straight ahead. the party apparently hasn t stopped for toronto s crack smoking mayor. he says rehab is amazing. can you guess whose mom this is? it s throwback thursday and today is the mom edition. we ll share some of yours and some of ours right after this for paul ridley there s no substitute for advil. it s built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today!
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it s throwback thursday. in honor of mother s day, this sunday, we ve got a few pictures for you. guess who this is, everybody. that s my mom. i love you, mom. i can see your face in that. oh, yeah. absolutely. my bleached hair starts growing out, i get to her hair color. did you just say you bleached your hair? yeah, i do. on tv-like of you. also stephanie sent us on twitter, sent a side by side pic of her and her son doug on graduation day from ohio state in both 1993 and 2014. congratulations. her graduation ends this graduation. this is richard on twitter. this is a pic with his mom with
a mackerel she caught off of cape cod. holy mackerel! david sends in a picture of his mom holding him in the backyard in 1967. in miami. i assume he s now off the bottle. don t be so sure. keep those coming. we love those. mom, send in your pictures, too. you can brag. if you can figure out how the whole computer thing works. sometimes i have a problem. i love throwback thursday. i love it. earlier in the telecast we saw heather nauert s picture. there is my mom right there when i was a little kid. i got a little hard turn to make here because we ve got a story about the hook-handed terror preacher on trial here in new york for terrorism. he s taking the stand for the first time in his trial. he reveals this is
fascinating that before becoming that hate preacher, he ran a strip club. he s a((uáq of organizing a terror training camp in oregon and als supporting the taliban and al-qaeda. he faces life in prison if convicted. he also claims he had worked for mi 5. chaos erupts outside of a murder scene in texas when a suspected killer s father plows his car through a crowd of more than 100 people. look at this. a whole lot of witnesses out there. even journalists and a lot of folks there running and screaming for their lives. cops availably arrested the driver as he tried to jump from the moving car. neighbors say that he snapped after he was taunted by a member of the victim s family. we ll keep you posted on the update. the country is the first ever banking system for pot shops has now been approved by
colorado state lawmakers. until now, most of the businesses were cash only because banks rejected basic services to those companies because pot is still considered illegal under federal law. and speak of drugs, toronto crack s smoking mayor rob ford is apparently having a great time in rehab. in a new interview he says, quote, rehab is amazing. it reminds me of football camp. okay. let me keep going here. he says it s kind of like washington redskins camp he went to as a kid. what? poor thing. he checked into rehab a week after a new picture surfaced of him smoke crack in his sister s basement. you can t make this up. those are your headlines. you can t. is rob ford at betty ford? i don t know where he is. it doesn t sound like people who everged from betty ford are healed. thank you very much.
maria, you are standing by outside to give us a peek of what s going on weather wise. good morning. it is still raining here in new york city and surrounding areas in the nor east. we are going to have a couple of unsettled days here across the region. it s going to be cloudy, couple of showers will be possible here and there as we head into this weekend. i want to take you farther west. look at some of these current temperatures. this is a sign of things tocome. early this morning you re already in the 70s in kansas city and in dallas. and there is a potential for severe weather, from texas up into wisconsin and minnesota, and one of the elements of severe weather is hail. take a look at this video out of colorado, large hail that came down yesterday. that was the story as well across other parts of the plains states. hail coming down, multiple reports of tornadoes as well across colorado and unfortunately, that risk is in place yet again today. the storm prediction center has issue add moderate risk across iowa and southern minute machine where we have the potential for
tornadoes. by friday, the risk spreads from arkansas to indiana. have a we to get those warnings coming up today. let s head over to you, brian. let me tell you about sports. another case of thunder causing a blackout. russell westbrook, who is good and kevin durant playing lights out basketball. the pair combined for 63 points. here is the bigger story against the clippers, there was a problem with the lights. they went out. during a timeout just before half time, a power surge caused the lights to dim of the they are playing for the final 27 seconds of the half in the dark. oklahoma city was put on. best play of the day, not even the player that s on the field. watch this. it s a met game. look at this. beautiful. the miami marlins ball boy making an incredible diving catch over the wall to snag a foul ball against the mets.
the marlins won 1-0. no word if this guy s got a contract yet or how much he s being paid. i d double his salary. have you seen this video? a soccer match in bolivia. plenty of game out of their own. unfortunately for one of the dogs, an angry player didn t enjoy their romp. he will snatch the animal and tries to get it off the field. a ball boy, again, comes to the rescue. a bolivian ball boy at that, saving the dog and the game. great day for ball boys everywhere. time to celebrate. he wants to win the game. that s all. you can t use your hands in soccer. coming up on radio between 9 and noon, we ll have senator chuck grassley talk about the hands off rule. chris wallace who seems nice, i ve never talked to him in person. and so many other great surprises. i bet that is the case. coming up here, college
professor says his own university is breaking the law by basing college admissions on race. he joins us with the shocking proof next. congress wants to cut the budget. just don t touch their car allowances. they have car allowances? we ll explain. rob ford says he likes rehab because it reminds me of a football camp he went to as a kid. his parents said, that was also rehab.
thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. whatever happened to good? good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it. good is maxwell house. good to the last drop quick headlines now. good news, members of congress voted against giving themselves
a pay raise. bad news, they couldn t part with their monthly allowance covering their lease on their cars. the cost to taxpayers? nearly a half million dollars a year. and it s going to cost you more to ship bulky things with fed-ex. from 10.07 to 13.81. you might want to get your own toilet paper. elisabeth? thanks, brian. this college professor says his own university is breaking the law by basing college admissions on race instead of merit. that s illegal in california and the supreme court just ruled laws like that are okay. that ucla professor has proof and is putting it in a book. he joins us now. good morning, sir. good morning. thanks for having me. so what exactly did you find six years ago and why are you bringing this to the fronts again now? let s see. probably eight years ago is when it all began, 2006. i was on the faculty oversight
committee for admissions at ucla. during that year, there was a significant drop in african-american admissions, like 20%. ucla implemented a new system which is called the wholistic system. then after implementing that system, african-americans admissions skyrocketed. almost doubled that year. and meanwhile, at the same time, they were touting the system, the reason it would increase african-american admissions, because it takes account of their socioeconomic disadvantages. but the strange thing i noticed, i was getting data cause i was on the committee, was that the other socioeconomically disadvantaged groups like latinos and vietnamese, which may be more socioeconomically disadvantaged among the applicants at ucla, their admission rates dropped. so something weird was going on. i asked for data from the admissions staff. they refused and in 2008, i resigned in protest from that
committee. so it was a denial of those in your findings that you thought was completely wrong. so you actually say here that the controversy surrounds this idea, that approximately 20% of the african-americans that ucla admitted would not have been admitted if it weren t for the racial differences? that s right. how can you prove that? well, one, when i resigned, ucla decided oh, we need to deflect attention from this professor resigning. so they did the equivalent of a blue ribbon commission. they hired a sociology professor at ucla and four years later, they released his study and this person did an honest job. if you look at the statistical analysis in his study, it shows that. now, he concludes that about 33% of the african-americans admitted would not have been admitted if it weren t for the racial preferences.
he also finds that asian americans were discriminated against. that if it weren t for the discrimination, 9% would their numbers would have been 9% higher. where is the pressure coming from, if this is indeed the case? you know, a lot of it is interest groups. just before the wholistic system was implemented, there was a big protest there, 2 to 300 students occupied the hallway outside the chancellor s office. i think it s also coming from the legislature. i hear rumors about that, we re going to decrease the uc budget if you don t increase diversity. the regents of the university, i have a quote in my book from the provost from the second command of the entire system said that yes, lots of regents are saying they re going to fire chancellors if they don t increase diversity. wow. we do have a quote from the ucla chancellor from a faculty meeting. several constituents cities of constituencies are
distressed. there is pressure on the numbers of underrepresented minors on campus are too small. so that was from 2008. highlighting their that was 2006. just before we implemented the wholistic system, chancellor abrams came to my committee and i don t know if you call it pressuring, but definitely lobbied our committee to change the system to a wholistic system. i might say after i resigned, the head lawyer for ucla denied what i said. i said that ucla implemented the wholistic system to increase the numbers of underrepresented minorities. everyone at that meeting was agreeing with that, including the chancellor. then after i said it in public, the head lawyer denied that. one thing i found with this, it s something like the little boy who says the king has no clothes. everyone knows the truth, but no one will say it.
it s so strange. i feel like almost that the only person who will admit these things. wow. it is definitely hot button issue there. we thank you for joining us this morning and we ll stay on this as well. thank you, tim. thank you, elisabeth. coming up, did stossel invent facebook? the story of capitalism that you need to hear. but first on this day in history in 1963, sean connery starred in his first bond move yes dr. no. in 2010, betty white is 88 years old, became the oldest saturday night live host. in 1977, hotel california by the eagles was the number within song. so s his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone.
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the left is lashing out at capitalism, claiming the system is rigged against the american dream. the american dream is dead. it s tough out there. it really is a rigged game. and it s set up now over and over it s probably always been. well. not like this. it s set up over and over and over that the rich get richer and the powerful get more powerful. they ve got all the advantages of concentrated money and concentrated power. should i mention they re both rich talking to each other? two millionaires talk being how bad it is for the rich who are rich. john stossel says not so fast. he joins us right now to talk about this. is it really a rigged game, john it all has been to some extents. the rich have connections. they can now in america, you can get out of the government school monopoly and get a good education. we still are mobility in
america. most of the rich go down in the income. their kids do and most of the poor are up a quinntile. so it s not like you re locked in this position and this idea what they re selling is it s hopeless. government must take care of us. that s just wrong. it s just you inherits the money as if there are five families running the entire country. what is the exchange bar? talk about that. well, on tonight s show, we look at all the people who created new things and made it. exchange bar and grill is most restaurants fail. it s amazing that people dare start them. this place has puts the drinks, as you see, up on the wall and the more people buy them, like the stock market, the price goes up. the fewer people buy them, it goes down. it s gimmick, but it s working and they re doing well. it shows creativity and shows a fun factor which is judge people go out. you talk about people run their own businesses. yeah, they have stress of
insurance and payroll. you say studies show they re happier. the people who are happiest in life are people running ther own business. though they do odds are, p won t work. wonderful america, you can try and try again. they work longer hours. but they re happier. now, you said you started your own facebook, your own v of facebook? i started facebook, darn it! i was in college at a guy s school and i got a trip to these girls schools. i got the freshman pictures of all the girls. we published them in the book. but the internet hadn t been invented yet. you were ahead of your time. i saw the studythat says entrepreneurship in our country is at a 30-year low. there is less entrepreneurship in our country right now than any time since the 70s. i would like okay. since the 1970s maybe. i would like to see that study. look what we got. instagram, lift, uber, 3d printing, fracking, wonderful things are being invented all the time. fracking my idea.
but again, we didn t have the drill. john, tell me when we can watch you tonight? 9:00 o clock. we ll talk about the beauty of starting your own business. and it s beautiful to see you. thanks so much. coming up next hour, you re not going to believe it
honestly, the off-season isn t really off for me. i ve got a lot to do. that s why i got my surface. it s great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it s got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it s just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with.
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what are you waiting for? (vo) celebrate this memorial day with up to 40% off hotels at travelocity. (gnome) go and smell the roses. good morning. it s thursday, may 8. 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. they are vicious criminals accused of killing off entire villages and the white house wanted them designated as terrorists. but hillary clinton s state department says don t use that t word. great. meanwhile, hate waiting in line at the doctor s office? now imagine waiting two times as long. well, welcome to being a u.s. veteran. the insulting new information about america s emergency rooms. does this sound fishy to you? the government spending millions of dollars on salmon. are they endangered? they look happy.
how happy does that fish look? how can you tell the fish is happy? i asked it. mornings are better with friends. hear ye, hear ye! this the town cryer. you are watching fox & friends ! mornings are better with salmon. salmon. welcome aboard. last hour was kind of dull because elisabeth did not come after you with a pastry. i know. unbelievable. happy birthday day after for you. i was just thinking about that. steve is so sick of my birthday. he had to go to my party on long island. then take phone calls yesterday. i had to talk to my friend todd yesterday. then you have to go over
elisabeth attacking me with a cake. it was actually steve has idea. stop it. it was not. anyway, happy day after birthday. now let s talk about what s happening in the world. look at the cover of the new york post today. you ve got the first lady, michelle obama, holding this up in the white house that says #bringbackourgirls. what she s talking about is the group boko haram, they re the people who kidnapped 300 young girls over in nigeria. islamic extremists. right. this terror group is. and what it sounds like they re going to sell them into slavery for as little as $12. extraordinarily, michelle obama is talking about bringing them back. last week hillary clinton was talking about bringing them back, and yet it turns out hillary clinton had a chance to do something to crack down on this group and simply did not. that s right. against requests from f.b.i., c.i.a., a dozen senators and congressmen, she did not put them on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011.
perhaps because it didn t fit with the narrative, some would assert, that al-qaeda was dead, they were on the run. we had nothing to worry about. and they didn t want to ruffle any feathers there. this is johnny carson, his defense of why that never occurred. he said this. he said there was a concern that putting boko haram on the foreign terrorist list raises profile, giving greater publicity and greater credibility, help in its recruitment and drive more assistan in its direction. if you were that concerned about that, why did you put hamas on that, hezbollah on that? al-qaeda? if that was a legitimate concern, did you not care they were getting stronger and additional funding? why what is wrong with call ago terror group a terror group? then you find out where the money is going, then you have additional veins of terror to scoop up and take out. sure. but to elisabeth s point, remember before the election it was all about yeah, bin laden is dead, al-qaeda is on its heels.
they re on the run. but then if you talk about these terror groups and this is another one of those islamic extremist groups, makes the president s reelection look bad. of course, then there is the whole thing about benghazi. it happened seven weeks before the election against mitt romney. and we now know all well, we ve got a lot of questions. we don t have many answers. that s why there will be this select committee. trey gowdy who will head it up mentioned yesterday he will call hillary clinton as a witness because she was running the department. she would know a lot about it. he was quoted as saying this is not a tea party. i m not inviting her to a cocktail party. when i subpoena her, i expect her to be there. last night with megyn kelly with his quote. hillary sitting down with robin roberts at abc, again, dismissing those that want answers too easily. take listen. of course, there are a lot of
reasons why despite all of the hearings, all of the information that s been provided, some choose not to be satisfied and choose to continue to move forward. that s their choice and i do not believe there is any reason for it to continue in this way, but they get to call the shots in the congress. people say this is out of balance. i don t know how anyone can have a problem of examineing hillary clinton s record. when you look at should we have a reis the with russia, that was hers. she misspelled it. that didn t work out. now you look at the situation with the terror group, i had no idea about this. no one is denying this. this is all part of the report card that matters. james writes to us on facebook and says, i want to know why the ambassador was at such a poorly defended embassy, who refused to send troops when attacks started and who start the satisfied. the question is what, do you
need to know yet from benghazi out of this special counsel? perhaps omission will be the next hash tag, omission of detailstails and truth. someone says, when the truth comes out and someone pays for what what they did to these men, that s she ll be satisfied. when robin roberts asked about benghazi, hillary clinton didn t ask what difference does it make. she tried that once. i think when it comes to those of the families killed, they re not choosing to be concerned. they deserve those answers. continue to send your responses in. right. there are people on the left who say it s a phony scandal. if it s a phony scandal, then they won t find anything, so calm down. let s see if they ll participate. that will be the big question. heather nauert is participating in news. we ve got new developments out of florida. a horrific fire and it has a whole community in mourning today. it was a deadly fire that took place at tennis star james
blake s mansion. cops in tampa are saying this fire was sets on purpose and that explosions were heard inside that house and they possibly resulted from ammunition or from fireworks. the victims, the mother, a father and two teenage children. this is the dramatic 911 calls are released. take a listen to this. i m walk my dog and the house ex plodded! oh, my god! calm down and take a deep breath. okay? it s horrible! this happening in the early morning hours. now our fox affiliate is identifying the four victims as 49-year-old darren campbell, his wife, kim, and their two teenage children, coolen and meghan. he was a senior in high school and she was a freshman. that home is in an exclusive area that s known for its heavy security. we ll keep you posted on these details. in the meantime, listen to this story. this coming in overnight. uruguay offering a to take six
prisoners from gitmo, but there is just a little catch here. the country s president says that he will take those terror suspects from gitmo if washington agrees to let them live free. what do you think of that? no response yet from the white house. the president of uruguay is set to meet with president obama on monday. will lois lerner face prosecution? that is a big question this morning after the former head of the irs was held in contempt. the vote in the house was 231-187. all republicans and several democrats voted in favor of it. she s being held in contempt for refusing to answer questions about the irs targeting of conservative groups over their attempts to get tax exempt status. we all remember this, the half million dollars government taxpayer funded actually, shrimp on a treadmill experiment in 2011. the newest congressional pig book is out and highlights all that outlandish federal spending like that. it now includes this year,
15 million being spent on pacific coastal salmon recovery fund. whatever this is. or there is this, $90 million in upgrade an army tank. listen to this. the army doesn t want the upgrade. they want to wait three years, save $3 billion. 2,000 of those tanks sitting in the desert in california being unused. they need to modernize the whole tank system, the whole fleet. so they don t want to do anything right now. the congress, where these are being billed, wants to keep money going. and we ve got the pig right there. okay. another example of wasteful spending brian, not you. the pig mascot. thank you. $2.6 million for the commission which the president has said could be cut. whatever that is. but there is a whole lot of stuff that we are paying for. lot of people not so happy about. right. do you want to walk that clip over the daley show or do you want know?
do we make it that easy. the editor is like okay done. i can take lunch now. i was focusing on the waste. not on the pig. by the way, was cross eyed for some reason. when you have a mascot, at least make him look straight ahead. am i correct? didn t notice. the pig reps are calling in. let s move on from that to this. when you go to the emergency room, you need to see a doctor fast. people go to the emergency room because it s an emergency. as it turns out remember over the last couple weeks we ve been telling you thousand looks like, according to an investigation, at least 40 veterans died waiting for care at that hospital, the v.a. hospital in phoenix. now according to research, it looks like the average vet waits twice as long than a civilian at a v.a. hospital to get emergency care. also according to the washington times, what they ve done is they have looked at some of the inspector general reports for
the v.a. and it shows the average wait times at v.a. e.r.s can be up to ten hours. keep in mind, it s an emergency and they ve got to wait ten hours. really just to think about why those in an instant would defend the lives of others can t have their lives protected medically whether they return here. when you hear what the former secretary of veteran affairs said about the long scope here what, this means in termination of the promise that we make to our military men and women, it will just get in your heart. real serious repercussion of that i think long-term is that the young americans who we deny depend on to pen on to enlist, we have a compact with them that we re going to take care of them if they re hurt while serving us. that s the v.a. s job. if they become cynical about that, we re not going to have people show up and volunteer for the kind of rigor that we put
them through, the service in uniform. they say an estimated 23 veterans lost their lives because of this. our chairman in the house, jeff miller, says this has got to change. wed into an overhaul. he s got to start the change, demand the overhaul. stop talk being it! there are a number of organizations that are calling for the resignation of the guy who runs the v.a. and that s general shenseki. the white house says, he s doing a great job. and there you got him right there. he says he s not going anywhere. so it s this kind of leadership he says he wants to get to the bottom of it and i hope he does. but at the same time, it s like is nobody ever being held accountable by this government? he might be a great general, but he might not be great at management. he s probably in the wrong job. how long does he have to wait for an emergency? not long, i m sure. why are our veterans putsing their lives on the line here? it s a dozen minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a chaotic scene got crazier when out of nowhere,
this happened. wait until you hear who was behind the wheel of that vehicle. speaking of cars, if you look at buy ago new home, bob massi is here with the three things you got to know about buying yourself a house. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. tthere was a boy who traveledes to a faraway place where villages floated on water
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with the perfect movie season right around the corner, how do you make sure you re getsing the best deal for your money? joining me is fox news legal analyst and real estate guru, bob massi. good morning, bob. that s an ad that says purchase right there, isn t it? that will make us all feel better about the rest. when you re buying a home for the very first time or not, what should be on your brain right there? i have to tell you that this is not easy for any of us to do because you re caught up in the emotion of buying, but you literally have to switch your hat as to prospective seller saying the home that i m buying, as much as i love it, what is the potential resystem value do you know the resale value down the road? when you re buying the home, you re excitessed, particularly first-time buyer, it fits everything. but you say to yourself, if you can, okay. i m going to live here x amount of years, i hope. is it in the right place? will it have good resell value?
will it appreciate? the second thing that happens when you buy home, no matter what anybody owns a home we know, you re never done with the home, ever. no. are you making modifications that takes away the value of a resale? for example, someone may take their garage and convert it to a workout room. somebody may take part of an attic and put a closet in because their kids are growing up and they don t have enough space. those things that you do to your home when you re in it could take away the marketability of selling a home down the road. just keep that in mind. okay. so the mindset of being a seller when you re the buyer is probably really important. so look down the road. what about if the home needs repairs? how do you make sure that you re getsing the money back in the transaction, not left with a bunch of bills once you close? this is where a competent real estate broker or real estate attorney, if they re involved in the transaction, because you build contingencies into that offer that you make on that home. for example, if you do your walk-through and you find that
there is this wrong, this wrong, that wrong, this wrong, what do you is you put contingencies saying to the seller, listen, we want these things repaired before the close of escrow. but if they don t get repaired, we will retain a certain amounts of money after the close of escrow and you have 30 days to get it repaired, for example. if you don t repair it, we get to keep that money to fix those things. you got to make sure you get an estimate as to what needs to be fixed as a result of the walk-through so that you find out exactly what your damage could be. writing up this deal, you must think through the deal. you ve got to think on the other side of the deal in order to protect yourself. that s why you need proper real estate broker agent that s competent in the area of buying a home. okay. then deal chasing, we want to address that briefly before we go cause it s important. well, i have a saying, a pig swallows and a hog chokes. the bottom line is, i cannot
tell you how many times i ve seen good deals go by because people are so greedy, they want o grind everybody down so much that they literally blow the deal. let the next person make a little bit of money on your deal. buy it if you like it, if it s in the right place. don t worry that somebody in four, five, six years may make money. that s okay, too. you are the guru there. great advice. you want everybody to write in. we ll see you soon. thank you. coming up, mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the least transparent of them all? wait until you hear who is the best at misleading you. then, are washington politics really as cut throat as house of cards ? could they be based on true stories? kevin mccarthy put that question straight to kevin spacey and his answer just might surprise you.
when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at
sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. man: yeah, scott. i was just about to use the uh. scott: that s a bunch of ground-up paper, lad! scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer, and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere! seed your lawn. seed it! at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
time for news by the numbers. zero. that s the score liberal bill flair george soros think tank ranks in transparency. ironically the story is funded by soros himself. i m so confused. next $150. that s how much the supposedly cash-strapped defense department is spending per gallon on a special green fuel they have to use. it s made out of algae. it s 64 times more money than regular jet fuel, which i believe we use for jets. finally, 14. that s the number of stories networks abc, cbs and nbc combined aired on the irs targeting scandal in the ten months following the first wave of coverage. they aired more than 130 stories
in the first seven weeks. switching gears, the king of all monster movies is back. we are talking about godzilla. because what s really happening is that you re hiding something out there! it is going to send us back to the stone age! the most terrifying force of nature returning to the big screen next week, but we re getting an inside scoop this week with fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy. great to be in studio with you. before i get to that, i have to give you a birthday present. you ve never seen terminator 2 . birthday month continues. how have you never seen that? it will be delivered to your house on saturday. wow. this is fantastic.
delivered by drone. it s a little scarey. i ve seen the expendables. but go ahead. how is godzilla. it opens next friday, i ll have my official review. i am the biggest breaking bad fan on the planet. i walk in, he plays heisenberg. check it out. it would be mind over matter, right? so he is this massive, takes up a lot of room and massive destruction and very careless, whereas heisenberg is methodical and he will find some little he ll find the weakness of
godzilla and exploit it. god. ill la versus waltzer white? waltzer white would win. i think maybe that could be the sequel. maybe he could be walter white, godzilla. i would pay to see that. this summer, only this summer. heisenberg, one man, one monster. he played that character on breaking bad. he won three emmys for that character on the show. can you tell we haven t watched that show? i thought i watched the beginning of a new buddy movie. are you going to fight crime together? i saw him on broadway. he s incredible on broadway. the movie opens up next friday, i ll have the full review for in a next friday morning. what about kevin spacey house of cards ? kevin spacey plays frank underwood. he based that clark off richard iii from shakespeare, which is
incredible. was he the house minority leader? this show obviously has two seasons. it s available on netflix, incredible show. he plays an incredible character. i wanted to know when you play character like this and visit washington, d.c., does it change the way you view dc? this is what he said. i find it amusing that lots of people in washington embraced the character and the series. i find it interesting that they say it s not like this. they say it s cynical and of course it s a fictional version of our esteemed members of congress. it s a little bit disappointing to see that we send people to washington and they don t do their jobs. it s frustrating to see. that s why i think maybe the show has become so successful because for an american audience, it s amazing to watch a congress that gets things done. yeah. so he s talking about now that movie in the background with the poster is a documentary about a apply he did playing richard
iii. he traveled around 200 perform ances. that interview is 13 minutes long. i ll tweet out the full version. he said the one movie that he d like it bring to the stage is l.a. confidential. as long as they don t sing. exactly. just act. and t 2 will be at your house on saturday. you got to send may text and let me know what you think about it. someone else will raise my children and i ll watch the movie. he ll text and we ll tweet. thank you so much. coming up straight ahead, it s already a crime scene, then happens. wait until you hear who was behind the wheel of that car. plus, the moment a great white mistakes a boat for a chew toy right here. delicious.
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welcome back. the labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. nicole petallides live from the floor of the new york stock exchange with those numbers. good morning there. good morning. we got in our weekly jobless claims. what we saw was that jobless claims were down 26,000 to 319,000. so that versus the estimates of 325,000 claims. so that s slightly good news, fewer claims is always good news. u.s. stock index futures are pointing to a flat open at the moment, but boy, have we had action on wall street this week. social media, for everybody who loves social media, it s been a momentum group, in some cases
they re flying up 20, and 30 and 40% over the last year. however, this week has been tough. we saw groupon down 24%. twitter down 21%. these are week to date numbers. als linkedin hit a new low. this group has been hit hard. you can put aol in that category as well. so twitter tanks. something big on twitter today because it s thursday. they do this #tbt, throwback thursday. here is a picture of me. that is elisabeth. that s brian. now, ladies and gentlemen, for throwback thursday, nicole, there is you and your mom. yeah, right! for mother s day, happy mother s day, everybody. my mom, she was born on cyprus. greatest, most wonderful mom in the whole world. why are you all dressed up there? where are you going? we went to a wedding. he ran for mayor of new york. we were on our way in to the church there for the wedding. by the way, she married
christopher nixon cox, the grandson of president nixon. that s right. so it was a nice wedding. thank you very much for sharing that with us. love that pictures. thanks, guys. green mountain coffee roaster. that will be a winner today. thanks for that. we ll brew on that for a while. we re enjoy ago cup of coffee. these pictures you guys have been sending in. this is lohry patterson with her sons. both are serving in the u.s. air force. she writes zach is on his way home from the sand box. what a great mother s day gift. all grown up. tracy says with her mom there in a photo in 1968, newport richie, florida, where my curve lives. remember those photos out of the photo booth? it usually came with four different edges? that s just one of them. remember that? i like that moment.
i went to the little lady dance, my daughter chose me. the little lady dance? that s what they call it. if i have any more pictures of 4ñbacklashing.l start they give you costumes now. will give you costumes to make you look like 1920s. what was your era? the line was too long. we didn t go up. wait. you take your daughter to the little lady dance, she s all excited about wearing a costume and you say, sorry, mondayy, the wait will be too long. are you kidding me? let s go to heather nauert. you didn t put on a costume? the line was wrapped around the place. are you kidding? that s the whole event! years ago she ll say i remember. normal or nuts? heather will talk about those. i got some news to bring you. i want to bring a story out of texas. look at this chaos outside a
murder scene in houston when a suspected killer s father plows his car right through a big crowd of people. look at this. boy. you can sure they re as witnesses crime as they try to get out of the way of that car. cops arresting the driver as he attempts to jump out of his car. witnesses say that he snapped after he was taunted by a member of the victim s family. we ll keep you posted if anything new comes of that. remember the pilot who crashed his plane into a house in colorado and then walked away? he used to live in that very same house. 52-year-old brian beach, he was towing a banner from his plane when the plane lost power and then crashed that plane into the home below. he says it wasn t until he crawled out of his plane and then ran around the front of the house that he realized it was the very same house where he
used to live. and these guys are going to need a bigger boat. okay. take a look at that. that is a great white shark as it goes after an inflatable raft. kind of like a chew toy. there were film makers on board that raft. they were shooting off the coast of south africa. obviously the whole thing caught on camera. everyone made it back to land safely. can you imagination how nervous you would be? and then some other incredible video to show you this morning. everybody is talking about this. a family so close to winning $20,000 on the show family feud, one family member scored 182 points in the final crowned anna sass, another family member, needed 18 points to win. how did she do? look at this. you said marriage.
survey said (buzzer). yeah. all the zeros down the board and they didn t win. that s what lost it for them. they needed 18? they blanked on it. wow. somewhere richard dawson is rolling in his grave. brian! only a richard dawson kiss would have made them feel better. heather, thank you very much. all right, meanwhile, have you seen this video? wind so strong in central kansas, a train right off the tracks. nobody was hurt thankfully. but the storm is now on the move. maria molina is outside with her gust buster umbrella. that s right. my gust buster umbrella. we re not expecting strong winds across parts of northeast, but we are dooling with some rain and showers that will linger across this area not just today, but over the next several days. i want to take you farther west. look at some of these currents temperatures across parts of the
plains. still early in the morning and dallas and kansas city, you re in the 70. in chicago, this is your current temperature as we head out the door, 68 degrees. very mild out there. that s a bad sign because that means that as the storm system heads into this area, it will have the fuel to fire up showers and thunderstorms. we do have the potential for severe weather coming up later today across parts of texas, up into wisconsin and minnesota. that area shaded in red right there across iowa, southern parts of minnesota, that s the greatest risk area for potentially violent weather. we could see long-track tornadoes today as the storms fire thumb afternoon and evening and eventually by friday, the storm continues moving eastward and anywhere from arkansas up into indiana, you could be looking at some severe weather. we ll keep track of it. let s head over to you, brian. all right. another case of thunder causing a blackout. russell westbrook and kevin durant playing lights out basketball. the pair combining for 63 points in game 1 against the clippers.
but wait, those weren t the only lights going out. during a timeout, just before half time, the power surge. the arena lights dim. so the teams went out and played the final 27 seconds of the half in the dark. later on the lights came on and oklahoma city would win. everyone wants somebody to get a foul ball. what length would you go to to get it? is it worth losing your pants over? one tigers fans almost mooned the entire crowd. he reached over to snatch the ball and leaned a little too far. luckily his friend pulled up his pants. so he was able to get the ball and he was not able to there you go. there he goes. he pulled down the underpants and put it back. a good friend. it s a low light with the highlights. what s the lesson there? maybe no lesson. maybe this is one highlight we don t learn anything from.
proper fitting clothing. if you have a friend going down, grab them by the underwear and pull them up. funny highlight there. a fire at a tennis star james blake s mansion not funny. killing an entire family. police say it was set on purpose. we are live at the scene right now. plus, rick springfield, the singing star about to tell us something you ve never heard him say before. and it doesn t involve jesse s girl.
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which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don t take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. brand-new fox alert. new developments just in in the deadly fire at tennis star james blake s mansion. he was not there, but the four people who were there had tragic
results. wtvt reporter is live in tampa. what are you hearing from the police this morning? reporter: detectives are combing through the house right now trying to gather as much evidence as possible. so many different questions in this story that we really don t know the answers to. was this a murder-suicide. was this family killed in cold blood? we don t know the answers, but hopefully we ll get some soon. we do know the fire, it took about seven hours to contain the flames. it was intentionally set. there appears to have been an unknown accelerant fueling the fire. small commercial fireworks were also found throughout this house. two victims suffered upper body trauma. fox 13 learned darren campbell, his wife, kim, and teenage children, coolen and meghan, lived in this house. as you said, the family was renting it from former tennis pro james blake. they ve been living there for at least two years. of a will is an exclusive gated community north of tampa.
most of the homes are worth more than a million dollars. the folks in this communities wants to know what s going on and what led to all of this. back to you in new york. i think we all do. thank you very much. live from the tampa area. i was watching greta last night and live with greta was you ve seen a lot. the ticking house. the boat, on lois lerner, is she they re voting yes or thumbs up or down when it comes to charging her with contempt of congress for taking the fifth and then making those statements prior to her taking the fifth? the answer was overwhelmingly yes with six democrats also joining the majority of republicans. right. 231-187. we have for you now to take a look at those six listed there. barber, patterson, mcentire, rehall and murphy. in addition to finding her if cements of congress, also in a separate resolution, they urged the department of justice to
appoint a special prosecutor. that means they ve got to go to the u.s. attorney for dc who works for eric holder. what s interesting is remember, eric holder was found in cements of congress as well. but he was able, when he was found in contempt, for withholding fast and furious documents, he said, executive privilege. it s interesting corks lois lerner use that? if she did, it would essentially say there was coordination between the white house and the irs. darrell issa tweeted out, unless president exercise executive privilege, there is no precedents for u.s. attorney to do anything but pursue this criminal case. #irstargeting. so stand by. ten minutes to the top of the hour. coming up, you know this song. you know i wish that i had jesse s girl i wish that i had jesse s girl but we promise you, there is something you don t know about rick springfield and he s here next to tell us.
we re going to check in with bill hemmer. did you know yesterday was brian s birthday? i read in the blogs! well done. benghazi moves forward today, but will democrats join that investigation? we are about to find out. lois lerner found out her fate, at least her next step. and earth as you ve never seen her before. we ve got the pictures and they re amazing. ten minutes away when mar this and i see you at the top of the hour
you know i wish that i had jesse s girl i wish that i had jesse s girl where can i find a womb
like that . he is a triple threat, rick springfield has sold millions of records, starred on the big screen and wrote a best selling autobiography. he s adding fiction writer to his accomplishments with his new book called magnificent vibration. here is rick springfield. good morning to you. hello. so success with the autobiography, but fiction, what do you like moore and why did you want to write this? i started as a kid, i wanted to be a writer first and then music took over. it was the only thing i got good grades for were my essays at school. everything else, terrible grades. so they encouraged me to be a writer. then music took over and the writing went to song writing. i always wanted to get back to it. having the success of the autobiography which i wrote myself i was encouraged to write fiction because i don t have to apologize for it afterwards. sorry i m such a jerk. you re writing about something that a lot of people think about and that is
spirituality and god and things like that that you have combined into this new book. first of all, it s dark humor. i hate the idea of preaching or anything. you re not a theologist. it starts with a guy having a conversation with god. he gets a phone number and doesn t believe it s god. maybe that s because god doesn t have a phone number. he may. 1-800-call god is the phone number in the book. and he called, bobby cotton calls it and his life goes completely south after that because god has an attitude and isn t quite what we imagine. sure. so you re taking the book and taking yourself and you re going on tour, and answer questions from audience? i do a solo tour where we do a q and a and appearing appearit benatar this summer. the book is called
magnificent vibration. everybody loves rick springfield. enough of people do. you got a loft fans. i m very fortunate a lot of fans have come out for the book signing. we re very encouraged with the prepress on it. the book list. you thought this was free? yeah. we wish you continued success. mighty cool cover for it. thank you. thank you get all your favorites all day, everyday. olive garden s signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks.
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all right. what s going to happen in the after the show show? yesterday it was crazy, thanks a lot. it will maybe less crazy. tomorrow jennifer esposito will be here and chris wallace. bill: thank you, guys. more on that. rumors swirl. good morning, everybody, fox news alert now. the house is set to vote on making the investigation on benghazi official. the man who will lead the select committee said hillary clinton will testify or else. good morning. we re about to find a lot about this. i m bill hemmer. welcome to america s newsroom. martha: good morning, i m martha maccallum. tensions are reaching a fever pitch on capitol hill on what would be the first select committee to be appointed in a long, long time. democrats are threatening to boycott it. republicans are looking to hillary clinton to provide those answers. here is trey gowdy on whether

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140505 10:00:00

wbr id= wbr0 /> he was shotting an intruder. and it is cinco de mayo. the fifth of may celebrating the mexican the mexican army over the french forces in the battle of puebla back in 1862. it s an excuse to drink for louis. you have to drink the whole thing and eat the worm. that is it for way too early. morning joe starts right now. and i m feeling sorry, believe it or not, for the speaker of the house as well. these days the house republicans actually give john boehner a harder time than they give me. which means orange really is the new black. that was one of the really good ones. good morning, everyone. speaking of orange, look at that sunrise over new york city. /b>
wbr id= wbr600 /> wbr id= wbr600 /> monday morning. may 5th. welcome to morning joe, everybody. that s an orange crush right there. yes, it is. on the set we have john heilemann. good to have you here. hello, heilemann. anything going on with you? not much. celebrating the nets victory yesterday, baby. game seven. unbelievable. we ll talk. visiting professor at nyu, former democratic congressman harold ford jr. professor. and in washington, senior political editor and white house correspondent for the huffington post sam stein. we also have editor for the washington post david ignatius. with all going on in ukraine, glad you re in early this morning. an eventful weekend. willie, happy belated birthday for you. thank you. it was a great saturday. it was a derby/birthday combo. /b>
wbr-id= wbr1200 /> how much bourbon did you drink? you mean bottles? you should have seen the hat he was wearing. it was a fascinator. you guys in washington, you were at the correspondents president was good. president was great. thought he was funny. his performance skills are very high when it comes to these events, i think. has that dry sense of humor. he s got the great second beat on those jokes. we ll stay on it. more of the jokes at the white house correspondents dinner. we cannot believe what these olympic athletes do. death defying feats. haven t seen someone pull a 180 that fast since rand paul disinvited that nevada rancher from this dinner. as a general rule, things don t
end well if the sentence starts let me tell you something i know about the negro. just a tip for you. don t start your sentence that way. now that it s 2014, washington is obsessed on the midterms. folks are saying that with my sagging poll in numbers, my fellow democrats don t want me campaigning with them. i don t think that s true although i did notice the other day that sasha needed a speaker at career day and she invited bill clinton. washington seems more dysfunctional than ever. gridlock has gotten so bad in this town, you have to wonder, what d we do to piss off chris christie so bad? that was a good line. okay. so that was joel mchale. we ll get to that in a second. he s star of the community.
did he talk about chris christie? he sure did. let s roll it. i know it s been a long night, but i promise that tonight will be both amusing and over quickly just like chris christie s presidential bid. i got a lot of these tonight, so buckle up, governor christie. excuse me. extender buckle up. all right. governor, do you want bridge jokes or size jokes? i got a bunch of both. i can go half and half. i know you like a combo platter. now, i get that. i m sorry for that joke, governor christie. i didn t know i was going to tell it. but i take full responsibility for it. whoever wrote it will be fired. but the buck stops here. so i will be a man and own up to it just as soon as i get to the bottom of how it happened, because i was unaware it happened until just now. i m appointing a commission of me to investigate the joke i
just told. and if i find any wrong doing on my part, i assure you i will be dealt with. i just looked into it. it turns out i m not responsible for it. justice has been served. okay. joel mchale was adorable, i think, first of all. good guy. and by the way, chris christie not only laughing at the jokes at the party, but was laughing after the party. he and mchale were together. people on tv thought it was a cheap shot. chris christie and mary pat were laughing and posed for pictures with him. and we kind of had a run in with him. you know what? there s a we were comparing book notes. willie, as you know, i m selling a lot of books in new hampshire. and i was selling more. he was commenting on how many books i m selling in new hampshire. i said i m selling more books in new hampshire than you will ever sell. this went on for a good eight
minutes. it s publishing trash talk. it is. both of us are men of letters and both of us are taken by how much the good people of new hampshire love to read. they love to read. are you monitoring the independent book sales at store by store basis. duh. of course we are. of course we are. dropped by one in concord this weekend. we were waiting to take pictures and this happened. willie, this went on for, like, eight minutes. seriously. the book talk? the book trash talk. wow. i changed to samsung. i had new numbers. mika runs up to chris christie and tried to explain it. like you can t talk in shorthand like that. so we went up and mika went up and said i m texting you, why aren t you returning your calls. he said i m not getting them.
she explained it was the phone. i said mika always thought it was the phone. i said you were a really big skinned jerk and that was probably why. and he laughed. so he s good? mika had the wrong number. i m telling you, the drugs, you can t see. even a big screen like this. it s hard to see the big screen. you know? just stop. she was sending texts to chris cross instead of chris christie. can i get their number by the way? sure. more of those photos can be seen at vanity fair portraits. there s our son. who s that? that s ronan. our handsy son. he s a naughty child. and there was a eric holder has decided that you re going to run for office and he s going to take your job. so we did oh, yeah. he said why don t we do a freaky friday switch.
here he is. he wants it to be morning eric and he and mika were trying out for that cable news. you know, he s the former attorney general, she s a former whatever you are former. whatever. thanks, guys. then morning eric. what do you think? that would be a great poster. i d watch that show. of course you d watch that show. title it with holder somehow. she suggested morning ric. take the e off. i don t know. vanity fair party was fun. the correspondents dinner was, i think, a success. i guess. let s move on. i m bored. okay. for the reason now that we have such an elegant panel, we re go i think to start with ukraine where violence is spreading deeper with clashes now erupting in that country s third largest city. hundreds of pro-russian militants stormed police headquarters on sunday demanding that fellow separatists be
released. the men smashed open the door of the police station and broke windows and security cameras. five dozen militants were freed with little resistance from police. the men were being held in connection to deadly reactions on friday which left many dead. it was the worst violence in that country since february. the u.s. ambassador to ukraine is now demanding an investigation into the increasing violence and if moscow is behind it. meanwhile, michael mcfaul, the former u.s. ambassador to russia is warning that russia could be in the final stages of preparing for a full scale invasion. david ignatius, the ukrainian government says it s protecting its own citizens from pro-russia militias. now we hear russia saying they have to protect russian-speaking people from the government. what are we seeing this morning? we re seeing the inability of
any government to maintain safety and security in ukraine. which means that the violence is getting worse and the calls for some kind of intervention are growing. the obama administration s biggest hope is that somehow if ukraine can stumble through to elections on may 25 when there ll be a new government and a sense the administration hopes of legitimacy for a government that could crack down, restore orders, defend its borders, et cetera. and the terrible irony of the russians demanding safety for these poor protesters in eastern ukraine. many think the russians have been encouraging the protesters to grab the airport, a television tower. now they re demanding someone maybe even the russians come in and restore order. it s been increasingly chaotic demonstration. it s shows the weakness of the ukrainian government. above all, it illustrates the
russians basic comfort level with this chaotic ukraine on the way to elections on may 25th. okay. i m going to grab a thought that i read recently about the situation in ukraine. especially as it pertains to american leadership. because some can put this as black and white, america is not strong. the president is not strong enough. but i read recently that it s sort of like getting in a fight when you re trying to get a divorce. it s not that easy. because you want to make your point without hurting the whole situation, the whole family. how the united states should use its enormous power to deter vladimir putin from invading eastern ukraine just as he invaded crimea a month ago is the question that s really haunting washington. we had a map in the washington post over the weekend that showed the battle lines for a war between russia and ukraine. i haven t seen anything like that since history books, you
know, after the fall of berlin in 1945. it s just stunning to see that. the administration keeps saying when you push them that its policy is to make it so costly for putin to keep pushing in ukraine, that he ll think twice. he ll stop. of course as you know, the ruble and the russian stock market have gone up since we ve things are beginning to no, since we put the sanctions in place. these sanctions are so insignificant that they re not going to deter somebody like putin, are they? you know, joe, the recovery in the russian currency and markets is after a significant fall. so in absolute terms, it s not a great period for russia. i think it is fair to say that obama has been holding in reserve partly because europe is not comfortable yet with heavy duty sanctions. the kind of sanctions that would hit the export industries,
principally energy and weapons. if the russians move, if their tanks roll across the frontier in ukraine, i would guess president obama would have merkel with him in imposing sanctions that would make things hurt for russia. but by that time it s too late. the tanks were already in. so no question that obama s taken a go-slow approach to this. all right. some political news now. new indicators show rough waters ahead for the democrats in the midterms. a pugh research/usa today poll shows republicans have their biggest advantage in two decades. numbs shows voters shifting away from democrats over the last six months. a majority of voters say the president isn t a factor in their vote, but the number of democrats voting in support of the president s record has fallen 16 points since the 2010 elections. the number of republicans voting
against his agenda has increased. still when compared to this point when george w. bush was president, the president s approval is nine points higher. voters have showed a deep desire for change during both presidents second term saying it s time for different policies. john heilemann, we have a flurry of polls. willie and i were talking about this last week, two weeks ago. democrats looking better this past week. republicans looking better. now this pew poll suggests big trouble. also on the usa today, health spending. this is going to drive the first half of the week as far as the debate goes. health spending up the fastest in 34 years. and in the lead, the usa today blames obamacare. look. we saw three polls last week, right? we started early last week with
the abc/ washington post poll. then the other poll that seemed kipt. and now this poll. we ve had three in a row now from big organizations with big sample sizes who have good records that suggest that maybe what happened with the obamacare 8 million number was more of a blip and that we re actually settling into what i think a lot of people thought the prevailing trend lines would be which is republicans are in a strong position in the midterms and obamacare is going to be by no means a winning on the macro level, not a winning issue for democrats. they ll have to be fighting for their lives in general and on that issue going forward. harold, it s only may as you and i know more happens in campaigns in six days than let alone six days. but you look atted t the headli. biggest advantage for republicans in two decades. what did democrats do six months
out? another headline talks about the violence in ukraine. i think there s a sense if you have an everyday hard-working american and you are struggling and working to support their family and you read the political headlines and trends out of washington, just don t bode well for the party in charge. second, you consider the states where you have these elections. states that romney performed well in. states where the health care plan and some of the other things a president is doing or has done is less popular than they are in other states. and finally, i think you showed the numbers between george w. bush and the president in terms of the approval ratings. remember in 2006, democrats cleaned up. if you re democrats, even though it s only may, you have to begin to think now how do you shift a bit on things that would help you? we re starting to see keystone, harry reid trying to help. help some democrats around.
helps us as home on manufacturing. helps foreign policy. but you know, willie, it s you re starting to see harry reid and you re starting to see other democrats talk about keystone. this energy issue is going to be a big issue because it s about jobs. for once it s not the republicans the base that s pulling them away from where middle america is. democrats have a lot of challenges. they do. maybe harry reid s talking about it, but there s still a lot of democrats who are not going to move on the keystone pipe line. maybe there s some deal to use it as a chip for something else. the president could just do that. that s right. sam, you re looking at these numbers. the piece in the usa today says these numbers show the strongest tilt towards republicans in the last couple decades. including stronger than before 2010. republican strategists if you talk to them privately, they re
feeling good about this obviously about holding the house but taking the senate as well. yeah. i mean, i ve said it before and i ll say it again. the best thing the democrats have going for them right now is they had a huge wave loss in 2010. there s fewer seats for them to lose in the house than they would otherwise. the house is a problem when you have so many seats in states that went to romney that holding the majority seems tenuous. that said, looking at national polls is silly. each individual race has its own dynamic. for example, in arkansas where you would imagine is democrat would be really suffering under the burdens of the health care law, a poor economy, sagging approval numbers, mark potter is not that poorly positioned. you do have to look to respect to the senate state by state. one thing i d add with health care spending which is a scary headline is that the charts early on when they were on
kbbcare suggested a very spike in 2014 because millions more people were going to get coverage and spend on health care at the time. we have to wait and see what happens after this spike to see if they continue going down which they were before. it could just be tied to the bad economy. but if the recent trends continue and we have more health care spending, then we re in real trouble basically. all right. we re going to keep talking about this. obviously more on ukraine and foreign policy straight ahead with david ignatius. oh, yeah. coming up in the 7:00 hour, chuck schumer is here on set. he brought with him an interesting chart on the big fight over raising the minimum wage. i m going to debate him on that chart, the minimum wage, and ask if he would trade keystone for a rise in minimum wage. help workers on both sides of that equation. i ll see if he loves the working man as much as i do. i want to see if his chart is more interesting than rattner s. i don t think if that s possible.
also a new investigation into the benghazi attacks. i m also going to ask him what happened in ireland when jerry adams was arrested. a strange move considering where the peace talks have been going. then live in our 8:00 hour, senator joe manchin is here in the studio and senator tim kaine on his backing for hillary 2016. willie and i was what did we say this was? yeah. full throated. yes. okay. all right. thank you for being there with me, willie. up next, a tragic circus accident leaves a group of performers in critical condition. also ben affleck caught counting cards in las vegas? we ll explain it on morning papers. and jim gaffigan joins us on set. i don t know if you can tell by my beard, but i m fat. i don t know what happened.
all i did was eat constantly and then boom i m fat. seems unfair. but first if it was only that simple, here s bill kairns with a check on the forecast. good stuff, you guys. we got done with a pretty nice weekend on the eastern seaboard. rain showers in new england yesterday. the heat was the real story, though. everywhere in the red on this map shows you where it was 80 degrees yesterday from d.c. all through the deep south. but the one highlight was the central plains. it was 102 in wichita, kansas. they were off to the driest start to the year ever since the dust bowl in the mid- 30s. with the windy conditions this was in oklahoma yesterday. they had me vacuations. a couple structures burned down. you could see one of them there. the way the wind was blowing those flames. another dangerous day in the plains today.
what s cruel about the central u.s., even though it was 100 there, it was snowing in northern wisconsin. still very chilly weather remains through the great lakes. there s still some ice on the great lakes from the winter. i think it was 20% ice still left. so chilly today. chicago only a 56 for your high. but we re warm with with a brush fire threat in the middle of the country. we re looking nice in new england. maybe a stray shower or two in maine. but the rest of the region is looking very nice. a perfect spring day for you. and the next five days, the only really big storm we re going to have should bring rain to the northern plains. weld like to get some of this rain in texas and arkansas. that doesn t occur until about thursday. nice week ahead for much of the country. i don t think any tornado threats at all. which is great especially after what we dealt with last week. washington, d.c. was the big scene for the correspondents dinner. here s one more humorous joke. the vice president isn t here tonight not for security
reasons. he just thought this event was being held at the dulles airport applebees. yes. right now he s elbow deep in jalapeno poppers and talking to a construction cone he thinks is john boehner. also true.
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honestly, the off-season isn t i ve got a lot to do.
that s why i got my surface. it s great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it s got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it s just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! time now to take a look at the morning papers. the providence journal. eight female acrobats and one man on the ground are recovering after a beam fell 30 feet to the ground in a circus accident. it may be graphic for some viewers here.
oh, my god. the eight injured acrobats are all out of surgery. one performer is still in critical condition with internal bleeding. others recovering with broken bones. this morning s performance canceled. that was absolutely horrific. oh, my gosh. the oklahoman, firefighters in guthrie, oklahoma, are battling a massive wildfire that s killed one and destroyed six homes. the fire began yesterday afternoon after a controlled burn got out of hands. strong winds and dry weather fuel it this morning. nearly 3,000 acres burned so far. the star ledge ebb. condoleezza rice will not give the commencement appearance at rutgers after protests. calling for the university to disinvite rice. how stupid on these students.
students are upset about her support of the war in iraq. she was set to receive $35,000 for the appearance. that is absolute insanity. here you have the first african-american female woman to be secretary of state in the united states of america. what a wonderful example not only could she set for these students, but she has been setting at stanford. one of the greatest colleges in the world where she s been provost and head of student affairs. i mean, serious i m sorry. where is the rutgers community standing up for academic freedom? i would urge her i would bend over backwards. you talk about political correctness run amok, this is absolute insanity. yeah. and universities are supposed to be the place where ideas are exchanged, where your mind is open to all points of view. what a disgrace actually. agree with me 100% of the
time or you re not allowed to come to an institution that s supposed to be about higher learning. and the frequee market place of ideas. do you know how many speakers students had to listen to at their universities? how many times they had to sit and have their views and their values mocked and ridiculed? you know what they did? they sat in those seats. because they don t get the kind of treatment. i cannot believe rutgers needs to bend over backwards to get there. they ought to review that. the san francisco chronicle, for the first time in more than two weeks, court is back in session for former olympian oscar pistorius. the first person to arrive at his home the night of reeva steenkamp s death, he described a very emotional scene. it s not something i would like to experience again, my lady.
it was a young man walking down the stairs with a lady, with a young woman in his arms. and the scene you see, the expression of sorrow, the expression of pain. pistorius claims he mistook steenkamp for an intruder. seriously, how long is this trial going to go on? let me help you. the guy s guilty. new york times, a new study suggests the secret to reversing aging may lie in the blood of the young. research from harvard and stanford university found the blood of young mice rejuvenated the brain s muscles of older mice. also found drastic improvement to every tissue in tnthe bodiesf older mice.
ben affleck found himself in hot water at the hard rock last week accused of counting cards. he was approached by security for being too good at blackjack and was asked to leave the premises. quote, he is not banned from our property and is welcome back any time. good to know. unlike willie. no. willie s too good. just to reiterate, counting cards not illegal. just frowned upon. i don t understand what it is. with us now on the set in the flesh, white house correspondent for politico, mike allen. mike, good morning. happy cinco de monday. holy cow. you ve got to piece on michael hirsch. the hillary industrial complex. we know what it is basically. but take us inside what this looks like.
if the runs for president, what heat will she feel about benghazi? this is a piece by michael hirsch who s the national editor of politico magazine. he pointed out that benghazi is becoming to this decade what vince foster, white waterwere in the 90s. from mentions of hillary in twitter recent days. 219,000 mentions of benghazi. he calls it the social media twin. this is something that fires up the republican base, but even though the white house hates this topic, democrats in general like it because it helps reinforce their views of the republican base as right wing nuts. if you re hillary clinton or if you re running hillary clinton s campaign, should there be a campaign, are you generally concerned in a general election about the idea of benghazi? or is that sort of confined to a republican primary? of course you are. the question is whether it s about competition of ideology.
at the moment because republicans perhaps overplaying their hand as they seem all too ready to do calling for appointing special committee, more subpoenas. but if it becomes a question about secretary clinton s competence especially at a time when the world events we re talking about at the top of the show, we have not a lot of accomplishments to talk about, then it s a problem. harold ford, would you be worried about it? the question i have is you ve seen polling. where do the american people rank this in terms of low. and the story points out it s unlikely to hurt her with the voters. it s how she ramps up this campaign. so when she goes out with her book tour starting in june, she wants to be talking about her vision for the future. she wants to talk, remind people of why they used to like the clintons. this at this moment is this big
topic that no interviewer can fail to ask about and it s all about the past. that s not what you want. people will believe that hillary clinton is not a patriot, doesn t care deeply about the country, doesn t care deeply about our assets around the globe. and if the purpose is trying to suggest that, i think it s going to fall on deafer ears than some would think. i think that d be the case. before we go, nobody s more plugged into washington than you are. what was the review of the white house correspondents dinner over the weekend? people thought the president was much tougher on himself than he s been in the past. his great line, sasha needed a speaker for career day, she chose bill clinton. that perfectly captured it in the weekend. mike allen with a look inside the play book. thank you. coming up next on morning joe, a group of marines let it go while watching disney s
frozen. but first the off-season gamble paying off in a big way. and joe johnson with a big fourth quarter. the nets advance across the toronto raptors. highlights next. [bell rings] [prof. burke] at farmers,we believe what you don t know can hurt you. like what if you didn t know to get coverage for uninsured drivers? [robot] uh oh. [prof. burke] talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just everything at the hardware store. not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back
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all right. let s do some sports. a couple of game seven playoff matchups in the nba. there were three of them on saturday. only one matters. two yesterday. let s start with the raptors hosting the nets. by the way, how great are the fans in toronto? going crazy. full force. packing even outside. nets try to inbound with the one-point lead. the pass knocked away. what a play right here. throws the ball off the nets player and goes out of bounds. they get the ball back now with a chance to win the game. here is lowrie on the deck. puts it up. it s blocked by pierce! and the nets win the series! paul pierce with the monster block. the old man getting it done. john heilemann is a huge nets fan. the old guys getting it done. they win game seven on the road. they move on to play the heat. great win. great win. double double for kevin garnett.
his best game of the season. paul pierce right there, the truth, showing why he can still get it done. you know, it s great for this next series. because toronto has a terrible time with miami. brooklyn beat miami four times this year. swept them. did they really? yeah. miami is the obvious favorite, but brooklyn has figured out miami at least during the regular season. san antonio also won game seven of its series against the mavs. now they move on to face the blazers. tonight the wizards host the pacer. and the clippers go to oklahoma city to play the thunder. harold, who do you like? the wizards look good. pacers look shaky. i like the nets. the nets push it to seven. if garnett and pierce don t have to over-play early in the series, they re the only team that can beat the heat. they re a good team. as are the raptors. the raptors will be a power in the east over the next few
wbr id= wbr24600 /> years. let s go to the ice. round two of the stanley cup playoffs yesterday. out to center. in a two on one. moving in. scores! letang on the side. to james neil. neil, rebound. goal! so the penguins win theirs 3-0. they even up with the rangers. the rangers stole game one on the road. and the ducks looking to even things up with the kings. rangers have a shot. yeah. they re 1-1 coming back to the garden. they ve got a good shot. you saw the blackhawks winning their game up 2-o on the wild. a lot of crazy ranger fans. in a good way. hockey fans are intense. let s go to baseball now. some of the top plays out of the big leagues yesterday. first pitch swinging, slow roller. /b>
wbr-id= wbr25200 /> not in time. padres win! down the line. on his way to third. picked up by davis. they re going to wave him around. reds win! to right. it s well hit. at the wall. ball game! there s a shot. back into center. got some carry. ellsbury will go to the wall. off the wall bounding off ellsbury. rolling towards right center. jennings scores. longoria scores. they re going to wave will meyers. it s an inside-the-park home run. that s just embarrassing. especially for els burr are i. a guy you ve got to root for actually, i m rooting against him this season. the yankees are in first place by a half game. derek jeter welcomed a special guest to the stadium. peyton manning.
two of the all-time greats hanging out. yankees don t play the rockies this season so manning came to the bronx to pay respect to jeter in his final season. peyton watched that up in the box with eli. still ahead at the top of our 7:00 hour, peter king of new york says democrats would be, quote, terribly arrogant if they block another investigation into the benghazi attacks. then joe manchin on set on the fight to increase the minimum wage. but up next mika s must read opinion pages. we ll be right back with more morning joe.
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the new york times editorial board writes president obama and the world two years after winning an election in which foreign policy was barely mentioned, president obama is being pummelled at home and abroad for his international leadership. the world sometimes seems it is flying apart with mr. obama unable to fix it. through a combination of a few significant missteps, circumstances beyond his control, unreasonable expectations, and his bland demeanor, he doesn t walk around with his shirt off? i don t get it. in key respects mr. obama is precisely the foreign policy president that most americans and allies overseas wanted. he rejected the shoot first tendencies of president bush. but he has been blamed for his own foreign policy taken as a whole and stripped as much as
possible of ideological blinkers. mr. obama s record is not as bad as his critics say. it s just not good enough. so is it just a set of examples that are beyond his control? that editorial is fascinating because it has all the different instances in which obama has struggled to get a lot of success. i think most people would agree with him avoiding use of force in these battle grounds of the middle east. it makes sense. not overreacting to ukraine makes sense. yet when you add it up, there is something missing. my own answer would be there are two things. the first is communicating to the american people and the world. this president doesn t do that as much as he needs to on foreign policy. second is credibility. people ask well, he doesn t
fight this war or that war. what war would he fight? where would he draw the lines and mean it? i think the president is going to have to make clearer to the world precisely what he s prepared to do in an increasingly messy and dangerous situation especially in ukraine. sam stein, building on the comment david just made, do you think what s lacking in the president s foreign policy is some overarching aim or goal that seems to not define or give policy makers a sense of not only where we would fight but what our goals are around the globe? to piggyback on what david said and i m curious what the panel would say. i read the new york times editorial and stepped back and asked myself, what would you say if someone asked what was the obama doctrine? you couldn t answer that question. with respect to george w. bush you knew what his broader foreign policy is. i couldn t decide whether defenders would say his prudence, i would guess. critics say overly cautiousness.
i m curious what people think. there doesn t seem to be at this juncture and we re six years in, a definitive obama doctrine with respect to foreign policy. i couldn t pinpoint one myself. i m not sure that s a bad thing. it might not be. i don t know. sam, i will tell you, you ve asked the question here. stricken of the ideological binders and just talk to the ambassadors across the world, the foreign leaders across the world, and david ignatius has heard this more than any of us. if i m wrong, let me know. that is the critique of the obama administration. that there s no over-arching policy. there s no vision. it is ad hoc in its approach. and again, this is not an ideological take. we have been hearing this from foreign policy leaders for four or five years. joe, i travel all over the world and i do hear that. there s a perception that this president is weak. problem is when you re perceived as weak, you re expected to do
rash things to show you re not. i m glad the president isn t doing that. not worried he ll be rash. bland personality. all right. coming up at the top of the hour, senator chuck schumer joins us on set. also they say lumber jacking may be the most dangerous profession in the world. and this video oh! oh no! shows why when we return. oh, my gosh. ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at they re the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs.
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here we go. it s great. little girls love this. they love it. and they ll watch it over and over. i love little girls singing this. kids love it. moms and dads love it. we ve seen a million parodies of let it go. we have one more because it s from the united states marine corps. be the good girl you always had to be conceal don t feel don t let them know well now they know let it go let it go can t hold me back anymore i m never going back the past is in the past let it go yeah! yeah! whoo!
that is so good. that video went crazy online after posted on facebook by a marine in texas. that is so good. another piece of viral video, check this out. a lumber jack shouting safety instructions while trimming a big branch off the tree. you ve got to be safe when you do this. oh! jeez. wow. no! that was last week in michigan. the man who posted the video says the guy on the ladder was not seriously hurt. how is that not. reporter: how can he not get hurt? it s like one of those trees in lord of the rings. the arms and everything. that s crazy. everyone s okay. thank you.
that was disturbing video. thank you very much. can you make news you can t use happy, please? well, the marine thing was uplifting. that was cute. like the hamster eating the burritos? do that top of the hour for cinco de mayo. we ll show it to chuck schumer and see what he thinks about it. still ahead, a man who makes a living making fun of food. nothing tastes as good as thin. i could think of a thousand things. even unsalted french fries taste better than thin. you ever eat fries without salt on them? these fries could use salt, but that means i d have to get up and move. i d just imagine there s salt on them. comedian jim gaffigan is here.
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as it stands right now, the republican presidential nominee will either be jeb bush, rand paul, or a bag of flour with ronald reagan s face drawn on it. bag of flour! all right.
people are asking, will donald trump run again? and the answer is, does that thing on his head crap in the woods? i actually don t know. i don t know if that thing on his head has a digestive wbr id wbr37380 system. welcome back to morning joe. joining us on set. the senior senator from new york, democratic senator chuck schumer. and from washington, nbc news white house correspondent and host of the daily rundown, chuck todd. chuck and chuck. we re going to talk about your chart and the minimum wage in just a moment. that was a good dinner. it was a great dinner. i enjoyed it. president was good. and mchale was good. mchale was adorable. here are some of the highlights from the responsibilities /b
dinner. olympic snow boarding medalist is here. we cannot believe what they do. death defying feats. haven t seen someone pull a 180 that fast since rand paul disinvited that nevada rancher from this dinner. as a general rule, things don t end well if the sentence started, let me tell you something i know about the negro. just a tip for you. don t start your sentence that way. now that it s 2014, washington is obsessed on the midterms. folks are saying that with my sagging poll numbers, my fellow democrats don t really want me campaigning with them. and i don t think that s true, although i did notice the other day that sasha needed a speaker at career day and she invited bill clinton. mr. president, you have to
admit, and you already have, the launch of was a disaster. it was so bad. it was bad. look, i don t even have an analogy because the website is now the thing people use to describe other bad things. they say stuff like, i shouldn t have eaten that sushi. i was up all night ing. boy, that latest johnny depp movie really d at the box office. look at my new rug. did the dogs on it? you can t get that out of shag. that was funny. he was really good. yeah. it was a good night. so we ve got a lot to talk about. we do. why don t we start quickly, though, a couple quick things. minimum wage. harold and i were talking about it before. joe manchin is coming on. how about a deal on minimum wage
where we help workers where you raise the minimum wage not to the $10.10 because democrats aren t going to get that. but maybe to $8.50, $9.00 in exchange for keystone. i think that s part of our bill on energy efficiency next week. we re willing to see a vote on keystone. each side thinks they re going to win. keystone is a lot less important than it used to be. since it started there s a ton of oil and gas here in the u.s. we used to say if it s not from canada, it s in the middle east. now we re talking about exporting it. let s not move the goal posts. keystone s still important, isn t it? it s a job issue and a safety issue. we re going to transport it by rail or water. natural gas exports, why not increase that as well? 9,000 last month 288,000 jobs. keystone, 9,000 jobs. it is not the issue that each
sides is making it to be. so minimum wage on minimum wage, why is $10.10 important to us? i want to go back to keystone for a second. okay. go ahead. pennsylvania is creating jobs across the state in pennsylvania that s not being created across new york state because this governor, the state legislature are over-regulating fracking. why don t we bring good jobs to upstate new york? they need good jobs. you re their senator. yes. what do you say to albany to get those good jobs in pennsylvania in upstate new york? well, i haven t stepped on the governor s issue on this one. he s being very careful because there are environmental concerns. but overall shouldn t he be a little less careful? overall democrats throughout the country has supported fracking. most of us have and it s worked well. would you like to see it in upstate new york? if it s done carefully. the governor feels it s going to
be done carefully, i sure would. you would? wow. well, you are just like good. we need it. do you think there has to be a deal on minimum wage where you split the baby, the republicans get something they want. democrats get something they want. now here s something we can use for a visual. like rattner on this show. that s pretty good. that s attractive. here s the minimum wage chart. we created 288,000 new jobs. jobs are going up. private sector jobs. but wages are going down. they re paying so much less there s less money in the average middle class person s pocket. there s a good argument for minimum wage. since the early 1970s, they ve been going down. wbr id wbr40780 look, i hear you. /b
so that s why $10.10 is important for one reason. and important to us. which is it s the bare minimum, you work 40 hours a week and you get out of poverty. why we push it, you should have wbr-id wbr40925 a fair shot of getting out of poverty if you work 40 hours a week. can you negotiate on the length of time on seasonal workers on other things? yes. and we ve told our republican colleagues we would negotiate. but i ll make a prediction here. just like unemployment insurance, they know they re on the wrong side here. we ll get a deal on minimum wage within the next six months. i don t disagree with you. we should index it to inflation. but there has to be a deal. president clinton gave a big speech where he talked about how he was criticized for cutting the capital gains tax. he got 6 million children health insurance. he got 9 million people moved out of poverty. the only question joe s asking is how do we cut a deal? you can have that conversation offline. but natural gas exports will help overseas, create jobs at
home, and a larger stockpile of energy. there has to be some give and take there. we ll get a deal on minimum wage. there will be some kind of compromise. there are lots of different areas of compromise. and it ll happen. it s just that $10.10 is a pretty strong feeling on our side because it s the bare minimum out of poverty. if minimum wage back in 1960s with inflation would be $10.71 right now. senator, we had your colleague tom coburn on last week. he said there shouldn t be a federal minimum wage. the free market ought to take care of it. what do you think of those who oppose minimum wage, that it leads to the loss of jobs? economists are on both sides of that. i think what they don t do, those who say it will lose jobs, forget about all the money that would be pumped into the economy. i know. that creates. and they don t believe in that because that s dynamic scoring
on our side. i want to bring up one thing, our next fair shot agenda item. this week elizabeth warren will introduce legislation on making it easier to pay for college. two parts. first, you should be able to refinance. in other words, there are tens of millions of young people and their families who are paying on hundreds of thousands of loans. you should be able to get it down to 3%. we re going to push that. by the way, this is one of the biggest things hurting the market. i totally agree. let s have elisabeth on this week as well. we re pushing this middle class agenda. i agree. let me ask you about the midterm elections. new indicators show wbr-id wbr42520 rough waters ahead for democrats. front page in the usa today, take us through that. the poll says republicans
have their biggest advantage in two decades. numbers show voters shifting away from supporting democrats over the last six months. a majority of voters say the president isn t a factor in their vote. but the number of democrats voting in support of the president s record has fallen 16 points since the 2010 elections. the number of republicans voting against his agenda has increased still. when compared to this point and george w. bush s presidency, the president s approval is nine points higher. voters have showed a deep desire for change during both presidents second term. chuck todd, look at the usa today, not good news. not good news about the polls showing democrats not in good shape right now. that changes every week and a half. but look up top. i think you re going to see republicans holding this headline all day. health care spending up the most since 1980. of course it s only the first
quarter, but we re going to be having this debate over the next six months as well. what do you make of these polls? the nbc news poll, the abc news poll. it does look like democrats have some tough sledding ahead over the next few months? it s may. the best number they have to tout is the one that happened on friday. right? it s that jobs number. you know, the one unknown here is, you know, we ve been told for three years that if there were some form of government certainty, then private sector in the economy would start to take off. we d start to see some consistent moves. they got their budget deal in december. so we have a we have sort of two years of certainty. there are no major things that are sort of up in the air between the two parties right now between congress and the president. there s no giant standoff. if you know, the what if there is three or four straight months of what we saw on friday
where you have nearly 250,000 to 300,000 jobs created over that period? does that change the mind-set? to me it s about the only thing that could change the dynamic. because it does feel like we re not yet in concrete, but it s certainly a very heavy mix. it s drying quickly. that is of concern to democrats. the only thing that could change this dynamic, i think, is sort of this an economy that starts taking off that the public believes is taking off. sam stein, the sub-head on this top story, more americans visiting hospitals under obamacare. but last hour, though, you dug into the numbers. what do you find? well, this is sort of what was predicted when they were gaming out how the affordable care act would play out. which is as soon as you had a couple million people getting insurance for the first time, they would see doctors, they would go to hospitals. health care spending would spike. now, prior to this, health care
spending had been on decline. the question was was that because of obamacare or because of a sagging economy? i think we need to look ahead. i mean, the next couple months will be a big indication of whether or not health care spending is out of control. for the senator, i m kind of curious along these lines. where is obamacare politically at this juncture? it s hard wbr id wbr44670 to tell on the polls whether democrats have gained anything from those enrolled? how will it play in november? two things. i think the negatives will be somewhat lower. the positives will be somewhat higher. i m not sure it will be in that positive. but i do think it will be less bad. i do think this and this is what all the polls show. joe s question is right. the good thing in the polls and that s why we re focusing on the /b
agenda. whether it s middle class wanls, whether it s getting the economy going, whether it s health care, anything like that. so when we talk about substantive issues, we win. and that s we re trying to get the agenda back. i think by november the kind of issues we re talking about, college affordability, equal pay, minimum wage, jobs going overseas. will predominate over obamacare. they fired their shot a little too soon. all right. willie? do you think if you look at obamacare more broadly as sam stein pointed out in the last hour, it s difficult to talk about national polls because each state is different this time around. but if you talk to republicans they feel there s a wind at their back. how do you feel about the senate? i feel we re going to keep the senate. you do? yeah. you look at the four key races. alaska, arkansas, louisiana, north carolina where we have incumbents in red states. they re ahead in each one. even kay hagen is ahead by two, but she s had $12 million of
unanswered commercials against her. and she hasn t even begun to put on her positives or go after her opponent whoever it s going to be negatives. so i think if you look this is how it always is. nationally it looks better for republicans right now. mainly because middle class incomes are declining. what we talked about here. and the public is sour. all right. but state by state looks much better for us. we will keep the senate. texas governor rick perry i want you to stay for this one has been mentioned among potential 2016 contenders. good luck. is being candid about my god. senator schumer. last time i checked, he s not on any rolls in republican primaries. rick perry is just fine. he talked about his disappointing bid for 2012. but he also suggested the door is far from closed for a political comeback. you ran in 2012. a lot of people thought that was a botched effort on your part.
wbr id= wbr46200 /> how do you get a second look now? i would tend to agree with them on the botched effort side of it. what went wrong? listen, i think america is a place that believes in second chances. i think that we see more character out of an individual by how do you perform after you fail and you go forward. in kentucky, multiple horse races converged at churchill downs. mitch mcconnell tweeted this photo inside the track. but it was senator rand paul who drew the most attention hosting media mogul rupert murdoch around the luxury boxes. murdoch, no no vis when it comes to the matters of political imagery, allowed himself to be paraded around for six hours like a prized horse behind a proud jockey. amounted to a message to more establishment republicans that as he put it, i m very open minded. chuck todd, if you follow /b>
wbr-id= wbr46800 /> rupert murdoch s history in endorsing candidates, anything is possible including a possible endorsement of rand paul or hillary clinton. i think much more likely to endorse hillary clinton than any republican senator out there right now. but let s talk about the first thing. i ve got to say, again, we absolutely pounded rick perry around this table in 2012 for good reason. he wasn t ready to run. he had some back problems, on medication for that. i know about that better than anybody else as far as what back pain does to you. this guy s looking pretty good in the early stages. are you a skeptic? you know, i know we re supposed to be skeptical of him because of it was such a poor effort. there s a part of me saying where s he going to raise the money this time? it s going to be harder for him to convince the major donors. that guy who showed up to meet the press yesterday, he s very comfortable in his own skin.
there s something about when a candidate loses and accepts responsibility for the loss, it s amazing they can turn around. look. we have a history of our presidents having been humbled by an embarrassing loss. barack obama got thumped in a campaign for congress. bill clinton lost a re-election campaign for governor that was probably the most campaign he ever ran. losing made him a better candidate. george w. bush lost his first race for congress. you know, losing can do that, can humble you in a way. i have to say i thought rick perry seemed like a happy warrior to me. you could see him just sort of being this sort of tortoise kind of candidate. do not write him off. 1988, bill clinton actually booed at the democratic convention. four years later he was their saving grace. he was so bad that he actually went on the tonight show . johnny carson thing turned
over the timer thing. he was a punchline. and senator schumer, you know this. politics, things can change. you know rupert murdoch, he s from new york, you re from new york. yep. spent a lot of time with him. he could endorse a republican. he could endorse a democrat. i think it s all safe for us to say around this table here he s not going to endorse rand paul. he s a neocon. rand paul is the opposite. i don t think he d bring himself to trust rand paul s instincts. but to go there, that was a smart political move for both of them. i admire that. one thing on the republican nominee in perry. he may be the comeback kid. here s the problem. the republican party needs to be somewhere in the middle. romney was sort of perry-like. but unless you move a little bit to the middle in the general election, you lose the only two candidates who have pushed the tea party off. christie, jeb bush. i don t think another candidate s going to come close
to mitt romney is a creature of the middle and he lost. he wasn t. john mccain was a creature of the middle and he lost. bob dole was, he lost. different america. it is. no, senator. yes. we are one america. hey, joe. hey, joe. could you imagine the chuck schumer ads that are going to get run against them? he just endorsed chris christie. no. they can push off the tea party. that s true. note to self. always book chuck schumer after the white house correspondents dinner because he is loopy and possibly inebriated. any republican candidate that pushes off the tea party will not only lose the primary. even if they pass the primary you need both sides. that s why we re going to win. you can t push off the tea party
and win the general. senator, you know what? you re fighting the last war. okay. we ll see. we will see. pinky bet. oh, my god. okay. senator chuck schumer, thank you. chuck todd, thank you as well. we ll watch you on the daily rundown wbr-id wbr49390 on msnbc this morning. ahead in our 8:00 hour, senator joe manchin and senator tim kaine. and army veteran wes moore with a special look at vets overcoming extreme obstacles when they return from serving abroad. plus democrats say republicans are just playing politics by harping on benghazi. our next guest says they re just afraid to confront the truth. republican congressman peter king standing by. and then louis takes us behind the scenes for a look at the white house correspondents dinner. his look. and it s awkward and weird and all over the place. louis, i m sure zbln lots of
celebrities. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. it s a genuine thrill to be here in washington, d.c., the city that started the whole crack smoking mayor craze. between rob ford, justin bieber, and ted cruz, you just want to tell canada, hey, hey, relax. we already have a florida. [ male announcer ] staples has everything you need
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wbr id= wbr52200 /> i ve worked with others for the return of the bodies of others killed during the conflict and secretly buried by the ira. i will continue to do so. that was leader gerry adams after being questioned for four days of the murder of a widow with ten children. joins us now, republican congressman peter king of new york. so peter, we re going to talking about benghazi in a minute here. but when i started reading these stories, it fascinated me. we re on opposite sides of this issue when they came to the united states and i was actually angry that gerry adams came to the united states. and we sat there and talked. but there s peace in northern ireland now. it s extraordinary what s happened there. and i must say, when i heard this news, i was shocked that /b>
wbr-id= wbr52800 /> the government was going back to 19 1972, a time of war for a horrific act of murder where i don t think there was any pressing evidence that gerry adams had anything to do with that. it would be like trying to arrest in 1958 for attacks that went on before israel became a state. so set this explain this to me. what s going on there? isn t this going to upset the balance that s going on between protestants and catholics? it certainly can. and i ve known gerry adams for over 30 years. this man has taken enormous risks for peace. you can talk to tony blair, to bill clinton. tony blair says how much he came to admire and respect gerry
adams. he s the one person who kept his word throughout this entire process. and he brought about peace at tremendous risk to himself. now, he was saying there s no evidence against him. the only alleged evidence i m aware of is there s two people both of whom broke with adams because they were opposed to the peace process. and they were determined to get gerry adams. they made this on tape to boston college. they re both dead now. these are the hardliners who hated adams. they hated adams because he was forcing peace on the ira. exactly. that s what was so surprising to me. this is a guy who every day walks around with a target on his back because he dared to make peace in northern ireland. and he dared to move away from the violence of that conflict. a guy that walks around and is
literally risking his life for peace in ireland is a guy now being arrested by irish authorities. i don t get it. it makes no sense at all. he was a person that was shot in 1984, he was almost killed. now he s being targeted by the ira by elements of the ira who are opposed to the peace process with the british. so he has put himself at risk. i think what part of this is is it s going to win big in the elections coming up in two weeks. i think there are elements in the blish security apparatus who don t want to see adams achieve these victories and they have not gotten other what happened 40, 50 years ago when there was so much on all sides. just last week the british government said it would not
announce the massacre of 11 catholics in belfast was carried out by british paratrooper unit in the 70s. i agree, by the way. i think they should end the investigations and go forward. there are horrors on both sides. we are in a time of peace. it s so irony just last week a close friend of our family who is from northern ireland and very supportive of the catholic position was actually grumbling about that sinn fein and gerry adams went too far. i said who would you vote for if not him? he said i m going to vote for sinn fein because we have to move forward. then he s arrested takes us back to 1972. i just don t get pit. i want to turn now to benghazi. house speaker john boehner is forming a select committee to
focus on the issue. he says the white house misled the american people by withholding documents related directly to the attack. democrats are indicating they actually might boycott the whole thing. i do not know why at all any democrat would want to participate in this by boycotting it it just becomes a redundant and partisan republican exercise. it s only a matter of time before democrats raise the follow question. would there be a select committee if it didn t want to have the power to subpoena the former secretary of state hillary clinton for obviously reasons pertaining to presidential politics. congressman king, it s willie. you said the idea of a boycott is wrong. you said it would be arrogant. you say democrats feel they have something to hide. what questions do you have left about benghazi? what do you think comes out of this select committee? what s left to know? first let me just talk about
what george said there. to me the purpose of a select committee is to bring all of the elements together. right now there s too many separate parts involved and the whole picture can never be brought together. a lot of questions here. one, i have real questions. where was general petraeus during the entire time of the talking points? and as you look at the talking points and e-mails back and forth, clearly what happened here i believe is there was an ere ro for. the state department did not provide enough security. i understand these things. instead of owning up to that, they went to the phony story about the video causing this spontaneous demonstration. and from there you had elements from the white house like ben rhodes and people in the state department working to come up with a narrative so susan rice would go on television and tell a story. there s always politics. joe and i have been involved in
wbr id= wbr56400 /> a lot of political issues over the years, but i just feel when you re talking about four americans being murdered, the government, the president, the state department, the cia, the national security council have an obligation to tell the truth. and they have not done this to this time. i think it is hard to boycott something where four americans have died, you have an ambassador killed asked for more backup and support. even moving forward, how do we prevent this from happening in the future? i think it s going to be tougher for democrats. hard to do. though george s point about it being transparent as a matter of raw politics is true. to that point, one of the things that democrats and many others are concerned about is the notion this will be a transparently political exercise. and it will run on forever. so is there a way in which the select committee s duration could be limited so that you wouldn t be looking at the potential of an ongoing investigation that would go out all the way through the end of the 2016 campaign and /b>
wbr-id= wbr57000 /> conceivably 2017 if hillary clinton does happen to run. she may be president and being investigated over this. i support the select committee. i think there cab time frame put into it. this should not go on forever. from a political point of view, i think the worst thing republicans could be seen as is somehow encouraging a political fight over the fact that four americans were murdered. because it is so serious, we have an obligation to make it work, to make it work in an effective and efficient way. support the people on the committee making sure they function in a professional way and we not turn it into some kind of a show. it should be out of the way before the 2016 elections are in high gear. no doubt about it. all right, congressman peter king, thank you very much. good to have you on. good to have you on. thank you, joe. our own louis was in washington for the white house correspondents dinner.
he deserves arresting. his 72-hour odyssey is still ahead on morning joe. arresting would be too good for him. liverpool s manager is confident they ll finish on top of the epl despite manchester city. and later he s a self-described male model and author of my dad is fat. we still act excited when we see fruit. we re like, yea fruit. at least it s not vegetables. because no one wants vegetables. when you re at a party and they have a vegetable tray, aren t you almost surprised? you re like, wow, that s a waste of money. i d rather eat a candle. comedian jim gaffigan here in the 8:00 hour of morning joe.
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wbr id= wbr60000 /> well, good monday morning to you. let me give you your forecast to get you out the door. guthrie, oklahoma, this weekend. these brush fires started in a hurry. it started as a control burn. /b>
wbr-id= wbr60600 /> i don t know why they were doing a controlled burn when it was 100 degrees and very windy. you can see how out of control it was. everything is bone try in kansas, oklahoma, and texas. expect a lot more in the way of brush fires in the days ahead. also we had this cool video from new mexico. a lot of solar flares as of light. the northern lights were spectacular over new mexico. got to see that in person once. 102 in wichita, kansas. it was very hot there. we re still very warm in the southern half of the country. chicago we re dealing with showers for you. new england, though, showers from yesterday are gone. we re going to clear it out there. we re still hot in the plains again today. just really a great lakes that we re watching the weather. overall looks like a quiet start to our work weekend. all right. up next, is the u.s. failing to lead from benghazi to ukraine republicans are openly questioning the white house s actions. chairman of the foreign affairs
committee, republican congressman ed royce joins us next. and at the top of the hour, just how far are democrats willing to go on negotiating the minimum wage? senator joe manchin will join us with his solution in a bit. i m going to ask him if he s leaving washington any time soon so move back to west virginia. keep it right here on morning joe. okay, listen up! i m re-workin the menu.
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wbr-id= wbr63000 /> with us now we have the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, u.s. congressman from california. hello, ed. we had somebody on the set before say if only somebody like you were put in charge of the benghazi hearings, it would be less ideological and more
americans might pay attention to it. what do you think? i think what we need to do is get our hands on the documents that the white house has been withholding. i mean, that s probably what the american people want to see. so regardless of who chairs, the question is what type of cooperation are we going to see out of the white house. and waiting 20 months to finally release some of these documents and only after a request, that leaves everybody questioning. why is it important? democrats think this is overally ideological. why is it important to have a select committee? well, you had four americans die there. you had a political spin that went on for months and months at least through the election trying to assert that, you know, this was about a very different reality than the one on the ground. when it happened on the ground as you talked before, it was a terrorist attack. this is not what the administration wanted to spin to
wbr id= wbr64200 /> the public. so that s a political act. what s the theory beyond the question of how the talking points are put out by administrations all the time. it was a political campaign. there was a lot of uncertainty in the immediate aftermath about what happened. what s the theory of critics about what would be recevealed the worst case scenario? what s the dark part of what the failure was that happened? the conspiracy is the coverup itself, right? but if you want to call it a conspiracy. i don t know what else you what other conclusion you want to come to. you had a situation where you had people on the ground who needed to be defended. and you had a political act in the white house where they decided not to provide the assistance prior to the attack despite all the evidence and afterwards decided to say this wasn t because it wasn t an al qaeda attack at all. it wasn t a terrorist attack at /b>
wbr-id= wbr64800 /> all. it was spontaneous. we had multiple investigations of what happened in benghazi, right? media investigations, congressional investigations. and for the first time we get some insight into how they were trying to spin this as a political argument that get out there and emphasize, efmphasize this was not a failure of policy. yes, it was. it was a failure also to listen to your ambassador and other people on the ground who wanted the assets to help defend that compound. this is a real issue. at that point in time, what was our libyan policy? obviously ambassador stevens knew what he was getting into it. this was a country he had deep roots and ties to. but we all know from the coverage that got us to that point, the complete chaos that libya was. so if you re talking about a policy failure that led to some type of conspiracy, what is the
policy failure? the policy failure here is not listening to your assets on the ground. you heard the deputy chief admission, his testimony in the senate. you recall he relaid all the attempts to get things in place to defend. we now began to see that ran with the political spin that the administration was trying to sell at the time. that s one of the reasons, apparently, why they wouldn t allow the defense of the of the compound with the additional assets that might have protected those four americans. with hindsight being 20/20 in all of this, is the main reason this is flooked at now is becaue it s under hillary clinton who might be running in 2016. don t you think the main interest is it took 20 months to get to the bottom of this with a request that was made by an outside organization despite the fact that congress including my committee had requested these documents.
wbr id= wbr66000 /> if you wait 20 months to get a document, it s a question in terms of what the administration is up to in not coming clear with the oversight responsibilities that congress has here. all right, ed. thank you so much. and again, the most important thing both sides have to remember so much. again, the most important thing both sides have to remember, four americans dead. that s what we have to focus on and figure out how we make sure it never happens again. congressman ed royce, thank you very much. thank you, ed. coming up, liverpool hopes to win its first championship in three years. roger bennett skipping into the room. i have no idea what he s about to say because i can never understand him. where did you go, where did you go when the world called for speed. .when the world called for stealth. .intelligence. /b>
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goal! of course we re looking at, well, ronaldo, the man i love to hate. first of all, i was cheering
wildly for your everton, cupcakes and they let me down. liverpool, they were play, manchester city, they re title rivals. 11 minutes later, sergio skated through the everton back line as if he was patrick cane on ice skates. i cannot tell if he s a brilliant man with awful moments or an awful money with brilliant moments. manchester city ended up winning this 3-2. they have two games left in the season. if they win them both, it not looking good for liverpool. no, it s not. but anything can happen.
mourniho. just don t do that. that s the buckner slip. 16 seasons he s dreamed of winning it. he gave the speech, let s not let it slip lads and then i was just saying i thought at first this was the bill buckner moment for liverpool. it wasn t the bill buckner moment because he wasn t the heart and soul of the organization for 16 years. it would be as if ted williams dropped a fly ball for the last out in the world series and stopped the red sox from
wbr id= wbr70200 /> winning. stevie g, to fall it s proof that god exists. oh, my god, what is wrong with you all? nbc sports, lever pool plays crystal palace. your prediction? i think anybody but arsenal will win. roger, thank you very much. mika, you are lovely. thank you are having me on. did you understand what he said? not a single word. as soon as the cameras go off, she s hammering me for information on norwich city. she knows more than she let s on. i do, i do. /b>
wbr id= wbr70800 /> wbr id= wbr70800 /> and coming up, senator joe manchion and some of us have to settle down, i like to dip my pizza in ranch dressing. do you know how they make ranch dressing? butter milk and sadness. alright, that should just about do it. excuse me, what are you doing? uh, well we are fine tuning these small cells that improve coverage, capacity and quality of the network. it means you ll be able t post from the breakroom. great! did it hurt? when you fell from heaven (awkward laugh) .a little.. (laughs) im sorry, i have to go. at&t is building you a better network. /b>
wbr id= wbr71400 /> wbr id= wbr71400 /> there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours /b>
wbr id= wbr72000 /> wbr id= wbr72000 /> when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! this and this. whip up this. munch on that. and dine out on this. that s 7 days a week. no tracking. no counting. no measuring. and you ll start losing weight right away with our 2 week simple start plan. so jumpstart your summer and join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. i m on expert on softball. and tea parties. i ll have more awkward conversations than i m equipped for, because i m raising two girls on my own. i ll worry about the economy /b>
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reason good evening, mr. president, or as paul ryan refers to you, another minority that relies on the government to feed and house your family. no respect from his boss, no chance to get ahead. i really wish eric cantor would stop writing me. [ laughter ] you can just pick up the phone, eric. governor, do you want bridge jokes or size jokes? i can go both. i can go half and half. i know you like the combo joke. i m sorry, governor christie, i
didn t know i was going to tell it. whoever wrote it will be fired. so i will be a man and own up to it just as soon as i know how it happened. and if i find any wrong doing on my part, i assure you i will be dealt with. i just looked into it, it turns out i m not responsible for it. justice has been served. can we just celebrate these pictures, by the way? it is so beautiful outside. after six months of just absolute garbage. look at that view, beautiful sunrise over the mall. it just gorgeous. and senator from west virginia joining the table, joe manchin. and the birthday boy, visor to
president george bush, 5/5/55. 55, wow. no, i m 59 but i was born 5/5/55. we have chuck todd joining us as well. let s just talk a minute about chris christie. he actually he really looked good, he was in a good place, the jokes rolled right off of his back. we talked to him, we were going back and forth, we had a lively exchange i got right in his face. mark told this shot. we were debating book sells in new hampshire. he said i was selling a lot of books in new hampshire. i said i can sell more books in new hampshire than you. very good sense of humor. he seems to be in a good place,
mika. everyone talks about fat jokes and whether or not they re appropriate. i don t appreciate it because look at this picture. i ve lost weight, okay? i m not that fat. look at mika in that picture. look at how angry you look. you look scowling. well, it s a long story. there was a lot going on there. it s a party, mika. have fun! the first part of rehabilitation is the ability to laugh at yourself. that s a good point, though. i ll tell you something else he s doing. he is staying away, he s working in jersey, like we said he should. he s not going on national shows, he s keeping his head down. i thought for me a moment when i was just reading the new york times a couple weeks ago and there s this long story on bridgegate and whatever they call it. i get halfway through the story
wbr id= wbr75600 /> and i go vladimir putin is in russia right now. i don t want to keep obsessing about two lanes being closed back in november. and if i m thinking about that as an analyst, i m thinking a lot of americans are thinking, okay, fine, if he told the truth, let s move on. right, birthday boy? yeah, he s moving on. i think it s on to the next act. i don t know about that. i would say he looked physically terrific. we ll really happy for him about that. chuck todd, chris christie in terms of his appearance there and the whole story of chris christie being the butt of some jokes, what do you make of what happened over the weekend? that one joel mchale riff that you guys played, that was brilliant. that was just really well delivered. he hit the timing and it was pretty funny. but i agree with you. i saw governor christie. /b>
wbr-id= wbr76200 /> first of all, you can tell he s losing weight, he looks physically terrific. he s absolutely making progress. kudos to him. congratulations to the governor on that front. you re right, he looked like he was comfortable. he got a ton of incoming. you thought maybe that s three, four monies old, is that going to resonate. that one riff by mchale was hilarious. were like, my god, i think governor christie got picked on too much. i was sort of flinching. it oddly sort of helped him. apparently he took the jokes much better than our good friend donald. yes, he did. so joe manchion, let me ask you something, are you thinking
about leaving all of this stuff in washington, d.c., heading back home to west virginia? the only thing i have said is it not been a very productive time the last three and a half years. i said i want to contribute more. so i keep all options open. you can do something good every day, feeling like you ve made a difference in someone s life, waking up excited to go to work given. i want to feel that given. i m going to wait to 2014 to see what shakes out. i have a better platform in the senate to make a difference in the world, my country and my state. but if the leaders don t get together and it just going to be stalemate, i have to rethink it, too. i m not a spring chicken anymore. you look great. you are a spring chicken.
come on. it s just a very dysfunctional place and culturally an unpleasant place to. a lot of people say, man, this is not a fun place to work. how much worse is it than you expected it to be? i didn t know what to expect from this standpoint. i always thought it was the highest honor in our country s public service to be able to serve in the senate. i keep hearing people say, well, it used to be that way in the good old days, it used to be this way. well, i ve not been there when anything worked. where i come from from west virginia, you don t embarrass people and attack people every day and then expect to work with them. i m expected to basically sit down across the aisle and raise
money against them and what s most important? the country moving forward? the bess government is good politics. and minimum wage, i asked chuck schumer earlier, can we get a compromise, democrats over $10, republicans still fighting. do you think there as a compromise, maybe $8.50, $9, throw in keystone, both side, compromise? whatever helps workers? keystone will be by itself will keystone pass by itself? it should pass. it passed last year by 62 votes. why isn t it passing? ilt ridiculous. no one can give me a good explanation why. let s go behind closed doors. is this really all about donors on the far left pushing democratic senators from doing what they know? those are donors that i don t know very well.
that s good. so i can t spack from that side of the bench, okay. with that being said, it doesn t make any sense and i don t think it helps democrats, especially democrats in challenging areas so we ve got to move forward. 10.10 is great but if we can t get it, give me something. chuck todd did you want to check in. i want to ask you this, senator. you re not the first former governor who comes to the senate and says, oh, my god, what have i gotten myself into? there s a wheel caucus of you guys, about 10 or 12 of ex-governors serving as senators and you guys are the ones that sort of feel the dysfunction than others. because you were executives, you got to make aity signatures and see it implemented whereas here
you make a decision and see what government does with it. i understand that. why can t you guys get together and become a powerful caucus, lamar alexander, yourself, uch got mark warner. you guys are sort of are center left or center right in some ways. why aren t you banding to the and trying to become two pushbacks at harry reid and mitch mcconnell? we have formed a caucus and we are working together. some of those senators are not you for reelection. their state and their populous and basically where they have to be. the ten of us said, listen, we re going down this road together, swim or sink together, it would chang the whole country and change the world. i m hoping we can break out of
this. it s becoming more contentious. no matter what happens, this election is going to be tight. no one is going to have 60 votes. people in the middle are going to start leading because the bottom lien is we ve got to move forward on issues and the economy and the jobs so let s look at the landscape because new indicators are showing rough waters ahead in the mid terms. a pugh/ usa today poll said republicans have their biggest advantage in decades. numbers show voters shifting away from democrats over the last six months. the number of democrats voting in the mid terms in support of the president s record has fallen 16 points since the 2010 elections. the number of republicans voting against his agenda have increased. still the president s approval is 39 points higher than
president bsh s rating. 65% are saying it s time for different policies under president obama. here s the usa today poll, they talk about how democrats in many ways are in worse shape than they were in between. but you know what? i remember 1994 and how it felt that year. i remember 2006 when democrats swept. you sure remember what it felt like that year. i remember what it felt like in 2010. all three of those years, i felt it coming. i ll be honest with you, i don t feel that. when i go out there, i don t feel i don t feel what i felt those three years. i remember telling republican friends in the beginning of 2006, don t run. brother, you re going to get killed. don t run. they ran, they got killed. i don t feel that doesn t man republicans aren t going to win. i m just saying at this point in the election process, it doesn t feel like 2010.
wbr id= wbr81000 /> there s a little uptick in the economy if it continues. listen, i got to get more than three words out of mark mckinnon. i know it his birs day. maybe he s already prepared for it and that s why he doesn t want to talk on the air. how do you feel about republicans this year? is it going to be a big year or not? i don t think it going to be a tsunami but i think the republicans will keep the house and have control of the senate. i think they ll have control of boat john mccain jis. just very quickly, i think the reason you dent feel that way is when we normally have these wave years, the party that catches the wave has been out of power. /b>
wbr id= wbr81600 /> wbr id= wbr81600 /> the question is are voters so enamored with the party so-called out of power but are republicans fully seen as out of power or do they share some of the blame for the discussion in washington. i also remember 1998 when we were so so sure we were going to have a repeat of 94 and there would be an impeachment and it blew up in their face. what do you think? i simply look at the quality of the candidates we have. weep have the candidates in the most contentious races in the moderate, middle range. these are problem solvers able to work with us. when you look at kay haguen and mary landrieu, i think they ll success and they ll win. /b>
wbr-id= wbr82200 /> it will be close but these are the time of people need to keep in the senate. they re quality people that can work with both sides. they re not to the far left, for right. quick un-for-hypothetical. if you were running for election this year, one, would you ask the president to come campaign for you in west virginia no. and, two, would you run away from obamacare or would you embrace it in part or embrace it in whole? you can t go back to having the most expensive health care in the world and being 34th in the world in terms of longevity. i wouldn t have voted for what we had today. but what the problem and the
market as got to match up. if the product doesn t fit the market, the market will change the product. we basically have to get toward wellness. i to ask this following kwe following up. after newtown, when you go back, comfortably, if i ran into a republican primary anywhere in america, i would comfortably go and campaign on background chests for criminal will you comfortably take the position that ronald reagan took? i go back every day and talk common sense. and your nra friends understand it. you tell me you want to sell your gun that you have done know, sell your goon to someone you ve never met on the internet but on the other hand i m a law abiding gun owner, i m not going to send it to a stranger or
wbr id= wbr83400 /> convicted felon or somebody who is not mentally stable or give it to a family member who is not worthy of it. if that s the case, don t you expect me to do the right thing on the internet? common sense is common sense. yes, it is. and your friends in west virginia i love joe. he s reasoning for governor, did you hear? happy birthday! mckinnon s been hanging out in colorado a lot. up know what that means. yeah, but he didn t need a law. coming up, wes moore joins us about his project on veterans and jim gaffigan will be here on set. be right back. weekdays are for rising to the challenge. /b>
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wbr id= wbr85200 /> wbr id= wbr85200 /> /b>
wbr-id= wbr85800 /> all right. joining us now. from richmond s member of the armed services committee, senator t senator, you are ready for hillary. i am ready for hillary. what s her message? her message is she has the best experience both domestically and internationally. she has got the accumulated backbone, wisdom, judgment, scar
tissue to be the best president of the united states beginning in 2017. okay. he made the time limit. okay. you made some really good points about her, which i would agree with in many ways. but that s not the message. what s the message? i think best qualified is the message. best qualified is the message. this is something i thought a lot about. of everybody out there who could run, who is thinking about running for president, she is the best person to be the 45th president. a and also the relationship she has with leaders. but it s going to be hard. 2016 is facing off against the super pac sludge factory.
wbr id= wbr87000 /> if it was easy for a woman to be president, there would have been a woman president. if she s the right person and if it s going to be hard, the best thing i can do is get out early and start pushing. that s why i did it. not that there s anything wrong with it. another part of it is that she can win. my sense is i don t know national politics as well as i know virginia politics, but virginia is an important bellwether state. i feel confident if she runs she will win virginia s electoral votes and i think that means she has a great chance of being successful. obviously senator clinton looks incredibly strong right now for the democratic primaries and also the general election potentially for 2016 but nobody gets a free ride. absolutely. who do you think in the /b>
wbr id= wbr87600 /> wbr id= wbr87600 /> democratic field is likely to step up and run besides senator clinton? i ve heard a lot of folks thinking of running, the vice president, governor o malley, schweitzer and others. some of it may depend on whether secretary clinton runs or not. there will be competition. we re democrats. that s the way we do things. i don t have inside intel about her decision-making process. i would suspect she wouldn t decide until later in the year. there s a lot of names out there. no one has asked me for my support, even secretary clinton hasn t asked me for support. but in thinking about who might run, i think she would be our best president, our best candidate and i want to encourage others to do what i ve done and get on board. this is robert thomas. you re trying to draft hillary into the race. /b>
wbr id= wbr88200 /> wbr id= wbr88200 /> so hillary is not ready for hillary, though you are. and i say republicans are ready because they want to continue talking about benghazi. as this continues to play out, this will be what happened in benghazi as long as republicans and reporters are interested in digging. hey, tom, ahomas, i think wet to be talking about bends but i think we ought to be talking about how to make sure it never happens given. coincidentally, later today i m going to a former army base in virginia, fort pickett. i ve worked with the state department to help them make plans for an embassy training facility there. we ought to be talking about how to reduce the chances of violence at our embassies around the world and how to make sure /b>
wbr id= wbr88800 /> wbr id= wbr88800 /> our people are safe. the congress is focused a little more on the blame game and that s not the issue here. senator kaine, come join us on set sometime. thank you. coming up, wes moore. and then expert food consumer jim gaffigan joins us with more of oh, that s not good. don t do that. don t do that. it s my book but that is so bad what you re eating. we ll be right back with more identify morning joe. everybody needs a place to rest, everybody wants to have a home fame, makes a man take things over /b>
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wbr id= wbr90600 /> serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. your ticket to a better night s sleep /b>
wbr id= wbr91200 /> wbr id= wbr91200 /> /b>
wbr id= wbr91800 /> wbr id= wbr91800 /> want to get to the documentary and the issues challenging our vets. but first let s get to afghanistan. i don t think we ought to have tripled the number of troops in afghanistan, i think americans should have started to come home in 2009. but you re concerned about what s happening with the cia also, reports they re pulling back. you think they need to keep their footprint in afghanistan? this is trying to show a light on the reality that the vast majority of americans in afghanistan fligright now are n civilians. they re military, they re contractors. over the next years, we re going to have presidential elections /b>
wbr-id= wbr92400 /> where we re concerned about who is going take control of the country, the largest population growth within afghanistan and massive amounts of troops and u.s. contractors are leaving. isn t it time for americans to come home after 12, 13 years of war? absolutely. i ve been in complete agreement on the fact that no one expected the wars to be this long, this expensive and this damaging. the question becomes what exactly do we hope and what do we expect from afghan going forward? whether or not that s a kinetic question or a political question. what are the longer term prospects from afghanistan five years, ten years out and what are the biggest challenges? the prospect unfortunately are not very good. the question is are they any better now than five years ago, then ten year ago.
we could put a million troops on the ground in afghanistan. the question of afghanistan is never going to be a military solution, it s a political solution. let s talk about the military solution, what we re doing as a country for our returning vets and what we re not doing for our returning vets. coming back with wes moore, as you know, we re losing 20 vets a day to suicide. what are you revealing to all of us? with coming back, i wanted to show a sense of humanity of what we re talking about. these have been the nation s longest wars in the history of our country. the fact is the vast majority of americans have had zero connection to them. we wanted to add a as soon as of hu sense of humanity.
we have vets coming back with significant challenges that we are now responsible for because these are veterans who when were asked, stepped up. we have extraordinary men and women coming back with great skill sets we have to utilize better. there s a scandal going on in va centers, are things getting better there in terms of dealing with back log, all the medical issues and all the stuff that department s been so criticized for. are we seeing progress? the truth is we re seeing progress but it s still not fast enough. when we have situations where you have veterans who are waiting 36 months in order to so a doctor, we know we still got work to do.
the truth is, when our nation needed our veterans, we didn t ask our nation to wait. we stepped up instantaneously. so why when they come home are we asking them to wait. of lot of this comes down to the duration of the wars. i ve been meeting with families and v.a.s all over the country. last week there were about 250 vets in a room. i said how many of you would have expected if i asked you 12, 13 years ago we d still be in afghanistan? three people raised their hands. we also want more communication. a lot of veterans are waiting for feedback. we want to know what happens and
what s going to do so this does not happen giveagain. the phoenix story is horrific. for that to be the back story, it s shameful. wes moore, it premieres next tuesday at 8:00 p.m. coming back with wes moore. recently they introduced a breakfast hot pocket, finally! i can t think of a better way to start the day. good morning! you re about to call in sick. hot pocket. jim gaffigan is here on set with food. just like mika, he s obsessed. well, he s studying the hot
pocket. storm clouds are raging all around my door hey there can i help you? (whispering) sorry. (whispering) hi, uh we need a new family plan. (whispering) how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text. (whispering) oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. (whispering) yeah really good (whispering) yeah and for a family of 4 it s a $160 a month. what! get outta here! (whispering) i m sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? (whispering) o! sorry! yes yes! (whispering) we ll take it.
how much money do you think you ll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i m going to have to rethink this thing. it s hard to imagine how much we ll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement.
if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. what if it were more than something to share? what if a photo could build that shelf you ve always wanted? or fix a leaky faucet? or even give you your saturday back? the new snapfix app revolutionizes local service. just snap a photo and angie s list coordinates a top-rated provider to do the work on your schedule.
wbr id= wbr97200 /> the app makes it easy. the power of angie s list makes it work. download snapfix for free. recently i saw an apple. and for a moment, just a moment, i didn t recognize. i m like what is that? oh, that s an apple! so used to seeing it in a pie. is peeling an orange even worth it? there s not even chocolate in this. some people use gathering apples as an activity. why don t we go apple picking? because i d rather die. i disagree. apple picking is fun. /b>
wbr id= wbr97800 /> wbr id= wbr97800 /> that was a clip from the comedy special of jim gaffigan. a year ago mika put out a book that s literally changed the way comes out in paperback tomorrow. she poured her heart out and talked about her struggles with food, jim gaffigan, come on, call the freaking lawyers! it s amazing. we re both blond, both our fathers were part of the carter administration. he s just making it up right now. polish. no, what is that about? i m like the anti-mika. you play those clips and i m like this is just embarrassing. and then the hot pocket thing. what is the hot pocket? where s barnicle? that s a good question. he s reading mika s book in a bar right now, eat being fruits and vegetables. i do the audio version of /b>
wbr-id= wbr98400 /> mika s book. oh, do you? what an awful thought. tell us about this. the food obsession continues. my sons and i have been following your hot pocket obsession for decades now. i deal with hard hitting issues with food. everything you want to do, i kind of explore answered just can t stop because it either that or feel my feelings, right? let me talk about the hot pocket, if i could. have you had the pizza in a pocket? because it s good. they had these out and i was tempted to bite into one but i don t want to have to run off in the middle of a segment. hot pockets is in the news more often than lindsey lohan. don t, mika, don t! you ll have to write another
book. i could eat this entire plate of hot pockets. doesn t do it! num, num, num. this is from the recall batch, right? breaking news. they discovered some of the meat was bad in hot pockets. they have meat in hot pockets? and people that eat hot pockets already knew. michelle obama is rolling offve in her bed right now. how dare you are eat that? i could eat ten of those. what else do you talk about? i talk about weddings being absurd. why are weddings absurd? because they re ridiculous. i agree. but tell us why. it s prehistoric, medieval ceremony where daughters were exchanged as property yet over
the course of centuries, it got worse. it s out of control what we do at weddings. joe, i didn t know we were going to talk about that. i haven t laughed once here. you re freaking out at this sight here. you re seeing a transformation here. it s a food coma. there s something that happens when you take a bite into a hot pocket, something that s so processed and so bad for you that you feel good. there s sugar in here, you know that? a lot. mika, i think you d be better off if you were wearing a pair of gloves when you ate that. it brings you back to bad things. jim, you have a new pilot coming out, hopefully? please take it away. it features you living in an apartment with five kids, two bedrooms, the wife, the kids. we had a two bedroom and we finally moved. we re now in a one bedroom.
wbr id= wbr100200 /> career s going well, huh? so the pilot is i mean, it s a long shot but it s about my life being the father of five kids. it s an early standout. early standout. look at that family. somewhere in iowa, they created the hamburger called the gaffigan undead burger? yes. it s a zombie burger in demoan. your wife is adorable. how did you get her? brainwashing. maybe it was one of those traditional weddings you talk about. the burger, there s five patties, one for each of my children. there s jalapenos because i m a spicy latina and cheddar because /b>
wbr-id= wbr100800 /> i m a hot latina. thank you for stealing the title of my book. i love it. we should go on tour. jim gaffigan obsessed. your children are adorable, your wife is beautiful. on the loose in washington. it just not right. i m not sure about this but we ll have his report from the white house correspondents dinner coming up next. wondering what that is? that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just everything at the hardware store. not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me everything. one more time, everything!
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he said i was supposed to get up here and make the press laugh. there s nothing i like better than a challenge. what began as an intimate affair between the president and press has evolved into a big weekend. technology is playing a role in all of government and society. we just came from a party where we saw the cast of veep and the cast of house of cards
wbr id= wbr103800 /> all interacting with each other and it kind of blew my mind. if i could make a law, it would be that there is always a working budget. it is nerd problems. i am a nerd. there s nothing about my prom that was strong, man. organization, it s been a while. so the party s all weekend long at the white house correspondent dinner. but the brunch is the one you just don t want to miss. because jeffrey tambore is here. hi, joe! the best thing is that you always use this weekend to do something positive. today we re talking about dog tag bakery. it s a new bakery in georgetown. we re going to take disabled veterans and spouses and teach them how to bake and georgetown university continuing education program is going to teach them /b>
wbr id= wbr104400 /> wbr id= wbr104400 /> how to be entrepreneurs. tammy s right, it is a great cause. you re trying to change veterans lives and their spouses so they can become contributing members to society. i wore the same dress as the girl who stole my boyfriend. my prom, i didn t get any. if you could change one law, what would be it? i would abolish the death penalty. you might as well throw in legalize pot. i would make sure no setting member of congress would never be able to go out and campaign against another sitting member. free ice cream every day! the eagle has landed. /b>
wbr-id= wbr105000 /> let s go eat. it s a century-old tradition and one thing hasn t changed. it s all about who gets the last laugh. my favorite bit of yours was when you said you d close the detention center at guantanamo bay? that was a good one. these days they give john boehner a harder time than they give me. that means the orange is the new black. and gridlock has gotten so bad, you have to wonder, what did we do to piss chris christie off? what s the strongest moment from your prom that you can remember? i didn t go to my prom.
wbr id= wbr105600 /> i stayed home and watched 60 minutes with my dad. i went to the prom, i had a girl, she said yes, i showed up, i killed it. there s nothing else to remember. i m definitely not a nerd. she is. i m a nerd actually, yeah. if there s one takeaway from the weekend, play like a champion. well, clayton, it s been one hell of a ride. we re not going to get our deposit back. was that clayton? i think that was dayton. look at louis. is that real tequila? it is. ready? oh, that s awful. okay, it s time for chuck. everybody that goes to the white house correspondent dinner, most people actually /b>
wbr id= wbr106200 /> wbr id= wbr106200 /> never went to their prom so it really is like nerd prom. what do you get? that louis is the most charming idiot i know. happy birthday, man! thank you. 5/5/55. i want to salute great veterans. thank you. thomas? it s learned it s mark s birthday and louis smells like a gutter in tijuana. all right. chuck todd is next! second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! /b>
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