edition of andrea mitchell reports, the day after the state of the union, the president on the road. follow the show online on facebook and twitter. chris jansing reports starts right after this. twitter chris jansing reports starts right after this heartburn all day and all night. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, getrefunds.com can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to getrefunds.com to learn more. [ cat purrs ] with its forms and s[ phone vibrates ]ion. introducing astepro allergy. steroid-free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. now with astepro fast allergy relief, [ spray, spray ] you can as
china needs the relationship more than we do. the economy is in a tailspin. the covid policies have backfired. their economic growth is 3%, which is a recession for them. they need to integrate with the west. they are reaching out to europe. they are reaching out to secretary blinken. it s good for us to keep them on ice for a bit. does this mean when you look at this global reach, they were targeting so many countries around the world, that this balloon might not just be the benign it s not a satellite. it s just a balloon. well, some of the balloons may be equipped with sophisticated technology. it s fair to assume they have a capability that will give them surveillance over sensitive sites. they have decided it s cheaper to do it through these airships than through the satellite technology. jeremy bash, thanks so much. thanks. all over this. on the road again, the president is about to arrive in
constitutional crisis if they did step night. it is an interesting reminder that liz truss was pointed by a king and resign to a king and third prime minister in the space of a couple months. there is a desperate need for stability here and even if in a sense it is an extraordinarily big if the conservative party manages to find a unity candidate in the short term. this is a party that will continue to tear itself apart. it s been in power since 2010. it changed presume ministers so many times. it s massive issues that torn it apart from brexit to lockdown. it very hard to see long term stability with the current state of play and that might require general election and more formal change of government. and yet that, definitely won t arrive in a short term. willford, ed, mr. ambassador, we thank you for your time and expertise. coming up on the road again, president biden heading to pennsylvania to campaign for the