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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20141120 23:00:00

10% are undocumented people who are here in the country. they are patriotic people. they deserve to be here. great contribution. that s it. special report is next. i think. i hope. lots of tweets coming. going to the people about going it alone. president obama prepares to explain to the nation why he is side-stepping congress on immigration reform. this is special report. good evening. bret baier is on assignment. we will hear from him shortly. first, we are two hours away from president obama s upcoming use on executive authority. to legalize illegal immigrants. we have fox team coverage at the capital looking at one of the key arguments democrats are making for the president s bold move. john rockets in boca raton with
arguments against it by some of the people who would like to replace the president in two years. but we begin with chief white house correspondent ed henry and a look at what president obama is expected to say tonight. good evening, ed. good evening, doug. the president will not sign any actual executive orders. instead they will instruct officials to take various actions. republicans say no matter what he calls it it s a power grab and they will stop it. pushing boundaries. president obama made a final decision to move forward with unilateral action this week after returning from asia. his speech writers put the final touches on tonight s primetime address, the president tried to wrap himself in the american flag. we want them to start businesses right here in the united states. that s what i ll be talking a little bit about tonight. keeping america proud and america strong. republican ted cruz quoted the roman philosopher cicero, to
charge, there s nothing american about this. we it alone, i say it openly, we, the senate, are waiting in our duty to stop this lawless administration and its unconstitutional amnesty. white house. adrian:s are already talking republicans, saying the the president cannot be stopped because u.s. citizenship and immigration services are funded with fees paid by applicants, not dollars appropriated by congress. of though republicans are vowing a way to cut off funds anyway. the resolve within our conference i believe both in the house and the new senate that will come into power is to stop this illegal action from taking place. what they are trying to stop are executive actions focused on protecting roughly 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation, including the parents of u.s. citizens and
green card holders, if those parents had been in america at least five years and expanding a 2012 deferred action program for kids that will allow more young people known as dreamers to stay in america, giving democrats a chance to cast it as humanitarian. we can t sit idly by while homes are broken up all across this nation. the the second act will be border security. gops attacks pointing out he has been weak in that area. and shipping resources for border patrol agents and i.c.e. personnel, tracking down illegal immigrants with felonies, gang members or tied to terror. democrats say that s a move to the gop and they should finish the job with legislation. republicans shouldn t get mad. they should get even. they should know by the president s executive order by passing our bill and passing it now. at a dinner honoring jack
kemp, republican paul ryan said those demands ran hole le since the president failed to act. he had full control of congress, super majorities in 2009 and 2010. did he lift a finger at that time? no, he didn t. he said i am as frustrated as anyone that congress is not doing its jobs. but the president shouldn t make such significant policy changes on his own. ed henry prepared for a potentially long night on the north lawn. the republican governors conference provided john rockets with one stop shopping. an added bonus, many of those talking may want to be president in just a home of years. here s john s report. i have no obligation to do the president s job. reporter: the immigration order might come from washington but the states will be left holding the bag. at a republican governors
meeting in florida are incensed about it. i think the president is being i responsible. and i know those are strong words. the fact is, i think the the president is being irresponsible. governor rick perrey, state of texas, took a wave of illegal migration last year. tens of thousands of families flooded the state forcing the govern o or to deploy precious law enforcement resources to the border. he fears the president s action will launch another wave. there will be another deluge with this announcement of amnesty is coming so hurry up and be a part of that. other governors, bobby jindal saying republicans should leave a government shutdown on the table. when he doesn t get the way, he violates the law, the constitution. granting defacto agency should give in-state tuition, driver s license, and more to
millions of illegal immigrants. they said the cost could be enormous. we re paying more in that area, that means less for schools, higher education, less money for the things we find to be important because of this move. walker believes the president is doing this to distract what they are doing. governor john kasich believes republicans may have to meet him halfway. i ve said it all along. i hope the republicans appealed to him to slow down. but what they have to say to him is we want to get something done on this issue as well. there could be an even bigger picture to the president s move. if he can split the factions in the republican party and stall reform, he could bring more latinos into the fold, giving democrats a better shot to take back the senate and win the white house in 2016.
doug? thank you, john. the president s people are not unprepared for charges that he is exceeding his executive authority. mike emmanuel looks at the central argument that this has all been done before by republicans. look to ronald reagan, your hero. look what he did to keep families united. numerous times in recent weeks democrats have compared what president obama is doing with immigration to former presidents reagan and bush 41. a leading senate democrat took it a a step further. republicans who are criticizing for this executive action ignore the fact that 11 previous presidents have done exactly the same thing. using their executive authority to trace the issues of immigration. yet some experts note mr. owe bam a ma is going against the will of congress which rejected the dream act several times, while reagan and bush made administrative actions.
there is no difference between what president obama is doing and what president reagan and president did. president reagan acted unilaterally to allow minor children of those receiving amnesty to receive protection from deportation. in 1990, president bush deportation of spouses and children legalized by the 1986 law. here we have a president who has no law, who says he doesn t care whether congress passes the law. so in the case of presidents reagan and bush, they were actually building upon a law that congress had passed. there is also a difference in numbers. some describe as a nominal addition to the 2.7 authorized by legislation. bush 41 s action affected up to 1.5 million. while mr. obama is expected to be more than 5 million people. it is analogous to mention reagan and bush. they did do executive orders on
behalf of the illegal immigration problem. after bush took action, congress pafld a 1990 immigration act to make a family unit permanent. it is not clear if a new congress will be able to follow mr. obama s lead. thank you. health and human services sylvia burwell said numbers are unacceptable. she tweeted that out after republicans discovered 400,000 individuals who signed up for medical and dental coverage through obama care exchanges were counted twice. that lowers the total announced from the 7.1 million to 6.7 million. stocks are up today. the dow gained 33. s&p 500 finished ahead four. nasdaq up 26. how china could literally turn out the lights on your family. first, here s what some of our fax affiliates are covering.
in tallahassee, florida, a campus on fsu. a gunman wounded three before he was killed by police. he went to law school in texas and he believed the government was after him. fox 31 in denver. a voluntary recall of 5 million strollers by graco. they have external sliding fold lock hinges that can pinch or cut off a child s finger. get more information from the consumer product safety commission website. this is a live look from fox 2. the big story, the wait continues for a grand jury decision on critical charges against a white police officer who fatalitily shot an unarmed african-american man in ferguson last august. the governor has already declared a state of emergency and put the national guard on alert. that s tonight s live look
outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. i have a co.
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hrrpling news from the new man at the nsa. he said china a few other countries could mount cyber attacks to cut off your lights and cut your power. it was a stark and blunt assessment from the new director of the nsa, mike rogers, publicly confirmed what has been widely discuss privately by the intelligence community. a handful of nations, including china, have the the capacity to shut down the u.s. power grid with a cyber attack. there shouldn t be any doubt in our minds there are nations, states and groups that have the capability to do that. to enter those industrial control items and shut down and stall our ability to operate our basic infrastructure. cyber intrusions and
espionage are a special unit of the peoples liberation army housed in a 12-story building in suburb answer shanghai. nsa director rogers said he supports attacking emergency response systems off-limits. and he warned a cat traffic event is all but assured in the next decade and the u.s. must go on the offensive. being on the defensive is a totally losing strategy to me. it will cost a significant amount of money. it leads to a much decreased emissions success. it is not a good outcome for us in the long run. a bill to end the controversial collection of american phone records stalled in the senate. he said the pluck collection continues but the nsa needs a court ordery to query the
database. five detainees were transferred from guantanamo bay, to georgia and slovakia. these detainees were described today as being low risk. but as fox reported earlier this week, a low risk detainee released in 2005 is now the main recruiter for isis in pakistan, doug. we ll see what becomes of them. catherine, thank you you re welcome. secretary of state john kerry is holding out hope for a last minute deal with iran over its nuclear program. they are trying to beat a self imposed program. iran wants an end to crippling economic sanctions. . israel is moving ahead with plans to demolish the homes of the palestinians who killed four people at a synagogue on tuesday. demolition notices were given to families just today. israeli leaders are reviving what had become a rarely used punishment in the wake of some
of the worst attacks in jerusalem in years. really easy ways to get an obama phone illegally. first, could one of the things in your car meant to protect you end up killing you? 6 you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then. wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. depreciation they aim. how can my car depreciate before it s first oil change? you ask. maybe the better question is, why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement, we ll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. get fast-acting, long-lasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. is the only product for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®.
. we are one week away from thanksgiving now. and almost 50 million of you plan to travel at least 50 miles from home. aaa says that would be the highest number of travelers since 27. 90% will be driving. and the price of gas is 43 cents a gallon cheaper this year than it was last. just how safe that drive will be is the subject of intense debate tonight. that s because one of your car s
features meant to save lives could end up taking yours. our report contains some images you may find disturbing. the dealership never told me reporter: from the pictures it looks like air force lieutenant stephanie might have been in an ied attack. it imbedded in my right sinus. i will never be the same. it was just a car accident. her passenger walked away a. it wasn t the crash that nearly killed her but the air bag. it explodes with such force that this metal shreds. reporter: today in the hot seat over exploding air bags and the alleged cover up by takata after receiving a cheaper and less stable explosive. they won t save you from serious injury in three of the country s
top mini advance. the structure collapsed like a house of cards. this moved two feet toward the driver, trapping its left leg. the insurance institute for highway safety ran a couple of popular miles into a piling for a test. the cars going 40 miles per hour to simulate the real life simulation of a car if someone drifted over the center line. the caravan, town and country and quest received poor rates. only the honda odyssey received good. now for the why these ratings are so low. most are built on charleston chassises but are wider and heavier than the cars they are designed for, creating a very bad physics experiment. doug? thank you, liam. now earlier than usual fresh pickings from the political grapevine. new allegations of misconduct
involving the so-called obama phone program. tax-payer funded cell phones are supposed to be available to low income americans. a tv news producer in los angeles found getting a free phone is really easy even if you do not qualify. many contractors task with enrollment to the life line program earn a commission for new sign ups. various workers suggested the producer have someone qualified order for her or use someone else s i.d. or use a fraudulent social security number. one of the vendors said it audits sign-ups and the employees caught on tape have been fired. you the tax payer now paid a group of worksers at the epa more than a million dollars to stay home and not work. an inspector general found eight employees were on paid ranging from four months to four and a half years, tallying up 20,000 hours of pay.
acceptable reasons for leave include attending funerals, voting, inclement weather, donating blood and disciplinary actions. there are no parameters on how long is too long to be on paid leave. and finally mattel is apologizing for a book that depicts barbie as a helpless girl, clueless when it comes to computer. i could be a computer engineer tells the story of barbie. but to make the game work she has to call in the boys. i m only creating design ideas. i need steven and brian s help to turn it into a real game. barbie then proceeds to download a virus onto her computer, which she spreads to her sister s laptop. that s when the boys swoop in to save the day and fix the computer. reviews of this book are not kind to say the least. mattel is saying going forward its books will portray an empowered barbie.
it is never too early to talk about the 2016 presidential race. one of the people who may take a run at the top prize. that s on the other side of the break. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m m. ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell s healthy request. m m! m m! good.®
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pence who took his name out of the governors. he wants to serve the people of innen. but he may have other motivations. i love cutting ribbons in the state of indiana. and we do a lot of it. for the governor, the number of ribbon cuttings is in his mind a solid measure of indiana s success. one, two, three. and lately he s been doing plenty of them across his state. on this day, a brand-new career and technical education academy for high school students. and then a visit to a local manufacturing small business. what a cool place. in recent months, indiana has led the nation in manufacturing growth. its unemployment rate is now just below the national average. you have a powerful story to tell in indiana already. the economy is kind of booming here. indiana is a state that works. because we have been putting
common sense into practice in our state over much of the last 10 years. i don t think our state budget should ever grow faster than the family budgets in the state of indiana. so we held the line on spending in our first budget to the average rate of inflation the last 10 years. on education and the national standards known as common core that have been under attack, especially in conservative circles. i m proud of the fact that indiana was the first state to legally withdraw from the national standards of common core. now we are the only state to have gone through the process of writing our own standards. now critics who say it is really kind of like common core but you say it is separate. i believe education is a state and local function. he represented indiana as a congressman for a decade serving as chairman of the house republican conference. and on the house foreign relations committee. an assignment that took him around the world. and to iraq and afghanistan
multiple times. what is your sense about the administration s foreign policy overall, and specific areas where you think republicans have a chance to differentiate. when you see the erosion of america s credibility on the world stage, the american people know we have to change course overseas. we ve got to provide the kind of leadership that will once again make it clear that america will stand by our allies. and we will confront our enemies. i think it would be wise for whoever our nominee would be to make it clear that the american people before the election that their national security and foreign policy team would be. it was a health care issue, not foreign policy, that he confronted president obama with, right on the tarmac when he visited indiana early october. specifically expanding and
extending the state s healthy indiana plan. you button holed the president when he was e coming down air force one on the tarmac. it was a good five, seven minutes. i think obama care needs to be repealed, lock, stock and barrel. one of the first actions i took was saying indiana would not set up a state-based exchange. we have a healthy indiana plan. it requires people eligible for medicaid in indiana to make a monthly contribution to their own health savings account. it is built on a foundation of personal responsibility. when you hear somebody saying this is indiana s bow bama care. we ruled out traditional medicaid. sit a deeply flawed system that ill serves people that are enrolled in it. pence is pro life and in favor of traditional marriage. as the american public seems
to shift, should a nominee shift? i will always believe marriage is between one man and one woman. i respect the law. i respect the role of the courts and our form of government. in 2010, pence was the top choice for president in a straw poll conducted by the value voter sum, edging out former governors mike huckabee and mitt romney. i m a christian, conservative, and republican, in that order. just weeks later, though, he told us he wasn t rung. are you considering a run? i have no plans to run for president in 2012. but this time around, will he or won t he questions are surfacing again. can he raise money? he doesn t quite have a national profile yet. can he develop that? i think he has potential. pence would have a lot of
support among the people who vote in republican primaries and caucuses. he would have trouble in one respect. he has been out of the washington scene for quite some time. the biggest pro for mike pence is being governor. this is a great year to be a governor when washington looks as dysfunctional as ever. here s what we come back with. is a guy who is very successful, has foreign policy experience, capitol hill experience, now executive experience. but does he have the sizzle to be able to run for president? when you hear that, do you hear it? do you have the thing that is the selling point for running for president? when people mention me for the highest office of the land, i m deeply humbled by that. i think the service i can offer is continue to be governor of a
state that works. later we walk around pinelake to find out what makes mike pence mike pence. you group up here in columbus, indiana. i did. born and raised. and where did you meet your wife? i met my wife at a church in indianapolis. she s the light of my life. it will be 30 years next year. in his spare time, pence focuses on family. horseback rides. he calls himself an unapologetic colts fan. karen describes her husband as a strong optimistic leader with a great ability to listen. how are you? while he is a deliberate decision maker they never expected they would be where they are today, never mind on a list of white house hopefuls. when he was in congress, they would say where do you see yourself in 10 years? he would say, home for dinner. as for down the road? who knows in the future.
what is your biggest vulnerability. i m a content man. one time my brothers teased me because i didn t shine my shoes. he said you re not going to go anywhere in those shoes. i said i like it here. that contentment and focus on indiana is where i will remain. we ll let my future take care of itself. that was bret baier in the 2016 series. meanwhile, former virginia senator jim webb launched an exploratory committee to consider a run at the democratic presidential nomination. hillary clinton has considered can the front-runner among the unannounced democratic field, of course. . breaking news for football fans out there in the wake of this week s historic snowstorm in western new york. a source close to the nfl tells us that sunday s scheduled game at buffalo will be shifted monday to either detroit or toronto.
buffalo s ralph wilson stadium is buried under five and a half feet of snow and more snow is on the way. the bills have had to cancel practices the past two days. president obama prepares to explain himself on immigration reform. we ll preview the speech with our panel when we come right back.
test test. test test. test test.
an alert now. we have been handed excerpts of the president s speech. let s get right to them. first, this is going to the character of the humanitarian component of the president s executive action. that s the real amnesty leaving this the way it is. mass amnesty would be unfair. mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. i am describing a common sense middle ground approach. you could come out of the shadows and get right with the law. if you re a criminal, you ll be
deported. if you plan to enter the u.s. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up. let s look at a few bullet points with the president s executive action. it provides amnesty for up to 3.7 million parents. 1.5 million under revised law for a total of 5.2 million. those figures, by the way, from the migration policy institute. it would focus on deporting fell ones not families. it would streamline immigration court proceedings and provide criminal background checks and a tax base from those who are now illegal. judge andrew thnapolitano. well, if ever there was a honeymoon on which i will it has officially ended. charles, let s start with you. well, they don t do much right now.
because it is the senate remains in the hands of the democrat. i think the republican leadership is going to try to do is make sure the republicans in the congress don t lose their heads. this is an occupant attempt to distract the republicans to enrage them, and to put them into something that will undo the victory they had on election day. this is a way to make the president relevant and make them central. after all, what have we been talking about the last week or so? not the election, not a republican agenda. but this. and it seems to me what the republicans have to do is wait until they get control of the congress to deal with this but not to allow this to override the one imperative. when they get control next year, to have an agenda to pass items that are very important to ordinary americans like tax
reform, energy, enlargement, et cetera and not allow this to be a distraction. they cannot reverse this more than they did with obama care and the first shutdown. i have to say even though i sound awful i think i am still of sound mind. it gets to the heart of this under the spending bill and the potential for a government shutdown. right. they have a few choices. they can actually try to write a new bill while the democrats still control the senate. it has new funding allotments for the remaining fiscal year. you are hearing an attempt to get another continuing resolution, a stop gap measure. keep everything funded at the same levels and try to get out of town. republicans take the congress back in january with when they could actually manage the books
and force their own priorities into the budget process. that now is the big question. how long do you fund the government? do you make it short to come back and use their leverage. or as some in the leadership want, do you extend through september 30th to get that fight off the books. they re under tremendous pressure to make it short so they can come pack in january and start using the power of the purse for their priorities. there is an internal debate, how do you deal with immigration and how do you deal with many policy items without having a huge budget fight as soon as they re in control. you made the point last sunday, every time there is a government shutdown, republicans bear the blame. a year ago a poll showed at the time of that government shutdown at that time, republican favorability rating was 30%. unfavorable rating, 63%. they don t want to return to those. you re right. bret as usual is right.
but i m not sure that would happen the next time. we all know the government runs out of its ability to pay money on december 8th or thereabouts. i may not have the right date. the leadership wants to extend it to september 30th. if it is extended just until january or february and the new republican senate and the knupp republican house has to address this. it sends a reasonable, meaningful message to the president but one that does not give him all the money he wants. and he vetoes that, i don t know if that will will go to the detriment of the republicans. honestly, i agree. i don t think the republican leadership is up for this fight. and i agree with charles. the republicans have to pick their fight. they cannot necessarily accept the bait the president gives them. and he is going to lay out the bait tonight. will we see a new mass migration from central america? senator rubio said oftentimes these are misinterpreted in
central america. you don t have to misinterpret it. this is a a gigantic neon sign on the rio grand saying to central americans and to other people around the world, if you wait in line and apply for legal eupl operation, you re asap. you come here legally, you have children, and eventually you will be legalized. this will cause a complete new cohort. we will have 11 million new illegal immigrants in 10 or 15 years, we will be through this again and again. i would not oppose this if we were going to be serious about shutting the border. there is no seriousness whatsoever coming out of the administration or the democrats on that. this is an invitation to a mass migration. more with the panel on this very same subject after a quick break. i m j-a-n-e and i have copd. i m d-a-v-e and i have copd. i m k-a-t-e and i have copd,
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39 different executive actions have taken place since eisenhower impose his will unilatterally. he will rebuke to his own stated view of democracy. we are prepared to assert a legal action against the president. we believe what the president is doing is completely unconstitutional? there you have it. the governor elect of texas promising a lawsuit against b. this unilateral executive action. he is not the only one. we have just gotten word that oklahoma attorney
general scott pruitt also promises a lawsuit. he says in a statement if the president takes an executive action that violates his constitutional duty to faithfully immigration immigration laws by congress we will take action to hold him accountable. before we get to the panel one more excerpt of the president s speech which has just been handed to it quote the actions i m taking are not only lawful they are the kind of actions taken by every single republican president and democratic president by for the past half century. those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better or question the wisdom of me acting where congress has failed. i have one answer, pass a bill. judge? you think it s unconstitutional? the president s power is profoundly unconstitutional. here is why. the president has the prosecutorial. ratchet up or ratchet town what the. [ laughter ] is going to do. he says ratchet down the deportations.
ronald reagan did that. george h.w. bush can do that. he can do that for a class of people. a small class of people. 100,000 here. 100,000 there. when he does it for half the foreign nationals who are are in this country illegally, the practical effect of that is not just nullifying their deportations, it s nullifying the law. it s rewriting the law. when he says i won t deport you if you do a, b, c, d, and e, which he is going to say in a few hours answered makes up the a, b, c, d, and e, it doesn t come from the congress. is he rewriting the law. it s a matter of scale? it s a matter of degree. absolutely. the president can say i m not going to deport women over 8 a or women of child bearing years. when he says i m not going to deport half the million here. violate the law. a.b., that raises the question of where do you draw the line if it s a matter of scale and matter of degree? right. there is no precedent for that. this is largely untested in the courts. and it will go there to be
decided. but, it is the judge is right. it has never happened for so many people. now, the other thing is is that it is-what is the definition of faithfully execute? it s obviously in the eye of the beholder. the president is going to talk a lot tonight about accountability, about them paying taxes, getting into the system. but it is amnesty because it is forgiveness. it is technically forgiveness of law-breaking. so we re going it see this played out. what s interesting is that the polling shows support for what the president is doing, just not the way in which he is doing it. so, as we look to this thing being reviewed in the courts, it will be interesting to see politically what s happening in the next 2, 4, 6 weeks. maybe republicans in congress don t pick a fight on this. maybe it becomes more popular in six weeks in the polls. maybe it doesn t and hillary clinton at some point has to announce in eight weeks she is running for president and doesn t know what to say. i think we have no idea because of the that says
most of the country is with this permitting, this forgiving. this is not doing it by fiat. if this goes to the courts, charles, the president may be his own worst enemy given the compilation he has made against executive action. well, it s amazing string of statements he has made for years. remember, he has control of the congress in 2009 and 2010 where he can do this through legislation, he doesn t lift a finger. then for the next four years he repeats again and again that this would be imperial, monarch yawl outside of the constitution. not. now all of the sudden he discovers these other cases. as the judge says, it s not actually a matter are of scale. it s completely undermining the intent of the law as written. the law says if you come here illegally you aren t allowed to stay. and you certainly aren t allowed to work. in fact, the prohibition on work is so strong that if anybody hires an illegal alien, the state will punish the person hires them.
all of a sudden, obama is going to issue a permit to allow these people to work? it s the complete undermining of the law and we writing of the law. i think if it ends up in the courts, the courts will rule strockly against the president because, otherwise, any president can rewrite any law at any time by saying i waited long enough. i m tired of waiting. do what i tell you, or i will enact a new law myself. that s going to do it for the panel. stay tuned for recap of this week s truly extreme weather.
and finally tonight, as we told you earlier in the show, the buffalo area got slammed with more than 5 and a half feet of lake-effect snow early this weekend.
it s expected to get an additional three feet by tomorrow morning. this is nothing though compared to the extreme condition cans that hit southern california. in florida ranch tonight palm streets don t sway, they bend much the windy first alert forecast wasn t just bluster. winds make street signs hard to read. gusts after gusts pummel roses and send leaves flying. mother nature ushering in the santa anas with the when i will in the night air. at wal-mart in porter ranch, shoppers doing their best it keep warm. i m usually still in shorts and today i have to put on pants. [ laughter ] our hearts go out to those poor, poor people. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. special report fair balanced and unafraid. greta goes on the record now. make sure you stay on the fox news channel tonight for the president s prime time address on immigration at 8:00 p.m. eastern. you will get the address and the analysis all right here

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20141119 23:00:00

is. . that s a big dog. . that s it for the five. next the special report. lighting the fuse on the immigration powder keg. tomorrow night president obama will announce this is special report. good evening, i m bret baier, we have a pretty good idea of tonig oof the president will address the nation tomorrow night to explain why he is taking matters into his own hands, by reportedly legalizing millions
of illegal immigrants. it s sure to set off a firestorm with immigrants, waiting to flex their new muscle. white house correspondent wendell goler begins our coverage tonight. in a facebook posting, the president announced he s acting on his own this week. everybody agrees that our immigration system is broken. unfortunately, washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. reporter: republicans have warned him against it. if emperor obama announces an amnesty plan that he has said over and over again exceeds his constitutional authority, he will cement his seg legacy of lawlessness. and homeland security secretary jay johnson denied mr. obama is exceeding his. i am satisfied that our
reforms are within our existing legal authorities, and they will address a number of things, including border security. the president s order will shift the priority of deporting illegals away from those whose children are born here. it will shield about 5 million people from deportation, but immigration reform groups say that s not enough. and texas senator john cornyn says the order won t stop the people who benefit most from the broken immigration system, transnational cartels. they traffic in children, they traffic in drugs, they traffic in weapons and the like. and the president s executive order does zero, zip, nada to shut that down. majority leader harry reid says the answer is for the house to vote on the bill the senate passed with bipartisan support. yes, sir. republicans in the house would allow a vote on the bill we passed here, posed many months ago. would pass overwhelmingly.
republicans differ on how to respond to the executive order since they ll control both houses of congress next year. most are leaning against the government shutdown. shutting the government down doesn t solve the problem. texas senator ted cruz says they should stop confirming presidential appointments and some suggest writers on bills that would undo the executive action which the white house suggests would trigger vetoes. obviously we would take a very dim view of any effort to try to curtail the president s executive authority using a rider on a budget proposal. reporter: the president will fly to las vegas on friday to defend his executive order, something his aides expect he ll spend quite a bit of time doing in the weeks ahead. wendell goler on the white house lawn. familiarout tonight for the obama care architect whose off the cuff remarks about obama care and stupid americans has a target on his back.
reporter: hi, bret, jonathan gruber has already suffered damage to his reputation, but the state of vermont hit him where it hurts in his wallet. vermont will no longer honor his contract. i have told mr. gruber that i expect his team to complete the two work that we need to provide vermonters with a health care financing plan. i also informed mr. gruber that we will not be paying him any more for his part in completing that work. gruber accepted the terms, gruber s mit research associates will continue to be paid, they re paid at $100 an hour, compared to gruber s $500 an hour. gruber whether get no more of the $400,000 contract with vermont other than the $106,000
that he s already been paid. it provides a single payer or universal health care, it has been by most accounts a disaster and deeply divisive, that was before gruber s name became a household word. when you are coming to a group of people who are paying you a large sum of money to try to have something accomplished and you treat them with this respect, that leads in my eyes to a situation where he is not going to be credible when he tries to come into the legislature to sell whatever package he develops. even democrats in the state where wages are very plat are deeply skeptical of any wildly huge increase in payroll taxes that would likely be used to funding single payer health care. the state s average year is $2.7 billion in tax revenue. one forecast suggested that single payer vermont would cost
$2 billion it would eat utmost of the state srevenue. two republican senators from kansas say the senate will move quickly to approve the keystone xl pipeline after assuming control of the chamber next year. kansas is one of the states the project will go through. this comes after last night s defeat of such a bill by a democratically controlled senate. what you may not realize is that plenty of the keystone project has all right been krubconstruc. reporter: the folks in cushing oklahoma are scratching their heads over last night s senate vote which rejected the keystone oil pipeline by one vote. we are depen denlt in this kmublt on the oil and gas industry. the southern portion of the pipeline travels right through
their sleepy town, it runs from steel city nebraska, through cushing, then down through texas to refineries in the gulf. the part in blue was voted downing, a line that connected alberta, canada through the steel city. opponents of keystone like environmentalists and landowners still have concerns over the possibility of leaking and ruptured lines carrying a toxic mixture of heavy tar sands. texas watch dog group points to a pipeline in michigan which burst in 2010 sand polluted the kalamazoo river. 20 months after that spill, they still haven t cleaned up the river where it occurred. they spend $207 million. reporter: but those who call cushing home, believe the pros
outweigh the cons. we have a whole life-time of positive business from our pipeline and oil community. although the estimated construction of the pipeline would create about 42,000 new jobs, the u.s. state department has been, quote, studying the environmental impact of the proposal pipeline now for more than two years. bret? casey, thank you. democrats are trying to come up with a way forward following their disastrous showing in the midterm elections earlier this month. what they re doing and how president obama fits in, are the subject subject reporter: a rare bipartisan tone from president obama after his party suffered major losses in the midterm elections and now there are signs of democrats fracturing. the bill is not passed. reporter: last night majority
leader harry reid through mary landrieu a allowed the measure to fail by one vote. it was a victory for the environmental wing of the party, while organized labor landrieu and joe manchin are out in the cold. i did not ask harry reid s permission to do this and i did not ask mitch mcconnell. msnbc host rachel maddow blasted democrats you are amazing, you have been astonishing for some time, but right now in this lame duck period, you are astonishing, now roll over and play dead. yet the president s actions reveal a decision to go left on issues, such as keystone,
immigration and climate change. we cannot forget the need to lead on the global fight against climate change. reporter: the leaders found a leadership spot for massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. our country is headed in the wrong direction, the game is rigged, but we know how to fix it. then just today, a close ally of democratic leader nancy pelosi, california s anna esu lost a tough battle to be the ranking member of congress. some rank and file members say it s all part of the aftermath of a difficult election cycle. i would call it disarray, but there s some thoughts about what direction, what strategy, what vision we should have yet. retiring michigan democratic reechblt interview about republicans being able to withhold funding for mr. obama s immigration action, perhaps a sign after six years some democrats have had enough. bret? mike emmanuelle, ely on the hill tonight. up next, just who found all
those outrageous jonathan gruber comments about obama care anyway. we ll hear from them, first here s what some of our fox afill cats across the country. wsbn with a record contract for an american athlete. miami marlins outfielder signed his 13-year, $325 million deal today. this year the 25-year-old stanton led the national league in home runs, stolen bases and intentional walks. in buffalo, 5 1/2 feet of snow have fallen and isles not over. roads are cloudy skiesed, train service suspended and at least six people have died. governor andrew cuomo expects it will take four to five days to clean up there. and this is a live look at detroit, from our affiliate fox 2. the big story there tonight. a looming showdown between the federal government and the japanese company that makes car
air bags linked to multiple deaths and injuries. the government wants them to recall millions of potentially faulty drive s side air bags. but the company suggests that only high humidity areas mainly in the south are sufficient. that s a look at outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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if you have ever wondered how jonathan gruber s inflammatory statements came to light reporter: those damaging comments of jonathan gruber were not disclosed by any media organization, they were unearthed by a philadelphia investment advisor named rich winestein who says he doesn t
even want to provide a photo. because this isn t about me, it was about what was out there. winestein spent hours it was very frustrating because i m trying to rung my company and do what i have to do and you find this stuff, and you re like holy smokes, i think i ve got something here that s important for the american people to see. winestein s own health insurance was cancelled because it didn t comply with the obama care law. obama care subscribers wouldn t get tax credits if their states didn t set up exchanges. including fox news, national review, forbes, glen beck and got nowhere. i was going to give them everything i have for nothing. he finally posted a comment
on the washington post website where a conservative activist picked it up and created some attention. he tweeted a link days later saying john than gruber mocking the american people, but he s still avoiding the limelight, especially with pundits poking fun admit romney s appearance. and i thought, holy cow, if they re going to do that, what are they going to do to me? so i just want out. it s hard for any even in this age of social media, it s not always easy for a citizen journalist to break through. bret? now a closer look at one of obama care s most contentious and expensive features. and what professor gruber had to say about selling it to a skeptical audience. here s chief national correspondent jim engel. of all the taxes in obama care, none is more onerous than the whopping 40% cadillac tax on
employer based health plans. the only way we can take it off is first by mislabeling it calling it a tax on insurance plans, not a tax on people. and we all know it s a tax on people holding those health plans. reporter: later gruber said because the tax was a political nightmare, the president wanted to phase it in to draw less fire. that s called the cadillac tax. reporter: a cadillac plan will cost $27,000 for a family of four in 2018. unions unions many unions have complained this is going to hit them disproportionately because they have collected rather expensive insurance plans through their company. reporter: but private employers started the moment the
law was passed to shift more cost to their workers. i think no one will pay it, instead of providing more generous benefits and providing a 40% tax to the government, the companies will simply offer less generous health insurance. about half of all union workers are public employees, meaning taxpayers are the ultimate imemployer who will bear the burden of the tax. ten years after the cadillac tax is in effect. they re estimating the cost at half a billion dollars, just for this excise tax under obama care. reporter: and across new york state t tax will hit 160 school districts. so think about it, what are the options for these school districts? reporter: raise property and other taxes or cut health benefits meaning new union contracts have to be negotiated. some republican proposals would also deal with cadillac plans but with a lighter hand allowing tax reinsurance only up to a certain legal.
they allow you to have a certain amount of health insurance tax free, you go above that and you have to pay taxes on it. which would cost less for most union members having their health insurance cut to avoid the tax. the dow lost two, the s&p 500 dropped three, the nasdaq gave back 27. next republicans mulling running for the white house show up in force in florida.
the path to the 2016 republican presidential nomination apparently goes right through boca raton, florida this week. john roberts is there tonight along with several people auditioning for the parties seal of approval. reporter: it was a buoyant
meeting in boca, with governors from 16 states, in addition to control of the house and senate. but with victory comes great responsibility. now is the time for us to do something with it. we cannot just be the anti-democratic party, i oppose a lot of the president s policies. reporter: as the government assembla sasem bld to now i ve got soe decisions to make about what i want my future to be and i ll take some time to make those decisions. 7 or more governors could take a run at the white house. i don t feel in hindsight now that i was anywhere near prepared. prepare for a possible run. acknowledging that hub russ got the better of him four years
ago. i ran for governor three times, what could be harder than that. reporter: bobby jindal is facing approval ratings at home. the first time in our lifetime, the american people think their children are less likely to have the same or greater opportunities than those we inherited from our parents, that s just wrong. governor chris christie earned big money lined up behind a possible run. i haven t made any decisions yet, i don t intend to make any during calendar 2014. perhaps most battle tested is governor scott walker, who s gone through three elections including a recall. the closer i have gotten to the position, the more i realize, you do, and you have to be crazy to want to be president. for me part of this calculation on whether or not to run or not
is whether or not i feel called to. reporter: not surprisingly, nearly all of the governors i talked to think it would be better for an executive to become president in 2016, rather than somebody who s been in congress. john roberts live at the rga down in florida. john, thank you. the acting director of the agency that is supposed to keep the president safe is warning of potentially dire consequences from low morale. temporary secret service chief joe clancy told a house committee today embarrassment from scandals has taken a major toll on the service. heavy security today in jerusalem, one day after a terror attack at a synagogue took the lives of several americans.
coming up how mickey mouse got more votes than either of the candidates in one florida county. the grapevine is next.
a. now some fresh pickings from political grapevine. earlier in the program mike emanuel reported on fracturing within the democratic party. now to another issue that has
dprak house members at odds. an eight months pregnant congresswoman who is also an iraq war veteran and double amputee, being told she cannot vote by proxy in the party s leadership elections. illinois representative tammy duckworth cannot travel during the last month of her pregnancy. but minority leader nancy pelosi says there are no exceptions to the rule prohibiting proxy in the democratic elections. published reports hint pelosi s stance could be because duckworth opposed one of the leader s favorites. from mississippi s bennie thompson, a lot of people felt that tammy s patriotism and sacrifice warrant part tis pace. and if it came to a vote, i would vote to give her a proxy. pelosi argues that the one exception is making for their own reasons why they should be able to vote.
the most famous guy in orange county, florida got hundreds of votes in this year s elections. mickey mouse got 200 votes. other vote getters included president obama, kanye west and darth vader. as well as more ambiguous characters, like someone honest, anyone with sense, and the grapevine favorite, almost literally anyone else. and santa may have some competition for some of those reindeer he uses. russian police want to use reindeer to track down criminal who flee to icy remote arctic regions, stating police cannot navigate the terrain there. some may argue why not just use snowmobiles. santa s an ongoing
dispute, not at the north pole, but in the pacific northwest. dan springer has the lowdown on this schoedown. the line youp of trucks at the port of tacoma is well over a mile long. commerce at this deep port and others along the west coast have slowed to a crawl. manufacturers blame the union longshoremen who have been working without a contract for over three months. these slowdown tactics are simply done to influence negotiations, to try to extract concessions during these talks. some ports are moving about half as many containers as normal. union leaders deny a slowdown instead pointing to a shortage of truck chasis. those jobs use to be on the docks, they used to be good paying jobs, paying $25 to $35 an hour, and now those companies are looking for cheaper ways to
get that work done. reporter: caught in the middle are small businesses and their customers. apple crops are getting less valuable by the day and washington state christmas tree farmers are taking a huge hit. 2,200 of their biggest and most valuable trees are sitting in shipping containers at the port of tacoma. they were supposed to leave for hong kong three weeks ago. i don t care which side whether it s the port authority or the union, somebody is not doing their job. and this should have been revolved months ago. reporter: now it might be getting too late for retailers on both sides to for many it s shades of 2002, when a west coast port slowdown led to a 10-day lockout and billions of dollars in lost income. bret? dan springer in seattle, thank you. the justice department says it collected almost $25 billion in civil and criminal penalties
during the physicifiscal year tt ended. that s three times the haul from 2013. settling up over cases arising from the 2008 financial crisis. president obama sets the date he ll reveal his decisions on immigration reform. that s tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. we ll talk about it and the fallout with the panel when we come back.
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what i m going to be laying out are the things that i can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better, even as i continue to work with congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill that can solve the entire problem. the president would be well served not to go downing this path because he is putting at risk and at peril some things he
could do for this country. he is going to make this speech during prime time about this executive action to shield 5 million people from deportation. speaker boehner, through his spokesman releasing a statement, if emperor obama ignores the american people and announces san amnesty plan that he says exceeds his constitutional authority, he will cement his legacy of lawlessness. today a poll out with the wall street journal nbc, president obama s executive action on immigration, there you see the disapprove numbers out today. and on the issue of pathway to citizenship, it s the other way, favored 57%, opposed 40%. george will, juan williams, columnist with the hill and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. i think the poll you showed
is very encouraging. on the one hand some people are agreeing with the president on the on the other hand the same people are saying people are talking about how if obama acts, it will poison the well, they won t be able to work together for the next two years, or it will ruin the chance of getting an agreement in congress over immigration. but those are much smaller stakes than what s really at stake here. history is not going to care much about what s going to happen in these two years, but it will care about the encroachment of the executive in a gross way, on the prerogatives of congress. but the president himself has reiterated over and over again, this is something he is not allowed to do, it is outside his powers and now all of a sudden he s got a couple of lawyers that of course will finding nick you want in the law, you can
indict a ham sandwich if you want. it is not, he knows it and the damage it will do to the celebration of powers will be great. what about this turn about and how it plays politically up on the hill. i think it looks hypocritical on hiss part. that s why everybody s talking about it. he said it looks like it s beyond my power to the latino group that have been asking him to do this for several months if not years. i think the underlying story is very interesting is that he very much wanted the congress to act and the congress has had a year and a half i believe since the passage of this by partisan senate bill to take some action. and even today, harry reid up on the hill said that if that bill was brought to the hill, it would pass. but that republicans, as part of their policy of on struck
isation and the like, and playing to the tea party base that says this is amnesty refused to allow a vote. so i think that s the key issue. and i just have a strong feeling here, it s no different than what charles just said. when i look at history, i remember ronald reagan using executive authority, i remember george bush, george h.w. bush, i remember bill clinton using it. they used it for a number of different things. on the issue immigration, rush limbaugh was on his show responding to your very point, take a listen. ronald reagan signed a piece of legislation, it was the simpson missouli act. it was to grant amnesty to 3 million citizens, and reagan signed it. they where saying that s exactly
what obama s going to do. they are claiming that reagan signing legislation, thereby making it legal is the same thing as an obama executive order. it s breathtaking what they re trying to say here. reagan had a statute. behind him. fair, george? it is, and it goes beyond that. let me explain why, i think this is institutional vandalism that we re seeing here. after 9/11, the fbi and other law enforcement authorities said we are going to have to devote fewer resources to bank robbers for example and more to fighting terrorism because of scarce resources. this is very different, the president is nullifying a law, he s not doing so because we have scarce recourses, he has never mentioned that because
he is rather saying, something radical has changed and he doesn t say what that is from the years of 2009 and 2010, when he had the majorities in congress that would have enabled him to do whatever he wanted. he s not citing as we did after tian anmen s square. he s not citing any legal opinion from the office of the department of justice that would explain why he s doing this. he s doing this because he thinks he can. it s nullification, it s not enforcement discretion in any meaningful sense. you say there s not a scarcity of resources, but in fact i don t think anybody s making the case, george, that we have the capacity to deport these $1 1 million or 12 millio people. or the will. or the will, good point.
in that case it is a matter of discretion, or administrative relief to use that authority to then say, this is how we will prioritize, we will go after people who are a threat to our society, but we re in the going to break up families any longer, and rush limbaugh s point, which i took to heart. rush limbaugh is talking about simple son missouli, is that after that law families would be allowed to be broken up. 1986 that passed both houses of congress. the only rationale obama is citing in doing this, excuse me, there s a frog in my throat here, is not lack of the resources, it s not a crisis, it s not something new, as he
said, the system is broken, it has been for decades, it is one thing and one thing alone. i waited along enough. that s what call diya says. i waited long enough and the national assembly hasn t acted, so i m going to issue a decree. that is not how it works in our system. lindsay graham says that ted cruz thinks all the nominations should be held up. until this illegal amnesty is removed. in his words. a deterrent to a lawless president. what are republicans going to do, what do you think they should do to push back against the two of which you just cited, but they can also slow down all kinds of things in the senate.
this government works on commonality and consensus. and the president by destroying both is going to find out just how many grains of sand they can put in the gears. texas would look seriously at filing a lawsuit about this. next up, democrats fret about fixing a broken democratic party. get fast-acting, long-lasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®.
what on earth were they thinking spending their time doing. this how is this conceivably by any stretch of the imagination a constructive use of time by the democrats? democrats, you are amazing. you are you have been astonishing for a long time but right now in this lame duck period you are astonishing. now, roll over and play
dead. rachel how do you over on msnbc. she often has things from the democratic party and the perspective and last night she was on fire. ripping the party. she is not alone. there are a number of articles doing the same thing about the keystone xl pipeline vote. but, on the other side. you have moderate democrats and labor unions weighing in. including terry owe sullivan with the labor union of north american. democrats cowardly stepping in line throwing colleague mary landrieu along with blue collar construction workers under the bus. so what about the breakup of the democratic party? you hear about the republican party. the split in the democratic party. charles? well, that s been the story of the public civil war for two years, four years now and the press has not looked at all at the crackup that s among
democrats with mary landrieu you almost have to feel sorry for her. first her party cuts off her funding for the runoff. and then it throws her a bone where it gives her finally a vote on keystone so she can show that she has some influence. and she loses because not enough democrats will support her. none the less, vote, there were 14 democrats who supported the keystone. three of them are going to be out of office next year. which means you there are going to be 11 democrats. add that on to 54 republicans. mid 60 s on this as soon as it comes up again. obama will have to veto probably will but let it be an issue to the two to one americans support this because there are no arguments against it that make any sense. and it just shows how far and how ideological democrats have becomes a they lose their moderates in these elections. it s becoming a party of the left. and that is not going to help them in the long run. to the broader point, you do hear this griping. i mean, you have this big
losses in the mid terms that many don t really want to talk, about obviously. you still have the leaders being elected, reelected and nancy pelosi, harry reid, debbie wasserman schultz term doesn t end until 2017. there is not a sense that the party is changing that much. . no in fact, the argument from what i can see is that the party is being pushed farther to the left. and it comes back to something charles was just saying. you know, you look at beg given is gone. hagan is gone. prior is gone. for the next congress. so, you are having the conservative democrats disappear. now, liberal republicans that s an ache critical condition ache critical critican anymorism. vote on the pipeline from the democrats. at best this was allowing mary landrieu to make the point that she is pushing the vote. she asked for a vote. she forced a vote. she lost. but, to rachel how do
you s point what a waste of time. not a waste of time for mary landrieu. i think it will be very clear as you hear her campaign and see her campaign ads that she wants to steak out some territory in saying she still has influence, she can push things. and lose. she lost this time. george? barack obama once said that he wanted to be as consequential in his own way as ronald reagan was. he is in this sense. he is the greatest builder of the republican party since ronald reagan. today, there are many fewer house democrats, many fewer democratic senators. many fewer governors. the republican party controls more state legislative chambers than at any time in its history. there are 149 southern congressional districts. understanding the south is the 11 stafts the confederacy plus oklahoma and kentucky. of the 149, 110 of them are republican. i mean, they are just the numbers are appalling what has happened under this man. now, this is the guy who said on the eve of the 2010
she lacking he took. don t worry, you ve got me. in 2014, their problem was they had him. as an enormous weight in their saddles. so, who does this potentially help? who does it hurt? does it empower the elizabeth warrens for a party that may strive to go to the heart, its core? it does empower her. she doesn t have a shot at the nomination as long as hillary is there. but, it means if hillary runs and loses, as i think she likely will, that s when you are going to see a left wing takeover of the party because that is all that s left now after all it s ironic, obama pulls the party left and it s the centrist democrats that get wiped out and the party is going to go even more left and it s not going to help it. i think maddow is expressing anger at the left at the fact that the democrats aren t as vicious as the far left in the republican. that is it for the panel.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20150211 23:00:00

do two jobs. you are done. no longer. we need one more. that s it for us. this is a fox news alert. i m bret baier in washington. president obama says he wants to show the world that america is united in its fight against isis terrorists. but in asking a divided congress for a use of force authorization the president was much more definitive about what he does not want to do, send ground troops, establish a time table get in a prolonged conflict than what he does, use air support and if necessary special forces. in a poll taken before today s announcement almost three out of four people say the president does not have a clear strategy for defeating isis. all of this comes as one of the
self proclaimed success stories descends into more chaos as the u.s. embassy closed down fighters have driven vehicles abandoned by the staff. president obama making his pitch for a new authorization for military force with what can only be dubbed the obama doctrine. isil is going to lose. bold declarations coupled with vague language about how to get there. on one hand ruling out enduring ground forces while leaving the ground ajar. i would be prepared to order our special forces to take action because i will not allow these terrorists to have a safe haven. so we need flexibility but we also have to be careful. republicans say the mix of caution and aggression leaves them wondering if there is a plan to win. the president s point is he wants to dismantle isis.
i haven t seen a strategy yet. exhibit a may be yemen, the country where the president touted the fight against al qaeda as a success but it is now in shambles. the u.s. embassy was closed. in a scene reminiscent of militants taking over a u.s. compound in libya, rebels in yemen today seized more than 25 u.s. embassy vehicles and had u.s. marines hand over their weapons while at the white house tried to change the definition of success to pressuring al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. because of willingness to order u.s. military operations in that region we have succeeded in applying significant pressure to the aqap leadership operating in yemen. reporter: the hint of the president stopping but not defeating al qaeda which may explain the poll showing 68% saying he should be tougher on islamic extremists. as for defeating isis 60%
believe it will require ground troops. 23% say air strikes alone. 17% are unsure. the president made clear again he wants ground troops supplied by partners like jordan and caps the u.s. air campaign at three years. it is not reauthorization of another ground war like afghanistan or iraq. reporter: as he claimed al kidae al qaeda was on the run he said isis is being pounded. earnest said yes? intentionally so. his point was it is vague enough to give the commander in chief flexibility but democrats are complaining that leaves the door open. republicans are complaining that this ties the hands of the president and the next president on ground troops. that is why the president doesn t have votes on either side yet. live on the north lawn.
the isis threat has the president reconsidering his exit strategy for afghanistan. chief washington correspondent james rosen has that story tonight. he campaigned on it and finally last december seemed as though president obama was delivering on his promise. this month america s war in afghanistan will come to a responsible end. reporter: now senior aides have confirmed at the request of the afghan government the president is rethinking his plans for withdrawing the 10,000 u.s. troops still in afghanistan. the present time table calls for only 5,500 to remain in theater by year s end. the president throughout that time has preserved for himself the flexibility to respond to security situation on the ground. reporter: over 13 years the u.s. has lost 2,200 troops in the afghan war. the security force has complete responsibility for safe guarding the country. those americans who stay will
conduct counter terrorism operations and train, advise and assist afghan forces. while casualty rates are high there is no doubt about the afghan willingness to fight and die for their country. reporter: at the senate armed services committee top former officials warned about the perils of withdrawal. my sense is that in 2016 is too soon to assume that the afghan national security forces will be capable enough, that we can afford to withdraw all of our forces from the field. to draw down to a certain number and then to draw down to basically after office in an embassy tells our adversaries how long they have to hold out before they have to field to
themselves. lawmakers emphasize the u.s. mission in afghanistan has by no means been a failure noting the number of school children have surged and girls accounting for 40% of the students and women compromising 40% of the country s teachers. joining us to discuss this further is house arms services committee chairman. let s start with the aumf. as it is now will this pass? i don t think so but our job is to hold hearings and dig down and understand it. i think there is a lot of concern, though, that it is crafted more to thread a political needle rather than really win and get a job done. what is the biggest problem? the biggest problem are the restrictions it places. there are all these words enduring offensive ground combat operations which cannot be done.
so if you are a troop in the field with all of the bullets flying you got to have your lawyers next to you to figure out is this offensive or not? is this enduring or not? is this ground combat or not? it ties the hands of our troops which is what i m more concerned about than tying hands of future presidents. there is a three year sunset provision as you mentioned that prohibits enduring combat operations. it authorizes this force against isil or associated persons and takes the place of the 2002 aumf. it repeals that in iraq and leaves the other authorization. you are saying enduring grounds operation part is the biggest part for you. how would that work in the field? if by contrast they are going after the front next door in syria then they don t have this restriction. if somebody said this is really rather than a brigade of troops
going after t more like a brigade of lawyers going after our troops. from the democrats point of view there is no appetite to put ground troops in a combat operation in another country in the middle east. and you look at polls around the country, that s what it says. this doesn t prevent them from using specialops forces on the ground with indigenous forces? i think that is true. again, what it does prevent is offensive versus defensive that is kind of hard to tell when you are in the middle of a fire fight what is ground combat operations. the white house lawyers admit none of the terms have precedent. this is completely new ground that will have to be broken to figure out what is proper and what is allowed and what is not. i worry about putting our troops in that position when they are risking their lives.
when they say it is purposely fuzzy and flexible do you think the administration will be flexible with how it is phrased as you try to move this across the finish line in congress? it s a great question. i mentioned they are trying to thread a political needle. if there are alternative ways to accomplish it or other versions will they be willing or are they insisting on their wording? we don t know the answer. what we are going to do is we are going to have hearings and talk to lawyers and military people. we are going to thoroughly dig into all of the issues including the ones you mentioned whether there is really a strategy to accomplish any of this or not. we will see what the result of that is. as u.s. personnel are being moved out of yemen you have talked about this a few weeks ago about the concerns there. your assessment of what is happening there and the fallout? bottom line is increased danger to the united states homeland because over the past several years the most serious threats to our homeland have
come from al qaeda in yemen. and now a substantial amount of our presence is gone. there is less pressure on them. that makes it easier for them to plot and plan against us. we don t have an embassy in libya and somalia and syria? in each of those places they are a hot bed of terrorism that is growing and fermenting and there is not a plan to get back. remember yemen was president obama s success story. it doesn t look good. if you were to bet how long this is going to take to get the aumf through what would you say? i don t know. we have been in combat operations for months before the president ever set this up. we are going to be deliberate about it. i think it is going to take a matter of weeks to have some hearings to fully explore it. then depending on what we figure out the votes would come after that. thanks for the time. thanks for having me.
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police say three were shot to death by a neighbor following a long running dispute about parking. a facebook page apparently belonging to suspect craig hix describes him as a supporter of the trial of the man accused of killing chris kyle and his friend. defense attorney says shortly before he was killed kyle texted his friend this dude is straight up nuts. kyle was the subject of the book and movie american sniper. this is a live look at chicago from fox 32. the big story there tonight little league international has stripped jackie robinson west of its national title. an investigation said to have reviewed the chicago team had falsified boundaries to get ineligible players. that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. you can t predict the market. but
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house speaker boehner did not react well to mitch mcconnell s report that legislation restrict the president s immigration changes is stuck in the u.s. senate and that the next move is up to the house. the house has done its job. the senate democrats are not going to do something other than to vote no. a spokesman for harry reid says cursing is not going to resolve the squabbling among republicans that led to this impasse. like tonight homeland security secretary johnson said he is worried that the house and senate are pointing at each other. the house has passed the senate version of legislation authorizing construction of the keystone xl pipeline and sets up
what would be president obama s first veto of the congressional session. as of now the republicans do not have the votes in either chamber to override a veto. uncle sam apparently wants you to let him regulate and possibly tax the internet. correspondent shannon bream tells us you might have absolutely no say. i don t think the american people realize what is coming. reporter: the public won t have access to hundreds of pages of new regulations until after federal communications commission votes on them. president obama has publicly urged the agency to expand its reach over the internet and your ability to access it. chairman wheeler says without government intervention broad band providers can t be trusted to do what is best for consumers. broad band providers have both the economic incentive and the technological capability to
abuse their gate keeper position. reporter: wheeler, the administration and those who support increased government control of the internet say the new regulations are all about insuring equal access to the west. but commissioner says that is not what he is finding in the plan that clocks in at more than 300 pages and claims the opposite is true and predicts slower more expensive broad band for all americans. the very fact that we have differing views proves my point that we should be transparent and release the plan to the public. you can read it and make up your own mind. reporter: lawmakers have been working on a legislative solution something they say will accomplish the goal without giving unfettered power and claim democrats were working with them until the white house actively encouraged them not to. it completely contradicts what the president said, not only do i want to listen to your ideas but work with you on the ideas. we are asking you to not only
listen but work with us. as with all proposed regulations public comments are part of the process. in this case set a new record for the fcc with roughly four million weighing in easily destroying the previous record of 1.4 million. the irs is apologizing for seizing bank accounts for people and small businesses who structure their transactions to avoid federal reporting requirements. it gave the tax agency authority to seize and hold bank accounts for years without bringing charges. the irs chief says the agency is changing the policy. stocks were mixed today. the dow lost 7. nasdaq gained 13.5. operators of 29 west coast sea ports which handle billions of dollars of goods say the facilities will mostly be closed four out of the next five days.
negotiations for a new contract with dock workers were to resume today but were cancelled. employers now say they will not hire crews to load or unload ships thursday, saturday, sunday or monday. still ahead the south aims to rise again. importance during the presidential primary season. the rising tide of iranian weapons smuggling in the middle east. .heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it s as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns. just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade s rollover consultants. they ll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. and they ll even call your old provider.
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the u.s. will send 600 paratroopers to train ukrainian soldiers. that s an announcement that comes as leaders of ukraine russia germany and france are said to be talking right now
late into the night to discuss their options. russia s ambassador told the associated press that some progress has been made. there is new concern about iran s role in supplying weapons to some of the worst of the bad actors throughout the middle east. national security correspondent jennifer griffith has the latest. reporter: the explosions rocked in october of 2012. this video from that night shows the factory where iran stored the weapons. apparently that was a compound that was properly used as a shipment point. reporter: to send weapons through egypt to gaza eight israeli fighter jets reportedly bombed the stock pile in sedan that night. now after an investigation tracing air, land and sea routes to move weapons to hezbollah hamas fox news learned the name
of the key man in unit 190 the cell responsible for arms smuggling across middle east and north africa. unit 190 is made up of about two dozen employees including this senior figure born in 1968 in nest iran. when turkey intercepted containers filled with mortar shells and explosives destined for hezbollah in may 2007 the bill had his signature on it. according to western intelligence sources he runs a network. this hangar in the civilian section of the international airport in tehran reportedly serves as a warehouse. the u.s. treasury has sanctioned front companies such as liner
transport quiche used by unit 190 to transport weapons. many times you see the united states government importing sanctions on so-called commercial businesses in iran it is the workf trying to sanction. reporter: in january 2013 the u.s. navy and military intercepted 40 tons of antitank and antiaircraft missiles on board a boat, weapons that western intelligence officials say were destined for the very rebels who just took control of yemen s capital forcing the evacuation of the u.s. embassy. we know there is a relationship between and we have been clear on multiple occasions about our concerns about the technicals that iran has throughout the region. senior western intelligence sources tell fox that the unit 190 is in the process of preparing another shipment of weapons for distribution to its proxys as we speak.
live at the pentagon thank you. president obama says all but 100 american troops will return from west africa by the end of april. they have been fighting the ebola outbreak. liberia s president says his country reported four confirmed cases a week ago. at the height of the epidemic it was 300 cases a week. the grapevine is next and why presidential candidates could be cruising down south a little early next year.
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and now fresh pickings from the political grapevine. as we told you florida congressman is not ashamed to say he has no use for the state of texas. he did so during a house floor committee debate last week. i don t know about in your state which i think is a crazy state to begin with and i mean that just as i said it. very deflammatory statement about my state and i will not stand here and listen to it. fine. you do not have to listen. you can leave if you choose. i told you what i think about texas. i would not live there for all the tea in china. congressman called on the democrat to apologize. hasting said he would have to
wait until hell freezes over. we were surprised to learn hastings had deep seeded connections to the lone star state. he is an honorary texan. the inscription says he was commissioned to that title 15 years ago. we are working on getting the back story behind this honor bestowed on the congressman. so far we have yet to hear back. a montana lawmaker who wants to tighten the state s indecent exposure laws says yoga pants should be illegal in public. republican state representative introduced the bill to expand current indecent exposure statutes to include nipple exposure including in men and any clothing item that gives the appearance of or simulates genital genitals buttock or pelvic area. he says beige clothing would be
included and believes yoga pants should be outlawed but stopped short of including that in a bill which came about with a bike ride in mu zula where people were nude. we will follow this one. finally parents of middle school students in pennsylvania are turning 50 shades of red over a word search handed out at school. the puzzle was based on the erotic novel and movie and had middle school students searching for such words as these are some of the less offensive words, spanking, submissive, bondage and leather cuffs. the school superintendent says she is investigating. if some politicians get their way the south will rise again in the presidential primary season. john roberts reports from lant
lanon an atlanta. reporter: when it comes to picking a president everyone wants to feel important. the states of the old south are no different. can you really have an impact on the nominating process? i think we definitely will. reporter: brian kemp is georgia s secretary of state. today s national meeting in washington he is pushing a plan to create a southern super tuesday on march 1, 2016. the south is growing. there is a lot of people moving here. we should be involved in the process of deciding who the nominees will be. reporter: the plan is to follow closely early contests in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina with a block of states across the south. such a huge pool of voters would attract money, influence and most importantly the candidates. we think the next president of the united states ought to come to the south and stand in your door and your business and discuss the issues you think are important. reporter: democrats tried to
idea in 1988 in hopes a moderate might sweep the south. jesse jackson played spoiler. the plan back fired and michael became nominee. there are concerns from republicans that it could elevate too far to the right. it could be that some of the candidates could get a boost if they are able to persuade voters in the republican primary that they are really presidential material. georgia s secretary of state says moderates may prevail and any moderate who can win in the south will have instant credibility with conservatives across the rest of the country. we now know what brian williams punishment will be for telling tall tales about his involvement in news stories at nbc. fox news media analyst joins us now. good evening.
what are you hearing? nbc executives felt they had to hit brian williams with a six-month suspension and describe his false story by coming under fire in iraq as inexcusable. no final decision can be made on his fate because internal inquiry isn t done and expanding to other embellishments. i am hearing that the nbc branch does envision giving williams a second chance but sources say most people at nbc don t expect to see him back in the anchor chair. what has the reaction been inside nbc news to losing really its biggest star? williams didn t do much to cultivate internal allies which is why you are not seeing even anonymous quotes. his friends are torn about the affection and concerned about the damage he has done. as far as brian williams he is described as devastated,
determined to fight for his job. finally, wanting to apologize again and again. nbc won t allow that to happen i m told until this internal inquiry is finished. one other media note john stewart is leaving the daily show. stewart told his stunned audience last night. stewart has been hosting the show for 16 years. president obama asked congress for permission to go to war with isis. we ll get reaction from the panel after a quick time-out. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. .that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it s not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could ve been brenda.
our coalition is on the offensive. isil is on the defensive and will lose. the resolution we submitted does not call for deployment of u.s. ground combat forces to iraq or
syria. it is not reauthorization of another ground war like afghanistan or iraq. i m convinced that the united states should not get dragged back into another prolonged ground war in the middle east. that is not in our national security interest and not necessary for us to defeat isil. president obama asking congress to move quickly on authorization for use of military force against isis as new fox polls come out including this one does the president have a clear strategy against defeating isis? 73% of those polled say he does not. and then how about the job the government is doing in reducing the threat of terrorism from islamic extremists? you can see 67% only fair or poor. with that let s bring in our panel. senior editor of national review. columnist with the hill and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. what do you think of this?
i think he said it pretty much right he is trying to thread a political needle and not a strategic needle. a proper authorization of military force would say we authorize the president to do anything he deems necessary to defeat isis. that is not what this thing is. he is asking for these political considerations no enduring ground troops strikes me as utterly bizarre unless you take into account that he is very concerned about another crusade. maybe to put limits so that doesn t declare retaking of holy lands. the one area where the president is supposed to have maximum latitude. if he doesn t want to have a prolonged ground war don t have a prolonged ground war. why put yourself in handcuffs over this particularly at a moment where he is freaking out about congress doing its duty about the iran negotiations and
talking about sanctions. by all means create this political document that constrains what i can do to fight an enemy of the united states. republicans as you heard the chairman say have a problem with the way it is structured in limiting the attack against isis. democrats so far have said it is too open ended and too fuzzy. it seems like it is going to have a tough time going across the finish line in congress. to me this serves congress s interests. they never want to say here is a license to go and fight a war. they are very reluctant to do that democrats and republicans. i m a little surprised at jonah saying the president should have a blank check. i think there are a lot of people especially democrats who say we are not giving a blank check to fight this war. and some republicans. speaker boehner says i haven t seen a strategy. i am quoting the speaker. i haven t seen a strategy.
he is not a soldier or commander in chief. you would think if he was living up to the standards you would think i will give you that authority. i think you get into a situation here where congress has been reluctant to give authority to any president republicans or democrats and yet they yell and scream. the idea of a blank check, the way the constitution is written, it s exactly what the constitution envisions as powers. congress declares war. it gives a blank check and the president is commander in chief executes the war. that is the only way to run a war. this is the equivalent of a declaration of war. yes, the president constrains it in ways which is sort of a reflection of the way he has done all of his so-called offensive operations. he said in his speech at the beginning we are on the offensive. isil is on the defensive. then he proposes here a strategy although of course there are no
details in which he announces this is going to be for three years. he doesn t have to withdraw in three years but what is the purpose of putting a time limit on it in any way? it is exactly the way he announced the surge in afghanistan where the sentence after he announced the surge he announced a date of america s withdrawal. he advanced that date as the election of 2012 approached. what you do is you say we are going to fight the war if you want an end date on it until isis is defeated. i think there are some republicans who don t have a problem with the sunset clause because they would have to renew the authorization and in this proposal the president has to come to congress or his administration does every six months to update it. but jonah i think the question is, does this tie the hands of the military? as it is written now? as a political document it seems to. basically we don t know.
some of the phrases have as the congressman said earlier have no basis. they are fuzzy political terms. what is an enduring offensive engagement or whatever these phrases are? it basically sends the signal. a declaration of war is not a strategy document. i agree with john boehner president obama needs a strategy. if the strategy is bad congress can hold funding for this or that. if you believe isis should be destroyed he should have authorization to try to destroy it. he is still commander in chief. if he doesn t want to engage he doesn t have to. i want to put up these two quotes before we go to break. we are going to continue this discussion on the second panel. the president is in new york talking about isis. the analogy used around here sometimes is if a jv team puts on a lakers uniform that doesn t make them kobe bryant and said i think there is a distinction
against a reach versus jihaddests engaged in local power and disputes talking that week about those areas that were going down to isis in iraq. in the aumf it is worded this way. whereas the terrorist organization referred as the islamic state of iraq and various other names refer to isil poses a grave threat to the people and territorial integrity of iraq and syria, regional stability and national security interests of the united states allies and partners. we have come a long way in one year and one month of this president s assessment of isis. i don t think there is any question. they are not al qaeda. i will say that but i do agree that they pose a threat. the question is it a perspective threat in terms of their capacity to grow and become a threat to american national interests. grave here.
more on this after a short break. ah! come on! let s hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can t we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let s hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you re in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it s what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i m being quiet. you re breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it s what you do. head for the cemetery! there s only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. only one egg with better nutrition. like more vitamins d, e, and omega 3s. and 25% less saturated fat. only one egg good enough for my family. because why have ordinary when you can have the best. eggland s best. the only egg that gives you so much more: better taste.
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the united states and our allies are increasingly concerned with the more than 20,000 foreign fighters we assess have traveled to syria from over 90 different countries of origin. we assess that at least 3400 of these fighters are from western countries. and that number includes also over 150 u.s. persons who have either traveled to the conflict zone or who attempted to do so. the foreign fighters increasing director of national terrorism center with that. meantime, in yemen, a situation that is devolving the u.s. embassy in there is now closed. we are getting reports that the embassy personnel left
and they left their vehicles and they have been taken over by the rebels there on the ground. we re back with the panel. charles, you heard chairman thorn berry talking about his concern about yemen as just one of the hot spots. look, what just happened in yemen is on the one hand it s sort of humiliating. it wasn t quite like the evacuation of saigon, but it was not it was a kind of withdrawal that was done very quickly weapons left behind and the rebels come in and take the marine side arms. not exactly a pleasant scene. but the real problem is less psychological than what s happening on the ground often two fronts devastating set back. makes access to attacking aqap. al qaeda in iraq. the most active of al qaeda cells in the world makes access hitting them difficult. this is what is overlooked in the analysis.
it is that it is now going to become an ally of iran. the ones who took over the state are closely supported by iran an iran has spoken of turning yemen into hezbollah. iran s way of operating in lebanon. this is the way it once operated in yemen. as you showed on the map, you have got iran now dominating the three arab capitals in the north. baghdad, damascus, beirut, and now with yemen in the lower left-hand corner, you have got a surrounding of all the pro-american states, jordan, and the gulf states by iranian clients. this is a big set back. and it scares the gulf states to death. juan? i think what charles just laid out is the reason why you would hope that muslim countries like jordan also engage in the fight also the saudis would themselves put
some skin in the game. get active instead of always relying on the united states to come in and serve their interest clearly they are afraid of raven too. they are afraid where dominate the region. yet they always rely on the united states. sure, it s under the umbrella of the u.s. negotiating with iran on this nuclear deal. and what they perceive is a pull back and leaving a vacuum in the middle east by the u.s. that certainly hasn t happened yet. they are all fearful and i think especially israel is fearful that the iranian deal will concede too much. and that s a concern. what what we are talking about in the moment in dealing with isil and dealing with this takeover in yemen which essentially it was local politics. it was the rebels against, not against the united states, i mean, there is no analogy to saigon. sure. this is again, damaging to our ability to the ability of the muslim world as iran gains strength.
in the region though no more u.s. embassy in yemen. in libya, closed down. somalia, syria, obviously haven t had one in iran for quite some time. right. and this not to go too much back to the amuf this raises another problem with the amuf. when you put a three year limit on it, it really signals to a lot of people in the region how unreliable the united states may be and how uncommitted seeing this through. obama end wars not to start them. we have two years left with obama. he does not seem like a guy who wants to fully engage in this fight no matter what facet of it there is he said in that interview with which you talked about last night that he sees terrorism as the way, a big city mayor views street crime. street criminals don t take over our embassy and don t declare they are going to create a global caliphate. more on this continue
this in the online show. if you haven t been there join. in enjoy highlights from our most recent online show.
nobody cares. sorry. [ laughter ] i just wanted a.j. says steve has great hair tonight. tonight? it s debbie the makeup artist. good job.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20150115 11:00:00

del says we are voluntarily losing our culture. thanks to everyone who responded. see you tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. fox & friends starts right now. . good morning. it is thursday, january 15. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, president obama released five more gitmo detainees. and we just read their files. you are going to be shocked at what we just learned. as long as they re not from yemen it won t be a problem. his dad calls him a mama s boy but the feds say he is a traitor and terrorist. the 20-year-old ohio man armed and ready to attack our nation s capitol for isis. he s been busted. guns are good enough for millions. he makes off with them in movies but when it comes to real life he s slamming them and the u.s. we will explain, we
promise. mornings are better with friends. this is steve guttenberg. i m brian s only real friend and you re watching fox & friends. if you re a big viewer of fox & friends you know on this couch steve guttenberg, the day he was here between thanksgiving and christmas they vowed they would get together in massapequa in their homeland over the holidays. how did that work out? for lunch. you were going to get a sandwich. you went there. i did. i took a picture of his picture on the wall because he s from massapequa. when he arrived did you show it to him? it turns out he had to go to los angeles. i think this weekend steve and i will sit down in massapequa. i tell you what if steve guttenburg is getting up he s not going to like this
news. a fox news alert. while you were sleeping the president and his administration has released five more gitmo detainees. keep in mind, we have heard from this administration, in fact yesterday the state department said al qaeda in yemen is core al qaeda. if you re going to release these guys don t release them back to yemen. you know what? all five are from yemen. they are going to put them in oman for awhile but you ve got to figure they re going to go back in the terror business. we ve been reading these files. when you look at this first person this terrorist, ahmed abdul qadir, high threat from a detention perspective. he fought for al qaeda. born in yemen, trained with al qaeda here. when you go down the list, when you hear some of the background of these individuals who are part of
the massive plot to kill anyone who doesn t agree with them. next up? we found him in an al qaeda safe house. he was in a mission starting to build i.e.d. s and was tasked with the mission of going back into afghanistan and start blowing up our vehicles. this guy under his explanation of why he was taken, look at the language they use veteran jihadist and islamic extremist. the language the very administration won t use is here in these documents describing these individuals. what do you think? the next guy, abdah al raman ali he s medium threat but high threat from a detention perspective. they re going to miss gitmo. they all were living together and were born together in yemen. we found him in tora bora, also in the osama bin laden
55th brigade. muhammad ak medical salam was a bomb maker used to make bombs described in many manuals and was given to students in a bomb making training course in afghanistan. as you look at their file none of their stories add up. as the interrogators sat with these guys for years there are huge gaps in their time line. they all have a standard al qaeda cover story. the final guy being sent to oman deemed medium risk, low intel value, they said. we should point out none of them were ever charged with a crime and all have been cleared for transfer for years. keep in mind for years, in fact the first thing the president said when he came into office was i m going to close gitmo. congress yesterday said you can t do that. you know what congress said too? in light of what happened in paris, in light of the fact that this threat comes
from yemen can you delay it a little bit? let s put everything on hold. this is an ultimate in your face to congress again. the first face in afghanistan set up by a former guantanamo bay detainee. senator lindsey graham is saying it is delusional to release more prisoners at this time from gitmo. watch. the president of the united states has concluded that the war on terror has reached a point that we can safely release people from gitmo. the best i can say about him is he s unfocused. that s delusional thinking. the war on terror has reached a lethal phase and it is insane to be letting these people out at gitmo to go back to the fight. we have sent them back over there to estonia and to oman. in the meantime let s worry
about guys from ohio. a 20-year-old kid by the name of christopher lee cornell in green township, ohio, was arrested yesterday at 11:00 in the morning after he walked out of point-blank range and gun shop where he bought two semiautomatic m-15 rifles and about 600 rounds. he wanted to plant pipe bombs at the u.s. capitol and blow them off and then when people ran out he wanted to pick them out with a gun. an informant notified the agency that he was voicing support for jihad on twitter under an alias raheal mahrus ubudah. you know what his twitter handle was? i.s. black flags. his father said he was a mama s boy, always stayed in the basement and never left. right there that s a red flag. we haven t included this part. he was a practicing muslim.
he was at a mosque in south fairmont. his parents said he found peace in the religion. his father said he faced abuse as a practicing muslim with the long beard and traditional dress. nonetheless, he found peace there. he also said he was a big fan of isis. we know about anwr al alawaki. moreton stone nose what sleeper cells are and he says they re waking up. it looks very, very pessimistic for me. unfortunately we have seen the sleeping cells waking up now. people will be very patient to achieve the goals. they are determined, ready to give up their own life. this is an enemy who will give up at all costs. they have managed to be sleeping all this time
until preparations have been made ready for them. now they got these guys when they get out of gitmo evidently they are treated like rock stars in the terror world. they are going to go back to doing what they re doing and they re going to reconstitute. think about all the guys who risked their lives and maybe lost their lives to bring these guys into justice, bring them into gitmo, get them into detention and now they re out and about. gitmo guards know who they are. how do you think they feel in america knowing these guys are out? the latest fox news poll says 64% of you feels the threat from islamic extremists is increasing. the paris killers waited years from their plan. they said they got the thumb up from al alawaki. the guy in ohio said he too
got the thumbs up from al alawaki. yet he got droned. yet overnight five gitmo detainees released. over half of those polled think the president is outside his authority in releasing them right now. > i have two sources that say heather nauert is prepared to deliver the news. hope you re off to a great day so far. there has been a major shakeup at the u.s. secret service in the wake of several embarrassing screwups. instead of firing top executives the agency deciding to demote and reassign for of them. these changes coming after the drerk of director of the secret service was forced to resign after a guy hopped the white house fence and ran inside with a knife. chilling videos that emerged of the paris terror attack at a kosher market. you can see the terrorist
with the hostages and terrified shoppers huddled near the checkout line. other pictures show customers forced to deactivate security cameras in the store. we re now learning al qaeda and yemen the charlie hebdo shooters $20,000 to bankroll that attack. pope francis lands in the philippines. windy there. do you hear the cheers from that audience? the pontiff walking off the plane an hour ago to millions of people in manila. he ll spend five days in that country. he plans to meet with survivors and visit with the villages affected by that 2013 typhoon that left thousands dead. this is the first papal visit to the village in 20
years. history now made. two americans becoming the first to complete the world s most difficult rock climb. two men using their hands and feet to top of yosemite s capitan. a route of this level, no one is doing it, no one has done it so we re writing a chapter in the book. it took 19 days to finish that free climb. the two holding a press conference today at 11:00 a.m. pacific time to talk about that adventure. those are your headlines. quite pa quite a feat. 3,000 feet of granite. can you imagine how much kitchen counters. easy to clean. more on our top story, five new former gitmo detainees walking free with
the threat of terror growing bigger by the day. was this really a good idea by the white house? we re going to talk to a former officer from gitmo. they re all from yemen. does this sound fair to you? muslim prayer will be said for everyone to hear at a university but christians there are constantly being attacked for their faith. is that fair? we ll debate it right now. got a s . sound good? great. because you re not you you re a whole airline. and it s not a ticket you re upgrading it s your entire operations, from domestic to international. which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. from workforce strategies to tech solutions and a thousand other things. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done.
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a fox news alert. while you were sleeping the white house releasing five more terror suspects out of gitmo despite news that a former prisoner is now recruiting for isis inside afghanistan. with 30% of former detainees returning back to the battle field, is this administration putting ideology over national security? joining us now is someone who worked at gitmo as an army medical officer. he is also the author of saving grace at guantanamo bay we wake up this morning hearing five more detainees from yemen are released this morning in the wake of what s happening in paris. how uncomfortable is if for you? you were there. to know these guys right here are out. very uncomfortable. i think every american needs to ask themselves
this question: do you feel safer with detainees in or out of gitmo? if the answer is in then you need to cry it from the tallest mountaintop call your representatives and your senators and get them to pass a bill that s in congress right now to stop the release of detainees. i think we need to remember also that the president declared the war on terror over unilaterally in 2013. and that set a dangerous precedent. if the president feels that the war is over, then the only thing that makes sense vis-a-vis these detainee releases is that he feels they re victims and deserve their freedom and nothing could be further from the truth. there is a group out there called human rights first and they claim on their website that nearly 500 convicted terrorists in u.s. federal courts have been convicted, but there are only 300 serving time in federal prisons. where are the other 200? where are they?
could be alive and well living in paris. dearborn michigan, your neighborhood. 630-plus detainees have been released from gitmo and not one has been executed beheaded, hacked to death like our enemies have done to us. gitmo is absolutely the finest military detention facility on earth and the islamist equivalent is a pile of heads. why now are we releasing? we re not even a just hours off of what happened in paris? why now? why is the administration so dead set in your opinion? you worked there looking face-to-face at these detainees. why are we releasing them now? i think again because the president feels there is no war on terror. his behavior screams that. every single day, every single time one of these
detainees is released he s telling us that they re not dangerous, which is, as we ve heard before on the show insane. it doesn t make sense. you saw them eye to eye, face-to-face, are they a victim? i think at the very least they re all unlawful combatants and could have been killed on site on the battle field. each one is luck yeah to be alive. there is each one is lucky to be alive. there is not one detainee i would let loose at this point. there is no way you can win a war on terror been releasing detainees. it doesn t make sense. unconscionable as some would say. major granger, we thank you for your service and for joining us this morning. thank you for your time. a lot of controversy brewing over this story. the muslim call to prayer will be recited for the entire campus to hear at duke university. will the lord s prayer be recited too? no. that story coming up next. then it s the photo shop everyone is talking about. bruce general ner made
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quick headlines now. from the roadways. overnight a suspected drunk driver leading police on a chase through north hollywood with five people in the car but police pulling off a successful pit maneuver tackling two guys as they sprinted out. you ve got to be in shape to do that job. federal investigators combing the scene after a bus carrying 12 inmates slammed into a passing train in texas. eight prisoners and two corrections officers dead, others in critical condition. icy roads could be to blame plus they were not wearing
seat belts. looking at this video it is hard to believe anyone made it out alive. a bus driver on his way to pick up students in new jersey when he smelled something burning. he pulled over and along with an aide got off just before the bus burst into flames. starting tomorrow a call for prayer for muslims will be heard at duke university for about three minutes every week many it will sound something like this, amplified. [chanting] that s going to start tomorrow every friday 1:00 at duke. but is this religious accommodation necessary or just completely unfair to non-muslim students? joining us is the senior pastor of the first baptist church in dallas, texas dr. robert jeffords. he is also a fox news contributor. good morning to you, doctor. good morning. what s duke doing here? well, this is political
correctness run amok. i m not denying that duke has the right to do this. what i am saying is that duke is hypocritical in doing this saying they re doing it for diversity and pluralism when this very same university not long ago tried to cancel a pro-life event at their women s center and their hypocrisy underscores what i ve often said those who cry loudest for tolerance are often the most intolerant people when it comes to viewpoints they disagree with. this is a travesty coming from a school originally founded by a christian school by methodists and quakers. they want to expand their horizons so to speak dr. jeffress. if they re going to do this, have the muslim call to prayer at 1:00 every friday for three minutes and amplify it, let s hope they give the other religions equal time. i wonder what time they re going to amplify the our
father. i would love for evangelical students at duke to go to university officials and say after the muslim call to prayer at 1:00 at 2:00 we would like to get on the p.a. system and recite john 3:16. i wonder how far that request would go. you know what? that would seem fair. but then again, you know what happens on america s universities these days. we got a quote from the dean for religious life who says this this morning regarding it. this opportunity represents a larger commitment to religious pluralism that is at the heart of duke s mission. it connects the university to national trends in religious accommodation. you know, doctor, there are students of many different religions at duke and to the best of my knowledge, this is the only religion the muslims are the only ones who get this special accommodation. as a christian, i believe that islam is a false religion based on a false book written by a
false prophet. that is my personal belief. but i also recognize that the first amendment gives muslims the right to practice their religion just as i practice mine. what the first amendment doesn t do is mandate that all religions get equal space and equal time. for the first 160 years of our nation s history, our judiciary said over and over again that america was founded as a christian nation. and although we welcome people of all faiths, our country has decidedly given a preference to the judeo- christian religion. i think we ought to continue that tradition. franklin graham, billy graham s son suggests to donors at duke stop giving them money. what do you think? duke has the right to do this, but i think donors have the right to withhold their donations and parent and students have the right to withdraw their enrollment. i hope they will do that until duke reverses its policy. it is a great school and now they re doing something on fridays that has people
all over the country saying why are they doing that? dr. jeffress thank you for joining us today. what do you think about that? e-mail us they tipped police cars over, set buildings on fire and looted businesses in the wake of the protests in the local millionaire who was giving them millions of money. we ve got his name. hollywood hypocrisy uncovered next.
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the i.r.s. is warning that there could be long delays getting your tax refund this year because of budget cuts they had to cut staff. and because they cut staff,
they re saying somewhere in the neighborhood of half the people who call the i.r.s. this year will not get an agent on the phone and will not get a call back. the i.r.s., they re expecting so many delays this year they re renaming themselves the d.m.v. that s funny but true. he s right. he knows what he s talking about. 28 minutes before the top of the hour. the i.r.s. is also in the news. this is going to be upsetting. if you are old do not call the i.r.s. because they cannot help you. there is a new watchdog report that says the agency does not answer phones at local offices and has removed the option to leave a message. a service that was once offered for the elderly and the disabled so they can call in to ask questions now they say if you need help send an e-mail. but a lot of data out there shows about half of adults over the age of 65 use the
internet. how do you get your questions answered? beyond me. a new d.n.a. test helped crack a murder in south carolina and police think it could help solve more mysteries nationwide. a woman and her daughter were found dead in their apartment in 2011. no arrests were ever made in that case but now a new service says they can create a digital must go mug shot of the killer using genetic code pulled from the crime scene. it is called snapshot. they created images of who the company believes could be responsible for that double murder. police still investigating that case. new development in the ferguson protest movement. new tax filings from a nonprofit group say those demonstrations were funded by the liberal billionaire george soros. he gave $33 million to the organizers who organized the outrage following the
michael brown grand jury decision. his spokesperson says funding protests that led to those violent outbursts help make our society quote, more accountable. the kardashian family is fuming this morning. it is the latest issue of in touch magazine showing a heavily photo shopped image of bruce jenner to look like a woman. chris kardashian is outraged telling friends it is mean to do it whether or not it s true. he s gone through a bit of a physical crans transformation but they re taking it further than that. they are basing it on a source that says that is how he wants to appear. doesn t seem very nice. maria molina is outside our world headquarters where, maria, yesterday it was really cold. today just cold.
today we re about ten degrees warmer in terms of the wind chill temperature. feels like 17 degrees in new york city. it is an improvement compared to what we saw yesterday across the northeast. other areas are bitterly cold. in parts of new england wind chill temperatures well below zero and on the cold side in places like chicago and cleveland where wind chill temperatures are in the single digits. high temperatures are going to be better across most of the country. we re looking at high temperatures in the 50 s in texas and part of oklahoma. 30 s today in new york city. as we head into sunday it is going to get better out there with highs in the 60 s across the southern plains. upper 40 s possible in the city of boston. something else to watch for today is areas of heavy rain along parts of the gulf coast and a new storm system moving into the pacific northwest with areas of heavy rain and mountain snow. let s head back inside. there is a new movie out
and lee meechum was in dubai on tuesday and they asked him about the paris massacres and here is what he said. there are too many expletives out there guns out there, especially in america. i think it s a blank disgrace. he says we have 320 million people and we have 320 million guns. this is a pretty violent movie. he says it s fantasy. he says i grew up watching cowboy movies, i didn t end up a killer. a character like mine is fantasy. it is in the movies. it doesn t mean they re all going to go out and say let s get a gun. i agree with him. i don t think movies prompt people to get guns but i think in the big picture, one of the stories nobody is talking about can you imagine if the cops had guns and they were able to show up and they were armed. how do the guys in france
get their guns? before you look at america find out how they got these assault weapons. he s known to have a gun control position and voiced it emphatically throughout years. if you have that position, why would you then take employment holding a gun in a series of films. let somebody else do that if you re not a believer in it. it seems a little hypocritical to many out there. let us know what you think about that. i think he had about 20 million reasons to. i think he got about $20 million. i think he s a nice guy. there is a little space between what he s doing and what he s saying. pot, kettle. the story of one of america s most lethal sniper, chris kyle, has hit the big screen. hello. baby? chris? baby, i can t hear you. hello? i m ready. baby, what s happening? i m ready.
baby? i m ready to come home. american sniper opens up everywhere tomorrow. our next guest sat down with the cast. michael tammero. we re going to get into the fox light with limb right now. good morning. i get so emotional watching that scene. american sniper is about the love, humanity and struggles many military families face. chris kyle saw the world through a rifle scope but his story is now being told from the other side of the lens. he went to war to protect the good guys but came back the most lethal sniper in america s history. his story made for hollywood. it was a wonderful privilege and honor. i actually found it tremendously gratifying. i loved it. it s very different because he was a real human being. there is a huge
responsibility. bradley cooper stars as the sniper but this movie is about so much more than war. it s about love and strength. the thing we try to focus on in this movie is the relationship between the two and how not only is it service men and women over there serving and going through this a pretty trying dilemma of having to jostle between the two words. his widow says the role is [inaudible] the kind of empathy you feel for people at home keeping the family together is so enormous that it s easy to get the emotion. both say kyle s wife helped them evolve. she gave us their e-mail exchanges which is invaluable. taya hopes the world
sees her husband how she did. a family man who happened to be the world s most lethal sniper. one of the things i take from it, or that i took from chris s life and his public life was how beautiful a thing it is to be who you are, with all your flaws and all your successes and let people judge you or do whatever they want to do but just be you. and it works out. sadly hollywood could not have predicted the ending. three years after helping the navy but the aim of his legacy will be to protect and honor. oscar nominations come out this morning and fingers crossed this movie gets the respect it deserves. bradley cooper firing back at people who are critical of him. glorifying war, and he s
firing back. this is a passion project. he did such a great job with it. to catch more of my interviews with the cast check out fox business network this weekend. as always for all my celebrity interviews log on to or follow me on instagram at foxlightmichael. it is already a record limited release. it is breaking all sorts of records. it looks to be clint eastwood s biggest opening weekend of his career. straight ahead, talk about a special election, a lawmaker elected to office from behind bars. did you hear what ted cruz had to say about the i.r.s.? the single-most important tax reform, we should abolish the i.r.s. can that actually happen? judge andrew napolitano is on the case walking in to
discuss next. why not abolish it? nobody s answering the phones. i ve smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now.i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that s why i choose nicoderm cq.
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about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. quick political headlines. a virginia state delegate celebrating his reelection from jail. democrat turned independent joe morrisy winning a special election to gain back his seat. he resigned in december after a sex scandal with a teenage member of his staff. morrisy is allowed to leave jail and legislate by jail and return for his sex crime at night. let me catch my breath and then continue. harry reid has not been seen on capitol hill since
the start of the new session because of a workout accident but now an aide says reid is expected sometime next week. he fractured his face and ribs when an exercise band apparently snapped. so they say. this should be another reason not to like the i.r.s. the agency saying staff shortages could mean delayed refunds and more identity theft but senator ted cruz says he s got an idea. the single-most important tax reform, we should abolish the i.r.s. there is a powerful populace instinct to take the 110,000 employees at the i.r.s. and put all 110,000 of them down at our southern border. does judge andrew napolitano like the plan? he s here right now. you ve got to be quiet during the real news story. lack of discipline. as we were listening to
elisabeth read about this guy running from jail this has happened more times than you can shake a stick at. ted cruz is obviously exaggerating a little bit when he says send the i.r.s. agents to the border but he s not crazy. think about this. he probably is going to seek the republican nomination for president. what is less popular amongst the republican base than the i.r.s.? so this is a very very popular thing for him to say because all those folks, or most of them will be voting in the republican primary. he s not crazy. he s got a couple of alternative proposals that also resonate well with conservatives and libertarians. it is a smart move politically. he s reminding people of the border situation while addressing the i.r.s. with the scandals involves lois lerner and her e-mails and the suppression of 501-c-3 s, tax-exempt entities that
were favoring ideological views against the obama administration, this is red meat to conservative republican voters. no one likes paying their taxes but we don t know if we know that paying taxes is part of keeping the system going. he has two alternatives. one is the flat tax where your income tax return would be the size of this pink card. it would say what you earn from all sources time the tax rate equals what you owe. there is no deductions, no complicated math, no 80,000 regulations no human can read. the other is what s called the fair tax. it s basically a federal sales tax that will be collected by the vendor so when you buy a hot dog or you buy a house, you get to pay the president was talking about maybe we ll do something with congress regarding tax reform but then he said we want to make sure everybody pays
their fair share. if half the country doesn t pay any federal income tax, what is their fair share? i would like to be able to ask the president that. the president is in love with the progressive tax system put in place by woodrow wilson 100 years ago when he promised that the income tax rates would never exceed 3%. is there a money-back guarantee on that? he went to princeton so we have to i want to point everyone to our fox news website for your piece. you have a provocative piece on freedom of speech. the judge comes out against freedom of speech. that is not true, kilmeade. the judge comes on at 6:00 tonight. we hear so much conflicting information about those energy drinks, so what s the bottom line? do they really work? the answer is going to wake you up next. you ve heard of the hungry, hungry hippo. but how about the hungry
angry hippo? it is the craziest video you re going to see all day. any time you have a hippo on it s rather unique. you just got a big bump in miles. so this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. sound good? great. because you re not you you re a whole airline. and it s not a ticket you re upgrading it s your entire operations, from domestic to international. which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. from workforce strategies to tech solutions and a thousand other things. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done.
athletes pay attention and buyer, beware. a new study reveals vitamin supplements in vitamin water and other energy drinks have no nutritional benefits. how can this be? dr. mark siegle we want to college to answer questions like
this and he s here to weigh in. you lined up a lot of energy drinks. i went to medical school to answer this? you did. revitalize, enhance, restores. the buzz terms given and written, but? i don t think they re legit. i don t think you re really getting restored or reflownished or enhanced performance. here is the secret, a number of these are relying on caffeine. five hour energy up there in the front has over 200-milligrams of caffeine, that s twice the amount of a cup of coffee. red bull, 8 ounces, has about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. here is monster and the red bull, it gives you the jolt, but doesn t enhance performance. any^ more than caffeine does. but again, people don t know necessarily they re getting all this caffeine. they may have underlying heart disease. are they in shape to have that much caffeine? it can increase heart rate, provoke higher blood pressure. i m concerned about people not
realizing these are caffeinated drinks or sugar drinks. if you have red bull, you get the jolt you know it s not making you better. you just get that pick up. when you see vitamin water, gatorade and power water, a lot of people get the impression it will help you. that s what the study is saying. when you lump all of these together you re not even distinguishing properly. i think gatorade and pedialyte give you your electrolytes back when you re becoming hydrated. otherwise they re not doing anything for you. vitamin water doesn t add much. the vitamins in it, you re get not guilty your regular diet. if you eat tuna or turkey, whole grains, if you eat leafy vegetables and beans, you re getting much more vitamin b than ever in vitamin water. let s move these over and move this front and center. why did you bring out green tea? elisabeth hasselbeck drinks it every single morning. i am advertising for it cause i think she s right. there is antioxidants in it.
it s great for your metabolism. if you get the sugar out of it and you have it decaffeinated thanks, doctor. right. really great. you can have it decaffeinated. it s really good for you. gives you a boost and been shown in studies to improve exercise. learn to stop stealing my tea. who is the host here? this is my segment. okay. thank you. we brought her here to demonstrate that frien tea is good for you. but it s my time with you dr. siegle and she infringed on it. we re going to human resources. here is the study that the doctor who is an american says it holds up. thanks so much. thanks. coming up straight ahead, the story we just told you, the muslim call to prayer recited for the campus of duke university. so will the lord s prayer be recited, too? no. tell us what you think. we ll share your comments. then he s living proof that hard work pays off. he went from an orphan to a self-made millionaire. the founder of jiffy lube here
to change your oil, so to speak. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we re not just insuring our lives. we re helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
thanks. [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) cut it out. see you tomorrow.
my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it s progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness. then hot pins. almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it s known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem
may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. good morning. today is thursday, january 15. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, the president opens the gates at guantanamo bay releasing five dangerous detainees. you see them now on your screen. we just read their files through and what we found out will shock you. and they re not the only threat. do you know about the islamic extremist groups living right here in the united states of america? that s right. isolated communities where islam rules have popped up in cities and areas all across the country. we will describe a handful of them that we know about coming up. then, you heard of a hungry hippo, the game. what about hungry hippo and
angry hippo in real life? the craziest thing you ll see all day. i didn t know hippos could do that. mornings are better with friends. this is marco rubio from the great state of florida and you re watching fox & friends . it s good to have him on a couple days ago. remember his first book he said that using the proceeds, he was going to retire his student loan. that s true. this is my impression, i ve never seen him so confident. i sense he s about to make that announcement to jump in. i don t know whether he s going to or not but he seems like a great guy. which is a thick pool. strong group ready to go. yesterday republicans on capitol hill called on a newser to put more restrictions on releasing guys from gitmo. that was earlier in the day. then a couple hours later, the administration announced, we are
releasing five gitmo detainees. these are from yemen, the worst of the worse places where core al-qaeda is based. we re releasing them, but not release them directly to yemen. so the al-qaeda in yemen claimed responsibility for the paris attack. so our president says i have an idea, let s release five from yemen. it s now your move, congress, to stop it. although it looks like it s too late. let s go through these five from what we know from their files. one is going to estonia. let s learn about him if we can play the dating game music. he trained with al-qaeda a member of the brigade group that osama bin laden personally oversaw. he was picked up in afghanistan and he s looked at as an extremely high risk. in terms of letting him out he s at a medium range. this one is headed to oman.
medium until value. possibly was a body guard for osama bin laden. veteran jihaddist and ex, the words in his file aren t even said by the administration by mouth. interesting to note there. okay. next contestant who has just been released to another country al ramman mohammed. oman will get him. he was deemed a medium risk high threat from a detention perspective. only got medium stuff out. we should point out none of them were ever charged with a crime. okay transferred years ago. but right after the republicans said, mr. president, you can t let anymore out he let five more out. we found them in an al-qaeda safe house with the higher-ups core al-qaeda. but i m sure he had nothing o do with the organization. the next was a suspected bomb maker, found with a casio watch, the specific one used to make bombs and given to students at
al-qaeda bomb making training courses in afghanistan. and there is another one too, the last syllable hentif. looked at as an enemy combatant. captured near the borrowed of pakistan and afghanistan. and was pretending to be a member of the red crescent and claimed to be a volunteer. he has no medical background and his cover story was typical of the standard al-qaeda cover story. two months with the koran teacher in kabul for two months. he actually didn t leave there. he was just under his teaching apparently. and he has several known ties to al-qaeda. they re not under lock and key, so they re free, just like the five we put in afghanistan and the five more we put in uruguay and the ones we gave to qatar. if you look at the number of people through the years who have been released from gitmo about one in three winds up
going back into the terror business. so we re letting them out and it is a revolving door. a form gitmo officer is major montgomery granger. he was here in the studio just about an hour ago. he had these observations about letting the guys loose. every american needs to ask themselves this question: do you feel safer with detainees in or out of gitmo? if the answer is in then you need to cry it from the tallest mountain top need to call your representatives and your senators and get them to pass a bill that s in congress right now to stop the release of detainees in. we need to remember also that the president declared the war on terror over unilaterally in 2013. that set a dangerous precedent. there is no way that you can win a war on terror by releasing detainees. we re losing ground against isis in the syrian region, we re about to cut what most people
say is a horrendous deal with iran. this goes par for the course of what s been happening to us in our country over the last few months. we re gog have the chance to going to have the chance to speak with rudy guiliani. he s going to be with us. i m sure he ll have words about this release. there is a father out in ohio who says his son is just a mama s boy who never left the house. yet this son of his is a 20-year-old muslim convert named christopher lee cornell from green township ohio. he was arrested yesterday in a parking lot of a gun range and was charged with this, he wanted to set off bombs in washington, d.c. particularly the u.s. capitol, and then his people were running for their lives from that building right there he wanted to pick them off one at a time with one of the two high powered rifles he bought yesterday at a place called point-blank range and gun shop. he was going to detonate pipe bombs. he had 600 rounds of ammunition. they re claiming the f.b.i. set
him up. he became interested in islam two months ago. before that, just a mama s boy. wow. he s not alone. apparently the clarion project identified five major islamic extremist groups functioning right here in the united states. you don t trust me? listen to the national security analyst on this visiting with bill o reilly. they can t be under control just through monitoring them and again, when it comes back to the issue of the ideology which president obama refuses to recognize, that s a problem here. it s not just about the person setting off the bomb. it s about the ideology that combines jihad and religion. we need muslim leaders to step up. the most positive news is that these organizations have so little support among muslim americans. but they ve been able to dig in into a number of places around the country. hancock, new york is known as islamburg. it s the headquarters for
muslims of americans. falls church, virginia, in the dc area is home to one of the most powerful islamic centers. also an extremist group in brooklyn, and another one in jamaica queens. islamic circle of north america. i assumed they were doing a good job monitoring not only for us, but actually for other muslims because everybody wants to be safe. we need somebody who goes inside there. if not the nypd, because de blasio did away with that, somebody on the inside could be seeing if something is going wrong there. it s a dark outlook right now, according to rasmussen report. 65% of americans believe a terrorist attack, similar to those that happened in france, are likely to happen to us here on our turf in the next 12 months. what is it with ohio? a couple of days ago that bartender was arrested because he was charged with wanting to poison john boehner and now this kid out of green township, ohio,
apparently fan of isis. clearly not a fan of the buckeyes or they would be excited and not trying to kill people. i m a fan of heather nauert. we all are. is this is basing. i was just talking about you. good morning to you. great to see you. we ve gotten chilling new surveillance video that has just emerged of the terrorist attack at a kosher supermarket. you can see the terrorist with the hostages there and terrified shoppers huddled near the checkout. other pictures show customers being forced to turn off the security cameras. look at that right there. you can see that man up close. how terrifying. and this morning, we are learning now that al-qaeda in yemen gave the charlie hebdo shooters $20,000 to bang roll that attack. a major shakeup to tell but at the u.s. secret service in the wake of several embarrassing screwups like when the guy armed with a knife hopped the white house fence and then ran into that building. instead of firing top
executives, the agency decided to demote and reassign four of them. these changes all coming after the director of secret service julia pierson was forced to resign not long ago. federal investigators trying to figure out what caused a bus packed with prisoners to slide down a hill and right into the path of a speeding train. that bus was completely destroyed. the train s cargo scattered all over the place. icy roads could be to blame there in texas. eight prisoners and two corrections officers were killed in that wreck. the rest are in critical or serious condition at the hospital. that happening in texas. you heard of the kids game hingery, hungry hippo. you are about to see is no child s play. take a look at this. can you imagine if you re on board that boat and that hippo
was coming right after you? that s nuts! hippos are considered the most dangerous mammal in africa. they usually don t become aggressive unless their babies are nearby. but there are reports that there were babies in that area. that incredible video already racking up 250,000 views on facebook alone. and those are your headlines. these are nasty little animals. but they don t have many teeth. just four huge teeth. it makes sense where they got the idea for the game. it looks exactly like it. as far as i m concerned, they shouldn t be allowed to swim. they re very aquatic. they got hoofs. they don t have hoofs. i don t believe they re cloven animals. let s see. if you know how a hippo swims please write us. slowly. meanwhile, about 45 minutes ago we told you this story. at duke university, which is a great university starting tomorrow on friday, at 1:00 o clock, they re going to
start amplifying over the p.a. system the muslim call to prayer. i ve done some investigating. i can t find that any other religions represented by the thousands of students on campus are represented with anything this kind of accommodation which sounds like this. here is what duke says the dean for religious life, who happens to be christian, says this: this opportunity represents a larger commitment to religious pluralism and at the heart of duke s mission. it connects the university to national trends in religious accommodation. are you okay with that? so is there going to be a reading of the our father following that? no. nothing. we actually had dr. robert jeffries earlier on the program here. this is what he had to say about it. this is political correctness run amuck. look, i m not denying that duke has the right to do this. what i m saying is that duke is hypocritical in doing this,
saying they re doing it for diversity and pluralism when this same university tried to cancel a pro-life event at the women s center. their hypocrisy underscores what i ve often said, those who cry loudest for tolerance are often the most intolerant people when it comes to viewpoints they disagree with. the table has been set. one tweets and says can take duke off the kids short list, will not pay for this school. laura says parents should pull their kids out immediately. reverend graham says supporters to duke should stop supporting them financially. that s where it s going to hurt, right in the pocket. let us know what you think. now this, how do we stop a strike on our homeland before it takes place? a man who helped stop the unabomber here to share his strategy and what he says the feds are doing wrong. where do you start. plus, watch your back, bruce
lee. this kid might be able to beat you at your own game.
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brand-new fox poll show americans are more concerned than ever about a terrorist strike here at home. overwhelming 64% saying the threat from islamic extremists is on the rise. this as airports across the united states step up security in the wake of a new threat outlined in the latest edition of al-qaeda s own magazine inspire. should this put america on high alert again? i think we are. let s ask terry churchy former f.b.i. deputy assistant director of counterterrorism and credited with catching and convicting the unabomber. the game has changed because we re so much more involved in social media as opposed to when you were tracking down the unabomber. but are we doing anything right here? we re doing some things right. at least we re talking about what s going on. but we re doing many things wrong. and i think the most vivid is that we ve replaced a strategy that was finally working a few years ago with essentially nothing. we are no longer focusing on and
looking seriously at the need for integrating the military and law enforcement and intelligence and national security aspects of the government into the fight on terror. and the reluctance to talk to americans about the way we have to eventually handle this, which i always have felt is we need to essentially implement some sort of marshall plan to deal with terrorism, i think we ve lost a lot of ground. what s really frightening is that al-qaeda and isis and all of these other terrorist groups have really figured out how to attract and reach the people who potentially could be lone wolf type terrorists here in america. and they use the social media but they re figuring out psychologically what to say and how to say it. they re motivating like an expert sales team. they do things like telling you exactly what you re going to do. they give you a heads up, for example, build a bomb in the kitchen of your mom. that s essentially what the
boston bombers did. exactly. and we re going to see more of this. ted kaczynski, 19 years ago when we took him, he had written thousands and thousands of pages and he described how to build bombs and he had a big dream and his dream was to go public and distribute that information. you see that happening right now. right. and you see the last two years of the bush administration, they started getting it right. that s been dismantled. the mission now is kill them with drones as opposed to infiltrating the cell. killing people with drones is never going to be as effective in dealing with the ideology of terrorism as going out and spreading the word that america has a great idea and that america over many, many years has been a great idea. we ve backed off on selling ourselves and what we represent. i think that s a real bad idea as far as dealing with these people. very true. why don t we tap into madison
avenue for advertising? we re the best in the world. thanks. thanks. straight ahead, he s living proof that hard work does pay off. he went from an orphan to self-made millionaire. the owner of jiffy lube faced with a new challenge, you ll meet him next
fox news alert.
time for news by the numbers. 19,000. that s how many french web sites have been hacked since the paris terrorist attack. cyber defense officials say some of the attacks were carried out by well-known islamic hacker groups that appear to be targeting everything from military regiments to pizza shops. 3,000-foot victory. two americans becoming the first to successfully free climb yosemite rock formation. using just their hands and feet for the 19-day climb. 20 years. that s how long this grateful dead fan has been gone. his mother only recently reporting him missing after the incident that helped open a cold case in 1995. that s what an unidentified grateful dead concert goer was killed in a car crash. she thinks it may be her son. steve, elisabeth. thank you. it s a story every kid out there should hear. this is jim, the founder of jiffy lube. but his road to becoming a millionaire and success was a rough one, to say the least. joining us now is the author of the new book was blind but
now i see. jim, good morning to you. good morning. so i love your story. when you were a kid, you were a hustler, street brawler. an orphan. you wound up spending ten years at the sioux city iowa boys and girls house. and when you were there probably looked like you were up against a dead end, didn t it? when i got there i told them they weren t going to keep they here and the next day i got out of the cell and i said maybe things are different than i thought because i had been a street boy and i shined shoes and sold papers and learned my way around the streets. learned to stand learned that until you stand up for yourself you aren t going to have anything. it became part of the foundation that led me to believe in never, never, never giving up. it led me to keep looking no matter when someone tells you
as they did me you re legally blind. there is nothing more we can do. we ll see you later. i said that can t be the end and kept on looking and discovered this implantable miniature telescope. that s right. and in between that time there, what s amazing to me is you have such grit and determination in the face of challenge. you went on to get a football scholarship and then left business for a while western maryland has college team which had a losing team in 76 which two years later had the best team under your leadership. what s your motivation to push through situations that are tough? i learned very young that you have to have a dream to make a dream come true. you have to work really hard. you have to practice, practice, practice in order to get better better better. and the idea that there are dreams that you can make come true by working at it the way we did on our football field and,
you know, i found that to be true. you got to have the grit, as you said earlier, to keep going. you do. and you did. so after football, you wound up getting a masters in hospital administration. you made your first million by the time you were 35 years old. i love this part so there you are, you take your cadillac in to have somebody change the oil. but it got so screwed up, instead of changing your oil, they took out your dashboard. right then the light went off, i need to start a chain. it s called jiffy lube. we would have just complained. the rest is history. it is. there is 2400 jiffy lubes and there are people dedicated to doing the right thing and there are people that are in business for themselves. and that s what motivated me. i wanted to have something i could own and i think a lot of people want to have something they can feel that they own. so owning a franchise is a wonderful way to do it. and the jiffy lube franchise put
people in business and families are still in it that were in it when we first started. your alarm goes off at what time? i don t have an alarm. in my head. you have an internal alarm that goes off at 4:30? yes. you could host the morning show with us. why do you want to get up early? i think you ve got to get a good early start in order to catch up with the day. there is too many things that need to be done. i make a list. i always have an action item planned for the day. and it s just like we have a two-year campaign to sell this book, to raise money, to bring people aware of macular degeneration. which you are suffering from significantly. you got a telescope implanted in your left eye at johns hopkins. right. 50 million in the u.s. suffering from this, you say. 40 million likely to have macular degeneration by 2020. yeah. it s an epidemic and yet it s a silent epidemic because we get depressed and you withdraw.
and as much as i was outgoing and on boards and tremendously active in the racehorse business and traveled and then there is no way to go because you can t i was at a horse rate and the first time i realized i couldn t see my horse. i couldn t see it in the post parade. they said, coach, it s right there. and then i figured it out. the fun was gone. a challenge, you pushed through. if it was on your list to inspire, millions of people, you can check that off right now. it has been our honor to speak with you and we wish you the very best. my pleasure. thank you very much. blind but now i see is the book. ladies and gentlemen, mr. jiffy lube. what a great story. thank you. it is 7:30 here in new york city. coming up next, mitt romneyç eyeing another run for the white house, it is said. so what would he need to change his mind to make sure he s in?
we re going to ask the guy who ran against him, rudy guiliani. he s on his way to the couch right now. our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don t get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you.
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i say christie gave his speech. a lot of people thought he was doing it as a kickoff to a possible president campaign. i can see why people say that because he s supposed to be talking about new jersey. i saw it on the streets of new jersey and felt it in the suburbs of maryland. i heard it from farmers in kansas and from teachers in colorado. i felt it from veterans in maine and from workers in arkansas. pretty sure new jersey is the only state he did not mention.
i live in new jersey! i felt left out. state of the country address. it s amazing it s so true. mayor rudy guiliani is here who gave an initial boost to governor christie to put him on the big screen. yeah. i was his first endorser and i was with him the day that he announced and you know where he announced for governor? in front of jon corzine s apartment. that s who he is. i have think he has a good chance. i think jeb bush is the front runner and the star of the field. he s the guy everybody has to focus on. i think scott walker, i think chris are very you re going to maim them, it will be a long list. yeah. i think my friend george pataki should get in. i think he has a lot to add. we re very early and a lot of people should be in it. but we should try to get this over early and organized. i would like to say one thing.
i m not the head of the republican national committee, but if i was, i would say the following. you say anything bad about a republican, i m coming on this show and saying something bad about you. i don t care what it is. we are running against hillary clinton. we re not running against mitt romney, jeb bush, chris christie. we re all on the same side. i like that message. you mentioned mitt romney. if he does jump in, what would you advise him to do differently this time? he s going to have to convince his big supporters many of whom have already gone to bush or christie, he s going to have to convince them that he s going to run a different kind of campaign this time. that it s going to be much more aggressive campaign, much more engaged campaign. that he s not going to back i way from topics like benghazi which i think he should have hit even for historical purposes even if he didn t win, if he had made benghazi a bigger issue, i think we would have had a better chance. he tried to but cannedy crowley wouldn t let him. he backed off it in the debate and he shouldn t have. i think he was advised to because he had made one mistake
about benghazi that candy crowell lie was wrong about then i think he got shy about t. he s gog have to convince his supporters he ll be very different. and this is a better field than he had. you ran against him and you and john mccain and others were kind of all over him in the first primary because you guys really held his feet to the fire. second time around he was better. this is what we hear behind the scenes, that he s a different guy. that he s been running these leadership meetings and these policy talks around the country and he seems much more in charge and hungrier than ever. have you heard that? i ve heard that. the difficulty is, he has a chance to show it against a much better group of candidates this time. it remind me of golfers. now adays you got 100 great ones. you used to have 20. now you have 100. well, first of all, something to his credit is he would be able to, if he were to run he d be able to say when i was running against barak obama, i said this, this and this. as it turns out, i was right.
but at the same time, if you look at the political left, if mitt romney is the guy, they re going to say look, he s a rich guy. remember the thing with the dog. remember the thing with the horse, all unfair, but they ll bring it up. the difficulty he had last time is he couldn t really bring up obamacare as the issue that can we learned even in the last election, obamacare is still a big issue. so he has a weakness on obamacare because of what happened in massachusetts. the other guys are wide open on obamacare. they can really hit him hard on it. before we move on, the other big story about gitmo. one time mario cuomo is in his 60s and i said, are you ever going to give it another run? he said no it s andrew s time. do you get a sense looking at romney like, yeah, you got a left left, but it s not your time? i would prefer romney is the candidate i ll support him 100% like last time. but i prefer somebody new against hillary. hillary has a big, big long record that we can have a lot of
fun with. all these other people are new to the scene, new ideas. i think that might be the better way. there are so many republicans who look like they re thinking about it. who are your top three? i think i mentioned them. i think bush, christie and walker. okay. and one word on gitmo. you got to be out of your mind to let killers go at a time in which people are being attacked and killed by islamic terrorist. what is going on in the white house? this could be the craziest thing the president of the united states ever did. that reaction puzzling in with our fox news alert. we just told you yesterday that those five gitmo detainees overnight while you were sleeping, and their profiles aren t pretty, were released. former detainee, remember s now a top recruiter for isis. mr. mayor, i can t think of a worst time to do something like this. they re all from yemen. in your face. al-qaeda and yemen took credit fort attacks last week in paris. what do we do? it s almost as if they re
making requests. like they re sending requests to the white house. send me a recruiter, send me a munitions expert. send me a sharp shooter. we need a bomb maker. and on the front page of the new york post today, we have an almost attack on the united states. and he s releasing killers to kill americans! when you take the oath of office, you vow to preserve protect, and defend the united states. not let killers go who are going to kill americans. and these are direct links to al-qaeda, all of them. in fact, one of them was caught in tora bora with bin laden. one we let out three weeks ago were caught with uranium on them. why is the president doing this? i now believe he s in a state of complete denial about the idea that we re at war and he just won t accept it. maybe it s arrogance. maybe it s his refusal to admit that he was wrong. they are at war with us. what too they have to prove to us after the bombing in france
that they are at war with us? so when you re at war, you don t let the warriors go free. we wouldn t have let the nazis go free until the end of the war. it seems that the president and his administration is more offended by the term, radical islam, than radical islam. why is that? i think again, it s part of the denial. this has nothing to do with islam when the people are yelling out allahu akbar when killing people. we re doing this to avenge for the prophet mohammed. they re killing in the name of islam. that could be a distortion of islam. but they re still killing in the name of islam. and by the way, they can find wbr id wbr60431 support in the koran for what they re doing. as a guy that took down the it to get inside the mindset of the enemy? n critical to wbr id wbr60531 call them the mafia. when i first called them the mafia, i was criticized. i had protests by italian american groups. /b
italian american groups protested me for using the word mafia because i was defaming all italians and i said bull you know what. i m not defaming all italians. i m just defaming the creeps part of the mafia. if you don t want to be part of it, you come and stand with me and explain to everybody that we re like everybody else. we re not like the mafia. this is not too tough. the president would not be saying all muslims are terrorists. he s just saying that all of these islamic radicals are out to kill us. he could perform a great service as someone who understands the muslim religion from having studied it. he could perform a great service in explaining the koran, which has good parts and bad parts. the bible has some bad parts. stoning women for adultery. we don t do that anymore. we read it out of the bible. somebody has to come along in the muslim faith and be a reformer. we need a martin luther or catholic reformation or jewish reform movement in the muslim religion. he can do that. he can say it s an old book. let s keep the good parts.
the enemy is trying to kill us. at least acknowledge it and then then let s take certain parts and read it out for the modern world. rudy guiliani. fired up this morning. courage and wisdom. we thank you. straight ahead on this thursday, a restaurant banned from selling beer. john stossel says you can blame big government for that and it s only going to get worse. john stossel coming up next during this happy hour. what millenials aren t doing that s keeping them from landing a job. the easy answers, like adding a single line to your cover letter can remarkly change things. people person? everything okay? we re here because you re about to have a heart attack. pete s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i ve smoked a lot and quit a lot
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welcome back. no matter what the main stream media says millenials can be hard workers and there are 50 million of them in the work force today.
threw some things that the millenial generation can t seem to get right. the founder and ceo of is here to help them. i m exideth excited to be here. one of the top mistakes they make in the work force is they think too much. so they think too much about social media, but not enough about in person relationships. this is something we see a lot of people overlook the importance of networking. they re online all the time but not necessarily making connections with people that can help them in their career. inappropriate follow-up. in is a big one. for example, i m sending a thank you note is just a must do. if you have an interview with someone, send a thank you note. handwritten is best. e-mail is fine. on the flip side we occasionally see them adding them on facebook. this is a no-no. for the thaws, depending on the generation of the people receiving, perhaps a handwritten note may work. exactly, especially if you re interviewing with someone who is more traditional. chasing a name. chasing a name is a really
interesting one. i think you see some young people that are so focused on getting what they think of as the perfect job they don t research the company or learn whether the culture is right for them. it s a sense of really understanding what s the right job for you. not the right job that s going to fit some predetermined idea of what it is you think you want. you re saying facebook is saying they love it may not be a good fit for them. it s helpful to work at people who work for the company you re interested in. there is so much available for people who want to research companies. you also say millenials need to watch their language. yes. there is a formality to business conversation that i think millenials don t always realize is appropriate. it s making sure you re not talking to your boss like you might talk to somebody on twitter. for example? for example texting language, like k, thanks bye. just keep it professional. thank you so much. use your kind of academic or adult language, you might say. to round it out the copycat
cover letter is the number five mistake. one of the best things millenials can do to get a job is show a company they care about a job and a copy cat cover letter is the opposite. don t send the same cover letter to 50 people. add one line and that one line is, this is why i m excited about your company or this is why i m excited about your job. it makes all the difference. i m a believer that the millenials are an incredible generation of hard working individuals. you just helped them out a ton of the we thank you for being with fox & friends. thank you so much. we ll post those tips on our web site. thank you. now this, one man wants to open a brewery, but would be banned from selling beer there. can you believe that? we can t get it either. regulation john stossel and you can blame big government for that and the crackdown on american businesses is only getting worse. she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction -
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what is the biggest problem that americans faced in 2014? believe it or not it was not the economy. it was not unemployment or even health care. that s right. according to gallop poll, government was the people s number one complaint. have our elected officials become it s a topic yes. excuse me, john stossel is tooking that on his show. watch. today davis all over the world are crushed by goliath governments. beer makers farmers, entrepreneurs, goliath says they re not properly regulated. goliath takes some of their homes. it s not fair. it s not right. but there is no telling when this nightmare will end.
can david defeat goliath? john stossel, the host of stossel. people are connecting the dots, that government is the problem. they re the ones harassing standing in the way. whenever there is a problem, people say, i want government to fix that. but they don t see that these people have no incentive to do anything but preserve their jobs and some are tyrants. you described the problem with beer. you got the small business guy. he s making beer and then big government does what to him? he owns restaurants. so he makes beer. they won t let him sell his beer at his restaurant. why not? it s against the north carolina rule. it s done probably to protect the distributors who have been contributing to the politicians for years. there are a million rules like that. let s go to nevada. uber, what s going on there? uber, the car service, is banned in nevada. they compete with the taxi drivers and they don t obey all the taxi rules. but lots of taxis cheat in las vegas. one in three takes you a round
about way to the strip. so the government of vegas says we ll fix that. they charge taxpayers to put up giant signs to take them two years to put up nobody reads it. they stop cars so they slow you down so that you won t be slowed down by a taxi ho is cheating you. they say go to a notary, fill out a complaint form. then they get upset that nobody does cause they don t want to spend their vacation in court. and so on for all this money. finally they say, we re going to spend $6 million on an app that s going to track which way the cabs go. and we ll add that to the taxi fare which is already higher this is to appropriate because yesterday we were running the story that regulation is costing the country over a trillion dollars a year. and people still want in the case of this uber already has a tracking device! for free, it s in there. if the uber driver takes you out of the way you give them one star. and nobody hires them. some accountability there. yeah. you re saying that because
there are these problems people want more government. that seems counter intuitive. it seems like more people would think we need less government and let the market force us to determine how things turn out. people have lives. they don t pay as close attention to this stuff. they just think oh, yeah, somebody got ripped off. government should do something about that. are you going to talk about this at all tonight? this is what my show is about. goliath. the new goliath. if you would like to find fox business in your area, go to fox thanks. we re glad to finind you here this morning. we like to have you on. we don t yell at you like bill o reilly does. i appreciate that. coming up, the story that has made many of you fired up. the muslim call to prayer recited for the entire campus of duke university. so will the lord s prayer be recited? the answer is no. your comments are coming in. they sure are. and then guns are good enough for the millions he makes off of his movies.
but when it comes to real life liam nissam is hollywood s hypocrisy, coming up
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good morning. today is thursday, january 15. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, the president of the united states opens the gates at guantanamo bay, releasing five more dangerous detainees. what is going on in the white house? this could be the craziest thing the president of the united states has ever done. and it gets crazier. we just read their files and what we found out is going to shock you. so we re she ll that with you. we ll their that with you. plus the muslim called to prayer will be played for the entire campus at duke university starting tomorrow at 1:00 o clock. so what time will they be reciting in an amplified way the lord s prayer, the our father?
they won t be. your comments pouring in. we ll share some of them straight ahead. and talk about a special election. you have a delegate reelected from behind bars. he s a law maker by day, convicted criminal by night. it s good to have something to do at night to keep you out of trouble. mornings are better with friends. this is former mayor rudy guiliani. you re watching fox & friends, one of my favorite shows. and if you missed a little fox & friends, you miss a lot. he was just here 20 minutes ago. he was all fired up and he was fired up about this. it s a fox news alert. the president of the united states let five more gitmo detainees go. in the beginning, 775 detainees were taken to gitmo. the president and others have released 653. there are only 122 left today after these five were released
to ohman and estonia. when you look at their backgrounds, you realize they could make a really strong case against them in the court of law. why they weren t tried or given life in prison why they were let out is beyond me. we have not stopped. between the hole takes and other things going on this president has been doing it since the bergdahl exchange getting rid of the guys and the in your face to republicans and democrats in congress, they wanted to slow it down. yesterday they asked for a slowdown, especially for those from yemen. guess what the president gave them? five guys out all from yemen. four are going to the same place and they re not going to prison. they re free. he must have heard we want a timeout at guantanamo bay, mainly because the al-qaeda affiliate there in yemen claimed responsibility for the paris attacks just a week ago so hey, let s give a time out and release here. no, instead he said i think i heard let them out and that s what he did. so let s profile them. this is the first one, he is transferred to estonia located at medium risk.
high threat from terrorist detention per specktism. medium detention value. he was actually was supposedly one of the bomb guards for osama bin laden. they found him in a safe house and he was being tasked with returning to afghanistan to begin with ieds. they also said he served under zabadai. the next one is deemed medium risk by our experts in the administration. a low threat from a detention perspective. medium intel value. yeah, let s let him go. from yemen. from yemen and found in tora bora. he was with bin laden s 55th brigade. high terror threat risk there. and on his record, i can t say it enough, veteran jihaddist is how he is described. maybe the administration will start using those terms. he got out. up next he s medium risk, high threat from a detention perspective there. and medium intelligence value.
he was not forth coming. he had standard al-qaeda cover stories and there is huge gaps in his story about where he was. also found in al-qaeda safe house and thought to be an esteemed member of al-qaeda. the next guy here, he was found with a casio watch, the one that they specifically used to train in these al-qaeda bomb making courses. they teach them how to blow things up with it. this guy, high risk. high threat. now transferred. unbelievable. and finally, mr. hentif, high threat from a detention perspective. low intel value, they said. keep in mind they say that about a t the people who have been released from gitmo wind up going back into the terror business. right now isis has set up its first base in the country of afghanistan run by a former gitmo detainee, less than three months after the british left that area and one of the reasons
they are being so effective is because they re offering all these foreign fighters, we ll give you 500 bucks a month just to join. that s the best paying job in afghanistan. so if you want to know really what these guys are like we did. so we asked a former guantanamo bay officer here on the program major montgomery granger who detailed exactly how disturbing this release is. watch. every american needs to ask themselves this question: do you feel safer with detainees in or out of gitmo? if the answer is in, then you need to cry it from the tallest mountain top, need to call your representatives and your senators and get them to pass a bill that s in congress right now to stop the release of detainees. we need to remember also that the president declared the war on terror over unilaterally in 2013. that set a dangerous precedent. there is no way you can win a war on terror wire leasing detainees. it doesn t make any sense. just think of the family of
the c.i.a. guy on the ground when al-qaeda and taliban s worse of the worse were gathered in a prison. there was a prison riot and he was brutally murdered. and all the others who lost their lives only to be let out. you say 30%, the administration says, 5% go back. so there is a little difference with the math. of the five guys, let s figure one or two of them right now on the way out is trying to figure a way how to kill us. but then again, there are americans who apparently are trying to kill us. there is a 20-year-old man by the name of christopher lee cornell from green township, ohio. that was taken yesterday after he was arrested. he s been saving money to finance and build bombs and buy guns and yesterday at 11:00 o clock in the morning, the f.b.i. moved in. this guy had been on twitter. his handle was ilblackflag. real genius here. he is reported to have told
people, i m a big fan of isis. this is a guy from ohio who wanted to blow up pipe bombs in the u.s. capitol and then when people were running for their lives, pick them off one at a time with one of the two m 15s he bought yesterday in ohio. formally charged with attempting to kill a government officer. when you see what s happening in paris, you see that isis is putting down roots and they re only getting bigger despite the bombing. then you feel yemen is rearing their ugly head saying we re responsible for what happened in paris and more are coming your way. then you realize and they re doing it in the name of al-awlaki. he s the guy who is american born who we took out with a drone. our guest infiltrated the wing and set al-awlaki with a wife. he was trusted. he helped blow up that cell and he says guess what? a lot of these sleeper cells are waking up. he was on the network yesterday.
looks very very pessimistic for me. we have seen the sleeping cells waking up now. people will be very patient to achieve the goals. they are that determine, that they re ready to give up their own lives. this is an enemy would will give up a new car. so they managed to be sleeping all this time until the preparation has been made ready for them. they got the weapons. one thing we did not mention about this 20-year-old who was arrested yesterday in ohio, not too long ago, he converted to islam. right. just a coincidence. he s just an extremist. a couple months ago. he was a high school wrestler, i don t think he was going to be doing that. 8 minutes after the hour. heather nauert is here. good morning. a real trouble for commuters up in the boston area this morning and possibly across the country. a fox news alert, a massive black live matter protests
bringing traffic to a stand still just outside of boston. these pictures out of milton, massachusetts. brand new photos show demonstrators chaining themselves to 1200-pound barrels in the middle of interstate 93, blocking every single lane of traffic during the morning rush. troopers and local police are working to get them out of there. the liberal group am ster coalition, promise to go do this around the country including new york city today. today is martin luther king s birthday. they say they want to do it to commemorate him. another breaking story to bring you. unprecedented surge of cyber attacks taking place in france. we have just learned that 19,000 web sites have now been hacked since the paris terrorist attacks. some of them were carried out by well-known islamic hacker groups. in the meantime, pope francis just weighed in on the attack. he was on his way to the philippines where he just landed today. he said this quote, one cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people s faith. one cannot make fun of faith.
there is a limit. every religion has its dignity. what do you think of that. he hopped the white house fence and ran into the building armed with a knife in the wake of that break-in several other embarrassing screwups, the agency, secret service, has now reassigned four top executives, demoting them instead of firing them. then a real controversy now brewing at duke university in north carolina. the christian chapel on the campus will now broadcast a muslim prayer chant each week from that iconic bell tower. critics say other religions are not receiving the same fair treatment. the senior pastor of the first baptist church in dallas, dr. robert jeffers, weighed in earlier. listen to this. the first amendment give muslims the right to practice their religion just as i practice mine. what the first amendment doesn t do is mandate that all religions get equal space and equal time. america was founded as a
christian nation. and although we welcome people of all faiths, our country has decidedly given a preference to the judeo christian religion. i think we ought to continue that tradition. this controversy comes right after duke canceled a pro-life event on campus and kicked chick-fil-a, the restaurant, off its campus because it has traditional marriage views. and we are getting a lot of comments on this. what are people saying this morning? glad you asked. kate tweeted if i was a student at duke, i would leave immediately. this is so unsettling to me. i see where our country is going. and christopher says this, if the christians can t do it, then the muslims shouldn t be allowed to. and anita says why aren t the atheists calling foul on this like they do on christianity? s so tomorrow at 1:00 o clock in the afternoon at duke, they re going to do the call to prayer. what time are they going to amplify the our father? they re not going to.
coming up, guns are good enough when he s toting them in movies. but in real life, liam nissam wants to take your gun away. an outrageous case of hollywood hypocrisy. mortgage rates are dropping to record lows. but just because you can buy doesn t mean you should. priceless advice from mr. real estate, bob massi joins us from vegas, baby.
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to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars. you re thinking about getting a house, good news. mortgage rates are at new lows. applications are surging as fannie and freddie reveal new programs for some americans to buy a home with a down payment as low as 3%. that sounds great. but didn t we get in trouble with that before? before you rush out to buy, fox news legal analyst bob massi says there are some things you need to know. he joinses from gavages. good morning to you. how you doing today? doing okay. people are thinking about buying houses. first off, let s start with credit scores. what s good credit score to wind up getting a good mortgage?
here is some ranges, from 640 to 660, the lenders are saying, more of a down payment. the base is about a 640. you get over 660 to 750 fico scores you ll get better rates, less of a down payment and you ll get 750 or over you re good to go. you ll get the best rates you can. so it s very important to understand your fico scores. understand how they work to make sure you re in the mix to even get a loan. here is kind of a tough question, people are scratching their head going where do i find my fico score? pull your credit reports. here is why. first of all if go to a lender, they ll help do you this. first of all, there is a lot of bad reporting. a lot of people who did short sales a few years ago they re showing up as foreclosures. that hurts your credit score. make sure that you really delve into your credit. if you know you re going to buy a home, you shouldn t try to finance about six to 12 months
before you re going to look for a loan because it s going to ding your credit. it could affect your credit, which affects your ability to go and buy a home in the future. so you re going to go buy a car and things like that you may want to wait before you do those type of things. sure. meanwhile, a lot of people buy a car and then figure out howfor it. you say you should be preapproved just about the same time you head out the door to start looking. cannot tell you how many people come to me, they re so upset. they go and find the perfect home and then they didn t qualify. i say, look before you go look for the home you want find out how much you could be approved for. are you going to be able to afford and get approved for a 300 hounds loan or 400 or 500. you have to make sure that your budget, your finances fit into that. so what you need to do is when you go find a mortgage broker or a lender, bring your pay stubs. bring out the retirement you have. bring your bank statements.
bring all the financial information that you have steve, so that that lender or mortgage broker could look at you and say look, when you go look for the house of your dreams this is how much we can most likely approve you for. this is what the underwriter will look to. don t go look for the home first and then be disappointed later. that s not the good way to do it. okay. great advice. and finally, what s the most common mistake people make when buying a house? when you buy, anything i buy in real estate, i try to look at the other side of the deal, steve. i want to look at it and say i m not going to keep this necessarily for the rest of my life. is it in the right spot? is my job secure? is my future secure for a period of time? how long do i think i m going to live in this house because steve, my mom and dad s generation, you know, those generations lived and died in their homes. you talk to kids that are 45 years old, to me they re kids. they ve owned two or three homes already.
make sure it s the home you want and make sure you look through the deal that you re going to be able to it s a good buy, that they re going to make money down the road. i like that advice at the end. if you buy a house, you better like it cause you re going to live in it for a while. absolutely. if you ve got a question for bob, you can go to our web site and click on rebuilding dreams. who knows, bob might be answering your question on tv. thank you very much. thank you. coming up, he s a law maker by day convicted criminal by night. meet the man who was reelected from behind bars. he s a democratic law maker. plus, we love puppies and the super bowl is banking on that. so where does the power of puppies come from? there is a science behind it. we re going to share that with you from the green room and live from our studio.
political headlines now. virginia state delegate celebrating his reelection from jail. democrat turned independent joe morrisy winning a special election to gain back his seat. he resigned in december after a sex scandal with a teenage member of his staff. you fill in the blanks. he is allowed to leave jail and legislate by day and return for his sex crime at night. separately a different note harry reid expected back to work nexty. he hasn t been seen on capitol hill since the new year when he broke his face and ribs. he was working out with an exercise band when he said it hit him. that s a quick look at what s in
the news. meanwhile, the super bowl is going to the dogs. that s right. man s best friend now advertisers best friends. last year s budweiser puppy love ad was the most popular. this year, bud is making a sequel. and even godaddy is get not guilty on the dog craze. here to explain why the cuteness factor works dr. carl marcie psychologist and founder of chairman of interscope research. he has studied the psychology of super bowl ads for the last eight years. what about puppies in american fool football fans works? first of all, you have to understand that we re wired to connect with one another. the wiring that we have to connect with each other that forms such strong bonds doesn t discriminate. so we also connect with brands, products services, and cute puppies. who can resist? in terms of the science behind it, you actually hook up
electrodes and can see people psychologically respond to puppies. we know it worked. we saw a dog yesterday who took a dog by herself and people couldn t get enough. what is the effect that a cute puppy has on the mind? sure. so you got to remember that emotions are really critical to how we connect with communications and each other. so when we see something that is lovable and cute our emotion centers turn on. they re also connected to our memory centers. so what advertisers are trying to do is take advantage of that linkage. so you see a puppy, you have an emotion. and you remember that brand more favorably. and maybe it s a flashback to the dog you had when you were a kid. maybe we should have puppies for three hours every day. just one sect is kind of tough. there was a recent study that came out where they talked to heart attack patients and they realized that people with dogs lived longer and were actually
happier. why would that be? we re all familiar with when we hug someone, we feel a little bit better. and the hormone responsible for that is objection yes toesen, known as the hugging hormone. that same hormone that s released when we hug one another is released when we hold puppies and dogs. the theory is that that bopping and positive hormones actually have protective factors on our heart and our brain. i feel healthier already just holding him. do other animals have the same effect? well, we could bond a all kinds of animals. i think what s particularly unique about dogs is that developmentally, they have receptive language. they understand us. they re expresssive with their ears and their tails. and they form bonds with humans so powerfully. so they really are at the top of the pack in terms of relationships. i think we see that in the world just walking down the street as we see more and more people who
are deferring, having children, fulfilling that parental need with a dog. plus, brian told me if you take dog to central park it s an easy way to meet girls. i whispered that to you in the break. i m sorry. whoops. i ve done some studies. it s true. that s true. thank you very much for joining us today from boston. by the way, all these three dogs need adoption, including two inside. write the show. we ll hook you up. should we just release them? can we do that? we ve got the people dog is waving good-bye. let me tell you what s coming up. serious story. coming up, he saved a navy seal from the hands of the terrorists. the real life story unfolded in the movie lone survivor . why you help me? why do you help me? now that afghan needs saving himself. will the united states actually get involved before it s too
late or let him twist as we did that doctor who helped with us bin laden? plus, watch your back, bruce lee. this kid right here is beating you at your own game. i wonder if he breaks the tv with that thing.
push your enterprise and you can move the world. but to get from the old way to the new you ll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. take a look at this. fox news alert. a black lives matter protest has shut down the morning commute in milton massachusetts. that s one of the arteries leading into boston on an i-93. wait til you hear why.
cops can t get these people off the road. they re having a real problem because those great big white barrels are filled with concrete. just as we re bringing this to you, we re learning i-93 southbound has reopened. two out of the four lanes northbound have also been reopened there. joining us now is fox news producer andrew fone. what can you tell us right this minute? reporter: good morning. as you can see from the live pictures here, the barrels remain on the road. they ve actually done this in an interesting way because you can see that they cut holes in the barrels and inserted plastic. so the arm is actually way inside. that s the reason that the state troopers here are unable to cut them free and get traffic moving. it s a complete and utter mess out here. the worst time that this could have happened for the city of boston. could be a couple of hours before this is resolveed. is there any lead time?
was there any word that something like this was going to take place? no. absolutely none. this unfolded about an hour ago. initially traffic was ground to a halt. we were about a quarter mile behind this and decided to jump off to avoid what we thought was an accident. then it became apparent. what happened was the van stopped. they rolled these things out of the back and then chained themselves to them. so you can imagine what a mess this is creating. there is concerns here not so much for people getting late to work. that s somewhat understandable, but emergency vehicles heading into boston hospitals from the south shore. that s like the central artery there going through the city. when you see these barrels that we re looking at, there is up to 1200 pounds. nearly impossible to move quickly and boston has pretty much had enough. i say #bostonmatters. they faced this week a possible
delay of a jury selection with the boston bomber there. it s been a rough week right now across the globe. we re looking at boston here, those lanes are closed. cars are stopped during the busiest time of the day right there on i-93. andrew, i know the reason they picked today was because today is martin luther king s real birthday and so they re having this black lives matter protest. these people will be arrested. i know it s early. any idea what sort of charges they face because you re absolutely right. they have brought boston to a grinding halt. not so sure about the charges. one can only imagine they ll be quite serious. you can t see from this vantage point, but to our right they ve unfurled a huge banner that says end white supremacy. i should add that most of the people that we re looking at are white. they want to get their point across and certainly succeeded.
there are a lot of angry people out there. a lot of these folks coming by that have been sitting in this for the better part of an hour and a half, literally screaming abuse out of their windows. as you can see right now, there is a state trooper that basically digging the stone dust out from inside by hand. you can see him kneeling down. the protester to the left who is attached by the other side appears actually it have hurt himself. he received medical treatment. seems to have scraped chin. behind him there are two other people chained to yet another barrel and then on the other side of the highway you ve got three other folks chained to two more barrels. great. one of those women in the barrels, appears to be wincing or smiling and i can t tell which. they re making a big point out there. big protest black lives matter. andro fone one of our producers, thank you very much. they can t really pick them up because they might break the
arms of the people who have stuck them in this. they should have thought of that. they did think of it. they should have thought about their arms possibly being broken because the first thing you have to do is for the safety of those people in traffic. heather, what s happening? let s start overseas. remember him from the movie lone survivor. he risked his own life to save a u.s. navy seal. why you help me? why do you help me? now the afghan man who helped marcus lotrel is asking the u.s. to return the favor. he has been getting death threats from the taliban ever since and finally with the united states help he escaped afghanistan. he is now seeking refugee status. the first step toward being granted asylum here in the united states. the department of homeland security still has to sign off on that. we ll keep you posted. a bombshell new development in the ferguson protest movement. new tax filings tie millions of dollars in funding to the liberal billionaire george soros.
his nonprofit group gave $33 million to the organizers who orchestrated the outrage following the michael brown grand jury decision. and here is a kid that you certainly don t want to mess with on the playground. look at this. little mini bruce lee there showing off his incredible skills. he s actually matching the moves of kung fu master as they happen on the screen. how adorable is that. those are your headlines. nice job. i got to tell you, the 87th annual oscar nominations are being announced right now. let s listen. we re about to take you out to hollywood. the oscars will be on february 22, neil patrick harris will be the host. he s done the tony awards here in new york city live a number of times. he s terrific. he is. he s a fan favorite.
everyone is going to be excited to see him in action. one of the only categories i get excited about is best animated feature. the cartoon? you saw unbroken come out recently. they want to be eligible for the award. you saw american sniper. they announced it earlier in order to be eligible for this. i m very curious to see if they re going to be mentioned today. then i tell you what, let s go live to hollywood and find out who gets oscar nods. welcome. what an exciting morning. thank you for kicking it all off. chris, let s continue. for performance by an actor in a supporting role, the nominees are robert duval in the judge. ethan hawke in boyhood. edward norton in birdman or the unexpected virtue of
ignorance. mark ruffalo in foxcatcher. and j.k. simmons in whiplash . for performance by an actress in a supporting role the nominee s are patricia arquette in boyhood. kyra knightly. emma stone, meryl streep. for achievement in make-up and hair styling, the nominees are bilkersel and dennis lid yea for fox catcher. francis hannen and mark coulier for the grand budapest hotel. elizabeth yannani and david white for guardians of the
galaxy . for achievement in costume design the nominees are milana for the grand budapest hotel. mark brunches for inherent vice. into the woods. anna b. shepherd. and jacqueline duran for mr. turner . for achievement in send ma cinematography. birdman. robert yeoman for the grand budapest hotel . dick post for mr. turner. and roger deacon for unbroken .
adapted screenplay the nominees are jason hall for american sniper. graham moore for the imitation game. paul thomas anderson for ininherent vice. anthony mccarton for the theory of everything. and whiplash damien fazel. george screenplay ahan drove alejandro richard linklater forking with boyhood . e. max fry and fetterman for foxcatcher . dan gilroy for night crawler . for original score the
nominees are alexander despl a, for the grand budapest hotel and for the imitation game. chance zimmer for inner stellar. the theory of everything . the best foreign language film category the nominees are from poland. from russia. from estonia tangerine. from moratamia. and from argentina wild tales. for achievement in directing the nominees are alehandro for birdman. richard linklater for boyhood.
bennett miller for foxcatcher. wes anderson for the grand beauty pest hotel. morton tilden for the imitation game. for performance by an actress in a leading role the nominees are marion cotiar in two days one night. felicity jones. julianne moore. rosamin pike in gone girl. reese witherspoon in wild . for performance by an actor in a leading role the nominees are steve carell in foxcatcher. bradley cooper in american sniper. michael keaton in birdman or the unexpected virtue of
ignorance and the theory of everything. and finally, we have pleased to announce the films selected as the best picture nominees. they are american sniper. clint eastwood, robert lorance, bradley cooper and peter morguingen. birdman . boyhood, richard linklater and kathleen souther land, producer producers. the grand budapest hotel, wes anderson rudin steve rails and jeremy dawson, producers. the imitation game, nora gross man, and producers.
selma, christina soleson oprah winfrey didi garner and jeremy kleiner, producers. the theory of everythingle, jail bevin and producers. and whiplash, jason blum, helen estherbrook and producers. for the complete list of all the nominations visit and join us sunday night, february 22, to celebrate these incredible artists and films at the oscars with our host neil patrick harris. see you at the oscars. all right. there you go. we got the big announcements. a lot of people are very happy and very sad. it seems like birdman i ve been keeping track of the ones they announced.
grand budapest got seven. american sniper got three, including best picture. and that, of course is the movie based on the life of chris kyle, done by clint eastwood. directed by clint eastwood. and jason hall wrote the screenplay. bradley cooper nominated for lead actor there. we ll see what happens. it s an incredible honor to get that nod. think about it. zero dark thirty was nominated. lone survivor was a huge hit and now american sniper which is going to be a box office nash on friday. now you see the nominations. and it was just a couple of years ago that hurt locker won. that s right. so that s the latest and they re going to have the oscars next month in tinseltown. meanwhile, fox news alert. labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. what do they mean for the
economy? let s get those numbers. joining us live from the new york stock exchange is fox business network s nicole petallides. good morning to you. good morning. absolutely we got our weekly jobless claims in. what we saw here were more claims than what was expected. so we have 316,000 claims versus the estimate of 291,000. obviously you want fewer claims. not like when we do the monthly number and you want a lot of jobs added. in fact, right now you can see that 316,000 claims. the interesting thing is this comes on the heels of we ve seen things going in the right direction since our great recession. last year we added nearly 3 million jobs. that was the most since 1999. but the big picture is it s a slow recovery and yesterday we got retail sales numbers, a little bit weak. consumer back and forth. you might see an up arrow because some of the economic news means the feds pushes off when it raises rates and people like that. back to you. a lot of people on wall street like the easy money.
all right. don t miss nicole on the fox business network. go to or if you see her on the street, ask her. we just highlighted the films that are nominated for the oscars next month. i think the most played clip will be when that woman from the academy mispronounced mr. pope s last name. mr. poop. yeah. it gave everybody a little giggle. coming up, do you know if you leave the united states to fight with terrorists overseas, you can keep your american citizenship. the absurd reason why is next. first we re going to check in with martha mccallum for what s coming up at the top of the hour. good to see you. fears of an attack here at home are very real, of course. now an ohio man has been charged with plotting an attack on the u.s. capitol. we ve got brand-new polls on how the president is handling the threat of terrorism here and abroad.
and some say that president bush didn t call it islamic radicalism either. dana perino on the importance of language and the white house. american sniper you saw the nominations that came in. we ll talk about a movie that some have seen as controversial and why when bill and i see you at the top of the hour. see you then
have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it?
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go on a watch list, you don t necessarily lose your passport. correct. but being a member of a designated foreign terrorist organization isn t grounds? is not automatically mean your passport will be revoked. so there is no rule or no regulation that says if you are a member of al-qaeda or isis that you lose your passport? correct. wow.
you heard that right. just because you re a terrorist, doesn t mean you should lose your u.s. passport. that would seem too harsh. a pretty chilling thought, especially in the wake of the arrest of this jihaddist wanna be from ohio. he s accused of plotting to blow up the united states capitol in the name of isis. actually charged as of yesterday. so should he and others be allowed to keep their passports and remain united states citizens? joining us now, fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr., on the case. the answer is we ve got to put terrorists out, revoke their citizenship and revoke their passports and miss heart should not be so proud of the law. and we should be concerned as to what s going on about french, about americans, about other european nationals terror fight. at least 900 french citizens are among the 200,000 westerners who left to fight for isis. 12 americans are believed to be fight not guilty syria right now. more than 100 americans have tried to go to syria and were
arrested or went and came back. i guess common sense would say how can this happen? is it a loophole? it is in the law. american law says that fighting for isis or al-qaeda does not warrant the loss of citizenship. immigration and nationality act provides for the loss of u.s. citizenship only if a u.s. national enters or serves in the armed forces of a foreign state, a foreign state. that s important. al-qaeda isis all these other splinter groups are not considered foreign states under the law. that s why senator ted cruz congressman poe, and others have come up with legislation to say no, let s change the law. let s be able to revoke passports for true terrorists who want to destroy our country. who happen to be american citizens. america should be a leader in fighting jihad and also really maintaining the fact that they should not keep their passports. but it s the other nations stepping up. we have examples that you brought us. great britain passed legislation that allows the
government to strip terrorism suspects of their citizenship even if it renders them stateless. netherlands, the government proposed legislation that could force so-called problem individuals to restrict their movements and in canada, the citizenship act allows government to strip dual citizenship of their citizenship. israel is looking at it. other countries are looking at it. we need to look at it quickly and we need to understand that terrorists are terrorists. they re not accused of robbery. put them out. revoke their citizenship. revoke their passport. have a process to do it. but let s be smart and do it. we can t countenance it. they want to kill. they re not americans. they re not americans. done. peter johnson, jr., great to see you. okay. more fox & friends just moments away for you. available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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little hollywood hypocrisy. liam nissan launched into a tirade. there are too many blank guns out there, especially in america, he says. i think it s a blanking disgrace. a loaded statement there. many of you have been weighing in on it. rita says this give back the money you made using guns. i ll never see another one of his movies again. karen, why do you play all those roles glorifying guns? he did go on to answer and say, that s just fantasy. right. he s got 20 million reasons to do that and smile about it. that s how much he made for his last movie. if you got to run to the tv, run to the radio. we ll see you tomorrow. w[ t wf bk h2 b+[ab:
these five detainees were from yesmen. martha: five yemeny guantanamo bay detainees being transferred. bill: why now doug? reporter: that s the question a lot of peopl

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he was arrested for shoplifting. this couple brought their bay while they stole video games. was that worth it? we hope you have a great weekend. fox & friends starts now. hi everyone. good morning. today is friday, the 17th of october, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. the ebola scare spreads nationwide. how one case in texas has quickly spread into a multistate nightmare shutting down schools and forcing businesses to close. the first person to ever catch ebola in the united states, that nurse who tried to help, now speaking from her hospital bed. that is her. her message to doctors and people all across the united states and around the world, you ll see it here first. a heart stopping moment caught on camera. a u.s. marine s close call with a taliban sniper.
get back! how that helmet saved his h.i.v. meanwhile how that helmet saved his life. meanwhile mornings are better with friends. hi. this is alan alda, you re watching fox & friends and sometimes me too. i m a friend. we haven t seen him for awhile. he s probably in the hamptons hanging out with billy joel. it is friday and great to have you. it just takes one. thomas duncan lied on that declaration and got into the united states. he had ebola at the time. and then he went to that hospital in texas where he eventually died. the ripple effect of his single ebola case is a fox news alert because thrj morning there is a cruise ship that has been trying to dock in belize but they won t let it in because a
texas health care worker who may have handled one of his blood specimens has self-quarantined herself in the cruise ship. it is believed to be that ship, the carnival magic which can hold up to 5,000 people. the health care worker is not exhibiting signs and is part of that self-monitoring program and isn t showing symptoms or feeling achey but is so scared that decided to quarantine themselves and the united states government has asked belize please help us in this situation to get this passenger off of the cruise ship, and they say no way. we re about 19 days in now since that health care worker might have been in contact with duncan who sadly has passed away. then you wonder about the other ripple effect. two of the nurses that came in contact with duncan, at least two, that tested positive for ebola and are being treated are now retracing their steps and
who they were in contact with. for example, when amber was able to whom on a flight after able to hop on a flight after going to c.d.c. and getting the go-ahead even though the head of c.d.c. said she shouldn t have been cleared and go to ohio to get ready for her wedding, retracing her steps, first off the plane she was on. that plane had her, she disembarked. she goes about her business, frontier goes on these other flights so every one of those passengers on those seven nights is being contacted by frontier, told they could have been contacted with ebola. sounds like the airline is doing more than the c.d.c. wants them to. now they are notifying people on seven other naits. the cleveland plain dearly has this jaw-dropping fact. that is that airplane made 26 flights before the c.d.c. said that she may have been on it. right now frontier is reaching out to 700 or 800 people saying they could be
at risk. and taking out the carpet and seat covers on the plane. that is what frontier airlines is faced with. the schools in ohio, there are thee of three of them that have closed yesterday and today. also three employees at kent state university related to amber vinson have been asked to stay off campus. vinson never went to kent state university but you see how this web is getting bigger. amber went to more stops, had a lot to do including the wedding place to look at bridal gowns. she also went to the p.n.c. bank. she went over there and the branch closed. everyone has been told to work from home. a p.n.c. employee was on the same night she took and that is why they have closed the facility until monday. also the reason they closed the schools in ohio is because one of the kids and
their parent were on one of the flights, and just as a precaution, because the flight was, i believe, on monday, the kid went to school on tuesday, they started freakin out on wednesday, they closed the school on thursday and it s going to be closed again today as well. think about all the people that have been affected, how all these businesses are going to be affected, schools. it s been unbleefnl unbelievable because thankfully we re getting up for the past two days and not talking about another positive case of ebola. both nurses have been transferred to different facilities. nurse amber vinson now at atlanta s emory hospital and nurse nina pham has been sent to the national institutes of health in maryland. casey steegal is live. reporter: brand-new video coming in to us from inside nina pham s hospital room here in dallas. she was the first nurse to
be diagnosed with ebola. watch. [inaudible] an emotional goodbye. right after that the 26-year-old was suited up in beau hazard gear biohazard gear and flown to the university of maryland for further treatment. her colleague, 29-year-old amber vinson transferred to emory university hospital the day before. she is the one who flew on two frontier airlines planes, who went to ohio to visit her family, plan her wedding and flew back to dallas there cleveland. she claimed that the c.d.c. cleared her for travel. now the c.d.c. says that she is not entirely truthful in terms of how she was feeling when she went on that trip.
now health officials are reaching out to as many as 800 frontier airlines passengers who were on both flights with her and also the other flights that you mentioned on those same aircraft as the plane continued on to other cities before it was clear what was going on and the airline pulled them from service for sanitizing. all of this happening as the 75 other medical staff members here at texas health president presbyterian hospital had contact with thomas duncan forced to sign legal papers, we are told, legal papers that say they will stay in their homes and they will abide by this self-quarantine for 21 days. a judge here in texas saying that those documents are legally binding. all right. thank you very much. casey saying essentially what the daily news is saying on the cover: keep
calm and carry on. these health care workers are being asked to sign these legal documents and part of it says they need to stay calm. the white house was saying keep calm and carry on and now they re doing the drop everything approach. yesterday among the people asked to testify in front of a house committee was thomas frieden. the big question was, i feel almost relieved because as great as thomas frieden is as a person and as accomplished he is, he is frustrating to talk to because he talks in rhetoric, talks in generalities. and we re trying to get to the bottom of why the president and why thomas frieden are so against a travel ban. listen. you were involved in conversations with the white house about a travel ban. did they rule it out? are they still considering it? from the c.d.c. s perspective we will consider anything that will are you going to answer the question about your conversations with the white house? we is the white house
considering a travel ban? i can t speak for the white house. do you know if they ruled out a travel ban? i can t speak for the travel ban. have you had conversations with them about it? we discussed the issue of travel.ñi you see finger pointing there. is it frieden or is it president obama who is against imposing this sort of travel ban? one of the reasons the white house is giving for not putting it in place is it will make us less safe to have this because people will be less likely to be honest about where they have been traveling from. there you see the president of the united states. he spoke from the oval room. that is burwell, director of health and human services. on his left is thomas frieden. as it turned out earlier in the day the white house press secretary josh earnest said that frieden for the most part is responsible for the problems we ve had. we ve seen this with other stories. we messed up, somebody
dropped the ball, we fumbled and the person is not held accountable. who is responsible for these shortcomings? you ve seen in a couple of instances dr. frieden take responsibility for the c.d.c. not performing up to expectations. at the same time the c.d.c. has been focused on the situation since march. maybe that is why the president yesterday said he s considering putting someone in charge, an ebola czar. the president has canceled more appearances, is focusing on this single-handedly. it is a very unique thing to see him change gears, not since the texas oil disaster in the gulf of mexico. that was going on inside the white house. outside the white house there were protesters. look at that guy in the ebola containment suit. stop the flights. what s curious is i was reading yesterday, you know how the president doesn t want to do the travel ban, but how are they able to contain ebola just in west africa? you know how? because the other countries in africa closed their
borders. and the ivory coast, guinea bisseau and other countries ravaged by it closed their borders. it s working in africa. heather, you ve got other news. we ve been following these stories for you this morning. the meteoric rise of isis, gulf war 3, some of the topics in the newly released video featuring a british hostage. it is the fifth and a series of videos. the hostage journalist is reading the message like any other news anchor. this time he speaks of how quickly isis has grown in size and scope, and the united states he says is just in the early steps of what will undoubtedly become an all-out war. this latest propaganda video comes as isis claims responsibility for a wave of attacks in baghdad, the
most recent one a series of car bombs leaving 14 civilians dead. a raleigh man facing up to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiring to help terrorists. jordan was planning on giving material support to terrorists in syria or yemen. the 22-year-old arrested after speaking with an f.b.i. informant about his terrorist desires. law enforcement later finding weapons and ammo in his apartment. new fallout from the botched fast and furious operation. a new judicial watch report revealing a gun used in a 2013 shooting in arizona came from that gun running operation which the justice department createed to track illegal traffickers in mexico. back in 2010 the operation led to the death of border patrol agent brian terry. finally on a lighter note, what a cone head? people living in brooklyn, new york, in a neighborhood there they re furious a guy
keeps reserving his parking spots with an orange cone. he doesn t even live this saying he has a maintenance job in the area. the car has a sticker on the front shield that reads drive it like you stole it. the man says he does this with every new car he tbies to protect it new car he buys to protect it. almost looks like a dukes of hazard car. all he s doing is putting a cone out. being a cone head. we ve got a new show. how prepared are our nation s hospitals to handle ebola? the doctor that says don t bring them to my state; we aren t qualified. does this look like a lunch to you? because of the new government guidelines, this is exactly what s being served to children. nice for an appetizer. where s the rest of it? [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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fox news alert, a shocking number of health care workers 50 it is estimated at the dallas hospital that treated the first u.s. ebola patient may have been exposed to the deadly virus. 50! that according to the c.d.c. director thomas frieden who earlier this week praised the preparedness of hospitals across the country when it comes to dealing with ebola
patients. if this one individual was infected and we don t know how, within the isolation unit, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as welling. of course. but dr. richard ridge says ebola patients should be sent to the specific facilities trained to take care of people with ebola and things like that. good morning to you. we ll talk about that in a moment but i was thinking about people in your business because you re the head of the state s nurses association. how did you feel a couple of days ago when frieden threw the nurses down in texas under the bus by saying if they would have followed the rules, they wouldn t be sick. they followed the rules. my phone started ringing saturday morning, nurses very upset in reaction to what the c.d.c. director said. he later backpedaled but the initial charge that some breach must occurred.
unfortunately, blame the nurses was the first approach. we feel it was unjustified. we feel that is sometimes what happens. we don t really know all the facts yet but they were using protective equipment, they got infected and he later retracted that initial statement. when it comes to the nurses what are the main concerns when handling somebody who has ebola. today the main concern probably is getting the right history because patients present every day with the same symptoms. fever, general muscle weakness. those symptoms characterize many illnesses and so you have to screen them out and get the history. especially during the cold and flu season. there was a quote flying out there, if somebody has ebola, put them in an ambulance and ship them where they need to go. totally mischaracterized. that was attributed to me. what i have said
specifically what we do in new jersey today, you get medevacked to a specialized burn center if you have burns. this is no different. we would medevac that patient appropriately as we saw later on in the week the c.d.c. finally sent those patients to, one to atlanta and one to maryland. there are four hospitals that have biocon taibbiment centers but dr. frieden first said any hospital in america would be fine, any hospital can handle it. do you agree? he s partially correct in the sense that any hospital is prepared to handle the initial phase of screening patients, identifying the patient, isolating the patients and then testing them. once they re tested, however, i would disagree with him, and they need to be sent them to the place that s got the right facilities. which they have started doing as of thursday. it s about time.
doctor, thank you very much for joining us. straight ahead, a young marine killed in cold blood by one of his so-called allies. his family now seeing the government saying they have been covering up the truth. that marine s father here next. a massive fireball lightened up the sky. what caused that frightening sight? we think we know. snows your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership.
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reflux. closing arguments being made in the oscar pistorious sentence hearing and his lawyer is making note of a threat made against oscar pistorious life. a notorious gang leader saying he will take out the olympic blade runner if he receives special treatment in jail. five minutes before the bottom of the hour. in 2012 lance corporal buckley jr. celebrated his 21st birthday in afghanistan. he wanted to come home to drink legal beer with his dad but soon after corporal buckley was shot and killed in cold blood by one of his so-called afghan allies. he went over there, he did what they asked him to do, and the people he was training and helping over this, they turned on him. they turned on him, and he told me a week ago, dad, they re shady. i don t want to be here. from there, his father s
heartbreak got where is. not only was corporal buckley s killer let off with a slap on the wrist seven and a half years in prison now his family believes the marines are trying to cover the whole thing up. not only did they kill up greg but also two others. welcome the father of greg buckley jr. we went over this a month ago and said if we don t get answers from the marines we re suing. greg, now you re suing. why? i need the answers so we can have closure of my son s death. it s been one lie after another. he was working out with two guys. they had a couple of days left before they go. this guy was allowed on the base, and he turns around and he shoots all three of them. afterwards, what did he say? he did it for jihad. he did it for jihad. he is a minor and gets
seven and a half years in prison. the family doesn t believe he was a minor. they were originally told3 he was not a minor according to medical tests that were done and they were promised they would be kept informed of the trial. without telling them at all he was indicted as a minor and they weren t told and sentenced as a minor. that goes back to the marine corps abject failure to keep the family informed of the facts and circumstances of the murder and the prosecution. why does it matter so much how? we know it s a tragedy and the marines obviously screwed up, as you chronicle in this suit which has been filed in eastern new york yesterday, against the general, the marines, the navy and the navy investigator services. why does it matter that you re part of this trial and this is transparent? they knew prior to the execution of my son, they were warned that this would happen, warned bhi jason
warned by jason breslin. he sent over documents and said he can bring harm to the marines on this base and they chose not to remove him from the base. they left him on the base and his tvoy is the one they gave an ak-47 to that went into the gym and executed my son and two other marines. this police chief was traveling like a harem of boys on the base. these guys clearly dangerous and this happens. what i find so disturbing is the marines don t want to get to the bottom of this because we know if it is a heroic situation the marines will tell you about. what you re finding in your investigation if it makes them look bad they re not transparent. under title 10 marines have an obligation to disclose all the circumstances to the family of the death. in this case they had a police chief on this notorious for being
corrupt, for collaborating with the taliban and for engaging with the keeping of young boys as sex slaves. despite anonomously of that, they allowed him despite knowledge of that they allowed him on the base, allowed him to work with them, then when the major who previously expelled that miss chief from another base, it led to the murder. you want to warn other families. the next step, you file, wait for a date and wait for the government to respond? correct. we ll serve them with papers and hopefully they ll do the right thing. this family has been waiting for two and a half years. it is a sad day when they have to sue the marine corps. and they re messing with the wrong family. and you re doing this gratis. meanwhile 31 minutes till
the top of the hour. a u.s. marine s close call with a taliban sniper. how that helmet saved his life. leave the face paint at home. fans being banned from showing their team spirit. that story ahead. first happy birthday to country music superstar alan jackson. this is what he sounds like when he sings.
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i guess he wants to spend his time sitting around doing nothing instead of standing around doing nothing. all right. let s go from the t.s.a. to michelle obama s school lunch program. a school lunchtandards. look like these days? the answer is not much in chickashea, oklahoma. a student took a pick tear, showed her took a picture, showed her parents. that is not much. her father came forward and spoke to the news there too and said i could go buy a lunchable for a dollar and get more than that. i would welcome him to try to buy a lunchable for a dollar because i think those are a bit pricey and they have saturated fat in them. if you want to do that, spend a dollar on that and have that for dessert. but the kids have to be full. we ve already seen so much backlash from michelle
obama s school lunch program, you d think they would adjust it. there are anecdotal stories about how so many kids are throwing them away. what s there to though away? what s there to throw away? peaft problem do you see anything green? raw cauliflower. maybe mashed potatoes with no gravy and no butter. actually the styrofoam container looks delicious. what kid doesn t like cauliflower for lunch? parents are complaining too especially if they have kids who are athletes they are coming home and raiding the refrigerator over and over again because they re starving to death. like us on facebook.
we ll put up this picture and tell us what you think. should kids not be happy at lunch? unfortunately for a lot of kids that s the best meal they get all day and if there s not much to it they have a lousy day. heather childers has breakfast at 1 in the morning. i look at that and see a lot of sodium in that processed lunch meat. other headlines, road rage to the extreme. speaking of school, this ended with a school bus window getting bashed in with a baseball bat. the bus which had 20 students on board was cut off by an s.u.v. with four women inside. these women exchanged words with the driver and then they attacked spraying mace and smashing the windows. how can do you that? it s a school bus. for someone to get out of a vehicle and use a baseball bat and break a window of a yellow school bus knowing it s filled with students, that s pretty bizarre behavior. the only injury, a
15-year-old boy with cuts on his arms but the attackers remain at large. heart stopping new video shows the moment that a marine in afghanistan gets hit in the head by a sniper s bullet. look. get back! we got a sniper! you got shot. are you all right? yeah. my ears are ringing. he remained so calm. very lucky. the just released video shows the group of marines on patrol when they came under fire. the kevlar in the marine s helmet deflects the plet and leaves him with the bullet and leaves him with nothing more than a ringing in the ears. a massive fireball lighting up the night sky over brazil. check out this video. locals flocking to social media to share the video. one person saying a flaming
ball broke apart over the city. according to experts, the meteor was part of a shore coming from the constellation orion. now a look at sports. a faceoff over school spirit at jaz arizona state university. the school looking to ban face paint. students painted their faces and some thought this was racially offensive. many of the fans say it wasn t intentional and any face paint restrictions are misguided. i mean i understand the whole black face thing being controversial but unfortunately a lot of students did it because they re supporting the team. they re not trying to prove a point or anything like that. the university is discouraging all face paint while it comes up with some sort of policy but says fans will be able to draw pitch forks or the letters
a.s.u. on their faces and those are a look at your headlines so far. lots of things to talk about. indeed. they used the paint face because it was blackout night because they blacked out the game, so they were protesting. maria is poifd to tell us the poised to tell us the latest on that storm. in bermuda, worst since 2003. we gonzalo in the atlantic. maximum sustained winds at 130 miles per hour. a category 4 storm approaching bermuda and tropical storm conditions expected this morning with hurricane conditions by this afternoon and the forecast track takes the storm very close to the island of bermuda. it s very dangerous. we re looking at a life threatening storm surge
across casol areas in bermuda. we re tracking another storm system across hawaii and there is a big concern this storm will make landfall out there this weekend but the current towards the south. that is welcome news for hawaii. we re looking at the center of that storm staying to the south. current temperatures today across the country are going to be relatively mild but look at what starts to happen come sunday. cooler air moving in across the country. you re looking at highs in the 50 s in new york city and the 40 s in places like buffalo. let me tell what you s happening in baseball. listen. it s one to the right. the giants win the pennant. a three-run homer. they all go home, take the giants to the world series. for san francisco they will go on to the third title in five years.
the cardinals were game but not good enough. they ll take on the royals next tuesday in game one. last night s matchup between the jets and patriots supposed to be a patriot blowout. it was not. the jets would hang around and play tough. later on chris ivory and the jets would answer back, and that is a score. came within striking distance, jets go for the win but in the end they never get it off. final score pats hold ton a victory hold on to a victory 27-25. a fans at the bruins canadians game tried to even the score with a laser pointer. this was last week when a lions fans distracted
buffalo bills players and that guy got banned. they should find out who this guy is. poor sportsmanship on the part of a fan. coming up, it was a down right dirty attack against her opponent. so what do americans think of wendy davis s political ad? you know the one with the wheelchair. we re checking the pulse of the people coming up next with a dial. leave your cash and credit cards at home. you can start paying with your phone on monday. we ll explain.
i see the levy s parked in front of our house again. it s a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) me too! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) are those king s hawaiian rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. also try the complete line of king s hawaiian sandwich rolls. on this friday morning time for some quick consumer headlines for you. get ready for a holiday hiring frenzy. hiring 80,000 workers to help with the holiday rush. that s 10 thousand more than last year. that means we re buying and
that s good. hershey winning a trademark lawsuit against an edible pot maker in colorado. hershey says the company sold pot products that resembles hershey cam bells like almond joy and confusing consumers and kids. apple s new mobile payment system starts monday. it s called apple pay. it will allow users to tap their iphone for purchases. the company says it s safe because it never sends private information but instead creates a onetime payment number through the phone s passbook. that s your consumer news. anna, over to you. 46 after the hour. mid term elections 18 days away and that means televisions across the country are jam packed with political ads. some are controversial. others inspiring. and the rest down right dirty. so how are americans reacting? leigh carter is here with the details. good morning to you. good morning. we re going to get right to it. the first ad is for the
texas governor race and it is getting dirty, at least on the democrats side. let s see this ad from wendy davis. a tree fell on greg abbott. he sued and got millions. since then he spent his career working against other victims. abbott argued a woman whose leg was amputated was not disabled because she had an artificial leg. greg abbott the attorney general paralyzed from the waist down. is this a below the belt ad that didn t go over well? it was so disappointing to people. women went down to zero on the dials. they told us it is abhorrent, making a negative statement about wendy, not making a negative statement about him. they couldn t believe she went that low. then she doubled down on it. she won t back off of this ad that people are upset about. a lot of people said this is a hail mary, down by double digits and doesn t have a chance of closing this gap. it is going to look back
for her. it seems like she s got an ax to grind and seems desperate. before this ad came out greg abbott put out his own ad. it is basically this is my character. this is who i am. watch. i had to rebuild my strength. i would roll up an eight-story parking garage spending hours going up the ramps with each floor it got harder and harder, but i wouldn t quit. i think i can. how did this go over? everybody loved it. it is so rare to see not only a positive ad but make him look relatable and inspiring and people say this is the kind of person i want to fight for me that i think is going to do the right thing by me. i would absolutely give him an a. we should see more of these kinds of ads. we saw an ad from a democrat, an ad from a republican. now we re going to see an ad from an outside interest group that is negative but the message seems to be
resonating. watch. cut. our budget has been slashed since 2003. responding to an emerging infectious disease threat this is particularly damaging. cut. that was a left hook. the right cross was the sequestration. this ad got four pinocchios in the first place. you say the message keeps getting repeated? it does. people hate negative ads but remember back to 1984 when we were talking about the duekakis ad. it is a surgical strike where everybody says i hate the ad but they remember the argument. this was a simple argument that says the cuts are the impact making all of this happen and it s gotten repeated from the water coolers to bill maher talking about it. the other thing about this, if it is not a candidate saying this, it is an outside party which means you can t pin it on anybody. it doesn t make anybody necessarily look bad. it just makes the
republicans look bad. those outside interest groups can shield a candidate from the backlash of these negative ads. that was a b? the first was an f? the second was an a. 49 minutes after the hour. is that dallas hospital really prepared to deal with ebola patients? a reporter found out firsthand and says the protocol is a total mess. she joins us next hour. we told you about a high school football team fighting to keep this statue after atheists complained. this morning a big update from the quarterback. a long weekend is just an excuse. .to get a long way from boring.
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one high school football team s pregame tradition of touching a statue make atheists furious. they claim two bible verses engraved on the statue violate the constitution. now the school board has decided, they voted unanimously this statue must be altered. one of the players who fought to keep the statue now joinses from from joins us from atlanta and he joins us now. he s suited up because he has a game. sam, apparently the school board said look, we re going to get sued. it s not worth it. let s change the statue. how do you feel about that? well, it was kind of forced upon them because of all the lawsuits they were going to be facing and it s a decision that must have been made. i would like to say that we do have very strong leaders that lead our school in the board of
education, our principles, down to our teachers and coaches and i m very proud to be able to live in a county like i do where we just have such strong and they are christian leaders and i personally am very thankful for that. sam, you fought hard. people supported you. but ultimately you lost. how disappointed are you in a system where it s just too expensive to get what you want and fight this through? i m not that disappointed about it because the thing is, that monument, a few thousand people would have been able to see that monument at a madison county football game. but the attention it drew and like me just being having this is such a great opportunity for know come on the show, i got to share my faith and the gospel with millions of people compared to just the thousands that would have seen that monument. that s how god works in such ways that we just can t imagine.
he s so mighty and great. you were certainly getting the messenger out. how do you feel about the atheist who complained about it? i said this last time i came on. i m not upset with them. i just hope that they will realize, like, our god, he s so real, like look at this, he can take what seems like a loss to him, but really it turns out to be something that many can hear his name for the first time, if it is the first time. his name could just be glorified. good luck tonight as wide receiver. you re going to be depending on. congratulations on your fight. we ll check in with you again. okay. thank you. thank you. switching gears, breaking overnight, fox nuts alert, a health care work who are had contact with the ebola patient who died is self-quarantining
himself on a cruise. put down the milk. another great reason to drink red wine. actually right now. with captain crunch? i m not sure.
good morning. today is friday, the 17th of october, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a knocks news alert. the ebola scare spreads nationwide. how one case in texas has quickly turned into a multi-state nightmare, shutting down schools, forcing businesses to close and putting the white house on damage control. is that dallas hospital really prepared to deal with the ebola patients? a reporter sick herself with symptoms, found out firsthand and the news is not good. proof that protocol is a total mess. and a hollywood surprise on the football field. why michigan state university is drafting that s right
batman. because mornings are better with aflac. it s time for fox & friends our operator standing by to take your phone call. also answer your e-mail, your facebook, your twitter, you name it, we got people standing by. reminds me of the beginning of pettycoat junction where the operators are putting the pins in the thing. if you know what i m talking about, please tell me. is chris chulo here? what am i talking about? i have no idea what you re talking about. speaking of operators, apparently the cdc has had to hire lots more operators because people are calling up. they ve got so many questions because once again, the fox news alert is what happened down at that texas hospital. you got a ripple effect big time. for example, think about the two nurses. think about where they went, who they ve been in contact with and who they sat next to as they
were waiting and did not know they were exposed to thomas duncan who was positive for ebola, who they treated and ended up coming up positive. for example, what about the cruise ship? the cruise ship by one of the health care workers in contact with thomas duncan. she did not know that she was possibly exposed. she actually was a health care worker who may have handled a lab specimen from duncan. so while she s on vacation, she s self-quarantined herself on that ship, the carnival cruise magic. there could be up to 5,000 people on board. what s curious about this is the ship tried to dock in belize and belize said, you got somebody who may have been exposed to ebola. nobody is getting off that boat. so now our state department, which is not identified the ship nor the person, is trying to get her and her husband off before the end of the trip. and it has been 19 days since she handle that had lab specimen. hopefully just a couple more days. but you see how belize is
handling this. they say no. yeah. stay away. also remember amber vinson, she took a flight from dallas-fort worth to ohio. now folks in ohio on high alert. eight people have been quarantined and there are three schools that are shut down. one of those had to be shut down because an employee may have been on one of those flights. these schools are having to stay closed over the weekend while they disinfect everything. because a parent and a child were on the flight she was on. actually on one of the following flights that she was on and apparently frontier airline, that particular plane made 26 flights before the cdc called. but they were on one of the flights after she got off and then the kid went to school the next day. then they realized that, the day after that and closed the school. they re going to be closed again today. what about what amber was doing when she went home? she went to a bridal shop to look at dresses for her bridal
party, for her bridesmaid. that store is closed today. they have since closed it. they ll have to ask people who had direct contact with her, what customers were in at the time. they re evaluating and scrubbing. and in addition to her look for the bridesmaid dress, she took the braidsmaids, there shopping with seven friends. also three of her relatives who work at kent state, they ve asked them please don t come to school for three weeks. meanwhile, p and c office building in ohio, an employee there took a flight, the same was on the same plane, not the same flight that amber was on. so what they ve done is they ve closed that particular facility. apparently up to 1,000 employees have been impacted and it s going to be closed until monday. this is seasonal allergies. that s what this is right here. also this is under extreme
precaution. they still you just got to work from home. four minutes after the hour. there is more facets to this story. dallas nurses with ebola. now transferred to different facilities. amber vinson in atlanta and nurse pham sent to the national institute of health in maryland. casey stegall live in dallas with the latest on their conditions. casey, we saw a videotape as well. reporter: yes, we did. while i was standing here listening to you talking about this ripple effect across the country, it is important to point out that no one else is showing any symptoms. this is all out of an abundance of caution at this point. we hope that it certainly continues that way and that no one else contracts this deadly virus. officials here in texas, by the way, saying now that 75 employees here at texas health presbyterian hospital who had some form of contact with thomas duncan while he was an in patient here have now signed
legal papers, legal papers that state they will stay inside of their homes. they will self-quarantine themselves 21 days past their last exposure with duncan or any specimens that were taken from him while he was here before he passed away last week. 29-year-old amber vinson is the infected nurse who traveled. she claims that the cdc cleared her for that trip to ohio while the cdc says she was not entirely forth coming now about when she started to show symptoms. she s now being treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. reporter: check this out. the other infected nurse, 26-year-old nina pham, this is video from inside the hospital room here this dallas just
before she was transferred to the biocontainment unit at the national institutes of health in maryland yesterday. both women were sent to these facilities at emory in atlanta and the national institutes of health in maryland because they re highly specialized facilities in terms of their staff, their set-up and equipment. they have lots of experience dealing with infectious disease. casey stegall live outside the hospital. remember, this all started with one guy, thomas duncan, who lied on the declaration as he was leaving that west african country. the question was, were you in contact with anybody with ebola? and he said no, even though he had carried a woman who was dying into a car. so that has prompted a lot of people to say, we ve got to stop people from coming from those three countries into the country. when dr. frieden has been on this program in the past, he said we can t do that because it would economically impact the area. yesterday during the on capitol hill, which was rivetting, he never mentioned
that. he said he was talking about well, if we don t have the system we have in place right now, people we have a travel ban, people will go through the poorest borders and wind up here and it will be a lot worse. so we re on capitol hill, they re trying to figure out who is it that is opposing this travel ban? the cdc, the white house or representative steve scalise was grilling frieden yesterday. take a listen. if you were involved in conversations with the white house about a travel ban, did they rule it out? are they still considering it? from the cdc s perspective, we will consider anything that will better protect did she did did she. are you going to answer your question about your conversations with the white house? is the white house considering a travel ban? i can t speak for the white house. do you know if they ve ruled out a travel ban? i can t speak for the white house. have you had conversations with them about it? we ve discussed the issue of travel. the president has not ruled out a travel ban now. he says he s considering it. he s not fundamentally against it. he doesn t think it s the right thing to do right now. he also in a skull session yesterday said i might put
somebody in charge. my people have done a great job. we might be better off having one person, one voice overseeing everyone. haven t we been saying that fort last three weeks? didn t it seem logical? does that mean that the president is not happy with what frieden is doing? what is the issue there? his issue, he said, listen, thomas frieden has more than ebola to worry about. shouldn t we put somebody just over ebola? some are saying give the guy a brake. he knows a lot about the medical community, but not great in crisis management and public speaking. but he s who we got. what the president said last night during that availability in the oval room, he said the reason i m going to not say yes to a travel ban is because i ve been talking to these experts. so far the experts have done a great job, haven t they? dr. charles krauthammer was on special report last night and he said this about the white house being slow to wake up to the obvious. we learn is that they are
still slow, days behind in coming to obvious conclusions. we just heard that the head of the cdc say that we track all visitors coming in. we couldn t even track a nurse who treated mr. duncan all the way to cleveland and we re going to be assured that a person coming in is going to be tracked for three weeks? you check his temperature and it s negative, there is still three weeks in which he can develop symptoms and we re actually going to know where he is, who he talks to and if he gets sick we re going to then have to retrace people he s been in contact with. this is absurd. absurd. peggy noonen, wall street journal writes, says the white house is making a lot of dumb decisions and said she would call it çhildish, except it would be anlt to children. she said if you had a group of 11-year-olds and said, there is a sick person who wants to come into the house and the front door is open, what do you do? the 11-year-olds would say, you close the front door. it s probably time to close the door until we get handle.
ebola and isis have americans jittery. remember what the president said about isis? they were jv. at least everyone seemed to be on the right track. don t be surprised if a travel ban comes down soon and a czar comes down soon. heather childers has other break news, including the latest, isis. we re going to talk more about isis. they re making news this morning. the meteoric device, gulf war 3, some of the topics in the newly released isis video featuring british hostage john can tly. the hostage, a journalist, is reading the terror group s message, like any other news anchor. this time he speaks of how quickly isis has grown in size and scope and the united states is just in the early steps he says of what will undoubtedly become an all-out war. this latest propaganda video comes as isis claims responsibility for a wave of attacks in baghdad. the most recent one, a series of
car bombs, leaving 14 civilians dead. new fallout from the botched fast and furious operation. that s not over yet. huge judicial watch report revealing a gun used in a 2013 shooting in arizona came from the gun running operation which the justice department created to track illegal traffickers in mexico. back in 2010, the operation led to the death of border patrol agent brian terry. a giant win sending san francisco to the world series. hits one into right! the giants win the pennant! coming up big, slamming a three-run homerun to take the giants to the world series. san francisco will now go for their third title in five years. they would take on the kansas city royals. game one next tuesday.
and football players at michigan state getting a surprise visit from batman. aflac, ben affleck, that is, is shooting batman versus superman nearby. he uses the weight room to bulk up. the coach sees the opportunity to have him come by, give them a speech the he opened it by saying, quote, i m batman. and those are your headlines. that s cool. one of the main characters from gone girl. probably wouldn t have said i m gone girl. straight ahead. is that dallas hospital really prepared to deal with ebola patients? a reporter sick herself says the found out firsthand and the news isn t good. proof the protocol is a total mess. then what forced john kerry to fly commercial? so embarrassing.
firsthand account as we have this fox news alert. confusion at texas presbyterian hospital, the same hospital that failed to diagnose thomas duncan with the ebola virus. at first, he he later died.
two weeks ago, a male online reporter, lauren collins, interviewed duncan s family and shortly after, she started feeling sick. when she went to presbyterian for treatment to make sure she did not have the virus, she couldn t believe what she saw. laura, first off, are you okay? i m absolutely fine, thank you. i m delighted to report. okay. great. you went in, you had a low grade fever. you had contact with mr. duncan s family. so you went in there. tell us what you observed once you got inside beyond the wire, so to speak. well, the alarming aspect was that what i observed was that nobody was entire leisure what to do. this is several days into the story. mr. duncan was still alive, but the message that the hospital and the cdc were pumping out was that everything was contained, that their nurses knew what to do. it was quite obvious that they didn t. not to criticize them, the issue was they hadn t been given clear
instructions. they were discussing what orderly should put their protective gear on in, what order they should take it off in. there was no checklist. there was just general uncertainty and considering the seriousness of the situation, that was severely alarming. so you had a low grade fever. they kept you in isolation for a couple of hours and let you out, so you re okay. however, i m wondering if you got in contact with either of the two nurses that ended up going positive because they evidently were tight with mr. duncan early on. you re wondering what? if you had contact with those nurses that ended up no, no i didn t. okay. because you said one of the most alarming things was about taking the gowns off and protective equipment off. they were confused by it. did you notice who they were going to for advice? they were discussing between themselves. there really was a source of a huddle in the isolation room.
there was a glass door and i could hear them discussing. it was obvious that there had been some memo, some instruction somewhere passed down, but what was equally obvious was there was nothing that had been rehearsed. i mean, this is so significant and so crucial in containing the virus that there shouldn t be any questioning each other and working on what to do and that s what was happening. other nurses have said exactly what you observed. she s with the daily mail. she thankfully is okay. but she observed the chaos which was inside texas presbyterian. hopefully they re getting their act together at this hour. thank you for joining us. thank you. straight ahead, they re hardly parents of the year. mom and dad caught teaching their toddler to steal. put down that milk. pour yourself a glass of wine. get the good box out.

24 minutes after the hour. time for news by the numbers. one. that s how many glasses of red wine researchers say you need to strengthen your bones. a new study says a compound in a single glass can protect against osteoporosis. 2700 feet. that is the tallest building features the world s highest observation deck in dubai. 12. that s the age of the kid who hooked this eight-foot tiger shark off the coast of florida. it was his first ever fishing trip. first time is a charm.
what a fishing story. thank you very much. the green beret foundation provides support for our wounded heros and fallen warriors and their family and each year their annual gala here in new york city continues to raise awareness and celebrate the foundation s dedication to the green beret family. here to tell us more about the gala coming up on october 28, tuesday night, we ve got the ceo and chairman of the green beret foundation annual gala, georgette moss backer. good morning. good morning. why have you dedicated so much of your life to helping the green beret? i m too old to serve, first of all. so this is my way of serving. i ve gotten to know a lot of these families. i feel that every american has a moral responsibility to take care of these men and women. we take it for granted that we go to work every day and our kids go to school and we go to
shopping centers and we re safe. that s not true around the world. and it s true here because men and women are willing to put themselves in harm s way. absolutely. they are such patriots, serving our country. let s face it, we ve talked extenttively about the v.a. scandal. when they come back, we don t take care of them. and we have a moral responsibility to do that. and while i know the v.a. should, i say but they don t, so we must. right. that s what the green beret foundation is about. and in particular, we re honoring this year your chairman and president, roger ailes, and his wife. the first time a couple, because mrs. ailes dedicates so much of her time in life to the catholic charities, who also take care of our veterans. but more importantly this is important there is a culture here at fox of taking care of
our veterans. not just on air, but all of you make personal contributions and that s why we re honoring roger and beth, because of that culture. absolutely. on giving back. i ve known them both for coming up on 20 years. they are such patriots and we both know that. the great thing about this particular dinner and we re going to tell you how you can donate and even come to the dinner as well, a couple of tuesdays from now here in new york city is the money goes right to the needy. it goes to the people who need it and their families as well. right. there is very little overhead. when you give money to the green beret foundation, it goes directly to the families. especially for medical care, taking care of those families for extraordinary expenses, education of the children. so it is important and i do ask everyone to please, whether you can come or that you ll donate. but also we re honoring general
john mulholland who has 19 silver stars. it s going to be a great night. october 28. it s going to be a tuesday night at the pierre hotel in new york city. if you can make it. if you can t and you want to help, this is a wonderful organization. go to if you would like it help them out cause they really need the help. they do. and thank you for this opportunity because we do have an obligation to them. it s going to be a wonderful night. thank you very much for joining us live. thank you. 28 minutes after the top of the hour. a daring rescue to save people on board a plane after it crashes. how they all managed to walk away alive is an amazing story that s coming up. plus, brad pitt back at the box office this weekend. is his new movie worth your ten bucks? kevin mccarthy with the review on fury.
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the freshly baked flatbread. but here s what you don t always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. your shot of the morning, the ultimate sportsmanship. cross-country runner says she simply, quote, did the right thing at her pennsylvania race when she spotted an injured opponent. melanie, not taking no for the answer, picked her rival up and carried her across the finish line right to the medics. when you get hurt cross-country, you re in the middle of nowhere. you need a little help from
your friends or opponent. how great is that? she still finished the race. they both did. yeah. i think technically she won because if you re carrying someone, they re second, right? well, it all depends, isn t it by whose nose crosses? wouldn t it be something if it s founded she was leaning over and won the race? thank you for joining us on this awfully busy friday. heather childers is joining us today. she s got headline duty. yes, we do. we have news we ve been following and dramatic video for you. a helicopter rescue caught on camera after a small plane crashes into a forest east of l.a three people on board hoisted to safety. amazingly surviving with just bumps, bruises and a couple of broken bones. it s not clear if the pilot was trying to land or take off. the cause of the crash under investigation. lucky folks there. secretary of state john kerry forced to fly commercial after his plane breaks down again. it was grounded in vienna after
a fuse began leaking into the cabin. he was in austria for nuclear talks with iran. this, by the way, the fourth time that his air force jet has been grounded just this year. and caught on camera, startling images of two parents, they re accused of shoplifting and what s even worse, they brought their baby along for the ride. look at these pictures. police say the couple stole $700 worth of video games and they may have been using the baby to seem less suspicious. bad parents there. and finally, an attorney who is also a new mother forced to take her baby to court after an atlanta judge denies a hearing delay. stacy nichol had no one to watch her four-week-old daughter, but the judge said that s no excuse and he even went as far as scolding the new mom when the baby cried in court. the judge eventually delayed the hearing. the mom filed a complaint against him. and those are your headlines so far this morning. back to you. thank you very much.
bermuda is bracing for the worst storm they ve seen since 2003. residents stocking up on flies and moving to higher ground as a category 4 gonzalo barrels toward them. the eye of the storm is expected to pass really close to bermuda tonight. maria molina keeping track of this big storm, biggest one of the season in the atlantic right now, cat 4. they re batting down the hatches in bermuda. good morning. this storm system really is the strongest hurricane we ve seen in the atlantic in several years. it is approaching bermuda now. we are expecting tropical storm conditions as early as this morning. hurricane conditions by later this afternoon. currently a category 4 hurricane with maximum sustained winds at 130 miles per hour. the big concern out here, of course, is going to be a very dangerous storm surge. life-threatening, also very dangerous waves and the center of the storm system is forecast to move very close to bermuda
coming up later today and also into tonight. let s head back inside. thank you very much. this weekend brad pitt and shia will he buff are teaming up to take down the nazis. while bill murray takes on his first role as baby-sitter? here with his reviews of this week s top movies is fox news contributor kevin mccarthy. good morning. good morning to you guys. thank you for having me on as always. tell us about fury. fury, this is an incredible film, brad pitt, executive produced the movie. he s an army sergeant who is essentially commanding a tank crew, sherman tank with a crew and they re behind enemy lines. it s a brutal, visceral story. what is done, he uses a lot of practical effects verses a lot of cgi and a lot of real things going on. so it feels very visceral and real. logan lerman is the star of the show. brad pitt is great, he carries the internal weight.
but logan really is the star. he s the rookie in the movie. he s fantastic to watchment michael pena is great. it s definitely a solid world war ii film. i gave it four out of five. what i moon by four is i mean go see it in theaters. the sound effects are amazing. it s not up there with the classic world war ii movies. my grandfather fought in world war ii. it s nowhere near those, but definitely a solid world war ii movie, four out of five. okay. while that sounds terrific, and i m going to go ahead and steal your thunder here, you re giving this next movie five out of five stars. that is correct. this movie absolutely blew my mind and it s more intense than most horror movies. called whiplash. ed idea here is a young drum who are is in a jazz conservatory and he s being he has an instructor who is a very abusive, mentally abusive guy, but he s pushing this kid to limits he never expected in the move yes that will blow your
mind from intensity. it s about music and to me, it was a direction, it was the editing, the sound effect, everything about it was fantastic. the lead star in the movie deserves an academy award nomination as does j.k. simmons. this really rocked my world. once it ended, i was out of breath. it s just about music. i highly recommend it. it s in limited release now. but definitely find it. it will be up for academy awards, mark my words. my fourth five out of five of the year. my first three were birdman, gone girl, and boyhood. let s talk about bill murray. he s been promoting this. he extremely proud of it. should he be? yeah, he should be. i really think he should be. it s getting a lot of oscar buzz. i don t necessarily thinks he deserves an oscar nomination. it s about a young boy who moves next door to a bitter man and he becomes a baby-sitter to the young boy and almost like a saint considering the title of the movie.
melissa mccarthy plays the mother of the boy and hires bill murray as a baby-sitter. it blends comedy and drama very well. i thought the movie really worked on a diagram hispanic comedic level. murray is fantastic. melissa mccarthy s best movie since bridesmaids. peter doocy loved it as well. he sent me a text, gave me a full review on it. we need to start doing dual review. shouldn t he be working? he texted me that he loved it as well. i spoke to melissa mccarthy, one of the great things about the movie is that the young boy was asked to pick a saint in his life. i asked melissa mccarthy who she would pick? i would nominate my parents. i would go double. just incredibly kind people. i ve watched them do amazing, kind acts for people my entire life and never, never tell anyone, nobody else knows. they re always there helping
people. i would nominate them. give them an award right now. saint mccarthy. it seems right. see? kevin, you re a saints for doing all these movies. what do you give saint vincent ? 4 1/2 out of five. i recommend it. definitely recommend seeing that and whiplash and fury. you can check out my interview with brad pitt. i asked him about when he would let his kids watch his r rated movies. check it out. how do you say his name? brad pitt? yeah, little actor. as we learn, this week is a big supporter of the second amendment. he is. thank you for joining us live. thank you for having me on. straight ahead, houston, we have a problem. that city telling pastors turn over your sermons or be held in contempt of court. up next, a man who is asking where is the aclu? why aren t they outraged about
this? then terrifying moments for maria menunos when a tire iron comes crashing through her window. those details coming your way. first your fox & friends trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1959, this muscle bound movie star holds a master s degree in chemical engineering. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. i have the worst cold with this runny nose. i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn t treat your runny nose.
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quick headlines now. it s not how they hoped it would end. a family member finding a body believed to be missing actress in an embankment not far from where the star disappeared. known for her roles in august and django unchained was last seen october 5. the cause of death under investigation. the scary moment for maria me knew knows when a tire iron went through the window of her suv in new york city yesterday morning. it sent glass flying, but no one was hurt. it s not clear if someone threw it at her or if it was road debris. anna? 45 minutes after the hour. houston, we have a problem. the city now being accused of ordering its pastors to show us your sermons or be held in contempt of court. the move part of an ordinance aimed at ending discrimination against the lgbt community, but critics say it actually stifles
religious liberty. joining us now with matt lewis, senior editor at the daily caller. thank you for joining us on fox & friends. thanks for having me. some have said that just as dallas has become ground zero for ebola, houston has become ground zero for religious liberty. do you agree? well, right now it is. look, this isn t a new thing. they ve had little sisters of the poor, hobby lobby, other instances of people being asked to violate their rights of conscience, but right now this is where the action is and look, i think if you care about free speech and free expression, you need to pay attention to this. for viewers who aren t super familiar with the story, if you can break it down for us. essentially there is a bill on the books where the mayor wants to let men use women s restrooms and women use men s restrooms in an effort to be gender neutral. she put out this tweet, mayor parker put this out. she says, if the five pastors use pulpits for politics, their sermons are fair game. can you break this down for us?
yeah. basically there was an effort to have kind of a referendum on this ordinance to get it overturned. i m sure some of these pastors and some conservatives and faite part of the effort to overturn this ordinance. so there is a question as to whether or not they were from the pulpit, if they said anything that might have caused there is questions about whether or not all the signatures are valid. but look, at the end of the day, this seems egregious. to subpoena the sermons of pastors? that is beyond the pale and really could have a chilling effect on free speech. is this an issue that you feel like both sides of the aisle need to be outraged about? look, they should be. my entire life has been nothing but watching movies about the people versus larry flint or hearing about why we should defend alan ginsburg or robert maplethorpe or lenny bruce,
somebody who was out there saying outrageous and controversial and some cases horrific things, that we should defend them because this is america and you have the right to free speech. the aclu defends the american nazis. they defend the right of the ku klux klan to march. horrific groups. but they do it because of this premise that we have to defend even unpopular speech, and yet here we have these houston pastors and there are a few people on the left, i have to concede and give them credit, who are defending their right. but so far i don t know where the aclu is on this one. yeah. you think about our history, it s not just the first amendment that s being violated here. many say it vital america s history. you think about civil rights, pastors leading that. martin luther king, junior, the american revolution and the clergymen there, too. we appreciate your time. thanks for weigh not guilty this morning. thank you. 48 minutes after the hour on your friday morning. next, the ebola scare spreads
nationwide. why districts hundreds of miles away are now sending children home from school. a concerned parent with a child in one of those schools joins us next. first on this day in 1965, the yearlong new york world s fair closes. more than 51 million people attended. in 2011, occupy wall street protests expands to other united states cities, including boston, chicago, and los angeles. and in 1985, take on me by aha was the number one song in america. ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!)
(whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king s hawaiian bread.
the answer to the aflac trivia question is rudolph dolf, lundgren. the winner will get a copy of george washington s secret six parents are angry and confused after receiving an unslinging message from school leaders in akron, ohio. it reads, quote, a parent at our school spent time with ebola patient amber vinson when she visited the area this past weekend. because of that, the resident community learning center has been shut down, will remain shut down until monday. ezra is a father of a kindergartener and a fifth grader at the school. ezra, first off, you are here talking about what you ve been through over the last few days. are you happy that the school reacted this way, essentially saying we re closing the doors and we re cleaning it out? yeah. i am. what we experienced was just a really great example of the
school taking really every precaution they could. i m glad they did it. some parents might say it might be unnecessary. but at this point in time, might as well take the extra precaution and not freak everybody out. sure. ezra, i m sure you, like everybody other parent in that school, had been watching the news over the last week or so out of dallas, which is troublesome. and then you thought, we really don t have to worry about it because there is no way it can get from dallas to akron. yeah. there is no way. i was just talking with my fifth grader, actually just monday. the fifth graders were talking around the lunch table saying they were kind of scaring each other about what ebola what do to all of us in america kind of thing. i said, it would be a needle in a hay stack, this isolated incident in texas getting to west akron. and then two days later, getting a phone call saying they re shutting down the school.
right. i do notice some quotes from some of the families. they re kind of mad at amber for having a fever or low grade fever and getting on and going out there. where would you categorize yourself and your family? well, really we re a family of faith and so when we got the news, yeah, we were scared and surprised. definitely the emotion of fear was there. but we don t let our lives be driven by fear. we always face all kinds of stuff. so as the word got spread in the community, we really felt a great support. so i think it all needs to be taken into perspective. okay. you re level headed about this. how about your kids? how are they feeling about going back to school on monday? they re doing really good. the fifth grader my kindergarten was just happy to be out of school. my fifth grader, he said when i explained to him, they didn t tell the kids why they were getting out of school. when i explained to him on our way home why we were taking the time off and i was afraid of his
reaction. but when i explained to him that it s really like he s about three levels down from like extra precaution of just in case, and he was like, oh, okay. that makes a lot of sense. well, we ll go back monday. so even to him it was no big deal. and be truthful. monday. you re going to put purell in their pocket, aren t you? probably, yeah. ezra wimberley, father of a couple of kids that goes to a school that closed down because of an ebola scare, thank you very much. thanks for having me on. four minutes before the final hour of the week. we still have a big final hour coming up. the president not changing his mind over a travel ban even as the ebola scare spreads. geraldo rivera, we re going to talk to him about that in a minute. congressman louis gohmert and the cdc s failure to forget the country s health care workers. they re both with us now. geraldo i can actually touch roc!
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good morning, everyone. today is friday, the 17th of october, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. the ebola care spreads scare spreads nationwide. schools close down, cruise ship stuck at sea. now the white house on damage control. should someone be fired? what about a travel ban? geraldo is here to weigh in. have you ever heard about this? republican louis gohmert, a congressman, taking some heat after standing up for nurses and slamming the cdc. good night. they set them up and then throw them under the bus. and if you think he s going to back down, he s not. he s doubling down and louis gohmert joins us live next. wow. ever wonder what a meteor hitting your town would look like? there you go. now you know. if you didn t see it personally, it didn t hit your town.
that s good news. here is better news, mornings are better with friends. hi, this is debra messing from the mysteries of laura and will request will and grace. how great was she earlier this week. what did she do that was so great? she was just great. she was very friendly. before the interview, after the interview, during the interview. very nice. just one of the people who stopped by this week. we re delighted you would join us on this friday. anna is in for elisabeth. good to have you. we got a lot to talk about this final hour. a fox news alert. the texas ebola causing a ripple effect. a cruise ship now stuck at sea after it was revealed that a passenger on board works at the texas hospital and may have handled a lab sameness from the ebola victim, eric duncan. casey stegall is outside that hospital with the very latest. people are trying to be calm about all this, but there is a lot in the news today, casey.
reporter: yeah. there is certainly a level of concern as you hear about some of these employees who were traveling and have traveled. the state department let s talk about the cruise ship because the state department is giving us some of the information on this. they say that the person on board the cruise ship right now is an employee here at texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas. they did not have direct contact with patient zero, thomas eric duncan, who died of ebola here last week. however, this person may have handled a lab specimen that was collected from him. the employee is on board the carnival magic which left port in galveston, texas on october 12 bound for the caribbean before the cdc updated its active monitoring program for the health care workers here. remember, they were originally told, just watch yourself. this person is not sick. it s important to point that out. but they have voluntarily remained isolated in a cabin as
the feds work to get them off of that ship. 29-year-old amber vinson is the nurse who is infected with ebola and who also traveled. vinson claims, however, that the cdc cleared her for that trip to ohio that she took to plan her wedding, while the cdc says she was not entirely forth coming about when she started showing symptoms. she is now being treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. really proud of you. reporter: look at this, the other infected nurse, 26-year-old nina pham. this is video from inside her hospital room right here in dallas just before she was suited up and transferred to the biocontainment unit at the national institutes of health in
bethesda, maryland yesterday where she is now undergoing treatment for this deadly virus, guys. all right. casey, thank you very much. by the way, casey, last night flying into jfk, apparently a passenger from africa died. do we know anything about that? well, we re under the impression that ebola has been ruled out here. as you know, there are a lot of these concerns, people that are showing symptoms, but it turns out not to be ebola. we understand that a passenger died in midair on their way to the united states from nigeria, but ebola has been ruled out there. yeah. the passenger apparently was exhibiting symptoms, but they ve ruled it a heart attack. casey, thank you very much for joining us this week live from dallas. the autopsy says it s friday, which means it s geraldo time. good morning. good morning to you. rose between the thorn. geraldo, the president seems to be changing possibly.
i m not philosophically against a travel ban. and then tom frieden did not have adequate answers yesterday on capitol hill. where should i start? the travel ban? i thought it through and what i was against the travel ban until the african nations themselves imposed two dozen of them, a travel ban. yes. on their fellow african nations. the caribbean nation of jamaica, guyana in south america also imposed travel bans. so what happens if everyone else is imposing a travel ban that kind of has the effect of pushing people from the infected three countries toward the united states. so here is what i would do. first of all, the resistance to a travel ban is based on a practical reason, the difficulty if you ban travel of getting aid workers in, getting assets in. what i would do knowing that we do have surplus military air lift capacity is schedule right now military flights from the
united states to the infected areas, bringing not only our troops, but supplies, aid workers and have those flights ready to return those aid workers after they themselves are quarantined and self-monitored in terms of the other, main population, the civilian population of the infected areas, what i would do is have big quarantine areas where they can be contained for three weeks, monitored on a regular basis. if at the end of the three-week period they re still clean, then i would allow them to travel on that limited basis. the other argument the president made against imposing a travel ban was that people who were traveling may be less likely to be honest about where they have been, or to seek medical treatment if they ve been in west africa. my plans eliminates the need for honesty. my plan is very, very specific. this is a 21-day incubation period. you come in on day one. i check your temperature, check you out. day two, i check you again.
you stay in this big, big circus tent with a fence around it. you can t go or come. you are monitored on a regular basis. and then look how intently we scrutinize people who get the tsa precheck. they went through every aspect of my life before they gave me the precheck. we can be that thorough with these people. i like your plan. and you make a great point because the way they ve been able to isolate it in west africa is the other african countries say, you can t come in. two weeks they have led us in this. they ve taken geraldo reluctantly to the right side. two weeks ago, you were the first person who said, we need an ebola czar. that has really gained traction. the president kind of sounded open to it, but at the same time i think he s going to do it. if he s open to it, he would have done it already. the problem dealing with the government as long as i have is very simple. here you have the national institutes of health. you have the centers for disease control.
you have the defense department with the enormous involvement of the defense department. these are three agencies that don t really communicate. they exist independently. if you saw a pouchy sitting next to frieden yesterday, they barely had any communication between themselves. it is obvious from a management point of view as i said two weeks ago that you need one person in charge. two weeks ago i suggested the surgeon general, not realizing he was only acting in all the political turmoil around the president s appointee of his surgeon general who headed doctors for obama public health qualifications. the man to do it, i have spoken to him and he will accept the job, i was in new orleans, hurricane katrina, 2005. the city was in chaos. there were dead bodies in the street. babies had gone unfed for three days. one man arrived, the commander general of the first army,
lieutenant generousle henri. he came. he immediately i m telling you, he took control. he imposed order there. not only is he a military commander with great administrative experience, combat experience and reason, he also has been associated with emory university for eight years. he was in charge of biowarfare, infectious diseases. this is a man with impeccable qualifications. he can take over today. i asked him would he take the job. he said the phone is on my desk. mr. president, call me. absolutely. meanwhile, next to him when he said that, thomas frieden. in your mind, should thomas frieden go? i think, brian, people make mistakes. look at the dallas presbyterian hospital. two weeks ago i said to great criticism that they didn t treat thomas duncan. they treated a stereotype.
i know i m going to get heat for what i m about to say. there is president obama doubt in my mind, having worked so many drug exposes, stories i ve done. i ve been in so many big public health emergency rooms late at night, poor black, uninsured guy gets there, you don t see the patient. you see the stereotype. i believe that s what happened. i think severe criticism. appropriately accepted by presbyterian. now to frieden. frieden should not be fired at this point. you don t want to create a vacuum there. if you impose the ebola czar, frieden becomes someone who works for the ebola czar. i think it really takes care of itself. then they can give those long answers that are nonsensical. you can not give an answer like that to the general. have a good weekend. thank you. heather childers standing by with the news.
we ll fist pump. another big story we re following, not only ebola, but isis making headlines at this hour. a fox news alert first happening right now. at least 14 people feared dead after a ventilation grate collapses after a concert in south korea. these images are just coming in. a crowd was standing on the grate whether they fell through into a deep air shaft. at least another ten people seriously injured. rescue crews now trying to pull everyone out. and to isis, the meteoric rise of isis, gulf war 3. just secretary of state of the topics in the newly released isis video featuring british hostage john cantlie. it s the fifth in a series of videos of a hostage is reading for the terrorist group s message. and he s reading it like any other news anchor. this time he speaks of how quickly isis has grown in size and scope and the united states, he says, is just in the early
steps of what will undoubtedly become an all-out war. this latest propaganda video comes as isis claims responsibility for a we have of attacks in baghdad. the most recent ones, a series of car bombs leaving 14 civilians dead. new fallout from the botched fast and furious operation to tell you about. a new judicial watch report reveals a gun used in a 2013 shooting in arizona came from that gun running operation which the justice department created to track illegal traffickers in mexico. back in 2010, of course, that operation led to the death of border patrol agent brian terry. have you ever wondered what a meteor coming straight towards your town might look like? well, here it is. is that what you thought it would look like, steve? well, this happened in brazil. experts say the meteor was part
of a shower caused by debris from haley s comet. it burned up before hitting the ground thankfully. so nothing was damaged. dramatic pictures there. what a light show. thank you very much. is the president using the ebola crisis to get votes from single women? congressman louis gohmert says it looks awfully suspicious. he thinks politics could be involved. he s next. then parking wars, this guy found a way to save himself a spot and tick off neighbors.
texas congressman louis gohmert taking some heat this morning after making these comments about cdc director tom frieden. it s a shame that the cdc had frieden apparently is the new commander of the democrats war on women nurses because good night, they set them up and then they throw them under the bus. so what exactly did the congressman mean?
do you have any idea? congressman louis gohmert is here to explain all this. good morning, congressman. thank you for joining us on fox & friends. good morning. well, first of all, you had the cdc that couldn t even explain what protocol got violated. but instead of asking forgiveness and explaining they had not gotten protocols where they needed to be, they come out and say, well, this nurse got ebola because she violated protocol. at least in football the referee has to tell you what rule you violated. they couldn t do that because they had never gotten the rules to them. they had never gotten the protocols out. so they immediately blame the nurse. you would have thought that would be enough. but oh, no, when the second nurse gets ebola, they immediately say she shouldn t have been out there flying, failing to tell us that actually we re the ones that told her that she could fly. i mean, it isñi a war on these poor women nurses and they are doing the best they can and the
cdc i don t want frieden to resign. i agree with geraldo? geraldo was talking about that. i have to bow to him in certain areas where he has more expertise, like selfy nudies, he s got more expertise there. but with regard to the cdc, frieden ought to stay on. but instead of continuing to complain about female nurses, he ought to go to one of those hospitals and put on
nurses uniting and firing back and sticking up for that nurse, and maybe that s what put him on his heels. well, it could be. it could be. but i also think when you look at what the cdc and the president have been doing and saying, there is apparently some deal back there that s been made with these ebola-infected nations and i think we re going to find out about it when the president has a lot more flexibility after the election. i just think there is some deal here. that s why they won t do a travel ban. every caring mother in america knows and has said at one time or another to their child, no, you re not going because you re sick and you re not going to give it to them or this child s sick. they re not coming over here. mothers understand that. nurses understand that. it s a shame the cdc and the president don t understand that. all right. congressman i think there is some deal there. we ll find out about it later. but this administration has already expedited visas for
western africa. louis gohmert who says there is something political at work, thank you for joining us live. thank you. meanwhile, straight ahead, parents, watch this. a $60 insert could save your kid from a concussion. that one
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quick headlines now. road rage to the extreme in philadelphia. ending with a school bus window getting bashed in with a baseball bat. the bus with 20 students on board was cut off by an suv with four women inside. those women exchanged a few words with the driver, then attacked. spraying mace and mashing windows. cops still looking for them. and the moment a marine in afghanistan gets hit in the head by a sniper s bullet. listen.
[ bleep ] the kevlar deflects the bullet, leaves him nothing more than ringing in the ears. amazing to see. speak of kevlar, steve? that s right. every year, 25,000 football players between the ages of eight and 19 go to the emergency room for treatment for concussions. one company is making huge strides in reducing the number of concussions by harnessing technology that was originally created for the military. rob is the ceo of unequal technology and he joins us live. good morning to you. good morning. so how did this technology come about? originally we designed this technology for the military to make their bullet proof vests, lighter, thinner, more flexible. and a student of mine, i m a professor at penn state said what if you could make a bullet proof vest lighter? i thought wow, we could do that for sports and make better protection. and the reason this is so important is because so many
parents, they want their kids to play sports, but at the same time, they re a little worried about the concussion because that s pretty scary stuff. you got stats. 70.5% of sports brain injury visits to the e.r. were ten to 19-year-olds and males sustained injury most often playing football or bicycling and females most often sustained injuries playing basketball or soccer or bicycling. so your company has figured out some ways to protect we ll talk about football but kids who play lacrosse and who play socker and stuff like that. exactly. we took this military grade protection, adopted it for sports and put it into things such as helmets, head bands, as you re seeing over here. we call the halo. and body armor to protect the ribs and lower parts. and the reason i know about this is because my daughter, sally, goes to smu. she has an internship at an advertising agency and they were telling me with this at smu and there is the team right there. they ve got the inserts in their
helmets and what s so far this year, what s the concussion rate been? it s been zero among every single player wearing unequal. unbelievable. tell us so you ve got the halo, which kids who are playing soccer or lacrosse can do. tell me about the shirt. the shirt is called the invincible. we designed our military grade composite to go inside the ribs and on top to prevent additional rib injury. we ve done toni romo, ben roethlisberger and 14 other quarterbacks. somebody wanted to find out how effective this was, so you put this shirt on and then they who was it and who took the bat to you? the nfl wanted to show how good the technology was when they filmed the nfl 2020. so they took that bat and one of our protective garments and broke a bat across my chest. and did they break anything inside of you? i had a medical exam, nothing was broken. what i m really competed about is the study done on national
high schools. 1200 high school kids and those wearing unequal had less than a 1% concussion rate. those without had nearly a 10% concussion rate. this was done by a team doctor in texas, dr. chad stevens. it s great stuff. if i were a parent and i had a kid who was playing high school football or any of the leagues, i d think about one of those inserts that cost about 60 bucks? yes. very good. rob, we thank you very much for joining us live. thank you. really neat stuff. coming up, the president opens the door to an ebola czar and his press secretary blames dr. frieden. are politics at play in handling the crisis? we ll talk to chris wallace. she was on maternity leave and ordered to court. this attorney brought her baby along. how the judge ruled on that straight ahead. y know what my business
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the pentagon just announced its fight against isis will be called operation inherent resolve. yeah. they came up with the name using operation random thesaurus. jimmy fallon is comic. yeah. last night. meanwhile, it s friday. you know what that means, 8:30 eastern time, we always check in with our old buddy, chris wallace. he s always there for us. he s always there. yeah. i sit around here and i hope you guys will come talk to me. good morning. we want to talk to you about what s going on regarding the ebola response. the president of the united states, he canceled a fund-raiser in the middle of the week. he met with his advisors yesterday. now he says he may be a czar, although he s been reluctant.
what s going on? well, two things. one hopes that what s happened is he realized the situation i don t think you can say it s spinning under control, but it s certainly not under control and he needs to get a better handle on it. and secondly, is there some politics in it? less than three weeks before the election, of course there is. it s like a lot of things. and there is the reality, he wants to try to get a better handle on it. there is a perception that he wants to get a better handle on it. yeah. no doubt about it, i think sometime today or over the weekend, as late as monday, we ll see the introduction of an ebola czar. he kind of laid the ground work yesterday. thomas frieden was there to defend his actions and define what exactly he s doing and why he s against a travel ban. here is steve scalise talking to him and then you ll hear from josh earnest. he was asked who is really to blame for this. let s listen. if you were involved in conversations with the white house about a travel ban, did
they rule it out? are they still considering it? from the cdc s perspective, we will consider anything that are you going to answer the questions about your conversations with the white house? is the white house considering a travel ban? i can t speak for the white house. do you know if they ruled out a travel ban? i can t speak for them. have you had conversations with them? we ve discussed travel. we ve seen this with other stories. we messed up. somebody dropped the ball. we fumbled. and a person is not held accountable. who is responsible for these short comings you re talking about? you have seen at least in a couple of instances, dr. frieden take responsibility for the cdc not performing up to expectations. at the same time the cdc has been focused on this situation since march. and chris, there are some who are calling for dr. frieden to go, but then again, at the height of a crisis a good time to fire somebody? no, i don t think it is. i don t incidentally think frieden was wrong in his answer to steve scalise. the decision as to whether or
not to initiate a travel ban is the white house s, it is the president s. there are a lot of factors in it, including things that the state department, for instance, would want to weigh in on, the defense department. so that really isn t his call. look, they have clearly made some serious mistakes at the c d.c they did not give the proper protocols nor make sure that the protocols were being enforced at that hospital in dallas. allowing these people who had come in direct contact with the likian man who died, mr. duncan, to fly around the country and the woman actually calls, the nurse, amber vinson, and says, hey, i ve got a little bit of a fever. they say well, it s 99.5, not 100.5, get on a plane. really? common sense. this is a woman who has been in direct contact with duncan. if she has any fever at all, you don t let her get on the plane. here is the problem, is that you want your chief spokesman to be somebody who inspires confidence
and thomas frieden doesn t inspire confidence among a lot of people. i don t think he necessarily needs to leave the cdc, but probably needs to leave as the face of the administration in its fight against ebola and that s why i think there is a very good chance and the president laid the possibility wide open last night that you re going to see an ebola czar and i hope he or she will appear on fox news sunday this week. we re asking the white house. if frieden goes, there is no real guarantee that the replacement would be any better. you got a big show coming up on sunday. what are you going to talk about? yeah. first of all, we will have the very latest on ebola and we hope we ll have a top administration official. then the elections just two weeks away from this coming tuesday. the chairs of the republican and democratic parties, interestingly enough, this will be the first time they have appeared together this year is. what a show. only on fox news sunday. wow. i feel like ed sullivan.
there is obviously ebola has some politics, too, so we ll be talking about that as well. that s your blue card. it s a really big shoe. really big show. when he s not dancing to rickey martin, he is impersonating ed sullivan. listen, that takes days. i know what you re talking about. what tape is he talking about? i don t know what he s talking about. we re going to be watching. by the way, 9:00 o clock eastern time this morning, governor o malley will be talking about maryland s response and readiness to handle ebola. you ll see that. a man that might be running for president. other stories making headlines, heather childers has those. some stories we ve been following. we begin with this, a helicopter rescue caught on camera after a small plane crashes into a forest east of l.a three people on board hoisted to safety. amazingly surviving with only bumps and bruises and a couple of broken bones. it s not clear yet if the pilot was trying to land or trying to
take off. the cause of the crash is under investigation. an attorney and a new mom forced to take her baby to court after an atlanta judge refused to delay a hearing during her maternity leave. stacy nichol had no one to watch her four-year-old daughter, but the judge said that is no excuse and even went as far as to scold the new mom when the baby cried in court. the judge eventually delayed the hearing. the mom filed a complaint against him. a georgia high school football team pre-game tradition of touching a statue making atheists furious. they claim biblical verses violated the constitution. now the school board has voted unanimously that the statue must be altered. sam bartlet, a member of the team who fought to keep that statue, joined us earlier to show that he s not angry, but thankful for the experience. that monument of a few thousand people would have been
able to see that monument at a madison county football game. but the attention it drew and like me just this is such a great opportunity for me to come on this show. i got to share my faith and the gospel with millions of people compared to just the thousands i would have seen that monument. what a wise kid there. sam says he has no ill will toward the atheists who campaigned against the statue. and finally, what a conehead. people living in a brooklyn neighborhood are furious that this guy with his flashy sports car keeps reserving his parking spot with orange hazard cones. neighbors telling the new york post that parking is limited to begin with and they say the man doesn t even live there, but has a maintenance job nearby. the car also has a sticker on the front windshield that reads like this, drive it like you stole it. the man says that he does this with every new car that he buys to protect it. that being the cones.
thank you. i wonder if he gets parking tickets. i don t know. i think that s why he puts the cones there. maybe. so it looks like he s official. it kind of does, although it doesn t look look any of the official cars here in new york city. most of them are prius. that s true. coming up straight ahead, a fox news alert and all-out effort right now to find more than 100 people on these flights. are you one of them? on those flights were the people infected possibly by the nurse. we re going to be live at the cdc headquarters. and it do you want a happier family? our next guest says he can make that happen in just five days. dr. kevin lehman has the way and he s coming up. he s making a couch call. aaaaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds]
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welcome back. happy wife, happy life, right? how about a happy family? our next guest has been told you need to transform your family and says it only takes five days starting now. joining us now is psychologist and author of have a happy family by friday, dr. kevin lehman. good morning. good morning. that s a tall order. well, it is. i tell everybody it s a scam. you don t have to wait til friday. tell me where we start. if you re sick of the word whatever, if the last flower you saw was at your uncle harrell s funeral and no one listens to you but the dog, this is a book for you cause this is a book about changing relationships with those you love. you do that by changing the words you use with kids. like we grill kids when we come home. how was your day today, honey? answer. what did you do in school? nothing. teen-ager. where you been? out. what did you do? nothing. don t ask kids questions. us husbands by the way, we hate
questions. we hate the why word. so one of the first tips you say, communication. you got to get it going, otherwise it s not going to work. right. and kids are weird. they put the music in. what do most parents say, turn that down! my suggestion, say to the kid, turn that up. they go what? and they turn it up a little bit. say louder. kids are either going to become what if you hate the music? you re going to hate the music. there is not a parent in the world that loves their kid s music. but you got to connect with the kid. you change the words. with husbands, again, we hate questions. tell me more about that. it s a command, but it doesn t put the defenses up. then you got to pay attention after you say that. that s the hard part. we re not listeners. right. as a gender, we tend to listen. the key, though next up on your roster, ed is respect. kids today distheir distheir parents. we have seen the them.
they have a game plan. any question for parents is, do you have a game plan? a 17-year-old kid runs his mouth off, it may be four letter words. i m telling you, kids will do that to their kids today. then he s looking for the keys to the car. what do you say to them? the keys are in my pocket. you re not going anywhere. it s called discipline. it s lacking in america, lacking in canada. we don t do a good job of commanding respect. do it now before it s too late. yeah. i d rather have a blowout now until the kid just degenerates down to nothing. better late than never. team work, too. you and your wife have to be on the same page. that s true. but kids need to give back to the family. kids need to work. when they don t work, the 12-year-old doesn t do something, hire ten-year-old sister to do it and pay for it out of his allowance. it works. you have to earn your allowance, right? you got to do something around the house? everybody gets allowance. but what do you do when a kid doesn t do something? you tap into their income. with a teen-ager, you hit them
with a car. not at 40 miles an hour, please. but cars and money and privilege are important. the car rot of the car. it s such good advice. and sometimes it s so simple, it s like why didn t we ever think about it because a lot of families, it takes years to build it up to the dysfunctional stage that it s at that you say you can fix in five days. we don t hang out with people we don t like. i got news for you, kids don t hang out with people they don t like. so again, they become slamming clickers, they go to their bedroom, they text and systematically cut you out of their life. if you don t stand up and do some of the principles in your new book. yeah. have a happy family by friday. coming up straight ahead. we got this fox news alert. the ebola scare spreads nationwide. closed and the search is on for people who were on the same plane as the latest ebola patient. we are live from cdc headquarters next. first let s check in with martha mccallum for a preview of what happens in 12 minutes.
good morning. coming up, the cdc grilled as nurse nina pham has a video emergency for the nation this morning. we will share her message with you here. and the president now considering a czar. is that an admission that these agencies that are supposed to be in charge of this have failed? we re going to talk to the head of one of the nurses unions in this country and an update on the midterm elections coming up the midterm elections coming up at the top of the hour.m bill and i will see you then and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal. until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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we ve got quick consumer headlines for you. get ready for a holiday hiring frenzy. hiring 80,000 workers to help with the holiday rush. that is 10,000 more than last christmas season. hershey winning a trademark lawsuit against an edible pot
maker. colorado company sold pot products that looked a lot like hershey candies. confusing kids and consumers. that s your consumer news. fox news alert, ebola fears spreading nationwide. schools in akron, ohio, shutting their doors after amber vinson was on the same flight as one of the students parents. earlier we heard from a father with two kids at that school. i m glad that they can it. some parents might say it s unnecessary. but at this point in time, might as well take the extra precaution. the hunt is on for passengers who were on board the same frontier airline flight as the nurse and other flights after that. waga mark tightener is live at harmed field jackson airport outside atlanta. good morning to you, mark. good morning. they were already looking for some of these folks. these would be the folks that
flew back from cleveland to dallas, the return trip, frontier flight that she took after she was already showing a low grade fever. the cdc was looking for them. now they say they re looking for people who were on the initial flight, the one she took friday, october 10, from dallas up to cleveland. that would be frontier flight 1142 cause they say it s possible that nurse amber vinson might have been sick before she got on that flight initially. so they re trying to find those folks. and on top of all that, frontier airlines is out there trying to find anybody who flew on the plane after she was on it cause they want to get ahold of them and make sure they put them in touch with c d.c you re talking about hundreds if not more than 1,000 people. you add up all those flights, including a couple that came in and out of atlanta, so you can see the folks here in atlanta pretty concerned about that as well.
cdc is saying it s really not a real health problem that they don t think that anybody is going to get ebola from this woman who were on these flights, but they do want to make sure they come forward so they can monitor them just to be safe. all right. in atlanta, thank you very much. it s a sea of pink on our plaza. we are walking for a cure now. and next. hey mom, what s for dinner? something awesome. cool. wisest kid, i need something awesome. to make it awesome, make it mini. like campbell s® mini chicken pot pies. awesome, mom.
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good morning, everybody. thanks for being with us on fox & friends. so why is everybody dressed in pink? we re getting ready for this big walk going on where people are essentially walking a marathon
and a half in two days. joining us in pink along with a lot of people is the program director and dr. mark. good morning to both of you. good morning. tell us about it. hits new york this weekend. yeah. we do walks across the country. our new york walk is this weekend. two days and 39 miles. a lot of people will be walking and raise a lot of money to go to research and access to care. i guess on this poster shows exactly how much you raised so far. we hope to raise even more today . last year we raised $6 million just last year in new york. doctor, this has got to be inspire to go see so many people on their days off going out there to help. very inspiring. breast cancer has gotten so complex, we know so much about the disease, so the avon foundation launched a new campaign called check yourself
to encourage people to go to our web site, and learn what risk factors you have and the key thing is know your body, know your risk factors and talk to your doctor about breast cancer. you also know a lot about metastatic awareness day. give us your perspective and why it s important? n october 13 is national metastatic is when it leaves your breast and goes to other parts of your body. that s what becomes deadly. about 40,000 deaths each year from that. oh, my goodness. are you all going to be walking this weekend? yeah! how much do you hope to raise this year? we raised $6.7 million last year. we re hoping to beat it this year. people can donate right now on line. you can come on out and here cheese people on. they don t need to cheer on,
they re cheered up. that s it for fox & friends. thanks so much for coming. thanks for having us. have a great weekend. see you monday. bill: morning everybody, on a friday. we re seeing first time a dallas nurse speaking since dying thosed with ebola. here she is is part of a video, nina pham, hospital bed moments before her transfer to the national institutes of health in maryland. [inaudible] bill: tough time, a lot of stress, pressure, that was her doctor in the room. i m bill hemmer. welcome, friday, here to ameri i m

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