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Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20161118 00:00:00

guests coming in and out of trump tower. it is like a second white house right now. it really is. it is a manhattan white house in waiting you might say. and donald trump just wrapped up a very important meeting with the japanese prime minister shinzo abe. who just wrapped up his own comments on that meeting just a short while ago here in mid town manhattan. they had a lot to talk about from trade to national security issues in asia. but keep in mind as you also mentioned donald trump has had a number of very interesting at any time lysing encounters throughout the day today. encounters that suggest he knows he has fence mending to do. a signal is being sent that the president elect just might be ready to put the scorched earth campaign behind him and perhaps engage in some healing. in addition to his meetings with foreign policy heavy weights like henry kissinger donald trump has been sitting down with his rivals and critics from the primaries.
nikki haley, under consideration for secretary of state. former texas governor rick perry. and ted cruz a contender for attorney general. have. donald trump right now isn t looking to figure out who supported him. who didn t. if you are the best person for that job, then he wants you as part of his team. i taught my two little ones that you don t push people around. hayley fought hard against trump announcing he reluctantly supported him in the general election. the best person on the policies and dealing with things like obamacare still is donald trump. that doesn t mean it is an easy vote. reporter: trump was just as brutal. donald trump s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded. trump once said of perry he should be forced to take an iq test before being allowed to enter the debate. vice president electromike pence
was on capitol hill meeting with the nancy pelosi after flektsing some of the gop s new muscle in this selfie. [ inaudible ] reporter: but pence and the transition are vowing to clean up washington with now restrictions on lobbyists joining the administration. governor chris christie folks was unwlooefl. reporter: part of the criticism with chris christie is he had too many lobbyists on board leading trump loyalists to question what happened to drain the swamp. trump himself seemed resigned to working with the lobbyist he blasted on the campaign trail. you don t like it but your own transition team filled with lobbyists. only people you have down there. reporter: on saturday donald trump will be meeting with the governor of massachusetts, former governor of massachusetts, mitt romney, at trump s golf course in bed minster new jersey. a location where trump held debate prep over the summer
before the debates with hillary clinton. and as for the coming weeks we should point out after thanksgiving, trump aides are telling reporters they are going to be planning a thank america tour. and trump will go out and thank americans for supports hill. i also suspect he ll be talk about bringing the country together. they are not calling it a victory tour but a thank america tour. and jeremy diamond has been covering trump from day one of the campaign. he s outfront tonight. exhausted man and it is just beginning jeremy. the meeting just ended. this crucial meeting between first world leader for the president elect. this was a big moment for trump. reporter: it seems like but hopefully you can still here. prime minister abe just spoke here at the intercontinental barclay in new york following his meeting with donald trump. this is the first meeting that donald trump has had in person with a foreign head of state. and of course this is
significant because donald trump is ramping up his preparations to actually take over the duties of president of the united states. just this week he had his first presidential daily briefing which he has begun to receive now preparing him for the challenges ahead as president. and of course while he met with prime minister abe he has been meeting speaking of the phone rather with about 32 foreign heads of state. prime minister abe declined to offer details on what exactly was discussed in this meeting. but what he did say was it was a, quote, very candid discussion. and e got the sense he ll be able to establish a relationship of trust with donald trump as president of the united states. saying that of course is the bedrock of any alliance between the two countries, a very important alliance and all on the heels of donald trump during his campaign frequently criticizing japan saying they need to take on a bigger share of the burden for their defense costs. so of course a very candid meeting saying that perhaps they
aired certain grievances or discussions. but of course donald trump s campaign has yet to comment exactly on what that meeting was about. but prime minister abe saying no details but certainly emerging with a good feeling of confidence and trust. thank you very much jeremy. and source close to the japanese prime minister telling me today that issue about how much they are going to pay is crucial. they feel like they already pay plenty. we ll see. this is of course the beginning of a crucial relationship. outfront now patrick healey from the new york times. jamie . let s start with mitt romney. and i m sorry my jaw is on the ground. but i m going to show everybody why in a moment. would he really want a job in this administration? he s called trump a phony, con man and more. when i got the call about this p news today i was shocked.
this may be crazy or it may be one of the smartest things you have ever seen if it will work. here is what i know. mitt romney has told friends for a long time that he would still like to go back into government and serve and there was one job he wanted. and that was secretary of state. so clearly he s having this meeting because he s at least willing to listen to what donald trump has to say despite all of those things that he said. and i ve been told by a source that the people on the transition say there is, from their perspective, a serious possibility that he would be offered state. but obviously the meeting hasn ten happened. and one person is going to decide. and that is of course donald trump. kayleigh not only did mitt romney say extremely negative things about donald trump. trump returned the favor. les anyone has forgotten.
let me play it. here is what i know. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. but here is a disloyal guy. he s an elitist. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. a stone cold loser. not just a loser. a stone cold loser: but romney went in detail. this went on and on. he county for donald trump because he supports . would trump actually pick mitt romney? i think donald trump is going to pick the best person for the job. and look, they exchanged some rather caustic barbs, there is no denying that. but it is very commendable that the president elect is bringing in people who are his adversaries. because what he realizes is at the end of the day it is not about who s personally offended by who said what. it is who is best for the american people. and donald trump wants the most qualified person, regardless of political bruises, he wants the best person for the job. and loyalty matters to him,
patrick. loyalty matters enormously and let s not get ahead of ourselves. donald trump has two goals. one is to the party was divided not so long ago. when you become president elect you can start uniting the party with the big people. people like nikki haley and mitt romney. people who did aoppose you. paul ryan. you can start bringing those people in. he wants everybody to at least be heading towards his side of the fence. so make peace. the thing is donald trump also is having people in to see who he hits it off with and who he doesn t. gut. a lot of thf is a gut reaction. but i remember talking to him at one point. during the campaign he liked the team of rivals idea that barack obama and hillary clinton had. you can find plenty of clips from 2008 where obama and clinton said lots of tough things. not quite as nasty you get that.
so i never thought i would agree with mitt romney about anything. but mitt romney was right. donald trump is a phony. he s a con man. he s a fraud. xenophobic, a racist and a bigot. and one reason the mormon church has rejected him. at one point somebody is going to be secretary of state. do you want it to be rudy giuliani or mitt romney who would you? what i want to say is i don t think we should normsz what s happening. which is that donald trump is not capable of the conducting foreign policy. he s not capable of about stringing together three or four sentences in thinking of an idea. to the point rudy giuliani is not qualified to be secretary at a time [chatter]. no no. i don t care who s secretary of state because actually the top the buck stop there is. and the problem is donald trump is not qualified to be president. he s not but he is president. okay? he is.
i m just saying in terms of the policy about thinking about someone been able to conduct foreign policy it is a scary thought for all of america. i really wish you would adhere to the words of the president obama. use this bigot and a racist and i m nopt going to normalize him. and my goal is to try to make donald trump a one-term president. and to delegitimatize him as every step. and mischaracterize him at every step too. barack obama said donald trump not an idea log, he s a pragmatist this past week. if donald trump can come to terms with a mitt romney who can bring in a very professional staff and they can make this work that is a pragmatic outcome. a major test. this meeting coming up. next the democrats new trump study guide. if you can t beat him, join him. and should muslim b s afraid of
immigrant registry. there is precedent with japanese entertainment camps and we ll take you to the small down where melania trump grew up. no matter how the markets change. at t. rowe price. our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain. but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine.
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some democrats say that direction is actually moving towards the president elect donald trump. manu raju is outfront. the democratic party reeling after donald trump s stunning victory. some senators warning their party it is time to cut deals with trump how do you think voters will react if your party starts to fight donald trump tooth and nail over almost every issue here. i think that is a big mistake and i don t think that s what we should be doing. donald trump said things i wholeheartedly agree. with he also said things i i didn t agree with. reporter: joe mansion issued this stern repuke to his party s out going leader harry reid. to me as the senator, that was embarrassing. like saying you have no respect at all for the people and the vote. refer reid s criticism that
doing the same thing over and over again and keep getting the same results. so time to move on i think. reporter: now erin it will be very difficult to stop nancy pelosi from being reelected as house democratic leader. she has a significant amount of support because of the millions of dollars she has raised and the work she s done to elect democrats. but one thing she can t ignore is the considerable angst that exists within her caucus about how to deal with donald trump. thank you very much. my panel is back with me. jonathan you heard bernie sanders. democratic senator john tester, to fight trump tooth and nail would be a big mistake. is he right? i think separating two things reflecting what bernie said. if things like internment camps come un. dividing people. misogyny. rolling back rights. we ll fight him tooth and nail. on the other hand bernz bernie
sanders and his campaign argued for a big infrastructure campaign. what will be really interesting is what commonalities on maybe on trade. donald trump made a big teal about the zast over nafta, which i agreed with. the tpp is probably dead in the lame duck e session. but will it come up again. and on that if he opposes the t.p.p. and other bad trade agreements on the issue of racism. as harsh as mitt romney. but last night he said it is wrong for democrats to accuse trump supporters of being racist. okay? it is a powerful thing for him to say. here is what he said.
there are a lot of democrats o who think anyone who voted for trump is a racist. there are a lot of people out there who think it. joe biden is telling those people to wake un. i this was that so important what he did. and it speaks to this really you know, we look at the map. and not only are we seeing different you know, hillary won this and donald trump won that. but there is a lack of understanding about what was behind so much of that. and the racism, when you go back and you look at the numbers, some people have a very loud voice but they are very small number of people and i think, you know, biden saying that,
president obama saying that, is critical over and over again. that is not to dismiss that a lot of people still feel unsettled or scared. my kids are in college. they have friends who are dreamers. who are worried about, you know, their parents. so you have to balance these things. you have to acknowledge the fear and those experiences but you have to keep the racism realistic. there is a powerful statement and reminded me just how quickly hillary clinton walked back that half of term supporters were deplorable. she knew almost instantly she stepped in it. but she still stepped it. and the reality is her campaign, they made a choice for wide swaths of americans in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin. they weren t going to talk to those people. and whether it was because they thought their intentions, we don t know you know, the people who aren t with us. and i think what joe biden was
trying to do was to say if the democratic party is going to be a big tent party we can t just be generalizing about americans. what they can do is hold democrats need to look to the republican party as the case study for what s happening in their own. we ve been talk about the republican party that s split in half. doesn t know kwla s going to happen. now all of a sudden they have to figure that out. and bernie sanders lays out a democratic party in complete chaos my party, that is to say that the voters saying their leaders don t represent them adequately was happening all along in the democratic party and why we almost saw bernie sanders win the nomination and the dnc was stacked against him. more salt in the wounds and the democratic party has on its hands like the republican party had. an outsider coming in to take over the party. crump, i believe is a bigot
and racist. i think the way he promoted birtherism and attacked mexicans and all that is my second point. no. and i agree the vice president. many of those voters rejected the democratic party partly on economics. the reason i did not support hillary clinton. i thought bernie sanders would have a much better messenger and he would have won that campaign and defeated donald trump. some of donald trump s supporters were saying, going beyond what donald trump had said in terms of racist sex no question. painting, you know, the president elect s entire voter base with one broad brush is terrible politics. the thing for democrats to figure out right now. hillary clinton was a unique candidate. she appealed to the donor class and the multi millionaire class and also trying to appeal [chatter]. african american, women. but here is the thing. what joe biden is talk about and maybe bernie could have won
them. maybe joe biden could have won them. is a large pool of white middle class and working class american whose, you know who she didn t she could never figure way to broaden that message that did appeal to some african americans. you know, people didn t turn out and we saw that with women as well. all right. thanks to all and next a key trump supporter says world war ii internment camps so you would serve as the precedent for registry of immigrant. and florida governor rick scott met with donald trump and walked across town and he s outfront coming up. her words. and my brother ray and i started searching for answers. (vo) when it s time to navigate in-home care, follow that bright star. because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. and brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with mom s changing needs. (woman) because dad made us promise we d keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide.
the muslim registry and a system to screen immigrants from high-risk countries related to terrorism. the man who says he s working on the trump s immigration plant chris kovak tells us yes there is a difference because it is based on the gee graphic location, not religion. but it is clear majority of the people in this database was muslim because it sijed out people from majority muslim country, was the exception of the north korea. those people were intensely scrutinized at the port of entry and tracked closely once they were in the u.s. such as having to check in with federal authorities about once a year on their whereabouts. kind of like entry on parole. kovak tells us the model the trump team is exploring is similar. he would not say which countries they believe fall into the high risk category but believe there were some majority muslim countries not on the list. the trump campaign released this statement in response. saying president elect trump has
not advocated for any registry or system that tracks individuals based on their religion. and to imply otherwise is completely false. but as we know erin, candidate trump did indeed advocate for a muslim registry saying that would be something he would implement. the statement saying president elect trump has not advocated for that. so there was a system as you mentioned after 9/11, that went all the way through part of president obama s tenure. and was then removed. and you are saying what they are looking at is something similar to that. was that system effective? well it depends on who you talk to. i spoke to one official a day who says the reality was it never proved to be useful. on the other hand those who supported it say a system like that could have potentially stopped the 9/11 hijackers because they would have been more closely tracked inside the u.s. the system was ended in 2011 because of complaints it led to racial profiling. as it stands now. people from high-risk countries
it would be just good management. what you have to do is good management procedures. and we can do that. [ inaudible ]. different places. he certainly suggested a muslim database. and he classified his comments down the lined and the fact of the matter is the mainstream media is hissing here is donald trump is looking for the most appropriate and most effective way to keep americans safe and i don t think that is being echoed by the mainstream media pushing on him to say oh you are this. you are that. he s trying to keep america safe. that s you do. that s me. that s kids everywhere. it is not necessarily effective that is the problem. not only does this run counter to our values but there is really not much values that such muslim registry or a specific muslim like country register would effectively prevent terrorism. president obama disbanded this
program. we haven t had any major terrorist attacks. and this becomes a recruiting tool for isis. it is almost like encouraging racial profiling of muslim people, which it effect is doing and that actually helps to encourage terrorist whose want to attack us who look at us as an enemy of the muslim world. how would you propose some tracking for people coming to this country who are coming from countries or areas of questionable you know, obviously conflict. how would you propose doing that? if we don t have a tracking system for the people coming in. he s not advocating to talk about people here in america under constitutional protection. those are the people who when you look at orlando, people who actually carried out some of these recent attacks. if you just look on a raw basis people who are american citizens who are home grown terrorists who are committing acts of terrorism and we don t necessarily isolate people and identify them based on lineal. there is no way to guarantee
ethnicity or nationality or religion . to do so is a damaging step for america to take. and it damage ours credibility around the world. would you include 80-year-old christian women in the potential terrorist ring. we have to be somewhat intelligence and narrow it down. there are 1.6 million i presume he s talk about the indonesia. which has had its own issue but that would give them cover to say oh it s not just muslim majority issue. one of the issues ear is whether it s slippery slope. you start with a list and a list can be used for other things. to fox and the new york times you said the japanese internment camps could provide precedents for supporting registries. their existence could provide precedent for a registry of people. did you see the tape though? yes. we all saw it.
and i read disturb. at no point base i ever even mention it. i was actually talk about the immigration reform under carter when he did the iran thing and also under world war ii. megan brought it up and i was shocked. she brought it up and you did say to the new york times that it would be a precedent for a register. exactly. here is thing. i don t actually advocate for any of this. i didn t bring it up. i was shocked when megan brought it up. i clarified today this is something that is a huge black mark on our society and we would never want to do it again. but you have to say that supreme court decision upholding with never overturned. should we overturn it? we should take a look another it. you are saying we don t support it but we should you re backtracking and now you don t want to be seen as that person saying those things. but the reality is it is out there and that decision that you talked about. that decision in 1944, even
justice antonin scalia said it is one of the worst decisions ever made by the united states supreme court. we don t want to go back to that precedent. just because there is an example in history means that we have to go that direction. this is an example of the black people being enslaved. we don t have go back to that either. donald trump was asked about internments and asked to disavow them. to time magazine he said i would have to be there at the time to give you a proper answer. i certainly hate the con but i would have had to be there at the time to give you a direct answer. and . what i m doing is no different than what f.d.r. f.d.r. s solution for german s italian, japanese many years ago. so you are for internment camps? you are praising f.d.r. you are praising the set up of internment camps for
no i m not. what he was doing with germans and japaneses and italians was a he had do it. look we are at war radical islam. you certainly aren t imposing internment camps. no not all. he keeps upbringing f.d.r. is this not a slippery slope right in that direction. every time someone said internment camps he said that no no. but he needs to stake a look at it. we band immigration. we scrutinized it. and registered people coming in from certain places. it is all in the best interest to protect america. and just like the media that went in frenzy today over that. doesn t understand. do you want to be safe or not. he s not trying to hurt anybody. he s just trying to keep americans safe. blab rb barack obama did this. even know [chatter]. and we should continue to have heightened vetting for people coming into the country but the reality is the president has determined the national
security apparatus has determined this is not an effective strategy in terms of fighting terrorism. and when donald trump talks about any type of registry, regardless whether it is religious specific he has a history of saying offensive words about muslims so doz going to be interpreted as ab attack on the muslim community and that is not good for america. that will encourage terrorism and that is not a healthy solution. he s not anti-muslim. tell that to the muslim people. he s in fear of the radical faction of the muslim community that s done harm to the americans and the people abroad. my next was just there with donald trump. rick scott of florida. he s outfront next and the deep-seated fears some have of president elect trump. this country is my home. i feel like it is not. i feel like i m not welcome here anymore. the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup
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and cabinet picks. among those nikki haley and the jeb hence egg ling and the florida governor rick scott and jeff sessions. governor scott is outfront. thanks, nice to see you in person. nice to see you. i know, it is something that you were an early believer. back in january you actually prized donald trump for capturing the frustration of many americans. he s your friend. you saw him today. has it sunk in for you yet that this happened? you know, it is pretty exciting now that i have somebody i can call. i know mike pence. i can call mike. reince priebus is totally different the last six years. i ve been governor almost six years. so it is pretty exciting. i m very optimistic that we re going to see big change. i ran my race in 22 was similar to donalds. i was a businessman and outsider and people elected me because
they wanted change in our state. i think that is why donald got elected. they want change nationally. somebody is going to help with jobs. a problem with epa or transportation, i can call somebody and get a solution. are you concerned at all that he s saying things like i m going to keep parts of obamacare. he s going back, at least he seems so far son only core campaign promises. are those promises you want do see him go back on? those are things that are not the core part of obamacare. those are things at the end to get votes. the expensive parts of the obamacare. the real expensive parts, exchange. but look the preexisting condition. everybody understands that. allowing people to stay on their parent s policy, that makes some sense. but the cost is exchange, the mandates, the taxes. that is the real thing that has to be changed. we ve got to reduce cost. that is a problem with healthcare. it is all cost. i was in the healthcare business and it a costs too much. the way you do that is you get
competition. buy the insurance they want. across state lines, things like that. you would support that. when you were with president elect donald trump today you tweeted out a couple of pictures. one was a selfie. what was it like inside the meeting? how much time did you get? is it one person? ? i know it is a big office. windows on both sides. is it just you and him? and then how long? i met with president elect trump and reince priebus and i was probably there for 40, 45 minutes. i ve been there in the past. his office is not as big as you think. but what s exciting today is he s focused on rebuilding obamacare. he s focused on finding really good people to be in his cabinet. and is he open to picking people who have aid horrible things about him. i m not sure. but here is what you think about. americans voted for change. this is going to be this is
the trump administration. they are going to get change. i think whoever he picks is going to be what he believes in. and so i think he s going to go out and try to find the best person/people. that s what he did in business. that was his success in business. e found good people. he ll do the same with this. and you obviously know a lot about healthcare. it is where you came from. you were mentioned as a possible cabinet hick there for hhs. is that even on the table for you? or are you now getting ready to go for the senate. i ve been clear. i ve got 781 days to go as governor. i want to finish my job as governor. it is what i ran on. a lot of opportunities to continue to improve the states. we ve added a million jobs. way to want keep this going. and improve education and keep people safe. i want to finish this job. i want to help him. i ll do anything i can to help but i want to finish the job.
other than taking a cabinet position. not taking a the cabinet position. and next, melania trump in the town she grew up. we re going to take you there. and voters who are taking the election results deeply personally. it is hard as it is to have these krconversations now, it i important to i m sorry. hey, jesse. who are you? i m vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. vern from voya? yep, vern from voya. why are you orange? that s a little weird. really? that s the weird part in this scenario? look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. see? ah, ok. so, why are you orange? funny.
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the holidays, so come try one before it ends. breaking news. anti-trump protests for a ninth day. president obama rejecting calls to reign them in. i would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of campaign, i wouldn t advise them to be silent. clinton s loss has been hard for her supporters. especially some of the women. kyung lah is outfront. you ready to get moving? nothing in her liberal community in los angeles has changed since the week of the presidential election. yet everything has. as comforting as as our bubble is that we live in, it is hard as it is to have these
conversations now, it is important to i m sorry. it is important start listening. why is this so personal for you? children matter to me. and our minorities matter to me. because they are my friends and my community. and i want to make sure this they are okay and they don t feel okay. they feel really scared. if 2016 was identity politics, women across social media feel theirs is under attack in clinton s loss. video messages from miley cyrus. please, please just treat people in love and treat people with compassion and treat people with respect. to ordinary voters. this country is my home. i feel like it is not. i feel like i m not welcome here anymore. reporter: emotion is spilled onto the streets of los angeles. mothers carrying signs and children. students walking out of
classrooms at ucla. these students supported hillary clinton. reporter: when you say you have fear in you, what do you mean? well i m a woman, i m black, i m muslim. and those three factors basically being a black muslim women in america today is very scary and trump being elected just further build on to my fears. i how can i go forward knowing that people are okay with someone coming out and bragging about sexual assault and still voting for that person? i ve had to wake up to the reality that a lot of america is not like what los angeles is like. reporter: more than week on, west coast women are still learni learning about their new national reality. it just doesn t look like any reality they believed they were living. there is this underlying fear in everything. and it is really unsettling. it is really unsettling feeling.
reporter: that feeling is being driven by anxiety of the unknown. they see what trump is doing, that it appears that he s walking back on some of his most extreme policies but then these women say he appoints steve bannon which signals that president elect trump will probably be candidate trump in their perspective. and erin we also asked do you want to know the other 50%, do you want to reach out to them, understand them? the mother in that piece said yes, she has to so she can bring them under the tent. but the college students said they are not quite so sure. perhaps something that comes with age. thank you very much. and outfront next. from small town schoolgirl to the white house. we ll go to slovenia to trace melania trump s hometown roots
melania trump, neighbor, childhood friends in the late 1970s, exchanged notes. melania is now principal of the elementary school. he remembers melania as mature, well spoken. a peacemaker between mature fighting children. and someone from an early age who dreamed of leaving slovenia to pursue a career as fashion designer. professional photographer saw melania had potential in front of the camera. he approached her on streets of the capital in 1987 and asked her to model for him. he says she was a natural. the first time and the second time. reporter: peter hung out with melania as their modelling
career was taking off. they cruised the area on his blue transport. still original color. also original leather seat. yes and she was here. reporter: melania hasn t lived there since she left elementary school. but the morning after trump s victory the american flag flew here next to the slovanian and european flag. the town beaming with pride but also well aware of the campaign including what donald trump calls locker room talk and allegations of the sexual assault which he denied. for every woman are not some easy words to hear from her husband. reporter: she and melania went to high school together. that is melania on the right. what do you think of the man she chose to be her husband. it is her choice.

Saturday-donald-trump , Meeting , Shinzo-abe , White-house , Japanese , Guests , Trump-tower , Lot , Comments , Mind , Town-manhattan , Trade-to-national-security-issues-in-asia

Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20170821 12:00:00

backdrop he is going to step in front of the american people tonight and try to make the case that he has the right path forward when it comes to afghanistan and that they should trust him. it s a very big decision for me. i took over a mess. and we re going to make it a lot less messy. reporter: president trump set to outline his strategy for america s path forward in afghanistan. a major test for the new commander in chief, one that could put more american troops in harm s way. after meeting with top administration officials at camp david on friday, the president announcing saturday he had made a decision after months of deliberation and delays. he has made a decision, as he said. he wants to be the one to announce it to the american people. it is a south asia strategy, not just an afghanistan strategy. reporter: the president has been presented with a wide range of options. everything from a full withdrawal to the deployment of up to 4,000 more soldiers,
amid questions about the president s leadership capability and mounting backlash to trump s defense of white supremacists in charlottesville last week. you had some very bad people in that group. but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. it will be very difficult for this president to lead if, in fact, moral authority remains compromised. reporter: the president s approval ratings taking a hit. dipping below 40% in three co-midwest states that helped trump win the presidency. with six in ten americans saying they re embarrassed by the president s conduct. now tonight we will see teleprompter trump addressing the nation. the very somber role as commander in chief. tomorrow we could see a very different president trump. he s hitting the road for a campaign-style rally in phoenix, arizona, a state where john mccain and jeff flake have been harshly critical of the president. back to you guys.
sara, thank you very much. cnn political analyst karoun demirjian. great to have all of you here with us. karuon, let s talk about this apparent tragedy, ten missing u.s. sailors off the waters of singapore. last night, he was asked about this. questions were shouted at him from journalists and it seems as though he wasn t fully briefed. though, frankly, president trump never engaged in the political speak. i will take this under advisement. we re watching this very closely. he doesn t say things like that. is it conceivable that he repeatedly said that s too bad. that s too bad. is it conceivable that his advisers wouldn t have briefed him by 8:30 at that point last night? it doesn t necessarily mean that he knew what his response was going to be. as we ve seen trump in various other situations, he says i like to have all the facts. granted he tweets before he has
in the form of steve bannon. his ideas about afghanistan and staying out were largely shaped by steve bannon. he has that on him tonight as well as coming out of charlottesville and his moral standing taking a huge hit. this is big for him tonight. that s right. and as we saw from those tweets, there was absolutely no daylight when donald trump was a candidate about what his position about afghanistan would be. he would withdraw. he was the only one strong enough to do that. now push comes to shofb and it sounds like the announcement tonight, rather than being a withdrawal, will be an increase in troop levels. this is the first policy fight we ve seen that is a clear loss for steve bannon, mattis and the generals were fighting over this. generals won, bannon lost. he s on the outside. breitbart news this morning they re already going after the president s afghanistan strat jirks criticizing this increase in troop levels. he will have a new prominent critic on the outside that he
hasn t had at this point in the administration. it s not the first time we ve had to see the president take a different tone than what he campaigned on. he promised a whole bunch of things that when he became president it s a matter of national security and keeping the world a stable place and not making things worse that he shifted tact. and that list is getting longer and longer and longer it seems. we re only seven months in. perry, this warped strategy for afghanistan was promised more than a month ago, saying it was going to be happening in mid july. is it too cynical to think that they rushed this together tonight to get away from charlottesville last week? i m not sure of the exact timing and why. they ve been talking about this review for a long time. i assumed it would come out some time in august. it might be cynical to say this day was picked for that reason. i would say on the policy
itself, trump might have been, if he was trying to become more popular or do what the public wants, there is some skepticism about these wars and having more troops there. i wonder if trump had the converge of his convictions from earlier if he would be in a better place, at least politically? there is some demand in the public for less fewer troops abroad versus trump s policy now is not that different from the status quo. going from 8,000 to 12,000 troops is not a big shift either way. he s basically kind of continuing the policies of bush and obama, of staying in afghanistan. just by campaigning on the opposite. josh, where are we with where bannon s head is and what this war is about? such a weird turnabout last night. one of these cronies tweets war, says our presidency over that we fought for. then he clarify ied with you an
others, no, no, no, i m not bad on the president. it s other guys. he goes after h.r. mcmaster and breitbart right away. i think bannon wanted to leave amicably and he was adamant that he was not fired, it was a mutually agreed upon departure. although i m not sure how much choice he had about leaving or staying. but the issue with bannon is that he has these set of beliefs that he thinks the country has endorsed by electing donald trump. as we just talked about, trump promised all these things and is either unable or unwilling to carry through with them as president. bannon sees himself as someone who will nudge trump into what he believes is a proper direction, mowing down his opponents, using breitbart news. i tried to get bannon to say if trump doesn t do this, will you eventually take him on directly? he wouldn t answer the question but i think the answer is yes.
if trump slide toos far with these white house democrats, bannon refers to. the problem is that the white house democrats that he refers to are ivanka trump and jared kushner, her husband. that s blood, flesh and relatives and seems to be sacred for the president. he does listen to them even if he doesn t agree with them. if he goes after them too hard it will not work out too well for steve bannon, it would seem. how far is he going to push? how hard is he going to push before they push back? and will we see those trains colliding in public now because bannon is on the outside? what s especially awkward is that donald trump tweeted after steve bannon left, good for steve, going back to breitbart
news, fighting fake news. giving him the dignity of the exit that he could. right but bre. tbarr was writing nasty things about him within 24 hours of that tweet. charlottesville, there was an exit planned before, but then charlottesville happens and everything is through the light of charlottesville. it was really, really bad, but a self-inflicted thing that has screwed up the way we ve seen everything from the bannon departure to afghanistan and everything else that we re seeing. the key question here is what does donald trump do? the worry in the breitbart community, arnold schwarzenegger ran as a conservative and some point moved to the middle. breitbart mentioned that comparison. if you re steve bannon you re trying to keep donald trump from
listening too much to the more liberal people in the white house. i think donald trump will stay pretty nationalist because i think donald trump himself has a lot of views that steve bannon did as well. he has been talking about trade deals and how terrible they are for years and decades. i think he will stay on this same path because steve bannon was a person who basically agreed with donald trump. that s why he liked him so much. i think he will stay in the same pathway. panel, thank you very much for all that reporting for us. cnn will bring you live coverage of president trump s address to the nation tonight at 9:00 eastern. right after the president s address, stay tuned because we re going to have a live town hall event with house speaker paul ryan. it s hosted by our jake tapper at 9:30 pm. what does paul ryan think about all of these developments? it will be good to finally hear him on the record about it. president trump facing backlash from his response to the deadly violence in
charlottesville. his moral standing suffered. several lawmakers now questioning his abilities. we ll talk with one of his democratic critics who actually suggested that the president may be sympathetic to white supremacists, next. david. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college. it s part of our commitment to being america s best first job. it s time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.. does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale
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charlottesville. the reason he is reluctant to denounce white supremacy and neo-nazis and klans members is because he has some level of sympathy for them. joining us now is that congressman, democrat keith ellison. good morning, congressman. good morning. how are you doing? i m doing well. tell us what you mean that the president has some sympathy for neo nazis and white supremacists. if you look at the facts, the evidence that s been entered into the public record already, there are a few things that are insxa inescapable. one thing is that he did not immediately denounce the neo nazis and the klan. the flags they were marching under are the flags that enemies were killing americans in civil war and world war ii. but look at the record during the campaign, when david duke, when he won louisiana, david
duke endorse him. he takes a long time to say anything about that. you know, we know that richard spencer, a noted and open and avowed white supremacist coins the term alt-right. then he hires the guy who says that he s offering the platform for the alt-right, steve bannon, who has been advising him right up until a few hours ago. what does sympathy mean? wait a minute. so i m clear on your position, you think he is like minded, that he is a white supremacist? i m not saying he is one. i m saying positions that they have articulated are positions that he does not feel an urgency to denounce and distance himself from. that piece of evidence right there is something that all of us have to ask ourselves why. now, if he is not sympathetic to
them, then the best person to clarify this is the president himself. he can talk about how we move forward as a country, one america, liberty and justice for all, everybody included. and yet that s not what we re seeing. we re seeing him, you know, be morally ambiguous and i think that this is of something that is of serious concern. i named what let me just give you a little bit more fodder here. he has been all over the map on david duke, in terms of the kkk. back in 2000, donald trump, obviously just a regular citizen, gave this interview with matt lauer where he was very strongly condemning david duke. and then over the years, and certainly during this campaign, he seemed to be much less sure about how he felt about david duke. let s just recap this for our viewers.
listen to this. right. well, you ve got david duke just joined, a bigot, a racist acres problem. david duke endorsed me? okay. all right. i disavow. i don t know anything about david duke, okay? i don t know what you re talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. i know who he is but i never met david duke. so, congressman in 2016, he didn t know anything about david duke but if you rewind the clock to 2000 with matt lauer he was very clear, david duke is a bigot, a racist. he s a problem. but why do you think that that means that he s now evolved and come around to share some sort of sympathy or like mindedness with david duke? couldn t it just be as simple as he thinks those folks who support david duke are part of his base and support him? well, then what difference does it actually make, right? the fact is that if he really believes them and is a true believer or if he is just
opportunistically exploiting them to support him, the net effect is people who fought the nazis, people who fought the klan, who are stand iing up for core american values still end up getting hurt and diminished in the process. i mean, i m talking about the pragmatic effect of the president s moral ambivalence. if he will not actively pull the country together around shared values we are left to speculate as to why he won t. i think one of those possibilities is what i said. sympathy? perhaps, yeah. i mean, let him clarify if that s the case. think about it. he is the one who has created this question about where is trump on the klan and the nazis
and white supremacists? you look at storm fronter, daily stormer, they were all very happy at his response. they feel like he was endorsing them. if you listen to those people, they feel he is an ally and a friend. and so i think it is incumbent upon the president to make it clear, they have no quarter because he hasn t done that. the question is what will you and other democrats beyond just speculating and speaking out about this, what you can do about it. you know, congressman, jackie speier, democrat from california, she tweeted this. potus is showing signs of erratic behavior and mental instability to place the country in grave danger. time to invoke the 25th amendment. do you agree? well, let me tell you this. i know that injury nadler has
invoked we had 160 events where we were talking to neighbors about how to really build a strong, unified country around shared values, economic prosperity for everyone. we did 160 events on which we knocked on doors, made calls and engaged with our neighbors and so we are being a part of this massive surge forward. counter to trump s moral ambivalence. you saw 30,000 or so in boston, thousands in new orleans. i was in durham when they the day before when people were protesting there. and calling account to some of these confederate monuments. so, my point is that, look, you know, most americans are appalled by what happened in
charlottesville. hear not slow to respond to it. we re trying to work with them because we re trying to change what happened at the ballot box where we want to restore and anybody who says we want to change the outcomes at the ballot box. obviously we want democrats to win but even republicans who step forward and say no, this is wrong. i respect that. so far only about 24 republicans have publicly named donald trump and told him that his moral ambivalence is not what this moment calls for. that s what we re trying to do, organize and move forward. understood. congressman keith ellison, thank you. organize and move forward.
address, prime time speech directly to the american people about what to do with the 16-year war in afghanistan. the fate of a signature items like health care, the wall, tax reform. what s going to happen with all of those without steve bannon? next.
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great new voice at breitbart. attacking members of his staff, national security team, members of his family. trump was just a vehicle for them to try to prop up that agenda but they will not hesitate if trump deviates at all from any of the rhetoric he said during the campaign, they ll go full tilt. there are stories already that they ll help impeach trump if he goes the other way. on the flip, mac, it s just a propaganda outlet. he s no longer in the inner circle of kind of in the ear of the president on a daily, maybe even hourly basis. is he weakened to the point where his effectiveness won t be what it could have been? chris, i don t think so. i think kurt has it more right than not. i think it is a pretty big deal. steve bannon came in with great standing, with equal reporting responsibility to the chief of staff, reince priebus. he was on the national security
council, which was pretty unprecedented for a political strategist to be an active formal member of that council. he got demoted on that. that obviously did not set well. i think president trump has a very, very narrow pass here to go forward with his legislative agenda. what the real issue is, chris, the president now has to shift from campaigning to governing. steve bannon was effective in the campaign, fighting, being a provocateur. not so effective governing in the white house as part of a team. i think he will be a strong voice. breitbart will be at least one outlet that his conservative base, populous base responds to. i think this will be a complicated period for president trump in the days ahead. kurt, we got mixed messages from bannon. one of his cronies tweeted war then an interview to the weekly standard where he said the presidency that trump and i
campaigned for and won is now over. then people went to him and he said no, i don t have any problem with the president. it s the people around him, the mission i m going to focus on. how much stock do you put in that? i pate lot of stock into the idea that he s definitely going to war against the adversaries that he calls the globalists inside the white house. i think you ll see steve will use breitbart to tell the story, the narrative really that the president they new and loved has been hijacked by these west wing globalists and they need to be removed if we re going to get president trump back on track. helping president trump means helping advocate for the agenda they started and supported in the campaign, even if that means turning on people within trump s inner circle, his own family and even at times turning on trump himself, steve will say publicly friends need to be honest with each other. trump is wrong. here what they should be doing. the more complicated situation will be when breitbart spends
its time and energy attacking fellow republicans in the house and senate as president trump is trying to work with these people to try to get a legislative agenda through. the alt-right isn t so much about the republican party, right? he s happy to see it drawn asunder. mack, from a chief of staff perspective, what is the message that you give the president when bannon goes too far or too close he can go after the kids, the people around as long as it s not about the president personally, he s okay. if he does take a shot at the president, what is the message going back at bannon? we ve not seen that controlled by anybody, including general kelly. what would be your message? this move helps general kelly, chris. he will now be able to bring order to the white house, focus on the agenda. i think that s what the vast majority of the american people want. for president trump to be successful, he has got to move forward his legislative aenda. i think he can largely not
totally but largely square that up with some of steve bannon s terms relating to tax reform, infrastructure, relating to immigration reform. when you get down to some of the specifics here that s going to be very difficult. president trump has been a person who has made a real statement and his commitment, his strength, his beliefs. he will have to adhere to that, chris, even if it means criticism from steve bannon. kurt, we re paying artificial attention to bannon right now because he s freshly removed. this is his big story tonight on afghanistan. how strong do you think he will be? i think they will be very vocal, very strong. because he will be into maintaining that he his part of
the decision making. going for that star wars knobe effect, you struck him down but he will come back stronger than ever before. we ll have to see. the force is with us, as we know, from the eclipse. meanwhile, this story to tell you about, sonic attacks targeting u.s. diplomats in cuba are impacting more people than first thought. we have a live report for you from havana next.
broadcast a frequency you can t usually hear but cause very real physical damage. some of the u.s. diplomats have told officials that they were attacked late at night while they were in their homes, in bed. so, just terrifying to think about that. some u.s. officials have u.s. diplomats have gone back home as a result of these attacks. others have just decided to cut their tours short because of the continued harassment. still the u.s. embassy in havana, we re told, is fully operational. diplomats who continue to work here are working under what can only be described as very trying circumstances. chris? that is bizarre. patrick shall thank you for keeping us ahead on that story. appreciate it, my friend. be well. millions of americans will have their eyes on the skies for the solar eclipse. not alabama head coach nick saban. andy scholes has more in the
bleacher report. always on point this guy. i tell you what, i love nick saban press conferences, known for being hyper focused on improving his football team regardless of what s happening around him. he was asked yesterday how his team was preparing for the eclipse. we ll set it up so if the players want to get sunglasses and look at it, i guess they can. that s not something i m that focused on right now. they re already saying what it s going to look like in every city in america so what s going to be significant? i m going to watch it on tv. saban sounds so excited. his players better get those special glasses and not just use regular sunglasses or they might not fare too well in their home opener september 2nd. pennsylvania taking on chinese taipei in the junior little league world series. jack reagany goes over the wall,
able to hold on to make the catch to rob the home run. incredible concentration to hold on to this one. the catch was ruled an out. then the call was overturned. then it was overturned again. i don t know about you, chris, but it was an incredible catch. but for me the ball leaves the park, it should be a home run. isn t it about where you catch it? there s a rule, right? if you make the catch and go over the wall with it, that s how it is in pro ball. remember austin jackson made that incredible catch at fenway park and went over. it was ruled an out. i guess as long as you hold on to it, it s ruled an out. where the ball wound up, but whatever. it s a great catch. not trying to take it away from the kid but then again you re taking the home run away from the other kid. what a great piece of video. andy, thank you so much. get the right glasses or stay inside, like alisyn s kids. for the first time in nearly a century, a chance to see a total solar eclipse in the
continental u.s. some essential need to knows if you are in the path of totality. when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. hey, is this our turn? honey.our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we ll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 outbacks. ends august 31.
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we all made it out safely. people you don t know care about you. it s kind of one of those things where you can t even thank somebody. to protect what you love, call 1-800-adt-cares in just hours, folks along the west coast in the path of totality will see the first eclipse of the century, a total one. cnn s miguel marquez is live in salem, washington. oregon that s where it s going to begin. you also have a great voice. let me hear you say path of totality. path of totality. good. it s good. we really need that. thank you very much. thank you very much. somebody actually drove by a little while and yelled out not something nasty to me but totality. it s very cool. look, they re already lined up in front of the state capital.
somebody who drove 12 hours from stockton, 36 hours from texas. why is this a big deal? it s the first time since 1918 we ve had a coast-to-coast eclipse. 12 states will be hit. salem will be the first of five capitals to be hit by thi eclipse. they will see that total eclipse, that 70-mile or so shadow of the mean that will cross the u.s. the reason people are lined up here they want gear, glasses for this eclipse. we have all the nerdy gear ourselves. these are solar filters on the binoculars. the glasses, though look, i want to show you. these are regular sunglasses, right? if you look through them, you can see right through them there. these are the eclipse sunglasses. if you try to look through these, here is what you see. absolutely nothing. the only way you can see through these things is to stare
directly at the sun, something you wouldn t otherwise do unless you have special glasses. it goes to totality, look at these while it s in total eclipse and put them back on again. it s amazing. they only heard you say corona. that s why they cheered. that s right. we re ready here also, miguel. chris, i don t know if he s going to heed your warning. he s planning on having a staring contest with the eclipse. i m going to look until it looks away. nice. sensible. miguel, thank you very much. we have the chief astronomer at the franklin institute and also andrew. do you think it s wise that chris will have a staring contest with the eclipse until it looks away? if he s willing to give up his eyes, sure, let him have at
it. that s not a problem. thank you. yeah, sure. no staring at the sun. we don t stare at the sun. it will be too dangerous. let s give people some of the data here. where are you going to be able to see this? what s going to be the duration? let s get some of the facts out there for people. yeah, sure. this eclipse will be visible all across the continental united states. if you re in the path of totality that stretches from coast to coast, you re going to be able to see the full event of this. you ll be standing in the shadow of the moon. during that portion of totality only is when you can observe directly without any eye protection. it s safe during that period of time. that period of time varies across the united states, on the west coast. it s just under two minutes on the very far west coast.
and it s just over two minutes on the very far east coast. right in the middle where we are here in st. joseph, missouri, you re going to get 2:39 of totality. down the road a piece it s up to 2:40. anybody else off the path of totality, though, you ll see partial eclipse. not all of the disk of the sun is covered by the moon. for all portions of your observing of the partial eclipse, you must have eye protection for the entire event. so, from beginning to end if you re in the partial section of the country, you need the viewers. but that way, you can enjoy an authentic science experience and you can see what s happening. but you must have either the eye protection or you can use an indirect method of which there are several that work really, really well that are cheap and easy and may be even available from your own kitchen. yes, right. you can go online and look at the homemade indirect methods, poke a hole in a shoe box, tin
foil and white piece of paper and all that exciting stuff. derrick, what about the cloud cover we re seeing behind your head right now? the cloud cover that s over us right now, i feel very good about this burning off and getting out of the way, hopefully, by around 1:00 this afternoon. we re certainly concerned about the cloud cover. we don t want it. but even though we re here under cloud cover if it stays we ll still have that experience of the darkness. we just won t be able to see the effects around the sun. we re hoping all of this gets out of the way by then. for many of us along the eclipse path there could be cloud situations. hopefully they ll have the same sort of situation that this burns off and gets out of the way by the time totality comes. that happens for us around 1:06 this afternoon local time and we ll have that 2:39. that s the only two minutes and 40 seconds i m worried about today. that s a lifetime in television. i ll tell you the history of the world in two minutes and five seconds. as much as i love the phrase
path of totality, the key word is totality. that s what makes this eclipse special and a century event. how so? well, the reason why this is a special event because of totality is because the idea of totality being in one particular place in any location on the planet, that s kind of rare. solar eclipses can happen as few as two times a year, maybe as up to five times a year. but to stand in totality gives scientists the ability to study elements of the sun. the surface of the sun is only 11,000 degrees. that discrepancy is poorly understood. solar eclipse totality give that opportunity. then there s just the idea of this very rare thing happening for anyone that can experience this. we think back a little bit in history. people did not know when eclipses were going to occur. they were always surprised and
frightened because their life-giving star was being consumed, it looked like, or disappearing from the sky. nowadays we know so much more. it gives all of us a chance to have this great sort of interactive experience in a sensor at least to be able to experience this authentic science event without much effort. we can all have a good time of it. it evokes feelings for us, entertains us in an educational way. all those things about totality are very cool. astrology people are really keyed in to what s happening here. i hear it. derrick pitts, thank you for all the information. we ll just say we re sorry we weren t tiebl get andrew fazakis, the eclipse wreaking havoc with our satellite. he is too close to the path of totality. cnn newsroom with john berman is the totality package. he is.
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Transcripts For CNNW Wolf 20170921 17:00:00

all year round. so call today. because now s the perfect time to learn more. go long. i m jim accoosta for wolf blitzer. maria on the move. churning north and gaining steam. what the storm is leaving behind and who is next. the hunt for survivors after a deadly earthquake grows more frantic and we will take you there live. turning to trump. the special counsel seeks new documents about the president s actions in office including a meeting with the russians. we begin with hurricane maria s rampage with $3.3 million u.s. citizens. it has been devastated and president trump approved a
system. in san juan, what is the situation there right now? it s strange because people are beginning to move around again. you see people stopping to pause and look around and take stock of the scope of what s changed in a little over 24 hours. we were here before the rains moved in to see a perfectly functional city, but there is a puerto rican flag trying to go in the breeze. part of today has been about taking the shots down and trying to get a glimpse of what the new normality looks like. it can be cleaned up and shops can be repainted, but with the power going down. what could be four to six months
and doe you go to work and the hospital for medical treatment. the much more immediate term, there is no cell phone service. people can t check on their loved ones without physically going to see them and going back a century in terms of interhuman relations and saying how bad was that storm? you can see it s not available. and when is the airport going to open? it s like lly that that s a hug task too. two weeks before hurricane irma hit, near bankruptcy and cost a billion dollars worth of damage. the hurricane slammed into the east coast yesterday morning and
and the next stop is into the turks and caicos. storm surge will be a huge factor. while it may only be a 5 to 10 degree spread, that s enough to weaken the storms quickly. we talked about comparisons to irma. especially where it s right here. this is the point in which irma and maria are on the same track. maria started off further south. the yellow line is irma.
from there they will go to the north. jim? thank you very much. we appreciate it. researchers are clawing through the rubble of an elementary school. it s heart breaking to watch to reach a 12 yearly old girl and two other survivors trapped two days after a magnitude 7.1. 26 bodies including 21 children have been found at the school. 11 others have been rescued. one girl described what happened as the building collapsed. [speaking foreign language] translator: just when we were going to run down, part of the building collapsed and you couldn t see anything. the english teacher helped us come down because we couldn t use the stairs. the rescue everydafforts rep and rescue teams are hoping for more victories like this one.
of the task there in mexico city. let s go to search and rescue expert who joins us via skype from santa paula, california. you heard miguel there. you probably didn t find it surprising he was speaking in a whisper as he was reporting from the scene and shows you how we are taking great pains to be delicate in the reporting on the scene. you have trained and you work with trained search and rescue teams. there are fears that this building in mexico is unstable. what do they have to do to keep a structure like this from collapsing more? honestly if the structure is going to collapse, that s what s going to happen, but they will consecentrate onshoring up the areas where these children are. especially this little girl. they will try to go in and from two different directions, it s
have been involved in from the get go. that s when mistakes happen as well. hopefully they will go into a little bit of a rotation so that they can be a little more focused and on task. things are far more organized today and that s great. it s really got to be systematic on this. there is a lot at stake. i m always curious and how do you get food and water and medicine to the people that are trapped? when you see them through perhaps a roll in the rubble and you can reach something down to them even though you can t pull them out, i can t imagine how frustrating it might be while that is a lifeline for the person who is trapped. liquid new trigz and trisdragz
huge. they have been there long enough now that they need to get that food and water. they are coming up with all kinds of ways to do that. and not sure how she is pinned. that will make it a little bit more challenging. as far as the medicine goes, if they can open it enough to get somebody down there it s the small guys that kind of dig down into there. it s the nature of the game and a slow process and also very
focused. hopefully all the rest of the folks as well as those who are strapped all over the region. it s heroic work and thank you very much. we will come back to the scene in a moment, but major new developmentsed which aring a report that the campaign chairman, paul manafort offered private briefings to a billionaire close to vladimir putin. jimmy kimmel doubling down on his criticism of the health care plan. he is becoming a thorn in president trump s side. more on the breaking news. the president announcing an executive order targeting companies to do business with north korea saying china is on board. this is special live coverage. we ll be right back. rcycle insurance with geico. goin up the country.
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today i m announcing a new executive order that expands our authorities to target individuals, companies, financial institutions that finance and facilitate trade with north korea. the president made the announcement before his working lunch with shanzo abe and south korean president moon. what can you tell us about the economic sanctions? this is an important development and the sanctions coming on the heels of that fiery speech that both you and i were at the un the other day when the president threatened to totally destroy north korea. taking a different approach going after the economy. the finances of north korea and
delivering blunt damage offering a warning to foreign bankers and leaders that you can do business with the u.s. or trade with north korea, but threatened to cut them off. this is a sign that on north korea, this administration is searching for one strategy and trying several things. threatening military options and trying to squeeze them economically as well. a bigger headline than we were expecting getting south korea on board as well trying to present a unified front in the region. less fuel for the rocket man. the president was asked about possible dialogue with north korea. what did he say? that was interesting at the end of that announcement this morning, he was asked if dialogue will continue. he said why not. he left it hanging there. this is something the president
has been a bit all over the map on if he would have dialogue or talks with north korea. he did not rule out that possibility. taken together, the fiery rhetoric we heard earlier in the week, this is more of a normal action of a previous u.s. president here for an economic sanction, a clear sign that military options is not the prefer route of anyone despite that rhetoric. less brinkmanship today outside trump tower. trump s former campaign manager under scrutiny in the russia probe and the offer he made to a billionaire close to vladimir putin. how robert mueller is turning to the president s actions while in the oval office.
flonase changes everything.
paul manafort offered a russian billionaire private briefings on the election while he was campaign chairman. the paper said the billionaire has close ties to the kremlin. part of the team that broke that story is cnn legal analyst and follow prosecutor. the post said that your story said there is no evidence these briefings took place, but what are the concerns raised here in you don t want the campaign chairman making these offers to russian billionaires. at minimum you have a conflict of interest, but if you are part of the counter intelligence team that is reading those e-mails, it sounded like he was offering to be to their ears an informant. telling someone that they knew
was in regular contact with putin and had a very fraught relationship with putin. somebody was who probably trying to impress putin by showing he had access within the trump campaign. we don t know everything because what s in e-mails is obviously just a piece of this. the e-mails are cryptic in the words that are chosen and initials are used and sometimes code names are being used. we don t know what mueller had access to beyond what we are seeing. probably there is a lot more we don t know. we were just talking about this out of the break, but you never cease to be amazed by the shoes that are dropping and it s hard to get your mind and arms around the idea that a campaign chairman would be having these kinds of thoughts. that he would somehow be able to provide briefings to somebody with another country. an adversary of the united states. it s so absurd at this point
in time, the almost mountain of careless mistakes or things being made, but what you have here is somebody who is trying to profit or capitalize and monitize on his relationship with the president of the united states or who would become the president of the united states. for the prosecutor, you are saying what would be the motive behind trying to do that and is there incentive for someone to receive or act as a liaison between a foreign entity and the campaign position? when you have that, you have got the absence of that smoking gun, that one piece of evidence that ties the whole case together, but the key to a successful prosecution when you don t have that are being able to establish the motive and leverage. all this heaping up about paul manafort is that you have leverage in the eyes of robert mueller s team. you can have this person cooperate in the investigation to get to that smoking gun.
cnn has reported that the special prosecutor requested documents covering a wide range of actions by the trump white house that includes firings of michael flynn and president trump s meetings with them in the oval office. how significant is this? what we are seeing here is obviously some of it goes to what the president chose to do. was there an attempt to obstruct justice in these cases? what s clear is how much he is front loading with the investigation. we know they interviewed the dni and the director of of national intelligence and one of the first interviews was with mike rogers and the director of the national security agency. both of them were asked by the president if they could tell the world that there was no evidence of collusion. this is all part of a chain.
piecing together this picture. was the president trying to either change the narrative or actually intimidate people, trying to get people to drop the investigation. i want to get to something the vice president was asked about earlier today. whether the mueller investigation veered outside of the jurisdiction. he said that s for others to decide. take a listen. what i can assure you is that we are fully cooperating with the special counsel and we will continue to do that. i made clear that during my time on the campaign i was not aware of any contacts or collusion with russian officials and i stand by that. we will provide any information they require, but honestly, this is not what the american people are focused on. notice he said there was no collusion during my time on the
campaign. a little bit of 46ing and trying to preserve his own purity. for reminds me of when donald trump said not to my knowledge and never that i knew. you want to protect the flip against you. that s a certainly that he is in fact an enemy of the white house and turns out the investigation points directly at them. whenever you tell somebody don t look over here, your tendancy is to look at what you were told not to look at. the irony on the criminal probe is that we are not digging up evidence we wouldn t otherwise have. we are not probing into things we couldn t see. we are using the president s words and mike pence s words and what manafort said and it s coming back to haunt people in a real way in realtime. you will see the distance
happen. i m not surprised by it, but not sure at this point that manafort is truly cooperating with mueller s team enough to have that be justified. the president left plenty of bread crumbs. thanks to both of you. republican senators comment about the health care bill raising eyebrows about the motivation of his party s rush to obamacare. the bill covers preexisting conditions. we will fact check that as jimmy kimmel launches another attack on republicans. coming up. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass,
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but he hasoke up wwork to it s wonderful to have prime minister shanzo abe doing a great job for the people of japan. we had discussions already today and this is a formalization of the discussions. we made a lot of progress both on trade and obviously very importantly we have discussed in great detail north korea with also south korea as you just saw. so we will continue that relationship that has never been closer with japan and the united states. it will continue on with that way. i look forward to discussing some things that the group is
here specifically to discuss and we will be reporting back to you later. thank you all very much. you heard what china was doing today in terms of the banking system. that was a tremendous move and we have great respect and also would like to thank president xi of china. it was a great thing he did today. thank you very much. thank you very much for being here. [speaking foreign language]
[speaking foreign language] let s break out of this for a moment and we will go back to this if there is more news that develops, but i will go to gloria borger to talk about this. we heard the president referencing the new actions and new sanctions aimed at north korea and he is hitting there with the japanese prime minister. one of the things he said is china is starting to exert influence on this through the banking system. and enforce sanctions that had not been enforced. that is key to this. that s what we hear the president referring to and he is thanking the chinese here for
cooperating. contrast that with what we heard a couple of days ago. the president threatening to totally wipe out north korea referring to kim jong un as rocket man. he is falling back on what presidents have done with rogue regimes and go after sanctions and try to use the levers that are normally accompanying the powers of the presidency to try to keep people in line. not so much of the brinkmanship today. there isn t. speak softly and carry a big stick goes to speak loudly and carry a big stick. smaller stick today. that s still the nature of this president. he will level every threat he can and we will destroy you and fire and fury. what he wants to do is unnerve the north koreans and i m not sure it has the intended effect. joining us as we are watching
this unfold. we will go back to the president as he makes news here. what do you make of this move that the white house is taking against north korea. a lot less fire and fury. it doesn t work if you are only threatening fire and fury alone. if there is a moment to come together, the powers that exert influence, it was going to be this week at the un general assembly. this is a positive step if he is stepping up enforcement. that s the key thing that is missing and to solve in this crisis. nobody wants to have a military approach happen. even if there is an option there. it would be very, very messy. if china loses the leverage, they can bring this to closer to a resolution than it has been. if they are ready to take a softer tone, that potentially means things are moving in the right direction. that s why you say fire and fury
in the first place. that s supposed to lead to the diplomacy and not necessarily using the stick. it may have scared the chinese more than the north korea koreans. they are being hustled out of the room so we won t see more questions to the president. i know about that in those situations. let s talk more about this after a quick break. we will talk about that and the health care news. jimmy kimmel dominating the health care debate when we come back. every morning, i thought i had to make a choice. do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or one.
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trying to get over the goal line and repeal obamacare. he said i would not sign graham cassidy if it did not include coverage for preexisting conditions. it does. great bill. in new york for us, the president and the bill s cosponsors, they promise that preexisting conditions will be covered under this new bill, but that s not exactly right, is it? the short answer is that s not true. people with preexisting conditions would not get the same levels they have under obamacare. this is a complicated issue that people are confused about. what would happen under graham cassidy for people who have these medical conditions. it s true that insurers couldn t out reject someone for having a preexisting condition that got enshrined through obamacare, but what they would be able to do is ask for more flex toibl loosen
regulations so experience companies could raise premiums for people who have medical conditions. republican who is support the graham cassidy plan defended this by saying states would have to basically offer assurances that everyone gets adequate and affordable coverage, but the big red flag here or the problem here is that there is no real way to define what adequate or affordable means. as you know very well, what is adequate for one person is not adequate for somebody else who might have a lot of health issues. what is affordable for one person is not affordable for someone else who may not have the means to pay for what they need to pay for in terms of treatment or going to the doctor or the hospital. politically speaking, this is going to be a huge sticking point next week if there is going to be a vote. someone like susan collins, for example, who raised a lot of concerns about graham cassidy and when i was talking to her, she said look, the way i see it
is that this bill is just as fraught as the last bill that i voted against and had the preexisting conditions as a problem. this is a major issue and we will follow that closely if this bill does come up. thank you very much for that reality check. let s go to perry bacon. you don t have coverage if you can t afford the coverage. right. that seems to be the distinction here with the new bill. they require to be covered, but they can charge whatever they want. so if you can t pay a huge amount, you are not covered. talking about jimmy kimmel, in general celebrities i m not sure matter that much in terms of politic, but we are talking about john mccain who follows the news carefully. i think the way he pushed back against the bill is the millions of views in his comments. he is playing a powerful and surprising role here. let s talk about that.
one of the loudest voices ask oppositions to this bill is jimmy kimmel and he called out bill cassidy the senator who he said broke a promise by supporting this bill. let s listen. when senator cassidy was on my show in may he told me he believed that every american family regardless of income should be able to get quality health care. i believed he was sincere, but sadly the bill indicates that he was not sincere. it is by many beings the worst health care bill yet. there is no way president trump read this bill. he just wants to get rid of it because obama s name on it. they should rename it ivanka care and guaranteed he gets on board. i urge you to call your senators to let them know you care. the video of the monologue has millions of views and a lot of people have seen it and shared it, but the new york times
contacted the office of susan colins and claimed at her office the call volume she got is the same as usual. if that is true, this is why things like this keep happening. because we don t do anything about them. stop texting for five seconds and make a phone call. gloria borger, a little jab at all of us. our hyper screened up world. what do you think the impact will be? it s remarkable. i do. i think it s remarkable. one key impact is that he took the time to explain what s in the bill. he took the time to explain the issue with preexisting conditions which is what people care about. people want to know about their health care and why this is a divicive issue. they want predictability and stability when you are talking about your own health or your children s health or spouse s health, you want to know your health care will be there. what if you happened to live in a state, for example, that
decides that okay, you are going to have to pay more if you have cancer. what does that do to you? do you move if you can t afford your coverage? the individual states where the governors and the state legislators, if we put it all out to the states, the state lawmakers and the governors potentially impacted by the lobbying forces necessary that particular state. if you have a strong and thriving health insurance industry in indian a those lawmakers can be heavily influenced and the protections in that state can be drastically different than in others. all the insurance companies are opposed to this. they don t want to be the bad guys in this. and they will be. i was going to say dependent on a system that can function in those states because the federal dollars that are going to
supplement the health dollars in general speaking are going down over time and may fall off the books entirely by the middle of next decade. so the question is basically what kind of system can these states put together to catch the people who get thrown off, will it be effective, if it s not effective do they end up saying, okay, we can t subsidize that so you have fewer limitations on what the insurance companies can do because it s so much in their lap. there s a lot of unanswerable questions right now because it has to go into effect for the states to kind of see what happens. but that s a very dangerous process. perry, let me ask you this, there s this conventional wisdom that if they don t keep the promise to repeal and replace obamacare somehow their voters are going to punish them. but yet they can t get over the finish line here in terms of actually repealing and replacing obamacare. is it really that toxic for them if they don t take this leap? i think there s two things we re talking about here. my understanding is a lot of the donors have said i m not giving
you money anymore if you re not getting this done. that is a problem because you need money to run election. but the voters do not feel this way. there s a lot of polling showing republican voters do not support rolling back restrictions. republican voters support medicaid. so it s not just so this bill is probably we get a poll soon 20%, these bills have been opposed majority of the public in every instance. so i think it s always hard to explain to me why you should support a bill opposed by 80% of the public doesn t make a lot of political sense to me. iowa republican senator chuck grassley had an important point on this, said the sub tastance the bill is less important. here s what he said. quote, you know, i could make give you ten reasons why this build shouldn t be considered, but republicans campaigned on this so often that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. you know, it is kind of remarkable to see it just sort
of boiled down in this political essence that chuck grassley is boiling it down to. and for a guy who s been in d.c. for as long as he has, it s very interesting that chuck grassley has a lot of these moments where he s brutally honest about what s going on there. he s just putting it out there. i mean, that s basically what he said. but this is true. look, there s been you had almost eight years of, you know, buildup to we re going to repeal obamacare with no planning of what you re going to do and you have this scramble to actually get this done before they lose their parliamentary authority to do it with just 50 votes and have to actually court democrats and what would be a very, very different bill which then probably couldn t get past the house. so this is really what s going on in the heads of lawmakers. but to perry s point before, i mean, yeah, this has never been a very popular sort of an issue repealing obamacare with the voters. but the question goes back to the jimmy kimmel question. how much are people actually paying attention this time? how much effect do these celebrities that are trying to rally the public having when the
focus has not exclusively been on health care the last few weeks and there is a fatigue about talking about this. so you re not seeing the same volume of calls and demonstrations and everything as you were the last time around. that s why they want to shut the window on it. they have a deadline coming up on september 30th. but only in washington, only in washington would someone say it doesn t really matter what we re voting on, we just have to get it done because we promised we would. so when they voted on it for all those seven years, they knew there wasn t going to be any result because they knew it wasn t going to go anywhere. so how do you have the united states senator, i want to know, go out there and say it doesn t matter what s in the bill, which is effectively what he was saying. we just have to do it because we promised we would. yeah. that s not legislating. that s not what john mccain is talking about, by the way. he s calling for regular order. doing this in the regular way. it may be too late for that, but isn t it better than just closing your eyes and voting? right. and whatever happened to
quote/unquote, chuck and nancy, speaking of comments that is difficult to get your mind around, after a few weeks away from the camera we re now seeing more on former white house press secretary sean spicer including this from abc s good morning america. take a listen to this. people have hard feelings towards you because they feel you lied to the american people. have you ever lied to the american people? i don t think so. you don t think so? no, i don t cheat on my taxes. unequivocally you can say no? look, again, you want to find some thing i have not knowingly done anything to do that, no. i ve not knowingly done that. apparently he thinks more people came to trump s inauguration than obama s. i guess that s what we conclude he knows, right? he was just at the emmys giving a major wink-wink, nudge-nudge, i know i m in on this with you. to then turn around and be like i didn t get the joke is a little bit strange. i have not knowingly is such, again, washington. you re right. yes. to the best of my
recollection, i have not knowingly yeah. not exactly a tell-all interview there. no. he wasn t telling all there. but, gloria, how difficult is it going to be for sean spicer and other figures from this administration to do this? because we saw this so much during the first several months of this administration where, you know, they were telling us that the sky wasn t blue and that two plus two didn t equal four. hard. i think it s hard. i think sean, whom we ve all known for years and years and years in many incarnations, i think he s trying to get this monkey off his back to a certain degree. and i think he s having a difficult time. and i think others might as well. all right. much to discuss on this. we can t do it all in this hour, but thank you all very much for that. we appreciate it. guys, thank you. coming up, hurricane maria gaining strength again. again ravaging the caribbean. what could it mean for the u.s.? we ll get the latest on the storm s track. that s coming up. plus, when every minute matters, the desperate race to reach survivors trapped under the rubble of a major earthquake. we ve been watching this all morning. stay with cnn as we continue to
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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With John Berman And Poppy Harlow 20180731 13:00:00

The latest news from around the world with hosts John Berman and Poppy Harlow.
The latest news from around the world with hosts John Berman and Poppy Harlow.
mueller s team to the test here. do you think he testifies? that s a tough call. i would have to handicap it as being negative. i would not put him on. shimon, let s remind people of the judge. his name is judge ellis and he said point blank to mueller s team you don t really care about mr. maufrt s bank fraud, you care about what he could give you that would reflect on mr. trump and lead to prosecution or impeachment. he hasn t always swung their way in the pre-trial hearings and motions. in fact, president trump used those words in a speech at a rally sort of thinking perhaps the judge would cite his words. so that was something the defense team was hoping they would get a dismissal on some accounts or perhaps some of the decisions would go their way.
this judge is known to speak his mind. he s very well known in the district and he moves things along so just because he may have this opinion of what the prosecution may be ultimately in the special counsel trying to do, the law is the law and it seems like at least from everything we know now that he s going to side with the law despite what maybe so in the public think, despite what the president thinks amay be obviou and what people have been saying all along that this is putting pressure on paul manafort to cooperate. there is a ton of evidence against paul manafort. this suspect perhaps going to be the most exciting trial in the world because it s going rely heavily on documents, on financial evidence fbi agents, other witnesses, there will be interesting tidbits because we ll be talking about some of
manafort s lavish life-style and over $800,000 he paid a tailor for suits and his landscaping and real estate so you ll have some color in that way but generally this is a 2k3w5good c for the prosecution. it could go up to last minute really quickly. the 800 pound gorilla in the room will be president trump. why? because the both sides are careful. i understood government witnesses have been told should stay away from that topic and stay away from trump. obviously the judge will be concerned about keeping this pristine. there won t be an argument later if there s a conviction the case was tainted through references to russia or trump. thank you both, shan wu, shimon, appreciate it.
this morning the president says, quote, collusion is not a crime. sound familiar? the president s attorney rudy giuliani said that yesterday right here on cnn. earlier this morning the white house said it s not coordinating on its messaging with rudy giuliani. abby phillips joins me now. the sources were explicit to say not only are we not coordinating we can t control what he says. exactly. rudy giuliani s media blitz yesterday seemed to catch a lot of people by surprise in part because he seemed to be breaking new ground in a couple of key areas. the first saying collusion is not a crime and suggesting perhaps the goalposts are moving in terms of what the administration considers to be wrongdoing. the president reiterated that message then he said there was perhaps a meeting before that infamous trump tower meeting with don jr. and russians that before that meeting and the
planning meeting for the trump tower meeting, that would be news to a lot of people and after giuliani said that in his interview with cnn, he then tried to walk it back in a subsequent interview. listen. he said there was a meeting with donald jr., with jared kushner, with paul manafort, with gates and possibly two others in which they out of the presence of the president. the ones we checked with, four out of six, that meeting never took place. it didn t happen. giuliani indicating there was a meeting that didn t happen but then he said later in the day the meeting didn t happen at all. all of this leading to one conclusion really which is that giuliani might have confused the situation even more with all of his appearances on the air
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washington post broke late last night. officials familiar with intelligence say work is under way on one or possibly two intercontinental ballistic missiles. this is happening as denuclearization talks continue with the united states. the timing is significant. the president said a day after his meets with kim jong-un there is no longer a threat from north korea. will ripley is inside north korea, you traveled far inside of north korea, you witnessed the supposed destruction of one of their nuclear testing sites earlier this year so when you look at this new reporting it shows us that north korea has not put the brakes on when it comes to its weapons program and you note kim jong-un never said he would. and why would he at this point when he doesn t have anything in writing even forcing them to declare the inventory of nuclear weapons he possesses. and, frankly, he has a huge defense industry, tens of thousands of people who were employed developing these missiles and he ll keep them working until the last moment, not to mention the fact his
government believes nuclear weapons are the key to his survival and his regime s survival, poppy. we have not heard anything the white house commenting on this washington post reporting but we did hear from secretary of state mike pompeo in his senate testimony last week and when he was pushed by lawmakers on where s the progress, how can you assure americans on all of this, these promises on denuclearization he said we have not been taken for a ride. does this reporting change that? well, the u.s. knows that north korea is continuing on with its nuclear program. what they are looking at as an encouraging sign is that they haven t launched a missile since november of last year. and the dismantlement of the satellite launching site and what we supposedly saw the destruction of the punggye-ri nuclear site although experts dispute whether it affected the sites as all, the u.s. knows this point they re in the early stages and this is going to be a long process and until they get a commitment from kim jong-un to
start giving up these warheads and missiles, the work is going to continue and they have to learn as much as they can about the size and skaz of his arsenal before north korea declares inventory so they can catch north korean ins a lie. there s something significant deep down in this reporting from the washington post and that centers around the enrichment of europe and what this intelligence tells us on that front. what is it? well, we know they are continuing to enrich uranium and they did make upgrades as well as they re believed to be making upgrades to their reactor. so the fuel to put in nuclear warheads, north korea is still producing which shows they re continuing to expand their capabilities so even though they re not testing their production capabilities, their kipabilitys have not only not changes but they re increasing. you know the regime well.
you are one of the few reporters who has been inside so many times. do you think this is a strategic play by the regime? every conversation i had with north korean officials over the last three and a half years they said repeatedly they would never give up their nuclear weapons so frankly i like many people who study the korean peninsula were skeptical that the singapore summit would lead to this rapid denuclearization that some administration officials publicly stated they hoped would happen. in a matter of months perhaps, that isn t realistic. will ripley, thank you for the reporting. we appreciate it as always. president trump says he is willing to meet with iran s leaders without pre-conditions wherever they want but this morning an iranian lawmaker says he isn t worried about that because the president s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement has done so much damage it s in his words worse than any pre-conditions. the president s offer is an abrupt shift in tone. it comes eight days after he tweeted in all tap this is never ever threaten the united
states again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. let s go to the state department. our senior diplomatic correspondent michelle kosinski joins me now. that was eight days ago. late yesterday the president says yes i m open to meeting with iran without any conditions. what changed? he was threatening them with the ultimate punishment for iran s continued bad behavior. same with the secretary of state. mike pompeo days ago was encouraging iranian protesters to get rid of their government, calling iran s leaders thieves, basically and now he is agreeing with the president, sure, let s talk if you want to. listen. the iranians demonstrate a commitment to make fundamental changes in how they treat their own people, reduce their malign behavior, agree it s worthwhile to enter into a nuclear agreement that prevents
proliferation, the president is prepared to sit down and have a conversation with them. there seems to be inconsistency here. very similar to what happened with kim jong-un where you had threats and rhetoric and then okay let s sit down and talk, no, no, let s not sit down and talk, let s make sure you do something historic, okay you don t have to do anything historic, let s just talk. it goes back and forth. remember at one point president trump calls kim jong-un honorable and start. will we see something similar to that here? it is unclear where this goes. what we know is that iran is working with the europeans to try to salvage any way possible. the iran nuclear deal. iran said there are no negotiations with the u.s. now that the u.s. has left the iran nuclear deal. you can say there is no risk in talking if both sides want to
talk and come to the table with the same mind-set, great. the real risk is when you hand these people wins or approval or let them get away with things as we have have already seen with kim jong-un and vladimir putin. michelle kosinski, thank you for putting that into context for us. president trump s tactic to get border wall funding, threaten a shut down. but will that negotiating move work? does he mean it? is he bluffing? we re moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stocks look like they will open flat today. all eyes will be on the tech sector. apple is set to release earnings after the market closes today and it could make apple be the first trillion company in the united states if all goes well. we ll keep an eye on it. let s begin.
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let s see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don t. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. welcome back. the president is repeating his shutdown threat of border funding. many republicans are not biting. listen to republican senator kennedy of louisiana. i m a big believer in hitting things head on and if the president wants to shut down the government, that s his
prerogative. i think it would be a mistake. i don t think it will be necessary. also, republican senator john thune called the threat a negotiating tactic. leader mitch mcconnell flatly said we will be funding the government in a timely manner. with me now our political analyst rachel and perry bacon from 538. rachel, do the republicans just write this off as bluff? i think republicans know this is not a bluff on the president s part. the question here is about timing and that s why you re seeing hill republicans down play this and saying that won t be a shutdown before the midterm elections. the president is well aware that could open their battle to keep the majority and cost them the house and senate. there was a meeting at the white house where mitch mcconnell and paul ryan thought they got the president s approval for a plan to kick any shutdown fight over a wall until after the election. they want to just get a couple spending bills done before the
election and not deal with the border security issue because they know it will be contentious until after the midterm bus there is a conservative constituency that thinks a shut down fight before the election is a good idea. i will say this is a minority of the republican party and you saw the wall street journal today calling out the president and saying does trump even want to keep the majority in congress? the reason they re asking is because they think a shutdown before the election is a terrible idea. it s a good point but perry, i m glad rachel brought up the timing. everyone knows there will be a funding fight but republicans would prefer that to be in december. the president didn t lay out a timeline. do you think he wins either way? he wins if he gets the funding, following through on a scam pain promise and he wins optically if he can point to congress and doesn t get the funding and says it s all them, the establishment, congress can t
get anything done. i don t agree. he campaigned on the wall and now he s had two years where his party controlled the house and the senate and funding hasn t happened. if you listen to mcconnell and ryan, they re ignoring the president. they have been doing this for a year and a half. this wall issue, the party that he s a part of has not prioritized it and if you remember trump has threatened a shutdown over this wall, he did it last year, this year. he s done this threat before and not followed through. i think this is a bluff, i think republican leaders know that and will ignore that for the reason. let me talk about 3d guns. this is not getting, to be frank, enough attention, but it happens tomorrow. rachel, as you know, a government settlement, this is a legal case fought since 2013. a government settlement with the trump administration means starting tomorrow morning plans
for printing 3d guns, even ar-15s, will be allowed to legally go online. i was reading cnn reporting that these are already up online for some folks, a thousand people have already downloaded the plans to print out ar-15s but the president this morning just wrote this on twitter i m looking into 3d plastic guns being sold to the public. already spoke to the nra. doesn t seem to make much sense. so the presidents is opposing this but this is a deal made with his administration. where does it go? right. and the president can change that. he makes the calls on this and we know that when it comes to gun control, the president doesn t necessarily fall along party lines. we saw him call for gun control before, take the weapons now, do background checks later. he was big on the bump stocks, calling into question whether bump stocks should be allowed, turning certain weapons into semiautomatic weapons and i wouldn t be surprised if you see him push back on this.
there is a reason there are gun laws and you have to get a background check before you get one. this allows you to circumvent that and the create your own gun. i wouldn t be surprised if we see the president push back. i am curious to see where republican leadership falls on this because congress hates to act on these issues but this is clearly an issue that could continue to pop up in the headlines. you think, perry, the nra and particularly gun manufacturers wouldn t like to see this happen because it would eat into their business of selling the guns but one critic on cnn said our only option now is for an injunction. right. the big question will be not like what trump tweets but that doesn t have much effect it will be what the u.s. government under his leadership does. there is a lawsuit from democratic attorneys general that would try to stomp this from happening, try to stop these blueprints from going on line and i will be curious if trump tries to take action or encourages other republican
attorneys general to do so because that is where the rubber meets the road. the big question to me is whether the outlines of how to do this are a free speech issue or a gun rights issue or if they re something if government can restrict. where is the president going to lead, not what he tweets? it s 21 state attorneys general who have filed this. finally tonight the president heads to tampa, an important state in 2016 and 2020. he is going to be speaking at a rally for the gubernatorial candidate there, dos santos, who was an underdog until the president got involved and now he s leading and put out this ad that got us talking. he s teaching madison to talk. make america great again. people say ron is all trump, but he he is so much more. critics of desantis say all
this guy talks about is trump, we don t know where he stands on policy, trump is a king maker, he made this candidate. how do you see it? i can tell you i ve covered desantis for a while on the hill. he s an ardent conservative, a member of the freedom caucus. a pain in gop leadership s side but he s put on the trump cap. he has been defending the president left and right, calling into question the fbi investigation, russia investigation over the russia controversy and for that he s made friends with the president so the president is doing him a solid in terms of campaigning for him. it s interesting, though, because there are a lot of republicans telling us right now that they are uncertain if the election happened today that they would keep the house and that is because of the president. they ve had a rough couple weeks because of a family separation issue, the helsinki summit where he didn t hold putin accountable for intervening in our elections or trying to meddle in our elections so when it comes to other candidates, there s a concern that the president is
actually hurting them right now whereas right now he s trying to help more conservative remember in florida, he can help in florida but some other districts, he s causing a problem. we ll talk to the former head of the republican party in florida about that and dig in more. appreciate you being here, perry and rachel. thanks. the former head of human resources at fema is accused of trading sex for jobs. coming up, his response when confronted with the allegations.
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could rise to the level of criminal activity. what happened? absolutely right. he s referred it to the inspector general s office for further review. you said it, the details are disturbing. they re lit out in this executive summary of the internal fema investigation which cnn reviewed. we know this was a seven-month investigation. there were 73 witnesses and 89 statements and fema found coleman had situation relationships with female sport gnats, it s unclear how many women he spent with but it could be several because the agency says this behavior sponed for several years. we know he was hired in 2011. the first known accusation dates back to 2015. in one case he allegedly used his authority as head of hr to reassign a female employee so she could work with him. he brought her on work travel and initiated this sexual relationship with her. she says after she refuses further advances she was denied
a promotion. we also can tell you the washington post additionally is reporting that coleman transferred female employees to other departments within fema so his friends could try to have sexual relationships with these women. coleman hired his fraternity brothers at the agency and women he met at bars and on dating apps. those are the allegations and we know when investigators approached him he resigned from the agency in june. and no comment from him, right? at this point, we have reached out via e-mail and we have not heard anything from coleman. the brock long fema director said home complaints have we not heard and his focus is on making this a safe working environment for everyone since this went on frankly for years. are they changing practice, policy? how they keep an eye on this? after this investigation wrapped up internally brock long
said he is ordering several changes including an independent party to analyze other potential complaints happening within the agency. counseling services for fema employees which didn t exist before. mandatory sexual harassment training and he ll establish an office to resolve employee misconduct in a fair way. so lots of changes under way as a result of what they found in this investigation, poppy. good, you would think they should have had those things before this happened. thanks, renee, appreciate the reporting. it s one of the most destructive wildfires in california s history. firefighters say the carr fire is still growing, bringing with it a brand new set of problems. we have a live report ahead.
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firefighters in northern california are working around the clock to tame the deadly carr wildfire that has doubled in size over the last few days. it s seven times the size of manhattan. it s visible from space. these are nasa images. it s spanning more than 100,000 acres, bringing destruction all over. now, new concern for firefighters. the fire is so large, it s actually creating a weather system of its own. let s go to dan simon who is there for us. that s stunning. seven times the size of manhattan and the weather is not helping get this under control at all. reporter: good morning, po y poppy. it s amazing when you drive around the streets and you see the wreckage. this is a common street. look at this. about four or five houses just
in a row and there s just nothing left here. this is the lake redding estates neighborhood. much of the neighborhood looks like this. given the fact that we re at 23% containment, we are beginning to see progress, poppy. the fire seems to be burning away from populated areas. that s great news. that does not mean the threat is over. it does mean that thousands of evacuees can start returning to their homes in the city of redding. there was a community meeting. we saw how anxious people are to get into their homes. in order for a recovery to happen, a lot of work has to take place. you have to clear roadways of debris. you have to get power on. you have clear downed power lines. those are for people who want to get back into their homes. a lot of people don t have homes to go back to. this is what one homeowner told us. it looks like an atomic bomb went off. after the fact. we got a few pictures from
friends. but it was a firestorm when we left. reporter: this carr fire, it s amazing. the seventh most destructive wildfire in california history. keep in mind, poppy, we re not even in the height of fire season. that s usually in late august and september. you have 17 major wildfires burning across the state of california. still a lot of summer left to go. just hearing from these families to be clear, you are seeing and allowed in because you are a journalist covering this. the families in this neighborhood, for example, aren t allowed to come back yet, right, and see for themselves what happened? rrlt that reporter: that s right. most people who lost their homes, they have a good idea of what things look like from the pictures and what they have heard from local authorities. in terms of when they can come back in, it s too unsafe. the roadways are littered with debris. journalists are allowed in.
eventually, obviously, as the recovery proceeds, more people will be back in and sort of pick through the debris and see if there s anything they can find. thank you for being there and bringing us these stories. we wish them all the best. and all those firefighters on the front lines. a federal court in california is ordering changes in how the u.s. government has to treat migrant government held in their secure facilities. the orders range from getting consent before giving kids medication, requiring the government to stop imposing conditions that delay releasing minors to parents or relatives. the government violated the settlement that dictates how these children are treated when they are being held by the u.s. government said the judge. the justice department declined to comment on the order. a small female horn shark is back home at the san antonio aquarium after being snatched out her tank over the weekend.
two men and a woman with a baby watched the tank for over an hour, then grabbed the shark, put her in a baby stroller. police found the shark last night. the man had apparently added her to his extensive collection of sea creatures at his house. all three are facing charges. the same investigative journalist who broke watergate taking a dive on the white house. what will we see in bob wo woodruff s new book? hi i m joan lunden.
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does your business internet provider promise a lot? let s see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don t. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. the pulitzer prize winning journalist who helped break the watergate scandal is the author of a tell-all book about the
trump presidency. bob woodward has written a new book. the title is fear, trump in the white house. it releases in mid september. one source says it will give readers a front row seat to trump in the white house. this is fascinating. who did he speak to? what is this going to show us? first of all, i think donald trump is about to get the bob woodward treatment. i mean that in an old-school way. bob went dark eight months ago. he started calling people, knocking on doors, going to people s homes unannounced. and he spoke to dozens of white house sources, people who were firsthand in the room with trump. and not only did he speak to them by the way, they are not they are on deep background. so this isn t remember deep throat from watergate? this is dozens of deep throats.
he recorded, with their permission, every conversation. so there is documentation. in addition, he said to them, i m told, bring proof. and they brought files, documents, memos, diaries, including notes written by donald trump. so this is a very well documented, fact-checked including handwritten notes by the president. including handwritten notes by the president. another source said fear is the most intimate portrait of a sitting president published during a president s first year in office. wow. twofold question. what will it dive into? i would assume some of the most controversial parts of this presidency. charlottesville, for example. on the domestic side, trade, tariffs. i m told charlottesville, virginia. what was happening behind the scenes? what was president trump saying
in those meeti inmeeting? what really was going on? internationally, i think national security. i m told we re going to see donald trump in the oval office, in the situation room, national security meetings, air force one, the white house residence. i think those national security meetings are key. that s what bob woodward does. he goes back and he gets these things and documents them. when you look at the 18 books he has written, you go and look at some of the more recent ones, they have been controversial, somewhat, because they have relied on confident slal sourc s sources. they has to be seen differently. you mention the recordings this is not along the same lines of michael wolf.
he took literary license. it s a different kind of book. that s not bob woodward. he meticulously fact checks. there are multiple sources on things. i m told that the public will, in effect, go face to face with donald trump. that you will see behind the scenes what was going on in these meetings. did he talk to the president for it? the last time he talked to the president was march 31, 2016. i know that date because that s what the title fear is based on. the quotes? the quotes. there was a comment where president trump said, real power is and then he said, i don t even want to use the word fear. so that s what it comes from. thank you. great reporting. thanks for bringing it to us. top of the hour. 10:00 a.m. eastern. good morning. welcome to the first day of the

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Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20180730 20:00:00

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crime. colluding about russians. you start analyzing the crime, the hacking is the crime. the hacking is the crime. the president it s a sign the president s legal team is is trying move the goal posts on the probe as the investigation moves closer to president trump s inner circle, he s trying to distance him from manafort. he was never involved in intimate business relationship with donald trump. the president s lawyer is doing the talking for the president on all things russia. all things michael chone and he s doing quite a lot of talk ing. jake. jeff, thanks so much. let s talk to our experts. laura coates, our former federal prosecutor, i want you to listen about what the crime might have been. i don t know if that s a crime. colluding about russians. start analyzing the crime, the hacking is the crime. the president didn t hack. before we get to the moving of the goal posts going on here,
the issue here is if you bothered to read the indictments, michael flynn, paul manafort, going on trial this week. that was money and lying, it s not cooperation with the russians. if i m don jr., jared kushner, i m worried about money. michael cohen talking about dirty money. not necessarily worried about collusion. but the story that we re hearing now is correct. collusion is not a crime. that said f, if you sit down wi a russian and they offer you something of value, for example, interfering in social media let s make it, just for the sake of apologize. it would never happen in pennsylvania. something of value from a foreign power. i wouldn t call that collusion. i d call it conspiracy. let s think about this. so the first case we have up out of the blocks. paul manafort. paul manafort s case, mueller has said, he s presenting no evidence of any interaction with the russians whatsoever.
this is a case about bank fraud. and money laundering. that s the first case out of the block. but there are plenty of other cases involved that have to deal with it. there are 12 russian military processors. what is the connection between papadopoulos. papadopoulos was so far in the orbit of this campaign. i can tell you, i was involved in this campaign in a more than just passing way. and papadopoulos and carter page were no longer to be seen. i think what people are having a hard time with with is last february of 2017, donald trump said we knew nothing about russia. there was nothing going on there. now five americans have been charged with criminal charges. you have multiple russians charged. a dutch official charged. there s more and r more coming out. this investigation is ongoing. i know it s a favorite talking point of people who support trump that nothing has been found. it hasn t been concluded.
mueller has not concluded the investigation. if you re going to open, open big. you don t open, you re not going to open this has been going on for how many monmonth many m. the phrase i would use is go big or go home and in this case, mueller has not gone home and he s gotten over 300 different charnls that have been filed. i wouldn t conflate the issue of saying because there has not be a direct connection to donald trump, and by robert mueller s team, does not mean there has not been clus between members of the campaign including people like paul manafort and rick gates and michael flynn and you have that con flags to say that nothing has happened. paul manafort of the 35 witnesses, i mean, sure you look ed at them. not one are are from the campaign. in that one case. you see this shifting of goal posts, you are still talking about how there was no collusion. but there are a number people,
jurudy giuliani, darrell issa saying even if tlrks , there wa, i don t care, it s no big deal. i believe it didn t happen. there is no, the russians meddled. absolutely. did the russians meddle in conjunction with somebody on the campaign? maybe carter page was out in la la land some place. right? but there was no orchestrated effort by the campaign which included the russians. i agree with a point you ve raised. the idea of paul manafort, there s a great deal to lose. if it s an unsuccessful trial, not because there s nothing there, but because people have hinged everything on somebody who was the campaign chairman or donald trump s campaign when they should, but doesn t mean there s nothing there. just means so far jen, lease take another crack at giuliani talk iing about mueller s investigation. isn t done yet. you know how long these things take. of course it s done.
if they re looking at his tweets, it s done. obstruction by tweet on a president of the united states? i mean, first of all, the white house s official position is that tweets from president trump who uses twitter like no one else in presidential history, that they are official statements and we have talked about this before. potentially and official statement can be obstruction of justice. not saying it is in this case, but it can be. well look, i think this is always a battle the bhous has internationally about what president trump s tweets mean and what they don t mean. giuliani is like a bombastic surrogate. he s clearly has no idea what s happening. is not really speaking for the white house. isn t really speaking for the investigation. so whether trump s tweets should be part of the obstruction case, i guess that s for mueller to decide. but they re presidential statements. as an fbi official, do you think a tweet or a presidential
statement can be obstruction of justice or intimidation of witnesses or anything along those lines? i suppose so, but i think it s unlikely. i think david hit the nail on the head. this is where i think the president is successful. he keeps talk iing about obstruction of justice. i don t think there will be a charge. if i had to bet in vegas, i don t think there will be charge about cooperation or conspiracy, the charges i suspect, the continued charges if there are more, will be related to money and the answer from and we re see iing this in the strategy fm giuliani and the president, the answer is to going to a bunch of middle class americans which i find stunning, financial fraud is sort of second rated. if you avoid tens of millions in taxes, not a big dealment financial fraud ought to be dusted off as insignificant. if you find that during the investigation, what do you say in paul manafort, it s okay if you hid a bufshlg of money from the irs? i can t do that. why can paul manafort do it. i m really surprised by that,
phil. you know of course that an obstruction charge is never an end game for an investigating unit. they ir dwoel is not to try to charge somebody what they re looking for. it would be adoykin to giving ya speeding ticket and ignoring what you were fleeing from. doesn t mean they re not going to find charges if there are out there to do so. i wouldn t be so dismissive. i m wondering why you are. take a break. come back and after the break, you ll answer that question. robert mueller not the only target of president trump s ir ere and could getting a gun be as simple as downloading a document and hitting a print? the new guns will be available this week. stay with us. -we re in a small room. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ] a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance?
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to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. over the past three months, not only has president trump
stepped up his twitter attacks. 20 in may, 26 in june. 18 this month. he can beat his record, one more day. i want to before the break, laura was challenging you, phil. you said a this you don t think there will be ultimately obstruction or conspiracy charges. she didn t challenge me. she asked me a question. i like a challenge. i think there s some rules of the game that i would apply. that is that special counsel knows he s going to into shark pit, snake pit, shark tank, whatever it is. he s not going to charge 57 in a 55 zone. if you want to git get toefr bar, i want to see something that is significant and i want to see intent behind it. i think the likelihood that he can show that somebody in the campaign, don jr., jared kushner, received something substantial from the russians and that they intended to receive it, there might be snippets of that, but i think to get over par where he s standing in front of the american people saying i m confident we can win
this in court, not sure about that. there are a lot of observers, sport supporters of the president even who say if he s innocent, why does he act the way he does. why is he constantly attacking the special counsel. he s acting in their view, like somebody who has something to hide. again, i think the president conflates two things. the investigation, russian meddling with attack on his legitimacy as president. i think he sees it as a front. the president was dually elected by the american people and he sees this by democrats and others to understood mine that. the president repeated wup of his talking point that is all of mueller s investigators are angry. he s a long time registered republican. he has asemibabled a team of 17 lawyers and dozens of fbi agents to help with this investigation. nine of the lawyers donated to democratic candidates before 2017. eight gave only the democrats what one has donated to democrats an republicans before. as we know, you re not allowed
when you re hiring people to ask them what their politics are or to look into who they ve given money to. i think the ultimate question here is is it impact how they re doing their jobs. if not, it doesn t matter. just like it doesn t matter if they had given to republican candidates in the past. this is about one thing. it s about questioning and delegitimizing the mueller investigation, which is an ongoing campaign by trump and his team. they know at some point, this is going to come to a conclusion. they need their supporters and people to rally behind them as this being a witch hunt, which is they they keep saying that and why they keep throwing mud into the pit here about whether or not this is a legitimate process. does the fact there are prosecutors here who have made political donations, does that pother you, b troeuble you? i know some of thome them and my friends have been named in the press. these guys are serious as heart attack. so i think my experience, personal experience with them is great investigators.
let me flip the question for you. in the united states of america, we want to go into an investigation saying mr. mueller, i d like to determine who everybody voted for on your team and who they contributed to because we are going eliminate people, vowhoever voted. the only people who shacan participate in a political investigation are people who voted for the candidate? doesn t sound like america to me. doesn t matter whether mueller or rosenstein are affiliated. unlike other countries, perhaps, you can t charge a crime baseded on a prosecutor. it has to go through a grand jury. they have to determine there are charges to bring back. if that s the case, their partisanship is not an issue and should not be held over everything else. there s prosecutorial direction. the flip side is there has to be some republicans in the
department of justice. there are going to be some good lawyers! should we be taking issue tot fact mueller is a republican? i think if you re director mueller, when you put your team together knowing it s going to be under incredible scrutiny, you might not pick some folks that donated 100,000 buck to a democratic caucus. this isn t somebody writing a check for 500 bucks in the case for one of these lawyers. if you re look tog tracing to track don t you want to best lawyers? i would think you want to make sure there are folks who aren t hyper partisan. not bothered by someone who 2500 bucks, but there are a few who are substantial donors and that trouble message a bit. i do recall when ken castarr was going after bill clinton. he was a conservative republican and i think that s born out in his subsequent appearances. he also stuck to the letter of the law. true.
look and that was sort of mueller himself was a prominent democratic donor and somebody who had given hundred of thousands of dollars, that would be a big story. stick around. more to talk about. president trump s lawyer raising a possibility of another meeting before the famous trump tower meeting. only to say that first meeting never happened, what is giuliani getting at here? stay with us. ordinary stains say they can do the job, but behr premium stain can weather any weather. overall #1 rated, weathers it all. find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need
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in politics lead, rudy giuliani going after his old lawyer. this morning comparing cohen to some of the most notorious traitors in history, suggesting cohen a kin to benedict arnold and julius ceaser. not to mention diago, but amid this, giuliani seemed to stumble a bit, mentioning something we had not heard about before. cohen is alleging that two days before the meeing with russians, some on team trump held a planning meeting. what s this? jessica schneider has more. tonight, giuliani on the attack, going after cohen personally. the guy is unethical, a scum bag, a horrible person. and pushing back against the revelation that accord ting to sources, cohen claims he is p
prepared to tell the special counsel the president knew in advance about donald trump s meeting at trump tower on june 16 and approved of it. when you re lying, tlas track for you. there was a one on bun me-on-oi that donald trump came in. there are two witnesses to say it didn t happen. the president and his son. right. they have a self-interest in saying. actually and cohen has a much bigger self-interest in saying the opposite. even at giuliani denied any knowledge, he seemed to muddy the waters about what meetings may have taken place. he brought up for the first time, another meeting without the president three days before the russians met at trump tower. giuliani said report es had been asking about its occurrence and giuliani is trying make clear it didn t happen. there wasn t another meeting that has been leaked, but hasn t been public yet. that was a meeting and alleged
meeting. three days before. he says it was a meeting with donald trump jr. with jared kushner. with paul manafort. and possibly two others. to discuss the meet wg the president. we checked with their lawyers before the stakes. that meeting never took place. didn t happen. it s a figment of his imagination. giuliani has been all over the air waves in recent days on the offensive. the discourse has been a complete 108 180. i do not expect cohen is going to lie. i think he s going to tell the truth. how did i know he was a lawyer taping his client?
i got to say r sorry, made a mistake. when asked if the president would ever f pardon cohen if he was charge wd a crime, rudy giuliani said that was the president s prerogative, but that obviously the president would never pardon anyone during an ongoing vest dpags. jake. thanks, jessica. and we have just received a brand-new statement from donald trump jr. s lawyer. about michael cohen claims that president trump knew about that trump tower meeting ahead of time. quote, we have investigating this matter for over a year. we are fully confident of the accuracy and liability of the information that has been provided by donald trump jr. in the various investigations. unquote. whether he told the committees investigating this. because michael cohen, whatever you think about his crede bability, he is saying something dimpb.
of course. i have been a part of writing a lot of statements with lawyers. this is a very lawyered statement. it didn t say anything or reconfirm anything ab and it s not in clear english. what it doesn t say the meeting never happened, doesn t say there was no meeting ever. it doesn t say we never met with russians. this leaves a lot of questions. out there and certainly, i think trump jr. s vulnerability is what we keep coming back to. what donald trump jr. has said is that he has told the truth to whole time. his dad was not at the meeting and he didn t tell him about meeting afterwards. trump said he didn t find out until before it break last summer. this is information you believe. upg it s all true. you ve worked in this town long enough.
if someone s told somebody on capitol hill, we d know it. we d know it five minutes after it happened. so yeah, i believe it. actually happened the way don jr. said it happened. if they did get help, no big deal. people close to president trump and team trump are now seem tog acknowledge that maybe he was told after the fact despite the fact president trump said the opposite. i want you to listen to sound from anthony scaramucci and sam nunburg. could he have known after the fact? i think possible. i would be surprised when you have paul manafort, jared kushner and don jr. in this meeting if the president was made aware about it sometime after tfact if not before.
do you think they are also kind of moving the goal post and preparing people for the revelation that maybe president trump was told before this story was about to break in 2017? yes, i think they re hedging. i m wearing mustard. reasonable doubt is a mustard seed. they re trying to plant it. in case this comes out against our favor, let me plant the seeds that we were being truthful, we avoid things like perjury traps. or we could avoid things like being called liars or conspirators or everything else and just trying to get ahead of it. in this statement to me, along with statements you just heard, it alluded to me they learn add lesson about being held account bable by their own words and they ll be used before them and against them in a court of public opinion. june of 2016 is when this meeting happened. trump tower meeting. context yully, no one even
mentioned the word russia on the campaign in june of 201. 6. you were in pennsylvania. i wasn t working in trump tower, absolutely ch but during the campaign, the great concern was yum coming convention. russia was nowhere on the election. how did the president know? this wasn t anywhere. it was a media obviously wasn t happening. rudy giuliani introduceded this morning the idea of this premeeting two days before. now he says it didn t happen. he was just trying to get ahead of the story. this man, giuliani, about
mar-a-lago is out there say federal government the president ever speaks or if there are further indictments, imt to get all the dirt out on daniels. he sort of paid for this. on the one, i think you could drive a truck through this statement. i think he s saying yeah, maybe there s an e-mail, maybe someone was in an interview, b i think he s trying lay out all the dirt so if the president ever does get questioned or mueller does make a statement about donald trump s knowledge, giuliani could say well we acknowledged this already. what s the big deal. all right. same way with waving the privilege. to say i ll put it out there is is going to say just trying get ahead of it and hedge. stick around. more to talk about. president trump make ago threat that could have an impact on thousand of american lives. that s next. stay with us. so what can you do?. she s saying a whole lotta people want to buy this house. but you got this! rocket mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple.
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a book that you re ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! president trump is ramping up his threat of a government shount. demanding funding for the border wall which he promised mexico would pay for. zwl zbl i would have no problem doing a shutdown. it s time we had proper border security. we re the laughing stock of world. let s go to phil on capitol hill and phil, the president clearly not on the same page as republican leaders who sound like they have, had a plan to avoid a shutdown! had plan, one that was agreed upon and is the exact opposite of what the president was outlining today. i don t just mean by paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. the president was also a party
to that agreement. it was move through as many spending bills as possible and leave the wall until after the election. don t believe me, take a listen to those leaders. we ve gotten funding underway and the president is willing to make sure we get what we need to get that tone. the is the funding going to wait until after the midterm elections? probably. so you re not worry about a shutdown! that s not going to happen. when i talked to rp aide, theb their strategy isn t going to change. their main concern is the election. not something any leader b wants. a big show que now is would the president sign this.
i was told he agreed stepping on the kavanagh nomination was a bad idea. one thing they are sure of, they re still moving forwarden hope the president just joining them at the end of september. thanks so much. my expert rs here. we re joined by perry. zwl that s march, he talked ant this. about not signing a bill a few times now. on some level, he s the president we cover him, but in terms of legislation, he signs stuff. so one of the things that president trump talk ed about today seemed mindful of the fact in 99 days are the midterm elections. in terms of why he was elected. take a listen.
border security includes the wall and many other thing. this is not a strong topic for president trump. a recent quinnipiac poll say object 38% approve. 58% disapprove. so why push it? just to get the base out? gallup has some different numbers, right, so boarder security is pretty high. i think i agree with everybody. a bad time for the president to do this. steps on the kavanagh fom nation and a lot of things. i don t think it s a winner. anytime you shut down the government, the republicans seem to get blamed. the democrats took some heat. they won and had gotten concessions on the chip bill. then pushing for daca and didn t get it.
they got criticized from all sides. government shutdowns are not good politics. everybody probably agrees on that. this is classic trump though. a a tough week. manafort has his trial starting tomorrow. there s a lot of russia talk. he wants to change the subject. it s a comfortable place for him. for republicans who are vulnerable, this is a terrible topic. 4.1 gdp, that s what he should be talking about. he s doing a magnificent job in the economy. it s the economy stupid. i d be talking about thisat unt you re blue in the face. he s saying when i was on the campaign fril, i talk ed about muslim ban. one of my first acts in office was to sign a war on immigration. there s 40% of the population that says i m no. i adpree with david. i don t think there s going to be any government shutdown. this is not about the congress. this is about talking to people who like to hear him say i want
these people out and thyme person who represents you. and the wall was his biggest line. so this is like going back to his comfort place. of where he knows he can get support. come with the wall after the election. two years where they have lots of control of congress. it s to the people. nancy pelosi is might be. but let me ask you, the wall is good for him. for president trump. and for his base. forget the policy. talk about the politics for a second.
good for his base, but not every republican. you have dean heller running for election in nevada. to hold on to the majority in the house and the senate, there are a bunch of moderate or squishy republicans that don t want to talk about the wall. i d talk about it dichb terms. border security, incredibly important. huge gdp increase. tons of money to back in taxpayers pockets. i d be focusing on the economic issue. if you go to the shore, people are talking about the money they have to go on veyation. and the eagles. they re running on their own platform. not considering themselves trump republicans. just like vulnerable democrats are flot running as pelosi democrats none are going to be saying look what trump s done. they re going to say look what
i m going to do in washington. go ahead. i would say if you look at the ads in states, i wrote this tax cut and now the economy is moving so, the candidates are run aung economy. the president should be targeting the economy. i m sort of mystified. he should be. janet, just want to note since i covered obama back in 2007 and 2008 when you were working on the campaign, the president today said he would meet with the iranian without preconditions and i just wondered thoughts you might have. back if 2007 when obama said this, everyone attacked him including hillary clinton. but that s not the most important thing. right now, trump has pulled out of the iran deal. there s no alternative. he s not familiar with the facts, the details or the fact multiple countries are part of the deal. that should be a bigger concern. it was pretty significant. that s a huge policy shift. from a week aelg when he was
threatening war with hichlt and he s taken on the obama position. perhaps he ll say we should get back into the deal. that will not happen. all right, download and you hit print and you could make your own 3d printed gun, but is it going to be that easy? plus, a raging inferno that s creating its own weather system. live to california where entire neighborhoods have been reduced to ashes. stay with us. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient save $200 on this dell laptop originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown
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blamed for six deaths including those of two firefighters and it s damaged or destroyed more than 900 buildings. tens of thousands of people are under orders to evacuate. i want to go to nick watt live in redding, california. and nick, some heartbreaking stories as a result of this fire. absolutely. listen, jake, sadly, the conditions here right now are near perfect for a wildfire. it s hot. my phone just told me it s 96 degree, low humidity and still a lot of dead vegetation left from california s drought and that is perfect fuel. we are in redding. just outside redding. this just one of 700 homes. 700 plus homes destroyed in this area and behind each destroyed home, jake, this is a tale of loss and heartbreak. one of the most destructive fires to ever burn in california. 150 square miles, an area the size of denver, scorched. almost a thousand buildings
destroyed, 38,000 people forced to flee their homes and six lives lost. so far, among them, two firefighters, one person who refused to evacuate and three memberses of a family who were getting ready to flee the flames. ed bledsoe spoke to his wife and their great grandchildren, emily and james, moments before the fire reached them. it s going to get me. the fire s coming in the back door, come on, grandpa. come and get us. emily said, i love you. grandma says i love you, come and get us. come and get us, i said i m on my way. the fire is so large and temperatures hot it is creating its own weather system that can be seen from space. gail force winds whipped towering flames as to what firefighters describe d as fire tornados and the fire actually downed in size overnight. this isn t just a back country
blaze. the fire burning part of redding, population more than 90,000. this fire is scary to us. this is something we haven t seen before in the city. some were given only 30 minutes to evacuate, not knowing if they would see their homes again. looked like an atomic bomb went off. we got a few picture rs from friends. but it was a fire storm. when we left. the lester family, their worst fears realized. they lost everything. there are now scattered reports of looting in those abandoned areas and on the fire lines, 17 helicopters, 300 engines and over 3,000 personnel continue to fight for control of this inferno. and today, we did get our first sliver of good news. this fire is now 20% contained. they ve been concentrating alngk the line where the fire meets these house, but jake, the temperature is is set to go up above 100 again in the next few
hours and we have gusty winds forecast for here in central california. jake. thank you so much. in our lead today, these are stories we feel are not getting enough attention. criticsi critics are calling it downloadable death. plans for gun blueprints are b about to be legally available online in america due to state department decision and the battle to put this job on hold is urnway, but how concerned should americans really be about this move and about this technology? tom foreman filed this report. gun control advocates are howling over the sudden availability of instructions for producing a plastic single shot handgun on any 3d printing capable of the job, arguing it is a first shot towards criminals and terrorists getting undetectable guns on demand.
this is not just instructions. this is download, plug and play. even though such special iiz printers remain relatively costly and aren t common, a nationwide prosecutors group says the development undermines critical public safety laws and on capitol hill i asked the state department to please reconsidering this decision. i think it has long-term national security and domestic security considerations for our country. at the center of the controversy is defense distributed, a non-profit in texas that s been fighting the state department for several years over the firm s desire to release the gun plans, insisting this is a free speech case. these are instructions to build something. cody wilson has described himself as a crypto anarchist. given you the ability to make something to military speculation, but afford bly. kind of. a ghost gunner machine, a printer designed to make gun
components at home cost well over $1,000, beyond the range of some casual buyers the price point is not prohibitive for those who right now, have an interest in untraceable firearms. with that consumer friendly device and downloadable plans, the company invsists you can mae more advanced guns with metal parts in your garage or basement, no trouble. it s become edgy in the gun world to have your own gos gun. got one or two that nobody knows about. while the law prohibits firearms that be k not be prohibited by metal detector, make other guns for your own use at home, yes, that s fully legal. some states are having legal challenges of their own to these practice, but this is mainly a fight about the future. right now, full lly plastic guns remain extremely limited in their capability and reliability

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