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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With David Muir 20130211

her father, randal quan, a former lapd captain turned lawyer, who represented dorner when he was accused of lying about a fellow officer. dorner s manifesto details his anger over being fired, an apparent trigger for an alleged rampage of revenge. lapd says that case will be reinvestigated. i m not doing this to appease him. i m doing it so the community has faith in what the police department does. reporter: with a gunman on the loose, tension is high. tonight entire police families find themselves targets. to have your family targeted because they re related to you, that is absolutely terrifying. reporter: now, here in big bear, the sheriff says they ve checked nearly all of the cabins and homes where dorner might possibly be hiding. there s no sign he s still here. the problem, despite the massive law enforcement effort, nobody knows where dorner is or when and where he might strike next. david? clayton, thank you. i want to bring in pierre thomas, also in l.a. when you heard this particular moment today during that press conference, you called into the newsroom. i wanted to play it for everyone at home. every day that dorner is loose, the likelihood of an attack on either a uniformed police officer or a family of a police officer is likely. help us to find dorner before he s able to kill again. before he s able to kill again. powerful and frightening words, pierre. david, that s one of the more urgent press conferences you will ever see. they couldn t be more blunt. they believe if dorner is not caught, and caught soon, that he ll likely try to strike again. all right, pierre, i know you ll stay in los angeles on this story. thank you. and there s another story from california as well. a school plot thwarted. san diego county authorities believe the student was planning an attack for tomorrow. they intercepted an e-mail from a 12-year-old boy, mentioning 3,000 rounds of ammunition and listed 23 students and a teacher at his middle school in poway. the boy is in custody. and another situation, this one in the gulf of mexico. thousands of passengers on a cruise ship drifting without power. abc s matt gutman with the latest. reporter: tonight there are over 4200 people aboard the carnival triumph. adrift about 150 miles off the yucatan peninsula. the fire erupted earlier today but was automatically extinguished. emergency generators are providing some electricity, but the ship has no propulsion. now basically a wurn 100,000 ton boat. carnival cruise lines has said no one is hurt, but has urged guests to congregate in common areas. a tug boat has been dispatched to tow the boat back to land in case the engineers can t fix the problem. matt gunman, abc news, miami. now to the other major story we re following tonight, the aftermath of the blizzard of 2013. the death toll rising. across the northeast today, this was the scene. this street in boston they spent all day digging out. and this evening, two days since the storm first hit, the death toll now up to 11 people across four states, and some 290,000 families still with no power tonight. our extreme weather team on all of it this evening. meteorologist ginger zee on the other threat brewing this evening, i should say. but first gio benitez in old lyme, connecticut. with more than half the town still in the dark. reporter: good evening. emergency operation centers like this one are desperately working to get everything back to normal. tonight the rush is on to get the lights back on, to clear the roads and driveways ahead of the monday-morning commute. in this picturesque, connecticut town of 8,000, more than 80% of the homes lost power in the blizzard. one of the biggest problems, down trees. the fraziers have been without power for two days. what do you miss most about having power? yesterday there were some great college basketball games on. missed every one of them. reporter: crews are working around the clock to restore the power. you have trees coming down on the power lines? correct. that s the biggest problem now. reporter: close to 300,000 people are without power in the northeast. and the busy northeast airports, getting back to business. from over 5,000 canceled flights at the height of the storm, down tonight to just over 700. amtrak restored limited service from new york to boston today. and on new york s long island, this 26-mile stretch of the long island expressway, which yesterday was littered with abandoned cars, shut down today and cleared of vehicles. making tomorrow s commute tougher, closed gas stations like this one, where the power is out. we have no power, no heat, no electricity, no nothing. reporter: back here, more than half of the homes here in old lyme should have power back on tonight. it s coming on fast and furious now. we re very grateful for that. reporter: and despite everyone s best wishes and hard work, it could take days to get this all cleaned up. david? our thanks to you tonight, gio. massachusetts, one of the hardest hit states, many families still living in shelters. ginger zee went to cape cod tonight and she reports in from boston now. reporter: good evening to you, david. 1,400 people in four different states spent the weekend in some capacity at a shelter, including the appreciative folks that we met today. the crippling winds at the cape robbed home after home of power and heat. how was the storm? tell me about it. oh, my gosh, scary. it did, it scared me, because of the wind. you know, and i kept saying, we re going to lose the power. reporter: and they did. bob and arlene made it through the storm, but the cold with no heat was too much to handle. 54 degrees is not warm enough for him. he said, i ve got to get out of here, i m having trouble breathing, i ve got to get out. reporter: so they joined 300 others here at this red cross shelter on cape cod. their pup was welcome too. we re glad to have a place to go. reporter: and with 40 cats and dogs lining the locker room of this high school turned shelter she seems to be comfortable and our house is 38 degrees. so she was like a little block of ice. reporter: dana and dana, father and son, couldn t believe how cold it got after the storm. we ve been on the cape 27 years. never had to leave the house when there was a storm. finally my son said to me, dad, it s 19 degrees. reporter: dana couldn t feel his feet. i couldn t feel them for like a few hours. so i was scared. reporter: tonight bob and arlene are grateful for a warm place to sleep. as much i d rather go home, but this is the next best place to be. the hearty families of cape cod, we hope they re home soon. ginger, you were telling us there s two other threats you re watching tonight. david, that first headline we have to get to is the most life-threatening. already a tornado. i have a picture to show you. just got off the phone with the storm chaser who took this picture in hattiesburg, mississippi. he was facing southern mississippi university when he took this. this incredible picture and video already coming out. at least ten tornadoes reported, five injured and damage to homes and businesses. we ll be on there throughout the night. but another storm i need to let you know about, on top of that, blizzard warnings and storm warnings all throughout the northern plains. abc s meteorologist there for us every step of the way. ginger, our thanks to you. we ll turn to washington where they re preparing for the president s state of the union address this week. as reena ninan reports this week, it will be much different from what we heard at the inauguration. reporter: that s right. unlike what we heard during the inauguration, a vision for the future, what we ll hear tuesday night will sound more like this. investing in the next generation of manufacturing jobs of tomorrow that s my plan for jobs. reporter: the president will also ring alarm bells over automatic spending cuts in defense and education, slated to start march 1. and push for stricter gun laws. but the pressure will also be on rising republican star senator marco rubio. who will deliver the response. rubio was a much talked about potential vp candidate last year. something david muir asked about on the campaign trail. i think if i do a good job as a senator, i ll have other opportunities inside and outside politics in the future. i don t know what they are, but i ll have them. you ve got to be thinking about it, we heard the freudian slip. if i do a good job as vice president i m sorry. [ laughter ] it wasn t a freudian slip. reporter: he wasn t picked for vice president, but he might be eyeing something bigger. the next step, doing well tuesday night. a lot watching him, along with the president. reena, thank you. and abc news will carry the coverage of the president s state of the union address live tuesday evening at 9:00 p.m. eastern. diane and george right here. now tonight to the widow of legendary penn state coach joe paterno, fighting back against the official report of the scandal that ended her husband s career. she s talking exclusively with katie couric about the report. with a first look right here tonight, here s abc s john schriffen. reporter: for the first time since the penn state sex scandal broke, we re hearing from sue paterno, the widow of joe paterno, in this exclusive interview that will air tomorrow on katie. what was your reaction when you first heard about this, the allegations that jerry sandusky had molested boys? horror. disbelief. it is still hard to accept. but when i read the first charge, i actually got physically ill. i couldn t read any more for a couple days. reporter: after the university commissioned an investigation led by former fbi chief louis freeh, his report claimed paterno knew what was going o but cared more about his football team than reporting the abuse to police. our lives are about children and making them better, not hurting them. so it s vile is probably the best word i can think of. she s defending the legacy of joe paterno. in this interview that coincides with the release today of a new report commissioned by the paterno family. it claims the initial investigation, presented to the penn state board of trustees, has no evidence that paterno deliberately covered up the incidents of child molestation. thanks and we ll all be looking for that interview on katie. in the meantime, a chain of change of command in afghanistan. joseph dunford taking charge of u.s. and nato forces there. he s likely to be the last commander there because all combat troops are scheduled to leave by the end of next year. we were struck by a moment, with george pointing out this on abc s this morning. and new some good news. this is the place in the program where we honor the sacrifices of our service members killed in action. but for the second week in a row, the pentagon released no names of soldiers killed in afghanistan. some great words to hear from george on abc s this week. still much more ahead on world news this sunday night. in hot pursuit, the new crash causing a big headline tonight. and the bigger question, how far is too far for the paparazzi? tonight nick watt takes us inside their game. how are they tipped off? it s the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don t use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it s clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you re more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it s not about keeping my dentures in, it s about keeping the food particles out. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. i wish my patients could see what i see. that over time, having high cholesterol and any of these risk factors can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup in their arteries. so it s even more important to lower their cholesterol, and that s why, when diet and exercise alone aren t enough, i prescribe crestor. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you re taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. is your cholesterol at goal? talk to your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. turning now to the car crash in los angeles. typically a crash wouldn t make the evening news, but tonight it s what led to it. the paparazzi chasing down another star. abc s nick watt tonight taking us inside their game, revealing how it works, how they know where to go to get their shot. reporter: ruthlessly pursued by paparazzi. that s how chris brown s representative describes it. the r&b bad boy cut off in traffic. the occupants aggressively approached. brown tried to escape down an alley, cut off again. he slams his porsche into a wall. no one was injured. paparazzi can get hundreds of thousands for a single frame. just last month, one was killed in traffic trying to snap justin bieber s ferrari. the first fatality in a feverish game of cat and mouse playing out on the streets of los angeles. we rolled with ricardo mendoza for an afternoon fishing, he calls it. he has a network of informants, valets, ladies who lunch, all on the look-out, calling in tips. should i go to jones street? jenna dewan, channing tatum s wife is doing yoga and she s pregnant. pregnant s good, right? reporter: soon more photographers arrived. two dozen in all. and there she is. all of this for a minor celebrity doing yoga. why? well, these photos sell. and that s why photographers risk life and limb to snap them. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. our thanks to nick tonight. and when we come back, so many of you tweeting us after a critic took on a much loved comedic actress. i got to go. uh-oh, somebody s found a souvenir. picking on melissa mccarthy over her weight instead of her acting and tonight why she s getting the last laugh. i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. 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[ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you ve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you re prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you ve had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. why let constipation stry miralax.? mirlax works differently than other laxatives. it draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. don t wait to feel great. miralax. but i m still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn t unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that s the cold truth! now to our instant index on a sunday night. so many of you tweeting outrage after our report last night about melissa mccarthy and the critic who took her on because of her weight and not her acting. tonight she gets the last laugh. her new movie, identity thief stealing the number one spot. it was bridesmaids that helped make her a break-out star. i got to go. uh-oh, somebody found a souvenir. tonight she s got a souvenir, $37 million worth in ticket sales this weekend alone. tonight justin bieber making headlines after saying she was snuffed. no nomination at tonight s grammys. and fresh off hosting snl last night, tonight he s offering his own concert someplace else. an hour long live internet stream, promising to answer fan questions, trying to get back at the grammys. now to the play that went off court. looks like he was annoyed. taking quite some time to get the ball back, but then, watch. having fun there. if something catches your eye for the index, tweet me or find me on facebook. when we come back here in the broadcast tonight, the seventh grader who stunned us all last night. the hello kitty doll she sent into space and back. she s right here on world news to tell us how she pulled this off. she knows you like no one else. and you wouldn t have it any other way. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment s right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service®, works for thousands of home businesses. because at®, you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. i you re suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. for faster relief, try dulcolac laxative tablets. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight hey america, even though they don t need one, wes, clay, and demarcus tried on the depend real fit briefs for charity to prove how great the fit is even while playing pro football. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try one on for yourself. starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. we cannot wait for that. finally tonight here on the broadcast, the seventh grader and the hello kitty doll she sent to space. the doll came back, landing in san jose, with remarkable pictures to prove the trip. last night we wondered if she got an a. tonight she answers that question and the bigger one too, how did she do this? reporter: lauren had a science project. what could she do to impress her teachers at the science fair? she began working after seeing a commercial that sent a weather balloon into space. i just thought right away it would be the coolest project ever. so we started right away. she put four gopro cameras inside, a weather balloon attached to a parachute, and something else. what made you think to put the hello kitty doll inside the project? she fit perfectly inside the rocket, so i thought it would be fun. and here she is, as she launched it. when you sent your project up, how far did you think it would go? i thought it would go above 90,000 feet. and how far did it go? it went 93,625 feet up. so you surprised yourself with how well you did? yeah. and just look at what it sent back. incredible crystal clear images of her hello kitty doll in her own orbit, nearly 18 miles above the earth. when you saw those images that came back to you, what did you think? i told myself, oh, my gosh, this looks so fake, but it was like amazing. and then this. the moment the balloon burst, she put music to it, the song, we are young, and cameras captured it all. tonight we are young when you launched it, how long before it finished its course? it was only in space for about an hour and a half, but it took us three hours to find it. where did you find it? 47.5 miles away from where we launched it. and we found it in san jose. what grade are you in? i m in seventh. you re in seventh grade? and you ve already launched a mission to space. that s what my teachers say. did you get an a ? i actually haven t done the science fair yet. i hope i get an a. we re pulling for you. thank you. will you let me know what you get? i promise. we ll let you all know. what is she going to do in the eighth grade? that s the broadcast for the night. good morning america first thing in the morning. diane sawyer right back here tomorrow night. goodnight. ama: next at 6:00. breaking news. a dramatic rescue after a car goes over a cliff in the south bay. new developments in the search for accused cop killer christopher dorner. taking it to the people. the community meeting in oakland that city officials hope will help make a difference. abc7 news at 6:00 starts now. that breaking news us out of santa clara county where crews rescued two people after their car careened off the cliff. it happened on state highway 130 in santa clara county. hill lillian kim is there. the tow company is here to tow the car all the embankment. just around the curve is where the car went over the edge. you can see the tire tracks on the highlyside. emergency crews say the passenger got out of the car on his own but the driver was trapped. it s unclear what caused them to drive up the road but witness says he was going uphill when he lost control. 25 emergency personnel converged to help with the rescue effort. it wasn t easy. the whole process took about two hours for crews to bring the driver of the car up to safety. they say it took a lot of rope and a lot of manpower. we had to bring him up the hill using hauling systems we have. that s why we had so many personnel on scene. these rescue take a lot of personnel, a lot of hauling, just strength, pulling them up. using pully systems but we still got to climb up a steep embankment. i was returning home from a hike and i saw the car seemingly oversteering and quickly went over the expej down the ravine. reporter: as soon as the driver was brought up the hill, a helicopter was waiting for him. he is said to be suffering serious injuries. his passenger, mineonors. municipallor injuries. the chp says the driver may have been going too fast. abc7 news. ama: now to breaking news out of mississippi. a tornado has caused significant damage in hattiesburg, including the campus of the university of southern mississippi. video is coming in. there s still no word on

Miami , Florida , United-states , Mexico , Cape-cod , Washington , New-york , Afghanistan , Massachusetts , Hattiesburg , Mississippi , Boston

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20130211

the accumulation. so much snow fell here, 11 of hamden s 15 snowplows got stuck. trucks called payloaders have to remove snow from the roads before the plows can even attempt to clear them. connecticut governor dan malloy visited hamden today to see what the town needed. the single greatest challenge is a lack of the heavy equipment, the payloaders that would actually pick up the snow. reporter: other connecticut towns have to share those resources. hamden is hoping for equipment from states like new jersey and new york which received nowhere near the amount of snow people got here. jeff. jeff: manual, thank you. farther north many of those on the coast in massachusetts suffered a one-two punch. first the snow, then a powerful storm surge. terrell brown has more from marshfield. reporter: hurricane-force wind gusts and high tide sent a raging ocean barreling into the massachusetts coast. frigid air left beach front homes encased in ice. in scituate, massachusetts those caught off guard by the rising waters had to be evacuated by the national guard and firefighters, like resident jim. we knew it was time to go. i had been here 20 years. first time i ever have asked to be taken out of my house. reporter: don and joanne morrison spent half the year in this oceanfront home in marshfield. they returned today to find the rails of their porch scatteredet and a flag pole snapped in half. if you want to have this view and be on the ocean like this, you are just going to have to put up with nature. nature rules. reporter: did you think it would be this bad? i just felt the house was all snugged up and wouldn t be bad wouldn t have a problem. so i was shocked. reporter: where did these rocks come from? a lot of them came from the ocean. but a lot come from by the seawall. reporter: more rocks hurled over the seawall shut down parts of the town s main street. downed power lines have left 89% of marshfield without electricity. christie haynes got out before the storm hit. i packed up all my stuff, emptied the refrigerator, i don t know when the power will come back. reporter: massachusetts power officials are hoping to restore power by tuesday. the morrisons are hoping it is sooner than later. reporter: what are you going to do with the house? we ll be here in the summer. can t beat the view, can t beat the place in the summer. reporter: but there is progress. the state s largest airport, boston logan, resumed normal operations today. and the city s mass transit system will be back up and running tomorrow, jeff. jeff: terrell brown, thank you. also snowed in was new york s long island. and its main artery the long island expressway. from new york city the lie stretches eastward to river head, nearly 71 miles away. carrying an average 210,000 vehicles every day. except for yesterday, when nearly the entire eastern half was buried, strapping hundreds of cars. as of early this evening, the highway was still closed. tony guida has more. reporter: on a good day new yorkers call the traffic-choked long island expressway the world s longest parking lot. saturday was definitely not a good day. scores of cars marooned along the 70-mile roadway and adjacent highway by blowing, drifting snow. so many that police had to maneuver on snowmobiles and use forklifts to clear the vehicles. if they would have had a plow we would have been home already. reporter: priscilla arena stranded in her snowbound car feared she would die. on loose leaf paper she wrote what she thought would be her last words to her family. i thought we were going to freeze to death. reporter: after 12 hours she was rescued. this morning an armada of heavy equipment arrived and began to open the expressway, but some of their work had unintended consequences. this section is now open but this won t be moving any time soon, abandoned obviously at the height of the storm, now buried in densely packed plowed snow. even as some lanes opened today, driving was still treacherous. we tried to merge into this lane but then somehow i guess the snow was too much and we got stuck. reporter: the easternmost 16 miles of the expressway remain closed this evening. authorities promise to have the entire road open for the monday morning rush hour. tony guida, cbs news, long island. jeff: in los angeles a one million dollar reward is now being offered for the fugitive former cop christopher doorner. he s wanted for three murders and on the run for eight days. here is carter evans. the massive and so far fruitless search for accused cop killer christopher doorner has put los angeles on edge. mayor antonio villaraigosa. we will not tolerate this reign of terror that has robbed us of the peace of mind that residents of southern california deserve. reporter: the $$1 million reward is the largest ever for the city. l.a.p.d. chief charlie beck: every day that dorner is loose the likelihood of an attack on either a uniformed police officer or a family of a police officer is likely. that s why we rush to make this offer. reporter: it s been four days since dorner s burnt-out truck was found near the resort town of big bear. but since then the trail has gone ice cold. today only 25 officers were on the hunt, down from more than a hundred on friday. the search area is standing, 150 miles to the south, authorities are checking cars heading to mexico. today authorities released the name of one of dorner s victims. michael crane died thursday when his car was ambushed. he was 34 years old. an 11-year police veteran and former marine. in fullerton, california, a second victim was remembered. monica quan was an assistant basketball coach. on saturday her family paid tribute. quan s father, randy quan, is one of the many police officers threatened in dorner s manifesto. there are over 50 families that have not only security but surveillance in and around their neighborhoods. these 50 l.a.p.d. families are targets of dorner s and are likely, likely victims. reporter: and chief beck said dorner s actions are nothing less than an act of domestic terrorism. and even though this intense manhunt has police resources stretched, the l.a.p.d. says security at tonight s grammys will not be compromised. jeff? carter evans in los angeles thank you. police in san diego county say a 12-year-old may have been planning a deadly school shooting. they say that poway, california, boy sent an e-mail threatening to shoot and kill a teacher and 23 students at twin peaks middle school. police seized multiple weapons from the child s home. a total of five rifles, three shotguns, and three handguns were taken from the residence at the time we served the search warrant, all the weapons were locked up. late word that a large tornado through forest counties in mississippi take direct hit near the downtown area of hat burg. substantial daj is reported with at least one building at the university of southern mississippi completely destroyed. officials at the mississippi emergency management agency tell cbs news they have no firm count yet on injuries. now with more cbs news here s jeff glor. later, growing questions about the obama admission s use of drones. introducing the microcar, no passengers, please. and a new commander in afghanistan. those stories when the cbs evening news continues. hey america, even though they don t need one wes, clay, and demarcus tried on the depend real fit briefs for charity to prove how great the fit is even while playing pro football. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try one on for yourself. i wish my patients could see what i see. that over time, having high cholesterol and any of these risk factors can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup in their arteries. so it s even more important to lower their cholesterol and that s why, when diet and exercise alone aren t enough, i prescribe crestor. in a clinical trial versus lipitor crestor got more high-risk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you re taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. is your cholesterol at goal? talk to your doctor about crestor. 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[ woman ] learn from my story. jeff: president obama delivers his state of the union address to a joint session of congress tuesday night. administration sources are signaling the speech will focus on the economy and job creation. a white house spokesman called today for quick senate confirmation of the nominees for cia director and defense secretary saying any delay would be quote, playing politics. that statement followed republican senator lindsay graham s vow on face the nation to block the nominations of john brennan and chuck hagel pending more answers on the attacks in benghazi last september. i don t think we should allow brennan to go forward for the cia directorship hagel to be confirmed as secretary of defense until the white house gives us an accounting. jeff: there are still 102,000 coalition troops in afghanistan. and today marked a change of command for them. marine general john all when who is in line to become nato s supreme european commander passed the baton to marine general joseph dunford in a ceremony at coalition headquarters in kabul. dharlie charlie d agata was there. reporter: this morning general john allen gave up command to fellow marine joseph dunford in an emotional event that at times sound more like a defiant victory speech than a handover ceremony. afghan force afghan forces defending afghan people and enabling the government of this country to serve its citizens. this is victory, this is what winning looks like. and we should not shrink from using these words. reporter: but he himself has admitted he s had a tough 19 months and had to handle a series of disasters he calls meteor strikes. the images that surfaced showing marines urinating on the corps of taliban fighters. the accidental burning of the koran that started a wave of violence that included the killing of u.s. troops. and the massacre of 16 civilians in a shooting rampage allegedly at the hands of an american soldier. we have a casualty. reporter: general allen fought back tears when he said more than 560 coalition forces were killed on his watch, the vast majority american. we acknowledge that there is a chair at a table at home, a chair that is empty and will always be. and we can never forget them. and they are in our prayers always. reporter: as general allen says his final good-byes here in afghanistan, what no one knows is whether general dunford will one day be holding his own handover ceremony or whether he will be the united states last commander in afghanistan. there s still plenty to do, before the end of 2014 general dunford will have to wind down america s longest war, bring home most of the remaining u.s. forces and staggering amount of equipment while handing the fight against the taliban over to afghan security forces. charlie d agata cbs news kabul. jeff: as america withdraws its troops from afghanistan the use of unmanned drones is likely to grow. however their once top secret missions are coming under increased scrutiny. david martin is at the pentagon. reporter: the use of drones to hunt and kill suspected terrorists has replaced the all-out air strikes with which the wars in iraq and afghanistan began. drones have become the first line of defense against terrorists shadowing and striking them in remote areas of pakistan and yemen. impact. i m a big advocate of drones. reporter: today former defense secretary robert gates argue head that in addition to the advantage of not putting a pilot s life at risk drones cause remarkably few civilian casualties. first of all the numbers i believe are extremely small. and second you do have the ability to limit that collateral damage more than with any other weapon system that you have. reporter: critics dispute that and say civilian casualties fuel hatred of america and create more terrorists than they kill. but armed drones are only increasing in number. this helicopter drone which the navy uses for surveillance is about to be armed with laser guided rockets. giving it the capability to launch strikes from the back of ships. and there is the x-47b capable of carrying 4,000 pounds of weapons. right now it s only a test aircraft which the favee is using to determine whether a computer-flown drone can take off and land on an aircraft carrier operating from ships would give the u.s. the ability to launch drone strikes virtually anyplace in the world. many of today s drone strikes are conducted by the cia. but senator john mccain says the time has come to put the pentagon in charge. since when is the intelligence agency supposed to be an air force of drones that goes around killing people? i believe that it s a job for the department of defence. reporter: whoever is in charge and despite all the controversy, drones have become part of the american way of war. and their role is only getting bigger jeff? reporter: david martin thank you. next up here india s huge religious pilgrimmage marred by a deadly stampede. ñ2 our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. 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[ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. jeff: there s been a deadly stampede in india at least 10 were killed and dozens hurt when a massive crowd surged on to a foot bridge and the railing collapsed at a hindu religious festival it happened in the northern city of allahabad where millions of people have been guaranned to bathe in the sacred ganges river a ritual they believe will wash away their sins. china has overtaken the u.s. to become the world s biggest trading nation. china s imports and exports totalled 3.87 trillion dollars last year compared to 3.82 trillion for the u.s. the u.s. economy overall is still more than double the size of chinas. chinese new year s celebrations are ushering in the year of the snake. parades and fireworks marked the holiday. people born in the year of the snake are considered stylish and good with money. in beijing singer celine dion became the first foreigner to start an official new year s festivity. she sang a duet in mandarin chinese, one of china s most popular folk songs. still ahead, would you trade your car for a microcar?pr i choose date number 2! whooo! 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[ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that s the cold truth! hey america, even though they don t need one wes, clay, and demarcus tried on the depend real fit briefs for charity to prove how great the fit is even while playing pro football. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try one on for yourself. jeff: finally tonight the new big thing in automobiles design is very very small. automakers are developing new microcars that fit a driver and usually the driver only. in japan it s driven by a growing market for older drivers in a country where the highest percentage of the elderly in the world. here s lucy kraft craft. reporter: when retiree masao suzuki gets into the car he zips himself into a pod like vehicle that is so snug there is only room for him. about the size of the golf cart the slim aluminum frame toyota concept car can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. he says compare to my motor cycle it is more stable because it has four years and you don t get drenched when it rains. 64 years old suzuki says he rarely needs to travel more than a few miles from home. his microcar which toyota is testing is environmentally friendly and fun. it runs on electricity, he says, so i never have to go to the gas station. since it s a one seater it s great on tight turns. for a glimpse of the future i took a quick spin around the neighborhood in a pint size electric concept vehicle made by nissan. the no frills car is a bit bumpy and chilly for a winter day but i had no trouble keeping up with the traffic. for parking challenge-driver like me the beauty of an ultra compact car is you can stash it just about anywhere without breaking a sweat. a quarter of japan s population is over 65. expected to retail for less than 10,000 each these tiny nissans in an array of other cars are being tested by japanese carmakers. if japan s government approved cheap ultra compact cars could be puttering down japanese streets in the next few years. lucy craft cbs news tokyo. jeff: that is the cbs evening news tonight. later on cbs, 60 minutes. i m jeff glor cbs news in new york. scott pelley will be here tomorrow. good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh people to the hospital. hear from another driver who saw it all happen. plus: looking beyond the highly- disputed stop and frisk policy. oakland a corvette sails off of a cliff. you will hear from another driver that saw it all happennism happen. it became the character of the greater bay area for all- time. 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