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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190330 18:00:00

w. . this is news live from berlin fears of a cholera epidemic in mozambique hundreds of people contract the contagious disease following a devastating cycle with vast numbers of displaced people at risk relief workers are warning of a second disaster also coming up. thousands of palestinians mark the anniversary of the weekly protest at the event has turned deadly with three palestinians killed and more than two hundred injured in clashes with israeli forces. and people in ukraine prepare to go to the polls to elect a new president for
a familiar face or take a chance on a new comer we look at what issues might sway sunday s results. welcome to the program in mozambique the number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred in just two days the world health organization is warning of a second disaster if cholera spreads among survivors of the deadly cyclone that hit two weeks ago the water borne disease causes acute diarrhea and can kill within days if not treated hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes in the psych loan that hit mozambique malawi and zimbabwe one of the worst affected areas is the city of on the indian ocean. in many settlements such as here in beirut the flooding hasn t completely receded and many people are waiting for help. there s
no aid even though. every extra day in the mud increases the risk of severe diarrhea or even of cholera outbreaks in rural districts the situation is even worse large areas of land are still under water we visit a small clinic in the village of one go or what the storm left of it there is only one doctor who treats one hundred fifty patients a day testing them for malaria another looming danger he would be powerless against the cholera outbreak. yes the numbers are increasing we can t do much we hand out chlorine tablets to disinfect the drinking water and we tell people to wash for it before eating it and especially to wash their hands as if. anyone with is being treated as though they had cholera the world
health organization plans to provide nine hundred thousand vaccine doses next week but fear of cholera is not the only concern many locals have lost everything their houses and huts were destroyed as was their harvest. even though it s been more than two weeks people are still suffering the after effects of the cycle so far there has been no cholera epidemic nevertheless it will be months before things are back to normal. joining us now on the phone is robert holden he s the incident manager for the emergency response to. the world health organization robert thanks for joining us tell us the number of cases of cholera. has jumped into the hundreds how much more do we have to fear. good afternoon and i think we need to be cautious with the figures we surveyed have come for color on the mystery of how come from the on wednesday what we re seeing is as you say an
increase in the number of cases of p.q. watery diarrhea. you know to be aren t we expected that s not common in the van. and we re trying to move quickly to ensure that one just on the scale of the problem not just in there but beyond there but also to stand up a significantly storm so that one we can try and minimize the spread of acute will keep on diarrhea or cholera for those that becomes sake that we can get the treatment services to where it s needed rapidly but this is a major public health threat to those people that lost everything that you re setting the standard you re going to get this is one of the most significant threats we face right now and just looking to the weeks and months ahead sigh clone eat i destroyed big parts of mozambique s water and if the medication infrastructure as we know what can be done to improve safe access to water is next for nickel. well it is indeed absolutely one of the most critical components in terms of ensuring that people don t become sick. and as you say that be the scale
of devastation is significant so you know it s going to take some time a lot is happening huge amounts of supporters corded from our most somebody i think it s fair to say that you know the mozambique forges a mozambique government. and have stood up an impressive which spawns they quickly called for international sixteen s funny and it s good to see that the international community has responded quickly and riposte course as your. as your report indicated on the introduction we re still not able to get to some areas know on a daily basis the water is receding so every day we can get through to places that were previously inaccessible but we don t underestimate the scale of the cost for the first train sure that those that have lost everything can you know there we minimise the fresh return the suffering that we now and your thoughts it s
a monumental task that we have we have ahead of us ok robert holden of the world health organization thank you for that. tens of thousands of palestinians are demonstrating to mark one year since the start of the weekly gaza protests there held to demand the right to return to israel and an end to israel s blockade of the gaza strip but today s event build the million man march as turned deadly three palestinians have been killed in clashes with israeli forces. red crescent says more than two hundred people have been injured there s also been violence in the city of ramallah in the west bank. joining us now from jerusalem is de w s tanya kramer tenure can you tell us about the situation at the border. yeah she said tens of thousands of palestinians came out to protest says scott is still one yet the first three off to protest at the fence and all i spent actually
on these protests of that week of heightened tensions between israel and hamas now we understand that. this often protests had cold on people to stay further away from the fence as usual to stay out of the line officer at the sniper fire and we also understand that there have been some understandings although they have not been officially confirmed. by its use and mediation between israel and hamas to calm down desist to ation to step back from further escalation the having said to the have been serious injuries to have been protesters skills and this really army has put out statements saying that some of the protesters came close to the fence however most of them stayed further away now of course everybody was looking at that so because that comes on the back took off so your long protest over two hundred people have been killed by sniper fire and many more thousands to.
tell you ten days time we have the israeli elections how is this going to play out in that context. what i think that s why all i swear that today on that day off protests because it came after a week really heightened tensions between israel and hamas it started a week ago when a rocket was launched from gaza into central israel it landed in that small village in north of tel aviv in a family home people were injured there and prime minister netanyahu was in washington at the time he cut short his visit there was a lot of pressure as it is not always when it responded. to tell you that and there was more vocal. coming out office causes but with the help of egypt s mediation the has been there had been a tense calm of the past couple of days and of course now the question was what will happen today and how distant play out there has been
a lot of pressure just didn t yell for very tough response so whatever happens and the situation remains tense and also volatile whatever happens here on the ground and gaza has dominated the election campaign this week at least of course also dominate remaining election and the elections happen on nine. ok did you know he was ten year cramer in jerusalem thank you for that. let s take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world pope francis has arrived in morocco for a two day trip devoted to interfaith relations king mohammad welcome francis and then discarded him in a double motorcade through the capitol about francis is meeting with muslim leaders and migrants and holding a mass with the country s minority catholic population. cities all over the world are switching off the lights on landmark structures for earth hour it s to raise awareness about climate change in sydney the iconic opera house went dark and in
hong kong dozens of companies turned off the illumination of their high rise buildings. the rolling stones are postponing a tour of north america while singer mick jagger received medical treatment the seventy five year old tweeted regrets to fans and said he would be back on stage as soon as he can a spokesperson did not elaborate on the singer s condition. on sunday the people of ukraine will elect a new president in a vote closely watched in the west and in russia last time that ukrainians went to the polls was in two thousand and fourteen the country was in freefall then russia had just annex the crimea region and pro russian separatists began fighting government forces in the country s east five years on nick connelly takes a look at the issues on voters minds. more than ten thousand people have lost their lives since war broke out in eastern ukraine back in twenty fourteen millions have been forced to leave their homes as
the shooting continues political attempts to end the conflict remain stuck in no man s land but the fact the fighting didn t spread further and that ukraine s army was able to regroup essential to president petro poroshenko as campaign when his message to voters is clear only he can keep ukraine safe and stand up to russia. but five years of war have also left their mark on ukrainians pockets in europe second poorest nation real incomes are still lower than they were before the war as household bills have skyrocketed. over three million ukrainians have left the country in search of work it s these people pensioners and those on low incomes struggling to get by the ex prime minister yulia timoshenko is trying to reach she promises to cut household bills in health as soon as she s elected and do more to ensure ukrainians can find work at home both president poroshenko and at prime
minister to machine have been around for decades and many ukrainians especially younger voters are hungry for change. one person who seems to fit the bill is actor and comedian polygamous lenski the forty one year old may have no previous political experience but he has played the president before and the hit series servant of the people the sitcom tells the story of a schoolteacher whose rant about the state of the country is caught on video by one of his pupils the video goes viral and the teacher suddenly finds himself catapulted to the top job don t worry good morning mr president. mixing footage from the sitcom with his campaign zelinsky is now trying to convince ukrainians that he s the outside the country needs to shake up its corrupt politics his motto become president but stay an ordinary guy his critics argue that in reality he s no outsider launching a campaign calling him a puppet of the only got. a sworn enemy of president petro poroshenko it s called
he who put zelinsky on television in the first place and on whose channel he announced his surprise run for the presidency selenski denies this anything untoward about his relations with the businessman. for now the polls put zelinsky in first place far ahead of his rivals but questions remain come election day will ukrainians really take the jump and vote for someone whose only experience of politics so far has been with a t.v. script in his hands. time for soccer now it was a big day in the business league on saturday as the title race took another twist scored two late goals to be well spurred and draw with means dortmund go to the top of the table elsewhere dusseldorf down the frame and deep. toppled out spurred friday night hoffenheim thrashed leverkusen kicking off soon leipsic take on her on sunday hanover. and frankfurt face should cart. it s out time say
happy birthday to the caped crusader cartoon and onscreen superhero batman turns eighty today he made his debut in detective comics in nine hundred thirty nine since then he moved on to own his start his own t.v. series followed by a decades long career in movie theaters multiple actors have played the dark superhero over the years and even non-human actors have put on the black wings enough for everyone to have a face. and a reminder of the top stories we re following for you in mozambique the number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred in just two days the world health organization is warning of a second disaster if it spreads among survivors of the deadly side clone that hit two weeks ago. you re watching the job you can use live from berlin

President , Polls , Face , Chance , Comer , Results , Sunday , Number , World-health-organization , Cholera-cases , Mozambique , Program

Transcripts For DW Reporter - The Striezelmarkt In Dresden 20181222 12:15:00

democrats refused to fund a multi-billion dollar one doesn t trump promise to his voters on the us mexico border about a force of government agencies have been impacted cousens of u.s. employees may have to work with doug be on to the budget impasse is resolved. that s it for me and that she might have good money we d be here with you at the top of the opera my back. and. take full personally. with a little gender for the people in stories that make the game so special. for all true said. the to. pick up more than football online. where is home. when your family scattered across the globe. with the kids if you look at places you
know it was a journey back to the roots which will get minutely. the shah s family from somalia live around. them want to get into systems. the old family starts in january twenty first on t.w. . is famous just beautiful took interest in christmas stollen it s a great flare up it of course it s super. everyone heard christine s streets and mark turns to be friends its reputation is germany s loveliest christmas market it s a tough job for those working here and then there are concerns about six. but when
all goes well for you time and spirit here is pretty. sure. it s six in the morning and baker but only cause them is under pressure. the true breads known as stolen have to be ready in time for the christmas market. is booth needs a fresh supply they have been baking this typical dresden christmas special the year since september. that this christmas stollen is the most popular it s a traditional part of christmas. that s all and. we try out other kinds such as cranberry or chocolate stalin but basically the christmas stollen is our star in dresden and i phones with all of this and fozzy. for
newcomers is the third generation of his family to run the bakery he never wanted to do anything else. for this to be sort of marked up being packed. the boss quickly checks the new dough. clouds up so this would still be understood this morning to the statutes of the dresden style and protection association we have to put in at least fifty percent butter. you have to get. them to accept it s well recipe calls for fifty two percent and that doesn t include the butter that spread on the stall and later when we dust it with sugar by both on the fine folks. it s a recipe for weight gain being greedy and send their amounts have to be followed to the letter flour butter candied lemon peel all mins and lots of sultanas.
renee calls the sultanate the queen of raisins. these. as it is in that they were softened in rum yesterday that s why they re so shiny as you can clearly see here. for the big boys those toys as far as your figure is concerned. how can i put this. stalin is best for your soul. it s a seasonal indulgence to do with what you ve seen what valuable ingredients go into it and no indulgence is ever completely free of regrets guns or the wia. dawn has broken in the first vendors are already out the market. is always one of the first address to native she s been at the streets of the market for twenty eight years. she s decorated erm old wine booth to look like an old distillery for the weekend she s ordered an extra fifty liters of mulled wine and reordered mango
punch three times. marks who delivers the beverages is from the surrounding region. flecked a quality deliver quality so why would i want to use anyone else it s like the customers once they find a place they like and they come back. on the show from. london i think it s never really been busy due to i think we started five thirty i thought man can you bring me two more gas canisters for tomorrow as a reserve that mother that one of. the christmas market opens in an hour. cornelia as a place for everything in her booth she also owns a small hotel in the area. close to. a cup of tea with their neighbor ingrid is part of the routine oh. come on it gives them
a moment to slow down and relax without. both say the christmas market is best when it s cold and dry because then tourists flock here but there are also more pickpockets. present all we can are look out to get we tell our customers to hold their bags in front of them with their hands on them and never leave anything open sometimes it is their own fault this is a. bus. that s here but i think it a lot here elderly women put down their purses or when i hand them their purchases they hold the item in one hand and their purse in the other and start to walk away . while they say put your purchase down pack your purse the way first and close your back and then you can go we try to keep an eye on them. since the attack on our berlin christmas market two years ago the police have other worries. the access roads are secured here. ten officers manned the streets unmarked mobile
police station x. with people distributes the radio frequency of his. he and fellow officers susan here of iraq and iran patrolled together today. both have been thinking about the latest terrorist attack and tries book as police officers and as private citizens. michael best at this time and you follow it because you never know how it might affect you whether it s coming closer. or whether what happened there was a one off. it s stupid to see it i think that worries everyone especially around christmas but it s a violent side. and. around noon the streets are mark starts to fill up. with their patrol is gone quietly to be brilliant here relate a report that there were no unusual incidents usually they re called out when people drink too much or get rowdy. you re also visit the market
when you re off duty. lied on unfortunately no i don t manage to come here in my free time. in the states is trying to run after patrolling the streets unmarked all day i don t much feel like coming back but you already know every fragrance from every single mulled wine both. men and eyes in the dubai. locals come to the market after work. is a corner here leverage says mulled wine has gone a bit out of fashion nowadays more exotic drinks are popular this why is it because i thought of all this is a hot cuban lots of rum goes into it but i can t reveal the rest but it sounds lethal but i know it s delicious nothing we make is lethal you get up in the morning and you never have a hangover from my copy of scripture as my mind if. i get into the bunker as it might in the evening the boss says for assistance. or helpers speak several
languages. modern english and spanish now the clarity of speech italian and is studying water management. and i m not in the know works as a head of marketing in the sales manager my name isn t on but then she also helped design and market my booth and insight money to get. back in the bakery calls or has already taken out the new dough no stolen can weigh more than a kilo and a half during advent everyone including shoe my an apprentice from eritrea help some of the other stores and asked if they all like stolen the ensor is a result ending yes. but. then they say that includes your money. don t you dare say anything different. every year they make fifty thousand christmas dollar an ear in the bakery. now after an hour in the
oven daughter and already they are solent i will just be stolen are very good look at the texture you can see really well how nicely they ve risen. during advent when a gets hundreds of orders his dresden originals are delivered abroad as well he says that these. days dresden children are a kind of ambassador for saxony. today you re going is going to the streets and mark himself. well known stored in baker s like renee sell their christmas baked goods from their own booths.
listening to guest tourists and visitors to the city love this food bread and sometimes that s why they come here in the special there s nothing better than buying dresden stolen at the market that s named for it. well that s. what this customer comes here every year to barter a news story and if it is worth a lot of it you know the big our promise is to pass on a compliment to theirs assistants. they say that their streets are marked is living history. the tradition goes back nearly six hundred years the children s choir is just as much a part of it as the handmade stars and huge wooden pyramids. then tourists love it. the admins have traveled here especially from berlin and. just given we ve been to berlin christmas markets and they weren t so great but we
really love the dresden market the decorations on the little booth is the christmas ornaments everywhere and the friendly people here twenty four additional i do you know if i see love and i think most chinese people know about germany s christmas markets they re very famous. in half an hour the market will close for the evening at carnoustie is there s a last round for the late birds. the talking about it will be am changing old fish and we have beautiful markets in vienna but you have to see what markets are like elsewhere and this booth is especially fun is this on the table. christmas eve is the last day of the streets on march fourth for nearly beach and all the others in. the us even feel thin or we close a two pm then we have to clear up and take some things to the store house when done there and then at five o clock when you lie on the couch drink a glass of bubbly bliss eat some potato salad and we usually just fall asleep
because we re so exhausted and that s what our christmas is like. but next christmas season for nearly betrayed being here with her stand she can t imagine christmas without the streets are marked. her. a star south run by women business as usual not here in chicago. the founders of the family have braved and determined giving a junction in libya a chance. given to the senators and you can t let warning destruction get you down safely domata your little gestures next d.w. . the.
last horse you see. and know. that in. the mornings best known christmas carol. where does it come from tracing the origin of silent night. your romance in sixty minutes b.t.w. . how do you come to. discover a good concept discover it with obama. school. much after one hundred lives the ideals of the box are more relevant today than they were. shaped to karbala in the past people sign is

Democrats , Family , Places , Football , Globe , Home , Kids , The-roots , Journey , Shah , Systems , Somalia

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190330 16:00:00

the science of i.r.s. starts april eleventh on d. w. . this is deja vu news live from berlin fears of a cholera epidemic in mozambique hundreds of people contract the contagious disease following a devastating sight phone with vast numbers of displaced people at risk relief workers are warning of a second disaster also coming up. thousands of palestinians mark the anniversary of the weekly gaza protest the event has turned deadly with two palestinians killed and more than one hundred injured in clashes with israeli forces. and the boxer dealt a legal blow female reporter takes action against heavyweight who brought to live after he forcibly kisses her during
a post match interview. next peiser welcome to the program. in mozambique the number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred just two days the world health organization is warning of a second disaster if cholera spreads among survivors of the deadly that hit two weeks ago the water borne disease causes acute and can kill within days treated hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes in the cycle that hit mozambique and zimbabwe one of the worst affected areas is the city on the indian ocean. and many settlements such as here in the flooding hasn t completely receded and many people are waiting for help. there is no even though i live here.
every extra day in the mud increases the risk of severe diarrhea or even of cholera outbreaks in rural districts the situation is even worse large areas of land are still under water we visit a small clinic in the village of one go or what the storm left of it there is only one doctor who treats one hundred fifty patients a day testing them for malaria another looming danger he would be powerless against a cholera outbreak. yes the numbers are increasing we can t do much we hand out chlorine tablets to disinfect the drinking water and we tell people to wash for it before eating it and especially to wash their hands if. anyone with diarrhea is being treated as though they had cholera the world health organization plans to provide nine hundred thousand vaccine doses next week but fear of cholera is not the only concern many locals have lost everything their
houses and huts were destroyed as was their harvest. even though it s been more than two weeks people are still suffering the after effects of the cycle. there has been no color epidemic nevertheless it will be months before things are back to normal. joining us now on the phone from the show is robert holden he s the incident manager for the emergency response to psych loan with the world health organization robert thanks for joining us tell us the number of cases of cholera among cyclon survivors has jumped into the hundreds now how much more do we have to fear. our good afternoon and i think we need to be cautious with the figures we certain have come for color of the ministry of health confirmed that on wednesday or we re seeing as you said an increase in the number of cases of people treat diarrhea. you know cheering to be expected that that s not uncommon and in
the event margaret we re trying to move quickly to ensure that one we understand the scale of the problem not just in my book beyond there but all sorts of stand up a significant distance so that one we can try and minimize the spread of it your goal to dock diarrhea or cholera but those that do become sake that we can get the treatment services to where it s needed rocket like this is a major public health threat to those people that lost everything that you re setting the standard you re in this is one of those most significant threats we say is wrong. and just looking to the weeks and months ahead psych loney to destroy big parts of mozambique s water and santa fe sanitation infrastructure as we know what can be done to improve safe access to water is next for nickel. well it is indeed absolutely one of the most critical components in terms of ensuring that people don t become sick. and as you say the this scale of devastation is significant
so you know it s going to take some time a lot is happening here in our service apportions cordon from our malls and being i think it s fair to say that you know the mozambique authorities are more than big government. and of state opening practically spawns equate to a call for international system is funny and it s good to see that the international community has responded quickly and riposte course as as your. as your reporter indicated on the introduction we re still not able to get to some areas now on a daily basis the water is receding so every day we can get through to places that were previously inaccessible but we don t underestimate the scale of the cost for the first. those that have lost everything you know there we minimized the fresh return the suffering that we now and europe but it s a monumental task that we have we have ahead of us ok robert holden of the world
health organization thank you for that tens of thousands of palestinians are demonstrating to mark one year since the start of the weekly gaza protests there held to demand the right to return to israel and an end to israel s blockade of the gaza strip but today s event billed as the million man march has turned deadly two palestinians have been killed in clashes with israeli forces the palestinian red crescent says more than one hundred people have been injured there s also been violence in the city of ramallah in the west bank. our correspondent tenure came a is in jerusalem she gave us this update on the casualties from today s clashes. yes that s right one young man succumbed acces injuries he sustained last night in protest on friday night he died early this morning and another seventeen year old teenager was hit during the afternoon directly in the states it s unclear whether it was by sniper fire or by teargas canister and died from his injuries. also
the machine red crescent has said that over one hundred people where injured most of them however nightly which is what you ve seen over the past yeah demonstrations of this scale it s farther. lower number than what you seen now where there have been reports said it out in some kind of unofficial and understanding procrit by an egyptian delegation has been shuttling between gaza and israel over the past week between hamas and israel and to calm down the situation the organizers of these protests have asked protesters to stay away from the sense that the israeli army has put out a statement said there had been some young protesters approaching defense as throwing some stones and some devices but most of the protesters have actually said further away from the fence and out of some of the other stories making news around
the world. british lawmakers yesterday dealt prime minister theresa may another big blow on the day britain was supposed to leave the european union the british parliament rejected the withdrawal deal she s been negotiating with brussels for the third time britain could now crash out of the e.u. without a deal on april twelfth. voters in slovakia are selecting a new head of state in the second round of the country s presidential election runoff it s environmental activist susanna against european commission vice president. up until about one forty percent in the first round she could become the first woman in a largely ceremonial post. and the rolling stones are postponing a tour of north america while singer mick jagger receives medical treatment the seventy five year old tweeted regrets to fans and said he would be back on stage as soon as he could a spokesperson did not elaborate on the serious condition. pope francis has
arrived in the moroccan capital for a visit and at furthering dialogue between religions francis was invited to morocco by king mohammad during the two day trip the pontiff will meet muslim leaders and lead a mass for the country s minority catholic community interfaith dialogue is a priority for francis. joining me now in the studio for a discussion on this is our religious affairs correspondent martin jack this is the second visit by this pope in as many months two months to a muslim country he was in the united arab emirates before all for interfaith dialogue any possible report card at present well in the sense i think that it s really just the bow and the vatican more generally trying to arrange for stadia that islam is an integral part of. so world view off the got the lake church as well it s an important player geopolitically and in this sense it is very important
for about to see that he s very much committed to geopolitical geopolitical operations at the very same time the fact is an important player in terms of into religious relations i mean the jewish community of morocco has been historically a very integrated community yes have different christian communities. at a time in which you can seize christian communities around the world and around muslim countries more generally in a in a situation of recovery of snow as it takes every opportunity the vatican takes every opportunity to underscore success stories i think that that s essentially the overall thing that we are actually seeing the relations that are forged in the brus of corps can be very powerful and can have political impact ok so the post meeting with religious leaders he s also meeting with migrants why is he doing that how is that likely to be perceived by the people of iraq i mean i think that the statement itself which was that no you know no concrete. or no no solid no solid boundary no
wall will actually stop or solve the immigration problem in many ways it s a very you know fourth expression of what the position is which is essentially that moses s question concerning a bridge immigration stopping immigration both in the u.s. and in europe especially coming from the more conservative a right wing political frames it s one that essentially and rejects and takes a position that in fact integration or the well being of the people that ultimately because of the conditions in which they are the great is something that actually has to be taken care of obviously more ocus an important spot any sort of movement of people from africa into europe so it s also very telling that talking to the moroccans disposed actually chooses to underscore this essentially pointing out you know once you actually participate in the solution of the problem it will not be enough to help him for say the border there with spain that said cetera et cetera political political solutions will need to be felt ok thank you very much says
martin. religious affairs correspondent a heavyweight boxer who kissed a female reporter during a t.v. interview is refusing to apologize and has been suspended from the sport in california who brought poor leftist the reporter after defeating romania s bogged down in a fight last saturday. jennifer rivaldo also known as jenny sushi was conducting post match interview with cooper but instead of throwing a question the bulgarian box of did this you know what. i thank you thank you. if you have the right. moments later she says he grabbed her again this time off camera. next i walked to a table to put my items and i thought pat he grabbed both of my buttocks and squeezed with both of his hands and he walked away without saying anything to me
and laughed. it made me feel uncomfortable and frustrated that cooped up with that would treat me in such an unprofessional manner. i did not encourage or consent to mr pull out of grabbing my face kissing me or grabbing my backside i was there at the event covering the boxing match as a professional member of the press. keeping a woman on her lips without her consent and grabbing her is not acceptable rivaldo said she would take legal action against pool of hiring high profile women s rights lawyer gloria all read the vegas sports daily report to said she had only met the books a day earlier but in a statement posted on twitter who have claims they were friends and says quote i was so elated i gave her a kiss there was really nothing more to this the heavyweight boxer is jude to appear in front of california s boxing regulator in may one of the all. in the world rally championship welsh driver elfin evans leads the tour of corsica
after the first day of racing evans won it three of friday s sixty agents to take a strong lead into the weekend s action is currently four and a half seconds ahead of his closest challenger toyota driver tonic stone ian is the leader in the overall overall championship standings. shifting gears now to say happy birthday to the cape crusader cartoon onscreen superhero bet and turns eighty today he made his debut in detective comics in one nine hundred thirty nine and since then he moved on to his own t.v. series followed by a decades long career in movie theaters multiple actors have played the dark superhero over the years and even non-human actors have put on the old batteries enough for everyone to have a theme. and a reminder the top stories we re following for you. mozambique number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred just two days the

Reporter , Boxer , Blow , Action , Forces , Heavy-weight , Israeli , Interview , Number , Warning , Disaster , Hit

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190330 21:00:00

w. . lui . odd. this is live from berlin fears of a cholera epidemic in mozambique hundreds of people contract the country just to the east following a devastating side the last numbers of people displaced at risk relief what has a warning office seconds just last hour also coming up. thousands of palestinians marked the anniversary of the weekly gaza protest but the event turns deadly with four palestinians killed and more than three hundred injured in clashes with israeli forces. and people in ukraine prepared to go to the polls to elect
a new president will they all for a familiar face old take a chance on a new combat look at what issues types wait sunday s results. i m christine wonderwall come to the program. in mozambique the number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred in just two days the world health organization is warning of a second disaster if cholera spreads among survivors of the deadly cyclone that hit two weeks ago the water borne disease causes acute diarrhea that can kill within al was if not it now hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes in the cycle and that hit mozambique malawi and one of the worst affected areas is the city of on
the indian ocean. and many settlements such as here in beirut the flooding hasn t completely receded and many people are waiting for help nothing s been done for us there s no aid even though i live here alone with my children. every extra day in the mud increases the risk of severe diarrhea or even of cholera outbreaks in rural districts the situation is even worse large areas of land are still under water we visit a small clinic in the village of nine go or what the storm left of it there is only one doctor who treats one hundred fifty patients a day testing them for malaria another looming danger he would be powerless against a cholera outbreak. yes the numbers are increasing we can t do much we hand out chlorine tablets to disinfect the drinking water and we tell people to wash for it before eating it and especially to wash their hands.
and by rote anyone with diarrhea is being treated as though they had cholera the world health organization plans to provide one hundred thousand vaccine doses next week but fear of cholera is not the only concern many locals have lost everything their hoses and huts were destroyed as was their harvest. even though it s been more than two weeks people are still suffering the after effects of the cycle so far there has been no cholera epidemic nevertheless it will be months before things are back to normal. it s to the middle east now and tens of thousands of palestinians rallied in the gaza strip today to mark one year since the start of weekly protests there how to demand the right to return to israel and and to israel s blockade of the gaza strip but like those weekly perseus today s event turned deadly with full palestinians killed in clashes with israeli forces not hundreds more people were injured. palestinian
protesters throw rocks in return the israeli army deploys tear gas and live ammunition to prevent the crowds of demonstrators from approaching the barrier between israel and gaza. israel estimates forty thousand palestinians gathered at the border there calling for the right to enter israel and an end to the blockade on gaza which stops imports and exports causing poverty and hardship. generally only not get help by now we came today to emphasize and prove to the world that we have rights and we can t give up or forget our rights that can t be forced upon us but the padlock. protests were peaceful today when a peaceful young protester was killed we did not retaliate we want to confront them in a small way throwing stones to teach them a lesson and deliver our message that we want our stolen rights returned so we can
go back to palestine. the protests march to anniversaries it s a year since the start of the great much of return rallies which call for palestinian refugees and their descendants to be allowed to return to their former homes in israel and it s the forty third land day commemorating the death of six arab israelis killed during protests in one nine hundred seventy six against israel s expropriation of palestinian land gaza hamas leadership says the protests at the border will continue. our correspondents tanya kramer is in jerusalem i asked her how the clashes might influence israel s general elections in ten days time. well i think that s why all eyes were effect today on that day of protests because it came after a week off really heightened tensions between israel and hamas it started a week ago when a rocket was launched from gaza into central israel it landed. small village north
of tel aviv in a family home people were injured there and prime minister netanyahu was in washington at the time he cut short his visit there was a lot of pressure as israel always will respond to rocket try is what we tell you today and there was more rocket fire coming out of gaza as well but with the help of egypt s mitigation there has been there had been a tense calm of the past couple of days and of course now the question was what will happen today and how this will play out there has been a lot of pressure also prime minister netanyahu for a very tough response so whatever happens and the situation remains tense and also volatile whatever happens here on the ground and gaza has dominated the election campaign this week at least will of course also dominate the remaining election and up to the elections happen on paper nine. pope francis has arrived in the moroccan capital rough patch for
a visit aimed at furthering dialogue between the religions process was invited to morocco by king on it during the two day trip the pontiff will meet muslim leaders and sit a greater mass all the country s minority catholic community interfaith dialogue is a priority for once. i don t have news martin jack joins me now in studio for more on pope francis s visit to robots that have you here martin so it s the clips second visit at. a muslim country in as many months what was his message in rough patch. decision has been pretty consistent i mean forging ahead we have more integrated. essentially transcultural an ecumenical conversations with muslim leaders and muslim clerics including sort of figures with in the few logical community a few slum both in the middle east and north africa and farther more i think pointing out you know the question essentially of migration problems which very
often are related to this from countries i mean i ve seen in the case of syria and in the case of northern africa it s not something that can simply be resolved by force actually requires a joint political solution so i think that this obsession that has been actually very consistent throughout the element which he s a matter of fact in many muslim countries christian communities in a very precarious situation which means incidentally that for this pope it s become a very high priority item in every agenda that he when he visits it s countries but not in the pope is going to meet with migrants and pasta. and understanding how americans react to that shway thing generally speaking morocco is sort of a showcase country for you know for the vatican essentially because it s a country that has a very long history of factually pretty strong integration minority communities christian communities i mean the jewish community action of standing community
which has a very long tradition of integration i think that is trying to show us a bit of an example at the very same time it s true that this one of the bottlenecks to europe particularly in the spanish road so there is a sense you know there is enough we do not political will actually can become an important sort of an important example for how to deal with migration agents right . religious affairs and this. there will. now to some of the other stories making news around the world bush is in slovakia oscillating a new head of state in the second round of the country s presidential election the randall pits environmental activist susanna which will marry against european commission vice president. gore won forty percent in the first round she could become the first woman to hold a largely ceremonial office. and cities all over the world all switching off the lights in the landmark structures for earth hour it s to raise awareness about
climate change in sydney the iconic opera house went dark and in hong kong dozens of companies elimination all day i rise because. the rolling stones op was phoning a tour of north america while seeing the mick jagger received medical treatment the seventy five year old treated regrets to fans and said he would be back on stage as soon as he can a spokesperson did not elaborate on the singer s condition. on sunday the people of ukraine will elect a new president in a vote closely watched in the west and in russia the last time ukrainians went to the polls in twenty fourteen the country was in freefall russia had just an x. to the crimea region and conflict between government forces and pro russian separatists at birkenau in the country s east five years on the economy takes a look at the issue on voters minds. eye more than ten
thousand people have lost their lives since war broke out in eastern ukraine back in twenty fourteen millions have been forced to leave their homes as the shooting continues political attempts to end the conflict remain stuck in no man s land but the fact the fighting didn t spread further and that ukraine s army was able to regroup essential to president petro poroshenko as campaign his message to voters is clear only he can keep ukraine safe and stand up to russia. but five years of war have also left their mark on ukrainians pockets in europe second poorest nation real incomes are still lower than they were before the war as household bills have skyrocketed. over three million ukrainians have left the country in search of work it s these people pensioners and those on low income struggling to get by the ex prime minister yulia timoshenko is trying to reach her she promises to cut household bills in health as soon as she s elected and do more
to ensure ukrainians can find work at home both president poroshenko and at the prime minister to machine code have been around for decades and many ukrainians especially younger voters are hungry for change. one person who seems to fit the bill is actor and comedian polygamous alinsky the forty one year old may have no previous political experience but he has played the president before and the hit series servant of the people of the sitcom tells the story of a school teacher whose rant about the state of the country is caught on video by one of his pupils the video goes viral and the teacher suddenly finds himself catapulted to the top job. good morning mr president. mixing footage from the sitcom with his campaign ads zelinsky is now trying to convince ukrainians that he s the outside of the country needs to shake up its corrupt politics his motto become president but stay ordinary guy his critics argue that in reality he s no outsider launching a campaign calling him
a puppet of the oligarch. a sworn enemy of president petro poroshenko its color scheme who put zelinsky on television in the first place and on whose channel he announced his surprise run for the presidency selenski denies this anything untoward about his relations with the businessman. for now the polls put zelinsky in first place far ahead of his rivals but questions remain come election day will ukrainians really take the job and vote for someone whose only experience of politics so far has been with a t.v. script in his hand. australia could become the first country in the world to jail social media executives who fail to quickly remove violent content the new proposal comes amid growing anger over the role facebook paid in the christchurch massacre two weeks fifty people died in the attack it s the gunman and straighten citizen all cost lives on the side has admitted that it must be more that.
some sports now and in formula one ferrari is shelled secure the first all of his career after finishing top off qualifying for the bahrain grand prix the want to ask dr. to take whole gemini s sebastian vettel came second to clinch a ferrari front row while defending champion lewis hamilton could only manage the in his mis eighty s and teammate championship leader that starts in fourth on sunday. and happy birthday to the caked crusader caught today and onscreen superhero back mansions eighty today he made his debut in detective comics in one nine hundred fifty nine since then he moved on to his own t.v. series followed by a decades long career in the futures multiplex has have made the dog superhero over the years and even non-human actually has a foot on the back when it s enough for everyone to have

Polls , Ukraine , President , Takea-chance , Face , Combat-look , Results , Types , Cholera-cases , Number , Program , Christine-wonderwall

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190330 20:00:00

made in germany. your business magazine d w. o o o. o. o. o o o o. o this is deja vu news live from bill and she is off a cholera epidemic in mozambique hundreds of people contract a contagious disease following a devastating cyclone with vos numbers of people displaced relief workers all warning of a second disaster also coming up. thousands of palestinians mark the anniversary of the weekly gaza crisis if the event turns deadly in the four palestinians killed
and more than two hundred injured in clashes with israeli forces. and people in ukraine prepares to go to the polls to elect a new president will they opt for a familiar face or take a chance on a new come out we look at what issues might sway sunday s results. i m christine wonder ball come to the program. in mozambique the number off color of cases has risen dramatically from fife to nearly three hundred in just two days the world health organization is warning of a second if cholera spreads among survivors off the day. it hits two weeks ago the water borne disease causes acute diary of that can kill within hours if not treated hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes in the cyclon that hits mozambique
malawi and some one of the worst affected areas is the city of beirut on the indian ocean. and in many settlements such as here in beirut the flooding hasn t completely receded and many people are waiting for help nothing s been done for us there s no aid even though i live here alone with my children. every extra day in the mud increases the risk of severe diarrhea or even of cholera outbreaks in rural districts the situation is even worse large areas of land are still under water we visit a small clinic in the village of one go or what the storm left of it there is only one doctor who treats one hundred fifty patients a day testing them for malaria another looming danger he would be powerless against a cholera outbreak. yes the numbers are increasing we can t do much we hand out chlorine tablets to disinfect the drinking water and
we tell people to wash for it before eating it and especially to wash their hands if. anyone with diarrhea is being treated as though they had cholera the world health organization plans to provide nine hundred thousand vaccine doses next week but fear of cholera is not the only concern many locals have lost everything their houses and huts were destroyed as was their harvest. even though it s been more than two weeks people are still suffering the after effects of the cycle so far there has been no cholera epidemic nevertheless it will be months before things are back to normal. tens of thousands of palestinians rallied in the gaza strip to date mark one year since the start of weekly press his their hell to demand the right to return to israel and an end to israel s blockade of the gaza strip but like those weekly protests today s events deadly with four palestinians killed in clashes with israeli forces hundreds more people were injured.
palestinian protesters throw rocks in return the israeli army deploys tear gas and live ammunition to prevent the crowds of demonstrators from approaching the barrier between israel and gaza. israel estimates forty thousand palestinians gathered at the border there calling for the right to enter israel and an end to the blockade on gaza which stops imports and exports causing poverty and hardship. generally only get help but now we came today to emphasize and prove to the world that we have rights and we can t give up our forget our rights that can t be forced upon us. not to go to a peaceful today when a peaceful young protester was killed we did not retaliate we want to confront them in a small way throwing stones to teach them a lesson and deliver our message that we want our stolen rights returned so we can
go back to palestine. the protests march to anniversaries it s a year since the start of the great much of return rallies which call for palestinian refugees and their descendants to be allowed to return to their former homes in israel and it s the forty third land day commemorating the death of six arab israelis killed during protests in one nine hundred seventy six against israel . six pro-creation of palestinian land gaza semes leadership says the protests at the border will continue. our correspondent on ukraine is in jerusalem i asked her how the clashes might influence israel s general elections in ten days time. well i think that s why all eyes were set today on that day of protests because it came after a week of really heightened tensions between israel and hamas it started a week ago when a rocket was launched from gaza into central israel it landed. small village north
of tel aviv in a family home people were injured there and prime minister netanyahu was in washington at the time he cut short his visit there was a lot of pressure as israel always will respond to rockets we tell you today and there was more rocket fire coming out of gaza as well but with the help of egypt s mitigation there has been there had been a tense calm of the past couple of days and of course now the question was what will happen today and how this will play out it has been a lot of pressure also prime minister netanyahu for a very tough response so whatever happens and the situation remains tense and also volatile whatever happens here on the ground and gaza has dominated the election campaign this week at least will of course also dominate the remaining election and up to the elections happen on paper nine. alright pope francis has arrived in the moroccan capital rabat for
a visit aimed at furthering dialogue between the religions francis was invited to moral code by came on it during the two day trip the pontiff will need muslim leaders and sin to brace a mass for the country s minority catholic community interfaith dialogue is a priority for the process. now to some of the stories making news around the world has in slovakia also all around the city actually a new head of state in the second round of the country s presidential election the runoff pits environmental activists who sign up shop which will vary against european commission vice president. schiff children over one forty percent in the first round she could become the first woman to hold the largely ceremonial. and cities all over the world a switch people for the lights on that block structures for it s to raise awareness about climate change in sydney the iconic opera house went dark and in hong kong
dozens of companies turned off in the nation off their high rise buildings. the rolling stones all spoken in a tour of north america while singer mick jagger received medical treatment the seventy five year old treated regrets to fans and he said he would be back on stage as soon as he can a spokesperson did not elaborate on the sing his condition on sunday the people of ukraine will elect a new president in a vote closely watched in the west and in russia the last time ukrainians went to the polls in twenty fourteen the country was in freefall russia had just an extra at the crimea region and conflict between government forces and pro russian separatists has broken out in the country s east now five years on the abuse nick connelly takes a look at the issues on versions minds. i more than ten thousand people have lost their lives since war broke out in eastern ukraine back in twenty fourteen millions have been forced to leave their homes as
the shooting continues political attempts to end the conflict remain stuck in no man s land but the fact the fighting didn t spread further and that ukraine s army was able to regroup essential to president petro poroshenko as campaign when his message to voters is clear only he can keep ukraine safe and stand up to russia. but five years of war have also left their mark on ukrainians pockets in europe second poorest nation real incomes are still lower than they were before the rule as household bills have skyrocketed. over three million ukrainians have left the country in search of work it s these people pensioners and those on low income struggling to get by the ex prime minister yulia timoshenko is trying to reach she promises to cut household bills in health as soon as she s elected and do more to ensure ukrainians can find work at home both president poroshenko and at the prime
minister to machine have been around for decades and many ukrainians especially younger voters are hungry for change. one person who seems to fit the bill is actor and comedian polygamous lenski the forty one year old may have no previous political experience but he has played the president before and the hit series servant of the people the sitcom tells the story of a schoolteacher whose rant about the state of the country is caught on video by one of his pupils the video goes viral and the teacher suddenly finds himself catapulted to the top job don t worry good morning mr president. mixing footage from the sitcom with his campaign ads zelinsky is now trying to convince ukrainians that he s the outside of the country needs to shake up its corrupt politics his motto has become president but stay in regarding his critics argue that in reality he s no outsider launching a campaign calling him a puppet of the only got. a sworn enemy of president petro poroshenko it s called
he who puts on television in the first place and on whose channel he announced his surprise run for the presidency selenski denies this anything untoward about his relations with the businessman. for now the polls put zelinsky in first place far ahead of his rivals but questions remain come election day will ukrainians really take the job and vote for someone whose only experience of politics so far has been with a t.v. script in his hand. australia could become the first country in the welsh to jail social media except executives who fail to quickly remove violent content the new proposal comes amid growing anger at the role facebook in the christ church has to meet fifty people died in attacks which the government and australian citizen live on the site facebook has admitted it must be more correct. and joining me now in
the serious bring us more on the responses to. matthew so matthew which walking about jail time for the likes of. irene the stick is that well maybe not for mark zuckerberg but june time and hefty fines are on the cards if this proposal passes through the australian parliament next week and and it wouldn t. make it a criminal offense for media companies to filter in the content that is extremely violent and to do so quickly and that s to keep it for clipart that will be decided by a jury nonetheless the prime minister has said today with. this move that they re calling out essential media companies for a living their sites to be quote weaponized let s take a listen to voices i have the technology to do this and i have the opportunity to do it and we guide to insist that by doing and if i don t do it all fights the state with one it will penalties imaginable for them and on top of that potential prison terms for executives through if they are responsible at u.s.
reaction been like this was facebook s it well firstly the reaction has been stepped in part some people then that it s unlikely that they ll be able to start actually. executives from around the world. but the key thing is that this is a shot across the bow for social media companies across the world and history and prime ministers that is hoping that people will copy them facebook. has been kind of took my message out there today pushing back and see me the most to. serve a chief operating officer and a lesser of two newspaper new zealand are lining some moves one of them is to restrict who and who can live broadcast on the site so that s one thing the looking at another is spending more money on the off fish and intelligence that can weed out these videos so that they re no more spreading kind of just going viral in the aftermath of these that it s all right the devil is matthew murray with that story
for us i think. and for me no one ferrari s shellac has secured the first poll of his career after finishing top off the qualifying for the bahrain crowd pre the monic ask dr assessing your track record to take pole gemini s so best investment came second to clinch a ferrari front row while defending champion lewis hamilton could only manage but in his miss avies hamilton s team mate championship. test starts in fourth on sunday. and it s happy birthday to the caped crusader and on screen super hero back then turns eighty today he made his debut and detective comics in nineteen thirty nine since then he went on t.v. own t.v. series followed by a decades long korea in movie theaters multiple exes have played the dog superhero over the yes and even non-human act as have put on the black wing enough for everyone to have the papers.
you re watching news live from stories this next i m christine went out on twitter at one to seven and watching see you next. to. a city in ruins maron a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims and the christian population ask the flame strangers occupied the city center in two thousand and seventeen president to church s response was told. by

People , President , Forces , Eastern-ukraine , Clashes , Polls , Chance , Face , Israeli , Results , Sunday , Warning