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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240610

down uniform on plus the mask. she said you are going to be in the shot. she said what shot you? are going to stand there and hold the plattedder of calimari. i was wondering how we were going to hold this thing or prop it up. we are going to put you in the shot. i did. from there it became iconic. the rest is history. carley: their seconds until fox & friends. i didn t know this before calimari is rhode island s official appetizer. really quickly, what s the best way to serve it? nice and crispy with pepper, hot pepper rings, garlic and olive oil and a little bit of aregular know basil. carley: just the way we like it. do you approve? todd: oh, man, i m going to run out right now. carley: chef, thank you very much. have great day. thank you. you too. carley: sounds delicious. fox & friends starts right now. have a great day. steve: all right. thank you, carley and todd. welcome aboard, folks. #:00 in new york city. monday, june 10th already, and this is fox & friends. bed it all on red. trump rallies voters in sin city, vegas. feeling confident about the production chances out there in november. now we have a lot of democrats coming over, because really we are the party of common sense. we are a party of common sense. ainsley: plus all rise. hunter biden s federal gun trial resumes today at 8:15. will he take the stand? gregg jarrett weighs in just ahead. brian: going to talk on a raging bull. lawrence: a rodeo spirals out of control. brian: where are the clowns? shouldn t clowns be stopping that? lawrence: they jump in the stands. brian: don t make excuses. if you are running clown you got to stop them. that bull was running from the clown. some people are scared of clowns. ainsley: people were really injured though, weren t they? steve: going to find out. brian: i can t wait it s a cliffhanger. nothing happens until i read the tease. you guys can t do anything unless i read. lawrence: you have the power. steve: please read. brian: fox & friends begins right now, remember mornings are better with friends. get dressed. steve: okay. meanwhile, folks, let s start with this former president donald trump hit las vegas yesterday to hold his first campaign rally since his new york city criminal conviction. ainsley: and is he looking to continue building support in nevada with a key swing state primaries set for tomorrow. brian: is he up in almost all the polls there madeleine rivera joins us now. maddie? good morning, guys. capped off his western swing after raising millions of dollars in california he rallied voters in the sweltering heat railing against his conviction and touting his poll numbers in nevada. they indicted me over nothing. they opened up a whole new box and then i got indicted again and again and again. i i was never indicted. in this tiny period of time i was like a ping-pong pal o. is ball. fox news poll show donald trump meeting trump in a head-to-head matchup. in the margin of error. won t charge taxes on tips which is a major source of income for the las vegas. the colorado union represents the 60,000 hospitality workers says really is needed but that nevada workers know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises. trump also denounced the border policies particularly important issue for voters in the state. and though he didn t mention it on stage, trump went on x to endorse sam brown the leading candidate in the g.o.p. senate primary race. trump called the purple heart recipient a fearless american patriot who has pure grit and courage to take on enemies both foreign and domestic. the winner of the race will take on i object couple bent democratic senator jacqui rosen in november. lawrence, steve, ainsley and brian. steve: all right, madeleine, thank you very much. ainsley: no tax on tips is huge. i was in the service industry. imagine not having to pay taxes on your tips. steve: absolutely. that is great. particularly given the fact that the culinary union is so big out there. i just looked it up. any change in tip taxes would require an october 6 conditioning. the plan would be for donald trump when elected he would ask congress to do something about it. keep in mind one of the top things they got to do next year. the donald trump tax cuts package from 2017 will expire next year and this could be part of it. brian: if you are a member of congress who wants to go against that? i mean, i got to say, i m impressed with the balance of the comedy at his rally as well as actually proposing policy initiatives. because, i think this is something that helps the working class immediately. day bun one. and if you remember the biden administration introduce the those new irs agents to find the pfine thepeople cutting the taxs skipping out with the tips. seeing the contrast between the two campaigns. i think this wins more voters. brian: what a few days he has h he was out in silicon valley. raised $12 million. with people that i didn t think liked him. silicon valley crowd pretty much the one that said we re going to correct what happened in 2016. did better on social media than hillary. do everything possible to destroy you in 2020. and we watched what the twitter files emerge. now you have senator j.d. vance set up a fundraiser out there and goes to newport beach on saturday. thousands lined up on the streets and went n front of 3,000. and then he had this fundraiser. and on the bay. the boats were on the outside of newport. then he goes over to vegas and finishes up and flies home. still a big gap of 36 million between the two campaigns. the president the former president is closing the gap. the big story is, i think that virginia, new hampshire, he is up in deed heat. nevada, and arizona four or five points the president is up. so he has got to feel good about where is he at right now. ainsley: he went after biden s border. he said something that broke a lot of news over the weekend but he said he wants president biden to take a drug test before the debate in about two and a half weeks. he said i will take one. he needs to take one. he said. is he not old. is he incompetent. brian: right. his age is not the problem. lawrence: whether it s the drug test or just explaining to the american people ups and downs of the president. one dain shuffling off the stage can t walk the full route overseas and suddenly able to be jacked up for a state of the union. two days later is he back to the same old same old. i don t know if it s a drug test or just explaining how is the president alert sometimes and sometimes not so much. brian: do with the nfl and major league baseball we find out what drugs he had are on. usually help your performance. why can t we find out the president. ainsley: might just be a mountain dew. red bull. steve: why is there so much pep in his step. lawrence: exactly. steve: maybe on those cheery days maybe the president starts his day watching fox & friends. just saying. brian: looked himself up in the morning. v.p. short list except for more reports about frontrunners, rubio, j.d. vance and governor doug burgum and i also put in some classes some cases tom cotton. i also would say this is pretty clear. he very much likes doug burgum around him. especially when it comes. ainsley: he will definitely get some sort of job. brian: i hear the wives get along. ainsley: so successful a billionaire. self-made man i believe. steve: people are talking about the vice president because, that particular post because last week the former president said maybe i will announce that person, whoever that is at the rnc, which, you know, that makes a lot of sense because then it makes it a little more exciting who will it be. matt joaquin a republican strategist had this to fox news digital talking about the frontrunner behind the scenes. it turns out he says it s marco rubio. describes him this way an effective, disciplined communicator who rarely makes mistakes while demonstrating his ability to win a slightly higher percentage of white voters in 2022 than trump did in florida in 2020. marco rubio also appeals to the suburban and independent voters that will be key to trump s success and is the only contender from a true battleground state. trump would balance out his ticket by picking rubio for vice president which cannot be said from some of the other options these reasons is why many fear the selection of marco rubio the most. and do you know what? going back to new hampshire primary i heard from some of the top insiders marco rubio was their favorite. one of the reasons is first of all he is one of those guys who could be president on day one. if need be, hispanic, can speak spanish. given the fact that republicans have not had many good answers about abortion. the insiders really like marco rubio s approach to abortion and pro-life. lawrence: he has a few things going for him when it comes to the former president s side. he took a punch from him back in 2016. brian: gave some, too. a lot of video. ainsley: staunch allies. lawrence: he endorsed him over his governor ron desantis at the time. from what i hear the former president doesn t look too kindly of the people who decided to challenge him in this past election because he thought it was a forgone conclusion. the second thing is, he defends him on all the sunday shows. and is he not just defending him. he does it effectively. he punches back. they try to get him on his heels and he doesn t get on those heels much often also foreign policy. elephant in the room he is hispanic. second minority group that the democrats are concerned about, whether it s black voters is hispanic voters. he has a lot going for him but one thing totally right now is to steve s point. he can be president. and we would love to see him go against kamala harris in a debate. ainsley: he would have to move to washington, d.c. he is a senator. so he could do that because you can t have a vp and president. steve: from the same state. ainsley: only one on that list that speaks a second language. he would reach the hispanic voters. is he a familiar face. one g.o.p. strategist who was anonymous said in an article said strongest voice in the senate for the american first agenda. is he excellent on tv. he never messes up. he says trump latino base and solid safe pick in a lot of upsides. brian: all three of you are wrong on everything. no, i would just say that s true, too. tom cotton is extremely strong. ainsley: is he great. the whole list is good. brian: he could be secretary of defense. burgum number two or energy. all be in there tim scott really strong. tim scott is doing something else that j.d. vance is doing. formed a super pac. trying to tie up the black vote. actually raising money with a super pac for trump. so i think that also adds a lot. people are sincerely on board in 2016 they weren t. in 202024 president has machine going. ainsley: byron donds is on the list. is he strong. steve: also florida, that s a problem. he is going to have a future in politics. steve: one other note about marco rubio. because he and the president are florida residents. they have behind the scenes worked out a plan where he could he could go to another state. could be a battleground state where marco rubio moved to i m not going to say two states i heard but he would help put those in the trump column. brian: do you want senate race. j.d. vance had a very tough race fill to see the. do you want to open up a ohio race? do you want to open up a florida race? steve: he is on the show today. lawrence: i will say a final point there was all this talk about confusion within the republican party. it looks like nikki haley, to other folks that challenged. the parties is coming together. so, again, the process worked. people got challenged. brian: i do think nikki haley s people have got to be addressed. she getting a lot of votes in every state still. i think they should come forward. the other thing is j.d. vance s foreign policy scares me. very smart. i appreciate his service. he tends to go isolationist. i don t think that s what we need as a country. steve: all right. meanwhile, let s talk, brian something we need as a country. we need a strong border. brian: some would say. steve: we haven t had it for a while. of course now the president is taking executive action. he has got crazy numbers. nobody quite understands what they are doing. it still seems like thousands are coming across every day. the department of homeland security secretary mayorkas was on with martha raddatz yesterday and essentially mayorkas was kind of taking a victory lap where it s like, hey, finally we are taking action because republicans wouldn t do anything. martha called him on it. listen to this. i want to go back to an interview i did with you in march 2021, two months into your tenure as dhs secretary. you seemed totally confident then that you that under control. let s listen to what you told me. we have seen large numbers of migration in the past. we know how to address it. we have a plan. we are executing on our plan. and we will succeed. one thing that is also clear it takes time. it s tough. but we can do it. this is what we do and we will accomplish our mission. we will succeed. three years ago. since then 6.5 million migrants have been apprehended along the southern border. it would be very hard to call this a success. martha, remember something that immigration, migration is a dynamic phenomenon. it is something that we alone are it s not just us who is experiencing it. throughout the region and throughout the world. brian: they are all fed up. they know he has been flat out lying the whole time. they know the reversal of the exordz did on the president. lack of enforcement even when title 42 was in place. now they want to blame the legislation. do you remember the genesis of the legislation that was bipartisan led by senator lankford on the right. he wanted foreign aid money. the republicans came back and said yeah, you want foreign aid money, first, do the border. they started negotiating. if it wasn t for the reluctance of republicans to sign off on the foreign aid money and putting the border in there, the president had no interest in legislation. even the legislation that he put out there in year one. he never talked about it. he had a republican. he had a democratic senate. and democratic house. he evidently put out his border policy legislation. no one even looked at it. and his own party didn t want it. lawrence: i got to be honest. i know why we cover this of another network finally pushing back. but it s really knowing that we have to celebrate them doing the bear minimum. i mean, they have four years of numbers to reflect on each year it s gone up. and they don t push the administration on it. they wait until elections year where all the toll polls are showing the tone of the person people have changed. then they start pushing back. i hope that in the future some of these reporters do this along the journey instead of waiting until the issue has reached the height, 10 year high i think that s what it is. and hopefully we can get policy changes in the future. can t wait until just election year. ainsley: internal memo from border patrol that was released obtained by fox. it instructs agents in san diego to release single adults from the eastern hemisphere countries. most of the eastern hemisphere countries. they are considered hard or very hard to remove. that was after biden s exdetective order. steve: things really aren t changing much. brian: 62% of the country in support of mass deportation. keep putting down trump s idea. 63%. that s how much has changed. lawrence: from democratic and independent voters. hunter biden s gun trial continues this morning at 8:15 owner. 15eastern. we are waiting to see if the defense calls the first son to testify. ainsley: rich edson outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. hey,rich, what s the latest? good morning. on friday lead defense attorney abbe lowell overheard saying he was going to take the weekend to decide if hunter biden was going to get called to the stand. that answer is due in a couple of hours when court reconvenes here. i will figure out if we are going to see hunter take the stand. if he does not. decides against taking the stand. this could all happen very, very quickly. we could get into closing arguments and jury deliberations by this afternoon. if hunter does testify, prosecutors have indicated they may put on rebuttal witnesses, that would extend this trial further. last week and it was the defense calling hunter s daughter naomi. she delivered emotional testimony about how during the summer of 2018, she said her father was the clearest she had seen him since her uncle beau died in 2015. father used text messages, bank records, ex-girlfriend, sister-in-law who he was in a relationship with to paint a picture of rampant drug use when he purchased and possessed that firearm and allegedly swore on a form that he was not a drug user. hunter s lawyer have drawn testimony that dunn actually saw him use crack in october 2018 those the month he bought the firearm. the prosecution introduced text messages, one the day after he bought that gun. hohallie biden his sister-in-law meeting a dealer named mookie. day after that he texted hallie he was smoking crack. hunter s attorneys maintain he may not have wanted hallie to know where he was so he lied to her over texts. introduced that infamous laptop into evidence. fbi agent testified that it did not appear to be tampered with after hunter dropped it off at computer repair shop. all that last week. see where this heads in a couple hours from now and whether hunter biden or any other witnesses for the defense will take the stand. back to you. steve: it s a deliver langer. thank you very much. we know either today hunter is going to take the stand or not. and we could have closing arguments. we know that jill biden is probably going to be in the courtroom. because she remember, she flew from france to be in the courtroom on friday and then flew back to france for that state dinner. but, the curious thing, the x-factor is this. joe biden, the president is in delaware today. which makes no sense. he flew from france to delaware. ainsley: what are you saying? steve: here s the thing he has a juneteenth concert tonight at the white house. why did he go to delaware today? can you imagine if the president of the united states sat in the courtroom during closing arguments today? would that have an impact on the jury? ainsley: does he have anything on the calendar? steve: not one thing, ainsley. not one thing. lawrence: do you think it would be appropriate, steve for him to do that? steve: it s his son. with yeah, why not? but obviously this is a message that will be sent to the jury. ainsley: the president of the united states and first lady walk into his son s trial. steve: right. ainsley: and jury sees them that s pretty powerful. steve: think about it. she has been doing every day so secret service knows how that room works. it s secure. lawrence: the special counsel, the president is still his boss in theory the president can fire the special counsel. we just got take all of that. son and boss. brian: politically he doesn t benefit from it. steve: no. brian: we will see. turn to ainsley you have something special to read out loud. the u.s. is calling for the u.n. security council to vote or the proposed gaza cease-fire deal that s currently on the table. it comes after long time israeli war cabinet member benny gantz unexpectedly resigned from his position yesterday. meanwhile, have a democratic video released by the idf shows the moment israeli troops were able to secure two hostages in that daring helicopter rescue out of gaza over the weekend. gary congressman mike collins revealing one of his staffers and a friend were attacked in washington, d.c. over the weekend. he says the suspect stole a watch. collins says in mart pour nation s capital a war zone because of pro-criminal policies pedaled by d.c. s government. police posting this photo of the suspect s car saying they believe it was involved in several armed robberies across the city. wnba star caitlin clark is taking the high rode after she was snubbed from the team u.s.a. s olympic basketball roster. no disappointment. gives you something to work for. you know, it s a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. i think it s a little more motivation. you remember that. and you know, hopefully in four years, when four years comes back around i can be there. ainsley: clark says team officials told her about the decision before the news got out. four people were hurt when a bull broke loose and jumped into the stands during a rodeo in oregon on saturday. take a look. oh. oh my god. open the gate. open the gate. officials say the bull walls heading back to holding pen when it made a beeline for the fence leaping over the crowd. handlers were able to get things back over control in a few minutes. incredibly everyone is expected to be okay. all right. so they were injured but they are going to be fine. steve: well, who knew that a bull could jump like that. lawrence: that happens occasionally. i m just curious what brian, as a yankee would do is if something. brian: i would look for a child to hold up in front of me no, i m kidding. i would definitely put my hand up. wait for him to come to me, grab him around the head and try to hold him until some clown could bail me out. lawrence: brian, do you know what color not to wear at a rodeo? brian: would it be red? lawrence: very good. brian: that s why i m not a bulls fan. ainsley: have you all been to cabo. there was that bull that was loose on the beach. the lady was not wearing red. trying to feed the bull and it attacked her. steve: keep in mind. there are tens of thousands of people every year who go to papatch leona spain to run in front of the bull wear the rednecker chiefs. brian: if i could quote the president, don t. [laughter] steve: it doesn t work. brian: meanwhile, president biden, once again, mixing up two very different countries. i mean the idea we had wait all those months just to get the money for iraq? brian: congressman ryan. lawrence: congress ryan zinke. brian: sorry. ainsley: brian, don t. brian: don t. nice to see you, congressman. mr. secretary. i get around (male vo) kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. summer is in full effect we are continuing to see that really warm air moving across the country. forecasted highs today. a whole lot of green out there. some of that could be severe weather. really highlighting an area across the northern plains. there is a stretch where you could see severe weather all the way down into texas. it s that red bullseye where you see the highest risk of big severe thunderstorms and isolated tornado his or her or there. and next couple of days and this is taking it through the week. florida is going to get round after round after round of rain. florida is going to be an issue for the sunshine state. brian, tossing it over to you. brian: thanks,adam. former president trump laying out his vision for america in battleground nevada on sunday. saying common sense trans sends all party afill united states. democrats are coming over. we are the party of common sense. we are a party of common sense. we want to have that strong military. we have to. i totally rebuilt the military. all of the things that we did, that s what they want this as the new york times piece tries to warn stronger border, more manufacturing jobs, law and order and end to foreign wars no. joke. that s supposed to scare people. joining us now his thoughts former cabinet secretary for president trump and now congressman in montana ryan zinke. great to see. great to be with you. i think they forget this is a movement. it s more than just a candidate. this is a movement because america is not where the biden administration is on almost any issue. what is interesting is. brian: so common sense works? you are not even talking conservative? and do what you say you are going to do. a promise made should be a promise kept. in the white house, when i walked. in steve bannon had an office just off the side there was a long list of things that president trump promised during the campaign. and this huge whiteboard was there and every time the president would accomplish one, that went off the board and this is what we are working on. and what you are seeing in this article yeah, we want a secure border. you know what he? also understands service industry. he says, you know what? let s not tax service industry tips. he gets it. if you are in the service industry. look, it s tough. not taxing tips. yeah, this is exactly what we need to do. common sense. you know, to feed the economy. brian: just so interesting because he ran in 2016 and 2020. the issues are coming full circle. when he is talking about law and order. putting federal troops into poorltd and talking about some of the unrest in the streets. like what are you doing you? are crazy. now they are saying coming. at the border, of course we need build a wall. of course we need control. of course we don t want 8 million people here that we don t know. and of course we want to have a strong military. it s rather than what do conservatives and liberals think. why like bill maher and jon stewart said what happened to logic and james carville, too. other thing i want to bring up foreign policy, you fight wars as well as representatives now in congress. the 39 of the united states overseas, went after republicans. which many presidents never would do. but here s what he said and here s what he got confused. the idea that we have become semiisolationists now that some are talking about. the idea we had to wait all those months just to get the money for iraq and because we i mean, it just it s just it s not who we are. it s not who america is. brian: see iraq and iran. very rare iraq and ukraine. when you talk about isolationism. you talk about the biden administration. start with afghanistan. no plan in ukraine. $130 billion, we have no plan. israel on fire. first time that direct strike from iran. we are talking icbm launch. direct strike. we do nothing but shoot them down. and of course you had isolationists our allies don t trust us and our enemies don t fear us. that isolates the u.s. brian: you guys wrote a check for $65 billion and you said get them equipment. did you that. none of the equipment has arrived. he wants to focus on the delay in congress. that s fine. that ship has sailed. the real issue is where s the stuff? where is the training of the f-16 pilots? where are the f 16s? it s been a year and a half. how long does it take to deliver something that was on pallets ready do go. and withholds ammunition from israel. still doing it. right? it is willful or incompetence, i m thinking it s a little bit of both. look at our foreign policy in the middle east. and this administration, many of them were obama retreads, have an affinity towards iran. it s almost at the state department has been compromised. because inside there is this sympathy and support of iran from the sanctions and now this action. i think america is figuring it out. brian: many people at the state department don t like the country. that s been the case for a long time. congressman, i will talk to you more on radio if that s okay. i look forward to it. brian: good to see you and good luck with your re-election. ryan and five seals in congress we are going to get seven. brian: let s see it. congressman, thank you so much. go over to carley who i know you are a fan of. carley: i m fan of his and yours, too brian. brian: thank you. carley: more news to get. to say happening today, officials are surveying the now fully cleared shipping channel at the site where the francis scott key bridge collapsed. they will be inspecting under the water to make sure it s safe for the channels to reopen. operations started about an hour ago after it reopens crews will still be working to remove more debris from outside the channel throughout the month. it s a huge job ongoing now. home surveillance video capturing a fire spreading close to a home in cots dale, arizona. look at that this happened before firefighters were age to put it out. the homens owner says she was watching the live feed in horror after flames sparked in a neighboring to move towards her house. firefighters put out the blaze after neighbors tried extinguishing it themselves. officials say the fire was accidently sparked by nearby construction workers who were putting up a fence. friends and colleagues of jailed wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich gathering in brooklyn yesterday, holding a barbecue to raise awareness of his 14 months in russian prison. great reporter, great friends. and he should be here barbecuing with us right now. evan loves mixing different groups of people. that s what we have done here. we have the wall street journal reporters, we have friends of evan s from high school and college. just to keep him just spare a thought for him because it s going to be a tough summer for him in prison. and we want people to and we wanted him to know that people are rooting for him. carley: gershkovich is scheduled to appear back in russian court at the end of this month. those are the headlines, brian, over to you. brian: if president trump wins is he going to make that a priority he said. thank you so much. hunter biden s federal gun trial resumes we will wait to see if he actually takes the stand. gregg jarrett on the impact that will have. that s his picture. 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[stomach noises] gas. or abdominal discomfort. help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it s time to try align. steve: welcome back. in about 90 minutes, hunter biden s federal gun trial set to resume in delaware. the second week kicking off as we wait to see if hunter himself will testify. joining us now is fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. greg, good morning to you. gregg: good morning, steve. steve: so, what are the possibilities that hunter biden, after all that damaging testimony is going to say, you know what? i want to sit down and explain it all? gregg: yeah. i think it s close to zero percent. he would get shredded on cross-examination. and open the door more rebuttal witnesses who would make him look even more guilty. his problem is there s no defending the indefensible. the evidence is overwhelming e lied. he incriminated himself on the laptop. and his own book. witnesses confirm the lie. remember, prosecutors, steve, don t have to prove that he was addicted on the day of the purchase. only the general time frame. they have done that easily. so in a normal case, this would be a hasty conviction. but, you know, it s delaware. it s the biden s personal thiefdom and a friendly jury. steve: that s right. as we said during the trump trial it just takes one because and we remember from jury picking. every person on this jury said, yeah, i know somebody who was addicted to drugs or alcohol or something like that. so, there is a sympathetic, you know, under current there along with the fact there could be jury nullification. oh, let s not do that. gregg: yeah, his main defense is really quite desperate that he was so addicted that he was in denial about his addiction, therefore, didn t knowingly lie. but, the law being addled by drugs is not a defense, which means, as you point out, steve, his real defense is a combination of sympathy for a recovering addict and jury nullification, ignore the facts, disregard the law. it doesn t matter that the supreme court has said, you know, juries have no right to negate the law. they do it anyway. because the secrecy of deliberations protects them. they can do as they please and not explain it. steve: you know, the other thing that we don t know exactly what the impact has been, but, the first lady has been in the front row every day of the trial. today, the president of the united states is in delaware. he s got nothing on his schedule until 5:00 or 6:00 tonight. he flies back to the white house for a juneteenth concert. can you imagine if the president of the united states showed up during closing arguments and jury instructions what message that would send to the pima jury box who, in that state, 60% of them voted for joe biden. bidens have long and disgraceful record of influence peddling, maybe it extends to trying to unduly influence a jury with joe suddenly showing up. that s risky and fool hearty. would like like such an overt act to try to send a visual message to the jurors mae hey, i m the president. this is my state, you owe it to me. i think that my boomerang against him. but, you know. if nothing else, steve. this trial has blown the lid off the lie that the laptop was stolen or russian disinformation. first witness put that one to rest. steve: see what happens in 90 minutes it all kicks off. greg, thank you very much. gregg: okay. thanks. steve: meanwhile on this monday a stunning new report revealing how bad pandemic learning loss was for our kids. dr. marc siegel says it s time for parents to take action because it s medical monday. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. uh-huh. uh-huh. or mr. tackled the inbox so it s room service time at a radisson hotel! ohh, effervescent. uh, excuse me! sorry, can i just uh. oh, selfie? yeah. c mon on in! oh! ah, no. i just wanted to order. ohhh. uh, coming into the bar. book direct at where travels come true. gonna write this down right quick. innovation in health care means nothing if no one can afford it. at evernorth, we re helping to unlock barriers. using our 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits management experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence. helping plan sponsors and their members be at their best. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. ainsley: america s children continue to feel the impact of learning loss brought on by the pandemic. according to a new survey, 9 #% of elementary school teachers say their students are struggling more with listening and following directions compared to five years ago. 85 percent said the same about peer interaction and 77 percent said about using basic classroom supplies. joining us now is fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel, hey, dr. siegel. marc: hi, ainsley good to be with you. good morning. ainsley: makes parents very nervous what do we do? dr. siegel: sealing this an education week survey as you showed it s frightening. the word listening, sharing, socialization. can you imagine of a kid and we are talking about kids from pre-k up to 3rd grade don t know how to listen and the vast majority of teachers, that s how you learn is by listening. and this is really disturbing. now, the cdc has also shown that we are at 11% of kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ainsley. all-time high. you said what do you do about it. you are already doing it with your daughter. let me tell you what do you about it. you make it family-based. you take it out of the classroom and back into the family and you try to limit the amount of screen time and social media use and internet use that your kids have. because, other surveys show and other studies show it s directly correlated with anxiety and the inability to learn. ainsley: yeah. have you seen a difference in what children are faced with nowadays? i feel like every parent is worried we are all hiring tutors to help our kids in second and third grade. we are trying to give them i remember one teacher told me if you want your child to listen more. you need to give them a 1, 2, 3, like brush your honor teeth, go be pick out your books, put on your pajamas, like they are good with a list. i feel like our parents never worried about this kind of thing. they let us grow up. that s really a good point. that s a really good lesson you just said how you have to get back to basics with your kids. do you know why? it isn t just schools the way i just said. it s also that during the pandemic, over 3 years. kids were isolated. and they were on their iphones at a very young age. i mean before the age of five. and they were home and they were shut down our schools were closed. so the basics play time. i think you learn more in play time by the way than you actually learn sitting in a class sometimes. that was shut down. there wasn t physical education. that was shut down. fear of spreading the virus. when it comes to public health. have you got to look at the consequences and the costs of what you are doing. we saw this happening early on. kids wearing masks can t read other kids faces. can t read the teachers faces. you are right. you have to get back to basics with your child. and you have to be calm and soothing and caring and loving and love will get us through. this we have a long way to go. we have to overcome math and reading scores are way down as well. ainsley: i know. math has dropped 7 points after the pandemic and reading dropped 5 points after the pandemic. dr. siegel, thank you so much. dr. siegel: great to see you, ainsley. ainsley: you too. let s throw it over to carley she had a business addition of fox and trends. carley: scenes like this are apparently becoming more common in the workplace. i m saying pam. i m sorry, who is this gentleman sitting behind you. hello, misled. i m dale, i m vernon s stepbrother. i think i might be able to help with the panel, pam dilemma. carley: that will be great. a quarter of gen z job seekers are involving their parents in the interview process. 31% had a parent join them for their in person interview. if you believe that. 29% had them join a virtual interview. there is also this, blue collar workers are going viral. the wall street journal says it s because, quote: gen z plumbers and construction workers are making blue collar cool. in today s episode we got a little kitchen going on. and i felt the sense of drano and fish sauce hit my nostrils. trend setter, league of my own it don t get better. carley: i get it. according to the wall street journal, there were more than half a million posts using #blue collar on tiktok in just the first four months of this year. 64% increase compared to 2023. blue collar is cool, guys. steve: that s right. and somewhere mike rowe is saying i told you that. carley: yeah, right? steve: thing about these people are show thawing can actually do stuff if you put your phone down for one minute. carley: only thing about that is you put the phone down to do this stuff but you are recording the thing you are doing on your phone. so the phone is still a part of it. but i also think that a reason why this blue collar is cool shows real america. people are into it. lawrence: also, you don t have to go to college and you don t need all that debt and we don t have to pay for it. carley: not paying a student loan so cool. ainsley: become the electrician you own the company. lawrence: pass it down to your kids. ainsley: your name is on the truck. brian: i would love a situation where you do both. you learn a trade and you go to school. i would love to see both. ainsley: i agree with that i like a college education. brian: fix something. steve: learn a lot today on fox & friends. look who coming ahead. stay with us, folks. brian: yeah. they look nice. really nice i can guarantee the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn t have a dark side? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240610

for me the for the people that came to help, it was really just all in a day s work situations like this really show everyone and certainly showed us in this instance just how much all of us out in the world depend on all of you and again, i want to thank the crew from medic 24 firefighter hayden campbell, firefighter, paramedic, atom iq, and fire inspector paramedic, kimberly booser, who helped bring gray into the world. i got to be reunited with them over the weekend and i also learned when i spoke to adam and his crew, they were just as happy as i was to have a friendly female face on that crew. thank you. to kim for taking charge because man, she did. we also do want to just take a moment to thank all of the first responders here in the district of columbia, but across the country that all of us trust with our lives every day, because you really have no idea when you might need to make that call and having those people on the other end of the line makes all the difference in the world. they are truly lifesavers, so thank you to all of them, thanks to our panel, thanks to all of you for joining us. i m kasie hunt. don t go anywhere. cnn news central starts right this morning. a former president meets with his probation officer, you wonder if james madison had that in mind when writing the constitution what can donald trump say that might impact? his sentence? tony blinken back in the middle east set to meet with the israeli prime minister just after the dramatic hostage rescue operation in gaza. and a key number of his war cabinet resigns and now the us is calling for a new un security council vote and back-to-back shark attacks does miles apart part off the coast of florida officials are now issuing a warning because of it. i m kate bolduan. would john berman, sarah sayyed is out. this is cnn news central morning something no former president has ever done donald trump will sit for a pre-sentencing interview with this probation officer. this interview will be part of the report the probation department will submit to judge juan were shot ahead of trump s sentencing on july 11, and for normal defendants it could be a significant factor in determining whether there will be present time. of course, donald trump is not a normal defendant. will this now cnn, chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller jaume, we ve got some new information about how this will be similar and different to other meetings like this. so the normal process is that the probation officer sits with the defendant and in some cases, in this case, the defendant s lawyer and they go through a tick list. it s what is your home situation? du you live in a stable environment? do you have employment? can you get employment? are you suffering from any drug addiction? what is your criminal background as it violent in this case, donald trump is going to be different from a lot of defendants. in fact, the vast majority he lives in a triplex at the top of a building with his name on it. he has no criminal record. and yet like any other defendants, he does have multiple other open felony cases but as far as employment, drugs, and so on the question that they re trying to resolve at the probation department as a couple of things, but key to it is is he a good candidate for the community corrections environment in english, that means the prison correction environment, or being on probation without going to jail, but having to accept the conditions of probation. now, a lawyer present in bys zoo this will not be in-person and todd blanche will be there with donald trump. how unusual is that? is that what joe schmo, defendant normally gets? joe schmo defendant usually it comes down to see the probation officer, their probation officer wants to get a look at him or her, get a sense of that. but during covid, the system had to keep going. so virtual probation interviews became a thing. and this makes sense because he s in another city. you said probation here. what would probation exactly mean for donald trump so probation is if you are convicted of a crime and they say we re not going to incarcerate you, but we need to check up on you to make sure you re not going to re-offend or you re not re-offending parole is when you go to jail and they let you out early and they check on you after the fact. so this is an interesting thing. the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg went to a lot of trouble to bring this case and to get this conviction. and he said in his controversial day one memo that he wants less people to go to jail especially in non and violent crimes, but he didn t single out white-collar crimes. so we don t know what they re going to ask for. and then very finally, john, this meeting will happen today well, we hear what comes out of it or how will we know what comes out of it? so technically we shouldn t hear what comes out of it the psr or the pre-sentencing report goes from the new york city department of probation to that state supreme court judge juan merchan. and it is to help him as he decides on the sentence, whether it s in jail or prison, or whether it s on probation. didn t what those conditions should be if it s probation, donald trump will probably have to check in with a probation officer once a month. sometimes once a week. he sounds more like a once a month candidate. and make sure he doesn t get arrested again, that s days out of trouble. john miller and education as always, thanks so much for being here this wall civics lesson really is no. i mean, all this stuff is new to me. donald trump will learn a lot about it today, no doubt, it s good that you don t know about. i appreciate that. so far yet, but the things john miller doesn t know. so we ll hunter biden, take the stand or are we now just hours away from closing arguments very soon, you could have that answer as hunter biden s trial gets back underway in delaware next hour, the president s don is facing multiple charges related to a 2018 drug purchase. he has pleaded not guilty. so where did things go now after what end? the week with the week ending last week with very dramatic and emotional testimony. marshall cohen is outside court for us. how soon do you expect to have that answer of where this really is headed and how fast march kate good morning. we should find out pretty soon because the proceedings resume here in wilmington, delaware at 8:10 and am just about one hour from now. and one of the first items on the agenda is to have an answer from the defense. they told the judge that they want wanted to take the weekend to think this over, figure out the final contours of their strategy. if hunter is going to take the stand in his own defense, or if they re going to rest their case to move on to closing arguments. now why might they want to do that? we ve always said it s unlikely and it would be incredibly risky. but before the trial, they said then some of their court filings that one of the things that they would want him to tell the jury if he decided to testify in his own defense was that he has been cleaned sober, and law abiding since 2019. kate, the jury is heard so much testimony about his rampant drug abuse, really painting him anyway sorry struggling and negative light they said, if he did testify, he would want to convey to the jurors directly that he s been cleaned for several years now, but of course, if he did testify, prosecutors could grill him and they said in filings that they would probably want to bring up his discharge from the navy ten years ago after a positive drug test and that they might try to attack his credibility by bringing up that in their view, he not only light on this gun for him, but he s also lied on his taxes. so a huge decision, it would be a risky move. we should find out in about one hour so then add it all up with the caveat of it s uncertain what we re going to hear right when court picks back up, but how soon could the jury have this case well, if he doesn t testify, then it s time for closing arguments. both sides will be able to give their final push to the jury on why they think they should get a conviction or an acquittal, then there s jury instructions as well from the judge educating the jurors, instructing them on the laws in this case. the elements of the alleged crimes and how they should conduct their deliberations. now, one of the things that the defense wants the judge to instruct the jury you re about today during those instructions, is what they call their theory of the case. the simplest, most straightforward reason why in their view, this trial should to end with three not guilty verdicts. and they told the judge that she should instruct the jury that hunter biden, quote, did not believe that he was either a drug user or addict at that time when he bought the gun and when he possessed the gun, they ve said all along that if he did not know, he was a drug addict, if he did not no, he was a user than he cannot be convicted of these crimes. so it could happen today, kate, it very likely will and i ll pick back up an hour from now. thank you, marshall. appreciate the reporting. still ahead for us secretary of state back in the middle east and about to meet with israeli prime minister prime minister now facing a new reality after that dramatic hostage rescue operation in gaza is quickly followed by a key resignation from his war cabinet. the test now for blinken ahead as we learn new details about that rescue operation. plus nvidia is one of the hottest stocks of the year of 144%. and now the major change hitting today the market s about to open and they ve woken a monster that is the new reaction from caitlin clark after learning, she will not be playing on the us olympic team in the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t the higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn streaming on max three body serie a city client uses city s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving. some more pet parents can get everything they need, right? when they need it. keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward for the love of progress, right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt you seen in the dirt, you don t your corporates aren t clean until they re stanley steamer the clean. his name were trying to save the planet with nuggets because we need the planet and we also need nuggets impossible. we re setting the meat problem with more meat certainly a not take kids don t need one. well, i m pretty sure kids doing it warned now you re thinking of plans. how many such daily show tonight at 11 comedy central with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you ll even have to be 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problems gobi may cause low blood sugar and people with diabetes especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest depression or thoughts some suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. would we go? hey, i m losing weight i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risks , healthier. with the aura ring in these territories meno come try you we use that much this year evan had much needed, but yeah. in american saga, we did are happening now, us secretary of state antony blinken has arrived in the middle east for meetings at a precarious moment, he will meet with the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and also later, ben again hence, who just quit israel s war cabinet to protest netanyahu is handling of the war. cnn s oren liebermann live in tel aviv this morning. what a tumultuous few days there aren t john, this was such a celebratory moment and it s still is after a major operation to rescue four israeli hostages from a densely populated area in gaza. but the israeli government itself is already fractured following that with prime minister benjamin netanyahu trying to thank gone to one of his war cabinet members who just quit the government hospital in central israel. they hug does if there was no tomorrow because for so long they feared there wouldn t be four israeli hostages were rescued from gaza in israeli operation on saturday after eight months of captivity among the rescued, one of the most well-known hostages, noa argamani, were united with her father here video from october 7 showed her pleading. were held as kidnappers drove her into gaza and you d like a shield that s her father. thanked he israeli military for the rest. but reunions like this remain all too rare. this is only the third successful israeli rescue operation since the war began. while elite media reunited with her son, almog, one day before her birthday yes. still androids and 20 hostages in gaza and this will be want a deal. now the daring daytime operation in the new sayyed refugee camp in central gaza lifted the spirits of a nation but unity was fleeting as anti-government protests demanded a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages, and a ceasefire saudi on sunday war cabinet member benny gantz resigned from the government, accusing prime minister benjamin netanyahu of slow walking the war for his own political gain netanyahu vowed to keep pushing towards total victory over hamas the cost of which was once again apparent witnesses in gaza describe israel s operation as hell on earth inside a dense residential area with the crowds of mid-day positive juno an increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes palestinians rushed the wounded to ambulances in this disturbing video, many, including women and children, bore the horrific scars of heavy bombardment. i ll aqsa martyrs hospital quickly filled with the injured, the dead next were eating people s remains. we pulled out six martyrs, all torn up. children and women the operation drew swift and severe international condemnation and hamas called it a massacre. the palestinian ministry of health in gaza says more than 270 were killed in the israeli strikes. 700 wounded which would make it one of the deadliest days for gaza in months. the idf disputes those numbers, saying it estimated the number of casualties was less than 100. cnn cannot independently verify these figures on sunday, national security adviser jake sullivan told cnn s dana bash that innocent people were tragically killed in this operation he called on hamas to accept a ceasefire. that s on the table right now. and the best way to end this war is for hamas to say yes to the deal president biden announced and that israel has accepted what s unclear now is how easy it is to accept this deal from israel sayyed with guns, quitting the government netanyahu has even more pressure from his far-right coalition partners who have threatened the dissolve the government if he accepts the ceasefire deal. so this is not at all an easy path forward as blinken expected to arrive here later on today, john. yeah, it will be interesting to see the impact of the hostage rescue combined with benny gantz leaving the war cabinet. the impact that will have on negotiating oren liebermann. terrific new details in that report. thank you so much so temperatures, so hot they could kill you, were millions of americans need to be extremely careful today and then a catastrophic failure that is what officials say after a large chunk of one of the country s most beautiful highways cracked and then collapsed in a landslide if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the 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don t freak out the share price is about to shrink dramatically, but it s not a glitch. it s actually a sign of success. so as you mentioned and videos, just having this legendary period of success lately, they power these computer chips that really ron artificial intelligence. and so they re so hot that the board announced a ten for one stock split. that means that the stock is going to go from closing on friday above $1,200 a piece. to just over $120 reason why companies do this is because they re trying to make the share price more accessible, right? when a stock goes into the high hundreds of dollars for a lot of the market exactly. it makes it harder for smaller investors to take a piece of it. now, the market value is onchange. this is really just a cosmetic change, but this is something that a lot of other successful tech companies have done. apple, amazon and tesla have all done it. and it s really a sign that, the company is on a positive run because the share price has gone up, it s actually a good problem to have talked to me about. i mean, you re hitting a lot of its ai, but what is driving videos six nvidia for the longest time was known as the company that powers computer chips for videos so games and then they made this bet ten years ago that they could become the brains of artificial intelligence. and that paid off massively. look at this gd or ec stock price rise, just five years ago, you could buy the stock for about 50 bucks. now, it s above $1,200 last month and video revealed that its revenue tripled year-over-year of its profits or more than 7-fold. it s now worth more than 3 $3 it s an incredible amount of money. if you compare nvidia it s worth the same amount as starbucks, boeing, city, at&t, jp jpmorgan, tesla, exon, home depot and walmart combined just one company is worth the same as all of these household brands. in fact, nvidia is now one of the most valuable companies in america, worth more than amazon, more than google owner alphabet, last week, it even briefly topped apple and it s really not far behind microsoft, which of course is another ai play, because they have their own ai chatbot and leave invested in openai, the company behind chatgpt. but guess what, computer chips, power chatgpt, invidious this has come, this company is already huge and it feels like what you re telling me, the sky s the limit where this thing is headed. it s good to see things much. let s see what happens with wow. there s number is, that chart was crazy fans. all right, talking about kraze bans wild plane ride passengers is saying that they could feel the hale hitting the plane. and now now we are seeing the damage left behind after a dangerous landing for one austrian airlines flight. just look at that damage and some are calling get an error ball. caitlin clark is calling it no big deal, but it s also is also making clear she has found brand new motivation to drive for new wnba career. we ll be back simons are going off and the tornado here. i m thinking die. and i thought that was it one when earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn recipes. recipes written by hand. lost to time are now being analyzed and restored using the power of delhi how long have you been tracking our car s value with carbonic? just like seven months, shubi we hold old silver vans are gone for more right now. should we are low mileage is paying off. you think we should depreciations really heating up you are already sold the car ivana go to car ivana and track your car s value today it s so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. why don t you just get a fixed? all right. so what do we do now? let s scheduled an appointment as safe told him he is here scheduled free mobile service at safe flight, that we pay are safe, like we place from roger two. we there yet so many ways to save life ready, while it happened that s 365 by whole foods market buys helping me get my money rights to achieve my ambitions. like earning more money on my money s a head shop, ready for service thank was so phi to earn a higher apy and an welcome bonus what the role turn everyone comfortable? yeah. there s plenty of space. debris, gun no, no, don t don t don t everyone wants her, right. okay. gabe and see despicable me before and theaters july 3rd, rated pg. its terms day but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. like me, neutrogena ultras years for sunscreen, sharp, that s the until june 16 and get up to 30% off father s day gifts that go beyond the classic go-to save on personalized gear. and other things. dads do when you want one of a kind gift to show him, he s number one, etsy has it you will mate to find inner peace we were her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. a pro pain-free absorbing pro the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27. nine live on cnn and streaming on max overnight. a mayday emergency call after an austrian airlines flight suffered a significant amount of damage flying through a thunderstorm nearly 180 people were on board. the plane s nose was seriously damaged. the top of the cockpit, bent and the glass of the windows of the copic pratt the plane did land safely despite the damage. the catastrophic landslide in wyoming, a section of the famed teton pass, pretty much just fell off the side through the mountain. this is a critical route between wyoming and idaho, not to mention, you know, estimates on when it could reopen new mornings this morning from north korea as tensions with south korea escalate, overnight, north korea sent balloons filled with trash across the border that was in response to what it calls psychological warfare by south korea, south korea announced it will resume broadcasting. anti north korean propaganda in border regions so two shark attacks and florida, just a few miles apart, one woman had to have part of her arm amputated just 90 minutes after that first attack, a shark bit, two teenage girls in waist deep water cnn s rafael romo has the latest on this. rafael john. good morning. and then there was one more we re talking about three shark attacks in the united states over the weekend, three people were injured in two incidents in florida on friday and the men died in hawaii on saturday. this is what we know authority say a 39-year-old man died after what they describe as a shark encounter off the coast of maui, the first fatal attack in hawaii since a snorkel or die there in 2022, the day before, two separate attacks happened in florida in an area between destine and panama city beach in the span of less than 90 minutes and only about four months biles apart, according to authorities are 45-year-old woman suffered significant trauma to her midsection and pelvic area, as well as the amputation of her left lower arm. and the second attack, the victims were two girls between the ages of 15 and 17. the first victim suffered what officials described a significant injuries to one upper and one when lower extremity, both requiring the application of a tourniquet, the second victim has minor wounds to her right foot. one county officials said, what happened is both tragic and terrifying, but historically, shark attacks are exceedingly rare. they re highly unusual and it s extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon when four miles of one another is the sheriff mentioned we re reaching out to us to speak to subject matter experts as to what may, you know, what may be causing that but golf temperatures, the steering current, whatever that is and you may remember that on may 28, there was another incident and galveston beach where a 19-year-old woman was bitten in her left hand by a shark, but survived as reported by cnn affiliate k prc on sunday, that south walton fire this strict in florida issued a warning on x, say the following. we are guests in the gulf. the post says, we all must accept some amount of risk when entering the water that does not take away from these two ladies whose lives are changed forever, but looking for someone to blame is not the answer. they said over the weekend, walton county officials were flying yellow and purple flags for moderate surf hazards and the precedence of dangerous marine life after what happened there friday, john, back to you. all right. rafael romo following this forest, raphael. thank you very much kate. now for eight months in captivity, four israeli hostages are now back home after a dramatic rescue operation. can saturday. and from ever all of everything we ve seen, it was overwhelming for the families of the four that were rescued. yet there are still believed to be 116 israeli hostages still being held captive in gaza today, meaning so many families are still left waiting one of those families is the family of abbe own abby s an american citizen who lives in israel five of her family were either killed or taken hostage in the hamas attacks two of her family, eight-year-old, carmella dan, and 13-year-old noa dan, you see them there. they were killed 12-year-old arrays and his sisters, 16-year-old. so har they were taken hostage and released in november. their father oh, fair calderon. he s still being held in gaza. an abbe on joins us now. abby, thank you for coming back on we ve talked so many times now in the last eight months, how does it feel today? we re how did it feel even on saturday getting the news that the four hostages were rescued and back safely and israel it was super emotional we were we were out. were outdoors with friends and family and we heard the news. and literally she started crying it s it was unmatched. it s unbelievable almost that it was real. and we thought for a second it was a rumor. and then we got confirmation and i think we just cried for hours because as much as we want the 116 for everyone s be home to know that for families will hold again, was amazing it s also now been eight months that ofer has been held hostage what is the latest, if anything, have you heard anything is he still believed to be alive he s believed to be alive. we are fighting to bring them home alive. look, last week was an emotional week it started off with four hostages being declared dead. three of them, amir, i m cooper, chaim peri, yoram metzger, from your odds and so it continues to be a living trauma for sauron areas for their mother, for all of our extended family to know that the people that are there or not safe, that every single day, every minute, every hour, it s urgent that we get an out of it. we get them home and seeing those four people, three of whom we ve seen in a video, alive to know that they were killed in captivity only makes this more urgent. and the fight for over more do allow yourself to feel disappointment when your heart also verse for joy for those families, just the pain of knowing that affairs was not among the four this time, how how do you deal with those feelings? it was it was this really intense moment because they said, it s no argamani and three men and i was like i just, you know, my whole body expanded and i was i was shocked because men are not the category of people that would be coming out in some sort of agreement. and so it was really, really surprising and ultimately you feel joy and happiness for anyone that comes out because it is in nightmare. it is a nightmare of eight months of 248 days for every single family member for the hostages, for anyone involved in this conflict. and we just know that if a hostages would be released, that any any of the challenges of this conflict would immediately be deflated. and that s our goal, is to make sure that every single one of them come home. and that this conflict ends you have made the point. i ve looked back at our conversations. i mean, you ve made the point in every conversation that we ve had to say that you don t want to see any deaths anymore, whether it be on the side of israel or amongst the people in gaza and how does that feel today okay. everything is devastating and heartbreaking. i have never in my life as an american or someone that lived in israel for the last decade i ve never lived through a war on the soil where i reside. and to know what happened, turn october 7, and to think about and appropriate response, there s no such thing but to know that the terror to happen them seventh or any of the deaths that have happened since are all unnecessary. there has to be a different way. and i just know the first step toward that solution is bringing the hostages home. i mean, i mourn every single leinz. there s no question. and i wish that our leaders, both in israel and the united states and around the world with steph, up even higher than they are now, and figure out a way to end this. this is something that cannot continue. now for family members, not for the rest of the world, not for the people who are suffering on the ground gaza, but the hostages and palestinians, it has to end president biden s national security adviser was asked what impact he thinks this rescue operations saturday will have on what we re talking about on the ceasefire negotiations with hamas. let me play for you. what jake sullivan said yesterday, api it s really hard to say, right now. it s hard to say how hamas will process this particular operation and what it will do to its determination about whether it will say yes or not. we have not gotten a formal answer from hamas i set this time even before the bigger impact on overall negotiations. i mean, just what does your gut tell you that you think that the rescue operation of these four hostages from the hands-off hamas will mean for oh, fair i hope if he hears that he feels some sort of hope that his army and its country are fighting for him but i truly believe that there has to be a negotiated agreement because this was a dangerous operation, because soldiers, for the hostages, and for anyone in the acidity. and we don t want to see more death. we want to see the 116 brought home with the minimum amount of death that s that s everyone s goal. they were taken from a party from their beds, from their homes. these are innocent civilians that should be brought home and the pressure in my opinion, needs to be on hamas to release them because if that pressure is big enough, then we get to a place where we can negotiate an agreement i feel so much joy that these four people are home, but i don t believe that putting our soldiers and hostages and other civilians in harm s way is a it s the best the best self forward abby. thank you so much. i m so thankful to see you again and i look forward to the de that we re talking about, the return of all fair thank you so much for coming on. it s going to happen thank you so much, john wright new comments this morning from caitlin clark, the star wnba rookie speaking for the first time after learning, she is not on the roster of the us olympic team competing in paris. cnn s coy wire is with us this morning. this was surprising. i think to people who maybe have just been introduced to the wnba this year yeah, john, there s no doubt about it. there are very strong opinions on both sides of this debate of whether or not caitlin clark should have made team usa for women s hoops many say it s a missed opportunity. the indiana fever phenom has helped shatter viewership and attendance records dating all the way back to her iowa hawkeyes college days. and now in, the, w, she s currently top 15 in the wnba and scoring nearly 17 points per game. she s coming off her best game as a pro scoring 30 points on friday. now, many others are saying that it s completely justifiable that she is not on this projected roster. take a look at this roster of four the 12th players have no previous olympic experience of those for each of them, or at least to time wnba all-stars, none of these players on this projected roster are under the age of 26. clark still just 22, says that being left off of this roster will only make her better listen yeah, they called me and let me know before everything came out, which was really respectful of them and i appreciated that they the same for ever go that made the team for every girl that didn t make the team. yeah, there s a lot of players in an olympic pool, so it wasn t like i was only when they had to call that a mccloud few calls. honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you something to work for you. it s a dream, you know, hopefully we can be there think it s just a little more motivation do you remember that? and, you know, hopefully in four years before you comes back around you and i can be there. she got the call on the bus and she texts me to let me know and i just tried to keep our spirits. i mean, the thing she said was, hey coach, they woke a monster, which i thought was awesome. they woke a monster john love that line of a us women are seeking an eighth straight gold at the olympics dating back to 1996, the olympics or just 46 days away, and other basketball news, john berman, celtics are to know nba finals against the dallas mavericks. i m convinced he doesn t want to jinx his it s team. and that s why we re not talking about them this morning. we will speak nothing of it, but noted coy wire. great to see you this morning. thanks very much a little girl in illinois, i will soon receive potentially life life-changing gifts, golani lens was born without her left hand was that a arms limit her ability to grip things are carry small objects but the third grader will receive what is called a hero arm, the 3d printed prosthetic limb has fingers that are more for mobile and we ll give sky a better grip she can do everything that we can do with two hands she just figures it out. welcome. that differently, but it gives you the opportunity for independence, and dependence and being able to do things mostly on your own, even more so than what you do know the arnon will be, paid for by the open bionics foundation and community donations. sky will get it next month so temperatures they could hit 120 25 degrees, millions of americans under dangerous heat 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destroying our country in nevada is being turned into a dumping ground and you are the whole country she is being turned into a an absolute dumping ground. the illegal immigrants are turning and they re turning at a level that nobody s ever seen before. they re fighting. our families that some of donald trump s message to supporters at an nevada campaign rally yesterday. trump campaign has high hopes for the state that joe biden won and 2020 from the stage, trump focused on slamming biden s new executive action on border security, and he launched his own latino americans for trump coalition. there s also new cnn reporting that president joe biden is considering following his recent border move with a second move on immigration that could protect some undocumented spouses of us citizens from deportation cnn, steve contorno, arlette saenz, both working different angles of this for us. so steve, what more did you hear from donald trump yesterday well, it was a continued attack kate on joe biden s record and that has been central to his outreach to latino voters in black voters and other voters of color. essentially, that your life under trump presidency was better than it has been under joe biden. that is the central case that he is making to voters of, of every shot stripe and it s coming even as you hear that that dark rhetoric about immigration, trump is promising to deport millions of americans. and one of the largest deportation operations in the country s history, if he wins and yet he. is polling suggests that he continues to make headway with latino, spanish-speaking voters four years ago, joe biden won latino voters, handle these 65% of those voters, one for joe biden, trump just got 32%. now, you re seeing almost parody not only nationally, but he s battleground states like nevada and trump also did make a promise that will certainly affect a lot of latino workers who work in the culinary industry. he made a promise about what he would do with tipped wages if he wins. take a listen when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people making we re gonna do that right away. first taking office because it s been a point of contention for years and years and years. and you do a great job of service, should take care of people now, the culinary union that represents nevada workers are very powerful union put out a statement blasting this proposal. they said quotes nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions while campaign promises of a convicted felon, kate that s quite a statement coming from the union right there. steve arlette, what are you learning then about this new reporting on another immigration move potentially by president biden okay. sources have told cnn that the biden administration is considering a new step that could potentially offer legal status to undocumented immigrants who are married to us citizens, officials are looking at an existing authority called parole in place, which would shield the certain groups of undocumented immigrants from deportation and allow them to stay in the country and worked at legally while some of them would be able to seek citizenship, it s expected that this could impact about 750,000 to 800,000 undocumented immigrants at this moment. and it comes as it could potentially appeal to latino voters in states like nevada, arizona, and georgia. but this also comes as the administration is trying to shore up support, not just with latinos, but also progressives and immigration advocates. many groups access frustration with president biden s executive action last week that essentially shut off the asylum process for undocumented immigrants are who are coming to the country illegally when a certain daily threshold hold is met, you ve heard progressives who said that that is similar to policies that were adopted adopted during the trump era, and groups like the aclu have threatened to sue the admin ministration to try to stop this over the weekend, a homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas defended the administration s moves. take a listen but i respectfully disagree with the aclu. i anticipate they will sue us. we stand by the legality of what we have done. we stand by the value proposition. it s not only a matter of securing the border, martha, we have a humanitarian obligation to keep vulnerable people out of the hands of exploitative smugglers now it all comes as president biden is really trying to address a politically vexing issue increasingly, immigration, border security has risen in the list of concerns for voters heading into 2024, you take a look at polling at many believed that trump has would have better policies than biden. but at the same time, the president is i m also trying to shore up with key parts of his constituency, constituencies are heading into that november election. are let thank you so much, steve contorno. thank you as well. john wright with us now, senior spokesperson and adviser to the biden campaign aide or an l rod. thank you so much for being with us. this proposal reported proposal out there to provide some kind of legal status for the undocumented spouses of us citizens. what would that be designed to do? who would that be designed to help? yeah well john i certainly don t want to get into the front of the white house s announcement on this. but what i will say is the following, president biden is how to take matters into his own hands. is president, because congress failed to act. the most historic bipartisan piece of legislation that we have seen in front of congress in over a decade was stopped because maga republicans list sent to their leader, donald trump, who said, i don t want to give joe biden president joe biden, uh, when i don t want to give him a political victory during a 2024 presidential campaign year so president biden has had to take matters into his own hands by issuing executive actions that will will, will, will improve the situation at the border because congress failed to act and congress failed to act again, not because of democrats, but because of maga, republicans. how does providing a legal status for undocumented spouses of us citizens? how does that help people help the situation at the border well, again, i don t want to get in front of the white house on this, but i what i will say is that it s important that the president shall leadership on this, which is what president biden is doing. you see donald trump on the campaign turnout, tell talking about the border, talking about the crisis at the border, blaming democrats when really democrats are the ones john, who want to get something done, where are the ones who worked with republicans across the aisle to negotiate a historic deal that republicans immediately shot down in congress could have easily pass both chambers. they wouldn t let it pass because donald trump said to speaker johnson and other republicans in congress, i don t want to give joe biden to win this cycle. so president biden is doing what he can. he s using every lever his disposal, which of course is, you know, john, when you re the president united states, you can do a lot, but you are somewhat limited in terms of what you can do without congress acting. so it s very important that president biden, you do what he can in the executive branch, but he also hopes that congress will act hello, to play some sound from before. one of donald trump s events in nevada yesterday. in its rhetoric from marjorie taylor greene and another republican supporter. and it s the type of thing that we have heard on the trail recently, which is almost messianic rhetoric concerning donald trump. listen to this oh president trump as a convicted felon what you want to know, something the man that i worship is also a convicted felon and he was murdered on a roman cross is sensitive park to worship and bring back the grid is present we ve ever known in our generation so what do you think when you hear rhetoric like that i don t even know what to think, john, i mean, look, i i m not going to speak for the american people, but i think that rhetoric speaks for itself. and what our focus is, john, on this campaign is made make sure that every single voter understands the contrast understands what is at stake that donald trump and his maga allies are focused on seeking revenge and retribution. they are running a negative campaign that is not focused on the american people, but it s focused on themselves. we are making sure that the american people understand that president joe biden in this fighting for them. he wants to continue his policies of lowering costs for families lowering prescription drug costs continuing his agenda of economic freedom. whereas are republicans are focusing, focusing on themselves and donald trump has made it very clear that if he steps back into the white house, he will rule as a dictator on day one. he will seek, you will use the white house to seek political are the engine retribution on his political enemies? he is said, things that, you know, he s, he s praised the third reich. he s used racist rhetoric at every chance that he has. president biden has delivered for the american people 15 million jobs record unemployment growth when it comes to latinos, in particular, at one point, john, when president donald trump was an office, there was 47% unemployment among latinos. joe biden has created over 4.8 million jobs for latinos. we want to make sure that every single voter, all latino voters, understand what s at stake and what president biden has delivered for them? adrian elrod, appreciate you being with us morning. thank you okay. more than 20 million people from california to arizona could be seeing triple digit or near triple-digit heat. let s get over to cnn s derek van dam tracking this one for us. derek, what are you looking at? yeah. kate, 30 is coming out of phoenix arizona warning that the high risk of heat stress or heat-related illness is present here in the city today, if you don t have access to adequate cooling or adequate hydration as well, they ve had 14 consecutive days where the mercury in the thermometer has climbed above one in hundred degrees and we have no relief really insight, especially this week, 20 million americans under some sort of heat alert, including heat warnings for vegas, sin city. it is sisley and their 11 consecutive days with temperatures above 100 degrees. this is the warmest start in the month of june for n

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Weekend Show 20240610

the traditional nuclear family do better on virtually all parameters.. dr. ben carson. the book. the perilous fight. he has a book about a soul, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. thank you so much, my pleasure. yes, sir, i hope you have a great week ahead, thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, as we say good night, a special word of thanks to those two sailed a cross an ocean to liberate a continent, especially those who did not sail back home, d-day, 80 anniversary. until next week you can find us on-line. good night from south carolina. . hello i am joey jones with molly line, cheryl casone and charlie hurt. welcome to the big weekend show . we have a big story tonight. trumps hot streak in hot las vegas. it is 110. but it does not feel it to me. we are sad here for a little while. if anybody gets tired, you will let me know. they were so worried everybody was so worried about you and they never mentioned me, i m up here sweating like a dog. joey: i feel his pain, he made a big promise, will get rid of taxes for service workers who make tips. a new fox poll showing trump is leading biden in the batter and today trump said if he wins nevada, we will win the whole thing. fox news senior correspondent alicia acuna is live near the las vegas strip, what you got? really good to see you, former president trump when he was in california he raced 33 and half million dollars from private fundraisers, then he came to las vegas and made news when he made this campaign promise. this is the first time i ve said this, for those hotel workers and people to get tips gear going to be very happy. because when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. it has been a point of attention for years and years and you do a great job of service, you take care of people. i think it s going to be something that is really deserved. more popular or unpopular i do some unpopular things they do what s right. the culinary union which represents 60000 hospitality workers issued a statement reading relief is definitely needed for tip earners, nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference and real solution while campaign promises from a convicted felon. during his western state swing, trump has also continued to hammer president biden s executive action to curb the number of seeking asylum. or could joe signed an executive order that is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-women trafficking, pro-human trafficking and pro-drug dealers, it s a pro drug dealer bill this week, it s ineffective it s not what he believes signed. what he signed means nothing. in fact it makes it easier in my opinion it opens the border further. if joe biden truly wanted to signed an executive order to stop the invasion, right now all he needs to do is say i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of a gentleman named donald j trump. from here trump heads back to mar-a-lago. joey: thank you. cheryl, i want to go to this first, trump is leading nevada by five points, that is the smart math, seven-point swing out of the outcome from 2020 where he lost to 48%, there is a big swing and he goes out there today and says listen. i m going to take away the tax on people earning their living through tips, carry cash just so i can tip in cash hopes they don t have the claimant. is that something that will resonate beyond the unions. cheryl: absolutely especially in a place like nevada that s a major service sector area that is tourism, the casinos, the convention center. absolutely that message is going to resonate in a place like that state. if you look at the other cases of the poll that we did, as far as feeling bad about their finances four times as many in the state of nevada say they re falling behind financially, that is 49% falling behind financially, 13% say they re getting ahead whether housing, taxes, the fact that the inflation is hitting them in the pocketbooks, all of those messages at the end of the day resonate not just in that state but across the country it is obvious. joey: seems like they would designate regardless of your partisan lien, more money in your pocket, that seems like a good idea. trump had more things to say about his opponent, not just the border policy was a bad idea that biden just sighed, this is what he had to say about this coming up with the debate were going to have. remember when joe said it s great to be in idaho and he was in iowa, he always does that. if i ever did that that would be over they would say that the end of his political career, he is cognitively impaired. we had a second test, i aced both of them, not easy days. biden should have a cognitive test, number one. they say it s unconstitutional, that s a good excuse. he should have a cognitive test, before the debate in two weeks he should take a drug test because i m willing to take one. joey: what do you think about that charlie? charlie: this is a good reminder of how unpredictable trump is and how entertaining he is on the stump, you know that his decision to announce the thing about tips was not something on his focus group or a ten-point plan that his economic team came up with. he realized the value of it and jumped on it. the fact that the service unions had to put out a statement so quickly is evidence of how effective the plank could be. once again, as we ve seen with a lot of the other unions shows the division between the union s leadership themselves and their members. their members are going to love this, the members don t care what their unions. joey: we say that a lot with republican candidate is especially trump, were there blue-collar work conservatives one of the topics in las vegas was immigration and not every democrat believes or is willing to acknowledge trump s immigration policy was successful, this is what chris coons had to say today. former president trump tried his gimmicks like building a border wall and is now threatening to nationalize and to federalize the national guard and use it to deport tens of millions of people already here in the united states. the difference between trump s approaching biden s approach is one of cruelty versus effectiveness. joey: let s look at this pull, this has 62% of respondents favor trump on the border to where 38 oppose, if you like democrats are off-base on this. molly: president trump, as we were talking about doing things that voters are appealing to like tips and place in las vegas nevada that cares about tourism, woody s going after this particular issue is something a lot of voters are paying attention to, they deeply deeply care about and is across the broad spectrum, what are the challenges the nevada this is for the new york times, to a mr, his weakness with hispanic voters and pessimism over handling the economy and seeing that in that particular state, pretty challenging thing. there has uppity gop nominates since george w. bush, once again this is president trump stepping into an area that isn t traditionally an area where he could win when biden one over two percentage points is definitely a battleground inward making a stop. joey: one of the calculation will be the ticket, who is going to run with him. the beefsteak succeeding up, for people that are rumored to be on the shortlist in the new york times is taking aim at one of them. north dakota governor doug burgum the liberal newspaper put out two stories a day about program, the governor fire back on the attacks of his energy policies earlier on fox & friends weekend. what were doing in north dakota is innovation not regulation. innovation is the way were going to solve any problem and part of the reason why the donors are pouring out in silicon valley, they all understand for the new things that are coming that we need for us to maintain american dominance in our economy around the world like crypto and artificial intelligence. these are huge consumers of electricity in joe biden s energy policy where we do see the amount of baseload in our country, destabilizing the grid raising the prices for america americans. joey: seems intelligent on the topic and what americans want. north dakota has become one of the most important energy producers on the planet and the united states and all of that is because american intervention, what is great here you know that virgo is probably a serious contender because new york times is attacking him and he can wear that as a badge of honor. joey: they invoked his green energy policy but they invoked were he invoked in response to silicon valley starting to support their policies. is doug burgum the kind of guy that can get wall street in silicon valley alike behind the trump. cheryl: absolutely and some of the things with a.i., that goes to why donald trump raised about $13 million in san francisco last week, blue san francisco. he has silicon valley behind him. i will also say as far as his energy policy he s a winner when one is come to north dakota carbon credits, the oil industry in the gas industry has been talking about that, how do you offset your environmental footprint, that is something that can be bipartisan but also economically strong and has been in a state like north dakota. he is very well-liked in that state. joey: we saw the list of candidates for vp we have jd vance, tim scott, right here we have a montage or a video that shows a reaction to some of this. there s no question i think we have an amazing talented republican party and a great bench. what we need to make sure that we do, have people who are ready to take this to the mat. we are conversations with the trump team but i m not spoke about the vice presidential thing with the president directly and until i do is to be this is a lot of media speculation i would help donald trump get elected because it s important he becomes an ex-president. i think only one person knows who s on the shortlist and that would be president trump. joey: in the last minutes we heard four of the veep stakes candidates, through the montage, they re all very tightlipped, none of them will admit, jd vance says he hasn t talked to trump about it at all. they tried to go after tom cotton, have you filled out any documents, give me a hint, this is donald trump. we do not know what s going to happen we don t know if that ll expand, shrink, it ll be 70 that nobody is even thinking about. i would be hesitant to place a bet, that is for sure, that is what are the things going to vegas is raising money out there. joey: the one thing he s doing, all of the contenders are hot on the trail right now. i would and onto either because of trying to earn it and do him favors and even elise stefanik was strong this weekend, we have a big hour still ahead on the big weekend show including this. he got shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because there were a lot of camels for real and not part of the county. joey: biden connects is cannibal eaton uncle to his trip to france. the medias outreach reaction and outrageous reaction to the heroic from four hostages from hamas. also coming up with controversial sports columnist comments another fragrant foul on caitlin clark as she snubbed by team usa. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you re off the racking. .or crab cracking, you re cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i m working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can t talk right now, i m at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what s yours. we ve always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. snowboarding. snowshoeing. anyway, he was fine, but it takes 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to the big weekend show , president biden is on his way back from france but his trip was filled with gaffes even the when the white house had to correct. peter doocy is in paris tonight. good evening from paris were president biden made a big mistake today, he got the country and the united states committed another $225 million to ukraine mixed up with iraq. that we become semi-isolationist now which some are talking about. the idea that we had to wait all of those months just to get the money from iraq, it s not who we are. it s not who america is. a white house stenographer pointed out the presidents mistake and corrected it and the official transcript already released. here s the thing this is not the first time this is happened. it s hard to tell with the word home in the war in iraq and around the world. president biden visited today the one that trump skipped as president. the atlantic magazine time claimed he also called the war dead dockers and losers, trump denies this. it is a story biden tells all of the time except today. you criticize president trump for not coming on this trip, what message are you sending the voters by being here right now? any other questions. visited biden has to be back here in western europe midweek, it s unclear why he and the first lady flew back to delaware tonight. molly: great question, i wonder what s going on in delaware. remember when biden claimed his uncle was eaten by cannibals, he brought up his famous uncle as biden wrapped up his visit today. i don t want to make this personal but every time i show up at a military site where veterans are buried, it brings back memories of hearing my grandfather my mother talk about the loss of their son and brother in the south pacific and i think about my son beau after a year in iraq. the claim that he made a few months ago is now being fact check by the new york times. they called and bows he, a hell of an athlete until he was a kid and he became the army air corps before the army came along this single engine planes over war zones, got shu shot down inw guinea and they never found the body because there were a lot of cannibals for real and not part of new guinea. cannibals, joey, what a detail. joey: the best part was immediately new guinea came out with a statement saying this is racist and horrible thing to say about us. on top of that the pentagon came out and said there s no record of that. you want to laugh at it but if he s willing to go that far to make up a story about cannibals to connect himself to world war ii and take a step back, look at the soundbite right before that he says every time he goes to a military graveyard to honor those that were falling in line of duty, he things about his son who spent a year in iraq. the reason he brings atopy was to convince people that his son was killed in combat, he brings that up in his cross the line before his son tragically died from cancer, there is no proof that that was connected to anything and it really does bother me, it upsets me that he s willing to take the tragedies within his own family and pastor dies them so he can score some weird political points was certain demographics. molly: on the subject on his uncle who passed during the war, papa new guinea s leader as you mentioned came forward with this story was told back in april, this is not the first time that the president has talked about his uncle. biden does love to tell stories, sometimes he tries to connect with whatever crowd he is talking in front of so we cut them down to size, this from the new york times article, his suggestion that mr. finnigan was shot down and cannibalized in new guinea is not supported by military records or anthropologist, mr. finnigan would ve been an unlikely victim of cannibalism in new guinea, studies of cannibalism in the country have noted that victims tend to be from enemies from warring tribes and active revenge or deceased relatives as part of a morning ritual, rather creative tactic that is taking or telling the particular story, that is the new york times calling them out as people and by the way to be clear, the pentagon has said he was a passenger on aircraft that crashed into the ocean on the north course of new guinea in may 1944, the engines on aircraft failed, three men including mr. biden s uncle lost in that. i would go with the pentagon s version of events and not president biden s version of events. i don t understand why the white house press officer, somebody s advisors, he has been fact checked over and over, the fire at the delaware home he goes on to talk about they almost died and we almost lost our house it was terrific, it was a small kitchen fire. his been repeatedly debunked fire officials in the town said it is not what happened. somebody needs to stop him. all this does is make him look bad and i m a little nervous about what is going to say and do at the g7. we solve these gaffes during the d-day celebration. that is one issue but world leaders, the world stage, the business of our country at the g7 i am a little nervous. molly: that raises a great point, the mix up of the country names is also happened before but i want to bring you in here before we run out of time, the storytelling and the mixups. charlie: anytime you have to bring an anthropologist to a political story you are probably in deep trouble, the greatest honor that he could do for uncle posey would to get the story right until the correct story. i love it when the new york times decides to weigh in and do a fact check of joe biden and they say the story that biden makes up, these are a way for him to connect with voters and emphasize the middle class joe persona and charm the audience, what i would love is for the new york times to find a member of the audience who is charmed by these stories or to find anyone other than the media itself who thinks that joe biden is somehow a middle class joe kind of guy, that is a lie that the biden campaign has perpetrated in the media picks up. molly: the swanky digs with amenities in a café in the gym that the homeless will be getting in los angeles, will this all the homeless crisis? 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cheryl: that would hurt the academy and also the taxpayers. that s the thing about california, they lead the nation when it comes to one-way moves out of the state. the tax base is shrinking, newsom is sitting on a 45 million-dollar budget deficit. he now wants to cut money from the prison system, cut money from law enforcement and the courts. but let s build a tower skews and prime l.a. property, $600,000 is the unit cost for each of these, each of the tower, you cannot tell me that that makes fiscal sense because it does not. they are desperate, desperate, it s good to be more taxes, it could be worse for the taxpayer. charlie: if you re a young person trying to get in the housing market that would make it the climb steeper to get into the housing market. look at some of the things that they re going to talk about defending the police, they say were not really in favor of defunding the police, yes they are they want to cut $97 million to child court operation 80 million from the department of correction, 10 million from d.o.j. vision of law enforcement, is going to make quality-of-life in l.a. better? joey: the libertarian in me wants to say some are not too bad kept the federal spending in the federal pork but these are also part of the government that are constitutional protection of our rights as citizens we have a right to go to court and defend ourselves and our proper representation and have proper adjudication of things that we are concerned about. if you start cutting the courts, the ripple effect of how people s lives are rocked, look at what president trump is going to if his conviction is appealed he s an innocent man. what if there were the resources that hangs over for ten years instead of two, put yourself in that situation in a state like california where they have a ban on everything it a code against everything and you have to argue to live your life freely. charlie: last week gavin newsom was boasting california has more fortune 500 companies than any state in the country even if as it s impossible for the lower the income the worse it is for people in california. molly: not just in california but the big cities, chicago, boston, housing affordability issue. it is not just the people at the very bottom, the homeless that needs a place to live, it s well above that, you talked about young couples, citywide living close to the poverty line, they cannot afford a home. this is an issue for cities, they have been trying to work and address this. the crisis with the migrants coming in, this is affecting cities, city budget and this is among the creative things that cities and states are doing to house migrants but in boston and massachusetts, the baystate correctional center, an old present is expected to be open later this month to migrants to house hundreds of people. the creativity is going in all directions and many of the states are suffering. charlie: that s important point, as young voters go to the polls this year, they should remember when you bring in 6 million illegals and you put them in free housing all over the country, do you know what that s going to do you do your housing prices? cheryl: the number one issue is for gen z he is housing affordability or lack thereof, nine out of ten of gen z the voters say that it. molly: and what are the reasons are clean cities. charlie: coming about the big weekend show , dramatic new video shows the idf s heroic rescue, four hostages from hamas in the media how did outrageous reaction to the rescue. that is next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. 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israeli hostages for being held by hamas since october 7. one of the hostages, noah argo moni is revealing the horrors of being held captive by hamas, she said she thought she was going to die four times in hamas dressed her as a palestinian woman to move her from house to house, this is an image of the room where she was held in a terrorist home, fox news correspondent trey yingst had an update on the deering rescue from tel aviv tonight. good evening a significant development out of israel tonight as were cabinet members benny and resigned from the government. is a major blow to benjamin netanyahu who can still say empower but will be more reliant on far right ministers in his coalition. the development comes as we have good news to report, for former israeli hostages are now home, they were rescued yesterday morning in a complex multipart operation in central gaza, reports indicate special forces storm two buildings in the new refugee camp, there they were engaged in firefights with thomas cadman. ultimately completed the mission. this was a high risk mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight. in two separate buildings, deep inside of gaza. while under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way out from gaza, armed forces rescued our hostages. one officer was killed in the fight against hamas during the rescue message that brought the hostages home. in the tel aviv hostages reunited with loved ones, even received a visit from the country s prime minister benjamin netanyahu, instead of gaza palestinians comb through the aftermath of the raid, the hamas run palestinian helped ministry said more than 200 people were killed, the majority civilians. with the operation took place, one of the interesting part of the story, american involvement, the new york times reports a team of american hostage recovery officials stationed in israel assisted the israeli military effort to rescue the four captives by providing intelligence and other logistical support. the story illustrates how complex the work can be for the palestinian people death and destruction for the israelis. cheryl: thank you very much, the mainstream media is drawing scrutiny over the way it s reacting to the heroic rescue of the four hamas hostages in gaza. cnn saying the hostages were released when in fact they were rescued, the washington post choosing to highlight the palestinians killed during the operation, saying the mission left scores of palestinians de dead. cheryl: if you want to give cnn the benefit of the doubt, find maybe a mistake, a young producer but it looked like it was pretty deliberate to me. i watched it live. charlie: exactly, you would think if they made a mistake like that it would be something you would correct right away and say i use the wrong word but that was not forthcoming, it s also a much larger pattern of the press here and around the world telling the story from the perspective of hamas which is kind of insane. i think it is interesting news that trey reported on on the u.s. hostage officials participating. wait until the lunatic wing of joe biden s party find that there was u.s. officials advised on this. also in order to get an idea of just how jaundiced much of the reporting on all of this is, noa argamani who was rescued was stained at the home of a gaza journalist. and you want to talk about three way house of mirrors, this is what we dealing with their, unfortunately too many american media file for. cheryl: the other thing, it is hamas we have a hard time believing what they tell us to civilian casualties, this is them telling us how many people died, yes people in gaza are dying, absolutely. but the numbers is something else but the washington post picks right up on that. joey: is an easy way to stop people dying, give up the hostages. no one on the left says that because it s easier to point to israel because of the military power over hamas but that does not make sense, one single say about the separation the most famous and executed and high-stakes and high-stakes that we ve ever done is bin laden raid. without a planet in technology that the united states has, years of intelligence data and we lost a helicopter, it turned organized chaos is what combat is. everything that you train for full the minute you get off the bird, get off the boat or get out of the vehicle. that s the way combat happens. i m very impressed by this. but they would not of had the opportunity had they not gotten into rafah to begin with in our president said. cheryl: israel lost every respected commander, he died during the raid. i want to get your take on the politics of all of this. the war has been politicized repeatedly in this country, here is what kamala harris said about the rescue. molly: before i began, i want to say a few words about the boarding that i know weighs heavily on all of our hearts on october 7 hamas committed a brutal massacre of 1200 innocent people and objected to a 50 hostages. thankfully four of the hostages were reunited tonight and we mourn all of them innocent lives that are been lost in gaza and those tragically killed today. both sides of the issue. molly: also jake sullivan said we know innocent people were tragically killed in this operation he told cnn state of the union on sunday that is heartbreaking and tragic. the gaza health ministry that cannot be trusted over 200 palestinians were killed. the hostages were held amongst the civilian population which is one of the reasons if you are going to go in there to rescue your hostages, it makes it more challenging to get these people out. this bracket listened they were able to do that. as you mentioned the numbers given out, this is a hero that lost his life as part is this great mission to bring their people home. if the people were not being held there, the deering daytime grades to rescue them would not be necessary. the death toll that the gazan health ministry creates anytime anything s going on that would not be reported either. the hostages were home you have to going to get them. it was heartening to hear that the army could officials offering advice because there are american hostages still being held. cheryl: seven of the hostages have been rescued, seven but to your point a cease-fire possible intellect all of them go. were you to take a quick break, a fragrant trowel of a sports commentator close at caitlin clark s olympics knob. tomorrow, by the way jd vance is going to join fox & friends 8:20 a.m. to talk about trump s big weekend, the fundraising hall in the vp that entered betty, dvr the show if you cannot catch it live. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. . charlie: welcome back to the big weekend show wba start caitlin clark finds herself in the middle of another hoops controversy as team usa decides not to center to the olympics. fox news correspondent christina coleman is in los angeles with clark s reaction to the snub. charlie today at practice caitlin clark told reporters she s not disappointed about not making the team she says it s motivation and hopefully for years she can be there, she was very positive about the situation. i know it s a most competitive team in the world and i know i could ve gone either way of me being on the team are not be on the team. i m excited for them. no disappointment, it gives you something to work for, it s a dream, hopefully one day i can be there and a little bit more motivation. fans and sports analysts it criticized to not have clark on the olympic team, considering the wa mva number one draft pick s all-time leading scorer in ncaa division i history and the fastest wba player to reach to a point in 40 assist in the lease history, millions of new fans have tuned into clark s games to watch her compete. you could argue that caitlin clark is the most talked about, discuss, most popular to putting in the seat single most basketball and tabasco player in the world, and you leave off the olympics team, it s not only a showcase for her but the sport in the other wba players who were on the team. how dumb, how brain-dead, how idiotic do the people running this thing have to be. the athletic is reported that these are the 12 players who made the olympic team, nine of the athletes have competed in the olympics before, including brianna stewart and two-time wba mvp. the list indicates veteran players were preferred, the roster was chosen by the women s basque about committee. at some sports analyst note the 22-year-old will likely have more opportunity in the future. charlie: controversial sports commentator tomorrow on chetumal hill posting on x, caitlin clark not being on this year of the big team is a good thing for her. in the span of weeks, she went from playing college ball to becoming a professional to having the grind of a schedule, all multi week break is probably not the worst thing in the world she will eventually make the olympics team. i ve got to say i m not your world s greatest expert on the wba and we have to get to her in a minute but what is the point of having an olympics team if it s not have the best players so you win. molly: you re not the only critic on that level, i certainly am not a sports commentator at all but in usa today kristi brennan saying leaving th caitlin clark off the team is a missed opportunity and that s the idea of the intention that she could ve brought not only the sport but the limbic team and everyone else on the other 15. she s been real classy about this not being her time saying shelby bit back and motivated, she s been class act about the whole thing. charlie: i can honestly tell you i cannot name is single mva wt name but she was classy about it. cheryl: the fever most people can name that. the other thing about caitlin clark, at this point, the commissioner of the wnba needs to sit down until these coaches in these players and off is enough with going after caitlin clark, she s been criticized by the media and she s been criticized by other players, she is the best thing to happen to women s basketball, i would argue, ever and this is a big missed opportunity. it is a shame she did not make the olympics team but i understand, i m an athlete as well but resting her body if she could take a month off now and there will be no wnba games and she can actually heal up, she didn t go from college ball to pro ball, that cannot be easy physically for her. charlie: you re an expert. joey: there are some stats, 13th in scoring in the league she leads in turnovers, her team is 3 - 9 she s won three games so far, she came in a superstar in waiting but she has not met the superstar mantra yet. i don t mind that she s left out but understand this is one aspect of a bigger conversation, the real caitlin clark conversation is how she s been received by the wnba and treated by opponent players. in that context, that does look bad. charlie: it s remarkable people are actually watching. stick around the big four is next. home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? it s engineered for performance. because with leaffilter s patented filter technology, there s no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. leaffilter is a permanent solution we install on your existing gutters. you ll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. our installation process is simple and easy. just give us a call and set up an appointment today. we ll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if your gutters are sagging, we ll repair them. if they re broken, we ll replace them. if they re in good shape, our local trusted pros will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. and the best part? leaffilter comes with a lifetime transferable no-clogs guarantee! you ll never have to worry about costly damage 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response to all the damage we have seen on college campuses, to personal property to retail stores, pick your right with his rights in 2020, writes this year if you re going to go out that you re going to cause havoc in a damaging government buildings. you know what kids, get out your checkbook you are going to be held accountable financially. i love the senate bill 267 ohio more cities will follow. wises even debatable question work it is common sense. we have got to make at the law, i love it. is on spine lieutenant colonel retired yesterday after more than 20 years as a pilot in the nicest air force. he flew combat missions in afghanistan, iraq and syria with over 4000 hours of flight in multiple aircraft including refueling operations with the big casie 135 are they call it the strata tanker. lacey spent the majority of his time as an instructor pilot molding some of the most skilled pilots in the united states air force and beyond. lacey is a good friend of mine historian is one of perseverance, overcoming struggles early on his life he is living proof a life of the service can help us become the best version of ourselves he will now move on to helping veterans heal and transition zac brown campus of the ground there in georgia you can read it lacey story of my book on broken bonds a battle lacey, and good luck brother. thank you for the decades of leading our best and sacrificing for our freedom. but that is awesome but this is a letdown from that. check out this footage mountain pass outside of teton pass outside of jackson, wyoming. the road has completely collapsed what is interesting about this is this is the road that connects jackson hole, the playground of billionaires with eastern idaho the only place you can afford to live out there. looks like this summer bunch of them billionaires are going to have to learn how to do their own yardwork. will this survive? hard to say it. [laughter] tough work. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, on facebook, on instagram at the big weekend show but that doesn t for us but thank you for joining us we see it next weekend. life, liberty & levin starts right now.

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her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. the raw to 369369. today this source, but kaitlan collins, week nights at nine right? so the european level as a result of the european elections held over the weekend we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to revive friends you moon me. tell one regrettably netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory, which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war. we didn t have any us forces on the ground. second, we ve been working for months to support israel and its efforts anything that it s an illicit activity, they re going to engage in for a profit. the fbi el paso can confirm that members of brynn have crossed into the united states from london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers, joining us from around the world. and max foster is monday, june the 10th, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 10:00 a.m. in paris brussels, and berlin as europe s starts the week on a shifting political landscape that seems to be moving further and further as well to the right, results are coming in for the next european parliament and far-right parties are projected to win a record number of seats after four days of voting in 27 countries. exit polls show the mainstream center-right european people s party will remain the largest group. european commission chief ursula von der leyen celebrating her party success, whilst acknowledging that extremes on both ends of the spectrum are gaining traction. the center is holding but it is also true that the extremes on the left and on the right have gained support and this is why the result comes with great responsibility for the parties in the center we may differ on individual points but we all have an interest in stability and we all want a strong and effective europe will protesters in paris express their outrage at gains for french right-wing parties, which took more than one in three votes cast according to the official results french president emmanuel macron has dissolved parliament and called snap elections in the coming weeks, johnny s now claire sebastian, we re focusing on france because it s the most dramatic story but if we take the top three mayes, germany, france, and italy whilst the bigger picture is that the center ground held their position in key countries. the right surged, yeah. i mean, obviously particularly dramatically in france where the national rally, which is a big yes, far-right party, took more than 30%, more than double what emmanuel macron s renaissance party took. but the afd in germany, they ll turn to for germany party also was second place. this is a party that has been deemed so far, right. that marine le pen of the national rally actually kicked them out. you can say they re of the id grouping which was already seen as the most the extreme right grouping in the european parliament today. now gained seats in germany and in italy, giorgia meloni s brothers of italy, he had a really strong showing as well. so it is, as you say, these key, these key countries, these key parties that are now really mainstreaming these far-right policies. and in terms of those policies, take a listen to it. marine le pen said in france after this result ready to exercise power if the french justice during these future legislative session, we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to defend the interests of the french, ready to put an end to mass emigration, ready to make the purchasing power of the french a priority? pretty ready to begin the re-industrialize creation of the country. overall, we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to revive friends ready to put an end to mass immigration. no surprise that, that is always been the sort of core focus of the european far-right, as at, as it has been gradually rising over the past years and decades, purchasing power interesting one there. this is of course, an appeal to people in europe who have been suffering under the weight of a cost of living crisis are worried about the cost of policies like the green deal support for ukraine, things like that. so i think this is a real show of where we are, right? we ve seen five years where we ve seen increasingly more europe with this green deal with the joint approach to covid with the solidarity. have ukraine, these parties and are looking not to exit europe like we saw with brexit, but to control europe from within and to reduce its influence over these kinds of, these parts of life. and the most profound immediate impact is this french general election it s not as if macron is gonna be out completely, but he may end up having to deal with a far-right prime minister effectively. and this is just ahead of the olympics. why on earth did he choose to call this election? many people are baffled by it. yeah, i mean, the eyes of the world will be on france at this point. he says that he s looking for clarity, right? he needs to have clarity for the people effectively for the legislature to reflect the will of the people given the strong showing for the far-right, but it s a gamble, right? he wanted to go his way and it leaves a source telling cnn that convinced, convinced, convinced will be the approach in the lead up to the election if it does go his way, he then we ll gain a greater mandate among it for his liberal agenda right now, he has lost the already has absolute majority who s already struggling to get policies through. so in that sense, perhaps it has nothing to lose, but if not, he then has to, perhaps if the far-right gain the most seats in parliament, cohabit with the far far-right prime minister. and then we look ahead. of course, the 2027 when francis having presidential elections, when marine le pen has her sights clearly set on that i think claire. thank you wasn t just emmanuel macron, but faced a stinging rebuke in germany, as claire says, the social democrats of chancellor olaf scholtz score their worst ever result, just 14% that was the moment that the far right party alternative for germany learn the exit polls show it winning 16% of the vote to take second place. they re the party known for its anti-immigrant policies has risen from a fringe group to a huge mainstream presence. now now, let s even do maury is the head of the us and america s program at chatham house joins us from london because lesly a lot of people suggesting that without trump, none of this would have happened well, i think that might be a stretch. i mean, if you really think at the global context which is driving so much of what we re seeing the covid, pandemic, low growth in europe the effects of climate change, the pressure on the energy transition in the aftermath of russia s invasion of ukraine. the far right has been gaining traction for some time in europe. this is clearly at a different level, and there s no doubt as you ve suggested, max, that that donald trump and those around him have worked in insignificant ways below the radar, above the radar to try and give a voice to far-right elements across europe and certainly we ll see this as a success story for the conservative movement to which they re committed. but i think that they, as we ve said with donald trump and with trumpism, there is an argument to be made that trump is a symptom of a number of underlying causes that are leading. many people to suffer much more harshly the effects of those, those constant, those sort of global factors that i ve just outlined. the unequal effects of low growth are significant and the ability of the far-right to displace that frustration onto immigrants, which in fact what we need is a sound immigration policy to help solve some of the problems of labor shortages that europe will face two and the us is obviously needing to think about this instead, we re seeing quite the reverse that even the center is tacking to the right because of the pressure from this far-right s it would strengthen though. donald trump wouldn t it arguably in terms of foreign policy, because lead is like marine plant will lappin would be expected to closer to his alignment. and work more closely with him. and many of the far-right leaders du, identify with a lot of what trump says. so if he becomes president, he would have more allies in europe i think that s right. i think it s clear that donald trump has last i ve said ben a fan of those. he was quietly and sometimes not so quietly supportive of brexit and the far-right in the uk, certainly in europe. but if you look at the broader a european pushing right now, some of it in light of the anticipation of a possible trump election, is to work together to build strategic autonomy and coherence within europe. this will see anything but that right now we re seeing really a pull inwards france is going to be focused very much internally two days before the washington summit, before the native summit in washington, dc france will be admired and in a domestic elections. so the focus internally this will inevitably make it more difficult for europe to think strategically about the possibility of a trump election. but yes, you re absolutely right that for donald trump and those around him, this is a movement that they would like to see a focus more on sovereignty, on nationalism anti-immigration, and especially pushing back against the climate change agenda, oil and gas being absolutely critical to the trump s supporters so that, that movement i think is one that the former president we ll, certainly welcome you ve mentioned environment, you mentioned immigration, one of the key elements of the right-wing campaigns appears to be inflation as well, cost of living and that s appears to be what has tapped into this election. a tapped into people and got them a lot of support, something that the mainstream moderate parties haven t really managed to do. and then this second issue, which was ukraine, which ties into it because of the cost of supporting ukraine. we don t know exactly where trump s stands on ukraine, but where does all that tie together? well, as you rightly pointed out inflation, low growth, stalled growth, the effects of that are highly unequal. we re seeing that even in the united states where the growth has been much stronger when jobs have been a job creation has been very good for the whole. but the effects are still so highly unequal and it s those voters that are suffering the effects not only of the invasion of ukraine, of the sanctions of the so-called poly crisis are our voice finding their voice through leaders that are mobilizing them around and gender that isn t clear will actually deliver for that the benefits that they need to see the question of how you invest in a way that distributes goods more across the whole of society is an absolutely critical when it s one that people on the left are thinking very seriously about. but the right has been much more effective in certain corners at mobile slicing, those voters were simply not seeing the benefit they re experiencing, the hurt of those problems of growth and they re attributing it to the migrants that are coming across the borders they re seeing climate change is increasing their cost of living. so that message has been very powerful and one that europe is struggling with asieh is, is president biden in the united states to communicate a new way of thinking that can really put forward and broad and longer-term agenda very difficult to see those games if you re on the bottom end of the income scale. yeah, let s even geomorphic in london really appreciate time has ever now in the coming hours of probation officer is set to interview donald trump as part of the sentencing phase of his hush money trial. the meeting will be virtual with his attorney present as trump is back on the campaign trail, trump s advisers are eager for him to leave, talk of his legal troubles out of his speeches. but so far, that s not the case. cnn s alayna treene reports former president donald trump in his first campaign rally since being convicted in a manhattan courtroom last week surprisingly, did not talk about that trial specifically during his speech. instead, he spoke about his legal troubles more broadly. he also criticized special counsel jack smith, who was not part of this case referring to him it s a quote, dumb son of a and also claimed that the weaponization of the justice department in this country is worse than what you would find in a third world country. take a listen to how he put it i tell you what. no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can t get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is to cheat. now, despite that rhetoric, i will tell you that from my conversations with donald trump s campaign, they really do want him to leave this weekslong trial in the past and really begin turning back to a general election and pain message that includes talking about immigration, something he spoke about at length on sunday as well as the economy and crime and he did make one new announcement on sunday. he said that in a second administration of his would eliminate taxes on tips and that s something particularly important to voters here in nevada, especially given in the state s reliance on tourism and transportation. now, just looking ahead, to monday, donald trump is set to have a pre sentencing hearing with a probation officer. now this is pretty routine. following a conviction like his however, what s not normal is that it is going to be virtual will towed. he ll be at his mar-a-lago home with his defense attorney, todd blanche that alayna treene, cnn, las vegas, up next a shakeup inside israel s emergency government after key official says he s quitting the war cabinet, the announcement of blow to israel s prime minister even as he celebrated a rare rescue of hostages, why that operation in gaza is now drawing scrutiny. a reaction from across the globe ahead, how the us national security adviser responded to questions about the death toll in israel s latest operation i m out here telling people how they can say you ve money with experience, you got subscriptions. yeah, netflix, hulu, retrial, forgot to cancel it. they re hoping that actually mean what am i told you that experience has description cancellation we re you can just 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are leaving the emergency government today with a heavy heart, but with full confidence i call on netanyahu, set an agreed election date. don t allow our people to get torn apart the announcement came a day after israeli forces rescued four hostages in an operation in gaza where officials say scores of palestinians were killed, were tracking all these developments from here in london not as here also, elliott, not if i can just start with that operation we ve had more detail about the wider effects of it effectively. yeah, absolutely. and this has been described as perhaps one of the deadliest days that we have seen in gaza in months. gazan authorities saying at least 274 people were killed over the course of this operation, nearly 700 others injured. and we have seen the graphic and again, distressing images emerging from they know said refugee camp, this was an area of course where we knew thousands of civilians had been sheltering. it has of course, come under heavy bombardment as we have seen in recent days and weeks. and of course, we ve been hearing from civilians on the ground have described the chaos and carnage which took place afterwards, the heavy bombardment, the lack of anywhere really to escape to for safety, we ve also seen images emerging from the nearby al-aqsa martyrs hospital, as we know, this is a hospital which was already severely overrun given recent airstrikes that we have seen in the area. but again, bodies piled up in these overrun malls. we ve seen casualties being treated on the ground according to some eyewitnesses on the ground, ambulances weren t actually able to get into the area to provide support for those injured because it had been deemed a military zone in that environment had a contingent, of course. this is really stoked concern over really what the actual purpose of this operation is. in terms of the protection of civilians. we ve seen those warnings from world leaders at calling for the israeli military to do more to protect civilians over the course of their military operations, be that targeting hamas are trying to rescue of hostages held captive by hamas in gaza. but again, this is one of the deadliest attacks that we ve seen in recent days and weeks earlier to play into gantz s resignation. it did. he was due to announce his resignation on june the 8th. that was the deadline that was saturday. as a result of the rescue of four israeli hostages, which you ve just been talking about, of course, on the other effects of it, gantz postponed it by a de sunday evening goes before the cameras and announces his resignation interesting, because at the beginning of the war, ganz joined the government. he formed this national unity government because israel, he said, you know, we needed to be united now in this war against hamas. and they form this war cabinet, again, specifically insisted that he be a part of the war cabinet is basically him, defense minister yoav gallant and prime minister netanyahu. there are a couple of observers as well and specifically ensured that the far-right ministers in prime minister netanyahu s governing coalition. we re not in the war cabinet, so all of what we ve seen in the war, the decisions have been made by israel in the actions have been a result of the israeli war cabinet. now gantz has gone from that. we ve already got national security minister itamar ben gvir hey, who never even served in the israeli military, by the way, because his views were considered to be two extremist. he s now clamoring for inclusion in the war cabinet. and i suppose what we ve had until now is that ganz provided an element of cover for netanyahu to say to his right-wing coalition members, look, this is the way that we re doing things because this is our war cabinet. now that cover but has gone. i think that you could see the war cabinet taking decisions which may be gantz would not have approved netanyahu is beholden to the right-wing more than he was quite because he d still has the numbers in the knesset, the parliament, his government is not under threat. his position as prime minister is not right now. the threat, unless his coalition parties leave the government, he s got 64 out of 120 seats and the coalition right now, next election, elections are planned for october 2026, but now, absolutely, he s more beholden than ever to those right-wing members of his government. and i think in addition to the war, the other thing that way of course, paying attention to is the ongoing hostage talks. now we had president biden come out couple of weeks ago with that ceasefire plan, which the americans say israel has already accepted. and the ball is now in hamas has caught israel likely to go forward with a deal that those right-wing minister s have already said would cause them to leave the government, leaving prime minister netanyahu the unpalatable prospect of elections, which opinion polls say that he would lose well, it s one would imagine that given what gantz has been saying that netanyahu is now acting more out of his own personal political self-interest. that that is something that would come into play even more with his peaceful, a peace deal or israeli proposal becomes more right-wing it makes it less likely to be achieved absolutely. and i m sorry, these ongoing attacks that we re seeing targeting areas or we know civilians are sheltering. i m making it more difficult. of course, when it comes to hamas is perspective on those ongoing ceasefire negotiations that s been the warning for some time now from regional leaders who ve been playing a key part in mediating talks between hamas and of course, israeli officials and the united states. we ve heard from egyptian officials just yesterday saying that because latest round of strikes on the nuseirat refugee camp will have a negative impacts on those ongoing discussions. we heard that previously, of course, with regards to the situation in an offer that any sorts of ground operation in rafah would scupper ceasefire negotiations. and what we ve seen, this supposed peace plan put on the table by president biden supposedly with the approval of the israeli government, calling for a peaceful exchange of hostages for palestinian prisoners. clearly, what we ve seen now is released. thankfully of israeli hostages. but at the cost of more than two hundred lives. of course it in gaza. and so that has really put concern four regional leaders, particularly in the middle east, who have been pushing for this piece band, the united states of course. but in more pressure on the israeli government and on hamas to both accept this peace proposal. but if we continue to see these rounds of strikes that we are seeing in gaza, where we aren t seeing these significant civilian casualties as a result, that is likely to suffer any sort of ongoing peace negotiations. and of course, we ve got blinken now traveling to the middle east, meeting with officials in both egypt and of course in israel and of course there is that mounting pressure from the us government, from the biden administration for both sides to come to a lasting agreement but clearly we are not seeing those movements on the ground with regards to any sort of attempt to actually push towards that peace plan. okay. matter, elliott. thank you both very much. us national security adviser says the an enduring ceasefire deal between israel and hamas is the only credible path forward and is calling on hamas to accept the latest proposal. those comments from jake sullivan coming just a day after the israeli military operation that rescued those four hostages from gaza, where officials say scores killed as nauta was saying, sullivan was asked about that during an interview with cnn we didn t have any us forces on the ground. second, we ve been working for months to support israel in its efforts to rescue and recover hostages from gaza. civilians were killed, and that is tragic. it is heartbreaking. i ve said before that the palestinian people are going through hell in this war. their caught in the crossfire hamas hides among civilian infrastructure hides underground, and puts the palestinian people in harm s way. and this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be hoover all the hostages could be home, there could be a ceasefire if hamas would just step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted in that president biden elaborate did a week ago. so the world should call on hamas to take this deal. the united states will support israel and taking steps to try to rescue hostages who are currently being held in in harm, held by hamas. and we will continue to work with israel to do that, we will also we ll continue to reinforce the point that all of their military operations, including hostage rescue operation, should take every precaution to minimize the amount of civilian harm arm or civilian casualties that is a point we will reinforce in all of our engagements with the israelis after the break, hunter biden s trial set to resume hours from now, will the president s son take the stand in his own defense? we ll have more on that plus a venezuelan gang has so to terror in several central and south american countries now, us officials warned they are entering the united states russian, her trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. this is a secret war secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june. if you lived or work that can t lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days? he is from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available, called legal injury advocates. now, to discuss your case, got 1805 013636. that s 1805 013636 called now, why is no novi is perfect for allergies, people who have allergies will have lots of problems if 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. i m kdigo lilla in washington this is cnn woke about send user my maxwell. so if you re just joining us here, are today s top stories. a shakeup in the israeli war cabinet as former defense minister, benny gantz announces his departure. gantz called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu, just set a date for elections thousands of israeli protesters have been making the same demand for months this is the us reaffirms its support for israel s efforts to rescue hostages in gaza. an idf raid this weekend on the palestinian refugee camp brought four hostages home alive officials in gaza say the raid killed at least 274 palestinians israel says it estimates the number of casualties from the operation to be under 100 cnn can t independently verify either sides. bigger s former us president donald trump is stepping away from the campaign trail today for a pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer, trump was convicted of falsifying business records in new york as part of a hush money scheme is sentencing is scheduled for july the 11th on to biden s federal gun trial resumes today, but is not yet clear if the president s son will testify in his own defense, hunters accused of having a gun whilst being addicted to crack cocaine and lying on a form about his drug abuse soon as marshall cohen has more president joe biden s son, hunter biden has a huge decision to make. will he testify in his own defense at his criminal trial? that s currently underway in wilmington, delaware. he s facing three felony charges for allegedly lying about his past and continuing drug use in 2018 when he bought a gun, it s against federal law for a drug user or a drug addict to buy a gun or possess a gun in this country. so why might he want to take the stand? because it s a very risky move. there are so many things in his past that the problem prosecutors could throw at him if he s on the stand. well, for his part, the defense attorneys that have been representing hunter throughout this case have said that one of the things they want to make sure that the jury hears, if he does testify is that he can tell them that he has been clean and sober and law abiding since 2019. the jury in this case has heard so much about his rampant and almost unstoppable drug abuse in the years, including when he bought that gun in 2018 18 that s a big part of the prosecution s case. so the defense might try to rebut some of that by telling the jury about his subsequent sobriety and how he was trying to get sober not too long after he bought that gun. now, the prosecutors have said in pretrial court filings that if hunter does testify, they might want to ask him about his discharge from the navy in 2014 because he tested positive for cocaine back then and also they said they might try to undermine his credibility. you might try to impeach his credibility they said, when they charged him, that he loved biden federal background check forums about his drug use. they said in these filings that if he testifies, they might also try to convince the jury that he lied. also about his taxes. they have charged him in a separate federal indictment in california all about his taxes and alleged tax evasion. and the prosecutor said that they may try to bring in some of those allegations into this case. to demonstrate to the jury that in their view, he cannot be trusted on the stand on his tax forms are on a gun form, either so we ll find out monday when the proceedings resume in delaware at 9:00 a.m. eastern we should learn pretty soon. if you ve got going to testify, if he doesn t, then we will probably be heading straight to closing arguments in this historic case. marshall cohen, cnn, washington the governor of, texas says president biden is gaslighting americans with his new action on the southern us border. mr. biden s executive order bars migrants crossing the border illegally from seeking asylum. if that number exceeds a daily average of 2,500. but greg abbott says that policy and now it s less than a week ago, isn t aggressive enough all this new button policy is going to do is to actually attract an invite even more people to cross the border illegally. and you ve seen on videos now, ever since that biden order went into place, there s no slowing down of people crossing the border in fact, is just accelerating. and so this, this is gaslighting less, pardon, as soon expected to follow up on this order with another move, this time focusing on providing legal status to long term undocumented immigrants married to a us citizens us officials say members of venezuela s most notorious gang are taking advantage of southern migration routes and now established in the united states, the trend are gu again, is allegedly running a multistate human trafficking ring attacking police officers and dealing drugs. rafah romo tells us how they entered the country and how law enforcement is trying to counter the threat for the last several years they have terrorized multiple south american countries police so the region see, i ve been a swollen gang known as that in their agua has victimized thousands through extorsion, drug and human trafficking kidnapping, and murder. and now you as law enforcement including customs and border protection and the fbi, say the gang has made their way into the country the fbi, el paso can confirm that members of thread day have crossed into the united states is about a vasa a former venezuelan police officer now living in florida, says he fled his country in large part because the gang had become so powerful, they could kill law enforcement like him with impunity. boza says, a fellow police officer who refused to cooperate with the gang was shot 50 times. its enable you refused and was murdered. he tied his body to a motorcycle and dragged it throughout the san vicente neighborhood to demonstrate the power of the tren de aragua. they have followed the migration russian paths across south america to other countries and have set up criminal groups throughout south america as they follow those paths. and that they appear to have followed the migration north united states. you as border patrol chief jason owens, who has confirmed multiple arrests of our members over the last year, issued a warning in early april after reporting yet another arrest, watch out for this gang, he said, it is the most powerful in venezuela known for murder, drug traffic king six crimes extortion, and other violent acts. the challenge for law enforcement officials is that it s very difficult to know how many members of friendly aragua are already here in the united states. what somebody venezuelan immigrants are telling us here in florida and other states is that they are already beginning to see in there the communities, the same type of criminal activity they fled from in venezuela. will they do have their hands and prostitution contract killing, selling of drugs selling of arms you name it. they just all types of criminal activity that they can engage in. anything that s an illicit activity. they re going to engage in for a profit trend, de, aragua, a violent venezuelan street gang it is operating in the united states. a judge in miami-dade county sit in a hearing that one of two suspects in the murder of a former venezuelan police officer in south florida, allegedly is a member of the gang and more recently, a new york police source told cnn the 19-year-old who allegedly opened fire of two officers there s after they tried to stop them for riding a scooter in the wrong direction. has tattoos associated with the gang illegal yet no north sadducee boza, the former venezuelan police officer says the us government has no way of knowing if we re going to swell and immigrant asking for asylum at the southern border is in reality, a criminal. because venezuela, as a matter of policy, does not share intelligence with the united states our biggest concern would be making sure our partners are aware to be on the lookout. and that s the key federal officials say when it comes to making sure this new thread than the united states, that s not growing to the national security challenge. it s become in several latin american countries rafael romo, cnn me now coming up, north korea is sending more trash balloons over the border to south korea and seoul is weighing its options details ahead the. most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and 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card. call today! i m can measure you right now. i m taylor on ios or android as he looks to washington s nato summit in the lion us president joe biden is warning against isolationism, is back in the us after wrapping up, is five-day visit to france a chip that kicks off a diplomatic blitz that s also going to include the upcoming g7 gathering in italy on the last day of his visit, president biden s stress the importance of alliances whilst playing, paying tribute to the world war one cemetery. he says that stop was a symbolic show support for partnerships that can prevent future conflicts and the idea that we were able to avoid been engaged in major battles in europe just not realistic that s why it s so important that we continue to have alliances. we have continued to be be fulfilled continue to keep names so strong. continue to do what we ve been able to do for the last since the end of world war ii us officials are trying to persuade the g7 to approve a massive loan to ukraine using profits from frozen russian assets $50 billion will become available to ukraine for use in the war with russia. but some details must still be worked out before the deal can be finalized. sources say us president joe biden tried to fast track the process. so an announcement can be made in the g7 communicate this week us officials say the deal would send a message to moscow that it won t outlast international support for ukraine. ukrainian forces say they ve destroyed a state of the russian stealth fighter jet. meanwhile, in a drone attack over the weekend, there are only a few reportedly income that and it was nearly 600 kilometers from the front lines in the war the decades old balloon feud meanwhile, between north and south korea, picking up speed over the weekend, north korea sent dozens of trash balloons into south korean territory. and south korea responded with loudspeaker broadcast. but one south korean politician is urging both countries to stop the quote childish chicken games might valeriia joins us now from sold, we ve had another update as well about a response from north career, i believe max it s right and we were able to confirm through south korea s joint chiefs of staff that they have seen indications that north korea appears to be preparing loudspeakers of their own along the border of the dmz to blair propaganda messages from the northern side to here and the southern side i d, of the dmz. so again, max, if you re just following this whole drama, this is all resulting from dueling balloons from south korea for years, sending slices of life, slices of freedom via balloons to north korea and north korea in recent days responding by calling those deliveries filth and sending trash balloons here to the soul metropolitan area. and in different parts of south korea. so yesterday, we saw south korea respond with loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts for the first time in about six years. and max, it s worth pointing out when we say propaganda broadcasts coming from south korea, we re not talking about old cold war stuff we re talking about a song from bts that played on these huge military loudspeakers emanating from the roofs of these trucks that you re seeing on the screen right there. other k-pop songs. so we re talking about soft power blaring from south korea to north korea also, south korean news reports detailing human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong un and his regime in north korea. north korea for its part kim yo jong, the sister of the northern leader, saying that this could be a prelude to a very dangerous situation, warning of more consequences. but max earlier last week we were able to speak to the founder of a south korean group. he defected from north korea in 2000 and he justified sending these balloon deliveries north. and what was sent in those deliveries. here s what he told us now, me will one we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love. but to send filth and trash in return that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so max, a lot of mixed feelings about this. the main opposition leader here in south korea, ej him young, a saying that this is essentially a game of chicken from his point of view. and it could lead to a localized conflict or very absolute worst-case scenario and all-out war that seems to be mu during the points of views of many constituents we, we ve been talking with over the past few days, specifically farmers who live near the dmz, who have said, you know what, we re just trying to live our lives here and we want this all to stop. but in some max, we here at cnn have counted 1110 trash balloons from north korea to south korea everybody living here in seoul just wants it to stop. they ve said that this is getting old really fast, but it s all about the tempo of how this for tat increases, or hopefully slows down over the next few days, max okay. my malaria live in seoul. thank you so much now a bit arrivals india and geopolitics on that in a much-anticipated and 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to washington abuse women have won gold at seven straight olympic games. going back to 1996, they ll play their first game in paris on july the 29th there s a new king of clay, carlos alcaraz of spain won his first french open title on sunday, the beat germany s alexander zverev in five sets to claim his third grand slam victory overall at age 21 out grass is now the youngest man to win a grand slam title on every surface he won the us open in 2022 and wimbledon last year is the youngest man to win at the french open since rafael nadal back in 2000. 2007? bugs on cricket fans and jude heartbreak and the t20 cricket world cup in new york on sunday as india edge to win by just six runs in the bitter rivals nail baiting, nail-biting encounter. after a rain delay in gia batter is batted first managing our getter ball, total of only 119 runs. but in response, with pakistan leading 18 runs from the final over, they came up just shot parks on. now have lost two matches in a row, which means their fate will depend on results of the us. the usa team who dealt pakistan a shock defeat in that previous match my god, oh my god. oh my god in the spotlight, officials in florida s panhandle are asking beachgoers to exercise caution after three people were injured in two separate shark attacks over the weekend are 45-year-old woman was suing with her husband when she was attacked on friday two teenage girls were also attacked on the same day, according to the local fire department, the south walton fire district said yellow and purple flags are being used to warn people of the hazards but apple wants to hang with the big kids in the world of artificial intelligence. the tech giant is expected to announce a partnership today with chatgpt maker openai, and unveil its first generative ai tools for iphones. those tools are expected to be called apple intelligence and they re likely to be used to ramp up series usefulness thanks jaume here on cnn newsroom. i m exposed to in london, cnn 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240610

narendra modi sworn in as the prime ministerfor a record third term. the party is just getting started as celebrations kick off around the world for pride month. welcome to the programme. it is sam welcome to the programme. it is 8am in singapore and at 2am in brussels, where we start. next exit polls suggest there have been big gains forfar right parties, in elections to the european parliament. this was the first projection for the 720 seat assembly the darker colours to the right representing those right of centre parties seem to have moved to take up more of the seats. the most headline grabbing outcome appears to have been in france, where the far right national rally party has taken more than 31% of the vote. that s more than double the coalition which supports president macron. he has responded by calling an entirely unexpected snap election. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a dangerfor our nation, but also for europe. the but also for europe. position in europe and the world. i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world of the normandy landing, and in a few weeks we welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country. so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. added to this situation is a fever which has gripped parliamentary and public debate in our country in recent years, a disorder which i know worries you, sometimes shocks you, and to which i do not intend to give in. however, today the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and the consequences, or threats to our own cohesion, it requires clarity in our debates. ambition for the country and respect for every french person. this is why, after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution, i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote. in a few moments, i will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held onjune 30th for the first round and july seventh for the second round. for the french far right, the result is one to celebrate. here s marine le pen. translation: the french have spoken and this - historic election shows that when the people vote, the people win. by giving more than 32% to the national rally, the french have just given us their highest score, all parties combined, in a0 years. it s a real emotion to see this beautiful popular force rising up throughout the country. the big question now where does this leave the european parliament? here s the president of the european comission, ursula von der leyen, who has promised to build a bastion against extremes in the eu s assembly. no majority can be formed without epp, and together, and that is important. together with others, we will build a bastion against the extremes from the left and the right. we will stop them. this is for sure. my colleague christian fraser has been in brussels, watching the results and exit polls unfold throughout the evening. he spoke to our europe editor katya adler, and started he asked what the biggest news was from the evening. the polls are closed and the finance rejection would be worked out within the 27 countries on stage. behind me, the european parliamentary president, who is about to give us the latest projections. we already know from the exit polls in these 27 countries that there has been a definitive shift to the right. in austria, the freedom party, top of the pile. geert wilders in the netherlands taking seven seats. marine le pen, a record 32% in france. the afd in germany coming second. that is one story tonight, but already this election has provided us with extraordinary news in france, where emmanuel macron, who sank to 15% of the vote, calling a snap election in the last week ofjune and the first week ofjuly. it is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the european parliamentary elections. you can see behind me, we are about to get the latest projection, and here it is. you can see the epp, the biggest in the european parliament, is up from 176 seats to 189. big losers on the greens, 72 all the way down to 52. on the right hand side that chart, the european conservatives and reformists, up from 69, and identity and democracy, up from 49 to 58. those are the two groupings that include the populists and the hard right. there seems to be some confusion from the figures they have put up, and she did say they would continue to check the results and they will be refined through the evening, because the main polls in italy have closed just a short time ago. with 76 seats in the parliament, that will very much affect the projections they are putting out. what does this all mean at the end of the day? the big story, i suppose, aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard right, is that the centre and the centre right have largely held. they will control the majority of the seats. on the right, there tend to be some disparate groupings, they don t see eye to eye on issues like ukraine, for instance, giorgia meloni very much in favour of sending arms to ukraine, whereas marine le pen has been much softer on russia. it may be issue by issue where the groups on the right to try to work together, but certainly it is the centre and the centre right which will control the agenda. the question is how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next five years? things like green policy, transition policy, migration and borders, the european budget still to be decided. billions of euros being put into the industrial defence strategy in europe as well. those are all big questions. of course integration and enlargement, always a thorny issue in brussels. so the impact of the shift to the right still to be worked out, i would think, in the coming months, as the parties arrange themselves in the various groupings. no question the story tonight, though, the shift to the right, and a very big backward step for the green playback the centrists. let s turn our attention to india now when arranger moody has taken the oath of office and has been sworn in for a third term as the indian prime minister. this time he will be a coalition government after his party, bjp, failed to win an office is in the general election to govern alone. thousands of guests attended the inauguration at the presidential palace, including the heads of several neighbouring nations. he was a little bit of what he had to say. translation: i little bit of what he had to say. translation:- say. translation: i will faithfully say. translation: i will faithfully and say. translation: | will. faithfully and conscientiously discharge my duties as the prime minister of the union, and that i will do right to all manner in accordance with the constitution. and the law. without fear or favour, affection or ill will. despite his victory. affection or ill will. despite his victory, why affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are - affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are these i his victory, why are these elections significant and different? here is my colleague with war. an oath that narendra modi is more than familiar with. but what follows is uncharted territory. a weakened prime minister, dependent on a coalition for the first time. there are hundreds of pictures of mr modi all over delhi today, and it s something we ve gotten used to here in india over these past ten years. his picture s been on welfare schemes, on vaccine certificates, so that doesn t seem to have changed. but what has is that while this is a win, it s a victory that feels like a defeat for brand modi. the aura of invincibility that has come to surround him has been damaged. and clues to why some voters turned away can be found here in the politically crucial state of uttar pradesh. it was considered to be a stronghold of mr modi s bjp, but it delivered the biggest shock. in a predominantly hindu village in muzaffarnagar, we met men who ve traditionally supported the bjp. but not this time, says shyam singh, who has four post graduate sons who are unemployed. translation: since four years, they have been searching - forjobs, but there are no vacancies. the government talks about development, but we can t see it happen on the ground. price rise has gone beyond limits, it s tough to put food on the table. translation: people had blind faith in modi, - but now they ve opened their eyes to the reality around them. a hindu temple opened by the prime minister ahead of the election, was expected to galvanize votes like these for the ruling party. translation: temples are a matter of faith, i but to feed ourselves, we need work. just opening temples doesn t help us. in another part of the constituency we met people from india s muslim minority who had found themselves to be the target of an overtly divisive campaign by the bjp. translation: when the results came in, we were happy - because we were worried that if they came to power with a full majority, they would make laws that would discriminate against minorities. bell ringing. a leader who s achieved an almost godlike status for his followers has been brought down to earth by the will of india s voters. for mr modi, keeping his allies together will be the test of a new skill. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. let s get you news from israeli aware benny gantz, one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet which was set up after the hamas attack in october has resigned from the group. he threatened to stand down unless he felt there was a postwar plan for gaza with a deadline set for saturday. he told reporters he was not satisfied and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful, ongoing crisis. and this is why we quit the national unity government today with a heavy heart. yet we feel that it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee true victory, this coming fall, when it will be the one year anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on netanyahu to set a date for elections. mr netanyahu had called on benny gantz to remain in the war cabinet. he posted this message on the social media platform x. our correspondent donnison is injerusalem and put the announcement into context. well, i don t think it was a shock because he has been threatening to resign for some time. and he, in fact, was due to give a press conference yesterday and postponed that when we got news of the raid in the centre of gaza taking place. it s not going to bring down the government of benjamin netanyahu, who still maintains his majority in the knesset. but what it does do is i guess it isolates mr netanyahu a little bit at a time when he is calling for unity, and it removes a voice of experience and a more centrist voice from that war cabinet. you have to remember that the coalition cabinet is made up of, really, people with very little experience. that cannot be said of benny gantz, who is a former army chief of staff, a former defence minister, and someone with a long history in the military at a time when israel is now at war. and what it means, i think, is that those further to the right, the likes of itamar ben gvir, who is from the far right of israeli politics, are going to have more influence. and i m just seeing that mr ben gvir has requested himself that he now should be allowed to join the war cabinet. officials from the hamas run health ministry in gaza say that the israeli raid on a refugee camp on saturday which led to the rescue of four hostages led to the deaths of nearly 300 palestinians. a spokesman for the armed wing of hamas says that three hostages were also killed during the operation. we haven t been able independently to verify that claim. several hundred palestinians were also wounded in the raid. hamas accused the israelis of carrying out a massacre. that phrase was echoed by the european union s top diplomatjosep borrell, who described the deaths as another massacre of civilians . more footage has emerged of the rescue israel used helicopters to evacuate the hostages from an area around the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. the head of the hospital where they are being treated said none of them require emergency care or large procedures, but that they will need long term evaluations. being deprived of so many things for so long and living under this unbelievable stress is something that leaves its mark, both on the body and on the soul. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you are live with bbc news. turning to the south china sea were a stand off between the philippines and china has seen tensions ratcheting up in the area. manila accused the chinese coins out of barbaric and inhumane behaviourfor and inhumane behaviour for stopping and inhumane behaviourfor stopping its navy evacuating six servicemen last month. the chinese foreign ministry accuses the philippines of lying and they see the philippines will be allowed to access these only forgives advance notice. chinese ships have repeatedly been accused of harassment of philippines ships, including firing water cannons and ramming boats. the foreign ministry honestly blame the us for tensions in the region. to understand the conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined conflict as it stands at the moment, iamjoined by conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined by a strategic and defence studies professor at the australian national university. thank you for your time here today. how seriously are you viewing these incidents? do they have the potential to spark a wider conflict? potential to spark a wider conflict? , ., ., , conflict? there is no doubt this is the conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential - conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential to - conflict? there is no doubt. this is the potential to spark a wider conflict but it depends on the resolve of the participants in this house. the philippines is not well armed and not in a position to assert itself strongly, china has more ships operating in this area, maritime militia, coastguard and navy vessels then the combined fleets of the philippines and the us navy operating in the east asian waters, particularly the south china sea. the question that china sea. the question that china has the numbers here but this has to be put in the context of your context as well. we have what my colleague describes as the full flashpoint of east asia, the korean peninsula, the east china sea, the south china sea and taiwan. my sense is that what we see in the second is the demonstration, if you like, when china is trying to say. including in taiwan and that it is prepared to press to a point by looking to not cross a kinetic threshold, if you like, not firing any bullets or guns or missiles, looking to provoke and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps trigger a reaction from the philippines or the us or someone in taiwan or elsewhere in a similar circumstances to then be there one so they can say see, we are not the starters of this conflict, you guys are. my senseis conflict, you guys are. my sense is that what we see here is not so much in the west we tend to view things in terms of war and peace and we tend to view things through a lens of traditional 19th and 20th century strategists, classing the classic one, and my sense is what we see here is not so much what could be putting the metaphor in a game of chess by perhaps more appropriately described as the game of go. in the game of go you do not remove players from the board, you flip them, you cajole and persuade them, you black male and you do not give them an option other than to be flipped. my sense is this happens with the philippines. i want to pursue one another point. basing blame the us on sunday for the increase tensions are missing a move to deploy medium range missiles in the area, dragging the region into the world is full of an arms race. allies like the us and evenjapan have fledged ironclad support but what is the level of commitment if things escalate? it the level of commitment if things escalate? the level of commitment if things escalate? it is touch and no things escalate? it is touch and go because things escalate? it is touch and go because we - things escalate? it is touch and go because we know . things escalate? it is touch i and go because we know the tribunal ruling in 2016 ruled in the favour of the philippines about its exclusive economic scene but the second is more clouded, much more grey, it says this is not something that has categorically legal recognised jurisdiction falling under the philippines, it is in there, but not the territory itself. the ship that has been lodged on this shoal having troops and people living there on a semipermanent basis is designed to provide evidence of the war that he philippines can legitimately claim that probably that is not recognised. china knows that it is the grey zone and echoes what happened 12 years ago over scarborough shoal where there was a contest between the philippines and china over who could control it, and the us did not want to back the philippines over that because it was not a clear issue in terms of the jurisdiction. similarly with the second shoal today. china knows it is putting the us into a difficult position because legally the actions of the filipinos are not ones that everybody is all that sure about, backing them over, except in terms of the fact it is inside the explicit economic zone and, of course, china did not accept the tribunal ruling of 2016 asset that dashed line does not count. ironically china did sign up to the un convention of the law of the scene. it is trying to have it both ways. i am afraid that is all the time we have but thank you very much for your views on that. main political parties in the uk will also manifest this week and they are being quizzed on how they will fund some of their key pledges was that the conservatives say they can save billions on the benefits bill but labour wants to provide more prison fleeces without having to raise household taxes. here is ian watson. cheering. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. the whole country has been longing for and waiting for this election to come. labour s promising to provide more prison places and clamp down on anti social behaviour. now the big parties know you can t pay for policies from small change, but the labour leader wasn t keen to identify spending cuts or tax rises. instead, he insisted it was all about the economy. all of our plans are fully funded and fully costed and none of them require tax rises over and above the ones that we ve already announced. what we do need to do, just to take up the challenge that s being put to us, is we do need to grow the economy. cheering. the prime minister s keen to move on from his d day misstep. today his party wasn t talking about warfare, but welfare. they ve been looking for cash for tax cuts and claim they could save £12 billion from the benefits budget by the end of the next parliament. in my area of welfare, we ve saved £7.7 billion over measures that we ve brought in over this parliament. we cut fraud and error within the welfare system, within benefits by about 10% last year and we can go still further. the lib dems have been banging the drum for investment in the nhs to the tune of billions of pounds. they say they won t raise income tax to pay for this, but other taxes are available. we said we d increase the digital services taxes on the social media giants, the likes of amazon and google as well. so i think unlike the other parties, we ve actually already begun to show very clearly where the money for our health and care policies would come from. the snp accuse the main westminster parties of being deliberately in denial about the public finances. it s important at this election that people focus on the conspiracy of silence that is going on between the labour party and the conservative party. the tories have signed up to £18 billion worth of spending cuts, according to the institute for fiscal studies. and labour, according again to the institute of fiscal studies have not demurred from those figures. the parties manifestos will provide a political sense of direction, but they may be less clear aboutjust how rocky a road lies ahead. iain watson, bbc news. that is all for now, thank you for watching. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. india s prime minister begins a third term. we ll look at the challenges he could face when pushing through economic reforms. plus. how the death of an actor in the nigerian film industry comparable to hollywood is raising safety concerns. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. we will start the programme in india. narendra modi has been been sworn in as india s prime minister for a third consecutive term. however, it marks the first time his bharatiya janata party has needed allies to form a government. so will that impact mr modi s ability to push through economic reforms? priyanka kishore, the director and principal economist at research company asia decoded, gave us her take. modi is actually working with an alliance which has a lot of experience of pushing through successful reforms under the government. and they will draw upon that experience. of course, i think there will be a slowdown in decision making in certain areas and the big calls that people are expecting, that won t come through. but we will not completely see a stalling. labour reforms, i think, will be prioritised. we can debate the outcomes, but the reality many people talk about is that in the last ten years, india has seen bold economic decisions as well made by the bjp government, and many feel that has worked in a way for international investors. are you likely to see that continue?

Translation , Nations , Heads , Bit , Palace , Duties , Say , Term , Narendra-modi , Party , World , Prime-ministerfor