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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240614

made missiles and the fleet s headquarters in sebastopol was struck by missiles last year, the repeated humiliations pushing russian ships further and further away from ukraine and eventually leading to the dismissal of russia s navy chief in march, not so long ago, russian state media would celebrate the navy s single aircraft carrier, the admiral, cuz nets off the jewel in the crown. but the ship has long been plagued by mechanical problems and has been in dark for years and more months, some western analysts predict it will never set sail again despite putin s glorification of russia s naval prowess, many of its warships here are vulnerable to both air and sea attacks and lack the technology to compete with western navies. or even cheap maritime drones made and ukraine an air in the ukrainian say that while the russians might be gaining ground in other areas, they feel that they ve really hurt. moscow is black sea fleet and essentially rendered it ineffective and the ukrainian say they will continue to develop those sea drones to hurt vladimir putin s naval forces even more. aaron. all right. thank you very much tonight and thanks so much to all all of you. it s time now for ac30, 60 tonight on through 60, the former president goes to washington to formalize his almost total takeover of the republican party. what he told lawmakers behind and closed doors when it signals about his plans, if we elect it. also time, cnn s donie o sullivan and talking with trump s supporters about what they think will happen to the country if he loses and to appeal its are prize-winning historian. but what she thinks might happen if you wins. also breaking news on supreme court justice clarence thomas already under scrutiny for setting millions of dollars in gifts and travel over the years. now, the senate judiciary committee reveals three more trips he took did not disclose. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with the former president s de in washington with his party, and that use the possessive to describe the republican senators and house members he met with today in separate closed-door sessions, each just steps from the capital is no accident because if he s done nothing else over the last three-and-a-half years. of insurrection and search warrants and indictments and trials and felony convictions. it has been to remake the party of ronald reagan in his own image at the house meeting, he made a point of reminding members that nearly every republican who voted to impeach him as either been voted out of office or retired? not that by this point, there s survivors really needed reminding listen to speaker of the house mike johnson was basking in the afterglow and majority whip tom emmer, a self-proclaimed tough on crime law maker, attacking the criminal justice system he said very complimentary things about all of us we had sustained applause. he said, i m doing a very good job. i mean, we re grateful for that. i m going to add anybody who thought that this president was going to be down after the sham trial after that crooked trial that we saw in new york i think again more than more than one member of congress and the house meeting told cnn that the former president has spent most of his time airing grievances about his felony conviction. afterwards that a house judiciary committee hearing democratic members were all too happy to bring it up. just a show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today hey, guys. i everyone get your hands up i want to begin by quoting the jury in the manhattan hush money payment trial guilty guilty guilty. guilty now, it s remarkable because whatever you think it congressional decorum or for that matter, x presidential criminality. this is where we are, but we are a convicted felon leads the self-proclaimed party of law and order in his post-conviction visit, just a few blocks away from the place that his supporters attacked into filed is just another headline. and so is what one lawmaker in the rooms, as he told house members about former democratic house speaker nancy pelosi, after calling one of his daughters a quote, wacko he reportedly claimed that one of her daughters wants told him that he and speaker pelosi would have had a quote, great romance in another life. daughter christine, today responded tweeting quote, speaking for all four pelosi daughters, this is ally he also called milwaukee side of the republican national convention, quote, horrible, according to a source in the room, another lawmaker later saying he was only talking about crime. all from a single meeting. at this other meeting, his republic republican senator is also close to the capital. he spoke with minority leader mitch mcconnell for the first time since december 2020. the photo prompting this reaction from liz cheney, the staunchly conservative former republican congresswoman, who was drummed out while first out of the party leadership and then out of office for co-chair and the january 6 committee she tweeted and quoted words mitch mcconnell made on the senate floor in february 13, 2021. cheney wrote, mitch mcconnell knows trump provoked the violent attack and our capital, and then quote watch television happily unquote as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the vice president he knows trump reviews for hours to tell his mob to leave and quote, even then with police officers bleeding, he kept repeating his election leinz and praising the criminals she went on to say again, quoting mcconnell, he knows that trump committed a quote disgraceful dereliction of duty unquote, and is a danger to our republic here are some more of what mcconnell said on that day there s no question nod. their president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day those are tough words for mitch mcconnell, but just 12 days later, after he said that on the 25th, senator mcconnell, eight, those words telling fox is brett baer, he would support the man he so recently criticized if he s nominated in 2024 talk, it seems is cheap. join his now with more cnn s meloni s and ohno. what else went on behind closed doors today with trump will anderson heading into these meetings, lawmakers are really hopeful that trump was going to be talking about a campaign strategy or laying out his vision for a policy agenda. and now there was some of that. one of the more substantive moments was on trump brought up the topic of abortion and any counseled republicans about how he thinks they should talk about this issue. and he said they shouldn t be afraid of it. they should frame it as a state s issue. and you also encouraged republicans to voice support for exceptions not come across as too extreme on the issue, but for the most part, according to all the lawmakers that i spoke to, these meetings were more of an airing of grievance it says it was a gripe session at particularly in the house meeting this morning, i m told that trump, of course, brought up the legal challenges against them, calling all the charges against him, quote, bogus he also referred for to the department of justice as quote, dirty, no-good according to some of the lawmakers that i talked to, he even at one point, complained about taylor swift, were endorsing his rival president joe biden. and he also gloated about how most of the house republicans who voted to impeach him over the january 6 insurrection are no lines hunger in congress. so it was very wide ranging speech, very freewheeling that member ce felt more like a pep rally or even a roast than a serious policy discussion. morning and taylor swift has not endorsed joe biden. do you have any more details on the trump mcconnell counter well, with trump and mcconnell, there was a very serious effort. i m told by both parties he s to really bury the hatchet after years of feuding and years of frost newness right before the meeting, trump and mcconnell shook hands, which was captured on a phone photograph during the meeting. trump credited mcconnell with helping to elect more republican senators, and then after the meeting, mcconnell praised trump and said the mean eating was very, very positive. so just a remarkable inflection point. i think anderson, we re going to look back on this moment similar to kevin mccarthy trekking down to mar-a-lago in the weeks after january 6 and really just captures how much the party, including some of trump s former critics like mcconnell, have really fallen in line in the years after january 6 and despite these criminal convictions, anderson, millions and thanks so much, jonasson. i was new york democratic congressman daniel goldman, congressman. any surprises for you today in the visit by trump not really. he didn t come to the capital, which was good good thing because this is where he fomented a massive riot and insurrection to try to keep him installed in office. he didn t talk much about policy because he doesn t really care much about policy. what he cares about is himself and what he cares about is his conviction 34 times for being a felon and what he cares about her as three other cases and getting revenge. and he wants to do that by tearing down our democracy and what he was effectively doing today is greases the wheels, trying to play nice with republicans who support he needs in order to become president. so that he can take his fat let s just authoritarian views into office if he were to win. and it is just a very telling i think that mitch mcconnell has now bowed down to the ring of donald trump someone who, you quoted what he said on january 25, where he helped donald trump responsible for the january 6 riot. and has resisted donald trump. but now he has clearly demonstrated graded that donald trump owns the republican party. there is no other faction of the republican party that has any influence other than donald trump his maga supporters, obviously, none of us, there s privilege privy to the inner thoughts and mitch mcconnell. but why do you think center mcconnell made this choice? i mean, after, you know the strong comments he made criticizing trump theta, the racist attacks trump made against me kennels own wife. i mean, what is mitch mcconnell get out of this anderson, what do any of these people who have i know good mccaul s running. i mean, it he could he could go out on i d like liz cheney, who at least, has taken a very strong stand ultimately mixed for the same reason since that mitch mcconnell refuse to give merrick garland a vote for the supreme court and then rammed any amy coney barrett through under the same circumstances, two weeks before the election? that s what connell has a very focused and narrowly tailored view of what he wants to accomplish. and at the end of the day i m sure mitch mcconnell views donald trump as the only possibility to get these type of conservative judges who have now overturned roe v. wade paid back into more into the our judiciary and into the supreme court and push forward a clearly minority favored agenda that mitch mcconnell has been pushing for decades. it was seeing melodies and i was reporting is that trump was telling lawmakers counseling them on how to run about and talk about abortion and to talk about states rights and to not seem too extreme do you have any belief that that s how he would be if he got into office? absolutely none. donald trump does not care. donald trump used to be pro-choice. he used to be a democrat. now, he s out there promoting and celebrating his own work and getting roe versus wade overturned he will do whatever he needs to do to secure the support for his fascist anti-democratic attacks on the rule of law to undermine our democratic institutions. and if that means that he ll give over supreme court nominations to mitch mcconnell or someone else on the far right who wants to roll back our individual freedoms, even more than the supreme court has done. he will do that in a minute. and if there here s a national abortion ban that the republicans pass donald trump will sign that in two seconds. do not believe donald trump whenever he says that he will stand up for abortion rights, he has completely flip-flopped in his career. he will do whatever benefits himself. speaker johnson was asked yesterday, the former president attempt the outcome of the election. i just want to play that for years really for the first time republican house and senate meeting with him since the january 6 attack on the capitol are you committed or have you spoken to him about basically not not doing anything like that again, in committing to respecting the sort of american tradition of peaceful transfer of course, he respects that and we all do and we ve all talked about it at nauseum i mean i mean yeah. i mean, i can anyone say with a straight face is donald trump respects the peaceful transfer of power that i want you to take that clip and run it over and over and over. that is everything you need to know. oh about mike johnson and the maga republican party. they will look you in the eye and they will lie directly to your face over and over and over. there is no question that donald trump does not respect the peaceful transfer of power he has made it a litmus test for his vice president that whoever that will be willing not accept the results. and that s why you have every single vice presidential candidates. so far refusing to concede or acknowledged that they will accept them the results. donald trump, it will not accept the peaceful a trap power. you don t have to ask me or trust me, he already did it so for speaker johnson to look in the camera and to say that of course he respects the peaceful transfer of power. put that on every bulletin board around the country. it is total bogus and it shows you what knowing liars the republicans are. congressman, i appreciate your time. thank you thank you. president biden met today with ukraine s president zelenskyy of the g7 summit in italy. the two signing a new tenure security agreement at the press conference afterwards, frozen biden spoke briefly when asked about his son, hunter i m extremely proud of my son hunter. he is overcome and addiction. he is he s one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i m not going to do anything. i sat i said i advise by the jury decision. i will do that no i m not pardon him the present-day also ruled out commuting his one-sentence seen as mj lee is traveling with the president joins us now from from very italy. so mj, earlier in the week, the white house appeared to leave open the possibility of a commutation or that flee not commenting at essentially overturning the sentence, not a conviction. what specifically did the president say about that yeah. when the president was walking away from that press conference, some reporters yell loud. would you commute your sons sentence and he answered directly. he said no that was after he had more broadly addressed the conviction of his son, hunter, as you just play they re standing by his son, standing by the judicial system, and also reiterating his previously stated position pardoning his son. he said, i will not pardon him. anderson white house officials had suspected that it was likely he would get asked about the hunter issue at this news conference, given that it happened just two days ago, he had not publicly commented on in yet on it yeah they knew that the specific issue of the commutation was one that could come up if you ll recall yesterday, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked by a reporter whether she would rule out that possibility and she wouldn t say yes or no. and that exchange, the white house, new had taken on a life of its own when in reality, i m told the issue was really that some senior aides hadn t had a chance yet to speak to the president about the commutation issue. corinne john p, or said yesterday to reporters, i haven t talked to him about this yet. i m not just i m not going to have anything more to say on this, but it certainly was a really remarkable moment. the president speaking on this kind of a stage. on the other side of the world about an issue that has been so deeply sensitive for his entire family, mj lee, thanks more in prison, biden s trip later in the program next though cnn s donie o sullivan talking to trump supporters as well as a historian of dictatorships and autocracies about donald trump and democracy. and later there s breaking news turns out there are even more undisclosed it s trips supreme court justice clarence thomas took paid for by republican megadonor ave heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated he did symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath an irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious cold, eight ttr cm a rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time 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democracy? she is actually not as good as you think it is but for centuries, america has celebrated its democracy democracy is worth dying for democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy, but some republicans and pro-trump media are pushing the idea that america is not a democracy. united states of america kirk is not a democracy. we are constitutional republic. those things were america is not a democracy. you don t want to be in a democracy. we are not a democracy. we are a republic. is america a democracy america is a democracy. it was founded as a democracy. i ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. i hear a lot of things out on the road but to hear americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots say that america is not a democracy that stopped me in my tracks. you are hearing people say america is not a democracy because there are people around trump who want them to be saying that who ve been planting that narrative? his america democracy i don t i think we ll never know, but yeah, we re republic. what s the difference i feel like democracy what do we think this through its government i don t see freedom in democracy freedom in the republic honestly, the word democracy and the word republic have often been used interchangeably. there isn t a meaningful difference between them. so much of the warnings and criticism about trump is that he is a threat to democracy, that he has anti-democratic. absolutely. if they can convince people that we don t have a democracy, then it s okay that trump is attacking democracy because it doesn t really matter that s why, like why has democracy become a bad word? because it s been used in a way to change the flavor of our country, which is a republic these words were used in different ways in the 18th century and it s true the founders didn t want direct democracy by which they meant people gathering on the town square. they wanted representative democracy. but i think the reason why does conversation about language has so now is because there is a part of the republican party that would like to rule as a minority and they need an excuse for why that s okay. and so they ve begun to say, we re not a democracy. were, are public and it s not 100% clear what that means. but i think they mean we want donald trump to be able to do whatever he wants some people i ve been seeing debt trump events recently. yes. have been saying american is not a democracy. it s a republic and we ve always been my pros. first of all we have sleek. we re use that freedom of speech and freedom of religion. we used to have that two. now they re picking on the christians and the jewish people i mean, how much more can we are you concerned if trump loses yeah. that there ll be another january 6. no. i think there will be a civil war that s what i think will happen during this whole democracy republican is fascinating. this is the first i ve, i ve heard of that new thing that there are now pushing those. it looks like folks on fox are pushing it. is there a reason the people you spoke with think that country isn t a democracy now, i mean, yeah, look, i mean, i understand some of those folks. no doubt genuinely believed that i might have believed for a long time, this isn t necessarily a new talking point. however, we have seen it just revive over the past few months and they re really the reason we did this piece was over the over the past few months, just unprompted. as i was speaking to a lot of trump s supporters, they would bring this very specific lineup i love this real, it s not a debase right about the former government here. it s not a debate about democracy really why this is happening. and you saw it there in that piece, some fox news and elsewhere on conservative and right-wing media people are trying to convince trump s supporters, others that america is not a democracy in the first place. and we actually saw i haven t noticed that this seem to pick up a bit after president biden speech in philadelphia, where he described trump as a threat to democracy. this is how they seem to be trying to twist language to try and neutralize describing trump as a threat to democracy. because if america is not a democracy in the first place, then there s nothing to worry about your winning a solvent. thank you very much. one of the pillars of a democracy is the rule of law and laws of course are enforced by courts and the highest court in the land supreme court is once again under fire tonight. over new ethics concerns, specifically the behaviors surrounding justice clarence thomas. late this afternoon, senate judiciary chairman dick durbin released new information from a major republican donor about more undisclosed trips provided to justice thomas. it follows previous reporting about numerous undisclosed gifts from that conservative billionaire harlan crow, which include private school tuition for a relative of thomases and decade s worth of luxury vacations. last week after the release of his 2023 disclosures, thomas said certain disclosures had been, quote inadvertently omitted wherever last month in a speech, who railed against the quote, nastiness and quote lies directed toward him. draw now by our justice correspondent, just cash snyder, also a former federal district judge, johnny jones, the third and former federal prosecutor elie honig. so jessica, what do we know about these additional trips now that thomas took on harlan crow plane? yeah. the details just being released tonight for i m senator dick durbin. the details are several new trips happened in 2017, 2019, and 2021. so first and may 20, he 17 justice thomas took harlan crows jet from st. louis to montana and then to dallas. then there was a march 2019 flight where he flew roundtrip between washington, dc and savannah and then in june 2021, he flu round trip between washington, dc and san jose, california. all of this on crows jet and really intersect. i mean, these newly revealed flights, it only adds to what we know were other luxury trips that justice thomas enjoyed, bankrolled by harlan crow. there was also but 2019 trip to indonesia where justice thomas stayed on crows mega yacht. so there have been a lot of previously undisclosed travel that s been gifted by harlan crow is a gop megadonor. he s active and conservative causes. justice thomas, though, i ll note anderson has always it s described him as just a dear friend and says they ve never had any discussions about cases before the court. they ve wow, i mean, that that s you you re hanging out with justice supreme court. that s kind of amazing to think. has justice thomas explained why he did not disclose these these trips? because he talks about his love of staying in for vrb travel and drawing ran on a bus yeah. so he hasn t directly answered about these recent disclosures, but his attorney just released a statement tonight. it says this. it says the formation that harlan crow provided to the senate judiciary committee fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be disclosed by justice thomas the judicial conference change this provision last year, and justice thomas has fully complied with the new disclosure requirement. so i ll expand upon this to really explain it up until last year there was in fact this personal hospitality exemption. so justices, in the way they read it, didn t have to disclose certain benefits, maybe from there wealthy friends, things like when they stayed at their friends properties or traveled on jets. it was just last year, anderson that exemption was removed. so justices now have to disclose these perks, but there s some question as to whether the disclosures need to be retroactive. there s nothing specifically saying justices have to go back now and disclosed year s worth of trips. but it is still coming out and it came out tonight from the senate judiciary committee, judge jones, does this make sense you why wouldn t justice thomas just come clean about everything harlan crow has given him or paid for. why go through this kind of drip, drip, drip? you know, anderson, i have no idea but this has all the allure of a slow motion car accident. it doesn t look good. i toiled in the federal judiciary for 20 years and i love it. i respect it, but this tears that the fabric the code of ethics that the justices are subject to, which is, by the way, not enforceable says in the first canon that it is there to basically preserve the integrity and the independence of the judiciary now, under the circumstances to the point that was just made he amended his is 2023 ethic statement and he added a couple of his trips when you go to the question of retroactivity, i agree it s less than clear so why would you do that? and not include the other trips they re just revealed there s there s no good answer to that elie. i mean, do you agree with the statement from thomas s attorneys saying that because the personal hospitality exemption, he didn t need to not at all, the spirit of these rules is disclosure and these are not just a small gifts, these are gifts and not donations, but gifts worth tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. and the whole explanation that this is just a friend doing something for me. i mean, i gotta get better friends that this is something more than just a friend paying for his friend. hundreds of thousands dollars over that here for private school tuition for flights, for hotels violates every cannon in this ethics code. and if you remember anderson about a year ago, the supreme court for the first time ever adopted an ethics code. the criticism we made was it s toothless and i think now we re seeing that judge jones i mean, go ahead, judge. while i was going to say it s interesting to ellie s point about having a friend. here s the acid test, and this is not hard and it s not in the statement of ethics at all if you are making a friend because you re on the supreme court of the united states. if that s why this guy is friends with you, then i would suggest to you that if he s providing hospitality, that s just wrong. it just shouldn t happen. and i don t think that s a hard a hard test for any justice or judge observe if i had done this as a district judge, us district judge, i would have been absolutely subject to judicial discipline of the the most pronounced kind, and i would have deserved it. and so to me, there s if clarence thomas was sitting on this circuit court or was the head of the eoc. do you think that harlan crow would afford him this kind of hospitality? of course, he would judge jones. thank you. elie honig, jessica schneider, as well, just ahead. present. biden, promoting democracy on the world stage with ukraine and making a campaign issued home former us ambassador to the un, susan rice it s joins us next welcome to the waiver hood with wave. finding your style is fine when the music stops grabbing it, doesn t matter if you re outdoors hello. i m sorry, carl. this is me and chair form. i don t see you. just perfect for you but you love it. i told you we should have done opinion data i explained how many died they re not sending you need to sit down every style, every home at fisher investments. we may look like other money managers, but were different. and how so we re a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client s best interests. so we don t sell any commission-based products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do the clients really come first then yes, we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, family, health lifestyle, and more. wow maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different. let s get started no. where s your mask? 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if it s not binding on the next administration well, anderson, let s step back a second and thank you for having me on and take a look at what president biden is doing at the g7 in europe he is going back to his third g7 with, our alliances restored and rebuilt stronger than ever with the united states leadership embraced in respected and he has rallied the world to defend ukraine, including with a $50,000,000,000 loan that the united states led and negotiating this week using the interest off of the russian frozen assets. he s negotiated this bilateral agreement, which is very valuable in that there is always a cost for the united states when it reneges on its commitments, when it walks back its agreements and while it s not a legally binding treaty, it s a powerful statement of us support and intentions in addition, he s just this week led and imposing tough new sanctions on russia and china. so with joe biden, we have strong leadership that is strengthened our leinz is not only in europe, but in asia and around the world, which makes america more secure and we have a leader who s trusted and respected we contrast that as you did in your opening with donald trump who is so profoundly dangerous, he has not committed to democracy at home or abroad. he embraces dictators he is the president, former president whose own vice president? national security advisors, secretary of state secretaries of defense. yeah, pretty much everybody on the cabinets of staff. all have set are unfit. and what does that say when the people closest to you say you re unfit to lead, that s very, very concerning when you hear from say that vladimir putin would release wall street journal reporter it just adjust if he asked, what i mean, does that make sense to you like, why wouldn t he then just ask now for that to happen? well, that s a good question. i understand. no, of course it doesn t make sense. it s bluster. it s, it s all dishonest and every day we hear something dishonest out of donald trump s mouth. that is inherently self-serving and not anything we can rely on its. you don t just get to wave a magic wand and have a dictator who s hell-bent on not only taking over ukraine but western europe and more if we allow him. and what is donald trump s say? donald i m trump calls putin a genius. donald trump tells putin that he can do whatever he wants. the hell he wants with our nato allies. i mean, it s the height of recklessness self-interest, and danger, and it s not a future that we can be confident in at all, it would undermine our security profoundly at a time when the world is a complicated place, when you are us ambassador to the un, you obviously dealt with nations whose leaders disregard laws, carry out vendettas against their political opponents when you hear don trump talking about getting revenge or retribution does that seem i mean that seem realistic to you? do you believe he would do that? i do believe he would do it. i believe we have if we have learned anything we should listen to what he says and what he does is often exactly what he says and sometimes worse we have in donald trump a leader who is not running to be the president of the american people he s running for his own self-interest to try to stay out of jail and that is incredibly worrying. and when he says that on day one, he intends to be a dictator, that he will come after his political opponents and anybody who has rubbed i m tim the wrong way. i take that very seriously and i think we all should susan rice. thank you for your time thank you. anderson. way up next to cnn exclusive. been wiedemann talks with hamas spokesman in beirut about the remaining hostages they are holding captive in gaza he asked them how many are still alive and why hamas is yet to agree to ceasefire. his responses coming up this is country is corrupt. we ve got to save it do some terrible things for the greater good we need you build. for the soup, start rounding this up and dumping us off in kansas show me, wrap that doesn t sound good. ashley? 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you seem that count star from the beginning. let s start from beijing on. but one why to talk about the base of 7 october what about the israeli came after good luck to 7 october. it was a reaction against the occupation. what camps after that? it shows the real face of israel. it shows how israeli the cube buying the policy and lands demolishing the situation of the palestinians, killing the civilians. it s not the first time they are getting the civilians hamas is, is an organization. does it regret what it did on 7 october, given what happened afterwards? we are living with this for the last 75 years as palestine s yes now, cnn spoke to one of the doctors who treated the for israelis who were freed on saturday. and he said that they suffered mental and physical abuse. and what do you say when he is an israeli has to say what does lay authorities are asking him to say if you compare the images of both before and after releasing, you will find that they were better than before. i believe they have mental problem. this is because of what israel have done in gaza. but in addition to what has been said about the four recent hostages freed there have been also claims about the dire conditions others faced while in captivity. the fate of the remaining hostages hangs in the balance at the g7 summit in italy, us secretary of state antony blinken said, hoping hamas would agree to the latest us backed ceasefire proposal. response we got was unfortunately not the yes that we were looking for a yes that virtually the entire world has given. okay. mr. hamdan simple question. why hasn t hamas yet agreed officially to the us backed posel for a ceasefire who said it s a positive step but we need to see the facts on the ground. we need to know what exactly that president means by saying a ceasefire, i withdraw while what is left, what do you need we need an israeli ideally, a clear position from israel to accept the ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from gaza, and let the palestinians to determine their future by themselves are you optimistic at this point in time that you will reach some sort of agreement well, i think if the united states administration acted in the positive way, seeing the situation not only in the eyes of israel we can reach soon an agreement. and in the absence of an agreement, this war goes on with know site then i mean, this hamas leader justifies the october 7 attack by hamas. and as long as she had an others, which was a violation of an ongoing ceasefire, claimed, no one knows how many hostages are still alive. obviously there are people who know in hamas, any claims that the released, that the hostages who were freed just recently, the four hostages that they are actually better off than they were before they were taken into captivity. i mean, that s just absurd well, that s what he said, but you need to look at it through the lens of how it s been seen in the region anderson there lot of pictures circulating for before and after pictures circulating on social media of palestinian prisoners who d been freed from israeli jails hills the pictures show healthy people going in gaunt, sickly people looking out. no. mr. hamdan, like millions of other in this region are seeing the pictures of these for israelis who were recently freed from gaza, who on the surf base surface superficially looked to be okay. so that seems to be why he s saying this and we re hearing it from many other people as well. keep in mind also that osama hamdan is a political figure in hamas. he is involved in and then negotiating process, but he s not part of the military wing that holds the hostages in gaza, so he s probably not complete the up on the situation in there. and i think what you re hearing in that interview is more a reflection, perhaps social media then his knowledge of the specifics of the hostages themselves anderson, where she refuses even call hostages, but been wiedemann. thank you. appreciate it. we ll be right back three body serie a. city client uses city s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress grass whether you re moving across town or across the country now, you can count on pods to deliver when we say we will, which is why we were voted america s number one container moving company. hook your move today at, introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours of powerful relief new abdo targeted relief all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals orioles. what s missing? 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let s tsunami afghanistan, iraq. so many places we ve been all those stories we ve told, interviews and live shots and folders, endless days and sleepless nights, boring car rides and bad flights all those airports we ve rushed to getting, there, getting out how many hours have we waited? how many calls have you made how much could cajoling and talking? how did you come to know me so well time passes and memories fade but i hope i never forget all that we ve shared and all that you ve been and will forever be to me. charlie and i spend more than a month reporting from new orleans and the gulf coast in the difficult days after hurricane katrina. the last show we did was from a badly damaged street and it was all deserted and it was charlie and meeting maybe seven or eight others cameraman and engineers and satellite truck operators we ve finished around midnight. we broke down the equipment, we wrapped up the cables are other people did neal halls worth one of my cameraman two dozen years from the cooler on his truck and pass them around and we lingered there for time talking remembering the things we d all just lived through, not wanting that feeling we had to

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Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning 20240612

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accepted all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington, a live look at capitol hill early on this wednesday morning. good morning, everyone. i m kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us for the first time in american history, the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. a jury in delaware finding hunter biden guilty on all three felony charges, two, for lying about his drug use on a federal background check. a third possessing for possessing a gun while addicted to or using illegal drugs. the verdict ended a very stressful week and a half for the biden family. the trial exposing painful details about the extent of hunter s drug use the president embracing his just convicted sun on a tarmac in wilmington shortly after the verdict was handed down, the president releasing the statement, quote, as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. he added as i also said, last week, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal reaction came in quickly from across capitol hill. here s a little bit from both sides of the aisle but mr. speaker, you ve been saying two tier system of justice for some time. here s the president s son being convicted on three counts that undercut your clients. it doesn t every case is different and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. i don t think just the case in the trump trial. i ve not heard a single democrat anywhere in the country cry fraud cry fixed, cry, rigged a cry kangaroo court. you don t hear a single peek out of any democrats saying that why we believe in the rule of law all right, journey is down to discuss deaf kite political reporter for axios, stef. good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. good. how would you characterize what we re hearing in reaction to this conviction we ve got a little taste. they re from each side. yeah, it s an interesting democrats have certainly been kind of sticking to the talking point that no one is above the law and they ve been pretty muted in their response or certainly not rushing to the defense of hunter, right now, they re just saying we need to trust the justice system and on the other side, i think it s been interesting to see how republicans are responding to this because of course, we ve heard from some that they are opposed to certain gun laws and they ve been using that as one reason. to kind of push back on the hunter conviction here and we ve also seen republicans say, yeah, maybe they found him guilty in this situation, but this isn t enough. we ve heard from exam, for example, james comer are calling for more investigation into biden family members. so we re seeing them take this and demand more certainly not cheering this very loudly from republicans. yeah, i mean, the way republicans are, i mean, in some ways they re they re almost downplaying it. this was matt gaetz, who of course has been you know it doesn t exactly. shy away from saying inflammatory things. he writes this, the hunter biden gun conviction is kinda dumb to be honest, dbh and then marjorie taylor greene says that what we really should be focused on quote, unquote remains untouched and then she says hunter biden just became the deepstate sacrificial lamb to show that justices balanced, while the other biden crimes remain ignored. she s of course, talking about the sprawling impeachment investigation into the president via some of the business activities of his son that ultimately showed have so far failed to turn up anything extraordinarily incriminating. it does put them in a little bit of a difficult spot when they are saying what they re saying about former president trump s conviction. exactly i mean, the reality is this does undermine some of their arguments that they ve been making for the past several years, that the justice department, that justice system is biased against conservatives and that trump is a victim of this. and now we have hunter biden, the son of the sitting president, a democrat and a very democratic state who is still being found guilty of federal charges. and so that doesn t quite neatly fit into this narrative that republicans have been spinning four. again since 2015, 2016. and so we re seeing them trying to get around on that. of course. and one of the ways they re trying to get around this is by saying, oh see, this was just to make people forget about how bad the case was against trump. they re pointing to this as no politically motivated, still even now, because again, they need to explain this away. how can if the justice system is so rigged, how can hunter biden still be found guilty in a democratic state so in terms of the president himself, i mean, clearly the statement that they put out focused on his role as a dad, you obviously was on camera when he embraced hunter there after this all came down, he did not go to the trial, but his wife, the first lady, jill biden, attended every single day. i mean, what do you hear from sources about how the stress of going through this has affected them as they are the president s campaign for reelection. yeah, i mean, there s no question that joe biden cares a lot about his family. it s a very close-knit family and there s no question that that hunters ongoing issues with addiction and then these criminal cases have impacted him. he is invested the fact that we did see him immediately helicopter to delaware to see hunter after this decision came through shows that he is invested in this. the fact that the first lady was there and you know, every every day at this trial, this is going to impact the family emotionally and it s going to impact joe biden as he is trying to run for reelection in a very closely contested race. whether we see this actually impact 2024 is still an open question. there s no polling that indicates that voters are necessarily going to change. there minds around this. but i do think the biggest impact this could have is on joe biden s focus and how he s willing to campaign and whether he s willing to set this aside and really focus on what needs to be done i mean, look like presidential campaign is a crucible and anything that distracts you has the potential to really kind of effect thanks from a very and he s got this trial coming up in september on tax issues. han fei, those which is of course very squarely in the political calendar, steph. thank you. i really appreciate you. start us off this morning. thank you. alright coming up next here, president biden heading out on another international trip today, plus the southern state with almost a month s worth of rain in a single day more is coming plus the matchup is set to one the most important senate races of the year. but bring you that the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage 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starts tomorrow, he ll be meeting with the leaders of france and germany both leaders reeling from heavy defeats in recent european parliamentary elections also, prime minister, british prime minister rishi sunak, he is in the grips of a political storm himself as they all face stiff domestic competition and similar challenges to staying in power i will earn your trust and i will prove to you that only a conservative government led by me will not put are harder and economic stability at risk. this is a situation that i cannot come to terms with the rise of nationalists, of demagogues is a danger for our nation. what do you think you need to accomplish are that debate stage i have to share ready says, remind people what he says and what i believe what he believed my journey me now cnn s max foster live from london. max, good morning to you as i watch this and think about kind of what s unfolding across europe. but also here in the us well, politico wrote it. this way. let s, let s read from it, quote, the three liters or dramatically changing the plot and facing their issues head-on. basically, they argue that the establishment politicians in this case are trying to hold up a global order that is fraying, particularly because of challenges, doesn t totally apply to rishi sunak on the right. but for the germans, the french, and of course, biden here at home with trump it is trying to take on this kind of rising nationalism. how do you look at all of this and what s the conversation like heading into the g7? yeah. well, i think rishi sunak is facing the same thing because whilst the left free labor party is expected to win the election, is the fact that the far right reform party is taken so many votes away from rishi sunak s conservative party. so while he is on the right and the other toura, center-left, they re all in the center and they re all facing a real threat from the right. the idea, i think bringing things forward, macron and sunak bringing on these elections much earlier than people expected. biden going into the debates many people expected, i think is this the theory that if you appeal to the rational side of people with serious policies, then you ll be able to argue that over a longer period of time before people actually go to the polls. but i think the right is very successfully. certainly here in europe, argue it s a bizarre one because they re basically arguing around cost of living, inflation. people can t afford things. so therefore, you need to hunker down stop immigration, stopped sending money to ukraine, stop paying for the environment, which is that idea of the cost of living crisis has always been an argument. the left you successfully in the past and it s in another right is using it. so many people are seeing it really as a failure of the left in many ways, but it s also a big chunk allen s for the center ground yeah. no, it s it s a really interesting way to look at it. i mean, i would also say, i mean, one of the things that is big picture different here and challenging is the security situation, right? i mean the there s an isolationist tendency to the trump situation here. in the the us that quite frankly, really affects how the us will interact with nato, european security. i mean, there are russian warships doing drills 30 miles off the coast of florida that the us military is monitoring right now. and of course there s discussion about how this fits into the recent us decision to allow us weapons to be used across the border with russia. all of that kind of looming over these leaders as they meet know absolutely this is probably says more about russia, doesn t it? this these ships than it does about the us. russia showing its global presence and it s coming through on everything, isn t it? whether right. but they ve been trying to undermine they ve been trying to kind of there s evidence that they ve been trying to encourage and stoke some of this race wing political activity to try and split the west and reduce the security power across the board of the west now, yeah, it s all about creating divisions in the west so they can fill that vacuum with their own or authority in these ships are really a visualization all of that certainly in terms of isolationism, it does come into the right-wing debate here in europe as it does into america, because it s the, question about, do we support ukraine or do we not support ukraine? do we focus our own internal issues? so it all plays into the same thing. so certainly in terms of putin s and she s wider strategy to assert themselves and fill the vacuum on the global stage. the right-wing helps because it brings all the western allies into a more national frame of mind if you like, and less involved in international affairs are very interesting. all right, max foster for us my than london max are grateful to have you. thank you alright. coming up next, senate democrats move to pass a supreme court ethics bill. those in stand 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. and ask about the bosley guarantee. i m jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington and this is cnn all right. 21 minutes past the hour. here s your morning roundup. atlanta police say three people are injured after a mass shooting and the food port of the visit each tree center on tuesday and off duty, officer shot the suspect, a convicted felon senate democrats hoping to pass a supremum the court ethics bill this week, senate judiciary chairman dick durbin admitting the vote is basically a message, messaging exercise that will ultimately be blocked by republicans a six month mystery solved in grand blanc, michigan, three people who call themselves the breakfast club coming forward to collect pectin 82 842 excuse me, million dollars powerball jackpot from new year s day. they chose a lump payout of 305 million dollars after taxes. all three say they still plan to live in central michigan, but will be buying second homes in florida congrats to them all right. time now for whether lingering heat and the west moving into the central plains today and south florida bracing for more wet weather with sarasota seeing nearly a month s worth of rain on a single tuesday our meteorologist elisa rafah, tracking the systems for us at least. good morning good morning. some of those images out of us ever soda have been really incredible with some of that range of that a none dated the area more than six inches falling incredibly quickly it does amount to about a month s worth of rain. we still have some showers right now stretching from fort myers, some showers and thunderstorms getting into the peninsula there. but we ll get some of the rain totals from the last 48 hours. how heavy this swath? it has been across parts of south florida. and then in sarasota, where four to seven inches of rain fell incredibly quickly that we actually broke a record for the amount of rain that fell in just one hour nearly four inches of rain in an hour in sarasota, that breaks a record for the heaviest hourly rainfall the rain continues. we ve got flash flood watches in effect through at least thursday for a lot of the peninsula as we could continue to get a good four inches of rain or so four to six inches of rain still possible from fort myers to four peers, even down to miami as we go through the end of the workweek, we also still have the heat that s been pumping out west from las vegas to phoenix? thanks. is still with some excessive heat warnings as we go through the day today as their 100 days street continues, as we go through the next couple of days. i mean, look at these temperatures are still much above average for. this time of year. it is early to see heat like this, temperatures up around 110 through wednesday, thursday, friday and phoenix. the same thing up in las vegas as we go through the rest of the week. with this heat is going to start to spread east. look at some of the heat impacts as we get into monday, we re looking at extreme heat impacts and the heart of the midwest, looking at temperature is getting close to 100 degrees. again, very early for this type of heat, casey, early indeed are at elisa rafah for us. thank you very much. coming up next here. hunter biden found guilty, but one juror says doesn t want to see him do jail time plus in just a few hours, the house is scheduled to vote on holding merrick garland in contempt. what happen alder chains is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money. not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spot nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn. can to riva support your 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needs work, where do you go? angie. angie. angie gay man with angie. find top rated certified pros and your area plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs done well, he s resurface my fluorine. he s done plumbing work. i knew it s gonna be done right? i was able to sit back and let them do what they do with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. angie can connect you with the right pro for any home project. find top rated certified prose in your area at angie, suffering from arthritis, muscle and joint pain get relief finally, with magna life, arnon pain relief gel with eucalyptus, an email oil east stiffness, inflammation and soreness naturally available at your local retailer the door stop and searches as quickly and efficiently as possible be nice. do you think maybe we made things worse today it s called police work to address. it to see how the other side of things work sooner or later you re going to ask the join us i ve already been in one arm i have a young team for police in an area that could explode at any minute. and we re fine, completely blind i ve hanako montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn all right. just before 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast to live, look at new york city where the already up on this beautiful wednesday morning good morning, everyone. i m kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us. the jury has spoken. hunter biden has been found guilty on all three felony gun charges one of the 12 jurors who voted to convict the president s son says, he doesn t want to see hunter wind up behind bars because of this deliberating. i was we were not thinking the sentencing and no, i really don t think that hunter belongs in jail a date for sentencing has not been set, but the judge indicated it will likely occur before election day. hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000 for the three charges. but as a first-time offender, he is likely to receive a lesser sentence he also was facing another trial on the horizon, hunter biden s tax trial is set to start on september 5th, joining me now, criminal defense attorney andrew tarkovsky. andrew, good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. can you talk us through what is i likely sentence in this case for the gun charge alone, it is not likely that he will see jail time if you run the federal sentencing calculator, you can get somewhere between about six to ten months as the recommended sentence. but that s well within the area of when judges give some sort of more probationary type of sentence that doesn t have jail time. the problem for hunter is that this conviction, even if it doesn t see jail time on its own, that combined with the september tax trial, if he s convicted of that, would most certainly result in some degree of jail time likely in the neighborhood of a number of years. this conviction would be used as an aggravate are in that case as a factor that would increase the sentence under the guidelines really interesting, what what are the potential sentencing? what would he be looking at if he s convicted on these on these tax charges realistically, that put them at tenure. just give me a little bit more context on what what that could mean. this is an interesting tax case where he has paid his taxes since, but had gone on for a number of years, not only just not paying the taxes but also there s many kind of underlying issues with the way in which he was reporting the taxes, what he was saying he was paying the taxes on versus what he was actually spending his money on. so there are layers of those tax issues at hand. if he s convicted of everything, this is the case that could be generally in the single digits type of years of confinement, i would see a generally in the two to five range, but it s a very difficult number to give you a good idea of at this stage since we don t know what he s convicted of and the federal sentencing guidelines which were once effectively mandatory, are now discretionary. and so it s more of a guidepost. this type of case, tho i think would be in the low single-digits of years of confinement still interesting that there could be repercussions from this case even if there s no jail time here that we could really dramatically affect the outcome there. so can we talk for a second about how the jury made this decision because we are actually and i m interested to know why you think we re hearing so much from the jurors? as it s come out of that we saw some of spoken on camera to other networks this was what one told up politico. they said the defense s decision to call biden s daughter, naomi, to the stand, didn t help his case. i thought it was a mistake. the juror told reporters on tuesday, i think it was probably a strategy they shouldn t have done no daughters should have to testify against her dad at what do you make of what the jurors have come out and said about how they reached this verdict. well, i think it reflects generally the idea that hunter biden was pretty dead to rights the evidence against him was so overwhelming that they had to get to this conviction, but we still see the jurors have sympathy for him. they see this. it sounds like as a relatively minor criminal offense, which it is in scope of federal law and federal criminal prosecutions that typically take place. but that s not necessarily for the jury to decide how serious is this offense. it s a question of what s the evidence actually show us and what s the law say? what the jury isn t essentially debating upon is the impact that s had to the family. the back to those around they seem to indicate this idea that they re hoping that he gets clean and sober go through his rehab. that s all this sort of sympathy that perhaps the defense kind of put forward hoping for a different outcome, whether that was an effort by the defense to actually have jury nullification. we now know that the jury themselves were immune to that. they saw this for what it was calling it a more minor offense. but nonetheless, coming back with the verdict that they say was justice fired by the evidence all right. andrew truck ascii for us this morning, andrew. thank you very much for that. thank you it s good politics now the matchup is set. nevada s incumbent senator democrat jacky rosen will face republican sam brown in the general election this fall. nevada shaping up to be one of the most important states this election cycle as democrats look to hang out on to their razor thin control of the senate. when everyone votes in november, brown is a purple heart recipient and viewed as a rising star among republicans. and so it is tonight we continue to deliver health care to dream is not dead it was now, dad and the marriage of nine-member giovani jacky rosen begins to end tonight as we celebrate tonight, we re not celebrating my campaign for senate we celebrate our campaign for nevada joining me now, do you see correspondent for the nevada independent, gabby birnbaum. gabby. good morning to you so this race, of course, at critical because the senate is literally on a knife edge, right? so every single race matters talk a little bit about me. first of all, he s clearly adopted this dark rhetoric that the trump campaign has about the state of america. this is not the optimistic city on a hill type of message that you would have heard from a ronald reagan era republican. but this does i do think there are some republicans here in washington who think that this was a good outcome. how did this play out? yeah. i mean, republicans, like he said, this is the senate, hangs on literally any one of these seats for democratic incumbents that could flip and republicans would have control the senate. so they ve had this nevada matchups they re called for years in 2022 was the closest senate race in the country. and so as sam brown, this is who the nrsc, i m the national republican senatorial committee. this is who jaylen florida. they re publican governor of nevada. this is the guy they wanted and they got their guy last night by like 44 points in the primary. so it was never really a doubt but yeah. i mean, like you mentioned this, he talks a lot about we don t have an american dream anymore. it s an american nightmare. it reminds me a lot of the american carnage sort of trump first inaugural speech. and i think it shows that question for brown and for all of these challenges this will be how do you appeal to the base that s very pro-trump in states like nevada, where trump hasn t one and pulling this cycle shows maybe this is the year that he does it. but how do you sort of know that this is how you win a primary. this is how you appeal to people while also knowing in nevada it s the non-partisan voters, the independence who you really need to get to that 50% threshold. we ve seen in, in some states that democratic senate, and this is actually backwards from what you sometimes see in other election cycles. but the democratic senate candidates seem to be running ahead of president biden. is that the case in nevada yes. so i mean, you ve seen polls were biden s down by double-digits and rose up like plus one i ve seen polls where trump is up five and rosen s also up five. that d be a level of ticket-splitting and i looked into this and the data does have a pretty significant history of ticket-splitting, but it wasn t a different time when that was just way more for comment. in o for bush won by three points and harry reid, one by 35 points or something. that s very raid specific situation would have been a little yeah. itself, but i think as politics has become more nationalized, as nevada sort of local political culture of boosting incumbents in the senate no matter what, as a small state as that s sort of given way to this national political discourse that s so hyper-partisan. i would be surprised if the split ends up being that big in my mind. who s a trump rozi and voter? it s hard to think of who this person might be. but yes, certainly rozi, like other candidates, is running ahead of biden ben. and so i think it ll be a question for brown now of how do i get these voters who think they re going to vote for trump are considering trump, but might be skeptical of me. how do i speak to them so let s i m talking across. nevada was not the only state that help primers last night. we also had one in south carolina and the primary that was being most closely watched was nancy mace, who of course, voted to oust former house speaker kevin mccarthy. and mccarthy had made it a project to try to get the second name on that screen over the finish line, catherine templeton challenged nancy mace in this it s a charleston area, south carolina district so mace came out on top here. how much of an embarrassment is that for mccarthy? i mean, look, i think it s curious to see what mccarthy we ll do next, right. those rumors that if trump wins, he could be chief of staff or something. i think it just shows that once you re out of congress, you re out of congress, right? here lewin s is somewhat limited in what you can do. he s been trying to behind the scenes enact some sort of revenge on the people who took him down. mace, i think particular really got under his skin because his office had tried to help her with her legislative priorities. there was a good long piece of slate. this week all about sort of her interesting political demeanor. but yeah, confused a lot of people for sure. but i guess, i guess voters and south carolina s first district still felt good about it. so yeah, i do think for mccarthy, like i said, once you re out, you re out with congress yeah. i before i let you go, i want to touch on what we could see play out in the house today. there is some reporting that we have here at cnn that there are a handful of house republicans who are privately voiced concerns about a plan to hold merrick garland in contempt of congress. but they did announce last night they re going to go forward with this vote today. what do you expect on the floor? i think that ll be interesting. i mean, the fact that there s all these reports, the reports that they might have pulled it, the fact that there budding the vote on the floor, i mean, this is not a republican whip team that s been uber successful in exactly where the votes are. so i don t think anyone will be surprised if it were to fail typically, i think but the moderates have been upset about something they usually do, keep it off the floor. they re pretty open with leadership about their concerns. they re not right. the freedom caucus, i m not trying to wreak havoc on the floor. so the fact that they are bringing is a floor or i mean, we ll see i think this is the closer we get to the election, the more and more people are not going to want to take tough votes, particularly on such hyper-partisan things like rice this is a tough thing for some of the more moderate, moderate republicans in the house. all right, gabby, thank you very much for your time appreciate it. i come up next year, talks to end the war in gaza in serious doubt this morning after a response from hamas plus the man is facing a must wins situation in dallas tonight, which report reviews game three coming up violent burst would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn you know what s brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bolt. what straps bold do a rocket hurdles and into space, or boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it s smart, dependable, and steady all words you want from your bank for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happily fulfilled, which is pretty boring if you think about it. wow there are giant so mug they are the men and woman building daibes. next generation submarines they are giants and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow, where they can 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wednesday, june 19, and discovery and stream on max close captioning brought to you by in vet help call 1807, 1000 to o dealer invention idea, but don t know what to do next. cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807, 100020 welcome back, secretary of state antony blinken is in qatar this morning as he continues to push for a ceasefire and hostage deal to end the war in gaza, the negotiations were thrown into doubt last night when and israeli official said but a hamas response to the latest proposal was quote, a rejection but a diplomatic source telling cnn this morning that hamas is neither accepted nor rejected the deal. hamas leadership quickly pushed back, calling the attempt by israel, calling in an attempt by israel to back out of the proposal. talks are expected to continue through qatari and egyptian mediators in coordination with the us to see if an agreement can be reached. here was blinken yesterday before hamas is response everyone has said yes except for hamas and if hamas doesn t say yes, then this is clearly plea on them all right. told me not to discuss the un global affairs analyst kim dozer. kim, good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. are reporting. is that hamas did submit a response proposing amendments to the israeli proposal, adjustments to the or adding a timeline for a permanent ceasefire. and with thrall from gaza, this there seems to be an awful lot of fog around where each side stands on this proposal at all. can you kind of try to help us understand clearly where are the israelis on this? are they a definitive yes. and what this means from hamas that we saw yesterday today there s one key part of this peace deal that the ceasefire deal that each side keeps trying to change hamas wants to include some sort of permanent ceasefire in the deal what they have, what they ve been offered right now is phases six weeks was submit exchange, and a temporary ceasefire that then becomes permanent after some negotiations midway through they don t want that the israelis meanwhile benjamin netanyahu government he cannot say yes to a deal that has a permanent ceasefire in it because that will instantly dissolve his government. the hard-right members of his coalition have threatened to pull out if he signs up any deal that has a permanent ceasefire in it. so that s why you ve got a lot of stuff decided on the edges. but this one key point hamas wants to be able to survive and keep fighting and netanyahu s political survival is based on making sure hamas can t do that. therein lies the crux of the matter so what is the way out of that? but it s very hard to see it way out of that. that s why the original deal as the white house had shared with the world, has these phases where you get a bunch of the hostages back, you get prisoner exchanges. so that was sweetening it for the palestinian side that they get some of their hardline prisoners out and then you use that momentum of that progress to get through the second stage of the deal. so that perhaps netanyahu could then go back to his hardline coalition and go back to israel haley public and say see, i got all so many of the hostages out. now, it s time to have an off-ramp for this, but you got to agree to the first part to get to that second kim, let s talk about the sort of broader tensions in the region because we have seen slit, escalating back-and-forth between israel and lebanon. the washington post says it s a war that s unfolding in slow motion. and rockets are being launched from lebanon toward israel. how concerned should we be at this point? but this is going to tip into something more significant all along, it seems that the overall strategy of iran, which is supporting hezbollah and supporting hamas, has been to turn the tension up when israel is already on the back foot, just to keep exhausting its army the israeli army has having to go back to certain parts of gaza that it had said it had cleared already, and all of a sudden up in the north, there s an uptick in fighting. it s stretching and exhausting the army and pointing out to israel that if you want to keep going on these two fronts, it s going to cost you more in manpower and eventually in tax dollars because they don t have enough of a standing army to keep up this fight at this point. and that has put pressure on the israeli people to think about, do we? want to be doing this forever? and what that would cost? yeah. i mean, and what does that mean politically for netanyahu? i mean, is he coming under pressure from people? i mean, obviously israel israel as conscription mandatory service in their country. that s got to put some pressure on him. know, there s local israel issue specifically regarding that secular israelis are upset that for the most part, very religious israelis are allowed to opt out of military service. and there s been a fight to make more of them find, to find some way to draft more of them. into the ongoing fight. and that has been working its way through the israeli knesset but the hard-right members of netanyahu s coalition have said, if you force, are religious people to fight we will pull out. so again, netanyahu s caught between the secular folks. so he needs to win the next election and the coalition members he needs to stay in government cheerful. kim toes, you re for us this morning. thank you. i really appreciate your time. all right. so now for sports, do or die in dallas for the maths tonight the nba finals, andy scholes has this morning s police report and good morning. good morning. case. it s only game three, but the mass they have to win excuse me, they have to win tonight because notes, even me hey, history while struggling, i ve ever come back from an o3 deficit. i the big news given out yesterday is the celtics announced that star center kristaps prison thank suffer what the team calls a rare injury to his left leg. he s not questionable fourth, tonight s game per zinc has said he felt something happened during game too, but he s gonna do every you think he can to play with or without presenting as the celtics or they re treating game three like a must-win despite having a 2-0 lead in the series almost got to play like you now know to, rather than up and that s hard to do but you gotta go into that mind frame that focuses like now, we our plan like that have been down o2 before lost a series won a series. so i know what it takes i gave three tonight 830 eastern brahma dallas, us open. meanwhile, it sees off tomorrow from pinehurst at the big question is, can anyone beat world number one, scottie scheffler. he s won five of his last eight tournaments, including the masters. the worst he s done since since march was tied for eighth at the pga championship and he was arrested before second round of that tournament. those charges were dropped. scheffler knows all eyes are gonna be on him tomorrow, but it doesn t bother them at all i mean, as far as a target on my back, even if there was there s not really much that we can do in the game of golf. most of it is against the dollar of course, i m point against yourself. so target on my back done really, i don t really feel it and then i don t really think about it much. what is the most impressive to you about what he s been able to accomplish so far? for this year. the fact that the only thing that took him from winning a golf tournament was going into a jail cell for an ar usa basketball s announce the official a women s roster for the upcoming paris olympics. and caitlin clark eyes indeed not a part of it. the selection committee said they were aware of the outside noise and pressure to select clark, but she did not have the experience of other players. maybe they just want international experience because diana taurasi, breanna stewart, sylvia fouls, and candace parker we re all on the olympic team as wnba rookie s barkat, better college career. and all of them i violated. we americans, we ve got great fourth of july traditions, barbecue, fireworks, and watch and joey chestnut just dominate the nathan s hot dog eating contest but that s now being taken from us. chess, not a 16th time champ has been banned from the annual competition because he signed a deal with impossible foods to wrap their plant-based hot dogs test that saying the on x that he s gutted about the decision adding sadly, this is the decision of nathan s and major league eating are making and it will deprive the great fans of the holiday as usual, joy and entertainment in casey chestnut, one of the most dominant athletes of our time. no one can pound hot dog funds dipped in water better than him and it s going to be sad and forth. digital ad nazi him compete it will be sad not to see him compete. i don t know if i didn t put him in the eye. i am happy to see you doing this story and he shall also that i m not sure so certain a certain very specific type of athleticism. thank you very much borrow all right. coming up next here. what is next for the sign of a sitting us president just convicted in criminal court. we ll have more on hunter biden ahead. plus y of florida jury just ordered the chiquita banana company to pay 16 people, 30 eight $8 million the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one day which moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmet, you re calling some people find there s at an early age. others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that s why trucks are what we do we put our everything in every truck. so that when you find your calling nothing can stop you from answering now, during the ram, make this the summer event, get one $1,000 cash allowance plus finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days on the purchase of most 2025 ram 1,500 trucks if you have graves disease, 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240612

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steve: final hour from new york and also dallas and italy, as well. hour three starts right now. ainsley: a fox news alert. concerns of a terror threat crossing our southern border becoming a reality. steve: eight suspects were arrested after being released into the united states. go wherever you want. lawrence: lucas tomlinson has more on that. lucas: this is situation many americans feared. suspected terrorists among them. eight suspects with ties to isis entered the united states illegally and received full vetting by authorities. the fact these eight isis suspects got through the border is travesty. isis-k is extremely dangerous, we must be vigilant. lucas: the suspects are from t tajekistan. back to the tajiks in the united states, they were arrested in los angeles, new york and philadelphia in recent days. according to the new york post, part of the investigation featured a wiretap which revealed one individual was talking about bombs, remember the boston marathon bombing, something like that might happen again or worse. same style and method as the moscow massacre. these suspects were from t tajikistan. steve: exactly right. lucas, thanks very much. when we heard of countries where various terrorists or suspected terrorists are from, tajikistan hasn t been on our radar. officials were able to hear somebody say something about bombs. they are cryptic about it. according to news reports two of the people snuck it were apprehended about a year ago. one of the guys who was arrested used the cbp app to apply to come into the country. ainsley: they were allowed to come across the border. border is a huge issue for every state, especially for texas. b brian, they let the guys in, they were in the u.s. and flagged and they started doing research and heard them talking about the bombs. you remember fbi director wray talked about this was his biggest fear. this was in june, of this year or last year? this year, i believe. we ve seen the threat rise to a whole other level, increasingly concerning is potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, not unlike the isis-k attack. lawrence: the fbi director has been warning about this. you can t have policy based on emotion. current president turned everything off at the border and decided to let people in. the former president warned criminals would cross the border and people that had terror ties and we cannot forget in the past administration, isis was destroyed and we re talking about isis again and members crossing the border. brian: couple things. put down the fbi and they have done things questionable and think about their job. thousands are crossing everyday, there are countries that don t cooperate with the terror watch list. people have to track them and communicate with ice and pick them up. ice group diminished and depleted by this administration. for people that want to feel better about a terrorist attack,et s6800 have come acros california sector. texas has done an effective job. 4900 got in. people get to stay and get a hearing in 10 years. i am here to be a terrorist, we track them and we got them ahead of time. i worry about the odds catching up quickly. steve: border patrol agents are told, there is a list of 100 countries, if they are from that country, they can t be returned, we don t have a deal. tajikistan will say, just ltd. them in. ainsley: this is just eight of them that they just caught. lawrence: such a good point, there is a volume issue, you have so many people crossing, there is going to be people. the former president gave an interview and goes, some reports came out about known terrorists that came across during this administration. he said, it was zero, i don t even believe that, there are people that cross we don t know. there are some that are criminals or part of terrorist groups. when you have an administration that does not understand, we have ia situation like this. i thank god they found these guys and got a wiretap. what about people we don t know about. moments ago, president trump go ahead. brian? brian: go ahead. lawrence: moments ago brian: go ahead, you got the prompter. president biden getting set to go to g-7. lawrence: president biden is on his way to base andrews before heading to the g-7 summit in italy. steve: this overseas trip after potus made unscheduled trip to delaware yesterday, last night, to see hunter on the tarmac following hunter s conviction on three federal gun charges. ainsley: jacqui heinrich is live where world leaders will be meet approximating. protracted battle to get u.s. funding secured and idea of trump presidency ahead and groups in europe gaining support in this weekend s parliament elections. g-7 will consider tapping frozen russian assets and there are divisions between these countries. biden is pushing to use funds and the interest and europeans have been pushing to use just the interest. the president suggested headway had been discussed during his trip to normandy. did you discuss russian asset issue with macron and come up with an agreement how to use them? yes and yes. there are other challenges, including threat posed by artificial intelligence, that will be talked about in a special session with the pope and issues in africa and trade im imbalance in china. stronger language calling on china to stop enabling russia s war machine. our commitment to ukraine will continue to be right up front and clear. take bold steps to show mr. putin time is not on his side. we support ukraine s fight for freedom. white house is not commenting on latest ceasefire talks. officials wouldn t comment on the w wall street journal repot that sinwar believe this helps their cause. the president is set to arrive in italy later today and end this trip with a press conference with zelenskyy tomorrow and if you re a president who does not like taking questions, zelenskyy s presence mean he will only have to take two. steve: speaks of press availability, any idea why yesterday it was on the schedule, karine jean-pierre was going to brief the press at the white house. out of nowhere, they pulled the plug, what happened? well, you know, they have not said anything officially about why that happened. we were all watching developments in court with the case. we saw the president leave from his remarks and went directly toil withmington from there. you have seen the white house not hold briefings if the president is not in town. he was scheduled to be around. we have seen them hold briefings when he was local, not in another state. a surprise to everybody when the reshuffling happened. steve: sad you have to go to italy to ask him some questions. two. ainsley: a at least good food and beautiful scenery. we have been wondering why the j juneteenth concert was held a few weeks ago instead of next wednesday. abc, is reporting now the politic will go to camp david when he gets back from the g-7 to start prepping for the debate, which is the last thursday much the month. lawrence: watching dana perino. always measured, she was talking about the president s ability. can he do the job. she has been in the room when tough decisionings are made. this is what she had to say on the five . watch. dana: father time is undefeated. what i find alarming is that there is only one person empowered in our government who can make national security decisions we need and have to be made on a trigger s notice and i do not feel watching him the last several months, in particular last three weeks, that you can have confidence that would happen. so for example, you are commander-in-chief and i say i m chief of staff or military aide, sir, this is happening right now, what do you want us to do, are you confident that he would be able to do that? i want him to be able to do that, i feel empathy for him and i worry for him, about him. i don t want to get mad at him. i love the fact people want to helpim had. everyone has to think hard about this. lawrence: many people in the media ask the same question with donald trump in the last presidency. should we question his mental f fitness and there wasn t a special counsel saying he wasn t fit to stand trial. why can t we ask that about joe biden when there are so many obvious signs of him not being the same biden. brian: two weeks, we will have a debate, my hope is they don t do to joe biden what they were doing with donna brazille did giving clinton the questions. and they don t spend the whole time on january 6. you can t hide from it. as jon stewart said, we keep hearing how crisp and how strong he is behind the scenes, can we see that guy? sooner or later, we ll see if that guy exists. then there is january june 11th. couple of campaign cycles ago, big question, is this person ready to take the 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. phone call. to dana s point, he s lost a step, a bunch of steps. that is something people are talking about. you are down at a place called k kubie s at schneider plaza. the own er does a lot of bake know on, it has to be killing him. brian: yep. john cubie, round of applause for the guy that put this place together. how many generations? i m first generation, my dad s family started in 1728. my son is 15th generation. brian: marvelous combination of restaurant and supermarket, how has it affected you and your prices? food cost has gone up, you have to pass it on to some extent, you can t overprice. brian: do you lose business? of course you lose business, mar margin goes down. brian: when people say bidenomics is working, look at the numbers, what do you say? no, no, it is not working. brian: your place is packed, because of us or packed everyday? we have a loyal customer base. brian: see what a great place this is. round of applause for yourself, getting up early for us. you have a breakfast crowd and lunch crowd, right? this makes this place great, it is supermarket. come in, shop and eat. what do we gotz? this is our market, it has been an evolution. it started there and my dad made his own sausage and cold cuts, we grew and opened a restaurants. cold cut, cheese, famous pimento cheese we make ourselves. pro produce section. groceries in the middle. brian: how much are eggs in dallas? $7 for cage free eggs. brian: taking your word on that, we have no footage. you have a supermarket, deli section. we make salad inhouse, bring in cold cuts, make sausage, have a full service meat market. brian: pictures of the local community. my son is there, who works with me. brian: he will take over next. he is. brian: does he know it? he is. he is the boss. brian: how do you feel about being the next generation? brian: he knows where he s getting his summer job each and every year. thanks for having us. congratulations on this. your final thought about the economy, if we could change one thing, what would it be? change the president. brian: see if that changes economic principleses. will cain just came into the building. we ll bounce back and forth and see what everybody thinks from the dallas perspective. steve: get a taste of the chicken salad, it is really good. i know you like chicken salad. brian: they gave me a pound to go home with, it is in the re refrigerator. steve: thanks. ainsley: another big story this morning, greatest of all time will not be on stage for annual nathan s hot dog eating contest for 4th of july. joey chestnut posting this after being banned from the event on coney island saying fans will be deprived of the entertainment of the holiday. it comes because of his deal with impossible foods which required him to eat their meatless hot dogs, a competitor of nathan s. lawrence: i don t understand what he was thinking. we sign with the network and decide to wear the banner of another network, you can t do that. ainsley: you have to eat nathan s hot dog when eat ing te in the contest. steve: i ve never had the impossible hot dog, it is veggie. ainsley: it is plant based. could be great. lawrence: it goes against the idea of the contest. it is street food, meat, disgusting. ainsley: i agree. we are veganizing it or plant-basing it, i understand trying to appease everyone. they should get their own hot dog eating contest. ainsley: they offered him a lot of money and said, we will pay you this amount of money. he should have thought, it is nathan s hot dog eating contest, he should have asked them. i m sure he signed a contract and it usually says you can t go to a competitor. steve: he has won 16 times, he s already greatest of all time by a longshot, maybe this was a business decision. i could win again or make a lot of money and probably providing for his family. lawrence: you should finish on top. it is like michael jordan, you sign with the bulls, you stay on top. you don t go sign with the lakers and destroy your legacy and i think that is what he just did. he has a chance to undo this. ainsley: they said if we can come to a resolution, he is welcome to participate in the contest. steve: i like your comment about the bulls, beef, it comes back to beef. they got a beef with veggie dogs. lawrence: full of puns today. progressive act vivist defendin her decision to secretly record supreme court justices. nothing illegal about recording people, please tell me how we ll get answers when supreme court is sclhrouded in legacy. lawrence: wow, she s bold. steve: trey gowdy. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. who recorded justice samuel alito, his wife and chief justice roberts is speaking out. audio recordings, nothing illegal about recording people as long as one person is a party to the conversation. people who want to pearl clutch, how do we get answers when the supreme court has been clshroud in secrecy? lawrence: here to react is former prosecutor, trey gowdy. trey, i got questions here. try to hit them fast. there are laws, you can t lie to federal prosecutor or agent, can you lie to a federal judge, supreme court justice and secretly record them? trey: not if you re a lawyer, you can t. i hope she does not have a law degree, she will not have it long. some states allow single party c consent. if you re a lawyer, there is a different rule of law. there are groups on the right that do it, i don t celebrate that group. when someone on the left does it, i say the same. if you want a conversation, be h honest about it. lawrence: i get journal ism side of it. court is different, especially the supreme court. there is a reason why they have life-time appointment. do we think this may be a bridge too far? trey: oh, for sure. thing about judges, they speak through opinions. i am at the age in life where my friends are older than yours. some are judges, they have personal beliefs. we pick them to be judges because we expect them to separate their personal beliefs. you may remember dianne feinstein quiz zing supreme cout justice that barrett could not separate from her writings. she s been able to do that. here are two conservative justices saying conservative things. john roberts showed more character in his answer than this reporter did in her conduct. lawrence: i listened to the answers and they did not say anything wrong, nothing breaking news, they did not violent the law or say it will impact their judicial decisions. i think they left the conversation looking better. what say you? trey: i do, too. here, news flash, two conservative justices that have conservative religious views said conservative things. if that is newsworthy, i heard two courteous men, here is the chilling effect, i don t think they will talk to anyone going forward they don t have pre-existing relationship with. she hasun radioed it for people that would love to have the opportunity to talk to judges. lawrence: good point. we rarely hear from them anyway, she ruined it for all of us. trey gowdy, thank you. always fair. don t move, brian is live from the lone star state with a special guest, i think you know him, his name is will cain. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. wanna know a secret? with new secret outlast, you can almost miss the bus. but smell like you didn t. secret fights 99% of odor-causing bacteria. smell fresh for up to 72 hours. secret works! it s a crime to smell that good. janice: good morning, a beautiful day in new york city. warm summertime heat this week. take a look at florida, i m concerned we have heavy rain in the forecast. this is 90 l, we are watching the tropics, we are seeing tropical moisture working into central florida. close to foot of rain and more on the way, 10 to 12 inches will cause flooding concerns through thursday, friday and saturday. keep an eye on florida and heat across the country, for it is west coast and central u.s., fox wea weath, for the latest details. carley: key inflation report released consumer price staying unchanged in may, better than expected, sign price pressure may be easing. year over year, prices still rising 3.3% compared to this point in 2023. america s crime cries striking close to home for republican congressman after his aide was robbed at gunpoint blocked from capitol hill. they joined us earlier. never think you would be the one in the next story headline, thank god nothing bad happened to us. what needs to happen, we have to get back to nation of law and order. carley: washington, d.c. police are searching for this car, which they say belong to the suspects. brian, over to dallas, texas. brian: all right, fox news alert. eight suspected terrorists with potential ties to irs isis arrested in new york, los angeles and philadelphia. we are learning the tajikistan nationals crossed the border. they were released into the u.s. and wiretap revealed, one of them now arrested individuals talked about bombs. will cain, round of applause for will, everybody. [applause] brian: will cain, well supported. every stat thats people of texas care about immigration of the border, a national problem. they may cross in texas, it becomes a national problem. will: it is an international problem. i point this out. the european union across entire co continent from italy to germany, swung right because of immigration. muslim countries over there. and changing the culture and laws, changing crime stats. they said enough. that played a role in 2016. explain donald trump in 2016 in part, immigration, it will play a role in 2024. especially i want to call it insane, it is predictable. we ve been saying this is going to happen. brian: we used to have a handle on it, we left afghanistan in an ill-planned exits and because of that little insight to the terror side. you are professional, texas, diner goer and reporter. let s go talk to the people. will: go talk to my people. brian: they are more fascinating, let s do it. you go right, i go left. this is your home game. will: you put me on the spot, where is my camera. bring it in. brandon, let s go, brandon, last name fox. what are you thinking about at your age of the state of the country? main thing i m thinking about is the economy, i just graduated from school here in texas, you are looking on and getting ready to start life. more important is safety of our country and reminding each other values we are built on. will: how old are you? 22 years old. will: they like that. brian: female perspective from mary. what is your number one concern? you know, i m raising two young kids and it is so important, safety aspect. we don t know who is coming across everyday. safety of border is number one, education number two. i m actively involved in pta, and things we ve unearthed in curriculum mandated is shocking and needs to change. brian: that is disturbing, more with will cain, toss to you. will: couple of guys, this is gabe terrell, terrell construction. cranes going up downtown. dallas has been insulated, everything is moving here. it is hard, inflation, interest rates, this area is place you want to be in the united states. absolutely, will, a lot of construction projects going on, great area to be in. brian: how hard to build will s mansion and how many cranes did will need? 10. i wasn t part of that project. brian: podcast pays well. brian: this is pulse of the people, will, thank you for getting up today. will: i usually am sleeping. brian: good job kuby s, i appreciate it. back to new york. you are watching fox and friends . dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that s not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun saying, this is my message to you-ou-ou singing, don t worry about a thing ( ) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. why won t scout play with us anymore? 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here to react is former white house senior counsel, kellyanne conway. good morning. we are seeing video of join base andrews, about to head to italy. there are reports he will go to camp david and hunker down and stay there 10 days while he does debate prep. the debate is two weeks from tomorrow. does he need that much time? kellyanne: he does need that much time. hillary clinton all but disa disappeared during debate time. donald trump stayed on the campaign trail. i think that benefited him enormously, if you over prepare, then you sound contrived and in the case of joe biden, you lie. news of the day out of the delaware trial, we have department of justice that conf confirmed hunter biden s lapd is real. hunter biden is guilty of three felonies in delaware and the biden family is connected through the laptop, hauling in money from chinese infrastructure company from hunter. why is this important? it was debate stage where biden lied to the american people in 2020 and said he never discussed business with his son and 51 intelligence officials claimed the laptop was russian disinformation. i think biden preparing is one thing. i wonder what is going to happen with him medically for 10 days, we have no hard evidence joe biden can stand intimidated by donald trump for 90 minutes without a teleprompter. ainsley: paul riyn versus joe biden, he sounds differently, he is understandably has more energy and paul ryun said, i ve known biden, he s aged quickly. the guy i debated 12 years ago is not the same guy we have today. what do you expect out of the debate and how is president trump preparing? kellyanne: president trump will review policies. look at polling coming out of pennsylvania. pennsylvania and americans think americans were better off under the trump presidency than biden. why is this important? a lot of questions being asked in polls are questions that will be asked in it is debate. if president trump gives everybody a bin ary choice and reviews economy, crime, quality of well, everyday affordability, border security, economic security, fair ness. one piece of advice to president trump is, let biden speak. numbers seem to numb his brain and if you let biden speak, his lack of ability and truthfulness will be on full display and un undergerred what is believed already, biden is not up to the job. ainsley: we talked about virginia, joe biden won that state by 10 points and now they are neck and neck. in minnin m, new poll shows trump within striking distance of biden. republican has not won there since nixon, that was 1972. kellyanne: minnesota and washington, d.c., only states walter mondale carried in ronald reagan s landsliez reelection victory. trump is expanding victory, minnesota, virginia, possible hamilt new hampshire. name one county where joe biden is trying to expand their map. one thing in all the polls, trump is doing well, each in the states among african americans, and young people. joe biden is bleeding voters, i don t think debate prep will help with that. ainsley: we re watching this live video, he is off to g-7 after this. thank you so much, kellyanne. great to see you. they play hard ball on capitol hill and they are bringing that same energy to nationals park, previewing congressional baseball game. let s check in with dana perino. dana: after tonight, i know what danea reads sports will be about. what we know about eight illegal migrants and where they are now, and andrew cuomo grilled and nicole malliotakis is not satisfied and will join us. and how a recovering addict reviews the hunter verdict. tune in at 9:00. targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240612

delay tactic. if hope at best they might get an evidencey hearing. how the boxes were organized this way. whether or not there is something of allegations of bias and improper storage. on on the merits, it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022. when he turned stuff over to the archives. he is talking with his lawyers they are telling him to turn it over. we keep finding stuff. it will not ultimately change anything. but it will quite possibly the way judge cannon handles things but it will drag things out a little more. we are at the first anniversary of the mar-a-lago case. anyone s guess whether we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show. now it is time for the last word with jonathan who is in for lawrence o donnell. good evening. i would love to know if we are going to have a classified documents case but who knows. prepare a sheet cake with the number not on the cake and eat it or not. let s just eat it anyway. have a good show. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, oh three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors many president biden s home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i m the president. i am also a dad. jill and i love our son. and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect 2 judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. joe and i will also be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. he didn t attack the verdict. he didn t say it was rigged. no. all the wild and irresponsible reaction to the verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felony to misdirect from other crimes. bigly crimes. unnamed. unspecified. imagined biden crimes that are much bigger and badder than all the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. steven miller posted the hunter biden verdict was proof that doj is joe s election protection racket. the trump campaign called it a distraction from the real crimes. one right wing commenter thinks it was cover for the trump prosecution? you go after donald trump and hunter biden. okay. in republican s defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser and now 34-time convicted felon for president. in a new op ed, merrick garland denounced the republican attacks on the justice department. quote, they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today the doj sent a let tore jim jordan to confirm there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney alvin bragg. quote, the department has no control over the district attorney. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th the day after donald trump s sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan da s office said it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation following the full count felony conviction in people v trump. nonetheless, we respect our government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, neil, argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law, an msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast court side. thank you so much for being here. so now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some kerry matheson red yarn over a cork board stuff. did you have that on your bingo card? it is almost impossible. the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. for years these conservatives have been crowing about a politicized justice department. what happened today, the justice department convicted the president s own son. his only living son. imagine what that would take. the president gave you that job. you have the power as every attorney general does to end the prosecution. with the stroke of a pen. and you didn t do it. that s what the rule of law is all about. and, similarly, the constitution gives the president the power to pull the plug on any prosecution. that is part of article two. so biden, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn t do it. that s the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn t hear joe biden wining about a trump judge though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump. rather you heard the president saying he would accept the outcome of the case. i know no other word for that but presidential. he even went so far as to say he wouldn t pardon his son. we saw this with judge merchan and it is merrick garland s way too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these overthe top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionally to the trumpian all-out war on our justice system? i was really glad to see the attorney general s op ed today in the washington post saying look, what the department does is justify the rule of law and we do so fairly and impartially. that s the justice department that i saw jonathan when i worked there in two different administrations. and it is like why people respect this country so much. this morning i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150 new citizens from 54 countries and what do they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this. even the president s own son could be convicted by the president s justice department and the president s prosecution arm because this president respects the constitution and respects the rule of law. unlike some of these republicans who spit on this every chance they can. what do you expect to see when mat hat tan da alvin bragg testifies? i expect to see a big nothing. all sorts of innuendo related to how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son though it was overseen by a trump appointed special council. and adjudicated by a trump judge. i m sure we will hear cray-cray like that. the justice department said today there was no communication between the prosecutor who is the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories and the justice department. zero. none. so have the hearing by all means. that is part of congress responsibilities. but it would be nice to have some facts in these hearings. be nice to have some. but i m not expecting any. thank you for coming to the last word. thank you. so, here is how you know trump knows it could get much worse for him. he is a dumb son of a [bleep] convicted felon trump indicted for his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the 2020 election praised the january 6th rioters who attacked the capitol calling them warriors. those j6 warriors were warriors but they were victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election. that s what they were doing. while trump was ranting in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander-in-chief is somebody who gives a [bleep]. i served in the united states marine corp. i m ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. i m matthew mclaughlin. it is the first time i m shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield but when we return home. i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility and when i see his predecessor donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. who criticizes veterans. who doesn t see it important for him to go to the funerals. donald trump has zero accountability in his life. he is a draft dodger. simple as that. yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon. a mandatory requirement before his sentencing july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth. a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important. let s be clear. they are all ghosts trying to take us back. taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. closing doors of opportunity. attacking the values of diversity. equity and inclusion. banning books about black experiences. trying to erase and rewrite history. it is not just about the past. it s about our present and our future. it is whether that future is a future all of us, not just for some of us. folks, black history is american history. black history is american history. joining us now, former assistant democratic leader in the house of representatives, congressman james cleiburn. a cochair of the biden harris 2024 campaign. congressman, always great to see you. welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act. lowering drug prices. but listen to how roy wood jr. talked about that achievement. we have legislation for cheaper prescription drugs. insulin is down to $35 if you are a senior. i don t know if anybody here has paid for insulin before. but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs so we appreciate that $35 right there. i love the relatable roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? well thank you very much for having me. absolutely. we have to get this out there. this administration has a record that is unequal even cannot be imagined. by a lot of people who thought about these things as we went into the last election. this administration with this rescue plan has brought young children out of poverty. with this infrastructure bill is put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. the chipping science act. it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done. joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me well, he isn t talking loud enough. he didn t show the kind of energy we want. we are about substance. substance. not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what will leave for our children and grandchildren a country to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud. you can misrepresent. you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i used to listen to my dad s sermons and one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that get them. not their words. if you get caught up on the words, they will pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president. this administration. biden and harris. let s talk about, some more deeds. because today, the biden administration announced that medical debt can no longer be considered in credit scores. president biden has made debt elimination one of his pitches on the campaign. but new polling shows americans are split on student loan forgiveness. three in ten adults approve while four in ten disapprove. how concerned are you about those polling numbers we see on the screen right there? i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear. we are talking about eliminating this compounded interest. and all these things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have a constituent. not a black constituent. a constituent in north charleston who wrote a letter to the president with a copy to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years he has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest. and paying for it for more than 20 years. and still owed money. so when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest. not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney says that this was a bad deal, how can it be a bad deal? the principle is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there by people who are making money when the original principle was paid back a long time ago. so that is what is going on here. so nobody is paying anybody s debt. they paid off the debt. the compound interest people are collecting and putting people in the poor house as we say down south. let me get you on one more thing. let s talk comments that entertainment 50-cent made on capitol hill last week. listen to this. i said i m identifying with trump. why do you say that? because they got rico charges. congressman, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they have rico charges? look. he should have been with me last saturday night at this south carolina naacp freedom fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in there, male or female, for donald trump. should have been with me at greater target memorial ame church on sunday morning. 100% for joe biden. not a single person there. for donald trump. i don t know where 50-cent is hanging out. but i hang out with the naacp. i hang out with the black community. back faith community, and i don t see any support for donald trump. these people are not worried about rico, they are worried about their children s student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin when it comes to their health care. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broad band deployment. that s what they are getting from this president and they are not thinking about whatever it is 50-cent is talking about in rico. it is down in georgia. that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violateing the rico statute? come on 50-cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. congressman, always great to see you. thank you for comeing to the last word. thank you very much for having me. all right, 50 cents. coming up, we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who isn t celebrating. justice samuel alito s wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation at seeing pride flags from her house. and that s not the only reason we should be worried about what s on those secret recordings. that s next. those secret recordings. that s next. i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, there s skyrizi. things are looking up, i ve got symptom relief. control of my crohn s means everything to me. control is everything to me. feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn s disease. now s the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn s with skyrizi. control is everything to me. learn how abbvie could help you save. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i ll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. ( ) it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their home associated with the stop the steal movement and carried by rioters at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife martha anne alito are revealing more about what motivates her to fly flags. you know what i want? i want is a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he is like oh, please don t put up a flag. i won t do it because i m deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day. maybe every week. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag, it is white. and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the world vergogna. vergogna in italian means shame. that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq plus community during pride month. people. like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags that she is flying. and for what it s worth, i don t think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha annes in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but this is martha anne alito. she is not just any random person. she is married to a supreme court justice for life. one of the most powerful people in the country who is actively rolling back americans constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v. wade. and that laid the foundation for another right wing justice with a right wing wife. clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq plus community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that affirm the rights of same sex couples including same sex marriage. martha anne alito longs for the day when 74-year-old justice alito is quote free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. your reaction to what we heard. shocking but not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags. it s a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a symbol to talk about how they want to push us back into the closet. when i talk about what it represents, tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting where 49 members of our community s lives were stolen forever. this kind of violent action and political rhetoric leads to real world outcomes so anyone that is listening to her, anyone that is watching what she says, should be very, very concerned. not only about her words but what it means in terms of the actions of people that are listening to her. uh-huh. this audio, new audio from justice alito tonight. listen. justice alito tonight. listen. kelly, does this sound ominous given the two abortion cases and january 6th cases to be decided? to me it sounds hypocrital. i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of democracy. and now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this who is espousing these belief that s are concerning for someone on the highest court of the land. so i do think that anyone that is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito s mouth, you should be concerned. but i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq plus person, a woman, someone who is nonbinary, we don t have the luxury of putting our fear into a state of analysis. it is more critical than ever that we get out and we vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. uh-huh. trump is out there giving comfort to anti-abortion groups promising to defend life. these also sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting. they don t. they have said the quiet part out loud already. we have to remember that when roe v. wade was overturned and justice thomas concurrence, he said out loud, the next the court should revisit lawrence. they should revisit griswold. they asserted our basic rights as lgbtq plus people in this country and our right to contraception so any time they say that these things are not on the table, look at what they are doing. we should be very concerned about what we are seeing and take it as a call to action. at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count. and there is something that we can do right now about how this court has gotten so far disconnected from its actual mission in our democracy. as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night. but that s not the point why i m bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. across our nation, we witnessed a full-on attack on hard fought hard won freedoms and rights. including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride. the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate. the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation s true and full history. and the freedom that unlocks all others, the freedom the vote. how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november. what is at stake is more samuel alitos or more ketanji brown jackson. exactly. what i saw from kamala harris, that is leadership. at the end of the day when we think about this election coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is two fundamentally different visions for our country. when you talk to people, a lot of our fears are the same. worried your kids will have a better life than you do. concerns about inflation. making sure schools are good and welcoming and safe. but i want to make sure that whoever we elect that their solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v. wade to all they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights not only of the last ten years or last 40 years but the last 100. we have got to do something about it for the sake of all of our communities and especially for the sake of our kids. kelly robinson, thank you very much for comeing to the last word. thank you. coming up, it s election night in nevada. a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris and a muster win seat for democrat ifs they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jack see rosen joins us next. rosen joins us next. clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. until now. call 833-leaffilter today for your free gutter inspection. i ve had terrible flooding problems on my porch. now i understand why. right now leaffilter is offering a free inspection, on your schedule. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. call us today and schedule your free inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833.leaf.filter today or visit -cologuard®? 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i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. and my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i myself lived here the last 50 years just about. we are in the community all the time. we are listening and we are responding. i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee. we talk about all the latino small businesses. so many entrepreneurs. we want to be sure they have all the tools that they need to keep and start their small business and thrive. it is really important. and we talk about education. and our environment. we are connecting with our latino voters. the same issues that matter to everybody else. senator rosen, the late long time nevada senator harry reid built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? what that means around nevada state. we work together to make sure we do our field program. we are talking about the issues. we coordinate. being sure we are communicating. working together. nevada families, they really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters. we will have the new va hospital. they are searching for their 50- acre site now. it will be a game changer fir the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is seniors, veterans, students, or a tourism economy. we are listening and delivering. senator jackie rosen of nevada. thank you very much for coming to the last word. thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast and one of the big reasons is biden s strength in the key swing state of wisconsin and particularly, with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that s next. the trump base. that s next. yself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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the issues they care about our kitchen table issues that a lot of us talk about. affordable healthcare. women s reproductive rights, voting rights, saving our democracy, good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues. what do you say back to them? we talked about some of the issues that president biden and harris put forward. the jobs that have been created. money that has come into green county for various rings such as our ymca and county seats in the city of monroe. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about trump if anything? that they really do not want him back in office. it is as simple as that. been, how voters get their information has changed, much more now on social media then with traditional advertising. how has that changed voter outreach? the first thing we have to assume is there is no silver bullet. you may get something on the local news that reaches some voters. some are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up at the grocery store. we have to be everywhere. social media platforms, foreign science, door to door organizing, phone calls and text messages. show up at parades and county fairs, we build a surroundsound environment. we assume just because you said something somewhere does not mean anybody heard it. you have to say it everywhere and over and over. that is what it takes. trump is trying to confuse people. we need to bring people s focus back to what affects them directly. their freedom to make decisions about their own body and living in a democracy. who is fighting for them. trump promising wealthy donors whatever they want. that contrast does resonate for people but you have to go to where the voters are. sandy you have been nodding in agreement. my last question is, if biden were to come to green county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? that is a good question. i would guess to just be honest with them on what he plans to do for the voters, listening to them and what their issues are is the most important. being able to address those. if biden could come to green county, they would be ecstatic. we have 90 seconds left, same question been, what would you say team biden needs to work on or watch out for? we love biden coming to the state because he does listen to people. when they hear from him they moved toward him and when they hear from trump they move away. we have 97-99 assembly district covered. anybody that wants to help us organize you can volunteer at the website. biden really digs into what he is delivering. he announced a $3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon and stars and never did anything. that contrast really lance. for people that wonder what jobs they will have in 10 years, when biden shows up and does something it clicks. we want him to keep coming and we think we can draw a contrast with trump who talks big and delivers nothing and uses power to exact revenge instead of serving the people. i think it is guaranteed that biden and harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very much for coming to the last word. we will be right back. ht back. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. i wanna hold you forever hey little bear bear. i m gonna love you forever c mon, bear. you don don t have to worry. be by your side. i ll be there. with my arms wrapped around. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. that is tonight s last ward, the 11th hour starts now. tonight, hunter biden is guilty in the federal gun case. what is next for the president s son as he awaits sentencing?

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240612

cultivate the taylor swift voting demographic. this is one of the more popular entertainers musicians, and the world right now and it comes at a time where both candidates are also fighting for that younger vote for the younger generation some trump s supporters may already be skeptical of taylor swift and her politics in january pro-trump broadcasters and politicians put out conspiracy theories implying that the nfl had rig games and favor of the kansas city chiefs to promote swift and travis kelce and give them a platform to endorse president biden, none of which, of course, was even remotely close to being true wealth. how instrumental has taylor swift been in getting out the vote? this is why the biden and trump campaigns both want her on their side, wolf last year in september, she put out a message on instagram asking young people to register to vote according to tracking agencies. as a result of that in just one day, about 35,000 people registered to vote. that s how much sway she has especially among younger voters, turn biden both desperate for that demographic. very interesting guy, brian tied reporting for us. thank you very much brian. i m wolf blitzer in the situation room thanks very much for watching. the news continues. next on cnn leader is reportedly caught saying we have the israelis, right where we want them a federal jury hands down guilty verdicts for hunter biden on all three counts against him making him the first child of a sitting us president to be convicted of a crime the wife of us supreme court justice samuel alito s secretly recorded what she said about the controversial flags outside her home, and the people who criticize to the flying them cnn breaking news but we begin this hour with breaking news a new report released just moments ago from a un commission finds israeli authorities and palestinian militant groups, including mass responsible for war crimes and other violations of international law. the commission has also found israel responsible for crimes against humanity during its military operations in gaza following the october 7 hamas attack. i want to bring in cnn s jumana karachi, who joins us live from london. thanks for being the un says it has evidenced at both israel and hamas have committed war crimes or report just handed down to mount. and what can you tell us? well, linda, this is a these are the findings of the un commission of inquiry on the palestinian territories and israel, this is a body that was set up by the united nations human rights council back in 2021 during the offensive in gaza at the time. and now for the past few months, they have been investigating the events of october 7 and events since they have released to reports, 200 pages long in total so with their findings on both what is happening in gaza during these military operations, as well as what took place in israel on october the seventh. and what they say here is that they have found hamas and six other palestinian armed groups it s responsible for war crimes committed in israel. and they also found that, as you mentioned, that they accused israel of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during its military operations in gaza. now this linda, they say, is the first in-depth un investigation into the events of october 7 and events since they accused israel of obstructing their investigations, not giving them access to israel or palestinian territories, but they say that this investigation relied on interviews with victims and witnesses. they went through thousands of open source item is that they verified, they say through advanced forensic analysis, they had hundreds of submissions satellite imagery, forensic medical reports. now, when it comes to october the seventh, linda, these are the main findings. they say that these militant groups, hamas and these other groups are responsible for the for war crimes including intentionally directing attacks against civilians murder or willful killing, torture, taking hostages, including children and more. now, these crimes, they say, we re committed by these militant groups as well as palestinians. they say in some instances, in civilian clothing, they identify they say patron s indicative of sexual violence. and concluded that these are not isolated incidents, but perpetrated in similar ways in several locations primarily against israeli women. and the indiscriminate firing of thousands of projectiles against israeli towns and cities. they say that causing deaths and injuries is a violation of international humanitarian and human rights law. then you ve got the report on what is happening and what has happened in gaza during these military operations, there accusing israel of these war crimes and crimes against humanity, including you including using starvation as a method of warfare, murder, and willful killing intentionally directing attacks against civilians, sexual violence extermination, gender, persecution of palestinian men and boys, murder forcible transfer and the list goes on. what they say is when you look at the immense number of civilian casualties in gaza, the widespread destruction they say that this is the result of what they have found to be a strategy to cause maximum damage, disregarding the rules of war, the principles of distinction shin proportionality, an adequate precautions. and what they say is the intentional use of heavy weapons with a large destructive capacity in densely populated areas. they say that you know, all these evacuation orders that the israeli authorities have issued, that that was not adequate, that that was not enough. that they found that civilians as well came under attack when taking these evacuation routes or in designated safe areas and then they go into the humanitarian situation where they say they have found to be a total siege of gaza imposed by israel. and they say that this as what they found here to be the use of the weaponization of aid and access to gaza. saying that this was what is happening amounts to punishment. collective punishment against the civilian population and they also found instances they say a significant number of civilians who posed no threat intentionally killed by israeli forces. and in these cases, linda, we have to mention that they mentioned, they cite to reports that were reported by us at cnn over the past few months. now we have now reached out to the israeli government for comment. but it s worth mentioning here that they have made their position very clear on this commission. they said that they are not going to cooperate with them months ago. accusing this body of being an anti-israel and anti-semitic body, they have had issues with members of the commission. and of course, this is coming we ve seen the tensions rising, the relationship deteriorated between the united name nations and israel over the past during the conflict, as much as israel has come under criticism for its military operations in gaza, it has accused the united nations and several of its bodies and of an anti israel bias and not being fair towards israel. but we will we will continue to try and get more common from israeli authorities today on these findings, linda yeah, we will stay across history or de john monocrop. good to have you with us on this breaking news story. thanks very much we are following more breaking news out of israel, whether military says a large missile barrage has been fired from lebanon towards its northern territory. the idf said about 90 projectiles cross the border in total with some marking fires seen as ben wade, him and following developments for us and joins us live from a root. good to have you there first ben, so they re fighting it. the israel-lebanon border is continuing to intensified is take us through this escalation yeah i mean, what we re what we re seeing is real intensification overnight, there was a strike in the town of zwei. you wear we re hearing reports of four people killed. and in fact his butler on its telegram channel has come out and said that four of its fighters were killed, including a senior commander by the name of tlaib sammy abdullah now, we don t know if they were actually killed in this strike in southern lebanon because his butler never says where they re people were killed. but it appears that this is a is, described as a commander. so in response, it appears hamas has fired a volley of rockets from the lebanese sayyed, where hearing more than 50 the israelis are saying as many as 90 according to the israeli media, it is caused fires in parts of northern israel. now, video has come out on social media showing that most of those rockets fired from lebanon have been intercepted and intercepted presumably by the iron dome system, but certainly what we ve seen in the last week is that his bulla is used because in weaponry that seems to be somewhat more sophisticated last week it appears that they were able to take out one of those iron dome batteries, several days ago, hizballah was able to shoot down a hermes 19 is rarely drone. that s the third so far. now those drones fly at a very high altitude indicating that hezbollah is now using fairly sophisticated anti-aircraft weaponry. twice in the last week, they ve also used anti-aircraft missiles to fire at is israeli planes in lebanese airspace. so although much of the focus of the last few days has been on the situation in gaza and israel. the situation on the border between lebanon and israel is becoming increasingly tense. and there is ever more talk of the possibility of war between israel and his berlin fact this morning, we heard the iranian foreign minister warning israel not to fall into well of lebanon know, suddenly a frightening thought of ben, but i do if weekend for a moment want to turn our focus back to gaza because the fate of that latest proposal for a ceasefire seems more unclear right now, what are you hearing from hamas in terms of baer response to this proposal? well, it appears both sides are accusing the other of rejecting the proposal. now, israel is telling, saying israeli officials are saying that hamas is rejected. hamas has responded saying, no, we haven t rejected it. in fact, is a rich pays a member of hamas is politburo is saying the palestinian factions have responded positively and seriously to the proposal and are accusing israeli media of incitement and attempting to confuse the situation. it s a bit like when you re bargaining in the soup just because you reject a price doesn t necessarily mean you re not going to buy the goods. this is a bargaining, this is negotiations. so at this point, i think both sides are accusing the other of rejecting it, but i don t think we can say that the deal is dead yet. it s just bargaining and we will continue to see what comes out of the next round of mediation band wiedemann forests, covering all those developments. thanks so much. well, hunter biden, the son of joe biden, is now the first child of a sitting us president to be found guilty of a crime after his conviction on three federal felony gun charges the president braced his son off to landing and delaware hours after tuesday s verdict, the jury deliberated for less than three hours concluding that hunter biden violated laws meant to prevent those suffering from substance abuse from buying or owning a firearm and of course, it created an awkward political moment for the us president who just hours after his sons conviction, was speaking at a previously scheduled gun safety event harold, in his efforts to strengthen gumballs and enhance the penalties for those who violate them. well, let s discuss this where the riva martin and attorney and legal affairs commentator, she joins us from los angeles. good to have you with us hi. sorry. i had to buy it and found guilty of three felonies lying to a licensed firearms gun deal. i m making a false claim and a firearms application. and of course, possessing that illegally obtained gun for those 11 days he does face up to 25 years in prison. but could get a fraction of that. what do you anticipate well, one thing we do know is that hunter biden does not have any prior felony or any kinds of convictions on his record he didn t use the gun that he purchased for any crime, so no crime was committed with bad gun. he has been according to reports, clean and sober now for at least four or five years, given that he is likely to demonstrate a great deal of remorse, given the types of mitigation letters and testimony that we will see from supporters and friends. i think he ll get the lowest sentence possible, and i think it s so important to note that this case, the case that was brought against hunter biden several former prosecutors who had been in charge of us attorney s offices said this is not the kind of case that they would have even brought so i think we can t overlook a gloss over the political aspect of this prosecution. so i don t expect there to be any sentence in the range. what s being reported with respect to the 25 years, i think it ll be at the lowest end of the sentencing range yeah. an array that just on that point, as you alluded to people at the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives, did apparently say that anyone else would have seen these these charges dropped with this case drop if he wasn t as well-known, just how unusual is it for someone we know criminal record to go to court for an offense like this it s very unusual. i saw some statistic that you ve talked about less than three to 5% of individuals in this situation would have ever had charges brought. and even if charges were brought most likely this was the kind of case they would have resulted in a plea deal, not the kind of case that would have occupied the time and resources that we saw the government put forth and you can t help again, but look at all of the personal and very embarrassing information that was revealed during this trial, it seemed like the trial was about embarrassing hunter biden and therefore embarrassing the entire biden family more so than seeking justice, i was quite surprised. i should say, at the outcome at the verdict by the jury, i thought there would be jury nullification. i thought the jury would look at this and say this just doesn t pass the smell test. there s something blatantly unfair about this prosecution but they looked at the facts and said they put aside of the reality that this was the president s son. and reach their conclusion. and like democrats have been saying throughout the day you have to accept the verdict the jury, and i m prepared to do that, but i was surprised by it of course hunter biden does face and other trial in september over his failure to pay his income taxes during a years-long crack alcohol spending binge. should that case b. of more concern to him? woke absolutely much much more serious case of very easy to prove cases where there are allegations of failure to pay federal income taxes the allegations here is that he failed to pay over $1 million over a three-year period. but i think we re going to see something happened in the tax evasion in case based on what we saw in the case that just resulted in the conviction, and that s probably a lot of testimony about his drug use, about his addiction that probably had something to do played some role in why he did not pay his federal taxes. again, this is the case linda that ordinarily would have been resolved by plea deal and remember, there was a deal that was interred into by the special prosecutor and biden s attorneys that would have allowed for both the cases, the gun charge case, and the tax case to be resolved without going to trial. and so given that it is going to go to trial, the second case in september does tuesday s guilty verdict potentially raise the stakes for any future sentencing? absolutely. yeah. again, i don t think he has much jeopardy when it comes to the convictions today, the nature of the charges, his background, what we expect to see in terms of mitigation however, the federal income tax evasion charges we ve seen very a high-profile famous people serve jail time on very similar charges. so my estimate is that to the extent there is jail time and that hunter biden has to serve any jail time. it s much more likely to be related to the tax evasion case than it is with respect to the gun charge case. right? good to get you on the program or even martin, as always, thanks so much for your time thank you. linda will the new are controversy for the us supreme court one justice and his wife are caught on tape speaking to someone they thought was a religious conservative that conversation next telling me what you want from this want to be a scar, cool to be normal, liked this is waiting for who knows where it traumas you, i will not let you down if i were you know, i ve stopped talking every time i need a new 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several critical primaries could serve as a test for the us elections later this year. in the case state of nevada, sam brown won the republican senate nomination, will face off against democratic incumbent senator jacky rosen in one of the most important races of the 28, 2024 election in south carolina scene and projects that congresswoman nancy mace will win the republican primary for the state s first congressional district. that s despite opposition from allies of former house speaker kevin mccarthy, whom she voted to oust nice to feed it to challenges and should be able to avoid a june 25 primary runoff or left activists is just added to the political term. i ll roiling the us supreme court the activist posed as a religious conservative and secretly recorded conversations with justice samuel alito and his wife, martha-ann as well as chief justice john roberts. she released those secret recordings on monday jessica schneider explains what they reveal tonight. no comment from the supreme court after two of its most senior justices and one of their spouses are heard on secret recordings discussing sensitive topics. people in this country, believing god, embedded, keep fighting to return our country a place the bodley names i agree with justice samuel alito speaking to lauren windsor during a dinner last week hosted by the supreme court historical society windsor, a liberal activist posing as a devout catholic when talking with the justice, where he also addresses the current polarization of the country we can go the polar i think it is a matter of like i think you re probably one side or the other side or the other is i don t know i mean, there can be a way of working our way of living together peacefully it s different because there are differences. one fundamental things that really can t comment it s not like we re going to split the difference this society condemned the secret recordings saying attendees are advised not to discuss anything from the event. windsor defended her actions today in an interview with cnn, there s nothing illegal in a dc about recording people so long as one person is a party to that conversation, to people who want to pearl clutch about this yeah. please tell me how we re going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy. and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever. cnn has not independent candidly obtained or heard the recordings in full, but they come after recent ethics concerns involving the court, including controversial flags flown at homes of justice alito flags that the justice said were put up by his wife martha-ann alito, also heard on the audio for xi addressed the flag controversy head-on. know what i want. i want sacred. heart of jesus glad because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. and he s like, oh, please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them most of every day, maybe every week. i ll be changing the flags. windsor also secretly recorded chief justice john roberts, who rebuffed her when she made a case for more christian society we live in a christian nation and our supreme court to be guiding i don t know, that we live. in a christian nation. i know a lot of jewish and muslim friends who would say maybe not. and it s not our job to do that. it s our job to decide i do the cases, especially we have not seen any comment on the secret recordings from the supreme court or from the justices or justice alito s wife. now the supreme court historical society hosted this dinner where the recordings were made. it is a yearly event held inside the court building. were members because of the society are allowed to buy tickets for themselves and one guest. and the gathering provides members rare access to the justices as we saw in these secret recordings jessica schneider, cnn, washington one doesn t his dad and a suspect now in custody following the hijacking of the commuter bus here in atlanta tuesday. well, 30 say they responded to our port of gunfire on the bus when they arrived, the boss took off with 17 people on board that led police on a dangerous rush hour chase through heavy traffic the bus striking several vehicles along the way. when it finally came to a stop, the suspected gunman was arrested on board, plays found a bus driver with a gunshot wound, who later died in hospital. here s what the city s mayor had to say about that harrowing ordeal. no mayor, no, no chief no share if nobody wants to have a day like this, a gunman with a gun to the head of a bus driver saying, don t stop this bus oh else, worst will happen. this is the type of thing is that obviously no one is. i mean, it seems like the movies stood a comment ticking time bomb about to explode scene and gets exclusive access to a camp housing the families of isis fighters what a top us 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. lizard that s lizard order. now welcome back. i m into kincaid. it s been five years since the fall of isis in iraq and syria but the terror group s ideology is far from gone to this de, to sprawling camps in northeast syria is still housing the families of isis fighters, including their wives. and perhaps most alarmingly, thousands of their children, many now coming of age. and what the head of the us central command calls a breeding ground for the next generation of isis. and in many cases, they living side-by-side with some of the terror group s victims cnn s clarissa ward was a lot extraordinary access to some of the facilities at those camps. as well as the notorious panorama prison this is her exclusive report and a warning. it begins with some disturbing images cell phone videos of isis is brutal justice that the world hoped it would never see again. she might want him amash shared for the first time with cnn these images or captured in rocco or mosley in 2016 they were taken in 2022 in the al-hol camp in northern syria the sprawling dumping ground for the women and children captured after isis was defeated five years after the fall of the caliphate, isis is ideology lives on here security officials warn it is a ticking time bomb ungovernable and hostile to the outside world. you can see just how fast this place is more than 40,000 people are living here in the most dangerous part. the camp is called the annex. that s where some 6,000 foreign nationals are currently within we were granted exceptionally rare access to the annex by the us back syrian democratic forces sdf, who control the camp the women here hail from more than 60 different countries several raise their right index fingers for the cameras sign of solidarity with the islamic state do you regret your decision to join isis or wash she complains that the conditions in the camp are awful there are people in the world who will say, you went to join isis. you deserve it. you deserve it. what do you say to that? normally if enemy yeah women need me for the majority of alcohols residents are kids who have ended up here through no fault of their own un has called it a blight on the conscience of humanity. it is effectively a prison camp for women and children are arbitrarily and indefinitely detained should to a group stops us with a frantic plea. one of their sons has been arrested trying to escape the camp. she s asking if she can get her son back, who s in a prison the youth mark, we want to just send him out. so the sdf wouldn t take him. she tells us once boys turn 12, here, they take them it is a troubling story we hear over and over again the sdf says, it is their policy to separate adolescent boys because they are being radicalized as by their mothers an sdf raid earlier this year netted this video of a training session for children inside the camp. the sdf claims young teenage boys are married off to repopulate the next generation of isis fighters they say may explain the roughly 60 births recorded here every month this is where some of those boys end up after they are taken the or cash rehabilitation center conditions here are much better than the camps, but there are only 150 beds and they are all full shamil cha car grew up in cologne, germany until his parents took the family to the isis capital rocha. a shrapnel injury to his head has left shamil confused how old are you? chem omitted without if you don t know shamil was living in our whole camp with his mother and siblings until a few years ago when security forces came into their tent in the middle of the night in colombia enough for a man came and pulled me up and tied my hands behind my back. my mom was screaming. she said leave him alone. he tells us i didn t want to go with them. he pushed me saying, put on your shoes, but i didn t hit me islam is from dagestan on russia and is one of the youngest boys here which gives me three to it via mama hey so he s saying that he is just 12-years-old. he has been here about three or four months. he was taken from his mother he doesn t even know what his last name is human rights organizations have said the separations are on a pauling violation of international law but the sds top general muslim abdi defends the policy. no duck ethnic instead of these organizations condemning what we re doing and calling it a human rights violation. these organizations should give us help when it comes to our program that we have in place for years now to rehabilitate these children. but part of the problem seem it s to be that once these young boys turn 18, there s not anywhere for them to go, particularly if they can t return to their home countries and so some of them, i believe are ending up in prison necessity taken when he says, this is not a policy that we are following to put them in prison at 18 the reality is the goal is to reintegrate them with society but cnn has found that boys as young as 14 had been held here at the notorious panorama prison with an estimated 4,000 inmates. it is the largest concentration of isis fighters in the world. no journalist has been allowed inside panorama since 2021 until now so the head of the prison has asked me to put on a head scarf where we walk through here because these are some of the most radicalized prisoners they have a senior us official told us the number one concern at panorama is a prison break the fear that was realized in 2022 when hundreds of inmates managed to escape and i. look inside 25 men sit cross-legged in silence cell is spotless the men, we see appear to be indecent physical condition but tuberculosis is rampant in the prison. and we are only allowed to look inside two cells versus your, where you a british man approaches the great, but does not want to show his face i know advocacy groups called the us funded panorama illegal black hole, worse thing guantanamo bay in an interrogation room. we meet 19-year-old stephane, ucc or lou from suriname. he tells us he was brought to the prison when he was 14, along with more than 100 other miners have you had a lawyer ever you talked to a lot where i don t know about the big guys as we speak about the kids assume. well, if you know the truth, we don t know even my were always like punished as like five years in prison. i were punished we don t even know what he s done. like we ve been imprisoned because of our clients at the sdf intelligence headquarters. we need british pakistani dr. mohammed socket accused of joining isis. he claims he was the victim of an elaborate kidnapping plot. it says panoramas, inmates our abused. so we live in torture. i live in fear when you say you live in torture, do you mean that you are actually physically being tortured? this happens on an off what kind of torture? like beating by the stick? by the gods to be honest, i m just waiting for my death there s no getting out of this prison. probably never the warden at panorama called sockets claim of abuse false, saying quote, all parts of the prison are monitored by cameras and no prison guard can act in this way. the sdf and the us are pushing countries to repatriate their citizens from syria, saying it is the only solution to this complex and dangerous situation. but the process has been slow and many including western allies are dragging their feet in the owl rose can we meet brits, canadians, belgians, australians, and a couple of americans? survive basically 30-year-old hoda methanol has been stuck here with her seven-year-old son for more than five years. i have to ask you, i m seeing all of the women here are fully covered. a lot of them covering your phases you re not covered, you re wearing a t-shirt is that hard it was hard when i first took it. i would say for the first 23 years people would not accepting of it. and they harassed us a lot. they stole our stuff and i had to stay strong and show example from my son, born and raised in the us, hoda became radicalized online at the age of 20, and left her family and alabama to live under isis a decision she quickly regretted if you were to be able to go back to the us and you had to go on trial, potentially serve time in prison. have you reconciled yourself without possibility? i always tell myself that i m going to prison would be a step forward in my life if i had any time to serve, i d server and come out and begin my life with my son for now? that is not an option while the us advocates repatriation, it ruled holders us citizenship invalid on a technicality, but i didn t write now, she lives in fear for her son s future what do you miss most about america i just want to breathe ever i can arrow and be around people. i loved the people of america. they re very open and they re very forgiving and they re very, they re people who gives second chances and i think if they were to sit down with me and listen to my story from the beginning, they would give me a second chance but second chances are hard to come by here for most repentance is demanded and forgiveness rarely given as the cost of ignoring this ugly crisis continues to mount. clarissa ward, cnn, northern syria i m gonna statement to cnn a us state department said the department has not changed its position with regards to miss mu who found a citizen status as the state department to and determine and the courts are grade. she s not and never was a us citizen was sort of calm. the mystery of the north korean football star who went missing three years ago. i need to make a dramatic return now, we ll look at what s going on russian for trying to spy on us. we were spying on them this is a secret war. secrets and spies sunday at ten on seeing her on like minute 30 minutes. good one, remember, i don t want surgery for my do patreons contraction to i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment good boy. and five and if not non-surgical treatment is an offering i ve get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat, visit, find a hand specialist to get started your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pro enamel active shields because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is the game changer for my patients. it really works you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parsi mega because their places like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including 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extinguished. already say, no one was injured, but many animals were killed, including dogs, cats rabbits, snakes, birds, fish, and chicken. one pet shop owner says 400 of her exotic snakes worth about $136,000, died from smoke inhalation well, he was once a promising young football star, attracting interest from europe s top clubs. but when the covid-19 pandemic hit north korea s khan kuan song suddenly disappeared three years later, he returned to the football pitch trying to help his country qualify the 2026 welcome. cnn s alloca montgomery explains the vanished north korean soccer superstar missing no more. khan kuan song, the young striker from pyongyang to play for italian giant. your event is against some of europe s elite clubs he disappeared for more than three years after un sanctions ordered, north korean workers abroad to head home playing for north korea against syria, myanmar, and japan. finally, taking to the field again during the recent world cup qualifiers. but the mystery surrounding his absence remains and young hoc, a japanese born north korean former soccer player, who knows and met hahn tells me the striker has extraordinary talent. the two first met in 2019 when khan said he watched on to play for the country a pandemic later, they briefly met again in tokyo just this last march on, encouraged khan to help the team reach the world cup and says he was told by a north korean official that khan was stuck at a north korean embassy in china when the country shut its borders during the pandemic, then we re starting at 20. khan had to train alone for about two to three years, less the timbre i think they let them into the country on is worried the time away from the pitch severely affected the budding star s career, where the goal i feel like he lost out on the chance to grow more at the right age and time when he could have really developed. i think he could have played better. i ve been doing national team matches. it s really regrettable in north korea, sports are popular pastime and a tool for social control, discipline soccer in particular is a fan favorite and draws him thousands of spectators under the watchful eyes of sports enthusiast and leader in java and the kim regime is looking to elevate north korea into a sports powerhouse echoing its 2010 world cup qualification, only the second time it has desso a moment on remembers with pride, saying players were recognized with a certificate and departments and pyongyang. but the country suffered bruising defeats on the actual world cup stage and rumors quickly ensued of the national team facing punished schmidt from the regime, including public shaming, a narrative on strongly denies biotic. it s pretty hard to get information about the democratic people s republic of korea. so there are still stories about people being sent to the coal mine after losing a match or being lectured for six hours. but there are no such stories at all as far as i know, i was on the national team the more than ten years and then never have high hopes for his country men s returned to the global stage once it got khan, can t get back the time he lost. so going forward, i hope it becomes a great player will improve the image of the democratic people s republic of korea s national team with a little getting in or out of north korea. it s hard to know what the future holds for khan, but it s countries attempt to play in the world cup continues hanako montgomery cnn, tokyo we re going to take a quick break. we ll be right back. you re watching cnn as a guide gynecologist, i m embarrassed to say this. we use deodorant on our armpits and we kinda make women feel bad about body odor that they get on other parts of our body. why i created lumi whole body deodorant for pits, privates and beyond. it s clinically proven to block a told her all day controls odor for 72 hours soap can t do that. and since your pits and privates go everywhere, you go, keep them confidently fresher with 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just hours ago, but not to make new music jin, the oldest member of the group is discharged from the military after completing his 18 month mandatory service requirement. he was graded by five of his six bandmates south korean media reports, they released their requested leave from their own military assignments to celebrate the occasion jan immediately got in front of the camera on social media. we ve us racking up more than 3 million views performance and fan event to plan for thursday. at age 31, jen is the first member of bts to finish his military service with the ban expected to reunite next year once all members discharged will get your rooms ready. one, a brothers has announced a c-corps to the 1998 hit film practical magic sandra bullock and nicole kidman, stars of the original film are in talks to return for practical magic to a variety reports. the actresses are also expected to produce the project story fall is two which sisters who, because every man they love the film is based on alice hoffman s 1995 novel of the same name. no word yet on a release date for the sacral, one or brothers which is producing the movie as part of cnn s parent company, warner brothers discovery thanks so much for your company. i m mindy kincaid. have yourselves a wonderful day seeing on user and continues with max foster in london. after a short break, stay with us i m thinking i m going to die. and five, both one would with we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn. let s get the rest of these plants organic soil from miracle grow has grown meat the best garden i have ever had, good soil and you get good results this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil so who are you? i m in a child that you really need in life is some brick in total oh yeah four-star teach you, go into the torque, get you going? now we re talking guard bonds. so i know our job cornered or two totally torqued out crossover start your day with nature. the number one pharmacist recommended 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