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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ayman Mohyeldin 20180729 21:00:00

Ayman Mohyeldin hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
he walked that fine line. he was just very critical of the investigation. not going after mueller in a personal kpcapacity. but with the tone of the tweet we just read, he is really trying to assign mueller a motive as to why he s going after trump eluding to things like he didn t get the job, nasty business relationship that went sour between the two men. do you think this is a different tactic now that we re seeing that he s building up for the past several months? he s been going after mueller for a while. i do think we re at a critical moment here. there s a lot of of expectation that mueller is building to some more indictments, to some more cases and there s that obstruction report that he has been working on for some time. and there s a generally belief that he s not going to do anything after labor day. he doesn t want to be accused of interfearing in the election in the same way that james comey
mueller? it feels as if something is building. i was at the justice department on friday. shortly after republican house effort to try to impeach or censure rod rose instein because speaker paul ryan didn t agree it with. rod rosenstein was withstanding this pressure as does bob mueller. the person who appears to be operating under some more intense pressure is the president who as you pointed out today has been tweeting again about mueller. that s because doj now announced two indictments against russians for information warfare and for hacking and other types of offenses. and the question is will the special counsel unveil indictments of any americans who were involved in those activities before the midterm elections? that combined with the looming trial of paul manafort which starts this week in virginia and the increasing pressure under
scandal for the last half century from watergate to iran-contra and white water, there have been public hearings and the key witnesses testified in public. this is nonsense what we re getting now with the counter spin. chuck grassley and dianne feinstein and richard berr and mark warner at intelligence, they could subpoena michael cohen tomorrow, have him testify in public. we can learn exactly what he has to say, exactly who was there, who his other witnesses were. they can bring back donald trump jr., have him testify in public. and we can air this and the public can evaluate for themselves who is telling the truth here. but this spin, counter spin is really not doing anybody any favors and it s clouding the issue. i thit shate to say this but think you re asking for a lot from congress. it is their responsibility. absolutely.
they say they want to investigate this and yet everything is behind closed doors and all we get is spin from two sides. you re right. i was just trying to be a little sarcastic there. i appreciate your point. rick, i want you to watch giuliani claiming that cohen doctored at least one of the recordings. take a listen to this. now i ve listened, unfortunately, to mshany, many hours of tapes. and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. i didn t know that. i didn t know him well. he s capable, i think, unfortunately of doctoring tapes. he hasn t done that, hard to do it now since we have an expert all over it. rick, i know that you worked on two of jew lagiuliani s camp. what is your reaction there? what is the strategy that you think he s going after? i think it s important to remember the rudy you re seeing is a performing rudy. he is playing the role of the junk yard dog attorney deaverfeg
his client to the hilt. i don t think rudy believes that the tapes are doctored. i don t think he but you can expect him to do the very sort of, you know, upper style rudy, the big character because it s newsworthy. it keeps the base of trump s support, you know, gives them a sort of model to go after, a talking point to follow. and so the fact that he s going to play that role and he s going to play it with all this sort of big over the top assertions and stuff, it s just important to remember, like i said, it s performance. it s a piece of performance art as lawyering. who has more perceived credibility here, trump or cohen? both of these men, an argument can be made against them. how do you see this being played out? i m going to go with the people who have the subpoena power. the people that have the subpoena power are the prosecutors and the southern district of new york and the special counsel s office.
those folks know far more than we do. and they know who telling the truth and who is not telling the truth. they likely already got phone records and corroborating evidence to give a sense of who here is shading and not shading and by how much. i d also point out that to the extent congress wants to delve into the issues seems like kind of doesn t. that could get in the way of the on going criminal investigations. so for now we re left with these actors both with motivations to improve on a story which may or may not be true. shading the truth. and though important thing is what evidence a grand jury sees in new york and d.c. and virginia. yeah. to michael s point, at the end of the day, we re all still left in the dark here. no transparency whatsoever for the public. thank you very much for joining us. michael, stick around. you ll be back later in the program. what if the tape of michael cohen and president trump s
conversation was altered? we re going to discuss. plus, the ultimate will they or won t they right after the president invites putin to the white house, putin turns around and says he invited the president to russia. the possible power play behind the special invite. you might take something for your heart. or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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on the heels of the controversial summit in helsinki, an encounter is in the works this time on american soil. i think this meeting is very important for everyone. all right. the white house says the next summit now won t take place until after the first of the year. national security adviser john bolton saying they want to wait until the witchunt or mueller probe is over. but some are speculating there could be another reason for the delay. no one really publicly endorsed that idea. a lot of people said it was a bad idea. he is an adversary. you don t invite him to the white house. all right. so russian president putin returned the favor inviting trump to visit moscow, something president trump is considering. we are ready to invite president trump to moscow. be my guest. he has such an invitation and i told him that. i am ready to go to washington as well. i repeat, once again, if the
right conditions for work are created. so is this now the beginning of a budding new bromance and how can russians benefit from this relationship? russian tv took to the streets of moscow and asked what do you want from mr. trump. watch? all right. so trump may have some fandz s russia. but germany s defense minister delivered a scathing critique in an interview and he said, the u.s. president lacks any strategy in dealing with russia. a trip to moscow may be just what trump needs as things start to heat up back here at home. as donald trump s former personal lawyer jumped camp and released a damming recording of a conversation he had with trump, how much political damage has been done? did michael cohen betray you?
all right. and then there s this trolling. the russian pop star who helped facilitate the 2016 trump tower meeting between don jr. and the russians, taking a cheeky jab at the president in a music video featuring a trump look alike. wish you at least could be honest i wish that you told me the truth but you keep complaining and every time that you go you got me so good i wish you would be honest the lyrics there. all this could make the president anks shuxious. what about the rest of us? trump anxiety disorder is not an official diagnosis but therapists know the symptoms. to talk about the trump-putin dynamic, i want to bring in my panel. the former white house director and democratic strategist and back with me once again, michael isakoff.
great to have you with us. is this normal? give us a sense. you spent time at the state department. dueling invites from superpowers with neither side really seeming to know about the other offer or invitation in advance, is that something that is common practice? no, none of this is normal. big surprise. usually the way this works is that an invitation is discussed at length by both sides before it is officially extended, meaning that staff on both sides, the foreign ministry and state department all know about this in advance. and lots of planning goes into it. it s usually an invitation to the white house. it s a reward for good behavior or extension of good will as it was for example with india to increase economic ties. in this circumstance, donald trump extended the invitation to putin to come right during the election and everybody was shocked. how do you invite the adversary who is accused by your intelligence agencies, by your congressional leaders of
interfearing inte interfering in the election and then you off the cuff invite a former kgb head of this operation to come on your home turf? on top of all of that, putin played completely i coucoy, he not accept or decline the invitation for five days until trum health care pl trum health care plan to officially withdraw it. that was a power play by putin. putin is saying can you come to moscow as an extension of that power play because it gives putin the home turf advantage. and not to mention, nobody forgets that moment when dan coats, director of national intelligence was told about the invitation from the white house and his reaction and surprise to that. michael, let me play you the sound bite from the secretary of state. he was grilled on what came out of that first big trump-putin meeting. take a listen to this. there were many things that came from what i view as incredibly important meeting between a president trump and
president putin. one that i think the world will benefit from when history is written. all right. and to my recollection, he is not yet articulated what came out of this meeting. why then have a second meeting, mike signal what do you think is the real motivation behind having a second meeting since there was nothing announced in the first one? who knows? we don t know what was said in that first one. and pompeo doesn t either. all he knows is what the president told him and one does have to wonder how accurate and fullsome the president s account would have been? it does appear that the russians have a much better handle on what was exchanged between president trump and president putin at that meeting than anybody in the united states government. so, look, the fact that they want to have a second meeting without any sort of really detailed accounting of what took place in the first one is a little bit odd at best. yeah. they re not even announcing or
articulating a series of meetings or steps that they can say could lead to this, you know, like some working group. working agenda. absolutely. adrian, speaking of agendas, let me read this to you. this is the national security adviser john bolton. he put out a statement that reads the president believes that the next bilateral meeting with president putin should take place after the russia witchunt is over. so we agreed that it will be after the first of the year. is that the real reason here for this delay or is it because putin s visit was unpopular in the first place not to mention among the president s own party it drew a lot of criticism? sure. i think it s the latter as opposed to the former. but i want to make the point here that fact that our national security adviser of the united states of america, the person who has the ear of the president on national security matters probably more so than anybody else in the administration is actually calling a very serious investigation into russian
meddling and into our elections. russian interference for that matter. clear cut interference. a witchunt in an official white house statement is just you just can t believe this is actually happening. we see this time and time again. of course john bolton on fox news consistently disparaging the mueller investigation is one thing. now he s national security adviser. again, you know, every day i think i m not surprised by something the trump white house does because so many things are chaotic that come out of that administration, something manages to shock me. let me draw into your expertise once more the state department i should say the white house, excuse me, is no longer publishing readouts of the president s phone calls with world leaders. how problematic, how disturbing is that? or is it not? extremely disturbing because even though those reports used to be fairly anondine, it is
talked about and counter terrorism policies and economic cooperation, at least it gave a sense of what parts of policy and strategy the two leaders were talking about. and the readouts again go to the broader understanding that the executive branch is ultimately beholden to the american people. and we are able to get information. that is of the most importance in maintaining our system of checks and balances. and maintaining the integrity of our democracy. this is just another step by denying us basic information about what our president is talking to other world leaders about. it allows donald trump to make the presidency about himself and not about the american public. it also leads me to believe that sometimes those other world leaders if they re adversaries could spin the message the way they want to. they have been. we ve been hearing all about this from the russians. every aspect. so they now are winning the public affairs campaign about
what s going on in the war on syria, what is happening in iran. they re now claiming u.s. support that may or may not exist because we don t have an accurate readout from our own president. michael, let me get your final thoughts on how this putin-trump bromance plays out with our allies. we played a sound bite from the german defense minister saying there is no american strategy to deal with russia. it goes beyond just the lack of strategy, right? there s no doubt they re going to be remembered far more than anybody else about that summit and events leading up to it. because there you had the president unvarnished taking what he really thinks. and what really thinks is the russians didn t really attack our election. it may have been somebody else. what about the dnc server, all this, you know, sand dust that he s been throwing out there.
and if that s what he s saying in public after meeting putin, we can presume he was saying he was saying something similar in his private talks with putin. that is really astonishing. i want to echo that point made before, the idea that john bolton is now adopting the political spin of the president calling the mueller investigation a witchunt is really remarkable. he has a serious job and he s supposed to be an honest broker dealing with national security crisis around the world and see him indulging in the president s political spin is not good. absolutely. always appreciate your insights. thank you for your time. stick around for us. we ll touch base in a little bit. all right. still ahead, bad blood. the president s legal team severed ties with michael cohen s lawyers. what it could mean for robert
mueller s investigation and serious allegation business giuliani that someone altered the tame between the conversation between donald trump and cohen z th. but does that even matter? well, here s to first dates! you look amazing. and you look amazingly comfortable. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck. that s when you know, it s half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. so, next time don t half-wash it. downy and it s done. that s confident. but it s not kayak confident.
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the agreement is in effect over because he s making it clear that he s going to try to hurt the president. we can t give him information. he obviously isn t going to give us information. all right. the battle lines are now drawn. the president s legal team is on the attack following the release of michael cohen s secret audio tape this week. rudy giuliani is leading the charge as you saw there adding yet another line of attack as he goes after cohen and the tape s credibility. we have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape in a sense that he abruptly mid conversation turned it off. i think they put it out because they want the doctored version to obscure whatever else might be on that tape. we ve had it analyzed and it is no way to tell if he did it at the time or if he went back and added it out of portion. because it goes on to another subject. it stops abruptly and goes on to another subject. now i listened unfortunately to
msh many, many hours of tapes and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. i didn t know that. i didn t know him well. he s capable, i think, unfortunately, of doctoring tapes. hasn t done. that will be hard to do it now su since we have an expert all over it. strong words there from giuliani. joining me now is a former federal prosecutor. glen, great to you with us. let s pick up on the last point. he is talking about the tapes and the possibility that the tapes were tampered with. if it is somehow found out that the tape at least the one that we heard publicly so far was indeed doctored as rudy giuliani claims, how damaging would that be for cohen s defense? well, if we actually had evidence that michael cohen doctored the tape for a particular outcome to make the president look bad, obviously that would be damaging. that is something as a career
prosecutor i would take into account. and i would have to really drill down on if i were meeting with michael cohen and his lawyers deciding whether to bring him on as a cooperating witness. but i have to say this really seems more like a continued disinformation campaign by mr. giuliani. and here s why i say that. first we heard that the tape will completely exonerate the president. then mr. giuliani turns around and says well the tape was doctored. and this is a common refrain. we heard mr. giuliani say michael cohen is a good and honest lawyer and then he turns around and says michael cohen is an absolute liar. but if i can drill down on one thing mr. giuliani said on tv this morning, i think it tends to highlight exactly what we re dealing with here. and what mr. giuliani s real intent s here s one thing he said this morning. i wrote it down. i ll quote it. i don t want to be inaccurate. mr. giuliani this morning said that michael cohen said the following, i only made the
payment that being the ami, karen mcdougal payment, because i personally love the president and milana and that s why i made the payment. mr. giuliani then props that up as gospel. take it to the bank. and because he said that, the president is completely exonerated from campaign finance violations. this is the typical bait and switch that we see defense attorneys try to pull off every day in courts in cases. they say the man is an absolute liar. you can t believe anything he says. then they turn around and says this one piece helps my client. take it to the bank, believe it. i think that s why i suggest we re seeing a massive disinformation campaign designed to really impact the sort of public perception in the event this actually plays itself out in an impeachment hearing. then as a former federal
prosecutor, how do you deal with the fact that you have two men whose credibility is to say very bad? i mean you have michael cohen and the president both known for fabrications, for lies, misstatements. how do you then try to piece together an argument when you have two men of that background? here s how i would deal with it. if michael cohen were coming to me and wanting to cooperate, we would sit down in probably four, five, six very lengthy debriefing sessions. we would have the million plus documents and other materials that were seized during the search warrants executed on michael cohen s home, hotel room, business. we would walk through them one at a time to make sure everything michael cohen said could be backed up sposhgts, su and corroborated. we would go beyond that. he would get his cell side
information to see where his phone was at any given time. for example, when michael cohen said i was in a meeting with the president when i overheard the president being told about the upcoming meeting, the trump tower meeting with russian operatives, we would want to check michael cohen s cell phone records and his cell side information to see if the cell phone put nipple thhim in that location. we would painstakingly try to confirm, corroborate every single thing michael cohen is saying and only if we believed he was being truthful would we decide to offer him a cooperation agreement. and it certainly seems that is something that is at least unfolding now which is another indication of how long this investigation into michael cohen and what role he could play continues. glen, great to have you with us. thank you for your insights as always. thank you. today marks 100 days until the mid terms. president trump is ready to stump six to possibly seven days a week plus he is ramping up the attacks on democrats,
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week when we re 60 days out and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race and we think we re going to bring them over the line. you heard president trump vowing he ll be campaigning hard for candidates this fall. with mid terms exactly 100 days away, there are new predictions that democrats are actually favored to take the house. there could be one other major factor taking place just weeks before the mid terms. president trump tweeting out this morning, i would be willing to shut down government if the democrats do not give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall. if it happens, that shutdown would take place october 1st after the current spending bill expires. joining me now is congressional reporter for the daily beast and back with us once again, adrian. great to you have with us. let me begin with you. help us understand why trump is threatening a government shutdown now? well, certainly it s 100 days
before. effectively, this is first judgement day. this is going to be an election that is a referendum on donald trump. democrats are enthusiastic about turning out to vote. and republicans really have two choices. they either are going to be running to defend donald trump and turn out the base or running to distance themselves from him. either option as a republican is not great because that s not talking about your own district and your own message about what you delivered to the public. democrats have an advantage. even now in the polling you soo he that donald trump is losing the independence that helped get him elected. that is upholding in arizona and ohio and florida. he is down less than 40% which is not what a president with theoretically a winning economy, he should not be in that position right now. that s why we re seeing him tweet about things like the border wall, potential shutdowns. he is desperately trying to figure out a way to rally the base and get himself past november elections.
i m trying to figure out why he is asking democrats for funding when he promisesed that mec promised that he coumexico going to pay for the wall. there is a political analyst that says democrats for the first time are actually favored to retake control of the house in the midterms and according to the hill report, he shifted 17 house races in favor of the democrats. still several vulnerable republicans including representative pete roscam seeing the races move from likely republican to tossup in the ratings. what is making republicans in some of these districts so vulnerable? what do you see as the vulnerability? well, the vulnerability is the fact that donald trump is the president of the united states. look, democrats have 23 seats that we need to regain control of the house. democrats are also leading 10 points on the generic ballot which means that if a democrat and republican are going head-to-head, the democrat has automatically a ten point
advantage in a lot of the swing districts. that is a significant attribute for democrats running and going into the mid terms. you know, look, one reason why donald trump is making some of the immigration and the nfl, whenever he goes into the panic mode he starts delivering red meat back to his base to motivate them. you have got to keep in mind that republicans are going to be home house republicans and democrats will be back in the districts for a full month. there s town halls. their going to be hearing from hearing from angry constituents. the president and republicans have done nothing on health care reform. they want to sabotage the aca. they passed a tax bill that is in favor of the rich. this is a great situation that the democrats are in going into the fall. and again, you know, the other factor here is that democrats do need to take back the house because we need to have some
sort of subpoena power and control over balance of boyar between the house and the senate. so andrea, i know you spend a lot of time as a congressional reporter on capitol hill. you heard president trump talking about the fact he s willing 60 days out from the elections to be on the campaign trail, six to seven days a week. is he going to be welcomed by these republicans? do these republicans want to see trump campaigning for them in their districts? the thing so interesting about this year, you have moderate republicans up for re-election in districts that hillary clinton won, sometimes by double digits. carlos in the 26th district in florida. dana rohrbacher out in california. these are folks that, you know, i don t know if the president s help would actually benefit them in their congressional districts so what these candidates and these incumbents have to do is really distinguish their own brand from what the president is offering. what we saw this morning from the president s tweet about the
border wall funding is that number one he s drilling down on the base which is something that s worked really well for him and will continue to work well for him as we get closer to the midterm elections. he also realizes he won t get any border wall funding after the mid term elections. i don t anybody in their right mind think there s going to be more republicans. if anything, fewer. the big question is whether the democrats retake control. we are seeing how hard it is for him to secure that border wall funding. and he knows he s seeing the writing on the wall. if he doesn t get it now, he won t ever get it. it will be hard to pass his agenda one way or the other. let me ask about demographics, particularly about the record number of women running in 20178. 309 women have filed for u.s. house races. many galvanized by an anti-trump sentiment. the recent protests against the
family separation at the border has impacted women voters but let s talk about women running for office. how will this play in the midterms? my favorite topic, thanks for asking me about this. look, women are fired up, ready to take back their country. they re angry at trump for his policies, misogynistic behavior. we are seeing this on the democratic side. if a woman is running against a man in a democratic primary statistically the women will win. you have many who are fired up. at 2016, you know, should have been the year of the woman because hillary clinton was the democratic nominee for president. really 2017 and 18 is the years of the women because they re so fired up and motivated like never before. let s switch gears really quickly. i can get your reaction to this interesting exchange that
unfolded on twitter this morning. the president tweeted out, had a very good and interesting meeting at the white house with sulzberger, spent time talking about the vast amounts of fake news by the media and how that fake news has morphed into phrase enemy of the people. sad. as you can imagine though there was a response from the new york times publisher a.j. sulzberger who felt it was responsibility to respond. i told the president directly that i thought his language was not just divisive by dangerous. although the phrase fake news is untrue and harmful, i m far more concerned about his labelling journalists, the enemy of the people. i warn his inflammatory language will lead to violence. andrew, as someone who does cover capitol hill, how is this likely to play out, this attack by the president against the press? are we hearing other senior
republican leaders not side with the president on this subject matter? right, senior republicans on capitol hill have denounced the president or at least troyed to distance themselves from him when he launches against the journalists in general. as i said before, this really goes back to the president wanting to drill down on the base and make sure he has his base in his corner and this they show up to vote in the midterm elections. i think that s something important for him. i will note that in a follow-up tweet later this afternoon i think he started a thread in which he talked about how sort of the news media operates. he said it s dangerous when journalists reveal the internal deliberations of the government. i think that s our job. a lot broad sized that the president launches are not only meant to advance the political agenda but they re misinformed more generally. it s generated a toxicity
against the press and about the security and safety of the news agencies across this country. thank you. that ll do it for me this week. join me at 5:00 to break down the major stories of the week and reach out to me on social media. join me friend kasie hunt at 7:00. and first up, it s meet the press. how do you win at business?
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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180729 22:00:00

the white house for clarification on that. they have yet to respond to our questions. there is previous reporting out there about conversations president trump has had privately with some, including his own white house counsel, don mcgann, making complaints about what he sees as conflicts of interest on behalf of robert mueller. according to four separate sources who spoke to the new york times earlier this year as part of a tirade president trump went on against robert mueller, he complained mueller left his virginia golf club over a disspews because of golfing fees. a spokesperson for the special counsel told the washington post that was inaccurate. president trump, if you recall, it was reported, tried to fire robert mueller until his counsel, don mcgann, threatened to resign at which president trump backed off. again, this is the frustration of president trump of his own attorney making bombshell
The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera.
here he is attacking mueller and the press and immigration policies of the u.s. is trump going back to his greatest hits here or are these attacks somehow different? it does seem like there is a late sunday barrage of these. this has been a tough week for the president, not the least of which is because his long time attorney and counsel, michael cohen, obviously this past week, we have seen it so dramatically, turned against him in a tense and offering evidence to the public and presumably to prosecutors that could implicate the president. it seems if the tweets are a sign of his mood, it is not a happy state where the president is just now. and we also learned this week, robert mueller is looking at the tweets as part of his investigation and here he is going after him on twitter. you re a defense attorney, you
The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera.
darned with the facts. it seems like it doesn t matter. i was looking the other day at a study the president was told 2100 lies, he tells five lie as day. it s really disheartening because it doesn t appear to be about the fact, about getting your base to believe that the investigation is a witch hunt. the investigation has no substance, the investigation is all about going after me. that s a shame because if he should focus on substance and really focused on politics. all the news about michael cohen this week is coming a bit of a drama before our eyes, we learned a few days ago, trump s former attorney, michael cohen is willing to tell mueller trump knew about that 2016 meeting before it happened. if true, what could this mean for the president? there are a couple of stories this week and the other story cnn broke earlier this week was the excerpt of the tape michael cohen recorded his client as he
the fact of special counsel closing in on him and has a southern district investigation. at the end of the day, you see there would be an opportunity for him, based on the proximity to the president, to know what s going on. if he is a person that s not credible or has no veracity for 15 years, why did you keep him around? it makes no sense. the issue whether the president knew or didn t know about this meeting, i don t think it has any legal significance. did we really need michael cohen to tell us about this meeting? was there not enough circumstantial evidence with blocked phone calls relating to don jr. with the president saying two days before the meeting he was coming out with a speech, that was circumstantial. as to the issue of an actual meeting, it s okay it s not okay it s not like a deposition he lied at, he lied to the press and he has become very adept at that without consequence.
at the end of the day if he knew about the meeting, it s not illegal to have the meeting in itself. it s the substance. it may have a lot of political significance but on the legal side i don t think it has significance. we will see what robert mueller does about it. obviously part of the southern district of new york who has cohen s case. thank you both. we have more news on this deadly california wildfire taking another life, more in just minutes. live in the cnn newsroom. are you taking the tissue test?
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uhp. i didn t believe it. again. ooh, baby, do you know what that s worth? i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh i m not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! we ll make heaven a place on earth yeah! oh, my angels! ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] lest drive an update from the california fires, the death toll and people missing are climbing, six people dead at least and it s become even more dangerous. it s explosive and what firefighters have already seen, and they have seen plenty. at least 700 homes destroyed.
just 5% containment, barely worth mentioning. one that was just mentioned at the news conference in redding is entirely man made. they mentioned drones. we have noticed there are drone footages online of folks flying drones over this fire. that poses a huge safety risk to our folks. if you fly, cannot. we have to ground all our aircraft if there s reports of drones over the fire. it s quite the process to get them out of the area and chase that down after finding where they re coming from. we ask you please refrain from flying drones over the fire. covering this fires all week, dan, from redding.
officials they they will soon be contained. reporter: they have said they will be turning a corner for days but things seemed hopeless. the commander said quote we are feeling more optimistic today and finding good progress. i think by tonight you will see containment percentages increase. what that means we don t know. right now, it is 5% contained. but any spike would be welcomed after the residents felt paralyzed. you have 38,000 people under evacuation order, you can t get a hotel in the area. the evacuation center is full and people i m sure are anxious to get back into their homes. this is one of the subdivisions we have seen all day, and underscoring the random nature of the fire, one burn down to
the ground and the one next door completely standing. the containment numbers will go up. i have to tell you, this area does remain under a red flag warning, supposed to be windy tonight. i think officials are cautiously optimistic. difficult to see some of those images. up next, the community is coming together for those helped to evacuate. they re getting big help. celebrity chef guy fieri next in the newsroom. first, christine romans. wall street will get one of the biggest earnings report this week, apple, set to report tuesday after the closing bell. the stock is up 15% this year and climbed steadily the past month. apple insiders will be looking
closely at the future of the business. investors will be keeping a close eye on tariff related headlines and profits and the july jobs reports are due to be out friday morning and expecting 200,000 new jobs, right in line with recent months. the big question is the jobs rate, will more people enter the labor market in june and people are confident enough to come off the sidelines to look for work, a good thing. the federal reserve also meeting this week and we aren t expecting a rate hike and won t be a press conference from the fed chief jerome powell. he will start doing a press conference after every meeting next year in part to tell people what he is thinking.
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call or go online today. welcome back. we have some images right now of the president here as he heads back to d.c. after spending a weekend in his golf club in new jersey. see him there walk from, i believe that s air force one or marine one. i guess marine one would make sense, given the color of it. he s walking past reporters. every now and then he ll take questions. we ll see if he does this time. he has been on a twitter storm as we ve been reporting here the last few hours, going after
robert mueller, now getting on air force one to make his trip home arriving off marine one and back to the white house he goes. he s heading back to the white house. if you can believe it, midterm elections are right around the corner, just 100 days away now. president trump to make a big push in california and pennsylvania and florida. analyzing how republicans can maintain control in congress and how democrats can pull off a congressional victory. watch. 100 days now to the midterm elections, new cnn rankings give the democrats a reason to feel more bullish to take over control of the house of representatives. to the campaign trail, a look at the current state of play. let s look at the house. 235 republicans, the majority. see the red seats, democrats in the minority with 193. that s the state of play in
washington. let s look at our new rankings on the campaign trail. 235 republican seats, rewarning only 158 of them as solid republican going into the final stretch of the campaign. 29 likely, 18 lean republican, see the yellow or gold, 27 toss-up seats, strong number for democrats, 182 solid, nine likely, 12 lean democrat seats. how do democrats get to the majority. here is their dream scenario, win the likelies and dreams, 230, if they run the board, well in excess of what they need to be the majority. again, that s a dream vision. it does show you how this is well within their reach in the final stretch. one of the reasons they re so bullish, look at the toss-up seats. of the 27 toss-up seats, 25 are currently held by republicans. 25 of the 27 toss-ups are currently republican held seats,
only two held by democrats. with the wind at your back the reason democrats are more optimistic. more of the democrats into the red and their standing today is even better than the beginning of the year. look at the republican numbers, 177 solid to begin the year down to 158 solid now. more seats have moved from dark red solid republican this way towards the democrats. democratic numbers are up, 182 now. 176 in january. a lot can happen between now and then. heading into this final stretch democrats believe their odds are quite good at taking the biggest prize this november, control of the house. thanks, john king. let s discuss with senior writer and analyst and steve cortez,
from president trump. you just heard the news. are you worried? i am worried and i agree with him. history argues for the democrats. a president s first term is usually disastrous, obama and reagan and they had a good second term but had trouble in the first election. it gives me optimism. i think they will win if they can just resist from being crazy. i used resist on purpose. i m not sure they can resist being crazy. we ve heard the most radical wing go crazy, abolish i.c.e. and cortez. if they go there they will jeopardize what should be their victory and the second way they
lose if they keep going back to the impeachment. if we want to win as republicans we have to put trump de facto on the ballot. make the case, i think it s accurate, democrats will impeach this president if they take control of the house and i think they can score an upset and energize the deplorables to convince them this is really a trump re-elect. when you hear about the economy it s so strong and you hear if the economy is so strong you have good political power. as john king just reported, are there signs to be encouraging. yes, on the encouraging side we know donald trump s approval rating is up, that s a factor. if it s near 50% it s not and not anywhere close to the 50% now then republicans are almost certainly cruising for a bruising. the economy that has been good
since the beginning of the year hasn t moved the numbers at all. even though trump s approval rate is up, congressional ballot is still bad for republicans, but if that is seven, plus eight, plus nine to election day it seems to me democrats will take control of the house of representatives. we have enthusiasm for democrats right now. hold your thought because i want to read what trump is tweeting. he seems to know what gets his supporters motivated. he s going back to a topic he knows will fire up his base, immigration. from another tweet today, i would be willing to shut down the government if the democrats do not give us the votes for border security, including the wall, must get rid of the rotly, catch and release and finally go to a system of immigration based on merit. we need great people coming into our country. do you think the wall is worth the government shutdown? i certainly do.
this was the foundation he was elected on. nothing gets his base fired up than these issues. it s smart politics and good policy. he won 230 congressional districts. if congressional republicans would embrace him and his vision they would keep the house. the reason of the house is very much in doubt and i was worried because far too many house republicans have been establishment squishes and not embraced the 2016 message of sovereignty and populism. if they embrace it, a real immigration bill, border security, ending visa lottery and catch and release. if we actually did that before november i wouldn t be worried at all about us keeping the house. a government shutdown, you think his voters would say, yeah, it s worth it? before the election? isn t that going to hurt some of his voters?
look, it might. we had two this year. the country s not exactly falling apart, as a matter of fact, quite the opposite. things are going great in this country. two shutdowns already and it hasn t been armageddon. it s worth at least playing brinkmanship. we need to take risks as republicans. i agree with the article and what john king said, the table is set for democrats. if we re not adventurous and bold we will lose control of the house. if we lose control of the house, they will impeach trump and not good for the country and obviously not president trump. let s get him on the ballot. the way to do that is immigration. do you agree? i agree immigration is good for republicans. i believe republicans are more enthusiastic about immigration than democrats are. i do not agree if they tied
themselves to trump, it would be good. donald trump has 42% approval rating. if it s not better than that, it s over. there hasn t been a president whose party didn t suffer in the midterm elections. normally the president s approval rating at this point holds to the election. the one time it didn t happen was jimmy carter. we still have 100 days to go. at this particular point it s bad for them. independence, a whole other piece of the puzzle, right? exactly. we re talking about donald trump s base. the republican party will carry 90% of the voters donald trump won in 2016 in this midterm election. if that 10% we re looking at of his base that voted for him in 2016 but probably because they didn t like hillary clinton, and she s now not on the ballot. if that goes over to the democrats this midterm it will be a democrat landslide.
thank you for being here to discuss politics and beyond. we ll have you back soon. up next, we turn to california where the fire ravaged redding is being forced to evacuate. they re getting help from that celebrity chef on the right, guy fieri next in the newsroom. stop fearing your alarm clock. with new ! zzzquil pure zzzs. a drug-free blend of botanicals with melatonin .that supports your natural sleep cycle. .so you can seize the morning. new! zzzquil pure zzzs.
dinner date.meeting his parents dinner date. save up to 15% why did i want a crest 3dk early white smile? so i used crest. crest 3d white removes. .95% of surface stains in just 3 days. .for a whiter smile. that will win them over. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. bundle and save big, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that. test test democrats on that senate intelligence committee say the white house is not taking the
election seriously. one of the main challenges is the new way russian hackers could mess with america, no longer just voter registrations. state sponsored hackers seem far more interested this year in demonstrating that they can disrupt the american electric utility grid. than according to the united states intelligence officials and technology company executives. is that what you re hearing from your sources as well? actually, the director of national intelligence had a briefing of reporters last week to walk us through some of the things they re seeing russia is doing. russia is looking at elections and also looking at things a lot more disturbing for national security officials, they re probing electricity grids, probing the various things you would need to keep communities running, the kind of thing perhaps in a military conflict
you might interfere with if you were a country like russia less military powerful than the united states but perhaps the u.s. might reconsider some sort of strike against moscow in a conflict if moscow was threatening to bring all of the u.s. power grids down. describe a worst case scenario if they get inside the power grid. could they trigger black-outs or destroy the electrical equipment? what could they do to things in place? what they could do is probing various power plants and probing utilities so perhaps they could trigger some sort of black-out city by city. they ve also been doing things like probing utilities, possibly to get personal information. it s not really clear. some of these probes are disguised as criminal hacks, but
what u.s. intelligence officials believe this is, is laying the groundwork for future conflict in what they call a gray zone fight, where it measures short of war. they might be planning to do some of these things but do it in a way that is completely deniable so that they can cause chaos in the united states and u.s. economy, maybe pull down a market trading floor. but be able to say, hey, it wasn t us. i wonder about the approach because we know when it comes to elections there are a few senate democrats who have had their office attacked and russia is still trying to interfere in the midterms as well. microsoft told us at the aspen forum there were three different lawmakers who had
their campaigns interfered with so far and we had the head of cyber command tell us he has set up a specific department to deflect and detect russian interference of various types. he didn t give us too much detail on that. what that does tell you is that even though president donald trump seems to go back and forth whether russia did try to hack or would try to hack, the professionals in the national security community are telling reporters, we re watching this, we re aware of it, and trying to message to moscow, we have your number. yet, when it comes to this potential election interference, national security officials are telling cnn they re operating with no coherent strategy from the top, all these different agencies essentially having to fend for theirselves without direction or support. is it important to be on the same page and have a united cohesive strategy? you do hear complaints they d rather see something like the
counter-terrorism fight, where you have all the different elements of u.s. national power working together to target those who would do us harm in terrorism. but you ve got the national security advisor, john bolton, who is no fan of russia, and some of his staff, who are looking at this. i think you will see them coalescing towards some sort of unified strategy. failing that, the different elements of national power doing what they do besty which is fighting each different arena and hoping that that is enough. kim dozier, great to see you, thank you very much. thank you. tonight on cnn, the only limitation is imagination. follow the rog degrees of animation from theater trailers to saturday morning and primetime tv on the web. the history of comedy on cnn at 10:00. art
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we actually saved $50,000. and that s just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we re building a better california. people who know president trump worked for his companies and even wrote books about him say there is one universal constant about this man, that you can count on him to stretch the truth even outright lie if it suits the situation. that s not a new facet of donald trump s personality. here s gloria borger. reporter: from the election itself in many places like california, the same person votes many times. you probably heard about that. they always like to say, oh, that s a conspiracy theory, not a conspiracy theory, millions
and millions of people. reporter: to the inauguration. we had a massive field of people. you saw that. it went all the way back to the washington monument. reporter: to statements like this. what you re seeing and what you re reading is not what s happening. reporter: donald trump has had a fraught relationship with the truth, one that goes back decades, to the building and selling of trump tower, where barbara rez managed the construction. he pointed that princess di was looking for a trump tower in trump town. reporter: that didn t happen? no. but it made the papers. reporter: veracity wasn t a part of it, getting the buzz out there? yes. reporter: about trump? did you guys laugh about it? yeah. nothing so terrible about it. like puffing, like exaggerating. reporter: tony schwartz, co-author of trump s art of the deal has a name for this.
i came up with this phrase, truthful hyperbole. i called it an innocent form of exaggeration. now, i can call it something i actually sold for $2 million and say ten million and that becomes truthful hyperbole. the problem is there is no such thing as truthful hyperbole. the truth is the truth. hyperbole is a lie and they don t go together. reporter: they didn t go together during during the troubled opening of trump s casino in 1990 when some of the slots didn t work. when the hotel commission went there coaching day to check out things had been done, many things hadn t been done, they shut down a third of the slots. reporter: slots critical to the casino s success. the slots were the prime for the casino. to shut down a third on opening day was humiliating and
disastrous. it was done because he doesn t have an organization in depth. reporter: that wasn t the story trump told. something could go bad like the opening of the taj, and he would say, it s because we had so much business here this happened, not that the system broke down, not that we didn t know what we were doing, we had so he could lie about everything and he did. the slots were so hot, nobody s, again, nobody seen people play that hard and that fast. so it blew out the slots? they blew apart. too much use? donald is so wrapped up in hyperbole that it s almost constant lies. you know, whether it s the littlest things where, you know, if you had 2,000 people at an event, you know, he would say there were 5,000 people at an event. and he got away with it. there is no belief system. if it will work, i will say it.
if it stops working, i ll say it s opposite. and i ll not feel any guilt about feeling it s opposite because i don t believe anything in the first place. reporter: switching gears is what he had to do after his press conference with putin, attempting to walk back this remark on election interference. my people came to me, dan coats came to me and some others and they said they think it s russia. i have president putin. he just said it s not russia. i will say this, i don t see any reason why it would be. in a key sentence in my remarks, i said the word would instead of wouldn t. the sentence should have been, i don t see any reason why i wouldn t or why it wouldn t be russia. seeing it from his perspective, doesn t make a zirve distinction between what is true and false. his distinction is what will work and when will not work. reporter: and what happens when he is challenged with
facts? what does he do? he has a genius, you know, perverse genius for turning any situation into something that is evidence of his brilliance. even if it s not true. reporter: gloria borger, cnn, washington. from washington to the other side of the country in celebrity chef knows all too well what people in the fire zone are dealing with right now. last fall a fire forced had imto evacuate his northern california home. how did he respond? he set up a mobile kitchen and he fell his evacuees and first responders. now he is helping out again. guy is joining us from reading, california. guy, thank you for spending time with us. northern california is your home turf. first, i just want to ask you, what are your thoughts about what you re seeing there? it s unbelievable. i mean it s unbelievable to see what folks are going through. but it s even more more
unbelievable of just how great this community is and all these folks that have come together and the salvation army. i mean we re in tough times as a world with all of the things going on. boy, you take a moment like this and you really see what america is made of. a lot of great people coming together. i m a big fan of food network. i know how busy you r kudos for you taking action to help in the response. what is your plan? you know, the salvation army has been on the ground in reading and reading is a great place right here in northern california. i mean i come here for years as a kid. and they got involved right off the bat. and people are displaced. the fire is down and you can t see the sun. they need water and it s a regular basis. even my team and i got involved and my son and i and his buddies
and a bunch of mine loaded up the caravan from the wine country and drove four hours up here and just working arm in arm with the salvation army and local chefs and residents and everybody helping out ee vvacue. that is quite the undertaking. what it is like to try to, i guess, respond in that way, to try to feed that many people on just a moment s notice? you know, it s not the simplest thing but when you have a lot of people around you, i mean we got volunteers, probably have 20 volunteers right now standing in a parking lot at shasta college and made a make shift kitchen setup with one of the trailers and a bunch of stoves. and, you know what it is? the salvation army has people that are giving them great support. we have a group called operation barbecue relief getting involved. they re going to be here with a couple big trailers. more and more people are finding the shelters and the
opportunities that the shelters have. a lot of them don t know where to go and what to do. but salvation army is going to help set it up. cooking for that many people, we just did lunch for we just did lunch for 750 and getting ready to do dinner for the same group now. trying to keep the menu interesting. but i know folks are always asking me how can i help? what can i do? if you go to they can go on and make a contribution. people need clothes and just life necessities. but they re a really great group to work with. guy, food is comfort especially during these difficult times for people. so thank you for what you re doing there, for giving back to that community and again, for just raising awareness of how people can help. we appreciate it. we re back in just a moment. how do you win at business? stay at laquinta. where we re changing with contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today.
book now at sometimes you need an expert. i got it. and sometimes those experts need experts. on it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed
needs insurance expertise. it s all good. steve, you re covered for general liability. and, paul, we got your back with workers comp. wow, it s like a party in here. where are the hors d oeuvres, right? [ clanking ] tartlets? we cover commercial vehicles, too. i think there s something wrong with your sink.

Whose-party-didn-t , Questions , Some , Reporting , Clarification , Complaints , White-house-counsel , Conversations , White-house , Don-mcgann , Robert-mueller , Sources

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180729 18:00:00

a you mentioned in your introduction he will remove a caricature the incumbent to seeking reelection and he s challenging reasonable smiler see are basically promising the same thing they re promising an end to the violence but they don t particularly clearly spell out how they re going to achieve that what we ve seen in the past five years during you going to look at us first term of office is the steady deterioration of the situation on the spreading of the of of the violence from the north to the center to even the border areas been easier to work in the fossil and because these are two men with similar backgrounds and similar political aspirations and a similar political histories it is difficult to see how any of these two is able to make any difference what s needed is a real the profound army reform and a sense of purpose to demoralize molly an army which has been defeated in the middle of five years ago and needs to reestablish itself and reestablish sovereignty in its in mali s entire territory it s frustrating to them that they
haven t been able to do that have already has been an issue in the past are people there expecting an election without this type of issue or do concerns remain briefly if you can ram. looking for through on the same the concerns are the same first of all security then how the economy performs does a deliver job jobs and can can get people access to basic services health care education water electricity. graham post a message reporting from mali s capital bamako thank you very much. eve of historical actions in zimbabwe an unexpected voice has spoken out about the vote in his country zimbabwe s former president robert mugabe suggested he would not vote for the party he led for decades in monday s election speaking in harare mugabe said his successor emerson man and dog walk illegally took power last year but mugabe did encourage them bob wayans to accept the election result a tight race is expected between man and god and the main opposition candidate
nelson. correspondence melanie core of the bell and adrian creech sent us this report. and tending our granny with. an effigy that is something quite extraordinary campaign events like this one organized by the opposition m.d.c. party used to be extremely dangerous brutal crackdowns by the government commonplace that was would you know. i was beaten up and had to spend three months in hospital i was bedridden and could only eat power which my back was badly injured and i thought i would never be able to become a father but by god s grace i recovered it. because i know. now many are hoping for a fresh start with a new president the preacher and lawyer nelson chamisa.
i was there. was what it was they were like this is no wonder you don t know what they were going. to the past is never far behind in zimbabwe the country s economy has collapsed down by high unemployment hype and nation and been informed that the legacy of that eighteen years of rule by the party. now is to have them in a tree having our president robert mugabe. and i am a free man and god why then take over and now at seventy five years old he wants to continue running the country. although he is a film of vice president and was part of the very system that brought the country to the brink of collapse when in doubt well promise is a break from the book of iraq and bob way just like his opponents he likes to portray himself as an advocate for change. tearing has short time in office
has opened his country up to her own investment and planted so. whose greatest freedom. going to the you will overturn. roe vs. the in the in the in the years. after his glove a dozen believe his sudden change of heart of the governing party and the president caved in on it to some positive developments though for the first time in his life he doesn t have to hide his red opposition shot on the way home after a rally he can wear it with pride and without fear. now to some of the other stories making news around the world cambodia s ruling party led by a prime minister who incensed has been declared the winner of fundies general
election critics are calling the vote a sham following a government campaign of intimidation and the dissolution of the main opposition party last year when ben has ruled combo d.l. for more than thirty years. at least fourteen people have been killed and more than one hundred sixty others injured in an earthquake on the indonesian island of lombok a six point four magnitude quake struck the northern part of the island which is close to bali and popular with international tourists. a powerful typhoon has hit japan bringing heavy rains and winds of up to one hundred eighty kilometers per hour thousands of residents have been forced to leave their homes it s this season s twelve typhoon so far and the storm has now weekend and it s moving west wiping and kicking two israeli soldiers near her home in the west bank israel says she s being used by her family for political reasons for palestinians though she
has become a symbol of resistance. extreme summer temperatures in many parts of the northern hemisphere have left firefighters battling massive blazes in the united states at least five people have died in infernos raging through northern california this includes two small children who perished with their great grandmother more than thirty eight thousand people have been ordered to evacuate their homes and authorities warn the fires are far from under control. people in northern california are used to wildfires but not on this scale firefighters say they have never seen anything like it. they re doing all they can to contain the flames but so far less than five percent of the blaze is under control. as it s burning in every direction all at the same time and we ve got even though we have multiple resources the way that it s burning the intensity that s burning uphill downhill even if it doesn t have
a strong wind on it it s it s burning as if it s got a santa ana wind or for a strong sixty mile an hour seventy mile an hour winds. more than six hundred properties and homes have been destroyed since the fire broke out on monday night forty thousand people have been forced to flee the flames. but the family of sherry bledsoe seen here on the left did not manage to escape she received the news that her children a four and five year old boy and her grandmother were killed as they waited for help their former home has been burned to the ground and neighbors said the community was taken by surprise by the speed of the fire there was and we were told we were in danger this was like you see in the movies with tornadoes i mean it one minute it s viral the next minute everybody scream. the national guard has now also been drafted in to help. but the dry weather and winds are hampering their office to put the five s out. to russia now which is put on
display of its military might during the annual navy day parade on show were forty warships sailing in poetry formation through the waters of st petersburg president vladimir putin presided over the event saying his country s fleet would help protect russian interests large crowds turned out to catch a glimpse of warplanes and submarines as well. the tour de france concluded on sunday as well thomas was officially crowned champion in paris as is customary on the tour thomas led the way to paris on challenge to seal his first ever triumph in the prestigious event he was joined on the podium by his teammate and last year s champion chris froome who finished third in the overall standings and in formula one news mercedes driver lewis hamilton claimed victory in the ground prix on sunday as fierce rival sebastian fassel
finished a distant second hamilton breeze to victory at a scorching ongaro rain in budapest battles race was far more turbulent though the german eventually clinched second place thanks to a risky maneuver which saw him overtake hamilton s teammate valtteri vote with five laps to go result means hamilton heads into the summer break with a twenty four point lead over his rival. of one is larry star is still almost a month away over teams in germany second division the new season starts on friday for one club in particular that marks a new beginning hamburg suffered the first relegation in their history this year now one of the country s traditional giants is hoping for a season of revival. springing back into action christan teats and hamburg are preparing for uncharted territory their first ever season in the second division the players have to learn fast about new challenges away from the illustrious top
embraced the change with their actions and nowadays it s rare that players will give up millions of euros and wages for the sake of loyalty to a club by the toilets a hut on friday hamburg players and fans begin their second division adventure. as heavy traffic in many large cities around the world but mexico city is particular the tories for installed intersections and clogged highways now a theatre company is hoping to provide a bit of light relief for the city s frustrated more arrests by bringing ballet from the stage to the tarmac it performs each dance and fifty eight seconds exactly the length of time it takes for the traffic lights to change initiative began two weeks ago appears to be going down very well. you re watching the w. news more coming up at the top of the hour with my colleague waiter i m out of croissants and berlin thanks for joining us.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180731 04:00:00

A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and.
outlets don t toe the democratic tparty line, the line that has existed for about 15 minutes. the left also used to worry about the unchecked power of the sectors of our government, the cia and fbi. they worry that those bureaucrats might violate civil libertieste at will and might sy on americans. they might hide all that beneath a black cloak of the word classified. now those agencies have used their power to spy on trump s associates. suddenly, the left considers them these unaccountable members of the deep state heroes. how about this one?p for decades the left accuse the rich of not paying their fair share of taxes. okay, last year s tax reform bill roll back the amount of state and local taxes that rich people can deduct. now that the wealthy forms thee core of the democratic party s constituency, liberals are outraged by this. new york and new jersey are suing the trump administration t to get the rich their tax deductions back. we could go on and on.
the left hated george w. bush, for embroiling with war. the left use to fear corporate controlled major news outlets and they should but after president trump attacked the washington post as i mouthpiece for jeff bezos, they said those critiques were attacks on the first amendment. president trump tweeted threats at kim jong un so his sister was praised at the winter olympics for stealing the spotlight from vice president pence. president trump wants better relations with russia and peace and serious and naturally all the geniuses in washington tell us that we have to prepare for war from both countries. to anyone who remember the democrats of the 1960s, the 1 90s or even three years ago, it s all very confusing. that party is dead and has been read replaced by a new one whose entire platform could be, say n. to trump. it is in politics anymore, it s a world dumbest religion. tammy bruce joins us tonight. how easy it is the to control
the president, whatever the left says he opposed. great to be on set with you. it is in a way it s kind of strange and funny. we accuse the left of having trump derangement syndrome as a mocking example of the fact that they just simply need to grow up, but this is something thatt is the inability of people to acknowledge and to deal with a real life he adult event that they lost an election and now there is an effort to normalizes being so damaged if you will buy an external event that some u.s. psychiatrists now are saying they have more patients with trumpe anxiety disorder. of course, none of that is really true or genuine. it is about people needing to go up and deal with reality properly but in the process as you note, they as liberals are giving the president an enormous amount of control. they are lives and every moment
of how they react is based on what he says, what hey does. they have a seat at a completeet control to him. if they step back for a moment, and realize that they could have some influence, that they could work in the dynamic to get their policy is narratives, their preferences past, maybe they would have some success. but now, you have leadership as you have played in the opening encouraging this refusal to deal with reality, this dynamic that plays on effectively. almost any abuse of dynamic. it comes down to individual americans deciding that there are going to be children at this point. it s literally reactionary, and they were reacting purely to him. but i m not sure i even really understand that. they find trump the most fascinating person that has ever lived. it is nothing that trump says or
does that they don t obsess over. like stalkers. especially since the things that he does has improved everyone s lives, there was no doubt about that. isis is dead, ms-13 is being dealt with and everyone has mort money in their pockets. the job economy is at historic lows, and there is no one who hasn t benefited from this, except of course isis and ms-13. what is it about him? he s everything that they thought couldn t exist. they had this idea and they were told certain things by their leadership of how it was going to be, and as a result since everyone thought it was going to be a certain way and they were promised certain things, donald trump represents the facp that the future maybe isn t controlled by them, that there is a different thing that can happen in that can be encouraged by democratic leadership to see this in a personal way, exclusively in an emotional way and in the most extreme fashion appealing to the french. i can tell you, and i ve said
this before, maybe we are not as divided as they say we are. the majority of democrats also agree with the benefit that the president is bringing us. democrats are walking away from the party, and there is a shift in what s happening. democrat leadership simply was not prepared for this and they feel that harassment of people who don t think like them is the easiest and best thing to do. tucker: so they are failing, and they are hysterical. it s an amazing moment. tammy bruce, great to see you. richard goodstein is a lawyer and he advised hillary clinton . richard, i never see a moment where democrats are angry because taxes have been raised on the rich. if there is a sort of poor idea of the democratic party it is that the rich don t pay enough. i democratic tax bill make them pay more and, they are sitting them for it.
i think the core democratic value is social and economic justice. it s unpopular, the tax bill that passed and, b, it s not working. for most people the wages are flat. so andrew cuomo who you would think is one of the founders of the democratic nomination, he is suing because trump signed a bill that raises taxes on the rich. it doesn t allow the deductions from the federal tax form on state taxes and that only affects rich people and he s outraged by that. did you think that you would live to be old enough to see that? a standard-bearer of progressive values angry that the rich are getting settled. the truth is again, and,
that s what i did invariably. and, states with high property taxes. the fact remains, the rich pay too much in taxes. i can see that wisdom in that argument but it suggests that whatever trump is for, they are against and that s not really a good way to chart your course as a political party. and, middle class and most wage owners, probably would either increase or kept current the rates for wealthy people. that s what democrats would have done. so trump rates taxes on the rich. i m not criticizing you for that, i get it. you are just not acknowledging how we are at this moment is. overall, talk to your friends, you are in new york. go up and down wall street and asked them if they are paying higher or lower taxes.
notwithstanding the local state deduction issue, most of them got a huge tax benefit. did you ever think you would see a moment or the democratic party defended the dignity of hard-core pornography? whenrd rudy rudy giuliani impud stormy daniels, the left side there s nothing wrong with that, but did you ever think that we would get to that point? is there a huge consistency of pornography workers or what is that about? i never thought we d see the president on air force one deny something when it talked about stormy daniels or karen mcdougall, and his lawyer admitted he was lying.ho i never saw that coming. tucker: i see that too but it didn t speak to the principle of an entire party. is there a big constituency that thinks that pornographic actors don t get the respect that they are due? or what about ms-13, is there a big ms-13 s constituency and they are like, you know what, we have to shore up the base with
the ms-13 constituents. if there is no constituency about tearing babies from others. i will guarantee you that we agree on that. it s been babies from others? that happens to american citizens every single day but nobody cares. every american with children, half of all federal prisoners are separated from their kids. but nobody cares because they are not illegal aliens. where s the outrage for that, and i idea? plus people are traumatized in central america. what about utica, one about youngstown? they are separated from their kids by forests and men with guns separated from their children and nobody cares because they are americans. i think people who go to jail, they have made choices and they are different from the person. they didn t make a choice by violating immigration law, that was mandatory?
sorry, are you gonna. (harmonica interrupts) everytime. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. keep it comin love. if you keep on eating, we ll keep it comin . all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
at president trump: we are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigratio immigration. i would build a great wall, nobody builds walls better than me, believe me. i m going to stop illegal immigration and drugs coming into our country and yes, we will build the wall. tucker: we could spend the whole show playing those clips. that was one thing that donald trump was perfectly clear about as he campaigned for president. if elected he would build aou b border wall on our southern border. he beat 16 other republican candidates, upset hillary clinton and the republican party unexpectedly kept both members of congress. p mitch mcconnell s position is, thanks for the votes.
the wall, maybe later. and probably not, because the is a disagreement. tons of other priorities. they passed the largest corporate tax cut in history. so who exactly is the republican party representing? voters or a handful of donors? he joins us tonight. i m kind of speechless. all of this becomes ineffable, to describe, to accept and to deal with. it is so obviously toxic and corrosive, and those are
acolytes of the expediency. and of course in america, u.s. multinationals and the cook brothers on wall street, the business roundtable in the chamber of commerce. at thehe time you get through, there is no room for the american people. that s why president trump got elected. the american people sense the inordinate power and corruption of the establishment and that is why this antiestablishment president was elected. we thought this isn t a democracy, it s an oligarchy. and they are proving it sga tru. they are doing it rather smoothly as well. i mean, probably not.
dismissive, superior, and by the way, don t even pretend that you belong in thee same room as me. and paul ryan, he s talking about a better way agenda to compete, when in fact what they were both saying is, we will do exactly what charles coke says. we will keep the open borders and we will bring across as many illegal immigrants as possible. the middle class be and the working menen and women in this country be, america be. they are not going, even though they ve styled it as such, they are not going against trump. they are going against the country and all these precious values that have made us great. apart from the fact that the democratic party has gone off the defendant deep end, why woe republican party do that? name is donald trump. he s the reason republicans have
retained the house and senate and there is no other these schools are leading the house and the senate. they have really decided that they can do this without donald trump. they don t have to affix themselves to the the trump ag. they don t have to look at all that he has achieved. this is already an historic president in a year, just over a year and a half in office. but let s say the republicans lose the house. they will if they leave ryan in place. the american people, it will know the reason. it s a party not worthy of their support for their trust. if there is a president and this is going to be the great divide because we are watching oligarchs like the cook brothers clear it will make carry out class warfare think about it,
the koch brothers, against the middle class, and working men and women and saying, we can bringy in illegal immigrants. tucker: lou dobbs, not a word mentzer. mentzer.f philadelphia s mayor is putting his city atri risk for the sakef protecting criminals in the city. that s coming upew next. y
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at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. tucker: the mayor of philadelphia has decided that protecting illegal aliens is it worth putting his citizens at risk. this is a collaboration between i.c.e. and local governments that i.c.e. uses to track when illegal immigrants have been arrested for crimes. but now the mayor is kowtowing to end the agreement with i.c.e. for the express purpose of protecting illegal immigrants and cap criminal illegals from capture and deportation. thanks for coming on caesar. so tell me why the mayor of philadelphia is working to protect foreign nationals accused of crimes, but not american citizens?
how does this help the american citizens of philadelphia? to talk about democracy that the people of philadelphia elected the mirror, people who are either born here or are u.s. citizens support the mayor and still support the mayor s decision, the ability to cut that time between ice. so by that you are saying that any elected official because he was elected by definition, all of his decisions have the support of the people. so donald trump, and hisos position on immigration is the will of the people of the united states so how dare you question them. there is a difference. donald trump one bike technicality. hold on. as an american, let me explain our system to you. we know you are here illegally. as an american i will tell you that he won under the rules that
we have that were set out in our founding documents. he may not like them but, those are the rules. these are democratically elected president and your point now is once you are elected, knowing can complain about what you do because as you put it, democracy. and you have the right to complain. so let s get to the real meat of this debate. in philadelphia, how does it help allowing criminals to go unpunished and escaping law enforcement, how does that benefit philadelphians? t there are two systems, preliminary arraignment, and if they go into parties with a bunch of bull teenagers and they arrested teenagers, that s the system they will cut out. they still go through fbi and
department of homeland security tmngerprints. so criminals will still be going through a system and will still go back and i.c.e. has this information. i.c.e. will not target a foolish teenager. so they won t enforce federal law in philadelphia. so that s federal law, by the way, voted on the system that you lauded. you are now saying it s immoral to enforce them so i guess i m the one who believes in democracy, not you. the state of new york has an assault weapons ban and lots of towns are against that. should local serifs say, i m not for the band? would that be okay with you? we already have some counties in the upstate or across the country who are pushing against ogun laws. tucker: now, we don t have it s a democracy.n
people say that in terms of the policies. tucker: what they don t do is encourage the violation of law. you know as well as i that if there was a town in new york, then you would be outraged and i actually wouldn t like it either because i kind of actually believe in the law. so why is this different? because one is fashionable and the other is not? i think when it comes to theo racist movement, we have seen this across the country. whether it s liberal or conservative, everyone hasib the right. i think that s what is at stake at this moment. tucker: tucker: so deportg someone here illegally is violating his constitutional right. that s so insane. so there are now calls on the left to make health care
universal, universal medicaid. this country is tens of trillions in debt. should we extend those benefits to illegal aliens and if so, why? i think it goes to the concept of citizenship. as a nation we have matured from only free land owner white people to don t hit me with the race. don t lecture me about that. i believe that we should open the franchise, because the unique to you, you are here illegally. it s a unique experiment and we are all equal. tucker: i don t know what hot spot is in spanish but for you, you are here illegally. that s the american way but that s a different segment.
the essence of our country is a system that s not letting illegals vote. it s about everyone being american. so non matter where you are from a the company has a right o come here and vote in ouran elections. everyone from around the world gets to take whatever they want. he didn t build the country, by the way. actually, i m eric instead. no yound are not, you are an mexican citizen i believe. i m a mexican american citizen. you are bold. we finally have the fbi s fisa application carter page. what s in those 20 pages? plus greg gutfeld is here
exposing maryville bill de blas latest statement. that s coming up before i had the shooting, burning, diabetic nerve pain, these feet. .raised a good sport. .and became a second-generation firefighter.
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bundle and save big, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that.
ahoy! (laughing) bounty, the quicker picker upper. tucker: and thanks to the release of the fbi fisa application to spy on carter page, we know for certain now that the steele dossier and its unverified contents were in fact usedte to justify long-term spyg on an american citizen. that used to be a big deal in an earlier timech like a year ago, the left would be barking about that. much of it remains classified, what could be in those pages, what might they reveal for the trump campaign.
they would be responsible for getting that fisa application release. i m glad that you filed that, and it doesn t give us a full picture. what do you think has been redacted and then why? i think more corruption has been redacted. and it thinks that obama administration andly frankly soe of the trump administration does not want us to see, and, these spies fisa warrants were used in the obama administration and signed as recently as june of 2017 by rod rosenstein. and there are a lot of people who don t want to see this full information.
and there is classified here. and the president s declassification earlier this year frankly led to this release of this material through the foia process. , this should override their concerns again. tucker: i agree completely. but here s another question, there is are valid reasons to reject information in a document? frankly it ought to require the disclosure. the justice department and the fbi need to stop the cover-up. and using these exemptions and
reductions to protect a public disclosure and appropriate use of those materials were those privileges, the president needs to step in. this is why president trump should act. they ought to be fired immediately for that. that s totally indefensible. most americans are horrified but california.ning in bill de blasio see is it as a model for new york. we will discuss what s happening comingto up next. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor,
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many years the golden state. when waste and drug needles are piling up in the streets and regular middle-class people are flying faster than they can rene writer trucks. mayor bill de blasio is looking to open up new needle exchange sites n because the ciy isn t dirty enough. and how s that for depressing. greg gutfeld hosts the greg gutfeld show saturday at 10:00 p.m. and oft course, great to see you. street was the name of my band by the way. it was a punk poke out. in new york looks at los angeles and thinks, hold my herbal tea, i can do worse. so sit there, like he has already chosen not to arrest people over pump so they are technically the golden state. tucker: that s disgusting but also amusing and deeply
true. also so predictable. so if you look at him and you think, i hope he s not going to do what liberals did to the city in the 70s and in six years he already has. the reason is, san francisco and los angeles and new york have in common are rich, guilty liberals. ifra you have a lot of rich, guilty liberals they will allow for any kind of bad decisions, or socialist ideas because they can afford it. that s why they have this incredible wealth and equality in california. you have the policy as estates, and not what i love about l.a. is, hollywood creates these dystopian fantasies like the handmaid s tale and how evil this is, but they don t have to. all they have to do is look out the window. look out the back side of the hollywood hills in the valley. also, you have if that s not mine, that s a lou dobbs .
i am ebay. i have your dna. i could put this anywhere and implicate him in a crime. statement greg got failed, i ve read one everyone of your books over thehe years, including her unpublished postmodern novel comic novels which weree weird but i still enjoy them. and this one was my favorite one because it s nonstop brilliant. are you lying to me? tucker, you are right. this could be the greatest book ever. i don t think it s just the greatest book ever, but you can put your hands down, this is the end of literature. i add commentary, so what i m doing is, i m the first person to rip apart his own book. so where i m wrong in my monologues, i end up writing why
i was wrong and i update everything so it s actually two books in one. it s like this is a reese s peanut butter cup. y you have peanut butter and you have chocolate. nipsey russell is an amazing poet. i love writing. writing is fun. so if you were to sum up this book in one sentence, if you were to extract from it, its essence, if you were to put it in a garlic press and squeeze hard, what would come out? it s a book about how to persuade people and how to be willing to be wrong. this is a book in which i look at my own writing and i see where i have persuaded and where i failed. i just think it s something that can entertain you. it s a great gift for father s day. i didn t even know that.
this is a great stocking stuffer. tucker: no again, wrong. this is a perfect labor day gif gift. it s a basic labor day. or if you are in labor. if you are pregnant and you need something to read and you have a long labor, that s perfect. greg gutfeld, thanks for coming. it s a pleasure. tucker: a new research shows that even vegetarian women, vegans, think that meat eating men are more attractive. kathy rew, our liberal sherpa, does not agree with that. she joins us onset in just minutes. blades on the market.
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tucker: vegetarian women may oppose the suffering of animals and many do, but when it comes to romance, all bets are off. a new study from the university of dova in italy finds that when exposed to fictional dating profiles, women are substantially more attracted to men who enjoy eating meat rather than vegetarian options like soup or yogurt. or anything soy-based. cathy areu is the founding publisher of catalina magazin magazine. she joins us along with several exceptional meats catered by del frisco. it s a place that you probably don t go but probably should. so let s start with the baseline. what with the ideal man eat? anything. the ideal man would be confident and proud and able to eat
anything. it doesn t matter. tucker: so if a man were to routinely order a soy-based product? women should be okay with that but the women in the study but believe the man should eat meat probably because they ve been conditioned to believe fact that men are the hundreds of our society and they could provide for them. hunting, 70-80000 years of programming, they believe that the man hasha to supply the mea, they don t understand we can love the man for their meat but we can love them for their asparagus as well. tucker: could it be the opposite? women have been programmed to believe they are no differences between the sexes and it s okay for men to eat tofu, but deep down, and their atavistic self, instinctively, they know that carnivores are probably better providers? in othervo words, they ve been told by society studies are showing that? stay when there are no studies. i am guessing. i have swerved off the beaten
path of science. for studies show that women believe that the men who eat the meat are the ones that are the better providers. tucker: why do they believe that? because of the hunting societies. many studies have come out because of this. there is a book from 93 that says women love meat and it goes back to the hunting philosophy. tucker: it s included in their genes. it so sad because vegans and vegetarians, every man out there tucker: so you are with a man who orders tofu, and then you have a man who orders a new york strip. this is del frisco meat. howaf does that rate? what is the man like? the woman would appreciate if the man has a great personality, makes them laugh tucker: judging just on the stake. what about a bone in filet, a ray were cut? i mean, a man and his meat are impressive, for sure. i don t think that matters. as ahi personality that counts. tucker: you are trying. you are sticking valiantly to the talking point. it s not a talking point.
it s reality bites. do we want to believe that. that is why i am going thermo nuclear on you. the bone-in ribeye, this is the catalog, the bentley of steaks. a man orders that at dinner, and he doesn t go upne in your estimation? i don t find him more attractive. tucker: purely scientific. let s just say a man orders this, and part of you is like, i was on the fence, i like this guy. you are speaking traditional roles? tucker: no, i m telling you, what isal your heart to tel you, would you see this estate, a man who has the courage, do you say, talk of masculinity or do you say that as a man for me? toxic masculinity, if you are hurting people without estate, becoming toxic tucker: i think there is nothing more masculine then holding a carrot that way. i would find it just as masculine as male. tucker: i think our experiment has produced a pretty

Them-unrecognizable , Republican-party , Reason , Example , Mccarthyism , 20 , Cia , Democratic , Left , Power , Tparty-line , Bureaucrats

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Velshi And Ruhle 20180731 15:00:00

Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
group. he didn t say he spoke to the department of justice or the state department. he s not speaking to any other gun control groups, but the president took to twitter to say i have reached out to the nra. so those of you who have chanlted over and over, drain the swamp, walk us through why you would go to the industry group. why would you contact the largest lobbying group ever, the nra, on what to do about the ghost gun. as of last week, one of the organization s videos called 3-d guns freedom and innovation. tom costello has more on the guns and why the president should be checking with his own state department rather than the nra. this morning, growing pushback against a new type of firearm that some people can actually build in their own home. eight attorneys general now asking a judge to block a texas company from publishing the downloadable instructions for 3-d printers to manufacture guns.
from handguns to semiautomatics made of plastic and without a serial number, the guns are untraceable and undetectable. able to pass through most metal detectors. welcome to the age of the printed magazine. 30-year-old cody wilson is the face of a new gun movement. gun control is not dead. it s undead. gun control is undead. the obama administration took wilson to court to stop his company from posting the instructions online, arguing it would put guns in the hands of terrorists. but cody wilson insisted he has a first amendment right to publish, and the instructions were already online anyway. in june, the trump administration dropped the court fight with wilson. as long as you have a right to keep and bear arms, you have a right to make them. fred s 14-year-old daughter jamie was one of 17 people why s high school. this changes the safety of americans forever if this is allowed to happen. plastic guns, he fears, will bring more gun violence to a country already reeling. someone could walk in with a gun and you won t know it.
airplanes, you ll be flying with someone with a gun, and you won t know it. courthouses, someone with a gun and you won t know it. that s the risk. okay, let s is a look at what these 3-d printed guns are. conventional gun manufacturing requires a permit and all guns produced must bear a serial number so they can be traced if stolen or used in a crime. but with 3-d printing, there s no way to enforce these laws. components can be printed without any oversight and any record keeping. the site offers files that allow users to print palmer components on demand, so now to build a gun, you don t need to purchase industrial machine working equipment or have special expertise. among the firearm components on the site are plans to print a full baretta m-9 handgun and the lower receiver for an ar-15. you won t be able to print the entire rifle due to printer limitations, but you can present out several key components that allow the designer to fire 600 rounds continuously in a test earlier this year.
this is real. and more concerning to lawmakers is the liberator. this was the first weapon designed by the group posting the plans. it s a single hp shot polymer weapon. the only non-3-d printable parts are the ammunition and a small nail that s used in place of a firing pin. up here. all right, some lawmakers worry the guns run afoul of the undetectable firearms act of 1988. the designer put a small metal piece into the handle of the first liberator, although he said it was out of goodwill and others aren t obligated to do so. joining us now is avery gardener, co-president of the brady campaign, a gun control advocacy book. some people are saying this is just a novelty item and there s no reason to fight back that hard against it. it s just one simple gun. it s not a semiautomatic weapon, but if this thing is cleared and people can suddenly print this, where could we quickly devolve to? people who are saying that this is only about one kind of gun are mistaken and misguided.
center, has a keen interest in the case because we filed a brief in the fifth circuit as an amemes, and they did not reach out to us before they came to this settlement. we didn t hear from either the department of justice or the department of state. and that s one of the really troubling things here, is why this settlement, why now? as recently as april, the government maintained that putting these plans online was a threat to national security and international peace. so what we have no idea what changed. what do your contacts at the state department, i m sure you interface with the government all the time, when they made this settlement which now is done, it s not like you can put the toothpaste back in the tube, did they give you any rationale? not only did they not give us any rationale, they didn t even give us a heads-up it was coming. we learned about it in the press like everyone else. the next day, we sent a freedom of information act to the government asking about the documents in the settlement, who was involved in it, who made these decisions, what were the facts that changed that caused
the government to do a complete 180. now, they haven t gotten back to us yet. and if they don t get back to us in accordance with the statute, we will have to sue the trump administration again to get these documents. we think the public has a right to know, but as you say, it s probably going to be too late. the guy who s doing this, corey, he s wrapped himself up in the constitution on this one. he calls it a first amendment expression of his second amendment rights. now, obviously, this is something you come up against a great deal. there is a second amendment that allows some gun usage and ownership in this country. what s your response to that argument? well, first of all, we have absolutely no concerns about safe, responsible americans owning guns and having them stored safely in their homes. i grew up with guns and i don t have any concerns about most americans having a gun in the home. the issue comes when we re talking about dangerous people having guns in the home, and courts have held for generations that there are some people who cannot have a gun because they are too dangerous.
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works. capital gains are profit from sale of property or stocks. currently, we tax capital gains by the difference between the purchase price and sale price of an asset. the sale price is called cost. and current rules allow for investors to recoup that sales price, the cost. the cost is taxed at a rate of 23.8%. if you invested a cost of a million bucks in 1990 and sold that asset for $3 million this year, you would only owe the tax on the difference. that s $2 million. your tax bill would be $476,000. well, the treasury department could change the definition of cost when calculating the capital gains. allowing for investors to account for inflation when determining their tax liability. the same investment of a million bucks in 1990 would now have a cost of about $2 million in today s inflation adjusted dollars. that means the investor would only owe half as much, $255,000
in taxes. compare that to the $476,000 without adjusting for inflation. a difference of $220 grand, and that s tax dollars the treasury department loses out on. this kind of change could result in an estimated $100 billion in tax savings for wealthy investors. it would also dig into the treasury even deeper, the hole they re already in from the last round of tax cuts, which again, mostly benefit the wealthiest americans. and ali, we have to slow that down. we re not saying this hurts the american worker. but it doesn t help them. doesn t help. it might hurt them because if you reduce tax revenues, then everybody comes out and says we have to cut this and cut welfare and cut social services. it in fact could hurt them, but it s broadening the gap that we re trying to narrow, right, between the rich and poor. the president rails against trade deficits and he basically ignores budget deficits. he doesn t seem to care. the treasury department is in a hole because the tax cuts from
2017 are still not paid for. there s this republican idea that if you cut taxes, it s going to spur growth. even if it spurs some growth, not enough, the corporate tax cuts thus far have not trickled down to the american worker. in large part, they result in stock buybacks. who does that serve? the share holder. who does capital gains adjustment serve? the share holder, not the american people. our entire tax system is based around preserving money for the wealthy. work labor gets taxed more than wealth does. if you have assets and you have capital gains, your tax rate is lower than if you just work for it. this is just a perpetuation of a problem we had for a few hundred years in america. it s supposed to be getting better, it s getting worse. it s not a new idea. larry kudlow has liked this for years. what s stunning is it s what the president campaigned against, much like when he said he was going to close the carried interest loophole, yet miraculously, it stayed in the tax system, and yet here we are again, and it s just it s certainly a gift to the donor
class. all right, next, what happens when the republican president picks a fight with the party s most powerful donors. we were just talking donor class. president trump just called the koch brothers a total joke on twitter. we re going to explain why the kochs are so important to the gop and why trump is slamming them anyway. all right, and good news for the first time ever barbie is wearing a hijab. she s models after an american olympian and fencer part of the idea to diversity the american line. love it. your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? i did mom. wanna try it? yes. it intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. manolo? look at my soft hair. i should be in the shot now too.
try head and shoulders two in one.
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to learn more about the community wildfire safety program and how you can help keep your home and community safe, visit welcome back to velshi & ruhle. here are the top stories we re watching right now. in the state of california, monster wildfires continue to burn out of control. killing a total of eight people so far and threatening tens of thousands of homes. as of now, the carr fire alone has destroyed over 110,000 acres and it s only 27% contained. it s now officially the seventh most destructive fire in california history. paul manafort s first trial begins today in alexandria, virginia. the first of two trials the former trump campaign chairman is set to face.
the special counsel is leveling 18 counts against hem in this one, including tax and bank fraud related to his work as a consultant in ukraine. the accounts predate his work on the trump campaign. he s pled not guilty to charges in virginia and washington, d.c. this hour president trump is set to sign the strengthening career and technical education for the 21st century act. this bipartisan bill aims to help americans obtain the skills needed to compete for good paying jobs. in a couple hours, trump is expected to go to tampa, florida, to fund-raise and rally for republican congressman rob desantis who is running for government. and president trump is going after the koch brurthothers, th billionaires handing out money to republicans for years. he said the koch brothers are a real joke in republican circles. against strong borders and powerful trade. i never sought their support. they love my tax and regulation cuts, judicial picks and more. i made them richer.
their network is highly overrated. i have beaten them at every turn. they want to protect their companies outside the u.s. from being taxed. i m for america first and the american worker. a puppet for no one. why the fury? this weekend, koch network leaders distances the organization from some republicans and president trump calling trump s tariffs wrong-headed. the gop spending horrifying, and a separation of families at the border abhorrent. in fact, charles koch even told the reporters he could be open to working with democrats in the future, saying, quote, i don t care what the initials are in front or after somebody s name. his network also announced it would not support a republican candidate in a close midterm race in north dakota, saying he s inconsistent on issues that matter to the group. uh-oh. if inconsistent is a problem the koch brothers have, they ain t never going back to trump. time to talk about the koch brothers a little bit. let s take a closer look at exactly who they are.
charles and david inherited the second largest american company from their father in 1967. today, charles is at the helm. david stepped down in june, cited health problems. the two are worth an estimated $120 billion, according to forbes. the brothers organized their own political network back in 2000 threne, an assembly of libertarians, libertarian leaning people, rich business people, advocacy groups. each has agreed to contribute at least $100,000 annually to koch linked groups. now, this network has shaped elections for years. even being called more powerful than the republican national committee. in 2012, it spent $122 million on elections. in 2014, it was up to $129 million. and by 2016, the presidential election, an estimated $250 million. and it s upping the ante for the 2018 election cycle. pledging to shell out $400 million on politics and policy. it s already spent $20 million
promoting the gop tax cut plan. who gets all this money? well, republican lawmakers, super pacs, community groups, colleges and universities, people running in judicial elections even get money from the kochs. the network is even backing the confirmation of judge brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. right now, the network says it s engaged in races in six states. the green ones are senatorial races. the yellow or gold ones are gubernatorial races. spending hundreds of millions of dollars in an attempt to sway the midterms in favor of vulnerable republicans and their policies. joining us now, rick tyler, republican strategist and co-founder of the foundry strategies. i m deg it start with this. why? you re what? i couldn t swivel. why don t we push your chair right up. a different table. okay. we ll start again. why is he doing this? i mean, the koch brothers. i saw laura ingraham last night calling the koch brothers elitists. the idea that the kochs are a joke is sort of laughable.
that s what jokes do, you know. that s right. to get a sense of who the kochs are, they re probably the most successful entrepreneurial family in world history. worth about $120 billion. i ll bet this set has materials made of the kochs. i bet you slept in a mattress last night with materials made from the kochs. i bet you fill up your yacht with koch fuels. they made a myriad of products that we use every day. so they made a lot of money. if you go to the met on 80th street here in new york city, there s a beautiful fountain. it has the word koch on the fountain. why? they give money to lincoln center, to the met. i think they re new york s biggest philanthropists. they are, which makes me think about the trump foundation. what is it? under investigation. now, they have always been sort of demonized by the left. harry reid made a famous statement on the floor saying, citing the koch brothers. and the reason is that it s
political. the koch brothers spend hundreds of millions of dollars on elections. it s interesting. they re now willing to withdraw from a key senate race in north dakota not because of politics. they re going to eschew political expediency for policy. their policies are they re not social conservatives. they re very libertarian. they believe in free markets, and they do a lot of things to educate the public on free markets so people will understand why they should be voting for candidates that are free markets. but when the party abandons its principles and you can see this where they re upset about in the world of free trade and tariffs, they re saying no, we re going to abandon political expediency and stick with our principles on free markets. did they really think it s li likely they would work with democrats and the democrats would work with them? they have been demonized on the left. we talked about this two days ago. hat is that donald trump in many ways is backward thinking. right? he has this appeal to the
remaining segment of a market that says we can bring back coal jobs and manufacturing. and all these things no jobs of the future. no jobs of the future. the kochs are all about the future, and their idea is that innovations, yes, they re hard, and they disrupt industries, uber is a great sense of that. even the technologies in politics today are disrupting politics. you can see that with the russian investigation, the way we campaign and target people. one of the most laughable committee hearings i ever saw was with mark zuckerberg. and they were out there talking about the use of the facebook. they were talking about it. so let me get this straight, mark zuckerberg. you target people with advertising they would like to see, and what mark should have said is, just the way you target people who are most likely to vote for you. they all use data. so the left hates the kochs. the kochs hates the left. is there really chance they re going to work together? they have proven it. they have shown that we are not about supporting a political
party blindly. i think this is a huge opportunity for democrats to figure out how to embrace and train for the jobs of the future, and juxtapose that against trump s building up legacy companies. that s going to be tough for them because they have unions around manufacturing and coal mines. you think any democrats are going to pick up the phone and say, hey, chuck and david, how are you doing? i don t know, but money talks and elections are expensive. if you have a multibillionaire who wants to talk about the future and jobs. why wouldn t they be for it? money does talk. i wonder if it will be talking in paul manafort s case today. back to the top story, three-d printed assault rifles. these assault rifles would be unregistered and untraceable. we re talking to one of the attorneys general suing to stop the plans from being posted. and supreme court justice anthony kennedy is officially leaving the federal bench today. justice kennedy served more than
30 years on the supreme court since 1988. for three decades, he s been the man in the middle, often casting the deciding vote on a split court. unlike most other justices, he did not hold ridged views. he usually sided with the right side, but will be remembered for his progressive stance on same-sex marriage and up holding roe v. wade. brett cavanaugh is in serious meetings this week. you re watching velshi & ruhle live on msnbc. could help them save money on car insurance? yea,that and homeowners, renters, motorcycle and boat insurance. huh.that s nice. what happens when you catch a fish? gecko: whoa. geico. more than just car insurance. see how much you could save at i m ok!
ruhle. a gun control conversation was turned on its head this week when a group posted several files that allow users to 3-d print guns or gun components at home. now, eight attorneys general and the ag of washington, d.c. are suing for temporary restraining order to block the designer from continuing to post the blueprints for firearms and their components. the president tweeted that something his own state department essentially allowed does not seem to make much sense, in the president s words. at a news conference just a short time ago, democratic senators agreed with president trump. joining us now is massachusetts attorney general mara healey, one of those attorneys general suing to stop the plans from being posted. attorney general, good to see you again. thank you for joining us. what s the goal of the restraining order given the administration already dropped
its lawsuit? on what basis are you able to go in there and get this changed? well, this is a terrible settlement by the trump administration. and we speak at the chief law enforcement officers in our states. our job is to protect public safety. and the reason, ali, that we re suing, is because this is a terrible, terrible turn of events, what the state department and trump administration have done. what they have done is essentially entered into an agreement that allows this company to put and post online plans for folks to download plans to make guns. and you know, this is a matter of national security. it s a matter of public safety. we re suing to stop this from happening because we have the responsibility of protecting the public safety within our states and certainly share in the national security interests that the state department once agreed with and argued for. the images, the plans, have
already been downloaded several thousand times. at this point, what can you really do about it? there s a lot we can do. our job is to keep dangerous guns away from dangerous people. i think any law-abiding gun owner will tell you that they don t need to be able to print a gun at home. you know, we need to make sure that two things happen. one, that the state department immediately rescind this settlement and withdraw the rule that would allow these plans to be published. and two, we need congress to act. i m heartened to see congress talking about this today. my office led a coalition of state a.g.s to advocate for that reform and action at the state department and by congress. and i think most people around the country would be really concerned and outraged to know that what the trump administration has allowed to happen, is allowing to happen unless they change course, is for somebody to walk into staples, to buy a 3-d printer, to go home, to look up this
company online, and with the push of a button, download and make a plastic gun. a gun that s untraceable, a gun that can t be detected by metal detectors. can you imagine what this might mean in terms of public safety and also national security? because this would allow criminals and terrorists to basically manufacture, make their guns at home. it s a real problem, and that s why we re demanding action. congressman seth moulton and senator bill nelson have put bills forward to get this dealt with. have you had a chance to review those bills and do you think that s an answer? no, it s absolutely a step in the right direction, and i support the work of congressman moulton right here from massachusetts as well as the senators who have come forward with proposed legislation. i m sorry that it s come to this. again, i saw the president tweet, but we need not a tweet. we need action. this is within the president s control. if president trump cared about this issue, cared about national security, cared about public security, he could immediately order his state department to
rescind the settlement agreement and to withdraw the rule that s going to allow this to happen. so we first need action out of the state department, and yes, i hope congress acts immediately. but are you even encouraged by the president s tweet? in the tweet, he says i have spoken to the nra. the nra is not the state department or the department of justice. it s the biggest special interest group out there that s pro-gun. you know, stephanie, it s why we re in court orn this and why in fact state a.g.s are in multiple courts right now as we speak. seeking relief in the courts, asking for an order to stop this company from making available these downloadable files. it s what we re doing right now through the courts. that s where we need to be, i think we have seen time and time again the importance and the role of state a.g.s taking this president and the administration to court in order to get relief. here, it s a matter of national security and a matter of public
safety. mara healey is the attorney general of massachusetts. thanks for joining us to talk about this. well, great to be with you. again, this is an end run around all the basic gun laws in our state and we think it s really important. we re going to keep giving it lots of attention. when we come back, is president trump being dissed by the united states biggest foes? up next, how north korea and iran, north korea and iran, are responding to trump s attempts at negotiation. spoiler alert, you re not going to like it. and right now, we re also watching a hearing on migrant families separated at the border. the senate judiciary committee is meeting as we speak, grilling customs and border protection agency officials. and that brings us to our monumental american today. he stood up for civil liberties in his own time. ralph lazo. he was born in los angeles back in 1924, and was irish-mexican descent. when he was 17 in world war ii, he learned his japanese american neighbors were being forcibly
taken to internment camps by the united states government. in protest, he voluntary entered one of those camps. the only known non-japanese american to have done this. lazo graduated high school at the camp. he then joined the military and helped liberate the fill means and was awarded a bronze star. after, he earned a masters degree and taught and mentored disabled students and mobilized hispanics to vote. he also raised money for a lawsuit related to internment camps. it was intended to discourage the similar injustices and violations of civil liberties in the future. he died in 1992. if you have a monumental american, tweet us at velshi & ruhle. (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven?
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the prime minister said it better than anybody can say it. speaking to other people, especially when you re talking about potentials of war and death, and famine and lots of other things, you meet. there s nothing wrong with meeting. we met, as you know, with chairman kim, and we haven t had a missile fired off in nine months. we got our prisoners back. so many things have happened so positi positive. do aio have preconditions for that meeting? no. no preconditions. they want to meet, i ll meet. any time they want. within hours of those comments, the washington post released this reporting. that according to u.s. spy agencies, north korea is working on new missiles. here to break all of this down with us, bloombergfore affairs analyst bobby gosh. let s start with president trump and his foreign policy flip-flop game. he created this big hullabaloo in north korea, no more threat, and now this. i ll meet with iran, no
conditions. two hours later, mike pompeo says conditions. what gives? when the president ad-libbed there s usually a pushback from the white house saying, no, what he actually meant was and then completely reversing what he said. we re seeing something of that from pompeo. or what pompeo says makes a little more sense in the larger narrative. if you re going to tear up the nuclear deal, it makes no sense then to go back and say there are no preconditions. there have to be preconditions. if there are no preconditions, why tear up the deal? with the north koreans, i think it s inconceivable anybody is surprised at this. throughout this entire bizarre sort of extended kabuki theater that we have with the north koreans, all kinds of people who professional north korea watchers and people who pay close attention to their nuclear program said over and over again, guess what, so did the north koreans themselves. they re not giving up their nukes. they did talk about slowing down
and maybe giving up the nuclear missile program. the fact that the u.s. intelligence agencies are now reporting they re still doing it and not just doing the missiles but doing the icbms, those are designed to strike the united states. they can hit the east coast. the east coast, guam, remember the whole thing last year when everyone went into a wild panic because they thought there was a north korean missile in the direction of guam. that facility outside of pyongyang, that s designed to make those kinds of missiles. if there s activity in that factory, that s a bad sign. so president rouhani of iran made this statement to a british ambassador earlier today on his official website. quote, after the u.s. s illegal withdrawal from the jcpoa, the joint comprehensive plan of action, which is the iran deal, the ball is in europe s court in the limited time remaining. it seems like he was given an
easy one by donald trump because if he says i ll meet with you any time, maybe the response should have been yeah, i think he missed a trick here. they could have called the president s bluff. rouhani is not really the man in charge, the person in charge man charge, the person in charge is the supreme leader. it would have cost rouhani relatively little to say, okay, if there s no preconditions, we ll meet. is that a danger to the world, the president puts so much stock in talking to everyone as opposed to using the state department and established negotiating channels that can be had at every level of government. when the president now goes to these places and says things, do guys like kim jong-un and vladimir putin same, i don t know if you mean it and you re going to change this in 24 minutes or 24 hours. absolutely, and that s what rouhani said. there are plenty of other people in the iranian establishment saying, we can t take this seriously. but ali, bobby, show me
something the president has done that has hurt any of these authoritarian leaders. when he s faced with another bully-style leader, he folds. when he says he s tough on russia, it wasn t him, it was congress sanctions. what has he actually done in relation to any of these countries that s actually hurt them? we have one week to find out. on the 6th of august, the sanctions on iran go back in place. that s why rouhani said there s a limited time left. it doesn t seem like there s anything europe can do it, the sanctions are going back on. and the iranian economy is in a bad way, the currency is in a tailspin. the iranians do have their backs to the wall. but when they have their backs to the wall historically, they don t respond with sweet reasonableness. bobby, good to see you as always, thank you. trump s trade wars are hitting one state particularly
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on u.s. dairy products. mexico has been the number one market for those products. likewise, china slapped 25% tariffs on u.s. milk, cream, cheese, and yogurt products. it s all added up to big losses for dairy farmers and huge surpluses of dairy products. nbc s vaughn hillyard joins us now from plymouth, wisconsin, which is known as the cheese capital of the world. all right, vaughn. walk us through this. reporter: good morning, stephanie and ali. to be clear and be frank about this, the dairy farmers message to us over the last few days has been very certain. it s president trump, keep going, we need you to come through for us, we need these deals to be renegotiated, we need these markets open. we ve been out here and talking to these guys who president trump, over the last months, recall, has been saying he s waging this trade war on behalf of. it s consistently called out
canada for high tariffs on u.s. dairy exports and he says he s going to bat for them. what s happened, though, is that these farmers are losing the markets they already had from the likes of mexico and china. i would to introduce you to dairy farmers just down the road from here. for 28 years, you guys, they ve been selling their milk directly to the cheese manufacturing company sartori cheese who is the one finding those export markets. 10% of their cheese goes overseas. when sartori struggles to find export markets, it s their price that goes down because the demand is not there. there s oversupply of milk in the u.s., there s more competitors like almond and soy milk alternatives. these cow farms are getting better at getting higher yields. i want you to hear how scott said he s supportive of the president s effort but he needs the president to come through. what concerns do you have about
the dairy industry now in the months ahead, years ahead? you know, everything s got to shake itself out. and we just went through some tremendously low prices. some people are going to fall off on this, that financially aren t going to be here. there s other people that will. trump just got done with the european nation. that sounded very positive. the way it sounds, mexico wants to come and talk real seriously. and i really think this tariff think is going to be shorter-lived than i originally thought it would be six months. and i think that s going to get shortened up here by a ton, because now all of a sudden everybody is talking, maybe we should sit down and do some fair trade. reporter: what would be your message to president trump right now? keep doing what you re doing. it s working. some people maybe don t think so. but i really think it s working. reporter: they need, scott and paulette need the president
to come through for them. there s 9,500 licensed dairy farmers in the state. 1.3 million dairy cows. wisconsin, it s not just cheese. harley-davidson has announced they re going to be moving manufacturing operations overseas. this is the highest cranberry producing state in the country. 30,000 people work in a paper industry that s also been hit. soybean, corn, beef farmers as well. wisconsin is the target here in this state, guys. great reporting, thanks very much, vaughn, good to see you. vaughn hillyard for us in wisconsin as he s been all around this country. this is time when we usually hand off to one of the great living legends of television news. she never wants to hear praise so we re just going to say it. it s a very special day, it s andrea mitchell s 40th anniversary with nbc news much. she started working here when she was 4 years old. andrea started at nbc news back at 1978. a year later she was named the

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