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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Journal Editorial Report 20170107 20:00:00

months, they can t have a replacement. the democrats are very happy in some ways they are going to get rid of obamacare. this was the one big answer paul: politically. this was one big answer, a new solution that was going to be revolutionary and change things for the better. didn t work. they are happy. we had it for six years. they re happy to dump it off. i m more optimistic, there are a lot of pitfalls, we can go through them, if we have momentum, get one part down on the replace part, it creates the conditions for further things down the road. so i think that the main thing is that they need to show momentum. they have the repeal and show good things being done. because our goal is not, the problem is, obamacare is like, closing down a nuclear plant. there is all this waste. you can t turn it off and walk away. you have to be careful with that waste because it can kill you in the meantime. so i think they just have to have the momentum. paul: the argument is, that you hear, and i hear is, okay, we ll
have this replacement deadline a couple years and that will concentrate the mind, political hanging will concentrate the mind. i know politicians. they think it will be the other politician that will being hung, not them. nobody wants to take a difficult vote. i think there will be trouble for republicans to get this done. it is going to be difficult for year but let s start with a fundamental here which is that obamacare, the law, is not popular with the public. this isn t merely a political football. it is the health care system. while not everybody is involved with obamacare, those who are have had a terrible experience. i m not sure the democrats want to be seen out there simply being totally obstructionist and not allowing this process to go forward. the republican need to be transparent. they need to show momentum. i m hard put to see benefit for democrats saying we won t participate in this. paul: democrats cooperate, kim, you wrote a column this week saying that the republicans should not repeat of obama s mistake being totally partisan,
should reach out to democrats but is there any prospect they will get help? it is if they do this piecemeal. that is what republicans increasingly coalescing around. rather than one big replace measure a piece here, a piece there, issues appeal to specific democrats and those that are up for re-election in two years time, put a lot of pressure on them in their home states. and try to turn this around on them as well, say, the only people who are in fact making america sick again are those of you who are helping us to fix the problem. so this is going to be their strategy. i think if they attack this on a little bit more of a piece, by piece, basis, they have a shot. paul: they can make progress. thanks, kim. still ahead, as the 115th congress is sworn in, all eyes on the republican majority. after obama care s repeal we ll tell you what else is on the to-do list for the gop. vitamins and minerals.
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to the majority, especially to our returning members, i want to say this, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. the people have given us unified government. and it wasn t because they were feeling generous. it was because they want results. paul: that was paul ryan addressing his fellow republicans tuesday after he was officially sworn in as house speaker, with the gop of the presidency and both houses of congress for the first time in a decade, we re back with a look at what they can do and what they must do in the first year. so, dan, let s step back, a year from now, if we re looking back at that first year of congress. what would a successful year look like? what would they have done? i think first thing we should say, these republicans with the to-do list bitten off more than any congress possibly can do in a year. certainly they have to get the
supreme court replacement for antonin scalia confirmed. that is at the top of the list. paul: okay. secondly i think should have a tax reform bill done by the end. year and perhaps some financial reform. paul: dodd-frank, regulatory? dodd-frank. look, obamacare was a big issue in the election. the economy was bigger. the republicans and president trump have got to get the economy restarted. that means doing economic reform, getting the government off the economy s back. how they will do that simultaneously with the sort of obamacare process, repeal and replace that we were just discussing, that s going to be difficult. paul: supreme court, tax reform, regulatory relief. what else do you want to see, bill? i think regulatory relief is part of a broader reform how the government does business in the obama years, we worked through the courts and federal agencies. what i am hoping the appointment of carl icahn there will be a unified approach across all agencies. paul: outside advisor, wall street investor. that is really what a lot of
businesses complain about, this regulatory overreach and so forth. the process has been corrupted as well, without the proper hearings and time and so forth. so, i m, i have a lot of hope. i think it s a businessman, donald trump understands the problems of the regulatory burden. he probably dealt with them personally. paul: anything else on the list, joe, that you think, they need to get done? and what do you think they will get done? are you optimistic as these two guys? i think they might end up overloading their bandwidth. i think they have to do those big things. you heard paul ryan say the people elected us to get results. they have to keep that goal in mind with every, every bill they pass. they have got to get growth from 2% to three to 4% in order to get wages rising. that is what they will be held accountable for. paul: kim, i want to read a donald trump tweet this week about a big ethics flap on capitol hill where congress, republicans tried to change a
rule to modify an outside ethics watchdog. trump weighed in with this. with all that congress has to work on do they really have to make the weakening of the independent ethics watchdog, as unfair as it may be, their number one act and priority? focus on tax reform, health care, and some other things of far greater importance. so thanks a lot, mr. trump. you know, weighing in like approximately p.e. against the republicans. the republicans stampeded and caved and changed their mind. will that happen to republicans every time, they will scatter like wildebast when donald trump make as tweet? they ended up putting up a bill they hadn t laid the groundwork for it. the press said democrats were able to redefine it for them. this is the not moment they
should have been doing it. this is you don t run in immediately say we ll tackle a priority they hadn t even talked about really publicly before. so he had a point and they scattered. you make a good point is that, he has got a lot of power via 140 characters on twitter and i think at times he may use that to impose some discipline. but it could spread a lot of disarray within the republican caucus too. i think this is leadership issue. the leadership said don t do this. the rank-and-file overruled them. they did it. and then they reversed themselves. they should have said if you don t want to do this, don t do it. makes it clear politicians on capitol hill are perfectly capable of running off the rails. i want to make a point in defense of donald trump s tweets and so forth. he wants to change washington. the washington doesn t move. the process extremely difficult. they would rather do nothing.
trump is like taking a two by four to the side of the head of a donkey. that is what his job will be. he will have to do that to shake them up to get them to move. paul: now, what about paying for the wall, bill? that story came out later in the week. there is a wall on the mexican border. he is saying, well, we ll get congress to pay for it. be reimbursed. paul: not the mexicans after all. he is saying the mexicans will pay later. paul: sure. we have been dubious about this. if you re going to build through the wall with the legislative process, let congress do it. paul: it is an american wall. he may pay the price. look at priorities from opposite point of view. what is the worst thing that can happen to donald trump and presidency, a year from now, the working people that put him in, my life hasn t inproved. i don t see job prospects. i don t see this this is side of joe s argument, economic growth. they really need to do things and things that will get the economy moving.
the stock market seems to be reacting pretty well to his things but it has to go down to ordinary people. paul: thank you, bill. when we come back, republican leaders countying down to the trump presidency and gearing up for an historic opportunity. is a time for a tax overhaul finally here? we ll ask economist art laffer next. seeing is believing, and that s why
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move ahead on a overhaul in the trump administration s first month. it is something that republicans in congress have been advocates and planning for years. economist art laffer is chairman of laugher associates and was an economic advisor to president ronald reagan. he joins me from nashville. arthur, great to see you again. good to see you, paul. thank you, it s fun. paul: stock market rally since election day has been big. what are investors looking for anticipating? i think they re anticipating tax rate reform. i think they re anticipating a lower corporate tax for sure. when you discount those profits coming forward it leads to a fairly attractive stock market. i think this stock market reflects their optimism about the future. paul: should which be concerned there is a stall in the rally last three or four weeks? not really. we had a similar situation when reagan came into office and the market then went way down, as you may know in august of 1982.
the market hit its trough. it was down from reagan coming into office to august of 1982. then boom, it you had the biggest boom of all time. paul: is corporate tax reform and tax reform more broadly, is that for you the centerpiece of this growth agenda. is that one thing they have to get done to insure growth? he really needs tax reform, you do, but obama care is serious regulations are serious. i hope he symbolically gets rid of the death tax. that would be a shot across the bow we ll have a major change in policy going forward. the death tax is just disgusting. you collect no money and put barriers everywhere. corporate tax down to 15%, paul, will go a long way bringing back prosperity. paul: trump s tax rate is 20%, excuse me, republican rate is 20%. strum s is 15. if they do 20% can you live with that? of course i can. it is such a low bar. let me say, paul, this
administration has such a low bar, it would be an act of fearless aggression if they could worsen the economy. you just can t do that. and not only is it a low bar for the economy, just like we had after jimmy carter, but they don t have any chance of losing congress in two years, in 2018, because the tilt is way against the democrats. they have four years to get this economy going. and that is the single and only thing they need to do. all these optics and all this other stuff is just nonsense. if they get the economy growing, they will win re-election in landslide in 2020. if they don t, they won t. that s it. paul: that really does focus on tax reform. you ve been a free trader all your life, art? yes. paul: you view it as one of the pillars of an economic growth country and an economic growth strategy. so what do you make of this plank of the republican house tax bill, which is the first one that will move, border adjustability? which means you levy a 20% corporate tax rate, if that is the final rate that turns out to
be on imports but you don t levy that tax on exports? a lot rebate it. rebate it to exports. paul: a lot of people, retailers say it will raise prices for consume isers. it is protection it. how do you respond to that? the truth of the matter a border tax adjustment is a nothing policy. what you re doing tax on imports the is same thing as tax on exports. that is learner stem mitry theorem. a tax on exports they offset each other. this is way to pandering to people who want protectionism without having protectionism. border tax adjustment is not a problem, but tariff as a stand-alone is very serious problem. paul: but the border adjustment is first order of business until exchange rates adjust, it will raise prices for retailers who import their goods, walmart and others will it not? it could, it could. you will have an adjustment globally to the new border tax adjustment. that is exactly what they do with the vat in europe.
so it is very common practice to be done. i hope it buys off the protection its and gets them out of the way so we can focus on good things like tax reform and freer trade. paul: look it, on the trade side, you ve got a lineup of people, peter navarro in the white house. new office of trade we haven t had before. bob light highser, a steel protectionist lawyer at trade representatives lawyer. wilbur ross, another steel owner who is at the commerce department. that is a quite a lineup, very different line up of trade people you saw in the reagan administration or frankly in any administration in a long time. how much does it worry you? it does worry me. this is one economic area that bothers me. the bills have to go through congress. they have to go through the house and senate and committees. there will be a lot moved race there. the one thing really is true, the trade agreements that have
been done are really one-sided and they really are bad. in japan, non-tariff barriers, it would cost you $50,000 to retrofit a u.s. car to be able to be sold in japan. that is protectionism in the extreme. you can see what it is doing to japan. their economy is really the worst every. paul: exempt we don t have a trade deal with japan. that is the whole point to get the tpp to reduce the trade barriers and trump doesn t want to pass that. it excludes all the non-tariff barriers and excludes currency manipulation. you know very well japan devalued the yen to explicitly improve their trade balance and which is a silly idea to begin with and hurts japan yet currency manipulation is excluded from these deals. what i would like to see china and include all these countries do a real trade one like kennedy round tariff, dropped all tariffs by 35%, something major
than awful little bills that have all the exclusions, all this stuff that makes no sense to my. paul: let s look ahead a little bit, art, to dow is now a little under 20,000. what do you see it going at end of the year? do we see 22, 23, 25? this year 2017 i think we ll be very happy if it is just up at all for the year. paul: really? yeah. if you pass a tax bill, it won t really take effect, paul, until january 1st, 2018. paul: okay. that is when rates, if you know they have tax cuts next year, what do you do this year? defer income and employment for a year. that exactly happened to us and reagan. we pass ad great tax bill that started on january 1st, 1983. paul: right. that caused the 81-82 deep recession. so we ll have many so of those delay effects happening here. i think first year just to get their feet on the ground, get bills in place. then i think by 2018, 19, 20, you are will see this economy skyrocket.
once it starts, you can t stop it. they will all join on board and it will be a race for the exit. it will be fun. paul: thank you, arthur, for being here. good to see you. thank you, paul. paul: still ahead, so how will democrats respond to donald trump and his agenda? we ll get our first glimpse next week as the president-elect s pick for some top cabinet posts face senate confirmation hearings.
or two scalps in the end. i heard schumer say we will cooperate on trade maybe infrastructure maybe so long public spending not private tax credits and closing the corporate the carried interest loophole miner part of tax reform. i didn t hear a lot of willingness to cooperate on other things. what i heard was schumer saying so long as donald trump governs like a democratically we will did he happy to cooperate with him big question is whether that is going to last over time, trump is going to do things like on infrastructure and trade, that a lot of democrats are probably going to support are they going to realobstruct onin everything, i don t know breached pennsylvania michigan wisconsin brought to republican camp mainly for economic reasons, if he obstructs makes it did i to
say pass a tax bill, or get the economy going again, the general republican is not going to be aware of that in the they will blame donald trump, the president, he owns the economy. he said he would get things done as a matter of the same. advantage schumer has 48 senators a lot 10 i think in 2010, red, 2018 trump s states scared. all he needs 412 democrats to have a filibuster and block my sense is chuck schumer s bark worse than fight i think harry reed tougher the other guys i am not sure the same the problem at national levy same problem that local democratic party has in some disfun shunnal big questions think of driven out saner people in the middle people left get hardened into policies if he has keith ellison, as head of dnc.
democratic national committee. going to have a lot of problems. endorsed ellison, schumer has i think going to have a lot of problems, within the party, and let me say not just, chuck schumer california hired eric holder, to represent them and fights anticipating, eric hold heer was impeached didn t have a great record governing the shared in. i am not sure this is going to be obstruction thing going to play well may get few victories i am not sure going to help the party. let me read the list of cab nominees chaeld jeff sessions bets. education andy puzder labor rex tillerson state department, mull vein. oandb, tom price hh.f., mnuchin treasury mr. brewit at epa any in particular, you think could be in trouble? i mean i don t know if one or the other will be in
trouble this is why they are demanding all pla hearings and questionnaires because looking for something that they might be able to pin on at least one of them and then they will surround that particular one and try to bring that one down they want to claim at least one of these nominees, but again, this the republicans have going for them bill makes a good point in their local state some senators that are up for election in 2018, five, by the way, in states where trump absolutely stumped hillary clinton nervous about being portrayed as people who are standing in the way of change, so you got guys like west virginia joe manchin o improving some trump nominees, publicly, and i think this is what the republicans are going to hope for. all right contrast for 2009, republicans really didn t do much at all to stop at a democratic nominees even tim geithner had not paid all taxes still ahead another battle brewing on capitol hill
as president-elect trump narrows his list of potential supreme court nominees, and democrats hold open seat once held by scalia. there is yet a new standard now , which is to not confirm a supreme court nominee at all. [ crowd noise ] whoa. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. try this. but just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. so live your whole day, not part. with 12 hour aleve. life can feel like a never ending search for food that won t cause bloating, gas, or inner turmoil. introducing pronourish.
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wall street journal editorial board member colin levy with more despite the warning do you think president-elect is going to nominate somebody from his campaign list? . yeah, i think he will, he has a really good list there there is a lot of strong conservatives, i think those were well supported during the campaign i think they really are very interesting, to the base, some of the great names out there, you know, bill pryor diane on 7th circuit. right. those are often discussed as two leader accounts but, as we can discuss there are also some other ones out there that maybe personally interesting to trump. will anybody i mean schumer defines mainstream his own way, is everybody on that list out of the mainstream by chuck schumer s definition. by chuck shoourn s definition no question anyone nominated by republican president is out of mainstream; right? so either way this is going to be an epic fight, paul there is no question about
that. a. paul: bill pryor a federal judge for a longtime i think thank you favorite for a lot of people, because he has real long track record. as an appellee judge not going to be daifrd substituteer play not be william you know, anthony canady republicans burned before i think prior is maybe the favorite what do you think? yeah i think prior is the leading contender for the reasons you mentioned they know this is going to be a big fight going to have a really big fight might as well get someone they are sure is going to fill the shoes of scalia, i think though we should not discount diane, because she is also very, very strong conservative has a long track record has a great opinions on the 7th circuit, on the first amendment, she wrote the opinion in wisconsin right to life, you know very strong first amendment opinion very good second amendment decisions up holding heller, up holding the
constitutionality of firing ranges so she is a real favorite, too. paul: there are some other very, very solid circuit court judges on. larson michigan supreme court something of a wild card on that supreme court for about a year did clerk for justice scalia, but her judicial track record isn t as well-known also younger only 48. that is right for sure, she strikes me as someone would be great second-round pick if another opening coming up would i be surprised if she comes up this time track record isn t that long to many hardeman out of pennsylvania a guy sort of a working class guy, someone might just appeal to trump on gut level, neil gorsich very well liked by conservatives very strong writing style and just considered to be sort of a high wattage supersmart jurist. okay. someone that might be in
the mix. kim what about this idea that the seat is stolen democrats are saying look, the republicans stole the set too because they never gave a vote to merrick garland president obama nominee since scalia died in february is this going to this is going to raise the temperatureture on the democratically opposition isn t it. it is, i mean this is going to be their mantra all the way through, that and justification for everything that they use to oppose republican nominee will partly be the ideology shuck schumer said out of mainstream partly hey you he never had the right to fill this seat because you took it from us. now, again, whether or not that washes, whether or not the pressure on some democrats grows to not obstruct what is by the any measure look, too this is important paul, this is a seat already held by a very conservative injuryist republicans will make that point, that they are simply
replacing one with not changing the balance of the court so some democrats might be wary. will mitch mcconnell o have to break a filibuster by democrats for the first time in history for supreme court nominee. if democrats try to filibuster, say bill pryor diane filibuster is gone. there is just no way he can allow that to happen. have the votes for that? there is senior republicans john mccain i think more concerned about the legislative filibuster the reason for being a scenario they will not be able to oppose it on the supreme court. thank you all when we come back we will go from cal capitol hill to college campus critics say title nine is at which timed to style of he free speech deny due process could changes be coming with a new administration. nch of owners just say, show me cars with only one owner find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don t
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paul: turning from capitol hill to the college campus next guest says outgoing obama administration has used the federal antidiscrimination law known as title nine, to style of free speech deny due process in campus assault cases the executive director of permission to for individual rights in education. author of the book twisting title nine, so welcome. thank you for having me. you wrote for us recently, that there are kangaroo courts on campus in dealing with these kinds of sexual assault accusations what do you mean by that. well, campus courts, even though many times, they are trying to determine the same facts whether or not a sexual assault or harassment occurred on campus they have very, very
low standards for making those determinations, and part of that that low standard is driven by activity and mandates from the department of education. in washington, d.c. paul: all right, so as i gather they only require a prepreponderance of evidence basically completeness if 50-50 case longest you get to 51% it is okay a very different standard than you would get in a general criminal court frequency. is that is that the issue? is that where it comes down to? yeah, i think i think that is a big part of the problem, one of the the higher standard of evidence than preponderance one few due process protections that students at so he will colleges were able to count on, before this 2011 deer colleague letter that came out with this mandate we think, and we are actually involved in a lawsuit saying it violated the administrative procedure act putting that mandate in place. and so what is happened now
colleges can be far, far less certain of whether or not a assault occurred or even whether it is they got the right person for the assault and still punish them. they have to do that because they life in fear, that if they don t do that, the administration the antibody administration will crack down on them obama administration will crack down punish them denying them federal monif they get a big controversial case government doesn t like. that is right the punishment is actually the withdrawal of all federal funds, the punishment that would be a dependability death penalty electromagnetic every university gets pell grants loans so scary it never has been implemented before because a worry that if they don t follow these dictates that is going to happen to them. you would agree i assume sexual assault is a problem on
some campuses you are makeing about young people here young men in particular, some of them not very mature how do you i think the administration would say look we need this tough standard to be able to stop what is the rampant problem, on college campuses what is your response to that. my response is that sexual assault is happening on campus that is really a matter for law enforcement. these are series crimes, they deserve certifyious investigation to conduct in competent way last count 130 lawsuits from students feel thick leff been unfairly found responsible for sexual assault on campus vast majority of whom were never prosecuted by police or outside law enforcement who ought to be investigating. your organization is helping with lawsuits how are they proceeding in court are you winning those or is it too early to tell? well, too early to tell
there has been a lot of motions back-and-forth, so we will see how that goes forward but we are in view offed in one case, particularly, you targeting that mandate for the department of education. if you were so your betsy devos new education secretary let s say confirmed you come in what do you do to to stop this? do you how do you send a signal that this is going to stop you are going back to gis preobama standard? well, because they didn t actually go through the proper procedure to get these written as official regulations actually simply as sending out a new dear colleague letter saying we withdraw preponderance mandate aspect of 2011 colleague letter they also need to revise the way they are defining sexual assault harassment right now so broadly over hearing a single dirty joke technically sexual harassment on campus
there is no way sustained under constitution they know that augmenting to stop pro mull promulgating that. all she has to do is send guidance saying, that what you got that letter you got in 2011, and standards that the previous administration had done enforcing no longer apply. is that is right, and it is you know while while it is sort of simple not going to be easy i think there will be a lot of political pressure, on them not to do that the right thing to do, and you know it is will send a signcolleges oug to come up with their standards do it best on campuses with law enforcement. thank you, good to have you here one more break, when we come back hits and mais misses of the week.
stung 76 homicides 47% increase more death than l.a. and new york combined. this is also the city that began 2017 with the abduction of a man he was beat he and showed this on facebook live this is a testament the war on cops is working. the police are backing off, after all these politicized attacks leaders in cities increasingly deserve to give an explanation, to be residents that you are living in war-torn ghetto zones. thanks, kim. bill. hit to all former presidents you know for a while looked like none of the presidents going to attend the inaugural we learned they will all attend except george h.w. bush not well enough to come, these are important moments when you have a ceremony, and we should be grateful for all
for this note. bravo to hillary clinton saying she will attend. colin. paul good news in ohio this week governor john kasich signed a law to citizens can t have property confiscated without being convicted of a crime, these civil forfeiture laws a favorite tool of ptsdz like to use them to shore up budgets that has come at expense of due process and justice so kudos to governor kasich for getting rid of it. thanks, dan. paul, i am getting a hit to 10 senate democrats i admit a little bit like a solar eclipse nonetheless these 10 voted for senate measure repudiateing obama administration abstention from u.n. security council resolution condemning israel settles, this is good on merits but paul also suggests, 10 democratically votes that obama s legacy could be in peril on other things if visit iran nuclear deal. all right remember, if you have your own hit or miss be sure to tweet to us, that is

Paul-gigot , Things , Trends-on-obamacare , Democrats , Replacement , Answer , Ways , Better , Solution , One , Opposition-isnt-it , Part

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161130 02:00:00

but she was never a government employee. the fact in this lurid story, the taxpayers of alabama were not paying her salary. and whether or not she was sh stooping the governor, having someone working there that was not a government employee? well, the group that apparently was paying her is called the alabama council for excellent government. ace gov. .com was their website. but when the relationship became a national sex scandal, they disappeared their website. this is their website today. its jaups nothing. just a little place holder in case you might want to build something at because there s nothing there now. in the middle of this raging story with national implications, there s this black hole, this group who was apparently paying this woman who was in the governor s office every day, this group does not answer its phones, they don t
wbr id= wbr4800 /> directed towards institutions that provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior. mike pence ran for congress saying let s not try to cure aids. let s try to cure gay instead. and mike pence may not be interested in showcasing that part of his politics now that he s about to be vice president of the united states, but he should still answer for it. does he still think that? the only reason we have a record of him running on that as a political position is because the way back machine archived his website from back when he was running for congress back in the day. they screen shotted it. we can look at it today. the same way that we as a nation, incidentally, also have proof that on the very first day that he could, the new wbr id= wbr5316 /> president-elect started using the resources of the federal government in his position in the white house to enrich himself. to promote wbr id= wbr5392 /> his family business /b>
interests. now, they have since taken this down, but the very first thing they built online after the election, the very first thing they built online for president-elect trump was this meet the president-elect webpage on the transition website that was provided to the trump folks by the federal government. it s a dot-gov website, something you and i pay for. what they put up was an exhaustive list of all of the, quote, world s top properties that donald trump owns including the world renowned fifth avenue skyscraper trump tower, plus trump park, trump tower, on and on. wait, act now and we ll send you some knives. in addition to properties that occupy the manhattan skyline, mr. trump also owns many of the premier golf clubs around the world, trump national golf club in wbr-id= wbr5946 /> westchester new york, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. that advertisement for trump
wbr-id= wbr6000 /> properties, that was the very first thing they put up day one on the very first federal government website they had access to. advertisements for trump properties and golf courses. that is not like some threat that the president-elect might use his new office to enrich himself. that s him doing it. that s him using the resources of the federal government to promote the personal business interests of one very important federal office holder. as i ve said, they ve since taken that down, but we ve got it on record because of the way back machine. because the internet archive grabbed it and saved that and will not let it be disappeared. thank god for them. and tonight i can report they are moving to canada. the internet archive, the people who run the way back machine as well as lots of other free archives and resources, i mean, the way back machine alones s h
archived a billion pages of history on the web. the people who run this. on november 9th in america we woke up to a new administration promising radical change. it was a firm reminder that institutions like ours, built for the long-term, need to design for change. for us, it means keeping our cultural materials safe, private and perpetually accessible. it means preparing for a web that may face greater restrictions. the history of libraries is one of loss. the library of alexandria is best known for its disappearance. libraries like ours are susceptible to different fault lines, earthquakes, legal regimes, institutional failure. this year we ve set a new goal, to create a copy of the internet archives digital collections in another country. they re calling it the internet archive of canada. they already have mirrors of some of their content in a few
other countries around the world, but they don t have a complete additional copy of what they have built anywhere. they don t have a backup. they don t have a completely mirror of the servers they ve built, in san francisco where they re headquartered. and the internet archive folks have been around for a couple of decades, since the dawn of commercial access to the internet. but now because of what happened in the last election, they now feel like the only way they can keep their entire historical library safe, the only way they can protect this resource that they ve built, this history that they have archived, they feel like the only way they can ensure its safety is to build a complete mirror of it outside the reach of what is about to be our new federal government. we re losing a lot of people because of the internet. and we have to do wbr id= wbr7700 /> something. we have to go see bill gates and a lot of other people that really understand what s happening. we have to talk to them maybe in certain areas closing that /b>
internet up in some way. someone will say, freedom of speech, freedom of speech. these are foolish people. we have a lot of foolish people. we have a lot of foolish people. we ve got to maybe do something with the internet. nobody really knows what the president-elect meant that when he said what he did this time last year. about closing off parts of the internet. we ve got to do something with the internet. we ve got to maybe in some areas close that internet up in some way. nobody knows if he meant that when he said that during the campaign. but wbr-id= wbr8200 /> public service oriented keep information free parts of the internet, they re not waiting around to find out. they re going to canada. that happened today. and it s interesting. there are these first amendmewo about the new incoming president, there are corruption worries about the new incoming president. and those things feel like show
stoppers in some ways. but it turns out one monkey don t stop the show. turns out those things don t bring everything to a halt. the show goes on. and frankly, the show gets some new element of weirdness every day. today while the president-elect was tweeting threats about flag burning apparently in response to a fox news channel segment on the topic, he was also simultaneously announcing his new secretary of transportation and alongside all these other, you know, worries about trump and transparency, worries about trump and the first amendment, worries about trump and the press, that announcement today about the transportation secretary it also points out a really interesting pattern that the washington post picked up on this morning because elaine chao, among all the other interesting things that she is, elaine chao tapped today to be cabinet secretary in the trump administration, she s also a former fox news channel contributor. last night we led this show talking about the newly announced deputy national
security adviser for the incoming administration. she, too, is a fox news channel personality. we finished the show last night talking about the meeting the president-elect would have today with this very controversial activist who has made it his life s work to abolish the v.a., to private ize the v.a. he s also a fox news personality. it s kind of remarkable the number of points of overlap between who the president-elect is meeting, who he s floating for top jobs in his administration, who he s appointing to top jobs in his administration, the points of overlap between that roster of people and the roster of people who are contracted to appear on cable news, specifically on the fox news channel, which the president-elect does sometimes like to criticize but we know he apparently never likes to turn it off. the pattern is amazing. all those folks also, you know, ben carson, has reportedly been offered a job in the cabinet.
former fox news contributor. newt gingrich considered till the last second for vice president in the trump administration, former fox news contributor. scott brown who has met with trump about the v.a. job, fox news contributor, laura ingraham and monica crowley both considered for white house press secretary, both fox news contributors. john bolton reportedly under consideration for secretary of state, fox news contributor. there s mike huckabee, right, there s jeanine pirro both meeting with the president-elect in this weird runway camera thing that we do at the elevators of his apartment building because he hasn t moved the office. both fox news contributors. the first amendment may or may not be safe under this president. it has now been four months since the president-elect has answered questions from reporters. four months. you d have to go back more than 30 years to find a president-elect who has gone this long after an election was settled without giving at least one formal press conference
during the transition but trump apparently has no plans. the internet archives may or may not raise the millions of dollars they need in order to build a complete mirror of the internet archive outside the bounds of the united states. and honestly they may or may not need that geographic protection from a new president who really has said that he wants to close off parts of the internet. but we do know that the incoming president watches fox news and he likes it now, apparently. he likes it enough that he s picked it up by the ankles, give it a good shake and started to move its whole roster off of rupert murdoch and on to the taxpayers of the united states. what a time to be alive. i hope somebody s writing all this stuff down as it happens because if anybody ever succeeds in disappearing this history of what we re going through right now, people will not believe it in the future when you tell them this is how it happened. i hope somebody s writing this all down. screen shot this.
lots to get to tonight. stay with us. energy is a complex challenge. people want power. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they re released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that s what we re working on right now. energy lives here.
schautauqua county is the furthest county west in the state of new york. if you look at this map it s all the way over on the left. it borders pennsylvania and lake erie way over there on the west side of new york. and that little red dot in chautauqua county, that s the town of jamestown. population roughly 31,000. in the year 2004 a doctor practicing out of little jamestown new york, an internist named dr. rudolph mueller, received a kind of amazing honor. he was named physician of the year. congratulations. physician of the year. obviously, a very big deal. he got the good news in the form of a fax from a high ranking congressman in washington. which is kind of an unexpected, unsolicited weird way to hear, but the physician of the year
award, which is a nice thing, then you got down to the question of what exactly this dr. mueller would have to do to collect this prestigious award. turns out that to get that award, the national republican congressional committee would need the doctor to write them a check for about $1200. he told abc news investigative unit at the time to actually buy your award and it s not from your peers or from your patient ors from the community that you serve it s really deceptive, it s not being honest, it s just not right. but dr. mueller wasn t the only one. hundreds of other doctors were also told that year that they had just won physician of the year. and it was all part of the same scam. a scam run by republican congressman named tom delay. the scam targeted doctors, told them they d won this prestigious award, told them because they were so famous and so well regarded that they were being invited to join something called the physicians advisory board which is a very prestigious
thing in order to go to events for this fake prestigious advisory board they d just been signed up to, though, they would have to shell out something like $5,000 and again that money would go to the national republican congressional committee. it was a scam. a fund-raising scam run by then house majority leader tom delay back in the early 2000s. tom delay eventually left congress in an ethics scandal that led to him being convicted and then his conviction being overturned. we do still have the lasting benefit of this amazing mug shot from that time in his life. but tom delay s time in congress had to come to an end. his doctor scam did not end, though. he passed it on, apparently. in 2009 a congressman out of georgia started running the same con. under a different name. he created what he called the physicians council for responsible reform and he sent out these faxes, sent out these letters. he promised doctors who joined
his exclusive group that they would be, quote, receiving special briefings and providing input to republican members of congress. congressman promised that these select physicians on this council would be providing input to house republican leader john boehner, congressman eric cantor and others. none of that was true. this was just the same con that tom delay used to use. all they were doing was raising money. they re basically shaking down doctors for donations. in some instances this congressman even used the names of his marks, used the names of these physicians he s targeted on this fake press release, he would actually put those out, put the doctors names out publicly as if they were in support of this mission even though he d never gotten those doctors permissions to raise funds in their name. since june 2009 this congressman raised more than a million dollars for the republican national committee but it was a scam run by a republican congressman from georgia. and that s the same guy that donald trump just tapped to be
his health and human services secretary. his name is tom price. he s an orthopedic surgeon by trade. he s been in congress since 2005. before that he served in the georgia state senate. as a congressman he s known for being very anti-gay. he co-sponsored a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. during the bp oil spill in the gulf, he was very famous for siding with bp who spilled the oil. he was a founding member of the tea party caucus. at one point he said he considered running against john boehner for speaker because he didn t think john boehner was right wing enough. but the thing he s most made his mark on in congress is for being the number one anti-obamacare congressman among the republican caucus. in january 2010, you might remember during the state of the union that year, president obama talked about how he want to work with congress. he promised to talk to the other side after the republicans had had such strong resistance to the obamacare legislation.
two days after the state of the union, you might remember then-congressman mike pence who was then the third ranking republican in the house, he helped coordinate president obama s taking a visit to the annual house republican meeting. and attending the opposite party s meeting is not an unprecedented thing. george w. bush did it. president obama had gone to the republican meeting in 2009. but in 2010 there were cameras there. it was going to be televised live. it was at that meeting that tom price of georgia decided he would go head-to-head with president obama on obamacare. you have repeatedly said most recently at the state of the union that republicans have offered no ideas and no solutions in spite of the fact i don t think i said that. what i said was it would within the context of health care. i remember that speech pretty well. it was only two days ago. i said i welcomed ideas that you might provide. i didn t say that you hadn t provided ideas.
i said i welcome those ideas that you ll provide. president, multiple times from your administration there have come statements that republicans have no ideas and no solutions. in spite of the fact that we ve offered, as demonstrated today, positive solutions to all of the challenges we face including energy and the economy and health care. tom, look, i have to say that on the let s just take the health care debate. it s probably not constructive for us to try to debate a particular bill, that this isn t the venue to do it. but if you say we can offer coverage for all americans and it won t cost a penny, that s just not true. you can t structure a bill where suddenly 30 million people have coverage and it costs nothing. it can t just be political
assertions that aren t substantiated when it comes to the actual details of policy because otherwise we re going to be selling the american people a bill of goods. selling the american people a bill of goods. president obama responding to georgia congressman tom price in 2010. tom price didn t release his own alternative obamacare. it was never endorsed by any of the leaders. i should note that his views aren t even mainstream even within his own party. take for example the part of obamacare that says insurers have to accept everybody regardless of prexiing conditions. a lot of republicans say they agree with that part of obamacare. president-elect donald trump says he agrees with that part. let me ask you about obamacare. which you say you re going to repeal and replace. when you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered? yes, because it happens to be
one of the strongest assets. happens to be one of the strongest assets, says the president-elect. tom price on the other hand things that that strongest assess is, quote, a terrible idea. a week after the election he told reporters he expects republicans to move forward on changes to medicare in the next six to eight months including privatizing medicare by the summertime he wants to get ready to do that. on women s health, he has exactly the record you might expect. he introduced a 2015 budget that would defund planned parenthood entirely. planned parenthood gives him a zero rating. he thinks that employers should be allowed to fire their workers if they use birth control or if they have an abortion. he famously said obamacare shouldn t require coverage for birth control because as far as he s concerned not one woman in the entire united states of america has any trouble affording contraception. obviously one of the main sticking points is whether or not contraception coverage is
going to be covered under plans and whether they ll be able to pay for it, especially among low income women. i guess where do we leave these women if this rule is rescinded? bring me one woman who has been left behind. bring me one. there s not one. birth control. nobody has any trouble getting birth control. what should why should contraception be part of health coverage? bring me one woman. president-elect trump s nominee to be in charge of health and human services. i have just the person you want to hear respond to that here next.
obviously, one of the main sticking points is whether or not contraception coverage is going to be covered under health insurance plans and at hospitals and whether they ll be able to pay for it, especially among low income women. i guess where do we leave these women if this rule is rescinded? bring me one woman who has been left behind. bring me one. there s not one. congressman tom price of georgia now slated to be secretary of health and human services in the incoming presidential administration. joining us now for her take on this is nancy northrupp, nancy, nice having you here. thanks for having me. planned parenthood has put out a statement in opposition in sort of an alarmed statement in opposition to congressman price being slated for the hhs job. do you have a reaction to the nomination? it is an alarming nomination. health and human services exists as an agency to promote the well-being and the health of the american people.
president-elect trump has just nominated someone who wants to take away health care, not provide it. you pointed out he s against the affordable care act. that has really important provisions for co-pay provisio fact that women can t be charged than men for their insurance. he wants to take that away. he wants to defund planned parenthood, a place that millions of women go a year to get birth control, tsd testing, cancer screening. he said what he proposes is basically a market-based alternative approach to meeting the country s health care needs. he thinks that obamacare is a disaster. all the things that went wrong
that he said would go wrong. and it would suit the country better. do you see any room for working with him when it comes to replacing oba replacing obama care. he has demonstrated he doesn t understand women s lives. when he makes the comment that no women can t afford birth control. that s just not true. a huge increase of women who were in insurance programs that are private are now able to get no co-pay. things that are expensive, like iuds, very effective long-term contraceptives out of reach for women without that no co-pay division. he s also very anti-choice. he doesn t accept the constitution, which protects women s rights. just won a supreme court case four months ago that said women have to have access to safe and legal abortion and the government can t use fake reasons the take it away. so it is very alarming to have somebody appointed to be
secretary of health and services who would like to take away that constitutional right of women. one of the things that i don t want to describe him as out there on a limb because a lot of the republican conference is moving this way. he has said that employers should be able to fire you if your employer learns that you have had an abortion or if they learn that you re using birth control and your employer disapproves of that for whatever reason. is that something on which you expect to actually have to be litigating? is that something where you expect him to actually move? or is that a fantasy on the right? i would hopefully it s not something that they would try to do. i mean, for heaven sakes, discriminating about health care that only women need is clearly says discrimination. women have worked long and hard to be in the workforce, to be able to control their reproductive lives and the notion that their employers can fire them about their choices about family planning is
outrageous. thank you for being here. appreciate it. we ll be right back.
wbr-id= wbr23400 /> something but they re not sure what. and i can t tell you conclusively if we are going to hear something or not. but there s noise. now you know what i know. one thing i can show you is this picture, which we just got tonight from a reporter from yahoo! news. this is obviously donald donald trump and mitt romney at dinner tonight. they re at a fancy, expensive restaurant in a trump hotel in new york. sort of both faces tell you all you need to know. presumably they re talking about the secretary of state job that has been dangled but apparently not promised to mitt romney who was such an outspoken critic of mr. trump s during the campaign. we don t yet know what the outcome of this meeting but this picture alone is sort of worth many thousands of words. we did hear on camera a moment ago from mitt romney, but he didn t say anything definitive about that job or whether it s been offered to him or whether
he s taking it. we ll keep an eye. there is still noise that we might hear something. when you find something worth waiting for, we ll help you invest to protect it for the future.
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the holidays are made with philly. on election night, the word from north carolina s governor was, wait. there is a process for these types of things. so we ve got to let that process work. and we ve got to respect the election system because no one respects democracy more than governor pat mccrory and ann mccrory. okay? to be clear, he s talking about himself in the third person and his wife who is right there. here we are, three weeks later and the people of north carolina still don t have a winner in that race. north carolina, they don t know who their governor s going to be. the democrat roy cooper has declared victory. the incumbent pat mccrory is refusing to concede still. mccrory has been alleging voter fraud on a large scale in the race. his campaign has claimed that
dead people voted and felons voted and people voted multiple times. for the most part these claims are just claims, they ve not produced any evidence of fraud. but part of what s making the story crazy is that in north carolina one of the privileges of being governor is you get to appoint the members of all the elections boards around the state. yesterday there was this remarkable turn in what s going on in north carolina because the republican-controlled state election board hand picked by governor mccrory, yesterday they essentially instructed most of the local election boards around the state that they should go ahead and dismiss the protests filed by governor mckror croryc campaign against the vote count. which is a big deal. unexpected and it is a big deal. they have enough challenged votes in the counties to affect the race, the counties are being told to finish up, finalize their numbers.
the state election board is still looking into these mccrory campaign allegations in a couple of counties. they re scheduled to meet again tomorrow to discuss allegations in one heavily democratic county, durham county, so there s that to watch for. but in the three weeks since election day the vote margin separating mckror ke and cooper, the vote margin in favor of the democrat has only gotten bigger than election day. it s doubled. as of the start of this show tonight, roy cooper was ahead by 9800 votes. it s a razor thin margin, but more than 9,000 votes, that s less than 100 votes from the point where governor mccrory would no longer even legally be entitled to mount a state recount. he s this close to game over, but he s still not conceding. so what s the endgame here? north carolina. how does this get resolved and how long does everybody have to wait and at what cost are we
going to finally get a result in this case? roy cooper declared victory over pat mccrory nine days ago, but this one isn t done. joining us is a staff writer with the atlantic who has been covering this story since the election. thanks for joining us tonight. nice to be here. why is it taking so long for this race to be resolved. but this one really seems to be quite a ping-pong match. it s all these protests and challenges. the mccrory campaign and the republican party and some allies have been filing these claims saying there are questions about the vote totals in certain counties and pushing the process back and delaying both counties getting their specific counts, then the state certifying the totals overall. that just pushed everything back. have they been producing compelling evidence that there is widespread fraud, widespread illegal voting of the type and the magnitude that would overturn this result? not really. and you see that in the case that these county boards of
wbr id= wbr28200 /> election, which are all controlled by republicans, have generally been rejecting the complaints and saying they re unfounded or they re too late. you get claims that there are felons voting, but when you look at the claims many of the actual names that are brought up tend to be duplicates or people with similar names or people that committed misdemeanors but not feloni felonies. we re not looking at huge numbers, certainly not 10,000 votes it appears in aggregate that would shift the race. it was an interesting development for me. i ve been sort of watching this in a tertiary way. there s a lot going on in the news, a lot to keep track of. but what really pinged there yesterday was the decision by the state to tell all these county election boards, you know what? unless you re dealing with a huge number of contested ballots, you should start to be done with this now. even though these are republican-controlled board, they seem to be getting to a place where they re going to wind it down. but what about these couple of outstanding counties including /b>
wbr-id= wbr28800 /> durham, that they ll focus on tomorrow? durham is the one to watch. today the chair of the state republican party said either durham will do a recount or we ll demand a recount for the full state. durham is a case on election day there were a lot of national stories about problems there. there was a problem with computer systems for logging voters in, it pushed the results back. you had about 90,000 votes that came in late. mccrory suggests that there may be some chicanery and they want a recount there. there are a lot of black voter there s. so you know, there s not really any evidence of fraud there. and the chair at the county board, who, of course, is a republican also says you count all the votes and it adds up. these are all clean. david graham, thank you for helping us disaum big uate this story. will your business be reay when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job,
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hold on a second, i ve got to click this thing in order to make this work. ready? i think i can do it. all right, do we have it? yes. got it. first of all, we got the inadvertently hilarious picture of the mitt romney/donald trump dinner picture tonight, that s so perfect. and now, because i just clicked that thing, now we ve got mitt romney in his own words talking about how awesome it was to sit down and dine with the man he quite recently denounced as a con artist and embarrassment to the nation. like old times. i had a wonderful evening with president-elect trump. we have another discussion about affairs throughout the world, and these discussions i ve had with him have been enlightening and interesting and engaging. i ve enjoyed them, very much. i was also very impressed by the
remarks he made on his victory night. by the way, it s not easy winning. i know that myself. he did something i was unsuck selle s sesful in, he won the general election, and he continues with a mission of bringing people together and his vision connected with people in a very powerful way. mitt romney at length and in great tdetail and with a lot of attention denounced donald trump as fundamentally a phony and a danger to the nation and the wormd, but now he s just another part of the show and tell transition that happens in the gold, gilt lobby of donald trump s apartment building as everyone turns up to kiss the ring and apparently beg for a job. we don t know whether he will join the trump administration he is so enam ored with, but
wbr id= wbr31800 /> obviously an interesting chapter in his biography. stay tuned. almost there. i can t reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it s what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it s what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. ways wins. especially in my business. /b>
wbr-id= wbr32400 /> with slow internet from the phone company, you can t keep up. you re stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn t pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. when the mortgage crisis hit in 2008, when banks started collapsing under the weight of the terrible mortgage scam they had been getting retich off for years with no regard for consequences. when wall street started to crater and the economy started to go off the cliff and everybody else was trying to figure out what we should do to save the economy, there were a few really rich guys who looked around that ongoing nuclear
economic disaster and thought, i bet i can make a buck here. one california billionaire decided he would make his buck in the great financial catastrophe of 2008 by getting together with a few other billionaires and buying one of the banks that had collapsed. now once they had that bank they then proceeded to kick 35,000 families out of their homes before selling that bank back to the government at a profit. there were a lot of villains in the financial crisis and its aftermath. not all of them were enough to get their own bel-air mansions picketed by the people thrown out of their homes, it was this $26 million bel-air mansion set upon by angry protesters. the protests eventually waned. and more recently, that same guy has been popping up at trump tower, a lot. and as of tonight, nbc news reports that that guy, steve
mnuchin is being tapped by donald trump to be the nation s new treasury secretary, ex-goldman sachs, the guy who s described as a foreclosure machine. that s who donald trump is putting in charge at treasury. drain the swamp, baby. i mean, democrats are not in any position to put up much of a fight in washington, but it is hard to believe that mr. picketed for kicking 35,000 families out of their home, it s possible he could encounter more opposition than washington is anticipating.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161207 02:00:00

international business entanglements, these concerns are getting bigger not smaller with each passing day in the news as we get closer to him being sworn in. because this stuff keeps coming up, when it comes up, the more you look at it, the worse it is. for example, we now know that the daughter of the president-elect, she apparently got a big business deal greenlighted by a government-controlled bank in japan right after that bizarre and otherwise inexplicable spectacle where the president-elect invited his daughter to sit in on his in-person meeting with the japanese prime minister. if that deal in fact only got greenlit because of the new political position of the trump family, well, then that action by that government-controlled bank in japan, that s pretty clearly a foreign government s gift to the president s family. that s just one. with each passing day there s another one of these now. they are getting bigger and worse over time.
those things by trump s business? if the family business effectively gets paid by taiwan as personal compensation to the president in return for this radical policy shift that the president-elect just made toward taiwan, then that would be a gift from a foreign government to the president-elect through the mechanism of his family-run business. there are a number of these things in the news, and not just these aren t the first ones. more and more of these each passing day. honestly, if any one of those things end up getting prosecuted as such, it would be the biggest raw corruption scandal that we ve seen in american presidential politics in a long time. we ve had other kinds of scandals, presidents lying and presiden presidents conducting secret or illegal politics or spying on their political enemies but flat-out using the office of the presidency for naked political
personal excuse me naked not political but personal gain? taking foreign money. this charles the ii stuff that we re seeing right now? this is the thing that we criticize kleptoaccuratic countries on other continents. this is nothing we ve had to confront in our own government before. the charles the ii stuff that we continue to get with each passing news cycle, we get more of these problems, that s a really big deal. in today s news we went a step beyond our charles ii problem, which we definitely have with the new president-elect. we ve got that problem. today we got a whole new and maybe worse problem because getting paid effectively by foreign governments is not the only way we can get into trouble as a country because our leader has stopped acting in the interests of our country and is being used for another country s purposes. paying the leader is one way we get into that kind of trouble as
a country. but today s new wrinkle is this. today we started to hear from the people who are overtry claiming credit for what the president-elect is doing with other countries. today we started to hear from the people who are overtly claiming credit for what just happened, for example, with taiwan. alston & bird, a big d.c. law firm. they ve been getting paid $20,000 a month by what would be the taiwan baembassy in the unid states if we had diplomat relations with taiwan, which we don t, on purpose. bob dole may be 93, but that does not mean he s retired. he s still at it. it s fair to say we may have had some influence in setting up that diplomatic bombast of a phone call between the president-elect and the leader of taiwan. think about that for a second. i mean, it is one thing to be
directly on the payroll of a foreign country, king charles. it is another thing to effectively be on the payroll but to collect your fee through your family business. but it is a third and co-equal thing to be like an empty set on foreign policy, to be ignorant or naive or agnostic or cynical enough about policy about america s interests that you re happy to be an instrument of a foreign government. you re happy to be an instrument of a foreign government or anyone who pays the right people to get next to you to tell you what to say. even on super, supersensitive high policy issues that you may think you understand. but it s one thing to think of your president as radical but another to have people bragging openly that your president is someone who does what he s told
because he doesn t know any better? which is worse? and in terms of who is telling him what to do while he s doing what he s told, in terms of who is controlling who gets in his ear and whether or not these people are being paid by foreign governments to tell him what to do, this comes at a really delicate moment in terms of this transition, in terms of national security and this new incoming president and his administration. today in fayetteville, north carolina, the president held this second mass rally that he s done since the election. mass rallies may be a permanent feature of his presidency. at the first one last week it was mostly just a campaign-style event as if he were still running against hillary clinton. they chanted lock her up. he was telling the assembled crowd a secret, that they should not tell anybody, but he said that this week on monday of this week he d be announcing his
choice for defense secretary, former marine general james mattis. the mattis announcement it was itself a little chaotic. mattis announcement was leaked on thursday, then denied by the trump transition later on thursday, then thursday night the president-elect went to this mass rally and said he wasn t officially making the announcement yet, nobody should tell anybody, he would make it on monday. monday came and they didn t make the announcement. then tonight on tuesday they did roll out their secretary of defense choice general mattis. secretary of defense jim mattis will be subject to senate confirmation. but the other major announcement that this incoming administration has made on security is a pick that will not be subject to senate confirmation. he s a done deal just by being designated by the president-elect. he remains probably the most controversial choice other than the chief strategist steve bannon. the other most controversial
personnel announcement made by the incoming administration is retired army general mike flynn who is designated to be the national security adviser. he has raised eyebrows since he was first brought on to the trump campaign, because he has this reputation for being a nut. sorry. for trafficking in truly insane conspiracy theories. for his apparent willingness to suspend disbelief in order to absorb and pass on totally fake made-up news stories that no serious person would take seriously but he does because they apparently fit his ideological inclinations. so he was raising eyebrows just as a campaign surrogate let alone as national security adviser. but now he ll be national security adviser. today at the moment when president obama was making his final major national security address of his presidency, literally at that same moment, the vice president-elect was on
cable news amid all these snowballing concerns about the incoming administration on national security and whether their radicalism is intentional or not, whether they know what they re doing, who is telling them what to say and who they re being paid by, well, amid all these snowballing concerns about national security and whether or not they re shaky on those most important issues, while president obama was at centcom giving his national security address there on cnn was the vice president-elect, having to explain why or if the transition sought security cleaners and gave a formal government transition role to the son of mike flynn, the son of mike flynn, the national security adviser designate, the son of general flynn is a stated fan of alex jones and info wars. he has served as his dad s chief of staff while trafficking publicly in truly insane
conspiracy theories including that hillary clinton was secretly running a child sex slave operation out of the back of a d.c. pizza restaurant. you must be aware that the transition team put in for security clearance for michael g. flynn, the son of retired general flynn? i m aware in talking to general flynn that his son was helping ask scheduling, jake. no, but you put in for security clearance for him. helping his dad arrange for meetings and provide meetings, but that s no longer the case. were you aware that the transition had put in for security clearance for michael flynn jr.? i worked very closely with general flynn. i ve worked on many occasions. i i ve never seen his son present for any of those meetings. but you re head of the transition team. you know who was given security clearances. this is a young man who was helping his father. he had a social media profile that had all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories and had links with white supremacists.
were you aware that the transition team put in for a security clearance for him? what i can tell you in talking to general flynn today he made me aware that his son was saiing him. and that you put in for a security clearance? well, whatever the appropriate paperwork was to assist him. we re bringing together with general mike flynn and k.t. mcfarland, with the team that will surround them and advise this president. people who will set into motion, i m confident, the policies that will make america safe again and at home and abroad. two days ago we saw someone with a gun go to common pizza because of this crazy conspiracy theory that michael flynn had put out there, defended afterwards and you guys put in for a security clearance. but i will move on. if you re a national security voter or if you re not a national security voter primarily but just a person who cares about national security, what s happening with the president-elect with the incoming administration on this
issue, i mean, it s not the great plague of london, not the great fire of london, not the dutch sailing up the river thames and singing the who isin fleet, but it s bad. audacious, scandalous conflicts of interest and a radical form of incompetence and disorganization that outside paid interests are already bragging that they ve been able to take advantage of. and if you think we are the unchallenged most powerful country in the world an nobody can touch us then maybe it doesn t matter. maybe there s a huge margin of stuff you can screw up here and ways you can be incompetent and corrupt here and it won t matter. but if you don t think that we are the unchallenged ruler of the world, if you don t think that we can do anything and nobody s too big a screw-up, if you think we ve got competitors, if you think we ve got challengers and enemies in the
world, then them being this bad on this issue, it s bad. my family tree, i discovered a woman named marianne gaspard. it was her french name. then she came to louisiana as a slave. i became curious where in africa she was from. so i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. the ancestry dna results were really specific. they told me all of these places in west africa. i feel really proud of my lineage, and i feel really proud of my ancestry. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. with s for every 10 nights you stay, you get one free. which is great for families. finally! whatever captain obvious.
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donald trump tonight announced his nominee for secretary of defense. general james mattis. it s a civilian job to be secretary of defense. in order to take that job, somebody so recently out of the military will have to get a waiver from the united states congress. tonight they started the process of getting him that waiver, even before trump gets sworn in. it s a provision tucked into a draft spending bill for the overall funding of the government right there on page 27. look. exception to limitation against appointment of persons as secretary of defense within seven years of relief from active duty. that s on page 27. page 28, quote, limited exception. this section applies only to the first person appointed as
secretary of defense after the date of the enactment of this act and to no other person. so in other words, congress intends this exception in the law for general mattis and for general mattis only. provided he s the first person donald trump names as his nominee for secretary of defense. this thing is written almost in disappearing ink. it s supposed to be just for mattis and to go away and glide by in a hurry again before trump is even sworn in as president. it s true that some democrats may balk at this, senator guillen brand of new york said she won t go along with this. civilian control of the military is too important to have a waiver on this. president obama will need to sign this when it goes through. what we don t know is how many democrats are likely to join this fight, whether it will be enough of them if any. that s still ahead. the process has begun. watch this space.
when you find something worth waiting for, we ll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you re mastering life. from chase, so you can. today for first time since reporters have been camped out at the president-elect s apartment building wondering how to cover the transition when it doesn t work out of the transition office, the president-elect himself decided to speak to those camped-out reporters in the lobby of his building, and when he did, at first, at lease, nobody knew what he was talking about. ladies and gentlemen, this is massa of softbach of japan and he s just agreed to invest $50 billion in the united states and 50,000 jobs.
wow. hee o s one of the great men industry. i just wanted to thank you. thank you. thank you very much. and if you d like to speak to him, you can, but one of the truly great men. thank you. thank you. you may want to say hello. i ll see you soon. that was it. then he was gone. and to figure out exactly what had just been announced, the press and the american people were reduced to performing cryptographical analysis on this powerpoint slide that they held up and showed to the cameras. for real. as far as we can tell, they sealed the deal, such as it is, by signing a print-out of a powerpoint slide. this is how we figure out what our incoming administration is doing. and if it s not this exactly trick with the zooming in on the photographed unexplainable scribble, then it s something else, like the president-elect s
one in-person meeting with a foreign leader. in that case we weren t looking at a powerpoint slide in someone s hand, we were looking at released images because they wouldn t let reporters in to take their own pictures. they had handout photos curated by the transition team and the japanese government. that s all we had to go by to determine what happened in that meeting, what happened in that room. that s how we learn that the president-elect had invited a top executive from his company to sit in on that meeting with the japanese prime minister. he invited his daughter, who works at his company, to sit in on that meeting. now we learn from the new york times that while ivanka trump was sitting in on that meeting with the japanese prime minister, her own ivanka trump clothing company was in the process of closing a big licensing deal with a japanese clothing company whose primary ownership is the development bank of japan which is wholly owned by the japanese government. the deal is in the process of being sealed right now, all apparently coming together right
after she was invited by her dad to sit in on a meeting with japan s prime minister. did i mention that sealing the deal is a government-owned bank. did this deal with ivanka trump come up explicitly in the meeting that she was invited into with the japanese prime minister because her dad s now president? we have no idea. we do not get to know. just as today we got virtually nothing from the president-elect about this new dramatic pledge from the ceo of the japanese softbank to invest in the united states. we don t know how this money will be invested or how they arrived at 50,000 as the number of jobs they ll create. the money will come from an investment fund he created whose leader is the government of saudi arabia. does it mean that most of the dollars coming our way is actually from saudi arabia? and what do they want in return for this investment? here s another wrinkle. softbank already owns the
american telecom company sprint. sprint has wanted to take over a rival carrier t-mobile. nobody thought the obama administration would let them do the takeover, so they dropped that bid. the new trump administration to be much friendlier to that idea of sprint taking over t-mobile. and now we have this, the powerpoint slide and the scribbles on it. sprint s stock shot right up after that meeting. so we really don t know what this is all about. but the word you re probably looking for is ka-ching. joining us now is a reporter for the wall street journal who has known softbank s ceo for several years. he was able to interview him on the street today after he left trump tower. thanks for being here. thanks for having me. what do we know about this investment? we read the powerpoint slide off
his screen. it s funny to see him come to the united states where nobody knows where he is. isn t he like the second richest man in japan? i think he s the richest man in japan. he s very outspoken and is known for taking bold moves for when he wants to get something accomplished. he famously threatened to light himself on fire when he wanted to get something passed in japan. when he was trying to buy t-mobile in 2014 he launched this big pitch saying that america s broadband networks were terrible, he compared them to the air quality in beijing. he s very donald trumpesque when it comes to what his strategies are. this fund he s been putting together for several months. they announced its creation in october. a $100 billion fund. $25 billion is coming from softbank, $45 billion is coming from the saudi arabian
government. so just by its nature it s wanting to invest in start-up companies. a lot of those companies aren t just in the united states. this money would have most likely been coming to the united states anyway but he saw an opportunity to score a big publicity win by telling donald trump this is something that he would bring to the united states now. to be clear on that, i went back and read some of the october coverage, what was announced in october, what they said they were creating in october in terms of the saudi partnership and what they wanted to invest in, that was all preelection. preelection. this 50 billion that tear talking about, is it do we know how much of this, the 50 they re talking about today, how much would be saudi and how much softbank? no clear breakdown. there s an involvement of foxcon, which makes the cell phones. which is a controversy. it s not clear if that s an
addition or how this sort of breakdown of this fee is. massa, his nickname is massa, he has visions about what the future is. he s very passionate about artificial intelligence. he wants to have this money going towards companies that will create what he calls the next phase in human evolution. he s talking about big picture stuff. some people think it s not very realistic. he wants to be buying companies that are in the 10, 20, $30 billion range. so being part of an excellent pr stunt that otherwise makes no sense with the new president of the united states might put you in a good position at least to make some noise. very nice of you to come in. thanks. lots more to come tonight. el? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order
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basically slingshot jets off the flight deck, but on the russian carrier they don t have any way to do that, so they just use that little ski ramp so the takeoff is a little hingy. turns out so are the landings. a second jet fighter crashed while trying to land on this hooptie old aircraft carrier. the second time it happened in the last few weeks. they don t have a slingshot, as i said, to launch planes off the deck, but they do have an arresting wire to stop jets when they land on the deck. in both the instances apparently the arresting wire snapped. and yesterday that sent this jet skidding off the flight deck and into the ocean. luckily in both of these crashes, the pilots in the planes were able to eject and they were both able to survive. but if you re keeping track, since joining the fight in syria, the kuznetsov has now lost two of its 15 jets, which
has to be little nerve-racking for the pilots of the remaining 13. there s more ahead tonight from russia with something other than love. the person who is said to know russian president vladimir putin better than any other living american is really apparently being considered for a very, very high profile role, the last remaining superhigh profile role in the new administration. that s ahead. stay with us.
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could not free itself. that little mini submarine had seven russian sailors on board. they were stuck 620 feet below the surface with no way to come up. and their oxygen supplies were running out. that seven-man crew needed to be rescued. time was absolutely of the essence. u.s. air force major patrick kuhn was based in jan an tt time. he and his crew got the call and in a hot minute he was on a plane heading to the cam chat ta peninsula to head up the rescue effort. lieutenant commander steve smith also got the urgent call. in a hot minute he made his way to the needing to be rescued sub from his naval base in california. both u.s. servicemen and their units joined in this frantic rescue effort and that little russian sub was raised to the surface with apparently just a few hours of oxygen left to spare. and so the following year in 2006 russia awarded those two
american military officers the highest honor that they give to non-russian citizens. they earned the russian order of friendship. you can see it right there on major patrick kuhn and steve smith. it s a star with a wreath and a globe. has a stripy ribbon. that s one way, that s a really hard way to get the highest honor that the nation of russia affords to non-russian citizens. you can rescue seven russian sailors stuck under water with no way out other than by your help while their oxygen supplies are running out. that s one way to do it. here s another way. this is russian president vladimir putin on the right standing next to a man who is the ceo of exxonmobil. this was taken august 30th, 2011. on that day, a giant russian oil company called rosneft signed a contract with exxon that would allow the two companies to drill the arctic together as well as
the gulf of mexico, rosneft, that s a big political deal because the biggest stockholder is the russian government. the government owns 70%. this is the russian government going into a partnership with exxon. it was personal to putin as well. when that huge deal was signed you see from the byline there they signed it in the city of sochi, where the olympics were held. but they signed that deal at putin s house, at vladimir putin s black sea vacation house. that s literally with the ceo of exxonmobil went to sign this ginormous deal, putin s vacation deal. years later rosneft signed a stake in exxon s deep water exploration blocks. those 20 blocks gave rosneft access to 100,000 acres in the gulf of mexico. after that part of the deal was secured, it was time to say thank you. and so the ceo of exxonmobil
tock a trip to st. petersburg and, again, his friend, vladimir putin, personally awarded him the order of friendship medal, that same medal that the officers got, for his big contribution to developing cooperation in the energy sector. you can see the same medal, right, on his suit lapel. the highest honor that russia awards non-russian citizens. and that ceo, that is who donald trump is considering for secretary of state. his name is rex tillerson. he s the ceo of exxonmobil. and today he made his way to trump tower to go meet with president-elect trump. he has been working closely on oil deals in russia since boris yeltsin was president in the 1990s. he s made more than $200 billion in profit at exxon since he became ceo in 2006. he himself personally owns more than $150 million worth of exxon shares.
i should tell you mr. tillerson has not been able to drill the arctic with his buddy, with vladimir putin. that plan was screwed up when the u.s. imposed sanctions on russia in 2014. who is to say a policy like that couldn t change, though, right? you get the right people in the right jobs, get the right person as secretary of state. joining us now the bradley olson. he s our second wall street journal reporter of this evening. he covers energy for the journal. he s reporting on mr. tillerson s ties today. nice to have you tonight. thanks so much for having me. i appreciate it. so obviously international oil companies especially one as big as exxonmobil they re seen as entities that are almost big enough to have their own foreign policy. but tillerson in particular is seen as being maybe the american, the living american who is closer to vladimir putin than any other american alive today. is that a fair reputation? are they that close in. i think it s fair to say that
he has had dealings with russia for almost two decades. the deal that you mention before would have been a transformative deal for exxon. he has done deals there before. he has also part of the big project that exxon did, one of the most complex in the world at the time called sakhalin where they reached and oil reservoir seven miles away from where they drilled the initial well. he did those negotiations there well. he has close ties to putin and has people with him in russia for many years. one of the people that we spoke with actually compared his relations or his dealings with putin to those of henry kissinger. in toefrms the way that he has dealt with putin, having a familiarity with world leaders or one world leader in particular, obviously isn t a bad thing for being secretary of state. but in these negotiations that he has helmed between russia and exxon, between exxon and putin, have they been characterized by
him driving a hard bargain, by having exxon take a hit when interests confront interests of the united states government, for example? is there anything of that in that history? sure, there s a couple things that i would point out. one of the things that was pretty interesting, that project that i described earlier, the sakhalin project, ha was dothat in the last decade. exxon had a lot of negotiations before that went through. tillerson, believe it or not, before he stopped giving extensive interviews when he became ceseceo, he talked at le about those negotiations and said he approached them with a soft touch and was mindful of not trying to be the big americans who won the cold war and are here to take over your resources. he said he was particularly concerned about giving off that sort of impression to any of the people that he was negotiating with. he even said in an interview that as a russian individual that they were negotiating with kind of banged his fist on the
table that he had visions of nikita khrushchev banging his shoe on the table in 1960, which was kind of a famous scene of khrushchev s. so there was that example. i think it s just pretty well known that that was sort of his approach and the way he looked at doing it. bradley olson, national energy correspondent for the wall street journal. thanks for helping us with this story tonight. good to have you here. sure. thanks for your time. en road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. .one of many pieces in my i havlife.hma. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine.
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chris columbus was the director. it s called claymation. narwhals really exist. actually guys, it was the ghost of christmas past. never stick your tongue on a frozen flag pole. yukon cornelius. die hard is considered a christmas movie! that s the unlimited effect. stream your entertainment with unlimited data when you switch to at&t and have directv. you may have heard the team faithless electors, which sounds like a 80s band, but it s a real thing. it s a term to describe members of the electoral college who don t vote for the candidate they re pledged to vote for because of the way their state voted, it is rare to be a faithless electelectors, but it happen. and today there is a lot of
chatter about how many defections there will be when the 538 electors get together to actually pick the new president. one texas elector came out and said he would not vote for donald trump, and i m here to tell you right now that that very intriguing person is going to be the special guest next hour, live, with lawrence o donnell, which means you should stick around and watch it. much more ahead, stay with us.
north dakota, lucky you, and you subscribe to your local paper, good citizen, you may have sill awakened to empty mailboxes. roads blocked by drifting snow, visibility basically zero. wind chill in some places down do negative 15. and i know it s north dakota and december. but the weather is so bad right now that the bismarck tribune pulled its delivery trucks off the road. they said they couldn t get the paper out, at least in terms of home delivery. today s newspaper will be sent out with tomorrow s delivery. even if the weather s bad enough to stop the newspapers, though, it doesn t stop the news. just an hour south of bismarck, pipeline protesters were out standing their ground at the
standing rock area. the protesters celebrated this weekend when the u.s. army corps of engineers announced that they were denying the pipeline company a permit for that route. this is a huge victory for the protesters. even if it might be a temporary one. once the new president is sworn in next month, fears are that he will be able to unilaterally reverse the army corps s decision. the inauguration is still weeks away, though, and the chairman of the standing rock sioux told protesters basically this weekend to go home. that this decision has been made by the army corps, but also, it s too dangerous to protest through the north dakota winter. a lot of those protesters so far are saying no to that. a lot of them are staying put, saying they will stay there till the end. hundreds have taken shelter from the storm in a nearby casino and in a community center and gym, for now, their strategy is not to move until a final decision
is reached. but that strategy is turning into a real safety concern. the find word on this could be months away, and for the time being, it s only going to get colder. watch this space.
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they are announcing that the president-elect himself will go to campaign. the president-elect will be there the day before on friday. honestly, high-level democrats are nowhere to be seen on this senate race. grassroots democrats are phone he banking and trying to raise money and doing stuff online, but high-level democrats, where are you? the republicans are all in. the republicans are all in to the point where it s put the democrat in that senate race in this awkward position of trying to leverage the republicans interest in his race to his own favor, even though he s a democrat. the democrat in the race put out th this statement, quote, i m glad the president-elect is bringing attention to louisiana and bringing attention to things like building roads and bridges.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170103 01:00:00

revealing anything privileged tomorrow or wednesday. and then spicer was deflecting on russia s role by arguing that maybe election interference is more of an issue for hillary clinton than vladimir putin. why aren t we talking about the influence other influences on the election? why aren t we talking about hillary clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? that s a valid attempt to influence an election. spicer is citing an e-mail there that showed a democratic operative on cnn appear to share debate questions in advance with clinton, an e-mail revealed by the underlying russian hack. now trump s aides would apparently prefer to take shots at hillary clinton than address the foreign policy dilemmas they re facing right now. it s easy to see why. it s pretty easy to blame your competitor for everything. that is, of course, what 2016 was a about. but 2016s over. this is 2017. it s not a test. it s about to get much more difficult for donald trump. joining me now former cia
operations officer and a 2016 independent presidential candidate, evan mcmullen. what do you think of what we re seeing here and this bizarre inability to deal with what might be negative information about srussia separate from wha you do about it by the trump administration incoming? well, i think we have to ask ourselves, the entire country, why is donald trump and his team working so hard to protect russia in the situation? it s clear russia worked to undermine our democracy, to influence our election. the intel community came out unanimously in october and said this is what russia is doing. but you don t need to be an intelligence officer to know that. russia is doing the same thing here in our country it s done in europe and is still doing in europe and germany, for example. that is funding groups like white supremacist groups, white nationalist groups, using internet trolls that they employ in russia, supporting their
skeptical that s true. i think it s not true. you have a nice way of saying he s full of bs. what do you think your former colleagues in the intelligence agencies are thinking when donald trump seems to use every time this issue arises to sort of get into their biggest embarrassment on iraq and sort of cast doubt about the entire integrity or the competence of the entire operation. of course they re unhappy about that, but i think that speaks to a much deeper source of tension between the intelligence community and donald trump. that is that donald trump wants to align our country, his administration, with the very country that is attacking our democracy, the intelligence community and the national security community in general warned against him, warned against this policy approach during the election, and that s not going to change. there s a very deep source of tension there. but donald trump continues to
it. and so he denies it, says we should move on. and ultimately he says because there s no other way i ve got information that you don t have. but i m not going to tell you for a few days. so what happens? then we in the media talk about it for a few days, repeating his claim to know things that no one else does, half of america believes it. half of us don t. but to his audience, they believe it. and we ve carried that message in the media. so he has won, a on playing us by doing this. we have to call him out when he knows what other people don t know allegedly, we have to ask where did that information come from. you said half of america, we have to fact check that, i believe 46%. evan mcmullin, thank you for joining us. up next former u.s. ambassador to russia. first, mr. ambassador, your response to what i was just discussing with evan and your view of where intelligence and
diplomacy meet here. well, intelligence is a major part of diplomacy, a major part of our developing a foreign policy. in a few weeks president trump is going to be working with these very people that he s saying very distrustful things about. i want to remind your viewers that the vast majority of the people that work in the intelligence community are not political appointees. they re professionals that will be there january 20th working for president trump. mr. ambassador, when we look at the sanctions that are currently being deployed against russia, when trump comes in, do they just continue automatically? what does it take for him to change them? yes, they do continue. it will be incumbent on him to be proactive to change them. if he chooses to do so. and in doing so i think he ll have to explain to the american people and to his own a
administration i want to keep emphasizing that these people will be working for him come january 20th, why he is reversing it. maybe there will be an argument. i look forward to the new intelligence he allegedly has. maybe there s some reason for it but right now i think that would be a very difficult thing for him to do without explaining his actions. you mentioned the intelligence he claims to have. what would he have? either he has something that is from the intelligence community and we spend about $17 billion a year trying to get the best possible, or he has it from some other nonpublic source, would that be a russian source, or what other source would there be for special intel that is not within the cache of what they already have within our 17 agencies? you know, to be honest, i have no idea. i hear that. it disappoints me. i wish he would spend a little more time learning about our intelligence and learning do
a deep dive in counter espionage and maybe understand these things better. maybe he has some source from somebody who provided wikileaks with the data. that s a conspiracy floating out there on twitter and facebook, but i guess we ll just have to wait until tuesday to find out. what do you think about his wider habit here of saying we don t know, quote/unquote, things we as a government or a country do know? why is that so important to him and does it remind you of anything you ve seen abroad in the way some leaders sometimes seem to prefer the conspiracy theories of the street to what s actually knowable? well, he s denying it because he worries it affects the legitimacy of his election. of course if more people believed that the russians influenced our election, that would delegitimate his electoral
victory. he s been elected. the electoral college has spoken. everybody is preparing for him to be sworn in. i think it actually would help him to put this behind us if he acknowledged the facts. i think we need a bipartisan independent commission so we get all the facts and all the facts, by the way, of how the obama administration handled this intelligence challenge during the election. and so that it could be wrapped up. everybody knows the facts. and then we get on with doing the things we need to do to prepare for the next election cycle. the russians have tremendous capability. it will be better in 2020. other actors will have capabilities in 2020. not pretending we weren t attacked. right. the other big nuclear story here is north korea as an aspirational power. here is what donald trump wrote on twitter. north korea just stated it s in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the u.s.
it won t happen! end quote. how does that declare tiff statement compare to the actual bipartisan process over two administrations to have some kind of constraint of their ambition? i work here at stanford with george schultz, the former secretary of state for ronald reagan, and he always talks about never make a threat unless you re ready to deliver on it. and what troubles me about that tweet is he s now made a declaratory statement about policy. i don t know if he s done the homework to know he could implement the threat he s just put out. wow. well put and thank you for your time, a.m. bmbassador michael m. as always, appreciate it. thanks for having me. still ahead, donald trump it continuing to conduct business as usual. his private resort selling hundreds of thousands of dollars in tickets this weekend. that was for the new year s eve party with the president-elect. we ll explain what s wrong with that after the break. grid every day.
and we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression, including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. what are you doing? getting your quarter back. fountains don t earn interest, david. you know i work at ally. i was being romantic. you know what i find romantic? a robust annual percentage yield that s what i find romantic. this is literally throwing your money away. i think it s over there. that way? yeah, a little further up. what year was that quarter? what year is that one? 98 that s the one. you got it! nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. ally. do it right. let s get out of that water.
throughout the bush years vice president dick cheney was repeatedly accused of conflicts of interest over halliburton oil which got lucrative contracts in iraq. imagine if cheney had not stepped down from his job as hal burton ceo before taking office. it would have been technically legal. they are not formally required to commit a day job. that has many people literally long i longing for dick cheney s method. donald trump is not even stepping back from business activities that would literally be really easy to skip. take a look at this weekend, for example, when trump headlined the new year s eve party at his
mar-a-lago resort. this is not just his raycation home. this is a business. it charges $100,000 for annual membership fees excuse me, a one-time membership and another $14,000 in annual dues. hard to keep track of because it s so expensive. some of the value comes from selling tickets to the big events like new year s eve festivities. tickets for the mar-a-lago party started at $500. a spokesman told reporters the event was sold out, 800 attendees. those tickets alone would land somewhere north of $400,000 in revenue for mar-a-lago. there is something abnormal here many people want to normalize. that $400,000 trump banked in one night is the amount the
president earns in a year. it s not chump change. it s real money. as trump tweets and tries to distract his way through this transition, it s the money he s making in this basic situation, m mixing his roles as president-elect and as head of a private company, at the very least he risks the appearance of mixing government work meant to be in the public interest with his family business. now according to reports attendees at the new year s eve party included quincy jones, actor sylvester stallone, and fabio. who needs no introduction. did any foreign government officials buy their way into the party or any lobbyists? we just don t know because this was a private event on private property. the most secret event the president can even attend. if the money were going to the rnc instead of the trump organization, every attendee s name would be public under federal law. if this were even a white house reception it would be public under federal law. we do know trump s business partner from dubai attended the
party. cell phone video showed trump giving him a shoutout during his speech and a spokesman for the transition said they had no formal meetings or professional discussions. their interactions were social. that may be true. there may have been only one business partner in attendance. or it may not be true. as long as donald trump keeps spending time generating revenue for his companies, he will continue raising questions and conflicts that could cast a cloud over his presidency and, more importantly, over the independence of his administration. for more, i m joined by the chief investigative reporter for politico who has been on the story, ken vogel. ken, the money here. why does it matter if the president-elect is at this event generating this revenue? well, it certainly creates the appearance, ari, that what he is doing is essentially selling access to himself. sure, this club mar-a-lago has
had these types of events before at major holidays, on new year s, on christmas, on thanksgiving. what it hasn t had is a featured guest who, by the way, is the president-elect of the united states of america. so the way that they explain this is just business as usual. this is the way mar-a-lago conducts business. and forget about the money that trump receives from this. and would have received whether he was president-elect or not. the specter he is essentially allowing anyone who has the money to either buy a member ship or the access to someone who has a membership who can pay for a ticket to something like this creates the appearance of forget about the possible business partners who were in there or the celebrities. it s the people who want to get access to trump . it s an amazing deal for any potential business person. or a person who wants to do business with the united states government, special interests, lobbyists. you could just imagine going
down t lhe line for those this would be an amazing deal. look at the contrast here. he ran a campaign saying because he has money and a business he won t be beholden to these interests. that was a big selling point for him. a lot of people believed it, naively or not. he will fundraise less. and there s a truth to that. but that truth seems to be dwarfed by what was on display this weekend which is the business actually makes him more beholden than campaign money and, as we ve been saying, is less traceable, less transparent. and it s also much trick iie for him to extricate himself or there to be transparency around. let s say given the benefit of the doubt and saying he goes to the extreme end of divestiture, he s still going to vacation at mar-a-lago, even if he has mar-a-lago in a blind trust or he doesn t really know whether his businesses or portfolio includes mar-a-lago he knows someone is paying money to this entity that is so closely associated with him that may or
may not be in his portfolio, that may or may not be in the blind trust that his kids may or may not oversee and here they are sitting on the couch or the patio with the president of the united states. it s a complicated situation. can t easily extricate himself from it. let s stipulate that s what people who care about good governance, ethics reformers, journalists and people who think about these issues, that s what they re concerned about. let s put that to the side then and then look at the actual trump team s response. what are we learning about where they re at? this is a guy who said he was going to hold a big announcement to clean this up. things were going to change. the kids would be in charge. said all this stuff. when you looked at his actions, not the announcements, the announcements he never game, hey, what s the matter? this is just business as usual. does that tell you there s something wrong if they think business as usual is okay when he s the president-elect? i mean, it s a little bit of a sign of where their head is at
as they try to grapple with this incredibly complicated situation where they try to put to rest these concerns about conflicts of interest and try to find a sustainable system going forward for separating himself from his business. in a way i cannot for the life of me figure out how it can be done in a way that will satisfy sort of the good government concerns that i think are validly being raised in this and other situations. and complexity has become a little bit of a dodge for them. there are parts that are complex, in other words you can t just legally force someone into having a fire sale, right, and potentially costing them a lot of money. that s not typically how a disillusion would work. that is actually complex. what s not complex is making the decision to not sell yourself for $500 access and tickets. that s not complex. that s simple. if you want ed ed to skip the p, you could skip the party. if you wanted to donate the funds that new year s to charity you could donate the funds. there s a million simple ways to
do that. they chose none of those and counterattacked and told people, hey, don t be mad. it s business as usual. that s my final thought. ken vogel, i appreciate you giving us yours. it s not just the excuse that this is the way it s always been done. they went further in our story where we reveal the tickets were sold for members. ken, thank you very much for your time and happy to hear your last thought while we look at the eagle. no better image. coming up, we showed you the clip, and maybe you noticed guy holding the eagle statue. if you re wondering what it s about we have the answer. anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation.
we re going to get rid of obamacare. that footage of president-elect donald trump s new year s eve party at mar-a-lago, who was the enthusiastic person to his right and what is the deal with that eagle statue being held by another gentleman to trump s left and don t they have something they could put this thing on so that poor guy doesn t have to just cradle it the whole time? when someone is giving a stump speech, you don t know how long. courtesy after facebook post from hospitality sciences is, the man at the right is joseph, the president of the american academy of hospitality sciences and the eagle is bronze, a bronze eagle awarded by the academy. and there is more. trump has been honored before by this same academy and its president. he was the presumptive republican nominee and the hospitality academy gave an
award to trump s scottish golf course as the best golf course worldwide. which prompted this yahoo! news headline. quote, how a convicted felon nicknamed joey no socks covered him in stars. the article explained trump has received many similar awards from that same man including five and six-star ratings from trump properties. the organization is run by joseph cinque, a long time trump aquantance who goes by the nickname joey no socks and has a conviction for stolen property. perhaps this eagle was far more cooperative than this eagle, you may remember, from that time magazine shoot in 2015. it s a live eagle. what do you expect? look at him go. america. up next, david kay johnson is here on the president-elect and his evolving relationship with corporate welfare. know how to ct anything. even a rodent ride-along.
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sprint was bringing back to the u.s. are new. they are not. they are part of a holistic deal announced by soft bank. american corporations are now facing pressure to go along with donald trump s jobs claims. the new york times slamming it in an editorial, why corporations are helping donald trump lie about jobs. the piece explains why it s so messy for the government through president-elect trump in this manner. quote, it s easy to see were soft bank and sprint might want to help mr. trump take credit for creating jobs. soft bank s chief executive wants the department of justices antitrust and the federal communications commission to allow a merger between sprint and t-mobile. mr. son see as deal between himself and trump with people who sided with large communications companies and regulatory debates and argued against tough antitrust enforcement. the times explains why this
should be croney capitalism with devastating consequences. pull iitzer prize winning journi have had david cay johnson. i d like to start by just walking through how this works. it appears that donald trump will have some private communication with a company and then he will take the lead and the announcement separately, whether that s to the public or to shareholders would be some formal business announcement. explain how it works. this is a con job. plain and simple, ari, this is a con job and the numbers we re talking about are inconsequential. in the terms of sprint, the wealthiest man in japan has had a plan in place for some time and he is going to want something from donald trump.
he tried to merge sprint with t-mobile and the justice department said no for antitrust reasons. you can agree or disagree with that but he wants to do that and other actions in the future. he s buttering up donald trump. another variation we re seeing with people manipulating trump as we ve seen with vladimir putin. if you re the ceo of a big company you re going to do everything you can to let donald trump take credit because you don t want him to use his enormous powers. you essentially have a duty to kiss the president s ring. when you say fiduciary duty you are referring to the legal obligation these corporate executives have to maximize profits to shareholders. their legal duty is to the company but to the shareholders. they re not going to do anything
to put in jeopardy their position, the company s position, and donald trump is in a position to extract from these people things that may or may not be good judgment. ari, i m old enough to remember when republicans thought business should make its own governments. wait a minute, that was six months ago. you used the word extraction. at a certain point the outlines of what you re describing sound like a shakedown but instead of getting something very valuable for the country it s pr valuable for donald trump. absolutely. these are in donald trumpian terms small potatoes. we re about to get the announcement on jobs. it will probably show 82 consecutive months of jobs growth, the old record was 52. we re close to 16 million private sector jobs under this
administration. very few americans know that but everybody has heard about the 730 jobs that trump inflated to 1,1000 hiohio and very few peop know that was a deal that violated trump s own position in the campaign when he said corporate welfare, interest-free loans and other tax favors didn t create jobs, now he s the champion of them. donald is an absolute corporate chameleon and whatever makes trump look good no matter what it costs companies, companies better line up and pay attention. corporate camillians. say that ten times fast. david cay hnston, thank you for joining us. who are they targeting coming up. and tonight s thing 1 and thing 2 starts right after this break. ,
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thing 1 tonight. 36 years ago in tempe, arizona, bruce springsteen made what are believed to be his first publicly recorded comments about politics. now it was november 5th, 1980. in other words, one day after ronald reagan was elected president. i don t know what you think about happened last night, but i think it s pretty frightening. there will be a lot of people depending on you coming up. now decades later springsteen would become an advocate for president obama campaigning both in 2008 and 2012, and he campaigned for hillary clinton this year. but if he was frightened by reagan s election all the way back in 1980, how is the boss feeling about donald trump s victory? those brand-new comments thing 2 in 60 seconds.
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can look back on 2016 and say we stood with hillary clinton on the right side of history. that s why i m standing here with you tonight for the dream of a better america. that was bruce springsteen campaigning for hillary clinton on the eve of the election. in a new interview for the wtf podcast with comedian mark marin out today springsteen spoke candidly about why trump and this new era scares him. are you scared now? yeah. yeah. of course. how could you not be. right. have you felt this fear before? no. right. i ve felt disgust before. right. but never the kind of fear that you feel now. right. it s as sim am as the fear of is someone xe it tent enough to do this particular job. right. forget about where they are ideologically. right. do they have the pure competence to be put in a
position of such responsibility. and what s your biggest fear of it as we enter it? i suppose would be that a lot of the worst things and the worst aspects of what he appealed to comes to fruition. when you let that genie out of the bottle bigotry, racism when you let those things out of the bottle intolerance. intolerance. they don t go back in the bottle that easily, if they go back in at all. right. whether it s a rise in hate crimes, people feeling they have license to speak and behave in ways that previously were considered un-american and are un-american. that s what he s appealing to. kellogg s special k.
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it s no secret donald trump didn t get along that well with paul ryan or mitch mcconnell back during the election. a new report from the new york post has some fresh ideas into just how deep that divide could remain. the post reporting president-elect trump told senate minority leader chuck schumer he actually likes him, a democrat, more than mcconnell and ryan because the two republican leaders, quote, wanted him to lose. the post cites a source close to them for the quote. democrats don t dispute the quote. schumer and trump are both born and raised new yorkers. trump s even donated to schumer s campaign in the past. that s about as far as it goes. the washington post report says that senate democrats led by schumer are planning to contest at least eight of trump s nominees and want to stretch their confirmation hearings all the way into march. those eight targeted nominees include exxon ceo rex tillerson for secretary of state as well as senator jeff sessions, trump s controversial pick for
attorney general. those two battles in early skirmishes already under way. reportedly saying they re outraged tillerson will not release his full tax returns from the last three years as many cabinet nominees do though not always the secretary of state nominee. now democrats on the senate judiciary committee as well as progressive groups are accusing senator sessions of omitting decades worth of his career from the information he did provide pursuant to the confirmation hearings. given the fact republicans control the senate, how much can senate democrats really do to stifle the nominations to the trump cabinet and what does the opposition look like in both houses of congress once trump takes office? i will ask some very special guests about that. boost
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and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i m back. aleve pm for a better am. welcome back. earlier in the broadcast we stated that music producer quincy jones attended trump s new year s eve party at mar-a-lago. while donald trump s spokesman, sean icer, said jones would attend, we want to correct the record. jones spent new year s in los angeles. back in capitol hill, a fight brewing over a trump nominee who has been in this position before. mr. sessions is a throwback to a shameful era which i know both black and white americans thought was in our past. it s inconceivable to me that a person of this attitude is qualified to be a u.s. attorney let alone a united states
federal judge. he is i belve a disgrace to the justice department and he should withdraw his nomination and resign his position. that was the late senator ted kennedy speaking during the 1986 hearing for jeff sessions, this one a nominee for federal judgeship. sessions was ultimately denied that position by the senate judiciary committee, a 10-8 vote. senate democrats are now looking to block up to eight of donald trump s nominees, senator sessions widely considered one of the most controversial. joining me tonight is sarah florez, a spokesperson for jeff session, howard dean, former chair of the dnc, and christina greer, associate professor of political science at fordham. welcome, everyone. christina, the sessions nomination is controversial. it also as a matter of the historical record is unusual because he is the only nominee who has been previously basically passed on by the senate for a different position.
your thoughts on him this time? keep in mind, his own colleagues and his own members of his party deemed him to be too racist in reagan s 1980s. and so when you have someone like the late senator ted kennedy essentially saying he s not only an embarrassment to the professional and he should not be elevated to attorney general or to even a judge, the writings of senator sessions are so deplorable, it s not just about black americans in this country. it s about how he feels about the history but also the future of this country. so the fact that donald trump, in the 21st century, in 2016, chose this particular individual to me and to many others, black and white and other, sends a very distinct message about the dog bark, not even a dog whistle, but a dog bark he s trying to send about his racial platform. senator sessions is a horrible
choice for this particular tion, especily as an attorney general who is supposed to uphold some of the most important ideals of the constitution. sarah, what is your response and how does the senator address that history from the first confirmation hearing? well, i mean, i think it s pretty clear that the lefteist playbook at this point is smear. i didn t hear a lot of facts. 30 years ago, the democrats practiced their playbook they would use against bork. we now have a verb for it, borking someone, that means smearing them without any basis. the person who was a witness for jeff sessions under oath later had to recant his testimony because the conversations he remembered were disprovable later. this idea that ted kennedy somehow in his statement should hold now, ted kennedy worked with jeff sessions, passed
legislation with jeff sessions, so did dick durbin. we ll have had senators, democrats and republicans, who have worked with jeff sessions, 20 years in the senate. democrats are going to do what they re going to do, say what they re always going to say. it didn t work in 2016 for hillary clinton. it s not going to work now. jeff sessions will uphold the rule of law, something our previous attorney generals under this administration have been sorely lacking. by the way, jeff sessions voted to confirm eric holder. senator sessions in 30 years made a good choice in upholding eric holder, but this is straight out of the republican playbook. donald trump is pulling out a bunch of has-beens and never-wanever-wa never-wases. we know these people believe in
segregationist tactics. where are the facts? excuse me, that is a lie. no facts. if we read, we know that this particular individual has gone out of his way, the majority of his career, to make sure that black americans specifically are disenfranchised. that s not true. sarah, you can respond, then governor dean is waiting for his turn. i don t know how to respond when there s no facts there. no, he hasn t. governor dean? there are some facts there in terms of the quotes that you can actually get that jeff sessions has actually said. i m more interested in the process here. if manchin has said that he s going to support sessions, then you need four republican four excuse me, four republican votes against him. and this is they ve targeted eight, the democrats in the senate have targeted eight people. they re going to have to get at least three republican vote in
this case four. and the way to do that is to target the senators, the republican senators who have to run for reelection in 2018. and you re not going to get all of these eight. so i don t want to make any predictions about which ones you are going to get, but you re going to have to show to a significant number of these senators constituents there s going to be a penalty for voting for some of the people they want to target. i think they will get one or two but i don t think they ll get all eight of them. senator, what do you think about rex tillerson who seems to be the one where there is so much controversy and questions about russia and he has some links there that the trump folks argue is positive, because he s been a businessman in the region, other folks question his impartiality. i know very little about rex tillerson so i don t have a particular comment about whether he should be the secretary of state or not. there will be an incredibly thorough vetting of these vocation, there always is, no
matter which side is doing the vetting. the senate is badly divided, it didn t used to be a body like the house but it is now. i can t predict what s going to happen. somebody is going to find something or they won t find something in rex tillerson s resume that is going to be condemning. if he doesn t give documents like his full tax returns, that s going to be a problem. again, the only way to stop the confirmations of any of these folks is to find a constituency in the state of some senator, some republican senator. sarah, i have 20 seconds for each of you. nobody watching the show right now thinks the democrats actually will stop these confirmations. this is about delay. this is about playing politics with this. and nobody believes that if hillary clinton had won this election, that the democrats would be trying to delay these confirmations until march. i don t know why, i don t think it will help them in 2018. i think republicans will win more seats. if hillary clinton had won, she would nominate people who were legitimate and didn t seek to dismantle the very offices

Election , Anything , Interference , Russia , Hillary-clinton , Issue , Arent-we-talking , Role , Influence , Influences , Sean-spicer , Vladimir-putin

Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20141212 21:00:00

of an at-risk high school. three victims so far. the suspect or suspects still at large. the school there is on lockdown. we ll hand it over to jake tapper with more of this coverage. jake? welcome to the lead. i m jake tapper. you re looking at live pictures from kptv in portland, oregon. we re beginning today with breaking news in our national lead. you re looking right now at live pictures, as i said, about a school shooting in north portland at rosemary anderson high school, where at least three victims have been shot, three people shot according to the fire department. it is unknown if the people shot are dead or alive. portland police say the suspects have fled. they would not say if they were still believed to be armed or if
they clashed with police. nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in lockdown, we re told. media have been told to set up at north killingsworth street and kirby avenue. that s the staging area. we ll update more on that story as soon as we know more. but to recap, there has been a school shooting in north portland, oregon, at rosemary anderson high school. as of right now, we know of at least three individuals who were shot. and we are waiting for more information as we learn it. we ll bring to it you as soon as we get it. now let s turn to our money lead. a not-so-happy friday for wall street. stocks tanking today. the dow tumbling 110 points this morning before sliding further and ending the day down about 300 points. cnn money correspondent alison kosik is live at the new york stock exchange. alison, another day, another day of bad news.
why do the markets keep falling? reporter: it s all about oil, jake. plunging oil prices taking a toll on investors today yet again. oil falling almost 4%, settling below 58 a barrel. the international energy agency saying global demand for oil is going to fall next year as supply is growing. what s rattling wall street is the question of what s really behind this drop in oil prices? the concern is because economies in europe and asia are slowing down. and you look at the plunge in oil over the past six months. it s happened really fast making investors very nervous. if you drive, you love the lower gas prices. in oklahoma city, you can fill up for $1.89 a gallon. that s just one city across the country that s enjoying these lower gas prices. it s like a tax cut putting an
extra $100 a month into your pocket. and that extra money is going towards spending because retail sales numbers for november came in better than expected. but wall street sees the extra spending as a plus but today it s about worries that lower demand for oil is a symptom of slower growth for the rest of the world. jake? alison kosik in new york, thanks. our national lead right now is that monster storm slamming the west coast. the weather responsible for two deaths, both in portland, oregon, a young boy killed when a tree fell on the car in which he was traveling. another tree fell on the tent of a homeless man, killing him. the same system that washed this house into the ocean in washington state is still lashing the west coast. in california, some people ended up trapped inside their own homes. mud slides and houses crushed by big boulders. paul vercammen is live in that neighborhood in camarillo
springs. it s a mess there and amazing that anyone survived. reporter: it s astonishing. these houses absolutely swallowed up by all these rocks, tons and tons of rock that is came down over the hill. you see utility workers trying to make sure everything is turned off in terms of the power and the gas. and down the street, we have ten houses around this part of camarillo springs that have been red-tagged. that means they re uninhabitable. they re swallowed up and surrounded by rocks. a harrowing story out of this house here. when the rocks came and surrounded the house, a couple was pinned inside along with their caregiver. and the fire department had to come in and pull them out. we talked to their son and he was so glad to hear that the caregiver and his 86-year-old parents survived this. when you think about what you
see over there, these rocks and your parents at the age of 86 going through this, what does that say about them? that s pretty darn amazing. i heard about the rocks but until i looked at the sides of the houses and heard from some of the cameramen that went to the back and saw how expentensi the damage was, it catches you by surprise. reporter: why did this happen? because there was a major fire that roared through here about a year and a half ago. it stripped the vegetation from these hills. and then overnight, the weather service telling us in just three hours, they got an inch and a half to two inches of rain in an already saturated hillside. that s what the mud but mostly rock, as you can see, came roaring down here and engulfed these houses, jake. paul vercammen in camarillo springs, california, thank you so much. another amazing situation, the rescue of two people clinging to trees in the swollen los angeles
river. at one point, the rushing water swept a rescuer downstream. luckily everyone survived. the threat of these intense waters bringing more mud slides is the biggest fear in california right now. areas once scorched by wildfires have nothing to hold back the debris. let s bring in mark gillalducci from berkeley, california. what is the main concern right now? how are you getting people out of harm s way from the potential mud slides? the most important factor right now is the ongoing consistent rain. at times, the rain is going to be very heavy. we ve identified those areas that could potentially be impacted by mud flows. we know where the burn scars are from this past summer. we have done mandatory evacuations in all of those areas where they potentially
could result in mud flows. that s given us the ability to get folks out of harm s way and get the area closed off to potentially other people who may be impacted by that. up north, flooding was the big problem. you have crews racing to reopen roads and get power restored. we re heading into the weekend where more people could be leaving their homes. how long do you see this clean-up process lasting? well, given the fact that it is still raining and we ll be between two storms. another storm will be coming behind this one in the next day or so. the crews have been out. they were out before the storm hit and being prepared to respond. and they worked all through the storm to keep the drains open and keep the highways clear. but we anticipate it will take a few weeks to be able to get through the clean-up process throughout the state. you had as of now, knock on
wood, no deaths reported in california. we ve heard of two in oregon. you say preplanning is responsible for a lot of that, right? well, absolutely. we had really the great opportunity of seeing the storm coming towards us, which gave us the ability to do a lot of outreach to the citizens of california and to our public safety agencies, to our emergency managers throughout the state of california. to get the word out about winterizing your home, what to do when it started to rain hard, how to drive through water. and all of those were great messages that we were able to put forth. and i think it really did play out well for us. we are blessed. at this point we have nod had any reports of fatalities. mark, thank you so much. turning to our world lead, anarchy in the skies today. heathrow airport in london had
to divert flight after flight when its computers failed, saddling one of the world s busiest hubs. an hour ago, a spokesman told cnn they have ruled out a cyberattack. and they say it was a hiccup in their state-of-the-art computers. cnn aviation correspondent rene marsh joins us now. even if it wasn t a cyberattack, this does expose just how easily our way of managing airplanes in this computerized world can easily implode. you re absolutely right. it truly is a vulnerable that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. if you re flying through london, one thing is certain today, you can expect delays for hours to come. about 100 flights in and out of heathrow, a major international hub, canceled. and even more delays. and then there s the ripple effect. it s all because of this computer failure, a real-life demonstration of just how a
downed computer system can cripple air travel for thousand and thousands of travelers. this is what traffic in the skies over london looks like on a normal day. this is what it looks like today after a major disruption from what officials call a computer failure at a british control center. we ll obviously work to make sure it never happens again. it s a complex system. failures do occur and we plan for those failures and have a plan in place for those failures. reporter: london heathrow airport, one of the busiest airports in the world, at a standstill today. no flights going in or out. we ve been waiting on the plane for an hour. reporter: the airspace closed after the system that helps coordinate flights in the crowded airspace went down. many planes, diverted. an hour and 20 minutes later, the problem at the air traffic control center was fixed. but the damage had been done. the ripple effect felt at
airports across the uk. heathrow saying the flight disruptions could continue to saturday. delays also in paris. u.s. carriers also experiencing some delays. the question now, what caused the system failure? british officials have ruled out a hack and aviation security analysts agree. there s been a lot of attempts. but there have not been any through the firewall to take control of any kind of control in any way. so unless this is a first time, i don t think that s what happened here. reporter: there are back-up systems, but as we saw in chicago this september, when wires were cut and a fire ignited inside an faa facility disrupting thousands of flights for days, those redundancies, may not be enough to prevent disrupted travel on a major scale. the majority of problems we are seeing are with international carriers like british airways and some of the other british
carriers. we know the u.s. carriers, some of them, experiencing just a handful of delays. what you really want to do is make sure you call your carrier if you re headed in that direction to make sure you won t be impacted. more evidence of the vulnerability in this new computer age of what can happen because of a glitch. exactly. one glitch and so many people, their flight plans disrupted. rene marsh, thank you so much. let s go back to the breaking news out of portland, oregon. we are looking right now at some live pictures from kptv of rosemary anderson high school where there s been a school shooting. let s go over what we know so far. at least three victims, all students, have been shot. police say the students were transported from the scene, they were conscious and breathing when they left the scene and they ve been taken to nearby emmanuel medical center, we re told. portland, oregon, police say the suspect or suspects have fled. police would not say if the
individuals, the suspects, were still armed or if they clashed with police. we re also told nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in portland, oregon, are on lockdown. rosemary anderson high school is an alternative high school that opened in 1983. it has just under 200 students. let s go now to rich tyler on the phone with the portland fire department. rich, are you there? are you still looking for the shooter? yes. portland police is looking for the shooter. we as a fire department provided the emergency medical services to the students that were transported. what can you tell us about the students? three students, all wounded. what kinds of wounds were they, how serious? i do not know the extent of the wounds. all i know is they were all three shot and transported to emmanuel hospital. we re just learning about this. can you tell us what time it happened? approximately 30 minutes ago.
just about 30 minutes ago you got the call and you went there. and do you have any idea how serious the wounds are? we heard one report that somebody was shot in the back. are they considered to be life-threatening injuries? do you have any idea? at this point, we re treating all of them as life-threatening injuries. the physicians there at emmanuel hospital will do an excellent job of taking care of them to the best of their ability. portland police is on scene, not only investigating the shooting here but also out looking for the shooter. it s about 1:15 portland time. you re saying it happened about half an hour ago, so about 12:45. were the students outside the school or inside the school? do you know? they were inside the school. and what other details can you tell us? is the shooter or shooters thought to be students? is it more than one shooter? we don t know that at this time. and what kind of capability
do you have there at the scene right now? how many fire trucks are there? how many police cars are there? i don t know exactly how many. we pulled a full multi-patient incident for the fire department. and the police bureau brought everybody in, including their task force to help assist. what message do you have for the parents who are learning about this right now? i would imagine if it only happened about half an hour ago, is there a staging area for parents to meet up with their students? are the students inside the school in lockdown? yes. the students inside the school are in lockdown. we re asking all parents who are coming to pick up their students to come to north kirby and north killingsworth court. there we have police officers who will help reunify the parents with the students. we re told by the portland police this is not an active shooter situation.
police are beginning to investigate the incident. translate that for us. that means that the shooter is not inside the school itself or thought to be near the school but he or she is still at large, i believe, correct? correct. but no longer actively shooting anyone. they have left the scene and are no longer here at the school. we re told that nearby jefferson high school and portland community college are also in lockdown. are there any other businesses or schools that are in lockdown? is that just because they re close by? correct. yeah, that s standard protocol to lock those down. keep those students safe as we as the portland police looks for the shooter or shooters. what can you tell us about rosemary anderson high school? we re told it s an alternative high school, has fewer than 200 students. that s about the extent of what i know. it s a high school that started
here a few years back and has a small student population. this is an area of north portland, is that right? that s correct. what can you tell us about north portland? is this an area that has a lot of shootings in the neighborhood? is it an area that is high crime or is this obviously school shootings are horrific whenever they happen. but is this unusual for there to be a shooting in this neighborhood? it s unusual to have a shooting at a school anywhere. unfortunately it s becoming more and more usual these days, it seems. lieutenant tyler, i do appreciate your time. hopefully we can come back to you and get more information about this school shooting. we re all thinking about the three students who were wounded in this attack. thank you so much, lieutenant rich tyler. no problem. in our world lead, he is one of the few people connected to
the cia torture scandal who is in prison right now. the operative who claims to have blown the whistle on the whole program. what does he think about the shocking details in the new senate torture report? we ll go to that prison interview next. [ male announcer ] this man has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. but even more impressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it s not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it s how edward jones makes sense of investing. and our big idaho potato truck is still missing.
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welcome back to the lead. we continue to follow breaking news in our national lead. you re looking at pictures of rosemary anderson high school in north portland, oregon. police say there s been a school shooting. let s go over what we know so far. there are at least three victims, all students. they have been shot. police say they were shot we just heard from portland fire department which said that the students were shot inside the school. police say the three were transported from the scene, conscious and breathing and taken to nearby emmanuel medical center. portland police say it is not an active shooter situation, meaning the shooter is not on the scene or inside the school. but the suspect or suspects have fled, according to police. police will not say if the
individuals or individual was still armed or if that person clashed with police. rosemary anderson high school has been it s a place where there are under 200 students. it s an alternative school. it has been declared safe. police have nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in lockdown because they are close by. that is standard operating procedure, we re told, from a member of portland, oregon s emergency management services. let s go to cnn justice reporter, evan perez, who has new details about this school shooting. evan, what can you tell us? as often happens in these situations, there s a lot of conflicting information early on in this case, as well. the police are indicating that they believe the shooting actually happened outside of the school. i know you just said, i think
the fire department said they transported three people from the scene. and they believe that the shooting they were shot inside the school. we ll have to wait a little while for these details to be clarified by the police. we know that the suspect the person who was believed to carry out the shooting has fled the scene and the police are now preparing to provide a little more detail on who they re looking for. we know that they have now alerted the federal authorities who are now heading to the scene. i ve talked to people who say the atf is heading to the scene and i expect that the fbi is as well because as they that tends to happen in these cases. the feds come in to try to provide any assistance that the local police may need, including trying to figure out where the gun might have come from from the suspect, the suspect used in this shooting. right now, we know that there were three victims and we know that the suspect is no longer there.
so we expect that the police are going to provide an update in a little while. there s not a lot more that we know from how this went down. it s one of those situations where it always triggers a lot of response from federal and local authorities. the feds come in typically to try to do gun trace, to try to see if they can help, perhaps get some of the background on who the shooter was, if there was any information in their computers or in any of their background that indicated why this might have happened. again, it s still very early. and we don t know exactly what precipitated, what caused this shooting, whether or not there was a disagreement or whether it was something that was premeditated. that s right. always a good reminder that information coming in so soon after an incident like this can often be conflicting.
we re tole the incident happened roughly 12:45 portland time, 3:45 eastern time. all three students were wounded but were conscious and breathing. the fire department spokesman said they were treating the injuries as if they were life-threatening, not that they are. but they are treating them with urgency. evan perez, thank you for that. we re going to come back to you as you learn more information. i have on the phone now, parker bouldin, who lives in the neighbor. parker, you were on the scene just after the shooting, i m told. tell us what you saw. well, i heard a siren. i was in the apartment complex right on the corner. and i heard a siren. then i heard a couple more. they all seemed to be coming our direction. so i walked outside and there was a very small gathering of people just a few cops at the time that i got there. and they were starting to take the victims out on stretchers.
and you were in your apartment building when you were watching this? no. i was on the street right outside of the school that it happened at. and can you tell us anything in terms of the urgency with which these students were being taken onto the ambulance and rushed off? i just ask because it might say something about the seriousness of the wounds. it was very quickly. they were out of the school, they were on stretchers. they actually came by where i was standing next to a couple of people who knew the victim. and he was responsive, talking back to them. he seemed sort of i don t know, he wasn t going in and out of consciousness but he was not very in clear mind, you know. he was definitely in a bad situation. and they were quickly put on and taken to emmanuel hospital right
around the corner. that s what we were told. did you see all three shooting victims or one of them. i did. i saw all three of them. were they three males, do you know? two males they were from what i could i saw two males. i didn t see the other victim very clearly. i saw two males who had bandages, around the midsection. you describe one of the victims as having been talking, which is great news. what about the other two? were they speaking at all, could you tell? the other one that i saw clearly, his eyes were open. he was definitely alert. he wasn t talking to anybody. nobody was really shouting at him like the other victim. and he was alert but i just saw it for a short amount of time. is there anything you can
tell us about anything anyone may have said about why this happened or anything about the shooter or shooters? i didn t hear anything about the shooter or the shooters. it is sort of the conversation on the scene that there s a lot of gang activity in that area, specifically in that school because it s an alternative school. this stuff doesn t happen all the time, but that there s definitely murmurs of gang violence. what do you mean by it s an alternative school? we ve heard that description of rosemary anderson high school. what do you mean by that? just from what i overheard, i didn t know much about the school. i don t want to say it because it might sound offensive. it was an alternative school for people who maybe have some troubles or difficulties with their upbringing. fair enough. we re told also that jefferson
high school and portland community college which are nearby are also in lockdown, rosemary anderson high school no longer in lockdown, although it was at one point. how far away are jefferson high school and portland community college? jefferson high school is right behind kirby is the street that that school is on. and jefferson high school is right behind that. and then in the other direction, northeast is p.c.c. and it s just a block away. both of them are about a block away. parker boulden, appreciate your sharing with us what you saw just minutes after this shooting took place. thank you so much. appreciate it. on the phone right now, we have andrew theen, a reporter with the oregonian, which is the daily newspaper in the city of portland. thank you for joining us. what can you tell us?
we know just some very basic preliminary information. anything you could tell us would be great. sure. i think you probably know as much as we do at this point, jake. when my colleague and i arrived on scene about 12:35 or so, 20 minutes after the shooting, i spoke with a neighbor, tamara king, who lives on the other side of north albina to the west of the school. she reported hearing five shots in rapid succession and saw kids running in the street, including some kids diving under a car near north killingsworth court and albina, which is right next to this storefront school. she was one of the folks who called 911 and that s as much as i can tell you from witnesses that i ve spoken to. i was just listening to the police spokesman as he gave updates to the media here.
your information is that the shooting took place at about 12:15 portland time on the west coast a little before that, yeah. what can you tell us about rosemary anderson high school? the previous caller, guest, witness not a witness to the shooting but witness to after the shooting was saying that people on the street were talking about how there is gang activity in this area. is that accurate? well, that s something that tamara king, the neighbor i spoke to, mentioned as well, that she wasn t surprised that this happened in the neighborhood. she s lived here since 2007. i want to say last summer, there was a shooting on albina as well, north of here a little bit at a bus stop. and police are saying that initial reports are they
believe the shooter was gang affiliated. they stressed they can t say that for the victims. so we re just kind of waiting until we know a little bit more about who these two young boys and one girl who were injured in the shooting. but that s really all i can say at this point. i think it s a misperception among people when they hear about gang shootings. they think the victims of gang shootings are fellow members and that s absolutely not the case. many times the victims of gang shootings are completely innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time or individuals who were certainly doing nothing to merit a shooting. the police said that the three individuals were shot and then when they left the school, all were conscious and breathing. the fire department spokesman with whom we spoke said they were treating their injuries as if they were life-threatening
but that didn t necessarily mean that s what they were. what s your understanding? the police spokesman, sergeant pete simpson, said they were all conscious and breathing. anytime you have a gunshot vick and you can say that, that s a good thing. i was listening to the witness say this area is close to portland community college and jefferson high school. it s also relatively close to legacy emmanuel hospital, which is a trauma hospital. so that s a good thing in terms of proximity. but beyond that, i can t really say because we don t really know. andrew theen, hold on one second. i want to bring in evan perez, our justice correspondent, who has some new information. evan, what can you tell us? we just got an update from the portland police. they clarify that the shooting occurred outside of the school, that the three victims, the three shooting victims, actually
went to the school after they were shot. they say they ve not identified the victims but they say they were two males and one female and that they ran to the high school after the shooting. the shooter fled the scene. so now we have a manhunt looking for this shooter to try to figure out what happened here, jake. so the latest from the police is that the shooting occurred outside of the school nearby and that the two males and one female who were shot ran to the school after they were shot, jake. that would explain why the fire department thought that the shooting might have been inside the school. right, and why they were transported from there. right. andrew theen, what can you tell us about north portland, the area in which this school is and if you know anything more about rosemary anderson high school, we re told is an alternative school of fewer than 200 students. what can you tell us about that? well, i can t tell you too
much about the school itself. i wasn t familiar with the school. i m familiar with the area. it s inner north portland. it s a gentrifying part of town, i guess you could say. as many larger urban areas of the u.s. like i said, portland community college is right here. they have one of their branches, jefferson high school, one of the portland public schools, is within spitting distance. it s an active area of town. there s coffeeshops, there are restaurants. people are out and about trying to see what s going on. it s close to interstate 5. andrew, i would think that it s not an active shooter situation because the shooter s not there.
but there is somebody on the loose, at least one individual who shot three young people, three teenagers, two boys and a girl. how big is the police presence when it comes to the manhunt? did sergeant pete simpson of the portland police department shed any light on how intense this search is right now? he didn t. and i can t really speak to that. i m not aware of any other details as far as a manhunt. but i can tell you that people are do not look concerned for their safety in the immediate area where i am. people are going about their day. if the shooting, just to recap for individuals who may just be tuning in right now. shortly before 12:15 portland, oregon, time, there s 3:15 east coast time, there was a shooting at a school at rosemary
anderson high school outside the school. three individuals, two boys and a girl, were shot. they were wounded. they left the scene, according to portland police, conscious and breathing, we re told anecdotally from some witnesses that at least one of them was still talking and the police told andrew theen with the portland oregonian that anytime after a shooting you have people talking, that is obviously a good sign. those individuals were rushed to the hospital, nearby emmanuel medical center, which has a trauma unit, which is very, very close. we are monitoring the situation. there is not an active shooting situation because the shooter is no longer inside or outside the school. but the individual or individuals are still wanted and on the loose. portland police are trying to find out who he or she or they are. we re going to take a very quick break.
when we come back, we ll have more news about this shooting at rosemary anderson high school in portland, oregon. don t settle for 4g lte coverage that s smaller or less reliable when only one network is america s largest and most reliable 4g lte network: verizon. with xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. and now, save without settling. get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just $110.
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welcome back to the lead. we re continuing to follow breaking news in our national lead. a shooter or shooters are on the loose after wounding three students outside rosemary anderson high school in north portland, oregon. let s go back and reset what we know so far. there are at least three victims, all of them students, teenagers. they have been shot. a witness tells us he saw two males and a female being loaded into ambulances. police say the victims were transported from the scene. they were conscious and breathing, at least one of them speaking, according to a witness with whom we spoke. they were taken to nearby emmanuel medical center which does have a trauma unit. the fire department told us they are treating these injuries as if they are life-threatening, although that doesn t necessarily mean that they are life-threatening. the hospital isn t indicating
what condition the students are in. as i said, the fire department saying they are being treated as if the injuries are life-threatening. police telling us that rosemary anderson high school is no longer an active shooter situation, meaning the shooter isn t on the premises or nearby. but we are told the portland police department is engaging in a manhunt or menhunt for the shooter. that s under way. we re told this began shortly after 12:15 or so, portland, oregon, time. there s 3:15 east coast time, obviously. and that it began outside the school, although after they were shot, the students went inside the school. pamela brown is in new york with more information. pamela, what can you tell us? reporter: we re learning at this hour as we speak that atf agents are en route to the scene right now.
what they re going to be doing is running ballistics, try to recover the weapon that was used in this shooting and then trace that weapon, find out where it came from. so atf agents are en route. we typically know in these situations, that fbi agents are usually deployed as well to help with the local authorities. as we still try to learn exactly who is behind this shooting and all of the details, what we can tell you is that the fbi did a recent active shooter study because there have been so many of these types of incidents, especially in the past few years. what we learned from that study, jake, is that all but six of the 160 shootings involved male shooters and only two of those, only two of the 160 involved more than one shooter. so oftentimes in these situations, we see a male acting alone, someone who is disillusioned in some way. once they figure out who is
behind this like you point out earlier, it could be more than one person but more than likely it is just one person. they re going to look at indicators, locker room through their social media and try to figure out what s behind this. three victims taken to the hospital right now and this is a very serious situation. of course, caused a lot of panic among the parents there when initially it was reported there was a school shooting, a shooting on the premises. that was the initial understanding. we learn now that this happened just off the school campus. it happened about an hour and a half ago outside rosemary anderson high school, two boys and a girl, teenagers shot, wounded, taken from the scene we re going to go right now, pamela, stay with us. i want to go to evan perez, our justice correspondent, who has a little bit more information about the shooting. evan, what are you being told? this is partly adding a little bit more context to what pamela was saying as well. this feels a little different
from a lot of these other shootings that we ve seen in schools, again, this one happened outside of it. for that reason, i m being told by authorities that it just seems perhaps a little bit different. typically in most of these shootings that we ve seen, by the time the police get there, the shooter has already shot himself or the situation is over. in this case, this person tried to get away or has gotten away. so in some ways, thfls seems like according to the authorities looking at this, it s more of a criminal situation. it s very early in the process, very early in this case to know exactly happened, especially since they re still looking for the suspect. but it does feel like it s a little bit different. as pamela pointed out, looking at all the history of all these shootings, you typically see a certain pattern. and this one just falls out of that pattern.
we re told, by the way, if there are any parents of students at rosemary anderson high school, locatil police are saying the staging for parent reunification for the students, the school is no longer in lockdown. the parent reunification area is being held at killingsworth court and kirby, near the jefferson high school football field, jefferson high school, along with portland community college, we re told, were still in lockdown, which is standard operating procedure, police protocol, after a school shooting situation. pamela brown, in a situation like this, obviously the federal government trying to do whatever it can to help. but as evan noted, usually in these situations, the school shooter, at least in the ones that we ve covered in the last couple of years, the school shooter has been shot by police or has taken his own life. in this situation, we have a manhunt under way. i imagine that it s something
that federal law enforcement could be helping with as well. absolutely. like we mentioned earlier, atf agents are on their way to help out. we presume the fbi is on its way to help out and provide the assistance. but i want to point out what i think is key here. they re saying this is not an active shooter situation and that the perimeter is secure. so i think that does provide us some clues that it appears that at least that area where the school is is secure. and if there s a gunman on the loose, then i would be surprised if they would say this is not an active shooter situation. so, again, we re still trying to learn more details, whether this shooter or shooters are even still alive. as we ve seen in so many other school shootings, just the one recently in washington state, we ve seen that the gunman dies from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. and that really is there s a pattern to these school shootings.
unfortunately they happen far too often. and a lot of times it s a male acting alone. again, we re waiting to learn more details on this. but that s what studies have shown, as i pointed out earlier, the fbi study. all but six of 160 incidents over the past several years involved male shooters and only two involved more than one shooter. just to put it in perspective as we await more details on the specifics of this particular shooting, jake. in fact, we are waiting for the portland police to give an update on the information about the suspect in this school shooting in north portland, oregon. evan perez, you have new information? we know that the fbi has now arrived at the scene. they re still calling this a local investigation as they typically do. obviously they want to give the local police a chance to figure out what exactly happened here before they get involved, if there s anything that needs to be done from a federal
standpoint. we know they say they re still looking for a shooter and they haven t provided any update as to who they re looking for or what that suspect description is. but the fbi is there to provide any assistance. atf is already there, as we mentioned already. typically, they re just there to lend assistance to the local authorities as they are trying to figure out exactly what happened here. again, this happened outside of the school. so it s a little different from some of the other shootings that we ve seen, which typically have been inside. you typically don t see a suspect try to make a getaway as the police have reported here. evan perez and pamela brown, stick around. when we come back, we ll have more information about this school shooting in portland, oregon. [ male announcer ] you wouldn t ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you re not ignoring them in your body? even if you re treating your crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis,
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a shooter, we believe, possibly shoote shooters, on the loose after shooting and wounding three students outside rosemary anderson high school. this is what we know. at least three victims, all students, teenagers, have been shot, we are told. it was roughly at 12:15 or just shortly before then portland time, just before 3:15 east coast time. we are told two males and a female are the victims, they were loaded into ambulances and police say the victims were transported immediately from the scene conscious and breathing to nearby emmanuel medical center. we re told from a witness who we spoke with earlier that at least one of those students was talking, which is always a good sign. we re told the hospital has received all three patients by now and they re treating them. the hospital at this point is not indicating what condition any of these three students are
in. lieutenant rich tyler from the portland fire department told us earlier in this hour that the injuries are being treated as if they re life-threatening, though it doesn t necessarily mean they are. police tell us that rosemary anderson is no longer an active shooter situation. that means the suspect or the suspects are no longer suspected to be on the premises or nearby. there is a manhunt for the shooter under way, we are told. let s go straight to portland police spokesman, sergeant pete simpson. sergeant simpson, thank you for joining us. first of all, can you tell us, is it one suspect or more? and what should people in the area be looking for? well, preliminary information is one suspect. there may have been others with him when they fled the scene. we have investigative resources focusing exclusively on that piece right now as we continue this investigation.
we re obviously very early on. what we do know at this time and want to reassure people this is not an active shooter situation or an active shooting season. this is now a static environment, it s safe. and we are beginning the investigative phase. is there any indication that the police have gotten into a shootout with the suspect? is there any indication the suspect might have taken his own life? no. no officers were involved in any kind of shooting or shootout. we responded after the fact, after the report of the shooting, very quickly. no indications about the shooter taking his own life or anything like that. it appears that the shooter how are the three victims, sir? well, right now, all three are at legacy emmanuel medical center. all three are receiving emergency treatment for gunshot wounds. they all were conscious and talking at the scene, which is always a good sign. certainly with gunshot wounds, they can be unpredictable once

People , Portland , Shot , Victims , Suspects , Portland-police , Fire-department , Three , Lockdown , Jefferson-high-school , Portland-community-college , Staging-area