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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160914 10:00:00

a bench clearing brawl on a high school football field. the teams punching and ripping each other s helmets off in los angeles. both teams forced to forfeit the game and the next game on their schedules. thanks for joining us everyone. the sheet story. bye. see you later. bye bye. good morning to you and your family. it is wednesday, september 14th. i m ainsley earhardt and we start with this. it is a fox news alert. police officers run down in a parking garage. this dramatic surveillance video showing that driver accelerating directly into the cops that were standing there. what we have just learned about that suspect and those officers. oh, man. that s hard to look at. meanwhile, hillary clinton still on the sidelines after her collapse and her diagnosis of pneumonia. now she apparently haunted by brand new e-mail scandals courtesy of colin powell.
donald trump makes his pitch for child care with daughter ivanka by his side. the baby who stole the show. it s going to be a great darks great fox and friends. did he kiss the baby? he s not a politician. he s a businessman turned politician. baby kisser. hugging the veterans, now kissing the babies. holding them up like the lion king scene. we ll get to that. let s get to the race for the white house as hillary clinton remains sidelined from campaigning today as she gets a little better. she s haunted by a new e-mail scandal. it s all courtesy of former secretary of state colin powell. what is going on? we have the answers live in westchester new york with the details. good morning, mike. tucker, ainsley, steve, good
morning to you. hillary clinton is due to return to the campaign trail tomorrow at a time when manry concerned for an october surprise courtesy of russian hackers. the latest released e-mails that are em brarsing are related to former secretary of state colin powell. buzz feed reports powell e-mailed emily miller, a former aide to powell on june 17th writing that donald trump is in the process of destroying himself. no need to for dems to attack him. the whole birther movement was racist. when trump couldn t keep it up x, he see if the certificate noted he was a muslim. as for hillary clinton, we know she s talking, putting in appearances on fox news sunday about the potential for foreign hackers having an impact on the election. we know that russian intelligence services which are part of the russian government
which is under the firm control of vladimir putin hacked into the dnc and we know that they arranged for a lot of those e-mails to be released. and we know that donald trump has shown a very troubling willingness to support putin. as you mentioned, hillary clinton is on the mend from her case of pneumonia at her nearby home in chappaqua, new york. she s due to return to the campaign trail in greensboro, north carolina, tomorrow. back to you in new york. she is, mikey manual, thank you very much. hillary clinton is still at her mansion up in chappaqua. yesterday, the sound bite of bill clinton sitting down with charlie rose a lot of play. yeah, my wife she faints frequently. all the time. i meant rarely. what happened cbs, helping them out, clip, clip.
took that out. had to save time of about a second. it didn t help the cause. normally he s the guy that the folks want to see. he said he s getting a little rusty. the old bill clinton wouldn t have said that. there s some passive aggression. are you suggesting he s the only one who wants to be the clinton president. i think he s against hillary clinton more than most republicans right now. really? she s not doing well in appalachia. kind of funny, i ve won there twice. times change. maybe bill clinton doesn t want his wife to be president of the united states. but the mainstream media loves her. she s their candidate. yesterday when the president of the united states went after trump for hillary, who is still on bed rest apparently, you just wouldn t believe the loving copy written for
so much love that the mainstream media gave him, it was hard for us to get sound bites this morning. here s a montage of what we saw last night. was it what the doctor ordered? with hillary clinton recovering from pneumonia, president obama hits the trail and takes aim at donald trump. tonight trump takes down what hillary clinton sidelined, a fiery president obama unloads on trump and he looked a little bit like a retired athlete thrilled to be back in the game. his comments were just what the doctor ordered for a recuperating clinton who spent the day accepting flower deliveries. with hillary clinton at home recovering, president obama took over on the campaign trail today stepping up to the podium loosening his tie, blowing a kiss and getting right down to business. if a republican got sick, was off the trail for a couple of days and somebody else from the republican party went in to
pinch hit for them, would they ever wind up with coverage like that? no. george w. bush is stumping for donald trump. not going to happen. it s fine. the soft focus coverage, you see a lot of it s an unexplained mystery. i don t think there s any question. that s not what was going on, on sunday. there s no chance that she collapsed from pneumonia and an hour and a half later was totally fine. i literally have no idea. i m not suggesting she s gravely ill. i suggest that they re not telling us the whole story. she s not going to sit in the emergency room like we would all do. she goes to chelsea s apartment. she calls the doctor, the doctor meets her there and gives her medicine and she s walking on the sidewalk an hour later. it was revealed she did not see a doctor until she got to chappaqua. way up north. doesn t make any sense at all. i don t pretend to know what s going on. journalists are paid to find out
what s going on, not to celebrate her husband. one journalist at cnn loaves hillary clinton. she s suggested that all the coverage regarding her collapse at the memorial on sunday was sexist and in fact, here she is comparing hillary clinton to franklin delano roosevelt who back in the 30s had polio, was in a wheelchair and yet the press covered all that up. watch. considering the media outrage over hillary failing to tell them she had pneumonia on friday, consider the media actively shielding some great american president, agreeing for instance not to show she is photographs of franklin delano roosevelt whose polio kept him confined to a wheelchair. did that stop his new deal for america or winning world war ii. that was a different time, first of all. second of all, we want the truth and the candidates should be
reporting the truth. franklin roosevelt should have told the public that he had polio. shouldn t you have a journalist defending media lying. you have a journalist arguing on behalf of telling the public less? is she a journalist or advocate for hillary clinton s campaign. she didn t lie about it. she said she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday and didn t report it. i m saying that christiane amanpour is saying they lied about roosevelt s condition and thachs okay. journalists should not be in favor of lying to help political candidates. why is she still employed by cnn? which would christy an amanpour support hillary clinton. could it possibly be that her husband was the spokesperson for bill clinton. in the october issue of women s health magazine, there is women s health? women s health. we need to emphasize that.
is this picture of hillary clinton. there s going to be a two-page spread in this magazine. what do you think about that? do you think they should pull the ad or the article? this was before she was not a picture of women s health. irony weekly, isn t it? i think it would have to be. anyway, that s going to be why can t you turn and look at us? because my neck hurts so bad. i m immobilized. do you have a crick in your neck? i slept wrong in the airplane against the window like this. i cannot move my neck. i m like frankenstein. i m going to move on a swivel. does anybody have a home remedy for tucker? i do. hillary s doctor. i need to go to chappaqua for a rest. hillary poses for magazine covers, donald trump is trying to figure out how to make child cara fordable for everyday american families. the gop nominee unveiling a new plan alongside his daughter
ivanka. john roberts outside trump tower on fifth avenue new york city. good morning, john. reporter: tucker, ainsley, steve, good morning to you. another big policy address from donald trump last night. another one on thursday when he ll lay out his economic plan. back to what happened last night in pennsylvania, along with daughter ivanka trump unveiling the plan for middle and lower income americans to help them out with child care which every parent knows is a big, important issue. donald trump laying out a plan where he would allow for tax deductions of child care you up to four children in a household and offer earned income tax credit rebates up to $1200 per child, recognizing the contribution that stay at home parents make, he would allow a tax deduction for stay at home parents and those who have to care for an elderly relative, $5,000 for elder care. he would create dependent care savings accounts and
contributions would be tax deductib deductible. they would grow tax-free. offer tax incentives for employers. six weeks paid maternity leave for women not covered for maternity leave by their employer. his daughter, ivanka trump was involved in this. this is her signature issue. here s what she said outside philadelphia. she was introducing her father. having employed and empowered thousands of women at every level of his company throughout his entire career, my father understands the needs of the modern workforce and is offering a new and innovative solution where others have not. raising children full-time is one of the hardest jobs anyone can do. and it s essential that our policies recognize and honor that reality. of course, one of the big questions is how to pay for all of this. donald trump really getting into the spirit of it last night as he was working the rope line. taking a baby from the line and
hoisting the baby aloft three or four times for everyone to see. when i saw that image last night, i was reminded of another image from the past. do we have that? yes. donald trump with the baby. rafiki with baby simba. passing it off to the next generation. the lion king from the guy who dubbed a guy. john roberts, thank you very much. great minds think alike. we were all saying that this morning too and you have the picture. reporter: you know, it evoked that image. it did. john, thank you very much. you know what, he s doing it right now. i m sorry. tucker is going to take a leave in a commercial break. because of his stiff neck. when you tossed to john a minute ago, all i could think was oil can. oil can. from the wizard of oz. it will get better. coming up on this wednesday, hillary still sidelined after her collapse on sunday.
but are democrats buying her excuse and how are voters going to react. talk about free fall, a reckless daredevil jumping hundreds of feet from a waterfall. what? who rushed in to the rescue? afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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just 55 days to go until election day. hillary clinton heads back on the campaign trail tomorrow after taking a couple days off to recover from pneumonia following that incident on sunday at the 9/11 memorial in new york. question is are democrats buying hillary s explanation for her health status. here to join me is kristin solstice anderson. chuck, first to you. nobody goes from collapsing to walking unassisted in a spritely way on the sidewalk. that s not what happens in real life. i don t know what is happening. how nervous are democrats when they watch this and they know that there s some explanation that we re not hearing? i think that all democrats do not want to see their nominee stumble whether on a sidewalk or in polls. the latest polling we ve been doing is showing that donald trump is she s solid with
democrats. but there s a sliver of undecides or people that are uncomfortable. they re an uncomfortable voter for hillary clinton or donald trump and they re trying to make up their decision. does this stumble. whether it s the literal stumble or the stumble over the last week. i think that s going to be in the light of day and the coming days in the polling that s in the field right now. so i think it s a little undetermined. i think the base democrats take this as she got sick, she ll be fine. i think they take it as her word. it s the undecides in the middle we should watch. kristin, whatever is going on with hillary clinton, the public will probably accept it and forgive it and move past it. it s her impulse to lie about everything that creates this ominous feeling about this story. you feel you don t know what s happening. it s counterproductive and it hurts her. why does she do that? i think this is part of the clinton norm. where it s probably not that bad and the cover-up makes it worse. makes it a story that has far
more legs to it. i don t think that democrats themselves will necessarily be too concerned over perhaps concerned for her health hoping that she gets better. but generally, people break into their partisan camps when stuff like this happens. where people of the opposing party assume the worst. people circle the wagons around their own party and say no, no she s fine. everything will be great. you ve got undecided voters. right now there are a lot of voters who are ank thus about the idea of both of these candidates being president. if you feel like hillary clinton is someone where you never really are getting the full story and you re not quite sure what the next four years might look like, that can raise your anxiety level and make her seem like less of a safe bet. being the solid steady candidate in this race versus donald trump who is certainly unpredictable is a strength she may lose if they mishandle things like that. chuck, isn t the lesson when you rig the system and force a nominee on a political party, maybe you don t get the best nominee? i think there was a heated debate on both sides of this.
that s exactly what you re talking about. we want to make sure their voice is heard and the anxiety is there. we should have a race to the top. encouraging more people to participate with the ace in the american public and them not feeling the recover i have the economics over the last few years, there s a lot of people looking for an outlet, i don t think they see either one at a certain level being that. any time they slip up or a slip itself, you see that step back. i m being told we don t have more time. thanks for joining us so early. good to see you. still ahead, a new dress code for teachers. t-shirts that say black lives matter. got more on that story. plus our next guest received a medal of honor for saving thousands of lives in vietnam. says there s only one way to save our country. his message to america, next. nd abigail higgins had.
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good morning. welcome back to fox and friends. we re back with a fox news alert. shorking video coming out of phoenix, arizona, this morning showing the moment that three officers are intentionally hit a by fast-moving car. one of the officers a rookie, his first day on the job. he s thrown into the air and into a store window. that suspect, mark payne, is then seen trying to fight the officers. amazingly, the rookie and second officer tackle him and then arrest him. get propelled into that glass has the gumption to get up, get back in the fight and get the guy into custody. unbelievable. a hero. payne is facing three counts
of attempted murder. two officers still in the hospital but all three are expected to be okay. more than a year after the u.s. agreed to that landmark nuclear deal with iran, the state department now admits that it may be making that country s behavior even worse. listen. but you can t rule out thatn fact, this deal has served as a cause for this more aggressive posture. i mean, i can t rule that out. it s just, we ve iran, like many countries has an internal political process that s defined by a lot of different dynamics. that admission from the state department to r.j. rosen. this happening days after iran threatened to shoot down a pair of u.s. military spy planes over international water the those are your headlines. see you back here. thank you, heather. 14 medal of honor recipients
coming forward to endorse donald trump. including an army veteran who received an arm fri president nixon for his heroic helicopter mission in the vietnam war. in two tours, he rescued 5,000 people and flew 2500 combat missions. major general patrick henry grady joins us this morning. what an honor. thank you for joining us, general. i m happy to be with you as one of those proud deplorables. tell us why you you are endorsing first of all, let s share your story with the folks at home. what happened in vietnam? i was one of a group of pilots known as dust-off pilots. our job was to pick up the wounded from the battlefield. it was a story that need the narrative of the media at the time. but during the course of that war, the dust-off pilots rescued and crews rescued almost a million people and set records for survival that have never been equaled.
wow. you deserve the medal of honor. congratulations on that. we thank you for your service. there are 14 medal of honor recipients endorsing donald trump. just last week, 88 generals and admirals were en doesing him. what is it you like about him? leadership. i think that this man has throughout his life exhibited extraordinary leadership abilities. he s focused on the military and the veterans. america has no kings or queens, dukes or duchesses. but we do have a nobility. america s nobility is our veterans. this man, our security is tied to our military readiness which is in shambles. this man has bound to renew, invigorate our readiness and help secure america as it should be secured. well, let s talk a little bit about i agree with you. hats off to our royalty in this country and you are one of them. we thank you for your service.
we have the v.a. disaster. we have what s going on with isis. north korea testing nukes, i mean, that s ridiculous. you have iran and this morning, heather is reporting on the iran deal. democrats are saying oops, maybe we made a mistake there. is that why you re putting your support behind donald trump and what specifically can he do for the military? he has to bring us back to the readiness our readiness now is worse than i ve seen in my lifetime. the leadership in the military, some of them who are lamenting that the readiness of our military in terms of army readiness, about one-third ready. air force, in fact one air force guy said his airplanes, if they were like automobiles, they d be eligible for antique auto plates. we re borrowing parts from museums and from cannibalizing parts, it s ridiculous what the way this man, this obama has left the readiness of our
military deteriorate. i haven t heard the other side focus on the readiness or veterans. i think he s got a 20% lead among veterans and active military people. they understand leadership. major general patrick henry brady. thank you for joining us this morning. you bet. thank you for your service. congress determined to get to the bottom of hillary clinton s e-mail scandal and then this happened. i respectfully decline to answer. i respectfully decline to answer. assert my fifth amendment privilege. oh, and it didn t end there. we re live in d.c. with the fallout coming up next. standing tall. the little boy who could teach colin kaepernick a lesson about patriotism. but first, happy birthday kimberly williams paisley, brad paisley s wife. we her her from the movie, father of the bride.
she s so cute. been onset with us. the actress turns 45 today. scalpel. i have no idea what i m doing. i m just a tv doctor. i never went to college.
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stone walled on capitol hill. investigating hillary clinton s e-mail scandal waking up with more questions than answers after what happened yesterday. two i.t. specialists were hauled up to the hill and stayed silent the entire time. the one who did testify raised even more concerns. ed henry joins us live from washington with the latest. good morning, ed. good morning, guys. the star witnesses were from that colorado-based company that you remember oversaw hillary clinton s server, plat river networks. in march of 2015, they destroyed her e-mail archive, of course, with bleach bit, that technology
we ve been learning about. in an e-mail released by this house committee yesterday, employees at platte river seem to regret that. one employee fretting about the possibility they were covering up what he called some shady bleep bleep. two employees of the company took the fifth. on advice of counsel, i respectfully decline to answer. on the advice of counsel, i respectfully decline to testify. assert my fifth amendment privilege. assert my fifth amendment constitutional privilege. you can t answer the question about whether or not you were interviewed by the fbi? justin cooper, a long time aide to former president bill clinton did talk and boy did he have interesting things to say. he testified about using a hammer to smash two of hillary clinton s blackberry devices. he insists this was not an attempt to hide anything. perhaps even more shocking was this exchange with the republican committee chairman,
jason chaffetz about the access to hundreds of classified e-mails on hillary clinton s server. did you have a security clearance at that time? no, i did not have a security clearance. after you left the white house early in when did you leave the white house? 2001. 2001. did you ever have a security clearance at any time after that? no, i did not have a security clearance. democrats at this hearing repeatedly said the investigation is nonsense, it s just a chance to beat up on the democratic presidential nominee. that may be overshadowed that cooper was going out of my way to on the blackberries, even though he was smashing them with a hammer. guys, back to you. that s a unique way to keep the stuff on there. i like that. that s one way to say it. i love that. thank you very much, ed. hitting them with a with a hammer. hitting with a hammer is not one of the suggestions you have sent to us regarding how to fix
tucker s sore neck. we ve received hundreds already. we re going to share one of your ideas with him in a moment. we re going to see if it works. i m a little nervous imt ch. thank you. we re going to hand it over to you while we get the props ready. i have some ideas about his neck as well. terrific day of news headlines to bring you. it was an absolutely terrifying scene on the side of a highway when an intense road rage incident suddenly takes a dangerous turn. shocking video showing a man who pulls a gun on another driver in oregon. pointing it straight at his stomach. the trigger on the finger on the trigger the entire time. the two eventually go their separate ways and drive off. that man was later arrested no word what led to that exchange. taking the plunge to the extreme and take a look at that. the reckless daredevil jumps 200 feet from the top of a
waterfall. oh, wow. that man gets a running headstart before he plunges off a cliff in hawaii. you hear kind of a thud as he hits the water. the impact so hard it knocked him out. luckily, there were tourists nearby who were able to rescue that man. unbelievable. bringing black lives matter to the classroom. a group of elementary school teachers in seattle say that they plan to wear these controversial t-shirts to start a conversation about systematic oppression. . the t-shirts paid for by donations. they read black lives matter, we stand together with the school name included. john muir elementary. the teachers plan to wear the shirts on friday. a district spokesperson says that they support the teachers? really? kids can t wear certain shirts to school but you can wear that. what do you think about that? standing tall, an army vet paralyzed from the waist down
and a boy with cerebral palsy are teaching colin kaepernick a patriotic lesson. watch. wow. doesn t that give you chills watching that. that s beautiful. gives me chills watching that. we want to see the video or pictures of you standing for the national anthem. you can e-mail us or post your proud american videos on our facebook or twitter pages and those are your headlines. we would be proud to show those videos and pictures. thanks gang. incredible. that was really great. very cool. it is. so i just got e-mail. why are you sitting on that
side? it s because when you turn to talk to heather, it would hurt tucker because tucker revealed he s been traveling so much, been on planes, trains and e s e stiff neck. i haven t been able to move my neck since. we asked if you had home remedies and many of you sent in things like cindy crump said get that boy a tens unit. it s awesome. david nixon, david and mary nixon said my dad used to get my crick out of my neck by i tried do that. here s what we re going to try. jesse in hornbeck, louisiana. use a hair drier to blow warm air on neck. we re going to try that. our wonderful hair and makeup crew brought this in. this is a hair drier. is it going to reach? what do i do. point to where it hurts.
my neck is frozen. i can t even open my jaw full. lock jaw? lock jaw. is that too hot for you? i love it. half hour lunch-hour. let me know if it gets too hot? does that even feel good? is it work sng can i even touch it? massage it. tucker when was the last time anybody used a hair drier on that mop of yours? too hot? the intensity. the paint stripper. hold on. was it too hot? hold on. wait a minute. medium. blisters on my neck ha v. taken my attention away. you re such a good person. let s see how hard i can massage. does that hurt? if you ever have a problem
that ainsley can t fix, it s over. life insurance. you re the best. feel better. keep the home remedies coming. one of the most frequent ones we ve gotten so far is get an uber and take tucker to chelsea s apartment. and i can transfer on the sidewalk and kiss babies. all right. yeah. meanwhile, straight ahead, president obama insists hillary clinton is in the best shape to lead our country. really? you want to debate who is more fit to be our president? one candidate who has traveled to more countries than any secretary of state ever has. but given her recent health problems, is this really the right time? congressman duncan hunter here to react to that. good morning to you, congressman. you re next.
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all seems beautiful to me. for hillary clinton yesterday on the campaign trail playing up her fitness as president. you want to debate who is more fit to be our president? one candidate who has traveled to more countries than any secretary of state ever has. so she s got a lot of frequent flyer miles. those comments coming as concerns over clinton s health rise after her collapse on sunday getting into the scooby van. should the president really be saying those things? let s talk to congressman duncan hunter, a republican from
california. he s a donald trump supporter i good morning. good morning. when you saw the president of the united states out there yesterday stumping on behalf of hillary, what did you think? the democratic establishment will do anything that they can at this point to drag her across the finish line. the only choice that they have is to go out and stump for her because i don t think she can do it for herself anymore with the way she s feeling. speaking of the way she s feeling, what do you make of the fact that a week ago, anybody who brought up her health, you know, it was a new birtherism i think one of the channels refer to it that way. now it s been revealed that a coughing spat was probably related to this pneumonia thing and now people are all over the country are calling it into question whether or not she s healthy. in the end, truth comes out. i think with the clintons it takes longer than usual for that truth to come out. but it finally did. especially nowadays when
everything is on video. there s no way to hide it. i m glad. at least the american people can see hillary clinton as she would be as president and even three years from now into her presidency if she were to become president, how would she feel then and with all the demands on a president, the way it ages you and what you have to do and the stress. i think i mean, it is important for the american people to see this as it is for her and her family to see her so ill. congressman, let s switch to another topic. it sounds like the army is about to kick out a paralyzed hero. a green beret by the name of tim brum moth was paralyzed after trying to save a girl. now the army is saying you know what, we did the blood test and it looks like he had issues there. he had a .1 blood alcohol level. tell us a little bit about what they re trying to do to this guy? sure. this guy has been on deployments. he was an army ranger and by the way, he s a really big guy. he s about 6 4 , 250 pounds.
so a .1 blood alcohol is different on him than somebody who is 120 pounds. he tried to enroll himself, he did enroll himself in an air force drug abuse and alcohol problem. he tried for a year to get help. sent e-mails. his family sent e-mails to his command saying our son has post-traumatic stress. he has issues. his life left him with his two daughters when he went to special forces training. he was in a very bad place. the army basically pulled him out multiple times out of his program that he was in and he did turn to self-medicating. he admits to use cocaine and alcohol, but once he hurt when he asked to be helped over and over, the onus was on the army to make sure he gets an honorable discharge because he s paralyzed from the chest down forever. the army needs to do the right thing and give him an honorable
discharge. congressman, please keep us posted on what happens with this man. thank you very much. stick around, we ve still got a great big program. congressman jason chaffetz and ivanka trump join us. the voice heard by pilots around the world. roll right. that voice even saved lea gabrielle. she talked to the woman behind the f/a-18 command. there s no one road out there. no one surface. no one speed. no one way of driving on each and every road. but there is one car that can conquer them all. the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood you re in. and the road you re on.
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you might not know her face, but navy pilots have known her
voice for decades. she s the one who keeps fa-18 pilots safe as the voice of their audio warning system. leah gabriel is here. i ve never flown an fa-18, so i ve never heard her voice. you will instantly recognize her. now, if there are any sensitive ears around the tv set this morning or young ear, you might want to cover them because there s a beside word in this story. i promise you, the word is truly used in the most endearing way. take a look. when you re going at mach speeds in these aircraft, there s no room for error. when something goes wrongs all kinds of bells and whistles go off to alert you, but there s one voice that stands out. pull up, pull up. roll right, roll right. that s her official name. why? she bitches at us a.
she s bitching betty. but she s all right. just like the mother-in-law. that s exactly what my instructors told me when i learned to fly an fa-18. on a dark night at sea, betty was with me. it was pitch black dark when i was coming in to land. around 800 feet with my gear and flaps down. i heard engine fire, right. the mistake you hear people make is they accidently shut down the wrong engine. hearing betty let me know this is my right hand, this is my right throttle, this is the one i ve got shut down. just like every iphone has a siri checking on that for you, okay. here you go. every hornet has a betty. altitude. but betty isn t just a voice. i m bitching betty. she s leslie shook, and she s been with boeing for 45 years. now she s retiring.
i can t believe it s really you. she got the role unexpectedly when she was trying to explain how betty should sound. betty has to have a snap. it s not a shrillness, it s a sharpness. it s like having your mother call you with your middle name. frlt that s exactly what it s like. we put several people in the booth and it didn t work. the navy commander there looked at me and said, why don t you do it. why some people might be offended by the nickname, leslie embrace ts it. i like it. while pilots may make jokes we can all mimic her voice. what she does is no laughing matter. her voice is heard over iraq today. and afghanistan, place like that. wherever the hornet is in the world, her voice is there. she s saved more lives than she
knows. i know she saved mine at least more than once. her voice comes on in the middle of the night no matter when or where and says altitude, altitude. if you don t listen, she says pull up. if you listen then, everything is going to be okay. is there anything you want these young men and women to know from you? i want them to know how many people are with them. they probably lose track of that. there s a whole lot of folks standing behind them, just like betty does. i just get a little more personal. tell them what to do, tell them to do it right. that s cool. frlts before the story, i never knew that betty was a real person. i want to say thank you, leslie, for keeping us safe. kind of like siri. you just hear the voice. that voice of mom with you. there you go. le leah, thank you very much. meanwhile, hillary clinton s health just coming into focus right now, but ed has been
seeing this coming for years. next hour, he reveals the bomb shells and what s really going on with the democratic nominee, as only he can. and we have a huge show ahead. congressman jason chaffitz and ivanka trump are both going to join us. when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. (duracell slamtones) at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital. .when their windshield got cracked. .but they couldn t miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement. .before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america!
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so we have extra sets of eyes on our wells every day. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. good morning to you and your family. it s wednesday, september 14th. this is a fox news alert. three cops mowed down on camera, and it was no accident. that shocking video right there showing the moment a man hits the gas and slams right into those officer that are standing up. what we have just learned about that driver and the police. meanwhile, hillary clinton s return to the campaign trail already haunt bid a brand new e-mail scandal courtesy of colin powell. and this one the details ugly. well, since she s been sidelined, president obama s hitting the trail for hillary clinton, but did he get that
memo? watch this. in incomes are rising, poverty is falling, and gas is $2 gallon. thanks, obama. thank, obama. nothing like a little self-congratulations. science prove there s to better way to start your day than with this show. hour two starts right now. thanks, tucker. how frustrated do you think jason chaffetz was yesterday in he tried to get answer, and all he got was people taking fifth. he issued a subpoena in the middle of the hearing. he was ready for it. also, normal or nuts? you decide. well, ivanka trump, yesterday her father rolled out his policy to help families.
she s going to join us. and the new miss america 2016. tucker carlson is joining us today. brian s got the day off. tucker s got a stiff neck. if you ve got a home remedy, we ve already tried couple on him. not working so far. e-mail him, tweet us, or facebook. you did say the viewer who sent in the hair drier, it helped a little bit. yes, i did. only two more hours of public humiliation left. first, straight to the race for the white house this morning as hillary clinton stays sidelined from the campaign trail, recupera recuperating. she s hit wheith a new e-mail scandal. mike c mike emanuel is live with the details. reporter: more e-mails related to the clinton e-mail
controversy, these involving a form e secretary of state, colin powell. his messages were part of hacked e-mails of u.s. military and political officials. powell wrote about clinton e-mail controversy. quote, hrc could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me to it. powell also wrote, quote, i told her staff three times not try that gambit. i had to throw a mini tantrum at hamptons party to get their attention. clinton did ask powell for advice at 2009 dinner when she became secretary of state. powell used private e-mail but not a private server. he has expressed concern that clinton and her campaign team were trying to pin her e-mail problems on him. clinton meanwhile is recovering at her home in chap kwau, new
york. we expect her to return to the campaign trail tomorrow in greensboro, north carolina. all right, mike. thank you very much. and tucker, we were just talking about how some of the e-mail in particular, there s this big donor on the democratic side who was in an e-mail chain with colin powell, and they were talking about how much the obamas and clintons hate each other. it s unbelievable. they re talking about a peggy noonan column. i think hillary can t believe she might not make it. it s the one prize she wants. she has everything else, and she hates that the president, that man, as the clintons call him, kicked her behind in 2008. she can t believe or accept it. whoa. is that shocking though? don t we know that already? no. then, she s got trouble too. no one likes her, and the criminal thing ain t over. i don t think president would
weep if she found herself in real legal trouble. she ll pummel his legacy if she gets a chance, and he knows it. that s pretty shocking considering he s democrat. and we have ed cline coming up. ed has told us for years that the clintons and obamas hate each other because the obamas beat the clintons in 2008. so curious that the families hate each other. yet, there you ve got the president of the united states out there on the stump yesterday in philly talking about how you got it like hillary clinton because she is the most qualified candidate in the history of the presidency. and in addition to that, somehow he s able to plug himself. watch. let s face it. republicans don t like to hear good news right now. but it s important just to understand this is a big deal. more americans are working. more have health insurance. incomes are rising. poverty is falling. and are gas is $2 gallon.
[ cheers and applause ] thank you for reminding me. thanks, obama. even though i ve run my last campaign, i am going to work as hard as i can this fall to elect hillary clinton as our next povt united states of america. he s loving this. he s in his element, back in the game. referring to himself in the third person and thanks himself. than thanks, obama. what a demagogue. rvel look, he s got to prop her up because it s his legacy. it s been so interesting to watch. remember when he was running for re-election and he wasn t sure if he was going to win and was almost in tears when he was behind the scenes. i remember that vividly. now he s got the sleeves rolled up, the tie loosened.
he s out there like at the end of this, he s enyouing the ride. well, he is good at it. much better at it than she is. but the contempt they have for each other is just remarkable. wasn t there an agreechlt they had? if you step dun and i win, barack obama, then i will help you campaign in 2016. yeah, and it is a mat ere of legacy. she s dramatically underperforming in certain demographics among african-american voters, for example. by ten points in some key state, like ohio, relative to the way he did. he s out there trying to buck those numbers up, and it s not working. plus, remember it was four years ago that a deal was bro r brokered between barack obama and bill clinton. it was mitt romney neck and neck with barack obama. they made a deal. bill clinton, you ll go out there with a full-throated endorsement of barack obama. you ll get him re-elected. then barack obama will dot same for your wife four years later. and here he is. so the deal was with bill. it wasn t even with hillary. well, it impacted hillary in
a profound. way she s going to be on the stump tomorrow. we ll see what happens. only 55 more days. is that right? 55 from today. double nickel. all right. hey, heather. some headlines. good morning. a fox news alert to start out with right now. shock new video coming into our newsroom coming out of the phoenix, arizona. it shows the moment three police officers are intentionally hit by a fast-moving car. one of those officers a rookie. his first day on the job. he s thrown up into the air and into a store window. the suspect has been seen trying to fight the officer. amazingly, that rookie and a second officer tackle him and then arrest him. first day on the squad gets propelled into that glass, has the guts to get up, get back in the fight, and take this guy into custody. unbelievable. he s a hero. payne is now facing three counts of attempted murder. he was convicted of assault on
police officers back in 1997. two officers still in the hospital, but all three are expected to be okay. well, more than one year after the u.s. agreed to that landmark nuclear deal with iran, the state department, our state department, now admits that it may be making that country s behavior even worse. listen to this. but you can t rule out that, in fact, this deal has served as a cause for this more aggressive posture. i mean, i can t rule that out. you know, we ve iran, like many countries, has an internal political process. that exchange between our james rosen and the state department s spokesman just yesterday. all of this comes amid recent confrontations between iran and the united states, including iranian boats harassing our ships and iran threatening to
shoot down a couple u.s. military planes that were flying in international air space. well, he leaked thousands of highly classified national security documents, but edward snowden believes that he deserves to be a free man. the nsa whistle blower asking president obama to pardon him of all espionage charges before president obama leaves office in january. snowden says he made our country a better place. listen. if not for these disclosure, if not for these revelations, we would be worse off. okay. well, snowden has been living in exile in russia are since leaking those documents back in 2013. and take a look at this video. the search is on for these drunken vandals getting too close to jesus. the video shows the group stumbling down the sidewalk in brooklyn, new york. they notice a statue of jesus outside a church. one of them oh, wow climbs up on the fence and tries to kiss the statue on the lips. the statue suddenly cracks and
leaves permanent damage. the church is planning to replace it with a cross that will be out of reach. those are your headlines. thanks a lot. thank you. everybody is talk about talking about hillary clinton s health right now, but our next guest has been sounding the alarm for a couple years. nobody listened until now. what ed cline, the noted journalist, is saying today. he s got some brand new are bombshells you re only going to hear right here, next. and take a look at this. it s an exploding purse. what? yeah. what was inside that could make that happen? and guess what, it could happen to you, ladies. or you, tucker. you carry a purse. is that a samsung? allergies distracting you?
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it s a scenario that our next guest saw coming. he s been sounding the alarm on hillary s health for a number of years. ed cline has written extensively about it and has several books about cln the clinton, includin new one, including a chapter on her health. because i ve been following this for the last 2 1/2 years. i ve written many blogs about it. i ve written several books about it. bill clinton has known about hillary s health for not months but for years. he s been urging her to get a complete medical checkup at a hospital. she s refused to do so because she s afraid if it leaks out. so this collapse that we saw the other day really had virtually nothing to do with her having pneumonia. this is much deeper than pneumonia. does she do a lot of these fainting spells? we know of a couple times when
she s passed out. i had an interview and i m sorry to pull out a piece of paper, but i got to do this with a friend who said, she s not steady on her feet, she frequently gets dizzy at home, even when she climbs stairs. this is a friend who speaks to her. she has her legs elevated when she s at home because of her circulation problems. huma abedin brings her cold, water-soaked towels to put on her neck and her forehead. and bill has been beside himself, begging her to get a real checkup. and he told her, don t go to the 9/11 memorial. yes, he begged her not to go. he said, i ll go in your place. she refused to do it. when she came home, he was absolutely furious at her for having gone and then collapsed and did exactly what he was afraid was going to happen, which was collapse in public
because she s been doing it in private. because the clinton machine could tamp down any rue morse. yeah, it didn t really happen. when there s video, it s hard to argue. yes, it s hard to argue with video. up to now, the media has been in the tank for the clintons. but they can t argue with this video. what do your sources tell you about an underlying issue? you know, even her friends don t know exactly what s wrong with her, but what they do know is that she faints frequently. not just once in a while. it could be circulation. it could be neurological. they don t know. but they do know there s something very seriously wrong with this woman. and you ve been talking about this for a couple years. 2 1/2 years. but then again, you ve been labeled a sexist or a hater because you ve been bring up this stuff that you ve heard about, and now we all know about. that s right. in addition to, this i also wrote a book called blood feud about feud between the clintons and the obamas, which is now
coming out in public. so it is it s such delicious irony to see barack obama yesterday down in philly talking about how she s the most qualified candidate in the history of the presidency. sorry, thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln. yet, they heat each other s guts because he beat her in 2008. and he really wanted joe biden or even elizabeth warren rather than hillary clinton. let s say, god forbid, there s another medical episode caught on camera between now and election. that could be devastating. well, surely. and the democrats would then scramble to find a number two. at this stage, it s not tim kaine, is it? bill clinton has gone to his old legal adviser and said there s talk about dumping my wife. can you put together a legal team that if that happens, they can block the effort to dump hillary. so there s already, on bill s side, an effort to try to stop that.
you can t dump her because i ll sue you. that s right. oh, man. all right. his new book comes out october 4th. ed klein, thank you very much. great to be with you. meanwhile, hey, harry reid, tell us what you really think about donald trump. he s not slim and trim. not slim and trim. is that enough to sway voters toward hillary clinton? we re going to report and you re going to decide. and if you re not a morning person, maybe you were born that way. the sleep doctor is in, and she says drop the coffee right now.
afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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it s time for the math portion of the quiz. it s news by the numbers. first up, $5,000. that s how much illegal imgranteds have been coughing up for driver s licenses in the state of texas. the man who organized that illegal scheme to document those immigrants is now pleading guilty to bribery charges. next, 12 million bucks. that s how much a gun rights group is suing katie couric for over an edited documentary called under the gun. the group says the program add eight seconds of silence after couric asked how guns could be kept aaway from terrorists. in reality, there was no pause at all. and finally, three. that s how many battle ground states republicans have seen a surge of registered voters in since the last presidential election. republican party gaining groundly hundreds of thousands of voters in florida, arizona, and north carolina. all three key states in the fall. i love this next segment. you got listen to this. you re not a morning person? well, there s a for that. turns out you are born that way,
and your body is programmed to function better at certain times of the day. here to explain that is sleep doctor michael bruce. he s good friends with dr. oz. thank you so much for introducing us to this book and telling us what a chronotype. it s just your natural sleep schedule. there are four different types. you can take the quiz available online. here s the picture. you re either what is that, a dolphin? a dolphin, which is my light sleeper. bear, which is most of society. a lion, which is my early morning person. or my wolf, which is my late night person. so all four of those combine to make up most of society. once i know what your chronotype is, then i know what your hormonal distribution is. so you think most people, 55% of people are bears. what s the personality of a bear? a bear is an extrovert. they re gregarious, fun.
you like to sit down with them is at lunch because they re telling funny stories. we all love a test. go to our website, take the test and find out what you are. 20, 25 questions. so depending on what type of personality you are, that s when you know to do things like when to drink coffee, when to make love. if you let s go back through some of these. when should you exercise or go for a run? most people first of all, there s one bad time, no matter what your chronotype type is. that s at 6:00 a.m. your body isn t warmed up. your joints aren t loose yet. my early morning people, i actually ask them to run at night. not night, but more like 5:30, 6:00. it gives them energy. they have a hard time staying away past 8:30, 9:00. exercise can help them. my bear, i want them exercising
more in the morning. if we don t do it then, they re never going to get there. what about drinking coffee. coffee is the worst thing you could have first thing in the morning. best thing would be water. what happens is when you wake up, your cortisol levels are very high. adding caffeine on top of that really isn t doing you any good. if you wait until your cortisol goes down, about 2 1/2 hours after you wake up, that s when you should have your first cup of coffee. so drink it at work, not at home. falling in love? that s an interesting one. one of the things we know is that people of similar chronotype have a tendency to work out well together. if they re dating, they re both either early birds or night owls. on day one, whip out a test and let your date take the test. and i need to get together. we need to do something like that so people can kind of know what s going on. gosh, you d save a lot of people a lot of money. a lot of time. going through those divorce lawyers. this is so fascinating. dr. michael bruce, thank you. congratulations on the new book.
thank you. what are you? i m a wolf. i m a night owl. take the quiz. thank you. chelsea manning officially ending his huk hunger strike because the military has agreed to use your tax dollars to pay for his sex change. yep. and 49ers backup quarterback colin kaepernick starting a movement when he kept his seat warm on the bench during the national anthem. our next guest is a hall of fame rung back. his name is eric dickerson. he s going to react live next. come on n eric.
now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we re not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i ve always admired how you just say what s in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you re living proof that looks aren t everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what s that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce. i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. age. john mccain, a war hero. he s not a war hero, he s a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren t captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the
sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i ve made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i ve had tremendous success, i think. those are sacrifices? i m claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. by the time i was 30, i said that s it, i m a smoker for life. i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don t take chantix if you ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems,
or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. this is for real. i m a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. meanwhile, source say that hillary has a tendency to get
dehydrated and her aides have hard time getting her to drink more water. or as the trump campaign put it, hillary has a drinking problem. sad, sad. my favorite line of the whole campaign. he is so funny. thank you, mr. stiff neck. sorry about that. we re getting you relief. don t worry. i m getting a heating pad. now to the race for the white house. hillary clinton sitting out today. she s back at her place in ch chappaqua, but she s facing a new e-mail scandal. right, stuff she s said between former secretary of state colin powell and other people. ed, what are you finding out? reporter: good morning. this is breaking overnight. fascinating e-mail exchanges between colin powell. of course, the foreman secretary of state, who preceded hillary clinton, and some of his friends and business partners where he
really takes aim at hillary clinton and her campaign for trying to use him to say hee also misused e-mail, taking shots at his e-mail practices, when he was secretary of state. these e-mails were hacked, we re told, and were reported by dclea this first report bid buzzfeed, by the way. look at some of these e-mails colin powell at one point saying of the clinton camp, quote, they re going to bleep up the legitimate and necessary use of e-mails with fri fwrggin th are his words. i had a secure machine. what he s saying is the clinton camp has been trying to say, look, colin powell also did. thise s saying he only used a personal e-mail account for nonclassified e-mail. when it was classified, he used a classified system at state
department. different from what hillary clinton was doing with her private server. he went on it complain about how now out in the private sector, he lost a gig, apparently a speak engagement with a major university because in his words in this e-mail, colin powell alledges hillary clinton had koujed this university of so much money that they got in trouble and could no longer go forward with a pricey speech for colin powell. he also says at one point, quote, hrc could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done. i warned her staff three times over the past two years not to try to connect it to me. an important point for balance here is that colin powell and these e-mails that were hacked also goes after donald trump. at one point calls him a national disgrace, a, quoted, international pariah, says that what he was doing to help spark the bifrter movement was racist. again, these are the words of colin powell. i think the bottom line is when you look at these hacked e-mails, he s taking aim at both of these presidential nominees. and remember, even though powell
is a republican, he endorsed president obama twice in 2008 and 2012. in these e-mails, he suggest he s been you should great pressure to endorse hillary clinton. worth noting, he hasn t endorsed anyone in this race. based on his hacked e-mail, he s not liking what he s seeing on either side. guys? sounds like it. all right, ed henry, thank you very much. poor guy. can you imagine getting your e-mail hacked? what s in your e-mail? i don t know what s in my e-mail. i don t want to find out. how funny is this, heather? i m sorry, i m not laughing at you. he has so much pain he cannot move his neck. he slept wrong on the plane. studio crewing could we get him a lazy susan? just turn him. just spin me around. poor tucker. all right, heather. good morning. hillary clinton fanlted and then she was dishoens with the public about having pneumonia. but senate minority leader harry
reid thinks the media should focus on bhody shaming donald trump and dig into his love of fried foods. complains about her health. what does he do? he s 70 years old. he s not slim and trim. he brags about eating fast food every day. look at his health a little bit. let s get the food police on it. donald trump s doctor has said he would be the healthiest president ever elected. united states military just agreed to grant the private formerly known as bradley manning a taxpayer funded sex change. manning, who now refers to himself as chelsea, started a hunger strike on friday, claiming that he was being bull lid by the u.s. government and wanted surgery free. manning is currently serving a 35-year prison sentence for releasing 750,000 pages of sensitive government documents to the website wikileaks. an e-cigarette exploded in a
purse, forcing a mall in new jersey to evacuate. terrifying video shows a woman s bag worth thousands of dollars on top of the counter when all of the sudden, bang, thick black smoke fills the air. it happened on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. that made some people inside the mall really nervous. some of them started running for their lives. luckily, no one was hurt. and this kid is clearly out of his league. take a look here. oh, my goodness. woo! oh, my gosh. that kid just keeps on going. it s video of a junior rugby league in australia. the 9-year-old star, and he s a star the video starts going viral. he pummels his way down the field, stiff armg every other little kid in sight until he makes it over the goal line. his size allowing him to take on
bier teams by himself. his own players just stand there and watch. his mom says he may be huge, but he has a soft heart. that hurts to watch. oh, man. now it s instant analysis. we re joined by hall of fame rung back eric decker. what to you make of that kid? hey, get out of his way. get out the way. eric s watching that saying, but that s my baby. that s what the mother s saying. that s my baby. is that kid too old to play on that team? he just big, but no. whatever the age s he s probably that age. it s a big kid. looks like some of them might be little girls. i think some of those kids are frad. at least some of the parents have a helmet on their kids. oh, yeah, we re going up against this kid. everyone wear your helmets today. the smart ones run behind him and jump on his back. great to have you today. thank you. you had such a long career in football. got to ask you about colin
kaepernick. what to you think about what he s doing? i feel like everyone has a right to do what they want to do. that s not my call. that s not something i would do, but if that s what he wants to do, you know, he can do it. i feel like it s not the right setting. i think sports is a police where you want to try to enjoy, have fun, and release all your tensions from your day at work, the week at work. to me, that s not the place. i ll say it again, he has a right to do it. i don t condemn him for it, but that s his right. what about the players who wa wanted to have 9/11 logos on their shoes and weren t allowed to? or in dallas, the little sticker. rvelts it it is a double standard in some ways. you get fined for anything with your uniform. i used to like to have my socks down. that was a $500 fine. now it s a $25,000 fine for the season. they monitor those uniforms. so uniform code and they can t actually make you. like, hey, you have to stand up for the national anthem.
you don t have to. but you have to wear that uniform the way they want you to wear it or you re going to get a fine. what dot owns think about it? i remember when tim tebow didn t have a time. s owners were like, we really like what he stands for. but you don t want one player to get all the attention. it s not good for morale of a team. what do you think the owners are saying? the owners might not like it. i think he had a chance possibly to go to another team. now i don t think a team wants to get involved. i think he would have been great in minnesota with teddy bridgewater going down. even denver at one point. but, we don t want that here right now. that s where the problem comes in. today your uniform, you got a fedex shirt. ground and air. they have a program where they re donating money to the uso. $2,000 had in a quarterback s name and running back s name with great performances. not my team. the rams. but that s the program. i think it s great program.
well, this is fantastic. how long you been involved in this? just for this week, actually. yesterday they asked me to do for this week. i m happy to be a part of it. so the nominees for quarterback, drew brees, matthew stafford, jameis winston. lamar miller and c.j. anderson and de languadeangelo williams. those are great choices. deangelo williams had great game. who are we going to see in the super bowl this year? green bay and the pittsburgh steelers. any chance that little kid? you ll see him in the nfl one day. i don t know if he ll be running the finootball. hall of famer eric dickerson, thank you very much. stay right here. he s ready to leave. meanwhile straight ahead on this wednesday, finally congress manages to track down the guys who hooked up hillary s server. this is going to be good, right?
let s see. i respectfully decline to answer. i respectfully decline to answer. i assert my fifth amendment privilege. i assert my fifth amendment privilege. congressman jason chaffetz was leading that. he s live next. and coming up, is it normal or not to follow your college student to school? that s nuts. dr. keith knows. he s answering your e-mails coming up. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. everyone said it s so hard to be a musician, but i can t imagine doing anything else. now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. i m always hopping on the train, running all over portland. i have to go wherever the work is. trains with innovative siemens technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. i can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. i m booked solid for weeks. it takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. welcome back. after months of work and mms of taxpayer dollars, congress has finally tracked down the guys who hooked up hillary s server. happened yesterday. then this happened. watch. did you produce your immunity agreement this morning as required under the subpoena?
on advice of counsel, i respectfully decline to answer and insert my fifth amendment privilege. you can t answer the question about whether or not you were interviewed by the fbi? on the advice of counsel, i respectfully decline. and it went on like that and on and on. our own katherine harris also didn t have much look after the hearing. watch this. why did you take the fifth today during the hearing? when you take fifth ten times before a congressional hearing excuse me. when you take fifth ten times before a congressional hearing, you leave the impression you fear criminal prosecution. here with his reaction to how things went is the man at center of it all, house oversight committee chairman, congressman jason chaffetz. how frustrated were you? first of all, we have a
dually issued subpoena. this ain t an optional exercise. when you have a subpoena issued, if it happened to anybody else in the world, do you think you d be in jail or have some handcuffs on you? they got o show up. the two people who came, they have a constitutional right to exercise their fifth amendment, but let s remember, you have an administration who says they re not going to prosecute anybody. we believe that one of those people that is an immunity agreement in place. so you d think they d sing like song birds and do the right thing for the country. but no, they pled the fifth. you re in a leadership position in a co-equal branch of government, of course. what are you going to do about it? you know, we don t prosecute people. they don t give us handcuffs. there are things at our disposal that we can do in the next couple days. later today we re going to explore those options. we re going to continue to pursue this. we did have mr. cooper. we appreciate him coming and testifying and answering questions. he illuminated things for us. there s a lot of other people we still need talk to.
you re referring to justin keeper, long-time aide to bill clinton. as a viewer, i con fez i did hear a pretty hilarious exchange. not any way to destroy or hide any nchgs at all. i couldn t speak to whether there were records on there that were considered federal records. in fact, the opposite would be the case in that i was going out of my way to preserve all of the information that was on those devices. did you have a security clearance at that time? no, i did not have a security clearance. so the context is he s telling you that he was going out of his way to preserve information by smashing these devices with hammer. do you think that s a plausible explanation? on its face, are you kidding me? we re trying to preserve all the information, so we smashed it with a hammer. is that how you back up your device, with a hammer? it s what you did when you don t want anyone toels see it. what s scary about this, he s one of two people tasked with setting this up.
we did demonstrate that hu huma abedin, he s testifying she was well aware of this server. but here he is with no i.t. experience, no security clearance, and he s setting up this server that the secretary of state to united states of america uses for four years. he has unfettered access to the entire time and has no security clearance. i mean, this is i can t believe they allowed that to continue. so in normal i mean, this has been said a lot, but i don t think it can be said enough. if these weren t people who worked for hillary clinton and barack obama, some of them would be in real trouble, would they not? to have the fbi, the department of justice come to the conclusion that nobody did anything wrong to the point they can prosecute them, there are millions of people in our military and other settings who have dealt with classified information. and they know, we know, the world knows, the country knows,
you can t allow access to classified information to people who have no security clearance. that was the person who set this stuff up. it s the chinese and russians against a guy who has to security clearance. there was no encryption. there s no dual authentication. there was no protection of all of this information at highest level of security in our government. the more you know, the more bewildering it is. mr. chairman, great to see you this morning. thank you. dropping your kids off at college can be tough emotionally. what if you brought a tent and camped out on the quad for a couple days. would you be bonkers? dr. keith is answering your e-mails on that very question next.
are you normal or nuts? dr. keith ablow is here. he s going to answer some of your questions. first, you had an observation about tucker s stiff neck. i did. everyone s thinking what s the physical edeology of this. i would consider, is there something he doesn t want to look at? he s straight ahead because he doesn t want to look. tucker, take the bull by the horns. a 15-second intervention. this could change his life. says the psychiatrist, tucker. tucker is rolling his eyes. i ve got an hour for him too. okay. e-mail number one. my husband and i will be driving our son to college. we booked a week at a nearby hotel and made reservation to take him to dinner with his new roommates.
now he wants to take the train and says we re acting nuts. poor buy buoy has crazy pare. yeah, they re nuts. you want to stay a night, maybe two. but a week? now you re organizing. you re going to own his friends too. own your own feelings. you re anxious. it s not nice to give your gift as a going away present to your son of anxiety. tough to cut the cord. but the kid is great because he said don t come pmpbls me. meanwhile, someone says, the neighborhood kids are destroying my property. sounds extreme, but i am at wits end. the electric fence is simply to kind of alert them, hey, there s a real world out there. these kids are crazy. you re not crazy to keep them out of your yard. kids are chasing around
hallucinations, if you will, generated by technology. i like the fact he would then say, you know what, wake up. there s a real world. see the fence and the way you felt when you touched it, it s a cure of sorts. i applaud the guy. i think that s interesting that there s a neighborhood that has so many pokemon kids trampling his yard. rve it s a plague. so is facebook. we have one other one. the mother sent the kid to camp. then at the end of camp, got something. you should tip the camp counselors $250 each. is that normal or nuts? well, it s nuts because as i understand it, the call came from the counselors saying, here s the recommend make it 2500. i love the arrogance there. it s crazy. it shows the narcissism of these kids, that they don t quite get it. if i were that parent, i d be in touch with the camp saying, here s what i got from your counsel lors. why aren t you paying them? dr. keith, thank you. i m here for tucker any time
he needs me. he needs a lot of help. in our final hour today, ivanka trump, who just helped her father unveil a childcare program. her next stop right here on fox & friends. she s going to sit down with ainsley. stick around, folks. can t see it. can t taste it. but there s so much more to it. here s how benefiber® works. inside each of us are trillions of good microflora that support good digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them so they can thrive. and what helps them, helps you and me every day.
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and to your family. it is wednesday, september 14th. this is a fox news alert. shocking vid quo of these cops that are standing there in that garage. they re the target of a speeding car. one of those officer brand new to the job. the breaking details of that driver s history going after the police. oh, man. and then yet another e-mail scandal this wednesday morning. humiliating hillary clinton. colin powell calls her, quote, dumb, and warns that everything she touches gets screwed up. we ve got more from this breaking story. how does he really feel? meanwhile, donald trump announces his plan to help working moms, but it s this baby
who stole the show. being compared to baby simba from the lion king. ivanka strump here to explain the real plan. live from new york city, you are watching fox & friends for a wednesday. look who s here this hour. we ve got the brand new miss america. and we have ivanka trump. two smart, amazing, powerful women. we re going to be talking to them right here on our set. with the best posture i have ever seen. unlike you. i feel guilty looking at them. so put together. tucker has been on plane, trarngs a train, and automobiles over the last year. today in particular, he s got a terrible stiff neck. you can t really move your neck. reminded our audio guy of this
song right here. remember the munster srkmunster? yeah, i m like lurch. the producers got me some kind of heat bpad, which is on my neck. underneath. the hairdresser just put it on. you are the best. thampbl that feels good? if you ve ever dreamt of having ainsley massage your neck, it feels good. ron williams is a little jealous, i think. juan, you re next. step on up. bring good tips. all right. in the meantime let s get to that raise to the white house. as hillary clinton stays sidelined from campaigning again today, she s still many bed, she s haunted by a brnd new e-mail scandal. it s really embarrassing. it s all thanks to form e secretary of state colin powell. senior political
correspondent mike emanuel is live in west chester, not far from hillary s place, with the details. reporter: steve, tucker, ainsley, good morning to you. secretary of state colin powell wrote about clinton, everything hrc touches, she kind of screws up with hubris. an aide to the former secretary of state colin powell confirms that he was indeed hacked. his e-mails are out there. aide says his office will have no further comment. powell wrote about hillary clinton e malt controversy, quote, hrc could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me to it. powell also wrote, quote, i told her staff three times not to try that gambit. i had to throw a olympian knee tantrum at a hamptons party to get their attention. she keeps tripping into these character mine fields. clinton sought powell s advice when she became secretary of state in 2009. powell has expressed the concern recently that clinton and her campaign are trying to pin her
e-mail controversy on him. powell did use personal e-mail during his time as secretary of state but did not have a personal server. we ve since learned that hillary clinton had a private server in her basement of her chappaqua home. that s also where she happens to be had healing from her pneumonia battle. we have learned that she will ru return to the campaign trail tomorrow in battleground north carolina. all right, mike emanuel. let s bring in juan williams. good morning to you. this colin powell e-mail exchanges that have been leaked by dc leak, a little embarrassing. i don t think there s any question. it s embarrassing for both sides. remember that powell is a guy that said, oh, i didn t tell her to have this kind of separate private e-mail system. it turned out he did. he had a private e-mail account. she had a machine. she had a server. but he was advising her on how to go about private communications. even with government officials.
i think that s why the democrats are pushing that out last week. now this week you get powell and his e-mails and communications saying she s kind of a dummy. yeah, and also revealing that the obamas and the clintons hate each other. let s just read directly from the e-mail. this is jeffrey leads, a big obama donor, speaking to colin powell. he say, i can t believe hillary i think hillary can t believe she might not make it. it s the one prize she wants. she has everything else, and she hates that the president, that man, as the clintons call him, kicked her behind in 2008. she can t believe it or accept it. the hostility it palpable. clearly this is not colin powell. this is communication to secretary powell. believe me, if you want to look at my e-mails, you d see a lot of poem have a lot of nasty things to say about hillhillary trump, and all the gang. you can see the quality of the communicati
communication. i don t doubt that hillary and bill clinton had some strong feelings. you know how bill clinton felt about laws in south carolina. i think obviously you had rivalries and you will people who are bitter and people like that donor who had put money into some pockets and didn t win. yeah. doesn t it remind us there s no transparency though. it s like everyone is saying stuff behind the scenes. you read these e-mail, and they re not saying that when they step opportunity to podium. this is how they really feel. people have hard feelings, but that s not yunique p. here s an e-mail from march of 2015. jeffrey leeds again to colin powell. sheldon whitehouse, who s a huge clinton supporter, said they were both giving speeches at same event a few months back, and she could barely climb the podium steps. what s the time frame? it says march 14th, 2015. this is a year and a half ago.
these are long-time concerns on the part of democrats who know hillary well. what you remember is the concussion and the whole thing with the glasses. then remember, bill clinton was on the air. he said in terms of we did hydration, he started to say frequent, then sort of more like once or twice. clearly, an ongoing problem. i think i mean, there was lots of talk yesterday about she doesn t drink a lot of water. why doesn t she drink water? doesn t want to go to the bathroom. i don t know. there had been concerns. i don t think they re concerns that somehow she s about to fall or die or go down dead. there have been a lot of concerns. ed klein has been saying this for how long. years now at least. you sat down with him earlier on the show. he s saying, i ve been telling you guys this for a long time. listen to his interview with steve. this collapse that we saw the
other day really had virtually nothing to do with her having pneumonia. this is much deeper. i had an interview with a friend who said she s not steady on her feet, she frequently gets dizzy at home, even when she climbs stairs. this is a friend who speaks to her. she has her legs elevated when she s at home because of her circulation problems. huma abedin brings her cold, water-soaked towels to put on her neck and her forehead. and bill has been beside himself, begging her to get a real checkup. so the clintons themselves have been at odds with each other because bill says you need to go see a doctor, figure out if something is the matter. flgts i don t know if i would buy ed klein is obviously a get conspiracy theorist about
the clintons. i think there s a real health issue. obviously we saw this. you know, for the most part, allergies don t cause pneumonia. pneumonia does not cause you to collapse out on the street. well, no, but if you are sick and i was sick last week. i had something. i had pneumonia. and i ve got allergies. if you sit out in the sun and get tired, if you don t rest, i think we re human beings and you know what happens. an hour and a half later if you have pneumonia to the point where it drops you, your legislation collapse from beneath you, and i ve seen this happen to people, an hour and a half later, you re not capable of walking unaid down the sidewalk smiling. it s just not real. what s not real is i think there s a lot of feeling among republicans, oh, my god, we wish she would go away and not beat donald trump. i think right now the polls show she s doing that. we see president obama on the campaign trail yesterday getting a strong response. his numbers going out there. now he s at more than 50%. you wrote the op-ed for fox news. you said he needs to get out
there, and if he does, she could win the white house. that s what he was doing in philadelphia yesterday. he was quite effective. now we re talking about who can stand in for someone who may be having physical ailments, right. the washington post had him at 58% approval over the weekend. you look at vice president biden, more than 50%. look at mrs. obama, 64% approval. the real issue is people like them more than they like her. that s true. absolutely. but look at contrast. who does trump have to go out aec and stand up for him? he doesn t have bush. he doesn t have romney. he has ivanka. and she s great guest. but there are no major political players who have that kind of clout with the voters, especially undecided voters and especially educated white women. oh, my god.
there s just no comparison. but she really needs a surrogate? she s the most famous person on planet earth. why does she need the president? we went through a very difficult primary process. you re saying if she wings, it s because of president obama. no, i think it s part of that story. i think it s very necessary. maybe i wouldn t say absolutely, because of president obama, but i think you look at the way the democratic party s coalescing around hillary clinton, they re going to help her. tucker was talking about someone helping her on the stage. he has a lot of helping hands right now available to her. she needs them. he s one of the five people over on five. we ll be watching you tonight. pleasure to be here. you guys get up early. the early birds get the worm. 45 minutes, we re done. oh, i m getting started. oh, my gosh. time for some news with heather. good morning. that s always the nice thing about morning show. you get your work done early in the day. good morning to all of you. a fox news alert to start out with. shocking video coming out of
phoenix, arizona. it shows the moment three police officers are intentionally hit by fast-moving car. one of those officers a rookie, his first day on the job. he s thrown up into the air, and into a store window. the suspect, mark payne, is then seen trying to fight off those officers. the rookie and a second officer stack l him and arrest him. gets propelled into that glass, has the guts to get up, get back in the fight, and take this guy into custody. unbelievable. he s a hero. payne now faces three counts of attempted murder. he was convicted of assault on police back from 1997. two officers still in the hospital but all three are expected to be okay. well, more than one year after the u.s. agreed to that landmark nuclear deal with iran, the state department now admits it may be make iran s behavior even worse. listen. you can t rule out that, in fact, this deal has served as cause for this more aggressive
posture. i mean, i can t rule that out. it s just, you know, iran, like many country, has an internal political process that s defind by a lot of different dynamics. what an amazing admission to make. well, that comes amid recent confrontation between the united states and iran, including this one. iranian boats harassing our ships last month. then over the weekend, iran threatened to shoot down a couple of the u.s. military spy planes that were operating in international air. those are requestyour headlines. unreal, that exchange with james. thank you very mup. a college quarterback sat for celebrating with this gesture out on the field. why that is being flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. and finally, congress manages to track down the guys who hooked up hillary clinton s illegal server. this is going to be good, right.
i respectfully decline to hans. i respectfully decline to answer. i assert my fifth amendment constitutional privilege. i have asthma.
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hillary clinton s e-mail scandal waking up this morning with more questions than answers. watch. i respectfully decline to answer. i respectfully decline to answer. i assert my fifth amendment privilege. i assert my fifth amendment constitutional privilege. congressman jason chaffetz of utah ran that hearing. we had him on a moment ago to tell us what it was like. fox news chief national correspondent joins us live from washington with the latest on this story. good morning, ed. reporter: good to see you, tucker. new information this morning from congressman jason chaffetz. if you want to know why those star witnesses from that colorado-based company, why they were taking the fifth, well, in a march 2515 back in march 2015, they destroyed hillary clinton else e-mail our conclusive with that substance bleach bit we ve heard so much about despite an order from congress to preserve records. in an e-mail released by the committee yesterday, employees at that colorado company seemed to regret that. one employee bluntly fretting about the possibility they were
covering up what he called some shady bleep. meanwhile, justin cooper, a long-time aide to former president bill clinton, did talk. boy, did he have some interesting things to say. he testified about using a hammer to smash two of hillary clinton s blackberry dwass. he also talked about how he had access to those hundreds and thousands of classified e-mails that were in the server. watch. did you have a security clearance at that time? no, i did not have a security clearance. after you left the white house early in when did you leaf the white house? 2001. did you ever have a security clearance at any level after that? no, i did not have a security clearance. now, democrats throughout this hearing yesterday said this investigation is a sham. it s just about beating up the democratic nominee for president with ground that s already been plowed over before. but chairman chaffetz was on last hour here on fox & friends and made it clear he s not giving up this
investigation, especially after that testimony about the hammer being used to destroy the blackberries. watch this. we re trying to preserve all the information, so we smashed it with a hammer. is that how you back up your devices, with a hammer? it s what you do when you don t want anybody else to see it. what he s referring to is that justin cooper, you saw him there in that clip on the side. this aide to former president bill clinton said that he was, quote, going out of my way to preserve all of the information on those blackberries. he wasn t hiding anything, even though he was using a hammer to smash those devices. guys? makes total sense. thanks a lot, ed. good to see you. well, ivanka trump helped her dad unveil a childcare problem. her next stop is here on fox & friends. her interview is next.
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should the internal revenue service commissioner be impeached for violating the public s trust? democrats are kicking and screaming, saying they won t that would not be fair, but did anybody bother to ask the conservatives who are actually targeted by the agency? jenny beth martin is the ceo of tea party patriots, one of the groups targeted by the irs. she joins us live. good morning to you. good morning. thanks so much for having me. okay. people are familiar with they know the story generally.
that the irs targeted conservative groups before the election a number of years ago. what did they do to you? well, we applied for our tax status so that we would be a 501c4 nonprofit organization. they delayed and delayed and delayed. they asked all sorts of questions like they wanted every single post and comment on our facebook page. they wanted passwords to our website. they wanted the names of our donors, which are supposed to be confidential. and they did that to uts. they did it to other groups around the country. in some groups, they asked for their reading list, the list of books that they read. it just the things they did went on and on and on. jenny beth, why do you think they were doing that? was that to slow you down, to essentially keep you on the sidelines during the political season? it was to slow us down, and it did keep us on the sidelines. in 2012, leading into the
election, we were told by our legal counsel not even to say the words obamacare because they were afraid by saying obamacare, we might be in trouble with the irs for using the word obama. so what happened ultimately to your group? ultimately, we did receive our tax status. we got that the day before i testified before congress. we received it through a phone call initially to our attorneys, which is never done. but the day before i testified before congress. how handy is that. well, obviously in your mind, you were targeted. they used the political power of the irs to target you. the commissioner has already been centured, but you want him impeached. why? alexander hamilton said that impeachment is a proper remedy when the public trust has been shattered or destroyed. they have destroyed the public trust. this will be a step to hold the
irs accountable and remind all appointed officials that if they go too far with the control of the government, that there is some sort of accountability. absolutely. let s see what happens. their going to take it up tomorrow. jenny beth martin, ceo of the tea party patriots, thank you. thank you. what do you think about that? e-mail us. meanwhile, coming up next. look at her. ivanka trump live.
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childcare for american families. with a little help from his daughter. having employed and empowered thousands of women at every level of his company throughout his entire career, my father understands the needs of the modern work force. we need working mothers to be fairly compensated for their work and have access to affordable, quality childcare for their kids. we want higher pay, better wages, and a growing economy for everyone. continuing that message is ivanka trump. she s the executive vice president of development and acquisitions at trump organization. and she helped her father craft these new childcare proposals and wrote an op-ed released yesterday. great to have you here. thank you. it s a pleasure to be here. you did a great job last night, rolling out the childcare plan. your dad says this is your baby. why is that? well, my father is actually being modest in this regard,
while i take tremendous pride in it. it s an extension of my personal priorities. i have long advocated for professional women, my whole professional career. my father has also employed thousands of women throughout his life. he understands their needs. he recognizes the challenges with our broken childcare system. he wants to propose innovative new solutions to those challenges. so childcare currently is too expensive. it s disproportionately affecting women who are typically the primary caregivers, even though in 40% of cases, we re also the primary breadwinners. the fact that 47% of the u.s. labor force is now composed of women, yet we re often obviously taking care of not only our children but also elderly dependents. so we came up with a great plan for not only childcare but for elder care. and really relieving some of the financial pain that comes along with these really important and
incredible responsibilities. after your speech last night, i was flipping around channels and watching different interviews. there are some critics out there. they say this is more of a democratic plan. some are labeling it the entitlement expansion. why s what are response? no, it s an american plan, a family plan. it s one that s long overdue. these are enormous problems. we need to create optionalty and create a more robust marketplace for childcare solutions. so, you know, the one size fits all constitutiinstitutional mod childcare doesn t fit everyone. if you live in rural communities, you won t have access to that kind of childcare. enabling people, we propose for the first time to open dependent care savings accounts, which people can add pretax zldollarso that they can use to either help 245ir children with childcare of after-school enrichment activities. that appreciates tax free. or they can create a dependent
care savings account for an elderly dependent they re looking after. we really have to tackle the issue of wage disparity in this country, and now even more so than gender, motherhood is the driver of the difference between wages, between men and women. you have three children. you had your last baby about the same time i did. i cannot believe that some kmaens do not have paid maternity leave. i don t know what woman that can just have a baby and then not get a paycheck. most women can t afford that. you don t bounce right back. i think that s great. six weeks of paid maternity leave. well, 90% of american companies don t offer it. that s unbelievable. and it is you know, the way we proposed it is very nofl. it s part of the existing unemployment insurance which companies are already required to carry because obviously there s an expense associated with providing this benefit to your employees. and we recognize that. therefore, we think we crafted something very innovative
cutting back on fraud, waste, and abuse in the existing unemployment system, unemployment insurance, we can cover it there. but we agree, it is long overdue. it s vitally important. so sounds great. this is all wonderful. it sounds great, but how do we pay for it? we re in debt, $19 trillion, national debt. this going to cost an estimated $150 billion. on thursday, my father will be rolling out a comprehensive plan, and this is baked into that for an overall tax reform. so this will be budget neutral. it s baked into the larger picture of his overall economic plan. and he ll be unveiling it on thursday. so this is definitely accounted for. you know, decreasing the deficit is something that he takes incredibly seriously and is lazer focused on. okay. well, women definitely need a voice. if we read some of the statistics you wrote about in
the op-ed, 70% of moms with kids under 8 are working now. number of single moms doubled in the
my kids love him. they call him grandpa. but we spent a lot of time together, particularly on the weekends. obviously family holidays. so my little daughter loves to tag around with him while he walks his jobs, which is something i did when i was a little kid. so the other day we were actually walking down a new york city street, and she pointed out a pothole to me. she was amazing. so she s internalizing all of this. last night, i almost brought her
to the speech. i really wanted to. but ultimately, it would have been too late of a night. she watched it with my older son and my husband. they were clapping. after i was done, she s so used to seeing her grandfather on tv, that now she wants to watch doc mcstuffins instead. but she enjoyed me. she was clapping. so many people you know, your dad is relatable among the blue-collar individuals, even hoe he s a millionaire, some say billionaire. but he s relatable to the average american person. can go into any room and shake hands and people like him. how do you let your hair down? well, you know, i think my z i don t have a lot of time to do that these days. the time when i m really in my element is when i m at home with my husband and children. on the weekends. so i literally let my hair down. no makeup, no anything.
it s really about focus time with my kids and with my family. so for me, outside of, you know, running my business, running are the trump organization, alongside my adult siblings, obviously this campaign, which is so incredible and important, it doesn t give me a lot of time around the edges. so my priority is obviously being with my family. i want to ask you about your husband. it s every girl s dream for her dad and husband to get along. they seem close. they re incredibly close. how is that relationship? it s a burgeoning relationship. how has that developed over the years? they ve always gotten along very well and have great respect for one another. my husband is an incredible developer here in new york city and around the country. initially, they bonded by talking about real estate. but there was just a great chemistry and a great respect and great affection between the two of them that continued. so i feel very fortunate in that regard. the same with my in-laws. we re very close.
and it s great to have family around you that is as supportive as ours is. we feel very lucky. a lot of people want to see you out on the campaign trail. we were out there on the plaza a few days ago. one of the ladies said, his kids are his biggest asset, so the more they see you, maybe the higher the numbers go up. congratulations for last night. thank you. also, people are asking if the dress you wore last night was yours. i know the one in the convention, the pink one, was. this one is. the one i wore last night was not. it was not. i don t mix it up that often. i typically only wear my shoes and my dresses. but last night i was wearing something else. what s great about your line is it s very affordable. i have two pairs of your shoes. i love that. thank you. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate that. i know our viewers just really love hearing from you. so thank you for being here. thank you. steve, over to you. all right. thank you very much, ainsley. ivanka, great interview. coming up on this wednesday, three officers blatantly
targeted in an arizona parking lot. oh, my goodness. but what the driver didn t count on was their ability to get back up and take him down. a live report from phoenix next. and she s the 21-year-old college student who just became miss america. miss arkansas! [ cheers and applause ] that s right. she s in our green room right now. you ll get to meet her after the break. good morning. we thought fibers that help you stay regular
caused unwanted gas. not good. then we switched to new mirafiber. only mirafiber supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber and is less likely to cause. unwanted gas. finally. try new mirafiber. from the makers of miralax. good morning and welcome back. 15 minutes before the top of the hour. quick headlines right now. flagged for faith on the football field. texas christian university quarterback kenny hill called for unsportsmanlike conduct for his signature touchdown
celebration on saturday. you see that right there. the ref thought he was making a throat-slashing motion, but it was really sign language for giving thanks to god. and taking the plunge to the extreme. a reckless daredevil jumps 200 feet from the top of a waterfall. watch this. wow. that guy gets a running head start before he plunges off that cliff in hawaii. you hear a thud as he hits the water. the impact was so hard, it knocked him out. luckily, there were tourists nearby to rescue him. those are your headlines. back over to you. all right. thank you very much. so hillary clinton still off the tomorrow. right now she s convalescing in her mention in chappaqua, new york. nonetheless, the president of the united states, who has ed klein detailed earlier, the clintons and the obamas hate each other s guts. nonetheless, he was out there
stumping for her yesterday because he would love to have his legacy continue. and you know who s thrilled by this? truly thrilled. who s that? i would say the american news media. you think so? so there was so much good material of how they kept saying this is just what the doctor ordered. we went through it all. we picked out a few bites because there were so many we couldn t show them all. here s a little montage of what the mainstream media was saying last night. was it what the doctor ordered? with hillary clinton recovering from pneumonia, president obama hits the trail and takes aim at donald trump. tonight, trump takedown. with hillary clinton sidelined, a fiery president obama unloads on trump. and he looked a little bit like a retired athlete thrilled to be back in the game. his comments were just what the doctor ordered for a recuperating clinton, who spent the day accepting flower deliveries. with hillary clinton at home recovering, president obama took over on the campaign trail
today, stepping up to the podium, loosening his tie, blowing a kiss, and getting right down to business. so there you go. can i ask a legal question? when reporters become surrogates for a presidential campaign, do they have to report that to the fec? these are basically contributions that america s news anchors are offering up to hillary clinton. are they reporting this? i don t know. are they? they should. i m going to call a lawyer on that. funny stuff. but true. oh, tucker. meanwhile, she s the 21-year-old college student who just became our next miss america. her name is savvy shields. come on in. first, let s check in with bill hemmer to find out what s the coming up. morning to all three of you. looking forward to that interview. more e-mails and what colin powell thinks about hillary clinton and donald trump. a very interesting read this morning. there might be some sunny news for republicans. we ll show you the numbers. and is this race turning?
what we kind of think we re seeing out there as of this morning. no subpoena? no problem. what next for the house committee trying to figure out what s up with that server. we ll see you in 11 minutes on america s newsroom. it s time for the can-am yellow tag sales event. get a cash rebate of up to $2000 on selected models. or get the outlander l starting at $5,599. don t miss out. visit your local dealer before october 31st. can-am, the ride says it all. [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ]n ] on the road again just can t wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month.
miss arkansas! savvy shields! wow. her life changed in that very moment in a big way. she is now miss america 2017, but how much do you know about savvy shields? well, she joins us now to answer all of those burning questions. the first question is, savvy is short for savannah? absolutely. who calls you savannah?
only my ballet teacher. your mother doesn t call you savannah when you re in trouble? only when i was a little kid. but to have a complementary adjective as a first name. coolest thing ever. i named one of my kids suave. i wanted to. my wife vetoed it. she s so sweet and southern she just went with it. bless her heart. since you were crowned miss america, how many times have you had the metal hat taken off? hopefully only twice, when i go to sleep. it s glued to my head. how shocked were you? it was the most surreal moment of my entire life. i ve never worked so hard for something. you always think about it in this dream world, like, oh, it could happen, but you never really think of it happening. you re so unprepared for your reaction. watching it again, i forgot how i reacted. i m thankful i didn t make a complete fool of myself. i was so shocked. you seem pretty put together. well, thank you. tell us about yourself.
i m savvy shields. i m from arkansas. i m an art major at the university of arkansas. because of the miss america organization, after my year as miss america, i ll go back, graduating college debt free, and get my masters. i got $90,000 in scholarships. unreal. it s the largest scholarship organization for women. and a six-figure salary. no one makes six figures in college. i know. i was even asked in my interview, what am i going to do with it. i m going to invest it, absolutely. the rest of the year, i ll be living in hotels and getting to hopefully meet everyone aacross the country. you got to buy something. shoes or something. shopping gives me anxiety. i really can t do it. now i love you. if it s more than $20, i really have to think about it for a good long time. $20 is a lot, especially when you re in college. it s my limit. can that be your platform, against shopping? what an inspiration. girls against shopping. how very un-american.
we need to have people out shopping. so you re from one of the great states in the country, arkansas, the diamond state. overlooked by many. it is. it s a wonderful state. have you gone back? i have not gone back yet. you re going to be huge. everybody in the state, i m sure, is watching. the craziest thing. there s so many volunteers and sponsors. i would not be as savvy as i am today without them. i m a collection of every single human i ve met. i have so many people to thank. well, miss america pageant is focused on scholarships. so it s education. you also have to be very talented. there s a talent that s part of the pageant. you got up there and you danced. i did. you could kick your leg up. we were trying to get her to show see, here she is. how many years of dance training have you had? i ve been dancing since i was 3 years old. it is my favorite thing in the entire world. that s what got me into pa jebts. i just wanted to dance in front of people. what do you want to be when you grow up?
the dream is to be an artist. after college and after getting my masters and hopefully i ll be able to work in a museum and then maybe teach at the collegiate level. then long term, down the road, hopefully be able to commission my own work. your dad would be happy with that because he s the dean. he is. absolutely. how handy having your dad grade your papers. oh, he does not grade my papers. but he does make sure i m studying a lot. i know they re so proud of you. they re so proud of me. the greatest thing is that they were my biggest supporters, every single moment. they were the people that kind of helped me along. so nice. savvy shields, have a great year. thank you so much. round of applause, miss america. [ applause ]
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americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. that s why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you well, tomorrow on the fox & frien friends program, donald trump will be joining us live and his running mate.
it s the whole ticket. that s right. and it was just the ticket today having ivanka. she s the real winner of this election. speaking of winners, we re going to be talking to miss america s savvy shields in the after the show, show. tucker can t move his neck still. see you t bill: good morning. hackers leaking colin powell s messages. he s sounding off about hillary clinton connecting him to the email scandal and he has choice word for donald trump. martha: hackers released 30,000 of colin powell s private emails showing a wide variety of topics over self years. his harshest words are saved for hillary clinton and donald trump. last march he emailed this quote. quote,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160425 10:00:00

the point is, we have to reform many of our economies, but the answer to reform is not to start cutting ourselves off from each other. good morning. you re listening to president obama. he s speaking to an industrial group in hannover, germany, addressing a number of issues of international concern. also announcing 250 troops headed to syria, additional u.s. military personnel. and the president will be monitoring this, addressing also the relationship between the united states and germany and how much they have done together and can do together, moving forward. good morning, everyone. it s monday, april 25th. welcome to morning joe. with us on set, we have the macking editor of bloomberg politics and the co-host of with all due respect, that airs at 6:00 p.m. eastern time on msnbc, mark halperin. political writer for the new york times, nicholas confessore, and professor harold
ford jr. then we go to washington. where we find pulitzer prize winning columnist and msnbc political analyst, eugene robinson. and what?! pulitzer prize winning editorial writer for the washington post and msnbc contributor, jonathan capehart. good to have you all on board this morning. i have nowhere to begin. how was everybody s weekend? did everybody have a good weekend? was it okay? anybody do anything big this weekend? because i tell you, i was, you know, sitting home, you know, you know, in my t-shirt, reading twitter. i felt like a total loser. really? like, everybody went to see bruce springsteen play his tribute to prince. apparently that was very cool. and i m sitting there eating corn chips. it s all on youtube, you can just watch it there. so i shouldn t feel bad? everybody was there. bruce bruce in brooklyn.
that s big. what did you do, nick? you re young. you had to have had a good time. i watched part of the game of thrones premiere until it stopped and told me i had to choose between that and fear the walking dead. a horrible choice. meryl streep had her choice in sophie s choice and now you have yours. six of one, half dozen of another. sophie had nothing on you. we had major developments in politics over the weekend. nobody got stabbed. bringing things to the table that makes no sense to anybody. makes a lot of sense if you re not under 30 years old. i m more than prince. i m a big prince fan. i listened to that marathon incredibly talented. he wrote the sound track to my life. so bless his soul. mm-hmm. all right, so big developments in politics over the weekend.
ted cruz and john kasich are teaming up against donald trump. the campaigns announced last night that they are dividing up the primary map to clear a path for each other in select states. so far, kasich is getting the oregon and new mexico primaries to himself, while cruz has next week s indiana primary. still no agreement on the last big prize, california, where a fox news poll so, mark, this deal a little late? it s a little late, right? it s like you re sitting in purgatory and saying, you know, if i have a chance, i m going to start going to church more regularly. no! i mean, it s too late, right? it s not mathematically too late, but the headline there called this a shock deal. others have called it a deal of desperation. if trump wins indiana or wins it big, it s over. and it s been true for a while. and this is really about indiana. this is about one step at a time. having made the deal, if cruz can t beat trump in indiana,
it s over, barring some huge everybody s been saying, trump is winning by 30, 40 points, and new york and sweeping all these ah, forget about that, indiana. forget about that, indiana. indiana s going to be his waterl waterloo. two polls out this week and trump s up in indiana. but with kasich out, there s a chance cruz could beat him there now. that s what this is about. it s about stopping him in indiana, because the symbolism of stopping him in indiana and the math of stopping him in indiana is vital, if they re going to keep him from a majority. but the assumption means that people who are supporting kasich or cruz dislike trump so much, that they re going to jump to the other guy to stop trump, which i just think, that s a lot of ifs and assumptions. i m not saying you. they re so different. they re very different. it s less about voters that be it is about the outside groups and the super pacs. the super pac group is running pro-cruz, anti-kasich ads.
they need every dollar spent to stop trump if i m going to vote for john kasich ain t no way in hell i m voting for ted cruz. and vice versa. and vice versa. it could backfire. it costs ted cruz not much to cede oregon to john kasich. yeah. let s go to the polls. what do they do when they get to the convention. what s the new deal? say all this works, who gets the there ll now be a week of negative ads against donald trump in indiana, which before had been divided. which may actually help his numbers go up. but they didn t in wisconsin. okay. so donald trump has a big lead going into tomorrow s contests in the northeast. big lead. massive. in rhode island, the brown university poll gives trump a double-digit lead. 38% to john kasich s 25% with 14% for ted cruz. in pennsylvania, trump leads in the latest nbc/ wall street
journal /marist poll, 45% to 27%. crushing him. for cruz and then kasich at 24%. trump is ahead in the cbs/yougov. poll. but was bemoaning the large number of unbound delegates according to pennsylvania s rule. it s an unfair thing. because i m way up in pennsylvania, but in pennsylvania, i think you get 17 delegates and the rest you have to negotiate for. what is this?! what s going on?! come on, you know what he just said there, that s what everybody s thinking! i win pennsylvania by 20 to 25 points and then you want me to negotiate?! no! i m negotiating directly with the voters. this fits right in with his brand. no. not only does it fit into the brand, it s time for people in my party and with democrats, too, with super delegates, which is just a total scam, and an insider s game, to just say, enough is enough. the system s rigged! you don t negotiate with party
insiders. people go to the polls, they vote, they exercise their democratic right, and then we decide who wins based on the voting. it sounds nice. it sounds it actually sounds like america. on the other hand, how many times you say it sounds nice, i say it sounds like america. i was going to say, how can he he goes state after state and acts surprised, i can t believe these are the rules! because he s doing that along with the people. on purpose. but he knows the rules. my point is, people are surprised their vote doesn t count. it s a ridiculous system. i m just saying the act is a little much. you have some utopian vision that voters should be able to pick the party nominee. no, actually, voters have that utopian vision. i that do. i m telling you, if anybody out there in the republican establishment think that they gain any points by mocking trump
for believing that if he wins a state by 20 to 25 points, he should win the delegates, and not then have to go negotiate. i tell you what, i would be raising holy hell. i just would. i would be raising hell. that s what we do for a living. i would be saying, it s a good act on his part. if i won a state by 25 poisnts and they try to take it away from me, that s all i would be talking about. i would burn their place to the ground politically and salt the earth so nothing would ever grow there again, politically. no, i would. i would say, i m going to come back and win the nomination, i m going to circle back around. if i don t get all these delegates i deserve politically, i ll work the next four years to destroy your political career. it is so unfair. and these super delegates, it is the same thing on the democratic side. it s a scam. it s a total scam. thank you. people are talking about bernie sanders not doing well right now. bernie sanders was screwed from
the establishment from the get-go! they screwed him in iowa, screwed him with delegates from the get-go. these are going to turn into irrelevant country clubs pretty soon if they don t clean this up. there are some states where trump has gotten more delegates than the percentage of the votes he s got. he s benefited from the system in some cases. kasich and cruz had this late deal last night. trump was up saying, perfect pitch, this is all about insiders and losers trying to stop me. today kasich and cruz are going to have to comment themselves on this deal. and it s going to be very hard. that s awkward. awkward. they hate each other. talking about process and how they re teaming up to stop trump. and trump s going to be talking about a rigged system. again, again, again, republicans missing their nose in front of their face, because they will end up getting ted cruz. if they somehow end up getting ted cruz, if they somehow wrangle that for themselves, that will be the worst thing ever for them. by the way, tell me about a senator in new hampshire or some other state that wants ted cruz to come campaign for him or her?
they don t. listen, trump s still going to get 12307. okay. well, i don t care if he does or doesn t. i think he s very likely to get i m more convinced today that he can get above 1,237 heading into the convention. i think the comparison between sanders is a little bit i don t think sanders was mistreated by the democratic party. sanders had oh, my god! he s been screwed from the beginning with the debates, with iowa. oh, please! debbie wasserman schultz, she s not in the tank, she built the tank. i agree that she should have added more debates. but nick s point is halfway right. trump knew going in these rules. but it does seem weird you can win a state as big as he s winning and still have to walk away and try to figure out how to convince people the democrats don t have a system quite like that on our side. so we say, in that regard, there s not a fair parallel. but i think trump gets the you have something else.
but it s so much worse with the super delegates. like i ve said before, if republicans had a scam system like democrats, with the super delegates, jeb bush would still be in the race. jeb would have gotten 500 super delegates. he could have lost the first ten primaries and found his groove and picked i was going to say, there hasn t been an election in which the super delegates went against the candidate, the actual pledged delegate lead. it hasn t actually ever been tested as a way to overrule the votes. and sanders, as well, has also won in a lot of states or has gotten more delegates than his votes the a lot of states. he s actually benefited from the caucus system. think about the impact, though, of having those super delegates. every night, every night, every from the beginning with iowa. from the beginning. iowa is and because of the proportional nature of this, yes, bernie sanders won the state by 87 percentage points, but with the super delegates and the fact that he ll only get one more delegate than hillary clinton, there s no we were saying there was no way he was going to catch up with her when
we were 10% into this game. it s so rigged on the democratic side. but it creates an overhang it does. but if he won states, super delegates would shift. let s go to gene robinson. well, joe, it would be your point would be, i think, more valid if bernie were not behind in regular delegates. i mean, he s getting beat in pledged delegates. so when he overtakes hillary clinton in pledged delegates, then, yes, he has an argument to the super delegates. and what happens is the super delegates do listen. now, you know, i don t like the system. i think the system is wrong. i don t think there should be super delegates. but what we saw in 2008 was that the super delegates, as the people switched from clinton to obama, the super delegates followed. they jumped ship. and that s what they would do again. i m convinced. but, you know, there s no reason for them to now, because their candidate is winning in pledged
delegates. my point is, and not just for this race, for any race is it creates an air of inevitability, jonathan capehart. so let s say jeb bush loses in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina. if you turn around, he s still 500 delegates up because and every night and then you add the super delegates, which they do all time, jeb would still be getting money. his people would say, just hang in there. it just creates a dynamic that always favors and it was meant to, the party establishment. right. but as gene said, if senator sanders were winning in pledged delegates, the super delegates would listen. and also, you know, let s keep in mind that the problem that bernie sanders has is not that super delegates are all with hillary clinton. it s that he went through southeastern states, where the bedrock of the democratic party are african-americans, who did not go for him.
and so, powered former secretary clinton to huge victories that allowed her to rack up big portions of pledged delegates. so you blame the super delegate system all you want. the fact that he doesn t have a lead in pledged delegates is the problem. i agree. so as we pull out of the weeds here, ted cruz continued to clean up in delegate contests this weekend. did you see this this weekend? yeah. a good thing paul manafort came on. seriously! this guy s a fixer. he s an insider, man. he s claiming to fix the wrong thing, in my opinion. he s a fixer. no, no, no. i don t know what s going on here, but my gut is he s actually going for the he s actually very good, though. if you look at paul manafort, he came in to do the delegates, but he decided he was going to do everything else and take over the campaign you re not supposed to be talking about him. you re supposed to be talking about the candidate. it s not about him. he s going to the rnc and going, listen, i know that you think that donald trump is like what you see on tv, but i m
telling you, he does what every washington consultant does, pats, you know, condescendingly pats the candidate on the head and says, listen, now that i m in charge here. don t worry, everything s i ve heard this a million times. consultants come in and he leaks the story, it gets out there that he s the savior, he leaks the rnc meeting and he s the almighty powerful one. and while he s doing all of this stuff exactly! and this is what they all do. every washington consultant, they were born it s in their dna. i m going to go in, first thing i m going to do is i m going to fight an internal war and take over. they may be good at what they do, but their ego can t help themselves. they must let the world know. then he s talking to reporters and leaking stuff. the one thing he s supposed to do, he doesn t do! he failed miserably. his campaign installed supporters through local election events in maine, minnesota, south carolina, and
utah. hold on, halperin, we ll let you refute this. spin. as joe alluded to, this raises some new questions about the man who was brought on to specifically help with these delegate battles. that s his job, right? right? that s what he does. he s good at it. we re bringing him on. paul manafort who down played this. the only vote that matters is the vote that s cast when the roll call is called. on saturday, ted cruz won zero. not 36, not 6, zero delegates. what was done on saturday was simply confirming the votes of primaries. most of the conventions that happened yesterday were set in stages a month or two ago. and before, frankly, i was involved. he got absolutely pounded. absolutely pounded. this is what he s supposed to do. mark halperin, you going to spin for the establishment. go ahead. what establishment? for the insurgents in the trump campaign. he comes from washington to clean trump up, and he s leaking
that he s the grown-up, and that trump has been a clown, and that he s going to make trump a grown-up. well, on the delegate issue, it s what he just said is true. it s too little for him to fix some of the things that have already happened. that were already set in motion in terms of the delegate selection process in some of these states. if trump gets to 1,400 delegates, which is what he and the campaign are telling people, none of this will matter. what matters is, changing trump s image in order to become a strong general election candidate. what he said to the rnc, i don t think trump disagrees with. oh, no, trump does disagree with it, because he started saying he mocked it publicly, but they have an extraordinarily effective good cop/bad cop routine going. really? i don t think it s very effective. i think it s as transparent as it gets. i can tell you, i have not spoken with trump since these developments. i can tell you most assuredly that donald trump is not pleased. not pleased that he said it, but in terms of what the
strategy yeah, not pleased at all. but the strategy, they re in sync on the strategy, just not the fact that it came out. that he s going around being condescending to his candidate, like all consultants do? and elbowing out people. and leaking it. what did he leak? oh, please! still ahead on morning joe what happened at the rnc. he didn t put that in the strategy. you ve seen it a million times. exactly. it was someone else. you re right, you re right. you guys are right. still ahead, how hillary clinton became a hawk. but i will say this, their that campaign has been almost completely leak-proof. it s fun to watch. for nine months. suddenly, we re starting to hear whispers and leaks coming out of that campaign, making it to the news. because there was no campaign five months ago. and now there are. so now there are people that come in and are leakers. exactly. and also people there are two camps in the campaign now,
and there are leaks between them and against each other. which is also typical in campaigns. it s nice to see this campaign becoming a lot more like a normal campaign. and leaking so you can have stories. but also winning a majority of the delegates. wait, they have okay, so the new york times magazine has a revealing new look at the candidates appetite for intervention. we re talking about hillary clinton. and the acting secretary of the u.s. army, patrick murphy. and david jol whereley who s ru for marco rubio s seat in florida, but demands to do it without playing the fund-raising game. so will he get elected? let s go to bill karins with a check on the forecast. after a pretty nice weekend, we have a very active week of dangerous weather heading our way. we expect maybe one, possibly two tornado outbreaks this week alone. started last night. we didn t see many tornadoes last night, but had a lot of reports of large hail in kansas and a lot of strong, gusty winds. this was kind of our warm-up act to what we re going to experience. i think tuesday will be the peak of our severe weather this week
with another one possible on friday. let s take you to the map. the storm from yesterday has weakened. now rain in north dakota. so later today, if you re in the chicago area, all the way back down towards me peoria and spring hill, large hail and damaging winds. but tuesday, severe weather possible from san antonio to omaha. this is tornado alley. a lot of storm chasers out there. we have a moderate risk of severe weather. the second highest category and when they issue that two days ahead of time, that means the possibility of tornados and strong tornadoes, typical of late afternoon, early evening time from oklahoma city to witchta and heading towards kansas city, as the sun begins to set. so, again, today, isolated severe storms. tomorrow, looks like possible tornado outbreak in the central plains. leaving you with a shot of new york city, pretty tranquil weather after gorgeous weekend. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back.
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23 past the hour.
billionaire charles koch suggested that he may be open to supporting hillary clinton for president, and that it is possible she would make a better president than her republican rivals. so, is it possible another clinton could be better than another republican? it s possible. it s possible. you couldn t see yourself supporting hillary clinton, could you? well, i her we would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. let me put it that way. some of the republican candidates, before we could support them, we have to believe their actions would be quite different than the rhetoric we ve heard so far. that s pretty remarkable, actually. that it s honest. it really is, it s honest, and he s saying what i ve heard a lot of republicans say, mark. which is a lot of republican fund-raisers quietly tell me, voting for hillary. boy, i ve heard that a lot. keep the house and senate
hands and support hillary clinton. it s the front page wall street journal people, a lot of business people say hillary clinton might be their safest choice for the kind of centrist policies they re looking for. whoever the republican nominee is must change that to have a chance to win. raise money, and to build spo support. from small business people around the country. if the republican party is not seen as the party that s better for business, they cannot win. you know, we ve heard and have been saying it on the air now for months and months and months, that we have people, mainly small business people, coming up and whispering to us, i m going to vote for trump. that s something you never heard from the big money people. i do not hear them say they re going to vote for cruz. all the big money people, all the big money people who contribute to the republican party and have been driving it for years, almost to a and i would say, man, would say, i m voting for hillary. i think that will probably change, but right now, that s
what a lot of them are saying. i was going to say, charles koch is not going to vote for or give money to hillary clinton. everybody s kind of overreading that interview. he s saying that if she actually is lying to everybody this whole time about her beliefs, then maybe, if, in fact, she had different beliefs under that, he would vote for her. that s not what he s saying is, if it s between hillary clinton and donald trump, he s not going to vote for donald trump. he might not vote for hillary clinton, but he s going to be but ted cruz is not super popular in their donor world that they have. but the activists of their grassroots groups actually do like ted cruz, which puts him in a difficult position. training. i think maybe charles would write in somebody or would vote for the probably vote for a libertarian, whoever s on the libertarian line. but i don t see him voting for trump or clinton. clinton took to twitter yesterday to respond saying is, she was quote, not interested in endorsements from people who deny climate science and try to
make it harder for people to vote. so she doesn t want the koch vote. it was another weekend she certainly takes an awful lot of money from people who whose vote that she who drill oil and make a lot of money doing the same exact thing that the koch brothers do. so that s very interesting. is that fair? also, the kochs are not deeply involved in groups or give money to groups of their own groups that fight vote rights. that s not really one of their causes. in fact, have said, that s not us, we re not into that, that s not our cause. an interesting one for her to pick. it s a short tweet, but both halves of it were wrong. it was another weekend full of massive crowds for bernie sanders in providence, rhode island, an estimated 7,000 people and near yale s campus in new haven, connecticut, some
14,000 people. but as of late, the giant turnout at events have not translated into critical wins. but he kept up the pressure all weekend long on hillary clinton, in spite of her campaign s call to tone it down. this campaign is doing well and will win, because we are listening to [ cheers and applause ] because we are listening to ordinary people and not spending half my life with the billionaires trying to hustle campaign contributions. now, what hillary clinton and what the establishment think, they think we don t have the guts to take on the private insurance companies or the drug companies. they are wrong.
so this is what i was schooled about last week by cokie roberts, as to why he shouldn t fall in line and get right behind hillary clinton in terms of at least supporting some of her positions or at least not attacking her on some of the issues that what were you schooled? i was educated. i was told i was wrong. but nick, you write in the new york times, bernie sanders and allies aim to shape democrats agendas after primaries. even after his chances of winning the democratic presidential nomination slip away, senator bernie sanders and his allies are trying to use his popularity to expand his political influence, setting up an ideological struggle for the soul of the democratic party in the post-obama era. aides to mr. sanders have been pressing party officials for a significant role in drafting the platform for the democratic convention in july, aiming to lock in strong planks on issues like a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage, breaking up wall street banks, and banning natural gas fracking. the pressure from mr. sanders and his allies is putting the party establishment in a
delicate position. democratic leaders are wary of steering the party too far left, but do not want to alienate sanders supporters, whose votes mrs. clinton needs in november, or risk losing the vast new donor base mr. sanders has created. he was on face the nation this weekend yeah. can we take a look. sure. bernie sanders. oh, we don t have it. alex, what were you doing this weekend? you don t have the sound for that. you know, i ve told you, sunday mornings are not for smoking dope. well, i ve been i was watching willie s show and i re-ran willie s show and watched smoking dope. we ve got it, actually. do you want to take a look? oh, la-di-da. go ahead. roll it. i was asking is whether you ll take the fight all the way to the convention and say something like, if you don t get the nomination, i would like hillary clinton to support that $15 national minimum wage, reinstate glass-steagall, come out against fracking more
forcefully. make specific requests like that. john, that was a very good start. you re doing well. keep going. i love it! by the way, cokie was lovely. it was more the people translating our conversation. on twitter saying, oh, cokie schooled you. she was great. she was making a very good point that bernie sanders, at some point, needs to help bring the party together. it doesn t appear he s ready to. and i think it s because he feels so strongly about some of these key issues. and i like it. i see he and elizabeth warren holding strong for what they feel is important. and they will come on board when they get a little bit of what hay need. with all due respect to both of them, we re all democrats. and they may disagree with some of the positions that some democrats have taken over the years. but the arrogance in thinking that they had owner in a monopoly, when believing that we ought to empower the middle class, that we ought to figure out ways to pay workers more, to make our environment cleaner and
address climate change, if they had the answers, it would make them almost like the other side. i think the arrogance to believe to think they should fall in line. but we have a long tradition in this country, you run for political office, if you don t win, you work with the people that have won. at the beginning of the show, more votes matter. ed rendell said over the last few days, if pennsylvania votes with sanders, he ll switch his vote to bernie sanders. so we ve never had a situation where the super delegates didn t go with a majority of the party. but i agree that the super delegates situation needs to be changed. i think there s a tradition where you sit down with the other candidate, the winning candidate, and figure out ways in which to work together. there s an arrogance on the part of that campaign. there s not arrogance on the part of the campaign. that s not the word i would use. they re still in the middle of the game. i m responding to what nick s article suggests. they ve got thousands and thousands of people right now and she has millions and millions of votes. that are still going out to see them.
there are people that believe in him. and he has decided that he s not fighting just to win this police race, he s fighting to change the democratic party. because he is afraid, and if i were a democrat, i would be afraid of the fact that the person that was about to win the nomination was more of a neocon than either of two republican candidates. and more cozy with wall street. and more cozy with wall street than either of the republican candidates. she is pro-wall street. what does pro-wall street mean? she s grown up around billionaires. so much so that when she was saying that she was only worth $100 million, that she was not, quote, that rich. because, as you know, the people she hangs out with have nothing in common with the rank and file democrats that bernie is speaking to. but joe, so you ignore her entire record of public service, her entire no. i m not no, i m not ignoring it. but by the way, she shouldn t
listen to debbie wasserman schultz and other people saying, bernie shouldn t get out of the race now, get out of the race. i m responding to what nick wrote, after the race, he s going to try to influence he should rye to influence the bernie sanders campaign began as a protest movement, and then it became a viable bid for the presidency, and it may well end again as a protest movement. i think what she s saying is her policy record on wall street, her planks and her platform for this campaign are actually quite strong. but she has these long-standing relationship, personal, financial, and political with wall street, and part of bernie sanders is saying, let s lock in some specifics with this platform, let s put our money where our mouth is and make sure the voice of the people who supported me is heard after this election is over. that s not unusual. that s not unusual. hold out for it. this is what the clintons are best at. and by the time of the convention, nick s people is absolutely right. today the sanders people want as many delegates as possible for leverage. by the time of the convention,
the clintons will have united the democratic party with a center-left coalition, with bernie sanders being given a really prominent speaking spot at the convention, his delegates are expected, a finessing of the platform, and they will come out of their convention much more united than the republicans will. i agree. jonathan capehart, final thoughts? i agree with what mark said. but will the damage have been done to hillary clinton for the general election, given the comments that senator sanders, that he continues to make. the attacks he continues to make against secretary clinton on the campaign trail? i think she needs to address them, and then that would help put them away and not focus on bernie sanders as the enemy here. don t be afraid. respond. she s for the minimum wage increase. she s for just about everything he s for. yeah, we ll talk. she s for it. she s for all right, jonathan capehart, we thank you so much for being here. we ll see you again tomorrow on way too early. and the must-read opinion pages stale ahead.
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39 past the hour. fans across the world spent the weekend celebrating the life of prince. his oscar-winning movie, purple rain, played at theaters across
the country. and the bells at city hall in his hometown, minneapolis, chimed to the tune of his hits. bruce springsteen opened his concert on saturday with this tribute. yamaha also released this picture of the custom-made purple piano that was delivered to the legend s home three weeks ago. it was supposed to go on tour with him. snl aired a prince special,
showcasing his musical performances over the decades. the legend died on thursday. his publicist released a statement saturday saying his remains had been cremated and that the cause of death was still unknown. according to officials, it will be at least four weeks until the autopsy results are announced. by the way, a musical celebration is in the works. and nick, you said, you spent the weekend listening to prince. you know, we downloaded the greatest hits and had a little dance party with my 10-year-old, listened some of the lyrics not suitable some of them like, some of these songs are too sexy, don t worry about that. just enjoy the dancing. you were good on prince. the musician that he was. purple rain came he d already had four or five albums before purple rain. and his acumen and his talent as a guitarist, as a musician, having performed every instrument in his first album or
two was legendary. i thought mick jagger and paul mccartney and elton john s tweets about him were not only true, but very moving. you were sufficient a massive fan. how many concerts did you say 200. 200. i loved him. he s been around since i was 9 years old. i loved the guy. i noticed this in everybody remembering him. i was always, you know, a record guy or a cd guy or whatever. but you don t you didn t pick up his greatness until you saw him live. because he s not stevie wonder when it comes to song writing or paul simon. as far as song writing goes, they re over there no, he s not stevie. stevie s got 50 that are extraordinary. prince has 5 or 10 extraordinarily well-written songs. but anybody that s seen him live, just say he is the greatest. the stories heilemann tells about how after a show, he would
go perform two hours and do nothing but change around. he s probably the greatest performer alive. the concert was the beginning of the night for him. the first concert. just absolutely stunning. so still ahead, we have riots, guns, bribes, and a party fighting for power. how teddy roosevelt s contested convention more than 100 years ago is still shaping today s political battles. morning joe is coming right back. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27%
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real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing so 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. 16 of those 17 states have been won by hillary clinton, not by you. why? because poor people don t vote. i mean, that s just a fact. that s the sad reality of american society. and that s what we have to transform. we have one of the lowest voter turnouts of any major country on earth. we have done a good job bring young people in. i think we have had some success
with lower income people. but in america today, in the last election in 2014, 80% of poor people did not vote. interesting. it s time now for the must-read opinion page. i disagree with that. i think that s a, an awful statement. you disagree with that, you disagree with the prince thing. we re re-evaluating this prince thing. i said, 10 great songs, and you said i think you re right about the 10 great songs, i just don t you think you appreciate the entire body of work. and you said elton john is 50, and you re right about that. but i think prince has 100 that everybody knows. i don t want to talk about people passing or living. i just think prince, i think the global footprint of prince may not be as big as a couple of the artists we mentioned, but his footprint here i think when elton john, let s say, 30 years from now passing away, people will be
talking about how he was an extraordinary songwriter. one of the great songwriters of our time. same with paul simon, stevie wonder, just extraordinary, from another planet. prince, you talk to anybody that s seen him live, it s the live performances. that just took him to the edge. greatest performer that we had. i agree with you. burning the clinton establishment in the wall street journal, we ll see if you agree with this, harold and nick, you re somewhat of an expert as well, given your front page piece in the new york times. this has been from the start, the bernie sanders show. hillary came into the race, determined to rev up the old clinton machine, to revive the clinton era, to burnish the long clinton legacy. instead, mr. sanders has forced her to betray it. he provided the sword, and she has slain the clinton democrats. she had to abandon every winning centrist new democrat position that had defined the clinton years. bill clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since world war
ii. mrs. clinton has spent the past six months, in essence, saying that everything he did was weak, phoney, or wrong. the nomination is hers for the taking. but the winner, politically, in this season of democratic distress is the man who burned up the clinton establishment. gene robinson, has bernie sanders required hillary clinton to move too far left? not necessarily, because this is a different time. and the public is in a very different mood from when, from when bill clinton was in office. i mean, you know, i agree only to the extent that bernie sanders, in my mind, has kind of won the ideological battle. so he continues to battle for the nomination, which i don t think he s going to get, was in terms of his influence on the democratic party, he s, he has essentially won that battle. but he s won it because this is
a different time. and you know, look at what, look at just what s happening broadly in both parties. there is a different attitude toward free trade, a different attitude or a different feeling about, is the system fixed, you know, against ordinary people. now, the one thing that s going to be, i think, the bigger issue is hillary clinton s interventionist, forward-leaning foreign policy, you could call it that, but she s much more willing to use american muscle and intervene in that way than bernie sanders, and than most americans, i believe. that s going to be an issue. the bernie sanders party and elizabeth warren s party. in the bernie sanders/hillary clinton view of the world right now, the era of big government has only just begun. they re not only talking about making government smarter,
they re talking about making it a lot bigger. and i agree with gene that is the mood of some of the country, was but not the mood of all of the country. and in a general election, if the republicans nominate someone that s tough to beat, she ll have to recalibrate her message after the convention. i m confused about the idea that positions should be frozen in amber about 15 to 20 years after the fact. and bill clinton governed in a very different time. i could point to two things, raising taxes on rich people and expanding college access to people that bernie sanders wants. i think on issues of inequality and wall street, especially, the country has moved much farther left. has the country moved or the democratic party? i think the country has. i think the middle class actually, bill clinton actually, the country. really key into this message. but in fairness, bill clinton left office and said big government is over when he started his term. and it wasn t just democrats who grew government.
it was george w. bush who grew it, too. with education and health care and other parties and created tension and fissures within the republican party. i think to your point, it s a reaction to the moment we find ourselves in. i think it s sufficiently arrogant to say the reason i m not winning is because poor people are not voting for me. we could unpack that and maybe find some other things he might be trying to say. the reality is, he s not winning enough votes period to be the nominee. that doesn t mean that his message is not an important one. it does not mean the positions that he s taking are not ones that should be taken seriously. but to make that comment is insulting in many ways to the democratic party, and insulting because it suggests that either poor people aren t listening and don t understand thing, or what i think it also could suggest is his message is not sufficiently motivational to people across the democratic party. he should be careful in saying those kinds of things. all kands should be careful in saying those kind of things. coming up, you would think
someone are upping for senate would be calling up donors looking for cash. but congressman david jolly isn t doing that. in fact, he wants to make that practice illegal. he ll explain why he s bucking the system, ahead on morning joe. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we ll pay for a car that s a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. i have an orc-o-gram we for an owen. e. that s me. you should hire stacy drew. she wants to change the world with you. she can program jet engines to talk and such. her biggest weakness is she cares too much.
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a vote for cruz or trump, frankly, is a vote for hillary clinton. as we stand here today, there are two and only two candidates who have any plausible path whatsoever to winning the republican nomination. me and donald trump. look, i m the only one who can defeat hillary clinton consistently in 15 national polls. kasich has no path to winning. he has no path to winning in cleveland. he will not be the nominee. i have been saying for a month that we were going to go to a convention. and the pundits were like, la-di-da. so what we need to do is get these critics to get them behind me so we can actually beat hillary clinton. we re saying republicans uniting behind our campaign, because if donald is the nominee, hillary wins and she wins by double digits. now, they re both mathically
eliminated. they should drop out. in all fairness, they shouldn t drop out. okay. welcome back to morning joe . it goes on. it just goes on. it s monday, april 25th. with us, we have political writer for the new york times, nicholas confessore. he s great. we love nick. good piece on hillary clinton and bernie sanders and the whole how to get those people former democratic congressman, harold ford jr. in washington. we have the washington post s eugene robinson. the president and ceo of the aspen institute, walter isaacson. political reporter for the washington post and msnbc political analyst, robert costa. good to have you all on board. let s ask some big questions of these big guests that we have. important gues who breathe life into our show. our tired, tattered show. yes? walter isaacson, let s begin with you. we re all in washington, where are you? should be there.
the first hour, a lot of talk about bernie sanders, is he staying in the race too long? should he be able to be allowed to stay in the race, to change the democratic party to make it more in his imagine, or is he arrogant and should he drop out now? you ve heard the debate, certainly over the last week or so, what do you think? and i ve read nicholas s piece. look, this is what primaries are for. i remember my first primary i covered with barnacle, with ted kennedy and jimmy carter. ted kennedy went all the way to the convention even though he didn t have the delegates and helped change the platform if if he was running a party, i would get rid of those platforms. i don t think they do you any good. they just cause you problems with the person who lost the delegate battle. but it s interesting to have a true battle on substance. and you ve got to remember that what they re doing, sanders and secretary clinton, is fighting over real issues. so i think it s a valid thing to keep going and keep doing. that s what i thought. yeah, i think so.
and on the republican side, bob costa, what s happening inside the trump campaign? you actually have paul manafort, who s come on to save the day. to save the day when it comes to delegates. they got wiped out again by ted cruz s people. no gains at all. and manafort seems to be running around, doing everything else, obviously, not pleasing his candidate. manafort continues to try to professionalize the operation in numerous states and looking ahead to the convention. but the problem for the trump campaign is that when it comes to delegate accumulation at the state conventions, there s still an organizational gap, and manafort and his associates, cory lewandowski and others are just trying to catch up to ted cruz. but isn t that why manafort got brought on? what we heard was and he s doing everything else because this. i thought manafort was he was brought on specifically to help with the delegates. he was. and it s been a challenge for the trump campaign to work
through some of these delegate slates, according to my sources within the campaign, they re still trying to fill these slate miss of the states and trying to get their own people. because it s not just about getting someone to run for delegates. you have to have people on the state convention floor who are activists, who know the state party, who know the state gop s rules committees. it s a complicated process. is the trump campaign in disarray right now because manafort s trying to do much more than he was originally brought on to do, or do you get the word that everything s going fine? i get the word that there are tensions. i wouldn t say disarray based on my reporting, but there is certainly a lewandowski camp and a manafort camp. at some levels, they re overlapping and working well together, but there s still some tension about this new group that s coming in and really taking control of the campaign. did you hear what i heard over the weekend, that trump was angered by manafort s performance at the rnc, the stories the that leaked out of the rnc?
i think when you talk to people close to trump, he wanted to see more delegates coming in. and he is frustrated behind the scenes. i hear he is voicing this at trump tower and elsewhere, that he wants to get more delegates. and when it comes to manafort, i ve heard that trump wants too to do more media. he doesn t like being reined in by manafort and by others. but if he sweeps on tuesday, the thought in trump s circle is that things will be okay. we shall see. a major development overnight in the republican presidential contest. ted cruz and john kasich are teaming up against donald trump. the campaigns announced last night that they are dividing up the primary map to clear a math for each other in select states. so far, kasich is getting the oregon and new mexico primaries to himself, while cruz has next week s indiana primary. still no agreement on the last big prize, california. kasich is canceling scheduled events in indiana, and a pac supporting cruz tells nbc news that they are rethinking a $1.6
million ad buy attacking kasich. trump put out a statement that reads in part, it is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politicianer ten months in order to try to stop that person from getting the republican nomination. collusion is often illegal in many other industries, and yet these two washington insiders had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. they are mathematically dead and act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. hang on a second! no, we ve got to look at the statement first. the statement s a work of hard. he got so much in there, did he not, nick? so much, nick. colluding, insiders. insiders, big donors. voting the agenda. it s pretty good. he really got all of his kind of greatest hits in one 500,000
politics for ten months. all of the facts he believes are relevant. a pretty effective statement. it is. here s trump speaking over the weekend, before the news of cruz and kasich colluding broke. i started off and we had all of these people. then one-by-one, i knock them out. knock them out. and believe me, i knocked them out. nobody else knocked them out. and these are all nice people. once i defeat them, i like every one of them. while i m fighting them, i don t. like right now, i don t like lyin ted cruz. but in about four or five weeks from now, i think he ll be one of my best friends. that s the way it works. there are a couple of people, i don t even want their endorsement, because it s so phoney. did you ever see with these politicians, they fight like hell for six months and they re saying horrible things, the worst things you can imagine, and then one of them loses, one of them wins. and the one that loses, i just want to congratulate my component on he is a
brilliant man, he will be a great governor or president or whatever. i m not sure that you re ever going to see me there. i don t think i m going to lose, but if i do, i don t think you ll ever see me again, folks. okay? i think i ll go to turnberry and play golf or something. it s a phoney business, this politics, it s a phony, phony business. walter isaacson, the man, say whatever you will about him, he is on message right now. the system is rigged and i m not playing by their rules. it s a good message for this rule. everybody s against the phony politicians and the establishment. but a very complicated nomination battle. over the years, we ve always tried to tweak things. should it be more primaries, more caucuses. go to a direct democracy, where whoever gets the most votes wins. go back to the days, the other way, of eisenhower having sort of the party loyalists choose him over robert taft in 52. so he s got to play by the rules that were written for this year. and that s where he s having trouble getting the delegates.
bob costa, do we kbpt trump insiders in trump s camp and also in cruz and kasich s camp, they re starting to believe it s more likely looking at these polls where he s even ahead in indiana that donald trump reaches the 1,237 he needs to get the nomination on the first ballot? there s a sense that trump is barreling towards that number. and that s why this deal is so significant, because cruz, according to many of his associates, needs to win indiana. and trying to get kasich out of that equation puts cruz at least on the map to try to come back in those polls. gene robinson, do you think this collusion actually could pay off? you know, i think it has paid off in the sense that it is dominating the news cycle right now. we re talking about it. but isn t that just giving dru donald trump more material? and we re not talking about the fact that these two guys are going to get creamed tomorrow and he s going to win five primaries and wipe them off the
map. they point to this shiny thing and say, everybody look at this. i don t think it s very attractive. in fact, they re going to have a bad week. they re going to have a bad week. so thank you for focusing us, away from the shiny object, mika. i m not looking at the penny anymore. let s look at the poll. donald trump has a big lead going into tomorrow s contests in the northeast, in rhode island, the brown university poll gives trump a double-digit lead, 38% to john kasich s 25% with 14% for ted cruz. in pennsylvania, trump leads in the latest nbc wall street journal /marist poll 27% to 24%, for cruz and kasich, at 24%. trump is also ahead at the cbs/yougov. poll of pennsylvania by a similar margin. 49%, harold, obviously, his ceiling. but there are these unbound delegates. he s going to win tomorrow. and what i find interesting, most interesting, was that earlier in the day, both kasich and cruz were saying, they, themselves or their person or
trump was the only one who could win. and by night, the two decided to come together and presumably say one of them would be a better candidate than trump. two, i guess, the worry remains, if you re for trump, if you re a republican, if you re looking how to consolidate the party. how does the party come together? we focus on the sanders/clinton dissension here. these two guys, or at least three in one, or two, if you want to look at them as individuals, there seems to be a huge chasm between them. and listening to trump, i didn t quite understand what he was saying. he said he ll be best for cruz once he wins, but if he does not win, cruz should not expect him to be his friend. seems sort of like a one-way relationship. right. so if you re phony, you can t be phony one way. it s phony both ways. you can t accept his support and not say you re a phony in the process. so trying to reconcile the republican party is going to be very, very interesting here in the coming weeks. i think trump will get enough delegates and i ll be curious to
see what governor kasich and senator cruz do. but walter, you ve been talking about the first race you did. you ve been through a few of these, and i always love at this point in the process, when things are getting a little uglier. and everyone saying, the two sides will never come together. and then you get closer to the convention and people start thinking, they rationalize, do i really want hillary clinton to select three the next three supreme court choices? we already have one vacancy, scalia s vacancy. maybe if trump promises us, you know, trump s putting out his list of supreme court vacancies. and maybe if this, maybe if we get the right person there, and i know tom, he s working with trump. he s it always happens. they always seem to coalesce. i understand trump will challenge us more than most anybody else. but, whether you get it on the republican side or whether you get it on the democratic side with bernie and hillary, they
always come together at the end. the problem with knowing history is that sometimes it doesn t actually rhyme and things are sometimes different. i think trump is a fundamentally different case than someone we ve seen in the past. this is not someone who s a lifelong republican. in fact, most of his views are more to the left or moderate or populist, whether it s anti-trade or the pro-abortion, he was before. so, i think this is a non-politician, and we re not going to quite see the same unity on the platform with everybody raising their hand as the maroballoons drop. all right. perhaps. i kind of think that ted cruz would be frighteningly bad for the republicans. the never-trump movement right now is four or five wealthy families, some political operatives, some people writing the weekly standard, who i
really like, and a hashtag on twitter. and there s probably this argument it s less than it seems. you can see people there s polling of people who say, i will never vote for trump. i think if he s the nominee in the end, you ll see everybody come into line in a pretty quick fashion. bob costa, what do you do you think so? i think so so. i think there s a hope among the cruz and kasich supporters that there will be a second ballot and trump s best moment if he does not reach 1,237 will be that first ballot. and that s why the real fight, again, is at the state conventions, because if trump can t get to the number, there s a sense that this collusion between cruz and kasich could be a possibly unity ticket or the option of using the vice presidential slot to bring the never-trump forces together. these are all things that are under discussion at the rnc meetings last week and this weekend. and over the weekend, donald trump said he only cares about the first ballot. yeah. so eugene robinson, robert costa, thank you so much. walter, stay with us, if you can. and still ahead on morning joe, the u.s. is about to send
more americans into syria. what the president officially announced this morning. plus, hillary clinton s hawkish tenure as secretary of state. we ll talk about the roots of her foreign policy perspective with the new york times s washington bureau chief. wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena
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donald trump actually says wages are too high in america. honestly, i don t know who he spends his time talking to, but i recommend he get out of one of those towers and actually go down and talk to some folks who are working as hard as they can! they actually said, they came out with a l poll recently, an election between crooked hillary and wonderful donald, it will be the biggest, most incredible
vote-getting election in the history of our country. and you know, trump keeps saying things like, you know, i didn t really mean it. it was all part of my reality tv show, running for president will be on your screen. well, you know what? if we buy that, shame on us. because he s already showed us what he believes and he s already said what he wants to do. and he wants to go after every one of the rights we have. loose cannons tend to misfire. and what we have with him is the loosest of all cannons. ivanka would say, be more presidential. and i started thinking i said, i can. you know, being presidential is easy. much easier than what i have to do. here i have to rant and rave, i have to keep you people going, otherwise you re going to fall asleep on me, right? if i was presidential, first of all, i would have a
teleprompter. you ever see crooked hillary clinton? she walks in, how she walks in. good afternoon, bridgeport. how are you? this is crooked hillary clinton. then people start yawning, leaving, the whole thing is a disaster. and she ll be a disastrous president. you say, one of the greatest comic stylings since charlie chaplin. that was a different version i really want there was another version this weekend that was really incredible. which one? a different stop in connecticut. he s like charlie chaplin, tim conway, the greats. all the greats rolled up in one political that was good, but there s a funnier one. i watched it, and i just thought, this is why people like him. because it s kind of true. we talked about yanking the
curtains down off of what s been a necessarily opaque process. he s doing it even on the pageantry of politics. and people like it. our last three presidents, what can you say about them? all three two-termers, they were fun to hang out with. donald trump, according to hillary clinton, why d she go to his wedding? fun to hang out with. joining us now, nicole wallace. and in washington, new york times washington bureau chief, elisabeth bumiller, good to have you all onboard. a fun question for halperin, obama s fun to hang out with? oh, yeah, super fun. i mean, as president. i m not saying i would hang out with him. but you know, go to monday night football and he can be fun. by the way, they re not saying boo, they re saying, boo miller. boohoo, miller. elisabeth, how you doing? i m doing great, how are you guys? doing good. we ve been talking about hillary clinton for some time and the suggestion by many bernie
sanders supporters and also by me sometimes that hillary s also closer to the neo con position than a lot of republicans, certainly, the last two republicans that are in the race right now. could you sort through her work as secretary of state and the positions that she s taken and explain what her world view is and how that may pertain to how democrats vote? sure. there s this great piece by mark lanler about hillary as a hawk. her world view is one of american exceptionalism, as mark talks about. which is that there is a role for the american military in certain areas, and there s a role for intervention. for example, in the debate over whether to send more troops to afghanistan in 2009, she sided with the defense secretary, bob gates. wanted to send 40,000 troops.
that was a high number, but she backed general stanley mcchrystal, a general at the time in afghanistan. the number ended up being 30,000, but she supported gates the whole way. she also was for a more muscular intervention in syria than the president wanted. she wanted a no-fly-zone or a partial no-fly zone. we know she was behind the intervention in libya. so she was very tough on china, as secretary of state quietly behind those doors. so she s quite as mark says, she may be the one true hawk in this race. compared to the republicans. and that s really been the hallmark of the clinton s foreign policy, bill clinton back in the 1990s, actually, fighting republicans when he wanted to send troops to bosnia in kosovo, of course, it had some troops sent other places as well. but this has been a hallmark of
the clinton s foreign policy for some time, has it not? it has. i think she the story talks in a very interesting way. i learned a lot from the story about how it goes back to her childhood, you know, she was a republican grew up in a republican household. her father had been a navy officer in the second world war, and there was this amazing story about how in 1975, she s about to marry bill clinton, she s a lawyer in arkansas, she goes into a marine recruiting office and asks to sign up. there s some debate about whether it was an army recruiting office. some people say she was just testing the waters. she was 27 years old. she had coke bottle glasses and the marine recruiter said, look, you re 27, you re a m whwoman, you re too old, but thanks very much. but the point is, she s had this lifelong interest in the military. and when she served in the senate in 2002, she went on the
armed services committee, rather than is traditional for a new york senator of the foreign relations committee. it was on the armed services committee that she really became friends with the general. she made a close alliance with david petraeus. you can say that was partly because she was very ambitious, and thinking about running for president, and as the first woman seriously to run for president, you would have to have good commander in chief credentials. there s that famous story about somebody going up and asking david petraeus while hillary clinton was in the senate, who knows the most about what s going on in iraq right now? who knows the most about what you do day-in, day-out. and he said, you mean other than hillary clinton, what senator? and in the article, you may be surprised about some of her reviews and exactly some calling her hawkish or how hawkish she could be. but do you think, harold, this turns off hillary clinton voters? because i don t think it does.
i don t think it surprises them or turns them off. so i think it relates to what we talked about in the last segment, domestic policy. remember, the peace dividend was important to the country. we were trying to figure out what the changing of our posture with the soviet union and russia, what that meant for the different investments in america. and then the world began to change more. and i think bill clinton reacted and responded. mrs. clinton, i served on a board with her at the pentagon along with newt gingrich and several others, a civilian board. a transformation board. i don t think there s any doubt that speaker beginning rich wgi recommended me and her for this board. she became not only the one we looked up to, as a sigt united states senator, she possessed a knowledge base greater than most civilians on the board. and you talk about trump and cruz, i think trump said he would make the sand glow, and mr. trump has been a proponent after brussels of torture being
reemployed. and he s so much so that you have military officials have had to come forward and say, look, we would not direct our agents to do that. so i think you have to put all of this in context. i read the piece and thought it was a well-written piece. but to call her a hawk has taken it out of context. she s a hawk and has always been a hawk. what a compliment. i think she looks at the facts and will react to the facts. she doesn t approach an issue and say, we have to attack. and i think it s fair to say that. and i know paul wolfowitz. was the fact is, nobody s suggesting she s paul wolfowitz, but in the obama administration, elisabeth, when she was secretary of state, it is hard to find a decision that was made, that was being debated by the president s cabinet, where she didn t come down on the most hawkish side. isn t it? i don t know if it was the most hawkish. she was to a little bit of the
right of obama. what would you call it then? well, i would call it a robust she was an interventionist. uh, wait a minute? we can call her a hawk. i think there s a little overlapping with her words. i think interventionist is a good word for it. hawk implies, as harold said, that she was willing to use force at any time. of course not. but she believed in strategic force. and as we talked about in syria, she s, she was ahead of obama on syria, as you ve reported in the show all morning. he s sending 50 more special operators to syria. she was behind that some time ago. elizabeth? yes? you covered condoleezza rice and wrote a whole book about her. would you call condoleezza rice hawkish or an interventionalist? i would call her hawkish and an interventionalist. and i would call clinton hawkish and an interventionalist.
but she was certainly less interventionalist in the second term than the first. she is interventionalist and certainly within this administration, she s hawkish. you ll see a lot of leaders defect from the republican party to lick, because she s interventionist. she has relationships that no one running as a republican can match. general hayden said, other than kasich, you know, you have to consider hillary clinton. i mean, cruz doesn t get enough attention or scrutiny on his record on intel or national security, but he s not really trusted either. bob gates the fact that the history with the clintons goes back, and the rub, and it s one of the great ironies. you re going to have a democratic nominee that is more hawkish or intentionalist, however you want to to describe it, than either the two republicans who are going to win the nomination, and one who has better relations with wall
street than either the two republicans. and this strain between republicans, non-neocon republicans and the clintons goes back a very long way. there was that famous inter-cabinet fight between colin powell and madeleine albright, where madeleine albright kept wanting to send troops in, because she was a clinton interventionist, i would suggest, a clinton hawk. and always wanted to send troops in. and at one point, when colin powell kept saying, no, restraint. no, restraint. no, we don t want to go there. she yelled, you know, well, what s the use of having all of these soldiers if you can t ever use them. and colin powell almost had a hemorrhage right there. the clintons have had a long history of this. i m not knocking them. i m just saying, we re going to have you re saying, it is what it is what it is. i think she s one that s willing. she doesn t take force off the table. which is a positive thing. there is a time in american
politics when that was applauded by republicans. and frankly, your father, the brzezinski award, the inaugural award went to bob gates, who many people thought was more hawkish than not. he believes that america should be involved around the globe. i would add a third word. you ve used intervention, you ve used hawkish, i would use involved and engaged and i believe that mrs. clinton believes america has to engage would speak to mark s point about havings a presence around the globe, which is what i believe your father was saying they called him hawkish. he resisted filling the vacuums that have existed all over the world, because he thinks their quagmires waiting to happen and the american public isn t interested in fighting every war around the world. and hillary clinton, and elisabeth, is it not safe to say that hillary clinton presidency will have a foreign policy far different than a barack obama presidency? i don t know if it s far
different. it obviously depends on what happens. i think she would be more willing to commit force in certain areas. and by the way, just to add, she was opposed to the iraq surge in 2006 and 2007. it s true. it s not totally consistent. that was to atone for her vote. that has been very interesting. elisabeth bumiller, thank you very much. i could be wrong, but it s going to be radically different. hillary clinton does not believe in leading from behind. hillary clinton does not believe that you sit back and let the events of the world shape the country. hillary clinton does not believe in the type of foreign policy, the don t-do-stupid-stuff foreign policy of barack obama. and she doesn t believe nothing is better than something. but she will do a better job than he has done in building coalitions. can i answer that question, not voting for hillary clinton. yes, yes, and yes. hillary clinton will build better coalitions on the hill and build better coalitions the
first week around the world than barack obama. the man, say what you will about him, he doesn t like people. he doesn t like dealing with congress. i was asking rhetorically. doesn t like dealing with foreign leaders. we heard that in 2009. year one. 2009, foreign leaders and diplomats were coming up saying, what s with your president? he comes to our country, he gives a speech, he leaves. hillary clinton completely opposite of that. we ll be right back. jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive
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watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. i just want to follow up, though. condi, though no, i just so condi s a hawk, but hillary s an interventionalist. it was condi that was fighting cheney. every day. lelizabeth wrote a very smart book about condi ryice. i m confused as to how condi could be a hawk and hillary is not in the obama it doesn t make any sense. no. still ahead, pennsylvania is a possible game changer for the gop delegate count, but even if donald trump wins big, could he lose most of the state s delegates? yes, he could, if the system is a scam. oh, boy. it s rigged and deserves being destroyed and torn down,
brick by brick by brick. we re going to bring in msnbc s delegate hunter, jacob soboroff, ahead on morning joe. the call just came in. she s about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account.of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. quite like the human foot. introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. with almost twenty percent more base horsepower. once driven, there s no going back. we do it for the ones who rise before it shines. the ones who labor for what they love.
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united states postal service priority: you all right, joining us now protect us. correspondent and so-called delegate hunter look at him. she has a shacket on. it s is a shirt jacket. a shacket. and jacob is just all it s very nice, but just all a little too thought out. mika a shacket. i don t do gel. do you want to talk about delegates? uh-huh. so unbound delegates, you said, it s rigged. he s so good! so rigged. at least that s what donald trump says. and he s nervous about pennsylvania. 54 unbound delegates. he could be really is he nervous or just laying the foundation for any outcome. i don t think he s nervous. now they re trying hard to get those 54 unbound delegates.
i met some of them. coincidentally, i have a piece of tape about that. no way! were you wearing a shacket? who are you voting for? i m hoping to vote for trump. i m waiting to see what the constituents do. i m self-funded just like donald trump. how much has your campaign cost? 34,000 bucks. you re paying $30,000 out of pocket to run for an unbound delegate spot. are you pledged to ted cruz? vote for him no matter what happens? that s correct. even if your constituents vote the other way? that s correct. i ve been public about it. so anyone that wants to support cruz can vote for me. is it going to say who you support on the ballot. no, it doesn t say that. have you ever thought about you might be one of the ones to stop trump, if he s just short of 1,237. i ve thought about that. you re kind of like one of the most important people in american politics that nobody
knows about. a celebrity for ten minutes. in my opinion, this is a really stupid process? you believe it. $30,000 to run for an unbound delegate position. so i can go vote for a candidate and then somebody decides they want to run as a delegate and they could vote for pat paulson. whoever they want to. it s outrageous. also with us, jeffrey cowen. he s the author of let the people rule jacob s very excited, his book will be signed by the author himself i have presents for you and all of your viewers, which are buttons. this is an actual button. a copy of the actual button from 1912 when theodore roosevelt, for the first time in history, created presidential primaries. we didn t have primary at all this is the first time. when he challenged william
howard taft, he wants to run for president again. finds that the party leaders are not for him. so his only way of doing it is to create presidential primaries. he wins 70% of delegates and still doesn t get the nomination. so a lot of this story is a little bit like what we re doing today. he won 70% of the delegates in the voting booth and that shut him out. it wasn t praimss and still decided they didn t want to and one thing s fascinating, one reason they didn t name him, the party leaders, even though they knew roosevelt would probably win and taft wouldn t, they wanted to keep control of the party. yeah. sounds like trump a lot of people would rather lose with trump than win with him. or lose without him. whichever way. so, how much did it grow, after 12, 16? it stayed pretty much the same until 1968. and you may recall, and many of your viewers will, in 1968,
hubert humphrey, after a bitter primary campaign about the war, with robert kennedy and eugene mccarthy, when he basically won all the primaries, hubert humphrey hadn t won a single primary, got the nomination. and there was a revolution at the democratic convention in 1968, which changed the rules and now every state has to walter, how much has changed since 1968? i mean, it s unbelievable. humphrey doesn t win a primary. because it reminds you, too, that teddy roosevelt finally bolted and did a bull moose party, which is something you can t do that well these days. it is very hard to run as an independent and get on the ballots. but never sense a teddy roosevelt election that jeff wrote about, have we had such a ripeness, a readiness for some major realignment in the parties. yeah. so roosevelt, afterwards, obviously, the party leaders didn t want him, got rid of him,
and he ran. and starts his own third party. the so-called bull moose party. part of the scandal of the story is when he starts his own party, he decides in the deep south, there can t be any african-americans. which is a shocking part of the story, too. but he wins more votes than taft, but still, of course welcome woodrow wilson gets elected. jeffrey cowen, thank you so much. shacket man. i ll hook you up with one. a shacket? yeah. it s actually too shirts. it s just two shirts. it s really just two shirts. really? they both seem to be starched. oh, i don t starch. have you starched every time i come on, we talk about laundry. there s just a little it s three hours. kill some time here, i guess. walter, thank you so much! he doesn t have his applolonia gloves. freaky. this is really good, you have jacob on doing the delegates, this is a thing to be looking at.
thanks, walter. and his pieces have been great. thank you. jacob, we appreciate what you do. back at you. this morning, president obama announced plans to send 250 additional military personnel to syria to, quote, keep up the momentum on isis. patrick murphy is with us, next. you know when i first started out, it was all pencil and paper. the surface pro is very intuitive. i can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. i ve been a forensic artist for over 30 years. i do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. you need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. i do this because i want my artwork to help people. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close.
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wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that s why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you show show me more like this. s.
show me previously watched. what s recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what blows you away. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. without warning, a two-ton armored humvee suddenly broke free from its rigging and
slammed into the ground. it happened not just once, not twice, but three times. much to the amusement of the army spotters who caught it all on video that has now gone viral. that s was nbc s jim miklaszewski reporting on what s you might call a bit of a mishap during an airborne exercise in germany. by the way, mik no, i don t want to talk about it. does it upset you? yes. mik will be leaving msnbc at the end of the year. there s no nbc news washington without mik. you have to stay. i agree. three against one. i don t accept it. he has to change his mind. joining us now, acting secretary of the united states army mr. secretary. patrick. he s a comeback veteran and member of congress, now secretary of the army. let s talk about the 250 troops
heading into syria. what are your thoughts? my thoughts, it s a great thing. we have to take the fight to isis in syria and iraq. we ve killed over 10,000 of their fighters but we need to do a lot more. we can t rest until we take the heart out of raqqah. what will 250 additional fighters do? it s going to empower the syrians and iraqis to step up and root out isis, which is, you know, as you know, they are kidnapping 14, 15, 16-year-old girls, give them birth control pills and pass them around like candy. do the russians make our job there harder or easier? both. how? one, they have hit some of what we would like to consider targets in the area but also some of the moderates there. a lot of the moderates. it s not an easy solution.
it s not very black and white. but the reality is that we just can t i think the lesson learned, when we walk away, bad things happen. and bad things happen and americans were killed. we walked away by drawing a red lynn when we walked away from iraq? it s not about american solution. and that s why we re being much more thoughtful as we go in to build this partner capability, to build the iraqi forces and syrian forces to go after the extremists in that area. i m wondering about the new move to open up the other branches the combat branches to women. is this going to be a huge watershed or is the practical effect going to be smaller than some imagine it will be? i have only been acting secretary of the army for three months but let me tell you, this has been an historic year. we ve had over 200,000 women serve in iraq and afghanistan in
the last 15 years. they ve already been serving in combat. in fact, 139 of them were kills in action. those 200,000 women, what they ve paved the way two, we ve had three women graduate ranger school. we have graduateds from west point and rotc that are going into infantry and armor branches. daughters like my daughter who is 9 years old in bucks county, pennsylvania, she ll go maybe to west point and say there was an armored tanker or infantry that s what this will do. it s an exciting time. we need more women and men to join. only 1 in 4 americans qualify to come into our military because you have to be physically fit, mentally strong and have character. there s been a lot of discussion about nato. the president talking about some countries being free riders. donald trump saying it was obsole
obsolete. some of our nato countries, even now against isis, countries like great britain have been such a strong ally. poland. there are other ones, though, that have turned our attention away from the military spending, doing what s necessary in my opinion, but they ve also stepped up, countries like germany who stepped up with the refugee crisis within syria. there s a proactive way to go about this and reactive way. the reactive way is with the syrian refugees. we have all countries see what russia is doing, invading other countries and know to step up or we ll hang separately. secretary patrick murphy, thank you. go to the pentagon. visitior army. we love going to the pentagon when mik is there. ted cruz and john kasich decide to team up on donald trump. but is it too late and playing into donald trump s brand? the answer, yes.
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welcome back to morning joe. it s 8:00 on the east coast, 5:00 a.m. out west. good morning. with us we have mark halperin, political writer for the new york times, nicholas, harold ford jr. and eugene robinson and
jonathan capehart. how was everybody s weekend? was it okay? anybody do anything like big this weekend? i ll tell you, i was sitting home, you know, in my t-shirt reading twitter. i felt like a total loser. i think everybody went to see bruce springsteen play like his tribute to prince. apparently that was so cool. i was eating corn chips. it s on youtube. you can just watch it there. everybody was there. bruce ain brooklyn. that s big. what about you, nick? i watched part of the game of thrones premiere until i had to stop and choose between that s and the walking dead. that s a horrible choice. you millennials it s unbelievable. meryl streep had her choices in sophie s choice.
and now and nick has his. six and one and half dozen or the other. sophie had nothing on you. okay. we have major developments in politics over the weekend. no, nobody gets stabbed. that s you, joe, bringing things to the table that make no sense to anybody. it makes no sense if you aren t under 30 years old. i mourned prince. incredibly talented. wrote the soundtrack to my life. bless his soul. all right. so big developments in politics over the weekend. ted cruz and john kasich are teaming up against donald trump. the campaigns announced they are dividing up the primary map to clear a path for each other in select states. so far kasich is getting to oregon and new mexico primaries to himself while cruz has next week s indiana primary. still no agreement on the last big prize, california, where
so, mark, this deal, it s a little late, routight? it s like you re sitting in purgatory and say if i get the chance, i m going to church more often. it s too late, right? it s not mathematically too late but the headline there call this a shock deal. others have called it a deal of desperation. if trump wins indiana or wins it big, it s over. and it s been true for a while. this is really about indiana. one step at a time. having made the deal if cruz can t beat trump in indiana, it s over bar something huge trump was winning by 30, 40 points in new york and sweeping. kept saying forget about that, indiana. indiana will be his waterloo. trump is up in indiana. with kasich out, there s a chance cruz could beat him
there. it s about stopping him in indiana because the symbolism of stopping him in indiana and the math of stopping him in indiana is vital. but the assumption means that s people who are supporting kasich or cruz dislike trump so much that they ll jump to the other guy to stop trump which i just think is a lot of ifs and a assum assumpti assumptions. they re so different. they are very different candidates. it s less about voters and the outside groups. an outside group in indiana running pro-cruz, anti-kasich ads. they need every dollar spent against trump. a vote for john kasich, ain t no way in hell i m going to vote for ted cruz and vice versa. and vice versa. it costs ted cruz not much to cede oregon to john kasich.
the direction of what the map already is. what do they do when they get to the convention if all this works? do they run together? there will now be a week of negative ads against donald trump. donald trump has a big lead going into tomorrow s contest in the northeast. massive. in rhode island the brown university poll gives trump a double-digit lead, 38% to kasich s 25% and 14% for ted cruz. in pennsylvania, trump leads. 45% to 27%. for cruz, and then kasich at 24%. trump is ahead in the cbs news/yougov poll. it s an unfair thing. i m way up in pennsylvania, but in pennsylvania you get 17
delegates and the rest you have to negotiate for. what is going on? come on, what he just said there is what s going on? i win pennsylvania by 25 points and then you want me to negotiate? no, i m negotiating directly with the voters. this fits in with his brand. it s time for people in my party and what the democrats do with superdelegates is a total scam and insider game to say enough is enough. you don t negotiate with party insiders. people go to the polls. they vote. they exercise their democratic right, and then we decide who wins based on the voting. it sounds nice. it sounds like america. on the other hand you said it sounds nice. i say it sounds like america. i was going to say, state
after state and acted surprised. i can t believe these are the rules. he s doing that s along with the people. not everybody studies this like a nerd. but my point is that people are surprised that their vote doesn t count. it s a ridiculous system. thank you. the act is a little much. no, it s not. you have a utopian vision that s parties should be able to pick the no, voters have that utopian vision. i m telling you, if anybody out there in the republican establishment think that they gain any points by mocking trump for believing that if he wins a state by 20, 25 points he should win the delegates and not have to go negotiate, i d be raising holy hell. i would be raising hell every day. i ve been saying this is a good act on his part. if i won a state by 25 points and they tried to take it away from me, that s what i would be
talking about. i d burn their place to the ground politically. i would go back and say i m going to come back and i m going to win the nomination. i m going to circle back around. if i don t get all of these delegates that s i deserve proportionately and i ll work the next four years to destroy your political career. that s is so unfair. and the superdelegates, it s the same thing on the democratic side. it is a scam. it s a total scam. thank you. bernie sanders not doing well right now. bernie sanders was screwed by the establishment from the very beginning. they screwed him in iowa. they screwed him with superdelegates from the get-go. i m telling you, these parties are going to turn into country clubs pretty soon if they don t clean this mess up. there are some states where trump has gotten more delegates than than so he s benefitted
from the system too. today kasich and cruz will have to comment themselves on this deal, and it s going to be very hard. that s auk ward. they hate each other. about how they are teaming up to stop trump and trump will be talking about a rigged system. again, again, again, they ll end up getting ted cruz. if they somehow wangle that for themselves, that s will be the worst thing ever for them. tell me about a senator in new hampshire or smothers state that wants ted cruz to come campaign for him or her? they don t. trump is still going to get his 1237. i don t care if he does or doesn t. i am more convinced today he could get above 1237 heading into the convention. the comparison between sanders i don t think sanders is mistreated. y he was.
he s been screwed from the beginning with the debates, with iowa. it s an debbie wasserman schilts is not in the tank. she built the tank. trump knew going in these rules. however, it does seem weird you can win a state as big as he s won and not auk wawalk away and convince people democrats don t have a system quite like that side. in that regard there s not a fair parallel. but i think trump gets there. you have something else. superdelegates. like i ve said before, if republicans had a scam system like democrats with the superdelegates, jeb bush would still be in the race because he would have gotten 500 delegates, he could have lost the first five primaries and found his groove. the superdelegates went against the candidate at the
actual pledged delegate lead. and sanders as well has also won in a lot of states or has gotten more delegates than is owed to him in a lot of states. he s benefited from the caucus system. the impact of having those superdelegates every night. every night from the beginning with iowa. and because of the proportional nature of this, yes, bernie sanders won this state by 87 percentage points but with the superdelegates and the fact he ll only get one more delegate than hillary clinton. we were saying there was no way he was going to catch up with her when we were 10% into this game. it s so rigged on the democratic side. it creates an overhang. it does. but if he won states, then superdelegates would shift. eugene robinson? it would be your point would be, i think, more valid if bernie were not behind in regular delegates.
he s getting beat in pledge delegates, and so when he overtakes hillary clinton in pledge delegates, then, yes, he has an argument to the superdelegates. and what happens is the superdelegates do listen. now i don t like the system. i think the system is wrong. i don t think there will be superdelegates. what we saw in 2008 is the superdell gegate superdelegates, people switch from clinton to obama, they jump ship. i m convinced that s what they would do again. there s no reason to now because their candidate is winning in pledge delegates. for any race it creates an air of inevitability. let s say jeb bush loses in a few constitutes and is still 500 delegates up. because when you add the
superdelegates. jeb would still be getting money. his people would say just hang in there. it creates a dynamic that always favors, and it was meant to, the party establishment. right, but as gene said, if senator sanders were winning in pledge delegates, the superdelegates would listen. and also, let s keep in mind that the problem that bernie sanders has is not that superdelegates are all with hillary clinton. it s that he went through southeastern states where the bedrock of the democratic party of african-americans who did not go for him. so it powered secretary clinton to huge victories that allowed her to rack up pledge delegates. the fact he doesn t have the lead in pledge delegates is the problem. all right. as we pull out of the weeds here. ted cruz continued to clean up in delegate contests this
weekend. good thing paul manafort came on. no, seriously. this guy is a fixer. he s an insider, man. he s claiming to fix the wrong thing, in my opinion. i don t know what s going on, but my gut is that he s actually going for the he s actually very good. if you look at paul manafort, he came in to do the delegates and decided he d do everything else and take over the campaign. you aren t supposed to be talking about him. you re supposed to be talking about the candidate. the rnc is going, i know you think donald trump is like what you see on tv, but i m telling you, he does what every washington consultant does. pets, condescendingly pats the candidate on the head and says, listen, now that i m in charge here, don t worry. everything is i ve heard this a million times. consultants come in and he leaks the story. it gets out there that he s the savior.
he leaks the rnc meeting and so while he s doing all of this it s what they all do. every washington consultant, it s in their dna. i m going to go in. i m going to fight an internal war and take over. they may be good at what they do but their ego cannot help themselves and they must let the world know. he s talking to reporters, leaking stuff. and the one thing he s supposes to, do mark halperin, he doesn t do. he failed miserably this weekend. his campaign installed supporters through local election events in maine, south carolina and utah. hang on, halperin. this raises some new questions about the man brought on to specifically help with these delegate battles. that s his job, right? he s good at it. he s good at it. paul manafort who downplayed this development. nothing to see her. the only vote that matters is
the vote that s cast when the roll call is call. on saturday, ted cruz won zero. not 36. zero delegates. what was done on saturday was simply confurming the results of primaries. most of the conventions yesterday were set in stages a month or two ago. and before, frankly, i was involved. he got absolutely pounded. absolutely pounded. what s he supposed to do? mark halperin, you going to spin for the establishment? for the insurgents in the trump campaign. no, he s come from washington to clean trump up and he s leaking that he s the grown-up and that trump has been a clown and that he s going to make trump a grown-up. on the delegate issue, what he just said is true. it s too late for him to fix some of the things that have already happened and set in motion in terms of the delegate process in some of these states. if trump gets to 1400 delegates,
which he and the campaign are telling people, none of this will matter. what matters is changing trump s image in order to become a strong general election candidate. what he said to the rnc, i don t think trump disagrees with. trump does disagree with it. he mocked it publicly but they have a good cop/bad cop routine going. still ahead big crowds didn t translate to a win in new york but that hasn t stopped bernie sanders from turning out thousands more this weekend. the senator from vermont isn t taking his foot off the gas. plus, inside congress money machine. we ll talk to one congressman who has had enough of it and is banning members from making direct fund-raising appeals. first, bill karins with a check of the forecast. this is our peak tornado season. it looks like tuesday is our big day and possibly friday. let me take you through the math. first off, the worst weather
this morning, northern minnesota, north dakota. later today some severe weather headed to chicago. yesterday those severe storms were in areas of kansas. little minor outbreak. a couple of reported tornadoes. some large hail that came down. golf ball size, pea size. a little damage done but nothing horrible. so today s threat, milwaukee, chicago, peoria, springfield, late afternoon storms, gusty winds, large hail. then we get into tuesday. this is more of our classic outbreak signatures. this area in orange and red is a moderate risk. enhanced risk and yellow is a slight risk. this is almost all of tornado alley up i-35. the area of greatest concern for strong tornadoes and maybe long track tornadoes, the ones on the ground for miles. those tend to be the most deadly. from hastings, nebraska, across 80, southwards crossing
interstate sfaent to interstate. it should be late afternoon. we should have good visibility. these are the areas the helicopter pilots fly in. if we have them we ll hopefully see them and give people heads-up time. 4:00 p.m. is about the time we track those. and then a damaging wind threat. that s tomorrow. we ll talk more about that as the event approaches. first today, beautiful day on the east coast. enjoy some more beautiful weather in washington, d.c. more morning joe when we come back. there are two billion people who don t have access to basic banking,
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billionaire charles koch suggested he may be open to supporting hillary clinton for president and that it is possible she d make a better president than her republican rivals. so is it possible another
clinton could be better than another republican? it s possible. it s possible. you couldn t see yourself supporting hillary clinton, could you? well, her we would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. let me put it that way. before we d support some of the republican candidates, we d have to believe their actions would be different. that s quite remarkable. it really is. and it s honest. and he s saying what i ve heard a lot of republicans say, mark, which is a lot of republican fund-raisers quietly tell me, voting for hillary. have no choice. keep the house and senate in republican hands and support hillary. there s an article about a lot of business people say hillary clinton may be their safest choice for the centrist policies they are looking for.
whoever the republican nominee is must change that. and to build support not just from ceos but small business people around the country. if the republican party is not seen as the party better for business, they cannot win. we ve heard and have been saying it on the air now for months and months and months that s we have people, mainly small business people coming up to us and whispering, i m going to vote for trump. that s something you never hear from the big money people. i do not hear a vote for cruz. all the people that contribute to the republican party and have been driving it for years. almost to, and i would say a man that i ve spoken with say i m voting for hillary. first time i ve ever voted for a democrat. i think that will probably change but right now, that s what a lot of them are saying. charles koch is not going to vote for or give money to hillary clinton. everybody is overreading that interview. he s saying if she actually is lying to everybody this whole time about her beliefs then
maybe if, in fact, she had difference beliefs under that, he d vote for her. what he s saying if it s between hillary clinton and donald trump, he s not going to vote for donald trump. he might not vote for hillary clinton and ted cruz is not super popular in their donor world that they have. but their activists and grassroots groups do like ted cruz. a difficult position. maybe charles would write in somebody. or vote for probably would vote for barry goldwater. vote for whoever is on the libertarian line. i don t see him voting for trump or clinton. clinton took to twitter saying she was not interested in endorsements from people who deny climate science and try to make it harder for people to vote. so she doesn t want the koch vote. she certainly takes an awful lot of money from people who drill oil and make a lot of
money doing these same exact thing that the koch brothers do. so that s very interesting. is that fair? also the kochs are not deeply involved in groups or give money to groups that fight voting rights. it s not really one of their causes. in fact, they ve been at pains to say that s not us. it s not our cause. it s interesting one for her to pick. coming up british invasion. we ll talk to the man who remade the united kingdom s conservatives. is what he did for them what the republican party needs to do for themselves this year? plus, much more of the news the cruz and kasich campaigns are teaming up to stop trump. that s straight ahead on morning joe.
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yesterday i was hearing about how i m going to become presidential. and i can do it. i m like a really smart person like a lot of you people. and presidential is easy. you know what presidential is? i walk on. trump! trump! trump! there you go. physical comedy. at its best.
let s bring in casey hunt. your reporting on the cruz and kasich campaigns teaming up to attempt to stop donald trump, and you said last night, quote, this is a huge deal. explain. it is a huge deal, right? these two camps, both the candidates themselves and all the people that work for them were openly feuding in the hallways at the rnc meeting. both hitting back and forth insisting the other one should get out. throwing accusations both way. the trump team went down there and convinced a lot of people that donald trump is likely to get this nomination locked up before cleveland. and it became very clear that the thing that was standing in the way of a donald trump nomination was the fact these two candidates, you know, could potentially get together. that was the only way that was left to them. now this, of course, ted cruz s people think john kasich is a
liberal and that should tell you about the lengths they re suddenly willing to go to make sure this happens. it s potentially too little, too late. they were trying to get something like this to happen for quite a while. and we re at the point now, you know, where donald trump is he s got an argument, right? that they are suddenly trying to take away what these voters are telling the republican party they want to do. i think you ll see that start to play out over the course of the coming days. i think the question is whether or not kasich can step up and actually pull this off. whether cruz can win in indiana. is it too late there? don t forget early voting. kasich s name has been on that ballot for several weeks. kasie hunt, thank you. donald trump boils it down to one word, collusion, and says it several times. does that work? i think his whole message, and he s right is that huge fraction of the party elite
hates hum and wahate s him and wants him to lose. it s like in military wheonopoly collude. i flip the board when i m losing. so trump puts out this statement. again, he is just dead on message since the system is rigged. and the system is rigged was a great two-week run. and by the way, we trademarked that because we did it on the monday. but collusion? that s a great word. like this is what the republican party has been doing all along, playing into his hands. this matchup on a sunday night gives them an entire week to talk about. just when he was losing steam he got supercharged by his rivals. two things have to happen now for this to be worth it. one is the money that wants to stop trump needs to come in powerfully. they need millions of dollars of
tv ads in the next week. kasich said early voting has started. and his name is on the ballot. ted cruz has to have a message. ted cruz has to tell the voters in indiana what is ted cruz s message? donald trump say liberal. guess what happened? guess who came up with the word collusion and all of this that fits perfectly with the donald trump brand. donald trump. i agree. i think trump goes into indiana with a two-barrel message. one is they are colluding. the other is, i can fix the economy. cruz needs a message. his message was i m the outsider. i m the outsider. he s not anymore. he is the party establishment. they are all lined up which is like the establishment should be so proud of. that ted cruz is now the best hope of the establishment? when did that happen? still ahead, dialing for dollars the republican establishment, that s devastating to its core message.
and graduate feat for donald brand. it s like the mitt romney speech. i could have saved him a lot of time out there in salt lake making that big speech. and it helped donald as well. like we said. that morning before the speech, this is going to help donald. this is going to do nothing except make you look kind of weak. trump got creamed in utah. oh, okay. he did. there you go. that s what it was about then. i m sure that s exactly why they did that. you think it is? one of the reasons. i agree with mark. it helped the anti-trump forces. in utah. in general, i think it was the starting point for rallying all these disparate people together who oppose trump. okay. did they just admit it s like three people and a chihuahua those people were all fighting each other. they all came together.
if cruz beats trump in utah, this is a different race. dialling for dollars. it s a huge part of a congressman s job. one representative is trying to put an end to it. we ll bring in florida s congressman dafvid jolley who seems will be to give up his seat over this fight. you re making the electability argument in 1964. a pennsylvania governor made the same argument against barry goldwater. he said i m more electable and the delegates didn t listen. why are they going to listen now? because goldwater got smoked. we lost everything.
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jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive 40 past the hour. joining us, former senior adviser to david cameron, steve hilton. he s the founder of the organization crowd pack and also the author of more human,
designing a world where people come first. steve, you re going to tell us what s wrong with politics in the united states. how long have i got? we have a three-hour show, but why don t you give us your view. how do we put people first in the u.s.? it relates very much to the anger and passion and energy you re seeing this election. the problem is four years down the road, whoever wins, nothing much will have changed but none of the candidates are looking at the fundamental issue. the systems and structures we ve used to run the modern world have become too big and bureaucratic. too frustrating. it s the scale of it. the way we try and solve poverty or run schools or even the way corporations work. they re not just about governments. the way they treat their workers and customers. the way we raise children and the food we eat. how do we strip it down to size? this starts with literally that. breaking things up and
distributing power so that it s closer to the people who really care about things. in the case of businesses, for example, not just about breaking up the banks. it s about breaking up the telecom companies, the giant food businesses and agriculture companies. the health insurance companies. they all need to be broken up. also in government it s about saying the debates over education, common core this and whoever, are just completely irrelevant. when you look at the way kids are being educated today, it s totally out of date. we have this factory system. before we move into education let s go back to breaking up corporations, stripping them down to size. how disruptive of that is of the economy? and how do you do it? it s certainly disruptive of the economic elites just as any kind of attack on the way things are run today can be annoying and disruptive to the people in charge. what it really means is you have more opportunity for new companies, for innovation, for
start-ups, for those trying to challenge the powerful interest to actually create more jobs and design now products that are better and more closely related to the way we want to live today. we can fig aure out when the banks started to fail. when did this happen in corporations and government? when did this era of consolidation really start in more human in the book, i tell the story of how this has happened and how the world has become so bureaucratized. it goes back many decades to the second world war where you saw the rise of the giant corporation and the management of these techniques to run things according to the central plan. that s been going on for decades. it s not a recent thing. crowd pack is the crowd sourcing for campaigns that you found in small donors find candidates. what insights did you find from
that approach to politics that s fueled the book more human. the first chapter is about politics. the power has gone from the individual and actually ended up with these power brokers who have all the control over what matters. that s what you re seeing in the campaign that people have had enough of. and that explains, i think, the sanders phenomenon and trump as well. none of them are really talking about the fundamental reform that will actually do anything about it. what i ve tried to do with crowd pack, my start-up is do it through the marketplace by creating a platform for political engagement. you can find a candidate they want to support, give them money. you can run for office yourself without relying on the big machines. politics is just one chapter in the book. i go through every issue and say
what do we need to do to deal with this dehumanized world we re living in. your chapter on food is something that everybody should read because it s to your point but also makes you really realize what s available to you out there and the opportunity to do something better that people really want. the new book is more human designing a world where people come first. steve hilton, thank you very much. it could take $100 million for someone to win the florida senate seat up this year. but if it does, one man running for the seat says count me out. congressman david jolley is next with his attempt to keep members of congress from becoming telemarketers. we ll explain. n vests. or not in vests. this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire?
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about a dozen tiny offices equipped with a phone and computer line a corridor. this is where members of congress sit behind closed doors and plow through lists of donors. dialing for dollars. outside in the main hallway is a big board where the amount each member has raised for the party is posted for all to see and compare. it is a cult-like boiler room on capitol hill where sitting members of congress, frankly, i believe are compromising the dignity of the office they hold by sitting in these sweat shop phone booths calling people asking for money. their only goal is to get $500 or $1,000 or $2,000 out of the person on the other end of the line. it s shameful. it s beneath the dignity of the
office that our voters and communities entrust us to serve. that was republican congressman david jolly last night on 60 minutes pushing back against the current system that requires them to use large portions of their time to call people for money. he s also a candidate for florida senate seat. good to have you on board. great to be with you. how can they do it without money? that s a good question. we all know the amount of money in politics. we all have different ideas, different solutions. this is about the amount of time it takes to raise it. let s pull the curtain back and realize you have members of congress spending 20 to 30 hours a week is that s what you elected them for? you are paying them $174,000 a year and they are shirking, shaking down the american people for money instead of doing their job. it s depressing. it is. what s the solution then? i introduced the stop act. i ve wrestled with conservative
solutions to campaign finance. this is more a congressional reform. in 30 states, judges who are on the ballot are prohibited from directly solicitting money. our state legislators are prohibited from directly soliciting money. i introduced the stop act. it s four pages. i joke every member can read it before they vote on it. it prohibits the direct selection of a campaign contribution. challengers are left out of this bill. how do you raise money? so your campaign would still exist. you d still have a fund-raiser, campaign manager. they could still operate the campaign committee but the member would put down the phone and get back to work. you just can t ask for money yourself. if your issue is border security, national security, tax reform, you are frustrated because nothing is getting done, right? that s because you have a congress that s not even doing their job.
that s going to be a race to get the best fund-raiser. so campaign finance is a supply and demand problem. this is the demand side. the supply side is the money. sure. there are proposals out there in congress right now for various kinds of small donor matching, public subsidies, taxpayer subsidies, mostly from democrats. what s your opinion of those things to take off some of the pressure to raise the money in the first place? so i would be happy as a republican to join a coalition to address campaign finance reform. how do we protect the constitutional right of any one to participate? what i want to do is the british model. take political ads off of television using the fcc regulation. how about that one? but this that will take years to get to a bipartisan campaign finance reform package. this is about getting congress back to work. we can do this right now. if we cultivate the constructive anger of the american people that you have a part-time
congress and a full-time world who is failing to even show up and do their job, we can pass the stop act. i love that you re doing this. members of congress when they complain about how much time they have to do that they say just don t do it. are there criminal penalties for members who violate it? this falls into the fec code. the initial penalties are civil. but based on egregious violations, it can be referred to a prosecutor for criminal. i joke next time a member of congress calls you for money, call the police. could you ask them for money? you can update people on the race, attend, talk about what s you are doing but you can t make the can you spend time in that boiler room asking them how important your campaign is. you wouldn t have to do that because the only reason you walk across the street to do that is the ask. if you aren t making the ask you can sit in your office. some members go over there and don t make the ask.
it s illegal in your congressional office to solicit funds. if you aren t solicitting funds you can call constituents all day long from your office doing your job. that s a horrible process and i was horrible at it. i raised most of my money in the district face to face because i did not want to walk over there and sit in a cube and call these people. i m trying to give my colleagues breathing room. i m not trying to beat them up. i m beating up the system. i voted for you joe in pensacola, florida. and because you went on public television. you had these half-hour shows on public television to get your message out. exactly. today s world is dominated by high finance and it s wrong. let s get congress back to work. it was public access. it was $50 a half hour. that s right. because nobody would go on it because it was supposedly so like color bars? and i just bought 24 hours
and i would just talk and have my sign behind me. call me. he was an outsider running against the chairman of the county commission. you came with this message of reform and let s fix washington. why is it that only retiring members of congress are willing to lament the amount of time they spend raising money? they all write books. do it while they re in there. and they re selling you a book for $30. they re still trying to get your money. let s pass the stop act. i m sure you ve gotten a great response. i m not dumb. i went to the american people first instead of my leadership. they d kill it. we ve got the stop call, e-mailior congress. members of congress have been calling you for years. now it s time for you to call them. one of the answers, too and this will upset democrats and republicans. first of all, you need to raise the individual limits so you aren t callering everybo inin i
everybody. transparency immediately. the second they give you that big check you scan it and put it out there. it gets rid of the dark money. gets rid of the need to sit in there forever. so you know who is giving you the money, and they can write bigger checks because right now it s a scam. you get hunting dogs giving you checks. that s right. have you heard from your colleagues on this? everybody makes these complaints off the record but never on the record as you are. we have six co-sponsors. that s six more than i anticipated. amazing. i asked members and colleagues to support it. they said i d love to but i can t. i went to my democratic opponents in the senate race in florida and said if you ll co-sponsor this i won t push you to take the pledge to stop raising money. i no longer directly solicit money but i beg my democratic
supporters, co-sponsor it and i ll say you don t need to take the pledge now. but they re in the race. congressman, thank you so much, and good luck. appreciate you dropping by. congressman david jolly, thank you. that s does it for us today. we want to talk about what we learned today. i learned that congressman jolly has a good idea. yeah. what have you learned? that prince has many great songs he s written but maybe a few more than joe believes. i just said he s the greatest performer alive. that was his strength. steve kornacki picks up the coverage after a quick break. have a great day, everybody. wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin.
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is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones. good morning to you. i m steve kornacki. topping the agenda right now, the plot to stop trump. kasich has no path to winning. he has no path to winning in cleveland. he will not be the nominee. ted cruz and john kasich striking a deal to divide up key battleground primary states. a double-team strategy that already has trump

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160505 10:00:00

any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. make mine an arnold palmer. same here. with xarelto® there is no regular blood moniring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. e.t. phone home. [ soft music ] when you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1. any comments, any regrets about not being in the race. i have nothing serious to
say. good morning. it is thursday may 5th. it feels like may. beautiful out there. 36 and rainy. it is 36 and rainy. we ve got managing editor of bloomberg politics and co-host on msnbc. don t you love him? who doesn t. america loves him. he is america s anchor. i think he s getting there. some breaking news. yes. as most of our viewers will remember mike barnicle offered a new truck. what a dummy. if donald trump won the nomination. a pickup truck. i was so sure we now have a legal ruling. there s a website called law reached out to a new
york city contract attorney to see if the wager between mika and barnicle was, in fact, legally enforceable. here is what they found. i saw the picture of mika pointing at the camera. we have been gloating. listen closely. under new york law a valid contract requires an offer, acceptancish consideration, reliance and capacity to enter into an agreement. contracts attorney keith stein said, quote, it appears all of those elements were met in this case. where was he when i needed him. barnicle made an offer to buy mika a new truck, mika accepted in front of multiple witnesses and television audience. as for the issue of consideration. although mika did not specifically offer anything in return, barnicle received a great deal of publicity and skplour on his show which led to satisfy the consideration requirement. this is longer than most supreme
court decisions. the last line of the ruling, suspe suspect. here is the closer. it certainly appears mika and barnicle were of sound mind. look at the picture. can we just get mika s picture there. respected name in legal analysis. give me the pickup truck. thank you. we ve embarrassed our selves again. then there was one. the republican party s presidential race has come to an end. donald trump is the last
standing. therefore can say donald trump is the presumptive nominee. it is official. it is official. everybody take this in. it comes after ohio governor john kasich suspended his campaign last night making the difficult decision as his plane sat on the runway yesterday waiting to go to d.c. a source tells nbc kasich decided he didn t want to go raise money to simply drop out two weeks later. so before his wife and two daughters, the governor reflected on his path. i have always said the lord has a purpose for me as he has for everyone. as i suspend my campaign, i have renewed faith, deeper faith, that the lord will show me the way forward and fulfill the purpose of my life. willie, let me first say i
was moved. what are you laughing about? nothing. i was moved he held the announcement in my basement from upstate new york. extraordinarily well preserved. i thought it was a beautiful speech. no, it was a beautiful spe h speech. that was the most delicate. i love kasich. i supported him after bush dropped out of the race. it was very moving. he had nowhere to go. i know he had to be frustrated you know when we did the meeting in new hampshire, all along i said this is a guy that will came off. we re in a parallel universe. regular universe two-term governor of the state of ohio lost the most important state,
well respected all those things would be pluses. they turned out to be negative and he went head-to-head with this storm called trump. the republican establishment given the choice of kasich two-term governor, first budget chairman to balance the budget since the 1920s instead of this guy who had been in washington for a very long time, they chose ted cruz. the tabment got behind ted cruz and ended horribly for him. seems like years ago but he did finish second in new hampshire. he had a chance to parlay that into becomg the establishment choice but he did not do that. why not? w why? he lacked defining what he was about. he wasn t a career politician. the establishment. this was a personal thing.
for some reason they were more comfortable cozying up to a guy who shattered the brand in 2013 than they were john kasich. a guy who, again, had balanced what everybody called the unbalanceable budget. in the end two main reasons the establishment didn t turn to him. they didn t think he could beat trump. the other thing is, as much as we like him, he did not reach out in a way that made them feel invested and personally. you mean the washington crowd. washington, members of congress, other governors, they just didn t feel they couldn t see outside themselves. they wanted to be sucked up to and he didn t do it. i heard kasich, mean i ve known the guy forever, loved the guy. we were on opposite sides. i was voting against budgets, appropriation bills, battled but i loved him.
serious issues. he was very good. that speech yesterday, he didn t talk about donald trump. he didn t talk about politics. he didn t talk about the race, really, he just talked about his experience over a year or so. having done town hall with him in ohio and watch the way he interacts with people, talk to a woman worried the american dream was dead for her. i watched him. they both had tears in their eyes. it was real. it wasn t for the cameras. it s a very smart guy. i think the experience for him was almost spiritual. first of all, still the governor of ohio. second, donald trump is talking about putting him on the ticket. smart. he s the host governor of the convention so he ll be visible in cleveland. i ll tell you the most moving moment of the campaign may have been when the kid drove from georgia to ohio and started crying, hugging. amazing. talked about it yesterday. again, it was one of those remarkable moments that
transcended politics. on a human level kasich really connected. which is why i don t understand why those in washington couldn t see the value of what he presented to the country instead of what they needed for themselves in terms of sucking up. they wanted their own hugs. they have a big one now. the republican party reacted yesterday, tweeted. seriously. what did they tweet? they tweeted this. thank you to the spire republican field for a hard fought race. the party is better for your efforts. okay. all right. there you go. that s it. it s kind of like let s go from not very smart to unself aware. this is bobby stepping out of the shower and saying it was all a dream in dallas. a thorn in the side of trump in the republican party. he tweeted that and said is this
a parody account, the senator said. that s a great response. in an interview with lester holt for nbc nightly news, trump discussed whether he felt the bruising primary race had taken a toll on his numbers. your negatives are staggering, disapproval 69%, african-americans 88%, latinos 79. people under 34, 75% disapprove. how much of that is self-inflicted by some of the rhetoric from the primary campaign and how do you heal that while still respecting those that got you here. came out 49 to 31 with hillary clinton and i haven t started with hillary clinton yet. i think i ll do well with women. the last few states i won in landslides i won with women, african-americans, hispanics, i won at every single level. you discard all these numbers. i don t discard anything. i just started.
i just got it not even 24 hours ago. those are the challenges mark halperin. you look at the percentages. he can t win unless he gets 32, 33 support of hispanics. he can t win without doing much better with women right now. those are the great challenges in front of him, corey, paul, entire trump win. as a snapshot he can t win where we are today. let s wait and see. we ve seen presidential races in the country, michael dukakis was ahead of bush. let s not compare. today as to whether he can come back are making a mistakes. let s wait and see. maybe he can. i would say anyone that judges the outcome of this race should look at what happened and ask themselves if they thought any of this would happen state after state after state after
state. with donald trump, people keep saying hillary will get i hope so, but i don t know. i really don t know. here is the thing, nobody knows. willie geist, new york times wrote an article how i missed the trump thing, very forthright. you look what so many said, what nate silver said time and time and time again. look at the fact he was wrong every single time about trump. trump started at 1%, 2%, upside down in the polls. i believe demographics is destiny. i believe what works in the primary doesn t work in the general election, that it is back to blocking and tackling. i believe trump has a huge mountain to climb. but we don t know, because everybody was wrong about him before. who really has i went on twitter last night. i really stopped going on it. my news feed which i always went on, talk about mentions, i stopped doing that in 1943.
i always loved the news feed. last night, seriously nine out of ten, were just vile anti-trump, heated rhetoric. ivities like seriously. just report the news. everybody is making the same mistake they made before. yeah. i mean, this started last june when we said this guy is into something. he s tapped into a vein. everybody dismissed it. here we are with him as republican nominee. i agree this chaos theory this donald trump that anything can happen. i do agree as well those numbers are really tough. i don t know how he makes the case as he tries to pivot to a latino voter that he s for them, he s on their side. the number for mitt romney was 24% latino support. everybody agreed, every smart person in the republican party agreed that there s no way a republican can become president with those numbers and we have to do better next time.
i just don t know how donald trump does better than 24. he s going to have to do an incredible 180 somehow and change everything he said over the last year. on latinos, women. the convention offers him an opportunity, will be the first time a lot of americans have really looked at donald trump the candidate. the vice presidential selection offers him an opportunity. but he doesn t have many opportunities beyond that. if he goes into august with these numbers, i will say in august, he s going to lose big time. the window, while we have six months, he s got about a two-month window to start turning this stuff around quickly or he will lose. so if they want to win, they better be all hands on deck right now. this is not going to be a slow du turn. i was surprised that yesterday he stuck to the muslim thing.
that s a loser with the majority of americans. you ve got republicans like me. i m not going to vote for a guy stuck by it. he s got to make the turn and say this is a system we can put in place where we can get muslims allow muslims to come into america, maybe not from syria if they don t have the proper he s got to start making turns like that. i ll tell you, i m not i m never going to vote for a guy who says they are going to ban somebody because of the god they worship. he s going to have to make that turn fast. maybe he does it over the next couple of weeks. on the trump side, those wrong about him are the ones most definitive he has no chance. he and his team have a million things to get done. there are not enough hours in the day to get them done, start to improve, thinking through policy, et cetera. i agree. he doesn t have a lot of time to change the perceptions here with the voters. he s got to do it fast. the problem is clinton people are up and running.
they have a war room, opposition research, a plan of how they are going to dismantle trump. the trump people are just learning how to do this. on that hillary clinton has set her sights firmly on donald trump tweeting a web video full of republicans slamming the presumptive nominee. here is a part of it. i am a unifier. we re going to be a unified party. wbr id wbr9851 a con artist. a phony. donald trump is the know nothing candidate. donald is a bully. this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter. i don t remember. who attributed a reporter s questions to her menstrual cycle. blood coming out of her wherever the most vulgar person ever to aspire to the presidency. a man trying to feel big by making others look small. don t worry little marco. the bullying, the greed, the showing off. i m really rich. the misogyny, absurd third /b
grade they at rex. count to ten, donald. he s race-baiting, kpeno phobic narcissistic bigot. a level i don t think this country has seen. he would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe. this guy so unfit to be commander in chief. his domestic policies would lead to recession. his foreign policies in america would make the world less safe. what do you think, willie. i think as the republican campaign was going on, clinton campaign was sitting there hitting record every time a republican said something about him. the message there, even his party wbr-id wbr10631 finds him unpalatable, how could you even consider voting for donald trump. there s a lot more to come. that s an opening salvo in what will be a relentless against trump. as you said, this is not something he can wait until the
convention. they are ready to attack him. he s a one-man operation. this is not going to work the way it s stacking up. he needs help. he does. manafort is coming on board. you see corey and manafort. you see more on board. president bush saying we re not endorsing donald trump. we re sitting out the campaign. george herbert walker bush supported every nominee, his sitting out is a symbol for prominent republicans, don t be for trump. that s a problem for him. it s not insurmountable but it s a problem. i do think, willie, on the other side there are a lot of republicans that did come out, including mitch mcconnell, john mccain, going down the list saying, hey, we re going to support presumptive nominee, mitch mcconnell, richard bird,
mike huckabee, other republicans. they will all get in line. most will get in line. of course ben sass and others will never do that. again, he i guess that s the message of the day. if he s going to turn this battleship around, he s got to turn it around fast and he s got to start turning it around now. yeah. the question is how he does that. given all the things he said over the last year, how do you undo the things you said about the wall, mexicans, muslims, all those things. on the other side, hillary clinton has to figure out with the attacks coming her way. does she want to be jeb bush and fly high above him or be marco rubio and fly high with him. she ll have to find her sweet-spot. a lot of people don t like a career politician when a lot of the country doesn t want that. he has to make it as much about
her as him. he has a big opening. her disapproval in the mid-50s. i know his is in the 60s. see if he can bring his down. it s not brain surgery. if he wants to turn the ship around, he can. it s a made up story. can he do this? he can do it. what s a made up story. i think it s a made up controversy, can he turn it around, after everything that happened in the primary. have you seen what the clintons have done? have you seen what all politicians have done? they can turn it around any time they want, and they do. people are getting kind of tired of people being dishonest about it. i think it s going to be really hard for him to turn it around, specifically with hispanics. i think even with women he may be able to turn that around a bit. i think the biggest challenge right now is turning it around with hispanic voters. i have to say, along with what willie is saying, that s an area where i m just going to wait and
see how he does that. if he doesn t, he loses. show that one web video, wait until you see what democrats, clinton campaign and allies do with hispanic language advertising against trump. it s going to be extraordinary. still ahead on morning joe, republican governor rick snyder of michigan joins us for an exclusive interview on tthe s of president obama s blister comments. the party s presumptive nominee donald trump. also with us hillary clinton supporter rob reiner, no stranger to politics. tonight yo s band is playing here in new york, of course, at prohibition. if you re in town, come join us at prohibition upper west side, the music gets started around 8:30 tonight. but first, let s go to bill karins. we need upbeat, going to listen to him play.
your forecast sucks. it does. oh, pi god. that is just awful. i agree. mika, as this point i m hoping the sun comes out by mother s day. that s sunday and now it s thursday. yeah, in the east it s been about five days since people have seen the sun in new england, some locations in mid-atlantic. two storms, one off the coast and the ohio valley. we re sandwiched between these two. a very slow moving weather pattern. what you see is what you get over the next couple of days. here is how it plays out today, sandwiched between the storms, rainy, virginia, west virginia, north carolina. you re not going to get that much rain from philadelphia northwards through areas of upstate new york, new england. boston will get clipped late tonight. this storm, two storms consolidate. nor easter-type friday, gusty wind, cold, temperatures in the 40s and 50s. airport will be a mess with delays. finally watch that storm slowly leaving over the weekend.
at the same time everyone in the middle of the country is saying i have the best forecast in the world. it s going to be almost 90 in fargo, north dakota, and 48 in boston. that s ridiculous contrast there. fargo 30 degrees warmer than atlanta. upside down weather map there. the worst of it is located in the mid-atlantic and northeast leaving with you a shot of new york city where if everything goes well we ll give you peeks of sunshine by mother s day. that s ridiculous. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. constipated?
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blustering, bullying guy who has knocked out of the way all the republicans because they were just dumbfounded. they didn t know how to deal with him. they couldn t take him on in the issues because they basically agreed with him. they didn t know how to counter-punch. we had 17 people just now. i figured that out. i ll be able to figure it out with hillary. depends on where she s coming from. if she wants to go the low road, i m fine with that. if she wants to go the high road, which probably i would prefer, i would be fine with that. i can handle the low road if we have to do it. we ve had some low roads over the last few months. i ll be fine if i have to go that direction. you know what joining us local correspondent kasie hunt. good to have you back on. willie, you have something. they say a short memory for politics. bloomberg put together this clip as evidence calling it bad trump, good trump.
take a look. ben carson is lower energy than jeb if you know the truth. he took a knife and he went after a friend and he lunged. he s got a pathological temper or temperament. lo and behold it hit the belt. example, child molester. the knife broke. give me a break. dr. ben carson endorsed me. that s an incredible man. such an honor, he s a friend. he s become a friend. i m at 42 and you re at 3 so far i m doing better. doesn t matter. let me talk. quiet. jeb is a loser. i wish him the best. jeb, who is a very nice person. you have chris christie, the george washington bridge. he knew about it. he was like a little boy, in the helicopter, so excited to be in the helicopter. is he going to vote for obama? i thought he was for obama. they are going to throw him out
of office. chris christie, thank you very much. i appreciate it. he supports me. this little guy lied so much. little marco. i m watching marco sweating like a dog on my right. they call him a robot. rubio. i want to congratulate marco rubio on having run a really tough campaign. he s tough, he s smart, and a great future. lyin ted. he s a nasty guy. nobody likes him. can t win by himself. nobody in congress likes him, nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him. he s a joker. a very nasty guy. just so you understand, ted cruz, he s one hell of a competitor. he s a tough, smart guy. see what i say, now that he s out, everybody when they are out, nice, brilliant campaign. at least he s honest about what he s doing.
they could make the same video about a lot of republicans who are turning it around because they have no choice. the death of the republican party endorsing him. it goes both ways. goes both ways but more colorful with donald trump. for all the talk, donald trump is ready to dive into policy now. he told robert costa of the washington post he s eager to start receiving regular, classified intelligence briefings. trump also told new york times yesterday some of his governing priorities will be. he says that within the first 100 days of his administration he will have designed the wall on the mexican border, put the muslim immigration ban in place and begun the audit of the federal reserve and repeal of the affordable care act. so i guess he s sticking to that ban. look at all four of these. kasie hunt, it doesn t look like he s moving to the middle at all. seems like he s, in fact, doubling down with what he told the times yesterday.
certainly seems so. i will say, i was talking boult haley barbour and his points on this, he has to start making policy speeches that do line up with that conservative base as he heads into the convention. a lot of people on the floor of the convention will still be ted cruz. if there s concern around the party there s concern whether conservative policies or not. we re talking about how we showed that clip of hillary clinton talking about how all the republicans on stage agreed with donald trump. i don t think that was the case. a lot of conservatives are concerned about some of the things he said over time. we re going to take care of people, et cetera. i do think he has work to do with conservatives before he starts that pivot. starts to make that move. i m wondering, what was your reaction to hillary clinton laughing and saying, i ve handle this before. does she really think donald trump is kenneth star. james carville and those guys used to be able to carve up
republicans in the 1990s. somebody comes at trump, he ll tear them to shreds. he just will. i m wondering whether they have an understanding of that or whether they think this will be a replay of the clods that went after them in the 1990s. they say it for two things, reassures. it s the oldest spin in the clinton playbook. this has all been tried before, it never worked. they tried to take us down and it s never succeeded. at times it has succeeded and they have never faced anyone like donald trump. that doesn t mean it will succeed but this is spin to get the press to say, yeah, you can t beat the clintons. from the inside of the clinton campaign, they understand they are about to go into a type of political war they have never been involved with before? they do. with the exceptions of clintons themselves, genetically inclined to be worried about losing, they
are confident they can make this about trump. they are genuinely confident about it. i can see how both sides would be confident. tomorrow s show, the running mate. we re going to talk to ben carson and see if he ll pull a dick cheney and put his name on the list. up next, stay with us, now that donald trump will be gop nominee, what will happen to judge garland. new push by conservatives to get president obama s supreme court pick back on the senate s radar. i would do that if i were you. morning joe is back in a mom. moment. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them.
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we were talking about this op-ed, very interesting. mark, talking about wall street journal. support for trump, they are now in a neutral post. one suspects they will never support hillary clinton. they will find their way to supporting trump. read the trump reality opinion page, it s a pretty significant move in trump s direction.
not getting bushes isn t ideal for him. weighs in somewhat neutral. they do say he would be better for the economy than hillary clinton. it s easy to forget in a campaign, we expect the issue list, if trump can convince americans he d be better for turning around the economy, it would be a big advantage for him. big advantage. she s ill defined on the economy. i ask people all the time, tell me something she s for explain how your message. how would people s household income do up. they has ideas but they haven t broken through yet. trump doesn t have ideas but he s a businessman and has a chance to do well on the issue of the economy. in the wake of trump becoming republican nominee, conservative blog red state. they have not moved yet. what stage are they in? abject denial.
they are calling for the confirmation of judge garland to the supreme court as soon as possible. they write, republicans must know there s absolutely no chance that we will win the white house in 2016 now. so the choices essentially are to confirm garland and have another bite at the apple in a decade or watch as president clinton nominates something who is radically more leftist and 10 to 15 years younger, and we are in no position to stop it. and in new york magazine, how the republicans proceed on garland may serve as an indicator whether the party is prepared to unify or distance itself from trump. also points out contradiction they face if they move ahead confirming garland. the republican caucus spent months arguing america has the right to weigh in on the next supreme court nominee via its choice in the november election. if they back away from that stance now, they would effectively rebuke their own presidential nominee.
if hearing build popular support for garland s confirmation, they will be forced into either defying the will of the general public or that of their own base. a spokesman for senator mitch mcconnell said yesterday, republicans continue to believe that the american people should have a voice in this decision and the next president should make the nomination. i don t know. it seems to me they should move on someone to actually appeals to both sides like merrick garland and still support trump and unify behind him. why does one not come without the other. you know, if you re certain, kasie donald trump is going to lose i was just going to say, i think that more than anything right now is the split we re seeing among republicans. what donald trump did in sweeping this nomination is convince some republicans in
washington who are willing privately to say, hey, maybe this guy can win in november. they were certainly saying that about him compared to trump. most i talked to were convinced trump would be way better in the fall. red states, they are convinced he s not capable of beating hillary clinton. that s not my sense of where things are. what you were saying earlier about him having the potential to change these numbers with women, hispanics possibly more difficult. still i think they make a fair point if he s going to lose, if not say that in may again, get closer to the fall. i found this, i can criticizes mitt romney and john mccain as i did and george w. bush in the spring, but when i start criticizing them in the late summer and fall, i got murdered by conservative press. four, 8, 12. mitt romney all conservatives hated in the spring.
rush limbaugh said i ll never vote for him. by september even when i said clinton eastwood was a failure, national convention abject failure, mitt romney s campaign in trouble, i get massacred in the conservative press. willie, one thing to say this in the spring. you get to the spring, again, a lot of coalescing in the fall. this is new and fresh and painful for people, the republican party that this just happen happened. you get to october and want hillary clinton to be president, that s a scary prospect for people and you pull the trigger for trump. life is a series of choices. between donald trump and hillary clinton. he remembered in 76 when people were really upset coming out of the convention. he said i think there will be a lot of people who will be surprised who will get on board
in the end. might take time but evenings they will. totally agree. all right. still ahead on morning joe. this an individual not in a combat mission. he was in a dangerous place. his position came under attack. he was armed, trained, and prepared to defend himself. unfortunately he was killed, and he was killed in combat. but that was not part of his mission. the white house says the u.s. navy s.e.a.l. was killed in combat against isis but not in a combat role. senator dan sullivan, a long time marine doesn t quite see the distinction and he s letting the administration know about that. joining us next on morning joe. suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary s data could be under attack. with the help of the at&t network, a network that senses and mitigates cyber threats, their critical data is safer than ever. giving them the agility to be open & secure.
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attack on u.s. and kurdish forces north of mosul. pentagon officials say the isis attack was massive, well planned involving 125 isis fighters in 20 vehicles and raged for hours. on the ground forces in the air, 11 u.s. warplanes and two drones that launched 31 airstrikes. two soldiers killed with 60 isis fighters. with us member of armed services committee dan sullivan, alaskan senator, thank you for being with us. morning, joe, morning, mika, good to be on the show. good morning. there s questions whether this navy s.e.a.l. who died was in a combat role or not. what do you say? first i want to express deep sympathies and respect for the families of the fallen and wounded, right, we re seeing more of this. clearly he and others are in combat. this is a big issue because you have a huge disconnect between
the white house, the president, press secretary saying we don t have troops in combat. yet just last week in the armed services committee secretary carter, the chairman of the joint chiefs general dunford said absolutely, unequivocally men and women in combat in the middle east, whether dropping bombs in syria and iraq, marines, 200 marine fire base, artillery fire base. all right so. why didn t the white house want to admit our men and women are in combat? you know, joe, i really don t understand why. it might be some kind of legacy where the president has said, hey, we re going to remove combat forces. what it does do is just undermines his credibility. it further diminishes respect for the men and women who are serving over there. they know they are in combat. the american people know they are in combat. what i think the white house needs to do is just acknowledge it. that will help them with their
credibility with regard to what we re doing over there in terms of the strategy to defeat isis. willie. senator, a piece in the washington post a few days ago talking about what you re saying, buildup, quiet buildup of american troops in iraq. they say noncombat. seems to me if you re in a firefight in isis you re pretty well in combat. what do you think american people should know about what s happening with troops right now? willie, look, this is an important issue. we are in combat over there. i think the american people if the president levels with the american people, press secretary levels with the american people, tells the truth like secretary of defense and chairman dunford have, they will understand. this is a huge issue we need to defeat isis. but we ve got to do it by leveling with the american people. as you mentioned front page of the washington post yesterday, a marine fire base, artillery fire base doing missions every single day. that s the definition of combat.
the white house needs to come clean on that. all right. just while you re here, we d like to get your take on this. what do you think of donald trump as the presumptive nominee of your party? will you support him, and what are your thoughts especially on this issue pertaining to foreign policy? listen, mika, your previous segment when you talked about the economy, i think that s the critical issue. donald trump and even bernie sanders have tapped into frustrations. i think that frustration is hugely reflected by the fact that we can t grow the economy anymore. last quarter 0.5% gdp growth. this is enormous frustration for american people. i think you re seeing it reflected in the politics. i ve stated that with regard to donald trump, i don t agree with everything he says on policy. for example, when he says that nato, we don t need nato, i don t think that s true. i think our allies are hugely
important comparative advantage we have with regard to the country, some of his rhetoric i haven t supported. i ve said i plan on supporting the republican nominee at this time. senator dan sullivan, thank you very much. thank you, senator. we appreciate it. still ahead morning joe exclusive governor rick snyder on the toxic water crisis in flint, michigan, following the president s visit to that city yesterday. plus you want free speech? let s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil who is standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing in the top of yours. we will ask director and political activist rob reiner about his version of the american president and whether there are parallel to today s race. that s straight ahead on morning joe.
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xxxx coming up at the top of the hour, donald trump said people aren t sure what president trump will be like. things will be fine. i m not running for president to make things unstable for the country. we re going to bring in washington post robert costa on reporting of trump s first potential 100 days. morning joe is back in a moment. real is touching a ray.
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180 days left of hell, 180 days left. play a little golf, waste time, i don t know what else i ll do with my time. yeah, hello. congratulations. you ve just reached donald tr p trump. donald. you called me. doesn t matter. did you see the news. i m the presumptive nominee for president. i ll be captain america. i love indiana. i love indiana.
birth place of indiana jones. i ve got to admit, it was a big win. it was a big win. when i m in charge, america will start winning and winning bigly. did you say bigley? i m going to be the bestest, most fantastical and huge-ical. bigly. welcome back at the top of the hour. we have chairman of african-american studies princeton universities and on capitol hill political reporter for the washington post and msnbc political analyst robert costa. good to see you. we re following comings and
goings. what have you been hearing over the past 24 hours from republican establishment figures in that building behind you. i spoke to dozens of them yesterday. my sense, joe, is that they are moving toward trump. not always an embrace, not enthusiastic but there s an acceptance he is going to be the nominee. there s a sense despite all his vulnerabilities and poor poll numbers across the country he may be able to bring out democrats and independents. that s the silver line in my reporting. do you get a sense, they are afraid to run with him on the top of the ticket as some have said through the primary season or do you get a sense that some senators or congressmen, women think he may not be such a hindrance in their districts or states after all? one group of people who actually are more warm to trump than most are those who come from blue states, blue districts, republicans. they think trump can help them
in their home towns or home states. what we re seeing right now is a wait and see approach. we have 80 days until the convention. until then you have a lot of these candidates and party leaders trying to build a relationship with trump. he s going to be coming to washington. just watch him as a candidate, see how he performs. bob, what level of outreach has donald trump performed on capitol hill? has he made phone calls? is he planning to go to washington at any point? he said a lot of people trashing hmo over the last year are calling him and saying, sorry for the things i said, i m calling you. i pressed this on trump yesterday in an extensive phone call i had with him. i said you don t have a relationship with speaker ryan, mitch mcconnell. he doesn t have a history there. he s going to come to washington and wants total coordination with the policy agenda. when it comes to trade and immigration trump wants to have a voice and lead the party. he voiced to washington post
his view he can work with the party on the platform and is willing to come to capitol hill and not be someone who is an outlier when it comes to policy. we talked about this yesterday how strange it is voters are going to have a republican nominee, most likely, that is going to be left of hillary on trade and to the left of hillary on military intervention. the cards are going to be sort of think about that. up in the air. bizarro world. interesting nature of the political spectrum of the united states right now. he actually think it s reasonable for certain conservatives in particular to be doubtful of donald trump. there has to be movement with regard to his positions in relation to them. when you think about progressives on the left, those bernie or bust people, they are whackos in the sense they are doubting hillary clinton can
ally with their position on trade. there s a sense of what s allowable in terms of the political spectrum. you can have folks on the right, from clinton all the way to the tea party. if you go to the left of clinton, what s available. this is a strange moment. so are there a lot of progressives that right now are contender about getting behind a nominee who for better or worse you can read bob gates book and she aligned with him. a lot of people consider her more than an interventionist, consider her a war hawk. on trade, she s going to be as pro trade and pro wall street as anybody. that s going to be hard. absolutely. lamenting the disappearance of the democrat, the fact democratic party doesn t seem to
represent working pool. what he s claiming, there s a whole range of folks questioning her. there are going to be 13.1 million new hispanic voters. 13.1 million hispanic voters in the 2016 election. think about her position on honduras, send those children back. there s going to be some interesting debate going on on the left, not trying to align on the right. the media loves to focus on republicans trying to line up with their nominee but you re right. a lot of people on the left supporting bernie that are going to have trouble getting behind hillary as well. he s not helping the bernie sanders situation at all. not at all. leaders across republican party reacted to donald trump s take yesterday. senate majority lead are mitch mcconnell put out, trump has opportunity and obligation to unite party around our goals. he was joined in full throated
endorsements from senator richard bird, north carolina, governor mary fallon of oklahoma and mike huckabee. three candidates up for senate less direct, they reiterated they would back nominee as did party elders john boehner and haley barbour who said they would back trump if he becomes the nominee. meanwhile the club for growth backed off its threat to withhold support from anyone backing trump now that he s the nominee but till insist anyone who endorsed trump last night is still on their list for potential retribution. we re starting to see pretty big movement, club for growth especially who disagree with trump on so many issues saying now it s okay for candidates to support donald trump shows, again, the coalescing we knew was going to happen. what does this mean for the identity of the republican
party. i don t understand how coalitions will hold in terms of various constituencies to have donald trump at the head. it depends if the republican party learns from this. if the party thinks donald trump is just about personality or just about the wall or just about anti-muslim rhetoric, they are missing the big story, which is they have had white working class voters supporting them for 25, 30 years and white working class voters feel betrayed by their positions on trade, a lot of their positions on tax policy. why are they running around talking about corporate tax cuts, which i support, but in the talking about payroll tax cuts that will help. those making $50,000 or less in a very real and meaningful way. do they oppose minimum wage. where i understand the
economic benefits of a lot of these policies that are pushed by think tanks in washington, d.c. they have never reached down to the core, the base of the republican party. but this is fascinating, because at one point donald trump was saying the minimum wage is too high. we were talking about that yesterday. there are so many inconsistencies there. a lot of these voters didn t listen to this. believe he s going to they focused on this guy talking about calling nafta one of the worst policies that s been passed in some time, talking about how working class jobs have been gutted by all these policies could it be he s tapping into something very nasty and ugly at the heart of that resentment, giving voice to not simply being locked out of the new economy, whatever that we know what the new economy talk is, right, but it s being voiced in a particular sort of way, in relation to folks we don t see as one of us, folks taking undeserving others, taking from
deserving people, that he s tapping into something very, very ugly. how about something very, very real. ugliness is real. yes. he played that card. but the thing is i feel like you re talking about something else. go ahead. yes, he played that card. there s no doubt about it. he played it several times, in ways that disturbed all of us around the table. i m saying, though, that environment, others taking our jobs actually it s technology taking jobs. it is some trade policies and gobblization taking the job. others taking our jobs. the underlying resentment is about jobs. they believe trump is going to take care of us in a way the free traders and supply siders never took care of us. the politicians. and the source of that resentment where you re looking
around for somebody to blame. also if you go to any go to the midwest, go to an old steam town, auto town, southwestern oregon to a lumber mill that s been shut down and you talk to those people there, it s because of trade policy. it s because of immigration. no one else has solved this problem for them. so they are out of work. they have seen their industries go away. they are willing to take risks. donald trump giving them reason to believe on an emotional level, maybe not on specific policy level, on an emotional level he s going to bring that back for them. you know, republican leaders. i did it myself from time to time would go talk to people suffering, working class people that supported us and talk about milton friedman. these people don t want to hear about that. they want to hear about, bob costa, how are you going to get jobs back in this country from mexico and from china, and why do you keep telling me about the benefits of free trade when
everything that s happened since nafta passed has been bad in my town, bad in my community, bad in my state. that s what these white working class voters not just white working class voters, working class voters have been asking this year. the question is did the party listen or are they going to be shocked four years from now? my colleague karen and i look at this exact question in today s paper. you have to wonder, is trump a maker of this disruption and chaos with the republican consensus or is he really a product of it? i think it s more the latter. we ve seen evolution how the working class deals with republican leadership, a frustration, feeling in 2010 and 2014 they elected republicans, expecting certain things with regard to the policy. on the campaign trail you sense a loss in faith with republican hawks, loss in faith you talk about the supply side wing of
the republican party. trump, i think, is a product of a crack in that consensus that has really dominated gop since reagan era. i think it forces think tanks. wit not wii. rich getting richer. poor getting poorer, middle class disappearing, working class getting squeezed. there is despair. white working class americans are dying sooner and are more addicted to drugs and are more racked with despair than ever before. what have our policies done to change that? all the things we ve talked about really haven t worked. maybe we need to look at this in a different way. yes, be capitalist, be for free markets, be for lower taxes, be for government regulations but stop saying the same damn things we ve been saying since ronald
reagan was president. in that 40-year absence of any policy that s helped those people, into the void steps donald trump. he can say things all these politicians have not said and failed these people, which is i m going to bring the jobs back. katy tur covered donald trump as close as anybody. she s been there right from the beginning, a few days after he aaccepteded escalator into the lobby of trump tower. we were talking a little bit earlier about this turn to the general election. hillary clinton was locked and loaded ready with ads about donald trump, surrogates out there. i guess the question is, does the trump campaign that s run so lean and mean have the ability to make that same quick turn. i don t think they do at the moment unless donald trump infuses his campaign with a lot of cash quickly. they have been so far pretty hesitant to do that. it depends how much funding they take from the rnc and whether or not they start sanctioning,
essentially, super pacs running adds on their behalf. donald trump in the past has disavowed or asked any super pac in his name or working in his benefit to cease and desist. there are those out there that are going to try to do that. ed rawlins joined great america pac to help him overcome hillary clinton in the general election. that is something they could do relatively quickly. so far we have not seen that from the donald trump campaign. trump said yesterday if hillary clinton wants to go in the gutter in this campaign, he s happy to go there with her. he said he d prefer to run a high-minded campaign. what is the strategy, as you know, katy tur to go after hillary clinton. back months ago he started to float bill clinton stuff and his past and personal relationships. is he going to go there for most of this campaign? they are going to throw everything they can at hillary clinton. my sense is that if that sort of stuff ends up working for him, the attacks on bill clinton, the
attacks on maybe his sexual indiscretions, if they find they work, yes, they will go there. i think right now what they are doing focusing on a two-pronged attack really, trying to paint her as corrupt, somebody who could potentially be indicted. also somebody there s this veiled sexism they have been accused of, somebody that doesn t have the strength and stamina, some be who should not be president. trying to attack her both on her record and then potentially on the fact that she is was married to bill clinton and that s pretty much why she, in their minds, is being is now running for president, is in the position that she s in. whether that works, it will remain to be seen. i know hillary clinton herself has said this is a playbook from the 90s and not something that will work in 2016. donald trump is an unusual
candidate and has an unusual, untraditional ability to find ways to make attacks that other candidates would not make work for him. katy tur out there for a year with donald trump. with the result yesterday, presumptive nominee, she gets a six-month extension. thank you. congratulations. thank you, katy. bob costa, we showed number before super pacs spending for and against trump. most insiders in washington feel trump will be massively outspent by hillary clinton in the fall. that s the expectation. there s not a thought on capitol hill trump is going to be able to compete with clinton dollar for dollar. when i spoke to trump yesterday i said how are you doing to help the party raise money. he said at 9:00 a.m. today, a couple hours from now, he s going to sit down with rnc and start to finalize joint fundraising agreement. though he hasn t come up with a plan yet, at least publicly, how he s going to compete with clinton, at least with money for
senate and house candidates he wants to intertwine his small donner network with the national party. all right. robert costcosta, thank you much. still ahead on morning joe governor rick snyder joins us a day after hosting president obama to address the water crisis in flint. plus bernie sanders says he s in it until every vote is cast and the crowds are not dying down. why does it happen that in vermont and in kentucky and a beautiful baby you have right there. yes. and that is what this campaign is about. that baby. that baby. now we know. covering the clinton campaign. in just a minute we ll talk about whether the e-mail account was hacked. a famous hacker said he was able
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i know there s a lot of nervousness around this country that donald trump may become president. ain t going to happen. that was bernie sanders last night in lexington, kentucky. did you see the baby again? yes. you love that baby. put it back on. no. it was an exuberant crowd. maybe we can show that crowd again so we can see the baby. he predicted he would win west virginia and kentucky. meanwhile hillary clinton has all but shifted to the general election and yesterday had a message for donald trump. references to your marriage, to your husband, to he s not the first one, anderson. i can t say this often enough. if he wants to go back to the playbook of the 1990s, if he wants to follow in the footsteps of those who have tried to not
me down and take me out of the political arena, i m more than happy to have him do that. you re ready for that. please. look, this is to me a classic case of a blustering, bullying guy who has knocked out of the way all the republicans. they were dumbfounded. they didn t know how to deal with him. they couldn t take him on the issues because they basically agreed with him, they didn t know how to counter-punch. joining from los angeles that is good spin. now that you ve told me, that is good spin. so makes sense? makes more sense. when i first heard it, i said, wait a second, she needs to be scared of donald trump, because trump is going to come at her. but now that you say that, that s exactly what i d be saying if i were in her position. heard it all before. really?
what a joke, what a loser, do what ken starr oh, this is newt gingrich. oh, this is denny hastert. denny hastert tried that. that s a great line of attack. wasn t born in 1990s, we ve seen all these old attacks from the 1990s. we remember them well. i think what could be very interesting and very useful to hillary clinton is if he goes really awful and attacks hard and she attacks back even more viciously, i think there s a chance people will go, whoa, okay. now, that s strength. she s going to have bad cops to do that. i m not sure she ll be doing that. i m not sure at some point the big wild card is her husband who some of her allies are worried won t be able to help himself, will feel so indignant he will lash back at trump. i think that is the biggest
concern. you don t tell a president you can t go out and talk and you can t tell bill clinton that. a husband who won his share of political battles and feels like he can take on anybody. or maybe is the reason she s vulnerable and might want to make up for that. a strategic moment she might step up and respond. the gender question, speaking to trump and holding her own. she shouldn t jump in the pit pigsty but at least put her toe in there. when 1.7 billion people watching the first debate, might happen there. i think so. you know what, she shows she s stronger than him but all those other guys he squashed. i think he could be a tremendous foil for her if things play out the right way. this is why no one can tell what s going to happen. no one knows what will happen. no one can tell. from los angeles nbc news white house correspondent kristen
welker following the clinton campaign. how is the campaign gearing up to take on trump. she s in our morning joe los angeles bureau. they put her in the closet. exactly. joining you all the way from this l.a. closet. nice to see you guys. look, she is ramping up, sort of fighting on two front. it s very clear this battle against trump is her top priority. in terms of lines of attack, she s really trying to make people afraid of donald trump. yesterday you heard her use the language loose cannon. what was interesting, you re starting to see democrats coalesce around her, including elizabeth warren. that s going to be krael critical rallying democratic base. what s interesting, guys, she s also trying to rally republicans, pick-off republicans. she had this ad out yesterday with top republicans lambasting donald trump. so we re starting to see her strategy come into focus. but tactically she s beefing up her ground game in battleground
states. this morning we are learning that she s adding to her staff at the brooklyn headquarters, marlin marshall, one of her top aides is going to oversee this election rollout and added two staffers. you see this tactical ramping up in addition to this language she s using on the trail. again, she s not out of the primary and that s why she s here in california. it has the most delegates. she wants to win this state for the optics, if not for the math. thank you very much. now to news about hillary clinton s e-mail server. the hacker tells nbc news, guccifer. that was your name in 1999. and stage name. really? said he once gained access to hillary clinton s server.
he tells nbc why is this person? it was like an open orchid on the internet. there were hundreds of folders. he gave no documentation to back up the claims. all right. i m not sure i m a little skeptical. this is a guy who broke into a lot of famous accounts. bush, colin powell, sydney blumenthal. they extradited him back from hungary, bulgaria, one of those countries. roman romania. mark halperin? guccifer, i don t know. i didn t know orchids had folders, makes me suspicious. if he can break into those accounts, it s not a stretch. the conversation with the
hacker gucciferr is part of around assignment. still on morning joe. i m reminded of my favorite movie, the princess bride. with respect to navigable waters, you people using that word, it does not mean what you think it means. ted cruz doing his best the princess bride impression. you know who was not impressed? didn t he support ted cruz. he loved ted cruz. he ll love this. he joins us live next. we ll try to refrain from asking him questions about spinal tap. you re watching morning joe. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue.
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i m not leaving for drugs. leaving for a girl, is there a difference? look, man, i can t stay here anymore. this place is like a [ bleep ] prison. it s not even close. you see these? you think i got these as a tattoo parlor in hollywood? be grateful it s 90 days, not two years in county. don t worry, if you re not dead, you ll probably be dead anyway. attacking opioid epidemic, big issue on the campaign trail. joining us rob reiner who directed and produced the movie. looks great. yeah. it was the most personal film i ve ever made. it takes very closely from my sons experience and my relationship to him during this period. he had a struggle. we re not saying anything but he
struggled 15 to 19 with drug abuse. campaign trail. every single family has a story. has been touched by it. not one story but many. everybody talked about drugs in the 60s, in the 70s. here we are in 2016, actually, it s wide. it s a worse problem now. much worse. easy access to very cheap heroin and overprescription of bills. the scary they think about it is, how are we handling it? what are we doing. obviously because of the campaign it s front and center now. you re seeing the beginnings of recognition. first of all, the recognition but what you can do, decriminalize, not punish people because they have a problem. right. it s not like they want to take these drugs. people who take them, they know they are doing down a bad path
but they can t help it. they are self-medicating because they have internal problems, things they are wrestling w now we re starting to understand you decriminalize that and you help people. not just that. you look at the story of prince. you read the story of prince. twenty years ago, another rock tar, da da da, finish the story. here i look at it like, oh, god. he had hip problems. somebody prescribed him pain medication. then he got more dependent on it. pretty soon by the end, he s abusing it because it is so addictive and it helps get rid of the pain. i had a dear friend who actually died. it started that way. i had a friend who died, this is back in the 60s. i do know about this. my son, nick ryeiner, who wrote the screen play. really? he s brilliant, a young kid so funny and smart and
brilliant, now in a really good place. we have enough perspective we can write this story. how old is he? he s 22. 22. he said he s been in and out of many programs. he said of the places that he s been, people that he s known, he said at least 30 people are dead now, the program he s been in. i bet you guys got to talk a lot about what this was like for each of you. my god. look, you don t go into something like this to say, okay, this is a catharsis, therapy, but it was. is forced me to see what he was going through more closely. it forced him to see what he was going through, his mother going through and brought us very much closer together. how old was he when you first put him he was 15, 15 years old. from 15 to 19. listen, even if you re not wrestling with drugs, teenager years are tough anyway. you re struggling with your own identity and confusion in your head and all that.
then you add drugs into the mix and it s scary. you re so active politically, the campaign, best most memorable moments chris christie addressing a voter on this very topic and said almost exactly what you said. why are we criminalizing someone sick. why are we putting that person in jail. it doesn t help. do you think that mentality is changing where we re helping sick people instead of putting them in jail? yes, i do. i think this is one issue where you see republicans and democrats coming together. their understanding maybe the 1994 crime bill overstepped a little bit and reining that back. criminal justice reform and sentencing. that is an outcropping of that. most of the people we re talking about are people in prison for nonviolent crime usually related to drugs. a piece of art but obviously a lot it touches people in a real way. families having a problem that see the movie, what will they
take away from it? i think they will take away that everybody has a different road. there is no cookie cutter approach. hopefully this will be part of a dialogue. everybody as you say, you know a friend or somebody in the family, husband or wife, everybody has this issue. what we cannot do is put it into a one size fits all. everybody has their path and how they are going to deal with it. mostly i think it s families coming together. it s parents and children not demonizing the children, not punishing the children for the fact they have a problem and keeping that dialogue open with your child. hopefully that s what you ll see at the end of the movie. the last scene in the movie with the father and son, we changed it 100 times between the time we started working on it until the time we shot it based on what was happening between me and nick. it reflected in that last scene. now, we are a good bit further down the road sin then, but you ll see in the movie.
remarkable. let me ask you, are you going to be in charge of the hollywood super pac for donald trump? you see, i m one of the few guys, few democrats very few people say, well, are the republicans going to coalesce behind trump. i actually burned my democratic card, i m now a trump no, what, are you crazy? the guy is a lunatic. i didn t know if you were a bernie guy. no, i support hillary. we were talking about how some progressives have concern she s seen as interventionist, new york times wrote an article about it, she s an interventionist. obviously on trade she s not lined up the way bernie sanders and other progressives want her to be lined up. what s your message to democrats, progressives, that need to unify behind hillary? my message to democrats is very simple. first of all, number one, hillary is the most qualified person to be president in my
lifetime, and i m pretty damn old. and secondly, donald trump. those are the two things you have to think about. i just ran into kasie hunt in the hallway. she s done a great job. yes, she has. all the msnbc reporters have been covering your self included have done a great job. but we know, and we all know and you re not quite as old as me but you re pretty damn old. i m getting there. we know since the late 60s when 60 minutes became a hit, all of a sudden networks realize there was a profit center in news. we all know that. and slowly, slowly, slowly, now, this is a talk show, this is we re having conversation, it s not hard news, not claims to be hard news, and yet hard news is presented. but the show of it i ve got to say, it s a lot harder news than anything else.
probably is. walter cronkite is no longer with it. the show part of it is getting bigger and bigger, where show business and news blurred. let me tell you something. i ve got to get to the point. you re going to do what donald trump does to everybody else, which is talk over them. when i was tap dancing and had the glitter outfit on, that was not show business. i was making a point. i didn t see that one. i never did it. go on. what i m saying is, we have to start you had bob woodward on your show at one point. fascinating. i remember him saying, we have to hold these people accountable, we have to ask those tough, second, third, fourth and fifth year questions. chris matthews see what happened. let woodward ask the second, third, fourth, fifth questions, same exact thing that happens to everybody else. doesn t matter, doesn t matter. i know. chris matthews held trump
accountable on his position on abortion. he didn t let him off. he kept going at it and was the most revealing thing that happened during this entire campaign season. the words that have been flung out from his mouth are insane. if he was not a celebrity, if donald trump was not a celebrity, the words that come out of his mouth, you d see a guy in a park, a lunatic in a park on a soapbox and you d walk right by him. but the fact that he is a celebrity, all of a sudden we re all interested. and you know, i love steve kornacki, i love the guys that work on your show, but when steve kornacki says can you imagine the ratings there are going to be when trump and hillary in the first debate. well, yeah, of course there are going to be ratings. who cares? what we have to care about is what does this man say? what does he say? which, of course, we do. he s not pinned down.
i want to hear how he s going to deport 12 million people. i want to hear how is he going to you re just talking, you re not letting anybody else talk. we have asked those questions. i would bet you your proceeds for your next 20 films i could find you any question that you bring up about the wall, which mika tried to nail him down, the muslim ban. we gave bob woodward 20 minutes. said go for it. what he does is talks around in circles. the questions are asked and repeated. we ve asked repeatedly. then the next question is, why are you talking around in circles? why are you not answering my question? yes, we ve asked that question, too. what does he say. he says, i am, believe me. well, that s not wait a minute. i ll be you. i ll be you. believe me is not an answer. believe me is not an answer. that s what i said to him, rob reiner. then what does he say? he keeps going on and on and
on in circles. you act like you have special thoughts. this is what everybody thinks one of the situations of covering donald trump, people say you should really ask him well, we did. i ll send you the clip. we re going to make you a little montage. we will. finally you say, would you like me to actually get on top of him and pin him down with my knee. maybe stick my heel down his throat and tell him he s not answering the question. is that not one of the frustrations. people always say, why didn t you ask him this? i did. this is what he said. it is an ongoing frustration for us. i understand it is a frustration. then at the end of it, at the end of it, all you can say is. the voters are deciding. clearly you have no interest in answering these questions, and it s unfortunate for the american public because they deserve the answer. you know what i said. end it like that. joe hung up on him. you know what i should do, hang up on him.
i did. ask the question, what s hillary clinton position on $15 minimum wage. what s hillary s position? i m not part of her campaign. i can discuss what her position is, but it s not something that will be understood very easily by the general public, but we can talk about it, which is she s in favor of ultimately having a $15 minimum wage but she understands that in certain areas of the country, it won t be viable. so she supports it when it can be viable but she s looking for the national $12 minimum wage. it s difficult to talk about those things but that s the truth. you re talking around it. it s obvious you don t want to answer the question. asking what it is, i m giving that s what you told us we should say to trump. no, but i did answer the question. i m just joking, rob. i m just joking. i know, but i m not joking of that s the difference. the difference is i m the
comedian who is not joking and you re the news politician who is joking. there s the difference. tap dancing. chance of winning? no, i don t think he has a 0 chance. what would you put the odds at? i don t know what the odds are. you don t want to answer the question. i don t know. i don t know. joking again. go ahead. i don t have the answer. what i do believe is that if he is held accountable and if the press does their due diligence and continue i m not saying you guys didn t do it, by the way. you did. i didn t say you specifically i m talking in general. i m saying continue to do that. if you do your due diligence and continue to do that, he will lose, because there s nobody in america that would agree with the idea that all muslims should be banned from the country. by the way, i just said an hour and a half ago i could
never vote for a candidate who said they would ban over a billion people based on their beliefs. that s good. we asked him about that again for the record. let me ask you, how do you explain as much as we like to think the entire country watch every day and this show but it s kind of a news show of record. it is. that is true. how do you explain the millions who do not watch this show n like what there a hear from donald trump but they listen to what he says for themselves and vote for him. how do you explain that? there are a lot of people who are racist. oh, my god. did you just say that? i m not saying you just said that. well, that s true. so you think people that vote for donald trump are racists? they re not all. a lot of people are. there s racism in this country that s been submerged for a long, long time and all of a sudden there s a man on he s unearthed it?
he s unearthed it. could this not be about working class americans being left behind by a republican party always talking about yes. yes. and let me say this to that. there are those following bernie sanders that feel the same way they re racists? no. do you see any racist people at the bernie rallies? any skinheads? i can t see into their hearts. somebody has a tattoo with a swastika and stuff. come on, joe, be honest here. no, seriously. i am being honest. i am not no, no, no, wait a minute. wait a minute. if you re a candidate and you ve been one and you are standing there and there are people in your rally who are kkk members, members of the aryan nation, white supremacists, if i were you, i would say, you know, i don t really want that support. that s hate speech and hate
mongering. i don t want that support. i don t see donald trump saying i don t want that support. we were harshly critical of that as well. that s the answer to willie s question. there s a strain of racism there. but they re not all racists. no, but there s a strain there. you have to come over for dinner. thank you very much. thank you for letting me talk over you. i ve never experience that before in my life. the film being charlie is in theaters tomorrow. you must see this. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful effort. rob reiner, thank you. come back. i love you guys, too. that s why i come on this show. governor rick snyder. keep it right here. you both have a perfect driving record.
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okay. joining us now from ann arbor, michigan, the state s republican governor rick snyder. very good to have you on board this morning. great to be back with you. quite a day yesterday. not a very good reception that you got, but you did face the people of flint along with the president. i d like to ask, though, because you and president obama were drinking the water. you were drinking the filtered water. and my understanding is that water is a huge process for a person who lives in flint to make the water drinkable or
usable. so it doesn t really seem like such a celebratory act to be drinking the water in flint. actually, doing the filters is much more straightforward than drinking bottled water because we have a problem still with the water system in flint. in terms of alternatives, there s bottled water and filtered water. the bottles that work on the filter work effectively. we re encouraging people, this is a way to improve the quality of their life. they can move away from bottled water. it s been found it s safe to use the filter water for everyone but small children and pregnant woman and it would be a step forward in the healing process to get flint back on a well established water system. governor, you went there yesterday. you knew the reception was going to be harsh. it was. how do you turn the corner? how does the government turn the corner to give the people of flint, michigan, believing in
you and your government again? yeah, well, it is a process. i appreciate people being angry and frustrated by the situation. it s a difficult one. i want to compliment the president. it was very helpful having him come to flint and reinforce a similar message in the fact that filtered water is now safe to drink for most people. that there s a program to flush the pipes that we need the citizens to participate in that. that we re making process with respect to removing lead service lines to get the dangerous pipes out of the ground and this will be a process that will take time. in addition he made a strong message that is really important that children can have a bright future still. we re putting in place medical and educational programs to make sure that if children were affected by the lead at all there s mitigation ways, steps to be taken so these kids can have a bright future. can you governor, thank you for being on the show. can you just explain to me why
it took so long to acknowledge that lead was in the pipes, lead was in the water? what took so long from the discovery of the fact to the acknowledgment of the fact? that was one of the main issues. that was one of the failures of government, including state government that basically we had experts at the state still saying it wasn t a problem. it took outside experts, such as professor mark edwards at virginia tech. he did a great job identifying the issue and one of the key resources i look to for good advice. we made a lot of changes within state government, and we needed to. a tragic situation you wish never would have happened and now the real question circumstance let s fix. having the president come to town was a positive step because it shows we need the city issue county, state and federal government all agreeing, let s not spend time on the historical questions but solve this problem by working together.
that s the way government should work. government. what about your culpability? what role did you play? lots of investigations. i got up in front of the entire state and the people of flint to say there are people that work for me that didn t use common sense. that there s investigations still going on. if someone is working for you, you should take responsibility for that, and i have. i ve put a focus in on fixing the problem. willie geist? governor, the epa received the first complaints two years ago in 2014. there were families saying their children were sick. they couldn t drink the water, couldn t bathe in the water. between your office and the epa, what happened to those complaints two years ago and why weren t they addressed if people were sick? when you say people are sick, it wasn t in terms of sickness, per se. it was in terms of the lead is the key issue here. and that took some time to come out. and that s where the government was too slow to identify it,
particularly state government. we talk about the state government and you focused on the state government here. the environmental protection agency had information. the federal government that there was lead in the water and they suppressed those findings. why? well, i m not going to answer questions for the epa. the way i view it today is i m not in a position and i don t want to be in that position of saying my goal is not to go criticize someone else about the past. it s how do we solve the problem for the people of flint moving forward. that s about all of this working together. there are multiple investigations that have happened and are happening to look at the past. i m cooperating with all of those. i hope everyone is. let s get to the bottom of that. at the same time, the important thing is how do we get better water supplies and help the people of flint. the filtered water is a positive step and the next step is to get it to come right out of the tap.
you can t bathe in it you can bathe. you can bathe in filtered water, bottled water the scientific evidence so far says you can use the regular water for bathing. well, then there are some who think you should do that. let me just say let me just ask, given that this is a catastrophe that some say rivals katrina, why haven t you stepped down? again, if you have people working for you that let you down, there are multiple failures, my view is you don t walk away from things like that. you should take responsibility, and i have, and the value system i was raised on, you want to fix it as much or more than anyone. instead of walking away from it, you solve it. that s what i m focusing on, solutions. when you and the president
met before your speeches, what did you talk about? we met with the mayor also and had a discussion about how we need to work together. the state finding adequate resources to do that. we made a huge commitment from the budget. we re committed to doing things. the city and mayor are working hard to do it. and how we all need to do this hand in hand. that s a good part of the discussion yesterday and a constructive discussion. again, i appreciate his visit to flint. governor, most of the people affected of in flint were poor people who don t have a voice politically. people who probably don t have any friends at the government level or ceos. is it fair to say if this happened in bloomfield hills, michigan, that a ceo that you probably know from a cocktail party in 2014 made a call, this would have been fixed much quicker? i think i have a track record of working hard to help our urban areas. look at detroit. we ve been able to show a
massive turn around in detroit. that took a lot of tough decisions. what about flint, michigan? again, flint, we ve been doing a lot of good things in flint. this is a tragic situation that we need to address and we re on top of it in terms of moving forward. it s going to take time to heal because of the trust issue. how long until you think it will be back to normal in flint, will people be able to turn on their faucets and dringe watk w out of their faucets? it s not about picking a date on the calendar and it s not about political people picking the date. it needs to be built on good science and the experts. we re bringing in outside experts to help reinforce the credibility issue from virginia tech and other places. i appreciate the president drinking the filtered water to reinforce he s got experts telling people it s safe to drink and let s show people
that. governor snyder, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. professor eddie cloud jr., thank you. what did you think? i think he should hold himself accountable. and a lot of people are going to suffer. a lot of people s children are going to suffer because of his decision and other people s decision. yeah, i like katrina, the way that s so confounding is the failures were on every level. you had massive failures in the state government. you had the environmental protection agency actually suppressing a report in 2014? suppressing a report that said there are massive levels of lead. that s a federal government. and it takes complete failure on the federal, the state and local level to allow something like this to happen. this is what annoyed me about president obama s speech yesterday. one thing to drink the water.
would have been nice to have the army corps of engineers down there trying to figure out how to get those pipes out of the ground and real clean water to children and to adults. i don t buy the filtered thing as a positive. it s an unfortunate step people have to take as they get through this. it s not making their lives better. let s turn back to the race for president. the republican party s nomination race has come to an end. donald trump is the last candidate standing. therefore, nbc news can now say trump is the republican party s presumptive nominee. it comes after ohio governor john kasich suspended his campaign last night making the difficult decision on his plane as he sat on the runway yesterday waiting to go to d.c. kasich decided he just didn t want to go raise money simply to drop out two weeks later. before his wife and two daughters, the governor reflected on his path. i have always said that the lord has a purpose for me as he has for everyone. and as i suspend my campaign
today, i have renewed faith, deeper faith that the lord will show me the way forward and fulfill the purpose of my life. willie, let me say first of all, i was moved what are you laughing about? nothing. i was moved that he actually held the announcement in my basement from the 70s in upstate new york. the wood paneling. extraordinarily well preserved. it was. it was a beautiful sfeepeech. it was a beautiful speech. ted cruz, donald trump and john kasich, that was the most delica delicate. i love kasich. i support him after bush dropped out of the race. it was very moving. but he had nowhere to go. i know he had to be frustrated because i really thought we
did the town hall in new hampshire. oh, my gosh. and somebody that is really going to take off. and it just, like jeb, it just wasn t his year. we re in a parallel universe this year. in the regular universe the two-term governor of the state of ohio, robs the most important state in the election. it would be pluses for him. they turned out to be negative and he went head-to-head against this tornado, this storm that is donald trump. mark halperin, the republican establishment, given the choice between kasich, a two-term governor, first budget chairman to balance the budget four years in a row since the 1920s. instead of this guy who had been in washington for a very long time, they chose ted cruz. the establishment got behind ted cruz and it ended horribly for them. it seems like a million years popping john kasich did finish second in new hampshire and had
an opportunity to parlay that into becoming the establishment choice and he didn t do that. why? why didn t he he lacked a defined message. he was a career politician. ted cruz s message what in the world? this was a personal thing. for some reason, they were more comfortable cozying up with a guy who had shattered the republican brand in 2013 than they were john kasich, a guy who again had balanced what everybody called the unbalanceable budget. in the end two reasons the establishment didn t turn to him. they didn t think he could be trump and proved to be right on that. and as much as we all like him, he did not reach out to people in a way that made them feel invested in him personally. the washington crowd? the washington crowd. members of congress and other governors just did not do it. they couldn t see outside themselves. they wanted to be sucked up to and he didn t do it. i ve heard stories all along.
kasich, he s mean. i knew the guy forever. love the guy. we were on opposite sides a lot of times. i was always voting against budgets and appropriation bills. i wanted more cuts. and battled with you but he was always respectful. i loved him. a serious guy on the issues. would have been good for the country. he was very good. that speech yesterday he didn t talk about donald trump or politics or the race. he just talked about his experience over the last year or so. having done a town hall with him in ohio and the way he interacts with people. he d talk to a woman who believed the american dream was dead for her. they both had tears in their eyes. it was real. it wasn t for the cameras. he s a really smart guy. human. this experience was almost spirit yurl. the party and country aren t done with him. he s still the governor of ohio. he s the host governor of the
convention. he ll be visible in cleveland. the kid drove up from georgia to south carolina and started crying, hugging. amazing. talked about it yesterday. it was, again, it was one of those remarkable moments. it was a transcended politics. it was absolutely. on a human level, kasich really connected with people. which is why i don t understand why those in washington couldn t see the value of what he presented to the country. instead of sucking up. they wanted their own hugs. the republican party reacted yesterday, tweeted well, seriously. all right. what did they tweet? they tweeted this. thank you to the entire republican field for a hard fought race. the party is better for your efforts. okay. all right. there you go. that s it. it s kind of like
wow. let s go from this is a dallas thing. not really smart to self unaware. bobby stepping out of the shower and saying it was all a dream. i had this weird dream on dallas. senator ben sass tweeted that and said is this a parody account? that s a great response. in an interview with lester holt for nbc nightly news, drump discussed whether he felt the bruising primary race had taken a toll on his numbers. disapproval 69% women, african-americans, 88%. people under 34, 74% disapprove. how much of that is self-inflictsed by some of the rhetoric from the primary campaign, and how do you heal that while still respecting those who got you here? well, the highly respected rasmussen poll came up. i m 49 to 31 up on hillary
clinton. i haven t even started on hillary clinton yet. i don t know what you re talking about with the negatives. i think i ll do very well with women and the last seven states i won in women, with african-americans, i won with hispanics, at every level. you discard all these numbers? i don t discard anything. i just started. i just got it not even 24 hours ago. those are the challenges, mark halperin. you look at the percentages. he can t win unless he at least gets 32%, 3 3%, 34% among hispanics. we can t win without doing much better with women right now. those are the great challenges in front of him, cory, paul, the entire trump team. as a snapshot, he can t win if you take where we are today. we ve seen presidential races in this country. michael dukakis was 17 points ahead of george herbert walker bush in the summer.
let s not compare. people want to judge the outcome of the race today compared to whether or not he can come back. maybe he can. anyone who judges the outxhf this race should look at what just happened n ask themselves if they thought that any of this would ever happen. state after state after state after state after state, and then with donald trump people keep saying hillary will get i hope so, but i don t know. nobody knows, willie geist, the new york times wrote an article about how i missed the trump thing. very forthright. but you look at what so many people said. you look at what nate silver said time and time and time again. look at the fact and he was wrong every single time about trump. trump started at 1%, 2%. upside down in the polls. i believe demographics is destiny. i believe what works in the primary doesn t work in the general election. that it is back to blocking and
tackling. i believe trump has a huge mountain to climb, but we don t know because everybody was wrong about him before. who really has the nerve i went on twitter last night. i really stop going on it. my news feed which i always went on. i always love the noews feed. last night 9 out of 10 were just vile, anti-trump heated it was rhetoric. and i was like, seriously? just report the news. i mean, everybody is making the same mistake they made before. yeah, i mean, this started last june when we said this guy is into something. he s tapped into a vein and everyone dismissed it. now here we are with him as the republican nominee. i agree that this chaos theory now with donald trump that anything can happen but i agree
with you as well that those numbers are really tough. i don t know how he makes the case as he tries to pivot to a latino voter that he s for them. he s on their side. the number for mitt romney, 24% support. every smart person in the republican party agreed there s no way a republican can become president with those numbers and we have to do better next time. i decent know how donald trump does better than 24. he ll have to do an incredible 180 and change everything he said before. on latinos and women. the convention offers him an opportunity. the first time a lot of americans have really looked at donald trump the candidate. the vice presidential selection offers an opportunity. but he doesn t have many opportunities beyond that. if he goes into august with these numbers, i will say, in august right here, he s going to lose big time. he doesn t the window, while we have six months, he s got
about a two-month window to start turning this stuff around quickly or he will lose. so if they want to win, they better be all hands on deck right now. this will not be a slow turn. i was surprised and disappointed that yesterday he stuck by the muslim ban. that s a loser. it s a loser with a majority of americans and republicans like me. i m not going to vote for a guy i m not going to vote for stuck by it. he s got to make the turn. we can allow muslims to come into america but maybe not from syria if they don t have the proper back he has to start making changes like that. i m not going to vote for a guy that says he s going to ban someone just because of the god they worship. he has to make that turn. maybe he does it. on the pro-trump side the people so wrong about him last
year are most offended he has no chance. he and his team have a million things to get done. not enough hours in the day to get them all done to start to improve, including thinking through policy. he doesn t have a lot of time to start changing perceptions here with the voter. he s got to do it fast. the clinton people are up and running. they have a war room. they have opposition research. a plan of how to dismantle trump. the trump people are just learning how to do this. onge on that, hillary clinton has set her sights on donald trump tweeting a web video full of republicans slamming the presumptive nominee. here s a part of it. i wbr id wbr83249 am a unifier. we ll be a unified party. he s a con artist. a phony. donald trump is the no-nothing candidate. donald is a bully. he mocked a disabled reporter. i don t remember. who attributed a reporter s /b
questions to her menstrual cycle. the most vulgar person ever to aspire to the presidency. the man who seems to only feel big when trying to make other people feel small. he s awol. deep insecurity and weakness. the bullying, greed, showing off. i m really rich. misogyny, third great theatrics. count to ten. race-baiting xenophobic religious bigot. a narcissist at a level i don t thinking this country has ever seen. he would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe. he s so unfit to be commander in chief. his domestic policies would lead to recession. his foreign policies would make america and the world less safe. what do you think? as that republican campaign was going on, the clinton campaign was sitting there hitting record every time a republican said something about him. even his own party finds him unpalatable.
how could you even consider going to vote wbr-id wbr84029 for donald trump? what do you think? there s a lot more to come. that s the opening salvo in what will be a relentless barrage against trump. this is not something he can start to repair at the convention. he has to start now. they re ready to attack him. he s been a one-man operation. this is not going to work the way the general election is stacking up. he needs help. still ahead, donald trump starts to envision his first 100 days in the white house while hillary clinton and her campaign are embracing the coming showdown. plus, there s good cop, bad cop and bad trump, good trump. our friends at bloomberg politics with now trump goes from scorched earth to a softer side against his rival once he s dispatched of them. let s get a check on weather with bill karins. it s just bad. it depends where you are. middle of the country is great. 90 degrees like pool weather in
north dakota where you re wearing your winter hat, coat and gloves in boston. here s the storm on the east coast. luckily one storm is off the coast. the other is in the ohio valley. the sandwich in between is why it s been gray and gloomy. another possible inch to two inches during the day today. north carolina, virginia, friday it looks like more steadier, uglier rainy day from philadelphia to new york and back into areas of central pennsylvania. northern new england, showers. here s today s forecast. billings, montana, 86 degrees today. almost 20 degrees warmer than atlanta today. the cool air in the east through the ohio valley. how does this shape up toward the weekend? it looks like we re slowly going to see improvement. friday s rain. by the time we get to saturday, we kick that off the coast. a tiny bit of sunshine in the east and severe weather. the kentucky derby is on sunday, too. looks like the weather for that will be just fine. we ll clear things out in time
for mother s day for a lot of people. you re watching morning joe. wash washington, d.c., you re also stuck in the gloomy weather. if you re told you have cancer,
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(interrupting) you can? go ahead. he can t lift the hammer. it s okay though! you re going to change the world.
joining us now, kasie hunt. good to have you back on. willie, you have something. say you need a short memory to succeed in politics. our friends at bloomberg politics put together this clip as evidence. they call it bad trump, good trump. take a look. ben carson is lower energy than jeb. he took a knife and he went after a friend and he lunged. he s got a pathological
temper or temperament. but lo and behold, it hit the belt. as an example, child molester. and the knife broke. give me a break. dr. ben carson endorsed me. and that is an incredible man. such an honor to have ben as a friend. real tough. insulting your way to the presidency. i m doing better than you. doesn t matter. he s a low energy individual. jeb is a loser. i wish him the best. you have christie, the george washington bridge. he knew about it. he was like a little boy. i m with the president. he flew in the helicopter. is he going to vote for obama? people in new jersey want to throw him out of office. chris, thank you very much. chris christie who endorsed me. incredible guy. this little guy has lied so much little marco. i m watching marco sweating like a dog. they call him a robot.
it s rubio. i want to congratulate rubio on having run a really tough campaign. he s tough, he s smart and has a great future. lyin ted. nobody likes him in congress. nobody likes him anywhere. he cannot do it. he s a choker. just so you understand, ted cruz is one hell of a competitor. he s a tough, smart guy. see what i say? now that he s out, everybody is nice. when they re out, they re nice. they ran a brilliant campaign. at least he s honest about what he s doing. as long as you aren t coming at me. you can make the same video of the other candidates and a lot of republicans turning it around because they have no choice finally. the death of the republican party now endorsing him. it goes both ways. much more colorful when
donald trump does it. for all the talk of politics, donald trump is ready to dive into policy now. he told robert costa of the washington post that he is eager to start receiving regular classified intelligence briefings. trump also told the new york times yesterday, some of his governing priorities. he says within the first 100 days of his administration he will have designed the wall onny in mexican border. put the muslim immigration ban in place. and begun the audit of the federal reserve and the repeal of the affordable care act. i guess he s sticking to that ban. look at all four of those. kasie hunt, doesn t look like he s moving to the middle at all. seems like he s doubling down with what he told the times yesterday. it seems so. i will say that i was talking to haley barbour yesterday and his points on this was he has to start making policy speeches that do line up with that
conservative base as he heads into this convention. a lot of people on the floor of the conviciniention, there s st going to be ted cruz delegates. it concerns whether he ll promulgate conservative policies or not. we show that clip of hillary clinton talking about how all the republicans on stage agreed with donald trump. i think you have a lot of conservatives concerned about some of the things he said over time. we re going to take care of people, et cetera. he still has work to do with conservatives before he starts that pivot. coming up, the looming health crisis off the coast. the rise of a zika virus in puerto rico and why a fight in congress could make a bad situation even worse.
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you can t win unless you are the party of the open door. and that means white voters, hispanic, black, asian, women. i get it. and there s work to do, and we re going to get to work. so it s not going to be overnight and instantaneous. we re going to work at it. we ve been working at it for four years. i think donald trump is ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work. joining us now, author and new york times columnist, anan and the author of the zika virus. first let s start with the magazine s take on donald trump this week. and hillary clinton.
and hillary clinton, nancy. you ve been talking about whether he can make the ideological pivot. i m not sure that s the right question. in a campaign where he is defending planned parenthood and denouncing the iraq war in south carolina, ideology hasn t been the factor. it s whether there s a temperamental pivot he can make. after wisconsin putting a lot of economic statistics in his speeches and referring to senator cruz and being presidential and the next day he s completely burning down the house again. so i m curious to watch whether he can dare to be boring and he himself says if i started being boring, most of you wouldn t be coming to see me. and how voters are going to respond if he doesn t. as you get out of the primary season into the general election, the question of temperament becomes more important. you never know what a president is going to do, which of their policies they ll be in a
position to enact. we remember that with w s humble foreign policy. temperament matters. i was reminded that the last weeks of the 2008 campaign. voters watched how john mccain approached that versus how obama did. part of their judgment was obama seemed steadier. wasn t calling for canceling the debates. that s what i m wondering given the hostility. it may not be about ideology but it is about his approach towards immigration, his approach towards what he said about mexicans, his approach towards hispanics and muslims. these are things that matter. it s not even a left/right thing. do you want to go into the fall wanting to ban anyone in a faith that has over a billion people from entering the united states of america? there s an ideological pivot
we normally talk about. for him it s more of a question of a character pivot. i think he started this probably not believing he could win. that moment he gave his acceptance speech where he almost looked scared to me like, oh, god. it was sinking in. and i think he needs to now go on the next phase of this journey of maybe it took a certain kind of man and people have said he almost invented a character to get here and does he want to double down on that man and character or now invent the next character which is president trump. mark halperin, what s the answer? what we saw yesterday in his interview with the with costa in the washington post is he was doubling down on the muslim ban, on building the wall and all of these things that might have been, you know, catnip for a gop primary but will crush you in a general election.
he took s original positions because they re what he believes in. he doesn t take them for political reasons. i don t think he s inclined to change things he believes in although he ll find a way to be nuanced. by becoming the republican nominee he becomes an historical figure. what you saw the other night, he s feeling the weight of this. he understands how he s got a responsibility but also, i don t think he s going to throw positions off the sled. joel klein talks about character. character, humanity may actually be hillary s strongest suit. if you think about some of the moments we have really seized on, chris christie and the drug adiblductadduction, th in new hampshire or what hillary clinton did with the coal miner in west virginia. these are moments of
vulnerability, real empathy, of connecting with the issues people are most concerned about. joe is sort of wondering if ironically enough one of her big advantages given how often she s described as being awkward or cold is those moments were very real and it s hard to imagine donald trump in that kind of interaction with a voter. i m not sure we ve seen that. so joe is looking both at how much comfort the clintons both take from bill clinton s experience at this phase of the race when his trustworthiness level in the polls was about 13% and at one point behind both ross perot and george herbert walker bush in 92. strump where all the trumpets and drums are sounding now. doesn t necessarily concern them about how this is going to go in the longer term. i think you have now what s
shaping up to be competition between one candidate who in donald trump really read the pain in america better than almost anybody. and was able to speak to it. but whose plans probably don t necessarily grow out of that in an intelligent, thought through way. hillary clinton the opposite. someone who has more plans in her pockets than anybody knows what to do with but i m not sure she s figured out how to connect to that pain. her stop in west virginia yesterday or a couple of days ago seems to suggest he understands that. he s making an effort and has had moments going back to 08 where that broke but it s not it hasn t been until now in her dna. and i think to be him, it s going to need to become a very prominent dream for her. there s a lot of room for him to grow and to reach people he hasn t reached before because he hasn t showed see, from what i ve heard so far, i feel like
everyone thinks he s just one thing. a character who can never get outside of that. and there are many different sides to every human being, including donald trump and look at his kids. that didn t come out of nowhere. so if he can find a way to, you know, reveal other parts of himself, i think a lot of what you were concerned about goes away. if you just look at it and see somebody that s been in politics for nine months and has a 67% disapproval and somebody that has been in politics for 50 years with a 50% disapproval rate. there s a chance to unite the party. nobody knows. we never got to the zika virus. this is a very this is something that has public health officials really worried. it will be coming here this summer and particularly for women of child bearing age, what they can do to protect
themselves. how much we don t know about it and there s a bill to fund research and prevention in congress that hasn t gone anywhere. cdc has only called an emergency with hurricane katrina, h1n1 and ebola. check out more in the new issue of time magazine. still ahead, tesla posts a loss and the stock skyrockets what s going on with elan musk a brain child. constipated?
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it is time now for business before the bell with cnbc s sara eisen. tesla? what s going to? this is one of the most controversial stocks in the market. tesla, the electric carmaker behind the sleek tech-savvy cars run by elan musk has plenty of demand. people are clamoring for teslas.
but the company is losing money. as we saw in the earnings report. when it comes to tesla, the big problem is it just can t produce the cars fast enough. it s not a demand problem, like a lot of companies are facing. it s a supply problem. and with that, tesla announced it s going to ramp up its manufacturing production of its cars. originally, elan musk said he plans to produce 500,000 teslas a year. he s moved that ahead to 2018. it came as a welcome surprise for wall street because the demand is there, especially for all of you out there that ordered the new model 3. it costs $35,000 and doesn t start shipping until 2017. 300,000. more than 300,000 orders for this car. so the good news if you are one of those who ordered it, you may get it on time and wall street
is taking it that way as well. thank you very much. seaworld will stop breeding killer whales in captivity. and ringling brothers had their final show with elephants on sunday. how the so-called humane economy is transforming some of the biggest brands on the planet. keep it here on morning joe. what s up? does nobody use a turn signal anymore? on top of your health?ay ahh. ahh. cigna customers have plan choices and tools to take control. so they re more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs.
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24 whales in three parks. the last generation of orcas
seaworld will display in captivity. the reason we think we need to do them now is society is changing. if you look at people s general comfort level with orcas under human care, i have seen a real shift in society. seaworld is just one of many companies feeling the economic and political heat that has them changing some of their longtime practices. joining us now, president and ceo of the humane society of the united states, wayne who helped lead the charge for seaworld to change. he s the author of the new book the humane economy, how innovators and enlightened consumers are transforming the lives of animals. so, wayne, forget about the humanity of it all. you write about how being humane to animals actually is good business and cynically is good for companies brands because americans are becoming more and more concerned about the
well-being of animals. exactly right. we re more alert to animals. we know that they think and feel and have the same will to live that we have. and this idea is now percolating throughout our culture. and companies that s used to see animal protection as a liability now really can seize it as an opportunity. companies like sea world that head a problematic activity built into their business model had to change. their stock price went from the low 40s to 16. food companies change. walmart is only going to source cage-free eggs over time. 150 big food retail brands moving on this subject. i m going to ask this as someone eating a steak 12 hours ago. i always think about as a write ir what are some things that 90% of us think are okay today that our grandchildren will think was appalling. and i ve heard a lot of smart people say the general treatment
of animals and eating and everything else you describe is one of the best candidates. what is the best case to someone who is skeptical this will look appalling 100 years from now? you look at our history. for the first 80 years, slavery. for the first 140 years we denied women the right to vote. civil rights violence with the state having exerted violence against people in the 1950s. animals think and feel. you don t need to have a ph.d. in animal behavior or biology to know this. when you go to a factory farm and see 10 million laying hens jammed into cages at one farm complex stacked eight high, huddled together shoulder to shoulder. it would be five of us here plus three other people jammed in the tiny elevator never able to get out. we have options in all these areas. this is what s going to liberate
us on this issue. for cosmetic testing, we now have alternatives to animal testing. for factory farm products we have farm plant based foods. seaworld can do roller coasters and incredible entertainment options. we don t need to have the orcas in these small pools. everything is changing because emerging consciousness and now options. we used to be hostages on a lot of these moral questions. countries are doing better than the united states on issues you care about. the european union has more advanced policies on animal welfare. the uk is the incubatoincubator starting place for the contemporary humane movement in the early part of the 19th century. over time many of the countries, sweden has excellent policies. germany has strong policies. the hu.s. has a lot of conflict. big traditions of big
agriculture, trophy hunting, fur production. the cecil case i talked about last july, that trophy hunter from minnesota killed the lion. 45 airlines in the three weeks after said we re not going to ship trophies of elephants, rhinos oir buffalo. that was an indication that the airlines realized a small number of trophy hunters want to shoot them. botswana has outlawed trophy hunting. in the united states, ringling brothers is deciding to do away with elephants being part of the show. after 145 years. the last one was on sunday. kfc has just announced the first ever chicken flavored nail polish yesterday coming in both original and spicy. true story. i thought you brp to say, but on the other hand
the front page of the new york times saying kfc offers two different flavors of lickable chicken flavored nail polish. that s really inhumane but we thank you for coming. thank you. i am really confused about that. we ll pull it up. up in what, if anything, did we learn today. we invested in your fund to help us pay for a college education for our son. we ve enclosed a picture of our son so that you can get a sense there are real people out here trusting you with their hard-earned money. at fidelity, we don t just manage money, we manage people s money. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b.
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welcome back to morning joe. i ll tell you what i learned today. i learned from an observer outside, before rob reiner came on to our set that he saw kasie hunt in the hall and talked about the same monologue he gave to us he gave her over five minutes. he was talking as he walked away from her. i think for people who can t get their arms around the trump thing, they should watch the interview that we did this morning with rob reiner. go online. it was something. awesome in many ways. a lot of things twitter doesn t like. they don t like when one paints with a broad brush. that we ve entered the next six months of republican rationalization in a way that s
going to be extraordinary to watch. how do i rationalize, though, the story that s you brought to our attention that kfc is now going to have chicken flavored finger nail polish. if you re in the new york city area come to prohibition tonight. the morning joe music is going to be playing at 8:30. and they re pretty good. steve kornacki picks up the coverage. have a great day. good morning. i m steve kornacki. topping the agenda, terms of surrender. signs some republican leaders are trying to make peace with the reality of donald trump as their nominee. one call said such bad things. how can you pivot back to me? he said don t worry about it. they re politicians. we ll get a lot of endorsements. they may not come with much enthusiasm. many other republicans are

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160616 23:00:00

thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for this special report. greta goes on the record in a couple of seconds. tonight, either president obama is dangerously ignoring the obvious, or is he not talking to his cia director john brennan because the president told us two days ago that isis is on defense. but that is most certainly not what his own cia director said today. the cia director is warning us, isis is growing and has its eyes on the united states. that s really disturbing that the two are telling americans two different things about extreme danger. and in just moments, senator lindsey graham and why he says the obama administration is to blame and right now presumptive g.o.p. presidential nominee donald trump says he will be the toughest on isis. and that includes not backing down on his temporary ban of muslims entering the united states.
donald trump s son eric trump joins us. good evening, eric. hi, greta, how are you? good. i don t usually go to the family members to talk policy but tonight i want to talk to you a little bit about your father s temporary ban because he seems to be doubling down on that. first, the news today with the cia director brennan saying that isis is growing. we are losing this war and it s growing around the planet. so, tell me your thoughts on this. listen, i think it fits into my father s narrative directly, right? my father has been saying they are a problem. we have to do something about the problem. we have to keep borders in this country. we can t let people just randomly come into our country. he started by saying this about the wall. then he talked about not letting hundreds and hundreds of thousands of refugees into this country which the cia was saying was infiltrated by isis. then you had orlando, right? which was an awful, awful tragedy it tears at the heart of america. how many more of these tragedies do we need to have before something is done? i mean, the president acknowledged radical islamic terrorism for the first time
yesterday. i mean, he hasn t even spoken about the issue. it s not surprising that we are not winning the war with him as commander in chief. you know, look, being commander in chief is a tough job and this is a tough enemy and isis is as vicious as you can get. so i have tried to press your father on, you know, what would do you? we all agree, we re losing, except for apparently the president. he said that isis is on the defense. so he doesn t think that but the rest of us do. building a wall isn t going to stop this one this one. this man in orlando, this killer, this savage in orlando. he was born in the united states and he got radicalized through the internet which no wall is going to stop the internet. so, you know, what would your father s ban do to protect us from a guy like that. listen, have to start there, right? because there are tens and tens of thousands of others who want to come into this country. greta, you have to start by preventing those people to come into this country. you have to utilize our intelligence agencies. we have wonderful people. the people in the fbi are
terrific right you? need to utilize them and go out and find these people and be very, very, very tough on these people. you need to bring the fight to them as well. listen, one thing i will tell you about my father is there is no tougher guy. he is an amazing father. he is a great person. but, believe me, when it comes to terrorism, there will be no harder guy in the world. i guess the problem is so, you know, in many ways so complex. it is. you have got amir hekmati, a u.s. marine in iran. sure. he is muslim. his brother-in-law who is an orthopedic surgeon and great guy, they are muslims and, you know, their children getting, you know, things that are said school muslims who are lawful. what are we going to do sort of separating out the extremists who want to kill us and the good muslims who are our friends? yeah, listen, i think that s-million-dollar question, right? it s a very, very hard thing. you, again, have to make sure those people aren t coming into our country. you can t let 200,000 people into our country when you know a certain percentage in that group are going to have bad, bad intentions. you have to use intelligence
agencies to figure out who is in this country and who has bad intentions and make sure they can t strike out. you cannot have another 9/11. you can t have another brussels. you can t have another orlando. we have been hit by too many of these attacks and they simply have to stop. we have to protect the home front. hillary isn t doing that her foreign policy quite frankly created much of this destabilization in the middle east which created isis. the commander in chief isn t doing anything he hasn t acknowledged the enemy by their name until yesterday. quite frankly he didn t call the governor of the state until yesterday which is a disgrace. i don t usually talk policy with the family members so let me go to a family issue. this is what melania trump, your stepmother had to say about her relationship with the families. let s listen to this. you know, his other children, of course. yes. do you get along with them? very nice children. we have a great relationship, and now that we are traveling a lot for the debates and went to iowa and new hampshire, we spend
a lot of time together. so very nice kids. so you are a very nice kid. what s it like being muhammad melania s stepson? she is great. one thing give her credit for she is amazing mom to barron. is he very young and in school. she has never taken him out of school to go on the campaign trail or use him as a pawn which you see so often in the political arena. she has always told him barron, you focus on school and your priorities. you are growing up. this is a very, very tough world. meaning campaigns, you focus on school. she is an amazing mother. she is incredibly solid person and amazing wife to my father. she is supportive. we have a really great relationship, we really, really do. she is solid as a rock. there is no one better to be by his side this whole campaign. we all in the media beat up on everybody. we beat up on your father and on you because you are out there. when we beat up on your father, is it tough on your stepmother, melania?
yeah, listen, i think it s tough on all of us. i love my father to death. obviously she is married to him. it s tough on all of us. you have to have armor. is he running as commander in chief of the united states. you if you don t have the armor you shouldn t be running. he has the toughest citizen skin i know. don t get me wrong, greta, there are times i wanted to jump through the tv tackle someone who is saying something so false about him. my father has been great man. he has been incredible mentor my entire life to donee, ivanka and barron. one of the best friends in the world. you take that to heart. you just have to have that armor. eric, thank you very much for joining us, i hope you come back. thank you, greta. great you. terrifying warning from the cia director our fight against isis. you will hear from him in a second. remember when president obama said this on tuesday? our coalition continues to be on offense.
isil is on defense and it s now been a full year since isil has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either syria or iraq. but then today, his cia director john brennan who works for him disagreed and sounded this alarm. unfortunately, despite all our progress against isil on the battlefield and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the group s terrible capability and global reach. moreover the group s foreign branches could help preserve capacity for terrorism regardless of convenience in iraq and syria. in fact, as the pressure mounts on isil, we judge that it will intensify as global terror campaign to maintain its dominance of the global terrorism agenda. south carolina senator lindsey graham goes on the record. nice to see you, senator. thank you. senator john mccain said earlier today that president obama is directly responsible for orlando attack but then he clarified it a little bit later in a tweet to clarify i was
referring to president obama s national security decisions that have led to the rise of isil not to the president on this. where are you on this. john is right about this. theres would be no isil. you did your job, the surge did work. al qaeda and iraq predecessor to isil was on their needs. the military add vips 10,000 troops in iraq stabilize it he pulled them all out. help the free syrian army when assad is on the rope if you don t the tear up the parm. the decision to abandon iraq and not help free the syrian army three or four years ago gave isil a foot hold in syria and iraq. the rest is history. barack obama is to blame for the rise of isil. he has dismantled the ability to defend this country. we no longer interrogate terror suspects. we read them their rights and put them in federal court.
we have less federal agents in 2017 than 2013. in that regard i blame president obama. the way i look at this, going back a number of years, i look at this like cancer in the body. if you get the first little tumor before it miss as it size to the brain and lureng and everywhere else. last several years isis just not on the battlefield but beheading, charlie hebdo, paris last november 139. we have had belgium and sphwarn, intern. inspired by isis. can i add one? libya. this president undersells the threats. he says there is no evidence this man was directed by isil. isil is still strong in the minds of twisted people like this. they still follow ago bad daddy s call to attack in place. so, without a caliphate. without al baghdadi land and control, he would not be the win everywhere of this crazy
guy in orlando. it was a directed attack in the sense that people like this man believe isil, they re winners. secretary clinton said earlier this week in her speech she said we need to destroy isis which i agree instead of contain. i shaw that as a reference to the president s foreign policy. it is a rebuke of foreign policy. his goal is to descroif isil. isil will be in iraq and libya. if you listen to his cia terkt this war has escalated. president doesn t want to escalate the war. the enemy is getting stronger and we are getting weaker. brennan is saying, despite what you hear from the president, i m being overloaded in terms of trying to protect the nation from isil fighters, no matter what they iraq and syria. less fbi agents than they were in 2017 than there were in 2013. we are destroying defense
budget. the presidents is not being honest with you about the nature of the threat. is he lying? i think he is delusional about the status of isil. i think he intentionally underestimates the athletic threat because he is trying to show that his policies are working when they are not. he has this model of trying to lead from behind. it is collapsing. there are going to be more attackstacks in america because when we capture somebody under president obama, we read them their rights, rather than gathering intelligence. so is president obama ignoring the cia director? why would the cia director john brennan say isis is as dangerous as ever and president obama say isis is on the defense? the on the record political panel is here. from town guy benson and from the magazine from time magazine zeke miller. why the contrast? we just heard the president say isis or irs sill was on the defense and now today. when you talk to the
folks at the white house lastier and a half, we like to talk about this two different wars. you have the on the ground war so the territorial isis in iraq and syria now extending into libya. sort of what they have done on the ground. the territory they have amassed. that s where the sort of the what they would call the the air and ground war in iraq and syria has, you know, shown some progress. that s what the president is talking about how they have lot a lot of ground. second par which is influence overseas and in the united states. that s a big one. we had 49 people slaughtered on that big one. i feel bad for the people overs i fiesel bad for the family members in orlando. brennan s comments is why the when you say and this president would prefer to be talking about guns as opposed to isis which is the actual root problem here. this is not a surprise. a few weeks ago the former deputy director of the cia
came out and fitting. a bunch of spies have come okay ought tond he would the press we had intelligence on isis that was ignored repeatedly by the white house and white washed by the administration. this has been a threat that has been consistently undersold. there is something bizarre. i hate to keep hitting the president over the head with this. but remember a couple years back he said that isis was jv. jv? anything but jv. we are losing to jv thawnd director. why is he doing this? we had a very different time messaging about this threat. it s not complicated. i mean, people inspired about this and they do it. very simple. rare and apparent here. the sims are. the question is what do they do about it. one of the solutions they can do is much of this is fueled by social media they have access to facebook, to twitter, they are sending
out messages. you know, we could be a lot more sophisticated and get twitter to shut down isis accounts. get facebook to shut it down. that would be one way because they are recruiting there to what jesus christ just said complicated and complex messaging for the white house. what s ironic that s what they might say now. what they used to do is rely on simple messaging which is we have ended the where in wrawk that s why is what it is vociferously withdrew. they had a simple message for years including in the reelect we ended two wars. do they get it now that they are in trouble? i mean that we are in trouble. they certainly get it now. you remember disastrous press conference overseas after the paris attacks. that s when the president said he was short of shocked looking at the news and how it was being portrayed here. they certainly get it now. he doesn t have the answer. he didn t go and march with all those other leaders at charlie hebdo.
there are some times when we are saying he doesn t get it. terrible he qunt burglar with all their other worlds leaders. for some reason he doesn t get it, anyway, now back to the campaign trail. thank you both. donald trump is taking on texas. crump is holding a bar famous for mechanical bull. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron is inside the trump event. carl? hi, greta. clarification here micky gilley s ballroom in dallas. the place that you are talking about is gilley s in houston with the famous mechanical bull back to the urban cowboys days. trump has a big rally planned here today. potential for a little bit of volatility tonight. yesterday the dallas police and various different law enforcement federal and local went through some essentially some drills preparing for the demonstrations expected tonight. some of the anti-trump activists say they are
expecting anywhere between 1 and 5,000 proceeds on the streets and several are closed off around us. the trump called to us point out this incident is isn t going to hold the number of rsvp they got. 18,000 people rsvp wanted and want to do come to tonight s event they are not going to fit into this room. with the protesters outside in what has been a 90-plus degree day in dallas those folk who want to come in and see trump are going to stand outside and not get in and walk past the protesters. this was a day in which trump attacked heather pick as well as the labor union endorsed her today. and touch reduced a statement saying clinton did he go the ceo of wall street. worse off if hillary clinton will be president. trump boasted he thinks he will get the majority of
labor votes. texas is historically conservative red state. and, yet, trump s candidacy has the demonstrators in the democratic party in this state. ego eagerly thinking there is a possibility they could get real political gains in texas for one reason, particularly, 38% of the population here is hispanic. and many of them are very upset about trump s rhetoric about my grants and immigrants coming across the border and building a wall. things of that nature. he hasn t had a lot of problems with i had rally. tonight might be tension in the streets, greta. carl, refresh your recollection, did senator ted cruz of texas ever endorse donald trump or not? no, not yet. the candidates have all said that they will keep their pledges. john kasich has been seemingly the most wavering. he will say ultimately he will support of the thom knee. if there is to be never stop movement rifles. some of thifs staffs on the
campaign trail have dib to do look for ways in which they it in be able to dump trump. doesn t think it s likely but still discussion about it. thank you. praising for anti-trump protests, some people have already gathered. casey stegall is live in the middle of it. casey? yeah, greta. i can tell you as carl was saying they were expecting protesters in the thousands. right now we are still, you know, still about 40 minutes or so from the eventually beginning. but i can tell you in this corner where all of the opposition is based, we have asked the police. they estimate the crowd at about 300 at the moment. but, again, we have got 40 minutes or so until the actual event set begins inside. i want to show you around. it has been relatively spaceful. some say no profanities, children here young and old. they want to keep it
peaceful. just in case, there is a big police presence here as you can imagine. dallas police are on stand by. they are on the ready the barricades have been set up. and then back there you see gilley s the actual vin you where carl is inside and mr. trump will be speaking. and then look straight ahead, if you will, see that big dallas police mobile command unit? on the other side of that is a second area where people are gathering. and those are for supporters of trump. police are trying to keep the two crowds apart. they are trying to get the supporters over there who were unable to get a ticket to actually go inside and then all of the anti trump people are supposed to be right here. now, the crowd number, as we said is relatively low. but i want to tell you this. there have been bus pickups. there are a couple of buss that are running. and there are published locations throughout the dfw area for people who could
not make it here so buss are arriving with more protesters that could be showing up at any time, greta. casey, thank you. and we have brand new information tonight about what the orlando terrorist was doing during his bloody massacre. plus, orlando swat team commanders is here. also, some brand new troubles for the judge in the stanford rape case. kimberly guilfoyle of the five coming up. so i need nutrit. that won t weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don t. try boost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and it s available in two new flavors, vanilla caramel and double chocolate fudge. i m not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®.
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now to the orlando terror attack. new information chilling facebook posts show the terrorist posted on facebook as he executed those 49 innocent people. fox news correspondent phil keating is live outside the terrorist home in fort
pierce, florida. phil? greta, as this slaughtering 49 people and wounding 53 others was not unthinkable enough. we now know that the homegrown terrorists omar mateen was lingering around the blood and bodies for hours all while posting messages on his facebook page. all of this happening in that 3.5 hour window between the opening salvo of violence and the final gun battle with orlando police. some of the posts i pledge my alliance to isis leader abu back kerr al baghdady. may allah accept me. the real muslims never accept the filthy ways of the west. you kill innocent women and children by doing u.s. air strikes now taste the islamic state vengeance and america and russia stop bombing the islamic state. mateen also posted that there would be more islamic state attacks in the u.s. in the coming days. and per the chair of the senate homeland security committee, while survivors hid terrified in the club s bathroom, mateen also was searching these words on the
web. pulse orlando. shooting. and intern attack. apparently checking to see if his massacre had made the news yet all while more shooting and killing was still to come. mateen also made 16 phone calls while inside the blood bath. to whom? well the fbi is tracking that down and at least one media reports says mateen also sent a text from the club to his wife noor salmon. what that text reveals we do not know. fbi sources and federal law enforcement sources tell us that she knew plenty about her husband s deadly plans but did nothing about it. but as of tonight, right now, she remains a free woman, still not under arrest. certainly not here at her condo complex but remaining in hiding. and according to her father-in-law, the father of the killer, she is no longer in the state of florida. greta? phil, thank you. and many law enforcement officers put their lives on the line to take down that evil terrorist inside pulse
nightclub. and joining us orlando mayor buddy dyer and orlando swat commander captain mark cantey. good evening, gentlemen. and, goi, you know mikesell heart goes out to you and your community. have you had a tough few days and each day seems even worse. thank you for joining me. thank you, greta? good evening. mayor, do you have any information on where this killer was before he went to the pulse? what did he do that day in the hours leading up to this? no, i don t have any new information. the fbi is obviously investigating that. i probably, at this point, have less information than the general public because i don t have the opportunity to watch tv much during the day and it seems like your news organizations are getting lots of leads that get reported before we even get that information. captain, let me turn to you about that evening. and, you know, the utter chaos and having to make decisions so quickly and not knowing what was inside.
there were conversations between the killer and 9 1 and others. did that have any bearing on the decision when to go in? it did. our goal throughout the whole thing was to try to get people out as quickly as possible. obviously, the longer something like this goes, it obviously has a greater potential for ending badly. so we while we were there, we prepped to get people out and i think we rescued a lot of people prior to our final breach and we just the goal was to try to get as many people out as possible. i try to put myself in your shoes and at the time, you know, i suspect you don t know how many people were inside. you don t know whether he was telling the truth about what he had or what he intended to do. and, you know, frankly, maybe, i don t know, i guess i would have thought trying to keep him talking, i might have been able to talk him out of not killing more. am i right that it s just
incredibly difficult on the ground? it is incredibly difficult because you don t know what his mind set is or what his end game is. i know we have trained negotiators that were at our communication center. we have an excellent swat team. we have excellent patrol officers. and our goal throughout the whole thing was to try to get as many people out as possible. he spoke to 911. he made a call to a tv station. did he try to call anybody else? that i do not know. i think that s probably a question for the fbi as they continue on with their investigation. is the scene still sealed, captain? i believe the fbi is still working it. they have kind of taken over the entire scene. so they are working the scene and once they are done, they will clear. mayor, how do you deal with this in your community? have you had the singer last week. then you have 49 innocents slaughtered and now you have this poor child. yank of any community that s been hit this hard in this a long time.
any one of those three things are pretty hard to handle and having them all three in five or six days, is certainly a trying time for our community and that s why we have to uplift each other. certainly sunday was the worst day we have had in the history of orlando. i cannot be proud irof how our city and residents have responded. indeed. in fact, i happen to coincidently know one of your surgeons there. dr. cheatham who helped save lives. captain, one last question, do you know is there any information you can tell me about this man inside, what he was saying to people or doing or where he was, any other information to advance the story? i don t have any information out there. what i would like to say the citizens of orlando should know they have a great police department. they have a great chief. a great swat team that their main goal is to keep them safe and we will do everything in our power to
make sure that happens. captain, i actually i have been down there. i talked to them and i know that absolutely true. you guys work really hard i also know your sheriff. thank you both for joining us. thank you, greta. yesterday, the new york times editorial board blamed the republicans for the massacre in orlando. well, today, the editorial board is blaming someone else. who is it? find out. the five s kimberly guilfoyle is next. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis,
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the new york times editorial board is taking on the nra in the wake of the deadliest terror attack on u.s. soil since 9/11. the new york times editorial board is saying the nra is, in their word, complicit in the terror attack. senator ted cruz coming out swinging in response. and i think the american people find it ridiculous that in response to an isis terror attack, the democrats go on high dungeon that we have got to restrict the second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. this is not a gun control issue. this is a terrorism issue. so why is the new york times editorial board going after the nra? and what about the savage who viciously executed those 49 innocents and say he was inspired by isis? co-host of the five kimberly guilfoyle goes on the record. what do you think? i think this is the new york times doing what we expect them to do which is embracing the political
ideology of the president and of the left. words like weapons of war to really scare people in to pushing forward this gun agenda. the lead everyone, every paper and news organizations should be that isis has managed to take 49 american lives unspeakable. we are not winning the war against isis because we cannot identify that this is a form of radical islamist terrorism. it s really disappointing especially when you see the comments of the president and you see new york times really being complicit in this as well. and, instead, attacking the gun lobby. attacking the second amendment. attacking the nra when half of them did not realize an ar-15 was not used and ar-15 is not an assault weapon and these weapons were obtained legally and even if the assault weapons ban that was in place for about 10 years was in effect, it would not have prevented the massacre in orlando.
and i just want to add that i put on my facebook page last night and said here off-the-record that yesterday the new york times editorial board plamed the republicans so today it s the nra. yesterday it was the republicans. all right, let me move to something else kimberly. judge aaron persky the judge from california got booted from the rape case. stanford broke turner months for rape. he has been booted from another sex crime case. santa clara prosecutors lack confidence that judge persky can fairly rule on another rain case. as a former prosecutor in the state of california, your thoughts. i know a lot of the great prosecutors in santa clara county are tough and fair and doing the right thing in this case. so far they are doing what we call papering a judge with respect to a specific case and this is very appropriate and suitable because they don t want him to hear another sex crimes case. now, keep in mind that jurors have already come forward to say that they will not submit a courtroom where he is the presiding
justice because they feel that they would not be fair. that, in fact, he would be biased and this is based on the wide, nationwide coverage of this absolutely outrageous six month sentence that is a slap in the face of all sexual assault victims. i would blanket him and not let him hear any cases and pushed out to civil court. the stanford swim steam members say they were pressured not to speak about this male swim his or her used to say incorporation unbelievable things to them. silencing the women assault itself. you can t come forward to say the things that are relevant regarding his conduct and inappropriate comments to females of the swim team? that s awful. would be have been helpful for the judge to hear all prior actions behaviors and inappropriate sexually laced remarks to women on the team. i m anxious to see if more of these women pop up
and start talking publicly. stanford, of course denied it and said they could freely speak. women on the stanford swim team disagree with the university and say they couldn t talk. kimberly of the five always nice to see you. thank you. get to see you, greta. who will be donald trump s vice presidential pick? donald trump held a closed door meeting with g.o.p. governors, including governor mary fallon who son his vp list. she is here straight ahead. introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it s a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla s prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
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get ready it speed read the news. a doomed voice recorder could solve mystery. recovered today from the mediterranean sea. luckily the memory unit of the device appears to be in tact. the plane crashed last month killing all 66 people on board. violence erupting at the 2016 european championship soccer tournament. 37 people arrested in france
as riot police fired into british fans. and last weekend, a massive brawl broke out between english and russian fans. three of those russian fans sentence to do french prison and 20 more will be and that s tonight s speed read. and donald trump is courting top republicans. earlier this week held a meeting with several republican governors. head at new york s trump tower. what went on behind closed doors, mary fallon was one of the participants and short time ago governor fallon went on the record. governor, nice to see you. nice to see you, too. how are you? i m very well. so, governor, you and some other governors went to meet with donald trump the other day. who went with you? oh, we had a great meeting with donald trump this week there were about 6 of us governors that went to talk to our presumptive republican nominee for president about our states, about some of the challenges that we face, about solutions that we have been able to find in our own states and about the presidential election and
how important it is to the future of america. did you learn anything new? i think one of the things that people need to understand about trump is he is very passionate about the issues and about america and about changing the course of america in the right direction, to build back our economy, to make sure we have a strong national defense that we support our military. we support our veterans. to certainly work on making sure we know who is coming in and out of our country. and to make our nation more friendly to business so we can create jobs and opportunities for our fellow americans. when you set and talk to him one on one in a room, it s just like you and i talking or like you would have a conversation with a member of your family. but when you get him up in front of a crowd, you know, he is very entertaining guy but, yet, he is also very serious and passionate what he is talking about. what do you make of the fact in light of what you just said his unfavorables have risen 10 points in a month that s really a bad direction and how does he turn that around if he wants to win? i think he has got to
talk to the heart of the american people one of the biggest challenges we talked about yesterday is how hard it is to compete with the national media and many who do not like the republican party or who love hillary clinton. and that s a big challenge for him. i m grateful that he is willing to put up a big fight, get out and talk about the issues that are porpoise for america. i think you will find other governors that will be willing to step forward and help him in getting our message across that we need a conservative president in the united states. and how important it s going to be to turning our economy around and frankly, greta, if you look at the polls themselves. if you look at the right track, wrong track of our nation. you will find majority of americans feel like our nation is going in the wrong track. if you want another eight years of president obama, you put in hillary clinton and you are going to get more eight years of what we just had. no secret, governor, your name has been batted around the media as on the short list for vice president. i read tall the time. so, tell me, did you have any sort of side discussion with him without the other
governors? have you had any private discussions at all with donald trump about that? no, i didn t. we just had the governors talking to him about jobs, economy, and national security and certainly what happened in orlando this week and what a terrible tragedy it was. but, it s a great honor to even be mentioned to be able to serve your nation and it s something that i have enjoyed doing for the last 25 years. right now i m just focused on being governor of oklahoma and doing everything i can, you know, to find solutions to problems facing my state and certainly making sure that we elect a conservative to the white house this year. i take it listening to that if you were asked that you would say yes, listening carefully to what you were saying, would that be a yes? well, i mean certainly anyone would consider the opportunity at haven t been asked to do that he has a lot of people being considered for that position. and i certainly enjoy serving our nation but as i said right now my focus is on oklahoma. donald trump also said that he would be a or he is a better friend to the gay community than secretary hillary clinton.
do you believe that? i think donald trump respects all americans. and loves america itself. sometimes he may say things not quite the way i would say things as someone who has been in office for 25 years. he speaks his mind a lot. but, i take him for his word. and i know that he said yesterday that he had a lot of gay friends and certainly i have gay friends. i don t know anybody that doesn t have a gay friend. and, you know, the big thing we have to keep in mind is jihadist terrorists want to kill americans whether you are a woman, whether you are a christian, a jew, whether you are a gay person, we are all americans first and it s unacceptable that any american would feel threatened on their own land and their own state and we need somebody tough that s going to be president of the united states that s going to make sure that we have a strong national defense that will spend appropriate amount of money to believe up our military and we become such a super power
with military strength and might and other nations that have jihadist terrorists will be scared of the united states. governor, nice to see you. i hope you will come back soon. thank you, governor. thank you. and a lawmaker and mother of two small children murdered. a live report on the investigation is next.

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this is a fox news alert. a british lawmaker murdered. a member of parliament jill cox shot and stand in daylight on the street. cox the first british lawmaker killed in office in more than 25 years was a rising political star. we have lost a great star. she was a mp, great campaigning mp with huge compassion, with a big heart. and people are going to be
very, very sad at what has happened, dreadful, dreadful news. it s right that we re suspending campaigning activity in this referendum and everyone s thoughts will be with her family and constituents. this terrible time. grn reporter andrew grieves is live in manchester, england. andrew, what happened and what is thought to be the motive for murdering this woman? i think one of the things is the police are still lag for 52-year-old. what we could know is that cox was holding one of her regular constituency where constituents would go along [inaudible] and this man was waiting outside when she left. and that is when this attack happened in broad daylight on the street. did he say anything when he murdered her or as he killed her? yeah.
witnesses declaring that he chanted the word britain first, which is a far right group. there is some news come out tonight linked to the northern alliance or national alliance, i m sorry, in america far right group. and he perhaps purchased material how to actually [inaudible] witnesses say homemade as well. certainly some kind of far right connotation. i understand she is married and the mother of two very young children? yeah, two children age 3 and 5. dedicated her life [inaudible] children issues and to issues syrian refugee. colleagues have described her as somebody who was massively commit to do the causes that she believed in. children now grow up without
knowing their mom. prime minister cammeron said they are going to suspend election big campaign going on for this june 23rd vote whether to exit the eu or not. is this how long is this moratorium on the campaigning for this? i think what they have announceside a suspension campaign. i expect that most of that will be next thursday. both sides argue probably get back on as quickly as possible. andrew, thank you very much as joining us. no problem. more on the record straight ahead.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160428 10:00:00

despite losing five primaries, ted cruz stunned everybody by announcing his vice presidential candidate is carly fiorina. he loses five primaries and then announces, hey, fiorina is my vice president. this means fiorina is now just a
heartbeat away from never being president. of. of. of. of. welcome to morning joe. on board with us this morning washington anchor for bbc world news america katty kay. council on foreign relations richard haass. good morning, richard. good morning. former campaign communications worker, msnbc i know you knew it. i know you knew it was carly and 4:00, rick tyler is with us. i guessed it. i could see it in his eyes. he flinched when i said is it carly. in washington managing editor of bloomberg politics and host of all do respect mark halperin. willie we ve got the host of the spectacular, stup endous
sunday it s willie sexy sunday. steamy sunday mornings with willie geist. we ll be there again sunday morning bright and early, 9:00 in new york, 8:00 elsewhere. powerful. profiles of the parker guys. met in high school, had an idea why glasses cost as much. turns out they don t have to watch as much. you re wearing them? i was customer number three. passed out downtown, right? i look up my glasses are broken. some guys pull me in, right? that was your a ha moment. aha. willie stole all my cash.
i didn t have that much. that was a rough night. i m sorry about that. that was rough. escalated very quickly. a happy ending. tell us a story, when you passed out in the street and something great happened. is that when you got your job at bbc. never happened. i have never got so drunk i ve passed out in the street. all right, guys. we have three big stories. donald trump s foreign policy speech, bobby knight. that s a good one. carly fiorina. i can say candidate hillary clinton, bill clinton, they should be in their movie room eating popcorn and watching the show. she was off the trail. i would watch this and go what the hell is going on.
i want quick reactions first. poof. of course you do. you want to back into it. you want everybody to talk about it. you released a tweet i agreed with, after the speech you said, it s obvious if donald trump wins the nomination, we re going to have to be dealing basically with media that s just unhinged about donald trump on both the left and the right. the reaction of the speech yesterday, i was trying to get some sound, foreign policy reaction. i couldn t. it was hyperbole on both sides. tell us about your reaction. foreign policy unsettled. both parties, there s lots of debate. was this the most specific speech ever? there was not. flaws and contradictions?
yes. the reaction, left and right, lindsey graham, dan pfeiffer, former obama administration official both attacking it for the same reason. it shows trump will face something if he s the nominee that i don t remember any general candidate taking, fire from both sides and supposedly reporters who mocked it and didn t try to break it down in any serious way and basically just reflectively says if trump says it, it can t be with a serious thing. a problem for trump. the same story over and over again. they have done this from day one. they get a foreign policy speech. the first reaction is mocking and ridicule. richard haass, there was, though, a very definite foreign policy strand of thinking there that represents it s the jacksonian strain most closely
resembles jacksonian stream of how americans in the deep south felt about foreign policy for quite sometime. quite consistent with nationalist position, economic nationalist above all. consistent with views on trade, opposition to quote, unquote, free trade, opposition to immigration. very transactional approach with allies. essentially you pay up your fair share or we re not going to consider you an ally. again, as you would say, jacksonian. i thought intellectually the most interesting thing rejection of what you might call transformational going after 43 and barack obama and literally echoing the words of john quincy adams. america goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy and donald trump had a riff off of that. united states is not going to run around the world trying to make the world our enemy. had he, in effect, if
everybody hadn t been mocking him so much, they would figure him out politically. this is how they missed the rise of donald trump. he positioned himself to the left. she s the neo-con and he s the one preaching restraint. it s ironic. 1992. 1992 george herbert walker bush is president. bill clinton runs for president. what does bill clinton do, he positions himself not to the left, not george mcgovern, michael dukakis but to the right of george bush on the use of force in serbia and bosnia, a bit of political jujitsu no one saw coming. what was inning about the speech in this case clint about to get out flying to the left. what donald trump was saying in some ways had echos of bernie sanders. what you have is a much more narrow vision of what the use of american force is abroad and
more broadly the balance between guns put aside world war ii and unfortunate echos there. essentially what you re saying a narrow use in the world, restrained use of military force. whereas one clinton flying establishment to the right, you have another clinton being outflanked to the left. this is an interesting political move. jacksonian. where you re isolationist, anti-interventionist at the very least. you re challenged by an enemy abroad. you go over, you destroy them, you wipe them out, you come back home. isn t that where the contradictions or the lack of policy specifics in the speech fell down? it s one thing to say we re going to go abroad and wipe out isis quickly. but if you don t have a plan for doing that, and he was pushed on the plan for doing that and doesn t come up with, what
you re saying doesn t mean very much. it s great to say we will go out and wipe out isis, it s a very hard thing to do. of course it is. a lot of paradoxes, a lot of conflicts. remember, ronald reagan elected 1980 on strength. he was asked what is your strategy toward the soviet union, an issue that had been vexing american politician since 1947. he said we win, they lose. that was it. it was in 1980 as hostages were being captured and held for 444 days, that s what americans as political messaging. that s what i m talking about. i don t think anybody here would suggest we want to go back to jacksonian foreign policy. i m just saying not like again donald trump came out of left field with this. he s once again with this speech tapped into the angst.
and barack obama for not sounding tough enough. let s take a look at what he said. donald trump focused on global affairs in this major speech in washington reading from a teleprompter he vowed to, quote, shake the rust off america s foreign policy, pledging to pursue what he called america first strategy as president. my foreign policy will always put the interests of the american people and american security above all else. has to be first. has to be. americans must know we are putting the american people first again. on trade. so true. on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes and security of the american worker will always be my first priority. both our friends and our enemies put their countries above ours.
and we, while being fair to them, must start doing the same. i challenge anyone to explain the strategic foreign policy vision of obama/clinton. it has been a complete and total disaster. after secretary clinton s failed intervention in libya, islamic terrorist in benghazi took down or consulate and killed our ambassador and three brave americans. then instead of taking charge that night, hillary clinton decided to go home and sleep. incredible. there were some typical detractors to donald trump s foreign policy speech. republican senator lindsey graham tweeted his questions for trump, are we sure the guy running the teleprompter has the pages in the right order? question number two, did the teleprompter write the speech. #not making any sense.
there were also voices who saw clear substance in trump s remark. conservative grover norquist called the speech sober, thought through, written down. this speech, and the impression it gives, changed the tenor of the race. before the republicans, now drawing a contrast with hillary. former ambassador to united nations john bolton said the speech put trump in the mainstream of american foreign policy. that s surprise. three heads of the table turned that john bolton said that. former speaker newt gingrich and bob corker had more praise. to be honest, after the kind of campaign we ve had over the last ump teen months that has been pretty painful to watch, i was very pleased with what i heard. i thought it was a great step in the right direction. i thought it was full of substance. i thought it laid out a vision
for america. i will say somewhat rhetorical myself this week, i saw a headline one of the major publications that you and i both read. the headlines were foreign leaders were afraid of donald trump. i have to tell you, rhetorically, it was kind of a pleasant surprise. if you think back during the reagan era, many of the people around the world that are friends are really scared of what he might do. he looked presidential. he looked serious. he looked controlled. overall i thought it was a good presentation. the speech itself is a very serious speech. you re going to find it ridiculed by washington establishment in part because it challenges so many of their assumptions. that was newt gingrich live from a bank elevator in washington, d.c.. strange. but interesting coming from newt. good to hear from him. bob corker also, chairman foreign affairs committee, willie. not to be taken lightly.
bob corker is a pretty serious guy. bob corker, you could say this is the party rallying around donald trump, see what s coming down the road and positioning for a position. but bob corker started saying message to the republican party, stop making fun of donald trump, stop trying to stop donald trump and listen to the people voting for him and supporting him. he s been out there earlier than most, i would say, on donald trump. that was a pretty strong endorsement of the chair of senate foreign relations. someone we respect. former politician from the deep south, what donald trump said yesterday is what you hear at town hall meetings all the time. i understand you re saying that. it sounds great but and then you explain. we need to be more engaged on this issue, on that issue. politicians like me have been saying that to people for 20, 25 years. at this point, no, don t tell us about why we have to do this for
china or that for saudi arabia. america first and that s the response he s getting. that s what bob corker is certainly hearing in his town hall meetings in tennessee. i think the speech yesterday from trump was a microcosm of his campaign. a great slogan about american strength. there weren t particulars but people who love and support him weren t looking for particulars. they want to be reminded he would put america first. if you re in the middle and don t like him, it was ridiculous. just like if you did not like ronald reagan in 1980 and you believed ronald reagan would start world war iii, which a lot believed, yes. i m curious, not just frustration that barack obama has not sounded tough enough. oddly when you say this is a rejection of obama policies, obama has also been a president who has pulled america back from foreign engagement. this is quantifiably different
from george bush. over the last eight years we ve seen america he s stepped up again a little bit in iraq and syria. it would be interesting to see what donald trump would advocate. he already said let s let the russians take care of syria. that s pulling back in a disturbing way. beat them fast, you re not going to beat them fast without doing something. trump was effective pointing out contradictions with the policy and historical weaknesses. the biggest in the eyes of most people not making good on the red line threat to syria and trump basically hammered away on the lack of reliability there and the iran agreement. basically saying we were too anxious for the agreement. you have to be willing to walk away if you re negotiating an agreement. there s a lot of people who think just that. he also said we have to be unpredictable. one of the areas of the speech a lot of this conversation reflects there were such tests here. there s a difference between foreign policy and political reaction. foreign policy people focusing
on inconsistencies. what you re also hearing are political reactions which are positive for the most part. did he say exactly on any level exactly what he would do? did he go deep into policy? was it a bit primitive, basic, to the gut? yes. i guess what i take away is what i see is republicans like corker, and you even heard paul ryan on our show say i can work with him. i think what some might have seen yesterday, this is just me watching the reaction, well, i could work with that. which is better than, whoa, that is frightening, wrong and that is not where we want to go. specific language to reaping out and working with china and russia. that s the kind of thing for people who work in the foreign policy world, there was enough language there that they would have the reaction they said. there was other language that would push them the other way.
i think donald trump, remarkable for a guy about to win the nomination is a work in progress. he s not tethered right before our eyes. willie, it s not like ron paul, if you are bob corker. you know what you re going to get. more frightened of paul s policy of the united states than donald trump because you feel like, hey, i can talk to this guy, i can explain. he s flexible. they probably think they can shape him a little bit when he gets to washington, you can t shape ron paul. as close as you get to the speech. the last line is a serious contradictory speech. no moment south korea should think of developing nukes, japan should think of developing
nukes. there were no red alarms in the speech. it was constrained. hillary clinton strong on this. i will go back to strong thinking here and richard can double down on this. there are a growing number of people, and i said it for 20 years. every time barney frank comes on the air we both agree wit, which is germany and china germany and japan, they can take care of their own foreign policy. it s not 1945 anymore. why are we carrying two of the most powerful economies in the world on our backs. we re sick and tired of it. taxpayers here shouldn t do it. let them tart worrying. two things. one, if both of them provide a lot of host nation support two, the reason we do what we do not for germany and japan, it s for the united states. this works for us. i m explaining again when donald trump starts talking that way, there are a lot of people
across the nation nodding. that s when when everybody is so busy mocking the speech, without figuring out how it s being received in america, which we saw yesterday, then same reason why they couldn t figure out why all the people showed up. but bobby knight, willie geist, bobby knight showed up yesterday. he showed up yesterday in a red sweater. how did that go? you ll find out in the next block. what? now. it s horrible. if carly fiorina and ted cruz and donald trump with ted knight. singing. singing was great. still on morning joe. second half of ted cruz presidential ticket, his running mate carly fiorina joins the conversation. plus jane sanders on the decision to lay off hundreds of campaign staffers across the country. senator tom cotton who is being blasted by the white house for trying to block part of the
nuclear deal with iran. keep fighting, tom. not at some point, tom. never. never. nbc s hallie jackson joins us from the campaign trail on indiana. a live report from that battleground state is straight ahead. tonight joe is playing his band, prohibition, 8:30. if you re in the area, come on by. she can join you. you re watching morning joe. be right back. what brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones.
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i am not here to represent the republican party, and i m not here to represent any organization that deals with politics. i think the most important thing in the world that we vote for the best man there is for this job and you ve already met him. they said harry truman wasn t presidential. damn, he went on to be one of the three best presidents in
united states history. and he will at some point be one of those also. lyin ted. right, lyin . the guy has gone one after another after another. of course last night he called the rim a ring, so he doesn t know too much about the basketball world. i can t watch him for long periods. we will this. the flourish. ay yi yi, i get such a headache watching this guy. bobby knight. we were saying it looked like an oil painting. beautiful lighting. the hair. still frightening. he s still a tough man. on an emotional level we all have great respect for carly fiori fiorina, on emotional level you put bobby knight up on the podium in that state, it s a win. that s your secretary of
defense. right there, exactly. you say quickly then bobby knight you are saying trump speech politically astute even if it wasn t consistent, very astute politically. there s a mood in this country after iraq and afghanistan, several million americans served at one time or another. there s fatigue, intervention fatigue. what the speech does is tap into intervention fatigue. the sense united states has been overextended in the world. we try to do too much. we ve got to pay more attention to the home front. he s capturing that mood. how do you square that with did he troy isis, that will require intervention. isis or groups like it will be with us for some time to come because it reflects this sort of disease or virus in this part of the world. i see that as receipt hetoricale you can t come up to do that.
can you explain to people who are casual viewers just how big bobby knight is in indiana? it s he or larry byrd the biggest in indiana. he s a larger than life figure. throwing the chair, we saw that. he was a father figure to all the kids that played there. he was a god. your basketball in indiana is church and he was the pastor of the church for 20 years. i love that headline, trump calls bob knight endorsement greatest ever in indiana. huge. if he does say so himself. all right. so after taking a big hit in the delegate race tuesday ted cruz looked to change-up his campaign by throwing what usa today s is
calling hail carly. campaign putting up a new sign on the podium in between their remarks yesterday and fiorina stepped right into the role taking aim at donald trump. this is the fight for the soul of our party and the future of our nation. people all across this nation know that donald trump and hillary clinton both will be disastrous for this nation. donald trump and hillary clinton are two sides of the same coin. they are both liberal, we know that. hillary clinton has made her millions selling access and influence from inside the system. and donald trump has made his billions buying people like hillary clinton. they are not going to challenge the system that s sold us down the river. they are not going to challenge the elites. they are not going to challenge the system.
they are the system. today i m in the plane and i see on television they have a new relationship has started, cruz and carly. he s mathematically eliminated. he has set a record, though. he is the first presidential candidate in the history of this country whose mathematically eliminated from becoming president who chose a vice presidential candidate, okay. an historic choice mark halperin. let s talk strategy and then get rick tyler who knows a thing or two about the cruz campaign. what was the idea here behind choosing carly fiorina, a, and doing it at this point in the campaign. looking to get momentum in this critical stage. cruz with a chance on second or third ballot he s got to win indiana. this creates aura of forward
process, it highlights trump s problems with women and it gives cruz a chance to cover more ground. he can campaign with her some of the time. they can split up other times. this is the side show. this is not the main event. the main event, can cruz win indiana. to the tent this helps with that is correct it s a good step. it s not going to really change fundamental dynamic of the race. the cruz campaign, mark, knew they were going to have a brutal few days after tuesday s results. tuesday s results were disastrous. was this as much about blunting of what in the past, recent past as it was looking forward to indiana, just changing the subject the fact that ted cruz got completely wiped out on tuesday night, came in third place in a lot of states and didn t win a single county in several states. it s certainly part of the timing of this. i think the bigger thing is the forward-looking attempt to create the optics of saying this
is the anti-trump wing of the party. fiorina has become as loud and vibrant a voice the anti-trump wing of the party as anyone he picked. would he rather have had marco rubio? maybe. this is someone who can get on television, can campaign pretty effectively and be part of trying to hold together what is starting to fall apart, which is anti-trump, stop trump movement. rick scott governor of florida came out yesterday and said every dollar spent on anti-trump movement is a dollar for hillary clinton. fiorina is part of trying to hold together the balance of power in the party that says we ve still got to stop trump where rick spot is saying we ve got to coalesce around trump. let s bring in rick tyler. did your head fall into your hands when he made this choice or can you finish the sentence, this is a great move because without lying.
that s a great start. it s 6:30 in the morning. that was hard. there s a reason i m asking. she has a reason for this insulting question. no, i truly want an honest answer. of course a lot of speculation why this was done, the timing of it. campaigns try to replace dominant stories that don t work in their favor. tuesday night was a dominant story not working in cruz s favor. i think picking carly fiorina replaced that. some people talk about it as being desperate. doing nothing is done, doing something is smart. that s not an answer. i thought that was a brilliant answer. thank you so much. did your head fall into your hands and you start shaking your head and say why or did you think this was a great move because and fill in the blank. i think it s a great move
because carly fiorina is a great communicator. she can speak on the level of business that donald trump was to control. she s also done something that cruz and trump and kasich have not done, and that is to win a california primary. she can win over evangelicals, a large amount in indiana. also we found out yesterday she can sing and ted cruz cannot. i like her a lot. we ve gotten to know her. i m not sure about this. i m doing to ask her coming up of she s on today. yes. i thought rick s answer was great. he jumped an mika was a little tough. wasn t very honest. let s bring in you re still mad about yesterday. you think he did know before. he did not. no, he didn t. look at that face. a high level position in the campaign and has no friends there time to bring in news correspondent hallie jackson,
live in indianapolis. you spoke with carly fiorina last night. what did she tell you about joining the ticket. we talked about a couple of things, guys. is this a move of desperation? was this born out of timing because of the walloping ted cruz got tuesday night, now looking to change the subject. why so early? her response is this is an unprecedented campaign. the fact it was early shouldn t be that much of a surprise. ted cruz himself said during the speech they are doing what he has to do. he wants to put fiorina out there. you heard him when he introduced her, every at tribute he said about fiorina was a double edged sword, a way to hit donald trump, a way to push stop trump ticket mark and rick are talking about. she has won a california primary. she dropped out of her own race in the republican primary earlier this year. ted cruz still trails in the delegate count. i pose the question to her. how is it one person that has been unable to beat donald trump
added to another person who hasn t been able to beat donald trump yet does one plus one equal three basically. she said, listen, we are working to try to keep donald trump below 1237. she said he cannot get there was her response. you look at this ticket, the timing of it, how long it s been in the works. i m told by a campaign aide a couple weeks ago they were getting very serious about rolling her out. originally the campaign started looking at a vice presidential pick back after iowa. they were looking at 42 people. that was narrowed down to 17 folks that were vetted on the sort of short list and five people that were deep vetted i m told. the campaign tight-lipped about names, saying usual suspects. this is somebody they have been thinking about for a while. the timing of it yesterday, clearly seemed to be a way to change the subject after that tuesday night loss. nbc s hallie jackson. thank you very much.
rick tyler, thank you as well. rick, you were awesome, man. you re best. i didn t know. hallie vouched for me. i talked to her all day. she was trying to find out, i was trying to find out. a straight shooter. this is not that much okay. it hasn t happened since whatever it is, 76 with reagan, but there are five days left for ted cruz. he has to get as much media attention as he can. it was a good move. donald trump has come out of those primaries where he s won. donald trump giving a major foreign policy speech. what are we all doing right now at 20 past whatever it is? 6:36. look. talking about carly fiorina. america s newspaper, usa today. a graphic, 75% of the people who read this makes up like three-fourths of the people who
read it. a great pie chart. this is america s newspaper and it s on the very top. guess what, media cycle one. guess what, yesterday ted cruz in introducing carly fiorina as all the networks took the speech gave a 30-minute stump speech. he took that, gobbled up yesterday. the question is specifically if this is about indiana, what does carly fiorina do for him in indiana? what does she do for him there? i think the question is different. does carly fiorina not do something for him. otherwise, is there any negative to this in i m not sure there is. between now and indiana? i don t think there s any negative whatsoever. why not do it. also got him on front pages in indiana when bobby knight was there. he can sit back and keep taking punches in the face or you can move and try to shape your full. he moved and tried to shape his
future. again, instead of bobby knight here and stories of him getting absolutely slaughtered tuesday night, that s two people smiling with american flags behind him. same thing. same thing with the washington post. okay. carly fiorina will join us at the top of the next hour. we have a lot of questions for her. look forward to talking to her again. morning joe back in a moment. how about that right now i know two girls i just adore i m so happy i can see them more because we travel on the bus all day we get to play we get to play i won t bore you with any more of the song but they have four verses.
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. still ahead on morning joe, what s the reaction overseas to foreign policy speech. it is clear what the intent of his amendment is. senator cotton is no expert when it comes to heavy water. i m confident he couldn t differentiate heavy water from sparkling water. his focus on undermining this agreement that prevents iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. ouch. i think that was maybe stinging. and at the wrong guy. senator tom cotton holding up
a spending deal over the iran nuclear deal and the white house is not happy. the arkansas governor joins us to explain what s happening. i m here! customer care can work better. with xerox. wait i m here! mr. kent? (gasp) shark diving! xerox personalized employee portals help companies make benefits simple and accessible. from anywhere. hula dancing? cliff jumping! human resources can work better. with xerox. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that s why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere.
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that s just how we roll. neutrogena®. see what s possible. and then there s isis. i have a simple message for them. their days are numbered. i won t tell them where, and i won t tell them how. we must, as a nation, be more unpredictable. we re totally predictable. we tell everything. we re sending troops, we tell them. we re sending something else, we have a news conference. we have to be unpredictable and we have to be unpredictable starting now. donald trump and his foreign policy speech yesterday. joining us now nbc news chief global correspondent bill nealy on the set with us. let s start with you, bill, on the trump speech.
do you hear echoes of what donald trump is saying as nationalism? do you hear echoes of that not only britain but across america right now. politics, they are sweeping elections in western europe. i think across europe, across the world, they will be reading this speech because they have to. you might have taken trump s candidacy with amusement six months ago, now they have to take him seriously. no government has come out and made an official reaction but one commentator in the ua said it was an ominous combination of ignorance and arrogance. in russia, putin will see that as an opportunity, surely, a trump presidency. what does putin want to do? he wants to divide europe. he wants to destroy nato. there are many elements of trump s speech they will be rubbing their hands in moscow with glee. some things that struck in
europe, we should be fair to donald trump when he talked about obama s red line on chemical weapons in syria, when he talked about european partners not paying their fair share to be members of nato, yeah, a lot would say he has a point. but the rest of it was a strategic speech or rag bag of slogans and wishful thinking. a lot of people in london, paris, berlin would say see it that way. i remember covering obama s speech when he was candidate in berlin, when hundreds of thousands of europeans were there listening with open minds. what a difference. how did that work out for him? well, no. some would say he could have stayed in germany for the betterment of u.s. policy. stop. it was a very good speech. but that phrase america first
must have had ominous tones to people in europe, the idea of american withdrawal from the world. the western world desperately wants america to be engaged, to show leadership. we want certainty from america. donald trump promised exactly the opposite. he promised unpredictability. people are worried. you could dismiss the trump candidacy six months ago as they did in whitehall and other places with nose in the air and amusement. they are not doing it any more. let s bring in republican senator tom cotton of arkansas. tom, always great to talk to you. what was your reaction to this speech by trump yesterday. to be honest the work in the senate trying to stop administration from subsidizing awn s nuclear program i didn t have a chance to read or watch mr. trump s speech. he can clearly speak for himself but right now he can t stop
administration from subsidizing iran s program. that s what i m trying to do. kind of had your hands full. how was the first birthday importantly? it was great. my wife made homemade cake and we served it to him. not fond of it as we thought he might be. he s not used to eating sweets yet. always a messy first birthday. you may not have watched donald trump s speech, the white house they said you don t know the difference between seltzer and tap. heavy water and sparkling. i think that might have been an insult. respond to the white house s criticisms of you. the white house may think it s a laughing matter to subsidize iran s nuclear program but i don t. heavy water is not radioactive, not dangerous in normal quantities but it is an essential part of any nuclear program like iran s. iran is required to reduce its heavy water stocks under nuclear deal that president obama signed with them last year.
however, we are not obligated to take that heavy water. we certainly aren t obligated to provide taxpayer dollars for iran s program for that heavy water. i offered a simple amendment to the budget that said u.s. taxpayer would not subsidize any more bills like this. unfortunately democrats blocked that amendment and bill from going forward, even though we have a large majority in favor of my proposal. why have they? i don t think many of them want to go on the record as opposing support opposing their president on this policy but on the record of having u.s. taxpayer dollars subsidizing iran s nuclear program. again, i offered 60 vote threshold even though i m entitled to majority vote. i think i have a veto proof majority. that s why they don t want to have a vote on the amendment because they know the policy is indefensible and would rather plok the bill. senator, it s willie geist. is there another way to go about this. this is a poison pill, a bill
that would clear easily and this came up at the last second. do you see any other avenue you can do this without holding up appropriations process. we re talking to democrat. they suggest a stand alone bill, something i would consider. willie, this is not a poison pill. on capitol hill, a poison pill is a term people use when they say this is a popular policy i oppose and i don t have the votes to stop. i didn t do this at the last minute. administration at the last minute on friday night dropped the news they were giving $9 million to iran s nuclear program. i filed the amendment on monday, the very first day back in session after the administration s last-minute news dump saturday night. tom cotton, thank you very much for being with us. congratulations on gabriel s first birthday. thanks, joe. thanks, mika. the iran deal still is causing republicans and great deal of democrats consternation. what do you think about the back and forth between the white
house and senator cotton? actually i think it s a side show. you re talking about less than $10 million to potential sales of heavy water. we want iranians to get rid of it anyhow. there s issues with iran beyond the agreement. let me suggest. one is obviously what it is they are doing outside the agreement in the area of ballistic missile development, which gives us real heartburn. then over the next 15 years, how are we going to prevent countries in the region richard haass, let me ask you something. do you have a phone? is your wife calling you? do you have at&t. i don t see anything on my phone. i know it sounds bad but you can t blame me. bill neely. do you use at&t? no, i don t, joe. at&t does that. i m going to talk to bill neely while you put your microphone back on. bill, obviously it s not just
the united states, people in britain looking at the united states, united states, especially barack obama very concerned about the direction of where the united kingdom is going right now. give us an update. europe is in a bad place for all sorts of reasons. if britain should vote to leave the european union, it will have a ripple effect. the dutch, danes, swedes do look to britain as leader of northern europe. so there will be a ripple effect. you ve got migrants, rise of extreme right wing politics. you ve got greek debt crisis. europe is in a mess. what britain decides in june won t be important for britain on an important step but important for europe. i think the stay campaign is gaining back some of the grind. i think that worries six weeks ago that the leave campaign was really gaining ground, led by the mayor of london boris
johnson, very charismatic. he said some things that people aren t too happy about. i think they are losing ground. what was the reaction to barack obama saying the brit would go to the back of the queue if you left. barack obama came and said, hey, i m not going to intervene in the british debate and he did just that. we all knew he was going to do it and knew exactly what he was going to say. did he exaggerate saying to the back of the queue, behind montenegro in the setting with the u.s., no. but he made a significant intervention. you got all the political parties in britain all major business leaders, president of the united states saying, for goodness sakes, stay. i think it s having an effect. bill thank you so much. richard haass, thank you for being with us. would you like to finish your sentence. glad the president weighed in, that was the right thing to do. iran, much bigger fish to fry than heavy water.
we want to see iran stop ballistic missile development and want to make sure neighbors don t get into nuclear business themselves. that s going to be a real challenge for the next president. richard, thank you. steve, stay with us. we ll be right back. very intuitive. i can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. i ve been a forensic artist for over 30 years. i do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. you need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. i do this because i want my artwork to help people. (neighbor) yeah, so we re just bringing your son home. (dad) ah! greetings, neighbor. neighbor boy. he really loves our wireless directv receiver. (dad) he should know better. we re settlers. we settle for cable. but let us repay you for your troubles. fresh milk for the journey home?
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uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so. don t fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. i think ted cruz s tactics were wrong. there s no honor in charging a
hill you can t take, although ted cruz got name recognition and money along the way. i would say ted cruz is just like any other politician, he says one thing in manhattan, he says another in iowa, he says whatever he needs to say to get elected and then he s going to do what he pleases. i think american people are tired of the political class that promises much and delivers much of the same. i find it odd that senator ted cruz did not renounce his dual canadian citizenship until 2014 when it became clear he was running for president. there are both legal scholars and others who think this is perhaps a legitimate issue. i think both donald trump and ted cruz are far too divisive as candidates to ever beat hillary clinton. i also don t think you can win when you have someone like senator cruz who says one thing in the drawing rooms of manhattan and another thing in the living rooms of iowa. were you wrong in january
when you were that critical of senator cruz? yeah. that s why i voted for him in the voting booth before i ever had a conversation with him about endorsing him. you see, that s why i don t say things that can be videotap videotaped. what have i told you. if it s up here, if you see a red light on, that s right, don t say it. rein it in. what did i say, willie, less is more. right? right? talk less, smile more. god gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. listen more. welcome back to morning joe. it s thursday april 28th. that was uncomfortable. with us we have former mccain senior strategist steve schmidt. how are you, steve. great. how are you? good. you re a political guru.
i was just saying, i thought this selection of carly was pretty genius yesterday. ted cruz had a horrible night wednesday night. he changes the narrative for the next two, three days by making this decision. look at that. you have two smiling faces, american flags leading the news. steve pointed out we were talking about this earlier in the greenroom. his back is to the goal line. he doesn t have a lot of options left. you can say all day long on television trump isn t on track to get to 1237 to be nominated on first ballot. he is. that will become more clear if he wins in indiana. ted cruz is running out of runway. he needs to shake it up. he needs to i think do some things to get the last bit of attention and focus on him, get reconsideration from republican voters who are breaking clearly in donald trump s direction all over the country and every region of the country. it s not a bad set of strategy,
tactics. i think it s good tactic. steve ratner with us washington anchor for bbc world news america katty kay. bloomberg politics mark halperin, former governor of vermont and chairman of the national committee howard dean. let s get started. a big win of donald trump, pennsylvania s unbound republican delegates identified their choices yesterday. nbc news found that of the 54, 35 are going for trump on the first convention ballot. two for ted cruz. eight uncommitmented. this puts trump nine votes short of 1,000 delegates and ted cruz more than 400 votes behind. trump has won 51% of the delegates awarded so far. the billionaire went into tuesday needing 57% of the remaining delegates. he now needs 49%. cruz is adamant he will not get there. nobody is getting to 1237
delegates. the hoosier state is going to have a powerful voice in making that clear. mark halperin, most people could disagree, at least over the last two days with ted cruz s assessment that there s no way donald trump is getting to 1237. what has to happen, though? what does cruz have to do in indiana and states beyond that to stop donald trump from getting the nomination and throwing open the convention process. he s got to get inner play between momentum and delegate going his direction. if he wins indiana he s all in there, on television, radio, bobby knight, if he can beat there, he s got to beat the remaining contests this month and then we go to california. trump can t get over the top
until the final day of voting in california and new jersey, the othertates that vote that day. cruz has to have the race be fundamentally different by then. the odds are totally stacked against him. not just because of how well trump did in pennsylvania and other states on tuesday but because he s still, even with the collection of feern ark, he s still not change the dynamics of the race. trump s momentum and broad support in the electorate. if you look at california, 172, 173 delegates, let s just give trump 150. a 20-point lead in the state right now. you look at winner take all new jersey, that would put trump at 1200 before we factor in the results of indiana or any of the other states left to go. so the margin to stop trump from getting 1237 is becoming extremely thin bordering on the implausible. jersey is winner take all. how many delegates? it s around 50. the point is indiana comes before jersey.
if trump wins indiana next tuesday, the math becomes almost impossible. okay. all right. with us now from indianapolis, former republican presidential candidate and now running mate to senator ted cruz, carly fiorina. carly, always great to talk to you. tell us how this all good morning. tell us how this all came abo about. i voted for ted, i don t know, about nine weeks ago when the virginia primary occurred, before i had a conversation with him about endorsing him, then we spent the last seven weeks together. not every day but certainly a lot. i ve gotten to know him and his family and we stood together side by side and fought for what we think is important for this country and frankly for our party. obviously his team has been going through a vetting process and we began to have serious conversations about this over the past week or so. i think ted cruz wants to be sure that the people of indiana
and the people of this nation understand the choice in front of them. on the one hand you have cruz and fiorina. on the other hand you have trump and hillary clinton. i put them in the same category was they are the same category, two sides of the same coin. i think this is a fight for the soul of our party and the future of our nation. i m not afraid of tough fights, i ve been in them most of my life. but i do think for some of us principles matter and convictions matter and policies and principles matter. right. so carly is this support for ted cruz, i m not talking about what happened yesterday but your decision to vote for him nine weeks ago, was that more about what you saw in ted cruz as a leader or what you feared a trump presidency would look like. i ran for president because, as you guys know, you had me on the show many times, i think we actually need a real conservative in the white house. it s only a conservative who understands the problem is too
much power concentrated in the hands of too few people, some of whom sadly are republicans. i also thought we needed a fighter, someone who has and will fight that system. when i looked at the long list of names, ted cruz is the only guy who is a conservative and who is a fighter. yes, i happen to believe donald trump is terrible for our party and terrible for our nation. and he would lose in a landslide in november. as i said, the week he announced his candidacy, way back in june of 2015, he doesn t represent me and he doesn t represent my party. i ve got a lot of heart for this fight. so i was looking at your speech, really trying to think about this throughout the evening yesterday and figure out why i m not completely sold on this particular, carly, and i like you very much. you just mentioned ted cruz as a fighter. i think some would say that the national sentiment is that the middle class has been screwed and that nothing gets done in washington.
when you talk about nothing getting done in washington, a lot of people look at ted cruz, shutting down the government, creating enemies everywhere in washington. a large chunk of your speech, which i have here, is about fighting and about the value of making enemies. you even say that you make enemies. it s the price of leadership, the price that one too many people aren t willing to pay, so they don t lead. ted cruz has maidde enemies takg on political class. i m wondering since there s so much negativity in the speech, is that a talent you want to boast for yourself and your candidate? you know, mika, there was a lot of positive in that speech, too, about what s at stake and how this must be a nation once again where every american, regardless of their circumstances, feels the possibilities that come from their god-given gifts and their
potential. listen, i m a conservative, so i actually think getting things done in washington is not always the point. you know, obama care got done. it s a disaster. there are some things that go on in washington that need to be fought, need to be repealed, need to get undone of that s why i m a conservative. that s why i think ted cruz that s what we ve had, a lot of people fighting and a lot of enemies being made and a lot of things getting fought instead of getting done. isn t that what we ve had? yeah, well, you know, you and i don t have the same political views, mika, i think that s fair to say, although i really like you, too, and frank says hello. legislative accomplishment is part of the problem actually. the federal government shouldn t be running health care. so here is the thing. 80% of americans, 80% now know
the federal government is incompetent and corrupt. and 80% of americans also think we have a professional political class of both parties who cares more about position and power and privilege than getting anything done. what i want to make sure people understand is donald trump didn t going to fight that system, he is that system. he s made his billions buying people like hillary clinton off. he freely admits it. he has spent his life taking advantage of that system and so has hillary clinton. so if you think that system isn t working for you, and it isn t working for the vast majority of americans as you point out, don t vote for donald trump and don t vote for hillary clinton as well. now you have a clear choice. can you vote cruz/fiorina or donald trump and hillary clinton. they are two sides of the same coin. great to have you back on the show. welcome back to the game. let me ask you about something ted cruz said yesterday, which is nobody is going to get to
1237, although it does look like donald trump has a way to get there. let s take that premise that he doesn t get there but arrives at the convention with something close to that, 1150, 1200, something like that. what could you reasonably say to the millions and millions of votes in all the states donald trump won over this primary season to convince him he should not be the nominee but ted cruz who had many fewer votes should be? well, first of all i ll remind you the number 1237 exists because it represents the majority of the delegates in the republican party. secondly, as in many games, football being one of them, you know, the 5 yard line isn t a touchdown, it s just close. so 1150 or 1200 is close but it s not a touchdown. so i think what you talk about that in that contested convention. by the way, there s nothing untoward or unsavory about a contested convention, we just haven t had one in a long time.
maybe donald trump has just figured it out, but, wow, this system has been in place for a really long time. we re a republic, actually, not a democracy. what i would say to people is, it s republicans job with all respect he wins in open primaries and loses in closed primaries. i think what we need in november is a very clear choice. donald trump is way too similar to hillary clinton for me and for a whole bunch of republicans. and here is something else. what s clearly been demonstrated over the course of this election is actually the majority of republicans don t want donald trump as their nominee. so it s also clear from the polling data that donald trump gets shellacked by hillary clinton. if you want hillary clinton as a president, donald trump is the guy to vote for. in fairness he won 60% in a few states. carly fiorina, say hi to frank. thank you. carly fiorina, thank you for being with us. congratulations. good luck out there.
have a great day. all right. let s talk about trump s foreign policy right now. mika, a day after claiming flexibility on foreign missouri policy, donald trump focused in on global affairs. yesterday, he did. he used a teleprompter. reading from the prompter he vowed to shake the rust off america s foreign policy pledging to pursue what he called an america first strategy as president. my foreign policy will always put the interests of american people and american security above all else. has to be first. has to be. americans must know that we re putting the american people first again. on trade so true. on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes and security of the american worker will always be
my first priority. both our friends and our enemies put their countries above ours. and we, while being fair to them, must start doing the same. there were some typical detractors to donald trump s foreign policy speech. republican senator lindsey graham tweeted his questions for trump are, are we sure the guy running the teleprompter has the pages in the right order. question number two, did the teleprompter guy actually write the speech? #not making any sense. there were also voices that saw clear substance in trump s remarks. conservative grover norquist called it sober, thought through, written down. the speech and the imimpression it gives changed the tenor of the race. before he was beating other republicans, now he s drawing a contrast with hillary. former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton said the speech put trump in the mainstream of republican foreign policy. that s what he needed to accomplish, and that s what he
did. newt gingrich tweeted washington mock trump for mispronouncing tanzania. they don t get it. he said the most important word correctly, america. he gets it. listen to senator bob corker, chair of senate relations committee. to be honest after the kind of campaign we ve had over the last ump teen months that has been painful to watch. i was pleased with what i heard. i thought it was a great step in the right direction. i thought it was full of substance. i thought it laid out a vision for america. i will say, somewhat rhetorical myself this week, i saw a headline in one of the major publications that you and i both read. the headlines were foreign leaders were afraid of donald trump. i have to tell you rhetorically, it was kind of a pleasant surprise. if you think back during the reagan era, many of the people around the world that are friends were really scared of
what he might do. steve schmidt, you could not go online, couldn t go on twitter without seeing donald trump ripped to shreds from every direction, the left, the right, the center. obviously richard haass, bob corker, newt gingrich, several others actually saw something in that speech they said showed a beginning of development of a foreign policy. what did you think of it politically? politically it s a challenge to the status quo. one thing that s clear, when lou at america s national security and our foreign policy, it s lack of global strategy. the disaster, as donald trump called it, over the last eight years and the eight years before that in the eyes of many, many americans, donald trump is promising to shake up that status quo. politically that doesn t put him in a bad position. he s beginning to outline some coherence around the sound bites with regard to the policies, for
example, he talks about nato, talks about the american taxpayer subsidizing most of the nato countries, only four out of the 28, meeting the 2% of gdp minimum spending on defense, raising these things as an issue, which are not inappropriate issues and certainly not extreme issues to be raising. so i think politically donald trump is showing that he has the ability ep to be a more traditional candidate. he can be sober, reflective, coherent and beginning to articulate significant policy. a win. mark halperin yesterday seemed to be a microcosm of the entire campaign. just had richard haass as he was leaving, it s impossible to have a conversation about anything donald trump does because trying to have a thoughtful discussion about his speech yesterday, now being savaged in e-mails and twitter is a sell out to donald
trump. that s again how donald trump s critics have responded, underestimated him and got blind-sided. seems like happening again in his speech. he s going to have to win people over. he accomplished three things, one is helping to unify the republican party. not lindsey graham but john bolton saying he put himself in the mainstream. that s helpful for him. he needs republicans to have that. two, started to lay out a critique, not his own plan but critique of foreign policy. that s going to not only unify republicans but independents and democrats that don t believe foreign policy run as good as it could have over the last seven years. finally, to some extent trump s election if he s going to be the nominee come down to can he keep from being eliminated. can he do what reagan did towards the end of the campaign
in 80 and be acceptable as commander in chief. i thought the tone and presentation yesterday for all the flaws in the speech, again, put something of a down payment down on that, which is going to be a battle for him the entire way through the election if he s the nominee. richard haass said he tried to place himself to the left of hillary clinton. what s your take? i don t want to be terribly unkind but i think he read a teleprompter speech he couldn t understand. if you could get him in an interview about this and have richard and others who actually know foreign policy pretty damn well ask him questions, i doubt very much he could answer very many questions. i do agree this is an attempt what part specifically because a lot of that echoed what he s been saying on the campaign trail? what part of the speech did you
think donald trump was too ignorant to understand? look, you can t gunl that from the speech. based on what he said in the past, build a wall in mexico, that has a hell of a lot bigger effect than a speech written by people who knew something about foreign policy for teleprompter. every politician does that. we ve been slamming donald trump for not reading from a teleprompter. i agree. slammed him for months for not reaching out to policy advisers who could help him build out foreign policy. now it seems when he does that, i m not just talking about you, but apec as well. people that mocked him for rambling on then mock him for reading from a teleprompter. i m not mocking him for reading from a teleprompter. i just don t think he understands the substance he s reading. how can sit and alienate the country on our border who we
need to be a stable country, what difference does it make what you read on a teleprompter if that s what your position on immigration is. i agree with steve. i think as a political matter it will work for him. his tone is very consistent with what the american people are thinking at the moment. they want us to pull back. they want us to spend less. secondly, i think in terms of the fear of becoming reagan-like or being perceived as hawkish, a neo-isolationist speech. it was. the idea he s got his finger on the button is not what came across. steve, that s interesting. a lot of people, a lot of good, e earnest people say, trump, there are a lot of things i like about him but do we really want this guy with his finger on the button. i say to them, i say actually your bigger concern should be he s a neo-isolationist who wants to turn syria over to russia. it s not that he s going to be a madman with nuclear weapons. right. but my third point is that i
think as people drill into the specifics, as he has to explain some of them, things like turning syria over to russia, some might say what about all those rebels, are they going to get massacred, a good point about syria, howard makes a good point about mexico. politically popular but economically not well advised. as you dig into specifics it s going to get more complicated but i think he did do a good job laying out fairly benign policy. katty kay, if donald trump made the speech a couple months ago you would see more giggling and eye rolling but the fact he s closing in on becoming nominee has people like bob corker, john bolton, serious people in the republican party in the country coming out and rallying behind him and say, look, he s going to be our nominee. let s figure out how to work with him. one of the interesting thing at this phase, at what point
that republicans previously criticized donald trump actually get on board with him. we saw that yesterday. we re seeing the shift, republicans say this is the guy that s going to be the nominee. we re going to rally around him. in terms of the speech, there were no red alert sentences that could be picked up where people can look at it a bit like david sanger in new york times, oh, my god he s saying japan and south korea should have access to nuclear weapons. no clangors on foreign policy. what there wasn t, what s important are implementation. it s very easy to say we re going to go and defeat isis quickly, unless you lay out the policy for doing that, it s a fairly hollow policy recommendation. that s a very difficult, complicated issue that would take american intervention on the scale of 10 to 15,000 troops. there was none of that. not the second level of what that policy means. he said on morning joe, he did not say it yesterday, that he would put at least 10,000
troops in to fight isis. it is, following up on what katty said, lou at the republican establishment figures that didn t come out, grover norquist, who has been at the center of the republican fight over the past quarter century, newt gingrich, john bolton, corker, that is politically the step in the direction the trump people have wanted to go for a month. i think that s right. i think that s right. from a political point of view, this speech was a good idea. what it does is what we would call in the psychology trade reduction of cognitive dissidence. i think katty is exactly right this. allows republicans who see the handwriting on the wall to find a reason to support donald trump. that is absolutely true. from that point i agree with steve, it was very politically astute. i guess we have to remember
the speech was not for us and it wasn t for his critics and foreign policy thinkers, it was for votes. i think he did he did what he needed to do, the average front voter. howard dean, stay with us if you can. still ahead on morning joe, bernie sanders set to lay off 200 campaign staff but says he s still fighting for nomination and still taking not so subtle digs at his primary opponent. my good friend donald tru trump just kidding, not my good friend. i, myself and my wife, didn t get invited to his wedding. can you believe that? some people did, but we didn t. all right. it s getting so bad, not only do they lay off workers, the light bill. the lights. they did not pay the light
bill. sort of dark shadows. campaign adviser jane sanders joins us live. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive a branch catches me here.our. you think that stopped me? i was about to be the first 3rd grader to jump the cook county creek. jump 50 feet over the rapids and i crash land. mom patched me up.
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you know, the amazing thing is that basketball ring here in indiana is the same height as it is in new york city and every other place in new york city. throw a basketball into. what now? what do you throw a basketball into. a hoop. what do you throw a basketball into? a hoop. what do you throw a basketball ball into. a hoop. what do you throw a basketball ball into. what do you throw a basketball ball into? a hoop. hoop. basketball hoop. a hoop. a hoop. what do you throw a basketball into? a basket. a hoop. what do you throw a basketball into? a hoop. what would you call this? a hoop. would you ever call that a ring? no. thanks.
that s it? i like her. no. no, i wouldn t. joining us now nobody would do that, especially if you re trying to suck up to voters. if you re speaking might call it a ring of fire. no gene hackman. former award winning journalist, grew up in bloomington, indiana, former home of legendary bobby knight also with us. washington, national correspondent from bloom percent business week, the one, the only josh green. josh, i hope you told your mother you re on. shoot, i forgot. pick up the mother and call her. his mother mean tweets him. they are overseas. they are in england. do they have morning joe in england. oh, my god, we re huge in england. massive. massive. we can t even get through
picadilly, straight out of an austin powers movie. explain the impact of the bobby knight endorsement for anybody or anything. all right. so bobby knight in indiana is a god. outside the state people look at him as this sort of grumpy, intimidating, chair throwing, crazy, berserk guy. in indiana he s known for national championships, undefeated seasons, using intimidation to make sure the program is a good one. also making sure his kids go to class and graduate. they love bobby knight in a way people outside the state can t appreciate. this is big. when you combine bobby knight and his sense of discipline and law and order, which reflects very well with republicans in indiana, you combine that endorsement with the differences trump articulate with cruz over trade, nafta trade deals have hollowed out a lot of indiana jobs, you can say in the last 24
hours, i don t think indiana will be close. less take a look at bobby knight endorsing donald trump. let me say another thing about mr. trump. i think we re a little alike in that regard. if we re involved in something where we want to win, particularly something that s necessary, if there s something out there where we need to win, we re going to try and beat your ass every time we can. you know, there s another element of bob knight that makes it a perfect fight, not surprising he would support donald trump in that state, he harkens back to the make america great era where there was no political correctness, you could say what s on your mind, discipline a kid the way you want to discipline, sometimes it gets you fired in bob knight s case. that s why i think that match of the 2011 them, the absolute absence of political correctness is appealing to make people in indiana. it s especially appealing across the midwest when you think who are the big role
models for people in the midwest, particularly when it comes to sports, bo knight, people in indiana crude in some ways, very forceful but a lot of men particularly look back and thi think, their discipline, success overshadows politically incorrect things they would say. bill bryant, an endorsement there, it would end the campaign right there. -of- feeling, again, you can t overstate the importance of bobby knight s norm. josh green, how does indiana look then? does this make a huge difference? i think it makes a difference on the margin. you ve already got donald trump leading most public polls, from what i hear internal polls. there isn t a lot of evidence that this cruz, kasich alliance is paying dividends for ted cruz. the fiorina announcement was made out of desperation and looks that way.
there s no real reason to believe she brings a constituency that will help cruz in indiana. sure, having a beloved favorite son like bobby knight endorse you publicly in the state you re running i think is a big help. yeah. steve schmidt, if trump wins indiana is it over? it is over. it becomes impossible to see how he doesn t reach 1237 delegates necessary to be nominated on the first ballot. you look ahead to california, new jersey, where he has commanding leads, not to mention the other states in between, but this is the last chance for ted cruz to do well, to stop him, have any momentum in the race or his argument falls completely apart. importantly if he doesn t win indiana, it will show his early pick of carly fiorina was a one-difficult publicity stunt and had no down range value. mark halperin, same thing. if he wins indiana, is it over? yeah.
i suspect we ll see lots of additional map up dates that will show just how hard it would be to stop him from majority. i also think after indiana, because the cruz campaign is building it up, you re going to see a lot of people endorse trump. he s not had very many. a lot of people argue it s time to coalesce around trump and not continue to hurt him. are you saying this before or after. after. after. i don t think you ll see much before. i think you ll see a lot of people at the republican national committee and around the committee start to get impatient and say, hey, hillary clinton starting to raise money for the democratic election, democratic party we need joint fundraising operations. we need trump to start thinking about a general. it won t ab seismic shift but in terms of the delegate numbers and political support after indiana if trump wins will be major significant change in direction. howard dean, i never was a big believer of endorsement. i always told people who wanted my endorsement, that s great, i ll shake your hand, smile,
it s not going to help. 75, 80% approval rating among republicans, but they usually don t help. i think bobby knight might be a one off on that category. i agree. it is the the same as bear brian endorsing somebody, he did more for indiana than anybody so far. most don t make a difference, this one does. i was madly trying top google the word hoop in canadian, maybe it s ring. jersey sho josh green, if you re going to quote hoosiers do it right. talking to the former economic adviser who used to play basketball with cruz at princeton. the idea cruz can t say basketball hoop is just strange. that is strange. okay. david shuster, final thoughts on indiana and donald trump. big news, bobby knight gives
the donald trump endorsement and ted cruz with carly fiorina, the trump campaign made it abundantly clear that carly fiorina is associated with outsourcing. again, by making sure in the same news cycle people hearing a beloved favorite coach is endorsing donald trump. by the way, ted cruz is picking up an endorsement as somebody known in her business acumen for outsourcing jobs. fair or notah lot of jobs have been lost in indiana and people have too many concerns in indiana. the economy and basketball. donald trump went 2-0 yesterday. david shuster, good to see you. come back, david. like a big fight once in a bar. we never had a bar fight. 15 years ago. was it like in a bar or coffee shop? what are you talking about? i thought chairs were turning over. that was bobby knight throwing chairs. i remember it. i remember a lot of hugs. a lot of hugs. maybe someone else. josh green, mark halperin and
howard dean, thank you very much. thank you, guys. we greatly appreciate it. coming up jane sanders joins us with their campaign, need big wins, we ll talk about that. president obama said debt decreased 2/3 since taking office and wonders why he doesn t get more credit. the conversation with the president. billions. discover card. customer service! ma am. this isn t a computer. wait. you re real?
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. there was one. up next after a string of tough election losses on tuesday, bernie sanders is still having fun on the campaign trail. look at that. this is nbc s chris jansing. a lot of motion, a little action. bernie going to the. the hoop. look at chris, aggressive. i like it. all right. his wife and campaign adviser jane sanders joins us on morning joe. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena
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has dozens of optional researchers. they don t need my speeches to talk about hillary clinton. things like the clinton foundation or things like the e-mail situation, i don t talk about that. i have never talked about it one word on this campaign. i suspect very much that donald trump and the republican party will go after her in many, many ways we have not. all right. so that was senator bernie sanders speaking with nbc s chris jansing. yesterday brought a bit of a grim headline, the campaign would be letting go dozens of staffers. the campaign says they will get rid of 225 people while keeping about 300 on, particularly in california, indiana, and kentucky. and they say it s because they no longer need many of their national and state level staff, particularly in primaries already completed. burlington, vermont, wife of democratic candidate bernie sanders, president of burlington college in vermont. jane, we love talking to you. your husband s campaign has been
an inspiring campaign from the start. what can you tell bernie sanders supporters about this news and also about the campaign. are you guys still in it to win it or are you just in it to make a point? no, absolutely in it to win it. you remember in mid march after a string of losses, the media wrote his political obituary and we came back to win eight in a row. so we re expecting to do the same here. it was a difficult time. we knew that new york had 3 million independents that couldn t vote in the closed primary and they would have had to change their party registration back in october last year. four out of the five contests that were just done last tuesday were closed primaries again. the open primary, rhode island, we won. connecticut we came very close. if it had been an open primary,
we have no doubt we would have won. pennsylvania, we would have come close or won. so we re feeling good. most of the primaries going forward are open, which i think is much more democratic. it s also a smarter move for the democratic party because if you close the primary and only have people that have been in the democratic party for years, what you are doing is effectively shutting the door on the millions of people that bernie has brought into the political process during this election. so we re going to go forward. so there is a lot of discussion about whether or not bernie sanders, candidate sanders, should be talking at all about hillary clinton. that at this point he ought to stick to issues without naming her name. any type of pointed attack is damaging to the party as a whole. donald trump even saying that he might use some of sanders material against hillary clinton. to that what do you say? well, as bernie said, they
have good opposition researchers and they have a lot more that they will use than a simple statement that bernie will have said. he s in an election. he s in a contest. he has to draw contrasts between them. so he will say i m for $15 minimum wage, secretary clinton is for $12 minimum wage. i m very firmly against fracking and concerned about climate change, secretary clinton has really supported fracking. as secretary of state very effectively. there are a lot of differences between them. it s not saying it s not an attack, it s not personal. we re talking about different views. that s what we need to do in a democracy. we need to offer a clear choice. these two candidates offer very different visions for the future. we need to make them clear.
support for minority voters, latino, where hillary clinton has dominated. how do you change that narrative and trend in a place like california where he ll certainly need that? how do you explain that? i think if he was running against anybody but hillary clinton, who was the noibted one most well-known person in the world, she has a good relationship with the african-american community that goes back decades. that hurts us, helps her. we are making inroads especially
among those under 45. we re winning across race racs.s we ve been picking up all along. we re going to keep on doing that. it s basically getting out in front of them, talking with ab that affect them. and that his general fold vision for the future actually affects them disproportionately because, as you say, a lot of them have lower incomes, they are concerned about the cost of higher education, and a number of the issues that bernie puts out there. jane sanders, thank you very much for being on this show. we are see you again soon, we hope. thanks so much, jane. greatly appreciate it. let me ask you, steve rattner, as a supporter of hillary clinton, are you concerned about
the bernie attacks or is this sort of business as usual in a campaign and lit be she made a really good point. this being a democracy, they are different. i agree, actually. i think the attacks have been mostly on substance, fracking, on issues where they disagree. i think sanders has a point of view to express. a lot of democrats agree with. obviously minority of democrats but a lot of democrats agree with that i think is a responsible point of view and should be part of the dialogue. he has said on her worst day hillary clinton would be one thousand times better than any of the republicans. i do think he will be supportive of her when the time comes. we can deeight you see the party coming together. i see the party coming together. there s not going to be a huge chism. i think the millennials will come out to vote. that s tough. back in a moment with much more morning joe. by the way, tonight, joe and his band are playing here in new york city. oh, my god, willie, this will
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history of indiana. hoosiers legend bobby knight. he was right about this one. it might be true. plus, the republican front-runners american first foreign policy plan? richard haass from the council on foreign relations breaks it all down. and can ted cruz and karly fir written that do together what they could not do separately? stop donald trump. we ll play for you part of our interview with cruz s new running mate, ahead on morning joe.
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good morning. it is thursday, april 28th. we have a lot going on today. welcome to morning joe. onboard with us this morning washington anchor for bbc world news america katty kay. the president of the council on foreign relations richard haass. hello, richard. good morning. former ted cruz calm xan communications director and now msnbc political you know i knew you knew it. i knew you knew it and it was 4:00. rick tyler is with us. i guessed it. i could see it in his eyes. he flirchled. and in washington managing editor of bloomberg politics and co-host and with all due respect that airs at 6:00 p.m. on msnbc, mark halperin. we have three big stories. donald trump s foreign policy speech, bobby knight. that s a good one. carly fiorina. i can just say that candidate hillary clinton and bill clinton, former president they should be in their movie
room just eating popcorn, watching this show. this will be great. i think she was sort of off the trail yesterday. i would just watch all this going down. what the hell is going on? so i want you to get us into all of this. i want quick reactions though first. of course you do. poof. you want back into it. poof. you want everybody to talk about it before they know exactly what happened. mark halperin, yesterday you had an interesting tweet which, of course, i agreed with, where after the speech yesterday you said it is obvious that if donald trump wins the nomination we are going to have to be dealing with basically media that s just unhinged about donald trump when both the left and on the right. and reaction to the speech yesterday, i was trying to get some sound, foreign policy reax to it. i couldn t. it was all high per wholy on both sides. that s why we brought in richard haass to tell us the way it is. but tell me about your reaction. i mean, look, foreign policy
is very unsettled. with any both parties there s lots of debate. was this the most specific speech ever? it was not. were there flaws in it and contradictions? yes. but the reaction to it shows the left and the right, lindsey graham and dan pfeiffer, former obama administration official, both attacks it for largely the same reasons. it shows that trump is going to face something if he s the nominee that i don t remember any general election candidate taking, which ask fire from both sides and fire from supposedly objective reporters who mocked it and didn t try to break it down in any serious way. basically just reflectively says if trump says it it can t be a serious thing. a problem for trump. are we telling the same story over and over again. and they ve done this from day one. and they get a foreign policy speech and the first reaction is mocking and ridicule. richard haass, there was though a very definite foreign policy strand of thinking there that
represents it s the jacks jacksonian strain most closely resembles the jacksonian strain of how americans, especially in the deep south, from felt about foreign policy for a long time. it s quite consistent with the nationalist position, economic nationalism above all. he was very consistent with his views on trade, his opposition to quote, unquote, free trade, opposition to immigration. very transactional approach with allies. essentially you pay off your fair share or we re not going to consider you an ally. again,ed a you would say, jacksonian. i thought sbek elect actuintell most interesting thing was going after george w. bush 43 as well as barack obama and essentially saying, echoing, literally echoing the words of john quincy adams. america goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy
and donald trump has a riff off of that that the united states is not going to run around the world trying to make the world in our image. h e, in effect yesterday, an if everybody hadn t been mocking him so much they would have figured this out politically, of course, this is how they missed the entire rise of donald trump. he effectively positioned himself to the left of hillary clinton. she is going to be the neocon in this race. and he is going to be the one preaching restraint in foreign policy entanglements. let s look at what he said the donald trump to us canned on global affairs in this major speech in washington. reading from a tell promptered, pledging to pursue what he called america first strategy as president. my foreign policy will always put the interests of the american people and american security above all else. has to be first. has to be.
americans must know that we are putting the american people first again on trade. so true. on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes, and security of the american worker will always be my first priority. both our friends and our enemies put their countries above ours. and we, while being fair to them, must start doing the same. i challenge anyone to explain the strategic foreign policy vision of obama/clinton. it has been a complete and total disaster. after secretary clinton s failed intervention in libya, islamic terrorists in benghazi took down our consulate and killed our ambassador and three brave americans. then, instead of taking charge
that night, hillary clinton decided to go home and sleep. incredible. there were some typical detractors to donald trump s foreign policy speech. republican senator lindsey graham tweeted his questions for trump. are we sure the guy running the tell prompter has the pages in the right order question number two. did the teleprompter guy actually write the speech in #not #notmakinganysense. conservative groifer norquist called the speech sober, thought through, written down. this speech and the impression it gives changed the tenor of the race. before he was beating other republicans, now he is drawing a contrast with hillary. former u.s. ambassador to the united nations john bolton said this speech put trump in the mainstream of republican foreign policy. okay, that is a surprise. let s keep going. three heads at the table turned. when we saw john bolton said
that. okay. former house speaker newt gingrich and senator bob corker had more praise. to be honest, after the kind of campaign we ve had over the last umpteen months that have been pretty painful to watch, i was very pleased with what i heard. i thought it was a great step in the right direction. i thought it was full of substance. i thought it laid out a vision for america. i will say, somewhat rhetorical myself, this week i saw a headline of one of the major publications that you and i both read. the headlines were, foreign leaders were afraid of donald trump. i have to tell you, a rhetorically, it was kind of a pleasant surprise. and aif you think back in the reagan era many of the people around the world that our friends were really scared of what he might do. he ll looked presidential. he looked serious. he looked controlled. and overall, i thought it was a good presentation.
the speech itself was a very serious speech. i think you re going to find it ridicule kuled by some of the washington establishment in part because it challenges so many of their assumptions. that was of course newt gingrich live from a bank elevator in washington, d.c. strange. but interesting, coming from newt. good to hear from him. bob corker, also. chairman foreign affairs committee, willie. he s not to be taken lightly. bob corker is a serious guy. bob corker you could say this is the party rallying around donald trump and seeing what s coming down the road and accepting what s ahead and maybe positions for a position. but bob corker a couple months ago started saying, message to the republican party, stop making fun of donald trump. stop trying to stop donald trump and listen to the people who are voting for him and supporting him. he s been out there earlier than most, i would say on donald trump. that was a pretty strong endorsement from the chair of the senate foreign relations. someone we respect a great
deal. former politician from the deep south. what donald trump said yesterday is what you hear in town hall meetings all the time. and a lot of i understand you re saying that. it sounds great. but, and then you explain well, maybe we need to be more engaged on this issue or we need to be more engaged on that issue. and politicians like me have been saying that to people for 20, 25 years. and at this point, no, no, don t tell us about why we have to do this for china or that for saudi arabia. america first. and that s the response he s getting. that s what bob corker certainly is hearing in his town hall meetings in tennessee. still ahead in morning joe, there is bear bryant in alabama, john wooden in california, and bobby knight in indiana. yesterday the legendary hoosiers basketball coach endorsed donald trump. and how democrats might go after karly fiorina in the general election if she and ted
cruz get that far. but first, here s bill karins. bill karins before he was bill karins. no. i m not sure about that. remember that weird phase, willie, where he demanded that we call him mika, maybe you remember? the meteorologist formerly known as bill karins? i remember that as a tribute this week. there was a time he wanted to call us instead of bill karins, kerry, i didn t get it. he s back. i remember that one. he had this weird symbol, i don t know what it was. a man or a woman. dressed in purple and it was just sort of like, i don t know, is it rain, shine. that must have been a key west trip. oh, you guys. truce is over i see. let s talk about what happened yesterday. and let s show you the pictures. we thought there was a chance of a few tornadoes. we ended up with 19 rorpts of tornadoes. one of the big ones was in iowa. it was in a wide open field. that s where we like them. didn t really do much in the way
of damage but it was significant and you can see how large it was. thankfully this one was a miss. and that s what we want. in all,ed a we go throughout the day, 19 reports of tornadoes yesterday. also had some flooding. indianapolis had a lot of storms that trained over the region. the soil has been saturated. we have seen the reports of flash flooding in driving through that stuff. also not the best either. so let s take you into the weather maps. rain this morning through indianapolis. dried it out a little bit. a gloomy day across the nation s capital. washington, d.c. will see on and off rain throughout the day today. highs in the 50s. compare that to the warm weather lately. down right chilly. as we go through the afternoon, watch out the areas of north carolinand as we go into texas. this severe weather threat is for this afternoon, this evening near raleigh. this area near dallas, texas, oklahoma city, late tonight through the overnight hours. that will be a threat of large hail. not too many tornadoes today. the southeast, you re warm and scattered storms. northern half of the country raw as we end april. that s going to stay that way.
our poor friends in denver, you re going to be in the 40s with on and off snow over the next couple of days. april can sometimes be the cruelest month. new york city, rain coming your way tonight and a little bit more on sunday. a nice saturday over the weekend. more of morning joe when we come back. i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the. get off the computer traitor! i won t. (cannon sound)
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i am not here to represent the republican party and i am not here to represent any organization that deals with politics. i think the most important thing in the world is that we vote for the best man there is for this job. and you ve already met him. they said harry truman wasn t presidential, and, damn, he went on to to be one of the three
best presidents in united states history. and he will at some point be one of those, also. bobby knight, man. robert montgomery knight. we were saying it looked like an oil painting, the lighting in there. beautiful lighting. the hair. still frightening. still a toughman. on on emotional level we have a great deal of respect for karly fiorina but on an emotional level you put bobby knight on that podium in the state of indiana, that s a win. that s a win. that s your secretary of defense. yeah, right there. exactly. you said, really quickly, and then we re going to go to bobby knight, you said that trump s speech politicallys a stult even if it wasn t consistent. very astute politically. well, again, i think there s a mood in this country after iraq and afghanistan, several million americans served at one time or another. there s fatigue, intervention
fatigue in this country. i think what trump s speech yesterday does is tap into this sort of intervention fatigue. the sense the united states has been over extended in the world, tried too much. got to pay more attention to the home front. and i think he is capturing that mood. how do you scaquare that wit i m going to destroy isis? it would require intervention. you can talk about the strained isis. isis or groups like it will be with us for some time to come because it reflects the sort of disease or virus in the part of the world. so that that s rhetorical because you can t come up with a policy that in any way would do that, particularly not on the cheap. bobby knight, how big can you explain to people that are casual viewers just how big bobby knight is in indiana? he or larry bird is probably the biggest figure in the state of indiana. he hasn t been there for a while. he went and coached texas tech. hasn t lived there for a while. historically won a couple of
national championships as a head coach at indiana university but more than that he was a larger l than life figure, throwing the chair, but a father figure in the state of indiana. he was a god. your basketball in indiana is church. and he was the pastor of the church church for how many years, to years. i love that headline. trump calls bob knight endorsement greatest ever in indiana. yes. yes. huge. if he does say so himself. all right. so after taking a big hit in the delegate rate on an tuesday ted cruz throwing what usa today is calling a hale carly in indianapolis. carly fiorina as his chosen vice presidential candidate. putting up a new sign on the podium in between their remarks yesterday and fiorina stepped right into the role taking aim at donald trump. this is a fight for the soul of our party and the future of our nation. people all across this nation
know that donald trump and hillary clinton both will be disastrous for this nation. donald trump and hillary clinton, they are two sides of the same coin. they re both liberal. we know that. hillary clinton has made her millions selling access and influence from inside the system. and donald trump has made his billions buying people like hillary clinton. they are not going to challenge the system that has sold us all down the river. they re not going to challenge the elites. they re not going to challenge the system. they are the system. today i m in the plane and i see on television they have a new relationship has started, cruz and carly. he s matt maltmathematically
eliminated me set a record though. he is the first presidential candidate in the history of this country whose mathematically eliminated from becoming president, who chose a vice presidential candidate. okay? historic choice. mark, let s talk strategy and then we ll get rick tyler on this. what was the idea here behind choosing carly fiorina, a, and doing it at this point in the campaign, b. well, looking to get some momentum in this critical final days before indiana. cruz has to go one step at a time if he has a chance to be a nominee. he s got to win indiana. this creates the aura of forward progress, someone to go out and help campaign, highlights trump s problems with women, and it gives cruz a chance to cover more ground. he can campaign with her some of the time, they can split up other times. this is a sideshow. this is not the main event. the main event is can cruz win indiana. to this extent it helps with
that, it s a good step but it s not going to really change the fundamental dynamics of the race in any way. the cruz campaign knew they were going to have a brutal few days after tuesday s results, tuesday s results were disastrous. is this as much about blunting what was in the past, recent past, as it was looking forward to indiana, just changing the subject to the fact that ted cruz got completely wiped out on tuesday night. came in third place in a lot of states. and didn t win a single county in several states. it s certainly part of the timing of this but i think the bigger thing is the forward looking attempt to create the optics of saying this ask the anti-trump wing of the party. fiorina has become as loud and vibrant a voice, the anti-trump wing of the party, as anybody who cruz could have picked. would he rather have had marco rubio, maybe. but this is someone who can get on television, can campaign prettyt effectively and can try
to hold together that what is starting to fall aspart whichpa. every dollar spent on the anti-trump m movement is a dollar for hillary clinton. fiorina is trying to hold together the balance of the party of the power, where scott is saying let s coalesce around trump. let s bring in rick tyler. so did your head fall into your hands when you made this choice or can you finish the sentence. this is a great move because without lying. wow. that s a great start. there s a reason i m asking. okay. she has a reason for this insulting question. i m very, very no, i truly want an honest answer. here we go. a lot of speculation of why this is done and the timing of it. campaigns try to replace dominant stories that don t work
in their favor. tuesday night was a dominant story not working in cruz s favor. i think picking carly fiorina replaced that. some people say they talk about this being desperate but, look, doing nothing is dumb. and so doing something is smart. that s not an answer. good answer. to this choice brilliant answer, rick. did your head fall into yourds hands and did you start shaking your head saying, why, or did you say to yourself, this is a great move, dot, dot, dot, and can you fill in the blank? i think it s a good move because carly fiorina is a competent person shp he s a brat communicator. she can speak on a level of business that donald trump seems to want to dominate and control. she s also done something that cruz and trump and kasich have not done, and that is to win a california primary. right. she can win over evangelicals large amount in indiana, and we found out yesterday she can sing
and ted cruz cannot. and earlier we spoke to carly fiorina right here on morning joe. a large chunk of your speech, which i have here is about fighting and about the value of making enemies. you even say that you make enemies. it s the price of leadership. the price that one too many people aren t willing to pay. and so they don t lead. ted cruz has maiden mys by taking on the political class. i m just wondering, just because there s so much negativity in this speech, is that really a talent that you want to boast for yourself and your candidate? well, you know, mika, there was a lot of positive in that speech, too, about what s at stake and how this must be a nation once again where every american, regardless of their circumstances, feels the possibilities that come from their god-given gifts and their potenti potential. listen, i m a conservative.
so i actually think getting things done in washington is not always the point. you know, obamacare got done. it s a disaster. there are some things that go on in washington that need to be fought, need to be repealed, need to get undone. and that s why i m a conservative. that s what we ve had. that s why i think ted cruz i m sorry? that s what we ve had, a lot of people fighting and a lot of enemies being made and a lot of things getting fought instead of getting done. isn t that what we ve had? yeah, well, well, you know, you and i don t have the same political views, mika. i think that s fair to say although i really like you, too, and frank says hello. legislative accomplishment is part of the problem actually. the federal government shouldn t be running health care. so here s the thing. 80% of americans, 80% now know the federal government is incompetent and corrupt.
and 80% of americans also think we have a professional political class of both parties who cares more about their position and power and privilege than on getting anything done. what i want to make sure people understand is that donald trump isn t going to fight that system. he is that system. he s made his billions buying people like hillary clinton off. he freely admits it. he has spent his life taking advantage of that system. and so has hillary clinton. so, if you think that system isn t working for you and it isn t working, for the vast majority of americans as you point out, then don t vote for donald trump and don t vote for hillary clinton as well. coming up on morning joe, as we go into the general election president obama would like you to ask yourself, are you better off now than you were eight years ago? just ahead, the president expresses his frustration to cnbc s andrew ross sorkin how
people perceive he s misunderstood. if the rest of america was just as smart as the president. he s so misunderstood. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that s why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country.
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at red nose day and global citizen. making it our most rewarding day ever. hands down. welcome back to morning joe. join the conversation, author and new york times columnist, author and columnist of the daily news and msnbc contributor, political
strategist steve schmidt and on capitol hill new york times reporter jeremy peters. good to have you all onboard. the important thing, hair wars. what? hair wars. you win again. i don t know. i don t know. you win again. i don t know. i don t know how you do that but i m jealous. you and i were the subject of a gossip column. i heard that. about that. i heard this. i chose to ignore it. was it mean? no, it was fun. if hair is a good thing, it was positive. all right. so foreign policy speech, you ve written a lot about trump. you haven t been condescending. you ve been throughout the year or so, just had a sort of a cold calculated eye on the impact of his policies. tell me, what was your take on the foreign policy speech yesterday? i think there was an inbuilt disdense in it that he wants to make america great but i don t think he understands how much of that greatness has been purchased through an intense engagement in the world,
patrolling sea lanes, doing trade deals, building so who does he reflect perfectly? the american people who want to make america great again but don t want try to build a hotel. but they don t i m saying as far as foreign policy goes, they want to make america great again. that it don t want to invest though in foreign aid, they don t want to invest in foreign wars. they don t want to do any more of what they ve seen over the past 10, 15 years. attempted leader he owes them an explanation of whether the greatness he promises is actually possible in a world in which america doesn t underwrite the global commons in the way it has since world war ii. you know, mike lupica, i have learned posts since 2010 that we can t just come home. like iraq has taught me barack obama s speedy withdrawal from iraq and the rise of isis, his inaction in syriaing actually, has actually moved me a great deal towards understanding that,
yes, sometimes you have to put 30,000 troops in south korea. sometimes that s the price of peace and it sucks being the indispensable power in the world. but dpguess what, that s what w are and that s what we need to be. i m watching the speech yesterday. m thinking if you re a democrat and watching this speech in all ways now, the threat level is now orange. okay? and they have to identify the fact no candidate in history has ever spent more time talking to us than donald trump has. nobody has been more available than he has, but he s not talking to us. he wasn t talking to us yesterday. he wasn t talking to political elites. he was talking to people who scream at his rallies. that s who and you know what? they love that speech. they love the speech. mika, somebody tagged in archie bunker billionaire. yeah. some time back. he was a guy in queens last night that was channeling what people in queens say, what people in el mira, new york,
say, what participate in pensacola, florida, say, what people in meridian, mississippi, say. can you get elected president, can you get elected president speaking to that audience? he s saying yes, yes, he can. right, steve schmidt? sure, he can. look, we talk about the liberal order in the world created by the united states and the post-world war ii era. where this country lost 400,000 killed in action. that generation is dying off. we lose more of them every day. so that moment in time where democrats and republicans in the congress who serve together in combat in that war understood each other s political opponent, not each other s enemies, that they had faced a common enemy, they had looked into if darkness, they had seen the evil of fascism. it was by no means a certainty that we would have won that war. and so that common experience, that threat, the notion that the
default position of the world isn t one where we are at peace, that what s been an aberration is the post-war era where we have largely been at peace. we ve had wars in vietnam and korea and in the middle east but nothing like the global conflict we saw in the 40s. as that slips from living memory we forget what has made this world what it is today and it is the united states garn or of the liberal order and fades from the argument, it becomes it becomes incumbent on politicians to be able to explain that to the american people. rise in america first philosophy. if you go to other country, our debate about our foreign action is we invade things all the time the. the united states does thousands of little things around the world all the time. training farmers on pesticide, subsidizing roads in africa. the pet farm aids program.
nothing which goes into debates but creates a world in which we actually want to live. he s not saying he wants to blow that up. well, i think if he wants to question nato, question alliances, pull back from the world, i think it was an honest conversation about not just invasions we re talking about. we re talking about an entire set of tent acles into the word jeremy peter, let s look at this politically. you ve been following the story of the unbound delegates in pennsylvania. which some have gone trump s way. yes, some have. we did an analysis of the unbound delegates who, of course, by law are not bound to follow anybody, vote for anybody at the convention, found that 40 of them in pennsylvania, 40 of the 54 are aligned with trump either fully or marginally. only three for ted cruz in the whole state of pennsylvania. so far. now of course the trick is, if trump doesn t get to 1237, and i think that, you know, if 4th he
blows it out in indian narks it s over. but if you it s a real possibility. you get to a scenario where you have cruz and trump with trump getting maybe 1200 delegates or something and then in that case he s going to have to go and woo a lot of unbound and a lot of them are saying, you know, no way, because these are old republican party stallworths, everything from the ladies who answer the phone at republican party county headquarters to your state ledge lagislators an county commissioners. and then ted cruz choosing carly fiorina. what are you laughing about, mike lupica? that seems awfully rude. somebody that is never going to be president now steps up and is never going to be vice president. it s just one more weird this alliance is like the game s over and you re saying here s what play i want to run when i get the ball back and you want to say, but you re not going to get the ball back, you re not going to be vice president of the
united states any more than you were going to be president of the united states. carly was mitt before mitt was mitt? that is something that mark mailman, barbara boxer po erbox center said. carly f carly fiorina was mitt romney before mitt romney was mitt romney with you know who made the ads, jim margolis, the same guy doing hillary clinton s ads this year. if they were to make it to a general election, i mean, it s a hart case to make. as one republican strategist said to me very senior guy, he said, you know what, ted cruz and carly fiorina do is they have the unique ability to make hillary clinton seem likable. do you do this in the beginning of the campaign? do we see people trying this four years from now at the beginning of the campaign? why wouldn t you? trying to pick their vice presidential candidate? here s the deal. i want to be your president.
i m going to tell you right now as i start my campaign, this is who i want my vice president to be. and we re going to campaign across the country. traditional models of how you run for president, i can raise the most pac money, super pac, it s all out the window. it s all over. the most important skill is how s the candidate going to perform in the debates. what are their communication skills, what are their ability to command the media s attention, to say provocative things, to operate in the post-television advertising digital age and that s what s going to matter. so all the old rules, all the old conventions are out the door. jeremy peters, thank you. mike lupica and annan stay with us. still ahead on morning joe. my legacy is finally beginning to take shape. economy is getting better. today thanks to obamacare you no longer have to worry about losing your insurance if you lose your job. you re welcome, senate democrats.
ahead of his final white house correspondence dinner, president obama is bristling over the perception of his economic legacy. he sat down with krb s andrew ross sorkin and he joins us next. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we re born. because, healthier doesn t happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we re here to make healthier happen. they sato make a sunscreenle. you can apply to wet skin. a wrinkle cream that works in one week. and a shampoo that washes away the residue hair care products caleave behind.
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nnlt people would never take a hit like that. dwrond participate you got me, rose. 1.9 billion. it s going to hurt. not a shark bite. more like a, what, bee sting. bee sting? no, that hurts. more like a horse fly. one of those little agree horse flows? yeah. nasty nip. more like a green ant. stings for minute but doesn t
ruin the picnic. stings for a minute but doesn t andrew ross sorkin, coanchor of squawk box, financial columnist for the new york times. i m here to talk about obama. he s gotten old. he used to come here. go with the flow. i m here to talk about obama. a minute. interview with obama. he s tight. i am sorry, nobody told me that we re going to talk about billions. we talking about it on the show all the time. i know you do. i heard you talk about it all the times. and you re friends with the cocreator and show runners who are responsible for the magic that you love. cop myment in levine, sounds like a personal injury law firm. it does. they re awesome. it s great. and we have lots we have joe and i have questions. xwl we do have questions. it want to hear about obama. don t worry, we re going to talk about your president. he s your president, too. presidential interview, mr. hot shot. you can t even talk about one of the best shows on tv. happy to.
happy to. next time. so the president obviously a little thin skinned when it comes to the economy. this is your piece in the new york times. a piece coming out in the sunday new york times. it comes out, i think it just hit the internet today. not as big as billions. great job. lengthy piece that tries to get inside his head about how he has seen the economy over the past eight years. what do you think the biggest misperception about his economy is? so right now given look, we all talk about the election and how angry everybody is and how everybody how angry everybody is about the economy. how angry they are about wall street. i think to me the most two things. one is, clearly, having been on your show back in 2008 people don t think in relative terms. they don t say to themselves, you know, this is what the other side of the cliff looked like and here we are now. nobody does that. frankly, if you re really looking at this on a historical basis you need to and you have
to. the other side of the piece is we talk about wall street all the time. really the financial crisis, and this is what he spoke to, unmasked a much larger structural problem in this country. when you think about wages in america and why they ve stagnated so much and manufacturing, that what really happened, he talked about this idea that there was a time when the in the early ots even if you were in manufacturing you got laid off. you didn t feel it. you know who why? you went off to get a construction job because the debt bubble was building this entire world and make you feel so much better and so again, it s this whole idea of relativity in terms of how he is ultimately perceived and what he was able to do. so let s look at it in perspective because we did see the other side of the cliff. and everyone sort of forgotten it. i think that the middle class, they remember, because they re still sort of there. right. does that make sense? does the president bear any responsibility for that? i think he does to some
degree but i think when you look. the question is, what in this era of globalization could a president meaningfully do to change that? and i would argue to you that you get unemployment from 10% from 5%, again, it s all relative. that s not i know, there s a great line in the piece from barney frank who talk about this bumper sticker that was made for him in 2010 that said, without me, it would have sucked more. right? or something like that. and it s not a very sellable message. that s what we talked about. i get that. i get that. you ve reported on this for a very long time. average wages in america have been going down for 30, 40 years. globalization in ms. 78. the rise of china in 78. technology. there are a lot of different outside forces that washington seems incapable of answering, oath 30 side of the aisle. joe, what s fascinating about the whole rise of trump we talked about this before.
i really believe in campaign is going to be, if it plays out the way we think it s going to be, as much about trump versus obama as it is trump versus hillary clinton. but when you look at what s happened in this country, trump in an odd way has become the same sort of change candidate that barack obama was. how angry does it make barack obama? do you get into this, when people blame trump s rise on his failures? we didn t get directly into that. yes, in particular over the middle class issue and in particular the other piece is can you go back one of the things he speaks to is this idea of the bygone era. we all think and all of these politicians talk about going back to an era look at this. pulled in off the school tour. leave him alone. still in florida. this is obviously back in washington. can we still maybe prep school jokes?
where was that in an ikea? we went down to no, no. part of the story is we went it was interesting. we went down to a factory in florida that was paid for in part by the recovery act. he was sort of doing a belated victory tour down there. so we were sitting in looks like a bed, bath, and beyond. there s a lot of rationalization of his legacy that seems valid here. i think where there s a little bit of a blind spot in his rationalization is he s done nothing about the collusion of power and the perception of that collusion of money and power that has fueled the sanders and trump movements. yesterday his foundation doeners list came out. this capital partners, this capital partners. he is a deeply wall street figure and very anti-wall street age. i m curious what what do you think about that is all of these wall street guy, at the same time they re giving him money, they re also talking smack. there s this constant he has a great line where he talks about how some hedge fund manager came up to him and asked
him why or said that his the hedge fund manager s son came up and said is my daddy a fat cat? because the president used to sort of say some of these things. so there is a little bit of this dynamic. this is fascinating. what s remarkable is a majority of republicans think wall street hurts america than helps wbr id wbr103560 america. sunday s new york times magazine. he s back. he s back. andrew ross sorkin. i would love to come back but i m across the street doing squawk. is our show over? no, not yet. (gasp) shark diving! /b
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all right. the show is not over. the economy is slow. breaking news to .0 a 5. the brakes slowed in two years. what did you learn today? i learned today that when you said that donald trump sounded jacksonian, i worried at first that you meant reggie jackson. no, andrew. i learned that ted cruz chose to double down on all his worst personal traits in picking someone as a running mate. wow. ouch. tough. tough way to end. catch joe and his band tonight at prohibition on the upper west side. 8:30 p.m. if you re in the area. come watch the band. they re asmazing. that does it for us this morning. steve kornacki picks up coverage after a short break. day feel
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wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that s why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you and good morning from new york. i m steve kornacki. topping our agenda right now, desperate times, desperate measures. ted cruz teams up with carly fiorina. is it going to get him anything, though, in do or die indian

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