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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171224 09:00:00

taunt israeli border guards they retaliate with tear gas it s been like this for the last two weeks the tension is getting to the man stores. in many ways christmas is different this year we can even smell the tear gas and tom as well because donald trump decided to move the american embassy to jerusalem to see if we can say the jerusalem an arabic city where all religions should co-exist in a city to. the more as in calls the faithful to prayer in the center of bethlehem two thirds of the town s thirty thousand residents are muslim one third christian but two faith communities treat each other with respect. and that we celebrate together with our christine presence and day with those there are no differences between us. was.
more and more tourists are coming to bethlehem the palestinian authority has stepped up security measures but a feeling of ease remains. at the grotto of the native of the where jesus is believed to have been born a group of pilgrims starts an informal choir a prayer for a peaceful christmas. now to some of the other stories making news around the world thousands of israelis have demonstrated in tel aviv and jerusalem calling for the resignation of what they call a corrupt government and its leader benjamin netanyahu the protests come days after netanyahu lashed out against police he s accuse them of conducting an investigation against him aimed at ending his leadership. north korea has condemned the latest u.n. sanctions against the country as an act of war pyongyang insists it will carry on developing its nuclear program to establish
a balance of force with the united states on friday the u.n. security council unanimously back fresh sanctions against north korea in response to its test of an intercontinental ballistic missile. in japan laughter is definitely the best medicine a heartwarming ritual and encourages people to laugh continuously for twenty minutes it s meant to bring joy and forget the bad experiences of the past year the ritual stems from a national myth that god s giggled to coax out the sun goddess to egypt now were a project to build two tunnels under the suez canal has officially been launched the goal is to create better transport links between the sinai peninsula and the rest of the country they move the project is not only to upgrade infrastructure but also to improve security. tunnel boring machine is borrowing underground beneath the suez canal the new tunnels were inaugurated on saturday and hailed as a major achievement by president of delphi c c the four links are intended to
improve access to the sinai peninsula from the rest of egypt at the port side on the mediterranean and is my only a further south the plan is for them to deliver a long needed boost to the peninsula economy it s a volatile area where an offshoot of the so-called islamic state has a foothold the militants claimed responsibility for the downing of a russian plane in two thousand and fifteen killing more than two hundred people but the peninsula is also receiving investment the plan is for sustainable economic growth bringing jobs martin has an connects company has provided some of the know how the german engineering firm developed the huge drills used in the tunnel project as president of the egyptian president attach great importance to us giving skills to egyptian engineers for children with trained in germany before working on the project here where. president el-sisi took part in
a test run on saturday up to six kilometers long and seventy meters deep the tunnels will soon be open for traffic. while christmas just around the corner centers are certainly in high demand they play to the toughest of audiences namely children and they better be ready for the unexpected one fees and instructor is making sure the center has he schools with the highest standards. that s my earthly record so i want to welcome your wall ladies and gentleman or you ll be doing a workshop on how to be santa claus today the first rule is discover your inner center. is a first time center and perhaps it s not as easy for him as others to impersonate the festive figure but the course instructor here in a local town hall takes his yuletide mission quite seriously but. is beards like this one here all for. people run around like these things and call
themselves santas and they have no idea what it s all about. that s pretty good i think we need to head outside for a practice your bite with both of you. give each other a bit of room or keep an eye on you and be the referee season and maybe give you a few tips about what you can do better. now is it. good it s a lot of fun. i do. know. but the first trial run isn t all smooth sailing. look do you want some. look here i m not i want to hurt you. then you are. no where near
a christmas. with. us to find the love of this week do you have a blonde drawl with long hair now you ve learned how to learn how to love and a car as a christmas present. no up us but i want to barbie car for christmas when bobbie i want to try my new white a second i know of a blonde girl and the christmas albums told me about her. can you bring me one of those ones bring them to i m sure i can push them two days later all of us first proper appearance it s december sixth and he s clad as a santa technically it s st nicholas day but no one s being too picky certainly not at a local car dealership this is opening night so to speak to your wants your name you
here in germany oliva will be celebrating his premier and dashing from one christmas celebration to the next. now second division german soccer team winning on berlin have been battling to reach the bundesliga for many errors but it just hasn t happened yet still every christmas the club makes headlines because of a much loved tradition twenty eight thousand fans packed their stadium to sing festive carols. that was. testifying nothing and started back in two thousand and three now ballin fans make the annual pilgrimage to their stadium not for football but for singing their moms would do exactly like we did at the start all or all music we re all bill and fans wrote amateurs on the stage and in the crowd we come that s all part of the charm only all have become synonymous with christmas in germany not just because they
kids has the same color as santa. who knows where this will lead. you to. the. christmas carols have become a marketing tool for the club. with the kids and their sons and lives are wonderful them it is not about of life as if young here is like family that s why it is great to experience it my eight. people come from all around the world to take part in the singing like mad to atari s she s from mexico was. was really like it s a great atmosphere and i really enjoy it is that they ve found a way to celebrate christmas. if the team plays as well as their fans sing only on

Man , Tear-gas , Israel , Tension , Stores , Ways , Two , Donald-trump , City , American-embassy-to-jerusalem , Religions , Tom

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20171129 01:00:00

political conquences for what i was doing. i am an inspector general. it was one of the staff directors for one of the committees on the hill that we work with a lot. i don t want to name his name. he is no longer there. tucker: political considerations could have no bearing on this? absolutely not. you are not a d or an r. you are an ig. those are the letters that matter for you. this guy is just a pawn of the right. a shill of the right and attack the messenger. tucker: you heard complaints from the intelligence agencies, their information was on an unsecured server. you bring concerns to the congress and you are dismissed as a right wingplant? absolutely. that s a good point. the agencies were unhappy about what was going on. they were not happy their
information was not protected the way it should have been. this was seen as cavalier. when we heard about this to begin with, an unsecured server, we looked at each other and said who does that? what rules apply to that? then a senator sent a letter over asking us to take a look at it and we did. tucker: a scandal then and now. thanks for joining us. joined by fox senior political analyst brit hume. now that the passions of the campaign have cooled, that seems like the campaign politicizing a non-political process of assessing whether information is secure. that seems like a scandal to me. it sound as if this man was doing what it was his job to do: bring this information forward and take it to congress.
accountability rider there. tucker: give us perspective. it strikes me as improper for a political campaign to coordinate with government agencies about a matter related to national security. is it? well, i think it s common, but different dealing with classified information which has a special standing in our system. national security implications. what this man was clearly was doing was trying to bring to the attention of the authorities on the hill something that a case where classified information had been badly mishandled. recklessly one might say. what he got was interference from a political campaign. that may have happened in the past, but it s never become public. i have never heard of it. i think is highly unusual. everybody said look, you have to
be careful here. this is explosive stuff. it could affect the outcome of the election, which is the calculus you know was in the mind of james comey trying to figure out what to do with this investigation. he wrote ahead of time before his investigation was done a memo declining her to charge her. in the end he doesn t, but he came very close to outlining what could be a solid case against her in the famous news conference he held. this is the kind of thing that happens when politics enters into this decision. comey it was a justice department decision. you have a compromised attorney general with the famous tarmac meeting with bill clinton and so on. all adds up to another case outlined here of political interference with matters that ought not be political.
tucker: exactly what you don t want from our government and designed to shake our faith in it. thank you. a man from somalia kidnapped and raped two women. he is still in this country and not in prison. we will tell you why next. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we ll pay for a car that s a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. whstuff happens. old
shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember.
more on that story. a refugee from somalia was in the united states for less than a year when in the summer of 2011, he admitted he raped 2 women in salt lake city. he was just 14 at the time. he said he sexually assaulted a woman at knife point outside of her home and the next night broke too another s woman s home and raped her and forced her to give him $400 for his first day in ninth grade clothes. he was charged with felony rape and kidnapping. he pleaded guilty and was sentenceed to a juvenile detention center. his family testified in the somalia refugee camp he was sexually assaulted himself. after serving six years, he is about to turn 21 and is aging
out of the juvenile system. the judge from the 3rd district court in utah sentenced him to 5 years probation. telling him she would not bat an eye to send him to prison if he violate his probation. he told her i was a monster. i didn t know what i was thinking. i was a very stupid kid. one of the victims before the sentencing of probation told the judge she was terrified at the thought of him being out on the streets. some believe he turned himmed around. the victims are concerned. tucker: thank you. over the weekend it was a fascinating piece with the title america is running out of muslim clerics and that s dangerous. according to the article the
administration s travel ban is causing a perilous shortage of islamic clerg they is terrifying because with no imamto guide them muslims could turn elsewhere for directions with radical consequences. according to political, young muslims may turn violate. there is a shortage of episcopal priests in this country. did chuck schumer demand that we
import more buddhist monks? they told us it s safe to admit more muslims and if you question it, muslim extremistists might kill you. immigrant activists are pressuring congress to bring amnesty to daca recipients. the trumped is ending daca. there has been talk of a deal but one has not appeared. the executive of the national immigration forum joins us. thanks for coming on. i think there are 2 sides to this argument. it s a complicated one. i wonder about the priority it s been given. there are tens of thousands of people living in america. the middle class is dying younger. millions addicted to drugs. why is the fate of daca the
number 1 item on the agenda? that s a good question. historic presidents are the presidents that surprise you. president trump has an opportunity to surprise us. he can improve our national security, grow our economy and be the first president in decades to do so. president bush and obama were unable to do so. for president trump to force democrats on the table on a border security measure, ensuring that daca recipients pass criminal background checks and grow our economy, because they contribute to our economy and make sure they own the american dream. the best part is by doing this, president trump is meeting the needs of 79% of republican voters and realining the party for latino voters.
tucker: he surprised a lot of people by winning the presidency and he ran on a platform of building a wall and deporting people who are here illegally. why not do that? that s what he promised to do. you should he should be acting according to his promises. would you be excited for him to do that? on september 5th of this year, president trump wanted a solution that said, makes everybody happy. let s make sure the daca recipients are protected from deportation and continue to contribute to the economy. in terms of border security. we believe we need smart border security. spend billion dollars on the border where guns, drugs and money are being smuggled. that s point of entry. tucker: it s all a lie.
to grant a pathway to citizenship. u.s. embasses around the world grant a million green cards to people. i have never understood why we would not ask that of people. that s another great question. that s why congress needs to come together as republicans and democrats to create an immigration system that meets the needs of american workers when their families. our immigration system doesn t do that. we have talent going overseas and jobs going overseas. tucker: pick cities. cities are flooded with immigrants have high unemployment and tons of poverty. you are not answering by question. why is an american living in a
country in economic decline should grant citizenship to people legally be number 1 on my party list? that s my only question. i will be the first person to say that the immigration system needs to serve the needs of the american worker and their families. southern idaho, 3rd largest dairy industry. the only way that grows is with an immigrant work force that creates jobs for residents. tucker: you would have to explain the economics of california who has more poverty than any state, but nice try. thanks for joining us. up next why everyone has let her get away with it. things than
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elizabeth warren spending 9 years pretenting to an american indian to get a better job. that s called fraud. some called the use of pocahontas a racial slur. who is the racist here? this man can t get the bloated hedge fund known as brown university to return stolen american indiana. we support him. he joins us tonight. great to see you. before i ask about elizabeth warren if you ever run into her in a tribunal gathering. an undate on your effort to reclaim land you say brown
university stole from their ancestors? have you gotten the land back from brown? they signed an agreement a couple of weeks ago. we are going through the process. moving forward in a positive manner. but no, they have not given the land over yet. tucker: did you take our advice and stage a protest on the quad? no, we didn t have. i think once they saw the last interview i did with you, the tenor of the conversation changed a bit. we appreciate the support and awareness. tucker: we are on your side. they claim to be sensitive. are they really? elizabeth warren, how does it make you feel. she claims to be an american indian and gets a 6 figure job in an ivy league school. you just want the land your ancestor his back from brown university. have you gotten a tenured position at brown? no, absolutely not. i think being from the region where we are from, the eastland
wood lands, it s an insult. we struggle on a daily basis with the stereotypical views what have an american indian is supposeed to look like. to throw out is a bit of an insult absolutely. tucker: why do you think one ivy league university supported the contract to elizabeth warren and the ivy league university you are dealing with has blown you off for so long? there is a lot of speculation. perhaps the circle she moves in. perhaps she knows how to play the game. it needs to be addressed. tucker: she has never taken the $89 test that could settle this. have you ever run into her at
any gatherings? is she a well known american-indian? i have not seen her around. i don t want to peek on behalf of all indian folks across the country. i have not run into her. i could not say yay or nay. tucker: there are not a lot of american indians in new england. you feel like you would know about it? i would imagine that someone would have bumped into her at some social gathering. i can t say that i have. tucker: okay. we can t confirm it but suggests she is lying. we wish you success and keep
apprised of what happened. the press had a meltdown over the president s comments over pocahontas acting like they were the worst atrocity since wounded knee. it s an element of racism because he knows he can use it to stoke the most controversy. not only did he say that, he was standing in front of a portrait of andrew jackson. this is not just about name balling. it s about a bigot. it s always sort of poking and prodding and making jokes and making attacks at the expense of people who are not white. tucker: how do all of the dumb people get on tv. this man watches it for a living. what gets me about this, you have someone who falsely claimed to an a minority to get a job
reserved for members of that group, american indians. totally lieed to make money and that s cool. yet someone who jokes about it is the bigot. how does that work? well, look, the narrative, tucker, that president trump made an unnecessary inappropriate comment during a solemn ceremony. tucker: i thought it was hilarious. i am happy to be in the minority. half-and-half. everything in this country is half-and-half. the media overplays its hand like it does every time. not all but most. the narrative became that senator warren is an innocent victim of a racial attack by the president of the united states. i looked at the questions during the white house press briefing yesterday. this is a break down per the official white house transcript.
questions about elizabeth warren or pocahontas? 7. number of times racial slur or racially relating to the name pocahontas? 7. number of questions about the access hollywood tape. 4. about roy moore? 2. the number of questions about sitting democratic center al franken who just held a press conference saying he was staying in the senate despite several accusers coming forward including photo evidence of him groping a woman asleep. one. number of questions about democratic congressman john conyers. zero. tucker: this is why roy moore will get elected. the media is so irresponsible. if you don t like what trump says, i get it. i can see why people would be
offended. what i don t understand is why elizabeth warren gets a pass. how is this different from wearing black face or mocking someone ethnicity to profit from it? i don t know why that s okay. because the context is being left to the side. what was the context here? trump was not directing his insult to those navaho code talkers. he was mocking a sitting u.s. senator for pretending to be something she was not to advance her career. this was during the 90s. harvard was under a lot of pressure to hire minorities. every interview with elizabeth warren yesterday after the fact, this is barely touched. she barely pressed on the question. the answer she gives is her mother and grandparents told her when she was young what herreraittage was. tucker: that s a crock.
she could end the mystery. this is a metaphor for the whole system designed to help the oppressed but benefits the entitled like elizabeth warren. the sons of african dictators benefit from promise designed to help the needy. as i get older and go through enough holidays and research my heritage, i don t put it on an application or tell harvard that s what i am. she stands by. calling out wall street for gaming the system. she did as well. tucker: a woman accusing john conyers of sexual harassment joins us next. i love kiwis. i ve always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth.
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-no. -separated at birth much? we should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. jamie, you seriously think you look like him? uh, i m pretty good with comparisons. like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if we re not the lowest. even if we re not the lowest. whoa! wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. look at us.
tucker: melanie sloan was the director of citizens for ethices and responsibility in washington and senior advisor at american oversight and a former federal prosecutor and a congressional staffer working on a committee under congressman john conyers. she now says conyers harassed her. at first nancy pelosi did not believe that account. just because someone is accused, is it one or two acquisitions? john conyers is an icon. they have not come forward. you don t know if you believe the accusations? that s for the ethices committee to review. tucker: after speaking directly with sloan pelosi changed her mind. i was surprised by the reaction from nancy pelosi who is a
champion of women and told us to believe the women. why wouldn t she have called you before weighing in on the question? i think she may not have known about he. the whole thing blew up over the thanksgiving holiday. when she spoke with me yesterday, 45 minutes by phone, she was clear she believed me and apologizeded for her statements on meet the press. that was big of her. tucker: she took a ton of heat. including from me. tucker: she is the ranking democrat in the congress. john conyers reports to her. she is in charge. she could find out who you are. why wouldn t she have done dill against on something as
important as an accusation of sexual harassment? i don t know. i agree with you. it was a terrible performance on meet the press. it was very disappointing. i reached out to her office sunday morning and i was very disappointed. i said i was unhappy about it and i came forward. it was upsetting. nancy pelosi did call yesterday and apologizeded. we spoke not just about the allegations but about the more important issue what have congress should do now. tucker: i am surprised and not surpriseed to hear all of the people coming forward to say yeah, of course, conyers is a creep. cookie roberts said all of the reporters not to be alone with him. why did it take this long? i don t know why it took this
long. for the same reason it s taken so long in so many industries. everybody knew about harvey weinstein. these things were well known for years and years. women are dismissed and allegations are denied. when i did try to talk about tucker: i had no idea about roger for whatever it s worse. that s stilly. you are a former prosecutor. you would not be dismissed. i was. when i talked to people about john conyers 20 years, i talked to any number of people including a reporter who checked my story with somebody else in conyers s office and they told them i was mentally unstable. he said i can t do the story.
tucker: it seems like a lot of what is going on is conyers is useful and there are no enemies on the left for liberals and no one wanted to criticize him. maybe if his politics was different, the outcome would be different? that s possible. people should be slow to throw stones because i think we will see this on both sides. i am sure there will be others. tucker: i agree. there are creepy people on both sides. i thought pelosi s response was so telling. she said he an iu-conn icon. i like the way he voted. but she said that doesn t give him license for this contact. i agree with you that the meet the press performance was wrong. she walked it back and said that doesn t give him an excuse.
not a license to mistreat people. does great stature allowing him to mistreat women? tucker: or mistreat the staff. they had to baby sit their kids. that was more what happened to me. i was not sexually hars asked. congress conyers was horrible to me. i walked in on him in his underwear. tucker: thank you. in his underwear. that s your congress. a billionaire donor is spending $20 million to impeach the president. why? next. when you have a cold stuff happens.
shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. we re on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it s time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that s it. so rich. i love it. that s why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you re describing the coffee and not me?
tucker: tom is a billionaire democratic donor and a big investor if fossi ilile fuel li. he will spent $20 million on a tv ad campaign call for the president s impeachment. the recent of many who have joined that cause. i don t think there is any question that he has , in fact met that standard for impeachment. it s very important and urgent we get him out of office. the president obstructed justice. the remedy is impeachment. impeach 45! [cheers and applause]
i didn t hear you. impeach 45. [cheers and applause]. thank you. tucker: mark green has been around democratic politics at many levels. he will assess the impeach trump campaign. there is disagreement among democrats about whether trump should be impeached before mueller finishes his investigation or after. let s say that happens. what happens next. would be you be happy with president pence? i disagree with earnest progressive democrats let s not impeach trump because pence will be worse. we don t know that. justice hand wrote let justice be done even in the heavens fall, closed quote.
if donald trump committed impeachable offenses, the law should do what it is spaceed to do. supposed to do. tucker: the last president was impeached. committed perjury and you said it doesn t rise to the level. this is totally political. please. excuse me! clearly it s a political process. ford said impeachment is what the majority of the congress thinks. it s not judicial or they would have given it to the supreme court. if someone wants to impeach barack obama, it s a joke. as we speak 45% of the people
think donald trump should be impeached. 41% think he should not. something is going on. i am admitting that i think it would look bad to try to impeach before the mueller process has been completed on the chance that exonerate or indict trump. the house republicans will do nothing independent of trump. it s a compromised jury. tucker: they are from the same party. of course they are not for impeachment. stair is spending $20 million. maybe it would be better for the cause, liberals to, spend that money helping the millions of americans who are addicted to drugs or can t find jobs or living on the streets in liberals cities across the country or will make less than their parents did. why not solve those problems and you win?
a liberal icon starter doesn t listen to your advice on how to spend his money. stire is worth $1 billion. the reason he doesn t want to do that, i think, i don t know stire, only one person in the world would provoke a nuclear war with north korea because of his infantile tweets. only one person would allow the consumer protection bureau be eliminated because business donors don t like it. tucker: here s the point. hold on. trump got elected for a reason. the middle-class is dying. trump was not elected.
tucker: right. don t give me the people think this. the people opposed him. tucker: oh, right. all of those dead white guys came back and made him president. mark, good luck. all right. north korea fired a missile, a test earlier today. it could reach the united states. they have not fired a missile that went as high as today s did. a whole new thing. the president responded a minute ago. we will tell you what he said. , you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia that can take you out of the game for weeks, even if you re healthy. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. it may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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from our family to yours. may all your wishes come true this holiday season.
ohhhhhh, ou! guess what i just got? uh! i used to be spellbound hello again. i used to be spellbound hi. i used to be spellbound that s a big phone. in your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. you built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and i m moving on. tucker: president trump just responded to north korea s new missile launch today and did it on twitter. the president tweeted this quote after north korea s missile launch it is more important than ever to fund our government and military. the dems shouldn t hold troop funding hostage for amnesty and illegal immigration. now they can t threaten to

Lot , Name , Barack-obama , The-hill , Committees , Staff-directors , Conquences , One , Tucker-carlson , Guy , Letters , Matter

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20171227 01:30:00

sky. the rocket launch that mesmerized millions. and the confusion, chaos and crashes it caused. and good evening and welcome to world news tonight. i m tom llamas, in for david. and we begin with that deadly winter wallop, striking the day after christmas, as millions of americans travel for the holidays. snow falling from coast to coast. eye-popping accumulations in parts of pennsylvania and upstate new york. more than 50 inches in some spots. and it s not just snow. wind chill alerts in 20 states. this time lapse video from duluth, minnesota, where temperatures hit 21 degrees below zero. causing steam and fog to rise from lake superior. treacherous driving conditions tonight. four killed in one interstate crash in kansas. slow going from the great lakes through the northeast. and a frightening moment at boston s logan airport, when a jetblue passenger plane skidded out after landing in slick
conditions. airline delays stacking up tonight as that arctic blast moves east. abc s alex perez gets us started in hall hamburg, new york. reporter: tonight, with millions on the roads, the lake effect snow machine is shattering records and grinding travel to a halt. the city of erie, pennsylvania, declaring a snow emergency. crews unable to keep up with the nearly four and a half feet of snow that fell in just 36 hours. overnight, dozens of cars spinning off highways and these drivers backed up for miles on interstate 90 outside of town. that lake effect snow leaving buffalo buried. whiteout conditions all the way to kalamazoo. that snow fueled by bone-chilling air, causing car wrecks in kansas, where at least four people died after sliding off the road. in the northwest, icy roads causing pileups. in oregon, one driver injured. lost control.
did a 360, hit a car on the next lane and ended up here. reporter: meanwhile, parts of the northeast are digging out after getting blizzard conditions for christmas. white-knuckle travel from maine to massachusetts, where there was thundersnow. thundersnow! reporter: and winds gusted to 65 miles an hour, knocking this beam off the sagamore bridge and knocking out power to thousands. at boston s logan overnight, flights were delayed for hours, and one almost didn t make it. we started spinning and spinning and spinning. everything s fine. we just skidded on the ice. reporter: passengers evacuating onto the icy tarmac and onto shuttle buses after a jetblue plane from savannah spun all the way around. thankfully, no one was injured. and alex perez joins us live now, just outside of buffalo. alex, it s hard to make out what s behind you, because everything is frozen and they re expecting even more snow?
reporter: that s right, tom. it s hard to believe even staring right at it. take a look behind me there. this is lake erie back there, and the water coming up to the shore here basically freezing solid. that s a bench underneath there. aaa says they re getting about 100 calls an hour for help, and it s not over just yet. they re expecting more snow, about a foot more of snow just south of here in the next 24 hours. tom? incredible amounts of snow and incredible images. all right, alex, thank you. and that arctic blast likely will be dangerous. wind chill alerts in 20 states. some 45 million americans feeling the cold. let s go to abc news senior meteorologist rob marciano with more. rob? reporter: good evening, tom. right now, in the least amount of daylight and the most amount of cold all year long and those zero degree temperatures scooping up that relatively warm water of the great lakes and dumping it east of cleveland, south of buffalo, north of syracuse and northern michigan. another one to two feet, as alex mentioned, on top of the four and five feet they ve seen.
so, some stunning totals comes in the next 24 hours, for sure. wind chills, as you mentioned, 20 states in the frozen zone. look at these numbers, in chicago tomorrow morning, going to feel like minus 14. but by thursday morning, even colder across the east coast. boston will feel like minus 16. 5 in philadelphia. single digits all the way down into the carolinas. that cold air sits in place right through the new year, with multiple opportunities of snow and ice. tom? we re going to have to brace for this winter. all right, rob, thanks so much. next tonight, to florida, where president trump is spending the holidays away from the white house. the president playing golf today at one club bearing his name. trump also on twitter, taking aim at a pair of favorite targets of 2017 the ongoing russia investigation and the fbi. abc news s kenneth moton is in west palm beach. reporter: president trump today spotted on his trump international golf course, through the trees in his signature red make america great again hat. on christmas, the president said he d be back at work today. he s also back on twitter, responding to a fox news report about that now infamous dossier,
alleging links between the trump campaign and russia. the dossier we have long known is bogus. reporter: the president tweeting, wow. dossier is bogus. clinton campaign, dnc funded dossier. fbi cannot, after all of this time, verify claims in dossier of russia/trump collusion. fbi tainted. the most salacious parts of the dossier have not been corroborated, and it s unclear what role, if any, it has played in the fbi s broader russia investigation. for weeks, the president has been attacking the fbi. well, it s a shame what s happened with the fbi. reporter: here in mar-a-lago, president trump also taking aim at fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, accusing him of bias during the hillary clinton e-mail investigation, after an ally of clinton s donated to mccabe s wife s political campaign. at the time, mccabe consulted fbi ethics officials about the donation. the president asking on twitter how mccabe could be, quote, given $700,000 for wife s campaign by clinton puppets. the administration defending the president s attacks on fbi leadership. he s making the point that we need to make sure there s no bias, and i think there s serious concerns about whether
friday night sky. wow, what is that? reporter: the sight so mesmerizing that some motorists couldn t keep their eyes out of the sky and on the road. oh! [ bleep ]. this guy s not paying attention. reporter: and even after those three cars crashed, the narrator in this video barely skips a beat, he just keeps talking about that shape in the sky. wow. what is that? reporter: the rocket s unusual, whale-shaped contrail feeding a frenzy. if you re wondering that bright thing in the sky was the missile launch. reporter: and so many were wondering. no, dude, what is that? reporter: so many didn t get the message that the hash tag aliens trended on twitter. calls flooded tv stations with ufo sightings. and the man who created the mess? elon musk jokingly capping it this way nuclear alien ufo from north korea. now, the next falcon-9 launch isn t until later next month.
we re not sure it will be quite as spectacular at the last one, but the california highway patrol hopes that this time, all these motorists will keep their eyes on the road. tom? drivers be warned. all right, matt, thank you so much. there s still much more ahead on world news tonight this tuesday. an apartment inferno. was this blaze caused by a toy battery in the process of charging? plus, the sharp jump in flu cases. what s ahead, and how you can stay healthy. and these two men, best friends for more than 60 years. the secret they never knew, revealed tonight. with us. revealed tonight. stay with us. david. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college.
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it contains 2 max strength pain relievers and cools in seconds. bye bye sore throat. take cépacol instamax. and carmax will hold it for you up to seven days, for free. you come in when it s convenient i know this because i m from seven days in the future. now don t be frightened, seven days in the future is a glorious place. after all you had two good hair days in a row. perfect. right out of bed. and this car you reserved on is still being held for you, for free. pretty sweet. or as we like to say from seven days in the future. ah.we still say pretty sweet. it s basically the same. next, to the growing worries about the flu. we ve been telling you about the cdc s warning, high influenza-like activity in ten states now. and many christmas celebrations spoiled by sickness. here s abc s linzie janis. reporter: tonight, the flu virus on a rampage. and the number of cases could skyrocket.
went to the doctor and got tested, i felt like i had a sinus infection. reporter: vince blea and his son both suffering from the flu. the pair spent christmas quarantined in bed, away from their family. it s the best thing for everybody. reporter: they didn t get flu shots. doctors say getting the shots could have helped, but this year s vaccine has been disappointing. this year s flu vaccine may be only 10% effective. better than 0%, but still very, very poor. reporter: according to doctors, the virus can exist in the air three to six feet away from an infected person. ten states already exhibiting high flu activity. mostly in the south and southwest. with the peak of the misery expected sometime in the coming weeks. tonight, doctors warning, it s not just the vulnerable who are at risk. sometimes, the flu really affects people who have no underlying medical condition, who are young and healthy.
and those patients can get very sick and can die of influenza complications. reporter: tom, doctors say people should still get a flu shot, because if you get the virus, it could lessen its potentially deadly impact. tom? linzie janis for us. linzie, thank you. when we come back, the popular christmas eve fireworks tradition taking a dangerous turn. where this happened. plus, the 20-year veteran flight attendant with one way to make holiday travel enjoyable. if only in my dreams not bad. the reason why she sings, when we come back. hy she sings, when we come back. moking with chanti. i tried, um, cold ey. i tried the patches. i was tired and i was fed up. i wanted to try something different. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. compared to the nicotine patch, chantix helped significantly more people quit smoking. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix,
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so far, no injuries reported. in cuba, a christmas eve fireworks show taking a dangerous turn. take a look. the moment caught on camera. more than 20 people seriously hurt, including children. the fireworks display, part of an annual street celebration. the cause of that accident still under investigation. and the big surprise near honolulu for two middle aged men who have been close buddies since sixth grade. walter mcfarland getting one of those dna testing kits for his birthday and making the big discovery. his best friend in the world is also his little brother. robbie robinson in tears there. they say the idea never crossed their minds, except there was times when i did think, you know, i look like robbie a little bit. they do look alike. the men born of the same mother, robbie says he never got a christmas present this good. reportedly, he was adopted. and the southwest flight attendant getting national attention tonight for a special
serenade. christmas eve will find you charise miles belting out beautiful music at a houston gate this weekend. a student of music and a believer in its power, she says she likes to sing her way through christmas. if only in my dreams those stressed travelers clearly an enthusiastic audience. charise with 20 years on the job. and when we come back, a different type of crime fighting tool. on patrol with the police who say the practice of meditation is changing lives. stay with us. when this bell rings. .it starts a chain reaction. .that s heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business,
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would people make fun of you a little bit? you can be honest. you know, i think people are going to make fun of you just a little bit. reporter: do you think people think if you re meditating that you re going to kind of go soft a little bit? hey. i would say yes. reporter: i get it. i used to worry that meditation would diminish my edge in the hard-charging world of tv news. people who take cholesterol-lowering drugs then i had a panic attack, live on good morning america. but it s too early to prescribe statins slowly for cancer production. i found that meditation boosted my edge, making me more focused and less yanked around by my emotions. studies suggest meditation can help people in high stress jobs, literally rewiring your brain. now jeff and i are on a mission to make the practice more accessible with our new book, meditation for fidgety skeptics. the area that we re in, it s known for illegal activity, primarily with drugs. reporter: while sergeant johnson is skeptical, we gather
his colleagues, many of whom have embraced meditation. i m a tiny officer. so, when i show up to scenes, it s essential that i m calm, my mind is in the right place and i m able to talk to people. reporter: at a time of tension between officers and the community, they say meditation helps them manage stress on the job and not take it home with them. by the end of our visit, sergeant johnson is convinced. dan harris, abc news, tempe, arizona. we thank dan for that report. his book went on sale today. thank you so much for watching. i m tom llamas in new york. i ll see you right back here tomorrow night. for david and all of us here, have a great evening. good night. night. what looks like just another day of slow traffic is actually a hero s farewell.
we have team coverage on the chp officer whose life was lost on christmas eve. we re not only tracking warmer weather, but the chance for some wet weather to return in the forecast. the details ahead in accuweather. san francisco got a christmas present of sorts with the opening of this shiny new bus stop. i m jonathan bloom with the beginnings of the new sales force transit center. cannabis confusion, from buying, to smoking to driving. what you can and can t do. when recreational marijuana becomes legal january 1st. it chokes me up, it s heart breaking. it s the story of a heart breaking traj by. you re watching a chp escort killed on christmas eve. officer andrew camilierri

Confusion , Sky , Evening , Millions , Rocket-launch , Chaos , Snow , Tom-llamas , Holidays , Coast-to , Parts , Winter-wallop

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180131 19:00:00

we haven t seen any members of congress get off. we have seen the ten buses or so brought in by security. they have the bottom luggage department open. it appears they are open. can you come down here. we are going to show you a picture on an i phone on a 20-second delay. it does look like some members are starting to get off of the amtrak train. this is the first time that we will have seen them. they re definitely unloading, it looks like big boxes or crates or something. you ll see it in the distance. again, this is an i phone picture we are transmitting because all of our crews are in route. we are getting our first look now as people walking off on their own from this train. they re at the amtrak station in charlottesville. and we understand that there are a lot more capitol police reinforcements with vehicles and
buss that are on their way. the responders right now that we re seeing are the local charlottesville police, the virginia state police and some capitol police. on the ground, vehicles that have the sirens on, both marked and unmarked. also up in the sky. looking at one helicopter that is at a low distance and one that is much, much higher making sure, obviously, that this parking lot that they were not expecting to have, most of the republican members of congress made a pit stop at today remain safe. i will tell you that some of the law enforcement officers who have been walking a bridge that goes over the train tracks here. it was very tense a few minutes ago. a big truck, construction vehicle stopped on the bridge. of course, that s just a few hundred feet, if maybe 150 feet away from where this train is sitting. and the police went running over
screaming that the guy had to move. he did move. there s just a lot of urgency right now. we are being held back on a sidewalk that runs parallel to the parking lot where the train and the buses that are going to take them to the retreat are. this is a college town. there are a lot of small shops here. the star hill brewery is right across the street here on main street in charlottesville. but right now we cannot get closer to the members, but i ll tell ya, as they have started to disembark, there are some heavily armed s.w.a.t. officers who are keeping an eye on all of us and the crowd to make sure they are safe, after what has been a very traumatic day. again, dana, i cannot see anybody disembarking with any visible injury. but with that said, both of the
exits are obscured by these buses, dana. dana: quick question for you, peter. i know there are some injuries. we know there s one fatality. what do you know about that? and then will the members then get on the bus and continue on to west virginia to continue their policy retreat? reporter: we know that there was at least one member multiple member, i don t have an exact injury account, but there were multiple members who were being treated for things like concussions. in terms of the retreat, we understand the plan is for them to go. and that the vice president is still planning to go later on this evening. he was going to be the big vip speaker. obviously, there has been a significant delay for this tragic accident. and it is gonna take them a couple hours, probably about well, we ve got sirens and police cars clearing the way, maybe about an hour and a half to get down there. but they are on their way and we
will be behind them eventually, dana. dana: peter, thank you. congressman pete sessions was on the train and had this to say earlier about the accident. it looked like it was compacted trash, like corrugated stuff all wrapped together. there are probably 25 emergency vehicles here. we ve had several members who did need medical attention. and we are moving forward to just check each other. we immediately checked each other. we knew what happened immediately. dana: joining me now a passenger on that train, california congress woman mimi walters. congress woman, take us through what it was like for you what you experienced, and let us know if you are okay. well, first of all, my prayers go out to those that were injured and to the person that passed away. this has been a horrible, tragic accident. my husband and i were on the train. we were in car number 6.
we were just outside of charlottesville and suddenly felt this jolt. and didn t know what had happened. we knew we had hit something. we looked out the window and saw this big white truck, you know, was just smashed up, and there were a couple then on the ground. we saw trash everywhere. there was like another big u-haul of some sort of trash just all over the place. and then suddenly the train came to a stop and everybody was, you know, just shockeded a what had happened. and then the next thing i knew is i heard, we had several doctors on the train, and people went back in when the train stopped they went out to help the people that had been hurt. so it was just really sad. dana: tragic accident, and also one that really jolts you in the morning after a night
where the republicans were certainly feeling in a celebratory mood. you ll move on now from here and go to west virginia, is that correct? that s correct. in fact, i m sitting on the train. we went back to charlottesville. the buses are waiting for us. in fact, we re leaving the train right now and people are getting on the buses and we re gonna continue on to greenbriar. dana: all right, congresswoman mimi walter, thank you for joining us and giving us your witness testimony. thank you very much. thank you. dana: fox news alert. the fbi weighing in on the house intelligence committee s memo alleging abuses by the agency during the 2016 campaign. the bureau issuing a statement today saying, quote, with regard to the house intelligence committee s memorandum, the fbi was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. as expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the
going to release the memo soon, seem to be pushing back on the fbi. when they talk ab grave concerns about accuracy, you have to wonder are there grave concerns that this could expose some national security sources and method, that kind of thing? or are there grave concerns because they think it paints the fbi in an unflattering light? we don t know that. but you sure hope as those national security lawyers, general kelly was talking about inspect this. that they do everything they can to protect national security and don t necessarily protect the political security or image of the fbi. dana: i saw this morning, critics of the president saying when he said last night on the floor as he was leaving the state of the union, absolutely 100% we re gonna release this. that when they say there s a national security review that is really pro forma. that the president intended to release it and there s probably nothing they can do about it. look, he can release it. he can also release it with some
that and he did talk about wanting to deal with the democrats. whether it was infrastructure or immigration. it was very much on his terms. and the way he described it was in terms that i think it will be very hard for democrats i m not sure, look, if he didn t care about that, i m sure there isn t a problem. if you were hoping he was going to move the ball forward and make it harder for democrats to resist him, i m not sure that was a mission he accomplished last night. dana: all right. chris wallace, thank you for being here. it was cold last night, wasn t it? dana: indeed. it was right about that. a train carrying republican lawmakers to a retreat crashing into a truck in virginia killing one person. we will bring you more details as we get them. president trump urging congress to pass an infrastructure plan while also calling for big changes of the way the government approves construction projects. can the plans get bipartisan support?
dana: president trump calling on congress to pass a sweeping infrastructure bill and saying he wants to cut red cape to help get those projects up and running. america is a nation of builders. we built the empire state building in just one year. isn t it a disgrace that it can now take ten years just to get a minor permit approved for the building of a simple road? i m asking both parties to come together to give us safe, fast, reliable and modern infrastructure that our economy needs and our people deserve. dana: let s bring in ray lahood former secretary of transportation under president obama and co-chair of the bipartisan infrastructure coalition, building america s future. somebody who has known he said i was a cover reporter and let s
hope those cases never surface, sir. let me ask you about what the president said in terms of infrastructure. this could be a bipartisan issue for sure. your thoughts on the funding aspect of it, but also, i m very interested in the idea of streamlining these approval processes so that things can get approved more quickly. dana, good to be with you. thank you for inviting me to be on your show. i know there s a lot of other important news. infrastructure s important, too. and what the president talked about last night, $1.5 trillion is a big number. how we get the funding for that number is the big question. when i was in the house we passed two bipartisan bills, transportation has always been bipartisan. i believe it will be this time because the president has stepped up and said we need a big bold bill with the funding. it will be incumbent upon
congress now to find the money to fund all of these projects that are so important for america and will put a lot of people back to work building america s infrastructure s. dana: how does this take shape in the congress? what do they have to vote on? is it just the funding aspect? no. what s gonna happen is, the transportation committee and the house will form a bill with what s really needed in america, and everybody knows. there s 60,000 structurally deficient buildings, the interstates are crumbling. we have 60 to 70-year-old transit systems all over america that need new infrastructure. they ll put together a bill, which is what i did when i was on the committee, and then we try and figure out how to fund it. i have got a lot of ideas about that, some of which you probably like. some you won t like. but then congress debates that bill. when i was there, we passed two six-year bills. dana: right. it always has been bipartisan.
so i think it will be again. a lot of leadership has to come from the white house. and i think that started last night, with the president saying $1.5 trillion, let s get it done. dana: let me ask you before i let you go, sir. you know there was that terrible accident this morning with amtrak. you used to be the secretary of transportation. in an after action report after something like this, what would the secretary of transportation really want to know about what happened? well, why will it happened. what was the obviously, a truck was in the pathway of the train. how that could happen. and, you know, what really occurred. the engineers and the people driving the train, what was their reaction. a complete report. the ntsb will do a complete report. dot will be involved and others will, too. dana: all right, ray lahood, thank you very much. thank you, dana.
dana: president trump making the case for bipartisanship at last night s state of the union where the reaction was decidedly sparpbt. we ll talk to a pair of lawmakers who say republicans and democrats have more common ground than you might think. when i heard the speech tonight and i heard the president extend the branch to the other side of the aisle, i wanted to just stand up and say to him, there s a group of us already here working together, having real conversation with each other, respecting each other s point of view. not having a good breakfast can make you feel like your day never started. get going with carnation breakfast essentials® high protein drink. it has 21 vitamins and minerals with 15 grams of protein to help you be your best. try our high protein drink.
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dana: joining me now, two members of the problem solvers caucus, josh godhimer and republican congressman from new york. if i can start with you. i did it again. i called you by your first name. call me josh. dana: we re just old friends. what was it like to be sitting there? i understand why democrats wouldn t applaud for some things, but for rising wages? did you want to get up and applaud? i applauded. dana: you did? yes. i think rising wages are great. so is creating jobs, so is bipartisanship. there were plenty of things that i thought were exactly on the right message. and i frankly think that there are plenty of times where we re going to disagree, but there are times to agree. you saw moments where i think we should stand together as americans and always put our country first. dana: do you think democrats sort of missed an opportunity there? even if it s to stand up and say, you re welcome, we were happy to help you get to this
point? it didn t just happen overnight. this is years of hard work. i think there are plenty times where we should have applauded. just when the republicans sat on their hands under president obama, i think it s wrong for us, when there s good moments as americans when we accomplish things, we should. talking about veterans and law enforcement and infrastructure and jobs. those are all things we can get together around and applaud together. dana: congressman reed, i wanted to read you a quote from the wall street journal who wrote, there is broad center left and center right coalition in the country that is willing to support a reasonable compromise in both phases on immigration. the question is whether congress will reflect the will of the majority or succumb to partisanship. the purest democrat and republicans are unrealistic. he was talking about immigration in particular. do you think that the way that the president has set it up, by making an offer, that there is a chance now for the problem solvers caucus to help get this to the president s desk for a signing? well, absolutely, dana.
the problem solvers caucus just announced, we got to that 75% consensus among us as democrats and republicans to support an immigration proposal just on the lines of what you heard last night. we re tying to it the budget process so we get away from this government process. that s why i love josh. he is a democrat. i am a republic. we are proud to represent our parties but we are both americans. when he stood, i stood and clapped for that good economic news. when you see those outcomes, that s positive. we should be uniting as a country on that good news. dana: i m calling you josh. it s tom and josh. dana: i was not raised this way. congressman, on immigration in particular, there are some people who think that the democrats actually don t really want a deal, they want an issue that they can run on. but do you think that what the president has offered is something reasonable as he thinks? i think that we have to, as
tom was pointing out, we ve got to solve this problem. we can t let dreamers be sent out of the country. and we need tough borders. and so i think there s room for a solution. we came up with a bipartisan idea. and i m going to encourage all my colleagues to sit at the table together, democrats and republicans, and find the answer. we can t shut down the government again. we can t keep punting. we have to solve this. you talked about where are the areas where we can applaud? when fighting terror, we re solving tough problems, tough ones. that s where we need to get together at the table and not sit on our hands. we have to work together and fight for a solution. dana: congressman reed, if you could listen to marco rubio, he was talking about immigration. listen. if you think about the things he s proposing, getting rid of the visa lottery, the 2013 bill did that. democrats have supported that before. limiting family migration to the nuclear family. democrats supported that in 2013. if you would have told anyone a year ago that donald trump was
going to propose 1.8 million people a path way to citizenship, nobody would have thought that was possible. that is being railed against by the democrats on the left. just shows you how hard this issue is. dana: this issue is very difficult. it has led to a shutdown already this year. if you were to figure out a way to grow the problem solvers caucus, do you think there are people willing to come with you? or are we in the middle of a midterm where it might be just intractable and end up being punted again? i will not give up hope on governing for the american people. that s what the problem solvers caucus is all about. the extremists on the left and right that are trying to drive the parties to those edges on the peripheral of the party are not accomplishing anything for the american people back home. you heard that in the speech last night. what resonated with me in one of the lines i was very critical of when he talked about, we are strong because of the american people. it s not d.c. lected officials that we should worry about. it s the american people we should put first.
that s why guys like josh and myself and the other problem solvers caucus get it. they want to get this done for america. it is time. these problems have to be solved. that s drawing people in. i heard that this morning. i sat with some constituents this morning from out of town and they said, just, please we all sat around the table. can you please just sit down here and try to figure this out? what we have to do back at home with our businesses, can you please do the same thing here? that s why tom and i keep working with a bigger group to get done. dana: congressman gottheimer and reed, thank you. thanks, dana. dana: brand new developments in the deadly crash of a train heading to a gop policy retreat. what we know about the lawmakers on board. hello, i m an idaho potato farmer. you ve probably seen me running all over the country in search of our big idaho potato truck. but not any more. i am done with that. ooh, ooh hot - just gonna stay home on the farm, eat a beautiful idaho potato, and watch tv with my dog. tv anncr: the big idaho potato truck pulled into town today
and it s really a sight to see. oh man.let s go.. (distant) you comin , boy? sfx: (dog) gulp! woof.
victims and their families. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell was not on the train but offered a statement saying, quote, my condolences and those of the entire senate family go out to the victims family, friends and co-workers. our prayers are with the other accident victims fighting to recover from their injuries, and deep gratitude with the police, firefighters and personnel who sped to the scene. chuck shumer reacted on twitter. awful to hear my republican colleagues train accident. we re praying for the safety of everyone on the train and in the truck. certainly a shock, just hours after president trump delivered his first state of the union address. dana: turn of events. what happens to the republican retreat? it proceeds? reporter: it does proceed, dana. we got a statement from the congressional institute, a spokeswoman from them saying, quote, after consultation with leadership in the u.s. house and senate, the retreat will proceed with an adjusted program. our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by today s incident. republican lawmakers are currently being bussed from
charlottesville to west virginia. lot of lawmakers we ve spoken to said it was important to go on planning their 2018 agenda. dana? dana: mike emanuel, thank you. james komer was on the train. he joins me now. he is on a bus, on his way to the retreat. sir, what did you witness? and what is the mood like on the bus? well, the mood on the bus is solemn. i was in train car 8. i was near the end of the train when there was a big impact and the train pretty much came to a stop right after that. i looked out the side of the window and i could see the garbage truck that had been hit. i could also see two bodies that had been ejected from the garbage truck. as you can imagine, the mood is very solemn. our prayers have been going out to the families of those that were in the vehicle, the truck, as well as passengers on the
train that were hurt. dana: indeed. i was wondering if you were able to witness any of the efforts by members your colleagues who have medical backgrounds, who were able to administer some first aid? i was. i was. absolutely. all the doctors that are members of congress, roger marshall, dr. bishon, congressman from evansville. they all left the train and immediately went to the injured and started performing cpr and doing everything they could to keep the second person alive and well enough to be transported when the helicopter got there. of course, the other victim was, from what i understood, didn t have a pulse by the time they got there. dana: all right. congressman jim comer, thank you very much for providing us your eyewitness account of that. absolutely. thank you.
dana: all right. bye-bye. president trump saying there s never been a better time to start living the american dream. reaction to the state of the union address and the latest on a major congressional retirement. you work hard, if you believe in yourself, if you believe in america and you can dream anything, you can be anything. and together, we can achieve absolutely anything. [ applause ] i take pictures of sunrises,
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garbage truck. the truck driver is dead. we ll get a live update from the scene. it s a big news day. we ll have all of it at the top of the hour on shepherd smith reporting. we ll see you there. dana: fox news alert. south carolina congressman trey gowdy announcing this afternoon he is not going to run for re-election in 2018. let s bring in chris stirewalt, editor of halftime report. that was big news today. we ve all known trey gowdy, he loves the law, he loves government, but he doesn t love politics. he s made a decision, he s going to return to the judicial side of things. i don t know whether he doesn t love it. dana: that s what he said. well, i mean, that s what you gotta say when you re in politics. he s too good at it. he s been too good at it to hate it completely. i take him at his word when he says he s leaving because he wants to go back on the judicial side of things. who do you think will be the most sought after attorney in south carolina when he gets home? he ll be the number one defense attorney in south carolina
before they can get the yellow pages out. dana: this comes on a day after the president s state of the union. i wanted to have you look at two things. the republicans have been way down in the generic ballot. but this just in from monmoth, a poll that we take seriously. showing republicans are only two points down in the generic ballot, which basically said if the election were held today, who would you vote for? that s serious ground the republicans have made up in just a month. it tracks with other polls, including our polls that show there s been a bounce for republicans. republicans have consolidated. when we talk about republicans, we are talking about self-identified as republicans and independent to lean republican. those independents have been holding out on trump and the republicans. the success of the tax cut legislation and the robust economy has helped them in a big way. they look like they can get stuff done. things are optimistic and republicans are coming home. if the election were held today,
if the democrats only had a two.advantage, the republicans would handedly hold the house. dana: exactly. i want to ask you how the democrats are faring on fund-raising. their outside groups are pretty much keeping pace with republicans. take a look at the new numbers in just today from the dnc and the rnc. rnc basically doubling the dnc s number in fund-raising. that s pretty significant. it is, except for, as you say, there s a lot of other place for that money to go. the dnc is still suffering from hillary clinton. and the mismanagement and ine ineptitude that was at the dnc. my hat is off to tom perez who is trying to get things in order there. dana: the ceo of the place just resigned this week. he has a lot of work to do and is doing it. i think in time he will be able to probably restore some confidence in donors and rank and file democrats in the dnc. boy, the wreckage was severe from debbie wasserman schultz
and hillary clinton. that was a mess. dana: the democratic senator from your home state, joe manchun, on this question of stand up, don t stand up, clap, don t clap. watch. just sit there and frown is not gonna fix anything, so let s embrace each other and try to make it work. when we disagree, we can work through that. dana: what about that visual last night of republicans cheering at everything the president said and the democrats sitting on their hands, even when you talked about rising wages, which i thought was kind of something curious. it really is a hideous institution. the state of the union as an institution is horrible. this kind of partisan hackery is reflective of why it s a bad idea. why it is long outlived its moment. and if we get to the point that we re scoring people about how many times they jump up and down like jacks in the box so they can applaud the supreme magistrate of the united states, we are a long way from a madisonian republic. this is a bad institution.
when we re keeping score of people for how many times they bark like seals for the president, that s not a good sign. dana: chris wallace was saying he maintains the white house billed this as a speech for bipartisanship and he didn t feel it was that way. i remember the 2007 state of the union when president bush gave it. when you give a speech that s filled with bipartisanship that s when you lose the house majority. president bush said, madam speaker, and it was speaker pelosi. fully associated both of your chrises are in complete agreement today. the only real mistake that i can tell that the white house made on that speech was overhyping the promises of bipartisanship when it turned out to be look, there s an opening there for democrats on immigration. there s no question. and the ball is moving there. rob norman from ohio has a proposal. you heard the problem solvers proposal. there s real movement there. but that was not a bipartisan speech. they shouldn t have billed it at
such. dana: i do think, you bill it that way and then you give the speech. you think, who wouldn t be for all of these great things that are happening? it s a messaging trick. all right. chris stirewald, thank you. you bet. dana: president trump said to speak soon amid a fatal train crash involving republican congress men. we ll have that for you as soon as it starts. [ click, keyboard clacking ] [ click, keyboard clacking ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ click, keyboard clacking ] good questions lead to good answers. our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we re bullish on the future. yours.
dana: fox news alert. let s go to griff jenkins who joins me now from the site of the train crash in crozet, virginia. what s it like there? reporter: we re at the crozet staging area. when we were coming through charlottesville, traffic was really bad because the members of congress obviously loading on those buses that will take them to the resort, 200 or so. the crush happened at mary mart farm and lands town road, just about two miles from where we are. we re about ten miles outside charlottesville. we re at a high school where the media is staging, as well as some of the ntsb who have already put people in here. the fbi is assisting this. we haven t seen them, but local law enforcement is all over the place. they have the lead in this. this is some student, some were
actually in journalism school. i was talking with them a little bit. your name, again, was julianne? yeah, i m julianne. reporter: you told me that one of your friend s moms lives near there. tell us what you know. well, right after the train in crozet happened, my friend was showing snap chats from her mom, showing where the train hit and showing paramedics come in ten minutes after it happened. reporter: did she say what she saw in terms we heard there was one fatality, possibly the driver of the truck. did she say what she saw in terms of the injuries of people and what was taking place? she said she thought she saw someone being taken out, possibly the person who had passed away. reporter: thank you, julianne. we re trying to get there. a few of the media have gotten an escort in there. because of the area where we are, the police have it cordoned off. as you heard from this young
student, julianne, it s out on this farm road, so they re trying to get through a tree line to get to it. we ll bring you more as we get it. we re hoping to get to the site with an escort here in the next hour or so. but for right now, fairly quiet scene. we re hearing more and more stories. u.s. members of congress, dr. michael burgess, jumped into action to help some of those. fortunately, mostly minor injuries, with that one likely fatality, possibly the driver of the truck the train collided with. dana: tragic accident. all right, griff general kin, thank you. president trump hailing a new era of prosperity during his state of the union address. let s bring in bruce melman, founder of melman, castignetti and thomas. well done. dana: we don t have as much time as i would have liked because of the breaking news. i m gonna get right to it. at the end of last year, you said that you believed that 2018
could be even crazier than 2017. can you tell us why? i wish i didn t think that, but i think it will be for a couple of reasons. first, both sides, both parties, ended the year believing that they re winning and unlikely to double down. trump folks with legislative accomplishments, judicial accomplishments, regulatory accomplishments, a traoeufrbing thriving economy and stock market. by contrast, the democrats, through polling, the energy in their base, winning special elections in virginia and alabama, think they should just keep on keeping on. you saw that in how they approached the state of the union last night. dana: certainly. you say the middle has disappeared but their actions are needed. i guess that s why we saw the shutdown. for all of the trump accomplishments there were none that required 60 senate votes. the tax bill didn t. it needed 51. an organization did a great analysis looking at the freque t frequency of party line voting. they found out when you take out
the unanimous vote, you saw more straight party line votes in 2017 than you ve seen in 100 years. they re losing the muscle you need to compromise. dana: let me ask you about this third one. both parties amidst civil war. i think the republicans have improved upon their situation in terms of their division, but that the democrats civil war has gotten worse and that s natural when you don t have your president in the white house. what do you think? i agree with you. i think the republicans are at least in a temporary cease fire with bannonout and focused on the 18 elections. i m not certain the democrats civil war is worse as a result of the fact that they re out of the white house as much as you have a declintonification going on in the democratic party. they re moving pretty hard to the left. it becomes a question of who really has the energy of a party that used to be bill clinton s party and very moderate and very centrist and is now e lhreuzliz warren s party.
dana: we re not bored. that s the good thing about 2018. bruce melman, thank you very much. thank you. dana: i m dana perino. thank you for joining us. shepherd smith will take over right after this break.
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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180525 00:30:00

clear after the president spoke. but there is no doubt the president would like to see this summit get back on track at some point, but it won t be on june 12th. jonathan karl starting us off tonight. jon, thank you. next, to that other major story we re following, breaking news about harvey weinstein. sources tell abc news he will turn himself in to new york city police tomorrow to face criminal charges related to alleged sexual assault. a stunning fall, seven months after those first reports that unleashed a flood of accusations and sparked a movement. here s abc s linsey davis. reporter: former hollywood heavyweight turned poster child for the me too movement, harvey weinstein, will turn himself in tomorrow and face criminal charges. weinstein has been under investigation by the manhattan district attorney s office for months, stemming from accusations of sexual misconduct by actresses lucia evans and paz de la huerta. evans says in 2004 weinstein forced her to perform a sexual act on him. and de la huerta says weinstein raped her in 2010.
they are just two of the roughly 80 women who have accused the former film producer of rape, sexual assault or harassment. actress gwyneth paltrow, who is not part of the criminal complaint against weinstein, but has alleged he made a pass at her, detailed in an interview with howard stern that her then-boyfriend, brad pitt, threatened weinstein over the incident. it was like the equivalent of throwing him against the wall. he said, if you ever make her feel uncomfortable again, i ll kill you, or something like that. reporter: these would be the first criminal charges against weinstein. he s also under investigation in l.a., the uk and by federal prosecutors in this country. weinstein has said all along that he has not had nonconsensual sex with anyone. his defense attorney declined to comment today. and linsey davis joins us now. linsey, harvey weinstein is expected to appear in court tomorrow, and that s when we ll learn the exact charges? reporter: yes, tom. we won t know what the charges are until he appears before the
judge tomorrow, but we already know that at least one of the accusations against him is rape, which could, of course, carry a significant amount of jail time. tom? linsey davis for us tonight. linsey, thank you. and another headline out of hollywood tonight, this time, involving allegations against morgan freeman. the oscar winner today apologizing to anyone who may may have felt, quote, uncomfortable or disrespected by his behavior. this comes after cnn reported that eight women claim he sexually harassed them on movie sets or in other professional settings. we do move on now to the next tropical storm threat this holiday weekend. the massive rainmaker that could become the first named storm of the hurricane season. parts of the south already under water, flash flooding here in little rock, arkansas. and th raging creek, take a look, in western georgia, after a foot of rain. and tonight, the forecast on how many hurricanes we could expect to see. abc s senior meteorologist rob marciano, tracking it all. and rob, we re starting strong. reporter: we are. not even hurricane season officially. this cluster of thunderstorms, you see it now off the coast of
cancun, a 90% chance of it developing into a tropical cyclone here, likely over the weekend, as it gets into the gulf of mexico. more tranquil conditions there, we ll wind it up. heavy rain expected. unlikely to be a hurricane. something hybrid-y, but definitely a lot of rain, five inches likely through the weekend. kind of stalling, maybe more, through midweek, and likely some flooding, tom. and rob, we mentioned this earlier, they released their forecast for this year of hurricanes, and it s going to be a very active season. reporter: hopefully not as active as last season, but yeah, likely to be more active than usual. named storms, 10 to 16, hurricanes, anywhere from 5 to 9, noaa says. and major hurricanes, 1 to 4. can t say how many of those will impact land, but as we know, it only takes one, tom. just an outlook, but you re right. rob, thank you so much. next, to a horrible incident on a boulevard in tamp police say a mother pushing her child in a stroller wast by two cars racing on the street. the mom did not survive. and tonight, her little girl is clinging to life. here s abc s victor oquendo. reporter: tonight, this toddler, lillia, just 21 months old, is fighting for her life,
after she and her mother were struck by a car, driven by a teenager, who police say was street racing. lillia s mother, 24-year-old jessica was killed. pedestrian bayshore and knights. stroller hit by a vehicle. reporter: this was the scene along tampa s busy bayshore boulevard, after mom and daughter were hit while crossing the street. lillia was in her stroller, now mangled. the community reeling. we re devastated. it s a tragic crash that didn t need to happen. reporter: in the arrest report, a witness says he saw two vehicles racing each other. police say 18-year-old cameron herrin was driving this black mustang with 20-year-old tristan herrin in the passenger seat, racing alongside 17-year-old john barrineau. the drivers, now out on bond, face felony charges. including vehicular homicide and reckless driving. tonight, a growing memorial at the site of the tragedy. the toddler is in critical condition tonight. a go fund me page has been set up for the family. the city of tampa now lowering the speed limit on the road where the crash happened.
tom? an incredibly sad story. victor oquendo for us tonight. victor, thank you. next, from milwaukee, reaction of police body cam video of an nba player, sterling brown, in an incident that escalated from a parking violation. now police accuse brown of aggressive behavior. the video showing them taking him down, tasing and then arresting him. the police chief and the mayor have both apologized. and tonight, we hear from sterling brown for the first time. abc s alex perez is in milwaukee. taser, taser, taser! reporter: just one day after the release of that disturbing video showing tasing of sterling brown, the milwaukee bucks player sitting down for an exclusive interview with robin roberts, talking about that moment. and physically, mentally, being tasered like that, i mean, how did that impact you? it was a shock. it came out of nowhere. i tensed up instantly. emotionally, like, man, i just got tased. how you doing? got a driver s license?
reporter: that confrontation with officers after he illegally parked his car outside a walgreens. i asked you to back up and you did not do it. reporter: in the police report, officers claim brown became very aggressive, but the video shows him calmly talking to officers when suddenly take your hands out of your pockets now! i ve got stuff in my hands, hold on. reporter: officers take him down and tase him. taser, taser, taser! any movement i make, they still you know, they got me pinned down, so, i couldn t really do nothing, so i m like, okay, stay calm, try to get out of this. try to get out of this situation. reporter: brown plans to file a lawsuit. the police chief here has condemned the actions of the officers involved. he says they have been disciplined, and he has apologized. tom? alex, thank you. and robin roberts will have much more of her exclusive interview with sterling brown first thing in the morning on good morning america. next, to a series of very unusual meetings in washington today, focused on president trump s unsubstantiated claim that the fbi inserted a spy into
his campaign. the white house ordering the fbi and the justice department to open their classified records to members of congress, but democrats are raising concerns that white house officials were in those meetings. abc s chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has more. congressman, was there a spy? reporter: today, congressional leaders and senior members of the white house staff heading to the justice department for a classified briefing after president trump s unsubstantiated claim that the obama administration planted a spy in his 2016 campaign. we now call it spygate. reporter: he says it s starting to look like one of the biggest political scandals in u.s. history. but has provided no proof. the president s accusations triggered by a new york times report that an fbi informant questioned two trump campaign advisers about their contacts with russian operatives. the use of such informants is routine, and the times never mentioned anything about a spy inside the campaign. still, the president ordered justice department officials to brief republicans in congress.
what i m doing is a service to this country. reporter: when the unusual briefings ended, republicans disappeared, not saying a word. but from democrats, this blunt assessment. nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the fbi or any intelligence agency placed a spy in the trump campaign. and pierre thomas joins us now from the justice department. and pierre, some democrats were very surprised to see white house chief of staff john kelly at the meetings, along with the new white house lawyer handling the russia investigation? reporter: that s right, tom. democrats say it was a sign that the white house was attempting to snoop on and weaken the mueller probe. senator mark warner just tweeting that the president s aides have, quote, no business showing up to a classified intelligence briefing. tom? pierre thomas for us. pierre, thanks so much. and there s still much more ahead on world news tonight this thursday. the school bus driver charged. the 77-year-old who prosecutors say pulled an illegal u-turn
before a crash that killed a student and a teacher. plus, don t ask alexa? the amazon echo that went rogue, sharing a private conversation. what amazon has just told us. and the memorial day escape is nearly here. millions hitting the roads. the surging gas prices you ll find at the pump, and how you can save. stay with us. stay with us. alicewhich is breast canceratic that has spread to other parts of her body. she s also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death.
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in 17 states. in california, gas nearing $5. one station in orlando charging $5.95 a gallon. apps like gas buddy and gas guru will point you to the cheapest gas. for longer trips, experts say, plan ahead. when you cross from state to state, gas prices could be much higher or lower, so, make it a good habit to check the price of gasoline before you leave a state. reporter: tom, experts say prices usually go down in june and july, but according to aaa, families can expect to spend $200 more on gas this summer than they did last year. tom? definitely on the rise. all right, linzie, thank you. and when we come back, the runaway barges. the images just coming in, take a look at this. more than a dozen barges that got loose, coal spilling out into the river. your manufacturing business. part of & so this won t happ because you ve made sure this sensor
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hudy muldrow sr. is facing two counts of death by auto. prosecutors say he was attempting an illegal u-turn on the way to a middle school field trip when a dump truck slammed into the bus. one student and one teacher were killed. several injured. authorities have already revealed a history of suspended licenses, though it was valid at the time of the crash. more than a dozen runaway barges just outside of pittsburgh. take a look at this. this is the monongahela river, the barges carrying coal, breaking loose in the river. three of them striking a bridge that has been closed. at least two of them sinking. coal seen spilling into the river. all right, and you may want to think twice about asking alexa. a family from portland, oregon, reporting their amazon echo ver virtual assistant recorded a private conversation and sent it to
amazon releasing a statement, acknowledging the echo awoke after hearing a word that sounded like alexa, and started following commands based on the background conversation. the company calling it unlikely, but said they are looking into it. and nearly a decade after the death of michael jackson, an abc news special with new reporting about his life, death and impossible standards even when his first moonwalk electrified fans around the world. i was angry about that, actually. real disappointed. and i didn t realize, i really did well until the next day when fred astaire called my house in encino, raving. he said, i can t believe it, you re an incredible mover. and i was oh, my god, i think maybe i did well. and we will have much more exclusive abc news reporting on the king of pop inside the last days of michael jackson, the two-hour documentary airs tonight on abc, 8:00/7:00 central. and when we come back, from homeless to harvard. a valedictorian story you don t want to miss. it s america strong. stay with us. announcer: show abc world news tonight sponsored by
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boarding school in philadelphia for gifted students of disadvantaged backgrounds. you must have pretty good grades. yeah, pretty good. reporter: but there s something else in his background that truly sets him apart. so, you were homeless? yes. reporter: for two years? yes. reporter: during middle school, richard got involved in mighty writers, an after school writers workshop for inner city kids. some people cry about it. tre was able to write about it here with mighty writers. it helped me gain a sense of confidence. reporter: he says kids used to bully him for trying hard at school. some people actually called me harvard back then, which is ironic, a little bit, because here i am. reporter: this fall, he s actually headed to harvard on a full scholarship. your mom must be so proud. my mom is crazy proud. she expected it, to be honest. reporter: from homeless to harvard. you nervous? i am kind of nervous. reporter: everybody is. everybody is. i would hope so, because i don t want to be the only one. reporter: bright future,
indeed. david wright, abc news, philadelphia. so, tonight, we salute richard jenkins for being america strong. thank you so much for watching. i m tom llamas. have a great evening. good night.
following the law, not his feelings. today san francisco d.a. announced there will be no charges in two deadly police shootings that drew nationwide outrage. i m spencer christian. get ready for some preholiday showers. i ll have a close-up look. and a simple mistake isn t always easy to fix. 7 on your side s michael finney helps out one woman who has a tough problem with her plane tickets. i m extremely, extremely disturbed by the state of the law today, and yet i am duty bound to adhere to the law. he may not agree with it, but san francisco s d.a. says he has to follow it. he announced today there will be no charges in two deadly police shootings that drew nationwide outrage. thank you for joining us.

June-12th-summit , President , Wont-be-on-june-12th , Us- , Jon-karl , Story , Harvey-weinstein , Breaking-news , Track , Point , Following , No-doubt