Children are learning today in the lack of respect for guns and the traditions of the outdoors. Mr. Chairman, i believe that this is one of the many benefits and reasons that we are here today to help restore the opportunity for hunting and fishing traditions to take root in our federal lands. To remind our federal land managers that the exercise of these traditions are not a burden on our land but one of the foundations of our land. Finally, let me say this, regard throfse ones view on our climate, this amendment is not about Climate Change. Its about granting the secretary a blank check to ban hunting and fishing. Nothing in the bill, nothing in the bill, changes the secretarys ability to manage our lands to ensure responsible management. The bill does require lands to be open, however, before close but when closing lands the secretary must act in a major fashion to ensure that our hunting and fish prague decisions are protected and valued system of i urge my colleagues to reject wha