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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180810 08:00:00

help law enforcement. violence surging in the windy city, candace owens says it is the perfect time for donald trump to go and speak. now is the time for him to make an appearance in chicago. an important issue, he should send the national guard to chicago. it is incomprehensible 71 people were shot over the weekend, it is the perfect time, the rasmussen poll released two weeks ago shows his support has doubled since this time last year which means paying attention to the results of this administration, not the rhetoric accusing him of racism and sexism. now is the time for him to appear in chicago, please do it. rob: what is the solution to combating the violence in chicago? is it time for the national
guard to step in? email us your thoughts or let us know on social media. jillian: the man accused of soliciting people to kill ice agents is on fail bail. he was arrested more than a month after tweeting, quote, i am broke but will scrounge and give $500 to anyone who kills an ice agents. take me seriously. who else can pledge? let s make this work. court documents show he has tweeted about slitting john mccain s the road. prosecutors say enough is enough. we are in need of a basic civics lesson. agents and officers enforcing federal laws are doing their job. those who disagree with their mission are free to say so but there is a difference between public debate and intentionally putting others in fear of their lives. reporter: he is doing court next week.
police say it could take weeks to determine whether human remains uncovered at the new mexico compound belong to a missing little boy. the child as grandfather knows it is him. on my way back here i learned they found someone s body. you can imagine how i feel about that. reporter: investigators discovered the compound searching for the boy, his father is believed to have kidnapped in georgia and brought him to new mexico for an exorcism. he is under arrest for child abuse with four other adults believed to be muslim extremists. they were training children to become school shooters. rob: north korea criticizing the united states for lacking basic decorum, speaking out about sanctions and increased pressure saying they deserve to be
chances on a repeat situation. reporter: it has been nearly a year since the deadly riots in charlottesville, virginia. a day of classes withdrew attention from the alt right movement. in a precautionary move the governor declared a state of emergency and sending resources to help local police. i will tell you it is very clear state police are fully prepared to act on any insightful violence, any acts of violence or violations of law. reporter: demonstration was planned in charlottesville but it was scrapped and permits have been issued for hundreds to gather across the street from the white house. we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate. reporter: the mayor of dc denouncing the planned rally and says she is activating emergency operations.
burning tiki torches, we remember heather hire. it didn t make sense last year and it doesn t make sense now. reporter: last week heather hire s mother returned to the spot where her daughter was fatally struck by a car recalling the promise she made at the funeral. i held her hand and said i m going to make this count. i don t want to be here doing this. reporter: on sunday she will visit that block which is named for her daughter and speaking at an event marking the anniversary. lauren blanchard, fox news. rob: the president ready to take on prison reform after a roundtable with state leaders, the administration looking to change citizen laws and a law passed by the house, provisions with a were sentences for drug families and get rid of life terms, the president said it will save tax dollars and boost
the heroic moments that earned an airman the medal of honor showing john chapman fighting al qaeda militants in afghanistan in 2002. rob: he charges into anybody s before he is knocked unconscious and more than an hour later he is still fighting until tragically he is shot and killed. jillian: he will present the family with the medal of honor on august 22nd. the navy seal who fought alongside him was given the medal in may. rob: 11 minutes after the hour, philadelphia s mayor, the windy city was declared a sanctuary. in a direct result of that policy, an illegal immigrant committed a heinous crime against the child. of philadelphia state representative blasting that city for putting a criminal above the law.
is this as jarring to you to see the story? this person never should have had the opportunity to do this and you have this child who is a victim? it absolutely is and it is unfortunate because this what it comes down to is a public safety issue, not necessarily a democrat or republican issue. democrats for many years have been against sanctuary cities, we have seen president barack obama s administration against sanctuary cities, pennsylvania governor ed rendell against century city and philadelphia s former mayor reversed sanctuary policy but i think mayor kenny is going against the grain of what people across the country want to see happen. they want them gone. they are tired of it and this is a prime example of why these policies are so dangerous.
rob: the former philly mayor tried to make the sanctuary city realize it wasn t the way it reversed that decision in this new mayor took it back to sanctuary and president obama is this part of the trump derangement, trying to do the opposite of the president in every single facet to the point they take it too far like this? i think it comes down to logic and the idea that you can allow illegal immigrants who committed crimes in our city to be released into the street and expect them to not commit another crime which is exactly what happened instead of the mayor and philadelphia being able to abide by federal immigration requests to hold this person, make sure they were not released, come and pick him up.
not just immigrants who are undocumented, these are persons who have committed a crime, they are under arrest and still being released into the community. instead of having federal authorities be notified and apprehend these suspects in a safe environment, and the police department instead of reaching back out into the community, having to actually re-apprehend the individual who in this incident had committed another crime. rob: what happened to this poor child and philadelphia is the responsibility of that mayor. we will see how he responds to this. jillian: dropping the pledge of allegiance, a school backtracking on that plan after massive back lash from the community. carly shimkus has the school s explanation as they face the
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it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. rob: gridiron defiance, knees on the ground. jillian: nfl players protesting the national anthem. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with the reaction that we expected. players protested in a variety of ways. two miami dolphins players took on the, malcolm jenkins and another player on the team, jacksonville jaguars player did not take the field. the nfl says they decided not to enforce the rules while their discussions continue but their policy remains the same, quote,
the anthem will be played before every game and all players and nonplayer personnel on field are expected to stand. personnel who do not wish to do so can choose to remain in the locker room. reaction to yesterday s preseason game pouring in. that is why i lost interest and not watching until it is resolved. bobby says players still disrespecting the american flag by kneeling, i m canceling by nfl package, no put football again this year. i watch college football. the nfl still locked in this battle between some players and fans. what they decide. and atlantic charter school made headlines after announcing students would be saying wolfpack chants instead of the pledge of allegiance.
the school decided to change that decision saying it started next week, we will return to original format and provide our students with the opportunity to recite the pledge of allegiance during the all school morning meeting, we support our students in their growth and see it as our duty to respect first amendment rights. the reaction on this, i still teach my child the original pledge. one more tweet, i pool my kid from that school, they did reverse their decision. and a mug shot for the boys. remember jeremy meeks? he went viral for this attractive mug shot. here we go again. 19-year-old texas woman going viral for this glamorous mug shot sparking requests from folks on social media for makeup
tutorials, one person says we need a tutorial, why does this mug shot look so fierce? this woman was originally embarrassed, arrested for marijuana possession but sparked a positive thing because she has a budding makeup artist career. positive story. rob: i don t like the eyeliner but she has a good face. what do they call that? you are not a fan of the pink eye shadow? it comes off. i think you call that pretty. call me. jillian: 26 after the hour. this pig farmer has been questioned by the feds 3 times about mollie tibbetts s disappearance but refused a polygraph test until now. rob: california universities required to offer abortion medications but is that something the school should be
providing? jillian: live look at the plaza where cody johnson is getting ready to rock the summer concert series all morning long. the same old thing but a whole lot better
june which you may remember. they had gotten a warrant, turn the person over and nothing like this would have happened. of the city had held the detained of the child wouldn t of been raped. you do see this? it is a tragedy. all they had to do was get a warrant and we would have turned him over. doing a victory dance after a judge ruled over sanctuary policies, the doj opened the case of vasquez who pleaded guilty for returning from honduras, he was arrested and locked up. ice asked the city to hand him over for deportation but the city ignored them and released him. two years later he was arrested and convicted for raping a child, he is serving 8 to 20 years in prison. mayor kenny says the solution is not complicated, william mc
swain says the defendant received a free pass from the city of philadelphia under the part of prisons. the secretary of homeland security kirstjen neilsen had this to say. it could have been prevented and should have been prevented. we know the american people better. rob: the hog farmer questions over the disappearance of mollie tibbetts admits to taking a polygraph test. fbi agents asked him if he had anything to do with the 20-year-old s disappearance, he told them no but doesn t know the results of the test. he denied knowing anything about molly and repeatedly said he thinks some guy probably has her. molly went missing three weeks ago while on a run in iowa. the reward is $316,000. 20,000 people ordered to evacuate as a massive wildfire
closes in on their homes, going to 10,000 acres in just hours. a state of emergency declared in orange and riverside counties. they are fighting the flames. the man who started the fire refuses to show up for work. that is him right there. the chair of the house judiciary committee connected to the anti-trump dossier. bob goodlatte hears from bruce ohr and his wife, nelly and glenn simpson. and simpson hired steele to compile dossier while nelly worked for fusion gps. there subpoenas could come next week. congress zeroing in on people surrounding the discredited
dossier. john solomon says that document is the worst intelligence gathering he has ever seen. there were three spies in the trump campaign, manafort got booted, carter page got booted, michael cohen must ve been the third. he knows somebody in russia. ohr takes it out, runs to the fbi and does an interview. why is this important? the fbi fired christopher steele and said it could not take any information from this office of research operation, bruce ohr walks in the door after the firing. it concerned the fisa court concerning professional intelligence, people i talked to, look at these notes and said this is the worst form of intelligence gathering we have ever seen. rob: most of the steel dossier remains unverified.
jillian: california lawmakers taking up a bill that could make the state the first amended medication abortion as required health service by 2022. is this a good idea or slippery slope for college students? here to discuss is our panel, a student at california state university, radiologist doctor nicole safire and brad nicholas, an attorney. is this a good idea? thank you. providing abortion on college campuses is not a good idea. this is not what universities are for. they should focus on educating students. reports on universities taking on politically charged issues and this is another example of the california legislature pushing their political agenda on university students. not only that, starting in 2022, it leaves the door open for taxpayer dollars and student
fees to fully fund the entire program and they are escalating the private donations that will be provided for the beginnings of this bill, would not be enough to be funding part of this bill. jillian: is this something schools should be doing versus focusing on education of the student? schools have the right to do that. the question is do they have the right the right to choose is woven in the fabric of our society and this is a logical extension of that. jillian: let s look at a statement from california democratic senator, the author of the bill, quote, no woman makes the choice lightly but when you need it you need to have access. for people who don t know, share your story. medical abortion should not be confused with plan b which is
available in ending machines, the morning-after pill you take after unprotected sex to decrease the risk of developing unwanted pregnancy. medical abortion is a 2-step medication you take after pregnancy is confirmed. my concerns are you take these medications, you have to get prescription, sign something saying you are taking this. it causes you to abort whatever is produced and there are some risks with it but they are rare. if taken the right way and under medical supervision. jillian: you got pregnant at a young age. telus part of your story. at the age of 17 i became pregnant in high school and i made the decision myself to have the baby, a single parent in my senior year of college and it was difficult. there are a lot of people when
they have a child in college end of dropping out. i was not one of them but people do that. i won t get into the politics of it but there are abortion medications, services at college campuses, this is just another one. they are talking about public funding of it, it sounds like they need private funds for abortion medication with you agree with it or not. most of the funding issues in college campuses would be considered private funding and most federal funding with this kind of statute is directed to the students themselves. there are billions of dollars that go through research and develop grants. jillian: let s look at this, 2.75 million women in the us used this drug since 2000 according to the manufacturer. it begs the question, if this so accessible for girls, for women in college, does that take away
part of the decisionmaking on behalf of the woman? you always have repercussions from your actions? one thing that is important to remember is although the supporters of the bill say they need more access to abortion there is no lack of access to abortion in california and within an average of 6 miles, public university campus in california so this speaks to the fact this bill is unnecessary and education should be focusing on academics. jillian: thanks for joining us, we will be following this. 39 after the hour, denied, an employee at a cell phone store refusing to help a police officer. what happened to that worker coming up. mike pence outlining the mission of the new space force. it is not enough to merely
have an american presence in space. we must have american dominance in space and so we will. jillian: how will that improve our national defense? our next guest served 25 years in the air force and says we need to go big. it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you re gonna love what it does for you too. [ tiffany ] i could definitely use a little more energy, especially if it s from a natural source like beets. [ cliff ] if i had something natural and healthy that gave me energy, i d be all in. [ randy ] energy equals happiness. [ loesch ] beets contain an essential nutrient that makes them one of the most heart-healthy vegetables in nature. superbeets concentrates that nutrient into superfood crystals. superbeets contains real food that helps increase circulation to get more oxygen flowing throughout your body naturally. it supports healthy blood pressure and gives you more healthy energy to make the most of your day.
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phone and a tablet it was officially unveiled yesterday in new york city and will go on sale officially in stores on august 24th but they expect preorders today. if you want one of these a lot to offer, some highlights, longer battery, more storage and a partnership with fortnight and spotify, and people want to stream music, a pretty expensive phone. it also doubles as a remote control. jillian: kurt the cyber guy will be joining us in the next hour, stay tuned. i get annoyed when we start with pumpkin spice in august. rumors are already swirling about the pumpkin spice latte coming back august 28th. business insider is reporting
the drink will make its annual debut along with other fall drinks according to an internal announcement of starbucks, their fall menu. join the pumpkin spice latte, the mocha, the earliest launch of this drink was in 2014, august 26th according to business insider but feels like fall is starting sooner every year. jillian: i used to love pumpkin spice fest but now i am not wanting to have anything to do with it because it is ruining summer. rob: more like a pumpkin latte. thanks. jillian: something we have seen in movies and read about in sci-fi novels but soon it could be a reality. donald trump stated clearly and forcefully that space is in his words a war fighting domain just like land and air and sea. the time his come to establish
the united states space force. rob: what exactly is the space force and will it improve our national defense? with insight into this is john venable, a 25 year veteran of the air force and senior research fellow for defense policy at the heritage foundation. when people hear this, they think us spaceships firing at russian spaceships like star wars but that is not what this is about. it is not. a pleasure to be with you. this is combining what we have throughout dod, each of the services have a portion of space assets controlled, 66 disparate organizations that have some influence on this within dod and this is rounding them up and getting them headed in a direction of being able to conduct operations in space in defense of and in support of the united states.
jillian: is this necessary? i think the time is right. you could question whether we would do this now or in two or three years but what the apartment of defenses done has shown great awareness, the methodical approach, you would be proud of it if you read through the document, four steps to use current authorities and we have to wait for congress to come in with legislation to establish the space force. rob: sounds like russia and china escalated this issue and brought us to the point we need this kind of protection because we are so dependent on satellites and can t be put in a position we are vulnerable to attacks on our satellites from foreign actors. there is nothing we do that doesn t rely on space from gps navigation, gps weapons deliveries, we rely on space. the russians and chinese have watched as the last 20 years,
they know that and their moves in space have been significant. what we watched them do, orbiting with our satellites, the things we suspect they are moving into have got to be countered, not just counters but take the lead as mike pence said yesterday. jillian: how do you see this happening? timeline for this? how long might this take? the phased approach, the part of the fence is rounding up the people in each to permit of defense services and they are going to call this space operational force and they will use that as the foundation for what will become the space force which becomes a service. two of the things they do is streamline acquisition, opportunity to not just streamline it but take the lead and develop the assets we need in space. the third major step is
establishing a combatant command where we start thinking about space. those three things the department of defense can do with the president s signature to establish this unified command plan, that will establish the foundation and give congress the legs they need to give legislation in the next two years. jillian: pretty wild. rob: the secretary of defense was against this idea and now he is for, at least everyone is in sync. we will see how it develops, thanks for your time this morning. 49 minutes after the hour. they are known for violent crimes and brutal murders but ms 13 gang members are not all that bad. ms 13 members i have been following are working after school jobs, living with their parents, they get around long island on bicycles. rob: the new video that is spiking outrage online.
jillian: the moment a tsa worker jumps into action as a bag nearly bursts into flames, we are coming right back. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
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what they are accused of doing a newly released video. the ms 13 members, working ask after school jobs, living with their parents, get around long island on bicycles because they can t afford cars. it is not the kind of gang you get your money from. rob: the trump administration looking to dismantle this brutal gang. a story of two teenage girls who were murdered by ms 13, they were butchered as they walked home from school on long island. jillian: cell phone store employee out of a job after refusing to serve a police officer. cellular sale beast of boston apologizing to officer dan collins saying the employee refused to help several customers, not just the officer the police department has accepted the apology.
rob: we start with the good, mcdonald s offering a chance to win free food for life, today through august 24th a chance to win a mixed gold card that will get you two free meals per week for 50 years. jillian: a tsa agent removes a smoking bag, running the bag up the stairwell at hilton head international airport caused by a malfunctioning battery. rob: it is so funny. the ugly. a racial justice group selling a tote bag inspired by california congresswoman maxine waters. if you see anybody from that cabinet rob: with a be like maxine bag, fighting spirit wherever you go. it costs 30 bucks. jillian: there you have it.
passing prison reform, donald trump urging democrats and republicans to come to the table to overhaul the criminal justice system. rob: joe borelli says democrats will fight back no matter what the president says. he is live the next hour of fox and friends first . (phone ping) gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one. so you won t miss a purchase large, small, or very large. technology this helpful.could make history. what s in your wallet?
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Chicago , Donald-trump , Violence , Law-enforcement , Candace-owens , People , Issue , Appearance , National-guard , 71 , Support , Attention

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180821 08:00:00

A precursor to Fox News s morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day.
immigration officers in his salute to the heroes where he read it support for ice and border patrol. my administration will not rest until you have the resources, the tools and the authority you need to do your job and do it properly. reporter: donald trump double down on his push for immigration reform. he vowed to stop sanctuary cities and end american catch and release policies which allow someone with illegal immigrants to be released until there immigration hearing. two of several promises he made monday. we will secure our border once and for all. reporter: the event comes the same day he sent a letter to state and local leaders asking their public support of agencies writing ice agents have been subjected to a nationwide campaign of insulted attacks. lawmakers on capitol hill are concerned about the orders he
handed to the agency. the trump administration s approach to immigration has been a subject of bipartisan criticism specifically the family separation policy. we were coming across the border. we can have border security without bullying. reporter: a federal judge made two rules on immigration, one, temporarily stopping the deportation of families separated at the border, the other approving a plan to reunite immigration children, whose parents had been deported. jillian: donald trump s message to the disgrace cia director, bring it on, i hope john brennan, the worst cia director and our country is history, brings a lawsuit. it will then be easy to get his records, texts, emails and documents to show not only the poor job he did but how he was involved in the mueller witchhunt. he won t sue.
after he hit the sunday talkshow circuit admitting he has been contacted by lawyers and willing to file a lawsuit over his dirty clearance being revoked and hinting at doing the delay cons brett kavanaugh in the senate, something republicans are doing. the first lady preparing her first solo trip to africa, expected to visit several countries them with
information and tools for successful and safe online habits. shannon: cyber bullying is the focus of her be best campaign. the empty video video music awards did not waste time turning political, kevin hart digging into donald trump before presenting the first award of the night. coast-to-coast right now. i m looking at this like game day. do not worry because in this game you are about to kneel or do whatever you want. the old white man can t stop you. bad language, people run to the bathroom and send crazies wes, a typical day at the white house. rob: wrapper logic war a t-shirt
that slammed the border wall as a number of central americans stood behind with shirts that said we are all human beings. his performance protested the trump administration at 0-tolerance immigration policy and we want to know what you think. send us an email to fox was anybody surprised? jillian: 11 minutes after the hour. murder motive revealed, the father charged with killing his pregnant wife and daughter just hours from facing a judge. the bombshell claims he just made. rob: donald trump refusing to give into turkey s demands over a detained american pastor. a problem for a long time. they can t take our people. you will see what happens. rob: our next guest says the president is making the right
move by taking a hard line. stay tuned.
release images of president rouhani witnessing the first fight. rob: donald trump refuses new demand in exchange for the release of american pastor andrew brunson. jillian: the tension erupting into chaos when a gunman opened fire on the us embassy in the turkish capital, the president making the right decision? joining us is the president vice president of the heritage foundation. thank you for joining us this morning. what do you think? is donald trump doing the right thing? if you look at the timeline of what went on here the us has been very disciplined in how they approach this with turkey, they started with quiet discipline, the president raised this with president erdogan and then they demonstrate their frustration. i think the administration has
processed like everybody also the turks want that guy, they have to go after him legitimately because anyone in the united states is considered a us person and that means they have all the rights of american citizens so to through the guy out of the country would be violating his human rights and we don t do that. jillian: what happens to pastor brunson? i think he should be released. you have a turkish leader whose foreign policies are not in the best interests of the turkish people. he started a needless dispute with the united states that wants to partner with him, committed to keeping the us turkish bilateral relationship strong even though we have differences. it is incomprehensible. rob: you are watching the situation deteriorate and
watching them fall toward countries we are not getting away from and they are moving toward the embrace and nato s embrace as well. is it sad to see turkey move in this direction? i don t in the end countries like russia and china and iran can do nothing for turkey but on the other hand we have been through this before. in the early days of nato, france, one of our strongest allies under a wartime partner of the united states pulled out of the nato military alliance and we survived and if turkey decides to make really stupid policy decisions the us will find a way to defend its interests in the region and the country losing here is turkey. shannon: appreciate it, 19 after the hour and so long silent sam.
oh my god! the piece of history protesters ripped down overnight. rob: the major change coming to animal crackers courtesy of peta. stay tuned. this wi-fi is fast.
i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? brian s back? he doesn t get my room. he s only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40 s. jillian: good tuesday morning and welcome back. a colorado dad accused of killing his pregnant wife and two daughters back in court is willing chris watts told police it was his wife who killed his little girls and he killed her in a fit of rage, jack callahan
has more on the shocking revelations. my office filed formal charges against christopher watts. reporter: charged with killing his pregnant wife and two girls, a total of 9 felonies including one related to the unborn child. a class of felony as a result of her being pregnant at the time of her death. reporter: police discovered watts was having an affair with a coworker. during questioning, he asked his wife for a separation and told investigators she is the one who strangled the children. watts said he snapped and killed her and gruesomely destroyed all the bodies. he filed 3 counts of tampering with the human body each of which is a class iii felony each of which names them as victims. the town of frederick just north of denver has been in the media limelight more than a week
when the she and her daughters were reported missing. the father appeared alongside the district attorney to disgrace attitude for the support. thanks for coming to the candlelight vigil and saying your prayers, it is appreciated. keep the prayers coming for our family. rob: he has been and wife dead after their small plane plummets to the ground, - can video shows the private jet falling out of control and smashing an intersection in phoenix, arizona. both people on the plane were killed in the crash. the homemade plane hit two cars when it crashed, nobody on the ground was seriously hurt. stopping a confederate statue in north carolina.
[cheers and applause] the fictional silent sam has been the target of protesters for decades, the school spent $400,000 on security for the last year. one person was arrested on the first day of classes. animal crackers breaking free, nabisco changing the packaging under pressure from the animal activism group after 116 years, the animals will no longer appear to be inside circus cages, they will be roaming free in the crescent trees. they will be on store shelves now. they look happier there. rob: yes they do. wild and free, 26 after the hour. migrants behind three of the worst terror attacks in europe since 2016 or terrorist attacks, millions of migrants could stay in the uk if the brexit deal
falls apart. nigel farage has a reality check for the uk. we heard the nypd, the military stories and how he never got his eye school diploma. jillian: the honor 7 decades in the making, a true american hero. stay right there. don t stop willy davis, who has alzheimer s. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. the shirts were so easy to design on the site. the custom ink team was super helpful and they just came out perfect. seeing my family wearing my shirts was such an amazing reminder of all the love and support that everyone has for my dad. - [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom t-shirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. you ll even get free shipping. get started today at
third incident where a fourth person was mugged and shot in nashville. a one of the terrorist is heading to prison, marlon hicks spent 15 years behind bars information about explosives to be used in an attack in the name of isis, he was inspired by the 2016 pulse like him shooting that left 49 did in orlando. he begged forgiveness from the judge and a statement i m not a terrorist, i m a teddy bear who got emotional for 15 years. enough is enough, chicago s top cop after 6 people killed and 52 injured over the past week. i showed anger and frustration today mainly because these acts are tragic, senseless, i am tired of it. you should be tired of it too. rob: two of the victims, 15 and 17 years old, 344 people have
been killed in chicago. the jury in the paul manafort trial without a verdict in this defense think that is a good thing. very happy to hear that, he thinks it was a very good day, thank you. jillian: jurors have been considering bank and tax fraud charges against the former trump campaign chairman. he will be back a few hours from now. donald trump with a campaign rally in charleston, west virginia. it is a show of support for the republican challenging joe manchin for his senate seat this fall. rob: koreans reunited with long-lost family members after decades. jillian: benjamin hall introducing people torn apart by the korean war. reporter: after six decades families from north and south korea torn apart by war finally
reunited. a 92-year-old woman cried as she hugged her son for the first time in 65 years. the 75 woman, his stepbrother, she was with him as a child trying to escape the korean war. we were separated, what happened to us? what a world. i m so happy. reporter: 300 south koreans from 89 families to see their loved ones out of an estimated 60700,000 people who have family there. the rare reunion comes after kim jong un and president moon agreed to it. it is part of a historic summit in the demilitarized zone following the us pressure campaign. i could recognize it from the past even though he has gotten old and wrinkled, there is some of them left from my memory. reporter: relatives will spend 3 days in the country but
only 11 supervised hours together. north korea does not want its people learning much about the outside world. and the thing about a firm network towards denuclearization the us once. and in september in pyongyang, high hopes becoming more firm might come from him. millions of migrants to stay in the uk, leaders can t make a deal on brexit. jillian: what is the point of brexit to strengthen borders? reaction, fox news contributor and uk independence party leader nigel farage. how did it get to this point? reporter: somebody negotiating brexit was week. the idea was if we had a deal with the european union on trade, people would be allowed to stay.
now we are told even if there is no deal not only can 3.8 million people stay but they will be allowed to bring their extended families, they have full access to social security and benefit system and even worse, there is no proposed cut off date from which any of this is changing. it is quite remarkable because the british public overwhelmingly voted with brexit, take back control of our borders, reduce the huge inflow coming into this country and they are being willfully ignored by the british government and british parliament. rob: teresa may wants to water it down as much as she can. that is right. a remarkable thing we finished up with a prime minister who voted in may and when asked even today does she believe in brexit can t answer the question. i walked into a shop to buy
something and the one behind the counter said of donald trump was negotiating for us we would have it all sorted out by now. jillian: ties to terror in 32 of 194 islamist plots targeting europe over the past four years that resulted in 182 deaths, and 814 injuries and in 2015 isis exploited refugee roots to go back and forth from syria to germany unhindered. you gave speeches on that point in the past. in april and may 2015 the eu were beginning to say our doors are open to anyone who comes, stood up in the european parliament, when isis say they will use the migrant crisis as a means of getting operatives into europe, perhaps we ought to believe them. perhaps we are to put stock in this, perhaps we are to say like the australians did when they had a similar problem, no one
will be allowed to stay, none of that happened and we do not have a clue how many bad people are being let into europe. it is madness and another reason why brexit is the common sense and safest thing to do for our people. rob: the anti-brexiters will admit you can t know who is coming in if you open this place up to all this migration, you can t know and the proof is in those numbers we just gave and put it to the people again, are we comfortable bringing in a lot of people knowing some percentage of them will try to do horrible things when they are here? the other side of the aisle believe we are all global citizens, lovely and fluffy and nice, we should go wherever we went and move freely around the world and when you link this
directly to terrorism of any kind they simply say you are racist, turnaround and walk away. they are not prepared to engage this conversation but people in this country, people in middle england, they know what they believe. another example of how the elites and much of the mainstream media are completely out of touch with public opinion. jillian: we will keep talking about it, thank you so much. rob: 38 after the hour. socialist cynthia nixon once universal rent control. just one problem, she doesn t appear to know what it means or have any details about it. is it a good idea to run on? you can neil, do what you want, no old white man can stop you. rob: the vma s turn, is
hollywood the left s best bet to stop the president? are political families on deck to weigh in on this topic coming up next. [ loesch ] this is superbeets and i swear by it. it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you re gonna love what it does for you too. [ tiffany ] i could definitely use a little more energy, especially if it s from a natural source like beets. [ cliff ] if i had something natural and healthy that gave me energy, i d be all in. [ randy ] energy equals happiness. [ loesch ] beets contain an essential nutrient that makes them one of the most
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relationship and knew what they were doing was wrong. the sheriff says ice is aware of the arrest. rob: the music industry s brightest are not wasting an opportunity to trash the president of the mtv music awards in a politically charged -fest. do not worry, you guys are allowed to kneel, you can do what you want. an old white man can t stop you. you never know what will happen at the vma. bad language, people run to the bathroom and send out crazy tweets, like a typical day at the white house. rob: why do celebrities keep waiting into politics? here to debate that is michelle ritchie and new york city gop councilman joe borelli. thanks for coming on this morning. this is the ultimate safe space.
what is interesting is you don t see people engaging in much debate, they go to something like this where you can say anything you wanted everybody cheers for you. in the 90s they want the in your face joke, this is a reality. when you have rolling stone previewing with an article entitled will anyone watch the vma and revenue is down 50%, and they don t want to be pontificated to buy celebrities. rob: i like kevin hart. he is a funny guy. he is a comedian. and humor for comedians, this happened to obama, george bush, remember will ferrell playing him on snl which was fabulous.
you can t look at this as people turning it off. i m a little older so i got into the music but i watch it, wasn t necessarily the politics. we were chuckling. it was a little funny. rob: you are going after the demographic, very young people. we should never stop making fun of our president and elected officials ever. when it gets to the part where if you support the president you are a racist was they novo been being lectured. rob: it didn t seem softer and musical performances, it got into the real nuts and bolts of politics and if you are not towing groupthink you are out.
rob: he is a wrapper and a number of immigrant children, we don t know how they got the story, and the shirt says asked the wall and we are all human beings, he is making a statement about the wall and family separation, the most difficult moment of the night. i would agree. it is freedom of speech, freedom of expression, we don t agree with it. rob: every time we have an award show we analyze the same stuff. let s move on to cynthia next and trying to be governor of new york, she has a plan for universal rent control which if you ask most people would be disastrous for a lot of reasons. and didn t have a lot of details about this. a big housing advocate in new york city, he didn t have a lot
of details. imagine the nerve of these reporters to ask how you are going to pay for this policy. there is consensus among economists that rent control is not working, look at the four biggest cities, new york, san francisco, washington dc, they all have rent control in the highest rental rates in the country. this is something that can t be done. democrats in 2020 are nothing but the party of bread and circuses and it is about what can they give out for free. rob: who are you more comfortable with, cynthia nixon? it is a proposal from cynthia next in, seems fair to take a line from sex and the city were terry bradshaw says in new york city are always looking for a job, a boyfriend and an apartment. the latter seems true for new yorkers. rent in new york city has
increased 33% in less than ten years when we have increased 2%. people cannot afford to live here, they are being forced out and in san francisco people in san francisco make $117,000 a year are able to qualify for food stamps and that is not the direction we want new york state or new york city to go. rob: i don t think rent control there has to be another solution. that would exacerbate the problem. 1 million apartments that rent control off the market there are 2.6 million apartment in the city alone. if you have $100 in rental subsidy you are talking 3 or $4 billion a year. rob: we got to leave it at that. 48 minutes after the hour. coffee shop explosion, the dramatic moment a massive blast
goes off with people inside. and marijuana for morning sickness. the shocking find about pregnant women going to pot, stay tuned.
the corrosion of the bridge s cables reducing its strength by 20%. explosion destroyed the coffee shop with people inside. surveillance video showing debris flying inside the georgia café, two employees and the customer were airlifted to a hospital with serious injuries. investigators say construction crew accidentally had a gas line and something in the kitchen sparked the blast. rob: overnight fresh evidence foreign actors are still trying to interfere in us elections. shannon: the hackers microsoft just caught ahead of the midterm. it hasn t 7 covered a new russian hacking attempt targeting us political groups that of the midterm elections. microsoft said that it removed 6 internet domain registered by a russian hacking group with ties to the russian government that tried to spoof legitimate websites.
two of them are political conservative think tanks, one being the international republican institute and the other the hudson institute and u.s. senate websites that were designed to look legitimate. microsoft said it has no evidence these hackers were successful in their attempt but this is scary considering what happened in the 2002 presidential election. jillian: apple taking preorders. reporter: that is the rumor. they are saying german wireless carriers preparing for september 21st as the official launch date for the new iphones, preorders will start around september 14th with an official announcement from apple. we should know media invites at
the end of august so we will find out when the exact date for the unveiling is. time for the good, the bad and the ugly. an american hero gets a high school diploma. the 90 when-year-old with a graduation ceremony more than 70 years in the making. the nypd, the military story, how he never got his high school diploma. reporter: he was supposed to graduate in 1945, he joined the nypd after the war. a crocodile spotted floating on a pool in florida, very comfortable. this citing happening in key largo. they are using pot to fight
morning sickness. they that says two. to treat nausea and headaches. what do i know? i would not know. 56 minutes after the hour, coming up at 5:00, this is interesting. john kasich wants to run as a republican in 2020 against the president. wiley carter says this is an to play to win the white house. jillian: hillary clinton on the campaign trail but for what? find out in the next hour of fox and friends first .

Rob , Jillian , Vma-goes-political , Man , Fox-and-friends-first , Outside , Morning , Administration , Ice , Tools , Salute , Immigration-officers

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180821 07:00:00

A recap of the day s headlines and a look at what s in store for tomorrow.
executive order, the national security exception in the executive order was invoked, we never had a situation where a president did it on his own, no process, no outline of what the concerns work and he just unilaterally revoked it. we don t know how the court would view this. the president suggesting we get discovery and go back through your emails and find out how much you are paid to get on different shows and other things. is that enough to scare john brennan away from this? i don t think so. when he shows up is fairly political. if he has merit to his claim or argument to the story, there are reasons for both sides, some say the president wants to continue if it benefits them, brennan says it benefits them because as you could see, playing the role of martyr, it is unclear how this plays out because both seem to think continuing this conversation makes sense for both of them. shannon: we have this report that don mcgann has spent time
talking with the special counsel, no one seems very upset or worried about it, not like they didn t know. all three editorial board pieces say donald trump had to waive executive privilege for mister mcgann to cooperate with mister mueller, he cooperated only after mister trump waived any privilege claim, not what you would expect if he was leading a cover-up. additional reporting indicated they retroactively take it back, somehow tried to pull back the privilege after the fact, you can t do that. i messed that up. once you sit down and answer question you waive the privilege and are not going to say i can t answer that. the president gave him permission, nothing to hide. he relied on that prior guidance. we don t know what his original lawyers new about the situation. they let s don mcgann talk for 30 hours. even if he did say something
jillian: people are saying the legal team at the time, they have been taught the folks were defending the president saying he didn t say anything incriminating and nothing to worry about. all the details are out. he provided 30 hours of testimony. all this information is here. if don mcgann s statement it would be one more reason not to sit down because it is a mountain of evidence against whatever the president recalls and perjury becomes a problem. i want to talk to you about brett cavanagh, the nominee to the supreme court taking anthony kennedy s seat, he is turning to meet with heavy hitters on the democratic side, diane feinstein and these things coming up, these memos released by the national archives from when he worked for the bush white house and kenneth starr about the questions he was posing for then
have these documents and when we are getting them. does that work with the nominee? this is a lot of politics at play, coming up before the election, this particular nominee almost certainly if there s ever a subpoena has to address these questions of the scope of special counsel authority and continue the context of the original premise, original point, i had to wash my eyes out with soap to remember what we were dealing with 20 years ago. that concerns misuse of authority and abuse of power. jillian: the senators say they expect brett kavanaugh to recuse himself from any case from the trump administration. nobody can recuse a justice but themselves. great to see you both, come x in. top stories tonight in contrast to the democrats new rally, something to abolish ice, donald trump on is the top immigration and border enforcement agencies with a special white house
ceremony today. garrett tenney has more on how heated this topic is. the white house wanted to send a clear message that unlike a growing number of democrats this administration fully supports our immigration enforcement agencies and the work they do to keep us safe at the salute to the heroes event, he on of the men and women of ice and blasted democrats who want to abolish ice. incredible people, you do an unbelievable job, you are not appreciated enough. politicians who become aliens before american citizens should find a new line of work because it is not going to work. the president believes immigration is a winning issue for republicans in the midterm elections in use today s event to go after democrats once again claiming they are weak on crime and want open borders. we are building the wall step-by-step. it is not easy because we have
opposition from democrats, they don t mind crime, they don t mind crime, pretty sad and i think we have much more of a red wave than what you are going to see as a phony. wave, blue wave means crime, it means open borders, not good. this past weekend it wasn t just democrats going after ice, media outlets went wild when they learned ice agents arrested and illegal immigrant from mexico who was on the way to the hospital with his pregnant wife. one detail they left out of the headlines apart from being a scheduled c-section is the man is wanted for murder and mexican prosecutors asked the us for help tracking him down. the acting deputy director of ice defended the arrest. this was a referral we got, we did surveillance to find out
when they lived and none of the ice offices that made that arrested anything wrong. a lot of progressives are calling for ice to be abolished, many moderate democrats are worried those efforts could backfire and hurt the party s chances of retaking the house in november and that is something the president and republicans agree on as well. shannon: the president predict immigration will be the major issue separating the two parties in the november elections, critics say he is using law enforcement officers for inappropriate political purposes. georgia republican senator david purdue won the praise of donald trump. thank you for being with us. i want to play a little more of what the president had to say about saying don t cooperate with federal immigration and it is time to abolish ice. here s what he said. a small group that gets a lot of publicity because they have no courage, they have no guts,
just have big loudmouths and we don t want to put up with that and i want you to know that you are loved. is he playing politics with this? when you hear him talk privately this is an impassioned president. you side publicly. the message was very clear. we have your backs, appreciate what you do. shannon: the washington post quoted in active ice director who said they rolled out the red carpet for ice and there s something to be said for more out but you are doing it in a way that politicizes it, it will take years of work to reform ice s reputation, they could be tarnished forever is a tool of the far right. democrats have taken such an extreme position, but the bottom line with most americans viewpoint, candidate for attorney general talking about putting suits of the concise. jillian: i want to play this, this is part of the video
talking about that. is attorney general i will continue to speak out against ice. i will prosecute ice for their criminal acts and as candidate for ag this is important, to speak out, to abolish ice. i said that is in an american position when i was asked that question and seems to me what we got, people calling for abolishment of ice are more worried about the people who perpetrate the crimes against americans than they are protecting americans. that is the top law enforcement person in new york talking about the rights of the criminal, not the rights of the victims. shannon: what about these different localities where we see them protesting not wanting to help ice, occupy ice in portland and other places where
people were fearful about trying to get to and from work and do their jobs. the president knows that sanctuary cities have to go. this then abomination, he made a point we are a country of laws, his first response ability is to protect american citizens within the constitution. he takes it very seriously and you saw and energized and passionate and emotional president about this. jillian: senators in august in dc, you really pushed hard for it last year. are you going to get some substance done? we hope so. we are in a position we haven t been in in 15 years, taking up a bill with hhs and we haven t done that in 15 years. we haven t passed all the appropriation bills in 20 years. we are trying to do two things, one is to go after the nomination, we have 300 nominees waiting for confirmation. this is the height of democratic obstructionism, it is historic in the second thing is to get these appropriation bills funded.
shannon: there is a return to regular order with spending bills with the supreme court nomination coming up so thanks for making the stop here, thank you. when we return, 2 dozen former miss americas calling for gretchen carlson to resign over claims of bullying. the leadership to include the board of directors complicit in this and to move forward and actually heal, need to do the right thing. joining us live, miss america 2011 is one of those calling for the resignation talking to fox news at made exclusively. later on one of the biggest conservative voices in radio and social media joins us with stunning new claims about censorship. facebook says it is a big misunderstanding. we will bring both sides when dennis joins us live. this wi-fi is fast.
i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? brian s back? he doesn t get my room. he s only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40 s. shannon: this is a fox news alert. brand-new chilling revelation strengthen fox news alert, brand-new revelations in the case of a colorado man accused of killing his pregnant wife and two young daughters. an arrest affidavit said he was having an affair and he claims his wife strangled their two daughters shortly after he asked
for a separation. he told authorities that sentiment to a fit of rage and he strangled his wife. he is charged with 9 felony counts including three first-degree murder charges. miss america is accusing pageant leadership of manipulation and bullying and tonight a growing number of former miss americas are coming forward and support and calling for the resignation of the pageant s entire board of directors. trace gallagher is on the case. reporter: in a matter of weeks this is gone from back channel grumbling to accusations and allegations in the national media. the tipping point likely came friday, with a 5-page letter saying she had been bullied by regina hopper and chairman gretchen carlson, former fox news anchor. carl monroe, quote, our chair and ceo systematically silenced me, reduced me, marginalized me and he raced me in my role in
subtle and not-so-subtle ways on a daily basis, she goes on to claim she has been left out of interviews, not invited to meetings and called the wrong name but last night gretchen carlson hit back on twitter, quote, actions have consequences, friday we learned $75,000 in scholarships which would have been the first scholarship increase in years is no longer on the table as a direct result of the explosive allegations in your letter. carlson did not explain how the scholarship money was lost and before her tweet was fully absorbed in the social media bloodstream a petition of 20,000 signatures, 27 state organizations and 21 former miss americas were carling on carlson to step down, three former miss americas called up carlson on
nbc and abc. watch. this person has taken the responsibility for the way she has treated our current miss america. of 5. page letter explaining how she has been treated is appalling. we are not going to do the victim shaming here. i m sure she didn t want that when she was part of the me too movement and the sponsorships will return when they see we are willing to do the right thing. jackson is referring to her sexual harassment allegations against roger ailes. the miss america pageant released a statement that it supports her but her letter contains mischaracterizations and unfounded accusations. thanks very much, joining us exclusively another former miss america who is adding her name to be called for the board to
step down. miss america 2011 joins us, welcome, teresa. i want to read a little more of the letter, the rhetoric about empowering women and openness and transparency is great but the reality is quite different, she talked about being controlled, manipulated, silenced and believed. what was your reaction when you saw the letter that she went public asking for another former miss americas s help. i found her letter incredibly brave because it is atypical to speak up when people in power are involved in these situations and she knows there may be back lash against her, so her letter was really impressive to me because even now see in statements the miss america organization has issues they are in many ways now blaming her and saying she should not have spoken up which is exactly what she was talking about when she referenced being silenced constantly and sad to see that continuing. let me read more of what
gretchen carlson who chairs the miss america board put a lengthy twitter statement in which she said i want to be clear that i have never bullied or silenced you. she went on to talk about actions have consequences, we lost $75,000 in scholarships as a direct result of the explosive allegations in your letter. a lot of folks had a visceral reaction to that feeling they are putting blame on her for speaking up and going public. exactly what i thought when i saw that. i had waited for some time to form my own opinions about this. we had a call with gretchen a couple days ago in which she tried to answer questions many former miss americas hadn t been released this statement and while i don t think her intentions are bad i don t think she is understanding the impact of the things she is saying and doing so she had initially said she should have come to her privately rather than writing a letter to all of us and now she
is doing the same thing, she wrote this letter and released it on twitter in which she is blaming cara saying she needs to support the pageant so again silencing her the same way cara explained. when i saw that it confirmed for me what is going on and made me realize i do need to support her in this and the bravery it took to come forward in the retribution she might be facing the. on gretchen s i love and respect her as a person but as a leader she needs to understand the responsibility she has in the impact her words and actions of cost, that is different from having good intentions because her intentions may be good but the impact is still there. she hasn t really accepted that and i see no true acknowledgment
which are which concerns me. jillian: let me review something a bit snarky from this woman s journal, this brouhaha between the current miss america whose name i never knew and the reigning pageant executives seems much of do about nothing, trying to turn a beauty pageant into a socially responsible celebration of womankind always seemed far-fetched to me by trying to be all things to all women, it went from irrelevant to irritating and less then a minute it takes to produce another pageant. in full disclosure from my time as miss virginia and the miss america finalist the money enables me to go to college with no debt so i saw a great benefit but obviously it is a bit of turmoil and transition. how the response of those who say the program is not worthwhile for women anyway? reporter: i won miss america when i was 17 years old but i am now starting my first year of
law school at uc berkeley and i also joined the air force, the air national guard and i believe miss america empowered me to do those things and i m doing it while a single mom and i don t think i ever would have had the same opportunities without miss america and while we are not all things to all women, i believe miss america is a vital part of our society for women in empowering them, giving them a platform, providing scholarship money and so many things an outsider might not see but someone who has been in the program for years and had that first-hand experience i know what it has done for my life and other women. shannon: it is not for everyone but if it is something they want to do, both of us having benefited greatly i hope the program is able to mend people to come together and be a
positive force for other women, thank you very much. when we return the latest dust up over claims that social media is conservative posts and videos, the host of dennis prager radio show joins us live with the scoop next.
his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. shannon: knew tonight come a growing number of conservatives are complaining about alleged cen shannon: a growing number of conservatives complaining about alleged censorship on facebook. a nonprofit conservative educational site calling out the social media giant for blocking recent videos and posts from reaching 3 million followers, facebook says it was a mistake but prager says that is not the only social media platform that tried to censor his conservative message. let s talk to dennis prager. i want to read some of these posts you found out were going nowhere. 3 million followers and no one
seeing it. 3 million followers and 1 billion views this year. jillian: but couldn t go anywhere. baseball represents the best of america, sounds very treasonous. known to be hatemonger. jillian: why do young people have a warped concept of america? israel s right to exist, alan dershowitz explains, your kid will respect you once you respect your self. these were not going anywhere your videos were taken. it began with youtube and google and they put dozens of our videos, 340 total on their restricted list which means theoretically it is pornographic or violent. shannon: is it either? george will talking about
baseball as the american sport doesn t meet the definition of pornography or violence. alan dershowitz is a lifelong liberal. it doesn t matter. of the left doesn t like what you do they censor you. i need to emphasize this. the left doesn t believe in free speech and half of the students in college today don t believe in free-speech or hate speech but they declare what is hate speech. we don t have one word of hate. we have a psychiatrist who gives a talk on how to learn to forgive. a rabbi giving a talk on not gossiping. this is as sweet a website as you can find. shannon: it sounds inflammatory. facebook said we mistakenly removed these videos and restore the because they don t break their standard. this result in a reduction in content distribution, we are very sorry and are continuing to
look into what happened. i am skeptical but i want to give them the benefit of the doubt. if a come back to us and say this is why it happened and we fired the guy who did it because we understand how bad this is i will be very impressed. i suspect no one will pay a price. i suspect there will be another mistake in the future but the larger issue, what is happening at the university is happening on the internet. suppression of all non-left if americans don t awaken to this we will lose the unique thing of america which is free speech. shannon: we had poll numbers talking about how people on college campuses don t think the first amendment should protect speech they find offensive. i don t know if they familiar with the westboro baptist gang
who won supreme court on free speech, but google and youtube, the judge kicked it out, got it on appeal the part of the ruling was the judge that you can t have a first amendment case because this isn t a government or state actor. the best analogy i can give is if delta or american or united announced we won t allow anybody on who carries the wall street journal on board. they are a private company, they can make their own rules but everybody understands when you re the conduit for millions of people and there are only three major airlines you are not just a private country company with idiosyncratic rules and same holds with these people, they control more information than anyone controlled in the history of mankind, that is a big deal. shannon: it is personal for you but you are worried about
broader implications. you are on appeal to the ninth circuit. what do you think your chances are? there are chances because the judge did not dismiss the case. we can appeal. she did not say without prejudice. likewise she said it was mere puffery that they claim they were open. that is a big deal. she gave us leeway. i have said all along if youtube, google and facebook announced we are only receptive to left-wing views, i have no argument. it is the fraud that they claim to be open that is so appalling. shannon: twitter said it is not about content but actions and other things. glad you made it, good to see you. up next, iran feels the effects of sanctions as they pull the plug on an oil deal and the pope speaks against the clergy sexual abuse scandal.
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punishments for the accused. josh schapiro calls the pope s that are powerful and hopes it will convince church leaders, pittsburgh bishop said they have made drastic improvements over 30 years and pushed back against calls for his resignation. the church is different today. i can say clearly in the course of the last 30 years we have been a leader in implementing a number of reforms that were meant to protect children and respond to it. reporter: the archbishop of washington dc met with his counsel of priests just hours after the letter was released, he is accused of protecting nearly 100 abusive priests during 18 years as bishop. he is no longer defending the annual world meeting of families in ireland. he was supposed to give the keynote address, no explanation
was given for the cancellation. reporter: thank you very much. a rare moment of cooperation. despite rising tensions between the us and turkey. turkish authorities announcing the arrest of two suspect in connection with the shooting at the american embassy in istanbul. a statement from the us embassy praised fast and professional action of the turkish government and police as well as their support and protection. a moment of solidarity as donald trump continues to battle turkey over to refusal to release an american pastor accused of plotting a coup, charges he had only denies. french oil giant totalme quitting its multibillion-dollar gas project in iran is the was implement its first round of tough sanctions. carmakers dialer and renault dropping plans to invest in iran
along with deutsche telekom. a new report, rescuing venezuela as failing economy, an increase to gas prices and introduction of a new currency that comes with a 3000% increase to the minimum wage. critics say the changes make matters worse. without the new reforms, they photographed how much everyday items currently cost, toilet paper would cost 2.6 million and a kilogram comes in at 3 million. that is scary. economists warned inflation in venezuela could hit 1 million%. first lady milania trump planning her first official solo trip through several african countries in october. the first lady said she is excited to educate herself on issues facing children and learning about its rich culture
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was killed, several others injured in a helicopter crash overnight. a statement since the crash site is not yet secure, the incident is under investigation, officials are not confirming what is involved. on the korean peninsula and emotional seen as many elderly residents are being reunited with residents from the north for the first time in decades. reporter: after six decades families from north and south korea torn apart by war, finally united. and 92-year-old woman hunter son for the first time in 65 years. one of 75 years, she was split from a child trying to escape the korean war. we were separated when i was 2 and i was 4. i was so happy. cross to the north to see
their loved ones with 6 to 7000 in south korea, the rare reunion comes after north korean leader and the south korean president, but historic summit in the demilitarized zone. others see it as a pr system. the north korean government trying to go to the international community to engage in a different way. they have used these meetings. and after lifetime apart. i could recognize it from the past even though he has gotten old and wrinkled, and there is something left for memory. relatives will spend 3 days but 11 supervised hours together.
north korea does not want his people learning much about the outside world. they mean nothing without a firm commitment to denuclearization and that is what the us once. there is another summit coming up and everyone will be looking at that with concrete evidence they are moving in the right direction. tonight midnight he rose in long beach, california, rescued larry watkins and her chihuahua when there suv flew over the rails, looks like they got stuck. as the men jumped in and attempting to lift larry through the water, the water pressure was causing the windows to rise. all 3 made it out without injury. merry thanked them, here are still dry and they didn t even mess up my lipstick.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180822 06:00:00

Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
again, he worked for bob dole, he worked for ronald reagan, he worked for many people, and this is the way it ends up. it was not the original mission, believe me. it was something very much different. so it had nothing to do with russian collusion. we continue the witch hunt. significant the president did not say anything about the cohen case, leaving the attorney rudy giuliani to put out the statement, there is no allegations of any wrongdoing against the president and the government s charges against mr. cohen. it is clear that as a prosecutor noted, mr. cohen s actions reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty over significant period of time. but cohen s plea deal alleges he broke the law to influence a 2016 election on behalf of an unnamed candidate who clearly is the president. cohen will get somewhere between 43 and 63 months in prison after pleading guilty to the campaign finance charges i mentioned, plus bank fraud, and tax evasion.
the campaign charges involve payments to two woman who alleged affairs with the president that he vehemently denied. stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. in cohen s plea deal seems to directly contradict something that giuliani told fox back in may. having something to do with paying some stormy daniels woman, $130,000, which is going to turn out to be perfectly legal. that money was not campaign money. sorry, i m giving you a fact now that you don t know. it s not campaign money! no campaign finance violation. it was funneled through a law firm? funneled through a law firm and the president repaid it. that questions whether there is any legal jeopardy, michael avenatti, always very aggressive, he claims this will get a stay listed a civil case, separate from us, meaning there will be a new fight over whether
the president has to give a deposition. michael avenatti tweeting to giuliani, buckle up, buttercup, as if this fight is just beginning. jason: thank you very much. let s bring in the legal panel to break down this development. harmeet dhillon is a republican and a lawyer, vinoo varghese is a criminal defense attorney, and tom dupree, a deputy assisted attorney general in the george w. bush administration. thank you for being here. i want to break down today s developments. i want to do it one at a time. we ll go around the horn on paul manafort. harmeet, the first stab at this. what is your take on the developments today? the developments today, i think they re very unfortunate for mr. manafort because he is close to the president at one point in time for a brief period of time. he got caught in the cross hairs of the prosecution of the mueller investigation. as we can see from the indictment as well as the charges and the jury verdict today, we don t see anything
about the president, about russian collusion or anything over that irregularities in his taxes and statements to banks. now those are series issues and unfortunately, mr. manafort will probably spend a good decade plus, to the rest of his life in prison, depending on what happens next. it s got zero to do with the president and it s frankly underscoring that if it weren t for being close to the president, he probably wouldn t have been prosecuted. part of the narrative of the unfair witch hunt. jason: joining me in the studio in new york, she writes, nothing to do with donald trump? the proximity of the president is what is driving this, right? the first thing that she noted, ostriches and pythons across the country will sleep well tonight knowing that paul manafort will remain behind bars. understand this is a big victory for team mueller in the court of public opinion, because they won this case in the court. there have been a number of
guilty pleas here. jason: a case that has nothing to do with the original manafort directive. this is trump s campaign chairman. it was his campaign chairman. jason: anyone that has ever worked for you paul manafort here has been found guilty. look jason: of what? something he did a long time ago? the team took a gamble, the case in alexandria, virginia, hoping for a much more conservative jury. jason: you don t believe that he would have been prosecuted except for his proximity to donald trump? they looked at him. that was part of it. i agree, his proximity to donald trump brought the case. it doesn t mean that s the only thing. jason: if someone has skirted the tax laws, i want them to be convicted. but to have the national spotlight on them just because he s worked for 100 days for donald trump seems a bit over the top. let me get tom s take on this. tom, what do you think is happening here with paul manafort? a few things, i do think he was the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. look, the fact that bob mueller
case, you are going to be convicted here, you have been convicted, and i m going to put the squeeze on you, you better cough something up on donald trump or i m going to actually is that what is going on? mueller s team has been putting the squeeze on manafort for many, many months now, and he hasn t caved. i suppose the pressure will continue although at this point, manafort has lost a lot of the leverage that he had at the outset, given that he stands criminally convicted for a that says, it s possible that at some point they ll reach a deal. manafort has another trial coming up in a few months, there might be an opportunity to do wheeling and dealing. i tend to think of manafort has a bigger value to get to mueller and he was willing to turned over to mueller, you think mueller would have it by now. jason: let s talk about michael cohen. that s a different scenario. vinoo, how do you read that situation? the first thing, i think this is a big political victory for the republicans today, with announcing that michael cohen is trump s personal attorney paid hush money to a porn star and playboy model.
there s no debate that president trump has a better taste in women than bill clinton. he s an attorney, this is a guy who has committed a crime, multiple, tax evasion, violation of campaign finance laws. he is going to be automatically disbarred. the question is, how much time will he face behind bars? the deal says 43 to 63 months but that judge can give much more than that. that is the reality of the case. so for him, it leaves open the possibility of cooperating. there are still an opportunity to cooperate. i wouldn t be surprised at all of the december date is pushed back. jason: harmeet, how do you read this situation? and i think it s pretty interesting who michael cohen picked as his attorney, because lanny davis is obviously no friend of donald trump but very close in proximity to hillary clinton. a couple things to keep in mind about michael cohen. he is a guy who tapes his clients that he s a guy, who, a few months ago, looking at
potentially 60 years in prison for these potential charges, at that point he was saying that the president had nothing to do with any of this stuff and there is no campaign finance issues. fast-forward to today, when he were facing 60 years in prison and the alternative is five years in prison and you can get that five year deal if you say that a couple of things that aren t crimes are crimes, and pin them on the president. so i think that the overwhelming power of prosecutors here in those situations in every situation where the federal prosecution has led to this result. lanny davis has really sold his client out because i think it is a real stretch i m a lawyer does election law, campaign finance, that s a real stretch to say that someone says that paying off hush money to a blackmailer is necessarily trying to affect the outcome of an election. i suspect that throughout his career, donald trump has been approached by women like this who have shaken him down and this is a standard way that
people are paid off and i don t see that campaign finance violation here at all, and so it is really unfortunate that he was forced into the situation and has done this. but, you know, again, a, nothing to do with collusion or russia. and, b, no crime here for the president. jason: jonathan turley, noted attorney come on fox news earlier criminals listen to him and tom, i would like to get your reaction to that. unless its unidentified candidate is bernie sanders. it s going to be bad news. you are not paying attention. if the prosecutors accept what is in this indictment, then the president just became an unindicted coconspirator. that is a simple matter of it. jason: tom, you ve got deep experience in the department of justice. is jonathan turley right? not quite. the way i look at it, for one thing, the fact that cohen pleaded to a particular charge doesn t mean that other people are automatically deemed guilty. that is why we have trials, that s why we have evidence and that s why we have juries make
these determinations. i will also say that one of the most complex and byzantine areas in the entire sphere of federal law is the election code. and lawyers will argue to the nth day about whether something constitutes an election violation or it doesn t. to me what this will come down to is whether cohen has something other than his own word this is what happened, that these payments were made for the purpose of influencing a campaign, that they were done with the direction of presumably donald trump. if cohen has trump on tape, if cohen has evidence to support his allegations, then it can pose greater jeopardy for the president but right now, all we know is it s just cohen s word against presumably the president s word. jason: but there are tapes. is the trump team able to hear and listen to all of these tapes or are in the possession of the special prosecutor? or is that something that they may have only heard snippets of? my guess is the president has not heard everything that is in the possession of the prosecutors. lord knows what sorts of things cohen was taping. there have been some tapes that address some of the subject matter of today s indictment, we
don t know if those are all of them and the tapes that we have heard have been somewhat ambiguous to say the least. jason: but vinoo, i have a hard time believing that this is first of all, i have not heard the word russia yet and collusion. you haven t seen anything there regarding russian collusion, have you? that s not what this is about. jason: i know but this is with a special prosecutor is spending all of his time, about a guy who is dealing with medallions on taxis that s the tax evasion part of it. you have here, donald trump s personal lawyer, the man who said he would take a bullet for donald trump, who has now said in open court that at the direction of the candidate, he funneled this money to influence the election. right? the question of russia collusion, that s a separate question. the fact is jason: what s the prime question of what the prosecutor is supposed to be going for? he can investigate different things. all of us came from us and the fact that you have trump s national security advisor, his former campaign
jason: there is a lot of evidence out there that he was manipulated along the way. all guilty. jason: harmeet, last word. how do you read the situation going forward? what happens next? obviously, the left in this divided country is going to go crazy like vinoo just did, guilt by association here. but this is a tragic tale of a lawyer gone awry in many ways and it s important for him personally. but the president is very focused on his agenda, popular, wouldn t be surprised if this doesn t affect his popularity one bit because people are beginning to see the results in this country and yet after all of this money, all of this effort, drama, all these indictments, all he s got is zero to do with russia collusion, the only person who committed campaign finance violations with respect to russia, foreign countries, is hillary clinton, and she never got indicted. i think this really underscores the president s position that this is a witch hunt and it has no legitimacy and needs to end. jason: thank you.
has there been any other similar crimes similar to this anywhere he has been? in the sanctuary cities? where has he been, what has he done? jason: he was charged with first-degree murder. does that lead you to believe that he was stalking her as opposed to a chance happening, she was running, driving back, decided, this would be a good target? i think he was probably stalking her. the police did a marvelous job. they didn t let out any information until they had the details pretty well collected and lined up for the information that they give out this afternoon. they did a marvelous job with this. another thing, we get so many people complaining about cameras, the civil liberties are violated when they appear on camera, the police did such a great job in contacting people as they went through this, they found somebody who had a camera who saw the chevy malibu, who actually saw the runner. what a great job they did, and hats off to the police department. jason: smaller law enforcement organization, not like the los angeles police department with untold number of
assets at their disposal, for a smaller department like that to do this kind of police work. michael, it does beg the question, joining me in studio, this person should have never been in the country in the first place, right? it s an allegation, but he should have never been here, right? thank you for having me, jason. a horrible, senseless act of violence, my heart goes after the family. there should be full consequences to this man for committing this murder for the rest of his life. the truth is, the political arena of immigration is not going to be satiated through legislation. you can t legislate your way out of a murder. it s many ways jason: you can put up a wall. you can enforce you can start expelling people that are here illegally. i understand but when you look at the facts, we have u.s. marines that marry foreign nationals and the vetting here is critical. even if you vet, you have more
u.s. citizens grieving, more heinous crimes, undocumented or legally permitted jason: he would have never been able to even have a chance to commit a crime if he wasn t here in the first place. you are saying we need to shut our doors and not have them here. i don t know how you can stop a murderer, despite all of the jason: if he s here illegally, that says to me, at least on the first blush, that he should have never been here. what about the million people we bring on legally and lawfully? i have a higher moral obligation, i think this country does, to those people then it does i agree. i agree with the other two speakers, former director of the fbi and the officer, because in all truth, when it comes down to it, the beautiful police work that is being done, the system here, should standard we should have redundancies between state, local, and federal crimes, so that the vetting doesn t stop. what about the people who radicalize, who are citizens, when they travel internationally and come back to the u.s.? if a local cop gets them, and reports it redundantly to the intelligence services, yes,
jason, we should be able to stop this, but we cannot blame immigrants as a scapegoat. jason: i m blaming this one. as i am, too, as a father. jason: i worry, not having a total immigration debate but there is a difference between being here illegally and being here legally. you do a disservice to the legal immigrants by just saying, well, this guy was an immigrant. no he wasn t, he was an illegal immigrant. it s an allegation at this point. i want to get back to the case here. mark, he s being charged with first-degree murder. what is it going to take to prove that? what would police have proceed in order for a prosecutor to feel comfortable that, yeah, it was actually first-degree? it s first-degree because he wasn t involved with the victim. it wasn t a hot blood murder where he was involved in an argument with a spouse or a live-in girlfriend. this was a directed intent murder where he actually formed the intent, which can be formed in just a matter of seconds, to actually kill her, and they are
going to do this forensically. they ve got him to get to the point of capturing her, and then he blacks out until he s she s in the trunk. so they are going to fill that gap in forensically, they are going to have the cause and method of death, they are trying to get as much dna. the problem here is, 30 days in the elements, insects, animals, and the heat, which is the average temperature is about 87 degrees in iowa at this time of year, that creates a lot of decomposition. but i think they are going to achieve their goal and they will get a first-degree conviction. jason: bill, is the fbi, the federal bureau of investigation, helping these smaller departments and agencies? do they have the types of resources and can they quickly turn this around to help a smaller agency such as in iowa? absolutely. that is why the fbi has resident agencies all over the country. in the smaller areas. the participation of agents and
police officers and sheriffs offices is is terrific today. plus, there s the opportunity for the bureau to run classes and whatnot and for police departments, larger police department, to run those kind of classes for smaller police department as well. the spirit of cooperation is there. anytime a police department wants something done, comes to the bureau, it will absolutely get done any to place in the country. jason: the fbi, one of the great bright spots for the fbi these days is the work that they do in their forensic labs at quantico and whatnot. michael, i want to ask you one less question here. this kid is and a half situation. i don t want to say kid. i will call him a punk or a killer, at least a wedge, he will be in a very difficult situation. does he have any chance of wiggling out of this at this point? we saw sadly with the kate steinle case, the state did not bring a good prosecution for a different forensics, very distinguished law enforcement officer spoke about today, i am a former federal prosecutor myself, it just the first step. the prosecution has to be
ironclad. i have to agree, it has to be strong and with due process to make sure that we send the message out, it s not immigration. we don t scapegoat immigrants because of this son of a gun s work. jason: illegal immigrants. mark, last, very quick read. what are the immigration policies happening right now? how was that affecting the los angeles area? i can tell you this, we never know what crimes are not committed because an illegal alien is stopped at the border. that is indisputable. you can t even argue that point. but the flood of illegal immigrants that are gang members is what is the catastrophic effect in communities and you can t control this by saying we re going to let some across the borders and not let others. going to let others. it s got to be a legal immigration policy or no immigration illegally.
it s an issue that can t be debated, that if you let somebody come in illegally, and they are a criminal, they are going to commit crimes, just like this crime. jason: gentlemen, thank you. i wish we had more time to discuss this. this case will go on. for the meantime, god bless this family and what they are doing governor mike huckabee is here tonight to discuss all the political fallout from today s major stories. stay with us. he s up next.
american? it was not the best day for the president because two people closely associated with him either were convicted or pled guilty. whether or not that stink ends up on him, time will tell. i think a lot of a lot of his supporters are not going to be persuaded by an attorney who has admittedly lied and by somebody who did things that are nothing to do with donald trump event happened years before he was even briefly associated with the campaign. but let s be honest, this is not the kind of thing that if you are donald trump, you want to have at the end of the day, two converging legal issues. but in the greater scheme of things, most people recognize this had nothing to do with russia, which was the whole point of the mueller investigation, and it also doesn t really show that there is a single-handed form of justice being applied to democrats like hillary clinton, whose campaign funded the russian dossier, and all of these things surrounding the president. so i don t think that we know
whether it is going to have a big impact. my guess is, in the long term, it doesn t. but time will tell. i do think there is a huge impact on this issue with mollie tibbetts and what a heartbreaking situation. congressman, i heard what you said a moment ago, couldn t agree with you more. you can t look at this just from a raw political standpoint. as you said, you look at this as a father, as a dad, and i just can t even get my arms around the grief of mollie tibbetts family. and the fact that this person shouldn t have been here, if there is not a pushback against open borders and sanctuary cities in the philadelphia mayor dancing in his office over sanctuary cities, i don t know what it is. jason: look at the average voter. i understand where republicans will be leaning one side and the democrats will be leaning but this truly independent person, the person who is maybe not watching every story and reading every news article that comes out, i personally, i don t believe that the cohen and
manafort story really moves the meter in any one direction, especially when they lost so much credibility of the last two years. but what does touch the heart, what does touch people s emotions is what happened to mollie tibbetts because they can relate to her and she was murdered! all the polls are showing that the number one issue is immigration. people say don t politicize it but how do we talk about in the same time not be criticized for being, you know, just throwing politics out? i find it interesting, congressman, that you ve got a lot of democrats saying, we shouldn t be politicizing the mollie tibbetts murder but they are the ones that absolutely overwhelmingly politicize parkland school shooting and every shooting that happens. it s a natural emotional reaction but what we have to do is examine policies to determine, can we fix that, can we do better? there is not a lot of sympathy
among even republicans for paul manafort for tax evasion or for lying about bank documents. i don t care who you are, democrat or republican. you are going to have to pay up for that and he is going to. if michael cohen committed crimes, he is going to have to answer for that. just because they knew donald trump or had a relationship with him does not mean that whatever they did is automatically attached to the president, certainly not manafort, but all of us were attached to the unnecessary death of a young lady whose life was ahead of her and who is dead because we had a broken immigration system and i think the republicans have a great opportunity to say, let s fix this. say to the democrats, work with us to fix it and if you don t, then please don t tell us that you care about murder of these girls and the immigration policies that we ve got to fix. jason: governor, i really do appreciate your perspective. very kind of you to join us this evening.
there are other sides to this story. another perspective on the other side of the aisle, so joining me and now is democratic strategist jason nichols. jason, thank you so much for joining me. i do appreciate it. i want to pick up from governor huckabee, the number one issue going into the election prior to this week is immigration. yesterday, we ran stories about a person who was supposedly with his wife going to the hospital but i.c.e. picked her up and then they ran all the stories about how heartless i.c.e. was, ends up that he was wanted for murder, and the mexican government wanted us to detain him. here, we have the allegation of the murder by an illegal immigrant, again, an allegation of a young woman who was going to be a junior in iowa. how is this not an issue and how is it that democrats think that they can actually take the positions that they have no
immigration and win? well, i don t think anyone says this is not an issue and really quickly, i just want to send my heartfelt condolences out to the tibbetts family and also to the university of iowa. i m at the university of maryland and we have had some recent high profile deaths and i have had students who have passed away, so i want to send my condolences to that entire community. i don t think democrats are saying that immigration is not an issue and as a matter of fact, many are saying that this is a major issue and that we need comprehensive immigration reform. this is something that you, as a member of congress or former member of congress, know that both sides of the aisle agree that this is a major issue. we just don t agree on how to fix it and we don t think that separating families was the way to go about it. we don t think that some of the cruel policies jason: wait a second. donald trump didn t think we should be separating families, either. that was something that started in the obama administration.
come on, jason. that is absolutely untrue. you know that catch and release jason: i was on the immigration subcommittee at the judiciary committee and i understand, jason. catch and release was the obama policy. you might say that was flawed. jason: yes, i would. separation of families, zero tolerance was a trump policy. separation of families was a trump policy, jason: wasn t that an obama policy? you know it was. the separation of families was not an obama policy. jason: those pictures were not under barack obama? this sounds a lot like whataboutism. you are a lot better than that. jason: facts will prove. i like, keep going. let me ask you this. democrats are advocating, big people like kirstin gillibrand and senator warren, are advocating the abolish of i.c.e. i ve never seen a national party win collection by advocating getting rid of law enforcement and trying to demonize them as
if they are trying to be something wrong other than i was at a winning issue for democrats? this is oftentimes misunderstood. i think what people are calling for when they say the abolition of i.c.e., they are talking about restructuring i.c.e. we think that i.c.e. definitely does a great job when they are catching cyber criminals and catching child pornographers and doing many of the jobs that jason: murderers. that many of them actually, a couple, i think it was 19 members of i.c.e. said we want to focus on those important jobs, not on separating families and doing some of the other things that jason: you are so conflating the issue. i.c.e. does not detain those people. they don t! when people come across the border, illegally, they don t necessarily going to i.c.e. the tension. it is homeland again, you are misunderstanding what it is that i am saying.
of course we know that i.c.e. is not responsible for border enforcement, that is cbp. border patrol. what i m saying is that i.c.e. does, you know, in the communities that i used to live in, many years ago, they use to actually do raids and all kinds of things and separate hardworking families. so one of the things that we are saying is that we need to restructure this particular law enforcement agency, just because i.c.e. is a relatively new agency, as a matter of fact. jason: that the democrats helped create, by the way. they are enforcing laws that democrats voted and supported. jason, i wish i could keep going with you. i love these kinds of debates. i know you believe wholeheartedly in what you are saying and we hope you have you back on this program again but i got to keep moving on. thank you, jason. thank you, jason. jason: protesters toppled a confederate statue at the university of north carolina. is it mob rule or justified? we ll debate it next. justified?
wheel debated
portray. however, the fact that they did destroy public property is something of the university will take into consideration. their methods and handling here are something that may not have been the best, however, i do believe that the university administration needed to take into consideration the sentiment in that particular community, as it related to the statues, not only from individuals who didn t like them, but also some of the sentiment that they may invest and grow in individuals who seem to support them, in that outdated way of thinking. jason: eric, they are made be a legitimate debate but aren t you concerned that here on a college campus, all of a sudden, they are just saying, hey, they are allowing this to continue, cops are called in, i mean, this is breaking the law, is it not? it is breaking the law but you have to understand, you also have similar situations when the university had won the championship. there s also a lot of vandalism and things that goes on then. so at least this particular time it is not just a simple celebration of a sporting event, but these individuals are actively exercising their free
speech rights and doing something that jason: it went overboard. i want to bring in horace. it wasn t just simply free speech. it was breaking the law! correct? i understand it was breaking the law. jason: no, i want to go to horace. we got horace here with us as well. horace, jump in here. couple of things. one, to equate what happened when college students drink too much, become overly exuberant, and celebrate, and resulting damages with intentional destruction of private property, those are not one in the same, those are not to be treated the same way. yes, some damages can result from both, what we have to be very, very vigilant about making sure we are not telling young people that when you have a personal or political difference that the way to resolve that is with the use of force.
jason: eric, do you agree with that or disagree with it? horace makes a great point. do you agree or disagree with that? i would agree to a point. the fact is, we never want individuals to resort to violence to solve everything. however, we have to look at the underlying reason at which the violence is being exhibited. jason: absolutely. but you are saying is justified? i never said it is justified jason: you absolutely however, i did not say it is justified. the fact is, you have to understand what is going on and if you have writing situations where it goes on, whether they are for celebration or whether they are for the expression of free speech, they both have to be looked at for exactly what they are. so in this particular situation, we have a confederate statue, which is a divisive symbol on that campus that was toppled down. therefore, there is an understandable reason jason: eric, should those people be prosecuted? yes or no? i do believe in some sort of fashion, there should be some
punishment because they did, as i stated, in an ordered society jason: horace, what is your take? what should happen to the students that engage? they should be held accountable. here s the problem. the real problem is this: democrats put up the statues. democrats engaged in behavior during my parents and grandparents and great-grandparents lifetime terrorizing them. what we have learned from this event is there are people that, just like we did at the turn-of-the-century, justified this behavior, called it underlying conflict and concerns, we have a similar mind-set at work today. if you wish to remove the statues, there should be a political conversation and a process. the mob violence was not appropriate when it terrorized black americans in the 19th and 20th century and it s not
appropriate now in the 21st century. jason: horace, well said. eric, i appreciate you being here for the debate. it will continue on but thank you both for your perspective. you wouldn t say hollywood celebrities can debate themselves any further with their blind hatred of president trump but you are wrong! you re wrong because details are coming up after this. this wi-fi is fast.
jason: hollywood s cultural rot on full jason: hollywood s cultural rot on full display last night s mtv video music awards. the show in theory is supposed to honor the best in the music industry. instead, it often devolved into anti-trump antics in their cheapest form. here is a sample. i understand we are live coast-to-coast right now. i m looking at this like it s game day, people. do not worry, at these games you are allowed to kneel. you can do whatever you want. no old white men can stop you. you never know what s going to happen at the vmas. i mean, bad language, people sending out crazy tweets, it s basically like a typical day at the white house. in your face, trump, suck it! jason: at least mtv wasn t rewarded. the ratings are in and they are the worst ever in the history of the vmas. when will they realize how
utterly disconnected they are from average americans? joining me now with reaction, lisa boothe, fox news contributor, and josh mcbride is an entertainment and lifestyle expert. i remember when mtv was about duran duran and men at work. i m that old to remember when mtv started. now it has devolved into this thing that i can t even recognize the hatred that is out there and what they are spewing and what they are showing. what is your take on that? why do you think that the ratings are literally at their all-time lowest? i think these are two separate issues. the first one being, are they spewing hatred or were these two comedians doing their job on a network that has always been incredibly inclusive of sexuality, sexual orientation, race, religion? when we have a president that is not that inclusive. when we are talking about jason: what s inclusive about their message that they are saying about, they are going against the law, that sort of thing? isn t the law as in the
constitution say freedom of speech, as well? two comedians, two african-american comedians are up there targeting a network, on a network that is incredibly inclusive of people that this president has been so lack thereof a better term not interested in, doesn t care about jason: driving their unemployment levels to record from a race perspective, inclusive perspective, supporting of gay rights jason: trump hasn t done anything that is antigay rights. this is a longer conversation. as far as sticking with this, this was a moment for two comedians who have freedom of speech. this is what exceedians do. jason: there were a lot of people there, lisa, they didn t think it was very funny. a large proportion of the population that voted for president trump didn t feel included last night watching the vmas. look, it is such an unoriginal
idea now to hate the president and to be critical of him in hollywood. it s also boring now. it s not even interesting anymore. they hate him, they go out and make the statements and there is no shock value. i remember kathy griffin held his head up, or a fake version of his head up. snoop dogg shoots him in a video. madonna threatens to blow up the white house. there is no shock value. it is boring. nd be more original, hollywood. also, you look another they ve had the lowest ratings ever. oscars, lowest rating ever, vmas, nfl has also taken a significant hit. what is the common denominator with all of this? they ve all gone overtly political. can we just have entertainment and have us be entertaining without politics injected in it? i just want to have fun. why are we so surprised at how they were to select? we do this after every it s gotten so pathetic. it s not even interesting. it s not even entertaining.
jason: but everyone is cheering in that audience. they all share the same viewpoint. if i don t want that viewpoint, i will change the channel just like i did. that is every tv show. jason: not fox news, i ll tell you that. that s literally every award show all the ratings going down, down. i don t think we can really say people tuned in for roseanne, things that they want to watch. you look at all of these, as i mentioned, vmas, emmys, oscars, even the nfl, everything that has gotten so overtly political, people are tuning out. they just want to be entertained. they don t want the volatility, they don t want the hostility, they just want something that is supposed to be entertaining to be entertaining. jason: this is the fundamental problem, the people that preach the most tolerant, they are the least tolerant among them. there used to be people like jay leno and whatnot, they picked on both sides. but when it is so one-sided, that is what is wrong.
i got to leave it there. i could go for a half-hour. jason: we ll be right back. stay with us. half-hour. jas when my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that s a privilege. we re the baker s and we re usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you re gonna love what it does for you too. [ tiffany ] i could definitely use a little more energy, especially if it s from a natural source like beets. [ cliff ] if i had something natural and healthy that gave me energy, i d be all in. [ randy ] energy equals happiness. [ loesch ] beets contain an essential nutrient that makes them one of the most heart-healthy vegetables in nature.
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Donald-trump , Paul-manafort , Collusion , Nothing , Matter , President , Campaign , Jury , Plea-deal , Allegations , Far-cry , Campaign-chair

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180823 06:00:00

Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level.
about mollie tibbetts. the trump organization, according to this indictment, said michael cohen pled guilty to lies saying that the money it reimbursed michael cohen for paying off stormy daniels was legal expenses. that s a lie. that is dishonest. that s a violation of law. isn t that why you hire an attorney. to give them the money so they do it legally and lawfully? then you list it as paying off somebody for their silence, not as legal expenses. it went to her. she is not a lawyer. he is a lawyer. is that what mark elias did with the dossier money? all those millions of dollars, did that get fully disclosed? no, they were paid to attorneys and those attorneys went and funded this dirty dossier, right? they weren t trying to buy anybody s silence? they were trying to by a dirty dossier. can we be spared the argument that this was done not because
donald trump was running for president, because he wanted to be spared any embarrassment with his wife, something he did with stormy daniels in 2006. by some coincidence in october of 2016, all of a sudden, that embarrassment was going to do him in? please. one of the things, dan, i am concerned about is the proximity of lanny davis in this situation. here you have somebody from the clinton orbit. all the attorneys in the world and they go get lanny davis. is that suspicious? these are possibly the two dopiest lawyers on the planet, cohen and lanny davis. lanny davis convinced another lawyer to plead guilty to a crime that doesn t exist. it s incredible. no matter what richard tells you about these fec violations. i ran for office. congressman, you ran too. i lost. you won. stinks being on the losing side. but i m pretty familiar with
election law. this is not a crime. this is at worst, at worst a civil violation. i don t even think it is bad. me running for office, i can donate to my campaign unlimited sums. yes, i would have to report that. but this is debatable if this was even a campaign payment. why? richard is trying to debate it right here. let s be honest. you have no idea why donald trump paid this money. you can speculate. fair enough, what you re doing. you can say he wanted to spare embarrassment. you don t know that. can i just say one quick thing to him, the same people who would buy the fact that donald trump meant to say would or wouldn t to vladimir putin would believe the notion that on october 25th he paid off stormy daniels from something ten years ago and having nothing to do with the presidential campaign. that same person would believe that. nobody else in the country would. i didn t is stormy daniels russian or kremlin connected? do you have information we don t? it s a serious question.
do you have anything? if you re asking me we ll see. i got to switch gears here a little bit. jason: lanny davis said something pretty important. listen from this morning on msnbc. can you say definitively whether you know michael cohen was in prague in 2016? never, never in prague. never, never in prague. ever. ever. just let your viewers know, the dossier, so called, mentioned his name 14 times. one of which is a meeting with russians in prague. 14 times false. jason: that s a pretty strong statement. going back to the dossier. david, as you look at this, how do you read it? it s a pretty important development. it is an important
development. just as lanny davis said this morning on america s newsroom, the reason he was willing to take michael cohen on was because michael cohen wanted to take down president trump. look, gloria allred tried to use personal information during the 2016 campaign to defeat donald trump and she wasn t successful. what this really means is in 76 days, if you want congress to spend two years on investigation and on impeachment, you vote democrat. if you want the congress to focus on job creation policies, securing our border, and annoying the media, you vote republican. jason: last word. ten seconds. mostly, david, what the public wants is a check on donald trump. rightly or wrongly, i think that s what the polling is telling us. the fact that the first two people in congress who endorsed his campaign are now criminal defendants, i just think there s a sense of corruption that the public wants to at least put some brakes on if possible. we will see. jason: bob menendez.
thank you. i appreciate all three of you for joining us tonight. while cohen and manafort are facing serious prison sentences, everyone in hillary clinton s orbit is getting off scot-free. what about the surveillance of members of the trump campaign? no charges filed on that and no evidence that the special prosecutor is pursuing that. this all sounds like a two-tiered system of justice to me. raising questions, is the second special counsel needed? joining me now for reaction, former u.s. attorney kendall coffey and bryan rotella, ceo and senior partner of genco legal. i appreciate you being here. i want to get your perspective as attorneys. this whole issue of attorney-client privilege. if you would go out and hire an attorney to do something, i presume you do it to make sure that it s done legally and lawfully. you have some protections in being able to give that information would make those things move forward.
as you look at this situation, kendall, isn t that a plausible story or scenario? how does that only fall apart in the cohen situation? that s why we can charge the big bucks. clients trust us with confidentiality. they trust us with figuring all this out. campaign finance laws are especially complicated, especially federal campaign finance laws. i strongly suspect that not only did the president have no idea someone might put this on a prosecution radar screen some day, but i doubt michael cohen did. what s being talked about is a federal crime, unsuccessfully raised against john edwards. you remember that years ago, discredited as a theory. most people think if he use personal money that goes to some private person in order to deal with personal issues, that s not a campaign contribution.
jason: bryan, are we supposed to believe every conversation now that donald trump has had with his attorney is somehow part of what the special counsel gets to look at? isn t there some sort of limitation? the attorney-client privilege isn t just waived on all these issues, correct? yeah, jason. look, for your audience, anyone who heard this allocution michael cohen gave yesterday, allocution might sound like something from the sopranos. i am italian-american. folks would get up in front of the court and attest there was a thing called the mafia in the united states. i m not sure if the president should nickname michael cohen either better not call saul or captain obvious. it s pretty obvious that what he said yesterday, the president, women he was having relationships with outside of his marriage that he thought that might impact his view, folks view on the election. nothing criminal about that.
getting to your question is a lawyer, attorney-client privilege is one thing we have. lawyers have terrible reputations. and unfortunately we have it for a reason a lot of times. it looks like donald trump has found himself in the jurassic park of lawyers. i m waiting for the next raptor lawyer to come out. between lanny davis, and i was listening to your last segment, the stuff he did in the 90s, to some of the things that we re seeing now with cohen. and also, let s not forget that jim comey is an attorney. you know very well, jason, look with that attorney dated his findings back on july 5 of 2016. when he found that hillary clinton was quote-unquote extremely careless with her emails which by the way was a standard change by our favorite fbi character, peter strzok. jason: a whole nother set of subjects. what is highly suspicious for me is that donald trump s former
attorney suddenly represented by somebody from the clinton orbit, lanny davis. lanny has a duty and responsibility under the law to protect his client, but i want to play a clip from lanny davis here. i want you to ask yourself at home is lanny davis working in the best interests of his client, mr. cohen, or is he working in the best interest of his own personal political beliefs? watch this clip. will michael cohen seek a pardon from the president of the united states for any of this? the answer is definitively no, under no circumstances since he came to the judgment after mr. trump s election to the presidency. that his suitability is a serious risk to our country. certainly after helsinki, creates serious questions about his loyalty to our country. his answer would be no, i do not want a pardon from this man. jason: are you kidding me? if you are an attorney for
somebody who is now pleading guilty to a felony, you wouldn t accept a pardon from the president of the united states? how in the world can you make a case that that s in the best interests of his client, mr. cohen? kendall, what are your thoughts? well, i think it sounds like positioning. i am sure lanny davis had some conversation with his client as well as his cocounsel before he launched into that. i think anybody would accept a pardon from about anybody who was president. it is so much better than the alternatives. jason: i think he is doing it for political posturing. bryan, what is your take? i think it is comical lanny davis is michael cohen s lawyer. for folks that may not remember this, lanny davis was as entrenched in the 90s with the clintons as episodes or
friends and block buster video. he is one of their best friends. that s the attorney for michael cohen. the fact that he said what he said, which i don t believe is a crime. captain obvious, something about president trump, and that s all the evidence we ve seen today about anything that has to do with president trump in this investigation, i think it raises a lot of questions. to folks in america wondering what about all the billable hours in the mueller investigation? it is on the taxpayers dime and i think they re probably pretty sick of it. jason: i would love to find out who is funding lanny davis and his political motivations. gentlemen, thank you. you wouldn t know it by watching msnbc but there were new developments in the mollie tibbetts case today. ed henry will be here next with the report. l be here next with the report. to rent a movie?
even here? we ve got you covered. now they are all yours. to take on the go. on any screen. bingo! alright! and watch whatever you buy. wherever you are. head to to start watching. simple to rent, easy to buy, awesome to go. jason: a tragic story. as a parent, i can t even imagine what went on in iowa and what that family is going through. a tragic story out of iowa. college student mollie tibbetts found dead yesterday after a 34 day search. we had a lot of hope they would actually find her, but they didn t. her alleged killer, an illegal immigrant, was in court for the first time today. ed henry s here with the latest on this terrible, tragic story. it really is. jason, good to talk to you. new tonight, democratic senator
elizabeth warren saying she knows it s hard for the family of mollie tibbetts to deal with this tragedy but the nation, she says, should focus instead on what she called real problems like illegal illians being separated at the border from their kids. the president is firing back with a video on twitter that says it s mollie tibbetts who is now personally, permanently separated from her family. cristhian rivera, the illegal alien charged with first-degree murder in the death of mollie tibbetts, appeared in striped prison garb and shackles in a county court in iowa. i.c.e. agents say he is from mexico, has been in the u.s. illegally for up to seven years. police say rivera confessed that on july 18, he followed mollie tibbetts during her nightly jog. she pleaded with him to knock it off, stop trailing her. warning she would call the police on her cell phone. rivera claims at that point he blacked out or when he woke up, tibbetts was in his trunk with a bloody skull. police say he led them to a corn field where they found what they believe to be tibbetts body. rivera worked at yarrabee farms not far from there.
an official initially claimed they had put them through everify system but then clarified that had not happened. the president, as i mentioned, tweeted out a video expressing his sympathy to the tibbetts family and saying this case shows massive reforms of the nation s immigration laws is simply long-overdue. we screen every applicant through the social security administration s social security number verification service. in addition, we ran that information to the verification system and the information came back verified. our employee was not who he said he was. nobody has laws like the united states. they are strictly pathetic. we need new immigration laws. we need new border laws. the democrats will never give them, and the wall is being built. we have started it. but we also need the funding for this year s building of the wall. so to the family of mollie
tibbetts, all i can say is god bless you. jason: with that video as well as the president s mention of tibbetts at the rally last night west virginia, a defense attorney said in court today given all those comments, at the highest level of government, the media should be blocked from the courtroom to ensure a fair trial. the judge denied that move, meaning it s going to get a lot of media attention. jason: good decision from the court. we appreciate you joining us. very upsetting. i would like to note fox news is the only cable news outlet to air the arraignment of mollie s alleged killer. joining me now is francisco hernandez, an immigration attorney. and art arthur, a fellow at the center for immigration studies. when i was chairman of the house oversight committee, art arthur was an employee there for some time. a good one, at that. gentlemen, thank you for being here. francisco, i want to ask you, do you think it s legitimate that news outlets cover this story? i think news outlets ought to
cover what they want to cover. i don t think we can blame 11 million people for the murder of one person. jason: nobody did that. name one person. i ve never done that. who blamed 11 million people? you just did. the president just said that immigration reform is long overdue. jason: do you agree with that? i do agree with that. we have been saying that for 18 years. what s the problem? why are we even here politicizing the death of a young lady? you are making money and getting ratings on the death of a young lady and trying to blame 11 million people in this country for the murder of one person. jason: you don t think it s relevant this person is here illegally? it is relevant the person committed a murder. it doesn t effect 11 million people who the president agrees we ought to have an immigration form. why are we mixing the two? jason: do you agree that if this person wasn t in this country, this murder would not have occurred? we don t know whether that would have happened. jason: no, we wouldn t. the answer is simple. it would have never happened.
if he was not in this country, he would ve never murdered that young lady. all right, i will give you that. let s reform the law. is that going to stop the murder? it s not. stop politicizing it. jason: how was it politicizing? let me show you this poll. francisco. look at this poll that was done by gallup. survey of over 1,000 americans. put this poll on the screen. the number one issue that americans view is the top problem facing the united states of america: immigration. the number one issue. it is legitimate. francisco. what happened to the wall and mexico paying for the wall? jason: you build that wall, families don t get separated. they don t get separated. and they don t come here illegally. are you saying this murder would not have happened if you build the wall? yes. because he wouldn t be here illegally? he had been here long before trump came along. jason: because we have an open, porous border.
art arthur, what s your take on this? art was a judge in the immigration system and is well aware of these situations. please weigh in. if he hadn t been in the united states, this murder never would ve occurred. the fact is every murder is senseless. this one was needless. the president s 100% correct. not all immigrants are criminals. in fact, the vast majority aren t. but the ones who are, are. they need to be removed from the united states. we need to do away with sanctuary laws protecting criminal aliens. we need to enforce immigration laws so we can keep people who have no right to be in the united states out of the united states. this is a murder that could ve been prevented. jason: art, one of my deep concerns here is that look, if you have these other networks that aren t covering it, i wonder why they are not. this is one of the most high-profile murders out there and they don t cover it. it strikes me because it doesn t fit their political narrative. they don t want that story out there.
you think i m going too far? this was a case that was covered for an entire month, as people were looking for this young woman. her father was desperate trying to find her. every network covered it. as soon as the narrative changed, the story got dropped because it didn t fit the narrative the networks wanted to carry. it s that simple. jason: francisco, do you believe it s right to abolish immigration customs enforcement? are you one who says yes, we should abolish i.c.e.? i ve never said that. jason: i m asking you. no. absolutely not. i.c.e. only does what congress tells them to do. let me bring you back to the immigration reform. republicans are in the majority. why don t we pass immigration reform now? we could ve passed one when president trump first took office. we are still stuck in the mud. jason: it s because you can t get to 60 votes in the senate. that s the number one issue. francisco, donald trump went way above and beyond and even offered to take care of the
d.r.e.a.m.ers and the democrats wouldn t even come to the table and have a discussion. that s exactly what happened. jason: have not had a single vote. let s have a vote and let the democrats jason: i also sat there. i was on the immigration subcommittee when the democrats have the house and senate. we are talking about now. jason: i am also telling you you re trying to make a case. put up a bill for immigration reform and see what happens. jason: francisco, do you believable they should build a wall? why do you think is a republican motivation build the wall? build it. we re going to have to legalize 100,000 mexicans to build it right anyway. that s a darn good start. let s get going with immigration reform. let s stop talking about it. jason: okay, good, build a wall. do you think we should build a wall and why? we should erect barriers to prevent individuals from coming into the united states illegally to stop contraband from coming into the united states illegally. you and i both investigated
incidents where there was drugs, there were dangerous materials they came over the border. we need to stop it. the fact is the border is porous. it s wide open. it needs to be closed. jason: gentlemen, thank you. thank you both. remember, at the end of this, you still have this horrific murder that should have never, ever happened. that doesn t mean that everybody that s here illegally is responsible. it means that person killed that person. we want to prevent those things. those things should be at the top of our agenda in dealing with this, with the american public wants congress to address, and it should. raymond arroyo will be here next with more on the me too hypocrisy plus a report on why animal crackers are on the loose. seen and unseen is up next. jason: it is time for our mo [ loesch ] this is superbeets and i swear by it.
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we expose what s behind the big cultural stories of the day. there is some major hypocrisy coming from one of harvey weinstein s most vocal accuser. fox news contributor and author of the will wilder series, raymond arroyo is here with us with the latest. raymond, what s going on with this asia argento story? asia argento is an actress who was on the forefront of the me too movement. she called out harvey weinstein, claimed he abused her. now a 22-year-old man came forward, jimmy bennett, to say she abused him when he was 17. she denies those allegations, and she released a statement. i ll read it to you. she said, i am deeply shocked and hurt by having read news that is absolutely false. i ve never had any sexual relationship with bennett. today tmz released images of the two of them together in 2013 when jimmy bennett was 17. and ms. argento was 37.
also they released a text message exchange where she tells a friend of hers, and we will put it on the screen. i had sex with him. it felt weird. i didn t know he was a minor until the shakedown letter. she paid him $380,000 working this out with anthony bourdain, with whom she was involved. now the los angeles police are investigating this and she has been bumped off the x factor in italy, which is a show she s part of. when i look at this, jason, and i look at the catholic church going through its own passion of sorts on these types of issues, everybody s got to be held to the same standard, no matter your gender, no matter what you believe. people need to if you are a victim of this abuse, you have to come forward. the authorities should get involved. but the broad brushing we ve been seeing of men or people of a certain religious persuasion should be put on the back burner and every one of these cases should be evaluated on their merits.
i hope that s what happens both in hollywood and in the catholic church and elsewhere. jason: it s a sad story all around. there are victims, men and women. harvey weinstein certainly, i hope it doesn t hurt the case against him because it sounds like one of the most horrific out there. i ve got to transition something that s a little closer to my personal heart, and that is the box for those of barnum animal crackers. you don t get a belly like mine by passing up on those crackers. we all grew up on barnum animal s crackers. but what gives with this change? we all grew up on barnum animal crackers. i d bit the heads off those suckers my whole life. now they are changing the design of the box. used to be the boxcar with the animals on it. jason: i felt safe. they were locked up. new design. the animals are free. i will tell you where this came from. peta. peta, people for the ethical treatment of animals, petitioned nabisco. they said we ve got to lose these animals. here s what they said. given the egregious cruelty inherent in circuses that use animals and the public s swelling opposition to the
exploitation of animals used for entertainment, we urged nabisco to update its packaging. now remember, pieta is the same organization, jason, that put the barnum and bailey circus out of business because they were upset with the treatment of animals and featuring animals. all of this brought to mind to me what other mascots or major spokesman might need revision? given the political correct times we are in. jason: what do you think? the first thing was the pillsbury dough boy. this poor little fella has been poked and assaulted his entire existence. it is time to reimagine. maybe not poke the little guy anymore. then i thought of the peanuts, mr. peanut. you see him on all those packages. he has the cane and top hat and a monocle. he is very socially elitist, i think. it s time to put him in a baseball cap and may be sneakers. get him down with the peeps. that s what we need. then i thought about tony the tiger. everybody grew up with tony the tiger.
where are the pants on tony the tiger? in the me too generation, he should have trousers. that goes for the pillsbury dough boy. jason: i ve never thought about that. i m sad that you brought that up. next time i eat my frosted flakes. i ve got to tell you, that camel does not get enough credit on those crackers. not even on the cover. a lot of wild camels running around in utah. finally, a wisconsin tech company making some strange offers. what in the world? is a company called three square market. they are a tech company. they want to make it easier for their employees to open doors, access their computers, get into the parking lot. so they ve implanted microchips and 80 employees have taken them up on the deal. implanted microchips between the index finger and thumb. the ceo says they love it. the vast majority of our employees absolutely love the conveniences that having this chip in their hand really brings
to them. we did this, honestly, initially, just for fun because that s what a technology company does. it has evolved into a whole nother business which we are in development right now of an actual chip that will be powered by the human body. what we have really done a sort of made it acceptable or brought into the forefront where people are now talking about it. they are talking about it, all right. this is not something i want to try out. i don t know about you, jason. jason: how fat and lazy is america that they can t lift their badge up and put it up against the scanner? they think it s fun to embed in your body a chip? it raises privacy issues, tracking issues. if they can take your credit card information by swiping you in a crowd with a scanner, imagine what they can do with a micro chip in your hand. the other thing is, what happens when you quit? do they take the hand off? what do you do with the hand? jason: if you ever changed jobs. you re exactly right. hey, peta, what do you think about that?
i put a chip and my dog so he doesn t get lost. that could be cruelty, jason. jason: i m saving the dog s life so i can find her and bring her home. raymond, thank you. i really do appreciate it. you won t believe what a rising star in the democratic party said about nfl players kneeling during the national anthem. stay with us. yers kneeling during the national anthem. stay with
beto o rourke is a rising star in the democratic party and polls show him surprisingly close in a race against ted cruz for one of texas seats in the senate. on the campaign trail, he was recently asked if he thought it was disrespectful for nfl players to kneel during the national anthem. my short answer is no. i don t think it s disrespectful. peaceful, nonviolent protests, including taking a knee at a football game to point out that black men, unarmed black teenagers, unarmed. black children, unarmed. are being killed at a frightening level right now, including by members of law enforcement. without accountability and without justice. they take a knee to bring our attention and focus of this problem to ensure that we fix it. that s why they are doing it and i can think of nothing more american than to peacefully stand up or take a knee for your
right any time, anywhere, any place. jason: nothing more patriotic. the left is praising congressman o rourke on social media for those comments, but i m not sure that s going to play well with the voters in the lone star state. we are talking about texas. joining me now to discuss this is fox news contributor kevin jackson and civil rights attorney brian watkins. brian, i want to start with you. why do you think americans go and watch football? why do they watch the nfl? they enjoy it. it s a game. it s entertainment. it s enjoyable to watch. absolutely. jason: you do it as an escape, right? do you think you want to kick off the game by having political statements? how does that strike you? you know, i don t think you would be saying the same thing if, for example, if network executives and movie executives said to their employees, actors and actresses, hey, i don t want you talking about that me too movement type stuff. we don t want to bring that issue up. we are about entertainment, so don t talk about it. i think people would have a problem with that.
i don t understand why people have a problem with young black african-american men who have the spotlight, simply taking a knee, they are not asking for a soap box at the 50-yard line and give a speech, disrupt the game. you re talking about not participating in the anthem by silently, quietly taking a knee? jason: do you understand how offensive it is to the men and women who have served this country? is the 2 minutes we take out in a bipartisan way and we re honoring the flag, our country, honoring our troops, trying to come together. remember when barack obama said we are not the red states. we re not the blue states. we are the united states. that s patriotic. even a republican like me thought that was a great statement. we do need to become united. the one chance we have to be united, no matter where are on the field or political side of the aisle, that s the thing you do, try to disturb that and distract from that? so let s cover it from the
beto o rourke point of view. first of all, it s an insult. what they didn t talk about was the references he made to blacks and the oppression that blacks faced many, many years ago. decades ago at the hands of his own party, the democrats. oh, by the way, what o rourke also failed to mention is that all the things he s talking about with the reason why blacks are kneeling in the nfl has to do with what? the so-called lack of civil rights by police in big cities who are run by democrats throughout the entire political process. so what s interesting is that this is a problem for democrats from the past and it s a problem for democrats right now that s been created by democrats. so he wants to talk about the kneelers, if these guys really believed in kneeling, why didn t colin kaepernick kneel during the barack obama administration? it was happening then. when did colin kaepernick help any black in any city, what has
he done prior to the kneeling to help any of the blacks are being killed in crazy numbers every weekend? it s a disingenuous movement for o rourke to harken back to the days of civil rights as if these self-indulgent jason: let me get you back in. self-indulgent multimillionaires to want to kneel and act as if blacks are facing these issues every day, patently ridiculous. i see the protests and the kneeling before the national anthem which i think is disrespectful to the flag, our country, and to our troops. that s my take on it. i think the majority of the polling would show it. also see people in play or saying hey, i m not going to go to the white house. i m not going to interact. i think the opposite should be true. they should be saying i would actually like to meet with donald trump. i would actually like to meet with republicans. don t you think that would be more productive?
it could be productive. that s what america is all about, the debate. highlighting and jason: why during a football game? why do you do it during the football game? because thousands and hundreds of thousands of people watch. when you have the spotlight on you. not anymore. it s their responsibility jason: i do think the ratings are going down? you are finding more people than you are getting to your cause. nfl players, when i was in congress, came and met with me and trey gowdy and john ratcliffe, and we listened and talked about the need for criminal justice reform. it was productive. what you are doing is offending people by kneeling and disrespecting the flag. jason, let me say one thing. many nfl players jason: brian. kevin, i will give you the last word. you should not be offended by someone doing a silent protest. it s a nonviolent silent protest that really offends and hurts no
one to highlight an issue a majority of people. jason: how does it hurt somebody? why not let them do it? they can do whatever they want, and the public has responded i think that the chips fall where they may but i also want to give a shout out to the players who are standing for the flag and the anthem because they are unheralded. unfortunately. it s a very small minority of young players who don t want to stand for the flag. the majority of football players get it because they understand that this is a game. jason: that s right, and there s a time in a place for it, and those couple minutes when we honor the flag is not the time to do it. i want to be part of that solution. when i was in congress, i was working on criminal justice reform. it s a legitimate issue. done at the wrong time in the wrong way. that s my take on it. the only time in places when the spotlight is on you. jason: people have plenty of spotlight. they have millions of dollars. they can have the spotlight any time. when they are invited to the white house and disrespect the presidency of the united states. you know how many times i got invited the white house?
i didn t want to go there because barack obama was the president. i did out of respect. i wanted to engage in dialogue. that s what you do. you don t run away. given the opportunity to go to the white house and then you don t go. i think that s wrong. i am over time. i have to leave it here. we got to talk about what s going on in san francisco, because leave it to san francisco to trailblaze a new way to undermine i.c.e. details after this. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early. or too late. or make me feel like i m not really there. talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424.
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jason: apparently being a sanctuary state isn t enough for california. the new york times has a new piece out about the san francisco rapid response network, a group that maintains a 24-hour hotline to tip off illegal immigrants about i.c.e. patrols and raids. wow, there s being soft on illegal immigration and then there s san francisco. joining me for reaction, a republican strategist and an immigration attorney in san diego. i want to ask, do you think this puts law enforcement, i.c.e. officers in danger? i don t think it puts law-enforcement or i.c.e. officers in danger. it s good to have community oversight. what would be nice to see his body cameras on the i.c.e. officers.
but this is a step to that direction. this might force them to do that because there s going to be people documenting what s going on and hopefully it stays peaceful. jason: if you know in advance that i.c.e. is forming. i ve been on these raids, okay? i ve been out there and done it. they usually form in a parking lot and then they will walk in on an area and surround the house, do some surveillance before. there s time to give them a head s up. don t you think that that s going to put law enforcement in harm s way? anytime you re chasing after a fugitive, you are in harm s way. jason: does this make it worse or better? it depends of those people jason: there is only one answer. you can t say they re going to get tipped off. jason: there s a hotline. there s a 24-hour hotline. that s the point. people to show up and make sure they are doing their job. not necessarily to tip the people off. jason: it s a tip line. that s what it s called. what s your take? not only does it put law
enforcement in danger, it puts american citizens in danger. it puts the people of san francisco in danger. if you have a hotline or a snitch line and you see law-enforcement coming, what you re doing is two things for your encouraging people to break the law and you re also intimidating the people that you re supposed to serve. because now they are going to feel compelled to come forward if they see something and try to tell on law-enforcement coming in their community. it s a bad precedent. this is something as a political practitioner, i would love for them to keep doing it. it will help us run the country. as an american citizen, it s appalling. they should remove it. if they want to do a hotline, try to do a hotline for the millions jason: do you think this is going to move the situation? what do you tell the spouse of an i.c.e. officer. how do you look her or him in the eye and say your loved one is going on this raid tonight. by the way, the target of who they are going after is going to be tipped off. what do you say that person?
one, you can t guarantee that the target is going to be tipped off. the community might be but that doesn t mean the target will be. when it comes down to is a frustration in the immigration community in general of nothing moving forward. nothing is happening. whether you are on the side of the, undocumented, or you want immigration reform. your anti-illegal immigrant. jason: donald trump has an offer on the table to chuck schumer and the democrats never responded to in terms of he went further than i would ve ever gone in of dealing with the daca kids and all that. eric, the last word here. they are frustrated so they get to break the law? the only thing i disagree with jason: i don t think it s necessarily breaking the law. they have a first amendment right to do this. it is in operating the law. . if you are breaking the law. if you are informing and telling law-enforcement agents. if that talk about immigration reform and say we re going to do something about it and then snitch on law-enforcement officials put them in danger and
puts americans in danger. jason: gentlemen, thank you. i ve got to cut it off. we ll be right back. to cut it . we ll be right .. ll be right ..

Shannon-bream , College-student-mollie-tibbetts , Killer , Fox-news , Case , Court , Some , Immigrant , Developments , Segment , Raymond-arroyo , Network