Press release content from Business Wire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
Alkaline88® 3-Liter and Flavored Waters Coming to 99 Cents Only Stores
January 13, 2021 GMT
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan 13, 2021--
The Alkaline Water Company Inc. (NASDAQ and CSE: WTER) (the “Company”) is a producer of premium bottled alkaline water, flavor-infused waters, and CBD infused products sold under the brand names Alkaline88®, A88 Infused™, and A88CBD™, respectively. Today, the Company announces that its 3-liter offering and four A88-Infused™ flavored waters will be available in all 99 Cents Only Stores locations across California and the Southwest regions.