into a hotel, screaming, saying she had been gang raped by members of gadhafi's regime. now that regime is claiming some of the men have filed charges against her. they say she is with her family in tripoli. correspondents drove hundreds of miles, found her real family. tonight you'll hear from her mom and from a resident in tripoli who calls her a hero. also, later, japanese -- the japan nuclear crisis. new fears about highly radioactive water and growing concerns over the way japanese officials are handling the situation. they are now asking for more help. but should they have been asking for that a lot sooner? we'll get the latest. [ male announcer ] ten people are going to win the chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac of their choice. push your onstar button and you could be one of them. even if you're not an onstar customer. ♪ just push your blue button and tell the advisor