democrats have seized on this issue. trying to rally the grass roots like they did throughout the health care debate. the republican play is this, they know this is politically toxic. they know this is divisive, but their hope based on what they've seen over the last couple weeks in the tax reform process is that the political imperative of doing something, of doing anything at this point will win out, when it comes to the debate over whether or not repealing the individual mandate is good politics. christine and dave? >> phil just mentioned repealing the individual mandate frees up $338 billion. you know, all of that taxpayer money that used to go to subsidies to help people afford their insurance, now that can go to pay for tax cuts. republicans plan to direct that money toward middle class tax relief. revised senate bill boosts the child tax credit to $2,000 and cuts several middle income tax brackets. it will increase health care premiums and still isn't enough to pay for a across the board tax cuts. that is if congress only adds